University of Virginia Library

Pass, Fail System

The Architecture School has taken a lead
with one innovation we would like to see
more departments adopt.

One instructor is now using "pass."
"fail" or "commend" for grades instead
of the traditional letters. This system particularly
suits the Architecture School, where
students work for a number of weeks on a
project and then submit their finished product
to a jury of faculty members for a
grade. It is difficult for the judges to determine
the subtle difference between pluses
and minuses.

The pass, fail and commend system is part
of a national trend, and one that has
been brought up here before in College
elections. At other schools, such as
Princeton, students taking classes not related
to their major receive either a pass
or fail.

Certainly this type of grading encourages
academic excellence and drive by students
who are no longer burdened with only
grubbing for grades.
