University of Virginia Library


The President reported that the following resolution, commending Mr. Patrick Henry Callaway
for his services to The Episcopal High School in Virginia, on the occasion of the celebration of
the 125th Anniversary of the founding of The Episcopal High School, 16 October 1964, had
received the prior approval of the Executive Committee in order that the resolution might be
prepared and presented to Mr. Callaway at the dinner to be held in his honor on 16 October 1964,
the same day the Board meets. On behalf of the Executive Committee, the President proposed and
the full Board adopted the following resolution:

WHEREAS The Episcopal High School in Virginia on 16 October 1964 will celebrate the 125th
Anniversary of its founding,

WHEREAS Patrick Henry Callaway, a long-time member of the Faculty of The Episcopal High
and its varsity baseball coach over a period of 15 seasons with a record of 112 games won and
67 lost, will be honored at a testimonial dinner at the high school on 16 October 1964, and

WHEREAS Patrick Henry Callaway was born on February 15, 1895, in Nelson County Virginia,
entered the University of Virginia where he received his B. A. degree in 1916, at the University
of Virginia he pitched on the varsity baseball teams of 1914, 1915, and 1916, and became one
of Virginia's all-time baseball greats, was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity and of
Skull and Keys and in May 1952 was elected to honorary membership in the Raven Society, joined
the Faculty of The Episcopal High School in September 1916 and, with the exception of two short
interludes, has been a member of the Faculty since that time,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia do
hereby salute Patrick Henry Callaway, a distinguished son of the University of Virginia, and
honor him for his leadership in the fields of academic studies and athletics both at the
University of Virginia and on the Faculty of The Episcopal High School in Virginia, and

RESOLVED further that we extend to The Episcopal High School our warm congratulations on
the 125th Anniversary of its founding and express our good wishes, as President Shannon has said,
"for a future worthy of a celebrated past."