University of Virginia Library


Resolution adopted by the Medical Faculty, April 4, 1917.

Whereas the Surgeon General of the Navy has urgently
requested the Medical Schools of the Country to graduate
immediately such members of their senior classes as have
a certain scholarship grade and who volunteer for immediate
service in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Navy, therefor
the Medical Faculty of the University of Virginia hereby
petition the Rector and Board of Visitors to authorize
the graduation of such students at the earliest possible
moment; and that for this purpose, special final examinations
be given as soon as possible to such candidates
in Surgery and Hygiene.

And be it further resolved that before receiving the diploma
each of these students sign a pledge to enroll at
once in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Navy.

And be it further resolved that these examinations be
given only after the said students have been accepted
by the Examiner from the Navy Department.

(signed) Theodore Hough,