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May the 10th Friday 1805

river fell 3/4 of an inch last night, wind from the N.W., we
proceeded on but a short distance e're the wind became so violent
we could not proceed came to on the Lard. Side in a short
bend, the wind continued all day Several times in the course
of the day we had some fiew drops of rain from verry black
clouds, no thunder or lightning latterly, Soon after we landed
a Dog came to us from the opposit Side, which induced a belief
that we had not passed the Assinniboin Indians, parties wer


Page 23
sent on the hills in different derections to examine but saw no
tents or fresh Sign. examined the arms &c. of the party found
all in good order. Three mule deer, two Buffalow & 5 beaver
killed, 3 of the mountain ram Seen.

Cours & Distance the 10th of May 1805

South.  1 1/4  miles to a naked point on the Stard. Side 
S. 10°. W.  1 3/4  miles to a point on the Lard Side opposit to a Bluff
on the Stard. Side water Strong
N. 45°. E.  1 1/4  to the upper part of some timber in a bend to the
Lard Side, at which place we camped
4 1/4 

The mule Deer Described in Book No. 8.