University of Virginia Library


President Darden reported the acquisition at a cost of $60,000 of a tract
east of Jefferson Park Avenue as a means of alleviating the acute car-parking
problem in the University Hospital area. Half of the purchase price, the
President said, had been drawn from his contingent fund and the additional
$30,000 had been appropriated specifically for this purpose by the Alumni Board
of Trustees.

On motion of Mr. Hartfield, duly seconded, the Board adopted the following

RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University that the wise and
generous action of the Alumni Board of Trustees in assisting the President,
through the acquisition of land east of Jefferson Park Avenue, to solve the acute
parking problem in the University Hospital area, is accepted by this Board with
emphatic approval and lively appreciation.


Resolved further that the Secretary be instructed to convey to the Alumni
Board a copy of this resolution and the gratitude of the several Visitors.