University of Virginia Library


Because the Experimental
University has been so
diversified, the curriculum has
never been extremely stable.
The creation of new courses is
undoubtedly one of the most
important aspects of this
unique organization, but it is
because of its reliance on
membership initiative that the
experimental university is in
danger of fading away.
Recently, there has been very
little motivation on the part of
University students to get
involved in such things as the
Experimental University, even
though it is potentially one of
the most creative

Its aims were perhaps best
summed up in its February,
1972, catalogue:

The E.U. is a group of
students interested in
helping people with
common interests to get
together. We provide
publicity, meeting rooms,
and general information. We
need you to provide the
rest–creativity and
enthusiasm. We require no
set structure. Your course
can meet for a single day or
for several months. You can
teach a class, organize a
project, or plan a trip.

Along with student-run
classes, we'd like to hear,
too, from other residents of
the Charlottesville
community. We're sure that
everyone has something to
offer and something to