Early Charlottesville recollections of James Alexander, 1828-1874. Reprinted from the Jeffersonian republican |
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A and P Super Market, 60n.
Abel, Alexander P., 57n., 88.
Abell & Co., Flannagan, 89.
Abell, Bibb & Fry, 87.
Academies, 3n.
See also Schools.
Ackerley, C. R. C, 8.
Adair, Capt., 42.
Adams, John, 22.
Advocate, see Virginia Advocate.
Afton Mountain, 49n.
Aged, Home for, 85n.
Agricultural implements, 101, 104.
Agricultural machinery works, 10304.
Albemarle Bank, 45n.
Albemarle Baptist Assoc., 44n.
Albemarle Colportage and Sunday
School Society, 81.
Albemarle County, Va., Clerks of
court, see Courts.
History of, 59n.
Judges of courts, see Courts.
Politics, 21-22.
Albemarle Female Institute, 44n.
Albemarle Insurance Co., 71.
Albemarle Military Institute, 106.
Alberty, Henry W., 78n.
Alexander, James, 73.
Alexandria, Egypt, 75.
Allen, O. S., 7.
Almond, A. D., 32.
Altamont Development, 31n.
Amoco Gas Station, 108n.
Amusements, see Recreation.
Anderson, David, 45.
Edmund, 19n., 23n., 38n., 46n.
Meriwether, 40n.
Anderson's Addition, 38n, 46n.
Andrew, F. T., 74, 75.
Andrews, J. B., 96.
Antrim, Ed. M., 80
John T., 31 and n., 80.
Architecture, see Buildings, Old.
Arlington, 24n.
Artists, 26, 96.
Ashford, C. C., 85.
Auctioneers, 20n., 80.
Bachrach, Mrs., 80.
J., 80, 88.
Bacon, Allen, 32.
Bailey, E. L., 23n.
Gleason and, 67n.
Dr. Rice G., 98.
Thomas R., 87.
Bakers, 90, 98.
Baldwin, John B., 24n.
Balthis, French A., 76.
Balz, Mr., 107.
Balz & Hartman, 74.
Bankers, 24, 40n., 45n.
Bankhead, Charles L., 49n., 50, 81n.
Gen. James, 81 and n.
Dr. John, 49n.
Banks, 14n., 21, 36, 45n., 50n., 51,
52, 57n., 66, 71, 73n., 80n., 87, 89.
Baptist Church, Charlottesville, 5,
55, 56, 89.
Mt. Eagle, 83 and n.
Baptist seminary, 54.
Baptists, 4 and n., 21, 27n., 44n.,
49, 61, 82.
Baptists (colored), 103, 104.
Barbers, 77, 84.
Barbour, Philip P., 12 and n.
Barclay, Dr. J. T., 31.
Barksdale, John T., 27n.
Nelson, 14, 27n.
Barksdale residence, 106n.

Barksdale St., 106n.
Barracks, Old, 81.
Barracks prisoners, 52-54 and n.,
Barracks Road, 99n.
Baseball, 45, 98n.
Bass, S., 80.
Battles, Shadrach, 2.
Bear & Conrad, 83.
Bears, 76.
Belden & Co., Porter, 30.
Bell, Col., 84.
Belmont, 27n., 31 and n., 46n., 56.
Belvoir, 15n., 35n.
Benner, Edward, 75, 83
Benson, C. P., 89.
Mrs. Charles P., 41n.
Mrs. C. Y., 96.
Henry, 39, 64, 73, 80, 92.
John B., 73, 75.
Lottie, 41n.
Benson & Bro., 20n.
Bibb, Mrs. A. P., 58n.
Gleason and, 67n.
J. H., 20 and n., 74, 87, 106, 107.
Mrs. Sarah R., 61, 62.
William A., 4, 5, 20n., 61, 62.
Bibb & Co., A. P., 74.
Bibb & Fry, Abell, 87.
Bibles sold, 81.
Binford, Grinstead &, 88.
Bishop, James, 60, 82, 88, 92, 93,
94 and n., 95 and n.
James M., 94n.
Mrs. Jane, 95n.
Blacksmith shops, 87, 88, 102.
Blacksmiths, 50-51, 65, 89, 95.
Blakey, A. R., 46, 64, 73n.
Blue Ridge and Rivanna turnpike,
Blue Ridge Club, 55n.
Blue Ridge Mts. trade, 94.
Blue Ridge Turnpike Co., 49.
Boarding houses, 81.
Bonnycastle, Prof., 108
Bookbinders, 6, 71, 77, 79.
Bookstores, 31, 76, 81, 97.
Booth, William, 108.
Booth & Bro., George, 98, 100.
Bowcock, Col. J. J., 14.
Bowman, Rev. Francis, 37, 47.
Joseph, 55.
Boxwood, 16n., 41n., 78n.
Boyd, Fleming, 97, 108
Mrs. Fleming, 97.
John, 97.
Bradbury, Maj. Eugene, 40n.
Bragg, Mrs. Eliza, 33n.
T., 40.
Mrs. T., 40.
Bragg & Kelly, 82.
Bramham, Dr. Horace, 61.
Lucy, 5.
Mrs. Margaret, 61.
Nimrod, 4, 20, 61, 62 and n., 63
and n.
Sarah, 5.
Bramham & Bibb, 4.
Brechin, A. C., 77, 80n., 107
Bremo, 44n.
Bremo Road, 44n
Brennan, B. H., 50 and n.
Breweries, 86.
Brimmer Road, 44n.
Brockman, F. D., 85 and n., 97.
Mrs. T. B., 74.
Brooksville, Va., 49n
Brown, Benjamin, 26.
Charles, 58n.
Dr. Charles, 12.
Joel W., 30, 53.
Mrs. Thompson, 89.
William, 107.
Jury Y., 105n.
Brown's Gift Shop, 67n.
Brunn & Co., A., 70.
Bryce, Archibald, 68n.
Buck Island, 83n.
Buildings, Old, 4n., 5n., 9n., 32n.,
n., 88, 92, 95, 104n., 109n.
Burgess, J. A., 73n.
Burnley, Mrs., 100.
Drury, 58n.
Horace B., 58n.
Mrs. Jennie L., 58n.
Burroughs, Jesse, 69.
Butcher shops, 57, 87.
Butchers, 85, 90, 99.
Butler, Mr., 51 and n.
Alexander, 52.
Edward, 35n.
James, 52.
Cabell, Dr. James L., 103.
William, 9n.
Cabinetmakers, 51, 66, 68, 71, 87,
89, 90.
Canby, Edward R. S., 11n.
Candy companies, 99n.
Carlton, 49-50 and nn., 81n.
Carlton Ave., 50n.
Carpenters, 78, 87.
Carr, —, 38n.
Boucher, 14.
Dabney, 31, 63.
Dr. Frank, 6, 12, 97.
Maj. Garland, 101.
George, 52.
John M., 11n., 31.
Col. Samuel, 12 and n.
Maj. Thomas, 11n.
Carriage makers, 67, 81, 95, 101,
Carrington, Virginia, 41n.
Carrsbrook, 12n.
Carter, Col., 43.
A. G., 40n.
Dr. Charles, 43 and n., 45.
Edward, 49n.
Carter's Mill, 43n.
Carter's Mountains, 43.
Carter's Music Store, 99n.
Cary, W. M., 7.
Casey, Mathew, 89, 90.
Castle Hill, 50n.
Cataldi, Mlle., 41n.
Cemeteries, 15n., 46n., 50n., 56, 6062,
Central Gazette, 6, 97.
Central Hotel, 4n., 53 and n., 67.
Chancellor, Dr. J. E., 107.
Chaplains, 8.
Charities, 88n.
Charlottesville, Va., Aldermen, 20.
Anderson's Addition, 38n., 46n.
Boundaries, 59-60, 64, 90, 91, 92,
Constables, 57.
Fire Dept., 99n.
Library, 22 and n., 23.
Mayors, 40n.
Plan of, 60, 65.
Sergeants, 77.
Sewage system, 40n.
Town hall, 36 and n.
Trustees of, 35n.
Va. legislature in, 52 and n.
War office, old, 18.
Charlottesville Milling & Mfg. Co.,
Charlottesville Milling Co., 71.
Chewning, Albert, 100, 107.
Children's Home, 48n.
Chiles, Henry, 78n.
Chillicothe, Ohio, 79.
Christ (Episc.) Church, 31n., 40n.,
42nn., 46 and n., 51n., 60.
Christian Church, see Disciples of
Chronicle, The, 8, 14n., 28n., 37n.,
45n., 72-73.
Building, 32, 73.
Church St., 56, 59, 74, 79, 81, 82,
Cismont, Va., 47n.
Citizen's Bank and Trust Co., 80n.
Citizen's National Bank, 66.

Civil War, see War between the
Clark, G. W., 98.
Morris S., 78n.
Clerks of courts, see Courts.
Cleveland, A. H., 81.
Clothing stores, 70, 74, 75, 80, 81,
88 and n.
Cobb, Ty, 98n.
Cochran, John, 2, 33 and n., 34,
35n., 36n., 40, 41 and n., 56.
John L., 7.
Mrs. John L., 88n.
Patterson &, 75.
Cochran's Pond, 1n.
Cocke, Dr. Charles, 12 and n.
John H., 102 and n.
"Cockroach Hotel," 66.
Coffman, Joseph, 9n.
Cogbill, W. R., 77.
Coles, Betsy, 28n., 37n., 39n.
Edward, 73n.
Isaac A., 58n.
Mrs. Julia, 28n., 37n.
Mrs. Julia Stricker, 58n.
Collier, T., 64.
T. P., 60.
Collier residence, 60n.
Collins, Ed, 98n.
Comer, Samuel, 94.
Commerce St., 100.
Confectioners, 33, 66, 72, 74, 76, 79,
80, 82, 85, 107, 109.
Confectionery, 97.
Confederate hospital, 102n., 103,
Confederate Veterans, 106n.
Conner, J. J., 32n.
Conrad, Bear &, 83.
Corsicans, 80.
Court house, Description of, 9n.
Location of, 1n.
Public meetings in, 53n.
Records destroyed, 53n.
Court Square, 1-9, 15-36, 52n., 75,
95, 96.
Court Square Bldg., 33n.
Court St., 32, 66, 67, 81, 97.
Courts, Clerks of circuit, 11, 31n.,
Clerks of county, 5, 11, 58n., 107
and n.
Clerks of district, 18, 31n.
Clerks of superior, 11.
Judges of circuit, 7, 46n., 59n.,
Judges of county, 7, 11-12.
Judges of Court of Appeals, 64.
Judges of superior, 10.
Judges of U. S. district, 50n.
Cox, A. D., 94.
L. W., 77.
Wesley, 100.
Dr. William, 93 and n., 94.
Mrs. William, 93n.
Crack, Colonel, 3n.
Crank, R. G., 73n.
Craven, John D., 93.
Crawford, James, 12.
Crigler, George R., 40n.
Crime, 17, 68n., 82-83.
Custer, Gen. George A., 28n.
Dabney, Archibald D., 78n.
Dr. William C., 55 and n., 56, 57.
Dancing masters, 108.
Daniel & Bro., J. M., 76.
Darrow, William, 107.
Davenport, Mrs., 48.
Davidson College, 45n.
Davis, Dabney C., 41n.
Capt. Eugene, 42n., 43.
Hardin, 31.
J. A. G., 6, 14, 58n., 97.
Mrs. J. A. G., 58n.
Dr. J. Staige, 81.
John W., 31 and n., 42n.

Dawson, Mr., 77.
Allen, 39n.
Martin, 54.
Day, Charles, 72.
Delavan Baptist Church, 103.
Delavan Hotel, 102 and n.
Democrats, 57, 76.
Dentists, 67.
Dice, Dr. R. B., 105 and n.
Dickinson, Prof. W. P., 44n.
Diggs, Peter, 77.
Dinsmore, James, 78 and n.
John, Sr., 78n.
William, 78, 97.
Disciples of Christ Church, 59, 89.
Divers, George, 9n.
Dixie Cigar & News Co., 66n.
Dobbins, R. L., 90.
Dodd, John B., 52, 66, 71, 87, 88.
Robertson &, 84.
Downing, Charles, 13.
Draffin, Thomas, 94.
Draper, Lyman C., 18.
Dressmakers, 65.
Drug stores, 31-32, 66n., 69, 71, 72n.,
75n., 80, 82 and n., 89, 90, 98n.
Dry Bridge, 102n.
Dry goods stores, 24, 33, 69, 70, 72,
72n., 73n., 74, 75, 80, 82, 86, 87,
88 and n., 89, 90n., 94, 98, 101, 109.
Dudley, Raphe, 89.
Duke, Alexander, 108.
R. T. W., 28n.
Richard, 78n.
William J., 101.
Dunkum, Elijah, 87, 105.
William, 95.
William L., 109.
Dunlora, 12n., 55n.
DuPre, M. M., 74, 81.
Durrette, James T., 73n.
Mrs. M. M., 40n.
Mrs. M. S., 40n.
Dyer, Francis B., 14, 38n., 43.
Eagle Hotel, 18, 26, 27 and n.,
Eagle Tavern, 52n., 60.
Early, Gen. Jubal A., 27n.
William T., 23, 25, 27n, 66.
East End Merchants' Assoc., 63n.
Edgehill, 27n., 46n., 49n.
Editors, 6, 7, 8, 45n., 64, 71, 97,
Education, Dawson bequest for, 54.
See also Kindergartens, Music,
Edmunds, —, 32n.
Edwards' Piggly Wiggly, 89n.
Elections, 1810, 21-22.
1829, 15.
Eliot, Rev. Andrew, 23.
Emigrants to the West, 17, 40, 50,
55, 63, 72, 76, 77, 79, 86, 87, 89,
90, 96, 97, 101, 107.
Emmett, Thomas A., 96.
Englishmen in Charlottesville 32,
Enniscorthy, 39n., 58n.
Enquirer, Richmond, Va., 7.
Episcopal churches, 46-47 and nn.
See also Christ Church.
Episcopalians, 10n., 42n., 43, 44n.,
51n., 64, 83.
Everett, Dr. Charles, 46n.
Farish, A. J., 73n.
Thomas L., 27n., 28n.
William P., 27n., 109.
Farish, Ficklin & Co., 30.
Farish House (hotel), 26, 27n., 32,
Farish's Mill Road, 107n.
Farm, The, 28n., 49n., 58n.
Farmers, 33.
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, 66.
Farmers' Bank, 5, 21, 51, 52.
Farmers' Hotel, 92, 98.

Farmers' National Bank, 101n.
Farrar, Thomas, 108.
Ferguson, Charlie, 98n.
J. M., 98.
James, 84.
Ficklin, Benjamin, 2, 3, 12, 72, 109.
S. W., 30n., 31 and n., 36n., 50, 56.
Ficklin & Co., Farish, 30.
Field, Richard, 10.
Field & Goss, 32.
Fife, James, 40n.
Rev. James, 4, 62, 80.
William J., 62.
Fifth St., E., see Court St.
First St., see Green St.
Fishburne, C. D., 8, 45 and n.
John W., 46n.
Fitch, J. S., 46n.
William D., 27n., 29, 43.
Fitzhugh Bros., 79n.
Flannagan, B. C., 39, 88.
Mrs. B. C., 40n.
Dallas, 41n.
R. K., 39.
Mrs. R. K., 34n.
Richard, 59.
W. W., 41.
Flannagan, Abell & Co., 89.
Flannagan & Co., B. C., 24.
Fly (insect), 51n.
Forest Hill, 10n.
Forsythe, James W., 28n.
Foster, John H., 8.
Fourth St., E., see Union St.
Fowler, Mr., 52.
C. L., 52 and n., 60 and n., 92,
David, 66.
Fowler residence, 53.
Fowler's Valet Cleaners, 60n., 109n.
Franks, W. B., 90.
Fraternal orders, 32, 43, 55, 66, 96.
Frazer, J. A., 94.
Fredericksburg, Va., founder of,
French in Charlottesville, 75.
Friends of Temperance, 71.
Fry, Abell, Bibb &, 87.
Henry B., 94.
J. Frank, 14, 100.
J. J., 87.
John, 84.
Mrs. J. Webb, 57n.
Furniture stores, 66, 67n., 86, 87,
Furniture warehouses, 88.
Garages, 53n., 104n.
Gardens, 65, 97, 101.
Garland, Mrs. Elizabeth, 62.
H. A., 103.
Maj. James, 14.
Mrs. Nancy, 62, 78n.
William, 15, 62, 101.
Dr. William P., 101.
Garner, William, 98.
Garrett, Mr., 32.
Alexander, 9n., 11, 48, 54, 60 and
n., 107 and n., 108.
Ira, 11, 17, 48, 63.
Garrett St., 60n., 107n.
Garth, Jesse W., 63n.
Gen. Winston, 63.
Gas company, 90.
Gas fitters, 90.
Gas house, 101.
Gasoline stations, 45n., 108n.
George, Keller &, 77n.
George & Co., 82.
George & Watson, 71.
Germans in Charlottesville, 72 and
n., 79.
Gilmer, James B., 8.
Thomas W., 13 and n., 15, 31n.,
38n., 45, 97.
Gilmer residence, First St., 57n.
Ginger horse cakes, 97.
Glaziers, 86.

Gleason, H. Cooper, 106n.
Henry M., 67n.
J. E., Sr., 106n.
J. Emmett, 67n.
Jim, 87n.
John J., 67 and n.
Gleason and Bailey, 67n.
Gleason and Bibb, 67.
Gleason's Gap, 67n.
Godwin, John M., 70.
Goldsmith, M., 98.
Goodloe, Mr., 109.
Goodman, James, 66.
Goodyear, Charles, 73n.
Gordon, Mason, 39n.
William F., 13, 15.
Goshen Hotel, 109.
Goss, John W., 5.
Grace (Episc.) Church, 47n.
Grady, Joshua, 89.
Thomas, 53, 73, 76.
Grant, Mr., 82.
Grant's Store, 72n.
Green Springs, 43n.
Green St., 57n., 83, 86, 88.
Grinstead & Binford, 88.
Grocery stores, 4, 32n., 60n., 65n.,
66, 67 and n., 69, 71, 72, 76, 83,
84, 87, 89 and n., 90, 94, 96, 98,
100, 101, 109.
Gunsmith stores, 67.
Gunsmiths, 77.
Haden, Dr. W. Dan, 39n.
Haden residence, Park St., 28n.
Halbach, J. P., 82, 83.
Halsall, James C., 7.
Hamner, Dr. Wyatt W., 62.
Hanckel, Dr. James S., 40n.
L. T., 39n., 40n., 73n.
Hanckel residence, 39n.
Hancock, Dr. Francis, 57n.
Mrs. Virginia, 57n.
"Hanging lot," 39n.
Hardware River, 43n.
Hardware stores, 71, 74, 80, 83.
Hardy, Capt., 85n.
Harman, C. H., 73n.
Peter, 78 and n., 99.
Harmon, Dan, 19n.
Harness makers, 8.
Harris, Charles P., 104n.
Henry T., 14.
R. F., 101, 103-04 and n.
Harris-Norge Sales Co., 85n.
Harrisonburg, Va., 37.
Harper, Charles, 22n.
Joseph, 76.
Hart, Dr., 65.
Prof. John, 44n.
Hartman, Balz &, 74.
Hartnagle, A., 72.
F., 75, 76, 79, 100.
Harvie, John, 9n.
Hatch, Rev. F. W., 46-48, 64, 65.
Hatmakers, 4.
Haverhill, Mass., 6.
Hawkins, Allen, 98.
B. F., 86.
John T., 24n., 27n.
Hay, Judge, 10n.
Health, Public, 51n.
Hechheimer, E., 81.
Hedges, Dr. Charles H., 42n.
Dr. Halstead S., 42n.
Heller, Mr., 56.
A. B., 80.
M. B., 74.
Hessian prisoners, 52, 54 and n.
Hiden, Rev. J. C., 8.
High St., 15n., 32n.
"Hill, The," 100n.
Hill & Irving Funeral Home, 85n.
Hill & Terrell, 30.
Hill St., 87, 89-92.
Historical collecting urged, 17-18.
Hodges, William, 107.
Holkham, 45n.
Holladay, Mrs. Julia Minor, 41n.

Home Laundry, 51n.
Hoppe, Theodore, 89.
Hornsey, Christopher, 5, 75.
Horses fed at hotels, 29, 30.
Hospitals, 54, 102n., 103, 108.
Hotels, 4, 26 and n., 27 and n., 2830,
32, 51, 60 and n., 67, 75,
84, 92, 97, 98 and n., 99, 102
and n., 108, 109.
See also Taverns.
Houchens, John, 100.
Houses, Old, see Buildings, Old.
Howard, Misses, 38n.
Dr. Henry, 38n.
Hughes, Dr., 55n., 56.
Marshall, J., 8.
Hughes Esso Filling Station, 45n.
Huntington, Mr., 101.
Hutchinson, Wickliffe, 77.
Ice houses, 99n.
Ice ponds, 99n.
Indians, 84.
Insane, 74.
Insurance agencies, 82.
Insurance companies, 71.
Irish in Charlottesville, 4, 5, 20,
51n., 57, 77, 78 and n., 89, 96, 97,
99n., 110.
Irish revolt, 1798, 110n.
Iron foundry, 103-04 and n.
Irving, Hill &, 85n.
Isaacs, David, 73, 79, 81, 82.
Frederick, 73, 74, 79.
Hays, 72.
Tucker, 79, 80.
Ivy, Va., 45n.
Jackson, Andrew, 6-7, 76.
J. Tyler, 82.
Mrs. J. Tyler, 88n.
Thomas J. ("Stonewall"), 46n.
Jackson, Miss., 101.
Jackson Park, 3n.
Jackson Park Tract, 2n.
Jail, 8.
Jailors, 40.
James River, 44n.
Jameson, Dr., 60.
Dr. Thomas, 32n.
Jameson's Gap, 32n.
Jarman, James, 12.
Jefferson, Thomas, 31n., 44, 45,
49n., 64, 77.
Abolition of slavery proposed by,
Advised by A. Garrett, 107n.
Barracks prisoners estimated by,
Campaigns for Monroe, 21-22.
Church plan by, 46n.
Cocke, J. H., and, 103.
Correspondence printed, 6.
Election, pres. of U. S., 4.
Gift to minister, 64-65.
In Charlottesville, 52n.
Lafayette visits, 13, 53n.
Letter to Rev. Hatch, 64-65.
Library promoted by, 22-23.
Prayer book of, 46n.
Tarleton's expedition against, 16
and n., 52-53.
See also University of Va.
Jefferson Hotel, 32.
Jefferson St., 1n., 42-44.
Jeffersonian Republican, 5, 57, 74, 94.
Jennings estate, 12.
Jewelers, 23, 24, 70, 75, 76 and n.,
82, 83.
Jews in Charlottesville, 72, 73, 79,
86, 88 and n.
Johnson, Chapman, 14n.
George, 74.
George T., 66.
James, 75.
William S., 70.
Jones, Mr., 91n.
Maj. Horace, 43n.

James D., 8.
Jesse W., 73n., 82, 92.
Jesse W., Jr., 83.
John M., 21.
John R., 12, 20, 21, 36n., 75.
Meredith, 15.
Mrs. Milly, 37.
R. S., 82.
Robert S., 82.
William T., 33n.
Jouett, Mr., 60.
John, 15n., 16 and n.
John, Jr., 16-17.
Matthew, 15n.
Judges, see Courts.
Jurey, Reese, 106.
Kaufman, M., 83.
Kaufman's Sons, M., 80n.
Keblinger, Ad., 85n.
Caddis, 72.
Mrs. Mary, 80.
Pace &, 83.
William, 72.
Keith, Daniel, 57.
Keller, Balthis &, 76n.
John, 108, 109.
S. M., 63n., 70, 80.
Spooner &, 71.
T., 80.
Keller & George, 77n.
Kelley, J. C., 77.
Kelly, Bragg &, 82.
John, 32n., 33n., 34, 35 and n., 37,
38, 40.
Kennedy, Susan, 97.
Keswick, Va., 57n.
Kindergartens, 22n.
Knights of Pythias, 66.
Knoxville, Tenn., 8.
Ladies' Aid Society of Charlottesville,
Lafayette, Marquis de, 13, 53n, 93n.
Lands, Public, 109.
Laundries, 51n.
Lawyers, 12-14, 18, 31, 40n., 50n.,
57n., 86.
Leake, Shelton F., 39 and n.
Leather stores, 66n., 74, 84.
Leaton, Annie, 49.
Lee, Gen. Fitzhugh, 105n.
John, 90.
Lee Park, 22n.
Leggett's Store, 90n.
Leitch, Andrew, 23 and nn., 78
and n.
Mrs. Isabella, 15, 36n.
J. A., 38n.
J. S., 5.
James, 20, 23n., 45, 77.
Dr. James, 58 and n.
Mrs. James, 45.
Dr. James A., 5, 76.
Rebecca, 77.
Samuel, 5.
Samuel, Jr., 20, 36n.
Leland, Rev. John, 4 and n.
Leschot, Lewis, 23, 24.
Mrs. Sophia, 24, 36, 88.
Leterman, S., 85n.
Mrs. S., 88n.
Simon, 73n., 88n., 89.
Solomon, 88.
Letterman, I., 24.
Levy, J. M., 36n.
Levy Opera House, 36n.
Lewis, Rev. M., 103.
Nicholas M., 49n.
Thomas W., 24n.
Lewis and Clark Monument, 99n.
Libraries, 22 and n., 23, 55n., 71.
Lillienfeld, N. B., 100.
Lipop, J. W., 70.
Liquor stores, 2, 25, 68, 82, 98, 100,
Livery service, 92.
Livery stables, 99.

Lobban, James, 80.
Lobban & Sinclair, 80.
Logan, Mrs., 77.
Ann, 65.
Long, Mrs., 40, 41 and n., 59n.
Rev. J. C., 61, 67.
Mac, 41n.
Sumner, 41n.
Long & Saddler, 24n.
Lott, Peter, 55, 56, 60.
Louisville, Ky., 6.
L'Tellier, John, 95.
John H., 95-96.
Joseph, 95.
William, 95.
Lumpkin, Rev., 60.
Lutheran Church, 107.
Lynchburg Road, Old, 43n., 84, 102,
Lyons, Thomas B., 40n.
Lyons Ave., 40n.
Macadamized streets, 100.
McAllister, J. W. R., 90.
McCloud, Col., 53.
M'Coy, John, 17.
MacGregor Motors, Inc., 104n.
McIntire, G. M., 80.
George E., 41n., 45.
George M., 32, 69.
Paul G., 3n.
McIntire Oak, 45n.
McIntire residence, 45n.
McKee, Dr., 2.
Dr. A. R., 4, 108.
Andrew, 4.
McKee block, 2, 3n.
M'Kennie, C. P., 97.
Mrs. C. P., 97.
John, 97.
Dr. Marcellus, 97.
Macon, Lyt, 39n.
Dr. W. D., 46n.
Madison, James, 21, 22.
Magruder, Allen B., 7.
Maiden Lane, 58 and n.
Mail contractors, 30.
Main St., 36, 63-104.
Improvement of, 63.
Mangum, Mr., 109.
Mannoni, Francis, 76.
John, 33, 66, 81.
Marchant, H. Clay, 73n.
John A., 85-86.
Market house, 57.
Market St., 34, 46-61, 84n., 86, 94n.,
Market Street Motors, 53n.
Markwood, E. F., 106n.
Marshall, Mr., 31, 87.
Pace &, 72.
Marshall & Bailey, 87.
Martin, Mr., 76.
John M., 14.
Joseph, 77.
Masonic lodge, 32, 43.
Masons, 5.
Masons (lodge), 55, 96.
Massie, Frank A., 57n.
Hardin, 56.
N. H., 27n., 55 and n.
Matacia residence, 16n.
Matthews, Richard, 23n., 24, 46n.
Maupin, Addison, 66.
William L., Sr., 58n.
Maury, Thomas Walker, 64.
Mayo, Claudius, 83.
Meade, Misses, 48n.
Rev. Richard K., 42n.
Mrs. Richard K., 48n., 49.
Meade & Co., R. L., 79, 101.
Meadlands, 42n.
Memphis, Tenn., 37.
Mendelssohn Musical Society, 71.
Mercantile stores, 4, 5, 20, 23, 34,
36, 49, 79, 83, 86, 99n.
See also Dry Goods stores, Hardware
stores, etc.

Merchants, 31, 35, 40, 45, 73, 75-77.
Merchants, Commission, 74.
Merchants Association, 63n.
Meriwether, William D., 9n., 12, 14.
William H., 14.
Meriwether bridge, 49.
Merrell, Joseph, 82.
Merritt, Gen. Wesley, 37n.
Methodist Church, 61, 91 and n.
Methodists, 60n., 105 and nn.
Michie, Armistead R., 14n.
George R. B., 14n., 73n.
Mrs. George R. B., 28n.
Henry Bowyer, 14n.
J. Augustus, 73n.
Thomas J., 14 and n.
Thomas J., II., 14n.
Michie Company, The, 14n.
Midway, 107-08.
Midway Drug Co., 98n.
Midway Hotel, 97, 102.
Military parades, 45.
Militia musters, 68.
Miller, Isaac, 9n., 27n.
Miller Manual School, 10n.
Milliners, 74, 77.
Millinery stores, 69, 74, 80, 83.
Milling and manufacturing, 54.
Milling companies, 71.
Milton, Va., 27n., 33, 70.
Houses moved from, 4n., 46n.,
54, 63, 64n.
Ministers, see name of denomination.
Criticism of, 47.
Minor, Dr. Charles, 103.
Dabney, 6, 58n.
John B., 37n., 41n.
Lucian, 7.
Mrs. Martha Jane, 58n.
Mirick, Rev. S. H., 48n., 49, 82.
Missionaries, 31.
Moise, Mrs., 38.
Molyneaux, Therese, 46n.
Monroe, James, 10n., 21-22, 53, 67.
Monticello, 31, 36n., 49n.
In Revolutionary War, 53.
Negroes at, 53.
Monticello Bank, 57n., 71, 87, 89.
Monticello Drug Co., 66n.
Monticello Guard, 45n.
Monticello Hotel, 26n., 30, 53-54.
60n., 75.
Monticello Memorial Park, 50n.
Monticello Mountain, 27n.
Monuments, 3n., 99n.
Moore, John, 15n.
Moore's Creek, 1n., 49n.
Moore's Ford, 23n.
Moose, George, 98.
Morgan residence, 44n.
Morris, Mrs. James Maury, 42n.
William, 107.
Mosby, B., 72.
J., 72.
Col. John, 85n.
Moseley, Alexander, 7.
Moser, A., 85.
Mount Eagle Baptist Church, 83
and n.
Mudwall Hotel, 102.
Munday, Julius, 90.
Mundy, Dr. J. O., 58n.
Murders, see Crime.
Music stores, 99n.
Music teachers, 41n., 90.
Musical societies, 71.
Musicians, 84, 86, 90.
Myers, A., 75.
Napton, William B., 103.
National Bank, 36, 71.
Building, 83n.
National (Baseball) League, 98n.
Negroes, 3n., 32n., 53, 73, 79, 82-83,
85 and n., 97, 103, 104, 107, 108.
Free, 68n.
See also Slaves.
Neilson, John, 97.

Nelson, Mr., 78.
Hugh, 15 and n.
Dr. Hugh T., 35n.
Dr. Hugh T., Jr., 35n.
Dr. Robert B., 35n.
Dr. Robert W., 35 and nn.
Gov. William, 15n.
News agencies, 82, 83.
Newspapers, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14n., 71, 7273,
74, 94 and n., 96, 97, 109n.
Nicholas, George, 16n.
Norman, Smith &, 69-70.
Norris, Cynthia, 35n.
Opie, 9n., 12, 19n., 35 and n.,
49n., 65.
North St., 58n.
Northwood, 41n.
Northwood School, 41n.
Number Nothing, 19 and n., 20.
Oak Hill, 107n.
Oberdorfer, B., 67, 72 and n.
Philip B., 72n.
O'Connell, Daniel, 96.
Odd Fellows, 66.
O'Donovan family, 99n.
Oil companies, 103n.
Old Ladies' Home, 85n.
Oliver, Dr., 107.
Omohundro, Mrs., 69.
O'Neal, John L., 70.
Oppenheim, E., 82, 83.
Orange Dale, 78 and n.,
Ordinaries, see Taverns.
O'Toole family, 99n., 110.
O'Tracy family, 99n.
Overton, Richard, 49n.
Pace, Benjamin, 27n., 91n.
Benjamin R., 73n.
John J., 83, 104n.
Pace & Keblinger, 83.
Pace & Marshall, 72.
Pacific Railroad, 51.
Page, Carter H., 57n.
Paint shops, 73.
Painters, 79, 86.
Painters, Sign, 85.
Pantops, 45, 59n.
Pantops Academy, 59n.
Paoli, F. M., 99.
Park Hill, 38n.
Park St., 8n., 28n., 34, 36-42.
Park View Apartment, 36n.
Parrott, William J., 107.
Parsons, Gen., 93.
Paterson, C. T., 89-90.
Mrs. Lizzie, 90.
Patterson, John C., 89.
Patterson & Cochran, 75.
Patton, Mr., 92.
Paxton, Rev., 101.
Payne, A. D., 91n.
James, 78n.
Mrs. Maria, 65.
W. C., 86n.
Payne and Thomasson, 67.
Peck, J. A., 65.
Lyman, 77.
Pedlars, 28-29.
Pence & Sterling's drug store, 82n.
Peoples National Bank, 10n., 73n.
Perkins, George, 57n.
Judge William A., 57n.
Perkins, Battle & Minor, 57n.
Perkins, Perkins & Walker, 57n.
Perley, James, 86 and n., 87.
Perry, J., 90.
John M., 9n.
Tyson and, 67, 82.
W., 90.
Petrie, Miss Charlie, 22n.
Rev. George L., 23n., 27n., 29.
Peyton, Green, 7.
John H., 12 and n.
Pharmicists, see Drug stores.
Phi Beta Kappa seal, 10n.

Philadelphia Nationals (baseball),
Phillips, William B., 72.
Photographers, 67, 82.
Physicians, 31, 35 and n., 40, 42n.,
43, 46n., 51 and n., 55 and n., 58
and n., 76, 81, 97, 98, 103, 107.
Piedmont Candy Co., 99n.
Piedmont Female Institute, 33, 48
and n., 49.
Pierce, J. N., 67.
Pinkard, Mr., 68.
Poindexter, James T., 109.
William, 32.
Points, Dr., 11.
Politics, see Albemarle County.
Pollock, —, 38n.
Poore, Lizzie, 41n.
Robert, 41n.
Porter, Rev. H. A., 40n.
Porter, Belden & Co., 30.
Post, Washington, D. C., 94n.
Post office, 31, 71, 77, 83n, 94.
Postmasters, 3, 31, 77.
Potentini, F. 80.
Powell, B. L., 35n.
Powers, Pike, 108.
Prayer meetings, 37.
Presbyterian Church, 23n., 37, 58n.,
59 and n., 79n., 86n.
Erection of, 34.
Presbyterian Female Seminary,
58n., 59n.
Presbyterians, 5, 11n., 34, 47, 101.
Preston Ave., 93n., 99n.
Preston Heights, 1n.
Pretlow, Jeannie, 60n.
Pretlow St., 60n.
Price, Henry, 32 and n., 33.
Mrs. Nancy, 91.
Printers, 14n., 79, 96.
Printing, 6.
Prints, 77.
Public Square.
See Court Square.
Pumpmakers, 65, 108.
Punishments, 39n., 68n., 83.
"Purgatory," 100.
Purvis, Mrs., 91.
Ragland, Dr., 40.
Mrs., 40.
John C., 19n.
Railroad bridge, 28n.
Randolph, Col., 27n.
Anne Cary, 49n.
Mrs. Bayard, 57n.
Thomas J., 12, 26, 68n.
Thomas Mann, 6, 49n.
Dr. W. C. N., 55n.
Random Row, 59, 92-104.
Raphael, Isaac, 86-87, 88.
Mrs. Isaac, 86.
Rawlings, R. H., 44n., 50n.
Rawlings Institute, 44n.
Reconstruction period, 11n.
Recreation, 17, 18, 25, 45, 98n.
Red Land Club, 15n.
Reierson, Leta, 41n.
Stella, 41n.
Reinhart, Mr., 71.
E. M., 6-7.
Retzer, Mr., 71, 82.
Review, The, 7.
Revolutionary War, Prisoners in
Barracks, 52-53, 54 and n., 99n.
See also Tarleton's raid.
Richmond, Va., Enquirer, 7.
Stagecoaches from, 30.
Whig, 7.
Ridge St., 3n., 104-07.
Riordan, Leo, 98n.
Rivanna River, 28n., 44n.
Rives, Alexander, 14, 50n.
W. C., 12 and n., 15.
Mrs. W. C., 2.
Roads, 43n., 49 and n., 84, 102, 103.
Macadam, 50n.

Robertson, Harrison, 55n.
William J., 24 and n., 41, 42n.
Robertson & Dodd, 84.
Robertson's Shoe Repair Shop, 66n.
Rock Hill, 40 and n.
Rockbridge Artillery, 45n.
Rodes, John, 12.
Rogers, Dr., 64.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 105n
Ross, Misses, 41n.
Rev. C. R., 81.
David, 26n., 27n.
Rucker, William J., 39n.
Rugby Ave., 40n.
Rugby Road section, 35n.
Sadler, Long &, 24n.
Saddlemakers, 25.
Safeway Grocery Co., 89n.
St. Anne's School, 44n.
St. Louis, Mo., mayor of, 51.
Sample, Andrew, 5.
Saunders, James W., 18, 36n., 37n.
Mrs. James W., 37, 38.
Savage, T. W., 56, 77, 78.
Saxton's Cleaning and Dye Works,
Schaaf, John, 78n.
Schenck, Gen., 55-56.
Peter, 55.
Schenck family, 55.
Schenck's Branch, 55, 99n.
Schenk, Cornelius, 55n.
School St., 72, 73, 77, 79, 80.
Schools, 77.
Boarding, 103, 108.
Boys', 39n, 59n., 64, 108.
Classical, 102n., 103, 108.
Girls', 33, 38n., 40, 41 and n., 44n.,
48 and n., 49, 54, 58n., 59n., 82.
Military, 106.
Preparatory, 43n.
Primary, 41n.
Public, 101.
See also Academies; Kindergartens;
Music teachers.
Schroff, Mr., 72.
Scott, James, 84.
Jesse, 84.
Robert, 84.
Scottsville, Va., 9n.
Scottsville Road, 54.
Scribner, Dr. J. W., 67.
Sears, Roebuck & Co., 99n.
Second St., E., see Church St.
Second St., W., see Hill St.
Secretary's Ford, 43 and n., 44, 49.
Secretary's Road, 43 and n., 44.
Seventh St., E., 1n.
Shackelford, Annie, 41n.
Henry, 10, 58n.
Lucy, 41n.
Muscoe, 41n.
Shadwell, 27n.
Shelbyville, Ky., 101.
Shelton, William, 7.
Shepherd, B. A., 42n.
Sheppard, John M., 27n.
Sheridan, Capt., 37n.
Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., 27n.,
28n., 37n.
Sheridan's raid, 27n., 36n., 37n.,
39n., 106n.
Sheriffs, 14-15, 77, 84.
Shettsline, William, 98n.
Shisler, Mrs. Virginia, 101n.
Shoe repair shops, 66n.
Shoe stores, 74, 75, 84 and n., 85,
Shoemakers, 31, 87, 90, 98.
Shuck, Rev. L. H., 44n.
Simpson, John, 5, 62.
Sinclair, George W., 91.
Lobban &, 80.
Sinclair residence, Park St., 41n.
Sixth St., 23n.
Skank's Branch, 55.

Slaughter, Charles, 108.
Elizabeth, 62.
George, 109.
Mrs. Mary, 108.
Robert, 62.
Slave trade, 19n., 20n.
Slaves, 2-3, 92-93.
Insurrection, 1831, 68n.
Manumission of, 35n., 74.
Patrol to watch, 69.
Removal proposed, 68n.
Smith, J., 90.
James M., 69.
Mrs. Nellie T., 62.
W. J., 67.
Smith & Norman, 69-70.
Smithson, John, 62.
Mrs. Martha, 62.
Sneed, Luther, 66.
Souder, W. F., 106n.
South Plains Presbyterian Church,
South St, 1n., 91n., 92 and n., 107
and n.
Southall, J. C., 7, 8.
S. V., 28n., 37n., 39 and n.
Valentine W., 13, 22n., 36n.
Sowell, Benajah, 101.
Lewis, 101.
Nimrod, 104n.
Spencer, Mrs., 103.
Charles, 92, 109.
Mrs. Charles, 109.
Spiece, John B., 18.
Spooner, G. Wallace, 105.
George W., 10n.
Spooner & Keller, 71.
Spotless Co., 86n.
Spradling, David, 66.
Spring Hill, 22n.
Springs, Virginia, 84.
Stage yard, Old, 51.
Stagecoaches, 30, 43.
Standard Cut Rate (drug) Co., 75n.
Statues, see Monuments.
Sterling, Pence &, 82n.
Sterling & Wood, 82.
Stern, D. H., 84 and n.
Stevens, Jacob R., 105.
Stockton, J. N. C., 30, 51.
Stone Tavern, 30, 34, 53.
Stoneman, Gen. George, 11n.
Stonewall Jackson statue, 3n.
Stop and Shop Super Market, 65n.
Strange, Col. John B., 3n., 106
and n.
Strother, Mr., 108.
Stuart, Archibald, 10 and n.
Style Shoppe, 83n.
Sullivan, Stephen R., 95.
T. R., 109.
Summerson, William, 87.
Sunday observance, 2-3.
Super Market, 94n.
Swan Tavern, 15n., 16, 18, 19n., 36,
Tailors, 4, 32, 70, 72, 83, 85, 94, 96.
Taliaferro, Col., 84.
Tanneries, 60 and n., 94 and n.
Tarleton, Gen., 16 and n., 43n., 81.
Tarleton's raid, 38n., 45n., 52-53
and n., 54, 70.
Taverns, 24n., 25, 30, 43, 52n., 53
and n., 100.
Rates at, 29, 53.
Taylor, Bennett, 8.
H., 104n.
Teachers, 41n., 90, 96.
See also Schools.
Telegraph operators, 90.
Temperance hall, 71.
Temperance hotel, 102n.
Temperance societies, 88n.
Terrell, Edmund, 95n.
Hill &, 30.
Joel, 51n.
Mrs. N. A., 83.
Thespian Club, 18.
Third St., E., see School St.

Thomas, William B., 90.
Thomas Furniture Co., 67n.
Thomasson, Payne and, 67.
Thompson, Mrs., 99n.
C. L., 49.
Charles, 82.
Lucas P., 10.
Thornley, Dr. John, 51 and n.
Three Notched Road, 43n., 49n.
Timberlake, E. J., 72.
Edward J., 62.
John, 38n.
John H., 39n., 40n.
Timberlake's Drug Co., 72n., 73n.
Times, Washington, D. C., 109n.
Tin factories, 67.
Tinners, 72, 77, 82.
Tinsley, A. W., 65.
Tobacco factories, 3, 59, 109.
Tobacco stores, 66n., 79, 82, 101.
Toll roads, 49n.
Tompkins, John, 67.
William, 7, 89.
William W., 109.
Toms, Samuel, 68-69.
Toole, George, 4, 96, 109, 110.
Jeremiah, 96.
John, 26.
Trade, 28-29, 94.
Tribble, Rev. H. W., 44n.
Trice, Mrs. Lucy Jane, 58n.
Robert N., 58n.
Trist, Nicholas P., 6, 97.
Tufton, 39n.
Turner's insurrection, Nat, 68
and n.
Turpin, George W., 27n.
Tyler, Pres. John, 13.
Tyson and Perry, 67, 82.
Undertakers, 85n.
Union St., 54, 55, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74.
U. S. District Court, Va., 50n.
University Bookstore, 97.
University of Va., 32.
Board of Visitors, 102n, 103.
Bursar of, 107n.
Dawson bequest to, 54.
Erection of, 78, 97, 103, 107n.
Faculty, 6, 14, 38n., 41n., 55n., 81,
103, 108.
Lafayette at, 13.
Proctor, 7.
Students, 45n., 98n., 108.
Students' uniforms, 34.
T. Roosevelt at, 105n.
University St., 100-01, 102n.
Utz, J. J., 92.
Wingfield &, 95.
Valentine, R. P., 59n.
Thomas J., 87.
Valentine residence, High St., 28n.,
Venable, Mrs. Charles S., 22n., 88n.
Verdant Lawn, 27n.
Vinegar Hill, 60n., 99n., 100, 110
and n.
Virginia, Court of Appeals, 64.
Virginia Advocate, 6, 7, 71, 96.
Virginia Bar Assoc., 24n.
Virginia Gazetteer, 77.
Virginia Springs, 30.
Voight, Mr., 90.
Vowles, John, 29.
Waddell, J. N., 84n.
Lyttelton, 56 and n., 57n.
Waddell family, 57n.
Wagon shops, 40.
Wagon trains, 94.
Walker, Gen. H. H., 27n.
Thomas, 1n., 2, 26n.
Walker, Perkins &, 57n.
Walker's (Episc.) Church, 47.
Wallpaper store, 77.
Walsh, Homan W., 19n.

Waltham, C. S., 39.
Ware, Rev., 107.
Peter U., 82-83.
Mrs. Peter U., 83.
Rev. T. W., 60 and n.
Warwick, A. B., 106n.
Washington, George, 44.
Watchmakers, 23, 24, 70.
Water St., 91 and n., 99n.
Watson, Judge, 64.
E., 7.
Judge E. R., 10 and n., 12, 18, 42
and n., 57n.
George &, 71.
Miss H. Hay, 88n.
Col. J. R., 33, 34, 49.
J. W. C., 7.
John, 10n., 12, 14.
Joseph, 78n.
Robert A., 41n.
William, 8, 37, 40.
William A., 32, 86.
Watson & Perkins, 57n.
Watts, Ebenezer, 6, 71, 78, 79.
Wayman, Mrs. Nancy, 91.
Waymann, John, 46n.
Wayt, Twyman, 3, 31.
Wayt residence, 3n., 95.
War between the States.
Barracks, 103.
Chaplains, 8.
Effect on newspapers, 7-8.
Federal troops in Charlottesville,
42n., 45n., 85n., 91n., 93n., 106n.
Hospitals, 54, 102n., 103, 108.
Narrative in Weekly Chronicle,
28n., 37n.
Prisoners in, 27n., 28n., 56.
Raid on Charlottesville, 27n., 28n.,
36n., 37n., 38n.
Sectional feeling after, 105n.
Speculation in cotton, 75.
War of 1812, 81.
Weidemyer, Mr., 109.
Weil, A., 100.
Welles, Thomas, 27n.
Wells, Col., 27n.
Fountain, 4.
Thomas, 4.
Wertenbaker, C. C., 3, 86.
T. J., 70, 92, 105.
William, 78n.
West, Jane, 74, 81.
John, 85n.
Nancy, 73, 79, 88.
Whig, Richmond, Va., 7.
Whipping post, 9n.
Whiskey, 25, 29.
White, Garrett, 12.
John M., 10n., 73n.
William S., 58n.
White Ribbon Temperance Society,
Whiting Oil Co., 103n.
Wholesale trade, 94.
Widow's Son (Masonic) Lodge,
32, 43.
Williams, Mrs. Emma W., 91n.
John A., 40.
T. J., 90.
Williamson, Mr., 108.
Willis, Henry, 95n.
Wills, Miss C. E., 41n.
F. M., 55, 71.
Wills' ice pond, 99n.
Willoughby, 43n.
Wimer, Jacob, 50-51.
John, 50-51.
Wingfield, C. H., 81, 85.
Wingfield & Utz, 95.
Winn, John, 9n., 30-31.
Winn block, 32.
Winston, Mrs. I. T., 74.
Wirt, William, 64.
Wisconsin State Historical Society,
Wise, Dr. E. S. H., 81.
Witkins Furniture Store, 95n.

Wolfe, David, 90.
E. M., 87, 106.
Nathaniel, 86.
Wood, Benjamin, 58n.
Drury, 31, 38 and n., 43, 60.
James B., 38n.
John, Jr., 36, 39, 80.
John C., 101 and n., 102.
John R., 28n.
Lew, 74.
Lewellen, 36, 95.
Rice, 43.
Rice W., 13, 15.
Snowden, 37n., 58n.
Sterling &, 82.
Mrs. T., 88n.
Thomas, 7, 8, 23n., 36n., 38, 40,
41, 43, 52n.
Mrs. Thomas, 38.
William H., 42n.
Woodridge, 44n.
Woods, Dr. Edgar, 59n.
Dr. John R., 45n.
Micajah, 8, 9n., 12, 45 and n.
Michael, 45n., 59n.
Samuel, 35n.
Col. William, 12.
Woolen Mills, 28n., 43n., 49n.
Word, James M., 91, 92.
Wright, Misses, 32n.
Wyatt, Col. Richard, 49.
Xanpi, Louis, 108.
Yancey, Albert S., 105n.
Yeargain, John, 24n., 25-26.
"Yellow House," 4.
Y. M. C. A., 23, 59n., 71.
Yorktown celebration, 1881, 45n.
Young, Mr., 43.
Dr., 59n.
Zigler, Abram, 65.
Mrs. Tacy, 65.
Zion Baptist Church, 105.
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