University of Virginia Library


Professor Lefevre.

After a brief survey of the history of the science of Logic, the
class will be engaged with a study of either Deduction or Induction,
according to the demand and need of the students electing the course.
The lectures will deal also with the general character of the thinking
process, its laws of development, and the methods by which thought
actually proceeds to solve the problems presented to it. Special attention
will be directed to the analysis of logical arguments and to
the detection of fallacies in reasoning.

Daily, from 9:45 to 10:45. Rotunda, S. E.

Text-Book.—Creighton's Introductory Logic.

Credit.—Any student who fulfills the conditions set forth on
pages 9 and 10 and who completes successfully the summer course
in Logic will receive credit for the corresponding term in Philosophy
1B. (See Catalogue of University of Virginia).