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Dramatis Personae

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Dramatis Personae

  • ORSINO Duke of Illyria. (DUKE ORSINO:)
  • SEBASTIAN brother to Viola.
  • ANTONIO a sea captain, friend to Sebastian.
  • A Sea Captain, friend to Viola.
  • VALENTINE, CURIO } gentlemen attending on the Duke.
  • SIR TOBY BELCH uncle to Olivia.
  • MALVOLIO steward to Olivia.
  • FABIAN, FESTE a Clown } servants to Olivia.
  • OLIVIA, VIOLA, MARIA } Olivia's woman.
  • Lords, Priests, Sailors, Officers, Musicians, and other Attendants.

Scene: A city in Illyria, and the sea-coast near it.