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March 4, 1857 from Hugh Walker to Dr. James H. Minor


March 4, 1857 from Hugh Walker to Dr. James H. Minor

HonDoctor Minor
Honorable Sir

I sit down to addres
a few lines to you to inform you that I
am well but my wife has a severe attack
of the acclimating fever and the rest are
tolerable my three sons are out at a place
called Careysburg settled by Mr Seys and they
are doing well and have no sickness at all
neither chills nor fever. I am much pleased
with this place I am still travelling about
trying to prepare a home for myself and
family there has been a great many
died since I last wrote for insts Robinson Scott
and his son James, Patrick Mickey, Buck Thompson
Richard Franklin, Jacob Twine, and his grand child
Lucy twines son, and Cyrus Terrel, and, Francis Barrett
and Samuel Carrs youngest child, two grandchildren
of uncle Cy's these twelve have died since I last
wrote the rest I think are getting better Samuel
Carr has been quite sick but I think he is getting
well again—William Douglass has wrote to you
and the boys sent for things in it but what
I wrote for you need not send as they desired


me not to send for anything please send
me a couple of brier blades we have taken into
deep consideration how to live and to prepare
to die while some are rejoicing at their friends
going to a better house others are filled with
grief at the thoughts of their future estate others
have suffered with the fever I am left to go
and I am invited to preach in the baptist and
methodist and presbyterians

I guess I have told you
all the news hoping you are all well and will
write to me soon my love to my father
and mother and if any of my friends die
please let me know

no more yours respectfully
Hugh Walker