University of Virginia Library


Spoken at the First Opening of the QUEEN's New Theatre in the Hay-Market.

Such was our Builder's Art, that soon as nam'd,
This Fabrick, like the Infant-World, was fram'd.
The Architect must on dull Order wait,
But 'tis the Poet only can Create.
None else, at pleasure, can duration give,
When Marble fails, the Muses Structures live,
The Cyprian Fane is now no longer seen,
Tho' Sacred to the Name of Love's fair Queen.
Ev'n Athens scarce in pompous Ruin stands,
Tho' finish'd by the Learn'd Minerva's Hands.
More sure Presages from these Walls we find
By Beauty founded, and by Witt design'd;

Lady H---G---n

In the good Age of Ghostly Ignorance,
How did Cathedrals rise, and Zeal Advance!
The Merry Monks, said Orisons at ease,
Large were their Meals, and light their Penances;
Pardon for Sins was purchas'd with Estates,
And none but Rogues in rags dy'd Reprobates.
But now that pious Pageantry's no more,
And Stages thrive as Churches did before.
Your own Magnificence you here Survey,
Majestick Columns stand where Dunghils lay,
And Carrs Triumphal rise from Carts of Hay.
Swains here are taught to hope, and Nymphs to fear,
And big Almanzor's Fight mock-Blenheims's here.
Descending Goddesses adorn our Scenes,
And quit their bright Abodes for gilt Machines.
Shou'd Jove for this fair Circle leave his Throne,
He'd meet a Lightning fiercer than his own.
Tho' to the Sun his towring Eagles Rise,
They scarce cou'd bear the Lustre of these Eyes.