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Miscellaneous Pieces
in Verse and Prose, By Theodosia [i.e. Anne Steele]
Steele, Anne (1717-1778)
Ode to Spring, written in March.
Written in May,
The Sickly Mind.
To a Flower.
The Salutary Disappointment.
The Butterfly.
Ode to Melancholy.
Ode to Hope.
To Amira on the death of her Son.
Desiring to love Christ and obey him.
On hearing the Funeral Bell, After frequent deaths in the neighbourhood.
True Happiness.
Waiting for Morning.
To Amira on her Mother's illness.
The Happy Man.
To Philander.
Support in Trouble.
The restless Mind.
On receiving a Mourning Ring for a Young Relative.
To Amira on the sudden Death of her Mother.
Ode on a rural Prospect in June.
The Complaint of the Mind.
To Silvia.
To Silvia pensive.
Written in a painful Illness.
Desiring a thankful Devotion to God.
The Happiness of the Children of God.
A reflection on hearing the Bell at the interment of a neighbour.
Desiring the gracious presence of God.
The presence of God, the only comfort in affliction.
Faith and Hope in divine goodness, encouraged by past experience.
A Thought of Life and Death.
Desiring a firmer affiance in God under afflictions.
Trusting in his mercy with humble submission and hope.
Intreating the presence of God in affliction.
Acknowledging his goodness in supporting and restoring.
Desiring to praise God for the experience of his goodness.
Penitence and Hope.
Devoting the heart to Jesus.
The love of Christ exciting thankful devotion.
On recovery from sickness.
Occasioned by hearing a friend commend my verses.
To Silvia.
Wishing for real Pleasure.
To Amira.
A Reflection on the close of the Year,
Desiring a cheerful Resignation to the Divine Will.
To Silvia.
To Emilia.
To Silvia.
On the sudden death of a libertine.
To my Watch.
The third chapter of Daniel paraphrased.
Messiah, an Ode.
The Blind Man's Petition.
Rest and Comfort in Christ alone.
On the Fifth of November.
On a day of prayer for success in War.
Hymn for a day of public thanksgiving for Peace.
To ------, on the death of her father.
To Myra.
To an Infant three weeks old.
Breathing after God.
Filial Submission.
Humble Trust.
Hymn to Jesus.
The King of Saints.
Hymn for the Lord's Day Morning.
Happy Poverty, or the Poor in Spirit blessed.
The necessity of renewing Grace.
The Pearl of great price.
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Miscellaneous Pieces
“One labor more indulge, then sleep my strain,
'Till haply wak'd by Raphael's golden lyre,
To bear a part in everlasting lays;
Tho' far, far higher set, in aim, I trust,
Symphonious to this humble prelude here.”
Miscellaneous Pieces