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Poems by Mrs Anne Killigrew
Killigrew, Anne (1660-1685)
To the Pious Memory Of the Accomplisht Young LADY Mrs Anne Killigrew,
[The Epitaph Engraved on her TOMB.]
To the Queen.
A Pastoral Dialogue.
On Death.
The Second Epigram.
The Third Epigram.
The Fourth Epigram.
A Farewel To Worldly Joys.
THE Complaint of a Lover.
Love, the Soul of Poetry.
To my Lady Berkeley.
St. John Baptist Painted by her self in the Wilderness, with Angels appearing to him, and with a Lamb by him.
Herodias Daughter presenting to her Mother St. John's Head in a Charger, also Painted by her self.
On a Picture Painted by her self, representing two Nimphs of Diana's, one in a posture to Hunt, the other Batheing.
An Invective against Gold.
The Miseries of Man.
Upon the saying that my Verses were made by another.
On the Birth-Day of Queen Katherine.
To My Lord Colrane,
The Discontent.
A Pastoral Dialogue.
A Pastoral Dialogue
On my Aunt Mrs A. K.
On a young Lady
ON THE Dutchess of Grafton
Penelope to Ulysses.
An Epitaph on her Self.
Extemporary Counsel given to a Young Gallant in a Frolick.
Cloris Charmes
Upon a Little Lady
On the Soft and Gentle Motions of Eudora.
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Poems by Mrs Anne Killigrew
Immodicis brevis est ætas, & rara Senectus.
Mart. l. 6. Ep. 29.
Poems by Mrs Anne Killigrew