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Poems of Ms. Tiber. E VII

Square brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.

(by William Nassyngton?).

1. (St. Mary's lamentation to St. Bernard on the passion of Christ).

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Fader and sun and hali gaste,
almighti god in trinite,
þurgh bisekeing of Mari chaste,
maiden and moder of pete,
als I am sinful, help in haste,
lorde, þou send sum grace to me
sum word to say þat be noght waste,
bot þat oure saules þe better be.


It es grete dole to tel or say
or forto think in mannes mode
how Crist opon þe gude friday
for vs sched his blissed blude;
al his desiples fled oway,
for drede of ded þai war nere wode;
it es no tung þat tel þam may
þe sorowes of Mari, his moder gude.
For scho him bare bath god and man,
and seþin þai cald his name Ihesu;
þai offerd him to sir Simion—
þat prophet wele his louerd knew;
an angel sun warned þam þan
of king Herod þat was vntrew,
and bad Mari til Egipt gane
for drede of ded of mani a Iew.
Mari euer had ioy inogh
whils sho was hir dere sun neghe;
into what stede so euer he drogh
come he neuer out of hir eghe.
seþin men did him mekel wogh
and mekil dole scho saw him dreghe:
his handes nayled þai til a bogh
and on a tre hanged him heghe.
Of sorows sere myght scho noght sese
when he was bludi bak and croune,
and scho wist þat he was sakles;
of bodi and bak þe blude ran doun;
to se his pine was ful grete prese
of folk þat folowed him out of toun;
wemen wepid, withowten lese,
and pleined mekil his passioun.
Ihesus turned him to þam þare
and spak þir wordes of grete pete:
wemen, wepes for me no mare,
bot for ȝowre-seluen wepe mai ȝe,
and for ȝowre childer ȝe mai haue care,
þat dose me shame als ȝe may se”.
no wonder if hir hert was sare
þat saw hir sun so pined be.
When he was (beten) with scourges st(rang),
his frendes to fle war ful wight;
þan oure trowth al hally hang
in Mari milde both day and nyght.


Saint Bernard beres witnes omang,
so dose saint Iohn hir cosyn right,
þat sorow so to hir hert thrang
þat blude ran of hir eghen bright.
Þe blude out of hir eghen so ran;
for care hir hert nere clefe in two.
Saint Bernard, þat haly man,
beres witnes þat it was so.
for til a kirk wightly he wan
whare he might wit more of hir wo;
scho schewed hir þare, and asked him þan
what he wald, or scho went him fro.
He sayd: “if þat it war þi will,
tell me, lady, heuyn quene,
how þou for wo wepyd þi fill
when þai did þi sun slike tene,
band him ful fast & bet him ill,
and corond him with thornes kene,
and gert him bere vnto a hill
a cros, and toyled him þam bitwene.
A, lady, whare wastou for wo
when þai him band and bet so fast?
I wote þou wald noght fle him fro,
so was þi hert stif and stedfast.
allas, he said, whi was it so
and my hert noght alto-brast
or els for care to-cleue in two,
or wepe whils þat my life may last?
Lady, he said, þou had grete pyne
when þat þou saw þat freli fode
his heuyd doun so law enclyne
when he was hanged on þe (rode);
al-if he war goddes sun and þine,
his faire fless famed al of bl(ode).
allas, whine had þat bale be (mine)?
I wald haue standen wha(re þou stode)”.
“Bernard, scho said, who (list to loke)
when my dere sun to ded (was dight)?
he bowed his heuyd and (leue toke)
thankand his fader (ful of might).
þe stones brak als (sais þe boke),
þe son also with (drogh his light);
þe temple clef, (þe erthe quoke),
þe ded to lyfe (ras ful right)”.


“(Ladi, he s)ayd, tak noght (to grefe)
(if I) speke of his paynes strang;
(of) þam to lere war me ful lefe
more graythli, or þou fro me gang.
þou saw þi sun hing als a thefe
wounded sare and al with wrang;
to wit him haue so grete meschefe
no wonder if þou murned omang.
Now, lady, quene of heuen-blis,
sen þat no gamyn to me may gayn,
out of my wo þe bus me wis,
al-if I b[e] sin(ful) for sertayn.
als þou ert mayden and moder his:
what did my lord in al his payne?
when he was pined and did no mys,
whilk war his wordes? þis wald I frayne”.
“Bernard, scho said, þi bousom bede
into mi hert has smeten a spere:
for who so neuyns my dere sun ded,
vnto me do þai þan grete dere,
(fo)r wepeing mase me wil of rede.
and ȝit I may none wise forbere,
what so þou fraynes here in þis stede
(þi) wepeing gers me gif answere”.
“(I tha)nk þe, lady faire and fre,
(þat) þou wil cumforth me of care
(and s)ogat schew þi hert to me
(and) tel me of his paines sare.
(wald) god þat I had bene with þe
(and) sene þe sorow þat þou saw þare!
(þan mig)ht I euer in wepeing be
(and þi)nk þaron for euer mare.
(Þou has sene) lordes vntil him lout
[OMITTED] euer þai might him seghe;
(of his) dedes þai had grete dout,
[OMITTED] haly and highe.
(when þat) þai presed so him obout,
(whi sufferd he) þam so forto leghe,
(in his face) to spit and spout,
(how might he al þir) doles dreghe?”
“(Mekeli he sufferd) þat mischefe—
(and wald haue sufferd m)ekil mare—
(for mannes saul was) him so lefe;
(for him he sufferd) þo paines sare.
(I saw him hang he)ghe als a thefe,
(he saw I stud in sorow a)nd care;
(ȝit did mi weping him m)ore grefe
(þan al þe paines he suffe)rd þare.
And sertainly þat (was wel sene)
when he bitoke me vnto (I)on;
ful meke he was withowten wene
when þat him liked to luke me on,
for wa I wex both gul and grene,
of murnig may I mak my mone.—
I sal þe tell hali bydene
þe paines he sufferd euerilkone”.
Þan Bernard toke to hir rewarde
and thanked hir with hert ful sare;
forto here of his lufli larde
him thoght it was a like and lare.
Sho said: “sen I þis space haue spared
to tell þe sorow þat I sau þare,
here efterward sal be declared
paines a thowsand tymes mare.
Bernard, i saw mi dere son hang
als he had bene a maister-thef,
with sides blo als þai him dang
þat are war white and me ful lefe,
corund he was with thornes strang;
ful gern þai soght to do him grefe:
þai drogh him out with rapes olang
opon þe cros, til his fless clefe.
When þat he was so straitli sted,
þe cursed Iewes liked ful wele!
al with blude his cors was cled
and with spiting fro heuid to hele.
opon þe cros so was he spred,
and nailed with thre nailes of stele;
þus was he drawen & laithli led—
and for mans dedis was ilkadele.
I saw als it foure welles ware,
fro ilka naile a streme of blude;
al þus with dole þai dight him þare
þe Iews þat war wilde and wode.
I had grete blis when I him bare,
so war his maners milde & gude:
seþen was al turned to sorow sare
when he was rugged & rent on rode.


So faire a fode was neuer nane,
and þat beres witnes hali writ;
þare was his fairhed fro him tane,
with filthes fouly was he smyt.
and sertes I was so wil of wane
me wanted hali welth and wit;
I had no gates graithli to gane,
with sorowes so mi hert was hit.
(I wald þai had me han)ged him by,
to ses my paynes in þat plas;
no wonder if I war sary
(t)o tharn mi ioy and my solace.
(þ)e Iewes bad I sold me hy
(þ)eþin oway tyte better pase:
bot fast efter him folowed I
and saw al paines þat he in was.
Ful fast I cried on my manere
to lat him gang and get his pese:
bot my crying wald þai noght here
ne in his paynes do no relese;
for al my site and sighing sere
his sorow wald þai no thing sese.
I said: ‘Ihesu my sun so dere,
whi lattes þou þam merk me þis mese?’
Wit þou wele ful wa me was
when þai him nailed thurgh hend & fete;
ful loud I cried and said ‘allas’,
when þat I saw his wowndes wete,
‘my lord, mi sun and my solase,
þat euer has bene so mylde & swete,
haue mercy on me or þou pas,
or els no blis mi bales may bete’.
I said: ‘my sun þat euer was hende
and blith to do what I þe bad,
whi leues þou me þus at þe ende
to dwell in site and sorow sad?
lord, lat ded now in me lende—
of his cumyng wald I be glad;
so sone he may noght with me wende
þat I ne wald soner þat he me had’.
I made my mane to þe Maudelayne
me forto cumforth in þat case;
‘þou pray for me with might & mayne
vnto him þat þe helpid hase,
so þat I might alsone be slayne
with pain or euer I pas þis place,
for I wald be ded ferly fayne:
and þou for me na murnig mase?’
Þe Maudelain said: ‘I can no rede,
for sorow es set in me so sare;
þi colure þat was white and rede
es now al wan with dole and care;
I se my souerayn draw to ded,
and ȝit [þi] murnig greues me mare.
I wald we went out of þis stede,
into þe tempil I rede we fare’.
(I askid hir whar was) swilk (place)
oþer in dale or els on hill
whare I migh be sperd in þis space
so þat no care sold cum me tyll;
my ioy, mi blis and my solace
despitusli I se þam spill;
my welth al halely in him was:
now es no wight in werld so will’.
I cried vnto my sun so hende,
and said: ‘in werld me es ful wo!
I may noght help þe als þi frende
to ger þi famen fle þe fro.
ful lang in sorow here we lende,
þe Maudelayn & oþer mani mo:
wele better vs war oway to wende:
bot sertes I may noght fra þe go’.
Þe Maudlayn cumforth me of care,
to wende oway scho sayd war best,
it helpid noght oure dwelling þare,
for of rewth myght we haue no rest.
I said to hir: ‘whider sold we fare
or walk for wo by est or west?
ded with him I wald we ware,
allas, whine wald oure hertes brest?
I se my sun twa theues bytwene
naked & nayled opon a tre;
ful blith & blissed euer has he bene,
and now has ded tane him fro me.
slike sorow sertes was neuer sene
als we now on my sun may se:
I war noght kind, þat wele [I] wene,
when he þus hinges if I suld fle.


Vnder þe cros here bide I will,
I wate in werld no better w(on);
of murnig might I haue (mi fill)
so forto sit and se him on.
here will I hald me on þis (hill),
if þat ȝe wende oway ilkon;
with mi sun sal I bide her (still),
and fle I will for (Iewis non)’”.
Bernard þan answerd (hir ogaine)
and til hir softly gan (he sai):
“ful grete mater had þ(e Maudelain),
it es no man þat [OMITTED]
þi bale was I ful [OMITTED]
bot þeder I durst [OMITTED]
how þat þai [OMITTED]
more forto [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] ferdenes als þou þam fand,
[OMITTED] my hert es ful hard to holde
and al þi wordes to vnderstand.
bot what my lord to þe say wolde
to aske þe ȝit will I noght wande,
when þe Iews so breme and balde
nayled him thurgh fute and hand,
And when þai corond him with thorn
þat newly war tane of þe tre.
þou was ay redy him byforn,
I wate [mare] might none euer be.
þai hailsed him with many a scorn,
als oþer men has tald to me:
what answerd he on euyn and morn?
to tell me, lady, pray I þe”.
Sho sayd: “I haue talde þe my thoght,
what wald þou now wit of me mare?
ay when þat sorow es furth soght
it mase my hert in sighing sare.
bot if it may amend þe oght
(ȝit forto) knaw more of mi care,
(vnto) þe sal I nyte right noght
(a)t tell þe fully or þou fare.
(Mi sun) þat died at þe houre of none
(he) said to me on þis manere:
‘(wo)man, be noght will of wone,
(biha)ld þi sun bisid þe here’.
(þan) said he to my cosin Iohn:
‘(bihald) þi moder lefe and dere’.
(ay)þer luked we oþer opon
(sari)ly with symple chere.
(He said: ‘Ion, als) þou ert hende,
(be ay) redy vntil hir bone;
(luke to) hir whare scho will wende
(als I bifor wa)s won to done.
(here I mai) no lenger lende
(for my time) es cumand sone,
(heþin now bihou)es me wende
(on hegh vnto my) fader in trone.
(Moder þat mi) bodi bare,
(it es hard pined) als þou mai se,
(for al man-kind als I) said are
(fra ded to lif suld) raised be.
(I sek a schep, suld els) forfare,
(þat with wrang was stolen) fro me;
(I sal it bring þar it was are)
(and of his þraldom mak it) fre.
Þat schepe bitakens (mannis kinde),
my fader will þat it be soght;
oþer þan I may none it finde,
for with mi blude it bus be boght;
out of þe place whare it es pynide
to bigly blis it sal be broght’.
he said I suld leue him bihinde;
þarfore ful dreri was my thoght.
Þus war his wordes more and myn
þat Ion my cosyn to me suld luke.
al-if he war nere of my kyn,
for my sun þare I him toke.
al with swilk talking gan we twin,
and my solace so I forsoke.
þir wordes þat þus gan bygin
ful wide þai sal be wreten in buke.
Bot a thing, Bernard, did me wo:
when my sun said ‘me thristes sare’.
to get him drink fast gan þai go
with grete despite wald þai noght spare,
aysell and gal þai menged so,
and in a spounge þai hid it þare;
þai bad him baldely þareof to
and drink on fast, he sold haue mare.


I cried þan: ‘dere sun, drink it noght!
for hething wald þai þou it had;
of aysell and gall es it wroght,
sune of þe sauore þou mai be sad’.
ful mildly þan he me bysoght
so þat I suld be blith and glad;
‘for with þis drink man-kind es boght,
it bus be als my fader bad.
Þarfor, moder, þi murnig mend,
and for me murn þou now nomare!
vnto mi fader bihoues me wend
and lede ogayn þat lost was are.
and sune efter þe sal I send—
bot me byhoues bifor þe fare;
and seþin saltou with me lend
in ioy and mirth for euermare’.
Þe Iews ful of pomp and pride
hanged two theues despitusly
bi mi dere sun on ayther side;
þe tone to him gan merci cri,
þe toþer answerd in þat tyde:
‘he hinges hegher þan þou or I,
and es wete with wondes wide:
to ask him help þou dose foli’.
(Þe t)oþer answerd with milde mode:
‘he es dampned with fals rede,
for he did neuer no thing bot gude,
and we haue wele serued oure ded.
haue mercy on me, mayster gude,
when þou cums vp in þi stede;
thurgh vertu of þi blissed blude
þe way to blis, lord, þou me lede!’
My sun said: ‘þou askes rightwisly,
for þine asking blissed þou be;
þis day grante I þe forþi
in paradis to won with me’.
I saw þat sight, and was sary
when þat þai died so on þe tre;
þe gude thefe went to heuyn in hi,
and þe ill to hell went he.
To se þat sight I had solace
how tyte þe tone vnto heuyn wan;
for wele I knew þan by þat case
my sun was verray god & man.
and als I stode still in þat place,
to cry ful loud my sun bygan:
‘ely ely’, his criyng was,
‘lamazabatany’ efter þan”.
þir wordes er als men may se
in ynglis tung to vnderstand:
“‘fader, whi forsoke þou me,
þus to be bun in [b]itter band?
heder I come thurgh rede of þe:
mi saul I send into þi hand.
for man þus am I pined on tre:
now es fulfild als þou cumand.’”
Bernard þan to hir answerd:
“Lady, blissed mot þou be;
of schere-thursday now haue I herd
how þi dere sun was tane fro þe,
and on gude friday how it ferd,
how þat he died opon a tre;
bot now, how he in graue was sperd,
ladi, þat tale now tell þou me.
And how þat he was taken doun
tel me, moder & mayden mylde,
of þe cros efter his passioune,
and how þai wroght þan with [þi] childe,
and how þat Ioseph come to toune
þi sun bodi for he wald bilde;
he wan it with his orysoune
fro Pelat and þe Iewes wilde.
(And how he was laid in þe ston)
tell me, mayden and moder fre;
whilk of his frendes euerilkone
walde þare at his beriyng be;
þe murnyg of þe and of Iohn,
mayden mylde, mene vnto me—
for wele I leue ȝe left allone
with-owten mo of ȝowre menȝe”.
“Bernard, scho said, allas allas,
þir wordes dose me mikell wo;
to tel al halely how it was
my hert for bale might brest in two.
Ioseph gan vnto Pilate pas,
and asked þe bodi þat hanged so;
and both Pilat and sir Cayphas
gaf him leue it doun forto to.


Pelates knyghtes sterne and stout
furth with Iosep gan þai wende,
and oþer folk a ful grete rout—
sum was his fa & sum his frende;
þai brak þe theues the-banes obout,
to luke if þaire life had made ende.
þat þai sold do so had I dout
with my sun þat was so hende.
I foloud fast with al my myght,
with Ion and with my systers two.
omang þam þare þan stode a knyght,
blind he was and lame also,
and al þai said Longius he hight;
vnder þe cros þai gert him go—
and sertes þan I saw a sight
þat was þe werst of al my wo.
Þai gaf þe knyght a spere ful gude,
and set it to my dere sun side,
þai bad him sting fast þare he (stode)
for any thing þat might bi-(tide).
he put it up with eger mode,
to my sun hert he gert it (glide):
and sune brast out both (water & blude)
of þat wound þat was (so wide).
Þe blude ran doun vntil hi(s hand),
and þarwith wiped þe knight [OMITTED]
so gat he sight als he [OMITTED]
and luked brade with e [OMITTED]
and thanked god of (al his sand),
liftand his hert to [OMITTED]
þat sight saw (I þar I gan stand),
and oþer mo [OMITTED]
(Þan wex mi hert heui als led)
(when) I saw þat rewful sight,
þe water clere and þe blude rede
þat ran out of þe wownde ful right;
þan fel I doun als I war ded,
langer to stand had I no might.
Ion me comfort in þat stede,
so did Ioseph þat nobil knyght.
Þan went þe knyghtes to sir Pilate,
and I left þare ligand in swowne:
and when I couerd out of þat state,
I prayed Iosep to tak him doune
and get him þeþin by any gate
fro þe Iews fals and felowne.
Ioseph said: ‘lat be þi late;
to bring him þe er we ful boun’.
Nichodemus þe nayles out drogh,
and Ioseph lapped him in his arme—
both þai lufed him wele inogh,
and toke him doun withowten harme.
(þai) lesed mi barn þus fro þat bogh
and broght him euyn vnto my barme:
I kissed his mowth with mekil wogh—
cald it was and nothing warme.
(An) hundreth siþes gan I kis
his mowth and als his eghen two,
(and said): ‘dere sun, sen I þe mys
(gla)d now sal I neuer go,
(& Ioseph) ful fast oboutward is
(þat þou) war in þi graue me fro.
(now in þis) werld who sal me wis?
(whine) war I grauen with þe also?’
(To wepe) might I nothing forbere,
(so was mi) hert enclosed with care;
(his wou)ndes did me slyke dere
(whilk I saw) on his body bare
(mad of þe na)yles and of þe spere,
(þat it wou)nded my hert ful sare;
(all men sorow)ed þat þar were,
(bot mi sorow) was mekil mare.
(Slike sorow þar in) me was cast
(þat I most wepe) on alkins wise;
(bot ȝit my hope ay) was stedfast
[OMITTED] he sold vp rise
[OMITTED] war past,
[OMITTED] (s)eruise;
(ful wele wist I a)t þe last
(I suld him se omang al hi)se.
Had I noght [OMITTED]
and trowed þat he suld ris up right,
Bernard, mi hert had brusten bene
when mi dere sun to ded was dight.
Ioseph & Nichodeme þam bitwene
to beriyng bare þat bodi bright;
þai lapped it in clathes clene,
and closed in a stane þat night”.


“Now lady, quene of heuyn and hell,
als þou him bare þat vs dere boght
I pray þe þat þou wald me tell
more of þi murnig if þou moght:
whare wastou whe[n] þai did him dwell
in Ierusalem, whare he was soght
and taken with þe Iewes fell
and byfor sir Cayphas broght?”
“Bernard, þat sight I saw also,
mi blissed barn how þai him band,
and led him furth ful fast me fro;
I folowd him ful sare wepeand.
no wonder was if me war wo,
bot more meruail how I might stand,
at se mi sun to paynes go;
to folow and wepe might I noght wand.
On schere-thursday within þe night
þai soght him, Iewes ful grete plente,
with lanternes & with swerdes bright,
and ilkone asked ‘whore es he?’
‘I am here’, he said ful right,
‘bot dose my men no harm for me’—
he wist what dole to him was dight,
þarfore he wald his frendes went fre.
Al-if him-self to paynes ȝede,
he wald none oþer þe wers ware;
þat schewd he by his speche gud spede
both in þat stede and els whare.
Peter gan his swerde out lede
and Malkus ere sune of he schare;
my sun him blamed for þat dede
and hastily he (he)lid it þare.
Iudas þat was (ful) of þe fende,
al-if mi sun his treson wist,
at his cumyng he cald him frende
and curtaisli þare he him kist.
þan knew þai wele my sun so hend,
þai laid hand on him als þam list;
omang þam al no man him mende.
on þis manere my mirth I mist.
and seþin (to Pilat), him to spill;
my dere sun was noght ferd forþi,
bot þeder went he with gude will;
he kid noght þat he was myghty,
bot bare him euer simpil and still.
Pilate sayd he suld noght dy,
for in him fand he none kins ill.
Þai hid his eghen and band him fast
and bet him þan with buffettes sare,
and bad him rede wha smate him last,
a trew prophet if þat he ware.
two of my sisters þeder past
forto se þat sorow and care,
and þe Maudelaine was noght last—
scho lufed him lely and his lare.
Hir luf to him was euer new,
to wirschip him als was worthy.
ful strang es luf of frendes trew,
and of þe moder maste namly.
he was so faire of hide and hew,
my murnig was þe more forþi;
al men him lufed þat euer him knew,
slike blis it was to beld him by.
Þai nakend him þan in þa stoundes
and till a peler band him al bare,
and bet him þan þare in þaire boundes
despitusly wald þai noght spare;
foure thowsand and sex hundreth woundes
dight þai on his sydes ful sare,
and cried on him on heght als houndes:
‘þi propheci mendes þe nomare’.
Bernard, I was ful will of rede
when þat I herd þam sogat say
þat Ihesu sold be done to dede
and Baraban go quite for ay.
it was þe custum in þat stede
to saue ane on þaire sabot-day;
god sun þai slogh with wikked red,
and lete a thef go quie oway.
Þus þe Iewes ful sterne and stout
held my sun in ful hard band.
Pilat had of þam more dout
þan of him þat was alweldand:
he rase up right omang þat rout
and liuerd him into þaire hand.
þan presed þai bremely him obout,
and euer ful mekeli gan he stand.


(When he was dampned þan þai went)
with him out of þe tun ful tite,
þe cros opon his bac þai bent
and waited to do him despite.
allas þat lamb þat innocent
þat neuer was worþi to wite,
omang þa wolues was to-rent.
I folowed fast with sorow and site.
Þe Iewes war fayn when he fore ill,
and fast þai logh, both moste and leste:
‘if þou be king tell vs vntill,
so þat þi payn may be relest’.
he answerd noght bot held him still,
with countynance fayre and rest,
and bare þe cros vp to þe hill
ful bousumly als any beste.
I swouned þan ful many a sith,
so did wemen þat war with me;
I cried loud, for he suld me lith,
when I for prese might him noght se:
‘A sun, whi hies þou þe so swith
sen þat þou beres so heuy a tre,
and lattes þi moder be vnblith,
and oþer frendes þat folowes þe?’
Sen heuyn was and erth also
and Adam merked efter man,
had neuer woman so mekil wo
ne care in hert als I had þan.
now haue I tald bitwen vs two
of grete greuance sen I bygan;
ȝit may I mene of many ane mo,
fro his graueing how þat we wan”.
Þan wald Bernard no speking spare
bot til hir said he sone onone:
“I thank þe, ladi, of þi lare,
þat þou to me will mak þis (mone).
when he was ded als þou said are
and stalworthli stoken in ston,
forþermare how gan ȝe fare,
þe Maudlayne and þi cos(yn Ion)?”
“Sertes, Bernard, þe soth [OMITTED]
grete hardnes þan in h [OMITTED]
when þai þe stone wal [OMITTED]
for wa þan wex I al [OMITTED]
þe heuynes might I [OMITTED]
ouer him hertly g [OMITTED]
I wend to were þe [OMITTED]
so þat my so [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] þai gan me (win),
(ilka)ne at oþer leue þai toke
and led me home vntill owre in.
for sorow I might speke ne luke,
and al þai murned more and myn.
no wight in werld might write in buke
oure bitter bale þat might noght blin.
Intill a chamber þai gert me go
whare mi dere barn was won to be;
Ion and þe Maudelayn went also,
for no thing wald þai wend fro me.
I wayted obout in ilka wro
bot of my sun kouth I noght se;
omang vs was so mekill wo
þat in swounyg we fell al thre.
Þus war we set in sorows sare,
and out of bale might none vs bring,
til þat we wist how he sold fare
þat was oure conforth ouer althing.
now haue I tald þe of my care,
(wh)at pain I had in his parting;
bot efter I was ful redi þare
to luke efter his vprising”.
(Saint) Bernard said: “my ladi fre,
I thank þe, moder and maiden milde,
þat þou wald þus mene vnto me
(þe) sorow of þe and of þi childe.
(now) am I seker, whare so I be,
(þat) his passioun sal me schilde
(fra þe fend) and his powste,
(and also) fro al werkes wylde.”
(Now, ladi,) for þat mekyll wo
(and þe murn)yg þat þou made omell,
(þe pas)sioun of þi sun also
(& his d)ed so foule and fell,
(lat vs neu)er depart þe fro,
(bot grant vs) euer with [þe] to dwell,
(and heþen owai) when we sall go
(schild vs fro) þe paynes of hell.


2. (R. Rolle's Form of living, in verse).

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

(Ilka man þat bunden es)
(in dedli sin), has (thre wrechednes),
þat bringes þam to þe ded of hell;
and whilk þai er I sal ȝow tell.
Þe first es defaut of gastly strenkith
þat þai sold haue þaire liue to lenkith;
þat mase þam so wayk in al thinges
þat þai may noght gainstand fandinges,
ne þai may noght lift vp þaire will
þe luf of god at ȝerne vntyll.
Þe toþer es vse of flesli syn
and a desire to dwell þare-in,
and for þai haue no will to stand
in lustes er þai lightly falland,
and [in] þaire lustes so will þai lend
many vnto þaire liues end.
Þe thrid wrechednes es chanieing
of lastand gudes for pasand thing,
als when þai leue þe ioy endles
for vaine ioy here þat pasand es.
and if þai turn þam ald or ȝing,
god will ordaine þaire wonyng
with angels and with hali men,
þaire wrechidnes if þai wil ken;
bot for þai folow þe filth of sin
and likes more to lend þarein
þan in þe grete fairehed of heuyn,
both it and þe werld lose þai euyn.
For he þat has noght Ihesu Criste,
al gude thing es fro him rauist;
al creatures sal uengance cry
on him in dome, als es worthi.—
Þir wrechidnes er noght anly
in þam þat luffes here licheri
and glotony and oþer sines
þat þaire luf oft fro god twines:
bot þai er in sum man and wife
þat semes in penance and gude life.
For when þe fende ful of enui
can parcayue here preueli
þat man or woman, ald or ȝing,
wald turn þam vnto gude lifing
and forsake werldly vanite,
a hundereth wiles þan has he
to put þam fro swilk purpose sune,
and ger þam leue yf oght be done;
and so warly oft will he wait
þat þai sal noght se his desayt.
Sum (he desaiues) thurgh þe syn
of erroure þat he puttes þam in;
and sum with singulere wittes here,
when þai think on þis manere,
whare so þai walk by est or west
þat þaire owin wit euer es best,
and þarfore will þai no counsayle
al-if it might þam mekil avayle,
his a wit think him best of all—
þat gers him oft in folis fall;
þis es a stinkand sin of pride,
þat þe fend gers walk ful wide.
Sum he desaiues thurgh vain glori,
þat es idel ioy, als when any
has pride in hert on ill manere
of penance þat þai suffer here,
or els of gude dedes þat þai do,
or uertus þat er gifen þam to;
and er sari when men þam lackes,
and meri when men rose of þam maks;
þam think þaire werkes & þaire gude dedes
fer passes þe lif þat oþer ledes;
þam think þat no man, ald no ȝing,
suld reprehend þam in no thing;
þai despise al sinful men
þat will noght wirk als þai þam ken.
how suld men find more sinful here
þan he þat lifes on þis manere?


and more sinful þarfore he es
þat he wate noght his wrechidnes.
Sum er desayued in lust & liking
of mete and drink outrage taking,
when þai haue grete delite þarin
and wenes þat þai do no syn,
þarfore þai amend þam noght,
and so þai er in bondage broght;
al gude vertus þai put byhind,
in þaire wittes er þai made so blind.
Sum er bigiled thurgh abstinens
fro mete and drink and oþer spens;
þat es desayueing of þe fende
to ger þam faile and þam-self schende,
þat if þai bigin any thing,
þai sall noght bring it to ending;
and þusgat es þaire mede made les
thurgh foli of þaire frawardnes.
Þis gilder þe fende vntill man merkes
when he bigins to luf gude werkes;
he suffers [OMITTED] of hert and (hend)
Þat þai bring no gude werk till end;
he gers þam wene at þai sall do
more þan þai may atteyn vnto,
and gers þam wene þaire werkes er lele,
when þai do harm to þaire saul hele.
For, als þir clerkes may knaw ful euyn,
we haue a lang way vnto heuyn,
and ay when we a gude dede do,
a pase þan mak we heuyn vnto,
and when we think gude thoghtes or pray,
vnto heuen we mak vs way;
þan, if we mak vs here so wayke
þat vs list nowþer lif ne (l)ayke
ne nowþir gude werkes forto wirk
ne forto pray ne go to kirk—
we er so febill we may noght rise
ne be lastand in goddes seruise:
me think we er worthi to blame,
and aght forto think mekill shame,
þat in oure werkes er failand
when we had moste mister to stand.
and sertes it es [noght] goddes will;
þat proues þe prophet by þis scill:
he said, “lord, I sal kepe mi might
vnto þe both day and nyght”—
his meneing was þan on þis wise,
þat he suld maintene goddes seruis
lastandly to his ded-day,
and noght sune waste his strenkith (oway)
and seþin lig waneand by þe waw.
þat es more perill þan we knaw;
Saint Ierom sais, to vnderstand,
þat he makes of rauyn ofrand
þat here will turment his body
fro mete and slepe outrageusly.
And saint Bernard sais þat f(asting)
ne wakeing lettes noght g(astli thing)
bot helpes it in ilk sesoune
if it be done with discrecioune,
and if discrecioun be n(oght) [OMITTED]
þan er þai tald vices al [OMITTED]
Þarfore to pine vs es (na nede)
and þan haue vnth(ank for our dede).
Bot þar er sum me(n þat wenes)
þat þaire life es (noght al þai menes)
bot if þai vse (swa mikil fasting)
þat all (men spek þarof, ald & ȝing):
(bot oft þe mo ioy þai haue þen)
(withow)ten of þe speche of men,
þe les ioy haue þai within
of þe luf of god þat neuer sal blyn.
It war wele more to goddes honore
to sustine þaire bodis in mesure
and forto tak with gude talent
what sustinance so god þam sent,
forto maintene his seruyse,
þan forto wirk on oþer wise,
thurgh penance & ypocrisy
to ger þam be halden haly.
for þe les þat men þaire gudnes neuyn,
þe more it es with god of heuyn.
What helpes it to more or les
to haue þe abit of halines
and be noght so, bot couer pride
and ire and enuy on ilk side,
and hide so many wikked dede
vnder þe clothes of Cristes barnhede?
(A) foul lust es it unparfite
(of) oþer mens wordes to haue delite,
(þat) of oure dedes may deme right noght
namore þan þai may of oure thoght;


(þ)arfore weþer þai say gude or ill,
(a) man sold gif no tent þartill;
(an)d if we hide oure werkes þen
(fro) þe loueing of werldly men,
(þan) will god for oure gudenes
(sche)w vs ioy þat es endles.
(For his) ioy es when alde and ȝing
(has) strenkith to fell þe fendes fanding
(and sekes) no thing forto haue
(bot lu)f of god his saul to saue:
(and þis de)sire of his luf smert
(ay sul)d kyndel in oure hert,
(and þe swetn)es of his grace
(be oure comfo)rt and oure solace.
(Lo þus hau)e I talde here now
[OMITTED] fende decayues & how
(men & women) þat er noght quainte
[OMITTED] be ataynt;
(if þou wil do bi gu)de counsayle
(and folow lare þat mig)ht availe,
(his malis sal turn him til) anoy
(and al his trappis þou sal) destruy.
God suffers þ(e fend to temp gud men)
for þaire profit, als clerkes ken,
þat þai sal be hegher in blis
when [þai] haue ouercumen him and his.
Þe fende on thre wise has powere
forto dwell in a man here:
Ane es, hurtand þe gudes of kind,
als reuand men speche, wit & mynde.
Anoþer es thurgh þe gudes of grace,
þat he makes men in many place
to haue swilk delite and liking
in werldli gudes þat es vain thing
þat þai forget god euer omell
and wendes with þe fende to hell.
Þe thrid maner es, turmentand
a mans body by water or land,
als Iob was turment lifand here
with maladies and sekenes sere.
Bot wit þou wele, for ani gyn
if he may noght temp þe within
nowþer with his worde ne dede,
withowten thar þe noght him drede;
for vnto no man may he greue
ferrer þan god will gif him leue.
Þe fende, als hali writ witnes,
transfigures him in sere liknes:
sum tyme als ane angell of light
tempes he men both day and night,
and hides ill to ald and ȝing
vnder þe liknes of gude thing.
and þat es on two maners done:
Ane es when he at morn or none
egges men till esse of body
and forto kepe þam tenderly;
he sais if þat þaire fless be pinde,
þai may sustyne [noght] wele þaire kinde,
and þat es nede on alkins wise
forto mai[n]tene goddes seruise;
on þis wise makes he vs to think,
bot if we ett wele and wele drink
and lig soft and sit warm,
els may we lightly haue grete harm,
and els till end bese it noght won
þe trauail þat we haue bygun;
þus bringes he men both more & les
to lust and liking of þaire fless.
Anoþer es when he thurg chance
entices vs to grete penance
of gastly gudes, and þusgat sais:
“He þat moste hard life wil lede
for goddes luf, sal haue most mede:
þarfore ett lityl and febil mete,
and thinest drink þat þou may gete,
vse litel slepe, and were þe hayre,
and fast mekill þi fless to payre,
þat þare be none for nokins chance
þat may pass þe in penance”.
þus sais þe fende in þi conciens
to sla þe with grete abstinens,
right als he said þe toþer thing
to sla þe with outrage etting.
and þarfore, if we right lif wald,
a gude mene bihoued vs hald,
þar-thurgh we may gett oure saul bute
and hald oure fless ay vnder fote,
and suffer it to haue strenkith þarto
at serue god als it suld do.
Also oure [enmy] wil noght sese
ne suffer vs here to rest in pese


onightes, when we suld slepe a while:
bot þan he sekes vs to bigile
with uanitese, to mak vs glad,
and sumtyme sightes to mak vs rad
and ger vs lathe with oure awin state—
for al oure febilles wele he wate.
with faire sightes he makkes vs fain
forto ger vs be glad in vaine,
to ger vs wene so þat we er
better þan we may be bi fer.
sumtyme he puttes intil oure mode
þat we er halden hali and gude,
to mak vs proud of oure gude dede
and so to ger vs lose oure mede;
sumtyme he sais we er werst of all,
at gerr vs into wan-hope fall
and so forto di in despaire.
Þus colures he his falshedes faire.
bot god ful kindely wil vs kepe
and saue, wheþer we wake or slepe,
if we rewle vs efter his will,
þat þe fende noght dere vs till.
Þou sinnes noght slepeand, sais þir clerkes,
if þou be wakeand with gude werkes,
withowten outrage of mete and drink,
and euil thoghtes on none wise think.
(Þe fend desayues) [OMITTED]
thurgh dremis þat þai se slepe(and);
and sum dremes gers he sothfast seme,
for þat men sal þarefter deme
and trow þat al dremes þat þai se
on þat wise soth sal funden be,
þan shewes he oþer vnsuthfast thinges,
and so in wrang trowth he men bringes.
And forþi þat none, alde ne-ȝing,
sall be desayued with swilk dremeing,
þarfore I tell, wha will tak ȝeme,
sex maners of dremis may men deme.
and twa maners may nane askape:
þat es with tome wambe if þai slape,
anoþer, ouer-full if þai be—
sum vanitese þan sal þai se
and sightes þat er noght sertayne,
and al es for þaire febill brayne.
þe thrid es desayt and gilri
of þe fende, oure fals enmy.
þe ferth es thoght of werk with hand
and illusiouns þarfore folowand.
þe fift er reuelaciouns of þe haligaste,
and þat es for oure (saul ese) maste.
þe sext es when men er (rau)iste
thurgh thoghtes bifore þat falles to Criste.
on þir maners, wha will tak kepe,
may men dreme when þat þai slepe.
and in so mekill it es worthy
þat men sold set þe les þam by
and trow nowþer til all ne sum,
for we wate noght whareof þai cum,
wheþer þai cum of þe haligaste
or of þe deuil þat deres vs maste;
bot whare men many dremes (ses),
þare er many vanitese.
wharfore men þat kindli wit (can),
right als þai cum so lattes þam [OMITTED]
and lattes þaire hert ay [OMITTED]
als þaire lifing es she [OMITTED]
What helpes to seme ha(li [OMITTED]
and þan oure conciens [OMITTED]?
turn þi hert to god ha(lli)
als it semes þou dose (þi bodi).
þou sal noght say [OMITTED]
þat al er haly þat [OMITTED]
and beres abite [OMITTED]
and with þe [OMITTED]
(ne þou sal noght wene þat al er ill)
(þat) werldly thinges tentes vntill
(& occu)pies þam with trauayle,
(fo)r defaut of fude þat þai noght faile;
Bot þai er haly in al degre,
lered or laude wheþer þai be,
þat werldly gudes can wele despise
and luf god euer on alkins wise,
and settes in god al þaire desyre
and þaire luf brinand als fire,
and couaites noght þat men ma neuyn
bot all anly þe blis of heuyn,
and hates sin with main and mode,
and seses noght of werkes gude,
and in þaire hert feles a swettnes
of þe life þat ay lastand es:
and haldes þam-self werst of all


and þe foulest þat may byfall,
and knawes wele þaire wrechidnes.
þis manere of lifing haly es;
and who so lifes in þis degre,
haly and blisced sal he be.
If þat þou will haue mede in heuyn
(and) be with Cristes apostels euyn,
(think) noght þan what þou forsakes,
(bo)t what þou despises and noght takes.
(þai) forsake so mekill and no les
(þat fo)lowes Criste here in mekenes,
(in char)ite and in pouert
(and in) parfite paciens of hert,
(als þai) mai couait in þaire thoght
[OMITTED] ane þat folowe him noght.
(& þar)fore luf god with gude will,
[OMITTED] (h)as he eghe þartill;
(with grete desir) wha to god tentes
(& offers) þaire praiers in his presence
(& sekes na comforth of) erthly thing
(bot þe blis of heuin) at his ending,
(Crist him reue s)all fro þe fende
(& his werkes) þat him suld shende,
(& als fro lu)stes and likinges
(of fless & blude þat in) him hinges,
(& mak him will na er)thely gude
[OMITTED] þaire mode
(& drede na sorow þat m)ay bifall
þat þai be noght (in þat sesoune)
letted of þaire deuocioune.
Þus mai men se wha will tak ȝeme
how sum er better þan þai seme,
and also sum man wikked es
þat schewes semeing of halines.
And who so will þis lesson lere
and lif þarefter with gude chere,
thurgh help of god þan sal he be
als gude in saul, als forto se.
At þe biginnig enterely
turn þe to god almighty.
and þat es to mene on þis wise:
turn þe fro al couatise
and fro liking and bisines
both of þe werld and of þi fless,
so þat þi hert, þat was dounward
whils þi hert in þe erth was harde,
be vpward now als fire ful euyn,
sekeand þe heghest place in heuyn,
til þi spous whare he beldes in blis,
and ȝeren to won with him & his.
þi hert to god wele turned es
when it forsakes sins more and les
and fleis al felischippes of schrewes,
and confouroms it to gude thewes
and to debonerte and mekenes,
and in goddes loueing lastand es,
and es noght with nonkins strife,
ne irkes noght with hardnes of life.
Bot foure thinges bus him haue in thoght
þat to parfite luf will be broght.
Ane es, of þis life þe mesure,
þat so schort time mai endure,
þat vnnethes es oght forto tell,
for als in a point here we dwell—
þat es þe leste thing þat mai be;
ȝit es oure life wele les to se,
if þat we haue rewarde alway
vnto þat life þat lastes ay.
Anoþer es þe vnsertainte
of oure ending when it sal be;
for we wate neuer when we sal deghe
ne what dole þat we þan sal drighe,
ne we wate neuer into what stede
þat we sal turn when we er dede;
god will lat vs no sertaine se
for þat we suld ay redy be
(in) what e [OMITTED] we [OMITTED]
þus suld a man ay think in thoght.
Þe thrid, þat we acount sal ȝelde
of al oure dedes in ȝowth and elde
bifor Ihesu, þe domes-man dere,
and of al þe time þat we had here,
and what oure bisines has bene.
for þare sal all þe soth be sene;
al euil dedes þat we here hid
sal þare plainly be knawen & kyd,


and what gude werkes we might haue wroght
when we war ydell and did noght.
þarfore þe prophet sais sertayne:
“Lorde, þou has calde þe time ogayne,
to wreghe vs of oure wikkednes
in al oure lifing more and les”.
for ilkaday þat god has send
in his seruise forto despend,
in wikked werkes if we it waste,
þarfore in bale we mun be braste
and by it dere on domesday,
bot if we mend it whils we may;
and al þe time we waste to noght
whils god es al-out of oure thoght.
þarfore on him we suld think ay,
and also on þat dredeful day.
Þe ferth thing folowand es þis:
forto think what ioy and blis
þat þaire hertes er to rauiste
þat lendes in þe luf of Criste
lastandly ai whils þai lif,
and al þaire hertes vnto him gif;
for þai sal be, als clerkes ken,
breþer with angels and hali men,
in heuyn whare þai sall plainly se
god in his grete maieste.
þat sight ouer all es souerayn blis,
and þareof sal þai neuer mis;
it sal be to þam mete and drink
and all þat þai will efter think.
þare sal be more ioy þam omell
þan ani man with tong mai tell;
and to þat welth wele mai þai win
þat here will kepe þam clene of sin.
Also to think with gude entent
what sorow and care and hard turment
þat þai sal haue withowten ende,
þe sinfull þat to hell sall wende,
(þat lufed noght god whils) þai liued here
bot filed þaire thoght with folies sere,
als pride and ire and oþer syn.
þarfore in bale-fire sal þai brin,
þat es in þe fire of hell,
with deuils þat þarein sal dwell;
for þai sal dwell ay with þe fende
right als gudemen with god sal lende.
Þarfore luf god, als I said are,
with all þi might and main euermare;
and lat þi luf ay in him stand
and more and more ay be waxand,
and bigin þi luf so lawe
þat þou may ai god better knawe,
and set þi luf so sad in him
þat þou may euermore upward clim;
and noght bigin so highe thurgh ruse
and cum dounward, als sum men dose
þat ouer-grete penance wil bigin
þat þai may noght til ending win,
wharfore þai fail in goddes seruise—
wha wirkes þus þai er noght wise.
þi merit mai be neuer þe les
if þou do noght so grete destrese
vnto þi fles, at ger it faile;
bot kepe þe klene, es my counsaile,
and vmthink þe at morn and none
to luf god more þan þou has done;
þan sal þi luf be more and more,
and þi mede ay waxand þarfore.
He þat here will leli lyf
and his luf all to god gif,
stabilly sall he vnderstand
þir foure thinges þat er folowand:
Ane es what thing files a man;
anoþer what thing clenses (him þan);
þe thrid when þat he clensed es,
what thing þan haldes him (in clennes);
þe ferth what thing may a (man bring)
at ordain him to goddes li(king).
For þe first, what files a (man),
may men knaw wele [OMITTED]
þat we sin on ma(ners thre)
and makes oure sau(les foule to be);
þus er þai talde who (wil take hede):
with hert, with (mouth, and with dede).
Þe sins of hert (er þir) [OMITTED]
ill thoghtes [OMITTED]
(wik)ed will and yre in hert to hald for rose.
and to haue ill suspecioune,
and pray with-owten deuocioune.


and if þi hert euer ydel be
with-outen werkes of charite,
and void withowten swete sauoure
of þe luf of god oure creature.
ill drede, ill luf to ald or ȝing.
all errour and al ill trowing.
ioy of oþer mens ill fare,
and sorow if þai in welthes ware.
to despise pure men more or les,
to honore þe riche for þaire riches.
despite of sinful þat we se,
and ioy of werldli vanite.
vntholemodnes oure soueraines to.
and dout of dedes þat er to do—
for what we sold do suld we knaw
and nowþer lett for luf ne awe.
noy in hert forto do gude.
anger at serue with milde mode
(god &) þam þat we suld vntill.
and sorow we haue done namore ill,
and þat we haue noght fulfild sone
(wi)kkednes þat we might haue done.
(and) vnstabilnes of thoght.
(pini)ng with penance if we do oght.
(ypoc)risi in goddes seruise.
(drede) ill doers to despise(!).
(shame) of gude dedes, ioy of ill.
(singul)ere wit with-owten scill.
(couaiti)se of dignite,
(or to be) halden of gude degre,
(or rich, or to) be halden faire,
(or strang) oure enmies forto payre.
(vain glori) forto haue in mynde
(of gudes of) grace or gudes of kinde.
(forto haf) shame of simpil frendes,
(& prid of ri)che þat with vs wendes;
(for fre ilike) al sall we be
(bifor þe face of gods mageste),
(bot if our dedis) mak vs were
(or els better þan oth)er err.
(also despite of gud) counsaile
(and teching þat vs might) auayle.
[OMITTED] pouert
Þe sins of mouth er, (if þou fraine):
to swere grete athes & oft in vaine.
to sklander Crist or oþer vs by.
to neuyn his name vnreueren[t]li.
vnsothfast schrift þat es noght clere.
grocheing to god for angers here
or tribulacioun, þat er send
till vs for we oure mis suld mend.
to pray [to] god in his presens
with-owten deuocioun and reuerens.
bakbiteing. flatering. and lesing.
missaying. werying. and defamyng.
sawing of discord. and tresoun.
and fals witnes in feld and toune.
ill counsail. scorn. vnbowsumnes.
to say thing es gude þat ill es,
or forto say þe thing es ill
þat men dose wele and with gude will—
for we suld lap oure negburs dede
ay in þe best, for þaire moste spede.
to excite oþer men vnto
swilk dedes als þai dar noght do,
forto ger þam be halden wer
efter þat þa dedes err.
oþer men forto myssay
for werkes þat we do ilkaday.
with mekill speche oure heuid to breke,
or mani ydell wordes to speke.
and als of wordes faire polising,
to mak þam soth þat es lesing.
and in oure sinyng fals defens.
crying & laghing with no reuerens.
forto mak mowes on ani men.
sanges of lust to sing and ken,
or more for mens luf forto sing
þan for Criste þat knawes al thing.
to prais ill dedes with karping kouth—
al swilk er cald þe sins of mowth.
Þir er þe sins þat falles in dede,
als þai er set on raw to rede:
als glotoni, and licheri,
and dronkenhede, and symony.
wichecrafte. breking of halidays.
and sacrilage by any ways.
to resayue goddes body in sin,
and als forto [lig] lang þarin.
Brekeing of vowes þat er made right.
and ydell saying in goddes sight.
(to) gif en(sampil of il) life.


sakles to greue ouþer man or wife,
or forto ger þam haue il name
or forto lose of þaire gude fame.
Thift. rauin. vsure. decayt,
lesinges and lithernes to layt.
gladli forto herkin yll.
to gif oure gudes harlottes untill.
to reue oure bodis nedful wage,
or els at vse vs till outrage.
to bigin any thing ouer might.
custum to do ill day or night.
also feyning of halynes,
rosing of thing þat noght oures es,
to hald vs fayrer or wiser
þan oþer, when we er wele wer.
forto tak any charge vs to
þat we er vnabill to do.
to wreth vs lightly als vnwise.
and also to bring vp new gise.
to be ouer rebell vnto seruandes,
to do noght als soueraines cumandes.
forto do sin here in oure liue
thurgh any of oure wittes fiue:
In sight, in hereing, or in smelleing,
in handes towcheing, or in tasting;
in giftes gifing, or quant saiinges,
in gilry or in sutyle signes,
vnlefful thing to resayue parchance—
for of sins er þir circumstance(!).
and þar er circumstance wele ma,
als time, stede, maner alswa,
nowmber, person, and dwelling,
eld, and degre, and cunyng;
þir makes þe sin more or les,
efter þe condicioun es.
also to sin forto be boune
or a man fele temptacioune;
or ani bowrding to bygin
at make occasioun vnto sin.
Þir er þe sins þat falles in dede,
and mani ma if men tak hede.
Sins of omiscioun I sall say sone,
þat es, leueing of gudes vndone,
when ani leues þat þai suld do
or reklesli tentes noght þarto:
noght thinkand on god þat sese all,
ne of þe mede þat þarfore sold fall,
or th(ankand him noght of) his gudes
þat he vs lenes here more and les.
or duse noght here oure dedes ilkane
þat gude er, for goddes luf allane.
to sorow noght here for oure sin.
to dispose vs noght grace to win,
or þat kepes noght þe gift of grace
or vses ill in any place.
forto confourum noght his will
goddes liking forto fulfill.
vntill prayers noght forto bow,
bot rabill on and rek neuer how.
or will noght enforce þam to fulfill
thing þat þai haue avowed vntill,
or bunden by sum sertaine poynt,
or els for penance es enioynt.
to draw on lenkith þat suld be sone.
or haue no ioy of gude dedes done
vntill oure neghburs þat er knawen,
als we wald haue of oure awn.
noght sorowand of oþer mens ill fare,
frendes or fase wheþer þai ware.
noght standand if temptaciuns rise.
noght forgifand al oure enmise.
noght kumforthand neghburs in care,
als we wald þai till vs ware.
noght ȝeldeand þam þat vs gude wins.
to let noght þam we se vse sins.
striueinges noght to stint and stere.
and vnkonand men noght to lere.
noght forto cumforth on oure wise
þam þat er seke and may noght (rise),
or help þam noght þat er broght (in wa)
thurgh pouert, or prest, in pres(on alswa).
Þir sins, and oþer þat er (mare),
makes men foul als I said are,
and þai er vsed of ȝong (and ald)
on thre maners als I (ȝow tald).
Ogaines þa thre m(ai help vs win)
oþer thre thinges þat (clenses of sin).
First ogains þe sin of (thoght)
es sorow of hert parf(itli wroght),
þat es, to rew oure s(ins sare),
and be in will to sin (no mare),
and for for sorow of [OMITTED]


put out al ioing [OMITTED]
so þat oure [OMITTED]
ne oure h [OMITTED]
(Þe toþer, ogains þe sin of mouth,)
(es) trew schrift, forto mak kowth
(al) sins done with oure body;
and [þat] sal be done hastily
with-owten any lang delaying;
and naked with-owten excusing;
and all hale & noght sunder tane,
als sum þat telles sum sins till ane
and sum till anoþer, als we gess
forto mak þaire penance les,
or els þat haldes oght in þe tayle—
swilk schrift sal þam nothing availe.
Þe thrid, of satisfaccioun may rise;
and þat es done opon thre wise:
in fasting, prayers, and almusdedes—
noght (anly to gif) pouer men þat nedes
mete & drink to þaire releues,
bot to forgif þam þat þe greues
and pray for þam with gude entent
þat god bring þam vnto mendement,
and enfourom both ald and ȝing
(þat) er in poynt of perising.
He þat clennes more wil kepe,
within his hert to goddes wurschipe
(it) bus kepe on maners thre;
I sal þe tell how þat sall be.
(Ane) es waker thoght and stabill,
(þat) he to god be euermore abill.
(An)oþer es besines to ȝeme
(þi fiue) wittes als best will seme,
(so þat) ilkone in his degre
(be rewli)de als him aw to be
(& wickid) stiringe þat in þam es
(be closed cle)ne out of þi fless.
(Þe thrid es) forto be ay boune
(till honest oc)upaciowne
(in gude ded)es of charite,
(& þat þou neu)ermore ydel be,
[OMITTED] l..fing.
(Clennes of mouth bus keped) be
[OMITTED] (on) maners thre:
[OMITTED] (t)hoght
[OMITTED] (spe)ke oght,
[OMITTED] nayd.
Anoþer es þis, (als I þe teche),
to be noght ouermekil (of speche);
for he þat mikell carpand is
sum tyme sall he say omis.
Þe thrid es þat þou for no thing,
ne for no mekenes, mak lesing
on þi-self ne on none els,
bot luke it be trew þat þou telles.
Clennes of werk with ald and ȝing
of thre thinges also has kepeing:
Ane es assiduele thoght of ded
þat maystris makes in mani a stede,
and on his paynes þat er so (fell)
and more þan any man mai tell;
for þus men heres þe wiseman say:
“vmthink þe, man, of þi last day,
how þou out of þis werld sal twin,
and þan, he says, þou sal noght syn”.
Anoþer: he þat clennes will kepe
byhoues fle all ill felaghschipe,
þat more ensampill will to him neuyn
to luf þe werld þan god of heuyn,
and more to luf esse of bodi
þan forto plese god almighty.
Þe thrid es right disrecioune
to ete and drink yn gude musoune,
þat it pas noght right ordinance
ne want of skilwis sustinance;
for both es demid to ane ending,
outrage, and ouer-mikell fasting;
for nowþer es till goddes pay—
þat will sum noght wene by no way.
if þou tak sustinance of swilk gude
als god þe sendes vnto þi fode,
and out-tak no maner of mete
þat cristen men vses fortill ette,
and vse mesure in ilkadele
and ett and drink: þan dose þou wele;
on þat maner did Crist him-selue
(in) erth here, and his apostels twelue.


Bot if þou in þi-seluen se
þat þou haue strenkith & stalworth be
in goddes seruise to pray and wake,
and þou will fast þan for goddes sake,
so þat þou no faintise fele
to serue god þan dose þou wele;
and if þou fast vntill þou fayle,
þou sins and it sal noght availe.
(For wit þou wele þat rightwi)snes
nowþer in etting ne fasting es,
bot if þou tak here with gude hert
illike both riches and pouert,
hunger, nede, catell to lese
als gladli als delices and dayntese;
if þou tak al þir ilyke wele,
and loue god euer of ilkadele,
and gruche noght for nokin thing,
þan ertou rightwis in lifing.
Also ȝit may men forþer knawe
oþer thre thinges, þat will vs draw
forto confourme all oure will
goddes liking forto fulfill.
Ane es ensampill of halimen
þat lely lifed, als clerkes ken,
þat war ententyue night & day
at serue god euer vnto pay,
and to luf him with al þaire might
and to drede him both day & night.
þarfore now er þai hegh in heuyn,
in more mirth þan men may neuyn;
and if we folow here þaire trace,
we sal won with þam in þat place.
Anoþer es gudenes of god allane,
þat al lufes and despises nane
bot gladli takes and with gude will
al þat in time will turn him till,
and his mercy will to vs bede
als oft-siþes als we haue nede,
and hamlier he will vs take
what time so we oure sin forsake,
and angels of vs er more glad,
þan ani frende þat euer we had;
þan aght vs forto be ful fayne
at gif oure willes to god ogaine.
Þe thrid es noteful forto neuyn,
þat es, for endles ioy in heuyn,
þat es gretter & more plente
þan eres may here or eghen se
or hertes think or tonges tell—
wele es þam þat þare may dwell;
and þat has god al hallely hight
vnto al þa þat lufes him right
and honors him in stede and stall.
vnto þat blis he bring vs all.

3. Spiritus Guydonis.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Saint Michael goddes angell (clere),
and saint Austin þe doctur dere,
and oþer maisters mare & myn,
sais þat men grete mede may wyn


and nameli clerkes þat can of lare,
if þai þaire cunyng will declare
vnto þe laude men þat can les,
and namely thinges þat nedeful es,
þe whilk may ger þam sese of sin
and help þam vnto heuin at win.
And saint Paul Cristes apostell dere
sais till vs on þis manere:
all þat þir clerkes in bukes rede
er wretin anely for mans mede,
so þat men may ensaumpill take
to saue þaire saules and sins forsake
and lede þaire liues more and les
als haly bukes beres witnes.
And for þat god of his grete grace
will þat his pople in ilka place
trow in thinges þat er to cum,
als in ded and þe day of dome,
and how ilk man sall haue his mede,
be saued or dampned efter þaire dede:
þarfore he schewes ensamples sere
on þis molde omang vs here,
to ger vs in oure trowth be stabill
and lif in faith with-owten fabill,
and so he will vs wisely wis
at kepe vs clene and cum to blis.
Þarfore who so will lyke to lere,
a soth ensampill sall ȝe here
how it byfell byfor þis day;
and þarfore beres it wele oway.
It bifell in a faire sesowne,
efter Cristes incarnaciowne
a thowsand winter, be ȝe bald,
and thre hunderet, als clerkes (tald),
and þarto thre and twenti (ȝer),
þan byfell on þis maner.
In Alexty þat nobil towne,
þat threti mile es fro Ba(ioune),
þe XII. kalend, als clerk(es tell),
of decembre, als þan (bifell):
A gude buriace þ(at hight Gy)
in þat same (cete gan dy);
(and when þe bodi in graue was laid),
(vnto þe) saul slike grace was (graide),
(vn)-till his wife it went ogayne
and schewed hir porcioun of his paine;
he did hir dole both day and night,
bot of him might scho haue no sight;
and in hir chamber oft might sho here
mikil noyse and hidos bere,
and oft scho was so rugged and rent
þat for sorow sho was nere shent.
þus was scho turment in þat stede
egtene(!) dayes efter þat he was dede,
and scho ne wist noght weterly
wheþer it war þe gaste of Gy
or it war funding of sum fende
þat so pursuyd hir forto shende.
Þarfore sone efter opon a day
vnto þe freres scho toke þe way
þat prechures war in þat cete,
(we)le lifand men of gude degre,
and to þe prior gan scho tell
all þis ferly how it bifell,


(i)n saint Iohn day þe euangeliste,
þe thrid day efter þe birth of Criste;
(þan) tald scho þe prior lest & maste
(how) sho was greued with þat gaste
(and) how scho was sted in þat stede
(sen) þe tyme þat hir lord was dede;
(“Sir), scho said, right wele hope I
(þat it) be þe spirit of Gy;
(& in) þat chamber moste es he
(whar) mi lord was won to be,
(& in) þat bed will he noght blin
(þat) mi lord and I lay in”.
(and þan) scho said with simpel chere:
[OMITTED] r I namore cum nere,
[OMITTED] ȝe me cownsaile
(what best) might in þis case auaile”.
(When þe prior) had herd þis case,
[OMITTED] in his hert he mase,
[OMITTED] noght be affrayde,
[OMITTED] (þu)s he sayde:
[OMITTED] (dr)ede þe noght,
[OMITTED] þe boght.
[OMITTED] in þi minde
[OMITTED] g mankinde
[OMITTED] clerkes
[OMITTED] werkes
and wele I hope [OMITTED]
ordain sum point [OMITTED] profe
and schew omang his seruandes dere
to þaire helping als men sal here;
and þarfore, dame, gif þe noght ill,
bot be right blith, and hald þe still.
vnto my breþer I will a space
to ask þaire counsail in þis case;
for omang many witty men
sum gude kounsayl may men ken,
and sekerer may it so be tane
þan of a man by him allane.
þarfor, he said, dame, hald þe here,
and vnto god mak þi praiere;
for lang sall I noght fra þe dwell”.
Þan gert he ring þe chapetil bell
to geder þe couent al togeder;
and hastily when þai come þeder,
he declared þam al þis case
als þe woman said it wase,
and praied þam forto tell him to
þarof what þam thoght best to do.
Þan ilka man sais his avise
and laytes whare moste medcin lise;
and graythly þan with gude entent
þai ordaynd by þaire aller assent
þat þe Pryor sone suld ga,
and with him oþer maisters twa,


þe tone maister of geomettri(!)
and þe toþer of philisophi,
samen sold þai wende al thre
vnto þe mayre of þat cete
and tell þis same tale him vntill,
and pray him, if it war his will,
þat he wald vouche-safe forto send
sum sertain men with þam to wend
to Gy hows þat was newli ded,
to se þa wonders in þat stede
and to bere witnes of þaire dede,
and to mayntene þam, if it war nede.
and þus þai did with al þaire maine;
þe woman was þareof ful fayne.
Sune when þe maire had herd þis thing,
twa hundreth men he bad forth bring,
and armed þam fra top to ta,
and bad þam with þe Prior ga
and baldely do what he wald bid.
and als he demid right so þai did.
(Þe prior þan bad þam al) bidene
þat þai sulde be schreuen clene
and here mes with deuocioune,
and seþen baldli mak þam boune.
And of Requiem he sang a mes—
for cristen saules it ordand es;
and þarin made minde of Gy
and prayed for him ful specialli,
and þat god suld gif þam grace
forto haue knawing in þat case;
and efter mes þan wald howseld he
al þe men þat wald howseld be,
for þat þe fende suld þam noght fere
ne in þaire dedes do þam no dere.
Þe prior þan ful preuely
in a buste toke goddes body
vnder his gere with gude entent—
bot no man wist þat with him went.
He and þe men and þe maisters twa
to Gies hows þan gan þai ga,
and þe wife went with þam in-fere,
sighand with ful simpil chere.
Þe armed men þan ordand he
al obout þe hows to be
wele vmset on ilka side,
to se what auentures wald bitide,
sum in window, and sum in dore,
with wapins þat war strang & store,
and sum in gardines gert he lig,


& sum in bretice obout þe rig;
and euer in ilka place thre,
in takining of þe trinite.
and when þai war þus sett obout,
þe prior bad þam haue no dout.
He enterd þan in þat place,
and his twa breþer with him gase,
and þir wordes þan he saide in hi:
Pax sit huic domui,
þat es in inglis þus to say:
“pese be to þis hows alway”.
to chamber he went with-outen rest,
and haliwater obout he kest,
with vidi aquam; þan said he þus:
Veni creator spiritus,
with þe colet þat sal efter cum:
Deus qui corda fidelium,
askand help of þe haly gaste
al wikkednes oway to waste;
(hali)water eftsones kest he
and said asperges me domine.
Þan cald he þe wife with-outen mare,
and sho com wepeand wonder sare;
he said: “dame, teche me to þe stede
and to bed ware Gy was dede”.
Þe woman was ful mased and mad,
scho trembild þan so was scho rad,
for care hir hert bigan to calde;
bot to þe bed sone scho him talde;
and in hir wa so als scho was,
scho said: “Sir prior, or ȝe pas
I prai ȝow for mending of me
and als in dede of charite
þat ȝe wald bid sum hali bede
and mak ȝowre prayers in þis stede
for his saul þat was husband here”;
and when scho had said on þis manere,
down scho fell als scho wald dy,
opon a noþer bed þar-bi,
for dole and wa scho wex al wan.
and þan þe prior þus bigan
and said: dominus vobiscum,
his breþer answerd all and sum;
And efter þan he said onone
þe first godspell of saint Ione,
In principio clerkes it call;
when þat was said, þan sat þai all
opon a burd þe bed biside,
and said þe seruise in þat tyde
þat for þe ded aw for to be,
Placebo with þe dirige;
and efter laudes þai said in hi
seuen spalmes with þe letany.
and agnus dei when þai said (thrise),
þai herd ane answer on þis (wise),
a febill voyce þare might (þai ken)
als of a childe, saiand amen.


þarfore þai war all ful a(ffrayd).
and þan þe prior þusga(te said):
“I coniore þe, þou creat(ure),
in þe vertu of oure (saueure),
þat es a god of mig(htes mast),
fader and sun and h(ali gast),
þat was and es [OMITTED]
þat þou me ans(wer) [OMITTED]
and tell me [OMITTED]
als fer als [OMITTED]
(It answe)rd hym on þis manere:
“(Syr) prior, aske sune what þou will,
and I sal tell it þe vntill
als fer als I haue might or minde
or als I may haue leue by kinde”.
Þis ilk voice þan herd þai all
þe armed men obout þe hall,
and in þai come ful fast rinand,
ilkone with wapin in þaire hand,
for wele it was in þaire trowing
þat þai suld se sum gastely thing.
bot neuer-þe-lese þare saw þai nane
ne noght herd bot a voyce allane.
Þe prior bad þai suld stand still,
& þus he spak þe voyce vntill:
“Whether ertou ane ill gaste or a gude?”
Þe voyce answerd with eger mode
and said: “Sir, I am a gude gaste;
þat may I proue þe here in haste.
for hali writ þus beres wittnes:
when god had made both more & les,
(he luk)ed his werkes in ilka wane
(and) þai war wonder gude ilkane.
(al werkes) er gude þat he gan ma,
(and) sen þat I am ane of þa,
(a gu)de gast I am forþi
(al) for my maker souerainly.
(þarf)ore may þou haue in minde
(þat I) am a gude gaste by kinde.
(Bot I a)m euyl for mine euil dede,
(& þar)fore haue I payn to mede”.
(Þe prior) answerd him in hy
(and said): “Þou sais noght sothfastly;
(þat may I proue) þe here in haste.
(þou sais þou ert) ane euil gaste
(for þe pain)es þat þou has here;
[OMITTED] þis manere:
[OMITTED] (g)ude, þat proue I þe,


[OMITTED] gude degre
[OMITTED] onis sin
[OMITTED] ld noght blin
[OMITTED] goddes will
[OMITTED] ht ill
[OMITTED] þarby”.
by iugement and [OMITTED]
for euil dedis þat þai did here;
bot neuer-þe-les þe pain es ill
to þam þat it es gifen vntill.
so es mine ill to me allane,
for me it pines and oþer nane.
and sen I haue swilk euyl payne
for mi sins, als es sertayne,
ane euill spirite men may cal me,
vntill time þat I clensed be
of euil þat I haue done”.
Þan al þus said þe prior sone:
“Tell vs apertly, or þou pas,
whilk mans spirite þat þou was”.
Þe voice answerd to him in hy
and said: “I am [þe] spirit of Gy,
þe whilk ȝe wate was newly dede
and was husband here in þis stede”.
Þe prior said: “Þan wele I finde
by reson þat þou ert vnkinde,
þat þou makes slike sclander & strife
vnto Gies bodi and to his wife.
for ay whils Gy was lifand man,
ful rightwis was he halden þan
and trew in faith, of nobill fame,
and his wif was halden þe same;
and for þir meruailes þat þou mase
now will men say in ilka place
þat Gy was man of wikked life
and þarfore turmentes he his wife;
for laud folk in ilka land
sais euyll men er oft walkand.
and Gy was halden gude alway,
wharfore þou ert vnkind, I say”.
Þe voice answerd þan als him thoght
and said: “vnkinde ne am I noght
nowþer to mi wif ne to my bodi.
enchesun sal I say þe why,


by sause þat þou sal noght forsake,
for swilk a scill here I þe make.
if þou had gifen a man to were
kote or hode or oþer gere,
and he þat so þi cote had tane
wald suffer for þi luf allane
in gude and ill to lif and dy,
war he noght kinde to þe forþi?”
Þe prior said: “ȝis, for sertayne”.
and þan answerd þe voyce ogayne
& said: “(right so bi me bifell).
here in þis erth wils I gan dewell,
of Gy I toke none oþer thing
bot his cors vnto my clething;
and þat cors þat I dedli call,
gert vs both in folies fall,
and for þe wikkednes þat it wroght
am I in all þir bales broght,
and his doing was ilkadele;
als haly writ witnes ful wele
and sais þat liking here of fless
contrari vnto þe saule es.
and if I sufferd noght þis payne,
Gyes bodi and als his saul sertaine
sul suffer paine with-outen ende
in fire of hell with mani a fende.
For ilka man both more and myn
sall suffer penance for þaire syn
ouþer in þis erth whare þai dwell,
or els in purgari, or in hell;
and ilka man might better here
suffer pain thurgh seuen ȝere
als mekill als ani man suffer may,
þan in purgatori a day;
and a day here to suffer care
may of a ȝere relese him þare.
Gyes bodi has now no skathe
and I am pined to saue vs bathe;
and efter when we cum to blis,
what ioy so I haue sall be his,
for bath togeder sall be þan
bodi and saul of ilka man.
and sen I haue þir paines grim
noght anly for me bot for him,
till he of all filthes be finde,
þan am I noght [to] him vnkinde.
And, sir Prior, also þou sais
þat I of Gy suld sclander rais.
þat will I answer on þis wise
and say þat I ger no sclander rise.
for þat es sklander kindely kend
þat sownes in ill or has ill end;
wha so it dose mun dere aby,
for haly writ sais weterly
Vnto þat man sall wa be wroght
thurgh wham sclander first vp es broght.


and all if answer þus for Gy
I do to him no vilany.
my spekeing es all for his spede
þat I haue neuynd to ȝow his nede,
and als my speche may gretly gayn
till oþer saules þat suffers payn.
and þat may þou þi-seluen se:
for mani folk of þis cete
cums to þis hows ful hastily,
and ilkone pray þai fast for Gy
þat god deliuer him out of care,
als þou and þi breþer did are;
and in þaire praiers þat þai say,
for al cristen saules þai prai,
and þe prayers þat men makes for ane
may help to oþer saules ilkane.
And also þai þat er on liue
sall suner of þaire sins þam schriue
and gif þam vnto penance hard,
þat þai be noght pined efterward
als I am pined now for my plight
þat Gy amended noght whils he might.
I say I sklander noght forþi
nowþer Gyes wife ne his body,
bot all þir sauwes þat I say now
er for þaire honore and for þaire prow”.
Þe Prior said: “þan ask I þe
how any man may euill be
when he es ded, sen þat he was
schreuen clene or he gan pas,
and was in will gude werkes to wirk
and ended in trowth of haly kirk
and had his sacramentes ilkane?”
Þe voice answerd sone onane
and said: “þat men may euyl be
on two maners, þat proue I þe,
when þai er ded and heþin gane.
þat may on þis maner be tane:
for þai er ill whare so þai wend,
þat dampned er, with-owten end;
and þai er euill for sertayn (space)
þat suffers pains in any p(lace)
for þaire sins, þat es to sai
till tyme þat it be wasted (owai).
þis same right in mi [OMITTED]
for I was schreuen [OMITTED]
ȝit am I euill, þis es [OMITTED]
till I haue sufferd [OMITTED]
For als men [OMITTED]
clerkes sais [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] here [OMITTED] syn was.
(þar)fore fully it suffices noght
forto be schreuen in will and thoght,
bot if men may in dede fulfill
þe penance þat es gifen þam till;


for þat þai do noght or þai dy,
sall fulfillde be in porgatory;
and a day þare to suffer paine
semes als a ȝere here for sertayne.
þarfore es gude þat men þam schriue,
and suffer penance in þaire liue”.
Þe Prior þan of him gan craue
if þat he wist oght wha war saue
or whilk men war dampned bidene,
in þe stedes whare he had bene.
Þe voyce answerd sone þartill
and sayd: “it es noght goddes will
þat I suld swilk thinges ascri;
I will þe say encheson why.
all þat in purgatori er dwelland
to blis of heuin er þai ordand,
þarfore þam au nothing to say
bot þat þai may warand alway.
and þe soth of þis may no man tell
bot he had bene in heuyn and in hell
and sene what sorow es in þe tane,
and ioy in þe toþer þat neuer bese gane;
(þu)s in þam bath wha so had bene,
(might) say þe soth als he had sene.
(and) sen I am þe gaste of Gy
(and) suffers pain in purgatori,
(pain)es in hell may I noght se—
(I was) neuer þare ne neuer sal be;
(and to he)uin may I noght win
(till I be clen)sed clene of sin;
(þarfor þe) soth may I noght say
(wha sal be saue)d or damned for ay”.
(Þe prior sai)d: “þou ert noght stabill,
(bot a spirit) fals and desayueabill,
[OMITTED] noght here,
[OMITTED] þis manere.
[OMITTED] kes k[n]awe
[OMITTED] in þe ald lawe
[OMITTED] resowne
[OMITTED] oune
[OMITTED] (incar))nacioune,
in Mari þe mayden milde of mode;
and als þai talde in mani a stede
how he in erth suld suffer dede,
and of his rising talde þai right:
and ȝit þai saw him neuer in sight.


And sen þai war men bodily
and said slike thinges thurgh prophecy
and kend þe folk how þai might knaw
swilk thing als þai neuer saw,
of more force þan thinkes me
a clene spirit, als þou suld be,
sold haue more might swilk thinges to tell
þan þai þat lifed in fless and fell;
and þan aght þe to wit by þis
whilk er in bale and whilk in blis”.
Þe voyce answerd to him in haste
and said: “forsoth þir wordes er wast;
I may wele proue þe in þis place,
it es no liknes þat þou mase
by-twix prophetes þat standes in stori,
and saules þat er in purgatori.
Þe prophettes had, whils þai wond here,
of god and of his angels clere
and of gift of þe haly gaste
al þaire maters leste and maste
þat þai might tell and preche ouerall
byfore als it sold efter fall;
swilk grete grace was gifen þam till,
and all was for þis sertayn scill:
for laud folk in ilka land
by þaire steuyns might vnderstand
and better trow how Criste was born,
by saus þat þai had said biforn;
for sen þaire saus fra god war sent,
men sal þam trow with gude entent.
And I am set for sertaine space,
to time þat god will grante me grace,
þus for my sins to suffer paine,
and, sir, I say þe for sertayne
þat I may now none angels se
bot þam þat has kepeing of me,
and to me will þai tell right noght
till I out of mi paines be broght.
Þarfor I may noght say sertaine
whilk er in ioy or wlik in payne”.
Þan said þe Prior sone onane:
“right in þi saus þou sall be tane.
(þou) sais no spi(rit mai sai to) me
whilk saules sal saued or dampned be;
and bukes beres witnes, be balde,
þat fendes sum tyme to men has talde
and said þe soth haly bydene
of þam þat saued or dampned has bene”.
Þe voice answ[e]rd and said ogayne
þat no spirite þat dwelles in paine
ne none of fendes þat er in hell
may haue no power forto tell


ne any thing to man at neuyn
þat toches to preuetes of heuyn,
bot it [be] thurgh goddes sufrance,
or oþer angels þam tell thurgh chance;
and vnto me þai tell no thing,
þarfore I may noght haue knawyng
of heuinly blis how it es þare;
ne in hell how þe fendes fare.
bot saules þat þare sall suffer pyne,
þaire penance es wele more þan mine;
for I haue hope to cum till blis,
and þareof sall þai euer mis.
þarfore es no liknes to tell
bitwix me and þe paines of hell”.
Þan said þe Prior: “I pray þe now,
tell me in what stede ertou”.
Þe voice answerd and sayd in hy:
“I am here in purgatori”.
Þan said þe Prior: “proued þou hase
þat purgari es in þis place;
for if þat þou be pyned here
þan may so oþer saules in fere;
and þare whare saules be purged sall,
purgatori men may þare call.
þarfore by þir saues þat þou sais
purgatori es þare always”.
Þan said þe voice on þis manere:
“Sir, þare er purgatories sere:
Ane es comun to more and les,
and departabill anoþer es”.
Þe prior said: “now se I wele
þat þou ert fals in ilkadele.
a saul may noght in a time ga
forto be pyned in places twa,
for whils he sall be in þe tane,
of þe toþer he may haue nane.
In a stede bihoues him suffer paine”.
Þan said þe voice: “þis es sertayne.
I am now (pined, þis) es na fabill,
in purgatory departabill
ilka day, als god vowches saue;
bot oþer paynes byhoues me haue,
for ilka night bihoues me
in comun purgatory pined be,
forto suffer paynes sare
with oþer sawles þat dwelles þare”.
Þe pryor sayd þan: “can þou ges
in what stede comun purgatory es
whare paine es [to] saules puruaide?”
Þe spirite answerd þan and said:


“in middes of al þe erth ful right
es comun purgatori dyght,
and þare es pain ordand for vs”.
And þe Prior answerd þus:
he said, “me think bi alkins ways
it may noght be suth þat þou says.
þe middes of erth es a sertaine space,
and þe purgatori a noþer place,
and twa stedes may noght be in ane.
þarfore me think þou has mistane;
if purgatori whare sawles dwelles
war in middes erth als þou telles,
twa stedes in ane þan bud be þare,
and þat saltou se neuermare.
þarfore so es it noght arrayd”.
Þe voyce þan answerd sune and said
þat places er ordand ful rathe
bodily and gastly bathe.
“a saul es gastly, and forþi
it ocupies no stede bodily,
þat es to say by it allane,
when mans bodi þarfro es tane.
þis ilk how[s] als þou may se
haldes both þi saul and þe,
and ȝit here er noght stede(s twa).
and hereby may þou se als(wa)
how haile and raine & sle(t & snaw)
er in þe ayre klerely to (knaw),
and ilkone has his cours [OMITTED]
so es þat place whare [OMITTED]
Þe Prior said: “tell vs (now mare)
whi þat þou ert pin(ed þare)
more þan in anoþer (stede),
sen þe tyme (þat þou was dede)”.
Þe voice answ(erd [OMITTED]:
“for in þis [OMITTED]
(& made no) penance in mi liue;
þarfore here sall I penance haue
for þat sin till I be saue”.
Þe Prior said: “now, if þou can,
tell vs what thing moste noyes man,
wit paynes of ded when he es tane”.
Þe voice answerd and said onane
þat vgly sightes sall moste him dere
of foule fendes þat him sal fere;
“ful many sall obout him be


defigured all in foule degre,
and grisly sall þai grin & gnaiste,
out of þaire wit þam forto wrayste,
and als byfor him sall be broght
al wikkednes þat euer he wroght;
so will þai fande with any gin
thurgh wanhope if þai might him win”.
Þe prior sayd: “þat wald I frayne
what remedy war þare-ogayne
and thing þat might help men maste
in (band)es of ded when þai er braste”.
(Þe) vo[i]ce sayd: “þare es sum man
(þat) may hope for no helping þan:
(for) if a man lede all his lyue
(in) sin and seþin wil him noght schriue
(and in) his hert will haue no care
(for) ill dedes he has done are,
(þan s)all his angell to him tell
(how Cr)iste for him had paines fell
(and ho)w he died for his byhoue,
(bot þat) sall be to his reproue;
(& sai als) how he was vnkinde
(vnto god) whils he had minde
(and als þa)t he was mys-avised
(þe sacra)mentes when he despised
(& wald noght) schriue him of his sin
[OMITTED] and ended þarin.
(when his wer)kes er thusgat sayd,
(þe fendes sall) obout him braid
(and him take) with all þaire might
(and sai to him): ‘þou weried wight,
(cum with vs now in) to hell,
(þare withowten ende) to dwell’.
(Bot if a man be schreuen) clene
[OMITTED] bydene
[OMITTED] ilkane
[OMITTED] (g)ane,
all-if his penance be noght done
his gude angell says to him (sone):
‘cumfort þe wele, I sall þe were
þat þe deuils sall þe noght dere’;
and vnto þe fendes þan sal he say:
‘ȝe weried wightes, wendes oway,
for ȝe haue no part in þis man’.
and þe fendes sall answer þan
and say on þis wise: ‘oures he es
by resun and by rightwisnes’,
and þarto sall þai schew full sone


all euell dedes þat he has done
both in eld and als in ȝowth,
sen first he kind[l]y wittes kowth,
and say: ‘he sinned þus and þus,
þarfore him aw to wend with vs’.
His gude angell will mak debate
and say: ‘he sined, wele I wate,
all on þis wise als ȝe haue talde;
bot he es borowed, be ȝe balde,
for with schrift was he clensed clene
and toke his sacramentes bidene,
and he had sorow for his sinyng;
to clensing fire þat sal him bring,
and þe merit of Cristes passion now
sal [be mene] bitwyx him and ȝow
and serue him both for sheld and spere,
þat ȝowre desaytes sal him noght dere.
and Cristes hend and als his side,
þat thirled war with wowndes wide,
sal be bitwix him and ȝowre hend
and fro ȝowre felnes him defend;
and Cristes face þat buffet was,
bitwix him and ȝowre face sal pas,
so þat he sall, if he ȝow se,
for ȝowre boste noght abaist be;
Al Cristes bodi spred on rode
sal be vnto him armure gude,
so þat ȝe sall haue no powere
him forto dere on no manere;
and þe lims of Ihesu fre
þat for mankind was pined on tre,
sall clens him now of his foly
he did whith lyms of his body;
þe saul of Crist, als we wele ken,
þat ȝolden was for erthly men,
sall purge him now of all þe plight
þat þis saule did with his awin myght.
so þat in him (sal leue no gilt)
(whar)fore he (suld) with . . (be) spilt,
ne no pain vnto him sall stand
bot purgatori þat (es) passand;
he sall be purged in þat place
and suffer pain a sertayne space,
and seþin with vs sall he wende
and won in welth with-owten ende’.
Þus sall þe gude angell help him
ogaynes þe deuils griseli and grim,
and þus es Cristes passioune
set bifor vs redy boune
forto defend vs fra þe fende
out of þis werld when we sall wende.
and þarfore aw ilk man bi kinde
to haue þat passioun most in minde,
and namely in þe tyme of dede,
for þan it standes man moste in stede.


Also men sall haue helping gude
of Mari mayden mild of mode;
if we here oght for hir haue done,
baldeli may we ask hyr bone
and vs to help scho will hir haste
in ded when oure mister es maste.
For if a man, or he hethen fare,
be schreuen clene, als I said are,
oure lady þan will be ful boune
to socore him in þat sesoune,
and fend him fro þe fendes in fere,
and say to [þam] on þis manere:
‘Moder and mayden both am I
of Ihesu mi sun, god almighty,
and of heuyn am I coronde quene,
and lady of all erth bydene,
and I am emperise of hell,
whare ȝe and oþer deuils dwell.
And sen þat I am quene of heuyn,
vnto my sun þus sall I neuyn
þat he sall wine for luf of me
þis saul in purgatori to be
till he be clensed clene of sin,
and so to heuyn I sall him win;
he serued me in word and dede,
in heuyn sall he haue his mede.
And also sen I am lady
of all þe erth, þarfore [will] I,
thurgh þe will of my sun dere,
þat ilk gude dede and ilk prayere
(þat owhar in þis) werlde er (said),
vnto his profet be puruayd,
messes and oþer almus-dede
sall turn þis man to mekel mede,
and thurgh þe merite of þe mes
sal his penance be made les
þat him es ordand for his syn,
whilk ȝowre falshede gert him fal in.
And sen I am emperyce of hell,
þarfore ȝowre force now sall I fell:
I cumand ȝow ȝe heþin fare,
so þat ȝe noy þis man nomare
þat es ded in my suns seruyse’.
And when scho has said on þis wise,
all þe halows in heuyn on hight
will help hir halely with þaire might;
to Ihesu will þai call in-fere,
and þus þai will mak þaire prayere:
‘Lord Ihesu god almighty,
fader of heuyn, man of mercy,


haue mercy on þis man þat es
oure awin broþer and oure liknes;
sen þou wald wend fro heuyn on hight
and suffer payn for mans plight,
þou meng þi mercy with þis man’.
Þus sal his saul be saued þan,
and his gude angell sall him take
to clensing fire aseth to make
and vnto him he sall take tent
till he haue sufferd his turment;
and þan þe weked gastes sall ga
þeþin oway with mekill wa.
In þis manere may gude pr(ayere)
and almus-dedes þat men dose (here),
and merit of Cristes pascioun,
and of halows gude orisown,
help a man here in his (dede)
and vnto clensing fire (him lede)”.
Þe prior (sayd vnto) him (þan)
and asked if þat any (man)
of Ihesu may haue (in ded a sight)
and of Mari his moder (bright)
or of þe halows [OMITTED]
in þaire right (forme) [OMITTED]
Þe voice ans(werd and said nay);
“bot on þis wise [OMITTED]
if any be so [OMITTED]
þat has [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] may se þam [OMITTED]
(bot sin)ful men may noght þam se”.
(Þe) prior sayd: “þan thinkes me
(þat) þou sais now þi-self to scorne
(ogai)nes þe saws þou said biforne;
(for) þou said angels suld be boune
þare to reherce Cristes pascioune,
and þou said Mari suld be þare
and oþer halows les and mare
in sight bifor þe saules ful euyn,
praiand for þam to god of heuyn;
þan semes it þat he se þam may”.
Þe voice answerd and said: “nay;
þai sal be þare I grante þe wele,
bot he sall se of þam no dele
in þaire lyknes verrayli;
and þis es þe enchesoun whi.
for þe most blis in heuyn it es
forto se Crist in his liknes,
þat es to say in his godhede;
(þa)n neded saules none oþer mede


(bo)t in þaire dying him to se,
and in þat blis þan solde þai be
(sod)ainly in þaire passing,
(and) þat war vn(ak)ordand thing
(þat sin)ful men suld se þat sight.
(if men) be puried of all þaire plight
þan sall þai se god als he es,
(hali) writ so beris witnes”.
(And þan) þe prior frained him fast
(if spirit)es þat es heþin past
(wist) what dedes er for þam done
(on þis) molde at morn or none,
(and þe) praiers men for þam ma.
(Þe voice) answerd and said: ȝa.
[OMITTED] se wele by þis thing
[OMITTED] es has saules helping.
(Þe prior said: “þan) can þou say
(wharof I sang) mess to-day?”
(Þe voice answerd) þarto ful tite:
(“þou sang mess) of saint spirite”.
(Þe prior said þan) als he knew:
[OMITTED] noght trew,
(for I sang mess, þis) es sertayne,
(for cristen saules þat) suffers paine;
(þarfore þou sais noght) suthfastly”.
(Þe voice þan answerd him) in hy
and said: (“I wat wele) [OMITTED]
for cristen (saules þat) þou sang;
bot ȝit I (said soth) neuer-þe-les
þat of saint spirite was þi mes.
þat saltou by ensameple se.
for wele þou knawes in ilk cuntre,
if ani man oþer alde or ȝing
of a noþer suld ask a thing,
and he hoped wele forto haue
þat ilk thing þat he walde craue,
first to ask he walde him haste
þe thing þat might amend him mast,
and what so his hert lai moste nere
þat suld first in his speche apere
and first be in his wordes alwayse,
als god þus in his gospell sayse:
Ex habundancia cordis os loquitur:
Of þe fulnes of þe hert
spekes þe mowth þe wordes smert.
and messes sungen of saint spirite
vnto me er most profite,
and next þan of þe trinite—
þir messes moste amendes me.
and here now þe encheson whi.
for whils I lifed here bodily,
I spended my wit and mi powere
ful oft-siþes in sinnes sere,
when I sold þam haue spended right


to goddes honour with al mi might.
Þe fader I suld haue mensked with main,
for of him cumes al power plaine
þat men has here ai whils þai lif,
efter his grace als he will gif;
þarfore what man so dose vnright
bi his power or by his might
or by his strenkith if þat it be,
ogaines þe fader of heuyn sins he,
for al power he weldes always,
als Dauid in þe sauter sais:
Omnia quecunque uoluit dominus fecit,
he sais: þe fader mai fulfill
in heuyn and erth what so he will.
To Crist, god sun, es gifen ful right
wit and wisdom dai & night,
to mesure it till erthli men,
als þir clerkes mai clereli ken;
þarfore godes sun þai sin ogain
þat here despendes þaire wittes in vain
(and) settes þam so (on erthly) gude
(þat) reches es more in þaire mode
þan Crist god sun þat boght þam dere.
and my-self on þis same manere
sined in þis werld whare ȝe won
both ogaines þe fader & þe sun.
To þe haligast es gifen al grace
and beaute plain in ilka place,
at his liking to dele and dight
in þis werld to ilka wight;
ogaines him oft-siþes sinned I
when þat I vsed in foul foly
swilk giftes als he me gaf bi kinde,
and honord him noght in mi minde;
for mi fauore and my fairehede
haue I done many sinful dede,
and vertus haue I turned to vice
thurgh wekid werkes als wreche vnwise.
wharfore aseth byhoues me make
to thre persons for my sin sake;
þarfore messes of þe trinite
er mekill medeful vnto me
for greuance þat to me es graide,
als my gude angell has me saide.
Bot for þat I haue sined maste
ogaynes þe giftes of þe hali gaste,
couaytand here more reches
þan he me gaf of his gudenes
or þan he vowched safe me to send,
and wrangwisli his gudes despend
and honord him noght for þaire sake,


þarefore, of þis amendes to make,
messes sungen of saint spirite
may tittest saue me out of site.
and þarfore, sir, sothli I say
of saint spirite þou sang to-day;
al-if þine office ordand ware
for cristen saules als þou said are,
þou toke with gude deuocioune
of saint spirite ane orisoune,
and þat ilk orisoun sertaine
aleged me more of my paine
þan al þe oþer þat þou sayd,
for till all saules war þai puruaid;
And sen þat helpid me allane
more þan all þe oþer ilkane,
of saint spirit I say þou sang—
if þou me wites þou has þe wrang”.
(Þe prior asked) þan þ(is thing):
for how mani saules a prest may s(ing)
in a tyme and in a stede,
wheþer it be for quik or ded,
and ilkone haue in lyke gudenes
and in like merite of þat mes.
Þe voice answerd and gan say
þat a preste anely on a day
for all saules may sing and rede
and ilkone of his mes haue mede,
thurgh vertu of þe sacrament;
“þat proue I þe, if þou tak tent.
Ihesus Crist with Iewes uoice
was anes offerd on þe croyce,
and þare he died and gaf þe gaste
vntill his fader of mightes maste
for saluacioune of all man-kin,
and noght anly for a man sin:
right so þe preste in ilka mes
offers Criste right als he es
in hale godhede, als clerkes mai ken,
in mendment of all cristen men;
and so in a mes may be tane
al cristen saules als wele als ane,
and plainli mai (it) part þam till.
þat proue I þe bi proper skill.
Ful grete deference may men fele
bitwene spiritual thing and tem(porele);
for temporal thing, þat þou sese here,


if it be parted in places sere,
in þe ma partyes þat it es
it-self leues ay wele þe (les),
þat es for porcion partes þarfra;
als if þat þou an appell ta
and parte it into many hend,
with þi-self sall litell lend.
On þe toþer side þou vnder(stand)
þat spiritual thing es ay (wexand);
þarto I may gude liknes (ma):
þis orisoune if þat þ(ou ta),
þe pater noster, and (teche it þen)
here on þis molde to (mani men),
when it vnto all te(ched es),
in itself it es noght (þe les),
bot to knawing [OMITTED]
when mo it (sais þan ane or twa).
so er messes [OMITTED]
þat ordand [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] it es in þat degre
[OMITTED] wham so it ordand es,
(þaire) merit may noght be þe les,
(b)ot mare ioy sall þai haue þat tide
þat oþer er helped þam biside”.
On þis wise þan þe prior sais:
“haly writ wittnes always
þat saules er helpid for sertaine
and oft deliuerd out of payne
thurgh speciall praier and special dede
þat frendes dose here for þaire mede,
and þa frendes dose þa dedes allane
for a saul and for oþer nane.
(þan þi)nk me þat his mede sall fall
[OMITTED] þan it war done for all
and more alege him of his payne”.
Þe voice answerd and said ogayne
þat all þe prestes þat messes singes
nedes forto do twa thinges:
(f)irst his praiers forto make
specialli for þat saul sake
þat he es most halden vntill,
(þ)at god deliuer him of all ill;
(and) when he has so praied for ane,
(þan) sall he pray for oþer ilkane.
(so) ilkane has mede of þat mes,
(and) þai for wham it ordand es
(er he)lpid maste fro bale þarby.
(And on) þis same maner am I
(deliuerd) of mi penance here
[OMITTED] lasted bi foure ȝere


[OMITTED] (m)isdedes als it was det.
[OMITTED] frende here has it sett
[OMITTED] þat þou wele knew
[OMITTED] þat I find trew;
[OMITTED] when he had nede
[OMITTED] þe scoles ȝede
[OMITTED] d most mister here
[OMITTED] fiue ȝere.
[OMITTED] wele I wroght
[OMITTED] forgetes he noght
[OMITTED] has me maste
[OMITTED] in haste
[OMITTED] passe
[OMITTED] payne,
and if þou here no(ght) þan of me
sothly sertayne may þou be
þat I in (blis) of heuen am stad”.—
Þe prior did right als he bad,
at þe pase efter he him soght:
bot of þe voice he herd right noght;
þarfore in heuyn he hopid he ware.—
bot in þat time ȝit asked he mare.
He said: “can þou oght trewli tell
if þou in þat ilk heuyn sal dwell
þat for goddes halows es puruaid?”
Þe voice answerd sune and sayd:
“Sir, I tald þe are ful euyn
þat I come neuer ȝit in heuyn,
þarfore I may tell þe nomare
of thinges þat er ordaind þare.
Bot of þat blis I mai be balde,
for þus myne angell has me talde,
þat I to passe in paine sold be
and þan, he said, þat I sall se
þe king of heuyn in his godhede
with his angels all on brede
and with his halows euerilk-ane.
and I answerd to him onane
and said: ‘lord, ful lang think me
þat semely sight vntill I se’.
bot he be loued in ilka place
þat vnto me has gifen swilk grace,
for trewly mai I trow by þis
þat I sall be in þat ilk blis
whare god and his angels sal be,
sen þat I sall þam þusgat se”.
Þan said þe prior: “what helpes maste
a saul vp into heuyn at haste
out of þe paynes of purgatori?”
Þe voice answerd to him in hy:
“messes may moste help þam þen
þat here er said of hali men,


and ordand of milde Mari fre”.
Þe prior said: “þan thinkes me
þe office þat es for saules sertain,
of Requiem, was made in vayn,
sen oþer helpes þam more þan it”.
Þe voice answerd vnto him ȝit
and said: “þat office es gude to say
when a man for al saules will pray
þat saued sall be efter þaire paine;
þan may þat office gretely gaine.
and for þat laud men here in land
can noght graythli vnderstand
þat saules has mede of oþer mes,
þarfore þat office ordand es”.
Þe prior said: “sen þou has kend
þat speciall messes may moste amend:
whilk oþer praiers withowten þa
may tittest saules fro penance ta?”
Þe voyce sayd þan: “Syr, sertaynly,
seuyn psalmes with þe letany”.
Þe prior said: “þat war noght right;
þe pater noster es more of might,
for it was made of Criste god sun
vntill all crysten folk to kun,
als prise of praiers, als men telles,
and þe Aue made angels
vnto Mari for manes mede,
and XII. apostels made þe crede;
and þe seuyn psalmes er erthli werkes,
ordand of bisshopes and oþer clerkes
men for to say for sin allane,
and Dauid made þam euerilkane;
and nowþer Dauid, wele we ken,
ne bisshoppes, ne none oþer men,
vnto Criste þai [er] noght at neuyn
ne ȝit vnto angels of heuyn
ne till apostels er þai noght pere.
þarfore me think þat þaire prayere
may noght of swilk merit be
als þe pater noster and þe Aue,
ne als þe Crede, for þam it wroght”.
Þe voice answerd þan als him thoght:
“Þir praiers er ful mekill of mede
and ful hali, if we tak hede,
in þam-self, þis es sertayne,
and þaire makers er mekill of mayne;
men sal þam honore als worthy es
bifore al oþer, out-tane þe mes.
Bot neuer-þe-les, syr, sertaynly
þe seuyn psalmes and þe letany


forto say er moste souerayne
vnto þe saules þat suffers payne,
for þai er ordand more and myn
euer a psalme ogaynes a sin,
so þai destroy þe sines seuyn;
þarfore þai er noteful to neuyn.
þe first psalme ful gudely grayd
ogaines pryde it es puruayd;
and þus it sais: ‘god lord and (syre),
deme vs noght in þi grete yre,
als þou did Lucifer þat fell
for his pride fra heuyn to hell’;
and so þe oþer psalmes on rawe
ilkone a sin away may drawe,
thurgh help of all halows in-fere
þat neuind er in þat praiere”.
Sone þan þe prior him assailes:
“tell me, he said, what it availes
or if saules oght þe better be
to pray placebo and þe dirige,
with office þat for þe ded es dight?”
Þe voyce answerd and said on hight—
with grete force out gan he bryst,
and said: “a, prior, and þou wist
how gretely þat it may þam gayne,
þan hope I þou wald be ful fayne
oft forto bid þat blisced bede
for þi frendes hat heþen er dede!
and for þou sall it better knawe,
I sall þe rekin right on rawe
þe preuetese þat falles þarto
and what prophit þat it may do.
First in placebo er puruayde
fiue psalmes þat sal be sayd
aneli for þe euynsang,
wit[h] fyue antyms menged omang;
þa ten togeder when þai er mett,
for þe saul er þusgat sett
forto restore, wha to þam tentes,
vnto þe saul ten cumandmentes;
þai sall mak minde how he þam (did),
so þat his mede sal noght be (hid).
nyen psalmes þan said sal (be)
next efter in þe (dirige),
and þai sall signifi ful ri(ght)
nyen orders of angels br(ight),
to whilk þe saul sall wis(li win)
when it es clensed of (al sin);
þir psalmes witnes a(ls it es scill)


þat he þa orders sall (fulfill).
By nyen antyms [OMITTED]
and thre versykils [OMITTED]
XII poyntes of þe [OMITTED]
to þe saul þat [OMITTED]
and telles h [OMITTED]
here on þ [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] may him mekill amend.
(Þe nyen) lessons by þaim allane
(of nyen) degrese er trewli tane;
(for) ilka saule þat suffers pyne
(bus) nedes be in ane of þir nyen,
þat es to say, oþer ȝong or alde,
oþer pouer or els of pouste balde,
oþer chaste life forto lede
or in wedlaik or widowhede,
oþer clerk or laud man—
in ane of (þir) sal he be þan,
(and) in whilk degre so he es in,
þir lessons fra wa will him win;
and þe nyen respons forto rede,
may mak þam to haue mekill mede.
(Þe) fyue psalmes of þe laudes allane
for fiue wittes may wele be tane
[OMITTED] saued saules þan sall fele
[OMITTED] þai sall bere witnes ful wele
[OMITTED] molde with al his might
(vs)id þa wittes wele and right.
(Þe) fiue antims þan folowand
(in wi)tnes for þe saul sal stand
[OMITTED] faithli help forto fulfill
(þe) strenkith þat god gifes saules vntill.
(for g)od gaf when þis werld bigan
(fiue) strenkithes to saules of ilka man;
(and thre) strenkithes of might er slike
(þai mak þe) saule vnto god like;
[OMITTED] aynly oþer strenkithis twa
[OMITTED] body he gaf alswa
[OMITTED] dose na socoures
[OMITTED] like goddes creatures.
[OMITTED] strenkith of thoght
[OMITTED] god es wroght;
[OMITTED] strenkith of vnderstanding
[OMITTED] in all thing;
[OMITTED] strenkith of will


[OMITTED] vntill.
[OMITTED] and vnwit
[OMITTED] es itt
[OMITTED] als a stane
[OMITTED] allane.
[OMITTED] (als cler)kes telles
[OMITTED] angels
[OMITTED] araid
Also þe psalme of Benedictus,
and of Magnificat, helpes þus:
forto saue þe saules fro skath
thurgh godhede & thurgh manhede bath,
whare-of þai may be sertayne
to se when þai er past þaire payne
and lat þam witt how þai sal wend
and won in welth withouten end.
Þe twa antyms þat er puruaid
with þir psalmes forto be sayd,
may be cald þe gude cumpany
of angels on þe to party,
and of halows on þe toþer side,
whare þe saules in blis sal bide.
Þe colettes þat men efter tase,
er demid for þe dedes of grace
þat saued saules to god sal ȝelde
with all wirschipps þat þai mai welde,
þus when þai er mended of mis;
þan sall þai lend in lastand blis.
Þarfore, sir prior, þir prayers
helpes saules þus als þou heres”.
When he had þus declared þis thing,
all þat it herd had grete liking
and meri made þai ilka man.
bot þan þe gaste ful sone bigan
to morn and mak ful simpil chere,
and said to þam on þis manere:
“askes hastily what so ȝe will,
my time es fast cumand me till
þat me bus gang, als es mi grace,
to suffer paynes in oþer place”.
Þe prior said: “sen þou sais swa
þat þe bus till slike greuance ga:
þis wald I wit now, or þou wend,
if we might oght to þe amend”.
With simpill voice þan answerd he
and said: “if ȝe wald say for me
fyue sithes right specialli
þe fiue ioyes of oure lady,
þat might help mekil me vntill”.


Þai granted him with ful gude will,
and on þaire knese þai set þam doune
and said with gude deuocioune
Gaude uirgo mater Christi,
with fiue verses folowand fully,
bowsomly als he þam bad.
and þarof was þe gaste ful glad,
and said: “wele haue ȝe . . .,
my pain es sumdele pasand now,
þat I may better speke with ȝow”.
Þan said þe prior: “can þou oght tell
what deres moste þe deuill of hell?”
Þe voice answerd and said in hy:
“þe sacrament of goddes body;
for in what stede goddes bodi ware,
and þe fendes of hell war þare,
vnto it bud þam do honowre;
and so sall ilka creatoure”.
Þe prior said: “þan thinkes me
þat al spirites suld it se
when it es on þe auter grayd”.
Þe voice answerd sone and said:
þat all gude spirites may it ken
more verraily þan erthly men.
Þe prior asked þan þis skill:
if deuils might do ani dere þartill
or destourb it by ani way.
Þe voice answerd and said: “nay,
bot if þat þe preste be vnclene,
in dedly sin þat es to mene
or oþer sins if þat it be;
in swilk prestes has þe fende powste
forto mer þam in þaire mes,
if þai won in þaire wikkednes.
And ȝit he cums noght comunly
to ger þam be abaiste þarby,
bot when he wate þat þai lif wrang
þe ofter wald he þat þai sang,
and þat es to encrese þaire paine—
for of þaire ill fare es he fayne”.
Þe prior asked withowten lett
if þare war any angell sett
to ȝeme þe auter fra euyl thing
whils goddes bodi es in offering,
and þe preste in þat tyme to wis.
Þe voice answerd and said: “ȝis;
if gude angels war noght present,
with euyl spirites might al be shent,
for þai wald sone desturb þe preste
and put vain thoghtes into his breste,
so þat he suld noght worthily
haue might forto mak goddes body
with honore als it aw to be,


so suld he think on vanite”.
(Þe prior þan bigan to frain)
what remedy war þare(-ogayn),
forto defend þe fendes fell.
Þan said þe voice: “I sall þe tell.
If þat þe preste in goddes presens
be clene in his awin conciens,
and mak his praiers with clene thoght,
þan þe deuils may dere him noght”.
Þan þe prior said þir saus:
“es þare no prayer þat þou knaws
a preste to say bifor he sing,
þat might fordo swilk euil thing?”
Þan said þe voice: “sir, he þat hade
þe praier þat saint Austin made
þe whilk Summe sacerdos es (tald),
and he with gude deuocioune (wald)
say it ilkday or he sang,
to mes þan might he baldli gang;
fro wathes it will so wele him were,
vnnethes suld any thing him dere”.
Þe prior fraynde him þan ful right
if he saw euer þat solempne sight,
of goddes bodi þe sacrament,
out of þis werld sen þat he went.
Þe voyce said: “sir, I se it ȝit:
for on þi breste þou beres it,
in a box þou has it broght,
als it was on þe auter wroght”.
Þan al þe folk awonderd ware,
for of þat thing wist þai no(ght are)
þat þe prior had goddes body,
bot resayued in his mes anely.
Þe prior said: “þan wald I wit
whi þat þou noght honord (it),
sen þou sais þat ilk a creat(ure)
to goddes body sall do hon(oure),
and þou wate wele þat (it es here)”.
Þe voice answerd on þis (manere):
“I haue it honord in my (kinde)
with all mi might (and all my minde)
sen first þat þou it (hider broght),
(al-if) þat þou parsa(iued it noght)”.
Þe prior þan with (gude entent)
toke þat solemp(ne sacrament)
out of his clath (þar it was hid),
and to þe (spirit þus gan he bid):
“If þou trow (þe soth þarbi)
þat þis (es goddis awin bodi),
[OMITTED] to bow
[OMITTED] it es of swilk pouste,


(in uer)tu þareof I cumand þe
(þat þou) wend with me a plain pase
(to þe) vterest end of all þis place”.
(Þan said) þe voice: “sir, I am boune,
(bot noght) to folow þi persoune,
bot with mi lord fain will I wend
þat þou haldes bitwix þi hend”.
Sune þan þe prior toke þe gate
fast toward þe vtterest ȝate;
with him went his breþer twa,
and so did ful many ma.
of þe spirite he saw right noght;
bot in his hereing wele him thoght
þat a noyce efter him come
like a besom made of brome
þat war swepeand on a pament;
swilk a noyse ay with þam went.
and þarto said þe prior þus:
“Þou spirit, shew þe vntill vs
(als cle)rly als þou ert wroght”.
Þareto þe voice answerd right noght.
(Þe) prior þan ogain gan pas
(vnti)ll þe wedow whare sho was
(liggand) seke sare on a bed,
(& had) sho lang bene euill sted;
(þe no)yes folowd als it did are.
(and whan þai) in þe chamber ware
[OMITTED] bigin,
(þe woman bigan) to gnayst and grin
(and for) to cri als sho war wode,
(þat al war) stonaid þat þare stode,
[OMITTED] þai had þat sight to se
[OMITTED] was grete pete.
(Þe pople þan) with al þaire might
[OMITTED] se þat sight,
[OMITTED] vnto þat place
[OMITTED] (þa)t wonder case.
[OMITTED] (lik) vnto lede
[OMITTED] sho war ded.
[OMITTED] come þare,
[OMITTED] stode he still
[OMITTED] till
[OMITTED] (pa)scioune
þat þi w(if mas slike) murnig”.
Þan sayd þe voyce ful sarili:
“sho wate þe cause als wele als I”.
Þe prior þan in þaire present
sone to þe woman he went
and vnto hir þus gan he say:
“In þe name of god, dame, I þe pray


tel vnto me al þi thoght”.
sho lay ful still and answerd noght.
So still obout þe bed þai stode,
to luke if oght might mend hir mode,
and for hir wa fast gan þai wepe.
Sone efter sho bigan to crepe
vpon hir knese so als sho may,
and cried loud and þus gan say:
“Ihesu mi lord, als þou boght me,
of my paynes þou haue pete,
and grante me of þi help in haste
to bete þis bale þat me has braste”.
Þe prior saw hir sorow and site
and to þe voice þus said he tite:
“Whi es þi wife þus trauailed here?”
Þe uoice answerd on þis manere:
“I talde right now here þe vntill
þat hir-self wate for what scill,
and if þou will wit more alway,
ask hir-self, sho kan þe say”.
Þan eft þe prior to hir gase
and mekill mane to hir he mase,
he said: “to salue þi-self of sare,
tell me þe cause of al þi care,
and out of bale I sall þe bring”.
sho lay and answerd him no thing.
And þan he stode als man amaid,
and to þe voice eft-sones he said:
“Þou creature, I coniure þe
by goddes might and his pete,
and bi vertu of his body
and of his moder mild Mari,
and by þe milk he souk swete,
and þe teres þat sho for him grete
when sho saw hir sun be slane,
and by þe halows euerilkane:
þe sertain soth þat þou me say
of þis meruail, if þou may,
whi þi wife has all þis payne”.
And þan þe voice answerd ogayne
& said: “syr, [OMITTED]
(it es) all for an vnkindly syn
þe whilk was done bifor my dede
bitwix vs twa here in þis stede;
þareof we bath war shreuen sone,
bot þe penance was noght done,
þarfore penance vs bus fulfill
now als fer forth (als) falles þartill”.
(Þan said þe) prior: “or þou pas,
say to me what sin it was,
þat wedded men may warned be
to do swilk thinges in þat degre,
or like to it in dede or thoght”.
Þe voice sayd: “nay, god will it noght


þat I þat sin vnto ȝow say
þat thurgh shrift es done oway;
and of þat sin we bath war schreuyn,
þarfore of god it es forgifen
als to þe blame, þat be þou balde,
(bot tochand) þe penance, I þe talde
aseth bus be made for þat sin
or we to any welth may wyn.
and sen it es done fra goddes sight,
at tell it to men war noght right,
bot if it war, als god forbede,
þat men eft-sones did þe same dede.
Bot warn wedded men & to þam say
þat þai wisely kepe alway
þe rewl of weding with þaire might,
and duly do both day and night;
for þare er many commun case
in whilk weded men may trispase,
and þa cases er kindli to ken
in þis werld omang witty men.
Þis was þe soueraine point, sais he,
whi þat god lete me speke with þe,
for þou suld trow þis stedfastly
and oþer men be mended þarby,
so þat þai may þaire sins forsake
and in þaire liues amendes make”.
Þe woman wepeand als scho lay,
with sari hert þus gan sho say:
“Gude Gy, mi lord, for luf of me
say if I sall saued be
or I sall dwell in dole euermare
for þat dede þat we did are,
whareof I wate god was noght payd”.
Þe voice answerd ful sune and sayd:
þi penance nere till end es broght,
(þou sal be) saued for sertayne”.
and þan þe woman was ful fayne,
and said þare kneleand on hir kne
ane pater noster and ane Aue,
and loued god in word and will.
and þan þe prior sayd hir till:
“Dame, whils þou þis life sall lede,
luke þou ilk day do almus-dede;
for almusdedes may sines waste”.
Þarto þe voice answerd in haste:
“dame, he said, par charite,
when þou dose almus, think on me,
forto alege sum of my payne”.
And þan þe prior gan him frayne


whi he come noght in þat sesoune
vnto men of religioune,
forto tell to þam his life,
titter þan vntill his wife,
sen þat he wist þai war more nere
at pray to god, þan wemen were,
and more wi(seli) þai kowth him wis.
Þe voice answerd þan to þis
and said: “I lufed more my wife
þan any man þat beres life,
and þarfore first to hir I went,
and when me was gifen bi iugement
to suffer penance in þis place,
I asked god of his grete grace
þat my wife might warned be
forto amend hir mis bi me,
and of his grace he gaf me leue
on þis manere mi wife to greue
and forto turment hir biforne,
so þat sho efter might be for(borne)
and þat sho sold noght haue (þe pyne)
for hir sins als I haue for (mine),
bot fulfill it in hir life-day”.
And alsone þan þe prior (gan say):
“Kan þou oght [OMITTED]
þat sho(!) sal haue [OMITTED]”.
Þe voce said: “sho sal [OMITTED]
als lang als my [OMITTED]
bot weterly ful [OMITTED]
þat hastily it [OMITTED]
Þe prior said: “[OMITTED]
how þou to [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] (ins)trumentes of spekeing”.
Þe prior said þan on þis manere:
“(Ne) sese þou noght, a carpentere,
(þat) diuers werkes oft-siþes has wroght,
withouten ax may he do noght,
and ay þe ax will redi be
to hew with him on ilka tre,
and it may nowther stir ne stand
withowten help of mans hand?
Right so a man here ȝow omell
with-owten tung may no thing tell,
and with his tung ȝit sais he noght
(bot it be) ordande of þe thoght,
(and) þat es of þe saul alwais,
þat ordans all þat þe tong sais.
And by þis tale þou may tak tent
þe body es bot ane instrument


of þe saul, als þou may se,
and þe saul in himself has fre
(powere) of vertuse, might and minde,
(þat god) has gifen to him bi kinde;
(and) so he may speke properly
(with-o)wten help of þe body.
(and) if þou say a man mai noght
(speke) þe thing þat cumes of thoght
(but) if he haue mowth & tung als,
(I say to þe þi) saus er fals:
(for hali writ) bers witnes ful right
(þat go)d and al his angels bright
(spak graiþeli) to ald and ȝung
(and ȝit had) nowþer mowth ne tung.
(right so) may ilka gude spirite
[OMITTED] voices ful parfite,
(and I may) at mine awin will
(speke) with-ou)ten tong ȝow till”.
(Þe prior asked) him in þat stede
(whar saules) dwelles when men er dede
[OMITTED] þe dome be done
[OMITTED] sold wele sune
[OMITTED] payne.
(Þe voice answerd & said) ogayne:
[OMITTED] forn
[OMITTED] be lorn
[OMITTED] bright
[OMITTED] plight
whider þat he sall iuged be
to comun purgatori þat es stabill,
or vnto purgatori departabill,
or els vnto þe paynes of hell,
or vnto heuyn in blis to dwell”.
Þe prior þan with wordes hende
asked how sone a saul mal (wende)
when it es past fra þe body
to heuyn or hell or purgatori.
Þe voice answerd and said: “it may
in litill space wende all þat way,
sone es it broght whare it sal be.
þat mai þou bi ensampill se.
Þou sese when þe sun es riseand,
þe light gase sone ouer ilka land,
ouer al þis werld it passes playne,
bot if þare stand oght þarogaine.
right so þe saules, when men es ded,
alsone er in þaire sertain stede,
to heuyn or hell þai wend in hy;
and if þai pas to purgatori,
sum-tyme wend þai noght so sone,


and þat es for þaire profet done.
If þai haue any faithful frende
in þis werld here, when þai wende,
þat for þam will ger sing and rede
or els do ani almus-dede,
þai may so do for þam þat tide
þat in þe ayre þe saul sall bide
vntill it haue þe merit tane
of þaire prayers euerilkane,
and so by help of þaire gudenes
may his penance be made les;
þe dedes þat þan er done in haste
vnto mens saules amendes maste.
on þis same maner als I say
in þis cete was done þis day:
a frere died and demed was
to comun purgatori at pas;
bot in þe time of his transing
of his breþer he asked þis thing:
þat þai sold do in dede and saw
for him als þai war bunden by law
and messes þat þam aght to say,
par charite he gan þam pray
þat þai suld be said in hy,
and euerilkone of oure lady,
(and) afterward þan þus bitid:
when he was ded, þan þus bifell:
his angel demed him forto dwell
in comun purgatori playne
thre monethes to suffer payne
als worthi was, efter his dede;
bot þan oure lady ful sune ȝede
vntill hir sun and prayed þat tide
þat þe saul suld in þe aire abide
vnto it had þe merit clere
of dedes þat war done for it here.
and twa owres so dwelled it still
in þe aire, als was goddes will;
and mercy of god had he
thurgh praier of his moder fre
and thurgh þe dedes þat here war done,
þat he sal be in blis ful sone;
in pain he has no langer tyme
bot fra now till to-morn at prime”.
Þan said þe prior till hym sone:
“Whilk dedes of all þat here er done
may titest help a saul to heuyn?”
Þe voice answerd and said ful euyn:
“Þe parfite werkes of charite
þat er done als þam aw to be,
þat es to say till goddes bihoue
and oure euin-cristen if we lufe,
þan of oure werkes will god be paid”.
Þe prior answerd ful sone and sayd:
“If þat þou can, tell vs in haste


what maner of men þat now er maiste
in purgatori to suffer paine?”
Þe voice answerd and said ogain:
“no men cumes þat place within
bot anli þai þat haue done sin;
and al þat sines & saued sall be
er pined þare of ilk degre
efter þe dedes þat þai haue done”.
And þan þe prior asked sone
what maner of folk þat he here fand
þat in þaire life war best lifand.
Þe voice said: “sir, soth it es,
and hali writ wele beres witnes,
þat noman aw oþer to praise
wheþer he do ill or wele alwaise,
for mans lif es to prais nothing
bot he may haue gud ending;
wheþer [he] be worthi luf or (hate),
(ne) wheþer his werkes er ill (or lele),
vntill þe dome be done ilk dele;
þan sal he se him-self sertayne
wheþer he es worthi ioy or paine”.
Þe prior said: “þan ask I þe,
whilk es most parfite degre
of all þat on þis grownd er grayd?”
Þe voice answerd ful sone & said:
“In ilka state I se, he sais,
sum thinges to lac, & sum to prayse,
þarfore I will prais no degre
ne none sall be empaired bi me;
bot neuer-þe-les ȝit wald I rede
þat all fulli in ilk a stede
serue god with all þaire might,
in what degre so þai be dight”.
Þe prior asked with wordes stabill
if þat god war oght merciabill
to sawles þat er in purgatori.
Þe voice said: “ȝa, sir, sertanli;
vnto sum saulles, þis es sertaine,
releses he forth part of þaire paine,
of sum þe thrid part he releses,
of sum þe secund part he seses;
and þat es for gude praiers (sere)
þat lifand frendes for þam (dos here);
if mani dedes for þam be done
þan mai þai pas fro pai(nes sone).
lifand frendes þus mai þam (ses)
of paines þat þai suld (haue les);
and praiers helpes þam (of angels)
and of halous þat in (heuyn dwells)”.
Þe prior said: “þan wald I [OMITTED]
whatkin pain þi-selfe [OMITTED]
in purgatori wills (þou sal dwell)”.


Þe voice said: “I sall þe tell;
in flaume of fir [OMITTED]
þat all þir [OMITTED]
and haue no [OMITTED]
Þe prior said þ(an: “it es na fabil)
þat þou ert (a spirit deceyuabil);
þat sall I proue [OMITTED]
þis wate þou [OMITTED]
god dose no [OMITTED]
his w [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] es a gaste spirituall,
(and bodili) thing mai haue no might
(in spiritual) thing bi dai ne night.
(and by) þis resoun may þou se
(þat) fire may haue no might in þe,
(al)-if þou þarin sit or gang”.
Þe voice said: “sir, þou has þe wrang
þat þou me haldes so decaiuabill,
and þou has fun in me no fabill.
Bot neuer-þe-les, sir, whare þou sais
þat bodili thing bi nokins wais
in gastli thing mai haue powere,
I answer þe on þis manere.
Þou wate wele þat þe deuils sal lend
in fire of hell with-owten end,
and þat fire es als bodily
als þe fire of purgatori
and ȝit pines it þe fendes in hell;
als god witnes in his godspell
(ho)w he to þe fendes sal say
and to þe dampned on domes-day:
‘(ȝe) weried wightes, I bid ȝow wende
(to þe fir) þat l(ast)es withouten ende
(þat ordand) es for nothing els
(bot) to þe deuill and his angels’.
(And) whare þou sais þat god duse noght
(ogay)nes kind in þe werkes he wroght,
(I sai god) dose, als men mai finde,
([OMITTED]m)irakill oft ogaines kinde,
(als sum)-time fell of childer thre
(þat in fir war set) brint forto be—
(þair nam)es er þai named so:
(Sidrak, Mi)sac and Abdenago;
[OMITTED] with ful grete yre
[OMITTED] ful of fire,
(bot als it was) oure lordes will,
(þe fir did) no harm þam till.


(sen þat) it es so hate and kene”.
Þe voice said: “now es wele sene
þat in þe es ful litil scill.
(but right) now tald I þe vntill
þat god may mesure thurgh his might
þe strenkit of fire both dai & night
so þat it no harm (mai do)
till thing þat it es put vnto,
als he did to þe childer thre
of wham I haue tald vnto þe.
Also þou sese fire of leuening
wendes obout in alkins thing,
clereli als clerkes declare it can,
and nowþer brines it hows ne man,
bot if it be thurgh ani chance
þat it brin bi goddes sufrance.
and als þou ses þe sun mai pas
thurgh windows þat er made of glas,
and þe glas noght empaired þarby;
so may a spirit sekerli
in ilka place cum in and out
and brin noght þat es him about,
howses ne clathes ne oþer atyre,
al-if him-self be flaumd in fire.
right so þis hows mai resaiue me
and it-self noght empaired be.
Bot, sir, þis saltou vnderstand,
if all howses in ilka land
in a stede war brinand shire,
it might noght be so hate a fire
als I now suffer night and day”.
Þe prior þan to him gan say
and asked of him þis questiowne:
if he trowed þe incarnacioune,
how Ihesus Criste toke fless & blude.
Þe voice answerd with eger mode
a(ls it) war greued inwardli,
with loud voice þus gan he cri:
“A, sir, he said, whilk er þa men
þat þe incarnacioun wil noght ken?
whilk er þai þat will noght knaw
how angels said it in þaire saw,
and deuels trowes it wonder wele,
and saules in pain þai mai it fele?
ful mekill wa þai er worþi
þat will noght trow it stedfastli.
(and all þat trowes it noght) in ded,


(in) hali writ þe (soth) may rede
how þat þe godspell sais of Crist:
‘wha trewli trowes and es baptist,
to endles blis þai sall be broght’,
and als he sais: ‘wha trowes it noght
þat Crist of Mari toke oure manhede,
þai sal be dampned withouten drede
and euer haue bale, and neuer blis’”.
Þan said þe prior: “(tell me) þis:
sen þat þe Sarȝins and þe Iowes
and þe paienes it noght trowes:
whi god lattes þam dwell so lang
in þaire trowth, sen it es wrang,
and sen þai will for no resoune
trow Cristes incarnacioune?”
Þan þe voice said þus him till:
“no questioune es it of goddes will,
and þarfor (falles) it noght þe to
(to) ask whi god dose so or so
or thing þat towches his godhede,
bot fande to do his will in dede.
I wate noght whi þam life es lent,
bot if it be to þis entent
þat cristenmen mai on þam fight,
in trowth forto defend þaire right;
for batell on þam forto bede
may cristen men encrese þaire mede,
If faith be fulli in þaire fare”.
And þan þe prior asked mare:
“Kan þou oght tell whilk maner of syn
es vsed moste omang man-kyn?”
Þe voice þan answerd on þis wise:
“Pride, Licheri, and Couatise,
and Vsuri, þir foure in fere,
with þair branches many and sere,
þai er ful foul both day and night
bifor god and his angels bright.
Thre sins þare er if þai be done,
for whilk god will tak vengance sone:
Ane es, if man and woman here
won samyn als þai wedded were
and wandes noght þaire will to wirk
out of þe sacrament of haly kirk,
or if both be wedded þat tide
and ouþer do sin on oþer side
and brek þaire sposaile in þat space—
to god þis es a grete trispase.
sodom [OMITTED] þe sin es cald—
unkindli sin men sall it hald.
Þe thrid sin es ful euyl thing,
þat es manslaghter with mainsuering;
þis greues gretly to god mighty,
whare it es done wilfully”.


Sone when al þir saus war said,
þe woman to þe prior prayde
þat he wald speke þat gaste vntill
so þat he did hir namore ill,
for goddes luf of mightes maste.
Þe prior þan spak to þe gaste:
“I coniore þe by god allane,
and bi his halows euerilkane,
if þou may, þat þou will sese
and lat þi wife now lif in pese,
and pursu hir nomare with paine”.
And þan þe voice answerd ogayne:
“Þat mai I noght do, for no nede,
bot sho lif chaste in widowhede,
and also ger (sing for vs twa)
thre hundreth messes withouten ma;
a hundreth of þe haligast sal be
or els of þe hali trinite,
and a hundreth of oure lady,
and of Requiem fifty,
and oþer fifti all in-fere
of saint Peter þe apostell dere”.
Þe woman herd þir wordes wele,
and granted to do ilka dele;
sone als sho might sho made hir (boun)
till all þe abbays of þat toune,
al prestes and freres gan sho (prai)
þat þai sold sing al on a day.
Thre hundreth messes was (for him sone)
on þe maner bifore said (done).
And þus when þai [OMITTED]
þe gaste [OMITTED]
þus may men h [OMITTED]
þat messes er m [OMITTED]
Bot ȝit þe prior (in þat sesoune)
vnto þe voice ma(de þis questioune):
he asked if he wist (in ani wise)
in wh(at tyme anticrist suld rise)
to pursu (cristen men) [OMITTED]
Þe voice [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] goddes preuete,
[OMITTED] question ȝow vnto
[OMITTED] his will es forto do”.
(Þe prior) said: “me think right wele
(þou) hers oure spekeing ilkadele”.
Þe voice said: “so I do, sertayne”.
And þan þe prior said ogayne:
“Þou has eres þan to þi hereing;
wharfore þou ert a bodily thing,
and noght gasteli als þou has tald”.
Þe voice answerd with wordes bald:
“hali writ þus telles vs till:
Þe spirit enspires whare so he will,
and his voice well may þou here,
bot þou may noght on no manere


wit what place þat he cumes fra,
ne vnto what place he will ga—
Spiritus ubi uult spirat & uocem eius audis:
sed nescis unde ueniat aut quo uadat”.
And right als he þir wordes gan say,
(al sodain)li he went oway,
(so) þat þai herd of him nomare.
(&) al þe tyme þat þai war þare
(it) was till time of euynsang.
Þe prior þan bad ilk man gang
(in) þe name of god whare þai wald be;
(and) bad þam als in ilk cuntre,
(if þai) war asked of þis case,
(þat) þai suld sai how þat it wase,
[OMITTED] it es proued in dede;
[OMITTED] þai ȝede.
(Þe prior) þan withowten faile
(gaf) þe woman his counsaile
(þat sho suld) kepe hir clene and chaste,
(als scho was) warned with þe gaste;
(and als he) bad anoþer thing:
(þat ilka dai a) preste suld sing
[OMITTED] in þat ilk place
[OMITTED] was.
(and als he bad, þe) woman did
[OMITTED] gude chere
[OMITTED] noght cum nere
þat had [OMITTED] till ende,
and bisoght him with all hir maine
vntill þe hows to wend ogayne,
to loke if þat þai might here mare
or find oght of þat ferli fare.
Þe prior þan with wordes hende
granted gladly forto wende;
he toke of oþer orders twa,
of austines & menures alswa,
so þat þai war twenty freres
al samyn with-owten seculeres,
and al samyn so þai went
to Gyes hows with gude entent.
and in þat hows said þai and he
Placebo with þe dirige
for his saul þat was husband þare,
and for all saules þat sufferd care.
When all was said in gude degre
till Requiescant in pace,
þai herd a voice cum þam biside
als it did at þat oþer tide,


like a besom by þam it went
þat war swepeand on a pament.
sum of þe folk þarfore war flaid;
and sone þe prior vnto it said:
“I coniore þe with main & mode
in þe vertu of Cristes blode,
in þis stede þat þou stand still
and answer what we ask þe will”.
Þan þe voice with wordes meke,
als a man þat had bene seke,
vntill þe prior þus gan say:
“Whi deres þou me þus ilk day?
it es noght lang sen I tald þe
all þat þou wald ask of me;
what sold I now say to ȝow here?”
And þan answerd anoþer frere,
a diuinowre of grete clergi:
he said, “tell here till vs in hi
wheþer þat þou of pain be quit,
or els what pain þou suffres ȝitt”.
Þe voice answerd sone onane
and said: “I loue god al his lane!
for swilk grace vnto me es graid
thurgh messes þat war for me said
þat fro þis time now efterward
am I past fra all paynes hard
[OMITTED] no mare”.
[OMITTED] said þat frere:
“tell vs what pain þat þou has here
fro (purgatori s)en þou es past”.
Þe voice answerd at þe last:
“with flaume of fire I haue grete pain”.
And þan þe frere answerd ogayn
and said: “if þou fele fire so hate,
tell vs what may it best abate,
or if ani thing amend þe may”.
Þe voice answerd and said: “nay;
me bus it suffer sertain daies”.
And þan þe prior to him sais:
“Lo how þat I haue gederd here
freres and oþer folk in fere
of þi wordes to bere witnes
and of þi meruailes more & les,
þat we mai al þis case declare
bifor þe pape, when we cum þare;
and þarfore tell vs sum meruaile
þat we mai tell with-owten faile”.
Þe voice answerd vnto þir saus:
“I am noght god, þat wele þou kn[a]wes,
and meruailes fals vnto none els
bot vnto him and his angels.
and neuer-þe-les þus I ȝow teche:
bot if ȝe better þe popil preche
þan ȝe haue done þis time biforn,
lightly may ȝe be forlorn;
and luke ȝe speke moste specially
ogains þe sin of symony


and vsure, manslaghter, and maneswering,
avowtri, and fals witnes bering.
bot if þe folk þir sins forsake,
I warn ȝow god will vengance take;
bot if he let for þe praiere
of milde Mari, his moder dere,
and of þe halows euerilkane,
els suld vengance sone be tane
ful mani tymes omang man-kin
when þai vse swilk outrage sin;
and ȝe sall suffer þe same paine,
bot if ȝe preche fast þare-ogaine.
for now es sin vsed wele mare
þan any werkes of goddes lare—
þat sall þai sumtime ful sare rew!”
Þan asked þe prior if he knew
how many papes suld (be of Rome)
al fro þat time till þe dai of dome—
þat asked he for men suld knaw
when þe werld nere till end suld draw.
Þe voice said: “I can tell no thing
what sall bitide in time cumyng;
þarfor þou may noght wit of me
how many papes of Rome sal be,
ne meruailes of me wit ȝe nane.
and þarfore I kownsail ȝow ilkane,
whare so ȝe will wend forth ȝowre way.
bot prayes for me more, if ȝe may,
and for all saules þat suffers pain;
for þis I say ȝow for sertayne:
hali kirk praies noght so fast
for cristen saules þat heþin er past
als þai war won, right wele I ken,
ne namore dose none oþer men.
þarfore I rede þai mend þam sone,
or any euill to þam be done”.
When he had tald þir tales þam till,
he said nomare, bot held him still.
And for þai herd of him nomare,
al þe men þat þan war þare
went, and tald þir tales ilkone
playnly vnto þe pape Iohn
þe twa and twentide, I vnderstand,
for he was nere in þe same land.
hereof was meruaild mani a man.
and at þe pase next efter þan
þat same pape sent men of his
forto seke þe soth of þis.
and als he bad þai did in dede;
and þe prior with þam ȝede.
Þe hows of Gy oft-siþes þ(ai soght),
bot of þe gaste ne herd þai (noght);
and þarby might men (wit ful euyn)
þat he was hent vp vn(til heuyn),
whare conforth es with [OMITTED]
als himself had said [OMITTED]
Vntill þat con(forth [OMITTED]
thurgh praiers of [OMITTED]
Explicit tractatus (de quodam spiritu).