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Nou blouweþ þe niwe frut þat late bygan to springe
Þat to is kunde eritage mankunne schal bringe
Þis nywe frut of wan ich speke is oure Cristendom
Þat late was an eorþe ysouwe & later forþ it com
So hard and luþer was þe lond on wan it ssolde sprynge
Þat wel vnneþe eny more me myȝte þer on bringe
God him was þe gardiner þat gan ferst þe sed souwe
Þat was Iesus Godes sone þat þare fore alyȝte louwe
Þey he seuwe þat sed him sulf so hard was mannes þoȝt
Þat ar it were wiþ reyn ysprengd hit ne miȝte morie noȝt
Wiþ a swete reines deu he sprengde þis harde more
Wiþ is swete herte blod and ȝaf is lyf þer fore
Derworþe was þe swete blod þat it was wiþ ysprengd
Atte laste wiþ is herte blod þer com out water ymengd
Þo bigan þis nyuwe sed somdel to cacche more
Ac ȝute after þis manyman his blod ssadde þer uore
Verst þe martir seinte Steuene & þe appostles þat were ded
Þat hare blod and hare lyf ȝaf to norisschi þat swete sed
And þis oþer martirs ek þat oure Louerdes knyȝtes were
Þat schadde hare blod for Cristendom þat it yperissed nere


Þe bataille was strang inou þat oure swete Louerd nom
And his deciples suþþe abrod to holde up Cristendom
Wanne a kyng wole bataille nyme to holde up is riȝte
He ordeineþ verst is ost and ȝarkeþ hem to fiȝte
Byuore he set is alblasters and is archers also
Is trompours to scheuwe wat he is & is baner þerto
And if þe kyng þanne aredy is mid þe ueorste he wole be[o]
Vorto hardie al is men þat non ne scholde fle[o]
Þanne mot in þe rerewarde hardy kniȝtes wende
Hare louerdes riȝt to holde up and þe bataille bringe to ende
And if hi beoþ couwardes in hare dede þe bataille is al ilore
In þis manere oure swete Louerd an eorþe was ibore
Forto byginne Cristendom and sette ferst þe more
His trompours and is alblasters he sette verst byuore
Þe prophetes and is patriarks þat longe byuore hym wende
To telle men þat he wolde come here stat forto amende
Þer of hadde here vomen hoker & to busmare ham louwe
And tormentede ham swuþe stronge & to gronde ham slowe
Suþþe oure swete Louerd him sulf to þis bataille alyȝte
And nam mannes fleyss and blod in wan he wolde fiȝte
Þis bataille nolde he noȝt byginne ne is baner arere
Ar he hadde fleissis strengþe & ar he fol woxe were
He was nyne and twenty ȝer ar he armede hym þerto
Ar he bygonne [for] Cristendom þis bataille forto do
Þo let he ym army feorst þo he was vol woxe man
Þo he aueng oure Cristendom in þe flum Iordan
His cosyn sein Ion þe Baptist armed hym þo þere
Anon as an hardy kyng his baner lette arere
Sein Ion was is baneour and is baner bar byuore
And faste faȝt as an hardy kniȝt forte is lif was ilore


Þo þe baneour was aslauwe þe kyng ne dradde noȝt
In þis bataille he wende anon uorte he to deþe was ibroȝt
And ȝute for al is stronge deþ ilore he hadde is riȝte
Ȝif is kniȝtes of þe rerewarde þe strengore [ne]couþe fiȝte
Of here louerd ensample i nome & flecchi nolde hi noȝt
Þe apostles ne þe martirs ar hy were to deþe ibroȝt
Wel aȝte we louie Cristendom þat is so dure iboȝt
Wiþ oure Louerd is heorte blod þat þe sper haþ ysoȝt
Men wilneþ muche to hure telle of bataille of kynge
And of kniȝtes þat hardy were þat muchedel is lesynge
Wo so wilneþ muche to hure tales of suche þinge
Hardi batailles he may hure here þat nis no lesinge
Of apostles & martirs þat hardy kniȝtes were
Þat studeuast were in bataille & ne fleide noȝt for fere
Þat soffrede þat luþer men al quik hare lymes totere
Telle ichelle bi reuwe of ham as hare dai valþ in þe ȝere
Verst bygynneþ at Ȝeres day for þat is þe uerste feste
And fram on to oþer so areng þe wile þe ȝer wol leste

De circumsicione Domini

Ȝeresday þe holy feste hey day is and god
For þulke day oure swete Louerd ssadde verst is blod
Ar he ycircumsised were as it fel in þe olde lay
After þat he was ibore þane eiȝteþe day
Þere he ssadde verst is blod fo[l] ȝong he was þerto
For oure gult & noȝt for his al it was ydo
Her beoþ wo so hym wel byþincþ þre[o] þinges oþer voure


War þoru þis holy Ȝeresday god is to honoure
For þulke day is þe vtaues of Midwinter day
And for oure Louerd was icircumsiced as it fel in þe lay
And for he ssadde þo ferst is blod to bringe us out of ssame
And for þulke day he was veorst icluped eor[þ]lych name
Þre[o] names he hadde here an eorþe þat me clupeþ hym bywone
Iesu verst & Crist also þe þridde was Godes sone
Icyrcumsised he was also vor four þinges oþer for þre[o]
Þe on was for he nolde noȝt aȝen þe olde lauwe be[o]
Þe oþer þyng was þat echman ssolde wel wite and ise[o]
Þat he was man of fleiss & blod to bugge us in þe tre[o]
Þe þridde þing was þat þe Giwes ne sede noȝt efsone
Þat he ne toke noȝt on as hore faderes were wond to done
Abraham and is ospring þat icircumsised were echon
& þat oure [Louerd] ham nere noȝt ilich ac wiþsede here lauwe anon
Þe veorþe encheson was þat þe deuel þat hadde to hym onde
Ne vnderȝet noȝt þat he were icome þoru Godes sonde
Ne þat he were Godes sone ak mannes kunde al one
Byȝute þoru Iosep & Marie þoru flesses ymone
Oure Louerd for þis vour þynges let him circumsise
Þe day is wel to holde heiȝe of men þat beoþ wise

Eppiphania Domini

Twelþeday þe heiȝe feste noble is to holde
For four þinges of þulke day as þe gospel us tolde


Þulke day þe þre[o] kinges oure Louerd presant broȝte
Sone so he was ybore and wel wide hym soȝte
Þere after nyne & twenty ȝer as byuel þulke day
Oure Louerd ybaptized was to bygynne þe niwe lay
Twelmonþe ek afterward as þulke day also
Oure Louerd made of water wyn þo þat oþer was ydo
Þulke day þo a twelfmonþe þoru oure Louerdes grace
Vyf þousond men mid vif loues vedde in a place
Þis foure miracles of oure Louerd þulke day were ido
Wel auȝte we halwy þe day and honoure also

De sancto Hillario

Seint Hillare þe holyman of Aquytaine was
Bissop he was of þulke londe as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Ar he bissop were ymaked ywedded a hadde a wif
And his doȝter het Aþye þat ladde wel holy lyf
Þer were þo misbileued men into al þe lond ybroȝt
In Aquitayne & ek in France þat on God neluuede noȝt
Seint Hillare wel stableliche plaidede aȝen hom faste
Þere fore þe luþer emperor out of þe lond hym caste
For he nas noȝt pur Cristenman ac to misbileue drou
Iflemd was þis holyman in care & sorwe inou
Suþþe þer com in þe emperor a wille as God it wolde
Þat Cristen men & misbileuede desputy togadere ssolde
Þat me miȝte yse[o] by reson weþer þe betere were
Seint Hillare was ofsend þat he were wiþ hom þere
Þis holyman a Godes name hamward aȝen him drou
By þe wey he fond a lond of eddren fol ynou
Þat for ham noman nemiȝte come in al þe lond
Seint Hillare com þere forþ & þis eddren fond
Byuore hym he drof out of þe lond þis eddren echon
And het hom þat in þulke lond necome neuere eft non
A sotele marke he sette hom þat hy bileuede in þe on ende


And forbed þat non of ham ouer þe marke wende
So þat ȝute to þis daye þer ne come neuere eft non
Þat miȝte come in þulke londe ne ouer þe marke gon
Forþere wende þis godeman & in a stude he com
Þare he vond a ȝong child ded wiþoute Cristendom
Þis godeman sat adoun akne[o] & bad oure Louerdes grace
Þis child aros to lyue anon forþ mid hym in þe place
Suþþe he com þoru Godes grace hom to is ouwe londe
Aþie his doȝter he fond ȝare to nyme an hosebonde
Þis godeman was þer of anuyd & prechede hure wel uaste
So þat he turnde as God it wolde hure þoȝt attelaste
So þat þis maide to chastete turnde clanliche hure þoȝt
Þis holyman was glad inou þat þerto hure hadde ybroȝt
Ac naþeles he was euere adrad leste he[o] wiþdrowe hure þoȝt
For vnstable wymmen ofte beoþ he ne durste fram hure noȝt
Ne he nemiȝte noȝt euere nei hure be[o] hure þoȝt to wiþdrawe
He bad God ȝif is wille were to bringe hure of lyf dauwe
Oure Louerd hure sende þe deþ uppon as seint Hillare hym bad
Þis godeman is ouwe honde burede hure þo he[o] was ded
Of hure deþ he was glad inou he dradde sunne so sore
& to fle[o] sunne he bad hure deþ & ne louede he noþing more
Misbileue as ich sede er ȝeode þo aboute faste
Leon þe pope þat was þo þerto his herte caste
And was yturnd in misbileue & þerof is conseil nom
To make a comun parlement to alegge Cristendom
Al þe bissops þat he wende þat wolde be[o] of is þoȝt
He let somny þuder faste ac seint Hillare noȝt
Seint Hillare was iwar þerof & is conseil þerof nom


And þo þis folk togadere was to court wel [s]ofte he com
Þe pope was þo he sey him come sory in is wyse
Anon he het þat noman aȝen hym ne ssolde aryse
Þis godeman com to court wel softe & wel faire þe court grette
Non nolde speke a uair word ne noman by h[i]m sette
Þis pope aȝen Cristendom bygan to speke anon
Seint Hillare him answerede & the bissops echon
Þis pope com a neode on þat he moste in alle wise
Do his neode at warderop & hasteliche up arise
Hillare Hillare þe pope sede ich habbe oþer wat to done
Ac anoþer ich wol wiþ þe telle & come aȝen wel sone
And by lokinge of þis godemen me ssel do by þe one
After þat þou deserued hast þat wiþseist us echone
Go nou forþ quaþ seint Hillare for neode þe haþ inome
Ac wo me ssel answerie ȝif þou nemiȝt aȝen come
Nai ne doute þe noȝt quaþ þe pope inabbe noȝt so muche to done
Þat i ne ssel come sone aȝen þe ssel þenche al to sone
Þis oþer wende forþ anon his neode bistod hym faste
He lyuerede hym so at warderobe þat is gottes out he caste
Al hit wende out by one weie amty his wombe was
And he fel doun ded anon þer was a grislich cas
Gret wreche þer was of God þat word sprang sone wide
Þis folk þat was at þis court miȝte longe abyde
Al aboute sat þis folk seint Hillare stod amydde
Ne he nuste war sitte adoun ne noman hym nolde bidde
Al weri he was istonde he sat adoun anon
Wel softe upe þe bare gronde amidde þis folk echon
Anon so he was adoun ysete as al þat folk ysey
Þe eorþe þo he sat adoun aros hym up anhey
And bar up þis holyman as hey as oþer sete
And as a chaire stod byneþe euene to hym ymete
Þo sat þere þis holyman as heiȝe as oþer aboute


Þat folk þat so auilede hym er were þo in gret doute
And of þe grete wreche also þat of the pope com
Hi doutede þe more Iesu Crist and louede Cristendom
So þat þoru grace of Iesu Crist hore þoȝt hi turnde þere
And biluuede on Iesu Crist þat misbiluued er were
So þat seint Hillare þis holyman þe wile is lif ilaste
Prechede euere of Cristendom and huld it up faste
And þo þat lond was al aboute in god bileue inou
Þis holyman a Godes name touward þe deþe drou
And deide to hondred ȝer & fourty ȝer al riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was alyȝt
He wende to þe ioye of heuene after þis lif anon
Nou God for þe loue of him vs bringe þuder echon

De sancto Wolstano

Sein Wolston bissop of Wircetre was her in Engelonde
Swuþe holyman al is lif [he] was as ich vnderstonde
Þe wile he was a ȝong child god lif he ladde inou
Wanne oþere children eode pleie toward chirche he drou
Seint Edward was [þo oure] king þat nouþe in heuene is
And þe bissop of Wircestre Briȝteiȝe het ywis
Of þis bissop Briȝteiȝe sein Wolston is ordre nom
Ech after oþer as it biuel so þat he preost bicom
Þis bissop vnderveng hym suþþe & monk him made iwis
In þe priorie of Wircetre þat gret hous & hei is
Swuþe wel is ordre he held in þe priorie
And al is wille was to paie God & seinte Marie
In none bed he nolde come ac wanne oþer ȝeode þerto
Touore an auter he wolde go his orisons to do
Wanne þe dede slep hym ouercom þat he ne miȝt fergon
His heued he wolde legge adoun upe a hard ston
On a degre byuore þe auter oþer is bok þer vnder do
And ligge a stonde in dwellinge al is slep was so


He nolde þre[o] dawes in þe wike noþing ete wiþ alle
Ne noþing speke bote is beden for noȝt þat miȝte biualle
Þe oþer dawes wel lite he spak & wel lite et also
Bote a lite gruwel oþer porreie holde he wolde þerto
So longe he was at Wircetre in holy lyf þus stille
Þat me made hym prior of þe hous muche aȝen is wille
Is couent he weste wel & to alle godnesse ham drou
Of God and al gode men loue he hadde inou
Þe priorie of Wircetre sein Oswold bygan er
Þat was biuore sein Wolston aboute an hondred ȝer
& þat seint Oswold bigan er sein Wolston vulde iwis
So þat þoru hore beire werk strang & hei it is
As þis holyman sein Wolston a time let arere
An hey belhous of strang werk þe bellen to honge þere
And masons aboue & byneþe þer aboute were
And bi laddren clomme up & doun & stones up bere
A man clam upward bi a laddre & þo he was up anhey
Fram eorþe mo þan fourti vet as al þat folk ysey
Dounward he uel as he misstep men were sore agaste
Sein Wolston stod and byheld hou he com dou[n]ward uaste
He made him þe signe of þe crois as he uel to gronde
Harmles he uel and hol inou his lymes hol & sonde
And aros up & dude is werk as hym noþing nere
Louerd muche is þi miȝte as þou kuddest þere
Þat he so harde fram heie vel & of eche harm was sker
Þou ert God þat wonder dest as seiþ þe sauter
So þat Briȝteiȝe þe bissop of Wircetre was ded
A clerk was bissop after hym þat me clupede Al[d]red
Þat seint Wolston louede wel and he hym also
For ech god man wol louie oþer it were elles misdo
Suþþe hit bicom þat þe erchebissop of Euerwik was ded
Erchebissop hy made þer þis bissop Aldred
And þe bissopriche of Wircestre uacant was & lere


Sein Wolston was sone ichose and bissop imad þere
Bissop him made þe holyman seint Edward oure kyng
And aueng him inis dignete and tok him crois & ryng
His bissopriche he weste wel and ek is priorie
And aforcede him to serui wel God & seinte Marie
Four ȝer he hadde bissop ibe[o] & noȝt follich fyue
To seint Edward þe holy king wende out of þis liue
To gret ruþe to al Engelonde so weilawei þe stonde
For strange men þer come suþþe & broȝte Engelond to gronde
Vor Harald was suþþe kyng wiþ traison alas
Þe croune he bar of Engelond wuch wile so it was
Ac William Bastard þat was þo duk of Normandie
Þoȝte to wynne Engelond þoru strengþe & felonye
He let him greiþe folk inou & gret poer wiþ hym nom
Wiþ gret strengþe in þe se hym dude & to Engelond com
He let ordeiny is feorde wel & is baner up arere
And let destruye al þat he uond & þat lond sore aferde
Harald hurde her of telle þe kyng of Engelonde
He let ȝarke uaste is ost aȝen him forto stonde
Þe baronie of Engelonde iredy was wel sone
Þe kyng to helpe & eke amsulue as wone was to done
Þe worre was þo in Engelonde deoluol & strang inou
And hore eiþer of oþeres men alto grounde slou
No strengþe nadde þe stronge men þat icome were so niwe
Aȝen þe baronie of Engelond þe wile hi wolde be[o] triwe
Ac alas þe tricherie þat þo was and ȝute is
Þat broȝte þo Engelonde alto grounde ywis
Vor Englisse barons bycome somme vntriwe and fals also
To bitraie hom sulf and hore kyng þat so muche triste ham to
Þe Normans and þe Englisse men day of bataille nome
Þare as is þe abbei of Bataille a day togadere y come
To gronde hy smite and slouwe also as God ȝaf þat cas


Willam Bastard was aboue Harald byneþe was
For hy þat Harald triste to faillede him wel vaste
So þat he was byneþe ibroȝt & ouercome attelaste
Þis Willam Bastard þat was kyng suþþe hym vnderstod
Þat he mid vnriȝt hadde yssad so many mannes blod
And þere as þe bataille was an abbey he let rere
Þat me clupeþ Abbey of þe Bataille þat noble stont ȝut þere
As sone so he was king ymad & al Engelond bysette
As he wolde mid strange men ac noman nemiȝte hym lette
Þis holy sein Wolston wel ofte him wiþsede
Þat he wiþ vnriȝt hadde ido a such vuel dede
And spak aȝen hym baldeliche & ne sparede for no drede
For he was þe kundeste Englisse man þat was of eny manhede
For alle oþer were deserited ney þe kyng was wiþ him wroþ
Þat he dradde so lite of hym he swor anon is oþ
To pulte him of is bissopriche he let him somni also
To Westmistre to answerie hym of þat he hadde misdo
Nou nas noȝt sein Wolston wel gret clerk in lore
For wan he scholde to scole go at churche he was more
To Westmestre he com to is daie as he was isomned er
Þis king was in grete wraþþe wel prest aȝen hym þer
And þe erchebissop of Kanterburi Lanfranc was is name


And þe bissop Gondolf of Roucetre alle to don hym ssame
Sein Wolston to uore hom com þat aȝen him were so stronge
As a þeof touore a Iustice his dom forto auonge
Þe king and þe erchebissop ek speke wordes grete
Þat he ssolde as he worþe was his bissopriche for lete
Forto holde such dignete to lite he couþe of lore
And hy hym hadde to lange iþoled & þo nolde hi namore
And foles hy were þat such fol vurst broȝte in such miȝte
& if he was follich underuonge adoun he ssolde wiþ riȝte
Sein Wolston stod wel mildeliche & hurde al þat hy sede
Nadde he noman bote God to answerie ne to rede
Sires he sede riȝt it is þat ich ȝoure heste do
For sire king þou ert mi souerein & þou erchebissop also
Þe crois ich habbe ȝare ybore þat ȝe seoþ her lo
I knowe ich am and wel ichot þat ynam noȝt worþe þerto
Wanne ȝe wolleþ þat ich ine bileue as man þat vnworþe is
Wel vawe ichelle ȝoure heste do as mine souereins iwis
In obedient to Holy Churche iwis ich nel be[o] noȝt
To ȝulde up as ȝe me hoteþ ich ine habbe here ibroȝt
Ac for ȝe ne toke hyne me noȝt inelle ȝou take non
Ac him þat hine me bitok byuore ȝou euerichon
Þe godeman þat hit me bitok ȝend he liþ wel stille
Ichelle him take [hine] up aȝen þanne do ich ȝoure wille
To seinte Edwardes tombe he wende þat was in marbelston
And nom is crois wel mildeliche & smot þe point þer on
Þe staf smot in þe marbelston as it were in nesse sonde
And he was inne deop inou þe godeman let hym stonde
Nou he sede ich him habbe bitake þat bitok it me
And touore ȝou here iȝoulde up al þulke dignete


Takeþ nou wam þat ȝe wolleþ somme þat be[o] [bet] in lore
And habbeþ goday euerichon ȝe ne mowe esse namore
Þis holyman hym wende uorþ amang ham alle wel softe
Þe volk stod as hy were inome & biheld þe crois wel ofte
Hou he stod in þe marbelston so deope and so vaste
Of þe miracle hom wondred alle & were somdel agaste
Somme of hom wende þerto sone þe crois up to drawe
Ac þer nas non so strang of ham þat miȝte hure enes wawe
Hy porueide þer sire Gondolf bissop of Roucetre
Þat he were after sein Wolston byssop of Wircetre
Þe erchebissop him het arise & nyme þe crois anon
Þe bissop aros wel baldeliche & þuder ward gan gon
Þe crois he nom & faste drou uppon þe marbelston
He nemiȝte hure wawe noȝt þat folk wondrede echon
And þare aboute wel þicke drou þat wonder forto se[o]
Þe king and þe erchebissop iseye þat it nemiȝte oþer be[o]
Hy repentede of hore dede and after sein Wolston sende
In vaire manere þat hy wolde hore trespas amende
Þe messagers iredi were after hym sone wende
Ȝute þis holyman for al ȝare gult is herte to ham bende
And sede ich mot nede do mine souereines wille
To court he wende aȝen mid hom wel mildeliche & stille
Þo he was to court icome hy arise aȝen him anon
Þe kyng and þe erchebissop ek & oþere þat were is fon
In grete noblesse hy clupede him vorþ & forȝifnesse hym bede
And bede to amendy aȝen him al hore misdede
And bede him nyme aȝe þe crois & do by hore rede
For he was best worþe þerto þanne eni oþer hy sede
Nay certes sire quaþ sein Wolston þat nere noȝt to do
For ich wot ȝe sede soþ inam noȝt worþe þerto


Ac nymeþ wan ȝoure wille be[o] anoþer þat conne more
Þe king and þe erchebissop ek cride him milce & ore
And sede þer nas non oþer þat so worþe were þerto
Longe it was ar þis holiman hore wille wolde do
Ac forto obeie is souereins he wende vorþ attelaste
& nom þis crois wel mildeliche þat stikede er so faste
As liȝtliche as he wolde hym sulf þe crois he gan up drawe
Þat so mani men [uond]ede er & nemiȝte noȝt enes wawe
Þicke orn þat folk aboute hym and no wonder hit nas
Þe miracle was sone ikud þat so apert was
Me honurede þis holyman as muche as me miȝte
His poer þat him was bynome he tok aȝen wiþ riȝte
And aȝen to is bissopriche wiþ gret honour drou
Is couent vnderueng hym faire & honurede him inou
Þis holyman ladde al is lyf in god lyf and clene
In syknesse wel vewe þer were þat man wolde ofmene
Þat he ne broȝte to hele anon þoru oure Louerdes grace
Sike men wel þicke come to him in eche place
Deue and dombe & eke blinde & ech maner sike also
He helde þoru oure Louerdes grace wanne hi come hym to
So longe he liuede an eorþe her þat a was of gret elde
His body bygan to heuegy al gret feblesse he uelde
A slou feuere him com on þat nom hym noȝt to stronge
Þat made is body multe awey þat laste swuþe long
Seueniȝt byuore þat he deide his breþeren [he] let vecche alle
And let him al his riȝtes do & sede wat ssolde biualle
Out of þis lyf to heuene he wende as he ssel byleue
In the monþe of Geniuer a sein Fabianes eue
A þousond ȝer and nyenty and fiue þer byuore
It was þat oure swete Louerd an eorþe was ibore
In þe teþe ȝer it was also of þe kyngdom
Of Willam þe rede kyng þat after Willam Bastard com


He hadde ar he hanne wende voure & þritti ȝer
And four monþes and four dawes bissop ibeo her
Vour score ȝer he was old and seuene also ney
Ar he wende out of þis lyf to þe ioie of heuene an hey
Þo þis holyman was ded þis monekes come sone
In þe priorie of Wircetre and dude wat was to done
Wesse þat body as it was riȝt & to churche it bere
Þe monkes alle wiþ gret honur þat is breþeren were
Þe seruise þer aboute dede as it was wel riȝt
And to segge hore sauter ek þer aboute hy woke al niȝt
Þo hit was wel [w]iþinne niȝt as hy sede in hore boke
Hom luste slepe swuþe wel vnneþe hi miȝte loke
And somme ne miȝte noȝt forbere ac leiȝe & slepe vaste
Somme as it were in dwellinge hore eiȝne togadere caste
Þis holy body þat lay þer ded bytwene hom in þe bere
Aros him up wel mildeliche as it alyue were
And aweiȝte hom euerichon & bigan atte on ende
And bygan al along þe rewe þoru out þe quer wende
And euere as he aweiȝte hom he gan hom somdel chide
Þat hy nolde wiþ hore slep hore riȝte time abide
So muche was is holy herte þe ordre forto wite
Þat he nolde noȝt þei he were ded is breþeren forȝute
Þis miracle was wide ikud as riȝt was þat he were
At Wi[r]cestre he was ibured & issrined is nou þere
For him me may þer al day many fair miracle ise[o]
Nou God leoue þat we mote wiþ hym in þe ioie of heuene be[o]

De sancto Fabiano

Sein Fabian bi olde dauwe god man was inou
At Rome he ladde holy lif and to alle godnesse drou
So þat as oure Louerd it wolde þe pope of Rome was ded
Hy byspeke to cheose anoþer as þe comun nom hor red
Hy cride on oure Louerd niȝt and day þat he sende hom in þe place


Som toknynge wo it miȝte be[o] for his holy grace
Þo com þer out of heuene a wiȝt coluer fle[o] adoun
And aliȝte uppon sein Fabian anouwarde þe croun
Þo þis toknynge was icome glad hy were echon
Hy nome him up as oure Louerd it wolde & made him pope anon
Þo he was pope þis holyman he huld up mid al is miȝte
Þe riȝte byleue of Cristendom and Holy Churches riȝte
So þat þe luþer Decyous þat emperor was þo
Isey þe folk to Cristendom þoru þis holyman go
He þoȝte anon & swor is oþ þat þare ne ssolde namo
He let nyme þis holiman and dude hym pine and wo
And suþþe he let smite of is heued after al is oþer pine
And þus sein Fabian þe pope broȝte is lif to fine
Þis was þe þritteþe ȝer þat he hadde pope ybe[o]
And to hondred ȝer it was ek and vifty and þre[o]
After þat oure swete Louerd an eorþe for us com
Þat sein Fabian þis holyman þolede martirdom
And wende to þe ioie of heuene þat last wiþoute ende
Nou God for þe loue of him us alle þuder sende

De sancto Sebastiano

Sein Bastian was a man of a gret honour
He seruede Dioclisian þe heþene emperor
Heiost maister he was vnder hym to don al is wille
Cristen man he was bicome ac þer of he was stille
For no doute of martirdom ac for he wolde longe
Serui Iesu Godes sone ar he wolde þane deþ auonge
Alle þe men þat Cristene were þat þe emperor awer fonde
Sone he let to deþe bringe mid fur oþer mid wonde
Wanne eueryman for Cristendom ssolde to deþe be[o] broȝt
Sein Bastian him comfortede þat he ne dradde noȝt
To fonge þane deþ for Godes loue ac þat he stedeuast were
Mani he huld in Cristendom þat fleichi wolde for fere
Marcus & Marcelian breþeren were tweie
Þe emperor for Cristendom let nime ham faste beye


He let ham binde togadere uaste beie to a piler
And naily hore uet to þan eorþe þat hi ne miȝte uer ne ner
So hi stode oniȝt & day ne miȝte neuer noþer fram oþer
Eiþer to oþer ofte sede her is ioie leue broþer
God it is & ioyuol breþeren to wonie yuere
Euere hy prechede of Cristendom mid wel glade chere
Þe emperor let nime a sper as y stode togadere ibonde
And let smite þoru eiþer herte þat hi deide in a stonde
Þo was sein Bastian iwreid þat he hym ȝaf þe red
To holde faste hore Cristendom þei hy ssolde beo ded
Þe emperor him let clupie sein Bastian he sede
To þe was al mi trist my lond to wisse and rede
Of alle þing þat min is ich ȝaf þe poer
To susteini min honur & sauy uer and ner
Ich habbe to þe suspetion to soþe ne segge ich noȝt
Þat þou toȝen me & myn honur iturnd hast þi þoȝt
Sein Bastian sede sire emperor aȝen þe neuere ich nas
Ac mid þe and alle þinge þat to þin honour was
Ac ofte ich habbe niȝt and day Godes sone bisoȝt
As wis as wiþ is swete blod he haþ us dere aboȝt
Þat he þe ȝiue poer gret strengþe and eke þoȝt
To bileue þi false godes for hy ne helpeþ þe noȝt
Wod wroþ was þis emperor sein Bastian he sede
Habbe ich þus ynorissed þe turn þi þoȝt ich rede
Bote þou honury oure godes ich ssel þe such pine take
Þat ar þu be[o] to deþe ibroȝt ech lime þe ssel ake
Sire sede sein Bastian þi þretynge ne drede ich noȝt
Sorore me greueþ þat þou nelt habbe reuþe on þi þoȝt
And honure him þat þe made & þine maumetis bileue
Þat ne mowe þe helpe worþ a stre for hi beoþ dombe & deue
Þis emperor in grete wraþþe þis holyman let take
And lede him ver into a ueld & binde hym to a stake
He let archers to him schete as it were to a marke


Wiþ arwen & wiþ quarels & made hym wonde starke
Manion wende him þoru out in a lite wile
Hy stikede on him so þicke so irchon doþ of pile
So þat hy hu[l]de him for ded hom hy gonne wende
Vnbured hy bileuede him þer is bodi forto schende
A Cristene womman þat het Yreine wende þuder biniȝte
Forto burie þis holy bodi if he[o] it finde miȝte
He[o] com and fond him hol & sond wiþoute ech maner wonde
Wiþ ioie he[o] ladde hym to hare hous & glad was þat him fonde
Þe ueorþe day sein Bastian wende to þe emperour
Sire he sede ichelle þe telle þing to þin honour
Ȝe misbileueþ & me doþ ȝou ek mis to vnderstonde
Þat Cristen men ssolde harm do þe comun of þi londe
For ysusteined and ysaued þi lond is þoru hare bone
More þanne þoru ȝoure maumetis þat ne beoþ noȝt worþ a spone
For we biddeþ niȝt & day God þat me hider sende
Þat he ȝou sende is holy grace þi lif forto amende
Hou is þis quaþ þe emperor were þou aliue be[o]
Nertou noȝt sein Bastian þat ich let in þe uelde sle
Ȝe sede þis holyman aliue ich am ȝute her
Hol and sond wiþoute wonde to ssewe Godes poer
And to ssewe þat ȝe vnriȝt doþ Cristen men to spille
For hore bileue is riȝt & god & ȝoure nis worþ a uille
Þarefore in þi soule biþench ne byluf noȝt on a stone
Ac on him þat þe dure boȝte Godes sone al one
O: sede þe emperor ware is oure myȝte
Schel þis þeof wiþ is wicchinge aȝen us wiþ wordes fiȝte
He let nyme þis holyman & to is paleis lede
For no miracle þat he dude to wide ne ssolde sprede
In a stude deorne inou villich he let him drawe
& wiþ staues to deþe bete & þo he was of lif dawe
In a chambre ferine amidde þe fulþhede
He let him hange wiþ a rop þat was a uil dede


Þat body forto ssende and for he was in drede
Þat Cristen men him wolde stele & þat bodi awei lede
Byniȝte com þis holiman to a womman þat het Lucine
And tolde hou he imartred was & in wuche pine
Hou uillich is body heng þat he[o] so sone so he[o] miȝte
Þis bodi uette & burede it amang Cristenmen biniȝte
Þis gode womman at midniȝt dude so he hadde ibede
Vette is body & burede it in a wel uair stude
Þus sein Bastian broȝte is lyf to ende
And to þe ioie of heuene fram pine gan wende

De sancta Agneta

Seint Anneis þe holy maide wel ȝong by gan
To serui God almiȝti to be[o] Cristen womman
He[o] nas bote þrittene ȝer old þo he[o] was to deþe ibroȝt
For þe loue of Iesu Crist þat de[o]re us haþ iboȝt
In Rome þer he[o] wonede so vair womman nas non
As þis maide forþward was of fel & of bon
As þis ȝonge þing com a day goynde fram scole
Þe constables sone hure isey & huld hure for fole
He louede hure in folie & was in gret mornynge
And carede hou he miȝte best þis to ende bringe
For stille mornynge þat he made he werþ swuþe lene
Þerof wondrede muche is frendes & muche him gonne bimene
Hi esste a day in priuete wat were him so to uare
He tolde ham fram ende to oþer war of was is care
& hou he wolde hym sulf asle bote he miȝte hure loue wynne
Þo his fader nemiȝte turne is þoȝt he þoȝte of oþer gynne
He ladde him to þis holy maide & nom hure bi þe honde
Maide he sede lo her my sone þat riche worþ of londe
And fair grace þe is icom his herte he haþ þe ytake
Riche womman þou worst inou he wilneþ þe to make


Heiost þou worst of al þi cun of lond & oþer þinges
Gold and seluer þe tit inou broches & eke ringes
Go fram me þis maide sede þou luþer deþes fode
Wostou fouly mi clene lif þou ne bringst me in such drede
Ich habbe me a spouse ynome þou nost nawer such non
Briȝtore þan eny liȝt þat euere an eorþe schon
For ech þing mai wondri of is cunde is moder is clene maide
His fader of womman neuere nuste as þe prophete us saide
Of noȝt he made al þe world and ȝaf us oure fode
Wel de[o]re wiþ is swete blod he boȝte vs vpe þe rode
On me he haþ a marke ido þat i ne ssel non oþer take
Wel deorworþe þing he me bihat nel ich him forsake
Þe constable þat het Simphroni hou geþ þis he sede
Ware þou liuie on þe ualse god turn þi þoȝt ich rede
And tak þis child to þi spouse & þench in þin owe god
Oþer me ssel þe tormenti þat þou sselt be[o] ney wod
Be[o] stille sede þis maide þo be[o] stille þou deuelles lime
Þou ne sselt to day mid no þreting mi gode þoȝt binime
Redi ich am for is loue þat me haþ de[o]re aboȝt
Tormentis auonge & þane deþ I ne drede þerof noȝt
Me let somny al þan toun þe maide ham stod byuore
Þe constable hure let strupe so naked so he[o] was ibore
Þat echman ssolde hure de[o]rne lymes ise[o] hure to ssende
Vnwreste man þis maide sede ssame þe tit atte ende
Ertou noȝt assamed in þi þoȝt bi eny womman þus do
Wanne þou of womman ert icome & [e]ch þat her stonde also
Þis maide [w]as noȝt for hure ȝonghede ac ar hure smok were of inome
On hure heued was so miche her sodeinliche bicome
Þat helede al hure swete body & tilde bineþe hure kne[o]


Þat me nemiȝte for þat her of þe body noȝt yse[o]
An hous þat seruede of bordel þer was þer biside
Þer inne þe constable hure let do & let crie wide
Þat alle þat folie do wolde þuder ssolde wende
And finde þer a fol womman of body fair and hende
Þo þe maide was þer inne ido so uol was þe stude of liȝte
Þat noman for briȝthede þe maide ise[o] nemiȝte
Þe maide sat adoun akne[o] and dude hure preiere
Louerd he[o] sede wel ȝong icham among my fomen here
Euerich fondeþ me do ssame þat aboute me doþ wende
Ne ȝiue neuer Louerd no luþerman power me to ssende
Euere he[o] sat in hure beden and on oure Louerd gan crie
Nemiȝte noman for liȝte hure se[o] þat com in for folye
Ac euere wanne hy come in to don hore fole þoȝt
On God hy hurde hure crie uaste & ne seie hure noȝt
Þo bigan ech after oþer as euerich in com
For miracle þat hy seie turnde to Cristendom
And bigonne uorþ wiþ hure on oure Louerd uaste crie
Þo was it [an] hous of orisons þat was er of folie
As þis maide in hure beden sat an angel þer com gon
A rochet inis hond he broȝte wittor[e] nemiȝte be[o] non
Þis maide dude on þis rochet for naked he[o] was er
Naþeles hure [bodi] ne sei me noȝt for liȝte ne for her
Þo he[o] hadde þis rochet on namore ihud he[o] nas
Vairor þing nas neuere iseie þanne þis ȝonge þing þo was
Þe constables sone come to don as hi hadde er ised
Ac ar hy miȝte handly hure hy folle adoun standed
His felawes þat wiþ him come wiþoute were wel stille
And hopede for he was so longe þat he hadde ido is wille
Naþeles þo he to longe was on gan wiþinne gon
And fond þis child ligge ded so cold so eny ston
He lep out into þe stret loude he gan to grede
Comeþ men and sleþ þis wicche for hure luþer dede


Þe constables sone he[o] haþ aslawe as ȝe mowe her ise[o]
Comeþ and nymeþ hure anon þat he[o] awey ne vle[o]
Þat folk com reke aboute þat hous & fonde þat it was ded
Alle þe baillifs þuder come to nyme þer of red
Somme sede þat he[o] was a wicche & somme þat he[o] was wod
Ac alle for þe childes deþe wroþe were in hore mod
And stod & iuggede among hom to bringe hure to deþe sone
Þe maide sat adoun akne[o] & dude to God hur bone
Louerd he[o] sede if it [is] þi wille þi miȝte and þi grace
Þou cuþ and send þis child lyf here in þisse place
Þat þis luþer folk þat her is þy miȝte mowe yse[o]
Ne lete Louerd noman þe deþ auonge for encheson of me
Adoun þer com an angel maide Anneis he sede
Oure Louerd haþ ihurd þi bone þat þou him bede
He blessede þat child & it aros fram deþe to lyue
And þonkede God & orn hym out at þe dore wel bliue
And com out amang al þat folk loude he gan to crie
O God is in heuene ibore of þe mayde Marie
Þat is Fader & Sone & Holy Gost louerd of alle þinge
Þat wille hadde þoru is swete miȝte fram deþ today me bringe
Byleueþ ȝoure false godes for hy nabbeþ poer non
Enes to meuy of þe stude namore þanne a ston
Þe childes fader and many oþere swuþe glade bycome
Þo hy seie þis miracle and Cristendom nome
Wod wroþe were þis luþer men hi gonne bitwene hom telle
In wuch martirdom hy miȝte þis holy maide quelle
Hy lete make a gret fur þer amidde þe place
Forto brenne þis holy maide ac þare cudde Godes grace


For þo þe maide was þuder ibroȝt in þe fure me hure þreu
Þat fur to clef amidde ato & þe luþer men wel ikneu
Forþ it smot in eyþer side and barnde hom al clene
Nas þis maide iwemmed noȝt for it ne touchede noȝt ene
As he[o] sat adoun akne[o] in eiþer side was þe leiȝe
Louerd he[o] sede ȝif þou wolt þat ich her ssel deiȝe
Al ȝare ich am þat fur to auonge þat is in eiþer side
Weþer ich ssel her imartired be[o] oþer lengor[e] abide
Þo he[o] hadde þis word ised þat fur quente anon
Namore hete nas in þe place þanne in þe colde ston
Ȝute hi þat bileuede aliue on God biluuede noȝt
And byspeke hou hi miȝte on take þat he[o] were to deþe ibroȝt
Hi lete nyme a kene swerd & þoru hure þrote smite
Þe rede blod orn adoun ope hure limes so wite
Þat fairor þing nemiȝte be[o] þanne was þat swete blod
Vpe hure limes þat were so wite þo it þer uppe stod
Þis mayde seint Anneys þus broȝte hure lif to fine
And wende to þe ioie of heuene after þe muchel pine

Agneta secundo

After þat þis luþer folk þis holy maide slou
Hure kynesmen þat louede hure wel sori were inou
Þer was wop and deol inou and eche niȝt hy laie
And wope þer he[o] was ibured for hi ne dorste noȝt bidaie
Seueniȝt afterward þat þe luþer folk hure slou
As hy leiȝe at hure buriels in deol & sorwe inou
And wope for þis holy maide þo seie hi at midniȝt
Touward hom come wel softe as it were a gret liȝt
Þo com þer a companie þe fairoste þat miȝte be[o]
Of maidens al of briȝte golde þat ioie it was to se[o]
Amid þis faire companie seint Anneis hy seie


So muche ioie as hure was wiþ hi ne seie neuere wiþ eiȝe
A lomb wittore þanne eny þing ȝeode by hure riȝt side
Þo seint Anneis isey hure kun hure felawes he[o] bad abide
He[o] stod up and spak wiþ hom wiþ gret ioie inou
Wy weope ȝe he[o] sede for mi deþ iseþ nou ȝoure wou
Noþing ded ne holdeþ me ac in alle ioye ȝe be[o]
For ich am aliue in ioie inou as ȝe mowe her ise[o]
Wiþ þis faire companie virgines faire and hende
In þe ioie of heuene ich am & worþ wiþoute ende
Seint Anneis wiþ hure companie aȝen to heuene drou
Hure kun was after þulke tyme for hure in ioie inou
Þis miracle was wide couþ so þat hit sone sprong
To Constantine þe emperor and to al is court along
So þat Constance his doȝter in wan was al is þoȝt
In siknesse strang inou and ssendfol was ibroȝt
In þe gret uuel he[o] was so strang þat hure nas a stude bileued
Þat nas fol of quiture & of ssab fram hure uet to hure heued
Þe deol þat for hure ymaked was no tonge nemay telle
For more angwise nemiȝte be[o] bote it were pine of helle
Þo þis miracle was icud as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Þere seint Anneis was ibured þis sike mayde wende
On seint Anneis he[o] cride þat he[o] hure erende bere
Þat oure Louerd hure hele sende heþene þei he[o] were
A[s] he[o] cride þus on seint Anneis a softe slep hure nom
Þo þoȝte hure þat þis holy maide seint Anneis to hure com
Constance he sede change þi þoȝt & biluf in Iesu Crist
And þou worst hol ar þou arise in þe stude þer þou list
Þis maide awok & byhuld hure lymes aboute echon
He[o] uelde hure faire & clene inou of fleiss and of bon
Of þe strange sores þat on hure were þer nas isene noȝt on


Ne in þe stude war hi hadde ibe[o] namore þanne in a ston
He[o] aros up clene inou and þonkede God anon
And to grete ioie of al hure frend hamward he[o] com gon
And byluuede on Iesu Crist and ibaptized was
Monimon nom Cristendom for þis holy cas
Þis was lo a uair miracle of seint Anneis iwis
Nou God vs bringe to þulke ioye þat þis maide inne is

[De Sancto Vincencio]

Seint Vincent in Spaine was & [to] a Cristen bissop he com
Þat me clupede Valleri & nom of him Cristendom
Wiþ þe bissop he byleuede þo in seruise as it were
And was his dekne wel priue Cristen men to lere
Þis holy bissop Valleri wel feble was of speche
And noþing apert is tonge nas þat folk forto teche
Þeruore he tok sein Vincent clanliche his poer
For he was renable inou to prechi uer & ner
So þat þe Iustice of þe lond Dacian was is name
Let nime þis bissop uaste & defouli wiþ gret ssame
And aposede him of Cristendom & þretnede wel uaste
Bote he forsok Iesu Crist & to him is herte caste
Þis bissop for is feble tonge spak wel feble speche
Sein Vincent was wroþ inou & sede ich mot þe teche
Wy spekestou so sympelliche as þou adrad were
Spec baldeliche as it bicomþ war of hastou fere
Nim herte to þe and confort þat oþere þat Cristen be[o]þ
Þat hy today hardy be[o] as hy þe yse[o]þ
Hou geþ þis quaþ þe Iustice were þis þeof wene fiȝte
And wiþsegge us al abrod me ssel him oþer diȝte
Leteþ þane bissop awey gon for is milde speche
Vincent ȝe nime & binde anon me ssel him oþer teche
Wiþ scourges and wiþ staues uaste ȝe him bete
Þat euerich lyme him be[o] nome er þan ȝe him lete


Vincent sede þou paiest me wel þis ne likeþ me noȝt ille
I ne sey neuere [man] þat so wel acorded to my wille
Nou ich hopie to habbe game er me þoȝte lange
For it wol me to ioie turne and þe to pine strange
Þe tormentors nome þis holyman & to a piler him bonde
Wiþ scourges hi leide him on & made hym harde wonde
Wanne he ȝeue him a deop wonde liȝe he gan wel smere
Þe tormenturs sede & clupede help þo hy weri were
And sede we be[o]þ ouer come oure armes akeþ sore
Helpeþ and beteþ þane þeof for we ne mowe more
Þe Iustice was so wroþ wiþ him he let hom anon take
And let tormenti somme so sore þat ech lym hom gon ake
And somme he let to deþe bringe & somme in oþer torment
And euere he let uerss & nywe tormenti sein Vincent
Wanne hy were ibete þis holyman gan speke
Louerd ihered be[o] þi name nouþe ich am wel awreke
Þe more þat hi beteþ me þe bet me is ywis
Hom it turneþ to pine and wo & me to ioie & blis
Þe Iustice sede nemay ich noȝt mid noþing þerto bringe
Þat þou nelt nemne þi ualse god for al oure betinge
Þou luþer gost quaþ sein Vincent byþench þe ȝute more
Inabbe noȝt torment inou þer after me longeþ sore
Þo he was yscourged so þat me miȝte ise[o] ech bon
And euerich ioint and synueu þe Iustice gan ner gon
Vincent he sede of þi sulue haue reuþe and mercy
Ne let namore þin hendi bodi wiþ tormens defouly
Biluf on oure godes & turn anon þi þoȝt & þi mod
Ichelle þe ȝiue into al þe lond gret poer & god
Be stille sede sein Vincent al atter is þi lore
Be stille anon þou deueles tonge þou makest me dredde sore


Hit me greueþ þat þou feinest þe more þanne al þe pine
And al þe tormens þat þou me dest þou & alle þine
Ne bilef noȝt ȝut ne be[o] þou noȝt so sone bineþe ibroȝt
Þou most ȝute more ioie bringe & gladnesse in my þoȝt
Ȝute þou sselt quaþ þe Iustice more torment afonge
He lette him lede wiþ oute þe toun & in a gibet [honge]
Vincent uor folie bigan to eorne þo he hurde þis dom
Þar nas non þat him miȝte of take ar he to þe gibet com
Þo þat he anhonge was gret ioie he made & blys
Euere he prechede as he heng Godes word iwis
Þe lengore þat he þare heng þe more ioie he made
We ne ssolleþ neuere queþe þis tormenturs ouercome þis tade
Hy nome hym adoun & ladde him uorþ biuore þe Iustice
And sede þat hi nemiȝte him bringe to deþe in none wise
Alas sede þe Iustice is oure miȝte us bynome
War of serueþ oure godes þat ssolde him ouercome
Ledeþ him wiþoute þe toun a gret fur ȝe make
Þat þe þeof be[o] amidde ibroȝt ibonde to a stake
For brenne he ssel euerich lyme ne be[o] he noȝt so ware
Wanne he is to douste ibrend we be[o]þ ibroȝt of care
Þe tormenturs nome seint Vincent to do þe Iustice heste
Þe godeman wende into þe vur as gladlich as to feste
Þo hy wende þat Vincent ybarnd to douste were
Hy ourne to telle þe Iustice gladdore neuere hy nere
Hy ne miȝte so sone come hom þat seint Vincent nas er
Atom biuore þe Iustice mony sori man was þer
Þe tormentors tolde þe Iustice hou he ibarnd was
Alas quaþ þe Iustice neuer er yssend ich nas
Schel þ[e] þef us ouercome Mahon nou þin ore


Þei he torment habbe iheued ȝute ich can þenche more
He let nyme plates of ire somdel þunne & brode
And legge hom abrode in þe place ney wat a cartes lode
Gret fur he let þer uppe make & þo hi glowinge were
Þat wode vur hy nome awey and sein Vincent þuder bere
Hi leide him on þis furi plates & somme þerof hy toke
And leide anouwarde is holy body wiþ an irene croke
Al he was þer on ihud ȝute nadde he none fere
Þat grece of him orn abrod as þei it friinge were
Þe swuþþore þe grece boillede þe gladdore he him made
And lou smere wanne þe plates inis fleiss gonne wade
Atte biginnynge he was glad and gladdore atte ende
Alas sede þe king þo þis þeof us wole schende
Þis torment ne helpeþ us noȝt anoþer we mote þenche
He let make a gret fur þat noþing ne miȝte quenche
Sein Vincent hi leide amidde & suþþe salt hy nome
& mid lomen in is [wounden] caste & in þe vur ilome
Þat þe salt is wonden ssolde vrete wiþ þe vure
Þe sprangling of þe blodi salt wide me miȝte ihure
Ȝe sede þis holyman þis is a murie feste
Monie ioie ich abbe iheued and þis is mid þe meste
Wanne is blod sprengde in þe rof þanne lou he smere
Þis king and al is men mid him in gret angwise were
And sede we be[o]þ nei ouercome Mahon war is þi miȝte
Schel þis þeof wiþ is wicchinge aȝen þi poer þus fiȝte
Ȝute ich þenche sede þe king of one pine stronge
Þat be[o] þis þeof þeron ido he ne worþ noȝt aliue longe
He sette þe derkoste put þat in þe gaihol was
As fol of swerdes pointes as mede is of gras
Þer uppe þis holyman hy caste & faste ine bonde
Þat þe swerdes ssolde anon ȝiue him deþes wonde
Vaste hy loke alle þe doren & let him þere be[o]
Vpe þis swerdes in derkhede þat he nessolde noȝt ise[o]


Þer com an angel wiþ a taper bernynge inis honde
And bar him al up of þe swerdes þoru oure Louerdes sonde
Þe angel was þer wiþ him as longe as he þer was
Wiþ bernynge taper & ioie ynou neuere more nas
Þo it was longe þerafterward þis men come biside
And wende þat he were ded a stonde hy gonne abide
Þo hurde hy þis holyman loude & murie singe
& herede God of heuene hi orne & tolde þe kinge
Þo was þe king ney wat iswowe he sede sikinge sore
Alas oure miȝte us is bynome ne can ich þenche more
Oure godes ne helpeþ us noȝt þat alle habbeþ to wolde
Inelle neuer eft aȝen him be[o] criant ich me holde
Wanne no pine ne mai him quelle oþer þing ichelle fonde
Goþ and makeþ a nesse bed þe nesso[s]t of my londe
Of quilten and of materas of cheisil and of palle
And suþþe leggeþ him þeron swuþe nesse mid alle
Þo þe bed was imad to þe gaihol hy wende
Of þe liȝt of heuene hy fonde it fol as oure Louerd it sende
Wel softe hy nome þis holyman & faste custe is wonde
And to relikes gaderede þe blod þat hy þere fonde
Hy leide hym in þis nesse bed & þo he was ido þer on
His preiere he dude to oure Louerd Crist & gan deiȝe anon
Þo þe king þis isey þat he deide in is bedde
Tormentis he sede we habbeþ ido ac vuel us þerof spedde
Ded we wolleþ him ouercome wanne we nemiȝte alyue
Into þe wilde ueld þat body bereþ blyue
Wilde bestes and foules to drawe it wolleþ sone
Þis men broȝte þat body þer & dude þe kynges bone
Þo com þer vle[o] a reuene and adoun þerby aliȝte
Kene and steorne and dredfol al prest forto fiȝte
Wanne þer com þuderward eny foul þat þis body sey


Þis reuen smot to gronde anon nemoste þer come non nei
Ac euere he drof hom awey þuderward wanne i come
Ne miȝte þer non so kene come þat a mossel þerof nome
A wolf þer com ek þuderward his mete forto fette
Þo he wolde of þe bodi nyme þe reuen aȝen hym sette
And fley and smot mid bile & fot þat þe wolf attenende
Blody was & ouercome and aȝenward gan wende
Þis reuen weste þat body longe noþing iwemmed it nas
Þo þe king vnderȝet of þat holy cas
Þat bodi he let vecche hom & sede wat is oure red
Ne ssolde we him neuere ouercome noþer quik ne ded
Ȝif we ne mowe quik ne ded ouercome hym alonde
For no queintise þat we doþ awater we scholleþ fonde
He let it lede uer in þe se and þerto bond a ston
And caste it of þe ssip hit gan to synke anon
Þo þe mariners iseie þis glad hi were & blyþe
Forto telle þe king uore hy hiȝede wel swuþe
Nemiȝte hy so sone to londe come þat hi nefonde alonde
Þis holy body wel uaire ligge uppe þe se sonde
Sore ofgremed and ofssamed hamward hy gonne wende
Þe king hi tolde al þat cas fram biginnynge to þan ende
Alas alas quaþ þe king alas þe ssame and þe ssonde
We ne mouwe him ouercome quik ne ded awater ne alonde
Do we him al of oure þoȝt we ne mouweþ us neuere awreke
Ich doute þat it mi bane worþe hure ich more of hym speke
Sein Vincent com a niȝt in slep to a god womman þer biside
And sede war is body lay and bad hure noȝt longe abide
Ac þat he[o] hym ssolde burie sone for hym longede after reste


Þis womman wel þis vnderstod þo he[o] awok mid þe beste
He[o] wende and soȝte þis holy body he[o] fond it swuþe sone
He[o] let it burie wiþ gret honur as riȝt was to done
Þus seint Vincent þis holyman in Spaine endede is lyf
And wende to þe ioie of heuene after þis pine & strif
I ne hurde neuer martir non þat hadde more torment
Ne þat wiþ somme ouercome nas bote sein Vincent
Nou Iesus for þe loue of him lete us such lyf lede
Þat we mote to heuene come & forȝiue us oure misdede

De sancto Iuliano confessore

Sein Iulian þe Confessour ibore was at Rome
Monymen to Cristendom þoru his prechinge come
O[f] noble cunne he was icome and renable he was inou
After þe apostles sone he com & þat folk to gode drou
Into a cite he was isend þe prechour god and triwe
As apostle forto preche þe wile Cristendom was niwe
Cristendom was wel vnworþ in þulke cite þere
For hoker hi hadde of alle þat Cristene were
And alle þat speke of Cristendom me vileþ hom inou
An auntre him dude þis holyman & þuderward drou
Among hom he com wel mildeliche & bigan to preche anon
Þat folk him drof to busmare þe meste del echon
Ac oure Louerd hym ȝaf wel fair grace & fair miracle for him wroȝte
Þat muche folk þoru is miracle to Cristendom he broȝte
Oure Louerd hym ȝaf so uair grace also þat he miȝte
Museles hele and gidie men & þe blinde ȝiue hore siȝte
Þer nas no maner vuel so strang þat he awer by com
Þoru þe uertu[e] of þe crois þat he ne helde anon
So þat he turnde to Cristendom alle þulke folk aboute
And siwede him ek into þat lond of hom wel gret route


So þat hi come into a stude aþurst hy were wel sore
Hi nuste war to drinke come hit greuede hom þe more
Hi cride alle [o]n sein Iulian þat he hom som drinke founde
Þis holiman nom is staf and smot in þe grounde
And putte þe point a lite in þe eorþe þer sprong out anon
Þe beste welle þat miȝte be[o] among hom euerichon
And fond hom alle drinke inou þer neuere er drinke nas
Þoru vertu[e] of þis holiman vair miracle þer was
So mony miracle oure Louerd dude for loue of sein Iulian
Þat muche del of þe uolk hym huld god and no man
In Godes seruise attelaste his lif he broȝte to ende
A lite byuore Candelmasse and to heuene gan wende
Atte endynge of Geniuer þis confessour so hende
Nou God for þe loue of him us alle þuder [sende]


Anoþer Iuliane þer is þat men biddeþ uaste
After god in [in] strange stude wanne hi be[o]þ þerof agaste
Sein Iulian þe gode herbigour of noble cunne com
Stalworde man and noble he was & louede Cristendom
Dedut he louede also inou of haukes & of honde
Noblore body þanne he was nas nawer yuonde
As he hontede in a day in is aueisure inou
A swuþe uair hert he say þer after uaste he drou
He aforcede him to take þe best þer after siwede uaste
Þo þis hert hadde longe yorne he biturnde attelaste
And spak wiþ him as God it wolde Iulian he sede
Wy syuwestou me so uaste nou þou sselt do anoþer dede
Þi nowe fader and þi moder þou sselt ȝute aquelle
& ne be[o] þou noȝt þe wroþer mid me þat ich it þe telle
Þo þis godeman þis ihurde him gan wondri & drede


For þat þis wilde best so spak & for wordes þat he sede
Him wondrede as him miȝte wel for it spak aȝen kunde
He dradde of þat he him bihet & ofte he hadde in munde
Þat he ssolde fader & moder sle & to fle[o] þulke dede
He wende out of londe stilleliche as oure Louerd him wolde lede
Into a uer contreie he wende so þat he com bicas
[To] a gret prince of a lond & wiþ seruise wiþ him was
So wel he paide him in armes and in al oþer dede
Þat he made hym maister of is ost alto gwie & rede
Suþþe he made him weddi a wif riche & noble also
A leuedi of a castel gret and of gret morȝiue þerto
Bytwene him and is gode leuedi loue þer was inou
To alle godnesse mid al hore miȝte hore eiþer to oþer drou
Ac his gode fader and is moder þat lyuede atom byhinde
Swuþe sori were for hore sone þat hy nemiȝte him finde
Forþ hy wende boþe o tyme and soȝte him wel wide
Fram contreie to oþer uaste aboute in euerich side
So þat hi hurde of him telle þei it were er longe
To is castel hy come suþþe and faire were underfonge
Him sulf ne fonde hy noȝt atom ac his wif þat was þere
Fair semlant hom made & noble þo he[o] weste wat hi were
Forto honuri hom wat hy were for he nas noȝt þare
He[o] leide hom in hure owe bedde & ley hure sulf elles were
Ar hit were amorwe day he[o] aros up wel softe
And to churche ȝeode wel stilleliche as he[o] was woned ofte
Ac sein Iulian him com hom in þe morunynge sone
& to chambre drou touward bedde as is wone was to done
Þo hurde he wel softe slepe and sei þer inne tweie
As men and wymmen ofte doþ þat weri beoþ of weie


He ȝeode ney & isei þer ligge man and woman also
Ȝe þoȝte he þis is mi wif and a gering þat comeþ hure to
Nou ich ise[o] wel þe hore is iwoned to misdo
Ne ssolleþ hy neuere ete mete ne me ssende so
He slou is fader and is moder mid is swerd riȝt þere
And wende by hom þat is wif & hure horling it were
Wonderliche it farþ bi wate as me may here ise[o]
Þe þing þat is a man yssape he ne may neuere vle[o]
Wel softe he wende out aȝen and made þe dore to
And wende him touward chirche þo þis dede was ido
As he touward churche was hamward is wif [he] mette
Deu merci he þoȝte hou is þis wiþ gret wonder he hure grette
Dame he sede hou geþ þis wat destou nouþe here
Wo liþ in oure bedde atom wiþ a womman is vere
A sire quaþ þis gode leuedy glad miȝtou nou be[o]
Louerd ihered be[o] þi grace þat we miȝte þis day ise[o]
Hit is þi fader & þi moder þat wide þe habbeþ isoȝt
Ihered be[o] swete Iesus his sonde þat hider hom haþ ibroȝt
Hye hom sire nou aȝen þou sselt hom vaire underuonge
Make wiþ hom ioie ynou me þencheþ here wel longe
Nai certes dame quaþ þis oþer ȝif þat is so
Al mi blisse of þisse liue henne forþward is ydo
Alas þat ich so longe libbe þat inadde er be[o] ded
Habbe ich aslawe uader & moder Louerd wat is my red
To soþe me sede þe wilde best alas þulke stounde
Þei ich habbe is biheste yflowe þat soþe ich habbe ifonde
Dame haue wel goday for inelle habbe no reste
Ar ich habbe ido mi penance ichelle go do my beste
A sire mercy quaþ þis wif warto seistou nou so
Ȝif Crist wole wile we be[o]þ aliue we ne ssolleþ neuere parti ato


Bote þou wolle þe bet biþenche and atom bileue here
Certes wode[r] so þou wenst ichelle be[o] þi vere
And parti wiþ þe of þi wo as ich dude er of þi blis
Wo so deþ þat on ssel do þat oþer þou wost wel riȝt it is
Þis godeman & þis triwe wif wel stille hom vorþ wende
And bileuede lond & leode and al þat God ham sende
So hy wende ver & longe þat attelaste hy come
To a dep water perilous þer men adreinte ilome
Þis holiman astunte þer and let him sone arere
An hous and god in inou bi þe water riȝt þere
And alle þe men þat come þer vorþ þat wiþoute inne were
He fond hom in god inou wiþoute in non þer nere
Bed and cloþes god inou and wel eseliche hom diȝte
He wess hore vet and baþede hom ek & dude al þat he miȝte
For his fader soule & is moder he dude al þis dede
And bad allemen þat to him come þat for is fader soule bede
He porueide him ek a ssip and ouer þe water ladde
Ech tyme of day and niȝt wanne me to him gradde
Þare wiþ he swonk sore inou of noman ne tok he noȝt
And wanne he hadde eny miseise man ouer þe water ibroȝt
He ne let [him] noȝt fram hom go ar he amended were
He ladde him into is house anon & alle [ese] him dude þere
And al he dude to bete þe sunne of cas þat him bitidde
And for is fader soule and his moder & bede men for hom bidde
Þeruore men ȝute to þis day þat ouer lond wolleþ wende
Hi biddeþ sein Iulian anon þat he god in hom sende
And sein Iulianes Pater Noster ofte seggeþ also
For his vader soule & his moder þat he hom bringe þerto


Þo þis holiman sein Iulian in þis trauail hadde ibe[o] longe
And mony miseise men in is hous auonge
A day as he hadde ibe[o] in trauail strang inou
As he ladde þis men ouer & into is in hom drou
And touward midnit ȝeode to is bed atte nende
Forto habbe som reste þere ȝif oure Louerd him wolde sende
At midniȝt as [he] bigan som reste forto auonge
Aȝend half þe water þer com on in gret forst & stronge
Aris Iulian he gradde anon hiderward þou most go
And bringe [me] ouer þis water anon oþer ich deie for wo
Þis godeman hurde sone þis and þei he weri were
He wende to þis seliman and ladde him ouer þere
Him þoȝte he was vnneþe aliue for he was nei ouercome
Mid chile and mid oþer wo his limes him were binome
Grislich mesel he þoȝte ek þe strengost þat miȝte be[o]
Miseisore man þanne he þoȝte ne dorste noman ise[o]
Sein Iulian ladde þis [se]liman to is hous al biniȝte
And fondede make him wel at ese as uerforþ as a miȝte
He made him gret fur & god þat he were of colde ibroȝt
And leide him þerbi nesse inou ac al it was for noȝt
Ac þo nemiȝte he him hete for no fur ne wiþ non oþer ginne
Vaire he spradde is owe bed and broȝte him þer inne
Cloþes inowe he spradde up him & helede him vaste
Grislich he þoȝte & sore of cale for al þat he on him caste
Swuþe sori was þis godeman & sore him ek agaste
Þo he dude him al þat he miȝte & þe chile so lange laste
He bihuld þis selyman mesel as he wende
Sone as oure Louerd it wolde is colour gan amende
Attelaste he bicom so fair man so miȝte be[o]
& so cler he ssinde svþþe þat vnneþe me miȝte him ise[o]


Iuliane God it þe ȝulde þat þou hast me ido
In oure Louerdes message of heuene icham þe come to
Oure Louerd þe sende word by me þat þou ert clene issriue
And þi penance hast ido & þi sunne þe be[o]þ forȝiue
Swuþe wel þou hast him ipaid and þi wif also
And ȝe ssolleþ boþe wiþ alle ioie nyuwene come him to
Þo he hadde þis word ised hi nuste ware he bicom
Þis holiman sein Iulian to Godes seruise him nom
And to is byhofþe al ȝare him made & is wif also
And sone after in is seruise hi deide boþe two
And wende to þe ioie of heuene as hy ssolleþ euere be[o]
God is to inni strange men as me may bi hom yse[o]
For þer wiþ þis holyman his sunne bette inou
And gret halwe in heuene is þat fader & moder slou
Nou bidde we ȝeorne sein Iulian þat he oure erende beode
Þat oure Louerd us ȝiue milce & ore & alle þat habbeþ neode
Þat wanne we oþer eny oþer man ouer lond ssolleþ wende
For is fader soule and is moder god in us sende
And attelaste þoru Godes wille þat we mote fle[o]
To þe ioie of heuene and wiþoute ende þer be[o]

De sancta Brigida

Sein Bride þat holi maide of Irlonde was
Biȝute he[o] was in spousbruche in a wonder cas
Duptak was hure uader name þat ispoused hadde a wif
In luþer bileue of paynime hi ladde hore lif
A seruant he hadde inis hous Broksek was hure name
Þis Duptak bisoȝte hure of lecherie and ssame
On hure he biȝat a child in spousbruche & wiþ wou
Þo is owe wif it underȝet sori he was inou
Mest he[o] dradde hure of þat child þet it ssolde so wel þe[o]
To sourmonte hure owe children hor maister to be[o]
Þer uore he[o] cride on hure louerd to be[o] iwar byuore


And sulle out of londe þe seruant ar þat child were ibore
Þe hosebonde nolde it grante noȝt for he hadde loþ it do
Þis wif cride niȝt and day ȝif he[o] miȝte it bringe þerto
So þat it fel þer afterward þat þis hosebonde
Wiþ is seruante alone wende in a cart ouerlonde
A chantor was in þulke stude as were bi olde dawe
As oure Louerd it wolde bi is hous þe cart gan euene drawe
He sat and hurde hou þis cart bi is gate wende
Anon he clupede on of is men and hasteliche out sende
Lokeþ he sede hasteliche wat þing is þat ich hure
Vor þe soun of þulke weoles is vnder a god creature
Þe nobloste creature is wiþinne þulke tre[o]
Þat is nouþe in eny londe lokeþ wat it be[o]
Þo ne fonde hi in þis cart namo bote hom to
Þe chantor hi hulde a liare & come and seide him so
Ȝe lieþ me quaþ þis oþer so ne may it noȝt go
Him sulf he lokede in þe cart he ne fond þer inne namo
Hou geþ þis he sede þo þus ne may it noȝt be[o]
Womman he sede ertou mid childe for ichot ȝe beoþ þre[o]
Ȝe bi God þis womman sede by my louerd þat her is
Duptak quaþ þis enchanteor þou miȝt be[o] glad iwis
Wite wel þis womman þoru out alle þinge
For al þe worlde ssel ioyuol be[o] of hure beringe
And mi wif radde quaþ Duptak þat ich hure ssolde sle anon
For he[o] dradde þat hure childe ssolde ouercome hure echon
Certes quaþ þis enchanteor þat me ssel ȝute yse[o]
Þat alle þi wiues children under hure ssolleþ be[o]
For þis womman ssel a doȝter bere þat ssine ssel so clere
Amang alle þat an eorþe be[o]þ in as cler manere
As amange alle oþer sterren þe sonne briȝtore is
Also ssel he[o] an eorþe ssine amang oþer men iwis
In a god time he[o] worþ ibore & wonderliche also


For noþer wiþinne hous ne wiþoute þe dede worþ ido
Duptak was þo doȝterles for he nadde neuere none
Ioiuol he was and glad inou for he bi[ȝ]et hure one
Suþþe it biuel þer afterward þat anoþer enchanteor wende
And of Duptak boȝte þis seruante as oure Louerd grace sende
For þe wif nolde neuere fine ar it were þerto ibroȝt
Ac þe child þat was in hure wombe Duptak ne solde noȝt
Forþ he ladde þis womman þat he hadde dere iboȝt
And weddede hure as is owe wif & uolwede is þoȝt
So þat a quene of þe londe gret mid childe was
& was upe þe point to habbe child wanne oure Louerd ȝaf þe cas
Of þe chanteor he let ofesse wanne god time were
Ȝif it were ibore þe oþer sede as mi bok me deþ lere
In þe morwenynge to morwe wanne me may þe sonne ise[o]
Þer ne ssolde in al þe worlde þe childes per be[o]
Þo bad þe quene uaste þat it moste be[o] þo ibore
And þo ne abod it noȝt so longe ibore it was biuore
Ac þis womman þat was mid childe mid þis holi þinge
Aros up to milki hure kun al in þe morwenynge
And riȝt as þe sonne aros hamward aȝen he[o] com
And þis milk al hot ymilkid in a boket he[o] nom
As he[o] com to þe halle dore hure o uot wiþinne was
And hure oþer uot was wiþoute hure uel a wonder cas
Vpe þe þresuold he[o] uel adoun & hadde child riȝt þer
Noþer wiþinne hous ne wiþoute þis holi child he[o] ne ber
In þe time þat was so god as hure hosebonde sede ene
Wiþ þe milk al hot imilked þat child he[o] makede clene
In þulke time of gode wate þis child ibore was
Þat þe quene wolde habbe iheued ac hure uel ambes as


Þis child wax & wel iþei and to eche gode drou
For he hadde grace of God and gode wate inou
He[o] nas bote of wel ȝong elde ar oure Louerd on hure þoȝte
& mony fair miracle & swete al day for hure wroȝte
As þis child sat a day in a wonder cas
Hure heued iheled wiþ a cloþ as it ofte was
Þo þoȝte hure steffader & hure moder and alle þat hure seie
Þat cloþ was al avure and stod a liȝte liȝe
Þe moder dradde of þat child þat it ssolde hure lif forgon
To quenche þat fur uaste he[o] orn and þo nefonde non
He[o] wende it were bernynge vur ac he[o] fond þo it nas
Ac liȝt of þe Holi Gost þat aboute þe childe was
Þis enchanteor hure steffader at one time aslepe lay
Tweie wite cleriones in a uision he say
Stonde bi þis holy maide upriȝt in eiþer side
And hulde oile uppon hure heued and nemnede hure Bride
And sede ouer hure orisons as a preost wolde do
Wanne he uolleþ a child and baptizeþ hure also
Wat were þat bote angles þat fram heuene were aliȝt
Þat baptized þis holy maide & nemnede hure name ariȝt
Þo þis child eldore was it biuel in a day
Þat he[o] stod in orisons as muche uolk isay
Þo hurde hi a man wiþ hure speke ac hi ne seie him noȝt
And þis maide spak ek wiþ hym & stod ofte in þoȝt
Atte laste þis maide sede þis wordes one þere
Al þis is min al þis is min men wondrede wat it were
Þis maide seiþ soþ quaþ þis oþer for also it wole wende
For al þis place ssel [h]ure be[o] to þe worldes ende
So it was for þer is ȝute a churche of sein Bride


And a gret parisse in hure name þat lasteþ longe & wide
After þe tyme þat þe maide þat holy word sede
Men þat louede muche hare lond were þerof in gret drede
To þe enchanteor hure steffader hi come ofte & sede
Þat he ssolde þat maide anon out of þe londe lede
Oþer he ssolde him sulf bileue & lete hure of londe fle[o]
Þat sede in hure prophecie þat þulke lond ssolde hure be[o]
Þat certes quaþ þe chanteor þat ne ssel ic neuere mo
Ichelle raþer ȝou bileue & awei mid hure go
Þo it nemiȝte non oþer be[o] þe enchanteor hure nom
And ladde hure out of þulke lond & into anoþer com
Suþþe he broȝte hure to hure uader as forward was byuore
Of hure hure uader was wel glad þat he[o] euere was ibore
Muche wilnede al þat folk þat maide forto ise[o]
And he was ioiuol inou þat [ney] hure miȝte be[o]
So þat an holy wydue þat wonede þer in an ende
Bed Duptak þat þis maide moste wiþ hure wende
Þere muche folk was in a stude as he hadde to done
Þo þis widue hadde leue þis maide he tok sone
And wende touward þulke stude as al þis folk was
A wisman þer lay aslepe among al þis folk bicas
Þo þoȝte him in a uision þat he oure Leuedi ysey
Cominge softe þuderward and þat he[o] was ney
Ioiuol and glad he was inou for þis holy siȝte
Gret gome he nom of hure forme as ueruorþ as he miȝte
Mid hure þer was him þoȝte anoþer þat þeos wordes sede iwis
Lo þis is þe holy Marie þat amang ȝou an eorþe is
Mid þis word þis man awok for ioie he gan to crie
Ou he seide nou ich isei oure Leuedy seinte Marie
And seide hom al wat he hadde on & wat forme he[o] was
Þo com þis maide among hom in [] mid þis worde riȝt bicas
Anon so þis man isei hure come he gan to crie anhei


Lo here he sede þe swete Leuedy Marie þat ich isei
Of þe forme þat ich ȝou habbe itold for ich wot wel it is he[o]
Gode leuost hom þoȝte he was þat miȝte hure enes ise[o]
Honoured was seinte Bride as oure Leuedi riȝt þere
And muche of þe uolk wende þat oure Leuedi sulf it were
Oure Leuedi dude hure gret honur þat hure owe forme hure sende
And made hure honured as hure sulf as muche þat folk wende
Suþþe wende þis holy maide to hure moder anon
Twelf gode kun hure moder hadde þat muchel were echon
Hure moder & eke hure hosebonde toke þe maide to welde
Chese and botere & hore kun atom and eke auelde
And al þe wit þat þere was þat he ssolde up hure helde
And a certein day þer of triwe acontes ȝelde
Þat maide gaderede swuþe clene þe milk & þe chese
Botere and al þat þer of com nolde he[o] noþing leose
Wanne he[o] sei eny pouere men he[o] delde hit hom wel clene
Þat euere was hure deiȝerie of wiȝt bar and lene
Wanne hure day was ney icome acontes forto ȝulde
Of hure moder he[o] was sore adrad glad he[o] was wel selde
Ȝerne he[o] bad oure Louerd Crist þat ssolde be[o] oure red
He[o] nadde war of acontes ȝelde as hure moder hadde ised
Ac þo þe day was icome he[o] nuste war wiþ hure quite
For he[o] nadde in hure deiȝerie bote wel lite of wite
Naþeles þe moder þuder ȝeode to loke hou it verde


He fond ech lome iheped up al aboute þe brerde
Of chese and of botere and of oþer wiȝt also
Ne ssel he neuere is wille leose þat for oure Louerd wole do
Wo so hadde such a deie he ne dorste noȝt bymene
Þei is wiȝt were ofte issad oþer is kun lene
For þulke miracle hure steffader louede Cristendom
And byluuede ferst in Iesu Crist and Cristen man bicom
Hit biuel þer afterward þat þis maide aueld wende
Forto lokie to hure ssep & so gret rein oure Louerd sende
Þat hure cloþes al wet were aȝen he[o] gan gon
To drie he[o] wolde is honge ac he[o] ne sai noȝt waron
Þe sonne sson in at an hol up þe bem of þe sonne
Hure wete cloþes he[o] heng to drowe þat al a water ronne
Me þingþ he ne dorste carie noȝt perche forto finde
Wanne he[o] wolde hure cloþes honge & þe sonne ssinde
Þis holy maide wiþ hure moder to hure uader suþþe drou
And was wiþ him as he[o] was er ac him þoȝte longe inou
For al he[o] ȝef poueremen þat he[o] miȝte hond on sette
For al þat hure uader miȝte do he ne miȝte hure þerof lette
Þo he[o] hadde iserued him lange so in wraþþe & cheste inou
He nom & ladde hure to sulle and toward þe kynge drou
Þo he com to þe kinges court as he hadde iwend aboute
He wende al one into þe kyng and let þe maide wiþoute
He bitok hure is swerd to wite leuost of alle þinge
For it was god and riche inou & for he it hadde of þe kinge
He wende him biuore þis king & spak wiþ him is fulle
And is doȝter þat was so god chepede him to sulle
Wi woltou sulle quaþ þe kyng þi doȝter þat þe is so leof


Sire ich mot nede quaþ þis oþer for he[o] is a strang þeof
For he[o] stelþ outlich alle þing þat he[o] may hond [on] do
And ȝifþ it aboute inot ware þat i necome neuere þerto
Þe wile þis men wiþinne were & speke here aboute
Anoþer tripet to hure uader þis maide dude wiþoute
For a beggare com & bad hure god & he[o] ȝaf him anon
Hure fader swerd þat was so leof & het him forþ gon
As god hadde hure fader ibe[o ] to habbe wiþ him ibore
Oþer itake anoþer to loke þat he [it] nadde noȝt ilore
So þat þe vader wende him out to bringe [hire] biuore þe kinge
He com & miste is gode swerd leuost of alle þinge
He was ney for wraþþe wod he nuste wat do for teone
Þer riȝt he wolde hure habbe aslawe bote as men ȝeode bitwene
He ladde hure in biuore þe kyng and tolde al hure dede
Nou leoue doȝter quaþ þe king hou þenchestou þi lif lede
Wy hastou þi uader swerd so foliche awei ido
Þat ich him ȝaf for grete loue & þat him was so leof also
For gode sire quaþ þis maide ȝif ich hadde poer
Of him sulue oþer of þe as prout as ȝe beoþ her
And a pouere man for Godes loue me bede þat ich ȝou ȝeue
For al ȝoure prute ne ȝoure loue siker ich nolde bileue
Þat ich nolde ȝou ȝiue for Godes loue & al ȝoure god þerto
Inolde it bileue for no drede ȝif ich miȝte do
Nou makestou þe quaþ þe king gret maister iwis
God ssulde us dame fram eche stude þer þi poer is
Duptak þis maide is to deore þat i nemay come þerto
To deore he[o] is me to bugge and þe to sulle also
For i nemiȝte noȝt reime þat tresour þat wel to lite nere
Þere uore beoþ togadere ȝut as ȝe byuore were


Þis maide he ȝaf a god swerd hure fader forto take
To bynime his wraþþe & is loþ acord forto make
And made acord bytwene hom and bed hom goday
Þis godeman nam is doȝter hom þo he non oþer ne say
And weste fram hure is god as feruorþ as he miȝte
Ac noȝt so þat euere among somþing þat maide diȝte
Suþþe it biuel þer afterward þat þis maide ssolde
To a gret duk yspoused be[o] as al hure vrendes wolde
Hure uader it wolde þoru alle þing & bad hure be[o] ȝare þerto
Þis maide spak euere faire ac he[o] ne þoȝte hit neuere do
He[o] bad oure Louerd niȝt & day hure wissi and rede
And sende hure þane deþ uppon þanne do þulke dede
Oþer binime hure on of hure lymes oþer som lac hure sende
War þoru þe mannes herte fram hure miȝte wende
Oure Louerd hurde hure bone wel & hure on eiȝe hure bynom
Þat it ne bileuede in hure heued noȝt he[o] nuste war it bicom
Gret angwisse he[o] hadde inou and naþeles he[o] was fawe
Anon þis ȝonge man þis isey his herte he gan wiþdrawe
God schulde me he sede to ssende my sulue so
To wedde an oneyde quene inelle it neuere do
Wel leouer hure was to leose hure eiȝe ȝe parde boþe to
Þanne to be[o] iwedded wif folie forto do
Were wymmen ivare nouþe so wo so wolde ȝeorne crie
As wel we mowe segge nay wat halt it to lye
Ac seinte Bride leuer was as it seiþ in þe gospelle
To heuene wende wiþ on eiȝe þanne wiþ tweie to helle
Þis maide þo hure fader bisoȝte þat he nere þer aȝen noȝt
To ȝiue hure leue to be[o] nonne as he[o] him hadde er isoȝt


Þo hure uader isei þat it was to hure þat beste lif
For wanne he[o] imaymed was he[o] nere noȝt to be[o] wif
He ȝaf hure leue to be[o] nonne swuþe glad he[o] þo bicom
Wel be tyme he[o] wende vorþ & þen holi ueil nom
So sone so he[o] was nonne imaked & iconfermed also
Of þe bissop faste inou þat it nemiȝte noȝt be[o] vndo
Oure Louerd hure sende hure eiȝe aȝen as god as he was er
For he may binde & vnbinde as it was isene þer
Ne der noman esse wer he[o] ladde god lif & clene þo
Miracle he[o] dude manyon and monymon he[o] broȝte of wo
Meseles come to hure a day aþurst and acale
Bede hure som drynke for Godes loue he[o] nadde a sope ale
A uat þer stod of baþ [water] he[o] ȝef it hure blessinge
Þe beste ale alyue it bicom he[o] ȝef þe museles drinke
Þer com ek a womman & bad hure salt & he[o] nadde riȝt non
Mid a blessinge he[o] turnde to salt a gret hard ston
Þre[o] sikemen eke hure bede god as hy to hure come
A selueren coppe he ȝef hom and hi gladlich hit nome
So þat hi bigonne to striue hou hi hit dele miȝte
Abideþ sede þis holy maide ich it wole euene diȝte
Þis coppe he[o] smot aȝen a ston þat he wond aþre[o]
Euerich is del ilyche muche as euene as it miȝte be[o]
Þis miracle and many oþere þis holy maide wroȝte
Boþe blinde & dombe also to gode hele he[o] broȝte
Attelaste as God it wolde touward deþe he[o] drou
Biuore hure deþe he[o] was iwar þerof longe inou
Þe ferste day of Feuerer hure lif he[o] broȝte to ende
God lete us alle forþ wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene wende


De sancto Blasio

Sein Blase wel clene lyf ladde wiþoute hore
In þe lond of Capadose þis godeman was ibore
For is godnesse Cristen men bissop him wolde make
Nolde he noȝt of such poer ac gan it anon forsake
For he nolde it be[o] in none manere he flei out of londe
To a deop valeiȝe of wildernesse & þare he gan atstonde
Priueliche he wonede þer and hudde him swuþe longe
And seruede oure Louerd wel in penance swuþe stronge
Wilde bestes þat þere were aboute him come þicke
To solaci him for he was one his limes forto licke
Wanne eny of hom sike were to him hy wolde anon
And ar he hom hadde iblessed hy nolde a uot gon
Þe luþer Iustice of þe lond þat het Agricolas
Sende a dai is man anhonte[þ] þer as þis godeman was
And as hi wende hi þoȝte wonder þat hi so ueu deor uonde
Hy bihelde in þe de[o]pe valeie and iseie in þe gronde
Swuþe uale deor aboute a man þat sat him amidde
And bihuld to heueneward is beden forto bidde
Þis bestes alotte to him also in gret þoȝt þis honten were
Hy wende and tolde þe Iustise wat hi seie þere
A het hom wende & seche anon & ȝif hi fonde gon
Eny Cristen man þat hi ssolde byuore him bringe anon
Þo hi come & sein Blas uonde hi seide þou sselt arise
And come wiþ us & speke atom wiþ oure Iustice
Mi le[o]ue sones sein Blas sede ȝe beþ wel wolcome
For nou ich wot þat mi swete Louerd to me haþ game inome
Go we nou vorþ inis name ich wot he wol us lede
Ne bileueþ noȝt to do by me al þat ȝoure maister sede
As hi ladde þis holyman touward þe Iustice
Prechinge he turnde manyman to oure Louerdes seruise
Blinde and deue & dombe also & þat oþer siknesse hadde
Manion he to hele broȝte as me him forþward ladde


Wilde bestes þat sike were to him ourne also
As me him ladde & fette hore hele as hi hadde ofte ido
As a ȝong child et is mete a bon sset in is þrote
Astrangled and ded he lay þo it was in issote
Nanmo children nadde is moder gret de[o]l he[o] made mid alle
And touore him he[o] bar þat child & tofore is vet gan ualle
And bad he ssolde hure sone hele þis godeman is hond nom
And blessede it & þat bon out sset & þat child hol bicom
Louerd sede þis godeman grante me mi bone
Þat man in þulke uuel þe bit ihure him Louerd sone
Ȝif he seiþ wordes to þe Louerd Crist þin ore
For loue of sein Blas[e] þi sergant helpe us of þis sore
To þe worssipe of þin holy name wo so bit oure Louerd þis bone
For loue of sein Blas[e] in god entente he worþ ihurd sone
Þere fore ich rede ȝif enyman in such cas is ibroȝt
Of child oþer eny oþer þing þat he ne forȝute it noȝt
A pouere womman þer was also þat bote o sowe nadde
A wolf awey to wode hure drou on sein Blas[e] loude he[o] gradde
Þat he helpe hure of hure sowe sein Blas[e] lou anon
Ne drede þe noȝt of þe wolf þei he be[o] a luþer swon
Abid maister he sede & come aȝen & bring us þe sowe nou
Þe pouere womman haþ þerto betere riȝt þan þou
Þis wilde best com urne aȝen & þis sowe adoun leide
Al harmles atte widue uet as sein Blas[e] hym seide
For þer nas no wilde best þat he nadde to is heste
For he hom helde as ȝe hureþ & hi made wiþ him gret feste
Þe Iustice þo he biuore him com welcome Blas[e] he sede


Þat [as] oure frend oure godes louest hi wolleþ þe wisse & rede
Hail be[o] þu Iustice sein Blas[e] sede & alle þat þe iseoþ
Ne clupe noȝt þine godes so vair name for pur deuelen it beoþ
For hi and wo so on hom biluueþ ssolleþ in helle pine
Itormented be[o] ene and euere þe louerd & eke þe hine
Þis Iustice for wraþþe anon he let him strupe naked
& wiþ harde scorgen legge him on moni wonde him was ymaked
Euere [h]e sede as me him bet ȝe ne turneþ noȝt þus mi þoȝt
For mi swete Louerd is myn help i nedrede of ȝou riȝt noȝt
Þo hi him hadde longe ibete þat hi weri were
Hi him dude in strong prison to tormenti þere
Þe womman þat sein Blas[e] hadde hure sowe of þe wolf inome
Þo þat he in prisone was & þe tiþinge hure was icome
He[o] slou þe swyn & bar sein Blas[e] þe heued & þe uet
To þe prisone wel isode and þe god man þerof et
And a candil þer wiþ also to ȝiue þe godeman siȝt
Þat he miȝte iseo to ete is mete for þer nas non oþer liȝt
Þou womman he sede for þi cundehede þat þou me hast nou do
Wyxe & eche þi bestes ssolleþ & þin oþer god also
And euerich man here afterward þat haþ of me munde
And honureþ me mid eny of is orf al þulke bestes cunde
Proui it ssel þe bet wiþ him & al þat comeþ to
Akne[o] he bit oure Louerd Crist þat it moste be[o] so
Þere uore wanne a mannes orf þat ne mai noȝt wel iþe[o]
Ich rede him parte wiþ sein Blase & þe bet hom ssel be[o]


Touore þe Iustice anoþer day sein Blase was ibroȝt
Þo he sei þat he nemiȝte aȝen God turne is þoȝt
Wiþ ropes hi gonne him binde on a tre byneþe þer stode inowe
Tormentors wiþ kene oules and al is fleyss to drowe
As me draweþ wiþ combes wolle his fleiss þer wiþ hy tere
Euere prechede þis godeman as him noþing nere
Þo he nemiȝte him ouercome to prison [he] him bere
For is limes him nolde bere so hy to drawe were
As me bar þis holyman he stremede al ablode
Seue wymmen þat Cristene were bihe[o]lde þis as hi stode
Hi wende and gaderede of þat blod for hi it helde relike
And smurede hom þerwiþ & weste som to helpe þerwiþ þe sike
Þo þe luþer men iseie þis faste hy hom toke
And bede hom onury hare godes and hi it forsoke
And seide ȝoure godes vnclene be[o]þ þer uore ȝe mote us lene
And bringe hom ȝen[d] to þe clene water & we hom wolleþ wasse clene
And honuri hom wiþ riȝte wiþ þat hi us wel rede
Þe Iustice vauwe nom is godes & to þe water let lede
Þe wymmen hom nome anon þo hy were þuder biswonke
And caste hom amidde þe deope water to gronde anon hi sonke
Biddeþ hi seide hom sulue helpe hore miȝte be[o]þ wel stronge
Wy ne comeþ hi up to helpe ȝou ich wene hi beeþ fordronke
Wiþ hokes and polles þis wretche men hore godes faste soȝte
Wiþ dreori chere & vnneþe hi hom to londe broȝte


Þis Iustice was þo for wraþþe wod loude he gradde & chidde
A strang fur and gret inou he made & þis wymmen caste amidde
Bollinge led hi lete drowe on ham vnneþe hit þoȝte hom warm
And þat fur bigan to quenche anon þat hi nadde non harm
Wel wroþ was þe Iustice he gradde loude inou
He let hom honge uppon a tre as me sein Blase todrou
Wiþ oules hi to drowe hore vleiss as hy byneþe stode
Wiȝt milk it was þat com of hom as in stude of blode
Euere þe more me hom to drou þe gladdore hi were
Iustice hi sede it is for noȝt þu ne quellest us to ȝere
Ȝif þou wolt do us oþer þing bringe it sone to ende
Þat we mote to Iesu Crist as we wilneþ wende
Þis Iustice het þat me ssolde hore heued smite of anon
Þis wymmen toward hore martirdom wel gladlich gan gon
Þe on womman hadde tweie sones þat Cristene were also
Hi wope for hore moder deþ hi nuste neuere wat do
Hi honge on hure and nolde a uot fram hore moder gon
Hi swore hi wolde þane deþ auonge wiþ hure þer anon
Gret deol hadde þe moder of hom for of non elde hy nere
He[o] nemiȝte for noþing it ise[o] þat hy ymartred were
For þe moder heorte was euere tendre and euere more ssel be[o]
Wo so couþe of eny deol þer me miȝte ise[o]
He[o] cride on þe tormentors þat hom ne ssolde asle
And hi hom lete for ȝonghede to liue gon aȝe
Hy nome þis wymmen & smite of hore heueden alle seuene
Þe angles wel ȝare come and þe soulen bere to heuene
Þe children gret deol for hore moder made in alle wise


Þo hi nolde hom wiþ hure asle hi ourne to þe Iustise
And seide þat hi Cristene were and þat is lawe nas naȝt
And he ssolde mid is godes in þe pine of helle be[o] broȝt
Þe Iustice let þe children nyme þei hy ȝonge were
In deop prison he let hom caste to tormenty hom þere
Glade were þis ȝonge þinges þo hi were inome
For hy hopede ymartred be[o] & to þe ioie of heuene come
Þo let þe Iustice anon after sein Blase sende
And bad him onury hore godes and is þoȝt sone wende
Sein Blase sede it is for noȝt þou ne sselt it neuere make
Me to honury wrecche stones and Iesu Crist forsake
Do mid mi bodi wat þou wolt on wan þou hast poer
For of mi soule nastou non for hi ne be[o]þ noȝt per
Þer was a water swuþe ney þe Iustice attelaste
Forto adrenche þis holyman amidde he let him caste
Sein Blase him gan to blesse & ope þe water ȝeode al drie
Vp and doun as a drie londe nemiȝte þat water him nuye
Wrecches he sede her ȝe se[o]þ wuch is Godes miȝte
Be[o] ȝe so hardi up ȝoure godes hider come aliȝte
Viue & sixti proute hine hupte in þe water anon
And triste to muche to hore godes & adreinte echon
Þo were þe oþere þe arwere wel sori hi stode
Þere ne dorste namo to him come for þe deope vlode
Sein Blase ȝeode þer up and doun an angel to him com
And sede tak þe þe blisse of heuene þoru þi martirdom
Þis godeman þonkede Iesu Crist þat þis angel to him sende
& þe oþer ne dorste come no ner to hom alonde he wende
He sede wanne ȝe be[o]þ adrad forto go to me
Ich come to ȝou a Godes name for inelle ȝou neuere vle[o]
Þo sson is face as þe sonne wiþ leome swuþe briȝte


Non of hom for briȝte leome is face ise[o] nemiȝte
Þere were eiȝte and sixti men and twenti men also
Þat biluuede on God for þe miracle þat he hadde þer ido
Inome hi were wiþ sein Blase & touore þe Iustice ibroȝt
Þe Iustice het sein Blase & hom to changi ȝute hare þoȝt
Þo he sei þat hi it nolde do he het is men anon
To smite of wiþoute toun hore heueden euerichon
Þis tweie children in prison loude hi gonne to grede
Þat me ssolde hom to martirdom wiþ sein Blase lede
Hy seide warto wolde ȝe leng us witie in þis heorne
For noȝt it is ȝef ȝe weneþ oure þoȝt to þe turne
Þe children me nom & ladde hom forþ wiþ oþere to martirdom
Sein Blase sat adoun akne[o] þo he þuder com
Louerd he seide ȝif it is þi wille anne bone bidde ich þe
Ȝif enyman haþ in any [tyme] gode munde of me
In cas of peril oþer of vuel oþer þer is yssote
Bon oþer croume oþer oþer þing in eni mannes þrote
And he bidde min help to þe bidaie oþer biniȝte
Ich bidde þe grante me mi bone for þine holy miȝte
Ȝif a man assigneþ oȝt of his in honur of me
Of corn of orf of oþer þing Louerd bidde ich þe
Þat al is þing þe betere preoue for þin holi miȝte
Þer com fram heuene a briȝt mist & anouwarde him aliȝte
Þer inne oure Louerd liȝte adoun to þis holyman he sede
Be[o] glad Blase mi leoue frend of deþe naue no drede
Al þine bone ich grante þe þat þou hast ibede here
Hie nou & come wiþ me þou & þine triwe uere
Sein Blase was glad þo oure Louerd grantede him is bone
Doþ he sede to þe tormentors wat ȝe habbeþ to done
Þe tormentors smite of is heued & al is feren also
And þe twei children þat glade were þo hi miȝte come þerto


Sebasti het þe cite [þer] sein Blase was ibore
And is heued ek þerof ysmite him ne ssameþ noȝt þeruore
Þe bone þat he hadde ibede Cristen men vnderstode
And in honurance of sein Blase partede of hore gode
And þe bet preuede al hore god & ȝute me deþ also
In þe contreie þer he is iknowe & hi uyndeþ it wel ido
And wo euere is in gode liue & to sein Blase wol crie
& ȝiue of is gode for Godes loue God nel noȝt for him liȝe
Nou God leoue þat we parti mote of þe heiȝe blisse
Þat sein Blase is inne ibroȝt and þerof neuere ne misse

De sancta Agatha

Seint Agase þat maide in Sicile was ibore
Wel ȝong Cristene he[o] bicom & forsok sunne & hore
Of fair porture þis maide was & stable in Godes lore
Þe duk of þe lond it vnderȝet hit riu him wel sore
He nemiȝte for ruþe hure do in pine for ȝonghede
And for he[o] was ȝong he hopede out of bileue hure lede
[An] old quene þer was þer biside strong hore and baudestrote
Niȝe doȝtren he[o] hadde strange horen þe duk gan hure mede bihote
Þat he[o] ssolde þis maide wite & mislere hure & rede
And fondi hure forto bringe in fol þoȝt & fol dede
Þe maide was to þe hore ibroȝt þat het Affrodose
He[o] and hure doȝtren alle made hure þe glose
And bihete hure queinte þinges of seluer & of golde
Richesse and oþer ioie inou wiþ þat he[o] þe þoȝt changi wolde
Hou miȝte hi sede such creature þus gent & þus fre[o]
Hende & milde and swete inou wiþoute iolifte be[o]
Þis ȝonge blod it nolde þolie ssel þi ioie þe be[o] binome
Nis so hei prince in þe lond þat þe nolde bicome
Þis maide þei it were ȝong bigan answerie anon


Site stille he[o] sede þou deueles bouk ne tit þe here no won
Þe hexte prince þat is in loue ich habbe itake
In my ȝonge blod and euere mo holde ich him wole to mak[e]
Swete and milde & hende he is he haþ al my þoȝt
So faste ich am to him ibonde þat þou ne bringest me þerof noȝt
Þis luþer womman & alle hure were niȝt and day
Aboute to brynge luþer þoȝt in þis ȝonge may
Þritti dawes he[o] was wiþ hom þat hi fondede euere
To bringe hure in þe deueles lore ac hom ne spedde neuere
Þis wicche wende to þe duk þat het Quyncian
I nemay he[o] sede changi noȝt þe þoȝt of þis womman
Liȝtloker me may þane harde ston make nesse as wolle
Þanne me þat maide þoru eni gin of hure þoȝt bringe ssolle
Nou ssame habbe such conseiler wanne ich ssel segge soþ
For muche is þe wowe an eorþe þat luþer quene doþ
Þe duk let uecche þat maide anon & esste wat he[o] were
Godes ssilchene he[o] sede ich am nolde God þat inere
He esste of wat kunne he[o] were he[o] sede of gent & fre[o]
Hou miȝte he sede [þu] gentil womman & eke ssulchene be[o]
Ȝuse sede þis maide þo it is more franchise
To be[o] Godes ssulchene oþer þral þanne king oþer Iustice
Honure oure godes sede þe duk ne spek of him namore
Oþer þou sselt such pine auonge þat riwe ssel þe sore
I ne ssel so sone quaþ þe maide in no pine be[o] ibroȝt
Þat it nel swagi ȝif ich habbe in God of heuene mi þoȝt
Ȝif þou bringst me in eni vure and ich me biþenche
In þe pine þat he þolede for me anon it wole quenche


Þe duk let nime þat maide anon and into þe gaihol lede
Þe maide was þo also glad as me hure to feste bede
In strang prison he[o] was ido þer on longe he[o] lay
Þe duk het hure afterward biuore him bringe a day
Agace he sede biþench þe bet bilef þi fole þoȝt
Biluf in oure godes þat mowe helpe ar þou worse be[o] broȝt
Þe maide sede þou spillest breþ þou specst embe noȝt
Ac ich rede þe honuri him þat deore þe haþ iboȝt
And bilef þi ualse godes þat poer nabbeþ non
Þat beoþ igraued of a stok oþer of an harde ston
Neltou noȝt quaþ þe duk þi folie ȝute bileue
Strong pine and torment in þi limes me ssel þe do ar eue
Hokes and wiþþin he let nime & to hure breste binde
And let þerwiþ is tormentors hure bresten of wynde
Vnwreste bouk þat maide sede to þe duk Quyncian
Nastou noȝt ssunnes gret to defouli a womman
Þe lime þat þou soke on þi moder þat haþ þe uorþ ibroȝt
Do nou þin owe confusiun i ne drede me riȝt noȝt
Gret pine þolede þat clene þing ar hi were of idrawe
So muche [was] hure herte on God þat it negreuede noȝt an hawe
Þo hi were idrawe of in prison he[o] was ido
Þe duk let wite þe prison uaste þat noman ne com hure to
Hure wonde to hele oþer hure pine to lisse
Ac oure swete Louerd ne forȝet hure noȝt þo ne deorst he[o] misse
As he[o] in prisone was alone an old man þer com gon
Grete boxes of oynemens he broȝte monyon
And seide þat he hure hele wolde þou ne sselt þat maide sede
Inelle þat noman bote God me wissi and rede
Ich am sede þis olde man inis name hider iwend
For his apostel ich am to þe he me haþ isend


Þine wonden forto hele þat þu hast for him stronge
In þe ioie of heuene þou sselt þi mede auonge
Þe wonden he gan to smurie hi werþ hol in a stonde
Þe maide nuste war he bicom þo he hadde iheld hure wonde
Þe duk let þat maide biuore him bringe þe ueorþe day
Haste he sede ichanged þi þoȝt þat maide sede nay
Þi word he[o] sede ne deþ non oþer þat þou spexst þus to me
Bote horegeþ foule þe eir as it deþ þer inne fleo
Wod is þat stok oþer ston wole to helpe calle
And noȝt God þat haþ iheled mine sore wonden alle
Derste ȝute quaþ þe duk of þine false gode telle
Beo þou so wod to nemny him more in strong deþ ichelle þe quelle
Þou wrecche bouk þat maide sede inelle blynne noȝt
Þe wile ich libbe him to nemne mid worde & mid þoȝt
Þe duk het hure forberne anon a gret fur let make
As hi hure wolde þer inne bringe þe eorþe bigan to quake
As wide as þe cite was and feolde þe dom halle
Tweie men þat iuggede hure to deþe offalle were mid þe [w]alle
Þat folk of þe cite was adrad to þe duk hi sede
Þis maide is god & we [beoþ] for hure in gret peril & drede
Gret torment þou hure hast ido þou ne sselt do namore
Þo þe duk ihurde þis adrad he was wel sore
Þat maide he let to prison lede him sulf scapede awey
Bi a posterne stilleliche þat noman him ne sey
Þo þe maide into prison com adoun heo sat akneo
Louerd he[o] sede fram mani a pine þou hast isaued me
Fram fure and fram wonden strange þou me hast ibroȝt
Þou me hast iweost fram childhod þat i ne misbiluuede noȝt


Let me Louerd to reste wende for her me þencheþ longe
Time it is to endy mi lif mi soule þou auonge
Mid þis word biuore þat folk he[o] bigan to deiȝe
Þer was mani a soriman & mani a weping eiȝe
Þat folk þat hure louede wel siwede hure uaste
Þat body hi nome wiþ gret honur & burede it attelaste
As hi burede þis holy body a ueorde þer com go
Of þe fairoste children þat miȝte be[o] þre[o] hondred & mo
Ȝonge þinges of on age in wite cloþes of palle
A table of marbre inis hond þat on bar touore ham alle
Hi ioyned it to þe holy tombe þo hi come þerto
Wel sweteliche hy wende aȝen þo hi hadde ido
Angles it were þat aliȝte for seint Agace to gronde
Clerkes bihelde þe table ȝeorne þer inne write i fonde
Þis maide hadde holi þoȝt God he[o] dude honur
Deserued he[o] haþ to al þe contreie deliuerance of langur
To soþe hy miȝte þis laste word attelaste vnderstonde
For þulke tyme a twelfmonþe of an hul of þe londe
Strang fur þer gan eorne out as water doþ of welle
Barnde al þat þere aboute was quik þing it gan quelle
Hit barnde roche & harde ston riȝt as it col were
Spradde wide into al þat lond þat folk was in gret fere
Hy ne dorste bileue at no toun ac orne as folk [wode]
Atte tombe of seint Agace þere hi ueorst atstode
As it fel in hure holy day as sone as hi were þere
Þat fur queinte into al þat lond riȝt as it neuere nere
Ac arst [it] hadde six dawes ibarnd & six niȝt also
And orn as þei it water were & barnde al þat it com to
Þo ssewede oure Louerd þat it was soþ þat þe maide seint Agas
Deseruede liuerance to al þe contrey for þer isene it was
As wisliche bidde we hure as he[o] þe contreie ȝaf bote
Þat we to þe ioie of heuene to hure come mote


De sancta Scolastica

Sein Scolace þat holy maide holy was of liue
Leuer heo hadde nonne beo þanne be[o] wedded to wiue
Sein Benet hure broþer was þat [þe] reule uerst vond
Of blake monkes & of nonnes þat me halt into al þe lond
His suster sein Scolace blak nonne he let make
And taȝte hure penance do to faste & eke to wake
Þis to holy creatures eche ȝer hadde a wone
To come togadere som time & telle of Godes sone
Ac hor noþer in oþeres abbey bileue come ne[m]iȝte
Ne wende bileue for noþing out of hore celle biniȝte
Þo þis gode maide ibroȝt was in gret elde
Hure longede wiþ hure broþer speke for feblesse þat heo uelde
Þo he[o] hadde to him ysend togadere gonne hi wende
And tolde of Godes priuete of þane day to ende
Of þe ioie of heuene hou holi men hore lif ladde
Þer of al hore ioie was þat hi bitwene hom hadde
Sori were þis holy þinges boþe þo it was eue
Sein Benet to is suster sede þat he nemiȝte no leng bileue
Sor was þis maide þo broþer he[o] sede þin ore
Þis holy wordes so murie beoþ ȝute we mote telle more
Wanne we in Godes seruise beoþ ne dorre we oure ordre breke
Ich am so feble þat i ne wene neuer eft wiþ þe speke
Bilef we togadere þis o niȝt for him þat us so deore boȝte
Ichot he wol it us forȝiue for we doþ it in gode þoȝte
Beo stille quaþ sein Benet loke wat þou dest telle
Wel þou wost þat i ne may be niȝte be[o] fram my celle
Þo þis maide isei þat it ne huld to be[o] mid hure broþer more
Hure heued he[o] bigan to hange adoun & siȝte swuþe sore
Louerd he[o] sede þou ert fol of milce and of ore
Lete me ȝif þi wille be[o] hure more of þi lore


Ne let noȝt mi broþer toniȝt fram m[e] Louerd wende
And lete us wiþ tales of þi blisse [] þis niȝt bringe to ende
As þis maide lokede up þo he[o] hadde ido hure bone
Þat weder þat was so cler & uair bigan to change sone
Hit gan to sniwe & þondri liȝte & eke rine
Þat uer wiþinne niȝt it was ar þat weder wolde fine
Þat wel was eche quik best þat was in eni inne
Nou was þis a maister maide þat such weder couþe winne
No nemiȝte sein Benet for weder þanne wende
Soster he sede wat haste ido þou fondest me to ssende
Ȝif it mi Louerdes wille nere wel ne dudestou noȝt
Þat ich ssel min ordres breke so nadde ich neuere iþoȝt
Leue broþer þe maide sede ich bidde þe swuþe ȝerne
To bileue here þis niȝt and euere þou dust weorne
Ich bad mi Louerd anoþer bone & he me hurde anon
Cheos weþer þou wolt bileue oþer henne gon
Bilef me al one ȝif þou miȝt for no þonk necan ich þe
Ich þonki God of heuene þat sone hurde me
Þo hi nemiȝte departi noȝt alniȝt to gadere hi woke
And tolde of þe swetnesse þat is mid God in tale & in boke
Þe niȝt hom þoȝte swuþe ssort & sory atte ende
Hi were þo hi seie day þat hi ssolde ato wende
Hy ne dorste no leng togadere be[o] ac wende to hore celle
Sori hi were for hy nemiȝte no leng togadere telle
Þo þe maide was hom icome sore sik he[o] lay
And as oure Louerd is wille was he[o] deide þe þridde day
Sein Benet inis celle ȝeode his suster soule he sei
In forme of a coluer wiȝt fle[o] to heuene an hei
Heuene openede hure aȝen þe coluer gan in vle[o]
Glad was þis holyman þat þis miȝte ise[o]
Amorwe he & his couent þuder wende sone
And burede þis holy maide as riȝt was to done
So God leoue þat we mote wiþ Cristen men be[o]
Ibured at oure endeday and to heuene vle[o]


De sancto Valentino

Sein Valentin þe martir god man was inou
And þoru is prechinge many man to Cristendom drou
And sikemen þoru Godes grace monye to hele broȝte
So þat men þat sike were wel wide alonde him soȝte
A gret maister þer was þo at Rome Cratan was is name
He hurde telle of him and of is holy fame
A sone he hadde in siknesse þat him was leof inou
Þat þe crompe hadde & oþer siknesse þat is limes fordrou
Þat is chin and al is face lay bitwene his þie
More pine þanne he hadde ne dorste noman drie
So þat heie men & noble his fader sende fram Rome
To þe holyman sein Valentyn þat he þuder come
Forto hele his sike sone and inou of his nome
For he was þer of siker inou as me tolde him ilome
So þat þis holyman com þuder þoru is bone
Sire Craton þis holyman his sone him broȝte sone
And bad him for þe loue of God þat on was al is þoȝt
Þat he broȝte is sone to hele þat he ne perssede noȝt
Ȝif þou wolt quaþ þis holyman þat þi sone hol be[o]
Kuþ it somdel in dede and þou sselt it hol ise[o]
A Louerd merci quaþ þis oþer euene ichelle dele
And [ȝiue] him clanlich half mi god wo so him bringe to hele
Ȝif þou wolt quaþ sein Valentin & þine men echon
Biluue in Iesu Crist þi sone worþ hol anon
Þo was Craton glad inou þo þis forwarde was ydo
His wif and al is oþer men encentede wel þerto
Sein Valentin sat akne[o] in greot deuocion
And to Iesu Crist for þe sike sede is orisoun
Þis sike man as God it wolde his limes streiȝte anon
And aros up hol and sound of fleiss and of bon
Þo sire Craton and is wif isei þis noble dede
Þat hore sone was so iheld hy nome hom sone to rede
And biluuede on Iesu Crist & hore maine echon
And þoru grace of þis holyman ybaptized were anon
Þat folk þat hurde her of telle aboute bi eche side


Turnde þoru þis holyman to Cristendom wel wide
And þe Iustices sone also aperteliche sede
Þat he biluuede on Iesu Crist & amang al þat folk gan grede
So þat þe senaturs of Rome wraþþede hom echon
And sein Valentin þis holyman in bendes broȝte anon
And tormentede him sore inou boþe vleyss and bon
And þe false godes him het honure of tre[o] & of ston
Ac þo hi nemi[ȝ]te in no manere bringe him in such wou
And þat folk al longe day þicke aboute him drou
Þe Iustice Placidas þat luþer was inou
A niȝt let smite of his heued & þis holyman slou
And is soule to heuene wende þoru Godes grace
Nou God for þe loue of him us bringe to þulke place

De sancta Iuliana virgine

Sen Iulian com of heie men as me findeþ iwrite
Cristene stilleliche heo bicom þat noman ne ssolde iwite
Maximian het þe emperor þe heþene þat was þo
Alle Cristene he dude to deþe þat he miȝte of go
A gret maister he hadde vnder him þat het Elyse
He wolde þat Iulian to him iwedded solde be[o] an alle wise
Wiþ hure uader & moder he spak so þat hi were at on
Þo wende he to þis holi maide & wende habbe is wille anon
Swete sire quaþ sein Iulian hit ne uel noȝt to me
Bote þou were man of more poer to be[o] ispoused to þe
Þis man was glad for þis word to þe emperor he wende
Noble ȝiftes he him ȝaf [] & fair presant him sende
So þat he made him vnder him hext Iustice of is londe
To do & hote wat he wolde for is ȝift & for is sonde
Þis Iustice wende to Iuliane þo is poer was
And wende hure habbe as is spouse ac he faillede of is as
Þis maide him uaire answerede leue sire he[o] sede
Bote we be[o] of one lawe hou mowe we be[o] of one rede


Cristen womman ich am iwis ine recche wo it wite
Bicom Cristene for mi loue and [me] þou hast biȝute
Sori was þis luþer man he nuste þo wat he miȝte
Weste þis he sede þe emperor he wolde þe luþer diȝte
Ȝif we Cristene beoþ boþe sone we worþe dede
Þanne were oure ioie al ido þat we ssolde togadere lede
Ihote ich am alle Cristene men to deþe do uppon myn oþe
Þere uore lemman turn þi þoȝt & haue ruþe on us boþe
Leoue sire quaþ þat holy maide ȝif þou ert ofdrad
Of þe emperor þat is eorþlich man iwis þou ert amad
Þei is poer be[o] non such sone it wole ago
Ac dred God þat poer haþ of eche þing euere mo
Swuþe dreory was þis luþerman þat he nemiȝte hure wende
To habbe conseil of hure uader after him he lette sende
Þo hi togadere come hy made gret feste
And fondede hure clene þoȝt to change wiþ faire byheste
Þo hi speke fairost mid hure þis maide ham ȝaf answere
Ichelle holde þat ich habbe itake ȝe ne doþ me þerof no dere
Ac o word ȝe ne turneþ me noȝt þer aboute ȝe spilleþ breþ
Doþ me wat pine ȝe wolleþ for i ne drede noȝt þan deþ
Þo hi seie þat þis maide hure þoȝt change nolde
Hure fader bitok hure þe Iustice to do wiþ hure wat he wolde
Þe Iustice let hure strupe naked & legge hure plat to gronde
Six kniȝtes ȝeode hure al aboute & made hure mani wonde
Hi leide hure on wiþ harde scorgen þat hi weri were
And euere lai þis maide & lou as hure noþing nere
Þo hi seie hure stable þoȝt þat he[o] nas in none fere
Hi nome & honge hure oþe a bem bi þe trassours of hure here


Þer bi he[o] heng so alday þe kniȝtes bineþe stode
Wiþ scorges hi leide hure euere uppon þat he[o] stremede ablode
Þe more torment þat hi hure dude þe bet hi hure paide
Þo hi nemiȝte hure wille habbe adoun hi nome þe maide
And bad hure teorne for hure deþ hure þoȝt in alle wise
And þench on hure heie cunne & on hure owe gentrise
Þo hi nemiȝte for no þing bringe hure of hure þoȝt
A chitel uol of iwalled bras biuore þis maide was ibroȝt
Hy ȝote adoun aboute hure ssuldren as he[o] upriȝt stod
By rugge & wombe it orn adoun as it were flod
Fram þe necke to þe uot ech stude it þoru soȝte
Euere stod þis holy maide as hure noþing ne roȝte
Louerd muche is þi miȝte þat muche iweld bras
In hure wonded body & ne greuede noȝt fair miracle was
So wroþ was þo þe Iustice he het is men hure lede
In strong prisone & binde hure uaste forte me nome oþer rede
Þo þis maide in prison was þe deuel to hure wende
In forme of an angel & sede hure þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
Forto saui hure fram þe deþ & wissi hure wel to done
Þat he[o] tormens forto fle[o] dude þe Iustices bone
For oure Louerd hadde of hure reuþe & wilnede hure lif
And leuer hadde þanne hure deþ þat he[o] were wedded wife
Þis maide stod in grete þoȝte þat he hure þerto gan rede
And þat oure Louerd him so bad bi him as he sede
He[o] sat akne[o] & bad oure Louerd þat he hure ssolde lere
Wel to don & warni ek wat þe messager were
As he[o] sat in hure orison he[o] hurde a uois þat sede
Beo studeuast in þi bileue and ich þe wol wel rede


At þe messager axe wat he be[o] [] & ne haue of him no drede
And nyme him faste for ichelle be[o] [] wiþ þe in euerich dede
Þo þe maide þis ihurde [] þane deouel he[o] nom wel uaste
He[o] made þe signe of þe crois & to hure vet him caste
Tel me he[o] sede wat þou ert oþer ichelle þe quelle
Leuedy he sede let me go & ichelle þe sone telle
Nay þou sselt abide her þis maide sede þo
Forte þou me telle wat þou ert & þanne þe sselt go
Þo sede he ich am a deuel yhote Belial
Aȝen ech mannes god dede ich can do luþer gal
Þo Adam and Eue wolde in Godes seruise be[o]
Ich am broȝte in dedlich sunne þoru þe appel of þe tre[o]
Þo bitwune Caim was muche loue & Abel is broþer
Ich made þoru lite envie þat on sle þat oþer
Ich made Iesus in þe rode deiȝe ac þat we suþþe aboȝte
Ich made Erodes þe children sle þo hi Iesus soȝte
Ich habbe imad men oþer sle & ssipes in se drenche
Alle wo ich habbe an eorþe ido þat man may on þenche
Wo sende þe hider quaþ þat maide þe deuel aȝen sede
Satan oure maister þat is atom þat us alle schel rede
Ȝif he sent ou quaþ þis maide to eni holy manne
And ȝe ne mowe noȝt him ouercome wat deþ he þanne
Þanne ne dorre we noȝt quaþ þe deuel touore oure maister wende
Oure acountes forto ȝelde ac he let us ofsende
And ȝif we ower beoþ ifonde he let us bete sore
Þere uore wanne we vyndeþ eniman stable in Godes lore
We fondeþ him in luþer þoȝt to bringe wi[þ] al oure miȝte
And anon he mai us ouercome ȝif he wol aȝen us fiȝte
For we nabbeþ poer noman to bringe in sunne aȝen mode
For Iesus bynom us þulke miȝte þo he deide uppon þe rode


Of al þat ich habbe an eorþe igo so clanlich ouercome
Neuere ich nas as ich nou am m[i] miȝte me is bynome
Maide for þin hendyssipe þou haue mercy of me
Let me go at þis o tyme i ne ssel neuere eft dere þe
Alas þat inadde er iwest wat me ssolde bitide
Certes quaþ þis maide þo ȝute þou sselt abide
Þis maide nom þis foule best & faste it gan bynde
Mid a raketeye þat aboute hure was his honden byhynde
Mid anoþer raketeie of hure he[o] bet him swuþe sore
And euere sede þis foule best hende maide þin hore
Haue reuþe of þi wrecche prison & þench þat þou ert fre[o]
Inabbe icome aney non þat me derste handly oþer se[o]
And þou me derst þus tormenty alas wi ne mai ich fle[o]
Wy ertou so strang maidenot þat þou nemiȝt ouercome be[o]
Alas maidenot alas wi woltou wiþ us fiȝte
Maidens ichelle euere eft drede inabbe aȝen hom no miȝte
Þus þis maide tormentide þus þis foule wiȝt
Þe Iustice het þis maide vecche byuore him anon riȝt
Þis maide nom þis foule best & after hure it drou
Leoue leuedy he sede þin ore yssend ich am inou
Ne make namo men [gawe] on me nertou corteis & hende
Þench þat maidens ssolde milde be[o] & bring me of þis bende
War is þe kunde of þi maidenot þat ssolde be[o] milde & stille
& þou ert aȝen me so sterne hou miȝtou habbe þe wille
So longe he on þis maide cride as he[o] him drou and ladde
Afte hure þoru þe chepinge þat reuþe of him heo [h]adde


A chambre foreyne he[o] sey al up touward þe strete
Fol it was of fulþhede old and al forlete
Þis maide nom þis foule þing & caste it al amidde
Day þat him wolde ricchore bed biseche oþer bidde
For it was god inou to him wiþinne & eke aboue
Wat segge ȝe segge ich soþ ne lieþ noȝt for is loue
Ȝute nolde noȝt þis luþer men þat iseie al þis dede
Biluue on God & turne hore þoȝt ac þe more hure wiþsede
Þo he[o] biuore þe Iustice com hi wolde change hure þoȝt
And bihete hure prute & gret nobleie ac al ne held it noȝt
A weol of ire swuþe strang byuore hure hy caste
Al were þe uelien aboute wiþ rasours ystiked uaste
Þat weol hi turnde al aboute þe maide þerbi hi sette
Dupe wode in hure naked fleiss þe rasors kene iwette
Þat þo hure uless was al to torne so deope wode & gnowe
Þat þe bones hy to slitte and þe marrou out drowe
Þat marrou sprang out alaboute so ouercome he[o] was
Þat he[o] almest ȝaf þe gost & no wonder it nas
Of al þat me drou hure tendre limes hy nere enes sore
Ac euere sede þat Iesu Crist þolede for hure more
Glad were þo þe luþer men [] þat so ney þe deþe hure seie
Ac oure Louerd is wille nas it noȝt þat he[o] ssolde deie
An angel wiþ a naked swerd to þe weol aliȝte
And heu it al to smale pece þer was Godes miȝte
And þis maide ȝeode uorþ al hol as hure noþing nere
Sore dradde þis luþer men þat þere aboute were
Oure Louerd Crist can so is fon wanne is wille is afere
Vif hondred men turnde to him for þulke miracle þere
An hondred wymmen & þritti & þer ne bileuede of hom noȝt on
Þat þis luþer man in þe place ne let byheuedi anon
Touward þis maide þis Iustice for wraþþe was nei wod
He lette make of wode [and] col a strang fur and god


Amidde he lette þis maide caste for heo forberne ssolde
He wende hure to sle anon ac oure Louerd it nolde
An angel þer com & þis fur tospradde wide & drou
Amidde þe place þe maide stod harmles & glad inou
He[o] þonkede God & sat akne[o] & hure orison sede
Þe Iustice sede wat ssolde we do wat ssel us to rede
We ne ssolleþ þis foule wicche ouercome mid no dede
Ȝif no vur nemai hure brenne in led we ssolleþ hure [b]rede
A chitel hi sette þer mid fur & fulde hit fol of lede
Þis may say þis led boilly he[o] nas noȝt in drede
Anon so he[o] was þer inne ido þat fur began to sprede
Fram þe chitel it hupte aboute in lengþe & in brede
Sixti men & seuentene it barnde in þe place
Of luþer men þat stode þerbi þer was oure Lou[er]des grace
Amidde þe chitel þis maide stod al hol wiþoute harm
Þat led þat boillinge was vnneþe it þoȝte hure warm
Þe Iustice bigan to weope & crie þo he þis isey
For is men forbarnd were witles he was ney
Wat do ȝe he sede mi godes is ȝoure strengþe inome
Ssel a womman wiþ hure wicchinge us alle ouercome
Helpeþ me nou ȝif þat ȝe mowe þat we ne be[o] broȝt to ssame
He[o] nessel me wraþþi namore ichelle pleie oþer game
Com vorþ he sede mi manquellare led þis hore fram me
And smite of hure heued wiþoute toun þat ich neuere eft hure ne se
Glad was þis holy maide þo he[o] weste hure ende
For he[o] weste after hure tormens woder he[o] ssolde wende
He[o] þonkede uaste Iesu Crist þat wolde after hure sende
Go bliue he[o] sede to þe quellare & bring me of þis bende
As me ladde þis maide touward hure martirdom


Belial þis foule deuel wel glad bihinde com
Ne spareþ noȝt he sede ac hieþ faste þat he[o] of dawe be[o]
Nabbeþ of hure namore reuþe þanne he[o] hadde of me
Nolde he[o] noþing sparie me of al þat ich hure bad
Vnneþe ich der on hure loke so sore ich am adrad
Þo þis maide hurde þis hure eiȝene up he[o] caste
A out out þe deuel sede holdeþ hure nou faste
Leste he[o] efsone cacche me þat me vuel bitidde
Fle[o] ichelle þe wile ich may do þat ich ȝou bidde
Ac þei he[o] him hadde icaȝt and ileid as clene
And in as fair bed as he[o] dude er day þat him bimene
Þo þis maide com to þulke stude as he[o] ssolde biheued be[o]
To oure Louerd he[o] bad hure orison & sat adoun akne[o]
Þe quellare as he[o] bad hure beden drou is swerd kene
He smot of hure heued fram hure body þat it fel in þe grene
Angles were ȝare anon hure soule forto auonge
Þus he[o] boȝte þe blisse of heuene wiþ tormentis stronge
Hure bodi hi lette ligge þere hi nolde it burie noȝt
For bestes it ssolde todrawe for þat was hore þoȝt
A god womman þat het Sophie wonede þer biside
Burie he[o] þoȝte þat holy body wat so hure ssolde bitide
For þer nere no Cristen men lede he[o] þoȝte it to Rome
Al bi ssipe to burie it þere ac þo hi in þe ssipe come
Þe wind com & drof hore ssip toward anoþer londe
Into þe lond of Campaine and þere it gan astonde
Þo hy nemiȝte þe ssip þanne bringe hi nome þoru Godes grace
And burede þis bodi upe þe se in a wel fair place
Þer it is ȝute wel uaire honured ac þo þe tiþi[n]ge was icome
To þe Iustice þat þis body was awei ilad and inome
He nom wiþ him foure & þritti men & afterward gan wende


Ȝif he miȝte þis body atake more he þoȝte it ssende
Amidde þe se þer com a wind as it were for þe none
And caste hore ssip up þe doun & adreinte hom euerichone
Þe Iustices wrecche bodi suþþe þe se to londe caste
And bestes & foules it todrawe þe wile þer a pece ilaste
Þo hadde he is owe dom þat he wolde þe maide ssende
Þus sein Iulian þe holy maide hure lif broȝte to ende

De sancto Matthi[e] apostolo

Seint Mathi apostel is as ȝe ssolle iwite
Þoru lot apostel he was ymad as we findeþ iwrite
Iudas þat apostel was þo he hadde oure Louerd isold
Þer nas non lange in his stude þat apostel was itold
After þe tyme þat oure Louerd [] to heuene was ystye
Þe apostles were togadere alle & oure Leuedy Marie
So þat seinte Peter radde as oure Louerd hadde ybede
Of Iudas þat apostel was to nyme on in is steode
So þat hy nome and caste lot up sein Matthi it gan ualle
So þat sein Matthi & sein Poul were last of ham alle
Sein Matthi com of heiȝe men þat apostel nou is
In þe lond of Belhem ybore he was iwis
Suþþe þo he apostel was & hi wende alle wide
To prechi men to Cristendom euerich inis side
In to þe lond of Inde sein Matthi þen wey nom
Þer he prechede monymon & broȝte to Cristendom
He helde ek men þat sike were ne may noman rekeni alle
Þoru him folk to Cristendom wel wide bigan to falle
Þer was a maister in þe lond þat a drench made þere
Þat al þat þer of dronke oȝt ablend anon hi were
Þer of me broȝte sein Matthi & he hit dronk anon
And him nas þeruore noþe wors ac hol him gan gon
Þat folk þoȝte wonder gret þat he ne les anon is siȝte
Awey leue frend quaþ sein Matthi ȝe ne seoþ noȝt Godes miȝte
Þat ȝe se[o] to soþe Godes miȝte þat he me hider sende
Let bringe hider al þe men þat þer þoru beoþ ablende


Me let hom seche wel wide out & broȝte þer in þe place
Þis holyman hom helede anon þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þreo hondred men and to þoru oure Louerdes miȝte
Þat were ablend þoru þe drench he ȝaf þer hore siȝte
Þat folk cride ȝeorne on him & þicke aboute him com
And bileuede þoru him hore god & turnde to Cristendom
Þe luþer Iustice of þe lond her of hurde telle
He let nyme þis holyman & in strange deþe quelle
Ac hit nis nower in boc ivonde wat deþ he hadde þere
Ac ymartred he was in strong torment [as] somme þe apostles were
Gode men come þer afterward & þat holy body nome
And out of þe londe of Inde ladde it swuþe to Rome
And bure[de] it þer wiþ gret honur as me sseueþ ȝute
In seinte Marie Churche is heued wiþ gret prute
Nou God for þe loue of seint Mathi lete us here so wisse
Þat wanne we hannes wendeþ come to heuene blisse

De sancto Oswaldo

Seint Oswold þe bissop was ibore here in Engelonde
Of heie men he was icome as ich vnderstonde
Sire Ode was is fader broþer þe kinges conseiler
Þat hext Iustice was of þat lond and hadde inis poer
Swuþe holyman he was & ydouted ver and ner
Som wat we mote telle of him & of is mester
Þe king þat þo was of Engelonde þe king Aþelston
Of þe heþene men iwerred was þat were is stronge von
A strang bataille was a day bitwene hom inome
So þat þe king and is poer his fon hadde ouercome
Hy flouwe & þis gode king siwede & leide on vaste
& slou to gronde & smot so harde þat is swerd brac attelaste
Þo is fon yseie þis þat is swerd ybroke was
Hi turnde aȝen & leide him on and were glad of is cas
Þe king þei he stalworþe were non oþer red ne sey
Bote fle[o] vaste & is fon sywe him euere ney


Sire Ode þis holymon ysey þane king vle[o]
He orn after and sede abid sire kyng wat is þe
War is þin herte nou bicome ne miȝte þin armes wawe
Wy neltou take to þi scauberk & þi swerd out drawe
Þe king wondrede of þis word to is scauberk he drou
He vond and nom a swerd þerof fair and strang inou
Þe king þis swerd mid gode herte gladliche nom
And turnde aȝe uppon is fon & sone hom ouercom
Þe king þe more þer afterward sire Ode louie bigan
And douty for he þer isey þat he was holyman
Erche bissop þoru Godes grace he made him at Kanterburi
And sein Donston was þulke tyme abbot of Glastinburi
Þo sire Ode þe erchebissop was is neveu me him vette
Seint Oswold þe ȝonge child to bok he let him sette
Þis child nadde of fair beringe ne of lore nanne per
His vncle & al þat him yknewe louede him ver & ner
His vncle him made at Wiltone canon seculer
Wel ȝong he was þer ymad ey den of gret poer
Wanne he weste eny of þe chanones do eny fol ger
Ne sparede he noȝt to chasti hom as it fel to is mester
So þat hi hadde hoker of him þat he hom ssolde chasti so
For þat he was so ȝong after him hi nolde noȝt do
Þis holymon ysei þis þat he ne miȝte hom noȝt amende
He bileuede hom al is dignete & aȝen to is vncle wende
He swor he nolde for noþing no leng byleue þere
No of no soule ycharged be[o] to wissi ne to lere
Ac he wolde forsake al þe worlde and in to religion wende
Byleue he nolde for noþing is lyf so to ende
Glad was þe erche bissop þo he hurde þis
Hor eiþer stode and wope on oþer for ioie and for blis
He esste at seint Oswold anon woder is heorte bere
Forto be[o] in religion and ware is þoȝt were
Certes seide seint Oswold inelle it hele noȝt
To be[o] monk at Florence in France ich habbe iþoȝt


Þer as sein Benet liþ þat þe hordres of monkes wroȝte
And grante ine me for Godes loue þat us deore aboȝte
Quaþ þe erchebissop glad ich am of þine holy þoȝte
Ihered be[o] God þat in to one stude oure beire wille wroȝte
For certes þe abit ich habbe ybore of þulke stude þere
Ihered be[o] God þat sende þe wille to be[o] my broþer þere
For þou ert my broþer sone & my broþer þou sselt be[o]
Iþonked beo God þat ich miȝte þane day ise[o]
Vorþ him wende seint Oswold þoru þe bissop is rede
And þe ordre of monk þer vnder ueng holy lif to lede
His breþeren were wel glad of him þo hi vnderȝite
Þat holy lif þat he was on for noþing hy nolde him lete
In orisons he was niȝt & day & in oþer gode þinge
Þer of þe deuel hadde envie and þoȝte him þerof bringe
Ofte he com in deorne stude biniȝte him to afere
Wanne he was al one inis bede & made reufol bere
Ac wanne þis holyman hurde him so deoluoliche rore
Þe signe he made of þe crois & ne hurde him namore
Þo þe deuel ysey þis þat he nemiȝte him come wiþinne
He þoȝte mid oþer felonye þis holyman wynne
A day as þis holyman is orysons vaste nom
In forme of an angel þe deuel to him com
Oswold he sede an angel ich am fram heuene isend to þe
Oure Louerd haþ þi bone ihurd he sende þe word by me
And bad þe somme reste habbe & ne trauaille noȝt so sore
In orisons to crie on him þou hauest is milce and ore
For leuer he haþ þat þou libbe inis seruise longe
Þanne þi sulf sone asle in penance so strange
Of þis tidinge þis holyman swuþe wondri bygan
& is maner was to blessi him as he speke wiþ eny man
In forme of þe crois he blessede him is riȝt hond up he nom


Þo wolde he answerie þe foule þing ac he nuste war he bicom
Her me may yseo hou narwe þe deuel him wol byþenche
Hou he may eny godman out of is godnesse bywrenche
Þo seint Oswold hadde longe ibe[o] þere in Godes lore
Þe erche bissop þat was is vncle longede after him sore
Vor he was old & feble also after him he sende
Sory were þis monekes þo he fram hom wende
Þo seint Oswold was þanne iwend & com into Engelond
Þe erche bissop Ode is vncle ded & ybured he vond
Louerd þat him one was wo þo he þer of weste
Touore þe tombe he uel adoun wepinge ofte it custe
Sire Osketel is o cosin at Dorchestre bissop was
After seint Oswold he sende anon þo he hurde of þis cas
At Dorchestre to hym he com wiþ him he was longe
He held þe rule of is ordre wiþ penance stronge
Byside Oxenforde is Dorchestre biside Abindone a lite
Þe ce of bissop was þat oþer þat at Lincolne is ȝute
Hit byuel þat þe bissop [] of Euerwik was ded
Sire Osketel me nom in is steode þoru mony monnes red
Þo he was alyt of Euerwik to Rome sone he com
To beo ysacred of þe pope seint Oswold wiþ him he nom
Þo hy hamward come aȝen seint Oswold aȝen wende
To þe abbey þer he was monk is lyf forto amende
Sein Donston þat was biuore abbot of Glastingbury
After sire Ode erchebissop me made him of Kanterburi
He hurde telle of þe holy lyue þat seint Oswold was inne
Ȝeorne he þoȝte ȝif he miȝte to Engelond him wynne
So þat þe bissop of Wircestre þer after was ded
Sein Donston and sire Osketel þer of no[me] a red
Þoru conseil of þe gode king þat was þo of Engelonde
Þe King Edgar hi sende anon after seint Oswold hore sonde
And made him bissop of Wircestre þe soulen forto loke
Glad was al þat folk þer of þat hy a such man toke


Swuþe wel þis holyman his bissopriche weste
So wel wroȝte in euerich point non byuore him me nuste
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi þe holy sein Donston
Þoru grant of Edgar þe gode king [] & þe pope Ion
Formede þoru al Engelonde þat ech person ssolde cheose
To wite him chast fram lecherie oþer is churche leose
Gode wardeins he made þerto to holde þis fourme faste
Þat many wikked person out of is churche caste
Seint Donston and seint Oswold wardeins were þerto
And þe bissop of Winchestre seint Aþelwold þat was þo
Þis þre[o] bissops wende aboute þoru al Engelonde
Ech luþer person hi caste out hom ne miȝte non atstonde
Hore churchen and hore oþer god clanliche hy bynome
And bysette it in gode men þoru þe popes wille of Rome
Eiȝte and forty grete abbeies of monekes & of nonne
Of tresor hy made in Engelond þat of persons was so iwonne
In þe churche of Wircest[r]e ner þer ȝute monekes none
Seint Oswold made þe priorie of treo and of stone
And broȝte þer inne monekes and ȝute beoþ also
Wroþ was þe deuel for is werk & gret onde hadde þerto
Þo hy rerde þe priorie and fair ston hy fonde
Þer wende forþ a vewe men to hewe hom to hore honde
So þat voure score stalworþe men þat ropes þerto bonde
Ne miȝte enes wiþ al hore strengþe icche him fram gronde
Gret wonder hadde þe folk þerof seint Oswold attelaste
Com & sey þen deuel sitte & holde þan ston wel vaste
Þo he him hadde awey idriue a veu men þat þer were
Liȝtliche nom up þe vaire ston & to hore werke bere
Suþþe it byuel þat þe erche bissop of Euerwik was ded
Þe Kyng of Engelond and sein Donston þerof nome hore red
And seint Oswold erche bissop of Euerwik hy made


Vnneþe he miȝte him þerto bringe vor al þat hy bade
Hy made him holde þe bissopriche of Wircestre also
Þe godeman hadde inou to done to loky boþe to
To holde ek is religion for monk euere he was
To wite þe ordre of þe bissopriches noþing idel he nas
He ne bileuede longe in none stude bote it am[a]ng monkes were
Bote wanne he wende inis bissopriche þat folk forto lere
As inis pryuey orisons seint Oswold a niȝt was
& is monekes in hore bede lay aslepe it biuel bicas
Þ[at] o monk him let baþie and þo he hadde ydo
He lay in seint Oswold is bed ac to raþe he com þerto
Vour deuelen come & esste anon wat he dude þere
In þe bed þat is maister was & hou he so hardy were
Þo he nemiȝte non encheson vinde faste hi him toke
And bete him so sore þoru þe cri al þe monkes awoke
And come & holpe him hasteliche & esste wat him were
And wat he in þulke bedde dude & wy he made such bere
He was yknewe of al is gult and among hom al yssriue
And sede is penance was inou þei is gult were forȝiue
Seint Oswold forȝef it him & bad þe monkes also
By þulke cas ywar hy were efsone to misdo
In þe tyme of Rouysons as seint Oswold com
And þen wey fram Euerwik to Wircestre nom
He prechede at Rameseie at is anne manere
Al þe contreie þuder com his prechinge to hure
Monekes þer were of an hous þat bi ssipe þuder come
To hure þis predicacion as hi to rede hom nome
Þo þis godeman hadde ibroȝt þis holy prechynge to ende
Þis monekes nome is blessinge hamward forto wende
So heuy hore ssip ycharged was in dep water þo hi were
Þat it bygan to sinke adoun loude hy gradde for fere
Sein Benet & seint Oswold hy bede hom helpe þere
Þo seint Oswold hurde þe cri him wondrede of þe bere


He byhuld and isey þat folk upe þe point to adrinke
He sey þe ssip wiþ al þe men toward þe gronde sinke
Louerd he sede seint Oswold send me þi grace
Þis gode men for my prechinge come into þis place
Ȝif hy deieȝ Louerd me þincþ þat ich am encheson
Of hore deþ wanne hi hider come for my predicacion
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille þi grace grante me
Þat hy mote to lyue come þe bet to seruy þe
Þo he hadde is bone ybede þe ssip þat was at gronde
Com pulle up aboue þe water in a lyte stonde
Þe men laueþ out þe water þat hy in þe ssipe vonde
And herede God and seint Oswold & wende hom hol & sonde
Seint Oswold þis holyman to Wircestre þen wei nom
Þe monekes of him glade were þo he þuder com
Nou was is manere eche day twelf pouere men to tak[e]
And into is chambre lede hom & faire sege hom make
And wosse hore vet & wipe ek wiþ towaile & wiþ is her
And ȝiue hom mete & serui hom atte mete riȝt þer
Þis manere þis godeman noday bileue nolde
And aȝen efter þis pouere men wiþ niwe cloþ cloþi wolde
So þat þis gode holyman vel into a siknesse
And was old and ouercome mid elde & feblesse
So þat he was ouercome þat me wende he ssolde deiȝe
He aros up as him noþing nere & upward caste is eiȝe
Toward heuene he byhuld as þei he syk nere
Gret wonder þoȝte is men þar of & esste wi it were
Ich biholde quaþ þis godeman woder ich ssel wende
For my Louerd ȝute to morwe after me wole sende
He wende in aȝen & clupede is men & bed hom habbe goday
And bad hom ȝeorne bidde for him and noþing sik nelay
He let him helie wel clanliche & oure Louerdes fleiss nom
Aniȝt he was þe verste þat to matins com


Amorwe as he dude ech day is sauter he sede
Twelf pouere men into þe quer biuore him let lede
Þere he wess al hore vet as it was is wone
And sede þe qwinsames to herie Godes sone
And herede mid þe laste vers & caste up is eiȝe
Vader and Sone & Holy Gost & mid þan vers gan deiȝe
Angles bere is soule forþ to þe ioie of heuene heiȝe
Louerd wat deol þe monekes made þo hi þen deþ seie
Hy nome & burede him at Wircetre heilich atte fine
Þer is bones liggeþ ȝut noblich in fair ssryne
For his loue oure Louerd haþ þer vair miracle ofte iwroȝt
Nou God lete us to þe ioie come þat he is inne ibroȝt

De sancto Ceddo

Sein Chadde þe godeman was of Engelonde
Bissop he was of Leccesfeld as ich vnderstonde
He was sone after þulke tyme þat seint Austin com
And prechede verst in Engelonde & broȝte Cristendom
Aboute sixe hondred ȝer and sixty and tene
After þat oure Louerd Crist an eorþe aliȝte ich wene
Sein Chadde in Norþ Homber lond here by norþe was
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik deide þo by cas
Þe king Oswy was þo king of Norþ Homber lond
In sein Chadde þis godeman ech godnesse he vond
Erche bissop of Euerwik he ches him to be[o] þere
And sende him touward Kanterburi þat he ysacred were
He ne com noȝt to Kanterburi he ne hiede noȝt so bliue
Þat þe erchebissop of Kanterburi nas er of þis lyue
Þo wende he toward þe Marche to þe bissop Wyne
Þat was þo bissop of þe March to bringe þis to fine
So þat of þe bissop Wine ysacred he was þo
He wende him toward Euerwyk þo þis dede was ido
He vondede vaste niȝt & day þo he þuder com
To wardi wel Holy Churche and to holde up Cristendom
He ȝeode into al is bissopriche and prechede wel vaste


Muche of þat folk þoru is word to God hore herte caste
Al auote he wende aboute ne kepte he nanne prute
Riche man þei he were imad he tolde þerof lute
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik ne kepte noȝt nou go
To prechi aboute inis vet ne anoþer noþemo
Hi rideþ up hore palfrei leste hi sperne hore to
Bote richesse & worles prute [] deþ Holi Churche wo
Suþþe þe bissop of þe March as God wolde was ded
Þe king Wolfri of þe March þer of nom is red
And into Norþ Homberlond is messageris he hadde
To þe king Oswy of þe lond þat he grante him sein Chadde
To be[o] bissop of Lichfeld and of al þe March also
So þat as oure Louerd it wolde þis dede was ido
Þe se was þo of bissops at Lecchfeld iwis
Þat þoru conseil of þe lond at Chestre nouþe is
Þis holy man aforcede him as he dude er byuore
To prechi þat folk of Iesu Crist þat þe soulen nere ilore
In is bare vet as he dude er aboute he wende þere
Þe men for is bocsomnesse þe bet byluued were
So þat monk þis holyman as God wolde bicom
And wiþ seue oþer freres þe abit of monk nom
A lite biside Lichfelde þere as was is ce
He let him makie a lite celle al in priuete
And wanne he hadde aboute igo & ipreched also
In þulke celle he wolde beo is ordre forto do
Wanne þis holyman iseie þat þe weder were ouercast
Inabbe ihurd of noman þat so sore were agast
Wanne it þondred oþer liȝte he nuste ware be[o]
Ac as a man to seche help to chirche he wolde vle[o]
And ar he were atte weued he ne dorst nower bileue
And þare he wolde crie on God forte þe weder at ȝeue
Such drede he hadde at ech time of liȝting & þonder
Alle þat him wonede ney were þer of in wonder
So þat some men a day esste wi it were
And wy more þane oþer men he were in such fere
Ȝe foles quaþ þis holiman lite wit ȝe sseweþ her


Ne rede ȝe noȝt þat sein Dauiþ seiþ inis sauter
Þat oure Louerd [send] þondre fram heuene & he þat hext is
Ȝaf is vois and sende is arwene aboute also iwis
Þe þondre is al oure Louerdes beome & as is dunt also
Þanne he þreteþ forto smite ac we nuteþ wanne he wol do
Liȝtinge beoþ is arwene þat fleoþ aboute wide
Þat wonder it is wanne hi vleoþ þat man der awer abide
He sent is oste forto smite and forto þretny ofte
To ssewy men wanne he smit þat is dunt nis noȝt softe
And þat men habbe in hore munde þe stronge day of dome
For is dunt worþ þanne strong inou as we aȝte þenche lome
Wel aȝte we sunfol men of suche weder drede
Wanne þis holyman dude þat was of so holy dede
Sein Chadde nadde bote to ȝer & an half vnneþe
Ibe[o] bissop at Lechfeld ar he drou toward deþe
A day he & frere Owyn a monk sete al one
In is celle and þe monkes at cherche were echone
Þo hurde hi þat swettost song þat euere was ifonde
In heuene hom þoȝte it bigan [] & com toward þe gronde
Al softe donward it com so þat it com so ney
Þat it aliȝte upe þe celle uppon þe coppe an hey
And half a tide it bileuede riȝt upe þe on celle
Of so murie melodie ne may no tonge telle
And suþþe toward heuene aȝen þat way it nom
Wyþ as murie melodie as it þuder ward com
Wel weste þo þis holyman hou it ssolde wiþ him gon
After al is monekes to churche he sende anon
He prechede hom to be[o] studeuast in oure Louerdes seruise
And louye & holde hore rule wel & hore ordre in alle wise
Forte it was oure Louerdes wille [] after him to sende


And fram hom þe seueþe day to heuene he moste wende
For angles him hadde þer byuore ibroȝt suche tiþinge
Forto veche him þe seueþe day & to þe ioie of heuene bringe
Þer after anon þis holyman in gret siknesse lay
And deide as he hadde ised riȝt þe seueþe day
& wiþ angles to heuene wende as he broȝte her tiþinge
Nou God for þe loue of him to þulke ioye us bringe

De sancto Grigorio

Sein Gregori þe confessour in Cisile was ibore
In holynesse he ladde is lif þat is soule nere ilore
God clerk he was & god prechor in Cisile he let rere
Sixe abbeies of monekes in a vewe ȝere
Þe seueþe he let rere in þe cite of Rome
Þere he and many wiþ him þe abit of monekes nome
In so gret fastinge he was and so lite he wolde ete
Þat al þe wille he hadde forlore of drinke & of mete
For defaute he ssolde raþer deiȝe þanne be[o] ofhongred ene
To fastinge he was so iwoned is lif was so clene
Wel selde for al is feblesse idel he wolde be[o]
Þat me ne ssolde him Godes seruise rede oþer singe yse[o]
Oþer write oþer telle oþer rimes þerof make
Oþer he wolde bidde is beden þe wile he miȝte wake
Þe pope is godnes vnderȝet þei he þerof were stille
At Rome he made him cardinal al aȝen is wille
So holy he was and wis in þoȝt and so riȝtfol in dede
Þat þe conseil of Holy Churche muche was inis rede
Out of is paleis in a day þis holyman gan wende
So þat he vond marchans in Rome wiþ merceri wel hende
To sulle hy ladde ek in hor lond wel swete children þre[o]
Vairore þinges þanne hi were ne dorste nomon ise[o]
Þis holyman faste hom byhuld an stonde he gan astonde
He esste wat þe children were and of wuche londe


Þe marchans sede Engliss hi beoþ & of Engelond inome
Such is þe kunde of alle men þat of þulke londe beoþ icome
Wel aȝte sede þe godeman þat lond be[o] god & riche
Þe men beoþ wel Englisse ycluped for hy beoþ englise iliche
Ȝif þe lond is such as þe men name it haþ by riȝte
Engliss lond it aȝte be[o] and engliss þer on aliȝte
And suche men aȝte in heuene be[o] engliss yuere
Þo esste he wat bileue in Engelond were
Þe marchans sede al Engelond is pur heþenesse
Alas quaþ þis holyman alas þe sorinesse
Þat þe maister of derke helle habbe ssel in poere
A lond fol of so vair folk þat aȝte be[o] engliss vere
He wende aȝen into is paleis wiþ wel dreri chere
And carede þat Engelond to Cristendom ibroȝt nere
Atte comun conseil in a day sein Grigori aros sone
Þe pope he bad & þe cardinals to granty him anne bone
Þat hi him sende into Engelond to prechi Cristendom
Þe pope wiþ is cardinals gret conseil þerof nom
Gret danger hy made to granti hit ac euere he bad so uaste
Þat hy nemiȝte weorne no leng ac grantede attelaste
Glad was þo sein Grigori ne abod he namore
He wende touward Engelond to prechi Godes lore
Anon so he was forþ iwend ymist he was anon
Þat folk to þe pope wende and gradde on him echon
As he to seinte Peteres ministre wende in a daye
Hi sede þou þengst wiþ þy conseil al Rome bitraye
He þat held up þe honur of Rome þou hast him henne isend
Bote þu him lete of sende sone al Rome is issend
Þe pope hadde loue eiȝe gret of þat þe folk sede
Sein Grigori he let of sende þoru þe cardinales rede
He nas nower ney atte se ar me him of sende
Wiþ wel dreri chere þis holyman aȝen wende


As God it wolde þer afterward sone it dude byualle
Þat þe pope out of þis worlde wende as we ssolleþ alle
Þe bissop and þe cardinals & al þe conseil of Rome
Forto cheose a nywe pope wel streit conseil nome
Hi hete þat echmon of þe conseil eche day ssolde uaste
And in bedes biniȝt [&] day ȝif oure Louerd attelaste
Eny signe hom wole sende ȝif eny worþe were
In Rome pope forto be[o] Cristen men to lere
In orisons þo hi hadde ibe[o] þreo dawes & þre[o] niȝt
In an hurne of a chapel hi seie swuþe gret liȝt
Þat stod as it a piler were into heuene upriȝt
Hy ne seie noþing neuer er so cler ne so briȝt
Þo hi þe place come to vnder þe liȝt hy fonde
Þe holyman sein Grigori plat yfalle to gronde
For werinesse of orisons he lay as in a swoddringe
Þat folk bigan to herie God & loude hi gonne singe
Hy nome þis holyman and made him pope anon
Swete was þat heuene liȝt þat upe him þere sson
Wel he weste Cristendom holy lif he ladde
Of þe misbileue of Engelond gret care & deol he hadde
Seint Austin was þo a monk him & oþer he nom
And sende hom into Engelond to prechi Cristendom
So longe þat þis holymen hore wille hadde atte ende
Þat þe folk alaboute to Cristendom gan wende
Þoru þe lore of sein Grigori þat hider sende is sonde
Þer uore me clupeþ him in holy bok apostel of Engelonde
For he us sende Cristendom we vseþ alonde ȝute
To sette in is day children to lore þe wile hi beoþ lute
Þat hi mote is grace habbe þulke lore to wite
Þat he us sende bi seint Austin & neuere forȝute
Wel aȝte Cristen men him louie þat to riȝte bileue hom broȝte
Moni vair miracle vor is loue oure Louerd an eorþe wroȝte
Muche volk þer was in Rome þat in gode bileue nere
Ne biluuede noȝt þat þe sacringe oure Louerdes licame were


Þer vore sein Grigori þe pope prechede hom a day
And ssewede þer of vair miracle þat ech of hom ysay
Of oure Louerdes fleyss a lite he brak tofore hom als hi stode
Hit bicom a lite childes finger al vrnynge ablode
Þus oure louerd sein Grigori pope was in Rome
And þoru him her in Engelond to Cristendom we come
Bidde we him wiþ gode heorte apostel of Engelonde
Þat he tovore oure Louerd Crist our neode vnderstonde

De sancto Longio

Seint Longius was a blind kniȝt þo God was ido in rode
Pilatus him made oure Louerd stinge & oþer þat þer stode
To þe heorte he smot þe sper and þo he velde of þe blode
Þer wiþ he wette is blinde eiȝene [] hi bicome cler & gode
Þis kniȝt þo he miȝte ise[o] [] he sei þe eorþe quake
& þe stronge clips of þe sonne þen deuel gan forsake
Of þe apostles he let him cristny and suþþe þoru here rede
In þe lond of Capadose hard lyf he gan lede
A maner monk as þei he were seuene & twenty ȝer
Þis holyman sein Longius in penance wonede þer
Þe luþer prince þat was þer hurde of him speke
Sone he let him bringe to him is Cristendom to breke
And bad him honury hore false godes ac þis holyman sede
Þat he miȝte as wel be[o] stille wiþ is colde rede
Þe prince let for wraþþe anon al þe teþ of is heued
Wiþ stronge ires hamely of þer nas noȝt on byleued
Suþþe he let kerue of is tonge faste by þe more
And naþeles he spak þoru Godes grace so wel so he dude biuore
Sire prince he sede icham bilymed for þine false godes loue
Let mi Louerd þoru me wiþ ham speke & loke wo ssel be[o] aboue


Sein Longius al þis false godes wiþ an hax todrou
Þe deuelen flowe þicke þerof & made deol inou
Hit wende anon in þe luþer men þat þer aboute stode
Somme bicome blinde anon and some gidie & wode
And todrowe al hore lymes wiþ oþer sorwe ynowe
Þe prynce was boþe blind & wod & al is lymes tognowe
Sein Longius esste þis foule wiȝtes wy hy wonede þere
In maumetis and in false godes more þan elles ware
Hy seide for we ne moweþ nower so wel men bitraye
As we mouwe þer mid false bileue ne oure maister so wel paye
Ȝoure god nis noȝt þer ynemd ne is signe nis noȝt þere
Þer uore god pais we habbeþ þer & reste wiþoute fere
Seint Longius ofþoȝte uor þat þe prince him sulf hadde ignawe
Þou ne worst he sede neuer hol ar þou me bringe of dawe
And þanne ich wolle bidde for þe þat oure Louerd þe ssel sende
Hele of body and eke of soule inis seruise to ende
Þe prince let smite of is heued as he hadde er ised
Touore þe body he vel adoun & werþ in nesse bed
Oure Louerd him sende is wit anon & is eiȝen also
Sein Longius mercy ȝerne he bad of þat he hadde misdo
He let him baptise anon & bicom godman wiþ alle
Þoru þe grace þat him dude þoru sein Longius biualle
Nou God uor þe swete milce þat uor sein Longius hast ido
Forȝif us oure misdede here & bring us to heuene also

De sancto Patricio

Seint Patrik com þoru Godes grace to prechi in Irlonde
To teche men hore riȝte bileue of Iesu Crist to vnderstonde
So fol of wormes þat lond he vond þat nomon nemiȝte gon
In some stude for wormes þat he nas ywemmed anon
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd Crist þat þe lond delyuered were


Of þulke voule wormes þat non necome þere
Oure Louerd hurde is bone anon þat nemiȝte neuer eft come
No voul worm in Irlonde þat is lif him nas bynome
Ech tre[o] þat in þe londe grouþ & eorþe of þe lond also
Ne þoleþ no venim in none stude ney him be[o] ido
No voul worm necomþ þer ney þat nis anon lyfles
Bote a lite ssort euete and ȝute he is tailles
Muche clannesse & muche god wo so deþ him vnderstonde
For þe loue of sein Patrik oure Louerd dude to al Irlonde
A god mannes ssep was istole to sein Patrik com tiþinge
[He] het þat wo so it hadde inome aȝen it ssolde bringe
Þis godeman het so at churche ofte ac aȝen ne com it noȝt
In an heiday as þat folk to churche was ybroȝt
Sein Patrik het ȝif in þe churche eny musel were
Of þe ssep þat it ssolde blete among hom alle þere
Þo gan to blete inis wombe þat hadde þe ssep istole
Amang al is men þat it nemiȝte no leng be[o] ihole
Sore was þe þeof ofssamed þat men for þef him knewe
He was iknewe & merci bad & bicom god & triwe
Nou hadde sein Patrik a wone ofte and ilome
To aloute to euerich crois war he euer come
A day as he wende aboute preching in þe londe
Seint Patrik lotte to eche crois [] þat he sey awer stonde
Þait crois þat stod þat men iseye ac he ne say hit noȝt
Þer fore ne lotte he noȝt þer to [] men wondrede on her þoȝt
And esste why he nolde aloute [] to þe crois by him þere
Þis holi man byheld aboute [] and esste whar he were
He ne myȝte noȝt þat crois ise [] in gret þoȝt he stod
Gret wonder hadde þat folk þo [] and wende he were wod
Þo seide a uois vnder erþe [] ne misþenche ȝe noȝt


Þeȝ þe holi man ne se þat crois [] ne wondri ȝou riȝt noȝt
For it is for myne sunne þat myne bones lyggeþ here
As ich was ibured & mid ȝou speke þis holyman to skere
Sarazin ich was wile an eorþe in helle my soule is
For mine bones beoþ so ney þe crois he ne suchþ it noȝt iwis
As prechinge þis holyman þe contreie out soȝte
A wild stude he vond & bar þat no frut vorþ ne broȝte
Þei me sewe & sette þer al þing þer ne com noþing forþ þere
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd ȝerne to wite wi it were
In þe eorþe he made mid is staf a cercle al aboute
Þer bicom a put swuþe dep þat me hadde of gret doute
Þis godeman nuste wat it was ac an angel hym sede
Þat þer was a put of pultatorie þat ech man miȝte of drede
Somme soules were þer inne ido hor sunnes forto bete
Þat hy ne bette noȝt an eorþe ar hy þis lif lete
And were a man quik oþer ded þat þer inne come
He ne ssolde habbe oþer pultatorie ar þe day of dome
Ac after he ssolde to heuene ȝif he were god & hende
And as god ȝif [he] here luþer were to helle wiþoute ende
Oure Louerd tok sin Patrik þe stak is owe honde
And he vond wiþ þulke pultatorie yhered be[o] is sonde
In Irlonde is ȝute þulke staf wiþ nobleie iwest inou
And for riche relike iholde elles it were wou
Sein Patrik in þulke stude as þis pultatorie is
Of religion bigan an hous þat ȝute stont iwis
And chanons þer inne made as ȝute beoþ also
Þen put he let wel faste close þat noman ne com him to
In þe churche ȝerd is þulke put riȝt toward þe est side
Est euene fram þe heye weued as men secheþ wide
Iwalled he is vaste aboute and faste iloke þat ȝat
And faste þe prior witeþ þe keie þat noman comeþ in þerat


Al by sein Patrik is daye men wende þer inne ilome
And suþþe also manyon ac vewe up þer come
And þulke þat þer come aȝen of þat hy seie tolde
As it is in þe hous iwrite and priueliche iholde
Þe maner is of euerich man þat þer inne went
Þat it beo to bete is sunne ȝif oure Louerd him grace sent
To þe bissop of þe lond he ssel him verst ssryue
And bidde leue to do þe wey to amendement of lyue
Ac þe bissop him radde þer aȝen & reson him wole ssewe
And segge þat manie þuder wendeþ & comeþ aȝen vewe
And ȝif he is stable inis þoȝt for al þat he haþ ybede
Þe bissop him wole lettres make to þe prior of þe stede
Þe prior him wole ek rede inou forto change is þoȝt
Ac wan he suchþ him studeuast þat he nele bileue it noȝt
Wiþ gret procession of prestes to þe put he worþ ibroȝt
Ac ȝif me nemay þe ȝut for noþing change is þoȝt
Into churche hi wolleþ him lede & sette him adon akne[o]
And þare he ssel viftene dawes in orysons be[o]
Þe procession ssel turne aȝen as riȝt is to done
And amorwe þulke tyme þuder com efsone
And bote he be[o] þanne icome wiþ gret deol & sore
Hy turneþ aȝen & siker beoþ þat he ne comþ namore
Hit byuel bi one kynges daye þat nou late was
Of a kniȝt þat het Ouweyn a wel wonder cas
To þe bissop to ssrifte Ouwein þis kniȝt com
And gret repentance for is sunne & deol & sorwe nom
Þe bissop bigan to chide him uaste of þat he hadde misdo
And sede he hade ybe man worst forto sunegy so
Þat me nemiȝte him do so muche wo þat he nere worþ more
Þe kniȝt sat wiþ deoluol heorte & siȝte & wep sore
Wanne he sede icham man worst & worst habbe ydo
And to sunne þat grettost is penance mot do


Wanne ich amang alle men mest sunfol am alas
Þe strengoste penance ichelle take þat euere yuonde was
Ichelle take Godes grace and inis name wende
In sein Patrikes pultatorie sende wat he me sende
Ou beu frere quaþ þis bissop be[o] stille wi seistou so
Crist forbeode þat þou neuere such folie ne do
Vnneþe eny comeþ aȝen of þulke þat þuder doþ wende
Nolde God þat þou þe dede dust body & soule to ssende
And wend into religion and bilef þi liues ende
And þou sselt wel þi sunne bete & God wol grace sende
Certes sire quaþ þis kniȝt þou miȝt as wel beo stille
For ichelle þe dede do do God by me is wille
For as muche as ich habbe ofserued i nemiȝte habbe of wo
Þer uore sei wat ich ssel for siker ichelle it do
Þe bissop prechede him vaste inou forto changi is þoȝt
Ac attelaste þo he sey þat it was al for noȝt
To þe prior of þe stude his lettres he made sone
Þat he ssolde bi him do as bi a such man was to done
Þe prior prechede him vaste inou & sede him resons ynowe
Ȝif he miȝte change is þoȝt þat he þer of him wiþdrowe
Ac þis prechinge was al for noȝt ac he say wel atte ende
He nolde bileue for noþing þe perilous wei to wende
Þe prior him nom bi þe hond and into chirche him broȝte
Þer he vel adon akneo and oure Louerdes grace bisoȝte
In fastinge and in orisons fortene niȝt he lay
To bidde oure swete Lou[er]des grace & þe vifteþe day
Þe couent come aboute him and oþer prestes also
And clerkes wiþ procession þe seruise to do
For him hy songe an heie masse & on God cride faste
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod hi toke him attelaste
And sprenge him wiþ holy water and hore orisons sede
Wiþ crois and procession to þe put hi gonne him lede


And heilich song þe letanie & holy water bere
And alle Godes halwe bede þat hi is help were
Þe prior vnlek þe puttes dore & among hom echon
Beu frere he sede her is þe wei þat þou seist þou wolt gon
And ȝif þou wolt do by oure rede þou sselt þi þoȝt wende
And oþer manere þi sunnes bete as God wole þe grace sende
For vewe þer com aȝe of hom þat her inne wende biuore
Ac were for tormens & for wo lif and soule forlore
Certes sire quaþ þis kniȝt rede wat þou me rede
Þe wey ich nyme a Godes name to bete my misdede
Ac for is loue þat us deore aboȝte biddeþ for me echon
Lif and soule ich him bitake and inis name in gon
He blessede him & wende him in & bitok God fleiss & bon
Þe prior him sprengde wiþ holy water & lek þe dore anon
Þys gode kniȝt him wende forþ baldeliche and faste
Bi an hol[we] wey vnder eorþe & upe God is herte caste
He ne sey noþing for derkhede ac naþeles noȝt him ne agaste
So longe him þoȝte þat he isey wel uer liȝt attelaste
Þuder ward he wende baldeliche so he com þer ney
Þe vairoste ueld þat miȝte be[o] atte weies ende he sey
Þer inne he wende murie inou amid þe ueld he uond
Þe nobloste and þe uairoste halle þat miȝte be[o] in eni lond
Riȝt cler nas þat weder noȝt bote as it were nei eue
To biholde þis noble work an stonde he gan bileue
Þe walles [nere] noȝt þeron ihol ac þer aboute iwis
Queinte pilers and arches were as monekes cloistre is
In he wende a Godes name & sat him al one an hey


& biheld aboute in euerich angle & þis queinte work ysey
As he biheld al þus aboute þer com in atte on ende
Twelf men in wiȝt vestemens swuþe fair & hende
[Hor] crounen alle nywe yssore swuþe vair hi him grette
And sete hom alle vaire adoun & þis kniȝt bi hom sette
Þo spak on as hore prior mildeliche and stille
Beu frere ihered be[o] God þat sende þe such wille
And lete þe þat þou hast bigonne for his grace wel ende
Beu frere wanne þou wost þis weis for þi sunne wende
Oþer þou most beo studeuast & in no manere turne þi þoȝt
Oþer þou worst uorlore lyf & soule and deuelwey be[o] ibroȝt
For as sone as we beoþ henne iwend þe deuel[en] luþer & wikke
Wol come anon aboute þe in þis hous wel þicke
And do þe tormens & wowe inou and bihote þe wel more
Ac hi wolleþ bihote þe ioie inou ȝif þou wolt luue hore lore
Ac ȝif hi þoru eny biheste mowe þe ouercome
Sicker þou worst lif and soule adeolwey inome
Ac ȝif þou ert stable of bileue & in Iesu Crist dest þenche
Ne uor byheste ne for wo fram him nelt blenche
Þou worst quit of al þine sunne þat [þou] hast euere iwroȝt
And þou sselt iseo al þe ioye þat godemen beoþ inne ibroȝt
And þe pine þat luþer men habbeþ for hore misdede
Ac in wat wo so þou ert þench on God ich rede
And wanne hi þe tormenteþ muche crie Iesu milce & ore
& ȝif þou ert studeuast in bileue hi ne ssolleþ defoule þe namore
We bitakeþ þe Iesu Crist ich rede do oure lore


Þo nuste þe kniȝt war hi bicome he sat & siȝte sore
Elenge he bileuede alone and cride on Godes miȝte
And armede him wiþ holy beden aȝen þe deuel to fiȝte
In þe Holi Gost he cride faste þat he ne ssolde him noȝt faile
He lokede wanne þe deuelen come him forto asaile
As he sat þus a Godes name as bataile forto bide
Þer com a sori reufol cry aboute in euerich side
As þei al þe worlde toborste & breke & as him þoȝte also
Þat þei al þe bestes of þe world togadere were ido
And as grislich as hi miȝte ȝollinde alle were
Hy nemiȝte among hom alle make so grislich bere
Þat ȝif is heorte on Iesu Crist and is hope þe more nere
Anon he hadde wod bicome & ilore is wit for fere
Þo come hi in aboute him þicke and grislich þere
Ȝonynge and grennynge ek wiþ wel sori chere
Bel amy quaþ on of hom þou hast ariȝt ido
Wel aȝte we alle honury þe for al to vewe doþ so
For al oþer men wolleþ abide for hore lif hom beo binome
And ȝute is þis aȝen hore wille ar hi wolleþ hider come
And þou comest al by þi lyue & bi þi gode wille also
Wel aȝte me þy mede ȝulde and gret þonk þe do
Wanne þou hast boþe bodi & soule bitake us bi þi liue
Sanfaille we were vnkunde bote we it ȝoulde bliue
Ac naþeles ȝif þou wolt an eorþe habbe ȝut ioie more
For þe cundehede þat þou to us come al bi þin owe lore
Siker us an hond þat þou wolt on oure seruise bileue
And we wolleþ þe to eorþe lede aȝen al sauf riȝt bi eue
Þou sselt habbe þer ioie inou in halle & eke in boure
For none men beoþ so murie þer as þulke þat beoþ oure
Hey man & noble þou sselt be[o] and men ssolleþ honuri þe
And wanne þou ert ded & to us comst þe tit as god as we


Þis kniȝt þoȝte euere in Iesu Crist he nolde enes change is wille
For þretinge ne uair biheste ac sat him euere stille
Þo he nolde hom granti noȝt þat he wolde to hom wende
Hi ȝonede & grennede on him voule & strong fur gonne tende
Þis kniȝt hi bonde hond & fet & amidde þis fur caste
Wiþ irene oules & wiþ pikes hi todrowe him wel vaste
Þis kniȝt þo he sei þe neode loude he cride anon
Iesus Iesus help me nou and ssuld me fram my fon
Anon þo þis word was ised þat fur queinte euerich spronk[e]
Þe deuelen ne drowe him namore oure Louerd he gan þonk[e]
And þe hardiore was inou þo he þis ysey
And þe lasse of þe deuelen dradde þat were him so ney
Wel grislich þe ssrewen ȝolle þo hom failede hore miȝt
And flowe echone out of þis halle & drowe wiþ hom þis kniȝt
Hy drowe him wel harde aȝen þe gronde boþe vet & honde
Swuþe ver him þoȝte & longe aboute al in a west londe
So blak and derk was al þat lond þat noþing he ne say
Bote þe deuelen þat him drowe þat so þicke were him ney
Ac a softe wind þer was þat he hurde vnneþe
Ac so sserp and cold he bleu þat it broȝte him nei to deþe
Riȝt colde it wende þoru is herte & þoru is bodi also
Þat him were leuer þan al þe world þat þe pine were ido
Þus colde hi drowe him as him þoȝte riȝt norþ est iwis
As þe sonne arist in somer wanne þe dai lengost is
Þo hi come þuder as him þoȝte riȝt to þe worles ende


Hy turnde hom by a brod valeie & souþ ward gonne wende
Touward þe stude þat þe sonne at mid winter deþ arise
Þat wo was þis kniȝt fordrawe & ypined in alle wise
Þo þoȝte him þat he hurde ver biuore him as it were
Swuþe deoluol cri & wop & swuþe reufol bere
Euer þe ner þat hi come þe ruloker was þe cri
So longe hy drowe him þat him þoȝte þat i were riȝt þerby
Þo come hi into a wilde veld non more ne miȝte be[o]
So longe he was in euerich side þat me nemiȝte non ende ise[o]
Of men & wymmen þis feld was vol in euerich side
Þe wombe naked toward þe gronde al brod isprad wide
Þe vet and honden al abrod to þe eorþe vaste ibonde
Wiþ nailes of ire al a fure ysmite þoru out to gronde
Þis wrecche gostes so ipined wiþ ire & wiþ fure
So deoluol cri and bere made þat deol it was to hure
Hi cride merci deoluoliche ac me nolde hom non do
For angwise hi gnowe þe colde eorþe & gnowe hor tonge also
Þe deuelen orne al aboute & upe hom to gronde
And wiþ kene oules hom todrowe wiþ moni a dep wonde
Alas wy ne be[o] we her iwar oure sunne to bete
Ar we come to pultatorie and wiþ þe luþer gostes mete
For in pultatorie þe ssrewen beoþ as wel as in helle
And worþe forte þe day of dome telle wat me telle
Þe deuelen sede as þis men pineþ þou sselt also
Bote þou wolle þi þoȝt wende & after oure [red] do
Þo he nolde in none manere to gronde hi him caste
To tormenti him as þe oþer were & to naili him vaste
As he cride anon to Iesu Crist þo him smerte sore
Þer nas non of þe ssrewen þo þat miȝte him greui more


Þo þe ssrewen nemiȝte noȝt hore wille habbe ido
Hi drouwe him into anoþer ueld vol of wel more wo
Of men & wymmen he was fol upriȝt ysprad to gronde
Vet and honde upriȝt todrawe to eorþe faste ibonde
Wiþ furi nailes al of ire inailled faste þerto
Al furi addren up hom sete & crope ek also
Somme of þe addren hom biclupte so uaste al aboute
Þat him þoȝte hi ssolde toberste so vaste i gurd wiþoute
Somme sete anouwarde hom & hor fleiss forgnowe
And wiþ kene teþ al vury wombe & breost todrowe
Somme nome hore ssarpe tonge & þoru þe herte smite
Somme bonde & somme stonge & somme gnowe & bite
Þe crapoudes ek þat were so foule anouwarde þe herte sete
And stonge hom þoru out þe herte wiþ hore wrottes grete
Þe luþer gostes orne also aboute hom inowe
And wiþ oules & wiþ scorges þe wrecches al todrowe
Þe wrecche gostes al forpined & in such torment ibroȝt
Hi cride & ȝolle deoluoliche ac al ne halp hom noȝt
Þe deuelen nome þis seli kniȝt & wolde him pini also
Ac þo he cride on Iesu Crist hy ne broȝte him noȝt þerto
Ȝute deuelen efte him nome & to þe þridde ueld him drowe
Þer he sei ek in strong torment wrecche gostes inowe
Isprad to þe eorþe al abrod & ismite þoru out echon
Wiþ as þicke nailes in eche stude as þer miȝte stike on
Þat me ne ssolde vinde an amte place in al hore bodi so lite
Þat me miȝte for þicke nailes a vingres ende þoru pute
A smart wind ek to oþer wo on hom bleu wel faste
Þat hom þoȝte hi forbrende þoru out wiþ eche blaste
Þe deuelen orne also aboute fram ech to oþer inowe
And hore wrecche fleiss wiþ houles todrowe


Þis wrecche gostes so were ipined & in such torment ibroȝt
Rulich cride as hy miȝte ac vnneþe me hurde hom oȝt
For hy were so clene ouercome þat hy miȝte vnneþe
Bringe eny uois bote as a man vpe þe point of deþe
Al in þe þrote hy cride as hore strengþe were binome
Mid þe muche pine as nas no wonder þei hi were ouercome
Þe deuelen nome þis sely kniȝt an[d] to gronde him caste
And swore bote he turnde is þoȝt among hom to naili vaste
Ac he cride on Iesu Crist and nemnede is holy name
And þe deuelen nadde no poer to do him namore ssame
Hy nome him þo & drou him out to þe veorþe uelde
Vol of brimston al bernynge heie spronge þe spelde
Ech maner pine þat miȝte be[o] in þulke veld he sey
Somme wiþ irene rakeie al furi honge an hey
Somme bi armes & somme bi uet & bi þe swure manion
Anhonge were in stronge vure of pich & of brymston
Somme honge bi stronge oules iput in eiþer eiȝe
Þoru þe þrote somme & somme [] þoru eiþer ere wel heiȝe
Somme þoru hore deorne limes & somme þoru hore tete
Þat hom were leuer þanne alle þe world þat hi miȝte þat lif lete
Somme upe gridils of ire yrosted were also
Somme as ges in spites of ire þoru out hom ydo
Somme leie upward fram þe gronde ȝonynge wel uaste
Þe deuelen walde led & bras & in hore mouþ caste
He ne miȝte þenche no maner pine þat he ne sei þer
Hym þoȝte he sei ek monyon þat he kneu an eorþe her
Þe deuelen him caste amidde þis pine among þis oþer echon
And he cride on Iesu Crist and deliuered was anon


Ȝute þe deuelen þis seli kniȝt into anoþer place drowe
Þer inne he sei a grislich wel wiþ longe spoken ynowe
Þe on ende heng toward þe gronde þe oþer up an hey
Aboute it was vol of pikes as he þer ysey
Þis hokes & þis pikes were vaste iryue also
Wiþ wrecche gostes al aboute þat þer on were ido
Al bernynge was þis weol & stinkinge of brymston
Þe gostes þat þeron honge bernynge were echon
Þis deuelen wende forþ anon & hore hokes þeron caste
In eiþer side & turnde aboute þis sori weol to vaste
Þat of þe gostes þat þer on honge noþing hi ne seie
So vaste hi turnde þe weol aboute bote bernynge leȝe
Ac deoluoliche hi cride & ȝolle euerich inis ende
Alas wy nolle men be[o] iwar ar hi hanne wende
Wanne hy miȝte her mid a lite pine bete hore misdede
And þer hy ssolleþ so biter abugge alas þe wrechede
Þis deuelen nome þis seli kniȝt & on þe weol him caste
And wiþ þis oþer wrecche gostes turnde him aboute vaste
Ac he cride on Iesu Crist and delyuered was anon
Þe deuelen al þis byhelde mid dreory mod echon
Ȝute hy nome biterliche and forþor him ladde
Hy harled him & grenned ek & loude ȝolle & gradde
A gret hous he sey biuore hym stonde long & brod inou
Þe stench & hete þat þerof com him þoȝte almest him slou
He wiþstod & nolde is þonkes for stenche go ner
Veor þou ssalt þe deuelen sede þou ne sselt noȝt abide her
A baþ it is þat þou sixt and þer inne þou sselt be[o]
And baþie wiþ oþer hine þou ne sselt noȝt hanne vle[o]
Þe gostes þat þer inne were wel deoluoliche cride
And loude ȝolle as he hurde aboute in euerich side
Þis kniȝt wiþ þis foule wiȝtes into þis house com
Of tormens þat he þer isey gret game wiþ alle nom
Vor fol of puttes & of diches þis hous wiþinne was


Alle hy were vol of strange tormens amty non þer nas
Of wellynge led ifuld hi were of led & brymston
Of bras and oþer strange tormens boillinge euerichon
Wrecche gostes þer ine sete þe torment tilde heiȝe
Somme al aboute þe heued & somme up to þan eiȝe
Somme to nose & somme to mouþ & somme up to þe swere
And somme to þe wrecche breste & aboȝte hore sunne deore
Somme up to þe nauele and somme dounor more
And somme stod up to þe kne[o] and cride and wope sore
And somme stod in boþe vet & somme bote by on
Ac deoluoliche hi cride inou and wope euerichon
Nou þou suxst quaþ þis deuelen war inne þou sselt gon
Bote þou wolle anoþer speke & to us turne anon
Hy nome & caste him in a put in Iesus anon he cride
And com up anon hol & sond him ne luste no leng abide
Þe deuelen anon in grete wraþþe harled him vorþer more
& broȝte him up a swuþe gret hul uol of sorwe & sore
He stod & biheld aboute þo he com up an hey
Hym wondrede of þe uele gostes þat he þer uppe ysey
Þat al þat he sey er þer aȝen noȝt nere
Vp hore [ton] hy sete al forcliȝt & quakede for fere
In þe souþ half of þe hul a dep water þer was & lou
Þat foule stank & caldore was þanne eny is oþer snou
A norþerne wind so vaste bleu þat him þoȝte is fleiss torende
Euere sete þis seli gostes & aȝen þis wynd hom wende
And quakede and c[h]yuerede faste in drede & pine stronge
And abide as wo seiþ hore tyme hore deþ forto auonge
Lo quaþ on of þis deuelen þou nost noȝt wat þis is
Bote þu þi þoȝt þe sonore turne þou sselt sone iwite iwis
He nadde bote þis word ised þat þer ne com a wynd blowe


And smot al þis sely gostes in þis depe water wel lowe
Þe norþorne wind hom drof adoun & al mid one blaste
Al þis gostes & þis kniȝt amidde þis water caste
Namore pine nemiȝte be[o] of stronge chile ne of stenche
Þanne þis gostes þer inne hadde hom nemiȝte non ablenche
Þo þis kniȝt þis stronge pine of þis water iuelde
He gan to crie on Iesu Crist þat faillede him wel selde
Anon wiþoute eny lette out of þis water he drou
Ac þis gostes bileuede þer wiþ wo & sorwe inou
Vor in þis water þat was so cold and so voule stonk also
Þis gostes swomme up & doun hor wo nas neuere ido
Þe deuelen orne ek upe þe water so man deþ alonde
And wanne eny wolde clyueri up wiþ fote oþer honde
Anon hi drowe him doun aȝen þat þer ne ofscapede non
Þer was wowe & sorwe inou among hom euerichon
Þys deuelen wende forþ anon & þis seli kniȝt eft nome
And drowe him in a sori steode þer hi noȝt er ne come
Hi come and stode ouer a put wid and dep inou
And bernynge smoke þat foule stonk up of þis putte drou
Þat þe kniȝt vnneþe stod for sori stench þer ney
Wrecche gostes up of þis put in þis sori smoke [he] sey
Vleo up and doun al bernynge as spelden doþ of fure
And into þe put eft folle adoun wanne hi nemiȝte leng dure
Hym þoȝte he was nei ouercome for þe blast þat þerof drou
Þer bi he weste þat in þe gronde was sorwe & pine inou
Ho stondestou þe deuelen sede þincþ þe her of wonder
Of þe swote smoke þat here bloweþ & wat put be[o] vnder
In þis put is oure wonynge for þe put of helle it is
And for þou hast yserued wel her þou sselt wony iwis
For al þat us serueþ wel her inne ssolleþ wende


And be[o] þou þer inne wiþ us þou worst here wiþoute ende
Þer uore we redeþ turn þi þoȝt and do us her manrede
And we ssolleþ [þe] þane wei as þou come al sauf aȝen lede
And þe tit an eorþe al þi lif richesse & ioie also
For we ssolleþ þe euere finde inou as riȝt is þat we do
Þo þis kniȝt forsok hore biheste as he hadde er ilome
Hi smite hom adoun in þis put & þis kniȝt wiþ hom nome
Þe deppore þat hi þer inne come þe braddore þe put was
Þat al þe wo þat he sei er þer aȝen noȝt nas
Of stench & al oþer wo þis kniȝt was so ouercome
Þat is þoȝt toward Iesu Crist him was ney bynome
So muche pine nas neuer yseie him þoȝte as he uelde
Þat he was al upe þe pointe þane gost forto ȝelde
Ac oure Louerd amang al is wo his grace him ȝaf attelaste
So þat he þoȝte on Iesu Crist and on him cride vaste
A smoke þer com up smite anon & mid a strange blaste
Þis kniȝt an hei aboue þis put & many gostes caste
Þis kniȝt wirled in þis blast so spelden doþ wel wide
Attelaste he liȝte adoun aboue þe put biside
Þer he stod & biheld aboute as man þat witles were
For pine þat he hadde iheued he nuste [hou] he com þere
Þo he hadde þer longe ystonde & al one biholde aboute
Þer com blaste out of þis put of deuelen a gret route
And stod bi him al aboute as nywe as þei hy were
He ne sei hom as he þoȝte neuere bote þo þere
Hi bihulde him wel grisliche & grennede al aboute
Wy stonstou þus al one h[i] sede þou sselt come to oure route
Wat tolde oure felawes þe þat þe put of helle is þis
Hit nis noȝt so ac þou sselt iwite ware it is
Noste noȝt it is oure riȝte to lie euere mo


Þat we mid lesynge men bitraye bote it mowe oþer go
And also oure felawes lowe þe þat þis was þe put of helle
Ac þou sselt þuder come wiþ us & þat soþe we wolleþ telle
Þe deuelen harlede þis kniȝt uorþ þat wo was him to drawe
Þat him were leuer þanne eny þing þat he were of lyf dawe
So þat hi come to a swuþe gret water deop & brod inou
A strong mist þat stonk swuþe uoule out of þis water drou
Of brimston & of oþer wo so strang stench neuere [he] ne sey
Þat mid alle pine of þe world he miȝte stonde þer ney
A brugge þer was ouer þe water smallore nemiȝte non be[o]
Þe smoke was so þikke aboute þat vnneþe he miȝte ise[o]
Lo sede þis sory deuelen we seggeþ þe iwis
Þat vnder þis water deop inou þe put of helle is
And þat þou sselt sone iwite for þou sselt forþ anon
And ouer þis swote water up þis brugge gon
Hy nome þis sely kniȝt anon and upe þis brugge him drowe
And made him go þer vnþonkes wiþ wrechede inowe
For þre[o] þinges vuel ynou on þis brugge were
Þe on was þat he was so hey þat vnneþe me miȝte for fere
Þer uppe go & so deop adoun habbe so grislich siȝte
Þe oþer was þat he was so narȝ þat vnneþe me miȝte
Þar uppe sette eny vot þat he ne uel adoun anon


Þe þridde þat he was so smeþe þat me ne ssolde þeron gon
Bote me slide & folle adoun & so wis neuere he nere
Þis þre[o] þinges þis seli kniȝt broȝte in grete fere
For he was narȝ & slider & hey he ne ssolde him so bitelle
Þat he glide out in eny half þat he ne vel to helle
Þer up he was mid strengþe ibroȝt & ymad þer uppe gon
So gret dred as hym þoȝte nadde neuer man non
Ac sone he þoȝte on Iesu Crist þat so ofte him sauede er
And cride on is holy name þat he holpe him þer
And gan him go þe baldeloker & þe innore more he com
Þe hardiore him þoȝte he was and betere herte nom
And þe braddore was is wey & so longe forþ he ȝeode
Þat he was so brod þat þer miȝte go up a cart for neode
And so longe þat tweie cartes miȝte mete hom wel inou
Þis kniȝt þo wel baldeliche as maister forþ him drou
Þe deuelen stode byneþe þe brugge & iseie him faste gon
Þat of al þe wo þat hy him dude ne ouercom him noȝt on
And þoȝte þat it was for noȝt after him to honte more
Wel grislich hy gonne ȝolle and crie & wepe sore
Þat of ȝollinge þat hy made him þoȝte grettore fere
Þan of al þe pine þat he hadde er so grislich was þe bere
Hor oules hy nome & crokes and touward him caste anhey
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte him touche ne non come him ney
So þat al sauf wiþ alle ioye ouer þis water he drou
And þe deuelen bihinde were wiþ sorwe & sor inou
And let him go woder he wolde & ne fondede him namore
And huld hom clanlich ouercome þat hom ofþoȝte sore
Þe kniȝt wende vorþ sauf inou þat he hadde er dure iboȝt
He þonkede faste Iesu Crist þat hy ne ssende him noȝt
Þe water he passede sauf ynou & forþore þen wey nom


Þe contreye him þoȝte murie inou þo he þer ouer com
Þe vorþere þat he wende uorþ þe more ioye he sey
So longe þat he sey anne wal swuþe noble and hey
So noble werk nas neuere yseie as him þoȝte þeron was
A noble ȝet he sei þeron þat noblore non nas
Þe ȝet ssynde swuþe briȝte of gold as it were
Vol of ȝymmes precious þat none ricchore nere
Him þoȝte ar he þuder com is wei wel longe ilaste
Þo he com a lite ner he stod and bihuld vaste
Þe ȝet wende up aȝen him & anon mid þe dede
Þer sprong out a swete smul þat wide bigan to sprede
Þat him þoȝte þei al þe world swote spices were
So muche swetnesse nemiȝte ȝiue as þulke swote breþ þere
In so gret ioie him þoȝte he was þat þei he hadde be broȝt
In al þe wo þat he was er it ne ssolde him greue noȝt
In he biheld at þis ȝete þo he com þer ney
More clernesse nemiȝte be[o] him þoȝte þanne he sey
As he wolde þer inne wende aȝen him þer com gon
A procession vair inou of noble men echon
Wiþ crois and wiþ tapres wiþ baners swuþe clere
Þat folk byhinde reuested euerich bi his ivere
Bissops somme & ercedekenes & monkes and frere
And euerich him þoȝte in þe abit þat hi werede an eorþe here
Mid þe meste ioie þat miȝte be[o] þis kniȝt hy gonne auonge
And ladde him mid ioie inou of solas and of songe
Þo þis murie song was ido to him sone þer come
Tweie as it maistres were and bi þe hond him nome
Hy wolcomede him mildeliche & þonkede oure Louerd faste
Þat ȝaf him so god bileue þat so studeuastliche laste
Hi ladde him aboute & ssewede him þat lond ver & ney
So muche clernesse ne oþer ioye him þoȝte neuere he ne sey


For as þe sonne bynymeþ þe liȝt of a candle aboute midday
Also it by nom þe sonne leom þe liȝt þat he þer isay
So brod & long þe place was þat he nemiȝte non ende ise[o]
Al murie med & swote floures swettore ne miȝte non be[o]
Treon also wiþ noble frut þat smulde swote inou
So gret swotnesse up al aboute of euerich place drou
Þat þer wiþoute mete & drinke him þoȝte euere mo
He miȝte libbe wiþ alle ioie ȝif he miȝte þer among go
Hit was þare euere iliche liȝt and euere it was day
So muche folk in no place him þoȝte neuere he ne sey
Ech companie bi oþer stod and suþþe ech to oþer drou
Wiþ murye song & melodie and oþer ioie inou
Þat ech of oþer þe more ioye to gadere miȝte offonge
Almiȝti God þat hom ssop hi herede mid hore songe
And as som sterre as ȝe iseoþ briȝtore þanne oþer is
Also was of hom þat somme ssinde briȝtore þan oþer iwis
Ac þulke þat dercoste was him þoȝte was more cler
And clerore ssinde þanne eni lond þat he sei euer er
And eche werede cloþes of þe taille þat hi werede an eorþe here
Monekes þat to monk biuel and frere as to frere
So hi hadde hore riȝte forme ac wel briȝtore was þat hiu
So þat wat hi werede an eorþe bi hore cloþinge he kneu
Somme hadde þe croune of golde anouward þe heued ido
Somme bere in hore honde ȝerden of gold also
Echone hi þonkede Iesu Crist þat studeuast herte him sende
Þis kniȝt þat mid al þis pine is herte noȝt ne wende
Echone þoȝte as for him in þe more ioie were
He stod and biheld al þis ioie as þei no wit on him nere


Þo gan on as it were hore maister is mouþ vndo wel softe
And wolcomede him mildeliche & þonkede oure Louerd ofte
Þat such porpos him hadde isend & studeuast herte also
Þat he ne changede noȝt is þoȝt for al þat was ido
Beu frere he sede ihered be[o] God þat þe haþ hider ibroȝt
And among al þine stronge von studeuast iveost þi þoȝt
Of þe pine of sunfol gostes yfonded þou hast inou
And þer wiþ þine sunne ibet for elles it were wou
Þou miȝt here somdel ise[o] þat þou wilnest more
Of þe ioie of gode soulen þat comeþ to milce and ore
Þe place þat we inne beoþ ich wene þou ne knowest noȝt
Hit is eorþlich parais þat Adam was inne ibroȝt
And þat he was inne ymad & suþþe for his misdede
Icast out ar we were ibore an eorþe in alle wrechede
Al þe ioie þat her is he hadde her to is wille
Ac he ne say þo he was out icast þerof noȝt worþ a uille
Of is wrechede we beoþ ikenned & of is sunfol blod icome
Ac þat us was þoru Godes grace [þoru oure] Cristendom bynome
Ac þat we after oure Cristendom of sunne an eorþe wroȝte
An eorþe oþer in pultatorie wel deore we it boȝte
Vor we alle as þou her sucst þereuorþ hider come
And oure sunnes þere bette and harde penance nome
We ne miȝte noȝt elles hider come as god bi þe it is
And ȝif þi sunne nere forȝiue þou ne come noȝt her iwis
And al þat þou þere iseie hider to us ssolleþ wende
And alday doþ wanne hi habbeþ [] hore penance ibroȝt to ende
Ac non not hou longe he ssel þere bileue iwis
Ac wo so eny vrend an eorþe haþ þe betere mid him it is
For mid massen & oþer bedes & mid almes dede


Me may hore pine muche alegge & þe sonore þerof lede
And wanne eny of hom hider comeþ aȝen him we wendeþ echon
As we dude aȝen þe wiþ ioie & ledeþ him anon
Ac þar nis non of us þat be[o] worþe ȝute to heuene wende
Ne non þat wite wanne oure Louerd after him wole sende
For ech man þat into heuene ssel þoru pultatorie mot
And suþþe into eorþlich parais þere we beoþ wel ichot
Vor þis is oure kunde eritage for iwroȝt we were herto
Vor oure veorste uader it forgulte & forte he hadde misdo
And here we ssolde alle habbe ibe[o] bore & iliued oure lif also
For oure Louerd þat we were in more ioie ido
Ac wanne men beoþ out icast her uorþ hy mote eft wende
Aȝen ward ar hi to heuene come after hore liues ende
Ac al þe ioie þat is here ne amonteþ noþing iwis
Aȝen þe leste ioie of heuene wel muche þe meste is
Ac somþing þou sselt of heuene ise[o] in a place her ney
Hi ladde him up an hei hulle and bad him biholde an hey
And esste of him wuch colour were heuene up riȝt þere
He sede him þoȝte riȝt as gold þat wellinge were
Þe oþer sede þis is þe wey þat geþ to heuene blis
And þat is þe ȝet of parais þat wiþoute heuene ȝute is
Eche day somme of pultatorie hider comþ us to
And somme of us henne ech day to heuene wendeþ also
So þat we wexeþ ofte a day & waineþ þou suxst lo
We nuteþ of us wuch is next bote as God wol habbe ido
Ech day þe wile we here beoþ oure Louerd us vet ene
Wiþ delicious metes of heuene & swete inou & clene
Þat be[o] þulke holy mete ar þou henne wende
Wiþ us þou sselt sone iwite wanne God hine wolde sende
Nadde he bote þis word ised þat þer ne com aliȝte


A maner breþ fram heuene adoun þat ssinde cler and briȝte
Þat ouerspradde al þat lond & a cler leom þer wiþoute
Ope euerich is heued liȝte adoun cleror þanne aboute
And upe þis kniȝtes heued ek & up him smot anon
And þoru ech lim him þoȝte & þoru ech liþ it gan gon
Þat in so muche delit and ioie him þoȝte neuere he nas
He stod as he were ynome he nuste ware he was
Ne weþer he was quik [oþer] ded bote in metynge as it were
Louerd muche is þe ioie of heuene as hi velde alle þere
Ac ne laste bote lite stonde þat þe leome ne wiþdrou
Ac naþeles þei it lite ilaste hy were alle vol inou
Þis kniȝt stod & biheld aboute & is riȝt stat vnderstod
So uol he was of þis holy lime [þat] so delicious was and god
Þat þei he lyuede him þoȝte eueremo & neuere eft mete ne ete
Him ne ssolde neuere eft to mete luste so god was þe leom & swete
Lo sede þis oþer gost þat him ssewede al þis place
Nou þou hast somdel yseie of oure Louerdes grace
Of pine þat wrecche gostes habbeþ for hore misdede
And of ioie þat gode gostes in parais doþ lede
And somdel ek of þe grete ioie þat in heuene is
And ech day we beoþ ived enes wiþ suche ioie & blis
& be[o] we al day uol inou þanne forte oure Louerd us more sende
And in such ioye hi þat in heuene beoþ beoþ wiþoute ende
And ȝute somdel in more it ne waneþ hom neueremo
And we ne beoþ aday bote enes [iued] forte þat we þuder go
And wanne þat we þuder comeþ we ssolleþ wiþoute ende
And þou ȝif þou it wolt ofseruy þuder forto wende
As þi wille is þou miȝt do wanne þou comst to eorþe iwis


Ac þuder þou most anon aȝen for al tyme it is
And ȝif þou wolt þere god lyf lede þi mede þou miȝt ise[o]
Also wat pines þe abideþ ȝif þou wolt luþer be[o]
Aȝen þou most wende anon go uorþ a Godes name
And go sikerliche for þe deuelen ne mowe þe do no ssame
Adrad hi beoþ wel sore of þe & ofssamed in ech side
A Godes name go forþ þi wei for þou ne sselt no leng abide
Sire merci quaþ þis kniȝt wat so me euere bitide
A uot inelle fram ȝou gon wrechede goþ so wyde
Ac let me bileue wiþ ȝou her for ȝif ich fram ȝou wende
Adrad ich am of þe deuel þat he mid sunne me ssende
Nay beu frere quaþ þis oþer þou miȝt as well beo stille
Aȝen þou sselt to eorþe anon þou miȝt þer do þi wille
And þou serue wel oure Louerd siker þou miȝt be[o]
Aȝen come hider to us and suþþe to heuene fle[o]
A Godes half wend aȝe anon for siker þou sselt so
Alas alas quaþ þis kniȝt wat ssel ich nou do
Al þe ioie þat ich habbe yseie nou it worþ me bynome
And to þe wrechede þat is an eorþe alas ssel ich nou come
Al wepinge out at þis ȝete hi broȝte him attelaste
Anon so he was wiþoute þat ȝet hi made uaste
As he com er wiþ dreri mod þen wei aȝe he nom
And wanne eny deol þat pinede him er aȝen him ower com
As wode ssrewen hi flowe him uaste hy ne dorste abide noȝt
Attelaste þis kniȝt was to þe ha[ll]e aȝen ibroȝt
As þe holy companie þuder ward to him wende
Adon he sat softe þere forte oure Louerd him grace sende
As he sat & biheld aboute þer com in sone þer
Al þis noble companie þat aȝen him com er
Al hy onurede him wel uaire & herede him wel uaste
And Iesus also Godes sone þat is bileue so wel ilaste


Beu frere hy sede wanne þou hast such strang penance idriue
Siker be[o] þat þi sunnes clanliche þe beoþ for ȝiue
Loke wanne þou comst to eorþe aȝen clene lif þat þou lede
Þat þou neuere eft in pine come for sunne ne misdede
Þou most do þe hanne anon vor atom in þine londe
Hit daweþ cler and it is ney day as ich vnderstonde
And þe prior wiþ procession to þe ȝate comþ sone
To loke ware þou be[o] icome as riȝt is forto done
And bote he þe vinde þer he wol make þe ȝet anon
And be[o] siker þat þou ne comist in namore & hamward dreri gon
Þis kniȝt hi broȝte out of þis halle & blessede him echon
And biteiȝte him God lif & soule vel & fleiss & bon
Forþ he wende dreoriliche bote as he most nede do
And riȝt as he com to þis ȝet þe prior com also
Aȝen him wiþ procession to loke hou it were
Anon so he hadde þe ȝet vnloke þe kniȝt he vond þere
Þer was ioie and blisse inou þo hi to gadere come
Wiþ song and wiþ orisons þe kniȝt out hy nome
And ladde him uorþ to churche anon & herede oure Louerd uaste
Þis kniȝt touore þe heiȝe weued akneo anon him caste
And stableliche inis orisons viftene dawes he lay
And herede oure swete Louerd vaste niȝt and day
And suþþe inis bare vleiss þe holy crois he nom
And wende to þe Holy Lond & holiman bicom
And ne tolde neuere eft of þe worlde bote as he were euere in þoȝte
And wende euere vorþ sympleliche as him noþing ne roȝte
Ac ofte he tolde of alle men þat in parais were
As him þoȝte greie monekes [in] mest ioie he sei þere
None men in so gret ioye ne so gret honur he ne sey
Ne no wonder sikerliche for þe ordre is noble & hei


Wanne ȝe habbeþ nou al ihurd hou oure Louerd sende is grace
Sein Patrik þulke pultatorie to vinde in þulke place
Forto warni men aboute hore sunne her to bete
Vor þe loue of Iesu Crist and of [his] moder swete
Beteþ alle ȝoure sunne her as God wol ȝou grace sende
Þat ȝe wiþoute oþer pine to parais henne wende
Nou God lete us so oure sunne bete for his holi wonde
So þat we in pultatorie bileue lute stounde

De sancto Edwardo Rege

Seint Edward þe ȝonge martir was king of Engelonde
Wel ȝong ymartred he was þoru tricherie & onde
Þe kynges sone Edgar he was & kyng he was vnneþe
Þre[o] ȝer & seue monþes ar he was ibroȝt to deþe
Þo is moder þe gode quene as God wolde was ded
His fader nom anoþer wif [] þat luþer was and qued
Þat louede lite seint Edward & radde euere luþer red
Bi hure hi hadde anoþer sone þat ihote was Aþeldred
Þe quene louede hure owe sone as echman deþ is blod
Ac he[o] louede lite seint Edward for stepmoder is selde god
He[o] willede more þanne eny þing þat seint Edward ded were
Þat hure owe sone after þe king þe eritage bere
Þo þe king Edgar was ded seint Edward is sone
After him was king ymad as lawe was and wone
Þe godnesse of þis ȝonge king ne may no tonge telle
He was meok & milde inou & fair of fleiss & felle
Deboner to speke wiþ and wiþ pouere men mest
Chast and wis of conseil and prute he louede lest
Wilde men ne louede he noȝt þat recheles were of þoȝte
Ac wisemen he drou to him & after hom he wroȝte
Ech dede þat he wolde do þe meste del ssolde go
After þe erchebissop of Kanterburi sein Donston þat was þo
Þis holyman was glad of him and al is lond also


Of such king þat was hore louerd þat fonde so wel to do
God pais þer was in Engelond & loue & ioye inou
Richesse and al oþer god for elles it were wou
For wanne þe heued haþ Godes grace & loueþ alle gode
Wonder hit were bote al his þe betere bistode
To þe godnesse of þis holyman þe deuel hadde envie
And is stepmoder þe luþer quene þat fol was of tricherie
For he[o] þoȝte niȝt & day ȝif he[o] miȝte wiþ eny þing
Þat seint Edward were aslawe & hure sone imad king
For he was eldost after him & þe kynges sone also
Þis luþer womman narwe þoȝte hou þis miȝte be[o] ido
To somme þat þer were hure luþer þoȝt he[o] sede
Þat hi hure holpe wiþ somme gile to do þe luþer dede
Þis luþer men ek forþ wiþ hure were in luþer þoȝt
Wiþ wuche gile hy miȝte do þat þis were to ende ibroȝt
So þat he[o] hadde to hure conseil inowe attenende
For noþing nis fellor þan womman wanne he[o] wol to vuel wende
A day þis king an honteþ wende mid is kniȝtes bi cas
In a uair wode in Dorsete þat bi side Waram was
Þat fair wode was þulke tyme ac nou he is al adoune
Bote þornes & þunne boskes þat stondeþ biside þe toune
As seint Edward wende anhonteþ a gret wille him com to
Forto iseo is ȝonge broþer for anon he þoȝte it do
For he was a lite biside as is stepmoder was
In a toun þat me clupede Corf þat bote þre[o] mile nas
A strong castel þer is nou ac þo nas þar non þere
Longe þoȝte seint Edward at is broþer ar he were
And vewe men mid him he nom & þuderward he gan ride
His men pleide & arnde bi þe wey & spradde aboute wide
So þat wiþ him ne bileuede none ac al one he was sone
Ac naþeles forþ he wende is wey as he þoȝte to done
Þe court he bihuld awey as is broþer [inne] was
Þuder he wende mildeliche noman wiþ him nas


He ne þoȝte noman bote god ne non he nadde misdo
Touward is deþ wel uaire he wende and mildeliche also
Þo is stepmoder þe luþer quene al one isei him come
Heo þoȝte do hure wille of him as he[o] hadde hure red inome
Þe luþer men he[o] clupede sone þat were at hure rede
And bispeke bi wuch felonie do þis luþer dede
Þo þis holyman was ney icome þe quene aȝen him ȝeode
Wiþ fair manie & gret honur & gret loue him gan beode
Þe feste þat he[o] wiþ him made no tonge telle ne may
And swor þat he ssolde aliȝte & wiþ hure bileue alday
Certes ma dame quaþ þis king so ne may it noȝt be[o]
Ac let me speke wiþ mi broþer for me longeþ him to se[o]
Vor ar ich habbe him iseie i ne worþe noȝt bliþe iwis
Min herte is so muche on him and no wonder it nis
A sire quaþ þis luþer quene wanne it ne may oþer be[o]
Veorst ichelle to þe drinke and suþþe þou sselt him se[o]
Iredy was þe botiler and broȝte him drinke anon
Among alle oþere þat þere were o ssrewe þer com gon
And wolcomede him wiþ a uair semlant & made ioie inou
And custe him Iudas is cos and þer wiþ him slou
For as he stoupede to him prest he was inou
Þoru is wombe he smot a knif & is gottes al todrou
A long knif it was & smal inou as me may ȝute ise[o]
For in þe churche of Cauersham it haþ ȝare ibe[o]
Þe holyman sat upriȝt and isei is deþes wonde
He ne rod bote lite wey ar he uel to gronde
And let þere is swete lyf is soule to heuene wende
Awei litel vuel þoȝte he þo me is wombe rende
As luþer he was as Iudas þat so fellich him custe
And wiþ tricherie is wombe rente ar he it euere weste
Þo þis holyman ymartred was hi þat him broȝte þerto
Biþoȝte hou hi miȝte best bi þis holy body do
Hi porueide a deorne stude and þer inne þis body caste
Wel villiche & stilleliche and burede him wel uaste


Þo þis luþer dede was al ido [] þe quene hadde al hure wille
For me halt euere wiþ þe quike þe dede is sone stille
Ac þe erchebissop of Kanterburi sein Donston þo was
Þo þis child was ibroȝt of dawe in so deoluol cas
He bihet wel is broþer Aþeldred þat after him was king
Þat he ne ssolde atte nende biliȝhe þe dede noþing
And sein Donston spak ek þer of [] wel longe þer byuore
A[s] he baptizede Aþeldred sone so he was ibore
For he defoulede inis hond þe water and eke þe ston
Biuore þe bissops þat þer were & þe hei men euerichon
And dude is nature in þe vant sein Donston sede anon
Þat he ssolde of sunne encheson be[o] & of wrechede monion
And suþþe after is broþer deþe þis godeman sein Donston
Hatede muche to crouni him ȝif he it myȝte forgon
Ac þo he it moste nede do for it was riȝt & lawe
Sire kyng he sede for þou ert mid vnriȝt herto idrawe
Þoru ssedinge of þi broþer blod þat þus is ibroȝt of dawe
Vpe þin owe heued it ssel come þi moder luþer plawe
For wiþoute ssedinge of blode ne worþ neuere þe sunne ido
Of þe lond folk of Engelond þat no gult nabbeþ þerto
For more wrechede & sorwe þer comeþ bi þine daye
Into Engelond uor þulke sunne þa[n] me euere iseye
And þanne of þi broþer blode strong wreche þer worþ ibroȝt
And þat werry al bi þine lyue & by mine daye noȝt
Al þat com to soþe inou and wo so it wole iwite
In þe lif of seint Alphe he mai it finde iwrite
Me nom þo þat child Aþeldred þat was þe kinges sone
And after is broþer him made king as lawe was & wone
Þis heiȝemen of þe londe mid him hulde echon
And mid hore prince & mid hore louerd & þe dede forȝet anon
Ac amang lowe men & simple deol þer was inou


Hi corsede al wiþoute god þat hor louerd slou
Alas hi sede wat ssolle we nou wo ssel nou for us be[o]
Wo ssel us nou fram worre wite woder mowe we fle[o]
Wo ssel nou pais alonde holde oure ioie is al ido
Of worre & wowe we mowe be[o] siker al wrechede comþ us to
Gret wille hadde þe godemen of þe contreie biside
In som vair place þe bodi legge & soȝte it wel wide
Hi ortrowede wel þat it were in som voul stude ido
Hi soȝte it ofte wide aboute and ne couþe come þerto
A tyme as þis gode men of Waram þer biside
In þe contreie wende & soȝte þis holy body wide
Hi stode & bihelde hom biside þo seie hy gret liȝt
Aboute a place cler inou as a piler stod upriȝt
Hi þoȝte þer was Godes grace þuder hi wende & soȝte
And fonde þere þis holy body & upe of þe eorþe it broȝte
Þer was wop & sorwe inou þo hi seie þis grislich wonde
Ac ȝute was hore herte glad inou for he was ifonde
Wiþ wel uair procession þis body forþ hi bere
In þe toun of Waram & burede it vaire þere
In a churche ȝard of oure Leuedy bi este þe churche a lite
Þere hy burede þis holy body wiþ gret honur & prute
A chapel þer is arered as þis holy body lay
In þe toun of Waram þat stont ȝute to þis day
Þe put þer he was ferst ifonde a welle þer gan springe
Fair and cler þat ȝute ilast and is of gret botnynge
Þat me clupeþ ȝute to þis day seint Edwardes welle
Þer mony miracle haþ ibe[o] as þe contreie gan telle
Þis holy body lay gode wile þere as it was ido
In þe toun of Waram and manymon com þerto
Þe tiþinge hou he ymartred was [] sone sprong wel wide
And for þe miracles þat for him come aboute in euerich side
An hei eorl þer was alonde þo þat ihote was Alfer
Þat seint Edward louede muche þo he was aliue her
Þo he hurde telle of þe miracle þat oure Louerd for him wroȝte


Glad and bliþe he was inou as ech man wel aȝte
Him þoȝte it wa[s] wel vuel ido þat he lay so lowe þere
Þat he nere ibured in here stude as he wel worþ were
For gret deol he hadde inis herte þat he was ymorþred so
A[nd] such creature as he was in so lowe stude ido
In Dorsete he wende wide aboute & to heie men þat were [þer]
And to bissopes and to abbotes & to heie men þat þer were
And bad hom þulke holy body þat hi it þanne bere
To herre stude as it was worþe þat hi þer aȝen nere
Is messagers he sende ek aboute for þis þing so wide
And to þe abbesse of Wiltone þat ihote was Wilfride
And to seint Edith þe holy womman þat nonne was þo þar
Þat was seint Edwardes soster & þe kynges doȝter Eggar
So þat bissopes & abbotes & heie men manyon
Togadere come in a tyme as hi bispeke echon
Hy wende to þis holy body and þo hi þerto come
Hi fonde it ligge hol and sond as hi it up nome
As hol it was wiþoute wenne as it aliue er was
Þer nas non þat þis isey þat glad & ioiuol nas
And seint Edithe is holy suster to þe body orn anon
And custe it & clupte vaste byuore hom echon
For gladnesse he lou & wep teres monyon
Þo heo sei hure broþer so aslawe & so sound of fleiss & bon
Wo so nadde neuere deol iseie of hure miȝte þere
Þis heiemen wiþ gret honur þis holy body forþ bere
Wiþ gret song & procession þat folk þuder ward drou
Oure Louerd dude þeruore is loue fair miracle inou
For tweie crupeles þat in hore limes al uorcroked were
In grete hope leie in þe wey & abide þe bere
[O]n seint Edward hi cride ȝeorne þat he hom holpe þere
Þis men nome þis holy body & ouer þis sikemen bere


Hor limes hi gonne strecche ariȝt & hole bicome anon
Þer was ioie & blisse inou among þis men echon
His stepmoder þat him þerto broȝte her of hurde telle
For þeose miracles hure ofþoȝte þat he[o] let him quelle
Vpe hure palfrei he[o] werþ a day after þat body to wende
To bidde forȝiuenesse of hure misdede ȝif God hure wole sende
As he[o] wolde wende þuderward & wiþ hure many on
Hy ne miȝte make hure palfray þat it wolde a uot gon
Hy bete it vaste & drowe also & neuere þe betere it nas
Þe quene þoȝte on hure misdede þat þer uore it was
Heo aliȝte of hure palfray auote forto gon
Touward þe gode holi cors ac poer nadde he[o] non
Aȝenward wel he[o] miȝte gon ac vorþ ward for noþing
He[o] bileuede þo it was non oþer in greot deol & mornyng
He[o] repentede of hure misdede & as it is ised
He[o] com to god amendement ȝute ar he[o] were ded
Þis men ladde þis holy body wiþ gret honur & prute
To þe abbeie of Ssefteburi þer as it liþ ȝute
Among blake nonnen þat þer beoþ & also þat were þo
Þat fram þe toun of Waram is twenti mile & mo
In þe norþ half of þe heye weued in þe walle biside
Hi leide þo þis holy body þat monion secheþ wide
In þulke abbey of Ssefteburi seint Edward hi leide þere
For þe kyng Alfred is grant sire þat hous let verst arere
And made þer inne is doȝter nonne þat ihote was Olyue
For hure loue he haþ þat hous arered & gret god þerto iȝiue
For an hondred hiden of god lond wiþ hure he ȝaf þer
As fre[o] þe hous in euerich point as he huld him sulf er
In is þrou seint Edward lay on & twenti ȝer


So þat hi seie toknynge ofte þat hi nolde namore be[o] þer
For wanne men come ofte to is tombe as liȝtliche up it bere
And heue up & doun as hi wolde ȝif it liȝtore were
Seint Edward com also a niȝt in a uision
To an holyman þer biside of religion
Go he seide to Sseftesburi to þe abbesse of þe house
Dame Aldrede þe clene maide þat is Godes spouse
And seie hure þat [inelle namore] ligge þer ich nou do
And þat ich be[o] broȝt in oþer steode & þat heo segge mi broþer also
Þis gode [man] amorwe aros & ne vorȝet noȝt þis cas
To þe abbesse he wende of Ssefteburi & tolde al hou it was
Þis gode womman was þo glad inou to þe king he[o] wende sone
And of is broþer tolde him al & wat þer was to done
Wel þe king was one glad þo he hurde telle
So swete tyþinge of is broþer þei is moder him lete quelle
He wolde habbe ywend to Ssefteburi in ssrine him to bringe
Ac he was so ofcet wiþ werre þat he ne miȝte for none þinge
Þo was it come on is heued þat sein Donston him bihet
For worre he hadde & sorwe inou ar he þat lif let
So vaste him siwede þo is fon þat he ne miȝte þanne wende
To [heiȝe] men aboute in þe lond wel wide he gan sende
And to Wilfin þe gode bissop þat was bissop þo
Þat hy ssolde wiþ gret honur to Ssefteburi go
And is broþer in ssrine bringe as riȝt was to done
Þis bissop wiþ þis oþer men to Ssafteburi com sone
Wiþ swuþe vair procession to is tombe hy wende


And fair miracle among alle oure Louerd for him sende
For þo y openide þat lid of is swete tombe þere
Þer com adoun þoru al þe churche as it a mist were
Among al þe prece þat þer was þat hi seie al mid eiȝe
Fleu among hom as a mist so swete þing neuere hi ne seie
So swote & god was þat smul þat al þat þer were
For [murþe] þoȝt[e] þat hy stode in parais & noȝt þere
Þis holy body up hi nome wiþ gret honur & prute
And leide it in a wel uair ssrine þer as it liþ ȝute
In þis manere he was issrined in þe on & twentiþe ȝer
Þat þe volk him broȝte fram Waram & burede him uerst þer
A þousond ȝer it was & on after þulke stonde
Þat oure Louerd was an eorþe ibore & aliȝte for us to gronde
Þis king Aþeldred is broþer god man was inou
Edward was is sone ihote þat to alle godnesse drou
Þat king was suþþe after him and hei halwe in heuene is
Icluped seint Edward as is vncle at Westmestre he liþ iwis
Fortene niȝt upe Mihelmasse is day valþ in þe ȝere
Amidde þe monþe of Lude seint Edward þe ere
Nou God for loue of hom boþe þat oure kinges were
To þe ioie of heuene þat hi beoþ inne wiþ hom bringe us þere

De sancto Cuberto

Sein Cubert was ibore here in Engelonde
God dude for him vair miracle as ȝe ssolleþ vnderstonde
Þe wile he was a ȝong child inis eiȝteþe ȝere
Wiþ children he pleide atte balle þat is felawes were
Þer com go a lite child hit þoȝte þre[o] ȝer old
A swete creature & fair it was milde & bold
To þe ȝonge Cuberd he ȝeode leue broþer he sede
Ne þench noȝt on such idel game for it ne aȝte noȝt be[o] þi dede


Sein Cuberd ne tok no ȝeme to þe childes rede
And pleide forþ wiþ is felawes also hi him bede
Þo þis ȝonge child isei þat he is red forsok
Adoun he uel to gronde & gret deol to him tok
Hit bigan to wepe sore & is honden wringe
Þe children hadde al deol of him and bileuede hor pleiinge
Also hi couþe hi gladede him sore hi gonne to siche
Ac euere þis ȝonge child made deol iliche
A weilawey quaþ sein Cuberd wi wepestou so sore
Ȝif we þe habbeþ oȝt misdo we ne ssolleþ namore
Þanne spak þis ȝonge child sore hi wope beye
Cuberd it ne valþ noȝt to þe wiþ ȝonge children pleie
For none suche idel games ne bicomþ þe to werche
Wanne God haþ purueid þe an heued of Holy Churche
Mid þis word me nuste woder þis ȝonge child wende
An angel it was of heuene þat oure Louerd þuder sende
Þo bigan sein Cubert weope and sike sore
And bileuede al þis idel game nolde he pleie namore
He made is fader and is frend sette him to lore
And inis ȝonghede niȝt and day ofseruede Godes ore
Þo he of grettore elde was as þe boc us haþ ised
Hit biuel þat seint Aydan þe bissop was ded
Cuberd auelde was wiþ ssep angles of heuene he sei
Þe bissopes [soule] seint Aydan to heuene bere anhey
Alas sede sein Cuberd fol icham to longe
Inelle þis ssep to lengore wite auonge wo so auonge
He wende to þe abbey of Gireuaus grei monk he þer bicom
Gret ioie made þe couent alle þo he þat abit nom
Swuþe wel is ordre he held he was of gret penance
Þe holioste monk iholde he was in Engelond oþer in France
Hit biuel þer afterward þat þer com a goute
In is kne[o] of gret angwise war of he was in doute
So longe þat is kne[o] toswal gret angwise he uelde
Þe synuen inis hamme ssronke he nemiȝte þe leg iwelde
Ne strecche forþ is leg bineþe ioyned was to is þei


As a crupel lame he was he werþ swuþe sori
Red ne couþe him non þerof þat þen leg ysey
And naþeles euere is hope was þat Godes help was ney
Solas to habbe in a day he let him bere aboute
A uair kniȝt he mette in þe feld wiþ loreins swuþe prute
Þis kniȝt hom bad a stonde abide þat sein Cubert bere
He bigan to handli þe sore leg as þei he leche were
Nim he sede þe milk of a cou þat is of o colour
Þe ius of smal sage do þerto & clene wete flour
Togadere poune it swuþe wel & lei it al hote þerto
As a plastre al abrod and it þe wol god do
Þo he hadde þis ised is wei forþ he wende
An angel of heuene it was þat oure Louerd þuder sende
As sein Cuberd þis gode plastre longe to him bonde
Is leg and eke is sinuen bicome hol & sonde
Þis nas noȝt longe þer afterward as þe boc us deþ telle
Þat þe abbot ne sende him out [] to on of hore celle
Ostiler he was ymad gistes forto auonge
God for him miracle dude ar he were þer longe
Angles þer come ofte to him & wiþ him ofte hi ete
As þei it oþer gistes were þe gistnynge was wel swete
Wel gladlich gistes þen mete he ȝaf he nolde noman werne
Þen mete þat bad porcharite he nas noþing steorne
Him sulf he hom wolde ȝiue water to hore honde
And serui hom of alle mes & biuore hom stonde
Hit biuel þat an hendi gist & a wel uair þer com
And bad þane mete por charite sein Cuberd in him nom
He ȝaf him water to is honde & to þe heie deis him sette
Mete & drinke largeliche wiþ gode herte vette
To þe bachouse he ȝeode him sulf as þe bacars hadde ibake
To uecche is gustes bred al hot þe gladdore him to make
Þo he com aȝen wiþ hot bred is gist ne vond he noȝt
Þer of hadde þis holyman gret wonder inis þoȝt


Wel þicke it was þer oute ysnywed he ne miȝte finde is fore
Ware forþ he wende awei in þe snowe ne in þe vlore
As he soȝte þisne gist & wende aboute wide
He smulde swuþe swote smul in a chambre þer biside
Þo he com into þe chambre he uond a bord ysprad
And þer uppe þreo hote loues wel þat he was glad
Þis is he sede Godes angel þat þis haþ hider ibroȝt
He com hider to uede us and be[o] yued noȝt
Eche niȝt wanne þis monekes to bedde were igone
Sein Cuberd wel stilleliche wendeþ forþ al one
Into þe colde se he ȝeode anon to þe chinne
Forte it was nei mid niȝt so he stod þer inne
Þanne wende he up þerof & wanne he com to londe
For feblesse he uel adoun for he ne miȝte noȝt stonde
Þanne come þer up of þe se tweie oteres grete
And lickede him in eche stude ar hi him wolde lete
And wanne hi hadde him þus ilikked hi neme him into þe se
And sein Cuberd hol & sond wende into is celle aȝe
Wiþ oþere he wende to matyns & ȝeorne song & radde
Þe monkes wende euerichone [] þat he come out of is bedde
A monk þat þer inne was vnderȝet it eueridel
Ac as sein Cuberd him bad he helede it swuþe wel
As oure Louerdes wille was þer after it gan falle
Þat þe bissop of Duram deide as we ssolleþ alle
Me wende and nom sein Cuberd & made him bissop þere
His bissopriche he weste wel & wel þat folk gan lere
Þo was it to soþe ibroȝt þat þe angel him er sede
Þat he ssolde be[o] heued of Holy Churche as [he] atte bal pleide
Þo he hadde longe iserued God after him he sende
So þat in þe monþe of Lude out of þis worlde he wende
To þe ioie of heuene God lete us ek also
And þoru bone of sein Cubert bringe us alle þerto


De sancto Benedicto

Sein Benet was ibore in þe lond of Nuirsie
To Rome he was wel ȝong ysend [] to lerni of clergie
His norise he hadde þer wiþ him þat him wel nesse weste
Fram hure he stal wel stilleliche a day þat he[o] it nuste
And bileuede is scole & eke hure & þat him were isibbe
And wende into wildernesse in penance forto libbe
Honger and chile he hadde þer & no confort he nadde
Stabliche he was inis bede swuþe strang lif he ladde
Siker ic ne mai noȝt be[o] þat þe deuel to him enuie [n]adde
Of þe ordre þat he make ssolde swuþe sore he dradde
At o time as þis godeman to is orisons him nom
In forme of a þrustel cok þe deuel to him com
And flei al aboute is eiȝen þat he ssolde is miȝte do
Forto cacche þis vaire voul & bileue is beden so
Þis holiman nom neuere ȝeme ac to God is herte sette
Þe deuel fley forþ is wey þo he nemiȝte him noȝt lette
Þo he sei þat þulke art nas noȝt anoþer doghede he nom
In forme of a uair womman to him sone he com
Wiþ fair speche and fair semlant in such fo[n]ding he him broȝte
Þat he bileuede al is orisons go forþ wiþ hure he þoȝte
Þe godeman sone ofþoȝte is þoȝt to amende he was cof
Þoru signe of þe verrai crois þene deuel awey he drof
Him sulf he strupte naked anon among þornes he wende
And breres & turnde her & þer and al is fleiss torende
Þulke sunne he boȝte deore inou as we ssolde oure mid riȝte
Þe deuel neuere aȝen him nolde wiþ þulke sunne fiȝte
For wanne he may a man ouercome wiþ a sunne þoru is lore
Vonde he wole mid þulke sunne euere þe leng þe more
And ȝif þe man wol fiȝte aȝen ofssamed he is so sore
Þat neuere eft he nele wiþ þulke sunne uondi him more
Ac efter feste oure Louerd com to a preost þer biside


Þou makest he sede mete inou aȝen þis heiȝe tide
And mi sergant in wildernesse is in muche pine
For he naþ noþer mete ne drinke parte wiþ him of þine
Þis preost as oure Louerd him het to wildernesse gan gon
Mete & drinke he nom wiþ him sein Benet he fond anon
Benet he sede ich habbe þe here mete & drynke ibroȝt
Þat þou sselt boþe ete & drinke for uaste ne sseltou noȝt
Ȝuse soþes quaþ þis godeman time it is to uaste
Me and eche Cristene man þe wile Leinte ilaste
Nai sede þe preost noste noȝt þat Leinte is al ido
And þe heie time of Ester is nou icome us to
Seiste soþ quaþ þis holyman oure Louerd us lete him queme
Wite Crist ich wende it were Leinte ne nom ich neuere ȝeme
Me þincþ he were a queinte man bote he couþe of gramerie
Þat ssolde stele a day of Leinte seggeþ ȝif ich lie
Sein Benet et þo wel & dronk & þonkede Godes sonde
And suþþe he wende wide aboute & prechede in þe londe
To God he turnde muche folk and to Cristendom
So þat to þe hul of Cassin þoru Godes grace he com
Maumets he uond þere uale & men of luþer lawe
Þat folk he turnde to Iesu Crist þe maumes he gan todrawe
Of sein Johan þe Baptist a churche he let þere rere
Þer men honurede Iesu Crist þat heþene er were
Þe ordre of blake monekes ferst he made þere
Moni godemen come to him þat þe abit bere
Þe uerst abbei he let þer rere þat was in eni londe
To him and to is werk also þe deuel hadde gret onde
A ston hy uonde swuþe vair to hore werk wel god and clene
Al þe volk þat þere was nemiȝte him hebbe up ene
Sein Benet isei þene deuel him holde he blessede þen ston
Þe deuel orn þo awey o man it bar anon
Anoþer time þo þis work was hey imad of stone


Þe deuel com to Sein Benet as he sat al one
Benet he sede þou hast werkmen ichelle loke hou hom spede
I ne com noȝt ney hom moni day ich mot of serui mi mede
Sein Benet sende þe workmen word & bad hom iwar be[o]
And sede hou he hom wolde lette þei hi nemiȝte him yse[o]
Ar þe messager sede is erende þe deuel was wel ȝare
And þat work uelde up þe doun hi ne miȝte noȝt hom so ware
And a ȝong child þat monk was was of falle þare
Greot deol is breþeren for him made & tofore sein Benet him bare
Þis holiman þoru Godes grace arerede him fram deþe to liue
Þe deuel nadde neuere eft no poer is work so to driue
Ac þo he nadde poer non is work to lette more
He fondede bringe is monkes [] into luþer lore
Þer was a monk þat nemiȝte wiþ is broþeren noȝt dure
As him þoȝte for feblesse is seruise to hure
Ac al day ȝeode out of þe quer is felawes it bispeke
Sein Benet hi tolde uore lest he is ordre breke
Þis godeman bihuld at matyns ȝif he it miȝte ileue
He sei a lite blac polled grom nyme þe monk bi þe sleue
And ladde him out fram is felawes sein Benet ȝeme nom
Byhinde he siwede afterward and to þe monk com
A lite he smot him wiþ a ȝerd a lite he gan to chide
Þe pollede boye vlei anon he ne dorste no leng abide
Merci sire þis monk sede i ne miȝte it habbe bileued
For feblesse þei me wolde habbe ismite of min heued
No sede þis holyman al to prest þou were
To þe deuel þat þe ladde uorþ he ne ssel þe namore lere
Þis monk ȝeode into is felawes & euer eft stable was
Neuere eft nadde þe deuel miȝte to bringe him in þat cas
A god seliman biside ofte hadde in wone


To sein Benet fastinge wende to herie Godes sone
A day as he was þuderward a man com bi þe weie
And sede he wolde wiþ him go wandri aboute & pleie
Bred he sede ich habbe ibroȝt it is god þat we ete
Leste we beo feble bi þe weye for defaute of mete
Nay soþes þis oþer sede inel noȝt my uast breke
Ar ich habbe þoru Godes grace wiþ þis holyman ispeke
Anoþer day bi þulke weie þis felawe com efsone
And bad him ete for feblesse & he nolde noȝt do is bone
Þe þridde time as þis godeman touward sein Benet ȝeode
His felawe com ȝute to him & gret loue him gan beode
He ladde him into a wel fair mede of floures & of gras
A cler welle þeron amidde a swuþe uair stude it was
So fair he spak þo wiþ him for þis murie stude
Þat þis godeman sat adoun & et as he hadde ofte ibede
Ac þo he com to þis holyman sein Benet anon sede
Godeman þou nere noȝt iwoned to don er þis dede
Þe deuel þe haþ yuonded þrie to bringe þe to is rede
Þe þridde time he þe ouercom in þulke ualse mede
Hit nas no mede þei it þoȝte so he wol him narwe þenche
Hou he may a man best bitraie is godnesse to quenche
Þis holiman þoȝte of alle þing þei he ne sei it noȝt
So þat þe tiþinge of þis wonder to þe king was ibroȝt
Þat soþe he wolde þerof fonde is beste robe he tok þere
And cloþeþ þerwiþ a iogelor as þei he king were
Nobliche he ȝeode to sein Benet king he was h[e] sede
Leue sone quaþ þis holyman do of oþer mannes wede
Kynges cloþes þou hast on for he dude þe hider sende
Ac a fol þi sulf hider þou come & a fol þou sselt hom wende
A gentil man þer biside tweie costres wiþ wine
Sende a day sein Benet bi on of is hine
Ac þis messager was vnhende þat o costret forþ he bere
Þat oþer leuede bi þe weie to nyme it hamward þere


Ȝeode uorþ wiþ o costret & dude is presant bliue
Leue sone quaþ þis holiman þonke þi louerd swuþe
Ac of þat costret ne drink þou noȝt þat þou hast bileued bihinde
Ac ar þou drinke loke wat þou miȝt þer inne finde
Þis oþer was ofssamed sore ac þo he com wiþoute toun
An eddre he uond inis costret swymme up and doun
Þat was for wreche þuder icrope him to apoysene þere
Ac for al is gile sein Benet nolde þat he apoisened were
In a deore ȝer it biuel þat sein Benet is couent
For defaute as mani oþere hadde gret torment
As hi were a day sore afingred to þe bord hi sete
Hy nadde bote vif smale loues hi alle to þe mete
Ech monk was sori inis heorte ac noþing hi ne sede
Wi be[o] ȝe sori quaþ sein Benet of noþing nabbe ȝe drede
Habbeþ god hope to Iesu Crist for he is god and hende
Ar to morwe þisne time inou he wol ȝou sende
In hore gerner þat amti was amorwe hi fonde & nome
To hondred sak uol of gode wete hi nuste wanne it come
A monk wende him out a day so ne aȝte he noȝt do
Wiþoute leue of sein Benet & wiþoute is blessinge also
He wende to speke wiþ is frend as he dude er ilome
And amang is frendes he deide þere ar he aȝen come
Me dude by him as me aȝte do & burede him wel uaste
Ac þe eorþe anon so he was ibured up aȝen him caste
Hy burede him ene and ef sone ofte and fale siþe
Ac þe eorþe him caste euere up aȝen is frendes were vnbliþe
Sein Benet hurde her of telle þuder he gan gon
He blessede þis wrecche body & het it burie anon
Þis men in þe eorþe it burede stille anon it lay
Echman hadde þerof wonder þat þus miracle isay
Þe eorþe nolde him auonge for he iblessed nas


Of þis holyman sein Benet was þis a wonder cas
Þe uaire miracles þat of him were no tonge telle nemay
Þo he was old and feble inou is endynge he say
Þe time he tolde of is deþe þer biuore þe seueþe day
Þo gan him nyme a strong feuere bote six dawes he ne lay
Þane sixte day he let is breþeren to þe heie auter him lede
And let him houseli is orisons he sede
To oure Louerd he held up is honde & þonkede is swete sonde
And þer riȝt he deide atte weued bitwene is breþeren honde
In þe vif hondred ȝer and in þe eiȝteþe ȝere
After þat God an eorþe com sein Benet deide here
Tweie monkes þulke niȝt þat in diuerse stude were
Beie hom þoȝte o metyng as an angel ham gan lere
Hom þoȝte hy seie a wel uair wei wiþ flores swote & briȝte
Fram sein Benetes celle al estward swuþe liȝte
Into heuene tilde þe oþer ende and þe angel to hom sede
Þus forþ sein Benettes soule to heuene we gonne lede
Nou God for loue of sein Benet us lete þane wei wende
And to þe ioie þat he is inne to him come atte nende

De anunciacione dominica

Seinte Marie day in Leinte among oþer dawes gode
Riȝt is forto holde heiȝe wo so him vnderstode
For þulke day an eorþe uerst com þe gode tyþinge
[Þat] oure Louerd an eorþe aliȝte of þe pine of helle us to bringe
Atte beginnynge eke of þe world as in þulke daie
Adam dude þe uerste sunne us alle to bitraie
Suþþe after ward in þulke day ȝute þer uel anoþer
For Caym þe luþer bern slou Abel is broþer
Þat was þe uerste martirdom þat me euere an eorþe isay
Þe þe eoldere slou þe ȝongore as it fel þulke day
And Abraham þe patriarc in þulke day also
Asle wolde Ysaac ys sone is sacrefise to do


Þe angel suþþe in þulke day to oure Leuedi com
And oure swete Louerd inis moder fleiss and blod nom
Sein Iohan also þe Baptist as in þulke daye
Was is heued ysmite of þe quene forto paye
And þer after þo a twelf monþe in þulke day also
Our Louerd þolede for us deþ and in þe rode was ido
And sein Iame þe apostel ek þat [of] oure Louerdes ante com
As it fel in þulke daye þolede martirdom
Þeos seue þinges atteleste bi þulke day were
So þat on of þe [heȝiste] day hit aȝte be[o] in þe ȝere
Nou bidde we Iesus Godes sone þat þulke heiday wroȝte
Þat we mote come to þulke ioie þat he to us broȝte

De septuagesima

Festen mouable þer beoþ icluped viue in þe ȝere
Þe veorste is to louke alleluye oure Leinte to rere
And suþþe Leinte and suþþe Ester þat gladeþ manion
Þe Rouisons & Witesoneday þat last is of echon
Þis beoþ vif festen mouable þat meoueþ eche ȝer
And neuer a ȝer ne bileueþ in stude þat hi were er
Septuagesime is icluped wanne me loukeþ alleluye
For we ssolleþ bigynne biuore to oure Louerd oure herte buye
For me bileueþ þanne in churche ech maner song iwis
As aleluye and oþer ek and the cheson þer of is
Þat we ssolleþ wiþ sorwe of heorte oure penance lede
And aȝen þe time of Leinte repenty oure misdede

De quatragesima

Leinte comeþ þer afterward þat six wike ilasteþ
Þat hore sunne forto bete alle Cristen men vasteþ
For riȝt it is þat Cristene men hore teþinge do
Of hore frut þoru out þe ȝer & of oure vleiss also
And þat hy teþegi also god þe dawes in þe ȝer


Forto bete hore luþer sunne þat hy wroȝte her
Nou beoþ þre[o] hondred dawes and sixti in þe ȝere
And fiue þerto wiþoute mo bote it bisext were
And þe teþinge of al þis dawes wo so it wole riȝt wende
Wole [beo] sixe and þritti dawes and fiue bileueþ atte ende
Nym þulke sixe and þritti dawes and fiue do þerto
Þer beoþ þe voure clansing dawes and þe Soneday also
Ȝif þe clansinge dawes & þe oþere alle togadere beoþ
Þa[nne] habbe ȝe al clanliche al ȝoure Leinte as ȝe nou iseoþ
Nou beoþ þer to [and] fourti dawes & six wike iwis
And so muche forte Esterday riȝt clene Leinte is
Ac do wei þe sixe Sonedawes and þanne bileueþ þere
Euene sixe and þritti dawes þe teþinge of þe ȝere
Nim þanne four clansinge dawes and fast also þerto
Þanne haste euene forti dawes [whan hi beo togadere ido]
And so muche ouer þe riȝte teþe þerto we moste caste
For ensample of oure Louerd þat forti dawes vaste
And for ensample of Moyses & Elie þe prophete
Þat faste boþe vourti dawes & no maner mete neete
And boþe hy hadde hore mede sone & merit inou
Vor a cart of golde liȝte adoun and Elie drou
To þe ioie of eorlich parais as monyman ysay
Þer he is wiþ fleiss & bon & worþ forte Domesday
Vpe þe hul of Synay Moises vaste also
And wiþ oure Louerd spak mouþ wiþ mouþ þo is fastinge was ido
And bigan þere þe olde lawe to sauy mony a man
Wiþ is fastinge oure Louerd ek þe nywe lawe bigan
Ac he bigan is vastinge anon after Twelþeday


Anon so he ibaptised was and bigan þe niwe lay
Ac we doþ oure a monþe later as me mote nede
To vaste aȝen þe holy time þat oure Louerd dude blede
And þat we mowe saufliche at is up risinge
Tak is fleiss and is blod best of alle þinge
And for þat folk of Irael wile bi olde dawe
Aȝen hore Ester þulke tyme vaste in þe olde lawe
Nou vasteþ þer monymen and wel vewe ariȝt
Manie wolleþ biginne sone & ete almest forte niȝt
Woso wol nou faste ariȝt bote nede it make do
He ne may noȝt bigynne is mete to raþe ne to longe sitte þerto
Ne ete noþemo noȝt to muche ne touore in þoȝte be[o]
Hou me miȝte in mest delices his metes him byse[o]
He mot ek faste for Godes loue and noȝt to spelie is god
And forto amendi is foule sunne & noȝt is heuie blod
As doþ monye riche men þat habbeþ al hore ese
Wanne hi habbeþ to muche iȝete as best in vatte lese
Hi goþ up and doun and bolkeþ wiþ wel dreori chere
Hi nolleþ ete a mossel more bote hore mawe amti were
Hi bolkeþ and bloweþ aboue ac ine segge noȝt elles ware
Hi poffeþ and meneþ hore stomak þat mot nede vuel vare
And fasteþ þanne day and oþer mid wel lite god
Ac for ȝare soule riȝt noȝt ac fore hore heui blod
Alas swete Iesus þin ore þat þeos maners beoþ stronge
A man to amendi is foule vleiss þat faste ssel so longe
Ac for bote of þe seli soule þat sunne doþ aspille
Al euene vastinge he makeþ & ȝute al aȝen is wille
And vnneþe ȝute þulke dawes scarse wiþoute mo
As me bit in Holy Churche and vnneþe alle þo
And þat muchedel aȝen wille bote he neder oþer do
As wo seiþ for þe worles ssame & for Godes eiȝe also
And ȝif eny hey eue comþ as ualþ bi Soneday


As me bit him faste þen Saterday wel sone he seiþ nay
Ac nim þe day as he comþ day þat oþer do
A balled reson makeþ þanne & plaidinge þerto
And resons haþ þerto inowe wiþ wel stordi mod
Ac of plaidynge of wisdom ne can he noȝt a uerþing worþ god
Ac to soþe wanne eny vastyng eue comþ bi Soneday
As in decretals is iwrite me ssel uaste þe Saterday
And þerto holde ech Cristen man wo so euer segge nay
And wo so eni oþer deþ he brecþ is fastyng day
Anoþer þinge bi uastinge falleþ ver & ner
As me seiþ alday þe coppe abuþ þe defaute of soper
And be[o] he ihandled wel ynou as hom þincþ it is riȝt
Atte faillynge of þe soper to drinke forte midniȝt
In alle wise [of] on oþer of oþer fol hi wolleþ be[o]
Alas alas such glotonie nis noȝt worþ a stre[o]
Wo so wole uaste ariȝt he mot somdel wiþdrawe
Of drinke as wel as of mete oþer it nis noȝt worþ an hawe
[L]einte [is] ek also bifonde þat men hom lete ssriue
Of sunnen þat hi habbeþ ido biuore in al hore liue
Ac mony þinges neodi beoþ ar ssrift beo wel ido
Þat man telle is sunne mid is mouþ & be[o] sori þerto
And þat he in wanhope ne be[o] noȝt & þat he penance lede
Þat he mowe here wiþ is vleiss abugge is misdede
Þus he mot habbe attelaste wo so wol be[o] wel issriue
For wiþoute sorwe of heorte no sunne nis forȝiue
A mon were betere for is sunne be[o] sori and vnssriue
Þanne issriue wiþoute sorinesse & bet ssolde be[o] forȝiue
For it is iwrite þat seinte Peter þrie oure Louerd forsok
He ȝeode out & sore wep inou & gret deol to him tok


Ac we ne findeþ iwrite in no stude þat he were þerof issriue
Ac naþeles as ȝe witeþ al is sunne beoþ forȝiue
Ac for þan ne be[o] noman so tristi þerto
Þat he for al is sorinesse ne be[o] issriue also
Ac monimen ar hi be[o] scriue sori beoþ inou
Ac after þe ssrift doþ swuþe lite ac me þincþ þat is wou
Ne be[o] a man ȝute so sori ne issriue so clene
Ȝif he is ȝute in wanhope al nis worþ a bene
As Iudas was sori inou þo he hadde misdo
And iknewe to al þat folk and ssrof him also
Ac for he wanhope hadde up oure Louerd þat is so hende
He wende to þe pine of helle & worþ wiþoute ende
& þei a man be[o] sori & issriue & wiþoute wanhope also
Al it wol be[o] lite worþ bote he is penance do
Ac many wolleþ bigynne wel after hore ssrift anon
And [bileue] al hore fole þoȝtes & to no folie gon
Ac anon so Ester is icome þat hy habbeþ fleiss itake
And eteþ raþe & eke late such þoȝt hi wolleþ forsake
Ac hi vareþ as deþ þe blod hond at bigynnynge of þe ȝere
Þe smul haþ wel of euerich best of hare & ek of dure
Ac wanne þe hauþorn bigynneþ to blowe al it is forlore
For swotnesse of þulke flour þe smul þat was biuore
[M]oni weneþ ek be[o] wel issriue þat comeþ to ssrift also
Habbe hi hore sunne itold ac more þer mot to
For ȝif þou ert in dedlich sunne ar þou be[o] issriue
Wel eiȝte þinges þou most do or it ne worþ noȝt forȝiue


Seie wat þi sunne is & wat þou ert & wo was þi vere
[Wy wanne] & ware þou it dust hou ofte & in wuch manere
Þus eiȝte þinges þou most do & wel ȝerne mercy crie
And ȝif ich þe segge reson wy ne sei noȝt þat ich lye
Þine sunne þou most telle nede & wat þou ert also
For more sunne it is ȝif þou ert preost oþer dekne to misdo
And in sunne of lecherie oþer ȝif þou ert hosebonde
Þer uore woso ssel þe ssriue al þis mot vnderstonde
Seie ek wo þi vere was for more sunne it is
To ligge bi a wedded wif þanne bi anoþer iwis
Seie ek wat þe encheson was to do þi folye
For it is wel more sunne to do lecherie
In entente forto do þi voule vleisses mod
Þanne to biȝute a child of þi forme of þi fleiss & þi blod
Seie ek wanne þou dest þe sunne for more sunne it is
To sunegi in holy time þanne in oþer iwis
Tel ek þe prest in wuche place þou dust þe sunne also
For it is more sunne in holy stude misdo
As in churche oþer in churche ȝard to do lecherie
For þe holiore is þe stude þe more is þe folie
Tel eke hou ofte þou it dest for þat þou most nede
For þe ofter þou it dust þe more is þi misdede
Þou most ek telle in wuch manere þou dust þe sunne iwis
For ȝif a man anoþer quelþ wel more sunne it is
To drawe quik lime fram oþer & pine him longe do
Þanne quelle him anon hasteliche þat þe pine were ido
And also god of lecherie & of oþer sunnes iwis
In suche manere þou [m]iȝt it do þat þe sunne þe more is
Þer uore noman ne may be[o] ssriue of þat he deþ amis
And namelich of dedlich sunne bote he telle al þis
And wanne ȝe seoþ reson wy ne wiþ seggeþ me noȝt
Ac for Godes loue ech Cristen man habbe þis inis þoȝt


And in þis manere þat ich habbe itold let him ssriue clene
And siker elles al is ssrift nis noȝt worþ a bene
& in þe manere þat ich habbe itold woso is clene issriue
And is penance do þerto is sunne beoþ forȝiue
And wo comeþ elles to ssrift to vnchargi is sak
As uol he geþ hom aȝen and mid as heui pak
And wo so is also issriue & bileueþ inis þoȝt
An sunne & par auntre mo þat he ne telleþ noȝt
Þulke sunne bileueþ inis nest forto gaderi mo
Þat þe deuel ne forȝut noȝt woder he ssel go
For wanne henne leggeþ in hore nest eiren monyon
& me comeþ & nimeþ al awei me wole euere bileue on
Þat bileueþ as a nest ey þat þe hen mowe iwite
Ware he ssel efsone legge leste it were forȝute
Also wanne men beoþ issriue ȝif hi bileueþ vntold
Somme sunne in hore wrecche þoȝt þerof þe deuel is bold
For he haþ þanne a nest ey & he wot wuder go
And legge as inis owe nest euere mo and mo
Þeruore woso wole be[o] issriue ichot wel him is best
Þat he ne bileue non [n]est ey to make þe deueles nest
Ac þat he be[o] sori inis herte & is penance do
And al oþer þing þat ich habbe ised þat valleþ þerto
So þat he mowe an Ester day wanne he haþ al iuast
Oure Louerdes vleyss vnderfonge þat a swete mossel is last

De sancto Pascha

Þe holy feste of Ester comþ after Leinte anon
As oure Louerd aros fram deþe to lyue boþe in fleiss and bon
We makeþ us clene þer aȝen & ech godman as he may
Þat we mowe is vleiss auonge þat aros þulke day
Nou comþ Ester in diuerse studes þeruore me mot lere
Wuch day oure Louerd aros and wuch time of þe ȝere
Wel weste oure Louerd biuore is deþ al þat was to done
Ordeini he wolde al is dede bi þe cours of sonne & mone


In þe heiuol he wolde deie and þat it Friday were
In oure Leuedy day in Leinte hit fel in þe ȝere
So þat he deide oure Leuedi [day] & þer after anon
To liue he ros þe þridde day boþe in fleiss & bon
And for he deide atte hey uolle in a Fridai also
We mote oure Louerdes passion sette after boþe to
So þat we nime oure Gode Friday atte heiuol iwis
Oþer þe nexte Fridai euene þat þer after is
And for it siweþ boþe to þe mone as ȝe iseoþ
And þe dawes ek of þe wike þat in diuerse stude beoþ
Hit mot nede ech ȝer as þe cours wol ualle
In diuerse studes come and suche festes alle
Al such þing as ssolde be[o] was in oure Louerdes þoȝt
Þulke time þat he made al þen worlde of noȝt
For þulke day aseueniȝt þat oure Leuedi day is
Euene biuore oure Louerd made heuene & eorþe iwis
Þe sixte dai þer after he made man also
Þe seueþe day he hadde reste of al þat he hadde er ido
Þe eiȝteþe day Adam et þe appol of a tre[o]
Alas lite was þe wile þat he ssolde in ioie be[o]
Suþþe longe þer afterward vif þousond ȝer & more
Oure Louerd [þoȝte] on mankunne to don is milce and ore
To aliȝte for us here and for us be[o] ibore
And forto abugge Adam is sunne þat we nere forlore
Þulke day sulf þat Adam dude sunne wiþ vnriȝte
As in oure Leuedi day in Leinte inis moder he aliȝte
Nou het he longe þere biuore Moises bi olde dawe
Vpe þe hul of Synay þo he made þe olde lawe
Þat me ssolde ech ȝer þulke tyme sacrefise do
Of a lomb þat clene were [] & at þe hei uol also
Hit bitokneþ al þat he wolde for us imartred be[o]
In þe heiuol [at] þulke time & bugge us on þe tre[o]
Nou moste þis bi eche reson nede be[o] ido


In þe heiuol of þe mone & bi Friday also
And in oure Leuedi day ek þe s[u]nne was ferst iwroȝt
Þulke day bi eche reson he moste neode be[o] [iboȝt]
Þere [fore] he abod alle þre[o] a[r] he were to deþe ido
Oure Leuedi day & eke Friday and heiuol also
As it fel in þulke ȝere þat Friday it was
And heiuol & oure Leuedi day as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Ac nou wiþinne vale ȝer wel selde ualþ þis
Þe nexte Friday we nimeþ þeruore þat after þe heiuol is
And holdeþ þanne oure Gode Friday & þe þridde day anon
Þere after we nymeþ oure Ester day as ȝe witeþ echon
And oure Louerdes fleiss vnderfongeþ wiþ is holy blode
[Þat] he ȝaf to stronge deþe for us in þe rode
Nou God for is holy body þat for us was inome
Lete us so is fleiss auonge þat we to heuene come
Þe Rouisons ne comeþ neuere biuore sein Markes day
Þer uore we wolleþ of hom telle in þe biginnynge of May

De sancta Maria Egiptiaka

Seinte Marie Giptiake in Egipte was ibore
Al hure ȝonge lif he[o] ladde in sunne and in hore
Uneþe he[o] was twelf ȝer old er he[o] gonne do folie
Hure body and al hure wille take [] to sunne & lecherie
Þer on he[o] hadde so gret delit þat in hure owe londe
He[o] nemiȝte noȝt al fol hure wille þo gan he[o] vnderstonde
And wende to þe lond of Elisandre & þere wonede longe
Alle þat wiþ hure sunegi wolde gladlich heo wolde auonge
He[o] ne sparede Leinte ne oþer time preost ne oþer non
Sik ne pouere ne wedded mon þat he[o] ne let to hure gon
Men þat none wille nadde þulke sunne to do
Wiþ fair wordes and fol semlant he[o] broȝte þerto
No mester mon non nas inis mester so prest ne so queinte


Þat he[o] nas to bringe men in sunne queintore in ech pointe
He[o] ne tok for þulke dede of noman mede ne winne
For non ne ssolde for defaute bileue þe voule sunne
Oþer mede bote hure voule wille he[o] ne wilneþ of noman
Mid spinnynge & mid souwinge hure lif lode heo wan
Hit is sunne & ssame to eny mon to þenche oþer to wite
Þe voule dede and þe wrecche sunne þat we vyndeþ of hure iwrite
For also he[o] sede hure sulf þat ssame it was to hure
So muche sunne an eorþe ido of eny creature
And þat þe eorþe yopened nadde as he[o] hure sulf gan telle
And iswolwe as heo ȝeode an eorþe into þe put of helle
Such fol lif heo ladde in Alisandre ȝeres seuentene,
Þet so muche vil dede of a womman nas neuere iseie ich wene
Up a dai in haruest as þis womman bihuld aboute
Muche volk he[o] sei bi þe wey & of hom gret route
Hure þoȝte he[o] was so iknowe in Alisandre in ech ende
Þe lasse hant he[o] hadde of folie þanne he[o] wolde wende
He[o] þoȝte amang stronge men so many as ich ise[o]
Muche ich may of mi wille habbe wiþ hom ichelle be[o]
Among hom he[o] com & esste of hom wuderward hi þoȝte
Hy seide hy wolde to Ierusalem & þe holi rode hi soȝte
Þat ssolde þe Holirodeday echmon issowed be[o]
And þat moni godman þuder wolde to honuri þat swete tre[o]
Mot ich quaþ þis womman þo mid ȝou þuder wende
And of myster þat ich habbe ileorned ichelle be[o] ȝou prest & hende
Ȝe sede on ȝif þou miȝt aquiti þi ssipes hure
Oure companie worþ amended muche of a such creature


Nabbe ich he[o] sede oþer moneie bote mi sulue her
Ichelle be[o] corteis of þat ich habbe aȝen þe mariner
To him and to ȝou also ichelle be[o] prest and hende
Þat it ne ssel ȝou ofþenche noȝt þei ich wiþ ȝou wende
Þis womman wende forþ wiþ hom wiþ gret sunne alas
To eche þat wolde do folie and redi euere he[o] was
Þo he[o] com to þe se atte ferste þinge
Þe mariner he[o] ȝaf al hure body to lede hure ouer & bringe
To þe mariner & to alle his and to alle oþere þat þer were
Prest heo was to sungy he[o] nadde þerof no fere
Ou Iesus muche is þi miȝte muche þoledestou þere
Þat water oþer ssip hom wolde bere þat hi adronke nere
Ȝyf eny was þat for drede [n]olde þulke sunne do
Mid fol semlant & faire wordes he[o] broȝte hom þerto
Touore þe Holy Rode day to Ierusalem he[o] com
Alle þat fol dede wolde do gladliche he[o] þer nom
Þo þe Holy Rode day com þat me ssewede þat swete tre[o]
Monymon to þe temple ȝeode þe swete rode to se[o]
Þo Marie wiþ oþer was to þe temple dore icome
He[o] nemiȝte a uot þer inne wende hure miȝte hure was binome
Hure þoȝte wanne he[o] wolde in gon þat me hure aȝen drou
For among al oþere he[o] stod wiþoute ofssamed sore inou
He[o] ȝeode in estward & hure þoȝte þat me hure aȝen pulte
He[o] wep for ssame & biþoȝte þat it was for hure gulte
Into an hurne he[o] wende al one fram hure veren alle
He[o] sei an ymage of oure Leuedy ipeint þere in a walle
He wep and fel adoun akne[o] Leuedi he[o] sede þin ore
Sunfol womman ich habbe ibe[o] so nel ich namore
Þe sunnen þat ich habbe ido hy me riweþ sore
Ȝif me grace hom to bete þoru Holy Churches lore
Ȝif me grace in to go þe swete rode to ise[o]


Þoru grace of him and of þe betere womman ichelle be[o]
Mi sunfol lyf ich uorsake and mi sunfol dede
In clannesse icholle and in penance mi lif herafter lede
Þo he[o] hadde to þulke ymage ycrid longe & ibede
Mildeliche wiþ caruol heorte he[o] ȝeode out of þe stude
He[o] ȝeode to þe temple dore sore he[o] was ȝute adrad
Wiþou[t]e destorbance in he[o] ȝeode wel he[o] was glad
He[o] ȝeode in touore þe holy rode & þo he[o] hure miȝte ise[o]
Sore wepinge he[o] cride þeron and fel adoun akne[o]
Forȝifnesse he[o] bad of hure sunne þe rode þat is so swete
Þe worles blisse he[o] forsok hure sunnes to bete
Ofte he custe þe pauement þat þe rode hadde on istonde
To oure Leuedy ymage he[o] wende aȝen wepinge & wrong hure honde
Þer miȝte echman deol ise[o] wo so of pite couþe
Of deol and sorwe þat he[o] made mid herte & mid mouþe
He[o] bad oure Leuedi þat he[o] hure teiȝte ȝif it were hure wille
Ware he[o] miȝte hure sunne bete priueliche and stille
He[o] ne sei noþing ac hurde a uois þat þeos wordes sede
Flum Iordan passe & þou schelt [] in pes þi lyf lede
He[o] þoȝte þat þis was ised to hure & for hure gode
He[o] ros up and þonkede oure Leuedy & þe swete rode
Byuore none touward þe water he[o] wende of Iordan
Hure beden he[o] bad and bi þe wey sone he[o] mette a man
Þat þreo ronde panes hure ȝaf he[o] nuste war [he] bicom
Þer wiþ heo boȝte hure loues þre[o] & wiþ hure alle nom
He[o] com to þe water of Iordan a lite ar it were eue
In sein Iones chapel þe Baptist al niȝt he[o] gan bileue


He[o] let hure ssriue and houseli wel clene þoru Godes grace
In þe water of Iordan he woss hure in þe place
Amorwe he[o] carf a lof atwo & het him haluendel
And dronk of þe water of Iordan & made a muri mel
Heo wende into wildernesse ouer þe water of Iordan
Þere he[o] bileuede mony a ȝer þat he[o] ne sey best ne man
Þe tweie loues and an half þat he[o] wiþ hure nom
Bicom so hard so eny ston þo he[o] ouer þe water com
Þer bi he[o] liuede in wildernesse ȝeres seuentene
Hure cloþes rotede & felle hure fram cloutmele in þe grene
Ȝute he[o] lyuede twenti ȝer after þe seuentene biuore
Þat he[o] ne et no mannes mete bote weod and more
Þe wile oȝt of hure loues laste he[o] was ofte & sore
Yvonded of hure flesses wille þoru þe deueles lore
Of longed after mete & drinke and eke after weode
And ofte þoȝte of lecherie also hure sulf sede
Ac þo [heo] ne et bote weod & more of al þe twenti ȝer
He[o] nas enes of fleissis wille yfonded as he[o] was er
Of mete ne of drinke ne of fol dede of hote ne of colde
Ne þoȝte on noþing bote on God as he[o] hure sulf tolde
Of al þe seuene & þritti ȝer þat he[o] lyuede þere
He[o] ne sei best ne voul ne man bote in sixe & þrittiþe ȝere
A mon[k] com to hure ar he deide as oure bok deþ lere
Vor oure Louerd wolde þat hure lyf among mankunne were
An abbei þer was in Paleis of ordre swuþe stronge
Hore ȝet faste was ymad al þen ȝer longe
For no monk ne ssolde out go þe worles wele to se[o]
Þe verste Soneday in Leinte yopened it ssolde be[o]
For eche monk ssolde þulke day be[o] yhouseled & issriue


And nyme blessinge and orison & also his bilyue
And wende al one in wildernesse euerich inis ende
To bete hore sunne ac hi ssolde to Ester alle hom wende
An holyman þer was inne þat het frere Zozime
Þat triweliche is ordre held as it fel to eche tyme
So sone so þe ȝet yopened was and þat Leinte com
He wende him forþ and þane wey to ward Iordan com
Þo he þat water ypassed hadde ver he wende & longe
Þat he ne sei noþer best ne man confort of to auonge
Þer inne twenti dawes ac euere in hope he was
Þat oure Louerd him wolde som miracle ssowe oþer of som uair cas
Þen twentiþe day aboute non akne[o] he sat adoun
He turnde estward as he was iwond & sede is oryson
In is riȝt side he þoȝte he sey in a wilde stude & deorne
As þei it a mannes ssade were ligge plat in an hurne
He dradde þat it foul wiȝt were he blessede him anon
Þo werþ he hardiore in God ner he gan gon
Þo þoȝte him þat it a womman was naked & swuþe broun
As he[o] was wiþ sonne ibrend plat ileiȝe adoun
Hure her was hor & swuþe wiȝt as þei it were wolle
Þunne & ssort þat it wolde vnneþe helie hure scolle
Þo was þis monk swuþe glad for [he] nadde nanne man
Iseie suþþe he passede [] þat water of Iordan
Touward þis womman he gan go þis woman up aros
And orn estward faste inou sore þis monk agros
Ac naþeles he orn after ward & þis womman euere biuore
Þis monk so weri yorne nas suþþe he was ibore
Abid he sede wy flucstou me þat am wiþoute miȝte
Old an[d] feble ne dred þou noȝt for y nemay noȝt fiȝte
Nolde þis womman wiþ him speke þo gan he wepe sore
After ward so longe he orn þat he nemiȝte a fot more


Þo stod he & cride & wep womman he seide þin ore
Haue reuþe of me & speke wiþ me som wat of Godes lore
Ȝif þou ert a Godes half womman of fleiss & felle
Ich coniuri þat þou abide and of þi stat me telle
Þo bigan þis womman speke frere Zozime þin ore he[o] sede
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich þe abide for ich am wiþoute wede
Ne wilne noȝt þat ich ssowe þe oþer wymmen to ssende
Mi licame wanne ich naked am ac let me awei wende
Þis monk weop and cride ȝeorne nolde he fini noȝt
For he[o] vond is name anon he dradde inis þoȝt
Þis womman sede ȝif þou wolt iwite wat ich be[o]
Cast me somwat to hele me wiþ & an orison bidde for me
Wiþ gode herte þis monk hure caste a lite wede anon
Ware wiþ heo helede hure durne limes þo gan he[o] ner gon
Frere Zozime he[o] sede wy wilnestou a sunfol womman to se[o]
Grante me þat ich mote wiþ þe in þi beden be[o]
Þis monk vel adoun akneo & heo aȝen him also
Ore eiþer bede oþer blessi him ac hore noþer it nolde do
As hi leie bitwene hom longe o word hy ne sede
Bote blesse þou me ac blesse þou me þis monk swatte for drede
Þis womman sede iblessed be[o] God þat bringeþ soule bote
Ȝe quaþ þe monk & God us grante þat we þerof parti mote
Þis womman þo hy were arise to þe monk he[o] sede
Frere Zozime wo gan þe hider to a such wrecche lede
Hou is þe stat of Holy Churche iloked and Cristendom
Hou is it of þe heþene prince þat hor stat hom bynom


Leue moder þe mo[n]k sede þe betere it is for þine bede
Holy Churche & Cristendom iloked in ech stude
Bidde for me for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þis womman sede for þou ert prest þou sselt bidde for me
Ac þat ich vnbocsom ne be[o] iseie þei ich sunfol be[o]
Ichelle bidde for þe leue vader anon þou sselt ise[o]
Þis womman turnde hure estward akneo he[o] sat adoun
Hure eiȝene & honde he[o] biheld up & sede hure orison
Anon so he[o] bigan hure orison anon me miȝte ise[o]
Fram þe eorþe he[o] was up ihoue þe heinesse of fet þre[o]
Þer he[o] houede stilleliche as he[o] were wiþoute breþe
He[o] ne wawede lime non bote it were hure lippe vnneþe
Ware wiþ he[o] sede hure orison & noþing up here ber
Bote oure swete Lou[er]des grace vair miracle was þer
Þis monk stod and biþoȝte him in gret wonder was & fere
He ne huld hure noȝt womman ac trowede þat it som gost were
Vor he[o] houede so aboue ac after hure orison
Þis holi gost wel stilleliche to þe eorþe liȝte adoun
Leoue fader he[o] sede wat is þe wy hastou wonder þoȝt
Ich am womman of sunfol vlesse gost nam ich noȝt
Moder þin ore quaþ þis monk & fel adoun akne[o]
To ssewy oure swete Louerdes miȝte þi lif tel þou me
Þis holy womman nom him up leue fader he[o] sede
Hit is ssame iseo oþer to hure of my sunfol dede
Ac for þou iseie me naked also ichelle of my sunne make me bar
Þat þou for ssunnesse of mi dede of sunne be[o] euere iwar
Ac so voul beoþ mine sunfol dede bote God þe ȝiue is grace


Wanne þou ham hurst fle[o] þou wolt for sunnes of þis place
Ac naþeles fader bidde for me þat God it me forȝiue
Ich hopie it be[o] Godes wille þat ich beo of þe issriue
Þo gan he[o] telle al hure dede to þis frere Zozyme
Þat he[o] dude suþþe he[o] was ibore euere for[te] þulke tyme
Leoue vader he[o] sede for Godes loue ich biseche þe
Þat þou her of noman ne ssewe ar þat ich ded be[o]
Ac go hom & led clene lif as þou hast er ido
Þis time eft a twelf monþe com hider to me also
Vor þat ȝoure ordre is such þat ech monk ssel out go
Þe verste Soneday of Leinte ac þou ne sselt noȝt so
Þei þou haddest wille out to go þe netit miȝte non
Ac a Ssere Þoresday is eue hider þou sselt gon
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod hider bring wiþ þe
Þat ich enes ar ich deiȝe yhouseled mowe be[o]
Þe time þat oure swete Louerd a Ssere Þoresday at eue
Amang is deciples made is cene þat þou it noȝt bileue
For y nas noȝt ihouseled suþþe ich passede Iordan
Þat is nou sixe & þritti ȝer ne neuere eft ne sei ich man
Do þis þat ich þe habbe ibede leue vader Zozime
And blesse me for ich parti mot for it is al tyme
Þo þe monk hure hade iblessed estward he[o] gan gon
Þe monk custe þe wei þer heo ȝeode þo he nesey oþer won
Ȝeorne he byhuld afterward þe wile he hure miȝte ise[o]
Þo he ne say hure namore wepinge he gan hom te[o]
Þo he com hom in penance clene lif he gan lede
Of al þat he hadde out ifonde [] noþing he ne sede
Ac ar þe ȝer were ido him þoȝte swuþe longe
Þat he miȝte of þis holy þing som confort eft auonge
Þo Leinte com þat euerich monk wende out inis side


A strong feuere nom þis frere Zozime þat he moste atom abide
Þo þoȝte he on þat holy word þat Marie sede er
And þei he wolde out wende he ne ssolde habbe poer
As he[o] sede is feuere him held forte Ssere Þoresday eue
Anon so he was hol he wende forþ he nolde leng bileue
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod he nom to Iurdan þene wei nom
So þat a Ssereþoresday anone þuder he com
Ac he ne miȝte finde no ssip [] him ouer forto lede
He bihuld ouerward al wepinge and bad oure Louerd him rede
Alas he sede wiþoute ssip hou ssolle we togadere wende
He biheld ouer ȝif oure Louerd wolde eny grace him sende
Þo sey he Marie in þe oþer half of þe water stonde
He huld up is honde & fel akneo & þonkede Godes sonde
Þo Marie hadde iblessed þat water mid hure honde
Al drie he ȝeode upe þe water as it were a drie londe
He orn and ne watte neuere a to wel briȝte þe mone sson
Þis monk wolde aȝen hure kneole þo he[o] com to him gon
Stond up he[o] sede þou ert preost kneoli ne sseltou noȝt
For reuerence of holy þing þat þou hast wiþ þe ibroȝt
Ac leue vader blesse me for y nemay noȝt abide longe
Bidde for me þat ich be[o] worþe þat holy þing auonge
Þis womman sat adoun akne[o] to oure Louerd he[o] gan crie
And sede hure Crede & Pater Noster & hure Aue Marie
Þo gan he[o] to cusse pes and sede an orison
And nom oure Lou[er]des vleiss and blod wiþ gret deuocion
Louerd he[o] sede þere afterward ȝif it be[o] þi wille
Nou þou sselt þi ssulchene bileue in pes wel stille
For myn eien habbeþ iseie nou þis swete miȝte


And oure hele þat þou ȝarked hast al mankunne to liȝte
Frere Zozime heo sede God þe for ȝelde þat þou wost hider gon
Bidde for me & for my sunne & wend hamward anon
And anoþer ȝer þis tyme loke þat þou to me wende
And oure Louerd wole bi þulke daie oþer tiþinge of me sende
Haue goday mi leue vader aȝen ich mot anon
Oure Louerd wolde quaþ þis monk þat ich miȝte wiþ þe gon
Bidde for me ȝif it is þi wille & for Holy Churche
And for alle Cristene men þat hy mote oure Louerdes wille werche
Marie blessede þat water al drie he ȝeode aboue
Moni miracle oure Louerd deþ for mancunne loue
Þe niþe day of Aueril þeos miracle was ido
Þat Marie and frere Zozime mid weop partede ato
Þis monk bihuld afterward ac þo he nesei hure namore
To is abbey he wende aȝen wepinge wel sore
Worst him was for he nuste wat hure name was
And þat he hure nadde yasked ofte he sede alas
Longe him þoȝte ar þulke ȝer were ibroȝt to ende
Anon so Leinte was icome aȝen he gan wende
Þat water he passede of Iordan in wildernesse wel wide
He ȝeode þat he wery was for he nadde ware on ride
He nemiȝte þis womman nawer iseo awater ne alonde
He nolde noȝt fine ar he come þere he hure ferst fonde
Þo he þer ne fonde hure noȝt he gan to weope sore
For he nuste woderward gon hure to seche more
As he lokede touward þen est him þoȝte he isey
As þei it a briȝt sonne were in þe eir houe anhey
Þuder he ȝeode in gret ioie for him þoȝte þerof wonder
Þis womman he vond ligge ded in a dich þer vnder
Hure heued iturnd estward þis monk wep wel sore
At hure vet he uel adoun nemiȝte he stonde namore


So sore he wep þat he woss hure vet [] wiþ teres of is eiȝe
And euere houede þis clere liȝt ouer hure wel heiȝe
Þis monk nuste wat he miȝte do wiþ þis holy bodi þere
And mest him ofþoȝte þat he nuste wat hure name were
Þer biside he say a writ he nom it up inis hond
Þe wordes þat ichelle nou segge þer on iwrite he vond
Frere Zozime bure þat body of þe wrecche Marie
And bidde God þat he hure forȝiue hure sunne & folie
Þat deide anon after hure housel þe niþe day of Aueril
Ȝiue hure þe eorþe þat to hure biualþ & þanne [haþ] heo hure wil
Glad was þis monk þat he weste wat he ssolde do
Mid þis holy body þat þere lay & wat heo het also
& gret ioye he hadde of þe miracle þo he gan þe writ rede
Þat twelf monþe heo hadde ded ileie as þis holi writ sede
Þat he[o] anon as he[o] was ihouseled biȝende þe flum Iordan
Deide þere in wildernesse þat so uer was fram man
And þat he[o] ȝeode biuore hure deþ in þe stonde of a day
As muche as he in twenti dawes þere as he[o] ded lay
And [hou] hure put miȝte be[o] maked gret care wiþ alle he hadde
For þe eorþe was hard & he was old & none spade he nadde
Ac naþeles a staf he vond þat sserp was atte ende
Þer wiþ he dalf ac lite he miȝte þe eorþe þer wiþ wende
For he was feble of fastynge & of trauail also
Þo sei he a lion þis bodi licke & al þer aboute go
Sore was þis monk adrad þo he sei þis best gon
And for Marie him sede er þat he[o] ne sei þer neuere non
And for it was a steorne best he blessede him for doute
Þe lion wiþ heued & wiþ body gan to him aloute
Þo was þis monk hardi anon to þis lion he sede
For þou ert fram God isend com help me to þis dede
Þat þis put were wel ymad þo þe lion hurde þis


Mildeliche þis put he ssrapede euene & noȝt amis
For acordaunt of þis holy body in lengþe & eche in brede
Euene he formede þisne put wiþoute eny misdede
Þo þis put was ymad þis monk and þis lion
Mildeliche nome þis holy body & leide it þeron adoun
Hi nadde noȝt waron hure wynde bote a pece þer was bileued
Of þe wede ware wiþ heo hadde hure deorne limes biweued
Þer wiþ hi helede wat hi miȝte & caste eorþe hure aboue
Þis holyman & þis best & burede hure wiþ gret loue
Þo þat þis holy body ibured was þis lion ȝeode is wey
And þis monk wel mildeliche aȝen to is abbey
His breþeren he tolde clanliche al þat he vond oute
And let write þis holy womman lif and despupli al aboute
Þus seinte Marie Egiptiake out of hure fol dede
Turnde to heue[n]riche blisse þoru penance þat he[o] gan lede

De sancto Alphego

Seinte Alphege þe martir þat godman was inou
Ibore he was in Engelonde and to holy lif drou
He come of heiȝe cunne inou & eir he was also
Ac he vorsok is eritage sone so he com þerto
He tok him clanlich al to God to Deorhurst he gan go
A toun in Gloucestre ssire þat gret hous was þo
Of monekes & of godemen þat in holy lif were
Þis holyman seint Alphege monk bicom þere
Þer afterward seint Edward þat god was & wis
Ȝaf al þat þing of Deorherste into þe abbei of sein Denis
In þis hous of Deorherste seint Alfe monk bicom
He leornede þer is ordre and to gode liue him nom
Þo he hadde ibe[o] longe þer hit com him in wille
To wende in to somme stude þer he miȝte beo stille
He wende to þe toun of Baþe stilleliche al one
Þer he bileuede priueliche ac felawes nadde he none


As an ermite he was him sulf þat al þe worlde forsok
Suþþe as oure Louerd it wolde to him felawes he tok
An hous of blake monekes he bigan as is ȝute þere
Hym sulf he was abbot ferst of monkes þat þer were
A fondour he was of þulke hous þat hous ferst to rere
Holyman he was & wis his couent verst to lere
Erche bissop of Kanterburi sein Donston þo was
& seint Aþelwold bissop of Wynchestre as oure Louerd ȝaf þe cas
Þis bissop seint Aþelwold as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Sone of þis wrecche world to þe ioie of heuene wende
Among heiemen was speche inou wo ssolde bissop be[o]
Ac oure Louerd him biþoȝte wel þer of to bise[o]
For seint Andreu com a niȝt an eorþe to sein Donston
And oure Louerd him sende adoun aris up he sede anon
And nyme Alfe þe godeman þat abbot is of Baþe
And schere him & make him bissop of Wynchestre raþe
Þis holyman sein Donston sone gan vorþ wende
And hasteliche vaste inou to bringe þis dede to ende
So þat þis holyman bissop was ymad
Of Winchestre in þis manere as seint Andreu him bad
Seint Alphege was bissop þer twenti ȝer & two
Ar oure Louerd hit biseye þat he were herre ido
For sein Donston was longe ded & after him oþer þre[o]
Erche bissop of Kanterburi ar oure Louerd it wolde bise[o]
Ac þo nolde oure Louerd no leng þat hit bileued were
Seint Alphe was þo ymad erche bissop þere
For ichose he was of al þat lond & of þe pope also
And suþþe of þe pope of Rome isacred he was þerto
Erche bissop he was ymaked a þousond ȝer riȝt
And sixe after þat oure Louerd inis moder was aliȝt


And erchebissop of Kanterburi six ȝer he was & more
No tonge ne may telle al is wisdom ne his lore
So þat in þe seueþe ȝer þat he þuder com
Þe luþer prince of Denmarch gret poer wiþ him nom
And wende hom her into Engelond as hi dude er ilome
For Deneis and men of Engelond selde beoþ ysome
Þo þis luþer prince & is men to Englonde come
Hy barnde & robbede al to gronde & heiemen nome
Þe king Aþeldred was þo king of Engelonde
So simple he was & so milde þat he nolde aȝen him stonde
He was seint Edwardes broþer þat is moder wiþ outrage
Let martri for is loue to wynne him þe heritage
And he was ek seint Edwardes fader þat king was suþþe also
Þat at Westmustre was ibured & in ssrine ido
Þe king Aþeldred was so milde and so hard lif nom
Vor is broþer was aslawe for is kynedom
Þat he ne tok bote lite ȝeme of þe worles prute
Þei me sede him of eny werre he tolde þerof lute
Of bataile he nolde noþing do bote huld him euere stille
Þeruore hadde þe Denys into Engelond hore wille
Kyrkel was þe prince ihote þat was þo of Deneis
Hider he com wel sturneliche and broȝte lite peis
Ouer al ware he wende aboute he broȝte al to ssame
His broþer was maister of is ost Edrik was is name
He let is broþer Edrik to Kanterburi vare
And sle and robby þat hy fonde & þe stretes make bare
Ac þe men of Kanterburi somdel were iware
So þat up is owe heued hy broȝte þe meste care
Hi cudde þat hi were of herte & slowe him anon
And to gronde slowe ek al is men þat hi miȝte ofgon
So þat to Kirkel þe prince þe tiþinge sone com
Þat is broþer was aslawe gret deol to him [he] nom


Þo Kanterburi he wende anon & bisette þene toun faste
Þe toun [men] þei hi hardi were somdel were agaste
So þat Kirkil þe luþer prince wan hom attelaste
Hore gynnes and hore stre[n]gþe also sone bineþe he caste
To noȝt he brende al þen toun & to gronde þat folk slou
Þe erche bissop seint Alphe sori was inou
He wende him forþ wel baldeliche in oure Louerdes name
And bad for þe selymen þat me broȝte to ssame
And propherede is owe lyf forto ȝiue for hore
Þo þis luþer [men] him hadde inome ioiuol hi were þeruore
Hy nome verst þis holyman & suþþe slou to gronde
His monkes & is oþer men alle þat hy fonde
Þe ministre also of Kanterburi hi robbede attelaste
And suþþe hi nome þis holyman & bond him vaste
And ladde him to Grenewich & þere hi hulde him longe
Half a ȝer and somdel more in prison swuþe stronge
Þreo mile it is bi este Londone þe toun of Grenewich
So longe he lay in prison þer þat he nas noman illich
As þis holyman in prison lay as he lange hadde ido
Þe Fri niȝt in þe Ester wike þe deuel com him two
Alphe he sede wel þe be[o] to þe ich am iwend
An angel ich am of heuene fram oure Louerd isend
He nis noȝt ipaid he sende þe word þat þou in prison be[o]
Ac forto saui Engelond he wole þat þou fle[o]
For holiore þanne seinte Peter þou ne derst þe make noȝt
Þat wende out of prison as þe angel him hadde ibroȝt
And sein Poul bi an cupe wende adoun also
Bi a walle þo þe Giwes to deþe him wolde do
& oure Louerd wende ek out of þe temple in hudels alone
To fleo þe deþ þo þe Giwes hene him wolde wiþ stone


Holiore þanne oure Louerd sulf inot ware þou wost be[o]
Þeruore as he þe send word hanne þou most fle[o]
Þis holyman iluued him & þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
And wiþ him out of prisone al biniȝte wende
So þat þe deuel him ladde uorþ ouer mani a foul slade
Ouer water and ouer oþer þat al he was biwade
Ouer dich and ouer heg and ouer many a voul slo
He harlede þis holyman þat wel feble was þerto
Ac it nas noȝt þe verste schame þat he haþ men ido
Nou sorwe & sor him be[o] next fram toppe to þe ho
And as wide him worþe wo as þe sonne ssineþ aday
And ich bidde ȝou for my loue ne seggeþ neuer on nay
He harlede uorþ þis selyman & mid sorwe aboute drou
Attelaste he let him stonde in a grislich water inou
He wende forþ adeuelwei me nuste war he bicom
Nou ssame habbe such a ledere þat eny godman forþ nom
Þo þe godman it vnderȝet þat it þe deuel was
He made sor & deol inou þat hit non ende nas
He wende deope into þe water Louerd he sede alas
Þat me ssolde in min olde lyue valle so ssenfol cas
Louerd wi hastou me forsake more nou þanne biuore
Þat ich ssel here al one be[o] in min olde lyf forlore
Þis stronge [water] me is biuore and þe gaihol bihinde
And derkhede me is al aboute þat i ne can no wei finde
And he þat is maister of derkhede me haþ here ibroȝt
Haue merci of me mi swete Louerd for i necan me helpe noȝt
Þe deol þat seint Alphe made no tonge telle ne may
[Ac] oure Louerd þoȝte on him ȝute ar it were day
For an angel to him com in oure Louerdes name
Þou fol he sede wy wenstou [] mid him þat doþ þe ssame
Þat haþ iheued to þe envie suþþe þou were ibore
And nouþe he þe haþ a ssame ido as he þoȝte longe biuore


Ok he naþ þe noȝt one of prison ibroȝt
Ac haþ þe eke bitraid wiþoute þat þou ne canst þe helpe noȝt
To prison go anon aȝen & neuere eft out ne fle[o]
For þou sselt for þe loue of God to morwe imartred be[o]
Þis godeman riȝt as it was day toward prison drou
His wardeins him hadde er imist & sori were inou
And hadde isoȝt him ver & ner & suþþe þo he hom com
Hom nas noþing to biseche to bringe him hard dom
For ȝute al to is oþer wo hi leide him to gronde
And on is feble body made mony harde wonde
To prison him bere aȝen þo he nemiȝte him sulf noȝt go
And ȝute þere hi dude him more ssame for al is oþer wo
For a gret smoke hy made him þere of stinkinge þinge
And fondede mid al hore miȝte in angwise him bringe
Al þulke day & þulke niȝt in such angwise he lay
Forte day amorwe as in þe Saterday
As it fel in þe Ester wike þer com sein Donston
Fram heuene to þis holyman & grette him uair anon
Alphe he sede oure swete Louerd þe sende gretinge by me
And seiþ þat a noble croune he haþ ȝare to þe
Beo studeuast for þis o day ssel be[o] þi day of pine
And suþþe anoþer wiþ ioie inou ssel laste wiþoute fine
As þis tweie holyemen togadere þus speke
Þe bendes ware wiþ he was ibonde to noȝt anon tobreke
An[d] is wonden hole were him ne bileuede noȝt on
His wardeins þo hi seie þis dradde hom sore echon
Hit was sone wide couþ þat folk faste inou
Forto se[o] þis miracle touward þe prison drou
Þo þe maistres iseie þat folk so faste þuder eorne
Hi doutede hom þat gret poer aȝen hom wolde turne
And nameliche of hore owe felawes þat iseie þis aboute
And þat þe Englisse were so aboue þat was hore meste doute


Hy nome him out of prisone and ladde him toward is deþe
Ac so feble were is fet forbonde þat he miȝte stonde vnneþe
Þere fore hi caste him up a best & þoru out þe toun him ladde
Þe pouere men iseie þis loude hi wope & gradde
For deol of so god holyman þat so villiche ssolde deiȝe
Þer was into al þe toun aboute mony a weping eiȝe
Hi ladde him forþ wiþoute þe toun & dude him ssame inou
And hende him wiþ harde stones as me seinte Steuene slou
And þo he wa[s] al atte deþe and almest ymartred so
On þat was is god sone more ssame him wolde do
He smot him wiþ an ax in þe heued to gronde
Þat he bileuede anon þe lif & deide in a stonde
And in þis manere ymartred was in oure Louerdes name
For þe loue of Engelond þat me broȝte so to ssame
Þo nolde noȝt þe luþer men þat bodi bileue byhinde
Ac caste it deop in a water for me nessolde it noȝt fynde
Ac godemen come & soȝte him suþþe aboue & eke at gronde
So þat as oure Louerd it wolde attelaste hi him fonde
Þo chidde hi wiþ þe luþer men & gret contek aros
Ac anon so þe ssrewen þis iseie somdel hom agros
And sede þat he was luþer man no worse ne miȝte be[o]
And þat me ssolde of hore strif þat soþe amorwe ise[o]
Iseo ȝe quaþ on þis olde sticke þat ne ssel neuere iþe[o]
For it is formowed & forolded of a ssrewe tre[o]
Sette we it her in þisse eorþe and ȝif it is to morwe grene
We wolleþ luue is holinesse for it worþ þanne isene
And we wolleþ þanne granti ȝou to burie it fair & stille


And ȝif it nis noȝt granteþ us to do þerwiþ oure wille
Herto hy ensenteþ alle and sette þis olde bou
Hy fonde it amorwe ileued vair & grene inou
Anon so þis luþer men þis fair miracle yseie
Hy volle adoun and cride [o]n God wiþ wel wepinge eiȝe
Hi custe þis holy bodi and repentede hore misdede
And grantede wiþ gret honur þat bodi to eorþe lede
Þe miracles come anon for him so aperte & fair inou
Þat al þe contreie wide aboute to þis holy bodi drou
Gret desir þer was inou wo miȝte habbe þe grace
Forto habbe þe holy cors to lede out of þe place
Atte laste þe Londreis of mest poer were
And speke so wiþ þe Deneis þat þe body forþ hi bere
To sein Poul is ministre and faire it burede þere
Wiþ noble procession hi ne sparede for no fere
Þere it lay mony o day forte suþþe atte fine
Þat it was ilad to Kanterburi & ileid in noble ssrine
Alle þe luþer Deneis þat ne luuede on him noȝt
After the bou gan to springe ne turnde hore þoȝt
Al hi deide in stronge deþe for somme bicome wode
And somme deide verlich as hi upriȝt stode
And somme bicome cancre frete & somme hom sulue slowe
And somme adreinte in þe se & elles ware ynowe
So þat it was so ysene þat hi hym slowe wiþ wowe
For þer nas non so queynte of hom þat þe beuerege bilowe
Nou bidde we oure louerd seint Alphe þat þus broȝte is lyf to ende
Þat we mote þoru is bone to þe ioie of heuene wende

De sancto Gorgio

Sein Gorge þe holy man as we vindeþ iwrite
In þe lond of Capadose ybore was and biȝute
Þe false godes he forsok & tok to Cristendom


And louede wel Iesu Crist and holyman bicom
Dacian þe luþer prince þat was þulke stounde
Alle Cristene men þat he vond he let bringe to gronde
As he honurede a day is false godes and oþer manion
Sein Gorge com & sai it al as he com þeruorþ gon
Þe signe he made of þe crois & blessede him al aboute
& armede him þoru þe Holi Gost wiþinne & eke wiþoute
& wende him forþ wel baldeliche & loude he gan to grede
To Dacian and alle his and þeos wordes sede
Alle false godes beoþ deueles chikene iwis
For oure Louerd heuene made & in þe sauter iwrite is
Þo Dacian hurde þis he grennede & femede vaste
And lourede wiþ luþer semlant and þeos wordes out caste
Bel amy wat ertou þat so fol ert and bold
Þat in oure poer & in oure godes such wordes hast itold
Þat ne destou us noȝt one ssame a[s] we alle iseoþ
Ac oure godes ek wanne þou seist þat hi deuelen beoþ
Tel me sone wanne þou ert & wat is þi name
Þat derst us segge & oure godes so baldeliche such ssame
Gorge ich hatte quaþ þis oþer Cristen man ich am
And of þe lond of Capadose hider to ȝou ich cam
Bel amy quaþ Dacian turn þi þoȝt anon
And honure here oure godes oþer it ssel anoþer gon
Be[o] stille þou fol quaþ sein Gorge for þou spext embe noȝt
For ich habbe in Iesu Crist byset al mi þoȝt
A traitor quaþ þis Dacian woltou take on so
Þou sselt in oþer ribaudie sone dayes beo ido
He let him honge up anhei in a maner rode
And þerto him binde faste naked mid ropes stronge & gode


Wiþ kene oules þere bineþe tormentors þer stode
And al todrowe his holy limes þat hi ronne ablode
Al hi todrowe is tendre vleiss þe peces folle to gronde
Bernynge eoly suþþe hy nome and caste inis wonde
Þo hi hadde him þus todrawe longe þat ruþe it was to se[o]
Hy biþoȝte him of more ssame & nome hi doun of þe tre[o]
Wiþ harde scorges leide him on and wonde up oþer made
To þe bare bon þe scorges come as þe oules hadde er iwade
Þe wonden hi nome & sulte suþþe & þat salt þicke caste
And suþþe wiþ a clout of here hi rodde it wel vaste
A Louerd muche was þe pine þat ech up oþer was þere
Ruþe it was such pine to se[o] wo so of ruþe were
And euere lai þis holyman as him noþing nere
To sulte so þat quike uleiss and robby wiþ an here
Þo Dacian isey þat he nemiȝte ouercome him so
He let binde þis holyman and in strong prison do
Þer he lay al longe niȝt to oþer wowe inowe
Þe tormentors amorwe touore Dacian him drowe
Hi fondede þo in eche manere ȝif hi miȝte turne is þoȝt
Ac hi seie þo wel echone þat it was al for noȝt
Dacian let make a weol of bras so strong so he miȝte
And ssarpe swerdes þicke aboute þeron faste he piȝte
And let nyme þis holyman & þere aboue him do
Þat þe swerdes ssolde is body rente & todrawe ato
Anon so hi þis holiman aboute þis weol broȝte
Þat weol tobrak as God it wolde & to brusede it al to noȝte
So þat þis holyman harmles þer of was
Wel wroþ was Dacian so he sei þis cas
A forneis he let nyme of bras & fulde it fol of led
A strang fur he let makie inou as he nom sone is red
Þo þis was al ymult and boilede wel uaste


He let nyme þis holyman and amidde caste
Sein Gorge nom up is hond & þe crois biuore him made
And in wellinde led wel baldeliche gan wade
Þer on he sat wel softe adoun as him noþing nere
And lenede him to þe brerde stille as he aslepe were
And lay as he in reste were forte þat led attelaste
Was al into þe cold iturnd þat boillede er so uaste
Louerd muche was þi miȝte as me miȝte þer ise[o]
Þat enyman in welde led so miȝte harmles be[o]
Þo Dacian þis isei is wit him was nei bynome
Mahon he sede hou geþ þis war is þi miȝte bicome
Wanne i ne may þis foule þeof ouercome in none wise
Ich ssel bynime him sone is lif ne ssel he neuere arise
His dom he gan to ȝiue anon þat hi sein Gorge nome
And drou him out þoru al þe toun forte hi wiþoute come
And þat hi smite of wiþoute toun is heued attelaste
And is body þere in som voul place to wilde bestes caste
Þo þis dom was þus iȝiue it nas noȝt ilete
Hi lete drawe þis holyman wel villiche þoru þe strete
Forte hi come wiþoute toun þer hi wolde is heued of smite
Hore arme hi drowe uorþ and wette it kene to bite
Leue breþeren quaþ sein Gorge an stonde abideþ ȝute
Forte ich habbe to Iesu Crist my preiere ido a lite
His honden he huld up anhei adoun he sat akne[o]
Louerd he sede Iesu Crist þat al þing miȝte ise[o]
Grante me ȝif it is þi wille þat wo so in faire manere
Halt wel mi day in Aueril for mi loue an eorþe here
Þat þer ne valle in þulke hous no qualm in al þe ȝere
Ne gret siknesse ne honger strang þat þer of ne be[o] no fere
And wo in peril of þe se to me bit is bone
Oþer in oþer stude perilous help him þerof sone
Þo hurde hy a uois of heuene þat to him sede iwis
Come uorþ to me my blessed child þi bone ihurd is


Þo is heued was of ysmite as al þat folk ysey
Angles nome is holy soule and bar up to heuene anhey
Þer he is in grete ioye þat last wiþoute ende
Nou God for sein Gorges loue us lete al þuder wende

De sancto Marco

Sein Mark þe holy gospellar wide wende alon[de]
Forto prechi Cristendom þoru oure Louerdes sonde
He prechede longe in Egipt and suþþe atte ende
Into þe lond of Alisandre þanne he gan wende
Þo he com into Alysandre is on nywe sso
Wiþoute hurtynge of eny þing bigan to berste ato
Þo was þis godeman adrad longe he stod in þoȝt
Nou is he sede my porpos & my wey to ende ibroȝt
Ȝif it my Louerdes wille be[o] þat me wole þene deþ sende
Prest ich am to auonge is wille & woder so he wole to wende
Forþ he wende to a soutare ȝif he is sso make miȝte
Þe soutare atte veorste stiche wel vuel is hond priȝte
Sori he was & wroþ anon for him smerte swuþe sore
Sein Mark bigan to prechi him & prechede of Godes lore
And bad him to biluue on God and Cristendom auonge
And he wolde hele is hond þat ipriȝt was so stronge
Sein Mark wiþ is spotele watte a lite eorþe in þe gronde
Þer wiþ he smurede is sore hond & he bicom hol & sonde
Þe soutare anon and alle his and ech þat in þe stret com
Gonne to biluue on Iesu Crist and auonge Cristendom
Sein Mark ȝeode wide alonde to prechi Godes lawe
Þe prince of þe lond it vnderȝet & þoȝte him do of dawe
He let him seche into al þat lond & þo he was yfonde
He let him drawe þoru al þe toun to an hors is tail ybonde


Forte hi to þe prison come hi caste him þer inne anon
Ouer al is fleiss todrawe was to þe bare bon
Ouer al þere as me him drou þe mossels leie wel grete
Al blody were ek of is blod þe stones in þe strete
A niȝt as he in prison lay oure Louerd to him com
In þe forme þat he was an eorþe þe he mankunde nom
Marke he sede be[o] wel glad ȝarke þe wel blyue
For þi name is iwrite in þe boc of eche lyue
Þou sselt to morwe for my loue soffri deþ wel stronge
And suþþe myne riche of heuene wiþoute ende auonge
Sein Mark þonkede oure Louerd ȝerne as he inis bede lay
Amorwe þe prince him up vette anon so it was day
He let nime a strang rop & aboute is swere binde
And teie him suþþe to a wild horse to þe tail byhinde
He let him drawe þoru al þe toun þat lime fram oþer wende
He moste nede holde to þe grace þat God him hadde ysende
Þis was in þe monþe of Aueril vaste me ssolde is eue
Ac for þe heie feste of Ester me it deþ bileue
His day me fast þoru al þe lond ac for him nis it noȝt
Ac for honur of þe baners þat worþ þanne ferst out ibroȝt
And for feste of Letanie þat biuore May
Holy Churche halt eche ȝer a sein Markes day

Letania maior de rogacionibus

Letanie is a song as ȝe moweþ ofte ise[o]
To bidde ech halwe after oþer oure help forto be[o]
As me deþ a sein Markes day a lite biuore þe masse
Nou is þer double Letanie þe more & eke þe lasse
Þe more is a sein Markes day wanne þe baners beoþ out ido


Wy[þ] procession biuore þe masse & hy songe þe Letanie also
And vasteþ Cristene men ac for sein Markes loue noȝt
Ac for þe Letanie & baners þat beoþ þanne out ibroȝt
And noȝt as seiþ many fol þat sein Mark framward is
To faste is day & noȝt is eue for þat is iseid amis
Suþþe þe lasse Letanie þe Gangdawes icluped beoþ
Wanne me aboute veldes goþ wiþ baners as ȝe seoþ
Þreo dauwes and fasteþ ek þat me clupeþ þe Rouysons
Ac þe oþer is þe more icluped for þreo enchesons
Uor he was of a grettore man and in a more stude also
And for grettore neode verst iuonde and in þe ordinal ydo
Þe pope Grigori it byuond as me bad him ilome
In þe hexte stude of þe world for atte court of Rome
Þe encheson was ek gret inou for bi þulke daye
Men of Rome faste hore Leinte oure Louerd forto paye
Ac anon so Ester was icome hi turnde to glotonie
And frete and dronke sorwe inou and lyuede in lecherie
Oure Louerd nom eche ȝer þulke tyme þer of wreche inou
And uerlich in stronge deþe muche of þat folk slou
And somme as hi wende aboute ower in felde oþer in mede
Somme atte mete & somme in pley volle adoun standede
And alle þat euere deide so bi costome gonne deie
Galpinge alle oþer fneosynge as al þat folk yseie
Þere uore wanne men galpede þo hi blessede hom anon
Þeruore we makeþ oure uastynge þe nexte day of echon
Þat comeþ after Ester and biuore neuere mo
As a sein Markes day þat yconfermed was þo

Letania minor

Þe feste of þe Rouysons þe lasse Letanie is
For a lasse man it byuond & in lasse stude iwis


For a bissop louwore þanne þe pope hom made verst forþ go
In þe cite of Vienne þat lasse is þanne Rome also
Þe encheson ware uore Holy Churche halt nou boþe to
Þe vastynge of þe Rouisons & of sein Markes dai also
Þat is for þe frut an eorþe þat God let it wel sprynge
And god weder ȝiue þerto & to oure vode forþ it bringe
Þanne me makeþ processions wiþ baners arered
Þat is as oure Louerdes ost to make þe deuel aferd
Þe baners þat me berþ biuore bitokneþ victorie
Þat oure Louerd is al aboue & ywonne haþ þe maistrie
Þe dragon þat me bereþ bihinde bitokneþ oure luþer fo
Þe deuel þat is bihinde ibroȝt & worþ euere mo
So mote it bi him euere be[o] ne be[o] he neuere aboue
Nou swete Iesus it grante us for is moder loue
Þat we holde so þis procession & þe vastinge wiþoute sunne
Þat frut an eorþe come wel vorþ to helpe of mankunne
Þe feste of Holy Þoresday & eke of Wit Soneday
In þe gospelles wo so lokeþ þere he it finde may
For it nis no neod wanne hi beoþ þere to sette is here also
Forto sette is here & eke þere hit nere noȝt wel ido

De sancto Petro predicatore

Sein Peres þe frere prechor in þe cite of Veronie
Ibore was of misbileuede men þat were al in heresie
In is ȝonghede þat child biþoȝte þat hi biluuede amis
Þere fore wel ȝong he bicom frere prechour iwis
Frere prechor he was þritti ȝer ar he ymartred were
He prechede aȝen heresie he ne sparede for no fere
As prior þe ordre of frere prechors at Rome longe he weste
Þe pope him louede swuþe wel & swuþe wel to him triste
Me tolde þe pope þat þe men of Lombardie were
Ibroȝt in strong heresie & me moste hom bet lere


Þe pope þisne holiman sein Peres þuder sende
Þat he þis luþer menne þoȝt to gode bileue wende
Þo þis godeman þuder com he prechede swuþe vaste
And wiþ is resons muche del hor misbileue adoun caste
He ne sparede for no drede þat he nolde þe riȝte wey gon
Wanne he hurde of eny misbiluued he soȝte hom out anon
He harlede hom so wiþ is resons þat hy ne dorste nouwer aroute
For ssame & for hi hadde also of þe pope gret doute
So þat hi were niȝt & day in gret conseil aboute
Forto sle þis holyman þat so stranglich hom gan houte
After þis prechinge on of hom into a wode him teiȝte
Þo he com þuder þer com on and [mid] a swerd him reiȝte
Anouwarde þe heued & clef adoun þat brain deop & wide
Wiþ a long knif he smot him ek þoru out eiþer side
So þat for oure riȝte bileue is owe lif he ȝaf þere
To holde up þe riȝtes of Holi Churche & þe foles forto lere
Þis gode man sede at is deþ mid word and mid þoȝt
Ich biteche Louerd þe my soule þat deore me hast aboȝt
Ich byluue on God Fader Almiȝti þat heuene & eorþe wroȝte
Fader & Sone & Holi Gost þat us deore aboȝte
Mid þis word he ȝaf þe gost þat to heuene wende
God wite wanne hi þat him slowe hore lif wolde amende
Þo he was to churche ibroȝt as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Alle þe lampen of þe churche þoru liȝt of heuene tende
Al bi hom sulue as God it wolde þat al þat folk yseie
Þat in Godes seruise þis holyman vor luþermen gan deiȝe
Atte endinge of Aueril he þolede martirdom
God us bringe to þulke ioie þat is soule to com


De sancto Philippo

Sein Phelip and sein Iacob apostles were tweie
Þe verste day þat comeþ in May deþ hi þolede beie
After oure Louerdes passion in þe twentiþe ȝere
Sein Phelip prechede in Sithie men þat vuel were
Þis men nome sein Phelip and to hore maumet gonne lede
Sone so he byuore him com þis maumet gan to grede
Vur he bleu out of is mouþ þer wiþ he broȝte of dawe
Þe princes sone of þe lond & tweie constables of þe lawe
And alle þe men þat were þer ney swuþe gret vuel nome
Somme were in þe dropesie and somme musels bicome
Muche was þe reuþe into al þe lond of þis misauenture
Wolle ȝe quaþ sein Phelip þo mi conseil ihure
And ichelle þoru Godes grace hele ȝou euerichon
Glad was þat folk of þis word grantede is wille anon
Bereþ he sede þis foule wi[ȝt] þat ȝe habbeþ to ibede
And nimeþ þe figure of þe crois [ &] setteþ inis stude
Þat folk was glad of þe biheste ac ar þare were inowe
A rode hi sette up anhei & þe maumet al todrowe
Sein Phelip þoru oure Louerdes grace drof out touore hore eiȝe
A grislich deuel out þerof þat hi alle iseie
Þo þe rode was up iset & þe maumet ibroȝt to gronde
Al þe sike þat were þer ney bicome hol and sonde
And þe þreo men þat were aslawe aȝen to liue come
Muche was þe ioie into al þe lond þat men þerof nome
Hy auonge Cristendom and honurede þe rode
And biluuede on him þat þer uppon for us ssadde is blode
Þoru uertu of þis faire miracle muchedel of þe londe
Bigan to auonge Cristendom & þe bileue vnderstonde
After þe wissinge of sein Phelip hi gonne al hore lif lede
For prophecie & riȝtwisnesse hi heolde al þat he sede
Þo sein Phelip was six[ti] ȝer & seuene & twenti old
Inis bedde he deide al in pes as þe boc us haþ itold
Gret deol made þe volk þo wel vaire me him nom


And broȝte him an eorþe wiþ gret honur as to such man bicom

De sancto Iacobo

Sein Iacob was oure Louerdes kun oure Leuedi soster sone
Telle ichelle somwat of þe kunne nou it comþ in mone
Seint Anne oure Leuedi moder hosebondes hadde þre
Ioachym & Cleophas þe þridde het Salome
Heo hadde euerich after oþer for iwedded heo was þrie
Bi ech of hom he[o] hadde a doȝter and euerich het Marie
Ioachim doȝter was eoldest of þe þre[o]
Iwedded was to Iosep and Marie Cleophe
Þat was Cleophas is doȝter & midmost ibore
Iwedded was to Aphei þat was hure louerd ycore
Ac þe ȝengoste of alle þreo Marie Salome
To a godman iwedded was ycluped was Zebede
By him he hadde sein Ion þe gospellare and sein Iame in Galis
And breþere were beye to soþ ich segge iwis
Þe ȝongoste soster Marie Salome
Hadde tweie holy sones by hure louerd Zebede
Sein Ieme þe holyman and sein Ion þe Wuangelist
Þat was alle berne best mid oure Louerd Iesu Crist
Þe eoldeste soster of alle þre[o] oure Leuedi swete & milde
Ber oure Louerd Iesu Crist best of alle childe
So þat he[o] þat eoldost was child nadd[e] bote on in fey
Þe middemoste hadde a god sone [] sein Ieme Alphei
Ac þe þridde hadde [four] sones [] ȝongost of alle þre[o]


Þis were oure Louerdes cosins as ȝe mowe here ise[o]
And alle bote Iosep one apostles were iwis
Telle ichelle of sein Iacop of wan þis chapitle is
Among men of Farise sein Iacop an eorþe com
Hom þoȝte þat he a mon was of gret wisdom
Þeruore þe prince of hom in an Ester day
Bad him prechi al þat folk aȝen Godes lay
Vp a laddre he sette him heie þat me him ssolde wide iseo
And hure þat is word þe bet ileoued ssolde be[o]
Þo he was an hei iset & al þat folk him aboute
He prechede hom of Godes sone he ne bileuede for no doute
Hou he hadde iþoled deþ and hou in þulke daye
Fram deþe to lyue he aros þe deuel to bitraye
And hou þe deuel us bynom þat us hadde in poer longe
And hou echman in þulke daye Godes fleiss scholde auonge
Hou geþ þis þe prince sede be[o] stille ich þe biseche
Ich bidde þe bilef þis foule þoȝt þat þou byginst to teche
Nay nay sede þis holyman i ne teche no folie
Ac ichelle bynyme ȝoure fole þoȝt to segge soþ & noȝt lie
Þe prince for wraþþe anon þe laddre gan doun veolle
As sein Iacop þer uppe was him forto quelle
Fram swuþe heiȝe he uel adoun ac þo he was aualle
Þat echmon wende he were ded he ros up among hom alle
And prechede as he dude er wiþ god herte inou
Þa folk him nom vaste anon and to þe prison him drou
Þer he was in bendes stronge fram þat was Esterday
Forte it com þer afterward þe ueorste day of May
Þo he out of prison com he bigan to prechi blyue
He ne bileuede for non eiȝe of deþ þe wile he was aliue
Mid a uoulares perche þat me teseþ upe cloþ
Ismite he was upe þe scolle þat þe brain out drof


His soule anon so he was ded to heuene gan wende
Þus sein Iacob þe holyman broȝte is lyf to ende
Apostel he was and eke martir faste me ssolde is eue
Ac for þe heie feste of Ester me it deþ bileue
Nou bidde we ȝerne sein Iacop & sein Phelip also
Þat oure soule mote forþ wiþ hare in þe ioie of heuene be[o] ido

[De sancto lingno]

Þe holy rode þe swete tre[o] riȝt is to habbe in munde
Þat haþ fram strange deþ ibroȝt to lyue al mankunde
Þoru þulke tre[o] we were forlore & ferst ibroȝt to gronde
And þoru [a treo] suþþe to lyue ibroȝt yherd be[o] þulke stonde
Al it com of one more þat us to deþe broȝte
And þat us broȝte to lyue aȝen þoru Iesus þat us boȝte
Of þe appel tre[o] þat oure vader þe luþer appel of nom
In þe manere þat ich wol nou telle þe swete rode com
Þo Adam oure verste uader þe sunne hadde ydo
Idriue was out of parais and Eue is wif also
After milce ȝeorne he cride þei it to late were
And biheste hadde of oure Louerd þo me drof him out þere
Þat wanne þe time were uolueold oure Louerd him wolde biþenche
And mid oile of milce smurie him & is sunne quenche
Gret hope hadde he to þis biheste Adam euere mo
In þe valeie of Ebron he liuede in teone and wo
Tweie sones he hadde suþþe Caim and Abel
Þe on slou þe oþer for envie as ȝe witeþ wel
Þo Caim hadde is broþer aslawe iflemd he was þeruore
Þo Adam isei þat he hadde boþe is sones forlore
He wep and made deol inou Louerd he sede þin ore
Ney womman ich habbe to muche ibe[o] inel come hure nei more


Þre[o] harmes ich habbe þoru hure iheued mi sulf ferst forlore
And nou my sones boþe alas & of al womman is more
Nolde þo Adam come nei is wif to hondred ȝer & more
For wo þat he hadde for hure & euere he liuede in sore
Suþþe he hadde toknyng of oure Louerd þat he ssolde to is wif wende
Ne derste he noȝt be[o] þer aȝen an sone he hadde atte nende
Suþþe he het is name nemne and suþþe he hadde mo
Al is lif þe selyman liuede in teone and wo
Þo he was of vif hondred ȝer & to & þritti old
Þe strengþe him failede of is lymes is bodi bicom al cold
He ne miȝte noȝt swinke aboute þe eorþe þe weodes up to drawe
Of is lif he was anuyd he wilnede be[o] of dawe
He sat and carede of is lyf he clupede is sone Seþ
Sone he sede ich am weri yliued ich wilny muche mi deþ
Þo ich was idriue of parays oure Louerd byhet me þere
To smure me wiþ þe oil of milce wanne it tyme were
So lange ich habbe abide þer after þat i nemay libbe namore
To [parais] þou most þer after go & bidde him milce & ore
Þe angel þou þare finde þat drof me out atte ȝete
Sey ich abide þulke biheste me þincþ it comþ wel late
And þat elde me haþ ouercome þat i nemay noȝt libbe longe
Bidde him þat ich deie mote and þe oil of milce auonge
I ne can nanne wei quaþ þis sone þuderward ich wene
Leue sone quaþ Adam þe wei is wel ysene
Wanne þou comst to þe ende of þis valeie a grene wey þou sselt wende
Þat riȝt euene estward geþ to parais last þe on ende
Þerbi wende þi moder & ich þo ich parais forlet
Euerich stude þat we on stepte forbarnde vnder oure vet


Ne miȝte þer neuere eft gras on growe & al þe oþer wei is grene
For þe voule sunne þat we dude oure stappes beoþ euere sene
Þer by wiþoute defaute to parais euene gon
Seþ nom is fader blessinge & wende him forþ anon
Þe stappes he uond forwelwed as is fader him sede
Þo he to þe ȝete com he ne derste go ner for drede
An angel com to þe ȝate and esste wat he soȝte
He sede þat to him an erande fram is fader he broȝte
Þat he was old & weri ilyued & þat him longede sore
After þe swete oil of milce for he nemiȝte libbe namore
Ȝe quaþ þe angel is he so he ne ssel þer of noȝt doute
Put in þi heued atte ȝate and stond þi sulf wiþoute
He putte in is heued as he bad and bihuld al aboute
So murie ne þoȝte him neuere in stude þei he stode him sulf wiþoute
So gret delit he hadde & ioie [of] þe foules murie song
Of þe swote mede also and of þe floures þer among
Of ech maner frut þat he sey þat smulde al so swote
Þat of eche maner vuel as him þoȝte a man miȝte habbe þerof bote
Him þoȝte ȝif he moste þere biholde in eny stonde
Euere mo he miȝte in ioie be[o] his limes hol and sonde
Amidde þe place þat was so fair he sei a uair welle
Of wan al þe wateres comþ an eorþe as þe boc us deþ telle
Ouer þe welle þer stod a tre[o] wiþ bowes brode and lere
Ac it ne bar noþer lef ne rinde as it forolded were
An addre it hadde biclupt aboute al naked wiþoute skynne
Þat was þe tre[o] & þe addre þat made Adam ferst do sunne
Efsone he biheld in atte ȝete þat tre[o] him þoȝte he sey
Fair ileued and ywoxe up to heuene anhey
A ȝong child he sey upe þe tre[o] in smale cloþes iwonde


Þe more of þe tre[o] him þoȝte tilde þoru out helle gronde
His broþer soule Abel ek him þoȝte in helle he sey
Þe angel him drof þo fram þe ȝet þat he nas namore þer ney
Þe child he sede þat þou iseie anouwarde þe tre[o]
Godes sone it was þat wol an eorþe for þi uader sunne be[o]
And þe oil of milce wiþ him bringe wanne þe time in eld is
And smurie þer wiþ & bringe of pine þi uader & alle his
Þe angel wende to þulke tre[o] an appel þer of he nom
And tok Seþ þerof þre[o] curnels þo he to him com
And bad him þulke curnels legge vnder is faderes tonge
And burie him wanne he were ded & loke wat þerof spronge
Seth wende aȝe as he com for þe wey was wel isene
For þe stappes were al forbarnd & þe oþer wey grene
Þo he was hom aȝen icome is fader he uond ded
Þe curnels he dude vnder is tonge as þe angel hadde ised
And suþþe he burede him as riȝt was in þe ualeie of Ebron
And ofswonk is mete he nuste no betere ywon
Wiþinne an vewe ȝer þer after þis curnels gonne to springe
Þre[o] faire ȝeorden þere woxe of vaire þoru alle þinge
Þo hy were ywoxe to þe lengþe of an elne ich wene
In þulke stat hy stode longe and eueremore grene
Forte Moyses þe prophete aboute ȝeode in þe londe
To lede þat fok of Irrael and he þe ȝerden sei stonde
Lo her he sede gret toknynge of þe Holy Trinite
Fader and Sone & Holy Gost of þis ȝeorden þre[o]
Op he is nom wiþ gret honur & in a uair cloþ is wonde
A swote smul þer com out of þat smulde into al þe londe
To confermy þe bet is lawe he bar hom vorþ inis hond
Ech sik man þat þerto hopede his hele anon he vond


To teche þe volk þe riȝte lawe þe ȝerden aboute he ber
And eke to hele sikemen to and fourti ȝer
Suþþe þo he deie ssolde þe ȝerden he sette er
Vnder þe hul of Tabour and deide him sulf þer
Þere stode þis ȝeorden grene mo þanne a þousond ȝer
For[te] sein Dauit þe kyng þat was of so gret poer
So þat he was þoru þe Holy Gost yhote forto hie
To þe hul of Tabor in þe lond of Arabie
Þat þulke ȝerden þre[o] vette and wiþ him nome
Nie dawes he was þuderward ar he þuder come
Wiþ gret honur he nom is up þo he þe ȝerden uonde
Þe swotnesse þat þerof com velde al þe londe
Wiþ gret melodie of is harpe sein Daui þe ȝerden nom
And to Ierusalem ladde is hom þe niþe day hom he com
In a deorne stude he is sette for it was in þe euenynge
Forte amorwe þat he iseie woder he miȝte is bringe
Amorwe þo he com þerto to one hy were alle ycome
And ymored so uaste also þat hy nemiȝte awey [beo] bynome
Þat alle þre[o] bicome to on wat bitokneþ þis
Bote Vader and Sone & Holy Gost al o God it is
Sein Dauit aboute þis holy ȝeorde a strong wal let rere
And nome gode ȝeme ho longe hy woxe fram ȝere to ȝere
Wiþ a cercle of seluer he bond ech ȝer is stude þere
Þat he miȝte attelaste iwite hou hold þat tre[o] were
So þat wiþinne þritti ȝer þis tre[o] wax wel heie
Ac it ne wax nanmore þer afterward as hi weste bi þe selueren beye
Ac euere mo þere afterward vaire it stod
Sein Dauit it honurede wel for he weste it was god
Þo sein Dauit hadde ido þe sunne of lecherie


And manslaȝt þo he let sle for is owe wif Vrie
And oure Louerd nom þerof wreche gret swuþe sori he bicom
His penance he dude vnder þis tre[o] þat he þereuore nom
Þere he makede ek þane sauter is sunne forto bete
Þe watloker it him was forȝiue for þe holy tre[o] so swete
Þo bigan he ek for is sunne þe holy temple to rere
Swuþe noble in Ierusalem ac he deide in þe vourteþe ȝere
Þe king Salamon is sone þat king was suþþe þere
After him þe temple bulde þat he ȝare were
To and þritti ȝer he was þere aboute & is fader fortene also
So þat it was sixe and fourti ȝer ar þat work were ido
Þo þe work was almest ido hom faillede a uair tre[o]
Þat holy tre[o] was fairost þo þat hi miȝte awer ise[o]
Salamon he let fulle & hewe as queinteliche as he miȝte
And let it mete & make more bi a uot þanne is riȝte
And broȝte it to is riȝte stude and lasi wolde it þer
Þo was [it] by a uot to ssort as euene as hy mete it er
Þe carpenters it lete adoun in strong wraþþe & grete
To noþing þat hi it broȝte to hi ne miȝte it make ymete
A brugge ouer an olde dich hy made it attelaste
Þo hy ne miȝte in þe temple to non oþer werk it caste
Þere ouer ȝeode many a man þe wile it þere lay
Nuste noȝt al wat it was þat defoulede it aday
Þe quene of Saba com þer uorþ & anon so he[o] it isey
Honourede it faire & sat akne[o] he[o] nolde come þer ney
By anoþer wey he[o] wende uorþ to Salamon he[o] com
And he[o] him hadde wide ysoȝt to leorny of him wisdom
Þoru grace þat oure Louerd hure ȝaf to Salamon he[o] sede
Þat þe tre[o] ne ssolde noȝt ligge þer ȝif he dude by hure rede


For þere ssolde ȝute a man deie on þulke tre[o]
Þoru wan al þe lawe of Giwes destrud ssolde be[o]
Salamon it let nyme sone and vnder eorþe it caste
Wel deope uer fram alle men and burede it swuþe uaste
So longe so it þer after were a uair welle þere sprong
And a uair water suþþe wiþ gret fiss boþe deop & long
Somme sike men þat þere come [] and hore vet wesse þere
Oþer honden oþer baþede al pur hol anon were
Þat water hi honurede muche and wolde þer inne wade
Ac hy nuste noþing of þe tre[o] þat al þe vertue made
Suþþe it was þer afterward longe þat oure Louerd an eorþe com
And þat folk byspeke is deþ and hore red þer of nom
Þat treo bigan to vleote anon as it oure Louerd is wille was
Þe Giwes come & fonde þis tre[o] vleotinge þere bicas
Hy nome it up for it was foul and ileye hadde þer longe
And made þer of þe holy rode oure Louerd on to honge
For þat treo was vil and old & to uyly oure Louerd also
And ȝute ham þoȝte þe tre[o] to uair þat he were þeron ido
Þe crois after oure Louerdes deþ vnder eorþe hy caste
Þere as hi him to deþe dude and burede it þere vaste
And boþe crois eke þere wiþ þat þe þeues honge on er
Þere hy leie as hi were ifonde more þanne to hondred ȝer
Þo Titus and Vaspasian Ierusalem nome
And destrude al þe Giwes þat neuer eft þer hi ne come
Al þat lond was ibroȝt in þe emperor is hond of Rome
And mid is men al biset to nyme þerto gome
Suþþe þer com an emperor þat het Adrian
Swuþe heþene & luþer ek and worrede ech Cristene man


He weste ware þe rode lay þat God was on ido
And þat Christenemen þen stude honurede wanne hi miȝte come þerto
He let a temple of maumetis [] in þulke stude arere
Þat me ne vond noþing to loute to bote maumetis þere
Wanne Cristene men miȝte þuder stele hy ne durste for doute
And eke aȝen hore heorte it was to eny maumet aloute
Hy bileuede also þulke stude & muchedel for fere
So þat wiþinne a uewe ȝer no Cristen man ne com þere
So þat þulke stude was forlete many a day
Þat no Cristene man ne pain nuste war þe rode lay

[De inuencione Sancte Creucis]

A noble emperor þer com suþþe þat het Constantin
In bataille he was so muche þat þer nas of no fin
Suþþe come is fon & wonne muchedel of is londe
He ȝarkede a day is ost aȝen hom forto stonde
As he touward bataile wende he bihuld up anhey
Hym þoȝte þat a uair crois up in heuene he sey
Lettres he sei þeron iwrite he is bigan to rede
Wiþ þeos signe þou sselt maister be[o] þulke lettres sede
Þe emperor þis vnderstod þei he heþene were
A crois he let make sone þat is men touore him bere
In stude of is baner to bataille he wende anon
And þoru uertu of þe holy crois he ouercom is fon
And þe maistrie wan of al is lond in a lite stonde þere
Muche afterward he þoȝte suþþe wat þulke signe were
Þe wisoste men of al is lond biuore him he let bringe
And enquerede of þe crois wat were þe toknynge
Hi sede þat at Ierusalem God was ido on rode
And þat þe Giwes hudde þulke crois as hi vnderstode
Wanne ich habbe þer þoru quaþ þe emperor my fon ibroȝt to gronde
Ne worþ ich neuere bliþe of herte ar þe holy crois be[o] fonde
Elyne þat is moder was to Ierusalem he sende
To seche after þe holi crois & he[o] gladliche forþ wende


Þo he[o] com þuder heo let crie as heo hadde hure red inome
Þat alle þe Giwes of þe cite biuore hure ssolde come
Þo þe Giwes ysomned were hy hadde ssortliche gret fere
Gret conseil hy nome þerof wat þe encheson were
Þo sede on þat het Iudas ich wene þat ich wot
Wat þis somonce amonte ssal ȝif þat ich telle mot
Ich wene þe quene enqueri wolle as he[o] haþ iþoȝt
After þe rode þat Iesu Crist to deþe was on ybroȝt
Þat non of ȝou ne be[o] so wod þat þerof iknowe be[o]
Ichelle ȝou telle in conseil þat my fader tolde me
Þo my vader Symeon inis deþ vuel lay
In conseil he was to me iknewe þo he þane deþ isay
Iudas he sede leue sone ȝif it bitideþ so
Þat me enqueri after þe rode þat Iesus was on ido
Loke þat þou be[o] iknewe þerof raþer þanne me þe quelle
Þat Zache my fader tolde me in conseil ichelle þe telle
He sede me a lite biuore is deþ þat he was atte dede
To burie in Caluari hul þe rode þoru comun rede
Leue fader [ich] sede þo wat eileþ ȝou alas
Wy wolde ȝe him to deþe do wanne þat he God was
He sede þoru me nas it noȝt ac for þat he wiþsede
Mine felawes of hore lawe hi him broȝte to dede
Suþþe hy broȝte him in sepulcre ac he aros to lyue
Fram deþe þe þridde day mid is wonden viue
Þane fortiþe day þer afterward to heuene he wende anhey
In þe lond of Galile as al þat folk ysey
Twelfmonþe it was þer afterward & half ȝer & more
Þat Steuene þat was my broþer prechede of is lore
Þe Giwes him ladde wiþoute toun & hende him wiþ stones
And to stronge deþe him broȝte inou & debrusede al is bones
Þe morwe after Midwinter day to deþe hi him broȝte


And nou he is in þe ioie of heuene þat he þo aboȝte
Þo Iudas hadde þis tale itold þe Giwes sede as hi stode
Telle ne hurde we neuere er þus muche of þe rode
Þo þe tyme was icome tofore þe quene hy come
Cheoseþ anon quaþ þe quene on of þeos tweie dome
Lyf and deþ ȝou is biuore cheseþ weþer ȝe wolle
Bote ȝe me vinde þe swete rode brenne echon ȝe ssolle
Greot fur he[o] let make touore hore alre eiȝe
Þe Giwes bigonne to crie loude þo hi þat fur yseye
Ȝyf enymon wot þer of hi sede þanne wot Iudas
For Zache is fader of gret poer was
Þulke tyme þat Iesus was on þe rode ydo
Þe quene let nyme þo Iudas & alle þe oþer let go
And bad him be[o] knewe anon he nolde for none þinge
Þe quene him let wel faste bynde and in strang prison bringe
Þere wiþoute mete & drinke seuedawes he lay
For honger he gan crie loude þe seueþe day
And sede bringeþ me of þis wo & ichelle ȝou lede
Þere ich wene þe rode be[o] as my fader me sede
Þo he out of prison com mid muche volk he wende
To þe place as þe rode was as is fader him kende
Þo he to þe place com he sat adoun akne[o]
Louerd he sede ȝif it is soþ þat þou man & God be[o]
And þat þou of Marie were ibore send us her þi grace
And toknynge þat we mote finde þe rode in þis place
Anon so Iudas hadde þis bone to oure Louerd ibede
Þe hul bigan to quake and out of one stude
Þer sprong out a smoke & wende anhei & muche place fulde
Swettore þing nemiȝte be[o] þanne þe smoke smulde
Þo Iudas þis isay loude he gan to crie
Iesus is sone [of] almiȝti God ibore of maide Marie
Wod is þat biluueþ oþer as ich habbe many o day
Take ichelle to Cristendom and forsake þe Giwes lay


He let him ssriue hasteliche & þo he issriue was
He let him nemne Quiriac þat er het Iudas
Þo nome hi spade & ssouele & ner þe place wende
Deope hy gonne to delue þer as þe smoke out wende
So þat hy fonde roden þre[o] þo hi hadde idolue longe
Oure Louerdes rode & oþer to þat þe þeues were on anhonge
Biside oure Louerd him to ssende þo nuste hi of þe þre[o]
Þe holi crois þat hi soȝte wuch it miȝte be[o]
And naþeles hy nome alle þre[o] & toward toune bere
To Eleyne þe gode quene wiþ wel glade chere
Bi þe wey atte heie non he gan aȝen hom bringe
A ded ȝonge man up a bere toward buringe
Curiac nom is owe rode and ef sone is oþer
And leide up þis dede man ac he ne aros for noþer
Hi leide þe þridde him upon and he aros wel blyue
And bigan to þonke Godes sone þat broȝte him fram deþe to lyue
Þo com þe deuel ȝollinge forþ loude he gan grede
Alas nou is mi miȝte ido euere mo he sede
Iesus Iesus wat þencstou al folk to þe lede
Þou hast here man in ward iȝiue þing þat ich mest ofdrede
Þoru wan ich was ferst ouercome & nou ich am al at gronde
Alas þulke sori wille þat he euere was ifonde
For inabbe poer non so gret an eorþe amang manne
Ȝif hi makeþ þe forme of þe crois þat i nemot anon þanne
Þer uore ichot þat echmon wole þat soþe ise[o]
Þat þe crois me haþ ouercome and al bileue me


Alas alas þis tyme nou ich worþ al forsake
Iudas Iudas wat was þe wi wostou þus ontake
Þoru on þat Iudas was ihote Iesus to deþe i[ch] broȝte
And þoru Iudas ich am ouercome & ibroȝt to noȝte
Me ne tit neuere eft strengþe non bote enyman wole wiþ wille
Serui me to paie is fleiss is soule forto spille
Wanne my stre[n]gþe me is bynome fondy ich mot mid gynne
And wiþ traison ȝif ich may enyman to me wynne
I ne may here no leng bileue for þis me þencheþ longe
For þe crois þat me is so ney in pine ich am wel stronge
Go hanne anon quaþ Iudas ne com her neuere eft more
Ifonde he is þe it late be[o] þat ouercomþ al þi lore
He þat here þis dede man fram deþe broȝte to lyue
Pulte þe wiþ is poer in to helle gronde blyue
Muche was þe ioie of þe crois þat men made þo þere
Wiþ gret song & procession [to] þe quene hi is bere
Iudas nom þo Cristendom & þo he ibaptized was
He let him nemne Curiac þat er her het Iudas
Þe quene of seluer & of gold a riche ssrine wroȝte
And of ȝymmes precious & þe rode þer on broȝte
Vpe þe hul of Caluari þere hi þe rode fonde
A noble churche he let rere ihered be[o] þulke stonde
Þo desirede þe quene muche after þe nailes þre[o]
Ware wiþ oure Louerd was ynailed to þe tre[o]
Quiriac þat het er Iudas wende to þe place
As þe crois ifonde was and bad oure Louerdes grace
Þat he ȝif is wille were þe þre[o] nailes him sende
Þe nailes wiþ gret liȝtinge out of þe eorþe wende
Quiriac þonkede oure Louerd Crist wiþ gret ioie he is nom
And tok is Eleine þe gode quene þo he to hure com


De sancto Quiriaco

Seyn Quiriak þat bissop was prechede Godes lawe
Iulian þe luþer emperor broȝte him suþþe of dawe
For þe swete rode þat he uond & for he men þerto drou
To biluue on Iesu Crist for he it held al wou
Sein Quiriak was þo biuore þe emperor ibroȝt
He het biluue in hore maumetes and he nolde noȝt
His riȝt hond he let smite of ferst ic do he sede þis
For þou hast ofte iwrite þer wiþ aȝen oure lawe iwis
Þou gidi hound quaþ sein Quiriak wel [hastou] do by me
Of a god [dede] þou were wel vnderstonde wel aȝte ich blessy þe
For þou bynome me þulke lyme þat me haueþ ofte to sunne idrawe
For ich habbe ofte iwrite þerwiþ aȝen Cristes lawe
Þe wile ich was a luþer Giu and on him biluuede noȝt
Þo þis emperor isei þat he nolde noȝt turne is þoȝt
He made him drinke led iweld & inis mouþ huld it þere
Euere sat þis godeman as him noþing nere
Op a gridil he leide him suþþe ouer a gret fur & strong
To rosty as me deþ veirss fleyss grece was þer among
For þat fur was al of fur & grece and salt was eke þerto
And of is fleiss þat was forbarnd þe wonden hi sulte also
Þo he nemiȝte þer wiþ turne is þoȝt ne to deþe him bringe
He þoȝte ȝif he miȝte him turne mid eny oþer þinge
Quiriak he sede biþench þe bet & do after mi lore
Ȝif þou nelt oure godes honure bote þou wolt do more
Seie þat þou nert Cristene noȝt and ichelle debonere be[o]
Þat murie lif þou sselt lede & þat þou sselt ise[o]
Þe godeman nolde do after him þo a caudron he let fulle


Wiþ seoþinge eoly uol inou & let hym þer inne pulle
Þer inne he seþ þe godeman forte he weri was
Þe godeman herede oure Louerd Crist & neuere þe worse him nas
So þat þe emperor isei þat he nemiȝte him ouercome
Wiþ a swerd he smot him þoru þe herte þo he was out inome
And is soule to heuene wende after þis tormentynge
God for loue of sein Quiriak to þulke ioie us bringe

Sein Brandan

Sein Brandan þe holyman was ȝend of Irlonde
Monk he was of hard lyf as ich vnderstonde
Of fastynge and penance inou and abbod he was þere
Of a þousond monkes þat alle vnder him were
So þat it fel in a day as oure Louerd is wille was
Þat Barint anoþer abbot to him com by cas
Sein Brandan him bysoȝte anon þat he ssolde him vnderstonde
And telle him of þat he sey aboute in oþer londe
Þis godeman þo he hurde þis sikinges made inowe
And bygan weope in gret þoȝt and fel adoun yswowe
Bitwene is armes sein Brandan þis holyman up nom
And custe and cride on him forte is wit aȝen com
Vader he sede por charite oþer red þou most take
Hider þou come for oure solas and noȝt such deol to make
Tel us wat þou hast iseie as þou hast aboute iwend
In þe muchel se of occean þat oure Louerd þe haþ isend
Nou is þe se of occean grettost and mest also
For he geþ aboute þe world & alle oþer goþ þerto
So þat Barint þis oldeman riȝt at is herte gronde
Al wepinge bigan to telle wat he hadde er iuonde
He sede ich hadde a god sone Mernok was is name
Monk he was as we beoþ and man of grete fame
So þat his heorte him ȝaf to wende to a priue stude & stille


Þer he miȝte alone be[o] to serui Godes wille
So þat by mi leue he wende and al one drou
To an ile þat is ver in þe se þat is delitable inou
By side þe monteyn of stones þat couþ is wel wide
So longe þat þis gode monk in þulke ile gan abide
Þat he hadde oþer monkes vnder him manyon
Anon so ich hurde telle þis þuder ward ich wende anon
So þat in auisions oure swete Louerd him kende
Þat aȝen me ar ich to him com þreo iorneis he wende
So þat [w]e dude us in a ssip and estward euere drowe
In þe se of occean wiþ tormens inowe
Toward þen est so ver we wende þat we come attelaste
In a stude swuþe derk and clouden vs ouercaste
Al an tide of þe day we were in derkhede
Attelaste oure swete Louerd forþore us gan lede
So þat we seie a nywe lond þuderward oure ssip drou
Briȝtore hit þoȝte þanne þe sonne ioie þer was inou
Of treon of erbes þicke it stod byset in eiþer side
Of preciouse stones ek þat briȝte ssineþ and wyde
Ech erbe was fol of floures ech treo vol of frut
Bote it were in heuene sulf nas neuere more dut
Þer inne wiþ ioie inou wel longe we gonne wende
Þei it us lite wile þoȝte we ne miȝte finde non ende
So þat we come to a water cler and briȝt inou
Þat euene framward þen est touward þe west drou
We stode and byhelde aboute for we nemiȝte noȝt ouer wende
Þer com to us a ȝong man swuþe uair and hende
He wolcomede us euerichon mildeliche and swete
And nemnede eueriche inis owe name & wel uaire gan us grete


And sede ȝe aȝte Iesu Crist wel faire þonke wiþ riȝte
Þat sseweþ ȝou of is priuete so muche and of is miȝte
Þis is þe lond þat he wole ȝute ar þe worles ende
His deorlinges an eorþe ȝiue & hider hi ssolleþ wende
Þis lond is half in þis side as ȝe seoþ wel wide
And biȝende þe water haluendel al bi þe oþer side
Þat water ne mowe [ȝ]e passi noȝt þat oþer del to se[o]
Her ȝe habbeþ al a ȝer meteles ibe[o]
Þat ȝe ne ete ne dronke noȝt ne slepe wiþ ȝoure eiȝe
Ne chele ne hete ne velde noȝt ne no niȝt ȝe ne seie
For þis is Godes priue stude and þoru him is al þis liȝt
Þereuore it worþ here euere day and neuere more niȝt
Ȝif man aȝen Godes heste nadde noþing misdo
Her inne hy hadde ȝute bileued & is ospryng also
Ȝe ne mowe her no leng bileue aȝen ȝe mote fare
Þei it þenche ȝou lite wile ȝe habbeþ ibeo here ȝare
So þat he broȝte us in oure ssip and wel uaire is leue nom
And þo we were hamward in þe se we nuste war he bicom
Aȝenward he wende aȝen oure wille it ofþoȝte us sore inou
Aȝen to þis oþer monekes þis ssip wel euene drou
Þis monekes ourne aȝen us þo hi us miȝte ise[o]
And sori were & wroþ inou þat we hadde so longe ibe[o]
[W]e sede hom þat we hadde ibeo wiþ gret ioie & feste
Biuore þe ȝetes of parais in þe lond of byeste
Þat oure swete Louerd haþ bihote hom þat he loueþ her
Þer is euere day and neuere niȝt and þe leom euere cler
Certes quaþ þis monkes wel we mowe ise[o]
By þe swete smul of ȝou þat ȝe habbeþ þere ibe[o]
Þo sein Brandan hurde þis he þoȝte & stod wel stille
He þoȝte fonde more her of ȝif it were Godes wille
He wende aboute is monekes & twelue out he nom
Þat he triste to mest of alle [] wanne eny neode him com


Þis twelue he nom in conseil and in priuete hom sede
Seggeþ wat ȝoure conseil is to do such a dede
Leue vader queþe þis oþere oure wille we habbeþ forsake
Oure vrendes and al oure oþer god and clanlich to þe itake
And al oure dede is on þe ȝif þou wolt þat it be[o]
We ssolleþ bluþeliche wiþ þe wende oure Louerdes grace to se[o]
So þat hi vaste fourti dawes & greot penance dude also
And bede ȝeorne oure Louerd grace þulke ueage to do
Hi lete hom make a gret schip and aboue it al bycaste
Wiþ bole huden strong inou inailled þerto vaste
And suþþe ipiched al aboue þat þe water in ne come
Hy wende to hore breþeren and hore leue wel uaire nome
And suþþe in oure Louerdes name to ssipe hy wende anon
Hore breþeren þat byhinde were sory were echon
And ȝute þo hy were in þe ssip after þer come to
And bede faste þat hy moste þane wey wiþ hom do
[Ȝ]e mowe wel quaþ sein Brandan ac ȝoure on ssel attenende
Repenti ar he come aȝen & al quik to helle wende
Vorþ wende þis holyman wuder oure Louerd him sende
And þis monkes þat come last also wiþ hom wende
In þe grete se of occean forþ hi rewe vaste
And triste al to oure Louerdes grace & noþing nere agaste
Þe seo drof hore ssip after wille þe wind was gret inou
As þe wind hom drof est norþ wel euene hore ssip drou
Euene aȝen þat þe sonne ariseþ a Mid Someres day
Þo nuste non of hom ware he was ne lond non nesay
Euene est norþ vourti dawes þe wind hom drof faste
So þat hy seie in þe norþ side a gret ile attelaste


Of harde roche & grete inou in þe se wel heie
Þreo dawes hy wende þere aboute ar hi miȝte come þere neye
A lite hauene hy uonde þo alonde hy wende þere
Hy wende alond as mased men hy nuste ware hy were
Þo com þer go a wel fair hound as it were hom to lere
At sein Brandanes vet it fel adoun & made hom faire chere
Beu frere quaþ sein Brandan ȝe ne dorre noþing drede
Ichot þis is a messager þane riȝte wei us to lede
Þis hound ladde þis holymen to an halle vair inou
Gret and stark and swuþe noble euene in he drou
Þis monkes fonde in þis halle bord and cloþ isprad
And bred & fiss þer uppe inou þer nas non þat nas glad
Hy sete adoun and ete vaste for hom luste wel þerto
Beddes hy seie al ȝare ymad ar ȝare soper were ydo
After soper to bedde hy wende to reste hom as þe wise
Þo hi hadde alle yslepe inou [sone hi] gonne arise
And wende to hore ssip as hy hadde er ybe[o]
And in þe se wel longe hi were a[r] hi miȝte lond ise[o]
Þo seie hy as by þe oþer side an ile vair inou
Grene and wiþ wel vair lese þuder ward hore ssip drou
Þo hy come in þis vaire londe & bihulde aboute wide
Þe vairoste ssep þat miȝte be[o] hy seie in eche side
A ssep was grettore þanne an oxe & wittore nemiȝte non be[o]
Gret ioie hi hadde in ȝare herte þat hy miȝte þis ssep ise[o]
Þo com þer go a wel uair man & grette hom wiþ faire chere
And sede ȝe beoþ here icome þer ȝe neuer er nere
Þis is icluped þe lond of ssep for ssep wel uaire her beoþ
Muchel and wite & gret inou as ȝe alday yseoþ
Fairore hi beoþ þanne ȝoure ssep & grettore vniliche


For muri weder here is inou and lese swuþe riche
Her nis neuere winter non ne non hey ifonde
Ac hy eteþ þe erbes nywe as hy springeþ of þe gronde
Ne me ne gadereþ noþing of hore milk þat hi ssolde þe worse be[o]
For þis þing and many oþere þe bet hy mote yþe[o]
To a stude ȝe ssolleþ henne wende þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þat is foules parais a wel ioyuol place
Þere ȝe ssolleþ þis Ester be[o] & þis Witesone tid also
Wendeþ forþ a Godes name þat þeos viage were ido
Sein Brandan and is breþeren to ssipe wende anon
And rewe forþ faste in þe se in tempest manyon
So þat hy seie in þe on side an yle grete inou
Hore ssip þoru oure Louerdes grace euene þuder drou
Þo it com almest þerto vpe roches it gan ride
Þat it nemiȝte to þe ile come ac bileuede biside
Þis monk wod up to þis ile ac sein Brandan noȝt
Þis monk gan make hore mete of þat hi hadde ibroȝt
Hy made hore vur & sode hore viss in a caudron vaste
Ar þis viss were isode inou hy were somdel agaste
For þo þis fur was þoru out hot þis ile quakede anon
And mid gret eir hupte al up þis monkes dradde echon
Hy bihelde hou þis ile in þe se wende vaste
And as quik þing up and doun & þat fur fram him caste
He swam mo þanne to mile þe wile þis fur ilaste
Þe monekes seie þat fur longe and were wel sore agaste
Hy cride ȝeorne on sein Brandan wat þat wonder were
Beoþ stille quaþ þis godeman for noȝt ȝe habbeþ fere
Ȝe weneþ þat it be[o] an ile ac ȝe þencheþ amys
Hit is a uisc of þis grete se þe grettoste þat þere is
Iascony he is icluped he vondeþ niȝt and day


To pulte is tail inis mouþ ac for gretnesse he ne may
[U]orþ hi rewe eft in þe se euene west wel uaste
Þreo dauwes ar hi seie lond hi were somdel agaste
Þo seie hi a wel uair lond of floures þicke inou
Wel glad hy were þo hy seie þat hore ssip þuder drou
In þis faire lond hi wende lengore þanne ich ȝou telle
So þat hi fonde in a place a swuþe nobele welle
Bi þe welle stod a treo brod and hey inou
Voules wite & fair inou so þicke were in ech bou
Þat vnneþe eny lef hy miȝte þer on yse[o]
Þat it was ioie & blisse inou to loke on þis tre[o]
Sein Brandan for ioie wep & sat adoun akne[o]
And bad oure Louerd ssewe him wat such cas miȝte be[o]
Þo vley þer up a lite voul & toward him gan te[o]
As a viþele is wyngen were þo he gan to fle[o]
Murgore [in]strument neuere [nas] þanne is wyngen were
He biheld sein Brandan wiþ wel vaire chere
Ich hote þe quaþ sein Brandan ȝif þou ert messager
Þat þou segge me wat þou ert & wat ȝe doþ her
Al þei it þoȝte aȝen cunde þis foul answerede anon
We were he sede som tyme was angles in heuene echon
Ac as sone as we were ymad oure maister was to prout
Lucyfer for is faire stude þat he uel sone out
And wiþ him also monyon euere as hore dede was
And we uolle also doun ac for no sunne it nas
Ac for no þing þat we encendede to is foule vnriȝt
Bote soulement forto ssewe oure swete Louerdes miȝt
Ne we ne beoþ her in pine non ac in ioie inou we beoþ
And somdel oure swete Louerd and is miȝte we yseoþ
And bi þe eorþe we fleoþ aboute and bi þe lift also
As a god angel is and luþer ek riȝt forto do


Þe gode forto do men god þe luþer luþer makeþ
And Soneday þat is day of reste such forme we takeþ
Þe fourme of suche wite voules as þou miȝt ise[o]
Honoureþ God þat us made here on þis brode tre[o]
Twelf monþe it is ypassed nou þat ȝe gonne ferst out wende
And al þis six ȝer ȝe ssolleþ uare ar ȝe bringge ȝoure wille to ende
For wanne ȝe habbeþ iwend þis seue ȝer our Louerd ȝou wol sende
A siȝt þat ȝe habbeþ longe isoȝt anon after seue ȝeres ende
Eche ȝer ȝe ssolleþ here wiþ ous holde ȝoure Ester feste
As ȝe nou doþ forte ȝe come to þe lond of byeste
Nou was it an Ester day þat al þis was ido
Þis foules nome hore leue of hom & to hore felawes wende so
Þis foules þo it tyme was bigonne hore euesong
Murgore song ne miȝte be[o] þei God sulf were among
Þe monkes wende to bedde & slepe þo hore soper was ido
And þo it was tyme of matyns hy arise þerto
Þis foules songe ek hore matyns wel riȝt þo it was tyme
And of þe sauter sede vers and suþþe al to prime
And vnderne suþþe & midday and afterward suþþe no[n]
And eche tyde songe of þe daye as Cristene men ssolde don
Þis monkes were in þat lond eiȝte wike also
Forte al þe feste of Ester was and of Witesontid also
Þo com atte Trinite þis godemon to hom þer
Þat spak wiþ hom in þe lond of ssep & ladde hom aboute er
He chargede hore ssip swuþe wel wiþ mete & drynke inou


And nom his leue wel hendeliche and aȝenward drou
Þo sein Brandan was in þe ssip and is breþeren also
Þis foules þat speke wiþ hom er wel sone come hom to
He sede ȝe habbeþ here wiþ us þis heie feste ibe[o]
Gret trauail ȝou is to comynge ar ȝe efsone lond ise[o]
Ȝe ssolleþ after seue monþes yse[o] a uair ile
Þat Abbey is ycluped þat is hanne mani a myle
Ȝe ssolleþ be[o] mid holymen þis Midwinter þere
Ȝoure Ester ȝe ssolleþ holde þere as ȝe dude to ȝere
Ope þe grete visses rugge þere as þi monkes were ifere
And ȝoure Ester wiþ us riȝt as ȝe nou were
Sein Brandan a Godes name and is breþeren echon
In þe grete se of occean forþ hom wende anon
Þe wind hom harlede up and doun in peril monyon
So weri hy were of hare lyue þat hy nuste woder gon
Four monþes hi wende in þe se in þis grete torment
Þat hy ne seie noþing bote þe se and þe firmament
Þo seie hi ver fram hom an ile as þei it were
Hy cride ȝeorne on Iesu þat hy moste ariue þere
Ȝute after þat sein Brandan ferst þis ile ysey
In þe se hy wende forty dawes ar hy miȝte come þer ney
Þat hom þoȝte hore lif was loþ þe monekes were agaste
Hi cride ȝeorne on Iesu Crist and is help bede vaste
A lite hauene swuþe streit hi fonde attelaste
Vnneþe hore ssip com þer in hore ancre þere hi caste
Þis monkes wende þer alond wel longe hom þoȝte er
Hy wende and bihelde al aboute wel murie hom þoȝte þer
So þat hy seie tweie uaire wellen þe on was swuþe cler
And þe oþer wori & þicke inou [þ]e monekes ȝeode ner
To drinke of þis faire welle sein Brandan it ysey
Wiþoute leue of oþer men ne come ȝe noȝt þer ney
Of olde men þat þer inne beoþ uor wiþ gode wille


Hy wolleþ party þer of wiþ ȝou þer uore beoþ ȝute stille
A uair old man & swuþe hor aȝen hom þer com gon
He wolcomede hom faire inou & sein Brandan custe anon
He nom and ladde him bi þe hond al by a uair wey
Aboute in many [o] stude and suþþe into an abbey
Sein Brandan biheld aboute and esste wat it were
And wat maner men were wiþinne & wo wonede þere
Stille him was þe oldeman and ne ȝef non answere
Þo seie hi come a uair couent a crois touore hom bere
Wiþ tapres in eiþer side monekes it were echon
Reuested in vaire copes aȝen hom hi come anon
Wiþ procession vaire inou þe abbot byhinde com
And faire custe sein Brandan & bi þe hond him nom
And ladde him and is monkes into a wel fair halle
And sette hom adon arenk and wess hore vet alle
Of þe wori welle he wess hore vet þat hy þer iseie
In þe freitor hi ladde hom suþþe & sette hom þer wel heie
Imedled wiþ is owe couent & þo hi were alle isete
Þer com on and seruede hom and broȝte hom alle to mete
A uair wiȝt lof he sette bitwene to and to
Wite moren as it were of erben biuore hom he sette also
Swettore þing ne miȝte be[o] hy ne knewe it noȝt on
Of þe cler welle þat hi seie þe monkes dronke echon
Beoþ nou glad þe abbot sede & drinkeþ nou inou
In charite of þulke water þat ȝe wolde er mid wou
Hit is betere idronke in charite wanne it is ȝou ibroȝt
Þanne þeofliche istole þanne ne helpeþ it ȝou noȝt
Þis bred of wan ȝe eteþ nou we nuteþ wanne it is
Ac a strong man it bringþ us echeday to oure celer iwis
We nuteþ noȝt bote upe God wanne it is ybroȝt


For wo douteþ Iesu Crist him ne ssel failly noȝt
Voure and twenti freres we beoþ her & wanne we beoþ isete
Twelf suche loues euerich day me bringþ us to mete
Atte feste of euerich holy day oþer wanne it Soneday is
Me bringþ us voure & twenti loues þat ech monk haþ his
Þat eche frere of þat he leueþ wite to is soper
For ȝou it is to day idoubled as ȝe seoþ nou her
For oure couent nis noȝt alle her for muchedel haþ vnȝete
So þat oure Louerd þoru is grace eche day sent mete
Suþþe sein Patrikes day [& seint Abbey] also
We habbeþ be[o] her voure score ȝer þat noman ne com us to
Euer eft oure Louerd þoru is grace yued us haueþ echon
Þis weder is euere murie her & siknesse nis þer non
And wanne we ssolleþ to oure seruise oure Louerd tent oure liȝt
And oure tapres ne beoþ no þe lasse þei hi berne day and niȝt
Hy rise up and to churche wende þo hi hadde iȝete
Twelue oþer freres atte quer hy mette toward þe mete
Hou is þis quaþ sein Brandan nere noȝt þeose mid us
Leoue vader þe abbot sede hit mot nede be[o] þus
Þere nolleþ bote voure & twenti monkes in oure freitor beo ido
And wanne ȝe were þere wiþ us hy nemiȝte noȝt also
Þe wile we syngeþ euesong hi wolleþ sitte & ete
Hore euesong hi wolleþ suþþe segge wanne hi habbeþ iȝete
Sein Brandan bihuld hore vaire weued it þoȝte him it was al


Weued and calis and crue[t]s pur cler cristal
Seue tapres in þe quer þer were and namo
And foure and twenti segen ek to wam hy ssolde go
For þere were voure & twenti monkes þat euerich hadde þis
And þe abbotes sege was amidde þe quer iwis
Sein Brandan esste þe abbot þo seie me leue broþer
Hou holde ȝe so wel cilence þat non ne spekeþ wiþ oþer
Oure Louerd it wot þe abbot sede we habbeþ her ibe[o]
Vour score ȝer in suche lyue as þou miȝt her ise[o]
And þare nas neuere ȝute amang us alle yspeke in none wise
Ar þis time non oþer word bote oure Louerdes seruise
Ne we nere neuer eft in feblesse ne sik of us noȝt on
Þo sein Brandan hurde þis he wep for ioye anon
Leue fader he sede for Godes loue mote we bileue here
Þou wost wel sire quaþ þis oþer [] ȝe ne mowe in none manere
Naþ oure Louerd issowed wel al þat þou sselt do
And come ȝute to Irlonde aȝen & þi twelf breþeren also
And fram þe to þe ile of ancres þe þritteþe ssel wende
And þe fourteþe to helle al quik & be[o] þere wiþoute ende
Þo com þere a vury arwe at a fenestre anon
As he fram heuene come and þe tapres tende echon
Aȝenward as he com at þulke fenestre þere
[Þ]is tapres barnde longe inou & neuere þe lasse nere
Louerd Crist quaþ sein Brandan ich wondri in my þoȝt
Hou þis tapers berneþ þus and ne waneþ noȝt
Nastou noȝt quaþ þe abbot in þe olde lawe ifonde
Hou Moyses sei a þorn berne fram toppe to þe gronde
Þe swuþþore þat þis þorn barnde þe grenor þe leues were
Ne wenstou noȝt þat oure Louerd be[o] as miȝti here as þere


Þis monekes were togadere þus forte Midwinter was ido
Hit was after Twelfþeday ar hi departede atwo
And to seint Hillare day sein Brandan forþ wende
Wiþ is monkes in þe se þoru grace þat God hom sende
Hi rewe up and doun in sorwe inou þe se hom caste heie
Fram þulke time forte uer in Leinte no lond hi ne seie
So þat aboute Palme Soneday hy bihulde aboute vaste
Hom þoȝte hy seie ver fram hom as a cloude attelaste
Þe monkes wondrede þerof wat þis cloude were
Beoþ stille quaþ sein Brandan ar þis ȝe habbeþ ibe[o] þere
Þere is oure gode procuratour þat muche god us haþ ido
In þe uoulen parais and in þe lond of ssep also
So þat hore ssip attelaste toward þis ile drou
A Schereþoresday hy come þuder wiþ trauail & sorwe inou
Þis procuratour com aȝen hom glad & wolcomede hom anon
And custe sein Brandanes vet and þe monekes echon
And sette hom suþþe to þe soper for þe dai it wolde so
And suþþe he woiss hore alre vet hore mande to do
Al hore mande hy hulde þere and þere hi gonne bileue
A Gode Friday alday forte an Ester eue
An Ester eue hore procurator bad ham hore ssip take
And þe holy Resurexion of þe visses rug make
And after þe Resurexion he het hom euene te[o]
To þe foulen parais as hi hadde er ybe[o]
Þis holymen wende uorþ and Godes grace nome
So þat to þe grete viss wel sone suþþe hi come
As a lond þar hi houede hor caudron hy fonde þere
As hi leuede uppon is rug of þan oþer ȝere
Louerd Crist þat such a best houi ssolde so stille
And soffri men þer uppe gon and don al hore wille
Þe monekes upe þe visses rug bileuede al longe niȝt
And songe matyns and euesong & suþþe þo it was liȝt


Anouward is rug hy songe hore massen euerichon
And euere was þis muchel best stille so eni ston
As þis Resurexion wiþ gret honour was ido
And þis monkes hadde isonge ȝar massen also
Aboute vnderne of þe daye hore wei to ssipe [hi] nome
And to foulen parais þulke day hy come
Anon so voules iseie him come hi gonne synge imone
Aȝen hom wiþ gret melodie as it were for þe none
And þulke þat spak wiþ hom er aȝen hom sone drou
Þe soun of is wynges murie was he wolcomede [hom] uair inou
Ȝe aȝte he sede oure Louerd Crist honuri mid þe beste
He porueiþ ȝou þis vour studes to habbe in ȝoure reste
Wiþ ȝoure gode procuratour ȝoure mande to do
And suþþe ȝoure Resurexion ope þe visses rug also
And wiþ us here þis eiȝte wike forte Wite Soneday
And fram Mid Winter to Candelmasse in þe ile of Albay
And in þe grete se of occean in gret trauail ȝe ssolleþ wende
And in pine al þe oþer time forte þe seue ȝeres ende
And suþþe þe lond of bieste God wole þat ȝe yse[o]
And þerinne in ioie ynou fourti dawes be[o]
And to þe contreie þat ȝe beoþ of suþþe ȝe scholleþ wende
Al eseliche wiþoute anuy and þere ȝoure lyf ende
Þis holymen bileuede þer forte þe Trinite
Hore procurator com to hom þat was er in gret plente
He broȝte hom mete & drynke inou as he hadde er ido
And chargede hore ssip þer wiþ and let hom wende so
Þis holymen hom wende forþ as God hom wolde sende
For Godes grace was wiþ hom þe bet hy miȝte wende
As hy wende uppon a tyme in gret tempest inou
A gret fiss hi seie and grislich þat after hore ssip drou


Bernynge vom of is mouþ and of is nose he caste
He wolchede after [as] an hous and porsude faste
Þe water was herre þanne hore ssyp byuore him at eche blaste
Wiþ is bresten so uaste he ssef þe monekes were agaste
And cride ȝerne on Iesu Crist and sein Brandan also
After þat ssip so uaste he ssef þat he com almest þerto
As he hom hadde almest oftake & hy ne tolde noȝt of hare lyue
Anoþer uyss out of þe west þer com s[w]ymmynge blyue
And encontrede þis luþer uyss and smot to him uaste
And forclef is foule bouk in þre[o] partis attelaste
And þane wey as he com er wel euene forþ he drou
Þis monkes þonkede Iesu Crist and were ioyuol inou
So longe wende þis selymen in þe se aboute so
Þat hy were afingred sore hore mete was al ido
Þo com þer vle[o] a lite fowel and broȝte a gret bou
Fol of grapes swuþe rede and wel euene to hom drou
Þis grapes he tok sein Brandan þis godeman somdel lou
Þerby he lyuede fortene niȝt and hadde alle mete inou
Þo þis grapes were alle ido and [hi] were afingred sore
Bi þe on side he sei an ile and mete þer inne more
Þe ile was fol of faire treon and so uol euerich bou
Of suche grapes as hy hadde er þat to þe gronde it drou
Sein Brandan wende up of is ssip þis grapes he nom uaste
And bar ham to is ssip þat forti dawes ilaste
Sone þer after com a grip fle[o] uaste in þe se
And asailede hom uaste and hore ssip & fonded hom to sle
Þis monkes cride deoluoliche and ne tolde noȝt of hore lyue
Þo seie hy come a lite uowel toward hom wel bliue
Þat in foulen parais so ofte hom hadde irad


Þo sein Brandan isei him come he nas noȝt a lite glad
Þis lite fowel smot to þe grip and nom is dunt wel heie
Þe ferste dunt þat he him ȝaf he smot out eiþer eiȝe
Þis luþer best so he slou þat he uel into þe se
Þing þat God wol habbe ywest ne ssel noþing sle
Þis holymen wende in þe se aboute here and þere
And in on of þe vour studes in reste euere hi were
A tyme a seinte Petres day gret feste wiþ hore tonge
In þe se hy made of seinte Peter and hore seruise songe
Hy come in a stude of þe se so cler þe se hy uonde
Þat hy seie þer on bi eche half clerlich to þe gronde
Hom þoȝte þe grond iheled was wiþ viss at one hepe
Þat me ne sei non oþer grond bote as hi were aslepe
Þe monekes bede sein Brandan þat he softe speke
Þat he ne weiȝte noȝt þe uyss leste hi hore ssip breke
Wat beoþ ȝe quaþ sein Brandan war of be[o] ȝe ofdrad
Vpe þe maistres rug of alle visses ȝe habbeþ imad ȝou glad
And anoward is rug fur ymad & doþ fram ȝere to ȝere
Þis holyman þe loddore song for þe none as it were
Þis visses sturte up wiþ hore song as hi awoke of slepe
And flote al aboute þe ssip as it were at an hepe
So þicke hi flote aboute bi eche half þat non oþer water me ne sei
And bysette þis ssip al aboute ac hy ne come noȝt þer ney
So þicke hi were aboute þis ssip & siwede it euere so
Þe wile þe holyman is masse song forte he was al ido
And þo þe masse was al ido ech wende inis ende
Muche wonder me may ise[o] wo so wole aboute wende
Þe wind was strong and stif ynou & drof þe ssip wel uaste
As uer as hy were seueniȝt and þe cler se ilaste
Þat hy seie in þe se as clerlich as hy ssolde alonde
Gret wonder hadde þe godeman & þonkede Godes sonde


Þo com a souþerne wind þat norþ ward hom nom uaste
Riȝt euene norþ hi nuste woder þat eiȝte dawes laste
Þo seie hi uer in þe norþ a lond derk inou
Smokie as it smiþes were þuderward hore ssip drou
Þo hurde hy of bulies [] gret blowinge þere
And gret betinge of noise inou as it þonder were
So þat sein Brandan sore agaste he blessede him wel uaste
Þo com þer out a luþer wiȝt wel grislich attelaste
Þoru swart & bernynge al up hom is eiȝene caste
And turnde him in anon aȝen þis monkes were agaste
Þis luþer þing made a cry þat me miȝte ihure wide
Þo come þere suche ssrewen mo wel þicke bi eche side
Wiþ tongen & wiþ hameres bernynge monyon
To þe brymme hy orne of þe se after þis ssip echon
Þo hy nemiȝte come no ner hi gonne to ȝelle uaste
And hore oules al bernynge after þis monk hy caste
Þat me nemiȝte noþing bote fur yseo ne hure
Þe se as it fel adoun þoȝte ek al afure
Euerich caste uppon oþere þis oules al an hei
Aboute þe ssip eke in þe se ac þere ne com non ney
Attelaste hy turnde hom aȝen þo hy ne spedde noȝt þere
And al þat lond þoȝte of hom ek as it afure were
And þe se þere aboute barnde and smokede uaste
Strong was þe stench & þe smoke & wel longe laste
Þo þe monekes were so uer þat hi nemiȝte ise[o] namore
Hore ȝollynde ȝute hi hurde þe ssrewen wope so sore
Hou þincþ ȝou quaþ sein Brandan was þis a murie pas
We ne wilneþ come here namore an end of helle it was
And þe deuel[en] hopede wel of us habbe iheued a god cas
And ihered be[o] Iesu Crist hi caste ambes as


Þe souþerne wind laste ȝute & drof hom euere uorþ
So þat hi seie anne hul wel uer in þe norþ
Cloudy and bernynge smoke gret stench was þere
Þe lye of þe uur stod up anhey as it a wal were
Ȝif þer was muche wo in þan oþer þer was þere wel more
On of is monkes bigan þo to weope & ȝolle sore
For is tyme was þo icome þat he nemiȝte no leng abide
He hupte him up amidde þe se out of þe ssip biside
And orn him faste uppon þis water toward þis grislich fure
He cride and ȝal deoluoliche þat deol it was to hure
Alas he sede mi wrecche lyf for nou ich iseo myn ende
Wyþ ȝou ich habbe in ioie ibe[o] & i nemay noȝt wiþ ȝou wende
Acorsed be[o] þat me bar & þe time þat ich was ibore
And þe uader þat me biȝat for ich am nou forlore
Aȝen him þe deuelen come anon & nome þe wrecche uaste
And defoulede him stronge inou & amidde þe fur him caste
Þo fond he þat sein Brandan sede þo he out wende
Hym failede grace hou so it was his lyf forto amende
So stronge barnde þis montaine þat noþing hi ne seie
Þe ȝute hi were ver þer fram bote fur and leie
Þo turnde þe wind into þe norþ & souþward hom drof uaste
In þulke side strong inou seueniȝt þe wind laste
So longe hi wende euene souþ þat hi seie atte nende
An harde roche in þe se and þe se þere ouer wende
Þer ouer þe se caste ilome & ofte he was al bar
Þo hi come þe roche ner of oþere hi were iwar
Anouwarde hy seie sitte wanne þe se wiþdrou
A wrecche gost hi seie sitte naked & miseise inou
Aboue him was a cloþ iteyd mid tweie tounge uaste
Þe neþer ende tilde to is chinne ouer al þe wynd it caste


And wanne þe water him wiþdrou þat cloþ þat heng heiȝe
Bet as þe wynd it bleu þe wrecche amidde þe eiȝe
Þe wawes beteþ eke of þe se biuore and byhinde
Wrecchedore gost þanne he was ne dorste noman finde
Sein Brandan him bad a Godes name to telle him wat he were
And wat he hadde God misdo & wy he sete þere
Icham he sede a deoluol gost þe wrecche Iudas
Þat for panes oure Louerd solde and an eorþe mid him was
Þis nis noȝt my riȝte stude ac oure Louerd deþ me grace
To habbe here my parais as ȝe seoþ in þis place
For no godnesse þat ich habbe ido bote oure Louerdes milce & ore
For i ne miȝte so muche pine habbe þat y nabbe serued more
For in þe bernynge hul þat eche of ȝou isay
Mi riȝte is to beo & brenne þere inne niȝt & day
Þere ich was þis oþer day þo ȝoure broþer þuder com
And was into pine ilad & wel sone hadde is dom
Þere uore helle was þo glad inou þat he made þe grete lie
For ioie þat he was icome þat ȝe so uer iseye
So he deþ wanne eny soule ferst is þuder icome
Þoru oure Louerdes heie milce ich am hanne nou inome
For ich am here eche Soneday & þe Saterdaies eue
Forte it be[o] þane Soneday eue here ich ssel bileue
And at Midwinter ek forte Twelfþeday be[o] ido
And fram bigynnynge ek of Ester forte Witesoneday also
At oure Leuedi festen ek for fol of milce he[o] is
And alle þe oþer tyme of þe ȝere in helle ich am iwis
Wiþ Pilatus and Erodes Anne and Caifas
Bote ich may acorse þe time þat ich ibore was
Ac ich bidde ȝou for þe loue of God þat ȝe fondi in alle wise


Þat ich bileue here alniȝt forte þe sonne arise
And þat ȝe wite me fram þe deuelen þat comeþ sone after me
Sein Brandan sede þoru Godes grace we ssolleþ ssulde þe
Tel me nou wat is þat cloþ þat so heie hongeþ þar
Þo ich was an eorþe quaþ Iudas & oure Louerdes panes bar
Þis cloþ ich ȝaf a musel and for myn owene it nas noȝt
Ac it was mid oure Louerd is panes & mid oure breþeren iboȝt
And for ich it ȝaf for Godes loue nou it is me biuore
For me ne ssel noȝt for him do þat ssel beo forlore
And for it was of oþer mannes as min inwit vnderstod
Hit deþ me þei it honge here more harm þane god
For it bet in myn eiȝne sore and deþ me harm inou
Her me may ise[o] wuch it is to ȝiue of oþer mannes mid wou
As wolleþ many riche men mid vnriȝt alday take
Of pore men here and þer and almesse suþþe make
Þat hi doþ for Godes loue ne ssel noȝt be[o] forȝute
Ac to pine it ssel hom turne as hi ssolle þanne iwite
Þe tongen also quaþ Iudas þat ȝe seoþ honge an hey
Prestes ich is ȝaf an eorþe & þere fore here hi beoþ by
For clanlich me ssel ech þing finde þat me deþ for is loue
Þe ston up wan ich sitte þat makeþ me sitte aboue
In a wei ich him uond ligge þer no neod nas to ston
Ich caste him in a deop dich þat me miȝte þer ouer gon
Vewe god dede ich habbe ido of wan ich may telle
Ac non so lite þat i ne finde here oþer in helle
Þo it was eue þane Soneday þe deuelen come blaste
To lede to helle þis sely gost hi cride & ȝolle uaste
Wend henne hy sede þou Godes man þou nast noȝt here to done
Lete us habbe oure felawe & to helle him lede sone
For we ne dorre noȝt oure maister ise[o] ar we him habbe ibroȝt
Wend fram him for it is tyme and ne lette us noȝt


I ne lette ȝou noȝt quaþ sein Brandan ne wite ȝou noȝt her
Ac deþ oure Louerd Iesu Crist þat is of more poer
Hou dorstou þe deuelen sede byuore him nemne is name
Ne bitraide he him and solde ek to deþe wiþ gret ssame
Sein Brandan sede inis name ich hote ȝou as ich may
Þat ȝe ne touche [him] noȝt toniȝt ar to morwe day
Grislich þe deuelen ȝolle þo & aȝenward gonne vle[o]
Iudas þonkede piteisliche þat deol it was to se[o]
Amorwe so sone so it was day þe deuelen come blaste
Grisliche hi ȝolle & cride also and chidde also uaste
Awey hy seide þou Godes man acorsed be[o] þe stonde
Þat þou come here ower aboute & þat we þe here fonde
Oure maister us haþ itormented grislich allonge niȝt
And strong inou for we ne broȝte wiþ us þis luþer wiȝt
Ac we wolleþ us wel awreke up him sulue it ssel go
For we ssolleþ þis six dawes þeruore doubli is wo
Þis wrecche gost quakede þo þat reuþe it is to telle
Þe deuelen nome him wel grimliche & bere him forþ to helle
Ac sein Brandan hom forbeod in oure Louerdes name
Þat he nadde for þulke niȝt neuere þe more ssame
Sein Brandan and is monkes in þe se uorþ wende
Ȝute þre[o] dawes euene souþ a[s] oure Louerd hom sende
Þe ueorþe day hy seie an ile al by souþe an hei
Sein Brandan siȝte sore þo he þis ile isey
Poul he sede þe ermite is in þe ile þat ich ise[o]
Þere he haþ wiþoute mete fourti ȝer ibe[o]
Þo hi come to þis ile in hi wende echon
Þis ermite þat was so old aȝen hom com anon
His her to is fet tilde of berd & of heued
And helede al aboute is bodi þer nas bar noȝt bileued
Non oþer cloþes nadde he on his limes were al hore
Sein Brandan him biheld and bigan to siche sore
Alas he sede ich habbe so ȝare in stude of monk ibe[o]


And in liue of angel a man ich ise[o]
Beo stille quaþ þis ermite God deþ wel bet bi þe
For he ssoweþ þe more þanne eny oþer of is priuete
For a monk [lyueþ] bi þe swinche of is owe honde
And þoru oure Louerdes grace þou liuest & þoru is sonde
And in þe abbei of sein Patrik monk ich was iwis
And of is churchei a wardein þere is pultatorie is
A day þer com a man to me ich esste wat he were
Icham he sede þin abbot of me naue þou no fere
No noþer man þanne sein Patrik min abbot nis [ich] sede
No ich it am quaþ þis oþer þe ne dar of me noȝt drede
To morwe aris sone dayes to þe se þou most wende
A ssip þou sselt finde ȝare as oure Louerd þe wole sende
Do þe forþ in þulke ssipe in þe se wel wide
And it wole lede þe in stude þare þu sselt abide
Sone morwe [ich] aros to don þis holy bone
Forþ [ich] wende to þe se þe ssip [ich] uond wel sone
Mid me ich let þe ssip iworþe wel euene forþ it wende
Þe seueþeday into þis ile oure swete Louerd me sende
Anon so ich was out of þe ssip þe wei aȝen it nom
As euene as it miȝte drawe riȝt as it hider com
Elinge ich ȝeode here al one & confort nadde non
So þat upe þe hinder vet an oter þer com gon
Mid is forþer vet he broȝte a fur ire & a ston
For to smite me fur þerwiþ and of fiss god won
Þis oter wende anon aȝen ich made fur wel uaste
And seþ viss a Godes name þat þre[o] dawes it laste
So þat euere þe þridde day þis oter to me drou
And broȝte me mete þat ich hadde þre[o] dawes on inou
Water of þis harde stone þoru oure Louerdes sonde
Þere sprong out euerich Soneday to drynke & wasse myn honde
Þo ich hadde þer þritti ȝer in þisse liue ibe[o]
Þis welle him gan uerst to ssewe þat þou miȝt here ise[o]


Bi þis welle ich habbe iliued forti ȝer nou non
And fifti ȝer ich was old þo ich gan hider gon
So þat of an hondred ȝer & twenti þerto
Bi þis tyme ich am nou old oure Louerd is wille do
And mi deþ ich abide her wanne God it me wole sende
Wanne God wolle þat ich come to him & of þis worle wende
Ac nym wiþ þe of þis water wat þu hast nede to
And wende forþ faste in þe se for þi wey nis noȝt ido
For þou sselt in þe se fourti dawes fare
And þanne þou sselt þin Ester holde as þou hast ido ȝare
And þanne þou sselt wende uorþ to þe lond of biheste
And þare þou sselt forti dawes bileue atte meste
And to þin owene lond aȝen þou sselt wende so
Þis godemen wiþ deol inou departede þus ato
Þis holyman him wende uorþ in þe se wel uaste
Fourti dawes euene souþ þe wile Leinte ilaste
To ȝare prokereatour an Ester eue hi come
Wiþ ham he made ioie inou as he dude er ilome
He ladde ham to þis grete viss þuder hi come an eue
Þis Ester niȝt forte amorwe þat hi gonne bileue
Þere hi songe ȝare matyns and ȝare masse also
Þis viss bigan to meue him þo þis masse was ido
And bar þis monkes forþ wiþ him & swam forþ wel uaste
In þe grete se wel grisliche þis monkes were agaste
A wonder þing it was to mete wo so it hadde iseie
A so gret best aboute wende as al a contreie
To þe foulen parais þis monkes he ladde echon
And sette ham up þer hol & sond & wende aȝen anon
Þo þis monkes þuder come wel ioyuol hy were
Forte after þe Trinite hi bileuede al stille þere
For ȝare procuratour bi þulke time broȝte ȝam mete inou
As he hadde er ofte ido and into ȝare ssip it drou
And wende forþ mid ȝam wuder oure Louerd sende


Riȝt toward þan est euene forti dawes hi wende
Þo þis forty dawes were ido [] it bigan to hauly vaste
A wel derk mist þer com also þat wel longe ilaste
[Beoþ] glad [quaþ] þis procuratour and makeþ grete feste
For ichot ȝe beoþ nou ney þe lond of byheste
[Þo] hi come out of þis derke mist & miȝte aboute ise[o]
Vnder þe uairoste lond hy were þat miȝte an eorþe be[o]
So cler and so liȝt it was þat ioie þer was inou
Treon þat were fol of frut wel þicke euerich bou
Þicke it was biset of treon and þe treon þicke were
Þe applen were al ripe inou riȝt as it haruest were
Forti dawes in þis lond aboute hi gonne wende
Hy nemiȝte finde in non half of þis lond non ende
Hit was euere more day hy ne fonde neuere niȝt
Hy ne wende vinde in no stude so muche clerte ne liȝt
Þe eir was euere in o stat noþer hot ne cold
Bote þe ioie þat hi fonde ne may neuere be[o] told
So þat hi come to a uair water hi nolde noȝt ouer wende
Ac ouer hi miȝte þat lond ise[o] fair wiþoute ende
Þo com to ȝam a ȝonglichman swuþe uair & hende
Fairor non nemiȝte be[o] as oure Louerd hym gan sende
He wolcomede euerich bi is name & custe ȝam echon
And honurede uaire sein Brandan and nom his hond anon
Lo he sede her is þat lond þat ȝe habbeþ isoȝt wide
And lengore hadde ac oure Louerd wolde þat ȝe ssolde abide
For ȝe ssolde in þis grete se is priuetes ise[o]
Chargeþ ȝoure ssyp wiþ þis frut for ȝe ne mowe leng her be[o]
For þou most to þin owene lond aȝenward anon wende
For þou sselt sone of þis worle þis lif is ney þen ende


Þis water þat here ȝe seoþ delþ þe lond ato
Þis half ȝou þingþ faire inou & aȝend half it is also
Aȝend half ne mowe ȝe come noȝt for it nis noȝt riȝt
Þis frut is euere liche ripe and þis lond liche liȝt
And wanne oure Louerd ech manere men to him haþ idrawe
And ech maner men knoweþ him & beoþ under is lawe
Þis lond he wole þanne ssewe toward þe worles ende
Hom þat beoþ him next icore ar hy hanne wende
Sein Brandan and is felawes of þis frut nome uaste
And of preciouse stones and into ȝare ssip caste
And faire and wel hare leue nome þo þis was al ido
And wiþ wop and deol inou departede nede ato
And wende hamward in þe se as oure Louerd ham sende
And wel sonore come hom þanne hi outward wende
Hare breþeren þo hi come hom ioiuol were inou
Þis holyman sein Brandan sone to deþe drou
For euer eft after þulke tyme of þe worle he ne roȝte
Bote as a man in þe oþer worle & as a were in þoȝte
He deide in Irlonde sone after þulke stonde
Mony miracle me haþ þer for him suþþe yfonde
An abbey þer is arered as is body was ido
Nou God us bringe to þulke ioie as is soule wende to

De sancto Donstano

Sein Donston was of Engelond icome of gode more
Miracle oure Louerd dude for him ar he were ibore
For þo he was inis moder wombe a Candel masseday
Þat folk was at chirche inou as to þe time it lay
As hi stode alle wiþ hore liȝt as me deþ ȝute nou
Hore liȝt queinte ouer al hore non nuste hou
Here riȝt it barnde swuþe wel & here riȝt it was al oute
Þat folk stod in gret wonder and was þerof in gret doute
And hy speke ech to oþer in wuche manere it were
Hou it queinte so sodeinliche þe liȝt þat hi bere


And hi stode and speke þerof in gret wonder echon
Sein Donstones moder taper afure werþ anon
Þat he[o] held þere in hure hond he[o] nuste wanne it com
Þat folk stod and þat bihuld & gret wonder þerof nom
Ne non nuste wanne it com bote þoru is Louerdes grace
Her of hi tende al hore liȝt aboute in þe place
Wat was þat [bote] oure Louerd Crist fram heuene þat liȝt sende
And þat folk þat stod aboute hore tapres her of tende
Bote [of] þat ulke holy child þat in hure wombe was þere
Al Engelonde ssolde beon liȝt bet þanne it euere were
Þis child was ibore nye hondred ȝer & fiue & twenti riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
And þe uerste ȝer of þe crounynge of þe kyng Aþelston
His moder het Kynedride is fader het Herston
Þo þis child was an eorþe ibore is frend nom þerto hede
Hi lete it do to Glastyngburi to norissi and to fede
To teche him ek is bileue Pater Noster and Crede
Þat child wax and wel iþei as it moste nede
Lite ȝeme he nom to al þe world to alle godnesse he drou
Echman þat hurde of him speke hadde of him ioye inou
Þo he was of mannes wit to is vncle he gan go
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi seint Aldelm þat was þo
Þat made wiþ him ioye inou and euere þe leng þe more
Þo he sei of is godnesse and of is wise lore
For deinte þat he hadde of him he let him sone bringe
Byuore þe prince of Engelond Aþelston þe kynge
Þe king him made ioie inou and grantede al is bone
Of wat þinge so he wolde bidde ȝif it were to done
Þo bad he him an abbey þat he was on uorþ ibroȝt
In þe toun of Glastyngburi þat him ne wernde noȝt
Þe kyng him grantede is bone anon and after him also
Edmond is broþer þat was kyng & inis poer ido


To Glastingburi wende sone þe godeman sein Donston
Þo beye þe kynges him ȝeue leue Edmond & Aþelston
Of þe hous of Glastyngburi a gret ordeynor he was
And made muche of hore god rule þat neuere er among hom nas
At þat hous þat was ferst bigonne four hondred ȝer biuore
And eke þreo & uifti ȝer ar sein Donston were ibore
For þer was ordres of monkes ar sein Patrik come
And ar seint Austin to Engelond broȝte Cristendom
And seint Patrik deide four hondred & to & fifti ȝer
After þat oure swete Leuedi oure Louerd an eorþe ber
Ac none monekes þere nere ferst bote as in hudynge echon
And as men þat drowe to wildernesse for drede of Godes fon
Sein Donston & seint Aþelwold as oure Louerd it bisay
Iordeined to prestes were boþe in o day
Þer after sone to Glastyngburi sein Donston anon wende
Abbot he was þer inne ymad is lif þere uore to amende
And for he nolde bi is wille no tyme idel be[o]
A priue smiþþe bi is celle he gan him bise[o]
For wanne he moste of is orison reste for werinesse
To worke he wolde is honden to to fle[o] idelnesse
Serui he wolde pouere men þe wile he miȝte dure
Alday for þe loue of God he ne kepte of hom non hure
And wanne he sat at is worke þer is honden at is dede
And is herte at Iesu Crist is mouþ is beden sede
So þat al at one tyme he was in þre[o] studes
Is honden þere is herte at God is mouþ to bidde is bedes
Þere uore þe deuel hadde to him gret envie & onde
A tyme he com to is smiþþe al one him to fonde
Riȝt as þe sonne ȝeode adoun as he womman were
And spak wiþ him of is werk wiþ liȝhinge chere
And sede þat he hadde wiþ him gret werk to done
Truflinge he smot here & þere in anoþer tale sone


Þis holyman hadde gret wonder þat he[o] was here & þere
He sat longe & biþoȝte him narwe wo it were
Þo he biþoȝte him wo it was he drou forþ is tonge
And leide in þe hote fur & spak faire wel longe
Forte þe tonge was al afure & suþþe stille inou
Þe deuel he hente bi þe nose & wel faste drou
He twengde & ssok hure bi þe nose þat þe fur out blaste
Þe deuel wrickede here & þere & he huld euere faste
He ȝal & hupte & drou aȝen & made grislich bere
He nolde for al is biȝete þat he hadde icome þere
Wiþ is tonge he strok is nose & twengde him euere sore
Forte it was wiþinne niȝte þat he ne miȝte ise[o] namore
Þe ssrewe was glad & bliþe inou þo he was out of is honde
And flei & gradde bi þe lift þat me hurde into al þe londe
Out wat haþ þis calwe ido wat haþ þis calwe ido
In þe contreie me hurde wide hou þe ssrewe gradde so
As god þe ssrewe hadde ibe[o] habbe ysnut atom is nose
He ne hiȝede namore þuder ward to tilie him of þe pose
Þis holy abbot sein Donston hadde gret poer
Wiþ kyng Edmond þat was þo & was al is conseiler
After kyng Edmond is deþe god wile þer was agon
Þat Edwine is sone was kyng ymad & noȝt afterward anon
Þis Edwine hadde uuel red and þer after he drou
Wiþ sein Donston he was wroþ siker wiþ gret wou
Of is abbey he dude him out & dude him ssame inou
Þe more ssame þat me him dude þe more þe godman lou
He drof him out of Engelond & [let him crie] fleme
Þis godeman wende forþ wel glad ne tok he neuere ȝeme
To þe abbey of seint Amant biȝende se he drou
And soiornede þere longe and ladde god lif inou
Affter kyng Edwines deþe Edgar þat was is broþer
Was kyng imad for he was ner þan eny oþer
Swuþe godman he bicom and louede Holy Churche


And echmon þat him þerto radde after him he gan werche
Me tolde him of sein Donston þat is broþer drof of londe
Wiþ vnriȝt for is godnesse & bigan him vnderstonde
After him he sende anon þat he come aȝen sone
And bileuede is conseiler of þat he hadde to done
Sein Donston com hom aȝen and faire was vnderfonge
And hadde is abbei al in pes fram wan he was longe
Wiþ þe king he was swuþe wel and was al is conseiler
Muche me spak of is godnesse wide uer and ner
Hit biuel þat þe bissop [] of Wircestre was ded
Þe kyng and þe erche bissop Ode þer of nome hore red
And þe holy abbot sein Donston bissop hy made þere
To make him herre in Godes lawe is wille þei it nere
Somme esste atte erche bissop [] of Kanterburi sire Ode
Þare uore he him bissop made and is graces were so gode
For he ssel quaþ þis godeman after me here be[o]
Erche bissop of Kanterburi and þat me ssel ise[o]
Wat wostou þis oþer sede þou spexst follich iwis
Nostou namore þanne þi uot upe God al it is
Mi leoue frend quaþ þis godeman ne dorre ȝe me blame noȝt
Wel ichot wat oure Louerd Crist in my mouþ haþ ibroȝt
As wo seiþ of þulke þinge þat he haþ in me iseid
Telle ich mai þei it biualle after þat ich am ded
Bissop he was of Londone sein Donston suþþe also
Of Londone & of Wircestre & hulde boþe to
Hit biuel þat þe erche bissop of Kanterburi was ded
Þe pope and þe king Edgar þer of nome hore red
And made þe gode sein Donston erche bissop þere
Godemen þat him iknewe wel glade þer of were
Cristendom of Engelond to god stat he drou
And riȝtes of Holy Churche he huld up faste inou


He formede þoru al Engelonde þat eche person ssolde chese
To wite him chast fram lecherie oþer is chirche leose
Seint Aþelwold was þulke time bissop of Wynchestre
And seint Oswold þe godeman bissop [of] Wircestre
Þis tweie bissops & sein Donston were al at one rede
And Edgar þe gode king to do þis gode dede
Þis þre[o] bissops wende aboute þoru al Engelonde
And eche luþer person caste out hom ne miȝte non atstonde
For chirchen and hore oþer god clanlich hom bynome
And bisette it on godemen þoru þe popes grant of Rome
Eiȝte and forti abbeis of monkes & of nonne
Of þe tresor hy rerde in Engelond of persons so iwonne
And so it was wel bet biset þanne it was er on ssrewe
For [wanne] gode maistres beoþ som godnesse [hi] wolleþ ssewe
Gode were þis þre[o] bissops þat at one tyme were þo
Þe betere is Engelond for hom and worþ euere mo
Oure Louerd ȝaf an eorþe sein Donston fair grace
Þat at one tyme as he was in a priue place
His fader and is moder ek in þe ioie of heuene anhey
Affter þat hi dede were aperteliche he ysey
Wel gret loue oure Louerd him cudde wanne he him ssewede þere
So muche of is priuete þe wile he aliue were
As he lay anoþer tyme inis reste aniȝt
He isey þe ioie of heuene and þe place þer inne wel briȝt
Angles he hurde also singe a murie song þer inne
Þat me singeþ ȝute in Holy Churche wanne me deþ masse bigynne
Kyrieleison Cristeleyson was þat murie song


Þis holiman þat þis ihurde ne þoȝte him noþing long
Wel aȝte he to heuene come at is ende day
Wanne he þe wile [he] was alyue so muche of heuene ysay
Harpe he louede swuþe wel of harpe he couþe inou
A day he sat inis solas and a lay þeron drou
Þe harpe heng up bi þe wowe þo it was tyme to ete
Þo it was ȝare þerto ibroȝt he sat doun to is mete
Of heuene he gan to þenche sone of ioie þat was þere
Of þe ioiuol blisse þat was þere among halwene þat þer were
He sat as he were inome so muche þeron he þoȝte
His harpe þat heng bi þe wowe of wan he lite roȝte
Bigan to cuþe is holy þoȝt ded treo þei it were
As oure Louerd is wille was as hurde alle þat were þere
Al by him sulue he gan to harpe a murye stemne iwis
Þat me singþ ȝute in Holy Churche þat an Engliss is þis
Al halwe soule glade beoþ þat in heuene beoþ ido
Þat siweþ oure Louerdes wey & for him ssadde also
Hore blod for is swete loue þere fore hi ssolleþ wone
And kniȝtes be[o] wiþoute ende wiþ Crist Godes sone
Þis is a stemne þat murie is as þe folk hurde alle
Þe harpe song bi him sulue as he heng bi þe walle
Fair grace oure Louerd him ssewede þar wan þat dede tre[o]
So ssolde singe of þulke ioye þat he ssolde inne be[o]
Louerd ihered be[o] þi grace and þi miȝte also
Þat þou wost for him here aliue such miracle do
Þo þis holiman hadde ilyued an eorþe many o day
And is endeday was ney icome as he him sulf ysay
An Holy Þoresday he werþ sik as it fel in þe ȝere
He let of sende is frend þat specials him were
His men þat him seruede ek he let hom clupie also
And forȝaf hom al hore trespas þat hi him hadde ido
Asoilede hom of hore sunne & in Godes bendes lay


And so he lai al þulke tyme and also þane Friday
He let clupie þane Saterday þe freres biuore him alle
And bad hom alle godday and sede wat ssolde biualle
And let him do al is riȝtes & oure Louerdes fleiss nom
Is soule wende out of þis worlde & wel sone to heuene com
Nye hondred ȝer & four score and in þe eiȝteþe ȝere
He deide after þat oure Leuedy oure Louerd an eorþe bere
Nou swete louerd sein Donston þat oure erchebissop were
Bringe us to þe ioie of heuene as angles þine soule bere

De santo Aldelmo

Seint Aldelm þe confessour was man of noble line
Ibore he was in Engelond þe kinges broþer sone Yne
For Kenten was [is broþer] þat seint Aldames fader was
And suþþe was kyng after Ine as God ȝaf þat cas
Þis holy child seint Aldelm to lettre was iset
Nobleliche him spedde anon nemiȝte no child bet
So longe he couþe as God it wolde ech maner langage
Bote him spedde þanne wel me þingþ it were outrage
In þe hous suþþe of Malmesburi þat abit he nom
And in strong ordre & [hard] inou monk he bicom
So longe as oure Louerd it wolde abbot he was þere
And of þe grete abbei þat þer is muche del let rere
His gode word so wide sprong as oure Louerd tok gome
So þat it com aperteliche to þe court of Rome
After him þe pope sende anon & þo hi togadere come
Muche was þer ioie in God þat hi bitwene hom nome
Woder so euere seint Aldelm wende here oþer þer
Wiþ him a prestes vestemens of þe masse he ber
So þat he song is masse at Rome as God it wolde a day
In sein Jones churche de Laterene as monymon ysay
He nom of is chesible after masse & nomon it nolde auonge
Vpe þe sonne bem þerbiside wel faire he gan is honge
Þe sonne bem bar þe chesible as monyman ysay


Þe chesible is at Malmesbury ȝute to þis day
He ne derste habbe no donger me þingþ war he bicome
And þe sonne wolde ssyne þei noman is cloþes nome
Þo he hadde ibe[o] longe at Rome suþþe atte nende
His leue he nom atte pope hamward forto wende
Of þe pope he hadde priuelege ar he wolde þanne go
To þe hous of Malmesburi þat lasteþ euere mo
Þat þe hous of Malmesburi euere so fre[o] were
Þat þe bissop ne non of his nabbe no poer þere
Þat hy ordeyni hore monkes ware so [hi] wole bise[o]
Of wuch bissop so hy wolde bote þat he god be[o]
And þat hi cheose hore abbot after hore owe uoiss
And þat no prince nabbe poer to destorbi hor [choiss]
And ȝif þer is eny worre alonde þat no king a none wise
Nabbe poer to esse hom ou[ȝ]t ne to do none seruise
Þis priueleges seint Aldelm fram Rome broȝte þo
Þat þe hous of Malmesburi for noþing nolde forgo
Chartre he broȝte god inou fram Rome of alle þeos þinge
And suþþe he com to Engelonde & ssewede hom þe kynge
Þe king Yne is vncle þat was þo king of þe souþ ende
And Aildred þe king of þe March þat þo was god & hende
Þe priueleges forþ wiþ þe pope confermede boþe to
Wanne popes and kynges haþ imad nemay noman vndo
Suþþe it fel þere afterward hou longe so it were
In þe seue hondred ȝer and in þe sixte ȝere
After þat oure swete Louerd for us an eorþe liȝte
Bi þe kynges daie Aldred þat was kyng of gret miȝte
Þat þe bissops of Engelonde in gret errour were
Wanne hi ssolde habbe Esterday and wuche tyme of þe ȝere
So þat seint Aldelm made a lite boc þo
Forto knowe Esterday and Leinte euere mo
Þat wo so haþ þulke bok he may euere iknowe
Hou he ssel nyme þulke tyme heie oþer lowe


Of oure Leuedy Godes moder seint Aldelm fondede þo
Þe swete ministere of Malmesbury þat worþ so euere mo
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi Briȝtwold was is name
Hurde telle of seint Aldelm and of is holy fame
Sone he sende after him to beon is felawe
Þo þis holymen togadere come ioious hi were & fawe
And ladde togadere holy lif in oure Louerdes lawe
Hore eiþer oþer bi is miȝte to eche godnesse gan drawe
Bi þe [se] side at Douere seint Aldam wende a day
So þat a ssip of marchandise ney þe londe he say
He esste atte marchans ware hy hadde out þere
Eny þing of Holy Churche þat to sulle were
Þe marchans þoȝte scorn of him as gerings wolleþ wi[lde]
And ȝifþ him hoker answere for he þoȝte pouere & milde
Hor ssip smot aȝen into þe se in gret tempest anon
So þat hi were upe þe point forto adrenche echon
Gret wreche is þis quaþ on of hom we mowe wel vnderstonde
We misanswerede þe godeman þat spak wiþ us alonde
For he is holyman & god and proute congons we beoþ
Biddeþ him anon forȝiuenesse þe wile we him iseoþ
Hy cride anon on seint Aldelm in god entente inou
Þe tempeste was stille anon hore ssip to londe drou
A bok þat me clupeþ bible þat is of eiþer lawe
Boþe of þe olde & of þe nywe seint Aldelm hi bere fawe
Namore hi nolde misanswere him inou hom þoȝte er
Þis bible is ȝute at Malmesburi & euere eft haþ ibeo þer
Seint Aldelm was bissop suþþe four ȝer biuore is deþe
And þe erchebissop Briȝtwold broȝte him þerto vnneþe
Ac abbot a[t] Malmesburi no þe later he nas
And let him suþþe burie þer þo þat he ded was
So þat þe bissop of Wircestre seint Edwine þo com


Al yue[te]red toward Rome and þere uorþ þene wei nom
And seint Aldelm at Malmesburi faire an eorþe broȝte
And suþþe wende forþ to Rome & deore þane wei aboȝte
Ac þo seint Aldelm bissop was he amansede alle þo
Þat þe hous of Malmesburi wiþ vnriȝt dude eny wo
To bynyme hom eny priuelege þat he hom wan at Rome
Ich rede þat king & bissop þer of take go[m]e
Nou bidde we ȝeorne seint Aldelm oure erende bere so
Þat we mote to þe ioie come þat he is on ido

De sancto Agustino

Seint Austin þat Cristendom broȝte into Engelonde
Riȝt is among oþer iwis þat he beo vnderstonde
Sein Grigori þe holyman pope was of Rome
Engelond he louede muche þei he neuere þer ne come
Me tolde him þat þe lond was god and þat it heþene was
Sori was sein Grigori þat it icristned nas
Hym sulf he wolde habbe iwend her into Engelonde
Ac he ne moste for is cardinals ac ssolde sende is sonde
Wiþ an forti of godemen seint Austin he nom
And sende hom here into Engelonde to prechi Cristendom
Þat echone monekes were seint Austin and eke þe oþere
Þis holymen hom wende forþ þat alle were as is broþere
After þat God was ibore fif hondred ȝer it was
And four score and nei to ȝer þat hy dude þis holy cas
Hi dradde hom sore for hi ne couþe þe speche of Engelonde
Hi nome men þat couþe boþe langages vnderstonde
Hi dude hom forþ in þe se þo hy þuder come
Touward þe hauene of Engelond þane riȝte wei hy nome
To an ile bi este Kent hore ssip bigan euene wende


Þat Þeniȝt lond is icluped as oure Louerd hom wolde sende
Þere hy nome uerst hore in & nome hom sone to rede
Hou hi miȝte best on take to don þis holi dede
Þe king Albriȝt þat was þo king of Engelonde
Bi a queinte messager faire hi sende hore sonde
Þat hy were messagers and fram an hei man icome
To do him a message fram þe court of Rome
Þat ssolde world wiþoute ende to him and to al is londe
To gret prou & richesse beo ȝif hi it wolde vnderstonde
Þo þis word to þe kinge com he stod a wile in þoȝt
Gode tidynges he sede mote it be[o] þat hi habbeþ me ibroȝt
He underfeng hom fair inou & honureþ hom also
And findeþ hom plente inou of þat hi habbeþ nede to
Forte ich habbe wiþ hom ispeke and hore message ise[o]
God leoue as hi me bihoteþ wel þat it mote mi prou be[o]
His heste was fol wel iholde me aueng hom vair inou
Þe king touward þulke ile sone þere after drou
Þo he to þe ile com to seint Austin he sende
Þat he to don is message wiþ is felawes to him wende
Seint Austin him greiþed wel & is felawes echon
Forto fiȝte aȝen þe deuel and to bataile gon
Hy made þe signe of þe crois oþer armes nadde hi non
Forto do þis bataille and to ouercome hore fon
A crois of seluer wiþ þe forme of God hi lete rere
And in a stude of baner touore hom alle bere
And ȝeode forþ wel baldeliche as hardi kniȝtes & gode
And siwede hore swete banere wiþ þe forme of þe rode
Hy gonne to singe þe letanie for prou of þe londe
Þat oure Louerd hom sende grace hore prechinge vnderstonde
Þe kyng hi grette swuþe faire þo hi to him come
And sede hore erende þat hi broȝte fram þe court of Rome


And prechede him Cristendom and of oure Louerdes lawe
Þat goder hele him & alle his wolde he þerto drawe
Hy byhete him þe ioie of heuene þat so riche was & is
Þat he ssolde after þulke lif turne to þulke blis
And be[o] þer wiþoute ende mid God þat us boȝte
Þe king stod þo he hurde þis as þei he were in þoȝte
Swuþe fair þing it is he sede þat ȝe bihoteþ me
Were ich siker þat it were soþ do ich wolde after þe
Ac i ne consenti noȝt þerto for it is ȝute niwe
Ar ich habbe more vnderȝite weþer þis message beo triwe
And for ȝe þus itrauiled beoþ fram so ueorne londe
And for mine gode as ȝe seggeþ & doþ me understonde
Greui nel ich ȝou noȝt ac faire bi ȝou do
& vnderfange ȝou & finde ȝou ek þat ȝe habbeþ nede to
And ich grante al þulke ek þat wolleþ to ȝou turne
Gode leue ich ȝiue echman inelle noman weorne
Þis was atte uerste me þingþ a god bygynnynge
Þer after was þe betere hope to come to god endynge
Seint Austin and alle his a swuþe fair wonyinge
Þe king ȝaf in þe toun of Douere to don in hore p[re]chinge
Seint Austin and is felawes bigonne to prechi faste
So þat somme þat gode were to hom hore herte caste
And turnde hom to Cristendom euere þe leng þe mo
So þat folk aboute hom com so þicke so it miȝte go
Hore dede sprong so wide sone þat to þe king it com
Þe uaire miracles þat hi dude as hi prechede Cristendom
Þe king wende and hurde hore prechinge him þoȝte it was god
To longe he sede ich habbe abide ar ich þis understod
He turnde him to Cristendom & let him baptise anon
And biluuede on Iesu Crist & is men echon
So longe so þis holymen hore wille hadde attenende
Þat þe folk of euerich toun to Cristendom gan wende
Seint Austin wende aȝen þo þe pope he tolde at Rome


Hou al þat folk of Engelond Cristendom nome
Þo was þe pope sein Grigori ibroȝt in grete blisse
He het seint Austin wende aȝen þat lond bet to wisse
Seint Austin wende anon aȝen and þo he þuder com
Twelf bissops he made in þe lond to wardi Cristendom
Þe þritteþe he was him sulf as oure Louerd ȝaf þe cas
Erche bissop at Douere þe ferste þat euere was
Sein Austin broȝte Cristendom þus to Engelonde
Wel aȝte we is day holde ȝif we were wel vnderstonde
His day is toward þe ende of May for þulke day he wende
Out of þis liue to Iesu Crist þat after him þo sende
Þe king Aiberd deide þo six hondred ȝer riȝt
And sixtene after þat oure Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
And on and twenti ȝer also after is Cristendom
And in sixe and fiftyþe ȝere of is kinedom
Nou bidde we ȝerne seint Austin þat to Cristendom us broȝte
Þat we to þe ioie come to wan oure Louerd us boȝte

De sancto Barnaba

Sein Barnabe þe apostel þat god was and hende
Imartred was for Godes loue in strong deþ atte nende
After þat oure swete Louerd to heuene him gan wende
Þe apostles prechede Cristendom as he hom gan sende
Sein Barnabe isei þo þat is bileue nas noȝt
He turnde sone to þe apostles & to oure Louerd is þoȝt
Of lond he hadde a gret feld he solde him wel uaste
And to þe apostles fet þe panes echone caste
And forsok al þe worldes god and hore felawe bicom
And ymartred wiþ hom was for loue of Cristendom
Suþþe þo sein Poul to þe apostles wende
Þe apostles ne luuede it noȝt þat oure Louerd him to hom sende
And wende þat he gilour were forte it was longe
For he hadde ibeo so luþer man ar hi durste him auonge
Sein Barnabe ikneu him uerst so þat he ferst broȝte


Þe apostles in verste cuþe of him and in riȝte þoȝte
And tolde hom hou oure swete Louerd bi þe wei to him com
And smot him & binom is siȝte and broȝte him to Cristendom
Suþþe þo fram Ierusalem þe apostles gonne wende
Forto prechi Cristendom euerich inis ende
Hi gonne to þe lond of Cipre sein Barnabe sende
Forto prechi Godes lawe þat so god was & hende
As he wende forþ bi þe wei in a stude he uond
A companie of queinte men þe wisoste of al þe lond
He spak wiþ hom so queinteliche as he bi hom com
Þer nas non of hom alle þat ne wondrede of is wisdom
Beu sire sede on of hom þat was of gret fame
Telle us wanne þou art and wat is þi name
And wanne þou ert hider icome & for wuche þinge
Þou comst into oure lond here ichot for some tydinge
Sein Barnabe þis holyman fondede in eche pointe
To answerie hom queinteliche for hi were so quointe
Sire h[e] sede þou askest wel and ich ȝou wolle telle
Barnabe icham icluped þe deuel is fo of helle
Iesu Cristes man icham þat me gan hider sende
Fram Ierusalem icham icome and þus aboute wende
Forto prechi is holy name þat broȝte us out of bende
Biluueþ on him and ȝe worþe in ioie wiþoute ende
He prechede so þis grete men þat hi turnde hore þoȝt
And were þer to Cristene men þoru sein Barnabe ibroȝt
And biluuede on Iesu Crist and hore herte up him caste
And prechede wiþ him of Iesu Crist & turnde also þe folk faste
Sein Barnabe him wende forþ & to þe lond of Cipre com
To turne men to Iesu Crist and to prechi Cristendom
He com and fond a fil dede þat ssenfol was to do
Men ourne naked al aboute and wommen also


Sein Barnabe was sore ofssamed of þulke ssendfol dede
Þat þe ssrewene ne ssamede noȝt to ssewe hore wrechede
To þe temple he wende anon uppe wam hy auowede hore ssame
And amansede þe sori temple in oure Louerdes name
Anon mid þis mansinge al þe on half dasste adon
Of þis temple þoru gret wreche wiþ gret noise and son
Wel aȝte ech Cristen man of mansinge be[o] in fere
Wanne þe deueles hous ne miȝte þere aȝen stonde þere
Þe wrecches þo hi seie þe wreche þat so ssameles were
Hi bileuede þulke sunfol dede & wiþ more honur hom bere
Þis holyman him wende forþ forþore in þe londe
Symon þat was an holyman in a stude he fonde
Þat was in strong acces in feueres & atte deþe ney
Sein Barnabe ofþoȝte sore þat he him so feble isey
Þe gospelles of sein Mattheu wiþ him euere he bar
In a bok as God it wolde & wiþ him he hadde it þar
Þis boc he leide uppon þis man as he sik þer lay
He bicom anon hol and sond as al þat folk isay
And wende forþ wiþ him aboute hol and glad inou
And prechede of Iesu Crist and þat folk fram sunne drou
Of oure swete Louerd of heuene sein Barnabe hadde such grace
Þat ȝif he eny sik man fonde as he wende in eche place
He leide uppon him is bok þat so holy & god was
Of þe gospelles of sein Mattheu so strong siknesse non nas
Þat he þoru oure Louerdes grace ne held of anon
Þer þoru he made many o man to Iesu Crist gon
Þoru uertu of þis holyman & of þis holy boc also
Muche fair miȝte oure Louerd haþ inis sergans ido
Þis holyman sein Barnabe ȝute forþore wende
And prechede þis Giwes faste hore lif forto amende
Monie he turnde to Cristendom & þe Holy Gost on hom tende


Þoru miracles þat he dude & þoru grace þat God him sende
Baren was a luþer Giu þat euere worrede uaste
Sein Poul & sein Barnebe & cudde it attelaste
For þo he fond sein Barnabe þat folk to God so wende
To þe luþer Iustice of þe lond þe tidinge [he] gan sende
Þis holyman was sone inome and to deþe ibroȝt
Hi tormentede him strong & harde forto turne is þoȝt
And ech maner torment hi him dude þat hi miȝte on þenche
Hy ne myȝte him enes make is þoȝt fram God blenche
As hi were mid al hore miȝte þus faste aboute & longe
To defouli þis holyman wiþ tormens harde & stronge
Þe emperour is o cosyn þat of gret poer was
Into þe toune com þulke tyme as it were bicas
Þe Giwes were so sore adrad leste hi hom nome
Þoru stre[n]gþe of sein Barnabe and ladde him to Rome
A niȝt hy nome þis holyman as he was aranced so
And dude a rop aboute is necke & knutte faste þerto
And drou him ouer hore sinagoge wiþ wo & pine inou
And suþþe also bi þe swere out atte ȝete me him drou
And made aboute him a gret fur & barnde him to noȝte
An hey to heuene is soule wende þat he bar aboute
Anne red nome þis luþer men þo hi nemiȝte attelaste
Al is bones [bileue] unbarnd & amidde þe water caste
Ac Cristen men þat were biside stele to byniȝte
And burede hom wel stilleliche wiþ as gret honur as hi miȝte
Nou bidde we ȝeorne Iesu Crist king of alle kynge
For þe loue of sein Barnabe þat [he] us to heuene bringe


[Sein Theofle was a gret man ]

Sein Theofle was a gret man & gret clerk also
Heiost maister he was biuore alle vnder þe bissop ido
Þo þis heie bissop was ded Teofele was forþ ibroȝt
To be[o] bissop after him and naþeles he nolde noȝt
Ac sede þat he worþe nas & þat he couþe to lite
Þat folk made anoþer sone wiþ gret nobleie & prute
Þo þe bissop in poer was to Teophele wraþþe he caste
For he to bissop was ichose er & wiþ þe oþer bissop held uaste
He dude him out of is mester and is god him binom
So þat Theophele sone in gret pouerte com
As richeman as he was er as pouere he was þo
So þat he nuste warbi libbe wel þat him was wo
Þo he was in miseise ibroȝt him ssamede swuþe sore
Men þat him onurede er þo nolde hi namore
Ech man tolde of him despit & of þe pouere me wole so
He nemiȝte for ssame among men go he nuste wat best do
Þe deþ he wilnede þing mest so þat he him biþoȝte
Þat wo so þe deuel serui wolde in gret richesse he him broȝte
To a Giu he wende a niȝt þat wonede þer biside
Help he bad him of þat cas þat him gan þere bitide
And bad him serui for richesse þene deuel wel wide
Wel it ssel be[o] quaþ þe Giu ac þou most ȝute abide
Com oþer niȝt at þis time in þis stude here to me
And ichelle do þe þe beste red þat ssel wel like þe
Teophele ne forȝet noȝt þis to þe Giu he ȝeode
To þulke stude þe oþer niȝt to bete þe betere is neode
Com forþ wiþ me quaþ þis Giu as ichelle þe lede
Ac watso þou ise[o] oþer ihure ne haue þou none drede
Ne make þou no sygnne of þe crois ne þeron ne þench þou noȝt
In such richesse neuere þou nere as þou worst on ibroȝt
Teophele wende forþ wiþ him & dude as he him sede
In a priue stude sone þe Giu him gan lede


Þane heie deuel he fond þer maister of alle quede
And al is mannie him aboute to aconti ȝare misdede
Was þis þulke quaþ þe ssrewe þat þou bringst þere wiþ þe
He ssel be[o] on quaþ þe Giu & for neode he comþ to þe
He haþ be[o] mon of gret poer þat nou him is bynome
And forto bringe him aȝen þi man he ssel bicome
Wel come beu frere quaþ þe deuel nou þou dest wel iwis
Hastou do þus mani a day þou were riche man ar þis
Ac inelle noman helpe bote myn owe for it were wiþ wou
Bicome my mon & do me homage & þou worst riche inou
Ich bicome þi man quaþ þis oþer so faste so enymon may
Ȝute þou most more quaþ þe deuel and forsake þi lay
Þi Cristendom þat þou auonge þat þe prest ȝaf þe
For þou ne miȝt in none wise eles dele mid me
And ich it forsake quaþ þis oþer and to þe clanliche take
Certes beu frere quaþ þe deuel ȝute þou most more forsake
Þou most forsake God þat þe ssop and alle halwe also
And ich ȝam forsake quaþ Teophele þi wille forto do
Sanfaille beau frere quaþ þe deuel þou ne miȝtest speke no bet
Þou ert richeman sone inou ac o þing ȝute þe let
Bote þou it do it is for noȝt al þat we habbeþ ido
Þou most forsake uorþ mid God Marie is moder also
For inam bote þou it do of þe siker noȝt
For manie þat mid me were fram me he[o] haþ ibroȝt
And ich forsake her quaþ Tiophele hure & hure sone also
And þe ich bitake lif & soule al þi wille to do
Ou beu frere quaþ þe deuel ȝute icham adrad
For Marie so ofte haþ myne men fram me ilad
Word nis aȝen hure bote wind for þei a mon hure forsake
Ȝif he wole turne is herte wel gladlich ȝo wol him take


Þeruore ichelle of þe be[o] siker ar ich mengi wiþ þe
Gode chartre of þis couenant þou sselt make me
Writ wiþ þin owe honde and acely hure also
Wanne þou hast ido al þis þi wille ichelle do
Teophele grantede al þis þe chartre he wrot sone
And acelede hure wiþ is ring as riȝt was to done
He sat akne[o] and tok is maister & custe is fet also
Nou Teophele quaþ þe ssrewe þou hast al ido
Þis chartre ichelle so uaste louke in helle wanne ich hom come
Þat i nedoute þat [hit] worþe þoru Marie awey inome
Ac wend hom and be[o] studeuast as ichelle aȝen þe
So riche man þou nere neuere as þou worst sone þoru me
Þe deuel wende to helle hom and Teophele hom also
And þonkede þe Giu alle gode þat he him hadde ido
Þe bissop sone amorwe after Teophele sende
Þat he come to him hasteliche wiþoute eni defaute wende
Merci he cride deoluoliche þo he to him com
And to[c] him aȝen al is poer þat he him er bynom
Teophele bicom anon so riche þat richere neuere he nas
As louerd & sire he was iholde wel muche is poer was
Glad [was] þat him paie miȝte men wondrede of þat cas
And sede it nas bi þis worle bote si haut si bas
Worles richesse he hadde inou & worles blisse also
Alas þat eny Cristen man also in such maner com þerto
Hit byuel þer afterward in a litel stonde
Þat þe Giwes conseiler mid tricherie was ifonde
Inome he was and to dome ibroȝt and to stronge deþe ido
Forbarnd he was þoru iugement and to late he was þo
Þo Theofele him vnderstod and inis heorte he þoȝte
Þat þe deuel wiþ wan he was to such deþ him broȝte
Þoȝte he nam ich wiþ him and þei ich be[o] riche a stonde
Ne ssel ich neuere wite þe time ar he me bringe to gronde


Þanne were ich al forlore and icham to him ibonde
So faste þat i nemay wiþ drawe alas þulke stonde
Alas wy nadde ich raþer be[o] ded þanne ido þulke dede
Nabbe ich am forsake echon þat me ssolde helpe & rede
Hou miȝte ich hopie of ȝare grace wanne ich ȝam habbe forsake
Sunfol wrecche ich am alas nas neuere iseie my make
God is so riȝtfol þat to him i ne hopie noȝt þeruore
Bote ich habbe oure Leuedi grace certes ich am forlore
For he[o] was euere of milce & þei ich habbe hure forsake
Hou ich euere þereof cheuese to hure grace ichelle take
To oure Leuedy weued he wende & cride hure milce & ore
His knou he bet aȝen þe gronde wepinge wel sore
On hure he cride and sore wep boþe niȝt and day
Out of þe chapele nolde he noȝt ac euere þer inne he lay
Forti dawes and fourti niȝt on hure he cride faste
Hure þat euere was so god he[o] ssewede him attelaste
For as he cride on hure so ȝeorne þat swete maide so hende
Cudde hure miȝte and adoun fram heuene anon to him gan wende
Hou miȝte ich he[o] sede wrecche man eny grace þe take
Hou miȝte ich mi sone bidde for þe wanne þou hast him forsake
A Leuedi Leuedi quaþ Tiophele Leuedi [n]ou þin ore
Isuneget ich habbe manne mest þat reuweþ me wel sore
Haue mercy of me sunfol wrecche inelle sunegi namore
And ȝif þou wolt me þi grace ȝiue ichelle do al þi lore
Þou sunfol man oure Leuedy sede as muche as me on is
Ichelle to þe be[o] milde inou and to alle Cristene men iwis
For ich louie Cristen men and norissi ȝam also
And euere am prest to ȝam aliȝte ȝare bone forto do


Swinch muche ich þolie ofte mi sone forto liþe
Þat he nenymeþ gret wreche of hom as he wolde ofte siþe
Ac ssriff þe to him of sunne and þat he was ibore of me
And þat he þolede deþ for sunfol men & ichelle bidde for þe
A Leuedy merci quaþ Theophele vnworþe icham þerto
Mid þe mouþe þat ich him forsok such ssrift to him do
Ȝuse hardeliche quaþ oure Leuedy for he is milde & softe
Wel þou wost þat sunfol men gret loue he cudde ofte
For he was ibore of sunfol men & for ȝam to deþe ido
He mot nede to ȝam be[o] milde for riȝt kunde it wolde so
Þo gan Theophele wepe & crie Louerd merci he sede
Ich me ssriue to þe mid deoluol herte of mi luþer dede
Haue merci of me as wisliche as þou were for us ibore
And for us þolede deþ þat we nere forlore
Þench Louerd on my wrechede swete Iesu þin ore
Do me þi milce ich bidde þe Louerd inelle sunegi namore
Theophele Teophele quaþ oure Leuedi for þi Cristendom
And for ich louie Cristenemen suþþe mi sone fleiss nom
Ichelle bidde in mi bare knen mi sone for þe wel sone
Be[o] studeuast as þou hast bigonne & he wole hure þi bone
Wiþ þis word Teophele nuste ware oure [Leuedi] bicom
He wep and cride euere in on and hure grace al to him nom
Wiþoute mete and drinke þer þre[o] dawes he gan abide
In wop and sor and deol inou in oure Louerd he cride
Þo com þer oure Leuedi al byhinde and wiþ glad semlant also
Teophele he[o] sede þou hast nou non penance inou ido
Be[o] glad for ich habbe ibede mi sone milce & ore
Þat he haþ forȝiue þe þi sunne nesunege þou namore


Ihered be[o] þou Leuedi quaþ Teophele ihered be[o] þe grace
Ihered be[o] þe tyme þat ich cride to þe in þisse place
Leuedy euere ich am adrad siker nam ich noȝt
Ar þe chartre þat ich made be[o] to me ibroȝt
Leuedi þou ert fol of milce þat þou cust in þis place
Wanne þi milce Leuedi is so muche do me þerof þi grace
Nou non Teophele quaþ oure Leuedy ȝute ichelle þe milde be[o]
Mid þis word he[o] wende aȝen þat he nemiȝte hure noȝt ise[o]
Hure milce he[o] cudde for he[o] com to him þe þridde day
And broȝte þe chartre & tok hure him as he aslepe lay
And wende hure aȝen stilleliche and þo Teofle awok
And huld þe chartre inis hond as oure Leuedy him bitok
Oure Leuedy he þonkede & hure grace as me þingþ wel he aȝte
More þanne he dude þe luþer Giu þat to þe deuel him broȝte
Þis was a betere cheffare þanne he biuore wroȝte
He neles noȝt is wile þat he oure Leuedy so bisoȝte
Þis was as it fel in Leinte a Saterday at niȝt
Amorwe as was þe Soneday as þe day was liȝt
Þe bissop and is clerkes and muche oþer folk also
To churche com as riȝt was Godes seruise to do
Riȝt as þe gospel was irad Teofle forþ him wende
To þe bissopes fet he uel and þe deuel more ssende
Þe bissop he tolde eueridel and al þat folk also
Þe vorwarde & þe sikernesse þat he hadde þe deuel ido
And hou of þe deueles miȝte oure swete Leuedi him caste
And broȝte him is chartre þat in helle biloke was so uaste
Þe chartre biuore al þat folk þe bissop let rede


Þat echmon iseie is luþer sunne & oure Leuediis milde dede
Þat folk wolde þe chartre wite for miracles as hi bede
A merci mercy for Godes loue Teofle ofte sede
For þe wile þe chartre is ihol euere mo ich drede
Ar he[o] be[o] to doust ibarnd siker lif nemay ich lede
Þe chartre barnde hi þer riȝt þat echmon miȝte ise[o]
Nou ich hopie quaþ Teophele siker forto be[o]
Þo þe bissop hadde imassed þat folk com manie & ise[o] wolde
Aboute Teofle in eche side þat wonder to biholde
Briȝtore þanne þe sonne he ssinde hom þoȝte al is face
Þat non nemiȝte for briȝthede biholde him in þe place
He ȝaf and delde pouere men is god wel clene þere
And swor þat out of churche he nolde þe wile he aliue were
To þe stude he wende aȝen þere oure Leuedi to him aliȝte
And broȝte him is chartre er þoru hure swete miȝte
Anon riȝt he gan to uuely and þer doun riȝt he lay
And custe echon is breþeren & deide þe þridde day
Þat folk dude þat riȝt was and burede him riȝt þare
To heuene wende is soule anon þer icholde we alle were
For seint he is in heuene hey & is day falþ in þe ȝere
A litel biuore Aueril as þe bok us deþ lere
A uair miracle oure Leuedy dude þat broȝte him of þulke wo
As he[o] monye oþere dude ȝute ich mot telle mo

Miraculum [de Puero]

A giwes child in Buturie wile bi olde dawe
Wiþ Cristene childrene ofte pleide as children wolleþ ȝute vawe
Hit biuel uppon an Esterday þat þe childrene gonne drawe
To churche as children doþ as it is þe daies lawe


Wiþ ham ȝeode þe Giwes child & þo he to churche com
Of ech þing þat it þer isey gret ȝeme wiþ alle it nom
Wanne is felawes sete akne[o] and cride on þe ymage anhey
Akne[o] he sat ek & ech þing dude þat he oþer ysey
Þe rode he biheld uaste him wondrede þerof inou
To oure Leuedi is ymage mest him þoȝte is herte drou
His herte him ȝaf þat þulke ymage mest louie he miȝte
Out of is þoȝt necom he[o] noȝt after þe uerste siȝte
Þo þe folk ȝeode to auonge Godes fleiss and blod
Þat child ȝeode forþ wiþ ham and dude also god
Godes fleiss and is blod he nom wiþ is felawes þere
And forþ he wende suþþe hom þo hi hamward were
Arst is fader and is moder ysoȝte him wide aboute
Glad hy were þo he com hom for arst hi were in doute
Þe fader him esste ware he were & he him tolde anon
Wat he hadde at chirche ido and hou he was þuder igon
Þe fader was nei for wraþþe wod is ouene he hatte uaste
Þo he was al bernynge fur þat child amidde caste
And dutte þe ouenes mouþ þe moder as he[o] wod were
Þo he[o] sei forberne hure child he[o] made deoluol bere
In þe stret he[o] orn faste aboute & piteisliche cride
Þat folk he[o] tolde al hou it was & wat hure dude bitide
Þat folk com to þe ouene anon aboute bi eche weie
Þat child hy fonde amidde sitte & mid þe fur pleie
Hy est of him wat he wuste þat þe fur necom him ney
Certes quaþ he þe faire womman þat ich at churche isey
Þat stod anhei up bi þe crois & þo ich was ihouseled also
Me þoȝte he[o] stod upe þe weued & tollede me þerto
And to me suþþe hider he com & hure kerchef nom


And helede me þat no fur ne hete ney me com
Me nas neuere [so murie] in no stude as me haþ þere ibe[o]
Ich biluue on hure sone þat þe Giwes honge on þe tre[o]
Þat folk nom þe childes fader and þe ouene hote tende
And caste þe cherl al amidde & to douste him forbrende
Þe child and is moder & manie oþere Cristendom anon nome
And biluuede on God & is moder & godemen bicome
Elles hi hadde ssrewen ibe[o] for miracle of þulke childe
Of mo miracle me may ȝute telle of oure Leuedi swete & milde

Miraculum [de Milite]

A kniȝt þer was bi olde dawe liþer mon inou
Strong robbare & monquellare to alle ssrewehede drou
Bi an hei wei he hadde a castel fer fram eche toune
Al þat folk þat þeruorþ come sone he broȝte þere doune
For is men he hadde in eche side to robbi and to reue
Alle þulke þat þere uorþ come noȝt on hi nolde bileue
So þat tweie freres come þer uorþ & þo hi were inome
Irobbed hi were of ȝare gode for hi were eþ to ouercome
Þe freres cride and bede uaire þat hi ham robbi nessolde
And lede ham harmles biuore hore louerd & lete him do wat he wolde
Þe luþere [men] grantede hare bone faste hi gonne ham holde
And ladde to hare louerd as prisons & al þat cas him tolde
He het as me robbedde oþere þat me dude bi ȝam also
And þe freres so ȝeorne cride þat me nessolde him non harm do


Þe freres him bede ȝeorne þo hi deliuered were
Þat ȝare on biuore him & is men preche moste þere
And þat he & al is men þe prechinge herde sone
Þe kniȝt as God ȝaf þe grace grantede al is bone
He het is men þat hi were at is prechinge echone
Þo hi were al adoun isete and þe frere amidde alone
Ich biseche ȝou quaþ þis frere þat ȝe þat soþe ise[o]
Ware ȝe be[o] al clanlich here oþer eny hanne be[o]
Þo lokede hi alle faste & sede þat hy were echon
Nay parde quaþ þe frere ȝute þere faileþ on
Hi lokede & fonde defaute anon wel wide him soȝte
Hi fonde him and wiþ strengþe no[m]e & to prechinge him broȝte
Anon so he þuder com he ssok & quakede for drede
Mid strengþe hi made him sitte þat him gan þuder lede
Ich hote þe belamy þat ich þere ise[o]
In mi Louerdes name of heuene þat þou segge wat þou be[o]
Þo gan he quakie & ssake more & þo non oþer red nas
Quakynge touore al þat folk he tolde wat he was
Icham he sede þe deuel of helle & mid al mine lore
Þis kniȝt ich habbe iserued her fortene ȝer & more
Is louerd ich am & he is myn oure eiþer mid oþer is
Al þis fortene ȝer ich habbe ifonded to astrangli him iwis
Ac i nemiȝte neuere wiþinne him come to do þulke dede
For euerich day wiþ Aue Marie to Marie he sede
In þe [o]norance of þe vif ioies þat he[o] hadde of hure sone
Þis ssolde be[o] is feorste dede ech day bi wone
Hadde he bileued eni day ych him hadde astrangled anon


Ac for he it sede ich nemiȝte neuere of him habbe won
Þat was is mede of is aues for alle he hadde here
Ac were he ded to helle he ssolde noþing nessolde him skere
Nou beu freres ȝe mowe ise[o] quaþ þis holy frere
[Wam] ȝe habbeþ iserued ȝare & wo haþ be[o] ȝoure uere
Þe deuel wende awei anon me nuste war he bicom
Þe kniȝt him let ssriue sone & repentance to him nom
And is men ek echone þat so luþer were biuore
And bicome alle godemen þo hi hadde ȝare felawe ilore
Ȝe ne be[o] a mon noȝt so sunfol her me may ise[o]
Ȝif he deþ oure Leuedi eni seruise vnȝoulde nessel it noȝt be[o]
And her by me may ise[o] ek þat þe deuel nemay
No ssennesse do a man þat hure greteþ aday
Ou Marie þat is muche þi swete milce and ore
So muri it is to telle of þe þat ȝute me mote more

Miraculum [de milite Emmery]

A kniȝt was wile a richeman þat honurede muche mid alle
Oure Leuedi & al hure festes þat in þe ȝer doþ falle
Gret feste he held up is poer euerich of hure daye
And fondede to honuri oure swete Leuedi and paie
Suþþe it biuel as God it wolde þat is god was binome
Þat he nemiȝte noȝt holde up is honur ac pouere he was bicome
In grete miseise he ladde is lif and ȝute him greuede more
Þat he nemiȝte do as he dude er & ofssamed was so sore
Wanne it com toward oure Leuedi day þat he ssolde is feste holde
He nemiȝte for ssame among men be[o] so lite of him me tolde
A tyme aȝen oure Leuedi day þat ssolde is feste be[o]
To wode he wende & hudde him þat me nessolde him noȝt ise[o]


Þe deuel com in a mannes forme to him wel sone þere
And esste such man as he was wi he one so were
Nai certes quaþ þis kniȝt my manhede is al forlore
For ssame þat ich wile was man ich hudde me her þeruore
Riche man ichelle þe make sone þe deuel aȝen sede
Of worles catel and muri inou & þou do by mine rede
Leue sire quaþ þis seli kniȝt sei wat ich ssel do
To bringe me out of þis miseise & ichelle do also
Bote go hom quaþ þis luþer wiȝt & god inou þou sselt finde
Ac com hider to me þulke day & bilef þou noȝt þi wif bihinde
And bring hure & we ssolleþ som forwarde speke
And þou sselt euere riche be[o] bote þou uorwarde breke
Nou was þis wif god womman and louede seinte Marie
Þeruore þe deuel hure wolde habbe for he hadde þerto envie
Þe deuel wende forþ is wei þe kniȝt hamward drou
Þo he com hom in eche hurne he uond god inou
Ȝeorne he þonkede þe foule wiȝt þat him bihet such cas
He longede to him efsone ac he nuste wat he was
Þo it was atte daie þat bitwene ham nome
His wif he het to greiþe hure þat he[o] wiþ him come
He nolde hure noþing telle wuder he wolde uare
Hy wende boþe toward þe wode þo hi were al ȝare
Bi a chapel of oure Leuedi bi þe wei hi come ride
Þe leuedi bad he[o] moste aliȝte & þer inne a stonde abide
To bidde hure beden to oure Leuedi as he was iwond ofte
Þo he[o] to þe chapele com he[o] fel adoun & slep softe
Oure Leuedy swete & milde aliȝte fram heuene to hure þere
Hure forme he[o] nom in euerich pointe hure sulf as þei it were


To þe kniȝt as is owe wif he[o] wende & wiþ him rod
Þe kniȝt bigan to chide faste þat he[o] so longe abod
Sire sire quaþ oure Leuedi we ne beoþ noȝt muche ilet
Vs nessel for mine abode spede bote þe bet
Ich hopie þyn erande ssel be[o] wel ibeet
Forþ hi wende into þe wode as þe stude was iset
Þo hi come toward þe stede þe deuel wel ȝare i seie
Ac þo þe deuel oure Leuedi sei he gan to grede heie
False trichour he sede to þe kniȝt wy bitraistou me so
Ssel ich habbe þis for mi godhede þat ich habbe þe ido
Neholde ich forward quaþ þe kniȝt war of destou mene
Þou luxt loude quaþ þe deuel þou brecst forward al clene
Þou bringst mid þe mi meste uo & ssost me þi wif lede
Þis kniȝt houede as witles he nuste hou he it sede
Þou luþer þing quaþ oure Leuedi wy wostou so fawe
Þat he þe hadde is wif ibroȝt þou wost it nere noȝt lawe
Ichelle þe segge quaþ þe ssrewe he[o] me is swuþe loþ
For he[o] þe serueþ so wel he[o] makeþ me alday wroþ
And ȝif he[o] hadde hider icome ich hure wolde astrangli anon
Ac þou ert euere mi worste frend among alle myn oþer fon
Þou hure hast nou bynome me þou bringst us al to gronde
Alas þat þou euere were alas þulke stounde
Ich hote þe quaþ oure Leuedy þat þou hanne wende
Þat þou nei þis manne come neuere eft him to ssende
And þou sire kniȝt also god þou me hast igremed sore
Be[o] repentant of þi trespas & nedo þou so namore
Al þat þou hast of richesse þoru þe deueles sonde
Del it al for Godes loue pouere men in þe londe
And ȝou sselt ȝute habbe god inou to lede bi þi lif
In my chapele þere þou wost þou sselt finde þi wif


Wiþ þis word he[o] wende forþ þe kniȝt nesei hure namore
He vnderstod wel wo it was he gan to sike sore
For þe sunne þat he dude þoru þe fendes lore
Oure Leuedi he bad forȝiuenesse & cride hure milce & ore
Hamward he wende in grete þoȝt is wif slepinge he fonde
In þe chapele þer he[o] lay and slep al þulke stonde
Slepinge he[o] hadde al iseie þat of ȝam ido was
Gret ioie hy made ham bitwene as hi tolde of þis cas
Faire hi wende togadere hom & dude oure Leuedi bone
God þat hi hadde þoru þe deuel poueremen he delde sone
And seruede oure Leuedi wel þat ȝam was milde & hende
And worles god inou hadde to ȝare liues ende
Of oure Leuedy faire miracles we seoþ aldai & grete
Þei we habbe of somme itold ȝute nolle we noȝt lete

[Miraculum de Milite]

A kniȝt þer was alonde wile gret man wiþ alle iwis
Attelaste he him biþoȝte þat þe worle was of lite pris
Al is nobleie he bileuede and into religion wende
To serui God & oure Leuedi is lif forto amende
Is breþeren him wolde teche is beden as riȝt was & lawe
Is Pater Noster & Crede and he it wolde leorne fawe
He nemiȝte neuere for no þing vnderstonde þerof more
Bote Aue Maria þis to word it him of þoȝte wel sore
Þo hi nemiȝte him teche more mid loue ne mid eiȝe
He let him iworþe & leorne wel þulke wordes tweie
Þis kniȝt boþe niȝt and day on oure Leuedi gan crie
In god entente þis to word he sede Aue Marie
He necouþe neuere oþer bede wiþ gode wille he ȝam sede
And wiþ þulke wiþoute mo al is lif he gan lede
Þo he wende out of þis world as we solleþ efsone
Me burede him faire as riȝt was such mon forto done
Out of is buriels þer werþ sone a fair lilie and hey
Þe floures wiȝt so eny milk as al þe contreie isey


In ech lef þer was iwrite wiþ lettres of golde rede
Þeos to wordes Aue Marie þat he so ofte sede
Þat folk spak þerof wide and wondrede muche þer uore
So þat hy nome ȝam to rede to loke wat were þe more
Hi dolue and fonde þe lilie weie riȝt out of is mouþe
Gret ioie hadde þat folk alle þat þe encheson couþe
And iseie hou god it was oure Leuedi forto grete
Ȝute we wolleþ telle more of hure [] he[o] is so god & swete

Miraculum [de Milite Anglie]

A kniȝt þer was in Engelonde by norþe here biside
A ȝong sone he hadde bi is wyf as God wolde it ssolde bitide
Þe moder a day þe wile it was ȝong þat child to chirche broȝte
Þat child biheld þat rode in churche and stod in grete þoȝte
Moder he sede wat is þe mon þat ȝend anhonged is
Sone quaþ þe leuedy it is oure Louerd iwis
For us he was so anhonge and to strong deþ ibroȝt
To bringe us to þe ioie of heuene he haþ us deore iboȝt
Wel aȝte we þanne quaþ þe child serui him wiþ wille
And wat is þulke faire womman þat stont bi him so stille
It is is moder quaþ þe leuedy þat oure swete Leuedy is
O madame quaþ þis child wonder me þincþ iwis
Stod he[o] bi him þo me him slou þe leuedy sede ȝe
Awey madame quaþ þe child miȝtestou so by me
Hou miȝte he[o] ise[o] quelle hure child þat hure herte nebreke ato
Muche was þe deol in hure heorte & sorynesse also
Þei þis child were ȝong ofte siþe on þis deol it þoȝte
Selde were he euere were out of is herte he it broȝte
Þat child was suþþe ido to scole he leornede wel inou
So þat he com to Oxenford þo he to monne drou
Selde it com out of is þoȝte wat so he yseie
Þe deol þat oure Leuedi hadde þo he[o] sei hure sone deie
Hit biuel suþþe in a tyme as it doþ by manyon


Þat he dude a dedlich sunne so ne dude he neuere er non
He nolde noȝt as many wolleþ þer on ligge longe
To a frere he wende to ssrifte is penance forto auonge
Repentant he was inou of [þulke] luþer dede
Leste he nere noȝt sori inou for þulke misdede
Wanne he spak wiþ is ssrift fader at eche time so he sede
And bisoȝte him for þulke sunne þat he for him bede
And þat he bede oure Leuedy for þulke sor þat he[o] hadde in hure þoȝt
Þo he[o] sei hure sone honge and to stronge deþe be[o] ibroȝt
Þat he[o] ȝeue him grace and wille þe Leuedy milde and fre[o]
Sori inou inis herte for is sunne to be[o]
Þat he bad ek him sulf oure Leuedy niȝt and day
For þe deol þat he[o] hadde of hure sone þat he[o] him deie say
He hadde þe wile he liuede þulke bone in mone
Þat oure Leuedi þo he was ded him cudde & eke hure sone
Attelaste at Oxenford at scole he gan deye
Þe furste day he was iwest as þe maistres iseie
Tweie clerkes þer were ouer him þat swuþe wel is frend were
Þat wuste is bone niȝt and day and we[re] next þe bere
Echmon amorwe bote hi tweie wende hom inis ende
Felawe quaþ þat on it is tyme þat we þe tapres tende
Abid a stonde quaþ þis oþer forte þe maistres come
Hit nis noȝt riȝt þe taperes tende bote here were some
As þis tweie clerkes sete alone adoun hy lenede stille
So þat hi werþe aslepe as it was Godes wille
As hi slepe hom þoȝte boþe þat [hi] angles monye yseie


Hare felawe soule þat þer lai ded to heuene lede heie
Oure Leuedy as to teche þe wey hure sulf ȝeode biuore
And openede þe dore of heuene þat þe soule were in ibore
Þo he[o] biuore oure Louerd com adon he[o] sat akne
Sone he[o] sede lo her mi frend þat wel haþ iserued me
Vnderfong him in þi ioie oure Louerd aȝen sede
Leue moder so ich aȝte wel þei þou neuere ne bede
For an eorþe he bad þi milce ofte for þe deol þat þou seie
And þat sor in þin herte þo þou seie me deie
Wel heie ich him wole auonge as riȝt is þat ich do
And among myn halwen him onure & þou sselt also
Þo sende oure Leuedi fram heuene to þe taperes liȝt anon
Þat aboute þe body stode and tende ham echon
Þe clerkes awoke anon as hi slepe boþe þer
And fonde þe tapres al itend as ham þoȝte in slepe er
Þo come þe maistres as riȝt was þe seruise to do
And þo it was al to ende ibroȝt & þat bodi ibured also
Þe clerkes to hare priue maistres tolde al þat hi seie
Þat oure Leuedi to oure Louerd sede in þe ioie of heuene heie
And hou hi onurede him for þe munde þat he hadde er in mode
Of þe deol þat oure Leuedy hadde of hure sone in þe rode
Hi ȝeode uorþ to þe frere þat is ssrift fader was
Somme of þe maistres priueliche tolde him al þat cas
Þe frere sede þat it was soþ þat he hadde euere in mode
Þe deol þat oure Leuedi hadde þo hure sone deide in þe rode
Þe miracle was þo iholde soþ of þis holy childe
Wiþ ech þing alday we seoþ oure Leuedi swete & milde

Miraculum [de Iude]

Gywes hatieþ oure Leuedy muche & hure swete sone also
Þat is isene in mony dede þat þe ssrewene habbeþ ido
Oure Leuedi dai in harwest þat so holi is and swete
An erche bissop song is masse in þe cite of Tolete


Riȝt atte sacringe of þe masse at þulke holy dede
A uois he hurde of heuene þat þeos wordes sede
Þe ssrewen him ssolleþ so uilliche efsone do on rode
And so ssenfolliche enuily mid so luþer mode
Þe erche bissop þo he hadde is masse ibroȝt to ende
He nom wiþ him folk inou to þe Giweri he gan wende
And let of seche oueral attelaste hi fonde
Þe forme of oure Louerd in a rode ibete & ibonde
Inailed þoru fet and honde as oure Louerd mid is vif wonde
Þat hadde þe Giwes ido God ȝiue ȝam harde stonde
And alle þat ȝam louie wel for muche is þe vilte
And þe ssame þat hi ofte doþ oure Louerd in priuete
Ȝute oure Leuedi aliȝte & warnede þe bissop fore
Muche godnesse he[o] haþ ido seþþe he[o] was ibore
Nou Leuedi for þe milce þat euere haþ in þe ibe[o]
And for þe grete sor þat þou haddest þo þi sone deide on tre[o]
Ȝif us grace þat we mote such milce here wynne
Þat we mote to þe ioie come þat þou ert inne

De sancto Albano

Seint Albon þe holyman [was] her of Engelonde
Imartred he was for Godes loue & þoru oure Louerdes sonde
Heþene man he was ferst and of heþene men he com
And suþþe as oure Louerd it wolde he turnde to Cristendom
Þe luþer prince þat was þo Dioclisian
And þe oþer þat was luþer ek þat het Maximian
Cristen men þat hi miȝte wite hi broȝte alle to gronde
Hi lete hom seche in ech londe ware hi miȝte beo fonde
A Iustice þat wiþ hom was to Engelonde com
To martri alle Cristenemen and destruie Cristendom


A clerk a god Cristene man hurde telle wide
Of tormens þat hi oþer dude he nedorst no lengore abide
And flei to hude him ellesware þat he ymartred nere
To seint Albones house com and bad is in þere
Seint Albon þo he was wiþ him awaited and ysay
Hou he was in orisons boþe niȝt and day
He þoȝte þat he was a fol þat heþene was so longe
He gan to luue on Iesu Crist and Cristendom auonge
Þe Iustice let þane clerk seche so þat it was icud
Hou at seint Albones hous wiþ him he was ihud
Kniȝtes he sende him to vecche ȝif he ifonde were
Hi come and esste seint Albon ware eny such were þere
Ȝe for Gode quaþ þis oþer inelle it noȝt for sake
A such man as ich am misulf inelle ȝou non oþer take
A þuf quaþ þis luþer men ertou icome herto
Wanne þou wolt for þe stronge þeof to deþe þou worst ido
Þis holyman y bonde faste and to þe Iustice him broȝte
And tolde him hou he pulte him uorþ for þe oþer þat hi soȝte
Bel ami quaþ þe Iustice sei wat is þy name
& of wat kunne þou ert icome & þat oure godes dest such ssame
To þis lesinge quaþ seint Albon ichelle answerie sone
Of wat cunne ich am icome þou hast lite to done
Albon is my name iwis ich honury also
God þat ssop al þat is and eueremo wol do
A traitor quaþ þis Iustice erto icome herto
Ich ssel tormenti al þi body fram toppe to þin ho
Hastou ihud atom þane þeof þat doþ us such ssame
And pultest forþ þisulue þou cheitif to deþe inis name
Honure oure godes ich þe rede and do hom sacrefise
Oþer ichelle þe so tormenti þat men ssolleþ of þe agrise


For þou spext quaþ seint Albon þer boute þou spillest breþ
Inelle neuere þane del onure of drede of þe deþ
Wroþ was þis Iustice þo þis holyman he nom
Naked he let him faste binde & ȝaf sone is dom
Wiþ scorgen is tormentors leide on him inowe
So faste þat hy were weri and al is bodi todrowe
Þe harde scorgen gonne deope in is harde fleiss wade
Þe more þat hi bete him þe gladdore he him made
Þo þe luþer Iustice isei þat al þat was for noȝt
Þat he nemiȝte fram Iesu Crist for noþing turne is þoȝt
He het him lede wiþoute toun is heued smite of sone
Þe tormentors al ȝare were forto don is bone
Hi harled him wel villiche þat ssame it was to ise
Forte hi come to þulke stude þere he ssolde ymartred be
To an vrnynge brok hi come þere hi moste ouer wade
Þe tormentors wode ouer abrod & no strengþe ne made
Þo þis holyman þuder com þat water him wiþdrou
And ouer þe brok made a wei drie and clene inou
Þat ouer he wende also drie as it alonde were
Al bihinde him euere þe water smot togadere þere
And com aȝen al as it was er þo he com to londe
Louerd muche is þi miȝte wo so him wolde vnderstonde
Wo so hadde me þincþ such an hine to lede him aboute ilome
He nedorste noȝt care worþ a bene to wuch water he come
Þe maister of þe tormentors wanne he was bitake
Þo he isei þis uaire miracle þane deuel he gan forsake
His swerd þat he bar an honde fram him wel uer caste
He fel to seint Albones fet and cride him mercy vaste
Þat he moste for him deiȝe oþer bote it oþer were
Þat he wiþ him in þe place þane deþ avange þere


Vp an hul he wende an hei as hi were assigned to
Þis holyman seint Albon þe dede to do
Seint Albon wilned after water upe þane hul an hey
He bihuld þat þer nemiȝte no water come þer ney
Oure Louerd he bad mid gode heorte þat he sende is grace
Þat som water moste come to him in þulke place
Þo he hadde ydon is orison & oure Louerd ibede
Þer sprong out of þe heie hul a welle in þulke stude
Þat beste water þat miȝte be[o] þat ȝute ilast ich wene
Euere was and euere worþ oure Louerdes miȝte isene
Þis gode kniȝt þat biluuede on God for þat he sei er
Wel more he cride þo on him for þulke miracle þer
And wilnede ȝeorne þat he moste wiþ him deie þere
So þat in oure Louerdes name boþe ymartred were
Ac þe tormentour þat smot of seint Albones heued
He nedorste noȝt ȝilpe þerof muche him were betere habbe bileued
For þo he smot of is heued riȝt in þulke stonde
Is eiȝne folle out of is heued & þer wiþ he fel to gronde
Is biȝete was wel lite þer it fel doun al byhinde
He miȝte segge wanne he comþ hom war her comþ þe blynde
Louerd muchel is þe miȝte wo so wolde vnderstonde
As me miȝte bi þin wiþerwine [] þere fonde
Seint Albon ymartred was here in Engelonde
Biside a toun þat Wincestre me clupede ich understonde
Þere is nou a chirche arered and a gret abbeie also
Þat me clupeþ seint Albones as he was to deþe ido
Nou bidde we ȝerne Iesu Crist & seint Albon wel faste
Þat we to þe ioie come mote þat euere ssel ilaste

De sancto Iohanne Baptista. [Decollatio]

Sein Iohan was þe beste bern þe holy Baptist
Þat of womman was euere ibore [] wiþoute Iesu Crist
Ac of þat he an eorþe was me nefindeþ noȝt iwrite


Þat he eni miracle dude þat me miȝte of vnderȝite
Monion þencheþ þer of wonder so godman so he was
So gret miracle dude mony oþere þat aȝen him noȝt nas
Ac al it was for þe luþer Giwes þoru oure Louerdes wille so
For ȝif he hadde here an eorþe gret miracle ido
For he gan ferst ȝute Cristendom & þat folk þerto lere
Þe Giwes wolde habbe iwend þat he oure Louerd were
Þer fore oure Louerd dude miracle & ne let him do non
For þe Giwes ssolde iwite wuch he were echon
Herodes þat was þo king in a tyme to Rome
Wende toward þe emperor as is riȝt was ilome
So þat bi þe wei he wende bi sire Phelippe is broþer
And wiþ him reste as riȝt was hore eiþer wiþ oþer
So þat Erodes spak wiþ is broþer wyue þere
Þat he hure wolde to wiue habbe hou so it euere were
And þat he wolde framward Rome þeruorþ aȝen wende
And nyme and lede hure forþ wiþ him & holde to is ende
Nou was þis a sori couple and also him mote biualle
And luþer þrift uppon hore heued amen seggeþ alle
At on acord hi were sone to don þis sori dede
As tweie ssrewen acordeþ sone at an luþer rede
Þis Herodes wende uorþ inis wei toward Rome
And þoȝte take is broþer wif wanne he aȝenward come
His owe wif it vnderȝet as somwo hure word sende
To þe king of Damache hure fader sone he[o] wende
To be[o] þere forte he[o] weste hou þis dede ssolde ende
Þis king Eroudes bi is broþer aȝenward gan eft wende
And as it was er bispeke [] is wif mid him he nom
And [huld] hure wiþ strengþe as is owe in spousbruche & hordom


And temde bi hure deoluolliche in sunne and wiþ gret wou
His broþer & is wiues fader were wiþ him wroþ inou
And harm him dude uppon al hore miȝte & boþe were is fon
Ac he huld him faste inis folie and bileuede euere in on
So þat sein Ion þe Baptist a day to him com
And chalangede him of is sunne to ligge in hordom
And sede it was aȝen riȝt lawe and aȝen Cristendom
Erodes þeruore in wraþþe sein Ion faste nom
And forto paie þe luþer hore in strong prison him caste
Þat he lay al a ȝer ywarded wel uaste
And suþþe he let smite of is heued as ȝe hureþ ofte telle
As ȝe mowe ifinde iwrite in þe gospelle
In a castel of Arabie his heued was of ysmite
And eft hure doȝter þe quene it nom & let it faste wite
His deciples wende stilleliche þoru oure Louerdes grace
And burede þis holy body in a wel fair place
Bitwene Abdei & Elise þat prophetes wile were
Þis body was stilleliche wel longe ibured þere
Þis false quene þat heued hudde þat it nere ifonde noȝt
Leste it were eny tyme to þis body ibroȝt
And he arise fram deþe to liue & bico[me] attelaste
A prophete as he was er þeruore hy hudde it faste
A day as he[o] huld þis heued and bihuld þe face
Þat heued bigan to blowe on hure þoru oure Louerdes grace
And he[o] fel doun ded anon as oure Louerd is wreche caste
Me þincþ he[o] nedorste noȝt biliȝhe hure ssreuhede attelaste
[Ne] þe foule best hire doȝter noþer for as he[o] ȝede a day


And pleide upe yse in hure game as monyman isay
Þat is tobrak an vnder hure & he[o] adreinte anon
And wende forþ adeuelwey boþe fleiss and bon
Þus hadde moder and eke doȝter hor mede attenende
As ssel eche luþer man wanne oure Louerd him wole sende
Vuel hy tombede attelaste nere hom noȝt so loþe
Nou day [þat] hom muche bymene for ssrewen it were boþe
Þat heued was suþþe priueliche to Ierusalem ibroȝt
And ibured stilleliche þat me nefonde it noȝt
Of þis holy bodi þere it lay mony miracles come
Gret and faire niȝt & day as me seiþ ilome
Þer was þo a luþer emperor þe luþer Iulian
Þat reneide oure Louerdes lawe & was swuþe luþer man
Of þis miracles þo he hurde in gret wraþþe & onde
He let nime þis holi bones & tosprede into al þe londe
And caste it aboute ech fram oþer þat noman þer nei necome
Ne fonde it noȝt to fette is bote as me dude er ilome
And ȝute for al is felonie nebileue oure Louerd noȝt
Þat mony sik man þat com þerney nas to hele ibroȝt
Þo was þe luþer Iulian wroþore þanne he was er
A[s] is bones w[ere] er tosprad his men he sende þer
And let is fette clene aȝen and wiþoute toune anon
He let hom [sette in] a strong fure and forberne echon
And þe doust þer of wel wide he let blowe mid þe wynde
Þat me nessolde of him an eorþe neuere more finde
Nou was he a wonder hine awei wi nadde he þo
To douste ibrend al þe þeues þat þer necome of hom namo


Ac sein Iones finger þat he teiȝte oure Louerd þo he him isay
Cominge touward baptisinge as at Twelfþeday
Touward þe water of Iordan & loude gradde and sede
Lo Godes Lomb [þat] binymeþ þe worles misdede
No fur nemiȝte on þulke finger come for none þinge
For þe holy dede þat he þere wiþ teiȝte þe heie kynge
Ac ihol was and ȝut is and þere nis namore bileued
An eorþe of him bote þulke vinger and his holy heued
For al is body was forbrend bote soulement þulke to
Is day þat is in haruest þis dede was ido
Þat is bodi was þus forbarnd & also þulke day
Þer after longe me fond is heued in eorþe as it lay
Me halt is feste of þis to þinges þanne þat ȝe it wite
For me nemay noȝt oure Leuediday þat is heued was of ismite
A maner martirdom it was is bones so to drawe
Þer uore me may wel þanne holde is feste bi riȝte lawe
Þis holy heued þat þus was at Ierusalem ihud
Þoru uair miracle of sein Ion uerst it was ikud
For to tweie monkes at Ierusalem him sulf he com biniȝte
And ssewede hom ware is heued lay as it were in a siȝte
And hy wende forþ & soȝte is sone & in þulke here iwonde
Þat he werede in wildernesse attelaste hi it fonde
And þene finger hy fonde ek þat was of him bileued
Wiþ gret honour forþ hi bere þis finger & þis heued
And weste it for fair relike and ȝute attelaste
Efsone hi were faste ihud and in a put icaste
And leie þere longe ihud as vewe þerof roȝte
Ac were an eorþe al for ȝute as noman is neþoȝte
Ac sein Ion nolde noȝt þat hi leie to longe þere
To þe abbot Marcel he com aniȝt as it in metynge were


And bad him nime is heued up & sede ware it lay
Þis godeman sone aros him up & ne abod noȝt forte day
He openede is celle dore & biheld aboute
A sterre he fond biuore þe dure houi þere wiþoute
Þe cleroste þat miȝte be[o] him wondrede þerof inou
He þonkede God wiþ gode wille & toward þis sterre drou
He nom up his hond & wolde take he nemiȝte noȝt areche
Ac softe he gan to swie forþ as it were þen wei to teche
And þe abbot him siwede euere and þe sterre touore wel softe
Þe abbot honurede is ledare þat so god was wel ofte
Forþ wende þe sterre forte he com ouer þulke place
Þer þis holy heued lay þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þo he com ouer þulke place he houede þere a stonde
Forte Marcel þis gode monk þis heued hadde ifonde
Þe gode bissop Iulian Marcel tolde þis cas
Þoru hom boþe þis holy heued inome up of þe eorþe was
And is heued and is finger ek boþe beoþ hole and sonde
A sein Iones day in haruest þus hi were ifonde
Þeruore ȝute þoru heste of Rome þoru al Cristendom
Me halt þene day in honurance of is holy martirdom
For in oure Leuediday in Leinte as he was to deþe ibroȝt
For oþer festes þat þer beoþ þer of ne rat me noȝt
Nou sein Ion þat in flum Iordan baptisede Godes sone
Lete us þoru oure Cristendom to þe ioie of heuene come

De sancto Petro apostolo

Seinte Peter was wiþ oure Louerd of al is apostles hecst
Sein Ion þe wangelist & he were euere oure Louerd nexst
Seinte Peter was a uissare & seint Andreu is broþer also
Þo oure Louerd ȝeode ouerlond he fond hom hore mester do
Comeþ he sede after me oþer visssares ichelle ȝou make


Anon hi siwede him afterward & hore nettes gonne forsake
Hy siwede oure Louerd afterward and is apostles were
And after is deþ wide wende Cristendom to lere
Seinte Peter is þe hexte apostel þat mid oure Louerd is
And triwelokest him louede her and cudde it ofte iwis
For þo oure Louerd made is cene in a Ssere Þoresdaye
And sede is deciples þat on of hom him ssolde bitraye
Seinte Peter esste wo it were wel faste loude and stille
Ac oure Louerd nesede him noȝt for he weste wel is wille
For ȝif he hadde iwest wo it were boþe fleiss and skyn
Wiþ is teþ he wolde habbe todrawe as seiþ seint Austin
Suþþe þo oure Louerd was inome a Gyu he smot also
And ȝif oure Louerd him nadde forbode more he hadde ido
Gret loue also touore al oþere he cudde him in þe se
Þo he orn to him upe þe water þo he weste it was he
Heuene keien oure Louerd him tok & Holy Churche to gome
And heued him made of Holy Churche & þe uerste pope of Rome
Seinte Petres loue also upe oure Louerd so muche tende
Þat after holy Þoresday þat oure Louerd to heuene wende
Selde he com out of is þoȝt ac wanne [he] him ne seie
So gret deol he made & mornynge þat he wep wiþ is eiȝe
Þer uore he bar inis bosom war so he bicome
A cloþ to wipe awei þe teres for he wep so lome
To oure Louerd he hadde triwest loue of al þat euere were
And studefastost was of bileue Holy Churche to lere
Of miracles he was swuþe uol so uol nas neuere non
To liue he rerede dede men þe crokede he made gon
A god womman was þulke tyme and of holy fame
Oure Louerd heo seruede swuþe wel Tabite was hure name


Þis womman deide as God it wolde as we ssolleþ echone
Þer was for hure deol ynou wop & swuþe gret mone
Somme of þe postles ne[i] hure were to seinte Peter hi sende
Þat he to burie hore gode frend & to oure Louerdes womman wende
Seinte Peter com þuder sone widuen prest were
Hi wope on him and cride ȝerne for hore felawe þat lai ded þere
Seinte Peter gan to sike sore adoun he sat akne[o]
And for hure on oure Louerd cride as þat folk miȝte ise[o]
Al anhei he sede þo aris up Tabite anon
Þe womman aros mid þulke worde þat was as ded as ston
And þonkede God and seinte Peter & hol & sond gan gon
And liuede in holy lif longe hol of fleiss and bon
A prince þer was anoþer tyme man of swuþe gret fame
Heþene he was and alle his Cornel was is name
He him biþoȝte in a tyme þat is bileue nas noȝt
He wilnede muche forto be[o] in betere bileue ibroȝt
Of oure Louerd he was sore adrad so þat him com toknynge
Fram heuene a day wo him ssolde to riȝte bileue bringe
An angel him sede riȝt attenone þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
And is bedes & is almes dedes biuore oure Louerd wende
And þat he sende to seinte Peter þat at Iospen ssolde abide
A[t] Symondes hous þe tannare riȝt bi þe se side
Þat he sone to him come to teche him Cristendom
Þe messager þat he sende forþ to seinte Peter com
Þo he hadde is erande ised seinte Peter wiþ him wende
And to Cornel com to þis heieman as oure Louerd him sende


And teiȝte him and alle his þe lawe of Cristendom
So þat ech of hom icristned was and to gode bileue com
Her of a[t] seinte Petres tid me singþ in Holy Churche
Amang þe miracles þat oure Louerd for seinte Peter gan werche
Seinte Peter prechede aboute and baptisede vaste
He rerde churches manion maumes adoun he caste
Þe king Eroudes him let seche & þo he was ifonde
He nom him and into strong prison broȝte him faste ibonde
Kniȝtes he sette him to wite in prison þere he lay
Þis godeman lay þere in pine & itormented moni o day
Erodes let crie a day þat is men amorwe come
Forto deme seinte Peter and quelle him þoru dome
Þat cri was sone wide ibroȝt þat Peter ssolde amorwe
To deþe be[o] ibroȝt þoru iugement þat noman nessolde him borwe
In prison he was wel uaste iwust & Holi Churche uaste
Bad God for him niȝt & day þat hurde hom attelaste
For þe niȝt þat he ssolde amorwe þane deþ þoru dom auonge
He lay slepe faste ibonde wiþ tweie raketeien stronge
Bitwene tweie kniȝtes þat him weste oþer wiþoute were
To wite þe dore faste inou [] þat he ne ofscapede þere
An angel þer com wiþ liȝt of heuene & smot him in þe side
Aris up he sede & go wiþ me þou nesselt no leng abide
Þo he aros up is ueteres þat he was wiþ ibonde
Fram him hupte boþ anon and fel adoun to gronde
Don þi cloþes quaþ þe angel and al ȝare make þe
Don þi gurdel and þi sson and com and siwe me
Seinte Peter stod in þoȝte of þe angel þat com him to


He ne wende noȝt þat it were soþ ac þat him matte so
And naþeles he wende forþ mid him hi passede in a stonde
Boþe þe warden of þe kniȝtes þe uerste & þe seconde
To irene ȝet hi come sone þat touward þe toune stod
Aȝen hom it openede him sulf for oure Louerdes miȝte is god
Þer þoru hi wende wel baldeliche and so to a stretes ende
Þe angel him let þo iworþe and fram him aȝen gan wende
To soþe ichot nouþe quaþ seinte Peter þat oure Louerd me sende her
His angel to deliueri me of Herodes poer
Þis was a Lammasseday we holdeþ ȝute þulke feste
Of þulke miracles þulke day þoru Holy Churches heste
Seinte Peter wende forþ as in priuete
To sein Iones moder hous Marie Salome
Þere were monie of þe apostles in orisons ibroȝt
For seinte Peter forto bidde hi nuste him so nei noȝt
Seinte Peter com to þe dore he gan to hote undo
A maide þat was Rode icluped wel sone com þerto
Þo heo it weste þat he it was he[o] nemiȝte for ioie noȝt
Abide forto vndo þe dore þat he were in ibroȝt
Ac orne in and tolde þe apostles uore þat Peter was icome
Þe apostles sede heo was wod & hure wit was bynome
Seinte Peter stod wiþoute and atte dore bet faste
Þe apostles sturte & let him in & þat soþe fonde attelaste
Þer was cussinge & ioie inou among þe apostles alle
Seinte Peter hom tolde uore hou it was of hom biualle
Ȝurne hi herede Iesu Crist for miracle þat hi seie
And onured euereft þulke day as we doþ ȝut wel heye
Þe king Erodes amorwe þo hi togadere come
Nobliche he sat inis chaere to ȝiue Petres dome


Þo þe gailers þat him weste and þe kniȝtes hadde forlore
Þo hi nemiȝte it hele noȝt þe king hi tolde uore
For wraþþe þe king was nei wod sorwe he made inou
Þe wardeins he let nyme adoun ac men sede it was wou
Sire hi sede þou miȝt be[o] siker þoru hom nas it noȝt
Ac Godes strengþe is more þan þin þat him haþ out ibroȝt
Erodes nolde bileue is fare ar an angel fram heuene com
And smot him þat he uel þer doune & ȝaf him is owe dom
For þer he walwede as a wrecche to is bed he was ibore
In strong deþ he deide þe vifte day is poer was sone forlore
Oure Louerd soffreþ awile is fon here aȝen him fiȝte
Attelaste he smit wel harde wanne he cudde is miȝte
Seinte Peter wende aboute wide to prechi Cristendom
Þoru is prechinge mony lond to oure Louerdes lawe com
In þe lond of Antioche he prechede attelaste
Þe folke was þere misbiluued & stode aȝen him uaste
Teophele þe prince of þe lond to seinte Peter com
And let him binde as a þeof for he prechede of Cristendom
And þat folk ek to ssende him aboute him gan þicke wende
And nome to rede in wuche manere hi miȝte him mest ssende
A croune hi ssere him upe þe pol as hi wolde a fol do
To ssewy þat he was a fol and to ssende him also
Nolde he neuere eft afterward is croune bileue vnssore
And þo he was suþþe pope of Rome he porueide þeruore
Þat al þe lymes of Holy Churche clerkes þat were
Icrouned were as he was Holy Churche to lere


Þulke manere is ȝute iholde ac [ho] so wolde wel do
Þat is icrouned as he was of is liue ssolde be[o] also
Þus was seinte Peter ferst icrouned him to ssende
And þei it were to ssennesse to manssipe it gan wende
Þo hi hadde ido him ssame inou þe prince attelaste
Let him binde faste inou and in strong prison caste
Þere wiþoute mete & drinke he let him longe faste
Þat he was wiþ honger so ouercome & of deþe he him agaste
Ȝeorne he bad oure Louerd him helpe gret deol to him he nom
Oure swete Louerd is miȝte cudde & to him fram heuene com
Peter he sede wy wenestou nou þat ich habbe forȝute þe
Wi bileuestou þine bileue and trist so lite to me
Trist to me wiþoute wanhope and icholle nei þe beo
Wiþ þis word oure Louerd wende he nemiȝte him þo namore iseo
Seinte Peter hopede þo of prison be[o] ibroȝt
Ac ȝute he bileuede þer and failede of is þoȝt
Sein Poul hurde her of telle as he wende aboute
To Teophele þe prince he wende anon among is men so proute
He sede he was a carpenter sley mon and queinte
No carpenter in þe lond he nedoutede in no pointe
And naþeles war he sede soþ ne can ich þe telle noȝt
I ne leoue noȝt þat he wolde lye oþer þat it come inis þoȝt
Þe king was glad of such a man for he hadde to him neode
Wiþ þat he wolde wiþ him be[o] gret catel he gan him beode
After þat he was þuder icome ech wile hym þoȝte viue
Ar he weste of seinte Peter were he were alyue
He lokede is tyme stilleliche to him he gan go


He uond him nei ded & ouercome mid miseise & mid wo
For ioie [he] weop þo [he] him isei he nemiȝte a word speke
Sein Poul ek for deol weop is bendes he gan breke
And liþede wat he miȝte & made him drinke and ete
Þo is heorte was icome aȝen and igladed mid is mete
Hi custe and clupte wiþ glade heorte and weope boþe wel sore
Sein Poul him gladede þe wile he miȝte ac þo he nedeorste namore
Stilleliche he wende aȝen and to þe prince drou
Sire he sede þou ert man of gret nobleye inou
Þy poer is muche and þi nobleie þi godnesse aȝte beo þe more
Me þincþ o dede þat þou þincst þe aȝte rewe sore
Þat þou wolt holde so villiche þe man þat is so wis
In so vil prison & so strong ne ertou of greot pris
Parantre ȝif he were deliuered he miȝte þe gret god do
For me seiþ he haþ many a man iholpe & iheled also
Þat nis bote trufle quaþ þe prince for ȝif þat soþ were
Him sulue [he] wolde deliueri and noȝt ligge & pini þere
Certes sire quaþ sein Poul ich habbe ihurd telle ilome
Þat þe God on wan hi biluueþ þat þe Giwes so foule nome
He dude an eorþe al þat he wolde & helde men inowe
And naþeles he þolede ȝut þat þe Giwes him slowe
Paranter also þis godeman þei he be[o] of miȝte also
He wole wel for oure Louerdes loue þat me him pine do
For he þolede for him more and ȝaf him ensample þerto
Þerefore nerecþ þis godeman þei me him do wo
Ich hadde an sone quaþ þis prince þat is wel ȝore ago
Þat he deide & was ibured fortene ȝer and mo
Ȝif he þoru is Louerdes miȝte arereþ him to lyue


Ichelle deliueri him of prison & leþegi is benden bliue
And ichelle loke quaþ sein Poul ware he wole do þi bone
To seinte Peter he wende forþ & tolde him uore wel sone
Ich habbe he sede þe prince bihote þat þou sselt is sone arere
Þat icome is nou þat he deide into þe vifteþe ȝere
Mi leue broþer quaþ seinte Peter wel muche to me þat were
Ac to oure Louerdes miȝte þou wost wel bote lite þing it nere
Þe prince sende after seinte Peter wiþ gret folk he let him lede
To þe þrou þat þe child lay to proui þe miȝtfol dede
Seinte Peter nom up þat lid adoun he sat akne
Oure Louerd he bad is milce ssewe þat þe uolk it miȝte ise
Þe dede man in oure Louerdes name he het arise anon
He aros up hol and sond and touore al þat folk gan gon
And þonkede God þat he hurde seinte Peteres bone
Hor fole bileue he forsok and let him cristny sone
Þe prince and al þat oþer folk gret ioie wiþ alle made
Hore maumes hy forsoke sone and Cristendom bade
Icristned hi were alle sone and in þe place anon
A churche hi bigonne arere ar hi wolde þanne gon
Þe men of þe londe sone icristned were echon
Þe chirche hi rerde noble & hei of lim & of ston
Þo þe chirche was up irered swuþe noble & heie
An heie chaere amidde hi sette þat al þe men iseie
Þer uppe hi sette seinte Peter þat me miȝte him ise[o] wide
And hure also is prechinge aboute in euerich side
Nobliche þat folk honurede him as prince of Godes lawe


As hore maister vnder God hi were of him wel vawe
Al þe honur hi him dude þat me miȝte a manne do
Akneo hi sete and lotte on him and cride on him also
Þis bigan a seinte Peteres day þat comþ in Feuerer
And for honur of þulke feste among us we halweþ her
In þulke honur in þulke churche seinte Peter hi heolde faste
Seue ȝer and honurede him euere þe wile it laste
An[d] euere prechede seinte Peter þe deuel nedoutede he noȝt
He ne wende noȝt þanne [er] al þat lond in god point were ibroȝt
After seue ȝer he wende þanne and bad hom wel to do
And lede hore lif as he hom ladde & [beo] studefast also
Þer was wop and deol inou þo he fram hom wende
To prechi he wende in oþer lond as oure Louerd him sende
Þerto hadde þe deuel envie as he haþ to alle gode
Anne deciple he hadde in þe lond þat was a luþer fode
Symon Magus was is name þat worrede niȝt & day
Oure Louerd Crist and alle his and oure Louerdes lay
So uol of þe deuel he was þat þoru þe deueles miȝte
Godes sone he made him þat an eorþe among men aliȝte
Wonder miracle he dude inou stones liȝhe he made
Ymages speke & hondes singe & oþer þat men him bade
Addren of bras he made swie quike as þei hi were
His deciples he hadde into al þe lond þat folk uuel to lere
As God sende is deciples aboute to prechi god
He sende his to prechi vuel and manion hom vnderstod
Þo þe wrecche hadde vnderȝite wat seinte Peter hadde ido
And iturnd þat lond of Antioche envie he hadde þerto
Þuder he wende and mid les þat folk aȝen him he sende


And mid false miracles þat he dude aȝen him þat lond wende
Ac seinte Peter þuder suþþe sein Clementes fader sende
Þat þe lond eft to Gode turnde & Symon Magus ssende
Þe nexte time þat seinte Peter in þe lond suþþe com
Wiþ nobleie and gret honur þat folk efsone him nom
Vpe þe heie chaere hi sette him eft to hure efsone is lore
Ȝif he onurede him er muche hi dude þo wel more
His day me halt in Feuerer of þis honuringe also
For he was a[t] boþe times in heie chaere ido
Þo he hadde al þe lond ibroȝt ariȝt in Godes lawe
Fram hom he wende wiþ gret honur to Rome he gan drawe
Honured he was þere inou he prechede Cristendom
Pope he was imad of Rome þe uerste þat euere com
To be[o] heued of Cristendom fyue and twenti ȝer
He liuede suþþe he was pope wat elleswar & þer
Hit biuel þat Simon Magus to Ierusalem wende
And prechede faste luþer lawe as þe deuel him sende
Seinte Peter hurde telle þuder he wende faste
He prechede aȝen is falshede & oure Louerdes lawe forþ caste
[S]o þat þe hexte of þe lond a dai hadde inome
And hi ssolde desputi boþe and togadere come
Symon Magus him made ȝare and to þe place wende
Þat folk him siwede nobleliche and after Peter sende
Þo Peter com in atte dore pais be[o] her he sede
Mid alle men þat louieþ pais and hatieþ falshede
Boie we nabbeþ quaþ Simon to þi pais no neode
And wareso ssel contak be[o] me nessel no pais beode
For ȝif þer were bitwene us pes striui nemiȝte we noȝt
Inelle noþer pes ne reste ar þou be[o] to gronde ibroȝt
Wi ertou quaþ seinte Peter of pes adrad so sore


For pes is þere nis no sunne and þere is Godes lore
Bel amy quaþ Simon þou neseist noȝt aȝen me
Ich am God and Godes sone þat ichelle cuþe þe
Þe on wiþ wrong þe oþer wiþ riȝte desputede wel uaste
So þat Simon Magus ouercome was attelaste
His bokes he nom of is uoule art & amidde þe se caste
For nomon nessolde leorne is art for þerof he him agaste
To Rome he gan faste fle[o] and þo he þuder com
He made him God & Godes sone and worrede Cristendom
To Nero þat was emperor he wende and sone him sede
Þat Peter was a luþer man and prechede al falshede
Seinte Peter ssowede him to Rome sone he com
Forto ouercome is falshede and holde up Cristendom
He prechede faste as a Godes kniȝt he nebileuede for no doute
A bissop he made wiþinne toun and anoþer wiþoute
Þe popen were boþe after him sein Lin and sein Clete
Hi prechede faste alle þre[o] for noþing hi nelete
Þe emperor & Simon Magus bidaie and eke biniȝte
Fondede quelle seinte Peter ȝif hi cause finde miȝte
Fram heuene oure Louerd liȝte adoun to seinte Peter he sede
Þat hi fondede him to sle and þat he nessolde noȝt drede
Ichelle he sede tomorwe sende þi felawe hider to þe
Poul þat ȝe hardeliche boþe speke of me
Þe hardiore was Peter þo of þe siȝte þat he sei
And he weste wel eke also þat is endeday was ney
Þere fore he made sein Clement bi is day pope þere
Þat Holi Churche after him wiþoute heued nere
Þo sein Poul to him com hy prechede aboute faste
As oure Louerdes champions þe wile hore lif ilaste
Symon was wiþ þe emperor and þere he was iholde
As a god for is falshede hi were for him wel bolde


He made ofte him sulue as he wolde boþe ȝong & old
As an oldman and as a child þat was wel wide itold
Sire he sede to þe emperor þat þou þat soþe ise[o]
Þat inam no dedlich man ac þat ich soþ God be[o]
Let þy men smite of min heued & þe þridde day iwis
Fram deþe ichelle arise to liue as it mi riȝte is
Þe emperor het is men him sle to þe place me him broȝte
So gret poer he hadde of þe deuel þat gret wonder he wroȝte
For is forme he caste in a weþer for a weþer stod þere
Þat alle men wende þat þer stode þat he him sulf it were
Þe weþeres heued a man smot of þat he fel ded anon
Þo wende hi þat Symond it were þat þanne was igon
Hy wende and tolde þe emperor al þis Symon ysei
Þe tweie dawes he hudde him faste þat he necom noman ney
Ac þen weþer sone he nom and hudde him þere he lay
To þe emperor wel baldeliche he wende þan þridde day
Lo me her he sede aliue as ich bihet þe biuore
Go let gaderi my blod clene þat it ne beo forlore
For mony sik man it may ȝute helpe wanne ich am to heuene iwend
Þou sucst nou Godes sone ich am for men an eorþe isend
Þat folk honured him for God and wel muche of him tolde
Þat blod hi lete gaderi clene & in relikes forto holde
Seinte Peter and sein Poul aȝen him speke uaste
And ouercome is enchantement and is art attelaste
And prouede þat þer was on him tweie maner kunde ibroȝt
Kunde of man & of þe deuel & of God riȝt noȝt
As oure Louerd an eorþe hadde tweie maner kunde also
Kunde of God & of man þer wiþ was to deþe ido


Ichelle ȝou forbere quaþ Symon for ichelle be[o] ȝou euere hende
Ac a Domes day ichelle ȝou deme to pine wiþoute ende
Þere ichelle ȝoure wile ȝulde as riȝt is þat ich do
Ȝoure folie ichelle soffri awyle & of moni oþere also
Ac þat echman ise[o] þat ich am God ȝute ichelle do more
Þat child þat ȝe seoþ ȝend ded þat me wepeþ fore so sore
Fram deþe ichelle him to liue arere nemiȝtou noȝt Peter so
Weþer of us þer of failleþ to deþe ssel be[o] do
Þe emperor het þat weþer of hom þat child nererede noȝt
Touore al þe folk in þe place to stronge deþe were ibroȝt
Symon is enchantement uerst sede wiþ gret prute
Þat child he made þoru þe deuel is heued wawe a lute
Þo was of þe luþer men þat cri wel heie anon
Þat Peter was ouercome hy wolde him hene wiþ ston
Nay abideþ quaþ seinte Peter yseoþ þat soþe echon
Ȝif he is to liue ibroȝt let him speke and gon
Þo he nemiȝte go ne speke ac lai ded as he dude er
Symon was awei ilad to fondi Peter is poer
Ver fram [þe] child Peter stod loude he gan to grede
In þe name of Iesu Crist aris up child he sede
Mid þulke word þat child aros & hol & sound up stod
And herede ȝerne Iesu Crist þat boȝte us mid is blod
Þat folk wolde Symon todrawe & hene him wiþ stone also
Nay nay quaþ seinte Peter so ne ssolle ȝe noȝt do
For to is pine it is inou þat he sucþ him sulf ouercome
And Iesu Cristes miȝte wexe and is owe poer bynome
For oure Louerd us het þat we ssolde god for uuel do
And ȝaf us þerto god ensample bi Symon we wolleþ also
Nou non Peter quaþ Symon naue þou none doute


Me ne deineþ noȝt ȝiue þe to ȝere þat þou hontest aboute
Wenste me deiny ȝiue þe þe croune of martirdom
Þou hopest for noȝt & Poul ek þi felawe þat to þe com
Þou nesselt neuere quaþ seinte Peter no godnesse abide
For it is al fals þat þou seist and also þe ssel bitide
Symon hadde a gret dogge kennore ne miȝte be[o] non
He teide him biuore a dore þer Peter ssolde gon
Icholde he sede þat þis trichor hereuorþ sone wende
Me þencheþ wonder bote þis dogge is olde limes torende
Þe dogge þo seinte Peter com vaunede on him anon
And lickede him wiþ gret ioie and wolde wiþ him gon
Þo seinte Peter him hadde vnteid forþ wiþ him he wende
A uot he nolde fram him gon woder so he kende
So þat Symon aȝen him com and chidde wis honde
Þe dogge sturte anon to him and braid him doun to gronde
Astrangli he wolde him anon ac Peter aȝen him drou
Is cloþes he hadde er todrawe wiþ ssennesse inou
Ac euere me þencheþ al to lite þat he nadde forbite is þrote
Hou þencheþ ȝou segge ich soþ nadde it noȝt be[o] note
Þat folk & ȝonge children ek þane wrecche bigonne to poune
Mid ssennesse as it were a wolf hi driue him out of toune
Nou an alle deuelwey and ne come he neuere aȝen
Wy sitte ȝe so stille wi ne segge ȝe amen
Al a ȝer awey he was þat noman ne sei him þere
Þe deuel he clupede ofte him to þat ssolde him bet lere
He studede aboute is enchantement & þo him þoȝte he couþe inou


As a gret maister wiþ gret prute aȝen to Rome he drou
Þe emperor for is wicchinge made wiþ him gret feste
Þat folk com alday to him þoru þe emperors is heste
And seinte Peter was eke þere & Symon stod alone
And prechede of þe deueles lore amidde hom euerichone
Ich am he sede fram heuene aliȝt for loue of mankunne
Ac ich finde þe worlde so fol of wrechede & of sunne
And þe men of Galile iwraþþed me habbeþ also
Þat inelle here noleng bileue mankunne god to do
Þe worles dwele þat ich ise[o] i ne kepe namore in munde
To min owene heuene wende ychelle þer is mi riȝte cunde
Þe luþer men þat luuede him wope on him and cride
Certes he sede it is for noȝt inelle noleng abide
Ac ȝe þat wolleþ me serui wel after ȝe solleþ wende
Aȝen icholle come men to deme atte worles ende
Vpe þe hul of Capitoille he wende attelaste
Vpe þe cop of an hei tour þat folk him siwede faste
A uair croune he sette up is heued up he flei wel heie
Men cride on him as on a god þat stode and iseie
Nero sede to þe apostles trichors boþe ȝe beoþ
Ac Symon is soþ fast god as we nouþe iseoþ
Ȝe abideþ quaþ seinte Peter God is help is ney
He wende & stod amidde & biheld up anhey
Ȝou deuelen he sede þat him bereþ ich coniuri ȝou alle
In þe name of Iesu Crist þat ȝe lete him adoun valle
Donward mid þulke worde he com seily anon
And fel doun þat al he todrof fleiss and fel & bon
Wat is nou sire wilde gos woder hadde he iþoȝt
His feþeren were alle to feble is art ne halp him noȝt


He fel doun to is owe kunde as he moste nede
Hail min ape wat wolde he þer him com sone is mede
Four deuelen þat him bere anhei is soule to helle bere
Atte nende God is euere aboue as it was isene þere
Gret deol made þe emperor þo he sei þis cas
In gret wraþþe he swor anon þat þoru wicchinge it was
Peter he dude in strong prison and as we findeþ iwrite
Proces and Marcinian he tok him to wite
Sone iseie þis tweie kniȝtes þat hore bileue nas noȝt
Þoru seinte Peter hi were sone to Cristendom ibroȝt
Hi vnbunde him & let him go woder he wolde aboute
And he wende forto prechi more watloker þanne for doute
So þat he com wiþoute Rome to þe ȝat of Apie
And þere is nou a churche arered of seinte Marie
Þere oure Louerd com him aȝen Peter him sei anon
Louerd he sede wat is þi wille woder woltou gon
Peter Peter quaþ oure Louerd as hi togadere stode
Ich go to Rome forto be[o] idon eft on þe rode
Þo vnderstod seinte Peter þat it was bi him ised
And þat it was oure Louerdes wille þat he were for him ded
Anon he and seinte Poul wende aȝen to Rome
So þat þe emperor hom weste his men hom sone nome
Hore face ssinde as þe sonne þo hi were ibroȝt to dome
Þe luþer men þat hom weste witles nei bicome
Ȝe lechors quaþ þe Iustice ȝe deliteþ muche wiþ alle
In ȝoure foule lecherie and also ȝou ssel biualle
Nai certes quaþ seinte Peter inabbe delit non
Bote on þe rode þat mi Louerd Iesus was on idon
And þou sselt þanne quaþ þe Iustice on þe rode be[o] ido
As he was ipined quaþ Peter icholde ich miȝte also
Þe emperor het is tormentors as hi touore him stode
Poul is heued smite of and Peter do on þe rode


Glade were þis holymen þo hi hurde hore dom
Þe prece of luþer tormentors wel þicke aboute hom com
Hi boffetede hom vnder þe ere & spatte on hom aboute
Nadde þe apostles for al þis of þe deþ no doute
Cristen men com eorne faste and cride & wope sore
Þe appostles hom bede bliþe be[o] & to wepe namore
Þe tormentors in one stude þe apostles quelle nolde
Hi come to an stretes ende þere hi to parti ssolde
Hi custe hom and wope sore and wiþ gret deol wende ato
Ac hi were þer after sone togadere in heuene ido
Þo seinte Peter was ibroȝt to deþe wiþoute toun
He bad þe men þat hi sette þe rode up þe doun
Mi Louerd he sede euene upward þer on was ido
And certes ynam noȝt worþe þat ich be[o] also
Þe tormenturs þe rode turnde & þerto faste him bonde
And nailede ek is fet upward is heued toward þe gronde
And so hi dude him pine inou þat blod orn doun faste
Louerd strong was is pine þe wile is lif ilaste
Muche was þe deol of Cristene men as hi þer bi stode
Angles hi seie manion come aboute þe rode
Wiþ briȝte rose & lilien þat oure Louerd þuder sende
Seinte Peter herede God & to heuene wiþ hom wende
Þis was vif and þritti ȝer & a quarteron þerto
After þat oure swete Louerd to deþe was ido
Pope he was viue and twenti ȝer Holy Churche to wite
And nou he berþ heuene keie as it is of him iwrite
Cristen men awaitede hore tyme þo hi imartred were
Þe holy bodies hi nome boþe and togadere bere
In a put wiþoute toun eiþer bi oþer faste
For hy nedorste in non oþer stude hi burede hom attelaste
Swuþe longe hi leie þer for hi nere bote lite isoȝt


And Cristendom istabled was and into al þat lond ibroȝt
Attelaste þo Cristene men hore bones fonde þere
Hy nuste hou þat soþe iwite wuch oþer were
Mid fastinge and mid orisons oure [Louerd] hi bede faste
Þat he hom teiȝte som toknynge a uois com attelaste
And sede þat þe more bones þe prechors were
And þe smallore þe vissares in such manere he gan hom lere
Þo þonkede hi ȝeorne God of þis uaire toknynge
Þe smallore bones and þe more hi lete togadere bringe
Þat ȝute beoþ a[s] relike iwest þoru Holy Churches lore
Þe lasse were seinte Petres and sein Poules þe more
Sein Fronton [þ]e holyman þo hi ymartred were
Prechede ver in oþer lond and þo [i]sei he þere
Angles to heuene hore soule bere þat folk he tolde fore
Certes he sede nou ich habbe mine maistres boþe ilore
For seinte Peter and seinte Poul riȝt nou ymartred beoþ
For mid hore beire soule nou [angles] to heuene fleoþ
He bigan a churche of seinte Peter in þe place anon
Þat ȝute stont faire arered of lim & of ston
Seinte Petres churche þe olde me clupeþ hure ȝute þere
For he was bigonne þe uerste day þat hi imartred were
Nero þe luþer emperor þat let hom martiri beie
Þer after sone him sulf aslou and wende in þe deueles weie
And þerto he was god inou and euere worþe him wo
Wi nolle ȝe bidde God þat so fare mo
Seinte Peter þat heuene keie witeþ þoru Godes grace
Grante us þuder forto come & þer inne habbe a place

De conuersione sancti Pauli

Seinte Poul was a luþer man ar he iconuerted were
Alle Cristene men of þe lond had of him gret fere


For he was muche and strong & fel ware so he eni fonde
He ne sparede in none stude þat he ne slou to gronde
Þo he hadde aboute Ierusalem in euerich stude isoȝt
And alle Cristenemen þat he uond to strong deþ ibroȝt
He com to maistres of þe lawe & sede ich am imad clene
Al þis lond of Cristen men ȝe ne dorre of hom noȝt mene
Wende ichelle to Damache and clansi þat lond also
Alle þat ich finde may to deþe ichelle do
Oþer ichelle hom faste binde & hider to ȝou sende
Al þat ich finde may ichelle sle oþer ssende
Þe prince made him lettres gode and forþ sende him in a stonde
Þat he slowe al Cristene men þat he ower fonde
Oþer bringe hom to Ierusalem as þeues faste ibonde
Þat hi were þoru iugement sone ibroȝt to gronde
Saul was þo is riȝte name he gan him forþ wende
Iarmed and monymon wiþ him to bringe is þoȝt to ende
As he com amidde þe wei him com a liȝt aboute
Þat he nemiȝte for liȝte ise[o] þo gan him somdel doute
He stod as þei he were astoned þo com þer inne a stonde
A strong dunt as þei it þondrede were þer wiþ he fel to gronde
He lay and nemiȝte him wawe noȝt a uois he hurde telle
Saul wi worrestou upe me mine men forto quelle
Wo ertou sede Saul Louerd ertou þare
Icham God quaþ þis oþer þat þou hast iworred ȝare
Aȝen þe prikke to wincy swuþe strong it is to þe
Louerd quaþ Saul þo wat woltou do by me
Þou sselt quaþ oure Louerd þo into þe toun wende
Þine riȝte bileue forto teche a man ichelle þe sende
Þis was þe fourteþe ȝer after þulke stonde
Þat God þolede on þe rode an eorþe deþes wonde
Þo Saul hadde longe ileie wel softe up he ros
He ne miȝte ise[o] a del wel sore him agros


He let him lede into þe toun hit was þe þridde day
Ar he ete oþer dronke oþer wiþ eiȝe isay
Oure Louerd com to a god prest ihote was Ananie
Go he sede into þe toun to Iudas is hous þou hie
Saul þou sselt finde þer þat iworred me haþ longe
Baptise him in my name and he it wole auonge
Seie þat God þe þuder sende þat bi weie to him com
As he wolde werri him and is poer him binom
Louerd sede Ananie ich habbe ihurd muche telle
Þat Saul was a luþer man Cristen men to quelle
Ne doute þe noȝt quaþ oure Louerd lomb he is bicome
Hym þencheþ longe ar he habbe Cristendom inome
To be[o] prechor of mi word ichose ich him habbe
He worþ wis and studeuast betere non inabbe
Þo Ananie hurde þis hardeliche he wende
He com to Saul & sede him þat oure Louerd him þuder sende
Þat he ssolde Cristene be[o] Saul was wel bliþe
Ar he were ibaptized he herede God fale siþe
Þo he ibaptized was Paul was is name
Wel aȝte we doute þulke God þat of wilde makeþ tame
Anon so he ibaptized was þer fel out of eiþer eiȝe
Fulþhede as it were slim þat alle men iseie
Þo miȝte he swuþe wel ise[o] he huld up is honde
Akne[o] he sat inis bedes and þonkede Godes sonde
Tendre metes me made him and ȝaf him þerof ofte
Is strengþe forto keueri bet hi biddeþ him wel softe
Þo sein Poul ykeuered was þat he hadde strengþe of manne
He porueide him of þe prechinge and wende him anon þanne
Into þe Giwene sinagoge and prechede Cristendom
Gret wonder hadde men of him þat he prechor bicom
And sede nis þis þulke man þat worrede alle þe[o]
In þe lond of Ierusalem þat he miȝte Cristene ise[o]


Faste he prechede upe þe Giwes to bringe hore lawe to gronde
And hi awaitede him to sle ȝif he were yfonde
He nebileuede for no drede þat he ne prechede bliue
For euere þoru oure Louerdes grace he ofscapede wiþ þe liue
A tyme he stod and prechede iclosed wiþinne a walle
Þo þe Giwes him vnderȝete glade hi were wiþ alle
Þe ȝetes hi lete uaste wite þat hi wolde biniȝte
Nime him and al tohacki him ȝif hi him hente miȝte
Somme Cristene þat þer were were þere of iwar
Poul hi tolde sone uore an lepe me him bar
Þer inne he was al wiþ ropes ouer þe walle ibroȝt
Þe Giwes awaitede him wiþoute [] ac he necom bi hom bi hom noȝt
To þe apostles he wende anon at Ierusalem as hi were
Þe apostles þo he to hom com hadde of him gret fere
For he hadde er luþer ibe[o] hi wende he were þo
Al hi flowe is companie and huld him fore hore fo
Sein Barnabe weste of him mest þe apostles fore he sede
Þat he was iturnd to god wiþ hom is lif to lede
Among þe apostles him ueng & for him ioious were
Oure Louerdes lawe and Cristendom hi gonne him ȝute bet lere
Þo he hadde of þe apostles longe [] ileorned Godes lawe
And he felde on him Godes grace to Cristendom men drawe
Aboute as Godes champion he wende to prechi wide
He ne sparede noȝt for drede of deþ to wende in euerich side
For he was strang of bodi inou and miȝte þole gret wo
Wiþ limes as a champion him ne roȝte woder go
And he was also grettost clerk of þe apostles echone
Þere uore þere mest neode was forþ he wende alone
Þe pains of alle luþer men grettost clerkes were


Þer uore þer nas non oþer postel þer nadde of hom gret fere
Ac for sein Poul was so gret clerk among hom bold he wende
And desputede wel aȝen hom þoru grace þat God him sende
He prouede of God wiþ pur clergie ech word þat he sede
And þer þoru teiȝte monymon holy lif to lede
Sein Denis to Cristendom he broȝte in a tyme
Þat was þe grettoste clerk þat was in al paynime
So gret clerk nere þe Giwes noȝt as þe pains were
Þere uore þoru pur clergie me ssolde him lite lere
And þoru uertue of miracles þat oure Louerd sende
Þer uore þe apostel seinte Peter to prechi among hom wende
For mest miracle he miȝte do among alle þat euere were
Þeruore is prechinge was þe Giwes forto lere
Þo sein Poul itrauailled hadde muche for Cristendom
Hit biuel as God it wolde þat he to Rome com
To helpe þe apostel seinte Peter and oþer halwene also
To speke aȝen Simon Magus and þe emperor Nero
A day aboute euesong time he stod and prechede at Rome
In a stude as þe men wel þicke aboute him come
Patrok þe ki[n]ges botiler wolde hure him uawe
He gan for prece of þe men to an hei fenestre drawe
Adoun he sat þere aboue al out of þe hepe
Þe prechinge so longe him þoȝte þat he werþ aslepe
As he slep he fel adoun of þe fenestre anhei
Þat he debrusede & deide anon as al þat folk isey
As þe emperor com out of baþe is men him tolde uore
Gret deol he made for he hadde is boteler forlore
Ac sein Poul attelaste to þe dede sede also
Aris up Patrok and tel us fore wat God þe haþ ido


Þe botiler anon mid þulke worde fram deþe aros to liue
And þonkede God þat him boȝte wiþ is wondes fiue
And tolde al hou [oure] Lou[er]d is soule to þe bodi aȝen sende
Þat men iseie is poer hore lif forto amende
Ac Nero sat and gret deol made for is botiler þat was ded
Þat he was to liue arise sone him was ised
Touore him he was sone ibroȝt he esste him anon
Wo him broȝte to liue aȝen þat he miȝte so gon
Certes sire quaþ Patrok bote Iesus þat us boȝte
And deide for us on þe rode to liue aȝen me broȝte
Þe emperor aros anon as þei þat he wod were
Eke he sede þou seruest him & smot him vnder þe ere
Certes sire þat is soþ þis oþer aȝen sede
Ich serui him and wole mi lif inis seruise lede
Þo sede oþer þat þer stode sire þou hast misdo
Þou smist him for Iesu Crist we serueþ him also
Þo was Nero almest wod he nom hom attelaste
And let hom binde euerichone and in strang prison caste
Sein Poul þat hore maister was he let biuore him lede
Bel ami he sede wat ertou þat dest so hardi dede
Þat comst here into mi lond and mid þi false lore
Binimest my kniȝtes & my men ich nelle it þolie namore
Siker be[o] þou sire quaþ þis oþer ne be[o] þou noȝt so sturne
Þat i necome noȝt one into þi lond þat nis bote an hurne
Ac of eche lond of þe world men togadere ich bringe
To serui mi Louerd Iesu Crist heist of alle kinge
And ȝif þou wost be[o] inis seruise isaued þou ssost be[o]
And bote þou wolle þou miȝt be[o] siker adeoluey fle[o]
Þo Nero hurde þis he uerde as he wod were
Ware be[o] ȝe he sede tormentors þat neuere slake nere
Þe men þat þis þeof haþ iturnd nyme hom sone echon
And forberneþ hom wiþoute toun boþe fleiss & bon


And þis þeof þat maister is of al þis luþer dede
Smiteþ of is luþer efd sone ich ȝou rede
Sire emperor quaþ sein Poul þat þou þat soþe ise[o]
Þat ich after þis ssorte deþe aliue in heuene be[o]
Wanne min heued is of ismite ichelle come aliue to þe
Þat þou iluue Godes miȝte wanne þou nelt noȝt me
Me ladde sein Poul touward þe deþ & seinte Peter also
Muche was þe deol bitwene hom þo hi departede atwo
An holy womman þer was ney þat ihote was Plantille
Toward sein Poul and is prechinge gret loue heo hadde & wille
Aȝen him he[o] com in þe wey þo me him to deþe ladde
Þis womman made deol inou loude he[o] wep & gradde
Alas heo sede leue uader þat ich þis ise[o]
Alas alas þat i nemiȝte wiþ þe imartred be[o]
Þis foule tirans þat þe ledeþ hi woleþ þe lite forbere
Þei þou be[o] uillich itormented ȝute hi wolleþ þe more totere
Wanne i nemay do þe namore mi kerchef tak to þe
To binde þin eiȝene wanne me þe quelþ to habbe munde of me
Leue moder quaþ he ichelle do as þou hast ised
Ac no luþer man ne ssel it habbe after þat ich am ded
For also hol ware so þou be[o] hit ssel come aȝen to þe
Haue goday mi leue moder loke þat þou bidde for me
Plantille bileuede stille þere in deol and sorwe inou
And sein Poul wiþoute toun toward þe deþe me drou
Þre[o] men þat he was bitake sede to him by weie
Leoue Poul hou geþ þis þat ȝou ne stont of deþ non eiȝe
War is þe king þat ȝe on biluueþ ware hastou him iknowe
Wat ȝifþ he ȝou þat ȝe wolleþ such deþ for him owe
Alas ȝe breþeren quaþ sein Poul þat ȝe beoþ of witte so gode
Þat ȝe it nolde to gode turne þat ȝe ariȝt vnderstode


Þat ȝe miȝte iknewe þan heiȝe king & þat fur of helle fle[o]
War inne alle þat neknoweþ him noȝt wiþoute ende ssolleþ be[o]
We biddeþ þe ȝeorne quaþ þis oþere þat þou us þane wei teche
Hou we solleþ þat fur fle[o] and ȝoure king areche
And we wolleþ þe lete go þi wei and bringe of þis wo
And ȝif þou wolt þine felawes be[o] & to deþe wiþ þe go
Nai leoue breþeren quaþ þis oþer inam outlawe non
Ac Godes kniȝt & inele noȝt fram þe deþe gon
Ac wanne ȝe beoþ fram me iwend & habbeþ me ibroȝt of dawe
Cristene men sone as hi dorre touward me wolleþ drawe
And burie me in a priue stude awaiteþ ware he be[o]
Com þuder to morwe wanne it daweþ & ȝe ssolleþ wonder ise[o]
Titus & Luk ȝe ssolleþ finde in hore beden þere
Seggeþ hom þat ich ȝou sende þuder hi wolleþ ȝou þe bet lere
Cristendom hi wolleþ ȝou teche and to Cristendom bringe
And ssolle ȝe to heuene reche to þe heie kynge
Ac doþ nou as ich habbe ised for me þencheþ longe
Ar ich habbe þoru martirdom þe ioie of heuene auonge
Þe quellare drou out is swerd & is heued gan of smite
Þe wonder þat God for him dude riȝt is þat me write
For þo þat heued was of ismite & fram þe body lay
Ȝute he spak & herede God as al þat folk ysay
Wiȝt milk þer orn out of þe wombe þer as he was ysmite
And bisprengde al þe kniȝtes cloþes as we fyndeþ iwrite
And after þe wite milk red blod he gan blede
Luþer men þat it iseie wolde wel nei aweode
Þe cheuerchef hi wolde take þat he bond wiþ is eiȝe


Þo nuste hi war it was bicome after þat he gan deiȝe
To toune hi wende mony of hom & þo hi come to þe ȝate
Plantille þe holy womman hi fonde sitte þer ate
Abusmare hi hure esste anon dame wi sistou here
Openheued & gidiliche al one wiþoute fere
Wy neltou wiþ þi kerechef þat Poul þe haþ bynome
Þin heued helie for he sede þat it ssolde to þe come
Awei wrecches quaþ Plantille þat ȝe acorsed beoþ
Þat ȝe nolleþ no soþ ileoue þat ȝe wiþ eiȝene iseoþ
Þe kerechef þat ich him bitok al blodi here it is
Bisprengd mid þe holy blod [] þat sein Poul ssadde iwis
He sede þat it ssolde aȝen hider to me be[o] ibroȝt
Lo it here as ȝe it iseoþ þat he nelucþ þerof noȝt
Þo were þis oþere sore agaste hamward hi ourne faste
Þe emperor hi tolde uore hou it was attelaste
Þe þre[o] men þat wolde Cristene be[o] as sein Poul hadde ised
To þe tombe amorwe wende as he was on iled
Þo seie hi Tit and seint Luc hore beden þere bidde
And in hore orisons faste be[o] & sein Poul stod amidde
Hi bigonne to urne faste þat hi hom come to
As sore were þis oþere agaste þat hi hom wolde misdo
And bigonne faste to fle[o] þis oþere bigonne to grede
Hi sede hi wolde Cristene be[o] as sein Poul ham gan rede
Þe halwene were þo glad inou and ȝeue hom Cristendom
Ac sein Poul ar hi togadere come me nuste ware he bicom
Þe emperor was sore agast he let ofsende ef sone
Al is conseil þat was wis to loke wat were to done
As hi were alle in a priue stude and her of speke uaste
And ȝates and doren faste iloke sein Poul com attelaste
Lo me her he sede sire emperor God almiȝti is kniȝt
Woltou ȝute þat soþe ileoue and þin owene siȝt
Woltou leoue þat ich am aliue in heuene blisse


And þou sselt to þe pine of helle and of alle ioie misse
For þou hast an eorþe issad moni holy mannes blod
Þo þe emperor hurde þis witles he was and wod
Wod he bileuede al is lif and to deþe he let do
Fader and moder and is breþeren and is sostren also
So wod was þe ssrewe bicome þat fore he was biȝite
And ykenned inis moder wombe he swor he wolde iwite
Wuch were þe stude & hou uair þat he [was] kenned inne
He let sle is moder & openi to loke þere wiþinne
Nas nou þis a luþer bern and to luþer hele ibore
Þe ficicians þat wiþ him were blamede him faste þeruore
And sede is moder him boȝte deore & is dede was to wilde
Wat is it so strong quaþ þe ssrewe for to be[o] mid childe
Bi þe fei þat ich owe Mahon þat soþe ichelle fonde
Bote ȝif ȝe make me [mid] childe ichelle ȝou sle mid min honde
Þe leches nedorste non oþer do wat halt it longe to telle
Bote ȝeue him a wonder drench & made þe ssrewe to suelle
And wax wiþinne him a quik þing as he were wiþ childe ibroȝt
So longe þat it was so sor þat he nemiȝte it þole noȝt
He swor is ficicians bote hy made anon
Þat þe child were ibore he wolde hom sle echon
Þo elles þat child was ibore þo was it a ssrewe urogge
For Gode me þingþ lite harm þei it hadde ibe[o] a dogge
Ȝute was þe ssrewe so muche ape þat he louede þat foule þing
As a biche doþ hure welp nou was he a fol king


In a noble stude he let it wite bet þanne it worþe were
Sein Iones hous de Lateren is nouþe irered þere
Þo þoȝte þe ssrewe on a fure & berninge strong inou
Þat in þe bataile of Troie was þo ech mon oþer slou
Þoȝte he murie were it nou to se[o] such fur ilome
Þerefore he let sette afure al þe toun of Rome
Þat folk it nolde þolie namore ac aȝen him turnde echon
And mid ssame him driue out of toune & bicome al is fon
Þo was þe ssrewe so sore ofssamed þat me drof him out of toune
And for ssame astiked him sulue þe gottes felle adoune
And wende an alledeuelwei is mede forto auonge
Nou God us ssulde fram þulke wei for is wonden stronge
And for þe loue of sein Poul was lif ich habbe ised
Bringe us to þe ioie of heuene after þat we beoþ ded

De sancto Switthino

Sein Swiþþin þe confessour was her of Engelonde
Biside Winchestre he was ibore as ich vnderstonde
Bi þe kinges day Ekberd þis godeman was ibore
Þat þo was king of Engelond & somdel ek biuore
Þe eiȝteþe king he was þat com after Kenewolf þe kinge
Þat sein Berin dude to Cristendom in Engelond ferst bringe
Ac seint Austin hadde biuore to Cristendom ibroȝt
Aþelbriȝt þe gode kyng ac al þe lond noȝt
Ac suþþe it was þat sein Birin here bi weste wende
And turnde þe king Kynewolf as oure Louerd him grace sende
So þat Ekberd þat was king þo sein Swiþþin was ibore
Þe eiȝteþe was after Kynewolf þat so longe was biuore
Sein Swiþþin þis ȝonge man swuþe ȝong bigan
Forto serui Iesu Crist and to be[o] holy man
Elmeston þe bissop het of Winchestre þat was þo


Sein Swiþþin he made preost as he hadde oþer mo
So þat fram on ordre to oþer sein Swiþþin prest bicom
Clene lif he ladde & god and to gret penance him nom
His godnesse was wide ikud aboute in euerich side
So þat it com þe king to ere it sprong aboute so wide
Þe king louede him swuþe wel and honurede him inou
And made him chef conseiler & to is conseil mest drou
Aþulf is sone and eke is eir he tok him to loke
To norissi and to wardi wel þat he to gode toke
Þat he teiȝte him such porture as such child bicom
Wel him weste þis holyman þat god warde to him nom
[Þo] þe king Ekberd was ded þis child Aþulf is sone
After him was king imad as lawe was and wone
Þis ȝonge king was god inou as sein Switthin him gan rede
After is conseil al he drou and dude al bi is dede
Engelond was þo wel iwest for þe king was god inou
And sein Swiþþin is conseiler after wan he drou
Elmeston þe bissop suþþe of Wynchestre was ded
Þe kyng and oþer heiemen þer of nome hore red
Þis holyman sein Switthin bissop hi made þere
Alle men þat him iknewe ioyous þer of were
Bissop he was milde inou and alle gode he wroȝte
Þe king also to alle gode to Holy Churche he broȝte
So þat þoru heste of þe kyng and þoru is wissinge also
Echman wolde þoru al þe lond is teþinge wel do
Broken churchen oueral sein Swiþþin let up rere
And niwe chirchen in mony stude þer neuere er non nere
Wanne he halwede eny chirche bost ne kepte he non
Biniȝte auote mildeliche þuder he wolde gon
Aȝen him ne kepte he no ridynge ne no bobance ne prute
Ne boban of hors ne of squiers for he tolde þer of lute
He þoȝte of þat þe gospel seiþ þat me takþ of lite hede
Þat woso doþ is dede mid boban him ne tit non oþer mede


For he auongþ is mede here mid þe dede anon
Þat word habbeþ nou forȝute þis heiemen manion
Sein Swiþþin is bissopriche to alle godnesse drou
Þe toun also of Winchestre he amendede inou
For he let þe stronge brugge wiþoute þe est ȝate arrere
And fond þerto lim and ston and þe workmen þat þer were
A day as þis werkmen aboute þis worke stode
And þe contreiemen to chepinge come mid muchele gode
Mid a bagge uol of eiren a womman þer com
A mason sone þis womman inis folie nom
And biclupte hure in ribaudie as foles doþ ȝute ofte
And brak hure eiren nei echone he ne handlede hure noȝt softe
Þo þe womman hure harm ysei reulich he[o] gan bygynne
For he[o] is hadde igadered longe som seluer to wynne
He[o] weop and made deol inou and cride also anhey
Sein Switthin com þo þer uorþ and þis deol isey
Of þis womman he hadde reuþe he nom up his hond anon
And blessede þe eiren tobroke and hi bicom hole echon
Ase sonde as hi euere were hi bicome attelaste
Glad was þo þis sely womman & þonkede him wel faste
Miȝte eirmangars fare nou so þe baldeloker hi miȝte
Hup[p]e ouer diches ware hi wolde & boþe wraxli & fiȝte
Þe king Aþulf deide suþþe þe king is sone Ekberd
And is sone was king after him þe king Aþelberd
Hit nas noȝt longe þere afterward þat he was imad kyng
Þat sein Swiþþin þis holyman ne drou toward endyng
For he deide þe þridde ȝer þat he was kyng ymad
And þo he ssolde hanne wende is men faste he bad
Þat hi nessolde him burie noȝt in churche wiþ no prute,
Ac somware wiþoute in a stude þat me tolde of lute
In a stude þat me tolde of lest and lest ȝeme me tok
In alle manere þis holyman boban & prute forsok


He deide eiȝte hondred ȝer and in to & sixtiþe ȝere
After þat oure Louerd aliȝte inis moder wombe here
In a stude wiþoute churche þis holi bodi hi leide
Þat me tolde of lite inou þat he him sulf seide
Þer he lai an hondred ȝer & nie ȝer also
And almest þerto fortene niȝt ar he were þanne ido
Bi þe kinges day Edgar þat godman was inou
Þat seint Edwardes fader was þat is owe stepmoder slou
Þis holyman sein Swiþþin ssewede him bi toknynge
Þat me him ssolde of þulke place in herre stude bringe
Þis Edgar was þe niþe king þat after Aþelberd com
Þat king was þulke tyme þat sein Swiþþin þen deþ nom
Þe bissop þat was of Winchestre þo king Edgar was kyng
Seint Aþelwold was þe godeman & holy þoru alle þing
Þe teþe bissop he was þere and after sein Swiþþin com
Þe king of sein Donston and him muche del is red nom
Sein Swiþþin þis holyman a god tyme him gan bise[o]
Wanne god king was and god bissop issrined forto be[o]
A niȝt he com to an holyman inis bedes he lay
In siknesse and sorwe inou as he hadde ido many o day
Aris up he sede to morwe anon & nebilef þou noȝt bihinde
To Winchestre go to þe olde ministre & þer þou sse[l]t finde
Þe gode bissop Aþelwold þat þe teþe is after me
And seie þat ich him grette wel and sende him word by þe
Þat oure Louerd hit haþ biseie þat mi bodi ssel be do
In churche in an herre stude and namore ligge so
And ȝif þou doutest in eny point þat þis be[o] dwellinge
And noȝt soþ þat ich telle nou ichelle sende þe toknynge


For as sone as þ[ou] wolt arise forto do min heste
Þat vuel þat þou so longe hast ne ssel namore ileste
Ac þou worst þerof hol and sond world wiþoute ende
Ȝif þe bissop ne lufþ noȝt þat oþer signe ichelle sende
For wanne ȝe comeþ to þulke stude as ich ligge ȝute
Anouwarde me liþ a ston wiþ oþer boban wel lite
Ringes of ire þer beoþ on inailed þerto faste
Ac þer nis non so strong of hom þat aȝen [ȝou] ssolleþ ilaste
Þat ȝe ne ssolle riȝt liȝtliche drawe up of þe ston
Wiþoute ech wemme & eft aȝen as faste hom sette on
Þis godeman of þis toknynge ioiuol was inou
Wel bitime he aros & toward þis wei drou
Ac anon so he dude him in þe wei hol and sond he was
Of þe vuel þat he bar so longe neuere eft igreued he nas
To þe bissop he wende Aþelwold and tolde him al þis cas
Þe bissop þo he hurde þis wel was him þas
Þe ring þat was ek on is ston faste as he sede er
Liȝtliche hy nome up wiþoute wem & as faste sette it þer
Wel þe ioie þat made þo þe bissop Aþelwold
Þis miracle was sone ikud and wide aboute itold
Seint Aþelwold sone wende to Edgar þe gode kinge
And tolde him as was riȝt of þis holy toknynge
Þe gode king was þo glad inou hi nome hom sone to rede
Hou hy miȝte wiþ mest honur do þis holy dede
Hi ensignede a day þerto as hore conseil ysay
Biuore haruest in þe mone uol þe vifteþe day
Hi somned aȝen þis daye heie men inowe þerto
Bissops and abbotes þis holy dede to do
Þo hi come togadere at Winchestre as þis body lay
In vastinge and in orisons hi were niȝt & day
Þat oure Louerd hom ȝeue grace þulke dede wel ende


Þo þe dai him was icome to þe ministre hi gonne wende
Hi reuestede hom faire inou and wiþ god deuocion
Wiþ taperes itend and þe crois & wiþ uair procession
To þe tombe hi wende sone as þat body lay
As it fel in þe monþ of Iul þe vifteþe day
Þis holy bissop Aþelwold as riȝt was forto do
Let dolue to þis holy body & þo hi come þerto
Þer com smite out a swote breþ among þis godemen echon
Þat so gret swotnesse as hom þoȝte ne smulde hi neuere non
Louerd muche is þi miȝte soþ it is ysed
Þat a body ssolde so swote smulle þat so longe hadde beo ded
Ȝe witeþ bi oþere dede men it was muche aȝen riȝte
A blind womman anon mid þe dede in þe place hadde hure siȝte
And mani oþere þer botened ek of stronge uuel and wo
Ȝe wiþinne an ten dawes to hondred and mo
Þis holy body was up inome and wiþ gret honur iwis
Into seinte Petres churche ibore þat þe heiȝe ministre is
And ido þere in vair ssrine wel noble as it liþ ȝute
Þe miracles þat ofte comeþ for him nebeoþ noȝt lite
Issrined he was nye hondred ȝer & in on and twentiþe ȝere
After þat oure Louerd alyȝte inis moder an eorþe here
Nou sein Switthin þat oure bissop was here in Engelonde
Bring us to þe ioie of heuene þoru oure Louerdes sonde

De sancto Kenelmo

Seint Kenelm þe ȝonge kyng þat holy martir is
Kyng he was of Engelond of þe March of Walis
Þe [king] Kenul[f] is fader was þat king was þere also
Þat rerde þe abbey of Winchecombe & let þer monkes do
After is deþ was þere ibured and ȝute he liþ þere


In þe abbeie þat ȝute stont þat he let him sulf rere
Gret cite was þo Winchecombe and mest of inou
Of al þulke half of Engelond as uer as is lond drou
Vif kinges þere were þulke tyme in Engelond ido
For Engelond was god and long & somdel brod þerto
Aboute eiȝte hondred mile Engelond long is
Fram þe souþ into þe norþ and to hondred brod iwis
Fram þe est into þe west and also þere inne beoþ
Manie wateres god inou as ȝe alday iseoþ
Ac þreo wateres principals þer beoþ of alle iwis
Homber and Temese Seuerne þe þridde is
To þe norþ se Homber geþ þat is on of þe beste
And Temese into þe est se and Seuerne bi weste
Þis vif kynges of Engelond þat were bi olde dawe
Hadde hore part ech bi him sulue as was riȝt & lawe
Þe kyng þat was king of þe March hadde þo þe beste
Muchedel he hadde of Engelond þe on half al by weste
Wircetre ssire and Warwik ssire and also of Gloucestre
Þat is nei a bissopriche þe bissops of Wircestre
He hadde eke þerto Chestre ssire and Derbi ssire also
And Stafford ssire þat beoþ alle in o bissopriche ido
In þe bissopriche of Chestre and ȝute he hadde þerto
Ssropssire som haluendel Warwik ssire also
Þe king hadde ek Herford ssire þat o bissopriche is
Ac Ssropssire falþ haluendel to þulke bissopriche iwis
And som also of Gloucetre ssire and of Warwik ssire also
Ȝute hadde þe king of þe March wel more lond þerto
Norhamtessire Bokyngham ssire & þe ssire of Oxenford
Leicestre ssire Lyncolne ssire and þe ssire of Her[t]ford
Þat is al o bissopriche þat of Lincolne is
Þat wile was at Derchestre biside Oxenford iwis
Ȝute hadde þe king of þe March Notyngham ssire þerto
In þe bissopriche of Euerwik ac þo nas it noȝt so
Al þis lond was wile icluped þe March of Walis
And of al was sein Kenelm and is fader kyng iwis


Non of al þe oþer is þing aȝen þis kynedom nas
And Winchecombe of al þis lond chef cite þo was
Þis vif kinges þat were þo þe on was of Kent iwis
And þe oþer as ich sede er of þe March of Walis
Of West Sex and of Homberlond & of þe Estlond also
Þeos viue kinedoms were in Englond þo ido
Þe king of West Sex hadde þo al Wiltessire iwis
And Dorsete and Barcssire þat o bissopriche al is
Þe bissopriche of Salesbury ac þo nas it so noȝt
For þe cheff was of þe bissopriche of Ssireborne þo ibroȝt
Ȝute hadde þe king of Westsex al Sousex also
Þe Welde and al þe bissopriche of Circetre þer to
And Souþhamtessire and Soþereie þat o bissopriche is
Þe bissopriche of Winchestre þat ȝute is þere iwis
And Somersete þat to Wellis þulke tyme drou
Nou it is þe bissopriche of Baþe ȝe witeþ wel inou
Ȝute hadde þe king of Westsex al Deuenssire iwis
And Cornwale þat in þe bissopriche of Exetre is
Þe king of Kent was þo king of al þe lond of Kent
Þat were inne to bissopriches and ȝute nis is noȝt iwend
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þat of Engelond is hext
And þe bissopriche of Roucetre þat in þe west side is next
Þe king ek of Estlond king was of Norþ Folk
In þe bissopriche of Norþwich and also of Souþ Folk
And of þe bissopriche of Eoly þat þe ile of Eoli is
And of Grante Brugge ssire þat þerto ualþ iwis
Of þis lond was seint Edmond kyng bi olde dawe
Þat was inis owe lond ȝe witeþ wel aslawe
Þe king of Norþhomberlond was king ich vnderstonde
Of al þe lond biȝende Omber anon into Scotlonde
Of þe erchebissop of Euerwik and of Duram iwis
Seint Oswold bi olde dawe king was of al þis
Þus mony kinges þere were wile in Engelonde
And hore londes departed were þus ich vnderstonde


Þe kyng þat was of þe March as ich telle bigan
Kenulf þe king was icluped swiþe holy & godman
Sein Kenelm is sone was and is eir also
Borunuld and Queindride is doȝtren were to
In þe [four &] twentiþe ȝere of is kynedom
Kenulf wende out of þis worlde & to þe ioie of heuene com
Hit was after þat oure Louerd inis moder aliȝte
Eiȝte hondred ȝer & nientene bi acontes riȝt
Sein Kenelm is ȝonge sone inis seueþe ȝere
Kyng was ymad after him þei he ȝong child were
Is o suster Borwenuld louede him inou
In eche manere to holy lif and to eche godnesse drou
Ac Quendride þe oþer suster of hure manere nis noȝt
For heo turnde to felonie and to luþerhede al hure þoȝt
He sei þat hure ȝonge broþer þat nas noȝt of seue ȝer
Kyng was imad of al þat lond þat hore fader hadde er
To him he[o] hadde gret envie þat he so riche be[o]
And eir of hure fader lond & ricchore þanne he[o]
Heo þoȝte ȝif he[o] miȝte bringe þis child of lyf dawe
Þat heo were of þe eritage quene bi riȝte lawe
Al hure þoȝt was niȝt and day to biþenche som outrage
Þat þi[s] child were ibroȝt of dawe & he[o] hadde þe eritage
Heo porueide hure felonie a poison strong inou
Forto ȝiue þis ȝonge child and to sle him so wiþ wou
Þo þis poison was iȝiue al for noȝt it was
For þo þe child it hadde idronke noþewors him nas
For oure Louerd nolde þat he ssolde so liȝtliche imartred be[o]
Ȝif þe luþer quene wolde spede oþer heo moste byse[o]
For þer of heo caste ambes as heo þoȝte anoþer þoȝt
Þo he[o] sei it was for noȝt þat þe poison was iwroȝt
Þis ȝonge child a maister hadde þat is wardein was
Askeberd he was icluped strong trichour alas


For noman ne may þan oþer tricherie bet do
Þanne þulke þat is him next and þat he trist mest to
Þis luþer quene biþoȝte hure of an felle wrenche
For me seiþ þer nis no felonie þat womman ne can þenche
Mid þis Askeberd heo spak þis child to quelle & spille
And bihet him mede god inou and of hure al is wille
So þat þis to luþer þinges were at one rede
And bispeke hou hi miȝte best do þis luþer dede
Þe wile hi bispeke boþe þis ȝonge child to quelle
Þis sweuene þat child matte þat ichelle nou telle
Him þoȝte þat þer stod a tre[o] riȝt touore is bedde
Þat anon to þe sterren tilde and wel wide spradde
Þis tre[o] was fair and noble inou & ssinde briȝt inou
Fol of blosmen and of frut and of mani a riche bou
Bernynge wex and lampen ek wel þicke brende & liȝte
So noble tre[o] nas neuere iseie ne þat ssinde so briȝte
He þoȝte he clam uppon þis tre[o] to þe hexte bou an hey
And bihuld aboute into al þe world & prute inou ysey
Þe wile he stod uppon þis tre[o] & bihuld aboute so
Hym þoȝte on of is nexte frend þat he mest triste to
In þe gronde stod bineþe and smot ato þis tre[o]
Þat it fel to gronde anon þat deol it was to se[o]
To a litel foul he bicom no fairour nemiȝte be[o]
And bigan wiþ ioie inou riȝt into heuene vle[o]
Þo þis child matte þus at Winchecombe [he] lay
He awok and was in þoȝte þer of niȝt & day
He nuste wat is to tokne þe more was is þoȝt
Ar he þer of somþing weste he nemiȝte be[o] bliþe noȝt
His norse þat him hadde yued & wiþ hure milk forþ ibroȝt
Tendrost was of þis child for he[o] hadde him deore aboȝt


To hure þat child triste mest Wolwenne hure name was
Þis child hure tolde in priuete of is sweuene al þat cas
Þo þis norise hadde ihurd þat sweuene þat was so god
Heo bigan to sike sore and in þoȝte stod
Alas he[o] sede þat ich ssolde þus day euere ibide
Þat mi child mi swete herte such cas ssolde bitide
Alas mi child mi swete fode þat ich habbe forþ ibroȝt
Þi soster bispecþ þi deþ and quelle þe haþ iþoȝt
Ac þe fowel þat þou bicome to þat gan to heuene wende
Þat was þi soule þat þuder ssel after þi liues ende
Þis sweuene bicom soþ inou þat he uond attelaste
For is suster and Askeberd bispeke is deþ wel uaste
Þis Askeberd sede a day þat þis child scholde wende
An honteþ forto pleie him bi þe wodes ende
And he wiþ him as it was riȝt to wardi him biweye
Hi wende to þe wode of Clent as it were to pleie
As hi wende aboute þis wode as God ȝaf þat grace
A god wille þe child com on to slepe þer in a place
Adon he lay wel softe þere and bigan to slepe anon
Askeberd ne þoȝte noȝt þat he ssolde þanne gon
Biside in a deorne stude he bigan to delue uaste
A put forto sle þis child & suþþe þer inne it caste
Þis child bigan to awake sone as it were bicas
After is maister he bihuld & ne sei noȝt ware he was
As oure Louerd hom ȝa[f] þe grace þere he nuste noȝt of is dede
Þat he spak toward is maister and þes wordes sede
Þou trauailest þere aboute noȝt & þi wile þou dost spille
For in an oþer stude ich ssel deie ware so is Godes wille
And þoru þis ȝeorde þat here is toknynge þou sselt ise[o]
Wanne þi luþer wille it mai do þat ich imartred be[o]
Forþ wende þis luþer maister and þis child also
Forte hi come to anoþer stude þat þis dede were ido


Askeberd þis ȝeorde nom and sette is in þe gronde
And he bigan to leui sone and wexe in a stonde
And a gret ass bicome suþþe ȝute stont in þulke place
To ssewi þe miȝte of seint Kenelm & oure Louerdes grace
Þis luþermon nom þis child in þe wode of Clent
And ladde him as me deþ a þeof to auonge is iugement
He ladde him in a priue stude al out of þe weie
Bitwene tweie hulles heie in a dep valeie
Þis child þoru þe Holi Gost þei þe oþer him nolde telle
Wuste wel is luþer þoȝt and þat he þoȝte him quelle
And þo he targede a lite wile þis luþer dede to done
Þe chil[d] sede wel mildeliche þat þou dest do sone
He bigan a saume þat me singþ in Holy Churche aday
Þat was Te Deum laudamus ar he adoun lay
And þo he com to an holy uers þat þer inne was and is
A Latin iwrite as al þat oþer and an Englis is þis
[Þ]e wite companie of martirs Louerd hereþ þe
Riȝt as he hadde þat vers ysed as þe boc telleþ me
Þe luþer man smot of is heued vnder an hauþorn tre[o]
As it Godes wille was þat he imartred ssolde be[o]
A coluere wiȝt so eny snou out of him gan te[o]
And riȝt euene was iseie into heuene vle[o]
Vnneþe he was seue ȝer old ar he imartred were
Al to soþ is sweuene was as me miȝte iseo þere
Þis luþer man þat him slou bigan to delue faste
And made a put deop inou & þer inne þis child caste
And burede it þere faste inou þat it yfonde nere
And wende aȝen forþ is wey and let it ligge þere
To Quendride is luþer suster anon he gan wende
And tolde hure al þis luþer dede fram þe gynnynge to þe ende
Þis quene was þo glad inou aboute he[o] wende anon
Forto saisi al þe lond and þe maners echon


And made hure quene of al þe March as hure broþer was er king
A ssrewe leuedi bicom inou and luþer þoru alle þing
And wende aboute up al hure lond to auonge hure manrede
And bicom sturne and huld hure men in sorwe & wrechede
Nou in þe quedes part mote he[o] ride fram toune to toune
And falsliche as heo com anhei also he[o] fel þere doune
Heo het hote into al þe lond þat noman so wod were
To anemne enes hure broþer name for loue ne for fere
And ȝif he[o] miȝte of eni iwite þat it nere noȝt bileued
Þat he nere anon inome and ismite of is heued
Þus verde þis luþer quene and sturede hure wel vaste
Þat noman ne dorste hure broþer nemne so hi were of hure agaste
Euere lay þis holy body ybured swuþe stille
Þat noman ne deorste him enes nemne aȝen þe quenes wille
So longe þat he was al forȝute wanne me nemiȝte of him speke
Ac it nas noȝt so þat oure Louerd attelaste him wolde awreke
Wanne noman nolde þat witty was on him þenche ene
Nolde oure Louerd þat he were allinge forȝute so clene
Wanne noman þat witti was of him nadde munde
A dombe best wiþoute witte hadde aȝen is kunde
For a widue hadde a wiȝt cou þat wonede þer biside
Þat ȝeode aday to uecche hure mete in þe wode wel wide
Þere sein Kenelm was ibured in þe valeie þer doune
Ech dai wolde þis wite cou wanne hi come fram toune
To vecche hure mete wiþ oþer kun renne he wolde al one


Into þe ualeie & bileue hure felawes echone
And sitte aboute þis holy bodi forte eue al longe day
As it were to honuri him for it al one lay
And so he sat wiþoute mete alday to þan ende
And wanne þat it was eue hamward he wolde wende
And an eue wanne he come hom fat and rond he was
And so fol of milk also þat me wondred of þat cas
For þer nas non of þe oþer kun þat so muche milk half ȝeue
As fol he wolde amorwe beo þei he were imilked an eue
Wo so hadde such kun inowe he nere noȝt to bymene
Þei is larder were nei do and is somer lese lene
Þe folk þat þis wonder isei god ȝeme mid alle nome
And awaitede wel a day ware þis cou bicome
And iseie hure sitte alday in þe valeie þer doune
Meteles stille in one stude forte he[o] ȝeode an eue to toune
And wi he[o] leie þere so hy ne miȝte wite noþing
Ac in hore herte hi þoȝte wel þat it was som toknyng
For þis cou wonede so þer and ech day drou þerto
Coubache me clupede þe ualeie & ȝute me doþ also
In Coubach þis holy body lay wel moni a ȝer
Þat me nuste of him noȝt as ich ȝou sede er
For is soster was so fers and in grete prute ibroȝt
And such þretynge for him made þat me ne dorste him nemne noȝt
Þo þis holy body nemoste beo [] ikud in Engelonde
Oure Louerd þat wot alle þing þerto sette is honde
For as þe pope stod at Rome and song is masse a day
At seinte Petres weued in churche as al þat folk ysay
A coluore wittore þanne eni snou com doun fram heuene fle[o]
And leide upe þe weued a lite writ & suþþe gan to heuene te[o]
And flei up aȝen anhei as oure Louerd it wolde


Þis writ [was] wiȝt & ssinde briȝte þe lettres al of golde
Þe pope þonkede Iesu Crist and al þat folk also
Þe pope nom þis holi writ þo þe masse was ido
He nuste wat it was to segge ne in wit neccuþe iwite
For he ne couþe Engliss non and an Engliss it was iwrite
He let clupie ech maner men of ech diuerse londe
Ȝif eny couþe of þis holy writ eny þing vnderstonde
Þo were þere men of Engelond þat weste wat is sede
And vnderstode wel þat writ þo hi it hurde rede
Þe writ was iwrite pur Engliss as me radde it þere
And to telle it wiþoute rime þis wordes riȝt it were
In Clent Coubach Kenelm kinges bern
Liþ vnder a þorn heued bireued
Þis writ was wel nobliche iwest and up ido
And iholde for grete relike & ȝute it is also
Þe nobloste relike it is on þerof of al Rome
As it aȝte wel wo so vnderstode riȝt wel wanne it come
For wanne it out of heuene com & of oure Louerdes honde
Wat noblore relike miȝte be[o] i necan noȝt vnderstonde
Þere uore sein Kenelmes day as þe pope made is heste
At Rome hi holdeþ heiliche and makeþ swuþe gret feste
Þo þe pope to soþe weste wat was þe toknynge
Is messagers into Engelonde he sende wiþ þis tiþinge
To þe erchebissop of Kanterburi Wolfred þat was þo
Lettres he sende þat he ssolde of such þing vndergo
And seche out þe wode of Clent ȝif eni mon it miȝte iwite
And suþþe a þorn in Coubach as it was in þe write
And seche out so þat holy body þat deorneliche lay þere
And do þer wiþ wiþ gret nobleie þat it issrined were
Þo þis lettre fram þe pope to þe erchebissop com
Of bissops & of is clerkes conseil þerof he nom


So þat in þe wode of Clent þat in Wircetre ssire is
Hi lete seche þis holy body and fonde it oute iwis
Vnder þe þorn of Coubach as þat writ sede of Rome
And for þe erore miracle of þe cou þe watloker þerto i come
For þe contreiemen þer biside þat vnderȝite þis cas
Ortrowede wel war it lay for þe miracle so uair was
Anon so hi nome up þis holi bodi a welle spreng up þer stod
Of þe stude þat he lai on þat ȝute is cler and god
For þer is a welle fair inou and euere eft haþ ibe[o]
In þe stude þat he lay on as me mai þere ise[o]
Þat me clupeþ sein Kenelmes welle þat monimon haþ isoȝt
And moni haþ of gret siknesse þoru þe water be[o] ibroȝt
Of þe cite of Winchecombe and of þe contreie þer biside
Þe men were mest þat soȝte so to make þe bodi abide
For þe bissops hadde er iloked þat it ssolde be[o] þuder ibroȝt
And issrined þare is fader lay and rerede þat hous biuore
Þis men nome up þis holy body þat of Gloucetre ssire were
And nobliche toward Winchecombe wiþ procession it bere
Þat folk of Wircetre ssire þat wonede þere biside
Nome hom to rede monion to make þat bodi abide
Hy swore þat hi it wolde habbe & nomon hom ssolde reue
For in þe ssire þat it was ifonde þer it ssolde bileue
Bi þe water of Pireford þes to ssires hom mette
And contekede for þis holy body and faste togadere sette
So þat hy nome a forme of pais to do up Godes grace
Ȝif God wolde is wille hom ssewe ar hi wende out of þe place


Fortrauailed hi were sore þat hom luste slepe echon
Hi made an forme þat hi ssolde ligge and slepe anon
And weþer of þis tweie ssiren watloker miȝte awake
Al sauf ssolde wende forþ & þat body mid hom take
Stille hi leie and slepe uaste þeos ssirene boþe two
And reste hom for hore werinesse oure Louerd it wolde so
So þat hi of Gloucestressire bigonne to wake echon
Alle at o tyme as God it wolde & of Wircetre ssire noȝt on
In pais hi wende forþ hore wey & þis body wiþ hom toke
Vif mile wey hi were awend ar þe oþer awoke
Þis oþer iseie hom bigiled anon so hi gonne awake
Hi gonne to siwe þis oþer uaste ac hi nemiȝte hom noȝt oftake
Þis men touward Winchecombe þis holy body bere
Ar hi it miȝte þuder bringe swuþe weri hi were
So þat hi come in a wode a lite by este þe toune
And reste hom so hi were so ney up an hei doune
Aþurst hi were for werinesse so sore þat it nas ende
For sein Kenelmes loue hi bede som drinke oure Louerd hom sende
A cold welle and fair þer sprong up anouwarde þis doune
Þat ȝute is þere fair & cold half a mile fram toune
Wel faire it is iheled nou wiþ freo ston as riȝt is
Iredi ech mon to drinke of þat comeþ þeruorþ iwis
Þe monkes suþþe of Winchecombe irered habbeþ þer biside
A uair chapel of sein Kenelm þat men secheþ wyde
Quendride þis luþer quene at Winchecombe þo was
He[o] nuste hure broþer noȝt so ney ne noȝt of þat cas
He sat in seinte Peter is churche biside þe abbei ȝate
In a soler in þe est side and loked out þer ate
Þo sey he[o] al þis grete folk adonward þis doune heie
Toward Winchecombe come riȝt vnder Souþ Leye
He[o] ofesste wat men it were and wat hi þoȝte þere


Me sede hure þat hi to churche wolde and þat hure broþer bere
Þo was þis quene so sori in gret deol and fere
Hure sauter anhonde heo nom as heo witles were
Of þe sauter þe laste saume touore euesong iwis
Of corsinge of luþer men and of mansinge ymad is
Deus laudem he is icluped þis saume þe quene radde
Forto acorsi hure broþer body and þat him þuder ladde
Þo he[o] com to þe nyenteþe uers as þe mansinge endeþ iwis
Þat Hoc opus eorum a Latin icluped is
Þat seiþ wat men it ssolde beo þat auonge solleþ such dede
Ope hure owe heued it com as he[o] gan þat uers rede
For riȝt as he[o] þat uers radde out borste boþe hure eiȝe
And falle adoun up hure sauter as monymen iseie
And þat was me þincþ wel ido day þat hure bymene
Heo bylou noȝt hure tricherie hure biȝete was wel lene
Þe sauter is ȝute at Wynchecombe & wo so wolde come þerto
Þer me may ȝute ise[o] ware þe dede was ido
Þis holy bodi was forþ ibore wiþ gret honur atte fine
To þe abbeie as he liþ ȝute and ido in noble ssrine
Þis luþer quene deide suþþe in ssennesse inou
Þe body as a corsed wrecche in a sori dich me drou
In þe fouleste þat þer was ney and þer inne me it slou
Bote hure endinge ssenfol were iwis it were wou
Nou God for sein Kenelmes loue is swete grace us sende
Þat we mote to þulke ioie þat he is inne wende

[Seinte Margarete was []

De sancta Margareta

Seinte Margarete was [ ] holy maide and god
Ibore he[o] was in Antioche icome of kunde blod


Teodose hure vader het heyman bi þulke dawe
Patriarch he was wel hey and maister of þe lawe
He ne biluuede noȝt in Iesu Crist for heþene he was
Margarete is ȝonge doȝter ypaid þer wiþ noȝt nas
For hure herte hure bar anon Cristene forto be[o]
Þe false godes he[o] held deuelen þat he[o] miȝte aldai ise[o]
Of seinte Steuene he[o] hurde telle and of sein Lauerence also
Hou in stronge martirdom hi were to deþe ido
And of oþer martirs ek þat þolede pine here
He[o] ne wilnede noȝt so muche as to be[o] hore yuere
Þis maide was þo hure moder deide ȝong and tendre inou
Hure fader sone it underȝet þat he[o] to Cristendom drou
He made for hure deol inou ffram home he gan hure sende
To a norise to warde wel hure herte forto wende
Viftene mile fram Antioche þis clene maide and hende
Into þe lond of Acie isend was in þe on ende
Þis clene maide was ȝong inou þo he[o] fram hom wende
Of viftene ȝer he[o] was vnneþe þo hure uader hure þuder sende
Hit was eke to hondred ȝer and four score and nine
After þat God was ibore to bringe us out of pine
Luþer was þo þe emp[er]or Dioclisian
Luþer was is felawe ek þat het Maximian
Hy destrude al Cristene men and wel wide soȝte
And wanne hi miȝte eny finde to stronge deþe hom broȝte
Iustices hi made manion þat wende alonde wide
Forto seche Cristene men and quelle in euerich side
Þe on was ihote Olibrius þat into Asie wende
To seche out þere Cristene men as þe emperor hom sende
Þis ȝonge mayde þat was þer in þe on ende of Acie
Priueliche niȝt and day in oure Louerd gan crie
Þat he sende hure studefast herte & in oure Leuedi Marie


Wiþoute fentise in hure name þe tormenes of deþe drie
Hure norise þat hure hadde in warde louede hure inou
Ac heo nas noȝt al iwar to wan hure heorte drou
Þis clene maide þat was so ȝong of fiftene ȝer vnneþe
He[o] wilnede euere to be[o] ido for oure Louerdes loue to deþe
Hure norise hure sende ofte aday wiþ hure ssep auelde
To wite ssep wiþ oþer maidens þat were of hure elde
As þis maide wiþ hure ssep a day auelde was
Þis Iustice Olibrius þeruorþ com bicas
Þis clene maide he bihuld he[o] þoȝte him uair inou
Anon riȝt in fole loue is herte to hure drou
Him longede sore after hure his men forþ he sende
And het hom þat hi hasteliche after hure wende
Ȝif he[o] were of gentil blod is wif he[o] ssolde be
And wiþ gret nobleie lede hure lif & ȝif he[o] nere noȝt fre
Bugge he wolde hure deore inou to holde hure in folie
Wiþoute spoushod is lemman in sunne of lecherie
Þo þis maide þis ysei faste he[o] gan to crie
Louerd he[o] sede ich bidde þe þat ibore were of Marie
And forto bringe us out of wo deidest on þe tre[o]
Wite mi bodi in clannesse þat it iwemmed ne be[o]
Bodi and soule ich þe bitake for þane deþ ich ise[o]
Biset ich am wiþ luþer men þat i nemay nower fle[o]
Louerd ȝif me studefast herte þen deþ forto auonge
Þat ich þer fram ne flecchi noȝt for none tormens stronge
Seinte Margarete was forþ ibroȝt tofore þe luþer Iustice
Þat þoȝte of hure is wille habbe in folie in alle wise
He bihuld þis maide faste dameisele he sede
Tel me of wam þou ert icome and of wuch kunrede
Tel me ek wat is þi name and wat lif þou dest lede
Þis maide him ȝaf answere anon wiþoute eny drede
Mi cunrede he[o] sede is so couþ it ne may noȝt be[o] ihud
Mi fader is gret man inou among ȝou here ikud


Teodose þe hexte maister þat of oure temple is
Þou askest ek wat is my name Margarete ich hote iwis
Þat is and was mi ferste name and an herre name ich nom
And Cristene womman ichelle be[o] cluped for mi Cristendom
For þat is min hexte name and þerof mest ich telle
For on Iesu Crist ich biluue & forsake him neuere ich nelle
Þo Olibrius hurde þis he was al out of rede
As he were in anoþer worlde hende maide he sede
Þe two þinges þat þou nemdest ferst bicome þe fair & swete
Þat þou be[o] come of heie blode & þou hote Margarete
Þeos to bicomeþ þe wel inou such maide noble and fre[o]
And þe þridde bicomþ þe riȝt noȝt as þou miȝt ise[o]
Þat þou honure þane false god þat Giwes slowe on þe tre[o]
Such noble maide as þou ert God ssulde þat it so nebe[o]
For such hendi body as þou berst bicome bet in boure
In min armes ligge iclupt þanne a false god honure
Þe maide him ȝaf answere anon mid wel milde mode
Sire heo sede þe luþer Giwes þat God slowe on þe rode
For hore luþer dede hi beoþ in þe pine of helle ibroȝt
And naþeles hi dude us god þei hi ne louede us noȝt
For we were þoru is deþ out of pine ibroȝt
Ac hi þat him þerto broȝte nadde noȝt so yþoȝt
Þo gan Olibrius for wraþþe wel loude crie and grede
He let nyme þis holy maide and in strong prison lede
Þat so deop was and derk þat men miȝte agrise
And wende to is false godes to do sacrefise
Amorwe he let clupie kniȝtes of þe lawe gret & wise
And sat him sulf amidde hom alle as an hei Iustice


And let vecche þis holy maide forto auonge hure dom
Biuore þis tirans mildeliche þis holy maide com
And made þe signe of þe crois & to oure Louerd al ire nom
And al prest was for is loue to auonge martirdom
Olibrius wel uaire spak and sede Margerete
Vnderstond of þi nobleie hou gent þou ert and swete
And reu on þi faire bodi þat þou ne forpere noȝt
For ichot þat þou to niȝt þe hast bet be[o]þoȝt
Cheos ȝif þou wold wiþ ssennesse to stronge deþe be[o] broȝt
Oþer honure oure heie godes þat alle þing habbeþ iwroȝt
Sire quaþ þis holy maide oure Louerd him sulf tok
Strong deþ to bringe us out of pine & worles ioie forsok
For him ichelle þane deþ auonge inabbe þerof no doute
Raþer þanne abowe adoun myn heued ȝoure false godes to aloute
Þo verde he as he witles were for wraþþe þe Iustice
So grisliche he clupede tormentors þat men miȝte agrise
Nimeþ he sede þis hore anon & hongeþ hure in a tre[o]
And todraweþ hure so uel & fleiss þat me hure gottes ise[o]
Al naked uaste bindeþ hure þat he[o] nawer ne vle[o]
Þat of hure luþer ssunfol dede oure godes awreke be[o]
Þe tormentors wel ȝare were for hore herte to uuel drou
Þe maide hy strupte naked sone & bond hure faste inou
Al fram þe eorþe hi honge hure up & leide hure on to gronde
Wiþ scorgen and kene pricken & made hure many a wonde
Al hi todrowe hure tendre vleiss þat reuþe it is to telle
Bi stremes þat blod orn adoun so water doþ of welle
For hure limes tendre were þe scorgen smart and kene


Bi peces þat fleiss fel adoun þe bones were ysene
Alas hure swete tendre body so villiche todrawe so
Alas hou miȝte enyman such dede for ruþe do
Wiþ oules hi todrowe hure wombe þe gottes isene were
Alas also þe ssendfol dede hure deorne limes hi totere
And þe Iustice for ssunnesse nolde loky þerto
Ac bihuld abac and hudde is eiȝen & moni oþere also
Þe men þat stode in þe place and al þe deol yseie
Hy made sor and deol inou & wope wiþ hore eiȝe
Maide hi sede Margarete þat so gent were & hende
Haue reuþe of þi faire bodi þat me let þus torende
For þe worþ ȝute wel inou & þou wolle þi þoȝt wende
Þe maide caste up hure eiȝe & answerede atte nende
And sede ȝe wikkede conseillers goþ fram me anon
Anoþer conseil ich habbe itake ich forsake ȝou echon
Olibrius sat and bihuld hou hure limes ourne ablode
He nemiȝte for deol it ise[o] ne monie þat þere stode
Wiþ is mantel for reuþe and deol he helede boþe is eiȝe
So dude monie anoþer ek þat hi þe del neseie
Maide sede Olibrius turn ȝute þi þoȝt ich rede
And among alle wymmen þat ich knowe best lif þou sselt lede
Beo stille quaþ þis holy maide þou luþer hond beo stille
Þou hast poer of mi body forto do þi wille
Ac mi Louerd wit mi soule wel þou nessel hure noȝt aspille
For þou nemiȝt hure wiþ al þi miȝte anuye worþ a uille
Þo þe luþer man ysei þat he nemiȝte noȝt spede
He nemiȝte [hire] for deol ise[o] so deoluoliche blede
He made hom bileue hore tormentynge & to prison lede
Forte he weste do wiþ hure as he nom to rede


Þis maide lay in prison strong wel elinge al one
Heo nuste of hure wonden to wan make hure mone
Bote angles confortede hure and adoun to hure aliȝte
He[o] was faste in orisons bidaie & eke biniȝte
Oure Louerd he[o] bad for is grace þat he sende hure som siȝte
Of þe deuel þat worrede hure and wuch were is miȝte
Me telþ þat þe deuel com to þis maide swie
In þe forme of a dragon ac inot weþer me lie
He ȝonede and gan is ouer cheke ouer hure heued do
And is neþer cheke and is tonge bineþe at hure ho
And forswolwyde so in þis maide he ȝonede er wel wide
He[o] wende into a sori wombe ac he[o] wolde lite abide
For þe signe he[o] made of þe crois þe deuel barst anon
And þis maide hol and sond out of þis worm gan gon
Ac þis netelle ich noȝt to soþe for it nis noȝt to soþe iwrite
Ac weþer it is soþ oþer it nis inot noman þat wite
Ac aȝen kunde it were þat þe deuel were to deþe ibroȝt
For he nemai þolie nanne deþ i nemai it leue noȝt
And also i neleoue noȝt þat is miȝten were so stronge
A so holy creature inis wombe auonge
Ac to soþe it is iwrite þat in a monnes like
Þe deuel to þis maide com and fondede hure to swike
Anon so he to þis maide com hure forto fonde
Þis maide aros wel baldeliche & gripte him bi þe honde
Þou hast he[o] sede inou ido þou ne sselt namore
Þou sselt come anon to stoupe for þi false lore
He[o] nom him bi is luþer pol and harde him to gronde caste
And hure riȝt fot sette anon up is necke bihinde faste
Þou deuel he[o] sede þat ert so strong fol of prute and onde


Þou were betere habbe iheued atom þanne icome me to fonde
Buy doun þou ert ouercom ichelle on þe stonde
Þou miȝt telle atom þat þou were vnder a maidens honde
Faste he[o] bond þis foule wiȝt and scorgede him wel sore
Grislich he ȝal and ofte sede hende maide þin ore
Alas þat ich here com mi miȝte me is bynome
Alas þat a tendre maide me ssel þus ouercome
Ȝif it were a man of eni strengþe me þingþ me nere noȝt
Ac issend ich am þat a maide me haþ to gronde ibroȝt
Maide for þine hendessipe þou haue mercy of me
Let me go at þis o tyme i ne ssel neuere eft dere þe
Ich bidde for þine kunnes loue þat beoþ mi frend echone
And serueþ me wel as þou wost alle bote þou one
A þeof quaþ þis holy maide ȝute þou sselt abide
Þou sselt telle me of ȝoure art þat fleoþ aboute so wide
Wy worre ȝe Cristene men among al oþere mest
Certes maide quaþ þe deuel for hi loueþ us lest
And mest ssame us doþ of alle men & mest beoþ oure fon
Mest strengþe hi habbeþ of ȝare God among us to gon
And echmon may bi riȝte cunde fonde is fon to schende
And we nebeoþ noȝt to blame þanne to do in oure ende
Among men of þe olde lawe we ferde wile so
Þat seruede wel hore heie God we hadde envie þerto
Þer com þe kyng Salamon þat wis was of þe lawe
Þat seruede wel almiȝti God & to is seruise gan drawe
Þarefore we hadde þerto envie and fondede wel faste
Ac is Louerd him ȝaf such poer þat he ouercam us attelaste
And in a strong veteles us broȝte and caste us in a putte
And made it aboute faste inou & þer inne uaste us dutte
Þe wile þat he aliue was we nadde poer non


Þe wile we were so faste idut among men to gon
Ne after is deþ noþemo ȝif men hom sulf it wolde
Ac men us broȝte out þerof suþþe for couetise of golde
For as [we] were þere inne idut we gonne blowe & blaste
And briȝt fur glowinde red out of þe eorþe caste
Þer come men wel ofte þeruorþ and þis fur iseie þere
And sede it nemiȝte noȝt be[o] þat þere gret tresor nere
Lo hou red comþ out þe breþ loke we anon
Delue we uaste and we worþe riche men anon
Hi dolue and fonde þe ueteles þat we were on iput
Ey hy sede we habbeþ iuonde þis tresouris here idut
Þis veteles hi breke anon and wende wel to cacche
And fonde a tresour feble inou atte ferste hacche
To ȝare bihoue feble inou and to oþer men also
For we were glad inou þo we were of prison ido
And wende and fulde al þe eir aboue & þus in euerich side
We wendeþ & derieþ men in þe lond aboute wide
Nou ich þe habbe Margarete itold of al oure dede
Haue ruþe of me ich bidde þe & bring me of þis wrechede
And þench þat maidens ssolde be[o] fol of milce and ore
Ich bihote þe þat inelle neuere eft dere þe more
Attelaste þis holy maide þis foule þing let wende
Þe schrewe was þo glad inou þat he was out of bende
Þis Iustice anoþer day inis sege him gan sette
And þis holy maide Margarete biuore him me vette
And esste were hure wille were þe ȝut turne hure þoȝt
Certes sire quaþ þis maide þou spext aboute noȝt
Þe Iustice þo in grete wraþþe let make a fur faste
And let strupe þe maide naked and amid þe fur caste
Ac þat fur queinte sone and nemiȝte hure berne noȝt
Al hol and sond he was eft biuore þe Iustice ibroȝt


Þer was wraþþe and sorwe inou hure uet & honde hi bonde
And caste hure in a wel dep water hure heued toward þe gronde
Ac oure Louerdes miȝte was wel muche hure bendes borste anon
And al harmles he[o] com softe out of þe water gon
Þe Iustice was nei out of witte þo he hurde þis tidinge
Certes he sede in som manere we ssolleþ hure to deþe bringe
He let hete water al seoþinge and þo it boillede uaste
He let nime þis holy maide and amidde þe water caste
Þo he[o] was þer inne ido þe eorþe quakede anon
Swuþe grisliche aboute þat þe folk dradde echon
Þe maide ȝeode out of þis water þat þus seþinge was
And among al is folk þat noþewors hure nas
Louerd muche is þi miȝte as me may alday ise[o]
Þat enyþing in such torment aliue miȝte be[o]
Vif þousond men in þe place þo hi þis iseie
Turnde anon to Cristendom and herede oure Louerd wel heie
Þo þe Iustice þat isei he gan to grede and grone
He nom þis men þat turnde so and smot of hore heued echone
And let nime ek þis holy maide & smite of hure heued also
Þat he[o] were ibroȝt of liue and heo out of wo
Itake he was a manquellare Maltus was is name
He fondede hou he miȝte lede þis maide mid mest ssame
He ladde hure wiþoute toun þere as me broȝte of dawe
Þeues and eke oþer men idemd were þoru þe lawe
Þo Margarete was ibroȝt to þis vile stude


He[o] bad þe quellare ȝiue hure ferst þe wile he[o] bad hure bede
So þat Maltus hure ȝaf uerst and bad hure heie uaste
Þis holy maide sat akne[o] & to heuene hure eiȝene caste
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat boȝtest me on þe rode
Mid heorte and mouþ ich þonke þe & wel aȝte of alle gode
And þi wille is to bringe me out of þis worles wrechede
And wiþoute wem of mi body to þe ioie of heuene lede
Grante me ich bidde þe for þin wonden viue
Þat ȝif enimon haþ gode munde Louerd of mine liue
And of þe pine þat ich habbe iþoled for þine grace
Oþer writ in god entente and ret in eni place
Ȝif hi biddeþ in god entente grante hom milce & ore
Ȝif hi in eny anuy beoþ bring hom out of sore
Ȝif enymon in onur of me eny chapel deþ rere
Oþer eni weued in churche oþer eni liȝt find þere
In onur of me up is coust Louerd bidde ich þe
Ȝif hi biddeþ þing þat is to bidde grante hom for þe loue of me
And ȝif eny womman to me clupeþ in trauail of childe
Oþer biuore my lif rede Louerd be[o] hure milde
Ne lete hure noȝt þerewiþ spille ac bring þat child to siȝte
And al sauf of is moder wombe wiþ al is li[m]es riȝte
Moder and child saue boþe Louerd for loue of me
Louerd for þi moder loue þat þeos bone igranted be[o]
Anon so þis maide þeos bone hadde ido
Þer com a þondre swuþe strong & gret liȝtinge þerto
Þat þe folk þat stod aboute folle adoun for drede
And leie þere as hi were astoned & longe as hi were dede
A coluore wittore þanne eni snou fram heuene liȝte adoun
In þe þondre to þe maide after hure orison
Maide it sede Margare[t] iblessed þou ert and hende


Oure [Louerd] granteþ þe þi bone to þe worles ende
Com nou to reste for oure Louerd after þe deþ sende
Þou sselt after þi stronge pine to þe ioie of heuene wende
Þis coluere to heuene fley aȝen fram wan he com
Þis maide aros wel mildeliche to auonge hure martirdom
Maltus he[o] sede com nou forþ and þin louerdes heste do
For nou in mi Louerdes name prest icham þerto
O Margarete merci þis quellare anon sede
I nedorste do for al þe world a so fol dede
So muche liȝt of heuene ich ise[o] aboute þe in ech ende
Ac ich wolde ich miȝte wiþ þe deie & wiþ þe þuder wende
Maltus quaþ þis holy maide bote þou do þis dede
Þe netit no part þerof wiþ me þereuore do ich rede
Þis Maltus drou is swerd swete Louerd he sede
Þis deoluol dede uorȝif me for ich it do wiþ gret drede
Þis holy heued he smot of and anon so he hadde ido
In hure riȝt half he uel adoun & deide wiþ hure also
Riȝt as þis maide deide as al þat folk ysei
A wiȝt coluere flei out of hure into heuene an hey
In þis manere þis holy maide hure lyf to ende broȝte
Of gret uertue is hure lyf wo so þeron þoȝte
Wymmen þat wiþ oþer were wanne hi child bere
Hit were god þat hi radde hure lyf þe sikerore ȝe seoþ it were
Nou seinte Margarete þe holy maide we biddeþ attenende
Þat þou bidde for us þat we mote to þe ioie of heuene wende

De sancta Maria Magdalene

Seinte Marie Magdaleine þat God forȝaf hure sunne
Lazares suster and Martha icome of kinges kun[n]e
Magdaleine heo was icluped þis holy womman Marie
For heo was of þe castel of Magdail to mile fram Betanie


Biside þe boru of Ierusalem hure moder het Eukarie
Sirus was hure uader ihote loþ me were to lye
In þe castel of Magdail þis þre[o] children were ibore
As hore eritage alle þere þen castel hi hulde þereuore
Þis Marie Magdalein fair womman was wiþ alle
Þere uore in sunne of lecherie þe watloker heo gan falle
Iwrite it is þat heo was iwedded sein Ion þewangelist
Ac atte bigynnyng of þe brudale oure Louerd Iesu Crist
Clupede sein Ion and ladde him forþ for he was clene maide
Ac þer wiþ Marie Magdalein oure Louerd wel uuele paide
For þat he bynom hure spouse sori he[o] was and wroþ
He[o] was fair and iolif ek þeruore he[o] swor hure oþ
Wanne hure spouse hure was bino[m]e worse he wolde ontake
Of folie he[o] wolde habbe inou & none men forsake
He[o] werþ womman of mest folie þat mai come in munde
He[o] ne forsok þe meste wrecche so hei he[o] was of kunde
So muche fol heo was of hure sulue þat wonder it is wiþ alle
Þat þe eorþe hure miȝte bere þat he[o] nadde into helle iualle
Þe sunne one of lecherie he[o] nadde noȝt ido
Ac of alle þe seue heued sunnes he[o] was fol also
Hure sunnen were so wide couþ & þer of so gret fame
Þat me clupede hure oueral þe sunfol & non oþer name
Sunfol he[o] was so wide icluped þat men hadde nei forȝute
Hure oþer name wat he[o] het as it is of hure iwrite
So ioiuol he[o] was of hure folie þat he[o] newilnede no part þo


Of hure eritage ne hure broþer La[z]er noþemo
For he was riche kniȝt inou þeruore boþe hi toke
Hare soster Martha hore eritage & nolde enes þerto loke
Martha was ȝep wiþ alle wis and swiþe queinte
Þeruore he[o] hadde god inou & riche was in eche pointe
Þis Marie Magdalein þat so sunfol was
In Simondes hous þe leprous to oure Louerd com bicas
And woss is fet wiþ hure teres & wipede wiþ hure here
For hure sunnes he bad so þat oure Louerd forȝef hom þere
And caste out of hure seue deuellen as it iwrite is
Þat were þe seue heued sunnes þat he binom hure iwis
So repentant he[o] was of hure sunnes as oure Louerd hure ȝaf grace
Þat hi were clanliche forȝiue ar heo ȝeode out of þe place
Al hure heorte & al hure loue he[o] dude to oure Louerdes lore
Neuere creatur ich wene ne louede oure Louerd more
Anon so oure Louerd was iwend up to heuene an hei
Þeos Marie so sori was þat he[o] namore him ne sei
For þe grete loue þat heo hadde to him he[o] neþoȝte man yse
Neuere eft so sone so heo miȝte wiþ manssipe one be
Þeruore hure broþer and hure soster as heo made attelaste
Alle þreo ssolde al hore god atte apostles fet it caste
And sede hi wolde al þan world clanliche forsake
And in wildernesse ech inis side to Iesu hore herte take
And naþeles þoru þe apostles rede wiþ ȝam longe hi were
And prechede forþ wiþ hom and oþer men to lere
After þat God to heuene wende in þe fourteþe ȝere
And seinte Steuene ymartred was & men þat holi were
And sein Poul turnde to Cristendom and prechede aboute uaste


Þe Giwes were wiþ þe apostles wroþe & in gret wraþþe out hom caste
Of þe lond of Iude þat hi ne moste among hom be[o]
Þe apostles euerich inis side to oþer londes gonne fle[o]
Marie Magdalein and hure broþer and hure soster also
And of Godes deciples moni ek in a ssip let hom do
And wende hom forþ in þe se wiþoute mariner
Hom ne roȝte weþer oure Louerd hom sende uer ne ner
Þe water hom drof up and doun aboute mani o mile
So þat hi come as God wolde to þe lond of Marcile
Þere hi ȝeode up and doun and miȝte non in iwynne
A uorlete hous wiþoute toun hi fonde and leie þerinne
Þer inne hy wonede in miseise in honger and oþer wo
To wite þe maner of þe lond among me hi wolde go
So þat hi seie a day þat folk to sacrefice gon
Marie was hardiost aȝen hom he[o] wende anon
He[o] gan to speke aȝen hore lawe so uair reson and god
Þat non ne couþe hure ȝiue answere ac as gidi echmon stod
Gret wonder þoȝte euerich mon þat so uair creature
So wislich spak & so wel echmon to hure
So þat þe king com of þe lond and þe quene also
A day to hore maumes þare hore sacrefise to do
Ȝif hi wolde hom sende eni child for togadere hi were longe
And no child nemiȝte neuere bitwene hom auonge
Marie iseie hom þat hi hadde hore sacrefise ibroȝt
He[o] prechede and sede hom to soþe þat it neha[l]p hom riȝt noȝt
Þat hore maumes poer nadde no child hom to sende
So þat hi bileuede hore sacrefise and wende hom attenende
In gret care bileuede atom as hi hadde er ido longe
For hi no child ne non eir bitwene hom nemiȝte auonge


As þis quene slep a niȝt Marie to hure wende
Seie he[o] sede hou take ȝe on wiþ god þat God ȝou sende
Wanne ȝe habbeþ so muche god þat ȝe nute ware it do
And we deieþ for chile ney and for honger also
Bote þou make þin hosebonde þat he us helpe þere
Mi Louerd him wole such drinke ȝiue þat he ne uorȝit it to ȝere
Þo þe quene awok of slepe he[o] made dreri chere
Telle he[o] wolde [hire] louerd fore ac he[o] ne dorste for fere
Þe oþer niȝt he[o] com also and þretenede ȝute more
Ne dorste þis leuedi hure louerd telle ac lay and siȝte sore
Þe þridde niȝt he com to hure and to hure louerd also
Berninge as þei al þat hous afure were ido
Wat doste heo sede þou deueles lime tirant þou foule wiȝt
Bi þe neddre þi wif þou slepst and list allonge niȝt
And lest us suffri wo for chile and for honger more
And lest us deie for miseise þou it sselt abugge wel sore
Þo þis prince awok of slepe and is leuedi also
Þe leuedi esste were he hurde þe uois þat com him to
Ich it hurde quaþ þe prince and þer of sore ich drede
Al þis þreo niȝt it com to me and also þe leuedi sede
Betere is þat we to hom loke and som god hom lede
Þanne come in oure Louerdes wraþþe for þat nolde ich noȝt rede
Amorwe þis prince and is wif to þis holy womman wende
And largeliche mete and drinke and cloþinge hom sende
Marie Magdalein [] was baldost of echon
Heo prechede þe prince and is wif of god lawe anon
Þo he[o] hom hadde muche itold of þe ioie of heuene blis
Womman quaþ þe prince þo woltou waranti al þis
Ich it wole waranti quaþ Marie and muche more iwis


Þoru Petres lore oure maister þat pope of Rome is
We wolleþ do þi lore quaþ þe prince þe wile we beoþ aliue
Ȝif þou us miȝt wynne a child bitwene me and mi wyue
Nou non quaþ þis Marie ne derstou bote be[o] stille
Ichelle þoru Petres lore mi maister do þi wille
Marie bad oure Louerd for hom ac for noȝt it nas
For oure Louerd hurde hure bone þe quene wiþ childe was
Anon so þe king to soþe weste to Marie he wende
And þonkede hure of þat oure Louerd þoru hure bone hom sende
Ne þonkeþ me noȝt quaþ Marie noþing of þis dede
Ac þonkeþ Peter oure maister for ich do al bi is rede
Certes quaþ þe prince þo i ne worþe neuere vawe
Ar ich habbe at Peter ibe[o] to leorni of is lawe
To is wif he wend anon dame ichelle he sede
In alle manere to Peter wende he ssel me bet rede
Certes sire quaþ þis wif þou ne sselt noȝt fram me wende
Þat inelle þe siwy uot wiþ uot sende wat God me sende
Dame quaþ þe oþer þou spext folie þi red is wel wilde
Þou miȝtest adrenche in þe se noste þou ert mid childe
Þis gode wif fel to hure louerdes fet wepinge wel sore
Ichelle he[o] sede wiþ þe wende þe[ȝ] i necome aȝe namore
Þo þis prince isei þat is wif nolde fram him bileue
To Marie hi wende boþe þat he[o] hom red ȝeue
Hi toke hure to wardi al hore god forte hi aȝen come
Þat he[o] dude þerwiþ wat he[o] wolde & god ȝeme þerto nome
Marie sette a uair crois bihinde hore ssoldre beie
Þat þe deuel nadde no poer to greue hom bi þe weie
Forþ him wende þis gode prince and is wif also
Anon so hi come to þe se in ssipe hi lete hom do
Þo hi come ver in þe se gret tempest þer com
And hi dradde forto adrenche gret del ech to oþer nom
Þis gode wif was sore adrad þat for angwise & fere


Child he[o] hadde in þe se wel ar hure time were
And for defaute of womman help þat non nei hure nere
And gret angwise and drede he[o] deide riȝt þere
Alas þe grete deol þat hure louerd made þo þereuore
Louerd he sede nou ich habbe mi worles blisse forlore
Wat sholde he[o] Louerd here ded inot ware hure burie
Ȝif it were atom to luþer won me þincþ it were murie
Þat child for defaute of souke lay and wep wel sore
Þat brak almest þe fader heorte alas noþing more
Louerd he sede wy wilnede ich child habbe by mi wiue
Wanne ich habbe ilore wif and child alas myne lyue
Þe mariners wolde þis womman in þe se caste
For þe se nel bere no ded þing laste hi dreinte attelaste
Þo gan þe man piteisliche merci crie and grede
Ne bringeþ me in namore wo for loue of God he sede
Ne sseltou noȝt quaþ þe mariners on us crie and grone
Þat he[o] ne ssel raþer in þe se þanne we adrenche echone
A merci quaþ þis godeman par auenture he[o] is iswowe
Abideþ forte ȝe seo þat soþe me sucþ such cas inowe
Þe ssipmen wolde caste hure in and nolde noleng abide
Þis godeman ȝal and isei a grete roche biside
Habbeþ reuþe he sede of mi lif and leggeþ hure ȝend aboue
Þat fisses todrawe hure noȝt ich bidde for Godes loue
He cride ȝeorne on þis ssipmen and gret mede hom ȝaf also
Ar hi wolde þis dede caroine up þis roche do
Þo was þis roche aboue brod and wiþinne a gret slidde
Þis selimon nom is wif and leide hure amidde
Þat chil[d] wep for defaute of souke and nolde neuere bileue
He leide it to is moder breste mid a mantel he gan it weue


Marie Magdalein he sede wy ȝeue þou me such red
Þou seidest mi wif ssolde habbe child & noȝt þeruore be[o] ded
Þou bihete me boþe wif & child & noþer nabbe ich nou
For wanne þe moder liþ & roteþ of þe child is lite prou
Þe God of wam þou me telst ich biteche hure and þe
Boþe þe moder and þe child þat ȝe habbe reuþe of me
And merci of þe moder soule & ȝif it miȝte so be[o]
Þat ȝe þat child aliue weste þat ich miȝte ise[o]
He custe ofte wif & child & biclupte & loude cride
Deoluoliche he wende uorþ þo þe ssipmen nolde abide
He wend toward seinte Peter as Marie him sende
He com and mette him in þe wei as he toward him wende
Seinte Peter isei þe crois inis ssuldre as hi stode
He esste him sone wat he were for he þoȝte of gode
Þis godeman tolde him al þat cas fram gynnynge to þan ende
Hou Marie Magdalein made him þuder wende
And hou he hopede habbe a child and hou it was ibore
And hou he hadde in oure Louerdes wei moder & child forlore
Ȝe godeman quaþ seinte Peter wel þou hast ido
Ihered be[o] God þat ȝaf þe wit & þat þe hider sende also
Þei þou be[o] in a lite sor ne care þou of none þinge
For mi Louerd haþ wel þe miȝte þerof þe sone to bringe
So þat he comfortede him wel þat God was god and hende
And þat he wolde in grete neode watlocst bote sende
He taȝte him þe lawe of Cristendom & ladde him aboute is fere
To eche stude þat he was on þe wile he was an eorþe here
To þe boru of Ierusalem & of Caluarie also
Þere as oure Louerd Iesu Crist to deþe was ido
And þere as he prechede ek and to heuene gan stie
And þere as he was ibore ek of is moder Marie


To ȝer he was wiþ him þer to leorny of þe lawe
Þe þridde ȝer he nom is leue & gan aȝenward drawe
Euere he bad for is wiues soule & for is ȝonge child is also
And þat he moste come to þulke stude þat hi were on ido
So þat he spak wiþ þe mariners þat hi ladde him þer ney
He bihuld upward toward þe roche a ȝong child he isey
Sitte and pleie wiþ smale stones upe þe roche anhey
Wiþ gret ioie þis godeman after þis child stei
Þo þe child isei him come he atorn for fere
For he nadde neuere er mon iseie he nuste wat men were
He starte to is moder breste & biclupte hure wel uaste
And wiþ þe mantel helede him þat þe fader up hure caste
Þis godeman starte to anon and is ȝonge sone drou
Fram þe moder breste as he sek wiþ ioie & blisse inou
And custe him and bar up and doun wiþ wel ioiuol chere
Þe moder he clupte & custe uaste ded al þei he[o] were
Marie he sede Magdalein ich bidde þe milce & ore
Fair miracle þou hast ido nas neuere iseie more
Þou hast mi child moderles þus ȝare forþ ibroȝt
In þis wilde stude upe þe se þat it nis ipeired noȝt
Wanne þou me hast in gret gla[d]nesse of him one ido
Glade me ȝif it is þi wille of þe moder also
Þat þis child nebe[o] nou forlore þat þou hast iued so longe
And þat of my wif forþ wiþ him gladnesse ich mot auonge
Þo breþede þis wif a lite and suþþe he[o] gan to loke
And sat up and lokede aboute as þei he[o] of slepe awoke
Marie he[o] sede Magdalein myn hosewif þou hast ibe[o]
And in muche trauail me ysaued as me may here ise[o]
Wide þou hast mid me igon wel raþe þou come me to


Suþþe þou me hast nesse ived mi child & me also
Leue spouse quaþ þis man ssel ich þe aliue yse[o]
Ȝe certes quaþ þis godewif wiþ þe ich habbe ibe[o]
Fram pilrenage to seinte Peter ich come nou ferst wiþ þe
And Marie ek Magdaleine þat ȝeode riȝt nouþe fram me
For in trauail of childe þo ich was wel sone to me he[o] com
And halp me þer of as a womman ssolde & forþ wiþ hure me nom
And ladde me to seinte Peter for boþe we were þere
And hurde is prechinge and siwede ȝou ech stude þere ȝe were
Heo rekenede hure louerd euerich stude þat seinte Peter and he
Hadde isoȝt & wuche tyme in eche stude hadde ibe
And al þat hi hadde togadere itold in wuche stude & wanne
Heo miȝte wel wanne heo hurde al & wiþ hom was þanne
We habbeþ ibe[o] quaþ þis godewif to longe in folie
Ihered be[o] Iesu þat us sende þis gode womman Marie
Wende we uorþ and þonke Marie of þat us haþ biualle
And þat he bringe to Cristendom oure men & oure frendes alle
Hi wende forþ to hore contreie & þo hi þuder come
Hy fonde Marie stonde & preche as heo was iwond ilome
To hure uet hi fulle adoun and þonkede hure uaste anon
Of þe uaire miracle þat he dude þo hi were fram hure agon
Hi tolde biuore al þat folk þe cas þat God hom sende
And al þat hom biualle was suþþe hi fram home wende
Þer was ioie and blisse inou among þis men alle
Of hore louerd þat was hom icome & of þat him was biualle


And of hore ȝonge louerd bi eritage is sone þat he hom broȝte
Of þe uaire miracle þat oure Louerd for Marie wroȝte
Hi turnde anon to Cristendom alle þat þer ney were
And ech contreie after oþer as Marie ham gan lere
So longe as al þat lond auenge Cristendom
Marie wende forþ anon and is felawes wiþ hure nom
And caste adoun þe sinagoges þat in þe londe were
And in eche stude þer hi stode a churche he[o] let rere
Sein Lasar þe bissop made in þe hexte stude þere
And sein Maximin eles were þat folk forto lere
At eche churche hy sette a preost as we doþ ȝute here
So þat Cristendom stable was þoru Marie & hure uere
Þo he[o] hadde al þat lond iturnd for noþing nemiȝte he[o] more
Men yse[o] neney hom be[o] for mornynge ne for sore
Þat he[o] nemiȝte oure Louerd ise[o] hure lond he[o] forsok
And eorþlich lif and mete & drynke & to Godes grace al tok
At hore departinge was deol inou & naþeles forþ he[o] wende
Wel ver into a wildernesse as oure Louerd hure grace sende
Angles hure ladde in a stude þer nas no frut ne gras
Ne tre[o] ne weod ne more noþer þat eorþliche was
Bote þe eorþe bar and harde stones for it ssolde be[o] ysene
Þat he[o] nadde non eorþlich sustenance ne noman miswene
Þritti ȝer he[o] liuede so wiþoute mete and cloþ
Þat he[o] ne sei man ne best ne fowel [] wel he[o] huld hure oþ
Euerich day seue siþe angles fram heuene come


At eche tyme atte seue tiden & þis holy þing up nome
Into þe eir fram þe eorþe anhei & þere hure helde longe
And vedde hure wiþ seruise of heuene & wiþ murie songe
Wan he[o] was ene so ifuld þoru grace þat God hure sende
Þe angles hure bere softe adoun and aȝen to heuene wende
Þo he[o] hadde iliued so þritti ȝer as oure Louerdes wille was
A prest þat louede wildernesse þere uorþ com bicas
Holyman he was wiþ alle & þe wildernesse he soȝte
To do penance for Godes loue þat him so deore aboȝte
So þat he com bi þulke stude þer þis holy womman lay
Him wondrede of þe grete liȝte þat he þere [i]say
So þat he sei as God it wolde angles þis womman vette
And huld hure longe in þe eir anhei & efsone adon sette
Þis prest bigan to steppe uorþ þe þruȝt of a ston
Wille he hadde ver to go ac miȝte nadde he non
Ac is limes wolde vnder him wan he wolde go hure ner
Aȝenward he miȝte go fol wel ac ner hure for no poer
Him þoȝte þat þer miȝte of heuene som priuete þer be[o]
Þat it nas none mannes riȝte þer come ne it nese[o]
Þou þat list in þulke putte he sede ich halsni þe
Ȝif þou ert a God half þat þou speke wiþ me
Þulke halsinge he sede þrie þat hurde he a uois þat sede
Ȝif þou wolt iwite com her ner nedar þe noþing drede
Þe preost aros and ȝeode half wei ac he nedorste go to ney
Þo hurde he þis uois efsone ac no forme he nesey
Wolte iwite he[o] sede wat ich am hastou oȝt ihurd telle
Of þe sunful womman þat was so couþ as it seiþ in þe gospelle


Ȝe certes quaþ þis preost wel þritti ȝer it is
Þat me haþ irad þulke gospel in Holi Churche iwis
Ich am þulke quaþ Marie þat specþ here mid þe
Þritti ȝer nesei ich mon ne nomon ich wene me
Þe angles me vedeþ seue siþe adai as þou iseie
Nou ich mot hanne sone wende and here an eorþe deie
Þeruore seie mi felawe uore þe bissop Maximin
Þat ich am ȝut aliue her ac ich am al atte fin
And bidde him at midniȝt gon to is matins alone
And he me ssel vinde at is weued womman in fleiss & bone
Þis preost was glad of þat he hurde ac noþing iseo he nemiȝte
Mon ne woman bote þat liȝt þat ssinde þere so briȝte
He wende and tolde þe bissop fore as Marie him sede
Glad was þe bissop of þe word & dude as hi him bede
At midniȝt he aros al one into þe chancel he wende
To matins as it was is wone þe taperes i vond itende
Atte heie weued Marie he fond þat was wile is felawe
Þat hadde longe fram him ibe[o] boþe hi were wel fawe
Angles hure bere up anhei fram þe eorþe a god place
Vpriȝt so bitwene hore honde to bidde oure Louerdes grace
He[o] held hure honden and loked ek to heuene up anhei
Ne dorste þe bissop nei hure come þo he þe miracle isey
Þo spak þis gode holy þing leoue uader he[o] sede
Com ner me ne fle[o] noȝt þi doȝter wer of hastou drede
Leoue fader nam ich þi doȝter þou ne seie me moni a ȝer
Mi Louerd wole sende after me & ichelle speke wiþ þe er
Gret wel Martha mi leoue soster þat sone ssel hure lif ende
And ȝif me sone my Louerdes fleiss for ich mot henne wende
Þe bissop aros and ȝeode ner þo þoȝte him bet he miȝte


Biholde þe sonne þanne hure face him þoȝte heo ssynde so briȝte
Aboute him is clerkes come anon as is was oure Louerdes wille
Atte heie weued Marie aliȝte adoun & lay tosprad wel stille
Oure swete Louerdes fleiss & blod þis gode bissop hure broȝte
Sore wepinge he[o] it aueng wiþ gode heorte & þoȝte
And sat akne[o] touore þe auter & to heuene caste hure eiȝe
And cride on God & lai adoun & wel softe gan to deie
Þis bissop & þis clerkes toke þis holy womman sone
And dude seruise of Holy Churche þat in such cas was to done
Nou seinte Marie Magdalein þat broȝte hure lif þus to ende
Bidde God þat we mote wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene wende

De sancta Cristina

Seinte Cristine þe holy þing as ich ȝou telle can
Holy lif ladde and clene and wel ȝong bigan
An hei Iustise hure fader was is name was Vrban
Vnder þe luþer emperor Dioclisian
Þe Iustise let asle monie a Cristeneman
And made er wiþ strong [turmentes] hore bodi red & wan
Seinte Crist[i]ne þis child was þe uairoste creature
Þat me miȝte in eni lond iseo oþer of ihure
Þere fore Vrban hure luþer uader oþer solas nadde none
Ne couþe non oþer wit ne lif bote al on hure one
Him þoȝte ech hous to lite worþ boþe halle & bour
To don in þis faire þing þat of oþer maidens was flour
To wonie inne þis ȝonge þing as felle to hure onour


Þeruore of lim & of ston he rerde a noble tour
Þer inne he let þis maide do in þis tour wel heie
So gelous he was of hure fairhede þat noman hure ne seie
Ne uor he[o] was so queinte and fair þat noman necom hure to
Vnne[þe] he[o] was twelf ȝer old þo he[o] was þer inne ido
Þe uairoste maidens þat he miȝte in eni lond out trie
Twelue he let mid hure do to bere hure companie
For he[o] nessolde none men ise[o] in þis tour he hure broȝte
Ne þat noþing bote hore false godes ne come in hure þoȝte
Maumes of riche golde inou and of preciouse stone
He tok hure þat he[o] neþoȝte noȝt on noþing bote hom one
Riche offringe he tok hure ek þat he[o] hom ofte bere
And offrede to þis false godes wanne hure wille were
Bote in eche manere as muche honur as he miȝte ofþenche
And as muche prute & nobleie he dude þis seli wenche
Heie men of þe lond inowe wilnede hure to wiue
Nai certes quaþ hure uader he[o] nel noȝt of suche liue
Heo nel noȝt bote holy lif and hure god serui one
Heo nel þenche on non oþer þing ne of no mannes mone
Þis maide lokede aday wel ofte aboute in þe londe
At a fenestre toward þane est oftost he[o] wolde stonde
And biholde þe firmament and þe sonne þat was so briȝt
And þe mone hou he wende aboute & þe sterren day & niȝt
He[o] sede and spak as to hure sulue we beoþ in luþer þoȝt
He is God of alle god þat al þis made of noȝt
And alle þis false godes deuelen beoþ iwis
And wo so eni oþer seiþ he biluueþ amis
To wat ende so ich come to him one ichelle take


Þei ich be[o] for him to deþe ibroȝt þeos deuelen forsake
Seue dawes þis maide was in holy þoȝte so
He[o] nolde to þis falce godes non offringe do
Þis maidens þat were mid hure to bere hure companie
To hure uet hi folle a day and gonne hure merci crie
Leuedi hi sede noble & hende þou ssoldest þe vnderstonde
Þou ert worþe & noble inou to be[o] quene of a londe
Ȝif þi fader it vnderȝete þat oure alre louerd is
Þat þou forsoke is heie godes & biluuedest amis
To stronge deþe he wolde us do þer uore we biddeþ þin ore
Reu on us and on þi sulue and nemisbiluf namore
Ȝe conseilers quaþ þis maide þat luþer beoþ be[o] stille
Þis maumes nabbeþ no power to helpe us worþ a uille
As hi stode & tolde here of hure uader com in wel stille
And biheld aboute & wende finde tidinge after wille
Doȝter he sede hou geþ þis wy ne comestou ner
And honurest þis heie godes þat beoþ of such poer
Sire sede þis holy maide þi bone is al bihinde
Hy nemowe helpe me ne þe for hi beoþ deue & blinde
For i ne bidde hom noþing for ic ham al forsake
And to Iesu Godes sone min heorte al ich take
Hure uader was so sore anuyd þo he weste þan ende
Ac he spak euere faire naþeles hure heorte forto wende
Aboute þe swere he nom hure & custe hure wel faste
And þarewiþ wende hure holy þoȝt fram oure Louerd caste
Do wei do wei quaþ þis maide ne soile mi mouþ noȝt
For ichelle þer wiþ herie God þat us haþ deore aboȝt
Þe vader was þo wo inou he nuste wat do for sore
Al stille he wende out atte dore anon wiþoute more
Þis maide wende stilliche in a priue stude
And cride uaste on Iesu Crist and bad faste hure bede
An angel þer com fram heuene in oure Louerdes name


And bad hure beo stable inou to þole pine & ssame
And seide he[o] ssolde ar he[o] deide itormented be[o]
Vnder þreo Iustices stronge and ouercome alle þre[o]
He blessede þis holy maide aȝen to heuene he drou
Þo was þis maide in hure heorte glad and stable inou
Of torment þat me miȝte hure do he[o] ne ȝaf worþ a stre[o]
To þe tour heo wende aȝen so glad so heo miȝte be[o]
Þo sei he[o] a wiȝt lof stonde bi þe wou
So swete so eny hony and as wite as snou
Ihered be[o] he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat for us was ibore
For ich ne et no mannes mete twelf dawes here biuore
And nou he me haþ mete isend ichelle it gladlich auonge
Ichot þat it is wille is for ich habbe ifast so longe
Þis maide et and made hure glad & after þulke stonde
Þe fastore hure heorte was to oure Louerd ibonde
Heo ne ȝaf of no torment þat me miȝte hure do
Hure sulf bigan to worre uerst to hasti it þerto
Þe maumes he[o] nom uerst of golde þat hure godes ssolde be[o]
And todasste ech pece fram oþer & teiȝte hom a nywe gle[o]
Heo caste hom suþþe out of þe tour þat hi miȝte bet iseo
Amidde þe uenne hard inou and taȝte hom to fleo
A niȝt he[o] nom a strong corde and þere heo wende adoun
And þe peces of golde nom and bar forþ into þe toun
And for þe loue of Iesu Crist delde it pouere men
Pece after oþer heo delde so as he[o] nom is up of þe ven
At þis corde he[o] wende aȝen þo he[o] hadde al ido
Ware ssolde hi finde hore godes þo þat aloute hom wolde two
Hure uader com amorwe anon Vrban by name
He bihuld & miste is false god him ne likede no game


Þis maidens he clupede anon þat mid is doȝter were ido
And esste were þe godes were þat hi ssolde aloute hom two
Þis maidens to is fet anon folle adoun akne[o]
Louerd hi sede þou miȝt us do wat þi wille be[o]
Ac þi doȝter hom nom toniȝt and todasste hom echon
And caste hom out of þe tour we nute ware is noȝt on
To is doȝter he starte anon and smot hure vnder þe ere
And esste hure wel steorneliche were þe godes were
Sire he[o] sede þou axest me a demande wiþ vnriȝte
Esstou ware þi godes beoþ þat beoþ of so gret miȝte
Ȝif hi beoþ suche as þou seist let hom sulue speke
And ȝif ich hom misdude oȝt let hom sulue awreke
Þe Iustice nom in grete wraþþe þe twelf maidens anon
And let biuore is doȝter uet smite of hore heued echon
Þou luþer hound quaþ þis maide wat habbeþ hi misdo
Þou slecst hom wiþoute gult and þat þe wole come to
For it worþ þi nowe iugement a Domesdai ich drede
Wy nostoȝ habbe islawe me for it was my dede
Þou ne sselt noȝt so liȝtliche ofscape hure fader sede
Þou sselt sone and bitime [a] sorufol lif lede
He let hure naked strupe anon & tormentors inowe
Wiþ harde scorgen legge hure on and al hure bodi todrowe
Þe more hi leide hure on þe gladdore þe maide was
So longe þer nas non of hom þat swuþe weri nas
And fol adoun for werinesse and gronede wel sore
Þo esste þe maide of hure uader were he couþe þenche amore
Loke he[o] sede þou foule hond þi miȝte þe is binome
Ne sucstou þat þine men beoþ and þine deuelen ouercome
A strong coler he dude of ire aboute hure necke þo


And broȝte hure in prison strong to biþenche hure more wo
Þe moder for hure doȝter loue made deol inou
He[o] porueide hure time wel & to þe prison drou
Doȝter he[o] sede swete herte wepinge wel sore
For þe loue þat þou louest me bilef þi false lore
For euerich strok þat me ȝifþ þoru myn herte geþ
Certes bote þou þe wiþdrawe ichot it worþ my deþ
Dame quaþ þis holy maide þi doȝter nam ich noȝt
For ich bere my fader name þat deore me haþ iboȝt
After Crist þat is my fader Cristine is my name
Ich forsake þe to moder vare wel leoue dame
Þis wif wende & tolde hure louerd uore hou he[o] hadde on itake
And þat he[o] nolde for noþing hure god forsake
Þe fader anon amorwe in chaere him let sette
Þis holy maide of prison biuore him me vette
Cristine he sede turn þi þoȝt & oure godes honure
Oþer bi þe [f]ei ich owe Mahon þe ssel be[o] wel soure
Þou luþer hound quaþ þis maide gret honur þou dest me
Þat þou ne clupest me noȝt þi doȝter Crist it ssulde þe
Þench nou in þi luþer herte hou þou miȝt me mest wo do
Ne spare þou noȝt þi luþer þoȝt for prest ich am þerto
He let þis maide honge up mid ropes fram þe gronde
And tormentors stode inowe & made hure many a wonde
Wiþ oules hi todrowe hure fleiss as it were deuelen of helle
Þat þe peces honge adoun þat reuþe it is to telle
Þis maide gripte pece and oþer & fram hure body rende
And caste hure uader aȝen þe teþ & almest him ablende
Nim þere he sede þ[ou] luþer best þou vnwreste uode
And fret al rau þi nowe fleiss and þin owe blode


For þou nere neuere uol monnes fleiss to drawe
Þer þou miȝt of þin owene inou bo[þ]e frete & gnawe
Þe fader þo he þis isei he nuste hou on take
Þis maide he let nyme adoun & a gret fur make
He let hure caste al amidde & let blowe faste
Pich and eoly suþþe iweld uppon hure heued me caste
Hit greuede þis maide swuþe sore he[o] dradde forto deiȝe
He gan to crie on Iesu Crist and upward caste hure eiȝe
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist ȝif it is þi wille
Ar ich more habbe iserued nelet me noȝt aspille
Ac among al þis luþer folk ssewe us here þi grace
Þat hi mowe knowe þe and doute in þe place
As þis maide þus bad to Iesus hure preere
Þis fur bigan to sprede abrod in a wonder manere
And mo þan a þousond men and fif hondred þere
Hit forbarnd al to noȝt þat misbiluued were
Hit soȝte out abrod eiþer side al sauf þat maide was
Þo þe Iustice þis isei him nelikede noȝt þat cas
He let nyme eft þis holy maide & to prison drawe
Forte he hadde bet biseie to bringe hure of lif dawe
In prison as he[o] was a niȝt anglis þere come þre[o]
And made ech wonde of hure body hol so hi miȝte be[o]
Fram heuene hi broȝte hure mete inou & broȝte hure out of wo
Þis maide nas in betere point nere þanne he[o] was þo
Hure luþer uader amorwe het is men anon
Nime and aboute hure swere binde a gret ston
And caste hure amidde þe se & bringe hure of lif dawe
Þis dede was sone ido þuder he[o] was idrawe
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat isaued me hast so longe
Let me in þis water þin holy grace auonge
Þat ich mot in þis water ibap[t]ised be[o] ene
Þat þer ne be[o] no defaute þat i ne be[o] þin al clene
Þo sei he[o] fram heuene angles monyon


Wiþ encens & murie song & oure Louerd amidde echon
Þo was he[o] glad & eke adrad as he[o] miȝte wel beo
He[o] huld up hure honden & sat adoun uppon þis water akneo
Oure Louerd hure nom bi þe hond & haf hure al aboue
Cristine he sede muche þou hast iþoled for my loue
Beo stable and hard for þi sege in heuene is ido
& ichelle ar ich fram þe wende marki þe þerto
He baptized wiþ is owe honde þis maide in þe se
And softe wiþ is angles suþþe to heuene wende aȝe
Cristene he[o] miȝte hote wel so ich vnderstonde
Wanne Criste hure baptizede þere [wiþ] is owene honde
Cristene he[o] was þo ariȝt & Cristes owe spouse
Al softe he[o] wende þulke niȝt to hure fader house
Amorwe þo it was day and hure fader aros
He fond hire sitte in hure beden sore is herte agros
He let hure bringe in strong prison & þoȝte anon amorwe
Let smite of hure heued to bringe him out of sorwe
Ac þulke niȝt as God it wolde he broȝte is lif to ende
And deide him sulf in alle sorwe & alle deolwei gan wende
Seinte Cristene amorwe þo þis dede was ido
Þonkede swuþe Iesu Crist þat hure sauede so
Þo was þare sone afterward anoþer Iustice ichose
Zion was is luþer name ssame habbe is nose
He let nyme Cristene men and defouly manyon
So þat þis maide was inome & biuore him ibroȝt anon
He bihet þis maide swuþe uaire ȝif he[o] turnede hure þoȝt
Þat maide him sede at one worde it was al for noȝt
Þe Iustice was þo wroþ inou he het hure binde faste
And wiþ harde scorgen legge hure on þe wile hi wolde ilaste
Wrecche quaþ þis holy maide ssamie þe aȝte sore
To beode me so lite pine ne canstou þenche namore
Somdel hardore he ȝeode on þi broþer biuore þe


And wel lite ȝe ssoldeþ boþe do bote þou do more þanne he
Þe Iustice was þo wroþ inou a caudron tormentors fette
And of pich and eoly veolde it fol & ouer þe fur it sette
Þo it was hot inou and þat pich boillede vaste
He let nyme þis holy maide & amidde þe caudron caste
Þe maide þo he[o] þis isey to heuene he[o] caste hure eiȝe
Louerd he[o] sede ȝif it is þi wille ne let me noȝt ȝute deie
Ac ssewe on me here þi miȝte þat þis folk mowe ise[o]
Þat þou ert alone Louerd and non oþer ne may be[o]
Op he[o] sterte baldeliche þo hure orison was ido
And hupte hure in þis caudroun þat boillede so
Þo þe Iustice ysey þulke pine to liȝt
He let hure nyme up and al naked stonde upriȝt
He let ssere of clene al hure her & fur gleden attelaste
He let panne uol and oþer uppon hure heued caste
Wymmen þat þere stode aboute & yseie hure defouled more
And euere naked so uilliche hom ofssamede sore
Iustice hi seide þou art an vnwreste man
Þat þou so ssenfolliche defoulest a womman
In ssennesse of alle oþere boþe nou and er
Alas þat eny womman so luþer mon ber
Þo þe Iustice hurde þis he gan somdel wiþdrawe
Cristene he sede ich rede ȝut turn to oure lawe
And to þe temple go wiþ us þe heie godes to se[o]
And do to hom sacrefise and murie þe ssel be[o]
Þis maide wende forþ wiþ hom he[o] ne sede noȝt al hure þoȝt
He[o] stod & biheld þis false godes it nelikede hure riȝt noȝt
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat deidest on þe rode
Scheu þi milce here to day among þis luþer uode


And ouercome þis luþer forme & debruse hom to noȝte
Þat þis foles ofte and moni o day in misbileue broȝte
Þo hure preere was ido þis luþer maumet
Adoun to gronde dasste adoun for he was er misset
Lo seide þis holy maide here ȝe moweþ ise[o]
Þat ȝoure god on wan ȝe biluueþ nis noȝt worþ a stre[o]
Þat folk biluuede þo on God þat þis cas ysey
And turnde to Iesu Crist aboute þreo hondred ney
Þe Iustice isei þat þis folk toward þis maide drou
For wraþþe he uel upriȝt ded and deide in sorwe inou
A baillif nom þis maide uaste & to prison hure let lede
Forte þer com a niwe Iustice to folfulle þis dede
Þo hadde þe maide as þe angel sede þis bataille wel ido
Þe þridde was to come ȝute ouercome were þe to
Þe þridde Iustice was suþþe ihote Iulian
Luþer ssrewe he was inou vp eche Cristene man
Seinte Cristine þis holy maide biuore him he let lede
Þou wicche he sede þou luþer best turn þi þoȝt ich rede
Oþer ichelle þe such pine do for þi luþer dede
And þi luþer God and alle his of þi torment solleþ drede
Þ[at] of Iosep was biȝute and of Marie ibore
Þat þou him halst Godes sone þou sselt abugge þer uore
Beo stille quaþ þis holy maide berkinge hound beo stille
Go li and ne berk namore so muche aȝen my wille
To berke þoru þin hondes mouþ mi swete Louerdes name
Þer of my mouþ isoilled is go li God ȝeue þe ssame
Þis Iustice was þo wroþ inou him þoȝte he was missed
He let hete an ouene hot þat he was al fur red
Þere inne he let þis maide do and het is men echon
Þat he were þer inne dawes þreo to berne fleiss & bon
Þis maide blessede hure wel uaire þo heo ssolde in gon
And made þe signe of þe crois and glad ȝeode in anon


Þer inne he[o] sat & murie song þat ioie it is to hure
And euere he[o] herede Iesu Crist þat sauede hure of þe uure
Þe kniȝtes þat hure ssolde wite stode þere biside
And hurde hure singe in þis fure hi nedorste no leng abide
Hi ȝorne & tolde þe Iustice þe cas þat was so couþ
Þe Iustice het is men anon openi þe ouenes mouþ
Þo þis ouene was vndut þis maide com out gon
He[o] ssinde as cler as þe sonne þat folk wondrede echon
Þo þe Iustice þis isei he dradde him wel sore
Wicche craft he huld it al and of luþer lore
Anne enchanteor he hadde þer þat neddren couþe bisinge
Þe Iustice him het anon þe neddren forþ bringe
And caste hom to þis holy maide þat hi ssolde hure to deþe stinge
Þis neddren were forþ ibroȝt grislokest of alle þinge
Hi crope & mad ioie inou þo hi were to hure ido
Hi biclupte hure holy limes & lickede hure wonden also
Hi pleide wiþ hure bresten boþe hure children as it were
Hi custe hure & likked ek for kunde þe[ȝ] it nere
Þis maister him gan tice on hure mid is enchanterie
As me tekþ an hond on man to cuþe is maistrie
Þis wormes turnde to him anon & caste him doun to gronde
And enuenimed him & stonge uaste þat he deide on a stonde
Þer nas noman after þulke tyme þat þis wonder isei
Þat dorste wraþþe þis holy maide ne enes come hure ney
Attelaste þis maide het þis wormes awei gon
Þat hi neuer ef[t] mon neseie hi dude hure heste anon
Þo blessede þe holy maide þe dede man þat was hure uo
And bad him a God is name aris up and go
Þe dede aros up anon þat þe wormes slowe biuore


He cride & herede þe time þat God was ibore
To þe maidens fet he uel & bad hure Cristendom
And turnde to Godes lawe and godmon bicom
Ne dorste nomon esse þo were þe Iustice were wroþ
Awreke he wolde him of þis maide he swor is more oþ
He let hure swete tendre bresten kerue of boþe to
Awei þe seli tendre limes lite hadde hi misdo
Wiȝt milk com out of þe wonden & neuere a drope blod
Ou Iesus þat þe holy maide clene was and god
Þis maide stod and bihuld wiþ wel glade mode
Þe milk stremes þat orne adoun as for defaute of blode
Louerd he[o] sede ihered þou be[o] þat ich þis time isei
For nou ichot clene ich am myn endeday is ney
Þe Iustice made him wroþ inou & mest for hure speche
He þoȝte for hure holy word do a feble wreche
He let kerue of hure tonge faste bi þe more
And ȝute spak þis holy maide noþe later þereuore
Ferst he nom hure holi tonge wiþ wel stordi mod
And þis Iustice harde þreu as heo biuore him stod
Þis tonge sprong al abrod al þis men iseie
And þis Iustice harde smot & hutte out eiþer eiȝe
Þer was riȝt wreche of God ssame habbe wo recche
Me miȝte segge wo him iseie þere sit þe blinde wrecche
Þe tweie were ouercome þe þridde was þo ney
His poer was þo lite worþ him bicom uuel anhey
Þou wrecche quaþ þis holy maide nou þou ert issend
Þou wrecche þat þou woldest me do to þi sulue is iwend
Þou wendest binime me mi speche & ert þi sulf ablend
And oure Louerd þe haþ þoru riȝt lawe þulke wrecche ysend
Ich nadde bote þis wrecche o lyme were wiþ ich miȝte
Herie oure swete Louerd and aȝen þe deuel fiȝte
And [þat] þou hast me bynome and wel þou couþest diȝte
For ȝute ich habbe mi speche god & þou hast ilore þi siȝte


Ou quaþ þis luþer man fol ich am of sore
Sleþ þe hore ȝif ȝe mowe for i ne can do namore
Þe tormentors harde inou smite hure in þe side
And wende hom forþ for fin anuy & let hure þere abide
Þis maide isei þis luþer men nolde do hure namore
Louerd he[o] sede þench on me myne limes akeþ sore
Me þingþ it is time nou þat þou sende after me
Mi bodi is weri inou mi soule wilneþ to þe
Ȝif ich am iwasse clene inou let me to þe wende
Þis maide sede hure preere and broȝte hure lif to ende
And biteiȝte hure soule Iesu Crist and deide a Godes name
To ȝer in such torment he[o] liuede and in such ssame
For þo he[o] was þerto veorst ibroȝt of twelf [ȝer] he[o] was vnneþe
And fortene ȝer old heo was ar he[o] were ibroȝt to deþe
Ne dorste noȝt þe Iustice biliȝhe his luþer dede
For as þe ssrewe sat ablend loude he gan to grede
A out out wo is me ich am wod iwis
Inot wo me deþ asle for Cristine ichot it is
He wende an alle deuelwei for elles it were wou
To þe blisse of heuene he[o] wende þat he[o] boȝte deore inou
Wiþ tormens as ȝe habbeþ ihurd wiþ wonden monion
Nou God for þe loue of hure us bringe þuder echon

De sancto Iacobo

Sein Iame þe gode apostel riȝt is to habbe in mone
Sein Iones broþer þe wangelist & Godes aunte sone
His moder was oure Leuedi soster Marie Salome
Of kunde gode he was icome ne miȝte no betere be[o]
He aȝte wel him sulf be[o] god ȝe mowe wel yse
In þe lond of Samary he prechede and in Iude
Þoru is prechinge mony he turnde to Cristendom


To Ermogines þe luþer prince þe tidinge sone com
Þulke prince was wicche strong and enchanteor also
Þoru þe deuel he wolde alday gret miracle do
An deciple he hadde of is art Filet was is name
To sein Ieme he sende him to fonde to him ssame
Ȝif he miȝte wiþ is art sein Ieme ouercome
Togadere hi come forto plaide as þe day was inome
Godes deciples & þe deueles bigonne to plaidi vaste
Ac sein Iame Godes deciple aboue was attelaste
Blinde men he ȝaf hore siȝt and helede ek in þe place
Meseles and croked ek þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þo Filet isei him ouercome to is maister he wende sone
Ermogines & tolde him fore as riȝt was to done
Sire he sede ne hope þou noȝt to come Iames wiþinne
For noȝt it is for þou nesselt ouercome him wiþ no ginne
Þereuore do as ichelle rede ga we to him we tweie
And crie him mercy and bicome his deciples beie
For siker þou be[o] ichelle it do þei þou nolle noȝt also
So wroþ was þe prince þo þat he nuste wat do
Þoru is strengþe & þoru is art Filet he made anon
Þat he nemiȝte him namore wawe þanne miȝte a ded ston
Nou he sede we solleþ ise[o] wat Iames þe mai do her
Were he mowe aȝen me þe vndo and aȝen mi godes poer
He het him ligge as a stok & forþ fram him he wende
Filet nom a man anon & sein Ieme word sende
Hou uaste þoru þe deueles miȝte he lay þere ibonde
And bad him helpe his deciple & bringe þane deuel to gronde
Sein Ieme him sende a lite cloþ þat he wiþ him ber
Þat he touched him þerwiþ & sede þes to uers of þe sauter
Oure Louerd vnbind þat beoþ ibonde þe blind he ȝifþ siȝte


Oure Louerd hom riȝt þat beoþ ihurt oure Louerd loueþ þe riȝte
Þo Filet hadde al þis ised as sein Ieme him word sende
Vnbonde he was of is bendes & woder he wolde he wende
He þretnede faste Ermogines to sein Ieme he com
And Godes deciple was & is and aueng Cristendom
Þ[o] Ermogines hurde þis þat he was so vnbunde
And þat sein Iame hadde ibroȝt al is dede to gronde
He coniurede moni deuelen þat hi to him wende
Wel ȝe witeþ he sede hou it is þat ich after ȝou sende
Oure alre uo Iames myn deciple me haþ bynome
Bote ȝe beo strengore þan ich be[o] we beoþ ouercome
Ich hote þat ȝe wende anon and doþ a god preie
Nymeþ and bringeþ hom to me faste ibonde beie
Certes bote ȝe mowe it do as ȝe wel yseoþ
Oure poer nis noȝt worþe an hawe ac ouercome we beoþ
Hi come fle[o] up in þe lift ouer þe apostel sein Ieme
Anon so hi were ouer him icome hi gonne to grenne & feme
Belwy and wel grislich crie Iemes hy sede þin ore
We berneþ ar it be[o] oure tyme and beoþ itormented sore
Wo tormenteþ ȝou quaþ sein Ieme and wat doþ ȝe nou here
Bote we come þe deuelen sede to nyme þe and þine uere
Ermogines us made hider wende þoru is coniuringe
Þat we ȝou ssolde uaste ibonde boþe to him bringe
Ac þo we come ouer þe angles to us come
Wiþ bernynge raketeien and faste us bonde & nome
Here hy us beteþ and tormenteþ wiþ bernynge fure
Awey Iames wat ssolle we do we nemowe noȝt þus dure
A Iemes Iemes leue louerd of us wrecches haue reuþe


And we nolleþ neuere eft nei þe come we wolleþ pliȝte oure truþe
Ȝe wrecche foles quaþ sein Ieme inot wat ȝe wolde here
Of þat ȝe þoȝte anuye me drawe ȝe ssolle arere
Al vnbonde ich ȝiue ȝou leue aȝen forto fle[o]
And bringeþ him þat ȝou hider sende faste ibonde to me
Þat ȝe ne do him non oþer harm for ichelle wiþ him speke
Wel is us nou queþe þis ssrewen we worþe wel awreke
To Ermogines hi come anon and to gronde him caste
Hi drowe him and bonde is honden bihinde him wel uaste
Þeof hi sede þou ssenst us þere we grete wowe uelde
In gret torment & bernynge and nou we wolleþ þe ȝelde
Hy harlede uorþ þane wrecche & to sein Ieme him broȝte
Lo sire hi sede lo he her þat such torment us wroȝte
Ȝeue us ferst leue þat we mote oure tormens awreke
Þe grete vnriȝt þat he þe dude a[r] þou wiþ him speke
Nai certes quaþ þis holy man ȝe ne ssolleþ noȝt so
For oure Louerd het þat we ssolde god for uuel do
W[hi] ne come ȝe noȝt ney Filet þat stont here bi me
Wel þou wost þis oþer sede we ne mowe noȝt for þe
No goþ henne quaþ sein Ieme to ȝoure kunde stude
And necomeþ nei no godman þei a fol ȝou habbe ybede
Euere stod Ermogines and cride milce & ore
And quakede for drede & for pine wepinge wel sore
Filet Filet quaþ sein Iame þeos haþ [þe schame] ido
Þou sselt do god aȝen vuel for mi Louerd us het so
He bond þe þo þou were [vn]bonde and aȝen þulke dede
Þou sselt vnbinde him þat is ibonde for so mi Louerd sede
Go ware þou wolt quaþ sein Iame for mi Louerd nele noȝt
Þat enymon aȝen is wille to him be[o] ibroȝt


A mercy quaþ Ermogines þis deuelen me bete so sore
Þat i ne der go a uot fram þe leste hy me kippe more
Ȝif hy me caccheþ hi wolleþ me sle þeruore ich bidde þe
Tak me somwat þat ich mowe for ȝam bere wiþ me
Sein Iame him tok anne staf anhonde go nou forþ he sede
Þer nis no deuel þat nei þe dorre come nou for drede
Attelaste he wende forþ is bokes alle he nom
Þat he hadde of enchantement & to sein Ieme aȝen com
And bad him forberne al is bokes sein Ieme hom nom anon
And caste hom in þe deope se faste ibonde echon
Merci him þoȝte Ermogines & bad him Cristendom
So þat he icristned was & godman bicom
Abiacar þat was þo bissop luþer inou
For þis dede he was wroþ wiþ sein Iame wiþ wou
He nom him uaste & swor is oþ þat he ssolde abugge dure
To Erodes þe king he let him lede a rop aboute is sweore
Erodes ȝa[f] þe dom anon is þrote to smite ato
Iosie he was itake þis dede forto do
A rop he dude aboute is swere & ladde him to is dome
A man he helde of þe palsie ar he þuder come
Þo Iosie þis isei merci anon he cride
He let him cristni þere anon he nolde no leng abide
Biheueded he was bi sein Iame in þe place anon riȝt þere
A seinte Marie dai in Leinte biheueded boþe hy were
Ac Holy Churche þulke feste of sein Ieme holde ne may
For þe heie feste of oure Leuedi þat me halt þulke day
Biuore Lammasse seueniȝt we holdeþ þe day þere uore
Þulke day þat is body was into ssrine ibore
Anon so sein Iame þe holiman biheueded was þere
His deciples him wolde awei lede ac hi nedorste for fere
Hi awaitede hore time wel wanne noman þer nei nere
And þat bodi stilleliche out of þe contreie bere
In þe se hi broȝte it in a ssip and forþ þerwiþ wende
And nome no ȝeme woderward bote as God hom sende


Þat ssip wende forþ him sulf and ariuede a day
In þe lond of Galeis þere as þe quene lay
Þat ssrewe was & luþer inou sein Iames men anon
Þat body nome up of þe ssip and leide it up a ston
As euene imad to þe holy bodi as enymon wolde bidde
Þe ston orn abrod anon and holou bicom amidde
Ne ssolde noman s[o] euene þrowe in lengþe ne in brede
Make to him as þulke ston bicom as monymon sede
Þe deciples as riȝt was to þe quene erst wende
Dame hi sede we habbeþ ibroȝt þat oure Louerd þe sende
Sein Iames bodi his apostel þat þou ofte nome þi red
Wile he was quik to lete him nyme as monymon haþ ised
Oure Louerd him haþ hider isend as he him sulf bed
Loke ware þou him legge wolt for icome he is to þe ded
A traitors quaþ þe luþer quene ware ȝe beo of his
Wanne i ne miȝte of him be[o] awreke ichelle of ȝou iwis
Þis godemen he nom & to þe king of Spaine hom alle sende
Þat he hom broȝte to strong deþ oþer to ȝare lawe hom wende
Echone þe kyng nom anon and to strong prison broȝte
Oure Louerd ne forȝet hom noȝt ac sone on hom þoȝte
For an angel fram heuene com & þe prison brak wel sone
Þo þe king was iwar þerof he nuste wat was to done
Kniȝtes he let sende inowe after hom wel wide
Þat febliche hi gonne in hore neode for ssame hom gon bitide
For as hi wolde uppon a brugge after þis godemen gon
Vnder hom þe brugge brak and hi adreinte echon
Þo þe tidinge com to þe king he was sori inou
Of þe luþer þoȝte þat he þoȝte for drede he wiþdrou
To hom he sende mildeliche þat hi come aȝen him to
And þat he wolde uaire amende þat he hom hadde misdo


To þe king hi wende þo aȝen hom faire he com
Ware þoru he and al þat lond auenge Cristendom
Þe king sende þe quene word al ȝare wille to do
Sori was þe quene þo and sore anuyd also
Ac heo nedorste beo aȝen is heste nere hure neuere so wo
Wilde bollokes he weste fele up an hei hul go
Goþ he sede upe þulke hul vinde ȝe mowe þere
Oxen and bolen strong inou forto bere ȝoure bere
Teieþ hom to þulke waine and þat bodi leggeþ þere inne
And ledeþ woder ȝoure wille beo Mahones leue habbe ȝe & myne
For þe bollokes wilde were þe luþer quene so sede
For hi ne ssolde hom temie noȝt eny þing to lede
Þe deciples wende forþ to þulke hulle heie
A furi dragon aȝen hom come wel sone here uppe hi seie
He blaste fur wel grislich and hom asaillede uaste
Mony men he hadde aslawe & þe contreie of him agaste
Þe signe sone of þe crois þe men hom made biuore
Anon hadde þis luþer worm is poer forlore
A uot nemiȝt he uer gon þe deciples anon forþ wende
And topounede it al to deþe & eche pece fram oþer rende
Þe bollokes & þe wilde steres þat were er so wilde
Wanne hi come oȝt toward hi bicome al milde
Hi chose out þe beste þat hi wolde & to þe waine broȝte
Hi drowe so mildeliche þat hom wondrede in hore þoȝte
Þis men nome þis holy body and upe þe wain it leide
Þis bestes drowe it mildeliche wiþoute eni foul breide
Softe and faire & euene inou þere as þe quene was
Hure wondrede & dradde sore þo he[o] sei þis cas
He[o] forsok hure false lay and turnde to Cristendom
For þe wonder þat heo say god womman he[o] bicom
Al hure paleis þat he[o] was inne of lim and of ston
Forto honuri þis holy body he[o] grantede hom anon
Amidde þe paleis þis holyman hi bure[de] fair inou
Þat folk euere more and more þuder faste drou


Heo let þere rere a noble churche & gret tresour ȝaf þerto
And gret lond þat ȝute þerto liþ and gret rente also
Ware þoru of religion a gret hous nou þere is
Of canons þat men ȝute secheþ at sein Iame in Galis
Moni miracles of pilgrims þer haþ ofte icome
Þei we ne mowe noȝt alle telle þenche we mote of somme
At o time þritti men pilgrims bycome
To sein Iames þe holi stude as hi er þen wey nome
As hy wende bi þe wei so gret loue hi hadde & triwe
And god heorte ech toward [oþer] þat hy made uorward niwe
Þat non nessolde failli oþer in peril ne in neode
Wed breþeren hi bicome echone as hi þis wei ȝeode
Truþe hi pliȝte al bote on ac he nolde is noȝt pliȝte
Ac þe uorward he bihet he wolde holde up al is miȝte
So þat it fel bi þe wei þat þe on vuelede a day
And vnder þe hul of sein Michel wel longe sik lay
His felawes þat him were ipliȝte viftene dawes þere
Abide him þat hom þoȝte longe for sore anuyd hi were
Hi seide we nolleþ him no leng abide let him ligge stille
We mote do oure pilrenage do God bi him his wille
Þis were lo wonder breþeren mo suche me may finde
For swikedom geþ nou forþ & triwenesse byhinde
Hy nome hore leue and wende hom uorþ & let him ligge echon
Bote þulke þat nolde is truþe pliȝte a uot he nolde gon
Certes he sede God do is wille and lete ȝou wel wende
Inelle a uot fram him gon ar ich wite of him som ende
Mid him he bileuede al one forte þat he ded were
Betere is triwe dede þanne fals word as it was isene þere
For suche beoþ lo þis bostares þat bloweþ mon of winde
And bihoteþ Rome and Ierusalem ac þe dede is bihinde


Þis triwe mon þat bileuede þer wel sore adrad was
For he was so fer fram toune & noman nei him nas
For he was wiþ þe dede al one and it was nei niȝte
He nuste wat wiþ þe body do bote sein Iame him helpe miȝte
His help he bad wiþ gode herte & in þe eueninge riȝt
Sein Iame com to him ride in atir of a kniȝt
Com her he sede forþ wiþ me nedar þe noþing drede
Biuore me cast þat body her & ich him wole hanne lede
And lep up þisulf bihinde me and þo þis wa[s] al ido
Sein Iame ladde þane dede uorþ and þe quike also
Viftene iorneis grete ar daie in þulke litel wile
To þe mont of ioie biside sein Iames half a mile
Þo hi come to þulke mont sein Iame gan abide
Go he sede to þe quike man to þe chirche þer biside
And sei mine canons þat þere beoþ þat ich hom bi þe sende
Mi pilgrim þat me was lef þat triweliche my wei wende
Þat hi him burie among hom wiþ faire seruise and liȝte
For ded he ssel þuder come wanne he aliue nemiȝte
Seie hom þat þine felawes were hore wei is al forlore
For hore truþe þat hy breke in hore felawe biuore
And þe ichelle þine wile ȝelde þat hast þus truwe ibe[o]
Mid þis word he wende forþ þat he nemiȝte him more ise[o]
Aboute þis bodi for þis miracle þat folk gan þicke reke
Her me mai somdel ise[o] wuch it is truþe to breke
And wuch it is þane holy wei to sein Iemes to go
So murie was þis miracle þat ȝute ich mot telle mo
A god man ene & is sone to sein Iemes wende
To þe cite of Tolouse aȝen eue hi kende
Alniȝt hi bileuede þer at an luþer mannes inne
He þoȝte wiþ wuch tricherie he miȝte hor panes winne


Nou was þe lawe in þulke stude as þe ssrewe wel vnderstod
Wo so honge a man þoru lawe he ssolde habbe al is god
Þe ssrewe hom made uair semlant as is manere was to done
Þat hi were dronke beie and aslepe sone
A coppe of seluer stilleliche þis luþer man gan bringe
In hore scrippe softeliche among hore oþer þinge
Þis godeman awok & is sone as sone as it dai was
And nome hore leue & wende uorþ & nuste noȝt of þis cas
Þo hi come a lite wiþoute toun þis luþer man after com
Hoting out wiþ gret sute & þis triwe men boþe nom
And sede ȝe habbeþ my coppe istole & in hore scrippe ibonde
Þat folk it iluuede anon þo hi þe coppe fonde
Þe pilgrims þei hi triwe were to dome were ibroȝt
Ech maner þufþe hi ofsoke ac me neluuede hom noȝt
For hi were inome hond habbinge þe court hom lokede anon
Þat hi hor dom wiþ hom bere & honge ssolde hore on
Alas sede þe fader ware ich ssolle nou honge
And ar ich habbe sein Iame isoȝt þe uile deþ auonge
Nay certes fader quaþ þe sone þat nolde ich grante þe
To be[o] louerd ouer al þe world þat þou honge biuore me
And honge ichelle for us boþe inelle noȝt þane deþ forsake
And as wis as we gulteles beoþ mi soule God ich take
A leue sone quaþ þe uader so ne ssel it neuere be
Ssostou honge & ich libbe i ne ssel neuere þane day ise
Such man toward as þou ert iloked it were wroþe
Þat þou ssost honge & ich libbe ichelle honge for us boþe
A uader uader quaþ þe sone be stille ich bidde þe
Inelle neuere þane dai abide þat þou honge biuore me
Ac go þe wei for us boþe ichelle honge for us beie
Bidde sein Iame grante me part of þi weie
Bitwene þe fader and þe sone þe striuinge laste longe


Þat echmon hadde deol þerof weþer ssolde þane deþ auonge
So þat it fel attenende þei it were wiþ wronge
Þat þe sone for hom boþe gulteles was anhonge
Alas alas þe deluol cas to hure so muche falshede
Wel ȝeorne boþe fader & sone sein Iames is help bede
Louerd þe deol of þe wader grettore neuere nas
Þo he sei is sone honge & for he gulteles was
He biteiȝte is soule Iesu Crist þo he nesei oþer won
And is wei wiþ sorwe inou to sein Iame gan gon
For is sone as wel as for him sein Iame he bad faste
He wende after þis holy wey aȝenward attelaste
Ar he com þer is sone was him þoȝte swuþe longe
Ȝif he miȝte finde ȝute [] eny lyme of him honge
For þe lawe was þere þat euerichman þat anhange were
Þe wile he laste honge ssolde forte ech lime fram oþer tere
Þis ȝongeman sixe and þritti dawes heng upe þe galou tre[o]
Ar is fader aȝen come þat iroted he aȝte be[o]
He com & fond him honge riȝt ner him he gan te[o]
He wep & cride & wrong is honde þat deol it was to se[o]
Leue fader quaþ þis sone ne wep þou noȝt so bliue
For inam to bywepe noȝt for icham ȝute aliue
Me nas neuere an eorþe so wel as me haþ suþþe ibe[o]
Ich am as ich were in heuene þei ich honge on þis tre[o]
For sein Iame me halt euere up gret ioie he deþ me make
Me ofþincþ þat þou come so sone leste þou me adoun take
Louerd þe ioie þat þe fader hadde þulke stonde
Þo he after al is sor is sone aliue fonde
To toune he orn wiþ ioie inou & clupede men wel uaste
Þat folk him siwede & isei þat soþe attelaste
Wiþ gret ioie hi nome him adoun & to toune him broȝte
Þane traitor þat him made anhonge wel sone out hi soȝte
And honge him heie uppon a tre[o] noȝt bote he worþe were
And euere me þincþ al to lite þat he ek todrawe nere


In þe cite of Leons a ȝong man þer was also
Þat ofte to sein Iames wende & gret loue hadde þerto
At o tyme as he þuder wolde he deode er a folie
Þat monymon to helle bringþ þe sunne of lecherie
Touward sein Ieme he wende forþ ar he issriue were
Þe deuel was wel ȝeorne aboute ȝif he miȝte him mislere
Aȝen him he com in þe wey swuþe milde and softe
Riȝt as he sein Iame were as he gileþ men wel ofte
Wostou euere he sede wo ich am þe oþer sede nay
Icham þulke he sede þat þou hast iserued mony a day
Sein Iame toward wam þou ert i nemay make of þe no mone
Þat þou ne dest swuþe wel of eche þing bote of one
Þat þou dust þe lecherie ar þou wendest to me
Among alle men ȝif þat nere mest ich preisi þe
Sein Iame merci quaþ þis oþer ich crie þe milce and ore
Forȝif me þulke luþer sunne inelle do namore
A beu frere quaþ þe ssrewe strong is þi misdede
Þou ne miȝt me neuere paie wel bote þou do as ich rede
Þe membre þou most kerue of warewiþ [þu] isuneged hast
Þe sunne ichelle þe forȝiue þanne wanne he is fram þe icast
Ac next me þou ssost in ioie be[o] in þe blisse of heuene aboue
Ȝif þou wost beo imartrid & þisulue martri for mi loue
A louerd sein Iame quaþ þis man þou haue merci of me
And ichelle me martri for mi sunne & for þe loue of þe
Þis wrecche man carf of is membres & awei fram him caste
And suþþe þoru is false rede him sulf slou attelaste
Iredy was þe ssrewe þere þe soule he nom anon
And wel glad bigan inis manere toward helle gon
Ne forȝut noȝt sein Iame is pilgrim for cas þat him gan bitide


Aȝen þe deuel adoun he com and bad þe ssrewe abide
Þou berst more he sede þanne þi nowe þat ichelle cuþe þe
Hastou bitraid mi pilgrim gret ssame þou dest me
Ȝe al for noȝt quaþ þe ssrewe þou ert hider icome
Inis sunne him sulf he slou þerwiþ ich him habbe inome
Ne mai noman in dedlich sunne to þe ioie of heuene wende
As wel þou miȝt go hom aȝen he is min wiþoute ende
Þou luþer þing quaþ sein Iame þou bitraidest him mid falshede
And wiþ tricherie to him come let him go ich rede
Ich habbe leue þe ssrewe sede to bigile & traie also
In ech quointise þat ich may wi wolde he misdo
Þis strif ilaste bitwene hom longe ac þo sein Iame nemiȝte
Wiþinne þe luþer ssrewe come wiþ reson ne wiþ riȝte
Þou sselt he sede wiþ me come to an herre Iustice
Þat þe ssel cuþe þi tricherie of wan þe ssel agrise
Touore oure Leuedi swete & milde þene ssrewe he gan lede
He ȝal and quakede deluoliche þo he sei hure for drede
Ȝe ȝolle mote he eueremo & uuel him mote bitide
Þe ssrewe fond is macche þo ichot he ssolde abide
Þou luþer þing oure Leuedi sede wi fondestou in alle wise
To bynyme us & bitraie men þat beoþ in oure seruise
Þou ne sselt neuere þe soule brouke for þi tricherie
Leoue Leuedi quaþ þe ssrewe mercy ich þe crie
Vnderstond þat ich habbe leue to gili men inou
And þat ich him fond in dedlich sunne & þerinne him sulf he slou
And nomon neuere in such cas to heuene come ne miȝte
As he is min mid alle lawe hold me ich bidde to riȝte
Þou luþer best oure Leuedi sede to muche oure poer is
Alas þat men nolleþ beo war ar hi do amis
As þou mid tricherie is lif him bynome


Also ichelle him ȝiue aȝen is lif þoru riȝt dome
And þanne he mai cheose as he wole godman oþer uuel be[o]
Oure Leuedi made þe soule anon to þe body aȝen fle[o]
Fram deþe to liue he aros þoru oure Leuedies lore
And god lif hadde afterward & þe deuel doutede þe more
His membres þat he of carf euere eft him dude misse
Bote a lite hol war þoru he miȝte wanne he wolde pisse
And þe deuel ȝeode adeolwei & held him bigabbed sore
Nadde neuere þe ssrewe so muche ssame þat he nere worþe more
For he deþ men euere more ssame sorwe him mote biualle
And luþer þrift uppon is heued amen seggeþ alle
Nou sein Iame for þe holy stude þat þou hast in Galis
Helpe us and al þine pilgrims & bring us to heuene blis

De sancto Cristoforo

Sein Cristofre was Zarasin in þe lond of Canaan
In no stude bi is daie ne uond me so strong man
Foure and twenti uet he was lang & þicke & brod inou
Such man bote he were strong me þincþ it were wou
Al a contreie ware he were for him wolde fle[o]
Þere uore him þoȝte þat noman aȝen him ssolde be[o]
Wiþ noman he sede he nolde be[o] bote wiþ on þat were
Hext louerd of alle men and vnder non oþer uere
He wende to seche a such man so þat me him tolde
Of þe hexte þat an eorþe was and mest poer do wolde
Sein Cristofre him soȝte uer attelaste he com him two
Þe king him esste wat he were and wat he soȝte also
Þis oþer sede wat he was and þat he serui wolde
Þe hexte man þat awer were & to non abowe nessolde
Ȝif he fonde eny such þis king aȝen sede
Þat he nehuld of noman nessolde noman bowe nedrede
For eiþer was of oþer glad Cristofere him seruede longe


Þe king louede melodie of fiþele & of songe
So þat þis iogelor a day touore him pleide faste
And anemnede inis rime þene deuel attelaste
Þo þe king hurde þat [] he blessede him anon
Sein Cristofre nom god ȝeme he nolde a uot gon
Ar he weste wi it were þe king was loþ [to] telle
Þe oþer sede bote þou segge noleng bileue ich nelle
Þo þe king isei non oþer leue Cristofre he sede
Hit was for he nemnede þe deuel for ich habbe of him gret drede
Ek he is quaþ Cristofre herre maister þan þou
Þat nemai ich noȝt quaþ þe king wel wiþsegge nou
Haue goday quaþ þis oþer inelle neuere eft wiþ þe be[o]
Ichelle seche þane deuel & serui him ȝif ich mai ise[o]
Þe king was sori and alle his þat he nolde abide
To seche þane deuel he wende forþ & naþeles noȝt wel wide
For þe ssrewe is euere to hom prest þat to him habbeþ inome
Þo Cristofere com wiþoute toun gret folk he sei come
Wiþ gret nobleie wel an horse swuþe ferce & proute
Cristofere hom mette baldeliche of noþing he nadde doute
Þe maister þat was fers inou com and mette him anon
Beau sire he sede wat ertou & woder þencstou gon
Icham he sede up mi seruise & noman serui ich nelle
Bote mi louerd þat ich seche þe heie deuel of helle
Beu frere quaþ þe oþer ich it am wolcome erte me
Þe beste seruise þat þou wolt cheose ichelle deliueri þe
Cristofere ysei is grete folk and þat he was of gret poer
Of a such louerd he was glad of a such mester
Þe maister het al is men awei bote hom sulue tweie
To teche is mester priueliche as hi wende biweie
As hi wende tellinde forþ of þis luþer seruise
A crois þer stod in þe wei þe deuel him gan agrise


Ver in breres and in þornes al aboute he drou
Ȝe ne come ȝe neuere in betere stude for þulke is god inou
And þere inne were al todrawe forte ich him wolde bymene
And þo þe crois ipassed was he turnde aȝen to þe clene
Cristofere him esste wi it were him was loþ to telle
Certes he sede bote þou me telle neuereft serui þe inelle
Cristofre quaþ þe deuel [] ichelle þe telle uain
Wiþ þat þou me serui afterward þe bet wiþ alle þi main
Wiþ a such crois as þou iseie þe hei God þat was here
Ouercom & in sorwe broȝte me and alle mine uere
Eke he is herre þane þou quaþ Cristofere and haþ poer more
I nemai it noȝt ofsake quaþ þis oþer þat me riweþ sore
Dai þat þanne quaþ Cristofere be leng in þi seruise
Ȝif ich oȝt of þulke heyman may oȝt wite in eni wise
Forþ he wende to seche oure Louerd wel wide he gan gon
Attelaste he fond an ermite to him he wende anon
He tolde him clanlich hou it was & hou he such man soȝte
Ihered be[o] he quaþ þe ermite þat in such wit þe broȝte
For he is þi Louerd leue sone to man he þe wroȝte
And wiþ is owe fleiss and blod in þe crois þe boȝte
Þou most somwat for him þolie and faste eche Friday
I ne faste neuere quaþ þis oþer ne ȝute i nemay
Þou most quaþ þis oþer to churche go & þi beden bidde also
Inot quaþ Cristofere wat it is ne i nemai it noȝt certes do
No quaþ þe ermite þou ert strong and here is a water biside
Þat noman nemay come þer ouer bote he þe herre ride
Þou most in leosnesse of þi sunne þer habbe þi wonyinge


And wanne enyman haþ to þe neode þou most him ouer bringe
In forȝiuenesse of his misdede he grantede þat anon
Þe ermite him ȝaf Cristendom and let him þuderward gon
Cristofere biside þulke water a lite hous made þere
Inis hond he bar a long perche is staf as it were
Wanne enymon wolde ouer þe water up is rugge he him caste
And nom is perche and bar him ouer & stap hardeliche & faste
For he was so strong & so long þer ne com so heui non
Þat he nolde wiþ [him] wel baldeliche ouer bere & deope gon
A niȝt in þe oþer half of þe water a uois þer com and gradde
Cristofere hale hale þat he him ouer ladde
Cristofere aros up anon is perche an honde he nom
Wod forþ and ne uond nomon þo he to londe com
He nas bote vnneþe atom þat it negradde also þer
He wod uorþ & nemiȝte finde namore þanne he dude er
Ȝute it gradde þe þridde time þo he com to londe
Wiþ is rodde he wod aȝen a lite child he uond stonde
Þat child him bad porcharite þat he him ouer bere
Ȝe com here uorþ quaþ Cristofere inuste ware þou were
Wel liȝtliche þis child he nom and inis armes caste
Euere as he bar þis child it gan to heuegi uaste
And þat water wex also Cristofere sore him gaste
To adrenche so heui was þat child þat vnne[þe] he stod attelaste
He nas neuere so nei ouercome at eche stape he grunte & blaste
And leste þat child were adreint he ne dorste him noȝt adoun caste


Þo he was to londe icome as him þoȝte wel longe er
Þat child he sette adoun to gronde and stod to kele him þer
Wat ertou he sede so lite and so heui bicome
So heui þat ich was upe þe pointe to adrenche ilome
Þei al þe worlde hadde ileie up me me þincþ so heui it nere
No wonder Cristofere quaþ þe child þei ich heuegore were
Þanne al þe world for ich [am] more þanne al þe worlde iwis
And al þe worlde ich made of noȝt & alle þing þat is
And þat þou þat soþe iseo piche þi staf in þe gronde
And leui he ssel & bere frut & blowe in a stonde
Þo nuste he war þis child bicom Cristofere is staf nom
And piȝte in þe gronde & amorwe also it bicom
Þo was he sikerore þanne he was & oure Louerd louede more
Forþ he wende to sywi him and prechi Godes lore
He hurde ware Cristen men in torment were ibroȝt
To conforti hom he wende þuder þat hi ne flecchede noȝt
Beoþ hardi he sede and studeuast and doþ as ich ȝou lere
Þe Iustice sturte up anon and smot him vnder þe ere
Ertou he sede on of þulke þou it sselt acorie sore
Site wel stille quaþ Cristofere ich rede nesmit namore
For ȝif ich nere Cristen man ich me wolde awreke anon
Ȝe biluueþ on þis maumes ymad of tre[o] and ston
Þat no miracle mowe do namore þanne so muche tre[o]
Of mi Louerdes miȝte som bi mi staf þou sselt ise[o]
His rodde he piȝte in þe gronde & he bigan anon
Leui and blowe & bere frut biuore hom euerichon
On such God he sede ȝe ssolde biluue þat such uertu may do
Hy nedorste for he was so muche a bold word speke him to
For þe vaire miracle of is staf & for is prechinge also


To God he turnde in þe place seue þousond men & mo
Touward a maner wildernesse sein Cristofere wende
In Godes seruise to lede is lif as oure Louerd him grace sende
Þe Iustice tolde þe king uore of a such man as he sei
Turne þat folk ne he ne dorste for is strengþe come him ney
Þe king het þo to hondred kniȝtes seche forte hi him fonde
And hi him nome & sone ladde to him faste ibonde
Forþ wende þis to hondred kniȝtes wel iarmed anon
Toward Cristofere hi come a lite hi biheolde him echon
Hi alle ne dorste come him nei ac hamward hi gone fle[o]
And tolde þo hi come hom þat hi nemiȝte him noȝt ise[o]
Wat ȝe couwars quaþ þe king nabbe ȝe him noȝt ifonde
Ichelle ȝif he is aliue habbe him faste ibonde
He sende oþer to hondred kniȝtes þat hi him wide soȝte
And þat hi ne come neuere aȝen ar hi [him] wiþ hom broȝte
Wel iarmed hi wende forþ and þo hi Cristofere iseie
Hy stode and ne dorste go no ner ne vnneþe loke wiþ eiȝe
For he was so gastliche & so muche þat vnne[þe] hi dorste him ise[o]
He miȝte wiþ a lite lupe wel sone [habbe] imad hom fle[o]
Þis godeman hadde game of hom and esste wat hi wolde
We nedorre noȝt do þis kniȝtes sede bi þe þat we ssolde
For þe king us het þe bringe him & þin honden faste binde
Ȝif þou wolt we wolleþ him segge þat we nemowe þe noȝt finde
Nai for Gode quaþ Cristofere ȝe ssolde be[o] iblamed so
Ichelle go wiþ ȝou to loke uawe wat he wolle habbe ido


He made hom alle aȝen hore wille as a þeof him faste binde
And lede him forþ and hard inou is honden binde bihinde
Bi þe wei of Godes lawe Cristofere hom gan so lere
Þat ar hi come hom to þe king echone icristned were
And naþeles hi ladde him forþ to þe king faste ibonde
Lo sire hi sede her Godes kniȝt nou we him habbeþ ifonde
Þis king sat anhei up is sege ac anon so he him isei
For fere he uel to gronde anon þat is necke tobarst ney
Þis kniȝtes anon to him come & þo is wit aȝen com
Cristofere he sede turn þi þoȝt and bilef þi Cristendom
Godeman þou miȝt quaþ þis oþer as wel þerof be[o] stille
Mi bodi þou hast faste ibonde do bi me þi wille
Certes sire queþe þis kniȝtes þat him hadde þuder ibroȝt
We habbeþ itake Cristendom we nolleþ bileue it noȝt
Þe king let þo in grete wraþþe Cristofere in prison do
And þis kniȝtes binde faste & smite of hore heued also
Þo þe kniȝtes biheueded were þe king him biþoȝte
And to uaire wymmen mid alle sein Cristofere he broȝte
Nite het þe on & Aquilline forto turne is mod
Þo þis wymmen iseie Cristofre as he in prison stod
Hom þoȝte is face briȝtore was þanne sonne oþer mone
Merci Cristofere loude hi gradde Cristendom ȝif us sone
Cristofere hom teiȝte hore bileue & cristened hom þere
Þe king hom het amorwe vecche to loke hou it were
And wende hi hadde þe godeman in lecherie ibroȝt
Þis wymmen him ȝeue liȝt answere as hi tolde of him noȝt
Wat hou geþ þis quaþ þe king habbe ȝe iturnd ȝoure þoȝt
Honure ȝoure godes ich ȝou rede þe wile ȝou is wel iþoȝt


Oure godes beoþ worþe queþe þis wimmen in uaire stude onured be[o]
Þereuore swopeþ þe stretes þat alle men mowe ise[o]
And we hom wolleþ honure iwis as riȝt is and lawe
Þe king let do al as hi sede sone & wel fawe
Þo þis maumes were ibroȝt in þe strete attelaste
Þis wymmen nome hore gurdles boþe & teide to hom wel faste
And todrowe hom into al þe stret & hewe hom to doste þere
Goþ hi sede & ueccheþ hom leches þat hi iheled were
Þe king was nei for wraþþe wod þat a womman he let honge
Heuie roches binde to hure vet þat hure deþ þrowes were stronge
Þo þis womman was up idrawe h[ure] limes borste wiþinne
Necke & synuen and oþer ek wel aȝte he[o] heuene wynne
In strong fur he let þe oþer do ac no fur necom hure nei
Suþþe he let smite of hure heued þo he þat isei
Þis holy wymmen boþe þus to þe ioye of heuene wende
Þoru grace þat oure swete Louerd þoru Cristofere hom sende
Þe king let vecche þo Cristofere & esste at him anon
Weþer he wolde is maumes serui oþer to deþe gon
Cristofere forsok hore maumes and hore seruise also
Þe king het þat me ssolde anon up a gredil him do
And rosti him wiþ fur & pich and þo he was ileid þeron
As wex þe gridire m[u]lte awey þat fur queinte anon
And he aros up wiþoute harme wroþ was þe king þo
To a piler he let him binde and kniȝtes aboute him go
Hi ssote him to stronge deþe wiþ ssarpe and kene flo


Þer ssote wiþ bowe & alblastre to hondred kniȝtes & mo
Ac non arwe nei him necom ac alle abide biside
In þe eir honge aboute him as it were forto abide
Anon so þe kyng þis isei for wraþþe þuder he wende
Ouer Cristofere an arwe heng þat to him sone kende
And boþe is eiȝene smot al out and fer up inis heued
Þe king stod þo for angwise as is wit him were bireued
Þou seli wrecche quaþ Cristofere wat is nou worþ þy miȝte
Aȝen him þat þou hast bigonne þou ert wel feble to fiȝte
Of þi wrechede ich habbe reuþe and ichelle cuþe þe
For mi Louerd to morwe wole þat þou martri me
Smure þanne þin eiȝene wiþ mi blod and þe tit siȝte god
Þis blinde king hadde herto hope and wel þis vnderstod
Amorwe he let smite of is heued and smurede him wiþ þe blod
And hadde is eiȝene god & clere he turnde sone is mod
Þis holiman he let burie uaire and biluuede in God anon
And aueng Cristendom and is men euerichon
And to þe ioie of heuene wende and so hom was wel bet
Þanne wende to helle pine and serui hore maumet
Þus sein Cristofore attelaste þe hexte God out soȝte
Nou God us bringe to þulke ioie þat he is soule broȝte

De sancta Martha

Sein Martha god womman was as ȝe hureþ aldai telle
He[o] aueng oure Louerd in hure hous as it seiþ in þe gospelle
He[o] was Marie suster Magdalein as ȝe witeþ wel echone
We ne redeþ noȝt þat he[o] euere ibod mannes ymone
And hure soster Magdalein fol womman was inou


And þeos clannost þat miȝte be[o] & to clannesse euere drou
Ac Marie [is] nou mid God for hard lif he[o] gan lede
Ne be[o] þeruore noman in wanhope for sunne ne misdede
Fram Ierusalem hi were idriue þis two wymmen & hore broþer
In a ssipe to Marcile and wiþ hom mony anoþer
Martha was renable of speche & swuþe gracious wiþ alle
Þeruore þat folk to Cristendom þoru hure agrond gan valle
For anon so hi come into þe lond hi gonne hom wide sprede
Ech as wo seiþ a contreie nom to prechi and to rede
In þe contreie þat was Martha in a wode biside
A luþer dragon þer was wiþ alle þat slou men wel wide
He was half best & half fiss grettore þanne eny oxe
And lengore þanne eny hors þo he was fol woxe
Hoked were is teþ & longe for best he was to fore
Þer ne wende nomon þer aboute þat is lif nas sone forlore
For þe kunde þat he was best alonde men he gnou
As fiss in þe water he was and ssipes to gronde he drou
And adreinte þat folk al to gronde harm he dude inou
Men nemiȝte hom wite alonde ne awater þat he to gronde ne slou
Þe contreie com and cride a day on Martha al aboute
To helpe hom of þulke best þat hi ne dorste nower aroute
Þis womman nom holy water and a crois in hure honde
In þe wode heo wende aboute forte he[o] þat best fonde
He[o] fond him stonde & frete a man & al is limes drou
Þis womman ȝeode forþ baldeliche hardi heo was inou
Þat best he[o] sprengde wiþ holy water and þe crois held up anhei
Þe best stod stille as a ston þo he þe crois ysey
And bicom as milde as a lomb to don al hure wille


Martha it bet sore inou and euere it stod stille
So þat he[o] it þreu adoun and bonde it faste anon
Wiþ hure gurdel harde inou þat it nemiȝte a uot gon
Lo he[o] sede to þis folk ȝe seoþ him ouercome
Doþ wiþ him wat ȝe wolle for is miȝte him is binome
Þat folk ȝeode forþ anon wiþ staues and wiþ stones
And eche lime fram oþer hi drowe boþe fleiss & bones
Hi þonkede Martha anon elles it were wou
Þo miȝte hi go ware hi wolde þe contreie was siker inou
Martha bileuede and wonede þer in þulke contreie wel longe
In hard lif and orisons in penance wel stronge
Ac heo ȝeode & prechede ofte aboute gode soulen to wynne
Ac he[o] ne bileuede nower none stonde ar he[o] come þerto hure inne
A day as þis holy womman ouer þis water stod
And prechede men of Cristendom biside a gret flod
A ȝong man þere stod in þe oþer half þat in gret wille was ido
To hure hure prechi ȝif he weste ȝif he miȝte come þerto
So þat he gan to swymme forþ ouer forto wende
Ac is mester so uuel he couþe þat he dreinte atten ende
Monimen stode and iseie hou he sonk to gronde
Þan oþer day þere afterward his frend þat body fonde
Hi bere it to Martha anon and touore hure uet it caste
And sede hou he swam toward hire & adreinte attelaste
And bede as he was adreint for loue of hure prechinge
Þat he[o] fondede þoru Godes grace him to liue bringe
Martha uel doun acrois and spradde along to gronde
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat þoledest harde wonde
Þat arerdest fram deþe to liue Lazar mi leue broþer
Þou ert myn hope þou ert mi loue Louerd & non oþer


As wislich as þou were my gist Louerd bidde ich þe
Arere þis man fram deþe to liue þat adreinte for me
Þis ȝongeman anon mid þis word aros fram deþe to liue
Þat folk made ioie inou and come þere aboute bliue
And turnde muche to Cristendom of þe contreie sone
And þonked Martha swuþe inou & herede muche hure bone
Martha liuede þere aboute and hard lif to hure nom
Wel studefastliche al hure lyf he[o] huld up Cristendom
Seueniȝt lengore þanne hure suster heo liuede in Godes lore
Ac hore noþer ne sei oþer biuore þritti winter ne more
Wel weste Martha of hure deþ for oure Louerd hadde ised
Wuche time he[o] ssolde deiȝe twelf monþe ar he[o] were ded
Þis holy womman al þat ȝer in strong siknesse lay
And forpined hure fleiss al awey in pine niȝt & day
Seueniȝt biuore þat heo deide angles of heuene he[o] sey
Marie soule hure suster bere to þe ioie of heuene anhei
Wiþ murie song & melodie Mar[tha] cride anon
And bad alle þat nei hure were to hure sone gon
Beoþ alle he[o] sede glad mid me for ich ise[o] mid min eiȝe
Angles bere mi soster soule to þe blisse of heuene heie
To Iesus þat hure maister was and mi gist also
And ichelle sone after wende for mi lif is nei do
Tendeþ þe taperes & let hom berne to my liues ende
And wakieþ wiþ me ich ȝou bidde forte ich henne wende
To siwi mi leue soster þat to þe ioie of heuene wende
Þis folk dude al hure heste and þe taperes sone tende
And woke wiþ hure studefastliche anon to hure endedaie
At midniȝt þe laste niȝt echone aslepe laye


A puf of winde þer com and bleu þe taperes out echone
Wakinde þer nas noman bote þis holy womman one
Deuelen come aboute hure þicke a bok an honde hi bere
Anon so Martha hom isey he[o] was nei wod for fere
Mi Louerd he[o] sede my leoue gist ssuld me fram min fon
Lo here hi beoþ to me icome to uorswolwe me anon
In hore boc hi bereþ iwrite al min luþer dede
Help me nouþe for icham anon forswolwe ich drede
Þo com Marie Magdalein hure leoue soster anon
Wiþ fair companie of uirgines and angles manion
Þe o suster to þe oþer com to helpe hure in hure fere
Ȝute he[o] þoȝte in þe kunde of blode in heuene þei he[o] were
Wiþ fair liȝt of heuene hi come þe taperes ek echon
Tende aȝen þis companie þe deuelen flowe anon
Þe on suster biclupte þe oþer and ioie inou hi made
Þo com oure Louerd him sulf adoun welle hi were so glade
Com he sede mi leue ostesse þou herborwedest me
And ichelle in þe blisse of heuene sone herborwe þe
Com forþ ichelle go touore þi tyme comþ wel sone
Al þat þe biddeþ in gode wille ichelle ihure hore bone
Oure Louerd and al is companie and þe Magdalein also
Wende to ȝarke a faire sege Martha on to do
Martha isei þane deþ nei as oure Louerd sulf hure tolde
He[o] let hure [bere] into þe court þe wolkene to biholde
Al bar in asken heo lay upriȝt þe crois touore hure stod
Swete Louerd heo sede mi leue gist þat ssaddest for me þi blod
Þi pore hostesse vnderuong Louerd bidde ich þe
Inne me in þe ioie of heuene as þou innedest mid me


He[o] let a clerk biuore hure þer þe passion anon rede
And þo he com to þe laste word þat deyinge oure Louerd sede
In þin honde swete Louerd mi soule ich here do
Mid þulke word heo let þat lif as oure Louerd dude also
To þe heie in of heuene he[o] wende wiþ him in inne to be[o]
Þat wiþ hure ere at inne was þe gist was hende and fre[o]
Þo oure Louerd hadde hure holi soule in hure kunde in ido
Þat bodi he leide is owe honde in is kunde in also
So holy buringe ne sei me neuere noþer er ne nou
For oure Louerd it burede is owe honde ichelle ȝou telle hou
Sein Fronton was a holyman þat an eorþe was þo here
Oure Louerd is deciple an eorþe he was & þe apostles iuere
Martha him hadde al forþ ibroȝt þo he ne couþe him sulf noȝt do
For is norise he huld hure euere & for is moder also
Þo Martha in hure uuel deþ lay þis holyman to hure com
And dude hure riȝte of Holi Churche as falþ to Cristendom
He ssrof hure & houseled ek boþe hi wope wel sore
Þo hi departi ssolde ato & togadere speke namore
Leue sone quaþ Martha icham al at liues ende
Bidde for me ȝif it is þi wille þat mi soule to heuene wende
Þou ert moder quaþ þis oþer siker of heuene blis
At þi buringe ichelle beo ȝif ichot wanne it is
In anoþer contreie þis holyman was þo heo was ded
He ne þoȝte noȝt muche of hure deþ ne do þat he hadde ised
As he wolde is masse singe riȝt as he bigan
As liȝtinge oure Louerd aliȝte adoun to þis holy [man]


Ȝif þou wolt he sede broþer voluelle þat þou bihete
Oure ostesse Martha þat þou iseie ar heo þat lif lete
Com forþ bliue & siwe me eorne þou most vaste
As heo me broȝte into hure hous ichelle hure attelaste
Wiþ oure Louerd þis holyman gostliche wende anon
Þo hi come to churche to þis cors baldeliche hi gonne in gon
Oure Louerd bar a boc an honde þe seruise him sulf he sede
Sein Fronton was as is dekne as it falþ to such dede
Þe clerkes hom answereþ alle hi nuste wat hi were
Þo þe seruise was ido þat bodi to eorþe hi bere
And burede it wiþ hore owe honde oure Louerd & sein Fronton
Of fairore buringe þanne þer was ne hurde ich neuere non
Sein Fronton wel sodeinliche fram þe place me nom
Ar þe buringe were al ido þat me nuste ware he bicom
Ac hou he was þanne inome ichelle ȝou telle sone
Oure Louerd bileuede and folueolde al þat þer was to done
Þat folk stod & gret wonder hadde wat man oure Louerd were
Strange man so he was such seruise to do þere
Þo oure Louerd wende þanne ward & þe seruise was al ido
On com and esste wat he were & wat he het also
He ne answerede him noȝt o word ac is bok he him bitok
And wende him sulf forþ is wei & þe oþer vndude þe bok
He ne uond noþing þer inne iwrite as he turnde uer & ner
Bote þe uers þat ichelle nou segge þat som is in þe sauter
In munde wiþoute ende þe riȝtfol ssel be[o]
Of uuel vrinnge a Domesday ne ssel noþing douti he[o]
Louerd wuch an holy uers bi a womman þis was
Þat þou Louerd þi sulf write holiore neuere nas


Sein Fronton at is masse stod and gostlich was eke þer
Is dekne ssolde is gospel rede and þe beneson esste er
He stod euere as he slepe ac he esste so ofte
Þat he as he awok of slepe gan to answerie softe
Broþer wy hastou þus ido ich was in þulke stude
To burie Martha mi moder as he[o] me hadde ibede
Mid oure Louerd ich wende þuder & mid him ich was þere
And nou þou me hast hider icluped ar heo ibured al were
In muche sor hastou me ibroȝt wy hastou þus ido
Mine glouene ich bileuede þer and mi ring also
Ich bitok is þe sextein þe wile we dude wat was to done
And þou me clupedest wanne [ich] ne miȝte take is aȝen so sone
Leteþ a man is vecche anon bitime he may ȝute come
Þe ȝute þe man was þuder iwend in þe churche ȝerd he fonde [is] sone
Ac arst was oure Louerd þanne iwend & þo he þuder com
Is ring and is one gloue of þe sextein he nom
And bar aȝen & is louerdinges al þat soþe tolde
Ac þe oþer gloue as relike þere was atholde
Sein Fronton dude on is gloue and is ring also
And song forþ is masse anon as riȝt was to do
Nou Louerd for þe heie loue þat þou kuddest Martha þere
Bring us to þe heie blisse þat þin angles hure soule bere