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A morale code

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Ic æm elder þænne ic wæs. a winter and a lore
ic wælde more þanne ic dude. mi wit ah to ben more
Wel lange ic habbe child iben. a worde and ec a dede
þech ic beo a wintre eald. to ȝung ic eom at rede
Vnnvyt lyf ic habbe ȝe-læd. and ȝuet me þinh ic lede
þanne ic me bi-þanche. wel sore ic me adrede
Mest al þæt ic habbe ydon ys idelnesse and chilce
wel late ic habbe me bi þoht. bute me god do milce
Fele ydele word ic habbe i-queþen syðen ic speke cuþe
and fele ȝuinge deden i-do þat me of-þinchet nuþe
Al to lome ic habbe a-gult. a werche and ec a worde
al to muchel ic habbe i-spend. to litel y-leid an horde
Mest al þat me likede ær. nu it me mys-liked
þe muchel folȝeþ his y-wil. him sulfne he bi-swikeð
Ic myhte habbe bet i-don hadde ic þer y-selþe
nu ic wolde, ac ic ne mai. for elde ne for un-helþe
Elde me is bi-stolen on. ær ic hit a-wuste
ne myht ic isen be-fore me. for smeke ne for myste
Arȝe we beoþ to done god to vuele al to þriste
more eie stont man of manne. þanne him det of criste
Þe wel ne deþ þe hwile he mei wel oft hit hym scæl ruwen
þenne hy mowen sculen and ripen. þer þe hi ær seowen
Don ec to gode wet ȝe muȝe þa hwile ȝe buð a life
ne hopie no man to muchel to childe ne to wyfe
Þe him selue for-ȝut for wyfe oþer for childe


he sæl comen on vuele stede. bute hym god be milde
Sende ec sum god be-foren hym. þe wyle ȝe ben aliue
for betere his on almesse before. þanne ben after vyue
Ne beo þe leure þan þi self þi mei ne þi moȝe
for sot ys þat ys oþer mannes frond. betre þanne his oȝe
Ne hopie wif to hyre were. ne were to his wife
bue for him selue æfrech man. þe wyle he bo alife
Wis is þe him sulf be-þenþ þa hwile þe he mot libbe
for sone willet him for-ȝyten. þe fræmden and þo sibbe
Þe wel ne deþ þe wile he mai. ne scal he wanne he wolde
mani mannes sor ȝe-swynch. habbet ofte alle vn-holde
Ne solde no man don a ferst. ne sclakien wel to done
for mani man bi-hoted wel. he it forȝytet sone
Þe man þe wule siker ben. to habbe godes blisse
do wel him silf þe wile he mai. þanne haued he it midywisse
Þos riche men wened ben sikere. þurh walles and þurh diche
he ded his eitte on sikere stede. þe hi send to heuene-riche
For þer ne þarf he ben of-drad. of fure ne of þeve
þer ne mai it hym bi-nimen. þe loþe ne þe leue
Þer ne þerf he habbe kare. of wiue ne of childe
þider we sended suuel and bred. to lutel and to selde
Þider we solden drawen and don. wel oft and wel ȝe-lome
for þer ne scal me us nout bi-nimen. mid wronge ne mid woȝe
Þider we scolde ȝerne drawen and don. wolde ȝe me ileue
for þer ne mai hit ou bi-nimen. þe king ne þe scirreve
Al þat beste þat we habbet. þider we scolde sende
for þer we it muwen finden eft. and habben abuten ende
Þe þe her det ani god. for to habben godes ore
al he it scal finden þer. and hundred felde more
Þe þe ehte wile healden wel. þe wile he mai his welden
ȝiue his for godes luue. eft heo hit scullen a-finden
Vre iswinch and ure tilþe. is ofte iwuned to swinden
ac þat we dot for godes luue. eft we it scullen a-finden
Ne scal non vuel ben vn-bout. ne non god vn-for-ȝolde
vuel we doð al to muchel. and god lasse þanne we scolde
Þe þe mest deð nu to gode. and þe þe lest to laðe


ayþer to lutel and to muchel. scal þinchen eft hym baðe
Þer me scal vre werkes weȝen. bi-foren þen heuene kinge
and ȝiuen us vre swinches lyen. after vre erninge
Eure ilc man mid þan þe he haued. mai biggen heueriche
þe þe more haued and þe þe lasse. boþe mai iliche
He alse mid his penie. se þe oþer mid his punde
þat is þe wunder-likeste ȝare. þat eni man eure funde
And þe þe more ne mai don. bute mid his gode þanke
al se wel se þe haued. goldes feale manke
And god can more þanc. ðan þe him ȝiued lesse
al his werkes and his weies. is milce and ritȝifnesse
Lutel loc is gode lef. þat comed of gode wille
and eð-lete muchel ȝyue. ðenne ðe heorte is ille
Heuene and erþe he ouer-sihð. his eȝen bed so britte
sunne. mone. dai. and fur. bud þustre to-ȝenes his lithte
Nis him nout for-hole ni-hud. so muchel bet his mihte
nis it no so derne idon. ne a swa þustre nihte
He wot wat deht and þenchet. alle quike wihte
nis no louerd swilc se is crist. na king swilc vre drihte
Heuene and herþe and al þat is. be-loken in his honde
he ded al þat his willes is. a watere and a londe
He makede fisses inne þe see. and fuȝeles inne þe lofte
he wit and walt alle þing. and he scop alle scefte
He is ord abuten orde. and ende a-buten ende
he one is eure on elche stede. wende war þu wende
He is buuen vs and bi-neþen. bi-foren and bi-hinde
þe þe godes wille ðe. eiðer he mai him finde
Elche rune he i-hurd. and he wot alle dede
he purð-sihð elches mannes þanc. þat scal us to rede
Þo þe breked godes hese. and gultet so ilome
wet sulle hi segge oþer don. at þe muchele dome
Þo þe luueden vnriht. and vuel lif ladde
wat scullen hi seggen oþer don. þar engles bed of-dredde
Hwat sculle we beren bi-foren us. mid wan sculle we him i-quemen
we þe neure god ne duden. þe heuenliche demen


Þer sculle ben deofles swo fele. þe wulled us for-wreien
nabbet hi noþing for-ȝyte. of al þat hi ere seȝen
Al þat we mis-duden her. hit wullet cuþe þere
buten we habben it ibet. þe wile we her were
Al hi habbet an here i-write. þat we mis-duden here
þei we it nusten ne i-seien. hi weren vre i-fere
Hwet scullen horlinges do. þe swikele þe for-sworene
wi swo fele beod i-cleped. swa feuwe beod i-corene
Wi hwi were he bi-ȝite. to wan were hi i-borene
þe sculle ben to deþe i-demd. and eure mo for-lorene
Elch man scal him sulne þar. bi-clepiean and ec demen
his aȝe werc and his iþanc. to witnesce he scal temen
Ne mai hym na man al swa. wel demen ne al sa rithte
for nan ni-cnawed him swa wel. buten one dritte
Elc man wot him sulue best. his werc and his i-wille
þe þe lest wot. seit ofte mest. and þe þe it wot is stille
Nis no witnesse al so muchel. so mannes howe heorte
hwa se segge þat he beo al. him self wat best his smerte
Elc man scal him suelf demen. to deþe oþer to liue
þe witnesse of his owe werc. to oþer ðis him scal driue
Eal þat eure ilc man haued i-do. sutþe he com to manne
swilc hit seie on boc i-writen. he scal it þenche þanne
Ac drithte ne demed nanne man. after his bi-ginninge
ac his lif scal beo swulc. se bued his endinge
Ac ȝif þe ende is euel, al it is uuel. and al god, ȝif god is ende
god ȝuue þat ure ende beo god. and wite þet he us lende
Þe man þe nele do no god. ne neure god lif leden
aer ded and dom come to his dure. he mai sore a-dreden
Þat he ne muwe þenne bidde ore. for it itit ilome
þi he is wis þe bit. and be-ȝit. and bet be-fore dome
Þenne ded is ate dure. wel late he biddet ore
wel late he leted vuel weorc. þe hit ne mai do na mare
Sunne let þe and þu naht hire þanne þus ne miht do no more
for-þi he is sot þe swa abit to habbe godes hore
Þeh hweðer we it iluuet wel. for drihte sulf hit sede


a wulche time so eure þe man. ofþinchet his misdede
Oþer later oþer raþer. milce he scal i-meten
ac þe þe nout naued ibet. wel muchel he scal beten
Mani man seid wo recke of pine. þe scal habben ende
ne bidde ic no bet beo a-lused. a domesdai of bende
Lutel wat he hwat is pine. and lutel he it icwoweð
wilc hete is þer soule wunet. hu biter wind þer blouwet
Hædde he ibeon þer anne dai. oþer twa bare tide
nolde he for al middæn eard. þe þridde þer abide
Þæt habbet ised þat comen þanne. þit wuste midiwisse
uuel is pine seoue ȝer. for seoue nihtes blisse
And ure blisse þe ende hafh. for endeliese pine
betre is wori water to drinke. þenne atter i-menge mid wine
Swunes brede is swuþe swete. so is of wilde dere
ac al to duere he i-buȝed. þat ȝiued þere-fore his swere
Ful wombe mai liht-liche speken. of hunger and of fasten
swa mai of pine þe naht not. hu hi scullen ilesten
Hædde he ifonded sume hwile. he wolde al seggen oþer
eð-lete him were wif. and child. suster. and fader. and broþer
Al he wolde oþerluker don. and oþerluker þenchæ
ȝanne he bi-þouhte on helle fur. þe nowiht ne mai aquenche
Eure he wolde inne wa her. and inne pine wunien
wid þan þe mihte helle pine. bi-fluen and bi-scunien
Eð-lete him were al woruldes wele. and al eordliche
for to þe muchele murcð cume. þat is heuenriche
Iwulle nu comen eft to þe dome. þat ic eow er of sede
on þat dai, and at þe dome. us helpe crist and rede
Þþer we maȝen beon eðe of-drad. and harde us adrede
þer elc sceal i-seo bi-foren him. his word and ec his dede
Eal scal ben þanne cud. þat man luȝen her and stelen
al scal ben þer vnwrien. þat men wruȝen her and helen
We scullen alre manne lif. icnawe þer al so vre owe
þer sculle heueninges ben. þe heiȝe and þe louȝe
Ne scal þei noman scamien þer. ne þerf he him adrede
ȝif him here of-þinched his gult. and beted his misdede


For heom ne scamet ne ne gramet. þe sculle beon iboruwene
ac þe oþre habbet scame and grame. þat sculle beon forlorene
Þe dom scal sone ben idon. ne last he nowit longe
ne scal him noman mene þer. of strengþe ne of wrange
Þo scullen habbe hardne dom. þe here weren herde
þa þe euele heolden wreche men. and vuele laȝes rerde
Ac after þan þe he haued idon. he scal þer beon idemed
bliþe mai he þanne buen. þe god haued iquemed
Alle þo þat isprunge beð. of adam and of eue
ealle he sculle þuder come. for soþe we it ileued
Þo þe habbed wel idon. after heore mihte
to heuenriche he scullen. ford mid vre drihte
Þo þe nabbeð god idon. and þer-inne beð ifunde
he scullen falle swiþe raþe. in to helle grunde
Þær-inne he scullen wunie. buten ore and ende
ne brecð neuereuft crist helle dure. to lese hem of bende
Nis no sellic þei heom beo wo. and hem beo vneþe
nele neureit crist þolie deð. for lesen heom of dieþe
Enes drihte helle brac. his frend he ut broutte
him self he þolede dieð for hom. wel dore he us bouhte
Nolde it mouwe don for mey. ne suster for broþer
nolde it sune don for fader. ne noman for oþer
Ure lauerd for his þreles. ipined was on rode
ure bendes he unbond. and bouht us mid his blode
We ȝieued vneþe for his luue. a sticche of vre brede
ne þenche we nout þat he scal deme. þo quike and to dede
Muchele luue he us cudde. wolde we it understondo
þat vre eldrene mis-duden. we habbet vuele an honde
Dieð com in þis middenerd. þurh þe ealde deofles onde
and synne and sorȝe and ȝe-swinch. a watere and ec alonde
Vres formes faderes gult. we abigget alle
al his of-sprung after hym. in herme is bi-falle
Þurst. and hunger. chule. and hete. eche and al unelþe
þurh died com in þis middenerd. and oþer vnisalþe
Niere no man elles died. ne sic. ne non vn-ysele
ac mihten libbe eure mo. a blisse and on hele


Lutel iþenchð mani man. hu muchel wes þe synne
for þan þolied alle died. þe comen of here cunne
Here synne and ec vre owen. sore us mai of-þinche
for in synne we libbet alle. in sorewen and in swinche
Sudþe god nam swa muchele wreche. for ane misdede
we þat so muchel and swa oft mis-doð. muȝen vs sore adrede
Adam and his of-spring. for one bare sunne
was fele hundred wintre in helle. in pine and in vnwunne
And þo þe leded here lif mid vnriht and mid wronge
bute it godes milce do sculle beo þer wel longe
Godes wisdom is wel muchel. and al swa is his mihte
and nis his milce nawiht lasse. ac bi ðes ilke wihte
More he one mai for-ȝiuen. þenne alfolc gulte cunne
Deofel suelf mihte habbe milce. ȝif he it bidde gunne
Þe ðe godes milce sechð. iwis he mai is finde
ac helle king is oreles. wið þa þe he mai binde
Þe ðe deð his wille mest. he haueð wurst mede
his beað scal beo wallinde pich. his bed berninde glede
Wurs he deð his gode wines. þene his fulle feonde
god sculde alle godes frend a wihd scuche freonde
Neure on helle ic ne com ne comen ic þer ne reche
ðeh ich elches wurldes wele. þer-inne mihte fecche
Þeh ic wulle seggen eow. þat wise men us sede
and aboke it is i-write. þer me mai it rede
Ic it wulle segge heom þe hem self it nusten
and warnen heom wit heore hearme. ȝif hi me wulled lusten
Vnder-stondet nu to me. æidi men and earme
Ic wulle telle of helle pine. and warnie ow wið herme
On helle is vnger and þerst. vuele tuo ifere
þos pine þolied þo þe were. mete niþinges here
Þor is woninge and wop. after eche strete
hi fared fram hete to þe chele. fram chele to þe hete
Þanne hi beod in þe hete. þe chele ðinchet blisse
þenne hi comeð eft to chele. of hete hi habbed misse
Aiþer hem deð wa inou. nabbet hi none lisse
nuten hi weþer heom ded wurst. mid neure non iwisse


Hi walked eure and sechet reste. ac hi ne muȝen imeten
for-þi hi nolden þo wile hi mithten here sunne beten
Hi seched reste þer non nis. ac þi ne muwen ifinde
ac walked weri up and dun. al se water deð mid winde
Þis beod þo þe weren her. on þonke vn-stedefaste
and þo god bi-heten auht. and nolden it ilaste
Þo ðe god weorc bi-gunne. and ful-enden hit nolden
þe weren her and nuþe þer. and nusten wet he wolden
Þere is pich þat eure wealð. þat sculle baþien inne
þo þe ladde vuel lif. in feoh end in iginne
Þer is fur þat eure barnð. ne mai hit nawiht quenche
her-inne beod þe wes to lef. wrecche men to swenche
Þer is fur þat is vndredfelde hatere þanne beo vre
ne mai it quenchen salt water. nauene strien ne sture
Þo þe were swikele men. and fulle of vuele wrenche
þo þe ne mihte euel don. and lef was it to þenche
Þo þe luueden reuing and stale. hordom. and drunke
and þe on þes deofles weorkes bliþeliche swunke
Þo þe were so lease. þat me hi ne mihte ileuen
med ȝeorne domes men. and wrancwise reuen
Þe oþre mannes wif wes lef. his awene eð-lete
and þo þe sunegede muchel. on drunke and on ete
Þe wrecchen bi-nemen hure ehte. and leiden huere on horde
þe lutel leten of godes bode. and of godes worde
And of his owen nolde ȝiuen. þer he sei þe nede
ne nolde i-huren godes sonde. þer he sette his beode
Þo þe weren oþeres mannes þinc. leure þanne it scolde
and weren al to gredi. of suelfer and of golde
And þo þe vntreunesse deden. ȝam hi ahte ben holde
and leten þat hi scolde don. and duden þet hi wolde
Þo þe ȝysceres weren of þis woruldes ehte
and dude þat þe loþe gost. hem tihte and ec tauhte
And alle þo ðen eni wise. deoflen her iquemde
þo beoð nu mid him an helle for-don and for-dempde [OMITTED]