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Nu, broþerr Wallterr, broþerr min
Affterr þe flæshess kinde;
& broþerr min i Crisstenndom
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh trowwþe;
& broþerr min i Godess hus,
Ȝét o þe þride wise,
Þurrh þatt witt hafenn takenn ba
An reȝhellboc to follȝhenn,
Unnderr kanunnkess had & lif,
Swa summ Sannt Awwstin sette;
Icc hafe don swa summ þu badd,
& forþedd te þin wille,
Icc hafe wennd inntill Ennglissh
Goddspelless hallȝhe láre,
Affterr þatt little witt þatt me
Min Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
Þu þohhtesst tatt itt mihhte wel
Till mikell frame turrnenn,
Ȝiff Ennglissh follc, forr lufe off Crist,
Itt wollde ȝerne lernenn,
& follȝhenn itt, & fillenn itt
Wiþþ þohht, wiþþ word, wiþþ dede.

& forrþi ȝerrndesst tu þatt icc
Þiss werrc þe shollde wirrkenn;
& icc itt hafe forþedd te,
Acc all þurrh Cristess hellpe;
& unnc birrþ baþe þannkenn Crist
Þatt itt iss brohht till ende.
Icc hafe sammnedd o þiss boc
Þa Goddspelless neh alle,
Þatt sinndenn o þe messeboc
Inn all þe ȝer att messe.
& aȝȝ affterr þe Goddspell stannt
Þatt tatt te Goddspell meneþþ,
Þatt mann birrþ spellenn to þe follc
Off þeȝȝre sawle nede;
& ȝét tær tekenn mare inoh
Þu shallt tæronne findenn,
Off þatt tatt Cristess hallȝhe þed
Birrþ trowwenn wel & follȝhenn.
Icc hafe sett her o þiss boc
Amang Goddspelless wordess,
All þurrh me sellfenn, maniȝ word
Þe ríme swa to fillenn;
Acc þu shallt findenn þatt min word,
Eȝȝwhær þær itt iss ekedd,
Maȝȝ hellpenn þa þatt redenn itt
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
All þess te bettre, hu þeȝȝm birrþ
Þe Goddspell unnderrstanndenn;
& forrþi trowwe icc þatt te birrþ
Wel þolenn mine wordess,

Eȝȝwhær þær þu shallt findenn hemm
Amang Goddspelless wordess.
Forr whase mót to læwedd follc
Larspell off Goddspell tellenn,
He mót wel ekenn maniȝ word
Amang Goddspelless wordess.
& icc ne mihhte nohht min ferrs
Aȝȝ wiþþ Goddspelless wordess
Wel fillenn all, & all forrþi
Shollde icc wel offte nede
Amang Goddspelless wordess don
Min word, min ferrs to fillenn.
& te bitæche icc off þiss boc,
Heh wikenn alls itt semeþþ,
All to þurrhsekenn illc an ferrs,
& to þurrhlokenn offte,
Þatt upponn all þiss boc ne be
Nan word ȝæn Cristess lare,
Nan word tatt swiþe wel ne be
To trowwenn & to follȝhenn.
Witt shulenn tredenn unnderrfót
& all þwerrt út forrwerrpenn
Þe dom off all þatt laþe flocc,
Þatt iss þurrh niþ forrblendedd,
Þatt tæleþþ þatt to lofenn iss,
Þurrh niþfull modiȝnesse.
Þeȝȝ shulenn lætenn hæþeliȝ
Off unnkerr swinnc, lef broþerr;
& all þeȝȝ shulenn takenn itt
Onn unnitt & onn idell;

Acc nohht þurrh skill, acc all þurrh niþ,
& all þurrh þeȝȝre sinne.
& unnc birrþ biddenn Godd tatt he
Forrȝife hemm hĕre sinne;
& unnc birrþ baþe lofenn Godd
Off þatt itt wass bigunnenn,
& þannkenn Godd tatt itt iss brohht
Till ende, þurrh hiss hellpe;
Forr itt maȝȝ hellpenn alle þa
Þatt bliþelike itt herenn,
& lufenn itt, & follȝhenn itt
Wiþþ þohht, wiþþ word, wiþþ dede.
& whase wilenn shall þiss boc
Efft oþerr siþe writenn,
Himm bidde icc þatt hét wríte rihht,
Swa summ þiss boc himm tæcheþþ,
All þwerrt út affterr þatt itt iss
Uppo þiss firrste bisne,
Wiþþ all swillc ríme alls her iss sett,
Wiþþ all se fele wordess;
& tatt he loke wel þatt he
An bocstaff wríte twiȝȝess,
Eȝȝwhær þær itt uppo þiss boc
Iss wrĭtenn o þatt wise.
Loke he well þatt hét write swa,
Forr he ne maȝȝ nohht elless
Onn Ennglissh wríttenn rihht te word,
Þatt wite he wel to soþe.
& ȝiff mann wile wĭtenn whi
Icc hafe don þiss dede,

Whi icc till Ennglissh hafe wennd
Goddspelless hallȝhe lare;
Icc hafe itt don forrþi þatt all
Crisstene follkess berrhless
Iss lang uppo þatt an, þatt teȝȝ
Goddspelless hallȝhe lare
Wiþþ fulle mahhte follȝhe rihht
Þurrh þohht, þurrh word, þurrh dede.
Forr all þatt æfre onn erþe iss ned
Crisstene follc to follȝhenn
I trowwþe, i dede, all tæcheþþ hemm
Goddspelless hallȝhe lare.
& forrþi whase lerneþþ itt
& follȝheþþ itt wiþþ dede,
He shall onn ende wurrþi ben
Þurrh Godd to wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& tærfore hafe icc turrnedd itt
Inntill Ennglisshe spæche,
Forr þatt I wollde bliþeliȝ
Þatt all Ennglisshe lede
Wiþþ ære shollde lisstenn itt,
Wiþþ herrte shollde itt trowwenn,
Wiþþ tunge shollde spellenn itt,
Wiþþ dede shollde itt follȝhenn,
To winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom
Att Godd soþ sawle berrhless.
& ȝiff þeȝȝ wilenn herenn itt,
& follȝhenn itt wiþþ dede,
Icc hafe hemm hollpenn unnderr Crist
To winnenn þeȝȝre berrhless.

& I shall hafenn forr min swinnc
God læn att Godd onn ende,
Ȝiff þatt I, forr þe lufe off Godd
& forr þe mede off heffne,
Hemm hafe itt inntill Ennglissh wennd
Forr þeȝȝre sawle nede.
& ȝiff þeȝȝ all forrwerrpenn itt,
Itt turrneþþ hemm till sinne,
& I shall hafenn addledd me
Þe Laferrd Cristess are,
Þurrh þatt icc hafe hemm wrohht tiss boc
To þeȝȝre sawle nede,
Þohh þatt teȝȝ all forrwerrpenn itt
Þurrh þeȝȝre modiȝnesse.
Goddspell onn Ennglissh nemmnedd iss
God word, & god tiþennde,
God errnde, forrþi þatt itt wass
Þurrh hallȝhe Goddspellwrihhtess
All wrohht & wrĭtenn uppo boc
Off Cristess firste come,
Off hu soþ Godd wass wurrþenn mann
Forr all mannkinne nede,
& off þatt mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Wass lesedd út off helle,
& off þatt he wisslike ras
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe,
& off þatt he wisslike stah
Þa siþþenn upp till heffne,

& off þatt he shall cumenn efft
To demenn alle þede,
& forr to ȝeldenn iwhillc mann
Affterr hiss aȝhenn dede.
Off all þiss god uss brinngeþþ word
& errnde & god tiþennde
Goddspell, & forrþi maȝȝ itt wel
God errnde ben ȝehatenn.
Forr mann maȝȝ uppo Goddspellboc
Godnessess findenn seffne
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Uss hafeþþ don onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he comm to manne, & þurrh
Þatt he warrþ mann onn erþe.
Forr an godnesse uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he comm to wurrþenn mann
Forr all mannkinne nede.
Oþerr godnesse uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he wass i flumm Jorrdan
Fullhtnedd forr ure nede;
Forr þatt he wollde uss waterrkinn
Till ure fulluhht hallȝhenn,
Þurrh þatt he wollde ben himm sellf
Onn erþe i waterr fullhtnedd.
Þe þridde god uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,

Þurrh þatt he ȝaff hiss aȝhenn lif
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille,
To þolenn dæþþ o rodetre
Sacclæs wiþþutenn wrihhte,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh his dæþ
Út off þe defless walde.
Þe ferþe god uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt hiss hallȝhe sawle stah
Fra rode dun till helle,
To tăkenn út off helle wa
Þa gode sawless alle,
Þatt haffdenn cwemmd himm i þiss lif
Þurrh soþ unnshaþiȝnesse.
Þe fifte god uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he ras forr ure god
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe,
& lét te posstless sen himm wel
Inn hiss mennisske kinde;
Forr þatt he wollde fesstnenn swa
Soþ trowwþe i þeȝȝre brestess
Off þatt he, wiss to fulle soþ,
Wass risenn upp off dæþe,
& i þatt illke flæsh þatt wass
Forr uss o rode naȝȝledd;
Forr þatt he wollde fesstnenn wel
Þiss trowwþe i þeȝȝre brestess,
He let te posstless sen himm wel
Well offte siþe onn erþe,

Wiþþinnenn daȝȝess fowwerrtiȝ
Fra þatt he ras off dæþe.
Þe sexte god uss hafeþþ don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he stah forr ure god
Upp inntill heffness blisse,
& sennde siþþenn Haliȝ Gast
Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
To frofrenn & to beldenn hemm
To stanndenn ȝæn þe defell,
To gifenn hemm god witt inoh
Off all hiss hallȝhe lare,
To gifenn hemm god lusst, god mahht,
To þolenn alle wawenn,
All forr þe lufe off Godd, & nohht
Forr erþliȝ loff to winnenn.
Þe seffnde god uss shall ȝét don
Þe Laferrd Crist onn ende,
Þurrh þatt he shall o Domess daȝȝ
Uss gifenn heffness blisse,
Ȝiff þatt we shulenn wurrþi ben
To findenn Godess are.
Þuss hafeþþ ure Laferrd Crist
Uss don godnessess seffne,
Þurrh þatt tatt he to manne comm,
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe.
& o þatt hallȝhe boc þatt iss
Apokalypsis nemmnedd

Uss wrát te posstell Sannt Johan,
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess lare,
Þatt he sahh upp inn heffne an boc
Bisett wiþþ seffne innseȝȝless,
& sperrd swa swiþe wel þatt itt
Ne mihhte nan wihht oppnenn,
Wiþþutenn Godess hallȝhe Lamb
Þatt he sahh ec inn heffne.
& þurrh þa seffne innseȝȝless wass
Rihht swiþe wel bitacnedd
Þatt sefennfald godleȝȝc þatt Crist
Uss dide þurrh hiss come;
& tatt nan wihht ne mihhte nohht
Oppnenn þa seffne innseȝȝless,
Wiþþutenn Godess Lamb, þatt comm,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt nan wihht, nan enngell, nan mann,
Ne naness kinness shaffte,
Ne mihhte þurrh himm sellfenn þa
Seffne godnessess shæwenn
O mannkinn, swa þatt itt mannkinn
Off helle mihhte lesenn,
Ne gifenn mannkinn lusst, ne mahht,
To winnenn heffness blisse.
& all all swa se Godess Lamb,
All þurrh hiss aȝhenn mahhte,
Lihhtlike mihhte & wel inoh
Þa seffne innseȝȝless oppnenn,

All swa þe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
All þurrh his aȝhenn mahhte,
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
An Godd & all an kinde,
All swa rihht he lihhtlike inoh
& wel wiþþ alle mihhte
O mannkinn þurrh himm sellfenn þa
Seffne godnessess shæwenn,
Swa þatt he mannkinn wel inoh
Off helle mihhte lesenn,
& gifenn mannkinn lufe & lusst,
& mahht & witt & wille,
To stanndenn inn to cwemenn Godd,
To wĭnenn heffness blisse.
& forr þatt haliȝ Goddspellboc
All þiss godnesse uss shæweþþ,
Þiss sefennfald godleȝȝc þatt Crist
Uss dide þurrh hiss are,
Forrþi birrþ all Crisstene follc
Goddspelless lare follȝhenn.
& tærfore hafe icc turrnedd itt
Inntill Ennglisshe spæche,
Forr þatt I wollde bliþeliȝ
Þatt all Ennglisshe lede
Wiþþ ære shollde lisstenn itt,
Wiþþ herrte shollde itt trowwenn,
Wiþþ tunge shollde spellenn itt,
Wiþþ dede shollde itt follȝhenn,
To winnenn unnderr Crisstenndom
Att Crist soþ sawle berrhless.

& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss mahht
& lusst & witt & wille,
To follȝhenn þiss Ennglisshe boc
Þatt all iss haliȝ lare,
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To brukenn heffness blisse.
Am[æn]. Am[æn]. Am[æn];
Icc þatt tiss Ennglissh hafe sett
Ennglisshe menn to lare,
Icc wass þær þær I crisstnedd wass
Orrmin bi name nemmnedd.
& icc Orrmin full innwarrdliȝ
Wiþþ muþ & ec wiþþ herrte
Her bidde þa Crisstene menn,
Þatt herenn oþerr rédenn
Þiss boc, hemm bidde icc her þatt teȝȝ
Forr me þiss bede biddenn,
Þatt broþerr þatt tiss Ennglissh writt
Allræresst wrát & wrohhte,
Þatt broþerr forr hiss swinnc to læn
Soþ blisse móte findenn.

Þa Goddspelless alle þatt icc
Her o þiss boc maȝȝ findenn,
Hemm alle wile icc nemmnenn her
Bi þeȝȝre firrste wordess.
& tăle wile icc settenn to,
To don ȝuw tunnderrstanndenn,
Hu féle sinndenn o þiss boc
Goddspelless unnderr alle.


Þiss boc iss nemmnedd Orrmulum
Forrþi þatt Orrm itt wrohhte,
& itt iss wrohht off quaþþrigan,
Off Goddspellbokess fowwre;
Off quaþþrigan Amminadab,
Off Cristess Goddspellbokess.
Forr Crist maȝȝ þurrh Amminadab
Rihht full wel ben bitacnedd;
Forr Crist toc dæþ o rodetre
All wiþþ hiss fulle wille.
& forrþi þatt Amminadab
O Latin spæche iss nemmnedd
O Latin boc Spontaneus,
& onn Ennglisshe spæche
Þatt weppmann þatt summ dede doþ
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille,
Forrþi maȝȝ Crist full wel ben þurrh
Amminadab bitacnedd;
Forr Crist toc dæþ o rodetre
All wiþþ hiss fulle wille.

Þatt waȝȝn iss nemmnedd quaþþrigan
Þatt hafeþþ fowwre wheless;
& Goddspell iss þatt waȝȝn, forrþi
Þatt itt iss fowwre bokess;
& Goddspell iss Jesusess waȝȝn
Þatt gaþ o fowwre wheless,
Forrþi þatt itt iss sett o boc
Þurrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess.
& Jesuss iss Amminadab,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Forr þatt he swallt o rodetre
All wiþþ hiss fulle wille.
& Goddspell forr þatt illke þing
Iss Currus Salomoniss,
Forr þatt itt i þiss middellærd,
Þurrh Goddspellwrihhtess fowwre,
Waȝȝneþþ soþ Crist fra land to land
Þurrh Cristess Lerninngcnihhtess,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ i þiss middellærd
Flittenn & farenn wide,
Fra land to land, fra burrh to burrh,
To spellenn to þe lede
Off soþ Crist & off Crisstenndom,
& off þe rihhte læfe,
& off þatt lif þatt ledeþþ menn
Upp inntill heffness blisse.
Þurrh swillc þeȝȝ berenn Hælennd Crist
Alls iff þeȝȝ karrte wærenn
Off wheless fowwre, forr þatt all
Goddspelless hallȝhe lare

Iss—alls icc hafe shæwedd ȝuw,
O fowwre Goddspellbokess.
& forrþi maȝȝ Goddspell full wel
Ben Sálemanness karrte,
Þiss iss to seggenn opennliȝ
Þe Laferrd Cristess karrte.
Forr Jesu Crist Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
Iss wiss þatt soþe Salemann
Þatt sette griþþ onn erþe
Bitwenenn Godd & menn, þurrh þatt
He ȝaff hiss lif o rode,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde.
& forrþi maȝȝ soþ Crist ben wel
Þurrh Salemann bitacnedd,
Forr Salomon iss onn Ennglissh
Þatt mann þatt soþ sahhtnesse
& trigg & trowwe griþþ & friþþ
Reȝȝseþþ bitwenenn lede,
& follȝheþþ itt wiþþ all hiss mahht,
Þurrh þohht, þurrh word, þurrh dede.
All þuss iss þatt hallȝhe Goddspell,
Þatt iss o fowwre bokess,
Nemmnedd Amminadabess waȝȝn
& Salemanness karrte;
Forr þatt itt waȝȝneþþ Crist till menn
Þurrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess,
Rihht alls iff itt wære þatt waȝȝn
Þatt gaþ o fowwre wheless.

& tuss iss Crist Amminadab
Þurrh gastliȝ witt ȝehatenn,
Forr þatt he toc o rode daeþ
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille.
& Salomon he nemmnedd iss,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Forr þatt he sette griþþ & friþþ
Bitwenenn heffne & erþe,
Bitwenenn Godd & menn, þurrh þatt
Þatt he toc dæþ o rode,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde.
& all þuss þiss Ennglisshe boc
Iss Orrmulum ȝehatenn,
Inn quaþþrígan Amminadab,
Inn Currum Salomonis.
& off Goddspell icc wĭle ȝuw
Ȝét summ del mare shæwenn;
Ȝét wile icc shæwenn ȝuw forrwhi
Goddspell iss Goddspell nemmnedd.
& ec icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Hu mikell sawle sellþe
& sawle berrhless unnderrfoþ
Att Goddspell all þatt lede,
Þatt follȝheþþ Goddspell þwerrt út wel
Þurrh þohht, þurrh word, þurrh dede.

All mannkinn, fra þatt Adam wass
Þurrh Drihhtin wrohht off eorþe,
Anán till þatt itt cumenn wass
Till Cristess dæþ o rode,
All fór till helle forr þatt gillt
Þatt Adam haffde gilltedd,
Þurrh þatt he Godess bŏdeword
Forrlét forr lítell nede.
Forr wel he mihhte lokenn himm,
Ȝiff þatt he wollde himm lokenn,
Fra þatt anlĕpiȝ treo þatt himm
Drihhtin forrbodenn haffde,
Þær þær he fand off oþre treos
Full gode treos inoȝhe.
& forrþi þatt he bracc onnȝæn
Drihhtin all hise þannkess,
Forrþi wass mikell wræche sett
Onnȝæn þatt woh wiþþ rihhte.
Forr þatt wass mikell wræche wiss
Þatt all follc fór till helle,
To ben á butenn ende þær
Forr áness manness gillte.
& itt wass þohh full mikell rihht,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt all follc wass forrgillt, þurrh þatt
Þatt Adam wass forrgilltedd.
Forr all follc wass þatt illke streon
Þatt Adam haffde strenedd,

& all follc wass forrþi forrgillt
Þær Adam wass forrgilltedd.
Adam wass wurrþenn deofless þeoww
Þurrh þatt he díde hiss wille,
& all þatt streonedd wass þurrh himm
Wass streonedd to þatt illke,
To ben unnderr deofless þeowwdom,
To farenn all till helle.
& tatt wass rihht tatt mannkinn wass
Unnderr þe deofless walde,
All swa summ Adam wurrþenn wass,
Þatt haffde hemm alle streonedd,
& all se iss her bitwenenn þe
& tin eorþlike laferrd;
Forr all swa summ þu þeowwtesst himm,
Swa shall þin sune himm þeowwtenn,
Butt iff he wurrþe lesedd út
Off hiss þeowwdomess bandess.
Nu mihht tu sen þatt tatt wass rihht
Þatt mannkinn fór till helle,
All affterr þatt tatt Adam for,
Þatt haffde hemm alle streonedd;
& alle forenn all forrþi
Till helless þeossterrnesse,
Ȝa þa þatt wærenn gode menn,
Ȝa þa þatt wærenn ille.
Þær wærenn fĕle gode menn
Biforenn Cristess come,

Þatt cwemmdenn Godd þurrh haliȝ lif,
& þurrh unnshaþiȝnesse,
& tohh ne mihhte naniȝ mann
Þurrh hise gode dedess
Útbresstenn off þe deofless band,
& út off helle walde.
Acc son se tíme comm þærto
Þatt Godd itt wollde betenn,
Godd ræw off mann, & tatt forrþi
Þatt he wass wrohht off eorþe.
Off all þatt enngleflocc þatt fell
Off heoffness ærd till helle
Ne ræw himm nohht, swa þatt he þeȝȝm
Fra píne wollde lesenn;
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne gilltenn nohht
Þurrh flæshess unntrummnesse,
Acc þurrh þatt laþe modiȝleȝȝc
Þatt comm all off hemm sellfenn,
Forrþi ne ræw himm nohht off hemm,
Ne nohht off here píne;
Acc Drihhtin ræw off mann, forrþi
Þatt he wass wrohht off eorþe.
& son se tíme comm þærto
Þatt Godd uss wollde lesenn
Út off þe laþe gastess band,
Út off þe deofless walde,
He sennde uss sone hiss word, hiss witt,
Hiss Sune, hiss mahht, hiss kinde,

To takenn ure mennisscleȝȝc,
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde.
Acc ȝuw birrþ unnderrstanndenn her
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Wass borenn i þiss middellærd
Þurrh Godess lefe wille,
To cumenn forþ bitwenenn menn,
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn
Biforenn Crist Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
To ȝarrkenn hise weȝȝess.
Rihht swa summ bidell birrþ ben sennd,
To ȝarrkenn & to greȝȝþenn
Onnȝæn hiss laferrd tær þær he
Shall cumenn swiþe newenn,
Rihht o þatt wise comm Johan
Biforenn Cristess come,
To ȝarrkenn follc onnȝæness Crist,
To takenn wiþþ hiss lare.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Hu Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Wass sennd þurrh Godd biforenn Crist,
To ȝarrkenn Cristess weȝȝess;




Fuit in diebus Herodis Regis Judee sacerdos quidam nomine Zacharias.

An preost wass onn Herodess daȝȝ
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
& he wass, wiss to fulle soþ,
Ȝehatenn Zacaríȝe,
& haffde an duhhtiȝ wif, þatt wass
Off Aaroness dohhtress;
& ȝho wass, wiss to fulle soþ,
Elysabæþ ȝehatenn.
& teȝȝ wærenn biforenn Godd
Rihhtwise menn & gode.
Forr eȝȝþerr here ȝede swa
Rihht affterr Godess lare,
Þatt nan mann nohht ne fand onn hemm
To tælenn ne to wreȝenn,
Noff whatt menn mihhtenn habbenn niþ
Ne wraþþe ȝæn heore owwþerr.
& swa þeȝȝ leddenn heore lif
Till þatt teȝȝ wærenn alde,
Þatt naffdenn þeȝȝ þurrh þeȝȝre streon
Ne sune child, ne dohhterr,
Forr ȝho wass swa bifundenn wif
Þatt ȝho ne mihhte tæmenn.
& forr þatt he wass Godess preost
To þeowwtenn i þe temmple,


Att ænne time whanne hiss lott
Wass cumenn upp to þeowwtenn,
He toc hiss reclefatt onn hand,
& ȝede innto þe temmple.
All ane shridd wiþþ haliȝ shrud
Ȝede he till Godess allterr,
Forr þær to þeowwtenn Drihhtin Godd
O þatt Judisskenn wise;
& all þe follc þær ute stod
Þatt while onn heore béne.
& Godess enngell comm himm to
O rihht hallf bi þatt allterr,
Þatt hemm wass sett þurrh Godess æ
To þeowwtenn þær wiþþ recless.
& he warrþ drefedd & forrdredd
Off þatt he sahh þatt enngell;
& Godess enngell seȝȝde himm to
Forr þatt he wollde himm frofrenn;
Ne dred te, Zacaríȝe, nohht,
Noff me, noff mine wordess,
Forr Godd Allwældennd hafeþþ herrd
& ȝatedd tine beness.
& nu þe shall Elysabæþ
Þin wif an sune childenn;
& tu shallt nemmnenn himm Johan,
& tu shallt habbenn blisse.
& oþre unnfæwe shulenn ec
Full glade & bliþe wurrþenn,
Forrþi þatt he shall borenn ben
& cumenn her to manne.


Forr he shall ben útnumenn mann
Inn haliȝ lif & læfe,
Ne shall he drinnkenn nænne drinnch
Þatt drunnkennesse follȝheþþ.
& he beþ full off Haliȝ Gast
Ȝét inn hiss moderr wambe;
& he shall turrnenn mikell flocc
Off þiss Judisskenn þeode
Till Godess Sune Jesu Crist,
& till þe rihhte læfe;
& he shall newenn cumenn forþ
Till mannkinn her o life
Biforenn Crist Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
To ȝarrkenn hise weȝȝess;
& he shall newenn cumenn forþ
Biforenn Cristess cóme
Rihht i þatt illke gode gast
& i þatt illke mahhte,
Þatt Helyas shall cumenn efft
Biforenn Cristess come;
& he shall newenn cumenn forþ
To turrnenn & to wendenn
Þe suness þurrh hiss hallȝhe spell
Till þeȝȝre faderr herrte;
& he shall turrnenn þurrh hiss spell
Þe trowwþelæse leode
Till all þe rihhte witt off þa
Þatt all rihhtwise wærenn;


& he shall newenn cumenn forþ
Biforenn Cristess come,
To ȝarrkenn her onnȝæness Crist
All þwerrt út haliȝ leode,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh haliȝ spell,
& ec þurrh haliȝ bisne;
Þa seȝȝde Zacariass þuss
Till Godess enngell sone;
Þurrh whatt maȝȝ icc nu witenn þiss
Þatt itt me muȝhe wurrþenn?
Witt sinndenn off swillc elde nu
Þatt witt ne muȝhenn tæmenn.
& Godess enngell seȝȝde þuss
Till Zacariȝe efft sóne;
Witt tu þatt icc amm Gabriæl
Þatt æfre & æfre stannde
Biforenn Godd, to lútenn himm,
To lŏfenn himm & wurrþenn;
& hiderr amm icc sennd to þe,
Þiss blisse þe to kiþenn.
& fra þiss daȝȝ þu shallt ben dumb
Till þatt itt shall ben forþedd,
Forrþi þatt tu ne wolldesst nohht
Nu trowwenn mine wordess,
Þatt filledd shulenn ben þurrh Godd
Att heŏre rihhte tíme.
& all þe follc þær úte abad,
& þuhhte mikell wunnderr


Forrwhi þe preost swa lannge wass
Þatt daȝȝ att Godess allterr.
& tanne comm he siþþenn út
All dumb & butenn spæche,
& toc to becnenn till þe follc,
& spacc he nohht wiþþ tunge.
& ta þeȝȝ wisstenn sone anan
Forr whatt he dwelledd haffde;
Þeȝȝ wisstenn þatt himm wass þatt daȝȝ
Summ unncuþ sihhþe shæwedd.
& Zacaríȝe for himm ham
Affterr þa daȝhess sone.
& siþþenn warrþ Elyzabæth
Off himm þurrh Godd wiþþ childe;
& ȝhót forrhall fif moneþþ wel,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
& tuss ȝho seȝȝde inn hire þohht
Off hire dærne sellþe;
Þuss hafeþþ Drihhtin don wiþþ me,
Þurrh hiss orrmete millce,
Þatt icc ne beo mang wimmannkinn
Till hæþinng butenn chilldre.
Her endenn twa Goddspelless þuss,
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Her habbe icc shæwedd ȝuw summ del
Hu Sannt Johan Bapptisste


Þurrh Godess ȝife streonedd wass
Off faderr & off moderr,
Onnȝæness kinde þohh swa þehh,
Forr baþe wærenn alde.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Off þise twa Goddspelless,
Hu mikell god teȝȝ lærenn ȝuw
Off ȝure sawless nede;
Þiss Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt Sannt Johan
Wass her to manne streonedd
Upponn Heróde kingess daȝȝ;
& tatt wass Godess wille;
Forr Godess Gast itt haffde seȝȝd
Þurrh hiss profetess tunge,
Full mikell fresst biforenn þatt
Þatt Crist comm her to manne,
Þatt Godess follc, Judisskenn follc,
Þatt Godess laȝhess heldenn,
Aȝȝ sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn
& kingess off hemm sellfenn,
Aȝȝ-till þatt Godess Sune Crist
Himm shollde onn eorþe shæwenn.
& swa itt wass aȝȝ-till þatt Crist
Wass borenn her to manne.
Forr aȝȝ þeȝȝ haffdenn allderrmenn
& kingess off hemm sellfenn,
Till þatt Herode wass hemm sett
Hæþene mann to kinge,


Þurrh Rome burrȝhess Kaserrking,
Þatt tær wass oferrlaferrd.
& o þatt illke Herodess daȝȝ
Comm Jesu Crist to manne,
Hallf ȝer affterr þatt Sannt Johan
Wass borenn off hiss moderr.
& swa wass filledd opennliȝ
Þatt word tatt ær wass cwiddedd,
Þatt Godess follc, Judisskenn follc,
Þatt Godess laȝhess heldenn,
Aȝȝ sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn
& kingess off hemm sellfenn,
Aȝȝ-till þatt Godess Sune Crist
Himm shollde onn eorþe shæwenn;
& ec þiss Goddspellwrihte seȝȝþ,
Þatt Zakariȝess macche
Elysabæþ wass an wifmann
Off Aaroness dohhtress.
& Aaron wass þe firrste preost
Off Issraæle þeode,
& Aaron, þatt seȝȝþ soþ boc,
Wass Moysæsess broþerr.
& Moysæs wass hæfedd mann
Off Issraæle þeode,
& Aaron wass hæfedd preost
Amang Judisskenn þeode.
& tiss wif wass off þeȝȝre kinn,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
& tohh þatt tiss Elysabæþ,
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,


Wass þuss off Aaroness kinn,
Þohh seȝȝþ þe Goddspellwrihhte
Þatt ȝho wass Sannte Marȝe sibb,
Þe Laferd Cristess moderr,
Þatt wass off Davið kingess kinn,
& Daviþ king þohhwheþþre
Nass nohht off Aaroness kin
Noff Aaroness birde,
& forr þatt all iss þwerrt út soþ,
& all þwerrt út to trowwenn,
Þatt stanndeþþ o þe Goddspellboc
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ,
Uss birrþ heroffe witenn wel
& seon & unnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Daviþ kingess kinness menn
Off weress oþþr off wifess
Wiþþ Aaroness kinness menn
Off siþre wærenn sammnedd,
To streonenn streon, to wurrþenn sibb
Wiþþ kingess & wiþþ preostess.
Tacc nu þiss streon þatt tuss wass sibb
Wiþþ preostess & wiþþ kingess,
& lét itt streonenn streon inoh
All i þatt illke birde,
All all swa summ itt streonedd be
Off kingess & off preostess,
& lét itt siþþenn streonenn forþ
Elysabæþ to manne,
& lét itt siþþenn streonenn forþ
Þe lafdiȝ Sannte Marȝe;


& tacc hemm baþe út off þatt streon
& eȝȝþerr sibb wiþþ oþerr,
& eȝȝþerr streonedd i þiss lif
Off kingess & off preostess;
& tacc þe Laferd Jesu Crist
Þurrh Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr,
Þatt hallȝhe streon þatt streonedd wass
Off kingess & off preostess,
Þatt streon þatt wass Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& King off alle kingess,
& Preost off alle preostess ec,
& Shippennd allre shaffte,
& lac to wurrþenn offredd her
O rodetreowwess allterr,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Útt off þe deofless walde,
& forr to sahhtlenn hemm towarrd
Hiss Faderr upp off heoffne,
Þatt all wass wraþ wiþþ all mannkinn,
& haffde itt all forrworrpenn
Aȝȝ fra þatt Adam Godd forrlét,
& toc himm to þe deofell.
& forrþi wass þe Laferrd Crist
Off preostess kinn onn eorþe,
Forr þatt he wollde wurrþenn lac
Þatt preostess unnderrfangenn,
& ec forrþi þatt he wass Preost
Hæfedd off alle preostess,
To biddenn forr hiss aȝhenn follc
Upponn hiss Faderr are;


& ec þiss illke Goddspell seȝȝþ,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
Þatt Zacaríe, Godess preost,
& ȝho þatt wass hiss macche
Wærenn rihhtwise & gode menn
Biforenn Godess eȝhne.
& ȝuw maȝȝ ben þiss illke word
God lare hu ȝuw birrþ libbenn.
He seȝȝde þatt teȝȝ wærenn ba
Biforenn Godd rihhtwise.
& tatt wass alls he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,
Þeȝȝ baþe samenn cwemmdenn Godd
Þurrh heore rihhtwisnesse.
& swa ne don nohht alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn rihhtwisnesse,
Ne cwemenn þeȝȝ nohht alle Godd
Wiþþ heore rihhtwisnesse.
Forr mann maȝȝ findenn i þiss lif
Bitwenenn uss inoȝhe
Þatt ledenn hemm swa dærneliȝ
Biforenn menness eȝhne,
Þatt mann hemm hallt forr góde menn
& forr full wel rihhtwise,
& sinndenn þohh biforenn Godd
Unngode & unnrihhtwise;
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ forr idell ȝellp
& all forr menness spæche


Shæwenn biforenn oþre menn
Godnesse & rihhtwisnesse,
& sinndenn þohh swa þehh i þohht
& ec i dærne dedess
Biforenn Drihhtin fule menn,
Þurrh sinness unnclænnesse.
Acc þa þatt all forr lufe off Godd
Aȝȝ follȝhenn rihhtwisnesse
Biforenn menn, bihinndenn menn,
O daȝȝess & o nihhtess,
& nohht forr eorþliȝ loff, acc all
Forr heofennlike mede,
Þa sinndenn wiss biforenn Godd
Rihhtwise menn & gode,
& shulenn habbenn heore læn
Forr heore rihhtwisnesse,
Á butenn ende blisse inoh
Wiþþ alle Godess enngless.
& ȝét tiss Goddspell seȝȝþ off hemm,
Forr uss þurrh hemm to lærenn,
Þatt eȝȝþerr heore ȝede swa
Rihht affterr Godess lare,
Þatt fand mann nan þing upponn hemm
To wreȝenn, ne to tælenn,
Noff whatt menn mihhtenn habbenn niþ,
Ne wraþþe ȝæn heore owwþerr.
& her þu mihht nu sen þatt teȝȝ
Full cweme wærenn baþe
Biforenn Godd inn heoffne, & ec
Biforenn menn onn eorþe.


& tu shallt findenn swillke nu
Bitwenenn uss well fæwe;
Forr swa we don unnhaȝherrliȝ
Whattse we don to góde,
& swa we don itt wiþþ unnskill
Þatt itt maȝȝ anngrenn oþre.
Acc swa ne didenn nohht ta twa
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe;
Forr fand mann nan þing upponn hemm
Þatt mihhte ohht anngrenn oþre;
Þurrh whatt tu mihht nu sen þatt teȝȝ
Rihhtwise & gode wærenn.
& swa þeȝȝ leddenn heore lif
Till þatt teȝȝ wærenn alde,
Þatt naffdenn þeȝȝ nan child till þa;
& tatt wass Godess wille.
Forr Godd itt haffde lokedd swa
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Þatt time shollde streonedd ben
Þatt wære onnȝæness kinde,
Þatt hise frend mihhtenn off himm
All þess te mare blissenn,
& tatt te follc all þess te bett
Hiss lare shollde follȝhenn,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ himm sholldenn sen
Ben borenn her to manne
Þurrh Godess wille, & þurrh hiss mahht,
& nohht þurrh moderr kinde.


Forr ȝho wass swa bifundenn wif
Þatt naffde ȝho nohht tæmedd,
& ȝho wass þa swa winntredd wif
& off swa mikell elde,
Þatt naffde ȝho nan kinde þa
Onn hire forr to tæmenn.
& forrþi wass itt all þurrh Godd
Þatt ȝho wass þa wiþþ childe,
Forr þatt ȝho shollde childenn an
Útnumenn child to manne.
Þiss gode mann, þiss gode prest,
Þatt we nu mælenn offe,
Wass, alls I seȝȝde nu littlær,
Ȝehatenn Zacaryas;
& he wass, alls icc hafe seȝȝd,
God prest, & Godd full cweme.
& he wass i þatt shifftinng sett
Þatt nemmnedd wass Abya,
Forr prestess þanne & dæcness ec
Shifftedenn hemm bitwenenn
Whillc hĕre shollde serrfenn firrst,
Whillc siþþenn i þe temmple.
& he, þiss Zakaryas, wass
Bitwenenn oþre prestess
I þatt shifftinng to serrfenn sett
Þatt nemmnedd wass Abya,
Affterr an hæfedd prest tatt wass
Off Aaroness chilldre,


Þatt ta bi name nemmnedd wass
Abyuþþ oþþr Abyas.
Unnderr all þalde laȝhess fresst
Wærenn alle þe prestess
Off tweȝȝenn prestess, & tatt an
Off þa tweȝȝenn wass nemmnedd
Eleazar, & Ytamar
Wass he þatt oþerr nemmnedd.
& ta twa prestess wærenn A-
-aroness suness baþe.
& talde laȝhess presteflocc
Comm all off þa twa prestess;
Forr Drihhtin haffde þanne sett,
Þatt nan ne shollde wurrþenn
Þa sett to wurrþenn prest, butt iff
He prestess sune wære.
& alle þa prestess þatt off
Þa tweȝȝenn prestess comenn,
Shifftedenn hemm bitwenenn þa
Wiþþ lott, whillc shollde serrfenn
Allmahhtiȝ Godd att allterr firrst,
Whillc siþþenn i þe temmple.
& Daviþþ king hemm haffde sett
I lotess fowwre & twenntiȝ,
Þatt illc an shollde witenn wel
Whillc lott himm shollde reȝȝsenn,
To cumenn inntill Ȝerrsalæm,
To serrvenn i þe temmple.
Þær wærenn fowwre & twenntiȝ menn
Þatt wærenn hæfedd prestess,


& off illc an off alle þa
Comm an god flocc off prestess,
Sprungenn off himm, strenedd þurrh himm,
& wass hiss hird ȝehatenn.
& iwhillc an serlepess off
Þa fowwre & twenntiȝ hirdess
Wass nemmnedd affterr an mann off
Þa fowwre & twenntiȝ prestess
Þatt wærenn hæfedd prestess off
Þa fowwre & twenntiȝ hirdess.
& illc an hird serlepess, off
Þa fowwre and twenntiȝ hirdess,
Wisste full wel whillc lott an, off
Þa lotess fowwre & twenntiȝ,
Himm badd ben bun his sefennnahht
To þewwtenn i þe temmple.
Forr illc an hird wel wisste inoh,
Wheþþr itt to serrfenn shollde
Prest senndenn i þe firrste lott,
Oþþr i þatt comm þæraffterr,
Oþþr i þe þridde lott, oþþr i
Þe ferþe, oþþr i þe fifte.
& off þa fowwre & twenntiȝ menn,
Þatt wærenn hæfedd prestess
& allderrmenn & hirdess off
Þa fowwre & twenntiȝ gengess
Þatt wærenn prestess, Drihhtin Godd
To þewwtenn wukemalumm,
Off þa twa sĭþe twellfe menn
Wass an Abyas nemmnedd


Oþþr Abyud, & inn hiss hird
Wass Zakaryass fundenn,
& off hiss kinn an haliȝ prest,
& Drihhtin Godd full cweme.
& i þehhtennde lott comm þiss
Abyȝess hird to serrfenn,
To findenn prest hiss sefennnahht
To þewwtenn i þe temmple.
& aȝȝ whannse þatt presteflocc,
Þatt fowwre & twenntiȝ wærenn,
Ann siþe þewwtedd haffdenn all
Abutenn i þe temmple,
Aȝȝ haffde þeȝȝ off wukess þa
Rihht fowwre & twenntiȝ filledd.
& aȝȝ þeȝȝ tokenn efft forrnon
To serrfenn wukemalumm.
& ȝuw birrþ wĭtenn þatt te king
Þa fowwre & twenntiȝ hirdess
Todæledd haffde þane o twa,
To settenn tweȝȝenn hirdess,
An hird tatt off Eleazár
Wass sprungenn & was strenedd,
An oþerr þatt off Ytamár
Wass strenedd her to manne.
& eȝȝþerr hird & eȝȝþerr hus
Todæledd wass þohhwheþþre
Onn hirdess rihht sextene, & ec
Onn hirdess twiȝȝess fowwre.
& tatt hird tatt todæledd wass
Onn hirdess rihht sextene,


All þatt hird off Eleazar
Wass strenedd her to manne;
& tatt, forr þatt Eleazar
Sextene suness haffde,
& off illc an serlepess wass
An hird to manne strenedd.
& tatt hird tatt todæledd wass
Onn hirdess twiȝȝess fowwre,
All þatt hird wass þurrh Ytamar
To manne onn erþe strenedd;
& tatt, forrþi þatt Ytamar
Rihht ehhte suness haffde,
& off illc an serlepess wass
An hird to manne strenedd;
& ta sextene þatt Ele-
-azar her haffde strenedd,
Þa hirdess þatt, witt tu full wel,
Haffdenn an hird onn hæfedd,
Haffdenn an hæfedd hird tatt wass
Abufenn alle þoþre,
Alls iff itt wære laferrdflocc
Offr alle þoþre flockess.
& tatt tatt swa wass hæfedd hird,
Þatt hird wass i þatt time
Nemmnedd Eleazaress hus,
Eleazaress hewenn.
& all se itt fór onn oþerr hallf
Inn Ytamaress chilldre.
Forr Ytamaress hird wass ec
Þatt illke wise dæledd


Onn hirdess ehhte, seȝȝþ þe boc,
& haffde an hird onn hæfedd,
& haffde an hæfedd hird tatt wass
Abufenn alle þoþre,
Alls iff itt wære laferrdflocc
Offr alle þoþre flokkess.
& tatt tatt swa wass hæfedd hird,
Þatt hird wass i þatt time
Ȝehatenn Ytamaress hus,
& Ytamaress hewenn.
& illc an hird wass nemmnedd aȝȝ
Bi name, inn all þatt time,
Affterr summ aþell mann & god
Þatt i þatt hird wass hæfedd.
& illc an hird wel wisste inoh
Whillc lott badd hise prestess
I Godess temmple serrfenn Godd.
& aȝȝ comm Zacaryas
Unnderr þehhtennde lott wiþþ lac
To þewwtenn i þe temmple.
& o þatt illke wise comm
Aȝȝ dækenn affterr dækenn,
All affterr þatt his lott himm fell
To þewwtenn i þe temmple.
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Comm dun o Godess hallfe


I Godess hus, wiþþ Godess word,
O rihht hallf bi þatt allterr
Þær Zacarías, Godess preost
Wiþþ recless þeowwtenn shollde,
Þatt wass full wel, forr itt wass don
All all se Drihhtin wollde.
Forr he comm dun wiþþ Godess word,
To kiþenn itt onn eorþe,
Þatt Cristess bidell Sannt Johan
Þa shollde cumenn newenn
Innto þiss lif biforenn Crist,
To ȝarrkenn hise weȝȝess
Biforenn himm þatt shollde ben
Hæfedd off alle preostess,
& offringlac rihht god inoh
Affterr hiss Faderr wille,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde,
Swa þatt mann mihhte winnenn her
To brukenn eche blisse,
Þatt eȝȝwhær upponn haliȝ boc
Iss þurrh rihht hallf bitacnedd.
& forrþi shulenn alle þa
Þatt shulenn habbenn blisse
Tosamenn stanndenn att te dom
O rihht hallf bi þe Deme,
Bi Jesu Crist o Domes daȝȝ
Þær he shall all follc demenn;


Forrþi þatt hemm þurrh þatt rihht hallf
Shall ben full wel bitacnedd,
Þatt hemm beþ ȝarrkedd þurrh Drihhtin
To brukenn eche blisse;
& son se Zacariȝe sahh
Þatt enngless brihhte leome,
He warrþ forrfæredd & forrdredd,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
& Godess enngell toc himm þær
To beldenn & to frofrenn.
Forr ure wrecche kinde iss swillc
Þatt itt maȝȝ ben forrfæredd,
Ȝiff þatt itt ohht fælike seþ
Þe wlĭte off ennglekinde.
& Godess enngell iss full meoc,
& milde, & soffte, & bliþe,
To beldenn & to frofrenn þe,
Ȝiff he þe seþ forrgloppnedd.
Acc deofell iss, þatt witt tu wel,
Off grimme & niþfull herrte;
Forr ȝiff he seþ þatt mann iss ohht
Forrfæredd off hiss sihhþe,
He wĭle himm færenn, ȝiff he maȝȝ,
& skerrenn máre & máre.
Acc whas itt iss þatt wæpnedd iss
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe o Criste,
Þohh þatt he se þe laþe gast,
Niss he rihht nohht forrfæredd.
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Till Zacaríȝe seȝȝde,


Witt tu þatt Drihhtin hafeþþ herrd
& ȝatedd tine beness,
& tatt tin wif Elysabæþ
Þe shall an sune childenn,
Þatt seȝȝde he ful iwiss forrþi
Þatt ta wass cumenn tíme
Þatt Drihhtin wollde lesenn út
Hiss follc off deofless walde,
Þatt Zacariass Godess preost,
& oþre gode preostess,
& maniȝ haliȝ læwedd mann
O Drihhtin haffde bonedd.
Forr alle þa þatt cwemmdenn Godd
Biforenn Cristess come,
Þeȝȝ alle bædenn innwarrdliȝ
Wiþþ bedess & wiþþ dedess,
Þatt Drihhtin shollde lesenn hemm
Út off þe deofless walde.
& ta wass cumenn time to
Þatt Godd hemm wollde lesenn.
& forrþi seȝȝde Gabriæl,
Þu shallt an sune streonenn;
Forr þatt hiss sune shollde ben
Biginning off þatt blisse.
Forr att te come off Sannt Johan
Bigann all ure blisse,
All þatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Comm till mannkinn onn eorþe,


& bohhte þurrh hiss aȝhen dæþ
Mannkinn fra deofless walde.
Forr Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm
Biforenn Cristess come,
To kiþenn to þe follc þatt Crist
Þa shollde cumenn newenn.
& swa bigann att Sannt Johan
Þe Laferrd Cristess come,
& all þatt blisse þatt uss comm
Þurrh þatt he comm onn eorþe.
Þatt Godess enngell seȝȝde himm þær,
Whatt name he shollde settenn
Uppo þatt illke child tatt he
Þa shollde newenn strenenn,
Þatt wass till all þe childess kinn
Wurrþshipe, & tatt unnlitell;
Forr þatt te Laferrd Godd himm sellf
Himm seȝȝde þurrh hiss enngell,
Þatt he þa shollde streonenn child,
& hu he shollde itt nemmnenn,
Þatt wass wurrþshipe inoh till menn,
& ec full openn takenn
Þatt heore streon wass Drihhtin leof
Ȝét ær itt wære streonedd.
& himm wass ec þatt name sett
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Forr affterr þatt icc seggenn maȝȝ,
Johan onn Ennglissh spæche
Bitacneþþ uss þatt þing þatt iss
All affterr Godess wille,


& swa wass þatt la ful iwiss
All affterr Godess wille,
Þatt Sannt Johan wass streonedd ta
Þurrh fadder & þurrh moderr,
Þatt tíme þatt teȝȝ wærenn ba
Winntrĕde menn & alde.
& tekenn þatt tatt ȝho wass ald
Ȝét wass ȝho swa bifundenn,
Þatt ȝho, swa summ itt wollde Godd,
Ne mihhte næfrær tæmenn;
& forrþi wass itt ful iwiss
All þurrh Drihhtiness wille,
Þatt teȝȝ swa late mihhtenn child
I mikell elde streonenn.
& tatt tiss illke Sannt Johan,
Þatt wass swa lăte streonedd,
Wass filledd off þe Frofre Gast
Ȝét inn hiss moderr wambe,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ,
Þatt sellþe ȝaff himm Drihhtin Godd
Affterr hiss aȝhenn wille;
& forrþi wass itt mikell rihht
Þatt he Johan wass nemmnedd,
Þatt tacneþþ all þatt þing þatt iss
All affterr Godess wille.
& tatt he siþþenn þurrh hiss spell,
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne,


Droh swiþe mikell follc till Godd
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Son summ he þeȝȝm bigann off Godd
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,
Þatt sellþe ȝaff himm Drihhtin Godd
Affterr hiss aȝhenn wille;
& forrþi sette himm Drihhtin Godd
To ben Johan ȝehatenn,
Þatt tacneþþ all þatt þing þatt iss
All affterr Godess wille.
& Godess enngell seȝȝde þær
Off Sannt Johan ȝét mare,
Till Zacaríȝe þær he stod
All shridd att Godess allterr.
He seȝȝde; & tu shallt off þatt child
Habbenn gladdshipe & blisse.
& tatt wass witerrlike soþ
Þatt Godess enngell seȝȝde.
Forr þatt wass to þatt gode preost
Well swiþe mikell blisse,
Þatt Drihhtin himm onn elde ȝaff
Swa mahhtiȝ child to streonenn.
& ȝét tatt enngell seȝȝde himm þær,
Þatt oþre menn unnfæwe
Well glade & bliþe sholldenn ben
Ec off þatt childess come;
& tatt wass soþ, forr mani mann
Wass off hiss come bliþe;


Forr þatt he wass þe firrste mann
Þatt brohhte word onn eorþe,
Þatt mannkinn shollde newenn ben
Útlesedd fra þe deofell,
& winnenn heoffness kinedom
Þurrh clene lifess wæpenn.
& ȝét he seȝȝde þuss till himm;
Þatt child tatt tu shallt streonenn
Shall ben biforenn Drihhtin Godd
Full mahhtiȝ mann & mære,
Ne shall he næfre drinnkenn drinnch
Þatt drunnkennesse follȝheþþ.
Þiss seȝȝde Godess enngell þær;
& uss birrþ alle trowwenn,
Þatt he forrwarrp forr lufe off Godd
All þwerrt út gluterrnesse,
He-þatt wass full off Haliȝ Gast
Ær þann he borenn wære;
Forr Haliȝ Gast forrseþ & fleþ
Þwerrt út all þatt iss sinne.
& Gabriæl spacc þær off þiss
Till Zacariȝe, & seȝȝde;
& he beþ full off Haliȝ Gast
Ȝét inn hiss moderr wambe.
& sone summ he cuþe ben
Himm ane bi himm sellfenn,


He flæh till wesste fra þe follc,
Forr þatt he nollde gilltenn,
Ne forrþenn þurrh an idell word
To mælenn her o life.
& i þe wesste þær he wass
Hiss fode wass unnorne,
Forr nass nan esstemete þær
Þatt follȝheþþ gluternesse;
Ne þær ne fand he nænne drinnch
Þatt drunnkennesse follȝheþþ;
& tohh hét owwhar funde þær,
Ne wollde hét næfre cunnenn,
Forr he wass filledd all þurrh Godd
Off Haliȝ Gastess drinnchess.
& Godess enngell seȝȝde off himm
Ȝét tuss till Zacaríȝe;
& he shall turrnenn þurrh hiss spell,
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne,
Well mikell flocc till þeȝȝre Godd
Off Israæless chilldre.
& tatt he dide ful iwiss,
Son summ he toc to spellenn,
He turrnde mikell follc till Godd
Ȝa læwedd follc, ȝa læredd,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh haliȝ spell,
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne;
Forr þurrh þatt he wass haliȝ mann
Onn alle kinne wise,


He ȝaff hemm bisne god inoh
To lufenn Godd & dredenn.
& ȝét spacc Godess enngell þuss
Till Zacariȝe & seȝȝde;
& tatt child, tatt tu streonenn shallt,
Shall cumenn her to manne
Biforenn Crist rihht i þatt gast,
& i þatt illke mahhte,
Þatt Helyas shall cumenn efft
Biforenn Cristess cóme.
& tatt wass witerrlike soþ,
Forr Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Comm forrþ biforenn Jesu Crist
Att Cristess forrme come;
& Helyas shall cumenn efft,
Onn Anntecristess time,
Biforenn ure Laferrd Crist
Att Cristess lattre come.
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm
Biforenn Cristess come,
Þa Crist wass her all gilltelæs
Wiþþ woȝhe demmd to dæþe;
& Helyas shall cumenn efft
Biforenn Cristess come,
Þa Crist shall demenn all mannkinn
All rihht, & nohht wiþþ woȝhe.


& Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm
Biforenn Cristess come,
Þa Crist comm hiderr dun, hiss follc
To lesenn út off helle;
& Helyas shall cumenn efft
Biforenn Cristess come,
Þa Crist shall cumenn efft, hiss follc
To ledenn inntill heoffne.
Þuss comm Johan biforenn Crist
All o þatt illke wise,
Þatt Helyas shall cumenn efft
Biforenn Cristess come.
& eȝȝþerr wass wiþþ oþerr lic
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Forr baþe leddenn usell lif
I mĕtess & i claþess,
& baþe fluȝhenn fra þe follc
Útt inntill wilde wesste,
& leddenn þær full haliȝ lif,
Forr swa to winnenn blisse,
& baþe hemm fell to þolenn wa
Þurrh ifell wifess irre [OMITTED]
& till uss sellfenn baþe,
& Godd off heffne aȝȝ wollde himm sellf
Þa belless herenn ringenn,
Whannse þe preost wass shridd tærwiþþ
To gan till Godess allterr,


To þeowwtenn & to wurrþenn Godd
Wiþþ bedess & wiþþ lakess.
& mikell ned wass himm þatt Godd
Þa belless herrde ringenn,
Þatt he ne felle þære dæd
Þurrh Godess wraþþe & wræche;
Forr ȝiff þatt Godd ne mihhte nohht
Þa belless herenn ringenn,
Whannse þe preost wass shridd tærwiþþ
To gan till Godess allterr,
Godd wollde himm wrekenn o þe preost,
Swa þatt he swelltenn shollde,
Forrþi þatt he ne namm nan gom
To fillenn all hiss wikenn.
Nu, laferrdinngess, loke we
Whatt tiss maȝȝ uss bitacnenn,
Hu mikell god itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þe belledræm bitacneþþ ȝuw
Þatt dræm þatt ȝuw birrþ herenn,
Whannse þe preost ȝuw telleþþ spell
Biforenn Godess allterr;
& ȝiff he nohht ne spelleþþ ȝuw
Þe Goddspellbokess lare,
He falleþþ wissliȝ forr þatt gillt
I Godess wraþþe & wræche,
All swa summ þatt Judisskenn preost
Þurrh Drihhtin shollde swelltenn,


Ȝiff þatt he wære reckelæs
To ringenn hise belless.
Nu loke ȝure preost tatt he
Ȝuw bliþelike spelle,
Þatt he ȝuw illke Sunenndaȝȝ
Att allre læste lære,
Off all hu ȝuw birrþ ledenn ȝuw
& lefenn uppo Criste,
& lufenn Godd & lufenn mann
& Godess laȝhess haldenn;
& ȝuw birrþ swiþe bliþeliȝ
Ȝuw turrnenn till hiss lare,
& haldenn itt & follȝhenn itt
Aȝȝ affterr ȝure mihhte.
Nu-ȝiff þatt ȝure preost & ȝe
Þuss farenn ȝuw bitwenenn,
Þa maȝȝ ben god till ȝure preost
& till ȝuw sellfenn baþe,
Þatt tatt Judisskenn preost wass swa
Bihenngedd all wiþþ belless,
& tatt himm wass swa mikell ned
Þatt Godd hemm herrde ringenn.
& off þatt preostess shulldrelin,
& off hiss breostlin baþe,
& off þa twellfe namess ec
Þatt wærenn don þæronne,


Summwhatt icc habbe shæwedd ȝuw
Till ȝure sawle fode,
Ȝiff þatt ȝe wilenn follȝhenn itt,
& ȝuw till frame turrnenn.
& nu icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Summ del, wiþþ Godess hellpe,
Off þatt Judisskenn follkess lac
Þatt Drihhtin wass full cweme,
& mikell hellpe to þe follc,
To læredd & to læwedd,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne.
Acc nu ne geȝȝneþþ itt hemm nohht
To winnenn eche blisse
Þohh þatt teȝȝ stanndenn daȝȝ & nihht
To þeowwtenn Godd & lakenn;
For all itt iss onnȝæness Godd
Þohh þatt teȝȝ swa ne wenenn,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne kepenn nohht
Noff Crist, noff Cristess moderr.
& tohh swa þehh nu wile icc ȝuw
Off þeȝȝre lakess awwnenn,
Hu mikell god teȝȝ tacnenn uss
Off ure sawle nede;
Forr all þatt lac wass sett þurrh Godd,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Hu Cristess þeoww birrþ lakenn Crist
Gastlike i gode þæwess,


Wiþþ all þatt tatt bitacnedd wass
Þurrh alle þeȝȝre lakess.
Þatt follkes lac wass shep, & gát,
& oxe, & cullfre, & turrtle,
& teȝȝre lac wass bule, & lamb,
& buckess twa togeddre,
& recles smec, & bulltedd bræd
Þatt bakenn wass inn ofne,
& smeredd wel wiþþ elesæw
& makedd fatt & nesshe;
& oþerr stund tatt lac wass bræd
All þeorrf wiþþutenn berrme;
& oþerr stund itt bakenn wass
Full harrd & starrc inn ofne;
& oþerr stund tatt lac wass brennd
& turrnedd all till asskess.
& aȝȝ wass sallt wiþþ iwhillc lac
Biforenn Drihhtin offredd;
& tatt wass don, þatt witt tu wel,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn.
All þeȝȝre lac wass swillc & swillc,
Forr oþerr þing to tacnenn,
Þatt uss iss swiþe mikell ned
To follȝhenn & to trowwenn;
Forr uss birrþ nu biforenn Godd
Offrenn þa lakess alle,


Rihht o þatt wise þatt uss iss
Bitacnedd þurrh þa lakess;
& witt tu þatt an waȝherifft
Wass spredd fra wah to waȝhe,
Biforenn an allterr þatt wass
Innresst i þeȝȝre minnstre.
Þatt waȝherifft wass henngedd tær,
Forr þatt itt hidenn shollde
All þatt tatt tær wiþþinnenn wass
Fra læwedd follc & læredd,
Wiþþutenn þatt te bisscopp sellf,
Wiþþ blod & ec wiþþ recless,
Þær shollde cumenn o þe ȝer
Ann siþe, & all himm ane.
& enngless comenn offte þær,
& wiþþ þe bisscopp spækenn
O Godess hallfe off maniȝwhatt,
Himm & hiss follc to frofrenn.
& bi þatt allterr stodenn aȝȝ
Þatt follkess haliȝdomess,
Þatt wærenn inn an arrke þær
Wel & wurrþlike ȝemmde.
& tær oferr þatt arrke wass
An oferrwerrc wel timmbredd,
Þatt wass Propitiatoriumm
O Latin spæche nemmnedd,
Off þatt word tatt o Latin iss
Nemmnedd Propitiari,
Þatt maȝȝ onn Ennglissh nemmnedd ben
Millcenn, & shæwenn are,


Forr whase doþ hiss are o þe
Tibi propitiatur,
Affterr þatt itt maȝȝ wel inoh
Ben seȝȝd o Latin spæche.
& tær uppo þatt oferrwerrc
Þeȝȝ haffdenn liccness metedd
Off Cherubyn, & haffdenn itt
O tweȝȝenn stokess metedd.
All enngleþeod todæledd iss
O niȝhenn kinne þeode;
& Cherubyn & Seraphyn
Sinndenn þa tweȝȝenn þeode,
Þatt sinndenn Drihhtin allre nest,
& hehȝhesst upp inn heoffne.
& off þatt an, off Cherubyn,
Þeȝȝ haffdenn liccness metedd
Uppo þatt oferrwerrc þatt wass
Abufenn þarrke timmbredd.
& att te minnstredure wass
An allterr þær wiþþutenn;
& bi þatt allterr wass þe lac
O fele wise ȝarrkedd
Þurrh preostess, alls uss seȝȝþ soþ boc,
Off Aaroness chilldre.
& o þatt allterr haffdenn þeȝȝ
Glowennde gledess ȝarrkedd.
& off þatt errfe þatt tær wass
Drihhtin to lake ȝarrkedd,


Himm toc þe bisscopp off þe blod,
Swa summ hiss boc himm tahhte.
& gledess inn hiss reclefatt
He toc þær o þatt allterr,
& dide recless inn inoh
Drihhtin þærwiþþ to þeowtenn,
Aȝȝ whann he shollde ganngenn inn
Upp to þatt oþerr allterr,
Þatt wass aȝȝ æness o þe ȝer,
& aȝȝ himm sellf himm ane,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn uss
Þatt uss birrþ alle trowwenn.
He toc þe recless & te blod
& ȝede upp to þatt allterr
Þatt wass wiþþinnenn waȝherifft,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
& tanne brennde he recless þær,
To þeowwtenn Godd tocweme,
Swa-þatt tær wass swa mikell smec
Off recless att tatt allterr,
Þatt all he wass himm sellf þær hidd
& lokenn þær wiþþinnenn;
& toc himm þa þatt illke blod
Þatt he þær haffde greȝȝþedd,
Þatt blod tatt he þær haffde brohht,
& warrp itt tær wiþþ strenncless,
Eȝȝwhær uppo þatt hallȝhe bord,
& eȝȝwhær o þatt allterr.
& siþþenn ȝede he þeþenn út
To strennkenn i þe kirrke


Wiþþutenn þeȝȝre waȝherifft,
Swa summ hiss boc himm tahhte.
& siþþenn comm he till þe follc
& wessh himm hise claþess,
Acc þohh swa þehh he wass all daȝȝ
Unnclene anan till efenn.
Nu habbe icc shæwedd ȝuw summ del
Off þa Judisskenn lakess,
Þatt Drihhtin toc full ædmodliȝ
Biforenn Cristess cóme,
& off þatt preost tatt tanne wass,
& off þatt bisscopp baþe.
& ec icc habbe shæwedd ȝuw
Summ del off þeȝȝre wikenn.
& nu icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
All þatt whatt itt bitacneþþ,
& hu itt maȝȝ ȝuw turrnenn all
Till ȝure sawless hellpe,
& hu ȝe muȝhenn lakenn Godd
Gastlike i gode þæwess,
Wiþþ all þatt Judewisshe lac
Þatt icc ȝuw habbe shæwedd;
Forr ȝuw birrþ nu biforenn Godd
Offrenn þa lakess alle,
All o þatt wise þatt ȝuw iss
Bitacnedd þurrh þa lakess.
Þa lakess mihhtenn clennsenn hemm
Off sakess & off sinness,


& gladenn Godd, ȝiff þatt he wass
Hemm wraþþ forr heore gillte.
& witt tu wel þatt Latin boc
Full witerrlike uss kiþeþþ,
Whillc lac wass offredd forr þe preost,
Whillc forr þe bisscopp offredd,
& whillc wass offredd forr þe follc,
To clennsenn hemm off sinne.
Þe ramm wass offredd forr þe preost,
To clennsenn himm off sinne,
& forr þe bisscopp wass þe callf
Offredd o þeȝȝre wise,
& forr þe follc wass offredd bucc,
Drihhtin to lofe & wurrþe,
Þatt he þeȝȝm þurrh hiss mildherrtleȝȝc
Forrȝæfe þeȝȝre gilltess.
Her habbe icc shæwedd þrinne lac
Forr þrinne kinne leode,
Forr bisscopp & forr unnderrpreost,
& forr þe follkess nede.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Badd hise bedess þriȝess,
Biforenn þatt he takenn wass
& naȝȝledd uppo rode.
& tær he badd forr alle þa
Þatt onn himm sholldenn lefenn,
Forr biscopp & forr unnderrpreost,
& ec forr læwedd leode;


& mare wass hiss bede wurrþ
Þann alle þeȝȝre lakess,
To lesenn & to clennsenn menn
Off alle kinne gillte,
& tohh swa þehh wass þeȝȝre lac,
Biforenn Cristess come,
Drihhtin full cweme inn alle þa
Þatt Godess laȝhess heldenn.
& nu icc wile shæwenn ȝuw,
Wiþþ min Drihhtiness hellpe,
All hu ȝe muȝhenn lakenn Godd
Gastlike i gode þæwess,
Wiþþ all þatt Judewisshe lac
Þatt ȝuw her uppe iss shæwedd;
Ȝiff þatt tu follȝhesst soþ meocleȝȝc
& soþ unnshaþiȝnesse,
Þa lakesst tu Drihhtin wiþþ shep
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are;
Forr shep iss all unnskaþefull
& stille der & liþe,
& makeþþ itt nan mikell bracc
Ȝiff mann itt wile bindenn,
Ne forrþenn þær mann cwelleþþ itt
Ne wiþþreþþ itt nohht swiþe.
& forrþi seȝȝþ þatt Latin boc,
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ,


Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Inn ure mennisscnesse
Toc þildiliȝ wiþþutenn bracc,
Þatt mann himm band wiþþ woȝhe,
Rihht all swa summ þe shep onfoþ
Meocliȝ, þatt mann itt clippeþþ;
& ȝiff þu cwennkesst i þe sellf,
& læresst me to cwennkenn
Inn me-galnessess fule stinnch
& hire fule lusstess,
& follȝhesst aȝȝ clænnessess sloþ,
& læresst me to follȝhenn,
Þa lakesst tu Drihhtin wiþþ gát
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa-þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are;
For gát iss, þatt witt tu full wel,
Gal deor, & stinnkeþþ fule,
& forrþi tacneþþ itt full wel
Galnessess háte stinnchess.
& forrþi sinndenn alle þa
Þatt shulenn inntill helle
Effnedd wiþþ gæt, & nemmnedd gæt,
O Goddspellbokess lare,
Forrþi þatt sinness fule stinnch
Shall shædenn hemm fra Criste.
& ȝiff þu follȝhesst skill & shæd
& witt i gode þæwess,
& hafesst ȝét, tohh þu be ȝung,
Elldernemanness láte,


& haȝherrlike ledesst te
& dafftelike & faȝȝre,
& ummbeþennkesst aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Hu þu mihht Drihhtin cwemenn,
& lufenn himm & dredenn himm
& hise laȝhess haldenn,
Wiþþ oxe lakesst tu Drihhtin
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa-þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr oxe gaþ o clofenn fót
& shædeþþ hise clawwess,
Þurrh whatt he tacneþþ skill & shæd
& witt i gode þæwess.
& oxe ganngeþþ haȝheliȝ
& aldelike láteþþ,
& ȝifeþþ bisne off þatt te birrþ
All haȝhelike & faȝȝre
& dafftelike ledenn þe,
Wiþþutenn bracc & braþþe,
& shæwenn ȝét, tohh þu be ȝung,
Elldernemanness late.
& oxe chewweþþ þær he gaþ
Hiss cŭde, & tær he stanndeþþ,
& chewweþþ forrþenn þær he liþ,
Forr þe to ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt te birrþ ummbeþennkenn aȝȝ
& chewwenn i þin heorrte


Hu þu mihht cwemenn þin Drihhtin,
& winnenn eche blisse.
Þuss þu mihht lakenn Drihhtin Godd
Wiþþ oxe i gode þæwess,
Ȝiff þu þe ledesst all wiþþ skill,
& haȝhelike & faȝȝre,
& ummbeþennkesst nihht & daȝȝ
Hu þu mihht Drihhtin cwemenn.
& ȝiff þu firrþresst fremmde menn
Aȝȝ affterr þine fére,
& arrt te sellf aȝȝ milde & meoc,
& all wiþþutenn galle,
Wiþþ cullfre lakesst tu Drihhtin
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr cullfre iss milde, & meoc, & swét,
& all wiþþutenn galle,
& fedeþþ oþerr cullfress bridd
All alls itt wære hire aȝhenn.
& ȝiff þu ledesst clene lif,
& murrcnesst i þin heorrte,
Þatt tu swa lannge dwellesst her
Swa ferr fra Godess riche,
& ȝeornesst tatt tu mote skét
Uppcumenn inntill heoffne,
Upp till þi Laferrd Jesu Crist,
To lofenn himm & lutenn,
Wiþþ turrtle lakesst tu þin Godd
Gastlike i þine þæwess,


Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr turrtle ledeþþ chariȝ lif,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr fra þatt hire make iss dæd
Ne kepeþþ ȝho nan oþerr,
Acc serrȝheþþ aȝȝ forrþi þatt ȝho
Ne maȝȝ himm nowwhar findenn.
& ȝiff þatt tu forrlangedd arrt
To cumenn upp till Criste,
& nohht ne chesesst oþerr Godd
To follȝhenn ne to þeowwtenn,
Wiþþutenn Crist tatt wass & iss
Þin Drihhtin & tin hæfedd,
Þa lakesst tu gastlike Godd
Wiþþ turrtle i þine þæwess.
& ȝiff þu cwennkesst i þe sellf
All þwerrt út modiȝnesse,
& læresst oþre all swa to don
Þurrh lare & ec þurrh bisne,
Wiþþ bule lakesst tu þin Godd
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr bule lateþþ modiliȝ,
& bereþþ upp hiss hæfedd,
& drifeþþ oþre nowwt himm fra
& hallt himm all forr laferrd.


& ȝiff þu cnawesst rihht tin Godd,
& herrcnesst hise spelless,
& leȝȝesst all þin herrte onn himm,
& follȝhesst himm & buȝhesst,
& forr þe lufe off himm forrsest
Hæþene Goddess alle,
& arrt te sellf aȝȝ milde & meoc,
& soffte, & stille, & liþe,
Wiþþ lamb þu lakesst tin Drihhtin
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr lamb is soffte & stille deor,
& meoc, & milde, & liþe,
& itt cann cnawenn swiþe wel
Hiss moderr þær ȝho blæteþþ
Bitwenenn an þusennde shep,
Þohh þatt teȝȝ blætenn alle.
& all swa birrþ þe cnawenn wel
Þin Godd & all hiss lare,
& all forrwerrpenn hæþenndom
& oþre Goddess alle,
Swa summ þe lamb fleþ oþre shep,
& follȝheþþ aȝȝ hiss moderr.
Þe Judewisshe follkess boc
Hemm seȝȝde, þatt hemm birrde
Twa bukkess samenn to þe preost
Att kirrkedure brinngenn;


& teȝȝ þa didenn bliþeliȝ,
Swa summ þe boc hemm tahhte,
& brohhtenn tweȝȝenn bukkess þær
Drihhtin þærwiþþ to lakenn.
& att te kirrkedure toc
Þe preost ta tweȝȝenn bukkess,
& o þatt an he leȝȝde þær
All þeȝȝre sake & sinne,
& lét itt eornenn forþwiþþ all
Út inntill wilde wesste;
& toc & snaþ þatt oþerr bucc
Drihhtin þærwiþþ to lakenn.
All þiss wass don forr heore ned,
& ec forr ure nede;
Forr hemm itt hallp biforenn Godd
To clennsenn hemm off sinne,
& all swa maȝȝ itt hellpenn þe,
Ȝiff þatt tu willt [itt] follȝhenn.
Ȝiff þatt tu willt full innwarrdliȝ
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn
All þatt tatt wass bitacnedd tær,
To lefenn & to trowwenn,
Þa maȝȝ þatt trowwþe firrþrenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Þa tweȝȝenn bukkess tacnenn uss
An Godd off twinne kinde,
Þatt iss þe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þatt iss off twinne kinde.


Forr Jesu Crist iss ful iwiss
Soþ Godd i Goddcunndnesse,
& he iss ec to fulle soþ
Soþ mann i mennisscnesse;
Forr Crist iss baþe Godd & mann,
An had off twinne kinde,
& tiss birrþ trowwenn iwhillc mann
Þatt ȝeorneþþ Godess are.
An bucc rann þær aweȝȝ all cwicc
Wiþþ all þe follkess sinne,
& Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass
All cwicc & all unnpinedd,
Þær Crist wass uppo rodetreo
Naȝȝledd forr ure nede.
& Cristess Goddcunndnesse cwicc
& all wiþþutenn pine
Barr ure sinness þær aweȝȝ,
Þær Cristess mennisscnesse
Drannc dæþess drinnch o rodetreo
Forr ure woȝhe dedess.
& all swa summ þatt oþerr bucc
Toc þær wiþþ dæþess pine,
To wurrþenn þær Drihhtin to lac
Forr all þe follkess sinne,
All swa toc Cristess mennisscleȝȝc
Wiþþ dæþess pine o rode,
Forr þatt he wollde wurrþenn þær
Offredd Drihhtin to lake,
Forr uss to clennsenn þurrh hiss dæþ
Off sinness unnclænnesse.


& all swa summ þatt cwike bucc
Comm inntill wilde wesste,
All swa comm Cristess Goddcunndleȝȝc
All cwicc upp inntill heoffne,
Þatt wass biforenn Cristess dæþ
Swa summ itt wesste wære,
Forrþi þatt baþe enngless & menn
Itt haffdenn ær forrworrpenn.
Forr enngless haffdenn heoffness ærd
Forrlorenn all wiþþ rihhte;
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn effnenn hemm
Ȝæn Godd þurrh modiȝnesse;
Forr whatt teȝȝ fellenn sone dun
Off heoffne unntill helle
Till eche wa, forrþi þatt teȝȝ
Forrwurrpenn eche blisse.
& alle þa þatt fellenn swa
Þeȝȝ sinndenn laþe deofless,
& stanndenn inn þurrh hĕte & niþ
To scrennkenn menness sawless.
Acc þu mihht werenn þe fra þeȝȝm
Þurrh rihhte læfe o Criste,
& þurrh þatt weorrc þatt tær toliþ
Wiþþ Jesu Cristess hellpe.
& ure tweȝȝenn forrme menn,
Þatt Drihhtin shop off eorþe,
Forrlurenn ec forr heore gillt
Wiþþ rihht dom heoffness blisse,


Þurrh þatt teȝȝ forr þe deofless raþ
Drihhtiness raþ forrwurrpenn;
& all forrþi wass heoffness ærd
Swa summ itt wesste wære,
Forrþi þatt baþe enngless & menn
Itt haffdenn ær forrworrpenn.
& Cristess Goddcunndnesse comm
Cwicc inntill heoffness wesste
Wiþþ ure sinne, i þatt tatt Crist
Toc dæþ forr ure sinne,
All all swa summ þatt bucc attrann
Út inntill wilde wesste
All cwicc, & barr aweȝȝ wiþþ himm
Þe follkess sake & sinne.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu willt nu
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn,
Þatt Crist iss baþe Godd & mann,
An had off twinne kinde;
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu willt nu
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn,
Þatt Cristess Goddcunndnesse wass
All cwicc & all unnpinedd,
Þær Crist wass dæd o rodetreo
Forr all mannkinne nede;
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu willt nu
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn,
Þatt Crist, tær he wass o þe treo
Naȝȝledd forr ure nede,


Drah harrd & hefiȝ pine inoh
Þurrh fife grimme wundess,
Þa mihht tu lakenn þin Drihhtin
Gastlike i soþfasst læfe,
Wiþþ all þatt te to trowwenn wass
Þurrh þa twa bukkess tacnedd.
& ȝiff þu cwemesst tin Drihhtin
Bi daȝȝess, & bi nihhtess,
Wiþþ fassting, & wiþþ bedesang,
Wiþþ cnelinng, & wiþþ wecche,
Þa lakesst tu wiþþ recless swa
Þin Godd i þine þæwess,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr all all swa summ recless smec
Iss swét biforenn manne,
All all se iss swét biforenn Godd
Þe gode manness bene.
& ȝiff þin herrte iss arefull,
& milde, & soffte, & nesshe,
Swa þatt tu mihht wel árenn himm
Þatt iss ȝæn þe forrgilltedd,
& all forrȝifenn himm full neh
Þe rihhte domess wræche,
Aȝȝ whannse þu forrȝifesst tuss
Þin wraþþe & ec þin wræche,
Aȝȝ þanne lakesst tu þin Godd
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Wiþþ laf þatt iss wiþþ elesæw
All smeredd wel & nesshedd.


Þe rihhte dom iss starrc & harrd
& all þe rihhte wræche,
Swa summ itt wære scorrcnedd laf
Þatt iss wiþþutenn crummess.
& are & millce & mildherrtleȝȝc
& rihht forrȝifenesse,
Þatt iss þatt laf þatt smeredd iss
Wiþþ elesæw & nesshedd.
& ȝiff þatt tu willt makenn laf,
Þu þresshesst tine shæfess,
& siþþenn winndwesst tu þin corn,
& fra þe chaff itt shædesst,
& gaddresst swa þe clene corn
All fra þe chaff togeddre,
& grindesst itt, & cnedesst itt,
& harrdnesst itt wiþþ hæte;
& tanne mahht tu þin Drihhtin
Lakenn þærwiþþ tocweme,
Ȝiff þatt tu ledesst haliȝ lif
I þohht, i word, i dede.
& tu mihht ec gastlike laf
Onn oþerr wise ȝarrkenn,
& lakenn þin Drihhtin þærwiþþ
Well swiþe wel tocweme.
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu þurrh þin spell
Till rihhte læfe turrnesst
Þatt flocc þatt wass toskeȝȝredd ær
Þurrh fele kinne dwilde,


Þa þresshesst tu þin corn wiþþ fleȝȝl,
I þatt tatt tu þeȝȝm shæwesst,
Hu sinnfull lif þeȝȝ leddenn ær,
& hu þeȝȝ cwemmdenn deofell,
& hu þeȝȝ haffdenn addledd wel
To dreȝhenn eche pine,
& hu þeȝȝm haffde Drihhtin all
Forr heore woh forrworrpenn;
Wiþþ swillc þu þresshesst wel þe follc,
Ȝiff þatt tu þuss hemm tælesst;
Forr ȝiff þu shæwesst me min woh
& tælesst mine weorrkess,
& seggesst swillc & swillc wass þu,
Þu þresshesst me wiþþ wordess.
& ȝiff þu shæwesst hemm off Godd
& off hiss æddmodnesse,
Hu wel he takeþþ aȝȝ wiþþ þa
Þatt sekenn Godess are,
& ȝiff þu shæwesst hemm whatt læn
Iss ȝarrkedd hemm inn heoffne,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ takenn Crisstenndom
& Cristess laȝhess haldenn,
& spedesst wiþþ þin spell swa wel
Þatt teȝȝ itt unnderrfanngenn,
& turrnenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& shædenn fra þatt hæþenn follc
Þatt Godd iss all unncweme,
Forr þatt itt iss þatt illke chaff
Þatt helle fir shall bærnenn,


Þa winndwesst tu þin þrosshenn corn,
& fra þe chaff it shædesst,
& gaddresst swa þe clene corn
All fra þe chaff togeddre.
Forr þurrh þatt tatt tu læresst hemm
To ben sammtale & sahhte
To þeowwtenn an Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Wiþþ anfald rihhte læfe,
& aȝȝ to ben ummbenn þatt an
To winnenn eche blisse,
Þurrh þatt tu sammnesst hemm i Godd,
Þu gaddresst corn togeddre.
Annd þurrh þatt tu primmseȝȝnesst hemm,
& spellesst hemm, & læresst
All to forrwerrpenn modiȝleȝȝc,
& harrd & grammcunnd herrte,
& aȝȝ to follȝhenn soþ meocleȝȝc
Wiþþ luffsumm æddmodnesse,
Þær þurrh þu brekesst wel þin corn,
& grindesst itt & nesshesst.
& þurrh þatt tatt tu fullhtnesst hemm
& unnderr waterr dippesst,
Þu sammnesst all þin mele inn an
& cnedesst itt togeddre,
Swa þatt teȝȝ shulenn alle ben
An bodiȝ & an sawle.
& Jesu Crist himm sellf shall ben
Uppo þatt bodiȝ hæfedd,


To fedenn & to fosstrenn hemm,
To steorenn & to berrȝhenn.
& þurrh þatt tatt tu læresst hemm
To þolenn illc unnsellþe
Wiþþ innwarrd heorrte & soþfasst þild,
All forr þe lufe off Criste,
All forr þatt lufe þatt iss hát
I Cristess þeowwess heorrte,
Þær þurrh þu bakesst Godess laf
& harrdnesst itt þurrh hæte,
Þurrh þatt tu harrdnesst hemm wiþþ spell
To þolenn illc unnseollþe
Wiþþ soþfasst þild, all forr þatt fir
Þatt soþfasst lufe follȝheþþ.
Forr soþfasst lufe bærneþþ aȝȝ,
Loc ȝiff þút mihht ohht findenn,
& whærs itt iss itt harrdneþþ all
Þe gode manness heorrte,
To þolenn wiþþ fullfremedd þild
All þatt tatt iss unnsellþe.
& sone summ þin laf beþ wel
All greþþedd tuss & ȝarrkedd,
Þa mahht tu lakenn Godd wiþþ all
Gastlike wel tocweme.
Forr Drihhtin takeþþ æddmodliȝ
Wiþþ þa þatt till himm turrnenn,
& ȝiff þu ledesst clene lif
Onn alle kinne wise,
Þa lakesst tu þin Drihhtin swa
Gastlike i þine þæwess,


Wiþþ þerrflinng bræd swa þatt tu mihht
Drihhtiness are winnenn.
Forr þerrflinng bræd iss clene bræd,
Forr þatt itt iss unnberrmedd,
& itt bitacneþþ clene lif,
& alle clene þæwess,
& clene þohht, & clene word,
& alle clene dedess.
& ȝiff þin heorrte iss harrd & starrc,
& stĕdefasst o Criste,
To þolenn forr þe lufe off himm
All þatt tatt iss to dreȝhenn,
Þa lakesst tu þin Drihhtin swa
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Wiþþ fasst & findiȝ laf & harrd
Wiþþinnenn & wiþþutenn,
Swa þatt itt maȝȝ wel hellpenn þe
To winnenn Godess are.
& ȝiff þu mihht forrwerrpenn her
Þi faderr, & ti moderr,
& wif, & child, & hus, & ham,
& freond, & land, & ahhte,
& all forrwerrpenn her þwerrt út
Bitwenenn menn to biggenn,
& ledenn harrd & haliȝ lif
All ane i wilde wesste,
& pinenn þær þi bodiȝ a
Wiþþ chĕle & þrisst & hunngerr,
Wiþþ fasstinng, & wiþþ swinnc & swát,
Wiþþ bedess, & wiþþ wecchess,


Þa mihht tu lakenn swa þin Godd
Gastlike i þine þæwess
Wiþþ lac, þatt all þwerrt út beoþ brennd
Drihhtin to lŏfe & wurrþe,
Swa þatt itt beoþ þe rihht inoh
To winnenn Godess are.
Forr þu ne mihht nohht ledenn her
Na bettre lif onn eorþe,
Þann iss þatt tu þweorrt út forrse,
& all þwerrt út forrwerrpe
All weorelldlike lif & lusst,
& fle fra menn till wesste,
& tær wiþþ harrd & haliȝ lif
Beo ȝeorrnfull Crist to cwemenn.
Forr swillc lif iss all þwerrt út dæd
Fra weorelldshipess lusstess,
& itt iss turrnedd all þurrh fir
Off soþfasst lufe o Criste
Till dusst, forrþi þatt swillke menn
Soþfasst meocnesse follȝhenn.
& aȝȝ wass sallt wiþþ iwhillc lac,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt all þatt tu willt offrenn Godd,
Ȝiff þatt itt shall himm cwemenn,
All birrþ itt offredd ben wiþþ skill,
& all wiþþ luffsumm heorrte,
Swa þatt itt be clennlike don,
Off rihhtbiȝetenn ahhte,


Swa þatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Swétlike itt unnderrfannge.
Þiss wass bitacnedd þurrh þe sallt
Þatt ure mĕte swéteþ,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt mann wile itt don
Wiþþ witt & skill þærinne.
Forr witt & skill iss wel inoh
Þurrh salltess smacc bitacnedd,
& tatt forrþi þatt witt & skill
Iss god inn alle þinge,
All swa summ sallt iss swiþe god
Þær þær itt tobilimmpeþþ;
& all forrþi wass æfre sallt
Wiþþ alle lakess offredd,
Forrþi þatt nohht ne maȝȝ ben don
Allmahhtiȝ Godd tocweme,
Bút iff itt be wiþþ witt & skill
& luffsummlike forþedd.
All þuss þu mahht nu lakenn Godd
Gastlike i þine þæwess,
Wiþþ all þatt lac þatt offredd wass
Biforenn Cristess come.
Icc seȝȝde ȝuw nu littlær her
Biforenn o þiss lare
Summ del off-þatt an waȝherifft
Was spredd fra wah to waȝhe,
Biforenn an allterr þatt wass
Innresst i þeȝȝre minnstre,


Amang þe Judewisshe follc,
Biforenn Cristess come;
& ec icc seȝȝde þatt itt wass
Þær henngedd i þatt hírne,
Forr þatt itt hidenn shollde þær
All þatt tær wass wiþþinnenn
Fra læredd & fra læwedd follc,
Annd all fra þeȝȝre sihhþe,
Wiþþutenn þatt te bisscopp sellf,
Wiþþ blod & ec wiþþ recless,
Þær shollde þeowwtenn o þe ȝer
Ann siþe & all himm áne;
& ec I seȝȝde littlær her
Biforenn o þiss lare,
Þatt bi þatt allterr stodenn a
Þatt follkess haliȝdomess,
Þatt wærenn inn an arrke þær
Wel & wurrþlike ȝemedd;
& tatt tær wass an oferrwerrc
Oferr þatt arrke timmbredd;
& tatt teȝȝ ec abufenn þatt
Hemm haffdenn liccness metedd
Off Cherubyn & Seraphyn,
Off tweȝȝenn enngleþeode;
& tatt te bisscopp o þe ȝer
Ann siþe & all himm áne
Comm þiderr inn to þeowwtenn Godd,
Wiþþ blod & ec wiþþ recless;


& tatt he brennde reccless þær
Swa mikell att tatt allterr,
Þatt all he wass hidd wiþþ þe smec,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
& tatt he warrp siþþenn þe blod
Wiþþ strenncless o þatt allterr,
& o þatt bord, & siþþenn þær
Wiþþutenn i þe minnstre;
& tatt he comm himm siþþenn út
& wessh himm hise claþess;
& tatt he wass unnclene þohh
Þatt daȝȝ anan till efenn;
All þiss icc seȝȝde ȝuw littlær
Her uferr mar a litell;
& tiss me birrþ nu shæwenn ȝuw
Whatt itt ȝuw maȝȝ bitacnenn,
& whærwiþþ itt maȝȝ fesstnenn ȝuw
Inn ȝure rihhte læfe.
All þatt tatt wass bitacnedd tær
Biforenn Cristess come,
All wass itt filledd iwhillc del
Þurrh Crist i Cristess time.
& ȝure preost itt awwneþþ all,
Aȝȝ whanne he singeþþ messe
Þær, þær he Cristess flæsh & blod
Hanndleþþ, hallȝheþþ, & offreþþ.
Þe Laferrd Crist himm sellf wass uss
Þurrh þatt bisscopp bitacnedd,


Forr Crist iss bisscopp god þwerrt út
To berrȝhenn hise leode,
& hise claþess þatt he wessh
Tacnedenn Cristess þeowwess,
Þatt Crist himm sellf her wassheþþ aȝȝ,
Forr he forrȝifeþþ sinness.
& tatt bisscopess reclefátt
Wass an full openn takenn
Off Cristess bodiȝ, þatt wass full
Off Goddcunndnessess mahhtess,
Rihht all swa summ itt wære full
All off glowennde gledess,
To bærnenn all þatt ifell iss
Aweȝȝ inn hise þeowwess.
Þatt recless þatt te bisscopp þær
Biforenn allterr brennde,
Þatt recless þær to fulle soþ
Wass brennd, forr to bitacnenn
Þa bedess, þatt te Laferrd Crist
Forr hise þeowwess biddeþþ
Upponn hiss faderr heofennking,
Þatt he þeȝȝm ȝife blisse.
& tatt tær comm swa mikell smec
Út off þatt brennde recless,
Þatt all þe bisscopp wass þær hidd
& lokenn þær wiþþinnenn,
Þatt miccle smec tacnede þeȝȝm,
& uss, & alle þeode,


Þatt Cristess hallȝhe bede maȝȝ
Towarrd hiss faderr forþenn
Unnseȝȝenndlike mare inoh
Þann aniȝ wihht maȝȝ þennkenn.
Ne forrþenn Godess enngleþeod
Ne maȝȝ nohht unnderrstanndenn
Hu mikell Cristess bede maȝȝ
Towarrd hiss faderr spedenn,
Þatt he forrȝife Cristess hird
All þeȝȝre sake & sinne,
& hellpe þeȝȝm þurrh hiss godleȝȝc
To winnenn eche blisse.
Þatt blod tatt þurrh þe bisscopp wass
Þær o þa þingess strennkedd,
Þatt blod tacnede Cristess blod
Þatt ȝotenn wass o rode.
Þatt oferrwerrc þatt timmbredd wass
Abufenn Godess arrke,
Þatt oferrwerrc tacnede wel
Þe Faderr upp off heffne,
Forr þatt te Faderr eche Godd
Iss oferr crisstnedd lede,
To frofrenn & to beldenn itt,
To lærenn & to gætenn;
& crisstnedd þed iss i þiss lif
Unnderr þe Faderr are,
& itt iss Godess arrke, & iss
All full off haliȝdomess,
All full off gode & clene menn
Þatt sinndenn Godd full cweme.


Þatt allterr þatt tatt errfeblod
Wass eȝȝwhær strennkedd onne,
Þatt allterr, wiss to fulle soþ,
Tacnede Godess enngless,
Forr Godess enngless berenn aȝȝ
Upp till þe Faderr sihhþe
Þatt lac þatt ure preostess her
Hallȝhenn o Godess allterr,
& forrþi þatt teȝȝ sinndenn á
Wiþþ preostess [OMITTED] [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] i þatt tíme
Wiþþ hire meȝhe Elysabæþ,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Forr þatt ȝho wollde abidenn þær
Elysabæþess time
Off hire child tatt ȝho wass wiþþ,
Þatt ȝho itt shollde childenn.
& affterr þatt itt borenn wass
& cumenn her to manne,
Þæraffter for þe laffdiȝ ham
Till Nazaræþess chesstre,
& ȝede þær wiþþ hire child
All all se fĕle moneþ,
Alls iff itt wære an oþerr child
Þatt wære on hire streonedd.


Her endenn þuss Goddspelless twa
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Me mĭneþþ þatt icc seȝȝde ȝuw
Nu littlær o þiss lare,
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Wass sennd till Zakariȝe,
To kiþenn himm þatt he Johan
Bapptisste shollde streonenn.
& ec icc seȝȝde ȝuw þatt he
Wass sennd till Sannte Marȝe,
To kiþenn þatt ȝho shollde ben
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe.
Whær summ we findenn o þe boc
Enngell bi name nemmnedd,
Wel birrþ uss lokenn þær whatt uss
Þatt name maȝȝ bitacnenn;
Forr niss himm næfre name sett
Butt iff itt shule tacnenn,
Whatt weorrc himm iss þurrh Drihhtin sett
To forþenn her onn eorþe.
Forr Michaæl bitacneþþ uss,
Affterr þatt icc maȝȝ seggenn,
Whillc iss wiþþ Godd all efennlic
Onn alle kinne mahhte,
Niss nani þing þatt muȝhe ben
Wiþþ Godd off efenn mahhte;
Þatt name wass himm sett þurrh Godd,
Forr þatt he shollde fihhtenn


Onnȝæn an drake & cwellenn himm
Þurrh heofennlike mahhte;
& tatt wass don forr þatt itt uss
Full wel bitacnenn shollde,
Þatt Godess Sune shollde wel
Þe deofell oferrswifenn.
Annd Raphaæl bitacneþþ uss,
Affterr þatt icc maȝȝ seggenn,
Drihhtiness hallȝhe læchedom
& sawless eȝhesallfe;
Þatt name wass himm sett þurrh Godd,
Forr þatt he wollde himm senndenn
Wiþþ heofennlike læchedom
To læchenn Tobess eȝhne.
Þiss Tobi wass an haliȝ mann
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
& he wass æness wurrþenn blind,
Swa summ itt Drihhtin wollde.
& Drihhtin sennde Raphaæl
Hehenngell dun off heoffne,
Wiþþ heofennlike læchedom
To ȝifenn himm hiss sihhþe;
& tatt wass don forr þatt itt uss
Full wel bitacnenn shollde,
Þatt Drihhtin shollde ȝifenn uss
God sawless eȝhesihhþe,
Þurrh Crisstenndomess læchecrafft,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,


& þurrh þatt werrc þatt tær toliþ,
& þurrh þatt gode wille.
& Gabriæl bitacneþþ uss
Onn Ennglissh-Godess strenncþe,
& swa wass he nemmnedd þurrh Godd,
Forr þatt itt tacnenn shollde,
Þatt himm wass sett þurrh Drihhtin Godd
To kiþenn & to shæwenn
Till Zacaríȝe Godess preost,
& ec till Sannte Marȝe,
Þatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist,
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde strenncþe,
Uss shollde inn ure mennisscleȝȝc
Þe deofell oferrswifenn;
Þiss Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt Gabriæl
Comm till þe laffdiȝ Márȝe,
Affterr þatt tatt Elysabæþ
Wass wurrþenn ær wiþþ childe;
& ec itt telleþþ þatt he comm
Rihht i þe sexte moneþþ,
Þatt wass i Marrch, acc Marrch wass þa
Neh all gan út till ende;
Forr þatt wass o þe fifte daȝȝ
Att twenntiȝ daȝhess ende
Off Marrch, þatt Sannte Márȝe warrþ
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe.
& i þatt illke moneþ efft,
& tatt daȝȝ i þe moneþþ,
Wass ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Sacclæs o rode naȝȝledd.


& Marrchess nahhtess wannsenn aȝȝ,
& Marrchess daȝhess waxenn;
& Crist ras upp off dæþess slap,
Forr dæþess nahht to wannsenn,
& forr to ȝifenn hise freond
Soþ sawless lihht & leome,
Þatt leome-þ hemm waxeþþ aȝȝ,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ rihht itt follȝenn.
& Crist wass borenn i þiss lif
Wiþþinnenn Ȝoless moneþþ,
Acc all þatt moneþþ wass þatt daȝȝ
Full neh gan út till ende;
Forr þatt wass o þe fiffte daȝȝ
Att twenntiȝ daȝhess ende
Off Ȝol-þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne;
& o þatt daȝȝ biginneþþ uss
Þe daȝȝess lihht to waxenn,
& uss comm soþfasst lihht þurrh Crist
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn.
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Comm till þe laffdiȝ Marȝe,
I þatt Galilewisshe burrh
Þatt Nazaræþ wass nemmnedd,
Þatt wass swa don, forr þatt itt uss
God sellþe shollde tacnenn;


Forr Nazaræþess name iss uss
Onn Ennglissh nemmnedd blosstme.
& tiss bilammp well swiþe wel
Till ure laffdiȝ Márȝe;
Forr þær, þær ȝho þurrh Drihhtin warrþ
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Þær toc ȝho blosstme off Godess Gast
Inn all unwemmedd wambe;
& tær, þær ure Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Þær brohhte ȝho þatt wasstme forþ
Off all unnwemmedd wambe,
Þatt wasstme þatt iss lifess bræd
Onn eorþe & ec onn heoffne.
& ȝuw birrþ wĭtenn þatt ȝho wass
Weddedd þurrh Godess wille
Wiþþ an weppmann off hire kinn,
Þatt Josæp wass ȝehatenn.
Forr Drihhtin haffde þanne sett
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
Þatt nan ne shollde filedd ben
Þurrh hæþenn macchess mæne.
Forr all follc wass hæþene þa,
& all itt wass unnclene,
Wiþþutenn þatt Judisskenn follc
Þatt ta wass Gŏde cweme,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ Godess laȝheboc
Wel stodenn inn to follȝhenn;
& all forrþi forrbæd hemm Godd,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,


Þatt nan off hemm ne shollde ben
Weddedd wiþþ hæþenn macche,
Þatt nan ne shollde filedd ben
Wiþþ hæþenndom þurrh macche.
& tatt wass ned tatt ȝho wass þa
Wiþþ Godess laȝhe weddedd;
Forr ȝiff mann mihhte wurrþenn warr
Þatt ȝho wiþþ childe wære,
Ær þann ȝho wære laȝheliȝ
Weddedd wiþþ aniȝ macche,
Ȝho munnde affterr þe laȝheboc
To dæþe ben istanedd.
Þe laffdiȝ wass wurrþenn þurrh Godd
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe;
Acc þatt ne wisste naniȝ mann,
Ne forrþenn hire macche,
Ne ȝét te deofell nisste itt nohht
Þatt ȝho wass swa wiþþ childe.
& nollde nohht Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þurrh whamm ȝho wass wiþþ childe,
Þatt ȝho, þatt all wass gilltelæs,
To dæþe wære stanedd.
Forr bettre wollde Drihhtin Godd,
Þatt mannkinn nohht ne wisste
O whillke wise Jesu Crist
To manne borenn wære,


Þatt wollde bettre Drihhtin Godd,
Swa summ soþ boc uss kiþeþþ,
Þann þatt te laffdiȝ wære shennd
& shamedd her o life,
Swa summ þatt wimmann birrde ben
Þatt all forrleȝenn wære;
& forrþi wass ȝho till Josæp
Wiþþ Godess laȝhe weddedd,
Þatt ȝho ne wære shamedd her,
Ne shennd off unnclænnesse.
& forrþi wennde wel þe follc,
& swa wennde þe deofell,
Þatt ȝho wære Josæpess wif
& off Josæp wiþþ childe;
& swa comm ȝho full wel aweȝȝ,
Þurrh þatt tatt ȝho wass weddedd,
Þatt ȝho ne shamedd nass, ne shennd,
Ne forr forrleȝenn haldenn.
& ȝho wass weddedd ec forrþi,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr þatt itt shollde unnawwnedd ben
& all unncuþ & dærne
Þe laþe gast, swa þatt he nohht
Ne shollde itt unnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ȝho þa shollde ben þurrh Godd
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
& tatt ȝho shollde childenn her
Allmahhtiȝ Godd to manne.
& tatt wass mikell god tatt itt
Unnawwnedd wass þe deofell;


Forr ȝiff þe deofell wære warr,
Þatt Cristess Goddcunndnesse
Himm shollde ræfenn all hiss mahht,
& mannkinn út off helle,
Ne munnde he næfre lĕtenn himm
Þurrh rodepine cwellenn;
& tanne wære uss gaȝhennlæs
All Jesu Cristess come,
Ȝiff þatt he nære dæd forr uss
To lesenn uss off pine.
& ure laffdiȝ weddedd wass
Ȝét forr an oþerr nede;
Ȝho wass weddedd forrþi þatt ȝho
Þa shollde ben wiþþ childe,
Þohh þatt itt nohht ne shollde ben
O faderr hallfe streonedd;
& ȝiff þatt ȝho þa bære child
& weddedd nohht ne wære,
Þa mihhte wimmann berenn child
Þurrh ful forrleȝerrnesse;
& ȝiff mann wollde tælenn þatt,
& hutenn hire & þutenn,
Ȝho mihhte modiȝlike onnȝæn
Anndswerenn þuss & seggenn;
Þe laffdiȝ Márȝe ȝho barr child
Wiþþutenn weddedd macche,


& ȝiff þatt tu willt tælenn me,
Þe birrþ ec hire tælenn.
Þuss mihhte ȝho full modiȝliȝ
Off hire sinne ȝellpenn,
& tatt tatt ȝho forrhoredd wass
Þurrh ful forrleȝerrnesse;
Þuss mihhte ȝho bitellen wel
& werenn þurrh þatt bisne,
Ȝiff þatt te laffdiȝ bære child,
& weddedd nohht ne wære.
& ȝho wass ec—þatt witt tu wel,
Forrþi wiþþ weppmann weddedd,
Wiþþ an þatt wass off hire kinn,
& all off hire birde,
Forr þatt te Laferrd Cristess kinn
Onn eorþe-o moderr hallfe
Bi weppmann shollde reccnedd ben
Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd baþe.
Forr i þatt time, & i þatt land
Þatt Crist was borenn inne,
Ne talde þeȝȝ nohht teȝȝre kinn
Uppwarrd ne dunnwarrd nowwþerr
Bi wimmenn, acc þeȝȝ taldenn aȝȝ
Bi weppmenn, alls itt ȝede;
& all forrþi wass Cristess kinn
Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd baþe
Bi Josæp reccnedd, & nohht bi
Þe laffdiȝ Sannte Marȝe.
& full wel mihhte Cristess kinn
Bi Josæp wurrþenn reccnedd,


Forr baþe wærenn off an kinn,
Josæp & Sannte Márȝe,
& forrþi mihhte Cristess kinn
Bi Josæp wel ben reccnedd,
Forr Crist wass off Josæpess kinn
O Sannte Marȝess hallfe.
& ure laffdiȝ weddedd wass
Ȝét all forr oþerr nede;
Forr ȝho wass wiþþ an haliȝ mann
Weddedd, forr þatt he shollde
Wel gætenn hire & hire child,
& fosstenn hemm & fedenn,
& ledenn hemm fra land to land,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ flittenn sholldenn.
Forr swillke nede wass Josæp
Weddedd wiþþ Sannte Marȝe.
Acc ȝho wass æfre maȝȝdennmann
Fra were þwerrt út clene,
Biforr þatt ȝho wiþþ childe wass,
& whil ȝho wass wiþþ childe,
& affterr þatt he borenn wass,
& æfre a butenn ende;
& whase nile trowwenn þiss
He slaþ hiss aȝhenn sawle.
Annd tohh swa þehh mann wennde inoh,
Þatt time þær i lande,
Þatt ȝho wære Josæpess wif,
& off Josæp wiþþ childe;


& ec þe deofell wennde swa,
& forrþi durrste he siþþenn
Don hise þeowwess tăkenn Crist,
& naȝȝlenn himm o rode.
Þeȝȝ wenndenn þatt ȝho wære wif,
Acc ȝho wass maȝȝdenn clene,
& ȝho wass, alls icc habbe seȝȝd,
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe;
Þatt gode mann þatt weddedd wass
Wiþþ ure laffdiȝ Marȝe
Bi name nemmnedd wass Josæp,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt hiss godnesse shollde ben
Þurrh þatt full mikell ekedd,
Þatt himm wass ȝifenn forr to ben
Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe inn huse.
For all allswa summ ifell mann
Off ifell tăkeþþ bisne,
All all swa takeþþ haliȝ mann
Off haliȝnesse bisne.
& witt tu þatt hiss haliȝdom
Wass godedd himm & ekedd,
Þurrh þatt he daȝȝwhammlike sahh
Þe laffdiȝ Sannte Marȝe,
Þatt all wass full off haliȝdom
Inn heofennlike mahhtess.


& þurrh hiss name wass himm þiss
Full opennliȝ bitacnedd;
Forr Josæp tacneþþ uss þatt þing
Þatt godedd iss & ekedd.
& ure deore laffdiȝ wass
Þurrh Drihhtin nemmnedd Marȝe,
Forr þatt tatt name shollde wel
Bitacnenn hire seollþe;
Forr hire name tacneþþ uss
Sæsteorrne onn Ennglissh spæche,
& ȝho beoþ æfre, & wass, & iss
Sæsteorrne inn haliȝ bisne;
Forr all swa summ þe steoressmann
Aȝȝ lokeþþ till an steorrne,
Þatt stannt aȝȝ still upp o þe lifft
& swiþe brihhte shineþþ,
Forr þatt he wile follȝhenn aȝȝ
Þatt illke steorrness lade,
Swa þatt he muȝhe lendenn rihht
To lande wiþþ hiss wille,
All swa birrþ all Crisstene follc
Till Sannte Marȝe lokenn,
Þatt stannt wiþþ hire sune i stall
Þær heȝhesst iss inn heoffne.
& iwhillc an Crisstene mann,
Þatt ȝeorneþþ affterr blisse,
Birrþ stanndenn inn affterr hiss mihht
To follȝhenn hire bisne,
Swa þatt he muȝhe lendenn rihht
Affterr hiss aȝhenn wille


Upp inntill heofennrichess ærd,
To brukenn eche blisse.
& hire name nemmnedd iss
Laffdiȝ onn Ennglissh spæche,
& tatt bilimmpeþþ swiþe wel
Till hire miccle seollþe,
Forr ȝho iss allre shaffte cwen
& laffdiȝ full off mahhte.
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Comm inntill Sannte Marȝe,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn wel
Þatt nass ȝho nohht tær úte
I skemmtinng & inn idelleȝȝc,
Inn ægæde & i leȝȝkess,
Swa summ þatt laþe maȝȝdenn iss
Þatt sekeþþ unnclænnesse.
& þurrh þatt tatt ȝho drefedd wass
& radd off Godess enngell,
Forrþi þatt he wass cumenn inn
Inn aness weress hewe,
Þurrh þatt wass sene witerrliȝ
Þatt ȝho wass wiss wiþþ alle
Shammfasst, & daffte, & sedefull,
& þwerrt út wel bifundenn.
Ȝho cneow himm wel, forr he wass ær
Wel wunedd offte & lóme


To cumenn dun wiþþ Godess word
To gladenn hire & frofrenn;
& tohh ȝho wass, forr þatt he comm
Inn aness weress hewe,
Forrshamedd, & forrdredd off himm,
Forr ȝho wass haliȝ maȝȝdenn.
Forr son se maȝȝdenn wurrþeþþ bald,
Ȝho wurrþeþþ sone unnþæwedd,
Forr kaggerrleȝȝc shall don þatt ȝho
Shall daffteleȝȝc forrwerrpenn.
Full wel birrþ ure maȝȝdenn ben
Forrshamedd, ȝiff mann brinngeþ
Biforenn hire unnþæwfull word
& wælinng word þurrh scaldess,
Ȝiff ure laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Forrshamedd & forrdrefedd,
Þær enngell comm wiþþ gretinng word
Till hire o Godess hallfe.
& forr þatt ȝho ne wass næfrær
Wiþþ swillc gretinnge frofredd,
Ȝho toc wisliȝ to fraȝȝnenn himm
Whatt itt bitacnenn mihhte.
& forrþi þatt he sahh þatt ȝho
Wass drefedd off hiss spæche,
He toc to frofrenn hire anann
Cuþliȝ bi name, & seȝȝde;
Ne beo þu, Marȝe, nohht forrdredd,
Þin Godd arrt tu full deore.
& siþþenn seȝȝde he sone anan
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,


Þurrh whatt itt shollde sene ben
Þatt ȝho wass Godd full cweme,
He seȝȝde þatt ȝho shollde ben
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
& tatt ȝho Godess sune Godd
To manne shollde childenn,
& tatt ȝho shollde nemmnenn himm
Jesus, þatt iss, Hælennde,
Forr þatt he shollde himm sellf mannkinn
Hælenn off sinnes wunde.
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Till Sannte Marȝe seȝȝde
Off hire sune Jesu Crist,
Þatt newenn cumenn shollde,
Þatt Drihhtin shollde ȝifenn himm
Þatt illke kinesæte,
Þatt Daviþþ king hiss faderr held
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
& tatt himm shollde hiss kinedom
Á lasstenn butenn ende
Bitwenenn þatt Judisskenn þeod
Þatt Jacob wass bilenge,
Þatt seȝȝde he wiss forrþi þatt Crist
Þa shollde newenn turrnenn
Judisskenn follc till Crisstenndom
Þurrh hise Leorninngcnihhtess,
& brinngenn hemm till heoffness ærd,
Inntill hiss kineriche,


& tære rixlenn oferr hemm
Wiþþutenn ende i blisse.
Acc witt tu wel þatt alle þa
Þatt lefenn uppo Criste,
Off baþe,—off þatt Judisskenn þeod,
& off hæþene þeode,
Þatt witt tu wel, þatt alle þa
Ȝuw sinndenn her bitacnedd,
Ȝa þurrh Jacob, ȝa þurrh Judeow,
Affterr gastlike lare.
Forr Jacob tacneþþ alle þa,
Þatt tredenn dun & cwennkenn
All þatt tatt iss onnȝæness Godd
Inn alle kinne sinne;
& Judeow tacneþ alle þa,
Þatt lofenn Godd & wurrþenn,
& innwarrdlike anndgætenn aȝȝ
Wiþþ muþ & ec wiþþ trowwþe,
Þatt niss nan Godd wiþþutenn himm
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
& innwarrdlike anndgætenn aȝȝ
All þeȝȝre sake & sinne,
& stanndenn inn to cwemenn Godd
Onn alle kinne wise.
& swillke sinndenn Cristess follc
& Cristess kineriche,
& Crist shall rixlenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Inn heoffness ærd i swillke;


Þatt Sannte Marȝe seȝȝde þuss
Till Gabriæl hehenngell,
Hu maȝȝ þiss dede wurrþenn don,
Hu maȝȝ icc ben wiþþ childe
Wiþþutenn streon o faderr hallf,
Wiþþutenn iwhillc macche?
Þatt seȝȝde ȝho þurrh mikell witt,
Forr þatt nass næfrær wurrþenn,
Þatt aniȝ wimmann bære child
Wiþþutenn weress mæne.
& ȝho wass turrnedd swa till Godd
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ sawle,
Þatt ȝho þurrh macche nollde nohht
Maȝȝþhadess læn forrlesenn;
& forrþi wollde ȝho ben wis
Off þatt þurrh Godess enngell,
Whillc gate ȝho wiþþ childe ben
Wiþþutenn were shollde.
& witt tu wel þatt nass næfrær,
Biforenn Sannte Marȝe,
Nan wimmann þatt forr lufe off Godd
I maȝȝþhad wollde libbenn,
& forrþi wass ȝho wurrþ full wel
Útnumennliȝ to wurrþenn
Þurrh Drihhtin blettcedd, & to ben
Allwældennd Godess moderr.
& forr þatt ȝho wisliȝ bigann
To fraȝȝnenn Godess enngell,


Hu ȝho wiþþ childe shollde ben
Wiþþutenn weress mæne,
He toc forrþrihht all opennliȝ
To shæwenn hu ȝho shollde,
Þurrh Godess wille, wurrþenn skét
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Swa þatt ȝho þohh maȝȝþhadess læn
Ne shollde nohht forrlesenn.
Annd tatt ȝho shollde þess te bett
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn,
Þatt ȝho wel mihhte berenn child
Wiþþutenn weress mæne,
Þurrh Allmahhtiȝ Drihhtiness mahht,
Þatt forþeþþ all hiss wille,
He seȝȝde þatt Elysabæþ
Wass wurrþenn þa wiþþ childe,
Þatt ta wass swiþe winntredd wif,
& kindelæs to tæmenn,
& ec þatt wif þatt haffde ben
Aȝȝ childlæs till þatt time,
& tanne shollde berenn child
Onnȝæn wimmaness kinde.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
All opennlike seȝȝde,
Ne wen þu nohht tatt Godd ne maȝȝ
All don þatt iss hiss wille,
All swa maȝȝ Godd don þe full well
To childenn ȝæness kinde,
All all swa summ Elysabæþ
Shall nu ȝæn kinde childenn.


& son se Sannte Marȝe sahh,
Þatt ȝho þa shollde wurrþenn
Wiþþ childe swa þatt ȝho þærþurrh
Ne shollde nohht ben wemmedd,
Ȝho warrþ full bliþe sone anan,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Loc her icc amm ammbohht all bun
To follȝhenn Godess wille;
Forr wel ȝho sahh & unnderrstod
Þurrh Gabriæless spæche,
Þatt ȝho wass ædiȝ wimmann an
All wimmannkinn bitwenenn.
Þe laffdiȝ Sannte Marȝe wass
All Godd bitahht wiþþ alle,
& haffde sett inn hire þohht
To libbenn i clænnesse,
To ledenn i clene maȝȝþhad
All hire lif till ende;
Acc ȝho ne seȝȝde itt to nan mann
Þatt ȝho swa wollde libbenn,
Acc to Drihhtin ȝhót haffde seȝȝd
Inn hire clene wille,
Þatt ȝho,—ȝiff þatt itt mihhte ben,
I maȝȝþhad libbenn wollde.
& tatt wass heh biforenn Godd
Þatt ȝho swa wollde libbenn,
Forr nass þatt næfre fundenn ær
Amang wimmenn onn erþe,


Þatt aniȝ wimmann hire lif
I maȝȝþhad ledenn wollde;
& tærþurrh, & þurrh all þatt god
Þatt wass inn hire fundenn,
Inn hire lif þatt all þwerrt út
Wass Drihhtin lef & dere,
Þærþurrh wass ȝho wel wurrþ to ben
Swa wurrþedd her onn erþe,
Þatt Godess Sune shollde mann
Inn hire wambe wurrþenn,
Off hire flæsh, off hire blod,
Off hire streness kinde.
& siþþenn affterr þatt ȝho þuss
Wel haffde þohht to libbenn
I maȝȝþhad forr þe lufe off Godd,
& forr þe mede off heffne,
Þæraffterr comm þatt hire frend
Hemm tokenn raþ bitwenenn,
To ȝifenn hire summ god mann
All affterr hire birde.
& ȝho ne wass nohht tær onnȝæn,
Acc ȝatte hemm hĕre wille,
& ȝatte þatt ȝho wollde ben
Rihht laȝhelike fesstnedd
Wiþþ macche, swa summ i þatt ald
Wass laȝhe to ben fesstnedd.
& wel ȝho þohhte þohh þatt ȝho
I maȝȝþhad wollde libbenn,
Ȝiff þatt ȝho mihhte forþenn itt
Onn aniȝ kinne wise;


& all ȝho leȝȝde þatt o Godd
& onn hiss lefe wille,
Þatt he þæroffe shollde don
All whattse hiss wille wære;
& innwarrdlike badd ȝho Godd
Hiss hellpe þatt ȝho mihhte
A libbenn i clene maȝȝþhad,
& inn unnwemmeddnesse.
& ȝho wass hanndfesst an god mann
Þatt Josæp wass ȝehatenn;
& ȝho bilæf wiþþ hire frend
Ȝét affterr þatt summ whíle.
& i þatt fresst, whil þatt ȝho wass
Wiþþ hire kinn att hame,
Comm Godess enngell onn an daȝȝ
Till hire inn hire bure;
& Drihhtin hire sennde word
Þurrh Gabriæl hehenngell,
Þatt ȝho wiþþ childe shollde ben,
& berenn child to manne.
&, forr þatt ȝho wel haffde þohht
To libbenn i clænnesse,
Ȝho ȝaff hehenngell Gabriæl
Anndswere onnȝæn & seȝȝde;
Hu maȝȝ þiss forþedd ben þurrh me
Þatt nan weppmann ne cnawe?
Whi ȝaff ȝho swillc anndswere onnȝæn,
Þa Godess enngell seȝȝde
Þatt ȝho wiþþ childe shollde ben,
& berenn child to manne?


Ȝa mihhte ȝho skét affterr þatt
Wiþþ hire macche sammnenn,
& cnawenn hire macchess stren,
& wurrþenn swa wiþþ childe,
& tæmenn hire tæm wiþþ himm
Alls oþre wimmenn tæmenn?
Whi ȝaff ȝho swillc anndswere onnȝæn,
Hu maȝȝ þiss forþedd wurrþenn,
Þatt I wiþþ childe muȝhe ben,
& berenn child to manne?
Nu wile I shæwenn ȝuw forrwhi
Ȝho ȝaff swillc sware onnȝæness;
Ȝho ȝaff himm swillc anndswere onnȝæn,
Forr þatt ȝho wollde shæwenn
Þatt ȝho, ȝiff þatt itt mihhte ben,
Nohht naffde inn hire wille
To cnawenn aniȝ macchess stren,
Forr swa to ben wiþþ childe,
To tæmenn swa wiþþ were tæm
Alls oþre wimmenn tæmenn.
Þærfore seȝȝde ȝho þiss word
Till Gabriæl hehenngell,
Hu maȝȝ þiss forþedd ben þurrh me
Þatt nan weppmann ne cnawe?
Forr þiss wass seȝȝd alls iff ȝho þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Whatt gate maȝȝ ícc berenn child,
Ícc-þatt wel hafe fesstnedd
I míne þohhtess þatt I nan
Weppmann ne wile cnawenn?


Icc hafe fesstnedd i min þohht
To libbenn i clænnesse,
Swa þatt icc,—ȝiff þatt itt maȝȝ ben,
Nan macche nile cnawenn;
& nát I nohht hu þatt maȝȝ ben,
Þatt I maȝȝ ben wiþþ childe
I min maȝȝþhad, i clene bedd,
Wiþþutenn macchess mæne;
& bliþelike I wollde sen
& witenn þurrh þe sellfenn,
Whatt gate þiss maȝȝ ben þatt tu
O Godess hallfe kiþesst.
& Godess enngell Gabriæl
Ȝaff hire anndswere & seȝȝde;
Þu best wiþþ childe off Haliȝ Gast,
& best tohh maȝȝdenn clene.
& ȝho toc wel wiþþ Godess word
To wurrþenn swa wiþþ childe,
Þatt ȝho þohhwheþþre shollde ben
Maȝȝdenn all þwerrt út clene.
& ȝho wharrþ þa wiþþ childe swa
All affterr Godess wille;
& nisste itt nan lifisshe mann
Þatt ȝho wass swa wiþþ childe;
Forr ȝho ne seȝȝde itt naniȝ mann,
Ne Godess enngell nowwþerr;
Forr þatt itt shollde wurrþenn wel
Forrholenn wiþþ þe defell,
Þatt Godess sune shollde ben
Her borenn o þatt wise.


& hire wambe siþþenn toc
To waxenn alls itt birrde,
& ȝhót forrhall wiþþ alle menn
Wiþþ sibbe & wiþþ unnsibbe.
& ȝho wass siþþenn affterr þatt
Brohht ham till hire macche.
& he warrþ sone siþþenn warr,
Son se he sahh hire wambe,
Þatt ȝho wass waxenn summ del græt,
& tatt ȝho wass wiþþ childe,
& wollde forrþrihht hire himm fra
All stillelike shædenn.
& Godess enngell comm himm to
Onn uhhtenn þær he sleppte,
& seȝȝde himm þatt hiss macche wass
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
& badd himm ben full milde & mec,
To lefftenn & to lutenn
Þatt clene maȝȝ þatt shollde ben
Allmahhtiȝ Godess moderr.
& ȝho þa siþþenn seȝȝde himm wel,
All hu ȝho fesstnedd haffde
Inn hire þohht all hire lif
To ledenn i clænnesse;
& he warrþ þa þurrh hire bun
To libbenn i clænnesse;
& baþe leddenn i maȝȝþhad
All þeȝȝre lif till ende.
& tohh wass heh & soþ weddlac
Haldenn onn eȝȝþerr hallfe,


Forr eȝȝþerr wass wiþþ oþerr mec
& god att alle nede.
& all wass mænelike þing
Whatt littless se þeȝȝ haffdenn;
& all onn ane wise fell
Till eȝȝþerr þeȝȝress herrte,
All þatt tatt owwþerr hĕre comm
Off sellþe & off unnsellþe.
& forrþi wass bitwenenn hemm
Weddlac rihht full wel haldenn,
Þohh þatt teȝȝ leddenn here lif
I maȝȝþhad all till ende.
Nu habbe icc shæwedd ȝuw summ del
Off ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Hu ȝho wass wurrþenn þurrh Drihhtin
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe.
Forr ȝho wass all Drihhtin bitahht
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ sawle;
Forr ȝho wass, wiss to fulle soþ,
All full off hallȝhe mahhtess,
Off herrsummleȝȝc, off rihhtwisleȝȝc,
& off soþfasst meocnesse,
Off soþ clænleȝȝc, off god ȝæpleȝȝc,
Off strenncþe, off mettfasstnesse,
Off soþfasst lufe, off soþfasst þild,
Off rihhtwis swinncfullnesse.


Þatt ȝho wass rædiȝ tunnderrgan
Drihhtiness will to follȝhenn,
Þatt wass,—þatt witt tu fuliwiss,
Fullfremedd herrsummnesse;
& itt wass ec soþ rihhtwisleȝȝc,
Forr þatt iss rihht onn eorþe,
Þatt mannkinn be till Drihhtin Godd
Herrsumm onn alle wise.
& soþ meocleȝȝc wass opennliȝ
Inn hire anndswere shæwedd,
Þurrh þatt ȝho seȝȝde þatt ȝho wass
Ammbohht Drihhtin to þeowwtenn.
Þatt ȝho wass full off soþ clænleȝȝc,
Þatt maȝȝ mann unnderrstanndenn,
Þurrh þatt tatt Drihhtin hire chæs
All wimmannkinn bitwenenn,
To wurrþenn filledd all þweorrt út
I bodiȝ & i sawle
Off Godess Gastess hallȝhe mahht,
To wurrþenn Godess moderr.
Þær wass full sene þatt ȝho wass
All full off soþ clænnesse,
Forr Drihhtin shuneþþ alle þa
Þatt unnclænnesse follȝhenn.
& ȝho wass full off god ȝæpleȝȝc,
& tatt wass full wel sene,
Þær ȝho toc onn full aldeliȝ
To fraȝȝnenn Godess enngell,


All hu ȝho shollde berenn child
Wiþþutenn macchess mæne,
Ȝho, þatt ne wollde næfre ben
Þurrh were o life filedd.
& ȝho wass full off strenncþe & mahht,
To stanndenn ȝæn þe deofell;
Forr ȝho tradd deofell unnderrfót
Þwerrt út onn alle wise;
Forr nass nan wimmann borenn her
Biforenn hire o life,
Ne nan ne wass whil þatt ȝho wass
Bitwenenn menn onn eorþe,
Ne nan ne beoþ her i þiss lif
Affterr þe laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Þatt muȝhe wurrþenn hire lic
Inn aniȝ haliȝnesse,
Ne tredenn dun þe deofless mahht,
Swa-summ ȝho tradd wiþþ alle.
Annd ȝho wass full off mett & mæþ
Onn alle kinne wise,
Swa þatt nan þing att oferrdon
Ne keppte ȝho to follȝhenn;
Forr hire þohht & hire word
& hire weorrc wass clene,
& all wiþþ witt & all wiþþ skill
& all wiþþ mettfasstnesse.
Off soþe lufe wass ȝho full,
& tatt full wel wass sene
I þatt tatt Drihhtin hire chæs
To wurrþenn Godess moderr;


Forr nære ȝho nohht Drihhtin Godd
Swa sellcuþlike cweme,
Ȝiff þatt ȝho nohht ne wære full
Off soþfasst lufess mahhte;
Forr alle þa þatt hafenn witt
& waxenn manness elde,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ cwemenn Drihhtin Godd,
Witt tu þatt teȝȝ himm cwemenn
Wiþþ lufe off Drihhtin & off mann,
& wiþþ þe rihhte læfe.
& ȝho þatt cwemmde himm allre mæst
Off all mannkinn onn eorþe,
Ȝho wass wiss allre manne mast
Off soþfasst lufe filledd;
Forr ȝho wass god útnumennliȝ,
& milde & meoc & bliþe,
Ȝa towarrd Godd, ȝa towarrd mann,
Onn alle kinne wise.
& ȝho wass full off soþfasst þild
To þolenn & to dreȝhenn
Wiþþ soþ meocleȝȝc, wiþþ witt, wiþþ skill,
Illc seollþe & illc unnseollþe.
& tu mihht wĭtenn þatt ȝho wass
Full wel off þild bifundenn;
Forr niss nan mahht rihht god inoh
Bisorenn Godess eȝhne,
Butt iff itt beo þurrh þildess gold
All full wel oferrgildedd.


Forr þild birrþ ben wiþþ iwhillc mahht
To beoldenn itt & strengenn,
Swa þatt itt muȝhe ben till uss
God wæpenn ȝæn þe deofell,
Þatt æfre & æfre stanndeþþ inn
To scrennkenn ure sawless,
To don uss to forrgilltenn uss
Ȝæn Godd o sume wise.
& ȝho wass swinncfull, witt tu wel,
Inn alle gode dedess;
Forr unnlusst & forrswundennleȝȝc
Iss Drihhtin swiþe unncweme,
& ȝho wass Drihhtin dere & lef
& cweme onn alle wise;
Þurrh whatt we wĭtenn þatt ȝho wass
Off idellnesse clene.
[Þohh þatt te] laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Swa sellcuþlike wurrþedd
Þurrh Drihhtin, þatt ȝho shollde ben
Allmahhtiȝ Godess moderr,
Ne toc ȝho þohh nan modiȝleȝȝc
Off hire miccle sellþe,
Acc toc to shæwenn sone anan
Meocnesse þess te mare;
Forr þatt ȝho wollde ȝifenn uss
God bisne in hire sellfenn,
Off þatt tatt uss birrþ laȝhenn uss
Ȝiff Godd uss heȝheþþ here;
Forr wha sitt iss þatt heȝhedd iss
Þurrh Drihhtin her onn eorþe,


Himm birrþ himm sellfenn fuliwiss
Þurrh soþ meocnesse laȝhenn,
Affterr þatt bisne þatt himm ȝaff
Þe laffdiȝ Sannte Marȝe,
Þurrh þatt tatt ȝho warrþ swiþe meoc
Affterr þatt ȝho wass heȝhedd
& hofenn upp þurrh Godd, to ben
Allwældennd Godess moderr.
Forr affter þatt tatt Gabriæl
Wass cumenn dun off heoffne,
To kiþenn þatt ȝho shollde ben
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Ȝho ras hire upp, & fór anan
Upp inntill heȝhe cludess
Till hire meȝhe Elysabæþ,
To lutenn hire & lefftenn.
& tatt wass wiss soþfasst metleȝȝc,
Þatt ure laffdiȝ Marȝe
Swa ferrde till Elysabæþ,
To lutenn hire & lefftenn;
Forr þohh þatt ȝho wass haliȝ wif,
Þohh wass ȝho miccle lahre,
Þann ure laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Onn alle kinne wise;
Forr þatt Elysabæþ wass wif,
& Marȝe maȝȝdenn clene;
& ec Elysabæþess child
Þurrh faderr streon wass streonedd,


& Marȝe wass o faderr hallf
Wiþþutenn streon wiþþ childe;
& ec Elysabæþess child
Wass mann & nohht na mare,
& Marȝess child wass mann & Godd
An had i twinne kinde;
& forrþi wass Elysabæþ
Onn alle wise lahre,
Þann ure laffdiȝ Marȝe wass,
& wel itt birrþ uss trowwenn,
Forr ȝho wass heȝhesst i þiss lif
Off all mannkinn onn eorþe,
& ȝho iss nu & æfre beoþ
Heȝhesst off alle shaffte.


Exurgens Maria abiit in montana cum festinatione.

Itt seȝȝþ þatt Sannte Marȝe fór
Wiþþ mikell hih þatt weȝȝe,
& tatt wass swa þurh hire don
Forr uss to ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt uss birrþ aȝȝ wiþþ mikell hih,
Wiþþ mikell ȝeorrnfullnesse,
Follȝhenn & fillenn all þatt gaþ
Till ure sawle bote;
Forr nan ne maȝȝ nohht wĭtenn her
Hu lannge mann maȝȝ libbenn,
To stanndenn inn to cwemenn Crist
To winnenn Cristess are.


Forrþi mann birrþ beon ȝeorrnfull aȝȝ,
Whil þatt mann lifeþþ here,
To cwemenn Crist þurrh haliȝ lif,
& þurrh unnshaþinesse,
Þurrh soþ & rihht, þurrh witt & skill,
Þurrh mett & soþ meocnesse,
Þurrh clene þohht & word & weorrc,
Þurrh lufe, & hope, & læfe,
Swa þatt mann muȝhe wurrþi beon
To winnenn Cristess are.
Forr niss nan time inn oþer lif
Affterr þiss lifess ende,
To takenn wiþþ þe wake leod,
To fedenn hemm & claþenn,
To wasshenn hemm, to warrmenn hemm,
To beddenn hemm & frofrenn;
Ne nohht niss time inn oþerr lif
Affterr þiss lifess ende,
To ȝifenn Godd te tende del
Off all þin aȝhenn ahhte,
To lakenn Godd, to þeowwtenn Godd,
To sekenn kirrke ȝeorne,
To lufenn & to follȝhenn griþþ,
& messedaȝȝ to freollsenn,
To winnenn Cristess are swa
& eche lifess blisse.
& forrþi birrþ uss hiȝhenn her
To cwemenn Crist o life,
Swa þatt we moten wurrþi beon
To winnenn Cristess are.


& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
To flen illc hæfedd sinne,
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To brukenn [eche] blisse.
Þatt tatt te laffdiȝ Marȝe fór,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
To spekenn wiþþ Elysabæþ
I cludiȝ landess munntess,
Þær ȝho wiþþ hire macche wass
Inn an Judisskenn chesstre;
Þatt tacneþþ uss well mikell þing
Off ure sawle nede.
Son summ þe laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Ȝho ras upp sone anan, & for
Upp inntill heȝhe munntess,
Forr þatt ȝho wollde lutenn þær
& lefftenn hire lahre;
& all swa birrþ illc mann þatt iss
Þurrh Godess millce beldedd,
& frofredd her þurrh Haliȝ Gast,
& strengedd inn hiss herrte,
Swa þatt hiss herrte iss hofenn upp
To follȝhenn Godess wille,
All swa birrþ himm forrþrihht anan
All risenn upp off sinne,
& stiȝhenn aȝȝ þurrh haliȝ lif
Upp inntill heȝhe mahhtess,


& lefftenn aȝȝ & lutenn þa
Þatt sinndenn hise lahre,
& cumenn swa þurrh haliȝ lif
Inntill Judisskenn chesstre,
Þatt iss upp inntill lufe & lusst,
To lofenn Godd & wurrþenn,
& ec to clennsenn aȝȝ hiss lif,
Þurrh soþfasst anndȝætnesse,
Off all þatt iss onnȝæness Godd,
& weordeþþ ohht te sawle.
All þiss wass uss bitacnedd wel
Þurrh þatt Judisskenn chesstre,
Þatt sannte Marȝe ferrde till
Þær itt wass i þe munntess;
Forr þatt ȝho wollde lutenn þær
& lefftenn hire lahre,
Affterr þatt ȝho wass hofenn upp
To wurrþenn Godess moderr.
& ȝho bilæf þreo moneþþ þær,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt Godess þeoww birrþ habbenn her
Aȝȝ soþfasst læfe o Criste,
& soþfasst hiȝ, & hope onn himm,
& soþfasst lufe o baþe,
O Drihhtin & onn iwhillc mann
I þohht, i word, i dede.
Forr wha sitt iss þatt wæpnedd iss
Wiþþ þise þrinne mahhtess,


Þatt illke mann iss stiȝhenn wel
Upp inntill heȝhe munntess,
& he maȝȝ stanndenn wel onnȝæn
Þe deofell wiþþ swillc wæpenn.
Son summ þe laffdiȝ Marȝe comm
Till Zacariȝess bottle,
& spacc þær wiþþ Elysabæþ,
Forrþrihht teȝȝ wærenn baþe
Off Godess Gastess hallȝhe witt
Þurrh heore chilldre filledd;
& tatt uss tacneþþ opennliȝ
Þurrh þeȝȝre baþre bisne,
Þatt Drihhtin ȝifeþþ haliȝ witt
Þa menn þatt wel himm follȝhenn.
Þatt tatt Elysabæþ spacc þær
Till Sannte Marȝe & seȝȝde;
Rihht affterr þatt tin greting word
Wass cumenn i min ære,
Min child i blisse sone onngann
To blissenn i min wambe,
Þatt wass swa summ ȝho seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ opennlike spæche,
Son summ þu gann to gretenn me
Wiþþ þine milde wordess,
Min child tatt i min wambe liþ
Bigann itt te to þannkenn,
Forr he bigann forrþrihht anan
To stirenn & to buttenn;


& tatt forrþi þatt he wass gladd,
Laffdiȝ, forr þatt tu come,
& ec forr þatt he wollde swa
Allmahhtiȝ Drihhtin heȝȝlenn
Þatt nu liþ, alls he wát full wel,
I þin unnwemmedd wambe.
& tatt Elysabæþ spacc þær
Till Sannte Marȝe, & seȝȝde;
& tu full ædiȝ wurrþenn arrt,
Forr þatt tu mihhtesst trowwenn;
Þatt wass swa summ ȝho seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,
Þin seollþe iss all unnseȝȝenndlic,
Forr þatt tu toc wiþþ trowwþe
Þatt word tatt Godess enngell þe
O Godess hallfe brohhte;
& bettre arrt tu þann ure preost,
Þatt nohht ne mihhte trowwenn
Þatt word tatt himm þurrh Gabriæl
Wass seȝȝd o Godess hallfe,
Forr whatt himm wass hiss spæche anan
Þurrh Drihhtin all biræfedd.
& tatt Elysabæþ spacc þær
Till Sannte Marȝe & seȝȝde;
Forr all shall filledd ben i þe
Þatt word tatt Godd te seȝȝde,
Þatt wass swa summ ȝho seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,


All þatt shall filledd ben i þe
Þurrh Godess hallȝhe mahhte,
Þatt Godess enngell Gabriæl
Þe seȝȝde o Godess hallfe
Off-þatt tu sholldesst ben þurrh Godd
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe.
Her maȝȝ mann sen full opennliȝ
Þatt Zacariȝess macche,
Þatt gode wif Elysabæþ,
Off Godess Gast wass filledd,
Þatt seȝȝde till þe laffdiȝ þær
Off hire miccle seollþe,
Þatt Drihhtin haffde sennd hiss word
Till hire, & tatt itt shollde
Ben filledd all þurrh Drihhtin Godd
Inn hire & Sannte Marȝe,
Ȝét tanne naffde seȝȝd rihht nohht
Till hire off swillke þinge.
Þurrh Godess Gast & nohht þurrh mann
Ȝhót unnderrstod, & wisste
Hu Sannte Marȝe wurrþenn wass
Off Godess Gast wiþþ childe.
Þatt ure laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Þreo moneþþ i þe munntess
Wiþþ hire meȝhe Elysabæþ,
Þatt wass forr þatt ȝho wollde
Seon hire childenn hire child,
Forr þatt wass, wiss to soþe,
Þe maste þing forr whatt ȝho wass
Þatt time cumenn þære.


& all swa birrþ þatt illke mann,
Þatt Drihhtin hafeþþ beoldedd
& strengedd ohht þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To follȝhenn heȝhe mahhtess,
Aȝȝ birrþ himm habbenn hope o Godd
& soþfasst lufe & troww[þe] [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] i clene unnwemeddnesse;
Forrþi þatt Jesu Cristess hird
Iss clene, & all unnwemmedd
Inn hire trowwþe towarrd Godd,
& ec inn hire lare.
Itt seȝȝþ þatt Josæp wass rihhtwis,
& tatt iss tunnderrstanndenn
Forr þatt hiss trowwþe wass full god,
Þatt Godess sune shollde
Ben borenn i þiss middellærd
Off maȝȝdenn þweorrt út clene.
& tekenn þatt he wass rihhtwis,
He wass ædmod & milde,
I þatt tatt he ne wollde nohht
Unnshaþiȝ wimmann wreȝhenn;
Forr eȝȝþerr birrþ wiþþ oþerr ben,
Ȝiff þatt itt Godd shall cwemenn;
Forr aȝȝ birrþ rihhtwisnesse ben
Þurrh mildheorrtnesse temmpredd,


Swa þatt itt summ del nesshe be
To þolenn & to dreȝhenn;
& mildheorrtnesse birrþ ben aȝȝ
Þurrh rihhtwisnesse strengedd,
Swa þatt te millce nohht ne be
To soffte, ne to nesshe;
Forr mann maȝȝ skét to soffte ben
Ȝæn þa þatt Drihhtin wraþþenn.
Þurrh þatt Josæp wass hoȝhefull
& mikell ummbeþohhte,
Off whatt himm wære bettst to don
Off þatt himm wass bilummpenn,
Off þatt hiss macche wurrþenn wass
Wiþþutenn himm wiþþ childe,
Þær þurrh he ȝaff ȝuw, læwedd follc,
Full opennlike bisne,
Þatt ȝuw birrþ nimenn mikell gom
To ȝemenn ȝure macchess,
Þatt teȝȝ ne falle nohht i gillt
Þurrh ȝure ȝemelæste.
& ec Josæp uss ȝaff þurrh þatt
Full god & halsumm bisne,
Þatt Godess þeoww himm ȝeorne birrþ
Biþennkenn & bilokenn,
Off all þatt tatt he wile don
& tatt he wile mælenn,
Swa þatt itt Drihhtin cweme be,
& halsumm till hiss sawle.
Þurrh þatt he wollde stilleliȝ
Fra Sannte Marȝe shædenn,


Þær þurrh wass sene þatt he wass
Rihhtwis & milde baþe.
Rihhtwis he wass, þatt witt tu wel,
O þatt hallf, þatt he nollde
Nohht haldenn wiþþ þatt illke þing
Þatt he nohht off ne wisste;
He sahh þatt ȝho wiþþ childe wass,
& nisste he nohht whæroffe,
& wisste þatt ȝho clene wass
Off alle menn onn eorþe,
& forrþi wollde he fleon þatt þing
Þatt he nohht off ne wisste,
Swa-þatt he wære gilltelæs
Biforenn Godess eȝhne.
& milde he wass onn oþerr hallf,
I þatt he nollde wreȝenn
Þatt wimmann þatt wass gilltelæs,
Þatt ȝho ne wære stanedd.
& forr þatt Josæp sohhte raþ
Swa lannge inn hise þohhtess,
Off whatt himm wære bettst to don,
Þatt he ne felle i sinne;
Forrþi comm himm þatt he wass wurrþ
Þatt Godd himm sennde hiss enngell,
To raþenn himm þe bettste raþ
Off-whatt himm wass to donne.
& tatt me doþ full opennliȝ
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,


Þatt ȝiff þatt icc amm hoȝhefull
& mikell ummbeþennke,
Whillc gate icc muȝhe cwemenn Godd
I þohht, i word, i dede,
Drihhtin me ȝifeþ witt & mihht
To forþenn wel min wille,
Þatt I shall cunnenn cwemenn Godd
& wel itt mughenn forþenn.
Þatt Godess enngell comm o nihht
Till Josæp þær he sleppte,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ þatt tatt mann
Iss Drihhtin lef & dere,
Þatt, i þiss lifess þeossterrleȝȝc,
Forrȝeteþþ & forrwerrpeþþ
To ȝeornenn affterr weorelldþing
Þurrh sinnfull grediȝnesse;
Forr rihht all swa summ icc amm fre
Fra weorelldþingess lusstess,
A whil þatt icc amm i min bedd
Þurh slæpess bandess bundenn,
Rihht swa þe soþe lufe off Godd
Birrþ bindenn all min heorrte,
Þatt icc be þweorrt út all se fre
Fra sinnfull grediȝnesse,
Swa þatt icc weorelldþing forrseo
To winnenn ohht wiþþ sinne.
& witt tu þatt tiss weorelldlif
Iss wel þurrh nihht bitacnedd,


Forr all þiss weorelldlif iss full
Off sinness þeossterrnesse.
& sinne iss opennlike inoh
Þurrh þeossterrnesse tacnedd,
Forr sinne, ȝiff þút lufesst ohht,
Forrblendeþþ all þin heorrte,
Swa-þatt itt litell nimeþþ gom
Hu mikell pine itt follȝheþþ.
& tatt tatt Godess enngell spacc
Till Josæp þær he sleppte,
& seȝȝde þatt hiss macche wass
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Þatt birrþ uss lokenn whatt itt iss
& whatt itt wile seggenn;
Forr uss birrþ unnderrstanndenn wel
& soþfasstlike trowwenn,
Þatt Godess Gast iss soþfasst Godd
& Allmahhtiȝ wiþþ alle,
& Godess Gast iss kariteþ
& soþfasst lufe nemmnedd;
& tatt wass all þurrh kariteþ
& þurrh soþ lufe forþedd,
Þatt Godess Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Warrþ mann off Sannte Marȝe.
& tatt he seȝȝde þatt ȝho wass
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Þatt seȝȝde he wiss forr þatt ȝho wass
Þurrh kariteþ wiþþ childe;
Forr Godd warrþ mann þurrh cariteþ
& þurrh soþ lufe onn eorþe.


Þurrh soþfasst lufe wass itt don,
Forr ure Drihhtin haffde
Swa mikell lufe towarrd uss,
Forr whatt he wollde uss lesenn
Út off þe laþe gastess hannd,
& brinngenn uss till heoffne.
Forr ȝuw birrþ unnderrstanndenn wel
& soþfasstlike trowwenn,
Þatt nass ȝho nohht wiþþ childe þa
Off Haliȝ Gast tatt wise,
Þatt Hallȝ Gast wass wurrþenn mann,
Nass ȝho nohht swa wiþþ childe;
Forr Godess Gast ne warrþ nohht mann,
Þiss birrþ uss alle trowwenn,
Acc Godess Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Warrþ mann off Sannte Marȝe.
& tatt he seȝȝde þatt ȝho wass
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe,
Þatt seȝȝde he wiss forr þatt itt wass
Þurrh Godess ȝife wurrþenn;
Forr Haliȝ Gast iss soþfasst Godd
& Godess ȝife nemmnedd;
& all þurrh Godess ȝife itt wass
& all þurrh Godess wille,
Þatt ȝho wiþþ childe wurrþenn wass
Wiþþutenn iwhillc macche.
Þe Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt Godess word
Warrþ mann off Sannte Marȝe;
Forr Godess Sune Jesu Crist
Iss Godess aȝhenn kinde,


& Godess word, & Godess witt,
& soþ Godd inn himm sellfenn.
Þatt Godess enngell seȝȝde þær
Till Josæp þuss wiþþ worde;
Þu nemmnenn shallt tatt illke child
Jesumm þatt ȝho shall childenn,
Forr þatt he shall hiss aȝhenn follc
Off þeȝȝre sinness hælenn,
Þatt illke word wass cwiddedd ær
Till ure laffdiȝ Marȝe
Þurrh Gabriæl, þær þær he comm
Till hire o Godess hallfe,
To kiþenn þatt ȝho shollde ben
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ childe.
Jesusess name nemmnedd iss
Hælennde onn Enngliss spæche,
& forrþi birrde itt cwiddedd ben
Till eȝȝþerr kinn onn eorþe,
Till weppmann & till wifmannkinn,
Forr þatt he wollde baþe
Weppmenn & wifmenn hælenn her
Off þeȝȝre sinness wunde.
Þatt Godess enngell, þær he spacc
Wiþþ Josæp þær he sleppte,


Droh út off Ysayȝess boc
Wittness off Cristess come,
Þatt dide he forr he wollde uss swa
Full wel don tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt baþe droȝhenn all till an
Off Jesu Cristess come,
Þe Judewisshe follkess boc,
& Goddspellbokess lare,
& ec forr þatt he wollde swa
Full opennlike shæwenn,
Þatt nass itt nohht færlike don
Þatt Godd warrþ mann onn eorþe,
Forr þatt itt wass forr maniȝ daȝȝ
Ær cwiddedd þurrh prophetess.
& ec he droh þatt wittness forþ
Off Ysayȝess lare,
Þatt Josæp shollde þess te bett
Trowwenn, þatt Sannte Marȝe
Wass wiss þatt illke maȝȝdennmann
Þatt wĭtess haffdenn cwiddedd.
Þatt Ysayas haffde seȝȝd
& writenn uppo boke,
Þatt maȝȝdenn shollde berenn child
Wiþþutenn macchess mæne,
& tatt itt shollde nemmnedd ben
Emanuæl onn eorþe,
Þatt wass inoh all an wiþþ þatt
Þatt Godess enngell seȝȝde
Till Sannte Marȝe, þær he spacc
Wiþþ hire o Godess hallfe;


Forr þær he seȝȝde wel þatt ȝho
An sune shollde childenn,
Þatt shollde nemmnedd ben Jesus
& Godess Sune onn eorþe;
Forr Godess Sune iss soþfasst Godd
Hiss faderr efennmete,
& tatt iss Jesu Crist tatt iss
Hiss faderr efennmete;
Forr Crist iss Godess Sune & Godd
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
& tatt wass þurrh Emmanuæl
Full witerrliȝ bitacnedd;
Forr ȝiff þu willt Emmanuæl
Till Ennglissh spæche turrnenn,
Itt seȝȝþ þatt Godd iss her wiþþ uss
Inn ure mennisscnesse.
Josæp, forr þatt he nollde nohht
Onn ane wise gilltenn,
All wollde he shædenn fra þatt þing
Þatt he nohht off ne wisste;
& Godd ne keppte nohht off þatt
Off þatt he shollde shædenn,
Forr þa mann munnde trowwenn wel
Þatt ȝho forrleȝenn wære,
Ȝiff þatt ȝho wære stilleliȝ
Forrlætenn & forrworrpenn.
& her mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Þurrh þiss Josæpess bisne,


Þatt mann birrþ lokenn allre mast
Aȝȝ till hiss aȝhenn sawle;
Forr birrþ me nowwþerr hellpenn þe
To lif, ne to þe sawle,
Swa þatt icc ohht forrgillte me
Ȝæn Godd onn aniȝ wise.
Acc all þatt icc maȝȝ gengenn þe,
Swa þatt I nohht ne gillte,
All birrþ me blĭþelike don
Forr heofennlike mede,
& nohht ne birrþ me gengenn þe
Forr eorþliȝ loff to winnenn.
Josæp all unnderrstod full wel
Þatt Godess enngell seȝȝde,
& ras himm upp off slæpe anan
Þurrh soþfasst herrsummnesse,
& dide all alls himm bedenn wass,
& toc wel wiþþ hiss macche;
Forr þatt he wisste þa þurrh whatt
Ȝho wurrþenn wass wiþþ childe.
& wel bilimmpeþþ þatt itt seȝȝþ
Þatt he ras upp off slæpe,
Forr he wass þa brohht út off all
Orrtrowwþe & orrraþnesse,
Son summ he wisste inoh þurrh whatt
Hiss macche wass wiþþ childe;
Forr þatt wass þurrh wanntrowwþess slæp,
Þatt he wass off hiss macche
All orrraþ whatt he mihhte don,
Off þatt ȝho wass wiþþ childe.


& tær he ras upp off þatt slæp
Þær Godess enngell seȝȝde,
O whillke wise hiss macche wass
Wiþþutenn himm wiþþ childe;
Forr siþþenn toc he swiþe wel
Wiþþ hire onn alle wise,
& toc to þeowwtenn hire anan
Wiþþ þæw att alle nede.
& swa bilæf ȝho þa wiþþ himm
Inn Nazaræþess chesstre,
& ȝede þa wiþþ childe þær
All all se fele móneþþ,
Alls iff itt wære an oþerr child
Þatt wære onn hire streonedd,
Forrþi þatt ure Laferrd Crist,
Þatt wass inn hire wambe,
Wass wurrþenn all þweorrt út soþ mann
I bodiȝ & i sawle,
Wiþþutenn þatt tatt he wass wiss
All þweorrt út clene off sinne.
& forr þatt he wass wurrþenn mann
Off hire flæshess kinde,
All all swa ȝede ȝho wiþþ himm
Till hire rihhte time,
Alls iff he wære anoþer child
Þatt wære onn hire streonedd.


Annd hire meȝhe Elysabæþ
Wass gladd inoh & bliþe
Off hire dere child Johan,
& lefliȝ ȝho himm fedde;
& swiþe wel he wex & þraf,
& Drihhtin wass he cweme;
Forr affterr þatt te Goddspell seȝȝþ,
Þatt þweorrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ,
Wisslikess þingess Godess hannd
Wass wiþþ þatt child onn eorþe.
& tatt wass upponn all hiss lif
Full opennlike sene;
Forr son summ he wass waxenn swa
Þurrh hise freondess fode,
Þatt he þa mihhte himm sellf ben wel
Hiss aȝhenn hellpe & hirde,
& tatt he cuþe himm ane ben
& lokenn till himm sellfenn,
Forrþrihht anan he flæh aweȝȝ
Fra faderr & fra moderr,
& flæh himm inntill wesste land
Þær itt wass all unnbiggedd,
& shadde himm all þweorrt út fra menn,
Forr þatt he wollde himm ȝemenn,
Swa þatt he þurrh an idell word
Ne shollde himm nohht forrgilltenn.
& tær he ledde himm ane hiss lif
Fra þatt he wass full litell
Till þatt he waxenn wass, & neh
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde.


Hiss claþ wass off ollfenntess hær,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Hiss girrdell wass off shepess skinn
Abutenn hise lendess,
Hiss drinnch wass waterr aȝȝ occ aȝȝ,
Hiss mete wilde rotess,
& ȝiff he mihhte findenn ohht
Off huniȝ i þatt wesste.
Þiss lif to ledenn he bigann,
Whann he wass ȝét full litell,
& aȝȝ hét held full wel anan
Till þatt he ȝaff hiss ende.
Swillc lif wass tacnedd þurrh þatt lac
Þatt all wass brennd till asskess,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd ȝuw
Biforenn o þiss lare;
Forr þu ne mihht nohht ledenn her
Nan bettre lif onn eorþe
Þann iss, þatt tu þweorrt út forrse
& all þweorrt út forrwerrpe
All weorelldlike lif & lusst,
& fleo fra menn till wesste,
& tær wiþþ hard & haliȝ lif
Be ȝeorrnfull Crist to cwemenn;
Forr swillc lif iss all þweorrt út dæd
Fra weorelldshipess lusstess,
& itt iss all þurrh haliȝ fir
Off soþfasst lufe o Criste


Turrnedd till asskess & till dusst,
Forrþi þatt swillke leode
Aȝȝ follȝhenn soþ meocnessess sloþ,
Þatt iss þurrh asskess tacnedd.
& Sannt Johan bigann swillc lif
Whann he wass ȝét full litell,
& aȝȝ hétt held full wel anan
Till þatt he ȝaff hiss ende.
& swa birrþ illc Crisstene mann
Þatt ȝeorneþþ affterr blisse,
Aȝȝ himm birrþ gode dedess don
Whil þatt hiss lif himm lassteþþ;
Forr mann ne maȝȝ nohht borrȝhenn ben,
Swa summ soþ boc uss kiþeþþ,
Þohh mann biginne god to don,
Butt iff mann wel itt ende.
Uss birrþ biginnenn god to don,
& haldenn a þæronne,
& uss birrþ endenn ure lif
Inn ure gode dede;
& ta shall ure Laferrd Crist
Att ure lifess ende
Uss ȝifenn ure swinnkess læn,
Wiþþ enngless eche blisse;
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ gife uss swa
To cwemenn Crist onn erþe
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To brukenn heffness blisse. Amæn.


Nu wile icc here shæwenn ȝuw
Off ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Off hu ȝho barr þe Laferrd Crist.
Att hire rihhte time,
Swa þatt ȝho þohh þær affterr wass
A maȝȝdenn þweorrt út clene;


Exiit edictum.

An Romanisshe Kaserrking
Wass Augusstuss ȝehatenn,
& he wass wurrþenn Kaserrking
Off all mannkinn onn eorþe,
& he gann þennkenn off himm sellf,
& off hiss miccle riche.
& he bigann to þennkenn þa,
Swa sum þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Off þatt he wollde witenn wel
Hu mikell fehh himm come,
Ȝiff himm off all hiss kinedom
Illc mann an peninng ȝæfe.
& he badd settenn upp o writt
All mannkinn, forr to lokenn
Hu mikell fehh he mihhte swa
Off all þe weorelld sammnenn,


Þurrh þatt himm shollde off illc an mann
An peninng wurrþenn reccnedd.
& ta wass sett tatt iwhillc mann,
Whær summ he wære o lande,
Ham shollde wendenn to þatt tun
Þatt he wass borenn inne,
& tatt he shollde þær forr himm
Hiss hæfeddpeninng reccnenn,
Swa þatt he ȝæn þe Kaserrking
Ne felle nohht i wíte.
& i þatt illke time wass
Josæp wiþþ Sannte Marȝe
I Galilew, & i þatt tun
Þatt Nazaræþ wass nemmnedd.
& ta þeȝȝ baþe forenn ham
Till þeȝȝre baþre kinde;
Inntill þe land off Ȝerrsalæm
Þeȝȝ forenn samenn baþe,
& comenn inntill Beþþleæm
Till þeȝȝre baþre birde,
Þær wass hemm baþe birde to,
Forr þatt teȝȝ baþe wærenn
Off Daviþþ kinȝess kinness menn,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
& Daviþþ kinȝess birde wass
I Beþleæmess chesstre;
& hemm wass baþe birde þær
Þurrh Daviþþ kinȝess birde;
Forr þatt teȝȝ baþe wærenn off
Daviþess kin & sibbe.


& Sannte Marȝess time wass
Þatt ȝho þa shollde childenn,
& tær ȝho barr Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt all þiss weorelld wrohhte,
& wand himm sone i winndeclút,
& leȝȝde himm inn an cribbe;
Forrþi þatt ȝho ne wisste whær
Ȝho mihhte himm don i bure.
& tohh þatt Godd wass borenn þær
Swa dærnelike onn eorþe,
& wundenn þær swa wreccheliȝ
Wiþþ clutess inn an cribbe,
Ne wollde he nohht forrholenn ben
Þohhwheþþre i þeȝȝre clutess,
Acc wollde shæwenn whatt he wass
Þurrh heofennlike takenn.
Forr sone anan affterr þatt he
Wass borenn þær to manne,
Þær onnfasst i þatt illke land
Wass seȝhenn mikell takenn.
An enngell comm off heoffness ærd,
Inn aness weress hewe,
Till hirdess þær þær þeȝȝ þatt nihht
Biwokenn þeȝȝre faldess,
Þatt enngell comm & stod hemm bi
Wiþþ heoffness lihht & leome.
& forrþrihht summ þeȝȝ sæȝhenn himm
Þeȝȝ wurrdenn swiþe offdredde;


& Godess enngell hemm bigann
To frofrenn & to beldenn,
& seȝȝde hemm þuss o Godess hallf
Wiþþ swiþe milde spæche;
Ne beo ȝe nohht forrdredde off me,
Acc beo ȝe swiþe bliþe,
Forr icc amm sennd off heoffness ærd
To kiþenn Godess wille,
To kiþenn ȝuw þatt all follc iss
Nu cumenn mikell blisse,
Forr ȝuw iss borenn nu to daȝȝ
Hælennde off ȝure sinness,
An wennchell þatt iss Jesu Crist,
Þatt wĭte ȝe to soþe.
& her onnfasst he borenn iss
I Daviþþ kingess chesstre,
Þatt iss ȝehatenn Beþþleæm,
I þiss Judisskenn birde.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Summ þing to witerr takenn;
Ȝe shulenn findenn ænne child
I winndeclutess wundenn,
& itt iss inn a cribbe leȝȝd,
& tær ȝét muȝhenn findenn.
& sone anan se þiss wass seȝȝd
Þurrh an off Godess enngless,
A mikell here off enngleþeod
Wass cumenn út off heoffne,
& all þatt hirdeflocc hemm sahh
& herrde whatt teȝȝ sungenn.


Þeȝȝ alle sungenn ænne sang
Drihhtin to lofe & wurrþe,
& tuss þeȝȝ sungenn alle imæn,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Si Drihhtin upp inn heoffness ærd
Wurrþminnt & loff & wullderr,
& upponn eorþe griþþ & friþþ,
Þurrh Godess mildheorrtnesse,
Till iwhillc mann þatt habbenn shall
God heorrte & aȝȝ god wille.
& sone anan se þiss wass þær
Þurrh Godess enngless awwnedd,
Þeȝȝ wenndenn fra þa wăkemenn
All út off þeȝȝre sihhþe.
Þa hirdess tokenn sone þuss
To spekenn hemm bitwenenn;
Ga we nu till þatt illke tun
Þatt Beþþleæm iss nemmnedd,
& loke we þatt illke word
Þatt iss nu wrohht onn eorþe,
Þatt Drihhtin Godd uss hafeþþ wrohht
& awwnedd þurrh hiss are.
& sone anan þeȝȝ ȝedenn forþ
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre,
& fundenn Sannte Marȝe þær
& Josæp hire macche,
& ec þeȝȝ fundenn þær þe child
Þær itt wass leȝȝd i cribbe.


& ta þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn wel
Þatt word tatt Godess enngless
Hemm haffdenn awwnedd off þatt child,
Þatt teȝȝ þær haffdenn fundenn;
& ta þeȝȝ wenndenn hemm onnȝæn
Wiþþ rihhte læfe o Criste,
& tokenn innwarrdlike Godd
To lofenn & to þannkenn
All þatt teȝȝ haffdenn herrd off himm,
& seȝhenn þurrh hiss are.
& sone anan þeȝȝ kiddenn forþ
Amang Judisskenn þeode
All þatt teȝȝ haffdenn herrd off Crist,
& seȝhenn wel wiþþ eȝhne;
& iwhillc mann þatt herrde itt ohht
Forrwunndredd wass þæroffe.
& ure laffdiȝ Marȝe toc
All þatt ȝho sahh & herrde,
& all ȝhót held inn hire þohht,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& leȝȝde itt all tosamenn aȝȝ
I swiþe þohhtfull heorrte,
All þatt ȝho sahh & herrde off Crist,
Whas moderr ȝho wass wurrþenn.
Annd o þatt illke nahht tatt Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Wass he ȝét, alls hiss wille wass,
Awwnedd onn oþerr wise.


He sette a steorrne upp o þe lifft
Full brad, & brihht, & shene,
Onn æst hallf off þiss middellærd,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Amang þatt follc þatt cann innsihht
Off maniȝ þing þurrh steorrness,
Amang þe Calldeowisshe þeod
Þatt cann innsihht o steorrness.
& tatt þeod wass hæþene þeod
Þatt Crist ȝaff þa swillc takenn;
Forrþi þatt he þeȝȝm wollde þa
To rihhte læfe wendenn.
& son se þeȝȝ þatt steorrneleom
Þær sæȝhenn upp o liffte,
Þreo kingess off þatt illke land
Full wel itt unnderrstodenn,
& wisstenn witerrliȝ þærþurrh
Þatt swillc new king wass awwnedd,
Þatt wass soþ Godd & soþ mann ec,
An had off twinne kinde.
All þiss þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn wel
Forr þatt itt Godd hemm úþe,
& cómenn samenn alle þreo,
& settenn hemm bitwenenn,
Þatt illc an shollde þrinne lac
Habbenn wiþþ him o lade,
& tatt teȝȝ sholldenn farenn forþ
To leȝȝtenn & to sekenn


Þatt newe king, þatt borenn wass
Amang Judisskenn þeode.
& sone anan þeȝȝ forenn forþ
Illc an wiþþ þrinne lakess,
Forr þatt ta lakess sholldenn uss
Well mikell god bitacnenn.
& teȝȝre steorrne wass wiþþ hemm
To ledenn hemm þe weȝȝe,
Forr aȝȝ itt flæt upp i þe lifft
Biforenn hemm a litell,
To tæchenn hemm þatt weȝȝe rihht
Þatt ledde hemm towarrd Criste.
Acc fra þatt Kalldewisshe land,
Þatt teȝȝ þa comenn offe,
Wass mikell weȝȝe till þatt land
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne;
& forrþi wass hemm ned to don
God þraȝhe to þatt weȝȝe,
Forr rihht onn hiss þrittende daȝȝ
Þeȝȝ comenn till þatt chesstre,
Þær ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne;
Þuss wass þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Awwnedd o twinne wise
Forrþrihht anan, i þatt tatt he
Wass borenn her to manne,
Forr þatt menn sholldenn cnawenn himm
& lofenn himm & wurrþenn,
& cumenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,


& winnenn swa to cumenn upp
Till heofennrichess blisse.
Her endenn twa Goddspelless þuss,
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Forrþrihht anan se time comm,
Þatt ure Drihhtin wollde
Ben borenn i þiss middellærd
Forr all mannkinne nede,
He chæs himm sone kinness menn
All swillke summ he wollde,
& whær he wollde borenn ben
He chæs all att hiss wille.
&, alls hiss lefe wille wass,
Hiss moderr Sannte Marȝe
Comm rihht inntill þatt illke tun
& till þatt illke bottle,
Þatt he wollde inne borenn ben
& awwnedd her onn eorþe.
& forrþi þatt maȝȝþhadess lif
Iss heȝhesst allre life,
Forrþi chæs ure Laferrd Crist
An maȝȝdenn himm to moderr,
Forr þatt he lufeþþ alle þa
Þatt soþ clænnesse follȝhenn.


& forr þatt he wass borenn her
Sahhtnesse & griþþ to settenn
Bitwenenn Drihhtin, heoffness king,
& mannkinn her onn eorþe,
Forrþi chæs he to wurrþenn mann
O þatt Keȝȝseress time,
Þatt held wiþþ mikell griþþ & friþþ
Hiss kinedom onn eorþe.
& forr þatt he wass wurrþenn mann
To ȝifenn menn onn eorþe
Hiss aȝhenn hallȝhe flæsh & blod,
Soþ bræd to þeȝȝre sawle,
Forrþi chæs he þatt illke tun
To wurrþenn borenn inne,
Þatt wass ȝehatenn Beþþleæm,
Forrþi þatt itt bitacneþþ
Þatt hus þatt bræd iss inne don,
& tatt iss Cristess kirrke;
Forr Cristess flæsh & Cristess blod
Iss hallȝhedd inn hiss kirrke,
Forr þær to wurrþenn lifess bræd
Till alle Cristess þeowwess.
& all all swa se þa wass sett
Þurrh þatt Kaseress hæse,
Þatt illc mann shollde cumenn ham
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Forr þær to reccnenn till þe king
An peninng forr himm sellfenn,
& tatt mann shollde hiss name þær
Att hame o wrĭte settenn,


All all swa biddeþþ ure king,
Þe Laferrd Crist off heffne,
Þatt illc mann shule cumenn ham
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Þatt iss inntill rihht Crisstenndom,
& inntill rihhte læfe,
Inntill þatt soþfasstnessess ham
Þatt mann wass shapenn inne,
& reccnenn himm þatt peninng þær
Þatt tacneþþ rihhtwisnesse;
& he shall writenn alle þa
Þatt cwemmdenn himm o life
Onn eche lifess bokess writt,
To brukenn heoffness blisse.
& ec þurrh þatt tatt Josæp comm
Wiþþ ure laffdiȝ Marȝe
Till Beþþleæm, Daviþess burrh,
Forr sillferr þær to reccnenn
Forr Marȝe, & forr himm sellfenn ec,
Affterr þe kingess hæse,
Þurrh þatt we muȝhenn sen full wel,
Þatt Jesuss nohht ne wollde
Ben borenn nowwhar i þe land,
Bútt inn hiss aȝhenn birde;
Forr ure laffdiȝ Marȝe wass
Þatt illke kingess meȝhe,
Forr ȝho wass off Daviþess kinn
Þatt Drihhtin wass full dere.


& hire sune wass himm lic
O fĕle kinne wise;
Forr Crist wass strang wiþþ hannd inoh
To werrpenn dun þe deofell,
& Crist wass æfre swillc to sen
& á beoþ butenn ende,
Þatt gode ȝeorrndenn himm to sen,
& æfre shulenn ȝeorrnenn.
& tiss iss þatt uss opennliȝ
Daviþess name tacneþþ;
Forr itt uss tacneþþ strang wiþþ hannd
& luffsumm onn to lokenn,
& Crist iss baþe-strang wiþþ hannd,
& luffsumm onn to lokenn.
& Crist iss all se Daviþþ wass
Shephirde, & king, & kemmpe,
Forr Crist iss allre kinge King,
& alle shaffte Laferrd.
& Daviþþ king sloh Goliát,
Hæþene follkess kemmpe,
& Crist band uss þe laþe gast,
All hellewaress strenncþe.
& Daviþþ, whanne he ȝung mann wass,
Þa wass he shepess hirde,
& Crist iss hirde off hise shep,
Off hise dere þeowwess.
& Crist wass hirde god inoh
Þatt ȝaff hiss aȝhenn sawle,
To lesenn hise shep þærwiþþ
Út off þe deofless walde.


Þa gode menn þatt lufenn Crist,
& hise laȝhess haldenn,
Þeȝȝ alle sinndenn Cristess shep,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sinndenn alle
Æddmode & meoke & milde menn,
All affterr shepess kinde.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Þatt time þatt hiss moderr wass
I þeowwdom unnderr laferrd,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn swa
Unnseȝȝenndliȝ meocnesse,
To tæchenn þurrh himm sellfenn swa,
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne,
Þatt ȝuw birrþ berenn bliþeliȝ
Þeowwdom off ȝure laferrd;
& ec forr þatt he wollde swa
Þurrh hiss þeowwdom útlesenn
Off deofless þeowwdom alle þa,
Þatt well himm sholldenn follȝhenn.
& tatt te laffdiȝ Marȝe warrþ
I Nazaræþ wiþþ childe,
& tatt ȝho comm off Galileow
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Þatt time þatt ȝho Jesu Crist
To manne shollde childenn,


Þatt iss nu filledd illke daȝȝ
Þurrh Jesu Cristess þeowwess.
Forr Nazaræþ onn Ennglissh iss
Alls iff þu nemmne blosstme,
& Galileow bitacneþþ wheol,
Swa summ soþ boc uss kiþeþþ,
& Beþþleæm tacneþþ þatt hus
Þatt lifess bræd iss inne,
& Godess þeowwess blomenn aȝȝ
Inn alle gode þæwess,
Her i þiss middellærdess lif
Þatt þurrh þe wheol iss tacnedd.
Forr all þiss middellærdess þing
Aȝȝ turrneþþ her & wharrfeþþ
Nu upp, nu dun, swa summ þe wheol,
& nohht ne stannt itt stille.
& Cristess þeowwess aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Forrhoȝhenn & forrwerrpenn
All weorelldshipess fule lusst,
& alle fule þæwess,
& cumenn út off Galileow
Gastlike o swillke wise,
& cumenn inntill Beþþleæm,
Þatt tacneþþ Cristess kirrke,
Þatt Cristess flæsh & Cristess blod
Þe sawle bræd iss inne.
& Jesu Crist iss borenn þær
Swa summ itt wære off moderr,
Þurrh þatt tatt hise þeowwess þær
Wiþþ spell off Godess lare


Don læwedd follc to sen summ del,
& don hemm tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Crist iss Godd, & Crist iss mann,
An had off twinne kinde.
Forrþrihht anan se Jesu Crist
Wass borenn off hiss moderr,
Ȝho wand himm sone i winndeclút,
& leȝȝde himm inn an cribbe.
Acc uss birrþ wĭtenn þatt he warrþ,
All wiþþ hiss aȝhenn wille,
Unnorne & wrecche & usell child
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
Forr þatt he wollde inn heoffness ærd
Uss alle makenn riche.
& he þatt all þiss middellærd
Onn alle wise shrideþþ,
He wollde wundenn ben forr uss
I wrecche winndeclutess,
Forr þatt he wollde shridenn uss
Wiþþ heofennlike wæde.
& he þatt all þiss weorelld shop
& alle shaffte stereþþ,
He lét himm baþe bindenn her
Wiþþ bandess fét & hande,
Forr þatt he wollde unnbindenn uss
Off hellepiness bandess.


& heoffne & lifft & land & sæ
Wiþþ Goddcunndnesse filleþþ
Þatt illke child, tatt tær wass leȝȝd
Inn an full naru cribbe,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝifenn uss
All heoffness rume riche.
& he þatt fedeþþ enngleþeod
& alle cwike shaffte,
He laȝȝ all, alls hiss wille wass,
Biforenn asse i cribbe,
Swa summ he wære ȝifenn himm
To wurrþenn himm to fode,
Forr þatt he wollde brinngenn uss
Upp inntill heoffness blisse,
& ȝifenn uss himm sellfenn þær
Wiþþ enngless eche fode.
Þuss Godess Sune, Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Wass wrecche mann onn eorþe,
Forr swa to brinngenn mannkinn onn
To ȝeornenn affterr litell,
Forr þatt he lufeþþ alle þa
Þatt hise laȝhess haldenn,
& lufenn, forr þe lufe off himm,
To libbenn her onn eorþe
Full wrecchelike inn uselldom
Off metess & off claþess.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass leȝȝd inn asse cribbe,
Þatt tacneþþ uss, þatt he comm her
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe


Wiþþ mannkinn þatt wass stunnt, & dill,
& skilllæs swa summ asse.
& asse-þohh itt litell be,
Itt hafeþþ mikell afell
To berenn upp well mikell sæm,
Ȝiff mann itt doþ þæronne.
& swa wass neh all follc þatt daȝȝ
Þatt Crist comm her to manne,
Neh all itt wass þa strang inoh
To þeowwtenn laþe gastess,
To berenn upp þatt laþe sæm,
To don alle þeȝȝre wille.
& þurrh þatt Godd wass wurrþenn mann
Forr ure miccle nede,
Þurrh þatt wass he, þatt witt tu wel,
All wiþþ hiss lefe wille
Niþþredd & wannsedd wunnderrliȝ,
& laȝhedd inn himm sellfenn,
Forr o þatt hallf þatt he wass mann,
Mann mihhte himm fon & pinenn
Wiþþ hát & kald, wiþþ nesshe & harrd,
Wiþþ pine off þrisst & hunngerr,
& cwellenn himm mann mihhte wel
Inn ure mennisscnesse.
& Godd wass wurrþenn swa forr uss
Ȝét lasse þann an enngell;
Forr mann ne maȝȝ nohht enngell seon
Ne tăkenn himm ne bindenn,


Ne pinenn himm, ne cwellenn himm,
Forr he ne deȝeþþ næfre.
Acc Drihhtin Godd warrþ her forr þe
Ȝét lasse þann hiss enngell,
& lahȝhre inoh, forrþi þatt he
Þe wollde ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt te birrþ aȝȝ þe sellfenn her
Þurrh soþ meocnesse laȝhenn,
& lætenn swiþe unnorneliȝ
& litell off þe sellfenn.
Þatt hirdess wokenn o þatt nahht
Þatt Crist wass borenn onne,
Þatt wass swa summ hiss wille wass,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt he forrþi wass wurrþenn mann,
Forr þatt he wollde sammnenn
An flocc off menn till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Þatt sholldenn wurrþenn hise shep
Þurrh heore unnshaþiȝnesse,
& sholldenn habbenn oferr hemm
Bisscopess, preostess, dæcness;
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn hirdess ben
To ȝemenn hemm & gætenn,
& ec forr þatt he wollde ben
Himm sellf útnumenn hirde,
Swa þatt he wollde hiss aȝhenn lif
Forr hise shep forrlætenn.


Þatt Godess enngell comm o nihht,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
To spekenn wiþþ þa wakemenn
Þatt wokenn heore faldess,
& tatt he comm þatt nihht till hemm
Wiþþ heoffness lihht & leome,
& tatt teȝȝ wærenn forr þatt lihht,
& forr þatt enngless sihhþe,
Forrdredde swiþe fasste anan,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& ec þatt Godess enngell toc
To frofrenn hemm wiþþ worde,
All þatt wass don þurrh Jesu Crist
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn.
Itt tacneþþ uss þatt ure Godd
Well offte senndeþþ enngless
Inntill þiss middellærd, tatt iss
All full off þeossterrnesse,
Þatt iss off all þatt ifell iss
Inn alle kinne sinne.
Itt tacneþþ þatt he senndeþþ hemm
Inntill þiss þeossterrnesse,
To frofrenn þa þatt wakenn wel
Onnȝæness laþe gastess,
& stanndenn inn to shildenn hemm
Fra deofless swikedomess.
& all þatt flocc þatt hemm iss sét
To ȝemenn & to gætenn,


To frofrenn swillke senndeþþ Godd
Enngless & hallȝhe sawless,
& aȝȝ þeȝȝ cumenn dun till þa
Wiþþ heoffness lihht & leome,
Þatt iss wiþþ witt & god innsihht
Inn alle kinne þinge,
Forr Drihhtin ȝifeþþ her hiss þeoww
God witt, & mahht, & wille,
To stanndenn ȝæn þe laþe gast
& ȝæn all þatt he læreþþ.
Acc aȝȝ þeȝȝ sinndenn þohh swa þehh
Well swiþe sare offdredde
Off domess daȝess starrke dom,
& off þe Demess irre,
All all swa summ þa wăkemenn
Well swiþe offdredde wærenn
Off heoffness brihhte lihht & leom,
& off þatt enngless sihhþe;
Acc hihht & hope o Drihhtin Godd
& onn hiss mildheorrtnesse,
Þatt frofreþþ hemm & beoldeþþ hemm
To follȝhenn Godess lare,
To fandenn, ȝiff þeȝȝ muȝhenn swa
Þe Demess are winnenn.
& tatt wass uss bitacnedd wel
Þurrh þatt tatt Godess enngell
Toc sone anan wiþþ milde word
Þa wăkemenn to frofrenn,
Forr þatt he wisste wel þatt teȝȝ
Off himm forrdredde wærenn;


Forr Godess enngell frofreþþ mann,
Ȝiff þatt he seoþ himm færedd;
Forr Godess enngell iss full meoc,
& soffte, & milde, & bliþe,
& deofell iss all full off niþ,
& full off grammcunndnesse,
& full off hĕte towarrd mann,
& full off modiȝnesse,
& ȝiff he seoþ þe mann forrdredd,
He wile himm skerrenn mare,
& ræfenn himm hiss rihhte witt,
& shetenn inn hiss heorrte.
Acc whas itt iss þatt wæpnedd iss
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe o Criste,
Þohh þatt he grissliȝ deofell seo,
Niss he rihht nohht forrfæredd.
Þatt enngell seȝȝde þatt he wass
Þa cumenn forr to kiþenn,
O Godess hallfe, þær till hemm
An swiþe mikell blisse,
Þatt shollde ben till all þe follc;
Þatt seȝȝde he forr þatt tanne
Wass cumenn i þiss middellærd
Full mikell blisse & sellþe,
Till alle þa þatt sholldenn wel
O Godess Sune lefenn,
O Jesu Crist tatt borenn wass
Þatt illke nahht to manne.


He seȝȝde þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne
Nohht o þe nahht, acc o þe daȝȝ,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Forr daȝȝess lihht bitacneþþ uss
All eche lifess blisse,
& nahht bitacneþþ all þatt wa
Þatt iss inn hellepine.
& Crist wass borenn i þiss lif
To lesenn uss off helle,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝifenn uss
Wiþþ enngless eche blisse.
& tatt wass uss bitacnedd ec
Þurrh þatt, tatt Godess enngell
Wass awwnedd till þa wăkemenn
Wiþþ heoffness lihht & leome;
Forr Godess Sune Jesu Crist
Wass wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
To ȝifenn heoffness lihht & leom
Þatt follc þatt shollde himm follȝhenn.
Þatt Godd Allmahhtiȝ wurrþenn wass
Ȝung child inn ure kinde,
& wrecche child off wrecche kinn,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt uss birrþ mikell lufenn Crist,
& lofenn himm & wurrþenn,
Off þatt he wollde himm sellfenn swa
Forr ure lufe laȝhenn,


& off þatt he warrþ wrecche mann
Forr uss to makenn riche,
Wiþþ enngless upp inn heoffness ærd,
Wiþþutenn ende i blisse.
Annd þurrh þatt, tatt tær awwnedd wass
An here off Godess enngless,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Þurrh þatt wass uss don þær full wel
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt enngless stanndenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
To lofenn Godd & wurrþenn.
& þurrh þatt illke wass uss ec
Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ lofenn Drihhtin aȝȝ
Wiþþ innwarrd heorrtess tunge,
& þannkenn himm þatt miccle god
Þatt he doþ uss onn eorþe.
& þurrh þatt illke wass uss ec
Don full wel tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Crist, all enngleþeode king,
Wass borenn her to manne,
Alls iff he ȝæn þe laþe gast
Wiþþ hĕre wollde fihhtenn,
To winnenn Adam & hiss kinn
Út off þe deofless walde,
& settenn enngless oferr hemm
To ȝemenn hemm & gætenn,


& forr to shildenn hemm onnȝæn
Þe deofless laþe wiless.
Annd Godess enngless wærenn þa
Well swiþe glade wurrþenn
Off þatt, tatt Godd wass wurrþenn mann,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn alle,
Þatt teȝȝre genge shollde ben
Wiþþ gode sawless ekedd,
& wurrþedd ec, & all forrþi
Þeȝȝ wærenn swiþe bliþe,
& all forrþi þeȝȝ sungenn þa
Þiss sang wiþþ mikell blisse,
Si Drihhtin upp inn heoffness ærd
Wurrþshipe, & loff, & wullderr,
& upponn eorþe griþþ & friþþ,
Þurrh Godess mildheorrtnesse,
Till iwhillc mann þatt habbenn shall
God heorrte & aȝȝ god wille.
Þiss sungenn þeȝȝ, forrþi þatt teȝȝ
Full wel þær unnderrstodenn,
Þatt teȝȝre genge shollde ben
Þurrh hallȝhe sawless ekedd,
Þurrh whatt biforenn Drihhtin Godd,
Ȝiff þatt itt waxenn mihhte,
Wurrþshipe & wullderr shollde ben,
Swa summ itt waxenn wære,
& ec forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn wel
Þatt Godd comm her to manne,
Forr þatt he wollde griþþ & friþþ
& soþ sahhtnesse settenn


Bitwenenn Drihhtin, heoffness king,
& mannkinn her onn eorþe,
Þatt mannkinn shollde muȝhenn wel
Upp cumenn inntill heoffne,
Þatt heoffness here mihhte swa
Þurrh hallȝhe sawless waxenn,
Þurrh whatt biforenn Drihhtin Godd
Wurrþshipe waxenn shollde,
Ȝiff þatt himm mihhte waxenn ohht
& wurrþenn bettre & mare.
Þatt griþþ wass sett till alle þa,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Þatt sholldenn wurrþenn gode menn,
& habbenn aȝȝ god wille
Till þa þatt sholldenn unnderrfon
Wiþþ blisse Cristess come,
& nohht till þa þatt sholldenn himm
Forrhoȝhenn & forrwerrpenn;
Forr niss nohht Godess griþþ wiþþ þa
Þatt wiþþrenn Godd onnȝæness,
Acc hellewawenn iss till þa
All affterr þeȝȝre wrihhte.
& her mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Whillc mann iss Drihhtin cweme,
Þatt illke mann iss Drihhtin lef
Þatt hafeþþ gode wille;
Forr whase itt iss þatt illke mann
Þatt hafeþþ aȝȝ god wille,


Þatt illke mann ne sinnȝheþþ nohht,
Ne gillteþþ hise þannkess,
Ne towarrd Godd, ne towarrd mann,
Ȝiff þatt he maȝȝ himm lokenn.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt he missdoþ
Onn aniȝ kinne wise,
Itt reoweþþ himm, & sone anan
He stannt itt inn to betenn.
Þatt Godess enngell comm o nahht
Wiþþ heoffness lihht onn eorþe,
Þatt tacneþþ þatt tiss middellærd
Wass full off þeossterrnesse,
Þurrh illkess kinness hæþenndom
Inn iwhillc unnclænnesse,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
To ȝifenn heoffness lihht & leom
Þatt follc þatt shollde himm cwemenn.
& tatt tatt enngell nohht ne comm
Till kingess ne till eorless,
Ne till þatt laþe riche flocc
Þatt follȝheþþ modiȝnesse,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn wel
Þatt Drihhtin Godd forrwerrpeþþ
All modiȝleȝȝc, & grediȝleȝȝc,
& irre, & gluterrnesse,
& all þatt follȝheþþ horedom
& swikedom onn eorþe,


Þatt mann maȝȝ findenn allre mast
I þa þatt sinndenn riche.
Þatt Godess enngell awwnedd wass
In aness weress hewe,
Þatt wass forrþi þatt enngell maȝȝ,
Wiþþ hiss Drihhtiness wille,
Himm awwnenn alls he wære a mann
I manness limess alle,
I bodiȝ þatt he doþ himm inn
Off heofennlike kinde.
& Godd wiþþ enngless ȝife uss á
To brukenn heffness blisse.
[OMITTED] & forrþi wass itt upponn himm
Þurrh Drihhtin firrst bigunnenn,
Forr þatt itt shollde ben onn himm
Till himm full witerr tákenn,
Þatt he wass Drihhtin swiþe lef
Þurrh trowwþess rihhtwisnesse.
& itt wass ec þurrh Drihhtin sett
To wurrþenn himm to tákenn,
Þatt Drihhtin haffde ȝifenn himm
Swillc blettcinng & swillc sellþe,
Þatt he wiþþ all hiss rihhte streon,
Þatt shollde hiss trowwþe follȝhenn,
A butenn ende shollde ben
Wiþþ Godd inn heoffness blisse.


& itt wass sett þurrh Godd onn himm,
Forr þatt itt shollde himm tacnenn,
Þatt alle þa þatt sholldenn himm
Wiþþ trowwþe & dede follȝhenn,
Well ȝeorne birrdenn clennsenn hemm
I bodiȝ & i sawle,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ wolldenn habbenn lott
Wiþþ himm inn eche blisse.
& itt wass sett onn himm þurrh Godd,
Forr þatt itt shollde himm tacnenn,
Þatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist
To manne cumenn shollde,
& wurrþenn borenn off hiss kinn
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
To clennsenn her þurrh Crisstenndom,
Þurrh fulluhht, & þurrh læfe,
An flocc þatt shollde lufenn himm
& hise laȝhess haldenn,
Þatt shollde risenn upp off dæþ
O domess daȝȝ, þatt wise
Þatt tanne shollde itt lesedd ben
Fra dæþess ȝocc þurrh Criste,
& all þweorrt út ben clennsedd ta
Off flæshess unntrummnesse,
Swa þatt itt shollde ben wiþþ Crist
A butenn ende i blisse.
& itt wass ec þurrh Drihhtin sett,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr þatt itt shollde clennsenn hemm
Off all Adamess sinne,


All all se fulluhht clennseþþ nu
Þa þatt itt unnderrfanngenn.
Forr all swa seȝȝde Drihhtin þa
Till þatt Judisskenn þeode,
All swa summ ure Laferrd Crist
Seȝȝde till hise þeowwess,
Affterr þatt he wass wurrþenn mann
& spacc wiþþ menn onn eorþe.
Forr þanne seȝȝde Drihhtin þuss
Till þatt Judisskenn þeode;
Þatt illke mann, wha summ itt iss,
Amang weppmanne genge,
Þatt ummbeshorenn onn hiss shapp
Ne reckeþþ nohht to wurrþenn,
Þatt illke mann, wha summ itt iss,
Forrdoþ hiss aȝhenn sawle.
& ure Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till þatt Judisskenn þeode,
Affterr þatt he wass cumenn her
& wurrþenn mann onn eorþe;
Wha summ itt iss þatt mann, þatt niss
Nohht off to wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
Ne maȝȝ þatt mann, wha summ itt iss,
Nohht cumenn inntill heoffne.
Nu mihht tu sen þatt ta wass sett
Amang Judisskenn þeode
To wurrþenn ummbeshorenn, swa
To clennsenn hemm off sinne,


All swa summ nu iss sett to ben
Fullhtnedd, to dillȝhenn sinne.
Þeȝȝ ummbeshærenn þeȝȝre shapp,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
A litell off þe fell aweȝȝ
Biforenn all abutenn,
Swa summ itt haffde Drihhtin sett
Onn Abrahamess time.
& Abraham itt toc onn himm,
& ec onn hise chilldre,
& ec onn all þatt weppmannkinn
Þatt wass inn hise walde;
& itt wass haldenn siþþenn aȝȝ
Anan till Cristess come,
Amang þatt Judewisshe follc
Þatt Crist wass borenn offe.
& forr þe maȝȝdennchild wass sett
Þurrh Drihhtin, þatt mann shollde
Offrenn onn allterr hire lac,
To clennsenn hire & lesenn
Off þatt missdede þatt wass don
Þurrh Adam & þurrh Eve;
Forr þatt wass sett þurrh Drihhtin þa
Amang Judisskenn þeode
To clippenn swa þe cnapess shapp,
& toffrenn lac forr maȝȝdenn,
Forr þatt itt shollde lesenn hemm
Út off Adamess sinne;
& all se mikell hallp itt hemm
To clennsenn hemm off sinne,


Alls uss doþ o þiss time nu
Þe fulluhht unnderr Criste.
Acc nohht ne mihht itt oppnenn hemm
Þe ȝate off heoffness blisse;
Forr Crist nass nohht ȝét cumenn þa
Ne wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
Þatt shollde itt oppnenn þurrh hiss dæþ
Ȝæn alle gode sawless.
Forr swa þe firrste manness daȝȝ
Anan till Cristess rode
Wass Paradisess ȝate sperrd
Ȝæn all mannkinn onn eorþe,
Acc itt wass efft þurrh Cristess dæþ
Oppnedd ȝæn gode sawless,
Ȝæn þa þatt tăkenn Crisstenndom
& endenn wel þærinne.
Þatt cnif wass, þatt witt tu full wel,
Off stan, & nohht off irenn,
Þatt hemm wass to þatt wikenn sett
Þurrh Godd Allmahhtiȝ sellfenn,
Forr tummbesherenn shapp þærwiþþ
Off þeȝȝre cnapechilldre,
Forr to bitacnenn uss þærþurrh
Swillc þing off ure nede,
Þatt uss & all Crisstene þeod
Birrþ fillenn all & forþenn.
Forr þe birrþ ummbesherenn her
Aweȝȝ all fra þin wille


All þatt tatt æfre iss Drihhtin laþ,
I þohht, i word, i dede;
& te birrþ clippenn itt aweȝȝ
Þurrh stan; & tatt bitacneþþ,
Þatt te birrþ alle sinness flen
Forr soþfasst lufe o Criste.
Forr Crist wass tacnedd þurrh þatt stan,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr Crist iss strang & stĕdefasst
& findiȝ & unnfakenn,
& æfre he wass, & æfre he beoþ,
An allfullfremedd hellpe
Till alle þa þatt cwemmdenn himm,
& tatt himm shulenn cwemenn.
Þeȝȝ ummbeshærenn Cristess shapp,
Swa summ þe boc hemm tahhte,
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ þatt he wass her
Off ehhte daȝhess elde,
Forr to bitacnenn oþerr whatt
Þatt uss iss ned to trowwenn,
Swa þatt itt muȝhe gengenn uss
To berrȝhenn ure sawle.
Ȝiff þu þe sellf wel nimesst gom,
Þu sest & unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt all þiss middellærdess lif
Bi seoffne daȝhess eorneþþ
Þe sexe daȝhess sette Godd
Hiss follc to þeȝȝre werrkess,


Þe sefennde, þe lattste daȝȝ,
He sette þeȝȝm to resste;
& itt iss nemmnedd Sabbatumm
Amang Judisskenn lede;
& itt iss aȝȝ heh messedaȝȝ
Att hĕre wukess ende.
& ȝiff þu turrnesst Sabbatumm
Inntill Ennglisshe spæche,
Itt seȝȝþ þatt itt iss Resstedaȝȝ
Off all þewwlike dede,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn wel,
Þatt uss birrþ wel uss ȝemenn
O messedaȝȝ & illke daȝȝ
All fra þewwlike dede,
Þatt iss, fra sinnfull word & werrc,
Fra sinnfull þohht & wille,
Ȝiff þatt we wilenn cwemenn Godd,
& addlenn heffness blisse.
Þe seffnde daȝȝ iss Resstedaȝȝ,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Affterr þatt tatt te wuke gaþ
Amang Judisskenn lede,
& tacneþþ all þatt resste & ro
Þatt hallȝhe sawless brukenn
Inn oþerr werelld, i þiss fresst,
Whil þatt tiss werelld lassteþþ.
Nu seost tu wel þatt all þiss lif
Bi seoffne daȝhess eorneþþ.
Þehhtennde daȝȝ beoþ Domess daȝȝ,
Þann all mannkinn shall risenn


Off dæþe, & cumenn to þe dom,
& tăkenn þeȝȝre mede;
& whase þanne wurrþiȝ beoþ
To takenn eche blisse,
He beoþ all ummbeshorenn þa
Swa þwerrt út wel wiþþ alle,
& clennsedd all þwerrt út swa wel
Off iwhillc unnclænnesse,
Þatt næfre ma ne shall he ben
O nane wise filedd,
Acc a wiþþutenn ende he shall
Wiþþ enngless ben i blisse.
& ȝure preostess þeowwtenn nu
Biforenn Godess allterr,
Off illc an mikell messedaȝȝ
Aȝȝ ehhte daȝhess fulle,
To tacnenn swa þatt hallȝhe tid,
Þatt Cristess follc shall brukenn
Wiþþ enngless affterr Domess daȝȝ
A butenn ende i blisse.
& all swa summ þeȝȝ settenn þa
Þe name o þeȝȝre chilldre,
Þatt daȝȝ þatt teȝȝ þe cnapechild
Hiss shapp himm ummbeshærenn,
& tatt daȝȝ, þatt forr maȝȝdennchild
Wass offredd lac onn allterr,
All swa þin child hiss name onnfoþ
Þatt daȝȝ þatt itt iss fullhhtnedd.


Þeȝȝ ummbeshærenn Cristess shapp
All alls himm sellf itt wollde,
& he wass o þatt illke daȝȝ
Off ehhte daȝhess elde;
& tatt daȝȝ iss New Ȝeress daȝȝ
Mang Enngleþeode nemmnedd.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þatt all wass clene off sinne,
Toc onn hiss aȝhenn bodiȝ swa
Þatt alde follkess hellpe,
Þatt hemm wass sett þurrh Drihhtin þa
To clennsenn hemm off sinne,
Þatt dide he forr he wollde swa
Uss alle ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt uss birrþ, affterr ure mahht,
Aȝȝ stanndenn inn to follȝhenn
All þatt uss hafeþþ Drihhtin sett
Till ure sawless hellpe.
& tatt teȝȝ ummbeshærenn swa
Þe shapp off cnapechilldre,
Þatt wass hemm swa þurrh Drihhtin sett,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt uss birrþ clippenn all aweȝȝ
Þe flæshess fule wille,
Þatt allre werrst & allre mast
Werdeþþ þe wrecche sawle,
Þurrh all þatt fĕle kinne gillt
Þatt i þa limess rixsleþþ,
I weppmenn & i wifmenn ec,
Inn ȝunge, & ec inn alde.


Þeȝȝ ummbeshærenn Cristess shapp
Wiþþ stan forr cnifess egge,
& he wass o þatt illke daȝȝ
Jesus bi name nemmnedd,
All affterr þatt itt cwiddedd wass
Þurrh Gabriæl hehenngell,
Biforenn þatt he cumenn wass
I Sannte Marȝess wambe.
& wel þatt enngell seȝȝde whi
He shollde swa ben nemmnedd;
He seȝȝde þatt he shollde ben
Jesus bi name nemmnedd,
Forr þatt he shollde hiss aȝhenn follc
Hælenn off sinness wunde;
Forr Jesuss o Grickisshe mal
Onn Ennglissh iss Hælennde.
& Crist iss nemmnedd swiþe rihht
Hælennde onn Ennglissh spæche;
Forr he comm her to læchenn uss
Off all þatt dæþess wunde,
Þatt Adam haffde ȝifenn uss
Þurrh hiss unnherrsummnesse.
Forr þærto comm þe Laferrd Crist
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
Forr þatt he wollde lesenn menn
Út off þe deofless walde,
Þurrh þatt he wollde þolenn dæþ
Wiþþutenn hise wrihhte,


& turrnenn menn till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& fullhtnenn hemm, & clennsenn hemm
Off all Adamess sinne,
Þatt haffde ben till all mannkinn
Full grimme dæþess wunde;
Forr þurrh Adamess gilltess dinnt
Wass all mannkinn þurrhwundedd,
& fallenn inn till eche dæþ
Inn helle wiþþ þe deofell.
& Crist comm dun to wurrþenn mann,
Forr þatt he wollde uss hælenn
Off all þatt wunde þatt uss ȝaff
Adam þurrh hiss missdede,
& forrþi maȝȝ þe Laferrd Crist
Wel nemmnedd ben Hælennde;
Forr mannkinn hæledd wass þurrh himm
Off sinness grimme wunde.
& tiss name off þe Laferrd Crist,
Þatt ȝe nemmnenn Hælennde,
Iss writenn o Grickisshe boc
Rihht wiþþ bocstafess sexe;
& itt iss nemmnedd ΙΕΣΟΨΣ
Affterr Grickisshe spæche;
& iwhillc an bocstaff þatt iss
Uppo þiss name fundenn
Tacneþþ an tăle rihht full wel,
Swa summ icc shall nu shæwenn.


Þe firrste staff iss nemmnedd Ι
& tacneþþ tăle off tene;
Þatt oþerr staff iss nemmnedd Ε
& tacneþþ tăle off ehhte;
Þe þridde staff iss nemmnedd Σ
& tacneþþ tweȝȝenn hunndredd;
Þe feorþe staff iss nemmnedd Ο
& seofenntiȝ bitacneþþ;
Þe fifte staff iss nemmnedd Ψ
& tacneþþ fowwerr hunndredd;
Þe sexte staff iss nemmnedd Σ
& tacneþþ tweȝȝenn hunndredd.
& ȝiff þu þise taless kannst
Inntill an tale sammnenn,
Þu findesst wiss wiþþutenn wen
Rihht ehhte siþe an hunndredd,
& tærtill ehhte siþess an,
& ehhte siþess tene.
& all þiss þrinne taless hæp
Iss hæpedd aȝȝ wiþþ ehhte;
Forr þær iss, alls icc seȝȝde nu,
Rihht ehhte siþe an hunndredd,
& tærtill ehhte siþess an,
& ehhte siþess tene;
Her iss þreo siþess opennliȝ
Þe tale off ehhte nemmnedd.
& tale off ehhte tacneþþ uss
All þatt orrmete blisse,


Þatt mannkinn unnderrfeng þurrh þatt
Þatt Crist ras upp off dæþe,
Þatt ras rihht o þehhtennde daȝȝ
Affterr þe wukess ende,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd her
Biforenn o þiss lare.
Forr þatt daȝȝ wass þehhtennde daȝȝ
Þatt Crist ras onne off dæþe,
Affterr þatt tatt te wuke gaþ
Amang Judisskenn þeode;
Forr Saterrdaȝȝ wass haliȝ daȝȝ
O þatt Judisskenn wise,
& aȝȝ wass þeȝȝre wuke gan
All út tatt daȝȝ att efenn.
& forrþi wass þehhtennde daȝȝ
Þatt daȝȝ þatt comm þæraffterr;
Forr seffne daȝhess brinngenn aȝȝ
Þe wuke till hiss ende,
& tatt daȝȝ iss þehhtennde daȝȝ
Þatt cumeþþ affterr seoffne;
& swa comm ure Sunenndaȝȝ
Affterr þatt wukess ende;
& tatt daȝȝ iss þehhtennde daȝȝ
Þatt Crist ras onne off dæþe,
& ȝaff uss her þurrh Crisstenndom
To risenn upp off sinness,
Swa þatt we muȝhenn risenn upp
O Domess daȝȝ off dæþe,
To brukenn upp inn heoffness ærd
Wiþþ enngless eche blisse.


& wel iss Cristess name sett
All i þe tale off ehhte;
Forr he ras o þehhtennde daȝȝ,
To reȝȝsenn uss off sinne.
& wel wass þurrh þe firrste staff
Þe tale off tene tacnedd,
Forr firrst uss birrþ wel fillenn her
Þa tene bodewordess,
Þatt Drihhtin sette till hiss follc
Þurrh Moysæsess hande,
& siþþenn shall þe Laferrd Crist
Uss ȝifenn ure mede,
All affterr þatt we fillenn wel
Þa téne bodewordess.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Þa bodewordess alle,
Affterr þatt little witt tatt me
Min Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
Þe firrste bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu þweorrt út all hæþenndom
& hæþenn godd forrwerrpe,
& lefe onn an Allmahhtiȝ Godd
& hise laȝhess halde;
Forr þu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben,
Ne winnenn eche blisse,


Butt iff þu þwerrt út hæþenndom
& hæþenn godd forrwerrpe,
& lefe onn an Allmahhtiȝ Godd
& hise laȝhess halde.
Þatt oþerr bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu ne take nohht wiþþ skarn,
Wiþþ hæþinng, ne wiþþ idell,
Þe name off ure Laferrd Crist
Þatt forr þe swallt o rode;
Forr þu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Ȝiff þatt tu nohht ne kepesst her
Noff Crist, noff Cristess moderr.
Þe þridde bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu stannde inn þe messedaȝȝ
To freollsenn wel & hallȝhenn,
Swa þatt illc an unnclene lusst
& illc an ifell wille
Beo tredenn dun þurrh lufe off Godd,
& cwennkedd i þin herrte,
Swa þatt tin herrte beo þatt bedd
Þatt Godd himm ressteþþ inne;
Forr þu ne mihht nan messedaȝȝ
Drihhtin tocweme freollsenn,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tin herrte iss þeoww
Off aniȝ ifell wille.
Þe feorþe bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,


Þatt tu beo milde & meoc onnȝæn
Þin faderr & tin moderr,
& rædiȝ mann to don hemm god
Aȝȝ affterr þine fere;
Forr þu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Butt iff þu beo full god wiþþ hemm
To lif & ec to sawle;
Þe fifte bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu ne file nohht ti lif
Þurrh ful forrleȝerrnesse;
Forr whase liþ inn horedom
He slaþ hiss aȝhenn sawle,
Butt iff he muȝhe betenn itt
Onn aniȝ kinne wise;
Þe sexte bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu ne sla nan oþerr mann
Wiþþ hande ne wiþþ herrte,
Ȝiff þatt he nile cwellenn þe
Forr Crisstenndom to cwennkenn.
Whi seȝȝde icc nu þatt tu nan mann
Ne cwelle wiþþ þin herrte?
Maȝȝ aniȝ mann slan oþerr mann
& cwellenn himm wiþþ herrte?
Ȝa full wel seȝȝþ þatt Latin boc
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ;


Forr ȝiff þu beresst hete & niþ
Ȝæn aniȝ lif & sawle,
Swa þatt tu wolldesst bliþeliȝ
Sen ifell ende off baþe,
Himm haffst tu slaȝenn witerrliȝ
Wiþþ herrte & nohht wiþþ hande;
& tu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Butt iff þu muȝhe off hete & niþ
All clennsenn wel þin herrte.
Þe sefennde wass sett þurrh Godd
& all forr þine nede,
Þatt tu þe loke wel þatt tu
Ne stĕle nohht ne ræfe;
Forr ȝiff þu skaþesst aniȝ mann
Þu skaþesst firrst te sellfenn,
& ȝiff þu ræfesst me min þing
Þu ræfesst Godd tin sawle;
& tu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Butt iff þu cweme Drihhtin wel
Wiþþ þin unnshaþiȝnesse.
Þehhtennde bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu þe loke wel fra mán
Inn aþess & i wittness,
Þatt tu ne swere nan manaþ
Forr lufe ne forr eȝȝe,
Ne þatt tu nohht ne cume forrþ
Wiþþ woh to berenn wittness;


Forr þu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Butt iff þu wel wiþþ soþ & rihht
Þin Drihhtin muȝhe cwemenn.
Þe niȝhennde wass sett þurrh Godd
Acc all forr þine nede,
Þatt tu nan oþerr manness wif
Ne ȝeorne nohht to nehȝhenn
Wiþþ unnclænnessess fule lusst,
To filenn swa ȝunnc baþe;
Forr baþe gilltenn grimmeliȝ,
Ȝiff itt ȝunnc baþe likeþþ,
& baþe shædenn swa fra Godd,
& cwellenn ȝunnkerr sawless,
Butt iff ȝitt muȝhenn betenn itt
Onn aniȝ kinne wise;
Acc witt tu þatt itt niss nohht lihht
To betenn hefiȝ sinne,
& forrþi birrþ þe shunenn aȝȝ
To fallenn ohht tærinne.
Acc whase maȝȝ forrwerrpenn itt,
& blinnenn itt to follȝhenn,
& innwarrdliȝ bireowenn itt
Þatt itt wass æfre forþedd,
& gannȝenn unnderr preostess dom
To betenn itt wiþþ shriffte,
& stanndenn inn to winnenn wel
Hiss bodiȝ forr hiss sinne,


Forr þatt he wile clennsenn himm
Off all hiss unnclennesse,
Þatt mann þurrh Godess hellpe maȝȝ
Wel betenn all hiss sinne,
& cwemenn Godd wiþþ haliȝ lif,
& winnenn wel hiss are.
Þe tende bodeword wass sett
Þurrh Godd forr þine nede,
Þatt tu nan oþerr manness þing
Ne ȝeorne nohht to winnenn;
Forr grediȝnesse iss hefiȝ lasst
Biforenn Godess eȝhne,
& itt forrbindeþþ all þweorrt út
& blendeþþ manness heorrte,
Þatt itt ne maȝȝ nohht habbenn mihht
To follȝhenn Godess wille.
Nu habbe icc here shæwedd ȝuw
Þa tene bodewordess,
Þatt wærenn þurrh þe firrste staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd,
& ȝiff þu Cristess bodeword
Affterr þin mahhte fillesst,
Þa shallt tu ben o Domess daȝȝ
Þurrh Cristess name borrȝhenn.
& wel wass þurrh þatt oþerr staff
Þe tăle off ehhte tacnedd;
Forr tekenn þatt tatt ehhte maȝȝ
Full opennlike tacnenn


Þatt illke dere Sunenndaȝȝ,
Þatt Crist ras onne off dæþe,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd her
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þær tekenn maȝȝ itt tacnenn wel,
& tacneþþ wiss to soþe
Þa mahhtess þatt te Laferrd Crist
Uss sette forr to follȝhenn,
& ȝaff uss bisne himm sellf þærto,
To fillenn hemm & follȝhenn.
& whase wile tellenn hemm
Bi tale he findeþþ ehhte,
& forrþi sinndenn þeȝȝ full wel
Þurrh tale off ehhte tacnedd.
& tise mahhtess alle imæn
Arrn hæfedd mahhtess ehhte,
& sinndenn wæpenn god & strang
Ȝæn hæfedd sinness ehhte,
Ȝæn gluterrnessess laþe lasst,
& ȝæn galnessess hæte,
& ȝæn ȝittsunng & grediȝleȝȝc,
Ȝæn grimmeleȝȝc & braþþe,
Ȝæn unnlusst & forrswundennleȝȝc,
Ȝæn erþliȝ kare & serrȝhe,
Ȝæn rosinng, & ȝæn idell ȝellp,
Ȝæn modiȝnessess wæpenn.
& aȝȝ iss sett an hæfedd mahht
Onnȝæn an hæfedd sinne,


& aȝȝ maȝȝ wel an hæfedd mahht
Cwennkenn an hæfedd sinne,
Inn iwhillc mann þatt follȝheþþ rihht
Þe mahhte, Crist tocweme.
& whas itt iss þatt follȝheþþ wel
& filleþþ þise mahhtess,
Þatt illke mann shall borrȝhenn ben
Þurrh Cristess name onn ennde;
Forr Cristess name þurrh an staff
Bitacneþþ tale off ehhte,
Forrþi þatt Crist shall berrȝhenn þa
Þatt follȝhenn þise mahhtess.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Bi tale þise mahhtess,
Forr þatt ȝe shulenn þess te bett
All fillenn hemm & follȝhenn.
An hæfedd mahhte iss mett & mæþ
Inn all þatt te birrþ follȝhenn,
I word, i werrc, i mĕte, i drinnch,
& ec i þine claþess,
I lusst to winnenn eorþliȝ þing,
I swinnkess, & i resstess.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
& cwennkeþþ gluterrnesse,
& all þatt iss att oferrdon
Itt drifeþþ fra þin herrte,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt,
& follȝhesst itt & fillesst.
Clænnessess mahht iss witerrliȝ
An oþerr hæfedd mahhte;


Ȝiff þu clænnesse follȝhesst rihht
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ herrte,
Þu follȝhesst ta, þatt witt tu wel,
An haliȝ hæfedd mahhte;
Forr þurrh þiss mahht shall maȝȝdennmann
Hehlike wurrþenn borrȝhenn,
& weddedd wĕre & weddedd wif
& widdwe shall itt berrȝhenn;
Forr maggdennhad & widdwesshad,
Ȝiff þatt itt iss rihht clene
Inn all þatt to þe bodiȝ liþ,
& ec i þeȝȝre wille,
& meoc, & daffte, & sedefull
I þæwess & i lusstess,
Itt beoþ hehlike witerrliȝ
Þurrh soþ clænnesse borrȝhenn.
& ȝiff þatt weddedd were & wif
Hemm laȝhelike ledenn
Bitwenenn hemm forr lufe off Godd,
Þa follȝhenn þeȝȝ clænnesse,
& itt shall muȝhenn berrȝhenn hemm
Att heore lifess ende.
Þuss birrþ all Jesu Cristess hird,
Þatt iss o þreo todæledd,
Þuss birrþ itt follȝhenn soþ clænleȝȝc
Ȝiff þatt itt shall ben borrȝhenn;
Forr maȝȝdennhad & widdwesshad
& weddlac birrþ ben clene,


& þurrh clænnesse cwemenn Godd,
Illc an onn hire wise;
Forr all þatt follȝheþþ unnclænleȝȝc
All iss Drihhtin unncweme.
Her speke icc off unnclene menn
& off unnclene gastess;
& horedom iss Drihhtin laþ,
& deofell swiþe cweme,
Forr deofell iss unnclene gast,
& lufeþþ unnclænnesse.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
Galnessess laþe strenncþe,
& all þe lusst off horedom
Itt drifeþþ fra þin herrte,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& follȝhesst itt wiþþ dede.
Þe þridde mahht iss hæfedd mahht
Þatt tu þweorrt út forrwerrpe
To ȝeornenn affterr weorelldþing,
To winnenn itt wiþþ sinne.
Wiþþ þiss mahht mahht tu witerrliȝ
Wel follȝhenn Cristess posstless,
Ȝiff þu forrwerrpesst grediȝleȝȝc,
& follȝhesst Cristess wille;
Forr þeȝȝ forrwurrpenn all þweorrt út
To winnenn ohht wiþþ sinne,
& stodenn inn to follȝhenn Crist
All att hiss lefe wille.
Ȝiff þatt tu ȝeornesst weorelldþing
To winnenn ohht wiþþ sinne,


Þa ȝeornesst tu þatt weorelldþing
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille,
& mare iss þe þæroff þatt þing
Þann off Drihhtiness wille,
& bett tu lætesst off þatt þing
Þann off Drihhtiness wille,
& mare lufesst tu þatt þing
Þann ohht off Godess wille,
Ȝiff þe iss lef to winnenn itt
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille.
Loc nu þe sellf hu ferr þu gast
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe,
Ȝiff þatt tu lufesst weorelldþing
To winnenn ohht wiþþ sinne;
Forr ȝiff þu winnesst weorelldþing
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille,
Þa turrnesst tu þe frawarrd Godd,
& towarrd eorþlic ahhte,
& swa forrwerrpesst tu þin Godd,
& haldesst wiþþ þatt ahhte.
Loc nu ȝiff þatt tu narrt rihht wod
& all wittess bidæledd,
Þatt willt forrlesenn þin Drihhtin
& all þe blisse off heoffne,
Forr þatt tu muȝhe winnenn her
Wiþþ sinne summwhatt littless;
Þohh þatt tu mihhtess winnenn her
All middellærdess riche,


Ne birrde þe nohht ȝeornenn itt
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille.
Loc nu whatt witt itt iss i þe,
To winnenn summwhatt littless
Onnȝæness Godess wille swa
Þatt tu þær Godd forrlesesst.
Tacc þe nu till þiss hallȝhe mahht
Wiþþ Jesu Cristess posstless,
All þwerrt út to forrwerrpenn her
To winnenn ohht wiþþ sinne,
& beo þu ȝeornfull nihht & daȝȝ
To follȝhenn Godess wille.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
Ȝittsunng & grediȝnesse,
& makeþþ þe full kisstiȝ mann
Off whattse Godd te leneþþ,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& follȝhesst itt wiþþ dede.
Þe feorþe mahht iss hæfedd mahht
& haliȝ mahht wiþþ alle,
Þatt tu beo þwerrt út milde, & meoc,
& soffte, & stille, & liþe,
& þwerrt út clene off grimmcunndleȝȝc
& þwerrt út clene off braþþe.
Þiss iss an swiþe mikell mahht
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme,
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu þiss mahht
Mihht habbenn rihht & follȝhenn,
Þa witt tu wel þatt Haliȝ Gast
Himm ressteþþ i þin herrte,


& tohh þe birrþ ben harrd wiþþ skill
Onnȝæness alle sinness,
Forr þu mihht skét to nesshe ben
Ȝæn þa þatt Drihhtin wraþþenn.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
All grimmeleȝȝc & braþþe,
& hete & niþ & awwerrmod
Itt drifeþþ fra þin herrte,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& follȝesst itt wiþþ dede;
Forr whase iss þwerrt út milde, & meoc,
& soffte, & stille, & liþe,
All he forrwerrpeþþ grimmeleȝȝc,
& hete, & niþ, & braþþe.
Þe fifte mahht iss hæfedd mahht
& haliȝ mahht to follȝhenn,
Þatt tu beo swinncfull att tin mahht
Inn alle gode dedess,
Aȝȝ att rihht time, & aȝȝ wiþþ skill,
Swa þatt itt Godd beo cweme;
Forr clene dede & clene swinnc
Iss Drihhtin swiþe cweme,
& himm iss idellnesse laþ
& all forrswundennesse;
Forr idellleȝȝc iss hæfedd plihht
& wiþþreþþ wiþþ þin sawle,
& forrþi birrþ þe ben swinncfull
Inn alle gode dedess


Aȝȝ att rihht time, & aȝȝ att hof,
Forr þatt iss Drihhtin cweme.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
All þwerrt út idellnesse,
& unnlusst & forrswundennleȝȝc
Itt drifeþþ fra þin herrte,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& follȝhesst itt wiþþ dede.
Þe sexte mahht iss hæfedd mahht
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme,
Þatt tu rihht nohht dreriȝ ne beo
Forr nan eorþlike unnseollþe,
Acc take bliþeliȝ þærwiþþ,
& þannke itt Godd wiþþ herrte,
& follȝhe swa þe gode Job
Þatt wass an king onn eorþe,
& all wiþþutenn gillt forrlæs
Onn an daȝȝ all hiss ahhte,
& ȝét tær tekenn mare inoh
Þatt mare wass to menenn;
Tenn menn, an allfullwaxenn flocc
Off suness & off dohhtress,
Forrlæs þe gode Job þatt daȝȝ,
Ȝét tekenn all hiss ahhte.
& ȝét bilammp himm oþerr wa
Þatt mare mihhte himm eȝȝlenn,
Ȝiff þatt he nære wæpnedd wel
Þurrh þild onnȝæn unnseollþe.
He warrþ all, alls uss seȝȝþ soþ boc,
Full hefiȝlike secnedd,


Swa swiþe þatt hiss bodiȝ toc
To rotenn bufenn eorþe
All samenn, brest, & wambe, & þes,
& cnes, & fét, & shannkess,
& lende, & lesske, & shulldre, & bacc,
& side, & halls, & hæfedd.
All þiss wass utenn wiþþ unnhal
Þurrh swiþe unnride unnhæle,
& all he toc forrþrihht anan
To rŏtenn & to stinnkenn,
& war & wirrsenn toc anan
Út off hiss lic to flowenn.
Her wass unnseollþe unnride inoh
Till an mann forr to dreȝhenn;
& ȝiff þatt he þurrh soþsasst þild
Wæpnedd full wel ne wære,
He munnde ben full dreriȝ mann,
& serrhfull inn hiss herrte
Off þatt, tatt himm wass all hiss þing
Biræfedd butenn gillte,
& off, þatt he forrlæs hiss streon
Onn an daȝȝ all bidene,
Tenn menn, swa summ icc seȝȝde nu,
Off suness & off dohhtress,
Þatt wærenn samenn inn an hus,
& etenn þære & drunnkenn,
& tær fell dun þatt hus þurrh wind,
& oferrfell hemm alle,


& ec off, þatt he wass himm sellf
Full hefiȝlike secnedd
Onn all hiss bodiȝ her & tær
Þurrh an full atell adle,
He munnde ben full dreriȝ mann
& serrhfull inn hiss herrte,
Ȝiff þatt he nære wæpnedd wel
Þurrh soþfasst þildess wæpenn.
Acc he wass wæpnedd wel þurrh Godd
Onnȝæness illc unnseollþe,
Þurrh whatt he spacc wislike & wel
Inn all hiss miccle unnsellþe,
Ne seȝȝde he nohht; unnseliȝ mann
Amm icc onn eorþe wurrþenn,
Forr whatt iss Drihhtin me þuss wraþ,
Forr whatt amm í forrworrpenn?
Ne seȝȝde he nohht off þiss forr himm
To wanenn ne to menenn,
Acc seȝȝde; Drihhtin ȝaff me þiss
All wiþþ hiss lefe wille,
& Drihhtin takeþþ itt fra me
All wiþþ hiss lefe wille,
& all þiss iss bilummpenn me,
Swa summ itt Drihhtin likeþþ,
& þannkedd wurrþe min Drihhtin
All þatt tatt he me senndeþþ,
& blettsedd wurrþe hiss name nu
& æfre á butenn ende;
Ȝiff þatt we tăkenn bliþeliȝ
Att Godd all þatt iss sellþe,


Þa birrþ uss tăkenn bliþeliȝ
Att himm whattse iss unnsellþe.
Þuss spacc Drihhtiness kemmpe Job
Inn all hiss miccle unnsellþe;
& te birrþ takenn bisne att himm
To þannkenn Godd wiþþ herrte,
All þatt he setteþþ uppo þe
Off sellþe & off unnsellþe,
Swa þatt tu dreoriȝ nohht ne beo
Off nan eorþlike unnseollþe,
Acc tăke bliþeliȝ þærwiþþ,
& þannke itt Godd wiþþ heorrte,
Forr þiss is swiþe mikell mahht,
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme;
& beo þu sikerr þatt he shall
Þe ȝifenn eche blisse,
Onnȝæn all þatt wanndraþ & wa
Þatt te bilimmpeþþ here,
Ȝiff þatt tu forr þe lufe off himm
Itt bliþelike dreȝhesst.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót,
& drifeþþ fra þin herrte,
All flæshliȝ care & serrȝhe & sít
Off illc eorþlike unnseollþe,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& shæwesst itt wiþþ bisne.
Þe seoffnde mahht iss hæfedd mahht
& haliȝ mahht wiþþ alle,


Þatt tu well swiþe unnorneliȝ
Aȝȝ off þe sellfenn læte,
& halde þe forr hinnderrlinng,
& forr well swiþe unnwresste,
& forr þatt mann þatt litell maȝȝ
& litell cann to gode.
Þiss illke mahht iss hæfedd mahht
& halsumm forr to follȝhenn.
& ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf
Uss ȝaff heroffe bisne,
Þær þær he seȝȝde himm sellf whilumm
Þurrh hiss prophetess tunge;
Icc amm an wurrm, & nohht nan mann,
Uppbrixle menn bitwenenn;
Icc amm þatt þing þatt nohht ne dæh,
Þatt eȝȝwhær iss forrworrpenn,
& whærse icc amm bitwenenn menn
Icc hutedd amm & þutedd,
& all onn hæþing & o skarn
Off me gaþ eȝȝwhær spæche.
Þuss spacc þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þurrh hiss prophetess tunge,
Off þatt tatt he forrworrpenn wass
Amang Judiskenn þeode;
Forr Godess Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þatt all þe weorelld wrohhte,
Warrþ an unnorne & wrecche mann,
Forr þe to ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt tu well swiþe unnorneliȝ
Aȝȝ off þe sellfenn læte,


& halde þe forr hinnderrling,
& forr well swiþe unnwresste,
& forr þatt mann þatt litell maȝȝ
& litell cann to gode,
& forr þatt mann þatt all wiþþ rihht
Birrþ hutedd ben & þutedd.
Þiss illke mahht, tatt witt tu wel,
Iss haliȝ mahht to follȝhenn;
Forr swa þu lætesst lasse off þe,
Swa læteþþ Drihhtin mare,
& swa þu tellesst werre off þe,
Swa telleþþ Drihhtin bettre.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfót
& cwennkeþþ i þin herrte
All rosinng & all idell ȝellp,
Forr þatt iss hæfedd sinne,
To ȝellpenn off þin duhhtiȝleȝȝc
& off þin gode dede,
To rosenn off þin haȝherrleȝȝc,
& leȝhenn off þe sellfenn.
& ȝiff þu tellesst all þin mahht
& all þin witt unnwresste,
All idell ȝellp & idell ros
Þu cwennkesst i þe sellfenn.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu mihht tuss
All idell ȝellp forrwerrpenn,
Þa follȝhesst tu þærþurrh þatt stih
Þatt Cristess þeoww birrþ follȝhenn;


Forr Cristess þeoww birrþ fillenn wel
All þatt te Goddspell beodeþþ,
& whanne hét hafeþþ filledd all
Þuss birrþ himm þanne seggenn;
Icc amm an allforrwurrþenn þeoww
& all unnitt & idel,
Þatt tatt icc hét Drihhtin wiþþ word
Ne fille icc nohht wiþþ dede.
Þuss birrþ himm all forrwerrpenn her
To ȝellpenn off himm sellfenn,
Ȝiff þatt he wile cwemenn Godd,
& winnenn eche blisse.
Þehhtennde mahht iss allre mast
Off alle þise mahhtess,
& tatt forrþi forr þatt itt iss
Moderr off alle þóþre,
Þatt tu forr soþfasst lufe o Godd
Soþfasst meocnesse follȝhe.
Þiss mahhte iss, alls icc seȝȝde nu,
Moderr off alle þóþre;
Forr alle mahhtess springenn út
Off soþ meocnessess rote;
Forr niss nan mahht, tatt ohht iss wurrþ,
All shadd fra soþ meocnesse;
Forr aȝȝ birrþ soþ meocnesse ben
Wiþþ iwhillc mahht onn hellpe,
Ȝiff þatt itt shall þe gengenn ohht
To winnenn eche blisse.


Þiss illke mahht iss þwerrt út god
To berrȝhenn þe þin sawle,
Ȝiff þatt tút follȝhesst þweorrt út wel
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ herrte.
Þiss hallȝhe mahhte maȝȝ þe don,
Ȝiff þatt tu rihht itt follȝhesst,
Lefliȝ to þeowwtenn oþre menn,
To lutenn þine lahȝhre.
Þiss hallȝhe mahhte doþ þe wel,
Ȝiff þatt tu wel itt follȝhesst,
To wurrþenn eȝȝwhær alle menn,
Ȝét forrþenn þine lahȝhre.
Þiss hæfedd mahhte doþ þe wel,
Ȝiff itt iss i þin herrte,
To shunenn dĕrewurrþe shrud
& dĕrewurrþe mæless.
Þiss hallȝhe mahhte doþ þe mann,
Ȝiff itt iss inn hiss herrte,
All to forrȝifenn oþre menn
Wiþþ word & ec wiþþ herrte
All þatt teȝȝ hafenn skaþedd himm,
& shamedd himm & shendedd.
& ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Till hise posstless seȝȝde þuss
Off soþ meocnessess mahhte;
Lerneþþ att me þatt icc amm wiss
Rihht milde & meoc wiþþ herrte,
& swa ȝe muȝhenn resste & ro
Till ȝure sawless findenn;


Forr niss nan mahht tatt bettre maȝȝ
Þe winnenn eche blisse
Þann allre mahhte róte maȝȝ,
& allre mahhte moderr.
Þiss mahhte tredeþþ unnderrfot
All modiȝnessess strenncþe,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu lufesst itt
& follȝhesst itt wiþþ herrte.
Nu habbe icc here shæwedd ȝuw
Rihht ehhte off hæfed mahhtess,
Þatt wærenn all forr ure ned
Þurrh þatt bocstaff bitacnedd,
Þatt uppo Cristess name stannt
Rihht allre nesst te firrste.
& ȝiff ȝe follȝhenn þwerrt út wel
Þe sloþ off þise mahhtess,
Þa shule ȝe ben witerrliȝ
Þurrh Cristess name borrȝhenn.
Þe þridde staff bitacneþþ uss
Þe tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd,
& tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd maȝȝ
Þatt fulle lufe tacnenn
Þatt birrþ ben, alls uss seȝȝþ soþ boc,
Twifald, ȝiff itt shall hellpenn;
Forr þe birrþ lufenn Godd & mann,
Ȝiff þu willt wurrþenn borrȝhenn,
Acc nohht onn ane wise þohh,
Swa summ þe boc uss kiþeþþ;


Forr þe birrþ lufenn Drihhtin Godd
& lofenn himm & wurrþenn
Wiþþ all þin witt, wiþþ all þin lusst,
Wiþþ all þin bodiȝ mahhte,
Wiþþ all þin gast, wiþþ all þin þohht,
& mare þan þe sellfenn;
Swa þatt tu nohht ne stannde onnȝæn
Þin Godd o nane wise,
Ne þurrh þin witt, ne þurrh þin lusst,
Ne þurrh þin bodiȝ dede,
Ne þurrh þin gast, tatt tu þin Godd
Ne wraþþe þurrh þin wille,
Ne þurrh þin þohht, tatt tu þin Godd
Þurrh ifell þohht ne wraþþe.
Þuss birrþ þe lufenn þin Drihhtin
& mare þan þe sellfenn;
& tatt iss swiþe mikell rihht,
Forr Godd iss god wiþþ alle,
& tu þe sellf narrt rihht nohht wurrþ
Wiþþutenn Godess hellpe,
& arrt an þing þatt nohht ne dæh,
Ȝiff þatt tu Godd forrleosesst;
& forrþi birrþ þe lufenn Godd
Ȝét mare þan þe sellfenn;
Forr all þin hellpe & all þin hald
Iss uppo Godess áre,
Þatt maȝȝ þe, ȝiff himm þinnkeþþ god,
Dun inntill helle werrpenn,


&, ȝiff himm þinnkeþþ god, he maȝȝ
Þe ȝifenn heoffness blisse.
& te birrþ lufenn iwhillc mann
Þatt lifeþþ her onn eorþe,
Þatt wise þatt tu lufesst te,
Þatt iss, to wurrþenn borrȝhenn;
Judisskenn mann & hæþenn mann
Þuss birrþ þe lufenn baþe,
Þatt eȝȝþerr turrne himm towarrd Crist
Swa þatt he wurrþe borrȝhenn.
Þuss birrþ þe lufenn ec þatt mann
Þatt hateþþ þe wiþþ herrte,
Þatt wreȝeþþ þe, þatt shendeþþ þe,
Þatt ræfeþþ þe þin ahhte.
Þuss birrþ þe lufenn alle þa,
Ȝiff þatt tu willt te berrȝhenn,
Þatt illc an bete hiss sinne swa,
Þatt illc an wurrþe borrȝhenn;
Forr þu ne mihht nohht borrȝhenn ben
To brukenn eche blisse,
Ȝiff þatt tu currsesst aniȝ mann,
& hatesst himm wiþþ herrte,
Swa þatt tu wolldesst bliþeliȝ
Off himm sen ifell ende;
Forr mann iss Godess handewerrc,
& an full aþell kinde,
& Godess onnlicnesse, & all
Full god inn all hiss kinde;


& forrþi birrþ þe lufenn mann
Þe bodiȝ & te sawle,
Forr þatt iss Godess handewerrc,
& god & aþell kinde;
Acc þe birrþ hatenn upponn me
All þatt tatt æfre iss sinne,
All þweorrt út all swa summ þe birrþ
Itt hătenn o þe sellfenn.
& forrþi darr mann hătenn wel
All þatt tatt æfre iss sinne,
Forrþi þatt sinness laþe lasst
Niss nan off Godess shafftess,
Acc iss þatt dæþess laþe sed
Þatt deofless æfre sawenn
Inn ure flæshess lusst, & ec
Inn ure sawless wille.
& all þatt æfre iss god inn me
Off kinde & ec off dede,
All birrþ þe lufenn itt inn me,
All swa summ i þe sellfenn;
Forr þe birrþ lufenn all þe god,
& hătenn all þe sinne,
Þwerrt út inn iwhillc oþerr mann,
All swa summ i þe sellfenn;
& te birrþ ec, þatt witt tu wel,
I gode dedess hellpenn
& firrþrenn iwhillc oþerr mann,
All all swa summ þe sellfenn.
Nu birrþ þe nimenn mikell gom
Off þiss þatt I þe shæwe,


Off-þatt icc segge þatt te birrþ
All all swa lufenn oþre,
& hătenn oþre, & hellpenn hemm,
All all swa summ þe sellfenn.
Ne segge icc þe nohht tatt te birrþ
All all se mikell hellpe,
& all se mikell lufe, & ec
All all se mikell ȝemsle,
Þwerrt út onn iwhillc oþerr mann
Alls o þe sellfenn leggenn;
Forr Drihhtin þe ne biddeþþ nohht
All all se mikell hellpe
Don upponn oþre alls uppo þe;
Acc o þatt illke wise
Wiþþ oþre he bideþþ þe don wel
Þatt tu dosst wiþþ þe sellfenn;
Forr þe birrþ lufenn oþre menn
& lufenn ec þe sellfenn,
Acc mare þe þann oþre menn
Þu lufenn mihht wiþþ lefe,
& god te birrþ don oþre menn
& god don ec þe sellfenn,
Acc mare þe þann oþre menn
Þu mihht don god wiþþ lefe.
& te birrþ ȝeornenn daȝȝ & nihht
Þatt all follc wurrþe borrȝhenn,
& tohh þe birrþ ȝét allre mast
Þin aȝhenn berrhless ȝernenn.


Þuss mihht tu lufenn alle menn
All all swa summ þe sellfenn,
& hellpenn forrþenn alle menn
All all swa summ þe sellfenn,
& lufenn þohh & hellpenn þohh
Aȝȝ allre mast te sellfenn.
Þuss birrþ þe lufenn Godd & mann,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
& forr þatt te þiss lufe birrþ
O tweȝȝenn hallfe fillenn,
Forrþi wass itt bitacnedd wel
Þurrh tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd.
& forr þatt eȝȝþerr hunndredd iss
Full tale all þwerrt út filledd,
& swa fullþrĭfenn þatt itt nohht
Ne maȝȝ na mare waxxenn,
Forrþi wass eȝȝþerr tale sett
Full opennliȝ to tacnenn,
Þatt te birrþ eȝȝþerr lufess mahht
Fullfremeddlike fillenn
Swa wel, þatt eȝȝþerr filledd be
All þwerrt út wel wiþþ alle.
& te birrþ lokenn þe þatt tu
Ne do nan ifell dede
Forr lufe off nan lifisshe mann,
Forr Godd itt te forrbedeþþ
To gilltenn ohht onnȝæness himm,
Forr aniȝ mann to cwemenn;
Forr ȝiff þu dosst þatt ifell iss,
& opennlike gilltesst


Forr lufe off aniȝ oþerr mann,
Þær hatesst tu ȝunnc baþe,
Þurrh þatt tu dosst ȝunnc baþe þær
To gilltenn Godd onnȝæness.
Nu mihht tu seggenn her to me
Þiss word, ȝiff þatt te þinnkeþþ,
Whi birrþ me lufenn Godd & mann,
Whi birrþ me lufenn baþe?
Inoh iss me to lufenn Godd,
Þærþurrh maȝȝ icc ben borrȝhenn.
Off þiss wile icc annswerenn þe
Þatt tatt icc unnderrstannde,
Affterr þatt little witt tatt me
Min Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
Ȝiff þatt tu mihhtesst lufenn Godd
Swa þatt itt wære himm cweme
Wiþþutenn lufe off iwhillc mann,
Þa mihhtesst tu ben borrȝhenn
Wiþþutenn lufe off iwhillc mann
Þurrh lufe off Drihhtin áne;
Forr ȝiff þatt tu mihht cwemenn Godd,
Þa mihht tu wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
Acc þe birrþ wĭtenn witerrliȝ
Þatt Godd niss nowwþerr cweme,
Ne þatt tu mikell lufesst himm,
Ne þatt tu ȝeorne himm þeowwtesst,


Ȝiff þu ne lufesst alle menn
All all swa summ þe sellfenn.
& Crist ne lufesst tu nohht all
Inn all hiss twinne kinde,
Ȝiff þatt tu nohht ne lufesst mann,
An lot off Cristess kinde;
Forr Crist iss Godd, & Crist iss mann,
An had off twinne kinne.
& ȝiff þu lufesst Drihhtin ohht,
O menn þe birrþ itt shæwenn;
Forr þe birrþ forr þe lufe off Godd
Wel lufenn menn & hellpenn;
Forr þu ne mahht nohht lufenn Godd
& hătenn menn & werdenn.
& Cristess posstell, Sannt Johan,
Uss wrát off þiss & seȝȝde,
Ȝiff þu seȝȝst tatt tu lufesst Godd
& hătesst menn & werdesst,
Þu leȝhesst, & biswikesst swa
Þin aȝhen wrecche sawle;
Forr þu ne mahht nohht lufenn Godd
& hătenn menn & werdenn.
Helyas wass an haliȝ mann
& an wurrþfull prophete
Onn alde daȝhess, mikell fresst
Biforenn Cristess come.
& wiþþ himm wass an oþerr mann,
Hiss mann forr himm to þeowwtenn,


& he wass hatenn Helyseow,
& he wass Godd full cweme,
& ta comm time to þatt Godd
Hemm wollde onn erþe shædenn,
& takenn all wiþþutenn dæþ
Helyamm þe prophete,
& brinngenn himm all út fra menn
Till-þær he shollde libbenn
Wiþþ resste & ro, wiþþutenn swinnc,
Till Anntecristess come.
& Helyseow hiss mann wass warr
Þatt teȝȝ þa sholldenn shædenn,
& he þa toc to clepenn onn
Helyamm þe prophete,
& cwaþþ; lef faderr, ȝeld me nu
Forr all min swinnc rihht mede,
Forr þatt icc hafe follȝhedd te
Do me summ god onn ende.
& ta ȝaff himm anndswere þuss
Helyas þe prophete,
Whatt willt tu þatt icc ȝife þe
Forr all þin swinnc to mede?
& Helyseow þa seȝȝde þuss;
Lef faderr, icc þe bone,
Ȝiff me nu þatt twifalde gast
Þatt i þin herrte himm ressteþþ,
Þatt itt beo nu forrþwarrd inn me
All all swa wel wiþþ alle,
All alls itt hafeþþ ben i þe
Þurrh þin Drihhtiness hellpe.


Whatt god wass þatt twifalde gast
Þatt Helyseow þær ȝeorrnde?
Soþ lufe þatt birrþ ben twifald,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd;
Forr þe birrþ lufenn Godd & mann
Ȝiff þatt tu willt ben borrȝhenn.
He badd hiss maȝȝstre fillstnenn himm
Towarrd Drihhtin wiþþ bone,
Þatt Drihhtinn ȝæfe himm wille & mahht
Soþ lufe rihht to follȝhenn;
All alls hét haffde ȝifenn ær
Hiss maȝȝstre, þiss he ȝeorrnde,
& he wass wis, forr he sahh wel,
& wisste wel to soþe,
Þatt all Drihhtiness bodeword
& all Goddspelless lare
Iss filledd þurrhútlike wel,
Ȝiff þatt soþ lufe iss filledd;
Forr lufe off Godd & lufe off mann,
Ȝiff þatt tu rihht itt haldesst,
Itt doþ þe don i word, i werrc,
All þatt tu mahht to gode,
& itt te doþ affterr þin mahht
All ifell to forrbuȝhenn;
& tær iss all þatt te birrþ don,
& all þe bode iss filledd,
Ȝiff þatt tu lufesst Godd & mann,
& forr þe lufe off baþe


Dost all to gode þatt tu mihht,
& ifell all forrwerrpesst.
& her þu mihht nu sen full wel
Þatt lufe iss all i dedess;
Forr maȝȝ na lufe berrȝhenn þe
Wiþþutenn gode dedess;
Forr ȝiff þu lufesst Godd, tét birrþ
Wiþþ gode dedess shæwenn,
& ȝiff þu lufesst mann, þét birrþ
Wiþþ gode dedess shæwenn,
Þa mihht tu Godd & gode menn
Cwemenn, & wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& ure Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till hise Leorningcnihhtess;
Þatt iss min bodeword, tatt ȝe
Ȝuw lufenn swa bitwenenn
Rihht alls icc hafe lufedd ȝuw.
Her maȝȝ mann unnderrstanndenn
Whillc gate me birrþ lufenn þe,
& illc mann lufenn oþerr;
Þatt illke wise badd he þeȝȝm
Hemm lufenn hemm bitwenenn,
Þatt illke wise þatt he þeȝȝm
Hiss lufe shæwedd haffde.
Nu birrþ me shæwenn, ȝiff I kann,
O whillkess kinness wise
Þe Laferrd Cristess lufe wass
Onn hise posstless sene,
& tanne shallt tu muȝhenn sen
O whillkess kinness wise


Þa sellf birrþ lufenn oþre menn,
To follȝhenn Cristess bisne.
Crist ȝaff hiss aȝhenn lefe lif
To þolenn dæþ o rode
Forr hise posstless, & forr þe,
& forr all follke nede,
Forr swa to lesenn all mannkinn
Út off þe deofless walde.
& te birrþ follȝhenn Cristess sloþ,
& te birrþ wĭlenn swelltenn
Forr Cristess þeowwess, ȝiff mann hemm
All saccless wĭle cwellenn,
Forr swa to cwennkenn Crisstenndom,
& Cristess laȝhess dillȝhenn.
Ȝiff þatt mann wĭle Crisstenndom
& Cristess name dillȝhenn,
Þa birrþ þe stanndenn þær onnȝæn,
& werenn Cristess þeowwess,
& Cristess name, & Crisstenndom,
Whil þatt tin lif þe lassteþþ,
& forr þe soþe lufe off Crist
& ec off Cristess þeowwess
Þe birrþ, ȝiff þatt te falleþþ swa,
Full bliþelike swelltenn;
& ta þu follȝhesst opennliȝ
Þe Laferrd Cristess bisne,
Þatt forr mannkinne lufe swallt
Full bliþelike o rode;


& ec þu follȝhesst opennliȝ
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,
Þatt forr þe soþe lufe off Crist
& ec off Cristess þeowwess,
& forr to reȝȝsenn Cristenndom,
Full bliþelike swulltenn.
& te birrþ wĭtenn sikerrliȝ,
Forr Goddspellboc itt kiþeþþ,
Þatt whase, forr þe lufe off Crist
& ec off Cristess þeowwess,
Gaþ forþ to swelltenn bliþeliȝ
Forr Crisstenndom to reȝȝsenn,
Þe maste lufe he shæweþþ þær
Þatt aniȝ mann maȝȝ shæwenn;
& forrþi ȝedenn bliþeliȝ
Þurrh marrtirdom to swelltenn
Off Godess þeowwess miccle ma
Þann aniȝ mann maȝȝ tellenn.
Þiss twafald lufe off Godd & mann,
Þatt uss birrþ alle shæwenn,
I word, i werrc, uss awwnedd wass
Wel þurrh þa tweȝȝenn hunndredd,
Þatt wærenn þurrh þe þridde staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd.
& ȝiff þu mahht te lufe off Godd
& ec off mann rihht fillenn,
Þa shallt tu þurrh þe name off Crist
Ben borrȝhenn att tin ende.


& wel wass þurrh þe feorþe staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd
Þe fulle tale off seofenntiȝ,
Off seofenn siþe tene;
Forr tale off seoffne stannt o boc
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Forr tale off seoffne tacneþþ uss
Þatt seofennkinne bene,
Þatt o þe Paterr Nossterr stannt
Þatt Crist himm sellf uss sette;
Forr all þe Paterr Nossterr iss
Wiþþ seoffne boness endedd,
& wiþþ þa boness bidde we
Þe Laferrd Cristess hellpe
Off all þatt æfre ned uss iss
To lif & ec to sawle.
& ec þe tale off seoffne maȝȝ
Þa seoffne ȝifess tacnenn
Þatt Godess Gast uss ȝifeþþ her,
Ȝiff þatt we rihht himm cwemenn;
Forr all þatt æfre ned uss iss
All Godess Gast uss tiþeþþ
Þurrh seoffne ȝifess, ȝiff þatt we
Wiþþ haliȝ lif himm cwemenn.
& ec þe tale off seoffne maȝȝ
Þa seoffne seollþess tacnenn,
Þatt ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf
Spacc offe to þe leode,


Summ sĭþe þær he talde hemm spell
Off heofennrichess blisse.
He sette himm æness onn an munnt,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& mikell follc wass þær wiþþ himm,
Forr himm to sen & herenn,
& forr to tăkenn hæle att himm
Off iwhillc unntrummnesse.
& tær he talde hemm alle spell
Off ædiȝnessess seoffne,
Þatt hallȝhe weress follȝhenn her,
Drihhtin þærþurrh to cwemenn.
Nu mihht tu sen þatt mikell þing
Þurrh tale off seoffne iss tacnedd;
Forr itt bitacneþþ opennliȝ,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Rihht seffne bedess þatt mann finnt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr,
& seoffne ȝifess þatt man foþ
Off Haliȝ Gastess hellpe,
& ȝét itt tacneþþ, tekenn þatt,
Rihht ædiȝnessess seoffne,
Þatt hallȝhe weress follȝhenn her,
Forr Drihhtin swa to cwemenn.
Þe firrste bĕde þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt Godess name beo
Rihht lofedd her & wurrþedd;
Forr whase Godess name maȝȝ
Rihht lofenn her & wurrþenn,


He winneþþ swa þatt he shall ben
Þurrh Godess name borrȝhenn.
Þatt oþerr bĕde þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt Godess kĭnedom
Skét mote wurrþenn awwnedd,
All all swillc i þiss middellærd
Alls itt iss upp inn heoffne.
Þiss illke bĕde filledd beoþ
Att Domess daȝȝess ende;
Forr þa shall Godess kinedom
All all swillc beon onn eorþe,
Alls itt iss upp inn heoffness ærd
To daȝȝ wiþþ Godess enngless.
& tiss uss wære swiþe god
Þatt itt uss cumenn wære,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt we cwemenn Godd
Wiþþ þohht, & word, & dede.
Þe þridde bede þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt Godess wille beo
All filledd her onn eorþe,
All all swa summ itt filledd iss
Inn heoffne i Godess enngless;
Forr whase maȝȝ wiþþ word & weorrc
Her fillenn Godess wille,
He winneþþ her þatt he shall ben
Þurrh Godess wille borrȝhenne


Þe feorþe bede þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt Drihhtin nu to daȝȝ
Uss ȝife þurrh hiss are
Ure allre daȝȝwhammlike bræd;
Þiss bræd iss Godess hellpe,
& itt iss fode to þe lif,
& fode to þe sawle,
& Godd itt ȝifeþþ alle þa
Þatt hise laȝhess haldenn.
Þe fifte bede þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt ure Drihhtin uss
Forrȝife þurrh hiss are
All þatt we gilltenn himm onnȝæn,
I þohht, i word, i dede,
Þatt hét forrȝife uss all rihht swa,
Summ we forrȝifenn oþre
All þatt teȝȝ gilltenn uss onnȝæn
Onn aniȝ kinne wise.
Loc nu þatt tu forrȝife wel
All follc all wraþþe & laþþe,
Ȝiff þu willt habbenn off þin gillt
Att Godd forrȝifenesse.
Þe sexte bĕde þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt Godd ne þole nohht
Ne þafe laþe gastess
To winnenn oferrhannd off uss
Þurrh heore laþe wiless;


Forr whase winneþþ oferrhannd
& siȝe off laþe gastess,
He shall ben crunedd þurrh Drihhtin
Inn eche lifess blisse.
Þe seoffnde bede þatt mann bitt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr
Þatt iss, þatt ure Drihhtin Godd
Uss lese þurrh hiss are
Út off all þatt tatt ifell iss
Wiþþ lif & ec wiþþ sawle;
Forr mann ne maȝȝ nohht unnderrfon
Þatt god þatt iss inn heoffne,
Butt iff þatt he be clennsedd all
Off ifell & off sinne.
Her habbe icc shæwedd nu till ȝuw
Þa seoffne bedess alle
Þatt wærenn, alls icc hafe seȝȝd,
Þurrh tale off seoffne tacnedd.
& her icc wile sone anan
Þa seoffne ȝifess shæwenn,
Þatt Haliȝ Gast uss ȝifeþþ her,
Ȝiff þatt we rihht himm þeowwtenn.
Þe firrste ȝife iss witt & skill
Inn heofennlike þingess,
Þurrh whatt mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Hu mann birrþ æfre ȝeornenn


Affterr þatt þing þatt lassteþþ á,
& all iss full off blisse.
Þiss ȝife ȝifeþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þa menn þatt wel himm cwemenn;
Forr aȝȝ hemm langeþþ heþennwarrd,
& upp till heoffness blisse;
Forr þatt teȝȝ unnderrstanndenn wel
Hu wicke itt iss onn eorþe,
Wiþþ þatt itt iss inn heoffness ærd
Biforenn Godess sihhþe.
An oþerr ȝife Godess Gast
Her ȝifeþþ hise þeowwess
Þatt iss, þatt he þeȝȝm ȝifeþþ her
All full wel tunnderrstanndenn
Off all þe boc i Godess hus
Þe deope diȝhellnesse,
Swa þatt teȝȝ muȝhenn shæwenn ȝuw
All whatt itt seȝȝþ & meneþþ,
& all hu mann birrþ follȝhenn itt
Forr Drihhtin rihht to þeowwtenn,
Swa þatt ȝe muȝhenn alle imæn
Þatt rihhte weȝȝe follȝhenn,
Þatt ledeþþ þa till heoffness ærd
Þatt Godess laȝhess haldenn.
Þe þridde ȝife Godess Gast
Her ȝifeþþ hise þeowwess,
He gifeþþ hemm himm sellfenn her
Swa forrþerrlike onn eorþe,
Swa þatt teȝȝ cunnenn ráþenn rihht
Hemm sellfenn & ec oþre,


Off all þatt æfre iss owwþerr ned
To lif & ec to sawle.
Þe feorþe ȝife off Haliȝ Gast
Iss strenncþe ȝæn þe deofell;
Strenncþe to fihhtenn stallwurrliȝ
Onnȝæn þe flæshess lusstess;
Strenncþe þatt ȝifeþþ lufe & lusst
Þe bodiȝ forr to pinenn
Wiþþ swinnc, wiþþ hunngerr, & wiþþ þrisst,
Wiþþ chele i wicke claþess,
Wiþþ cnelinng, & wiþþ bedesang,
Wiþþ swinginng, & wiþþ wecche;
Strenncþe to þolenn rihht wiþþ skill
Illc seollþe & illc unnseollþe,
& aȝȝ to þannkenn innwarrdliȝ
Drihhtin all þatt he senndeþþ;
Þiss strenncþe ȝifeþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þa menn þatt wel himm cwemenn.
Þe fifte ȝife iss shæd & skill
I weorelldlike þingess,
Þurrh whatt mann unnderrstanndeþþ wel
& seoþ wiþþ heorrtess eȝhe
All what iss rihht, & whatt iss wo
Biforenn Godess eȝhne,
& whatt bilimmpeþþ to þe lif,
& whatt gaþ to þe sawle;
& all hu mann birrþ weorelldþing
Nittenn & tohh forrwerrpenn;


& hu þe birrþ ȝæn ifell mann
& ec ȝæn god mann baþe
Swa ledenn þe wiþþ skill, þatt tu
Ne gillte nohht ȝæn owwþerr,
Acc þatt hemm baþe beo þe bett
Off þatt teȝȝ neh þe biggenn;
& hu þe birrþ uppo þin frend
Swa lufenn lif & sawle,
Þatt te birrþ hatenn þohh onn himm
All whattse iss woh & sinne;
& hu þe birrþ uppo þin fend
All hatenn woh & sinne,
Swa þatt te lufenn birrþ onn himm
Þohhwheþþre lif & sawle.
Swillc shæd & skill i weorelldþing
All hu mann shall himm ledenn,
Her setteþþ Haliȝ Gast o þa
Þatt lufenn himm & cwemenn.
Þe sexte ȝife off Haliȝ Gast
Iss an rihht god reowwsunnge
Þatt Godess þeoww, whasumm itt iss,
Her bereþþ inn hiss heorrte.
Himm reoweþþ off hiss aȝhenn woh
& off hiss aȝhenn sinne,
& ec off oþerr manness woh,
Off oþerr manness sinne.
Himm reoweþþ þatt he nafeþþ nohht
All haldenn, alls himm birrde,


Þe Crisstenndom wiþþ word & weorrc,
& wiþþ þe rihhte læfe,
All affterr þatt he Godd bihét
Þatt daȝȝ þatt he wass fullhtnedd.
Himm reoweþþ þatt he dwelleþþ her
Swa swiþe lange onn eorþe
Þatt all iss full off hete & niþ,
& full off alle sinness.
Himm reoweþþ þatt he nafeþþ nohht
Off Paradisess riche
Þatt himm wass ȝarrkedd þurrh Drihhtin,
To brukenn á wiþþ blisse.
Himm reoweþþ þatt he nohht ne maȝȝ
Himm ȝemenn all fra sinne,
Þohh þatt he nohht ne kepeþþ her
To gilltenn hise þannkess.
Himm reoweþþ þatt he nohht ne maȝȝ
Swillc haliȝ bisne shæwenn,
Alls himm hiss herrte bereþþ to,
Ȝiff þatt hét mihhte forþenn.
Himm reoweþþ ec off alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn deofless lare,
Off þatt hemm þwerrt út nohht niss off
To betenn here sinness.
Swillc reowwsunng ȝifeþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þa menn þatt rihht himm cwemenn.
Þe seoffnde ȝife Godess Gast
Her ȝifeþþ Godess þeowwess
Þatt iss, to drædenn Drihhtin rihht
I þohht, i word, i dede.


Þiss drædunng iss þatt rodetreo
Þatt Crist himm sellf spacc offe,
& seȝȝde to þe leode þuss,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Þatt mann þatt wile follȝhenn me
& winnenn eche blisse,
He tăke hiss rode, & bere itt rihht,
& follȝhe swa min bisne.
& rihht drædunng off Godd maȝȝ wel
Þurrh rodetreo ben tacnedd;
Forr rihht drædunng off Godd te doþ
All bindenn swa þin herrte,
& all þin bodiȝ, swa þatt tu
Ne darrst nohht Drihhtin wraþþenn,
Ne þurrh þin þohht, ne þurrh þin word,
Ne þurrh þin bodiȝ dede;
& swa þu follȝhesst Cristess sloþ
Þurrh rihht drædunng all bundenn,
Alls iff þu wære bundenn all
O rodetreo wiþþ bandess;
Þiss drædunng ȝifeþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þa menn þatt rihht himm þeowwtenn;
Her hafe icc shæwedd nu till ȝuw
Þa seoffne ȝifess alle,
Þatt hallȝhe weress unnderrfon
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess frofre.


& her icc wile wiþþ & wiþþ
Þa seoffne seollþess shæwenn
Þatt wærenn, alls icc hafe seȝȝd,
Þurrh tale off seoffne tacnedd.
& her icc wile reccnenn hemm
All o þatt illke wise,
All alls hemm sette o Goddspellboc
Maþeow þe Goddspellwrihhte.
Þe firrste seollþe iss þatt tu beo,
All wiþþ þin aȝhenn wille,
All wrecche & wædle & usell mann,
Forr lufe off eche blisse.
Þiss seollþe shall þe winnenn her
Heh kinedom inn heoffne,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Þatt þweorrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ.
Þatt oþerr seollþe iss þatt tu beo
Ædmod, & soffte, & milde,
All forr þe soþe lufe off Godd,
All wiþþ þin aȝhenn wille.
Þiss seollþe all heoffness ærdess land
Þe winnenn shall & ahnenn,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Ȝiff þatt tu wel itt follȝhesst.
Þe þridde seollþe doþ þe mann
Wepenn wiþþ skill & wanenn
Nohht forr nan lĭre off weorelldþing,
Ne forr eorþlike unnseollþe,
Acc forr hiss aȝhenn sinne, & ec
Forr oþerr manness sinne;


Forr Godess þeoww her wepeþþ á
Forr oþre, & forr himm sellfenn.
He wepeþþ her forr alle þa
Þatt wepenn her wiþþ sinne,
He wepeþþ ec forr alle þa
Þatt lahȝhenn her wiþþ sinne.
Nu mihht tu fraȝȝnenn whillc iss þatt
Þatt wepeþþ her wiþþ sinne,
Whatt mann se itt iss þatt wepeþþ her
Forr lĭre off eorþlike ahhte.
& tu mihht fraȝȝnenn whillc iss þatt
Þatt lahȝheþþ her wiþþ sinne,
Þatt mann þatt lateþþ modiliȝ
Forr hiss eorþlike seollþe.
Nu wepeþþ Godess þeoww forr þa
Þatt wepenn her wiþþ sinne,
& he shall att hiss endedaȝȝ
Þurrh Drihhtin wurrþenn frofredd
Off all hiss wop & all hiss wa,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
Þe feorþe seollþe iss þatt tu beo
Forrþrisst & ec forrhunngredd,
Nohht affterr mete, naffterr drinnch,
Acc affterr rihhtwisnesse.
Þiss hunngerr & tiss þrisst iss á
I Cristess þewwess herrte;
Forr aȝȝ occ aȝȝ he stanndeþþ inn
To reȝȝsenn rihhtwisnesse,


& aȝȝ to tredenn unnderrfót
All whattse iss woh & sinne;
& all hiss hunngerr & hiss þrisst
Shall ben þurrh Drihhtin sleckedd;
Forr he shall att hiss endedaȝȝ
Þurrh hiss Drihhtiness fode
All filledd ben off iwhillc god,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Þe fifte seollþe nemmnedd iss
Forrȝifenesse & are,
& Cristess þeowwess herrte iss all
Full off þiss hallȝhe seollþe,
Aȝȝ to forrȝifenn innwarrdliȝ,
Wiþþ soþfasst millce & are,
All þatt mann gillteþþ himm onnȝæn
Onn alle kinne wise.
& Drihhtin att hiss endedaȝȝ,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Shall arenn himm & millcenn himm,
& brinngenn himm till heoffne;
Þe sexte seollþess ædiȝleȝȝc
Iss clene & lutterr herrte,
Þatt all þin herrte beo þwerrt út
Att tin wittshipe clene,
Þatt tu ne wĭte nan wiþþ þe
Ne lasse gillt, ne mare.
Swillc herrte niss forrblendedd nohht
Þurrh ahhtess grediȝnesse,
Ne þurrh nan oþerr flæshess lusst,
Ne þurrh nan modinesse,


& forrþi maȝȝ itt sen to gan
Wiþþ all þatt rihhte weȝȝe
Þatt ledeþþ menn till heoffness ærd,
To sen Drihhtin wiþþ ehne;
& whase itt iss þatt hafeþþ her
Swillc herrte all þwerrt út clene,
He shall wiþþ blisse seon Drihhtin,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
Þe seoffnde seollþess ædiȝleȝȝc
Iss griþþ i manness herrte,
Swa þatt illc an unnclene lusst
& illc an ifell wille
Beo trededd dun þurrh lufe off Godd,
& cwennkedd inn hiss herrte,
Swa þatt hiss bodiȝ wiþþ hiss gast
Sammtale & sahhte wurrþe,
Swa þatt teȝȝ baþe ȝeornenn an
& follȝhenn an wiþþ wille,
Inn all þatt þohht & word & werrc
Þatt all iss Drihhtin cweme.
& ec þiss seollþe doþ þe mann
Aȝȝ soþ sahhtnesse follȝhenn
Wiþþ god mann & wiþþ ifell mann,
Inn all þatt niss nan sinne;
Forr himm ne birrþ nohht beon all an
Wiþþ naniȝ mann i sinne;
Forr he ne maȝȝ nohht sinnelæs
Beon bliþe off aniȝ sinne,


Acc himm birrþ þræpenn aȝȝ wiþþ skill
Onnȝæness alle sinness,
& shæwenn þohh sahhtnesse & griþþ,
Swa summ icc hafe spelledd,
Ȝét forrþenn towarrd ifell mann,
Inn all þatt niss nan sinne.
& ȝiff þiss hallȝhe griþþ iss wel
Wiþþinnenn i þin herrte,
& ec wiþþutenn towarrd menn,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
Þa shallt tu wurrþenn sikerrliȝ
An off Drihhtiness chilldre,
Swa summ þatt Goddspell kiþeþþ uss
Þatt Crist himm sellf uss seȝȝde;
Her hafe icc shæwedd nu till ȝuw
Rihht ædiȝnessess seoffne,
Þatt wærenn, alls icc seȝȝde ȝuw,
Þurrh tale off seoffne tacnedd;
Forr tale off seoffne stannt o boc
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Forr itt uss tacneþþ opennliȝ,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Þa seoffne bedess þatt mann finnt
Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr,
& seoffne ȝifess þatt mann foþ
Off Haliȝ Gastess hellpe,
& seoffne seollþess þatt mann her
Forr lufe off Drihhtin follȝheþþ.
& all wass þurrh þe feorþe staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd;


Þatt feorþe staff iss nemmnedd O
An off þa fowwre iss Sannt Maþþew,
& he wass ec an posstell.
An oþerr Goddspellwrihhte wass
Marcuss by name nemmnedd,
& he wass Goddspellwrihhte god,
Acc he ne wass nan posstell.
Þe þridde Goddspellwrihhte wass
Lucas by name nemmnedd,
& he wass Goddspellwrihhte god,
Acc he ne wass nan posstell.
Þe ferþe Goddspellwrihhte wass
Johan, & he wass posstell.
Her hafe I nemmnedd nu till ȝuw
Þa fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess,
Þatt wærenn uss bitacnedd wel
Þurrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd;
Forr þeȝȝre lif fullfremedd wass
Inn alle gode dedess,
All swa þe tale off hunndredd iss
Fullfremedd tale nemmnedd.
& tise fowwre wærenn ec
Þurrh fowwre der bitacnedd,
Þatt Godess þeww Ezechyel
Sahh þurrh gastlike sihhþe.


Þiss illke Ezechiel wass an
Wurrþfull & heh profete
Full mikell fresst biforenn þatt
Þatt Crist comm her to manne;
& he sahh æness fowwre der
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast inn heffne
Abutenn Drihhtin heffness king,
Þær he satt onn hiss sæte;
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn tacnenn uss
Þa fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess,
Þatt wrĭtenn off þe Laferrd Crist
Goddspell o fowwre bokess.
Þatt an der off þa fowwre der
Wass inn an manness like;
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn uss
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt wrát uss onn hiss Goddspellboc
Off Cristess mennisscnesse;
Off þatt, tatt Crist wass wurrþenn mann
Forr all mannkinne nede,
Swa þatt he wass soþ Godd, & ec
Soþ mann i lif & sawle;
& ec off all þatt hallȝhe werrc,
Þatt Crist onn erþe wrohhte
Inn ure bodiȝ þatt he toc
Off Sannte Marȝess kinde.
An oþerr der wass seȝhenn þær
Inn an leuness like;
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn uss
Marrcumm þe Goddspellwrihhte,


Þatt wrát uss onn hiss Goddspellboc,
Hu Crist rás upp off dæþe
Onn uhhtenntid te þridde daȝȝ
Fra þatt he swallt o rode.
& tatt wass rihht tatt le wass sett
Onnȝæn þatt Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt wrát off hu þe Laferrd ras
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe;
Forr leness whellp þær þær itt iss
Whellpedd, tær liþ itt stille
Þre daȝhess alls itt wære dæd,
Forr Cristess dæþ to tacnenn;
& o þe þridde daȝȝ itt iss
Waccnedd off slæp & reȝȝsedd,
Þurrh þatt te faderr gaþ þærto
& stireþþ itt & waccneþþ,
All all swa summ þe Laferrd ras
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe
All þurrh hiss Hallȝhe Faderr mahht,
& þurrh hiss aȝhenn mahhte.
Þe þridde der þatt he þær sahh
Wass inn an kallfess like;
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn uss
Lucam þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt wrát uss onn hiss Goddspellboc
Off Cristess dæþ o rode,
Þær he wass offredd lac, forr uss
To lesenn út off helle.
& tatt wass rihht tatt callf wass sett
Onnȝæn þatt Goddspellwrihhte,


Þatt wrát off hu þe Laferrd Crist
Wass offredd uppo rode;
Forr kallf wass, wiss to fulle soþ,
An lac amang þa lakess
Þatt wærenn offredd Drihhtin Godd
Biforenn Cristess come.
Þe feorþe deor þatt he þær sahh
Wass inn an ærness like,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn uss
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt wrát uss onn hiss Goddspellboc
Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse,
Off-hu þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde
Aȝȝ wass, & iss, & æfre beoþ
Hiss Faderr efennmete,
Allmahhtiȝ & Allwældennd Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
All an i Goddcunndnesse.
& tatt wass rihht tatt ærn wass sett
Onnȝæn þatt Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt mast wrát onn hiss Goddspellboc
Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse;
Forr i þatt tatt he wrát off swillc
He flæh upp inntill heoffne,
Þurrh þatt he wrát her i þiss lif
Off Godess depe kinde,


& tær wass he full lic wiþþ ærn
Þatt fleȝheþþ upp full heȝhe.
Þuss wærenn þurrh þa fowwre deor
Þa fowwre menn bitacnedd
Þatt wrĭtenn off þe Laferrd Crist
Goddspell o fowwre bokess.
& tise fowwre gode menn,
Wiþþ heore fowwre bokess,
Sinndenn gastlike i gastliȝ witt
An waȝȝn wiþþ fowwre wheoless,
Þatt bereþþ i þiss middellærd
Drihhtin fra land to lande;
Forr wíde & síde spelledd iss
Þurrh heore fowwre bokess
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& hu mann birrþ himm þeowwtenn.
& whære o lande summ itt iss
Þatt mann off Goddspell spelleþþ,
Hu mann birrþ þeowwtenn Jesu Crist
& lufenn himm & drædenn,
Þær iss þe Laferrd Crist himm sellf,
& tiderr iss he waȝȝnedd
Uppo þatt hallȝhe waȝȝn þatt gaþ
O fowwre Goddspellwheless.
Þiss waȝȝn wass þurrh an kingess waȝȝn
Inn alde daȝhess tacnedd,
Full mikell fresst biforenn þatt
Þatt Crist comm her to manne,
& he þatt king bi năme wass
Amminadab ȝehatenn,


& he þatt illke Amminadab
Wass borenn, to bitacnenn
Crist, Godess Sune, þurrh hiss waȝȝn
& þurrh hiss name baþe.
Hiss name wass Amminadab,
& upponn Ennglissh spæche
Itt tacneþþ uss þatt mann þatt doþ
God werrc wiþþ innwarrd herrte,
Wiþþ mikell lusst, wiþþ all hiss mahht,
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille.
& tatt mann iss Sponntaneuss
O Latin spæche nemmnedd,
Þatt doþ wiþþ innwarrd herrte god
& all wiþþ fulle wille;
& swa wass Crist sponntaneuss
Inn all hiss hallȝhe dede,
Forr all þatt he to manne comm
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
& tatt himm ummbeshorenn wass
Hiss shapp o þalde wise,
& tatt he rihht full herrsumm wass
Till Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr,
Þatt he wass fullhtnedd i þe flumm
Att Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
& tatt he siþþenn affterr þatt
Held fasste i wilde wesste,
& tatt he þurrh þe laþe gast
Wass siþþenn fandedd þriȝȝess,
& tatt he dide mikell god
Wiþþ larspell & wiþþ dede,


& tatt he siþþenn tăkenn wass
All gilltelæs & bundenn
& naȝȝledd uppo rodetre,
& tatt he swallt o rode,
& tatt he ras þe þridde daȝȝ
Off dæþess slæp to life,
& stah upp inntill heffness ærd;
All dide he þatt onn erþe
Wiþþ innwarrd herrtess lufe & lusst,
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille;
& forrþi wass he full wel þurrh
Amminadab bitacnedd,
Þatt tacneþþ uss þatt mann þatt doþ
God werrc wiþþ innwarrd herrte,
Wiþþ all hiss mahht, wiþþ mikell lusst,
Wiþþ all hiss fulle wille.
& þurrh Amminadabess waȝȝn
Wass Cristess Goddspell tacnedd,
Þatt iss o fowwre bokess sett
Þurrh fowwre Goddspellwrihhtess;
& tærfore iss Cristess Goddspell,
All Cristess hallȝhe lare,
Alls iff itt wære Cristess waȝȝn
O fowwre Goddspell wheless.
& ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf
Inn ure mennisscnesse
Wass tacnedd þurrh þa fowwre deor,
Þatt we nu spækenn offe.
Forr he wass mann forr ure ned
To lesenn uss off helle.


& he wass tacnedd þurrh þe leo;
Forr þatt he ras onn erþe,
All alls hiss lefe wille wass,
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe.
& he wass tacnedd þurrh þe callf;
Forr he wass uppo rode
All alls hiss lefe wille wass
Offredd Drihhtin to lake.
& he wass taccnedd þurrh þatt ærn;
Forr he stah upp till heoffne
O þatt daȝȝ þatt upponn Ennglissh
Iss Hallȝhe Þurrsdaȝȝ nemmnedd.
Þær wass he tacnedd wel þurrh ærn;
Forr ærn maȝȝ heȝhe fleȝhenn.
& illc an haliȝ mann þatt rihht
Drihhtiness laȝhess haldeþþ
Iss tacnedd þurrh þa fowwre deor,
Þatt we nu spækenn offe.
Forr god mann follȝheþþ witt & skill
& wiþþ wissdom himm ledeþþ,
& iss swa tacnedd þurrh þatt deor
Þatt wass i manness like;
Forr mann birrþ follȝhenn rihht tatt witt
Þatt Godd himm hafeþþ lenedd,
& ȝiff he nohht ne follȝheþþ witt,
Acc unnwitt all wiþþ wille
Inn all þatt iss onnȝæn Drihhtin,
Inn alle kinne sinne,


Þa niss he nohht haldenn forr mann
Biforenn Godess ehne;
Forr niss na tale inn heoffness ærd
Bitwenenn Godess hallȝhenn
Off ifell mann, þatt ifell iss
All wiþþ hiss fulle wille,
Butt all swillc tale alls iss off hund,
Forr eȝȝþerr iss unnclene.
& god mann riseþþ aȝȝ uppwarrd
Inn alle gode dedess,
& godeþþ aȝȝ, & heȝheþþ aȝȝ
Biforenn Godess ehne,
& ȝiff he gillteþþ aniȝ gillt
Itt iss all ȝæn hiss wille,
& nile he nohht tærinne lin,
Acc riseþþ upp þurrh shriffte,
& beteþþ sone anan þatt gillt
Þatt he wass fallenn inne.
He riseþþ upp & sahhtleþþ himm
Wiþþ Godd þurrh rihht dædbote,
& iss swa tacnedd þurrh þatt deor
Þatt wass i leoness like,
Þatt riseþþ o þe þridde daȝȝ
Affterr þatt itt iss wheollpedd.
& god mann stanndeþþ aȝȝ onnȝæn
Hiss flæshess fule wille,
& cwennkeþþ aȝȝ wiþþ all hiss mahht
Hiss flæshess fule lusstess,
& offreþþ swa biforenn Godd
An lac well swiþe dere,


Hiss aȝhenn bodiȝ wiþþ hiss gast
Sammtale inn alle gode,
& iss swa tacnedd þurrh þatt der
Þatt wass i kallfess like;
Forr kallf wass offredd Godd to lac
Biforenn Cristess come,
Amang þatt Judewisshe þeod
Þatt ta wass Godd full cweme.
& god man georneþþ aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Affterr hiss lifess ende,
& aȝȝ himm langeþþ heþennwarrd
& upp till heoffness blisse;
Forr all hiss lufe & all hiss lusst
Iss naȝȝledd upp inn heoffne,
Swa þatt he þwerrt út all forrseoþ
Þiss weorelldþingess sellþe,
& all hiss herrte fleȝheþþ upp
& all forrwerrpeþþ eorþe,
& iss swa tacnedd þurrh þatt deor
Þatt wass inn ærness like;
Forr ærn maȝȝ fleȝhenn i þe lifft
Full heȝhe towarrd heoffne,
& tacneþþ wel þatt gode mann
Þatt ȝeorneþþ upp to Criste.
Þuss wærenn þurrh þa fowwre deor
Þa fowwre menn bitacnedd,
Þatt writenn off þe Laferrd Crist
Goddspell o fowwre bokess.


& Jesu Crist himm sellf wass ec
Þurrh alle fowwre tacnedd,
& illc an haliȝ mann þatt rihht
Drihhtiness laȝhess haldeþþ
Wass tacnedd þurrh þa fowwre deor,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd.
& alle wærenn tacnedd uss
Þurrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd,
Þatt wærenn þurrh þe fifte staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd;
Forr all þatt tatt ta fowwre deor
Uss haffdenn to bitacnenn,
All wass itt rihht fullfremedd þing
& þwerrt út god wiþþ alle,
All swa summ illc an hunndredd iss
Full tale, & all fullwaxenn
Swa þwerrt út, tatt itt nohht ne maȝȝ
Waxenn ne wurrþenn mare.
& whase itt iss þatt mann þatt tiss
Fullfremeddnesse follȝheþþ,
Þatt uss full wel bitacnedd wass
Þurrh tale off fowwerr hunndredd,
Þatt uss wass þurrh þe fifte staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd,
Þatt mann shall ben wurrþi to beon
Þurrh Cristess name borrȝenn;
Þe sexte staff bitacneþþ uss
Þe tăle off tweȝȝenn hunndredd,


& tweȝȝenn hunndredd tacnenn uss
Þa tweȝȝenn hallȝhe lífess,
Þatt Cristess hird i Crisstenndom
Wiþþ Cristess hellpe follȝheþþ.
& ȝuw birrþ wĭtenn, þatt tatt an
Off þise tweȝȝenn lifess
Bilimmpeþþ to þatt hallȝhe swinnc,
Þatt follȝheþþ Godess wille,
To swinnkenn affterr mete & claþ
Wiþþ soþ unnshaþinesse,
Swa þatt tin swinnc be clene swinnc
& att rihht time swunnkenn,
& aȝȝ att hof, & aȝȝ wiþþ skill,
Swa þatt itt nohht ne wraþþe,
Ne weorde nan lifisshe mann
Affterr þatt tu cannst lokenn.
Þuss mihht tu swinnkenn haliȝ swinnc
& swinnkenn Godd tocweme,
& tuss þu mihht te weorelldþing
Wiþþ Godess lefe winnenn,
& sone summ itt wunnenn iss,
Þét birrþ wislike nittenn
Uppo þe sellfenn, & o þa
Þatt littnenn to þin fode,
Wiþþ mett & mæþ i mete & drinnch,
& ec inn ȝure claþess.
Þe birrþ þin rihhte swinnkess winn
Upponn ȝuw alle nittenn,


& o þin Godd full bliþeliȝ
Þe birrþ þin ahhte nittenn.
Off all þatt god tatt o þe ȝer
Iss ekedd to þin ahhte,
Off all þatt god te birrþ þin Godd
Þe tende dale brinngenn,
& all þe birrþ bitæchenn itt
Þe preost o Godess hallfe,
Onnȝæn þatt he shall shrifenn þe
& huslenn ec, & lærenn,
& biddenn forr þe daȝȝ & nihht,
& brinngenn þe till eorþe.
& tekenn all þe tende lott,
Ȝét birrþ þe brinngenn mare;
Forr þe birrþ don þin hellpe to
Aȝȝ affterr þine fere,
To findenn all þatt æfre iss ned
Abutenn Godess allterr.
& te birrþ cnelenn to þin Godd
& lutenn himm & lakenn,
& te birrþ lufenn wel þin preost
& lutenn himm & lefftenn,
Ȝét forrþenn þohh he nohht ne beo
Swa god mann summ himm birrde.
& loc þatt tu ne tæle himm nohht
Þohh þatt he beo to tælenn;
Forr ȝiff þe preost missdoþ, hét shall
Wiþþ Cristess hellpe betenn,
& ȝiff þatt hét ne beteþþ nohht
Itt draȝheþþ himm till helle.


& ȝiff þin preost missdoþ, þe birrþ
Full innwarrdlike biddenn,
Þatt Drihhtin ȝife himm wille & mahht
To betenn hise sinness;
Forr ȝiff þu biddesst forr þin preost,
Þu biddesst forr þe sellfenn,
& cwemesst Godd þurrh þatt tatt tu
Swa biddesst forr ȝunnc baþe.
& te birrþ ec þin rihhte winn
Aȝȝ att te nede nittenn
Ȝét forrþenn uppo fremmde menn,
Þatt nedenn to þin hellpe;
Forr þe birrþ fedenn hunngriȝ mann
& þrisstiȝ gifenn drinnke;
& te birrþ claþenn nakedd mann
& sec mann þe birrþ frofrenn,
& himm þatt iss herrberrȝhelæs
Þe birrþ herrberrȝhe findenn,
& himm þatt i cwarrterrne liþ
Forrbundenn & forrþrungenn,
Himm birrþ þe fillstnenn wiþþ þin fe
To lesenn himm off bandess.
& aȝȝ þe birrþ þe sellfenn rihht
& laȝhelike ledenn
Towarrd illc an lifisshe mann,
Þatt ohht wiþþ þe shall dælenn.
Þin laferrd birrþ þe buhsumm beon
& hold & trigg & trowwe.


Þin macche birrþ þe lufenn wel,
Ȝiff þatt ȝho Drihhtin dredeþþ,
& tu mihht follȝhenn hire will
Inn all þatt niss nan sinne,
Inn all þatt ȝho ȝeorneþþ wiþþ skill,
To ȝunnkerr baþre gode.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt ȝho iss all
Wittlæs, & wac, & wicke,
All birrþ þe don þin mahht tærto,
To ȝemenn hire & gætenn,
Swa þatt ȝho muȝhe borrȝhenn beon
Att hire lifess ende;
Forr ȝiff þatt ȝho iss gætelæs,
& eȝȝelæs & wilde,
Ȝho gillteþþ skét, & ȝiff þút wast,
& te niss nohht tæroffe,
Þa narrt tu nohht all sinnelæs
Off-þatt ȝho liþ i sinne.
& ȝiff þin macche iss wis & god,
& tu wittlæs & wicke,
Þa birrþ þin macche gætenn þe
All þatt ȝho maȝȝ fra sinne;
Forr eȝȝþerr birrþ þurrh oþerr beon
Hollpenn to wurrþenn borrȝhenn,
& ȝiff ȝitt baþe follȝhenn rihht
& lufenn Godd & drædenn,
& haldenn ȝunnkerr Cristenndom
Wel affterr ȝunnkerr mihhte,


Swa þatt ȝitt baþe ledenn ȝunnc
Clennlike ȝunnc bitwenenn,
Þa follȝhe ȝitt tatt narrwe stih
Þatt ledeþþ ȝunnc till heoffne,
Ȝiff þatt ȝitt endenn ȝunnkerr lif
All affterr Cristess wille,
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe o Godd
& all i gode dedess,
Wiþþ lufe towarrd alle menn
Wiþþ husell & wiþþ shriffte.
& ȝunnc birrþ nimenn mikell gom
To þæwenn ȝunnkerr chilldre,
& ȝunnc birrþ ȝeorne lærenn hemm
To lufenn Godd & drædenn,
Ȝiff þatt ȝitt nilenn wraþþenn Godd
Þurrh sinnfull ȝemelæste.
& ȝunnc birrþ ȝunnkerr leȝhemenn
Rihht laȝhelike ledenn,
Swa þatt ȝitt nohht att hofelæs
Ne nede þeȝȝm to swinnkenn;
Forr ȝunnc birrþ witenn swiþe wel,
& innwarrdlike trowwenn,
Þatt niss bitwenen ȝunnc & hemm
Nan shæd i manness kinde,
& tatt teȝȝ muȝhenn gode beon
Biforenn Godess ehne;
& tatt ȝitt muȝhenn wraþþenn Godd
Ȝiff ȝitt hemm oferrbedenn.
& heore leȝhe birrþ hemm beon
Rædiȝ, þann itt iss addledd;


Forr þatt iss Godess bodeword,
Loc ȝiff þu willt itt follȝhenn,
Þatt heore daȝȝwhammlike swinnc
Beo daȝȝwhammlike hemm goldenn.
& hemm birrþ, ȝiff þatt hemm iss laþ
Full hefiȝliȝ to gilltenn,
Beon ar & lăte o ȝunnkerr weorrc
& ȝeorrnfull aȝȝ þæronne;
Forr ȝiff þeȝȝ wirrkenn ȝunnkerr weorrc
Forrwurrþennlike & ille,
Þa gilltenn þeȝȝ full hefiȝliȝ
Ȝæn Godd & ȝæn ȝunnc baþe.
Ne birrþ þe shendenn nani mann
Ne weordenn þine þannkess,
& tohh, ȝiff þatt tu gilltesst ohht
Wiþþ aniȝ mann o life,
Þe birrþ itt betenn bliþeliȝ,
& wurrþenn himm wiþþ bote.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt aniȝ mann
Þe shendeþþ oþerr werdeþþ,
Þe birrþ himm biddenn don þe rihht
& laȝhe þær onnȝæness,
& ȝiff he doþ þe laȝhe & rihht,
Þa wurrþ he þær þin broþerr,
Ȝiff þatt itt iss wiþþ herrte don,
Ȝiff eȝȝþerr lufeþþ oþerr.
& ȝiff þatt he þurrh orrȝhellmod
Forrhoȝheþþ þe to wurrþenn,
& nile nowwþerr don þe rihht
Forr lufe ne forr eȝȝe,


Þatt mann iss wiss þe deofless þeoww
Þurrh niþ & modiȝnesse;
& tu beo meoc, swa summ þe birrþ,
Onnȝæn hiss modiȝnesse,
& forr þe lufe off þin Drihhtin
Forrȝife himm wraþþe & laþþe,
& all forrwerrp þu towarrd himm
To sekenn affterr wræche;
Forr þu mihht cwemenn swa þin Godd
& oferrcumenn deofell,
Ȝiff þatt tu shæwesst soþ meocleȝȝc
Onnȝæness modiȝnesse,
& ȝiff þu nillt nohht hatenn himm
Þatt hateþþ þe wiþþ herrte.
Þuss mihht tu ledenn her þatt lif
Rihht wel, wiþþ Godess hellpe,
Þatt follȝheþþ all þatt hallȝhe swinnc
Þatt iss wiþþ Godess lefe;
& itt iss,—alls icc seȝȝde ȝuw,
An off þa tweȝȝenn lifess
Þatt wærenn þurrh þe sexte staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd,
Þurrh þatt tatt staff bitacneþþ uss
Þe tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd.
Þatt oþerr lif, þatt tacnedd wass
Þurrh tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd,
Iss fundenn binnenn muneclif
I þa þatt sinndenn gode.


Þatt lif þatt iss i muneclif
Iss shadd fra ȝure swinnkess,
& itt iss all an oþerr lif
& hehhre lif & bettre;
Forr ȝiff þatt itt iss haldenn rihht
Itt addleþþ mare mede;
Þatt mann þatt ledenn shall þiss lif
Þatt we nu mælenn umbe,
Himm birrþ beon inn hiss herrte meoc,
& soffte, & stille, & milde,
& buhsum till hiss alderrmann
Þatt hafeþþ himm to gætenn,
To follȝhenn all hiss will þwerrt út
Inn all þatt niss nan sinne;
Forr niss nan herrsummnesse sett
Þurrh Godd, ne þurrh hiss lefe,
To follȝhenn aniȝ manness will,
Inn aniȝ kinne sinne;
Forr birrþ þe nowwþerr sinne don
Forr lufe, ne forr eȝȝe.
& tæroff comm þe marrtirdom
Bitwenenn Godess hallȝhenn;
Forr ær þeȝȝ wolldenn þolenn dæþ
Wiþþ alle kinne pine,
Ær þann þeȝȝ wolldenn gilltenn ohht
Onnȝæness Godess wille.
& himm þatt ledenn shall þiss lif
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,


Himm birrþ all weorelldshipe flen,
& all þwerrt út forrwerrpenn;
& himm birrþ all hiss flæshess lusst
Forr lufe off Crist forrwerrpenn;
& tatt iss swiþe strang & harrd
To forþenn her onn eorþe,
& forrþi witt tu wel þatt itt
Iss hehhre lif & bettre
To libbenn rihht i muneclif,
Swa summ þær iss to libbenn,
Þann iss to ledenn ȝure lif
Wiþþ weddlac & wiþþ ahhte;
Forr himm birrþ beon full clene mann,
& all wiþþutenn ahhte,
Buttan þatt mann himm findenn shall
Unnorne mete & wæde.
& tær iss all þatt eorþliȝ þing
Þatt minnstremann birrþ aȝhenn
Wiþþutenn cnif & shæþe, & camb,
& nedle, ȝiff hét ȝeorneþþ.
& all þiss shall mann findenn himm
& wel himm birrþ itt ȝemenn;
Forr birrþ himm nowwþerr don þæroff,
Ne ȝifenn itt, ne sellenn.
& himm birrþ æfre stanndenn inn
To lofenn Godd & wurrþenn,
& aȝȝ himm birrþ beon fressh þærto
Bi daȝȝess & bi nihhtess;
& tat iss harrd & strang & tor
& hefiȝ lif to ledenn,


& forrþi birrþ wel clawwstremann
Onnfanngenn mikell mede
Att hiss Drihhtin Allwældennd Godd,
Forr whamm he mikell swinnkeþþ.
And all hiss herrte & all [hiss] lusst
Birrþ aȝȝ beon towarrd heoffne,
& himm birrþ ȝeornenn aȝȝ þatt an,
Hiss Drihhtin wel to cwemenn
Wiþþ daȝȝsang & wiþþ uhhtennsang,
Wiþþ messess & wiþþ beness,
& wiþþ to lĕtenn swingenn himm
Þe bodig swa to pinenn,
Wiþþ fasstinng forr þe lufe off Godd,
Wiþþ cneling & wiþþ wecche.
& himm birrþ beon ædmod & meoc
& god wiþþ hise breþre,
& all swa towarrd oþre menn
Inn all þatt niss nan sinne;
Forr he maȝȝ skét to milde beon
Wiþþ himm þatt iss unnþæwedd.
Þiss iss þatt oþerr lif off þa
Þatt wærenn uss bitacnedd,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd ȝuw,
Þurrh tale off tweȝȝenn hunndredd
Þatt wærenn þurrh þe sexte staff
Off Cristess name tacnedd.
& tise lifess wærenn uss
Þurrh tweȝȝenn susstress tacnedd,


Well mikell fresst biforenn þatt
Þatt Crist comm her to manne,
Þa susstress-þatt witt tu full wiss,
Werenn Labaness dohhtress.
& Laban wass an riche mann
I werelldþingess sellþe,
& hise tweȝȝenn dohhtress uss
Tacnedenn tweȝȝenn lifess,
Þa lifess þatt icc habbe ȝuw
Summ del nu spelledd offe,
Affterr þatt little witt tatt me
Min Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
Þatt an wass swiþe faȝȝerr wif,
& wass Rachæl ȝehatenn [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] ledenn hemm þe weȝȝe rihht
Till himm þatt teȝȝ þær sohhtenn.
& teȝȝ þa comenn to þe king,
& he þeȝȝm droh to rune,
& toc hemm þa full dærneliȝ
To fraȝȝnenn off þatt steorrne,
Whillc daȝȝ itt wass hemm allre firrst
To takenn sett o liffte,
& teȝȝ himm seȝȝdenn witerrliȝ
Whillc daȝȝ itt wass hemm awwnedd.
& he þeȝȝm sennde sone forþ
Till Beþþleæm & seȝȝde;


Nu, laferrdinngess, fareþþ forþ,
& sekeþþ swiþe ȝeorne
Þatt newe king þatt borenn iss
Her i þiss land to manne,
& sone summ ȝe findenn himm,
Whær summ he beoþ onn eorþe,
Wiþþ ȝure maddmess lakeþþ himm
& buȝheþþ himm & luteþþ,
& cumeþþ efft onnȝæn till me,
& witeþþ me to seggenn
Whær icc me muȝhe findenn himm
To lakenn himm & lutenn.
& teȝȝ þa wenndenn fra þe king
Till þeȝȝre rihhte weȝȝe,
& teȝȝre steorne wass hemm þa
Full rædiȝ upp o liffte,
To ledenn hemm þatt weȝȝe rihht
Þatt laȝȝ towarrd tatt chesstre
Þatt wass ȝehatenn Beþþleæm,
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne.
& off þatt tatt teȝȝ sæȝhenn efft
Þatt steorrne þatt hemm ledde,
Þeȝȝ wærenn bliþe sone anan
Þurrh swiþe mikell blisse.
& teȝȝre steorne ledde hemm rihht
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Þær ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne;
& forrþrihht whanne itt cumenn wass
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre,


Itt stod all stille upp o þe lifft,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Rihht tær abufenn þær þe child
Wass inne wiþþ hiss moderr
Þatt fedde himm wiþþ þatt illke millc
Þatt comm off hire pappe,
All alls itt wære an oþerr child
Þatt þære onn hire streonedd.
& tær wass sene þatt ȝho wass
Soþlike Godess moderr;
Forr naffde ȝho nan millc till himm,
Ȝiff þatt ȝho nære hiss moderr;
Forr ȝho wass maȝȝdenn þanne, & ær,
& æfre þweort út clene.
& sone swa þatt steorrne stod
Þa kingess wel itt sæȝhenn,
& ȝedenn þær inntill þatt hus
Þatt Jesu Crist wass inne,
& fundenn þatt teȝȝ haffdenn sohht,
& wærenn swiþe bliþe.
Þeȝȝ fundenn ure Laferrd Crist
& ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
& nohht ne seȝȝþ þe Goddspellboc
Þatt Josæp wass þærinne,
Þær ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass fundenn wiþþ hiss moderr;
& tatt wass don þurrh Godd tatt he
Ne wass nohht ta þærinne,


Þa þatt unncuþe follc comm inn,
To lefenn uppo Criste.
Þeȝȝ fundenn ure Laferrd Crist
& fellenn dun o cnewwess,
To buȝhenn & to lutenn himm
Wiþþ hæfedd & wiþþ heorrte.
& illc an king oppnede þær
Hiss hord off hise maddmess,
& illc an ȝaff himm þrinne lac
To lakenn himm & wurrþenn.
An lac wass gold, te Goddspell seȝȝþ,
An oþerr lac wass recless,
Þe þridde þatt teȝȝ gæfenn himm
Wass an full deore sallfe,
& itt iss o þe Goddspellboc
Myrra bi name nemmnedd.
& her iss litell oþerr nohht
I þiss land off þatt sallfe,
Acc i þe Kalldeowisshe land
Mann maȝȝ itt summwhær findenn.
Þatt lic þatt smeredd iss þærwiþþ
Biforr þatt mann itt dellfeþþ,
Ne maȝȝ itt nohht affterr þatt daȝȝ
Lihhtlike wurrþenn eorþe;
& itt wass þeȝȝre þridde lac,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
& affterr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn Crist
Wiþþ heore maddmess lakedd,
Þeȝȝ tokenn nihhtess resste þær
I Beþþleæmess chesstre;


& Drihhtin ȝaff hemm sware o nihht
Þær þeȝȝ o bedde slepptenn,
& radde hemm þatt teȝȝ sholldenn ham
Wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe wendenn,
& till Herode king onnȝænn
He þeȝȝm forrbæd to turrnenn.
& wel þeȝȝ wisstenn Godess raþ,
& wel þeȝȝ alle itt heldenn,
Forr alle samenn forenn ham
Wiþþ all an oþerr weȝȝe,
& forenn inntill þeȝȝre land
Wiþþ fulle læfe o Criste.
& all þatt ȝer Herode king
Bád affterr þeȝȝre come,
To witenn ȝiff þeȝȝ haffdenn Crist
Owwhar onn eorþe fundenn;
Acc þeȝȝ ne comenn nohht himm to;
& tatt wass Godess wille,
Forr þatt he wollde cwellenn Crist,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss,
& icc ȝuw wile shæwenn,
Hu mikell god itt læreþþ ȝuw
Off ȝure sawless nede.
Herode king bitacneþþ uss
Þe laþe gast off helle,


& he maȝȝ wel bitacnenn himm
Whamm he stod inn to follȝhenn;
Forr all hiss word, & all hiss werrc,
& all hiss laþe trowwþe
Wass full off iwhillc hæþenndom,
All affterr deofless wille.
& ta þreo kingess tacnenn uss
Þatt flocc þatt Drihhtin ledeþþ,
Þatt flocc þatt follȝheþþ Crisstenndom
& uppo Criste lefeþþ,
Þatt follȝheþþ heoffness lihht & leom,
Þatt iss Goddspelless lare,
& Cristess laȝhe, & Crisstenndom,
& rihhte læfe o Criste,
Þatt ledeþþ hemm þe weȝȝe rihht
Till Drihhtin upp inn heoffne,
All all swa summ þatt steorrneleom
Rihht ledde þa þreo kingess
Towarrd tatt illke burrȝhess tun,
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne.
& þurrh þatt tatt Herode king
Wass dreriȝmod & dreofedd
Off-þatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Þærþurrh wass uss bitacnedd wel
Wiþþ all full openn bisne,
Þatt all þe laþe gastess flocc,
All helleþeod, wass dreofedd
Off-þatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,


Forr þatt he wollde lesenn út
Mannkinn off hellepine.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne
Rihht i þe land off Ȝerrsalæm,
& tatt he þær wass fundenn,
Þatt tacneþþ uss well mikell þing
Off ure sawless nede;
Forr witt tu well þatt Ȝerrsalæm
Bitacneþþ griþess sihhþe,
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Forr þatt he wollde settenn griþþ
Bitwenenn heoffne & eorþe;
& whase itt iss þatt lufeþþ griþþ
& follȝheþþ wiþþ hiss herrte,
Þatt mann shall findenn Jesu Crist
To beon wiþþ himm i blisse.
Þatt ta þreo kingess turrndenn hemm
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe,
& forenn till Herode king
To wĭtenn whatt he wollde,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ witerrliȝ
Þurrh all full openn bisne,
Þatt sume off ure little flocc
Þatt lefeþþ uppo Criste
Hemm wendenn oþerr stund fra Crist,
& fra þe rihhte weȝȝe,


& turrnenn till þe laþe gast
Þurrh fĕle depe sinness.
& tatt ta kingess sone anan
Forrlurenn þeȝȝre steorrne,
Affterr þatt teȝȝ hemm turrndenn út
Off þeȝȝre rihhte weȝȝe,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ opennliȝ
Þurrh all full witerr bisne,
Þatt he þatt turrneþþ himm fra Crist
Þurrh hefiȝ hæfedd sinne
Forrleoseþþ sawless soþe lihht,
Þatt iss Goddspelless lade,
& Jesu Cristess hellpe & hald
& all hiss hallȝhe millce,
& iss all alls he wære blind
& orrraþ butenn lade,
Aȝȝ whil þatt æfre himm þinnkeþþ god
To lin inn hæfedd sinne.
& tatt ta kingess turrndenn efft
Till þeȝȝre rihhte weȝȝe,
Towarrd te Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& fra þe king Herode,
& sæȝhenn efft forrþrihht anan
Þe steorrness brihhte leome
To ledenn hemm þe weȝȝe rihht
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ witerrliȝ,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt sume off þa þatt wærenn ær
All turrnedd frawarrd Criste,


Hemm turrnenn efft full wel onnȝæn
Fra þeȝȝre depe sinness,
& turrnenn fra þe laþe gast
& turrnenn hemm till Criste,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ takenn bliþeliȝ
Rihht shriffte off þeȝȝre sinness,
& ledenn siþþenn haliȝ lif,
& follȝhenn Cristess lare,
& follȝhenn heoffness lihht & leom
Inn alle gode dedess,
& winnenn Cristess hellpe & hald
& Cristess millce & are,
All all swa summ þa kingess efft
I þeȝȝre rihhte weȝȝe
Fundenn forrþrihht tatt steorrneleom,
Þatt ledde hemm rihht to Criste.
& all þatt, tatt Herode king
Badd ta þreo kingess sekenn
Þatt ȝunge king, & lakenn himm,
& buȝhenn himm o cnewwe,
& cumenn efft onnȝæn till himm
& witenn himm to seggenn,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ haffdenn fundenn himm,
Whære i þe land he wære,
Forr þatt he wollde himm cumenn to
To lakenn himm & lutenn,
All þatt badd he þurrh swikedom
& all þurrh ille wiless;


Forr ȝiff he mihhte findenn himm
Ne wollde he nohht himm lakenn,
Acc wollde himm swiþe bliþeliȝ
Wiþþ swerdess egge cwellenn.
& off þiss laþe swikedom
Ne wisstenn nohht ta kingess
Þatt comenn off Kalldéaland,
To sekenn Crist forr gode;
Forr affterr þatt uss Latin boc
Þurrh haliȝ lare shæweþþ,
Þatt mann iss fox & hinnderrȝæp
& full off ille wiless,
Þatt haldeþþ wiþþ þe laþe gast
& follȝheþþ deofless wille;
& swa niss nohht tatt illke mann
Þatt follȝheþþ Cristess bisne,
Niss he nohht hinnderrȝæp ne pratt
To follȝhenn ille wiless,
Acc iss shepisshe & bilewhit,
All clene off ille þohhtess.
Þa kingess þatt swa comenn forþ
To lutenn Crist & lakenn,
Þeȝȝ gæfenn bisne off Crisstenndom,
Þatt uss birrþ alle follȝhenn;
Forr uss birrþ ure Laferrd Crist
Þatt illke wise lakenn,
& uss birrþ þurrh þa þrinne lac
Drihhtin gastlike lakenn,
& uss birrþ follȝhenn þeȝȝre sloþ
To lefenn uppo Criste


Rihht swa, summ þeȝȝ þurrh þeȝȝre lac
Uss didenn tunnderrstanndenn.
Þeȝȝ gæfenn Drihhtin gold forrþi
Þatt itt bitacnenn shollde,
Þatt teȝȝ himm heldenn witerrliȝ
Forr King off alle kingess;
& tatt wass haȝherrlike don,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wel itt wisstenn
Þatt mann birrþ lakenn eorþliȝ king
Wiþþ gold & ec wiþþ sillferr.
& þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ ȝæfenn himm
An oþerr lac off recless,
Þærþurrh þeȝȝ didenn uss full wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt teȝȝ himm heldenn forr soþ Godd
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
& tatt mann birrde buȝhenn himm,
& lutenn himm & lakenn;
& tatt wass haȝherrlike don,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wel itt wisstenn
Þatt mann birrþ þeowwtenn Drihhtin Godd
Wiþþ recless att hiss allterr.
& þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ ȝæfenn himm
Þatt dĕorewurrþe sallfe
Þatt mann doþ o þe dæde lic,
Þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn uss wiþþ dede,
Þatt Godess word wass wurrþenn mann
To þolenn dæþ onn eorþe,


Forr uss to lesenn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde.
Þatt sallfe þatt teȝȝ ȝæfenn himm,
Þatt iss Myrra ȝehatenn,
Itt iss full bitterr & full beȝȝsc,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn uss
Þatt dæþess bitterrnesse
Þatt Godess Sune, Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Wass wurrþenn mann to dreȝhenn.
Nu birrþ uss alle follȝhenn well
Þa Kalldewisshe kingess
Wiþþ haliȝ lifess gastliȝ lac,
& ec wiþþ ure trowwþe;
Forr uss birrþ lefenn wel þatt Crist
Iss King off alle kingess,
& swa we muȝhenn offrenn himm
Gastlike gold to lake;
& uss birrþ lefenn þatt he iss
Soþ Godd i mennisscnesse,
& swa we muȝhenn offrenn himm
Gastlike lac off recless;
& uss birrþ lefenn þatt he wass
Soþ mann i lif & sawle,
Forr þatt he wollde þolenn dæþ
Forr all mannkinne nede,


& swa we muȝhenn offrenn himm
Gastliȝ þatt illke sallfe
Þatt mann doþ o þe dæde lic,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn.
& tu mihht lakenn Jesu Crist,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Wiþþ alle þise þrinne lac
Þurrh þine gode þæwess.
Ȝiff þatt tu follȝhesst witt & skill
& soþ wissdomess leome,
Þa lakesst tu þe Laferrd Crist
Wiþþ gold i þine þæwess;
Forr rihht all swa summ hord off gold
Mang menn iss horde deresst,
Rihht swa iss allre deresst lac
Biforenn Godess ehne,
Ȝiff þatt we follȝhenn rihht tatt witt
Þatt follȝheþþ Godess wille,
Þatt hallȝhe witt tatt læreþþ uss
To berrȝhenn ure sawle.
& ȝiff þu cwemesst tin Drihhtin
Wiþþ bedess & wiþþ wecchess,
Þa lakesst tu þin Drihhtin swa
Alls itt wiþþ recless wære;
Forr rihht all swa summ recless smec
Iss god & swét to dowwnenn,
All swa iss haliȝ bedesang
Full swét biforenn Criste.
& ȝiff þatt tu þin flæshess will
& hire fule lusstess


Wiþþstanndesst þurrhútlike wel
& cwennkesst wel & cwellesst,
Þa slast tu swa þin aȝhenn flæsh
& hire fule wille,
& offresst Godd þurrh haliȝ þæw
Þatt derewurrþe sallfe
Þatt mann doþ o þe dæde lic,
Þurrh þatt tu slast & cwennkesst
Þin aȝhenn flæshess fule lusst
& hire fule wille.
Þuss birrþ uss alle follȝhenn wel,
Þurrh þæwess & þurrh trowwþe,
Þa kingess þatt wiþþ þrinne lac
Comenn Drihhtin to lakenn;
& tuss birrþ uss þurrh haliȝ lif
Drihhtin gastlike lakenn,
Swa þatt we motenn cwemenn himm
& berrȝhenn ure sawle.
Þeȝȝ brohhtenn Drihhtin þrinne lac
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ure Godd iss þripell Godd
Inn Allmahhtiȝ þrimmnesse,
Faderr, & Sune, & Haliȝ Gast,
An Godd all untodæledd,
Þatt æfre wass, & iss, & beoþ
Wiþþutenn ord & ende,
& all þatt wass, & iss, & beoþ,
He shop, & ah, & steoreþþ.


& ȝuw birrþ unnderrstanndenn wel
& lefenn wel & trowwenn,
Þatt mikell flocc off oþre menn
Comm forþ wiþþ þa þreo kingess
Út off þe Kalldewisshe land
Till Beþþleæmess chesstre.
Acc Goddspellboc ne spekeþþ nohht
Off all þatt oþerr genge,
Acc opennlike & wel itt uss
Off þa þreo kingess telleþþ,
Forrþi þatt tær wass þurrh þa þreo
Þe Crisstenndom bigunnenn
Bitwenenn all hæþene follc
Þatt þurrh þreo menn wass streonedd,
Affterr þatt tatt all mannkinn wass
Þurrh Noþess flod offdrunncnedd;
Forr all follc wass þurrh Noþess flodd
O Noþess time drunncnedd.
& efft þurrh Noþess suness þreo
Wass hæþenn þeode streonedd,
& all hæþene follc wass þær
Þurrh þa þreo kingess awwnedd;
Forr þurrh þa þreo þatt comenn forþ
Þe Laferrd Crist to lakenn,
Þurrh hemm, swa summ icc habbe seȝȝd,
Wass Crisstenndom bigunnenn
Bitwenenn þatt hæþene þeod
Þatt þurrh þreo menn wass streonedd.
Þe tweȝȝenn wærenn Sæm & Kam,
& Jafæth wass þe þridde,


Þatt wærenn Noþess þrinne bærn,
Forr Noþ hemm haffde strenedd.
Þa hirdess off Judisskenn menn
Þatt sohhtenn Crist wiþþ trowwþe,
Þatt nahht tatt he wass borenn her
Bitwenenn menn onn eorþe,
Þeȝȝ wærenn, þatt witt tu full wel,
An waȝhe off Cristess kirrke,
Off Cristess flocc, Crisstene flocc,
Þatt Cristess laȝhess haldeþþ.
& tatt flocc off hæþene menn
Þatt sohhte Crist wiþþ lakess,
Þeȝȝ wærenn, þatt witt tu full wel,
Rihht alls an oþerr waȝhe.
& Jesu Crist tatt drohh till himm
Þatt twinne kinne genge,
He wass himm sellf þatt hirnestan
Þatt band ta tweȝȝenn waȝhess.
& all þatt follc þatt trowweþþ nu
& lefeþþ uppo Criste,
All comm itt off Judisskenn þeod
& off hæþene leode;
& all itt wass bigunnenn þær
I Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Þær þa twa gengess comenn till,
To lefenn uppo Criste;


& all itt wass bigunnenn þær
Þurrh hirdess, & þurrh kingess;
& tatt wass don þurrh Jesu Crist,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss baþe King, & Hirde;
Forr Crist iss King, þatt steoreþþ uss,
& Hirde, þatt uss fedeþþ;
& ȝiff þatt tu þurrh Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe
Willt follȝhenn ure Laferrd Crist,
Þe birrþ beon king, & hirde;
Þe birrþ beon king, þatt witt tu wel,
To steorenn rihht te sellfenn,
& ec to steorenn alle þa
Þatt arrn i þine walde,
Þatt teȝȝ ne draȝhe nohht hemm onn
To follȝhenn ille þæwess;
& ec þe birrþ beon hirdemann
To fedenn hemm & fosstrenn.
Þatt ta þreo kingess comenn forrþ
All wiþþ þe rihhte weȝȝe
Anan inntill Judealand,
Þatt newe king to sekenn,
Þatt wass forr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn herrd
Þurrh Balaamess lare
Þatt Godess Sune, Jesu Crist,
Þær shollde borenn wurrþenn.


Þiss illke Balaam wass an
Full namecund prophéte
Onn alde daȝhess, mikell fresst
Biforenn Cristess come.
& tatt Kalldealandess follc
Þatt comm forr Crist to lakenn,
Itt wass off Balaamess kinn
& cuþe well hiss lare,
& haffde redd upponn hiss boc,
Þatt Godess Sune shollde
Beon borenn i Judealand
& off Judisskenn moderr,
To lesenn mannkinn út off dæþ
& út off deofless walde.
& forrþi comenn þeȝȝ himm firrst
To sekenn i þatt ende,
Forr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn herrd tatt he
Þær shollde borenn wurrþenn;
& tatt teȝȝ i Judealand
Forrlurenn þeȝȝre steorrne,
Þatt wass forr þatt teȝȝ sohhtenn þær
Eorþlike witt & lade,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ bigunnenn þær,
Amang Judisskenn leode,
To fraȝȝnenn hemm whær þeȝȝre king
Wass borenn hemm bitwenenn;
Forr whase leȝȝeþþ upponn mann
Hiss hope & all hiss hellpe,


Himm birrþ forrlesenn all wiþþ rihht
Drihhtiness hald & hellpe.
& whase sekeþþ ræd & run
& witt att deofless þeowwess,
Drihhtiness lare & ræd & run
Þatt illke mann forrleoseþþ.
Herode wollde bliþeliȝ
Þatt ȝunge king offcwellenn,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝifenn all
Hiss aȝhenn sune hiss riche,
& forr he wollde ȝemenn himm
Þatt he ne wære wreȝedd
Biforr þe Romanisshe king
Þatt wass hiss oferrlaferrd;
Forr ȝiff he léte waxenn þær
Awihht off wiþerrstrenncþe
Onnȝæn hiss aȝhenn oferrking,
Itt birrde himm wel abiggenn,
& forrþi wollde he cwellenn Crist,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn,
Þatt he ne felle i wraþþe onnȝæn
Þe Romanisshe leode.
& tatt he toc swa stilleliȝ
Þa Kalldewisshe kingess,
To fraȝȝnenn hemm all dærneliȝ
Off þeȝȝre newe steorrne,
Þatt dide he forr he nollde nohht
Þatt aniȝ mann itt wisste,
Forrþi þatt he wass þa forrdredd
Off hiss Judisskenn leode,


Off-þatt teȝȝ þeȝȝre rihhte king,
Ȝiff þeȝȝ himm owhar wisstenn,
Swa munndenn hidenn, þatt he nohht
Ne shollde himm muȝhenn findenn,
& forrþi nollde he nohht tatt teȝȝ
Ohht herrdenn off þe sterrne,
Noff þatt he wollde cwellenn himm,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn
Forr þatt he wass forrdredd tatt teȝȝ
Himm sholldenn summwhær hidenn.
Þatt Josæp nass nohht i þatt hus
Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe fundenn,
Þær þa þreo kingess comenn inn
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Þatt wass full wel, & tatt bilammp
All affterr Godess wille.
& itt wass baþe god & ned
Till þatt Kalldewe genge,
Þatt haffde follghedd aȝȝ till þa
Illc hæþenndom & dwilde,
& naffde næfre numenn gom
Noff Godd, noff Godess lare;
Forr ȝiff þa Kalldewisshe menn
Haffdenn þatt time fundenn
Josæp þærinne wiþþ þe child,
& wiþþ þe childess moderr,


Þeȝȝ munndenn trowwenn þatt te child
Josæpess sune wære,
& tatt hiss moderr wære wif,
& nohht maȝȝdenn full clene;
All þiss þeȝȝ munndenn trowwenn skét,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ þatt time
Ȝét unnderrstodenn littlesswhatt
Off all þe rihhte trowwþe,
& all forrþi wass swiþe wel
Þatt Josæp wass aweȝȝe,
Þatt all þatt genge mihhte þær
Rihht lefenn uppo Criste.
& tatt wass þe þrittende daȝȝ
Off Jesu Cristess elde,
Þatt he wass onne i Beþþleæm
Þurrh þa þreo kingess lakedd.
& þinnke ȝuw nan wunnderr off
Þatt ta þreo kingess comenn
Fra Kalldea till Beþþleæm
Uppo þrittene daȝȝess;
Forr þatt follc rideþþ onn a der
Þatt iss Droméluss nemmnedd,
Þatt onn a daȝȝ wiþþ hefiȝ sæm
Erneþþ an hunndredd mile;
& forrþi mihhtenn þeȝȝ full wel
Binnenn þrittene daȝȝess
Uppo þatt der, þatt iss swa swifft,
Full mikell weȝȝe forþenn.
Þatt steorrne, þatt hemm awwnedd wass
To ledenn hemm þe weȝȝe,


Warrþ all to nohht forrþrihht anan
Affterr þatt Crist wass fundenn.
Maþew þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Þatt Crist comm her to manne
I Beþþleæm Jude, forr swa
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt tweȝȝenn burrȝhess wærenn þa
Þa Crist comm her to manne,
An i þe land off Galile
I Zabuloness maȝȝþe,
An oþerr i Juda nohht ferr
Fra Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
& eȝȝþerr, wiss to fulle soþ,
Wass Beþþleæm ȝehatenn.
& ec he seȝȝþ þatt Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne
Upponn Herode kingess daȝȝ,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt Jesu Crist wass witerrliȝ
Þatt illke, off whamm profetess
Haffdenn forrlannge cwiddedd ær,
Þatt Issraæle þede
Aȝȝ sholldenn habbenn allderrmenn
& kingess off hemm sellfenn,
Aȝȝ till þatt Godess Sune Crist
To manne cumenn shollde;
Forr þatt wass filledd opennliȝ
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,


Þatt comm upponn Herodess daȝȝ
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe;
Forr þatt unnfæle Herode king,
Þatt Crist wass borenn unnderr,
Ne wass nohht off Judisskenn þed
Acc off hæþene þede.
& þurrh þe king off Romeburrh
Himm ȝifenn wass þatt riche,
& he wass all hæþene king
Amang Judisskenn þede,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne.
Þatt tun wass nemmnedd Beþþleæm
Þatt Crist wass borenn ĭne,
& itt wass nemmnedd Effrata
Biforenn þatt forrlannge,
Forr uss to tacnenn mikell þing
Þatt siþþenn shollde wurrþenn;
Forr Beþþleæm bitacneþþ uss
Þatt hus þatt bræd iss inne,
& Effrata bitacneþþ uss
Shæwerrne onn Ennglissh spæche.
& baþe tacnenn opennliȝ
Þa góde menness herrtess,
Þatt nittenn eche lifess bræd
Till þeȝȝre sawle berrhless,
Þe Laferrd Cristess flæsh & blod
All affterr Cristess lare,
& sen & shæwenn þurrh innsihht
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe


Off Godess kinde, off Godess mahht,
Off Godess eche wullderr,
All þatt tatt erþliȝ mann maȝȝ sen
Þurrh clennsedd sawless eȝhe.
& gode menness clene lund,
& gode menness herrtess,
Þeȝȝ sinndenn þatt hallȝhe gessthus
Þatt Crist iss borenn inne;
Forr Cristess resste & Cristess ro
& Cristess swete slæpess
Sinndenn, þatt witt tu wel forr soþ,
I gode menness herrtess;
& gode menness clene lund,
& gode menness herrtess,
Tihhtenn & turrnenn hæþenn follc
& ec Judisskenn lede,
Þurrh haliȝ bisne & haliȝ spell,
To lefenn uppo Criste,
To sekenn Crist, to lutenn Crist,
To lakenn Crist o cnewwess,
All swa summ Judewisshe led
& Kalldewisshe comenn
Till Effrata, till Beþþleæm,
To lefenn uppo Criste.
Þe Kalldewisshe follc comm forþ
To sekenn Crist wiþþ lakess,
& seȝȝdenn till Judisskenn follc,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Whær iss þe Judewisshe king
Þatt borenn iss nu newenn?


Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn don hemm swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt teȝȝ þe laþe Herode king
Ne comenn nohht to sekenn,
Þatt ta wass winntredd mann & ald,
& nass nohht borenn newenn.
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Þatt ta Kalldisskenn kingess
Þatt comenn forr to sekenn Crist
Wærenn Magy ȝehatenn,
& Magy sinndenn alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn defless crafftess,
Driȝmenn, weppmenn & wifmenn ec,
Þatt follȝhenn wicche crafftess.
Acc þa þatt sohhtenn Jesu Crist
Wærenn Magy ȝehatenn,
& nærenn þeȝȝ nohht tohh driȝmenn
To follȝhenn wicche crafftess,
Acc wærenn, þatt witt tu full wel,
Uþwĭtess swiþe wise,
Þatt haffdenn dep innsihht & witt
Off fĕle kinne þingess,
& unnderrstodenn maniȝwhatt
Þurrh snoterr gyn bi sterrness,
& wærenn off an land tatt wass
Pærsa bi name nemmedd.
& tær iss i þatt illke land
An æ Sabá ȝehatenn,


& all þatt land iss ec Sabá
Affterr þatt waterr nemmnedd,
& itt iss i Kalldealand
Æst, tær þe sŭne riseþþ.
& ta þatt comenn off þatt land
To sekenn Crist wiþþ lakess,
Þeȝȝ wisstenn wel þatt Crist wass Godd,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sæȝhenn heffne
Buȝhenn till himm, to þewwtenn himm
Wiþþ new & unncuþ sterrne,
Þatt forrþrihht shapenn wass þurrh Crist,
To tæchenn whær he wære,
& forr to tacnenn Crisstenndom
& all þe rihhte læfe,
Þatt shollde ledenn hæþenn þed
Upp inntill heffness blisse,
Swa summ þatt sterrne ledde forþ
Þatt Kalldewisshe lede
Till Effrata, till Beþþleæm
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne.
New sterrne, & all unncuþ wass wrohht,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt newe Adam þatt cumenn wass
All unncuþ her to manne.
Kalldisske þed comm forþ & cwaþþ;
Whær muȝhe we nu findenn
Þiss Judewisshe follkess king
Þatt iss nu borenn newenn?
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff þeȝȝ þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝdenn,


Ne telle himm nohht Herode king
Forr king off Godess lede,
Forr nass he nohht þurrh Godess follc
O Godess hallfe crunedd,
Ne nohht niss himm kinde to ben
King off Judisskenn þede;
Acc wĭte ȝe to fulle soþ,
Þatt her iss borenn newenn
An child off þiss Judisskenn þed
All affterr Godess wille,
Þatt shall ben þiss Judisskenn king
All þurrh rihht aþell kinde,
& forrþi cume we nu forþ
To lakenn himm wiþþ maddmess,
& forr to lefenn upponn himm
& buȝhenn himm o cnewwess,
Forr þatt we sen full witerrliȝ
Þurrh hefennlike takenn,
Þatt he to manne cumenn iss,
Soþ Godd off Godd ankennedd.
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt tatt unnfæle Herode king
Wass gramm & grill & bollȝhenn
Forrþrihht, son summ himm awwnedd wass
Off þatt Kalldisskenn genge,
Þatt cumenn wass inntill hiss land,
An new king forr to sekenn,


To lutenn himm, to lakenn himm,
To buȝhenn himm o cnewwess.
& wen iss þatt he wass forrdredd
& serrhfull inn hiss herrte,
Forr þatt he wennde þatt tatt follc
Upponn himm cumenn wære
Wiþþ strenncþe, forr to niþþrenn himm,
To wannsenn himm hiss riche.
& wel itt mihhte ben þatt he
Wass gramm & grill & bollȝhenn
All forr þe náness, forr þatt he
Swa wollde don hiss lede
To ben all þess te mare offdredd
Off himm & off hiss eȝȝe.
Forr ȝiff þe riche mann iss braþ,
& grimme, & tór to cwemenn,
Hiss lede þatt iss unnderr himm
Himm dredeþþ þess te mare;
& tohh swa þehh ne till þe follc,
Ne till þe laferrd nowwþerr
Niss þatt nohht þwerrt út god inoh
Till þeȝȝre sawle berrhless,
Þatt he be grimme & aȝhefull,
& braþ & tór to cwemenn,
Forr he maȝȝ ben swa grimme mann
Þatt he beþ laþ hiss lede,
& tatt iss eȝȝþerr himm & hemm
Unnhalsumm to þe sawle.
& forrþi birrþ himm stanndenn in
To don wiþþ word & dede,


Þatt hise lede lufenn himm
& blettcenn himm wiþþ herrte,
Forr þatt iss himm & ec hiss follc
God hellpe to þe sawle;
& tohh swa þehh iss ned tatt he
Dredinng & aȝhe sette
On alle þa þatt lufenn toþþ
& woh & unnsahhtnesse,
To don hemm follȝhenn laȝhe & griþþ
All þeȝȝre æbære unnþannkess,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ þeȝȝre þannkess griþþ
Ne kepenn nohht to follȝhenn;
Forr miccle bettre iss to þe mann
Wiþþ lif & ec wiþþ sawle,
To don all hiss unnþannkess god
Þan ifell hise þannkess.
& ec Herode king wass grill,
& gramm, & breme, & bollȝhen,
Forr þatt himm wass full laþ þatt Crist
Wass cumenn þa to manne;
Forr aȝȝ þe laþe gastess þeww
Iss gramm, & grill, & bollȝhenn
Aȝȝ, whannse he seþ þatt Godess rihht
& Godess laȝhe riseþþ.
Herode lét himm brinngenn to
Bisshopess off dep lare,
& ȝét an oþerr læredd follc
Þatt ec wass depe læredd;


& teȝȝre wikenn wass forrþi
To spellenn to þe lede
Off-hu þeȝȝ mihhtenn cwemenn Godd
Þurrh þæwess & þurrh dedess,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe o Godd,
Þurrh laȝhess & þurrh lakess;
& teȝȝ, þatt witt tu fuliȝwiss,
Wærenn Scribe ȝehatenn,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝre wikenn wass
To writenn laȝhebokess,
& ec to spellenn to þe follc
Off laȝhess & off lakess.
Kalldisskenn follc seȝȝde þatt Crist
Wass borenn, wiss to soþe,
& seȝȝdenn ec whatt daȝȝ þeȝȝ firrst
Þe newe sterrne sæȝhenn,
Þurrh whatt teȝȝ wisstenn wel whatt daȝȝ
Crist borenn wass onn erþe;
Acc whær o lande he borenn wass,
Þatt wass hemm all unnawwnedd,
& forrþi wass hemm sterrne sett,
To ledenn hemm þe weȝȝe
Anan inntill þatt illke tun
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne.
& tatt Judisskenn læredd follc,
Bisskopess & larewess,
Þatt unnderrstodenn all off Crist
Þatt wĭtess haffdenn cwiddedd,
Þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn hu þatt illke land,
& hu þatt tun wass nemmnedd,


Þær Messyass soþ Crist, soþ Godd,
To manne cumenn sollde;
Acc nisstenn þeȝȝ nohht tohh swa þehh
Whatt time he cumenn wollde;
Acc þatt wisste Kalldisskenn follc,
Þatt he wass cumenn þanne,
Þatt wisstenn þeȝȝ þurrh þatt hemm wass
Awwnedd tatt newe sterrne.
& swa þurrh þatt Kalldisskenn follc,
& ec þurrh þatt Judisskenn,
Well mikell lerrnde Herode king
Off Crist, & off hiss come;
Forr baþe he lerrnde wel þurrh hemm
Whatt daȝȝ, & whære o lande,
Þatt ȝunge wennchell borenn wass
Off þatt Judisskenn lede,
Þatt shollde ben Judisskenn king
All wiþþ rihht aþell kinde.
& sone siþþenn sennde he forþ
Þatt Kalldewisshe genge,
To sekenn þatt Judisskenn king
I Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Forr þatt he wollde cwellenn himm,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn.
Þatt burrh wass Daviþþ kingess burrh
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne;
& tatt wass baþe rihht & wel
Þatt Crist wass borenn þære,
Forr Crist wass off Daviþess kinn,
& King off alle kingess.


Kalldisskenn lede seȝȝde þuss
Till Issraæle þede;
We sæȝhenn æst in ure land
Þiss newe kingess sterrne,
We sæȝhenn itt full brad & brihht
Æst, tær þe sunne ríseþþ.
& tiss bilimmpeþþ wel till Crist
Off þatt he comm to manne;
Forr Crist sellf iss þatt sterrnelem
Þatt all mannkinn birrþ follȝhenn,
& Crist iss ec soþ sunnebæm
Þatt all þiss werelld lihhteþþ,
Þatt sunnebæm þatt riseþþ aȝȝ
I gode menness herrtess,
Þurrh þatt he doþ hemm risenn aȝȝ
Upp inntill heȝhe mahhtess.
& wunnderr mikell shame wass
Till Issraæle þede
Þatt hæþenn follc, Kalldisskenn follc,
Wass warr off Cristess come,
& teȝȝ þatt haffdenn lare inoh
Off þatt he cumenn shollde,
Nærenn nohht warre off þatt, tatt he
Wass cumenn þa to manne.
& alle þa þatt herrdenn itt
& wisstenn itt off siþre,
Þatt he wass cumenn sikerrliȝ
Forr all mannkinne nede,
& nohht ne kepptenn þohh onn himm
To lefenn ne to trowwenn,


Hemm alle beþ o Domess daȝȝ
Binumenn muþ & spæche
Þatt wise, þatt næfr an off hemm
Ne shall þær muȝhenn mælenn
Ȝæn Crist, forr to bitellenn himm
Off-þatt he shall till helle,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn wel þatt he
Wass cumenn her to manne,
& tohh swa þehh þurrh hete & niþ
Himm all þwerrt út forrwurrpenn.
Herode king lét sekenn Crist,
& seȝȝde, þatt he wollde
Lefenn onn himm & lutenn himm,
& lakenn himm wiþþ maddmess,
& þohhte þohh to cwellenn himm,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn;
& forrþi nass he rihht nohht wurrþ
To findenn Crist tatt time,
Acc he shall findenn Crist inoh
O Domess daȝȝess time,
Þa Crist shall himm wiþþ all rihht dom
Till hellepine demenn.
& he bitacneþþ alle þa,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt lætenn þatt teȝȝ lufenn Crist
& hise laȝhess haldenn,
& wilenn þatt menn haldenn hemm
Forr gode menn & clene,


& sindenn þohh biforenn Godd
Unnclene & all unncweme,
I dærne unnclene þohht & þæw,
I dærne unnclene dede.
Þeȝȝ lætenn þatt teȝȝ sekenn Crist
Biforenn menness ehne,
Acc þeȝȝ ne findenn himm rihht nohht
Till þeȝȝre sawle berrhless;
Forr Crist forrwerrpeþþ falls & flærd,
& iwhillc unnclænnesse.
Þe sterrne comm rihht till þatt hus
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne,
& flæh itt ta na forrþerr mar
Acc heng þæroferr stille.
& tatt wass don alls iff itt tuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
Her i þiss hus iss Crist, soþ Godd,
Þatt cumenn iss to manne,
Þatt me nu newenn shop þuss brihht,
Forr þatt I shollde ledenn
Þiss Kalldewisshe follc till himm,
& tæchenn hemm þe weȝȝe.
Þa kingess fellenn dun, itt seȝȝþ,
To lutenn Crist & lakenn,
& tær þeȝȝ gæfenn swa þurrh þatt
Off soþ mecnesse bisne;
Forr niss nan mann þatt lutenn maȝȝ
Ne lakenn Godd tocweme,
Wiþþutenn himm þatt lakeþþ Godd
Wiþþ lac off soþ mecnesse.


Þurrh þatt te Kalldewisshe follc
Oppnedenn þeȝȝre maddmess,
Nohht i þe stræte, acc i þatt hus
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne,
Þærþurrh wass þe bitacnedd wel
Hu þe birrþ Drihhtinn lakenn.
Ne birrþ þe nohht forr erþliȝ loff,
Ne nohht forr menness spæche,
Út i þe stræte oppnenn þin hord,
To don þin allmess dede
Biforenn follc, þurrh idell gellp,
Ne þurrh nan modiȝnesse,
Forr swa to winnenn erþliȝ loff
Wiþþ allmess þatt tu wirrkesst;
Acc þe birrþ dærnelike don,
Wiþþ innwarrd herrte & clene,
Þin allmess dede onn alle þa
Þatt hafenn ned off hellpe,
& te birrþ i þin herrtess hus
Aȝȝ innwarrdlike ȝernenn,
Þatt Godd Allmahhtiȝ cweme be
Whattse þu dost to gode,
& tatt he ȝelde þe þi læn
Inn heffne þurrh hiss are.
Þatt hord tatt haldenn wass & hidd,
& dærne & all unnawwnedd,
A whil þatt ta Kalldisskenn menn
Amang unnwiness wærenn,
Þatt hord wass to bitacnenn uss,
Þatt uss ne birrþ nohht awwnenn


Hu mann birrþ lefenn uppo Godd,
Ne nohht off Godess lare,
Biforenn þatt unnfæle follc
Þatt skirrpeþþ þær onnȝæness,
Biforenn þa þatt tăkenn all
Onn hæþinng þatt we spellenn;
Forr ȝiff þeȝȝ herenn ohht off. Godd,
& skirrpenn þær onnȝæness,
Þa beþ hemm ȝarrkedd mare inoh
& werrse pine inn helle,
Þann iff þeȝȝ haffdenn herrd itt nohht
Ne skarnedd tær onnȝæness,
& forrþi birrþ þe lokenn þe
Þatt tu till hemm ne spelle,
Þatt hemm ne falle þurrh þin spell
Þe mare wa to dreȝhenn.
Heroffe seȝȝþ þe Goddspellboc
Þatt Crist himm sellf þuss seȝȝde;
Ne birrþ þe nohht nan haliȝ þing
Biforenn hundess werrpenn,
Ne nohht ne birrþ þe to þe swin
Werrpenn marrgrotestaness;
Forr þa þatt lætenn hæþeliȝ
Off Godess hallȝhe lare,
Þeȝȝ sindenn wiss hundess & swin
Þurrh þeȝȝre laþe sinness.
& þurrh þatt hord tatt oppnedd wass
& draȝhenn forþ & awwnedd
Þurrh þa þre kingess, i þatt hus
Þatt Crist wass borenn inne,


Þærþurrh wass uss tacnedd tatt uss
Birrþ awwnenn Godess lare
Till alle þa þatt lufenn itt,
& ȝernenn itt to lernenn,
Till alle þa þatt cumenn forþ
To wurrþenn Cristess þewwess,
Till alle þatt i Godess hus
Þurrh soþ mecnesse turrnenn
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Hemm alle uss birrþ i Godess hus
Wiþþ soþ mecnesse shæwenn
Hu þeȝȝm birrþ lefenn uppo Godd,
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Þa þre kingess lakedenn Crist
Wiþþ þrinne kinne lakess,
Wiþþ recless, & wiþþ gold, & ec
Wiþþ myrra, an dere sallfe,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn þatt he wass
Soþ Godd i mennisscnesse,
& King off alle shaffte, & ec
Soþ mann þatt wollde swelltenn.
& ec þa kingess comenn þa
Till Crist wiþþ swillke lakess,
To lihhnenn þatt lærede follc,
Þatt þurrh dwallkennde lare
Tahhtenn & turrndenn lawedd follc
To lefenn wrang o Criste.
Þeȝȝ gæfenn Crist recless to lac,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn lihhnenn


All þatt unnfæle læredd led,
Þatt dide menn to trowwenn
Þatt nass nohht rihht to brinngenn lac
Ne toffrenn ohht till owwþerr,
Till Sune, ne till Haliȝ Gast,
Acc till þe Faderr ane.
Off all þiss laþe læredd follc
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe
Wass maȝȝstredwale, an defless þeww,
Þatt Arriuss wass nemmnedd.
Þeȝȝ brohhtenn Crist off myrre lac,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn lihhnenn
All þatt unnfæle læredd led,
Þatt dide menn to trowwenn
Þatt Jesu Crist nass næfre dæd
In ure mennisscnesse.
Off all þiss laþe læredd follc
Þatt we [OMITTED]
Þa þreo kingess i peȝȝre þohht
O Drihhtin haffdenn bonedd,
Þatt he þeȝȝm ȝæfe raþ þatt nahht
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess rune,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ sholldenn oþerr nohht
Efft wendenn till Herode.
& Godess Gast anndswere hem ȝaff
Him sellf & nohht þurh enngell,


Þatt teȝȝ ne sholldenn nohht onȝæn
Efft wendenn till Herode,
Acc farenn ham till here land
All wiþþ summ oþerr weȝȝe.
All þiss hem-seȝȝde Godess Gast
O bedde þer þeȝȝ slepptenn,
Forr þatt he wollde þurrh þatt slep
Well mikell þing bitacnenn.
Itt tacneþþ uss þatt alle þa
Sinndenn Drihhtin full cweme,
Þatt slæpenn fra þe weorrldess lusst
& wakenn aȝȝ wiþþ Criste.
& tatt ta kingess forenn ham
All wiþþ an oþerr weȝȝe,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ mikell þing,
Þatt uss iss ned to follȝhenn.
Uss alle birrþ till ure land
Wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe wendenn;
Ure allre land iss Paradis,
Forr þeþenn út we comenn.
Adam & Éve wærenn don
I Paradisess riche,
To libbenn a wiþþutenn dæþ,
& aȝȝ occ aȝȝ i blisse,
Ȝiff þatt þeȝȝ wolldenn Godess word
& Godess wille follȝhenn.
Acc þeȝȝ forrlurenn Paradys
Þurrh þeȝȝre baþre gillte,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ Godess bodeword
Forrletenn & forrȝemmdenn.


Þeȝȝ ba forrlurenn Paradis
Þurrh laþ unnherrsummnesse;
& uss birrþ cumenn efft onnȝæn
Þurrh luffsumm herrsummnesse;
Forr uss birrþ beon fullherrsumm follc
To follȝhenn Godess wille,
& swa we muȝhenn cumenn efft
Onnȝæn wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe.
Þeȝȝ ba forrlurenn Paradys
Þurrh sinnfull grediȝnesse;
& uss birrþ weorelldþingess lusst
Forrbuȝhenn & forrwerrpenn,
& uss birrþ follȝhenn mett & mæþ
I claþess & i fode,
Forr swa to cumenn efft onnȝæn
Till Paradisess riche
Wiþþ all an oþerr kinness lif,
Þatt iss, wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe.
Þeȝȝ ba forrlurenn Paradys
Þurrh hefiȝ modinesse;
& uss birrþ follȝhenn soþ meocleȝȝc
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ herrte.
Uss birrþ lætenn unnorneliȝ
& litell off uss sellfenn,
& lætenn wel off oþre menn,
& lutenn hemm & lefftenn;
& swa we muȝhenn cumenn efft
Onnȝæn wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe
Till ure land i Paradys,
Þurrh soþ meocnessess lade.


Þeȝȝ ba forrlurenn Paradys
Þurrh sinnfull gluterrnesse,
& tu þurrh mæþ i mete & drinnch
Mihht winnenn efft tatt illke;
Forr mikell mihhte itt hellpenn uss
To winnenn heoffness blisse,
Ȝiff þatt we wolldenn tăkenn aȝȝ
Unnorne fode & litell,
& ȝiff we wolldenn shunenn aȝȝ
To fillenn uss wiþþ esstess;
Forr swa we mihhtenn follȝhenn Crist
& hise Leorninngcnihhtess,
Þatt tokenn aȝȝ wiþþ mikell mæþ
& aȝȝ unnorne fode.
All þuss we muȝhenn cumenn efft
Till Paradysess riche
Wiþþ oþerr weȝȝe, ȝiff þatt we
All affterr ure mihhte
Aȝȝ follȝhenn Godess bodeword
& aȝȝ forrbuȝhen sinne,
Onnȝæn þatt ta twa firrste menn
Ne wolldenn nowwþerr haldenn,
Ne follȝhenn Godess bodeword,
Ne ȝemenn hemm fra sinne.
Þa kingess alle forenn ham,
& come þeȝȝ na mare
Till þatt unnfæle Herode king;
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn


Þatt whase wile borrȝenn beon
& brukenn eche blisse,
Himm birrþ all þwerrt út wurrþenn shadd
Fra deofell & fra sinne.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Uss ȝife þurrh hiss are
To shædenn uss fra sinne swa,
& fra þe deofless wille,
Swa þatt we motenn borrȝhenn beon
Att ure lifess ende.


Postquam impleti sunt dies purificationis Marie.

Forrþrihht se tíme comm þærto
Þatt ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Affterr Judisskenn laȝhess boc,
Þe minnstre shollde sekenn,
Menn tokenn hire dere child
& bærenn himm to kirrke,
& leddenn hire forþ wiþþ himm,
Swa summ þe boc hemm tahhte.
Þeȝȝ comenn inntill Ȝerrsalæm
& inntill Godess minnstre,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn offrenn þær
Þe child o Godess allterr,


Wiþþ all swillc lac alls hemm wass sett
Þurrh Drihhtin þær to brinngenn.
Þatt lac þatt tær wass brohht wiþþ himm
Wass tweȝȝenn cullfre briddess,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Oþþr itt wass tweȝȝenn turrtless.
& tær wass cumenn o þatt daȝȝ
An haliȝ mann to minnstre,
& he wass hatenn Symeon,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& he wass full off Haliȝ Gast
Þatt dide himm tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt tatt wass Godess Sune & Godd,
Þatt tær wass brohht to kirrke.
& he wass an Judisskenn mann
Full haliȝ i þatt time,
& haffde ȝeornedd inn hiss þohht
Aȝȝ affterr Cristess come,
& haffde ȝeornedd aȝȝ þatt he
Swa lannge mosste libbenn,
Þatt he wiþþ ehhne mihhte seon
Þe Laferrd Crist onn eorþe.
& Drihhtin haffde ȝatedd himm
Þatt bone þatt he ȝeorrnde,
& haffde himm seȝȝd þurrh Haliȝ Gast,
Þatt nohht ne shollde he swelltenn
Biforenn þatt he shollde seon
Crist, Godess Sune, onn eorþe.


& he wass brohht þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Þatt daȝȝ till Godess temmple.
& son se Cristess kinness menn
Þær brohhtenn Crist to kirrke,
Þatt hallȝhe were Symeon
Himm toc bitwenenn arrmess,
& seȝȝde towarrd Drihhtin þuss,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Læt nu Drihhtin, læt nu þin þeoww
Út off þiss weorelld wendenn
Wiþþ griþþ, swa summ þu me bihét,
Læt me nu newenn swelltenn;
Forr her I seo full witerrliȝ
Þin Hælennd Crist onn eorþe,
Þatt þurrh þin are ȝarrkedd iss.
Biforenn alle þeode,
Till hæþenn þeode lihht & leom
Off eche rihhtwisnesse,
& till þiss Judewisshe follc
Wurrþshipe & eche wullderr.
Josæp, swa summ þe Goddspell seȝȝþ,
& Marȝe Cristess moderr
Wundredenn baþe off all þatt hemm
Wass cwiddedd tære off Criste.


& Symeon þatt hallȝhe mann
Ȝaff hemm blettsinnȝe baþe,
& seȝȝde to þe laffdiȝ þuss,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Þiss child iss borenn her to þann
Þatt fĕle shulenn fallenn,
& fĕle shulenn risenn upp
I þiss Judisskenn þeode.
& tiss child iss to merrke sett
Bitwenenn menn onn eorþe,
& maniȝ mann þiss merrke shall
Wiþþstanndenn & wiþþseggenn.
& te shall þurrh þiss childess swerd
Þurrhwundedd beon þin sawle,
Þurrh whamm shall maniȝ dærne þohht
Beon oppnedd all & awwnedd.
& ec þær comm an widdwe forþ
Þatt wass Drihhtin full cweme,
& ȝho wass full off Haliȝ Gast
To spekenn þær off Criste,
& ȝho spacc þære off Crist till þa
Þatt ȝeorrndenn Cristess come,
& seȝȝde hemm whatt tatt wennchell wass,
& whatt he shollde forþenn.
Þatt widdwe wass an haliȝ wif,
& ȝho wass hatenn Anne,


& ȝho wass clene maȝȝdennmann
Þatt daȝȝ þatt ȝho toc macche;
& siþþenn wass ȝho sefenn ȝer
God wif wiþþ hire macche.
& tanne comm hiss endedaȝȝ
& ȝho bilæf o life.
& affter þatt tatt he wass dæd
Ne toc ȝho wiþþ nan oþerr,
Acc ledde siþþenn widdwe lif
Inn alle gode þæwess.
& ȝho wass, þatt witt tu full wel,
Aȝȝ siþþenn att te temmple,
To þeowwtenn Godd wiþþ bedesang,
Wiþþ fasstinng & wiþþ wecche.
& ȝho wass sextiȝ winnterr ald
& fowwre & twenntiȝ þanne;
& hire faderr Fanuæl
Wass off Asæress maȝȝþe,
& Asær wass, þatt witt tu wel,
An off þe Patriarrkess.
& ȝho spacc off þatt little child
Þatt tær wass brohht to kirrke,
Off þatt he wass Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& mann i lif & sawle.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass offredd tær wiþþ lakess,
& affterr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn don
All þatt te boc hemm tahhte,
Þeȝȝ wenndenn ham wiþþ heore child,
& feddenn himm wiþþ blisse,


All alls hiss lefe wille wass
Þatt menn himm sholldenn fosstrenn.
& teȝȝre child, te Laferrd Crist,
Wel wex, & wel wass frofredd;
& he wass full off Godess witt,
& full off Godess wille;
Her endenn twa Goddspelless þuss,
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ þatt Crist wass off
Fowwerrtiȝ daȝhess elde,
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ þeȝȝ brohhtenn himm
Wiþþ lac till Godess allterr;
& tatt daȝȝ mang Ennglisshe menn
Iss Kanndellmesse nemmnedd.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þa wollde, þatt hiss moderr
Swa shollde to þe kirrke gan,
& Godess laȝhe fillenn,
Swa summ ȝho shollde clennsedd beon,
Ȝho þatt wass þwerrt út clene,
Ȝho þatt wass clene maȝȝdenn þa
& siþþenn butenn ende,
Þatt dide he, forr he wollde swa
Þurrh himm & þurrh hiss moderr
Uss alle samenn brinngenn onn
To follȝhenn þeȝȝre bisne,


To follȝhenn Godess laȝhess wel
Aȝȝ affterr ure mihhte;
Forr þatt iss ure Crisstenndom
Þatt shall uss alle berrȝhenn,
Ȝiff þatt we Cristess laȝhess rihht
Wiþþ innwarrd herrte follȝhenn.
Þatt lac þatt offredd wass wiþþ Crist
Wass tweȝȝenn cullfre briddess,
Swa summ þe Goddspell telleþþ uss,
Oþþr itt wass tweȝȝenn turrtless,
Þatt wass þatt lac þatt ta wass sett,
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
Þurrh Drihhtin sellfenn to þatt wif
Þatt usell wass & wædle.
To riche wif Godd haffde sett
An lamb & ec an cullfre,
& ȝiff ȝho naffde cullfre nan
Þa toc ȝho lamb & turrtle.
& aȝȝ ȝho brohhte twinne lac,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt her iss twinne lufe sett
Bitwenenn menn onn eorþe;
Forr uss birrþ lufenn Godd & mann,
Swa summ þe Goddspell tæcheþþ,
Forr swa to winnenn resste & ro
& eche lifess blisse.
Þe lamb bitacneþþ uss þatt uss
Birrþ ure Drihhtin cnawenn,


& lufenn himm, & follȝhenn himm,
& herrcnenn hise spelless,
& iwhillc an birrþ milde beon
& follhsumm towarrd oþerr.
& swa we muȝhenn alle imæn
Þe lambess bisne follȝhenn;
Forr lamb iss soffte & stille deor,
& liþe & meoc & milde,
& itt cann cnawenn swiþe wel
Hiss moderr þær ȝho blæteþþ,
Bitwenenn an þusennde shep
Þohh þatt teȝȝ blætenn alle.
& uss birrþ all swa cnawenn Godd
Bitwenenn alle shaffte,
& uss birrþ witenn whatt iss Godd,
& whatt iss Godess shaffte,
& all hu mann birrþ þeowwtenn Godd
Himm ane, & nohht hiss shaffte.
Þiss birrþ uss unnderrstanndenn all,
Þatt ure nan ne þurrfe
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe gan
Wiþþ dede, ne wiþþ trowwþe.
Þe laffdiȝ lac wass litell lac
Forrþi þatt ȝho wass wædle,
Acc itt wass god biforenn Godd,
Forr ȝho wass Godd full cweme;
& itt bitacneþþ mikell þing,
Cullfre ne lifeþþ nohht bi flessh,
Ne bi nan þing þatt deȝeþþ,


& te birrþ ȝemenn þe full wel
Fra dæde werrkess alle,
Fra depe sinness þatt tu mahht
Wel nemmnenn dæde werrkess;
Forr sinness draȝhenn sinnfull mann
Till helledæþ onn ende,
Butt iff he muȝhe hemm i þiss lif
Birewenn Crist tocweme.
[OMITTED] libbenn,
& murrcnenn affterr Drihhtin Crist,
& follȝhenn swa þe turrtle.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass, alls icc habbe shæwedd,
Firrst ummbeshorenn onn hiss shapp,
& siþþenn brohht to kirrke,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ witerrliȝ
Þurrh opennlike bisne,
Þatt whase wile cumenn inn
Till heofennrichess kirrke,
Himm birrþ all ummbeshorenn beon
& clennsedd all off sinne;
Forr all þatt cumeþþ upp till Godd
All itt iss þwerrt út clene.
O Moysæsess laȝhe stod,
Swa summ itt Drihhtin sette,
Þatt all þatt hemm wass borenn firrst
Off ahhte þatt wass clene,


Þe firrste callf, þe firrste lamb,
Þe firrste kide, & swillke,
All þatt wass clene deor, all þatt
Þatt mann maȝȝ etenn offe,
All shollde beon to Drihhtin Godd
Upponn hiss allterr offredd.
& all þatt wass unnclene deor,
Off horrs, off asse, off swillke,
All þatt mann shollde biggen út
Wiþþ fife wehhte off sillferr.
& tatt wass sett þurrh Drihhtin Godd
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt te birrþ seggenn wiþþ þin muþ,
& ec wiþþ innwarrd herrte,
Þatt all þin clene dede iss don
Þurrh Godd & þurrh hiss hellpe;
& swa þe birrþ itt offrenn Godd
Þurrh þatt te birrþ wel trowwenn,
Þatt Drihhtin setteþþ i þin þohht
God dede to biginnenn,
Swa þatt itt all bigunnenn iss
& forþedd þurrh hiss hellpe.
& te birrþ biggenn út att Godd
All þin unnclene dede,
& all þe birrþ itt biggenn út
Wiþþ fife wehhte off sillferr,
Þatt iss, þatt te birrþ biggenn út
All þin missdede & sinne
Þurrh rihht dædbote, þatt birrþ beon
O fife wise forþedd.


Forr whase wile clennsenn himm
& wiþþ hiss Godd himm sahhtlenn,
Himm birrþ off all hiss sinne beon
Þurrh fiffald pine clennsedd;
Forr himm birrþ forr þe lufe off Godd,
& forr hiss woh to betenn,
O fife wise pinenn her
Hiss bodiȝ & hiss sawle;
Forr himm birrþ lokenn himm þatt he
Ne seo nan þing wiþþ sinne;
& tatt iss, butt an wunnderr beo,
An lott off hefiȝ shriffte.
& himm birrþ lokenn himm þatt he
Ne lisste nohht wiþþ ære
Till naness kinness idellleȝȝc,
Þatt haliȝ mann forrwerrpeþþ;
& tatt iss wiss an oþerr lott
Off god & haliȝ shriffte.
& himm birrþ lokenn himm full wel
Fra luffsumm æte & wæte,
& himm birrþ takenn fode & claþ
Unnorne & litell baþe;
& tatt iss wiss þe þridde lott
Off god & hefiȝ shriffte.
& himm birrþ lokenn himm þatt he
Ne ȝeorne nohht to dowwnenn
Wiþþ sinne naness kinness þing,
Þatt hafeþþ swete stinnchess;


& tatt iss wiss þe feorþe lott
Off god & haliȝ shriffte.
& himm birrþ lokenn himm þatt he
Ne gillte nohht wiþþ wille,
Ne þurrh hiss þohht, ne þurrh hiss word,
Ne þurrh hiss bodiȝ dede;
& tatt iss wiss þe fifte lott
Off god & haliȝ shriffte.
Þuss birrþ himm forr þe lufe off Godd,
& forr hiss woh to betenn,
O fife wise pinenn her
Hiss bodiȝ & hiss sawle,
& biggenn út att Drihhtin swa
All hiss unnclene dede
Þurrh rihht shriffte, þatt birrþ beon þuss
O fife wise forþedd,
All all swa summ þe laȝheboc
Badd Issraæle þeode
Aȝȝ biggenn út unnclene deor
Wiþþ fife wehhte off sillferr.
O Moysæsess laȝhe stod,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
Þatt aȝȝ þeȝȝ sholldenn brinngenn lac
Wiþþ child till Godess allterr,
Wiþþ cnapechild, wiþþ maȝȝdennchild,
Wiþþ baþe onn ane wise.
Þe lac wass lamb & cullfre bridd,
Oþþr itt wass lamb & turtle;


& ȝiff ȝho wass summ wædle wif
Þatt lamb ne mihhte winnenn,
Þa brohhte ȝho wiþþ hire child
Twa cullfress oþerr turrtless.
All þiss wass sett þurrh Drihhtin Godd
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Forr cnapechild bitacneþþ uss
Strang mahht i gode dedess,
& maȝȝdennchild bitacneþþ uss
Wac mahht i gode dedess,
Forr sume follȝhenn i þiss lif
All þwerrt út gode dedess,
& sinndenn þurrh þe cnapechild
Full opennliȝ bitacnedd;
Forr cnapechild iss afledd wel
Affterr weppmanne kinde.
& sume sinndenn i þiss lif
Off miccle lasse mahhte,
& follȝhenn affterr þeȝȝre mahht
Þohhwheþþre Godess wille,
& sinndenn þurrh þe maȝȝdennchild
Full opennliȝ bitacnedd;
Forr maȝȝdenn child iss all unnstrang
Affterr wifmanne kinde.
& aȝȝ wass lamb wiþþ eȝȝþerr child
O Godess allterr offredd,
& lamb iss all unnskaþefull
& stille deor & milde,


& whase wile lakenn Godd
Wiþþ hise gode dedess,
Himm birrþ beon all unnskaþefull,
& soffte, & meoc, & milde.
& aȝȝ wass cullfre wiþþ þe lamb
Onn allterr-oþerr turrtle;
Forr iwhillc mann birrþ wepenn her,
& sikenn sare & suhhȝhenn,
& beon well swiþe sare offdredd,
Þatt all hiss gode dede
Ne mune himm nohht beon god inoh
To berrȝhenn himm fra pine.
& wop wass uss bitacnedd wel
Þurrh cullfre & turrtle baþe;
Forr þeȝȝre sang iss lic wiþþ wop,
Þatt wĭtenn menn inoȝhe.
& ȝiff þatt ȝho wass wædle wif
Þatt lamb ne mihhte winnenn,
Þa wass þe lac wiþþ hire child
Off tweȝȝenn cullfre briddess,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Oþþr itt wass tweȝȝenn turrtless.
& ȝiff þu Drihhtin nohht ne mihht
Ȝét lakenn himm tocweme,
Swa summ þe wære ned, wiþþ lamb
Off soþ unnshaþiȝnesse,
Þatt iss, ȝiff þu ne mahht nohht ȝét
All ȝemenn þe fra sinne,
Þa loc þu þatt tu lake Godd
Wiþþ tweȝȝenn cullfre briddess,


Þatt iss-wiþþ twinne kinne wop
Forþ wiþþ þin gode dede;
Loc þatt tu wepe daȝȝwhammliȝ
Forr all þin unnclænnesse,
& wep forr þatt tu narrt nohht ȝét
Inn heoffne inn eche blisse.
Þuss mihht tu wel wiþþ twinne wop
Drihhtin tocweme lakenn,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu wepesst rihht
O þise twinne wise.
& te birrþ habbenn twinne wop
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
& tu mihht lakenn Godd tærwiþþ
Well swiþe wel tocweme,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu þwerrt út wel
Wepesst onn eȝȝþerr wise;
Forr þe birrþ beon full sare offdredd
Off helless grimme pine,
& te birrþ ȝeorne stanndenn inn
To betenn þine sinness,
Wiþþ serrȝhe & sít, wiþþ bitter wop,
& ec wiþþ hefiȝ shriffte,
To sahhtlenn þe wiþþ þin Drihhtin
Forr helle to forrbuȝhenn.
& affterr þatt tu clennsedd arrt
Off alle þine sinness,
All affterr þatt te preost te badd
Þatt tu þe sholldesst clennsenn,


Þa siþþenn iss þin hope o Godd
Þatt tu wiþþ himm arrt sahhtledd;
& siþþenn ȝifeþþ he þe mahht
To lusenn himm wiþþ herrte,
Þurrh þatt tu didesst all þin mahht
To betenn þine sinness.
& forrþi þatt te þinnkeþþ wiss
Þatt tu wiþþ himm arrt sahhtledd,
Off nan þing elless niss þe nohht
Butt off þatt an þing ane,
To stanndenn inn to cwemenn himm
Onn alle kinne wise;
Noff nan þing narrt tu þa forrdredd
Butt off þatt an þing ane,
Off þatt tu shule wraþþenn himm
O sume kinne wise.
Þuss mahht tu wel wiþþ twinne wop
Þin Godd tocweme lakenn,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu wepesst rihht
O þise twinne wise.
Þær ure Laferrd Crist wass brohht
To kirrke wiþþ hiss moderr,
Þær comenn forrþ to lofenn himm
An weppmann & an widdwe,
[OMITTED] he wollde litell.


& forrþi lét he cwellenn þa
Þe miccle & ec þe little,
Þatt Crist ne shollde muȝhenn himm
O nane wise attwindenn.
Þa chilldre þatt he cwellenn lét
Bitacnenn all þatt genge,
Þatt fra þatt daȝȝ till þiss fór upp
Þurrh marrtirdom till Criste,
Þatt genge þatt wass milde & meoc,
& ædmod all se chilldre,
& all wiþþutenn modiȝleȝȝc,
& all wiþþutenn braþþe,
& clene off hete & clene off niþ,
& clene off grediȝnesse,
& off galnesse skir & fre
& all off ille wiless,
All all swa summ þe ȝunge child
Iss clene off swillke sinness.
& tatt ta chilldre swulltenn þær
Off tweȝȝenn ȝeress elde,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ opennliȝ
Þatt all þatt hallȝhe genge,
Þatt borrȝhenn iss þurrh marrtirdom,
Flæh upp wiþþ tweȝȝenn wengess,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ cwemmdenn Jesu Crist
Wiþþ spelless & wiþþ dedess.
Herode king bitacneþþ uss
Þe laþe gast off helle;
& he maȝȝ wel bitacnenn himm
Whamm he stod inn to follȝhe.


Forr all swa summ þe laþe gast
Aȝȝ niþþreþþ Godess genge,
& cwelleþþ hemm & wannseþþ hemm,
Þurrh hise unnfæle þeowwess,
All swa þatt laþe Herode king
Þurrh hise laþe þeowwess
Offcwalde, forr to cwellenn Crist,
Þa gilltelæse chilldre.
& þurrh þatt tatt Herode king
Lét slæn þa little barrness,
Þærþurrh wass uss bitacnedd wel
All onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt ifell gast maȝȝ oferr þa
Þatt follȝhenn barrness þæwess
Inn illc unnwitt, inn illc unnitt,
Inn ægede & i leȝȝkess.
Forr Latin boc uss seȝȝþ full wel
Þatt tatt mann iss forrwarrȝedd
Þatt iss an hunndredd winnterr ald,
& follȝheþþ childess gæress.
& off þiss illke seȝȝde þuss
Þe posstell Sannte Pawell;
Aȝȝ whil þatt I wass litell child
Icc held o childess þæwess,
& son summ icc wass waxenn mann,
Þa flæh I childess cosstess.
& uss birrþ alle samenn wel
Hiss hallȝhe bisne follȝhenn,
& all forrwerrpenn illc unnitt
Off ægede & off leȝȝkess,


& uss birrþ beon full hoȝhefull
Abutenn ure sawless.
Herode king maȝȝ swiþe wel
Þe laþe gast bitacnenn;
Forr all hiss werrc & all hiss will
Wass ifell gast full cweme,
& onn himm sellfenn wass inoh
Hiss aȝhenn sinne sene;
Forr wel biforenn þatt he swallt
Wass himm þatt wa bigunnenn,
Þatt he shall dreȝhenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Inn helle wiþþ þe deofell;
Forr he warrþ seoc, & he bigann
To rotenn busenn eorþe,
& tohh he toc wiþþ mete swa
Þatt nan ne mihhte himm fillenn,
& swa he stannc þatt iwhillc mann
Wass himm full laþ to nehhȝhenn;
& all himm wærenn fét & þeos
Tobollenn & toblawenn.
Þa læchess þatt himm comenn to
& himm ne mihhtenn hælenn
He sloh, & seȝȝde þatt teȝȝ himm
Ne kepptenn nohht to berrȝhenn.
& he toc iwhillc hæfedd mann
Off all hiss kineriche,
& lét hemm stekenn inn an hus,
& haldenn swiþe fasste,


& badd tatt mann hemm shollde slæn,
Son summ he shollde deȝenn.
He þohhte þatt mann munnde beon
Off hiss dæþ swiþe bliþe,
& wisste þatt mann munnde þa
Forr hemm full sare wepenn,
& wollde swa þatt all þe follc
Þatt time shollde wepenn,
Þatt mann himm shollde findenn dæd
Þohh itt forr himm ne wære;
Loc nu ȝiff he wass deofless þeoww
& all i deofless walde.
& he ȝaff hise cnihhtess þa
Fifftiȝ beȝȝsannz to mede;
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn att hiss dæþ
Þa riche menn offcwellenn.
Acc whatt forrþi nass þatt nohht don
Affterr hiss laþe wille,
Forr nollde nan mann cwellenn hemm
Þatt daȝȝ þatt he toc ende.
& ȝét he dide mare inoh
Off deofellshine o life,
Ær þann he ȝaff hiss fule gast
To farenn inntill helle;
He wollde himm sellfenn wiþþ an cnif
Offcwellenn, ȝiff he mosste;
Loc ȝiff he wass inoh bitahht
Þe laþe gast off helle.
He badd himm brinngenn ænne cnif
An appell forr to shrædenn,


& seȝȝde þatt himm lisste þa
Wel etenn off an appell;
& mann þa brohhte cnif himm to,
& he þa toc itt sone,
& icchedd himm a litell upp
& wollde himm sellfenn mirrþrenn,
Acc mann grap þa þatt cnif himm fra
To reddenn himm fra dæþe,
& tokenn alle samenn þa
To wepenn & to wanenn,
Forr þatt he wiþþ hiss aȝhenn hannd
Himm sellfenn wollde cwellenn.
& an off hise suness wass
Anntipater ȝehatenn;
& he wass i cwarrterrne þa
Onnfasst te kingess bure,
Þær he wass þurrh hiss faderr ær
Wiþþ mikell wraþþe worrpenn.
& teȝȝre wop & teȝȝre ræm
Comm full wel till hiss ære,
& he þa forr hiss faderr dæþ
Wel wennde þatt teȝȝ wepptenn,
& he warrþ swiþe bliþe þa,
& toc to lahhȝhenn lhude.
& mann þa seȝȝde þatt te king,
& he warrþ wraþ & bollghenn,
& badd tatt mann himm sollde anan
Wiþþ swerdess egge cwellenn;


& tatt wass þanne sone don
To forþenn himm hiss wille.
& tweȝȝenn haffde he lĕtenn ær
Off hise suness cwellenn,
Ær þann þatt ifell comm himm to
Þatt held himm þa swa fasste.
Hiss feorrþe sune he ȝaff þe land
& sette himm þær to kinge,
& he wass, þatt witt tu full wel,
Arrchelauss ȝehatenn.
& ȝét he haffde suness ma,
Acc himm he ȝaff þatt crune,
To weldenn all hiss kinedom
Affterr hiss lifess ende;
& affterr þatt ta wass he dæd
Inn all hiss miccle sinne.
Acc þær wass mikell oferrgarrt
& modiȝnesse shæwedd
Abutenn þatt stinnckennde lic,
Þær itt wass brohht till eorþe;
Forr all þe bære wass bileȝȝd
Wiþþ bætenn gold & sillferr,
& all itt wass eȝȝwhær bisett
Wiþþ deorewurrþe staness,
& all þatt wæde þatt tær wass
Uppo þe bære fundenn,
All wass itt off þe bettste pall
Þatt aniȝ mann maȝȝ aȝhenn,
& all itt wass wundenn wiþþ gold
& sett wiþþ deore staness,


& all he wass wurrþlike shridd,
Alls iff he wære o life,
& onn hiss hæfedd wærenn twa
Gildene cruness sette,
& himm wass sett inn hiss rihht hannd
An dere kineȝerrde;
& swa mann barr þatt fule lic
Till þær he bedenn haffde.
& hise cnihhtess alle imæn
Forþ ȝedenn wiþþ þe bære,
Wiþþ heore wæpenn alle bun,
Swa summ þeȝȝ sholldenn fihhtenn.
Þatt oþerr follc all ȝede bun,
Swa summ itt birrþ, wiþþ like.
& ec þær ȝedenn wiþþ þe lic
Full wel fif hunndredd þewwess,
To strawwenn gode gresses þær,
Þatt stunnkenn swiþe swete,
Biforenn þatt stinnkennde lic
Þær menn itt berenn sholldenn.
& tuss þeȝȝ alle brohhtenn himm
Wiþþ mikell modiȝnesse
Till þær þær he peȝȝm haffde seȝȝd
Þatt teȝȝ himm brinngenn sholldenn.
Swillc mann wass þatt Herode king
Þatt let te chilldre cwellenn,
Forr þatt he wollde cwellenn Crist
Amang hemm, ȝiff he mihhte.


Acc Cristess time nass nohht ȝét
Þatt he ȝét wollde swelltenn,
& forrþi sloh Herode king
All rihht forr nohht ta chilldre.
He sloh þa chilldre gilltelæs,
& itt hemm comm to blisse,
Þeȝȝ gæfenn heore shorrte lif
Forr eche lifess blisse.
Off hemm iss writenn o Latin,
Þatt teȝȝ inn heoffness blisse
A follȝhenn ure Laferrd Crist
Whatt gate summ he ganngeþþ;
& tatt iss seȝȝd forrþi þatt teȝȝ
Himm sinndenn swiþe like,
Forr þatt teȝȝ ferrdenn off þiss lif
I clene unnwemmeddnesse.
& affterr þatt Herode king
Wass witenn út off life,
Wiþþ all swillc ende alls he wass wurrþ
Þurrh hise depe sinness,
Hiss sune toc forrþrihht anan
Þær affterr himm to rixlenn,
Þatt Arrchelauss nemmnedd wass,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn.
& he wass Drihhtin swiþe laþ
& deofell swiþe dere
Þurrh hæþenndom, & þurrh hiss lif
Þatt all wass full off sinness.
& he wass o þe tende ȝer
Fra þatt he toc to rixlenn


Biforr þe Romanisshe king
Full hefilike wreȝedd,
& himm wass þa þe kinedom
Forr hise gilltess ræfedd,
& he wass flemmd & drifenn út
All affterr hise wrihhte,
Þurrh Rome burrhȝess Kaserrking
Þatt Augustuss wass nemmnedd,
Þatt flemmde himm út forrþi þatt he
Wass ifell mann wiþþ alle,
& modiȝ mann att oferrdon,
& grimme wiþþ þe leode.
& he wass drifenn út forrþi
Off all þe kineriche,
& he flæh inntill oþerr land
Þatt nemmnedd wass Vienne,
& tære he wass unnorneliȝ,
& tære he toc hiss ende.
& loc nu ȝiff Crisstene king
Birrþ beon rihhtwis & milde,
& god wiþþ all hiss follc þatt iss
Inn all hiss kineriche,
Þatt he ne beo biforenn Godd
Haldenn & tald forr werrse
Þann þatt hæþene Kaserrking,
Þatt draf all út off lande
An mahhtiȝ king & riche king
& rihht forr nan þing elless,
Butt forr þatt he wass modiȝ mann
& grimme wiþþ hiss leode;


& siþþenn wass þe kinedom
O fowwre daless dæledd,
Þær i þe Judewisshe land
Þatt Arrchelauss haffde.
& Arrchelawess breþre þreo
Þreo daless unnderrfengenn
Att Rome burrȝess Kaserrking,
Þatt tær wass oferrlaferrd;
Þe feorþe dale wass bitahht
Pilate Pontiwisshe.
Herode king off Galileo
Wass Arrchelawess broþerr,
& himm þe land off Galileo
Wass all bitahht to gætenn.
& an Filippe an hæfedd mann
Wass Arrchelawess broþerr,
& tweȝȝenn landess wærenn himm
Bitahhte forr to gætenn,
Þatt an land wass Yturea
& Trachonys þatt oþerr.
& Lysias an hæfedd mann
Wass Arrchelawess broþerr,
& himm wass sett, tatt witt tu wel,
To ȝemenn & to gætenn
Þurrh Rome king an land tatt wass
Ȝehatenn Abyline.
Judealand & Ȝerrsalæm
Wass all bitahht Pilate,


Acc he nass nohht ta breþre sibb,
Ne nohht off þeȝȝre birde;
Forr he wass off Ponntisske land,
Off all an oþerr leode.
O þise fowwre menness daȝȝ
Bigann Johan Bapptisste,
I wesste bi þe flumm Jorrdan,
To fullhtnenn & to spellenn.
O þatt Kaseress daȝȝ þatt wass
Tyberiuss ȝehatenn,
Onn hiss fiftende ȝer fra þatt
Þatt he bigann to rixlenn
I Rome riche, toc Johan
To fullhtnenn & to spellenn
Off Godess Sune, Crist, tatt he
Þa shollde cumenn newenn,
To leosenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde,
& turrnenn menn till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& tæchenn hemm & hellpenn hemm
To winnenn heoffness blisse,
Þurrh soþ & rihht, þurrh witt & skill,
Þurrh mett & soþ meocnesse,
Þurrh clene þohht & word & weorrc,
Þurrh lufe & hope & læfe.
& o þa fowwre menness daȝȝ
Þatt tokenn all þatt riche,
Þatt wass biræfedd Arrchelaw
All forr hiss modiȝnesse,


O þeȝȝre daȝȝ wass att te flumm
Crist, Godess Sune, fullhtnedd.
& hemm wass all þe kinedom
O fowwre daless dæledd,
Swa summ þe Romanisshe king
Itt haffde þanne dæledd,
Þatt ta wass Kaserr oferr hemm
& oferr fĕle kingess.
& off þa fowwre riche menn
Þatt tokenn þa to rixlenn,
Off hemm wass an Herode king,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
& he wass ifell mann inoh,
& wel itt wass himm kinde.
& o þatt lattre Herodess daȝȝ
Wass Crist o rode pinedd,
& he wass att tatt illke ræd,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& tatt himm comm till hefiȝ wa
Þurrh Godess rihhtwisnesse.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
To follȝhenn Cristess lare,
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To winnenn Cristess are.



Defuncto autem Herode, ecce angelus Domini apparuit in sompnis Joseph dicens, Surge accipe puerum et matrem ejus, et vade in terram Israel.

Affterr þatt tatt Herode king
Wass endedd inn hiss sinne,
Drihhtiness enngell comm anan
Till Josæp inn Egippte,
& tær he comm till himm o nahht
& fand himm þanne o slæpe,
& tære he spacc anan wiþþ himm
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Josæp, ris upp & tacc þe child,
& tacc þe childess moderr,
& farr till Issraæless land
Inntill þin aȝhenn birde;
Forr alle þa þatt hafenn sohht
Þe child, forr himm to cwellenn,
Nu sinndenn dæde & farenn út
Off life i þeȝȝre sinness.
& he ras up & toc þe child,
& toc þe childess moderr,
& fór till Issraæless land
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde.
& alls he comm onnȝæn well neh
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Mann seȝȝde himm þa þatt Arrchelaw
Wass hofenn upp to kinge,


To rixlenn i Judealand
Affterr hiss faderr ende;
& he ne durrste nohht forrþi
Inntill þatt ende liþenn.
& himm wass seȝȝd o slæpe þa
Onn hiss Drihhtiness hallfe,
Þatt he þa shollde wiþþ þe child
& wiþþ þe childess moderr
Inntill þe land off Galileo
Flittenn, & tær bilefenn.
& he for þiderr sone anan
& comm þær till an chesstre
Þatt wass ȝehatenn Nazaræþ,
& tær bilæf he þanne,
To fillenn þatt tatt cwiddedd wass
Forrlannge þurrh prophete,
Þatt Godess Sune shollde beon
Bitwenenn menn onn eorþe
Nemmnedd te Nazarisshe mann,
Off Nazaræþess chesstre.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Rihht o þatt ȝer wass Crist full neh
Off ehhte ȝeress elde
Þatt he comm off Egippte land
Till Nazaræþess chesstre;


Forr sefenn winnterr haffde he beon
Tosamenn inn Egippte,
& he wass, þanne he þiderr for,
Neh off an ȝeress elde.
Þatt Jesu Crist comm efft onnȝæn
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Son summ þatt laþe Herode king
& ta þatt wiþþ himm heldenn
Inn heore sinness fellenn dun,
& forenn inntill helle,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ witerrliȝ
Þurrh all full openn bisne
Þatt Cristess hird, Cristene follc,
Shall farenn inntill heoffne
& inntill Paradisess ærd,
Inntill þeȝȝre aȝhenn birde.
Forr affterr þatt te laþe gast
& alle þatt himm follȝhenn
Þurrh Drihhtin shulenn worrpenn beon
Dun inntill hellepine.
& tatt shall beon o Domess daȝȝ,
Swa shall itt tanne wharrfenn
Bitwennen Cristess hallȝhe þeod
& deofless laþe genge.
Forr þa shall all þe deofless hird
Till helle wiþþ þe deofell,
& siþþenn shall all Cristess hird
Wiþþ Crist till heoffne wendenn.


Þurrh þatt tatt enngell seȝȝde þuss
Till Josæp þær he sleppte,
Farr inntill Issraæless land
Wiþþ Crist & wiþþ hiss moderr,
Þurrh þatt ne mihhte nohht Josæp
Inoh wel unnderrstanndenn
Inntill whillc ende off all þatt land
He badd himm þanne liþenn.
& forrþi wollde he farenn þa
Wiþþ Crist & wiþþ hiss moderr
Inntill þe land off Ȝerrsalæm,
& tære he wollde biggenn
Att Godess temmple i Ȝerrsalæm,
& onnfasst tær abutenn;
Forr þatt himm þuhhte mikell rihht,
Þatt Godess Sune birrde
Beon att te temmple þær þær Godd
Wass lofedd aȝȝ & wurrþedd.
Acc whatt forrþi ne durrste he nohht
Inntill þatt ende wendenn
Son summ he wisste off Arrchelaw,
Þatt he þær haffde mahhte,
Þatt he wass hofenn upp to king
Inn all hiss faderr riche;
Forr þatt he wisste wel inoh
Þatt Arrchelauss munnde
All all swa mirrþrenn þeȝȝre child,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte himm findenn,


All alls hiss faderr haffde don,
Ȝiff þatt hét haffde fundenn;
& he wass orraþ þa summ del
Off-whær he mihhte biggenn.
& Godess enngell comm himm to
& seȝȝde himm þa to wisse
Whillc ende off Issraæless land
He shollde þanne sekenn,
To biggenn þær all stilleliȝ
Wiþþ Crist & wiþþ hiss moderr.
Þatt wass þe land off Galileo
Þatt himm wass bedenn sekenn,
Forrþi þatt Arrchelaw þe king
Þær munnde cumenn seldenn;
Forr Ȝerrsalæm wass hæfedd burrh
Off Issraæless riche,
& tær wass þeȝȝre king aȝȝ mast,
& seldenn owwhær elless;
& Galilew wass feorr þær fra
Út inn an oþerr ende,
& forrþi mihhte þær þe child
Full dærnelike biggenn,
Swa þatt himm Arrchelaw þe king
Ne munnde þær nohht sekenn.
Þatt chesstre þatt te Laferrd Crist
Comm till, forr þær to biggenn,
Bitacneþþ uss þatt little flocc
Off þatt Judisskenn þeode,
Þatt little flocc þatt toc wiþþ Crist
& wiþþ þe rihhte læfe,


& wiþþ þe rihhte Crisstenndom,
Þurrh Cristess Leorninngcnihhtess,
Affterr þatt daȝȝ þatt Crist himm sellf
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heoffne.
Þe Laferrd haffde litell rum
Inn all þatt miccle riche
Ȝét tanne, & forrþi mihhte itt wel
Þatt little flocc bitacnenn
Þatt toc to lefenn uppo Crist
Þurrh Cristess posstless lare,
Affterr þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heoffne.
Þatt Josæp barr þe Laferrd Crist
Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr,
Firrst út off Issraæless land
Inntill hæþene Egippte,
& tatt he barr himm efft onnȝæn
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Inntill Judisskenn þeode land
Út off hæþene Egippte,
Þatt wass don þurrh þe Laferrd Crist
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn.
Josæþ himm sellf bitacneþþ her
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,
Þatt bærenn ure Laferrd Crist
Wiþþ spelles & wiþþ werrkess
Fra land to land, fra tun to tun,
Fra wic to wic i tune.


& allre firrst teȝȝ bærenn himm
Út off hiss aȝhenn birde,
Út off Judisskenn þeode land,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Inntill hæþene follkess land
Affterr Josæpess bisne.
Forr affterr þatt tatt Jesu Crist
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heoffne,
Þatt laþe Judewisshe follc
All masst forrwarrp to lefenn
Onn ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þurrh heore depe sinness.
& forr þatt teȝȝ forrwurrpenn þa
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Þe posstless forenn sone anan
Till hæþenn follc to spellenn,
& bærenn swa þe Laferrd Crist
Útt off hiss aȝhenn birde,
Útt off Judisskenn follkess land
Inntill hæþene þeode,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ taldenn spell off himm
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse.
& he shall ȝét beon borenn efft
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde;
Inntill Judisskenn follkess land
Shall Crist ȝét wurrþenn flittedd,
Þurrh þa þatt shulenn follȝhenn wel
Þe sloþ off Cristess posstless.
Forr ȝét shall Issraæle þeod,
Þurrh þatt mann shall hemm spellenn,


Beon turrnedd till þe Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Acc aȝȝ fra þatt te Laferrd Crist
Himm sellf hemm toc to spellenn,
Aȝȝ siþþenn fareþþ all þatt follc
Till helle þatt tær deȝeþþ.
& tatt shall lasstenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Till þatt mann shall hemm turrnenn
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& tatt shall beon, þatt witt tu wel,
Onn Anntecristess time,
Þatt mann shall spellenn to þatt follc,
& turrnenn hemm to Criste.
& Crist beoþ þanne borenn efft
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Þatt time þatt tatt illke follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe
Beoþ turrnedd till þe Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Þurrh þatt mann shall hemm spellenn þa
Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse.
& ta þatt shulenn þanne onnfon
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Þeȝȝ shulenn habbenn eche lif
Wiþþ alle Godess hallȝhenn.
& ta þatt shulenn spellenn hemm
& turrnenn hemm to Criste,


Þa shulenn beon off heore kinn,
& off þatt illke þeode,
& forrþi shulenn þeȝȝ þe bett
Till þeȝȝre lare lisstenn,
& turrnenn till þe Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Twa gode menn, þatt wærenn her
Biforenn Cristess come
& ȝét abidenn i þiss lif,
Hemm shulenn þanne spellenn,
& turrnenn hemm till Cristenndom
To lefenn uppo Criste.
& off þa twa þatt an shall beon
Helyas þe prophete,
Þatt oþerr off þa twa shall beon
Eȝȝnoc þe patriarrke.
Eȝȝnoc wass an full haliȝ mann
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme,
& Godd himm ledde aweȝȝ fra menn
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ sawle,
I fell & flæsh wiþþutenn dæþ,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Biforenn þatt tatt all mannkinn
Þurrh Noþess flod wass drunncnedd;
& he iss i þiss middellærd
Whær summ itt iss onn eorþe,
Þær Drihhtin Godd himm hafeþþ don
To libbenn þære i blisse.
Þreo hunndredd winnterr wass he ald
& fife & sextiȝ mare,


Þatt ȝer þatt he wass takenn út
Þurrh Drihhtin Godd fra manne;
& tære shall he beon þær Godd
Himm hafeþþ don i blisse,
Anan till þatt tatt Anntecrist
Shall borenn beon onn eorþe.
& he shall þanne cumenn forþ
Wiþþ Helyas hiss fere,
To fihhtenn Anntecrist onnȝæn
All affterr Godess wille.
Helyas wass an haliȝ mann,
& an off þa prophetess
Þatt cwiddedenn þurrh Haliȝ Gast
All þatt tatt wurrþenn shollde.
Twa menn he dide þurrh Drihhtin
To risenn upp off dæþe,
Forr he wass swiþe duhhtiȝ mann
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme.
& he badd uppo Drihhtin Godd
Þatt itt ne shollde reȝȝnenn,
& ta wass wel hallf feorþe ȝer
Þatt comm na reȝȝn onn eorþe.
& ta wass i Judisskenn land
Þærþurrh full hefiȝ hunngerr,
Forr þatt te land wass driȝȝedd all
& scorrcnedd þurrh þe druhhþe.
& ta comm, i þatt hunngerr, ald
Helyas þe prophete


Towarrd an mikell burrȝhess tun
Þatt wass Sareppta nemmnedd;
& att tatt burrȝhess ȝate himm comm
An widewe toȝæness,
& he badd tatt ȝho shollde himm þa
An litell waterr fecchenn,
& seȝȝde þatt he wass forrþrisst,
& tatt he wollde drinnkenn.
& ȝho þa wollde sone anan
Himm fecchenn þatt he ȝeorrnde.
& he badd tatt ȝho shollde himm ec
An bĭte brædess brinngenn,
& ȝho þa ȝaff himm sware onnȝæn,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Þin Laferrd Godd Allmahhtiȝ wát,
Þatt wel wat alle þingess,
Þatt nafe icc nohht off metekinn
Till me, ne till min wennchell,
Wiþþutenn mĕle alls itt beo rihht
An hanndfull inn an fétless,
& littless whatt off elesæw
Inn elesæwess fétless;
& her I gaddre stikkess twa
Swa summ þu seost, lef laferd,
Forr to min sune & forr to me
To ȝarrkenn þatt to fode;
& siþþenn shule witt anan
Off hunngerr deȝenn baþe.
& ta ȝét space þuss hire to
Helyas þe prophete;


Ga, laffdiȝ, forþ, & dred te nohht,
Acc do swa summ þu seȝȝdesst,
Acc allre firrst macc þu to me
Þæroffe an litell kechell,
& siþþenn shallt tu makenn ȝunnc
To fode þatt tær lefeþþ.
Forr Drihhtin seȝȝþ þatt te shall wel
Þin little mele lasstenn,
& tatt te shall þin elesæw
Lasstenn, þohh itt beo litell,
Anan till þatt tatt Drihhtin Godd
Shall ȝifenn reȝȝn onn eorþe.
& all bilammp þatt widdwe þa
Swa summ þe wite seȝȝde;
Ȝho ȝede & dide þatt he badd,
& brohhte himm út an kechell,
& siþþenn fand ȝho mele inoh
& elesæw to fode,
Anan till þatt te Laferrd Godd
Gaff reȝȝn inoh onn eorþe;
Aȝȝ summ ȝho mare & mare toc
Aȝȝ wex itt mare & mare.
& swa bilammp þatt widdwe þa
Þurrh Helyasess bene;
Forr he wass haliȝ mann & god,
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme,
& ȝho wass hĭre sellf full wiss
God widdwe, & Drihhtin cweme,


Þurrh whatt ȝho wass wurrþi to beon
Þurrh Godd off hunngerr lesedd.
& forrþi þatt tatt hallȝhe mann,
Helyas þe prophete,
Att Drihhtin mihhte winnenn wel
All whattse he wollde ȝeornenn,
Efft sone he badd o Drihhtin Godd
Þatt itt ta shollde reȝȝnenn,
& ta comm reȝȝn inoh anan
All affterr þatt he ȝeorrnde.
& Drihhtin wollde himm habbenn þa
Wiþþutenn dæþ fra manne,
Swa þatt he shollde libbenn a
Till Anntecristess come;
& Drihhtin sennde an karrte himm to
Þær þær he wass onn eorþe,
An karrte þatt wass all off fir,
& horrs off fir itt droȝhenn.
& Helyas forrþrihht anan
Þær stah innto þatt karrte,
& i þatt karrte wass he brohht
Till-þær he wunenn shollde,
& tære shall he libbenn a
Till Anntecristess come,
& tanne shall he cumenn forþ
Till Issraæle þeode,
Wiþþ Eȝȝnoc þatt shall cumenn ec,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn.
& baþe shulenn spellenn þa
Till þatt Judisskenn þeode,


Þatt teȝȝ her i þiss middellærd
Þatt time shulenn findenn,
Þeȝȝ shulenn spellenn to þatt follc,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
& off-þatt he wiþþutenn gillt
Wass naȝȝledd uppo rode,
All alls hiss lefe wille wass,
Forr all mannkinne nede,
To lesenn þurrh hiss hallȝhe dæþ
Mannkinn off hellepine.
& ta shall þatt Judisskenn follc
Þurrh þeȝȝre spell beon turrnedd
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& Crist beoþ þanne borenn efft
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Inntill þatt Judewisshe follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe,
Þurrh-þatt teȝȝ shulenn turrnenn hemm
Till himm wiþþ fulle læfe,
& lufenn himm & forþ wiþþ himm
Hiss deore moderr Marȝe.
All þuss shall þa beon filledd all
Þatt uss wass ær bitacnedd,
Þær Josæp barr þe Laferrd Crist
Út off hiss aȝhenn birde,


Út off Judisskenn follkess land
Þatt he wass borenn inne,
& barr himm inntill hæþenn land,
Inntill hæþene Egippte,
& siþþenn barr himm efft onnȝæn
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,
Inntill Judisskenn follkess land,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd;
Þatt Jesu Crist wass seofenn ȝer
Tosamenn inn Egippte,
Þatt uss bitacneþþ mikell þing
Þatt uss maȝȝ alle frofrenn.
Itt tacneþþ þatt he frofreþþ her,
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess frofre,
Þatt hallȝhe flocc þatt turrnedd wass
Út off hæþene þeode
Till Crisstenndom, & lufeþþ Crist,
& hise laȝhess haldeþþ,
& tatt he wile ȝifenn hemm
A butenn ende blisse.
Þatt Crist sellf frofreþþ here hiss hird
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess frofre,
& shall hemm ȝifenn eche lif
Att heore lifess ende,
Þiss twinne seollþe tacnedd wass
Þurrh Jesu Crist himm sellfenn,
Þurrh þatt tatt he wass seofenn ȝer
Tosamenn inn Egippte.


& her icc wile shæwenn hu
All þiss iss tunnderrstanndenn.
Þe Laferrd Crist wass seofenn ȝer
Bitwenenn hæþenn þeode,
Forr þatt he wollde hemm swa þurrh þatt
Full opennliȝ bitacnenn,
Þatt he þeȝȝm wollde frofrenn her
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast onn eorþe,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ wolldenn follȝhenn himm
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Forr Haliȝ Gast iss ful iwiss
Þurrh tale off seoffne tacnedd,
Forr þatt he ȝifeþþ her hiss þeoww
Hiss frofre o seofenn wise.
He ȝifeþþ himm innsihht & witt
Off heofennlike þingess;
& innsihht tunnderrstanndenn all
Þatt mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn;
& witt to ȝifenn aȝȝ god ræd
Off all þatt Drihhtin likeþþ;
& witt & mihht to berenn rihht
Illc seollþe & illc unnseollþe.
He ȝifeþþ himm innsihht & witt
Off illc eorþlike nede,
Off whatt iss soþ & whatt iss rihht
I weorelldlike þingess;
& rihht reowwsunnd off all þatt iss
Onn eorþe to bireowwsenn;


& witt & mihht to drædenn Godd
& hise starrke domess,
Forr to forrbuȝhenn þess te bett
All þatt tatt Godd forrwerrpeþþ.
Nu maȝȝ mann unnderrstanndenn her,
Þurrh þise seofenn mahhtess,
Wiþþ whillke ȝifess Haliȝ Gast
Her frofreþþ Cristess þeowwess;
& tatt he wile hemm frofrenn her
O þise seofenn wise,
Þatt wass hemm wel bitacnedd ær,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
Þurrh þatt tatt Crist wass seofenn ȝer
Amang hæþene þeode,
Þatt siþþenn shollde i Crisstenndom
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast beon frofredd.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Shall ȝifenn hise þeowwess
A butenn ende inn heoffness ærd
To brukenn eche blisse,
Þatt dide he þeȝȝm full witerrliȝ
To witenn þurrh himm sellfenn,
Þurrh þatt tatt he wass seofenn ȝer
Amang hæþene þeode,
Amang þatt follc þatt shollde himm ȝét
Full wel tocweme þewwtenn
I Crisstenndom, þurrh haliȝ lif
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
Forr tale off seoffne tacneþþ uss
All þatt tatt æfre lassteþþ,


Forrþi þatt all þiss weorrldess ald
Bi seoffne daȝhess eorneþþ,
& forrþi maȝȝ itt tacnenn wel
All heofennrichess blisse,
Þatt aȝȝ occ aȝȝ shall lasstenn uss,
Ȝiff þatt wét muȝhenn winnenn.
& forrþi wass he seofenn ȝer
Amang hæþene þeode,
For þatt he wollde hemm swa þurrh þatt
Full opennliȝ bitacnenn,
Þatt he þeȝȝm wollde ȝifenn lif
A butenn ende i blisse,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ wolldenn follȝhenn himm
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn off Egippte,
Inntill þe land off Galileo
Till Nazaræþess chesstre,
Þær he bilæf wiþþ hise frend,
Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr,
& wiþþ þatt hallȝhe mann Josæp
Þatt himm wass sett to fosstrenn.
& tære he wex, & þraf, & wass
Full herrsumm till hiss moderr,
& till hiss fossterrfaderr ec
He wass buhsumm & milde.
Þurrh þatt tatt cwiddedd wass off Crist
Forrlannge þurrh prophete,


Þatt he þe Nazarisshe mann
Ȝehatenn shollde wurrþenn,
Þurrh þatt wass cwiddedd wel, þatt he
Onn eorþe shollde shæwenn
Bitwenenn menn forr þeȝȝre god
Útnumenn haliȝnesse.
Forr Nazarenuss tacneþþ sannt,
& haliȝ mann & clene,
& Jesu Crist wass haliȝ Sannt
Unnseȝȝenndliȝ wiþþ alle;
Forr he wass allre shaffte Godd
& mann all clene off sinne,
Allhaliȝ mann, all þwerrt út god
Onn alle kinne wise.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ lefe uss swa
To forþenn Cristess wille,
& swa to follȝhenn Cristess sloþ
Aȝȝ affterr ure mahhte,
Swa þatt we motenn alle imæn
Beon borrȝhenn þurrh hiss are.



Cum factus esset I H C annorum xii ascendentibus illis.

Affterr þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn off Egyppte
Inntill þe land off Galileo,
Till Nazaræþess chesstre,
Þæraffterr seȝȝþ þe Goddspellboc
Bilæf he þær well lannge
Wiþþ hise frend, tatt haffdenn himm
To ȝemenn & to gætenn,
Wiþþ Marȝe þatt hiss moderr wass
& maȝȝdenn þwerrt út clene,
& wiþþ Josæp þatt wass himm sett
To fedenn & to fosstrenn.
& illke Lenntenn forenn þeȝȝ
Till Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre
Aȝȝ att te Passkemessedaȝȝ,
Swa summ þe boc hemm tahhte,
To frellsenn þær þatt heȝhe tid
O þatt Judisskenn wise,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wærenn gode menn,
& Godess laȝhess heldenn.
Annd siþþenn, o þatt ȝer þatt Crist
Wass off twellf winnterr elde,
Þeȝȝ comenn inntill Ȝerrsalæm
Att teȝȝre Passkemesse,


& heldenn þær þatt hallȝhe tid
O þatt Judisskenn wise.
& Jesu Crist wass þær wiþþ hemm,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
Annd affterr þatt te tid wass gan
Þeȝȝ wenndenn fra þe temmple,
& ferrdenn towarrd Nazaræþ
An daȝȝess gang till efenn,
& wenndenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wiþþ hemm þatt gate come,
& he wass þa bihinndenn hemm
Bilefedd att te temmple;
& tatt ne wisste nohht hiss kinn
Acc wennde þatt he come,
& ȝedenn heore weȝȝe forþ
Till þatt itt comm till efenn,
& ta þeȝȝ misstenn þeȝȝre child,
& itt hemm offerrþuhhte,
& ȝedenn till, & sohhtenn himm
Bitwenenn sibbe & cuþe,
& teȝȝ ne fundenn nohht off himm,
Forr he wass att te temmple.
& teȝȝ þa wenndenn efft onnȝæn
Þatt dere child to sekenn,
& comenn efft till Ȝerrsalæm,
To sekenn himm þær binnenn.
& teȝȝ himm o þe þridde daȝȝ
Þær fundenn i þe temmple,


Bitwenenn þatt Judisskenn flocc
Þatt læredd wass o boke;
& tære he satt to fraȝȝnenn hemm
Off þeȝȝre bokess lare,
& alle þatt himm herrdenn þær,
Hemm þuhhte mikell wunnderr
Off þatt he wass full ȝæp & wis
To swarenn & to fraȝȝnenn.
& Sannte Marȝe comm till himm
& seȝȝde himm þuss wiþþ worde,
Whi didesst tu, lef sune, þuss
Wiþþ uss, forr uss to swennkenn?
Witt hafenn sohht te widewhar
Icc & ti faderr baþe
Wiþþ serrhfull herrte & sariȝ mod,
Whi didesst tu þiss dede?
& tanne seȝȝde Jesu Crist
Till baþe þuss wiþþ worde,
Whatt wass ȝuw swa to sekenn me,
Whatt wass ȝuw swa to serrȝhenn?
Ne wisste ȝe nohht tatt me birrþ
Min faderr wille forþenn?
Ne þatt me birrþ beon hoȝhefull
Abutenn hise þingess?
& teȝȝ ne mihhtenn nohht tatt word
Ȝét ta wel unnderrstanndenn;
& he þa ȝede forþ wiþþ hemm
& dide hemm heore wille,
& comm wiþþ hemm till Nazaræþ,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,


& till hemm baþe he lutte & bæh
Þurrh soþfasst herrsummnesse,
& wass wiþþ hemm till þatt he wass
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde.
& ure laffdiȝ Marȝe toc
All þatt ȝho sahh & herrde
Off hire sune Jesu Crist,
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
& all ȝhót held inn hire þohht,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& leȝȝde itt all tosamenn aȝȝ
Inn hire þohhtess arrke.
& hire sune wex & þraf
I wissdom & inn elde,
& he wass Godd & gode menn
Well swiþe lef & dere;
& tatt wass rihht, forr he wass Godd,
& god onn alle wise.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þatt Jesu Cristess kinness menn
Aȝȝ forenn to þe temmple
Att heore Passkemessedaȝȝ,
Þatt hallȝhe tid to freollsenn,


Þatt wass till uss god bisne inoh,
Loc ȝiff wét wilenn follȝhenn,
To sekenn kirrke bliþeliȝ,
To biddenn uss to Criste,
Onn iwhillc haliȝ messedaȝȝ
Þatt uss birrþ alle freollsenn,
Forr þanne birrþ uss Godess hus
Att allre læste sekenn,
Forr, ȝiff we mihhtenn, illke daȝȝ
Uss birrde itt georne sekenn,
To þingenn uss wiþþ ure Godd
Þurrh bedess & þurrh lakess.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass fundenn i þe temmple,
Bitwenenn þatt Judisskenn flocc
Þatt læredd wass o boke,
Þær þær he satt to fraȝȝnenn hemm
Off heore bokess lare,
Þatt wass ȝuw bisne god inoh,
Loc ȝiff ȝét wilenn follȝhenn,
Þatt ȝuw birrþ georne stanndenn inn
To fraȝȝnenn ȝure preostess,
Off all hu ȝuw birrþ ledenn ȝuw
& lefenn uppo Criste,
Hu ȝuw birrþ follȝhenn Cristess sloþ,
& Cristess laȝhess haldenn,
& stanndenn ȝæn þe laþe gast,
& winnenn Cristess are.
Forr ȝuw birrþ uppo kirrkeflor
Beon fundenn offte & lannge,


To lisstenn whatt te preost ȝuw seȝȝþ
Off ȝure sawle nede.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Bilæf himm i þe temmple
Bihinndenn hise kinness menn,
& lét hemm all hemm ane
Gan þeȝȝre weȝȝe, all swa summ he
Rihht nohht off hemm ne rohhte,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn hemm
& uss & alle þeode,
Þatt all þatt æfre shapenn wass
Inn alle kinne shaffte
Birrþ effnedd beon onnȝæness Crist [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] derr weddedd,
& Cristess faderr rihht inoh
Þatt wass himm sett to fosstrenn,
Þohh þatt he streonedd nohht ne wass
Þurrh himm, ne þurrh nan oþerr.
& ȝét forr all an oþerr whatt
Seȝȝde þe laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Þatt Josæp Cristess faderr wass,
Ȝhót seȝȝde wiss to soþe,
Forrþi þatt ȝho ne wollde nohht
Kiþenn off Crist ne shæwenn
Nan þing, whatt gate he borenn wass
Off Haliȝ Gast to manne;


Acc all swa summ ȝho wisste wel
Þatt all þe lede wennde,
Annd all swa summ ȝho wisste wel
Þatt laþe gastess wenndenn,
Þatt hire sune Jesu Crist
Josæpess sune wære,
All swa ȝho spacc rihht alls iff he
Josæpess sune wære;
Forr þatt ȝho nollde nohht off Crist
Þurrh hĭre sellfenn shæwenn,
Butt all swillc summ þe laþe gast
& ec þe follc wel wennde,
Swillc durrste ȝho shæwenn off Crist;
& all forrþi ȝho seȝȝde,
Lef sune, icc & tin faderr þe
Sohht hafenn mikell baþe;
Forr þatt ȝho wollde lætenn wel
Himm sellfenn off himm sellfenn
All shæwenn whatt he wass, & hu
He cumenn wass to manne.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass herrsumm till hemm baþe,
& æddmod aȝȝ, & bliþe, & fus
To follȝhenn heore wille,
Þatt dide he forr he wollde swa
Uss alle ȝifenn bisne,
To cwemenn ure faderr wel
& ure moderr baþe,
To lutenn hemm, to lefftenn hemm,
To serrfenn hemm well ȝerrne,


To findenn hemm þatt hemm iss ned
Aȝȝ affterr ure mahhte;
Forr ȝiff þatt tu forrwerrpesst her
Þin faderr & tin moderr,
Þu best forrworrpenn att te dom,
Butt iff þút muȝhe betenn.
Off þatt tatt Sannte Marȝe toc
All þatt ȝho sahh & herrde
Off hire sune Jesu Crist
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
& leȝȝde itt all tosamenn aȝȝ,
To þennkenn þær abutenn,
Forr þatt ȝho wisste mare off himm
Þann aniȝ mann o life,
Off þatt icc habbe shæwedd her
Biforenn o þiss lare,
Þær þær þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Onn hiss Goddspelless lare
Þatt hirdess fundenn Jesu Crist
I Beþþleæmess chesstre,
Uppo þatt illke nahht tatt he
Wass borenn her to manne;
Forr þære uss seȝȝþ þe Goddspellboc,
& wel uss birrþ itt trowwenn,
Þatt ure laffdiȝ Marȝe toc
All þatt ȝho sahh & herrde
Off hire sune Jesu Crist,
& off þa miccle tacness
Þatt comenn i þiss middellærd,
Son summ he comm to manne;


& tatt ȝho leȝȝde itt samenn all
To þennkenn aȝȝ þær ummbe,
Hu ȝho wiþþ childe wurrþenn wass
Wiþþutenn iwhillc macche,
& hu ȝho barr þatt illke child
Wiþþutenn iwhillc pine,
Swa þatt ȝho moderr wurrþenn wass,
& wass þohh maȝȝdenn clene;
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wel wex & þraf onn elde,
Þatt wass o þatt hallf þatt he wass
Soþ mann i Goddcunndnesse;
& tatt tatt he wass swiþe wis,
& Godd & menn full cweme,
Þatt wass forrþi þatt he wass Godd
& god onn alle wise.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ gife uss rihht
To follȝhenn Cristess lare,
Swa þatt we motenn alle imæn
Beon borrȝhenn þurrh hiss are.



Anno quintodecimo imperii Tyberii Cesaris.

Nu cumeþþ me to tellenn forþ
Off Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
& tær rihht tær I lét off himm
Þær wile I nu biginnenn,
To tellenn & to spellenn ȝuw
Off himm & off hiss lare.
Þiss illke were Sannt Johan
Wass haliȝ mann wiþþ alle,
Forr son summ he wass waxenn swa
Þurrh hise freondess fode,
Þatt he þa mihhte himm sellf wel beon
Hiss aȝhenn hellpe & hirde,
& tatt he cuþe himm ane beon,
& lokenn till himm sellfenn,
Forrþrihht anan he flæh aweȝȝ
Fra faderr & fra moderr,
& flæh himm inntill wessteland
Þær itt wass all unnbiggedd,
& shadde himm all þwerrt út fra menn;
Forr þatt he wollde himm ȝemenn,
Swa þatt he þurrh an idell word
Ne shollde himm nohht forrgilltenn.


& tære he ledde himm ane hiss lif
Fra þatt he wass full litell
Till þatt he waxenn wass, & neh
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde.
& siþþenn toc he þær þe follc
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝarrkenn hemm
Onnȝæness Cristess come.
& here icc wile off hiss fulluhht
& off hiss lare spellenn,
& off þatt he wass sennd þurrh Godd
Biforenn Cristess come,
Rihht allse bidell birrþ beon sennd,
To ȝarrkenn & to greȝȝþenn
Onnȝæn hiss Laferrd þær þær he
Shall cumenn skét to túne;
Þe Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt Sannt Johan
Bigann off Crist to spellenn
Út i þe wesste bi þe flumm,
O þatt Kaseress tíme
Þatt wass i Rome Kaserrking,
Tiberiuss ȝehatenn.
& o þatt ȝer þatt Sannt Johan
Bigann off Crist to spellenn,
O þatt ȝer wass þatt illke King
Onn hiss fiftende winnterr,


Fra þatt tatt he wass sett to beon
Kasere i Rome riche.
& ta wass Romess kĭnedom
Full wid & sid onn eorþe,
& itt wass hæfedd kinedom
Abufenn oþre unnfæwe.
& Ȝerrsalæmess kinedom
Wass i þatt illke time
Todæledd, þatt witt tu full wel,
O fowwre feorþenn daless.
& tweȝȝenn preostess wærenn þa
I Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
Þatt wærenn oferr Godess follc
Bisskopess i þatt time;
Þatt an wass nemmnedd Kayphas,
& Anna wass þatt oþerr,
Þatt wærenn oferr Godess follc
I Ȝerrsalæm, þatt time
Þatt Cristess bidell, Sannt Johan,
Bigann off Crist to spellenn.
& he bigann to spellenn þa
Wiþþ fulluhht off dædbote,
Off þatt fulluhht tatt shollde beon
Forrȝifenesse off sinness,
Affterr þatt itt iss writenn þuss
Onn Ysayȝess lare;
Þe rowwst iss herrd off ænne mann
Þatt epeþþ þuss i wesste
Till illkess kinness follc, gaþ till,
& ȝarrkeþþ Godess weȝȝe,


Gaþ till, & rihhteþþ swiþe wel
Drihhtiness narrwe stiȝhess;
Nu skét shall illc an dăle beon
All heȝhedd upp & filledd,
& illc an lawe & illc an hill
Shall niþþredd beon & laȝhedd;
& all þatt ohht iss wrang & crumb
Shall effnedd beon & rihhtedd.
& whærse iss all unnsmeþe gét
Þurrh bannkess & þurrh græfess,
& sharrp, & ruhh, & gatelæs
Þurrh þorrness & þurrh breress,
Þær shulenn beon ridinngess nu,
& effne & smeþe weȝȝess.
& all mannkinn shall seon full skét
Crist, Godess Sune, onn eorþe,
Hælennde, & hellpe, & god upphald
Till þa þatt he shall chesenn.
Þuss toc Johan, Cristess derrlinng,
To spellenn i þe wesste,
Forr he wass haliȝ mann & god,
& Drihhtin swiþe cweme.
Hiss claþ wass off ollfenntess hær,
Hiss mĕte wass gresshoppe,
& itt wass huniȝ off þe feld,
Giff þatt he mihhte itt findenn;
Hiss drinnch wass waterr aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Swillc allse he fand i wesste;


Hiss girrdell wass off shepess skinn
Abutenn hise lendess.
& forr þatt he wass þwerrt út god
Onn alle kinne wise,
Menn wenndenn þatt he wære Crist
Þatt tanne cumenn wære;
Forr Crist wass i þatt tíme ȝét
All unncuþ & all dærne
Wiþþ Sannte Marȝe & wiþþ Josæp,
I Nazaræþess chesstre.
& Sannt Johan i wessteland
Wass wurrþenn cuþ þatt tíme,
& menn himm sohhtenn fasste to,
Forr himm to seon & herenn,
All út off Ȝerrsalæmess land,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& ec út off Judealand,
& off þa tuness alle
Þatt wærenn bi þe flumm Jorrdan,
& eȝȝwhær þær abutenn.
& he toc þær to spellenn hemm,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
& fele tokenn shriffte att himm
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness.
& he toc þa to fullhtnenn þa
Þatt tokenn wiþþ hiss lare
I flumm Jorrdan, forr itt wass þær
Himm onnfasst i þe wesste.


& he sahh cumenn þær till himm
Þær till þe flumm unnfæwe,
& off Farisewisshe menn
& off Saducewisshe,
To wurrþenn fullhtnedd att hiss hannd,
& forr to tăkenn shriffte;
& he toc þa to spellenn hemm,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Ȝe neddrestreon, wha tahhte ȝuw
To fleon & to forrbuȝhenn
Þatt irre þatt to cumenn iss,
& Godess wraþþe & wræche?
Gaþ alle, & takeþþ upponn ȝuw
Rihht shriffte off ȝure sinness,
& lokeþþ wel þatt ȝure nan
Ne segge þuss wiþþ worde;
We sinndenn Habrahamess streon
& Habrahamess chilldre.
Icc segge ȝuw to fulle soþ
Þatt Drihhtin hafeþþ mihhte
To reȝȝsenn, ȝiff himm þinnkeþþ god,
Rihht hére off þise staness
Rihht aþell streon off Habraham,
Rihht Habrahamess chilldre.
Forr nŭȝȝu iss bulaxe sett
Rihht to þe treowwess rote,
& illc an treo þatt i þiss lif
Ne bĕreþþ nohht god wasstme
Shall bi þe grund beon hæwenn upp
& i þe fir beon worrpenn.


Þe follc þatt herrde himm spellenn þær
Spacc þa till himm, & seȝȝde;
Whatt shule we nu forrþwarrd don?
& he ȝaff sware, & seȝȝde;
Whasumm itt iss þatt illke mann
Þatt hafeþþ tweȝȝenn kirrtless,
Gife he þatt an summ oþerr mann
Þatt iss wiþþutenn kirrtell.
& puplicaness comenn þær,
Att himm to wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
& seȝȝdenn þuss till Sannt Johan,
Þær þær he stod to spellenn;
Lef maȝȝstre, seȝȝ uss nu þin raþ
& seȝȝ uss nu þin lare,
Whatt we nu forrþwarrd shulenn don
To betenn ure sinness.
& Sannt Johan hemm seȝȝde þuss;
Nohht elless ne nohht mare
Þann þatt tatt ȝuw iss sett to don
Ne do ȝe; þiss icc lære.
& ec þær comenn to þe flumm
Þe Kaserrkingess cnihhtess,
To leornenn lare att Sannt Johan
Off þeȝȝre sawle nede,
& tuss þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn þær till himm;
Seȝȝ uss all swa, lef laferrd,
Whatt uss iss nu forrþwarrd to don,
To berrȝhenn ure sawless.
& Sannt Johan hemm seȝȝde þuss;
Ȝiff þatt ȝe wel ȝuw lokenn


Fra clake & sake, & fra þatt toþþ
Þatt follȝheþþ ȝiferrnesse,
Þatt hóleþþ o þe laȝhe leod,
& rippeþþ hemm & ræfeþþ,
& ȝiff ȝe tellenn forr inoh
Þatt tatt te King ȝuw findeþþ,
Þa muȝhe ȝe wiþþ clene lif
Wel hellpenn ȝure sawless.
Þuss fundenn alle att Sannt Johan
God lare off heore nede;
& tatt nass wunnderr þwerrt út nan
Þatt he wass wis o lare,
Forr he wass full off Haliȝ Gast
Ær þan he borenn wære.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss,
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þatt Sannt Johan swa swiþe ȝung
Bigann Drihhtin to þeowwtenn,
Þatt wass god bisne ful iwiss
Till ure ȝunge genge,
Þatt hemm birrþ affterr heore mahht
Biginnenn Godd to cwemenn,
Son summ þeȝȝ wĭtenn hu mann maȝȝ
Drihhtiness wille wirrkenn.


Me mineþþ þatt te Goddspell seȝȝþ,
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Wass sennd to manne þurrh Drihhtin
Biforenn Cristess come,
To ȝarrkenn follc onnȝæness Crist
Wiþþ fulluhht & wiþþ lare.
& tatt wass ned tatt he wass sennd
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,
Ær þann þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Bigann owwþerr to donne.
Forr ȝiff he come himm sellf þær forþ,
Færlike forr to spellenn
Off all hiss Goddcunndnessess mahht
& off hiss deope lare,
Ne munnde nohht tatt illke follc
Þatt Crist comm till onn eorþe,
Þatt haffdenn ledd aȝȝ þeȝȝre lif
Affterr þe flæshess wille,
Ne munndenn þeȝȝ nohht habbenn mihht,
Ne witt, ne forrþenn wille
To turrnenn hemm all till hiss hannd,
To follȝhenn all hiss lare,
& to forrwerrpenn all þatt lif
& all þatt laȝhess lade
Þatt he wass sett þurrh Drihhtin sellf
To ledenn & to follȝhenn.
& all forrþi comm Sannt Johan
Biforenn Cristess come,


To spellenn to þe follc summwhatt
Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse,
& off hiss heofennlike mahht,
& off hiss depe lare,
& forr to shæwenn hemm þatt Crist
Þa shollde cumenn newenn,
& forr to shæwenn hemm whillc ned
Itt wære þatt he come,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde.
All swillc & swillc comm Sannt Johan
To shæwenn & to kiþenn
Biforenn þatt Judisskenn þeod
Þatt he wass borenn offe,
Forr swa to meokenn þeȝȝre lund
& teȝȝre modess wille
To takenn wiþþ þe Laferrd Crist,
& wiþþ hiss deope lare,
Þatt time þatt he come forþ
Himm sellf forr hemm to lærenn,
To turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Ȝiff þatt tin eȝhe iss all unnhal
Wiþþinnenn o þe séne,
Itt shuneþþ, þatt tu wast te sellf,
Þe sunness brihhte leome;
& ȝiff þatt tu mihht hælenn itt
Wiþþ aniȝ kinness sallfe,
Þa maȝȝ itt siþþenn þolenn wel
Þe sunness brihhte leome.


All swa wass off þatt illke follc
Þatt Crist comm till onn eorþe,
Þatt haffdenn ledd aȝȝ þeȝȝre lif
Affterr þe flæshess wille,
Ne munndenn þeȝȝ nohht habbenn witt,
Ne mahht, ne forrþenn wille,
To tăkenn wiþþ þe Laferrd Crist,
Ne wiþþ hiss depe lare,
Ȝiff þatt he come himm sellf till hemm
Færlike forr to kiþenn
All whatt he wollde, ær þann itt ohht
Þurrh oþre wære shæwedd.
Rihht all forrþi comm Sannt Johan
Firrst wiþþ hiss little lare
& little bisne till þe follc,
Forr þatt he wollde hemm strengenn,
Swa þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn habbenn mahht
All þess te bettre siþþenn
To berenn Cristess miccle spell
& Cristess miccle bisne,
Þatt time þatt he come himm sellf
Bitwenenn hemm to spellenn.
Rihht swa comm þanne Sannt Johan
Firrst wiþþ hiss little lare
Alls iff he brohhte læchedom
& herrtess eȝhesallfe,
To sallfenn & to clennsenn firrst
Þe follkess herrtess eȝhe,


Swa þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn seon þe bett
Þe sunness brihhte leome,
Off Cristess heofennlike mahht,
Off Cristess Goddcunndnesse,
Off Cristess laress brihhte leom,
Off Cristess hallȝhe bisne.
& forr þatt Sannt Johan wass sennd,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
To spellenn off þe Laferrd Crist
Þatt shollde cumenn newenn,
To chesenn off Judisskenn follc
& off hæþene þeode
An follc to tăkenn Crisstenndom,
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Forrþi wass writenn witerrliȝ
& seȝȝd þurrh Goddspellwrihhte,
Wha wass þatt time Kaserrking
I Romess kĭneriche,
& whillke wærenn allderrmenn
Amang Judisskenn þeode,
Þatt time þatt Johan bigann
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
& forrþi þatt hæþene þeod
Þa shollde wurrþenn newenn
Sammnedd togeddre i Crisstenndom,
To lefenn uppo Criste,
To wurrþenn Cristess kinedom
An follc off alle þeode,
Forrþi wass an hæþene king
& an hæþene riche,


Þatt time þatt Johan bigann
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
& forrþi þatt Judisskenn follc
Þa shollde beon toskeȝȝredd,
Þurrh Jesu Cristess rihhte dom
Forr heore depe sinne,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ þurrh hĕte & niþ
Himm sholldenn all forrwerrpenn,
Forrþi wass þeȝȝre kinedom
Todæledd & tobrittnedd
Þurrh Rome richess Kaserrking
O fowwre feorþenn daless,
Þatt time þatt Johann bigann
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
& forrþi þatt te Laferrd Crist
Iss King off alle kingess,
& Preost off alle preostess ec,
To berrȝhenn hise þeowwess,
Forrþi wass writenn witerrliȝ
& seȝȝd þurrh Goddspellwrihhte,
Ȝa whillke wærenn kingess þa,
Ȝa whillke wærenn preostess,
Þatt time þatt Johan bigann
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
Anna wass Bisskop o þatt ȝer
Amang Judisskenn þeode
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste toc
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn;


& Kayfass wass o þatt ȝer
Þatt Crist wass don o rode;
& þreo bitwenenn þise twa
Þatt illke wikenn haffdenn;
Wiþþinnenn þreo ȝer wærenn þreo
Bitwenenn þise tweȝȝenn;
& Crist wass o þa fowwre ȝer
Unnderr Bisshopess fowwre
Bitwenenn þatt Judisskenn follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe,
To spellenn & to lærenn hemm
Off heore sawle nede,
& wrohhte wunndre miccle ma
Þann icc ȝuw maȝȝ nu tellenn,
Fra þatt daȝȝ þatt he fullhtnedd wass
Till þatt he stah o rode.
& ta wass Kayfasess ȝer
Þe fifte ȝer bigunnenn,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass naȝȝledd uppo rode.
Þatt tatt te Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Bigann to spellenn to þe follc
Wiþþ fulluhht off dædbote,
Off þatt fulluhht þatt shollde beon
Forrȝifenesse off sinness,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ opennlike spæche,
He toc to spellenn to þe follc
Off Jesu Cristess come,


Þatt shollde hemm gifenn hiss fulluhht,
To clennsenn hemm off sinness;
& badd he ȝeorne clennsenn hemm
Wiþþ shriffte off rihht dædbote,
To greȝȝþenn & to ȝarrkenn hemm
Ȝæn Cristess hallȝhe come.
& tohh þatt he ne mihhte nohht
Hemm ȝifenn þurrh himm sellfenn
Fulluhht tatt mihhte clennsenn hemm,
& lesenn hemm off sinness,
Þohh kidde he þeȝȝm full wel þatt Crist
Hemm shollde newenn clennsenn
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness.
& forr þatt Sannt Johan wass sennd
Biforenn Crist to greȝȝþenn,
All allse bidell birrþ beon sennd
To greȝȝþenn ȝæn hiss laferrd,
Forrþi toc he biforenn Crist
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
& siþþenn comm þe Laferrd Crist
Himm sellf to wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
& to biginnenn þatt fulluhht
Þurrh hise Leorninngcnihhtess,
Þatt shollde clennsenn all þe mann
I bodiȝ & i sawle
Off alle sinness, ȝiff þatt he
Rihht laȝhelike itt toke;


& ec to spellenn to þatt follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe,
To turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& siþþenn comm itt gét tærto,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste for
Biforenn Crist till helle,
Forrþi þatt he wass sennd þurrh Godd
Biforenn Crist to ȝarrkenn,
All allse bidell birrþ beon sennd
To ȝarrkenn ȝæn hiss laferrd.
& ec forrþi wass seȝȝd off himm
Forrlannge þurrh prophete,
Þurrh Ysayȝe Godess þeoww,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Þe rowwst iss herrd off ænne mann
Þatt epeþþ i þe wesste.
Forr all swa summ þe reord gaþ aȝȝ
Biforenn i þi spæche,
& siþþenn follȝheþþ aȝȝ þe word
Swa summ þe reord itt ledeþþ,
Rihht all allswa comm Sannt Johan
Biforenn Crist to manne,
Rihht allse he wære rowwst & reord,
& Crist te word tæraffterr.
& tatt bilimmpeþþ wel þatt Crist
Iss þurrh þe word bitacnedd,
Forr Crist iss Godd & Godess word,
& Godess Sune i kinde;


& rihht wass þatt Johan bigann
I wessteland to spellenn,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn us,
Þatt he wass sennd to spellenn
Till Issraæle þeod tatt wass
All wesste & all forrworrpenn
Neh all togeddre att Drihhtin Godd,
Forr heore deope sinness.
& tatt he badd hemm alle gan
& ȝarrkenn Godess weȝȝe,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ opennlike spæche;
Forrwerrpeþþ all þatt ifell iss
& alle kinne sinness,
& turrneþþ ȝuw till haliȝ lif
Wiþþ alle gode dedess,
& ȝarrkeþþ Godess weȝȝe swa
Þatt he ȝuw muȝhe nehhȝhenn.
& tatt he badd hemm alle gan
& rihhtenn Godess stiȝhess,
Þatt wass alls iff he bæde hemm gan
& clennsenn heore þohhtess,
Forr clene þohht iss Godess bedd,
& tære he wile himm resstenn.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þe leode,
Nu skét shall illc an dale beon
All heȝhedd upp & filledd,


& illc an lawe & illc an hill
Shall niþþredd beon & laȝhedd,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche;
Nu skét shall Godess Sune Crist
Himm awwnenn her onn eorþe,
Forr her to niþþrenn alle þa
Þatt modiȝnesse follȝhenn,
& forr to reȝȝsenn alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn soþ meocnesse,
Forr Drihhtin hăteþþ modiȝ mann,
& lufeþþ alle meoke.
& tiss mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt Issraæle þeod allmasst
Þa shollde beon forrworrpenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn Crist forrseon
Þurrh þeȝȝre modiȝnesse,
Þatt follc, þatt haffde beon till þa
Heh follc & rannc onn eorþe;
Forr Drihhtin haffde chosenn hemm
& heȝhedd hemm & wurrþedd
Þurrh þatt tatt he þeȝȝm haffde sett
Bisscopess, preostess, dæcness,
& laȝheboc, & lare inoh
Off all þatt hemm wass þurrfe,
& wærenn hofenn upp þurrh þatt
Abufenn alle þeode,


All all swa summ þe lawe iss heh
Abufenn oþerr eorþe.
& forrþi wærenn þeȝȝ full rihht
Bitacnedd þurrh þe lawe,
Þatt shollde skét beon worrpenn dun
& laȝhedd all & niþþredd.
Forr all þe Judewisshe follc
Well ner wass all forrworrpenn
Affter þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ forrwurrpenn himm
& Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr.
& tatt te dăle shollde beon
All heȝhedd upp & filledd,
Þatt wass seȝȝd off hæþene þeod
Þatt shollde þa beon heȝhedd,
& turrnedd till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& filledd þurrh þe Laferrd Crist
Off Haliȝ Gastess frofre.
& þatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde till þe leode,
& all þatt ohht iss wrang & crumb
Shall effnedd beon & rihhtedd,
Þatt seȝȝde he witerrliȝ forrþi
Þatt ta wass cumenn time,
Þatt woh & sinne shollde beon
Till rihhtwisnesse wharrfedd,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.


& tatt he seȝȝde to þe leod
Þær þær he stod to spellenn,
& whærse iss ruhh & harrd & sharrp
Þurrh þorrness & þurrh breress,
Þær shall nu newenn greȝȝþedd beon
Full smeþe & soffte weȝȝe. [OMITTED]
Wass wiþerrwarrd onnȝæness Godd
& all droh towarrd helle;
Forr þeȝȝre trowwþe iss Drihhtin laþ,
Forr þatt teȝȝ alle trowwenn
Þatt manness sawle deȝeþþ þær
Whær swa þe bodiȝ deȝeþþ;
& tatt iss mikell hæþenndom
To lefenn & to trowwenn,
Forr sawle iss swa summ enngell iss
Wiþþ ord, & butenn ende,
& sawle iss Drihhtinlic i þatt,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
I þatt, tatt ȝho ne deȝeþþ nohht,
Forr Godd ne deȝeþþ næfre.
& teȝȝre trowwþe iss Drihhtin laþ,
Forr nilenn þeȝȝ nohht trowwenn
Þatt mannkinn to þe miccle dom
Shall risenn upp off dæþe.
Acc forrþi þatt te laþe gast
Hemm hafeþþ all forrblendedd,


Þeȝȝ seggenn alls itt wære soþ,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ itt trowwenn,
Þatt affterr þatt te mann iss dæd
Ne shall he næfre libbenn;
& tatt iss mikell hæþenndom
To lefenn & to trowwenn,
Forr all mannkinn o Domess daȝȝ
Shall risenn upp off dæþe,
To tăkenn all swillc læn att Godd
Alls illc an hafeþþ addledd;
Forr he þatt hafeþþ addledd god
Shall takenn heoffness blisse,
& he shall takenn hellewa
Þatt ifell hafeþþ addledd.
& teȝȝre lif iss Drihhtin laþ,
Forr þatt itt iss unnclene.
Þeȝȝ ledenn hemm swa dærneliȝ
Biforenn menness ehne,
Þatt mann hemm hallt forr gode menn,
Forr rihhtwise & clene,
& sinndenn þohh biforenn Godd
Unngode & unnrihhtwise,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ, forr idell ȝellp
& all forr menness spæche,
Shæwenn biforenn oþre menn
Clænnesse & rihhtwisnesse,
& sinndenn þohh swa þehh i þohht,
& ec i dærne dedess,
Biforenn Drihhtin fule menn
Þurrh fĕle kinness sinness.


& teȝȝre năme þohh swa þehh
Bitacneþþ rihhtwisnesse,
Forr Saduceow bitacneþþ uss
Rihhtwis onn Ennglissh spæche,
Forrþi þatt wherrfedd follc hemm hallt
Forr gode & forr rihhtwise,
& sinndenn þohh biforenn Godd
Unnclene & all unncweme.
& forrþi toc Johan wiþþ hemm
Full bitterrliȝ to mælenn,
To shæwenn hemm þatt heore lif
Wass Drihhtin full unncweme.
& ȝét wass oþerrwhatt forrwhi
Þeȝȝ wærenn Drihhtin laþe.
All þatt prophetess haffdenn seȝȝd
Off þatt tatt cumenn shollde,
All þatt forrwurrpenn þeȝȝ þweorrt út
All alls itt unnitt wære;
& tatt wass mikell hæþenndom
Till hemm & hefiȝ dwilde,
Þatt teȝȝ forrwurrpenn all þwerrt út
To lefenn & to trowwenn
All þatt tatt Godess aȝhenn Gast,
Þurrh hiss profetess tunge,
Till all follc haffde cwiddedd wel
Off all þatt cumenn shollde,
All þatt tatt god & halsumm wass
Till all mannkinne nede.


Forr þær þær þeȝȝ forrwurrpenn all
Þatt hallȝhe wĭtess seȝȝdenn,
Þær þeȝȝ forrwurrpenn Godess Gast,
& fellenn inn hiss wraþþe.
Forr swillc & swillc wass Drihhtin laþ
Saducewisshe leode,
& forrþi toc hemm Sannt Johan
Deorrflike to bigripenn.
& ec Farisewisshe menn
Bigrap he þuss wiþþ worde;
Ȝe neddress streon, wha tahhte ȝuw
To fleon & to forrbuȝhenn
Þatt irre þatt to cumenn iss,
& Godess wraþþe & wræche?
An kinness neddre, witt tu wel,
Iss Vipera ȝehatenn,
Þatt slæþ hiss aȝhenn faderr aȝȝ
Þurrh þeȝȝre baþre kinde;
& off þatt illke neddress streon,
& off þatt neddress kinde,
Spacc Godess þeoww Johan till þatt
Pharisewisshe genge,
& till Saducewisshe menn
& till Judisskenn leode,
& seȝȝde hemm opennliȝ þatt teȝȝ
I þeȝȝre sinness wærenn
Þatt illke kinness neddress streon,
& off þatt illke kinde,


Þurrh þatt teȝȝ haffdenn ræfedd lif
Þa þatt hemm haffdenn streonedd.
Profetess all wiþþutenn gillt
Þeȝȝ haffdenn brohht off life,
Well fele off þa þatt haffdenn hemm
I faderr stoke streonedd,
& wærenn swa þatt neddre lic
I þeȝȝre depe sinne,
Þatt slæþ hiss aȝhenn faderr aȝȝ
Hiss kinde forr to follȝhenn.
& þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ wærenn ec
All fulle off grammcundnesse,
& ec all fulle off attriȝ lund,
& fulle off bitterr spæche,
& fulle off hete, & fulle off niþ,
& fulle off modiȝnesse,
Þærþurrh þeȝȝ wærenn, witt tu wel,
Þe neddre swiþe like.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde till þatt leode,
Ȝe neddre streon, wha tahhte ȝuw
To fleon Drihhtiness irre?
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde hemm þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,
Ne sinndenn ȝe nohht tahhte ȝét
Hu mannkinn maȝȝ forrbuȝhenn
Drihhtiness irre o Domess daȝȝ,
Þær he shall all follc demenn?
& forrþi þatt he sahh þatt teȝȝ
Ne wærenn ȝét nohht tahhte,


He tahhte hemm hu þeȝȝ mihhtenn fleon
Drihhtiness irre & seȝȝde;
Gaþ till & takeþþ uppo ȝuw
Rihht shriffte off ȝure sinness,
& clennseþþ ȝuw onnȝæn þe dom
To fleon Drihhtiness irre.
Forr whase itt iss þatt maȝȝ & cann
& wile himm ȝeorne clennsenn,
& clennseþþ himm wiþþ all hiss mahht,
He fleoþ Drihhtiness irre.
& forr þatt tatt Judisskenn follc
Wass modiȝ follc wiþþ alle,
& allre mast off þatt itt wass
Off Abrahamess chilldre
& all off Abrahamess streon,
Ne wolldenn þeȝȝ nohht cnawenn
Ne ȝatenn þatt teȝȝ wærenn ohht
Sinnfulle onn aniȝ wise,
& swa þeȝȝ létenn wel off þatt
Þatt Abraham hemm streonde,
Alls iff þatt mihhte berrȝhenn hemm
Wiþþutenn gode dedess.
& tatt wass mikell wherrfeddleȝȝc
Þatt dide hemm swa to wenenn;
Forr mihhtenn þeȝȝ nohht borrȝhenn beon
Ne winnenn eche blisse,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ Abrahamess kinn
Off hise chilldre wærenn,


Butt iff þeȝȝ mihhtenn winnenn itt
Þurrh þeȝȝre gode dedess.
& all forrþi forrbæd Johan,
Þatt teȝȝ ne sholldenn ȝellpenn
Þurrh modiȝnesse off þeȝȝre kinn
Ne seggenn þuss wiþþ worde,
We sinndenn Abrahamess kinn,
& Abrahamess chilldre.
Forr þatt he wollde don hemm swa
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ȝiff þeȝȝ wolldenn habbenn lott
Wiþþ Abraham inn heoffne,
Þa birrde hemm takenn ædmodliȝ
Deop shriffte off þeȝȝre sinness,
& ledenn siþþenn haliȝ lif,
& winnenn Godess are,
& winnenn lott wiþþ Abraham
Off eche blisse inn heoffne.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þatt leode,
Þatt Drihhtin haffde mahht inoh
To reȝȝsenn off þa staness
Rihht aþell streon till Abraham,
Rihht Abrahamess chilldre,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to don hemm swa
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Abrahamess hallȝhe streon
Iss gastliȝ tunnderrstanndenn,


Off þa þatt follȝhenn Abraham
& Abrahamess trowwþe,
& Abrahamess hallȝhe lif
& Abrahamess þæwess.
Þatt flocc iss Abrahamess streon
& Abrahamess chilldre,
Þatt follȝheþþ Abrahamess sloþ
Inn alle kinne gode.
Þa staness þatt he spacc þæroff,
Þeȝȝ wærenn rihhte staness
Þatt stodenn þær onnfasst te flumm
Þær he stod ta to spellenn.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn wel,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt he spacc off hæþene menn
Þær þær he spacc off staness,
Off summ hæþene flocc þatt stod
Þær bi þe flumm wiþþ oþre.
Forr hæþenndom & hæþenn lif
& hæþenn follkess herrte
Iss harrd & starrc all allse stan,
Unnmeoc & all unnmilde,
& arelæs, & grimme, & grill,
& butenn rihht rewwsunnge,
& driȝȝe, & all wiþþutenn dæw
Off Haliȝ Gastess frofre,
& stunnt & stidiȝ, dill & slaw
To sekenn sawless seollþe,


& dumb, & dæf, & blind off Godd
To cnawenn & to cwemenn,
& wass forrþi full opennliȝ
Bitacnedd þurrh þa staness
Þatt Cristess bidell Sannt Johan
Spacc offe, þær he seȝȝde,
Þatt Drihhtin haffde mahht inoh
To reȝȝsenn off þa staness
Rihht aþell streon till Abraham,
Rihht Abrahamess chilldre.
Forr þa wass cumenn to, þatt Crist
Þa shollde cumenn newenn,
Þatt shollde turrnenn hæþenn follc
Þurrh hise Leorningcnihhtess
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To follȝhenn Abrahamess Godd,
& Abrahamess trowwþe,
& Abrahamess hallȝhe lif,
& Abrahamess þæwess,
To wurrþenn Abrahamess streon
Off himm gastlike streonedd,
To winnenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ to beon
Wiþþ Abraham i blisse.
& forr þatt Drihhtin wel maȝȝ don
All þatt himm sellfenn likeþþ;
He mihhte makenn cwike menn
Þær off þa same staness,
Þatt stodenn þær bi Sannt Johan
Þær he spacc to þe leode,


Þæroffe he mihhte makenn menn,
Ȝiff þatt he makenn wollde,
& ȝifenn hemm god lif anan
& witt, & wille, & mahhte
To follȝhenn Abrahamess sloþ
Inn alle gode þinge,
To wurrþenn Abrahamess streon
Off himm gastlike streonedd.
Acc bettre maȝȝ mann turrnenn itt
Till hæþenn manness heorrte,
Þatt all iss harrd swa summ þe stan
Þurrh hete & niþ & irre,
Þatt Godd maȝȝ, son se himm þinnkeþþ god,
All makenn nesshe & soffte,
& mec & milde & allmessfull
Afterr hiss aȝhenn wille.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þe leode,
Þatt nuȝȝu wass bulaxe sett
Rihht to þe treowwess rote,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr he nollde nohht
Þatt aniȝ shollde dwellenn
Ne draȝhenn nohht fra daȝȝ to daȝȝ
To betenn heore sinness,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne wisstenn nohht
Off þeȝȝre lifess ende.
All follc iss tacnedd þurrh þatt treo
Þatt Sannt Johan spacc offe;


& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss tacnedd þurrh þatt axe.
Hiss mennisscnesse tacnedd iss
Þurrh þatt bulaxess hellfe,
Forr þurrh þatt he wass wurrþenn mann
Þærþurrh mann mihhte himm haldenn,
& tærþurrh menn himm tokenn her
& henngdenn himm o rode.
& Cristess Goddcunndnessess mahht
Þatt biteþþ þurrh rihht wræche,
Itt iss bitacnedd, witt tu wel,
Þurrh þatt bulaxess irenn.
& all follc, alls icc habbe seȝȝd,
Iss þurrh þe treo bitacnedd.
& Jesu Crist iss nuȝȝu sett
Att all mannkinness ende,
Forr nuȝȝu wát he well all hu
He shall all mannkinn demenn.
& illc an treo þatt i þiss lif
Ne bereþþ nan god wasstme,
Shall bi þe grund beon hæwenn upp,
& i þe fir beon worrpenn.
Forr illc an mann þatt i þiss lif
Ne doþ nan allmess dede,
Beoþ demmd þurrh Crist o Domess daȝȝ
Inn helle fir to bærnenn.
Þe treo bitacneþþ all mannkinn,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd;


& forr þatt itt iss mikell treo
Itt hafeþþ fele boȝhess.
Acc sume geȝȝnenn to þe fir
Forr þatt teȝȝ sinndenn driȝȝe;
& swillc iss all Judisskenn follc
& all hæþene þeode,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne kepenn nohht,
Noff Crist, noff Cristess moderr,
Þeȝȝ alle shulenn demmde beon
Inn hellefir to bærnenn.
& sume boȝhess off þatt treo
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe
Swa sinndenn grene þatt teȝȝ þohh
Ne berenn næfre wasstme;
& swillke sinndenn alle þa
Þatt wirrkenn gode werrkess
Nohht forr þe lufe off Drihhtin Godd,
Acc all forr menness spæche,
& all þwerrt út forr idell ȝellp
Forr eorþliȝ loff to winnenn,
& sinndenn þohh i þeȝȝre þohht,
& ec i dærne sinness,
Biforenn Drihhtin fule menn
Þurrh fele kinness sinness.
Mann haldeþþ hemm forr gode menn
Forr þeȝȝre gode late,
Forr þatt teȝȝ aȝȝ biforenn menn
Full dafftelike hemm ledenn,


Swa summ þeȝȝ wærenn o þe treo
All cwike & grene boȝhess,
Acc whatt forrþi þeȝȝ sinndenn aȝȝ
All þwerrt út butenn wasstme,
Forr þeȝȝ ne shulenn unnderrfon
Nan mede inn heoffness blisse,
Off þatt teȝȝ didenn her summ god
Biforenn menness ehne,
All forr þe lufe off eorþliȝ loff,
& nohht forr lufe off Criste.
& hemm beoþ ȝarrkedd hellewa,
Ȝiff þeȝȝ hemm nohht ne clennsenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sinndenn dærneliȝ
All fulle off depe sinness.
& sume boȝhess off þatt treo
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe
Uss berenn wasstme, acc itt iss all
Full beȝȝsc & full off atterr;
& swillke sinndenn alle þa
Þatt spellenn wrang & leȝhenn,
Swa þatt teȝȝ brinngenn mikell follc
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe,
& all to trowwenn wrang o Godd
Þurrh þeȝȝre fallse lare.
& teȝȝre wasstme iss þeȝȝre spell
Acc itt iss full off atterr,
Forr itt iss full off falls & flærd
& full off hefiȝ dwilde,
Þurrh whatt teȝȝ don þe læwedd follc
O Drihhtin wrang to trowwenn,


& wrang to ledenn þeȝȝre lif,
& Drihhtin wrang to þeowwtenn.
& hemm iss ȝarrkedd hellewa
Forr þeȝȝre beȝȝske wasstme,
Bút iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn bettre don
& betenn þeȝȝre sinness.
Ȝét sinndenn o þatt miccle treo
Þe feorþe kinness boȝhess,
Þatt berenn wasstme swét & god
& halsumm ȝæn unnhæle;
& swillke sinndenn alle þa
Þatt þeowwtenn Godd tocweme
Wiþþ clene þohht, wiþþ clene word,
Wiþþ clene trowwþe & dede.
& hemm iss ȝarrkedd heoffness læn
Forr þeȝȝre gode wasstme,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ nohht ne blinnenn off
To follȝhenn Godess wille.
& illc an treo þatt i þiss lif
Ne bereþþ nohht god wasstme
Shall bi þe grund beon hæwenn upp
& i þe fir beon worrpenn.
Her uss bitacnenn þrinne treos
Þa þrinne kinne boȝhess
Þatt nohht ne berenn i þiss lif
Swillc wasstme summ hemm birrde,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd her
Þatt wise þatt I cuþe,


Affterr þatt little witt tatt me
Min Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn þiss
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt axe shollde þa beon sett
Rihht att te treowwess rote,
& ec þatt illc an ifell treo
Þatt ifell wasstme bære,
Þa shollde wurrþenn hæwenn upp
& i þe fir beon worrpenn.
Þa Sannt Johan bigann þe follc
To spellenn i þe wesste;
Forr þa wass cumenn to, þatt Crist
Þa shollde cumenn newenn,
& þurrh himm sellfenn hæwenn upp
Wiþþ bitell wræchess axe,
& werrpenn inntill hellefir
To bærnenn butenn ende,
All þatt flocc off Judisskenn follc
Þatt shollde himm all forrwerrpenn
& all forrseon to berenn her
God wasstme & gode dedess,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
& tatt he shollde itt hæwenn upp
Rihht att te treowwess rote,
Þatt iss to seggenn opennliȝ,
Rihht att tatt follkess ende;
Forr þa wass cumenn time to,
Þatt Godd ne shollde kepenn


Na mare to beon þeowwtedd swa
O þatt Judisskenn wise,
And shollde settenn ende o þatt
Judisskenn preostess wikenn,
& shollde settenn oþerr preost
To þeowwtenn oþerr wise,
Wiþþ fulluhht & wiþþ Crisstenndom
& wiþþ þe rihhte læfe,
& wiþþ hiss aȝhenn flæsh & blod
& wiþþ unnwemmeddnesse.
& forr þatt Sannt Johan wass full
Off Haliȝ Gastess mahhte,
Hiss spell toc mikell stĕde i þa
Þatt herrdenn whatt he seȝȝde,
& tokenn sone anan to beon
Forrdredde off þeȝȝre sinness,
& tokenn þa to fraȝȝnenn himm
Off whatt hemm wass to donne.
& he þeȝȝm seȝȝde sone anan,
Swa summ he full wel cuþe,
Whatt hemm wass swiþe god to don
& halsumm to þe sawle,
He seȝȝde hemm þuss; whatt mann se itt iss
Þatt hafeþþ tweȝȝenn kirrtless,
Ȝife he þatt an þatt illke mann
Þatt iss wiþþutenn kirrtell.
Her droh Johan Bapptisste wel
Þe leode wiþþ hiss lare


Till kariteþess hallȝhe mahht
To wirrkenn allmess werrkess,
Forr þatt he wisste swiþe wel
Þatt kariteþess mahhte
Iss mikell all unnseȝȝȝenndliȝ
& mast off alle mahhtess,
Forr allmess dedess hafenn mahht
To sleckenn þine sinness,
All swa summ waterr hafeþþ mahht
To sleckenn fir & cwennkenn.
& þurrh þatt tatt he ȝifenn badd
Þatt an off tweȝȝenn kirrtless,
Þurrh þatt he dide þe full wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt te birrþ hellpenn iwhillc mann
Þatt ned iss to þin hellpe
Wiþþ all þatt tu mihht spelenn wel
& libbenn þær wiþþutenn,
Off all þatt weorelldþing þatt te
Þin Drihhtin hafeþþ lenedd.
& off þiss kirrtell mahht tu ȝét
Deoplikerr unnderrstanndenn,
Þatt te birrþ forr þe lufe off Godd
Wiþþ usell wrecche dælenn
Þatt illke þing þatt tu full wel
Ne mihht te sellf nohht þarrnenn,
All swa summ þu ne mihht nohht wel
Beon all wiþþutenn kirrtell,
Forrþi þatt itt iss neh þe lich
& haldeþþ warrm þe mare.


& Publicaness comenn forrþ
& tokenn himm to fraȝȝnenn,
Whatt teȝȝ þa forrþwarrd sholldenn don
To betenn þeȝȝre sinness.
& he forrbæd hemm alle imæn
To follȝhenn grediȝnesse;
He þeȝȝm forrbæd to takenn ohht
Forrþbi þatt tatt hemm birrde,
Forrþbi þe kingess rihhte fe
Þatt hemm wass sett to sammnenn,
& badd hemm lĕtenn iwhillc mann
Wel brukenn all hiss aȝhenn,
& follȝhenn laȝhelike & rihht
Þatt wikenn þatt teȝȝ haffdenn,
& hellpenn aȝȝ þe wake leod
Att alle kinne nede,
& cunnenn swa to cwemenn Godd
To winnenn Godess are.
We findenn upponn Latin boc
Off þise Puplicaness,
Whatt lif þeȝȝ leddenn i þe follc,
& whatt wass heore wikenn.
Þeȝȝ haffdenn wikenn off þe king
To sammnenn hise ȝeldess,
Þurrh whamm þeȝȝ durrstenn beȝȝtenn menn
Forr æþelike gillte,
To winnenn ahhte to þe king,
To beon himm holde & trowwe,


& wunnenn mikell to þe king,
& mare till hemm sellfenn
Þurrh grediȝnesse, & all þurrh woh,
& all þurrh hefiȝ sinne.
& ȝiff mann brohhte hemm aniȝ fe
Inntill þe kingess mále,
Ne wolldenn þeȝȝ nohht takenn itt
Butt iff mann ȝæfe i mare;
& tatt wass wiss full hefiȝ woh
& sinnfull grediȝnesse;
& forrþi badd hemm Sannt Johan
Forrbuȝhenn grediȝnesse,
& sammnenn laȝhelike & rihht
Þe kingess rihhte mále.
& her mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Ȝiff mann itt ummbeþennkeþþ,
Þatt Sannt Johaness spell wass full
Off hefennlike mahhte,
Þatt mihhte turrnenn swillke menn
To sekenn sawlebote.
& ec þær comenn to þe flumm
Þe Kaserrkingess cnihhtess
Till Sannt Johan, to fraȝȝnenn himm
Off þeȝȝre sawle nede.
& Sannt Johann hemm seȝȝde þuss;
Ȝiff þatt ȝe wel ȝuw lokenn
Fra clake & sake & fra þatt toþþ
Þatt follȝheþþ grediȝnesse,


Þatt holeþþ o þe laȝhefollc,
& rippeþþ hemm & ræfeþþ;
& ȝiff ȝe tellenn forr inoh
Þatt tatt te king ȝuw findeþþ,
Þa muȝhe ȝe þurrh clene lif
Wel hellpenn ȝure sawless.
Her he forrbæd te cnihhtess ec
To follȝhenn grediȝnesse,
To sekenn sakess o þe follc,
To rippenn hemm & ræfenn.
Forr grediȝnesse iss hæfedd plihht,
& follȝheþþ helless bisne,
Forr hellepitt niss næfre full,
Ne grediȝnesse nowwþerr.
Forr whase itt iss þatt grediȝ iss
To winnenn erþlic ahhte,
Aȝȝ alls he mare & mare gett
Aȝȝ lisste himm affterr mare;
& nohht ne maȝȝ he wurrþenn full
To winnenn eorþlic ahhte,
Na mar þann helle maȝȝ beon full
To swollȝhenn menness sawless.
Þe cnihhtess wærenn wæpnedd follc,
To fihhtenn forr þe leode,
To werenn hemm wiþþ wiþerrþeod
Þatt wollde hemm oferrganngenn,
& ȝiff þeȝȝ haffdenn lefe till
All affterr þeȝȝre wille


To takenn off þe laȝheleod
Þatt tatt teȝȝ sholldenn nittenn,
Þeȝȝ munndenn fon att oferrdon
Þurrh sinnfull grediȝnesse.
& forrþi fand hemm þeȝȝre king
All þatt teȝȝ sholldenn nittenn,
Þatt teȝȝ ne sholldenn nohht te follc
Þurrh grediȝnesse rippenn;
& forrþi badd hemm Sannt Johan
Forrbuȝhenn grediȝnesse,
& letenn iwhillc oþerr man
Wel brukenn all hiss aȝhenn;
Þuss fundenn alle att Sannt Johan
God lare off þeȝȝre nede.
& tatt nass wunnderr þwerrt út nan
Þatt he wass wis o lare,
Forr he wass full off Haliȝ Gast
Ær þann he borenn wære,
Swa summ þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne leȝheþþ
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ lefe uss swa
To fillenn & to follȝhenn
Þe lare off Sannt Johaness spell
& all hiss hallȝhe bisne,
Swa þatt we motenn borrȝhenn beon
Att ure lifess ende.




Miserunt Judei ab Jersolimis Sacerdotes & Levitas ad Johannem.

Forrþi þatt Sannt Johaness word
Sprang wide & side o lande,
Forr þatt he wass útnumenn mann
I laress & i dedess,
& forr þatt he bigann himm sellf,
Þær þær he wass i wesste,
To fullhtnenn baldeliȝ þe follc
Þatt nass næfrær bigunnenn;
Hiss word sprang inntill Ȝerrsalæm
& inntill all þatt ende,
& all þatt follc toc niþ wiþþ himm
Þatt læredd wass o boke,
Off þatt he toc swa baldeliȝ
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,


Alls iff he wære Drihhtin Crist
Þatt tanne cumenn wære.
& teȝȝ þa tokenn sanderrmenn
Off preostess & off dæcness
& senndenn út off Ȝerrsalæm
Till himm inntill þe wesste,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn fraȝȝnenn himm,
& asskenn whatt he wære.
& swa þeȝȝ didenn, & he þeȝȝm
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn, & seȝȝde;
Namm I nohht Godess Sune, Crist,
Þatt cumenn amm to manne.
& teȝȝ onnȝæn till himm; arrt tu
Helyas efft o life?
& he till hemm; naȝȝ, namm I nohht
Helyas efft o life.
& ȝét teȝȝ seȝȝdenn þuss till himm;
Seȝȝ uss, arrt tu profete?
& he þa seȝȝde þuss till hemm;
Naȝȝ, namm I nohht profete. [OMITTED]
& tatt teȝȝ seȝȝdenn to Johan;
Seȝȝ uss, arrt tu profete,
Þatt seȝȝdenn þeȝȝ, alls iff þeȝȝ þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝdenn;
Seȝȝ us ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu arrt
Helysew þe profete,
Þatt upp off dæþe risenn arrt
To wirrkenn miccle tacness?


Hemm þuhhte þatt he mihhte ben
Helysew þe profete. [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] word off þatt mann þennkeþþ.
Þe Goddspellwrihhte Sannt Johan
Onn hiss Goddspelless lare
Uss kiþeþþ off þa sanderrmenn,
Whatt kinness menn þeȝȝ wærenn.
He seȝȝþ uss þatt teȝȝ wærenn off
Farisewisshe leode,
Forr þatt he wille don uss wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt nohht ne comm þatt laþe flocc
Till Sannt Johan forr gode,
Acc forrþi þatt teȝȝ haffdenn niþ
Wiþþ himm & wiþþ hiss lare,
& wolldenn unnderrtakenn himm
Off summwhatt, ȝiff þeȝȝ mihhtenn;
Acc himm wass lihht to lokenn himm
Fra þeȝȝre laþe wiless.
& teȝȝ þa seȝȝdenn till Johan;
Whi fullhtnesst tu þiss leode,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu narrt nohht Crist,
Ne Helyas, ne profete?
& Sannt Johan þa seȝȝde þuss;
Icc fullhtne i waterr ane.
Þeȝȝ wisstenn wel þatt Jesu Crist,
To manne cumenn shollde,


& tatt he shollde fullhtnenn menn
Þurrh hise Leorningcnihhtess,
& forrþi wenndenn þeȝȝ full wel
Off Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
Þatt he wisslike wære Crist,
Forr þatt he stod to fullhtnenn.
& ec þeȝȝ wisstenn full wel off
Helyas þe profete,
& ec full wel off Helyseow,
Þatt eȝȝþerr inn hiss time
Þurrh Drihhtin ȝede upp o þe flumm
Alls itt onn eorþe wære,
& all comm oferr driȝȝefót
All alls itt waterr nære.
& ec þeȝȝ wisstenn witerrliȝ
Þurrh þeȝȝre bokess lare
Þatt fulluhht wass, ȝa þurrh þe flumm,
Ȝa þurrh hemm baþe tacnedd;
& forrþi wenndenn þeȝȝ full wel,
Þatt owwþerr off þa tweȝȝenn
Off dæþe wære risenn upp
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn.
& Sannt Johan hemm dide wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he nass næfr an off þa þreo,
Forr nollde he nawihht leȝhenn.
Þatt Sannt Johan hemm seȝȝde þuss,
Icc fullhtne i waterr ane,


Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche,
I fullhtne menn biforenn to
Nohht bútt i waterr ane,
Forr min fulluhht ne maȝȝ hemm nohht
Clennsenn off þeȝȝre sinness,
Acc wel itt maȝȝ hemm brinngenn onn
To rihhtenn þeȝȝre dede,
To ȝarrkenn hemm onnȝæness Crist
Þatt nu shall cumenn newenn,
To fullhtnenn hemm þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To clennsenn hemm off sinness.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þatt genge,
To þa Judisskenn sanderrmenn,
Þatt tær wass hemm bitwenenn
An swillc, whamm þeȝȝ ne cnewenn nohht,
Þatt shollde himm newenn awwnenn,
To fullhtnenn follc þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To clennsenn hemm off sinness,
Þatt seȝȝde he wiss off Jesu Crist
Þatt stod tær hemm bitwenenn;
Forr he comm offte till Johan
Ær þann he fullhtnedd wære,
& Sannt Johan cnew himm full wel,
& tatt iss wel to trowwenn;
Forr wel biforr þatt Sannt Johan
Wass borenn off hiss moderr,
Cnew he full wel þe Laferrd Crist
I Sannte Marȝess wambe.


& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þe leode,
Þatt he ne wass nohht god inoh
Cristess shoþwang tunnbindenn;
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ opennlike spæche,
Namm I nohht wurrþi þatt I beo
Haldenn forr Crist onn eorþe,
Ne nohht ne draȝhe icc upponn me
To beon bridgume nemmnedd
Off Cristess brid, off Cristess hird,
Off all þatt hallȝhe genge
Þatt rihht shall lefenn uppo Crist
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Ne draȝhe I þatt nohht upponn me
Þatt icc þeȝȝm muȝhe lesenn
Off hellepine, & ȝifenn hemm
To winnenn heoffness blisse;
Forr þatt ne maȝȝ nan shaffte don
Wiþþutenn Goddcunndnesse.
O þálde laȝheboc wass sett,
All þurrh Drihhtiness wille,
Þatt, ȝiff þatt tu ne kepptesst nohht
To tăkenn ne to weddenn
Þatt wifmann þatt te rihht bilammp
To tăkenn & to weddenn,
Þa shollde an oþerr cumenn forþ
Off all þatt illke maȝȝþe,


& shollde unnbindenn þin shoþwang,
Swa summ þe boc himm tahhte,
& shollde tăkenn þa till himm
Þatt wifmann all wiþþ lefe.
& forrþi seȝȝde Sannt Johan,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
Þatt he ne wass nohht god inoh
Cristess shoþwang tunnbindenn,
Forrþi þatt he ne mihhte nohht,
Swa summ icc hafe shæwedd,
Bridgume beon off Cristess brid,
To lesenn hire off helle.
& tiss mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt Johan nass nohht god inoh
Cristess shoþwang tunnbindenn,
Forrþi þatt he ne mihhte nohht
All þwerrt út unnderrstanndenn,
Hu Godess word & Godess witt
& Godess aȝhenn kinde
Toc inn an clene maȝȝdennmann
Dæþshildiȝnessess kinde,
Swa þatt he warrþ soþ mann, acc all
Þwerrt út wiþþutenn sinne.
& tiss dæþshildiȝ mann þatt Crist
Toc i þe laffdiȝ Marȝe
Wass uss full wel, ȝa þurrh þe sho,
Ȝa þurrh þe þwang bitacnedd;


& tatt forrþi þatt eȝȝþerr iss
Þe fell off dæde deoress.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þe leode,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þe leode shollde fullhtnenn
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast & ec þurrh fir,
To clennsenn hemm off sinness,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to don uss wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt tatt iss all þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Þatt fulluhht clennseþþ sinness.
& Haliȝ Gast iss haliȝ fir,
Þatt bærneþþ i þatt herrte
Þatt iss þurrh ȝife off Haliȝ Gast
Wiþþ soþfast lufe filledd.
Þiss fir maȝȝ ec bitacnenn uss
Þatt piness annxumnesse
Þatt hallȝhe weress þolenn her
All gilltelæs onn eorþe,
Þatt clennseþþ hemm all þwerrt út wel
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ forr lufe off Godd
Gladdlike þolenn pine.
& ȝét we muȝhenn, þurrh þatt fir
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Spacc offe to þa sanderrmenn,
All full wel unnderrstanndenn
Þatt fir þatt iss inn oþerr lif
To clennsenn menness sawless.


Forr hére uss clennseþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh trowwþe,
& tær þatt fir, ȝiff þatt we rihht
Her endenn unnderr shriffte;
& baþe comm uss Jesu Crist
To clennsenn here & tære,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝifenn uss
To brukenn eche blisse.
& tatt tatt Cristess þeww Johan
Þær seȝȝde to þe leode,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þatt time þatt he come
Himm shollde brinngenn inn hiss hannd
Hiss winndell forr to winndwenn,
& forr to clennsenn himm hiss corn,
& fra þe chaff to shædenn,
& sammnenn all þe clene corn
& don itt inn hiss berrne,
& werrpenn all þe chaff anan,
Inntill þe fír to bærnenn,
Inntill þatt fír þatt bærnenn shall
A butenn ende unncwennkedd;
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to don uss wel
To seon & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Jesu Crist o Domess daȝȝ
Shall shædenn & todælenn
Þurrh heofennlike skill & shæd
All follc o tweȝȝenn daless,


& brinngenn all þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt wel himm hafeþþ cwemedd
Upp inntill heoffne, & ȝifenn hemm
A butenn ende blisse,
& werrpenn all þatt laþe flocc
Þatt deoffless hafeþþ follȝhedd
Inntill þe fír off hellepitt,
All affterr þeȝȝre wrihhte,
To beon wiþþutenn ende þær,
To bærnenn & to wallenn,
Wiþþ deofless dun inn hellegrund
Forr þeȝȝre fule sĭness.
& tiss mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Winndweþþ hiss corn & clennseþþ,
& shædeþþ aȝȝ þe chaff þær fra
Whil þatt tiss weorelld lassteþþ,
I þa þatt hafenn name off Crist
& uppo Criste lefenn,
& offte i þa þatt lifenn her,
& offte i þa þatt swelltenn.
I þa þatt lifenn winndweþþ Crist
& clennseþþ hére hiss whæte,
Aȝȝ whannse preostess mannsenn her
& shædenn þa fra Criste
Þatt opennlike onnȝæness Crist
All þeȝȝre þannkess wiþþrenn.
I þa þatt swelltenn winndweþþ Crist
& clennseþþ hére hiss whæte,


Aȝȝ whane itt cumeþþ to, þatt he
Till hellepine demeþþ
Þatt mann þatt unnderr Crisstenndom,
& unnderr læfe o Criste,
Wel cwemmde deofell wiþþ hiss lif
& wiþþ hiss lifess ende,
Þatt aȝȝ wass lihht all allse chaff,
To follȝhenn alle sinness.
& ta þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Þurrh preost, & þurrh himm sellfenn,
Þuss shædeþþ fra þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ,
Þeȝȝ alle sinndenn þurrh þe chaff
Full opennliȝ bitacnedd;
Forr all allswa summ corn & chaff
Uppspringenn off an rote,
All swa þatt flocc off crisstnedd follc
Þatt þurrh þe chaff iss tacnedd
Iss crisstnedd all þurrh an fulluhht,
& þurrh an læfe o Criste,
Wiþþ þa þatt follȝhenn Jesu Crist
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Þe winndell iss i Cristess hannd,
Þatt iss i Cristess walde,
Forr himm iss all þe Dom bitahht
To demenn cwike & dæde;
Þe Faderr, & te Frofre Gast
Himm hafenn sett to demenn,
& he shall demenn att te Dom
All mannkinn cwike & dæde,


Þurrh hiss goddcunnde skill & shæd
Þatt hiss winndell bitacneþþ.
Þe fir off helle iss endeless,
& aȝȝ occ aȝȝ unncwennkedd,
Swa þatt itt muȝhe lasstenn a,
To bærnenn & to pinenn
A butenn ende all wiþþ rihht dom
All deofle follc onn hæfedd,
& forþ wiþþ hemm ec all þatt flocc,
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ sawle,
Þatt cwemmde deofell i þiss lif
Wiþþ lif & ec wiþþ ende;
Forr rihht iss þatt hemm lasste wa
Aȝȝ whil þatt itt maȝȝ lasstenn,
Onnȝæn þatt tatt teȝȝ ifell lif
Aȝȝ leddenn whil þeȝȝ mihhtenn.
Þe Goddspellwrihhte Sannt Johan
O þiss Goddspell uss kiþeþþ,
Þatt ta Judisskenn sanderrmenn
Till Cristess bidell comenn
Út ferr inntill an tun þatt wass
Beþania ȝehatenn;
& tatt wass o ȝonnd hallf þe flumm
Þær he wass þa to fullhtnenn;
& witt tu wel þatt tatt wass don
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn.


Twa tuness wærenn i þatt land,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
& eȝȝþerr off þa tweȝȝenn wass
Beþania ȝehatenn.
Þatt an wass o ȝonnd hallf þe flumm
& o þiss hallf þatt oþerr,
& þurrh þe name off eȝȝþerr tun
Iss herrsummnesse tacnedd.
& þurrh þe flumm iss opennliȝ
Cristess fulluhht bitacnedd,
Forrþi þatt Crist wass fullhtnedd tær
Þurrh Sannt Johan Baptisste.
& alle þa þatt heldenn rihht
Till Drihhtin herrsummnesse
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass fullhtnedd here onn eorþe,
Þeȝȝ alle samenn wærenn uss,
Þatt seȝȝþ þe boc, bitacnedd
Þurrh þatt Beþania þatt wass
Biȝonndenn flumm i wesste.
& alle þa þatt haldenn rihht
Till Drihhtin herrsummnesse
Nu siþþenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass fullhtnedd her onn eorþe,
Þeȝȝ alle samenn sinndenn uss
I Crisstenndom bitacnedd
Þurrh þatt Beþania þatt wass
O þiss hallf neh þe temmple.
O ȝonnd hallf flod wass Sannt Johan
Bapptisste forr to fullhtnenn,


Acc hiss fulluhht ne mihhte nohht
Clennsenn þe follc off sinness;
& tærþurrh wass bitacnedd wel
Þatt all follc wass unnclennsedd
Off þatt missdede þatt wass don
Þurrh Adam & þurrh Eve,
Anan till þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass naȝȝledd upp o rode,
To leosenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde.
& i þatt oþerr tun þatt wass
Beþania ȝehatenn,
& wass bi þiss hallf flumm Jorrdan
Neh Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
I þatt Beþania ras upp
An mann þurrh Crist off dæþe
Þatt wass ȝehatenn Lazaruss;
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt fulluhht unnderr Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe
Nu reȝȝseþþ menn off sawless dæþ,
& clennseþþ hemm off sinne,
To þeowwtenn ure Laferrd Crist
Þurrh soþfasst herrsummnesse,
Forr swa to winnenn hellpe att himm,
To cumenn þurrh hiss are
Till Ȝerrsalæm inn heoffness ærd,
Till eche griþess sihhþe.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss witt,
& lusst, & mahht, & wille,


To þeowwtenn ure Laferrd Crist
Wiþþ soþfasst herrsummnesse,
Swa þatt we motenn heoffness griþþ
A-butenn ende brukenn.


Venit IHC a Galilea in Jordanem ad Johannem ut baptizaretur.

Unnderr þa daȝhess, alls uss seȝȝþ
Maþeow þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Comm Jesu Crist off Galileo
Fra Nazaræþess chesstre
Till flumm Jorrdan, till Sannt Johan
Þær he stod follc to fullhtnenn,
& Crist ta wollde fullhtnedd beon
Att Sannt Johaness hande;
& Sannt Johan droh himm o bacch
& nollde he Crist nohht fullhtnenn,
& seȝȝde; naȝȝ, lef Laferrd, naȝȝ,
Ne darr i þe nohht fullhtnenn;
Me birrþ beon fullhtnedd att tin hannd,
Þin blettsinng tunnderrganngenn,
& tu, min Laferrd, cumesst her
Att me to wurrþenn fullhtnedd?


& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff himm anndswere & seȝȝde;
Læt nu, Johan, forr þuss birrþ uss
Illc rihhtwisnesse fillenn;
& tanne lét himm Sannt Johan
Don all hiss lefe wille;
& Jesu Crist wass fullhtnedd tær
Att Sannt Johaness hande.
& forrþrihht alls he fullhtnedd wass
He stah uppo þe strande,
& heoffness wærenn oppnedd ta
Till Sannt Johaness ehne,
& he sahh þære Godess Gast,
Inn aness cullfress like,
Off heoffne cumenn upponn Crist
& upponn himm bilefenn;
& tær wass herrd an steffne anan
Off heoffne þuss wiþþ worde;
Þiss iss min Sune, & me full lef
& cweme onn alle wise.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þe Laferrd Crist comm till þe flumm,
Till Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
Forr þatt he wollde fullhtnedd beon,
Forr maniȝwhatt to tacnenn,


Forr naffde he naness kĭness ned
Himm sellf to wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
Acc forrþi þatt he wollde swa
Uss shæwenn soþ meocnesse,
& fillenn rihhtwisnesse swa
Þurrh soþ meocnessess bisne;
Forr Latin boc uss seȝȝþ þatt soþ
Meocnesse iss þrinne kinness.
An kinness iss þatt tu beo meoc
& herrsumm till þin elldre,
& tatt tu wiþþ þin efenninng
Þe metelike lede,
Swa þatt tu þe ne draȝhe nohht
Abufenn himm wiþþ woȝhe.
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt tu þe willt
Þurrh rihhtwisnesse berrȝhenn,
Þa birrþ þe þiss meocnessess sloþ
Att tallre læste follȝhenn;
Forr þu ne mahht nohht rihhtwis beon
Wiþþutenn þiss meocnesse,
Ne þu ne mahht nohht borrȝhenn beon
Wiþþutenn rihhtwisnesse.
Ȝét iss an oþerr oferr þiss
Meocnesse miccle mare,
Þatt tu beo meoc to laȝhenn þe
Unnderr þin efennméte,
& tatt tu þe ne draȝhe nohht
Abufenn þine lahȝhre.


& tiss meocnesse iss oferrmett
Swa þatt itt oferrfloweþþ,
& itt iss mare þann inoh,
Ȝiff icc itt durrste seggenn.
Ȝét iss meocnesse off mare mahht,
Ȝét maȝȝ ȝho mare forþenn,
& ȝho doþ Cristess hallȝhe þeoww
To laȝhenn himm ȝét mare;
Forr ȝho doþ þe to settenn þe
Bineþenn þine lahȝhre,
To lutenn hemm, to lefftenn hemm,
To þeowwtenn hemm tocweme.
Þiss iss þe þridde kĭne mahht
Þatt soþ meocnesse shæweþþ,
Þiss iss þe þridde, & itt iss mast
& heȝhesst off hemm alle;
Forr niss nan mann þatt æfre maȝȝ
Meocnesse mare shæwenn
Þann he doþ, whase laȝheþþ himm
Bineþenn hise lahȝhre,
& luteþþ hemm, & leffteþþ hemm,
& þeowwteþþ hemm tocweme,
Nohht forr þe lufe off eorþliȝ loff
Acc forr þe lufe off Criste.
& ȝiff icc fillenn maȝȝ þiss mahht
Þatt mast iss off hemm alle,
Þa maȝȝ icc fillenn þoþre twa,
Forr baþe sinndenn lahȝhre,
Alls iff icc fede twenntiȝ menn,
Icc fede téne & fife.


& ȝiff þatt icc þiss þridde mahht
Full fremeddlike fille,
Þa fille icc, þatt witt tu full wel,
All rihhtwisnessess mahhte.
& forrþi seȝȝde Jesu Crist
Till Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
Þatt he þær shollde fillenn swa
All rihhtwisnessess mahhte,
Þurrh þatt he shollde fullhtnedd beon
Att himm þatt wass hiss shaffte,
Þurrh þatt he shollde lahȝhenn himm
Unnderr hiss þeowwess hande
He þatt wass alle shaffte Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
& Crist comm út off Nazaræþ,
Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Birrþ tăkenn unnderr Crisstenndom
To broddenn & to blomenn,
To berenn, forr to berrȝhenn himm,
God wasstme & gode dedess;
Forr Nazaræþ bitacneþþ uss
Onn Ennglissh brodd & blome.
& Crist comm út off Galileo,
Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Iss flittedd út þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Off alle kĭne sĭness;


Forr Galileo bitacneþþ uss
Flitttinng onn Ennglissh spæche.
& Crist comm inntill flumm Jorrdan
Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Birrþ stiȝhenn dun fra þeþennforþ
Off modiȝnessess lawe,
& laȝhenn himm ȝæn iwhillc mann,
To shæwenn soþ meocnesse.
Forr whase itt iss þatt stiȝheþþ dun
Þiss gate off modiȝnesse,
He filleþþ inn himm sellfenn þatt
Þatt þurrh Jorrdan iss tacnedd.
Forr þurrh Jorrdan, þatt witt tu wel,
Iss dunstiȝhinng bitacnedd.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att Johan,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Þatt Sannt Johaness fullhtninng wass
Halsumm & god to fanngenn;
Forr itt wass ȝarrkinng ȝæn fulluhht
Þatt Crist sellf shollde settenn.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd i þe flumm,
Forr þatt he wollde uss hallȝhenn
Þe waterr þurrh hiss hallȝhe lic
Þurrh þatt itt comm þærinne.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,


Þatt Godess þeoww birrþ follȝhenn all
& fillenn wiþþ hiss bisne
All þatt he tæcheþþ oþre menn
To follȝhenn & to fillenn.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Þatt he wass mann o moderrhallf
Forr all mannkinne nede,
& wollde fillenn all himm sellf
Þatt Godess þeoww birrþ fillenn.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Onnfoþ þurrh Drihhtin Haliȝ Gast
To frofrenn himm & wissenn,
Forr þær comm Haliȝ Gast o Crist
Anan summ he wass fullhtnedd.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt heoffness gate iss oppnedd me
Þatt daȝȝ þatt icc amm fullhtnedd,
Forr heoffne wass oppnedd anan
Ȝæn Crist tær he wass fullhtnedd.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Birrþ wurrþenn milde, & soffte, & meoc,
& æddmod allse cullfre,


Forr þær comm Haliȝ Gast o Crist
Inn aness cullfress like.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Onnfoþ, þurrh ȝife off Haliȝ Gast,
To cnawenn þatt Þrimmnesse
Þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Drihhtin iss,
Þatt all þiss weorelld wrohhte.
Forr sone anan se Jesu Crist
I flumm Jorrdan wass fullhtnedd,
Þær wass þe Faderr heorrd anan
Off heoffne þurrh an steffne;
& Haliȝ Gast comm þære o Crist
Inn aness cullfress like;
& Crist wass Godess Sune & Godd,
An had off þatt Þrimmnesse,
Þatt Godess þeoww birrþ cnawenn rihht
& lufenn rihht & þeowwtenn.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þurrh þatt he stah upp off þe flod
Forrþrihht alls he wass fullhtnedd,
Þatt iwhillc mann þatt unnderr Crist
Iss laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Birrþ stiȝhenn upp off flæshess flod,
Upp off hiss flæshess lusstess,


& godenn aȝȝ fra daȝȝ to daȝȝ
Inn alle gode dedess,
& þrifenn aȝȝ & waxenn aȝȝ
Inn alle gode þinge,
Swa þatt he muȝhe bett & bett
& mare & mare cwemenn
Allmahhtiȝ Drihhtin wiþþ hiss lif,
& wiþþ hiss ende baþe,
Swa þatt he muȝhe wurrþi beon
To brukenn eche blisse.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd þanne he wass
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn swa
All mannkinn þurrh hiss bisne,
Þatt whase shall i Crisstenndom
Beon hofenn upp & hadedd
Till bisscopp orr till unnderrpreost,
Forr Godess follc to gætenn,
Þatt himm birrþ beon fullwaxenn mann,
& shadd fra childess ȝæress;
Forr nollde nohht te Laferrd Crist
Biginnenn forr to spellenn,
Ne forr to shæwenn ohht mang menn
Off hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Till þatt he wass fullwaxenn mann
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde.
Þatt Sannt Johan drohh himm o bacch,
Forr þatt he nohht ne durrste
Fullhtnenn þe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þatt wass rihht soþ meocnesse,


& tatt he toc þatt wikenn þohh
Þa siþþenn, whanne he wisste
Þatt ure Laferrd wollde swa
Illc rihhtwisnesse fillenn,
Þatt wass, witt tu to fulle soþ,
Fullfremedd herrsummnesse.
& tatt comm wel, forr nowwþerr mahht
Off þise tweȝȝenn mahhtess
Niss god inoh, ȝiff þatt itt iss
All shadd út fra þatt oþerr;
Forr herrsummnesse iss all unnstrang
Wiþþutenn soþ meocnesse,
& illc meocnesse iss ellennlæs
Wiþþutenn herrsummnesse.
Crist seȝȝde þatt he shollde þær
Illc rihhtwisnesse fillenn,
Þurrh þatt he shollde fullhtnedd beon
Att Sannt Johaness hande,
To ȝifenn þurrh himm sellfenn swa
Off soþ meocnesse bisne;
Forr niss nan rihhtwisnesse full
Wiþþutenn soþ meocnesse.
& ec forrþi þatt whase onnfoþ
Fulluhht wiþþ soþ meocnesse,
I Cristess hus, att Cristess þeoww,
To follȝhenn Cristess lare,
He doþ himm i þe rihhte stih
Off iwhillc rihhtwisnesse;
Forr att te funnt biginneþþ all
Þatt hallȝhe rihhtwisnesse,


Þatt Cristess hirrd, Crisstene follc
Birrþ follȝhenn here & fillenn.
Allmahhtiȝ Gast comm uppo Crist
Inn aness cullfress like,
Forr þatt he shollde seȝhenn beon
O sume kinne wise;
Forr gast iss all unnseȝhennlic
Ȝæn eorþlic eȝhess sihhþe.
& nohht ne birrþ ȝuw lefenn þohh
Ne trowwenn þatt tatt cullfre
Wass Haliȝ Gast Allmahhtiȝ Gast,
Ne nan off þise cullfress
Þatt sinndenn i þiss middellærd
An lott off manne fode;
Acc itt wass shawenn þa þurrh Godd
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt Haliȝ Gast iss milde & meoc
To frofrenn hise þeowwess,
& ec þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Iss meoc, & milde, & bliþe,
& ec þatt Cristess þeoww birrþ beon
Ædmod, & meoc, & milde,
& follȝhenn aȝȝ þurrh haliȝ lif
Þa gode bisness alle
Þatt he,—ȝiff þatt he nimeþþ gom,
Maȝȝ findenn i þe cullfre,


Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd her
Biforenn o þiss lare,
Þær ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass offredd upponn allterr,
I Godess temmple wiþþ þatt lac
Þatt wass off tweȝȝenn cullfress.
& affterr þatt tatt cullfre wass
Wel seȝhenn uppo Criste,
Þæraffterr warrþ itt efft to nohht,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe.
Þatt steffne þatt off heoffne comm,
Itt wass þe Faderr steffne,
Þatt off hiss Sune spacc þatt word
Forr all þe follkess nede;
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn takenn wel
Wiþþ Crist & wiþþ hiss lare,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ herrdenn þatt he wass
Soþ Godess Sune off heoffne.
& whatt wass þatt te Faderr sellf
Þær off hiss Sune seȝȝde?
Þiss iss min Sune, & me full lef
& cweme onn alle wise.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
All þatt min Sune forrþenn shall
Onn eorþe iss me full cweme,
Onnȝæn þatt Adam wass me laþ
& all hiss sĭne unncweme.
& whase wile cwemenn me
To wĭnenn eche blisse,


Loke he þatt he min Sune wel
Onn alle wise cweme;
Forr all witt baþe sinndenn an
I Goddcunndnessess kinde
Forþ wiþþ þatt Hallȝhe Frofre Gast,
Þatt cumeþþ off unnc baþe,
We sinndenn an Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& sinndenn þohh þreo hadess,
Faderr & Sune & Haliȝ Gast,
Illc an effninng wiþþ oþerr,
Þreo hadess, an Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
& tiss mann þatt iss fullhtnedd her
Þurrh þiss Baptisstess hande
Iss an Allmahhtiȝ Godd wiþþ me
& wiþþ min Gast i kinde,
& iss bitahht all follc þurrh me,
& þurrh himm sellfenn baþe,
& þurrh þatt Hallȝhe Frofre Gast
Þatt till unnc ba bilimmpeþþ,
Þurrh uss iss he bitahht all follc
& þurrh ure allre wille,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde,
To turrnenn leode, þurrh hiss spell
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne,
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.


& whase wile borrȝhenn beon
To brukenn eche blisse,
He loke þatt he follȝhe wel
Þiss illke manness lare;
Forr niss nan mann þatt æfre maȝȝ
Beon borrȝhenn att hiss ende,
Butt iff he muȝhe wĭnenn her
Þiss illke manness are,
Þatt iss min Sune, Allmahhtiȝ Godd
& mann off twinne kinde,
Soþ mann, all þweorrt út sinnelæs
Off bodiȝ & off sawle.
All þiss mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Þurrh þatt te Faderr seȝȝde,
Þiss iss min Sune, & me full lef
& cweme onn alle wise,
& whase wile borrȝhenn beon,
He lisste till hiss lare.
& itt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Ȝét oþerr wise seȝȝde;
Þiss iss an oþerr neow Adam
& all wiþþutenn sĭne
Þatt leosenn shall þe forrme Adam
Út off þe deofless walde,
& sahhtlenn himm & hiss offspring
Wiþþ me þurrh herrsummnesse,
Þurrh þatt he me shall herrsumm beon
To þolenn dæþ o rode.
Þe Faderr spacc towarrd te follc,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn


Þatt tatt wass forr þe follkess ned,
& nohht forr hise nede,
Þatt Godess Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Wass wurrþenn mann onn eorþe.
Annd ȝuw birrþ witenn witerrliȝ,
Þatt Jesu Crist wass fullhtnedd
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ uppo þe ȝer
Þatt twellfte daȝȝ iss nemmnedd;
Acc he wass þa, þatt witt tu wel,
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde
Þatt time þatt he fullhtnedd wass,
Forr uss to ȝifenn bisne.
& forrþrihht o þatt oþerr ȝer
Affterr þatt he wass fullhtnedd,
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ uppo þe ȝer
Þatt twellfte daȝȝ iss nemmnedd,
He turrnde waterr inntill win
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
I Cana Galileowess tun
Att an bridaless sæte.
I clepe itt her þe twellfte daȝȝ
Affterr þatt ȝe itt nemmnenn;
Forr itt iss þe þrittennde daȝȝ
Fra Ȝoldaȝȝ, nohht te twellfte.
Ȝiff þatt mann takeþþ þatt Ȝoldaȝȝ
Fra daȝȝ to daȝȝ to tellenn,
Þa beoþ þatt te þrittennde daȝȝ
Þatt ȝe þe twellfte nemmnenn;


Swa summ ȝe nemmnenn ȝure ȝer
Twellf moneþþ, & tohhwheþþre
Ȝe muȝhenn uppo ȝure ȝer
Þrittene moneþþ findenn.
Loc nu ȝiff twellfte daȝȝ iss wurrþ
To beon wurrþlike freollsedd;
Itt iss wel wurrþ la fuliwiss
To beon wurrþlike freollsedd;
Forr o þatt daȝȝ wass Jesu Crist
Midd þrinne lakess lakedd,
& o þatt daȝȝ he fullhtnedd wass
Þurrh Sannt Johan Baptisste,
& o þatt daȝȝ he wrohhte win
Off waterr þurrh hiss mahhte,
Þurrh þatt he wass Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
& whi lét ure Laferrd Crist
Bilimmpenn þa þreo þingess
Aȝȝ onn an daȝȝ uppo þe ȝer?
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Whatt gate he wollde greȝȝþenn uss
To winnenn eche blisse.
Þatt newe sterrne þatt he ȝaff
Þa Kalldewisshe kingess,
Forr þatt itt shollde ledenn hemm
Till himm þe rihhte weȝȝe,
Þatt newe steorrne ȝaff he þeȝȝm,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þe rihhte læfess brihhte leom
Þatt ledeþþ upp till heoffne


Þatt follc, þatt follȝheþþ Crisstenndom,
& Cristess laȝhess haldeþþ.
& forrþi lét te Laferrd Crist
Bilimmpenn þa þreo þingess
Aȝȝ o þe ȝer uppo þatt daȝȝ
Þatt twellfte daȝȝ iss nemmnedd;
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn swa
Himm sellf þurrh þa þreo þingess,
Þatt ta þatt turrnenn hemm till Crist,
To wurrþenn hise þeowwess,
Þeȝȝ unnderrfon att Crist anan
Þe rihhte læfess steorrne,
To ledenn hemm till Cristess hus,
Till Cristess hallȝhe genge,
Forr tunnderrfanngenn Crisstenndom
& fulluhht unnderr Criste,
& forr to leornenn Godess boc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
& forr to drinnkenn gastliȝ witt
Út off stafflike fétless,
Swa summ itt wære winess drinnch
Þatt wære off waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt drinnch þatt turrneþþ þeȝȝre þohht
Þurrh haliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe weorrldess lufe & lusst,
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn Cristess áre.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,


Þatt ta þatt sinndenn laȝheliȝ
O Cristess name fullhtnedd
Onnfon swillc are & lufe & mahht
Att Drihhtin Godd off heoffne,
Þatt he forrþrihht her i þiss lif
Hemm nemmneþþ hise chilldre,
Þa chilldre, þatt himm sinndenn her
Full lefe, & dere, & cweme.
Forr son se Crist wass fullhtnedd tær
Att Sannt Johaness hande
Hiss Faderr út off heoffness ærd
Spacc till þe follc, & seȝȝde,
Þiss iss min Sune, & me full lef
& cweme onn alle wise.
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to shæwenn swa
Þatt ta þatt sinndenn fullhtnedd
Himm sinndenn cweme, onnȝæn þatt teȝȝ
Himm wærenn ær unncweme
Unnderr þe laþe gastess hand,
Þurrh hæþenndom & dwilde.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd att te flumm,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Þatt ta þatt sinndenn unnderr Crist
Rihht laȝhelike fullhtnedd
Birrþ stanndenn inn to cwemenn Crist
Wiþþ bedess & wiþþ wecchess;
Forr Crist, son summ he fullhtnedd wass
& stiȝhenn upp o strande,


Forrþrihht anan he turrnde himm till
To biddenn hise beness
Upp till hiss Faderr heoffness king,
Forr all þatt follc onn eorþe
Þatt shollde tăkenn Crisstenndom,
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Forr affterr þatt, itt kiþeþþ uss
Lucas þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þe Laferrd Crist forrþrihht anan,
Affterr þatt he wass fullhtnedd,
Badd hise beness forr hiss follc,
& nohht forr hise nede;
Forr he wass Godess Sune & Godd,
& all wiþþutenn sinne.
& Crist wass fullhtnedd tanne he wass
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn swa
Þatt whase shall beon fullhtnedd
I Cristess hus þurrh Cristess þeoww,
He foþ to wurrþenn fullhtnedd
O Godess name, þatt iss an
Unnseȝȝenndliȝ Þrimmnesse,
Faderr, & Sune, & Haliȝ Gast,
An Godd all unntobrittnedd,
Swa þatt himm birrþ fra þeþennforþ
Wiþþ mikell ȝeorrnfullnesse
Aȝȝ stanndenn inn affterr hiss mahht
Wiþþ hiss Drihhtiness hellpe,
To follȝhenn Godess laȝheboc
Gastlike inn hise dedess,


Þatt boc þatt all bilokenn iss
I tene bodewordess,
To tacnenn þiss wass Jesu Crist
Off þrittiȝ winnterr elde
O þatt ȝer þatt he fullhtnedd wass
Att Sannt Johan Bapptisste.
Forr tale off þrittiȝ filleþþ rihht
Þe tale off þriȝȝess tene;
Þe þriȝȝes tacneþþ Drihhtin Godd
Inn hiss hallȝhe Þrimmnesse,
Þe tale off tene tacneþþ uss
Þa tene bodewordess,
Þatt illc mann follȝhenn birrþ þatt iss
O Cristess name fullhtnedd.
Maþþeow þe Goddspellwrihhte wrát
Onn hiss Goddspelless lare
Off þatt te Laferrd Crist iss King
Þatt all þe weorelld steoreþþ,
& ȝemeþþ fra þe laþe gast
& berrȝheþþ hise þeowwess,
Þatt hallȝhe flocc þatt lufeþþ himm
& hise laȝhess haldeþþ.
& forrþi recneþþ he þe kinn
Off Cristess mennisscnesse
Þurrh weress fulle fowwerrtiȝ
Annd an wiþþ Crist himm sellfenn,
& swa þatt Jechonias iss
An mann & twiȝess rimedd,


Affterr þatt sume wise menn
O lare itt unnderrstanndenn.
& he biginneþþ Cristess kinn
To reccnenn & to rimenn
Att Abraham, & reccneþþ aȝȝ
Dunnwarrd fra mann to manne,
Till þatt he cumeþþ till Josæp
Þatt wass wiþþ Sannte Marȝe
Weddedd, to fosstrenn hire child
& hire sellfenn baþe;
Acc ȝho wass æfre clene off himm,
& æfre maȝȝdenn clene.
& þurrh þatt tatt uss reccneþþ swa
Maþeow þe Goddspellwrihhte
Dunnwarrd te Laferrd Cristess kinn,
Þærþurrh iss uss bitacnedd,
Þatt Crist comm út off heoffne dun,
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde,
& forr to chesenn himm an follc
Off all mannkinn onn eorþe,
Þatt shollde beon hiss aȝhenn hird
& himm all þweorrt út cweme,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
& þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ sholldenn himm
Þweorrt út tocweme þeowwtenn
Her i þiss middellærdess lif,
& he þeȝȝm shollde frofrenn,


& wissenn hemm, & ȝemenn hemm
Fra deofless & fra sinness
Her i þiss middellærdess lif,
Þatt full wel iss bitacnedd
Þurrh tale & rime off fowwerrtiȝ
Off fowwerr siþe tene.
Forr all þiss middell ærdess ald
Eorneþþ aȝȝ forþ wiþþ ȝeress,
& illc an ȝer himm sellf iss all
O fowwre daless dæledd,
O sumerr, & onn herrfessttid,
O winnterr, & o lenntenn.
& all þiss middellærd iss ec
O fowwre daless dæledd,
Onn Æst, o Wesst, o Suþ, o Norrþ,
Þiss wast tu wel to soþe.
& ȝiff þu takesst onn att an
& tellesst forþ till fowwre,
Þa riseþþ upp þin tale anan
Inntill þe tale off tene;
Forr ȝiff þu sammnesst twa till an,
Þu findesst þreo togeddre,
& ȝiff þu sammnesst þreo till þreo,
Þa findesst tu þær sexe,
& ȝiff þu dost fowwre þerrto
Þa findesst tu þær tene,
Forr sexe & fowwre fillenn all
Þe fulle tale off tene.


& tuss iss all þiss middellærd
Þurrh fowwerrtiȝ bitacnedd,
Þurrh þatt te tale off fowwerrtiȝ
Iss fowwerr siþe tene,
& þurrh þatt fowwre waxenn upp
Inntill þe tale off tene,
& þurrh þatt tatt tiss middellærd
Iss dæledd all o fowwre.
& Crist comm dun off heoffness ærd
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
To lesenn all þiss middellærd
Út off þe deofless walde,
& forr to ȝemenn i þiss lif
Þatt follc þatt shollde himm cwemenn,
& tatt he wollde uss don þatt god
Þatt wurrþe himm þannkedd æfre.
& ȝiff þatt aniȝ læredd mann
Shall sannenn her onnȝæness,
& seggenn wissliȝ þatt Maþþeow,
Þe Goddspellwrihhte, reccneþþ
& rimeþþ Jesu Cristess kinn
Inn ure mennisscnesse
Þurrh weress fulle fowwerrtiȝ
& tweȝȝenn ȝét tær tekenn,
Swa þatt tu shule tweȝȝenn menn
Wiþþ anfald name tellenn,
Swa þatt te faderr wurrþe firrst
Jechonyas ȝehatenn,
& allse hiss sune efft affterr himm
Beo Jechoniass nemmnedd,


Þa maȝȝ þurrh fowwerrtiȝ & twa
Þatt illke beon bitacnedd,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Her ȝemeþþ hise þeowwess,
Her, þær þeȝȝ swinnkenn i þiss lif
To winnenn eche resste.
Forr seofenn siþe sexe gan,
Ȝiff þatt tu willt hemm sammnenn
Upp inntill fowwerrtiȝ & twa,
Þiss wast tu wel to soþe.
Þe sexe fallenn till þiss lif
Þær Cristess leode swinnkeþþ,
Forr ȝure wuke gifeþþ ȝuw
Aȝȝ sexe werrkedaȝȝess,
Butt iff þatt aniȝ messedaȝȝ [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] upp till heoffness ærd,
To brukenn eche blisse.



Ductus est IHC in desertum a spiritu ut temptaretur a diabolo.

Forrþrihht se Jesuss fullhtnedd wass,
He wennde himm inntill wesste.
Þe Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt he wass ledd
Þurrh Gast inntill þe wesste,
Annd tatt forr þatt he shollde þær
Beon fandedd þurrh þe deofell.
& Crist bilæf i wessteland,
Forr þatt he wollde fasstenn,
& he toc þa to fasstenn þær
Þær he wass i þe wesste.
& all wiþþutenn mete & drinnch
Heold Crist hiss fasste þære
Fowwerrtiȝ daȝhess aȝȝ onnan
Bi daȝhess, & bi nahhtess.
& whanne hiss fasste forþedd wass
Þa lisste himm affterr fode;
& forrþrihht comm þe laþe gast,
Forr þatt he wollde himm fandenn,
& lét himm staness seon anan,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Ȝiff þatt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss,
Macc bræd off þise staness.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn & seȝȝde;


Boc seȝȝþ þatt nohht ne maȝȝ þe mann
Bi bræd all ane libbenn,
Acc bi þatt word tatt cumeþþ út
Off Godess muþess lare.
& tanne toc þe deofell himm
Inntill þatt hallȝhe chesstre
Þatt iss ȝehatenn Ȝerrsalæm,
& brohhte himm o þe temmple,
& sette himm heȝhe uppo þe rhof
Wiþþutenn att te waȝhe.
& tære he seȝȝde þuss till Crist,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Ȝiff þatt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss
Cumm skaþelæs till eorþe,
Do þe nu þurrh þe sellfenn dun
& þurrh þin Goddcunndnesse,
Ȝiff þatt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss
Þatt cumenn arrt to manne;
Forr writenn iss o boc, þatt he
Wel hafeþþ seȝȝd & cwiddedd
Forrlannge till hiss enngleþeod
Off þe, þatt arrt himm dere,
Off-þatt teȝȝ shulenn ȝemenn þe
Att alle þine nede,
& tatt teȝȝ shulenn tăkenn þe
Bitwenenn hemm wiþþ hande,
Swa þatt tu nohht ne shallt tin fot
Uppo þe staness hirrtenn.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn & seȝȝde;


Boc seȝȝþ; þe birrþ wel ȝemenn þe
Þatt tu þin Godd ne fande.
& ȝét te deofell wollde þær
Þe þridde siþe fandenn
Þe lefe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& brohhte himm onn an lawe
Þatt wass well swiþe stæp & heh,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& lét himm seon þe middellærd
& alle kinedomess,
& seȝȝde; all þiss icc ȝife þe,
Ȝiff þu to me willt cnelenn,
Ȝiff þu willt lefenn upponn me,
& buȝhenn to min lare.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn, & seȝȝde;
Ga, wiþerr gast, o bacch fra me,
Forr writenn stannt o boke;
Þe birrþ biforr þin Laferrd Godd
Cneolenn meoclike & lutenn,
& þeowwtenn wel wiþþ all þin mahht
Allwældennd Drihhtin ane.
& sone anan affterr þatt word
Himm wennde aweȝȝ þe deofell,
& enngless comenn sone anan
& tokenn Crist to þeowwtenn.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss,
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,


To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawless nede.
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Forrþrihht summ he wass fullhtnedd,
Wass ledd út inntill wessteland
Þurrh Gast, forr þatt he shollde
Beon fandedd þurrh þe laþe gast
Þær þær he wollde fasstenn,
All þatt wass don þurrh Jesu Crist,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn;
Acc ȝuw birrþ witenn witerrliȝ
& sikerrlike trowwenn,
Þatt he wass ledd þurrh Haliȝ Gast
& þurrh hiss aȝhenn wille
Út inntill wilde & wessteland,
To beon þurrh deofell fandedd:
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn swa
All mannkinn þurrh hiss bisne
Hu Cristess hird-Crisstene follc
Birrþ fihhtenn ȝæn þe deofell,
To winnenn síȝe & oferrhannd
Off himm þurrh Cristess hellpe.
Crist for út inntill wessteland
Forrþrihht summ he wass fullhtnedd,
To tacnenn swa þatt Cristess þeoww,
Forrþrihht summ he beoþ fullhtnedd,
Birrþ weorelldshipess seollþe flen,
& flæshess lusst forrwerrpenn,


All swa summ wessteland iss all
Forrworrpenn & forrlætenn.
Crist comm út inntill wessteland,
Forr þatt he wollde fasstenn,
To shæwenn swa þatt Cristess þeoww,
Affterr þatt he beoþ fullhtnedd,
Birrþ stanndenn inn to þeowwtenn Crist
Wiþþ fasstinng & wiþþ beness,
Wiþþ wecchess, & wiþþ mett & mæþ
I claþess & i fode.
& Crist comm inntill wessteland
To beon þurrh deofell fandedd,
To shæwenn swa þatt Cristess þeoww,
Affterr þatt he beoþ fullhtnedd,
Shall hafenn rihht inoh to don
To stanndenn ȝæn þe deofell,
Ȝiff he shall muȝhenn ȝemenn himm
Fra deofless dæne wiless;
Forr affterr þatt te mann iss shadd
All þweorrt út fra þe deofell
Þurrh fulluhht, & þurrh Cristenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
Þæraffterr iss þe laþe gast
Ȝerrnfull wiþþ all hiss mahhte,
To winnenn efft tatt illke mann
Þurrh hise laþe wiless,
Þurrh þatt he shall himm brinngenn onn
To don summ hæfedd sinne,


All hise þannkess, all unnnedd,
All att hiss flæshess wille.
& tærþurrh iss þatt crisstnedd follc
Iss swiþe full off swillke
Þatt follȝhenn efft te laþe gast,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ deope sinness
Unnderr þe name off Crisstenndom
All þeȝȝre þannkess follȝhenn;
Þatt cumeþþ all la fuliȝwiss
Off-þatt te deofell nære
Ne blinneþþ off to skrennkenn þa
Þatt haffdenn himm forrworrpenn,
& forr þatt we ne stanndenn nohht
Swa summ uss birrde stanndenn
Onnȝæness himm wiþþ haliȝ lif,
Ne wiþþ þe rihhte læfe.
Uss birrde all eorþliȝ þing forrseon
To winnenn itt þurrh sinne,
& aȝȝ uss birrde beon forrlisst
Affterr þe blisse off heoffne,
& æfre fihhtenn ȝæn þe flæsh
& ȝæn þe flæshess lusstess.
Þa mihhte we þe laþe gast
Wiþþstanndenn & wiþþseggenn,
& winnenn síȝe & oferrhannd
Off himm wiþþ Cristess hellpe.
Crist comm út inntill wessteland,
Forr þatt he wollde fasstenn
Fowwerrtiȝ daȝhess all onn an
Wiþþutenn iwhillc fode,


Forr þatt te tale off fowwerrtiȝ
Full wel bitacnenn shollde
Þatt all þiss middellærd, tatt iss
O fowwre daless dæledd,
Onn Æst, o Wesst, o Suþ, o Norrþ,
Birrþ lefenn uppo Criste,
& lufenn Crist, & drædenn Crist,
& follȝhenn Cristess lare
Þatt all þwerrt út bilokenn iss
I tene bodewordess,
Swa þatt te manness bodiȝ beo
Buhsumm forþ wiþþ þe sawle,
To cwemenn wel Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Onn alle kinne wise.
Forr manness bodiȝ feȝedd iss
Off fowwre kinne shaffte,
Off heoffness fir, & off þe lifft,
Off waterr, & off eorþe.
& sawle iss shapenn all off nohht,
& hafeþþ þrinne mahhtess;
Forr sawle onnfoþ att Drihhtin Godd
Innsihht & minndiȝnesse,
& wille iss hire þridde mahht
Þurrh whatt menn immess ȝeornenn,
Forr sume ȝeornenn eorþliȝ þing,
& sume itt all forrwerrpenn,
& ȝeornenn heofennlike þing
To winnenn & to brukenn.


& ure Godd, Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Iss an Godd & þreo hadess,
Faderr, & Sune, & Haliȝ Gast,
An Godd all unntodæledd.
Her uss bitacnenn fowwre & þreo
Þe bodiȝ & te sawle.
& Godd iss her tacnedd þurrh þreo,
Forr Godd iss i þreo hadess.
& ȝiff þu feȝesst þreo wiþþ þreo,
Þa findesst tu þær sexe,
& ȝiff þu fowwre dost tærto,
Þa findesst tu þær tene,
& fowwre & þreo wiþþ oþre þreo
Full opennliȝ bitacnenn
Þe bodiȝ, & te sawle, & Godd,
& tene bodewordess,
Forrþi þtt manness bodiȝ birrþ
Forrþi wiþþ þe manness sawle
Rihht lufenn Godd, rihht drædenn Godd,
Rihht follȝhenn Godess lare
Þatt all þweorrt út bilokenn iss
I tene bodewordess.
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Himm droh fra mete i wesste,
Þatt tíme þatt himm ȝét wass ned
To metess & to drinnchess,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till all mannkinn onn eorþe;
Whatt mann se wile cwemenn me,
To winnenn eche blisse,


Þatt illke mann birrþ draȝhenn himm
Fra gluterrnessess esstess,
& tăkenn forr þe lufe off me
Unnorne fode & litell.
& tatt he siþþenn ét & drannc
Wiþþ hise Leorningcnihhtess,
Affterr þatt he wass dæd forr uss
& risenn upp off dæþe,
Þatt tíme þatt himm nass nan ned
To metess, ne to drinnchess,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till hise deore þeowwess;
Icc shall beon aȝȝ occ aȝȝ wiþþ ȝuw
Whil þatt tiss weorelld lassteþþ,
To fedenn ȝuw, to frofrenn ȝuw,
To wissenn ȝuw, to gætenn
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess hellpe & hald
Onnȝæness laþe gastess.
& I shall tăkenn ȝuw till me
Att ȝure lifess ende,
& ȝifenn ȝuw inn heoffness ærd
Þe fode off eche blisse.
Þatt Jesu Crist forrhunngredd wass,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Affterr þatt all hiss fasste wass
Forþedd & brohht till ende,
Þatt hunngerr wass þatt hallȝhe lusst
Þatt wass i Crisstess herrte,


Þatt mannkinn shollde lesedd beon
Út off þe deoffless walde,
& turrnedd till þe Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To winnenn lott þurrh haliȝ lif
Off heofennrichess blisse.
& he wass ec forrhunngredd ta,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Þatt he wass mann o moderr hallf
Þatt haffde ned to fode.
& he wass ec forrhunngredd ta,
Forr þatt te deofell shollde
Wel wenenn þatt he wære mann,
Swa þatt he Godd ne wære.
& forrþi toc þe laþe gast
To fandenn Crist i wesste,
Forr þatt he warrþ orrtrowwe off Crist
Þurrh niþfull modiȝnesse,
Forr þatt he sahh himm usell wihht
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
Forr whatt he lét full hæþeliȝ
To lefenn & to trowwenn,
Þatt swillc an shollde muȝhenn beon
Shippennd off alle shaffte;
& forrþi wollde he fandenn himm,
To cunnenn ȝiff he mihhte
Onn aniȝ wise wurrþenn wis
To witenn whatt he wære.
& he comm þa biforenn Crist
Inn aness weress heowe,


& lét himm staness seon anan,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Ȝiff þatt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss,
Macc bræd off þise staness.
Þurrh þatt te laþe gast badd Crist
Þær makenn bræd off staness,
Ȝiff þatt he wære witerrliȝ
Crist Godess Sune, off heoffne,
Þærþurrh he wollde wurrþenn wis
Off Crist-whatt wihht he wære.
Forr ȝiff he wrohhte bræd off stan,
Þa munnde he seon þatt mahhte,
& munnde trowwenn wel þatt he
Crist Godess Sune wære.
& ȝiff he wollde makenn bræd,
& makenn itt ne mihhte,
Þa wære he þurrh þe lusst off bræd
I gluterrnesse fallenn,
& wære þa bikahht & lahht
Þurrh fanding off þe deofell
Þatt illke wise þatt Adam
Wass lahht þurrh gluterrnesse.
& ȝiff þe Laferrd haffde þær
Þatt wise makedd lafess
Þatt himm þurrh deofell beodenn wass,
Þa wære he þær bikæchedd.
Þe deofell badd himm makenn bræd,
Forr þatt he wass forrhunngredd,


Swa þatt he shollde þurrh þe bræd
Fallenn i gluterrnesse.
& ȝiff þe Laferrd haffde wrohht
Himm fode onnȝæn hiss hunngerr,
Þa wære he þurrh þe deofless croc
I gluterrnesse fallenn,
& nohht ne wære he þanne Godd,
Forr Godd ne gillteþþ næfre.
All swa summ Adam allre firrst
Biswikenn wass þurrh æte,
All swa bigann þe deofell firrst
To fandenn Crist þurrh æte.
& forrþi wass þe Laferrd tær
To fasstenn-forr to shæwenn
Þatt tu ne mahht nohht cwennkenn rihht
Nan oþerr hæfedd sinne,
Ȝiff þu ne mahht nohht habbenn mahht
To cwennkenn gluterrnesse.
& forrþi birrþ uss allre firrst
Offtredenn gluterrnesse,
Swa þatt we muȝhenn habbenn mahht
To cwennkenn oþre sinness;
Forr gluterrnesse waccneþþ all
Galnessess laþe strenncþe,
& all þe flæshess kaggerrleȝȝc
& alle fule lusstess
Biginnenn þære & springenn út
Off gluterrnessess rote,


& forrþi birrþ mann allre firrst
Offtredenn gluterrnesse,
Swa þatt mann muȝhe þess te bett
Offtredenn oþre sinness;
Forr son se gluterrnesse iss dæd,
Sone iss þe bodiȝ bridledd,
& siþþenn iss itt lasse swinnc
To cwennkenn oþre sinness.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn & seȝȝde,
Boc seȝȝþ þatt nohht ne maȝȝ þe mann
Bi bræd all ane libbenn,
Acc bi þatt word tatt cumeþþ út
Off Godess muþess lare,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ all full openn spæche;
Þin egginng iss off flæshess lusst,
& nohht off sawless fode,
Þurrh whatt icc unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Þatt tu me willt biswikenn.
Nu, laferrdinngess, nimeþþ gom
Off þiss þatt here iss trahhtnedd.
Þe deofell spacc off eorþliȝ bræd
Off eorþliȝ lifess fode,
Forr deofell eggeþþ aȝȝ þe mann
To follȝhenn gluterrnesse.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Spacc off þe sawless fode;
& ȝuw birrþ witenn witerrliȝ
Þatt ȝure sawles fode


Iss i þe lare off haliȝ boc
Þatt ȝuw iss sett to follȝhenn,
& ȝure sawless fode iss ec,
Ȝiff þatt ȝe Drihhtin cwemenn,
I Cristess flæsh & inn hiss blod
Þatt ȝure preostess hallȝhenn;
Þeȝȝ hallȝhenn Cristess flæsh off bræd,
& Cristess blod teȝȝ hallȝhenn
Off win, þurrh Cristess aȝhenn word
Þatt hafeþþ mahhte & strenncþe
To turrnenn baþe bræd & win
All út off þeȝȝre kinde,
& inntill Cristess flæsh & blod,
Inntill þe sawless fode,
Off alle þa þatt lufenn Crist
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
& whase itt iss þatt nohht niss off
To takenn wiþþ þiss fode
Swa summ himm takenn birrþ þærwiþþ,
Wiþþ clene lif & læfe,
Þatt mann iss þwerrt út shadd fra Crist,
& dæd inn all hiss sawle.
& whase itt iss þatt nohht niss off
To tăkenn wiþþ þatt lare
Þatt cumeþþ út off Godess muþ,
Þatt Godess þeowwess spellenn
Þatt sinndenn nemmnedd Godess muþ,
Forr þatt teȝȝ Godess lare


O Godess hallfe, i Godess hus
Till Godess leode spellenn,
Nu-whase itt iss þatt nohht niss off
To tăkenn wiþþ þatt lare,
Þatt mann iss all swa shadd fra Godd,
& dæd inn all hiss sawle.
Forr ȝuw birrþ herrcnenn Godess word
& haldenn itt & follȝhenn,
& ȝarrkenn ȝuw & clennsenn ȝuw
Well ȝeorne onn alle wise,
Swa þatt ȝe Cristess flæsh & blod
Swa motenn unnderrfanngenn,
Þatt itt ȝuw muȝhe berrȝhenn her
Þe lif & ec þe sawle.
& forrþi þatt te Laferrd Crist
Swillc sware ȝaff þe deofell,
Þatt he ne wisste nohht te bett
Ne nohht te mare off Criste,
Þe deofell brohhte himm, alls uss seȝȝþ
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Inntill þe burrh off Ȝerrsalæm,
& brohhte himm o þe temmple,
& sette himm heȝhe uppo þe rof
Wiþþutenn bi þe waȝhe,
Forr þatt he wollde himm fandenn þær,
To wĭtenn whatt he wære.
Acc ȝuw birrþ wĭtenn, alls uss seȝȝþ
Lucas þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass brohht uppo þe lawe


Þær i þe wesste þær he wass
Himm ane & haffde fasstedd,
Ær þann he þurrh þe laþe gast
Wass brohht uppo þe temmple.
Forr affterr þatt te laþe gast
Himm haffde twiȝȝess fandedd
Þære i þe wesste þær he wass
Himm ane & haffde fasstedd,
Þæraffterr comm þe Laferrd Crist
Till Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
& tær wass efft te laþe gast
Rædiȝ forr himm to fandenn,
& brohhte himm o þe temmple þær,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
To cunnenn ȝiff he mihhte þær
Ohht wĭtenn whatt he wære.
Acc affterr þatt, uss Goddspell wrát
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þe Laferrd Crist wass allre lattst
Uppo þe lawe fandedd;
& tatt forrþi forr þatt Maþþew
Onn hiss Goddspelless lare
Uss writeþþ, þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass fandedd þurrh þe deofell
Þatt illke wise þatt Adam
I Paradys wass fandedd,
& brohht to grund & unnderrfót
& i þe deofless walde.


Forr allre firrst wass Adam þær
Þurrh gluterrnesse wundedd,
& affterr þatt þurrh idell ȝellp
Þatt iss þurrh modiȝnesse,
& allre lattst he wundedd wass
Þurrh grediȝnessess wæpenn.
& all þatt illke wise wass
Crist Godess Sune fandedd,
Affterr þatt tatt itt writeþþ uss
Maþþew þe Goddspellwrihhte.
Forr allre firrst he fandedd wass
Þurrh fodess gluterrnesse,
Þurrh þatt te laþe gast himm badd
Off staness makenn lafess.
& siþþenn affterr þatt he wass
Þurrh modiȝnesse fandedd,
Þurrh þatt te laþe gast himm badd
Dun læpenn off þe temmple.
Forr ȝiff þatt Crist itt haffde don
Hiss mahhte forr to shæwenn,
Hét haffde don þurrh idell ȝellp
& all þurrh modiȝnesse.
& allre lattst wass Jesu Crist
Þurrh grediȝnesse fandedd,
Þurrh þatt te laþe gast himm bæd
All weorelldrichess ahhte,
Forr þatt he shollde lutenn himm
& buȝhenn till hiss wille.
Acc ure Laferrd Crist ne wass
Þurrh nan fandinge wundedd,


Forrþi þatt he forrsoc to don
Þe laþe gastess wille.
Ne þinnke ȝuw nan wunnderr off
Þatt deofell haffde mahhte
To brinngenn ure Laferrd Crist
Uppo þatt heȝhe temmple;
Ȝiff Crist itt nollde þolenn himm
Ne dide he nohht tatt dede.
& here icc unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Ȝiff icc itt ummbeþennke,
Þatt I me sellf all ah itt wald
Þatt deofell maȝȝ me scrennkenn,
Þurrh þatt I do min lusst tærto,
To don summ hefiȝ sinne
Þatt he me maȝȝ wel eggenn to,
& nohht ne maȝȝ me nedenn.
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Swa þolede þe deofell
To brinngenn himm heȝhe upp o lofft,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn
Þatt uss birrþ takenn wel þærwiþþ,
Ȝiff aniȝ mann uss læreþþ,
To stiȝhenn upp till haliȝ lif
& upp till heȝhe mahhtess;
Forr uss birrþ sone þannkenn himm
Hiss wissinng & hiss lare,
& uss birrþ sone þess te bett
& tess te mare uss godenn,


& icchenn uppwarrd aȝȝ summ del
Inn alle gode dedess,
Forr swa to cwemenn bett & bett
Drihhtin & mare & mare.
& tatt te Laferrd nollde nohht
Þe deofless wille forþenn
Off þatt he badd himm læpenn dun,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn
Þatt uss ne birrþ nohht takenn wiþþ,
Ȝiff aniȝ mann uss eggeþþ,
To don ohht orr to spekenn ohht
Off ifell & off sinne,
To werrsenn & to niþþrenn uss
Biforenn Godess ehne.
& witt tu þatt te laþe gast
Aȝȝ eggeþþ hise þeowwess,
To draȝhenn hemm aȝȝ upp o lofft
Þurrh niþ & modiȝnesse,
To ȝeornenn affterr laferrddom
& affterr modiȝ wikenn,
To beon abufenn oþre menn
I stalless & i sætess,
Forr þatt he wile werrpenn hemm
Dun inntill depe sinness,
To fallenn inntill hellepitt
& inntill hellepine.
Forr he doþ hise þeowwess aȝȝ
To climbenn upp full heȝhe,
Forr þatt he wile scrennkenn hemm,
Full hefiȝ fall to fallenn.


& Crist doþ hise þeowwess aȝȝ
To meokenn hemm & laȝhenn,
Forr þatt he wile hemm hefenn upp
Inn heofennrichess blisse,
Swa þatt teȝȝ shulenn wurrþenn þær
Wiþþ enngless efennrike.
Þiss Goddspell seȝȝþ þatt Crist wass ledd
Inntill þatt hallȝhe chesstre
Þatt wass ȝehatenn Ȝerrsalæm,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt itt wass Godess hallȝhe burrh,
Forr þær wass Godess temmple,
& tær wass Godd hehlike & wel
Wurrþedd onn eorþe & þeowwtedd,
& forrþi wass itt nemmnedd ta
Drihhtiness hallȝhe chesstre.
& tatt te deofell brohhte Crist
Uppo þatt hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn wel
Þatt deofell hafeþþ mahhte
To cumenn inntill Godess hus
& inntill hallȝhedd kirrke,
& forrþi birrþ þe wæpnedd beon
Ȝæn himm eȝȝwhær onn eorþe,
To shildenn þe wiþþ all hiss laþ
Þurrh soþfasst hope & trowwþe.
& þurrh þatt tatt te laþe gast
Till ure Laferrd seȝȝde,


Do þe nu þurrh þe sellfenn dun,
Þærþurrh icc unnderrstannde,
Þatt aȝȝ þe deofell eggeþþ menn
Dunnwarrd & towarrd eorþe,
& towarrd eorþliȝ þingess lusst,
& towarrd alle sinness.
& þurrh þatt tatt he seȝȝde þuss
Till Crist uppo þe temmple,
Do þe nu þurrh þe sellfenn dun
& þurrh þin Goddcunndnesse,
Ȝiff þatt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss
Þatt cumenn arrt to manne,
Þærþurrh mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Þatt himm wass waȝȝ & ange
Off þatt he nohht ne wisste off Crist,
Noff hiss goddcunnde kinde.
& þurrh þatt tatt he drohh þær forþ
Þe bokess lare & seȝȝde,
Forr writenn iss o boc, þatt he
Wel hafeþþ seȝȝd & cwiddedd
Forrlannge till hiss enngleþeod
Off þe þatt arrt himm deore,
Off þatt teȝȝ shulenn ȝemenn þe
Att alle þine nede,
& tatt teȝȝ shulenn takenn þe
Bitwenenn hemm wiþþ hande,
Swa þatt tu nohht ne shallt tin fót
Uppo þe staness hirrtenn,
Þærþurrh mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ
Þatt all hiss þohht iss æfre


Annd all hiss lusst to brinngenn menn
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe,
To don hemm tunnderrstanndenn wrang
Þe bokess hallȝhe lare.
Forr þær he toc biforenn Crist
All wrang þe bokess lare,
Forr þatt wass seȝȝd off Cristess þeoww
Þurrh Daviþ þe proféte,
Þatt he droh forþ all alls itt off
Crist sellfenn writenn wære.
Forr Drihhtin hafeþþ seȝȝd & sett
Onn enngleþeod tatt wikenn,
To ȝemenn & to frofrenn her
Þe Laferrd Cristess þeowwess,
Swa þatt teȝȝ shulenn risenn wel,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt teȝȝ fallenn
Onn aniȝ wise inn aniȝ woh
Þurrh flæshess unntrummnesse.
& nollde nohht te laþe gast
Þær draȝhenn forþ, ne mælenn
Off þatt tæraffterr sone iss seȝȝd
& writenn off himm sellfenn;
Forr þær iss sett an oþerr ferrs
Þatt spekeþþ off þe deofell,
Þatt Godess þeowwess gan onn himm
& tredenn himm wiþþ fote,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ stanndenn stallwurrþliȝ
Ȝæn all þe deofless wille


I þeȝȝre þohht, i þeȝȝre word,
I þeȝȝre bodiȝ dede,
Wiþþ Cristess hellpe, & wiþþ þatt lif
Þatt Crist iss lef & cweme;
Acc nollde nohht te laþe gast
Þatt draȝhenn forþ ne shæwenn,
Forr þatt wass, alls he wisste itt wel,
Hiss aȝhenn shame & shande.
Þe deofell brohhte Jesu Crist
Wiþþutenn o þe temmple
Upponn an sæte uppo þe rof,
All alls he shollde spellenn,
Forr þær wass greȝȝþedd sæte o lofft
Till þa þatt sholldenn spellenn.
& forrþi þatt te laþe gast
Þær haffde don well offte
Þatt flocc off Issraæle þeod,
Þatt læredd wass o boke,
To fallenn unnderr idell ȝellp
& unnderr modiȝnesse,
Off þatt teȝȝ cuþenn tellenn spell
Off deop & dærne lare,
Þærfore he brohhte Jesu Crist
Uppo þatt illke sæte,
Forr þatt he wollde don himm þær
Inn idell ȝellp to fallenn,
Þurrh þatt he shollde cumenn dun
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Swa þatt he nohht ne shollde hiss fót
Uppo þe staness hirrtenn.


Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Ȝaff sware onnȝæn, & seȝȝde,
Boc seȝȝþ, þe birrþ wel ȝemenn þe
Þatt tu þin Godd ne fande,
Þatt maȝȝ uss alle samenn beon
God lare off ure nede,
Forr þe ne birrþ nohht fandenn Godd,
Ȝiff he þe wile ohht gengenn
Off nan þing þatt tu mahht te sellf
Onn aniȝ wise raþenn,
Acc þatt tu þurrh þe sellfenn nohht,
Ne þurrh nan manness hellpe,
Ne mahht nohht habbenn eorþliȝ witt
To brinngenn itt till ende,
Þatt birrþ þe leggenn upponn Godd,
Acc nohht forr himm to fandenn,
Acc forr to sekenn are att himm
& hellpe att swillke nede,
To forþenn þatt þurrh Godd tatt tu
Þurrh mann ne mahht nohht forþenn.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn þiss
Anndswere o twinne wise,
Alls iff þe Laferrd seȝȝde þær
All till þe deofell ane,
Þatt himm ne birrde nohht hiss Godd,
Ne nohht hiss Laferrd fandenn,
Alls iff he seȝȝde þuss till himm,
Ne birrþ þe me nohht fandenn,


Forr icc amm Godess Sune Crist
Þin Shippennd & tin Laferrd,
Forr I þe shop off nohht, & tu
Arrt all i mine walde,
& nohht ne birrþ þe fandenn me
Þurrh þine laþe wiless.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn itt
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Alls iff þe Laferrd ȝæfe þuss
Anndswere onnȝæn þe deofell;
Ne wile I nohht, tu laþe gast,
Don affterr þatt tu læresst,
Ne wile I nohht fandenn min Godd
Þatt amm hiss mann, hiss shaffte,
Forr all mannkinn forrbodenn iss
To fandenn Godess mahhte.
& wel þe Laferrd mihhte þuss
Anndswerenn off himm sellfenn,
Forr þurrh þatt he wass wurrþenn mann
Off ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Þærþurrh wass alle shaffte Godd
Hiss Godd, & ec hiss Laferrd,
& nollde he nohht fandenn hiss Godd,
Forr ȝiff he wollde læpenn
Dun off þe temmple he munnde þær
Tobrisenn all himm sellfenn,
Butt iff þatt Godd himm hullpe þær,
& helde himm þær to life,
& nollde he nohht swa fandenn Godd
To don þe deofless wille;


& efft, ȝiff þatt he lupe dun
All skaþelæs till eorþe
Þurrh þatt he wass Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þatt wære modiȝnesse
& idell ȝellp to shæwenn swa
Hiss Goddcunndnessess mahhte
Onn idell, & wiþþutenn ned,
Alls iff he wollde leȝȝkenn,
& tanne wære he witerrliȝ
Biswikenn þurrh þe deofell,
& nohht ne wære he þanne Godd
Acc sinnfull mann & wrecche;
Acc þatt nass nohht, forr he wass Godd,
& all wiþþutenn sinne.
& siþþenn toc þe deofell himm,
& brohhte himm onn a lawe
Þatt wass well swiþe stæp & heh,
Forr himm ȝét tær to fandenn.
Þatt hill þatt wass swa wunnderr heh
Bitacneþþ modiȝnesse,
Þatt warrp þe deofell all wiþþ rihht
Út off þe blisse off heoffne
Inntill þe grund off hellepitt,
To dreȝhenn hellepine.
& tatt wass oferrheh & all
Unnfæle modiȝnesse,
Þatt Godess shaffte wollde beon
Effninng wiþþ Godd inn heoffne.


& ȝiff þe deofell mihhte itt don,
He wollde ȝeorne brinngenn
All all swillc modiȝnesse o Crist,
Acc naffde he nohht tatt mahhte.
& tatt te deofell brohhte Crist
Uppo þatt heȝhe lawe,
To shæwenn himm þiss middell ærd
& alle kinedomess,
To cunnenn ȝiff he mihhte himm swa
Þurrh grediȝnesse skrennkenn,
Þatt tacneþþ wel þatt alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn grediȝnesse
Hemm draȝhenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ uppwarrd,
Þurrh þeȝȝre modiȝnesse
Off þatt hemm weorelldahhtess spedd
Aȝȝ waxeþþ mare & mare.
Þeȝȝ lætenn þatt hemm birrþ beon wel
Abufenn oþre leode,
Forr þatt teȝȝ hafenn mikell fe
& sinndenn riche off ahhte.
Ne þinnke ȝuw nan wunnderr off
Þatt deofell haffde mahhte
To brinngenn ure Laferrd Crist
Uppo þatt heȝhe lawe.
Ȝiff Crist itt nollde þolenn himm,
Naffde he þærto nan mahhte,
Acc Crist itt wollde þolenn himm,
& forrþi wass itt forþedd.
& wel he mihhte þolenn himm
To brinngenn himm o lawe,


He þatt comm dun off heoffness ærd
To wurrþenn mann onn eorþe,
Forr þatt he wollde þolenn himm
To naȝȝlenn himm o rode,
Þurrh þatt Judisskenn laþe flocc
Þatt læredd wass o boke.
Þatt tatt te deofell brohhte Crist
Uppo þatt heȝhe lawe,
To seon off all þiss middellærd
Þe kinedomess alle,
Þatt birrþ uss lokenn hu mann birrþ
Onnfon & unnderrstanndenn.
Icc wát wel þatt te laþe gast
Ne mihhte nan þing shæwenn,
Þatt Crist ne sahh himm sellf inoh
Wiþþ Goddcunndnessess eȝhe;
& tohh swa þehh ne mihhte he nohht
Þurrh flæshlic eȝhess sihhþe
Seon þære off all þe middellærd
Þe kinedomess alle;
& all forrþi ne mihhte nohht
Þe laþe gast himm shæwenn
Off all þiss wide middellærd
Þe kinedomess alle;
Acc þatt tatt Crist tær mihhte seon
Wiþþ eorþliȝ flæshess eȝhe,
Þatt mihhte wel þe laþe gast
Himm awwnenn þære & shæwenn.


He mihhte þære shæwenn Crist
Þa fowwre daless alle
Þatt Æst, & Wesst, & Suþ, & Norrþ
Þiss middellærd bilukenn,
& swa þurrh þatt he mihhte Crist
Þær o þatt lawe shæwenn
Off all þiss wide middellærd
Þe kinedomess alle;
Forr niss nan eorþliȝ kinedom
Here upponn eorþeriche,
Þatt owwhar elless muȝhe beon
Butt i þa fowwre daless.
Þe deofell létt te Laferrd seon
Þiss middellærdess riche,
Forr þatt he wollde cunnenn swa
To brinngenn inn hiss herrte
Erþlike þingess lufe & lusst,
Swa þatt he shollde ȝeornenn
To wurrþenn riche off eorþliȝ þing,
& tatt he shollde þennkenn
Hu god itt wære to þe lif
To wurrþenn riche onn eorþe,
To follȝhenn all þe flærhess lusst
Onn alle kinne wise,
To beon abufenn alle menn
Upphofenn heȝhe & wurrþedd,
To beon all follke king in all
Þiss middellærdess riche.
Þiss wollde he brinngenn Crist i þohht
To willnenn & to geornenn,


Acc þatt wass all forr nohht tatt he
Swa wollde Crist biswikenn,
Forr Cristess þohht wass sperrd swa wel
Wiþþinnenn & wiþþutenn,
Þatt naness kinness sinnfull lusst
Ne mihhte itt næfre unnsperrenn,
Forr sinne naffde næfre mahht
To cumenn þær wiþþinnenn,
Forr Crist wass wiss Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& Godd ne gillteþþ næfre.
Lucas þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Onn hiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt deofell lét te Laferrd seon
Whattlike inn an hanndwhile
Off all þiss wide middellærd
Þe kinedomess alle.
Þatt seȝȝþ he forr to tacnenn uss
Þurrh Cristess swiffte sihhþe
Eorþlike shorrte lif & ec
Eorþlike shorrte sellþe.
& tatt te deofell seȝȝde þær
Till Crist uppo þe lawe,
Þatt he þær mihhte ȝifenn himm
All midellærdess riche,
Þatt wass chuffinng, & falls, & flærd,
& tære læh þe deofell.
Forr all þe Laferrd Godess hird,
Þatt heold wiþþ Godd onn eorþe


Þurrh trigg & trowwe læse o Godd
& þurrh unnshaþiȝnesse,
Fra þatt mannkinn wass shapenn firrst
To follȝhenn Godess wille,
Þatt hallȝhe flocc wass aȝȝ shadd út
All fra þe deofless genge;
& itt wass i þiss middellærd,
& forrþi læh þe deofell,
Forr nass hiss mahhte nohht o þa
To ȝifenn, ne to sellenn.
& all þatt ahhte off eorþliȝ þing
Þatt Godess þeowwess haffdenn
& hafenn i þiss middell ærd
Iss all skir fra þe deofell,
Butt iff þatt itt bilimmpe swa
Þatt Godd himm ȝife lefe
To forþenn all hiss fule lusst
Off Godess follkess ahhte,
Swa summ he ȝaff himm lefe & mahht
To takenn Jopess ahhte,
All iss itt elless skir & freo
Út off þe deofless walde,
Þatt eorþliȝ þing þatt Drihhtin sellf
Her leneþþ hise þeowwess;
& tatt iss i þiss middellærd,
& forrþi læh þe deofell
Þatt seȝȝde till þe Laferrd Crist,
Þær he wass o þe lawe,
Þatt he þær mihhte ȝifenn himm
All middellærdess riche.


Þær læh þe deofell witerrliȝ,
Forr naffþ he rihht nan mahhte
Nowwþerr, noff Cristess hallȝhe þeod,
Noff Cristess þeodess ahhte,
Bútt iff þatt Crist himm ȝife mahht
To swennchenn Cristess þeowwess;
& ȝiff Crist ȝifeþþ himm þatt mahht [OMITTED]
Oþþr itt iss, þatt witt tu full wel,
Þiss lifess modiȝnesse.
Þe flæshess fule lufe & lusst
Her tacneþþ gluterrnesse,
Forr all þe flæshess fule lusst
Waccneþþ þurrh gluterrnesse.
& ehne laþe lufe & lusst
Her tacneþþ grediȝnesse,
Forr all þatt æfre iss i þin fe,
Þatt liþ inn hord all stille,
Swa þatt tu nohht ne notesst itt
Att naness kinness nede,
All þatt tu sammness i þin hord
Þurrh sinnfull grediȝnesse,
& doþ itt te nan oþerr god
Bútan þatt tatt tu gowesst
Þæronne þa þu gast tærto,
Forr þatt te lisste itt shæwenn.
& witt tu þatt tút hafesst all
Sett i þe deofless walde,


Ȝiff þatt tu nillt nohht wannsenn itt
Forr naness manness nede,
& addlesst þurrh þin hord att Godd
To dreȝhenn hellepine,
Þurrh þatt tút hafesst sammnedd swa
& hidd fra manne nede.
Acc ȝiff þu wære rædiȝ till
To nittenn itt att nede
Onn alle þa þatt haffdenn ned
& þarrfe to þin hellpe,
Þa mihhtesst tu swa þurrh þin hord
Þe winnenn heoffness blisse.
& lifess modiȝnesse iss all
Off eorþliȝ þingess seollþe,
Off laferrddom, off ahhtess sped,
Off hæle, off faȝȝerrnesse,
Off strenncþe, off eorþliȝ witt & skill,
Off eorþliȝ crafftess seollþe.
& forrþi seȝȝde swiþe soþ
Lucas þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt deofell wennde aweȝȝ fra Crist
Son summ he filledd haffde
All þatt fandinnge towarrd Crist
Þatt æfre cuþe he findenn,
Forr all þe deofless fandinng iss
O þise þrinne wise,
Þurrh gluterrnessess laþe lasst,
& ec þurrh grediȝnesse,
& þurrh þatt laþe modiȝleȝȝc
Þatt comm all off himm sellfenn.


& aȝȝ he fandeþþ Cristess hird
O þise þrinne wise,
Forr ȝiff þatt he þe nohht ne maȝȝ
Þurrh gluterrnesse swennchenn,
Þurrh þatt tu lufesst mett & mæþ
I claþess & i fode,
& i þin herrtess lufe & lusst
To winnenn eorþlic ahhte,
He cunneþþ þa to fandenn þe
O grediȝnessess hallfe,
He cunneþþ þa to lærenn þe
To nittenn swiþe litell,
& grediȝliȝ to sammnenn all
& hordenn þatt tu winnesst,
& lætenn þatt tu cwemesst Godd
Útnumennliȝ wiþþ alle,
Þurrh þatt tatt tu forrwerrpesst all
To follȝhenn gluterrnesse.
& ȝiff he brinngeþþ i þin lusst
Hiss wille swa to follȝhenn,
Þanne arrt tu swa bikahht þurrh himm
Þohh þatt tu swa ne wene;
Forr allse unncweme iss Godd tatt tu
Þurrh grediȝnesse gillte,
Alls himm iss, ȝiff þu gilltesst her
Ȝæn himm þurrh gluterrnesse.
& ȝiff þatt tu þe ȝemesst wel
Þurrh þin Drihhtiness hellpe


Fra gluterrnessess laþe lasst
& ec fra grediȝnesse,
Þa cunneþþ he to swennchenn þe
Þurrh sinnfull modiȝnesse,
He fandeþþ þa to lacchenn þe
Þurrh trapp off modiȝnesse,
Off þatt tatt tu þe ȝemesst wel
Þurrh þin Drihhtiness hellpe
Fra gluterrnessess laþe lasst
& ec fra grediȝnesse.
Þuss fandeþþ deofell Godess follc
O þise þrinne wise,
Þuss cunneþþ he to wundenn uss
Þurrh þise þrinne wæpenn,
& tuss he wile winnenn uss
Till himm wiþþ swillke wæpenn,
All alls he wann Eve & Adam
I Paradisess riche;
& all swa wollde winnenn Crist
Þurrh þise þrinne wæpenn,
All alls he wann Eve & Adam,
Ȝiff þatt he mihhte spedenn.
& her icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Whatt gate he wann hemm baþe,
Whatt gate he wann Eve & Adam
Þurrh þise þrinne wæpenn,
& ec hu Crist himm oferrcomm
Wiþþ all þatt illke wæpenn.
Þurrh gluterrnesse wass Adam
I Paradys þurrhwundedd,


Þær he þatt appell toc & ét
Þatt Godd forrbodenn haffde.
Þurrh gluterrnesse himm oferrcomm
Þe laþe gast inn æte,
Þurrh þatt he dide himm etenn þær
Þat Godd forrbodenn haffde.
Þurrh grediȝnesse wass Adam
I Paradys þurrhwundedd,
I þatt tatt he wass þær forrlisst
To winnenn awihht mare
Innsihht, & witt, & shæd, & skill
Þann himm hiss Drihhtin uþe.
I witt & skill himm oferrcomm
Deofell þurrh grediȝnesse,
Þurrh þatt he þære brohhte himm onn
To ȝeornenn affterr mare
Innsihht, & witt, & shæd, & skill
Þann himm hiss Drihhtin uþe,
Forr þuss he seȝȝde till Adam;
Ett off þiss treowwess wasstme,
& tu shallt habbenn witt & skill
Inn alle kinne þinge
Wel mare & bettre þann itt iss
Þe sett þurrh Godess wille.
& þurrh þatt Adam toc & ét
Swa summ þe deofell ȝerrnde,
Forr þatt he wollde winnenn witt
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille,


Þærþurrh himm oferrcomm þe fend
Wiþþ grediȝnessess wæpenn.
Þurrh modiȝnesse wass Adam
I Paradys þurrhwundedd,
I þatt he toc wel wiþþ þatt word
Þatt himm þe deofell seȝȝde,
Þær þær þe deofell seȝȝde þuss
Till himm & till hiss macche;
Ȝiff þatt ȝitt etenn off þatt tre
Þatt Drihhtin ȝunnc forrbedeþþ,
Ȝitt shulenn ben forrþrihht anan
Wiþþ enngless efennméte.
& forrþi þatt teȝȝ ȝeorrndenn þa
Þurrh sinnfull modiȝnesse
To winnenn þurrh þe laþe gast
Wurrþminnt ȝæn Godess wille,
Þeȝȝ didenn þatt te defell badd,
& fellenn inn hiss walde.
Forr þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ wolldenn ba
Ȝæn Godd wurrshipe winnenn,
Þærþurrh hemm oferrcomm þe fend
Wiþþ modiȝnessess wæpenn.
Þuss oferrcomm þe laþe gast
Adam & Eve baþe,
Þurrh gluterrnessess laþe lasst,
& ec þurrh grediȝnesse,
& þurrh þatt laþe modiȝleȝȝc
Þatt all comm off himm sellfenn.
Forr þurrh þatt þatt teȝȝ tokenn wel
Wiþþ hiss unnfæle lare,


& didenn gladdliȝ þatt he badd
Onnȝæn Drihhtiness wille,
Þærþurrh hemm oferrcomm þe fend
& brohhte hemm unnderr sinne,
Swa þatt teȝȝ wiþþ all þeȝȝre offspring
Wiþþ himm till helle sholldenn.
Nu wennde wel þe laþe gast
Þatt Jesu Crist ne wære
Nohht elles bútt all swillc an mann
Alls Adam haffde strenedd,
& tatt he wære streonedd her
Þurrh faderr unnderr sinne
Þatt wise þatt all mannkinn iss
Inn hise walde streonedd.
Acc itt nass nohht, tatt witt tu wel,
Swa summ þe deofell wennde,
Nass nohht te Laferrd Jesu Crist
I deofless walde streonedd.
Forr Godess Sune, Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Crist toc i Sannte Marȝe,
Swa summ hiss lefe wille wass,
Þatt wise manness kinde
Þatt he þær toc Adamess flæsh
& nohht Adamess sinne.
& forrþi nass nohht Jesu Crist
Unnderr þe deofless walde,
Forr þatt he nass nohht borenn her
Unnderr Adamess sinne.


& all þiss wass þe laþe gast
Off Crist unncuþ ȝét tanne.
Forr nisste he nohht tatt Crist wass mann
All clene off alle sinness,
& tohh sahh he þe Laferrd Crist
Don miccle mare dede
Þann aniȝ mann maȝȝ forþenn her
Þurrh eorþliȝ kindess mahhte.
He sahh Crist út i wessteland
Fowwerrtiȝ daȝhess fasstenn,
Swa þatt he þwerrt út nohht ne bát
Off mete inn all þatt fasste,
& tatt ne maȝȝ nan eorþliȝ mann
Þurrh eorþliȝ kinde forþenn.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
All haffde hiss sasste forþedd,
Þa wisste wel þe laþe gast
Þatt Crist wass þa forrhunngredd;
Acc nisste he nohht tatt Crist wass þa
Forrhunngredd affterr sawless,
Acc wennde þatt he wære þa
Forrhunngredd affterr fode.
& he warrþ all forrwunndredd ta
Off Cristess dærne kinde.
He sahh himm fasstenn mare inoh
Þann aniȝ mann maȝȝ fasstenn,
& þohhte þatt he wære Godd
Þatt doþ all þatt himm þinnkeþþ.
& son se hiss fasste forþedd wass
He sahh himm ben forrhunngredd,


& þohhte þatt he nære Godd,
Acc mann i sinne strenedd.
& forrþi wass þe laþe gast
Orraþ off Cristess kinde,
Forr þatt he sahh himm fasstenn þær
Swa summ he mann ne wære,
& sahh himm ben forrhunngredd tær
Swa summ he Godd ne wære;
& nisste nohht te laþe gast
Þatt Jesu Crist wass baþe,
Soþ Godd i mennisscnesse, & ec
Soþ mann i Goddcunndnesse,
& himm wass swiþe wa forrþi,
& þohhte þatt he wollde
Þa fandenn Crist wiþþ deofless crafft,
To witenn whatt he wære.
& Crist ta lét himm fandenn himm,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
Þurrh whatt he toc to wenenn þa
Þatt Crist wass Godd onn eorþe,
Þurrh þatt he sahh þatt Crist wiþþstod
Ȝæn all hiss laþe wille,
Swa þatt he nohht off all hiss ræd
Ne mihhte himm don to follȝhenn.
& tærþurrh ure Laferrd Crist
All oferrcomm þe deofell,
Þurrh þatt he þweorrt út all forrsoc
To don ohht off hiss wille.


& all allswa maȝȝ Cristess þeoww
Wel oferrcumenn deofell,
Ȝiff þatt he þwerrt út all forrseoþ
To don ohht off hiss wille.
Þe deofell comm to fandenn Crist,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
To cunnenn to biswikenn himm
All o þatt illke wise
Þatt he biswac þa firrste twa
Þatt Drihhtin shop off eorþe.
Acc Jesu Crist himm oferrcomm
All o þatt illke wise,
Þurrh þatt he stod onnȝæness himm,
& all forrwarrp hiss lare.
Þe deofell comm to wundenn Crist
Þurrh gluterrnessess wæpenn,
I þatt he wollde himm brinngenn onn
To makenn bræd off staness;
& þurrh þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wiþþstod onnȝæn hiss wille,
Swa þatt he nollde makenn bræd,
Swa summ he badd-off staness,
Þærþurrh þe Laferrd oferrcomm
& oferrtradd te deofell,
Rihht swa summ he þe forrme mann
Ær oferrcumenn haffde.
Þe deofell comm to wundenn Crist
Þurrh grediȝnessess wæpenn,
I þatt he wollde himm brinngenn onn
To ȝeornenn affterr ahhte;


& þurrh þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wiþþstod onnȝæn hiss wille,
Swa þatt he nollde don hiss ræd,
Ne ȝeornenn affterr ahhte,
Þærþurrh þe Laferrd oferrcomm
& oferrtradd te deofell,
Rihht swa summ he þe forrme mann
Ær oferrcumenn haffde.
Þe deofell comm to wundenn Crist
Þurrh modiȝnessess wæpenn,
I þatt he badd himm shæwenn himm
Hiss Goddcunndnessess mahhte,
Þurrh þatt he shollde læpenn dun
Wiþþutenn off þe temmple
Onn idell & wiþþutenn ned,
& alls he wollde leȝȝkenn.
& þurrh þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Wiþþstod onnȝæn hiss wille,
Swa þatt he nollde don hiss ræd,
Ne læpenn dun onn idell,
Þærþurrh þe Laferrd oferrcomm
& oferrtradd te deofell,
Rihht swa summ he þe firrste mann
Ær oferrcumenn haffde.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
All oferrcumenn haffde
Þe laþe gast wiþþ skill, & nohht
Wiþþ nan unnride strenncþe,
Þe deofell wennde aweȝȝ anan
Forrshamedd off himm sellfenn,


Off þatt he wass all strenncþelæs
Onnȝæn þatt newe kemmpe,
& þohhte þatt itt wass soþ Godd
Þatt cumenn wass to manne,
Þatt mihhte stanndenn æþeliȝ
Ȝæn himm & ȝæn hiss lare.
Þatt Godess enngless nærenn nohht
Abutenn ure Laferrd
In all þatt time þatt he wass
Inn orresst ȝæn þe deofell,
Þatt wass, all alls hiss wille wass,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt himm nass rihht nan ned till hemm
To fihhtenn ȝæn þe deofell,
Forr þatt he mihhte himm sellf inoh
Wiþþutenn enngless hellpe
All þwerrt út oferrcumenn himm,
To brinngenn himm to grunde,
& bindenn himm, & lesenn út
Mannkinn off hise bandess.
& tatt teȝȝ comenn siþþenn forþ
To þeowtenn Crist & lutenn,
Þatt wass, all alls hiss wille wass,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þatt he wass enngleþeode Godd
& enngleþeode Laferrd,
Þatt haffde shapenn hemm off nohht,
To brukenn eche blisse,


Þatt Godd þatt all þiss weorelld shop,
& all þiss weorelld stereþþ,
Þatt Godd þat all follc drædenn birrþ,
& lufenn himm & þeowwtenn.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
To þeowwtenn Crist tocweme,
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To winnenn eche blisse.


Altera die vidit Johannes Ihm venientem ad se, & ait, Ecce agnus Dei.

Affterr þatt Jesuss fandedd wass
Þurrh defell i þe wesste,
Þæraffterr comm he sone anan
Till Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste sahh
Þe Laferrd Crist himm nehȝhenn,
& seȝȝde to þe leode þuss,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Loc, here cumeþþ Godess Lamb,
Þatt shall forr menn ben offredd;
Loc, here iss he þatt clennsenn shall
Þiss middellærd off sinne.
Þiss iss þatt illke, off whamm I spacc
Ȝét niss nohht lannge siþþenn,


Þær þær I seȝȝde þatt an mann
Affterr me cumenn shollde,
Þatt shollde wurrþenn oferr me
Wurrþfull & heh i mahhte.
& icc ne cneow himm nohht ȝét ta;
Acc forrþi þatt he shollde
Beon awwnedd Issraæle þeod,
Forrþi comm I to fullhtnenn
I waterr himm onnȝæn þatt ȝuw
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast shall fullhtnenn.
& here I bere himm wittness nu
Till all mannkinn onn eorþe,
Þatt I me sellf sahh Godess Gast,
Þær þær þiss mann wass fullhtnedd,
Off heoffne cumenn upponn himm
Inn aness cullfress like,
& tatt itt upponn himm bilæf,
Þatt sahh I wel to soþe.
& I ne cneow nohht ȝét tiss mann
Þatt daȝȝ þatt he wass fullhtnedd;
Acc he þatt haffde sennd me forþ
I waterr forr to fullhtnenn,
He tahhte me summ del off himm,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Whamm se þu seost tatt Godess Gast
Inn aness cullfress heowe
Off heoffne cumeþþ upponn himm
& upponn himm bilefeþþ,


He fullhtneþþ all þatt fullhtnedd iss,
& clennsedd all off sinne.
& I sahh cumenn Godess Gast
Inn aness cullfress like,
& I sahh uppo whamm he comm
& upponn himm bilefenn,
I sahh þatt illke gode Gast,
& I barr to þe leode
Wittness off himm, þatt he wass wiss
Crist Godess Sune, off heoffne.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt tæcheþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede;
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste cneow
Crist Godess Lamb i wesste,
Affterr þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Wass fandedd þurrh þe deofell,
Þatt comm þurrh Godd, tatt witt tu wel,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt Cristess follc i Crisstenndom
Wel cunnenn shollde & cnawenn
Þatt hallȝhe Lamb, þatt haffde hemm bohht
Út off þe deofless walde,
Affterr þatt he þurrh deofell wass
Wiþþ rode pine fandedd.
Forr all all swa summ Sannt Johan
Þa seȝȝde to þe leode;
Loc here iss he þatt clennsenn shall
Þiss middellærd off sinne,


All all swa seȝȝþ nu Cristess hird
Wiþþ lufe & ec wiþþ trowwþe;
Uss birrþ well ȝerne stanndenn inn,
Whil þatt tiss lif uss lassteþþ,
To þeowwtenn ure Laferrd Crist
Þatt bohhte uss út off helle,
Þurrh þatt he till hiss Faderr wass
Offredd forr uss o rode,
All alls he wære an lamb to ben
Offredd Drihhtin to lake.
& tatt wass mikell skill þatt Crist
Wass Godess Lamb ȝehatenn;
Forr Crist uss ȝifeþþ millkess drinnch
Off hiss Goddspelless lare;
& Crist uss ȝifeþþ wulle & claþ
Off heȝhe & hallȝhe mahhtess,
To shridenn uss þærwiþþ onnȝæn
Þe frosst off fakenn trowwþe;
& Crist uss ȝifeþþ here hiss flæsh
& ec hiss blod to fode,
Forr uss to ȝifenn strenncþe [&] mahht
To stanndenn ȝæn þe deofell,
All swa summ we þurrh shepess lamb
Onnfanngenn þa þreo þingess.
Forr shepess lamb uss ȝifeþþ millc,
& flæsh & blod, & wulle,
Forr þurrh þe lamb uss cumeþþ millc
Út off þe lambess moder,


& wulle uss ȝifeþþ lamb till claþ,
& flæsh & blod till fode.
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste sahh
Þe Laferrd Crist himm nehhȝhenn,
Þatt sihhþe tunnderrstanndenn iss
O twinne kinne wise.
Forr he sahh, þatt witt tu full wel,
Þe Laferrd Crist himm nehȝhenn,
Þurrh witt off hiss herrtess innsihht,
& þurrh hiss bodiȝ sihhþe.
He sahh þe Laferrd nehȝhenn himm
Þurrh þatt he mare & mare
& bett & bett aȝȝ unnderrstod
Þe Laferrd Cristess kinde,
Þatt he wass Godess Sune & Godd,
& swillc an mann onn eorþe
Þatt mihhte lesenn all mannkinn
Út off Adamess sĭne,
Þurrh þatt he shollde þolenn dæþ
All gilltelæs o rode,
& turrnenn follc þurrh hiss larspell
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Forrwhi wass þatt tatt Sannt Johan
Amang þe leode seȝȝde
Off Crist, tatt he ne cneow himm nohht
Biforr þatt he wass fullhtnedd,
Ær þann þe Laferrd fullhtnedd wass
Ær wass he wunedd offte


To cumenn till þe flumm till himm,
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Itt wisste wel, & cneow himm wel,
& seȝȝde to þe leode;
Her stannt swillc an bitwenenn ȝuw
Þatt ȝure nan ne cnaweþþ,
Till whamm icc namm nohht god inoh
Hiss shoþwang forr tunnbindenn,
& he shall newenn cumenn forþ,
& he shall newenn fullhtnenn,
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast & haliȝ fir
To clennsenn ȝuw off sinness.
Þiss seȝȝde he till þe follc off Crist
Biforr þatt Crist wass fullhtnedd,
& herþurrh maȝȝ mann sen full wel
Þatt he cneow Crist tatt time.
Acc uss birrþ wĭtenn þatt he cneow
Þe Laferrd i þatt time
Off summ whatt ohht, off summ whatt nohht,
Biforr þatt he wass fullhtnedd.
He cneow þatt tíme Crist off þatt,
Þatt he wass Godd off heoffne,
& mann onn eorþe o moderrhallf,
Acc all wiþþutenn sinne. [OMITTED]



Altera autem die stabat Johannes & ex discipulis ejus duo.

Þæraffterr onn an oþerr daȝȝ
Stod Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
& tweȝȝenn stodenn þær wiþþ himm
Off hise Leorninngcnihhtess.
& he sahh ure Laferrd gan,
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Loc here, þiss iss Godess Lamb.
& ta twa Leorninngcnihhtess
Herrdenn þatt word & ȝedenn forþ
Affterrwarrd ure Laferrd.
& Crist himm turrnde towarrd hemm
& sahh hemm baþe & seȝȝde;
Whatt seke ȝitt? & teȝȝ himm þa
Þuss ȝæfenn sware onnȝæness;
Lef maȝȝstre, whære biggesst tu?
& ure Laferrd seȝȝde
Þuss till hemm baþe; cumeþþ nu
& lokeþþ whære I bigge.
& teȝȝ þa ȝedenn forþ wiþþ himm
Till-þær he wass att inne,
& wærenn all þatt daȝȝ wiþþ himm,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.


Þatt tíme þatt ta tweȝȝenn menn
Till ure Laferrd comenn
Wass rihht swa summ itt off þatt daȝȝ
Þe tende tíme wære.
Symoness broþerr, Sannt Anndrew,
He wass an off þa tweȝȝenn
Þatt comenn till þe Laferrd Crist
Þær he bi gate ȝede.
& Sannt Anndrew fand allre firrst
Symon hiss aȝhenn broþerr,
& cwaþþ till himm; we fundenn nu
Messyamm, þatt bitacneþþ
Soþ Crist, soþ Godess Sune Godd,
Þatt cumenn iss to manne,
& toc & ledde himm sone forþ
Anan till ure Laferrd.
& Crist warrp eȝhe upponn Symon,
& seȝȝde himm þiss wiþþ worde;
Þu nemmnedd arrt Symon, & tu
Þurrh Johanna wass strenedd;
Nu shallt tu ben nemmnedd Cefás,
Þatt ȝuw bitacneþþ Peterr.
& siþþenn o þatt oþerr daȝȝ
Toc Jesu Crist to flittenn
Inntill þe land off Galile,
& he fand ta Filippe,
& seȝȝde þuss till himm; follh me,
& he nass nohht tær ȝæness.
& tiss Filippe, & Sannt Symon,
& Sannt Anndrew hiss broþerr,


Þeȝȝ wærenn off an tun þatt wass
Beþþsayda ȝehatenn.
& siþþenn fand Filippe an mann
Natanaæl ȝehatenn,
& seȝȝde þuss till himm; Jesum
Þatt mannkinn affterr ȝerneþþ,
Josæpess sune, off Nazaræþ,
Himm hafe we nu fundenn,
Off whamm uss dide Moysæs
& ec hallȝhe profetess
Uss didenn tunnderrstanndenn wel,
Off þatt he cumenn shollde.
& sone himm ȝaff Natanaæl
Anndswere þuss onnȝæness;
Off Nazaræþ maȝȝ summ god ben;
& ta seȝȝde Filippe
Shorrtlike till Natanaæl;
Cumm nu þe sellf, & loke.
& he þa ȝede forþ wiþþ himm
All forr to sen þe Laferrd.
& Crist sahh þatt he comm, & cwaþþ
Till þa þatt neh himm wærenn;
Loc, here nehȝheþþ towarrd me,
Forr me to sen & herenn,
An soþ Issraelisshe mann,
Þatt niss na fakenn inne.
& ta ȝaff þuss Natanaæl
Anndswere till þe Laferrd;


Þurrh whatt iss þatt tu cnawwesst me?
& ure Laferrd seȝȝde;
Biforenn þatt Filippe toc
To clepenn þe to spæche,
Þær þu wass unnderr an fictre,
Þær sahh I þe forrlannge.
& tanne spacc Natanaæl,
& seȝȝde till þe Laferrd;
A, Maȝȝstre, icc wát tatt tu full wiss
Arrt Godess Sune, off heoffne,
& Issraæle þede king
Þatt cumenn arrt to manne.
& Crist ȝaff till Natanaæl
Anndswere onnȝæn & seȝȝde;
Forr þatt I seȝȝde nu till þe,
Natanaæl, to soþe
Þatt I þe sahh unnderr fictre
Þu lefesst rihht & trowwesst,
& ȝét tu shallt wel mare sen
Þurrh whatt tu shallt me cnawenn,
Icc segge ȝuw to fulle soþ,
& wel ȝuw birrþ itt trowwenn,
Þatt heoffness shulenn oppnedd ben
Biforenn ȝure sihhþe,
Swa þatt ȝe shulenn sen full wel
& offte Godess enngless
Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd baþe upponn
Þe manness Sune stiȝhenn.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurhsekenn,


To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
O þiss Goddspelless lare
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste stod,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he stod wel inn haliȝ lif
I miccle & heȝhe mahhtess,
& tatt he nohht ne fell, ne laȝȝ
I nane depe sinness.
& ec he dide uss wel þurrh þatt
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ta wass cumenn tíme to
Þatt menn þa sholldenn blinnenn,
& stanndenn stille, & stinntenn þa
To þewwtenn Godd tatt wise
Þatt he wass þewwtedd unnderr æ
Þurrh Issraæle þede,
Forr þatt þewwdom to þewwtenn Godd
O þatt Judisskenn wise
Iss tacnedd uss o þiss Goddspell
Þurrh Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Þatt stod, forrþi þatt tatt þewwdom
Þa shollde newenn stinntenn.
& tatt he þær þe Laferrd Crist
Sahh ganngenn & nohht stanndenn,


Þatt wass forr to bitacnenn uss,
Þatt ure Laferrd shollde
Þa newenn gan fra land to land
Þurrh hise Leorninngcnihhtess,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sholldenn all þurrh gan
Þiss middellærd to spellenn
Off himm, & off hiss hallȝhe mahht,
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
To turrnenn follc till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Þa twa þatt stodenn bi Johan
Off hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Þeȝȝ tacnenn uss þurrh þeȝȝre stall
Þatt baþe wærenn gode,
Þatt baþe stodenn wel onnȝæn
Þe laþe gastess wille,
Þatt nowwþerr þeȝȝre nohht ne laȝȝ
I nane depe sinness,
& ec þatt eȝȝþerr þeȝȝre wass
Off soþfasst lufe filledd,
Forrþi þatt soþfasst lufess mahht,
Ȝiff þatt itt shall beon haldenn,
Att tallre læste mót itt ben
Bitwenenn twa menn fundenn,
Forr niss þatt forr nan lufe tald
Þatt mann iss hold himm sellfenn.
Þatt Johan seȝȝde þuss off Crist
Till hise Leorninngcnihhtess,
Loc, here iss Godess Lamb, þatt wass
Alls iff he þuss hemm seȝȝde;


Ne þarrf ȝuw nohht nu follȝhenn me,
Her iss whamm ȝuw birrþ follȝhenn,
Whamm all mannkinn birrþ lefenn onn,
& follȝhenn all hiss wille.
Her iss þatt illke Lamb þatt shall
Ben offredd uppo rode,
To ben hiss Hallȝhe Faderr lac
Rihht god inoh & cweme,
To lesenn all follc þurrh his dæþ
Út off þe deofless walde.
& tatt te Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Þatt ta twa Lerninngcnihhtess
Herrdenn whatt teȝȝre maȝȝstre spacc
Off Crist þær þær he seȝȝde,
Loc here iss Godess Hallȝhe Lamb,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde,
Þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn þurrh hiss word
Þatt tatt wass Godd off heoffne,
Þatt wass onn erþe wurrþenn mann
Forr all mannkinne nede.
& tatt teȝȝ ȝedenn sone forþ
Affterrwarrd ure Laferrd,
& letenn stanndenn Sannt Johan
Bapptisste þeȝȝre maȝȝstre,
Þatt wass alls iff þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn þuss
Þurrh all full openn spæche,
All Issraæle þeod & uss
& Johan ure maȝȝstre
& all mannkinn iss mikell ned
Þiss illke Lamb to follȝhen,


Forr þiss Lamb iss þatt rihhte stih
Þatt ledeþþ upp till heffne;
& tiss Lamb iss þatt eche lif
Þatt heffneware brukeþþ;
& tiss iss soþfasstnessess hord
Þatt all mannkinn birrþ sekenn.
Þeȝȝ comenn forr to fraȝȝnenn Crist
Off whære he wass att inne,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn cumenn efft
& efft, & offte, & lome
Till himm, whærsumm he wære att inn,
Forr himm to sen & herenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn witerrliȝ
Þatt nohht ne munnde itt geȝȝnenn,
To þewwtenn Godd fra þeþennforþ
O þatt Judisskenn wise.
Þatt Crist himm turrnde towarrd hemm
To fraȝȝnenn whatt teȝȝ sohhtenn;
Þatt wass forr þatt he wollde don
All mannkinn tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Godd iss rædiȝ tunnderrfon
Þatt follc þatt rihht himm follȝheþþ.
& ure Laferrd lét hemm sen
Hiss onndlæt, forr to tacnenn
Þatt he wass wurrþenn mann, forrþi
Þatt menn himm sholldenn cnawenn,
& lufenn himm & þewwtenn himm,
To berrȝhenn þeȝȝre sawless,


& tatt he wollde unnhilenn all
Þatt dærne diȝhellnesse
Þatt writenn wass þurrh Moysæn
Off himm & þurrh profetess,
To don hiss follc þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
Gastlike all þatt tatt writenn wass
Off himm & off hiss come,
& tatt he wollde settenn upp
Goddspelless brihhte sunne
O mannkinn, þatt wass all bisett
Wiþþ sĭness þessterrnesse,
Swa þatt menn sholldenn muȝhenn sen
Þurrh Goddspellbokess lare,
All hu þeȝȝ mihhtenn follȝhenn rihht
Þatt stih þatt shollde hemm ledenn
All rihht upp inntill heffness ærd,
Þær aȝȝ occ aȝȝ iss blisse.
& sone anan þe Laferrd toc
To fraȝȝnenn whatt teȝȝ sohhtenn,
Forr þatt he wollde beldenn hemm
To spekenn þeȝȝre nede.
He seȝȝde þuss, whatt seke ȝitt,
& nollde he nawihht seȝȝenn,
Whamm seke ȝitt, forrþi þatt he
Swa wollde uss ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt uss ne birrþ uss sellfenn nohht
Þurrh modiȝnesse shæwenn,
Forr ȝiff þe Laferrd haffde þeȝȝm
Þær fraȝȝnedd whamm þeȝȝ sohhtenn,


Þatt wære alls he þær haffde þeȝȝm
Þurrh modiȝnesse fraȝȝnedd
Ȝiff hemm wass ned to sekenn himm,
Forr himm to sen & herenn.
& tatt teȝȝ clepedenn forrþrihht
Þe Laferrd teȝȝre maȝȝstre,
Þatt doþ uss opennliȝ to sen
Þatt wel þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn
Þatt he wass maȝȝstre off all mannkinn,
To wissenn & to lærenn.
Þeȝȝ tokenn þær to fraȝȝnenn Crist
Off whære he wass att hame,
& tatt wass seȝȝd all swa summ þeȝȝ
Himm wolldenn þære fraȝȝnenn,
Wiþþ whatt teȝȝ mihhtenn cwemenn himm
Swa þwerrt út wel wiþþ alle,
Þatt he þurrh Haliȝ Gast inn hemm
Himm wollde takenn resste.
& tatt wass ec seȝȝd tær þurrh hemm,
Swa summ þeȝȝ wolldenn fraȝȝnenn,
I whillke menn hiss resste wass,
Forr hemm þeȝȝ wolldenn follȝhenn,
Swa þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn ben wiþþ hemm
Hiss Goddcunndnessess resste.
& ec wass þatt swa seȝȝd summ þeȝȝ
Himm wolldenn þære fraȝȝnenn,
O whillke wise he wass all an
I kinde & ec i mahhte,


& an soþ Godd wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
& wiþþ hiss Faderr baþe,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn þære att himm
Þe rihhte trowwþe lernenn.
& forrþi ȝaff þe Laferrd Crist
Rihht sware till hemm baþe,
Forr þuss he seȝȝde, cumeþþ nu
& lokeþþ whære I bigge;
Forr þatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde;
Niss itt nohht æþ to seggenn ȝunnc
Shorrtliȝ wiþþ fæwe wordess,
All hu ȝunnc birrþ rihhtwise ben
I þohht, i word, i dede,
& follȝhenn rihht all Crisstenndom
& all þe rihhte læfe,
Swa þatt ȝitt ben wurrþi þatt icc
Me resste inn ȝunnkerr herrte;
Ne nohht niss lihht to seggenn ȝunnc
Shorrtliȝ wiþþ fæwe wordess,
Whær mann maȝȝ findenn alle þa
Þatt þewwtenn me tocweme,
Swa þatt me þinnkeþþ god inn hemm
To biggenn & to resstenn;
Ne nohht niss æþ to shæwenn ȝunnc
Shorrtliȝ wiþþ fæwe wordess,
O whillke wise icc amm all an
I kinde & ec i mahhte,
& an soþ Godd wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
& wiþþ min Faderr baþe,


All þiss to shæwenn niss nohht lihht
Shorrtliȝ wiþþ fæwe wordess.
Acc cumeþþ baþe forþ wiþþ me
& lokeþþ whære I bigge;
Þatt iss to seggenn opennliȝ
Þatt mann itt unnderrstannde,
Nu birrþ ȝunnc cumenn forþ wiþþ me,
Þatt iss, forþ wiþþ min hellpe,
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe;
& ta ȝitt shulenn siþþenn sen
Hu ȝitt me muȝhenn cwemenn
Swa þwerrt út wel, þatt icc me shall
Inn ȝunnkerr herrte resstenn;
& ta ȝitt muȝhenn siþþenn sen
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess lare,
Whær mann maȝȝ findenn alle þa
Þatt þewwtenn me tocweme,
Swa þatt me þinnkeþþ god inn hemm
To biggenn & to resstenn;
& ta ȝitt muȝhenn siþþenn sen
Summwhatt & unnderrstanndenn,
Affterr þatt eorþliȝ manness witt
Maȝȝ Godess kinde cnawenn,
O whillke wise icc amm all an
I kinde & ec i mahhte,
Allmahhtiȝ Godd wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
& wiþþ min Faderr baþe.


I Crisstenndom iss æþ to sen
Hu mann maȝȝ Drihhtin cwemenn,
Ȝiff þatt mann wile nimenn gom
Whatt stannt o Godess lare;
Forr boc uss biddeþþ aȝȝ don god
& ifell aȝȝ forrbuȝhenn,
& baþe forr þe lufe off Godd,
& nohht forr eorþliȝ mede.
& ec iss lihht i Crisstenndom
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Whær mann maȝȝ findenn alle þa
Þatt þewwtenn Godd tocweme;
I Crisstenndom mann findenn maȝȝ
Hemm alle, & nowwhar elless,
Forr niss nan oþerr kinness lif
Þatt addleþþ eche blisse.
& ec mann maȝȝ i Crisstenndom
Aȝȝ summwhatt unnderrstanndenn,
O whillke wise Crist iss an
I kinde & ec i mahhte,
Allwældennd Godd wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
& wiþþ hiss Faderr baþe.
Þiss maȝȝ mann unnderr Crisstenndom
Aȝȝ summwhatt unnderrstanndenn,
Affterr þatt eorþliȝ manness witt
Maȝȝ cnawenn Godess kinde.
& teȝȝ þa ȝedenn forþ wiþþ Crist
& didenn alls he seȝȝde,
To lokenn whære he wass att inn
& whære he wass att hame.


& tatt bitacneþþ, þatt teȝȝ ba
Þurrh Cristess hallȝhe lare
Hemm turrndenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& þurrh þa tweȝȝenn menn uss wass
Bitacnedd all þatt genge
Þatt turrnedd wass till Crisstenndom,
Off twinne kinne lede,
Þatt iss off hæþenndomess follc
& off Judisskenn þede,
To wurrþenn unnderr Crisstenndom
Off twinne lufe filledd,
To lufenn Godd inn heffne, & ec
To lufenn mann onn erþe.
& tiss Crisstene follc þatt wass
Þurrh þa twa menn bitacnedd
Nu findeþþ unnderr Crisstenndom
Whær þeȝȝre Laferrd biggeþþ.
Forr Cristess hird i Crisstenndom
Seþ wel & unnderrstanndeþþ
Hu ȝho maȝȝ cwemenn Jesu Crist,
To winnenn eche blisse.
& Cristess hird i Crisstenndom
Seþ wel & unnderrstanndeþþ,
Whær man maȝȝ findenn alle þa
Þatt þewwtenn Crist tocweme.
Ȝho wát þatt útwiþþ Crisstenndom
Niss nohht tatt Crist maȝȝ cwemenn.


& Cristess hirrd i Crisstenndom
Aȝȝ summwhatt unnderrstanndeþþ,
O whillke wise Crist iss an
I kinde & ec i mahhte,
Allwældennd Godd wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
& wiþþ hiss Faderr baþe.
Þiss unnderrstanndeþþ Cristess hird
Summwhatt o sume wise,
Affterr þatt eorþliȝ manness witt
Maȝȝ cnawenn Godess kinde.
& tatt teȝȝ wærenn all þatt daȝȝ
Till efenn wiþþ þe Laferrd,
Þatt tacneþþ wel, þatt Cristess hird
Shall lasstenn here onn erþe,
I Crisstenndomess lihht & leom
Unnderr Goddspelless sunne,
& haldenn rihht wiþþ Drihhtin aȝȝ.
Whil þatt tiss werelld lassteþþ,
& unnderrfon o Domess daȝȝ
Wel hire swinnkess mede.
& affterr þatt te Goddspell seȝȝþ,
Þatt time þatt teȝȝ comenn
Till Crist wass alls itt off þatt daȝȝ
Þe tende time wære,
& tatt bilammp full wel till hemm,
& ec till alle þóþre
Þatt comenn off Judisskenn follc
To lefenn uppo Criste.
Forr all þatt laȝheboc wass sett
Off tene bodewordess,


Þatt Drihhtin ȝaff Judisskenn þed
O þeȝȝre daȝȝ to follȝhenn.
& alle, þatt tatt laȝheboc
Forrlétenn & forrwurrpenn,
To follȝhenn & to fillenn itt
O þatt Judisskenn wise,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
& comenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Þeȝȝ alle turrndenn hemm till Crist,
To lernenn Cristess lare,
Swillc time alls iff itt off summ daȝȝ
Þe tende time wære,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ nolldenn nohht tatt boc
Flæshliȝ na lenngre follȝhenn,
Þatt boc þatt all bilokenn wass
I tene bodewordess,
& comenn till þe Crisstenndom,
To lernenn hu þeȝȝ sholldenn
Gastlike itt unnderrstanndenn rihht
& þewwtenn Crist tocweme,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ þeȝȝre laȝheboc
Gastlike sholldenn follȝhenn.
& all þatt flocc, þatt turrnedd wass
Off Issraæle þede
Till Crisstenndom, affterr þatt Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,


Þatt flocc comm i þiss werrldess ald
Till Crisstenndom swillc time,
Alls iff itt off þiss werrldess daȝȝ
Þe tende time wære,
& alls itt off þiss werrldess daȝȝ
Rihht onnfasst efenn wære,
Forrþi þatt ure wukedaȝȝ
Bi twellfe timess erneþþ,
& iss neh efenn sons itt gaþ
Inntill þe tende time.
& Sannte Pawell seȝȝþ uss wel,
Þatt Crist comm her to manne
Þatt time þatt tiss werrldess daȝȝ
Wass cumenn neh till efenn,
Forrþi þatt all þiss werelld wass
Neh cumenn þa till ende,
Þann ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass borenn her to manne.
& tise tweȝȝenn gode menn
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,
Þatt comenn till þe Laferrd Crist
Forr himm to sen & herenn,
Þeȝȝ wærenn þallre firrste menn
Þatt sohhtenn Crist onn erþe,
To lefenn upponn himm, & ec
To buȝhenn till hiss lare.
& an off hemm wass Sannt Anndrew,
& he wass Petress broþerr.


& tohh þatt Sannte Peterr wass
Ær borenn her to manne,
Þohhwheþþre comm he lattre till
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Forr þatt he shollde don þe swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt tu mihht habbenn lefe att Godd
Þohh þu be ȝung onn elde,
To gan biforenn alde menn
Inn alle gode þæwess,
To þewwtenn Drihhtin mare & bett
Þann he þatt iss þin elldre.
Whatt tacneþþ uss, þatt Sannt Anndrew,
Son summ he fand hiss broþerr,
Ne dwalde nohht to kiþenn himm
Þatt god tatt himm wass awwnedd,
Þatt he þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þa newenn haffde fundenn,
& tatt he toc Peterr anan
& ledde himm to þe Laferrd?
Þatt tacneþþ, þatt te birrþ þatt god
Þatt tu cannst oþre tæchenn,
& flittenn oþre towarrd Godd
Wiþþ lare & ec wiþþ bisne,
All swa se Sannt Anndrew stod inn
To brinngenn Sannte Peterr
To ben hiss broþerr unnderr Crist
I Crisstenndom þurrh trowwþe,
Swa þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn breþre ben
Þurrh rihhte læfe o Criste,


Swa summ þeȝȝ wærenn breþre ba
Þurrh faderr & þurrh moderr.
Forr sone anan se Sannt Anndrew
Comm till hiss broþerr Peterr,
He seȝȝde himm þatt teȝȝ haffdenn þa
Messyamm newenn fundenn.
Messyass uss bitacneþþ Crist,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
& Crist bitacneþþ uss þatt mann
Þatt smeredd iss & sallfedd,
Nohht þurrh nan eorþliȝ smere, acc all
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess sallfe,
I þatt tatt he þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Iss filledd all annd frofredd.
& tæroff iss þatt Cristess hird
Crisstene follc iss nemmnedd,
Forr þatt teȝȝ unnderr Crisstenndom,
Att alle þatt hemm crisstnenn,
Onnfon þurrh hallȝhedd ele att Crist
Hiss Hallȝhe Gastess frofre,
Ȝa þurrh fulluhht, ȝa þurrh hanndgang
Att hadedd manness hande,
Þatt illke time þatt menn hemm
O Cristess name crisstneþþ.
& þurrh þatt word tatt Sannt Anndrew
Till Sannte Peterr seȝȝde,
Þatt teȝȝ þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þa newenn haffdenn fundenn,
Þærþurrh we muȝhenn sen þatt teȝȝ
Himm haffdenn sohht forrlannge,


Acc nohht i dăle, ne uppo dun,
Acc all i clene lusstess,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ haffdenn ben forrlisst
Aȝȝ affterr Cristess come.
Þatt Peterr dide bliþeliȝ
Þatt Sannt Anndrew himm tahhte,
Þatt lahȝhre wass bitwenenn menn
& ȝunngre mann onn elde,
Þatt he ne lét nohht hæþeliȝ
Hiss ȝunngre forr to follȝhenn,
Þatt cuþe ledenn himm till Crist,
Forr himm to sen & herenn,
Þatt doþ uss alle witerrliȝ
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ follȝhenn bliþeliȝ
Þatt ure ȝunngre uss læreþþ,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt hiss lare iss god
& halsumm forr to follȝhenn.
Forr niss nan mann þatt uss birrþ att
Forrhoȝhenn god to lernenn.
Þatt Crist warrþ eȝhe upponn Symon,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Crist sahh all hiss herrtess grund,
Þatt itt wass god & clene,
& forrþi wass he wurrþ þatt Crist
Hiss name himm shollde wharrfenn,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn himm,
Þatt he þa shollde newenn


Ben sett to fisskenn affterr menn,
& affterr menness sawless,
To wurrþenn turrnedd swa þurrh Crist
Fra þatt erþlike wikenn,
Þatt iss to farenn uppo sæ,
To fisskenn affterr fisskess.
Þatt Crist himm seȝȝde þatt he wass
Symon bi name nemmnedd,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to tacnenn uss
Þatt Symon wass himm cweme;
Forr Symon tacneþþ uss þatt mann
Þatt follȝheþþ herrsummnesse,
Forrþi þatt Symon haffde ben
Herrsumm till Godd off heffne,
To þewwtenn & to lakenn himm
O þatt Judisskenn wise.
& tatt tatt Crist seȝȝde þatt he
Þurrh Johanna wass strenedd,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to shæwenn uss
Þatt Symon wass himm cweme;
Forr Johanna tacneþþ þatt mann
Þatt follȝheþþ Godess wille,
Forrþi þatt Symon haffde ben
Ædmod, & mec, & milde
Wiþþ alle men þurrh witt & skill
To follȝhenn Godess wille.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Himm seȝȝde att tallre lattste,
Nu shallt tu nemmnedd ben Cefás
Þatt ȝuw bitacneþþ Peterr,


Þatt seȝȝde he forr to tacnenn uss,
Þatt Symon shollde wurrþenn
Hæfedd & hirde off Cristess hird,
Off all Crisstene lede,
All harrd, & strang, & stedefasst,
& findiȝ, & unnfakenn,
To stanndenn ȝæn þe laþe gast,
To werenn hise lammbre.
Forr þatt tatt Drihhtin seȝȝde þær
Till Symon þuss wiþþ worde,
Nu shallt tu nemmnedd ben Cefas,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde,
Nu shallt tu wurrþenn nemmnedd stan
To don þe tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt te nu forrþwarrd birrþ ben hard
Forr me to þolenn pine,
& god to werenn mine shep
Þatt I þe shall bitæchenn,
& starrc onnȝæn þe laþe gast
& ȝæn hiss laþe genge,
To ȝemenn all Crisstene follc
Þatt I þe shall bitæchenn.
Forr Cefas uss bitacneþþ stan
& Peterr all þatt illke,
& forrþi wass þatt name himm sett
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
Forr þatt he shollde wurrþenn harrd
To þolenn alle wawenn,
All forr þe soþe lufe off Godd
& forr þe rihhte læfe.


& stan iss ec þe Laferrd Crist,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe;
Forr Crist iss strang & stedefasst,
& findiȝ & unnfakenn
Till alle þa þatt follȝhenn himm,
& hise laȝhess haldenn;
& Crist iss ec þatt hirnestan
Þatt bindeþþ tweȝȝenn waȝhess,
Þatt iss alls iff I seȝȝde þuss,
Þatt bindeþþ tweȝȝenn þede.
Forr all þe Laferrd Cristess hird
Comm út off tweȝȝenn þede,
Þatt iss,—út off Judisskenn þed
& off hæþene þede.
& ure Laferrd Crist himm sellf
Sammneþþ þa tweȝȝenn lede,
To timmbrenn himm an haliȝ hus,
Crisstene follc off baþe,
To biggenn & to resstenn himm
I þeȝȝre unnshaþiȝnesse.
& Crist iss stan to ben grunndwall
Off all hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Forr all þe Laferrd Cristess hus
Iss timmbredd onn himm sellfenn,
Forr all Crisstene follkess hald
Iss lang o Cristess hellpe,
Forr all þatt æfre iss haldenn upp
Iss haldenn upp þurrh Criste,
& all þatt wannteþþ Cristess hald
All sinnkeþþ inntill helle.


Þuss iss þe Laferrd Crist grunndwall
Off all hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Off all þatt hallȝhe flocc þatt himm
Wel cwemeþþ here onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt he wiþþ hiss hellpe & hald
All haldeþþ þatt iss haldenn.
& þurrh þatt tatt te Laferrd toc
Þatt oþerr daȝȝ to flittenn
Inntill þe land off Galile,
& fand Filippe, & seȝȝde
Till himm forþrihht anan, follh me,
Þærþurrh iss uss bitacnedd,
Hu mikell god uss comm off þatt,
Þatt Crist comm her to manne;
For Galile bitacneþþ uss
Flittinng onn Ennglissh spæche,
& þurrh Filippe onn Ennglissh iss
Lihhtfattess muþ bitacnedd.
& þurrh þatt oþerr daȝȝ þatt Crist
Bigann to flittenn onne,
Þatt hallȝhe tid bitacnedd iss
Þatt uss comm her to manne,
Þurrh þatt te Laferrd Crist wass dæd
& ras her upp off dæþe.
Nu ȝiff we wilenn sammnenn all
& gaddrenn þiss togeddre,


We muȝhenn sen whatt itt bihallt,
& whatt itt wile uss tacnenn;
Forr all wass þiss þatt wise don
Þurrh Crist, alls iff he seȝȝde
Till all mannkinn, affterr þatt he
Wass risenn upp off dæþe,
Ȝe sen þatt icc amm flittedd nu
Fra dæþ to lif onn erþe;
& ȝuw iss baþe god & ned
To follȝhenn wel min bisne,
To flittenn o þiss oþerr daȝȝ
O Crisstenndomess time,
Unnderr þatt brihhte sunness lihht
Þatt iss Goddspelless lare,
Affterr þatt forrme daȝȝ þatt wass
I Paradisess blisse,
Biforenn þatt te firrste mann,
Þurrh hiss unnherrsummnesse,
Fell þære i sinness þessterr nahht
Fra daȝȝ off rihhtwisnesse.
Ȝuw iss nu baþe god & ned
To follȝhenn wel min bisne,
To flittenn o þiss oþerr daȝȝ
Fra deofless & fra sinness
Till me þatt amm soþ Godd, & ec
Till alle gode dedess,
Swa þatt I muȝhe findenn ȝuw
All alls I fand Filippe,
All rædiȝ follc to follȝhenn me
Þurrh þohht, & word, & dede,


Swa þatt I sette ȝuw to ben
Amang hæþene lede
Lihhtfattess muþ, to spellenn hemm
Off hefennrichess blisse,
To kinndlenn hemm soþ lufess fir
Inn hannd, & ec inn herrte.
Þuss ȝaff uss ure Laferrd Crist
Halsumm & haliȝ bisne,
Ȝa þurrh hiss word, ȝa þurrh hiss werrc,
Whil þatt he wass onn erþe.
& uss birrþ æfre stanndenn inn
To follȝhenn wel hiss bisne
All þwerrt út forr þe lufe off himm,
& forr þe mede off heffne.
Þatt tiss Filippe, & ec Symon,
& ec Anndrew hiss broþerr,
Þatt teȝȝ þre wærenn off an tun
Beþþsayda ȝehatenn,
Þatt tacneþþ, þatt teȝȝ alle þre
An wikenn sholldenn habbenn,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sholldenn posstless ben
To spellenn alle lede,
& hunntenn affterr sawless swa
Wiþþ haliȝ lare & bisne,
To turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
All fra þe defless walde;
All þiss wass þurrh Beþþsayda
Full opennliȝ bitacnedd,


Forr itt bitacneþþ hunntess hus,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn hunntenn,
Acc nohht wtþþ hundess affterr der,
Acc affterr menn wiþþ spelless,
& Forrþi þatt Sannt Anndrew wass
Rihht god & haȝherr hunnte,
Ne dwalde he nohht, son summ he fand
Hiss broþerr Sannte Peterr,
To lacchenn himm wiþþ spelless nett
To brinngenn himm to Criste.
& ec forr þatt Filippe wass
Rihht god & haȝherr hunnte,
Son summ he sahh Natanaæl
Forrþrihht he toc to spellenn,
To lacchenn himm wiþþ spelless nett,
To turrnenn himm till Criste,
& tohh nass nowwþerr þeȝȝre ȝét
Þatt time makedd posstell,
Þatt time þatt teȝȝ tokenn swa
To slætenn affterr sawless.
Forr affterr þatt te Goddspell seȝȝþ
Filippe toc to spellenn
Natanaæl, & cwaþþ; Jesumm
Mannkinne sawle sallfe,
Josæpess sune, off Nazaræþ,
Himm hafe we nu fundenn;
Off whamm wass ær þurrh Moysæn
& þurrh profetess cwiddedd,
Off-þatt he shollde wurrþenn mann
Forr all mannkinne nede.


Þiss seȝȝde till Natanaæl
Filippe off Cristess come.
& her wass wiss Filippe sleh
& ȝæp & haȝherr hunnte;
& wel bilammp þatt tun till himm
Þatt hunntess hus wass nemmnedd,
Forr rihht he toc Natanaæl
Wiþþ hise ȝæpe wordess,
Rihht alls an hunnte takeþþ der
Wiþþ hise ȝæpe racchess.
Forr þuss he seȝȝde þær till himm;
Jesumm icc hafe fundenn,
Forr þatt he wollde don himm swa
To sen & tunderrstanndenn,
Þatt tatt wass Godess Sune Crist
Þatt he þa fundenn haffde,
Off whamm Hehenngell Gabriæl
Þuss haffde seȝȝd till Marȝe;
Þi sune þatt tu childenn shallt
Shall ben Jesus ȝehatenn.
& ȝét he seȝȝde himm ec þatt he
Þa newenn haffde fundenn
Josæpess sune, off Nazaræþ,
To don himm tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt tatt wass Godess Sune wiss
Þatt he þa fundenn haffde,
Off whamm profetess haffdenn seȝȝd
Forrlannge ær þann he come,


Þatt he þe Nazarisshe mann
Her shollde ben ȝehatenn,
& tatt he shollde wurrþenn her
Inn ure mennisscnesse
Daviþess kingess kinnessmann
O moderr hallf onn erþe.
& tatt wass filledd all i Crist
& inn hiss moderr Marȝe;
Forr ȝho wass off Daviþess kinn
Heh borenn her to manne;
& all þatt illke wass Josæp
Þatt wass wiþþ hire weddedd,
Ec he wass off Daviþess kinn
Neh sibb wiþþ Sannte Marȝe.
& forrþi wass þe Laferrd Crist
Josæpess sune nemmnedd;
Forr Crist wass off Josæpess kinn,
Neh sibb þurrh Marȝe hiss moderr.
& ȝét Filippe seȝȝde till
Natanaæl to soþe,
Þatt he þa fundenn haffde wiss
Þatt illke mann onn erþe,
Off whamm wass ær þurrh Moysæn
& þurrh profetess cwiddedd;
Forr þatt he wollde don himm swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt tatt wass Godess Sune wiss
Þatt he þa fundenn haffde,
Off whamm profetess haffdenn seȝȝd
Full wel i þeȝȝre time,


Off þatt he shollde wurrþenn mann
To lesenn menn off helle.
All puss wisliȝ Filippe toc
Natanaæl wiþþ wordess,
Þatt nede he shollde trowwenn wel
& lefenn þatt he seȝȝde,
Þatt he þa newenn haffde wiss
Crist Godess Sune fundenn.
& forrþi þatt Natanaæl
Wass swiþe depe læredd
Onn all þatt hallȝhe boc, þatt wass
Þurrh Drihhtin sett onn erþe,
Þurrh Moysæsess hande writt,
& þurrh profetess alle,
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
& off hiss hallȝhe come,
He ȝaff wislike sware onnȝæn
Filippe þuss wiþþ worde;
Off Nazaræþ maȝȝ summ god ben;
Þiss sware he ȝaff Filippe.
& tiss wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde;
Off Nazaræþ till all mannkinn
Maȝȝ cumenn mikell sellþe;
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss cumenn off þatt chesstre,
Þatt trowwe icc þurrhútlike wel,
Þatt witt tu þe, Filippe.


& till þiss sware falleþþ wel
Þatt tatt Filippe seȝȝde
Efft sone till Natanaæl;
Cumm nu þe sellf & loke.
Forr þatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Cumm nu wiþþ me to sen þin Godd
Wiþþ erþliȝ bodiȝsihhþe,
Whamm þu þurrh Drihhtin sest nuȝȝu
Wiþþ innsihht off þin herrte.
& sone anan Natanaæl
Forþ wiþþ Filippe ȝede
Till ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Forr himm to sen & herenn;
Forr þatt he wollde don uss swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ takenn wel þærwiþþ,
Ȝiff aniȝ mann uss spelleþþ
Off aniȝ þing þatt turrneþþ uss
Till ure sawle nede.
& Crist sahh þatt he comm, & cwaþþ
Till þa þatt neh himm wærenn,
Loc, here nehȝheþþ towarrd me,
Forr me to sen & herenn,
An soþ Issraelisshe mann
Þatt niss nan fakenn inne.
Crist lét wel off Natanaæl
& cwaþþ, loc, here uss nehȝheþþ
An soþ Issraelisshe mann;
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde,


An duhhtiȝ Judewisshe mann
Iss þiss þatt here uss nehȝheþþ;
Forr þurrh þatt lare þatt he cann
He seþ & unnderrstanndeþþ,
Hu mann birrþ lefenn upponn Godd
& lufenn himm & þewwtenn,
& affterr þatt he seþ, he doþ,
& gaþ þe rihhte weȝȝe.
Forr Issraæl tacneþþ þatt mann,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt seþ wiþþ herrtess eȝhe Godd
& cnaweþþ Godess kinde,
& lufeþþ Godd & follȝheþþ Godd
& þewwteþþ þess te bettre;
& swillc wass þiss Natanaæl,
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe.
& Judew tacneþþ uss þatt mann,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt innwarrdliȝ biforenn Godd
Birewwseþþ inn hiss herrte,
& opennliȝ biforenn mann
Anndȝæteþþ hiss missdede,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt he gillteþþ ohht
Onn aniȝ kinne wise,
& stanndeþþ inn to betenn itt
Wiþþ all hiss fulle mahhte.
& swillc wass þiss Natanaæl
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,
& forrþi seȝȝde Jesu Crist
Off himm, loc, here uss nehȝheþþ


An soþ Issraelisshe mann
Þatt niss nan fakenn inne.
Forr þatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Þiss illke mann þatt cumeþþ her
Iss god, & Godd full cweme,
Forrþi þatt he ne wile nohht
Forrhelenn hise sinness,
Acc daȝȝwhammliȝ biforenn prest
Anndȝæteþþ hiss missdede,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt he gillteþþ ohht
Onn aniȝ kinne wise,
& stanndeþþ inn to betenn itt
Wiþþ all hiss fulle mahhte.
& nile he rihht nohht follȝhenn þa
Þatt hidenn here sinness,
& lætenn alls itt swa ne be
Biforenn menness ehne,
& wilenn þatt menn haldenn hemm
Forr gode menn & clene,
& forr þa menn þatt þewwtenn Godd
All þwerrt út wel tocweme.
Acc Godd, tatt alle þinge seþ,
He seþ what lif þeȝȝ ledenn,
& he forrwerrpeþþ all þatt flocc
Forr þeȝȝre depe sinness;
Forr þatt teȝȝ tælenn oþre menn
& lofenn aȝȝ hemm sellfenn,


& haldenn hemm forr gode menn
& oþre menn forr wake,
& follȝhenn swa þe laþe gast
Þurrh þeȝȝre modiȝnesse,
Þatt wollde ben effninng wiþþ Godd
Abufenn alle shaffte,
Þurrh whatt he fell off heffne dun
Inntill niþ hellepine,
& warrþ till atell defell þær
Off shene & smikerr enngell.
& alle þa þatt draȝhenn hemm
Aȝȝ upp, & niþþrenn oþre,
& hæþenn upponn oþre menn
Þurrh here modiȝnesse,
Þeȝȝ follȝhenn rihht te laþe gast
& forþenn all hiss wille,
& shulenn unnderrfon wiþþ himm
Orrmete pine inn helle,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ nohht ne mekenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre sinness.
& forrþi þatt Natanaæl
Wass warr þatt ure Laferrd
Spacc swa till oþre menn off himm,
Alls iff he wel himm cnewe,
He seȝȝde þuss till Crist; whæroff
Iss þiss þatt tu me cnawesst?
& ure Laferrd ȝaff himm þuss
Anndswere onnȝæn & seȝȝde;
Biforenn þatt Filippe toc
To clepenn þe to sþæche,


Þær þu wass unnderr an fictre
Þær sahh I þe forrlannge.
Natanaæl to fraȝȝnenn toc
Þe Laferrd Crist whæroffe
Þatt wass þatt he cnew himm swa wel,
Forr þatt he wollde winnenn
Off Cristess muþ summ openn soþ
Off hiss goddcunnde mahhte.
& Crist toc himm forrþrihht anan
To shæwenn þatt he sohhte,
Þatt he cnew wel Natanaæl
Ær þann he strenedd wære,
Þær Adam þallre firrste mann
Ȝæn Drihhtin fell i sinne;
Forr þatt tatt Jesu Crist sahh himm
Þær he fictre wass unnderr,
Nass þatt nan swiþe mikell þing
Till Cristess Goddcunndnesse,
Þatt alle shafftess all þurrhseþ
& alle dærne þohhtess.
Acc þatt tatt itt bitacneþþ uss
Iss dep & dærne lare.
Natanaæl, þatt seȝhenn wass
Unnderr fictre þurrh Criste,
Bitacneþþ uss þatt alde follc
Off Godess hallȝhe lede,
Þatt wass biforenn Abraham
Unnderr Adamess sinne,


All all swa summ Natanaæl
Unnderr fictre wass fundenn.
& full wel maȝȝ Adamess gillt
Þurrh fictre ben bitacnedd;
Forr affterr þatt ta forrme menn
Adam & Eve hiss macche
Forrwrohhte wærenn ȝæness Godd
I Paradysess riche,
Þeȝȝ baþe hemm hiddenn sone anan
Unnderr fictrewwess læfess.
& all all swa summ Jesu Crist
Sahh þurrh hiss Goddcunndnesse
Natanaæl þær þær he wass
Unnderr fictrewwess boȝhess,
All swa sahh he þatt alde follc
Wel þurrh hiss Goddcunndnesse
Þær þær itt all forrworrpenn laȝȝ
Unnderr Adamess sinne.
& forrþi þatt Natanaæl
Sahh wel þatt ure Laferrd
Wass rihht soþ Godd, þurrh þatt he þær
Himm seȝȝde swillke þingess
Þatt he ne munnde himm seggenn nohht
Ȝiff þatt he Godd ne wære,
He ȝaff þe Laferrd sware anan
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
A, maȝȝstre, icc wát tatt tu full wiss
Arrt Godess Sune, off heffne,
& Issraæle þede king
Þatt cumenn arrt to manne.


Þiss sware ȝaff Natanaæl
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt wel bilammp till himm to ben
Natanaæl ȝehatenn;
Forr þurrh þatt name, witt tu wel,
Iss Godess ȝife tacnedd.
& tatt wass þurrh þe ȝife off Godd,
Þatt he swa mihhte trowwenn
Swa swiþe raþe, & ec swa wel
O Crist & off hiss come,
Þatt he wass Godess Sune, & King
Off Issraæle þede.
& her mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Ȝiff mann itt ummbeþennkeþþ,
Hu þatt Judisskenn laþe follc,
Þatt henngde Crist o rode,
Wass þurrh þe laþe gastess mahht
Forrbundenn & forrblendedd,
Þatt sahh & herrde daȝȝwhammliȝ
Hallf ferþe ȝer þe Laferrd
Aȝȝ spellenn god, & aȝȝ don god
Onn alle kinne wise,
& tohh swa þehh ne keppte himm nohht
To lufenn ne to trowwenn,
Acc sloȝhenn himm þurrh hete & niþ
All gilltelæs o rode.
& tiss Natanaæl forrþrihht
Toc upponn Crist to lefenn,


Forrþrihht i stede son summ he
Sahh Crist & herrde himm mælenn.
& tatt wass þurrh þe ȝife off Godd
Þatt he toc wiþþ þe Laferrd
Swa raþe, & skét, & ec swa wel;
& tærþurrh wass wel sene
Þatt wel bilammp till himm to ben
Natanaæl ȝehatenn;
Forr þurrh þatt name, witt tu wel,
Iss Godess ȝife tacnedd.
& tatt wass þurrh þe gife off Godd
Þatt he toc wiþþ þe Laferrd
Swa raþe, & skét, & ec swa wel
Wiþþ all þe rihhte trowwþe;
Forr niss nan mann þatt turrneþþ rihht
Till Crist wiþþ fulle trowwþe,
Butt iff þe Faderr heffness king
Himm draȝhe þurrh hiss are.
& forr þatt Crist wass cwemedd þurrh
Natanaæless trowwþe,
He ȝaff anan anndswere onnȝæn
Natanaæl & seȝȝde;
Forr þatt I seȝȝde nu till þe,
Natanaæl, to soþe
Þatt I þe sahh unnderr fictre,
Þu cnawesst rihht & trowwesst,
& ȝét tu shallt wel mare sen
Þurrh whatt tu shallt me cnawenn.
Icc segge ȝuw to fulle soþ,
& wel ȝuw birrþ itt trowwenn,


Þatt heffness shulenn oppnedd ben
Biforenn ȝure sihhþe,
Swa þatt ȝe shulenn sen full wel
& offte Godess enngless
Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd baþe upponn
Þe manness Sune stiȝhenn.
Þiss hát tatt wass Natanaæl
Bihatenn & Filippe
Wass filledd affterr þatt tatt Crist
Wass risenn upp off dæþe;
Forr þurrh þe Laferrd Cristess dæþ
Wass heffness ȝate all oppnedd
Ȝæn alle þa þatt lufenn Crist,
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn þiss
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt heffness sholldenn oppnedd ben
Biforenn follkess sihhþe;
Forr heffness her bitacnenn uss
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,
Þatt ȝæfenn uss þurrh þeȝȝre spell,
& ec þurrh þeȝȝre bisne,
Soþ lihht her i þiss middellærd,
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
All hu mann birrþ þatt weȝȝe gan
Þatt ledeþþ upp till heffne,
All swa summ heffne uss ȝifeþþ lihht
Þurrh sunne & mone & sterrness.


& ec þe þosstless ȝæfenn uss
Þurrh lare & ec þurrh bisne
Soþ rewwsinng off all ure woh,
Off sakess & off sinness,
To wattrenn & to dæwwenn swa
Þurrh beȝȝske & sallte tæress
Þatt herrte, þatt wiþþinnenn uss
Iss hefiȝliȝ forrclungenn
Þurrh fakenn trowwþe towarrd Godd
& towarrd mann onn eorþe.
& forr þatt itt bidæledd iss
Off all soþ lufess hæte,
All iss itt uss bifrorenn swa
Þurrh hĕte & niþ & irre,
Þatt all itt liþ uss wasstmelæs
Off alle gode dedess.
Acc Crisstess posstless ȝæfenn uss
Þurrh lare & ec þurrh bisne
Soþ rewwsinng off all ure woh,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
All swa summ erþe wattredd iss
Þurrh reȝȝn & dæw off heffne.
Þuss sinndenn Cristess posstless wel
Þurrh heffness her bitacnedd,
& teȝȝre muþ þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Wass oppnedd, uss to spellenn,
Affterr þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heffne.
& Cristess posstless sinndenn ec
Þurrh Godess enngless tacnedd,


& forþ wiþþ hemm ec alle þa
Þatt spellenn uss off Criste.
Forr whase brinngeþþ word, tatt mann
Iss enngell inn hiss wikenn,
& ta þatt brinngenn word off Crist,
Þa sinndenn Cristess enngless,
Þatt sinndenn þa þatt spellenn uss
Off Crist & off hiss lare.
& siþþenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heffne,
Nu siþþenn seþ Crisstene follc
Wel offte Godess enngless
Uppwarrd & dunnwarrd baþe upponn
Þe manness Sune stiȝhenn.
Þe manness Sune iss Jesu Crist
Þurrh Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr,
Forr mann iss were, & mann iss wis,
& mann iss maȝȝdenn nemmnedd.
& enngless sinndenn alle þa
Þatt spellenn uss off Criste.
& ȝiff þeȝȝ spellenn uss off Crist
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
Þa stiȝhenn þeȝȝ uppwarrd o Crist
Upponn hiss heȝhe kinde.
& ȝiff þeȝȝ spellenn uss off Crist
& off hiss mennisscnesse,
Þa stiȝhenn þeȝȝ dunnwarrd o Crist
Dun onn hiss laȝhe kinde.


& miccle bettre iss þiss till uss
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& off hiss twinne kinde,
Þann þatt wass till Natanaæl
Þatt ure Laferrd seȝȝde,
Þatt he sahh himm þær þær he wass
Unnderr fictre forrlannge
Biforenn þatt Filippe toc
To clepenn himm to spæche.
Forr þatt tatt Godd sahh all mannkinn
Unnderr Adamess sinne,
Ær þann he toc to turrnenn follc
Till himm þurrh hise posstless,
Þatt munnde don uss litell god,
Ȝiff þatt he þurrh hiss are
Ne come forr to lesenn uss
Út off þatt illke sinne,
& forr to turrnenn uss till himm
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess;
All swa summ till Natanaæl
Full litell gaȝhenn wære,
Þatt Crist himm haffde seȝhenn þær
Þær he fictre wass unnderr,
Ȝiff þatt he nære siþþenn brohht
Till Criste þurrh Filippe.
& forrþi þatt Natanaæl
Wass swiþe wis off lare,


Ne chæs himm nohht te Laferrd Crist
Till nan off hise posstless;
Forr nollde he chesenn nan off þa
Þatt cuþenn mikell lare.
& wel he wisste himm sellf forr whatt
He nollde swillke chesenn,
& hise þewwess wisstenn itt,
& settenn itt o boke;
& forrþi maȝȝ icc nu till ȝuw
Summwhatt tæroffe shæwenn.
Ȝiff Cristess þosstless wærenn þa
Þatt cuþenn mikell lare,
Ne munnde nan mann ben off hemm,
Noff þeȝȝre spell forrwunndredd,
Ne nohht ne munnde þa þe follc
Till þeȝȝre lare buȝhenn.
& tanne wære uss gaȝhennlæs
Þatt Crist wass dæd o rode,
& all forr nohht uss haffde Crist
Útlesedd fra þe defell,
Ȝiff þatt we nolldenn mekenn uss
To follȝhenn Cristess lare.
& forrþi chæs þe Laferrd Crist
Læwede menn to posstless,
& ȝaff hemm witt þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplike off Godd to spellenn,
& ȝaff hemm mahht þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To wirrkenn miccle tacness,
Þatt mannkinn shollde þess te bett
Till þeȝȝre lare buȝhenn,


Till fulluhht, & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To winnenn her þurrh haliȝ lif
To brukenn eche blisse.
Whi wollde Godess Sune Crist,
Soþ Godd, himm sellfenn laȝhenn,
& niþþrenn himm to nemmnenn himm
Þe manness Sune onn erþe?
Forr þatt he wollde don uss swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ alle laȝhenn uss
& niþþrenn uss onn erþe,
Forr swa to winnenn uss att himm
Þurrh himm to wurrþenn heȝhenn;
& ec forr þatt he wollde uss don
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ aȝȝ occ aȝȝ onnan
Hiss gode dede himm þannkenn,
Off þatt he wass an usell mann
Forr ure nede wurrþenn,
He þatt iss alle shaffte Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
& þurrh þatt tatt Natanaæl
Till Crist wiþþ trowwþe seȝȝde,
Þatt he wass Godess Sune wiss
Þatt cumenn wass to manne,
Þærþurrh bigatt he þær att Crist
Þurrh himm to wurrþenn borrȝhenn,
Forrþi þatt he wass haliȝ mann
I þohht, i word, i dede.


& ȝiff þatt tu þatt wise mahht
Onn ure Laferrd lefenn,
& lufenn himm, & cwemenn himm
Wiþþ þohht, & word, & dede,
Þa shallt tu ben wurrþi þurrh himm
All swa to wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
To cwemenn Crist o life,
Þatt heffness ȝate uss oppnedd be
Att ure lifess ende.


Nuptie quidem facte sunt in Chana Galilee.

Uppo þe þridde daȝȝ bilammp,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Þatt i þe land off Galile
Wass an bridale ȝarrkedd,
& itt wass ȝarrkedd in an tun
Þatt wass Caná ȝehatenn.
& Cristess moderr Marȝe wass
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
& Crist wass clepedd till þatt hus
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess.


& teȝȝre win wass drunnkenn swa
Þatt tær nass þa na mare;
& Crisstess moderr comm till Crist
& seȝȝde himm þuss wiþþ worde;
Þiss win iss drunnkenn to þe grund,
& niss her nu na mare.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þuss seȝȝde till hiss moderr;
Whatt falleþþ þiss till me wiþþ þe,
Wifmann, þiss þatt tu mælesst?
Abid, abid, wifmann, abid,
Ne comm nohht ȝét min time.
& Sannte Marȝe ȝede anan,
& seȝȝde to þe birrless;
Doþ þatt tatt he shall biddenn ȝuw,
Ne be ȝe nohht tærȝæness.
Þeȝȝ haffdenn sexe fétless þær
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
Þatt wærenn, summ þe Goddspell seȝȝþ,
Sexe stanene fétless,
Swillke summ þatt Judisskenn follc
Wass wunedd i þatt time
To wasshenn offe þeȝȝre lic,
To clennsenn hemm þatt wise;
& twafald oþerr þrefald mett
Þa fétless alle tokenn.
& Crist badd tatt teȝȝ sholldenn gan
& fillenn þeȝȝre fétless
Wiþþ waterr; & teȝȝ ȝedenn till,
& didenn þatt he seȝȝde,


& filledenn upp till þe brerd
Wiþþ waterr þeȝȝre fétless.
& Crist ta seȝȝde þuss till hemm,
Gaþ till wiþþ ȝure cuppess,
& ladeþþ upp & bereþþ itt
Till þallderrmann onn hæfedd.
& teȝȝ þa didenn þatt he badd,
& bærenn þa to drinnkenn
Þatt hæfedd mann þatt heȝhesst wass
Att tatt bridale settledd.
& he toc sone & drannc þatt win
Þatt wass off waterr wurrþenn,
& nisste he nohht whæroffe itt wass;
Acc wel þe birrless wisstenn,
Þatt haffdenn rihht ta lădenn upp
Þe waterr off þa fétless.
& he badd clepenn þa till himm,
Son summ he drunnkenn haffde,
Þatt mann þatt tær bridgume wass
Att tatt bridaless sæte.
& son se þatt bridgume comm,
Þatt allderrmann himm seȝȝde;
Illc mann firrst brinngeþþ forþ god win,
& siþþenn he biginneþþ
To brinngenn forþ summ werrse win,
Son summ þe follc iss drunnkenn;
& tu þe gode win till nu
Aȝȝ hafesst hidd & haldenn.


Þiss tákenn wrohhte Jesu Crist
Þe firrste off hise tacness,
I Galile rihht i þatt tun
Þatt wass Cana ȝehatenn;
& tuss he toc to shæwenn þær
Hiss Goddcunndnessess mahhte,
& hise Lerninngcnihhtess þær
Tókenn onn himm to lefenn,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sæȝhenn þære inn himm
Allmahhtiȝ Godess mahhte.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss,
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Crist comm till þatt bridale himm sellf
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess;
Acc he ne comm nohht to þatt hus,
Ne nan off hise feress,
Forr þatt he wollde sittenn þær,
To drinnkenn þære o bennche;
Acc ure Laferrd Crist comm þær
To shæwenn þær hiss mahhte,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn þess te bett
Hemm turrnenn till hiss lare,
& trowwenn þatt he wass soþ Godd
Þatt cumenn wass to manne,
& turrnenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,


To winnenn hemm þurrh haliȝ lif
To brukenn eche blisse.
& ure Laferrd Crist comm þær
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn,
Þurrh þatt he wollde cumenn þær,
Þatt weddlac iss himm cweme,
& tatt ȝe muȝhenn i weddlac,
Ȝiff þatt ȝe rihht itt haldenn,
Þurrh gode dedess cwemenn Godd,
& addlenn eche blisse.
& ure Laferrd Crist comm þær,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
All mannkinn þurrh hiss firrste mahht
Forr whatt he comm to manne.
He turrnde waterr inntill win
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
Forr all mannkinn to shæwenn swa
Forr whatt he comm onn erþe.
Þe waterr tacneþþ uss mannkinn
Þatt erneþþ till hiss ende,
Swa summ þe waterr erneþþ forþ,
Ȝiff þatt itt nohht ne letteþþ.
& Haliȝ Gastess lare iss uss
Þurrh winess drinnch bitacnedd;
Forr rihht all swa se winess drinnch
Þe wharrfeþþ all þin herrte,
& all þin þohht, & all þin lusst,
Ȝiff þatt tút lannge drinnkesst,


Rihht all swa wharrfeþþ Haliȝ Gast
Þe gode manness herrte
All fra þiss werrldess lufe & lusst
Þurrh swillc an drunnkennesse,
Þatt all he fleþ & all forrseþ
Þe werrldess grediȝnesse,
& follȝheþþ aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
& all forrþi comm Jesu Crist
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
Forr þatt he wollde þurrh hiss spell,
& þurrh hiss hallȝhe bisne,
& þurrh þe ȝife off Haliȝ Gast
Uss wharrfenn all fra sinne,
& fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst,
& fra þatt grediȝnesse
Þatt doþ þe mann to wedenn rihht
To winnenn erþlic ahhte,
& all onnȝæn hiss Crisstenndom,
& all þurrh hefiȝ sinne.
Forrþi comm Crist to wurrþenn mann,
Forr þatt he wollde uss wharrfenn
Fra swillc unnfæle lufe & lusst
To winnenn fe wiþþ sinne,
& forr to turrnenn ure lusst
All towarrd heffness blisse,
To ȝernenn aȝȝ þæraffterr her
To winnenn itt to brukenn.
& ure Laferrd Crist comm ec
Till þatt bridaless sæte,


Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn swa
Þatt he wass cumenn þanne
Off heffne inntill þiss middellærd,
All rihht alls iff he wollde
Bridale settenn, forr þatt he
An brid himm wollde chesenn
Off all mannkinn, an haliȝ follc
Þatt shollde hiss wille follȝhenn,
Þatt shollde ben himm þwerrt út lef
& þwerrt út dere & cweme,
All all swa summ þe gode mann
Iss cweme hiss gode macche.
& Cristess moderr Marȝe wass
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
Forr hire clene wambe wass
Till þatt bridgume bure
Þatt he comm offe inntill þiss lif,
An brid himm forr to chesenn.
& Crist comm o þe þridde daȝȝ
Till þatt bridaless sæte,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn swa
Þatt he comm her to manne
Rihht i þe þridde lott off all
Þiss werelld, tatt iss dæledd
& brittnedd inntill daless þre,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe.


Forr all biforenn Moysæn
Wass all þe firrste dale;
& unnderr Moysæsess æ
Wass all þatt oderr dale;
& unnderr Crist i Crisstenndom
Iss all þe þridde dale.
& all þiss þridde dale wass
Þurrh þatt bridale tacnedd
Þatt o þe þridde daȝȝ wass sett,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ.
& ure Laferrd Crist comm ec
Till þatt bridaless sæte
Þatt wass i Cana Galile,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt all hiss aȝhenn hallȝhe brid
Inn all þiss þridde time
Wiþþ wallhát herrtess lufe & lusst
Himm shollde lefliȝ þewwtenn,
& ferrsenn aȝȝ all hire lif
Frawarrd te defless wille
& towarrd hire Laferrd Crist,
To follȝhenn all hiss lare
Wiþþ clene þohht, wiþþ clene word,
Wiþþ clene læfe & dede.
Forr ȝiff þu Cana Galile
Till Ennglissh spæche turrnesst,
Þa tacneþþ itt hát herrtess lusst,
To ferrsenn & to flittenn
Fra woh till rihht, fra læs till soþ,
Fra sinne till dædbote.


& ure Laferrd clepedd wass
Till þatt bridaless sæte,
Þurrh þatt tatt fĕle gode menn
Affterr hiss come ȝerrndenn,
Biforenn þatt he borenn wass
Off ure laffdiȝ Marȝe.
& tatt te Laferrd Crist comm þær
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn uss
Þatt he þurrh hise posstless
Her wollde settenn Crisstenndom,
Alls itt bridale wære,
& chesenn himm an brid þurrh hemm,
An follc off alle þede,
Þatt shollde himm unnderr Crisstenndom
Onn alle wise cwemenn.
& þurrh þatt teȝȝre win wass gan,
Swa þatt tær nass na mare,
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd comm
Till þatt bridaless sæte,
Þærþurrh wass uss bitacnedd wel
Þatt gastliȝ witt wass cwennkedd
Off Moysæsess laȝheboc,
& off profetess lare,
Þurrh þatt Farisewwisshe follc
Þatt læredd wass o boke,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ didenn all þe follc
Flæshlike tunnderrstanndenn
All þeȝȝre laȝhe, & ec all þatt
Profetess haffdenn cwiddedd,


Forr swa to turrnenn all þe boc
Till þeȝȝre grediȝnesse,
Swa þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn spedenn wel
To winnenn erþlic ahhte.
& swa wass all þe gastliȝ witt
Off Godess lare cwennkedd
Þatt time þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
Till þiss bridale off Crisstenndom
Þatt he comm her to settenn,
All swa summ þeȝȝre win wass gan
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
Þatt tíme þatt Crist comm þærto
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
& þurrh þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Att tatt bridaless sæte
Hemm turrnde waterr inntill win
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Þærþurrh wass uss bitacnedd ta
Þatt Crist wass cumenn þanne,
To don mannkinn þatt hallȝhe boc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ær forrlannge writenn pass
Off himm & off hiss come.
Forr all biforenn þatt Crist wass
Her borenn uss to manne
All wass he dærne, & hidd, & all
Bilokenn & bilappedd


Inn all þatt boc, þatt Moysæs
& tatt profetess wrohhtenn.
& tær wass i þe waterr win
Bilokenn & bilappedd,
Forrþi þatt gastliȝ witt wass þa
Inn all þe lare cwennkedd,
Þurrh þatt te boc wass turrnedd all
Inntill flæshlike lare
Þurrh þatt Farisewwisshe follc
Þatt læredd wass o boke.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
He ȝaff hiss follc þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn
Þe boc, whatt ȝate itt writenn wass
Off himm & off hiss come.
& swa wass waterr inntill win
Þurrh Cristess come turrnedd,
Þurrh þatt te bokess flæshliȝ witt
Till gastliȝ witt wass wharrfedd.
Þa bokess þatt te Laferrd Crist
Ȝaff gastliȝ tunnderrstanndenn,
Þeȝȝ wærenn Moysæsess boc,
& Sallmsang, & Profetess,
Þatt wærenn aȝȝ till Cristess daȝȝ
Swa summ þeȝȝ waterr wærenn,
Off wikke smacc þurrh flæsliȝ witt
Unnderr stafflike lare.


& þurrh þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Ȝaff hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Gastlike witt þurrh Haliȝ Gast
I þa þre kinne bokess,
Þær wass god win off waterr wrohht
To Cristess Lerninngcnihhtess,
Þatt shollde don hemm all forrsen
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All middellærdess sellþe & sel,
& alle flæshess lusstess,
& ȝernenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ onnan
To winnenn eche blisse.
Þatt Sannte Marȝe seȝȝde þær
Att tatt bridaless sæte
Till hire Sune Jesu Crist,
Þatt tær nass win na mare,
Þatt doþ uss, lefe breþre, wel
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Godess mildherrtnesse ræw
Off mannkinn whanne he sennde
Hiss Sune inntill þiss middellærd,
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
To settenn gastliȝ wittess drinnch
O mannkinn þurrh hiss are,
Þatt ta wass all wiþþutenn win
Off Haliȝ Gastess frofre,
Forr þatt itt þurrh þe defell wass
Bididdredd & forrblendedd,


Swa þatt itt nohht ne cnew soþ Godd,
Ne nohht off himm ne rohhte.
& forr þatt Drihhtin ræw off mann
Þatt swa wass þa forrblendedd,
He sennde hiss aȝhenn Sune dun,
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
To ȝifenn mannkinn gastliȝ lihht
& gastliȝ wittess leme,
& gastliȝ laress winess drinnch
& gastliȝ drunnkennesse,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þær seȝȝde till hiss moderr;
Whatt falleþþ þiss till me wiþþ þe,
Wifmann, þiss þatt tu mælesst?
Þatt he spacc till hiss moderr þær
Þuss unncuþliȝ wiþþ worde,
Þær þær ȝho ȝerne wollde himm don
To shæwenn hise mahhtess,
To makenn win biforr þatt follc
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde kinde,
Þatt dide he forr to shæwenn swa
Hiss dere moderr Marȝe
Þatt nohht ne mihhte he makenn win
To forþenn hire wille,
Þurrh mennisscnesse þatt he toc
Inn hire clene wambe.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,


Lef moderr, ȝiff icc make win
Att tiss bridaless sæte,
Þu wast wel þatt ne mŭne itt nohht
Ben makedd þurrh þatt kinde,
Þatt icc her i þiss middellærd
Toc i þin hallȝhe wambe;
Acc itt beþ makedd þurrh þatt mahht,
Þatt icc off heffne brohhte,
& þurrh þatt kinde, þatt me ȝaff
Min Faderr upp inn heffne;
& all forrþi ne falleþþ itt
Rihht nohht till þe, lef moderr,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt I make win
Þurrh min goddcunnde kinde.
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þær seȝȝde till hiss moderr,
Abid, abid, wifman, abid,
Ne comm nohht ȝét min tíme,
Þatt seȝȝde he till hiss moderr þær,
Forr þatt he wollde shæwenn
Þatt he wass cumenn her forr uss
All gilltelæs to swelltenn.
He seȝȝde till hiss moderr þiss,
Ne comm nohht ȝét tatt tíme
Whanne I shall shæwenn opennliȝ
Forrwhi þu wass min moderr,
Whanne I shall drinnkenn dæþess drinnch
Forr all mannkinn o rode,
Þa shall I shæwenn þatt icc amm
Soþ mann i mennisscnesse


Þatt icc her unnderrfeng off þe,
Þurrh þatt tu wass min moderr.
Þatt lede þatt tær satt & drannc
Att tatt bridaless sæte,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Comm þær wiþþ hise feress,
Þatt lede tacneþþ all þatt follc
Þatt haffde off Drihhtin lare,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass borenn her to manne,
Þatt lede þatt þurrh Moysæn
& þurrh hallȝhe profetess
Onnfengenn haliȝ lare inoh,
Ȝiff þeȝȝ itt unnderrstodenn,
Acc hemm wass wannt gastlic innsihht
I þeȝȝre gode lare,
All swa summ win wass wannt tatt follc
Att tatt bridaless sæte.
& ta þatt drunnkenn off þatt win
Þatt Crist off waterr wrohhte,
Þeȝȝ tacnenn Cristess hallȝhe brid
Þatt here iss ȝét onn erþe,
Þatt drinnkeþþ gastliȝ wittess win
Off haliȝ bokess lare,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ andrunnkennleȝȝc
To winnenn Godess are.


Whatt haffdenn uss to tacnenn þær
Þa sexe waterrfétless,
Þatt stodenn wiþþ þatt waterr þær
Þatt inntill win wass turrnedd?
Þeȝȝ wærenn forr to tacnenn uss
Þiss werrldess sexe daless,
Þatt wærenn full off witeȝhunng
Alls itt off waterr wære,
Aȝȝ whil þatt menn þurrh flæshliȝ witt
Stafflike itt unnderrstodenn.
Acc siþþenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Ȝaff Haliȝ Gast onn erþe,
All unnderrstod þurrh gastliȝ witt
Hiss hird tatt ær wass cwiddedd;
& swa wass waterr inntill win
Turrnedd þurrh Cristess come.
Þiss middellærdess ald iss all
O sexe daless dæledd.
Fra þatt tatt Adam shapenn wass
Anan till Noþess time,
All þatt fresst off þiss werrldess ald
Wass all þe forrme time.
& all þiss firrste timess fresst
Wass opennliȝ bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fétless.
& all þiss firrste time wass
Þurrh hallȝhe witess filledd


Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh writess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære.
& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& her iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge
Þatt all þatt forrme time wass
Þurrh wĭtess filledd offe,
Swa summ þe firrste fétless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd;
& her I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝunnge,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Caym Adamess sune toc
Niþ ȝæn Abæl hiss broþerr,
Off þatt he sahh þatt he wass god
& rihhtwis mann & clene,
Forr defless þewwess hafenn aȝȝ
Strang niþ ȝæn Cristess þewwess,
& Cristess þewwess biddenn Crist
Þatt he þeȝȝm þurrh hiss are


& þurrh hiss millce ȝife mahht
To betenn þeȝȝre sinne.
& Caym toc þurrh hete & niþ
Abæl hiss aȝhenn broþerr,
& ledde himm út uppo þe feld
& sloh himm butenn gillte.
& ȝiff þu bisne tăkenn willt
Off þise tweȝȝenn breþre,
To follȝhenn Godess þeww Abæl
& hiss unnshaþinesse,
& to forrwerrpenn hete & niþ
& all Caymess bisne,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þe forrme time
Stafflike drinnch, ȝa to þin lif,
Ȝa to þin sawle baþe,
Þatt mikell maȝȝ þe geȝȝnenn her
To winnenn heffness blisse,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þe firrste fétless
Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.
& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt Abel, þatt all gilltelæs
Wass slaȝenn þurrh hiss broþerr,
Bitacneþþ ure Laferrd Crist
Þatt naȝȝledd wass o rode
Þurrh þatt Judisskenn hæfedd follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe,


& wass himm onn hiss moderr hallf
Sibb alls itt wære hiss broþerr,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,
& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þin þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Fra Noþess flod till Abraham
Wass all þatt oþerr time
Off all þiss werrldess ald tatt iss
O sexe daless dæledd,
& all þiss oþerr timess fresst
Wass uss all swa bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fétless.
& all þiss oþerr time wass
Þurrh hallȝhe witess filledd
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh writess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære;


& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& here iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
Þatt all þatt oþerr time wass
Þurrh witess filledd offe,
Swa summ þatt oþerr fétless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd.
& her I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Noe & hise suness þre
& teȝȝre fowwre wifess
Wærenn rihhtwise & gode menn
Biforenn Godess ehne,
& all mannkinn wiþþutenn hemm
Wass full off alle sinness,
& all forrrahht ȝæn Godd, & wurrþ
To wurrþenn all forrdillȝhedd.
& Drihhtin badd Noe gan till
& wirrkenn himm an arrke,
Þatt he wiþþ hise suness þre
& teȝȝre fowwre wifess
Þærinne mihhtenn berrȝhenn hemm
Fra drunncninng uppo flode.
& Noe dide þatt himm badd
Drihhtin, & wrohhte an arrke


& ȝede himm sellf þa þiderr inn,
Swa summ himm Drihhtin tahhte.
& hise suness alle þre
& teȝȝre fowwre wifess
Þeȝȝ alle samenn ȝedenn inn
Wiþþ himm inntill þatt arrke,
& tokenn þiderr inn wiþþ hemm,
Swa summ hemm Drihhtin tahhte,
Off alle kinne cwike der
Off clene & off unnclene,
Þatt erþliȝ shaffte mihhte ben
Þurrh hemm efftsone stoffnedd.
& itt bigann to reȝȝnenn þa
All affterr Godess wille
Fowwerrtiȝ daȝhess all onnan,
Ne blann itt nohht to reȝȝnenn;
& ta wass waterr wid & sid
All oferr erþe flowedd,
& wude, & feld, & dale, & dun,
All wass i waterr sunnkenn,
& all mannkinn wass drunncnedd ta
& alle cwike shaffte,
Wiþþutenn þa þatt Drihhtin barrh
Wiþþ Noþ i Noþess arrke,
& ec wiþþutenn all þatt maȝȝ
I waterr ben & libbenn.
& ȝiff þatt tu willt nimenn gom
Off þiss, whillc gate itt ȝede,


Hu Drihhtin barrh þa fowwre menn
& teȝȝre fowwre wifess
Þatt wærenn gode & clene menn,
& Drihhtin lefe & cweme,
& lét forrfarenn all mannkinn
Þatt all wass full off sinne
& all forrgarrt ȝæn Godd, & all
Wel wurrþ to wurrþenn cwennkenn;
& ȝiff þu takesst bisne att ta
Þatt wærenn Drihhtin cweme,
To follȝhenn Noþess hallȝhe sloþ
Off all hiss rihhtwisnesse,
& to forrwerrpenn all þe sloþ,
& all þe laþe bisne
Off alle þa þatt waterr swallh
Forr þeȝȝre depe sinness,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þatt oþerr time
Stafflike drinnch god till þe lif
& till þe sawle baþe,
Þatt mikell maȝȝ þe gengenn her
To winnenn Cristess are,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þatt oþerr fétless
Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.
& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst
Þatt Noþess arrke iss Cristess hus
& Cristess hallȝhe kirrke,


Þatt nu to daȝȝ iss full off menn,
Off clene & off unnclene,
Þær haliȝ waterr att te funnt
Offdrunncneþþ alle sinness,
& berrȝheþþ Cristess clene follc
Þurrh rodetrewwess takenn,
All swa summ Noþess clene flocc
Þurrh trewwess bord wass borrȝhenn,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,
& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þin þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
& fra þe time off Abraham
Till Moysæsess time
All þatt fresst wass, þatt witt tu wel,
Þe þridde lottess time
Off all þiss werrldess ald tatt iss
O sexe daless brittnedd.
& all þiss þridde timess fresst
Wass uss all swa bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fetless


& all þiss þridde time wass
Þurrh hallȝhe witess filledd
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh writess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære.
& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& here iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge
Þatt all þatt þridde time wass
Þurrh witess filledd offe,
Swa summ þatt þridde fetless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd.
& here I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Off Abraham wrát Moysæs
Þatt he wass Drihhtin cweme,
& haffde an sune þatt himm wass
Útnumennlike dere,
& he wass hatenn Ysaac,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe.
& i þatt time þatt itt wass
Ȝét swiþe ȝung onn elde


Godd seȝȝde þuss till Abraham;
Tacc Ysaac þin wennchell,
& sniþ itt, alls itt wære an shep,
& leȝȝ itt upponn allterr,
& brenn itt all till asskess þær
& offre itt me to lake.
& Abraham wass forrþrihht bun
To don Drihhtiness wille,
& toc hiss sune sone anan
& band itt fét & hande,
& leȝȝde itt upponn allterr swa,
& droh hiss swerd off shæþe,
& hoff þe swerd upp wiþþ hiss hannd
To smitenn itt to dæde,
Forr þatt he wollde ben till Godd
Herrsumm onn alle wise.
& Godd sahh þatt he wollde slæn
Þe child wiþþ swerdess egge,
& seȝȝde þuss till Habraham,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Hald, Abraham, hald upp þin hand,
Ne sla þu nohht tin wennchell;
Nu wát I þatt tu drædesst Godd
& lufesst Godd wiþþ herrte;
Tacc þær an shep bafftenn þin bacc,
& offre itt forr þe wennchell.
& Abraham þa snaþ þatt shep,
& lét hiss sune libbenn,
Forr þatt he wollde ben till Godd
Herrsumm onn alle wise.


& ȝiff þu nimesst mikell gom
Till Abrahamess dede,
& ȝiff þu takesst bisne att himm,
To follȝhenn herrsummnesse,
To wurrþenn herrsumm till Drihhtin,
To þewwtenn himm tocweme,
To lakenn himm wiþþ þatt tatt himm
Iss lefesst off þin ahhte,
To wurrþenn herrsumm to þin prest
& till þin tuness laferrd,
Till alle þa þatt hafenn þe
To ȝemenn & to sterenn,
To ben herrsumm till alle þa
Inn alle gode þinge,
Forr niss nan herrsummnesse sett
To forþenn ifell dede,
Ȝiff þatt tu follȝhesst tuss þe sloþ
Off Abrahamess bisne,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þe þridde time
Stafflike drinnch god to þin lif
& to þin sawle baþe,
Þatt maȝȝ þe mikell gengenn her
To winnenn Cristess are,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þe þridde fétless
Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.


& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt Abraham onn hæfedd iss
Þe Faderr upp off heffne,
& tatt hiss wennchell Ysaac
Iss Cristess Goddcunndnesse,
& tatt hiss shep þatt offredd wass
Iss Cristess mennisscnesse,
Þatt offredd wass forr all mannkinn
To þolenn dæþ o rode,
Swa þatt hiss Goddcunndnesse wass
All cwicc & all unnpinedd,
All swa summ Ysaac attbrasst
Unnwundedd & unnwemmedd,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,
& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þin þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Fra Moysæn till Daviþ king
Wass all þe ferþe time
Off all þiss werrldess ald tatt iss
O sexe daless brittnedd.


& all þiss ferþe timess fresst
Wass uss all swa bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fétless.
& all þiss ferþe time wass
Þurrh hallȝhe witess filledd
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh writess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære,
& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& her iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
Þatt all þatt ferþe time wass
Þurrh wĭtess filledd offe,
Swa summ þe ferþe fetless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd.
& her I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Drihhtin bitahhte Moysæn
An wikenn, þatt he shollde
Útledenn off Egippte land
Hiss follc þatt wass þærinne,


Forr þatt he wollde lesenn hemm
Út off pewwdomess bandess,
Þatt Faraon, Egippte king,
Hemm haffde worrpenn inne.
& Moysæs ræw off þatt follc
Þatt swa wass haldenn harrde,
Forr þatt itt wass hiss aȝhenn kinn
Þatt he wass borenn offe.
& onn an nahht he toc þatt follc
All samenn, alde & ȝunge,
& were & wif, & cherl & child,
& ledde hemm út off lande,
Forr þatt he wollde hemm brinngenn út
Off Faraoness hæse.
& Faraon wiþþ all hiss ferd
Comm affterrwarrd wiþþ wraþþe,
& wollde cwellenn Moysæn
& alle þatt he ledde.
& sæ wass þær biforenn hemm
Swa þatt teȝȝ flen ne mihhtenn;
& Drihhtin þær toclæf þe sæ
Alls iff itt waterr nære,
& sett itt upp onn eȝȝþerr hallf
All allse tweȝȝenn walless,
& tær bitwenenn wass þe sand
All harrd to ganngenn onne.
& Godess follc strac inn anan
Uppo þe driȝȝe sandess,
To flen fra Faraon þe king
Þatt wollde hemm alle cwellenn.


& he comm neh att teȝȝre bacc
Wiþþ all hiss laþe genge,
& strac inn affterr Godess follc
Forr þatt he wollde hemm cwellenn.
& alls he comm swa forrþerrliȝ
Þatt all hiss follc wass inne,
Þa læc þe waterr oferr hemm
All affterr Godess wille,
Swa þatt te king wiþþ all hiss ferd
Wass drunncnedd unnderr flodess,
& Godess follc all hal & sund
Comm wel þurrh Godd to lande.
& ȝiff þu nimesst mikell gom
Till Moysæsess dede,
& ȝiff þu nimesst bisne att himm
To gengenn att te nede
Whammse þu sest tatt wanntsumm iss
& wiþþ wanndraþ biþrungenn,
& ȝiff þu takesst bisne att himm
To follȝhenn Godess wille,
To wurrþenn herrsumm till þin Godd
Inn harrd, i nesshe, & æfre,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þe ferþe time
Stafflike drinnch god till þin lif
& till þin sawle baþe,
Þatt mikell maȝȝ þe gengenn her
To winnenn Cristess are,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þe ferþe fétless,


Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.
& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt Moysæs iss Jesu Crist
Þatt ledde þurrh himm sellfenn
Mannkinn út off Egippte land,
Off sinness þessterrnesse,
Út off Faraoness þewwdom,
Út off þe defless walde,
& þurrh þe waterr off þe funnt
Þær alle sinness drunncnenn
Þe defless ferd, tatt tacnedd wass
Þurrh Faraoness genge,
Þatt wass offdrunncnedd i þe sæ
Forr here depe sinness,
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Oppnede þurrh hiss come
Off all þe Judewisshe boc
Þe depe diȝhellnesse,
& dide itt hise þewwess all
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
All all swa summ þe sæ wass þær
Dun till þe grund toworrpenn,
Swa þatt teȝȝ o þe driȝȝe grund
Wel sæȝhenn openn weȝȝe,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,


& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þin þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Fra Daviþ king till Jesu Crist
Wass all þe fifte time
Off all þiss werrldess ald tatt iss
O sexe daless dæledd.
& all þiss fifte timess fresst
Wass uss all swa bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fetless.
& all þiss fifte time wass
Þurrh hallȝhe witess filledd
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh wrĭtess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære,
& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& her iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge


Þatt all þatt fifte time wass
Þurrh witess filledd offe,
Swa summ þatt fifte fétless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd.
& her I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnȝe,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Saul wass hofenn upp to king
Amang Judisskenn lede,
& he warrþ swiþe modiȝ mann
& ifell mann i dede.
& Drihhtin Godd himm all forrwarrp
Forr hise depe sinness,
& toc þe kinedom off himm
& off hiss sune baþe,
& ȝaff itt an off hise menn
Þatt wass Daviþ ȝehatenn.
Forr Daviþ wass full haliȝ mann
& soffte, & mec, & milde;
& he wass hofenn upp to king
Off all Judisskenn þede,
Forr Drihhtin heȝheþþ alle þa
Þatt soþ mecnesse follȝhenn.
& ȝiff þu nimesst mikell gom
Off þise tweȝȝenn kingess,
& takesst bisne att Daviþ king
To follȝhenn soþ mecnesse,


& all forrwerrpesst Saul king
& all hiss modiȝnesse,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þe fifte time
Stafflike drinnch, god to þin lif
& to þin sawle baþe,
Þatt mikell maȝȝ þe gengen her
To winnenn Cristess are,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þe fifte fétless,
Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.
& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt Satanas þe laþe gast
Iss þurrh Saul bitacnedd,
Patt worrpenn wass off heffness ærd
Dun inntill hellepine,
Forr þatt he wollde ben wiþþ Godd
Effninng þurrh modiȝnesse,
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss þurrh Daviþ bitacnedd,
Þatt ȝaff þe bisne himm sellfenn off
Unnseȝȝenndliȝ mecnesse,
Þurrh þatt tatt he warrþ mann forr þe,
To þolenn dæþ o rode,
He-þatt wass king off heffness ærd
& king off erþe riche,
Off all þe werelld King & Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,


& tatt te defell all forrlæs
Hiss kinedom onn erþe
Þær ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass hofenn upp o rode,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde,
& tatt te Laferrd Jesu Crist
Toc kinedom onn erþe
Þær þær he chæs off all mannkinn
An follc þatt shollde himm follȝhenn,
Þatt shollde ben hiss kinedom
To follȝhenn all hiss wille,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,
& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þi þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werlldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Fra Jesu Crist till Domess daȝȝ
Iss all þe sexte time
Off all þiss werrldess ald tatt iss
O sexe daless brittnedd.


& all þiss sexte timess fresst
Wass uss all swa bitacnedd
I Cana Galile þurrh an
Off þa stanene fétless.
& all þiss sexte time wass
All swa þurrh witess filledd
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunngess drinnch
Þurrh writess & þurrh werrkess,
Rihht swa summ all þatt timess fresst
Off waterr filledd wære,
& itt wass turrnedd inntill win
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come,
Þurrh þatt hét ȝaff hiss hallȝhe follc
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& her iss o þiss boc off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge
Þatt all þatt sexte time wass
Þurrh wĭtess filledd offe,
Swa summ þatt sexte fétless wass
Brerdfull off waterr filledd.
& her I se summ del off þatt
Stafflike witeȝhunnge,
& icc itt wile shæwenn ȝuw
All forr ure allre nede.
Þe Laferrd Jesu Crist tatt wass
All clene off alle sinness,
He toc upponn hiss hallȝhe flæsh,
Forr uss to ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt clennsinng þatt Godd haffde sett
Onnȝæn Adamess sinne;


Forr he lét hise kinness menn
Hiss shapp himm ummbeclippenn,
Rihht o þatt daȝȝ þatt he wass her
Off ehhte daȝhess elde,
Alls iff he wære an sinnfull mann
Þatt wære himm ned to clennsenn.
& ȝiff þu takesst mikell gom
To follȝhenn Cristess bisne,
To follȝhenn & to fillenn her
Gladdliȝ wiþþ all þin mahhte
All þatt tatt Drihhtin hafeþþ sett
Cristene mann to follȝhenn,
Þa takesst tu, þatt witt tu wel,
Út off þe sexte time
Stafflike drinnch god to þin lif
& to þin sawle baþe,
Þatt maȝȝ þe mikell gengenn her
To winnenn Cristess are,
Alls iff þu drunnke waterrdrinnch
Út off þe sexte fétless,
Þatt maȝȝ þe slekkenn wel þin þirrst,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt te þirrsteþþ.
& ȝiff þu þiss þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Deplikerr unnderrstanndesst,
Þatt Cristess hird o Domess daȝȝ
Shall ummbeshorenn wurrþenn
Þurrh Cristess are & þurrh ærist
Swa þwerrt [út] wel wiþþ alle,


& clennsedd all þwerrt út swa wel
Off iwhillc unnclænnesse,
Þatt næfre ma ne shall itt ben
O nane wise filedd
Fra þeþennforþ, fra Domess daȝȝ,
Fra þatt itt wurrþeþþ clennsedd
& ummbeshorenn þurrh Drihhtin
I bodiȝ & i sawle,
Uppo þe lattste daȝȝ þatt uss
Þehhtennde daȝȝ bitacneþþ,
Forr all þiss middellærdess ald
Bi seffne daȝhess erneþþ,
Þehhtennde daȝȝ iss Domess daȝȝ
Þa Cristess hird shall wurrþenn
Þurrh Cristess are & þurrh ærist
Off alle sinness clennsedd,
Ȝiff þatt tu þurrh gastlike witt
Sest tiss & unnderrstanndesst,
Þa takesst tu gastlike witt
Off staffliȝ witeȝhunnge,
& drinnkesst ta þatt win þatt iss
Út off þe waterr wharrfedd,
Þatt win þatt turrnenn maȝȝ þi þohht
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
All fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Þa fétless wærenn alle off stan
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn tacnenn,


Þatt illc an time filledd wass
Off haliȝ witeȝhunnge
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
& off hiss hallȝhe come.
Forr Jesu Crist iss wiss þurrh stan
O fele bokess tacnedd,
Forr Crist iss strang, & stedefasst,
& findiȝ, & unnsakenn,
Till alle þa þatt lufenn himm
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Þa fétless tokenn, seȝȝþ Goddspell,
Twinne mett, oþerr þrinne,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn tacnenn uss
Þærþurrh-þatt illc an time
Off haliȝ witeȝhunnge wass
All filledd þurrh profetess,
Þatt off þe Faderr heffness king
& off hiss Sune spækenn,
& tokenn þærwiþþ twinne mett
I þeȝȝre witeȝhunnge.
& eȝȝwhær þær þeȝȝ writenn uss
I þeȝȝre wĭteȝhunnge
Ohht off þe Faderr heffness king,
& off hiss Sune baþe,
& off þatt Hallȝhe Frofre Gast
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm beȝȝenn,
Þær tokenn þeȝȝ wiþþ þrinne mett
I þeȝȝre witeȝhunnge.


& eȝȝwhær þær þeȝȝ spækenn ohht
Off þatt te Laferrd shollde
Himm chesenn an Crisstene follc
Off twinne kinne þede,
Þatt iss off Judewisshe þed
& off hæþene lede,
Þær tokenn þeȝȝ wiþþ twinne mett
I þeȝȝre witeȝhunnge.
& eȝȝwhær þær þeȝȝ spækenn ohht
Off þatt te Laferrd shollde
Forrwerrpenn all Judisskenn follc
Full neh forr þeȝȝre sinne,
& takenn wiþþ hæþene led
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Wiþþ þatt hæþene þed tatt wass
All strenedd her to manne
Þurrh Sæm, & Kam, & þurrh Jafæþ,
Þatt Noþess suness wærenn,
Þær tokenn þeȝȝ wiþþ þrinne mett
I þeȝȝre witeȝhunnge.
Þa sexe fetless, alls uss seȝȝþ
Þe Goddspellwrihhte, wærenn
Swillke summ þatt Judisskenn follc
Wass wunedd i þatt time
To wasshenn offe þeȝȝre lic,
To clennsenn hemm þatt wise.
Boc seȝȝþ þatt tatt Judisskenn follc
Wass wunedd i þatt time
To wasshenn offte þeȝȝre lic
Wiþþ waterr all wiþþutenn,


To clennsenn þeȝȝre bodiȝ swa
Off all þe bodiȝ sinne.
Acc þatt wass all, þatt witt tu wel,
Unnnitt & idell dede,
Forr þohh þeȝȝ wesshenn þeȝȝre lic
Wiþþ waterr all wiþþutenn,
Ne mihhtenn þeȝȝ nohht clennsenn swa
Þe flæsh off hire sinne.
Forr whase wile clennsenn ohht
Hiss flæsh off aniȝ sinne,
Himm birrþ himm clennsenn [witt tu wel]
Wiþþ shriffte & wiþþ dædbote,
& innwarrdliȝ biwepenn itt
Off þatt itt ohht wass filedd,
& blinnenn itt fra þeþennforþ
To filenn hise þannkess.
& witt tu wel þatt nollde nohht
Þe Goddspellwrihhte mælenn,
Off þatt te Judewisshe follc
Hemm wesshenn swa wiþþutenn
Off swillke fétless, ȝiff þatt he
Ne wisste whatt itt shollde
Bitacnenn eȝȝþerr hemm & uss
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn.
Itt tacneþþ till Judisskenn follc,
Þatt all þatt witeȝhunnge
Þatt hallȝhe witess wrĭtenn hemm
Inn alle þeȝȝre timess
Wass hemm bitahht þurrh Godd, forr hemm
To clennsenn & to bæwenn


Off all þatt teȝȝ missdidenn þa
Wiþþ bodiȝ & wiþþ sawle.
& uss itt tacneþþ, þatt uss maȝȝ
Full wel inn ure time
All Godess lare off eȝȝþerr boc,
Off þalde & off þe newe,
Clennsenn off all þatt ifell iss,
Ȝiff þatt wét wilenn follȝhenn,
& innwarrdlike & illke daȝȝ
Anndȝætenn ure sinness,
& lofenn Godd, & wurrþenn Godd,
& lufenn Godd & þewwtenn.
Forr baþe tacneþþ uss Judew
Þatt word onn Ennglissh spæche,
Þatt uss birrþ lofenn Godd, & rihht
Anndȝætenn ure sinness.
Crist badd ta birrless ganngenn till,
& fillenn here fétless
Off waterr, forr he wollde uss don
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt all þatt witeȝhunnge wass
Þurrh himm onn erþe cwiddedd
Þatt witess haffdenn writenn ær
Off himm & off hiss come.
& nollde nohht te Laferrd Crist
Att tatt bridaless sæte


Hemm wirrkenn win inoh off nohht,
Þatt wære himm lihht to forþenn,
Acc wollde off waterr wirrkenn win,
Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn,
Þatt he ne wass nohht wurrþenn mann
Bitwenenn menn onn erþe
Forr to forrwerrpenn aniȝ lott
Off Moysæsess lare,
Noff all þatt witeȝhunngeboc
Þatt witess haffdenn cwiddedd,
Acc forrþi þatt he wollde itt all
Don hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess hallȝhe witt
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
& siþþenn all to fillenn itt
Gastlike þurrh hiss hellpe.
& tatt fulluhht, þatt Sannt Johan
Bapptisste ȝaff þe lede
I waterr ane, maȝȝ full wel
Ben þurrh þatt waterr tacnedd,
Þatt warrþ i Cana Galile
Till win þurrh Cristess mahhte,
Forr þatt fulluhht wass turrnedd all
Þurrh Jesu Cristess come
All fra þe waterr inntill win,
Inntill þrowwinnge & pine
Þatt wel maȝȝ tacnedd ben þurrh win,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Forr pine iss sur & biteþþ wiþþ
& cwennkeþþ erþliȝ kinde,


Ȝiff þatt te pine iss lang & strang,
& swillc iss winess kinde,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt mann drinnkeþþ itt
Att oferrdon, itt cwennkeþþ.
All þuss wass Johaness fulluhht
Wel þurrh þatt waterr tacnedd
Þatt warrþ i Cana Galile
Till win þurrh Cristess mahhte.
Forr þatt birrþ follȝhenn sone anan,
Son summ þe mann iss fullhtnedd,
Þatt he be bun forrþrihht anan
To þolenn dæþess pine,
All forr þe lufe off Jesu Crist
& forr þe rihhte læfe.
& all forrþi wass dæþess drinnch
Allræresst brohht & birrledd
Till þatt Johan off alle þa
Þatt turrndenn hemm till Criste,
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& tatt bridaless hus wass all
Wiþþ þrinne bennkess bennkedd;
Forr þær wass an bennkinnge lah
& itt wass ferr fra waȝhe,
& oþerr wass abufenn þatt
& summ del ner þe waȝhe,
& þridde wass abufenn þatt
& itt wass bi þe waȝhe.


& þurrh þa þre bennkinngess iss
All Cristess hird bitacnedd,
Þatt iss i Crisstenndom alls itt
Inn an bridale wære.
& itt iss dæledd all o þre,
O þrinne kinne lede,
& niss nan off þa þrinne þed
Wiþþ oþerr efennmete,
Forr an iss heh, & oþerr lah,
& þridde iss allre laȝhesst.
Þe maste lott tatt heȝhesst iss
Iss þatt lærede genge,
Þatt iss ȝuw sett abusenn ȝuw
To ȝemenn & to lærenn,
To spellenn ȝuw off Crisstenndom,
To shrifenn ȝuw & huslenn,
To birrȝenn ȝuw i kirrkegærd,
To biddenn forr þe sawle.
Þiss lott off all Crisstene follc
Iss heȝhesst unnderr Criste,
Forr itt iss sett her att te ster
To sterenn baþe þoþre.
Þatt oþerr lott iss all þatt follc
Þatt lifeþþ i clænnesse,
I maȝȝþhad & i widdwesshad
I minnstress & i tuness.
Þiss lott iss heh biforenn Godd,
Forr þatt itt here onn erþe
Stannt inn to follȝhenn enngleþed
Þurrh soþ clænnessess bisne.


Þatt forrme, þatt iss att te ster
To ȝemenn baþe þoþre,
Þatt lott iss heȝhesst, forr þatt itt
Her follȝheþþ soþ clænnesse,
& iss þær tekenn att te ster
To ȝemenn baþe þoþre.
Þe þridde lott iss all þatt follc
Þatt wiþþ weddlac iss bundenn;
Þiss follc iss laȝhesst, & tiss lott
Addleþþ þe læste mede,
Forr þatt teȝȝ hafenn allre masst
Off þeȝȝre flæshess wille,
& tohh swa þehh, ȝiff þeȝȝ weddlac
Rihht laȝhelike follȝhenn,
Þeȝȝ addlenn unnderr Crisstenndom
To brukenn eche blisse.
Þatt allderrmann, þatt heȝhesst wass
Att tatt bridale settledd,
Wass sett forr to bitacnenn uss
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,
Þatt wærenn heȝhesst unnderr Crist
I þiss bridaless sæte,
Inn ure Crisstenndom, þatt wass
Þurrh þatt bridale tacnedd.
& hemm wass brohht i Crisstenndom
Gastlike witt onn hæfedd,


All all swa summ þatt win wass brohht
Þatt allderrmann allræresst.
& Cristess posstless nisstenn nohht
Allræresst tatt teȝȝ mihhtenn
Eȝȝwhær o witeȝhunnge writt
Gastlike lare findenn,
All all swa summ þatt allderrmann
Att tatt bridaless sæte
Ne wisste nohht off whatt tatt win
Wass wrohht tatt mann himm brohhte,
Þatt wass swa swiþe god tatt he
Forrwunndredd wass þæroffe;
Forr gastliȝ witt iss swiþe god
& halsumm to þe sawle.
Acc hallȝhe wĭtess wisstenn wel
& wel þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn,
Þatt teȝȝre witeȝhunnȝe wass
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
& tatt wass uss bitacnedd wel,
Þurrh þatt te birrless wisstenn
All hu þatt ȝode winess drinnch
Wass út off waterr wharrfedd.
Crist badd hemm berenn firrst tatt win
Till þallderrmann to drinnkenn,
& Crist ȝaff þatt þurrh Haliȝ Gast,
Þatt hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Onnfengenn gastliȝ wittess drinnch
Eȝȝwhær o witeȝhunnge.


Þatt allderrmann drannc off þatt win
Þatt wass off waterr wharrfedd,
& itt himm þuhhte swiþe god,
& toc to clepenn sone
Uppo þatt oþerr hæfedd mann
Þatt wass bridgume, & seȝȝde;
Illc mann firrst brinngeþþ forþ god win,
& siþþenn he biginneþþ
To brinngenn forþ summ werrse win,
Son summ þe follc iss drunnkenn.
Þatt allderrmann bitacneþþ uss
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,
& ure Laferrd Crist wass uss
Þurrh þatt bridgume tacnedd;
& Cristess hird, Crisstene follc
Iss Cristess brid onn erþe.
& Cristess posstless off þatt teȝȝ
Gastlike lare fundenn
Eȝȝwhær onn haliȝ bokess writt
Full bliþe & glade wærenn,
& stodenn inn to þannkenn Crist
Wiþþ muþ & ec wiþþ herrte,
Þatt he þeȝȝm ȝaff þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn
Off haliȝ witeȝhunngess writt
Þe depe diȝhellnesse,
& seȝȝdenn þuss till þeȝȝre Crist
I þeȝȝre clene þohhtess;


Illc mann firrst brinngeþþ forþ god win,
& siþþenn he biginneþþ
To brinngenn forþ summ werrse win,
Son summ þe follc iss drunnkenn.
& tiss wass seȝȝd alls iff þeȝȝ þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝdenn,
Þe defell & te defless þeww
Þeȝȝ ȝifenn menn to drinnkenn,
Acc nohht tatt wise þatt tu dost,
Allmahhtiȝ Godd off heffne.
Þeȝȝ ȝifenn firrst te gode win;
Forr þeȝȝre firrste lare
Iss haliȝ lare, & soþ, & rihht,
& halsumm forr to lernenn,
Forr swa to draȝhenn follc upponn
To follȝhenn þeȝȝre lare.
& siþþenn don þeȝȝ falls & flærd
Amang þe gode lare,
& all biswikenn swa þe follc
Þurrh þeȝȝre laþe wiless,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ don hemm falls & flærd
To lefenn & to follȝhenn
Amang þe rihhte lare off Godd
& off þe rihhte læfe.
& affterr þatt teȝȝ hafenn all
Wharrfedd te wrecche lede
Þurrh þeȝȝre laress attredd win
Inntill swillc drunnkennesse,
Þatt teȝȝ ne cunnenn nan innsihht
Noff Godd, noff Godess lare,


Þæraffterr ȝifenn þeȝȝ þe follc
Ȝét werrse win to drinnkenn,
Forr siþþenn iss all þeȝȝre spell
Shir atter & shir galle
Till alle þa þatt herrcnenn itt
& follȝhenn itt & fillenn.
Forr all itt iss þwerrt út ȝæn Godd
& ȝæn Goddspelless lare;
& all itt iss rihht dæþess drinnc
& defless drunnkennesse;
& all itt maȝȝ þe wrecche follc
Forrblendenn & bididdrenn,
To shædenn hemm fra Godess hird
& fra þe blisse off heffne,
To draȝhenn hemm till hellegrund
To dreȝhenn hellepine.
Þuss birrleþþ defell & hiss þeww
Aȝȝ werrse & werrse drinnchess,
& att te lattste drunncnenn þeȝȝ
Þa wrecchess, þatt hemm trowwenn,
Inn hefiȝ sinness depe wel,
& draȝhenn hemm till helle.
& tu, lef Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Ne shennkesst nohht tatt wise,
Ne birrlesst tu nowwþerr þin hird
Ne swa, ne swillke drinnchess,


Forr þu þeȝȝm birrlesst lifess drinnch
Þurrh lare & ec þurrh bisne.
Þin forrme win iss swiþe god,
Þin lattre win iss bettre;
Forr all itt wharrfeþþ þe þin hird
Þurrh gastliȝ drunnkennesse
Fra werelldshipess lufe & lusst
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To follȝhenn aȝȝ anwherrfeddleȝȝc
To winnenn heffness blisse.
Her iss þe defell & hiss þeww,
Forr eȝȝþerr follȝheþþ oþerr,
To birrlenn firrst te swete win
& siþþenn bitterr galle,
Her iss here eȝȝþerr nemmnedd mann
& nohht forr nane gode,
Acc forr þeȝȝ baþe tæchenn menn
To follȝhenn flæshess lusstess;
Forr mann iss flæsh þær þær he doþ
Þe flæshess fule wille,
& mann iss gast þær þær he doþ
Þe sawless clene wille.
& off þiss illke seȝȝde þuss
Daviþþ þe Sallmewrihhte
Till defless þewwess, þatt he sahh
Þe flæshess wille follȝhenn;
Ȝe shulenn deȝenn all se menn;
Forr þiss iss tunnderrstanndenn
Alls iff he seȝȝde þuss till hemm
Wiþþ all full openn spæche;


Ȝe shulenn deȝenn ifel dæþ
To dreȝhen helle pine,
Forr þatt ȝe follȝhenn i þiss lif
All ȝure flæshess wille.
Þuss mæleþþ Cristess hird wiþþ Crist
I þeȝȝre clene þohhtess,
To þannkenn himm i clene þohht
Hiss æddmodnessess hellpe,
Þatt he þeȝȝm hafeþþ filledd all
Wiþþ lifess drinnch onn erþe,
Þurrh haliȝ bokess gastliȝ witt
Þatt he þeȝȝm hafeþþ oppnedd.
& tatt te Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Þatt ure Laferrd wrohhte
Þatt win i Cana Galile
Þe firrste off hise tacness,
Þatt seȝȝþ he forrþi þatt itt wass
Þe firrste off Cristess tacness,
Off þa þatt he bitwenenn menn
I mennisscnesse wrohhte.
Forr nass itt nohht te firrste mahht
Off þa þatt ure Laferrd
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
I Goddcunndnesse wrohhte.
Forr Godd shop all þe werrld off nohht,
An wunnderrlike takenn,


& all þatt i þe werelld iss
Off alle kinne shaffte
All shop Drihhtin, þatt witt tu wel,
Þurrh wunnderrlike takenn.
& tatt he wirrkeþþ illke ȝer
Swa fele kinne wasstmess
Off gresess, & off tres, & ec
Off alle cwike shafftess,
Þatt doþ uss illke ȝer to sen
Drihhtiness miccle tacness.
Acc forrþi þatt mann illke ȝer
Hemm seþ onn ane wise,
Forrþi mann læteþþ litell off
To wunndrenn ohht tæronne.
& forrþi toc þe Laferrd Crist
To shæwen newe tacness
Whil þatt he wass bitwenenn menn
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
Forr þatt mann shollde himm wunndrenn onn,
& follȝhenn himm þe bettre,
To winnenn lott inn heffness ærd
Off eche lifess blisse.
& hise Lerninngcnihhtess þær
Att tatt bridaless sæte
Tokenn to lefenn uppo Crist
& onn hiss Goddcunndnesse,
Tokenn to trowwenn þatt he wass
Allmahhtiȝ Godd off heffne,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ himm sæȝhenn þær
Þatt miccle takenn wirrkenn,


I þatt he þær biforenn hemm
God win off waterr wrohhte.
Þuss wrohhte þær þe Laferrd Crist
Mang menn hiss firrste takenn,
& affterr þatt he wrohhte ma
All att hiss lefe wille.
Þe blinde ȝaff he wel to sen,
& hallte wel to ganngenn,
& dumbe menn & dæfe he ȝaff
To spekenn wel & herenn.
& off þe micclelic att himm
Well fĕle tokenn hæle;
& ta þatt fellenn o broþþfall
Þeȝȝ tokenn att himm hæle;
& he draf út off wode menn
Defless, & ȝaff hemm hæle;
& þurrh hiss mahht he dide menn
To risenn upp off dæþe;
He fedde fif þusennde menn
Wiþþ fife barrliȝ lafess;
& ec he ȝede uppo þe sæ,
All alls itt wære onn erþe;
He þratte stirne wind o sæ
& itt warrþ stille & liþe;
An wif, þatt wass þurrh blodess flod
Well ner all brohht to dæþe,
Þurrh þatt ȝho ran upponn hiss claþ
Warrþ hal off hire unnhæle.


All þuss & tuss he dide god
Amang Judisskenn lede,
Amang þatt illke laþe follc
Þatt he wass borenn offe.
& tohh swa þehh þeȝȝ tokenn himm
Wiþþutenn hise gillte,
& cwaldenn himm o rodetre
Þurrh þeȝȝre depe sinne.
& itt comm hefiȝlike onn hemm
Þurrh Godess rihhte wræche,
Onn alle þa þatt nohht nass off
To betenn ohht tatt sinne.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
To betenn ure sinness,
& swa to lefenn uppo Crist
& swa to don hiss wille,
Þatt heffness ȝate uss openn be
Att ure lifess ende.



Prope erat Pasca Judeorum & ascendit Ihc Jerosolimam & invenit in templo vendentes oves & boves & columbas.

Affterr þatt tatt te Laferrd Crist
Þe waterr haffde wharrfedd
Till win i Cana Galile
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Þæraffterr, alls uss seȝȝþ Goddspell,
Fór he wiþþ hise posstless
Inntill an oþerr tun þatt wass
Cafarrnaum ȝehatenn.
& Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr comm
Wiþþ himm inntill þatt chesstre,
& hise breþre comenn ec
Wiþþ himm & wiþþ hiss moderr.
& tær bilæf þe Laferrd ta
Wiþþ hemm acc nawihht lannge,
Forr þatt Judisskenn Passkedaȝȝ
Þa shollde cumenn newenn.
& Crist fór þa till Ȝerrsalæm,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
& he fand i þe temmple þær
Well fele menn þatt saldenn
Þærinne baþe nowwt & shep,
& ta þatt saldenn cullfress;
& menn att bordess sætenn þær
Wiþþ sillferr forr to lenenn.


& Crist himm wrohhte an swepe þær
All alls itt wære off wiþþess,
& draf hemm alle samenn út,
& nowwt & sowwþess alle;
& all he warrp út i þe flor
Þe bordess & te sillferr.
& affterr þatt he seȝȝde þuss
Till þa þatt saldenn cullfress;
Gaþ till, & bereþþ heþenn út
Whattlike þise þingess;
Ne birrþ ȝuw nohht mi Faderr hus
Till chepinngboþe turrnenn.
& hise Lerninngcnihhtess þær
Þohhtenn & unnderrstodenn,
Þatt tær wass filledd þa þurrh himm
& inn hiss hallȝhe dede
Þatt, tatt te Sallmewrihhte seȝȝþ
Upponn hiss hallȝhe sallme;
Hát lufe towarrd Godess hus
Me biteþþ i min herrte.
& sume off þa Judisskenn menn,
Þatt herrdenn whatt he seȝȝde
& sæȝhenn whatt he dide þær,
Himm ȝæfenn sware, & seȝȝdenn;
Whatt tákenn shæwesst tu till uss
Þatt dost tuss þise dedess?
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Hemm ȝaff anndswere, & seȝȝde;


Unnbindeþþ all þiss temmple, & icc
Itt i þre daȝhess reȝȝse.
& ta Juþewess ȝæfenn himm
Anndswere onnȝæn, & seȝȝdenn;
Fowwerrtiȝ winnterr ȝedenn forþ
& ȝét tær tekenn sexe,
Ær þann þiss temmple mihhte ben
Fullwrohht & all fullforþedd,
& tu darrst ȝellpenn þatt tu mihht
Itt i þre daȝhess reȝȝsenn?
& Jesu Crist ne seȝȝde nohht
Þatt word off þeȝȝre temmple,
Acc off hiss bodiȝ temmple he spacc,
& teȝȝ itt nohht ne wisstenn.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass risenn upp off dæþe,
Þe posstless þohhtenn off þiss word,
& ta þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn,
Þatt teȝȝre Laferrd haffde seȝȝd
Þatt word all off himm sellfenn,
Off þatt he wollde þolenn dæþ
Forr all mannkinne nede,
& tatt he wollde risenn upp
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe.
& Crist wass o þe Passkedaȝȝ
I Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
& wrohhte þær biforr þe follc
Well fĕle miccle tacness.
& fĕle off þa þatt sæȝhenn þær
Þa tacness þatt he wrohhte


Bigunnenn sone anan onn himm
To lefenn & to trowwenn.
Acc Jesu Crist ne lét himm nohht
Þohhwheþþre i þeȝȝre walde,
Forr þatt he cnew hemm alle wel
& alle þeȝȝre þohhtess,
& forr þatt himm nass rihht nan ned
Þatt aniȝ mann himm shollde
Ohht shæwenn off all þatt, tatt wass
All dærne i manness herrte;
Forr all þatt wass inn iwhillc mann
He sahh, & cnew, & cuþe.
Her endeþþ nu þiss Goddspell þuss
& uss birrþ itt þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt itt læreþþ uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þatt Jesu Crist stah dun inntill
Cafarrnaumess chesstre,
& út off Cana Galile
Wiþþ moderr & wiþþ breþre,
& ec wiþþ posstless, þatt wass don
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn.
Itt tacneþþ, alls uss seȝȝþ soþ boc,
& wel itt birrþ uss trowwenn,
Þatt Godess Sune off heffne stah
Þurrh wunnderrliȝ mecnesse,


& þurrh hát herrtess lufe & lusst
Þatt he till mannkinn haffde,
To flittenn menn till heffness ærd
Út off þe defless walde.
Forr ȝiff þu Cana Galile
Till Ennglissh spæche turrnesst,
Þa tacneþþ itt hát herrtess lusst
To ferrsenn & to flittenn.
& þurrh hát herrtess lufe & lusst
Wass Godess Sune flittedd
Inntill þiss middellærdess burrh,
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe.
& he comm till Cafarrnaum
Whanne he comm dun till erþe,
Forr affterr þatt soþ boc uss seȝȝþ
Cafarrnaum bitacneþþ
Golike tun, & scone tun
& faȝȝerr to bihaldenn,
& swillc iss all þiss middellærd
Golike, & scone, & faȝȝerr
Till alle þa þatt lufenn itt;
Forr hemm itt þinnkeþþ scone,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne þennkenn nohht
Off heffness ærdess blisse,
& forrþi þinnkeþþ hemm full god
& luffsumm her to libbenn,
To follȝhenn þeȝȝre flæshess lusst
I maniȝ kinne sinne.


& Crist comm till Cafarrnaum
Wiþþ moderr & wiþþ breþre,
& ec wiþþ Lerninngcnihhteflocc;
& tatt wass forr to tacnenn,
Þatt he wass cumenn hiderr dun
To takenn here onn erþe
Moderr, & oþre kinness menn
Upponn hiss moderr hallfe,
& posstless forr to follȝhenn himm,
& oþre Lerninngcnihhtess.
Þe Goddspellwrihhte Sannt Johan
Her nemmneþþ Cristess breþre
Þatt lott off menn, þatt wass himm sibb
I mennisscnessess kinde,
Þatt wass till Crist ȝét ner bitahht
Þan hise posstless wærenn;
Forr þatt teȝȝ wærenn off hiss kinn
& tærþurrh nerre breþre.
& tohh swa þehh þe Laferrd Crist,
Þurrh sellcuþ æddmodnesse,
Inn oþre stokess nemmneþþ wel
Þa posstless hise breþre,
Þatt nohht ne wærenn off hiss kinn
I mennisscnessess kinde.
& he þeȝȝm nemmneþþ swa þurrh hiss
Unnseȝȝenndliȝ godnesse;
Forr þatt he þeȝȝm i Crisstenndom
To breþre chosenn haffde.
& alle þa þatt follȝhenn rihht
Þe Crisstenndom onn erþe,


Þurrh clene þohht, þurrh clene word,
Þurrh clene læfe & dede,
Þeȝȝ alle samenn, seȝȝþ soþ boc,
Weppmenn & wifmenn baþe
Sinndenn till ure Laferrd Crist
Full dere breþre & susstress,
Forr þatt teȝȝ hafenn forþ wiþþ himm
An Faderr upp inn heffne,
Þurrh þatt he chæs hemm i þiss lif
To wurrþenn hise chilldre,
Þurrh fulluhht, & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ æfre stanndenn inn
To follȝhenn all hiss wille.
Acc Crist iss Godess Sune, all an
Wiþþ Godd i Goddcunndnesse,
& wiþþ hiss Faderr efennheh
& efennmete i mahhte,
& all an kinde Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
& swa ne maȝȝ nan oþerr ben,
Ne Jesu Cristess broþerr,
Ne Godess Sune all an wiþþ Godd
I Goddcunndnessess kinde;
Acc þa þatt ȝerne stanndenn inn
To follȝhenn Godess wille,
Þeȝȝ sinndenn till þe Laferrd Crist
Full dere breþre & susstress,
& Godess chilldre i þatt tatt teȝȝ
Wel follȝhenn Godess wille.


Forr þa þatt follȝhenn Cristess sloþ
Þeȝȝ sinndenn Godess chilldre,
& ta þatt follȝhenn defless raþ
Þeȝȝ sinndenn defless chilldre.
Þatt Crist fór inntill Ȝerrsalæm
Þe Passkedaȝȝ to frellsenn,
Þatt dide he þa la fuliwis
Forr uss to ȝifenn bisne,
Þatt uss birrþ alle stanndenn inn
To frellsenn & to wurrþenn
Þa messedaȝȝess, þatt te prest
Uss bédeþþ wel to frellsenn.
& ec he fór till Ȝerrsalæm,
Forr þatt he full wel wisste
Þatt tær wass sammnedd mikell follc
Þatt heȝhe daȝȝ to frellsenn,
& forrþi þatt he wollde þær
Hiss Goddcunndnesse shæwenn,
Þurrh þatt he wollde wirrkenn þær
Summ hefennlike takenn
Biforenn all þatt miccle follc
Þatt tær wass þanne sammnedd,
To turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& Crist fór ec till Ȝerrsalæm
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt uss iss swiþe mikell god
To swinnkenn ferr till hallȝhenn,


Ȝiff þatt we don itt all þwerrt út
Forr lufe off Godess hallȝhenn,
& forr to swennchenn ure lif
To betenn ure sinness,
& ȝiff we ledenn haliȝ lif
& clene inn all þatt weȝȝe,
& siþþenn aȝȝ fra þeþennforþ
All þess te bettre uss ȝemenn
Fra werelldshipess oferrgarrt,
& fra þe depe sinness.
Twa sĭþe fór þe Laferrd Crist
Till Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre
Onnȝæn þe Passkemessedaȝȝ
To shæwenn hise tacness,
Ann siþe uppo þe firrste ȝer
Þatt he bigann to spellenn,
& efft upponn hiss lattste ȝer
Whanne he comm þær to tune,
To þolenn dæþ o rodetre
Forr all mannkinne nede
& út off Godess temmple he draf
Chappmenn att eȝȝþerr time.
Menn saldenn þære nowwt & shep
& cullfress i þe temmple,
& illkess kinness oþerr þing
Þatt menn þær sholldenn offrenn;
& tatt wass þurrh þe prestess don
Þurrh þeȝȝre grediȝnesse,


Forr þatt menn sholldenn cumenn forþ
& offrenn þess te mare,
Þurrh þatt menn sholldenn findenn itt
All rædiȝ þær to biggenn.
& menn wiþþ sillferr sætenn þær
To lenenn itt te lede,
Þatt sillferr wære rædiȝ þær
Till þa þatt wolldenn offrenn,
& ec till þa þatt wolldenn ohht
Biggenn till þeȝȝre lakess;
& þurrh þe prestess wære þeȝȝ
Sette to lenenn sillferr.
Þatt Crist himm wrohhte an swepe þær
All alls itt wære off wiþþess,
& draf hemm alle samenn út
& nowwt & sowwþess alle,
& tatt he warrp út i þe flor
Þe bordess & te sillferr,
Þatt dide he forr to don hemm swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn
Whatt læn þeȝȝ sholldenn unnderrfon
Att Godd forr swillke dedess.
Þe Laferrd wrohhte an swepe þær
All alls itt wære off wiþþess,
To tacnenn þatt hemm ȝarrkedd wass
Stranng pine i defless wiþþess,
Forr þatt teȝȝ turrndenn Godess hus
Inntill huccsteress boþe.


Þeȝȝ wrohhtenn rap þurrh sinnfull lif
To draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ bundenn woh till woh
& sinness uppo sinness;
& tatt wass hemm bitacnedd wel
Þurrh Jesu Cristess wiþþess.
& ȝiff þær wass swa mikell gillt
To biggenn & to sellenn
Þa þingess, þatt menn sholldenn þær
Offrenn Drihhtin to lake,
Inoh þær wære mare gillt
To follȝhenn gluterrnesse,
& drunnkennesse, & horedom,
Þatt sinndenn fulre sinness.
& ȝiff þatt Crist swa wraþeliȝ
Draf menn & menness ahhte
Út off þatt temmple þatt wass wrohht
Off trewwess & off staness,
Inoh he wraþþeþþ himm wiþþ menn,
Ȝiff þatt he depe sinness
& all þatt ifell iss & woh
Findeþþ i menness herrtess,
Þatt sholldenn ben hiss aȝhenn hus
To resstenn himm þærinne.
Crisstene follc iss Cristess hus
& Cristess hallȝhe temmple,
& ȝiff þatt iss þatt Cristess follc
Hemm flitteþþ frawarrd sinness,
& towarrd alle gode þæw
& alle gode dedess,


Þa frellsenn þeȝȝ, þatt witt tu wel,
Gastlike Passkemesse,
Forr Passke,—ȝiff þu turrnenn willt
Þatt word till Ennglissh spæche,
Þa tacneþþ itt tatt uss birrþ aȝȝ
Uss flittenn towarrd Criste.
& hiderr cumeþþ Crist himm sellf
Inntill Crisstene lede,
Þurrh þatt he nimeþþ mikell gom
Whatt gate illc an himm ledeþþ,
All alls he comm till Ȝerrsalæm
Þe Passkedaȝȝ to frellsenn.
& here he drifeþþ alle þa
Út off hiss hallȝhe lede
Þatt ledenn hemm ȝæn Goddspellboc,
Ȝæn Cristess laȝhe i sinne,
All alls he draf inn Ȝerrsalæm
Út off hiss Faderr temmple
Þatt follc þatt he þærinne sahh
Unnlaȝhelike himm ledenn;
Crist drifeþþ hemm út off hiss hird,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝre sinness
Hemm shædenn all fra Cristess hird
& draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Butt iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre gilltess.
Þa nowwt tatt Jesu Crist draf út
Off Godess hallȝhe temmple
Tacnedenn uss þatt læredd follc
Þatt læreþþ wel & spelleþþ,


Acc all forr lufe off erþliȝ loff
& all forr erþliȝ mede,
& rihht nohht forr þe lufe off Godd,
Noff hefennlike mede,
& swillke drifeþþ Jesu Crist
Út off hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt iss,—út off þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne spellenn nohht
Forr hefennlike mede,
Acc all forr lufe off idell ȝellp
& all forr menness spæche;
Hemm drifeþþ Crist út off hiss hird,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝre sinnes
Hemm shædenn all fra Cristess hird,
& draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Butt iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre gilltess.
& ȝiff þu fraȝȝnesst whi þe nowwt
Uss haffdenn to bitacnenn
Þatt læredd follc þatt spelleþþ uss
Off Godess hallȝhe lare,
Her iss anndswere þær onnȝæn,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe;
Þatt all swa summ þe nowwt i ploh
Þe turrnenn erþe & tawwenn,
Swa þatt itt muȝhe tăkenn wel
Wiþþ sed to berenn wasstme,


All swa birrþ læredd mann þurrh spell
Þe mekenn all þin herrte,
& turrnenn itt & tawwenn itt,
& nesshenn itt & godenn,
Swa þatt itt bere þess te bett
God wasstme i gode dedess.
Þa shep þatt Jesu Crist draf út
Off Godess hallȝhe temmple
Tacnedenn uss þatt follc þatt her
Unnshaþinesse follȝheþþ,
& ledeþþ her full haliȝ lif
Affterr þatt tatt menn wenenn;
Acc itt niss nohht biforenn Godd
Licwurrþiȝ lif, ne cweme.
Forr all þatt tatt teȝȝ haliliȝ
& dafftiȝlike hemm ledenn,
All don þeȝȝ þatt forr erþliȝ loff
& forr erþlike mede,
& rihht nohht forr þe lufe off Godd,
Noff hefennlike mede.
& swillke drifeþþ Jesu Crist
Út off hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt iss,—út off þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝ ne don na god
Forr hefennlike mede,
Acc all forr lufe off idell ȝellp
& all forr menness spæche;
Hemm drifeþþ Crist út off hiss hird
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝre sinness


Hemm shædenn all fra Cristess hird
& draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Bútt iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre gilltess.
& ȝiff þu fraȝȝnesst whi þe shep
Uss haffdenn to bitacnenn
Þatt follc þatt here i Crisstenndom
Unnshaþiȝnesse follȝheþþ,
Her iss anndswere þær onnȝæn,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Þatt shep iss all unnshaþiȝ der,
& stille, & mec, & milde,
& tacneþþ þa forrþi þatt her
Unnshaþiȝnesse follȝhenn.
& Haliȝ Gast comm uppo Crist
Inn aness cullfress hewe,
Þær he wass fullhtnedd att te flumm
Þurrh Sannt Johan Bapptisste;
& forrþi maȝȝ wel Haliȝ Gast
Þurrh cullfre ben bitacnedd,
Forr Haliȝ Gast comm uppo Crist
Inn aness cullfress like,
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Draf út off Godess temmple
Þa menn þatt saldenn cullfress þær,
& ec þa þatt hemm bohhtenn.
& all swa doþ he ȝét to daȝȝ,
All þwerrt út he forrwerrpeþþ


Þa menn þatt sellenn Haliȝ Gast,
& ec þa þatt itt biggenn.
Whatt mann sitt iss þatt takeþþ her
Forr hadinng aniȝ mede,
He selleþþ Haliȝ Gast forr fe
& biggeþþ hellepine.
& wha sitt iss þatt ȝifeþþ her
Forr hadinng aniȝ mede,
He biggeþþ Haliȝ Gast wiþþ fe,
& biggeþþ hellepine.
& swillke drifeþþ Jesu Crist
Út off hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt iss,—út off þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ,
Forr þatt teȝȝ Haliȝ Gastess mahht
Effnenn wiþþ erþlic ahhte,
Þatt mahhte þatt te Laferrd Crist
Ȝaff hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
& all forrbæd itt all mannkinn
To biggenn & to sellenn.
Þiss illke mahht off Haliȝ Gast,
Þatt Crist ȝaff hise þosstless,
Iss witt & wissdom dep inoh,
To spekenn & to spellenn
Off all þatt tatt iss god & ned,
Wiþþ alle þede spæchess.
& all þiss illke ȝæfenn forþ
Þe Laferrd Cristess posstless,


Þurrh hanndgang upponn alle þa
Þatt fulluhht unnderrfengenn
Att hemm unnderr þe Laferrd Crist,
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe.
& alle þatt tiss hallȝhe mahht
Her biggenn oþerr sellenn,
Hemm alle drifeþþ Jesu Crist
Út off hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt iss,—út off þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ;
& Crist hemm drifeþþ off hiss hird,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝre sinness
Hemm shædenn all fra Cristess follc,
& draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Bútt iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre gilltess.
Þa menn þatt wiþþ þe prestess fe
Þær sætenn, forr to lenenn
Þa menn þatt sholldenn offrenn itt,
Draf Crist út off þe temmple,
Forr þatt teȝȝ alle wærenn þær,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn tacnenn
An follc þatt iss i Crisstenndom,
Þatt Drihhtin all forrwerrpeþþ,
Þatt iss, þatt follc þatt opennliȝ
Her follȝheþþ grediȝnesse,
Þatt all iss turrnedd to þatt an,
To winnenn affterr ahhte
Onn alle wise þatt he maȝȝ,
& bliþeliȝ wiþþ sinne,


& all forrlæteþþ Godd tærþurrh
& all hiss wrecche sawle.
& swillke drifeþþ Jesu Crist
Út off hiss hallȝhe temmple,
Þatt iss, út off þatt hallȝhe flocc
Þatt hise laȝhess haldeþþ;
Forrþi þatt grediȝnesse iss an
Full hefiȝ hæfedd sinne,
& Crist forrwerrpeþþ alle þa
Þatt grediȝnesse follȝhenn,
Swa þatt hemm þinnkeþþ lef & god
To winnenn fe wiþþ sinne.
& Crist hemm drifeþþ off hiss hird,
Þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝre sinness
Hemm shædenn all fra Cristess hird,
& draȝhenn hemm till helle,
Bút iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre gilltess.
Þurrh þatt he warrp út i þe flor
Þe sillferr & te bordess,
Þærþurrh wass uss bitacnedd wel
& don wel tunnderrstanndenn
Þatt, ȝiff þe mann iss Drihhtin laþ
Forr hise depe sinness,
Drihhtin forrwerrpeþþ ec hiss fe
& hise lakess alle.
& tiss wass don uss well to sen
Þurrh Peterr, Cristess posstell,
Þatt seȝȝde till an defless þeww
Symon Driȝmann ȝehatenn,


Forr þatt he þurrh þe laþe gast
Dríȝcrafftess haffde lernedd,
& wollde biggenn wiþþ hiss fe
Att Peterr, Crisstess posstell,
God witt & mahht to spekenn wel
Wiþþ alle þede spæchess,
& seȝȝde till þe posstell þuss
Þurrh currsedd grediȝnesse;
Sell me, Peterr, forr erþliȝ fe
Off Haliȝ Gast swillc mahhte,
Þurrh whatt icc muȝhe spekenn wel
Wiþþ alle þede spæchess,
& I þe ȝife forr þiss mahht
Fe mikell & unnlitell.
& Sannte Peterr ȝaff himm þuss
Anndswere onnȝæn & seȝȝde;
Þin ahhte be þe laþe gast
Bitahht forþ wiþþ þe sellfenn.
Loc her, forrþi þatt he wass Godd
Anndsæte & all unncweme,
Forrþi forrwarrp þe posstell all
Hiss fe forþ wiþþ himm sellfenn,
& all bitahhte itt forþ wiþþ himm
Inntill þe defless walde.
& forrþi warrp Crist i þe flor
Þe sillferr & te bordess
Off þa chappmenn, þatt he forrwarrp
Forr þeȝȝre depe sinness.


& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn þiss
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise,
Þatt Crist warrp all út i þe flor
Þe sillferr & te bordess;
Forr þatt wass don þurrh Jesu Crist
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Patt erþliȝ þing o Domess daȝȝ
Beþ all þwerrt út forrworrpenn
Þatt time, þatt all erþliȝ lif
Beþ cumenn all till ende.
& þurrh þatt tatt he seȝȝde þuss
Till þa þatt saldenn cullfress;
Gaþ till, & bereþþ heþenn út
Whattlike þise þingess,
Ne birrþ ȝuw nohht mi Faderr hus
Till chepinngboþe turrnenn,
Þærþurrh he dide uss opennliȝ
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ta þatt sellenn Haliȝ Gast,
& ec þa þatt itt biggenn,
Att fullhtninng, oþerr att hanndgang,
Oþþr att hadinng, forr mede,
Hemm addlenn swa þe maste wa
Þatt aniȝ mann maȝȝ addlenn,
To dreȝhenn wiþþ þe laþe gast
Á butenn ende inn helle.
& uss birrþ unnderrstanndenn þohh,
Þatt Jesu Crist itt seȝȝde
Till alle þa þatt he þær draf
Út off hiss Faderr temmple,


Till alle þa þatt wærenn þær
To winnenn erþlic ahhte,
& nohht forr Godd i Godess hus
To lofenn, ne to þewwtenn.
& her þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
All opennlike seȝȝde
Þatt Godd off heffne hiss Faderr wass,
& wel uss birrþ itt lefenn,
Forr þær he seȝȝde to þe follc,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
Ne birrþ ȝuw nohht mi Faderr hus
Till chepinngboþe turrnenn.
Þurrh þatt he nemmneþþ Godess hus
Hiss Faderr hus onn erþe,
Þærþurrh he kiþeþþ wel þatt Godd
Hiss Faderr iss inn heffne.
& hise Lerninngcnihhtess þær
Þohhtenn & unnderrstodenn,
Þatt tær wass filledd ta þurrh Crist,
& inn hiss hallȝhe dede,
Þatt tatt te Sallmewrihhte seȝȝþ
Daviþþ upponn a sallme;
Hát lufe towarrd Godess hus
Me freteþþ att min herrte
Hát lufess fir, þatt witt tu wel,
Iss kinndledd i þatt herrte,
Þatt nohht niss off to nimenn gom
Off naness manness eȝȝe,
Acc stanndeþþ upp biforenn follc,
Biforenn riche & kene,


To niþþrenn woh wiþþ all hiss. mahht,
& soþ & rihht to reȝȝsenn,
& tatt all forr to cwemenn Godd
& defell to wiþþstanndenn.
& ȝiff þatt he ne maȝȝ nohht all
Hiss gode wille forþenn,
Himm þinnkeþþ þatt hiss herrte shall
Tobresstenn neh att hanndess.
& all swillc fir wass hát inoh
I Jesu Cristess herrte,
Þær he ne namm þwerrt út na gom
Off all þe follkess eȝȝe,
Acc dirrstiȝlike draf all út
Þatt follc off Godess temmple,
Þatt tær wass inne unnlaȝheliȝ
& sinnfullike sammnedd.
& tatt wass wunnderrliȝ sellcuþ,
& wunnderrliȝ forrtákenn,
Þatt all þatt follc wass swa forrdredd
Off Crist & off hiss ȝerrde,
Þatt teȝȝ ne durrstenn stanndenn nohht
Onnȝæn himm forr hiss eȝȝe.
& Crist wass þær all unncuþ ȝét,
& unnwurrþ, & unnorne,
Swa þatt nan mann ne þurrfte off himm,
Ne nimenn gom, ne rekkenn.
Acc uss birrþ witenn witerrliȝ
& sikerrlike trowwenn,


Þatt Cristess Goddcunndnessess lem
Shan upponn all þatt lede
Off hiss onndlétt, þurrh whatt teȝȝ himm
Ne durrstenn nohht wiþþstanndenn.
& tatt wass, þatt witt tu full wel,
An off þa miccle tacness
Þatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist
I mennisscnesse wrohhte,
Þatt he swa swiþe mikell follc
Draf all út off þe temmple,
All att hiss wille wiþþ an wand,
Alls itt summ wunnderr wære;
& tatt swa mikell follc himm flæh
Forr þatt he toc an ȝerrde,
Swa þatt teȝȝ alle þrenngdenn út
Off all þatt miccle temmple,
All alls itt wære all oferr hemm
O loȝhe & all tofelle.
Acc þatt wass Crist full æþ to don
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Þatt all þatt æfre himm þinnkeþþ god
Aȝȝ doþ all att hiss wille.
& sume off þa Judisskenn menn
Þatt herrdenn whatt he seȝȝde,
& sæȝhenn whatt he dide þær
Himm ȝæfenn sware & seȝȝdenn;
Whatt takenn shæwesst tu till uss
Þatt dost tuss þise dedess,


Þatt tuss derrflike drifesst all
Þiss follc út off þiss minnstre,
& hemm & ec all þeȝȝre fe
Towerrpesst & toskeȝȝresst,
Alls iff þeȝȝ wærenn þine menn
& tine þewwess alle,
& teȝȝ ne cnawenn nohht off þe,
Ne nohht off all þin birde?
Summ takenn birrþ þe shæwenn uss
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt uss birrþ alle dredenn þe
& buȝhenn to þin wille.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Hemm ȝaff anndswere, & seȝȝde;
Unnbindeþþ all þiss temmple, & icc
Itt i þre daȝhess reȝȝse.
Þeȝȝ sohhtenn, summ ȝét herrdenn nu,
Att Jesu Crist summ tákenn
Forr whatt he draf swa dirrstiȝliȝ
Þatt follc út off þe temmple,
Þatt prestess ȝæfenn lefe þær
To biggenn & to sellenn.
& he þeȝȝm ȝaff annswere onnȝæn
& seȝȝde þuss wiþþ worde;
Unnbindeþþ all þiss temmple, & icc
Itt i þre daȝhess reȝȝse.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde;


I draf hemm út, forr þatt I swa
Þiss temmple wollde clennsenn,
Þiss temmple þatt forrþi wass wrohht,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Min bodiȝ, þatt iss all þwerrt út
Off alle sinness clene.
& rihht iss þatt I clennse þuss
Þiss hus off ȝure unnþæwess
All þurrh mi Goddcunndnessess mahht,
All swa summ I shall reȝȝsenn
Off dæþe þurrh þatt illke mahht
Þatt hus þatt itt bitacneþþ,
To clennsenn itt þurrh min ærist
Off all dæþshildiȝnesse,
Þatt iss mi bodiȝ þatt shall ben
Unnbundenn uppo rode
Þær itt shall shædenn fra mi gast,
All wiþþ min aȝhenn wille.
& I me sellf shall reȝȝsenn itt
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe,
Þurrh þatt Þrimmnessess hallȝhe mahht
Þatt all þiss werelld wrohhte.
& ta Juþewess ȝæfenn himm
Anndswere onnȝæn, & seȝȝdenn;
Fowwerrtiȝ winnterr ȝedenn forþ
& ȝét tær tekenn sexe,
Ær þann þiss temmple mihhte ben
Fullwrohht & all fullforþedd,
& tu darrst ȝellpenn þatt tu mahht
Itt i þre daȝhess reȝȝsenn


Ȝiff þatt wét werrpenn dun, inoh
Þu leȝhesst o þe sellfenn.
Flæshlike follc, i flæshliȝ lif
Flæshlike all unnderrstodenn
Þe Laferrd Cristess word, tatt wass
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn.
Þeȝȝ wenndenn þatt he spæke þær
Till hemm off þeȝȝre temmple,
Þatt tær wass wrohht þurrh menness werrc
Off staness & off trewwess.
& Jesu Crist ne seȝȝde nohht
Þatt word off þeȝȝre temmple,
Acc off hiss bodiȝ temmple he spacc,
& teȝȝ itt nohht ne wisstenn,
Þatt shollde o rode þolenn dæþ
Forr all mannkinne nede,
& risenn upp all hal & sund
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe.
Þatt forrme temmple, þatt wass wrohht
O Salomoness time,
Þatt temmple wass i sexe ȝer
All timmbredd & fullforþedd,
& tatt wass all þurrh hæþenn follc
Toworrpenn & toskeȝȝredd;
& siþþenn wass itt timmbredd efft
Acc nohht i swa shorrt while,


Forr hefiȝ & forr sware unngriþþ
Þatt hæþenn follc þær wrohhte.
& swa þeȝȝ stodenn oþerr stund
To wirrkenn o þe temmple,
Þatt draȝhenn swerd wass inn an hannd,
& lim & stan inn oþerr.
& forrþi wass þær lannge to
Ær þann itt wass all forþedd,
Forr itt wass all till ende brohht
Unnæþe & all wiþþ ange,
Wiþþinnenn ȝeress fowwerrtiȝ
& ȝét wiþþinnenn sexe.
& tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Bilimmpeþþ wel wiþþ alle
Till Cristess hallȝhe bodiȝlich,
Swa summ soþ boc uss kiþeþþ.
Forr, swa summ Latin boc uss seȝȝþ,
Þe child i moderr wambe
Iss shapenn all att fowwerrtiȝ
& sexe daȝhess ende;
& i þatt fresst wass Cristess lich
I Sannte Marȝe wambe
Fullike shapenn all þwerrt út
Inn hise limess alle.
& Cristess bodiȝ wass forrþi
Þurrh Godess hus bitacnedd,
Forr Cristess lich wass haliȝ hus
Till Cristess hallȝhe sawle,
Þatt lich þatt þwerrt út shapenn wass
Inn hise limess alle,


I moderr wambe att fowwerrtiȝ
& sexe daȝhess ende;
All swa summ Godess temmple wass
All timmbredd & fullforþedd
Wiþþinnenn ȝeress fowwerrtiȝ
& ȝét wiþþinnenn sexe.
& forr þatt Cristess bodiȝ comm
Þurrh Sannte Marȝe hiss moderr
Off Adam, acc all þwerrt út fre
Off all Adamess sinne,
Forrþi wass Cristess bodiȝ ec
Þurrh Godess temmple tacnedd
Þatt wass i sexe ȝeress all
& fowwerrtiȝ fulltimmbredd;
All all swa summ þu findenn mahht,
Ȝiff þatt tu willt itt sekenn,
Þe tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Þurrh Adam all bitacnedd.
Nu, Laferrdinngess, þiss iss seȝȝd,
& tiss iss tunnderrstanndenn,
Alls iff þe Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till hemm þær att te temmple;
Mi bodiȝ maȝȝ ben rihht full wel
Þurrh ȝure temmple tacnedd,
Forr ȝure temmple timmbredd wass,
& all fullbrohht till ende,


Wiþþinnenn ȝeress fowwerrtiȝ
& ȝét wiþþinnenn sexe.
& tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Iss þurrh Adam bitacnedd,
Off whamm I toc mi bodiȝlich
Acc all wiþþutenn sinne.
Nu wile I, breþre, shæwenn ȝuw
Hu mann birrþ unnderrstanndenn
Þe tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Þurrh Adam all bitacnedd.
Adamess name Adam iss all
Wiþþ fowwre stafess spelldredd.
Þe firrste staff bitacneþþ an,
Þatt oþerr tacneþþ fowwre,
Þe þridde staff bitacneþþ an,
& fowwerrtiȝ þe ferþe.
& ȝiff þu takesst twiȝȝess an
& ekesst itt till fowwre,
Þu finndesst, butt a wunnderr be,
Þe fulle tale off sexe;
& tacc þu fra þe ferþe staff
Þe fowwerrtiȝ togeddre,
& tacc þu þe þe fowwerrtiȝ,
& sett hemm bi þe sexe,
& tacc þe sexe & fowwerrtiȝ,
Off fowwre stafess sammnedd,
& þurrh þa fowwre stafess iss
Adamess name spelldredd.
& tacc þe sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
All þuss þurrh Adam tacnedd,


& tacc þe Crist, & tacc Adam
All an i bodiȝ kinde,
& tacc hemm baþe samenn forþ,
& sett hemm bi þe temmple
Þurrh tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Þatt falleþþ till hemm alle.
Forr Jesu Cristess bodiȝ wass
Inn wiþþ hiss moderr wambe
All shapenn rihht att fowwerrtiȝ
& sexe daȝhess ende;
& Godess temmple timmbredd wass,
& all fullbrohht till ende,
Wiþþinnenn ȝeress fowwerrtiȝ
& ȝét wiþþinnenn sexe;
& tale off sexe & fowwerrtiȝ
Wass þurrh Adam bitacnedd,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd her,
Loc ȝiff þút unnderrstanndesst.
& forr þatt Drihhtin wisste wel
Þatt Adam shollde gilltenn,
& shollde wurrþenn worrpenn út
Off Paradysess riche
Inntill þiss middellærd, tatt iss
O fowwre daless dæledd,
Forrþi namm Godd, tatt witt tu wel,
Þe firrste stafess alle
Út off þa namess þatt he fand
Uppo þa fowwre daless,
& sette uppo þe firrste mann
Hiss name off alle fowwre;


Forr þatt hiss stren all shollde ben
Todrifenn & toskeȝȝredd,
Inn all þiss middellærd tatt iss
O fowwre daless dæledd.
Æstdale off all þiss werelld iss
Anatole ȝehatenn,
& off þatt name toc Drihhtin
An staff Allfa ȝehatenn,
To timmbrenn till þe firrste mann
Hiss name off stafess fowwre.
Wesstdale off all þiss werelld iss
Dysiss bi name nemmnedd,
& off þatt name toc Drihhtin
An staff Dellta ȝehatenn,
To timmbrenn till þe firrste mann
Hiss name off stafess fowwre.
Norrþdale off all þiss werelld iss
Arrctoss bi name nemmnedd,
& off þatt name toc Drihhtin
An staff Allfa ȝehatenn,
To timmbrenn till þe firrste mann
Hiss name off stafess fowwre.
Suþdale off all þiss werelld iss
Mysimmbrión ȝehatenn,
& off þatt name toc Drihhtin,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
An staff þatt iss ȝehatenn MY
Affterr Gricclandess spæche,
To timmbrenn till þe firrste mann
Hiss name off stafess fowwre.


Her hafe I nu biforenn ȝuw
Þa fowwre stafess nemmnedd
Þatt Drihhtin þurrh himm sellfenn toc,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
Út off þa namess þatt he fand
Uppo þa fowwre daless,
Þatt lukenn all þiss middellærd
Wiþþinnenn þeȝȝre wengess.
Þe firrste staff iss nemmnedd A
Onn ure Latin spæche;
Þatt oþerr staff iss nemmnedd DE;
Þe þridde iss A ȝehatenn;
Þe ferþe staff iss nemmnedd EMM
Onn ure Latin spæche.
& ȝiff þatt tu cannst spelldrenn hemm,
Adám þu findesst spelldredd,
Þe name off þallre firrste mann
Þatt shapenn wass off erþe,
Þatt name þatt himm ȝifenn wass
Þurrh Drihhtin, forr to tacnenn,
Þatt all hiss offspring shollde ben
Todrifenn & toskeȝȝredd
Inn all þiss middellærd tatt iss
O fowwre daless dæledd.
& forr þatt all Adamess stren
Todrifenn wass & skeȝȝredd
Inntill þiss wide middellærd
& inntill alle landess,


& eȝȝwhær unnderr hæþenndom
& eȝȝwhær unnderr sinness,
& i þe laþe gastess hannd
& all inn hise walde,
Forrþi comm Crist to wurrþenn mann
Off Adam & off Eve,
Forr þatt he wollde Adamess kinn
Útlesenn fra þe defell,
& gaddrenn himm an haliȝ follc
Off alle kinne lede,
& turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To winnenn þurrh hiss hellpe & hald
To brukenn heffness blisse.
Þe Goddspellwrihhte Sannt Johan
Her seȝȝþ þatt Cristess posstless,
Affterr þatt Crist wass risenn upp
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe,
Wel unnderrstodenn þa þatt word
Þatt Crist himm sellf her seȝȝde,
Þatt he þe temmple mihhte wel
Binnenn þre daȝhess reȝȝsenn,
Ȝiff þatt te Judewisske follc
Itt haffden all unnbundenn.
Þiss hallȝhe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
Þatt Cristess hallȝhe posstless,
Affterr þatt Crist wass risenn upp
Þe þridde daȝȝ off dæþe,
Wel unnderrstodenn þa þatt word,
Þatt Crist itt off himm sellfenn


All haffde seȝȝd, off þatt he dæþ
Forr mannkinn þolenn wollde,
& off þatt he þe þridde daȝȝ
Off dæþe wollde risenn.
Forr, affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass risenn upp off dæþe,
Þe posstless tokenn innwarrdliȝ
To lefenn & to trowwenn
All þatt, tatt cwiddedd wass off Crist
& off hiss dæþ o rode,
Þurrh þatt itt ȝaff hemm Haliȝ Gast
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn.
& Crist wass o þe Passkedaȝȝ
I Ȝerrsalæmess chesstre,
& wrohhte þær biforr þe follc
Wel fĕle miccle tacness,
Forr þatt he wollde turrnenn hemm
Inntill þe rihhte weȝȝe,
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& fĕle off þa þatt sæȝhenn þær
Þa tacness þatt he wrohhte
Bigunnenn sone anan onn himm
To lefenn & to trowwenn,
Acc nohht wiþþ innwarrd herrte ȝét,
Ne nohht wiþþ fulle trowwþe,
Acc útterrlike, & swa þatt teȝȝ
Himm mihhtenn wel forrwerrpenn,


Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ sæȝhenn ohht onn himm
To friȝȝenn & to tælenn.
& Jesu Crist wel unnderrstod
All þeȝȝre wicke trowwþe,
& droh himm frawarrd hemm forrþi,
& lét lihhtliȝ þæroffe,
All swa summ itt wass litell wurrþ
Till þeȝȝre sawle nede.
Forr Godd himm shæweþþ towarrd te
Aȝȝ o þatt illke wise,
Þatt tu þe shæwesst towarrd himm
I þohht, i word, i dede.
Ȝiff þu wiþþ herrte lufesst Godd,
Godd lufeþþ þe wiþþ herrte;
& ȝiff þu litell lufesst Godd,
Þa lufeþþ þe Godd litell;
& ȝiff þu litell dost forr Godd,
Godd ah þe litell mede.
& nollde nohht te Laferrd Crist
Himm don i þeȝȝre walde,
Ne lætenn kiþþeliȝ wiþþ hemm
Forr þeȝȝre wake trowwþe,
Forr þatt he cnew hemm alle wel,
& alle þeȝȝre þohhtess,
& forr þatt himm nass rihht na ned
Þatt aniȝ mann himm shollde
Ohht awwnenn off all þatt, tatt wass
All dærne i manness herrte;


Forr all þatt wass inn iwhillc mann
He sahh, & cnew, & cuþe.
Þiss hallȝhe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt Jesu Crist ne wollde nohht
Himm don i þeȝȝre walde,
& nohht forrþi þatt Crist wass ohht
Forrdredd off þeȝȝre strenncþe,
He þatt wass allre shaffte Godd
Þatt all þe werelld weldeþþ,
Acc forr þatt teȝȝre trowwþe wass
Swa-þatt itt shollde tacnenn
Þatt follkess Crisstenndom, þatt iss
Primmseȝȝdenn & nohht fullhtnedd.
Forr þurrh þatt Crist ne wollde nohht
Himm don i þeȝȝre walde,
Þærþurrh wass tacnedd hemm & uss
& all Crisstene lede,
Þatt tu ne mahht nohht husledd ben
Wiþþ Godess wille & lefe
Þohh þatt tu be primmseȝȝnedd rihht,
Ȝiff þatt tu narrt nohht fullhtnedd.
& swa summ Crist ne wollde nohht
Himm don i þeȝȝre walde,
All swa ne wile he nohht himm don
Ȝét i þatt manness walde,
Þatt iss primmseȝȝnedd & nohht ȝét
Upponn hiss name fullhtnedd.
Ne doþ himm nohht te Laferrd Crist
Ȝét i þatt manness walde,


Forr he ne mót nohht Cristess flæsh
Ne Cristess blod onnfanngenn,
Bút iff þatt he be laȝheliȝ
O Cristess name fullhtnedd.
Off swillke þatt hemm turrndenn swa
Hallflinngess to þe Laferrd,
Off swillke wærenn alle þa
Þatt himm lihhtliȝ forrwurrpenn
Þær þær he seȝȝde þuss till hemm;
Ne maȝȝ nan mann ben borrȝhenn
Þatt off mi flæsh, & off mi blod
Ner eteþþ ne, ne drinnkeþþ;
Forr sone anan summ þeȝȝ þatt word
Herrdenn off Cristess tunge,
Þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn þuss bitwenenn hemm,
Harrd iss þiss word to fillenn,
Niss nan mann þatt maȝȝ follȝhenn himm
Ne don affterr hiss lare.
& ta þeȝȝ wenndenn hemm aweȝȝ
Fra Crist well fele off swillke,
& all forrsokenn forr þatt word
Hiss lare, & himm to follȝhenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ nærenn nohht off þa
Þatt shollden winnenn heffne.
Þe Goddspellwrihhte Sannt Johan
Her seȝȝþ þatt ure Laferrd
All wisste whatt wass i þe mann,
& doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn,


Þatt Crist wass wiss Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle þinge wisste,
& wát all whatt iss i þe mann
& i þe manness herrte,
Bett tann þe mann himm sellf watt whatt
Iss inn hiss aȝhenn herrte.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ gife uss swa
To clennsenn uss o life,
Þatt Crist ne finde nohht inn uss
Off all þatt he forrbedeþþ.


Erat homo ex Phariseis Nichodemus nomine princeps Judeorum.

An mann amang Judisskenn þed
Wass Nicodem ȝehatenn,
Off þatt Farisewisshe follc
Þatt læredd wass o boke,
An allderrmann, an hæfedd mann
Inn Issraæle þede,
To lærenn & to spellenn hemm,
To wissenn & to ȝemenn.
& he comm onn an nahht till Crist,
Forr þatt he wollde lernenn


All stilleliȝ summwhatt att himm
Off hiss goddcunnde lare.
& tuss he toc forrþrihht anan
To mælenn wiþþ þe Laferrd;
Maȝȝstre,—we witenn sikerrliȝ
Þatt tu þurrh Godess wille
& all o Godess hallfe arrt sennd
Larfaderr her to manne;
Forr niss nan mann þatt wirrkenn maȝȝ
Þa tacness þatt tu wirrkesst,
Butt iff þatt Drihhtin be wiþþ himm
All opennlike onn erþe.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Himm ȝaff anndswere & seȝȝde;
To fulle soþ I segge þe,
Þatt niss nan mann onn erþe
Þatt muȝhe Godess riche sen
Butt he be borenn twiȝess.
& Nicodem ȝaff sone þuss
Anndswere till þe Laferrd;
Hu maȝȝ ald mann ben borenn efft
Onn elde off moderr wambe?
Maȝȝ aniȝ ald mann cumenn efft
Inntill hiss moderr wambe,
To wurrþenn borenn to þiss lif
Efftsoness off hiss moderr?
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Himm ȝaff annswere & seȝȝde;
To fulle soþ I segge þe,
Loc ȝiff þu willt itt trowwenn,


Þatt niss nan mann þatt cumenn maȝȝ
Upp inntill Godess riche,
Butt iff he be rihht laȝheliȝ
Efft borenn her onn erþe,
Off waterr & off Haliȝ Gast
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe.
All þatt tatt borenn iss off flæsh
Iss flæsh & flæshess kinde,
& all þatt borenn iss off Gast
Iss gast & gastess kinde.
Ne þinnke þe na wunnderr nu
Off-þatt I þe nu seȝȝde,
Þatt ȝuw iss alle mikell ned
To wurrþenn borenn twiȝess;
Gast ȝifeþþ herrte, & wille, & mahht,
Þær þær himm sellfenn likeþþ,
& tu mahht herenn gastess rerd
Wiþþ erþliȝ flæshess ære,
Acc þu ne mahht nohht witenn her
Þohhwheþþre o flæshliȝ wise,
Fra wheþennwarrd gast cumeþþ forþ
Ne whiderrwarrd he wendeþþ.
& o þatt wise iss illc an mann
Weppmann & wimmann baþe,
Þatt borenn iss off Haliȝ Gast,
Loc ȝiff þút unnderrstanndesst.
& Nicodem ȝaff sone þuss
Anndswere till þe Laferrd;


Hu shall mann unnderrstanndenn þiss,
Whatt gate maȝȝ þiss wurrþenn?
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Himm ȝaff anndswere, & seȝȝde;
Whatt gate arrt tu forr maȝȝstre tald
Inn Issraæle þede,
Ȝiff þatt tu nohht ne cannst off þiss
Þatt icc her habbe shæwedd?
To fulle soþ I segge þe,
We spellenn þatt we cunnenn,
& tatt we sæȝhenn opennliȝ
Þærto we wittness sinndenn,
& tohh swa þehh niss ȝuw nohht off
To tăkenn ne to trowwenn
Þatt wittness, þatt we berenn forþ
Off þatt we wissliȝ sæhenn.
Ȝiff þatt I spacc off erþliȝ þing,
& ȝét rihht nohht ne trowwenn,
Hu shule ȝe me trowwenn wel,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt I mæle
Till ȝuw off hefennlike þing,
Þatt all iss dep & dærne?
& niss nan mann þatt stiȝheþþ upp
Inntill þe burrh off heffne,
Wiþþutenn himm þatt stah forr menn
Off heffne dun till erþe,
Þe manness Sune fuliwiss
Þatt wuneþþ upp inn heffne.
& all all swa se Moysæs
Hof upp þe neddre i wesste,


All swa bihofeþþ fuliwiss
Þe manness Sune onn erþe,
To wurrþenn hofenn upp mang menn
Forr all mannkinne nede,
Þatt wha se trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝenn.
Swa lufede þe Laferrd Godd
Þe werelld, tatt he sennde
Hiss aȝhenn Sune, Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde,
Þatt wha se trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝhenn;
For Drihhtin Godd ne sennde nohht
Hiss Sune forr to demenn
Þiss werelld, acc to lesenn itt
Út off þe defless walde.
& wha se lefeþþ upponn himm,
Þatt mann iss all unndemedd;
& wha se onn himm ne trowweþþ nohht,
Þatt mann iss nuȝȝu demedd,
Forrþi þatt he ne trowweþþ nohht,
Swa summ himm birrde trowwenn,
Uppo þatt name, þatt iss sett
O Godess Sune onn erþe,
Onn himm,—þatt iss off Drihhtin Godd
Ankennedd Sune strenedd.


Þatt iss þe dom, þatt lihht & lem
Iss cumenn upponn erþe,
& menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht
Acc lufenn þessterrnesse,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝre dede iss all
Unngod & all unnclene.
Forr wha sítt iss þatt ifell doþ,
He shuneþþ lihht & leme,
& fleþ to cumenn to þe lihht,
Þatt he ne wurrþe tæledd
Þurrh þa þatt sen hiss fule lasst
& hiss unnclene dede.
& wha se follȝheþþ soþ & rihht
Inn alle gode dedess,
He cumeþþ gladdliȝ to þe lihht
To shæwenn þatt hiss dede
Iss all i Godd, & all þurrh Godd
& þurrh hiss hellpe forþedd.
Her endenn twa Goddspelless þuss,
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.
Þiss Nicodem þatt onn anahht
Wass cumenn till þe Laferrd,
Att himm to lernenn stilleliȝ
Summwhatt off haliȝ lare,
He wass off þa þatt turrndenn hemm
To lefenn uppo Criste


Son summ þeȝȝ haffdenn herrd hiss spell
& seȝhenn hise tacness,
Þær i þe burrh off Ȝerrsalæm
Att teȝȝre Passkemesse,
Off þa þatt tokenn hemm till Crist
Hallflinngess, nohht wiþþ alle,
Acc swa þatt wel þeȝȝ mihhtenn himm
Efftsoness all forrwerrpenn,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ munndenn upponn himm
Ohht findenn forr to tælenn;
Off swillke wass þiss Nicodem
Þatt comm till ure Laferrd
O þessterr nahht, forr þatt wass don,
Forr þatt itt shollde tacnenn,
Þatt he nass nohht ȝét tanne full
Off all þe rihhte trowwþe,
Noff Godess laress brihhte lem,
Noff rihhtwisnessess sunne;
Forr whatt he nass nohht derrf inoh
All opennliȝ to sekenn
Þe Laferrd Crist biforr þe follc,
To lofenn himm & wurrþenn.
Forr þurrh þatt tatt he seȝȝde þuss
Allræresst till þe Laferrd,
Maȝȝstre, we wĭtenn sikerrliȝ
Þatt tu þurrh Godess wille
& all o Godess hallfe arrt sennd
Larfaderr her to manne,
Þærþurrh he dide uss opennliȝ
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,


Þatt he ne wisste nohht ȝét ta
Þatt Crist wass Godd off heffne,
Acc wennde þatt he wære an mann
All full off Godess hellpe,
& full off hefennlike mahht
To wirrkenn miccle tacness,
& full off hefennlike witt
To lærenn alle þede,
Alls iff he wære cumenn forþ
Summ haliȝ patriarrke
All full off hefennlike mahht,
Oþþr án off þa profetess,
Þatt haffdenn witt þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Off all þatt cumenn shollde,
& mahht, & hellpe, & hald off Godd
To wirrkenn miccle tacness,
& swa to lefenn uppo Crist
Wass rihht unnorne læfe,
Alls off þatt mann þatt wass ȝét blind
Off hefennlike leme,
Forrþi þatt he ne wass nohht ȝét
O Cristess name fullhtnedd,
& forrþi nisste he nohht ȝét ta
Þatt Crist wass baþe onn erþe
Soþ Godd off heffne, & ec soþ mann
I bodiȝ & i sawle,
Acc all þwerrt út off sinne fre,
Forr Godd ne maȝȝ nohht gilltenn.


Þiss Nicodem wass, alls uss seȝȝþ
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Off þatt Farisewisshe follc
Þatt læredd wass o boke.
Off þa Farisewisshe menn
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,
We findenn uppo Latin boc
Þatt teȝȝ wisslike wærenn
An lott off þatt Judisskenn follc
Þatt læredd wass o boke.
Acc þeȝȝ þurrh modiȝnesse, & ec
Þurrh sinnfull grediȝnesse,
Droȝhenn wel mikell Godess follc
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe.
Forr all þeȝȝ droȝhenn þeȝȝre spell
Towarrd erþliȝ biȝæte,
& Godess laȝhe & Godess rihht
& hiss hallȝhe settnesse
Þeȝȝ didenn mikell fallenn dun
Þurrh þeȝȝre grediȝnesse,
& hofenn þurrh hemm sellfenn upp
All affterr þeȝȝre wille
Settnessess, hu mann birrde Godd
& Godess laȝhe follȝhenn,
& ȝedenn þuss onnȝæn Drihhtin
Þurrh þeȝȝre modiȝnesse.
& þurrh þatt tatt teȝȝ droȝhenn aȝȝ
Affterr erþliȝ biȝæte,
& leddenn ec well sinnfull lif
O fĕle kinne wise,


& droȝhenn mikell Godess follc
Út off þe rihhte weȝȝe,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ settenn i þe follc
Settnessess bi þeȝȝm sellfenn.
& tohh wass all þatt illke follc
Farisewisshe nemmnedd,
Forr þatt tatt follc aȝȝ drohh himm upp
Abufenn all þe lede,
Forr all þatt follc lét tatt he wass
Unnlic all oþerr lede,
& skiledd út all fra þe follc
Þurrh haliȝ lif & lare.
Forr Farisew bitacneþþ uss
Shædinng onn Ennglissh spæche,
& forrþi wass þatt name hemm sett,
Forr þatt teȝȝ wærenn shadde,
Swa summ hemm þuhhte, fra þe follc
Þurrh haliȝ lif & lare.
& off þatt follc wass Nicodem,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Acc he wass cumenn þa till Crist
To betenn hise sinness,
Þurrh þatt he lernenn wollde att Crist
Þe lare off rihhtwisnesse,
& off þe rihhte Crisstenndom,
& off þe rihhte læfe.
& þurrh þatt tatt he wisste wel,
Swa summ himm sellf itt seȝȝde,


Þatt Crist wass cumenn all þurrh Godd
Larfaderr her to manne,
Þæþurrh wass séne, þatt he þa
Summwhatt bigunnenn haffde
To lefenn o þe Laferrd Crist
Þatt wise þatt himm birrde.
Forr þatt wass soþ þatt Crist wass sennd
Þurrh Drihhtin Godd off heffne,
To wurrþenn mann o moderr hallf
Forr all mannkinne nede;
& Crist wass wiss Larfaderr god
& Maȝȝstre off all maȝȝstress.
Þær seȝȝde Nicodem full soþ
Off Crist & off hiss come.
Þiss Nicodem bitacnenn maȝȝ,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe.
Þatt lede þatt primmseȝȝnedd iss
& iss ȝét all unnfullhtnedd,
& iss all, alls itt wære, ȝét
I nahhtess þessterrnesse,
Whil þatt itt nunnderrstanndeþþ nohht
All þwerrt út wel wiþþ alle
Þe depe lare off Godess boc
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe.
& forr þatt he trowwede wel,
Swa summ himm sellf itt seȝȝde,
Þatt Crist wass cumenn all þurrh Godd
& all o Godess hallfe,
& comm þohhwheþþre o nahht till Crist
Stilliȝ wiþþ himm to mælenn,


Forrþi bitacneþþ he þatt follc
Þatt lefeþþ wel o Criste,
& ledeþþ þohh flæshlike lif
I þæwwess & i dedess,
& nohht ne darr ȝét stiȝhenn upp
To follȝhenn heȝhe mahhtess
I gastliȝ lifess brihhte daȝȝ,
Forr hiss flæshess unnstrenncþe,
Acc follȝheþþ flæshliȝ lifess nahht
I þæwess & i dedess,
& mæleþþ wiþþ þe Laferrd Crist
& herrcneþþ whatt he mæleþþ,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ lefenn rihht o Crist
& herrcnenn Cristess lare.
Acc þatt niss nohht inoh till hemm
To berrȝhenn lif & sawle,
Þatt teȝȝ hemm turrnenn towarrd Crist
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe,
Ȝiff þatt teȝȝ ledenn sinnfull lif
Wiþþ all þe flæshess wille.
Forr þohh þu trowwe rihht o Crist,
Ne mahht tu nohht ben borrȝhenn,
Ȝiff þatt tu nohht ne nimesst gom
To wirrkenn allmess dedess.
Forr whase lefeþþ rihht o Crist
& follȝheþþ alle sinness,
He follȝheþþ wel þe defless sloþ,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe;
Forr defell trowweþþ wel & wát
Þatt Crist iss Godd off heffne,


& tohh ne doþ he næfre god
Þatt himm to frame turrneþþ,
Forr defless wille & defless lusst
Iss ifell all & æfre.
Þe nahht maȝȝ ec bitacnenn uss
All þatt stafflike lare
Off Moysæsess laȝheboc,
& off hallȝhe Profetess,
& off Sallmsang, þatt Nicodem
Wass depe læredd onne,
Þatt lare þatt wass all bisett
Wiþþ nahhtess þessterrnesse
Till þa, þatt ta ne sæȝhenn nan
Gastlike witt tæronne.
Forr illc unnwitt maȝȝ tacnedd ben
Þurrh nahhtess þessterrnesse,
Forr unnwis mann iss blunnt, & blind
Off herrtess eȝhe sihhþe.
& ec forrþi þatt Nicodem
Onn Ennglissh spæche tacneþþ
Þatt lede þatt iss siȝȝefasst,
He wass forr to bitacnenn
Þatt lott off Issraæle þed
Þatt turrnedd wass till Criste
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
& all forrwarrp & oferrcomm
Þurrh oferrhannd & siȝe


All werelldshipess lufe & lusst
& all erþlike sellþe.
& mann maȝȝ trowwenn þatt he comm
O nahht till ure Laferrd,
Forrþi þatt he ne mihhte nohht
O daȝȝ forr shame lernenn,
He þatt wass haldenn þære & tald
Forr Maȝȝstre amang þe lede.
& mann maȝȝ trowwenn ec þatt he
Comm o þe nahht till Criste,
Forrþi þatt he ne durrste nohht
Þatt aniȝ mann itt wisste,
Þatt he wiþþ Crist i sunnderrrun
Himm awihht haffde kiþþedd.
Forr ȝiff þa mihhtenn witenn itt
Þatt haffdenn niþ wiþþ Criste,
Þeȝȝ munndenn drifenn himm anan
All út off þeȝȝre mæne,
& haldenn himm forr hæþenn mann
Þatt Godd forrsakenn haffde.
& forrþi þatt tiss Nicodem,
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,
Himm haffde tăkenn mikell gom
Off Cristess miccle tacness,
& wisste þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass all o Godess hallfe,
Forrþi comm he till Crist anan
Wiþþ mikell lusst to lernenn,


To fraȝȝnenn himm off Crisstenndom
& off þe rihhte læfe.
& forrþi þatt te Laferrd sahh
Þatt he wass fus to lernenn,
Forrþi wass he rihht rædiȝ till
To wissenn himm & lærenn,
& tahhte himm mikell lare anan
Off all swillc alls he ȝerrnde;
Off-þatt he wass himm sellf soþ Godd,
& Godess Sune ankennedd;
& off þatt, tatt nan mann ne maȝȝ
Ben borrȝhenn att hiss ende,
Butt iff he twiȝȝess borenn be,
Firrst off hiss kinn, & siþþenn
Att hallȝhedd funnt off Haliȝ Gast
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe;
& off-þatt all þatt borenn iss
Off flæsh iss flæshess kinde;
& off-þatt all þatt borenn iss
Off Gast iss gastess kinde;
Off-hu þe mann iss wharrfedd her
Fra flæsh till gastliȝ kinde,
Þurrh þatt he takeþþ Crisstenndom
Wiþþ fulluhht & wiþþ trowwþe;
& off, þatt he wass sennd þurrh Godd
To kiþenn Godess wille;
& off, þatt menn ne tokenn nohht
Wiþþ himm, ne wiþþ hiss lare;
& off-þatt nan ne stiȝheþþ upp
Off all mannkinn till heffne


Wiþþutenn himm áne þatt stah
Off heffne dun till erþe;
& off þatt, tatt te manness stren
Forr manne nede shollde
Ben hofenn upp o rodetre
Wiþþutenn hise gillte,
All rihht all swa se Moysæs
Hof upp þe neddre i wesste;
& ec off-þatt Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Swa lufede wiþþ herrte
Þiss werelld, tatt he sennde dun
Hiss aȝhenn Sune ankennedd,
To wurrþenn mann to lesenn út
Þe werelld fra þe defell;
& off-þatt Godess Sune nass
Nohht hiderr sennd to manne,
To demenn her Adamess stren
Off hæþenndom & dwilde,
Acc forr to lesenn all mannkinn
Út off þe defless walde;
& ec off þatt, tatt illc an mann
Iss all þwerrt út unndemedd,
Whatt mann sitt iss þatt wel & rihht
O Godess Sune lefeþþ;
& ec off þatt, tatt illc an mann
Iss nuȝȝu þwerrt út demedd,
Whatt mann sitt iss þatt nile nohht
O Godess Sune lefenn;


& off þatt, tatt iss all þe dom,
Þatt lihht comm upponn erþe,
& menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht
Acc lufenn þessterrnesse,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝre werrc iss all
Unngod & all unnclene;
& off, þatt he þatt ifell doþ
Aȝȝ hateþþ lihht & leme;
& off, þatt he þatt doþ summ god
Aȝȝ cumeþþ to þe leme,
Forr þatt he wile þatt mann se
& wĭte þatt hiss dede
Iss all i Godd, & all þurrh Godd,
& þurrh hiss hellpe forþedd.
Off swillc & swillc wass Nicodem
Wel wurrþ to wurrþenn læredd,
Forr þatt he comm wiþþ mikell lusst
Summ god att Crist to lernenn.
& forr þatt Crist ne wollde nohht
Þatt Nicodem ne wisste,
Þatt he ne shollde muȝhenn nohht
Ben borrȝhenn, þohh he mihhte
Lefenn & trowwenn rihht o Crist
Þurrh Cristess miccle tacness,
Butt iff he wære att haliȝ funnt
Efft borenn her onn erþe,
Off waterr & off Haliȝ Gast,
Unnderr þe rihhte læfe,
Forrþi toc Crist forrþrihht anan
Unnbedenn & unnbonedd


Allræresst towarrd Nicodem
To mælenn & to spellenn,
Off þatt himm allremasst wass ned
I Crisstenndom to cunnenn,
Off þatt, tatt he ne mihhte nohht
Ben borrȝhenn att hiss ende,
Bút iff he wære laȝheliȝ
O Godess name fullhtnedd.
& tatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde;
To fulle soþ I segge þe,
Þatt niss nan mann onn erþe
Þatt muȝhe Godess riche sen
Butt he be borenn twiȝess;
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ oþre wordess,
Þatt mann þatt niss nohht borenn ȝét
Gastlike off gastliȝ moderr,
& all þurrh Godd off Haliȝ Gast
Inn hallȝhedd waterr fullhtnedd,
Ne maȝȝ he nohht rihht cnawenn me
Swa summ icc amm to cnawenn,
Þatt amm Allmahhtiȝ Godd, & ec
Soþ sihhþe off soþfasstnesse,
Þatt amm þatt kinedom, þatt Godd
Hehfaderr rixleþþ inne,
Þatt tu ȝét nunnderrstanndesst nohht,
Forr þatt tu narrt nohht fullhtnedd,
Ne læredd nohht off Crisstenndom,
Noff all þe rihhte læfe.


& tatt tatt Nicodem ȝaff þuss
Anndswere till þe Laferrd,
Hu maȝȝ ald mann ben borenn her
Efftsoness off hiss moderr,
Þatt doþ uss tunnderrstanndenn wel
Þatt he wass ȝét unnlæredd
Off þatt, tatt Jesu Cristess þeww
Birrþ borenn ben efftsoness
Off Haliȝ Gast, þurrh haliȝ funnt
O Godess name fullhtnedd.
& allswa summ þe mann ne maȝȝ
Nohht wurrþenn borenn twiȝess
Off moderr & off faderr stren,
To cumenn her to manne,
Allswa ne birrþ nohht Cristess þeww
O Cristess name wurrþenn
Twa siþess borenn att te funnt,
Ne wurrþenn twiȝess fullhtnedd,
To cumenn upp till heffness ærd,
Upp inntill eche blisse,
Þohh þatt he be þurrh defless þeww
O Godess name fullhtnedd.
& tatt tatt Godess þeww maȝȝ wel
Þurrh defless þeww ben fullhtnedd,
Þatt wass bitacnedd opennliȝ
Þurrh Abrahamess bisne.
Forr all allswa summ Abraham
Strenede chilldre off baþe,
Off aþell wif, & off ammbohht,
Allswa Drihhtin off heffne


Himm streneþþ chilldre off Haliȝ Gast
Inn hallȝhedd funnt onn erþe,
Þurrh baþe, þurrh hiss aȝhenn hird,
& þurrh þe defless þewwess.
& tatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þær
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde,
Þatt nass na man i middellærd
Þatt æfre cumenn mihhte
Upp inntill Godess kinedom,
Upp inntill Godess riche,
Butt iff he wære borenn efft
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe
Off Haliȝ Gast, inn hallȝhedd funnt
O Godess name fullhtnedd,
Þatt wass, alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ oþre wordess,
Ne maȝȝ na mann her wurrþi ben
Þurrh hise gode dedess
To cumenn fra þe laþe gast
All rihht inntill me sellfenn,
Inntill þatt hallȝhe flocc þatt icc
Off all mannkinn shall turrnenn
Till fulluhht & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Swa þatt itt shall min bodiȝ ben
To follȝhenn all mi wille,


Swa þatt I shall me sellf aȝȝ ben
Uppo þatt bodiȝ hæfedd,
To ȝemenn & to frofrenn hemm,
To fedenn & to berrȝhenn,
Swa þatt we shulenn alle ben
Þatt hallȝhe kineriche,
Þatt Heffness King min Faderr shall
Hehlike rixlenn inne,
Butt iff he laȝhelike be
Uppo mi name fullhtnedd.
Her mahht tu sen þatt all iss an
To sen Drihhtiness riche,
& to ben wurrþ to cumenn upp
Inntill Drihhtiness riche.
& baþe fallenn inntill Crist,
Forr Crist iss Godess riche
Inn all þatt follc þatt follȝheþþ himm,
& inn himm sellfenn baþe.
Forr Crist iss wiþþ hiss hallȝhe follc
All án inn alle gode,
& wiþþ hiss follc iss Crist himm sellf
Þatt hallȝhe kineriche,
Þatt Cristess Faderr, Heffness King,
Hehlike rixleþþ inne.
Þatt waterr þatt iss att te funnt
Blettcedd wiþþ Godess wordess,
& ec wiþþ hallȝhedd elesæw
Þatt prestess don þærinne,


Þatt clennseþþ all þe bodiȝ þær
Off alle kinne sinness;
& Godess lare off Crisstenndom
& off þe rihhte læfe,
Þatt clennseþþ all þe manness gast
& all þe manness sawle,
Þurrh þatt he takeþþ innwarrdliȝ
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe,
& all forrwerrpeþþ hæþenndom
& all þe defless lare.
& te birrþ wĭtenn þohh swa þehh
& sikerrlike trowwenn,
Þatt baþe clennseþþ haliȝ funnt,
Þe bodiȝ & te sawle,
Off all þatt eȝȝþerr filedd wass
Þurrh aniȝ kinne sinne.
Acc ȝiff þatt he þatt fullhtnedd iss
Her lĭfeþþ forþ onn erþe,
Þa birrþ himm all rihht læchenn himm
Hiss þohht, hiss word, hiss dede,
All affterr Godess lare, & ec
Þurrh all þe rihhte læfe,
Ȝiff þatt he wile borrȝhenn ben
Þurrh þatt tatt he wass fullhtnedd.
& forrþi seȝȝþ þe boc full soþ,
Þatt Godess hallȝhe lare
& all þe rihhte læfe o Godd
Clennseþþ þe manness sawle.
Forr all þatt aniȝ mann iss god
& cwemeþþ Godd onn erþe,


All cumeþþ off þatt,—tatt hiss gast
Iss clennsedd & rihht læchedd
Þurrh larspell & þurrh haliȝ funnt,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
& þurrh þatt he forrwerrpeþþ all
Hiss flæshess fule wille,
& takeþþ till wiþþ all hiss mahht
Gastlike lif to follȝhenn,
All affterr Godess bodeword
& affterr Godess lare,
Þatt clennseþþ all þe sawless lusst
& all þe sawless wille,
To ledenn á þe bodiȝ rihht
All affterr Godess lare.
& tær iss þa þatt illke mann
Unnseȝhennlike wharrfedd
Fra flæsh till gast, þurrh þatt tatt he
Forrsakeþþ inn hiss herrte
To ledenn himm fra þeþennforþ
Affterr þe flæshess wille,
& takeþþ till wiþþ bliþe mod
Gastlike lif to ledenn.
Forr whase ledeþþ flæshliȝ lif,
Þatt mann iss flæsh onn erþe,
& whase ledeþþ gastliȝ lif,
Þatt mann iss gast onn heffne.
& off þiss seȝȝde Jesu Crist
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt all þatt borenn iss off flæsh
Iss flæsh & flæshess kinde,


& all þatt borenn iss off Gast
Iss gast & gastess kinde.
Forr summ mann follȝheþþ all hiss flæsh
& all þe flæshess wille,
& summ mann follȝheþþ all hiss gast
& all þe sawless wille.
& tatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde,
Ne þinnke þe nan wunnderr nu
Off þatt I þe nu seȝȝde,
Þatt ȝuw iss alle mikell ned
To wurrþenn borenn twiȝess;
Þatt seȝȝde he forr he wisste wel,
Þatt Nicodem ȝét tanne
Ne wisste nohht, tatt aniȝ mann
Gastlike mihhte wurrþenn
Efft borenn her off Haliȝ Gast,
O Godess name fullhtnedd.
& forrþi toc he sone anan
To shæwenn himm whatt wise
Flæshlike mann maȝȝ wurrþenn gast
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess bisne,
& seȝȝde þuss till Nicodem,
Swa summ þiss Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Gast ȝifeþþ witt & wille & mahht
Whatt mann se himm sellf god þinnkeþþ
To spellenn haliȝlike, & ec
To wirrkenn hallȝhe tacness.
& tu mahht herenn gastess rerd
Þær Godess þewwess spellenn;


& eȝȝwhær þær mann rædeþþ þe
Off haliȝ wĭteȝhunnge,
Þær heresst tu þatt Gastess rerd
Þatt spacc þurrh manness tunge,
Acc þu ne mahht nohht wĭtenn þohh
Ne sen wiþþ flæshlic eȝhe
Fra wheþennwarrd, ne whanne he comm
Inntill þe wĭtess herrte,
Ne whanne he fareþþ út off himm
Ne whiderrwarrd he wendeþþ.
Forr gast iss all unnseȝhennlic
Biforenn flæshlic eȝhe,
& o þatt wise iss illc an mann
Þatt her iss borenn twiȝess,
Þatt borenn iss off Haliȝ Gast,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh læfe.
Allswa ne mahht tu rihht nohht sen
Þurrh flæshess eȝhe sihhþe,
O whillke wise he wharrfedd iss
Wiþþinnenn inn hiss herrte
Fra flæsh till gast, þurrh þatt tatt he
Forrsakeþþ & forrwerrpeþþ
To ledenn himm fra þeþennforþ
Affterr þe flæshess wille,
& takeþþ till wiþþ bliþe mod
Gastlike lif to ledenn,
& ec þurrh þatt he takeþþ wel
Wiþþ all þe rihhte læfe,


& all forrwerrpeþþ hæþenndom
& all þe defless lare.
Ne nohht ne mahht tu sen onn himm
Þurrh flæshess eȝhe sihhþe
Þurrh whatt himm comm swa seliliȝ
To findenn Godess are,
To cumenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
Ne nohht ne mahht tu sen onn himm
Whatt gate he shall ben borrȝhenn,
To cumenn upp till heffness ærd
To brukenn eche blisse.
& forr þatt Nicodem wass ȝét
Unnborenn i þatt time
Off Haliȝ Gast, & all ȝét ta
Off gastliȝ lare unnlæredd,
Swa þatt he nohht ne cuþe ȝét
Gastlike lare findenn
Inn all þatt alde laȝheboc
Þatt he wass læredd onne,
Forrþi wass himm full arrfeþþ ȝét
To sen whatt gate he mihhte
Ben borenn efft off Haliȝ Gast
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh trowwþe,
& toc forrþi to fraȝȝnenn Crist
Off þatt, whatt gate he mihhte
Ben borenn efft off Haliȝ Gast,
To sen Drihhtiness riche.


Off Haliȝ Gast iss Crist[ess] þew[w]
Efft borenn unnderr trowwþe,
F[orr] þatt he comm till Crisstenndom
Þurr[h Ha]liȝ Gastess are,
& tatt iss þurrh þe [ȝife] off Godd,
Forr Haliȝ Gast iss baþe
[Al]lmahhtiȝ Godd, & ȝife off Godd,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe;
& all þurrh [Godess] ȝife itt wass,
& all þurrh Go[dess wille],
Þatt aniȝ mann iss lesedd [her]
[Út] off þe defless walde,
& tu[rrnedd inntill] Crisstenndom
& till [þe rihhte læfe.]
& þurrh [OMITTED]
he till [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] tatt mann maȝȝ wurrþenn her
Onn erþe borenn twiȝȝess
[OMITTED] gate itt wa[ss]
[OMITTED] like tun [OMITTED]
[& tatt te La]ferrd seȝȝde þuss
[Till Nicodem wiþþ] worde,
& niss [nan mann þatt stiȝheþþ upp]
Inntill þe burrh [off heffne,
Wiþþutenn himm] þatt stahh forr [menn
Off heffne dun till er]þe
Þe man[ness Sune] [OMITTED]


[OMITTED] [aȝȝ] occ aȝȝ inn [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] seȝȝde þuss
[OMITTED] maȝȝ nan [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] ȝhenn inn
Þurrh [OMITTED] om
[OMITTED] ben wurrþ
To stiȝhenn upp till heffne,
Bút iff he wære lesedd út
Þurrh Cristess dæþ off helle.
Forr swillc & swillc spacc Jesu Crist
Till Nicodem & seȝȝde,
Þatt all all swa se Moysæs
Hof upp þe neddre i wesste,
All allswa shollde upphofenn ben
Þe manness Sune onn erþe.
Her droh þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þurrh þise fæwe wordess
Þatt heȝhe maȝȝstre Nicodem
Inntill gastlike lare,
Forr þatt he wollde don [himm] swa
Gastlike tunn[derrstann]denn
Þe Laf[errd] [OMITTED] laȝhe [OMITTED]
[OMITTED] hemm harrde,


& badd he shollde ledenn hemm
Wiþþ all þatt tatt teȝȝ haffdenn
Inntill þe land off Ȝerrsalæm,
To biggenn þær i lande.
& Moysæs all dide swa
Summ Drihhtin bedenn haffde,
& alls he comm wiþþ all þe follc
Inntill a wilde wesste,
Þa wass þatt laþe wesste all full
Off aness kinness neddress,
Þatt wærenn alle samenn þær
Off swillc firene kinde,
Þatt whase stungenn wass þurrh hemm
He swallt þurrh firess wunde.
& Drihhtinn spacc wiþþ Moysæn
Þær i þatt laþe wesste,
& badd he shollde melltenn brass
& ȝetenn himm a neddre,
& berenn itt upp onn a tre
Biforenn hise lede,
Þatt whase stungenn wære off hemm
Þurrh þa firene neddress,
He shollde sone lokenn upp
O þatt brasene neddre,
& þurrh þatt he sæȝhe þæronn
He shollde takenn bote,
& shollde wurrþenn hæledd swa
Off þatt firene wunde.
& Moysæs all dide þa
Swa summ himm Drihhtin tahhte,


& aȝȝ þan aniȝ wundedd wass
Þurrh þa firene neddress,
He warrp hiss eȝhe sone anan
O þatt brasene neddre,
& son se hét sahh, he warrþ all hal
Off all þe neddress wunde.
All þiss wass don þurrh Moysæn
Swa summ himm Drihhtin tahhte;
& itt bitacneþþ mikell þing
Þatt uss iss ned to cunnenn.
Þa neddress þatt stungenn þe menn
Þeȝȝ tacnenn alle sinness,
Þatt stingenn & þurrhwundenn all
Þatt bodiȝ, & tatt sawle
Þatt lufeþþ aȝȝ & ȝerneþþ aȝȝ
To follȝhenn fule þæwess,
& wiþþ bærnennde lufe & lusst
Doþ all hiss flæshess wille.
& þurrh þatt neddre uppo þe tre
Iss Cristess dæþ bitacnedd,
Þatt naȝȝledd wass o rodetre
Forr all mannkinne nede.
& Cristess dæþ maȝȝ swiþe wel
Þurrh neddre ben bitacnedd;
Forr dæþ comm upponn all mannkinn
Þurrh neddre & þurrh þe defell;
& whase takeþþ Crisstenndom
O Cristess name fullhtnedd,


& follȝheþþ ȝerne Cristess sloþ
Wiþþ all hiss fulle mahhte,
& lokeþþ upp o Cristess dæþ
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe o Criste,
He beþ hæledd þurrh Cristess dæþ
Off alle sinness wundess,
Ȝiff þatt he maȝȝ endenn hiss lif
Inn alle gode dedess.
& forrþi seȝȝde Jesu Crist
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde,
Þatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
To þann shall manness Sune ben
Forr menn o rode naȝȝledd,
Þatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& her spacc ure Laferrd Crist
Off hise twinne kindess,
Off þatt he wass Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& mann off lif & sawle,
Swa þatt he mihhte þolenn dæþ
& risenn upp off dæþe,
& stiȝhenn upp till heffness ærd
Þurrh hiss goddcunnde mahhte,
Wiþþ alle þa þatt sholldenn ben
Hiss bodiȝ her onn erþe,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sholldenn sollȝhenn-himm
& forþenn all hiss wille.


& Godd Allmahhtiȝ gife uss her
To forþenn Cristess wille,
Swa þatt we motenn follȝhenn himm
Upp inntill heffness blisse.


Sic Deus dilexit mundum, et filium suum unigenitum daret.

Þurrh þatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde,
Swa lufede þe Laferrd Godd
Þe werelld, tatt he sennde
Hiss aȝhenn Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe deffless walde,
Þatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝhenn,
Þærþurrh he dide Nicodem
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he wass Godd himm sellf, off Godd,
& Godess Sune ankennedd,
& wurrþenn mann o moderr hallf
Þurrh soþfasst herrsummnesse,


Þurrh-þatt hiss Faderr haffde himm sennd
& gifenn himm to manne,
To þolenn dæþ o rodetre
Forr all mannkinne nede,
All þurrh þatt lufe & þurrh þatt lusst
Þatt teȝȝ till mannkinn haffdenn
Forþ wiþþ þatt Hallȝhe Frofre Gast,
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe,
All þurrh þatt lufe & þurrh þatt lusst
Þatt teȝȝ till mannkinn haffdenn,
To lesenn menn off defless band
& út off helle pine,
Þatt whase trowwenn shollde o Crist
Wel shollde wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
Whi seȝȝde Crist till Nicodem,
Þatt Drihhtin Godd off heffne
Swa lufede þiss middellærd,
Þiss werelld, tatt he sennde
Hiss aȝhenn Sune Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
To þolenn dæþ o rode,
Alls iff he shollde lesenn út
Þe middellærd off helle?
Þurrh whatt wass heffness whel forrgarrt
To dreȝhenn helle pine?
& lifft, & land, & waterrflod,
Hu wærenn þeȝȝ forrwrohhte
To dreȝhenn wa wiþþ mikell rihht
Inn helle wiþþ þe defell?
Off þise fowwre shaffte iss all
Þiss middell werelld timmbredd,


Off heffness whel, & off þe lifft,
Off waterr, & off erþe;
& i þa fowwre shafftess niss
Nowwþerr,—ne lif ne sawle,
Þatt mihhte gilltenn aniȝ gillt
& addlenn helle pine.
Nu birrþ uss wĭtenn þatt uss iss
Her þurrh þe werelld tacnedd
Summ shaffte, þatt wass all forrwrohht
To dreȝhenn helle pine.
Þe werelld iss uss here sett
To tacnenn mannkinn ane.
& forr þatt manness bodiȝ iss
Off all þe werelld feȝedd,
Off heffness fir, & off þe lifft,
Off waterr, & off erþe;
& forr þatt manness sawle iss her
Wel þurrh þe werelld tacnedd,
Forr baþe fallenn inntill an
Affterr Grickisshe spæche,
Forr werelld iss nemmnedd Cossmós,
Swa summ þe Grickess kiþenn,
Forr þatt itt iss wurrþlike shridd
Wiþþ sunne & mone & sterrness,
Onn heffness whel all ummbetrin,
Þurrh Godd tatt swillc itt wrohhte;


& ec itt iss wurrþlike shridd,
Þatt wasst tu wel to soþe,
O lifft, o land, o waterrflod,
Wiþþ fele kinne shaffte,
& sawle iss ec wurrþlike shridd
Þurrh Godd inn hire kinde,
Wiþþ unndæþshildiȝnesse, & ec
Wiþþ witt, & wille, & minde,
& forrþi nemmneþþ Drihhtin Godd
Þe sawle hiss onnlicnesse,
Forr þatt teȝȝ baþe, sawle & Godd
Sinndenn wiþþutenn ende,
& hasenn minde, & wille, & witt,
Acc nohht onn ane wise,
Forr Godd itt hafeþþ aȝȝ inn himm,
& æfre & æfre itt haffde,
& sawle onnfoþ att Godess hand
All hire duhhtiȝnesse,
Þær þær he shapeþþ sawle off nohht,
All alls himm sellfenn likeþþ;
& forrþi shall þe werelld her
Bitacnenn mannkinn ane,
Forr baþe fallenn inntill an,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd.
Forr eȝȝþerr iss wurrþlike shridd
Acc nohht onn ane wise,
& tohh iss þeȝȝre baþre shrud
Þurrh Cossmós wel bitacnedd.
& forrþi mahht tu nemmnenn mann
Affterr Grikkishe spæche


Mycrocossmós, þatt nemmnedd iss
Affterr Ennglisshe spæche
Þe little werelld, all forrþi
Forr þatt te manness sawle
Iss shridd þurrh Godd wurrþlike & wel
Wiþþ god & wurrþfull kinde,
All all swa summ þiss werelld iss
Wel shridd wiþþ scone shafftess.
& ec þe werelld tacnenn maȝȝ
Mannkinn all þess te bettre
Þatt manness bodiȝ feȝedd iss
& wrohht off fowwre shafftess,
Off heffness fir, & off þe lifft,
Off waterr, & off erþe.
& forrþi shall þe werelld her
Bitacnenn mannkinn ane
Þatt Godess word wass sennd þurrh Godd
To lesenn út off helle.
& off þe manness Sune, & ec
Off Godess Sune, off baþe
Her seȝȝde Crist till Nicodem
All an i þise wordess,
Þatt whase trowwenn shall onn himm
Wel muȝhe wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
To þann comm icc off heffne dun
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
Þatt whase trowwenn shall onn me,
& mine laȝhess haldenn,


Wel muȝhe ben wurrþi wiþþ me
To brukenn eche blisse.
Þiss seȝȝde Crist till Nicodem
To don himm tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he wass baþe Godd & mann,
An had, tatt shollde lesenn
Mannkinn off helle, & ȝifenn menn
To winnenn heffness blisse.
& tatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þær
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde,
Þatt Drihhtin Godd ne sennde nohht
Hiss Sune forr to demenn
Þiss werelld, acc to lesenn itt
Út off þe defless walde,
Þatt seȝȝde he forr to don himm swa
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he wass sennd to wurrþenn mann
To lesenn menn off helle,
Þurrh lufe off himm sellfenn, & ec
Þurrh off hiss Faderr baþe,
& off þatt Hallȝhe Frofre Gast
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe,
Þurrh þatt he nass nohht cumenn þa
To demenn alle þede,
Acc forr to berrȝhenn æddmodliȝ
Þe werelld þurrh hiss are.


& tatt he þær till Nicodem
Ȝét spacc þuss off himm sellfenn,
& whase lefeþþ upponn himm
Þatt mann iss all unndemedd,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ openn spæche,
Þatt mann þatt trowwenn shall onn me
& mine laȝhess haldenn,
Þatt illke mann ne beþ nohht demmd
To dreȝhenn helle pine.
& tatt he þær till Nicodem
Ȝét spacc þuss off himm sellfenn,
& whase nile nohht onn himm
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lesenn,
Þatt mann iss nuȝȝu demmd þurrh Godd
To dreȝhenn helle pine,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ openn spæche,
Þatt mann þatt nohht ne shall onn me
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lesenn,
Acc shall þurrh modiȝnesse & niþ
Forrwerrpenn all min lare,
Þatt mann iss nuȝȝu demmd þurrh me,
To dreȝhenn helle pine,
Forr, þurrh þatt tatt icc amm soþ Godd,
I maȝȝ full æþe cnawenn
All whillke shulenn cwemenn me
& addlenn heffness blisse,
& whillke shulenn me forrsen
& addlenn helle pine,


Off all þatt follc þatt fra þiss daȝȝ
Till Domess daȝȝ shall wurrþenn,
Forr all þatt follc þatt æfre wass
& all þatt ȝét shall wurrþenn,
All iss itt nuȝȝu demmd, & sett
O boc, & tald, & rimedd,
Þurrh Godd, & all he seþ nuȝȝu
Whatt illc an mann shall findenn,
Whatt mede illc an shall unnderrson
Att Godd forr hise dedess.
Forr Drihhtin hu þe dom shall gan
All wát & æfre wisste,
Forr Godess eȝhe & Godess witt
All seþ, all wat, all cnaweþþ,
Ȝa þatt tatt wass, ȝa þatt tatt iss,
Ȝa þatt tatt ȝét shall wurrþenn;
& ȝiff þu borrȝhenn best, tatt beþ
All þurrh Drihhtiness are,
& þurrh þatt tu þæraffterr swannc
Wel wiþþ Drihhtiness hellpe.
& ȝiff þu borrȝhenn nohht ne best,
Þatt beþ all þurrh þi sinne,
& þurrh rihht dom þu best ta demmd
To dreȝhenn helle pine,
All affterr þatt tin addlinng iss
Na lasse, ne na mare.
& tatt he þær till Nicodem
Ȝét spacc þuss off himm sellfenn,


& he, þatt nohht ne shall onn himm
Trowwenn, iss nuȝȝu demedd,
Forrþi þatt he ne trowweþþ nohht,
Swa summ himm birrde trowwenn,
Uppo þatt name þatt iss sett
O Godess Sune onn erþe,
Onn himm þatt iss off Drihhtin Godd
Ankennedd Sune strenedd,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ openn spæche,
Whatt mann se shall forrwerrpenn all
To lesenn & to trowwenn,
Þatt icc amm þurrh mi Faderr sennd
& sett Hælennde onn erþe,
& whase shall, þurrh hete & niþ
& þurrh hiss modiȝnesse,
Mi name þwerrt út all forrsen
Þatt nemmnedd iss Hælennde,
Þatt name þatt shall hælenn all
Þatt æfre shall ben hæledd,
Þatt name þatt shall berrȝhenn all
Þatt æfre shall ben borrȝhenn
Þurrh me, þatt amm off Drihhtin Godd
Ankennedd Sune strenedd,
Þatt amm swa strenedd, tatt icc amm
All an i Goddcunndnesse
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
Wiþþutenn ord & ende,
Þatt cumenn amm to chesenn me
Well fĕle breþre onn erþe,


Þatt shulenn ȝerne stanndenn inn
To don mi Faderr wille,
Swa þatt he shall hemm alle imæn
Haldenn forr hise chilldre,
& ȝifenn hemm to ben wiþþ me
Arrfname off heffness riche,
Þatt amm ankennedd Sune off himm
All an wiþþ himm i kinde,
Whatt mann se shall forrwerrpenn þiss
To lesenn & to trowwenn,
Þatt mann iss nuȝȝu demmd & sett
To dreȝhenn helle pine,
Bút iff he muȝhe cumenn forþ,
Ær þann he ȝife hiss ende,
To lesenn þatt icc amm soþ Godd
& soþ Hælennde onn erþe.
& tatt he þær till Nicodem
Ȝét spacc þuss off himm sellfenn,
Þatt iss þe dom, þatt lihht & lem
Iss cumenn upponn erþe,
& menn ne lufenn nohht te lihht
Acc lufenn þessterrnesse,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝre dede iss all
Unngod & all unnclene,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Till himm wiþþ oþre wordess,
All þatt tatt aniȝ mann shall ben
Demmd inntill helle pine,


All þatt shall ben, forr þatt he shall
Forrhoȝhenn & forrwerrpenn
To cumenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To cnawenn & to follȝhenn me
& upponn me to lesenn,
Þatt amm soþ lihht off soþ & rihht,
& off þe rihhte læfe.
& forrþi shulen alle þa
Þatt sinndenn menn ȝehatenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ follȝhenn þeȝȝre flæsh
Inn alle fule lusstess,
& all forrwerrpenn & forrsen
To don þe sawless wille,
& hatenn all þatt Godd iss lef
& lusenn alle unnþæwess,
& lin i depe sinness aȝȝ
O fele kinne wise,
Þatt sinndenn opennlike inoh
Þurrh þessterrnesse tacnedd,
Forrþi þatt sinness draȝhenn aȝȝ
Till helless þessterrnesse,
& frawarrd heffness lihht & lem
Þa sawless þatt hemm follȝhenn,
All swa summ he þatt ifell doþ
Aȝȝ fleþ fra daȝȝess leme,
Forr himm iss laþ þatt mann himm se
Inn hise fule dedess,
Forrþi shall all þatt laþe flocc
Ben demmd till helle pine,


Forrþi þatt teȝȝre lif iss all
Bisett wiþþ þessterrnesse,
Inn all þatt ifell þatt mann doþ
Þurrh hæþenndom & dwilde.
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
Wass all þiss middell werelld full
Off sinness þessterrnesse,
Forrþi þatt Crist, þe werrldess lihht,
Nass nohht ȝét cumenn þanne
Forr to bigripenn all mannkinn
Off hæþenndom & dwilde,
& forr to shæwenn whatt wass god
& whatt wass ifell dede,
& hu mann mihhte cwemenn Godd
& addlenn heffness blisse,
& stanndenn ȝæn þe laþe gast,
& all forrbuȝhenn helle.
& affterr þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass cumenn her to manne,
Þæraffterr wass þiss middellærd
Off heffness leme filledd,
Þurrh þatt te Laferrd Crist himm sellf
& hise Lerninngcnihhtess
All whatt wass rihht, & whatt wass woh,
Till alle þede kiddenn,


& hu mann mihhte cwemenn Godd
& addlenn heffness blisse.
& fele þede modiliȝ
Wiþþstodenn, & wiþþseȝȝdenn,
& all forrwurrpenn heffness lihht
& hefennlike lare,
Forrþi þatt hemm wass lef to ben
I þeȝȝre þessterrnesse,
To follȝhenn þeȝȝre flæshess lust
Inn alle kinne sinne,
& forr þatt hemm wass laþ þatt lihht
Þatt hemm bigrap off sinne.
& sume þede tokenn wel
Wiþþ hefennlike lare,
& turrndenn till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
Þatt iss þatt soþe lihht & lem
Þatt ledeþþ menn till heffne,
& tokenn till full innwarrdliȝ
Þurrh shriffte & þurrh dædbote
To wreȝhenn all here aȝhenn woh,
To wrekenn onn hemm sellfenn,
Þatt teȝȝ swa lannge inn hæþenndom
Soþ Drihhtin haffdenn wraþþedd,
Annd swa þeȝȝ comenn till þe lihht,
Till all þe rihhte læfe
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þatt Soþfasstnesse iss nemmnedd,
Forr all þatt æfre iss soþ & rihht
& god & Drihhtin cweme,


& berrhless till hiss handewerrc,
All-comm off Cristess are.
& swa þeȝȝ comenn till þe lihht,
To shæwenn & to kiþenn
Þatt teȝȝre dede ȝede rihht,
All affterr Cristess bisne,
Forr alle samenn didenn an
Crist sellf & teȝȝ hemm sellfenn,
Crist hemm bigrap off þeȝȝre woh
Þurrh rihhtwisnessess lare,
& teȝȝ bigrĭpenn þeȝȝre woh
Þurrh shriffte & þurrh dædbote,
Swa þatt teȝȝ alle didenn an
Crist sellf & teȝȝ hemm sellfenn.
& swa þurrh þatt wass sene inoh
Þatt teȝȝre gode dede
Wass all i Godd, & all þurrh Godd,
& þurrh hiss hellpe forþedd,
& swa wass filledd ta þurrh hemm
I þeȝȝre gode dede
Þatt tatt te Laferrd seȝȝde þuss
Till Nicodem wiþþ worde;
& whase follȝheþþ soþ & rihht
Inn alle gode dedess,
He cumeþþ gladdliȝ to þe lihht,
To shæwenn þatt hiss dede
Iss all i Godd, & all þurrh Godd,
& þurrh hiss hellpe forþedd.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ gife uss her,
To cwemenn Crist o life


Wiþþ clene þohht, wiþþ clene word,
Wiþþ clene þæw & dede,
Swa þatt we motenn wurrþi ben
To winnenn Cristess are.
Affterr þe Pasche messedaȝȝ,
For sone anan þe Laverrd
Inntill þe land off Galile
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
& whær o lande summ he comm
He wrohhte miccle tacness,
& talde spell amang þe follc
Off þeȝȝre sawle nede,
& off þatt miccle sellþe & sel,
Þatt enngleþed inn heffne
Wiþþ Godd, all þurrh þe ȝife off Godd,
A butenn ende brukenn.
& all hiss lare & all hiss lif
& all hiss hallȝhe dede
Droh till þatt an, to turrnenn follc
Inntill þe rihhte weȝȝe,
Till fulluhht, & till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe.



Postea venit Ihc in Judeam terram & discipuli ejus, & illic morabatur, & baptiȝabat.

Annd siþþenn comm þe Laferrd Crist,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Inntill Judealand himm sellf
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
& tær bilæf he þa wiþþ hemm
& toc þa þær to fullhtnenn,
Nohht þurrh himm sellfenn, acc þurrh hemm
All affterr þatt he tahhte.
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste wass
Þatt tíme, forr to fullhtnenn,
Nohht ferr þær inn an endeland
Þatt wass Ennón ȝehatenn;
& he wass neh an casstelltun
Þatt wass Salím ȝehatenn,
Þær wass he þa forrþi þatt tær
Well fele wattress wærenn,
& swillke þatt he mihhte wel
Fullhtnenn þe follc þærinne.
& tiderr comm þe follc till himm,
Att himm to wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
Forr nass nohht Sannt Johan ȝét ta
Inntill cwarrterrne worrpenn.


& ta bilammp, þatt witt tu wel,
Þatt hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Tokenn to sannenn fasste onnȝæn
Þe Judewisshe lede
Off Johaness fulluhht, & off
Þatt fulluhht tatt te Laferrd
Bigunnenn haffde amang þe follc
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
& comenn sone till Johan
Bapptisste þeȝȝre maȝȝstre,
& seȝȝdenn sone þuss till himm,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ;
Maȝȝstre, þatt mann þatt wass wiþþ þe
Biȝonndenn flumm i wesste,
Whamm þu bar wittness to þe follc,
He fullhtneþþ nu bilife,
& alle turrnenn nu till himm,
Hiss fulluhht tunnderrganngenn.
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste hemm ȝaff
Annswere onnȝæn & seȝȝde;
Ne maȝȝ nan mann onnfon nan þing,
Þatt segge icc ȝuw to soþe,
Bút iff þatt itt himm ȝifenn be
Þurrh Drihhtin upp off heffne.
& ȝe ȝuw sellfenn berenn me
God wittness þatt I seȝȝde
Till ȝuw, þatt I ne wass nohht Crist,
Acc þatt I wass to manne
Þurrh Drihhtin sennd biforenn Crist,
To ȝarrkenn hise weȝȝess.


Bridgume iss he þatt hafeþþ brid,
& swa mann birrþ himm haldenn,
& whase iss þatt bridgumess frend,
He stannt wiþþ himm, & herrcneþþ
Wel ȝerrne hise word, & forr hiss word
He blisseþþ inn hiss herrte;
Þiss blisse iss min la fuliwiss,
& itt iss nuȝȝu filledd.
Ned iss, & itt bihofeþþ wel
Þatt he nu forrþwarrd waxe,
& ec iss ned & god off me
Þatt I nu forrþwarrd wannse.
Forr he þatt fra bibufenn comm
Iss ane abufenn alle;
He þatt off erþe cumenn iss
He spekeþþ here off erþe;
& he þatt comm off heffness ærd,
Iss ane abusenn alle,
& bereþþ wittness opennliȝ
Off-þatt he sahh & herrde,
& niss nan mann þatt kepeþþ ohht
Hiss wittness tunnderrfanngenn;
& wha sitt iss þatt takeþþ wiþþ
Hiss wittness tunnderrfanngenn,
He setteþþ merrke off þatt he wiss
Iss Godd soþfasst i spæche.



Quem enim misit Deus verba Dei loquitur, non enim ad mensuram dat Deus Spiritum.

He þatt wass hiderr sennd þurrh Godd
He spekeþþ Godess wordess,
Forr Godd ne ȝifeþþ nohht wiþþ mett
Hiss Gastess Hallȝhe Frofre.
Þe Faderr lufeþþ þwerrt út wel
Hiss Sune onn alle wise,
& hafeþþ ȝifenn himm inn hannd
To weldenn alle þingess.
& whase itt iss þatt lefeþþ wel
Uppo þe Sune onn erþe,
Þatt illke mann hafeþþ nuȝȝu
Hiss læn inn heffness blisse.
& whase itt iss þatt nile nohht
Uppo þe Sune trowwenn,
Þatt illke mann ne shall nohht sen
Þe lif off heffness blisse,
Acc Godess irre iss upponn himm,
& Godess rihhte wræche.
Her endenn twa Goddspelless þuss
& uss birrþ hemm þurrhsekenn,
To lokenn whatt teȝȝ lærenn uss
Off ure sawle nede.


Firrst birrþ uss lokenn whatt bihallt
& whatt itt wile uss tacnenn,
Þatt Crist for út off Ȝerrsalæm
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Inntill þe land off Galile,
To shæwenn hise tacness,
& tatt he for off Galile
Inntill Judea siþþenn,
To fullhtnenn i þatt land te follc
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess;
Þiss birrþ uss lokenn allre firrst,
Whatt itt uss wile tacnenn
Off hellpe & hald till ure lif,
& ec till ure sawle.
Soþ lare seȝȝþ þatt Ȝerrsalæm
Bitacneþþ griþess sihhþe;
& ec itt seȝȝþ þatt Galile
Bitacneþþ uss flittinnge.
& þurrh Judea tacnedd iss
Loffsang Drihhtin to wurrþenn;
& ec Judea tacneþþ uss
Missdedess anndȝætinnge.
& all þatt her bitacnedd iss
Bilimmpeþþ wel wiþþ alle
Till ure Laferrd Crist, tatt comm
To wurrþenn mann onn erþe,
Forr þatt he wollde turrnenn menn
Inntill þe rihhte læfe,
Inntill þatt sellþe þatt iss wiss
Soþ griþess eche sihhþe,


Swa þatt teȝȝ, þurrh hiss hellpe & hald
Unnderr þe rihhte læfe,
Wel sholldenn muȝhenn flittenn hemm
& ferrsenn fra þe defell,
& fra þe werrldess lufe & lusst,
& fra þe flæshess wille,
To clennsenn & to bæwenn hemm
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness,
Þurrh shriffte & þurrh dædbotess baþþ
& ec þurrh beȝȝske tæress,
Swa þatt teȝȝ sholldenn muȝhenn wel
Unnderr þe rihhte læfe
Wiþþ clene þohht & word & werrc
Rihht losenn Godd & wurrþenn.
Þiss comm þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
To forþenn her onn erþe,
Þurrh spelless & þurrh haliȝ lif
& ec þurrh hallȝhe tacness,
& tatt þurrh himm sellfenn, & ec
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
& tiss wass all bitacnedd uss
Þurrh þatt, tatt ure Laferrd
For út off Ȝerrsalæmess land
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Inntill þe land off Galile,
To shæwenn hise tacness,
& tatt he for off Galile
Inntill Judea siþþenn,


To fullhtnenn i þatt land te follc
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
Forr all þe Laferrd Cristess lif
& all hiss hallȝhe lare,
& all hiss weȝȝe, & all hiss werrc,
& all hiss hallȝhe bisne,
& all þatt he fra land to land
& ec fra tun to tune
For oþerr stund bitwenenn menn
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
All wass itt haliȝ bisne & god
& hefennlike takenn
Off all þatt uss wass ned to don
To berrȝhenn ure sawless.
Þatt Sannt Johan wass in Ennón
To fullhtnenn þær þe lede,
Forrþi þatt i þatt endeland
Well fĕle wattress wærenn,
& swillke-þatt he mihhte wel
Fullhtnenn þe follc þærinne,
Þatt wass inoh geȝȝnlike don
& all wiþþ Godess wille;
Forr Latin boc seȝȝþ þatt Ennon
Bitacneþþ waterrkinde,
& waterrflod bitacneþþ follc,
& follc he stod to fullhtnenn.


& wel maȝȝ manness kinde ben
Þurrh waterrflod bitacnedd;
Forr all all swa se waterrstræm
Aȝȝ fleteþþ forþ & erneþþ
Towarrd te sæ wiþþ mikell sped,
Ȝiff þatt itt nohht ne letteþþ,
All swa rihht erneþþ all mannkinn
Inn hiss dæþshildinesse
Fra ȝer to ȝer, fra daȝȝ to daȝȝ,
Inntill hiss lifess ende.
& ec þurrh þatt, tatt Sannt Johan
Bapptisste wass to fullhtnenn
Onnfasst tatt illke kasstelltun
Þatt wass Salím ȝehatenn,
Þær an mann haffde biggedd ær,
Mellchisedæc ȝehatenn,
Þatt haffde ben þær Godess prest
& king þær off þatt chesstre,
Þærþurrh uss dide Sannt Johan
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Wass cumenn þa to manne,
To timmbrenn himm þurrh hiss fulluhht
An casstell ȝæn þe defell,
An Crisstnedd follc þatt shollde wel
Þurrh rihht god trowwþess wæpenn,
Wel stanndenn ȝæn þe laþe gast,
Þurrh himm þatt shollde baþe
Ben þeȝȝre-prest & teȝȝre king,
To gengenn hemm wiþþ beness,


Biforenn Heffness King, & ec
Wiþþ Goddcunndnessess wæpenn.
Forr ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss Prest off alle prestess,
Hiss follc to þingenn wel inoh
Towarrd Drihhtin off Heffne
Þatt all iss an wiþþ himm, & ec
Wiþþ Haliȝ Gast i kinde.
& ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Iss King off alle kingess,
To fihhtenn forr hiss hallȝhe follc
O rode ȝæn þe defell,
& mahhtiȝ king & strang inoh
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde,
To tredenn all unnderr hiss fót
Þe laþe gastess strenncþe.
All all swillc hellpe & all se god
Comm þurrh Johan Bapptisste
Till all þatt follc þatt unnderrfeng
Hiss fulluhht & hiss lare,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd toc
To fullhtnenn & to spellenn,
Alls iss to daȝȝ till himm þatt iss
Primmseȝȝnedd & nohht fullhtnedd,
To lernenn all hiss Crisstenndom
& all hiss rihhte læfe.
Forr all all swa se Sannt Johan
Bapptisste comm to lærenn


Þe follc to rihhtenn here lif
Þurrh shriffte & þurrh dædbote,
& all swa summ he þeȝȝm bigrap
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness,
& all swa summ he kidde þeȝȝm
Off Godess Suness come,
To fullhtnenn hemm þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To clennsenn hemm off sinness,
& all swa summ he droh þe follc
To lufenn & to cnawenn
Þatt rihhtwisnessess lihht, tatt Crist
Þa shollde brinngenn newenn,
All swa birrþ Cristess prest to daȝȝ
Þatt mann þatt he primmseȝȝneþþ
Wel tæchenn all hiss Crisstenndom,
& all hiss rihhte trowwþe,
& wel himm shæwenn þatt he wass
Her borenn unnderr sinne,
& shæwenn himm þatt he shall ben
Útlesedd fra þe defell
Þurrh fulluhht, ȝiff hét wile son,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe,
& tatt he þurrh fulluhht shall ben
Off alle sinness clennsedd,
& tæchenn himm þe Laferrd Crist
To lufenn & to cnawenn,
& rihht to dredenn Godess dom
Wiþþ hope off Godess are,
& teþennforrþ to þewwtenn Crist,
To lofenn, & to wurrþenn,


& rihht to follȝhenn Cristess sloþ
I chĕle, i þrisst, inn hunngerr,
Inn herrsummnesse, i soþ, i rihht,
I lufe, i soþ mecnesse,
Forr swa to winnenn eche lif
Inn heffness ærd wiþþ enngless.
& tatt tiss Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt Sannt Johan nass nohht ȝét ta.
Inntill quarrterrne worrpenn,
Þatt seȝȝþ he forr to don uss swa
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt ȝét ta stod stafflike witt
Amang Judisskenn þede
Off Moysæsess laȝheboc
& off hallȝhe profetess,
Þatt come þatt te Laferrd Crist
Comm forþ, & toc to fullhtnenn;
Forr þatt nass nohht onnȝæness Crist
Þatt tálde laȝhe stode,
Till þatt te newe wære sét
Þurrh Cristess hallȝhe come.
Þiss Goddspell seȝȝþ off Sannt Johan,
Þatt hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Tokenn to sannenn fasste onnȝæn
Þe Judewisshe lede


Off Johaness fulluhht, & off
Þatt fulluhht tatt te Laferrd
Bigunnenn haffde amang þe follc
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
& her uss unnderrstanndenn birrþ,
Þatt teȝȝ to sannenn tokenn
Ȝæn þa þatt létenn wel off Crist
& off hiss hallȝhe lare,
Onnȝæn þatt flocc þatt fullhtnedd wass
Þurrh Cristess Lerninngcnihhtess,
Ȝæn hemm bigunnenn all þurrh niþ
Johaness Lerninngcnihhtess
To sannenn fasste off Crist, & ec
Off Johan þeȝȝre maȝȝstre.
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn bliþeliȝ
Harrdnenn, ȝiff þatt teȝȝ mihhtenn,
Þatt teȝȝre Bapptisstess fulluhht
Wass bettre, & hehre, & derre
Þann þatt tatt wass bigunnenn þa
Þurrh Crist færlike & newenn.
Þeȝȝ létenn þatt mann birrde bett
Till þeȝȝre maȝȝstre sekenn
Forr hiss fulluhht & forr hiss spell,
Þann till Crist sellf forr owwþerr,
Forrþi þatt teȝȝre maȝȝstre wass
Þe firrste mann þatt æfre
Bigann to fullhtnenn aniȝ follc
Forr aniȝ sawle bote.
& forr þatt Crist ær haffde ben
Fullhtnedd att teȝȝre maȝȝstre,


& teȝȝre maȝȝstre nohht att Crist,
& ec forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn,
Þatt teȝȝre maȝȝstre borenn wass
Off faderr & off moderr
Þurrh Godess wille & þurrh hiss mahht,
& nohht þurrh þeȝȝre kinde,
& ec forr þatt teȝȝ wisstenn wel,
Þatt Johan þeȝȝre maȝȝstre
Wass filledd off soþ Godess Gast
Ȝét in hiss moderr wambe,
Forrþi þeȝȝ letenn mare inoh
Off Johan þeȝȝre maȝȝstre,
Þann off þe Laferrd Crist, whamm þeȝȝ
Ȝét ta rihht nohht ne cnewenn.
Forr nisstenn þeȝȝ nohht witerrliȝ
Ȝét ta to fulle soþe
Þatt Crist wass Godess Sune, & Godd
Þatt cumenn wass to manne.
& forrþi þatt teȝȝ wærenn off
Farisewisshe þede,
Þatt wass wel swiþe niþfull þed
& fulle off modiȝnesse,
Forrþi þeȝȝ wolldenn niþþrenn Crist
& laȝhenn himm þe mare,
& comenn sone till Johan
Bapptisste þeȝȝre maȝȝstre,
To wreȝenn Crist off þatt he droh
Onn himm þe follc to fullhtnenn,
Þurrh modiȝnesse & all wiþþ woh
Affterr þatt tatt hemm þuhhte.


& tuss teȝȝ seȝȝdenn sone anan
Till Johan þeȝȝre maȝȝstre;
Maȝȝstre-þatt mann þatt wass wiþþ þe
Biȝonndenn flumm i wesste,
Whamm þu barr wittness to þe follc,
He tăkeþþ nu to fullhtnenn,
& draȝheþþ all þe follc till himm,
Hu þinnkeþþ þe þæroffe?
& tiss wass seȝȝd alls iff þeȝȝ þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝdenn,
He þatt wass fullhtnedd att tin hannd
He takeþþ nu to fullhtnenn,
& draȝheþþ upponn himm þatt þing
Þatt himm nohht ne bilimmpeþþ,
& ræfeþþ þe þin allderrdom
& tét maȝȝ ille likenn.
He draȝheþþ all þe follc till himm
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh lare,
& all he draȝheþþ hemm fra þe,
Lef maȝȝstre, & fra þin lare,
& hefiȝlike he shameþþ þe
& shendeþþ & unnwurrþeþþ;
& tiss maȝȝ þe full innwarrdliȝ
Misslikenn, alls uss þinnkeþþ.
& forr þatt teȝȝre maȝȝstre wass
Off hete & niþ all clene,
& filledd off soþ Godess Gast,
& Godd all þwerrt út cweme,


& ec forr þatt he wisste wel
Þatt Crist wass Godd off heffne,
He ȝaff hemm sware, & seȝȝde þuss
Forr þeȝȝre niþ to cwennkenn;
Ne maȝȝ nan mann onnfon nan þing,
Þatt segge icc ȝuw to soþe,
Bút iff þatt itt be ȝifenn himm
Þurrh Drihhtin Godd off heffne.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Forrþi þatt I wass borenn her
Off faderr & off moderr,
Þatt time þatt teȝȝ wærenn ba
Off swiþe mikell elde,
Þa þeȝȝre time wass all gan
To tiddrenn & to tæmenn,
Forrþi ȝe wenenn, þatt I be
Off heffne sennd to manne
All oþerr þann erþlike mann
I Goddcunndnessess kinde.
Acc þatt niss nohht; ȝe wenenn wrang
Off me; beþ warre & wise,
Namm I nohht Godd, acc icc amm mann,
Off bodiȝ & off sawle,
& nohht na mare þann a mann
Dæþshildiȝ unnderr sinne.
Acc ure Laferrd Crist iss mann,
Acc all wiþþutenn sinne,
& Crist iss Godess Sune, & Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.


& icc amm an erþlike mann
Inn unntrummnesse strenedd,
& nohht ne maȝȝ icc habbenn her
Off haliȝ mahht o life,
Bút iff þatt icc itt unnderrfo
Att Cristess æddmodnesse.
Forr icc amm i me sellfenn wac
& full off unntrummnesse,
& þurrh þe ȝife off Crist I maȝȝ
Me berrȝhenn lif & sawle.
& þurrh Crist amm icc sennd till ȝuw
To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,
To ȝarrkenn ȝuw ȝæn hiss fulluhht
& ȝæn hiss hallȝhe lare,
& forrþi ræde icc ȝuw full wel
& bidde ȝuw & bede,
Þatt ȝure nan ne dwelle nohht
To turrnenn till hiss lare,
& till hiss fulluhht tatt ȝuw maȝȝ
Well clennsenn all off sinne.
Ȝe wĭtenn þatt I barr himm wel
Wittness biforr þe lede,
Þatt he wass Godd & Godess lamb
Þatt offredd shollde wurrþenn
O rodetre, forr all mannkinn
To lesenn út off helle.
& ec ȝe wĭtenn wel þatt icc
Ȝuw off me sellfenn seȝȝde.


Þatt I namm nohht Crist, Godess word,
Þatt cumenn iss to manne,
Namm I nohht smeredd þurrh Drihhtin
Fullike & all wiþþ alle
Wiþþ Haliȝ Gastess fulle mahht
& wiþþ hiss fulle kinde,
Swa þwerrt út all se Jesu Crist
Iss smeredd þurrh himm sellfenn,
& þurrh hiss Faderr Heffness king
Wiþþ Haliȝ Gastess mahhte;
Acc þohh swa þehh icc unnderrfeng
Att Cristess æddmodnesse,
Off hiss full náþe off Haliȝ Gast,
Þuss heh wurrþshipe & wikenn,
Þatt icc amm sennd biforenn himm
Hiss bidell & hiss greȝȝfe,
To ȝarrkenn follc onnȝæness himm
To tăkenn wiþþ hiss come;
Forr whase tăkeþþ wel wiþþ himm
He tăkeþþ sawle bote.
& Sannt Johan ȝét seȝȝde þuss
Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Bridgume iss he þatt hafeþþ brid,
& swa mann birrþ himm haldenn;
& whase iss þatt bridgumess frend,
He stannt wiþþ himm & herrcneþþ
Wel ȝerrne hiss word, & forr hiss word
He blisseþþ inn hiss herrte.


Þiss blisse iss min, lafuliwiss,
& itt iss nuȝȝu filledd.
Þiss seȝȝde Sannt Johan off Crist,
& off himm sellfenn baþe;
& tiss wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Nile I nohht drathenn upponn me
Þatt me nohht ne bilimmpeþþ,
Ne maȝȝ I nohht bridgume ben
Off all þatt hallȝhe genge
Þatt Cristess hallȝhe brid shall ben,
To follȝhenn all hiss wille,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
Ne maȝȝ icc hemm nohht lesenn út
Þurrh dæþ off helle pine,
Ne sahhtlenn hemm wiþþ heffness king
Þatt haffde hemm all forrworrpenn,
Ne clennsenn hemm þurrh Haliȝ Gast
Off alle þeȝȝre sinness;
Ne nohht ne maȝȝ icc ȝifenn hemm
Wiþþutenn Cristess are
All to forrbuȝhenn helle wa,
& cumenn upp till heffne.
Acc þiss maȝȝ Crist & tiss shall Crist
All fillenn here & forþenn,
Ȝa þurrh hiss Goddcunndnesses mahht,
Ȝa þurrh hiss mennisscnesse.
Nile I nohht draȝhenn uppo me
Þurrh sinnfull modiȝnesse


Þatt mahht tatt Godd ne ȝaff me nohht,
Ne me nohht ne bilimmpeþþ,
Þatt I ne be þurrh Godess dom
Wel wurrþi to forrlesenn
All þatt wurrþshipe, & all þatt mahht,
& all þatt ædiȝnesse,
Þatt Crist sellf hafeþþ ȝifenn me
All þurrh hiss æddmodnesse,
& nohht þurrh þatt icc wass itt wurrþ,
Ne þatt icc haffde itt addledd.
Crist iss bridgume, & he shall her
Himm chesenn brid onn erþe,
Off all mannkinn an haliȝ follc,
Þatt shall hiss wille follȝhenn.
& whase iss þiss bridgumess frend,
& lufeþþ himm wiþþ herrte,
& follȝheþþ all hiss bodeword,
& forþeþþ all hiss wille,
Swa-þatt himm þiss bridgume onnfo
To lufenn & to nehȝhenn,
To shæwenn himm hiss dærne run,
Hiss domess diȝhellnesse,
Þurrh witt & skill, & þurrh innsihht
Off Haliȝ Gastess lare,
Þurrh whatt he stanndeþþ wel & rihht
I stall off soþ mecnesse,
& nohht ne falleþþ hefiȝ fall
Off modiȝnessess lawe,


Acc stanndéþþ wel, & herrcneþþ all
Þatt tiss bridgume himm læreþþ,
Wiþþinnenn inn hiss clene gast
Þurrh Godess Gastess frofre,
Nu,—whase iss þiss bridgumess frend
Þuss alls icc habbe shæwedd,
& stanndeþþ þuss, & herrcneþþ þuss
Whatt tiss bridgume bedeþþ,
He blisseþþ wiþþ full bliþe mod
Off þiss bridgumess spæche,
Off-þatt he shæweþþ þurrh hiss word
& ec þurrh hise tacness,
Þatt he wisslike himm sellf iss Godd
& Godess Sune off heffne,
& soþ bridgume off soþfasst brid,
Off all þatt hallȝhe genge
Þatt haldenn shall hiss bodeword,
& follȝhenn all hiss wille.
Þiss iss mi blisse fuliwiss
& itt iss nuȝȝu filledd,
Forr icc amm þiss bridgumess frend
All þurrh hiss mildherrtnesse.
Þiss iss min blisse þatt I maȝȝ
I soþ mecnesse stanndenn,
Þatt I ne draȝhe nohht ome
Þurrh sinnfull modiȝnesse,
To wurrþenn forr bridgume tald
Off Cristess brid wiþþ woȝhe.
Þiss iss mi blisse þatt I maȝȝ
Wiþþ innwarrd herrte buȝhenn


Till þiss bridgumess bodeword,
& herrcnenn till hiss lare.
Þiss iss mi blisse þatt icc amm
Þuss wurrþedd her onn erþe,
Þurrh þiss bridgume, & nohht þurrh me,
Ne þurrh min aȝhenn mahhte,
Þatt icc maȝȝ þiss bridgume sen,
& tatt icc maȝȝ himm cnawenn,
& tatt icc wurrþenn amm hiss þeww,
& tatt icc maȝȝ himm cwemenn.
& Sannt Johan ȝét seȝȝde þuss
Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse,
Ned iss, & itt bihofeþþ wel
Þatt he nu forrþwarrd waxe,
& ec iss ned & god off me,
Þatt I nu forrþwarrd wannse.
& tiss wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ oþre wordess seȝȝde,
Himm birrþ nu forrþwarrd waxenn swa
Þurrh hise miccle tacness,
Þatt mann himm halde forr soþ Crist
& forr soþ Godd onn erþe,
Swa þatt mann lefe onn himm þe bett
& lisste till hiss lare. [OMITTED]


[OMITTED] Drihhtin unnderrstanndenn,
Þatt all þatt depe & dærne witt
Þatt iss i Godess herrte
Iss Godess Sune, & Godess Word,
& Godess dærne spæche.
& forrþi wass þe Laferrd Crist
Off Godess aȝhenn kinde,
Forr Crist wass all soþ Godess witt
& all hiss dærne spæche,
& Godess witt & Godess word
Iss all an wiþþ hemm sellfenn.
& all þatt dærne witt & word
Þatt wass i Godess herrte
Toc ure kinde & ure flæsh
I Sannte Marȝess wambe,
All alls hiss lefe wille wass,
& all forr ure nede.
& Godess witt & Godess word
Wass aȝȝ occ aȝȝ þohhwheþþre
I Godess herrte & inn hiss þohht
All hal & unntodæledd,
All hal i Godess herrte, & all
I Sannte Marȝess wambe,
All alls hiss lefe wille wass
Þatt doþ all þatt himm þinnkeþþ.
& forrþi seȝȝde Sannt Johan
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt Godess Word wass a wiþþ Godd,
Forr a þeȝȝ wærenn baþe,


Forr aȝȝ wass Sune & Faderr aȝȝ,
& eȝȝþerr aȝȝ wiþþ oþerr,
Forr aȝȝ occ aȝȝ wass Godd, & aȝȝ
Hiss witt wass inn hiss herrte,
& Godess witt iss Godess Word
& Godess Sune nemmnedd;
& Godess Sune & Godd himm sellf
Þeȝȝ wærenn æfre & æfre
Forþ wiþþ þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Gast,
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe.
& Godess word wass a soþ Godd,
& tatt iss wel to trowwenn;
Forr Godess word iss Godess witt
& Godess aȝhenn kinde,
& Godess kinde & Godess witt
Iss soþ Godd unntodæledd.
Forr Godd himm sellf, & Godess witt,
& Godess aȝhenn kinde
Sinndenn all an, all an soþ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohte.
Forr Godd iss Godd, & Godess witt
Iss ec soþ Godd, & baþe
Þeȝȝ sinndenn an Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte
Forþ wiþþ þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Gast,
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe.
& forrþi seȝȝde Sannt Johan
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt Godess word wass a soþ Godd
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,


Þatt all þatt strenedd iss off Godd,
Off Godess aȝhenn kinde,
All iss itt all þatt illke whatt
Þatt Godd iss inn himm sellfenn.
Þiss wass i frummþe wiþþ soþ Godd
Biforenn alle shaffte;
Þiss Word wass wiþþ þe Faderr aȝȝ;
Þe Faderr iss þatt frummþe
Þatt Godess Sune, Godess word,
Wass wiþþ, wiþþutenn frummþe.
Þe Faderr sellf iss frummþe, acc He
Niss off nan oþerr frummþe,
Forr Godd wass æfre swa þatt He
Ne toc nan biginninnge,
Acc all þe werelld toc att Himm
Biginninng þanne hét wrohhte.
Þe Sune iss frummþe off frummþe, off Godd,
Off whamm þe Sune iss strenedd.
Þe Sune iss off þe Faderr wiss,
Acc þohh all efennmete
& efennmahhtiȝ Godd wiþþ himm,
& all off efenn elde;
Forr eȝȝþerr iss wiþþutenn ord,
& æfre all unnbigunnenn
Forrþ wiþþ þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Gast,
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe.
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc
Þatt spækenn wrang off Criste,


Þatt seȝȝdenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Bigann att Sannte Marȝe,
& tatt he naffde nohht ben aȝȝ
Hiss Faderr efenneche,
Acc haffde tăkenn witerrliȝ
Biginninng att hiss moderr,
All swa summ illc an oþerr child,
Þatt strenedd iss to manne,
Onnfoþ biginninng þær þær itt
Iss þurrh hiss faderr strenedd,
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc,
Forr þeȝȝre muþ to dittenn,
Uss wrát & seȝȝde sikerr soþ
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt Godess Sune Jesu Crist
Wass æfre all unnbigunnenn,
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
Inn eche Goddcunndnesse.
Forr Godess Witt & Godess Word
Iss Godess Sune nemmnedd,
& Godess Sune iss Jesu Crist,
Soþ Godd & soþ Hælennde.
& Godess witt wass aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
Wiþþ Godd i Godess herrte;
& swa wass Crist soþ Godess witt
Aȝȝ inn hiss Faderr herrte,
All wiþþ hiss Faderr efennald
Inn eche Godcunndnesse.


Acc he toc flæsh, & he warrþ mann
Inn ure laffdiȝ Marȝe,
Þatt time þatt hiss wille wass,
Neh att tiss werlldess ende.
Nu, laferrdinngess, ȝæn þatt follc
Þatt all þurrh hefiȝ sinne
Seȝȝdenn þatt Godess Sune Crist
Bigann att Sannte Marȝe,
Ȝæn all þatt laþe follc uss wrát
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
& seȝȝde onnȝæn hemm alle þuss,
To lihhnenn þeȝȝre spæche;
I frummþe wass soþ Godess Word,
Forr Godess Sune ankennedd
Wass aȝȝ occ aȝȝ wiþþutenn ord,
Wiþþutenn biginninnge,
Wiþþ Faderr & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
Inn eche Goddcunndnesse.
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc
Þatt spækenn wrang off baþe,
Off Cristess Faderr, heffness Godd,
& ec off Crist himm sellfenn,
Þatt seȝȝdenn þatt Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Wass Faderr whanne he wollde,
& Sune whanne himm þuhhte god,
An had, nohht tweȝȝenn hadess,
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc,
Forr þeȝȝre muþ to dittenn,


Uss wrát & seȝȝde sikerr soþ
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt Godess Sune, Godess Word,
Wass wiþþ þe Faderr æfre;
He seȝȝde ȝæn hemm alle þuss
To lihhnenn þeȝȝre spæche,
& Godess Word wass a wiþþ Godd
An had wiþþ all an oþerr,
Forr ure Godd,—Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
Iss an Goddcunnd Þrimmnesse,
Faderr, & Sune, & Haliȝ Gast,
Þre hadess, all an kinde.
Swa þatt te Sune iss all an had,
Þe Faderr all an oþerr,
& Haliȝ Gast iss ec an had,
& tatt iss all þe þridde.
& illc an had iss oþerr fra
Toskiledd & todæledd;
Forr ser iss Sune, & Faderr ser,
& ser iss þeȝȝre baþre
Allmahhtiȝ Gast, tatt Frofre Gast
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe;
& tohh þeȝȝ sinndenn alle þre
An Godd all unntodæledd.
& aȝȝ occ aȝȝ iss illc an had
Wiþþ oþerr all an kinde,
& tohh swa þehh iss illc an had
Ser fra þe tweȝȝenn oþre.


& forrþi seȝȝde Sannt Johan
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Þatt Godess Word wass a wiþþ Godd
An had wiþþ all an oþerr,
Þohh þatt teȝȝ sinndenn alle þre
Þre hadess, anfald kinde,
An soþ Godd, an Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
& illc an had Allmahhtiȝ Godd,
& an Godd sinndenn alle.
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc
Þatt spækenn wrang off Criste,
Þatt seȝȝdenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass aȝȝ all unnbigunnenn,
& fra þe Faderr, heffness Godd,
All ser & all an oþerr,
& seȝȝdenn þatt he nass na Godd,
Ne nohht off Godess kinde,
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc,
Forr þeȝȝre muþ to dittenn,
Uss wrát & seȝȝde sikerr soþ
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt Godess Sune, Godess Word,
Soþ Godess aȝhenn kinde
Wass aȝȝ soþ Godd, Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
He seȝȝde ȝæn hemm alle þuss
To lihhnenn þeȝȝre spæche,
& Godess Word wass a soþ Godd
Wiþþutenn ord & ende.


Þiss word he seȝȝde, & itt wass soþ
Alls itt off heffne come;
Forr all þatt strenedd iss off Godd,
Off Godess aȝhenn kinde,
All iss itt all þatt illke whatt
Þatt Godd iss inn himm sellfenn.
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc
Þatt spækenn wrang off Criste,
Þatt seȝȝdenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Forr sumess kinness dedess
Wass makedd Godd off erþliȝ mann,
& tatt he nass nohht æfre,
Onnȝæn þatt laþe læredd follc,
Forr þeȝȝre muþ to dittenn,
Uss wrát & seȝȝde sikerr soþ
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt Crist wass aȝȝ occ aȝȝ soþ Godd
& wiþþ þe Faderr æfre.
He seȝȝþ onnȝæn hemm alle þuss,
To lihhnenn þeȝȝre spæche,
Þiss wass i frummþe wiþþ soþ Godd
Biforenn alle shaffte;
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
Soþ Godess witt, soþ Godess word,
Soþ Godess aȝhenn kinde,
Soþ Godess dærne ræd & run,
Soþ Godess Sune ankennedd,
Wass aȝȝ occ aȝȝ Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Wiþþutenn ord & ende,


Wiþþ Faderr, & wiþþ Haliȝ Gast,
All an i Goddcunndnesse.
Þe Faderr sellf Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Iss frummþe off alle shaffte,
Þatt frummþe þatt te Sune iss wiþþ
An Godd off Godd, an kinde
Forþ wiþþ þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Gast
Þatt cumeþþ off hemm baþe.
Þuss spacc off ure Laferrd Crist
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte
Ȝæn þa þatt spækenn wrang off himm,
& off hiss Goddcunndnesse;
All þuss he spacc onnȝæness hemm
To lihhnenn þeȝȝre spæche,
& ec forr þatt he wollde uss don
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Hu mann birrþ lefenn uppo Crist
& cnawenn Cristess kinde.
& son summ he þuss haffde uss tahht
Off Godess Suness kinde,
He toc anan to tæchenn uss
Off Godess Suness dede.
Forr þuss he spacc o þiss Goddspell
Off Cristess werrc, & seȝȝde,
& þurrh þiss Word wass shapenn all
Þatt æfre iss aniȝ shaffte,


& nohht nass wrohht wiþþutenn himm
Off all þatt iss summ shaffte.
Her mahht tu sen þatt sĭne & woh
Nass shapenn nohht þurrh Criste;
Forr all þatt ifell iss & woh,
& all þatt æfre iss sinne,
All iss i Godess shaffte swa
Þatt niss itt tohh na shaffte;
Forr all þatt æfre Crist sellf shop
All iss itt god wiþþ alle;
Acc i þe shaffte iss sinne & woh
All þurrh þe sellfe shaffte,
& nohht þurrh Godd, acc all ȝæn Godd,
& all ȝæn Godess wille.
Þuss spacc þiss Goddspellwrihhte off Crist,
& ec off all hiss dede,
Þatt shop all þatt tatt shapenn iss,
& god iss all hiss shaffte;
Forr all þatt æfre iss sinne & woh
All comm þatt off þe defell,
& off þatt shafftess wharrfeddleȝȝc
Þatt itt iss fundenn inne,
& all itt iss onnȝæness Crist
& unnderr Cristess wraþþe,
& unnderr Cristess rihhte dom,
& inn hiss rihhte wræche.
& tatt tiss Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Off Godess Sune, & off hiss witt,
& off all þatt he wrohhte,


Þatt all þatt shaffte þatt wass wrohht
Wass lif inn himm þe wrihhte,
Þatt wass alls iff he seȝȝde þuss
Wiþþ opennlike sþæche,
All þatt tatt æfre Crist sellf shop
Wass whilwendlike shaffte,
Acc Godess word & Godess witt
& Godess dærne rune
Nass nohht tohhwheþþre whilwendlic,
Acc aȝȝ onn ane wise;
& all þatt shaffte þatt he shop
I whilwendlike kinde
Wass alls itt wære all eche þing,
& aȝȝ onn ane wise,
I Godess herrte, i Godess witt
Þatt aȝȝ iss all unnwharrfedd,
& alle shafftess aȝȝ þurrhseþ
& aȝȝ onn ane wise.
& forrþi lifenn aȝȝ occ aȝȝ
& lasstenn alle þingess
I Godess herrte, i Godess witt
Þatt lifeþþ æfre & lassteþþ.
& here icc wile shæwenn ȝuw
Þiss illke þurrh an bisne,
Þatt alle shafftess sinndenn lif,
& lifenn æfre & æfre


I Godess herrte, i Godess witt
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte.
An arrke iss i þin herrte all wrohht,
Þatt iss þe crafft off arrke,
Þatt iss þatt crafft tatt tæcheþþ þe
Off tre to wirrkenn arrke,
& þurrh þatt arrke þatt iss aȝȝ
All rædiȝ i þin herrte
Þu wirrkesst arrkess aȝȝ off tre
Þatt eldenn & forrwurrþenn,
& tatt arrke þatt i þi witt
& i þin herrte stanndeþþ,
Itt lassteþþ aȝȝ & lifeþþ aȝȝ
Whil þatt ti lif þe lassteþþ.
& Godess witt & Godess word
Iss aȝȝ onn ane wise,
& lifeþþ aȝȝ & lassteþþ aȝȝ
I Godess herrte unnwharrfedd.
Þatt arrke þatt iss wrohht off tre
Affterr þin herrtess arrke,
Þatt arrke iss whilwendlike þing
& eldeþþ & forrwurrþeþþ.
& all þatt soþ Godd þurrh hiss witt
& þurrh hiss herrte wrohhte,
All iss itt whilwendlike þing
Þatt eldeþþ & forrwurrþeþþ;
Acc aȝȝ itt lifeþþ þohh swa þehh
& lassteþþ aȝȝ unnwharrfedd
I Godess herrte, i Godess witt
Þatt lifeþþ aȝȝ & lassteþþ.


And Godess word & Godess witt,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
Wass, fra þatt mannkinn shapenn wass,
Mannkinne lihht & leme;
Forr ȝiff menn wolldenn nimenn gom
Þeȝȝ mihhtenn unnderrstanndenn,
Þatt he wass wiss Allmahhtiȝ Godd
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
Forr Godess mahht & Godess witt
Wass opennlike sene
Inn all þe werelld tatt he shop
Off nohht all att hiss wille;
& tæroff mihhtenn alle menn
Onnfon soþ lihht & leme,
To cunnenn & to cnawenn Godd
Þatt all þe werelld wrohhte.
& heffness lihht bishineþþ all
Mannkinne þessterrnesse;
& þessterrnesse nohht ne toc
Acc all forrwarrp þe leme.
Þiss þessterrnesse iss hæþenndom
& dwillde inn hæfedd sinness,
& hæþenn trowwþe onn hæþenn Godd,
& hæþenn lif i þæwess,
Þatt draȝheþþ menn till helle wa,
Till helless þessterrnesse.
& aȝȝ wass i þiss middellærd
Full sutell & full sene,
Þatt Godess mahht & Godess witt
& Godess dærne rune


Wass all þwerrt út unnseȝȝenndlic
Inn alle kinne shaffte;
Acc all mannkinn full neh forrwarrp
Þatt lihht tatt shan onn erþe
Off Godd & off hiss depe witt
Inn alle kinne shaffte.
Forr all mannkinn well neh wass all
Bididdredd & forrblendedd
Þurrh defell & þurrh hæþenndom,
& þurrh orrmete sinness,
Swa þatt all follc wel neh forrlét
To þennkenn ohht off heffne,
To sekenn & to cnawenn Godd,
To lufenn Godd & þewwtenn.
& tohh swa þehh þohh all follc neh
All haffde Godd forrlætenn,
Þohh ræw himm off hiss handewerrc,
Off-þatt itt for till helle,
& toc & sennde an sanderrmann
Þatt wass Johan ȝehatenn.
Johan Bapptisste iss þiss Johan
Þatt we nu mælenn ummbe,
Johan þatt wass þurrh Drihhtin sennd
Þurrh þatt tatt he wass strenedd
Off moderr & off faderr stren,
Þatt time þatt hemm baþe
Wass þeȝȝre kinde gan all út
To tiddrenn & to tæmenn,


Swa þatt teȝȝ wærenn baþe þa
Off swiþe mikell elde,
Þatt time þatt hemm Drihhtin ȝaff
To strenenn þiss Bapptisste.
& forrþi wass he sennd þurrh Godd
& all þurrh Godess mahhte,
Forrþi þatt he wass strenedd her
Off faderr & off moderr,
Þurrh Gastess ȝife & þurrh hiss mahht,
& nohht þurrh þeȝȝre kinde.
Þuss wass Johan Bapptisste sennd
Biforenn Cristess come,
To wittness off þatt soþe lihht
Þatt shollde cumenn newenn.
& forr þatt he wass sennd þurrh Godd,
Forrþi mihhte he wel mælenn,
& berenn wittness i þe follc
Off Godess Suness come,
Þatt shollde wurrþenn mann to þann
Þatt menn himm mihhtenn cnawenn,
& hanndlenn himm & habbenn himm
Bitwenenn hemm onn erþe,
& tatt he mihhte þurrh hiss dæþ
Útlesenn menn off helle,
& turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& lærenn hemm, & hellpenn hemm
To winnenn heffness blisse,
Forr swa to lihhnenn alle þa
Þatt haffdenn seȝȝd þurrh dwilde,


Þatt all mannkinn wass swa forrdon
Þurrh Adam & þurrh Eve,
Þatt itt ne mihhte næfre mar
Ben lesedd fra þe defell.
& forr þiss illke wass Johan
Bapptisste sennd to manne,
To berenn wittness off þatt lem
Þatt shollde cumenn newenn.
& nass he nohht himm sellf þatt lem
Þatt he wass sennd to spellenn;
Acc he barr wittness i þe follc
Þatt soþ lihht cumenn shollde,
Þatt alle mihhtenn þurrh hiss spell,
Ȝiff þeȝȝ hemm sellf ne wolldenn,
O Godess Sune, o Godess Word
Wiþþ fulle trowwþe lefenn.
Þatt lihht wass witerrliȝ soþ lihht
Þatt lihhteþþ here onn erþe
Illc an lifisshe mann mennissh
Þatt cumeþþ her to manne.
Forr iwhillc mann, þatt lihhtedd iss
Þurrh lihht off rihhte læfe,
Illc an iss lihhtedd þurrh þatt lihht
Þatt Crist to manne brohhte,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
Þatt iss þatt soþe lihht & lem
Þatt ledeþþ upp till heffne


Þatt follc, þatt lefeþþ uppo Godd,
& cnaweþþ Godd & þewwteþþ.
& tiss lihht shineþþ ec o þa
Þatt all þiss lihht forrwerrpenn,
Acc hemm ne cumeþþ rihht na god
Off þatt itt onn hemm shineþþ;
Itt shineþþ upponn hemm inoh,
Þurrh þatt teȝȝ sen & herenn
All þatt unnseȝȝenndlike god
Þatt comm þurrh Crist to manne,
Acc hemm ne cumeþþ rihht na god
Off þatt itt onn hemm shineþþ,
Acc mikell ifell cumeþþ hemm
All þurrh rihht dom þæroffe.
Forr swa þeȝȝ mare herenn & sen
Off Cristess rihhtwisnesse,
Swa shulenn þeȝȝ þurrh Jesu Crist
All þurrh rihht dom ben demmde,
To dreȝhenn wiþþ þe laþe gast
All þess te mare pine,
Ȝiff þatt iss þatt hemm nohht niss off
To follȝhenn Cristess lare,
& ȝiff þatt teȝȝ ne kepenn nohht
Noff Crist, noff Cristess moderr.
Soþ heffness lihht shineþþ uppo
Þe trowwþelæse lede,
Acc hemm ne cumeþþ rihht nan god
Off þatt itt onn hemm shineþþ,
All all swa summ þe sŭnebæm
Bishineþþ all þe blinde,


& himm ne cumeþþ rihht na god
Off þatt itt onn himm shineþþ.
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝþ,
Swa summ ȝe littlær herrdenn,
Þatt iwhillc an lifisshe mann
Þatt cumeþþ her to manne
Iss lihhtedd wiþþ soþ heffness lihht
I Crisstenndom þurrh trowwþe.
Acc he ne seȝȝþ nohht swa, forrþi
Þatt all mannkinn iss lihhtedd
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
Forr mikell follc & unnȝerim
Iss ȝét to daȝȝ onn erþe,
Judisskenn follc, & hæþenn follc,
Þatt þwerrt út nohht ne kepeþþ
To cumenn till þe Crisstenndom,
To lefenn uppo Criste,
Acc wuneþþ unnderr hæþenndom
I dwildess þessterrnesse.
Acc itt iss seȝȝd, & sett þurrh himm
O þiss Goddspelless lare,
Forrþi þatt illc an mann, þatt iss
Þurrh rihhte læfe lihhtedd,
Illc an iss lihhtedd þurrh þatt lihht
Þatt Crist to manne brohhte.
& mann maȝȝ unnderrstanndenn þiss
Ȝét onn an oþerr wise.


Þe sawle iss here nemmnedd mann
& þurrh þe mann bitacnedd,
Forr þurrh þatt manness sawle iss lic
Wiþþ Godd inn onnlicnesse,
Þær þurrh maȝȝ itt ben nemmnedd mann,
& wiþþ mannshipe wurrþedd.
& itt maȝȝ ec ben nemmnedd mann,
Forrþi þatt manness sawle
Iss i þe mann þe bettre lott,
Forr þatt itt comm off heffne
To wurrþenn lif i manness lic
Þatt shapenn wass off erþe.
& ec forrþi þatt manness lic
Þe manness bodiȝ kinde
Iss all wiþþutenn o þe mann,
& sawle þær wiþþinnenn,
Þærfore iss itt rihht nemmnedd mann,
Þatt mann þatt heffness leme
Bishineþþ unnderr Crisstenndom,
& lihhteþþ unnderr læfe.
Tacc nu þe sawle forr þatt mann
Þatt cumeþþ her to manne,
Þatt iss to seggenn opennliȝ,
Þatt mann itt unnderrstannde,
Þatt sawle iss haldenn rihht forr mann
Þatt cumeþþ her to libbenn,
Her i þiss Crisstenndomess lif
Þatt Cristess hird iss inne.


Forr þurrh fulluhht i Crisstenndom
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe
Iss illc an sawle lihhtedd her
Þatt lifeþþ her onn erþe.
& illc an sawle þatt niss nohht
Þurrh rihhte læfe lihhtedd,
Illc an inn hire sinne iss dæd
Biforenn Godess ehne.
Her i þiss werelld iss an lif
Þatt all iss full off sinness,
Þatt iss þe lif off alle þa
Þatt follȝhenn hére & fillenn
All þeȝȝre flæshess fule lusst
Inn alle kinne sinne.
Þiss lif niss nohht rihht nemmnedd lif
Acc dæþ itt maȝȝ ben nemmnedd,
Forr þatt itt draȝheþþ aȝȝ dunnwarrd
Inntill þe dæþ off helle.
Acc unnderr Crisstenndom iss lif
Þatt wel maȝȝ lif ben nemmnedd,
Forr þatt itt draȝheþþ aȝȝ uppwarrd
Inntill þe lif off heffne.
& tiss lif unnderr Crisstenndom
Totwinneþþ & toshædeþþ
All Cristess follc fra defless follc
I dedess & i þæwess,
Inn etinng & inn drinnkinng ec,
I claþinng & i trowwþe,
Swa þatt te Laferrd Cristess hird,
Whil þatt itt lifeþþ here,


Iss all bifundenn swa summ itt
Inn oþerr werelld wære.
& ȝuw birrþ witenn þohh swa þehh
Þohh Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Nass nohht himm sellf þatt soþe lihht,
Þatt comm þurrh Crist to manne,
Þatt lihht tatt lihhteþþ iwhillc mann
Þatt lihhtedd iss onn erþe,
Þohhwheþþre, witt tu wel þatt he
Wass aness kinness leme.
He wass þatt lihht þatt lihhtedd wass
Þurrh Cristess soþe leme,
He wass tatt lihht tatt ȝaff uss lihht
Acc nohht tohh þurrh himm sellfenn;
Forr þurrh þatt he wass filledd all
Off Haliȝ Gastess lare,
Þær þurrh ȝaff himm þe Laferrd Crist
To lihhtenn menness herrtess,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh spell off Crist
& ec þurrh haliȝ bisne.
Acc Crist himm sellf he wass soþ lihht
Þatt shan all þurrh himm sellfenn,
Þatt lihhteþþ all þatt lihhtedd iss,
To gan þe rihhte weȝȝe.
& Godess Word, soþ leme & lihht
Wass i þe werelld fundenn,
Soþ Godd off Godd, soþ mann off mann,
An had off þrinne kinde;


Forr Crist soþ Godd, & ec soþ mann
Off bodiȝ & off sawle,
Wass, alls hiss lefe wille wass,
Her i þiss werelld fundenn,
Forr þatt he wollde þurrh hiss dæþ
Útlesenn menn off helle,
& turrnenn hemm till Crisstenndom,
& till þe rihhte læfe,
& tæchenn hemm, & hellpenn hemm
To winnenn heffness blisse.
& þurrh himm wass þe werelld wrohht
Forr he shop alle shaffte,
Annd tohh swa þehh ne cnew himm nohht
Þe werelld alls itt ahhte,
Þatt Judewisshe follc þatt wass
Þurrh hete & niþ forrblendedd,
& þurrh þatt laþe modiȝleȝȝc
Þatt dide hemm Crist forrwerrpenn,
Þatt illke follc ne cnew himm nohht
Swa summ hemm birrde himm cnawenn,
Þatt he wass Godess Sune & Godd,
Þatt alle shaffte wrohhte,
& tatt he wass o moderr hallf
Soþ mann all clene off sinne,
Forr þatt he wollde þurrh hiss dæþ
Útlesenn menn off helle.
Crist comm inntill hiss aȝhenn þing,
Inntill hiss aȝhenn birde,


Inntill þiss middellærd tatt wass
All shapenn þurrh himm sellfenn;
& he comm inntill all mannkinn
Þatt ec wass all hiss shaffte,
Forr all follc wass hiss handewerrc,
& all inn hise walde.
& hise menn ne tokenn nohht
Wiþþ himm swa summ hemm birrde;
Hemm birrde lefenn upponn himm,
& lufenn himm & drædenn,
& cnawenn himm & þewwtenn himm,
& hise laȝhess haldenn,
& alle mast forrwurrpenn himm
Þurrh hĕre depe sinne,
Forr þatt te defell haffde hemm all
Bididdredd & forrblendedd,
& all forrbundenn & forrdon
Þurrh hæþenndom & dwilde;
& forrþenn Cristess kinness menn
Þatt he wass borenn offe,
Hiss Judewisshe follc, þatt wass
Himm sibb o moderr hallfe,
Þeȝȝ alle mast forrwurrpenn himm
To lufenn & to þewwtenn.
& forr þatt mannkinn aȝȝ wass swa,
Fra þatt mannkinn wass awwnedd,
Þatt aȝȝ wass i þiss middellærd
Summ lott off gode sawless,
Þatt cnewenn Godd, & leddenn hemm
Clennlike & rihht onn erþe,


& ec forr þatt te Laferrd Crist,
Whanne he comm her to manne,
Fand sume off þa þatt tokenn wel
Wiþþ himm & wiþþ hiss lare,
Þa menn þatt tokenn wel wiþþ himm
Hemm alle ȝaff he mahhte,
Þurrh himm & þurrh hiss Frofre Gast
To wurrþenn Godess chilldre,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe;
Þa menn ȝaff he þurrh Haliȝ Gast
To wurrþenn hise breþre,
To ben arrfname forþ wiþþ himm
Off heffness kineriche.
Þatt sinndenn alle þa þatt rihht
O Cristess name trowwenn,
Þatt lefenn innwarrdlike wel
Þatt Crist iss soþ Hælennde
Till alle þa þatt lufenn himm,
& hise laȝhess haldenn.
Þatt iss þatt flocc þatt borenn iss
Off Godd þurrh Godess are,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Haliȝ Gast,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
Þatt iss þatt flocc þatt borenn iss
Off Haliȝ Gast wiþþ trowwþe,
Off hallȝhedd funnt i Cristess hus
O Cristess name fullhtnedd,
Þatt hallȝhe flocc þatt borenn iss
Off Godd o swillke wise,


& nohht off blod, noff flæshess lusst,
Noff weress mæne strenedd.
Forr all mannkinn iss borenn her
Off faderr & off moderr,
Þurrh sinnfull flæshess fule lusst
Unnderr Adamess sinne,
To dreȝhenn wiþþ þe laþe gast
Á butenn ende pine.
& all forrþi ne maȝȝ na mann
Ben borrȝhenn att hiss ende
Þurrh þatt, tatt he wass borenn her
Off faderr & off moderr,
Butt iff þatt he be borenn efft,
O Cristess name fullhtnedd,
To wurrþenn Godess aȝhenn stren
& Godess sune onn erþe,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh haliȝ lif,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
& Godess Word iss makedd flæsh
All forr þatt illke nede,
To biggenn her bitwenenn menn
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde,
To turrnenn menn till Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe,
To firrþrenn hemm þurrh haliȝ lif
To wurrþenn Godess chilldre.


& tatt wass, summ þu mihht wel sen,
Unnseȝȝenndlic mecnesse,
Þatt Godd Allmahhtiȝ wollde swa
Himm niþþrenn here & laȝhenn
Forr mannkinn, þatt wass all forrdon
Ȝæn himm & all forrwurrþenn.
Forr þatt wass wiss sellcuþ mecleȝȝc,
& sellcuþ ædmodnesse,
Þatt dide Godd to wurrþenn mann,
Himm sellfenn swa to niþþrenn,
Forr þatt he wollde ȝifenn menn
To wurrþenn Godess chilldre,
Swa þatt teȝȝ sholldenn heȝhe ben
Swa summ þeȝȝ enngless wærenn,
Þurrh þatt he shollde makenn hemm
Arrfname wiþþ himm sellfenn,
Onn heffne, & erþe, & oferr all
Off all hiss kineriche.
& we þatt lefenn upponn himm,
& lufenn himm & cnawenn,
We sæȝhenn, alls hiss wille wass,
Hiss wurrþshipe & hiss wullderr,
Þatt wullderr þatt bilammp all rihht
Till soþ Crist, soþ Hælennde,
Þatt wass ankennedd Sune off Godd,
Unnseȝȝenndlike strenedd.
Þiss seȝȝde off ure Laferrd Crist
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,


He seȝȝde o þiss Goddspell þatt he
& Cristess oþre posstless
Sæȝhenn wiþþ erþlic eȝhe, & ec
Wiþþ læffull herrtess sihhþe
O þeȝȝre Laferrd Jesu Crist
Hiss Goddcunndnessess kinde.
& tatt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
We sæȝhenn o þe Laferrd Crist
Hiss Goddcunndnesses wullderr,
Þær þær he talde spell himm sellf,
Þær þær he wrohhte tacness,
Þær þær himm wharrfedd wass hiss hew
Biforenn hise posstless,
Þær þær he ras þe þridde daȝȝ
Off dæþess slæp to life,
Þær þær he þurrh hiss aȝhenn mahht,
All att hiss aȝhenn wille,
Stah upp till heffne all opennliȝ
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
Þær sæȝhe we þatt he wass Godd,
& mann all clene off sinne,
Þær sæȝhe we þatt he wass Godd
& Godess aȝhenn kinde,
& Godess Sune & Godess Word,
& Godess witt & mahhte,
Soþ Godd, ankennedd off soþ Godd,
Acc all wiþþutenn moderr,


Soþ mann, wiþþutenn faderr stren,
Off clene maȝȝdenn kennedd.
& we þatt tokenn wel wiþþ himm
Þurrh lufe & ec þurrh trowwþe,
We sæȝhenn wel þatt he wass full
Off ædmodnesse & are,
& ec off soþfasstnessess mahht
Inn ure mennisscnesse.
Þiss wrát uss upponn hiss Goddspell
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Forr þatt he wollde don uss wel
To sen & tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt swa wass Crist soþ Godd tatt he
Wass þohh soþ mann off moderr,
Þatt Godd wass mann, & mann wass Godd,
An had off þrinne kinde,
Inn ure Laferrd Jesu Crist
Þatt cumenn wass to manne,
To ben bitwenenn menn & Godd,
To sahhtlenn hemm & sammnenn.
Forr þurrh þatt Crist wass mann wiþþ menn,
& ȝaff hiss lif o rode,
Þær þurrh wass Adam & hiss kinn
Útlesedd fra þe defell.
& þurrh þatt Crist wass Godd wiþþ Godd
& Godess Sune off heffne,
Þær þurrh he wann att Godd tatt he
Forrȝaff mannkinn hiss wraþþe.
& forrþi wass þe Laferrd Crist
All þwerrt út full off baþe,


Off millce, off are, off æddmodleȝȝc,
& ec off soþfasstnesse.
Off are & millce wass he full,
Þiss birrþ þe full wel trowwenn,
Forr þatt tatt he wass wurrþenn mann,
Þatt wass all þurrh hiss are,
Forr þatt he wollde uss lesenn út
Off helle þurrh hiss are.
Off soþfasstnesse wass he full,
Forrþi þatt he wass baþe
Soþ Godd off Godd, soþ mann off mann,
& haffde himm sellf wel filledd
All þatt tatt cwiddedd haffde ben
Off himm & off hiss come.
& we þatt tokenn wel wiþþ Crist
I lufe & ec i trowwþe,
We lodenn alle twinne ladd
Off hiss godnessess welle,
Hiss are,—þatt he þurrh hiss dæþ
Uss redde fra þe defell,
& drohh uss till þe Crisstenndom
& till þe rihhte læfe.
& ȝét we lodenn tekenn þatt
Off hiss godnessess welle,
Hiss are,—þatt he tăkenn shall
Uss alle inntill hiss riche,
To brukenn resste & ro wiþþ himm
Á butenn ende i blisse,
Ȝiff þatt himm likeþþ ure lif
& ure lifess ende.


Forr Drihhtin sette laȝheboc
Þurrh Moysæn onn erþe,
& þurrh þe Laferrd Crist iss sett
Soþ are & soþfasstnesse.
Þiss ferrs uss seȝȝde & sette o boc
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte;
& itt wass seȝȝd alls iff he þuss
Wiþþ openn spæche seȝȝde,
Att Crist we tokenn all þatt god
& all þatt hald & hellpe,
& all þatt witt & all þatt mahht
& all þatt gode wille,
Þatt æfre iss fundenn her inn uss
Þurrh whatt we Drihhtin cwemenn.
& tatt we lefenn rihht o Godd
& lufenn himm & dredenn,
& tatt we Drihhtin cnawenn rihht
& þewwtenn himm tocweme,
All comm uss þatt þurrh Jesu Crist.
& þurrh hiss lefe come,
& nohht þurrh Moysæn, ne nohht
Þurrh Sannt Johan Bapptisste.
Forr Moysæsess laȝheboc
Wass sett, forr þatt itt shollde
Shæwenn þe follc all þeȝȝre woh
& alle þeȝȝre sinness,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn mekenn hemm
To sekenn till þe læche,


Till Godess Sune Jesu Crist
Þatt time þatt he come.
& ec þe laȝheboc wass sett,
Forr þatt itt shollde cwiddenn
Þatt Godess Sune Messyas
To manne cumenn shollde,
To lesenn mannkinn þurrh hiss dæþ
Út off þe defless walde,
Forr þatt hemm shollde þess te bett
Affterr hiss come langenn,
& tăkenn þess te bett wiþþ himm
Þatt tíme þatt he come.
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste wass
Full god & Godd full cweme,
& tohh nass himm nohht ȝifenn mahht
To clennsenn menn off sinness,
Acc himm wass ȝifenn mahht & witt
To kiþenn Cristess come,
Þatt shollde lesenn þurrh hiss dæþ
Mannkinn út fra þe defell,
& clennsenn menn wiþþ Haliȝ Gast
Off alle kinne sinne,
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh Crisstenndom,
& þurrh þe rihhte læfe.
& forrþi seȝȝde Sannt Johan
Bapptisste to þe lede,


Þatt he nass nohht Crist, Godess Word,
Þatt cumenn wass to manne,
Acc sanderrmann biforenn Crist
To kiþenn Cristess come.
Nan mann ne mihhte næfre sen
Allmahhtiȝ Godd onn erþe
Wiþþ erþlic eȝhe off erþliȝ flæsh
I þiss dæþshildiȝnesse.
Ankennedd Sune Jesu Crist
Mannkinne sellþe & hæle,
Þatt inn hiss Faderr bosemm iss
He kidde, he seȝȝde, he talde.
Þiss seȝȝde & sette o þiss Goddspell
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
& uss birrþ lokenn whatt itt seȝȝþ,
& whatt itt uss bitacneþþ,
Whatt kidde forþ, whatt talde forþ
Crist Godess Sune ankennedd,
Þatt inn hiss Faderr bosemm iss
All an wiþþ himm i kinde.
Whatt kidde he forþ, whatt talde he forþ
Till hise dere þewwess,
Till þa þatt tokenn wel wiþþ himm
Þurrh lufe & ec þurrh trowwþe?
He talde þeȝȝm, & kidde þeȝȝm
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess rune,
& þurrh hiss aȝhenn hallȝhe spell
& þurrh þatt teȝȝ himm cnewenn,
He talde þeȝȝm hu mann maȝȝ Godd
Cnawenn & sen onn erþe,


Swa þatt-itt maȝȝ ben rihht inoh
To berrhless till þe sawle.
Forr nass nan mann þatt mihhte sen,
Ne cnawenn, nunnderrstanndenn
Þatt an Allmahhtiȝ Godd tatt iss
Þrimmnesse inn anfald kinde,
Butt iff þatt Godess Sune Crist
Itt dide himm tunnderrstanndenn,
Þurrh Haliȝ Gastess hallȝhe run
& þurrh hiss aȝhenn lare,
Þatt wise þatt erþlike mann
Maȝȝ gastlike unnderrstanndenn
& cnawenn Drihhtin Godd & sen
Wiþþ clennsedd sawless eȝhe;
Forr nass he næfre seȝhenn her
Þurrh erþliȝ flæshess eȝhe
Þatt wise þatt himm enngless sen
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde.
Whatt Abraham, whatt Moysæs,
Whatt tiss & tatt profete,
Ne sæȝhenn þeȝȝ nohht Drihhtin Godd
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde?
Na fuliȝwiss, ne sahh himm nan
Wiþþ erþliȝ flæshess eȝhe,
Þatt wise þatt himm enngless sen
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde.
Hu shall mann unnderrstanndenn þatt
Þatt writenn stannt o boke,
Þatt hallȝhe weress sæȝhenn Godd
Her i þiss lif onn erþe?


Þeȝȝ sæȝhenn Godd wiþþ ehne, acc nohht
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde,
Acc hallȝhe weress sæȝhenn Godd
I shafftess onnlicnesse,
All o þatt wise þatt Johan
Bapptisste sahh wiþþ ehne
Off heffne cumenn Godess Gast
Inn aness cullfress like
Uppo þe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þær he stod o þe strande,
Þær he wass fullhtnedd i þe flumm
Att Sannt Johaness hande.
& o þatt wise maȝȝ mann sen
Soþ Godd wiþþ erþlic eȝhe,
Þatt Godess Gast off heffne comm
I firess onnlicnesse
Uppo þe Laferrd Cristess hird,
An daȝȝ att unnderrn time.
I fir þeȝȝ sæȝhenn Godess Gast
I shafftess onnlicnesse;
Ne mihhte himm nan mann elless sen
Wiþþ erþliȝ flæshess eȝhe.
Forr Godd & Godess aȝhenn Gast
Inn hiss goddcunnde kinde
Iss all þwerrt út unnseȝhennlic
Till erþlic eȝhe sihhþe.
Profetess sæȝhenn Drihhtin ec
Acc all onn oþerr wise.


Þeȝȝ sæȝhenn Godd unnseȝhennliȝ
Þurrh sawless gastliȝ sihhþe,
& ec i gastliȝ shafftess hew,
Nohht inn hiss aȝhenn kinde.
& Godd Allmahhtiȝ ȝife uss swa
Gastlike tunnderrstanndenn,
& swa to cnawenn & to sen
Himm sellfenn & hiss kinde,
Swa þatt we motenn alle imæn
Himm sen inn heffness blisse,
Þatt wise þatt himm enngless sen
Inn all hiss Goddcunndnesse.
Icc hafe seȝȝd whatt Sannt Johan
Þe Goddspellwrihhte seȝȝde
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& off Johan Bapptisste;
Off Crist tatt he wass wurrþenn mann
To lesenn menn off helle,
& off Johan þatt he wass sennd
Biforenn Cristess come,
To kiþenn i þe follc þatt Crist
Þa shollde cumenn newenn.
& tær biforenn seȝȝde icc ec,
Me mineþþ, off hemm baþe,
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& off Johan Bapptisste;
Off þatt te Laferrd Crist bigann,
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess,


To fullhtnenn follc þurrh Haliȝ Gast,
To clennsenn hemm off sinness,
Rihht i þatt time þatt Johan
Bapptisste wass to fullhtnenn,
Onnfasst an kasstelltun þatt wass
Salím bi name nemmnedd,
& tatt wass inn an ende land
Þatt wass Ennón ȝehatenn.
& ec I seȝȝde þær summ del
Off þeȝȝre Lerninngcnihhtess.
I seȝȝde þær summ del off-hu
Johaness Lerninngcnihhtess
Tokenn to sannenn fasste onnȝæn
Þe Judewisshe lede,
Off Johaness fulluhht, & off
Þatt fulluhht tatt te Laferrd
Bigunnenn haffde amang þe follc
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess;
& hu þeȝȝ comenn till Johan
Bapptisste þeȝȝre maȝȝstre,
To wreȝenn ure Laferrd Crist
Off þatt he toc to fullhtnenn;
Forr þatt teȝȝ wolldenn brinngenn niþ
I Sannt Johaness herrte
Onnȝæn þe Laferrd Crist, acc þeȝȝ
Ne mihhtenn nohht itt forþenn.
& ec I seȝȝde þær summ del,
Hu Sannt Johan Bapptisste
Ȝaff sware off ure Laferrd Crist
Till hise Lerninngcnihhtess,


To don hemm tunnderrstanndenn wel
Þatt Crist wass Godd off heffne,
& tatt he nass himm sellf nohht Crist,
Acc mann i sinne strenedd;
Forr þatt he wollde cwennkenn swa
Inn hise Lerninngcnihhtess
All þeȝȝre wraþþe, & hete, & niþ,
Þatt teȝȝ onnȝæn þe Laferrd
Haffdenn, þurrh sinne & all wiþþ woh,
Off þatt he toc to fullhtnenn;
Forr, ȝiff þeȝȝ wolldenn wĭtenn itt,
Þeȝȝ mihhtenn unnderrstanndenn
Att teȝȝre maȝȝstress muþ inoh
Þatt he wass sennd to fullhtnenn,
To wunenn swa þe follc þærto,
Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn ȝernenn
Affterr þe Laferrd Jesu Crist,
Þatt shollde hemm lĕtenn fullhtnenn
Þurrh Haliȝ Gast inn hallȝhedd funnt,
To clennsenn hemm off sinness.
& her icc wile tellenn forþ
Off whatt bilammp þa siþþenn,
Off ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,
& off Johan Bapptisste.



Ihc audiens quia murmurabant Pharisei quod baptizaret.

Affterr þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Þe follc bigunnenn haffde
To fullhtnenn i Judealand
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
He cnew well, alls itt writeþþ uss
Johan þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Þatt tatt Farisewisshe follc
Strang wraþþe takenn haffde
Ȝæn himm, þatt wass att Sannt Johan
Bapptisste wurrþenn fullhtnedd,
& heldenn, alls hemm þuhhte wel,
Wiþþ Sannt Johan Bapptisste.
He wisste þatt tatt laþe follc
Ȝæn himm wass wurrþenn bollȝhenn,
Forr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn herrd off himm,
Þatt miccle mare genge
Off Lerninngcnihhtess wass att himm
Þann att Johan Bapptisste;
& ec forr þatt mann haffde hemm seȝȝd
Þatt he fullhtnede lede,
Forrþi þeȝȝ haffdenn niþ wiþþ himm
& sinnfull hete & wraþþe.
& Crist sellf ne fullhtnede nohht,
Acc hise Lerninngcnihhtess


Fullhtnedenn follc inn haliȝ funnt,
To clennsenn hemm off sinne;
& forr þatt Crist itt cnew inoh
& wisste itt wel wiþþ alle,
Þatt tatt Farisewisshe follc
Ȝæn himm wass wurrþenn bollȝhenn,
He for út off Judealand
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess
Inntill þe land off Galile,
Forr þeȝȝre niþ to kelenn.
Herode King off Galile
Wass ifell mann wiþþ alle,
Þatt illke laþe Herodess stren
Þatt sloh þe little barrness,
Forr þatt he wollde cwellenn Crist
Amang hemm, ȝiff he mihhte,
& forr þatt tiss Herode King
Wass ifell mann wiþþ alle,
& haffde tăkenn all wiþþ woh
Filippess wif hiss broþerr,
Johan Bapptisste wisste itt wel
& itt himm oferrþuhhte,
& he bigrap þe king, itt seȝȝþ,
Wiþþ derrf & openn spæche,
Off all hiss ille dede, & ec
Off-þatt he takenn haffde
Hiss aȝhenn broþerr wif himm fra,
Ȝæn Godd & all wiþþ sinne.
& ta warrþ wraþ Herode King
Wiþþ Sannt Johan Bapptisste,


& forrþi lét he takenn himm
To wrekenn hise téne,
& he lét bindenn himm, itt seȝȝþ,
& i cwarrterrne werrpenn.
& tatt wass forr Herodian
Filippess wif hiss broþerr.
Herr endeþ nu þiss Goddspel þuss,
[& u]ss birþþ itt þurth sekenn,
To lokenn watt itt lerneþ uss
Off [ure] sawle nede.
Nu birrþ uss lokenn whatt bihallt,
Þatt ure Laferrd ferrde
Út off Judealand anan
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Forrþrihht anan summ he wass warr
Off, þatt te Farisewess
Himm haffdenn niþ & wraþþe onnȝæn
All þurrh here aȝhenn sinne.
& uss birrþ lokenn whatt bihallt,
& whatt uss maȝȝ bitacnenn,
Þatt Sannt Johan Bapptisste wass
Inntill cwarrterrne worrpenn.
Þa Farisewwess haffdenn skét
Off Cristess dedess fraȝȝnedd,
Nohht forrþi þatt teȝȝ wolldenn ohht
Off all hiss lare follȝhenn,


Acc forrþi þatt teȝȝ wolldenn himm
Forrfarenn all & cwennkenn.
& forrþi flæh hemm Jesu Crist,
To don uss tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt Godd forrwerrpeþþ alle þa
Þatt wiþþrenn himm onnȝæness,
Butt iff þeȝȝ muȝhenn turrnenn hemm
To betenn þeȝȝre sinne.
& ec þe Laferrd Crist attflæh
Forr þe to gifenn bisne,
Þatt tu mihht flen & berrȝhenn swa
Þin lif wiþþ Godess lefe,
& shunenn þa þatt wilenn þe
Wiþþutenn gillte cwellenn,
Ȝiff þu ne mihht nohht habbenn ȝét
God lusst, god mahht, god wille,
To þolenn marrtirdom forr Crist,
& forr þe rĭhhte læfe.
& ec þe Laferrd Crist attflæh
To don þe tunnderrstanndenn,
Þatt te birrþ flen þe defless hird
Wiþþ þohht, wiþþ word, wiþþ dede.
Forr þe birþ all forrsen & flen
To follȝhenn þeȝȝre sinness;
Rihht swa birrþ þe þe defless hird
Forrsen & flenn wiþþ herrte,
Rihht swa summ he wiþþ bodiȝ flæh
Þa laþe Farisewess.
& Crist attflæh þe defless hird
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,


& te birrþ flen þe defless hird
Wiþþ alle gode þæwess,
& nohht ne birrþ þe ferrsenn þe,
Ne flen fra þeȝȝm off tune,
Butt iff þeȝȝ nohht ne þolenn þe
Wiþþ griþþ þin Godd to þewwtenn.
Itt seȝȝþ þatt Crist itt wisste wel
& cnew itt wel wiþþ alle,
Þær he wass off Judealand
Inn all an oþerr ende,
Þatt tatt Farisewisshe follc
Ȝæn himm wass wurrþenn bollȝhenn.
& Crist wass æþ to wĭtenn þatt
Forr Crist wát alle þingess,
& Crist wát all þe manness þohht
& all þe manness herrte.
& forrþi wa[ss þe] Laferrd Crist
Full æþ to sen & cnawenn,
Þatt tatt Farisewisshe follc
Ȝæn himm wass wurrþenn bollȝhenn;
& he flæh off þe land forrþi
Wiþþ hise Lerninngcnihhtess,
Forr þatt he wollde þurrh hiss flihht
Uss mikell þing bitacnenn.
Forr nass he nohht forrdredd off hemm,
Noff here laþe strenncþe,
He-þatt wass Godess Sune, & Godd
Þatt all þe werelld wrohhte,


Þatt mihhte hemm alle wiþþ an word
Inn helle wel bisennkenn.
Acc he flæh, alls icc habbe seȝȝd,
Forr mikell þing to tacnenn,
Þatt uss iss alle samenn god
To lernenn & to cunnenn.
Þatt tatt Farisewisshe follc
Off ure Laferrd seȝȝde,
Þatt mare genge comm till himm
Þann till Johan Bapptisste,
Þatt seȝȝdenn þeȝȝ þurrh hĕte & niþ
& þurrh full hefiȝ sinne,
Forr þatt hemm þuhhte þatt itt wass
Rihht hæþinng & nohht elless,
Þatt Crist drohh þurrh hiss modiȝleȝȝc
Upponn himm, alls hemm þuhhte,
To fullhtnenn follc þatt himm rihht nohht
Ne fell, swa summ þeȝȝ létenn.
Þuss létenn þeȝȝ off Jesu Crist
Þurrh þeȝȝre depe sinne,
& ec þurrh þatt te laþe gast
Hemm all forrblendedd haffde,
Swa þatt teȝȝ nohht ne mihhtenn sen,
Ne cnawenn Godd onn erþe.
Þeȝȝ seȝȝdenn ec off Jesu Crist,
Þatt he fullhtnede lede;
& tatt wass seȝȝd all soþ off Crist
Acc þeȝȝt rihht nohht ne wisstenn
Þatt wass all soþ, forr Jesu Crist
Inn Haliȝ Gastess welle


Aȝȝ fullhtneþþ follc, aȝȝ bæweþþ follc
Unnseȝhennlike off sinness.
& ec þe Laferrd Jesu Crist
Fullhtnede himm sellf þatt lede,
Þatt fullhtnedd wass inn Haliȝ funnt
Þurrh hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
Forr þurrh þe ȝife off Jesu Crist,
& þurrh hiss namess mahhte,
& þurrh hiss aȝhenn Haliȝ Gast
Fullhtnedenn þeȝȝ þe lede.
& forrþi seȝȝdenn þeȝȝ full soþ
Þatt Crist fullhtnede lede,
Forr all þatt fullhtnedd iss þurrh Crist
All fullhtneþþ Crist to soþe,
& all þatt onn hiss name iss don,
All doþ he þatt to soþe.
& all þatt follc þatt fullhtnedd wass
Att Cristess Lerninngcnihhtess,
Þeȝȝ alle tokenn Haliȝ Gast,
Þatt witt tu wel to soþe,
Acc nohht swa forrþerrlike þohh
Ne swa fullike nowwþerr,
Alls ure Laferrd Cristess hird
Ȝaff Haliȝ Gastess mahhte
Affterr þatt Crist wass stiȝhenn upp
Inn ure mennisscnesse,
& haffde hemm sennd off Haliȝ Gast
Unnseȝȝenndlike strenncþe.
Forr siþþenn ȝæfenn þeȝȝ þe follc
All opennlike, & alle


Þurrh haliȝ funnt, & þurrh hanndgang
Off Haliȝ Gast swillc mahhte,
Þatt alle spækenn sone anan
Þe spæche off alle þede.
& forrþi þatt teȝȝ naffdenn nohht
Off Haliȝ Gast swillc strenncþe,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Itt haffde hemm sennd off heffne,
Forrþi ne ȝæfe þeȝȝ nohht ȝét
Þatt tatt teȝȝ nohht ne tokenn,
Biforenn þatt te Laferrd Crist
Wass stiȝhenn upp till heffne.
Affterr þatt ure Laferrd Crist
Þurrh fulluhht & þurrh lare
Þær haffde off Judewisshe follc
Himm chosenn ane fæwe,
He for aweȝȝ, & all forrwarrp
Þa laþe Farisewess,
Þatt nolldenn lefenn upponn himm
Ne buȝhenn till hiss lare,
Acc wolldenn off all þeȝȝre boc
Stafflike lare follȝhenn,
Þatt lare þatt ne mihhte nohht
Hemm berrȝhenn lif, ne sawle.
& Crist fór inntill Galile,
Forr þatt he wollde tacnenn,
Þatt whase wile borrȝhenn ben
Himm birrþ hiss herrte [turrnen]n


Till haliȝ bokess gastliȝ witt
Út off stafflike lare.
Forr gastliȝ witt off haliȝ boc
Iss fode to þe sawle,
& itt iss halsumm to þe lif
Till himm þatt wel itt follȝheþþ.
Þa Farisewess sæȝhenn wel
& wel þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn,
Þatt teȝȝre laȝhe & teȝȝre lif,
Þatt lif þatt teȝȝ þa leddenn,
All full nehh munnde cwennkedd ben
Þurrh Crist & þurrh hiss lare,
& ec þurrh hiss fulluhht þatt wex
Full swiþe, summ þeȝȝ herrdenn,
Þurrh þatt te follc sohhte þærto
Att hise Lerninngcnihhtess.
& ec þurrh þatt te follc toc wel
Wiþþ Crist aȝȝ mare & mare,
Þærþurrh þeȝȝ unnderrstodenn wel,
Þatt teȝȝre lare munnde
& teȝȝre laȝhe all endedd ben
Þurrh Cristess newe lare,
Þatt munnde ȝifenn gastliȝ witt
Onn haliȝ bokess lare,
& tæchenn follc to þewwtenn Godd
All onn an oþerr wise.
Þiss unnderrstodenn þeȝȝ off Crist
& dide hemm mikell ange,
& forrþi tokenn þeȝȝ till Crist
Full hefiȝ niþ & wraþþe,


Swa þatt teȝȝ wolldenn cwellenn himm
Gladdlike,—ȝiff þeȝȝ mihhtenn.
& siþþenn, whanne itt comm þærto
Þatt ure Laferrd wollde
O rode þolenn dæþ, forr uss
To lesenn út off helle,
Þiss laþe follc, unnfæle follc
Off þise Farisewess
Wass att tatt laþe raþ þatt Crist
Wass naȝȝledd uppo rode,
Forr þatt teȝȝ haffdenn mikell niþ
Ȝæn himm & ȝæn hiss lare.


Herodes misit & tenuit Johannem, & alligavit in carcere propter Herodiadem.

Herode King off Galile
Toc Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
& band himm wiþþ irrene band
& warrp himm i cwarrterrne.
& tatt wass forr Herodian
Filippess wif hiss broþerr,
Þatt fra Filippe ræfedd wass
Þurrh hire faderr wraþþe,
& gifenn till Herode King
All forr Filippess tene.


Þatt laþe wifess faderr wass
Aréte King ȝehatenn,
& he wass wurrþenn swiþe wraþ
Wiþþ hiss aþumm Filippe,
& toc hiss doh[hterr all] forrþi
Forr wraþþe fra Filippe,
& ȝaff Herode King þatt wif
All forr Filippess tene,
Þatt tíme þatt Herode wass
Unnwine wiþþ Filippe;
Swa þatt he wass himm swiþe wraþ
Þohh þatt he wass hiss broþerr,
& toc hiss wif himm fra forrþi
Full bliþeliȝ forr tene.
& hire itt þuhhte swiþe god
Þatt ȝho wass wiþþ Herode,
Forrþi þatt ȝho wass ifell wif
& Drihhtin all unncweme.
& Sannt Johan Bapptisste comm
Biforr þe King Herode,
& seȝȝde himm þuss all opennliȝ,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Ne birrþ þe nohht tin broþerr wiff
Þuss habbenn þe to wife
Whil þatt tin broþerr lifeþþ ȝét,
Þu list inn hæfedd sinne.
& wel itt haffde Herodias
All herrd & unnderrstanndenn,


Þatt Sannt Johan haffde þe king
Bigripenn off hiss sinne.
& ȝho warrþ sone gramm & grill
Ȝæn Sannt Johan Bapptisste,
Forr þatt he wollde hire & te king
Todælenn & toshædenn.
& ȝho toc wraþþe & hĕte & niþ
Till Sannt Johan þæroffe,
& þohhte þatt ȝho shollde onn himm
Wel wrekenn hire tene,
& þohhte þatt ȝho wollde himm slan
Ȝiff þatt ȝhót mihhte forþenn.
Acc ȝhót ne mihhte forrþenn nohht
Swa raþe summ ȝho wollde,
Forr þatt itt ȝede off Sannt Johan
All affterr Godess wille,
Nohht affterr hire, forr ȝho wass
Godd laþ & all unncweme;
& forrþi wass ȝho wurrþ att Godd,
Þurrh hire depe sinness,
To don þatt dede o Sannt Johan
Wiþþutenn hise wrihhte,
Þatt shollde draȝhenn hire dun
To dreȝhenn helle pine,
& ȝifenn himm to stiȝhenn upp
To brukenn heffness blisse,
Þurrh Cristess dom þatt all wass god
& rihht onn eȝȝþerr hallfe.
Forr all iss Cristess dom rihht dom,
Acc itt iss dep & dærne,


& all iss sett i Cristess dom
Þatt æfre iss don onn erþe,
& Crist shall demenn all þatt beþ
O Domess daȝȝ to demenn.
& Cristess dom iss all rihht dom
& god onn alle wise,
Forr Crist iss alle shaffte Godd
& god inn all hiss kinde.
Acc þohh swa þehh Herodyas,
Þatt laþe wif, ne mihhte
Nohht forþenn hire modess will
Swa răþe summ ȝho wollde,
To cwellenn Godess þeww Johan,
To wrekenn hire tene.
Forr Drihhtin wisste whanne & hu
He wollde hiss dere kemmpe
Hiss mede ȝeldenn hunndreddfald
Forr hise gode dedess.
Acc he wass tăkenn þurrh þe king,
Swa summ icc habbe shæwedd,
& he wass i cwarrterrne don,
& bundenn pære & haldenn;
& tatt wass all forr hire don,
Swa summ þe Goddspell kiþeþþ,
Forr ȝho wass lef þe king, & he
Ne namm nan gom off sinne,
& wollde cwemenn hire swa,
& forþenn hire wille.
& her mann unnderrstanndenn maȝȝ,
Ȝiff mann itt ummbeþennkeþþ,


Þatt tiss Herode King wass an
Full ifell mann onn erþe,
Þatt haffde mikell wille & lusst
To slan Johan Bapptisste,
To slan þatt mann,—whamm all follc held
Forr haliȝ mann wiþþ alle,
& forr soþ Crist þatt þurrh Drihhtin
To manne cumenn wære,
& tokenn well wiþþ hiss fulluhht,
& wiþþ hiss hallȝhe lare,
& wiþþ hiss bisne off haliȝ lif
Cnihhtess & publicaness,
& Farisewess, modiȝ follc,
& læredd follc & læwedd;
He wass all þwerrt út ifell mann
Þatt wass forrlisst to cwellenn
Þatt mann, þatt all wass Godd bitahht
& full off Godess wille.
Þatt gillt himm wære gillt inoh
To draȝh[enn] inntill helle,
Ȝiff he forrwurrpe þwerrt út all
Johaness hallȝhe lare,
Þohh þatt he nohht ne léte himm slan
Wiþþutenn hise wrihhte.
Þatt kasstell-alls uss seȝþ soþ boc,
Wass hatenn Macherónnte
Þatt Sannt Johan wass inne don,
& i cwarrterrne worrpenn,


Forr þatt he seȝȝde soþ þe king
Off hise depe sinness;
& nass itt nohht þurrh braþþe seȝȝd,
Ne þurrh niþ, ne þurrh wraþþe,
Acc itt wass seȝȝd, forrþi þatt he
Ne wollde nohht forrbuȝhenn
To seggenn soþ biforr þe king,
Þohh þatt himm shollde shetenn
To þolenn forr hiss soþe word
Full grimme dæþess pine.
& off þiss ilke birrþ uss wel
Johaness bisne follȝhenn,
Ne birrþ uss nohht forr eȝȝe off dæþ
Flen Godess soþ to seggenn,
Forr ȝiff we Godess bodeword
& Godess dom forrbuȝhenn,
Forr eȝȝe off dæþ, to kiþenn forþ
Biforenn kafe & kene,
Ne sinndenn we nohht strange inoh
To fihhtenn ȝæn þe defell.
Herode dredde Sannt Johan,
Þatt seȝȝþ þe Goddspellwrihhte,
Forr þatt he wisste wel þatt he
Wass haliȝ mann & clene,
& rihhtwiss mann biforenn Godd
& wis off Godess lare.
& forr þatt himm wass offte seȝȝd
Off Sannt Johaness werrkess,
He comm full bliþeliȝ till himm
To lisstenn hise spelless,


Þær he wass all wiþþ mikell woh
Inn hiss cwarrterrne i bandess.
& forr þatt Sannt Johan wass sennd
Þurrh Drihhtin her to manne
Biforenn Crist, rihht i þatt gast
& i þatt illke mahhte
Þatt Helyas proféte shall,
Inn Anntecristess time,
Efft cumenn forþ biforenn Crist
Att Cristess lattre come,
Forrþi bigrap he dirrstiliȝ
& all o Godess hallfe
Herode & ec Herodian
Off þeȝȝre depe sinness,
All o þatt illke wise rihht
Þatt Helyas profete
Bigripenn haffde dirrstiliȝ,
Whanne he wass her wiþþ manne,
Acáb þe Ju [OMITTED]


Venit Ihc in civitatem Samarie que dicitur Siccar.