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Erþe toc of erþe erþe wyþ woh;
erþe oþer erþe to þe erþe droh;
erþe leyde erþe in erþene þroh.
Þo heuede erþe of erþe erþe ynoh.


Middelerd for mon wes mad,
vnmihti aren is meste mede.
Þis hedy haþ on honde yhad
þat heuene hem is hest to hede.
Icherde a blisse budel vs bad
þe dreri domesdai to drede,
of sunful sauhting sone be sad
þat derne doþ þis derne dede.
Þah he ben derne done,
þis wrakeful werkes vnder wede,
in soule soteleþ sone.
Sone is sotel, as ich ou sai,
þis sake, alþah hit seme suete.
Þat i telle a poure play
þat furst is feir ant seþþe vnsete.
Þis wilde wille went awai
wiþ mone ant mournyng muchel vnmete.


Þat liueþ on likyng out of lay
his hap he deþ ful harde on hete
aȝeynȝ he howeþ henne;
alle is þriuene þewes þrete
þat þenkeþ nout on þenne.
Aȝeynes þenne vs þreteþ þre;
ȝef he beþ þryuen ant þowen in þeode,
vr soule bone so broþerli be
as berne best þat bale forbeode.
Þat wole wihtstonden streynþe of þeo
is rest is reued wiþ þe reode.
Fyht of oþer ne darf he floe
þat fleishshes faunyng furst foreode,
þat falsist is of fyue.
Ȝef we leueþ eny leode,
werryng is worst of wyue.
Wyues wille were ded wo,
ȝef he is wicked forte welde;
þat burst shal bete for hem bo,
he shal him burewen þah he hire belde.
By body ant soule y sugge al so,
þat some beoþ founden vnder felde
þat haþ to fere is meste fo.
Of gomenes he mai gon al gelde
ant sore ben fered on folde,
lest he to harmes helde
ant happes hente vnholde.
Hom vnholdest her is on
wiþouten helle, ase ich hit holde,
so fele bueþ founden monnes fon;
þe furst of hem biforen y tolde;
þer afterward þis worldes won
wiþ muchel vnwynne vs woren wolde.
Sone beþ þis gomenes gon
þat makeþ vs so brag ant bolde
ant biddeþ vs ben blyþe;
an ende he casteþ ous fol colde
in sunne ant serewe syþe.


In sunne ant sorewe y am seint,
þat siweþ me so sully sore;
my murþe is al wiþ mournyng meind,
ne may ich myþen hit namore.
When we beþ wiþ þis world forwleynt,
þat we ne lustneþ lyues lore,
þe fend in fyht vs fynt so feynt
we falleþ so flour when hit is frore,
for folkes fader al fleme;
wo him wes ywarpe ȝore
þat Crist nul nowyht queme.
To queme Crist we weren ycore
ant kend ys craftes forte knowe.
Leue we nout we buen forlore,
in lustes þah we lyggen lowe;
we shule aryse vr fader byfore,
þah fon vs fallen vmbe þrowe;
to borewen vs alle he wes ybore.
Þis bonnyng when him bemes blowe,
he byt vs buen of hyse
ant on ys ryht hond hente rowe
wyþ ryhtwyse men to aryse.


Ichot a burde in a bour ase beryl so bryht,
ase saphyr in seluer semly on syht,
ase iaspe þe gentil þat lemeþ wiþ lyht,
ase gernet in golde ant ruby wel ryht;
ase onycle he ys on yholden on hyht,
ase diamaund þe dere in day when he is dyht;
he is coral ycud wiþ cayser ant knyht;
ase emeraude amorewen þis may haueþ myht.
Þe myht of þe margarite haueþ þis mai mere.
ffor charbocle ich hire ches bi chyn ant by chere.
Hire rode is ase rose þat red is on rys;
wiþ lilye-white leres lossum he is;
þe primerole he passeþ, þe peruenke of pris,
wiþ alisaundre þareto, ache ant anys.
Coynte ase columbine such hire cunde ys,
glad vnder gore in gro ant in grys;


he is blosme opon bleo, brihtest vnder bis,
wiþ celydoyne ant sauge, ase þou þiself sys.
Þat syht vpon þat semly to blis he is broht;
he is solsecle, to sauue ys forsoht.
He is papeiai in pyn þat beteþ me my bale;
to trewe tortle in a tour y telle þe mi tale;
he is þrustle þryuen in þro þat singeþ in sale,
þe wilde laueroc ant wolc ant þe wodewale;
he is faucoun in friht, dernest in dale,
ant wiþ eueruch a gome gladest in gale.
ffrom Weye he is wisist into Wyrhale;
hire nome is in a note of þe nyhtegale.
In Annote is hire nome; nempneþ hit non?
Whose ryht redeþ roune to Iohon.
Muge he is ant mondrake þourh miht of þe mone,
trewe triacle ytold wiþ tonges in trone;
such licoris mai leche from Lyne to Lone;
such sucre mon secheþ þat saneþ men sone;
bliþe yblessed of Crist, þat bayþeþ me mi bone
when derne dedis in day derne are done.
Ase gromyl in greue grene is þe grone,
ase quibibe ant comyn cud is in crone,
cud comyn in court, canel in cofre,
wiþ gyngyure ant sedewale ant þe gylofre.
He is medicine of miht, mercie of mede,
rekene ase Regnas resoun to rede,
trewe ase Tegeu in tour, ase Wyrwein in wede,
baldore þen Bryne þat oft þe bor bede;
ase Wylcadoun he is wys, dohty of dede,
ffeyrore þen Floyres folkes to fede,
cud ase Cradoc in court carf þe brede,
hendore þen Hilde, þat haueþ me to hede.
He haueþ me to hede, þis hendy anon,
gentil ase Ionas, heo ioyeþ wiþ Ion.



Bytuene Mersh ant Aueril
when spray biginneþ to springe,
þe lutel foul haþ hire wyl
on hyre lud to synge.
Ich libbe in loue-longinge
for semlokest of alle þynge;
he may me blisse bringe;
icham in hire baundoun.
An hendy hap ichabbe yhent,
ichot from heuene it is me sent;
from alle wymmen mi loue is lent,
ant lyht on Alysoun.
On heu hire her is fayr ynoh,
hire browe broune, hire eȝe blake;
wiþ lossum chere he on me loh,
wiþ middel smal ant wel ymake.
Bote he me wolle to hire take
forte buen hire owen make
longe to lyuen ichulle forsake
ant feye fallen adoun.
An hendy hap, &c.
Nihtes when y wende ant wake,
forþi myn wonges waxeþ won;
leuedi, al for þine sake
longinge is ylent me on.
In world nis non so wyter mon
þat al hire bounte telle con;
hire swyre is whittore þen þe swon,
ant feyrest may in toune.
An hendi, &c.
Icham for wowyng al forwake,
wery so water in wore,
lest eny reue me my make
ychabbe yȝyrned ȝore.
Betere is þolien whyle sore
þen mournen euermore.
Geynest vnder gore,
herkne to my roun.
An hendi, &c.



Wiþ longyng y am lad,
on molde y waxe mad,
a maide marreþ me;
y grede, y grone, vnglad,
for selden y am sad
þat semly forte se.
Leuedi, þou rewe me!
To rouþe þou hauest me rad.
Be bote of þat y bad;
my lyf is long on þe.
Leuedy of alle londe,
les me out of bonde;
broht icham in wo.
Haue resting on honde,
ant sent þou me þi sonde
sone, er þou me slo;
my reste is wiþ þe ro.
Þah men to me han onde,
to loue nuly noht wonde,
ne lete for non of þo.
Leuedi, wiþ al my miht
my loue is on þe liht,
to menske when y may;
þou rew ant red me ryht,
to deþe þou hauest me diht,
y deȝe longe er my day;
þou leue vpon mi lay;
treuþe ichaue þe plyht
to don þat ich haue hyht
whil mi lif leste may.
Lylie-whyt hue is,
hire rode so rose on rys,
þat reueþ me mi rest;
wymmon war ant wys,
of prude hue bereþ þe pris,
burde on of þe best.
Þis wommon woneþ by west,
brihtest vnder bys;
heuene y tolde al his
þat o nyht were hire gest.



Weping haueþ myn wonges wet
for wikked werk ant wone of wyt;
vnbliþe y be til y ha bet
bruches broken, ase bok byt,
of leuedis loue, þat y ha let,
þat lemeþ al wiþ luefly lyt;
ofte in song y haue hem set,
þat is vnsemly þer hit syt.
Hit syt ant semeþ noht
þer hit ys seid in song;
þat y haue of hem wroht,
ywis hit is al wrong.
Al wrong y wrohte for a wyf
þat made vs wo in world ful wyde;
heo rafte vs alle richesse ryf,
þat durfte vs nout in reynes ryde.
A styþye stunte hire sturne stryf,
þat ys in heouene hert in hyde.
In hire lyht on ledeþ lyf,
ant shon þourh hire semly syde.
Þourh hyre side he shon
ase sonne doþ þourh þe glas;
wommon nes wicked non
seþþe he ybore was.
Wycked nis non þat y wot
þat durste for werk hire wonges wete;
alle heo lyuen from last of lot
ant are al hende ase hauk in chete.
Forþi on molde y waxe mot
þat y sawes haue seid vnsete,
my fykel fleish, mi falsly blod;
on feld hem feole y falle to fete.
To fet y falle hem feole
for falslek fifti-folde,
of alle vntrewe on tele
wiþ tonge ase y her tolde.


Þah told beon tales vntoun in toune,
such tiding mei tide, y nul nout teme
of brudes bryht wiþ browes broune;
or blisse heo beyen, þis briddes breme.
In rude were roo wiþ hem roune
þat hem mihte henten ase him were heme.
Nys kyng, cayser, ne clerk wiþ croune
þis semly seruen þat mene may seme.
Semen him may on sonde
þis semly seruen so,
boþe wiþ fet ant honde,
for on þat vs warp from wo.
Nou wo in world ys went away,
ant weole is come ase we wolde,
þourh a mihti, methful mai,
þat ous haþ cast from cares colde.
Euer wymmen ich herie ay,
ant euer in hyrd wiþ hem ich holde,
ant euer at neode y nyckenay
þat y ner nemnede þat heo nolde.
Y nolde ant nullyt noht,
for noþyng nou a nede
soþ is þat y of hem ha wroht,
as Richard erst con rede.
Richard, rote of resoun ryht,
rykening of rym ant ron,
of maidnes meke þou hast myht;
on molde y holde þe murgest mon.
Cunde comely ase a knyht,
clerk ycud þat craftes con,
in vch an hyrd þyn aþel ys hyht,
ant vch an aþel þin hap is on.
Hap þat haþel haþ hent
wiþ hendelec in halle;
selþe be him sent
in londe of leuedis alle!



Mosti ryden by Rybbesdale,
wilde wymmen forte wale,
ant welde whuch ich wolde,
founde were þe feyrest on
þat euer wes mad of blod ant bon,
in boure best wiþ bolde.
Ase sonnebem hire bleo ys briht;
in vche londe heo leomeþ liht,
þourh tale as mon me tolde.
Þe lylie lossum is ant long,
wiþ riche rose ant rode among,
a fyldor fax to folde.
Hire hed when ich biholde apon,
þe sonnebéém aboute nóón
me þohte þat y seȝe;
hyre eyȝen aren grete ant gray ynoh;
þat lussom, when heo on me loh,
ybend wax eyþer breȝe.
Þe mone wiþ hire muchele maht
ne leneþ non such lyht anaht
(þat is in heouene heȝe)
ase hire forhed doþ in day,
for wham þus muchel y mourne may,
for duel to deþ y dreyȝe.
Heo haþ browes bend an heh,
whyt bytuene ant nout to neh;
lussum lyf heo ledes;
hire neose ys set as hit wel semeþ;
y deȝe, for deþ þat me demeþ;
hire speche as spices spredes;
hire lockes lefly aren ant longe,
for sone he mihte hire murþes monge
wiþ blisse when hit bredes;
hire chyn ys chosen ant eyþer cheke
whit ynoh ant rode on eke,
ase roser when hit redes.


Heo haþ a mury mouht to mele,
wiþ lefly rede lippes lele,
romaunȝ forte rede;
hire teht aren white ase bon of whal,
euene set ant atled al,
ase hende mowe taken hede;
swannes swyre swyþe wel ysette,
a sponne lengore þen y mette,
þat freoly ys to fede.
Me were leuere kepe hire come
þen beon pope ant ryde in Rome,
styþest vpon stede.
When y byholde vpon hire hond,
þe lylie-white, lef in lond,
best heo mihte beo;
eyþer arm an elne long,
baloygne mengeþ al bymong;
ase baum ys hire bleo;
fyngres heo haþ feir to folde;
myhte ich hire haue ant holde,
in world wel were me.
Hyre tyttes aren anvnder bis
as apples tuo of Parays,
ouself ȝe mowen seo.
Hire gurdel of bete gold is al,
vmben hire middel smal,
þat trikeþ to þe to,
al wiþ rubies on a rowe,
wiþinne coruen, craft to knowe,
ant emeraudes mo;
þe bocle is al of whalles bon;
þer wiþinne stont a ston
þat warneþ men from wo;
þe water þat hit wetes yn
ywis hit worþeþ al to wyn;
þat seȝen, seyden so.
Heo haþ a mete myddel smal,
body ant brest wel mad al,
ase feynes wiþoute fere;


eyþer side soft ase sylk,
whittore þen þe moren-mylk,
wiþ leofly lit on lere.
Al þat ich ou nempne noht
hit is wonder wel ywroht,
ant elles wonder were.
He myhte sayen þat Crist hym seȝe
þat myhte nyhtes neh hyre leȝe,
heuene he heuede here.


In a fryht as y con fare fremede
y founde a wel feyr fenge to fere;
heo glystnede ase gold when hit glemede;
nes ner gome so gladly on gere.
Y wolde wyte in world who hire kenede,
þis burde bryht, ȝef hire wil were.
Heo me bed go my gates lest hire gremede;
ne kepte heo non henyng here.
‘Yhere þou me nou, hendest in helde,
nauy þe none harmes to heþe.
Casten y wol þe from cares ant kelde,
comeliche y wol þe nou cleþe.’
‘Cloþes y haue on forte caste,
such as y may weore wiþ wynne;
betere is were þunne boute laste
þen syde robes ant synke into synne.
Haue ȝe or wyl, ȝe waxeþ vnwraste;
afterward or þonk be þynne;
betre is make forewardes faste
þen afterward to mene ant mynne.’
‘Of munnyng ne munte þou namore;
of menske þou were wurþe, by my myht;
y take an hond to holde þat y hore
of al þat y þe haue byhyht.
Why ys þe loþ to leuen on my lore
lengore þen my loue were on þe lyht?
Anoþer myhte ȝerne þe so ȝore
þat nolde þe noht rede so ryht.’


‘Such reed me myhte spaclyche reowe
when al my ro were me atraht;
sone þou woldest vachen an newe,
ant take anoþer wiþinne nyȝe naht.
Þenne mihti hongren on heowe,
in vch an hyrd ben hated ant forhaht,
ant ben ycayred from alle þat y kneowe,
ant bede cleuyen þer y hade claht.
Betere is taken a comeliche y cloþe
in armes to cusse ant to cluppe
þen a wrecche ywedded so wroþe
þah he me slowe ne myhti him asluppe.
Þe beste red þat y con to vs boþe
þat þou me take ant y þe toward huppe;
þah y swore by treuþe ant oþe,
þat God haþ shaped mey non atluppe.
Mid shupping ne mey hit me ashunche;
nes y neuer wycche ne wyle;
ych am a maide, þat me ofþuncheþ;
luef me were gome boute gyle.’


A wayle whyt ase whalles bon,
a grein in golde þat godly shon,
a tortle þat min herte is on,
in tounes trewe;
hire gladshipe nes neuer gon,
whil y may glewe.
When heo is glad,
of al þis world namore y bad
þen beo wiþ hire myn one bistad,
wiþoute strif;
þe care þat icham yn ybrad
y wyte a wyf.
A wyf nis non so worly wroht;
when heo ys blyþe to bedde ybroht,
wel were him þat wiste hire þoht,
þat þryuen ant þro.
Wel y wot heo nul me noht;
myn herte is wo.


Hou shal þat lefly syng
þat þus is marred in mournyng?
Heo me wol to deþe bryng
longe er my day.
Gret hire wel, þat swete þing
wiþ eȝen gray.
Hyre heȝe haueþ wounded me ywisse,
hire bende browen, þat bringeþ blisse;
hire comely mouth þat mihte cusse
in muche murþe he were;
y wolde chaunge myn for his
þat is here fere.
Wolde hyre fere beo so freo
ant wurþes were þat so myhte beo,
al for on y wolde ȝeue þreo,
wiþoute chep.
From helle to heuene ant sonne to séé
nys non se ȝéép
ne half so freo.
Whose wole of loue be trewe, do lystne me.
Herkneþ me, y ou telle,
in such wondryng for wo y welle,
nys no fur so hot in helle
al to mon
þat loueþ derne ant dar nout telle
whet him ys on.
Ich vnne hire wel ant heo me wo;
ycham hire frend ant heo my fo;
me þuncheþ min herte wol breke atwo
for sorowe ant syke.
In Godes greting mote heo go,
þat wayle whyte.
Ich wolde ich were a þrestelcok,
a bountyng oþer a lauercok,
swete bryd!
Bituene hire curtel ant hire smok
y wolde ben hyd.



Of a mon Matheu þohte,
þo he þe wynȝord wrohte,
ant wrot hit on ys boc.
In marewe men he sohte,
at vnder mo he brohte,
ant nom, ant non forsoc.
At mydday ant at non
he sende hem þider fol son
to helpen hem wiþ hoc;
huere foreward wes to fon
so þe furmest heuede ydon,
ase þe erst vndertoc.
At euesong euen neh
ydel men ȝet he seh
lomen habbe an honde.
To hem he sayde an heh
þat suyþe he wes vndreh
so ydel forte stonde.
So hit wes bistad
þat no mon hem ne bad
huere lomes to fonde.
Anon he was byrad
to werk þat he hem lad;
for nyht nolde he nout wonde.
Huere hure anyht hue nome,
he þat furst ant last come,
a peny brod ant bryht.
Þis oþer swore alle ant some,
þat er were come wiþ lome,
þat so nes hit nout ryht,
ant swore somme vnsaht
þat hem wes werk bytaht
longe er hit were lyht;
for ryht were þat me raht
þe mon þat al day wraht
þe more mede anyht.


Þenne seiþ he ywis:
‘Why, naþ nout vch mon his?
Holdeþ nou or pees.
Away, þou art vnwis!
Tak al þat þin ys,
ant fare ase foreward wees.
Ȝef y may betere beode
to mi latere leode,
to leue nam y nout lees;
to alle þat euer hider eode
to do to-day my neode
ichulle be wraþþelees.’
Þis world me wurcheþ wo;
rooles ase þe roo,
y sike for vnsete,
ant mourne ase men doþ mo
for doute of foule fo,
hou y my sunne may bete.
Þis mon þat Matheu ȝef
a peny þat wes so bref,
þis frely folk vnfete,
ȝet he ȝyrnden more,
ant saide he come wel ȝore,
ant gonne is loue forlete.


Lenten ys come wiþ loue to toune,
wiþ blosmen ant wiþ briddes roune,
þat al þis blisse bryngeþ.
Dayeseȝes in þis dales,
notes suete of nyhtegales,
vch foul song singeþ.
Þe þrestelcoc him þreteþ oo;
away is huere wynter wo
when woderoue springeþ.
Þis foules singeþ ferly fele,
ant wlyteþ on huere wynne wele,
þat al þe wode ryngeþ.


Þe rose rayleþ hire rode,
þe leues on þe lyhte wode
waxen al wiþ wille.
Þe mone mandeþ hire bleo,
þe lilie is lossom to seo,
þe fenyl ant þe fille.
Wowes þis wilde drakes;
miles murgeþ huere makes,
ase strem þat strikeþ stille.
Mody meneþ, so doþ mo;
ichot ycham on of þo,
for loue þat likes ille.
Þe mone mandeþ hire lyht;
so doþ þe semly sonne bryht,
when briddes singeþ breme.
Deawes donkeþ þe dounes;
deores wiþ huere derne rounes,
domes forte deme;
wormes woweþ vnder cloude,
wymmen waxeþ wounder proude,
so wel hit wol hem seme.
Ȝef me shal wonte wille of on
þis wunne weole y wole forgon
ant wyht in wode be fleme.


In May hit murgeþ when hit dawes
in dounes wiþ þis dueres plawes,
ant lef is lyht on lynde;
blosmes bredeþ on þe bowes,
al þis wylde wyhtes wowes,
so wel ych vnderfynde.
Y not non so freoli flour
ase ledies þat beþ bryht in bour,
wiþ loue who mihte hem bynde;
so worly wymmen are by west;
one of hem ich herie best
from Irlond into Ynde.


Wymmen were þe beste þing
þat shup oure heȝe heuene kyng,
ȝef feole false nere;
heo beoþ to rad vpon huere red
to loue þer me hem lastes bed
when heo shule fenge fere.
Lut in londe are to leue,
þah me hem trewe trouþe ȝeue,
for tricherie to ȝere;
when trichour haþ is trouþe yplyht,
byswyken he haþ þat suete wyht,
þah he hire oþes swere.
Wymmon, war þe wiþ þe swyke,
þat feir ant freoly ys to fyke;
ys fare is o to founde;
so wyde in world ys huere won
in vch a toune vntrewe is on
from Leycestre to Lounde.
Of treuþe nis þe trichour noht,
bote he habbe is wille ywroht
at steuenyng vmbe stounde;
ah, feyre leuedis, be on war,
to late comeþ þe ȝeynchar
when loue ou haþ ybounde.
Wymmen bueþ so feyr on hewe
ne trowy none þat nere trewe,
ȝef trichour hem ne tahte;
ah, feyre þinges, freoly bore,
when me ou woweþ, beþ war bifore
whuch is worldes ahte.
Al to late is send aȝeyn
when þe ledy liht byleyn
ant lyueþ by þat he lahte;
ah wolde lylie-leor in lyn
yhere leuely lores myn,
wiþ selþe we weren sahte.



Heȝe Louerd, þou here my bone,
þat madest middelert ant mone,
ant mon of murþes munne.
Trusti kyng ant trewe in trone,
þat þou be wiþ me sahte sone,
asoyle me of sunne.
ffol ich wes in folies fayn,
in luthere lastes y am layn,
þat makeþ myn þryftes þunne,
þat semly sawes wes woned to seyn.
Nou is marred al my meyn,
away is al my wunne.
Vnwunne haueþ myn wonges wet,
þat makeþ me rouþes rede.
Ne semy nout þer y am set,
þer me calleþ me fulle-flet
ant waynoun wayteglede.
Whil ich wes in wille wolde,
in vch a bour among þe bolde
yholde wiþ þe heste;
nou y may no fynger folde,
lutel loued ant lasse ytolde,
yleued wiþ þe leste.
A goute me haþ ygreyþed so
ant oþer eueles monye mo;
y not whet bote is beste.
Þar er wes wilde ase þe ro
nou y swyke, y mei nout so,
hit siweþ me so faste.
ffaste y wes on horse heh
ant werede worly wede;
nou is faren al my feh,
wiþ serewe þat ich hit euer seh,
a staf ys nou my stede.
When y se steden styþe in stalle
ant y go haltinde in þe halle,
myn huerte gynneþ to helde.
Þat er wes wildest inwiþ walle
nou is vnder fote yfalle
ant mey no fynger felde.


Þer ich wes luef icham ful loht,
ant alle myn godes me atgoht,
myn gomenes waxeþ gelde.
Þat feyre founden me mete ant cloht,
hue wrieþ awey as hue were wroht;
such is euel ant elde.
Euel ant elde ant oþer wo
foleweþ me so faste
me þunkeþ myn herte brekeþ atuo.
Suete God, whi shal hit swo?
Hou mai hit lengore laste?
Whil mi lif wes luþer ant lees;
Glotonie mi glemon wes,
wiþ me he wonede a while;
Prude wes my plowe-fere,
Lecherie my lauendere;
wiþ hem is Gabbe ant Gyle.
Coueytise myn keyes bere,
Niþe ant Onde were mi fere,
þat bueþ folkes fyle;
Lyare wes mi latymer,
Sleuthe ant Slep mi bedyuer,
þat weneþ me vmbe while.
Vmbe while y am to wene,
when y shal murþes meten.
Monne mest y am to mene;
Lord, þat hast me lyf to lene,
such lotes lef me leten.
Such lyf ich haue lad fol ȝore.
Merci, Louerd, y nul namore;
bowen ichulle to bete.
Syker hit siweþ me ful sore,
gabbes les ant luþere lore;
sunnes bueþ vnsete.
Godes heste ne huld y noht,
bote euer aȝeyn is wille y wroht;
mon lereþ me to lete.
Such serewe haþ myn sides þurhsoht
þat al y weolewe away to noht
when y shal murþes mete.


To mete murþes ich wes wel fous
ant comely mon ta calle
(y sugge by oþer ase bi ous)
alse ys hirmon halt in hous,
ase heued-hount in halle.
Dredful deþ, why wolt þou dare?
Bryng þis body þat is so bare
ant yn bale ybounde.
Careful mon ycast in care,
y falewe as flour ylet forþfare,
ychabbe myn deþes wounde.
Murþes helpeþ me no more;
help me, Lord, er þen ich hore,
ant stunt my lyf a stounde.
Þat ȝokkyn haþ yȝyrned ȝore,
nou hit sereweþ him ful sore,
ant bringeþ him to grounde.
To grounde hit haueþ him ybroht;
whet ys þe beste bote
bote heryen him þat haht vs boht,
vre Lord þat al þis world haþ wroht,
ant fallen him to fote?
Nou icham to deþe ydyht,
ydon is al my dede.
God vs lene of ys lyht
þat we of sontes habben syht
ant heuene to mede!


Blow, northerne wynd,
sent þou me my suetyng!
Blow, norþerne wynd,
blou! blou! blou!
Ichot a burde in boure bryht
þat sully semly is on syht,
menskful maiden of myht,
feir ant fre to fonde.


In al þis wurhliche won
a burde of blod ant of bon
neuerȝete y nuste non
lussomore in londe.
Blow, &c.
Wiþ lokkes lefliche ant longe,
wiþ frount ant face feir to fonde,
wiþ murþes monie mote heo monge,
þat brid so breme in boure,
wiþ lossom eye grete ant gode,
wiþ browen blysfol vnder hode.
He þat reste him on þe rode
þat leflich lyf honoure!
Blou, &c.
Hire lure lumes liht
ase a launterne anyht,
hire bleo blykyeþ so bryht,
so feyr heo is ant fyn.
A suetly suyre heo haþ to holde,
wiþ armes, shuldre ase mon wolde
ant fyngres feyre forte folde.
God wolde hue were myn!
Middel heo haþ menskful smal;
hire loueliche chere as cristal,
þeȝes, legges, fet, ant al
ywraht wes of þe beste.
A lussum ledy lasteles
þat sweting is ant euer wes;
a betere burde neuer nes
yheryed wiþ þe heste.
Heo is dereworþe in day,
graciouse, stout, ant gay,
gentil, iolyf so þe iay,
worhliche when heo wakeþ.
Maiden murgest of mouþ;
bi est, bi west, by norþ ant souþ,
þer nis fiele ne crouþ
þat such murþes makeþ.


Heo is coral of godnesse,
heo is rubie of ryhtfulnesse,
heo is cristal of clannesse,
ant baner of bealte;
heo is lilie of largesse,
heo is paruenke of prouesse,
heo is solsecle of suetnesse,
ant ledy of lealte.
To Loue, þat leflich is in londe,
y tolde him, as ych vnderstonde,
hou þis hende haþ hent in honde
on huerte þat myn wes,
ant hire knyhtes me han so soht,
Sykyng, Sorewyng, ant Þoht,
þo þre me han in bale broht
aȝeyn þe poer of Péés.
To Loue y putte pleyntes mo,
hou Sykyng me haþ siwed so,
ant eke Þoht me þrat to slo
wiþ maistry, ȝef he myhte,
ant Serewe sore in balful bende
þat he wolde for þis hende
me lede to my lyues ende
vnlahfulliche in lyhte.
Hire loue me lustnede vch word
ant beh him to me ouer bord,
ant bed me hente þat hord
of myne huerte hele,
‘ant bisecheþ þat swete ant swote,
er þen þou falle ase fen of fote,
þat heo wiþ þe wolle of bote
dereworþliche dele.’
For hire loue y carke ant care,
for hire loue y droupne ant dare,
for hire loue my blisse is bare,
ant al ich waxe won;
for hire loue in slep y slake,
for hire loue al nyht ich wake,
for hire loue mournyng y make
more þen eny mon.



Suete Iesu, king of blysse,
myn huerte loue, min huerte lisse,
þou art suete myd ywisse.
Wo is him þat þe shal misse!
Suete Iesu, min huerte lyht,
þou art day wiþoute nyht,
þou ȝeue me streinþe ant eke myht
forte louien þe aryht.
Suete Iesu, min huerte bote,
in myn huerte þou sete a rote
of þi loue, þat is so swote,
ant leue þat hit springe mote.
Suete Iesu, myn huerte gléém,
bryhtore þen þe sonnebéém,
ybore þou were in Bedlehéém,
þou make me here þi suete dréém.
Suete Iesu, þi loue is suete,
wo is him þat þe shal lete!
Þarefore ofte þe grete
wiþ salte teres ant eȝe wete.
Suete Iesu, kyng of londe,
þou make me fer vnderstonde
þat min herte mote fonde
hou suete bueþ þi loue-bonde.
Swete Iesu, Louerd myn,
my lyf, myn huerte, al is þin;
vndo myn herte ant liht þeryn,
ant wite me from fendes engyn.
Suete Iesu, my soule fode,
þin werkes bueþ bo suete ant gode;
þou bohtest me vpon þe rode,
for me þou sheddest þi blode.


Suete Iesu, me reoweþ sore
gultes þat y ha wroht ȝore;
þarefore y bidde þin mylse ant ore;
Merci, Lord, y nul namore.
Suete Iesu, Louerd god,
þou me bohtest wiþ þi blod;
out of þin huerte orn þe flod;
þi moder hit seh þat þe by stod.
Suete Iesu, bryht ant shene,
y preye þe þou here my bene,
þourh erndyng of þe heuene quene,
þat my bone be nou sene.
Suete Iesu, berne best,
wiþ þe ich hope habbe rest;
wheþer y be souþ oþer west,
þe help of þe be me nest.
Suete Iesu, wel may him be
þat þe may in blisse se.
After mi soule let aungles te;
for me ne gladieþ gome ne gle.
Suete Iesu, heuene kyng,
feir ant best of alle þyng,
þou bring me of þis longing
ant come to þe at myn endyng.
Suete Iesu, al folkes rééd,
graunte ous er we buen ded
þe vnderfonge in fourme of bred,
ant seþþe to heouene þou vs led.


Iesu Crist, heouene kyng,
ȝef vs alle god endyng
þat bone biddeþ þe.
At þe biginnyng of mi song,
Iesu, y þe preye among
in stude al wher y be.


ffor þou art kyng of alle,
to þe y clepie ant calle,
þou haue merci of me!
Þis ender day in o morewenyng,
wiþ dreri herte ant gret mournyng
on mi folie y þohte;
one þat is so suete a þing,
þat ber Iesse, þe heuene kyng,
merci y besohte.
Iesu, for þi muchele myht,
þou graunte vs alle heuene lyht
þat vs so duere bohtes.
For þi merci, Iesu suete,
þin hondywerk nult þou lete,
þat þou wel ȝerne sohtes.
Wel ichot ant soþ hit ys
þat in þis world nys no blys,
bote care, serewe, ant pyne;
þarefore ich rede we wurchen so
þat we mowe come to
þe ioye wiþoute fyne.


Wynter wakeneþ al my care,
nou þis leues waxeþ bare;
ofte y sike ant mourne sare
when hit comeþ in my þoht
of þis worldes ioie hou hit geþ al to noht.
Nou hit is ant nou hit nys,
also hit ner nere ywys.
Þat moni mon seiþ soþ hit ys:
al goþ bote Godes wille,
alle we shule deye þah vs like ylle.
Al þat grein me graueþ grene,
nou hit faleweþ al bydene;
Iesu, help þat hit be sene,
ant shild vs from helle,
for y not whider y shal ne hou longe her duelle.



When y se blosmes springe
ant here foules song,
a suete loue-longynge
myn herte þourhout stong,
al for a loue newe,
þat is so suete ant trewe,
þat gladieþ al my song;
ich wot al myd iwisse
my ioie ant eke my blisse
on him is al ylong.
When y miselue stonde
ant wiþ myn eȝen seo
þurled fot ant honde
wiþ grete nayles þreo—
blody wes ys heued,
on him nes nout bileued
þat wes of peynes freo—
wel wel ohte myn herte
for his loue to smerte
ant sike ant sory beo.
Iesu, milde ant softe,
ȝef me streynþe ant myht
longen sore ant ofte
to louye þe aryht,
pyne to þolie ant dreȝe
for þe, swete Marye;
þou art so fre ant bryht,
mayden ant moder mylde,
for loue of þine childe,
ernde vs heuene lyht.
Alas, þat y ne con
turne to him my þoht
ant cheosen him to lemmon;
so duere he vs haþ yboht,
wiþ woundes deope ant stronge,
wiþ peynes sore ant longe;
of loue ne conne we noht.
His blod þat feol to grounde
of hise suete wounde
of peyne vs haþ yboht.


Iesu, milde ant suete,
y synge þe mi song;
ofte y þe grete
ant preye þe among;
let me sunnes lete,
ant in þis lyue bete
þat ich haue do wrong;
at oure lyues ende,
when we shule wende,
Iesu, vs vndefong!


Dum ludis floribus velud lacinia
le dieu d'amour moi tient en tiel angustia,
merour me tient de duel e de miseria
si ie ne la ay quam amo super omnia.
Eius amor tantum me facit feruere
qe ie ne soi quid possum inde facere;
pur ly couent hoc seculum relinquere
si ie ne pus l'amour de li perquirere.
Ele est si bele e gente dame egregia
cum ele fust imperatoris filia,
de beal semblant e pulcra continencia,
ele est la flur in omni regis curia.
Quant ie la vey ie su in tali gloria
come est la lune celi inter sidera;
Dieu la moi doint sua misericordia
beyser e fere que secuntur alia.
Scripsi hec carmina in tabulis;
mon ostel est en mi la vile de Paris;
may y sugge namore, so wel me is;
ȝef hi deȝe for loue of hire, duel hit ys.



‘Stond wel, moder, vnder rode,
byholt þy sone wiþ glade mode,
blyþe, moder, myht þou be!’
‘Sone, hou shulde y bliþe stonde?
Y se þin fet, y se þin honde
nayled to þe harde tre.’
‘Moder, do wey þy wepinge.
Y þole deþ for monkynde,
for my gult þole y non.’
‘Sone, y fele þe dedestounde,
þe suert is at myn herte grounde
þat me byhet Symeon.’
‘Moder, merci! Let me deye,
for Adam out of helle beye
ant his kun þat is forlore.’
‘Sone, what shal me to rede?
My peyne pyneþ me to dede.
Lat me deȝe þe byfore.’
‘Moder, þou rewe al of þi bern,
þou wosshe awai þe blody tern;
hit doþ me worse þen my ded.’
‘Sone, hou may y teres werne?
Y se þe blody stremes erne
from þin herte to my fet.’
‘Moder, nou y may þe seye,
betere is þat ich one deye
þen al monkunde to helle go.’
‘Sone, y se þi bodi byswngen,
fet ant honden þourhout stongen;
no wonder þah me be wo!’
‘Moder, now y shal þe telle,
ȝef y ne deȝe, þou gost to helle;
y þole ded for þine sake.’
‘Sone, þou art so meke ant mynde,
ne wyt me naht, hit is my kynde
þat y for þe þis sorewe make.’


‘Moder, nou þou miht wel leren
whet sorewe haueþ þat children beren,
whet sorewe hit is wiþ childe gon.’
‘Sorewe ywis y con þe telle;
bote hit be þe pyne of helle,
more serewe wot y non.’
‘Moder, rew of moder kare,
for nou þou wost of moder fare,
þou þou be clene mayden-mon.’
‘Sone, help at alle nede
alle þo þat to me grede,
maiden, wif, ant fol wymmon.’
‘Moder, may y no lengore duelle,
þe time is come y shal to helle;
þe þridde day y ryse vpon.’
‘Sone, y wil wiþ þe founden,
y deye ywis for þine wounden,
so soreweful ded nes neuer non.’
When he ros, þo fel hire sorewe,
hire blisse sprong þe þridde morewe.
Blyþe, moder, were þou þo!
Leuedy, for þat ilke blisse,
bysech þi sone of sunnes lisse;
þou be oure sheld aȝeyn oure fo!
Blessed be þou, ful of blysse.
Let vs neuer heuene misse,
þourh þi suete sones myht!
Louerd, for þat ilke blod
þat þou sheddest on þe rod,
þou bryng vs into heuene lyht.


Iesu, for þi muchele miht,
þou ȝef vs of þi grace,
þat we mowe dai ant nyht
þenken o þi face.
In myn herte hit doþ me god
when y þenke on Iesu blod,
þat ran doun bi ys syde,


from is herte doun to is fot;
for ous he spradde is herte blod,
his wondes were so wyde.
When y þenke on Iesu ded,
min herte ouerwerpes;
mi soule is won so is þe led
for mi fole werkes.
Ful wo is þat ilke mon
þat Iesu ded ne þenkes on,
what he soffrede so sore.
For my synnes y wil wete,
ant alle y wyle hem forlete,
nou ant euermore.
Mon þat is in ioie ant blis
ant liþ in shame ant synne,
he is more þen vnwis
þat þerof nul nout blynne.
Al þis world hit geþ away,
me þynkeþ hit neȝyþ domesday,
nou man gos to grounde.
Iesu Crist, þat þolede ded,
he may oure soules to heuene led
wiþinne a lutel stounde.
Þah þou haue al þi wille,
þenk on Godes wondes;
for þat we ne shulde spille,
he þolede harde stoundes.
Al for mon he þolede ded;
ȝyf he wyle leue on is red
ant leue his folie,
we shule haue ioie ant blis,
more þen we conne seien ywys,
in Iesu compagnie.
Iesu, þat wes milde ant fre,
wes wiþ spere ystongen;
he was nailed to þe tre,
wiþ scourges yswongen;
al for mon he þolede shame,
wiþouten gult, wiþouten blame,
boþe day ant oþer.


Mon, ful muchel he louede þe,
when he wolde make þe fre
ant bicome þi broþer.


I syke when y singe
for sorewe þat y se
when y wiþ wypinge
biholde vpon þe tre
ant se Iesu þe suete
is herte blod forlete
for þe loue of me;
ys woundes waxen wete,
þei wepen stille ant mete.
Marie, reweþ þe.
Heȝe vpon a doune,
þer al folk hit se may,
a mile from vch toune,
aboute þe midday,
þe rode is vp arered,
his frendes aren afered,
ant clyngeþ so þe clay.
Þe rode stond in stone;
Marie stont hire one,
ant seiþ ‘Weylaway!’
When y þe biholde
wiþ eyȝen bryhte bo
ant þi bodi colde—
þi ble waxeþ blo,
þou hengest al of blode
so heȝe vpon þe rode,
bituene þeues tuo—
who may syke more?
Marie wepeþ sore
ant siht al þis wo.
Þe naylles beþ to stronge,
þe smyþes are to sleye,
þou bledest al to longe,
þe tre is al to heyȝe,
þe stones beoþ al wete.


Alas! Iesu, þe suete,
for nou frend hast þou non
bote seint Iohan mournynde
ant Marie wepynde
for pyne þat þe ys on.
Ofte when y sike
ant makie my mon,
wel ille þah me like
wonder is hit non,
when y se honge heȝe
ant bittre pynes dreȝe
Iesu, my lemmon,
his wondes sore smerte,
þe spere al to is herte
ant þourh is sydes gon.
Ofte when y syke,
wiþ care y am þourhsoht;
when y wake, y wyke,
of serewe is al mi þoht.
Alas! Men beþ wode
þat suereþ by þe rode
ant selleþ him for noht
þat bohte vs out of synne.
He bring vs to wynne
þat haþ vs duere boht.


Nou skrinkeþ rose ant lylie-flour
þat whilen ber þat suete sauour
in somer, þat suete tyde;
ne is no quene so stark ne stour
ne no leuedy so bryht in bour
þat ded ne shal by glyde.
Whose wol fleysh lust forgon
ant heuene blis abyde,
on Iesu be is þoht anon,
þat þerled was ys side.


From Petresbourh in o morewenyng,
as y me wende o my pleyȝyng,
on mi folie y þohte;
menen y gon my mournyng
to hire þat ber þe heuene kyng,
of merci hire bysohte.
Ledy, preye þi sone for ous,
þat vs duere bohte,
ant shild vs from þe loþe hous
þat to þe fend is wrohte.
Myn herte of dedes wes fordred
of synne þat y haue my fleish fed
ant folewed al my tyme,
þat y not whider i shal be led
when y lygge on deþes bed,
in ioie ore into pyne.
On o ledy myn hope is,
moder ant virgyne,
we shulen into heuene blis
þurh hire medicine.
Betere is hire medycyn
þen eny mede or eny wyn;
hire erbes smulleþ suete;
from Catenas into Dyuelyn
nis þer no leche so fyn
oure serewes to bete.
Mon þat feleþ eni sor
ant his folie wol lete,
wiþoute gold oþer eny tresor
he mai be sound ant sete.
Of penaunce is his plastre al,
ant euer seruen hire y shal
nou ant al my lyue;
nou is fre þat er wes þral,
al þourh þat leuedy gent ant smal;
heried be hyr ioies fyue!
Wherso eny sek ys,
þider hye blyue;
þurh hire beoþ ybroht to blis
bo mayden ant wyue.


For he þat dude is body on tre
of oure sunnes haue piete
þat weldes heouene boures!
Wymmon, wiþ þi iolyfte,
þou þench on Godes shoures.
Þah þou be whyt ant bryht on ble,
falewen shule þy floures.
Iesu, haue merci of me,
þat al þis world honoures.


‘My deþ y loue, my lyf ich hate, for a leuedy shene,
heo is briht so daies liht, þat is on me wel sene;
al y falewe so doþ þe lef in somer when hit is grene.
Ȝef mi þoht helpeþ me noht, to wham shal y me mene?
Sorewe ant syke ant drery mod byndeþ me so faste
þat y wene to walke wod ȝef hit me lengore laste;
my serewe, my care, al wiþ a word he myhte awey caste.
Whet helpeþ þe, my suete lemmon, my lyf þus forte gaste?’
‘Do wey, þou clerc, þou art a fol, wiþ þe bydde y noht chyde;
shalt þou neuer lyue þat day mi loue þat þou shalt byde.
Ȝef þou in my boure art take, shame þe may bityde;
þe is bettere on fote gon þen wycked hors to ryde.’
‘Weylawei! Whi seist þou so? Þou rewe on me, þy man!
Þou art euer in my þoht in londe wher ich am.
Ȝef y deȝe for þi loue, hit is þe mykel sham;
þou lete me lyue ant be þi luef ant þou my suete lemman.’
‘Be stille, þou fol, y calle þe riht; cost þou neuer blynne?
Þou art wayted day ant nyht wiþ fader ant al my kynne.
Be þou in mi bour ytake, lete þey for no synne
me to holde ant þe to slon, þe deþ so þou maht wynne!’
‘Suete ledy, þou wend þi mod, sorewe þou wolt me kyþe.
Ich am al so sory mon so ich was whylen blyþe.
In a wyndou þer we stod we custe vs fyfty syþe;
feir biheste makeþ mony mon al is serewes mythe.’


‘Weylawey! Whi seist þou so? Mi serewe þou makest newe.
Y louede a clerk al par amours, of loue he wes ful trewe;
he nes nout blyþe neuer a day bote he me sone seȝe;
ich louede him betere þen my lyf, whet bote is hit to leȝe?’
‘Whil y wes a clerc in scole, wel muchel y couþe of lore;
ych haue þoled for þy loue woundes fele sore,
fer from hom ant eke from men vnder þe wode-gore.
Suete ledy, þou rewe of me; nou may y no more!’
‘Þou semest wel to ben a clerc, for þou spekest so stille;
shalt þou neuer for mi loue woundes þole grylle;
fader, moder, ant al my kun ne shal me holde so stille
þat y nam þyn ant þou art myn, to don al þi wille.’


When þe nyhtegale singes þe wodes waxen grene;
lef ant gras ant blosme springes in Aueryl, y wene,
ant loue is to myn herte gon wiþ one spere so kene,
nyht ant day my blod hit drynkes; myn herte deþ me tene.
Ich haue loued al þis ȝer, þat y may loue namore;
ich haue siked moni syk, lemmon, for þin ore.
Me nis loue neuer þe ner, ant þat me reweþ sore.
Suete lemmon, þench on me, ich haue loued þe ȝore.
Suete lemmon, y preye þe of loue one speche;
whil y lyue in world so wyde oþer nulle y seche.
Wiþ þy loue, my suete leof, mi blis þou mihtes eche;
a suete cos of þy mouþ mihte be my leche.
Suete lemmon, y preȝe þe of a loue-bene;
ȝef þou me louest ase men says, lemmon, as y wene,
ant ȝef hit þi wille be, þou loke þat hit be sene.
So muchel y þenke vpon þe þat al y waxe grene.
Bituene Lyncolne ant Lyndeseye, Norhamptoun ant Lounde,
ne wot y non so fayr a may as y go fore ybounde.
Suete lemmon, y preȝe þe þou louie me a stounde.
Y wole mone my song
on wham þat hit ys on ylong.



Blessed be þou, leuedy, ful of heouene blisse,
suete flur of Parays, moder of mildenesse,
preyȝe Iesu þy sone þat he me rede ant wysse
so my wey forte gon þat he me neuer misse.
Of þe, suete leuedy, my song y wile byginne,
þy deore suete sones loue þou lere me to wynne;
ofte y syke ant serewe among, may y neuer blynne;
leuedi, for þi milde mod, þou shilde me from synne.
Myne þohtes, leuedy, makeþ me ful wan,
to þe y crie ant calle, þou here me for þi man;
help me, heuene quene, for þyn euer ycham,
wisse me to þi deore sone; þe weies y ne can.
Leuedy, seinte Marie, for þi milde mod
soffre neuer þat y be so wilde ne so wod
þat ich her forleose þe þat art so god,
þat Iesu me to bohte wiþ is suete blod.
Bryhte ant shene sterre cler, lyht þou me ant lere
in þis false fykel world myselue so to bere
þat y ner at myn endyng haue þe feond to fere;
Iesu, mid þi suete blod þou bohtest me so dere.
Leuedi, seinte Marie, so fair ant so briht,
al myn help is on þe bi day ant by nyht;
leuedi fre, þou shilde me so wel as þou myht,
þat y neuer forleose heueriche lyht.
Leuedy, seinte Marie, so fayr ant so hende,
preye Iesu Crist, þi sone, þat he me grace sende
so to queme him ant þe er ich henne wende
þat he me bringe to þe blis þat is wiþouten ende.
Ofte y crie ‘Merci’; of mylse þou art welle;
alle buen false þat bueþ mad boþe of fleysh ant felle;
leuedi suete, þou vs shild from þe pine of helle,
bring vs to þe ioie þat no tonge hit may of telle.


Iesu Crist, Godes sone, Fader ant Holy Gost,
help vs at oure nede as þou hit al wel wost;
bring vs to þin riche, þer is ioie most;
let vs neuer hit misse for non worldes bost!


Ase y me rod þis ender day
by grene wode to seche play,
mid herte y þohte al on a may,
suetest of alle þinge.
Lyþe, ant ich ou telle may
al of þat suete þinge.
Þis maiden is suete ant fre of blod,
briht ant feyr, of milde mod,
alle heo mai don vs god
þurh hire bysechynge;
of hire he tok fleysh ant blod,
Iesus heuene kynge.
Wiþ al mi lif y loue þat may,
he is mi solas nyht ant day,
my ioie ant eke my beste play,
ant eke my louelongynge;
al þe betere me is þat day
þat ich of hire synge.
Of alle þinge y loue hire mest,
my dayes blis, my nyhtes rest,
heo counseileþ ant helpeþ best
boþe elde ant ȝynge;
nou y may ȝef y wole
þe fif ioyes mynge.
Þe furst ioie of þat wymman
when Gabriel from heuene cam
ant seide God shulde bicome man
ant of hire be bore,
ant bringe vp of helle pyn
monkyn þat wes forlore.


Þat oþer ioie of þat may
wes o Cristesmasse day,
when God wes bore on þoro lay,
ant brohte vs lyhtnesse;
þe ster wes seie byfore day,
þis hirdes bereþ wytnesse.
Þe þridde ioie of þat leuedy,
þat men clepeþ þe Epyphany,
when þe kynges come wery
to presente hyre sone
wiþ myrre, gold, ant encenȝ,
þat wes mon bicome.
Þe furþe ioie we telle mawen
on Estermorewe when hit gon dawen,
hyre sone, þat wes slawen,
aros in fleysh ant bon;
more ioie ne mai me hauen,
wyf ne mayden non.
Þe fifte ioie of þat wymman
when hire body to heuene cam,
þe soule to þe body nam,
ase hit wes woned to bene.
Crist, leue vs alle wiþ þat wymman
þat ioie al forte sene.
Preye we alle to oure leuedy,
ant to þe sontes þat woneþ hire by,
þat heo of vs hauen merci,
ant þat we ne misse
in þis world to ben holy
ant wynne heuene blysse.


Mayden moder milde,
oieȝ cel oreysoun;
from shome þou me shilde
e de ly mal feloun;


for loue of þine childe
me meneȝ de tresoun.
Ich wes wod ant wilde,
ore su en prisoun.
Þou art feyr ant fre
e plein de doucour;
of þe sprong þe ble,
ly souerein creatour;
mayde, byseche y þe
vostre seint socour;
meoke ant mylde be wiþ me
pur la sue amour.
Þo Iudas Iesum founde,
donque ly beysa;
he wes bete ant bounde
que nus tous fourma.
Wyde were is wounde
qe le Gyw ly dona;
he þolede harde stounde,
me poi le greua.
On stou ase þou stode,
pucele, tot pensaunt,
þou restest þe vnder rode,
ton fitȝ veites pendant;
þou seȝe is sides of blode,
l'alme de ly partaunt;
he ferede vch an fode
en mound que fust viuaunt.
Ys siden were sore,
le sang de ly cora;
þat lond wes forlore,
mes il le rechata.
Vch bern þat wes ybore
en enfern descenda.
He þolede deþ þerfore,
en ciel puis mounta.
Þo Pilat herde þe tydynge,
molt fu ioyous baroun;
he lette byfore him brynge
Iesu Naȝaroun.


He was ycrouned kynge
pur nostre redempcioun.
Whose wol me synge
auera grant pardoun.


God, þat al þis myhtes may,
in heuene ant erþe þy wille ys oo;
ichabbe be losed mony a day,
er ant late ybe þy foo;
ich wes to wyte ant wiste my lay,
longe habbe holde me þerfro;
vol of merci þou art ay,
al vngreyþe icham to þe to go.
To go to him þat haþ ous boht,
my gode deden bueþ fol smalle;
of þe werkes þat ich ha wroht
þe beste is bittrore þen þe galle.
My god ich wiste, y nolde hit noht,
in folie me wes luef to falle;
when y myself haue þourhsoht,
y knowe me for þe wrst of alle.
God, þat deȝedest on þe rod,
al þis world to forþren ant fylle,
for ous þou sheddest þi suete blod;
þat y ha don me lykeþ ylle;
bote er aȝeyn þe stiþ y stod,
er ant late, loude ant stille,
of myne deden fynde y non god;
Lord, of me þou do þy wille.
In herte ne myhte y neuer bowe,
ne to my kunde Louerd drawe;
my meste vo ys my loues trowe,
Crist ne stod me neuer hawe.
Ich holde me vilore þen a Gyw,
ant y myself wolde bue knowe.
Lord, merci, rewe me now;
reyse vp þat ys falle lowe!


God, þat al þis world shal hede,
þy gode myht þou hast in wolde;
on erþe þou come for oure nede,
for ous sunful were boht ant solde.
When we bueþ dempned after vr dede
a domesday, when ryhtes bueþ tolde,
when we shule suen þy wounde blede,
to speke þenne we bueþ vnbolde.
Vnbold icham to bidde þe bote,
swyþe vnreken ys my réés;
þy wille ne welk y ner afote,
to wickede werkes y me chéés;
fals y wes in crop ant rote
when y seyde þy lore wes léés.
Iesu Crist, þou be mi bote,
so boun icham to make my péés.
Al vnreken ys my ro,
Louerd Crist, whet shal y say?
Of myne deden fynde y non fro,
ne noþyng þat y þenke may.
Vnwrþ icham to come þe to,
y serue þe nouþer nyht ne day.
In þy merci y me do,
God, þat al þis myhtes may.


Mon in þe mone stond ant strit,
on is bot-forke is burþen he bereþ;
hit is muche wonder þat he nadoun slyt,
for doute leste he valle he shoddreþ ant shereþ.
When þe forst freseþ muche chele he byd;
þe þornes beþ kene, is hattren to-tereþ.
Nis no wyht in þe world þat wot when he syt,
ne, bote hit bue þe hegge, whet wedes he wereþ.
Whider trowe þis mon ha þe wey take?
He haþ set is o fot is oþer toforen.
ffor non hihte þat he haþ ne syht me hym ner shake,
he is þe sloweste mon þat euer wes yboren.


Wher he were o þe feld pycchynde stake,
for hope of ys þornes to dutten is doren,
he mot myd is twybyl oþer trous make
oþer al is dayes werk þer were yloren.
Þis ilke mon vpon heh whener he were,
wher he were y þe mone boren ant yfed,
he leneþ on is forke ase a grey frere;
þis crokede caynard sore he is adred.
Hit is mony day go þat he was here;
ichot of is ernde he naþ nout ysped.
He haþ hewe sumwher a burþen of brere,
þarefore sum hayward haþ taken ys wed.
Ȝef þy wed ys ytake, bring hom þe trous,
sete forþ þyn oþer fot, stryd ouer sty.
We shule preye þe haywart hom to vr hous
ant maken hym at heyse for þe maystry,
drynke to hym deorly of fol god bous,
ant oure dame douse shal sitten hym by.
When þat he is dronke ase a dreynt mous,
þenne we schule borewe þe wed ate bayly.
Þis mon hereþ me nout þah ich to hym crye;
ichot þe cherl is def, þe Del hym to-drawe!
Þah ich ȝeȝe vpon heh nulle nout hye,
þe lostlase ladde con nout o lawe.
Hupe forþ, Hubert, hosede pye!
Ichot þart amarscled into þe mawe.
Þah me teone wiþ hym þat myn teþ mye,
þe cherl nul nout adoun er þe day dawe.


Lvtel wot hit any mon
hou loue hym haueþ ybounde
þat for vs o þe rode ron
ant bohte vs wiþ is wounde.
Þe loue of him vs haueþ ymaked sounde,
ant ycast þe grimly gost to grounde.
Euer ant oo, nyht ant day, he haueþ vs in is þohte;
he nul nout leose þat he so deore bohte.


He bohte vs wiþ is holy blod;
what shulde he don vs more?
He is so meoke, milde, ant good,
he nagulte nout þerfore.
Þat we han ydon, y rede we reowen sore
ant crien euer to Iesu, ‘Crist, þyn ore!’
Euer ant oo, niht ant day, &c.
He seh his fader so wonder wroht
wiþ mon þat wes yfalle,
wiþ herte sor he seide is oht
we shulde abuggen alle.
His suete sone to hym gon clepe ant calle,
ant preiede he moste deye for vs alle.
Euer ant oo, &c.
He brohte vs alle from þe deþ
ant dude vs frendes dede.
Suete Iesu of Naȝareth,
þou do vs heuene mede.
Vpon þe rode why nulle we taken hede?
His grene wounde so grimly conne blede.
Euer ant oo, &c.
His deope wounden bledeþ fast;
of hem we ohte munne.
He haþ ous out of helle ycast,
ybroht vs out of sunne.
ffor loue of vs his wonges waxeþ þunne;
his herte blod he ȝef for al monkunne.
Euer ant oo, &c.


Lutel wot hit any mon
hou derne loue may stonde,
bote hit were a fre wymmon
þat muche of loue had fonde.
Þe loue of hire ne lesteþ nowyht longe;
heo haueþ me plyht ant wyteþ me wyþ wronge.
Euer ant oo for my leof icham in grete þohte;
y þenche on hire þat y ne seo nout ofte.


Y wolde nemne hyre to-day
ant y dorste hire munne;
heo is þat feireste may
of vch ende of hire kunne;
bote heo me loue, of me heo haues sunne.
Wo is him þat loueþ þe loue þat he ne may ner ywynne.
Euer ant oo, &c.
Adoun y fel to hire anon
ant crie, ‘Ledy, þyn ore!
Ledy, ha mercy of þy mon!
Lef þou no false lore!
Ȝef þou dost, hit wol me reowe sore.
Loue dreccheþ me þat y ne may lyue namore.’
Euer ant oo, &c.
Mury hit ys in hyre tour
wyþ haþeles ant wyþ heowes.
So hit is in hyre bour,
wiþ gomenes ant wiþ gleowes.
Bote heo me louye, sore hit wol me rewe.
Wo is him þat loueþ þe loue þat ner nul be trewe.
Euer ant oo, &c.
ffayrest fode vpo loft,
my gode luef, y þe grééte
ase fele syþe ant oft
as dewes dropes beþ wééte,
ase sterres beþ in welkne ant grases sour ant suete.
Whose loueþ vntrewe, his herte is selde sééte.
Euer ant oo, &c.