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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
Translated by Iohn Vicars
Vicars, John (1579 or 80-1652)
TO THE MOST HIGH, HOPEFVLL and Happy Charles, Prince of Wales.
THE TRANSLATOR to the most Worthy and wel-deseruing Author.
To the Courteous Readers.
To the Prince.
Out of the first Booke.
Out of the second Booke.
Epig. 4. To the Lady Mary Nevell .
Epig. 10. A true Troian.
Epig. 16. To the Lord High Treasurer of England .
Epig. 24. To Richard Vaughan, once Bishop of London .
Epig. 29. To Sir Philip Sidney .
Epig. 32. To the Right Honourable Lucy, Countesse of Bedford .
Epig. 33. An Honourable Gold-Ring: To Henry Goodyeer, Knight.
Epig. 35. To D. B .
Epig. 40. The Strength of England to the Prince .
Epig. 41. The Terrestriall Globe .
Epig. 42. Vn-Healthy Healths.
Epig. 43. The Diuine, the Politician
Epig. 52. The Louer .
Epig. 55. The German-Death to Polynicus .
Epig. 61. The Niggard, the Prodigall .
Epig. 65. The Earle of Dorset his Adagie, Neyther furiously, nor fearefully .
Epig. 66. Sir Henry Neuill his Adagie. Wish no vaine thing .
Epig. 69. To his Friend.
Epig. 70. Money ouercomes all.
Epig. 73. Adulterie and Fornication .
Epig. 74. Of Hercules to C. D.
Epig. 85. Erasmus Fooleries.
Epig. 90. Against Vnfaithfulnesse .
Epig. 94. Wisedome.
Epig. 96. Against a certaine Drunkard .
Epig. 99. Anger or Wrath .
Epig. 106. To a certayne Dyer waxing-old.
Epig. 120. Against a great Clerke .
Epig. 124. Against an Harlot .
Epig. 127. To Claudius, and Linus .
Epig. 131. Against Couetous and Lame Alanus.
Epig. 142. Against Marcus a Lawyer .
Epig. 148. Sir Francis Drake his Epitaph .
Epig. 165. The King, the People .
Epig. 166. The Senate .
Epig. 168. Of Dyet, to I. H. Knight.
Epig. 173. The fiue Senses .
Epig. 179. The Obiects of the Senses .
Epig. 185. The Phœnix, the Uiper.
Epig. 186. The Silke-Worme .
Epig. 194. Manuring of the Ground .
Epig. 196. The Parret .
Epig. 206. The Souldier .
Epig. 208. The Louers Teares .
Epig. 213. Eccho.
Epig. 214. The Looking-Glasse .
Epig. 215. Eccho and the Looking-Glasse .
Out of the third Booke.
Out of one sole Booke.
Out of the sixe last Bookes.
Out of the three last Bookes.
To the Excellent Translatour of the Epigrams of Master Iohn Owen, Master Iohn Vicars.
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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
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Epig. 233. Lib. Singu.
Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen