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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
Translated by Iohn Vicars
Vicars, John (1579 or 80-1652)
TO THE MOST HIGH, HOPEFVLL and Happy Charles, Prince of Wales.
THE TRANSLATOR to the most Worthy and wel-deseruing Author.
To the Courteous Readers.
Out of one sole Booke.
Out of the sixe last Bookes.
The first Booke.
To the Reader.
Epig. 4. To the Prince.
Epig. 6. Orpheus.
Epig. 8. Whether Saint Peter were at Rome .
Epig. 16. Honours Etymo/Genea logie.
Epig. 19. A Regular Woman .
Epig. 20. Salomons Wish.
Epig. 24. Blessed are the Power/Peace makers.
Epig. 34. Irregularitie.
Epig. 63. To a Batchelour .
Epig. 66. Three Delta's.
Epig. 67. A Payre of Gallowes to P. L.
Epig. 72. Whether Bacchus be a God. To a Drunkard.
Epig. 76. The Priest, the People .
Epig. 58. To the most Learned King Iames.
Epig. 44. Against Quintus a Dreamer .
Epig. 80. Deaths Indifferencie.
Epig. 86. Against Cinna a Phisician.
Epig. 92. To the Prince.
Epig. 94. A Court Louse .
Epig. 96. Against Galatèa .
Epig. 102. Against Gellia .
Epig. 103. Against Aulus .
Epig. 108. Against Festus .
Epig. 110. Against Cornelius .
Out of second Booke.
Out of the third Booke.
Out of the three last Bookes.
To the Excellent Translatour of the Epigrams of Master Iohn Owen, Master Iohn Vicars.
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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
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Epig. 233. Lib. Singu.
Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen