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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
Translated by Iohn Vicars
Vicars, John (1579 or 80-1652)
TO THE MOST HIGH, HOPEFVLL and Happy Charles, Prince of Wales.
THE TRANSLATOR to the most Worthy and wel-deseruing Author.
To the Courteous Readers.
To the Prince.
Out of the first Booke.
Epig. 1. To the Lady Nevil .
Epig. 2. To the Reader.
Epig. 3. To Iohn Hoskins, I. C. of his Booke.
Epig. 4. To the Lady Mary Nevel .
Epig. 5. To the same Lady.
Epig. 13. Loue.
Epig. 6. To Master Thomas Nevel, Sonne to the foresaid Lady .
Epig. 9. To the Lawyer.
Epig. 11. To Degenerous, Generous Avlvs .
Epig. 12. Against Hernick .
Epig. 14. To D. Gilbert .
Epig. 15. To Phisicians and Lawyers .
Epig. 19. To Linvs .
Epig. 20. To a Noble young Gent.
Epig. 23. Against Marcvs .
Epig. 26. To Phyllis .
Epig. 31. Prophets, Poets.
Epig. 32. Of Life and Death .
Epig. 36. Of Life and Loue.
Epig. 38. The Housband, and the Cuck-old-Maker .
Epig. 39. New Rhetorike.
Epig. 42. Against Borbonivs the Poets Trifles .
Epig. 48. To the True Statesman .
Epig. 55. The Courtier .
Epig. 58. A Secret against Hoary-Haires to Bithynicus .
Epig. 63. Against Pontia .
Epig. 68. Venus.
Epig. 70. Woman.
Epig. 71. Affinity twixt Lawyers and Phisicians .
Epig. 82. Of the Day .
Epig. 87. A Good-man .
Epig. 89. Against Pavlinvs .
Epig. 92. A Machiuilian .
Epig. 101. Death.
Epig. 102. A Client .
Epig. 104. Children and Fooles tell True.
Epig. 106. Against Ball'd-pates .
Epig. 115. Backe-biters, Flatterers.
Epig. 117. An Herculean Labour .
Epig. 123. Of Bardella a Theefe.
Epig. 128. Answere to Cynthiaes Epistle.
Epig. 129. To Sextillian Sp .
Epig. 131. Saturnes three Sonnes .
Epig. 137. Against Pomponia .
Epig. 146. Vertue in the Middle .
Epig. 150. To his absent Loue .
Epig. 163. A Probleme of Hornes .
Epig. 168. To the Reader, of himselfe.
Epig. 170. Of Himselfe.
Out of the second Booke.
Out of the third Booke.
Out of one sole Booke.
Out of the sixe last Bookes.
Out of the three last Bookes.
To the Excellent Translatour of the Epigrams of Master Iohn Owen, Master Iohn Vicars.
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Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen
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Epig. 233. Lib. Singu.
Epigrams of That most wittie and worthie Epigrammatist Mr Iohn Owen