![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |
A Metrical History of Christianity
Now in the nasty ------ Glory
The Glorious ------ of Heaven ------
In our Blessd King of Grace ------
A Sacrifice for Sin, a Price for those
That he Redeems, and shall to glory come
And for himself and Cause his Martyredome.
The Glorious ------ of Heaven ------
In our Blessd King of Grace ------
A Sacrifice for Sin, a Price for those
That he Redeems, and shall to glory come
And for himself and Cause his Martyredome.
He having Pitcht and raist the Standard up
The thirty fift yeare fills this golden Cup
Handed down first by Jews, Jerusalem
To Deacon Stephen martyred first by them
Who mightily assisted by Christ['s] Spirit
Did them Confound hence must as Heir inherit
This Crown of Glory first: Hence on him fall
A Shoure of Stones they Cast at him to mall
His Brains out in a rage. Who as he dide
Begd Pardon for them: nay and testifide
He saw the Heaven open wide to stand
And Christ in Glory sit at Gods right hand,
And on that day another Deacon namde
Nicanor martyredom for Christ sustaind
And (as Dorotheus saith) two thousand more
Went off this stage then on the selfe same soore.
The thirty fift yeare fills this golden Cup
Handed down first by Jews, Jerusalem
To Deacon Stephen martyred first by them
Who mightily assisted by Christ['s] Spirit
Did them Confound hence must as Heir inherit
This Crown of Glory first: Hence on him fall
A Shoure of Stones they Cast at him to mall
His Brains out in a rage. Who as he dide
Begd Pardon for them: nay and testifide
He saw the Heaven open wide to stand
And Christ in Glory sit at Gods right hand,
And on that day another Deacon namde
Nicanor martyredom for Christ sustaind
And (as Dorotheus saith) two thousand more
Went off this stage then on the selfe same soore.
About the forty sixt yeare Christ out thrust
The golden Cup that James th'Apostle must
Drink of as he had promisde him before
He should drinke of. He drinks it up therefore
He's martyride now by Herods Sword Who when
He was Condemn'd, the man that led him then
Unto his bloody judge beholding all
Professt himself a Christian, Hence did fall
Under that Sentence, as its said, and so
Cravde Pardon now of James as he did go
To execution with him. Wherefore hee
After a pause upon't, Peace be to thee
Brother, said James and kisst him so in Love
They fell by Herods Sword: and went above.
The golden Cup that James th'Apostle must
Drink of as he had promisde him before
He should drinke of. He drinks it up therefore
He's martyride now by Herods Sword Who when
He was Condemn'd, the man that led him then
Unto his bloody judge beholding all
Professt himself a Christian, Hence did fall
Under that Sentence, as its said, and so
Cravde Pardon now of James as he did go
To execution with him. Wherefore hee
After a pause upon't, Peace be to thee
Brother, said James and kisst him so in Love
They fell by Herods Sword: and went above.
Simon another of the Deacon lay
Burnt was at Bostrum in Arabia
Parmenas too another of them still
They on this Quarrell too his blood did spill
Th'Apostle Thomas after he had Taught
Medes, Persians, Parthians, Germans and had brought
Christ to the Bactrian Hircaconians and
The Magians till his grace they understand
The Wicked Jews did in Judea kill
At Calamina with a dart (oh! skill)
The Jews stone and behead Mathias, nay
Some say he died in Ethiopia
------ the Crown
------ glory ---nown
------ sparkling Pearles the head
Of James the Just Who with Celestiall Bread
Did Feed and Govern well Christs Holy Flock
In thee Jerusalem sacred: now they knock
Him headlong down off from the Temples roofe
And brain him with a Fullers Club for th'truth
And for this Fact Josephus thought Gods ire
Destroyd the City by the Roman fire.
Burnt was at Bostrum in Arabia
Parmenas too another of them still
They on this Quarrell too his blood did spill
Th'Apostle Thomas after he had Taught
Medes, Persians, Parthians, Germans and had brought
Christ to the Bactrian Hircaconians and
The Magians till his grace they understand
The Wicked Jews did in Judea kill
At Calamina with a dart (oh! skill)
The Jews stone and behead Mathias, nay
Some say he died in Ethiopia
------ glory ---nown
------ sparkling Pearles the head
Of James the Just Who with Celestiall Bread
Did Feed and Govern well Christs Holy Flock
In thee Jerusalem sacred: now they knock
Him headlong down off from the Temples roofe
And brain him with a Fullers Club for th'truth
And for this Fact Josephus thought Gods ire
Destroyd the City by the Roman fire.
The Jews thus driving Christ out of their Coast
Do strive and with their malice ferment most
Against him ery where and blow the fire
In other Quarters t'make this Cause expire.
Do strive and with their malice ferment most
Against him ery where and blow the fire
In other Quarters t'make this Cause expire.
Simon Zelotes having Preacht Christ name
In Affrica, also in Mauritaine
And Britane too was took and Crucifide
Thus wining of a Martyres Crown he dide.
In Affrica, also in Mauritaine
And Britane too was took and Crucifide
Thus wining of a Martyres Crown he dide.
Judas the brother too of James was slain
At Berito when he had spread Christs fame.
At Berito when he had spread Christs fame.
Matthew the Gospell wrote with Hebrew Tongue
And did it preach the Ethiops among,
Was slain amongst them by the Kings Command
Run through there with a Sword. Oh! wicked hand.
And did it preach the Ethiops among,
Was slain amongst them by the Kings Command
Run through there with a Sword. Oh! wicked hand.
Bartholomew the Indians did respect
Preacht Christ to them, and in their Dialect
Turnd Mathews Gospell. In Armenia
Was beaten sore with Cudgells: and they say
Was Crucifide and fleyde alive, and then
Beheaded too. Oh! monstrous wicked men.
Preacht Christ to them, and in their Dialect
Turnd Mathews Gospell. In Armenia
Was beaten sore with Cudgells: and they say
Was Crucifide and fleyde alive, and then
Beheaded too. Oh! monstrous wicked men.
They of Hierapolis in Phrygia
Th'Apostle Philip who did Christ display
To Barbarous nations Crucifide, and stond
To death, and there lie his and Daughters bones.
Th'Apostle Philip who did Christ display
To Barbarous nations Crucifide, and stond
To death, and there lie his and Daughters bones.
Andrew th'Apostle preaching Christ unto
The Scythians, Sogdians, Saxons, and also
In Angust was by Egeas Crucifide
At Patris in Achaia. So he dide.
The Scythians, Sogdians, Saxons, and also
In Angust was by Egeas Crucifide
At Patris in Achaia. So he dide.
Antipas martyrde was at Pergamus
Where he as Christ declared hath to us
A holy martyre was. But how none shew.
Some think that Esculapi's gang him slew.
Where he as Christ declared hath to us
A holy martyre was. But how none shew.
Some think that Esculapi's gang him slew.
Nero that bloody man begins his reign
Who doth with martyres blood his life bestain.
Those persecution enter now wherein
(Jerom to Heliodor doth write the thing)
No day but January Calends in the year
More than five thousands martyres martyrde were.
Who doth with martyres blood his life bestain.
Those persecution enter now wherein
(Jerom to Heliodor doth write the thing)
No day but January Calends in the year
More than five thousands martyres martyrde were.
This monster Nero having took offence
At Simon Peter, whom he saw dispense
Christs ------
Of Simon Magus and his ------ ery
Made Nero's Lifeguard, who when tha--- would
Not raise up Nero's Kinsman dead; behold
He raised was by Peter in Christs name
Hence Simons Deity attracting shame
He from the capitoll in open Sight
Betook himselfe unto his wings, and flight.
But Peters Prayers against his Witcheries
Him with a vengeance brought down from the Skies
That by the fall he brake his legs and dide.
Hence Peter is by Nero Crucifide,
And with his head down as unworthy so
To be as Christ. His wife was then also
About the Seventi'th yeare and now at Rome
Paul is beheaded too; at Nero's doom.
At Simon Peter, whom he saw dispense
Of Simon Magus and his ------ ery
Made Nero's Lifeguard, who when tha--- would
Not raise up Nero's Kinsman dead; behold
He raised was by Peter in Christs name
Hence Simons Deity attracting shame
He from the capitoll in open Sight
Betook himselfe unto his wings, and flight.
But Peters Prayers against his Witcheries
Him with a vengeance brought down from the Skies
That by the fall he brake his legs and dide.
Hence Peter is by Nero Crucifide,
And with his head down as unworthy so
To be as Christ. His wife was then also
About the Seventi'th yeare and now at Rome
Paul is beheaded too; at Nero's doom.
And by this Lions jaws were others Crusht
As Veticine, Vitalis Process just
Martinian, Gervas, Peotasius
Nazar, Porpetas Felix Torquatus
Celsus, Cecilius Euphrasius
Estius, Apuleius, and Marcellus
And Constance with these Virgins, Erasina
And Thecla too of whom strange things they tell.
And more than sum'd can be by Nero fell.
As Veticine, Vitalis Process just
Martinian, Gervas, Peotasius
Nazar, Porpetas Felix Torquatus
Celsus, Cecilius Euphrasius
Estius, Apuleius, and Marcellus
And Constance with these Virgins, Erasina
And Thecla too of whom strange things they tell.
And more than sum'd can be by Nero fell.
The second Persecuting Rage began
Domitian vile, a bloody monstrous man
Who would be deifide and worshipt would
His Image in the Capitoll of Gold
And Silver, slew all Judah's males for feare
Lest Davids Kingdom promisd up appeare
His Cruell rage against Christ sheep did smite
Down Dionass the Areopagite
In th'ninety sixt yeare. And about this time
At Ephesus they took first John th'Divine
And cast him in a Tun of boiling Oyle
Who coming thence without all harm did foile
Their skill of torture. Then to banishment
He into Patmos desert isle is sent.
And there the Revelations doth Receive
Which Christ by him doth with his Churches leave.
Nereus and Achilles now obtaind
A Crown of Martyredome for truth mentain'd
Domitian vile, a bloody monstrous man
Who would be deifide and worshipt would
His Image in the Capitoll of Gold
And Silver, slew all Judah's males for feare
Lest Davids Kingdom promisd up appeare
His Cruell rage against Christ sheep did smite
Down Dionass the Areopagite
In th'ninety sixt yeare. And about this time
At Ephesus they took first John th'Divine
And cast him in a Tun of boiling Oyle
Who coming thence without all harm did foile
Their skill of torture. Then to banishment
He into Patmos desert isle is sent.
And there the Revelations doth Receive
Which Christ by him doth with his Churches leave.
Nereus and Achilles now obtaind
A Crown of Martyredome for truth mentain'd
This Holy Blood Cries out: doth thus Complain:
Where art thou Justice? Hast no Eyes or Hands?
Or art thou leaden heeld? or sick or lame?
Are not these bloody ones fit for thy bands?
Shine, shine forth Justice. Make these tyrants feele
Thou hast an Iron hand though leaden heel.
Where art thou Justice? Hast no Eyes or Hands?
Or art thou leaden heeld? or sick or lame?
Are not these bloody ones fit for thy bands?
Shine, shine forth Justice. Make these tyrants feele
Thou hast an Iron hand though leaden heel.
Hence Herod in his Chains Comes to the Bench
Those Babes Whose blood, and in whose blood Christs blood
He is embrew'd do meet him now and drench
Him with the Cup he filld with it. Is it good?
Nay Antipater both his Son and heir
A Cup of Poyson did for him prepare.
Those Babes Whose blood, and in whose blood Christs blood
He is embrew'd do meet him now and drench
Him with the Cup he filld with it. Is it good?
Nay Antipater both his Son and heir
A Cup of Poyson did for him prepare.
But God goes on and Justice doth thus smite
Him with a Slow and burning Fire that makes
His bowells rot, a greedy Apetite,
Worms eating him alive, sore Belly akes
A nasty Priapism doth abound
In him, and he doth stinck above the ground.
Him with a Slow and burning Fire that makes
His bowells rot, a greedy Apetite,
Worms eating him alive, sore Belly akes
A nasty Priapism doth abound
In him, and he doth stinck above the ground.
An instance he's of sparkling Justice shown
Oh! Wretched man! and yet in this sad state
All Judah Nobles in the Hippodrome
He pend up to be butcher'd at his Fate
Lest at his Death griefe should not drown the Land
The Nobles all must dy by his Command.
Oh! Wretched man! and yet in this sad state
All Judah Nobles in the Hippodrome
He pend up to be butcher'd at his Fate
Lest at his Death griefe should not drown the Land
The Nobles all must dy by his Command.
Soon after paring of an apple, hee
Had stabd himselfe had not hee hindred bin.
Whilst hearing his supposed Death brought glee
To Antipater he did butcher him
And five dayes after in a Wretched guise
Death Cites his soule to Come to Christs assize.
Had stabd himselfe had not hee hindred bin.
Whilst hearing his supposed Death brought glee
To Antipater he did butcher him
And five dayes after in a Wretched guise
Death Cites his soule to Come to Christs assize.
Now Archilaus, Herod, Philip, Cubs
Of this Curst Sire, like Curs on Carrion fall
Upon the Kingdom whom by Will he dubs
His Heirs, and Archilaus reigns withall.
He findes the Kingdom soon about his eares:
Untill he's banish't quite for his arreares.
Of this Curst Sire, like Curs on Carrion fall
Upon the Kingdom whom by Will he dubs
His Heirs, and Archilaus reigns withall.
He findes the Kingdom soon about his eares:
Untill he's banish't quite for his arreares.
And Herod, who his brother Philip wipes
Clean of his Wife (Strange litter of th'old Hound)
Takes of John Baptists head: but marke the Stripes
Which for a Close he over took him found.
He is dethron'de and banisht into France
With his Herodias, and her that Danct.
Clean of his Wife (Strange litter of th'old Hound)
Takes of John Baptists head: but marke the Stripes
Which for a Close he over took him found.
He is dethron'de and banisht into France
With his Herodias, and her that Danct.
The Scourge doth pass to Pontius ---
He is accusd, took and to Rome is sent
His Case is heard by Cesar and moreo're
Hee is Condemn'd and suffers banishment
Exiled thus to Lions where he layes
Upon himself his hands, himselfe there slayes.
He is accusd, took and to Rome is sent
His Case is heard by Cesar and moreo're
Hee is Condemn'd and suffers banishment
Exiled thus to Lions where he layes
Upon himself his hands, himselfe there slayes.
Then Herod James his slaughter who designd
To butcher Peter Comes to tax apace
For all his Rhetorick and Robes that shind
And Deity could not his doom deface.
An Angell smites him down. Worms eate him do
While yet alive. His ghost goes from him so.
To butcher Peter Comes to tax apace
For all his Rhetorick and Robes that shind
And Deity could not his doom deface.
An Angell smites him down. Worms eate him do
While yet alive. His ghost goes from him so.
The Stage in Judah is not quitted yet
The Jews for slaying Jesus must now smart:
Vengeance doth take their track and follow it.
With fearfull Scourges which she doth impart.
Their Temples made an Idoll. Temple and
Caligula's new Godhead there must stand.
The Jews for slaying Jesus must now smart:
Vengeance doth take their track and follow it.
With fearfull Scourges which she doth impart.
Their Temples made an Idoll. Temple and
Caligula's new Godhead there must stand.
This new found god they do disgust and rise
Up to displace. Where at they down are knockt
Like butcherd Calves, and on go mutinies
Till like a shambles all the land is stockt
Justice doth follow at their heeles untill
She by their blood hath Cancelled her bill.
Up to displace. Where at they down are knockt
Like butcherd Calves, and on go mutinies
Till like a shambles all the land is stockt
Justice doth follow at their heeles untill
She by their blood hath Cancelled her bill.
Their towns begirt by Siegers till their Walls
Do tumble down their streets made streams of blood
Their houses filld with Famine. Women fall
Rosting their babes, bake, boyle them too for food
This was thy Cup, Jerusalem, Gods ire
Did burn thee and thy temple up with fire.
Do tumble down their streets made streams of blood
Their houses filld with Famine. Women fall
Rosting their babes, bake, boyle them too for food
This was thy Cup, Jerusalem, Gods ire
Did burn thee and thy temple up with fire.
'Bout seventy three years from Christs birth were slain
Leven hundred thousands of thy Children, hence
And seventeen thousand more were Captives tai'n
And sold good Cheap, thirty for thirty pence.
Two thousand Titus led in tryumph who
Were some to pieces hackt, some to wild beasts goe.
Leven hundred thousands of thy Children, hence
And seventeen thousand more were Captives tai'n
And sold good Cheap, thirty for thirty pence.
Two thousand Titus led in tryumph who
Were some to pieces hackt, some to wild beasts goe.
Alas Jerusalem; this is thy Case
Thou Justice didst compell this way to shine
Because thou didst reject all Gospell Grace
And Crucify thy Onely Lord Divine
Those that reject the Gospell Grace shall finde
The Sword of Justice is for them design'd.
Thou Justice didst compell this way to shine
Because thou didst reject all Gospell Grace
And Crucify thy Onely Lord Divine
Those that reject the Gospell Grace shall finde
The Sword of Justice is for them design'd.
------ this ship is brought into the Coast
For when Tiberius would have deifide
Christ in thee, then he Could not rule the rost
Thy Senators, and Nobles Christ denide.
And though he had no saving Faith yet they
Rejected Christ and Justice brings their pay.
For when Tiberius would have deifide
Christ in thee, then he Could not rule the rost
Thy Senators, and Nobles Christ denide.
And though he had no saving Faith yet they
Rejected Christ and Justice brings their pay.
Tiberius a tyrant now becomes
Doth plague his Nobles, and a Scourge doth lay
Upon his Counsilours, his fiercness sums
Its rage up and doth eighteen of them slay
And hence the history doth thus complain
There was no day wherein no man was slain.
Doth plague his Nobles, and a Scourge doth lay
Upon his Counsilours, his fiercness sums
Its rage up and doth eighteen of them slay
And hence the history doth thus complain
There was no day wherein no man was slain.
But after him Caligula who rather
Wisht all the folk of Rome had but one neck
That he might neck them all at once together
He murderd whom he pleased at his beck.
He'd be a god and honour have Divine
Hence fills all Temples with his cursed Shrine.
Wisht all the folk of Rome had but one neck
That he might neck them all at once together
He murderd whom he pleased at his beck.
He'd be a god and honour have Divine
Hence fills all Temples with his cursed Shrine.
He in his Chest did keep two Bills this stylde
His Sword the one, the other Dagger namde.
Wherein their names he ment to slay were filde
Glasst Poysons ranck his Coffers lockt containd
Which being cast into the sea the thing
Did Fishes poyson much that swam therein.
His Sword the one, the other Dagger namde.
Wherein their names he ment to slay were filde
Glasst Poysons ranck his Coffers lockt containd
Which being cast into the sea the thing
Did Fishes poyson much that swam therein.
But when this bloody man was slain and fell,
And Claudius Nero wore the Palmy Crown
His Cruell hand did still ring Justice's bell
Against their Nobles who fell by his frown
His Tyranny did rage untill the day
That Justice by her hand him took away.
And Claudius Nero wore the Palmy Crown
His Cruell hand did still ring Justice's bell
Against their Nobles who fell by his frown
His Tyranny did rage untill the day
That Justice by her hand him took away.
Domitius then that Tyrant coming in
The Prodigy of monstrous Villany
Did make the Senates blood all Rome ore swim,
Them almost but their knites did all destroy.
His Mother and his Sister he defilde
Then slew them, and did kill his wife with Child.
The Prodigy of monstrous Villany
Did make the Senates blood all Rome ore swim,
Them almost but their knites did all destroy.
His Mother and his Sister he defilde
Then slew them, and did kill his wife with Child.
He fisht with nets of Gold and Purple made
His Mules were shod with Silver Shooes, oh brave
He set Rome too afire meanwhile he playde
The Burning Troy. These flames did seven day rave
The second persecution by his Laws
He raisd against Christs flock, Charg'd with this Cause.
His Mules were shod with Silver Shooes, oh brave
He set Rome too afire meanwhile he playde
The Burning Troy. These flames did seven day rave
The second persecution by his Laws
He raisd against Christs flock, Charg'd with this Cause.
But Justice now delayes no longer. She
Doth move the Senate bravely to proclaim
Him foe to mankind, therefore drawn must bee
Through Rome, and scourgd to Death a Death of shame.
Which hee to shun doth take his Dagger and
Bebutchereth himselfe with his vile hand.
Doth move the Senate bravely to proclaim
Him foe to mankind, therefore drawn must bee
Through Rome, and scourgd to Death a Death of shame.
Which hee to shun doth take his Dagger and
Bebutchereth himselfe with his vile hand.
To Put out Claudius' Eyes a Comet Came
And 'fore his death, it raines down blood and Flame
On the Pretorian Souldiers Colours slide
From Heaven and Joves Temple opens wide.
And 'fore his death, it raines down blood and Flame
On the Pretorian Souldiers Colours slide
From Heaven and Joves Temple opens wide.
At Nero's Table Lightning sits as Guest
And eats up all his Supper for him dresst.
The Earth too opes her mouth in Asia
And swollows up Leodicea, nay
Hierapolis with Coloss too which must
Cover their farings up under her dust
A fearfull Sight! Shall towns be buride quick
O! Greedy gut: is this an honest trick?
And eats up all his Supper for him dresst.
The Earth too opes her mouth in Asia
And swollows up Leodicea, nay
Hierapolis with Coloss too which must
Cover their farings up under her dust
A fearfull Sight! Shall towns be buride quick
O! Greedy gut: is this an honest trick?
It raind in Alban now much blood to dy
The Rivers red. The Seas now backwards fly
From Egypt And Lycia much ore'flow
Seekes out new Tents and doth its old foregoe.
The Rivers red. The Seas now backwards fly
From Egypt And Lycia much ore'flow
Seekes out new Tents and doth its old foregoe.
What excrements didst thou oh Cyprus poure
When thy wide Jaws did thy three towns devour.
In year the first wherein Vespation reignd
And in his second yeare the Plague obtaind
Its pleasure so in Rome that many dayes
Then every day it its ten thousand slayes.
When thy wide Jaws did thy three towns devour.
In year the first wherein Vespation reignd
And in his second yeare the Plague obtaind
Its pleasure so in Rome that many dayes
Then every day it its ten thousand slayes.
The Eruption of the Vasuvian flames in Campania about the yeare of Christ 81.
The Mount Vasuvius in CampanyFacing towards thee, Naples, on the Sea
Is wont to spit greate flake of burning fire
Out of its mouth on e'ry side round by her:
This once each yeare; she did But now behold
In Autumn when Titus the sword did hold
Evin of his second yeare its Tops belcht out
Such horrid flames, tremendous round about
The intrails burnt to ashes but the Skin
Remains unsinged and so at the brim
Like to an Amphitheater in frame
Belching out Smoake by day, by night much flame
Wherein Perfumes of ev'ry kinde do seem
To be Effected, which these Vapours teem.
It Puffs out dust when things therein do fall
And whirls out Stones with violence, doth gall
Yea now a mighty number (Oh it Skulls)
Of men of an unusuall life like to
The feigned Gyants, in this mountain show
And in the bordering Coasts and neighbour towns
By night and day to wander up and down
And do appeare to wander in the Aire
Then after follows mighty draught most rare
And grievious Earth Quakes: all that plain grew warm
The mountains tops fell in and wonders swarm.
Then subterraneous sounds our ears did lull
Like Thunder, and on Earth lowings like bulls.
Then seas did rage, all heaven ore rings, a Crash
Rose great and sudden as if all mountains Clash
Then immense stones out first did leape unto
The Highest tops and a greate plenty loe
Of Fire and Smoke out brake, which did in Summ
Obscure the Aire and hide the very Sun.
Night then was made of Day, Darkness of Light,
Gyants among themselves (some deem'd) did fight
Because their Shapes did in this Smoke appeare
And 'cause they did the sound of Trumpets heare
And others thought the World itselfe would turn
Into a Chaos or in th'fire should burn.
Hence out of houses to the wayes some high,
Some from the wayes into their houses fly.
Some from the Sea run to the land, and then
Run from the Land unto the Sea again.
Some all Disturbd hope things that are to come
More safe will be than present things do run.
Such mighty Store of Ashes rose that still
The land and Sea and very Aire they fill
Nay and they flew quite o're the Sea away
To Affrick, Egypt, and to Syria
And brought greate dammage both to beast and men,
But killd the fish and fowles yea all of them.
Two Cities calld Pompy and Herculane
With all their host receav'd a totall bane
And they in Rome for some dayes after th'ill
Not knowing of the reason of this still
Deemd all things would to topsy turvy run
Earth get to heaven and to the Earth the Sun.
And when the following yeare Titus did go
Into Campania to se this Woe
A mighty Conflagration up at Rome
Rose out of th'Earth and much did then Consume.
The Chappells, Septs, and Temple up araisd
For Serapis, Isis, and Neptune praisd,
The Balkine States Pommpeian Scene in Glory
Th'Octavian Edifices with brave bookes
The Temple of greate Jupiter that looks
After the Capitoll, with th'Temples neer
Consumed by this Conflagration were.
Rome Rome looke to't: God will his Glory save
Slight Grace and Justice will her penworths have.
The second Century of years from Christs birth.
Graces bright Shine.
Oh! Glorious Day of Glorious Light!
Guilded with Grace that shines most bright
Than any Pen, and Ink can write
Thy Beams out shine.
Guilded with Grace that shines most bright
Than any Pen, and Ink can write
Thy Beams out shine.
Bringing thy Holy Servant John
From Patmos Ile, Where that Vile one
Had banisht him: yet here upon
He's made Divine.
From Patmos Ile, Where that Vile one
Had banisht him: yet here upon
He's made Divine.
How should I choose but make my Feet
Ware Sapphick Slippers when this sweet
And Glorious Grace breaks forth to greet
Us with such gales?
Ware Sapphick Slippers when this sweet
And Glorious Grace breaks forth to greet
Us with such gales?
Whose Golden Pen so cleare doth write
Those Glorious Visions that did light
Before his Eyes in open Sight
That't us assails.
Those Glorious Visions that did light
Before his Eyes in open Sight
That't us assails.
How came he thence thus in his hands
Holding those Letters Christ Commands
Be gi'n to th'Candlesticks that stand
Made all of gold
Holding those Letters Christ Commands
Be gi'n to th'Candlesticks that stand
Made all of gold
And clearly 'fore our eyes doth fix
How middst these golden Candlesticks
Christs walking doth his glory mix
And Shines unfold?
How middst these golden Candlesticks
Christs walking doth his glory mix
And Shines unfold?
How his Right hand doth hold these Stars?
These shining Lights? These Trumpiters?
Angells of Peace and Gospell wars:
'Gainst Hellish Hosts?
These shining Lights? These Trumpiters?
Angells of Peace and Gospell wars:
'Gainst Hellish Hosts?
Doth Chide for Sin, Doth Call to Grace,
Doth Threaten, yet Shines fill his Face
With Promises doth us imbrace
Draws to his Coasts.
Doth Threaten, yet Shines fill his Face
With Promises doth us imbrace
Draws to his Coasts.
Whose golden Pen doth Still describe
How he Christs Court in Heaven spide
When heavens Gate op'to him Wide,
Whose Throne was lac'de
How he Christs Court in Heaven spide
When heavens Gate op'to him Wide,
Whose Throne was lac'de
With a Smaregdine Rainbow rounde,
Where in a glorious One he found
Like to a Sardine Jasper sound
His lookes were grac'te,
Where in a glorious One he found
Like to a Sardine Jasper sound
His lookes were grac'te,
And round about this Throne of State
The Courtiers, Saints and Angells waite
Saints Glorifide Crown's with rich Plate
Yea Crowns of Gold,
The Courtiers, Saints and Angells waite
Saints Glorifide Crown's with rich Plate
Yea Crowns of Gold,
And clothed in White Robes pure, trim,
On foure and twenty seats sitting
Christs Officers within the Rim
The Throne doth hold.
On foure and twenty seats sitting
Christs Officers within the Rim
The Throne doth hold.
Before it stand Christs Angels bright
Sparkling like Lamps of firy light
And all the Works Worke of Delight
With blissfull noyse
Sparkling like Lamps of firy light
And all the Works Worke of Delight
With blissfull noyse
The matters that transacted were
In this Bright Court of Glory Cleare
Were bravely done, yet to the eare
In Dreadfull wise.
In this Bright Court of Glory Cleare
Were bravely done, yet to the eare
In Dreadfull wise.
And in the Throned Persons hand
A seald Book was none understand,
Untill the Seals were opend and
Pluckt off the same.
A seald Book was none understand,
Untill the Seals were opend and
Pluckt off the same.
At which the Courtiers sang forth praise
On Viols, Harps, and other wayes
Which with their Incense they araise
To spread Christs fame.
On Viols, Harps, and other wayes
Which with their Incense they araise
To spread Christs fame.
And in the opening each Seale
He doth Gods Providence reveale
Unto his Church, both Woe and Weale
Of Pagan Rome.
He doth Gods Providence reveale
Unto his Church, both Woe and Weale
Of Pagan Rome.
Yea till she Antichrist doth rise
And play the Rex in Cruilties
Untill the Glorious one Destroyes
Her by his Doom.
And play the Rex in Cruilties
Untill the Glorious one Destroyes
Her by his Doom.
And now he also shews ag'en
The Heavens send Jerusalem
New like a bride adornd down then
Heart Ravishingly.
The Heavens send Jerusalem
New like a bride adornd down then
Heart Ravishingly.
And that the Wicked then shall goe
Into the firy Lake of Woe
Where mercies stream doth never flow
Nor grain of joy.
Into the firy Lake of Woe
Where mercies stream doth never flow
Nor grain of joy.
How Glorious Saints, With Angells harp
These blissfull songs of Praise which starte
Forth Warblingly as glorious sparks
Of Honour Coild
These blissfull songs of Praise which starte
Forth Warblingly as glorious sparks
Of Honour Coild
All up in a bright thankfull Theame
And isshue like a living Streame
From Souls bathd all in glories gleame
And nothing soild.
And isshue like a living Streame
From Souls bathd all in glories gleame
And nothing soild.
As in this City stately known
Walld all with sparkling Pretious Stone
Whose Gates are Pretious Pearles, each one,
And streets pure gold
Walld all with sparkling Pretious Stone
Whose Gates are Pretious Pearles, each one,
And streets pure gold
They get and eate the Fruites that grow
Upon the Tree of Life also
Within Gods Paradise whence flow
Joyes manifold.
Upon the Tree of Life also
Within Gods Paradise whence flow
Joyes manifold.
Thus John came from his Patmos Ile
With this bright Glory thus to foile
The Evills of the times that spoile
The Gospell shine
With this bright Glory thus to foile
The Evills of the times that spoile
The Gospell shine
And with these Glorious brightsome beames
To Counter buff all Darkining streames
While this Discoverie outgleams
Things such, Divine
To Counter buff all Darkining streames
While this Discoverie outgleams
Things such, Divine
Still a Prophetick Spirit doth
Attend the Gospell as it go'th
And wondrous things it often shew'th
To win poore hearts.
Attend the Gospell as it go'th
And wondrous things it often shew'th
To win poore hearts.
Hence Gospell Grace doth much assaile
The Pagan World, and doth prevaile
Conversion worke hence doth not faile
But fills all parts.
The Pagan World, and doth prevaile
Conversion worke hence doth not faile
But fills all parts.
Saints rising up in Churchood fix,
Encrease the Golden Candlesticks,
The Gospell Sun hath no Ecclipse
As yet, Oh Praise.
Encrease the Golden Candlesticks,
The Gospell Sun hath no Ecclipse
As yet, Oh Praise.
Their Officers like Angells shine
Or like the Stars in glories line
And flame forth Rayes of Light Divine
In holy Wayes.
Or like the Stars in glories line
And flame forth Rayes of Light Divine
In holy Wayes.
Christs sparkling Image bright forth shines
Through these Choice Persons Lives and Lines
Which they receiv'd from such Devines
As went before.
Through these Choice Persons Lives and Lines
Which they receiv'd from such Devines
As went before.
Both ministers of Gods rich Grace
And other Saints that had a place
In Gospell Causes truth to trace
Whereof are store.
And other Saints that had a place
In Gospell Causes truth to trace
Whereof are store.
Asian Saints of the Century.
Th'Apostle John doth lead the Van
With Silver hairs adorn'd, Good Man
And Crownd with Grace, from whom out ran
A glory Bright,
With Silver hairs adorn'd, Good Man
And Crownd with Grace, from whom out ran
A glory Bright,
Spreading its guilding beams all ore
The Asian Quarters further more
Sending a Shine from Shore to Shore
Of Saving Light.
The Asian Quarters further more
Sending a Shine from Shore to Shore
Of Saving Light.
Now in Jerusalem shone cleare
For after Symeon Martyr'd there
Justus did in that Church appeare
Of Whom its said
For after Symeon Martyr'd there
Justus did in that Church appeare
Of Whom its said
He was the third that did arise
To Preach the Gospell Mysteries
Which savingly before their eyes
He forth displaid.
To Preach the Gospell Mysteries
Which savingly before their eyes
He forth displaid.
Then Zachy, Toby, Benjamin,
John, Matthy, Phillip, they in bring
Senica, Justus, Levi spring
With Ephrem there,
John, Matthy, Phillip, they in bring
Senica, Justus, Levi spring
With Ephrem there,
Joseph, and Judas too who taught
The gospell truth but yet are thought
All of the Circumcision fraught
Yet godly were.
The gospell truth but yet are thought
All of the Circumcision fraught
Yet godly were.
And now Jerusalem destroyde
The Jews must there no more abide
Marke with a gentile Church their slide
Oh Shining Grace.
The Jews must there no more abide
Marke with a gentile Church their slide
Oh Shining Grace.
Now Jewish Rites do therein Cease
The Circumcision out of lease
A Gospell Gentile Church in peace
Doth there take place.
The Circumcision out of lease
A Gospell Gentile Church in peace
Doth there take place.
And after Marke there follows thus
Casianus, Publy, Maximus,
Julianus, Gajan, Symnachus,
And Cajus then,
Casianus, Publy, Maximus,
Julianus, Gajan, Symnachus,
And Cajus then,
A second Julian, Capito,
Maximus, Antoninus so,
Valens, Dolychianus, too,
Choice pious men.
Maximus, Antoninus so,
Valens, Dolychianus, too,
Choice pious men.
Then came Narcissus, Elius,
Germanio, and Gordius,
Narcissus then again and thus
Christs truth mentaine.
Germanio, and Gordius,
Narcissus then again and thus
Christs truth mentaine.
These Holy ministers of Grace
Successively all in one place
And beare the Scepter, and the Mace
Thus of Christs Name.
Successively all in one place
And beare the Scepter, and the Mace
Thus of Christs Name.
In Antioch this Shine did rise
From Holy men of various Sise
Ignatius, as our Histories
But two or three
From Holy men of various Sise
Ignatius, as our Histories
But two or three
From Peter rose, who had Converse
With such as Learning did Rehearse
From John and others, did disperse
The Same we see
With such as Learning did Rehearse
From John and others, did disperse
The Same we see
Then rose Cornelius, Eros, thus
Then Antioch's Theophilus
Then Maximinus sin to crush,
Then Antioch's Theophilus
Then Maximinus sin to crush,
In Hierapolis likewise
When the Apostles closd their eyes
Soon Holy Papias did rise
And Grace forth show.
When the Apostles closd their eyes
Soon Holy Papias did rise
And Grace forth show.
At Smyrna rose that bright bright Star,
Old Polycarp Christs Harbinger
And Johns Choice Scholar, making war
Against all Sin.
Old Polycarp Christs Harbinger
And Johns Choice Scholar, making war
Against all Sin.
A Pious Orthodox Divine
Who in his martyring fire did shine
Like Polisht Silver at that time
Grace shone in him.
Who in his martyring fire did shine
Like Polisht Silver at that time
Grace shone in him.
In Sardis Church that glorious Light
Choice Melito shining out bright
Who an Apology did Write
To Antonine
Choice Melito shining out bright
Who an Apology did Write
To Antonine
Who persecution up araisd
Against the Lord, the Lord be praisd
For such bright Lights that out thus blaizd
That thus do shine.
Against the Lord, the Lord be praisd
For such bright Lights that out thus blaizd
That thus do shine.
The Affrican Saints of this time
Again Grace doth in Affrica
Her shining beams abroad display
Through her Choice ones whereof wee'l lay
Some few down here.
Her shining beams abroad display
Through her Choice ones whereof wee'l lay
Some few down here.
In Alexandria Cerdo rose
The third from Mark, then Justus shows,
Eumenes, then Pontonus flows
With Learning cleare.
The third from Mark, then Justus shows,
Eumenes, then Pontonus flows
With Learning cleare.
Then Clemens Alexandrine brings
His Pious Learning forth, this springs.
Crete still did shine with Gracious things
Of Holiness.
His Pious Learning forth, this springs.
Crete still did shine with Gracious things
Of Holiness.
Amongst whom shone these shining lights
Phillipus and Pinyt, Delights
To such as hate all Dismall Sprites
Of Sinfulness.
Phillipus and Pinyt, Delights
To such as hate all Dismall Sprites
Of Sinfulness.
Some European Saints of these dayes.
And in the Churches that did spring
In Europe Grace her Beams did bring
In glorious wise, which darting fling
Out Balls of Light
In Europe Grace her Beams did bring
In glorious wise, which darting fling
Out Balls of Light
At Athens Publius displayes
Christs Banner who liv'd in those dayes
Wherein Vile men afflictions raise
By Wicked spite.
Christs Banner who liv'd in those dayes
Wherein Vile men afflictions raise
By Wicked spite.
Then follows brave Quadratus there
Who'd seen some that from death raisd were
By Christ himselfe a Pillar here
Of glorious Fame
Who'd seen some that from death raisd were
By Christ himselfe a Pillar here
Of glorious Fame
And after him there up arose
Good Aristides to disclose
Christs Grace to them, in spite of foes,
And blessed Name.
Good Aristides to disclose
Christs Grace to them, in spite of foes,
And blessed Name.
At Corinth, Primus, Denyse and
Bacchilides: at Lystra stand
Up Quirine, and followd out of hand
Bacchilides: at Lystra stand
Up Quirine, and followd out of hand
At Rome also there shining is,
Choice Clemens Pauls Companion yes
And many Choice ones sit for bliss
By Piety.
Choice Clemens Pauls Companion yes
And many Choice ones sit for bliss
By Piety.
Here Egesippus now steps in
And springs of Piety and spring
Of this Choice one for Christ our king
Whose Cause he pleads.
And springs of Piety and spring
Of this Choice one for Christ our king
Whose Cause he pleads.
Now Justine Martyre doth not feare
With strong Apologies t'appeare
Before the Tyrant for our Deare
Choice Lord who lead's.
With strong Apologies t'appeare
Before the Tyrant for our Deare
Choice Lord who lead's.
Christs gracious Beams shine forth in France
Though such that in Church State advance
His Cause, at Lions Vien lance
Out in this main.
Though such that in Church State advance
His Cause, at Lions Vien lance
Out in this main.
Photicus here shews Piety
And Ireneus learnedly
By Polycarpe taught vertuously
Here Christ proclaim.
And Ireneus learnedly
By Polycarpe taught vertuously
Here Christ proclaim.
Such Scutch'ons now hang forth of Grace
Christians abound in e'ry place
And armed souldiers it imbrace,
Its beams out fly.
Christians abound in e'ry place
And armed souldiers it imbrace,
Its beams out fly.
Hence springs the shine of Holiness
And Piety becomes their dress
With powerfull Prayre that in distress
They sent on high.
And Piety becomes their dress
With powerfull Prayre that in distress
They sent on high.
Mark Antonine doth witness this
Whose army grew for thirst remiss
And weake against those foes of his
Quades, Vandalls, and
Whose army grew for thirst remiss
And weake against those foes of his
Quades, Vandalls, and
Sarmatians in a streight place where
With five dayes thirst they stressed were
Thought now at brink of ruine were
They could not stand
With five dayes thirst they stressed were
Thought now at brink of ruine were
They could not stand
This Legion then calld Melitine
All Christians, fell thus at that time
Down on their knees, and prayde, in fine
God tapt the Cloudes.
All Christians, fell thus at that time
Down on their knees, and prayde, in fine
God tapt the Cloudes.
Drew for the Army drinke also
Out of His Firkins, and did throw
Darts firy i'th' face of the foe
That brake their Shroudes.
Out of His Firkins, and did throw
Darts firy i'th' face of the foe
That brake their Shroudes.
The Foes amaizd, away do fly,
Markes Army 'fresht gain Victory
Are filled with tryumphant Joy,
This Legion call
Markes Army 'fresht gain Victory
Are filled with tryumphant Joy,
This Legion call
The Thundering Legion. Thus through Grace
Their Powerfull Prayres in such a Case
Prevaild: which as a Glass wee place
Of Grace 'fore all.
Their Powerfull Prayres in such a Case
Prevaild: which as a Glass wee place
Of Grace 'fore all.
The Exercise of Gods Patience.
But now the Glory of Gods Patience mayAs in a Looking Glass before us play
Wherein we may observe its Exercise
By Heresy and Tyranny arise
The which my Pen in a more sable style
According to the theme laments a While.
Hereticks or Heresies.
The new God Simon breaking of Legs
These Evill Birds were hatched of his eggs
Menander who professt himselfe that hee
The Power of God and Saviour too to mee
That they should never die he did baptize
Beguiling men by his Vile Witcheries
Then Saturnine who through his monstrous evill
Taught Marriage and increase was of the Divell,
Basilides, who did deny Christ dide
Might when in Persecution be denide.
Then Carporcrates who did glory in
Vile Spells, and sociate spirits, did begin.
The Images of Jesus ------
Pythagoras and Plato to adore
He did deny the Resurrection day,
As Epiphanius and Augustine say
These all were hatcht in Simon Magus' nest
With his penfeather'd Errours were possest.
These Evill Birds were hatched of his eggs
Menander who professt himselfe that hee
The Power of God and Saviour too to mee
That they should never die he did baptize
Beguiling men by his Vile Witcheries
Then Saturnine who through his monstrous evill
Taught Marriage and increase was of the Divell,
Basilides, who did deny Christ dide
Might when in Persecution be denide.
Then Carporcrates who did glory in
Vile Spells, and sociate spirits, did begin.
Pythagoras and Plato to adore
He did deny the Resurrection day,
As Epiphanius and Augustine say
These all were hatcht in Simon Magus' nest
With his penfeather'd Errours were possest.
Now Ebion, who of another sise
Doth set abroach his Hogshead too of lies
Affirms that Christ was but a man as wee
Denieth Pauls' Epistles, saith we bee
Not Justifide by Faith alone, must use
The Jewish Laws, and Sabbath of the Jews.
And Symmachus that into Greek did write
The Hebrew Bible, was an Ebeonite.
The Gnosticks broode of Valentinians
Sweld up with pride above the Ebions:
Of Christ they say he was not born indeed;
But say he of the Divell did proceed:
Curst Blasphemy; and yet they do profess
All knowledge have and women do possess
In common. Oh, What Vilanies are here?
To heare these things may raise a trembling feare.
The Ophites were a sort of Hereticks
That Serpents worship (Oh! the hellish tricks!)
They say the Serpent that did man deceive
Was Christ, which from the Gnosticks they receive.
The Nazareans who did Christ Godhead own
Profess the Law the onely rule made known.
Doth set abroach his Hogshead too of lies
Affirms that Christ was but a man as wee
Denieth Pauls' Epistles, saith we bee
Not Justifide by Faith alone, must use
The Jewish Laws, and Sabbath of the Jews.
And Symmachus that into Greek did write
The Hebrew Bible, was an Ebeonite.
The Gnosticks broode of Valentinians
Sweld up with pride above the Ebions:
Of Christ they say he was not born indeed;
But say he of the Divell did proceed:
Curst Blasphemy; and yet they do profess
All knowledge have and women do possess
In common. Oh, What Vilanies are here?
To heare these things may raise a trembling feare.
The Ophites were a sort of Hereticks
That Serpents worship (Oh! the hellish tricks!)
They say the Serpent that did man deceive
Was Christ, which from the Gnosticks they receive.
The Nazareans who did Christ Godhead own
Profess the Law the onely rule made known.
Marcion whose father him for wickedness
Cast out of Churchhood, vily did profess,
That th'Old and the New Scriptures disagree
That Christ went down to hell and did set free
Cain, Sodomites, and the Egyptians sad,
That there was three Beginers, Good, Just, Bad,
That there should be no Resurrection day,
Unto the Body that was made of Clay.
Cast out of Churchhood, vily did profess,
That th'Old and the New Scriptures disagree
That Christ went down to hell and did set free
Cain, Sodomites, and the Egyptians sad,
That there was three Beginers, Good, Just, Bad,
That there should be no Resurrection day,
Unto the Body that was made of Clay.
Cerdon of Syria taught, That God Christs Father
Was not the God of th'Law, nor Prophets neither.
He the Old Testament also denide:
And from the reserrection did backslide.
Was not the God of th'Law, nor Prophets neither.
He the Old Testament also denide:
And from the reserrection did backslide.
The Valentinian Errour of renown
Saith Christ his body brought from Heaven down,
Which passed through the Virgin Mary like
As Water passeth through a Conduit pipe.
Saith Christ his body brought from Heaven down,
Which passed through the Virgin Mary like
As Water passeth through a Conduit pipe.
The Montanists did in the Phrygian Coast
Profess Montanus was the Holy Ghost:
And Maximilla and Priscilla were
His Bagages to make the same appeare.
He marriage did forbid, and also treates
Commanding to abstain from certain meates.
They prickt a boy with Bodkins till blood went
Out where they bake bread for their Sacrament.
And if he die he's martyre Canoniz'd
If live, he's made a greate Priest highly prizd.
Profess Montanus was the Holy Ghost:
And Maximilla and Priscilla were
His Bagages to make the same appeare.
He marriage did forbid, and also treates
Commanding to abstain from certain meates.
Out where they bake bread for their Sacrament.
And if he die he's martyre Canoniz'd
If live, he's made a greate Priest highly prizd.
Then the Heracleonites do Sacrifice
With Witchcrafts and deny Christ miseries
Or sufferings, the Resurrection too;
Such villanies they blush not at to show.
With Witchcrafts and deny Christ miseries
Or sufferings, the Resurrection too;
Such villanies they blush not at to show.
And Tatianus hatcht the Encratites,
Forbids to marry, also doth invite's
From use of Living Creatures, and did choose
Water for Sacramentall wine to use.
Forbids to marry, also doth invite's
From use of Living Creatures, and did choose
Water for Sacramentall wine to use.
Pepuzian Hereticks make women rise
Priests as the Montanists, to sacrifice.
Priests as the Montanists, to sacrifice.
Artorytites did in the Sacrament
Use bread and Cheese, when unto it they went.
Use bread and Cheese, when unto it they went.
Th'Alogians say that Christ was not the Word:
And do deny Johns Gospell as absurd.
And do deny Johns Gospell as absurd.
Netus denide three Persons, did profess
Father, Son, Spirit sufferd in the Flesh.
These Heresies thus namd and other such
Did Exercise Gods Patience very much.
Father, Son, Spirit sufferd in the Flesh.
These Heresies thus namd and other such
Did Exercise Gods Patience very much.
When Cesars race had sufferd its last Fate
In Nero, when there di'de the Laureate
And Nerva after sixteen months did leave
To Trajans Crown the rich Imperiall Wreath,
The hundreth yeare from Christ he dipt his Bayes
In Martyres Blood; third Persecution raisd
And did so rage in Cruelty whereby
There thousands daly fell most Cruelly.
This fire burnt up in Asia these then
Old Simeon Clophas at Jerusalem
Whom they though sixscore years of age he'd gaind
Scourgd many dayes, Death on the Cross sustaind.
Cleophus too sustains this Cruell rage
And as a martyre now goes of the Stage.
Now Sagaris obtains this blessed Crown.
At Antioch five virgins with renown
Were for the Faith to ashes burnt, whose bones
Were powder'd small then into vessells thrown
And usd to wash with. And these tyrants throw
Into a Lime kiln hot first, then into
A scalding Bathe, that worthy bishop nam'd
Phocas of Pontus, thus the Crown he gain'd.
Marke the Evangelist was drawn its said
By ropes in Egypt to the fire there made,
And burnd, then buri'd in the Bucolus,
But some deny't, and say he dide not thus.
Now Domicilla that Choice Lady glisters
Was Daughter of Domitian Cesar's sister
Converted too by Peters Scholars who
Because she would not married bee unto
Clemens Domitians brothers son was sent
To Pontia ile for Christ in banishment.
But now at last is burned in her bed
Yea and her Servants Welcome banished.
In Nero, when there di'de the Laureate
And Nerva after sixteen months did leave
To Trajans Crown the rich Imperiall Wreath,
The hundreth yeare from Christ he dipt his Bayes
In Martyres Blood; third Persecution raisd
And did so rage in Cruelty whereby
There thousands daly fell most Cruelly.
This fire burnt up in Asia these then
Old Simeon Clophas at Jerusalem
Whom they though sixscore years of age he'd gaind
Scourgd many dayes, Death on the Cross sustaind.
Cleophus too sustains this Cruell rage
And as a martyre now goes of the Stage.
Now Sagaris obtains this blessed Crown.
At Antioch five virgins with renown
Were for the Faith to ashes burnt, whose bones
Were powder'd small then into vessells thrown
And usd to wash with. And these tyrants throw
Into a Lime kiln hot first, then into
A scalding Bathe, that worthy bishop nam'd
Phocas of Pontus, thus the Crown he gain'd.
Marke the Evangelist was drawn its said
By ropes in Egypt to the fire there made,
And burnd, then buri'd in the Bucolus,
But some deny't, and say he dide not thus.
Was Daughter of Domitian Cesar's sister
Converted too by Peters Scholars who
Because she would not married bee unto
Clemens Domitians brothers son was sent
To Pontia ile for Christ in banishment.
But now at last is burned in her bed
Yea and her Servants Welcome banished.
This Cup is drunke at Rome. Sulpitius
Servilianus Romans also rush
With Euphrosina and Theodora
Their Wives into the Sorrows of their day.
Servilianus Romans also rush
With Euphrosina and Theodora
Their Wives into the Sorrows of their day.
Ignatius now of Antioch, by some
Held next to Peter there thus out must come
To be devour'd at Rome by Wild beasts, who
Confirmd the Asian Flocks as he did goe
Charging them to take heed of Heresy,
And coming unto Smyrna there whereby
He Polycarp did visit, and wrote thus
A letter to the Church of Ephesus:
Onefimus being their Pastor then
Letters to others as he went did pen.
Wherein he thus enflames to Martyredome,
From Syria, saith he, untill I come
To Rome I fought with beasts as well by Sea
As Land as well: both in the night and day,
Bound fast among ten Libbards, whom I finde
Worse so much to me as I'm to them kinde.
Would God I were come to the Beasts which be
With claws prepar'd, provoked to worry mee.
Oh Pardon me, prayer I now begin
To be a true Disciple by this thing.
Things seen or Unseen I regard not so
I may obtain Christ Jesus: Weale or Woe,
Fire, Gallows, Wild Beast-knawings, Crashing Bones,
Tareing my members off, Weights on me thrown
To press my body, torments, Divells bring
On Hell itselfe, may I Christ Jesus win.
And when Condemn'd he heard the Lions roare,
I am, said he, Christ's Wheate and shall therefore
As by a mill by wild beasts teeth be ground
That I fine mansient Bread may thus be found.
Held next to Peter there thus out must come
To be devour'd at Rome by Wild beasts, who
Confirmd the Asian Flocks as he did goe
Charging them to take heed of Heresy,
And coming unto Smyrna there whereby
He Polycarp did visit, and wrote thus
A letter to the Church of Ephesus:
Onefimus being their Pastor then
Letters to others as he went did pen.
Wherein he thus enflames to Martyredome,
From Syria, saith he, untill I come
To Rome I fought with beasts as well by Sea
As Land as well: both in the night and day,
Bound fast among ten Libbards, whom I finde
Worse so much to me as I'm to them kinde.
Would God I were come to the Beasts which be
With claws prepar'd, provoked to worry mee.
Oh Pardon me, prayer I now begin
To be a true Disciple by this thing.
Things seen or Unseen I regard not so
I may obtain Christ Jesus: Weale or Woe,
Fire, Gallows, Wild Beast-knawings, Crashing Bones,
Tareing my members off, Weights on me thrown
To press my body, torments, Divells bring
On Hell itselfe, may I Christ Jesus win.
And when Condemn'd he heard the Lions roare,
I am, said he, Christ's Wheate and shall therefore
As by a mill by wild beasts teeth be ground
That I fine mansient Bread may thus be found.
This Tragedy in Trajans 'Leventh yeare
Was acted as by histories appeare
And Publius Bishop, at Athens falls
By this sad Persecution, as Christ calls.
This Persecution ragde to's fourteenth yeare
Wherein amazed Pliny did appeare
To intercede, gave Trajan t'understand
They upright were that fell by this sad hand
Onely they Worshipt Christ. Hence Trajan staid
This Persecution that such Works had made.
Was acted as by histories appeare
And Publius Bishop, at Athens falls
By this sad Persecution, as Christ calls.
This Persecution ragde to's fourteenth yeare
Wherein amazed Pliny did appeare
To intercede, gave Trajan t'understand
They upright were that fell by this sad hand
Onely they Worshipt Christ. Hence Trajan staid
Persecution under Adrian
Th'Imperiall Mitre tottering fell down.Off Trajans Head hopt up on Adrians Crown.
About the six scorth yeare of Christ he soon
A Persecuting Course did up resume.
In's second yeare he doth the Prison stow
With Alexander, bishop, and doth throw
Hermes the City-Prefect with his Wife
Children and Family, in prison rife,
Twelve hundred, yes, and fifty sumd; thus cast
And burnt in firy furnace them at last:
Which fact Theodulus reproved who was
Then Deacon of the Church, for which, alas!
He and Eventius, a Deacon too,
And others tast the selfe same sawce, and rue.
Zeno a Noble man of Rome thus he
Ten thousand more and ten score yea and three
Were on the count of Christs most righteous Cause
To Execution led by those vile Laws.
And in the fift year when Eustachius wise
Whom he had sent against his Enemies
Having them Conquourd quite returning home,
This Adrian did Joyously out come
To meet, and would thank offer'ngs for the same
Unto Apollo give and would Constrain
Did urge Eustachius to do so too
Which when he would not, he was sure to rue
And therefore when he comes to Rome he shall
Be sacrificed, slain, Wife and Children all.
His tenth yeare's said to slay ten thousand more
Upon mount Ararat, on Christ rich score,
Whereof Achaicus was Chiefe, also
Heliades, Carcerica do goe
For Captains and Theodorus its said
The master of the Souldiers was made.
And when the tenth yeare of this Tyrant come
Faustina and Jobita martyredom
Sustain in Brixia; and he then did slay
Eleathery the Bishop, Anthia
His mother both, who were beheaded loe
In Apuleia and Sophia too
With her three Children, and Seraphia
And Symphorisia, with seven children, yea
Sabina too di'de by this tyranny,
Because they walkt in Christian piety
Justus, and Pastor hanged were in Spain
At Complute for the sake of Christs Choice name.
Of his Choice ones, and grants them other fare.
When Adrian at Athens was and gave
Men leave as list to persecute and rave
That brave Disciple of th'Apostles there
Quadratus, Athens Bishop did appeare,
Gave Adrian a learnd Apology
And bravely pend for Christianity,
Prooved without cause they did the Christians damn,
Shewing himself indeed a Right square man.
Then Aristide, Philosopher of fame
Chiefe seeing man according to his name
The Muses Treasury, and hord of Wit
A Magazeen of Wealthy Rhetorick
The Cream of Athens did with Eloquence
Before him lay for them a Learnd Defenco.
Also Serenus Granius a man
Of greate Nobility to Adrian
Wrote Pithy Letters, gravely proving how
No Right or Reason can this thing allow
That blood of Innocents be given to
The rage of people, and Condemned so
Without all fault, but for a Name, and Sect.
Which brave Apologies had good effect,
For Adrian forthwith charg'd by Letters sent,
Menuce Fundanus Asia's President
To sentence none without full proofe of Crime,
And hence the Church enjoy'd a peacefull time.
Now Adrian about the sevenscore yeare
Slipt from his Royall Wreath; Emperiall Chaire,
And Antoninus Pius wore the same
For more than twenty years his pleasant reign
But yet those troubles Adrian broached drop
And many Choice Saints sadly off do crop.
At Alexandria Ptolomy dies
And Lucius too for Christ in Sacrifice.
At Rome Felicitas with Children seven
In this Curst rage dispatched are for heaven,
One slain with plumbed Darts, one from on high
Thrown headlong down, two others made to dy
By Clubs, and then the other three down fall
Beheaded before her Eyes, then she ends all.
Concordius now falls in Spoleto slain
There by the Sword who did Christs truth mentain.
In France Photinus Lions Bishop, nay
With forty nine there prisond, made away,
Better inform'd did draw another line.
Hence peace is granted for a little space
Unto Christs Flock for which they sing him grace.
The Persecution under Mark Antonine
Mark Antonine getting upon his pate
Th'Imperiall Trinket, Royall Laureate
Doth point his sparkling sword in Holy blood
Drawn from the Saints, Phlebotomizd, aflood.
In Asia first this Cruell game is plaid
And Philodelphs twelve Champion brave assai'de,
They did with hellish Cruelties untill
Their scourging Whips according to their Will
Their inward Veans and Arteries make appear
Their intrails bowells, members too seen were,
Then set them on sharp Shells, Edgd, Nails, and Thorns
To go upon, then thrown to beasts with scorns.
Germanicus behavde himself herein
Most Christianly, with patient suffering
And those that came at this sad sight to gaize
Were smit hereby and put into a maize.
Th'Imperiall Trinket, Royall Laureate
Doth point his sparkling sword in Holy blood
Drawn from the Saints, Phlebotomizd, aflood.
In Asia first this Cruell game is plaid
And Philodelphs twelve Champion brave assai'de,
They did with hellish Cruelties untill
Their scourging Whips according to their Will
Their inward Veans and Arteries make appear
Their intrails bowells, members too seen were,
Then set them on sharp Shells, Edgd, Nails, and Thorns
To go upon, then thrown to beasts with scorns.
Germanicus behavde himself herein
Most Christianly, with patient suffering
And those that came at this sad sight to gaize
Were smit hereby and put into a maize.
Old Polycarp an Apostolick man
Johns Choice Disciple, Smyrna's Light began
To fill this rage he's apprehended, ta'ne
And entring in the judgment place, there came
A Voice from heaven heard by many there
That said, Oh Polycarp, be of good Cheere,
And play the man, Then urgd Christ to deny,
I've eighty six years serv'd him, did reply
He never hurt me, how then shall I fling
Ill speech against my Sovereign Lord, and King:
Being threatined if he took no better way
To be unto the Wild beasts thrown, did say
Then bring them we resolve repentance shall
Not from the better to the worst of all
Convay us. Then being threat'ned the fire,
He said thou threatenest us with fire in ire
But knowst not the Fire of Everlasting doom
That is reserved the Wicked to Consume,
Then to the Pile he goes but yet denay'd
To be their naild, and when he had then pray'd,
The fire was kindled, and the flames did rage
And unto Wonder like a Valted Stage
Or Sayle filld up with winde about him who
Lay in the midst not burnt, but shone like to
Refined Gold and Silver, and there rose
A sweet perfume like Myrrh and touched those
That did him tend: at last they thrust him through
And end him with a Sword: hence blood doth flow
And quench the fire. Then was the Enemy
Amazd to see how bravely Christians dy.
Johns Choice Disciple, Smyrna's Light began
To fill this rage he's apprehended, ta'ne
And entring in the judgment place, there came
A Voice from heaven heard by many there
That said, Oh Polycarp, be of good Cheere,
And play the man, Then urgd Christ to deny,
I've eighty six years serv'd him, did reply
He never hurt me, how then shall I fling
Ill speech against my Sovereign Lord, and King:
Being threatined if he took no better way
To be unto the Wild beasts thrown, did say
Then bring them we resolve repentance shall
Not from the better to the worst of all
Convay us. Then being threat'ned the fire,
He said thou threatenest us with fire in ire
But knowst not the Fire of Everlasting doom
That is reserved the Wicked to Consume,
Then to the Pile he goes but yet denay'd
To be their naild, and when he had then pray'd,
The fire was kindled, and the flames did rage
And unto Wonder like a Valted Stage
Or Sayle filld up with winde about him who
Lay in the midst not burnt, but shone like to
Refined Gold and Silver, and there rose
A sweet perfume like Myrrh and touched those
And end him with a Sword: hence blood doth flow
And quench the fire. Then was the Enemy
Amazd to see how bravely Christians dy.
This furious rage like to a boiling pot
Did wallop ore in Europe far more hot.
Some say those mentioned in Pius rain
Did martyredom under this Marke sustain.
Now Justine Martyre that Philosopher
That did present to Mark this Emperor,
And to the Senate grave Apologies
For Christian Faith, a blessed Martyre dies.
France feels the fury of this Hellish flame,
It unto Lions and Vienna came
Where Christs meeke flock did patiently endure
What e're the frantick rage of folk procures
As Railings, Draggings, Haulings, Stone flingings,
Scourgings, Imprisonings, and such sad things.
Then in the market place judg'd (oh sad state)
By th'Captain and the City Potentates.
Then usd with all extremity behold
Vetius Epagathus no longer could
Refrain (that Choice young Noble, pious bold
And Zelous man like Zachary of old
For Holy Walking) made his suite that he
To plead the Christians Case might sufferd be
But not permitted, met with this demand
Art thou a Christian? Whence even out of hand
His loud voice sounded I'm a Christian. So
He's stild their Advocate, doth to them go,
And by his Spirit, Zeale, Example they
Were mightily incouragd in their way.
Yet some there were that fell through pannick Fear
Which did perplex them, Farthermore they hear
Their Pagan Servants load them with (like beasts)
Jocasta's incest, and Thyastes' Feast.
Hence now all tore to pieces them in rage
As worthy now of nothing but a Stage.
They're in such nasty prisons forct to ly
The Sinck doth poyson certain that they dy.
Did wallop ore in Europe far more hot.
Some say those mentioned in Pius rain
Did martyredom under this Marke sustain.
Now Justine Martyre that Philosopher
That did present to Mark this Emperor,
And to the Senate grave Apologies
For Christian Faith, a blessed Martyre dies.
France feels the fury of this Hellish flame,
It unto Lions and Vienna came
Where Christs meeke flock did patiently endure
What e're the frantick rage of folk procures
As Railings, Draggings, Haulings, Stone flingings,
Scourgings, Imprisonings, and such sad things.
Then in the market place judg'd (oh sad state)
By th'Captain and the City Potentates.
Then usd with all extremity behold
Vetius Epagathus no longer could
Refrain (that Choice young Noble, pious bold
And Zelous man like Zachary of old
For Holy Walking) made his suite that he
To plead the Christians Case might sufferd be
But not permitted, met with this demand
Art thou a Christian? Whence even out of hand
His loud voice sounded I'm a Christian. So
He's stild their Advocate, doth to them go,
And by his Spirit, Zeale, Example they
Were mightily incouragd in their way.
Yet some there were that fell through pannick Fear
Which did perplex them, Farthermore they hear
Their Pagan Servants load them with (like beasts)
Jocasta's incest, and Thyastes' Feast.
Hence now all tore to pieces them in rage
As worthy now of nothing but a Stage.
They're in such nasty prisons forct to ly
The Sinck doth poyson certain that they dy.
Now a Sanctus Deacon of Vienna Saints
Tormented more than can be told nere faints,
By all their tortures to their madding come
No other answers but Christianus sum.
Hence to his tender bowells they apply
Brass plates red not that scorch him up and fry,
Draw up and purse his Wounded body so,
That it had lost all Human Shape and show.
An other time his body being sore
And swoln up, all ore, could not endure
Ones finger's touch, he is had out again
And they apply thereto tortures in vain.
Their torment instruments by power divine
Do Cure his body, proove his medicine,
Restore him to his former shape and bring
His members to their Use, a wondrous thing.
He and Maturus then another time
Are made the Stage play, must the scaffold climbe,
All kinds of torments suffer, scourging, Fray
Of Wild beast, torn, as if the other day
They'd sufferd nothing; then they are set in
A Red hot iron Chaire whose fryings sing
As on a Gridiron upon coales, whose sent
By frying in the peoples noses went:
Yet nothing could they gain of Sanctus save
That good Confession which before he gave.
These holy men thus made the peoples game
This day till spent, and then at length were slain.
Tormented more than can be told nere faints,
By all their tortures to their madding come
No other answers but Christianus sum.
Hence to his tender bowells they apply
Brass plates red not that scorch him up and fry,
Draw up and purse his Wounded body so,
That it had lost all Human Shape and show.
And swoln up, all ore, could not endure
Ones finger's touch, he is had out again
And they apply thereto tortures in vain.
Their torment instruments by power divine
Do Cure his body, proove his medicine,
Restore him to his former shape and bring
His members to their Use, a wondrous thing.
He and Maturus then another time
Are made the Stage play, must the scaffold climbe,
All kinds of torments suffer, scourging, Fray
Of Wild beast, torn, as if the other day
They'd sufferd nothing; then they are set in
A Red hot iron Chaire whose fryings sing
As on a Gridiron upon coales, whose sent
By frying in the peoples noses went:
Yet nothing could they gain of Sanctus save
That good Confession which before he gave.
These holy men thus made the peoples game
This day till spent, and then at length were slain.
They spend their hellish rage again with spite
Upon Blandina brought to open sight,
Tormenting her by Course all day long till
They're jaded out, sit down, sum up the bill.
Had torn and rent her body, said that one
Of these sore torments were enough alone
To pluck her soul out of her body, they
Sat down, and could no more on her assay.
But this blesst Saint as often as she said
I am a Christian, not bad pranck have plaid
Was wonderful refresht and was beside
Imboldened these torments to abide.
And then another time she's took and hung
In Gibbits low, that wild beasts forth might come
And tare her off, then down she's took again
And when she'd been scourgd, frying did sustain
Lapt in a net and cast to Wild Bulls Fand
Upon their Horns, her Soul on Christ did stand
So fixt its thought she felt small pain, but were
At last beheaded in Christs Quarrell deare.
Upon Blandina brought to open sight,
Tormenting her by Course all day long till
They're jaded out, sit down, sum up the bill.
Had torn and rent her body, said that one
Of these sore torments were enough alone
To pluck her soul out of her body, they
Sat down, and could no more on her assay.
But this blesst Saint as often as she said
I am a Christian, not bad pranck have plaid
Was wonderful refresht and was beside
Imboldened these torments to abide.
And then another time she's took and hung
In Gibbits low, that wild beasts forth might come
And tare her off, then down she's took again
And when she'd been scourgd, frying did sustain
Lapt in a net and cast to Wild Bulls Fand
Upon their Horns, her Soul on Christ did stand
So fixt its thought she felt small pain, but were
At last beheaded in Christs Quarrell deare.
Then Attalus of Pergana who was
A Church foundation Filler out doth pass
Cast to wild beast: then on the red hot Chair
Of Iron and his savour sented there
Bespake them thus, behold this that ye do
Is eating Humane flesh: we don't do so
We eat not men nor Wickedness commit
And thus at last he's slain, a martyre fit.
A Church foundation Filler out doth pass
Cast to wild beast: then on the red hot Chair
Of Iron and his savour sented there
Bespake them thus, behold this that ye do
Is eating Humane flesh: we don't do so
We eat not men nor Wickedness commit
And thus at last he's slain, a martyre fit.
One Alexander a Physitian's said
In this same sort a martyre too was made.
And so was Ponticus a youth, And they
Were martyr'd too that faild the other day.
Thus went the Case till God did Mark Confound
In Germany, and's host nigh compasst round
By Cruell foes, in passages full streight
And with a five dayes thirst procur'd by heat
Had then deliverance from heaven brought
By Christian Souldiers that the same things sought
By earnest prayre. And also when most grave
Apologies some worthy ones him gave
He did all Cruelty surcease that they
Accounted now they had an Halcyon day.
And when the Royall Bonett of did hop
From Verus unto Commodus his top
The peace remaind with Christians, yet the taile
Of this Red firebrand did some assaile.
In this same sort a martyre too was made.
And so was Ponticus a youth, And they
Were martyr'd too that faild the other day.
In Germany, and's host nigh compasst round
By Cruell foes, in passages full streight
And with a five dayes thirst procur'd by heat
Had then deliverance from heaven brought
By Christian Souldiers that the same things sought
By earnest prayre. And also when most grave
Apologies some worthy ones him gave
He did all Cruelty surcease that they
Accounted now they had an Halcyon day.
And when the Royall Bonett of did hop
From Verus unto Commodus his top
The peace remaind with Christians, yet the taile
Of this Red firebrand did some assaile.
That Noble Senator of Rome whose name
Was Apolonius, a Christian, Came
Before the judge Perennine, when complaint
Was laid against him; 'gainst the Laws-Restraint.
On pain of Death upon a faulse Charge laid
Against a Christian, hence the man was made
To beare the Sentence and his legs are broke
And so he fell under a righteous stroke.
But then the Judge upon entreaties and
His Warrant given for his live in hand
Prevailing, Apolonius in briefe
An Eloquent defence of his beliefe
Before the Senate laid, Which done they came
And spite of promise head him for the same,
According to their Law, that Christians who
Are raignd, and turn not, shall not pass off so.
Vencent, Euseby, and Potentian
With Peregrine who laboured each man
To bring poore souls to Christ, were tortured
Then presst with weight of Lead till fully dead.
Their Convert Julius a Senator
Did bravely shew unto the Emperour
His Faith, and did affirm that who adore
His Gods must perish and for evermore.
And when they could not cause him t'eat this breath
He's cruelly with Cudgells thrasht to death.
Was Apolonius, a Christian, Came
Before the judge Perennine, when complaint
Was laid against him; 'gainst the Laws-Restraint.
On pain of Death upon a faulse Charge laid
Against a Christian, hence the man was made
To beare the Sentence and his legs are broke
And so he fell under a righteous stroke.
But then the Judge upon entreaties and
His Warrant given for his live in hand
Prevailing, Apolonius in briefe
An Eloquent defence of his beliefe
Before the Senate laid, Which done they came
And spite of promise head him for the same,
According to their Law, that Christians who
Are raignd, and turn not, shall not pass off so.
Vencent, Euseby, and Potentian
With Peregrine who laboured each man
To bring poore souls to Christ, were tortured
Then presst with weight of Lead till fully dead.
Their Convert Julius a Senator
Did bravely shew unto the Emperour
His Faith, and did affirm that who adore
His Gods must perish and for evermore.
And when they could not cause him t'eat this breath
He's cruelly with Cudgells thrasht to death.
The Sparkling Shine of Gods Justice
Patience thus Exercisd Gods Providence
Doth in her Checker'd Mashes hang the Shine
Of Justice in such Spangles as from thence
Dropt here and there are by the hand Divine
Some instances where of I blazon would
Upon this Flag, all blancht there with like gold.
Doth in her Checker'd Mashes hang the Shine
Of Justice in such Spangles as from thence
Dropt here and there are by the hand Divine
Some instances where of I blazon would
Upon this Flag, all blancht there with like gold.
Justice persues the Jews still for their Sin,
Poor Nation now, how hast thou banisht Grace,
Quite from thy Tents? Vengeance red hot steps in
Oh thou art plunged in a dismall Case,
Thy land is by thy wickedness well nigh
Laid Desolate, thou must not in it ly.
Poor Nation now, how hast thou banisht Grace,
Quite from thy Tents? Vengeance red hot steps in
Oh thou art plunged in a dismall Case,
Thy land is by thy wickedness well nigh
Laid Desolate, thou must not in it ly.
The Jews Rebell; fall fifty thousand slain
By Adrians Sword, have fifty Castles stroi'de
Nine hundred fourscore towns untownd again,
By Sickness, Sword, Fire, Famine almost void,
Jerusalem new built, new namde, and new
Enpeoplde, by the Gentile not the Jew.
By Adrians Sword, have fifty Castles stroi'de
Nine hundred fourscore towns untownd again,
By Sickness, Sword, Fire, Famine almost void,
Jerusalem new built, new namde, and new
Enpeoplde, by the Gentile not the Jew.
At Rome in Trajans reign the Pantheon
And Nero's Golden House the lightning burnd,
In Asia Dreadfull Earth Quakes whereupon
Four Cities were in Asia overturnd
The very Earth doth tremble at the Flood
That overflows it thus of Martyres blood.
And Nero's Golden House the lightning burnd,
In Asia Dreadfull Earth Quakes whereupon
Four Cities were in Asia overturnd
The very Earth doth tremble at the Flood
That overflows it thus of Martyres blood.
And Antioch while Trajan there perchance
So shaken was, that neighbouring mountains tall
Were tore and Casus that did high advance
Ore all in Syria tumbling down did fall.
And Rivers dry did grow: the Earth moreore
An horrid lowing made, the Sea did roare.
So shaken was, that neighbouring mountains tall
Were tore and Casus that did high advance
Ore all in Syria tumbling down did fall.
And Rivers dry did grow: the Earth moreore
An horrid lowing made, the Sea did roare.
The ruind building dreadfully did Clash,
The Schreeching of sad men was high and greate,
Such darkness made by dust that mixed was
One Could not heare another, se or speak.
The Emperour took through a window there
Out of the ruind building sav'd thus were.
The Schreeching of sad men was high and greate,
Such darkness made by dust that mixed was
One Could not heare another, se or speak.
The Emperour took through a window there
Out of the ruind building sav'd thus were.
And in the Agarean War did rise
Thunders and Lightnings, strange Rainbow, storms
Vast Hails, Stones too and mighty Swarms of Flies,
That did anoy them, who were full of scorns.
They did infest the Romans meat and drinck
They swarmed on with a most nautious Stinck.
Thunders and Lightnings, strange Rainbow, storms
Vast Hails, Stones too and mighty Swarms of Flies,
That did anoy them, who were full of scorns.
They did infest the Romans meat and drinck
They swarmed on with a most nautious Stinck.
God still comes nigher, he now takes in hand
The Wicked man his members do unjoynt,
His body's numbd his senses, lose command;
He thinks he poyson'd is (Gods hand doth point)
Then swells with Water twixt the flesh and fell,
His Gost doth bid his Carkass thus farewell.
The Wicked man his members do unjoynt,
His body's numbd his senses, lose command;
He thinks he poyson'd is (Gods hand doth point)
Then swells with Water twixt the flesh and fell,
His Gost doth bid his Carkass thus farewell.
In Adrians time great Earth Quakes too God brings:
That Nicomedia, and Nice nigh stroy.
Soon after these Nicopolis down flings
Yea and Cesaria as utterly
Then Inquest makes for Blood. Blood new so skips
From Adrian's nose as frighted out of'ts wits.
That Nicomedia, and Nice nigh stroy.
Soon after these Nicopolis down flings
Yea and Cesaria as utterly
Then Inquest makes for Blood. Blood new so skips
From Adrian's nose as frighted out of'ts wits.
And now therewith such torments him surprize,
He Calls for Death, seeks to dispatch his life.
He wasts away, then doth a Dropsy rise
Which did refuse his Charms and Spells so rife.
His blood breaks down all dams still, and will flow
His Tortures too will not be Charmd but grow.
He Calls for Death, seeks to dispatch his life.
He wasts away, then doth a Dropsy rise
Which did refuse his Charms and Spells so rife.
His blood breaks down all dams still, and will flow
His Tortures too will not be Charmd but grow.
He asketh Poyson of his Doctor then
But such a Potion never can obtain.
Then Craves a Sword, bids mony for't to's men
But none do reach him this to end his pain.
At length by torments more than can be told
He is dispatcht and tumbled down to mould.
But such a Potion never can obtain.
Then Craves a Sword, bids mony for't to's men
But none do reach him this to end his pain.
At length by torments more than can be told
He is dispatcht and tumbled down to mould.
And in the Reign of Pius sad things light
As Famine, Earthquakes that did towns destroy
In Rhodes and Asia, the Circk stroyd quite
Three hundred forty houses burnt down ly
At Rome and Narbon City, Antioch,
And Carthage Market place, burnt turnd to Smoake.
As Famine, Earthquakes that did towns destroy
In Rhodes and Asia, the Circk stroyd quite
Three hundred forty houses burnt down ly
At Rome and Narbon City, Antioch,
And Carthage Market place, burnt turnd to Smoake.
Tyber oreflows its bancks: a boy is born
With two heads, then five babes born at a time
A mighty Cristed Snake was seen off shorn
And eat itself up halfe in Arabs Clime.
A mighty Plague rag'd in Arabia
Barly from tree twigs grew in Morsia.
With two heads, then five babes born at a time
A mighty Cristed Snake was seen off shorn
And eat itself up halfe in Arabs Clime.
A mighty Plague rag'd in Arabia
Barly from tree twigs grew in Morsia.
In Commodus his reign then Lightning turn'd
The Capitoline Temple into dust
The neighboring Famous Library burnd,
The Temple too of Peace soon after Crusht,
And Vesta Temple and the Palace by her
Much of the City too, and all by fire.
The Capitoline Temple into dust
The neighboring Famous Library burnd,
The Temple too of Peace soon after Crusht,
And Vesta Temple and the Palace by her
Much of the City too, and all by fire.
Then Commodus the Senate did define
More Cruell than Domitian, and impure
Than Nero, comes unto his tragick time
Doth drinke a draught of Poyson for a Cure.
Which failing, he with Nariss scuffling
In jest, in earnest throtled was by him.
More Cruell than Domitian, and impure
Than Nero, comes unto his tragick time
Doth drinke a draught of Poyson for a Cure.
Which failing, he with Nariss scuffling
In jest, in earnest throtled was by him.
Touching Narcissus of Jerusalem
Gainst whom three wicked guilty persons rose,
He taxed is before the Church by them,
They do the Crime under dread Caths depose,
Which done, the Good Old man for griefe retires,
Although the Church did not believe those liers.
Gainst whom three wicked guilty persons rose,
He taxed is before the Church by them,
They do the Crime under dread Caths depose,
Which done, the Good Old man for griefe retires,
Although the Church did not believe those liers.
The first doth wish he might be burnt if he
Spake not the truth; the second if he li'de
By Cruell Sickness might surprised bee,
The third that's Sight might out be pluckt or glide
If he spake false and this they did, its said
Lest by Narcissus they ashame be made.
Spake not the truth; the second if he li'de
By Cruell Sickness might surprised bee,
The third that's Sight might out be pluckt or glide
If he spake false and this they did, its said
Lest by Narcissus they ashame be made.
But see the Case. The first mans house by night
And he and all therein are burnt by fire.
The second is surprizd in all mens sight
By Cruell sickness and thereby expires.
The third much terrifide, the Fact descries
And With reperting tears weeps out his Eyes.
And he and all therein are burnt by fire.
The second is surprizd in all mens sight
By Cruell sickness and thereby expires.
The third much terrifide, the Fact descries
And With reperting tears weeps out his Eyes.
Now Justice hath Narcissus made more Shine
He from his solitary Place doth pass
Unto his sacred Charge, a grave Divine
When aged eight score years and three he was.
Thus Justice, see, doth see and show her Shine
While Patience doth Gods providence enline.
He from his solitary Place doth pass
Unto his sacred Charge, a grave Divine
When aged eight score years and three he was.
Thus Justice, see, doth see and show her Shine
While Patience doth Gods providence enline.
Its Excrements vile Commodus with shouts
And Pertinax and Julian had born
The Diadem but scarcely had it worn,
The Imperiall Laurell by their fall did hap
To stick as feather in Severu's Cap.
Who when he'd five yeare wore it, did begin
The thi --- third Century to enter in,
Which now we Come to view how God did guild
It with his radients Beams, whose Spangles filld
It all in glorious blanches dawbd ore fresh
With Mercy, Patience bright, and Righteousness.
The Shine of Mercy
Still Mercy pencills out a gracious Shine
Blancht bravely or'e this Century of time
That Spirits spiriting a joyous Rhime
Do overflow
Blancht bravely or'e this Century of time
That Spirits spiriting a joyous Rhime
Do overflow
Who can forbare those nimble songs of Praise
Beholding Grace to sprindge her glorious Rayes
In every Corner, and Choice Organs layes
Her shine to show.
Beholding Grace to sprindge her glorious Rayes
In every Corner, and Choice Organs layes
Her shine to show.
See how these radient Pearls through which there breakes
These Glorious Beams that Cluster'd ly in Heaps
In Asia, Africk, Europe shine which speaks
Her holy Joy.
These Glorious Beams that Cluster'd ly in Heaps
In Asia, Africk, Europe shine which speaks
Her holy Joy.
Jerusalem her Church as bosst in gold
Dios, Germanion and Gordous, Old
Narcissica, then Alexander holds
Grace to apply.
Dios, Germanion and Gordous, Old
Narcissica, then Alexander holds
Grace to apply.
And after Mezabanes there arose,
Then Hymeneus came in to disclose
Christs glorious grace, which through these Lanthorns flows
And gives its Shine.
Then Hymeneus came in to disclose
Christs glorious grace, which through these Lanthorns flows
And gives its Shine.
Zambas and Hermon followd in that place
As shining stars darting the beames of Grace
Abroad all round. This Church in happy Case
A gracious time.
As shining stars darting the beames of Grace
Abroad all round. This Church in happy Case
A gracious time.
At Antioch Christs Golden Candlestick
Filld with these flaming Lights that rise up thick,
Serapion, Asclepiad, Philet, yet
Christ shineth here.
Filld with these flaming Lights that rise up thick,
Serapion, Asclepiad, Philet, yet
Christ shineth here.
Zechinus, Babylas, then Julius came
Demetreanus (then came one a Shame
Who were Expelld) then Domnos held the same
And flamed Cleare
Demetreanus (then came one a Shame
Who were Expelld) then Domnos held the same
And flamed Cleare
Timeus, Ciryll and Dorothe here shone
In Laodice Socrates was well known
Luseby, Anatoly, Stephen grown
Then Theodote.
In Laodice Socrates was well known
Luseby, Anatoly, Stephen grown
Then Theodote.
In th'Church then at Cesarea Palestine
Shone Theoctist, then Domnus the Divine,
Theotecnus, Agapya, Pamphil shine
Of Worthy note
Shone Theoctist, then Domnus the Divine,
Theotecnus, Agapya, Pamphil shine
Of Worthy note
In Affrica this brightsom glory lays
Too many down to name to bear her rayes
Turtullian and Cyprian whose prayes
Ariseth high;
Too many down to name to bear her rayes
Turtullian and Cyprian whose prayes
Ariseth high;
And famous Origen scarce to be matcht
Plutarch and Thaumatourous by him hatcht
Great Aphricanus, Heraclas who Watcht
Christ Cause to Eye.
Plutarch and Thaumatourous by him hatcht
Great Aphricanus, Heraclas who Watcht
Christ Cause to Eye.
Denyse, Hippolytus, and Maximus,
Cheremon Hierax Ammonius
These and such other that appeare to us
That bravely rose
Cheremon Hierax Ammonius
These and such other that appeare to us
That bravely rose
Who in their day did give a glorious light
And as Choice Gospell Candles burned bright
And Carrid on their Spiritual war aright
Against their foes.
And as Choice Gospell Candles burned bright
And Carrid on their Spiritual war aright
Against their foes.
Come we now ore the Seas to Europes main,
Search Greece and Italy, with France, and Spaine,
For such as with the Gospell Glory flame
Such Stars we'st finde.
Search Greece and Italy, with France, and Spaine,
For such as with the Gospell Glory flame
Such Stars we'st finde.
Yea, and so many of them numberd stand
As do exceed in notes, and number, and
Esteem, the Pen and scribble under hand
To be definde
As do exceed in notes, and number, and
Esteem, the Pen and scribble under hand
To be definde
But by these then as so many bright Beames
Of Orient Rayes the Sun of Grace out gleams
Grace gives her Shine, and sends her blissfull Streams
The World to guild.
Of Orient Rayes the Sun of Grace out gleams
Grace gives her Shine, and sends her blissfull Streams
The World to guild.
And to attract mens hearts, and line them well
With sanctifying Grace, which doth Excell
Which shine of Grace now Chimes out Praises Bell
With Glory filld.
With sanctifying Grace, which doth Excell
Which shine of Grace now Chimes out Praises Bell
With Glory filld.
The Exercise of Divine Patience.
How should such glorious Grace in folds of ShinesDisplaid, drill all mens Lives to Holy Lines?
And make the world like Candent Iron, or
The Globe of Glory shine in Graces war?
But if it be abused, or Disdain'd
Can Vengeance sleep or Chalterd be restrain'd?
Gods Patience then must shine as bright, so long
As such bright shining Grace abusd bears wrong.
And thus it plainly is while out doth blaze
Errour, and Tyranny under these Rayes.
Patience respecting Errours.
When such bright Glorious Candles flame, one'd thinkeMen should inlightned be, yea, should they winke;
Patience therefore is exercised high
When in this Shine men clearly go awry.
Tainted with Spots, in Errours oft are found.
The Great and brave Turtullian that did plead
Christ Cause by Choice Apologies to lead
Men persecuting to a gentler minde,
Unto Montanist Errours is inclin'de.
Nay many other strange absurdities
Run through his Pen as spots upon him rise.
That Brave-Brave Cyprian whose glory Chimes
Like Musick and smells Rosy like His times
Were graced with him: yet he did mentain
Rebaptization, and ran in that strain
A Carthage Councill which Consisted then
Of Bishops Sixty, Priests and Deacons, men
Of Common sort it is not said how many.
He also as Montanus held when any
Baptized were, they must anncinted bee
He gave too much to Works: the Will held Free.
That mighty, learned pious Origen
Thy Glory, Egypt, very few such men
Is dapled yet with many streaks, and blurs
Which as ill Juyce the sick man's mouth up furs
Do often marr the Readers mouth, although
Whether these blots are his its hard to show.
His Works sophisticated are its known,
Hence fathers Bastards: brats none of his own.
Yet in his notes he an Alladist is
More than is meet wherein he sure did miss,
And slipt with Peters sadly, which had bin
As hard to Peter as it was with him
Had Peter been of Alexadrine Church
Or Christ had given him but such a lurch.
That Famous Dionysius who did stay
And feed the Church of Alexandria
Is judgd to lay, wanting an heedfull Eye
The stepping stone to th'Arian Heresy
And Beryll that the Bostrian Ring adornd
Thus spotted was, holding that Christ not born
Nor in the Virgin yet Concieved possesst
Not a subsistence in the Fathers breast
Distinguisht from his own, although he were
By Origen reduc'de to shine more cleare
Methodius of Tyre is also found
Of Righteousnes by natures Law unsound
And Theodore Calld Thaumaturg whose Shine
At NeoCesaria was bright Divine
Did strangely yet touching Gods Providence
Dream things that hardly hold a savory sense.
But let me stop my pen. Enough of this
Whereby Gods exercisd by faults in his.
Now or a step just back that former fray
That ages past began 'bout Easter day
Grew up so hot brake out like burning fire
Wherein Prognostick Symptoms did aspire
Of Romes Proud Antichristian spirit in
Its Bishop Victor, like the man of Sin,
Who Excommunicated now through pride
The Asian Churches all who then denide
To change their Easter from the fourteenth day
Unto the Sabbath day before, as they
Here of the Western Churches had decreed
Hence Victor Ragde, Yet others queld his Deed.
That ages past began 'bout Easter day
Grew up so hot brake out like burning fire
Wherein Prognostick Symptoms did aspire
Of Romes Proud Antichristian spirit in
Its Bishop Victor, like the man of Sin,
Who Excommunicated now through pride
The Asian Churches all who then denide
To change their Easter from the fourteenth day
Unto the Sabbath day before, as they
Here of the Western Churches had decreed
Hence Victor Ragde, Yet others queld his Deed.
More Patience still is calld for there up springs
A rent at Rome, Novatus there begins
To tare the Church a pieces, and to binde
It up again and heale it well we finde
Did Caust much pains although at last through grace
The Rent is heald: Novatus lost his Case.
A rent at Rome, Novatus there begins
To tare the Church a pieces, and to binde
It up again and heale it well we finde
Did Caust much pains although at last through grace
The Rent is heald: Novatus lost his Case.
Another rent is made worse than the first
Stephen playes Pope at Rome, and doth disburst
Dismissive Letters of Communion
And so denies to stand in Union
With Affricans brave Churches, and with those
That with them in Rebaptization close.
Stephen playes Pope at Rome, and doth disburst
Dismissive Letters of Communion
And so denies to stand in Union
With Affricans brave Churches, and with those
That with them in Rebaptization close.
And Hereticks which do Choice truth greate Shame
Did greatly Patience try as out they Came
Novatus vile did broach his nasty Cask
Who put poor humble souls to such a task,
As no repentance could procure away
Of Readmission if they once did stray.
Which notion found in Affrick too much Room
That ruin'd Origen. Oh! Cruell doom!
Did greatly Patience try as out they Came
Novatus vile did broach his nasty Cask
Who put poor humble souls to such a task,
As no repentance could procure away
Of Readmission if they once did stray.
Which notion found in Affrick too much Room
That ruin'd Origen. Oh! Cruell doom!
Sabellius then from his Pandora's box
His Cursed Heresy more vile unlocks.
And was an Antitrinitarian
Den'd the Trinity. Oh foolish man.
His Cursed Heresy more vile unlocks.
And was an Antitrinitarian
Den'd the Trinity. Oh foolish man.
Then Paulus Samolatenus up rose
At Antioch, Christs Godhead did oppose
Whom Malchion did in the Councill there
Confound in open disputation cleare.
At Antioch, Christs Godhead did oppose
Whom Malchion did in the Councill there
Confound in open disputation cleare.
The Originall of Nunsiah maids began
I th' Hereticks stild Origenians
Who marriage decride, yet women know
Yet mean did use to keep their bellies low.
Another sort there were of these whose shame
They father do of Origen of Fame.
These did assert Christ and the Holy Ghost
Were Creatures, and the Soule from heavens Coast
Came down unto the Body, made of Clay
As to a jayle. Noe Resurrection day
They own unto the Dead, and hold this fast
That Divells shall be saved at the last.
How did these things Gods Patience exercise
Its Glory hence did mightily arise.
I th' Hereticks stild Origenians
Who marriage decride, yet women know
Yet mean did use to keep their bellies low.
Another sort there were of these whose shame
They father do of Origen of Fame.
Were Creatures, and the Soule from heavens Coast
Came down unto the Body, made of Clay
As to a jayle. Noe Resurrection day
They own unto the Dead, and hold this fast
That Divells shall be saved at the last.
How did these things Gods Patience exercise
Its Glory hence did mightily arise.
Gods Patience under Tyrannicall Persecutions.
Now Persecutions of Christs Glorious LightDoth spring afresh with Fury, Rage, and Spite.
Sedition and Rebellion, Babicide
Incest and Sacriledge, (oh wretched Tribe)
Eating flesh Raw, strange lust (whereof its plain
The Gnosticks guilty were as some mentain)
And Worshiping an Asses head at times
And Worshiping the Sun were made their Crime
But yet the blackest Crime was this, they would
All worship from all Idoll Gods with hold,
And hence they needs must fall: for there doth rise
The fift strong Persecution on this Wise.
The Fift Persecution.
The Fift hot Persecution now out brake
Under Severus for the Gospell sake
In Affrick, and in Asia raged most
Innumerable suffered in this Coast:
Leonides, (whose Son was Origen
Whom as he slept he would his bosom then
Uncov'ring kiss, Give thanks to God that hee
Had him so happy Father made to bee
Of such an happy Child) now first out Came
And was beheaded for Christ blessed name.
At Alexandria now there Martyrde were
Plutarch, Serenus too his brother deare,
Rais, Marcella, and her Daughter fair
Potamiena (on whose Skin laid bare
They poured boyling pitch) were burnt with fire,
Then came Heraclides, (the rage grows higher)
Heron, a second Serenus so bright
Beheaded were, also this axe did smite
Basilides his head off who is said
Betrusted was with Potamien the maid
To se here executed, and did Chid
The raging rout that did the maid deride.
To whom she said, be Cheary, Sir, I'le pray
That Christ may mercy unto you display.
And hereupon a Christian he became
And was cast in the prison for the same.
He said he saw her in the night come down
And did his head adorn too with a Crown.
In France Andoclus whom Old Polycarp
Had sent to Play upon the Gospell Harp
Unto them there, was beat with bat, then's head
Was severd off. Thus was he martyred.
Now Famous Ireneus out doth come
And with him multitudes to martyredom
Felicitas, Perpetua, another
Calld Revocate, Saturnine with his brother
Satyrus thown to wild beasts to be slain
Secundulus in prison Death doth gain
At Alexandria for Christs Glorious Cause
Under Severus by his Wicked Laws.
Under Severus for the Gospell sake
In Affrick, and in Asia raged most
Innumerable suffered in this Coast:
Leonides, (whose Son was Origen
Whom as he slept he would his bosom then
Uncov'ring kiss, Give thanks to God that hee
Had him so happy Father made to bee
Of such an happy Child) now first out Came
And was beheaded for Christ blessed name.
At Alexandria now there Martyrde were
Plutarch, Serenus too his brother deare,
Rais, Marcella, and her Daughter fair
Potamiena (on whose Skin laid bare
They poured boyling pitch) were burnt with fire,
Then came Heraclides, (the rage grows higher)
Heron, a second Serenus so bright
Beheaded were, also this axe did smite
Basilides his head off who is said
Betrusted was with Potamien the maid
To se here executed, and did Chid
The raging rout that did the maid deride.
To whom she said, be Cheary, Sir, I'le pray
That Christ may mercy unto you display.
And hereupon a Christian he became
And was cast in the prison for the same.
He said he saw her in the night come down
And did his head adorn too with a Crown.
Had sent to Play upon the Gospell Harp
Unto them there, was beat with bat, then's head
Was severd off. Thus was he martyred.
Now Famous Ireneus out doth come
And with him multitudes to martyredom
Felicitas, Perpetua, another
Calld Revocate, Saturnine with his brother
Satyrus thown to wild beasts to be slain
Secundulus in prison Death doth gain
At Alexandria for Christs Glorious Cause
Under Severus by his Wicked Laws.
Severus then being slain at Yorke his son
Calld Bassianus Caracalla run
Upon his brother Geta, did him slay
In England, did six years the Scepter sway.
Macrinus with Diadamenus came
Unto the Throne when Caracall was slain,
Whose weighty Crowns did crush them underground
When that a single yeare was turned round.
Then Heliogabalus that greedy gut
In the Imperiall Throne of gold did strut,
The Miror of Excess, the Prodigy
Of Gluttony and filthy Ribauldry
His Cloaths of God and costly Silks, his Shooes
Glisterd with pretious Stones they did, did use
To ware no garment twice nor twice one fare.
Sometime they for his palate did prepare
The tongues of Popingais, and birds that sung
Most sweetly for him disht up, to him come
Five thousand Fowles, six thousand fishes lie
Serv'd at one Supper up (oh! Luxury)
His Lamps were fed with Balm to light him eke
He filld his Fish Ponds with Rosewater sweet.
He was attended in his progress out
There with six hundred Charrots round about
Filld all with Puncks and Pandors, Bawds and Whores
For Varlets he preferd to places stores.
Did Sacrifice up Children and when he
Learnd by his Wizzards that his death should bee
By violence silk halters got he did
To hang himself, and Golden Swords to rid
Himselfe therewith. Ranck poysons too he kept
In Jacinct and in Emralds to effect
His Death, nay and he made a lofty tower
Whose floore was guild with gold against that hour
And border'd too with pretious Stones from which
He if assaild then ment himselfe to pitch
Down headlong and destroy himselfe. At last
He's slain, dragd through the town, in Tiber cast.
Calld Bassianus Caracalla run
Upon his brother Geta, did him slay
In England, did six years the Scepter sway.
Macrinus with Diadamenus came
Unto the Throne when Caracall was slain,
Whose weighty Crowns did crush them underground
When that a single yeare was turned round.
Then Heliogabalus that greedy gut
In the Imperiall Throne of gold did strut,
The Miror of Excess, the Prodigy
Of Gluttony and filthy Ribauldry
His Cloaths of God and costly Silks, his Shooes
Glisterd with pretious Stones they did, did use
To ware no garment twice nor twice one fare.
Sometime they for his palate did prepare
The tongues of Popingais, and birds that sung
Most sweetly for him disht up, to him come
Five thousand Fowles, six thousand fishes lie
Serv'd at one Supper up (oh! Luxury)
His Lamps were fed with Balm to light him eke
He filld his Fish Ponds with Rosewater sweet.
He was attended in his progress out
There with six hundred Charrots round about
Filld all with Puncks and Pandors, Bawds and Whores
For Varlets he preferd to places stores.
Did Sacrifice up Children and when he
Learnd by his Wizzards that his death should bee
By violence silk halters got he did
To hang himself, and Golden Swords to rid
Himselfe therewith. Ranck poysons too he kept
In Jacinct and in Emralds to effect
His Death, nay and he made a lofty tower
Whose floore was guild with gold against that hour
And border'd too with pretious Stones from which
He if assaild then ment himselfe to pitch
Down headlong and destroy himselfe. At last
He's slain, dragd through the town, in Tiber cast.
Then Alexander came unto the Throne
By whom respect is unto Christians shown.
His Mother Mammea adornd (is said)
To be with Grace to whom the truth displaid
Was tendered by Origen of Fame
But yet the Cruell law not dead, forth came
And by some Wicked Judges did take place
Hence many fell (some say) ev'n now for Grace.
As Certain Roman Bishops, touching whom
Eusebius tells not their Martyredom.
Tibertius, Cicly and her Husband Calld
Valerian, and Agapete they thralld
With Cruell tortures which he did endure
And of all sorts it's said a many more,
Yet some suppose Historians here faile
That now at Rome such doing should prevaile
Under a Friendly Prince, as not before
Which things if done, its rather thought therefore
Were done under some Persecuting Foe
Not under Alexander, as not soe.
By whom respect is unto Christians shown.
His Mother Mammea adornd (is said)
To be with Grace to whom the truth displaid
Was tendered by Origen of Fame
But yet the Cruell law not dead, forth came
And by some Wicked Judges did take place
Hence many fell (some say) ev'n now for Grace.
Eusebius tells not their Martyredom.
Tibertius, Cicly and her Husband Calld
Valerian, and Agapete they thralld
With Cruell tortures which he did endure
And of all sorts it's said a many more,
Yet some suppose Historians here faile
That now at Rome such doing should prevaile
Under a Friendly Prince, as not before
Which things if done, its rather thought therefore
Were done under some Persecuting Foe
Not under Alexander, as not soe.
The Sixth Persecution.
Dead Alexander lets th'Imperiall MaceFall unto Maximinus who tooke place,
Who did the Vulcan at hells Bellows keep
Blowd up the fire of Persecutions Deep,
Chiefly against the Ministers that so
He might the Cause the sooner overthrow.
Its thought those Martyres in the Cause of Grace
In Alexanders reign should take this place.
But Origens assayes of Martyredome
Touching these dayes now lost, we have no sum.
Hereof laid down before us. Next slips in
One Gordian to turn the Royall Rim
Imperiall and gently moude the same.
Yet Philip slew him and the throne did gain
Who was by Origen and Fabian
Much labourd with and made a Christian
Converted and baptizd, he and all his,
And seing he had greatly done amiss
The Church would in no wise receive him in
Without Confession of his Faith, and Sin.
The former persecution took away
Hippolytus and heaps lay slain they say.
But Philip making better dayes was slain
By Decius soon who did the Empire gain.
The Seventh Persecution.
Decius that bore th'Imperiall Diadem
Did stain it with the holy blood of them
That followed Gods Holy Lamb, for they
Were by this Tyrant murd'red, made away.
The Cause is said to be with other things
This Chiefly, Cause, Philip while reigning brings
The Imperiall Treasure to the Custody
Of Fabian the Bishop, hence you'l spy
That Philips Love to Fabian soon brought
The hate of Decius. Hence Fabian's caught
And martyrd soon by Decius when in throne,
(Though when the Church him Bishop chose, its shown,
A Dove that flew above sat on his Head
In sight of all: Hence he away was lead
And made Romes Bishop. Now Christ Martyre Deare)
Orders now cry'de, t'slay Christians ery where
Jerusalems Choice Bishop Alexander
In prison dies now under this Commander
So died Babylas in prison now
Who held at Antioch the Gospell plow.
And forty Antiochian Virgins were
Now martyred (as Vincent makes us heare)
And Babylas of Nicomedia
Doth suffer martyredom in this sad day.
Peter at Lampsar now in Phrygia,
Paul, Andrew, Nichomach, Dionysia
At Troida. They take at Babylon
And send to Spain the same who dy each one.
German, Theophilus, with Polychron
Vitalis, Nestor in Cesaria known,
The Crown of Martyredom they now obtain.
At Cardala in Persis forth there Came
To martyredom Olympiades, also
One Maximus at Tyre there out doth goe
Audax, Anatoly a Virgin there
That for the name of Christ now martyrd were.
At Alexandria in Egypt came
Metra a minister they Clubt (Oh shame)
With sharp Roods stabd the face and Eyes, then stond.
Quinta a woman then is, who Christ ownd,
Dragd through the street, dasht upon milstones there
Scourgd and is martyred in such a geer.
They Apolony'th th'Virgins teeth out dasht
Then burnt her: and Serapion they Cast
Out of an upper loft down head long, killd.
A Souldier too dide now rather than yield.
One Julian and Cronion, Macar
Four Women, Epimachus in this War
And Alexander: Heron, Ater, and
Isidorus, Nemesion too now damnd
Unto the flames were burnd, for Christ alone
Tyrannically thus were overthrown,
And Amonarion a virgin so
Mercuria and Dianysia too
Choice Women by the Cruell sword were slain
Ischirion for Christ did death sustain
And multitudes that to the mountains flew
Consum'de with hunger, thirst, Cold, Sickness, too,
Theeves and wild Beast of Whom One Cheremon
Bishop of Nile flew with his wife for one
But never more was heard of and although
They sought him greatly yet the Case went so.
At Florens Meniate, in Sicily
The Damsell Agatha do martyred ly.
At Nice Good Triphon: and at Ephesus
Seven Christian Souldiers in mount Celius
Lurkt in a Cave to shun the tyrants breath
Were stopt therein, and famished to death.
A Souldier now that torments Conquoured
Was laid out in a garden on a bed
Mong Lillies, and sweet Roses grace to dull
And courted by an Harlot beautifull
With all her Wiles to draw him to her Sin
But he as she was then a kissing him
Bit off his tongue and spit it in her face,
Thus Conquour'd her attempts to her disgrace.
At Antioch the Virgin Theodore
Condemned was for Christ to beggi'n o're
To Souldiers Lusts. Who ready for the thing
One Didimus a Christian first stept in
In Souldiers dress, her rounded in the eare
Hence changing of apparell, he stayd there
And she out passt, but when the Souldiers vile
Did finde their lusts deluded by this Wile
The matter to the President is brought
The Souldiers for a maid a man had caught
And Didymus is 'fore him had, and layes
The matter all before him. He delayes
Not then but sentenc't him forthwith to dy.
Which Theodora hearing draweth nigh
Tenders herselfe for him that he might live.
The wicked Judge then on her too did give
The Sentence that she was Condemned too
Hence both were headed, then were burnt also.
One Agathon at Alexandria
Justin, one Nicostrate and Portius lay
At Rome destroyde, Abdon and Sennas who
Did bury those at Corduba brought to
That place from Babylon beheaded were
Amnon and Zenon too was serv'd so there.
Secundian, Marcellian, Verian
Vencent asserts were gibbeted each man
Fires then set to their sides, to torture them
Then after were beheaded by these men.
In Spain fell Teragon. In Verona
Zeno, Maurinus at Cesaria
Archemius too, and at Milain Private
The Bishop and Theodore (Oh sad Fate)
At Rome one Moses and Cornelius
A Roman Bishop, and Aurelius
Mappolicus did also spend their blood
For Christ as they Idolatry withstood.
Did stain it with the holy blood of them
That followed Gods Holy Lamb, for they
Were by this Tyrant murd'red, made away.
The Cause is said to be with other things
This Chiefly, Cause, Philip while reigning brings
The Imperiall Treasure to the Custody
Of Fabian the Bishop, hence you'l spy
That Philips Love to Fabian soon brought
The hate of Decius. Hence Fabian's caught
And martyrd soon by Decius when in throne,
(Though when the Church him Bishop chose, its shown,
A Dove that flew above sat on his Head
In sight of all: Hence he away was lead
And made Romes Bishop. Now Christ Martyre Deare)
Orders now cry'de, t'slay Christians ery where
Jerusalems Choice Bishop Alexander
In prison dies now under this Commander
Who held at Antioch the Gospell plow.
And forty Antiochian Virgins were
Now martyred (as Vincent makes us heare)
And Babylas of Nicomedia
Doth suffer martyredom in this sad day.
Peter at Lampsar now in Phrygia,
Paul, Andrew, Nichomach, Dionysia
At Troida. They take at Babylon
And send to Spain the same who dy each one.
German, Theophilus, with Polychron
Vitalis, Nestor in Cesaria known,
The Crown of Martyredom they now obtain.
At Cardala in Persis forth there Came
To martyredom Olympiades, also
One Maximus at Tyre there out doth goe
Audax, Anatoly a Virgin there
That for the name of Christ now martyrd were.
At Alexandria in Egypt came
Metra a minister they Clubt (Oh shame)
With sharp Roods stabd the face and Eyes, then stond.
Quinta a woman then is, who Christ ownd,
Dragd through the street, dasht upon milstones there
Scourgd and is martyred in such a geer.
They Apolony'th th'Virgins teeth out dasht
Then burnt her: and Serapion they Cast
Out of an upper loft down head long, killd.
A Souldier too dide now rather than yield.
One Julian and Cronion, Macar
Four Women, Epimachus in this War
And Alexander: Heron, Ater, and
Isidorus, Nemesion too now damnd
Unto the flames were burnd, for Christ alone
Tyrannically thus were overthrown,
And Amonarion a virgin so
Mercuria and Dianysia too
Choice Women by the Cruell sword were slain
Ischirion for Christ did death sustain
And multitudes that to the mountains flew
Consum'de with hunger, thirst, Cold, Sickness, too,
Theeves and wild Beast of Whom One Cheremon
Bishop of Nile flew with his wife for one
But never more was heard of and although
They sought him greatly yet the Case went so.
At Florens Meniate, in Sicily
The Damsell Agatha do martyred ly.
At Nice Good Triphon: and at Ephesus
Seven Christian Souldiers in mount Celius
Lurkt in a Cave to shun the tyrants breath
Were stopt therein, and famished to death.
A Souldier now that torments Conquoured
Was laid out in a garden on a bed
Mong Lillies, and sweet Roses grace to dull
And courted by an Harlot beautifull
With all her Wiles to draw him to her Sin
But he as she was then a kissing him
Bit off his tongue and spit it in her face,
Thus Conquour'd her attempts to her disgrace.
Condemned was for Christ to beggi'n o're
To Souldiers Lusts. Who ready for the thing
One Didimus a Christian first stept in
In Souldiers dress, her rounded in the eare
Hence changing of apparell, he stayd there
And she out passt, but when the Souldiers vile
Did finde their lusts deluded by this Wile
The matter to the President is brought
The Souldiers for a maid a man had caught
And Didymus is 'fore him had, and layes
The matter all before him. He delayes
Not then but sentenc't him forthwith to dy.
Which Theodora hearing draweth nigh
Tenders herselfe for him that he might live.
The wicked Judge then on her too did give
The Sentence that she was Condemned too
Hence both were headed, then were burnt also.
One Agathon at Alexandria
Justin, one Nicostrate and Portius lay
At Rome destroyde, Abdon and Sennas who
Did bury those at Corduba brought to
That place from Babylon beheaded were
Amnon and Zenon too was serv'd so there.
Secundian, Marcellian, Verian
Vencent asserts were gibbeted each man
Fires then set to their sides, to torture them
Then after were beheaded by these men.
In Spain fell Teragon. In Verona
Zeno, Maurinus at Cesaria
Archemius too, and at Milain Private
The Bishop and Theodore (Oh sad Fate)
At Rome one Moses and Cornelius
A Roman Bishop, and Aurelius
Mappolicus did also spend their blood
For Christ as they Idolatry withstood.
Now Origen that worthy man of might
Is on the Cause of Christ comes to this fight
Sustaineth bonds, and torments, wrackt with bars
Of Iron, Cast in Dungeons, is threatend far
To be exilld and burnd, yet nought prevaile
Their Jugling flatteries do him assaile
Belike they seem ore come and grant that they
Will be baptized Christians th'following day.
Hence with designs most gracious out doth goe
With them to be baptizd, but stay, not so
They then replide, and on him plaid their game,
And catching one poore word of his, proclaim,
That Origen had sacrificed which
Like as a Dagger in his heart there sticks,
He's wounded to the Quick; the Church doth frown
And him reject. He sincks in Sorrows, drowns
In penetentiall tears, and goes to Tyre
Where in obscurity he did expire.
And now about a Minister that lay
At point of death 'bout Carthage thus did pray,
That he might now depart and be dischargd
Yet feare of Death was greate and much enlarg'd,
To whom a young man came so gloriously
Scarce to be lookt upon by mortall Eye,
And thus bespake, To suffer you're affraid,
And to depart you are not Willing, said,
What shall I doe for you? Oh strange! but loe
Under the Word of Cypriats 't doth goe.
Is on the Cause of Christ comes to this fight
Sustaineth bonds, and torments, wrackt with bars
Of Iron, Cast in Dungeons, is threatend far
To be exilld and burnd, yet nought prevaile
Their Jugling flatteries do him assaile
Belike they seem ore come and grant that they
Will be baptized Christians th'following day.
Hence with designs most gracious out doth goe
With them to be baptizd, but stay, not so
They then replide, and on him plaid their game,
And catching one poore word of his, proclaim,
That Origen had sacrificed which
Like as a Dagger in his heart there sticks,
He's wounded to the Quick; the Church doth frown
And him reject. He sincks in Sorrows, drowns
In penetentiall tears, and goes to Tyre
Where in obscurity he did expire.
At point of death 'bout Carthage thus did pray,
That he might now depart and be dischargd
Yet feare of Death was greate and much enlarg'd,
To whom a young man came so gloriously
Scarce to be lookt upon by mortall Eye,
And thus bespake, To suffer you're affraid,
And to depart you are not Willing, said,
What shall I doe for you? Oh strange! but loe
Under the Word of Cypriats 't doth goe.
But now the Rose falling from Decius' Crown
Gallus doth Catch the scepter tumbling down,
And doth renew the old attempt again
And banisheth Christs ministers, mentain
His Oars and Mines by Christians Choice forth sent
By him into this sort of Banishment.
Now Cyprian is thought to be Excild,
Nemosian, Felix, Lucius thus assoild
And other Bishops Elders Deacons thus
Yet some assert the fact to Decius.
Yet Lucius soon returnd again to Rome
And there closd up his day by Martyredome
And Stephen who his Bishoprick obtaind
Did pledge him in the selfe same Cup there gaind.
But Gallus having broke his spurs lets fall
The Wing. Emelian came in the Cock pit tall
And there before he came to use his heel
Doth lose his head, is neckt by gags of Steel.
Gallus doth Catch the scepter tumbling down,
And doth renew the old attempt again
And banisheth Christs ministers, mentain
His Oars and Mines by Christians Choice forth sent
By him into this sort of Banishment.
Now Cyprian is thought to be Excild,
Nemosian, Felix, Lucius thus assoild
And other Bishops Elders Deacons thus
Yet some assert the fact to Decius.
Yet Lucius soon returnd again to Rome
And there closd up his day by Martyredome
And Stephen who his Bishoprick obtaind
Did pledge him in the selfe same Cup there gaind.
But Gallus having broke his spurs lets fall
The Wing. Emelian came in the Cock pit tall
And there before he came to use his heel
Doth lose his head, is neckt by gags of Steel.
The Eight Persecution
Valerians Head th'Imperiall Turbit caught
As from Emelians it dropt as nought
And wore it well at first; his Courts abound
With Pious Christians Orthodox and sound,
Untill an arch Magician did bewitch
Him unto Cruell things from the better twitch
Him away quite through spite he bore unto
The Christians cause they mard his magick show
Blockt up his Sorceries and Charms and tricks
Hence now this Prince bewitcht out of his wits
Doth sacrifice to Divells Infants young,
Plucks out their Intrains and in them doth sum
His fortunes up, doth persecutions raise
Against the Christian, whom he vilely slayes.
Men, Women, Young and Old, Maids, Matrons Old
Ideots and Souldiers, these sad strokes Enfold,
Jayles, Scourgings, Banishments Wild Beasts, the Fire
Taring the Flesh, Gridirons and swords they tire.
Now Cyprian after his banishment
Beheaded is and so to heaven sent.
And Vincent doth assert three hundred more
Was in a Lime killn burnd at Carthag Doore
At Tuberba in Affrick headed they
Secunda, Donatilla, Maxima
And in Cesaria Palestine they throw
Priscus and Alexander Malchus too
Unto Wild beasts to be devourd thereby
And a Gool Woman too for piety
Verona's Bishop Zenon doth sustain
A Crown of Martyrdom for Christ blesst Name.
In Simela under th'Italian Alps
One Pontius now took by these hellish Scalps
Is hanged first upon the Cruell Wrack
Then cast to Beasts, thence to the fire doth Pack
Thus cruelly he is a Martyre made.
Some say now Rome is as a shambles laid
Now Sextus bishop and his Deacon rainde
Nemesius are beheaded, as 't is fam'd.
Laurence another Deacon of Choice fame
Of Romes blesst Church the third day after came
Unto his Martyrdom, Whose Case runs thus
The greedy Tyrant being very flush
With hopes to get the Churches Treasure all
Doth Deacon Laurence now charge whom they call
To shew him where the Churches Treasure were
Who therefore causd great number to appeare
Of Christian Poore ore whom with arms displayd
These are the Churches treasures then he said
These Treasures are indeed, in them the Faith
Of Christ doth reign, in them Christ mansion hath.
Oh now what tongue is able to express
The Tyrants fury and enragedness.
He stampt, star'd, Rampt and far'd as lost his Wit,
His Eyes did glow, Mouth foam, Teeth gnasht and bit
And like a Lyon out doth breake thus arr,
What hath this Villain mockt the Emperour
Away with him, away with him, him Whip
With Scourges, Scurge with rods, and buffit flip
With fist, him brain with bats. What doth he slur?
What joke and jybe upon the Emperour?
Pinch him with firy tongs and gird him up
With burning plates. Strong Chains upon him put
The firy Forkes and Gridiron bed out bring
Make it red hot, this Rebbell on there fling
Him Rost, him broyle, him toss, him turn again
Oh ye Tormentors on your sorest pain
They whirle him on't, but oh God made this Bed
Like to a Down bed where he's nourished
And broyling long on this red firy Grate
Presst with red forks was patient and thus spake
This side is rost, turn't up, thou Tyrant great
Try whether rost or raw is better meat.
And in this wise he did to Christ ascend
And by a glorious martyredom did end.
As from Emelians it dropt as nought
And wore it well at first; his Courts abound
With Pious Christians Orthodox and sound,
Untill an arch Magician did bewitch
Him unto Cruell things from the better twitch
Him away quite through spite he bore unto
The Christians cause they mard his magick show
Blockt up his Sorceries and Charms and tricks
Hence now this Prince bewitcht out of his wits
Doth sacrifice to Divells Infants young,
Plucks out their Intrains and in them doth sum
His fortunes up, doth persecutions raise
Against the Christian, whom he vilely slayes.
Men, Women, Young and Old, Maids, Matrons Old
Ideots and Souldiers, these sad strokes Enfold,
Jayles, Scourgings, Banishments Wild Beasts, the Fire
Taring the Flesh, Gridirons and swords they tire.
Now Cyprian after his banishment
Beheaded is and so to heaven sent.
Was in a Lime killn burnd at Carthag Doore
At Tuberba in Affrick headed they
Secunda, Donatilla, Maxima
And in Cesaria Palestine they throw
Priscus and Alexander Malchus too
Unto Wild beasts to be devourd thereby
And a Gool Woman too for piety
Verona's Bishop Zenon doth sustain
A Crown of Martyrdom for Christ blesst Name.
In Simela under th'Italian Alps
One Pontius now took by these hellish Scalps
Is hanged first upon the Cruell Wrack
Then cast to Beasts, thence to the fire doth Pack
Thus cruelly he is a Martyre made.
Some say now Rome is as a shambles laid
Now Sextus bishop and his Deacon rainde
Nemesius are beheaded, as 't is fam'd.
Laurence another Deacon of Choice fame
Of Romes blesst Church the third day after came
Unto his Martyrdom, Whose Case runs thus
The greedy Tyrant being very flush
With hopes to get the Churches Treasure all
Doth Deacon Laurence now charge whom they call
To shew him where the Churches Treasure were
Who therefore causd great number to appeare
Of Christian Poore ore whom with arms displayd
These are the Churches treasures then he said
These Treasures are indeed, in them the Faith
Of Christ doth reign, in them Christ mansion hath.
Oh now what tongue is able to express
The Tyrants fury and enragedness.
He stampt, star'd, Rampt and far'd as lost his Wit,
His Eyes did glow, Mouth foam, Teeth gnasht and bit
And like a Lyon out doth breake thus arr,
What hath this Villain mockt the Emperour
Away with him, away with him, him Whip
With Scourges, Scurge with rods, and buffit flip
With fist, him brain with bats. What doth he slur?
What joke and jybe upon the Emperour?
Pinch him with firy tongs and gird him up
With burning plates. Strong Chains upon him put
The firy Forkes and Gridiron bed out bring
Make it red hot, this Rebbell on there fling
Him Rost, him broyle, him toss, him turn again
Oh ye Tormentors on your sorest pain
They whirle him on't, but oh God made this Bed
Like to a Down bed where he's nourished
And broyling long on this red firy Grate
Presst with red forks was patient and thus spake
This side is rost, turn't up, thou Tyrant great
Try whether rost or raw is better meat.
And by a glorious martyredom did end.
Eugeny Philips daughter who they say
Was Presiden of Alexandria
Suckt Gospell breast, that she at length then flew
With Prothus and with Jacinth to eschue
The Persecution or a Wedden band
Her Pagan Parents had for her in hand,
In mans attire she went and grew so high
In wisdom till of her society
She head was made, and now her beauty clear
Allured the lust of an old matron there
Nam'd Melancy who to obtain her Will
Of this supposed man did by her Skill
Allure to folly, but repulse sustaind
And had the hazzard of such Sin explaind.
Melancy seing by no meanes she could
Attain her end, could not from envy hold.
And fearing lest Eugeny should her shame
She thought it wisdom first to play her game.
She goes to Philip and complaineth first
Against Eugeny and the rest (Oh Curst)
As that Eugeny did attempt to bring
Her unto Whordom, yea, unto that Sin.
This fame now flies, the Christians now are vile,
And all salute them with a shamefull Stile.
And Philip cites Eugeny now t'appeare
Who comming now and doth herselfe thus cleare,
Melancy doth me wrong, it is not so,
But she attempted me her lust unto.
Which when she saw I'de not with her comply
She slanders me, yea, and the Company,
And if you'l not believe me know this day
I am your Daughter, your Eugnia,
And that those were her Schoolemates with her there
Jacincth and Prothus, and she made it cleare
Wherefore she left them; thus she cleard her name
And overwhelmd Melancy with greate shame.
The Christians they were filld with joy and oh
Her Parents joy did hereupon oreflow,
And in due time her fathers heart found place
By her attempts for Christ and for his grace.
And in this holy War was, as they say,
A martyre made at Alexandria.
Eugeny, Prothus, yea, and Jacincth too
Did suffer martyredom at Rome also.
Now Fructuosus Bishop choice and true
With Eulogy and Augury the two
Choice Deacons of the Church at Taracon
In Spain are burnt for Christ the holy one.
But when Valerian was Captive ta'ne
His son Galienus did put out this flame
Yet not so fully but some few did fall
Under its Sparks though in the ashes small.
Marinus who was at Cesaria
A military gentleman did lay
Claim to a Place of honours which then fell
As unto him the next but, as they tell,
Some who then strove to wipe him of the same
Chargd him as Christian, hence he now out came
And was beheaded for this glorious Cause
Under a Pagan judge by Pagan laws.
Was Presiden of Alexandria
Suckt Gospell breast, that she at length then flew
With Prothus and with Jacinth to eschue
The Persecution or a Wedden band
Her Pagan Parents had for her in hand,
In mans attire she went and grew so high
In wisdom till of her society
She head was made, and now her beauty clear
Allured the lust of an old matron there
Nam'd Melancy who to obtain her Will
Of this supposed man did by her Skill
Allure to folly, but repulse sustaind
And had the hazzard of such Sin explaind.
Melancy seing by no meanes she could
Attain her end, could not from envy hold.
And fearing lest Eugeny should her shame
She thought it wisdom first to play her game.
She goes to Philip and complaineth first
Against Eugeny and the rest (Oh Curst)
As that Eugeny did attempt to bring
Her unto Whordom, yea, unto that Sin.
This fame now flies, the Christians now are vile,
And all salute them with a shamefull Stile.
And Philip cites Eugeny now t'appeare
Who comming now and doth herselfe thus cleare,
Melancy doth me wrong, it is not so,
But she attempted me her lust unto.
Which when she saw I'de not with her comply
She slanders me, yea, and the Company,
And if you'l not believe me know this day
I am your Daughter, your Eugnia,
And that those were her Schoolemates with her there
Jacincth and Prothus, and she made it cleare
Wherefore she left them; thus she cleard her name
And overwhelmd Melancy with greate shame.
The Christians they were filld with joy and oh
Her Parents joy did hereupon oreflow,
And in due time her fathers heart found place
By her attempts for Christ and for his grace.
And in this holy War was, as they say,
A martyre made at Alexandria.
Eugeny, Prothus, yea, and Jacincth too
Did suffer martyredom at Rome also.
Now Fructuosus Bishop choice and true
With Eulogy and Augury the two
Choice Deacons of the Church at Taracon
In Spain are burnt for Christ the holy one.
But when Valerian was Captive ta'ne
His son Galienus did put out this flame
Under its Sparks though in the ashes small.
Marinus who was at Cesaria
A military gentleman did lay
Claim to a Place of honours which then fell
As unto him the next but, as they tell,
Some who then strove to wipe him of the same
Chargd him as Christian, hence he now out came
And was beheaded for this glorious Cause
Under a Pagan judge by Pagan laws.
But Galienus slinking from the throne
One Claudius succeeds who is forth shown
A gentle Emperour who two years reignd
And then Quintillian the Throne obtaind
Who sat therein no more than seventeen days
But comes Aurelian and wares the Bayes.
One Claudius succeeds who is forth shown
A gentle Emperour who two years reignd
And then Quintillian the Throne obtaind
Who sat therein no more than seventeen days
But comes Aurelian and wares the Bayes.
The Ninth Persecution
Aurelian a golden Prince indeedIf that his name and nature well agreed,
Would sharply Chide the saying old fulfills
A Doctor good, but gives too bitter pills.
At length lets out his rage against Christ flock
Yet when's decrees were written down to knock
The hand divine prevented then the same
By Thunder and by Lightning which came
And terrifide him, so as that he could
Not sign his own Decrees, God did back hold
And shook his hand so. And his men him slay
Soon after marching to Hieraclea
Then Annius Tacitus the helm doth hand
Florinus after him doth two months stand.
Then after him a Golden Mark steps in
Aurelius Probus, he the game did win.
Then Carus with his sons three years bore sway
Then Dioclesian after gains the Day,
Who in his nineteenth yeare did blow the flame
Of Persecution up against Christs name,
Who by his Concubine was told that he
Should slay a bore and Emperour should bee.
He hence slew many, still no Empire had
He usd this Proverb, let be good or bad,
I kill the Bore another eats the meate
But being Chosen to th'Imperiall seat
And seing one nam'd Aper who had slain
The former Emperour he swore again
Numerian the wrong man was and so
He forth with Aper slew and came unto
Th'Imperiall seat wherein his Tyranny
In the next Century ragd cruelly.
Gods Justice gives its Shine.
Gods Patience through this Century his Shine
Having Display'd Gods Justice her Divine
And sparkling Glory Shines full out as cleare
And burnisht stands upon her Scutchons here.
Having Display'd Gods Justice her Divine
And sparkling Glory Shines full out as cleare
And burnisht stands upon her Scutchons here.
God did the Empire smite with barrenness
Ruind their Harvests with great floods, distress
With storms and Tempests and Ecclipses black
Signs, Plagues, and Tyrants breaking of its back.
Ruind their Harvests with great floods, distress
With storms and Tempests and Ecclipses black
Signs, Plagues, and Tyrants breaking of its back.
Vigelius that first did dip his lance
In Christian blood was stricken blind, sad Chance
And Claud Herminian, Cappadocias Plague,
Dide of the plague, when while alive (thus said)
When boyling up alive with Worms cride so
Let no man know't lest Christians joyous grow.
Severus now comes to the Pillary
And made to run the Gantlet and die
After he turnd his sword against Christ Cause
His Empire's filld with wars and full of flaws.
He's in each member so tormented now
And pains so great his petty toes do plow
He begs a Cup of poyson, but doth fall
At York by Scots who pay him there his all.
His Carracalla son slayes Geta and
Himself is slain by one Macrinu's hand.
Antiochus a persecuting judge
Is not permitted from the Bench to budge.
But down he tumbles from his Judgment Seate
And there he dies of Bowell burning heate.
In Christian blood was stricken blind, sad Chance
And Claud Herminian, Cappadocias Plague,
Dide of the plague, when while alive (thus said)
When boyling up alive with Worms cride so
Let no man know't lest Christians joyous grow.
Severus now comes to the Pillary
And made to run the Gantlet and die
After he turnd his sword against Christ Cause
His Empire's filld with wars and full of flaws.
He's in each member so tormented now
And pains so great his petty toes do plow
He begs a Cup of poyson, but doth fall
At York by Scots who pay him there his all.
His Carracalla son slayes Geta and
Himself is slain by one Macrinu's hand.
Antiochus a persecuting judge
Is not permitted from the Bench to budge.
But down he tumbles from his Judgment Seate
And there he dies of Bowell burning heate.
And Maximinus when he banisht had
The Pastors of Christ flocks met with things bad.
The Roman Senate did him hatefull hold
And while he liv'd appoinded as he would
Some other Emperours: His Souldery
In Africa did him desert and fly.
His Son a youth they tore a pieces all
And in a joculary way let fall
This adage old, We of the worst base kinde
Will not preserve a Whelp we are designd.
And he when slaind had all his friends when known
Took, slain, dracgd out cast into Channells thrown.
The Pastors of Christ flocks met with things bad.
The Roman Senate did him hatefull hold
And while he liv'd appoinded as he would
Some other Emperours: His Souldery
In Africa did him desert and fly.
His Son a youth they tore a pieces all
And in a joculary way let fall
This adage old, We of the worst base kinde
Will not preserve a Whelp we are designd.
And he when slaind had all his friends when known
Took, slain, dracgd out cast into Channells thrown.
Then Decius that the sixth hot brush brought in
Is made to run the Chapter house for's sin,
Who waring on the Goths he and his son
Was ruin'd fell, he in a Whirlepit run
To shun there hands and thus this Tyrant fell
As by an Emblem of the pit of hell.
Gods Justice spard not when apostatizd,
For some of these were grievously surprizd
By Evill spirits, as a maid who when
She had denide Christ cause was ceized then
In such a sort, her teeth do tare her tongue,
And so she dies with belly torments stronge.
Another who when he should with them stand
And joyn, for bread tock ashes in his hand,
And other when he had denide his Call
Was suddenly struck dumb (Oh Dismall fall).
Is made to run the Chapter house for's sin,
Who waring on the Goths he and his son
Was ruin'd fell, he in a Whirlepit run
To shun there hands and thus this Tyrant fell
As by an Emblem of the pit of hell.
For some of these were grievously surprizd
By Evill spirits, as a maid who when
She had denide Christ cause was ceized then
In such a sort, her teeth do tare her tongue,
And so she dies with belly torments stronge.
Another who when he should with them stand
And joyn, for bread tock ashes in his hand,
And other when he had denide his Call
Was suddenly struck dumb (Oh Dismall fall).
But to turn back to Gordians day we'st see
A day as dark then as the darkst nights bee.
The Sun so sadly Chast the following day
That no man could, unless light Candles stay
To give them Light, see or do any thing
There was such grieveous Earth Quakes shivering
That made the Earth her wide mouth open then
And many Cities swallow with their men.
A day as dark then as the darkst nights bee.
The Sun so sadly Chast the following day
That no man could, unless light Candles stay
To give them Light, see or do any thing
There was such grieveous Earth Quakes shivering
That made the Earth her wide mouth open then
And many Cities swallow with their men.
In Alexanders day Joves Idoll bright
Had's golden left hand melted off, which sight
Made Alexander press the priests to do
Him sacrifice to reconcile him so.
Four Priests Devout his Temple enter in
The morning being bright, but at the thing
They and his Altar soon are smitten down
By Lightning. The Day is darke, doth frown
And is so darkned that without delay
The People from the City fly away.
Had's golden left hand melted off, which sight
Made Alexander press the priests to do
Him sacrifice to reconcile him so.
Four Priests Devout his Temple enter in
The morning being bright, but at the thing
They and his Altar soon are smitten down
By Lightning. The Day is darke, doth frown
And is so darkned that without delay
The People from the City fly away.
The Mountain Atlas then in Philips reign
A Traveller as some assert became.
A Traveller as some assert became.
Gallus the Cockerill that did so crow
Over Christ Chickens and bespur them so,
His Comb is cut, his Empire also's made
Tribute to pay unto the Scythick blade
His Souldiers Spurs he feels; they him Reject
This fighting Cock lies in the Cock pit neckt,
And in his day a dreadfull Plague began
To rage and in all Quarters raging ran
All o're the Empire for full ten years Space
Or fifteen years, that somewhat stopt their pace
Of Persecution. But Valerian
The part of Satan plai'd and not the man,
Now hath his points unti'de and scourged is
With War against the Persians (Oh short bliss)
His Golden dayes are done. He's Captive led
The Persian King Sapores poles his head,
Makes him his horseblock, worse than laughing stock,
Romes Emperour doth bow his back as block
Whereon Sapores when he mounts doth tread
And mount. This fine Christ set upon his head.
And at the last Sapores doth him skin
Alive, and Corn with Salt (O cruell thing)
And Claudius, Valerians President
The Divell did surprize (and now he's shent)
And when his tongue was shread to little bits
Hee Choake this Wretched man for all his tricks.
Galienus then Valerians son alone
His father being Captive, keeps the Throne
With much adoe, for thirty Tyrants rise
And make the Empire to them pay Excise
As many Kings at once, as Emperours
Have been till now from Cesar Dictator.
Nay and Sapores from him tooke away
Cilicia, Syria, Cappodocia.
The Almans vexing France, storm Italy,
The Goths did sack Pontus and Asia stroy,
With Macedon and Greece. The Quades also
And Sauromates possess Pannonia do.
The Germans breake on Tarracon in Spain.
These blemishes attend Galienus reign,
Now Direfull Prodigies also appeare
In ery nation. Now many dayes there were
That mantled up the Earth with darkness black
The noyse of thunders from the Earth did crack
Which fell a ballowing like bulls, hence rose
Amazing Earth Quakes and soon over throws
And by the Earth that opend swollowd were
Cities together with their people there.
Asia doth suffer much, Rome shaken is
And Lybea trembles too, Vast gapings yes
In many places are in earth, the sea
Sweeps many Seaports suddenly away.
And Galienus by the guile was slain
Of Aureol the tyrant at Millain.
Aurelianus Justice takes to do
And for his sin did bring his overthrow.
Over Christ Chickens and bespur them so,
His Comb is cut, his Empire also's made
Tribute to pay unto the Scythick blade
His Souldiers Spurs he feels; they him Reject
This fighting Cock lies in the Cock pit neckt,
And in his day a dreadfull Plague began
To rage and in all Quarters raging ran
All o're the Empire for full ten years Space
Or fifteen years, that somewhat stopt their pace
Of Persecution. But Valerian
The part of Satan plai'd and not the man,
Now hath his points unti'de and scourged is
With War against the Persians (Oh short bliss)
His Golden dayes are done. He's Captive led
The Persian King Sapores poles his head,
Makes him his horseblock, worse than laughing stock,
Romes Emperour doth bow his back as block
Whereon Sapores when he mounts doth tread
And mount. This fine Christ set upon his head.
Alive, and Corn with Salt (O cruell thing)
And Claudius, Valerians President
The Divell did surprize (and now he's shent)
And when his tongue was shread to little bits
Hee Choake this Wretched man for all his tricks.
Galienus then Valerians son alone
His father being Captive, keeps the Throne
With much adoe, for thirty Tyrants rise
And make the Empire to them pay Excise
As many Kings at once, as Emperours
Have been till now from Cesar Dictator.
Nay and Sapores from him tooke away
Cilicia, Syria, Cappodocia.
The Almans vexing France, storm Italy,
The Goths did sack Pontus and Asia stroy,
With Macedon and Greece. The Quades also
And Sauromates possess Pannonia do.
The Germans breake on Tarracon in Spain.
These blemishes attend Galienus reign,
Now Direfull Prodigies also appeare
In ery nation. Now many dayes there were
That mantled up the Earth with darkness black
The noyse of thunders from the Earth did crack
Which fell a ballowing like bulls, hence rose
Amazing Earth Quakes and soon over throws
And by the Earth that opend swollowd were
Cities together with their people there.
Asia doth suffer much, Rome shaken is
And Lybea trembles too, Vast gapings yes
In many places are in earth, the sea
Sweeps many Seaports suddenly away.
And Galienus by the guile was slain
Of Aureol the tyrant at Millain.
Aurelianus Justice takes to do
And for his sin did bring his overthrow.
Oh! Justice Bright, who will not thee adore?
Thou certainly, although thou long mayst stay,
Wilt call the Wicked out to pay their score,
Or wilt thyselfe give unto them their pay.
Thou greatly art abusd under thy name
Much Wickedness doth pass. Oh! fy for shame.
Thou certainly, although thou long mayst stay,
Wilt call the Wicked out to pay their score,
Or wilt thyselfe give unto them their pay.
Thou greatly art abusd under thy name
Much Wickedness doth pass. Oh! fy for shame.
But now thou comest and blanchest thy white line
Quite through these darksom Clouds, dost shew thy hand
Pure White as Snow: and that no vile design
Can smut thyselfe though some may thinke thee tan'd
Ile kiss thy milke white hand and thee adore
Because thou keepst for all an Eaven Score.
Quite through these darksom Clouds, dost shew thy hand
Pure White as Snow: and that no vile design
Can smut thyselfe though some may thinke thee tan'd
Ile kiss thy milke white hand and thee adore
Because thou keepst for all an Eaven Score.
The third Century
Now the Third Century hath brought the ShineOf Grace, of Patience, Justice too Divine
Through all her teers of Months and furlons too
Of Years within her bounds, in Glorius hew,
Unto the borders and the Selvedge where
It hands them to the Century that pears.
And now I come to trace their Rayes why fly
And guild this fourth ensuing Century.
The Shine of Grace.
How should I Choose but make my nimble Feet
Dance on thy Beames that string my Harp and meet
Upon my Cords my Tunes with Glory sweet
And lightens them?
Dance on thy Beames that string my Harp and meet
Upon my Cords my Tunes with Glory sweet
And lightens them?
But I am Dull and keep no stops at all
But by my blundrings oft the strings do fall
Or else my bluntness doth thy beams begall
Lord help me then.
But by my blundrings oft the strings do fall
Or else my bluntness doth thy beams begall
Lord help me then.
Behold, my Soule, how Graces Sun hath thrown
Her Glorious Shines abroad the which have flown
In flocks of Golden Doves which are her own
And sparkle bright.
Her Glorious Shines abroad the which have flown
In flocks of Golden Doves which are her own
And sparkle bright.
Jerusalem this sparkling Grace doth guild
Macarius, by whom the Same's Distilld
Then Maximus, who had an Eye out drilld
For Christs true light.
Macarius, by whom the Same's Distilld
Then Maximus, who had an Eye out drilld
For Christs true light.
The Arian Cyrill then slipt there awhile
But outed was. Herenius free from guile
Heraclius, Hilarius, whose style
Was better far
But outed was. Herenius free from guile
Heraclius, Hilarius, whose style
Was better far
Cyrill again, then John then Prayd taught there,
And now at Antioch there did shine Cleare
Tyrran, Vital and Philagon who were
A martyre Star.
And now at Antioch there did shine Cleare
Tyrran, Vital and Philagon who were
A martyre Star.
In other places rose bright stars of Grace
The Brave Paphnatius who from his face
Had lost an Eye and to the Mines must trace
For Christs Choice name
The Brave Paphnatius who from his face
Had lost an Eye and to the Mines must trace
For Christs Choice name
Who brought the Nicene Synod to the right
Eusebius Pamphilus, a bright Light,
Who in Cesaria's Candlestick flam'd bright
With holy flame
Eusebius Pamphilus, a bright Light,
Who in Cesaria's Candlestick flam'd bright
With holy flame
Gregory Mazianzen, And Nyssen
Basill the Great, Eusebius, Emissen
And Amphilochuiss choice Worthy men
Whose glory shines
Basill the Great, Eusebius, Emissen
And Amphilochuiss choice Worthy men
Whose glory shines
In Alexandria Peter Bishop's made
Then Alexander who 'gainst Arius pray'd
The Wolfe might not among the sheep be staid
At any time
Then Alexander who 'gainst Arius pray'd
The Wolfe might not among the sheep be staid
At any time
For then (saith he) who can thy Judgments know?
But if the matters truely must so go
Take me thy servant from this Life and loe
The blow ensude
But if the matters truely must so go
Take me thy servant from this Life and loe
The blow ensude
Then Athanasius that bright shining star,
A man of sorrow, Dydimus the War
About the Holy Ghost man Well and far
Did well Conclude.
A man of sorrow, Dydimus the War
About the Holy Ghost man Well and far
Did well Conclude.
Arnobius may in this golden Chain
Possess a linck: and Epiphanius claim
Another who in Cyprus now did gain
Such grace as shown
Possess a linck: and Epiphanius claim
Another who in Cyprus now did gain
Such grace as shown
But Cross the Seas In Italy there rose
Besides at Rome too many to propose
Eusebius of Vercells, whom Christs foes
The Arians stone
Besides at Rome too many to propose
Eusebius of Vercells, whom Christs foes
The Arians stone
Jerom The Learned sprig of Pannonia
But yet in Italy his grace we may
Consider most and Oh Aquileia
The Ruffins Raise
But yet in Italy his grace we may
Consider most and Oh Aquileia
The Ruffins Raise
Did send abroad their Gracious Radient shine
There sprang another out of Victorine
The flowring Rhetoritian of his time
Now Grace displaise
There sprang another out of Victorine
The flowring Rhetoritian of his time
Now Grace displaise
To come to Spain, thy glory Corduba
By Oscius did make an Holy day
Whom the Curst Arians scourgd when he was gray,
By Oscius did make an Holy day
Whom the Curst Arians scourgd when he was gray,
Juvencus did appear in Graces Hew
Prudentius that doth eighteen Martyres shew
Whose Verses of Poetick Measures View
How they lament.
Prudentius that doth eighteen Martyres shew
Whose Verses of Poetick Measures View
How they lament.
In France at Poictiers Hilarys Beams out fly
At Millain Holy Ambrose liv'd so high
Was not asham'de to Live nor fraid to dy
He dying said.
At Millain Holy Ambrose liv'd so high
Was not asham'de to Live nor fraid to dy
He dying said.
In England Londons glorious star shone cleare
Brave Restitutes who did preach Christ there
And Keby Corine, who in Cornwall were
A shine displaid
Brave Restitutes who did preach Christ there
And Keby Corine, who in Cornwall were
A shine displaid
Nay Graces Beams did now the Throne assay
Did bellish ore the sword, the Crown orelay
With Glorious shines, did guild this golden day
Of Constantine
Did bellish ore the sword, the Crown orelay
With Glorious shines, did guild this golden day
Of Constantine
Surprizd his Heart and Hand in truth, and make
Them both her Cabbinets from which forth brake
The Glory of the Pearles therein which spake
Him most divine.
Them both her Cabbinets from which forth brake
The Glory of the Pearles therein which spake
Him most divine.
The Glorious Sun Shine Dayes of Gospell Light
Are shining forth, no force them to benight
The golden Traces of the Gospell bright
All now put on
Are shining forth, no force them to benight
The golden Traces of the Gospell bright
All now put on
That Christ may be the Driver and his Cause
The Weighty Worke this Conversation draws:
And glory all the fruite, without all flaws
Gaind hereupon
The Weighty Worke this Conversation draws:
And glory all the fruite, without all flaws
Gaind hereupon
This Champion grievd to see Maxentius Vile
With all his beastly Villanies defile
The City Rome and Empire thus to spoile
Did muse Reliefe
With all his beastly Villanies defile
The City Rome and Empire thus to spoile
Did muse Reliefe
But now his Charms and Spells and Witcheries
Do him good man with pannick feare surprize
Against whose Charmes aloud to God he Cries
Who easd his griefe
Do him good man with pannick feare surprize
Against whose Charmes aloud to God he Cries
Who easd his griefe
Then lifting up his eyes to heaven, he soon
Saw in the Skies west little after noon
A Perfect shining Cross with letters shown
That dorst were in't
Saw in the Skies west little after noon
A Perfect shining Cross with letters shown
That dorst were in't
Thus In hoc Vince, yet for feare his sight
Should run a Snick-Snarles he his Army streight
Treats touching it and they beheld it bright
As in a print.
Should run a Snick-Snarles he his Army streight
Treats touching it and they beheld it bright
As in a print.
And pondring of it till the night orespred
Him with her Vaile, When sleep laid down his head
Christ with his Cross appear'd to him in bed
Who lay a sleep,
Him with her Vaile, When sleep laid down his head
Christ with his Cross appear'd to him in bed
Who lay a sleep,
And bad him then the Cross he saw pourtray
In his bright Banner, and the same display
Implying that the Victory that way
Should with him keep,
In his bright Banner, and the same display
Implying that the Victory that way
Should with him keep,
And thus he did: and was too treated right
Touching the Lord, he then engagu'd to fight
Maxentius' Troops them routs and doth affright
Maxentius who
Touching the Lord, he then engagu'd to fight
Maxentius' Troops them routs and doth affright
Maxentius who
Upon the bridge of boats he as a Trap
Set to take Constantine in, hath the hap
To hansell sitst which into Tybers lap
Did him soon throw.
Set to take Constantine in, hath the hap
To hansell sitst which into Tybers lap
Did him soon throw.
He with his Idols, Divells, C. arms and Spells
Sinks in the Waves a fishing goes; farewell
Maxentius and his hosts now let them tell
The force of Charms.
Sinks in the Waves a fishing goes; farewell
Maxentius and his hosts now let them tell
The force of Charms.
While glorious seasons doth by Constantine
Upon the Roman Cities sweetly shine
And he tryumphantly sings prayse and climbs
Above all harms.
Upon the Roman Cities sweetly shine
And he tryumphantly sings prayse and climbs
Above all harms.
He now doth hug the Gospell, Grace doth prize
Advance Christs Cause, secure his truths, destroyes
His foes and puts an end to Tyrannies
Oh! sweet, sweet, day!
Advance Christs Cause, secure his truths, destroyes
His foes and puts an end to Tyrannies
Oh! sweet, sweet, day!
The Churches tast his bounty, he restores
Their banisht Ministers, doth heale their soars
And kiss their scars they as Christs tassles wore
Now Christians sway.
Their banisht Ministers, doth heale their soars
And kiss their scars they as Christs tassles wore
Now Christians sway.
And ore his Royall Palace to Disgrace
All Pagan Gods he doth his Picture place
With a Cross or'e't, a Couchant Dragon base
Under its feet
All Pagan Gods he doth his Picture place
With a Cross or'e't, a Couchant Dragon base
Under its feet
He greatly strove to keep in Unity
Christs one bright Intrest people, and his Eye
Oft gusht out tears, when Christians jaringly
Livd, as unmeet.
Christs one bright Intrest people, and his Eye
Oft gusht out tears, when Christians jaringly
Livd, as unmeet.
Thus Christianity enthron'de doth reign
And sweeps down Hethenism, doth mentain
The blessed Gospell, leads to lasting gain,
Oh, stand amaizd!
And sweeps down Hethenism, doth mentain
The blessed Gospell, leads to lasting gain,
Oh, stand amaizd!
How doth the glorious sun of Grace thus shine?
And glorifie these dayes which grace doth line?
Out by the square and Compass all Divine?
The Lord be Praisd.
And glorifie these dayes which grace doth line?
Out by the square and Compass all Divine?
The Lord be Praisd.
The Shine of Divine Patience.
Gods Patience Comes takes Grace thus by her handThat shines so bright, entreates her back to stand
That she may take her turn now to display
Her Glorious shine through graces sunshine day.
Her shine breakes forth while in such sunshine rise
Contentions, Heresie, and Tyrannies.
Patience Exercised under Carnall Christians Carriages.
Oh! Patience with a Witness, while Grace WaitsAnd draws out golden dayes of peace, dilates
Her Liveries, meanwhile her Children fall
Into Love Sickness to the Worldes bright all.
While God doth Tyrants, like to Divells, binde
They fall on one another (Oh! unkinde)
Box one another thus about the eares:
Do scratch out one anothers eyes, run Speares
In one anothers Names up to the head,
And strive to lay each others names as Dead,
The Stones were squard and pollisht too full bright
That build the fabrick of Monkesty
Where Abby Lubbers now, like swine, do sty.
Patience Exercised With Heresies
Now sprang the Terebinthine HerecyIn Baddas nere to Babylon whereby
He said he was born of a Virgin pure,
But Manes took the same in hand its sure
Said he was Christ, yea, and the Comforter
Chose twelve Apostles and did thus aver
Christ was not truely but Phantastickly
Was born, held Errours of Philosophy
Hierar deni'd the Resurrection and
Wedlock and Children dead to hell he damnd
Did say Melchizedich Gods spirit was
Miletius Bishop sacrific't (alas)
To Idols, and a railer grew and loe
Rome's Bishop Marcellinus did do soe
And stifly did deny it when he'd done
Till the Sinacssian Counsill gainst him run.
And then he did Confess the fact and fell
And satisfaction gave the Church as well.
These and such others Heresies that rose
Up in such grace displaid and it oppose
Made Patience ware a mighty shine Divine
Till Justice Craves of Patience leave to shine
The Rod of Justice using Cruelties
Doth still make Patience shining glory rise.
Patience Exercised by Tyrants
No wonder if the flock do run astrayThe Shephard set his Dog at them to baigh.
Yet if he bites or Worries any, he
Is exercisd thereat, and so we see
These Curs let loose such dreadfull houghvack make
That Patience much thus exercisd, out brake
Her sparkling shine While Diaclesian
Doth Tyrannize with Maximinian.
The tenth Persecution
When Diaclesian to the Throne up rose
He Maximinian for his Colleague chose
Then they Galerius Cesar'd for the East
Constantius too for France and Brittain West.
They gentle were; things prosperous went untill
At Rome they meet and tryumph; now comes ill
For Diaclesian gives Comand that he
Should as a god by all adored bee.
He's now the Brother of the Sun and Moon,
He saith: and doth, now he did thus presume,
Adorn his Shooes with Pretious Stones and gold
And make the people kiss his feet he would.
Apollo now out of an hollow Cave
A Curled Oracle of such sort gave.
He could not for the Righteous men speak true,
False Oracles forth did his Trevet shew,
His hair decayed because of them he said
Hence this blinde Emperour this query made,
Who are these Righteous Persons? Whereunto
Apollo's Priest repli'd, They're Christians, know.
This pleasd this Tyrants Palate; forthwith hee
New torments for them should invented Bee.
And his begining March gave way to, when
Before the Easter feast his Edict then
Came forth to pluck all Christian Temples down;
Which executed was in ery town
Upon the Feastivall, soon out he brings
Another which all Holy Scriptures flings
Into the fire which burnt in Market Streets.
Another then in shamefullwise out sweeps
All Christians out of Office Power also,
And common persons doth in Prison throw,
Unless they do Christs holy Cause abjure,
And unto Paganry subscribe impure.
Then out another came to imprison all
Church Officers; Pastors, and Elders fall
Under its Lash, Wracks, Frizlings of the Flesh
Dragd unto Altars and assoild afresh
With many Wiles and trialls; then the name
Of those dismisst, they slanderously defame.
These things did not one onely place obtain,
But did the face of all the Empire stain.
He Maximinian for his Colleague chose
Then they Galerius Cesar'd for the East
Constantius too for France and Brittain West.
They gentle were; things prosperous went untill
At Rome they meet and tryumph; now comes ill
For Diaclesian gives Comand that he
Should as a god by all adored bee.
He's now the Brother of the Sun and Moon,
He saith: and doth, now he did thus presume,
And make the people kiss his feet he would.
Apollo now out of an hollow Cave
A Curled Oracle of such sort gave.
He could not for the Righteous men speak true,
False Oracles forth did his Trevet shew,
His hair decayed because of them he said
Hence this blinde Emperour this query made,
Who are these Righteous Persons? Whereunto
Apollo's Priest repli'd, They're Christians, know.
This pleasd this Tyrants Palate; forthwith hee
New torments for them should invented Bee.
And his begining March gave way to, when
Before the Easter feast his Edict then
Came forth to pluck all Christian Temples down;
Which executed was in ery town
Upon the Feastivall, soon out he brings
Another which all Holy Scriptures flings
Into the fire which burnt in Market Streets.
Another then in shamefullwise out sweeps
All Christians out of Office Power also,
And common persons doth in Prison throw,
Unless they do Christs holy Cause abjure,
And unto Paganry subscribe impure.
Then out another came to imprison all
Church Officers; Pastors, and Elders fall
Under its Lash, Wracks, Frizlings of the Flesh
Dragd unto Altars and assoild afresh
With many Wiles and trialls; then the name
Of those dismisst, they slanderously defame.
These things did not one onely place obtain,
But did the face of all the Empire stain.
In Asia first these Tyrants rage did flame
Where John a noble man out boldly came
At Nicomedia when these Tyrants had
A Pillar with their Vile decree there clad,
Did pluck it off and openly it tare
To pieces though they in the City were,
For which he did a bitter death sustain
Yet with a Chearfull looks while life remains
Then came his tyranny to Princes brave
The Nobles of his Family and gave
Them drinke out of this bitter bitter cup,
First Peter whom he Whips with whips that cut
Untill his bones ly bare, then stript thus bare
He's hoisted up on high into the aire
But still abiding firmly in the faith
He all his gaping tender Woundes then hath
Filld up with salt and Vineger, yet hee
Is filld with joy under these torments, see,
Then on the Gridiron rosted with slow fires
Untill his blessed soule to Christ retires.
Then Came Dorotheus and Gorgonius out
Men of the Privy Chamber Vallient Stout
And Faithfull Christians of Great Place and said
Why Emperour is Peter thus assaid?
Why's that offence in him, the which here we
Do all Confess? We of his Judgment bee.
Which said the Tyrant takes them too in hand
And ---ats them almost so then up they're hangd.
There hapt a fire then in the Palace Hall,
Which being Cast on Christians out they fall
And them destroy. Anthimus bishop there
With a greate multitude beheaded were
Another Company they burn all down;
A third they whirry in the Sea and drown.
Irene, Eulampus, and Eulampia
Agape, Chiona, Anastasia,
Bound hand and foot unto a post set there
For Christs Choice name thus burnt to Ashes were.
Where John a noble man out boldly came
At Nicomedia when these Tyrants had
A Pillar with their Vile decree there clad,
Did pluck it off and openly it tare
To pieces though they in the City were,
For which he did a bitter death sustain
Yet with a Chearfull looks while life remains
Then came his tyranny to Princes brave
The Nobles of his Family and gave
Them drinke out of this bitter bitter cup,
First Peter whom he Whips with whips that cut
Untill his bones ly bare, then stript thus bare
He's hoisted up on high into the aire
But still abiding firmly in the faith
He all his gaping tender Woundes then hath
Filld up with salt and Vineger, yet hee
Is filld with joy under these torments, see,
Then on the Gridiron rosted with slow fires
Untill his blessed soule to Christ retires.
Men of the Privy Chamber Vallient Stout
And Faithfull Christians of Great Place and said
Why Emperour is Peter thus assaid?
Why's that offence in him, the which here we
Do all Confess? We of his Judgment bee.
Which said the Tyrant takes them too in hand
And ---ats them almost so then up they're hangd.
There hapt a fire then in the Palace Hall,
Which being Cast on Christians out they fall
And them destroy. Anthimus bishop there
With a greate multitude beheaded were
Another Company they burn all down;
A third they whirry in the Sea and drown.
Irene, Eulampus, and Eulampia
Agape, Chiona, Anastasia,
Bound hand and foot unto a post set there
For Christs Choice name thus burnt to Ashes were.
These Cursed Edicts to a City came
Of Phrygia, and there they did proclaim
That all must worship Idols. But the Mayor
The Aldermen and Captain all declare
They Christians were, so were besieg'd in ire
City and Citizens all burn with fire.
Of Phrygia, and there they did proclaim
That all must worship Idols. But the Mayor
The Aldermen and Captain all declare
They Christians were, so were besieg'd in ire
City and Citizens all burn with fire.
In Arabrace nigh to Armenia
Eustratius Duke, Sheriff of Licia
Rebukt this rage, did openly profess
Himself a Christian, hence they bind, undress
And beate him bitterly, then parch him do
With fire the which they to his bowell show,
Then bast him too with salt and Vineger,
They scorch and mangle him with shells so far
That all his body seems a raw raw sore
Yet was by grace recoverd as before
Then was Convayed to Sebastia
And there they with Orestes burnt his Clay.
And at that Season was Eugenius
Slain with Aurentius and Mardarius
Mesopotamy too was filld with woe,
Where many were hung by their feet and so
Were smoothered with Smoke their heads hung in.
In Cappadocia they usd this thing
Mens legs were broke. Here dwelt a young man George
On whom their Venom malice they disgorge
He's prison'd, torn with iron hooks and burnd
With burning lime, stretcht out with Cords hard turnd
His hands, Feet, and his members cut off all
Then is beheaded, thus this George did fall.
Eustratius Duke, Sheriff of Licia
Rebukt this rage, did openly profess
Himself a Christian, hence they bind, undress
And beate him bitterly, then parch him do
With fire the which they to his bowell show,
Then bast him too with salt and Vineger,
They scorch and mangle him with shells so far
That all his body seems a raw raw sore
Yet was by grace recoverd as before
Then was Convayed to Sebastia
And there they with Orestes burnt his Clay.
And at that Season was Eugenius
Slain with Aurentius and Mardarius
Mesopotamy too was filld with woe,
Where many were hung by their feet and so
Were smoothered with Smoke their heads hung in.
In Cappadocia they usd this thing
Mens legs were broke. Here dwelt a young man George
On whom their Venom malice they disgorge
He's prison'd, torn with iron hooks and burnd
With burning lime, stretcht out with Cords hard turnd
His hands, Feet, and his members cut off all
Then is beheaded, thus this George did fall.
Tyre tooke her Martyres and to Wild beast threw
Bares, Libbards, Lyons who for hunger slew
Those that them brought, but had no appetite
To touch the Martyre's nor them hurt or bite.
Hence out they take them and by Sword do slay
These Holy ones, and Cast them in the sea.
Five more they cast before a wild Bulls feet
Who is so fierce he tosseth those that meet
His horns as standing in the ring, doth tare
Them as he tosseth them into the aire,
And they are left for dead. They him provoke
With siering iron, he fomes all in a Smoake
Doth rend the Earth, doth fan the Aire, run round,
Doth breath out Death, yet from the Saints rebound
And will not touch them, God did him restrain,
Hence they are took and by the Sword are slayn.
Bares, Libbards, Lyons who for hunger slew
Those that them brought, but had no appetite
To touch the Martyre's nor them hurt or bite.
Hence out they take them and by Sword do slay
These Holy ones, and Cast them in the sea.
Who is so fierce he tosseth those that meet
His horns as standing in the ring, doth tare
Them as he tosseth them into the aire,
And they are left for dead. They him provoke
With siering iron, he fomes all in a Smoake
Doth rend the Earth, doth fan the Aire, run round,
Doth breath out Death, yet from the Saints rebound
And will not touch them, God did him restrain,
Hence they are took and by the Sword are slayn.
In Tarsus in Cilicia Taratus
Is martyred, with Probe and Andronicus.
Sylvanus Gaza's bishop, thirty nine
More with him dy in Phenice mettall mine
Pamphillus Pillar of Cesaria's Church
Is martyrd now. And Gordius did lurch
His Enemies who once a Souldier came
Aloud out now his Faith showd in Christs name.
The Sheriff now enragd, him taunts and schooles,
Calls for his Scourge, Wheele, Wrack, tormenting tools,
To whom he said, t'will be my hindrance sure
If I for Christ much torments don't endure.
The Sheriff frets, commands he might have's share
Of all the torments that they did prepare.
In which this Gordius looks to heavens king,
And with the Prophet did these sayings sing,
“The Lord my helper is, I will not bee
“Afraid what any man can do to mee:
“I will not be affraid of any ill
“Because that thou, oh Lord, art with mee still.
Then did he blame those that's tormentors were,
If that they favour'd him at all while here.
The Sheriff then fell gugling him again
Christ to deny: but yet he pipt in vain.
In Scorn he said, you can't prefer in place
Such as are meet for heaven's place through grace.
Then he condemned is and as he to
Be burnt goes, some him hug yet urge him do
To spare himselfe he prayes them not to finde
Such trouble for his settled quiet minde.
Some do with tears entreat him to impart
Denying words but not deny in heart:
To whom he said man doth to righteousness
Believe in heart; and with this tongue Confess
Unto Salvation and with Chearfull Face
Whose Colour Changd not, did the fire embrace.
Is martyred, with Probe and Andronicus.
Sylvanus Gaza's bishop, thirty nine
More with him dy in Phenice mettall mine
Pamphillus Pillar of Cesaria's Church
Is martyrd now. And Gordius did lurch
His Enemies who once a Souldier came
Aloud out now his Faith showd in Christs name.
The Sheriff now enragd, him taunts and schooles,
Calls for his Scourge, Wheele, Wrack, tormenting tools,
To whom he said, t'will be my hindrance sure
If I for Christ much torments don't endure.
The Sheriff frets, commands he might have's share
Of all the torments that they did prepare.
In which this Gordius looks to heavens king,
And with the Prophet did these sayings sing,
“The Lord my helper is, I will not bee
“Afraid what any man can do to mee:
“I will not be affraid of any ill
“Because that thou, oh Lord, art with mee still.
Then did he blame those that's tormentors were,
If that they favour'd him at all while here.
The Sheriff then fell gugling him again
Christ to deny: but yet he pipt in vain.
In Scorn he said, you can't prefer in place
Such as are meet for heaven's place through grace.
Then he condemned is and as he to
Be burnt goes, some him hug yet urge him do
To spare himselfe he prayes them not to finde
Such trouble for his settled quiet minde.
Some do with tears entreat him to impart
Denying words but not deny in heart:
To whom he said man doth to righteousness
Believe in heart; and with this tongue Confess
Unto Salvation and with Chearfull Face
Whose Colour Changd not, did the fire embrace.
About the Eight of June the nineteenth yeare
Of Diaclesian, brave Procopius were
Beheaded first of all this solemn fray
That fell in Palestines Cesaria
Who when convert his Images of Gold
And Silver brake and gave them (as its told)
Unto the poore, was took and wrackt; and tore
Gor'd, stabd, and fired, beheaded as before.
About Novembers seventeenth the sword
Zachius and Alpheus who were scourgd,
Mangled with Razars, Wrackt and many dayes
And nights had lain in Stocks tormenting wayes
Whose legs were streatcht four holes asunder, here
Beheaded for Christs glorious Gospell Deare.
The following yeare Gaza thy Timothy
Here for Christs Name was burnt tormentously.
Agapius and Thecla made a prey
To savage beasts to rend, devour, and slay.
About the twenty second day (its plain)
Of March Agapius as yet not slaine
With Timolaus one of Pontus and
One Dyonisius a Tripolitan
And Romulus a Deacon of Christ flock
At thee Diospolis, an holy Stock,
Pausis and then two Alexanders came
Here and beheaded were for Christs sweet name.
The third year under Maximinus curst
The holy Apphianus, who (forth burst
Away first from his Pagan Father, who
Was Governour of Lycia) in love to
Gods holy Cause, and to Cesaria came,
And when the President Urban by name
Was sacrificing tooke him by the hand,
Gravely admonisht him to understand:
And not the true Gods leave to sacrifice
To Divells. But oh (now) what Cruelties
They treat him with. Like savage beasts, they rage,
Thrash him with stripes, his feet in stocks they stage
At distance great, the third day make their lash
His face, neck, bones, and inward bowells pass.
But when they saw his Faith still shine they swathe
His feet in oyled flax, then fire to't gave
Which ran all or'e his flesh, consum'd the same,
Pierc'd to the very marrow, dripping came
Like melted wax. Yet still he lives and shines
With Patience. Then they him, by new designs
After he three dayes more in prison lay
And holds his faith, they heave him in the Sea,
In which when they had sunk him suddenly
A mighty storm arose and noyse in th'Sky
Not onely ore the Sea, but land did make
An Earthquake; which did make the City shake.
The Sea tooke up the Martyres Corps, did lay
It at the Cities Gates that selfe same day,
Which was the fift of April, which sight
All of Cesaria saw; I witness write.
Edifius, Apphianus brother, who
Stocks, Fetters, Mine pits too did undergo
For Christ, went to the judge told him to's face
Of's Filthy wicked shamefull acts in place,
Was after many bitter torments cast
At Alexandria i'th'Sea at last.
About the time of Apphan's Tragedy,
They take young Ulpian of Tyre and ty
After most grievous Scourgings, with a Snake
And Cur dog in a raw ox hide, then take
And Cast him in the Sea in Cursed Spite
Because he would adhere to Christ his Light.
In yeare the fift the fift of April,
The Virgin Theodosia, young, came still
To visit those for Christ here at the bar
They take and scourge untill their lashes jar
Upon her bones through her pure milk white breasts,
And sunk i'th'Sea, while patience her possest.
Famous Domninus in the Faith expires,
Leaving his body in tyrannick fires.
Three more are sentenced to buckle, Just,
And fight each others till they leave their dust.
Auxentius grave and pious they display,
To Wild and Cruell beast to rend and slay,
And others, stout men grown, they geld and send
Into the Quarries there their strength to spend.
Of Diaclesian, brave Procopius were
Beheaded first of all this solemn fray
That fell in Palestines Cesaria
Who when convert his Images of Gold
And Silver brake and gave them (as its told)
Unto the poore, was took and wrackt; and tore
Gor'd, stabd, and fired, beheaded as before.
About Novembers seventeenth the sword
Zachius and Alpheus who were scourgd,
And nights had lain in Stocks tormenting wayes
Whose legs were streatcht four holes asunder, here
Beheaded for Christs glorious Gospell Deare.
The following yeare Gaza thy Timothy
Here for Christs Name was burnt tormentously.
Agapius and Thecla made a prey
To savage beasts to rend, devour, and slay.
About the twenty second day (its plain)
Of March Agapius as yet not slaine
With Timolaus one of Pontus and
One Dyonisius a Tripolitan
And Romulus a Deacon of Christ flock
At thee Diospolis, an holy Stock,
Pausis and then two Alexanders came
Here and beheaded were for Christs sweet name.
The third year under Maximinus curst
The holy Apphianus, who (forth burst
Away first from his Pagan Father, who
Was Governour of Lycia) in love to
Gods holy Cause, and to Cesaria came,
And when the President Urban by name
Was sacrificing tooke him by the hand,
Gravely admonisht him to understand:
And not the true Gods leave to sacrifice
To Divells. But oh (now) what Cruelties
They treat him with. Like savage beasts, they rage,
Thrash him with stripes, his feet in stocks they stage
At distance great, the third day make their lash
His face, neck, bones, and inward bowells pass.
But when they saw his Faith still shine they swathe
His feet in oyled flax, then fire to't gave
Which ran all or'e his flesh, consum'd the same,
Pierc'd to the very marrow, dripping came
Like melted wax. Yet still he lives and shines
With Patience. Then they him, by new designs
After he three dayes more in prison lay
And holds his faith, they heave him in the Sea,
In which when they had sunk him suddenly
A mighty storm arose and noyse in th'Sky
Not onely ore the Sea, but land did make
An Earthquake; which did make the City shake.
The Sea tooke up the Martyres Corps, did lay
It at the Cities Gates that selfe same day,
Which was the fift of April, which sight
All of Cesaria saw; I witness write.
Edifius, Apphianus brother, who
Stocks, Fetters, Mine pits too did undergo
For Christ, went to the judge told him to's face
Of's Filthy wicked shamefull acts in place,
Was after many bitter torments cast
At Alexandria i'th'Sea at last.
They take young Ulpian of Tyre and ty
After most grievous Scourgings, with a Snake
And Cur dog in a raw ox hide, then take
And Cast him in the Sea in Cursed Spite
Because he would adhere to Christ his Light.
In yeare the fift the fift of April,
The Virgin Theodosia, young, came still
To visit those for Christ here at the bar
They take and scourge untill their lashes jar
Upon her bones through her pure milk white breasts,
And sunk i'th'Sea, while patience her possest.
Famous Domninus in the Faith expires,
Leaving his body in tyrannick fires.
Three more are sentenced to buckle, Just,
And fight each others till they leave their dust.
Auxentius grave and pious they display,
To Wild and Cruell beast to rend and slay,
And others, stout men grown, they geld and send
Into the Quarries there their strength to spend.
In year the Sixt an hundred wanting three
From Porphyris in Thebes convay'd must bee
Unto Firmillian the President
Of Palestine, who with them's discontent,
Because they will not Christ defie; Wherefore
He doth with bodkins out their right eyes bore,
Eye Apple, Lid and all; then seirs their holes
With red hot seiring iron, then out them toles
Saws off at knees with an hot burning Saw
Their Left legs; then them damns to mines by law.
And others then of Gaza thus are servd,
Who from their Lord Christ Jesus never swarvd.
Of whom one female took and scourge they do,
Then with lasht sides tide on a tree for show.
Whereat Valentia of Cesaria
Did to the Judge out of the throng thus say
How long dost wrack my sister cruelly?
He boyld in anger, doth upon her fly
Halls her to th'Altar there to sacrifice.
She shoulderd it, stampt on it, it defies,
Did over turn't, fire, Wood, and offring too.
Hence she and the other in the fire they threw
The same ninth day of August blessed Paul
Had to the Scaffold doth the Head small call:
For Leave to minde himselfe did of him crave
Which gain'd, then with a clear loud voice he strave
With God in prayre that's favour might befall
And Peace and Liberty to Christians all,
That Jew's and the Semaritans might fly
To God through Christ converted savingly.
That Nations all in Errour Wallowing
Might barked in Christ fold, be brought from Sin:
And for the Silly Croud that did him round
Yea for his Judge and Emperour yea found
A heart to pray for's Executioner
That this Vile hainous Crime of bloody war
Might not be laid unto their Charge, hence sprung
A leake of teares up in their Eyes that run.
All weep and sob: but he then on the block
His head laid meekly down; they off it chop.
Anthony and Zebinas a Choice pair
Of thine Eleutheropoliss now are
Beheaded with German the thirteenth day
Thus of November; Annathas they pay
With Scourges sadly through Cesaria,
Then burn alive. They wretchedly permit
The bodies dead no graves (although most fit)
But in a dolefull sight they scatter'd ly
About the town and in the fields, and by
The Wayes; here lies an head or skull, or Arm,
There lies a Trunck, back, Leg, Thigh bowells warm.
Some beasts or Swine, Dogs, Foules of heaven knaw
Some rotting ly, Oh! when will hard hearts thaw?
“And while this thing went thus, the skies most cleare
“The Pillars of the City did shed tears
“The Market place and street bedewd their Cheeks
“With trickling Tears at this sad sight they weep,
So that forthwith this rumour round did fly
The Earth now could not beare this Villany
Of these sad days, nor sensless stones i'th'wall:
But at this Wickedness do weeping fall.
From Porphyris in Thebes convay'd must bee
Unto Firmillian the President
Of Palestine, who with them's discontent,
Because they will not Christ defie; Wherefore
He doth with bodkins out their right eyes bore,
Eye Apple, Lid and all; then seirs their holes
With red hot seiring iron, then out them toles
Saws off at knees with an hot burning Saw
Their Left legs; then them damns to mines by law.
And others then of Gaza thus are servd,
Who from their Lord Christ Jesus never swarvd.
Of whom one female took and scourge they do,
Then with lasht sides tide on a tree for show.
Whereat Valentia of Cesaria
Did to the Judge out of the throng thus say
How long dost wrack my sister cruelly?
He boyld in anger, doth upon her fly
Halls her to th'Altar there to sacrifice.
She shoulderd it, stampt on it, it defies,
Did over turn't, fire, Wood, and offring too.
Hence she and the other in the fire they threw
The same ninth day of August blessed Paul
Had to the Scaffold doth the Head small call:
For Leave to minde himselfe did of him crave
Which gain'd, then with a clear loud voice he strave
With God in prayre that's favour might befall
And Peace and Liberty to Christians all,
That Jew's and the Semaritans might fly
To God through Christ converted savingly.
That Nations all in Errour Wallowing
Might barked in Christ fold, be brought from Sin:
Yea for his Judge and Emperour yea found
A heart to pray for's Executioner
That this Vile hainous Crime of bloody war
Might not be laid unto their Charge, hence sprung
A leake of teares up in their Eyes that run.
All weep and sob: but he then on the block
His head laid meekly down; they off it chop.
Anthony and Zebinas a Choice pair
Of thine Eleutheropoliss now are
Beheaded with German the thirteenth day
Thus of November; Annathas they pay
With Scourges sadly through Cesaria,
Then burn alive. They wretchedly permit
The bodies dead no graves (although most fit)
But in a dolefull sight they scatter'd ly
About the town and in the fields, and by
The Wayes; here lies an head or skull, or Arm,
There lies a Trunck, back, Leg, Thigh bowells warm.
Some beasts or Swine, Dogs, Foules of heaven knaw
Some rotting ly, Oh! when will hard hearts thaw?
“And while this thing went thus, the skies most cleare
“The Pillars of the City did shed tears
“The Market place and street bedewd their Cheeks
“With trickling Tears at this sad sight they weep,
So that forthwith this rumour round did fly
The Earth now could not beare this Villany
Of these sad days, nor sensless stones i'th'wall:
But at this Wickedness do weeping fall.
About the fourteenth of December fell
At Ascalon by fire blown up by hell
One Ares, and by the beheading Toole
Elias, Promus too all of Christs Schoole
In Egypt who were taken as they went
Into Cicilia to visit Saints there sent
And Peter Apselam whom here behold,
Was tride by fire and found like most pure gold
With whom Asclepius burnd (a Marcionite)
'Bout January's thirteenth day down quite.
At Ascalon by fire blown up by hell
One Ares, and by the beheading Toole
Elias, Promus too all of Christs Schoole
In Egypt who were taken as they went
Into Cicilia to visit Saints there sent
And Peter Apselam whom here behold,
Was tride by fire and found like most pure gold
With whom Asclepius burnd (a Marcionite)
'Bout January's thirteenth day down quite.
About now Februaries seventeenth day
Twelve martyred were here at Cesaria
Valens the Deacon of Jerusalem
A mighty man in scripture sufferd then
Paul too of Jamnia of precious fame
And five Egyptians took as back they came
From compan'ing the Martyres who were sent
To the Cicilian mine-pit-banishment
Who sorely scourgd some seemd as if they'd lost
The sense of feeling, afterwards it Cost
Them all their heads, Pomphilus that brave man
Was now beheaded by Firmillian
On whom when that the Judge his sentence gave
His pupill Porphyry aloud did Crave
His Masters Corps, and others when quite dead
That in their graves they might be buried.
Whereat the Judge when that he had him found
Most firmly in the Faith of Christ abound,
Did Charge the Scourge should pass unto the bones
And in his innard bowells. (Hearts like Stones!)
Which done and Porphyry as one that felt
No pain, not shrinking nor speake he in a pelt,
Chargd them to burn him in a slow slow fire,
Whereto in Philosophicall attire
His little Cloake on's shoulders in such wise
He went according to his former guise
And with a Cheerfull looks he did abide
The fire about him which he in each side
Suckt in by ery breath he fetcht, and when
It ceized on him strongly thus pray'd then
Thou Jesus, son of God, me help and aide.
Thus bravly he his life for Christ down laid.
Twelve martyred were here at Cesaria
Valens the Deacon of Jerusalem
A mighty man in scripture sufferd then
Paul too of Jamnia of precious fame
And five Egyptians took as back they came
From compan'ing the Martyres who were sent
To the Cicilian mine-pit-banishment
Who sorely scourgd some seemd as if they'd lost
The sense of feeling, afterwards it Cost
Them all their heads, Pomphilus that brave man
Was now beheaded by Firmillian
His pupill Porphyry aloud did Crave
His Masters Corps, and others when quite dead
That in their graves they might be buried.
Whereat the Judge when that he had him found
Most firmly in the Faith of Christ abound,
Did Charge the Scourge should pass unto the bones
And in his innard bowells. (Hearts like Stones!)
Which done and Porphyry as one that felt
No pain, not shrinking nor speake he in a pelt,
Chargd them to burn him in a slow slow fire,
Whereto in Philosophicall attire
His little Cloake on's shoulders in such wise
He went according to his former guise
And with a Cheerfull looks he did abide
The fire about him which he in each side
Suckt in by ery breath he fetcht, and when
It ceized on him strongly thus pray'd then
Thou Jesus, son of God, me help and aide.
Thus bravly he his life for Christ down laid.
Pamphilus this was made to understand
By one Choice Souldier of the Roman band
Seleucus nam'd who fatherly tooke Care
Of Martyres Orphans and their Widdows rare
An holy Christian, now he's tooke and led
Unto his judge, is judgd, and lost his head.
Theodulus a grave and Zealous man
(Yet of the house of Judge Firmilian)
A Sharer in Seleucus' fate is brought
To plead his case which they account all naught;
Before his master who more furious is
With him than others, is Condem'd for this
And firmly in his Saviours Cause did bide
And for him willingly was Crucifide.
Then Julian a Cappadocian
Of holy life a much inspired man,
With Gods own Spirit as he came along
Heard of these holy martyres and grew strong
And seing of their bodies on the ground
Embract and did salute them, hence he's found,
Brought to the judge, Condemn'd and burnd in th'fire,
Wherein tryumphantly he did expire.
Thus twelve brave Christian Champions in one day
The martyres Crown won in Cesaria.
By one Choice Souldier of the Roman band
Seleucus nam'd who fatherly tooke Care
Of Martyres Orphans and their Widdows rare
An holy Christian, now he's tooke and led
Unto his judge, is judgd, and lost his head.
Theodulus a grave and Zealous man
(Yet of the house of Judge Firmilian)
A Sharer in Seleucus' fate is brought
To plead his case which they account all naught;
Before his master who more furious is
With him than others, is Condem'd for this
And firmly in his Saviours Cause did bide
And for him willingly was Crucifide.
Then Julian a Cappadocian
Of holy life a much inspired man,
With Gods own Spirit as he came along
Heard of these holy martyres and grew strong
And seing of their bodies on the ground
Embract and did salute them, hence he's found,
Brought to the judge, Condemn'd and burnd in th'fire,
Wherein tryumphantly he did expire.
Thus twelve brave Christian Champions in one day
The martyres Crown won in Cesaria.
Soon after Adrian and Eubulus
Came far to visit saints here, tooke were thus
Where after many torments they had born
Are thrown to Wild beast to be rent and torn
Then were beheaded, Adrian the fourth
And Ma*the seventh Eubulus up store'th
Whose blessed blood now up did lock the Doore
Of martyredom, Cesaria hath no more.
The seventh year that something ran more mild
The mettall mine pit martyres for a while,
Did flock together to attend Christs wayes
But then the President his peepholes layes:
Comes and disperses them to Cyprus some
Some bide in Palestine and some must come
To Libanus, be vext with toyling there
Then Peleus and Nilus that once were
Egyptian bishops, With a minister
And Patermythius of Singular
Respect for Christ are took and burnt because
They would not Christ neglect to tend their laws.
Others that were too old and Combersom
Are set at liberty their work being done
Mongst whom was John, th'Egyptian prompt Divine
That could not see but would Christ truth outline
Most gravely by the Scripture as if read.
Sylvanus too another pious head
Whom notwithstanding by a vile decree
With thirty nine more in one day must be
Beheaded last of all in Palestine
Brought up the reare of Martyres at the mine.
Came far to visit saints here, tooke were thus
Where after many torments they had born
Are thrown to Wild beast to be rent and torn
Then were beheaded, Adrian the fourth
And Ma*the seventh Eubulus up store'th
Whose blessed blood now up did lock the Doore
Of martyredom, Cesaria hath no more.
The mettall mine pit martyres for a while,
Did flock together to attend Christs wayes
But then the President his peepholes layes:
Comes and disperses them to Cyprus some
Some bide in Palestine and some must come
To Libanus, be vext with toyling there
Then Peleus and Nilus that once were
Egyptian bishops, With a minister
And Patermythius of Singular
Respect for Christ are took and burnt because
They would not Christ neglect to tend their laws.
Others that were too old and Combersom
Are set at liberty their work being done
Mongst whom was John, th'Egyptian prompt Divine
That could not see but would Christ truth outline
Most gravely by the Scripture as if read.
Sylvanus too another pious head
Whom notwithstanding by a vile decree
With thirty nine more in one day must be
Beheaded last of all in Palestine
Brought up the reare of Martyres at the mine.
But now to pass from Palestine, we finde
Sylvanus Pastor at Emisa shin'd
Now cast unto Wild Beasts with many more
Tyrannion Pastor of Christs flock more ore
At Tyre sunk in the Seas proud waves beside
Zenobius Zidons Choice one now is much try'd
Both Minister and expert Artist there
In Physick scourgd and di'de for Christ his Deare.
Melitus and so Syria did smart
Their Pastors, Elders Deacons all must part
And are in prison cast, no roome is there
For Roagues and Rascalls left; they've better Cheer.
In Pontus Cruelties extremly rise
To heare most horrible and tyrant wise.
Some have sharp things run up their tender nails,
The Backs of others melted lead assails
Pourd all thereon. Some's needfull members maimd,
Some in their privy members have sustaind
Such horrid and such shamefull tortures there
Whose mention suites not any modest eare.
Left legs hewn of[f] at knee with burning sa---
Right eyes pickt out with bodkins by their pa---
Sylvanus Pastor at Emisa shin'd
Now cast unto Wild Beasts with many more
Tyrannion Pastor of Christs flock more ore
At Tyre sunk in the Seas proud waves beside
Zenobius Zidons Choice one now is much try'd
Both Minister and expert Artist there
In Physick scourgd and di'de for Christ his Deare.
Melitus and so Syria did smart
Their Pastors, Elders Deacons all must part
And are in prison cast, no roome is there
For Roagues and Rascalls left; they've better Cheer.
In Pontus Cruelties extremly rise
To heare most horrible and tyrant wise.
Some have sharp things run up their tender nails,
The Backs of others melted lead assails
Pourd all thereon. Some's needfull members maimd,
Some in their privy members have sustaind
Such horrid and such shamefull tortures there
Whose mention suites not any modest eare.
Left legs hewn of[f] at knee with burning sa---
Right eyes pickt out with bodkins by their pa---
But come we now to Antioch and see
What burnings, butcherings of saints there bee
For to be red in blood red dress infoild
Torments so terrible that many spoild
Therewith so sadly that to shun the same
Made many headlong cast themselves amain
From house's tops to end themselves outright
To shun these Tyranies of wicked Might
An Noble famous Vertuous Lady grave
With her two Beautious daughters Virgins brave
Yet Vertuous, the town avoided but
Are sought for, found, fetch back by souldiers put
To feare not only tortures but that they
Should be abused in a lustfull way,
The which to shun they in the river lept
And sunck themselves while th'guard did them neglect.
Two other sisters of a noble blood
Renowned Virgins of a life Choice good
Of pregnant beauty, tender years, they hoist
And Cast into the Sea for Jesus Christ.
What burnings, butcherings of saints there bee
For to be red in blood red dress infoild
Torments so terrible that many spoild
Therewith so sadly that to shun the same
Made many headlong cast themselves amain
From house's tops to end themselves outright
To shun these Tyranies of wicked Might
An Noble famous Vertuous Lady grave
With her two Beautious daughters Virgins brave
Are sought for, found, fetch back by souldiers put
To feare not only tortures but that they
Should be abused in a lustfull way,
The which to shun they in the river lept
And sunck themselves while th'guard did them neglect.
Two other sisters of a noble blood
Renowned Virgins of a life Choice good
Of pregnant beauty, tender years, they hoist
And Cast into the Sea for Jesus Christ.
Romanus Deacon of Cesaria's Church
At Antioch when Sorrows tooke its porch
Bravely exorted Christians for Christ name
Manfully to behave themselves. Hence came
This Counsell gi'n unto the Tyrants eare
Ceizd him and by his gods swear to him there
He'd make him smart for't and gave charge that he
Should up be trust and's bowells drawn out bee.
Not so quoth Officers, we mayn't do so.
This man's of noble Parentage. Then go
Whip him with lashes wearing knops of lead
Under the which he songs of praise displayd
And when the raged Tyrant had made Wide
And deep Cuts gasht with lancets in his Sides
Had dasht his teeth out, tore his Cheeks, he said
I thanke thee Captain, thou more mouths hast made
Mee thus to preach my Lord and Saviour Christ.
How many wounds, so many mouths be voic't.
And when the Tyrant said with scorn abroad,
Thy hanged Christ is but a last night God
He to him Christs eternity displayd:
Call me a seven yeare Child he also said
And hearken what he'l say. One being brought
Tell me my little babe, quoth he, thy thought.
Should we one Christ and in One Christ the father
Or should we many Gods adore the rather?
To which the Child, one God in Christ, repli'de.
Whereto the Tyrant, then thou Villain Cride,
Who learnd thee this? my mother quoth [the] lad
Wherefore she's calld, This villain, horse, he bad:
They scourgd him till beholders Cheeks were wet.
The mother Comforts him, Child don't forget
Young Isaac who his Fathers knife yields to
Pledge Bethlem's babes now in this Cup also.
They pluck the hair and skin of from his Crown.
Christ will thee Crown (Quoth shee) with bright renown.
The Tyrant being tir'd, at last behead
The Child, Romanus then is strangled.
At Antioch when Sorrows tooke its porch
Bravely exorted Christians for Christ name
Manfully to behave themselves. Hence came
This Counsell gi'n unto the Tyrants eare
Ceizd him and by his gods swear to him there
He'd make him smart for't and gave charge that he
Should up be trust and's bowells drawn out bee.
Not so quoth Officers, we mayn't do so.
This man's of noble Parentage. Then go
Whip him with lashes wearing knops of lead
Under the which he songs of praise displayd
And when the raged Tyrant had made Wide
And deep Cuts gasht with lancets in his Sides
Had dasht his teeth out, tore his Cheeks, he said
I thanke thee Captain, thou more mouths hast made
Mee thus to preach my Lord and Saviour Christ.
How many wounds, so many mouths be voic't.
And when the Tyrant said with scorn abroad,
Thy hanged Christ is but a last night God
He to him Christs eternity displayd:
Call me a seven yeare Child he also said
And hearken what he'l say. One being brought
Tell me my little babe, quoth he, thy thought.
Should we one Christ and in One Christ the father
Or should we many Gods adore the rather?
To which the Child, one God in Christ, repli'de.
Whereto the Tyrant, then thou Villain Cride,
Who learnd thee this? my mother quoth [the] lad
Wherefore she's calld, This villain, horse, he bad:
They scourgd him till beholders Cheeks were wet.
The mother Comforts him, Child don't forget
Young Isaac who his Fathers knife yields to
Pledge Bethlem's babes now in this Cup also.
They pluck the hair and skin of from his Crown.
Christ will thee Crown (Quoth shee) with bright renown.
The Tyrant being tir'd, at last behead
The Child, Romanus then is strangled.
Now Lucian Minister and Cyprian
Who was at first a Vile Marcian
Or Filthy Sorcerer be'st won to Christ
Then Deacon of the Church, after that Priest
Then Bishop of this Church of Antioch
Justina too dies by the Tyrants stroke
Arabia her Martyres doth present
To Christ also as her rich Ornament.
Who was at first a Vile Marcian
Or Filthy Sorcerer be'st won to Christ
Then Deacon of the Church, after that Priest
Justina too dies by the Tyrants stroke
Arabia her Martyres doth present
To Christ also as her rich Ornament.
Again else where, nay at Sebastia
Forty brave flourishing youthfull Souldiers lay
All friezing in a pond of Watills till
The morning came, and then alive as still
They're taken out all frozen stiffe and Cast
Into the fire and burnt for Christ at last.
(This or one instance of such fact was wrought
Under Licinius as some have taught)
After whose deaths, their pious wives are tai'n
And sent with Deacon Amones ore the main
Unto Heraclea in Thrace and there
With grieveous tortures they all murdered were.
He slew the Learned guides of Churches, and
Did raze their Temples even with the land,
In Pontus; and imprisond others some
Forbiding all that with good visits come.
His Officers did many Bishops slay
And cut their bodies into gobbits, nay,
As pieces in a butchers shambles small,
Then after this fed sea fish with the mall.
He Theodorus Crucifid then strikes
Nails in his Armpits, then his head off smites.
Another Theodore bishop of Tyre
A third a man of Perga; and goes higher
Then Basilus Amason's bishop thus
And Nich'laus bishop too of Mirorus
And Gregory he of Armenia falls
By him, and at Neocesaria Paul.
But now its time to pass from Asia,
To see the havock made in Africa.
Forty brave flourishing youthfull Souldiers lay
All friezing in a pond of Watills till
The morning came, and then alive as still
They're taken out all frozen stiffe and Cast
Into the fire and burnt for Christ at last.
(This or one instance of such fact was wrought
Under Licinius as some have taught)
After whose deaths, their pious wives are tai'n
And sent with Deacon Amones ore the main
Unto Heraclea in Thrace and there
With grieveous tortures they all murdered were.
He slew the Learned guides of Churches, and
Did raze their Temples even with the land,
In Pontus; and imprisond others some
Forbiding all that with good visits come.
His Officers did many Bishops slay
And cut their bodies into gobbits, nay,
As pieces in a butchers shambles small,
Then after this fed sea fish with the mall.
He Theodorus Crucifid then strikes
Nails in his Armpits, then his head off smites.
Another Theodore bishop of Tyre
A third a man of Perga; and goes higher
Then Basilus Amason's bishop thus
And Nich'laus bishop too of Mirorus
And Gregory he of Armenia falls
By him, and at Neocesaria Paul.
But now its time to pass from Asia,
To see the havock made in Africa.
African Martyres
In Affrica no pen with inke can shew
The Cruelties Gods Saints did undergoe
Their bodies were with shells to pieces torn
Women had one leg tide and then in scorn
Hoist up on high, their heads hung downward then
For an uncomely, Cruell sight to men.
Strong boughs of boistrous trees by Engins bowd
Their martyres legs unto the same they Crowd
And tide, then on a sudden let them fly
And rend them do and take their limbs on high,
Which cruelties for many years were such
By tens, by twenties, thirties (nay its much)
By sixties and by hunderds oft they slay
Men Women Children tortur'd in a day.
Some burnt, some were beheaded; yet some in
Step out at bar as other's sentenc'd, sing
And tune forth Psalms of praise and this did last
In their sharp tortures till their dying gasp.
Some had their soft Ears board, their Nostrills slit,
Their Hands cut off, joynts outed, Limbs off split,
Their bodies torn to pieces, some by law
Have left legs sawn of by a burning saw,
Their right Eyes by a bodkin dug out, and
Their holes seerd then they're to the Mine pits damnd.
Here now at Alexandria forth is brought
The Noble Philoramus by Christ taught,
The City Governour in place of trust
In weighty Matters of the Empire just
In Roman honours guarded in such strain
With a brave troop of souldiers for his train.
Now leaves his honours, Riches, Wife and babes
And all Entreaties of such things; and wades
To Christ his Onely Wealth, Joy, Glory bright
In blood, Whose head they With the sword off smite.
The Cruelties Gods Saints did undergoe
Their bodies were with shells to pieces torn
Women had one leg tide and then in scorn
Hoist up on high, their heads hung downward then
For an uncomely, Cruell sight to men.
Strong boughs of boistrous trees by Engins bowd
Their martyres legs unto the same they Crowd
And tide, then on a sudden let them fly
And rend them do and take their limbs on high,
Which cruelties for many years were such
By tens, by twenties, thirties (nay its much)
By sixties and by hunderds oft they slay
Men Women Children tortur'd in a day.
Some burnt, some were beheaded; yet some in
Step out at bar as other's sentenc'd, sing
And tune forth Psalms of praise and this did last
In their sharp tortures till their dying gasp.
Their Hands cut off, joynts outed, Limbs off split,
Their bodies torn to pieces, some by law
Have left legs sawn of by a burning saw,
Their right Eyes by a bodkin dug out, and
Their holes seerd then they're to the Mine pits damnd.
Here now at Alexandria forth is brought
The Noble Philoramus by Christ taught,
The City Governour in place of trust
In weighty Matters of the Empire just
In Roman honours guarded in such strain
With a brave troop of souldiers for his train.
Now leaves his honours, Riches, Wife and babes
And all Entreaties of such things; and wades
To Christ his Onely Wealth, Joy, Glory bright
In blood, Whose head they With the sword off smite.
Now Phileas Bishop of Thmuis who
Was famous for Politick Rule also
Had oversight of Publick Liturgies
And Philosophick Studies dies.
Nylus and Peleus Who bishops were
In Egypt were burnt down to ashes there.
Hysechius, Pachamy, Theodore
In Egypt also bishops and more ore
Peter the bishop of Christs Church that shone
At Alexandria whose fame's well known
For Piety and Patern to Christs flock
And Shephards too, and with him of this stock
Faustus Ammonius, and Didius
Choice ministers and full three hundred thus
Were slain with axes for Christs Gospell sake.
Oh Egypt how doth this thee glorious make?
Menas who was of Egypts souldiery
Did shew himselfe in Christian Chavilry
Most expert and in tortures thus declar'd
There's nothing in my minde may be compar'd
With heavens kingdom, nor can all the World
Be worth one Soule, if in the balance hurld.
Who can us from our Lord Christs Love ere part?
Shall Anguish or distress? I've learnd by heart
Of my Dear Lord and King, not such to feare
Who can't th'Soule, though may kill th'body here.
And when as being judgd, at block he was
His heart arose and thus his praises up pass
I thanke thee do my Lord God who hast mee
Partaker of thy pretius death made bee,
And hast not me devoured by fierce foes
But constantly in thy Pure Faith repose
Myselfe to this my latter end which said
He yields himselfe and off they strike his head.
Antino did her Christian Souldiers give
To Martyredom eternally to live
Ascla Philemon Apolonius
Amongst the rest were executed thus.
And thus this Cruelty did overflow
All Egypt, Thebes, and Lybia also
And Mauritania did feel this smart
That drove her pretious spirits from her heart.
It ran into the Ilands. Samus ile
Were lanced by it for a while
And Sicily had Eighty martyr'd in't
Excepting one did deeply of it drinke.
But now my Pinace is at Sea. I'le steer
To Europe brave to see what times were there.
Was famous for Politick Rule also
Had oversight of Publick Liturgies
And Philosophick Studies dies.
Nylus and Peleus Who bishops were
In Egypt were burnt down to ashes there.
Hysechius, Pachamy, Theodore
In Egypt also bishops and more ore
Peter the bishop of Christs Church that shone
At Alexandria whose fame's well known
For Piety and Patern to Christs flock
And Shephards too, and with him of this stock
Faustus Ammonius, and Didius
Choice ministers and full three hundred thus
Were slain with axes for Christs Gospell sake.
Oh Egypt how doth this thee glorious make?
Menas who was of Egypts souldiery
Did shew himselfe in Christian Chavilry
Most expert and in tortures thus declar'd
There's nothing in my minde may be compar'd
With heavens kingdom, nor can all the World
Be worth one Soule, if in the balance hurld.
Who can us from our Lord Christs Love ere part?
Shall Anguish or distress? I've learnd by heart
Of my Dear Lord and King, not such to feare
Who can't th'Soule, though may kill th'body here.
And when as being judgd, at block he was
His heart arose and thus his praises up pass
I thanke thee do my Lord God who hast mee
Partaker of thy pretius death made bee,
And hast not me devoured by fierce foes
But constantly in thy Pure Faith repose
Myselfe to this my latter end which said
He yields himselfe and off they strike his head.
Antino did her Christian Souldiers give
To Martyredom eternally to live
Ascla Philemon Apolonius
Amongst the rest were executed thus.
All Egypt, Thebes, and Lybia also
And Mauritania did feel this smart
That drove her pretious spirits from her heart.
It ran into the Ilands. Samus ile
Were lanced by it for a while
And Sicily had Eighty martyr'd in't
Excepting one did deeply of it drinke.
But now my Pinace is at Sea. I'le steer
To Europe brave to see what times were there.
The Martyres of Europe
There martyr'd at Nicopolis in Thrace
Choice Saints, yet handled in a dismall Case.
At Athens Monas play'd the Christians part
With bravery in all his torments sharp.
So did Euyraphus, whence Gods Grace did ceaze
On Athens, President Hermogenes,
And brings him home to Christ in such degree
That pledg them in their Martyres-Cap did hee.
Anysia of Thelsalonica
Of Christian Parents the rood people slay.
Quirinus Silcia's bishop in the higher
Hungaria, is apprehended and brought nigher
Unto the touch of Faith, Where he did shine
As pollished with wealthy Grace divine,
Is from the bridge into the river thrown
Fixt 'bout his neck to sinke him a greate stone,
Where floting long, he did the folk bid think
Not you of feare hereat: at length did sink.
Now Italy doth meet this bloody stroke
And findes the burden of these Tyrants yoak
Venice doth seale Christs Cause with martyres blood
In Aquileia out the Edict stood
For all as Would the Christian then to slay.
Felices now with Fortunatus they
Destroyed there. This Dismall day ore spred
Florence and Pergamus and Naples had
A Stroke then gi'n: and at Campania
And Benevent Apul-Venusia
And Tuscany this Persecution ran.
And tortur'd greatly many a gracious man.
Then Barbara the Tuscan Virgin brave
A glorious proofe of Christian Valour gave
When after sorrows in a stincking jayle
They slash her nerves and did her sides assaile
With flaming Tapers, tortures manifold,
She was beheaded like refined gold.
Agnes a Roman Damsell touching whom
Unto our eares incredibles do come
Well passed by therefore, is brought unto
The block for Christ, and off her head doth go.
An Apuleian Bishop now is caught
Adauct, and January, Elders brought
With Septimus and Fortunatus there
And at Venusia all martyr'd were.
There martyr'd were at Rome one Claudius
Serinus too, also Antonius
With Marcelline a Roman bishop who
Among the throng of Martyres thus doth show
Chrysogonus the pious Tutor were
Of Anastasia who did appeare
Adornd with Piety, who, when he fell
By Martyredom, her Zeale strove to Excell
At Aquileia gaind the Martyres Crown
Where martyr'd were these maids of bright renown,
Agapee, Irenee, Chiona, and
Theodora before with holy hand.
At Rome Arthemius that kept the jayle
Where Martyres were, Converted was, doth sayle
Along the torrent of blesst Martyrdome
And to the King of Glory this may run,
A Deacon of the Church of Rome is said
Under Marcellus bishop this sea made.
Choice Saints, yet handled in a dismall Case.
At Athens Monas play'd the Christians part
With bravery in all his torments sharp.
So did Euyraphus, whence Gods Grace did ceaze
On Athens, President Hermogenes,
And brings him home to Christ in such degree
That pledg them in their Martyres-Cap did hee.
Anysia of Thelsalonica
Of Christian Parents the rood people slay.
Quirinus Silcia's bishop in the higher
Hungaria, is apprehended and brought nigher
Unto the touch of Faith, Where he did shine
As pollished with wealthy Grace divine,
Is from the bridge into the river thrown
Fixt 'bout his neck to sinke him a greate stone,
Where floting long, he did the folk bid think
Not you of feare hereat: at length did sink.
Now Italy doth meet this bloody stroke
And findes the burden of these Tyrants yoak
Venice doth seale Christs Cause with martyres blood
In Aquileia out the Edict stood
For all as Would the Christian then to slay.
Felices now with Fortunatus they
Destroyed there. This Dismall day ore spred
Florence and Pergamus and Naples had
A Stroke then gi'n: and at Campania
And Benevent Apul-Venusia
And Tuscany this Persecution ran.
And tortur'd greatly many a gracious man.
Then Barbara the Tuscan Virgin brave
A glorious proofe of Christian Valour gave
When after sorrows in a stincking jayle
They slash her nerves and did her sides assaile
With flaming Tapers, tortures manifold,
She was beheaded like refined gold.
Agnes a Roman Damsell touching whom
Unto our eares incredibles do come
Well passed by therefore, is brought unto
The block for Christ, and off her head doth go.
An Apuleian Bishop now is caught
Adauct, and January, Elders brought
And at Venusia all martyr'd were.
There martyr'd were at Rome one Claudius
Serinus too, also Antonius
With Marcelline a Roman bishop who
Among the throng of Martyres thus doth show
Chrysogonus the pious Tutor were
Of Anastasia who did appeare
Adornd with Piety, who, when he fell
By Martyredom, her Zeale strove to Excell
At Aquileia gaind the Martyres Crown
Where martyr'd were these maids of bright renown,
Agapee, Irenee, Chiona, and
Theodora before with holy hand.
At Rome Arthemius that kept the jayle
Where Martyres were, Converted was, doth sayle
Along the torrent of blesst Martyrdome
And to the King of Glory this may run,
A Deacon of the Church of Rome is said
Under Marcellus bishop this sea made.
But to attempt the Spanish Continent
We'st finde Choice Saints to Heaven this way went.
At Valence Felix who the Elder was
And Fortunatus, as it come to pass,
And so Achilleus Deacons choice do dy
By Martyredome for Christianity.
Capophorus a Tuscan Elder and
Abundus Deacon at Spoleto stand
For Christ Choice Martyres and at Barcino
Is Cucusatus martyred also.
Cesaraugusta Eighteen at a time
Brings out to martyredome for truth divine.
Innumerable other martyres fall
By Dacian the President, and all
The Spanish Coast he sprinckles with their blood
As if their slaughter was a thing most good,
Leucadia the Virgin forth doth come
At Toledo unto her Martyredom
In Portugall at that brave City nam'd
There Einerita, by Eulalia tam'd
Who of Choice Noble Parents there was born
By Grace New born, and hence an holy Scorn
At twelve years old rose in her of all ways
Of Paganry prevailing in these dayes.
Greate honourable Matches she refusd
Having her Soule espousd to Christ, she usd
No Courtly dalliance, no pleasure tooke
In Purple robes nor gorgious Dress did brook,
Nor Pretious balms, nor costly Jewell, Rings
Of Wealthy gold or any am'rous things,
But all for Christ she was and Zeale did show.
Her parents hence lest she should guilty grow
Of her own blood convayd her out of town
Unto their Contry house far from the frown
Of bloody Catchpoles, but her spirits thus
Mewd up seems as a stiffling to them flush.
Hence in the night though darke she gets away
O're hedge and ditch through briars and brambles nay
Without all Path she strikes out to the town
And to it came by that they dark went down.
And in the morn goes to the judgement seate
And with a manly voice doth them thus treate.
What shame, I pray, that you men souls undoe,
And 'gainst the Rock their bodies living throw,
And make them God Omnipotent deny?
Behold I am a Christian, Enemy,
Unto your Divell-Sacrifices, yea,
And spurn your idols with my feet away.
I God Confess with heart and mouth but say
Isis, Apollo, Venus, What are they?
And what is Maiminus too? the One
A thing of nought. The other is well known.
A Reprobate, who doth the same adore
Both frivilous, not to be prizd therefore.
Goe too, thou Hangman born, cut, mangle all
These earthly parts, breake down this brittle Wall:
Its easly done, but yet the Inward part
Thou shalt not hurt by any of thy art.
Whereat the Judge inrag'd, cries, Hangman, take her
Hence hall her by the hair out, torments make her
Unto the Uttmost, let her feel this hour,
Of Country Gods and of Imperiall power.
But oh thou sturdy girle, or ere thou dy
Revoke they Wickedness. Thy Progeny
And noble Kindred waile thy overthrow.
What wilt thou kill thyselfe a young flower so?
Doth not the glistring golden pomp out spred
Now of the Bride bed moove thee? Childish head!
Behold Deaths Furniture here ready laid
Either thou'st by this Sword be headless made
Or by these beast be torn in pieces soon
Or flame shall thee to ashes quite Consume.
Let Salt and Incense in the Censer fall
And thou shall stay these punishments ---
Whereat she mov'd, spits in the Tyrants face
Throws down the idolls, spurns them in disgrace,.
The heap of Incense, Then without delay
The Hangmen hall her by strong hand away
Pluck joynt from joynt, and Claw her tender sides
Unto the bones with tallons, yet she 'bides
Sings songs of praise to God thus Lord behold
Ile not forget thee. What joyes manifold
Is it to eye thy Tryumphs, Victories,
Oh Christ to gain to these high Dignities?
And still she calls upon that holy name
All in her own blood brewd, that did her stain:
Not weeping but with merry looks she stands
Her red blood dies her milke white skin and hands.
They goard her mangled flesh on th'iron Grate
And Hurdle, and it harrow, then they take
And burn her sides and breasts with Candle flame
Which by her hair ran ore her, till death came.
At Adula Sabrina martyre's made
Christina too Vincentrice also's said
By some there to be martyred although
Others aver it was at Valence, who
Being a Levit and a Deacon was
By Dacian tormented thus alass!
He stretch him on the Eculean Fram
And thus Out Wrackt he torturd with the pain
Of Diverse Wounds, and wounded thus he runs
And tares his wounded flesh with raking Combs.
And drives the Executioners with Stripes
To greater Cruelty in all their Wipes
His harrowd body on the gridiron laid
With iron tenter hooks he open made
And clapt there to red burning plates ---orn
And did these wounds with burning salt be corn.
Then threw him in a dreadfull Prison so
On Shells most sharp his legs in stocks doth throw
And thus without all humane Confort he
Lies thus, and being dead the Seas must bee
His bury holy; but Vincent is humane
And he by these as Victor overcame.
But pass we now the Pyren-Hills to France
We'st finde Choice Saints to Heaven this way went.
At Valence Felix who the Elder was
And Fortunatus, as it come to pass,
And so Achilleus Deacons choice do dy
By Martyredome for Christianity.
Capophorus a Tuscan Elder and
Abundus Deacon at Spoleto stand
For Christ Choice Martyres and at Barcino
Is Cucusatus martyred also.
Cesaraugusta Eighteen at a time
Brings out to martyredome for truth divine.
Innumerable other martyres fall
By Dacian the President, and all
The Spanish Coast he sprinckles with their blood
As if their slaughter was a thing most good,
Leucadia the Virgin forth doth come
At Toledo unto her Martyredom
In Portugall at that brave City nam'd
There Einerita, by Eulalia tam'd
Who of Choice Noble Parents there was born
By Grace New born, and hence an holy Scorn
At twelve years old rose in her of all ways
Of Paganry prevailing in these dayes.
Greate honourable Matches she refusd
Having her Soule espousd to Christ, she usd
No Courtly dalliance, no pleasure tooke
In Purple robes nor gorgious Dress did brook,
Nor Pretious balms, nor costly Jewell, Rings
Of Wealthy gold or any am'rous things,
But all for Christ she was and Zeale did show.
Her parents hence lest she should guilty grow
Of her own blood convayd her out of town
Unto their Contry house far from the frown
Mewd up seems as a stiffling to them flush.
Hence in the night though darke she gets away
O're hedge and ditch through briars and brambles nay
Without all Path she strikes out to the town
And to it came by that they dark went down.
And in the morn goes to the judgement seate
And with a manly voice doth them thus treate.
What shame, I pray, that you men souls undoe,
And 'gainst the Rock their bodies living throw,
And make them God Omnipotent deny?
Behold I am a Christian, Enemy,
Unto your Divell-Sacrifices, yea,
And spurn your idols with my feet away.
I God Confess with heart and mouth but say
Isis, Apollo, Venus, What are they?
And what is Maiminus too? the One
A thing of nought. The other is well known.
A Reprobate, who doth the same adore
Both frivilous, not to be prizd therefore.
Goe too, thou Hangman born, cut, mangle all
These earthly parts, breake down this brittle Wall:
Its easly done, but yet the Inward part
Thou shalt not hurt by any of thy art.
Whereat the Judge inrag'd, cries, Hangman, take her
Hence hall her by the hair out, torments make her
Unto the Uttmost, let her feel this hour,
Of Country Gods and of Imperiall power.
But oh thou sturdy girle, or ere thou dy
Revoke they Wickedness. Thy Progeny
And noble Kindred waile thy overthrow.
What wilt thou kill thyselfe a young flower so?
Doth not the glistring golden pomp out spred
Now of the Bride bed moove thee? Childish head!
Behold Deaths Furniture here ready laid
Either thou'st by this Sword be headless made
Or by these beast be torn in pieces soon
Or flame shall thee to ashes quite Consume.
Let Salt and Incense in the Censer fall
And thou shall stay these punishments ---
Whereat she mov'd, spits in the Tyrants face
Throws down the idolls, spurns them in disgrace,.
The heap of Incense, Then without delay
The Hangmen hall her by strong hand away
Pluck joynt from joynt, and Claw her tender sides
Unto the bones with tallons, yet she 'bides
Sings songs of praise to God thus Lord behold
Ile not forget thee. What joyes manifold
Is it to eye thy Tryumphs, Victories,
Oh Christ to gain to these high Dignities?
And still she calls upon that holy name
All in her own blood brewd, that did her stain:
Not weeping but with merry looks she stands
Her red blood dies her milke white skin and hands.
They goard her mangled flesh on th'iron Grate
And Hurdle, and it harrow, then they take
And burn her sides and breasts with Candle flame
Which by her hair ran ore her, till death came.
Christina too Vincentrice also's said
By some there to be martyred although
Others aver it was at Valence, who
Being a Levit and a Deacon was
By Dacian tormented thus alass!
He stretch him on the Eculean Fram
And thus Out Wrackt he torturd with the pain
Of Diverse Wounds, and wounded thus he runs
And tares his wounded flesh with raking Combs.
And drives the Executioners with Stripes
To greater Cruelty in all their Wipes
His harrowd body on the gridiron laid
With iron tenter hooks he open made
And clapt there to red burning plates ---orn
And did these wounds with burning salt be corn.
Then threw him in a dreadfull Prison so
On Shells most sharp his legs in stocks doth throw
And thus without all humane Confort he
Lies thus, and being dead the Seas must bee
His bury holy; but Vincent is humane
And he by these as Victor overcame.
And see that Martyre that the Truth Advance
Much slaughter needs must be within the Same
If we but weigh how Maximinian came
Unto Marselles and Decrees proclaim'd
That all should worship idols or be bain'd
And hence the Noble Souldier Victor old
Because no idoll Gods he Worship would
Is by the Tyrant butcherd at Millain
And Lucian too at Belvack is there slain
Sebastian Lieutenant Generall
Of Dioclessians Vangard on did Call
The Martyres to be Constant to the Faith
Is apprehended and this Wage he hath
Gi'n by the Tyrant that his souldiers stick
Him full of arrows, and in sinck him kick
With whom Nicantrate and Zoe's spouse
Did fall, and Traglin (oh the scowling brows)
Tranquillines and Martia his Wife
Claud, Castor, and Tibertius in this strife,
Castellus Marcus and one Marcelline
With many more were martyrd at that time
And at Triders there Rectionarius playes
His game so well: so many Christians slayes
That there did run such streams of Pretious blood
As dide greate Rivers red with this red flood.
And out he did such Cursed orders send
That wheresoere they any Christians kend
They should fall on forthwith and slay them so
Without all further orders thereunto.
And also did it rage o'th'German Cost
For neer to Colen Gordon and his host
Above three hundred souls all martyr'd were
Agrippina and Augustina fell there.
To Bulloign, thirsting after Martyrdome,
Vitalis first they handle wily doe
And him enveagle's faith to overthrow,
Which when they Could not then their rage aspires
And doth attempt with tortures him to tire
In which he faithfully attends Christ name
And dies by martyredom with glorious fame.
Agricola his Master now they treate
Whose Candid Life seems for to dint some feat
Upon them that they seem but slow to spill
His blood, and hence they him delay untill
He did provoke them not to make delay
But to dispatch the matter hence they slay,
But to conclude Brave Maurice now is brought
From Syria and's Thebane Legion fraught
With Christian piety, Maximian
The Emperour did call them, ery man,
Against the Reballs in pretence: they Come
Through Rome, Macellus, bishop before in Spain
Did strengthen them, they take an oath that they
Would dy before deny their Faith or slay
The Christians. Hence over the Alps they go
After the Emperour to France unto
The Agaun Downs that is by Rhone strong streams
The Emperour at Ottodor there means
To make his West and Eastern souldiers all
With him up on his idoll Worship fall.
Orders this thing, sends for his Theban host
To serve his gods and Christian foes d--- host
They do refuse to Come to Ottodor
To worship thus, nor will their swords begore
With Christian blood; the Tyrant mad doth then
Take out each tenth and doth bebutcher them.
Hence Maurice brave doth besteel the rest
With pious Exhortations t'yield their breast
Unto the sword, and neck unto the stroke
Rather than Christians slay or faith revoke,
Doth tell the Emperour they swords on put
To fight for justice, and the foes off cut
Of all the Empire and of justice they
Were Christian, said, and could not ---y
Nor worship divell-idolls. Hence in rage
He tithes them as before then doth engage
Them all with horse and foot, and on do fall
To hack and hew; they throw their arms down all
Fall on their knees while them the others flay
Who are as lambs most vilely made away
And thus this Christian Legion slaine fall
Sixty six hundred sixty six in all.
English Martyres
We'l saile the Brittish seas and England searchAnd view what flowers of hers before Christs porch
Whose fragrant spirits breath perfumed sents
And here we have Alban of Verulam
The first in Brittain of Christ martyres ran
Whom while a Pagan had a visit gi'n
By one Amphibolus that did step in
From France to shun the Persecution there
Brought with him gospell pay for all his Cheere
And lodging here with Alban did receive
Food for the Flesh, for which he soule food gave.
Alban Converted is to Christ hereby
And when the Tyrant did the guest espy,
He sends to fetch him, Alban then drew neer
Did in Amphibolus his Robe appeare.
Whereat the judge offended storms as hee
Stood by his Altar of Idolatrie
Did threaten him that he should beare the pain
The other, should if he clave to Christ name
And said to Alban of what Discent art thou?
To whom he said What's that to you? Yet now
I am a Christian and live Christianly
Whereto the judge said, What's thy Name? Discry.
He then replid my Parents did me name
Albanus, and I honour do mentain
Unto the true and living God. Wherefore
The furious Judges Choler then boyled ore
And chargd him now if live he would, to 'dore
And hast to offer sacrifice. Whereto
Alban replid, these Offerings you do
To Divells that can neither help, nor hear
Their Supplicants, but such as do them feare
Shall once in hell eternall torments finde
Unless they do repent and change their minde.
This cut the Cruell judge unto the Quick
Hence he the Whippers charge this saint to whip
Which cruell Usage when he patiently sustaind
With joy he was beheaded, and life gaind.
And at that time Aaron and Julius there
At Verulam with Alban martyred were.
Amphibolus though he to Wales did fly
To Wales was fet thence with a rage full high
To Verulam, and martyr'd is, as't said
Having his belly open ript, is made
------ round a stake till out his bowells all
Fell out, then stokd with Dagger, then they fall
To stone him till he's ston'd to death, indeed
Thus did this holy Worthy martyre speed.
And now as stories goe this Cruell hand
Slew well nigh all the Christians of the Land.
Some few Omission added
One Victor was at Xanthus for Christ name
With eighteen score more worthy Christians slain.
The Holy man Cassianus Pastor chiefe
At Brixia di'd, but fell by this sharp griefe
For being now betrusted with a Schoole
He did apply himselfe thereto and rule
Comily-Forum is the place he's at.
The Tyrant hearing of it, as he sat
In judgment: treats him and Condemns him too
To be bemartyred by his Schollar so
He's given to them to attend their Will
And pleasure with, so be they do him kill.
They handle him full sadly, some with pens
New sharpned, some with their Pensills, stems
Of Quills, With Penknives, Rulers, plumets and
Such Childish things as are in Schooleboyes hands
That give him many scars and smarting wounds
So that his torment mightily abounds
The greater boyes that stronger were did come
And lay at him but yet the time was long
Wherein his smart and scornfull scoffs did rise,
From such as were malicious arch schoole boyes.
But on it goes untill grim death doth seise
Upon him in this wise and gives him ease.
With eighteen score more worthy Christians slain.
The Holy man Cassianus Pastor chiefe
At Brixia di'd, but fell by this sharp griefe
For being now betrusted with a Schoole
He did apply himselfe thereto and rule
Comily-Forum is the place he's at.
The Tyrant hearing of it, as he sat
To be bemartyred by his Schollar so
He's given to them to attend their Will
And pleasure with, so be they do him kill.
They handle him full sadly, some with pens
New sharpned, some with their Pensills, stems
Of Quills, With Penknives, Rulers, plumets and
Such Childish things as are in Schooleboyes hands
That give him many scars and smarting wounds
So that his torment mightily abounds
The greater boyes that stronger were did come
And lay at him but yet the time was long
Wherein his smart and scornfull scoffs did rise,
From such as were malicious arch schoole boyes.
But on it goes untill grim death doth seise
Upon him in this wise and gives him ease.
The Noble brave Barlaam out doth come
All torments suffers in his Martyredome
With an Heroick bravery untill
At point of Death, and yet he never will
Let any Crumb of truth have any wrong
Wherefore they take and lay him all along
Upon their idolls Altar and do put
Fire and some Incense in's right hand and shut
They do the same concluding that the flame
Would make his hand to ope that from the same
The Frankincense might on the altar fall
As sacrificd, but were deceivd withall
For loe the fire eate round his hand, untill
It as with ashes cover'd were, yet still
He held the Incense, and sung thus outright
Blesst be my God that learns my hand to fight
And thus upon the Divells Altar lies
He and is burnt to God in Sacrifice.
All torments suffers in his Martyredome
With an Heroick bravery untill
At point of Death, and yet he never will
Let any Crumb of truth have any wrong
Wherefore they take and lay him all along
Upon their idolls Altar and do put
Fire and some Incense in's right hand and shut
They do the same concluding that the flame
Would make his hand to ope that from the same
The Frankincense might on the altar fall
As sacrificd, but were deceivd withall
For loe the fire eate round his hand, untill
It as with ashes cover'd were, yet still
He held the Incense, and sung thus outright
Blesst be my God that learns my hand to fight
And thus upon the Divells Altar lies
He and is burnt to God in Sacrifice.
Let now the noble Catherine who was
A Virgin brave of Alexandria pass
Among these Martyres, who upon a day
When many Christians were compelld to stay
At Idoll Offrings in their sight in th'place
She groand for griefe, and did unto the face
Maxentius the Emperour withstand,
And did rebuke him for his Cruell hand.
Hence she is cast into the jayle, it's said,
An Angell came that night to her convay'd
Sweet Comfort to her. But the Tyrant flings
Her on th'Eculeon Wrack, and also brings
Her to his four sharp cuting Wheeles by's word
And after that beheads her with a Sword.
A Virgin brave of Alexandria pass
Among these Martyres, who upon a day
When many Christians were compelld to stay
At Idoll Offrings in their sight in th'place
She groand for griefe, and did unto the face
Maxentius the Emperour withstand,
And did rebuke him for his Cruell hand.
Hence she is cast into the jayle, it's said,
An Angell came that night to her convay'd
Sweet Comfort to her. But the Tyrant flings
Her on th'Eculeon Wrack, and also brings
Her to his four sharp cuting Wheeles by's word
And after that beheads her with a Sword.
Now come we to Julitta, who out came
Unto the judges then, and did complain
Of some one mighty muckworm that had flown
Upon her state, Land, Village, Stock, Slaves known
To be all hers, as his by violence
Whereto the Churle thus pleaded in defence.
She outlawd was because she would not serve
Th'Imperiall Gods nor would from Christ back swarve
This plea's thought good, hence Fire and Incense's brought
She Offer must, and Christ deny, or sought
Relief in vain, Whereto she doth reply
With Valeat Vita, Valeant Opes, aye
Oh, farewell Life, farewell my riches all
I'le part with these rather then let words fall
Against my God Creator, and when prest
By friends to Change her minde she did detest
Their motion. Hence the wicked judge in ire
Doth sentence give she must be burnt with fire.
Whereto with Chearfull Spirit out she goe
And did exhort the Women strong to grow,
They of mans flesh were made, not weake to be
But of his bone to be as strong as hee.
Be weary of your lives in darkness led
And fall in Love, with my Lord Christ and head.
Perswade yourselve, nay Gods good Spirit do't,
That there's a world to come and do you know't
All Idoll Worshipers for ever shall
Tormented be, but then Gods Servants all
Shall Crown'd in glory be eternally
Then lept she in the fire immediatly.
Nay once for all its said that that sad fray
Unto the judges then, and did complain
Of some one mighty muckworm that had flown
Upon her state, Land, Village, Stock, Slaves known
To be all hers, as his by violence
Whereto the Churle thus pleaded in defence.
She outlawd was because she would not serve
Th'Imperiall Gods nor would from Christ back swarve
This plea's thought good, hence Fire and Incense's brought
She Offer must, and Christ deny, or sought
With Valeat Vita, Valeant Opes, aye
Oh, farewell Life, farewell my riches all
I'le part with these rather then let words fall
Against my God Creator, and when prest
By friends to Change her minde she did detest
Their motion. Hence the wicked judge in ire
Doth sentence give she must be burnt with fire.
Whereto with Chearfull Spirit out she goe
And did exhort the Women strong to grow,
They of mans flesh were made, not weake to be
But of his bone to be as strong as hee.
Be weary of your lives in darkness led
And fall in Love, with my Lord Christ and head.
Perswade yourselve, nay Gods good Spirit do't,
That there's a world to come and do you know't
All Idoll Worshipers for ever shall
Tormented be, but then Gods Servants all
Shall Crown'd in glory be eternally
Then lept she in the fire immediatly.
In its assails under some tyrants slay
Within a month full sev'nteen thousand and
Vast multitudes unto the mine pits damnd.
When Dioclesian had his fury spent
And Maximinians venom out had vent
The Empire voiding them as Excrements
Constantius who alone himselfe Contents
With England France, and Spain; lets Italy
Go with the rest, then of the Monarchy
To Maximinus Emperour i'th'East
Who did his sons then two indeed invest
As Cesars, Called Maximinus, one
The other nam'd Severus as was known.
Constantius then made Constantine his son
His Cesar too, as Maximine had done.
The Roman Souldiers then Maxentius made
The Emperour, Maximians Son, its said,
'Gainst whom Severus was from Asia
Sent by his Father but fell in the fray.
Hence Maximinus in his place did make
The Dane Licinius Cesar, these up take
The patronage of Divell Worship all
(Constantius and his son excepted) fall
Upon Christs flock untill by Constantine
They were Destroy'd, and Gospell grace did shine
Which when it did a filthy fog soon rose
That did the Sun of Righteousness oppose
Hence such hard Cracks with Flashes out oft broke
That many holy ones fell by this Stroake.
Patience Exercised under Arianism
While Alexander was a making CleareChrists Godhead as Eternall in the Sphere
The Priests their of andanor up did grow
Put up in Arius his Sophick Crown
The which he crops by which he tumbles down
Christs Choice Eternity, him Creature names
Sucks in absurdities such falshood gains
That God was God when that he had no Sin
The Son was made, and therefore once begun
Was but a Son Adoptive, not by nature
Was made to be Gods Instrument-Creatour.
He was not God, had not a Deity
The Holy Ghost according to this lie
He did traduce as but a Creature made,
And from the father and the son is said
Essentially to Differ, and such trash
This Spermalogue did vend with Currant pass.
The Nicene Counsill then was summoned
By Constantine this Hydra to behead
The which they bravely did: yet as a weed
That off is cropt, springs up again indeed
Brancht into many stems, or sorts, doth grow
Like to three headed Cerberus, and flow.
The Eusebians, Eunomians, and them
Call'd Macedoneans branch from this stem.
This Monster barkt and bit, did spread and run
All Affrick, Asia, Europe to did come
Like as a Canker eating strangly spred
In almost evry place its venom head
Where Gospell grace did flow, in Ministers
In Kings and Magistrates in Emperours
And strangly did inulcerate, infest
The Churchs, and the pious part molest.
Arian Persecution
Greate Constantine that bore th'Imperiall Mace
Thirty one yeares and closed up his race
At Helenople's in a sheet of gold
Wownd up, laid in a golden Coffer t'hold
His Clay, the two and twenti'th day of May
They to th'Apostles Church he built, Convay,
Constantinople's graced with, and in
The Tomb he did prepare they bury him
The twelve Apostles figur'd that abide
On this side't six six on the other Side.
His Empire falls unto his Children three
Spain, France and Britain, Constantine, to thee.
Illyrick. Italy and Africk to
His youngest Son calld Constans now doth goe
But Greece with Thrace and all the Orient
Unto the other, nam'd Constantius, went
Who like a Spunge suckt in the Arian Wash
Become a Whipstock with that hellish lash
That Scurges to the quick the Orthodox
The maule that many of the Saints down knock
When Constantine his younger brother sent
Back Athenatius from his Banishment
By Arian Wiles effected formerly
And now a new fomented, by and by
He Syrian sent Lieuetenant of his host
To Alexandria to cleare the Coast
By force of him and then he did surrounde
The Temple with his army where he found
This Athenatius with his Church although
In singing time he slip him, and did go
Again to Rome. Yet Syrian with his mates
Did play this Arian game at Cruell rates
Some butcherd are, some troden under feet,
Some wounded fall, many the prisons meet,
Many are banished, nay Women cought
Drawn by their hair to judgment seats and brought
In most disgrace full way, and did begrace
Their Gregory with Athanasius place.
The which the folk so badly beare they turn
And Dianysius house to ashes burn.
These Arian blades go on the bishops they
Through out all Egypt take and (se their play)
Some Whip with rods; some hard bands they binde
Some banisht are, we ninety bishops finde
Are drove from Egypt, and from Lybia
By Arians persecution away.
And sixteen more are Excild in sad Cases
One Potamon that in the Pagan Woe
Had one Eye dug out, they now scourg, and throw
Him out as dead, and though means usd he 'gain
Reviv'd, yet dide soon by their stripes, and pain.
A bishops aunt killd by their tortures they
Let none interr, unburi'd cast away,
Three thousand souldiers in a Temple rush
And cruelly women and Children Crush,
Distroying many: yea, they Virgins take
And strip them naked, and the bodies make
An Object unto all unburi'de ly
As food for Dogs, who by their scourgings dy.
Thirty one yeares and closed up his race
At Helenople's in a sheet of gold
Wownd up, laid in a golden Coffer t'hold
His Clay, the two and twenti'th day of May
They to th'Apostles Church he built, Convay,
Constantinople's graced with, and in
The Tomb he did prepare they bury him
The twelve Apostles figur'd that abide
On this side't six six on the other Side.
His Empire falls unto his Children three
Spain, France and Britain, Constantine, to thee.
Illyrick. Italy and Africk to
His youngest Son calld Constans now doth goe
But Greece with Thrace and all the Orient
Unto the other, nam'd Constantius, went
Who like a Spunge suckt in the Arian Wash
Become a Whipstock with that hellish lash
That Scurges to the quick the Orthodox
The maule that many of the Saints down knock
Back Athenatius from his Banishment
By Arian Wiles effected formerly
And now a new fomented, by and by
He Syrian sent Lieuetenant of his host
To Alexandria to cleare the Coast
By force of him and then he did surrounde
The Temple with his army where he found
This Athenatius with his Church although
In singing time he slip him, and did go
Again to Rome. Yet Syrian with his mates
Did play this Arian game at Cruell rates
Some butcherd are, some troden under feet,
Some wounded fall, many the prisons meet,
Many are banished, nay Women cought
Drawn by their hair to judgment seats and brought
In most disgrace full way, and did begrace
Their Gregory with Athanasius place.
The which the folk so badly beare they turn
And Dianysius house to ashes burn.
These Arian blades go on the bishops they
Through out all Egypt take and (se their play)
Some Whip with rods; some hard bands they binde
Some banisht are, we ninety bishops finde
Are drove from Egypt, and from Lybia
By Arians persecution away.
And sixteen more are Excild in sad Cases
One Potamon that in the Pagan Woe
Had one Eye dug out, they now scourg, and throw
Him out as dead, and though means usd he 'gain
Reviv'd, yet dide soon by their stripes, and pain.
A bishops aunt killd by their tortures they
Let none interr, unburi'd cast away,
Three thousand souldiers in a Temple rush
And cruelly women and Children Crush,
Distroying many: yea, they Virgins take
And strip them naked, and the bodies make
An Object unto all unburi'de ly
As food for Dogs, who by their scourgings dy.
At other places as Constantinople
This rage was greate Wherewith thy strove to hopple
Christ Flock with Macedonius the Vile
And Paul the Bishop there's sent in Exile
Which when the City saw by Warlike might
This Macedonius brought, they stopt up quite
The Passages forbad his entrance then
The Souldiers with Swords drawn three thousand men
Slew and three fifties too and trod them down.
Such was the tragedy at this brave town.
This rage was greate Wherewith thy strove to hopple
Christ Flock with Macedonius the Vile
And Paul the Bishop there's sent in Exile
Which when the City saw by Warlike might
This Macedonius brought, they stopt up quite
The Passages forbad his entrance then
The Souldiers with Swords drawn three thousand men
Slew and three fifties too and trod them down.
Such was the tragedy at this brave town.
But Constans by Magnentias being slain
In France who did Constantius' rage restrain
A little Space, he lets then play the Rex
Vile Macedonius, who thus did vex
Christs glorious Cause that such as Orthodox
Abode in Faith, Out of the Church he locks
Compelling them unto their sect likewise
As Pagans use to idol sacrifice
They scourgd to death a many, did deprive
Some of their Freedoms, some of states they shrive
Brand some ith forehead, and all sorts of pain
That shamefull are, they make them to sustain
Some di'de in torment, others are exild
These things ran ery where, thus Saints are spoild;
Constantius doth grant Macedonius
To wast the Orthodox assemblies thus:
Hence he doth leavell to the very land
Their Temples by a military hand
Some that refuse for to Comunicate
He with intolerable pains doth rate,
Doth ope their mouth with sticks and opend so
Put in the sacred Mysteries (strange shew)
If any did refuse immediately
Whips, Bonds, and Jayles and other griefes he'd try
If women did refuse, he off their breasts
Would Cut, presst hard upon their tender Chests,
Or else would burn with red hot iron in part
Or else with rosted Eggs t'increase the Smart.
In France who did Constantius' rage restrain
A little Space, he lets then play the Rex
Vile Macedonius, who thus did vex
Christs glorious Cause that such as Orthodox
Abode in Faith, Out of the Church he locks
As Pagans use to idol sacrifice
They scourgd to death a many, did deprive
Some of their Freedoms, some of states they shrive
Brand some ith forehead, and all sorts of pain
That shamefull are, they make them to sustain
Some di'de in torment, others are exild
These things ran ery where, thus Saints are spoild;
Constantius doth grant Macedonius
To wast the Orthodox assemblies thus:
Hence he doth leavell to the very land
Their Temples by a military hand
Some that refuse for to Comunicate
He with intolerable pains doth rate,
Doth ope their mouth with sticks and opend so
Put in the sacred Mysteries (strange shew)
If any did refuse immediately
Whips, Bonds, and Jayles and other griefes he'd try
If women did refuse, he off their breasts
Would Cut, presst hard upon their tender Chests,
Or else would burn with red hot iron in part
Or else with rosted Eggs t'increase the Smart.
In Paphligonia at Mantinum
This Cursed Macedonius made run
Four bands of Souldiers who did cruely
Destroy a many, that his faith did fly.
This Cursed Macedonius made run
Four bands of Souldiers who did cruely
Destroy a many, that his faith did fly.
Sebastian the Captain of the Host
A wicked Manichee who many Coasts
Swept of their Pious Guides did greatly flesh
George Cappadox his barbarous Savageness
Whom then he did declare for to succeed
Choice Athanasius, then he did proceed
With Philagry, Egypts Lieuetenent strong
Set Jews and Pagans, Christians thus to wrong
Burnt up the Churches and Baptisteries
They did, and did most horrid villanies.
They holy undefiled virgins set
Starke naked, and if any hereat fret
And this withstood, they hazzerdeth their head
The saints they vilely underfoot did tread,
Some are Confiscate, others too are slain
With Clubs or Swords, some wounded, scourgd, sustain
Revilings and they now come and display
On the Communion Tables (Oh sad day)
Such birds and Nuts of Pines they offer do
And bring their Idolls forth with lauds also
Reproach and shamefull words they also hoist
Against our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ
Did burn the holy books of Scriptures which
They in the Churches found divinely rich
Athe'stick Pagans and Christ-Cutthroate Jews
The Sacred Baptistry entring, abuse
Oh horrid! On their naked bodies dint
That filthiness of Words and deeds in print
That is abominable, and we hold
A thing too shamefull for us to be told.
This splendid Georgeous George thus entring in
Greatly begladed at these Wicked things
And distributing hire and pay unto
Both Jews and Pagans and all such men who
Attended him therein, he gave them all
The Church for prey and booty, on't they fall.
Hence on they fall and do the Church divest
Of all her treasure that she then possest,
Wine, Oyle, her Candlesticks, upon the Wall,
Her Papers now which to their Idolls fall,
But oh! these Arian Villanies are more
Than can be pend, my pen here stops therefore.
A wicked Manichee who many Coasts
Swept of their Pious Guides did greatly flesh
George Cappadox his barbarous Savageness
Whom then he did declare for to succeed
Choice Athanasius, then he did proceed
With Philagry, Egypts Lieuetenent strong
Set Jews and Pagans, Christians thus to wrong
Burnt up the Churches and Baptisteries
They did, and did most horrid villanies.
They holy undefiled virgins set
Starke naked, and if any hereat fret
And this withstood, they hazzerdeth their head
The saints they vilely underfoot did tread,
Some are Confiscate, others too are slain
With Clubs or Swords, some wounded, scourgd, sustain
Revilings and they now come and display
On the Communion Tables (Oh sad day)
Such birds and Nuts of Pines they offer do
And bring their Idolls forth with lauds also
Reproach and shamefull words they also hoist
Against our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ
Did burn the holy books of Scriptures which
They in the Churches found divinely rich
Athe'stick Pagans and Christ-Cutthroate Jews
The Sacred Baptistry entring, abuse
Oh horrid! On their naked bodies dint
That filthiness of Words and deeds in print
That is abominable, and we hold
A thing too shamefull for us to be told.
This splendid Georgeous George thus entring in
Greatly begladed at these Wicked things
Both Jews and Pagans and all such men who
Attended him therein, he gave them all
The Church for prey and booty, on't they fall.
Hence on they fall and do the Church divest
Of all her treasure that she then possest,
Wine, Oyle, her Candlesticks, upon the Wall,
Her Papers now which to their Idolls fall,
But oh! these Arian Villanies are more
Than can be pend, my pen here stops therefore.
But while the things ran thus God was not still
For Julian who in France even to his Will
When he had vanquished the enemy,
Was by the Souldiery rebelliously
Made Emperour. Whereat Constantius rose
With griefe his Cousin german to oppose
And of Euzoius now he was baptizd
And going out to war was soon surprizd
By Death the tentend of an Apoplex.
Hence Julian soon to the throne out steps,
Calls home the banished Comandes that none
Should offer unto any Christian wrong.
But all was done in curld hypocrisy
For from the same he fled to Paganry
He calls the Christians Galilean brats
Whom he forbad to trace Poetick plats,
Or read Philosophy, and gave out then
This reason, said they wound us with our pens.
They armed with our Weapons do us fight
Hence he forbad them Learning gainst all right
But did his Pagan worship stuff with all
The Christian Worships Modes, Acts, Rites they fall
Upon't, thereby to make it better pass
And guided Temples raisd up for it was.
He judgd he must abstain from Tortures and
Must take of Christians by another hand
Hence did forbid them learning and displace
Them from all arms and office in disgrace,
But yet he did purse persecution raise
Oppressing them in all unrighteous wayes
And when his Leeches did exceed his laws
That brought complaints to him upon that cause
He scoffing thence would say be ye Content
You are to beare, tis our Gods Commandement.
He forct the Church of Cesaria
And round about there all their Wealth to lay
And many at his feet three hundred pounds
Of Gold then to his Coffers up went round
The laws of Constantine he did outlaw
That freed the Clergy from all rates, did claw
Them now, and did all Christain Temples stroy
And on their Wealthy Ornaments did fly
Most Costly Consecrated gifts he took
At Antioch Theodorit did looke
Unto these Vessells whom he scourgd away
And though an Elder with the sword did slay.
He gave to villains all full liberty
To treate the Christians then most shamefully
By style then of Impunity. Hence they
Surprize Gods ministers and Women slay
At Ascalon and Gaza, rip up, make
Their bellies Hogs Troughs and do barly take
And fill their bellies with, then swine they bring
Which to their pleasure great do eate therein
At Gaza on they go, scourge some to death
Drag some up on their backs, some while they've breath
Upon their faces on the ground and dash
Against the Pavements others all to mash:
Beate some with stones and staves, and some wash ore
With boiling Water, some on stakes, spits gore.
The heads of some they dash to pieces till
Their brains drop out, and then again they drill
Them to the places where dead Corp are laid
And burn them in their fires which there they made
And then their bones they gather up and fling
With Asses and with Camells bones therein
To mingle them, that none may ever say
These are the good mens bones so made away.
For Julian who in France even to his Will
When he had vanquished the enemy,
Was by the Souldiery rebelliously
Made Emperour. Whereat Constantius rose
With griefe his Cousin german to oppose
And of Euzoius now he was baptizd
And going out to war was soon surprizd
By Death the tentend of an Apoplex.
Hence Julian soon to the throne out steps,
Calls home the banished Comandes that none
Should offer unto any Christian wrong.
But all was done in curld hypocrisy
For from the same he fled to Paganry
He calls the Christians Galilean brats
Whom he forbad to trace Poetick plats,
Or read Philosophy, and gave out then
This reason, said they wound us with our pens.
They armed with our Weapons do us fight
Hence he forbad them Learning gainst all right
But did his Pagan worship stuff with all
The Christian Worships Modes, Acts, Rites they fall
Upon't, thereby to make it better pass
And guided Temples raisd up for it was.
He judgd he must abstain from Tortures and
Must take of Christians by another hand
Hence did forbid them learning and displace
Them from all arms and office in disgrace,
But yet he did purse persecution raise
Oppressing them in all unrighteous wayes
And when his Leeches did exceed his laws
That brought complaints to him upon that cause
He scoffing thence would say be ye Content
You are to beare, tis our Gods Commandement.
He forct the Church of Cesaria
And round about there all their Wealth to lay
And many at his feet three hundred pounds
Of Gold then to his Coffers up went round
The laws of Constantine he did outlaw
That freed the Clergy from all rates, did claw
Them now, and did all Christain Temples stroy
And on their Wealthy Ornaments did fly
Most Costly Consecrated gifts he took
At Antioch Theodorit did looke
Unto these Vessells whom he scourgd away
And though an Elder with the sword did slay.
To treate the Christians then most shamefully
By style then of Impunity. Hence they
Surprize Gods ministers and Women slay
At Ascalon and Gaza, rip up, make
Their bellies Hogs Troughs and do barly take
And fill their bellies with, then swine they bring
Which to their pleasure great do eate therein
At Gaza on they go, scourge some to death
Drag some up on their backs, some while they've breath
Upon their faces on the ground and dash
Against the Pavements others all to mash:
Beate some with stones and staves, and some wash ore
With boiling Water, some on stakes, spits gore.
The heads of some they dash to pieces till
Their brains drop out, and then again they drill
Them to the places where dead Corp are laid
And burn them in their fires which there they made
And then their bones they gather up and fling
With Asses and with Camells bones therein
To mingle them, that none may ever say
These are the good mens bones so made away.
At Heliople Deacon Cyrill who
In Constantine's bright day did overthrow
The Idolls there, the Pagans, kill, up rip
His belly, and his Liver knaw. Like trick
Thse did who did the virgins naked set
A gazing stock to be, then did not let
To hack them into bits, then out them cast
To be devourd by hogs, cause in dayes past
Brave Constantine had Venus Temple there
Destroy'd wherein virgins deflored were.
In Constantine's bright day did overthrow
The Idolls there, the Pagans, kill, up rip
His belly, and his Liver knaw. Like trick
Thse did who did the virgins naked set
A gazing stock to be, then did not let
To hack them into bits, then out them cast
To be devourd by hogs, cause in dayes past
Brave Constantine had Venus Temple there
Destroy'd wherein virgins deflored were.
At Arethusa, Mark, an Elder who
In Constantine's blesst dayes did overthrow
Their Idols Temple now they take, strip, beate
And tare him all with stripes which they repeate,
They tumble him in stincking sincks, then drag
Him thence and set him out to boyes to gag
With Pensills sharp, then at the last him plac'd
Up in a Basket, all besmeard and trac'd
With broth and hony out, they hang i'th'sun
In ve'ment heat, for Bees and Wasps that hum.
In Constantine's blesst dayes did overthrow
Their Idols Temple now they take, strip, beate
And tare him all with stripes which they repeate,
They tumble him in stincking sincks, then drag
Him thence and set him out to boyes to gag
With Pensills sharp, then at the last him plac'd
Up in a Basket, all besmeard and trac'd
With broth and hony out, they hang i'th'sun
In ve'ment heat, for Bees and Wasps that hum.
The Idoll Priest at Daphne a small boy
Privatly trained up in piety
Who fled to's Mistress then at Antioch
And was Conceald, gave many bitter stroke
Did bore his back, his hands, and feet also
With red hot burning irons, and lockt him too
Up in his bed room, and so left him there
Yet God miraculously freed him here.
Privatly trained up in piety
Who fled to's Mistress then at Antioch
And was Conceald, gave many bitter stroke
Did bore his back, his hands, and feet also
With red hot burning irons, and lockt him too
Up in his bed room, and so left him there
Yet God miraculously freed him here.
The Wells at Daphne Julian did spoile
With his Abominations, to beguile
The folk who usd this Water in all food
That of his Geer they might be understood
To be Partakers with him in the same
Which griev'd all Christian. Hence two souldiers came
Who of his Guard were gentlemen calld thus,
Maximianus and Juventius
Much at a feast bewaile this villany
Which by a Catch pole there did them descry
Who being sent for, did up to his face
Gravely reproove this fact of his, through grace
For which they're tooke, and by most rugged pain
And most intolerable griefs are slain.
With his Abominations, to beguile
The folk who usd this Water in all food
That of his Geer they might be understood
Which griev'd all Christian. Hence two souldiers came
Who of his Guard were gentlemen calld thus,
Maximianus and Juventius
Much at a feast bewaile this villany
Which by a Catch pole there did them descry
Who being sent for, did up to his face
Gravely reproove this fact of his, through grace
For which they're tooke, and by most rugged pain
And most intolerable griefs are slain.
And they at Alexandria this Whip
Do meet with cutting to the Very quick.
An old deserted place where heretofore
The Pagans sacrificed men great store
To Mythra or the Sun Constantius gave
Unto the Church: now Georgius would have
It Cleansd of Rubbish, that he there might build
A Temple. Hence all people there beheld
The Pagan Villany, to their Disgrace,
The Pagans moovd hereat, flew in their face
Slew some with swords, With Clubs some, other some
With stones, With roaps, some Crucifid, some come
All wounded sadly. George they take and ty
Unto a Camell, and burnt cruelly.
In other towns they threw the Christian there
Upon their Altars as burnt Offrings were.
Do meet with cutting to the Very quick.
An old deserted place where heretofore
The Pagans sacrificed men great store
To Mythra or the Sun Constantius gave
Unto the Church: now Georgius would have
It Cleansd of Rubbish, that he there might build
A Temple. Hence all people there beheld
The Pagan Villany, to their Disgrace,
The Pagans moovd hereat, flew in their face
Slew some with swords, With Clubs some, other some
With stones, With roaps, some Crucifid, some come
All wounded sadly. George they take and ty
Unto a Camell, and burnt cruelly.
In other towns they threw the Christian there
Upon their Altars as burnt Offrings were.
Amachius the President up raisd
His Idolls in a Temple to be praisd
In Phrygia's Metropolis, hence rush
Theodulus and Macedonius
And Tatian and privily them stroy
Hence others taken are and like to dy
Wherefore these men appear'd, said they it did.
Hence all torments are tormented, Chid,
And rosted on the gridiorn, Whence they spake
With Valient Courage to him, on the Grate
Wouldst thou eate roast meat, Amachy, turn first
Us on the other side, lest that for rost
We seem to be halfe raw unto thy tast
And thus this doome they nobly embrac't.
His Idolls in a Temple to be praisd
In Phrygia's Metropolis, hence rush
Theodulus and Macedonius
And Tatian and privily them stroy
Hence others taken are and like to dy
Wherefore these men appear'd, said they it did.
Hence all torments are tormented, Chid,
And rosted on the gridiorn, Whence they spake
With Valient Courage to him, on the Grate
Wouldst thou eate roast meat, Amachy, turn first
Us on the other side, lest that for rost
We seem to be halfe raw unto thy tast
And thus this doome they nobly embrac't.
To these we'l joyn these martyres mentioned
Artemus th'Egyptians souldiers head,
Beheaded was. Donate Gramarian
With both his Parents slain by Julian
Donate Aretia's bishop, the bishop then
Hilarian heir of Jerusalem
Priscus a Roman Elder, and the Clark
Priscillian Pigmenius a part
And Gordian, two Johns and Paul who were
Once Chamberlains to Constance daughter cleare
Of Constantine, these Women too to wit
Demetria, and Benedicta yet
Were martyred all by Julian the Vile
Who strove to press Christianity by guile
When that at Daphne him Apollo told
He could not answers give here as of old
Because the Martyre Babylas had there
His Sepulcher, and buri'd was too neer.
He Charg'd the Christian then at Antioch
To take the Martyres Coffine thence, who do't.
And as they were a carrying him away
They sung alowd, as Julian heard, this say,
“Confounded be all those that worship do
“Carv'd images, and trust on idols throw.
Whence Julian in such a rage out brake
He gave Comand they should all Christians take
Imprison, and with Various torments smite,
Yet none but Theodore met with this wipe.
For his Lieutenant Salust did asswage
The Emperour now in his Chafing rage.
Artemus th'Egyptians souldiers head,
Beheaded was. Donate Gramarian
With both his Parents slain by Julian
Donate Aretia's bishop, the bishop then
Hilarian heir of Jerusalem
Priscus a Roman Elder, and the Clark
Priscillian Pigmenius a part
And Gordian, two Johns and Paul who were
Once Chamberlains to Constance daughter cleare
Of Constantine, these Women too to wit
Demetria, and Benedicta yet
Were martyred all by Julian the Vile
Who strove to press Christianity by guile
He could not answers give here as of old
Because the Martyre Babylas had there
His Sepulcher, and buri'd was too neer.
He Charg'd the Christian then at Antioch
To take the Martyres Coffine thence, who do't.
And as they were a carrying him away
They sung alowd, as Julian heard, this say,
“Confounded be all those that worship do
“Carv'd images, and trust on idols throw.
Whence Julian in such a rage out brake
He gave Comand they should all Christians take
Imprison, and with Various torments smite,
Yet none but Theodore met with this wipe.
For his Lieutenant Salust did asswage
The Emperour now in his Chafing rage.
When to the Persian Wars he went he vowd
The blood of Christians to his Gods allowd,
When he returnd he would them persecute
And Chargd to build a Teatre that suite
This matter would thus at Jerusalem,
Wherein he would to Wild beast cast out them.
The blood of Christians to his Gods allowd,
When he returnd he would them persecute
And Chargd to build a Teatre that suite
This matter would thus at Jerusalem,
Wherein he would to Wild beast cast out them.
Libanius a sophist entred in
A Schoole at Antioch which marke (the thing)
A brave learnd Christian mannag'd did in scorn
Stild master, and unto him spake forlorn
Could not he tell What should at such a time
The Cartpenters brave Son do? Now divine,
To whom he said, he whom they scornfully
The Son call of the Cartpenter, is high.
He is the maker of the whole world, nay
And now he hath prepar'd Sandapila.
Soon after this news came that Julian
Was slain and to Sandapila (Vile man)
Convayed was, and paid is for his Scorns
The proverb's true, Curst cows have oft short horns.
A Schoole at Antioch which marke (the thing)
A brave learnd Christian mannag'd did in scorn
Stild master, and unto him spake forlorn
Could not he tell What should at such a time
The Cartpenters brave Son do? Now divine,
To whom he said, he whom they scornfully
The Son call of the Cartpenter, is high.
He is the maker of the whole world, nay
And now he hath prepar'd Sandapila.
Soon after this news came that Julian
Was slain and to Sandapila (Vile man)
Convayed was, and paid is for his Scorns
The proverb's true, Curst cows have oft short horns.
The Arian Persecution by the Emperour Valens.
Julian slain, Jovinianus reigns,
A worthy Prince all piety mentains,
Defends the Orthodox, on Arians frowns
But was too good to live: glory him Crowns
And in his place they Valentinian bring
A worthy prince faithfull to Christ his King.
He Chose his Colleague Valens his good brother,
As yet appearing such, yet proov'd another.
Sad persecutor of Christs Saints and Cause
Whom to the Arians his Wife drew, Claws
The Orthodox off when his brothers head
Was laid, or hand was in the Western bed,
For at his baptism Eudoxius made
Him swear to Arianism, and (its said)
To persecute them that the same oppose
And hence he made the Orthodox as foes.
But boyld thus raw, not Fish nor Flesh he prooves
Gives leave for all, both Pagans and the Jews
And Hereticks at Antioch their rites
To Celebrate and that in open Sight.
Hence Bacchus, Ceres, Jupiter again
Revive their Worship (thank thee Valens, reign).
He banisht such as would not then partake
With his Euzoius, nor Communicate.
Eusebius of Samosatis yea
Pelagius of Laodicea
Barse of Edessa and such are sent
By him into a grieveous banishment.
He punisht some by fines, by scourgings some
Drowns many in Orantes that doth run
By Antioch, nay eighty one Choice men
Ecclesiasticks all came to him then
At Nicomedia and bills display
Before him of their Wrongs they underlay.
Who all inragd and Chaft doth thus Command
Modestus the Lieuetenent underhand
To take and slay them all, Who is in fear
This open act would raise an uproare there
He ships them then seeming as if he would
Exile them, but the seamen thus are told
Convay them to the sea, then to your boate
Then set the ship a fire and let it floate.
And so they did, thus these Choice men at sea
Are burned with the Ship and made away.
A worthy Prince all piety mentains,
Defends the Orthodox, on Arians frowns
But was too good to live: glory him Crowns
And in his place they Valentinian bring
A worthy prince faithfull to Christ his King.
He Chose his Colleague Valens his good brother,
As yet appearing such, yet proov'd another.
Sad persecutor of Christs Saints and Cause
Whom to the Arians his Wife drew, Claws
The Orthodox off when his brothers head
Was laid, or hand was in the Western bed,
For at his baptism Eudoxius made
Him swear to Arianism, and (its said)
To persecute them that the same oppose
And hence he made the Orthodox as foes.
Gives leave for all, both Pagans and the Jews
And Hereticks at Antioch their rites
To Celebrate and that in open Sight.
Hence Bacchus, Ceres, Jupiter again
Revive their Worship (thank thee Valens, reign).
He banisht such as would not then partake
With his Euzoius, nor Communicate.
Eusebius of Samosatis yea
Pelagius of Laodicea
Barse of Edessa and such are sent
By him into a grieveous banishment.
He punisht some by fines, by scourgings some
Drowns many in Orantes that doth run
By Antioch, nay eighty one Choice men
Ecclesiasticks all came to him then
At Nicomedia and bills display
Before him of their Wrongs they underlay.
Who all inragd and Chaft doth thus Command
Modestus the Lieuetenent underhand
To take and slay them all, Who is in fear
This open act would raise an uproare there
He ships them then seeming as if he would
Exile them, but the seamen thus are told
Convay them to the sea, then to your boate
Then set the ship a fire and let it floate.
And so they did, thus these Choice men at sea
Are burned with the Ship and made away.
And now he came to Antioch thus and
Doth down destroyes Whom Arians do withstand.
And now he goes forth to Edissagny
A City in Mesopotamia
As if to see Thomas his Temple there
(But something else designed by him were)
The people that in troops flock to the same,
He knew no friends were to his Arian game.
He gave's Lieutenent then a box o'th'eare
And bad him slay all those that worshipt there
Modestus slow did privily convay
The matter, willing them t'omit next day.
But this they will not. Now Modestus goes
Unto the work, these sheep of Christ to pose,
And as he goes a woman in her hand
Having her Child did hast and brake his band
He to her saith, thou silly woman where
Art thou thus hasting? She replied there
Where others are, saith he, dost not thou know
That to their Death Modestus out must go.
Yea Quoth the Woman, therefore thus run I.
And why, saith he, dost take this little boy?
That he may be with Martyres, she repli'd,
Whereat amaizd, he back his Troop did guide,
And did this Emperour this matter show
And did perswade him from their overthrow.
But oh! the Tyranny that did invade
The Alexandians when once was laid
Choice Athanasius' head Under the hand
Of Lucius the Arian Bishop, and
Palladius the Pagan, Pretor there,
Who both in wicked Cruelty gulpht were.
What Rapine, Murder, Paganry, What Cries
By Tyrants there, the Eares would dread the noyse.
He that desires to heare the same may find
The same Theodoret for all hath lin'd.
Doth down destroyes Whom Arians do withstand.
And now he goes forth to Edissagny
A City in Mesopotamia
As if to see Thomas his Temple there
(But something else designed by him were)
The people that in troops flock to the same,
He knew no friends were to his Arian game.
He gave's Lieutenent then a box o'th'eare
And bad him slay all those that worshipt there
Modestus slow did privily convay
The matter, willing them t'omit next day.
But this they will not. Now Modestus goes
Unto the work, these sheep of Christ to pose,
And as he goes a woman in her hand
Having her Child did hast and brake his band
He to her saith, thou silly woman where
Art thou thus hasting? She replied there
Where others are, saith he, dost not thou know
That to their Death Modestus out must go.
Yea Quoth the Woman, therefore thus run I.
And why, saith he, dost take this little boy?
That he may be with Martyres, she repli'd,
Whereat amaizd, he back his Troop did guide,
And did this Emperour this matter show
And did perswade him from their overthrow.
The Alexandians when once was laid
Choice Athanasius' head Under the hand
Of Lucius the Arian Bishop, and
Palladius the Pagan, Pretor there,
Who both in wicked Cruelty gulpht were.
What Rapine, Murder, Paganry, What Cries
By Tyrants there, the Eares would dread the noyse.
He that desires to heare the same may find
The same Theodoret for all hath lin'd.
But to Conclude this Wicked Arian Prince
To seek unto the Divell doth not mince,
Who should succeed him, and the Crafty ape
Doth answer him THEOD. and lets him gape
To catch the man and meaning of the same.
But now this bloody Valens void of shame
Commands all to be slain whose name begin
With Theod hoping to prevent the thing,
Oh Foolish man! Is this thy Chief reliefe?
Thy folly shews beliefe and Unbeliefe
In thee at once; granted to Satan so.
Which in the selfesame action thus doth flow.
Didst not believe? Then Wherefore didst thou seek
Unto this Ape? Didst thou believe truth keeps
Unto his Word? Why didst thou undertake
To render him a lyer and to make
Away the man that shall succeed thyselfe?
Yet didst thou not believe this hellish elfe,
Thou wouldst account it needless thus to doe,
But didst believe, yet b'lieve it t'overthrow.
This shews thou dost believe God's false and true
Beliefe and Unbeliefe to act thee too.
These things do give thy hands a deeper stain
Of crimson dy by harmless blood thus slain.
To seek unto the Divell doth not mince,
Who should succeed him, and the Crafty ape
Doth answer him THEOD. and lets him gape
To catch the man and meaning of the same.
But now this bloody Valens void of shame
Commands all to be slain whose name begin
With Theod hoping to prevent the thing,
Oh Foolish man! Is this thy Chief reliefe?
Thy folly shews beliefe and Unbeliefe
In thee at once; granted to Satan so.
Which in the selfesame action thus doth flow.
Didst not believe? Then Wherefore didst thou seek
Unto this Ape? Didst thou believe truth keeps
Unto his Word? Why didst thou undertake
To render him a lyer and to make
Away the man that shall succeed thyselfe?
Yet didst thou not believe this hellish elfe,
Thou wouldst account it needless thus to doe,
But didst believe, yet b'lieve it t'overthrow.
This shews thou dost believe God's false and true
Beliefe and Unbeliefe to act thee too.
These things do give thy hands a deeper stain
Of crimson dy by harmless blood thus slain.
But to go on when Crabbed Death had took
To do this Tyrant. Things did better looke.
Brave Valentinians sons come in his place
Gratian and Valentinian through grace,
Choice Gratian did for his Colleague choose
Brave Theodosius. Now Grace ensues.
---eat Valentinian is drawn aside
By's Arian grandam Justina to slide
And hughly heaves now Ambrose to exile
Who at Millain disturbance had awhile,
But God was pleasd that much he should not do
By his attempts his truth to overthrow.
To do this Tyrant. Things did better looke.
Brave Valentinians sons come in his place
Gratian and Valentinian through grace,
Choice Gratian did for his Colleague choose
Brave Theodosius. Now Grace ensues.
---eat Valentinian is drawn aside
By's Arian grandam Justina to slide
And hughly heaves now Ambrose to exile
Who at Millain disturbance had awhile,
But God was pleasd that much he should not do
By his attempts his truth to overthrow.
Persian Persecution.
But let it be no fault if now my pen
Out of the Roman Empire run to ken
Beyond Euphrates how the State stands there
And Oh! it tells you tragedies there were
Sapores king crown'd in his mothers Womb
As stories goe, and Tyrant forth doth come
Stird by magicians up and by the Jews,
Against the Christians, whom they do accuse
Of sending to the Roman how things goe
In Persia, who war upon them do.
Hence he doth squeeze them first with Taxes great,
Then overthrows their Oratoriall seats.
Commands their Pastors and their Ministers
To Execution: Jew and Soothsayers
Cast Symeon in Prison, who as hee
Was going there, did Usthazares see,
(Who formerly Was Tutor to the King
And now old man had much respect from him)
He sharply did rebuke because he had
Apostatizd from Christ. Hence he grows sad,
Sadly laments his fall, begs pardon and
Resumes his Faith, this to the King they hand
Who him by flattery and frowns assails
To take from Christ, but nothing now prevails
For he replies, I've gainst my judgment done
In worshipping as you the rising Sun.
I'le be no more so mad and sottish vain,
The Wrathfull King hence Charg'd and he was slain
Then sixweekes thus before their easter day
They in the prison do an hundred slay
Of Pastors, Elders, other officers,
All on a day, who had their Comforter
That Worthy Symeon who Comfort brought
Touching the glorious Death of Saints and taught
The Resurrection from the Scriptures sure
And then with Abedechalaas pure,
And Ananias came to Martyredome
And thus his race for Christ was bravely run.
Out of the Roman Empire run to ken
Beyond Euphrates how the State stands there
And Oh! it tells you tragedies there were
As stories goe, and Tyrant forth doth come
Stird by magicians up and by the Jews,
Against the Christians, whom they do accuse
Of sending to the Roman how things goe
In Persia, who war upon them do.
Hence he doth squeeze them first with Taxes great,
Then overthrows their Oratoriall seats.
Commands their Pastors and their Ministers
To Execution: Jew and Soothsayers
Cast Symeon in Prison, who as hee
Was going there, did Usthazares see,
(Who formerly Was Tutor to the King
And now old man had much respect from him)
He sharply did rebuke because he had
Apostatizd from Christ. Hence he grows sad,
Sadly laments his fall, begs pardon and
Resumes his Faith, this to the King they hand
Who him by flattery and frowns assails
To take from Christ, but nothing now prevails
For he replies, I've gainst my judgment done
In worshipping as you the rising Sun.
I'le be no more so mad and sottish vain,
The Wrathfull King hence Charg'd and he was slain
Then sixweekes thus before their easter day
They in the prison do an hundred slay
Of Pastors, Elders, other officers,
All on a day, who had their Comforter
That Worthy Symeon who Comfort brought
Touching the glorious Death of Saints and taught
The Resurrection from the Scriptures sure
And then with Abedechalaas pure,
And Ananias came to Martyredome
And thus his race for Christ was bravely run.
Pusaces then an Artist of the King
Exhorting Ananias firm to cling
Is judgd a Christian tooke, and stobt about
The Neck, and also they his tongue hall out.
And now goes out the bloody Edict which
Death upon all that Christians were inflicts,
And then among the left Azades who
Was Chamberlain and was beloved too
By th'King himselfe, is slain: which grievd the King,
Hence Onely Teachers strikes he with his sting.
And though this fire did all ore Persia stream
It raged most i'th'tract of Diabene
Where all were Christians, and in all it slew
Full sixteen thousand, not of Comon shew.
Exhorting Ananias firm to cling
Is judgd a Christian tooke, and stobt about
The Neck, and also they his tongue hall out.
And now goes out the bloody Edict which
Death upon all that Christians were inflicts,
And then among the left Azades who
Was Chamberlain and was beloved too
By th'King himselfe, is slain: which grievd the King,
Hence Onely Teachers strikes he with his sting.
And though this fire did all ore Persia stream
It raged most i'th'tract of Diabene
Where all were Christians, and in all it slew
Full sixteen thousand, not of Comon shew.
But after this, the fire brake out again
When Foigerdes mannaged his reign
For Aadas Bishop by a Zeale divine
Who with greate Virtue much adornd did shine
Subverted Vesta's Temple Pareum
The which Magicians to the King did sum,
Which when he heard, he did this Charge out bring
To kill the man and down their Temples fling
Which is attended; hence there up arose
A persecution sore which onward goes
For thirty yeare at once Continually
Wherein the Persian Christians havockt ly.
For Isdegerdes dead Gorones reigns
His kingdom and his Cruelties mentains,
Against the godly and he also dies
And hands them both unto his son likewise.
The Cruelties they mannaged were sore,
To hear the same may make one shake all ore.
They fley'd the skin off of the hands of some
Off of the backs of others as they come,
Off of the Heads of others, and begin
Upon the brow and to the neck unskin,
Then leave them in this wise. Some naked quite
They Cover ore with reeds split down aright
Fitting the Cutting reeds upon the flesh
And bind with Cords from head to foot this dress.
This done they drew with Violence away
From ery part, that their sharp Edges may
Thus drawn upon the flesh, cut, gash and Wound
Thereby to make their tortures more abound.
They many close in filthy Valts up shut
And many Dormice caught and to them put,
And having tide the martyres hands and feet
That so they might not fright them when they Creep
Upon them and the bats by hunger greate
Being compelld do peck them up as meat:
And so by little bits greate torments rise
While being peckt and eate to Death each dies.
And thus these Saints did for Christ holy Cause
Sustain and overcome all hellish jawes,
And if the same Consider'd be we'st finde
Gods Patience in the Same most clearely shin'd
The glory of it now doth seem so thick
As if he did alone delight in it,
Or else as if its brightness was so bright
As did Gods other Properties benight.
When Foigerdes mannaged his reign
For Aadas Bishop by a Zeale divine
Who with greate Virtue much adornd did shine
Subverted Vesta's Temple Pareum
The which Magicians to the King did sum,
To kill the man and down their Temples fling
Which is attended; hence there up arose
A persecution sore which onward goes
For thirty yeare at once Continually
Wherein the Persian Christians havockt ly.
For Isdegerdes dead Gorones reigns
His kingdom and his Cruelties mentains,
Against the godly and he also dies
And hands them both unto his son likewise.
The Cruelties they mannaged were sore,
To hear the same may make one shake all ore.
They fley'd the skin off of the hands of some
Off of the backs of others as they come,
Off of the Heads of others, and begin
Upon the brow and to the neck unskin,
Then leave them in this wise. Some naked quite
They Cover ore with reeds split down aright
Fitting the Cutting reeds upon the flesh
And bind with Cords from head to foot this dress.
This done they drew with Violence away
From ery part, that their sharp Edges may
Thus drawn upon the flesh, cut, gash and Wound
Thereby to make their tortures more abound.
They many close in filthy Valts up shut
And many Dormice caught and to them put,
And having tide the martyres hands and feet
That so they might not fright them when they Creep
Upon them and the bats by hunger greate
Being compelld do peck them up as meat:
And so by little bits greate torments rise
While being peckt and eate to Death each dies.
And thus these Saints did for Christ holy Cause
Sustain and overcome all hellish jawes,
And if the same Consider'd be we'st finde
Gods Patience in the Same most clearely shin'd
The glory of it now doth seem so thick
As if he did alone delight in it,
Or else as if its brightness was so bright
As did Gods other Properties benight.
The Shine of Divine Justice
Poore mop-ey'd man at all these horrid sights
Not having sight enough to touch a Ray
Of Righteousness, is ready t'aske for light,
Is Justice Dead? Exild? or lost her way?
T'uncloud her Beams and cleare the Aire that hides
Se how she in her flaming Chariot rides.
Not having sight enough to touch a Ray
Of Righteousness, is ready t'aske for light,
Is Justice Dead? Exild? or lost her way?
T'uncloud her Beams and cleare the Aire that hides
Se how she in her flaming Chariot rides.
When Dioclesians reign was mild, Christs lambs
Fell into Carnall Gospelling, did jarr
And fight with Head, Horns, Teeth and Tongues (strange Hams)
Dishonour God the Gospell, shame and slurr.
They want a Rod and Clarifying times.
Hence Justice Usd, these firy Whips and shines.
Fell into Carnall Gospelling, did jarr
Dishonour God the Gospell, shame and slurr.
They want a Rod and Clarifying times.
Hence Justice Usd, these firy Whips and shines.
These Rods worn to the stumps into the fire
Are Cast, for justice hath as much to doe
With Wicked Tyrants, as with saints in mire
Of Sin. Hence such do set their joy in Woe.
Hence Dioclesian faild in his design
And Maximinian both, the Throne resign.
Are Cast, for justice hath as much to doe
With Wicked Tyrants, as with saints in mire
Of Sin. Hence such do set their joy in Woe.
Hence Dioclesian faild in his design
And Maximinian both, the Throne resign.
Nicophorus saith Dioclesian
Dide mad at thee, Milain, and thus he shows
It was by plagues divine, do what he can,
His body swells up, breaks, then meagre grows.
God sets a fine upon his filthy tongue,
Which had belcht out black blasphemies in throng.
Dide mad at thee, Milain, and thus he shows
It was by plagues divine, do what he can,
His body swells up, breaks, then meagre grows.
God sets a fine upon his filthy tongue,
Which had belcht out black blasphemies in throng.
A Troop of Worms between his filthy jaws
He musters up which from this mouth out crawle
Whose fetid Stinck did fill his house, he draws
The same in on his Putrid lungs withall
Then out his Wicked Soule he breaths while he
Was barking like a dog as like could bee.
He musters up which from this mouth out crawle
Whose fetid Stinck did fill his house, he draws
The same in on his Putrid lungs withall
Then out his Wicked Soule he breaths while he
Was barking like a dog as like could bee.
And as for Maximinian whose time
At Nicomedia was private spent,
Sore judgments ceizd sent from the hand divine
And him unto his own Hobgoblins sent
A fistulated ulcer up arose
In's secret parts that did Physicians pose.
At Nicomedia was private spent,
Sore judgments ceizd sent from the hand divine
And him unto his own Hobgoblins sent
A fistulated ulcer up arose
In's secret parts that did Physicians pose.
The rage then of his sickness up did graze
His intrails, and inutterable store
Of Worms came bubbling up, all to amaze
A Deadly stinck steamd from his rotten sore
His Paunch all turnd to fat suppur'd, he's like
A most intolerable, Horrid Sight.
His intrails, and inutterable store
Of Worms came bubbling up, all to amaze
A Deadly stinck steamd from his rotten sore
His Paunch all turnd to fat suppur'd, he's like
A most intolerable, Horrid Sight.
Hence some Physicians, who his filthy smell
Could not indure, were slaine, and others some
Because they Could not cure him, murder'd fell.
Yet one comanded to be slain spake home
Thou err'st, Oh Sir, Can Doctors cure Gods Wound?
Minde how thy rage against Gods Saints was found.
Could not indure, were slaine, and others some
Because they Could not cure him, murder'd fell.
Yet one comanded to be slain spake home
Thou err'st, Oh Sir, Can Doctors cure Gods Wound?
Minde how thy rage against Gods Saints was found.
How thou an impious and profane man wast
'Gainst his Divine Religion risen thus,
And thou shalt understand whence Cures are askt
And to be sought by thee, and not from us.
For I can die with others, yet assur'd
That thou shalt not be by Physicians cur'd.
'Gainst his Divine Religion risen thus,
And thou shalt understand whence Cures are askt
And to be sought by thee, and not from us.
For I can die with others, yet assur'd
That thou shalt not be by Physicians cur'd.
Nay Dioclesians rage Confronted was
In Syria with a Dread Earthquake which
At Tyre and Sidon many Roofs did Clash
And many thousand men on ruin pitch
The like as Vincent saith fell out at Rome
Which Perropag with forty men did doom.
In Syria with a Dread Earthquake which
At Tyre and Sidon many Roofs did Clash
And many thousand men on ruin pitch
The like as Vincent saith fell out at Rome
Which Perropag with forty men did doom.
And at Spoleto th'Palace fell and slew
Seven fiftie Pagans serving idols there
When Gregory bishop fell an Angell flew
Flaccas the bloody President that were
Who for his Wages took a Pill full blew
That made him all his intrails up spew.
Seven fiftie Pagans serving idols there
When Gregory bishop fell an Angell flew
Flaccas the bloody President that were
Who for his Wages took a Pill full blew
That made him all his intrails up spew.
Dioscorus that slew for Christs deare name
His daughter Barbary, dide by skie fire.
A Demon did Vile Aprofrasius tame
Did throw him head long down from's horse (good sire)
At Mendula with Death did Christians Check
And for his Wages Satan breaks his neck.
His daughter Barbary, dide by skie fire.
A Demon did Vile Aprofrasius tame
Did throw him head long down from's horse (good sire)
At Mendula with Death did Christians Check
And for his Wages Satan breaks his neck.
The Captain who some women dragd full lewd
Before the Court, they at Damascus held
Where he by threats vile sclanders from them screwd
'Gainst Christian's if they vile prancks usd, and Geld.
Hence hatred sprang, and Persecutions blaze
His hand's his butcher, he the Calfe it flayes.
Before the Court, they at Damascus held
Where he by threats vile sclanders from them screwd
'Gainst Christian's if they vile prancks usd, and Geld.
Hence hatred sprang, and Persecutions blaze
His hand's his butcher, he the Calfe it flayes.
And Maximine who gravd in sheets of braze
His Vile decrees against Christs lambs hereon
And Vaunts of Peace, health, Plenty, brought to pass
By Idols, and them fixt on Pillars strong
In Cities through his Empire with an eye
False Gods to fame unto Eternity.
His Vile decrees against Christs lambs hereon
And Vaunts of Peace, health, Plenty, brought to pass
By Idols, and them fixt on Pillars strong
In Cities through his Empire with an eye
False Gods to fame unto Eternity.
But see this Fame defam'd immediatly
For while this Edict now to pillars went
God stopt the spouts of heaven, a season dry
In winter led a grievous Famine sent,
Some sell their Farms and others do not linger
To sell their Choicest things for belly timber.
For while this Edict now to pillars went
God stopt the spouts of heaven, a season dry
In winter led a grievous Famine sent,
Some sell their Farms and others do not linger
To sell their Choicest things for belly timber.
Some noble Matron did, i'th'countrey goes
A begging, some eate pills of grass full small
Some fed on noxious herbs. Hence sickness grows
Some look like lifely pictures, reel, dead fall,
Some groveling in the street with hands out laid
Scarce able to breath out yet hungry said.
A begging, some eate pills of grass full small
Some fed on noxious herbs. Hence sickness grows
Some look like lifely pictures, reel, dead fall,
Some groveling in the street with hands out laid
Scarce able to breath out yet hungry said.
Many lay dead in streets and Corners sad
Yea dogs devour'd them, hence the Living then
Killd up these dogs lest that these dogs grow mad
And man keen, and should hence devour men.
One measure now of Wheate was, as its told,
For five and twenty hundred Atticks sold.
Yea dogs devour'd them, hence the Living then
Killd up these dogs lest that these dogs grow mad
And man keen, and should hence devour men.
One measure now of Wheate was, as its told,
For five and twenty hundred Atticks sold.
The Greate ones were to big for th'Famine's jaws.
They're therefore bits left for the Pestilence
Which fangs them with her firy burning Claws
And to their bulks do Carbuncles dispense
Whose burning pains so greate about their eyes
Did many thousands blinde, of ery sise.
They're therefore bits left for the Pestilence
Which fangs them with her firy burning Claws
And to their bulks do Carbuncles dispense
Whose burning pains so greate about their eyes
Did many thousands blinde, of ery sise.
And wars up rose and sorely vext his reign
Th'Armenians that were his friends before
These Christians he to idolls would Constrain
Hence for the truth their wars did vex him sore.
His brags of Peace, Health, Plenty now are blast
And he confest God did these plagues downcast.
Th'Armenians that were his friends before
These Christians he to idolls would Constrain
Hence for the truth their wars did vex him sore.
His brags of Peace, Health, Plenty now are blast
And he confest God did these plagues downcast.
But yet he shall not thus come off God still
Comes to his Carrion, tortures it surprize
Grows like a Picture, his souls sepulchre till
His Eyes leape out and sight doth leave his eyes
For his mad rage against Christs Cause he said
These things befell him. Death then him out laid.
Comes to his Carrion, tortures it surprize
Grows like a Picture, his souls sepulchre till
His Eyes leape out and sight doth leave his eyes
For his mad rage against Christs Cause he said
These things befell him. Death then him out laid.
His Pictures now and monuments he raisd
Up for his and his Childrens glory bright
Are tumbled down, broke, blurd and all dispraisd,
His Children and his Kindred stroyed quite.
His bloody Presidents with Phy upon 'em,
Are all Cashiered too, good riddance of 'em.
Up for his and his Childrens glory bright
Are tumbled down, broke, blurd and all dispraisd,
His Children and his Kindred stroyed quite.
His bloody Presidents with Phy upon 'em,
Are all Cashiered too, good riddance of 'em.
Maxentius too was moustrap't in the trap
He set for Constantine; he triall made
And found the bridge would tilt up, 't was his hap
To fall by Tybur. Tyburn I'de have said
He dide in Tyburs lap dropt from the ridge
Of his devised Milvian boaty bridge.
He set for Constantine; he triall made
And found the bridge would tilt up, 't was his hap
To fall by Tybur. Tyburn I'de have said
He dide in Tyburs lap dropt from the ridge
Of his devised Milvian boaty bridge.
Licinius finds that God is just whose hand
He could not shun by all his Witcheries
But when he did Christ glorious Cause withstand
And rowld in persecuting tyrannies
Greate Constantine twice beates him, thus he sped,
And after makes him shorter by the head.
He could not shun by all his Witcheries
But when he did Christ glorious Cause withstand
And rowld in persecuting tyrannies
Greate Constantine twice beates him, thus he sped,
And after makes him shorter by the head.
Millis who martyr'd by Sapores was
Once to a Persian City tender made
Of Christ with Exhortations greate, alass,
Could none perswade, but was by them assaid
Was by them scourged through the City, hence
He dropt a Curse upon them going thence.
Once to a Persian City tender made
Of Christ with Exhortations greate, alass,
Could none perswade, but was by them assaid
Was by them scourged through the City, hence
He dropt a Curse upon them going thence.
Soon after which when that their governour
The King offended had of Persia
He sent his army out who as in war
The City all in ruine then did lay.
If thou abuse and thus refuse Gods son
Divine revenge will thee to ruin run.
The King offended had of Persia
He sent his army out who as in war
The City all in ruine then did lay.
If thou abuse and thus refuse Gods son
Divine revenge will thee to ruin run.
When Teridates an Armenian prince
In persecution fell and up had shut
Great Gregory for fourteen yeares t'evince
His rage and in a dirty dungeon put,
Was turnd with house and Nobles by Gods power
Int'Swine, saith Nicophor, themselves devour.
In persecution fell and up had shut
Great Gregory for fourteen yeares t'evince
His rage and in a dirty dungeon put,
Was turnd with house and Nobles by Gods power
Int'Swine, saith Nicophor, themselves devour.
That Cursed Arius the Heretick
That set the Eastern Churches all on fire
And put on Constantine a fob, a trick
Swearing the Nicene Faith, but plaid the liar,
Swore he believ'd as he had writ but ment
A scrowlin's bosom, not that 'fore he'd sent.
That set the Eastern Churches all on fire
And put on Constantine a fob, a trick
Swearing the Nicene Faith, but plaid the liar,
Swore he believ'd as he had writ but ment
A scrowlin's bosom, not that 'fore he'd sent.
Hence Constantine not spying his strange jeare
Charg'd he should have Church Fellowship again,
But Alexander griev'd, his prayres and tears
Prevented all, and laid the matter plain.
Let me not see an end of this Dispute
If Arius holds the truth, was part of's suite.
Charg'd he should have Church Fellowship again,
But Alexander griev'd, his prayres and tears
Prevented all, and laid the matter plain.
Let me not see an end of this Dispute
If Arius holds the truth, was part of's suite.
But if the truth is on my part, I pray
That Arius the broacher of this flame
The punishment of all his impious fray
May from thy holy hand indeed sustain.
This prayre God hear'd, and Arius desert
Is tumbled on his head unto his smart.
That Arius the broacher of this flame
The punishment of all his impious fray
May from thy holy hand indeed sustain.
This prayre God hear'd, and Arius desert
Is tumbled on his head unto his smart.
For passing from the Palace as he came
Nigh Constantines brave market where there stood
A Marble Pillar Red he did sustain
A terrour that he quickly understood
He feels a Flux, asks for a Cuss-Johns-grace,
And meets with one behinde the market place.
Nigh Constantines brave market where there stood
A Marble Pillar Red he did sustain
A terrour that he quickly understood
He feels a Flux, asks for a Cuss-Johns-grace,
And meets with one behinde the market place.
He on it fainting sits and Voids his guts,
His blood doth flush down then abundantly,
His small roaps then come trailing out, out puts
Much blood with's spleen and Liver; Death thereby
This Cuss-Johns at Constantinople was
Which folk in scorn did point at as they'd pass.
His blood doth flush down then abundantly,
His small roaps then come trailing out, out puts
Much blood with's spleen and Liver; Death thereby
This Cuss-Johns at Constantinople was
Which folk in scorn did point at as they'd pass.
Constantius son to Constantine the greate
A Persecuting Arian Prince, (Oh! Deare)
Doth Fall on Christ and Christ on him to beate
All things a snick snarls ran it doth appeare.
When Athenasius and the Nicene Faith
His Synod had Condemnd, he sad things hath.
A Persecuting Arian Prince, (Oh! Deare)
Doth Fall on Christ and Christ on him to beate
All things a snick snarls ran it doth appeare.
When Athenasius and the Nicene Faith
His Synod had Condemnd, he sad things hath.
God soon did make the Earth a trembling fall
That did him beare, over the Eastern parts
And chiefly then at Antioch withall
Which for a twelve month altogether starts
At Berytum in Phenice 't quaking fell
And much thereof did ruin, histories tell.
That did him beare, over the Eastern parts
And chiefly then at Antioch withall
Which for a twelve month altogether starts
At Berytum in Phenice 't quaking fell
And much thereof did ruin, histories tell.
And Newcesaria in Pontus was
Destroyed by an Earth-Quake, and all there
Except the Church the Bishop such as pass
Did unto it. Oh! that men God would feare.
Darrachium in Dalmatia perisht soe
Rome and Campania towns three dayes dance too
Destroyed by an Earth-Quake, and all there
Except the Church the Bishop such as pass
Did unto it. Oh! that men God would feare.
Darrachium in Dalmatia perisht soe
Rome and Campania towns three dayes dance too
When that the Arians an harlot bought
To Charge Eustathius the bishop choice
Of Antioch of being with her naught
She rotted of a filthy sickness th'price
Of her Vile Wickedness, rotts quite away.
God will not let such pass without their pay.
To Charge Eustathius the bishop choice
Of Antioch of being with her naught
She rotted of a filthy sickness th'price
Of her Vile Wickedness, rotts quite away.
God will not let such pass without their pay.
The Persian War did sorely stress, destroy
And grieve them sore, taking their glory down
At Daphne, Antiochs brave sububs, high
An horrid monsters born so nigh the town
A Babe with two Chins, mouths, two sets of teeth
Two short prick Ears, four Eyes. Man such scarce seeth.
And grieve them sore, taking their glory down
At Daphne, Antiochs brave sububs, high
An horrid monsters born so nigh the town
A Babe with two Chins, mouths, two sets of teeth
Two short prick Ears, four Eyes. Man such scarce seeth.
At Antioch there plainly did appeare
The sign now of a Cross not Comet like
In heaven having a larg, thick yet Cleare
And shining body of abundant light
Stretcht fifteen furlons long out in the skie
And answerable too in breadth, men spy.
The sign now of a Cross not Comet like
In heaven having a larg, thick yet Cleare
And shining body of abundant light
Stretcht fifteen furlons long out in the skie
And answerable too in breadth, men spy.
An Earth Quake now did shatter many towns
Nice, Perinthus, Constantinople, sore
And others too, Arsatius of renown
Foresaw urgd to repent, was scorn'd therefore,
God ruind Nice then by this Earthquake, nay
Fire that fell down did it in ashes lay.
Nice, Perinthus, Constantinople, sore
And others too, Arsatius of renown
Foresaw urgd to repent, was scorn'd therefore,
God ruind Nice then by this Earthquake, nay
Fire that fell down did it in ashes lay.
The following yeare Constantius when he dide
At Mopsus Wells of a strang Apoplex
As out he went 'gainst Julian who tride
Now for the Empire and to play the rex
An Earth quake stroy'd Constantinople sore
And injur'd many Eastern Cities more.
At Mopsus Wells of a strang Apoplex
As out he went 'gainst Julian who tride
Now for the Empire and to play the rex
An Earth quake stroy'd Constantinople sore
And injur'd many Eastern Cities more.
Now Julian th'Aposte wares the Crown
And in his scepter Vileness doth prevaile,
Dread Earthquakes rise, throw many buildings down.
All things within or out doores safty faile.
Sore Droughts, hence scarcity of fruits up springs
And persons hungry eat unwholsom things.
And in his scepter Vileness doth prevaile,
Dread Earthquakes rise, throw many buildings down.
All things within or out doores safty faile.
Sore Droughts, hence scarcity of fruits up springs
And persons hungry eat unwholsom things.
A Persian War constrains him, out he goes
Swares to destroy Christs lambs at his return
But there his army pincht with hunger grows
And now comes on a pace his time to mourn
He now bewildred in the Desert were
By th'treachery of th'Persian Pilot there.
Swares to destroy Christs lambs at his return
But there his army pincht with hunger grows
And now comes on a pace his time to mourn
He now bewildred in the Desert were
By th'treachery of th'Persian Pilot there.
And in this case he's broacht up on a Speare
Or as some say a Dart from heaven strong
He with his fist tost th'blood i'th'aire, said there
Thou Galilean hast me overcome
In tending Christ in scorn so calld, He di'de
And did without a grave unbur'd 'bide.
Or as some say a Dart from heaven strong
He with his fist tost th'blood i'th'aire, said there
Thou Galilean hast me overcome
In tending Christ in scorn so calld, He di'de
And did without a grave unbur'd 'bide.
His unckle Julian with Chamber Lee
Profan'd at Antioch i'th'temple there
Th'Communion Table, and Euzoy, when he
Reproov'd him, he him boxt about the eare
Then soon his guts did rot and's Excrements
He upward through his mouth, not downwards vents.
Profan'd at Antioch i'th'temple there
Th'Communion Table, and Euzoy, when he
Reproov'd him, he him boxt about the eare
Then soon his guts did rot and's Excrements
He upward through his mouth, not downwards vents.
His rotten flesh is turnd to worms that ly
At bottom knawing all his quick flesh up
Of which sad stroke he dieth wretchedly
Which others of his Palace did of Cut
His Treasurer who scorn'd Christs Vessells dies
By blood draind through his mouth froms Corps that flies.
At bottom knawing all his quick flesh up
Of which sad stroke he dieth wretchedly
Which others of his Palace did of Cut
His Treasurer who scorn'd Christs Vessells dies
By blood draind through his mouth froms Corps that flies.
In Valentinians reign an Earthquake shakes
The Universe and many Cities stroyes
The sea doth seeke new quarters, and so makes
Some dry land sea, some seay Coasts drains drie
Hence by the roofes of houses when seas fell
Cockboats invented were as some do tell.
The Universe and many Cities stroyes
The sea doth seeke new quarters, and so makes
Some dry land sea, some seay Coasts drains drie
Hence by the roofes of houses when seas fell
Cockboats invented were as some do tell.
Hailstones so great as would a mans hand match
Fell at Constantinople in greate store
At Atrobate it rained woole, they Catch
With rain indeed that from the Clouds flows o're
Nice by an Earthquake's wholy now destroyd
And Germa Hellespontine much annoy'd.
Fell at Constantinople in greate store
At Atrobate it rained woole, they Catch
With rain indeed that from the Clouds flows o're
Nice by an Earthquake's wholy now destroyd
And Germa Hellespontine much annoy'd.
Soon after Valens burnd eighty Choice Saints
Up in a ship at Sea, a Famine greate
So hunger bit the Phrygians, them it faints
They leave their homes and take up other seates
The Goths invade him, he i'th'war is smitt
And in a Cottage burnt by them with it.
Up in a ship at Sea, a Famine greate
So hunger bit the Phrygians, them it faints
They leave their homes and take up other seates
The Goths invade him, he i'th'war is smitt
And in a Cottage burnt by them with it.
The Goths when beat out of their own doore by
The Huns, now Valens chuckled up in Thrace
His guard he made, but th'Cockrell soon growes high
And necks the Roost Cock when his spurs take place.
Mevia too Queen of the Saracens
Had almost took all's Eastern Quarters then.
The Huns, now Valens chuckled up in Thrace
His guard he made, but th'Cockrell soon growes high
And necks the Roost Cock when his spurs take place.
Mevia too Queen of the Saracens
Had almost took all's Eastern Quarters then.
And as a sad presage of monstrous times
Before the Pious Theodosias dies
A Double Child at Emmaus out shines
Single from th'navle down, up otherwise,
Two backs, two breasts, two Heads, two Mouths, two faces
Four Arms, four Eyes, four Cheeks, four Ears t'imbraces.
Before the Pious Theodosias dies
A Double Child at Emmaus out shines
Single from th'navle down, up otherwise,
Two backs, two breasts, two Heads, two Mouths, two faces
Four Arms, four Eyes, four Cheeks, four Ears t'imbraces.
One of these tops doth eate the other not
Sometimes both sleep at once, though oft but one
Sometimes they strike each other knock for knock
But weep and Cry do both together it's known
And this alive did nigh two years abide,
Then one before the other, four dayes di'de.
Sometimes both sleep at once, though oft but one
Sometimes they strike each other knock for knock
But weep and Cry do both together it's known
And this alive did nigh two years abide,
Then one before the other, four dayes di'de.
Presages 'fore this Pious Emp'rour dies,
Were dreadfull. Earthquakes, Rains, Dark fogs each way,
A great Ecclips 'for Pentecost surprize
Did all the World with feare of th'judgment day.
A Troop of Locust now about which pray're
Cast i'th'East and West which spoild the aire.
Were dreadfull. Earthquakes, Rains, Dark fogs each way,
A great Ecclips 'for Pentecost surprize
Did all the World with feare of th'judgment day.
A Troop of Locust now about which pray're
Cast i'th'East and West which spoild the aire.
He that beholds these things, and such as these
Will easly see how Justice Wares her shine
In glorious Scutchons. These are golden fees
Put in thy hand to plead her case divine
These arguments will quite Confound all those
That rise gainst Justice up her wicked foes.
Will easly see how Justice Wares her shine
In glorious Scutchons. These are golden fees
Put in thy hand to plead her case divine
These arguments will quite Confound all those
That rise gainst Justice up her wicked foes.
The Shine of Justice and Mercy together in Certain other Miracles
When curst Licinius did wars prepare
Against his brother Constantine
Armed troops of men, of Constantines, repare
March through Licinius' Cities fine
When Constantines elsewhere did shine.
Against his brother Constantine
Armed troops of men, of Constantines, repare
March through Licinius' Cities fine
When Constantines elsewhere did shine.
When Constantine against the Byzants went,
Twice beate before, he ahead espies
The sign o'th'Cross by Stars in heaven thus pent
By this sign ore all Enemies
Do thou obtain thy Victories.
Twice beate before, he ahead espies
The sign o'th'Cross by Stars in heaven thus pent
By this sign ore all Enemies
Do thou obtain thy Victories.
Hermannus saith when Constantine assignd
The Churches all their Tithes a shout
Or Voice i'th'aire was heard, this out then chim'd
This day there's Venom all about
Into the Churches poured out.
The Churches all their Tithes a shout
Or Voice i'th'aire was heard, this out then chim'd
This day there's Venom all about
Into the Churches poured out.
Malleolus asserts an hand was seen
I'th Lataran, write on the Wall
He'l Venom on the Church out poure most keen
To day, and so it was. This all
There present saw and red i'th'Hall.
I'th Lataran, write on the Wall
He'l Venom on the Church out poure most keen
To day, and so it was. This all
There present saw and red i'th'Hall.
It's said to be the day Great Constantine
Did Antichrists foundation lay
When by his gift he's Empire did assign
To th'Pope, which the we do gainsay
For Constantine gave't not away.
Did Antichrists foundation lay
When by his gift he's Empire did assign
To th'Pope, which the we do gainsay
For Constantine gave't not away.
After the Vintage time Constantius was
At Antioch, yea late i'th' yeare
With Julian, welcom'd with Grapes, sweet trash
And rain dropt on his robes while there
And others, little Crosses cleare
At Antioch, yea late i'th' yeare
With Julian, welcom'd with Grapes, sweet trash
And rain dropt on his robes while there
And others, little Crosses cleare
When Julians brother Gallus Cesar'd was
Then Julian seeking Quizzards to
And seing a grim Demon raisd, alas
He's almost out of's wits scard so
Then to the sign o'th'Cross doth go.
Then Julian seeking Quizzards to
And seing a grim Demon raisd, alas
He's almost out of's wits scard so
Then to the sign o'th'Cross doth go.
The Demon seing this away doth high
The Wizzards Chide him for the same
Doth tell him that the Demon thus did fly
Not from the Cross but in destaine
To what he did: and this was plain.
The Wizzards Chide him for the same
Doth tell him that the Demon thus did fly
Not from the Cross but in destaine
To what he did: and this was plain.
An other time in pagan wise he peeps
Into mans intrails to espy
The End of Christs religion: and there meets
The sign o'th'Cross surrounded ly
Within a Crown. This griev'd his Eyes.
Into mans intrails to espy
The End of Christs religion: and there meets
The sign o'th'Cross surrounded ly
Within a Crown. This griev'd his Eyes.
His Wizzards said the Doctrine of the Cross
Should Circle like no end obtain,
But Crowned ever be, But to its loss
The Master Wizzard did mentain
That they in prisons should it strain.
Should Circle like no end obtain,
But Crowned ever be, But to its loss
The Master Wizzard did mentain
That they in prisons should it strain.
He in fond hopes to proove Christs word a ly
Great sums of Money gave the Jews
To build their Temple up; they leap for joy
And now to Carry't on they muze
In sulking o're the Christians use.
Great sums of Money gave the Jews
To build their Temple up; they leap for joy
And now to Carry't on they muze
In sulking o're the Christians use.
They two brave temples and more many do
Hack at Damascus down indeed
At Gaza and at Ascalon also
At Berytus they so proceed
And for their building flock with speed.
Hack at Damascus down indeed
At Gaza and at Ascalon also
At Berytus they so proceed
And for their building flock with speed.
Timber, stones, Brick, Clay, Lime and other things
The Emperour on them bestows
They, Mattocks, spades, Yea, silver Baskets bring
Fall on the work, th'dust out throws
And Rubbish out a pace now goes.
The Emperour on them bestows
They, Mattocks, spades, Yea, silver Baskets bring
Fall on the work, th'dust out throws
And Rubbish out a pace now goes.
Yet God them Counter-buffs, an heape of lime
Some thousands of full measures were
All scatterd thence, Yet on they goe: its time
They finde the old foundation there
And on't a new one up they reare.
Some thousands of full measures were
All scatterd thence, Yet on they goe: its time
They finde the old foundation there
And on't a new one up they reare.
But loe by night an Earthquake rose, up spews
Their stones o'th'old foundation laid
And all things with the buildings neer down threw
Slew many quite, and some half dead made
Broke Legs, and Arms off others that there stay'd.
Their stones o'th'old foundation laid
And all things with the buildings neer down threw
Slew many quite, and some half dead made
Broke Legs, and Arms off others that there stay'd.
They not dismaid yet at Gods angells shown
A fresh fall on the worke again
But fire from heaven, or balls of fire out thrown
Burnt many workmen up with flame
Tooles, Axes, hammers, stuffe for the frame.
A fresh fall on the worke again
Burnt many workmen up with flame
Tooles, Axes, hammers, stuffe for the frame.
This fire continude burning all the day
Did their materialls all destroy,
At night the sign of th'Cross the skys display
And in their Cloaths in darksom dy
Crosses inprinted there, did ly.
Did their materialls all destroy,
At night the sign of th'Cross the skys display
And in their Cloaths in darksom dy
Crosses inprinted there, did ly.
These Crosses they to wash and wipe out tride,
But could not: then some did profess
God angry were, and unto Christ they hide,
Others still blindness did possess,
Went sour away, with shame oppresst.
But could not: then some did profess
God angry were, and unto Christ they hide,
Others still blindness did possess,
Went sour away, with shame oppresst.
But to dispatch Curst Julian a War
With Persia calls him there to go
An Earthquake stops his hast, yet when this bar
Remov'd he went, the Skies then throw
A fireball him to overthrow.
With Persia calls him there to go
An Earthquake stops his hast, yet when this bar
Remov'd he went, the Skies then throw
A fireball him to overthrow.
The day before his fall an heathen judge
Watching before the royall Hall
At Antioch saw Stars inheapt to budge
This sentence legible to all
To day in Persia Julian falls.
Watching before the royall Hall
At Antioch saw Stars inheapt to budge
This sentence legible to all
To day in Persia Julian falls.
At night a friend of his, that elsewhere steeres
Upon a journy took to him
Lodgd in a Christian Oritory, there
Not finding Welcome in the Inn,
And wake or sleep, he sees this thing.
Upon a journy took to him
Lodgd in a Christian Oritory, there
Not finding Welcome in the Inn,
And wake or sleep, he sees this thing.
There of th'Apostles met and Prophets many
Bewaild the Princes Shamefull geere
Towards the Churches and Consult if any
Might something do, perplext they were
Then two stand up, bad all good cheer.
Bewaild the Princes Shamefull geere
Towards the Churches and Consult if any
Might something do, perplext they were
Then two stand up, bad all good cheer.
Then hastily they as to overthrow
This Julians Empire left the rest
The man amaizd his journy slackt, and so
Another night that place possest
And Cogitations filld his breast.
This Julians Empire left the rest
The man amaizd his journy slackt, and so
Another night that place possest
And Cogitations filld his breast.
And sleeping there he saw the Court again
Convene to which and suddenly
Those two as from their journey entring came
And told the rest immediatly
That Julian now slain did ly.
Convene to which and suddenly
Those two as from their journey entring came
And told the rest immediatly
That Julian now slain did ly.
The self same day, Learnd Dydimus a man
Of Alexandria's Church, did fast
Griev'd for the wickedness of Julian
Against Gods Church and nought would tast
The following night thus it he past.
Of Alexandria's Church, did fast
Griev'd for the wickedness of Julian
The following night thus it he past.
But sitting in his seat fell in a trance
And in a rapture saw appeare
White horses in the Aire that course and prance
And riders on them very cleare
Like Haraulds Crying loudly there.
And in a rapture saw appeare
White horses in the Aire that course and prance
And riders on them very cleare
Like Haraulds Crying loudly there.
Tell Didymus that Julian is slain
This very day about this time
He hearing this arose, did eat again.
To Athanasius the Divine
Declard the same that truth might shine.
This very day about this time
He hearing this arose, did eat again.
To Athanasius the Divine
Declard the same that truth might shine.
In Gratians sixt year a strange star did rise
Nigh Lucifer, whose beams shown cleare
And to it flockt a troop of stars likewise
Which like a swarm of Bees appeare
About their Leader Clinging there.
Nigh Lucifer, whose beams shown cleare
And to it flockt a troop of stars likewise
Which like a swarm of Bees appeare
About their Leader Clinging there.
Then Light as from their mutuallity
And strong assault, from all did shine
Mixt in one Flame vanisht immediatly
And turnd into a dreadfull sign
An horrid, hugh, sharp sword that time
And strong assault, from all did shine
Mixt in one Flame vanisht immediatly
And turnd into a dreadfull sign
An horrid, hugh, sharp sword that time
The other stars receding to that sight
That one alone which first was spide
In its whole shape shown like the Root aright,
Like that one star in shine, beside
Like a light Matchcord-flame, up't hide
That one alone which first was spide
In its whole shape shown like the Root aright,
Like that one star in shine, beside
Like a light Matchcord-flame, up't hide
About this time Proude Nilus sweld so high
As if it would all Egypt drown
And it did swell mens fears Exceedingly,
Lest Alexandria's brave town
And Lybia it would throw down.
As if it would all Egypt drown
And it did swell mens fears Exceedingly,
Lest Alexandria's brave town
And Lybia it would throw down.
When that the Bakehouse Hall at Rome so vile
Hem'd in with Taphouses and stews
(The Bakhouse being under ground) did spoile
Many a man, by wicked Crews
Who did their Visiters abuse
Hem'd in with Taphouses and stews
(The Bakhouse being under ground) did spoile
Many a man, by wicked Crews
Who did their Visiters abuse
For through a privy way they oft Convay'd
Their guests into this Bakhouse den
Where they were kept to grinde, and therefore stay'd
From ever going out agen
And never heard of more by men.
Their guests into this Bakhouse den
Where they were kept to grinde, and therefore stay'd
From ever going out agen
And never heard of more by men.
Brave Theodosius the greate had one
Of his stout men cought through this doore
Whose sword cut out his pass. He this made known
The Emperour destroyd therefore
The Bakhouse stowd with theeves and whores
Of his stout men cought through this doore
Whose sword cut out his pass. He this made known
The Emperour destroyd therefore
The Bakhouse stowd with theeves and whores
Another filthy trick at Rome was this
They tooke her that was taken in
Playing the Whore and forc'd much worse amiss
They beastly use in Stews, and ring
A bell while there they do the thing.
They tooke her that was taken in
Playing the Whore and forc'd much worse amiss
They beastly use in Stews, and ring
A bell while there they do the thing.
This wicked Custom this good Prince thus neckt
Made laws against adultery
And worthily did Crush to good effect
Such beastly things as did ---nny
Th'Imperiall Seate of Italy.
Made laws against adultery
And worthily did Crush to good effect
Such beastly things as did ---nny
Th'Imperiall Seate of Italy.
And when he grappled with Eugenius
The Traitour who seemd to prevaile
His holy prayers to heaven up thus
Almighty God thou knowst I 'saile
This War in Christs name not to fail.
The Traitour who seemd to prevaile
His holy prayers to heaven up thus
Almighty God thou knowst I 'saile
This War in Christs name not to fail.
That Wickedness may meet with vengeance just
If not take vengeance on me then:
If in good Cause and in thyselfe I trust
Stretch out thy hand lest heathen men
Where is their God do say and ken?
If not take vengeance on me then:
If in good Cause and in thyselfe I trust
Stretch out thy hand lest heathen men
Where is their God do say and ken?
And rising up, Captain Macurius
Routed the routing throng again
A storm arose, blew back the darts, shot thus
By's foes into their face amain
And those his Cast till th'foe fell slain.
Routed the routing throng again
A storm arose, blew back the darts, shot thus
By's foes into their face amain
And those his Cast till th'foe fell slain.
And thus we se Gods glorious sparkling shine
By various Providences gleam.
Though sometimes Clouds do seme to dim the time,
Yet soon the Beams of justice beam
With Wisdom, Patience, Grace a stream.
By various Providences gleam.
Though sometimes Clouds do seme to dim the time,
Yet soon the Beams of justice beam
With Wisdom, Patience, Grace a stream.
The Shine of Divine Truth
The Glorie is not over yet. Truth brings
A Bunch of glorious Beaming raise
Unto this blessed Shine and sings
Blnd up this bunch in glories' sheafe, the blaze
Will grace the shine the more and bless the Phrase.
A Bunch of glorious Beaming raise
Unto this blessed Shine and sings
Blnd up this bunch in glories' sheafe, the blaze
Will grace the shine the more and bless the Phrase.
This Century doth guild us with the Shine
Of that bright Truth that snug doth ly
Under the sixt and ore the Line
Of th'seventh seale of th'sealed Prophesy
Which being op'd did let this shine thence fly.
Of that bright Truth that snug doth ly
Under the sixt and ore the Line
Of th'seventh seale of th'sealed Prophesy
Which being op'd did let this shine thence fly.
Here opes the sixt seale of the sealed book
Held in the hand of him who fild
The glorious Throne in heaven, and tooke
Revenge on those that had those Choice souls spilld
Under the Altar praying for't, as killd.
Held in the hand of him who fild
The glorious Throne in heaven, and tooke
Under the Altar praying for't, as killd.
When that their Brethren had such Witness gin:
As they, the Pagan heavens fall
Their idol Saints black sackclouth grim
Hence farewell day. Their Priesthood Moon withall
Idolatry as all gore blood down shall.
As they, the Pagan heavens fall
Their idol Saints black sackclouth grim
Hence farewell day. Their Priesthood Moon withall
Idolatry as all gore blood down shall.
Their stars from Heaven drop like unripe figs
Those pinking small Devotaries
Hence Night good night Away there trigs
All Time, both day and night, and so the Skies
Their Heavens as a Book Claspt up now lie.
Those pinking small Devotaries
Hence Night good night Away there trigs
All Time, both day and night, and so the Skies
Their Heavens as a Book Claspt up now lie.
Their kings and Captains creep in augar holes.
The Birds of Paradise now sing
Angells do tune the song With souls
In Glory now before the Throne Within
The King of Glory as they View this Thing.
The Birds of Paradise now sing
Angells do tune the song With souls
In Glory now before the Throne Within
The King of Glory as they View this Thing.
The seventh seale now opes a blissful rest
Shines on Gods Darling Saints a while
The Court in Heaven is possesst
In Holy Worship where their High Priests pile
Of Incense fumes their Works in graces Soile.
Shines on Gods Darling Saints a while
The Court in Heaven is possesst
In Holy Worship where their High Priests pile
Of Incense fumes their Works in graces Soile.
Which being o're the Altars fire was Cast
Down to the Earth. The Court then rang
Like Lightning, Thunder and at last
An Earth Quake rose. New Measures also sprang
Seven Angells to the same did beate the drum.
Down to the Earth. The Court then rang
Like Lightning, Thunder and at last
An Earth Quake rose. New Measures also sprang
Seven Angells to the same did beate the drum.
Three Woes on tiptoes stand for to surprize
A sinfull Gospelld World alass
Four Angells with four Trumpits rise
And trumpet in the first which on doth pass
Upon Apostates and a Triptote was.
A sinfull Gospelld World alass
Four Angells with four Trumpits rise
And trumpet in the first which on doth pass
Upon Apostates and a Triptote was.
The first Trump blew: then Hail on Earth down fell
With Fire and Blood Congeled ---ess
To God, yet bloody Wrath from Hell
The Gospell Soile of Truth's strong Trees most fresh
And Graces Green's a third part burnt and less
With Fire and Blood Congeled ---ess
To God, yet bloody Wrath from Hell
The Gospell Soile of Truth's strong Trees most fresh
And Graces Green's a third part burnt and less
The second Angell sounds. A Lofty Mount
Of Truth on fire drops in the Sea
Of Banging Discipline. Men count
To win the field by Words and wordy fray
This floating Sea's third part's a bloody plea.
Of Truth on fire drops in the Sea
Of Banging Discipline. Men count
To win the field by Words and wordy fray
This floating Sea's third part's a bloody plea.
Wicked Debates and Preaching Heresy
A third of things destroy therein.
Officiall ships whose sails run high
Are for a third thereof shipt rack herein
Whose balast was the Dregs of Drossy Sin.
A third of things destroy therein.
Officiall ships whose sails run high
Are for a third thereof shipt rack herein
Whose balast was the Dregs of Drossy Sin.
Christs Doctrine, and the ---aning it abusd
Thus in the Eastern parts, uprose
The third bright Angell, as is shewd
And sounds his Trumpet out, there quickly goes
A mighty torch, a lamplike star down throws.
Thus in the Eastern parts, uprose
The third bright Angell, as is shewd
And sounds his Trumpet out, there quickly goes
A mighty torch, a lamplike star down throws.
Constantius like a glorious star did fall
Into the Arian slough from's state
Once Orthodox and burns withall
This Wormwood star's dropt down by woefull fate
Into the Drills of Truth, whose springs out brake.
Into the Arian slough from's state
Once Orthodox and burns withall
This Wormwood star's dropt down by woefull fate
Into the Drills of Truth, whose springs out brake.
A third part of these Waters poison'd are
That through these Rivelets do drill
The Arian Poison doth not spare
At Alexandri' and Antioch to kill,
And at Constantinople at their Will.
That through these Rivelets do drill
The Arian Poison doth not spare
At Alexandri' and Antioch to kill,
And at Constantinople at their Will.
A third part of the Sanctuary streams
Oreflowing of the Eastern parts
A third part of the Empire Creams
With bitter S---oms and by their Doctors Arts
Men many dy, Most poisond by their darts.
Oreflowing of the Eastern parts
A third part of the Empire Creams
With bitter S---oms and by their Doctors Arts
Men many dy, Most poisond by their darts.
Things thus now runing, the fourth Angell blows
And soon the Gospell sun, Moon, stars
Eclipsed are a third part lose
Of their bright shine from day and night it scarrs
A third thereof. Darkness their shine debars.
And soon the Gospell sun, Moon, stars
Eclipsed are a third part lose
Of their bright shine from day and night it scarrs
A third thereof. Darkness their shine debars.
Christs glorious beams, the sun of Righteousness
Are one third buride in a fog
The waning Church a third part less
Of Light now wares. Gross ignorance doth Clog
Her stars, her Children, Her times thus jog.
Are one third buride in a fog
The waning Church a third part less
Of Light now wares. Gross ignorance doth Clog
Her stars, her Children, Her times thus jog.
And thus they run into the Century
Ensuing with a third less shine
Of Light and Life to th'Entery
Of the next fearfull woe which in its time
Should follow to beglory Truth Divine.
Ensuing with a third less shine
Of Light and Life to th'Entery
Of the next fearfull woe which in its time
Should follow to beglory Truth Divine.
Thus having seen the gleamings fourth of Truth
Laid in Prophetick Lines before's
And seing thus the matter shew'th
The following Centuries befogging shoares,
I'le in the sea thereof now strike my Oares.
Laid in Prophetick Lines before's
And seing thus the matter shew'th
The following Centuries befogging shoares,
I'le in the sea thereof now strike my Oares.
Grace, Patience, Justice, Truth, their golden Twine
Fixt in the sparkling shuttles of these dayes
Do shoote as darting beames and glistering shine
To weave the Web with spangling glorious Rayes
Running from stem to stern, from Selvedge spread
To th'Selvedge of this Cent'ry's glittring Web.
Fixt in the sparkling shuttles of these dayes
Do shoote as darting beames and glistering shine
To weave the Web with spangling glorious Rayes
Running from stem to stern, from Selvedge spread
To th'Selvedge of this Cent'ry's glittring Web.
Which Coming in its shine thus from the Loome
I now attemp to draw the fift therein
And to display the Glory as the tune
Hums in my shuttle as 't didst flying sing
We'st se Gods Properties shine out hereby
Wove through the Web of this fift Century.
I now attemp to draw the fift therein
And to display the Glory as the tune
Hums in my shuttle as 't didst flying sing
We'st se Gods Properties shine out hereby
Wove through the Web of this fift Century.
The Shine of Divine Grace.
Although the Aire is thicker and more dull
By foggy Vapors wherewithall 't was full
And made a Darker Medium, halfe null
Grace glories out
By foggy Vapors wherewithall 't was full
And made a Darker Medium, halfe null
Grace glories out
And though the twine is Coarser and more tan'd
The Chart less white where Graces Scutchons stand
Hence shine more dim, yet they this shine ware, and
Shine all about.
The Chart less white where Graces Scutchons stand
Hence shine more dim, yet they this shine ware, and
Shine all about.
Pass over Asia, you'le finde how Grace
Beguilds with glorious Droughts its ancient face
With beames dropt from her stars fixt in place
These blanch the Day
Beguilds with glorious Droughts its ancient face
With beames dropt from her stars fixt in place
These blanch the Day
Jerusalem lets fall such Rayes in store
Out darted from her stars as Nepos wore
And Pollychrone, with Juvenall and more
Did there display
Out darted from her stars as Nepos wore
And Pollychrone, with Juvenall and more
Did there display
Here shone that learn'd Hesychius here made
An Elder of this Church and many 't is said
Shone forth at Bethlehem at Gaza staid
At Ascalon
An Elder of this Church and many 't is said
Shone forth at Bethlehem at Gaza staid
At Ascalon
At Joppa, Lydda, and Antipatris
At Pella, at Tiberia, Archelais
At Jemnia, Segor, Capitolis
And Anthedon
At Pella, at Tiberia, Archelais
At Jemnia, Segor, Capitolis
And Anthedon
In Phenice now Antiochus shone bright
Eustathius forth springd rich beams of light
And many other to refell the night
That staind the time
Eustathius forth springd rich beams of light
And many other to refell the night
That staind the time
Such stars top shone out in Arabia
As Constantine, Malchus of Avara
Ganton and Caineus of Medina
In all their prime
As Constantine, Malchus of Avara
Ganton and Caineus of Medina
In all their prime
In Syria glory did begrace her soile
At Antioch after Porphyry's guile
In Holy Alexanders Peacefull stile
That quencht the fire.
At Antioch after Porphyry's guile
In Holy Alexanders Peacefull stile
That quencht the fire.
And did imbalm in spices Chrysostroms name
And Theodote did as a star there flame
And other such did spread the gospell fame,
Things thus Conspire.
And Theodote did as a star there flame
And other such did spread the gospell fame,
Things thus Conspire.
At Hieropolis these stars arose
Brave Alexander and Panolby Foes
To Vice, and John and Stephen follows those
With Gospell Light
Brave Alexander and Panolby Foes
To Vice, and John and Stephen follows those
With Gospell Light
And at Apemea Agapit sprang
With Pollychrone a gospell Pious man
And other such successively there ran
Truths Cause to plight.
With Pollychrone a gospell Pious man
And other such successively there ran
Truths Cause to plight.
Theodoret like Samuel from the Womb
By fervent Pray're and Vowd to God in sum
At Cyrus rose like to the shining sun
Whose Rayes out fly.
By fervent Pray're and Vowd to God in sum
At Cyrus rose like to the shining sun
Whose Rayes out fly.
In Celosyria Theodulus
His sacred Learning like a flaming bush
Did shew its light evangelizd to Crush
His sacred Learning like a flaming bush
Did shew its light evangelizd to Crush
Mesopotamia doth enjoy this grace
Marathus prayes the King int'healthy Case
Acacius at Amida did embrace
A gracious flame.
Marathus prayes the King int'healthy Case
Acacius at Amida did embrace
A gracious flame.
Who with the Churches Will the Churches Plates
Redeemd the Persian famish Captivates
O'th'Roman Souldiers, fed them and translates
Them home again.
Redeemd the Persian famish Captivates
O'th'Roman Souldiers, fed them and translates
Them home again.
And at Edessa Rabula did shine
Where Ibas shone (a much Disturbd Divine)
And Peter too the glory of his time
A Non-such Preacher
Where Ibas shone (a much Disturbd Divine)
And Peter too the glory of his time
A Non-such Preacher
At Haran Daniel bishopt it, the brother
Of Ibas, and his People made a pother
Him to exclude that they might have another
To be their Teacher.
Of Ibas, and his People made a pother
Him to exclude that they might have another
To be their Teacher.
Now in Cilicia at Mopsuestia
One Theodore did Christs bright truth display
(Though envy him with heresy doth ray)
Chrysostoms friend.
One Theodore did Christs bright truth display
(Though envy him with heresy doth ray)
Chrysostoms friend.
At Tarsus too another Theodore
At Anazarbi Cyrus and before
Him, Maximus, arose and many more
Light to Commens
At Anazarbi Cyrus and before
Him, Maximus, arose and many more
Light to Commens
Pamphylia shone then with Eustathyiu's light
At Perga Bermian rose to plead aright
And at Aspenda shone Tribunian bright
With Gospell flame
At Perga Bermian rose to plead aright
And at Aspenda shone Tribunian bright
With Gospell flame
Issuria brightly shone where truth did spring
Now at Seleucia Basil therein
And Athanasius too did Christ their king
Aloud proclaime
Now at Seleucia Basil therein
And Athanasius too did Christ their king
Aloud proclaime
Pisidia now's adorn'd with Gospell Phrase
At Antioch Candidian did blaze
And Pergamus and Hemus wore thy praise
At Antioch Candidian did blaze
And Pergamus and Hemus wore thy praise
Lycia did ware the Gospell shine for there
At Telmessus Savinian preacht who were
The Judge of Eutyches whose sentence Cleare
Might make him mush.
At Telmessus Savinian preacht who were
The Judge of Eutyches whose sentence Cleare
Might make him mush.
Caria too sat in this blissfull flame
At Aphrodisias Critonians name
Recorded is, and Daniel did mentain
At Cadus Christ.
At Aphrodisias Critonians name
Recorded is, and Daniel did mentain
At Cadus Christ.
Constantinoples Synod found him right
And so did that at Calcedon whose might
Did Eutyches Confound and squander quite
His Error splic'te.
And so did that at Calcedon whose might
Did Eutyches Confound and squander quite
His Error splic'te.
Ionia in this shine is bath'd and blesst
At Ephesus Heraclides it spers't
And Memnon too that angry sir possest
The Candlestick.
At Ephesus Heraclides it spers't
And Memnon too that angry sir possest
The Candlestick.
Then Basil, Basla'an then, then Stephan, Paul
Then Cassianus, yet greate quarrells all
These found: were innd and outted. Hence light small
But smoake grew thick.
Then Cassianus, yet greate quarrells all
These found: were innd and outted. Hence light small
But smoake grew thick.
And Lydia wore the Gospell Ornament
At Trellis there Erodions shine out went
At Sardis Florence out a flowrish sent
Yet next with spots
At Trellis there Erodions shine out went
At Sardis Florence out a flowrish sent
Yet next with spots
At Philadelphia Theophany
At Straton shone. Euthenius full high
At Colophen Ealatius shiningly
Cri'de down all blots.
At Straton shone. Euthenius full high
At Colophen Ealatius shiningly
Cri'de down all blots.
At Caryss Zealous Menecrates rose
And did Calcedon with Zeale oppose
Dioscorus i'th'Snyod to his nose
Thus sighing out
And did Calcedon with Zeale oppose
Dioscorus i'th'Snyod to his nose
Thus sighing out
This one man hath the Whole world spoil'd indeed
And wee sit here attending him, a weed
These three months space. And thus his Zeale did bleed
And run about.
And wee sit here attending him, a weed
These three months space. And thus his Zeale did bleed
And run about.
At Smyrna Cyrus shone who when he new
Made Bizants Walls demolisht, and thence flew
To th'Church for Refuge, the Emperour he knew
His blood did seeke.
Made Bizants Walls demolisht, and thence flew
To th'Church for Refuge, the Emperour he knew
His blood did seeke.
Stood as a Light in that bright Candlestick
Proterius followed him, then Etherick
Valerian in Lycaonias Bishoprick
Iconicum keeps.
Proterius followed him, then Etherick
Valerian in Lycaonias Bishoprick
Iconicum keeps.
Meonia hath her Candle light that flames
Magnesia on Meander much obtains
Much glory now her Daphnus there explains
Christs truth full cleare
Magnesia on Meander much obtains
Much glory now her Daphnus there explains
Christs truth full cleare
Now Phrygia ware her Garlands. Pergamus
Lighthed's with Phillip and Eutropius
Laodicea with Numechius
Who blinckt for feare
Lighthed's with Phillip and Eutropius
Laodicea with Numechius
Who blinckt for feare
At Synnadens the sounder part do Choose
Them Theodosius for their Pastor those
Not sound Agapatus, And so proove foes
And hence the first
Them Theodosius for their Pastor those
Not sound Agapatus, And so proove foes
And hence the first
Stirs up Autority these to Expell
The town and Contry, and while told this bell
Agapatus perswaded his part well
From what was worst.
The town and Contry, and while told this bell
Agapatus perswaded his part well
From what was worst.
Thus Theodosius while he plide his blame
Both parts are reconcild in truth, Proclaim
This Agapat their Pastor on the same
They do Reject
Both parts are reconcild in truth, Proclaim
This Agapat their Pastor on the same
They do Reject
Thus Theodosius, and off he's Cast
Poor man his Zeale or lucre ran so fast
Do what he Can he cant avert the blast
Of Disrespect
Poor man his Zeale or lucre ran so fast
Do what he Can he cant avert the blast
Of Disrespect
Albertus preacheth at Hierapolis
And Paul at Derbe and Strategius is
At Polydorum. Doryleum hath this bliss
Which flourisht in
And Paul at Derbe and Strategius is
At Polydorum. Doryleum hath this bliss
Which flourisht in
Eusebius who openly displayde
Nestorius' Errour and Eutyches trade
Erronius by his friendly speech first made
Alone to him
Nestorius' Errour and Eutyches trade
Erronius by his friendly speech first made
Alone to him
At Troas brave Sylvanus, nipt with Cold
At Philippople, and through want its told
In Spartane Sandalls went doth tend Christ fold
In this warm place
At Philippople, and through want its told
In Spartane Sandalls went doth tend Christ fold
In this warm place
Where by his prayer a loaden ship which he
Which strength of men could not, did easly free
(Thought by some Demon firmly fixt to bee)
Here shone his grace
Which strength of men could not, did easly free
(Thought by some Demon firmly fixt to bee)
Here shone his grace
Dalmatius glorious grows at Cyzicum
On whom the People choice resolvd did run
In stead of Proclus t'whom the place did come
To him assignd
On whom the People choice resolvd did run
In stead of Proclus t'whom the place did come
To him assignd
By the Bishop of Constantinople nam'd
Sisinius but yet it was detaind
For this good man, who clearly here mentaind
The Truth refin'd
Sisinius but yet it was detaind
For this good man, who clearly here mentaind
The Truth refin'd
Bythynia's glory grows now in her Town
Of Calcedon where of full bright Renown
Six hundred thirty Bishops did Cast down
Of Calcedon where of full bright Renown
Six hundred thirty Bishops did Cast down
Eulalius scattered the Gospell Rayes
And after him there Elutherius stayes
That Christ might be adored with their Praise
Unto him given
And after him there Elutherius stayes
That Christ might be adored with their Praise
Unto him given
At Nicomedia Pansophius clears
The Gospell Cause and after him appears
Himerius, Eunomius then who steers
A rougher Sea.
The Gospell Cause and after him appears
Himerius, Eunomius then who steers
A rougher Sea.
At Nice that famous town the Gospell's taught
By Anastasius, who would be thought
Their Metropolitan, then Peter sought
Christ to display
By Anastasius, who would be thought
Their Metropolitan, then Peter sought
Christ to display
Heracleas is grac'de with Theodore
Amastris with Themistius and more
And Paul at Apollonias did glore
And after him
Amastris with Themistius and more
And Paul at Apollonias did glore
And after him
Faustus who strove Christs garden much to weed
Of all the Darnell and the springing seed
Which Peter Knave of Antioch did bleed
And sow therein
Of all the Darnell and the springing seed
Which Peter Knave of Antioch did bleed
And sow therein
Now Hellespont is glazed with this shine
For at Abydos now that Choice Divine
Pamphillus waild the Errour of the time
Did grace begrace
For at Abydos now that Choice Divine
Pamphillus waild the Errour of the time
Did grace begrace
And at Amalia shone Palladius
Seleuctis: at Po--- Etius
At Hellespontine Troy Timotheus
In Pious Case
Seleuctis: at Po--- Etius
At Hellespontine Troy Timotheus
In Pious Case
Galatia still the Gospell shine keeps on
Leontius at Anoyra and when gone
Came Theodate and many a worthy one
The fold to keep.
Leontius at Anoyra and when gone
Came Theodate and many a worthy one
The fold to keep.
At Juliople Meliphthongus, and
At Claudiople Aloger did stand
And Peter did at Gangra hold his hand
To feed Christs sheep.
At Claudiople Aloger did stand
And Peter did at Gangra hold his hand
To feed Christs sheep.
Still Cappadocia doth Christs Colours ware
Where at Cesaria Firmus up did beare
And then Thessalius, whose Call was rare
Did labour here
Where at Cesaria Firmus up did beare
And then Thessalius, whose Call was rare
Did labour here
At Nazianzum Theodosius
And Daniel at Colona. Atarbus
At Trapezum at Neocesar's thus
Patricius were
And Daniel at Colona. Atarbus
At Trapezum at Neocesar's thus
Patricius were
Armenia still doth spring with Gospell Flowers
At Theodosiople out there poures
Eunomias his sweet perfumed showres
And Peters flow.
At Theodosiople out there poures
Eunomias his sweet perfumed showres
And Peters flow.
At Melitene Acacius as a Rose
Arose and Gospell light there from him flows
And many other which did sin oppose
Which fain would grow.
Arose and Gospell light there from him flows
And many other which did sin oppose
Which fain would grow.
Sarmatia too lives in this bleaming Sun
Peter disperst Christ's raise here and here run
Such beams from John and others who did shun
To walke in sin.
Peter disperst Christ's raise here and here run
Such beams from John and others who did shun
To walke in sin.
Hircania too doth thus enjoy these beams
Whose Bishop John did give his gospell gleams
Against Vile Eutyches, whose nausious streams
Did mischiefe bring.
Whose Bishop John did give his gospell gleams
Against Vile Eutyches, whose nausious streams
Did mischiefe bring.
Affrican Lights
I having gleaned thus ore Asia
Do now sayle down the Coasts to Affrica
To pick a Posy in the Gardens gay
That there did grow
Do now sayle down the Coasts to Affrica
To pick a Posy in the Gardens gay
That there did grow
In Egypt do these glorious flowers out shine
Cyrill at Alexandria his Shrine
Of Wealthy Learning, as a Rich Divine
Did now bestow
Cyrill at Alexandria his Shrine
Of Wealthy Learning, as a Rich Divine
Did now bestow
Proterius gave there Light, and Timothy
Calld Salophaciol full of Charity
Then John of Tabennesus, by and by
Calld Salophaciol full of Charity
Then John of Tabennesus, by and by
Whose Elders were now Isidore full meek
Peter and Athanasius Christs Sheep
With Charmosine did very wisely seeke
And mannage thus.
Peter and Athanasius Christs Sheep
With Charmosine did very wisely seeke
And mannage thus.
This Church was honourd with these Deacons too
Ischirion and Theodorus who
Performd their Offices as well also
They did attend
Ischirion and Theodorus who
Performd their Offices as well also
They did attend
Pergamius then that did them follow here
Who governd Egypt once, prevaild with were
By Bizants Bishop then this Office t'steere
And to it bend.
Who governd Egypt once, prevaild with were
By Bizants Bishop then this Office t'steere
And to it bend.
Eusebius now at Pelusiam did preach
Gennadius at Hermopolis did teach
Antheon's ---ouses Peter Knave did reach
At Arsinoe.
Gennadius at Hermopolis did teach
Antheon's ---ouses Peter Knave did reach
At Arsinoe.
Archebius rul'd at Panephesus
Whose piety did shine. Synesius
Now a Cyrenian Bishop Th'ophilus
Ordain'd also.
Whose piety did shine. Synesius
Now a Cyrenian Bishop Th'ophilus
Ordain'd also.
Aurelius' gold shines at Carthage here
Campolus followd him in holy geere
Then Quodvultdeus their bright pastor were
In times that frowne
Campolus followd him in holy geere
Then Quodvultdeus their bright pastor were
In times that frowne
Then Deo gratias Thomas. And that man
Of God Eugenius Whose Holy Fan
Wrought Healings, did the Arrian Mischiefe ban
And bandy down.
Of God Eugenius Whose Holy Fan
Wrought Healings, did the Arrian Mischiefe ban
And bandy down.
O Hippo now thy glory flaming shines
In pious Rayes sent from the Life and Lines
O'th'flowing Oracle: thy Agustines
Who shone in thee
In pious Rayes sent from the Life and Lines
O'th'flowing Oracle: thy Agustines
Who shone in thee
In whom the Gospell Glory shown so bright
Through all the World as dazleth its sight
A Pillar and a Bulwork too of Light
Few like him bee.
Through all the World as dazleth its sight
A Pillar and a Bulwork too of Light
Few like him bee.
Evodius a deeply learnd Divine
Did in Christ Cause now at Uzalus shine
Pampinias too the Utecenssian prime
Did now forth blaze
Did in Christ Cause now at Uzalus shine
Pampinias too the Utecenssian prime
Did now forth blaze
Victor at Utica and Vincent now
Culucita enjoy'd and th'Gospell plow
Aslepius the Bajensian held and how,
Its to his praise
Culucita enjoy'd and th'Gospell plow
Aslepius the Bajensian held and how,
Its to his praise
Valerian at Abensa now denies
To give the Scriptures to their Enemies
At Abbirita Felix's labours rise
And do him spend
To give the Scriptures to their Enemies
At Abbirita Felix's labours rise
And do him spend
At Tamalluna, Habetdeum who
Christs Champion in sharp scourges up did grow
And Antonine at Constantina loe
Did Truth befriend.
Christs Champion in sharp scourges up did grow
And Antonine at Constantina loe
Did Truth befriend.
The Bizacenian Province now did ware
The glory of the ministry most rare
Now of Donatian and Crestonius faire
In holy wise
The glory of the ministry most rare
Now of Donatian and Crestonius faire
In holy wise
Now at Milexitum Severus rose
Philologus at Bizacene up grows
Junilius Choice but where he sat none shows
His fame did rise.
Philologus at Bizacene up grows
Junilius Choice but where he sat none shows
His fame did rise.
At Justinople out Primasius shone
And Casulanus from his youth up grown
In piety. And Boniface was known
A Bishop wise
And Casulanus from his youth up grown
In piety. And Boniface was known
A Bishop wise
Numedia's Crown doth ware these Pearles full bright,
Xanthippus, Valentine, Restitute tite
Megally, Possidonius th'Upright
That truth proclaim'd
Xanthippus, Valentine, Restitute tite
Megally, Possidonius th'Upright
That truth proclaim'd
Alepius great Aug'stines mate a Rose
Grew at Tagasta and Christs Truth disclose
Delphinus in Numedia's Churches shows
Christs Cause mentain'd
Grew at Tagasta and Christs Truth disclose
Delphinus in Numedia's Churches shows
Christs Cause mentain'd
Such Holy Jems pale Mauritania's Crown
At Castella Chimes Cereall's renown
Voconius the Maul there that knocks down
All Heresies
At Castella Chimes Cereall's renown
Voconius the Maul there that knocks down
All Heresies
Victor at Cartenna now plays the man
Donatus too the Salicinian
Who with his Church how from novatians ran
In godly wise
Donatus too the Salicinian
Who with his Church how from novatians ran
In godly wise
This glorious Light did bless the Ilands where
In Sicily Paschasinus shone Cleare
And Hilary at Syracuse too there
Did preach Christs Name
In Sicily Paschasinus shone Cleare
And Hilary at Syracuse too there
Did preach Christs Name
Justinian too: at Crete to Cyrillus,
Euseby and Gennadius, and thus
At Delos, Sabine and Timotheus
Doloche's gain
Euseby and Gennadius, and thus
At Delos, Sabine and Timotheus
Doloche's gain
At Chios Triphon and Parally shine
At Cyprus now's Olympius the Divine
Sparitius follows him with his sweet line
Of Heavenly light.
At Cyprus now's Olympius the Divine
Sparitius follows him with his sweet line
Of Heavenly light.
At Rhodos rose Hellanious with beams
At Lesbos and at Tenedos John gleams
Florentius too, with shining Gospell streams
To banish night.
At Lesbos and at Tenedos John gleams
Florentius too, with shining Gospell streams
To banish night.
Europe's Shine
I having glean'd up these in Affrica
And in the Iland of the Midland sea
I'le thrust a shore in Thrace and make my way
In Europe there.
And in the Iland of the Midland sea
I'le thrust a shore in Thrace and make my way
In Europe there.
And landing there, Thrace welcometh my shrine
With her bright Glory, in Scutchons Choice Divine
Hung at Constantinople out to shine
With Grace most cleare
With her bright Glory, in Scutchons Choice Divine
Hung at Constantinople out to shine
With Grace most cleare
Chrysostoms Golden Tongue here flowres which Drops
Myrrh on the Wounded Soule: but off it lops
The branch of Sin in Low or High by Chops
Of Keen Reproofe
Myrrh on the Wounded Soule: but off it lops
The branch of Sin in Low or High by Chops
Of Keen Reproofe
The gist of Healing did inrich him and
He also had a Peace procuring hand
Did Pulpets cleare of Drones and vile ones fand
Chaff off a loofe.
He also had a Peace procuring hand
Did Pulpets cleare of Drones and vile ones fand
Chaff off a loofe.
And thus his faithfulness in Christ Choice Cause
The Envy of Vile Courtiers and such draws
Upon him, and they get him in their Claws
And him Excile
The Envy of Vile Courtiers and such draws
Upon him, and they get him in their Claws
And him Excile
Arsatius fourscore years old dottish him
Succeeds and then doth Atticus step in
And then facetes Sisinnus up they bring
One free from guile.
Succeeds and then doth Atticus step in
And then facetes Sisinnus up they bring
One free from guile.
Maximian, Proclus, Flavianus then
Who was eject and murderd by base men
Natalius who deserves not much with them
That worthy are
Who was eject and murderd by base men
Natalius who deserves not much with them
That worthy are
Gennadius then whose piety out brake
And after him Acacius did Create
Much trouble, did the Holy Office take,
And bore his share.
And after him Acacius did Create
Much trouble, did the Holy Office take,
And bore his share.
Then by a juggle Phranitas in Came
Euphemius after him of better fame
Who brookt not Peter Knave, nor with the Same
Communion held
Euphemius after him of better fame
Who brookt not Peter Knave, nor with the Same
Communion held
Yet banisht was. Here in this town arose
That famous Socrates who to us shows
In his bright history was a sweet Rose
How he excelld
That famous Socrates who to us shows
In his bright history was a sweet Rose
How he excelld
Constantinoples Elders too do shine
As well as such as held the Bishops line
Philip Theophilus Abra'm in fine
With Menas there
As well as such as held the Bishops line
Philip Theophilus Abra'm in fine
With Menas there
These Deacons also famous in it sprang
Serapion, Germanus, Cassian
Demetrius and Etius a Choice man
And Marcian Deare
Serapion, Germanus, Cassian
Demetrius and Etius a Choice man
And Marcian Deare
Eutropius bishop was at Byzes and
At Cela, Cyrill: also up now stand
Lucian, Romanus also rose and damn'd
Vile Eutyches.
At Cela, Cyrill: also up now stand
Lucian, Romanus also rose and damn'd
Vile Eutyches.
Francian, Cyricas, and So*imase
Dorothy and Diogenes have place
With many more Choice Ministers in Thrace
That Christ did please
Dorothy and Diogenes have place
With many more Choice Ministers in Thrace
That Christ did please
Now Macedonia's adornd also
With this bright shine which from such stars doth flow
Rufus, Geronce, Sophone and Flavian too
With this bright shine which from such stars doth flow
Rufus, Geronce, Sophone and Flavian too
Oresteus, Macedonius and more
Choice Pastors of their Churches that out bore
The means of saving Grace, Topiris wore
Choice Pastors of their Churches that out bore
The means of saving Grace, Topiris wore
Rufus did shine at Thessalonica
And Anastasius and now they say
At Theba Dion did Christs grace display
There also rose
And Anastasius and now they say
At Theba Dion did Christs grace display
There also rose
At Crinth Perigrine, also there shone
At Opus, Argi, Naupactus its known
And at Megara and such towns men grown
That Grace disclose
At Opus, Argi, Naupactus its known
And at Megara and such towns men grown
That Grace disclose
Glycerius in Dalmatia rose a Light
High Germany Christs gracious Beams did smite
Severus and Solennis taught them t'plight
The Faith with Christ
High Germany Christs gracious Beams did smite
Severus and Solennis taught them t'plight
The Faith with Christ
But in Bavaria and Austria
The Prophet Severinus did make Day
A man of God in truth, yea ery way
Did truth up highst
The Prophet Severinus did make Day
A man of God in truth, yea ery way
Did truth up highst
Lucillus did at Fabiana grace
Distill and Laureatum was the place
Constantius preached Christ and did imbrace
Them there with truth
Distill and Laureatum was the place
Constantius preached Christ and did imbrace
Them there with truth
Paulinus was now Tiburina's star
And Maximus Juvavium lighted far
And yet it fell to him to fall by th'War
As Hist'ry shewth.
And Maximus Juvavium lighted far
And yet it fell to him to fall by th'War
As Hist'ry shewth.
In Italy I come and fain would pick
Some Roses here to straw my porch with thick
But feare they grew of bryery stem tha't prick
This makes me fear.
Some Roses here to straw my porch with thick
But feare they grew of bryery stem tha't prick
This makes me fear.
But finding yet they still some sweetness give
I some shall glean up hence that here did live
Although their Leaves were ribd with spots, the shive
Went with their Teere
I some shall glean up hence that here did live
Although their Leaves were ribd with spots, the shive
Went with their Teere
At Rome these Bishop't it with all their might
As Anastasius who made all up right
Stand at the reading of the Gospell Light
Then Innocent
As Anastasius who made all up right
Stand at the reading of the Gospell Light
Then Innocent
Then Zosimus that for Romes Headship rose
The Nicen Counsill hence with forg'ry showes
But is opposed to his very nose
And so beshent
The Nicen Counsill hence with forg'ry showes
But is opposed to his very nose
And so beshent
Him Boniface succeeds and took his track
Celestine after him: upon whose back
Came Xystus. Leo then who had the knack
To plead for Rome
Celestine after him: upon whose back
Came Xystus. Leo then who had the knack
To plead for Rome
Then Hilery came in, Simplicius, and
Felix the third, Gelasius then did stand
For Rome's suprimacy, a tower on sand
Yet thus did bloome
Felix the third, Gelasius then did stand
For Rome's suprimacy, a tower on sand
Yet thus did bloome
Brave Sedulus the Scot did sparkling shine
In Italy Devonut about this time
Peter Illyricus, Nola's Pauline
Did Light display
In Italy Devonut about this time
Peter Illyricus, Nola's Pauline
Did Light display
At Benevent Emylius was a star
And Dorus, but Hesychius did spar
Salona with Gods word, and did debar
The darksom way
And Dorus, but Hesychius did spar
Salona with Gods word, and did debar
The darksom way
Ticenum did injoy the golden Rayes
Which Crispin, Epiphanius, and such blaze
Withall and now Hostinus wore the bayes
Potentia brings.
Which Crispin, Epiphanius, and such blaze
Withall and now Hostinus wore the bayes
Potentia brings.
Nuceria is begrac'd with Felix Choice
Florence is Fed with good Zenobius voice
And Gregory makes Mutina now rejoyce
With Gospell things
Florence is Fed with good Zenobius voice
And Gregory makes Mutina now rejoyce
With Gospell things
Bononia is by Petronius fed
And Felix too, Ravenna also had
Choice Peter and one John who struck the Head
Rome, of thy pride
And Felix too, Ravenna also had
Choice Peter and one John who struck the Head
Rome, of thy pride
Millain did flourish under Ven'rius
Laurence and Eusby But Avitus
Picentia's glory was. Philastrius
Was Brixia's guide
Laurence and Eusby But Avitus
Picentia's glory was. Philastrius
Was Brixia's guide
Learnd Maxima did at Taurinum shine
At Aquileia Julian the Divine
Nicetas too. Septimius at Altine
Christs flock did tend
At Aquileia Julian the Divine
Nicetas too. Septimius at Altine
Christs flock did tend
Vigilius did send forth his learned rayes
Of Piety at Trent had th'martyre's bayes
And many did here obtain Choice praise
Unto their End.
Of Piety at Trent had th'martyre's bayes
And many did here obtain Choice praise
Unto their End.
From Italy I pass to Pass ore France
To pick some pinks up hence, that did advance
The glory of Christs Garden in't whose glance
Doth take my pens
To pick some pinks up hence, that did advance
The glory of Christs Garden in't whose glance
Doth take my pens
Marselles first such Flowers presents as these
Greek Honorate, Musaeus fruitefull trees
Gennadya, Salvian and Cassian brieze
As gospell Gems
Greek Honorate, Musaeus fruitefull trees
Gennadya, Salvian and Cassian brieze
As gospell Gems
Now Lions baths herselfe all in those shines
Bucherius, Patience, Rusticus Divines
Of fame: Euphronius too whose pious shrines
Wore stamps of Grace
Bucherius, Patience, Rusticus Divines
Of fame: Euphronius too whose pious shrines
Wore stamps of Grace
Vienna Claudian Mamert's rich pains
Isitius and Salonius men of fame
Wond'rous Severus and Patroclus gaines
And gains apace
Isitius and Salonius men of fame
Wond'rous Severus and Patroclus gaines
And gains apace
Arles flowrishes with these sweet Roses bright
Heros and Hilary whose Zeale did smite
Romes arrogancy and Ravennus tite
And here about
Heros and Hilary whose Zeale did smite
Romes arrogancy and Ravennus tite
And here about
Shone Rusticus and Vincent Lirinence
At Aquitan Prosper did grace dispense
At Troys Choice Lupus and Hymerius fence
The Gospell stoute
At Aquitan Prosper did grace dispense
At Troys Choice Lupus and Hymerius fence
The Gospell stoute
At Burdiaux Delphinus mans, Christs Light
Simplicius too at Vason shone out bright
The noble Pontellus whose beams did fright
The night away.
Simplicius too at Vason shone out bright
The noble Pontellus whose beams did fright
The night away.
And at Avern now brave Sidonias were
One that despensd Christs truth whose life shone cleare
To gender love in human hearts, t'endeare
To them Christs daye
One that despensd Christs truth whose life shone cleare
To gender love in human hearts, t'endeare
To them Christs daye
At Tours bright Martin shone a man of grace
Of Pray're of Piety, Prophetick Race
A Wonder working hand in him had place
Yet fabulizd
Of Pray're of Piety, Prophetick Race
A Wonder working hand in him had place
Yet fabulizd
By monkish pens darken do his shine
And after here Perpetuus the Divine
And many were held out to Christs blessed line
And after here Perpetuus the Divine
And many were held out to Christs blessed line
At Rhemes Remigius that famous star
Frances Apostle pitcht the Gospell Bar
Into Clodovi's heart the King and far
It did shine here
Frances Apostle pitcht the Gospell Bar
Into Clodovi's heart the King and far
It did shine here
At Antisiodor Amator rose
Germanus there the Gospell did disclose
The Tungers had Servatius (as't goes
Three hundred year)
Germanus there the Gospell did disclose
The Tungers had Servatius (as't goes
Three hundred year)
At Laudun Genebaud, and Bassian
And many Others in these quarters sprang
Sulpitius now arose and lay'd the man
Here in these parts
And many Others in these quarters sprang
Sulpitius now arose and lay'd the man
Here in these parts
At Tarracon in Spain Ascanius shone
At Barcilon was Nundinarius known
Orosius now did flowrish: Turbius grown
Doth shoot Christs darts
At Barcilon was Nundinarius known
Orosius now did flowrish: Turbius grown
Doth shoot Christs darts
We'l wade the Narrow Seas to England ore
And here in London shone in brightsome glore
Fastidius, Voadine and many more
And here in London shone in brightsome glore
Fastidius, Voadine and many more
Chrysostom's scholar who here fought Christs fight
Patrick, also Irelands Apostle bright
Who went and filld that ile with gospell Light
Its stori'd thus
Patrick, also Irelands Apostle bright
Who went and filld that ile with gospell Light
Its stori'd thus
Here Ninian and Bacciarius brave
Servanus, Kentigern and Tervan strave
With Godelbert, Christs glorious Truth to have
Men to embrace
Servanus, Kentigern and Tervan strave
With Godelbert, Christs glorious Truth to have
Men to embrace
That they the saving fruits thereof might finde
Evangelizingly fixt in their minde
And not to let a ---igning sin behinde
Keep in them place.
Evangelizingly fixt in their minde
And not to let a ---igning sin behinde
Keep in them place.
These were some Organs of those glorious Beames
That Grace did scatter in her shining gleams
Ore all the World more Choice than golden streames
Our souls to save
That Grace did scatter in her shining gleams
Ore all the World more Choice than golden streames
Our souls to save
That in these Rayes we might attracted rise
In Soule above the Pavement of the Skies
Unto the Palace of Eternall joyes
In blissfull Waves.
In Soule above the Pavement of the Skies
Unto the Palace of Eternall joyes
In blissfull Waves.
The Shine of Divine Patience intermixt here and there with some gleams of Grace.
Yet while this Grace doth shine there with it breaksOut black, blew, yellow, green with tawny streaks
Of ranckling poyson, nests of Pride, the Eggs
Of Wildfire, bubs of Heresies, on Legs
With Envy, Malices Curdling into Curd
And Whea the Gospell Dary up to fill
The Serpents Cheesfat presst with hellish skill
In Cheeses for his Table, all the While
Thy Patience, Lord, in Gloriousfolds doth smile
Whose glory thickens while barbarian foes
Breake in and on their barbarousness disclose
While these strange storms and Tempests fall, My King
His Web of Patience layes a whitening.
1. The Exercise of Divine Patience.
Patience now on the Stage as rich Plate run
Is scoured bright, till she out shines the sun
With Wisp and Sand of Pride and Passion, stumps
Of surliness, unmortified Lumps
Of Adams race, Chips of the old old block
That grinde and rub, yea some of better stock
Well stockt with grace in Churches rich of glory
As well as Prelates proude (more sad the story)
Make such a Fume and dust that cloude the sphere
Through which the sun of Patience's shines most clear.
Is scoured bright, till she out shines the sun
With Wisp and Sand of Pride and Passion, stumps
Of surliness, unmortified Lumps
Of Adams race, Chips of the old old block
That grinde and rub, yea some of better stock
Well stockt with grace in Churches rich of glory
As well as Prelates proude (more sad the story)
Make such a Fume and dust that cloude the sphere
Through which the sun of Patience's shines most clear.
Old Jeroms Pen peake out these painting lines
Saying Paul and Peter canted with the times
Young Austin brisk prickt in the heart by this
Affronts the pen that thus did trudge amiss,
As making sacred inke to patronize
To its own overthrow. Officious Lies.
Saying Paul and Peter canted with the times
Young Austin brisk prickt in the heart by this
Affronts the pen that thus did trudge amiss,
As making sacred inke to patronize
To its own overthrow. Officious Lies.
The good old man's blood boiles at this, his heele
Arm'd gamster like with Crooked spurs of steele
Doth gag the youngster till he fights no more
But onely sighs My Salve would better cure.
Arm'd gamster like with Crooked spurs of steele
Doth gag the youngster till he fights no more
But onely sighs My Salve would better cure.
The Lungs those blankets of the heart do findeThemselves blown bladder like up with the Winde
Of Pride that russles in the heart untill
It blow the wildfire up from nature's kill
That blessed Light Constantinople had
Famous Chrysostom, good mens joy, but bad
Who unto holy Lives were cursed foes
Found him a sharp reproover and offt throws
His Rod of Discipline and frowns on Clarks
That vicious are, yea and his Zealous sparks
The Courtiers, yea the Emp'ress feel his hand
Fall on their sins, at which their stomachs rise
And envie seeke to pluck out's tongue and Eyes.
Theophilus of Alexandria
Makes Satans bellows hellish blasts display
To blow this Light out, others too are bent
Untill he's banisht: Such a foist hell vents.
At Ephesus a grievous brawl aroseChoosing a Pastor, part do part oppose
And so reject what ever Choice is made
Untill Heracles his choice the franzy laid.
Theophilus of Alexandria
Chrysostoms deadly foe flies quite away
From truth he taught when he this truth did fame
That God is not of humane shape or frame
Which did offend th'Egyptian Clownish munks
Anthropomorphites calld they stir their stumps
And on him come resolving he shall die
Unless he do his doctrine taught denie
This set him in the stocks. Life's a sweet thing
Rather than let it goe, bells backward ring
I'le bane this truth, and banish Origen
I'l an Anthropomorphite be like them
And teach their Doctrine vile, alas poor man
How dost thou sneake for feare? Barn Cat in pan?
Chrysostoms deadly foe flies quite away
From truth he taught when he this truth did fame
That God is not of humane shape or frame
Which did offend th'Egyptian Clownish munks
Anthropomorphites calld they stir their stumps
And on him come resolving he shall die
Unless he do his doctrine taught denie
This set him in the stocks. Life's a sweet thing
Rather than let it goe, bells backward ring
I'le bane this truth, and banish Origen
I'l an Anthropomorphite be like them
And teach their Doctrine vile, alas poor man
How dost thou sneake for feare? Barn Cat in pan?
But sin ne'er stops. His rage and pride swells o're
'Gainst Peter and against good Isidore
Two Elders of his Church whom his vile pate
Projecting tempts to Excommunicate
Peter because a Manichean he
Received to fellowship of Church did free
Without his knowledge. But this Charge so stout
Was proovd a lie his head had anvilld out.
And Isidore because he did display
The Greedy Worm of this plump Prelate gay
Reprooving him for building temple Walls
And garnishing the same with what the Calls
Of a Rich Noble Womans Will had made
A Legacy she'd for Poor folks out laid.
But Isidore him frumpt and told him plain
They were the better temples of the twain
And it was better to repare them with't
Than to adorn his Temples with this gift.
'Gainst Peter and against good Isidore
Two Elders of his Church whom his vile pate
Projecting tempts to Excommunicate
Peter because a Manichean he
Received to fellowship of Church did free
Without his knowledge. But this Charge so stout
Was proovd a lie his head had anvilld out.
And Isidore because he did display
The Greedy Worm of this plump Prelate gay
Reprooving him for building temple Walls
And garnishing the same with what the Calls
Of a Rich Noble Womans Will had made
A Legacy she'd for Poor folks out laid.
They were the better temples of the twain
And it was better to repare them with't
Than to adorn his Temples with this gift.
His slanderous Tongue did strangly too belie
Dioscorus, Ammony, and Euseby
And Euthemy who did depart from him
Who in his Quine did forg a silver spring
By Usury and to the Moncks repare
In Scethis that more solitary are.
These Monks Anthropomorphics mostly were
To whom this tongue gives notice grieves to reare
Unto their Guess, that they did not imbrace
Their Doctrine, God like man had hands, Eyes, face
And other parts as Scripture shews, and hence
Did a mischievous War 'mongst them Commence.
Dioscorus, Ammony, and Euseby
And Euthemy who did depart from him
Who in his Quine did forg a silver spring
By Usury and to the Moncks repare
In Scethis that more solitary are.
These Monks Anthropomorphics mostly were
To whom this tongue gives notice grieves to reare
Unto their Guess, that they did not imbrace
Their Doctrine, God like man had hands, Eyes, face
And other parts as Scripture shews, and hence
Did a mischievous War 'mongst them Commence.
His sparks set Epiphanius of fame
Against Chrysostom in a firy flame
That as they parted each from each their tongues
Did thus syllabicate such gusts their Lungs
Did Ventilate. Old Epiphanius
Said he do hope thou shall not Bishop die
Said John I hope thou'lt enter not thine ile.
He di'de at sea in's way: John in Exile.
Against Chrysostom in a firy flame
That as they parted each from each their tongues
Did thus syllabicate such gusts their Lungs
Did Ventilate. Old Epiphanius
Said he do hope thou shall not Bishop die
Said John I hope thou'lt enter not thine ile.
He di'de at sea in's way: John in Exile.
When John Chrysostom banisht were, his Flock
Tooke it so heavily and wore the Lock
He hung upon their hearts that they withhold
Communion and else where do enfold.
Tooke it so heavily and wore the Lock
He hung upon their hearts that they withhold
Communion and else where do enfold.
The East and Western Churches do Contend
To see this SILVER MOUTH stopt in the end.
To see this SILVER MOUTH stopt in the end.
At Alexandria the Place appears
In choosing of a bishop, by the Eares
Some are for Timothy, for Cyrill some
Who by the Souldiers to the throne doth come.
In choosing of a bishop, by the Eares
Some are for Timothy, for Cyrill some
Who by the Souldiers to the throne doth come.
Too long it is to amble through or wade
Those dirty sloughs proud Prelates quarrells made
How Nestory at Ephesus deposd
Cyrill and Memnon whom they thus first nosde
Constantinople reecks in fumes and blood
At Alexandria they raise much mud.
How Peters Chair at Rome begins to Crack
By two plump Popes that croud in't bum and back
Welface and Weltongue, Boniface a lurch
And Eulaly, indeed oh Romish Church.
How that Proteria's Deacons Peter Mog
And vile Tim AElurus fell in hells bog
Would not partake with him but AElurus
By Priests eject and hereticks most flush
Was bishopizde and in the night like hob
Went unto severall Monks as sent from God
And Angell them to charge not to partake
With Protery but Tim their bishop make
How Tims Disciples Alexandria in
Came and took Protery i'th'Temple bring
And butcher up drag 'bout the Citys street
Burn then his body and his Ashes sweep
And scatter in the Winds. How Egypts Monks
Do snarle at Peter. How Rome's bishop frumps
Acacius Constantinoples head
Because his hand from Peter was not led,
And did not stick him to depose, thus lurcht
Rome then Constantinople's Church unchurcht
And thus Gods Patience drilld in glory runs
With beams that do beblinde ten thousand suns.
Those dirty sloughs proud Prelates quarrells made
How Nestory at Ephesus deposd
Cyrill and Memnon whom they thus first nosde
Constantinople reecks in fumes and blood
At Alexandria they raise much mud.
How Peters Chair at Rome begins to Crack
By two plump Popes that croud in't bum and back
Welface and Weltongue, Boniface a lurch
And Eulaly, indeed oh Romish Church.
And vile Tim AElurus fell in hells bog
Would not partake with him but AElurus
By Priests eject and hereticks most flush
Was bishopizde and in the night like hob
Went unto severall Monks as sent from God
And Angell them to charge not to partake
With Protery but Tim their bishop make
How Tims Disciples Alexandria in
Came and took Protery i'th'Temple bring
And butcher up drag 'bout the Citys street
Burn then his body and his Ashes sweep
And scatter in the Winds. How Egypts Monks
Do snarle at Peter. How Rome's bishop frumps
Acacius Constantinoples head
Because his hand from Peter was not led,
And did not stick him to depose, thus lurcht
Rome then Constantinople's Church unchurcht
And thus Gods Patience drilld in glory runs
With beams that do beblinde ten thousand suns.
2. Patience Exercised under Errours and Heresies
While Errours vile and Heresies the SpauneOf Pride and Jars do all becloude the Lawn
Of milke white Truth, Patiences glorie wares
A long gray beard and head bright silver haires.
This Century stufft up herewith appears
Like to a bag of straw with empty eares.
Those Heresies in the last age that sprung
Do still abound, still Marcions errours run
In Persia: In Phrygia, yea at Rome
Montanus weaves i'th'Cataphrigians loom
At Rome, Constantinople, Ancyra
Nice, Alexandria, and else where they
Abound that rake Novatus from the dead
Novation Churches now lift up their head
The cursed Manecheans still abide
That all the Ancient Scriptures have deni'de
And doubt the truth of the New Testament
Wherein it doth cry out at their ill sent
They taught that God corrupted is, doth Change
Is Changeable, is indegent, doth range
The Soule is part of God: that was blinde
Before Light had a being, and they finde
Out many gods: and twelve more groate than others
Which threefold stand in four chief rancks (strange poather)
Surrounding him about whom they do call
The Greatest king of kings, the Chiefe of all
Having a scepter in his hand, and Crownd
With curious flowers, with ruddy face is found.
That God the Father dwells in Light, the son
Hath vertue dwelling in the sun in throng
And Wisdom in the Moon: The Holy Ghost
Doth hold the Airey region for his Coast
That Christ is but Phantastick in his birth
Conception, Passion, Death here on the earth
And fourty such blasphemous things are told
Of God, Christ, the Creation, and Sin, hold
These vile men and what follow doth from hence
By the necessity of Consequence.
Such dirty stuff upon the Gospell stall
Faustus the Affrican did vend Withall
The tribe of Manicheans in their plush
As Adamantus, Fortunatus flush
Sabellius still pours from his dust, his ly
Denies three persons in the Deity
Hieracis still doth walke though dead who cries
Not this flesh but another up shall rise.
Do still abound, still Marcions errours run
In Persia: In Phrygia, yea at Rome
Montanus weaves i'th'Cataphrigians loom
At Rome, Constantinople, Ancyra
Nice, Alexandria, and else where they
Abound that rake Novatus from the dead
Novation Churches now lift up their head
The cursed Manecheans still abide
That all the Ancient Scriptures have deni'de
And doubt the truth of the New Testament
Wherein it doth cry out at their ill sent
They taught that God corrupted is, doth Change
Is Changeable, is indegent, doth range
The Soule is part of God: that was blinde
Before Light had a being, and they finde
Which threefold stand in four chief rancks (strange poather)
Surrounding him about whom they do call
The Greatest king of kings, the Chiefe of all
Having a scepter in his hand, and Crownd
With curious flowers, with ruddy face is found.
That God the Father dwells in Light, the son
Hath vertue dwelling in the sun in throng
And Wisdom in the Moon: The Holy Ghost
Doth hold the Airey region for his Coast
That Christ is but Phantastick in his birth
Conception, Passion, Death here on the earth
And fourty such blasphemous things are told
Of God, Christ, the Creation, and Sin, hold
These vile men and what follow doth from hence
By the necessity of Consequence.
Such dirty stuff upon the Gospell stall
Faustus the Affrican did vend Withall
The tribe of Manicheans in their plush
As Adamantus, Fortunatus flush
Sabellius still pours from his dust, his ly
Denies three persons in the Deity
Hieracis still doth walke though dead who cries
Not this flesh but another up shall rise.
The Arian filth o're flows whose Errours ferret
Away the Godhead of the Son, and Spirit,
And all those Orient Pearls of truth they stroy
As will the swinesty of this Filth defy
These cursed brats now teem'd out (as were bred)
From Maximinus, and Felicians head.
The Macedonian Filth and filthy stuff
Apollinarius foists finde a pigs trough
Who fed his pigs with Christs fless mere and said
Christ had no Humane Soule: but mere flesh made.
Anthropomorphites greatly do abound
The old Priscillian slough (snake like) is found
Pelagius an Englishman up dresst
His diry Cookery in East and West
That man was born with nature pure from sin
Not Adams falt or stain was found in him,
And that his Will was free and also could
With offerd grace get glory, if he would.
His poyson to the world and souls out trips
When in Jerusalem out of his lips
He spit it out in Syria, in Thrace,
In Affrick, Sicill and in Rome apace
In France and England too his native soile
Which to the hurt of Grace he most did spoile
And many joynd with him, but Julian most
Bishop of Capua did like this tost
Nestorius and Anastase a paire
Bishop and Preist enthroned in the Chaire
Of greate Constantinople, tap their Cask
Of Errours now walking without a mask
Thus Ana'stasius vents it as its spoke
The Virgin Mary is no Theotoke
Nestorius in all Contempt this said
In two or three months space God is not made,
Reflecting hence as if Christs Deity
By Christs Conception smilde on such a Lie.
Away the Godhead of the Son, and Spirit,
And all those Orient Pearls of truth they stroy
As will the swinesty of this Filth defy
These cursed brats now teem'd out (as were bred)
From Maximinus, and Felicians head.
The Macedonian Filth and filthy stuff
Apollinarius foists finde a pigs trough
Who fed his pigs with Christs fless mere and said
Christ had no Humane Soule: but mere flesh made.
Anthropomorphites greatly do abound
The old Priscillian slough (snake like) is found
Pelagius an Englishman up dresst
His diry Cookery in East and West
That man was born with nature pure from sin
Not Adams falt or stain was found in him,
And that his Will was free and also could
With offerd grace get glory, if he would.
His poyson to the world and souls out trips
When in Jerusalem out of his lips
He spit it out in Syria, in Thrace,
In Affrick, Sicill and in Rome apace
In France and England too his native soile
Which to the hurt of Grace he most did spoile
And many joynd with him, but Julian most
Bishop of Capua did like this tost
Bishop and Preist enthroned in the Chaire
Of greate Constantinople, tap their Cask
Of Errours now walking without a mask
Thus Ana'stasius vents it as its spoke
The Virgin Mary is no Theotoke
Nestorius in all Contempt this said
In two or three months space God is not made,
Reflecting hence as if Christs Deity
By Christs Conception smilde on such a Lie.
Here in this place old Eutyches the monke
I'th Valantinian well sets his new pump
That Christs flesh was not true nor ours but made
Anew in which through th'Virgins womb he'd wade
And of this Liquour dranke did, and supple
Acasius Bishop of Constantinople
And Peter Gnoph the Antiochean
Who with his mates five hundred such do damn
The Councill brave of Calcedon which when
It sat was of six hundred thirty men
At Alexandria bibd of this Cup
(Besides all Egypts ragged Monks that sup
Three rammish Bishops first Dioscorus
A Vile Blasphemer who at Ephesus
In'ts second Counsill Proditorian calld
For damning Eutychean tenets, bauld
And flew like Mastive dog on Flavian
Constantinoples bishop, spurnd the man
And fisted him in such a furious guise
That of it the good man the third day dies
A Murderer a Whoremonger, Forsworn
A wretched Liar, Life with sins all torn
A botch of man kinde, sacrolegious Thiefe
Who gave the gift, given to make reliefe
For Poor and Pious persons unto those
That strumpets were and Varlets, Gods great foes
This surly Don did Excommunicate
The Roman Bishop though of better shape.
I'th Valantinian well sets his new pump
That Christs flesh was not true nor ours but made
Anew in which through th'Virgins womb he'd wade
And of this Liquour dranke did, and supple
Acasius Bishop of Constantinople
And Peter Gnoph the Antiochean
Who with his mates five hundred such do damn
The Councill brave of Calcedon which when
It sat was of six hundred thirty men
At Alexandria bibd of this Cup
(Besides all Egypts ragged Monks that sup
Three rammish Bishops first Dioscorus
A Vile Blasphemer who at Ephesus
In'ts second Counsill Proditorian calld
For damning Eutychean tenets, bauld
And flew like Mastive dog on Flavian
Constantinoples bishop, spurnd the man
And fisted him in such a furious guise
That of it the good man the third day dies
A Murderer a Whoremonger, Forsworn
A wretched Liar, Life with sins all torn
A botch of man kinde, sacrolegious Thiefe
Who gave the gift, given to make reliefe
For Poor and Pious persons unto those
That strumpets were and Varlets, Gods great foes
This surly Don did Excommunicate
The Roman Bishop though of better shape.
The second was Tim Elurus who drunke
His belly full of water at this pump
Ordain'd by faction and deposed sirs:
And raisd at Alexandria bloody stirs
Doth stooe his Curs upon Proterius
Who run him through and drag his body, thus
Slain, through the town and knaw his bowles like
To Curs or Swine, who bishop was and right
He banisht was, and by a joynt Consent
Of worthy men, Grave, Learned, and intent
Upon Christ truth about a thousand hee
Exauthorizd and outed was wee see
And judged that the Name of Christian should
Be clipt all off from him, so vile they hold.
His belly full of water at this pump
Ordain'd by faction and deposed sirs:
And raisd at Alexandria bloody stirs
Doth stooe his Curs upon Proterius
Who run him through and drag his body, thus
Slain, through the town and knaw his bowles like
To Curs or Swine, who bishop was and right
Of worthy men, Grave, Learned, and intent
Upon Christ truth about a thousand hee
Exauthorizd and outed was wee see
And judged that the Name of Christian should
Be clipt all off from him, so vile they hold.
Last Peter Mog Drunke with the foresaid drams
Drops in this Chair (alas Poore Chair). Hee damns
The Calcidonian Councill, stain'd with blood
Of such as fell: When Elurus up stood
Severus Antiochs Bishop wore this beard
Chrysaphicus too, a gentleman o'th'Guard.
Thirteen plump bishops such of Egypts were
Three hundred Crabbed monks all of such geere
Five hundred of the Headless sirs in sight
Are such: and them we Monophysits write.
Drops in this Chair (alas Poore Chair). Hee damns
The Calcidonian Councill, stain'd with blood
Of such as fell: When Elurus up stood
Severus Antiochs Bishop wore this beard
Chrysaphicus too, a gentleman o'th'Guard.
Thirteen plump bishops such of Egypts were
Three hundred Crabbed monks all of such geere
Five hundred of the Headless sirs in sight
Are such: and them we Monophysits write.
But Vincent Victors low bell thus did tole
That out of God himselfe God made mans soule.
That out of God himselfe God made mans soule.
Old Donatus now all new vamped ore
Is grown as budge as ever heretofore
And thus while Heretick under the Mask
Of sacred truth do tap the Hellish cask
Of Filthy lies, that do becloud the sun
The silken twine of Patience fine doth run.
Is grown as budge as ever heretofore
And thus while Heretick under the Mask
Of sacred truth do tap the Hellish cask
Of Filthy lies, that do becloud the sun
The silken twine of Patience fine doth run.
3. Patience Exercised under Persecutions and Cruelties.
Patience still is not halfe run out of breathBut holdeth Justices hands while griefs or Death
By Persecution doth great havock make
Among Christs Flocks and for Christs pretious sake,
For though the Halter tamed hath the Curs
Or Pinsons Cured have their tooth ach urrs
Or Curbs do cramp their jawes in some degree
From worrying Christs lambs: yet still wee see
Some Curst Curs snatch and worry too and loe
The Horned Rams now of the Flocks do goe
Together by the Ears with fury greate
Untill their horns fly off, or necks do breake.
Theophilus, the Alexandrian BThrowing the learned Pall of his rich see
Against Anthropomorphites who out swarm
Like bees whose hive is hubd and make a Charm
They'l sting him dead if's bells don't backward ring
His metall to their bullet moulds runs in.
He calls a Synod and aloud doth bark
At Origen whom to the fire they call
Because he is th'Anthropomorphites maul.
He brings old Epiphane (a better man)
To sink old Origen in his deep damn,
And by his juggles too doth him ingage
Against Chrysostom till his spirits rage
Chrysostom now (though a choice man indeed)
Is Carrion to their Envie it to feed.
Theophilus of Alexandria
Strives might and main to break his back they say
Because he did into Communion
Admit Dioscorus, and th'Monks styld Long
Who unto him from Egypt to complain
Against Theophilus his Carriage came
Wherefore to cloake his malice o're compleate
This good old Cypriot doth basely cheate
Into a fret against this shining Light
Hence having Origen condemnd doth write
To him to cease to reade his books at all:
This not attended, blisters fret his gall.
Hence Epiphane in heated hast doth trudge
Unto Constantinople in a grudge,
Calls an assembly, dubs a Deacon, and
Juggles about till Origen is Damn'd
Under this great and holie Worthies nose
Whose Caution bad him have a care lest those
He did thus grieve rose not about his ears
And now in Chafes he hasts away with fears,
On John the Courtiers now like mastives fall
Whose grave reproofes they entertain with gall
Eutropius the Chamberlain that makes
The Altar screen his sin, he Checks, this Rakes
Their Spleenishness, they bark at him like currs
And now he feels their feathers all wave spurs.
Gainas the Gottish Captain fumes, who could
Not gain his Arians Church room, as he would:
Oh! wretch forsworn. Eudoxia too, the queen,
Doth whet her Edge against him very keen
For feeling of his close reproofe she frets
The Emperour upon his back she sets.
He calls a Synod of Johns Enemies
Who finde no Crimes but burden him with lies
Theophilus and's sociates do him damn,
He's banisht too: Romes Innocent doth Chide
The Emperour for's act: the folke beside
Do tumult: John hence is calld home again
And settled in his Charge to preach Christs name
The sun shall lose his Light before John shall
Thus have his mouth bemuzzld, cry they all
But yet alass he is not long at ease
Eudoxia's silver shrine did him displease
Which raised were before saint Sophia's Church
And stage playes acted at it; that his birch
Did firk them for it. Now the Emperess
Accounts herselfe revild: which to redress
His saucy tongue that thus ore run its bancks
Herodias doth fret a fresh, she stamps
A fresh: a fresh she danceth, and for this
She seeks a fresh Johns head brought in a dish.
A Synod calls which damn him cause he took
After deposd his Cure without their book.
Although their ground they stood on groundless shines
He was restault by sixty five Divines
Hence he again is banisht: and so dies.
His pious flock now weeping out their eyes
Withdraw Communion and elsewhere meet
To worship Christ and bow before his feet.
Hence Innocent of Romes intreatings by
Five Bishops and two Priests Johns Case might ly
Before an Equall Synod to be scan'd
Being neglected by Arcadius' hand
Taking not heed of this Apostles plush
He claps his burning Thunderbolt out thus
Upon Arcadius' imperiall Dress
And on Eudoxia too the Emperess
On Atticus Constantinoples B
And on Theophilus who held the see
Of Alexandria, all whom (as spakes
One Sozomen) he Excommunicates
Strang thing indeed but let it Cockhorse ride
As a soure Belch-up-hubd of Ant'christs pride.
Under Arcadius whose reign appearsAfter Christs birth about four hundred years
When Holy Chrysostom in exile went
God on Constantinople-City sent,
And Curious Wealthy work of Court and town
This darkning blot stuck on his jacket bright
His pagan Captain reckens it the spite
Of John Chrysostoms Friends, who in a rage
Had thus avengde his Exile. Hence engage
He doth against them, taketh Tygrius
Their godly minister, and tares him thus
With Scourges over all his body sore
Doth binde and rack him dreadfully more o're
Untill his joynts and limbs disjoynted are
Nicephorus his story doth declare.
Eutropius the Lecturer's out ta'ne
Adjudged another raiser of this flame
His body's rackt, beaten with Clubs and lashes,
Bones broke with mauls, his limbs are cut with gashes
His sides and Cheeks are furrowed with Claws
His neather parts bunt till all parcht (What cause?)
And thus cast into prison where he lies,
(Though a young tender branch) untill he dies.
Sisinnius Martyrius also
With Alexander, godly Greeks do goe
For France and study learning to obtain
Under the famous Ambrose of Millain
From whom they pass to Trent and ordain'd are
By their Vigilius Christ to declare.
And in the Vally of Anonia
Now Hanault they a Church Collect, and stay
Untill the people do for fruitfullness
To Saturn sacrifice. Oh wickedness.
Which when these Worthies bright would not attend
These barb'rous Clowns their fury on them spend.
They scourge them grievously, then breake the Head
With a brass trumpet of Silonius, shed
His pious blood then with an hatchet do
Then with the Hatchet hack Martyrius too,
On Stakes do fix him and him have away
Unto their idoll, but Death spoils their play.
But Alexander to inter their Dead
Doth take them on his back, but off they're had
And cast before their idoll in the fire
And Alexander's scourgd, till he expire.
Florentius and Hilary because
They preached faithfully Christs blessed Laws
Their tongues were pluckt out by the roots, its said,
By Ado, yet they spake right words and aid
The Church thereby, and helt on till they fell
By th'sword slain at Sedunums Citidell.
James Persa by king Isdegurde's command
Because he gave to Christ his faithfull hand
Had all his joynts and members cut in twain
His Head and bodies trunck onely remain:
And still because he will not Christ denie
His head is made off by the Axe to fly.
They preached faithfully Christs blessed Laws
Their tongues were pluckt out by the roots, its said,
By Ado, yet they spake right words and aid
The Church thereby, and helt on till they fell
By th'sword slain at Sedunums Citidell.
Because he gave to Christ his faithfull hand
Had all his joynts and members cut in twain
His Head and bodies trunck onely remain:
And still because he will not Christ denie
His head is made off by the Axe to fly.
The Knight Sebastian, Courtier to the King
Gonsericus the Vandall would not sing
Unto his Arian pipe but bravely said
As white bread for the royall Table's made
By bolting fine the floure from bran, intire
And use of Water baking't then with fire
So I ground in the mill of th'Word Divine
Within the Church and sifted in the fine
Lawn Sive Repentance and wet well also
In Baptism, bakd with the firy glow
O'th'Holy Ghost, a Christian right am made,
If then this Loafe again in finest trade
Be ground and wet afresh and better bee
I'le do what shall seem good to thine and thee.
This answer though it silenc't him a while
Yet soon he 'stroyes him by another wile.
While Martian holds the helm whose Crown began
Gonsericus the Vandall would not sing
Unto his Arian pipe but bravely said
As white bread for the royall Table's made
By bolting fine the floure from bran, intire
And use of Water baking't then with fire
So I ground in the mill of th'Word Divine
Within the Church and sifted in the fine
Lawn Sive Repentance and wet well also
In Baptism, bakd with the firy glow
O'th'Holy Ghost, a Christian right am made,
If then this Loafe again in finest trade
Be ground and wet afresh and better bee
I'le do what shall seem good to thine and thee.
This answer though it silenc't him a while
Yet soon he 'stroyes him by another wile.
Four hundred fifty years from Christ, up sprung
The Duke of Cornwall's Daughter, Vesula
When Maximus the Brittain bore great sway
In Little Brittain she Espoused to
Duke Conan, doth attempt the seas, to go
Now with eleven hundred more to him
And by a storm are cast away therein
And such of them as swome ashore were slain
By tyrants of a quite Contrary grain.
When Leo reignd whose Empire first began
Fourhundred Sixtyfour, Victorian
The richest Adeumetine Citizen
No wealthier in Affrick rose up then:
King Hunerick the Vandall sought all means
To bring him off to swim in's muddy streams
To whom he saith, Determin what thou please
In Christ my Lord and God I'm safe at ease
I'st be the worst that ere the sun did see
If I should be unkinde to him for thee.
At which the tyrant was so mad he had
Them torture him with torments mostly sad
In middst of which he being by them triede
He breathed out his Spirits upon Christ.
Now Liberatus, Bonifacius
With Servia, Rusticus and Septimus
Rogatus, Maximus of Carthage all
The Tyrant eggs, his flatteries do them call.
With royall favour and all store of treasures
To stamp their plate in th'Arian mint but when
These golden baits fish not from Christ these men
He loads them then with heavy Irons hard
In darkesom Dungeon cast them, kept in ward
Yet gaining nothing: he doth use this trick
(An artist at all mischiefe) he'l them ship
In a dry hulk incargo'de with drie sheavs:
And out doth sayle and fires it in the seas.
Yet all in vain: Fire won't their down bed burn
Though many a time he lights it, it dies (strange turn)
Then out he takes them as out of his Cage
And dashes out their brains in hellish rage.
When Crescus Captain of the Vandalls made
France feel his heavy hand and did envade
Langress, the bishop Desiderius
From off the Wall entreated him not to crush
But spare Christs Flock and thence he did repare
Into the Temple where in earnest pray're
To Christ they tooke him and tooke off his head
Thus with his blood they dide their garments red.
Antidius the Bishop doth at Tours
Stick close to Christ while that these hellish powers
Do wound his face and loade his back with wounds
All ore and off his head tooke. Oh harsh sounds.
Now while such dirty startups worne beare sway
And Hellish spawns in velvet lead the way
And Justice blacks away as strangled by
Convulsion fits Twisting her joynts awry:
And Grace in Sackcloath lies (oh mournfull story)
These sandy wisps give Patiences mettall glory.
The Shine of Divine Justice
Bright Justice seem'd as she would take a napAnd therefore laid her head in Patience's lap.
But Patience slips her in her bed to sleep:
And makes her glorious Curtains round it keep,
And doth attend her too with all her train
Of brightest glory, free from spot or stain.
That none might her disturb. But yet the noise
Of Wickedness is such she ope's her eyes
Puts back the Curtains, up doth lift her head
Sends flashes of her justice from her bed.
Do through these Chincks of Providence shine bright.
400 In the Reign of Honorious Arcadius begining
I instance first i'th' frisks shee tooke to bring
The Roman Monarchy to feel how sin
Hath brought her to her Counts. She falls therefore
Like to a Beast knockt down and all in Goare
On whom the Barbarous nations, Vandalls, Gauls
Goth, Huns and others hunger bitten fall
Like Birds and beast of Prey on Carrion cling
Some runing hence with this, some th'other Limb
Untill the LET be wholy tooke away
That prooves to Antichrists guilt horn delay
Till those tell horns upon this head do bud
That shall the necking Horn behinde them dub,
And with their horns tipt with rich Gems in gold
They stand his Lackie Boyes and's Stirrup hold.
The Roman Monarchy to feel how sin
Hath brought her to her Counts. She falls therefore
Like to a Beast knockt down and all in Goare
On whom the Barbarous nations, Vandalls, Gauls
Goth, Huns and others hunger bitten fall
Like Birds and beast of Prey on Carrion cling
Some runing hence with this, some th'other Limb
Untill the LET be wholy tooke away
That prooves to Antichrists guilt horn delay
Till those tell horns upon this head do bud
That shall the necking Horn behinde them dub,
And with their horns tipt with rich Gems in gold
They stand his Lackie Boyes and's Stirrup hold.
Good Theodolius newly gone to rest
Ruffin Lieuetenant faithless in the East
Impery'ish smells: packs with the Goths, its Coast
T'invade. He'd fish in muddy waters most:
To hang the Empire on his hooke, but the same
Hangs in his gills, him drew up when he came
Before his Host to meet Arcadius
Entring Constantinople, Ruffinus
Smelt ranck of treason, on him Justice set
Before Arcadius makes another step.
At th'Emp'rours feet th'Italian Souldiers Cut
His head and right hand off: and up them put
And hang over the Gate for all to see
That Justice gives to Traitors such a fee.
Ruffin Lieuetenant faithless in the East
Impery'ish smells: packs with the Goths, its Coast
T'invade. He'd fish in muddy waters most:
To hang the Empire on his hooke, but the same
Hangs in his gills, him drew up when he came
Before his Host to meet Arcadius
Entring Constantinople, Ruffinus
Smelt ranck of treason, on him Justice set
Before Arcadius makes another step.
At th'Emp'rours feet th'Italian Souldiers Cut
His head and right hand off: and up them put
And hang over the Gate for all to see
That Justice gives to Traitors such a fee.
Now Gildo doth in Affrick too devise
To flanker for himselfe the Empires thighs
And for the same doth seventy thousand raise
His brother Mascezels deare Children slayes
Cause he unto the Emperour did show
The treason. Now Honorious doth stow
Five thousand Christian souldiers on him, stout
Which Gildo's seventy thousand quickly rout.
Gildo doth take the Sea but when to shoare
He would, had's throat split open by an oare.
But Mascezell full flesht here with, in pride
Would have Imperiall Collops for him fride,
But now he sought to live upon such fish
His Souldiers servd his head up in a dish.
To flanker for himselfe the Empires thighs
And for the same doth seventy thousand raise
His brother Mascezels deare Children slayes
Cause he unto the Emperour did show
The treason. Now Honorious doth stow
Five thousand Christian souldiers on him, stout
Which Gildo's seventy thousand quickly rout.
Gildo doth take the Sea but when to shoare
He would, had's throat split open by an oare.
Would have Imperiall Collops for him fride,
But now he sought to live upon such fish
His Souldiers servd his head up in a dish.
The Scythick Huns in hunting of an Hart
Did finde a Peephole never found by Art
Out of their nest beyond Meotis fen
Unto a better soile and better men
Through which as through a Mase they Croud and strive
Like swarms of Bees come poothering from their hive,
O're into Europe, and about this time
Did wast the Thracian Countrey with their line.
And now Isaur'ian Theeves in troops infest
As far as Haran: Phenice they molest.
Did finde a Peephole never found by Art
Out of their nest beyond Meotis fen
Unto a better soile and better men
Through which as through a Mase they Croud and strive
Like swarms of Bees come poothering from their hive,
O're into Europe, and about this time
Did wast the Thracian Countrey with their line.
And now Isaur'ian Theeves in troops infest
As far as Haran: Phenice they molest.
Gainas the Goth Captain of horse and foot
Under Arcadius, making his sute
To gain a temple for his Arian Crew
Within th'Imperiall City, onward grew
Into Rebellion, when denide, did Call
His Countrey men the Goth out, and did fall
Upon the Empire, tooke all Phrygia
And yet at Chalced on his Oath did lay
Not to Conspire against the Emp'rour life.
Yet on he goes mentaining secret strife.
He seeks Constantinople how to fire
T'ore run the Roman Empire doth aspire
(God hangs a dismall Commat o're the town
That reacht from heaven to Earth nigh streaching down)
Gainus by night his barb'rous Villains sends
To burn th'Imperiall Palace which God tends
A mighty troop of Angells in hugh shapes
Of men in sparkling armour fright his apes
They run away supposing that they were
An host of Roman Souldiers placed there.
But Gainas knowing such there could not bee
The following night sent others out that hee
Might do the feate not once nor twice, but they
Do finde this mighty troop them frights away.
He goes himselfe and findes the matter true
And deeming's them but Roman souldiers flew
Unto his Wiles doth feign himself possest
By Satan: doth betake himselfe as best
To Saint Johns Church to pray and with him's men
Who closely sent in Vessells arms which when
The Porters stop, they slay the Porters all
And now the City on his men do fall
Within the Walls. The Traitor leaves his prayers
And flies: the Western Empire t'Catch prepares
But still befoold he flies through Thrace and fell
Into the Roman Souldiers hands who quell
Him and his barbarous troop whose bloody Crimes
Have blotcht the golden Leaves of those good times.
Under Arcadius, making his sute
To gain a temple for his Arian Crew
Within th'Imperiall City, onward grew
Into Rebellion, when denide, did Call
His Countrey men the Goth out, and did fall
Upon the Empire, tooke all Phrygia
And yet at Chalced on his Oath did lay
Not to Conspire against the Emp'rour life.
Yet on he goes mentaining secret strife.
He seeks Constantinople how to fire
T'ore run the Roman Empire doth aspire
(God hangs a dismall Commat o're the town
That reacht from heaven to Earth nigh streaching down)
Gainus by night his barb'rous Villains sends
To burn th'Imperiall Palace which God tends
A mighty troop of Angells in hugh shapes
Of men in sparkling armour fright his apes
They run away supposing that they were
An host of Roman Souldiers placed there.
But Gainas knowing such there could not bee
The following night sent others out that hee
Might do the feate not once nor twice, but they
Do finde this mighty troop them frights away.
He goes himselfe and findes the matter true
And deeming's them but Roman souldiers flew
Unto his Wiles doth feign himself possest
By Satan: doth betake himselfe as best
To Saint Johns Church to pray and with him's men
Who closely sent in Vessells arms which when
The Porters stop, they slay the Porters all
And now the City on his men do fall
Within the Walls. The Traitor leaves his prayers
And flies: the Western Empire t'Catch prepares
Into the Roman Souldiers hands who quell
Him and his barbarous troop whose bloody Crimes
Have blotcht the golden Leaves of those good times.
Now Stillico a Vandall, king at Arm,
Under Honorius whose sunshines warm
This starved snake swops with the Goths to bring
Th'imperiall Wreath about the brows to cling
Of's son Eucherius whose sister was
Honorius his Emperess alass.
He trucks with th'Emperour no more to pay
The stipend to the Goths the which the day
Of need compeld him to, them to insense,
Then draws the Sweves, Burgs, Alans, Vandalls thence
By Golden promises for to infest
The Bancks of Rhine and France too to molest.
Hence Rhadagaise puts on his scythick steels
With Goths two hundred thousand at his heels
Resolve he'l cut the name of Christian off
And all the Roman blood to's gods he'l Quaff.
Thrace and Illyricum, Norice, each place
Nigh Italy his sword and fires deface
Doth enter Epennine and pitch his tent
At Fesulee. Rome trembles at this sent,
Calls to her aide Uldine and Sarus Dukes
Of Huns and Goths, so out goes and enhooks
Up Rhadagaise and's hosts within the Jaws
Of the Felulian streights, untill their Maws
Coy Cupboard, having nought at all to eate
But Rocks, Pikes, Swords, or Arrows for their meate,
The proude Blasphemer flies; yets quickly caught
And made a mocking-stock Chain'd up then brought
And honour'd with an halter, and his traile
Are Captivde to enrich their foes by sale.
Such as escapt fled to Alaricus
I'th'east, who from Constantinople rush
Did, and did Thessaly, Illyricum
And to Ravenna all destroy and num.
And nigh Potentia Honorius treats
Him, and with him a sacred League Compleats.
Constraind thereto because now France and Spain
The Sueves and Vandalls and their mates had ta'en.
But Stillico contrary to this League
When Alerick his hosts to France did leade
Fell on his reare and dreadfull slaughter made
For which he's slain and's son, but alls not paid
Alaricus returns, revenge is sweet,
And bits untill his very teeth do meet.
His fire and sword through Italy do prance
And Rome shall take a turn too in this Dance.
He hears a Voice say, Goe Destroy thou Rome
He'd in the Siege (some say) two years consume
Then takes it, makes it under's sword and Flames
And Plundrings fall, save such i'th'temples came
Now fill'd with spoiles he and his host out goes
Within the Week and flood like overflows
Sweeping down all before him far and neere
Through Campany, Lucania, Brutia, steers
For Sicily or Affrick, but the winde
Did surly proove, set him an other minde
And Wintering at Consence with his host
His Corps did suddenly Exile his Ghost
And was with mighty wealth Epitaphizde
In Basence streams, so let such Wens be sisde.
Under Honorius whose sunshines warm
This starved snake swops with the Goths to bring
Th'imperiall Wreath about the brows to cling
Of's son Eucherius whose sister was
Honorius his Emperess alass.
He trucks with th'Emperour no more to pay
The stipend to the Goths the which the day
Of need compeld him to, them to insense,
Then draws the Sweves, Burgs, Alans, Vandalls thence
By Golden promises for to infest
The Bancks of Rhine and France too to molest.
Hence Rhadagaise puts on his scythick steels
With Goths two hundred thousand at his heels
Resolve he'l cut the name of Christian off
And all the Roman blood to's gods he'l Quaff.
Thrace and Illyricum, Norice, each place
Nigh Italy his sword and fires deface
Doth enter Epennine and pitch his tent
At Fesulee. Rome trembles at this sent,
Calls to her aide Uldine and Sarus Dukes
Of Huns and Goths, so out goes and enhooks
Up Rhadagaise and's hosts within the Jaws
Of the Felulian streights, untill their Maws
Coy Cupboard, having nought at all to eate
But Rocks, Pikes, Swords, or Arrows for their meate,
The proude Blasphemer flies; yets quickly caught
And made a mocking-stock Chain'd up then brought
And honour'd with an halter, and his traile
Are Captivde to enrich their foes by sale.
Such as escapt fled to Alaricus
I'th'east, who from Constantinople rush
Did, and did Thessaly, Illyricum
And to Ravenna all destroy and num.
And nigh Potentia Honorius treats
Him, and with him a sacred League Compleats.
Constraind thereto because now France and Spain
The Sueves and Vandalls and their mates had ta'en.
But Stillico contrary to this League
When Alerick his hosts to France did leade
Fell on his reare and dreadfull slaughter made
For which he's slain and's son, but alls not paid
And bits untill his very teeth do meet.
His fire and sword through Italy do prance
And Rome shall take a turn too in this Dance.
He hears a Voice say, Goe Destroy thou Rome
He'd in the Siege (some say) two years consume
Then takes it, makes it under's sword and Flames
And Plundrings fall, save such i'th'temples came
Now fill'd with spoiles he and his host out goes
Within the Week and flood like overflows
Sweeping down all before him far and neere
Through Campany, Lucania, Brutia, steers
For Sicily or Affrick, but the winde
Did surly proove, set him an other minde
And Wintering at Consence with his host
His Corps did suddenly Exile his Ghost
And was with mighty wealth Epitaphizde
In Basence streams, so let such Wens be sisde.
When brave Chrysostom fetch from Excile saw
What Dancings and what stage playes then did draw
In poyson to infest mens souls to wast
Their time and souls Christ here in much disgrac'te
And flam'd against these things and hence again
Was banished, God sent a dismall flame
That turnd the Temple and the Costly Work
Of Court and Courtly structures unto dirt.
Such mighty Haile stones God now tumbled down
Scarce ere such in Constantinople town
Beheld, and on the fourth day following
Eudoxia her passing Peale doth ring.
What Dancings and what stage playes then did draw
In poyson to infest mens souls to wast
Their time and souls Christ here in much disgrac'te
And flam'd against these things and hence again
Was banished, God sent a dismall flame
That turnd the Temple and the Costly Work
Of Court and Courtly structures unto dirt.
Such mighty Haile stones God now tumbled down
Scarce ere such in Constantinople town
Beheld, and on the fourth day following
Eudoxia her passing Peale doth ring.
At Utica the Earth a lowing fell
Seven dayes together now as stories tell.
But as some say about ten years before
A dreadfull Earth Quake was, the Skies all ore
Seem'd all like flaming fire, a sad presage
Of the sad times approaching on the stage
So also When Chrysostom first was sent
An Excile a dread Earthquake did endent
The hearts with feare. Constantinople now
Calls John again to hold the Gospell plow.
Seven dayes together now as stories tell.
But as some say about ten years before
A dreadfull Earth Quake was, the Skies all ore
Seem'd all like flaming fire, a sad presage
Of the sad times approaching on the stage
So also When Chrysostom first was sent
An Excile a dread Earthquake did endent
The hearts with feare. Constantinople now
Calls John again to hold the Gospell plow.
Athulph succeedeth Alarick the Goth,
His Kingdom buds at Barcina (poor froth)
Spain nots a nest of Vandals, Alans, Sueyes
And Goths. Brittan the like game Cuts and playes,
Doth Gratian Crown, who murder'd, Constantine
Doth Clap his bum in th'throne of a low line.
Then Constans son unto Bittannicus
Of Monk is Cesarizde, and soon there rush
Into it Scots and Picts and sore its stresst
It shews to Rome but little is redresst.
France through Fare is of all these rabble crew
The which the north tracts on the Empire spew.
She stirs her stumps, makes Varamund her king,
They'l pluck the Beast a pieces lime from lime.
His Kingdom buds at Barcina (poor froth)
Spain nots a nest of Vandals, Alans, Sueyes
And Goths. Brittan the like game Cuts and playes,
Doth Gratian Crown, who murder'd, Constantine
Doth Clap his bum in th'throne of a low line.
Then Constans son unto Bittannicus
Of Monk is Cesarizde, and soon there rush
It shews to Rome but little is redresst.
France through Fare is of all these rabble crew
The which the north tracts on the Empire spew.
She stirs her stumps, makes Varamund her king,
They'l pluck the Beast a pieces lime from lime.
Under Theodosius 2 in the East/Valentinianus 2 in the West begining 412/425
Croscus the Vandall king next Stilicon
Who direfull persecution carrid on
Wasting in France towns, Cities, Churches, Saints
Justice he findes hath hands: attends Complaints
He at the Siege of Arles is pris'ner ta'en
With iron bracelets deckt, and shouts again,
Circuited round about through ev'ry place
He had destroy'd, unto his great disgrace
Then brought to try what keen Edge tortures beare
A wretched Death doth's Soule from's Carrion tare.
Who direfull persecution carrid on
Wasting in France towns, Cities, Churches, Saints
Justice he findes hath hands: attends Complaints
He at the Siege of Arles is pris'ner ta'en
With iron bracelets deckt, and shouts again,
Circuited round about through ev'ry place
He had destroy'd, unto his great disgrace
Then brought to try what keen Edge tortures beare
A wretched Death doth's Soule from's Carrion tare.
When John the Penman Emperour would bee
After Honorius, he arms you'l see
'Gainst whom is sent brave Ardabarius
But's cast into John's Clutches: things run thus.
Aspar his son is sent: who knowing that
His Father's life's at stake, perplext here at
The Emperour falls on his knees, doth bring
By prayer from God an Angell, t'do the thing.
Now Aspars Army by Ravenna's Lake
An Angell in a Shephards weeds doth take
And leads them through it dride up by Gods hand
The like ne're known before, as on the land.
He takes the town, his Father saves, doth slay
The Tyrant: Now stages upraisd display
Their joy. Whom Theodosius spoke thus to
Lets leave this vain passtime, to Gods house go,
And poure out hearty prayers and praise to him
Whose hand hath done't. Hence fall they on that thing.
After Honorius, he arms you'l see
'Gainst whom is sent brave Ardabarius
But's cast into John's Clutches: things run thus.
Aspar his son is sent: who knowing that
His Father's life's at stake, perplext here at
The Emperour falls on his knees, doth bring
By prayer from God an Angell, t'do the thing.
Now Aspars Army by Ravenna's Lake
An Angell in a Shephards weeds doth take
And leads them through it dride up by Gods hand
The like ne're known before, as on the land.
He takes the town, his Father saves, doth slay
The Tyrant: Now stages upraisd display
Their joy. Whom Theodosius spoke thus to
Lets leave this vain passtime, to Gods house go,
And poure out hearty prayers and praise to him
Whose hand hath done't. Hence fall they on that thing.
But still all is not o're for Rugas Whom
John gaind to aide him with his barb'rous throng
Attempts the ruin of the Country still
Hence Theodosius leaves it to Gods Will
And fights with servant prayers that thunder slayes
Rugas their Duke, and sickness sore decayes
Most of his men: and the remaining part
Fire did Consume which heaven made its dart
Hence Proclus bishop did unto Gods praise
Apply Ezekiels fire on Gog to blaze.
The Vandall King Gunderick that or'e threw
Brave Sevil and did make Christ Church there rue
Did feel Gods hand was righteous the when thereby
The Divell Ceisd him: that the wretch doth die.
John gaind to aide him with his barb'rous throng
Attempts the ruin of the Country still
Hence Theodosius leaves it to Gods Will
And fights with servant prayers that thunder slayes
Rugas their Duke, and sickness sore decayes
Most of his men: and the remaining part
Fire did Consume which heaven made its dart
Hence Proclus bishop did unto Gods praise
Apply Ezekiels fire on Gog to blaze.
The Vandall King Gunderick that or'e threw
Brave Sevil and did make Christ Church there rue
The Divell Ceisd him: that the wretch doth die.
At Alexandria the hatefull Jews
Their Sabbath dayes religiously don't use
But spend in stageplays and in dancings till
Their Quarrels with the Christian by a Bill
Of Civill power fixt on the stage commands
Them to be peacefull: Which while Hierax stands
Reading it ore, who was a Christian much
Endeard to Cyrill: Schoolmaster to such
As came to learn, Whom the mad Jews do hall
And bring before Orests, 'gainst him ball,
As coming there to set all by the Eares
He on the Stage torments him sorely there.
Cyrill the Bishop grieved much at this
Calls some Greate Jews reproves them, not a mess
Withall doth ad his threats unless they do
Desist such things: at which their fire doth glow
Hence do Compact and in the night out Cry
Saint Alexanders all on fire, but ly
And lying under painthouses, close, still
When Christians come to quench't, they did them kill.
Cyrill provokt hereat permits 'm t'fall
O'th'Jews in th'Synagogue to kill and mall.
Things bad on all hands: hence the Emperour
Exiles all jews from Alexandria far
Their Sabbath dayes religiously don't use
But spend in stageplays and in dancings till
Their Quarrels with the Christian by a Bill
Of Civill power fixt on the stage commands
Them to be peacefull: Which while Hierax stands
Reading it ore, who was a Christian much
Endeard to Cyrill: Schoolmaster to such
As came to learn, Whom the mad Jews do hall
And bring before Orests, 'gainst him ball,
As coming there to set all by the Eares
He on the Stage torments him sorely there.
Cyrill the Bishop grieved much at this
Calls some Greate Jews reproves them, not a mess
Withall doth ad his threats unless they do
Desist such things: at which their fire doth glow
Hence do Compact and in the night out Cry
Saint Alexanders all on fire, but ly
And lying under painthouses, close, still
When Christians come to quench't, they did them kill.
Cyrill provokt hereat permits 'm t'fall
O'th'Jews in th'Synagogue to kill and mall.
Things bad on all hands: hence the Emperour
Exiles all jews from Alexandria far
At Inmester twixt Syria's Antioch
And Chalcedon this Villany out broke
The Jews in stage playes in their Cups deride
Christians and Christ himselfe with scorns they jybe
Erect a Cross, do steale a Christian boy
And hang thereon fast naild; then scorns let fly
And scourge him till he giveth up the Ghost
Hence rise sharp quarrelling in that hot Coast
Untill th'imperiall sword did justice take
And made the Synagogues these jews forsake.
And Chalcedon this Villany out broke
The Jews in stage playes in their Cups deride
Christians and Christ himselfe with scorns they jybe
Erect a Cross, do steale a Christian boy
And hang thereon fast naild; then scorns let fly
And scourge him till he giveth up the Ghost
Hence rise sharp quarrelling in that hot Coast
Untill th'imperiall sword did justice take
And made the Synagogues these jews forsake.
And now about Moses Cretenses rose
Who for a twelve month up and down Crete goes
Perswades the Jews that he was Moses, and
Would through the Seas them lead to their own land:
Which open would as the red sea before
To give them pass, there follow him therefore
Men, Women, Children, to an elbow steep,
He them bewitcht, they leape down in the deep
Hoping the Waves would ope to them away
But oh they hug them close. Befooled they
Do many perish. Some some Christians save
Who were nigh fishing, up they'r took and gave
Account to those behind that wayes they found
Their Prophet Moses vanisht now or's drown
They se the Divell hath befoold them sore
And many of them Christians turn therefore
In Cyrills time the Famous, modest, brave
Deep read Philosophress Hypatia Grave
Who in th'Platonick Schoole Philosophy
Of all sorts read with such a bravery
As drew from Countreyes round about each where
Such as desired learning her to heare
To Alexandria. Her modesty
Would give her grace in any Prince's eye.
She oft resorted and Conferd at times
Orestes the Lieutenant, which inclines
Some harebrains to impute the grudge betixt
Him and their Cyrill by her means was fixt
Hence Peter the Lecturer takes of his Crew
And as her Coach came from Orestes, drew
Her thence into Cesarium Church and there
Do strip her naked tare her every where
All o're her flesh with sharp shells till shee dies
They cut her up in quarters as she lies
Then carry her in Quarters to a place
Calld Cinaron and burn to dust a pace
Her quarters there. A dreadful fact what woe
Cyrill hangs o're thy flock such things that do?
Who for a twelve month up and down Crete goes
Perswades the Jews that he was Moses, and
Would through the Seas them lead to their own land:
Which open would as the red sea before
To give them pass, there follow him therefore
Men, Women, Children, to an elbow steep,
He them bewitcht, they leape down in the deep
Hoping the Waves would ope to them away
But oh they hug them close. Befooled they
Do many perish. Some some Christians save
Who were nigh fishing, up they'r took and gave
Account to those behind that wayes they found
Their Prophet Moses vanisht now or's drown
They se the Divell hath befoold them sore
And many of them Christians turn therefore
Deep read Philosophress Hypatia Grave
Who in th'Platonick Schoole Philosophy
Of all sorts read with such a bravery
As drew from Countreyes round about each where
Such as desired learning her to heare
To Alexandria. Her modesty
Would give her grace in any Prince's eye.
She oft resorted and Conferd at times
Orestes the Lieutenant, which inclines
Some harebrains to impute the grudge betixt
Him and their Cyrill by her means was fixt
Hence Peter the Lecturer takes of his Crew
And as her Coach came from Orestes, drew
Her thence into Cesarium Church and there
Do strip her naked tare her every where
All o're her flesh with sharp shells till shee dies
They cut her up in quarters as she lies
Then carry her in Quarters to a place
Calld Cinaron and burn to dust a pace
Her quarters there. A dreadful fact what woe
Cyrill hangs o're thy flock such things that do?
When Boniface Affrick's Lieutenent fet
(Vext that another in his place was set)
Gensericus the Vandal out of Spain
In Affrica this vandall wrackt his brain
To bring all unto Arijsm there
That on he went with ruin, rapine Speare
And sword, yea sucking Babs to pieces dasht
'Gainst Rock or Ground, and some he also gasht
Cut up from fundament unto their Crown
And burnt their temples and their buildings down
Torturd the ministers with cruelties
To make them shew their treasures: did devise
To gagg their mouths wide open and them tun
Sea Waters, Vinigar, Oyle dregs or scum
Nay stincking dung ramd in their jaws, whereby
Many an holy saint he did destroy,
Twist Cords about their brows or anckles till
They rung again. He did Pampinias kill
Bishop of Utica, by claping fresh
Red firy plates of iron o're all his flesh.
And put forth laws at Carthage to root out
All Orthodox and gusted thus about
He would not leave a man alive, and then
Chargd in the sea forth with to drown these men
But now attend, Justice begins to spur
And Cramp the jaws of such a Cursed cur
His mastife Proculus in Eugitane
That wasted thus and burnt Gods Word in flame
Doth bite his tongue to bits by's venom teeth
And thus he falleth like a wretched theefe,
One of these Vandals having Servants three
That Christians were, who by the Kings decree
Them dayly tortur'd till their gutts appeare
Which by rich grace the next day cured were.
The tyrant not regarding it, Gods red
And burning anger him struck swiftly dead
His Daughters and all Creatures too of Worth.
His Wife alone and slaves left: who bestowth
Her Christian servants on Sersaon who
Was Cousin to Genserick, and now loe
When he had got them in his paws the Divell
Began to take possession and make Evill
His Children, and his Servants, and his house,
Gensericus too and his son though Crouce
Did feele Gods hand making their stincking breath
To leave their Carrion by a wretched death.
(Vext that another in his place was set)
Gensericus the Vandal out of Spain
In Affrica this vandall wrackt his brain
To bring all unto Arijsm there
That on he went with ruin, rapine Speare
And sword, yea sucking Babs to pieces dasht
'Gainst Rock or Ground, and some he also gasht
Cut up from fundament unto their Crown
And burnt their temples and their buildings down
Torturd the ministers with cruelties
To make them shew their treasures: did devise
To gagg their mouths wide open and them tun
Sea Waters, Vinigar, Oyle dregs or scum
Nay stincking dung ramd in their jaws, whereby
Many an holy saint he did destroy,
Twist Cords about their brows or anckles till
They rung again. He did Pampinias kill
Bishop of Utica, by claping fresh
Red firy plates of iron o're all his flesh.
And put forth laws at Carthage to root out
All Orthodox and gusted thus about
He would not leave a man alive, and then
Chargd in the sea forth with to drown these men
But now attend, Justice begins to spur
And Cramp the jaws of such a Cursed cur
His mastife Proculus in Eugitane
That wasted thus and burnt Gods Word in flame
And thus he falleth like a wretched theefe,
One of these Vandals having Servants three
That Christians were, who by the Kings decree
Them dayly tortur'd till their gutts appeare
Which by rich grace the next day cured were.
The tyrant not regarding it, Gods red
And burning anger him struck swiftly dead
His Daughters and all Creatures too of Worth.
His Wife alone and slaves left: who bestowth
Her Christian servants on Sersaon who
Was Cousin to Genserick, and now loe
When he had got them in his paws the Divell
Began to take possession and make Evill
His Children, and his Servants, and his house,
Gensericus too and his son though Crouce
Did feele Gods hand making their stincking breath
To leave their Carrion by a wretched death.
A Dreadfull Earthquake all most all the World
Was made to feel which many towers down whorld.
The Cherronesian wall so mighty great
It ruined: it made the Earth to breake
To ope her mouth and swallow many towns
Many and mighty trees to swallow down
It drid up fountains, fountains made to spring
Where dry land was, did many Vallies bring
Into Great mountains, Sea's did vomit out
Her fishes dead, did many ilands rout
Ore tumbling them with waves. Ships on dry land
Are now discernd, waters leaving there sand,
And many Contries in Phrygia,
In Hellespontus and Bithynia
Were quite undone, this Woe abiding long
Before it did depart, Plagues, Famines strong,
Wild beast devouring, Earth-yawns and huge draughts
Great Hail, Deep Snows, sharp frosts and stranger thoughts
Great Sun Ecleipses, stars at noon day shine
Are prodigies sent by the hand divine.
Was made to feel which many towers down whorld.
The Cherronesian wall so mighty great
It ruined: it made the Earth to breake
To ope her mouth and swallow many towns
Many and mighty trees to swallow down
It drid up fountains, fountains made to spring
Where dry land was, did many Vallies bring
Into Great mountains, Sea's did vomit out
Her fishes dead, did many ilands rout
Ore tumbling them with waves. Ships on dry land
Are now discernd, waters leaving there sand,
And many Contries in Phrygia,
In Hellespontus and Bithynia
Were quite undone, this Woe abiding long
Before it did depart, Plagues, Famines strong,
Wild beast devouring, Earth-yawns and huge draughts
Great Hail, Deep Snows, sharp frosts and stranger thoughts
Great Sun Ecleipses, stars at noon day shine
Are prodigies sent by the hand divine.
We'le run to Persia, and see the Eye
Of Justice how its sparkling beams out fly
On the Magicians there who sought to fling
Black Venom ranck in Isdegard their King
Again Christ and to raise his spirits higher
Upon the Persian God which is the fire.
They dig an hole Under the herth and set
A man there in, that when the King there met
Before his God, should ball thus on him there
(Yet so as if the fire the speaker were)
Get out the King whom impious God deems
And seing he so mightily esteems
A Doctor of the Christian sect, he hee
Did falsy count that he is prizd by mee.
This griev'd the King: Maruthasias remov'de
The Roman Legate, Christian, whom he lov'de
Maruthas gives unto the king a hint
That th' fire spake not, there was some hocas in't.
Observe, quoth he, next voice, whence it doth rise
And dig and see what Deity there lies.
The which the King attends, doth catch the mole
Doth for their magick all their houses tole.
Of Justice how its sparkling beams out fly
On the Magicians there who sought to fling
Black Venom ranck in Isdegard their King
Again Christ and to raise his spirits higher
Upon the Persian God which is the fire.
They dig an hole Under the herth and set
A man there in, that when the King there met
Before his God, should ball thus on him there
(Yet so as if the fire the speaker were)
Get out the King whom impious God deems
And seing he so mightily esteems
Did falsy count that he is prizd by mee.
This griev'd the King: Maruthasias remov'de
The Roman Legate, Christian, whom he lov'de
Maruthas gives unto the king a hint
That th' fire spake not, there was some hocas in't.
Observe, quoth he, next voice, whence it doth rise
And dig and see what Deity there lies.
The which the King attends, doth catch the mole
Doth for their magick all their houses tole.
But still not still but let another foist
Within a little while, which was thus tricde
Where'ere the king doth go they for perfume
Make an intolerable stinck up bloome
And father't on the Christian Legats there
As if they expert artist at such were.
The King suspects their magick in the spell
Doth searche and finds it so, and bumbs them well.
Within a little while, which was thus tricde
Where'ere the king doth go they for perfume
Make an intolerable stinck up bloome
And father't on the Christian Legats there
As if they expert artist at such were.
The King suspects their magick in the spell
Doth searche and finds it so, and bumbs them well.
But Barazanes reigning next is whet
By these Magicians' sharp and on is set
Upon Christ flock and doth them worry and
By these magicians use a cruell hand
And fright that they a pace do blating run
To Theodosius; when before this done
He had abusd, raisd up's imperiall ire
To burn this Persian birch up in the fire,
Sends Ardaburius forth with armed force
Who through Medamnis into Persia Course
There Azazena wast, and Naseus rout
Who gathring strength against another bout
Whose manhood in Mesopotamia
They aimd to try and here they're drove away
And pounded up in Isabis, meanwhile
Bright Angells send to the Imperiall soile
By passengers this word, Cheer up and pray
Your souldiers shall soon rout and win the day
And we are sent to rule this war for you.
Now Barazanes hearing's armies flew
Comes with the Sarrazens a mighty force
But God affrighted them, that they do course
And in Euphrates head long leape for feare
Deeming the Roman Gallants on them were
Set suddenly, an hundred thousand then
Were drowned in these streams of armed men
Thus Barazanes had his power quite spoild
His souldiers which his pride Immortall stilde.
Nestorius the Heretick did let fly
His Blasphemy against Christ Deity
And by a Counsill held at Ephesus
Deposed was. Things came upon him thus
When in Thebais Desert in banishment
He was confin'd, the Worms that love bad sent
Disht his blasphemous tongue for sweet viands
And feasted on't till he had spent his sands.
By these Magicians' sharp and on is set
Upon Christ flock and doth them worry and
By these magicians use a cruell hand
And fright that they a pace do blating run
To Theodosius; when before this done
He had abusd, raisd up's imperiall ire
To burn this Persian birch up in the fire,
Sends Ardaburius forth with armed force
Who through Medamnis into Persia Course
There Azazena wast, and Naseus rout
Who gathring strength against another bout
Whose manhood in Mesopotamia
They aimd to try and here they're drove away
And pounded up in Isabis, meanwhile
Bright Angells send to the Imperiall soile
By passengers this word, Cheer up and pray
Your souldiers shall soon rout and win the day
And we are sent to rule this war for you.
Now Barazanes hearing's armies flew
Comes with the Sarrazens a mighty force
But God affrighted them, that they do course
And in Euphrates head long leape for feare
Deeming the Roman Gallants on them were
Set suddenly, an hundred thousand then
Were drowned in these streams of armed men
Thus Barazanes had his power quite spoild
His souldiers which his pride Immortall stilde.
His Blasphemy against Christ Deity
And by a Counsill held at Ephesus
Deposed was. Things came upon him thus
When in Thebais Desert in banishment
He was confin'd, the Worms that love bad sent
Disht his blasphemous tongue for sweet viands
And feasted on't till he had spent his sands.
Before that flame brought in Attila's speare
Greate Earthquakes at Constantinople were,
The folk amaizd (these for three months abide)
They leave the town and in the field reside,
Perfume the Aire with pray'res for safety, Cry
While Earth stood trembling. Lord let mercy high.
At three a Clock in all their sight was caught
Up in the aire a youth and this voice brought
For three days space, biding of one to say
To th'Bishop and they people thus to Pray
Have mercy Oh thou Holy God on us
Thou Holy strong One, Holy Immortall, thus,
And nothing else. Proclus the Bishop said.
Folke pray then thus and so the Earthquake stay'd.
Greate Earthquakes at Constantinople were,
The folk amaizd (these for three months abide)
They leave the town and in the field reside,
Perfume the Aire with pray'res for safety, Cry
While Earth stood trembling. Lord let mercy high.
At three a Clock in all their sight was caught
Up in the aire a youth and this voice brought
For three days space, biding of one to say
To th'Bishop and they people thus to Pray
Have mercy Oh thou Holy God on us
Thou Holy strong One, Holy Immortall, thus,
And nothing else. Proclus the Bishop said.
Folke pray then thus and so the Earthquake stay'd.
When one of those barbarian kings that came
Some yeare before with Vororones flame
And siegd Constantinople barkt out like
Senacherib and Rabsheke in spite
Did threat to burn Gods temple up with fire
Eunomius then the Bishops prayr'e grew higher
Not bearing of his rage, he's Engin plac'de
Up on the Wall with a great Stone and Cast
It at him in the Name that blasphem'd was
The which directly on that king did pass
His Cursed mouth and head gave such a bang
And dasht out all his brains, made's mettle twang.
The siege plucks up their stakes, such brains fall out,
One single stone this mighty host did rout.
Some yeare before with Vororones flame
And siegd Constantinople barkt out like
Senacherib and Rabsheke in spite
Did threat to burn Gods temple up with fire
Eunomius then the Bishops prayr'e grew higher
Not bearing of his rage, he's Engin plac'de
Up on the Wall with a great Stone and Cast
It at him in the Name that blasphem'd was
The which directly on that king did pass
His Cursed mouth and head gave such a bang
And dasht out all his brains, made's mettle twang.
The siege plucks up their stakes, such brains fall out,
One single stone this mighty host did rout.
Attila now the Hun, his father Dead
Comes from his den, makes Christendom to dread,
Distroying Thrace, Illyricum also
But for six thousand pound weight gold did Goe
Away from Theodose, But call'd again
By Genserick the Vandall fled the main
To Affrick drove o'pe by the painish Goths
Whom to revenge Attila is not loath,
Glides down the Rhine like to red flame of fire
Destroying all on'ts bancks next Rome's empire,
Having five hundred thousand at his heels
Whose mettall in the Catalawnick fields
Brave Etius tri'de whose instruments did slay
An hundred eighty thousand in that day.
Attila now distresst a bone fire made
Of saddle bows would burn himselfe its said,
But better Counsild, up he gets and runs
Destroying as he goes, till Rome his drums
Do summons, now Leo Romes Bishop sent
Entreats his favour: Spare the City-tent.
The Which he did and turns another way.
One of his men enquired him t'display
The reason why upon the Priests address
He spared Rome? To whom he did profess.
It was not for the Priests sake, whom he gave
No honour to: But he there saw a brave
And glorious Gray old man in Priestly 'ray
And august Looks stand by the priest and say
With drawn sword in his hand, he'd run me through
If what the priest desird I would not doe
And so returned home where first instauld
Flagellum Dei: Malleus Orbis calld,
And on his Wedden day in's Cups at night
Chockt was with blood put in his nose to slight.
But Etius brave for reasons not well known
Not following of the foe, thus overthrown
Had in requitall of the field he won
His head struck off. The Empire's thus undone.
On Valentinian one sighd out in scoff
That with his left hand he his right cut off.
Comes from his den, makes Christendom to dread,
Distroying Thrace, Illyricum also
But for six thousand pound weight gold did Goe
Away from Theodose, But call'd again
By Genserick the Vandall fled the main
To Affrick drove o'pe by the painish Goths
Whom to revenge Attila is not loath,
Glides down the Rhine like to red flame of fire
Destroying all on'ts bancks next Rome's empire,
Having five hundred thousand at his heels
Whose mettall in the Catalawnick fields
Brave Etius tri'de whose instruments did slay
An hundred eighty thousand in that day.
Of saddle bows would burn himselfe its said,
But better Counsild, up he gets and runs
Destroying as he goes, till Rome his drums
Do summons, now Leo Romes Bishop sent
Entreats his favour: Spare the City-tent.
The Which he did and turns another way.
One of his men enquired him t'display
The reason why upon the Priests address
He spared Rome? To whom he did profess.
It was not for the Priests sake, whom he gave
No honour to: But he there saw a brave
And glorious Gray old man in Priestly 'ray
And august Looks stand by the priest and say
With drawn sword in his hand, he'd run me through
If what the priest desird I would not doe
And so returned home where first instauld
Flagellum Dei: Malleus Orbis calld,
And on his Wedden day in's Cups at night
Chockt was with blood put in his nose to slight.
But Etius brave for reasons not well known
Not following of the foe, thus overthrown
Had in requitall of the field he won
His head struck off. The Empire's thus undone.
On Valentinian one sighd out in scoff
That with his left hand he his right cut off.
454 The reigns of Martianus in the East/ Maximus to Severus West
Good Theodosius gone to rest his place
On Martian fell, a martiall man by race,
A Captains son, who going to enrole
His name in Mars his Schoolebook, and his Scrole
Finding a dead man in his way he fell
Interring him, which proovd a grivous spell.
For being cought therein, was chargd to bee
A murderer, and must sustane the fee
Of such an one at Philippopiles
And all his slight cant wash his hands of this,
Till God brings out the murtherer, and now
Recorded is with men of Martiall brow
And under Aspar out to war he goes
Against Gensericus and Vandall foes,
And being taken Captive now with more
Gensericus desires to se therefore
His Captives, out they're had unshackled, and
Before the proud kings eyes do make their stand
But Martian lay him down to take a sleep
I'th'flaming sun whose beams an Eagle keeps
Off from him with her stretcht out wings whereby
She hoverd over him: shade did on him ly.
The Vandall king amazd concludes he should
Be Emperour and with him enter would
Enter a league not to wage war against
The Vandalls. Yet Rome thou thyselfe complain'st
While Martians brow is Wreathed in the east
Thy Valentinian's lustfull in the West
And butcher'd is by Maximus, and he
His servants slay and Tyber made to be
His Grave, Genserick being also calld
From Affrick to ease Eudoxy galld
By Maximus who took her to his bed
Who with his Vandalls came and plundered
For fourteen days old Rome but did not burn
The same, then with the plunder doth return
Taking Eudoxy and her sprouts away
Over the seas along to Affrica.
On Martian fell, a martiall man by race,
A Captains son, who going to enrole
His name in Mars his Schoolebook, and his Scrole
Finding a dead man in his way he fell
Interring him, which proovd a grivous spell.
For being cought therein, was chargd to bee
A murderer, and must sustane the fee
Of such an one at Philippopiles
And all his slight cant wash his hands of this,
Till God brings out the murtherer, and now
Recorded is with men of Martiall brow
And under Aspar out to war he goes
Against Gensericus and Vandall foes,
And being taken Captive now with more
Gensericus desires to se therefore
His Captives, out they're had unshackled, and
Before the proud kings eyes do make their stand
But Martian lay him down to take a sleep
I'th'flaming sun whose beams an Eagle keeps
Off from him with her stretcht out wings whereby
She hoverd over him: shade did on him ly.
The Vandall king amazd concludes he should
Be Emperour and with him enter would
The Vandalls. Yet Rome thou thyselfe complain'st
While Martians brow is Wreathed in the east
Thy Valentinian's lustfull in the West
And butcher'd is by Maximus, and he
His servants slay and Tyber made to be
His Grave, Genserick being also calld
From Affrick to ease Eudoxy galld
By Maximus who took her to his bed
Who with his Vandalls came and plundered
For fourteen days old Rome but did not burn
The same, then with the plunder doth return
Taking Eudoxy and her sprouts away
Over the seas along to Affrica.
But Martian in the East with pious shine
And Righteous Carriage doth addorn the time.
But as Presages of such black darke dayes
The Earth doth Quake, Comets in heaven blaze
The northern skies grow red like fire all mixt
With firy streake in shapes of stars there fixt
The moon obfuscated at Lions were
Wild beast in troops ---semblys often peare,
As Bares and Woolves and stags on men they prey
Justice these dreadful things doth now display.
In England did appeare a monstrous star
Whose firy ray shone like a dragon far
Out of whose mouth two beams came forth, of which
One reacht out far than France, the other pitch
Itselfe out did to'rds Ireland and so
In seven lesser streams it out did flow.
And Righteous Carriage doth addorn the time.
But as Presages of such black darke dayes
The Earth doth Quake, Comets in heaven blaze
The northern skies grow red like fire all mixt
With firy streake in shapes of stars there fixt
The moon obfuscated at Lions were
Wild beast in troops ---semblys often peare,
As Bares and Woolves and stags on men they prey
Justice these dreadful things doth now display.
In England did appeare a monstrous star
Whose firy ray shone like a dragon far
Out of whose mouth two beams came forth, of which
One reacht out far than France, the other pitch
Itselfe out did to'rds Ireland and so
In seven lesser streams it out did flow.
In the Reign of Leo which begun 464/ Severus and Anthemius, etc.
In Leo's time Events of dismall hew
Upon the heels of Wickedness ensue.
At Antioch some in the City born
Grew mad and fiercer than mad bruits forlorn
A dreadfull Earthquake in September rose
The whole New City nigh all over throws
All stately, Costly built, no ground lay wast
The Palace-Gates, four Porches, Turrets brac'te,
The Galleries and Porches stately fine
The Baths of Trajan, others too that joyn
Nigh to the Ostracine in part well known
And Palace lodgens utterly orethrown.
Upon the heels of Wickedness ensue.
At Antioch some in the City born
Grew mad and fiercer than mad bruits forlorn
A dreadfull Earthquake in September rose
The whole New City nigh all over throws
All stately, Costly built, no ground lay wast
The Palace-Gates, four Porches, Turrets brac'te,
The Galleries and Porches stately fine
The Baths of Trajan, others too that joyn
Nigh to the Ostracine in part well known
And Palace lodgens utterly orethrown.
Now at Constantinople out there brake
A fire by some accurst Demomake
Or Demon lighted in the Ox street North
And burnt all down before it going forth
Unto the Temple old of old Apollo
South Julians Bay to Concords Church did swallow
Up all like straw, Timber or Stone, to ashes
Five furlons long and fourteen broad it passes.
The East's infested with a Scythian War,
In the Byzantick field a Cloudy Car
That lookt like perfect fire did mannure poure
Ashes an hand breadth thick such rain't did showre
Upon the back of a dread Earthquake, fall
Thrace Hellespont, Ionia, and all
The fifty Cyclads ilands, Cnidos, Coe
A dancing, and much building down doth goe.
And at Constantinople also in
Bythinia three or four dayes do bring
Taps to the Clouds, their spouts like rivers run
Mountains and Hills knockt down, do lie undone
And all made plains. Villages overflown
The Lake by Nicomedia called Boan
With heaps of rubbish pild therein doth seem
So many Ilands in it forth to teem.
A fire by some accurst Demomake
Or Demon lighted in the Ox street North
And burnt all down before it going forth
Unto the Temple old of old Apollo
South Julians Bay to Concords Church did swallow
Up all like straw, Timber or Stone, to ashes
Five furlons long and fourteen broad it passes.
In the Byzantick field a Cloudy Car
That lookt like perfect fire did mannure poure
Ashes an hand breadth thick such rain't did showre
Upon the back of a dread Earthquake, fall
Thrace Hellespont, Ionia, and all
The fifty Cyclads ilands, Cnidos, Coe
A dancing, and much building down doth goe.
And at Constantinople also in
Bythinia three or four dayes do bring
Taps to the Clouds, their spouts like rivers run
Mountains and Hills knockt down, do lie undone
And all made plains. Villages overflown
The Lake by Nicomedia called Boan
With heaps of rubbish pild therein doth seem
So many Ilands in it forth to teem.
The Western part distracted all doth ly.
Rome is a shambles made, or butchery
And Emperours the Bullocks fetted fell,
Anthemius, Olymbrius as Well.
Rome is a shambles made, or butchery
And Emperours the Bullocks fetted fell,
Anthemius, Olymbrius as Well.
Leo now Ardaburius takes to task,
And Aspar too his son, mere Vandalll Cask
With Arian dregs grown musty troubling
The Churches, and against the Counsills fling
Of Nice and Chalcedon and threaten do
The Empire on Genserick to bestow.
Hence off he takes them. Ardaburius first,
And Aspar sighing o're his Corps, out burst
Into these words. The old man truly beares
Destruction much becoming his gray haires;
Who vanely gloried and would not take
My warning; for I oft thus to him spake
Let's eate up Leo first, before in health
He dish us up a dinner for himselfe.
And Aspar too his son, mere Vandalll Cask
With Arian dregs grown musty troubling
The Churches, and against the Counsills fling
Of Nice and Chalcedon and threaten do
The Empire on Genserick to bestow.
Hence off he takes them. Ardaburius first,
And Aspar sighing o're his Corps, out burst
Into these words. The old man truly beares
Destruction much becoming his gray haires;
Who vanely gloried and would not take
My warning; for I oft thus to him spake
Let's eate up Leo first, before in health
He dish us up a dinner for himselfe.
But now my pen doth weep to lay before yee
The Dismall things it finds: attend the story.
God pinches them in Affrick with sore draught
That Wells are emty, mighty Rivers brought
To suffer thirst, a Dreadfull famine grows
Now hunger makes them seek grass roots like those
Poore bruits whose snouts are fitted for the same.
The Vandalls guts under this fine forth came
It tumbled down whole troops; the wayes it straws
With Carkasses, a dinner lean for daws,
None being found at all to bury them
And many places were devest of men.
But yet Hunericus doth set his speare
Against Gods Saint as Vacant of Gods feare,
He set his hawks at Carthag Temple doore
With toothed staves that should all such as wore
Vandallick garbs lay on amight and maine
Upon their heads, wherewith a many ta'en
Had hair and skin halld off their heads by th'teeth
Upon their staves: some eyes out di'de with griefe
Then to another trick he consilld is
By's Arian Dons and it indeed was this,
To purge his house of such Catholick mire
As would not tune unto the Arian Lyre,
And this he doeth, but this is gentle Sir,
Now under shew of jealosie goes far,
Calls pious virgins forth: and midwives must
Openly search in presence of unjust
Vile men, all naked, lest they be with child,
Alas poore hearts! they are by him beguild,
He hangs them up, great weights hangs at their feets
Claps to their Backs, Sides, Breast and Bellies, sheets
Of red hot iron, to make them Arian turn
But firy arguments their faith can't burn.
The Dismall things it finds: attend the story.
God pinches them in Affrick with sore draught
That Wells are emty, mighty Rivers brought
To suffer thirst, a Dreadfull famine grows
Now hunger makes them seek grass roots like those
Poore bruits whose snouts are fitted for the same.
The Vandalls guts under this fine forth came
It tumbled down whole troops; the wayes it straws
With Carkasses, a dinner lean for daws,
None being found at all to bury them
And many places were devest of men.
But yet Hunericus doth set his speare
Against Gods Saint as Vacant of Gods feare,
He set his hawks at Carthag Temple doore
With toothed staves that should all such as wore
Upon their heads, wherewith a many ta'en
Had hair and skin halld off their heads by th'teeth
Upon their staves: some eyes out di'de with griefe
Then to another trick he consilld is
By's Arian Dons and it indeed was this,
To purge his house of such Catholick mire
As would not tune unto the Arian Lyre,
And this he doeth, but this is gentle Sir,
Now under shew of jealosie goes far,
Calls pious virgins forth: and midwives must
Openly search in presence of unjust
Vile men, all naked, lest they be with child,
Alas poore hearts! they are by him beguild,
He hangs them up, great weights hangs at their feets
Claps to their Backs, Sides, Breast and Bellies, sheets
Of red hot iron, to make them Arian turn
But firy arguments their faith can't burn.
Then nigh five thousand persons of all rancks
Are brought for banishment hookt in his Cranks,
Mongst whom was Felix by the Palsy ta'en
Whose feeling's lost and speech, for whom they fain
Would have the King vouchsafe him leave to stay
At Carthage till his breath was gone away.
But all the gain was packt in this reply
With swelling stomach, to a rope Ile ty
And draw him there with oxen where they go
If on a beast he cannot ride thereto.
Are brought for banishment hookt in his Cranks,
Mongst whom was Felix by the Palsy ta'en
Whose feeling's lost and speech, for whom they fain
Would have the King vouchsafe him leave to stay
At Carthage till his breath was gone away.
But all the gain was packt in this reply
With swelling stomach, to a rope Ile ty
And draw him there with oxen where they go
If on a beast he cannot ride thereto.
At Siccens and at Larens all now stay,
And gi'ne to Maurs to take them all away,
Who by some Noble knights with speeches kinde
Entreated are to weathercock their minde,
To whom they all, as one, replying said
We Christian are and this Confession made,
And God Confess to be Triune and hee
We ever hold this One Gods Trinity
Then in the jaole they're cast, yet not denide
Their friends access, by whom they are supplide,
For which their keepers Cudgelld are, and they
Unto a Pound so streight are had away
They're cast as Corns of Wheate all into heaps
Without all room privy to nature's leaks
The which no royall Edict plug up could,
Necessity its law obey it would
And its obedience shewd spite of their teeth
In its Eruptions from them to their griefe
Ly they or stand: untill the place did flow
With what necessity constrain'd to go.
One Cyprian bishop of Vinzibire
With many tears them Comfort and raise higher
Their state observd, they from their Jaquy Pound
Are brought ore plasterd heads, face, Robes abound
With humane fiants yet sung in these paints
This Psalm, to wit, This glore have all his saints.
Now in their grievous and long journey some
Were tired out, and these they goad along:
With spears untill thy can no longer goe
Then them with Coards tide to their feet they tow
Ore Rocky places till they're torn and dy
Whose graves like mole hills all the way ore ly,
And when the rest are come unto the place
Design'd, they're kept with barly for a space
Like beasts, but long this bread doth not abide.
It is too good for some, hence is denide.
And gi'ne to Maurs to take them all away,
Who by some Noble knights with speeches kinde
Entreated are to weathercock their minde,
To whom they all, as one, replying said
We Christian are and this Confession made,
And God Confess to be Triune and hee
We ever hold this One Gods Trinity
Then in the jaole they're cast, yet not denide
Their friends access, by whom they are supplide,
For which their keepers Cudgelld are, and they
Unto a Pound so streight are had away
They're cast as Corns of Wheate all into heaps
Without all room privy to nature's leaks
The which no royall Edict plug up could,
Necessity its law obey it would
And its obedience shewd spite of their teeth
In its Eruptions from them to their griefe
Ly they or stand: untill the place did flow
With what necessity constrain'd to go.
One Cyprian bishop of Vinzibire
With many tears them Comfort and raise higher
Are brought ore plasterd heads, face, Robes abound
With humane fiants yet sung in these paints
This Psalm, to wit, This glore have all his saints.
Now in their grievous and long journey some
Were tired out, and these they goad along:
With spears untill thy can no longer goe
Then them with Coards tide to their feet they tow
Ore Rocky places till they're torn and dy
Whose graves like mole hills all the way ore ly,
And when the rest are come unto the place
Design'd, they're kept with barly for a space
Like beasts, but long this bread doth not abide.
It is too good for some, hence is denide.
And after this he set a trap, and baits
With hony saps, To bring all out of straits
He calls a Counsill that shall now Dispute
The Point with arguments fetcht from Gods book
At Carthage, but before they came, he sent
Some others Orthodox in t'banishment.
Others he Cudgelled. But when they came
Together, he burnt Laetus in red flame
Then he the Roman Laws imperiall
Gainst Arrians made and men hereticall,
Doth weld upon his anvill, sets thereon
An Homoiousian edge on's Grindleston
Untill it will all orthodox avoide
This is the sword hung at the Arrians side
Which flowrisht at Carthage Calends the Sixth
Of March the seventh year his reign hath pitcht.
But by this Edict all the Orthodox
At Carthage met in Counsill he down knocks
Ships beare of all, house, harbour, wealth, and friends
Thrust out of City, and if any spend
Respect upon them, forthwith shall the same
Have's house with all therein burn'd into flame.
Amaizd hereat these good Professors stand
If in they go, all lost is out of hand,
If they withdraw, they fear the foe will say
They to avoide Dispute did run away.
Hence in the Sun under the Walls they ly
Implorying God with sighs profound they cry.
But when the King passt by, they to him runn
Grievously urge, sir, why are we undone?
What have we done that we such things must beare?
Are we calld here to argue? Why then are
We of our Wealth, Homes, Families, nay more
Churches and Human Consort spoild therefore
Why do we perish here thus wretchedly
By Famine greate and by great poverty?
He on them then Casting a Crabbid looke
Did bid this troop to tread them under foot.
The which they did that many thus were slain
And all ore affrica this fury came.
Some banisht were, some beaten were with staves
Some Hang'd, some burn'd, and so beguild the graves
Some had their Right hands and their Tongues off Cut
And at Calusitan the tyrant put
A mighty multitude to martyredome
At Tambriens also: none gives the Sum.
At Tipasensis of great Mauritane
Hearing this news, a man of Arrian strain
Was coming on to be their pastor most
Of all the Church saild to the Spanish coast;
And such as stayd behind because they would
Not heare the Arian, their Case was told
Unto the King who sent a Knight who Cut
Their Tongues and right hands off. But yet no stut
Was in their mouths: but they distinctly spoke
As Victor saith and other of good note.
With hony saps, To bring all out of straits
He calls a Counsill that shall now Dispute
The Point with arguments fetcht from Gods book
At Carthage, but before they came, he sent
Some others Orthodox in t'banishment.
Others he Cudgelled. But when they came
Together, he burnt Laetus in red flame
Then he the Roman Laws imperiall
Gainst Arrians made and men hereticall,
Doth weld upon his anvill, sets thereon
An Homoiousian edge on's Grindleston
Untill it will all orthodox avoide
This is the sword hung at the Arrians side
Which flowrisht at Carthage Calends the Sixth
Of March the seventh year his reign hath pitcht.
But by this Edict all the Orthodox
At Carthage met in Counsill he down knocks
Ships beare of all, house, harbour, wealth, and friends
Thrust out of City, and if any spend
Respect upon them, forthwith shall the same
Have's house with all therein burn'd into flame.
Amaizd hereat these good Professors stand
If in they go, all lost is out of hand,
If they withdraw, they fear the foe will say
They to avoide Dispute did run away.
Hence in the Sun under the Walls they ly
Implorying God with sighs profound they cry.
But when the King passt by, they to him runn
Grievously urge, sir, why are we undone?
What have we done that we such things must beare?
Are we calld here to argue? Why then are
We of our Wealth, Homes, Families, nay more
Churches and Human Consort spoild therefore
By Famine greate and by great poverty?
He on them then Casting a Crabbid looke
Did bid this troop to tread them under foot.
The which they did that many thus were slain
And all ore affrica this fury came.
Some banisht were, some beaten were with staves
Some Hang'd, some burn'd, and so beguild the graves
Some had their Right hands and their Tongues off Cut
And at Calusitan the tyrant put
A mighty multitude to martyredome
At Tambriens also: none gives the Sum.
At Tipasensis of great Mauritane
Hearing this news, a man of Arrian strain
Was coming on to be their pastor most
Of all the Church saild to the Spanish coast;
And such as stayd behind because they would
Not heare the Arian, their Case was told
Unto the King who sent a Knight who Cut
Their Tongues and right hands off. But yet no stut
Was in their mouths: but they distinctly spoke
As Victor saith and other of good note.
But now return we to the Tyrant vast
Behold him in the Shackles justice Cast
Him in before the Sun had rounded in
An annuall Circle round his Carthage din.
A Burning Ulcer on his Carrion rose
In boyling torment long and slowly goes
Till all Corrupt and rotten worms out Crawle
And rotten lumps of flesh off from him fall,
And Gregory of Tours doth further adde,
A Divell ceisd him, and his own-hands had
The Honour now his Carcass all to rend
And in horrendous gripes his life to end.
That not his Corps but scraps thereof do fall
To have the honour of a buriall.
Behold him in the Shackles justice Cast
Him in before the Sun had rounded in
An annuall Circle round his Carthage din.
A Burning Ulcer on his Carrion rose
In boyling torment long and slowly goes
Till all Corrupt and rotten worms out Crawle
And rotten lumps of flesh off from him fall,
And Gregory of Tours doth further adde,
A Divell ceisd him, and his own-hands had
The Honour now his Carcass all to rend
And in horrendous gripes his life to end.
That not his Corps but scraps thereof do fall
To have the honour of a buriall.
In the Reign of Zeno in the East 478, reignd 17. Rome hath lost all in Augustulus
Zeno comes on the stage, a beastly man,
And in his Dayes all things against him ran.
His Empire from him pass, as by him shamde
By Basiliscus tyrant it was Gaind.
The East and West ore run with barb'rous foes
And Odoacer Romulus ore throwes
For Romulus nigh thirteen hundred yeare
Before this day Built Rome and Thrond was there
Augustus who five hundred year and more
Had raisd the Empires glory up before,
Do both their names upon this Person plight:
In whom the Empire bids their seats good night.
All things run raggedly when Zeno had
Once more with robes imperiall been clad.
Theodorick destroys all Thrace doth come
Beats 'fore Constantinoples dore his drum
And By a speare after their fort up tide
Was on his pawing hourse back lanc'd in's side
That let his life ore run him. Martian then
Romes Emperours Cockerill for the Diadem
Imperiall, draws out his sword but falls
And others too, Which things give open Calls.
A fire breaks in the Braziers Market out
And burnt to ashes buildings round about,
And the Collectors Lane and houses neer,
A Chappell and a Library there:
An hundred twenty thousands Volumn brave
Were burnt therein and had an ashie grave.
Therein was also burnt a Dragons gut
Full six score foot in length without all smut.
The Iliads and Odyssean lines
Of Homer in't were writ in golden shines.
Tim Elurus that varlot now doth feele
His wicked Course more sharper is then steel
For feare lest Zeno should his deeds requite
He doth't him: saves him the labour right
Doth drinke a Cup of poyson in an health
Prepared by his wisdom for himselfe.
And in his Dayes all things against him ran.
His Empire from him pass, as by him shamde
By Basiliscus tyrant it was Gaind.
The East and West ore run with barb'rous foes
And Odoacer Romulus ore throwes
For Romulus nigh thirteen hundred yeare
Before this day Built Rome and Thrond was there
Augustus who five hundred year and more
Had raisd the Empires glory up before,
In whom the Empire bids their seats good night.
All things run raggedly when Zeno had
Once more with robes imperiall been clad.
Theodorick destroys all Thrace doth come
Beats 'fore Constantinoples dore his drum
And By a speare after their fort up tide
Was on his pawing hourse back lanc'd in's side
That let his life ore run him. Martian then
Romes Emperours Cockerill for the Diadem
Imperiall, draws out his sword but falls
And others too, Which things give open Calls.
A fire breaks in the Braziers Market out
And burnt to ashes buildings round about,
And the Collectors Lane and houses neer,
A Chappell and a Library there:
An hundred twenty thousands Volumn brave
Were burnt therein and had an ashie grave.
Therein was also burnt a Dragons gut
Full six score foot in length without all smut.
The Iliads and Odyssean lines
Of Homer in't were writ in golden shines.
Tim Elurus that varlot now doth feele
His wicked Course more sharper is then steel
For feare lest Zeno should his deeds requite
He doth't him: saves him the labour right
Doth drinke a Cup of poyson in an health
Prepared by his wisdom for himselfe.
Not Zeno by an Epilepsy dead
Th'Imperiall Crown guilds Anastasius' head
Yet first is forc't under his hand and oath
T'ingage not t'alter Church affairs though loath.
His Throne is troubld for Longinus tries
His mettall that with his Isaurian bayes
He might a golden throne ascend, but brake
His head was made a Crown unto a stake
And Theodore's at Sycee ore against
Constantinople. Traitor! thou obtainst!
Th'Imperiall Crown guilds Anastasius' head
Yet first is forc't under his hand and oath
T'ingage not t'alter Church affairs though loath.
His Throne is troubld for Longinus tries
His mettall that with his Isaurian bayes
He might a golden throne ascend, but brake
His head was made a Crown unto a stake
And Theodore's at Sycee ore against
Constantinople. Traitor! thou obtainst!
Let no man say Justice hath lost her Eyes
While Patience's Nose her Spectacles imploies
Her flashing beams her Eyes dart out in ire
You see run through this Century like fire.
While Patience's Nose her Spectacles imploies
Her flashing beams her Eyes dart out in ire
You see run through this Century like fire.
The Displayes of Various Divine Properties in Miraculous Operations
When John Chrysostoms holy Pulpit flung
A silver drill of Rhetorick which run
The Macedonian Heresy a drift
It gave to many men a thorow lift
Out from that mire, whereof one person came
To see aright, whose wife disdaind his gain
Whom when he could not win to thinke aright
Of Christ he said he'de turn her from him quite.
This frights her: now she truckles to his will
But yet compacte doth with her maid by skill
All naught to mock Gods holy feast hence when
The Church Christ supper kept, her maid should then
Slip other bread into her hand, the which
She eate would, and the right way gags by tricks
But kneeling down prayre wise this prank to plite
The bread of treachery as she did bite
Was turnd between her teeth into a stone
Which with the print thereof was brought and shown
All in Confusion, and amaizement to
The minister and all the knav'ry show
With sorrow begging pardon for the sin,
And to her husbands faith her faith did bring.
This stone Constantinople's Church thought meet
Allong while for a monument to keep.
A silver drill of Rhetorick which run
The Macedonian Heresy a drift
It gave to many men a thorow lift
Out from that mire, whereof one person came
To see aright, whose wife disdaind his gain
Whom when he could not win to thinke aright
Of Christ he said he'de turn her from him quite.
This frights her: now she truckles to his will
But yet compacte doth with her maid by skill
All naught to mock Gods holy feast hence when
The Church Christ supper kept, her maid should then
Slip other bread into her hand, the which
She eate would, and the right way gags by tricks
But kneeling down prayre wise this prank to plite
The bread of treachery as she did bite
Was turnd between her teeth into a stone
Which with the print thereof was brought and shown
All in Confusion, and amaizement to
The minister and all the knav'ry show
With sorrow begging pardon for the sin,
And to her husbands faith her faith did bring.
This stone Constantinople's Church thought meet
Allong while for a monument to keep.
From Antioch three hundred furlons nigh
Stood on an hill Saint Simeons Pillar by
Four Porches flourisht gay Whose windows were
A playhouse for a star great, bright, and Cleare
Evagrius saith, he went with many more
And saw the same, pop in and out, moreore
It vanish would and would appeare again
In Chincks and Windows on the left hand plain.
Its doubtless true and doubtless we may say
The Divell in the star did boe peep play.
Stood on an hill Saint Simeons Pillar by
Four Porches flourisht gay Whose windows were
A playhouse for a star great, bright, and Cleare
Evagrius saith, he went with many more
And saw the same, pop in and out, moreore
It vanish would and would appeare again
In Chincks and Windows on the left hand plain.
Its doubtless true and doubtless we may say
The Divell in the star did boe peep play.
When France's Vasute was by Huns up pent
And Arian filth grew cudge, Grace freedom sent.
The Minister three Drops of water spide
Joyn'd Equall big and bright like Christall slide
From th'Temple roofe th'Communion board upon
One gem most beautifull, made, joynd in one
Which Ouched in a Cross of Gold about
With Gems infoild, two of its gems fell out
When that Hunorious the Vandall flew
Like a mad Tyger on Gods Churches true
Coryla then his Arian bishop vile
The Authour of that mischiefe up doth boile
His envie at Vindemiall, Longine,
Eugenius too, In whom the Gift Divine
Of Healing shone, gave fifty lumps of gold
Unto a man that counterfet he would
Himselfe born blinde, and in this wise should say
Most Blesst Coryla help I humbly pray
Thy Glory and thy Vertue now imply
In opening of mine Eyes, immediately
Coryla came and on his fingers laid
Upon his Eye; Oh Wretched! and thus said,
According to our Faith, we have aright
In God let these thine Eyes receive their Light.
And at these words such pain surprisd his eyes
That lest they should fly out, the man applies
His fingers hard upon them, and proclaims
The Hocus unto all: to Coryl's shame,
And then was healed by the prayres divine
Eugenius made Vindemiall and Longine.
And Arian filth grew cudge, Grace freedom sent.
The Minister three Drops of water spide
Joyn'd Equall big and bright like Christall slide
From th'Temple roofe th'Communion board upon
One gem most beautifull, made, joynd in one
Which Ouched in a Cross of Gold about
With Gems infoild, two of its gems fell out
Like a mad Tyger on Gods Churches true
Coryla then his Arian bishop vile
The Authour of that mischiefe up doth boile
His envie at Vindemiall, Longine,
Eugenius too, In whom the Gift Divine
Of Healing shone, gave fifty lumps of gold
Unto a man that counterfet he would
Himselfe born blinde, and in this wise should say
Most Blesst Coryla help I humbly pray
Thy Glory and thy Vertue now imply
In opening of mine Eyes, immediately
Coryla came and on his fingers laid
Upon his Eye; Oh Wretched! and thus said,
According to our Faith, we have aright
In God let these thine Eyes receive their Light.
And at these words such pain surprisd his eyes
That lest they should fly out, the man applies
His fingers hard upon them, and proclaims
The Hocus unto all: to Coryl's shame,
And then was healed by the prayres divine
Eugenius made Vindemiall and Longine.
A Painter at Constantinople in
The time Gennadious plaide on the string
The Gospell Harp was strung with, had his hand
All wither'd up, with which he did command
His Pensill lining Jupiter in scorn
With colours laid in Christ our Saviours Form
But terrifide hereat Confisst his sin
Gennadius by Prayre restored him.
The time Gennadious plaide on the string
The Gospell Harp was strung with, had his hand
All wither'd up, with which he did command
His Pensill lining Jupiter in scorn
With colours laid in Christ our Saviours Form
But terrifide hereat Confisst his sin
Gennadius by Prayre restored him.
Hunericus the Vandall board did fling
Carthage's Bishop Quodvultdeus in
A broken ship, and more a mighty troop
With him, and in such shatterd vessells-sloops
To lap them up in Waves. But God did bring
Them Safe unto Neapolis therein.
Carthage's Bishop Quodvultdeus in
A broken ship, and more a mighty troop
With him, and in such shatterd vessells-sloops
To lap them up in Waves. But God did bring
Them Safe unto Neapolis therein.
At Typaserp in greater Mauritane
Some Christians that did Cyrola disdaine
Striving to Arianize them were brought out
Into the Market place before the rout
And had their tongues Cut out and right hands off
Who yet did talk distinctly, strange, strange scoff:
One Resarate in Zeno's time still here
Saith Victor at Constantinople were.
Some Christians that did Cyrola disdaine
Striving to Arianize them were brought out
Into the Market place before the rout
And had their tongues Cut out and right hands off
Who yet did talk distinctly, strange, strange scoff:
One Resarate in Zeno's time still here
Saith Victor at Constantinople were.
Christians that into Affrick Deserts-wasts
Of Venom animalls and scorpions blasts
The very nest where such as long abide
Are sucking in the venom aire destroyde
Did yet receive no harm therein at all
Return'd sound out of these Venoms Hall.
Of Venom animalls and scorpions blasts
The very nest where such as long abide
Are sucking in the venom aire destroyde
Did yet receive no harm therein at all
Return'd sound out of these Venoms Hall.
In France at Tholous many yeares had not
The Catalaunian blood shed over got
Blood all day through it flow'd untill it were
A River Vast. Is Egypts plague sent here?
The Catalaunian blood shed over got
Blood all day through it flow'd untill it were
A River Vast. Is Egypts plague sent here?
While good Gennadius at Christs Table stood
And grace for all the world in prayre out su'de
A Diabolick spectre did appeare
And in mans voice spake to him as we hear
Whilst thou dost live I'le quiet be and still
But then the Church I each way trouble will.
And grace for all the world in prayre out su'de
A Diabolick spectre did appeare
And in mans voice spake to him as we hear
Whilst thou dost live I'le quiet be and still
But then the Church I each way trouble will.
In Zeno's time a woman at one time
Did bring forth seven Children babies fine.
But them she drownded in a fish pond there,
More like a strumpet than a mother deare.
Did bring forth seven Children babies fine.
But them she drownded in a fish pond there,
More like a strumpet than a mother deare.
The River called Minous in Spain
Supplide the Fisher men with fishy gain
Upon whose scales the Era of that yeare
Four hundred ninty one found written were.
My Pen to stir her blood did thus o'th'slide
Supplide the Fisher men with fishy gain
Upon whose scales the Era of that yeare
Four hundred ninty one found written were.
Upon times lake five hundred years long glide
And edging on the Sixth she plies her gaine
To run her slide in length quite ore the same
Begins in Affrick skims through Asia's sounds
Down Europe West the midland sea thus rounds.
Poore Affrica how doth thy glory waneMore bright thou wast than many other parts
Gods Grace in Christ did shine so free and plaine
But now alas! much mire and firy darts.
Glory did shine in brightest grace betime
But Patience now doth ware the clearest shine.
The Glory of Divine Grace
In Carthage Reparatus flours his Rayes
Of Gospell truth: Lucinian after's dayes
Then Dominus full pious, learnd doth raise
His Zealous flames
Of Gospell truth: Lucinian after's dayes
Then Dominus full pious, learnd doth raise
His Zealous flames
And after him Ferrandus deaconizde
His Pious Learned, holy Life much prizde
Whose holy Pen describd the pious Guise
Of souldiers frames.
His Pious Learned, holy Life much prizde
Whose holy Pen describd the pious Guise
Of souldiers frames.
At Utica Ferreolus did ring
Albinus told the bell there after him,
Marcellus follows him to tole all in
To Christ our Lord.
Albinus told the bell there after him,
Marcellus follows him to tole all in
To Christ our Lord.
Maurice Chiefe Bishop then of Affrica
Panthalion, and Adeodate they say
First in Numedia then all Affrick stay
And preach the Word
Panthalion, and Adeodate they say
First in Numedia then all Affrick stay
And preach the Word
At Commens Victor in Christs Church doth shine
Who from the Worlds begining drew a line
Of Worthy History to Justines time
A Bishop choice.
Who from the Worlds begining drew a line
Of Worthy History to Justines time
A Bishop choice.
Amandus chosen by the Suretines
To be their Bishop but as grace divine
Had brought him to't. Pope Gregory's chast lines
Pict in their voice.
To be their Bishop but as grace divine
Had brought him to't. Pope Gregory's chast lines
Pict in their voice.
Fulgentius as a glorious shining star
In the Raspensian Church shines out and far
Displayes a broad the Gospells Golden bar
In life and line
In the Raspensian Church shines out and far
Displayes a broad the Gospells Golden bar
In life and line
Truths golden Pillar and the Arians Mall
In trouble much: on's death bed thus did call
Give me Repentance and me pardon all,
O see his shine
In trouble much: on's death bed thus did call
Give me Repentance and me pardon all,
O see his shine
At Alexandria John John succeeds
A man of sounder Faith and Fairer deeds
The Chalcidonian Counsill ever heeds
Though banisht for't.
A man of sounder Faith and Fairer deeds
The Chalcidonian Counsill ever heeds
Though banisht for't.
Then Thedoz follows of another Face,
Then Zoilus who was of better grace
Apothinaz and Eulogy him trace
In worthy sort
Then Zoilus who was of better grace
Apothinaz and Eulogy him trace
In worthy sort
The midland seas doe many mention, but
The most they mention do do beare such smut
I ore pass, yet 'twas Speciosus' Cut
Now Uxorate
The most they mention do do beare such smut
I ore pass, yet 'twas Speciosus' Cut
Now Uxorate
Catana drew for Bishop, but the Pope
Great Gregory his Chaster mouth did ope
Thus that he must his Wife leave, or revoke
A Bishops State
Great Gregory his Chaster mouth did ope
Thus that he must his Wife leave, or revoke
A Bishops State
Hence he deposed from his Bishops Pall
That he his marriage Covenant withall
Most faithfully to keep and so did fall
To be a Scribe
That he his marriage Covenant withall
Most faithfully to keep and so did fall
To be a Scribe
Then in this Church Sicilian at Catane
John was whom Gregory sought to gain
Bishop for brave Syracuse in plain
And there Reside
John was whom Gregory sought to gain
Bishop for brave Syracuse in plain
And there Reside
And at Gregento in this Ile shone cleare
In holy Life and Doctrine bright and deare
One Gregory that much adorned were
With Eloquence
In holy Life and Doctrine bright and deare
One Gregory that much adorned were
With Eloquence
Eusanius then supplied the bishops place
Savinian at Calliople grace
Did there unfold that they might Christ imbrace
In a right Sense.
Savinian at Calliople grace
Did there unfold that they might Christ imbrace
In a right Sense.
ASIA's Worthies.
Now passing ore from Affrica I come
To Asia and in it glean up some
That in this Century did beate Christs drum
Most worthily
To Asia and in it glean up some
That in this Century did beate Christs drum
Most worthily
In Palestina at Jerusalem
Salustius bishop was, Elias then
A worthy man yet vext by wicked men
And Villany
Salustius bishop was, Elias then
A worthy man yet vext by wicked men
And Villany
John after him who first did nod a wry
But by brave Abbas gain'd shewd Constancy
Unto the truth, for which was made to ly
In prison brought
But by brave Abbas gain'd shewd Constancy
Unto the truth, for which was made to ly
In prison brought
Peter did him succeed Macarius him
Eustachius then, then John Christ bell did ring
Neamus then came to't, and then the string
Isicius caught.
Eustachius then, then John Christ bell did ring
Neamus then came to't, and then the string
Isicius caught.
Bewailing now no more Choice men Divine
Worth Pen and Paper honour Palestine
I pass ore Hermon and do run my line
Ore Syria
Worth Pen and Paper honour Palestine
I pass ore Hermon and do run my line
Ore Syria
And here at Antioch choice Flavian
Disturbd by Xeneas did play the man
Could not be forc'd Chalcedons Faith to damn
Was sent away
Disturbd by Xeneas did play the man
Could not be forc'd Chalcedons Faith to damn
Was sent away
Leap ore Severus and Pauls head, I'le sing
Euphrasius one of a better wing
Slain by an Earthquake there that death did bring
To many more
Euphrasius one of a better wing
Slain by an Earthquake there that death did bring
To many more
Then Ephraim who in this sad Case supplide
The City with all things for which she cride
Then Domnus after him the Flock did guide
Presiding ore,
The City with all things for which she cride
Then Domnus after him the Flock did guide
Presiding ore,
Brave Anastasius to the Pulpet came
Who when Justinian Christ flesh would proclaim
Not mortall, forcing Elders to the same
His Faith stood strong
Who when Justinian Christ flesh would proclaim
Not mortall, forcing Elders to the same
His Faith stood strong
Then they all said they would their Bishop ne're
Desert but follow. Hence the Emp'rour were
Designd to banish him but di'de first there
Yet was ere long
Desert but follow. Hence the Emp'rour were
Designd to banish him but di'de first there
Yet was ere long
Then Gregory that Bishops seat obtaind
Who when the souldiers left their Faith, them gain'd
Unto the Emperour, that they mentain'd
Th'Imperiall line
Who when the souldiers left their Faith, them gain'd
Unto the Emperour, that they mentain'd
Th'Imperiall line
Who to Cosroes by the Emperour lent
So Charmd him with his tongue he did present
A Cross of Gold with precious Gems set, spent
On Sergius Shrine.
So Charmd him with his tongue he did present
A Cross of Gold with precious Gems set, spent
On Sergius Shrine.
He bicker'd much with Hereticks and won
Towns yea whole tribes that to the truth now run
But biting Hermes Fingers off's undone
And di'de thereby.
Towns yea whole tribes that to the truth now run
But biting Hermes Fingers off's undone
And di'de thereby.
Euphemius follows him, then John whose pen
The Monophysits greatly in their den
Did pound and pummell that his works with men
Of fame did fly.
The Monophysits greatly in their den
Did pound and pummell that his works with men
Of fame did fly.
Peter now Bishop was, Damascus, thine
At Arethusa did Severian shine
And at Apamea in Syrias line
Conon arose
At Arethusa did Severian shine
And at Apamea in Syrias line
Conon arose
Who chang'd his mitre for a sword when need,
Paul after him who wrote against the Deed
Hereticall to th'Emperour to proceed
And them oppose.
Paul after him who wrote against the Deed
Hereticall to th'Emperour to proceed
And them oppose.
At Tyre now Epiphanius shone forth bright
An other of this name did Papia light
With Gospell beams. At Epiphania night
'Fore Cosmus flew
An other of this name did Papia light
With Gospell beams. At Epiphania night
'Fore Cosmus flew
Whose Deacon nam'de Arelian gave unto
Severus th'Heretick a bill to show
Him that the Bishops him unbishopt so
In womens shew.
Severus th'Heretick a bill to show
Him that the Bishops him unbishopt so
In womens shew.
Phenicia injoyd at Bostria
One Julian who did Christ truth display
But by Severus forc'd to scape away
To shun his rage
One Julian who did Christ truth display
But by Severus forc'd to scape away
To shun his rage
Ancyra in Galatia did injoy
The Gospell beams Dorotheus made there fly
Opposing Errours, Knew when he should die,
So left the stage.
The Gospell beams Dorotheus made there fly
Opposing Errours, Knew when he should die,
So left the stage.
At Bostria which in Phoenicia stood
Brave Julian was bishop who eschewd
Severus Errour by his flight, which shewd
His faith intire
Brave Julian was bishop who eschewd
Severus Errour by his flight, which shewd
His faith intire
Magnus shone in Berrea sent was to
Cosroes king of Persia now their foe
By Antioch, who did intreat him t'do
Away his ire
Cosroes king of Persia now their foe
By Antioch, who did intreat him t'do
Away his ire
The Rabbid King repli'de he would destroy
The Syriaks and the Cilicks and doth high
His host to Hierople, but doth spy
The town kept fast
The Syriaks and the Cilicks and doth high
His host to Hierople, but doth spy
The town kept fast
Yields unto Magnus for a thousand pound
In gold, to leave his War which Magnus found
To be deni'd, and on himselfe a sound
Of treason cast.
In gold, to leave his War which Magnus found
To be deni'd, and on himselfe a sound
Of treason cast.
Candidus Bishop Sergiople Crownd
To whom Cosroes tendred Captives round
Twelve thousand, for two hundred golden pound
On's Credit gi'n
To whom Cosroes tendred Captives round
Twelve thousand, for two hundred golden pound
On's Credit gi'n
Confirmd by hand and oath; yet could not raise
Amongst his people in due time, delayes
Are dangerous. The tyrants wrath doth blaze
And siege them in.
Amongst his people in due time, delayes
Are dangerous. The tyrants wrath doth blaze
And siege them in.
Candidus goes entreats him not bee hot
The mony promised he had not got
As yet: He takes him Captive and what not
Is flung on him
The mony promised he had not got
As yet: He takes him Captive and what not
Is flung on him
A double price now's set. Hence he doth pray
Some be to Sergiople sent. And they
Take all the Churches precious things away
Which don't suffice
Some be to Sergiople sent. And they
Take all the Churches precious things away
Which don't suffice
Hence Candidus is kept in prison still
As one that perjur'd is, though gainst his Will,
And so not worthy th'Office to fulfill
A Captive lies
As one that perjur'd is, though gainst his Will,
And so not worthy th'Office to fulfill
A Captive lies
Domitian Bishop is at Melitine
Prudent and Pious. Andrew out doth shine
At Nicomede. At Ephesus Ruffine
The stole did ware
Prudent and Pious. Andrew out doth shine
At Nicomede. At Ephesus Ruffine
The stole did ware
Simon was Bishop in Armenia
Who Captiv'd was redeemd and had away
These were the Asian chiefest shine, this day
To us doth beare
Who Captiv'd was redeemd and had away
These were the Asian chiefest shine, this day
To us doth beare
Europes Shine
And now I'le bridge the Hellespont into
Thy Quarters, Europe, and some Beams that grow
On thy best Doctors binde in sheaves and show
Them as they shine.
Thy Quarters, Europe, and some Beams that grow
On thy best Doctors binde in sheaves and show
Them as they shine.
These times are leane. Thrace the imperiall soile
Yields but a few whose note is worth the while,
Constantinoples glory wanes, greate spoile
Makes it decline
Yields but a few whose note is worth the while,
Constantinoples glory wanes, greate spoile
Makes it decline
True Macedonius a shining starr
Gives rayes of Pious Zeale that dart out far
In holy Life, yet with him times do jar,
The Emperor
Gives rayes of Pious Zeale that dart out far
In holy Life, yet with him times do jar,
The Emperor
Creats him griefe, doth banish him, and then
At Gangra doth by hands of Wicked men
Let out his blood so stains his Diadem
Bold venturer!
At Gangra doth by hands of Wicked men
Let out his blood so stains his Diadem
Bold venturer!
And for the rest, botches of Pride and Sin,
I overpass till Men as did come in,
A man of Piety and worthy kin,
Yet Agathon
I overpass till Men as did come in,
A man of Piety and worthy kin,
Yet Agathon
Romes Prelate did him dub with whom he Calls
A Concill and on many bishops falls
Doth Excommunicate them plucks off Palls
Away begon.
A Concill and on many bishops falls
Doth Excommunicate them plucks off Palls
Away begon.
Eusebius sat at Thessalonica
At Erineus that town of Thessalia
Secundus did the holy word display
And John did sweep
At Erineus that town of Thessalia
Secundus did the holy word display
And John did sweep
Larissa's Chair from dust, in Epirus
Philip and Zeno, and at Corinthus
Adrian and Anastase; things ran thus
May make eyes weep
Philip and Zeno, and at Corinthus
Adrian and Anastase; things ran thus
May make eyes weep
And passing on to Italy, the Chair
Imperio-papall which all golden were
At Rome this Century did all besmere
With fifteen strings
Imperio-papall which all golden were
At Rome this Century did all besmere
With fifteen strings
These Anastase the second did begin
And Gregory the Greate did close their rings
The worst of all before; yet best therein
Of th'afterlings
And Gregory the Greate did close their rings
The worst of all before; yet best therein
Of th'afterlings
In Campany Benit the seconds rayes
Of Piety beatify the Dayes
Of Whom Totila sought to make a blaze
But had not power
Of Piety beatify the Dayes
Of Whom Totila sought to make a blaze
But had not power
Constantius of the Aquine Church was made
The Bishop who Prophetickly is said
Endowed was when that the Sword and Plague
Did them devour
The Bishop who Prophetickly is said
Endowed was when that the Sword and Plague
Did them devour
Germanus gave Angelick Light Divine
Made Lapua's golden Candlestick to shine
Lucana's Church drank of Frigidian's wine
Made Lapua's golden Candlestick to shine
Lucana's Church drank of Frigidian's wine
One Marcelline a Cripple did attende
At Nursia Sanctulus his beams did send
Out wonder working force. Andrew did lend
Help to Fundane.
At Nursia Sanctulus his beams did send
Out wonder working force. Andrew did lend
Help to Fundane.
Canusa's Church did ware Sabinu's rayes
And Beneventa's had Barbatus blaze
Who did Convert the Lombards in those dayes
Who though baptizd.
And Beneventa's had Barbatus blaze
Who did Convert the Lombards in those dayes
Who though baptizd.
Ador'd Trees, idolls, golden viper which
He Cut down and their golden Vipers fix
Into a golden Cup, they leave their tricks
Better advisde
He Cut down and their golden Vipers fix
Into a golden Cup, they leave their tricks
Better advisde
I'le Cross the Alps and into France I'le goe
And pick some flowers that in its meadows grow
And here Millain produceth Datius who
When he to foile
And pick some flowers that in its meadows grow
And here Millain produceth Datius who
When he to foile
His persecutors in his journey great
Unto Constantinople had his seate
At Corinth in an house that was repleate
With Spirits vile,
Unto Constantinople had his seate
At Corinth in an house that was repleate
With Spirits vile,
Who being told hereof, repli'de, therefore
It ought to be inhabited the more,
Seing they outed men from't, ope's the doore
And entrance made,
It ought to be inhabited the more,
Seing they outed men from't, ope's the doore
And entrance made,
Datius asleep, the Divell roaring falls
Like swine and Lions. He wakt on him calls
Well fare thou wretch. For thou delightst to gall's
And thus hast said
Like swine and Lions. He wakt on him calls
Well fare thou wretch. For thou delightst to gall's
And thus hast said
I'le set my throne above the north star bright,
And will be like to the Almighty Might,
Loe, by thy pride art made Ass like and like
To filthy swine
And will be like to the Almighty Might,
Loe, by thy pride art made Ass like and like
To filthy swine
When thou to God wouldst not obedient bee.
Whereat the fiend Confounded, way goes hee.
His house an habitation now men see
Of better shine.
Whereat the fiend Confounded, way goes hee.
His house an habitation now men see
Of better shine.
Trevers now glories in Clycetius bright,
Born with a Priestly Mitre and his like
Nicetius with a Cross endowd with light
Of Prophesy.
Born with a Priestly Mitre and his like
Nicetius with a Cross endowd with light
Of Prophesy.
He saw by night God on an high mount stand
And's Angells in watch towers and one to hand
A Book and cited severall French kings and
Plainly discry
And's Angells in watch towers and one to hand
A Book and cited severall French kings and
Plainly discry
And said this so long lives and so long that:
Foretells Change that to the realm should hap
The other Angells said amen hereat
At each kings name
Foretells Change that to the realm should hap
The other Angells said amen hereat
At each kings name
This Vision was fulfill'd its said. Still he
The King Lotharius grown wicked, see,
An Excommunicate doth make to bee.
He's grown profane.
The King Lotharius grown wicked, see,
An Excommunicate doth make to bee.
He's grown profane.
Massilia did Serenus Bishop make
Who their adored images all brake
And soused was by Gregory the Great
With butter'd lips
Who their adored images all brake
And soused was by Gregory the Great
With butter'd lips
Praysing his Zeale, but yet withall doth fling
Its one thing t'worship pictures, 'n'other thing
To learn by Pictures whom to worship, sting
With Rosy slips.
Its one thing t'worship pictures, 'n'other thing
To learn by Pictures whom to worship, sting
With Rosy slips.
At Pictoirs Fortunatus who was fed
With his Poetick fats, was bishoped,
Alcimus at Vienna's Church out spred
His pious rayes
With his Poetick fats, was bishoped,
Alcimus at Vienna's Church out spred
His pious rayes
Gregory of Tours that greate Historian
Was bishop there (too fabulous a man
As well as others) Now Pretextate won
The Gospell bayes.
Was bishop there (too fabulous a man
As well as others) Now Pretextate won
The Gospell bayes.
He bishop of Rothomagenians was
Gainst whom Chilpericks kingly wrath did flash,
But Fredigund the Queen it brought to pass
Tills blood decayes,
Gainst whom Chilpericks kingly wrath did flash,
But Fredigund the Queen it brought to pass
Tills blood decayes,
Holy Germanus streams his gracious Call
Angelickly at Paris, Chilprick shall
Who scorner was of Bishops, Cover all
His tomb with prayse.
Angelickly at Paris, Chilprick shall
Who scorner was of Bishops, Cover all
His tomb with prayse.
Our Scullers now shall cut the Rhine to eye
What holy fruites appeare in Germany
Which are but thin, Upon whose brinke we spy
Columban win
What holy fruites appeare in Germany
Which are but thin, Upon whose brinke we spy
Columban win
Bavarians and the Veneds to the Faith
Rupertus strives to gain still, but he hath
No good success at first, again assaith
And doth the thing.
Rupertus strives to gain still, but he hath
No good success at first, again assaith
And doth the thing.
He lai'th the stone of the Danubean fold
And Churches on the Rhine, and Worms did hold
What he began. Moguntia honour should
And Churches on the Rhine, and Worms did hold
What he began. Moguntia honour should
Carentius pious learning did display,
In Agrippine: Solmus, Simeneus stay
Remedius too at Colen, and make day
Shine on them thus.
In Agrippine: Solmus, Simeneus stay
Remedius too at Colen, and make day
Shine on them thus.
Now ore the Apinine I'le take my flight
To Spain: and here I on Chrysanthus light
Who many of Spoleto makes Contrite
From Idolls run.
To Spain: and here I on Chrysanthus light
Who many of Spoleto makes Contrite
From Idolls run.
Gallicia wareth Martines glorious rayes:
Leontius shewth in Portugall Christs wayes
Severe in the Vale Interorm Displayes
The Gospell Sun.
Leontius shewth in Portugall Christs wayes
Severe in the Vale Interorm Displayes
The Gospell Sun.
I'le slice the narrow Seas, to England run
And see its shine made by the Gospell Sun
And here it is as bright as (when we've done
You'l say)'s else where.
And see its shine made by the Gospell Sun
And here it is as bright as (when we've done
You'l say)'s else where.
Dubrick a famous man on th'Wey in Wales
Then was Chiefe Bishop of the Welch, assailes
With Crowns Victer and Arthur too, and sayls
To Glory Cleare
Then was Chiefe Bishop of the Welch, assailes
With Crowns Victer and Arthur too, and sayls
To Glory Cleare
Eliud Bishop at Landaff did send
Such Zealous beam of Grace as did contend
Against their Luxury, unless they mend
Their Lives, he said
Such Zealous beam of Grace as did contend
Against their Luxury, unless they mend
Their Lives, he said
He should upon the kingdom ruin bring
He dide for age; and Odocy did him
Succeed. Caer Laons Church did Paul bring in
And Bishop made.
He dide for age; and Odocy did him
Succeed. Caer Laons Church did Paul bring in
And Bishop made.
Melkin at Glastenbury shone indeed
A Prophet, 'Stronomer, and much did read
Of Geometry, did ware a Prophets weed
And did foreshow
A Prophet, 'Stronomer, and much did read
Of Geometry, did ware a Prophets weed
And did foreshow
The Restoration of the English Realm
And of the true Religion at its helmn
At last, though sorrows great did it orewhelm
As all men know.
And of the true Religion at its helmn
At last, though sorrows great did it orewhelm
As all men know.
Daniel an holy, learned man up rose
At Bangor was the first of Bishops chose
With Dubrick, and with David quite orethrows
At Bangor was the first of Bishops chose
With Dubrick, and with David quite orethrows
Sampson an holy man had Dubricks seat
At Menew and a Cup of poyson great
Drank yet not hurt. Grace did indeed defeate
The poyson given.
At Menew and a Cup of poyson great
Drank yet not hurt. Grace did indeed defeate
The poyson given.
Ethbine an holy man and learnd indowd
With gift of Healing as in Authors shewd
Iltute of Morgan learning great persude
Told future things.
With gift of Healing as in Authors shewd
Iltute of Morgan learning great persude
Told future things.
Elvodugus of noble rank was chose
Rector of Banchors learned Colledge whose
Learnd pious upright Life so worthy shows
It sweetly rings.
Rector of Banchors learned Colledge whose
Learnd pious upright Life so worthy shows
It sweetly rings.
Gildas Badonick whose rich piety
Strikes through the loins of Sin most faithfully
Whose sermons shew Gods Vengeance out doth fly
At all for Sins.
Strikes through the loins of Sin most faithfully
Whose sermons shew Gods Vengeance out doth fly
At all for Sins.
That Pears and Bishops, Moncks and Clergy were
The Vant Guard of all Wicked acts, hence there
They're plagued by Saxons, now from Banchor steers
To Glory Swims
The Vant Guard of all Wicked acts, hence there
They're plagued by Saxons, now from Banchor steers
To Glory Swims
Now David Noth, Earls Xanth's brave son up sprang
Learn'd, Lovely, Proper, Pious, and out ran
Four Cubits high, Bishop Menevian
Ordained was,
Learn'd, Lovely, Proper, Pious, and out ran
Four Cubits high, Bishop Menevian
Ordained was,
Which ever since is of his name the Heire,
Saint Davids, and he made Pelagians bare
By dayly Preachings and Disputes full fair
That now did pass.
Saint Davids, and he made Pelagians bare
By dayly Preachings and Disputes full fair
That now did pass.
He is Chiefe Chair man in the Synod Calld
Through all the Nation. Arthur him installd
The Bishop then at Menew as it falld
To be in need.
Through all the Nation. Arthur him installd
The Bishop then at Menew as it falld
To be in need.
Wherein his holy sweat did issue out
Till seven scoare years and five were wheeld about
And then his glass was emtied, soule flew out,
Death's day's decreed.
Till seven scoare years and five were wheeld about
And then his glass was emtied, soule flew out,
Death's day's decreed.
Brave Kentigern a Pict king Loth's grand Child
Whose pious Zeale so worthily up boild
He taught the Gospell Grace most richly stild
Salvation cleare
Whose pious Zeale so worthily up boild
He taught the Gospell Grace most richly stild
Salvation cleare
To Brittains all, all Scotland, Orkney iles,
Converted many and Confutes the Wiles
Pelagius broachd, inricht with grace these soiles,
What man is here?
Converted many and Confutes the Wiles
Pelagius broachd, inricht with grace these soiles,
What man is here?
Was Bishop at the Elve in Wales, foretold
That God to such that knew not God them would
Deliver up, the iland emptide should
By Pagans bee.
That God to such that knew not God them would
Deliver up, the iland emptide should
By Pagans bee.
Christs Cause should shatterd bee till th'set time springs,
Then to a better state Gods grace it brings:
When ninescore five yeares old his Death's bell rings
At Glasco's glee.
Then to a better state Gods grace it brings:
When ninescore five yeares old his Death's bell rings
At Glasco's glee.
He had Resign'd his Elwy Office o're
To Asaph his Choice Scholar years before
Who with the flocks Consent's Ordaind therefore
And Christ doth preach
To Asaph his Choice Scholar years before
Who with the flocks Consent's Ordaind therefore
And Christ doth preach
And worthily, yet noted is as first
Who Rome's annointing had (this was the Worst)
His seat doth heir his name, its in it nurst,
As stories teach.
Who Rome's annointing had (this was the Worst)
His seat doth heir his name, its in it nurst,
As stories teach.
Theon was bishop now of London who
Too much respect to Relicks sure did do
Though not to worship them, he thought not so,
Yet did them keepe.
Too much respect to Relicks sure did do
Though not to worship them, he thought not so,
Yet did them keepe.
Anonymus a learned man did shine,
Searcht much the Cause why God the Saxon line
Did make their Scourge, and made his pen Divine
Into it peep.
Searcht much the Cause why God the Saxon line
Did make their Scourge, and made his pen Divine
Into it peep.
Choice Dionote at Avon a Divine
Profound, in learning, and his sermons shine
With pious streams Rector of th'Colledge thine
Oh! Banchor where
Profound, in learning, and his sermons shine
With pious streams Rector of th'Colledge thine
Oh! Banchor where
Two thousand and an hundred students 'bide
Which sucking of his breast he did divide
In seven ranks as their greate Churches wide
Were seven there.
Which sucking of his breast he did divide
In seven ranks as their greate Churches wide
Were seven there.
And though they calld were Moncks they properly
Were scholars fitting for Christs Ministry.
He also Austin very worthily
With learning greats
Were scholars fitting for Christs Ministry.
He also Austin very worthily
With learning greats
Opposed in the English Synod, tite
Who strove to bring them ore with all his might
Against their former customs, to Romes rites
And huffing seate.
Who strove to bring them ore with all his might
Against their former customs, to Romes rites
And huffing seate.
Brenden did sprinckle Gospell light all ore
Scotland and Ireland too from shore to shore
Rector of full three thousand students: bore
A seven years sayle.
Scotland and Ireland too from shore to shore
Rector of full three thousand students: bore
A seven years sayle.
And found the Ilands called Fortunate,
Dagane another learn'd a pious mate
Opposed Austin, and his Romish state
And did not quale.
Dagane another learn'd a pious mate
Opposed Austin, and his Romish state
And did not quale.
Patrick arose Scotlands Chiefe Bishop and
Spent twenty years Converting Ireland,
Reported is as pious up to stand
Apostle theirs.
Spent twenty years Converting Ireland,
Reported is as pious up to stand
Apostle theirs.
And in these instances you see the gleames
Of Graces sunshine through this Centry streams
Although more dim than were the former beams
They fill the spheres.
Of Graces sunshine through this Centry streams
Although more dim than were the former beams
They fill the spheres.
The Shine of Divine Patience
I having done with Graces shine whose twineMore Coarse is spun the former run more fine
And now I come to Patience of whose stock
I take a roale well carded and to th'lock
That at the spindle of last Century
Doth hang, I laying it may spining try
Whether its twine will not run out as fine
Over this Century with such a shine
As answer will, with such an overplus
The last and lend to Graces web a brush.
While Pride and Passion Huffs up Prelats sleeves
And makes their gowns to russle, till they leese
The noise of Aarons golden bells i'th'din
And that bright glory of these garments in
The Cock bells of this rot upon their hearts
They fight like rams with fury in their arts
Dash heads together till their brain pans ring
And brains fall out, Patiences Wheels doth spin
Her glorious thrid most fine to guilt her Web
And gilds it in the spirits this way shed.
Out of this Quaugmire Jack-a-lanterns rise
Leading poore Souls among all bogs like flies,
Of Errours, Heresies, and superstitions,
Schism, Persecution, Sins without remissions.
And makes their gowns to russle, till they leese
The noise of Aarons golden bells i'th'din
And that bright glory of these garments in
The Cock bells of this rot upon their hearts
They fight like rams with fury in their arts
Dash heads together till their brain pans ring
And brains fall out, Patiences Wheels doth spin
Her glorious thrid most fine to guilt her Web
And gilds it in the spirits this way shed.
Out of this Quaugmire Jack-a-lanterns rise
Leading poore Souls among all bogs like flies,
Of Errours, Heresies, and superstitions,
Schism, Persecution, Sins without remissions.
This is the day (attend rich Patience here
Thy shine a while) when Errours spruice appeare
And shake their budget till there out do run
A multitude like pismires in the Sun.
Works now begin to be such worthy Powers
As are Esteemd to rain down Christ-like showers
To wash away mens sins, and justify
Before Gods throne. (Here Patience signs, Oh Phy)
To merit pardon; and Eternall bliss:
And yet their pens some times contrairy this.
They make Repentance mostly penance so
Describing't by such deeds vile men may do.
Angells and Saints they depper lackies make
To run to Christ with suites they chanch to take
From mortall lips, and on their knees before
Gods firy face to lay them, and implore
His Magesty. Brave Saints and Angells 'bout's
Made pretty Babie Christs in swaddling clouts.
Gregory the Great (great goofe) his blots thus ly
We from the Corps most sacred of the high
And blessed Peter do this Key transmit
Wherein his blessing of the Chains doth sit
Which worn about the neck doth munify
Us now against all of adversity
He adds, saint Peter can even in all things
Help here: hereafter too remit our Sins
And saith, whose body here you've covered
His suite in heaven shall your sins behead.
Hence Prayer is pourd out in to their Cues
Even from our tanckards, for this Health they use.
As Anastase, so Gregory mentains
Pastors are not to live with Women; gains
No word for this doth he yet if they bee
Their Mothers sisters, Wives it grant doth hee.
It scarce was lawfull now for such to marry
If any one whatever marride, tarry
Not in this state but hastily ran to
A monckish Cloister both consenting so:
He is a Welcome Votary: Now the praise
They of Virginity to heaven raise.
Pope Symmachus the first compild the Mass,
Decreed that Maids and Widdows that do pass
Their Word for Continency should not wed,
That on the birth days of the Saint now dead
They sing out Gloria in Excelsis do
Did Paschase's Soul in Purgatory stow
(As Gregory saith) who was a Deacon vile,
Did Anastase the Emperour revile;
And Gregory taught that men at Deaths Fair well
Go some to Purgatory, some to Hell
And 'fore Christ came he thought all men down went
Unto Hells Cloisters, though clean innocent.
Thy shine a while) when Errours spruice appeare
And shake their budget till there out do run
A multitude like pismires in the Sun.
Works now begin to be such worthy Powers
As are Esteemd to rain down Christ-like showers
To wash away mens sins, and justify
Before Gods throne. (Here Patience signs, Oh Phy)
To merit pardon; and Eternall bliss:
And yet their pens some times contrairy this.
They make Repentance mostly penance so
Describing't by such deeds vile men may do.
Angells and Saints they depper lackies make
To run to Christ with suites they chanch to take
From mortall lips, and on their knees before
Gods firy face to lay them, and implore
His Magesty. Brave Saints and Angells 'bout's
Made pretty Babie Christs in swaddling clouts.
Gregory the Great (great goofe) his blots thus ly
We from the Corps most sacred of the high
And blessed Peter do this Key transmit
Wherein his blessing of the Chains doth sit
Which worn about the neck doth munify
Us now against all of adversity
He adds, saint Peter can even in all things
Help here: hereafter too remit our Sins
And saith, whose body here you've covered
His suite in heaven shall your sins behead.
Hence Prayer is pourd out in to their Cues
Even from our tanckards, for this Health they use.
As Anastase, so Gregory mentains
Pastors are not to live with Women; gains
No word for this doth he yet if they bee
Their Mothers sisters, Wives it grant doth hee.
If any one whatever marride, tarry
Not in this state but hastily ran to
A monckish Cloister both consenting so:
He is a Welcome Votary: Now the praise
They of Virginity to heaven raise.
Pope Symmachus the first compild the Mass,
Decreed that Maids and Widdows that do pass
Their Word for Continency should not wed,
That on the birth days of the Saint now dead
They sing out Gloria in Excelsis do
Did Paschase's Soul in Purgatory stow
(As Gregory saith) who was a Deacon vile,
Did Anastase the Emperour revile;
And Gregory taught that men at Deaths Fair well
Go some to Purgatory, some to Hell
And 'fore Christ came he thought all men down went
Unto Hells Cloisters, though clean innocent.
Hormisda Pope none of the worst decreed
Psalms to be sung by turns: and with a breed
Of Ceremonies Saddle backt the Church.
And in him men out Maosism search:
Who Temples garnisht honouring the dead:
He built Basilick Alb: but lavished
Saint Peters Temple with a Silver Trabs
A Thousand fourty pounds worth drild from's bags.
Psalms to be sung by turns: and with a breed
Of Ceremonies Saddle backt the Church.
And in him men out Maosism search:
Who Temples garnisht honouring the dead:
He built Basilick Alb: but lavished
Saint Peters Temple with a Silver Trabs
A Thousand fourty pounds worth drild from's bags.
John after him one of the best of th'bunch
Temples did guild and them with gifts imbunch,
Altars adornd with Silver, Gold and Gems
Ravennas Jayle doth starve him in her dens.
Temples did guild and them with gifts imbunch,
Altars adornd with Silver, Gold and Gems
Ravennas Jayle doth starve him in her dens.
Felix the fourth up pears, doth preaching fly.
Temples to Saints up raise the Mass imply
Onely in sacred places did decree
That dying souls with holy Oyle greasd bee
That holy Dayes, Church Wakes be once a yeare,
Kept when the Temples Consecrated were.
He Athanase did Excommunicate
Constantinoples Patriarch. Strange fate.
Temples to Saints up raise the Mass imply
Onely in sacred places did decree
That dying souls with holy Oyle greasd bee
That holy Dayes, Church Wakes be once a yeare,
Kept when the Temples Consecrated were.
He Athanase did Excommunicate
Constantinoples Patriarch. Strange fate.
Pope Boniface the second damns all who
Before him were or after him should grow,
That should or had endeavered to lurch
Away the Priviledges of his Church.
He from the Clergy separates the rest
In th'Temples that he might them all divest
From Votes in choosing Bishops: unto whom
He suffers not the Clergies Crime to come.
Before him were or after him should grow,
That should or had endeavered to lurch
Away the Priviledges of his Church.
He from the Clergy separates the rest
In th'Temples that he might them all divest
From Votes in choosing Bishops: unto whom
He suffers not the Clergies Crime to come.
The second John Pope did receive, its said,
A golden septer all with Gems enlaid,
Six pounds in weight, two silver Cups worth seven
Two silver Bowls worth fifteen: Tokens given
Him by Justinian the Emperour
The golden Pope doth pitch a glittring bar.
A golden septer all with Gems enlaid,
Six pounds in weight, two silver Cups worth seven
Two silver Bowls worth fifteen: Tokens given
The golden Pope doth pitch a glittring bar.
Agapetus is next. Gregory assures
Us he in Greece a dumb and lame man cures,
Not in Christs name: but by Saint Peters powers
His Clouds do rain Traditions down by showers.
On Sabbath days Processions he decreed:
Dies at Constantinople and in speed
Brought in a leaden winding sheet to Rome:
And in Saint Peters Church they him intombe.
Us he in Greece a dumb and lame man cures,
Not in Christs name: but by Saint Peters powers
His Clouds do rain Traditions down by showers.
On Sabbath days Processions he decreed:
Dies at Constantinople and in speed
Brought in a leaden winding sheet to Rome:
And in Saint Peters Church they him intombe.
Sylverius next Hormisda's Son's impopde
By Theodote the King without the Vote
Of Clergymen, whom th'Emperess because,
He suited not her tooth, Excild, and claws.
By Theodote the King without the Vote
Of Clergymen, whom th'Emperess because,
He suited not her tooth, Excild, and claws.
And now about the Brittain Congell teemd
A litter of Monasteries, is deemd
In turning Banchors noble Colledge (where
Christian Philosophers did shine forth cleare)
Into a Monckry, out of whose womb,
The Chiefe Monasteries of Europe come,
Whose Eggs were took and hatcht in Germany,
In Ireland, Scotland, France and Italy.
A litter of Monasteries, is deemd
In turning Banchors noble Colledge (where
Christian Philosophers did shine forth cleare)
Into a Monckry, out of whose womb,
The Chiefe Monasteries of Europe come,
Whose Eggs were took and hatcht in Germany,
In Ireland, Scotland, France and Italy.
The Popedome's torn; a monster's with two heads:
While Sylver lives, Vigelius yet treads
His dam with his Traditions big impresst,
Orders his mass-mens faces to the East,
Hews proper lessons out for holy dayes
The Feast of Candlemass ordains; would raise
Rome to be Cald the Mother Church, yet feele
By falshood doth, th'edge of imperiall steele.
When at Constantinople with a rope
Rogue like about his neck (as it is spoke)
About the town till even is lead then led
To prison, and with bread and water fed,
His Clerick train, were some exild, and some
Made dig in Mettall mines, til Narses come
And Roman friends addresses, them redeem.
This Rhetorick schoole, Sir Pope, doth Crabbid seem.
While Sylver lives, Vigelius yet treads
His dam with his Traditions big impresst,
Orders his mass-mens faces to the East,
Hews proper lessons out for holy dayes
The Feast of Candlemass ordains; would raise
Rome to be Cald the Mother Church, yet feele
By falshood doth, th'edge of imperiall steele.
When at Constantinople with a rope
Rogue like about his neck (as it is spoke)
About the town till even is lead then led
To prison, and with bread and water fed,
His Clerick train, were some exild, and some
Made dig in Mettall mines, til Narses come
And Roman friends addresses, them redeem.
This Rhetorick schoole, Sir Pope, doth Crabbid seem.
Alas poore Chair, just now wast made to Crack,
Two ramping Popes squeezd in thee back to back
Now hast thy belly empty three months space,
Pelagius then the first doth take the place,
Out of whose Clinck these fopperies do spring
That Clarks seven times a day their Hours should sing,
That Abbats right be chose: that Priests Mass say
At nine a Clock at Quadrigessina.
He Masses sold for mony: and did clame
Romes Primacy the first, as if the same
Were set by Christ: And he the Popedome steers
Some say four; five; nine; 'leven; some twelve years.
Two ramping Popes squeezd in thee back to back
Now hast thy belly empty three months space,
Pelagius then the first doth take the place,
Out of whose Clinck these fopperies do spring
That Clarks seven times a day their Hours should sing,
That Abbats right be chose: that Priests Mass say
At nine a Clock at Quadrigessina.
He Masses sold for mony: and did clame
Romes Primacy the first, as if the same
Were set by Christ: And he the Popedome steers
Some say four; five; nine; 'leven; some twelve years.
Now John the third is popiside, decrees
Against his Predicessors minteries,
That none be styld Chiefe Priest ore all or shall
Be Universall Bishop over all.
The laying on of hands too he Confines
From all men but Episcopall Divines.
He did ever Linus and Cletus neer
Did ware the Keyes. Some say he lied here.
Against his Predicessors minteries,
That none be styld Chiefe Priest ore all or shall
Be Universall Bishop over all.
The laying on of hands too he Confines
From all men but Episcopall Divines.
He did ever Linus and Cletus neer
Did ware the Keyes. Some say he lied here.
Benit the first a Pope of four years sise
Decreed that no man might in any wise
A Wooden, Stone, or Marble Cross tread on.
His days were sorrowfull. He's quickly gone.
Decreed that no man might in any wise
A Wooden, Stone, or Marble Cross tread on.
His days were sorrowfull. He's quickly gone.
The Church a headless stump five month abides.
Pelagius then the second backs her, strides
Her saddle, when by Longobards hem'd in
With's Cloake bag up behind him full of sin.
Saint Peters Church with silver tables gilt
With gold he trim'd: and other rich things bilt,
Out of th'Church doores his marrid Deacons thrust
If they their Wives out of their Doors don't just.
Pelagius then the second backs her, strides
Her saddle, when by Longobards hem'd in
With's Cloake bag up behind him full of sin.
Saint Peters Church with silver tables gilt
With gold he trim'd: and other rich things bilt,
Out of th'Church doores his marrid Deacons thrust
If they their Wives out of their Doors don't just.
Gregory the Greate the Popedom next doth ride
A fabulizer and by such up cride.
He's said to turn the Sacramentall bread
To flesh before the Eyes of all there fed,
And back again that flesh to bread: and when
He cut the bread the blood gusht out 'fore them
All to convince a woman that denide
Christ in his substance did therein reside
Not found in many things, yea weighti'st things.
For Merits, Purgatory, Pictures, brings
To pray to Saints and Angels. Marriage he
Some time would have Church men debard to bee,
But when his Fisher full six thousand soulls
Of Infants murderd from his fish ponds pulls
He did reverse his Bull and sighing say
Better to Wed than whore, then babes to slay.
The Spanish Arians, Sicils Manichees
And Alexandrian Agnoits straps with's keyes,
(Long keyes indeed or hung on a long string)
Locking them out of Church doores (Sin Checks Sin)
A Canoneer he was, whose Canons fly
Against the Brittains do, do them annoy.
Austin his Monck and monckish crew do land
In Thenet Ile whose superstitious hand
Gains Edelbert and's Queen to Romish stuff
And is Archbishop made at Dover huff,
Depriveth London where that seat was fixt,
And on the Churches now his wax is pitcht
He crowds up on them Altars, Images
Vests, Crosses, Masses, Bannars, Calices,
Censars and Candlesticks with sacred things
And Holy Waters, Pomps, Processionings,
Tiths, Offerings and Books of Roman Rites
And Ceremonies and such things (darke lights)
The Roman Pascha and their greasy Thumbs
With Cross in Baptism. The Anglish Crumbs
Of German Pagans him attend and own
For Bishop. But the Brittains Christians known
Converted first by Joseph Aramathe
And Choice Evangelists more to the Faith,
Still Grecian and the Asian Rites attend
Did him reject and his: his Rites Condemnd,
And did mentain their Liberties intire
Which made this Prelates Spirits all like fire,
And set the Saxons on their backs who slay
Twelve hundred of their Banchorans they say.
A fabulizer and by such up cride.
He's said to turn the Sacramentall bread
To flesh before the Eyes of all there fed,
And back again that flesh to bread: and when
He cut the bread the blood gusht out 'fore them
All to convince a woman that denide
Christ in his substance did therein reside
Not found in many things, yea weighti'st things.
For Merits, Purgatory, Pictures, brings
To pray to Saints and Angels. Marriage he
Some time would have Church men debard to bee,
But when his Fisher full six thousand soulls
Of Infants murderd from his fish ponds pulls
He did reverse his Bull and sighing say
Better to Wed than whore, then babes to slay.
The Spanish Arians, Sicils Manichees
And Alexandrian Agnoits straps with's keyes,
(Long keyes indeed or hung on a long string)
Locking them out of Church doores (Sin Checks Sin)
A Canoneer he was, whose Canons fly
Against the Brittains do, do them annoy.
Austin his Monck and monckish crew do land
In Thenet Ile whose superstitious hand
Gains Edelbert and's Queen to Romish stuff
And is Archbishop made at Dover huff,
Depriveth London where that seat was fixt,
And on the Churches now his wax is pitcht
He crowds up on them Altars, Images
Vests, Crosses, Masses, Bannars, Calices,
And Holy Waters, Pomps, Processionings,
Tiths, Offerings and Books of Roman Rites
And Ceremonies and such things (darke lights)
The Roman Pascha and their greasy Thumbs
With Cross in Baptism. The Anglish Crumbs
Of German Pagans him attend and own
For Bishop. But the Brittains Christians known
Converted first by Joseph Aramathe
And Choice Evangelists more to the Faith,
Still Grecian and the Asian Rites attend
Did him reject and his: his Rites Condemnd,
And did mentain their Liberties intire
Which made this Prelates Spirits all like fire,
And set the Saxons on their backs who slay
Twelve hundred of their Banchorans they say.
But now to turn from Romish Dishwater
May we not hope to finde what the Relater
Delights to shew in other places done.
I to Constantinople therefore run
And here we finde such grudgings and like bran
As grieves a pious pen these stars to scan.
Tim Curst Chalcedon's Faith. John Cappadox
A Cruell Treacherous Muckworm and his Chaps
Did water for the Empire and did Call
A Synod, stiled it Ocumenicall.
May we not hope to finde what the Relater
Delights to shew in other places done.
I to Constantinople therefore run
And here we finde such grudgings and like bran
As grieves a pious pen these stars to scan.
Tim Curst Chalcedon's Faith. John Cappadox
A Cruell Treacherous Muckworm and his Chaps
Did water for the Empire and did Call
A Synod, stiled it Ocumenicall.
But to decline such swill Tubs, this is plain
The Writers pens now most are of such Vean
As pewk out Elves of such a monstrous sise
That Gibbits Faith, and Reason takes for lies.
A drop of Which my pen bibd up and grew
As Physickt, sick, and up again did't spew.
And for the reader's sake a drop or more
I now attempt to vomit as before.
The Writers pens now most are of such Vean
As pewk out Elves of such a monstrous sise
That Gibbits Faith, and Reason takes for lies.
A drop of Which my pen bibd up and grew
As Physickt, sick, and up again did't spew.
And for the reader's sake a drop or more
I now attempt to vomit as before.
I first will Call Saint Bridgit, th'Scottish wench
A bastard and a Witch, yet fame doth Quench
These things, for she in Man becomes a Nun,
Works Miracles, Rocks into Salt makes run
Restoreth Sight to one born blinde, she turnd
Water int'Ale, for Leprous beggars burnd
With thirst, and Ale too into Water 'gain
Nay as she prayd, an Angell also plain
Dictating stands, a scribenet penning it,
A Book was thus Compild and wholy writ.
A bastard and a Witch, yet fame doth Quench
These things, for she in Man becomes a Nun,
Works Miracles, Rocks into Salt makes run
Restoreth Sight to one born blinde, she turnd
Water int'Ale, for Leprous beggars burnd
With thirst, and Ale too into Water 'gain
Nay as she prayd, an Angell also plain
Dictating stands, a scribenet penning it,
A Book was thus Compild and wholy writ.
After this Nun, take Benedict the Monk,
(The Benedictine friers sprang from this stump.)
They say he raisd to life a young man killd
By falling of a Wall, A Vessell filld
With Oyle by prayer, a Dead man brought to life,
A Leper heald, a Countrey man through strife,
Bound by a Curst French Arian, loost as soon
As he beheld him, And by night, not noone,
Saw all the world, as in a Sun beame placde
And saw the soul of Germanus, once gracde
With Capua's Bishopprick, carried aright
By Angell up to heaven. Happy Weight.
(The Benedictine friers sprang from this stump.)
They say he raisd to life a young man killd
By falling of a Wall, A Vessell filld
With Oyle by prayer, a Dead man brought to life,
A Leper heald, a Countrey man through strife,
As he beheld him, And by night, not noone,
Saw all the world, as in a Sun beame placde
And saw the soul of Germanus, once gracde
With Capua's Bishopprick, carried aright
By Angell up to heaven. Happy Weight.
Evagrius saith the godly Zosimus
Of Sind anigh to Tyre, when down did rush
Brave Antioch by Earth-Quakes, being in
Cesaria in Palestine, the din
Thereof did fill his eare, he down doth fall
Falls weeping, Offring Insense, told them all
Again, as going to Cesaria
A Lion slew and eate his Ass in th'way,
To whom he said he now must bare her load
For him: whereat the Lion in the road,
Came fawning to him, carrieth the same
Till in Cesaria's stately gates he Came.
Of Sind anigh to Tyre, when down did rush
Brave Antioch by Earth-Quakes, being in
Cesaria in Palestine, the din
Thereof did fill his eare, he down doth fall
Falls weeping, Offring Insense, told them all
Again, as going to Cesaria
A Lion slew and eate his Ass in th'way,
To whom he said he now must bare her load
For him: whereat the Lion in the road,
Came fawning to him, carrieth the same
Till in Cesaria's stately gates he Came.
That John who dwelt at Chuzica betwixt
Jerusalem and Jericho there fixt
Restord an Eye dasht out, took up again
Yea by a springe and laid it on the maim
And so it was restord thus by his skill
And piety. Believe it sirs who will.
Jerusalem and Jericho there fixt
Restord an Eye dasht out, took up again
Yea by a springe and laid it on the maim
And so it was restord thus by his skill
And piety. Believe it sirs who will.
When Anastase who then the Empire held
Had Macedonius by's Cutthroats killd
Nicephorus saith the dead man with his hand
Did sign himselfe with sign of th'Cross (O brand)
Appeard to one asleep and bad him tell
To Anastase, I to my Fathers fell.
But know thou, I cease not to pray untill
That thou stand shalt before that Bar which will
Not bribes receive, to strive with all his might
With all those judgments that shall on thee light.
Had Macedonius by's Cutthroats killd
Nicephorus saith the dead man with his hand
Did sign himselfe with sign of th'Cross (O brand)
Appeard to one asleep and bad him tell
To Anastase, I to my Fathers fell.
But know thou, I cease not to pray untill
That thou stand shalt before that Bar which will
Not bribes receive, to strive with all his might
With all those judgments that shall on thee light.
Nicetius born with sign of th'Cross, the King
Theodorick to Trevers seat doth bring,
Who sign'd three men possesst asleep with th'Cross
Who wakt, in Vomot did the fiende out toss
Cast out of one a Divell, who out cride
Within the temple loudly, (if not lide)
That King Theodobertus now was grown
A whoremonger. This Gregory Tours makes known.
Theodorick to Trevers seat doth bring,
Who sign'd three men possesst asleep with th'Cross
Who wakt, in Vomot did the fiende out toss
Cast out of one a Divell, who out cride
Within the temple loudly, (if not lide)
That King Theodobertus now was grown
A whoremonger. This Gregory Tours makes known.
Martyrius of Lycaonia
A monk whom Gregory the great doth sayHe walking forth to visit some doth finde
A leprous man in's way with deep wounds linde
With stinck all o're whom on his back he takes
And Carries whom, who from his back there makes
Mankinds Redeemer, when of men he's known,
And quickly after in Martyrius' eye
He is cought up to heaven; thence doth cry
On earth thou wast not shamd to carry me
I'le not be shamde to heaven to beare thee
But where, Martyrius, hast thy burden left?
Who thus replide, What he had born and heaft
He felt no weight in while he jogging was
Strang thing if true. Here's monkery i'th mass.
A Priest of Centumcell in Italy
When he did bath a man unknown drew nigh
And waited on him, drew of hose and shoes
And kept them while he bathd, as Gregory shews,
And thus he often did untill at last
The Priest for to requite him did unhasp
His purse and gave him of their offerings
Two Crowns whereas his waiting man begins
With sorrow to reply, Its holy Bread,
I cannot eat it. Dominion had
Over this place, But for my faults am sent
Here after death to tend: But now Present
It unto God Almighty for mee, nay
And intercede thou for my sins I pray.
If thou prevailst, thou shalt not finde me here
This said the Spirit soon did disappeare.
The priest goes home and spends the week in prayers
To offer God the healthfull host ne'er spares.
Then going to the bath he doth not finde
His Waiting man. Oh! how's the Divell blind?
When he did bath a man unknown drew nigh
And waited on him, drew of hose and shoes
And kept them while he bathd, as Gregory shews,
And thus he often did untill at last
The Priest for to requite him did unhasp
His purse and gave him of their offerings
Two Crowns whereas his waiting man begins
With sorrow to reply, Its holy Bread,
I cannot eat it. Dominion had
Over this place, But for my faults am sent
Here after death to tend: But now Present
It unto God Almighty for mee, nay
And intercede thou for my sins I pray.
If thou prevailst, thou shalt not finde me here
This said the Spirit soon did disappeare.
The priest goes home and spends the week in prayers
To offer God the healthfull host ne'er spares.
Then going to the bath he doth not finde
His Waiting man. Oh! how's the Divell blind?
One Boniface Bishop of Ferra (sayes
Pope Gregory) when a Child the Corn convays
Out of his mothers storehouse and by prayer
Them filld again. And when a fox did bare
Away a hen, he brought the Fox again
And hen also by prayer Skip Pen for shame)
And when his Church full poore did find by haile
Their Vinyard of its graps were made to faile
His prayers increasd within their press their wine
To their abundance as in fruitfull time.
His words did kill a scorner at a feast,
And wanting mony for the poore, encreast
His prayers to god and found twelve lumps of gold
I'th'blessed Virgins temple we are told.
Two Goths that to Ravenna went, Cravd food,
He filld their Cask with wine which thus is shewd
To last so long as if there had been in
Their Vessell made a Constant bubbling spring.
Pope Gregory) when a Child the Corn convays
Out of his mothers storehouse and by prayer
Them filld again. And when a fox did bare
Away a hen, he brought the Fox again
And hen also by prayer Skip Pen for shame)
And when his Church full poore did find by haile
Their Vinyard of its graps were made to faile
His prayers increasd within their press their wine
To their abundance as in fruitfull time.
His words did kill a scorner at a feast,
And wanting mony for the poore, encreast
His prayers to god and found twelve lumps of gold
I'th'blessed Virgins temple we are told.
Two Goths that to Ravenna went, Cravd food,
He filld their Cask with wine which thus is shewd
To last so long as if there had been in
Their Vessell made a Constant bubbling spring.
Pope Gregory gives this story of a jew
Going to Rome from Campany, nigh drew
To Appia when the night came on went in
Unto Apollo's Temple (oh choice thing)
That in the Descent at Fundana stood
Where Andrew Bishop was, he understood,
His heart misgiving him because the place
Was such, he signd himselfe with Cross. Oh grace,
And down he lies and naps it but his heart
Did flapper much: sets him the Watch mans part.
At midnight spies a troop of spirits vile
Assaile the place, and one above the Quoile
Of all the rest to whom they Baysence shewd,
Who tooke account what evry one persude
At length one out doth jump and doth relate
How he in Andrews bosom movde of late
Under the shape of th'Holy Woman fresh
A great Temptation taking to the flesh
Which that Cathedrall Don that did preside
Over the Rest attends with eares ope wide
And hath dropt there by him that yester night
I won the Bishop, said, the Subtile Weight,
That he began to flatter her. Whereto
The Chair Imp bad him with his game on go
And promisd him rewards above the rest,
Exhorting him the Bishop to molest.
The wakefull jew whose heart went pitti pat
Lay trembling, heard the Ape Cry thus who's that
Lies in the Temple, See, hence out one came
And seing him signd with the Cross cry'd plain
Vae, Vae Vas Vacuum, Signatum, too
And at that Cry a Way flies all the Crew.
The morning springs away, the Jew doth go
Relates the matter to the Bishop, who
Doth put away the woman and Converts
The Jew unto the Church, who now rejects
The world and in an holy pious guise
Devotes himselfe to spirituall exercise.
This true or no's a golden prop raist well
By Gregory's pen, for Crosses fixt by hell.
Going to Rome from Campany, nigh drew
To Appia when the night came on went in
Unto Apollo's Temple (oh choice thing)
That in the Descent at Fundana stood
Where Andrew Bishop was, he understood,
His heart misgiving him because the place
Was such, he signd himselfe with Cross. Oh grace,
And down he lies and naps it but his heart
Did flapper much: sets him the Watch mans part.
At midnight spies a troop of spirits vile
Assaile the place, and one above the Quoile
Of all the rest to whom they Baysence shewd,
Who tooke account what evry one persude
At length one out doth jump and doth relate
How he in Andrews bosom movde of late
Under the shape of th'Holy Woman fresh
A great Temptation taking to the flesh
Which that Cathedrall Don that did preside
Over the Rest attends with eares ope wide
And hath dropt there by him that yester night
I won the Bishop, said, the Subtile Weight,
That he began to flatter her. Whereto
The Chair Imp bad him with his game on go
And promisd him rewards above the rest,
Exhorting him the Bishop to molest.
The wakefull jew whose heart went pitti pat
Lay trembling, heard the Ape Cry thus who's that
Lies in the Temple, See, hence out one came
And seing him signd with the Cross cry'd plain
Vae, Vae Vas Vacuum, Signatum, too
And at that Cry a Way flies all the Crew.
The morning springs away, the Jew doth go
Relates the matter to the Bishop, who
Doth put away the woman and Converts
The Jew unto the Church, who now rejects
The world and in an holy pious guise
Devotes himselfe to spirituall exercise.
This true or no's a golden prop raist well
By Gregory's pen, for Crosses fixt by hell.
Gregory of Tours a worthy man indeed
A garden gay, yet not without a weed
Greate fables left, of whom men fables shew,
Who holding out the golden Cross if true
Onto a raging fire did quench the same
From Fortunatus Pen strange thing now came.
A garden gay, yet not without a weed
Greate fables left, of whom men fables shew,
Who holding out the golden Cross if true
Onto a raging fire did quench the same
From Fortunatus Pen strange thing now came.
Pope Gregory the great arch as the Rest
When a poor monk had horded in his Chest
Against his monkish rule three bits of gold
Bittrly bewaild it on his death bed, could
Not gain a Shriving from this Pope but hee
Gave a live --- to the old Boy, a Fee,
And dead did in a dung-hill bury him,
And's thunder bolts with lightning on him fling.
Thy mony Perish with thee. Yet at last
Thirty dayes after did amend this Cast:
He having thirty sacrifices spent
Upon him, fetcht from hell to Christ him sent,
Which he by plain Eye sight in vision saw
And also saw an Angell (Silly daugh)
Like to a ship wrack man that him endowd
To do such miracles as from him Crowd,
To wit that by his word he heald the sick
And Divills out of men possessed kick
To bring back roaguing monks: that th'nags that those
That followd them, sat on, the dens disclose
Where in these runawayes lay hid; He made
Divells that in the Arian Temple staid
Run out before the eyes of man and jog
Away appearing like a filthy hog.
The following day upon the Altar came
A Cloud that did the temple lamps enflame
And on a day when this plump pope did stand
About to pour out water on the hand
Of Certain guests, one vanished away
And in night vision following one did say
The other dayes, me in my members thou
Did entertain: but this myselfe ev'n now.
When a poor monk had horded in his Chest
Bittrly bewaild it on his death bed, could
Not gain a Shriving from this Pope but hee
Gave a live --- to the old Boy, a Fee,
And dead did in a dung-hill bury him,
And's thunder bolts with lightning on him fling.
Thy mony Perish with thee. Yet at last
Thirty dayes after did amend this Cast:
He having thirty sacrifices spent
Upon him, fetcht from hell to Christ him sent,
Which he by plain Eye sight in vision saw
And also saw an Angell (Silly daugh)
Like to a ship wrack man that him endowd
To do such miracles as from him Crowd,
To wit that by his word he heald the sick
And Divills out of men possessed kick
To bring back roaguing monks: that th'nags that those
That followd them, sat on, the dens disclose
Where in these runawayes lay hid; He made
Divells that in the Arian Temple staid
Run out before the eyes of man and jog
Away appearing like a filthy hog.
The following day upon the Altar came
A Cloud that did the temple lamps enflame
And on a day when this plump pope did stand
About to pour out water on the hand
Of Certain guests, one vanished away
And in night vision following one did say
The other dayes, me in my members thou
Did entertain: but this myselfe ev'n now.
Oh! strang delusions! How do these abound:
The underpining of their shifts unsound
As Mass and Purgatory, Crosses strange
Relicks and prayers and offrings that range
For dead mens souls, my pen doth blush to write?
But on Gods Patience. How doth it now slight.
These are a tast to 'low your realish more
I think would cloy: the rest shut out of doore.
The underpining of their shifts unsound
As Mass and Purgatory, Crosses strange
Relicks and prayers and offrings that range
For dead mens souls, my pen doth blush to write?
But on Gods Patience. How doth it now slight.
These are a tast to 'low your realish more
I think would cloy: the rest shut out of doore.
2 Heresies.
But Patience onely is not here abusde,By Errours Great or small, By slight Confusd
But if we Heresies set as a Glass
To view her face in as a longe we pass
Strange Glory standing in her face we should
Enamled spie like Gem embost in gold
The East and West, France, Italy and Spain
Affrick and Iland too near Arian-staine.
King Theodorick and his Queen, no less,
Clearch, Hyperick, Agapit in Court
Deuterius, And Anthemius in the fort
Constantinople had of Prelacy
King Thrasimund the Vandall, Lombardy
Leonigild, yea Lybeans beside
Their Faith have in the Arian blew pot dide.
They did assert the son of God to bee
Not of One Substance with the Father. He
No human soul enjoyes, that th'Holy Ghost
Is not God too. Which things are cursed most.
The Eutychean Heresie and swill
Shed first from Maniches bad Costerill
Denying Christ to take of Mary Blesst
Our Flesh: nor of the Father substance best
Endowed was: and from the selfe same egge
Sprang the Nestorian and Severian skeg,
That trumpetted tantarroe all about
That but one nature did in Christ stand out
Pelagians now infested England much,
Monothelites else where of such a smutch
As gives one will alone to Christ our Lord
Sadducees now sprung up above the board
And up with other sins false Christs arose
As Gregory Tours doth to all disclose,
The stories thus. One by his Witchcrafts vile
Of Biturick, went to cut Wood awhile
About whose back a swarm of flies appeares
He's thought to be a madde man for two years
And rambling o're the Cities neer, at last
He in the Contrey nigh to Arles is cast
Where Cloathd with Skins he as devout did fall
To pray're: and better to delude withall
Some say he had the Gift of Prophesy,
Hence to effect the richer Villany
He goes from thence, and enter doth the Coast
Of Gabala and here began the rost.
He now lets fly that he is Christ, and that
A Certain woman whom he took (a flat
Delusion) he doth style, vile wretch, now Mary:
Folke flock unto him now, not being wary.
They bring him Vestments, silver, much, and Gold,
He gives it to the poore, Oh Cheat most bold.
Sends few to heaven: Damns the most to hell,
By Divelish Arts and Witcheries out draws
More than three thousand that espouse his Cause,
Not onely Rusticks but of Priests also
And now he plundring falls and plunders throw
To such as want, Commands them to adore
Him. But the Bishops he did threaton sore
For to destroy because hee did dispare
That they would worship him or for him care.
And entring the bounds of Apella
He at the Chappells nigh with's rout did stay,
As Pitching's Camp as if he did intend
To fight Aurelius Bishop there: did send
His harauld 'fore him, naked, dancing there
And Playing, shewing that he coming were.
The Bishop startled is, sends dextrous men
Out to demant the meaning of him then
Of which an ancient man had who when he
Should bow to sweep the way and kiss his knee
Commanded to surprize him thus beguild
Without delay, which while this done, they boyld
With rage, do hack him all to pieces small:
Thus fell this Christ: and scatterd now are all
That with him came. His Mary too is Caught
(Whom they as part of his Godhead had taught)
And under tortures publickly declares
His Whimsies and his Witchcraffts and his snares:
The persons thus seducde by Divelish tricks
Never returnd into their perfect wits
But held him Christ, Mary a piece Divine
And many rose all France ore of this Crime
Bewitchd took Certain sorry women, who
Like maddmen raging did profess also
Them to be Saints: and made themselves to bee
Preferd as greate ones, whom saith Gregory wee
Behold and by rebukes endeavour do
To bring them from there errour Christ to know.
At Burdsaux another false Christ sprang
Which was uncasd, before he'd such a gange.
But if we put these things to gether do
We must adore Gods Patience for its show.
3. Superstition.
Now rub thine Eye and lend it mee and IWill take it in my hand, while I apply
Myselfe to search the Gardens of these times
To finde how superstitious Flowers did shine
Of Patience dorst upon each leafe With gold
In letters Capitall that it behold
The same may, then I will restore the same
To tell thy minde how brightest patience came.
Into the Basket fit for Men and Things
And Men it views with superstitions hug'd
Which are both Dead and Living, both thus Lugd.
Superstition about the Dead
This age hath got the knack to over Doe
The Law With Coffin and with Cradle too.
They Consecrate in France their burying place
And Wash their Dead and some with songs of Grace
Are had unto their Graves. Thus Chrotild Queen.
Some do their dead with Ornaments make seen
Wax Candles ore their Graves instead of Light
Are supplements to Eyes bereav'd of sight.
Glosvint another Queen lost by the Sun
Had such a globe of Light over her hung.
And yet this apish age delights to tare
The Dead out of their tombs to give them aire.
Saint Martins bones, Saint Julians too up turn'd
And in Saint Martins Church at Tours are urnd.
Saint Antony the Monk out of his grave
They summon Alexandria to save
Euphemia's relicks in a Marble bowle
Chacidon keeps as body beds the Soule
And Stephens Reliques being founde by Chance
Are had about and unto Rome do dance.
Elisha's bones in Alexandria
And Barnabas his Body found they say
With th'Gospell by his own hand pend are brought
In such a brightness there to rest its thought.
Pope Gregory sends a Little key found in
Peter th'Apostles Corps unto the King
Richard Wisigoth, having within't
Some of his Chain, what doth his headship think?
Also a Cross with some of Christs Cross wood
And of John Baptists hair in't, Not his hood.
Byzants brave Temple in a golden pot
The Virgins Vest, Vaile, Girdle too hath got
Nay Gregory the Great that bears that style
Not undeservedly Can't Choose but smile
Finding a spring of Holy Relicks lies
In's Holy Throne stopt by his bum out flies
When up again when's brich hath it enfumde
And raised by the breath that thence presum'de
Hence Saint Johns Coat, Pauls Chain his neck did ware
And Handkerchiefs, Nay Coate, Hood Chaine rich fair,
Of Peter fall into his hands. More still
A Bunch of Keyes found out by pritty skill
In Peters sacred Body put in's hand
And he profuse thereof (as matters stand)
Sends eight thereof as tokens rich to those
He honourd much. Sure Peter wealthy shows
He had so many Keyes: or hungry were
And had good teeth, or broake them out, I fear,
Or had a mighty swallow t'live on steel
Or kept a locksmith in his secret keele
He had so many keyes within. I thinke
His Holiness lest he should wronge his Clink
Kept most himselfe, or one the best of all,
Lest that his Fatherhood should from him fall.
The Law With Coffin and with Cradle too.
They Consecrate in France their burying place
And Wash their Dead and some with songs of Grace
Are had unto their Graves. Thus Chrotild Queen.
Some do their dead with Ornaments make seen
Wax Candles ore their Graves instead of Light
Are supplements to Eyes bereav'd of sight.
Glosvint another Queen lost by the Sun
Had such a globe of Light over her hung.
And yet this apish age delights to tare
The Dead out of their tombs to give them aire.
Saint Martins bones, Saint Julians too up turn'd
And in Saint Martins Church at Tours are urnd.
Saint Antony the Monk out of his grave
They summon Alexandria to save
Euphemia's relicks in a Marble bowle
Chacidon keeps as body beds the Soule
And Stephens Reliques being founde by Chance
Are had about and unto Rome do dance.
Elisha's bones in Alexandria
And Barnabas his Body found they say
With th'Gospell by his own hand pend are brought
In such a brightness there to rest its thought.
Pope Gregory sends a Little key found in
Peter th'Apostles Corps unto the King
Richard Wisigoth, having within't
Some of his Chain, what doth his headship think?
Also a Cross with some of Christs Cross wood
And of John Baptists hair in't, Not his hood.
Byzants brave Temple in a golden pot
The Virgins Vest, Vaile, Girdle too hath got
Nay Gregory the Great that bears that style
Not undeservedly Can't Choose but smile
Finding a spring of Holy Relicks lies
In's Holy Throne stopt by his bum out flies
When up again when's brich hath it enfumde
And raised by the breath that thence presum'de
Hence Saint Johns Coat, Pauls Chain his neck did ware
And Handkerchiefs, Nay Coate, Hood Chaine rich fair,
Of Peter fall into his hands. More still
A Bunch of Keyes found out by pritty skill
And he profuse thereof (as matters stand)
Sends eight thereof as tokens rich to those
He honourd much. Sure Peter wealthy shows
He had so many Keyes: or hungry were
And had good teeth, or broake them out, I fear,
Or had a mighty swallow t'live on steel
Or kept a locksmith in his secret keele
He had so many keyes within. I thinke
His Holiness lest he should wronge his Clink
Kept most himselfe, or one the best of all,
Lest that his Fatherhood should from him fall.
But leaving dead mens bones a stincking stuff
We finde them trick their shaddows out enough
In Colours fair and picturde upon Walls
Of Temples and Pope Gregory out balls
At one good man that brake them down for fear
Lest they proove shooing horns of sinfull geer.
We finde them trick their shaddows out enough
In Colours fair and picturde upon Walls
Of Temples and Pope Gregory out balls
At one good man that brake them down for fear
Lest they proove shooing horns of sinfull geer.
But to attend the soule that left behinde
The shell for Worms, This age hath it injoyn'd
To Call at Purgatory in its way
And all its Counts to just, and recknings pay.
A count is dropt of two arch Linguist-Nuns
From Gregorys Quill that Benit quickly thums
Out of the Church: They die Extraniate
And buri'd in the Church when feld by fate.
The Deacon at Comunion time thus spake
Let such depart that are not to partake
These buride Linguists hearing up arise
And trudg away, the which their nurse espies
And hints it Benit. He her bread gave she
Doth Offerings make for them: and stilld they bee.
The Centumcellan Ghost by prayers and Mass
Him gave from Purgatory fire a pass.
The shell for Worms, This age hath it injoyn'd
To Call at Purgatory in its way
And all its Counts to just, and recknings pay.
A count is dropt of two arch Linguist-Nuns
From Gregorys Quill that Benit quickly thums
Out of the Church: They die Extraniate
And buri'd in the Church when feld by fate.
The Deacon at Comunion time thus spake
Let such depart that are not to partake
These buride Linguists hearing up arise
And trudg away, the which their nurse espies
And hints it Benit. He her bread gave she
Doth Offerings make for them: and stilld they bee.
The Centumcellan Ghost by prayers and Mass
Him gave from Purgatory fire a pass.
And such as are by Prayer and mass away
From Purgatory halld as wracks by sea
Are with a rope, when got to heaven bright
Are made to bee small Gods with no small might.
Now prayers are pourd out in their Cup and they
Must friends in th'Court their purses penny stay
Thodeliad makes John Baptist's Temple fair
That she and th'Longbards might injoy his prayer
And Intercession unto Christ. Now Cries
Of Lombards pray'res his Worthy ears annoyes
Hence prayers to Saints and Angells do throng in
Making them Inter-Cessors to our king:
And prayers are made hereby at this rich day
At Dead mens Graves. Oh! Stincking sent this way.
John Baptists day, Peters and Andrews too
Pauls, Cyprians, Felix, from their eggs now flew
The Ladie-Dayes now bud Justinian
And Maurice hatcht them. Now also up sprang
The Lenton feast and the Rogation day
By Mamert of Vien, Alcame doth say.
From Purgatory halld as wracks by sea
Are with a rope, when got to heaven bright
Are made to bee small Gods with no small might.
Now prayers are pourd out in their Cup and they
Must friends in th'Court their purses penny stay
Thodeliad makes John Baptist's Temple fair
That she and th'Longbards might injoy his prayer
And Intercession unto Christ. Now Cries
Of Lombards pray'res his Worthy ears annoyes
Hence prayers to Saints and Angells do throng in
Making them Inter-Cessors to our king:
And prayers are made hereby at this rich day
At Dead mens Graves. Oh! Stincking sent this way.
John Baptists day, Peters and Andrews too
Pauls, Cyprians, Felix, from their eggs now flew
The Ladie-Dayes now bud Justinian
And Maurice hatcht them. Now also up sprang
The Lenton feast and the Rogation day
By Mamert of Vien, Alcame doth say.
Superstition about the Living.
But come we now unto the Living, seeThem superstition hugs, as ivy th'tree
As soon as e're they peep into the World
They're in the arms of superstition hirld.
The idoll Cross is printed in their brow
Though not first usd, yet found in use grown now.
But touching it, these days first ground this grist
Of Babtism by any monkish fist
They did baptiz and Cross but might not soile
Their forheads as Archbishops did with oyle
The Woman too must Churched be therefore
That she may freely enter the Church doore
And Holy Water too they kept, its said,
By Gregory Tours, in Martins Chappell made
And otherwhere. And holy Oyle to smeere
The sick therewith, and such as feeble were
And if once slide strange Penance is the fine
As Genebaud of Laudune Church the prime
Must seven years Penance in a sell attend
Because he marride was, and so all mend.
And other that was staind with Patricide
Must to Saints places choice ore Seven years stride.
Superstition about things.
But now its full high day to dig for Springs
This age allows of superstitious Things.
Now garnisht Temples blossom out apace
And Consecrated are to Saints. What grace?
Peter and Paul, John, Andrew, Mark and Mary
Philip and Jacoss Stephen, though not Clary
Are templeizd and multitudes beside
In ery place, as once were Deifide
By Pagans, Jupiter, Diana, Mars,
Apollo, Juno, Venus, Vulcan, Scarce
Any that did Excell but have and by
A Temple consecrate had to enjoy
Their Godhead in, bearing the name to Whom
It's dedicated, just so things now come
Onely the Idols name is now a Saints
Saint Johns, Saint Peters, Temple. What Complaints.
Pope Symachus, Poore Peter, did up build
Saint Andrews Church with ornaments up filld,
A Silver Shed, and Confessory too
Whose Pension unto sixscore libra'es grew,
And silver Arches of three Pensionists
Each one did of full twenty pounds Consist.
An Oratory for Confession, and
An Arch unto Saint Thomas Church did hand
Them all of Silver and to them doth lay
A Pension full of twenty pounds in pay.
A Silver Arch, and Pension of the Sum
That fully doth to sixteen libra's come.
A silver rich Confessory for these
Saint Cassion, Procus, Jacinth, having fees
Of twenty Pounds: A silver Arch also
With Pension that of twelve pounds worth doth goe.
A Silver Arch and Confessory gay
Of Saint Apollinaries and did lay
A pension to't of thirty pounds well made,
Unto Saint Sofies Confessory laid
A Pension of full twenty silver pounds,
Also Saint Peters Font, and (as it sounds)
The holy Crosses Confessory, such
Of Silver, and a Cross of Gold set much
With Gems that hath of Christ Cross wood therein
This golden Cross ten libra's to it cling.
Two Confessories for th'two Scripture Johns
Having their Arches Silver (thanks good Dons)
He built even from the ground their Lodgens all,
And them compleatly whether great or small.
He garnist Peters Church with marbles ore
Unto the very handles of the doore,
He richly did adorn its Quadriportch
With Marble and Mosaick Worke, brave Church.
Hormisda on Saint Peters did bestow
A silver beam that did amount unto
Full fifteen hundred pound. Justin, Clodove
And other Princes their rich gifts out drove
Unto these Temples, Gems and Pretious Ware,
Six silver Cans, ten silver Bowles rich fare
Hormisda did adorn this with and now
Saint Peter wares a silver Beard and brow.
I weary am to shew the pomp and shew
They in their Consecrating these out threw
Accordingly Baptistories they have
The most without, yet now Honorius grave
Of Tarentine first heav'd them ore the sill.
These Consecrated are with oyly skill.
Now Consecrated Tables Altarizd
And Consecrated Cups are idolizd.
To name the Super of the Lord is rare
Its metamorphosd. Mass is all the fare.
The Super of our Lord it hath tript up
Making't a Trolly-Lolly bit or supt.
Communion Table Cloaths, Mass I should say
They Consecrate. Call Corporalls do they
On which they set the Host (the Cup and Bread)
And make't a sacrifice for Quick and Dead
A Charm or Spell to Cast out Divells though
The Divell rather's in't, than outed so.
Vigetius Pope decreed they should not say
The Words of Consecration but when lay
The Sacrifice upon the Altar there
That's Consecrate in holy Vestment cleare,
And with a mumbling voice whereas before
That all might learn a loud voice up they bore
Hence once as Gygas saith, upon a Stone
The Priest ridiculously set alone
The Bread now in the Camp ore which he said
The Consecrating Words, and it was made
Transubstantiate, and now before them all
Mans bloody flesh appeard, they down do fall
Destroyde by God, and if he do not ly
With mass they now the dead mans mouth do cloy.
This is the May day of Monasteries
Wherein they blossomd: from their shell arise
Like Hemlock budding forth from Banchor Schoole
Converted thus, grew big, and on the stoole
Papoose Monasteries teemd all Europe ore,
France, Germany, and the Italian floor
Scotland, and Ireland. Whence Monks like flyes
Or Ants from molehills and vaild Nuns arise.
Thanks Congill for this Egge. Wee pick it still:
It yieldeth Abby-Lubbers, Dick and Will.
This age allows of superstitious Things.
Now garnisht Temples blossom out apace
And Consecrated are to Saints. What grace?
Peter and Paul, John, Andrew, Mark and Mary
Philip and Jacoss Stephen, though not Clary
Are templeizd and multitudes beside
In ery place, as once were Deifide
By Pagans, Jupiter, Diana, Mars,
Apollo, Juno, Venus, Vulcan, Scarce
Any that did Excell but have and by
A Temple consecrate had to enjoy
Their Godhead in, bearing the name to Whom
It's dedicated, just so things now come
Onely the Idols name is now a Saints
Saint Johns, Saint Peters, Temple. What Complaints.
Pope Symachus, Poore Peter, did up build
Saint Andrews Church with ornaments up filld,
A Silver Shed, and Confessory too
Whose Pension unto sixscore libra'es grew,
And silver Arches of three Pensionists
Each one did of full twenty pounds Consist.
An Oratory for Confession, and
An Arch unto Saint Thomas Church did hand
A Pension full of twenty pounds in pay.
A Silver Arch, and Pension of the Sum
That fully doth to sixteen libra's come.
A silver rich Confessory for these
Saint Cassion, Procus, Jacinth, having fees
Of twenty Pounds: A silver Arch also
With Pension that of twelve pounds worth doth goe.
A Silver Arch and Confessory gay
Of Saint Apollinaries and did lay
A pension to't of thirty pounds well made,
Unto Saint Sofies Confessory laid
A Pension of full twenty silver pounds,
Also Saint Peters Font, and (as it sounds)
The holy Crosses Confessory, such
Of Silver, and a Cross of Gold set much
With Gems that hath of Christ Cross wood therein
This golden Cross ten libra's to it cling.
Two Confessories for th'two Scripture Johns
Having their Arches Silver (thanks good Dons)
He built even from the ground their Lodgens all,
And them compleatly whether great or small.
He garnist Peters Church with marbles ore
Unto the very handles of the doore,
He richly did adorn its Quadriportch
With Marble and Mosaick Worke, brave Church.
Hormisda on Saint Peters did bestow
A silver beam that did amount unto
Full fifteen hundred pound. Justin, Clodove
And other Princes their rich gifts out drove
Unto these Temples, Gems and Pretious Ware,
Six silver Cans, ten silver Bowles rich fare
Hormisda did adorn this with and now
Saint Peter wares a silver Beard and brow.
I weary am to shew the pomp and shew
They in their Consecrating these out threw
Accordingly Baptistories they have
The most without, yet now Honorius grave
Of Tarentine first heav'd them ore the sill.
These Consecrated are with oyly skill.
Now Consecrated Tables Altarizd
And Consecrated Cups are idolizd.
To name the Super of the Lord is rare
Its metamorphosd. Mass is all the fare.
The Super of our Lord it hath tript up
Making't a Trolly-Lolly bit or supt.
Communion Table Cloaths, Mass I should say
They Consecrate. Call Corporalls do they
On which they set the Host (the Cup and Bread)
And make't a sacrifice for Quick and Dead
The Divell rather's in't, than outed so.
Vigetius Pope decreed they should not say
The Words of Consecration but when lay
The Sacrifice upon the Altar there
That's Consecrate in holy Vestment cleare,
And with a mumbling voice whereas before
That all might learn a loud voice up they bore
Hence once as Gygas saith, upon a Stone
The Priest ridiculously set alone
The Bread now in the Camp ore which he said
The Consecrating Words, and it was made
Transubstantiate, and now before them all
Mans bloody flesh appeard, they down do fall
Destroyde by God, and if he do not ly
With mass they now the dead mans mouth do cloy.
This is the May day of Monasteries
Wherein they blossomd: from their shell arise
Like Hemlock budding forth from Banchor Schoole
Converted thus, grew big, and on the stoole
Papoose Monasteries teemd all Europe ore,
France, Germany, and the Italian floor
Scotland, and Ireland. Whence Monks like flyes
Or Ants from molehills and vaild Nuns arise.
Thanks Congill for this Egge. Wee pick it still:
It yieldeth Abby-Lubbers, Dick and Will.
But to return unto the Temple doores
Behold they're Clencht with nails and keyd up ore
With greate and many Gifts. Here wait also
A Worship kankered all which doth grow
Up into Massings, Singings, Exorcisms
To pulverisings, Oylings, Candlisms,
And such rare hits, however matters Chance,
As are such jigs at which the Divells dance.
Wax-Candle prayers, And holy dayes a Swarm
Embers, Rogations, Lents Fast-feast, still-storm.
Church wakes which first Greate Gregory up hoighted
And Candlemass Vigilius pope first lighted
A Rout of Ceremonies strange far more
Than ever could be reckend for good store.
Behold they're Clencht with nails and keyd up ore
With greate and many Gifts. Here wait also
A Worship kankered all which doth grow
Up into Massings, Singings, Exorcisms
To pulverisings, Oylings, Candlisms,
And such rare hits, however matters Chance,
As are such jigs at which the Divells dance.
Wax-Candle prayers, And holy dayes a Swarm
Embers, Rogations, Lents Fast-feast, still-storm.
Church wakes which first Greate Gregory up hoighted
And Candlemass Vigilius pope first lighted
A Rout of Ceremonies strange far more
Than ever could be reckend for good store.
Nay ornaments of Silver and of Gold
And Costly Pearls these play houses do hold.
Our Saviours Image ---ther of his Clay
They stow the Temples with, and worship lay
Upon it too. The Virgin Mary stands
Impictur'd here by image mongers hands.
Peter and Paul are made Church images
By such as say thy are their linages,
And pictures too of other Saints and such
Esteemed so, though haply filld with smutch.
Tapers give light, doctors Rush Candles pink
Perfumes arise, things otherwise much stinke.
White surplices, Albs, and Dalmaticks White
Church Chests with iron band made strong and tite
Are all inricht with here they rest in ease:
(For blackness else doth most attend Church keyes)
These Temples, though they steeples now have filld
With Jack daughs nests to much, It's spring: they build:
Yet richly are enlinde, through superst'tion
With Kings and Princes Guifts, with larg addition.
Justinian sent to John the second Pope
A Golden Crown with Gems stuck in't (a Rope)!
Two Silver Bowls: two silver shining Cups,
For Peters sake. The Fishers Coate off puts.
Brave Belissarius sent a Golden Cross
Adornd with Gems most Pretious (wealthy loss)
In honour of Saint Peters name, Unto
Vigilius, How glorious Temples grow?
The Picture of our Saviour was so rich
Set in a Temple that it did bewitch
A jew to play the thiefe and steale the same
Whose pay, they say, upon his head soon came
In vomiting of blood untill he dide,
And if our Oracle don't us misguide
Mauricius set a stately Diadem
Made by his Emporess and Justins Hen
Namde Sophie wrought by all exquisite Art
Up in the Church. Pelagius did his part
Who garnisht brave thy body, Peters fold,
With Silver Tables richly guilt with gold.
The Emporess Justinians Ladie sent
A Golden Cross stuck full of Pearls in prent,
To Sergius' Temple where rich jewells Chest
In Sergiople Birds of Choisest Crest
Chosross the Father Persia's king gaind this
When he besieg'd the town, but failes of bliss.
His grand son in distress to Sergius prayes
And hath success, his pagan vows he payes
To Sergius, sends back this rich Cross again
With other monuments then tooke --- th'same
Also another welthy golden Cross
Which he with glorious jewells rich did boss
Having his name bravely ingravd therein
And reason shewing why he did this thing
And shortly after other royall gifts
For answering his prayer, which he up lifts
Unto him that his Sira might have Child
A Golden Cross three hundred pounds weight stild,
Five thousand statures more of gold to make
A Dish, Cup, Cross and Censer, to attake
The service of his Table with, and to
Guild ore a Unicorn in open show
And other necessaries: and he sent
A royall Dish of Gold wherein in prent
Stood graven cleare his name and Cause wherefore
He did the martyre Sergius adore,
And deems himselfe an Happy man to have
His name engrav'de in these rich Vessells brave.
Now though this Pagan king did Idolize
This Sergius, in whose Cloake the Serpent joyes
Yet Gregory thy Bishop Antioch
Receives the same of Maurice (Demons joke)
Doth in great shew of solemness repare
To Sergius' Temple, where they stowed are.
And Costly Pearls these play houses do hold.
Our Saviours Image ---ther of his Clay
They stow the Temples with, and worship lay
Upon it too. The Virgin Mary stands
Impictur'd here by image mongers hands.
Peter and Paul are made Church images
By such as say thy are their linages,
Esteemed so, though haply filld with smutch.
Tapers give light, doctors Rush Candles pink
Perfumes arise, things otherwise much stinke.
White surplices, Albs, and Dalmaticks White
Church Chests with iron band made strong and tite
Are all inricht with here they rest in ease:
(For blackness else doth most attend Church keyes)
These Temples, though they steeples now have filld
With Jack daughs nests to much, It's spring: they build:
Yet richly are enlinde, through superst'tion
With Kings and Princes Guifts, with larg addition.
Justinian sent to John the second Pope
A Golden Crown with Gems stuck in't (a Rope)!
Two Silver Bowls: two silver shining Cups,
For Peters sake. The Fishers Coate off puts.
Brave Belissarius sent a Golden Cross
Adornd with Gems most Pretious (wealthy loss)
In honour of Saint Peters name, Unto
Vigilius, How glorious Temples grow?
The Picture of our Saviour was so rich
Set in a Temple that it did bewitch
A jew to play the thiefe and steale the same
Whose pay, they say, upon his head soon came
In vomiting of blood untill he dide,
And if our Oracle don't us misguide
Mauricius set a stately Diadem
Made by his Emporess and Justins Hen
Namde Sophie wrought by all exquisite Art
Up in the Church. Pelagius did his part
Who garnisht brave thy body, Peters fold,
With Silver Tables richly guilt with gold.
The Emporess Justinians Ladie sent
A Golden Cross stuck full of Pearls in prent,
To Sergius' Temple where rich jewells Chest
In Sergiople Birds of Choisest Crest
Chosross the Father Persia's king gaind this
When he besieg'd the town, but failes of bliss.
His grand son in distress to Sergius prayes
And hath success, his pagan vows he payes
To Sergius, sends back this rich Cross again
With other monuments then tooke --- th'same
Also another welthy golden Cross
Which he with glorious jewells rich did boss
Having his name bravely ingravd therein
And reason shewing why he did this thing
And shortly after other royall gifts
For answering his prayer, which he up lifts
Unto him that his Sira might have Child
A Golden Cross three hundred pounds weight stild,
A Dish, Cup, Cross and Censer, to attake
The service of his Table with, and to
Guild ore a Unicorn in open show
And other necessaries: and he sent
A royall Dish of Gold wherein in prent
Stood graven cleare his name and Cause wherefore
He did the martyre Sergius adore,
And deems himselfe an Happy man to have
His name engrav'de in these rich Vessells brave.
Now though this Pagan king did Idolize
This Sergius, in whose Cloake the Serpent joyes
Yet Gregory thy Bishop Antioch
Receives the same of Maurice (Demons joke)
Doth in great shew of solemness repare
To Sergius' Temple, where they stowed are.
But to proceed no fur in this greate shine
Of gold and silver glory Pearld most fine
Fit to be idolizd and to display
Attracting beams that pullice men this way
As by this Pagan Prince is manifest
Who put his trust and pray'rs up in the Chest
Of silver which the Dust of Sergius urnd
Who though to Sergius, ne're to Jesus turnd.
Accordingly you have it storid, when
The first Chosroes Antioch burnt and then
Came to Apamea, the people pray
Thomas their Bishop bring the Cross that they
Esteeming it their onely safety now
Their lives under its shaddow down may bow
And have its Company when hence they go
He brings it out: they do about it flow.
And as he flourisht it in open sight
It is attended with a glorious light
Of a greate flame like to a shining fire
That did him follow as he did retire
From place to place, this done was many times
Its said their safty followed these shines,
Whose picture in their Temples roofe was made
And under it in writing all display'd.
Of gold and silver glory Pearld most fine
Fit to be idolizd and to display
Attracting beams that pullice men this way
As by this Pagan Prince is manifest
Who put his trust and pray'rs up in the Chest
Of silver which the Dust of Sergius urnd
Who though to Sergius, ne're to Jesus turnd.
Accordingly you have it storid, when
The first Chosroes Antioch burnt and then
Came to Apamea, the people pray
Thomas their Bishop bring the Cross that they
Esteeming it their onely safety now
Their lives under its shaddow down may bow
And have its Company when hence they go
He brings it out: they do about it flow.
And as he flourisht it in open sight
It is attended with a glorious light
Of a greate flame like to a shining fire
That did him follow as he did retire
From place to place, this done was many times
Its said their safty followed these shines,
Whose picture in their Temples roofe was made
And under it in writing all display'd.
So Anatolius at Antioch
A varlat vile when he did God provoke
Tiberius the Emperor inquires
Into his crimes. He to the jayle retires
Unto the Virgin Maries image hung
Up there, in prayer with hands lift up did run
Which as they say did turn away from him
As scorning to face such a man of Sin.
When Childabert the French king did besiege
Cesaraugusta, th'Spaniards did proceed
And in sad robes with mourning great did round
With dust upon their heads the Citie bound
About with walls, and with them bore about
Saint Vincents Coate to give the French a rout.
They sing and say their prayres at midnight in
The Temple and their Letonies they bring
Upon the desk: Maurice the Emperour
Did bearfoot come hereto, and veater far
Gregory of Tours when one lay sick surprizd
By a sharp fever, goes, good man advisde
And prayes at Mammies Sepulchre who were
At Catalaun once Bishop, worthy geere.
Gregory the Pope one of the best Divines
These dayes afford, the matter thus defines
That Images are lay mens books, wherefore
He pleads for such as pray at and adore
Before our Saviours Image, they don't pray
Unto it as a God, but in this way,
The Picture doth as Scripture make Gods Son
Into our memory most aptly run:
And with his resurrection joys our minde
Or with his passion swage them as we finde.
A varlat vile when he did God provoke
Tiberius the Emperor inquires
Into his crimes. He to the jayle retires
Unto the Virgin Maries image hung
Up there, in prayer with hands lift up did run
Which as they say did turn away from him
As scorning to face such a man of Sin.
Cesaraugusta, th'Spaniards did proceed
And in sad robes with mourning great did round
With dust upon their heads the Citie bound
About with walls, and with them bore about
Saint Vincents Coate to give the French a rout.
They sing and say their prayres at midnight in
The Temple and their Letonies they bring
Upon the desk: Maurice the Emperour
Did bearfoot come hereto, and veater far
Gregory of Tours when one lay sick surprizd
By a sharp fever, goes, good man advisde
And prayes at Mammies Sepulchre who were
At Catalaun once Bishop, worthy geere.
Gregory the Pope one of the best Divines
These dayes afford, the matter thus defines
That Images are lay mens books, wherefore
He pleads for such as pray at and adore
Before our Saviours Image, they don't pray
Unto it as a God, but in this way,
The Picture doth as Scripture make Gods Son
Into our memory most aptly run:
And with his resurrection joys our minde
Or with his passion swage them as we finde.
Oh superstition! Wither dost thou still
The God provoking droppings of thy Quill.
Such dawbings and such ditchy doing are
Enough to make a fever burn the aire
And while such things take place revenge would plow
Up all by roots. But Patience at this slough
Doth plough her Cheeks so fast with showers of Tears
That quench her firy sparkes and wash as 't 'pears,
Her own pale looks therewith untill she stand
All beautifull: behold her lovely hand.
The God provoking droppings of thy Quill.
Such dawbings and such ditchy doing are
Enough to make a fever burn the aire
And while such things take place revenge would plow
Up all by roots. But Patience at this slough
Doth plough her Cheeks so fast with showers of Tears
That quench her firy sparkes and wash as 't 'pears,
Her own pale looks therewith untill she stand
All beautifull: behold her lovely hand.
4 Schisms
Patience must beare the weight upon her back
Of Prelates Pride and Shisms till it crack
Whose Spirits fly like fire-Balls sulphurizde
And with an hellish blast so sublimisde
They 'to't go tooth and naile whose kiln dride ire
Breaks out in rapid flames and all enfire.
Of Prelates Pride and Shisms till it crack
Whose Spirits fly like fire-Balls sulphurizde
And with an hellish blast so sublimisde
They 'to't go tooth and naile whose kiln dride ire
Breaks out in rapid flames and all enfire.
In Anastasius his rain, a grievous Rent
Was in the Churches West, and Orient.
Some stoode so stiffe to Chalcidons decree
No sylable therein must bated bee
With Leo's Tome. And on the other hand
Synod and Tome Anathemaes have damnd.
Another Cause hereof the Letters were
Henotick Zeno sent of peacefull geere
Which some approovde. Some deemd these buskins poore
And no way fit to shut Dissention's doore.
Hence East and West and Libya's Churches rise
And break off Fellowship like Enemies.
Was in the Churches West, and Orient.
Some stoode so stiffe to Chalcidons decree
No sylable therein must bated bee
Synod and Tome Anathemaes have damnd.
Another Cause hereof the Letters were
Henotick Zeno sent of peacefull geere
Which some approovde. Some deemd these buskins poore
And no way fit to shut Dissention's doore.
Hence East and West and Libya's Churches rise
And break off Fellowship like Enemies.
Another shism rose at Byzant who
Explode what Alexandria's Church did do
Which for Dioscorus upstood unwise
And Chalcedon did Anathematize.
Explode what Alexandria's Church did do
Which for Dioscorus upstood unwise
And Chalcedon did Anathematize.
Now Zeneas the Hieropolitan
Doth Flavian vex, the Antiochian,
Doth Charge him with Nestorian Heresy:
Which he anathemating prov'd a ly.
But Xeneaus, a man full turbulent
When this string faild, unto another went
And still unto another, (envies rich
Of wiliness) untill he'd got a squitch
That whipt into exile good Flavian
And John of Plate also that worthy man,
Constantinople's Macedonius
As we assert it from Evagrius.
Doth Flavian vex, the Antiochian,
Doth Charge him with Nestorian Heresy:
Which he anathemating prov'd a ly.
But Xeneaus, a man full turbulent
When this string faild, unto another went
And still unto another, (envies rich
Of wiliness) untill he'd got a squitch
That whipt into exile good Flavian
And John of Plate also that worthy man,
Constantinople's Macedonius
As we assert it from Evagrius.
At Antioch Severus who arose
From petifoging to a Monke, is chose
Their Bishop, who Chalcedons Faith destroyes
He all good men doth anathematize
Who held Christs nature Humane and Divine.
Some Bishops under him to him encline
Some he compells to yield who after Cry
Pecca vimus and others else where fly
Jerusalems grave bishop him withstands
Cosmas, Orontes, and Severian.
From petifoging to a Monke, is chose
Their Bishop, who Chalcedons Faith destroyes
He all good men doth anathematize
Who held Christs nature Humane and Divine.
Some Bishops under him to him encline
Some he compells to yield who after Cry
Pecca vimus and others else where fly
Jerusalems grave bishop him withstands
Cosmas, Orontes, and Severian.
The Emprour Anastase causd in the Hymn
Trisegion the Quiristers to sing
Who for us Crucifide was as if thus
The Trinity was Crucifide for us
Which Macedonius full Orthodox
As strange to Christian Doctrine gave a box.
A Schism's made, the factious hire greate strength
Come in the Temple singing out in length
Trisagion who for's was Crucifide
The next Lords day they th'great Church thus annoy'de.
Now bloody noses grow, they take a monk
Chop off his head concluding that he stunk
Of all this mischiefe, thus the matter came
To fire and Sword, the Emperour a main
Came to the Hipodromy left his Crown
And by his Harauld sounds he doth lay down
His Empire, hence they sheath their swords and cease
And pray he would retain his Crown in peace.
Trisegion the Quiristers to sing
Who for us Crucifide was as if thus
The Trinity was Crucifide for us
Which Macedonius full Orthodox
As strange to Christian Doctrine gave a box.
A Schism's made, the factious hire greate strength
Come in the Temple singing out in length
Trisagion who for's was Crucifide
The next Lords day they th'great Church thus annoy'de.
Now bloody noses grow, they take a monk
Chop off his head concluding that he stunk
To fire and Sword, the Emperour a main
Came to the Hipodromy left his Crown
And by his Harauld sounds he doth lay down
His Empire, hence they sheath their swords and cease
And pray he would retain his Crown in peace.
Rome tore her Church to bits: a Senator
Namde Festus, bribes the Church whose silver bar
Thus pitcht, doth pitch the vote on Laurence who
Not pleasing some: Some Deacons votes bestow
On Symmac us, ordain him Bishop: and
Thus to't they go to boxing slaughter, stand
To't stoutly, Ravishings and rapine rage
Full three years going for the bishops stage
Peace Child: its Peters Chair and Heir, yet see
How Name and Nature in this Pope agree
True Child though all's as black as coals we trow
Peters Chair vertue whiteneth the Crow.
King Theodorick of an Arian Face
Is made the judge of Peter and his Case,
Who finding in his Quest the better part
For Symmachus, he easeth them their smart,
Stows Peters Chair with him. And doth assign
Laurence the Bishoprick of Nucerine.
This stills the broile a while, outs not the Coare
Which festers four years, then brake out a soare
Malignant now again, they Laurence bring
To Rome again, this did inrage the King,
To whom they Charge Pope Symmachus (Good Head)
As boasting that he licence had, he said
To sin with th'Charge of feeding of the Sheep
And other Crimes. Good Father Pope most sweet!
Theodorick offended layes him by
And Laurence too, and doth the popedome tie
On Peter Altins girdle, Cerberus
Finds here such scraps as make him leape up thus
Into thy Lap dear Mother. Pluto spares
His Dog awhile now to attend thy Cares.
Is Peters Chair thus metamorphosed
Into old Cerberus with's triple head?
But se these heads a fighting, Symmachus
Doth by a Synod pack the other crush
And while he worrid them much blood did fall
Both from the Clergy's veans, and Flocks withall.
And in the kings wide mouth these Collops trudge
There's none but God may to the Pope be judge.
That Peters Chair finds or refines the Bum
That in it sits, and of it makes a Drum.
Namde Festus, bribes the Church whose silver bar
Thus pitcht, doth pitch the vote on Laurence who
Not pleasing some: Some Deacons votes bestow
On Symmac us, ordain him Bishop: and
Thus to't they go to boxing slaughter, stand
To't stoutly, Ravishings and rapine rage
Full three years going for the bishops stage
Peace Child: its Peters Chair and Heir, yet see
How Name and Nature in this Pope agree
True Child though all's as black as coals we trow
Peters Chair vertue whiteneth the Crow.
King Theodorick of an Arian Face
Is made the judge of Peter and his Case,
Who finding in his Quest the better part
For Symmachus, he easeth them their smart,
Stows Peters Chair with him. And doth assign
Laurence the Bishoprick of Nucerine.
This stills the broile a while, outs not the Coare
Which festers four years, then brake out a soare
Malignant now again, they Laurence bring
To Rome again, this did inrage the King,
To whom they Charge Pope Symmachus (Good Head)
As boasting that he licence had, he said
To sin with th'Charge of feeding of the Sheep
And other Crimes. Good Father Pope most sweet!
Theodorick offended layes him by
And Laurence too, and doth the popedome tie
On Peter Altins girdle, Cerberus
Finds here such scraps as make him leape up thus
Into thy Lap dear Mother. Pluto spares
His Dog awhile now to attend thy Cares.
Is Peters Chair thus metamorphosed
Into old Cerberus with's triple head?
But se these heads a fighting, Symmachus
Doth by a Synod pack the other crush
And while he worrid them much blood did fall
Both from the Clergy's veans, and Flocks withall.
And in the kings wide mouth these Collops trudge
There's none but God may to the Pope be judge.
That in it sits, and of it makes a Drum.
This Symmachus his Predicessor rare
The second Anastasius did tare
Away from's Bishops, Priests and Clergie by
Admitting to Communion one whose dy
Was of Acace his dying that the stain
Did rend this head and members all atwain.
The second Anastasius did tare
Away from's Bishops, Priests and Clergie by
Admitting to Communion one whose dy
Was of Acace his dying that the stain
Did rend this head and members all atwain.
Pass we now to Justinians reign, and here
Anthimus of Constantinople shiere
Doth and Thedelze of Alexandria
The truth of Christs Natures distinct away,
Asserting he onely one nature had
Shisms here by all in those Churches gad.
Anthimus of Constantinople shiere
Doth and Thedelze of Alexandria
The truth of Christs Natures distinct away,
Asserting he onely one nature had
Shisms here by all in those Churches gad.
The Monks at Nova Laura, like a web,
Bestained are with errours freckled.
Eustochy of Jerusalem did strive
Therewith, and cast them all out of their hive
Who flying all about did by their hum
Draw many after them by schisms drum.
Bestained are with errours freckled.
Eustochy of Jerusalem did strive
Therewith, and cast them all out of their hive
Who flying all about did by their hum
Draw many after them by schisms drum.
Pope Felix dead, the Chair doth empty stand
While Senate, do with Clergie hand to hand
A squabbling fall and now they make it squeake
Thrusting two bums therein. Good Chair don't breake.
Some Choose and do ordain pope Boniface
Some give Dioscorus the selfe same grace.
Peter thy Chair a two-head monster lies
Nigh thirty dayes, then one picks up and dies.
While Senate, do with Clergie hand to hand
A squabbling fall and now they make it squeake
Thrusting two bums therein. Good Chair don't breake.
Some Choose and do ordain pope Boniface
Some give Dioscorus the selfe same grace.
Peter thy Chair a two-head monster lies
Nigh thirty dayes, then one picks up and dies.
Smaragd the Hexarch of Ravenna saw
The Roman pride to sprawle out of their Craw
To get the bravest Cushon and best place
In all the Church of God their Stooles to grace
Thought to prefer Ravenna and therefore
Joynd to their Bishop John, there others more
Of Aqua Grade and one Severus who
Bishop of Aquileia (Schisms grow)
Pelagius pope and's Romans swell and John
And's Sociats as Schismaticks trample on
The year scarce turnd about, but down they fall
Upon their knees and ask forgiveness all.
Good father pardon us this once and wee
Will do no more so, then he did them free.
The Roman pride to sprawle out of their Craw
To get the bravest Cushon and best place
In all the Church of God their Stooles to grace
Thought to prefer Ravenna and therefore
Joynd to their Bishop John, there others more
Of Aqua Grade and one Severus who
Bishop of Aquileia (Schisms grow)
Pelagius pope and's Romans swell and John
And's Sociats as Schismaticks trample on
The year scarce turnd about, but down they fall
Upon their knees and ask forgiveness all.
Good father pardon us this once and wee
Will do no more so, then he did them free.
John of Constantinople Maurice and
The Grecians bishop make up high to stand
An Universall Head ore Churches all
Gainst whom the Popes of Rome do lowdly ball,
And Gregory the greate this title sayes
Is Usher unto Antichrist and's ways.
The Grecians bishop make up high to stand
An Universall Head ore Churches all
Gainst whom the Popes of Rome do lowdly ball,
And Gregory the greate this title sayes
Is Usher unto Antichrist and's ways.
Cato a Priest at Arvern, Bishop chose
Not yet ordain, did threaton to depose
Cautine, Archdeacon, who to shun the shower
Into Theodwalds Court went as his tower
And is himselfe ordaind the Bishop there.
Hence utter enmity did head up reare.
The Brethren torn a pieces are, some stand
For Cato, some for Cautine, and each hand
Do others Persecute. Patience we see
By Schisms sore, sore exercisd to bee.
Not yet ordain, did threaton to depose
Cautine, Archdeacon, who to shun the shower
Into Theodwalds Court went as his tower
And is himselfe ordaind the Bishop there.
Hence utter enmity did head up reare.
The Brethren torn a pieces are, some stand
For Cato, some for Cautine, and each hand
Do others Persecute. Patience we see
By Schisms sore, sore exercisd to bee.
5. Persecutions.
We now approach to see her beauty more
In Persecutions that attend greate store
Which while she sighs at, and at all the sin
Some Drops of Justice sparkle do herein,
Which slipt between her fingers and we spy
The tears of griefe as pearls in Patience eye.
The Ten horns of the brindled beasts Curld head
The bottomless deep pit up vomited
Do gore the Saints of God and Crimson grow
My pensill will it draw out as I go
Which first will tell how others persecute
And then how these Ten horn such tunes do toot.
In Persecutions that attend greate store
Which while she sighs at, and at all the sin
Some Drops of Justice sparkle do herein,
Which slipt between her fingers and we spy
The tears of griefe as pearls in Patience eye.
The Ten horns of the brindled beasts Curld head
The bottomless deep pit up vomited
Do gore the Saints of God and Crimson grow
My pensill will it draw out as I go
Which first will tell how others persecute
And then how these Ten horn such tunes do toot.
First see the Scene of Sorrows others raise
Ore which stands Patience in her blushing baise
While Anastasius Empires it you have
A Manichean Princk a painted grave
Of Envy and Perjur'd hypocrisy.
He Banisht Euphemy for piety
Brings Macedonius in a worthy one
Who by his wiles is also over thrown
Whom when he could not bring unto his bow
Gets some that slandrous Crimes upon him throw
And Charge him with adultery, the which
In open court to clear himselfe did twitch
His Coate aside, did prove the Charge a lie
Shewing his want of his Virility.
And then another noose is for him set
But in the same his head they cannot get
But yet it matters not, he is Exild
And murderd too at Sangra by their Wild
And many more must pledg him. Some they cover
In banishment: some one way, some another.
He banisht Flavian of Antioch
Elias of Jerusalem of broke
The Saints of Palestine exild, and wast
Untill Gods hand his Venom soule uncast.
Ore which stands Patience in her blushing baise
While Anastasius Empires it you have
A Manichean Princk a painted grave
Of Envy and Perjur'd hypocrisy.
He Banisht Euphemy for piety
Brings Macedonius in a worthy one
Who by his wiles is also over thrown
Whom when he could not bring unto his bow
Gets some that slandrous Crimes upon him throw
And Charge him with adultery, the which
In open court to clear himselfe did twitch
His Coate aside, did prove the Charge a lie
Shewing his want of his Virility.
And then another noose is for him set
But in the same his head they cannot get
But yet it matters not, he is Exild
And murderd too at Sangra by their Wild
And many more must pledg him. Some they cover
In banishment: some one way, some another.
He banisht Flavian of Antioch
Elias of Jerusalem of broke
The Saints of Palestine exild, and wast
Untill Gods hand his Venom soule uncast.
Severe of Antioch the Jews imploide
Who by their aide in CetoSyria stroyd
More than three hundred monks, their Corps he made
Carion for Crows, the Temples wast he laid
Calades King of Persia's rage doth fry
Against Christs flock, and doth the same destroy.
Cuts out their tongues, who yet as pens descry
Spake perfectly. You have't as cheape as I.
Africk puts in her Martyrs Scrole now more
Than full nine hundred dying all in gore.
Here Thrasamund the Vandall king shuts up
The Temple doors: sends that bitter Cup
Of Banishment into Sardinia
Two hundred twenty bishops drank that day
A grievous brack at Rome that two popes made
Became a bitter spring of bloody trade
Each side did cruell Persecution fling
At others and much butchery did spring.
Who by their aide in CetoSyria stroyd
More than three hundred monks, their Corps he made
Carion for Crows, the Temples wast he laid
Calades King of Persia's rage doth fry
Against Christs flock, and doth the same destroy.
Cuts out their tongues, who yet as pens descry
Spake perfectly. You have't as cheape as I.
Africk puts in her Martyrs Scrole now more
Than full nine hundred dying all in gore.
Here Thrasamund the Vandall king shuts up
The Temple doors: sends that bitter Cup
Of Banishment into Sardinia
Two hundred twenty bishops drank that day
A grievous brack at Rome that two popes made
Became a bitter spring of bloody trade
Each side did cruell Persecution fling
At others and much butchery did spring.
But pass we ore to Justines Scepter bright
Which in five hundred nineteenth year did light
A certain Jew who glori'd that he was
The son of Moses did to Negra pass
A City in Arabia Felix strong
Did summon Christians there from Christ to come
Which when he nought prevaild his tyranny
Did very many there sadly destroy.
And Arethas the Bishop of the place
A Crown of Martyrdom did there embrace.
Which in five hundred nineteenth year did light
A certain Jew who glori'd that he was
The son of Moses did to Negra pass
A City in Arabia Felix strong
Did summon Christians there from Christ to come
Which when he nought prevaild his tyranny
Did very many there sadly destroy.
And Arethas the Bishop of the place
A Crown of Martyrdom did there embrace.
When Thrasamund the Vandall King wagd war
With Cabaon the Moore and in this jar
Did enter Tripolis, in cruell fret
And all base injuries afoot did set
Prophaning of their Temple, did anoy
The ministers, scourging them cruelly.
With Cabaon the Moore and in this jar
Did enter Tripolis, in cruell fret
And all base injuries afoot did set
Prophaning of their Temple, did anoy
The ministers, scourging them cruelly.
But Justins sisters son Justinian
Five hundred twenty eight his realm began
The Analphabetist did well begin
A cruell punishment on varlets fling
And upon Pederasts, for off he parde
Their Genitalls as things that might be sparde
But after fell in th'Eutychean sties
And monstrous Covetous did up arise
His filching Craft did snuff the Wealthies' Light
The Empire to Mechanicks farmd out streight
Sold justice and for gain did theeves admit
Murders and Butcheries, plunders do sit
Unpunished and such as seek to fray
Away these mischiefs are soon made away.
And though he by John Patricks pains with aid
Dorotheus and Theophilus here made
The Roman Laws full easy (which possesst
Two thousand fifty Volumns) now new dresst
Which now come in small lumps and stild are thus
Digesta, some Pandecta. Welthy plush.
Or by the Lawyers now Justinians Laws
Yet after all is said he's filled with flaws.
Five hundred twenty eight his realm began
The Analphabetist did well begin
A cruell punishment on varlets fling
And upon Pederasts, for off he parde
Their Genitalls as things that might be sparde
But after fell in th'Eutychean sties
And monstrous Covetous did up arise
His filching Craft did snuff the Wealthies' Light
The Empire to Mechanicks farmd out streight
Sold justice and for gain did theeves admit
Murders and Butcheries, plunders do sit
Unpunished and such as seek to fray
Away these mischiefs are soon made away.
And though he by John Patricks pains with aid
Dorotheus and Theophilus here made
The Roman Laws full easy (which possesst
Two thousand fifty Volumns) now new dresst
Digesta, some Pandecta. Welthy plush.
Or by the Lawyers now Justinians Laws
Yet after all is said he's filled with flaws.
Sore havock the Samaritanish Jews
By Julian their King make and did use
They temples barns and monuments with fire
Most Cruelly with tortures out do tire
The Christian now in Palestine and most
About Neople where they did disghost
Their Bishop with a sword: their pastors stroy
And cut to steaks in frying pans them fry
With martyres Relicks: at Cesaria
In Palestine all Christians down did slay.
By Julian their King make and did use
They temples barns and monuments with fire
Most Cruelly with tortures out do tire
The Christian now in Palestine and most
About Neople where they did disghost
Their Bishop with a sword: their pastors stroy
And cut to steaks in frying pans them fry
With martyres Relicks: at Cesaria
In Palestine all Christians down did slay.
The Vandalls kill King Childerick because
From banishment the godly saints he draws
And Gilimer with all his hellish wiles
Not gainings Saints from Christ them sadly spoiles,
Cuts out their tongues whom yet as authors tell
Who did behold it, they did speak right well.
From banishment the godly saints he draws
And Gilimer with all his hellish wiles
Not gainings Saints from Christ them sadly spoiles,
Cuts out their tongues whom yet as authors tell
Who did behold it, they did speak right well.
The Jews again in Palestin do rise
The Temples burn, and bring great miseries
On Christians, the Lieutenant Stephen kill
And at Cesaria his state ceise still.
The Temples burn, and bring great miseries
On Christians, the Lieutenant Stephen kill
And at Cesaria his state ceise still.
The Huns afflict the Churches sore in Greece
And Plunder do the Thracian Chersonese.
Justinian grows an Aphthartodokite
And doth against the Orthodox now fight
Exiles now Eutychius bishop grave
And Anastase from Antioch he drave
Had Death not quencht his cruelty and heat
And made his persecution to retreat.
And Plunder do the Thracian Chersonese.
Justinian grows an Aphthartodokite
And doth against the Orthodox now fight
Exiles now Eutychius bishop grave
And Anastase from Antioch he drave
Had Death not quencht his cruelty and heat
And made his persecution to retreat.
Justinian dropping in Deaths pitfall and
His nephew nam'd Justinian too upstands
First liberall; but grew a Cormorant,
Did snuff the Silver Candles, shunning want,
Of Usurers and rich men, did excise
The Churches and men very poore likewise,
Cut of his Cousins Justins head asleep,
A worthy souldier, Alexandria weep.
Though many worthy things he did, yet hee
Did many Vex. Now Antioch shall see
Their Bishop Anastase Exiled upon
False Crimes, a trick delighting many dons.
Th'Armenians by Chosroes are distresst
Who to the Churches was a grievous pest.
His nephew nam'd Justinian too upstands
First liberall; but grew a Cormorant,
Did snuff the Silver Candles, shunning want,
Of Usurers and rich men, did excise
The Churches and men very poore likewise,
Cut of his Cousins Justins head asleep,
A worthy souldier, Alexandria weep.
Though many worthy things he did, yet hee
Did many Vex. Now Antioch shall see
Their Bishop Anastase Exiled upon
False Crimes, a trick delighting many dons.
Th'Armenians by Chosroes are distresst
Who to the Churches was a grievous pest.
Justinian languishing, Tiberius chose
And on him's Crown and Royall Coate bestows
With pious Exhortation in such wise
As shews that in repentance deep he lies
Chargd him beware that th'shady glitter fine
And sparkling Robe him cheat not with its shine.
As they have me who wretchedly now smart,
Correct my sins I pray: justice impart
To all and minde not these (pointing unto
His Princes and his Counsellours a row)
For they have ruind me (where at they all
Amaizd let store of trickling tears down fall.)
But see thou honour God and's Church which were
Before thy Mistress, now thy mother deare
Let each retain his own: give to the poore
Observe all others and thyselfe much more.
What thou once wast and whom thou now art minde
Let my Example have thy Eye, be n't blinde.
Remember whom I were just now before
And whom I at the present am therefore
And of these Exhortations a full Crop
From the Imperiall Lips a pace did drop.
Whereat Tiberius Cesar at his feet
Prostrates himselfe and gives out speeches sweet
If thou (saith he) dost please I am: but art
Not pleasd here with, I am not, but depart:
To which the Emperour replide, Let God
Who made both heaven and earth and all abroad
Imminde thee of all things that I have here
Forgot to speake, teach thee's most holy Feare
That all things may go prosperously with thee,
And that by him thou maist have happy glee;
Tiberius thus enthroned on doth go
Gent, Gentle, Modest, Courtious, Just also,
Wise, Liberall Mercifull, Godly, and Blesst
And Valourous, second to none, the best.
He Justins treasures scarcly justly got
Did to the poore most liberaly allot
But I forget my selfe. Patience smiles here.
Whereas I am to bottle up here tears
Which very many are whose scutchons hang
On those ten horns which on the Beasts head sprang.
The Persians war against him, hence great smart
By Persick hatred pierceth godly hearts.
And on him's Crown and Royall Coate bestows
With pious Exhortation in such wise
As shews that in repentance deep he lies
Chargd him beware that th'shady glitter fine
And sparkling Robe him cheat not with its shine.
Correct my sins I pray: justice impart
To all and minde not these (pointing unto
His Princes and his Counsellours a row)
For they have ruind me (where at they all
Amaizd let store of trickling tears down fall.)
But see thou honour God and's Church which were
Before thy Mistress, now thy mother deare
Let each retain his own: give to the poore
Observe all others and thyselfe much more.
What thou once wast and whom thou now art minde
Let my Example have thy Eye, be n't blinde.
Remember whom I were just now before
And whom I at the present am therefore
And of these Exhortations a full Crop
From the Imperiall Lips a pace did drop.
Whereat Tiberius Cesar at his feet
Prostrates himselfe and gives out speeches sweet
If thou (saith he) dost please I am: but art
Not pleasd here with, I am not, but depart:
To which the Emperour replide, Let God
Who made both heaven and earth and all abroad
Imminde thee of all things that I have here
Forgot to speake, teach thee's most holy Feare
That all things may go prosperously with thee,
And that by him thou maist have happy glee;
Tiberius thus enthroned on doth go
Gent, Gentle, Modest, Courtious, Just also,
Wise, Liberall Mercifull, Godly, and Blesst
And Valourous, second to none, the best.
He Justins treasures scarcly justly got
Did to the poore most liberaly allot
But I forget my selfe. Patience smiles here.
Whereas I am to bottle up here tears
Which very many are whose scutchons hang
On those ten horns which on the Beasts head sprang.
The Persians war against him, hence great smart
By Persick hatred pierceth godly hearts.
But Good Tiberius we now entomb
And to his Cousin Maurice do presume,
Excelling in great Prudence, Piety,
Clemency, Valour, Liberality
And other Virtues in whose golden Rayes
The Church lay running in her Halcyon dayes
But black clouds do up spring the Persian ire
Doth wast Armenia by sword and fire
Doth Captivate bishops and people too
At Antioch Greg'ry doth meet with woe.
In Sicily Lieuetenant Theodore
Did vex the Christians and made many sore
Abusing of his power against the will
Of's Prince (as Courtiers oft do practice still)
A Persian woman namde Galanduch now
For many years all torments that allow
Great anguish hath sustaind because she would
Not from the Faith of Christ let go her hold,
A Crown of Martyredome most glorious gain,
After her grievous Sorrows doth obtain.
The other Exercise of Patience bright
Upon the Ten horn'd Dragons heads do light
Whereto my pen doth nimbly run ints race
There to adorn rich Patience with her grace.
And to his Cousin Maurice do presume,
Excelling in great Prudence, Piety,
Clemency, Valour, Liberality
And other Virtues in whose golden Rayes
The Church lay running in her Halcyon dayes
But black clouds do up spring the Persian ire
Doth wast Armenia by sword and fire
Doth Captivate bishops and people too
At Antioch Greg'ry doth meet with woe.
In Sicily Lieuetenant Theodore
Did vex the Christians and made many sore
Abusing of his power against the will
Of's Prince (as Courtiers oft do practice still)
For many years all torments that allow
Great anguish hath sustaind because she would
Not from the Faith of Christ let go her hold,
A Crown of Martyredome most glorious gain,
After her grievous Sorrows doth obtain.
The other Exercise of Patience bright
Upon the Ten horn'd Dragons heads do light
Whereto my pen doth nimbly run ints race
There to adorn rich Patience with her grace.
The second sort of sparkling Gems we take
Out of the Crowns the ten Horns weare to make
Bright studs to shine in Patience's Crown most clear
Whose glory thus we give to shine out here.
Out of the Crowns the ten Horns weare to make
Bright studs to shine in Patience's Crown most clear
Whose glory thus we give to shine out here.
Now first the Horn that gord the Alpine Coast
Of Rhetia Prima German Prime makes rost
Of the Bajorian Saints the Christians high
From Ratisbon and th'Contries all that ly
Verging thereon, they banish, wast and slay
Their Ministers, in Ashes temples lay.
Do freshen Hercules his worship, and
The Worship of the Heathens by the hand
Of Prince Theodo the Bajorian
This horned bull the furious head doth fan.
Of Rhetia Prima German Prime makes rost
Of the Bajorian Saints the Christians high
From Ratisbon and th'Contries all that ly
Verging thereon, they banish, wast and slay
Their Ministers, in Ashes temples lay.
Do freshen Hercules his worship, and
The Worship of the Heathens by the hand
Of Prince Theodo the Bajorian
This horned bull the furious head doth fan.
A second fury Patience mourns at stands
Upon the Horns of Ostrogoths, and spans
Now Italy, Province. Theodorick
Staind in the Arian Dy fat 'way doth kick
The Christian nobles Symmachus, Boece
Wise Consulls. John Rome's Bishop coming from out of Grece
With his Companions, Legates, prison'd are
Now at Ravenna and by stinck bad fare
Hunger and Thirst is slain and Orthodox
In all his Coasts he vexeth with a pox.
Upon the Horns of Ostrogoths, and spans
Now Italy, Province. Theodorick
Staind in the Arian Dy fat 'way doth kick
The Christian nobles Symmachus, Boece
Wise Consulls. John Rome's Bishop coming from out of Grece
With his Companions, Legates, prison'd are
Now at Ravenna and by stinck bad fare
Hunger and Thirst is slain and Orthodox
In all his Coasts he vexeth with a pox.
In th'second Justins day Totilas th'King
Gods Scourge did havock sore upon them bring
Prusium besiegd, the Bishop Herculane
Upon the Citie walls beheads when ta'ne
And fleys from Head to hell his skin off quite
And held his hide out for a shew or sight.
One of the soldiers, Arian wretch, slew all
Both Monks and Clericks in his hands that fall.
Cerbon Bishop of Populone because
He hid some Gottish souldiers, to the paws
Of a mad bare is Cast which did not bite
But lickt his feet spite of Totilas's spite.
This Horn yielding its seat's made Lombardine
Which ragde against Christs saints in King Alboine
Who entred Italy, swore he would put
All Christians to the sword, and them off cut
And fell upon the same, Temples destroy'd
Slay all the Priests, Hangd Monks on trees up tide,
Besiegd Millain, and taking it down fell
All Christian Citizens that in't did dwell.
Illyrian Christians now to feel this Lash
Against the Bishops of their Churches pass,
And Sicily is made to smart and Cry
Many a worthy saint in jayle did lie.
Gods Scourge did havock sore upon them bring
Prusium besiegd, the Bishop Herculane
Upon the Citie walls beheads when ta'ne
And fleys from Head to hell his skin off quite
And held his hide out for a shew or sight.
One of the soldiers, Arian wretch, slew all
Both Monks and Clericks in his hands that fall.
Cerbon Bishop of Populone because
He hid some Gottish souldiers, to the paws
Of a mad bare is Cast which did not bite
But lickt his feet spite of Totilas's spite.
Which ragde against Christs saints in King Alboine
Who entred Italy, swore he would put
All Christians to the sword, and them off cut
And fell upon the same, Temples destroy'd
Slay all the Priests, Hangd Monks on trees up tide,
Besiegd Millain, and taking it down fell
All Christian Citizens that in't did dwell.
Illyrian Christians now to feel this Lash
Against the Bishops of their Churches pass,
And Sicily is made to smart and Cry
Many a worthy saint in jayle did lie.
A third bright scutchon hung in Patience's Hall
Tost by the Westgoths Horn in Spain I shall
A little View as follows, For we finde
Almerick king in Arrian Cups unkinde,
Clotild his Queen of Faith true, Orthodox
He doth with various sorts of torments box
Whom as she often went to Christian Rites
With dung and all bad nasty things bedights.
At length he stripes her with such Cruelty
His handcarchief did in his Wife blood dy
Which he to Childebert her brother sends
Which bred a bloody war between them friends.
Tost by the Westgoths Horn in Spain I shall
A little View as follows, For we finde
Almerick king in Arrian Cups unkinde,
Clotild his Queen of Faith true, Orthodox
He doth with various sorts of torments box
Whom as she often went to Christian Rites
With dung and all bad nasty things bedights.
At length he stripes her with such Cruelty
His handcarchief did in his Wife blood dy
Which he to Childebert her brother sends
Which bred a bloody war between them friends.
A Pagan Prince in Spain Abdila calld
To bitter persecuting Christ upcalld
An hundred armed ships at sea whose Chiefe
Commander Manucha a vile Catiefe
A most infested Enemy of Christ
Who to give idoll worship now an hoist
And root the name of Christ quite out of earth
The Abby of Casina stroys. Here birth
Is given to his works. All towns thereto
Belonging doth with fire and sword out do.
The Priests with various torments doth destroy
Placid the Martyre with two brethren ly,
One Virgin sister, three and thirty more
All at Massane most Cruelly in gore.
To bitter persecuting Christ upcalld
An hundred armed ships at sea whose Chiefe
Commander Manucha a vile Catiefe
A most infested Enemy of Christ
Who to give idoll worship now an hoist
And root the name of Christ quite out of earth
The Abby of Casina stroys. Here birth
Is given to his works. All towns thereto
Belonging doth with fire and sword out do.
The Priests with various torments doth destroy
Placid the Martyre with two brethren ly,
One Virgin sister, three and thirty more
All at Massane most Cruelly in gore.
Hermingild too, King Lenichilds Choice Heire,
Wedding Jugund Segiberts daughter fair
Whom Eroiswinth the grandam kindly seems
To Welcom now with a pomp meet for a Queen
Yet when her Arrian flattring tongue doth meet
A Pious answer that her Faith should keep
Saying it me sufficeth once that I
Have in the Laver which doth purify
Of sacred Baptism from all the blot
Originall and have Confess'd (why not?)
The Holy Trinity in Unity
And in Equality, Her rage grew high
(I say now Hermingild) doth trouble Finde
For Eroiswinth as one of Venom minde
Doth snatch the Damsell by the hair and fell
Her to the ground, and playes the Jezabell
Doth spurn her, makes her all goar blood and bid
Strip, drown her in the fish poole and her rid.
But being saved by an hand divine
Her husband doth Convert by pious shine
Of Jugunds and Leanders sermons now
Bishop of Sevill from the Arrian slough.
Hence Levigild his Arrian Sire doth rage
By Threats and Promises to disingage
Him from the truth of Christ, all rotten twine
That Can do nothing. Then he takes this line
Doth abdicat him from the Kingdom and
Of all his goods doth spoyle him out of hand.
Invalid argument, hence on he goes
His neck and hands with irons loaded throws
Him into Prison very cruelly
And sent an Arrian Bishop to untie
His Arrian Points unto him preaching now
But all this Rhetorick he with his brow
Doth beate away (Dozde wood no building makes)
His Cruell Fathers Axe (Steele without flakes)
Is stronger argument. He gave Command:
And out he's brought at Easter (heavy hand)
To waite Christs passion, to the Scaffold led
The Fathers Axe Cuts of the Sons green head.
Oh! Cruell Father! Cruell Heresy!
Patiences Cheeks grow red and blush hereby
And Good Leander feels the Crabbid Claws
Of the old Lion, falling in his paws
And brave Jugund seing this tragedy
Attempts for France, doth to her Father fly.
But falling in the solders hands that kept
The Frontiers 'gainst the Goths, that 'gainst them stept:
By whom she with her babe is banished
To Sicily, which held her dying head,
Which being laid, her babe was had away
To Maurice, who his sun shine on't did lay,
But on the stage did at this season peer
A dismall rage against true Christians here,
In Spain raisd Exoiswinth who's otherwise
Calld Goiswint, author of these Miseries.
Wedding Jugund Segiberts daughter fair
Whom Eroiswinth the grandam kindly seems
To Welcom now with a pomp meet for a Queen
Yet when her Arrian flattring tongue doth meet
A Pious answer that her Faith should keep
Saying it me sufficeth once that I
Have in the Laver which doth purify
Of sacred Baptism from all the blot
Originall and have Confess'd (why not?)
The Holy Trinity in Unity
And in Equality, Her rage grew high
For Eroiswinth as one of Venom minde
Doth snatch the Damsell by the hair and fell
Her to the ground, and playes the Jezabell
Doth spurn her, makes her all goar blood and bid
Strip, drown her in the fish poole and her rid.
But being saved by an hand divine
Her husband doth Convert by pious shine
Of Jugunds and Leanders sermons now
Bishop of Sevill from the Arrian slough.
Hence Levigild his Arrian Sire doth rage
By Threats and Promises to disingage
Him from the truth of Christ, all rotten twine
That Can do nothing. Then he takes this line
Doth abdicat him from the Kingdom and
Of all his goods doth spoyle him out of hand.
Invalid argument, hence on he goes
His neck and hands with irons loaded throws
Him into Prison very cruelly
And sent an Arrian Bishop to untie
His Arrian Points unto him preaching now
But all this Rhetorick he with his brow
Doth beate away (Dozde wood no building makes)
His Cruell Fathers Axe (Steele without flakes)
Is stronger argument. He gave Command:
And out he's brought at Easter (heavy hand)
To waite Christs passion, to the Scaffold led
The Fathers Axe Cuts of the Sons green head.
Oh! Cruell Father! Cruell Heresy!
Patiences Cheeks grow red and blush hereby
And Good Leander feels the Crabbid Claws
Of the old Lion, falling in his paws
And brave Jugund seing this tragedy
Attempts for France, doth to her Father fly.
But falling in the solders hands that kept
The Frontiers 'gainst the Goths, that 'gainst them stept:
By whom she with her babe is banished
To Sicily, which held her dying head,
Which being laid, her babe was had away
To Maurice, who his sun shine on't did lay,
But on the stage did at this season peer
A dismall rage against true Christians here,
In Spain raisd Exoiswinth who's otherwise
Calld Goiswint, author of these Miseries.
I to a fourth horn come on which doth ride
A glorious shine standing by Patience side
France Calleth Patience for her Garden breeds
This shining flower nigh smootherd 'mongst her Weeds.
And in the present limits up there buds
More horns than one (though they're hardly knubs)
But though they now finde one hath stumpt so wide
As in its bottom all the rest do hide
Yet then they sevrall were (though in the maw
Of one they ly as eaten Corn i'th'Craw)
And thus they on did go, and with their horn
Did fan the aire, as they Christ sheep have torn.
These with the Almans (two horns now) do joyn
With Gotths, have Captains Leuthar and Bultine
Two Almans, Italy invade, destroy
Their Temples; take their golden vessell, fy,
Defile their Temple do with Crhistian blood
Their bodies ly unburide (Judgments bud.)
A glorious shine standing by Patience side
France Calleth Patience for her Garden breeds
This shining flower nigh smootherd 'mongst her Weeds.
More horns than one (though they're hardly knubs)
But though they now finde one hath stumpt so wide
As in its bottom all the rest do hide
Yet then they sevrall were (though in the maw
Of one they ly as eaten Corn i'th'Craw)
And thus they on did go, and with their horn
Did fan the aire, as they Christ sheep have torn.
These with the Almans (two horns now) do joyn
With Gotths, have Captains Leuthar and Bultine
Two Almans, Italy invade, destroy
Their Temples; take their golden vessell, fy,
Defile their Temple do with Crhistian blood
Their bodies ly unburide (Judgments bud.)
Chilperick king of France doth pitch his nets
Hating his Brother Sig'bert king of Metz,
Commands his Eldest son Theodobert
By Andover his wife him up to girt,
And to invade his Kingdom which he did
And Tours, Pictou, and other Countries big,
He cruelly oppresses, Churches burns,
Their Abbies stroys, Monks from their lives he turns,
Their Virgins ravishes, days as bad sprang
As Diacletians or Maximians,
Did put away his Queen Andover cause
She was her Daughters godmother 'gainst Laws
Of Antichrist: which do forbid to ly
With goddam of her own posterity,
Did bannish too the Bishop who baptizd
The Child: this causd was by his harlot prizd,
Commanded t'kill King Sigibert his brother,
Is stild a Nero, Herod or such other;
His Cruell Tyranny on Christians fell
Full many like a flake of fire from hell.
The Bishops and the Ministers of Churches
He did revile and with all sort of lurches
And torments great did vex them as was wild
By Fredigund his Harlot therein skilld.
This Fredigund in boyling Malice steept
Gainst Wise Pretextate till its venom reeke
Did poyson so the King, that his hot ire
Him prison'd then exild him: and yet higher
For when, after some years, he was restord
To Rothomag his holy Zeale implor'd
Her in his Sermons to Repent which lance
Upon her perboild Envie's bag did chance
To let it out so that she hireth some
The next Lords day to stob him which is done,
While in Gods worship he engagued was
Which being done it also came to pass
The Church at Rothomag is all in black
And one Chief senator smites on her back
Her bloody fact, whose tongue to silence she
Prepares a glass of wine for, th'Feate you see.
Hating his Brother Sig'bert king of Metz,
Commands his Eldest son Theodobert
By Andover his wife him up to girt,
And to invade his Kingdom which he did
And Tours, Pictou, and other Countries big,
He cruelly oppresses, Churches burns,
Their Abbies stroys, Monks from their lives he turns,
Their Virgins ravishes, days as bad sprang
As Diacletians or Maximians,
Did put away his Queen Andover cause
She was her Daughters godmother 'gainst Laws
Of Antichrist: which do forbid to ly
With goddam of her own posterity,
Did bannish too the Bishop who baptizd
The Child: this causd was by his harlot prizd,
Commanded t'kill King Sigibert his brother,
Is stild a Nero, Herod or such other;
His Cruell Tyranny on Christians fell
Full many like a flake of fire from hell.
The Bishops and the Ministers of Churches
He did revile and with all sort of lurches
And torments great did vex them as was wild
By Fredigund his Harlot therein skilld.
This Fredigund in boyling Malice steept
Gainst Wise Pretextate till its venom reeke
Did poyson so the King, that his hot ire
Him prison'd then exild him: and yet higher
For when, after some years, he was restord
To Rothomag his holy Zeale implor'd
Her in his Sermons to Repent which lance
Upon her perboild Envie's bag did chance
To let it out so that she hireth some
The next Lords day to stob him which is done,
While in Gods worship he engagued was
Which being done it also came to pass
And one Chief senator smites on her back
Her bloody fact, whose tongue to silence she
Prepares a glass of wine for, th'Feate you see.
In Child'berts reign, Divamius President
At brave Marselles who his fury spent
Against their Bishop Theodore who now
Sought succour from the King, but yet must bow;
Poore man! is snapt up in his journy and
Tormented grievously by his hand.
The Clarks now laugh, whose sins his Checks did gall,
Like Wolves they on the Churches treasures fall
And with their burning tongues him slandering wound
Yet he to Child'bert gets, begs help and sound.
He's sent with Gundulph the Lieutenant back
To Marselleis. But Divame with his pack
Keeping the gates reviles them both, buts strapt
By Gundulphs souldiers, yet by bribes well packt
Fair weather makes with this Duke Gundulph and
Swore to restore the Bishop out of hand
Unto his Charge. But then the Priests and so
The Abbat who had causd Theodore's woe
Under Divamius' wing harke as his Chicks
Some sureties give, and bring the King their tricks
And Gundulph being gone Divamius doth
Sent to King Gunthran, breaking of his Oath
He could not hold Marselleis. Theodore
Brought now to rase the Church was made the sore.
Gunthran inrag'd, the Bishops slips aside,
But is trapand 's thrown on a horse fast tide
And in disgracefull wise to th'king is brought.
Marsellies priests with Church Wealth now are fraught
But Gunthran finding him full innocent
Him back to his with gifts again soon sent.
These things a grievous fire 'twixt these two Kings
Gunthran, and Child'bert, raisd. Strife quickly springs
Another bone is thrown at Theodore
For Gunthran Base, a Courtier (such are store)
Of Chilpericks causd him in jayle to ly
Because he lodgd Gundoald the traitor, why?
Because he feignd himselfe the French kings son.
But now Good man, his ardent prayers do run
Unto the throne of Grace whence a most bright
And shining glory filld his Room as fright
His keeper did. He's to king Gunthran led
With Epiphane who from the Longbards fled
To void their persecution and back sent
Again thus by the King to prisonment,
Where Epiphanius dies but Theodore
Proovd innocent his freedom hath therefore.
But still the Pot doth wollop ore. Gunthran
Seeks now all mischiefe, though the Worthy man
Was in the Power of Child'bert, who t'allay
The fire from flaming draws the wood away.
Lieuetenant Rathare to Marseiles sent
Who treacherously doth faile the Kings intent.
He Theodore demands t'give Suretie
And packt him to Gunthran his Enemy
That he might charge him to appere before
The Matisconine Synod of the store
Of Bishops there to be adjudgd, mean while
Rathare the Churches Riches makes a spoile
Sells part and fills his purse with seals the rest,
And make them prisoners, which thing when Chest
In Child'berts Eare, he gave his fathers brother
A Charge to intercede, lest in this smoother,
Here Theodore should suffer any wrong
And thus the greate and open seeds up sprung
Of all intestine Quarrells and black jarrs
Twixt Child'bert and Gunthran of foolish wars.
At brave Marselles who his fury spent
Against their Bishop Theodore who now
Sought succour from the King, but yet must bow;
Poore man! is snapt up in his journy and
Tormented grievously by his hand.
The Clarks now laugh, whose sins his Checks did gall,
Like Wolves they on the Churches treasures fall
And with their burning tongues him slandering wound
Yet he to Child'bert gets, begs help and sound.
He's sent with Gundulph the Lieutenant back
To Marselleis. But Divame with his pack
Keeping the gates reviles them both, buts strapt
By Gundulphs souldiers, yet by bribes well packt
Fair weather makes with this Duke Gundulph and
Swore to restore the Bishop out of hand
Unto his Charge. But then the Priests and so
The Abbat who had causd Theodore's woe
Under Divamius' wing harke as his Chicks
Some sureties give, and bring the King their tricks
And Gundulph being gone Divamius doth
Sent to King Gunthran, breaking of his Oath
He could not hold Marselleis. Theodore
Brought now to rase the Church was made the sore.
Gunthran inrag'd, the Bishops slips aside,
But is trapand 's thrown on a horse fast tide
And in disgracefull wise to th'king is brought.
Marsellies priests with Church Wealth now are fraught
But Gunthran finding him full innocent
Him back to his with gifts again soon sent.
These things a grievous fire 'twixt these two Kings
Gunthran, and Child'bert, raisd. Strife quickly springs
Another bone is thrown at Theodore
For Gunthran Base, a Courtier (such are store)
Of Chilpericks causd him in jayle to ly
Because he lodgd Gundoald the traitor, why?
Because he feignd himselfe the French kings son.
But now Good man, his ardent prayers do run
Unto the throne of Grace whence a most bright
And shining glory filld his Room as fright
His keeper did. He's to king Gunthran led
With Epiphane who from the Longbards fled
To void their persecution and back sent
Again thus by the King to prisonment,
Where Epiphanius dies but Theodore
Proovd innocent his freedom hath therefore.
Seeks now all mischiefe, though the Worthy man
Was in the Power of Child'bert, who t'allay
The fire from flaming draws the wood away.
Lieuetenant Rathare to Marseiles sent
Who treacherously doth faile the Kings intent.
He Theodore demands t'give Suretie
And packt him to Gunthran his Enemy
That he might charge him to appere before
The Matisconine Synod of the store
Of Bishops there to be adjudgd, mean while
Rathare the Churches Riches makes a spoile
Sells part and fills his purse with seals the rest,
And make them prisoners, which thing when Chest
In Child'berts Eare, he gave his fathers brother
A Charge to intercede, lest in this smoother,
Here Theodore should suffer any wrong
And thus the greate and open seeds up sprung
Of all intestine Quarrells and black jarrs
Twixt Child'bert and Gunthran of foolish wars.
But now Poor Britain thou must have thy sup
As well as others of this bitter Cup
Thy Pagan Saxon that thy Christ disdain
When Octa and vile Cosa a new train
Of Cruell pagans bring from Germany
Thy Temples down are Cast, thy Saints dead lie
No age nor sex are sparde, grave Theonius
London's good bishop, And Thadiol thus
Bishop of Yorke seing their flocks destroy'd
The Ministers fall slain on every side
Retire to Wales and Cornwall: all the land
Save This, fall under cruell pagans hand
Who utterly destroy the Christians in't
Gurmund an Africk Pagan King did dint
His sword herein and so this land lay void
Of Christian Faith and on the Pagans side
Till Austin Came Palled from Rome to win
The Pagan Saxon unto Christ our King
And making gain of some, grew proud and huff
A Counsill calls, t'have Brittains use Romes Muffe.
They send then seven Choice Grave Bishops to't
And of the Wisest of all Banchors note
Whose eye beholding Austins pride so greate
As at their entrance would not from his seate
Once move his taile, they did disdain his pride
And did reject him and his stuff beside
Which set his Monkish lambkin in such rage
(As if a Wolfe was in't) he did presage
Or rather threaton them; seing they would
Not take peace with them; they in sharp war should
Fall by that People seeing to them they
Would not the Gospell preach, they should them slay,
But this they do not heed: they would as soon
Communicate with dogs as Anglish boon.
As well as others of this bitter Cup
Thy Pagan Saxon that thy Christ disdain
When Octa and vile Cosa a new train
Of Cruell pagans bring from Germany
Thy Temples down are Cast, thy Saints dead lie
No age nor sex are sparde, grave Theonius
London's good bishop, And Thadiol thus
Bishop of Yorke seing their flocks destroy'd
The Ministers fall slain on every side
Retire to Wales and Cornwall: all the land
Save This, fall under cruell pagans hand
Who utterly destroy the Christians in't
Gurmund an Africk Pagan King did dint
His sword herein and so this land lay void
Of Christian Faith and on the Pagans side
Till Austin Came Palled from Rome to win
The Pagan Saxon unto Christ our King
And making gain of some, grew proud and huff
A Counsill calls, t'have Brittains use Romes Muffe.
They send then seven Choice Grave Bishops to't
And of the Wisest of all Banchors note
Whose eye beholding Austins pride so greate
As at their entrance would not from his seate
Once move his taile, they did disdain his pride
And did reject him and his stuff beside
Which set his Monkish lambkin in such rage
(As if a Wolfe was in't) he did presage
Not take peace with them; they in sharp war should
Fall by that People seeing to them they
Would not the Gospell preach, they should them slay,
But this they do not heed: they would as soon
Communicate with dogs as Anglish boon.
Hence Ethelbert the King of Kent the Saint
Of Austins mint, who dented (oh brave paint)
With Austin for his Faith (Its handsell rich)
Up stirs Ethelfride King Northumber which
Joyns with him and a mighty power do raise
Who take the war upon them, fly delayes,
And draw their Pagan swords against all right
Upon the Brittains and in Cheshier fight
To Chester come Whose Consull Bremell there
Assisted with an Army Christian, Clear,
With many monks and Students worthy who
Came most from Banchor Colledge him unto
Which all Unterm'd three dayes stood praying out
For Good Success: but yet the Pagans rout
Stout Bremell and his army save a few
That with him fled away, they slay, then flew
Upon th'unarmed monks or students Rather
Which Dinoth sent and do hew down together
Twelve hundred on the spot. (Good Austin! thanks)
This Pagan sword by Austins sparks them flanks.
But alls not o're; though Dinoth and his Tribe
Of Pupills martyrde are, the Pagans side
Bought not the day ore Cheape; they many lost.
More ore the Brittain Knights, to pay the Cost
When that the tyrant drew his army up
To Banchor do on every side him Cup
With flames and scars that make his spirits faile.
The Chiefe Blederick Duke then of Cornwale
(Slain in the way) And Margabad the King
Of Westwales, Cadwan King of Guinith, him
Assault, wound, put to flight, and down destroy
Ten thousand sixty six of th'Enemy.
And though this somewhat runs beyond the line
Of this sixt Century, yet in the time
Of Maurice that Choice Emperour I hope
I wrong not Patience here to lay it ope.
Of Austins mint, who dented (oh brave paint)
With Austin for his Faith (Its handsell rich)
Up stirs Ethelfride King Northumber which
Joyns with him and a mighty power do raise
Who take the war upon them, fly delayes,
And draw their Pagan swords against all right
Upon the Brittains and in Cheshier fight
To Chester come Whose Consull Bremell there
Assisted with an Army Christian, Clear,
With many monks and Students worthy who
Came most from Banchor Colledge him unto
Which all Unterm'd three dayes stood praying out
For Good Success: but yet the Pagans rout
Stout Bremell and his army save a few
That with him fled away, they slay, then flew
Upon th'unarmed monks or students Rather
Which Dinoth sent and do hew down together
Twelve hundred on the spot. (Good Austin! thanks)
This Pagan sword by Austins sparks them flanks.
But alls not o're; though Dinoth and his Tribe
Of Pupills martyrde are, the Pagans side
Bought not the day ore Cheape; they many lost.
More ore the Brittain Knights, to pay the Cost
When that the tyrant drew his army up
To Banchor do on every side him Cup
With flames and scars that make his spirits faile.
The Chiefe Blederick Duke then of Cornwale
(Slain in the way) And Margabad the King
Of Westwales, Cadwan King of Guinith, him
Assault, wound, put to flight, and down destroy
Ten thousand sixty six of th'Enemy.
And though this somewhat runs beyond the line
Of this sixt Century, yet in the time
Of Maurice that Choice Emperour I hope
I wrong not Patience here to lay it ope.
And now behold these gleanings twisted in
A garland well and hung on Patience bring
Her glory out so bright rubd up hereby
As to behold the same will breake the eye
I therefore pass unto another shine
Evn Justices, to decorate my rhime.
A garland well and hung on Patience bring
Her glory out so bright rubd up hereby
As to behold the same will breake the eye
I therefore pass unto another shine
Evn Justices, to decorate my rhime.
The Shine of Justice
Justice that dorment seemd to ly up starts
As waken'd at these screeches, casts her Eyes
Out from her Dormon Window. Now it darts
Its fiery beames and from her Chamber flies
And to this darksome age she doth thus say
Hoe, hoe, my Glory comes to tend your day.
As waken'd at these screeches, casts her Eyes
Out from her Dormon Window. Now it darts
Its fiery beames and from her Chamber flies
And to this darksome age she doth thus say
Hoe, hoe, my Glory comes to tend your day.
Her glory's bright in all those Cruelties
Whereby this Age Phlebotomized stands
By Persecution for in apish guise
Religion now is minted, freckled, tan'd,
Now superstition, yea, and Wickedness
Do mantle it, as Court and Churchmens dress.
Whereby this Age Phlebotomized stands
By Persecution for in apish guise
Religion now is minted, freckled, tan'd,
Now superstition, yea, and Wickedness
Do mantle it, as Court and Churchmens dress.
In Anastasius his Dayes
While Anastasius held th'Imperiall Mace
Vesuvius a Vomit took and spewd
Out firy Embers in such store the face
Of all the Countrey neere, and fruits all ru'de.
An Earthquake ruins Liddicea, yes,
Agathius, Hierople, Tripolis.
Vesuvius a Vomit took and spewd
Out firy Embers in such store the face
Of all the Countrey neere, and fruits all ru'de.
An Earthquake ruins Liddicea, yes,
Agathius, Hierople, Tripolis.
A Blazing star lights the Bulgarian host
Illyricum to ransack and destroy
The Roman army and a fire did rost
Constantnople and an Earthquake high
Wasts Newcesaria, all save th'Habitation
Where Gregory Thaumaturgus had his station.
Illyricum to ransack and destroy
The Roman army and a fire did rost
Constantnople and an Earthquake high
Wasts Newcesaria, all save th'Habitation
Where Gregory Thaumaturgus had his station.
Clodove the King of France takes by the Crown
Alaricus the Arian King of Spain
Vicenna stream is made so deep t'will drown
His host to wade it by a mighty rain.
The night he spends in prayer, the morn doth show
Them passage waded by a mighty Doe.
Alaricus the Arian King of Spain
Vicenna stream is made so deep t'will drown
His host to wade it by a mighty rain.
The night he spends in prayer, the morn doth show
Them passage waded by a mighty Doe.
Now on he goes, at Poicteirs doth encamp
And saw a fiery turret breaking out
And come from Hileries Church to him this lamp,
Him spirited to give the foes a rout
The Arians were Confounded and made blinde
And he a Conquerour with joyous minde.
And saw a fiery turret breaking out
And come from Hileries Church to him this lamp,
Him spirited to give the foes a rout
The Arians were Confounded and made blinde
And he a Conquerour with joyous minde.
Olympus now at Carthage, th'Arian Vile
The holy Trinity did open ly
Revile and belch against and rails a while
But heaven let three fiery darts out fly
Of frightfull Lightning and burn him in
The Elyannesian Bathe up for his sin.
The holy Trinity did open ly
But heaven let three fiery darts out fly
Of frightfull Lightning and burn him in
The Elyannesian Bathe up for his sin.
About the fifteenth year of Anastase
A Thracian Rebell did make havock greate
An Earthquake greate did Rhodes brave ile deface
Huns and Bulgareans make the East to shake
With fire and sword. The Emperour is calld
From heaven to repent untill he's galld.
A Thracian Rebell did make havock greate
An Earthquake greate did Rhodes brave ile deface
Huns and Bulgareans make the East to shake
With fire and sword. The Emperour is calld
From heaven to repent untill he's galld.
A Spectrum terrible to him in sleep
Appears a book holding within his hand,
And read it thus to him, Loe Sir, I sweep
Here fourteen years off from thy life all damnd
Thy Vile Beliefe and baseness of thy Faith
Thus shortend thy imperiall scepter hath.
Appears a book holding within his hand,
And read it thus to him, Loe Sir, I sweep
Here fourteen years off from thy life all damnd
Thy Vile Beliefe and baseness of thy Faith
Thus shortend thy imperiall scepter hath.
At Alexandria the yeare before
His days were done, Men, Women, Children too
Possesst with Divells many were: did roare
And barkt like Dogs. Which things as certain shew
Fell out because he damn'd Chalcedo's Faith
Yet no regard at all to them he hath,
His days were done, Men, Women, Children too
Possesst with Divells many were: did roare
And barkt like Dogs. Which things as certain shew
Fell out because he damn'd Chalcedo's Faith
Yet no regard at all to them he hath,
And kenning from Diviners that his fall
Should be by Lightning. He Tholotum built
And dwelt therein, but thunder through the Wall
Crackt horridly, much Lightning slides a tilt
He runs down stares amazd from room to room
And in his bed room's found under deaths doom.
Should be by Lightning. He Tholotum built
And dwelt therein, but thunder through the Wall
Crackt horridly, much Lightning slides a tilt
He runs down stares amazd from room to room
And in his bed room's found under deaths doom.
In Justine's Times which began 521
But se how Justice guilds ore Justines dayes
With her bright glory. Now a Comet shines
And quickly after down an Earthquake layes
Brave Anazarba in Cilicia lines.
Edessa too a City of Renown
Scirtus his overflowing streams do drown.
With her bright glory. Now a Comet shines
And quickly after down an Earthquake layes
Brave Anazarba in Cilicia lines.
Edessa too a City of Renown
Scirtus his overflowing streams do drown.
But when the water fell there found was in
Its banks a Table all of stone inlaid
With Hieroglyphicks thus, the Scirt shall sing
And basely dance with Citizens its said
Halfe Pompeioples swallow'd up whose train
Within the Mouth of Death, beg help in vain.
Its banks a Table all of stone inlaid
With Hieroglyphicks thus, the Scirt shall sing
And basely dance with Citizens its said
Halfe Pompeioples swallow'd up whose train
Within the Mouth of Death, beg help in vain.
At Naples in the Market place was raisd
The Image wrought of hewn stone squar'd and laid
In Colours gay with Varnish richly blazde
Of Theodorick King who havock made
Of many Saints and burnisht o're his time
With blood of Orthodox and Arrians slime.
The Image wrought of hewn stone squar'd and laid
In Colours gay with Varnish richly blazde
Of Theodorick King who havock made
Of many Saints and burnisht o're his time
With blood of Orthodox and Arrians slime.
God takes him now to task. His Image-Head
Drops on its own accord off from its neck,
Presaging of his downfall. He thus sped
He's stoughd with griefs under and up on Deck.
He deems the Fish disht on his table 'peare
The Heads of such as by him cut off were.
Drops on its own accord off from its neck,
Presaging of his downfall. He thus sped
He's stoughd with griefs under and up on Deck.
He deems the Fish disht on his table 'peare
The Heads of such as by him cut off were.
And ninty dayes after Pope Johns Death, hee
Dies suddainly by Apoplex or Squirt.
He leaves no Son. The Image still must bee
The Necromancer out its belly flurts
At eight years end and then his daughters son
Nam'de Athalaricus, his glass is run.
Dies suddainly by Apoplex or Squirt.
He leaves no Son. The Image still must bee
The Necromancer out its belly flurts
At eight years end and then his daughters son
Nam'de Athalaricus, his glass is run.
Soon after this, its secret parts drop out,
Then dies his Daughter Himelswita shall
And when the Goths besieigd the City stoute
Its Thighs, Legs, yea and feet leap from the Wall
O happy Omen! now the Romans say
Who on the Siegers fell, and chast away.
Then dies his Daughter Himelswita shall
And when the Goths besieigd the City stoute
Its Thighs, Legs, yea and feet leap from the Wall
O happy Omen! now the Romans say
Who on the Siegers fell, and chast away.
In Justinians Reign
Vesuvius a bellowing now falls.
The Huns do war upon the Goths indeed.
A Dismall famin rages: th'Emelians all
Leave lands and goods and to Picenum speed
There fifty thousand die by famine, nay,
Far more than these, beyond th'Ionick bay.
The Huns do war upon the Goths indeed.
A Dismall famin rages: th'Emelians all
Leave lands and goods and to Picenum speed
There fifty thousand die by famine, nay,
Far more than these, beyond th'Ionick bay.
Men feed on men they are so hunger bit
Two hungry women seventeen men up eate
Grass and Grass roots they feed on, thanks for it,
And mothers eate their infants dead for meate
The Goths besiege Millain: the Sieged's fare
Is flesh of Dogs, Mice, Rats, and nasty ware.
Two hungry women seventeen men up eate
Grass and Grass roots they feed on, thanks for it,
And mothers eate their infants dead for meate
The Goths besiege Millain: the Sieged's fare
Is flesh of Dogs, Mice, Rats, and nasty ware.
A Dreadfull Earth quake doth them terrify
At Antioch, they therefore barefoot pray.
A man by inspiration thus doth cry
This Motto on your houses write to day
Christus nobiscum, State, which when done
The Earthquake Ceast and did no longer run
At Antioch, they therefore barefoot pray.
A man by inspiration thus doth cry
This Motto on your houses write to day
Christus nobiscum, State, which when done
The Earthquake Ceast and did no longer run
And Belisarius bangs the Huns by land
Germanus soundly swops their sides by Sea.
Then Captain Zaberg quarrells up doth stand
'Gainst Captain Sandichle and makes such frey
That they their proper nation so destroy'd
That th'name of Huns is wholy laid aside.
Germanus soundly swops their sides by Sea.
Then Captain Zaberg quarrells up doth stand
'Gainst Captain Sandichle and makes such frey
That they their proper nation so destroy'd
That th'name of Huns is wholy laid aside.
The Vandals rage in Africk doth bring out
Brave Belisarius on their backs who brakes
Their necks in three months time and doth them rout
Gilimer their King ------ takes
This Gilden ------ Charriot studded thick
With Costly Gems to th'royall town doth pick.
Brave Belisarius on their backs who brakes
Their necks in three months time and doth them rout
Gilimer their King ------ takes
This Gilden ------ Charriot studded thick
With Costly Gems to th'royall town doth pick.
And many milions of rich talents here
In silver and the Royall precious Thongs
Genserick took from Rome amongst which were
The Holy Vessel which there Titus brings
Out of the Temple at Jerusalem
He to Constantinople brought, with them.
In silver and the Royall precious Thongs
Genserick took from Rome amongst which were
The Holy Vessel which there Titus brings
Out of the Temple at Jerusalem
He to Constantinople brought, with them.
Which when a Jew thus spake, these will not stay
Out of the place King Solomon them made
Unto Jerusalem they're sent away
And in the Christian Temples ------ up laid,
Chosroes harrasseth the Eastern parts
But Belisarius makes him feel his darts.
Out of the place King Solomon them made
Unto Jerusalem they're sent away
And in the Christian Temples ------ up laid,
Chosroes harrasseth the Eastern parts
But Belisarius makes him feel his darts.
The Visigoths and their Confederates
For eighteen years turn ------ in Wars
But Belisarius over their pates
And Narses, thunders till their brain pan jars
But Narses smelling Belisariu's Fate
And Sophie Spindles, opes to th'Langbards gate.
For eighteen years turn ------ in Wars
But Belisarius over their pates
And Narses, thunders till their brain pan jars
But Narses smelling Belisariu's Fate
And Sophie Spindles, opes to th'Langbards gate.
In France things all when Clodove dead, do run
In snick snarles. Clothair and Theodorick
Fight till the stream of Aroad river sprung
More blood than Water gliding down in't quick
And ore the batell in the sky was seen
An Angell with a sword drawn bright and keen.
In snick snarles. Clothair and Theodorick
Fight till the stream of Aroad river sprung
More blood than Water gliding down in't quick
And ore the batell in the sky was seen
An Angell with a sword drawn bright and keen.
Chrannus King Clothairs Son the Saints afflicts
Against his Father and his brethren wars
His Father routs him; he for England ships
There raises forces and mentains his jars.
His Father routs his host, did siege him and burn'd
His Wife and brats in a poor Cottage urn'd
Against his Father and his brethren wars
His Father routs him; he for England ships
There raises forces and mentains his jars.
His Father routs his host, did siege him and burn'd
His Wife and brats in a poor Cottage urn'd
Clothair and Childebort seeke each to destroy
And draw out armies each against the other;
The battell's pitcht, but yet the tears and Cry
Do reconcile them of Crotichild their Mother.
They into Spain and fall on Almerick
That did abuse Clotild as Heretick,
And draw out armies each against the other;
The battell's pitcht, but yet the tears and Cry
Do reconcile them of Crotichild their Mother.
They into Spain and fall on Almerick
That did abuse Clotild as Heretick,
Because she would not Arrianize her faith.
They beate and kill him, take his Treasures, stroy
Toledo his brave City. Clotild staith
No longer there. They bring her home with joy.
Justice Requites aright base Americk
Otherwise Calld by some Amalderick.
They beate and kill him, take his Treasures, stroy
Toledo his brave City. Clotild staith
No longer there. They bring her home with joy.
Justice Requites aright base Americk
Otherwise Calld by some Amalderick.
Greate Arthur ------ gives the Saxons pay
Wins fifteen pitched battells, his own hand
Four hundred sixty soldiers down did slay
In one of them, his Caliburn so mand
That made them fly, their Cruelty thus came
Upon their head by justices hand again.
Wins fifteen pitched battells, his own hand
Four hundred sixty soldiers down did slay
In one of them, his Caliburn so mand
That made them fly, their Cruelty thus came
Upon their head by justices hand again.
Justinian the Emperor who raist
His cruell hand against Christs flock, because
They's Incorruptabilian Errour razde
And blew away, as hatefull to Gods Laws
Fell by a stroake divine, in judgment sad
Into a raging Furie, and di'de mad.
His cruell hand against Christs flock, because
They's Incorruptabilian Errour razde
And blew away, as hatefull to Gods Laws
Fell by a stroake divine, in judgment sad
Into a raging Furie, and di'de mad.
Under Justine 2d whose reign began 566
Narles the brave Commander is accusd
To Justine of Unjust and Cruell deeds.
Sophie the Emperoress him much abusd
She'l make the Stallion spin amongst her steeds
And Distaft girls. Quoth he inragde, a Web
I'le weave, she'st not unweave while wearing head.
To Justine of Unjust and Cruell deeds.
Sophie the Emperoress him much abusd
She'l make the Stallion spin amongst her steeds
And Distaft girls. Quoth he inragde, a Web
I'le weave, she'st not unweave while wearing head.
Hence he to Naples; Calls the Lombards in:
In Venice and Millan and Italy
They rage, and ravage and Alboin their King
Kills Gundimund and marries instantly;
His Daughter Rosamund, but of the Scull
Of Gundimuld a beere bowl makes, fills full.
In Venice and Millan and Italy
They rage, and ravage and Alboin their King
Kills Gundimund and marries instantly;
His Daughter Rosamund, but of the Scull
Of Gundimuld a beere bowl makes, fills full.
And at a feast held in ------
To Rosamund bad with her father drink
In nipping scorn. She did so, but a wave
Of Passion boyld like malice in't
Hence ------ with Helmichild her Maids Sweetheart
To slay Albain the King, and do this part.
To Rosamund bad with her father drink
In nipping scorn. She did so, but a wave
Of Passion boyld like malice in't
Hence ------ with Helmichild her Maids Sweetheart
To slay Albain the King, and do this part.
Then she and he do to Ravenna goe
And wedded are, but soon the Hexarch there
Namd Longin motion makes of marriage to
Her; she then gave her Helmichild her Deare
A Cup of poyson drank he and [he] made
Her drinke the rest and so their game was plaid.
And wedded are, but soon the Hexarch there
Namd Longin motion makes of marriage to
Her; she then gave her Helmichild her Deare
A Cup of poyson drank he and [he] made
Her drinke the rest and so their game was plaid.
Now Persians breake their league and rage again,
Soon pass o're Tigris and take Nisebis
And it destroy, do to Certessium train[?]
Put all to fire and Sword. What pitty is this?
The Huns wast France about Thuringia
Are beaten and do beate, Win, lose the day.
Soon pass o're Tigris and take Nisebis
And it destroy, do to Certessium train[?]
Put all to fire and Sword. What pitty is this?
The Huns wast France about Thuringia
Are beaten and do beate, Win, lose the day.
Sig'bert and Chilperick go to't by the ears
And Childebert layes Italy nigh wast.
Chilperick out 'gainst Gunthran in arms 'pears
Twenty four thousand flew, five thousand lost.
Sig'bert at Rles is bang'd by Gunthran, and
Soon stobd by boys at Fredagunds command.
And Childebert layes Italy nigh wast.
Chilperick out 'gainst Gunthran in arms 'pears
Twenty four thousand flew, five thousand lost.
Sig'bert at Rles is bang'd by Gunthran, and
Soon stobd by boys at Fredagunds command.
But Justine seing what his sloath procur'd
Unto his Empire in a Phrensy fell
Of which after a while he being Cur'de
Emperializd Tyberius and fare well.
This Great Pelagian of power defacd
Rowld in his sloath and sin till thus uncasd.
Unto his Empire in a Phrensy fell
Of which after a while he being Cur'de
Emperializd Tyberius and fare well.
This Great Pelagian of power defacd
Rowld in his sloath and sin till thus uncasd.
Under Tyberius begining 577
Now Civill Wars among the Frenche Kings spring.
Sig'bert, Chilperick and Guntrain make soake
Their soils in blood. There shamefull deeds do ring
Vile Ru---lene Chilpericks Legat smoaks
Against Gods Saints, is pepst with harlots pox
And him the following yeare justice down chops.
Sig'bert, Chilperick and Guntrain make soake
Their soils in blood. There shamefull deeds do ring
Vile Ru---lene Chilpericks Legat smoaks
Against Gods Saints, is pepst with harlots pox
And him the following yeare justice down chops.
Now Levigild, King of the Westgoths ragde
And persecuted at Separtharia
A Souldier that a grave man there ingag'd
To smite his head off was struck backward, nay
He was struck down by Gods immediate hand,
Where at his fellows all amazd did stand.
And persecuted at Separtharia
A Souldier that a grave man there ingag'd
To smite his head off was struck backward, nay
He was struck down by Gods immediate hand,
Where at his fellows all amazd did stand.
And now about for twenty dayes together
The Clouds poure water down that many Cry,
Another Noahs Flood is coming hither,
The Loire, Flaver, Rhone and La Soan thereby
And all brooks overflowing e'ry way
Their banks did drownd and dammage great Convay.
The Clouds poure water down that many Cry,
Another Noahs Flood is coming hither,
The Loire, Flaver, Rhone and La Soan thereby
And all brooks overflowing e'ry way
Their banks did drownd and dammage great Convay.
In part it Lions did demare and went
In Italy with great tempestious gusts,
Oreflowd Lugaria, Venice also, sent
A many men and beasts hence God is just,
Ore topt Romes walls, a mighty Dragon Dead
And many Serpents stinking, by them fled.
In Italy with great tempestious gusts,
Oreflowd Lugaria, Venice also, sent
A many men and beasts hence God is just,
Ore topt Romes walls, a mighty Dragon Dead
And many Serpents stinking, by them fled.
Whose stinck in Rome procurde a raging Plague
The following yeare that swept hence multitudes
Pelagius Pope was Chockt with't: and it made
Locusts and Famine sore for they ensu'de:
And Earthquake shatter'd Bordeaux, ran to Spain
Reft the Pyrenians many hence were slain.
The following yeare that swept hence multitudes
Pelagius Pope was Chockt with't: and it made
Locusts and Famine sore for they ensu'de:
And Earthquake shatter'd Bordeaux, ran to Spain
Reft the Pyrenians many hence were slain.
Streets and great barns of fruits at Bordeaux and
Brave Orleans are burnt by Lightening.
Biturica sore pested by the hand
Of Hail-Stones, yea and Bloody Fluxes spring
And Austrigild, King Guntrans wicked Wife
This fierce disease did separate from Life.
Brave Orleans are burnt by Lightening.
Biturica sore pested by the hand
Of Hail-Stones, yea and Bloody Fluxes spring
And Austrigild, King Guntrans wicked Wife
This fierce disease did separate from Life.
The Wicked Earle Nantinus fell hereby,
Whom when he for uncertain jealosy
Of murder an Heraclius did sharpe fly
And slew his Colleague very wrongfully,
And robd the Church of Wealth, Heraclius
Had Excommunicated. He dealt thus.
Whom when he for uncertain jealosy
Of murder an Heraclius did sharpe fly
And slew his Colleague very wrongfully,
And robd the Church of Wealth, Heraclius
Had Excommunicated. He dealt thus.
He other Bishops did corrupt with bribes:
They him absolve. He hence did Vilify
The Churches Censure. Now God him derides
After Heraclius from him did fly.
For falling in this fiery Fevers pain
With sorest screeches thus he did exclaim:
They him absolve. He hence did Vilify
The Churches Censure. Now God him derides
After Heraclius from him did fly.
For falling in this fiery Fevers pain
With sorest screeches thus he did exclaim:
Woe's me, woe 's mee, I sorely burned bee
Thus by Heraclius the Prelate, oh!
I am tormented by him, Calld I bee
By him to judgment. I acknowledge do
My wicked fa---. I do remember, I
Unjustly wrought the Bishop injury.
Thus by Heraclius the Prelate, oh!
I am tormented by him, Calld I bee
By him to judgment. I acknowledge do
My wicked fa---. I do remember, I
Unjustly wrought the Bishop injury.
I pray for Death, that I no longer may
Be by this torment sorely tortured.
These Words he with a loud voice did display
Then strength him faild, his soule out vometed.
His Bodie dead was all to blackness turnd
You'd thinke (saith Tours) it into Coale was burnd.
Be by this torment sorely tortured.
These Words he with a loud voice did display
Then strength him faild, his soule out vometed.
His Bodie dead was all to blackness turnd
You'd thinke (saith Tours) it into Coale was burnd.
Under Maurice beginning 584
Goiswinth the wicked Queen of Spain goes not
Hence free, for judgment dasht out here one Eye.
A Dreadfull Earthquak Antioch makes trot
That sixty thousand persons did destroy
And justice gives King Chilperick his pay
His wife sent one at Cales that did him slay.
Hence free, for judgment dasht out here one Eye.
A Dreadfull Earthquak Antioch makes trot
That sixty thousand persons did destroy
And justice gives King Chilperick his pay
His wife sent one at Cales that did him slay.
Child'bert when Longbards ragde in Italy
Maurice did hire him to unroost them thence
And sent him fifty thousand solids[?] high
And on he goes: his journey did Commence
But going on, meets gifts the Longbard sent
The which he took and back again he went.
Maurice did hire him to unroost them thence
And sent him fifty thousand solids[?] high
And on he goes: his journey did Commence
But going on, meets gifts the Longbard sent
The which he took and back again he went.
He paid for this erelong, a draught of Wine
Did send him and his Wife unto their home.
From January to September shine
And dismall Draught. Locusts and famine come.
A firy Pillar in the sky palde round
With stars is seen: a Comet now is found.
Did send him and his Wife unto their home.
From January to September shine
And dismall Draught. Locusts and famine come.
A firy Pillar in the sky palde round
With stars is seen: a Comet now is found.
Pope Gregory this story pend, a Boy
Usd through parentall fondness to blaspheme
And Curse Gods name Even from his Cradle ly.
He say ill spirits on him rush; a stream
Him violently snatcht without controle
From's fathers arms and took away his soule.
Usd through parentall fondness to blaspheme
And Curse Gods name Even from his Cradle ly.
He say ill spirits on him rush; a stream
Him violently snatcht without controle
From's fathers arms and took away his soule.
Legate Rathare that Theodore abusd
And pield Marselles Church God makes to smart.
King Guntrans army, to such mischiefe usd,
Are some assisde by Divels, and out start,
Grew raging mad: Sing tantarums and some
Seditious grew. Some kill themselves and bomb.
And pield Marselles Church God makes to smart.
King Guntrans army, to such mischiefe usd,
Are some assisde by Divels, and out start,
Grew raging mad: Sing tantarums and some
Seditious grew. Some kill themselves and bomb.
Cajanus with his Avars, Huns and Sclaves
Spoils greatly now with fire and sword untill
Before Constantinople out he braves
The plague at once, seven of his Children kills.
Hence fearing Wrath Divine his Captives all
He tendereth for pence a piece, price small.
Spoils greatly now with fire and sword untill
Before Constantinople out he braves
The plague at once, seven of his Children kills.
Hence fearing Wrath Divine his Captives all
He tendereth for pence a piece, price small.
Maurice in passion will not give it. Hence
Cajanus slew them all and home returnd.
This Cruelty of Maurice gave offence
His people hence with hate against him burnd
This turned to his utter overthrow
Of which in vision he was made to know.
Cajanus slew them all and home returnd.
This Cruelty of Maurice gave offence
His people hence with hate against him burnd
This turned to his utter overthrow
Of which in vision he was made to know.
He saw in sleep before his Palace gate
Himselfe stand guarded with a mighty train.
And from Christs Picture and loud voice thus spake
Deliver Maurice. Sergeants then him gain
And set him fore the Purple Umblick there
Which to him in his mother tongue spake cleare,
Himselfe stand guarded with a mighty train.
And from Christs Picture and loud voice thus spake
Deliver Maurice. Sergeants then him gain
And set him fore the Purple Umblick there
Which to him in his mother tongue spake cleare,
Thus, Where shall I deliver him to thee?
In this, or th'other World? Which heard he said
Kinde Lord, Just judge, here rather let it bee
Than in that World. The Voice then Command made
That Maurice, Constance (whom to wife he had)
Children and Kin Phocas have tendered.
In this, or th'other World? Which heard he said
Kinde Lord, Just judge, here rather let it bee
Than in that World. The Voice then Command made
That Maurice, Constance (whom to wife he had)
Children and Kin Phocas have tendered.
Soon after this the people tumult, take
Deliver him and his to Phocas, who
His Wife and Children slays 'fore him, who spake
Lord, just thou art, thy judgment's righteous too.
Then he was slain and from his body dead
There issued forth milk with blood mingled.
Deliver him and his to Phocas, who
His Wife and Children slays 'fore him, who spake
Lord, just thou art, thy judgment's righteous too.
Then he was slain and from his body dead
There issued forth milk with blood mingled.
And thus we see the milke white glorious streams
Of justice shining in these Instances
And might fetch many more out of the veans
Of this sad Century, of sentences.
Some few you may observe as they forth shine
In Miracles, which here I underline.
Of justice shining in these Instances
And might fetch many more out of the veans
Of this sad Century, of sentences.
Some few you may observe as they forth shine
In Miracles, which here I underline.
The Glory of Divine Efficacy in other Miracles
Melany, Albine, Marsus, Victor too
At Anjou meet, in France. Melany doth
The Euchrist offer to the rest who doe
It take, but Marsus bosoms his which growth
Into a serpents girdle, he again
Gave't Melany and told him how it came.
At Anjou meet, in France. Melany doth
The Euchrist offer to the rest who doe
It take, but Marsus bosoms his which growth
Into a serpents girdle, he again
Gave't Melany and told him how it came.
He bad him tell Albine what he had done
And he again him sent to Victor thence
At length its sent to Milany who run
Doth unto pray're that now this serpent hence
Might turn back here into the Eucharist.
The which it did before he did desist.
And he again him sent to Victor thence
At length its sent to Milany who run
Doth unto pray're that now this serpent hence
Might turn back here into the Eucharist.
The which it did before he did desist.
Evagrius saith there was a Jew who was
A Glazier at Constantinople took Caught
His boy and in an Oven hot alas
Did thrust him, case with other boyes (what salt?)
He tooke a bit of sacramentall bread:
But was not burnt thereby, nor dammaged.
A Glazier at Constantinople took Caught
His boy and in an Oven hot alas
Did thrust him, case with other boyes (what salt?)
He tooke a bit of sacramentall bread:
But was not burnt thereby, nor dammaged.
At length his mother found him and inquir'd
How he abode so long unhurt there. He
Replide, a woman all in purple 'tirde,
Came to me and brought water unto mee.
She quencht the Coals next to mee, gave me meat
As often as I hungry were, to eate.
How he abode so long unhurt there. He
Replide, a woman all in purple 'tirde,
Came to me and brought water unto mee.
She quencht the Coals next to mee, gave me meat
As often as I hungry were, to eate.
A mountain in the Rhoan, where on was built
Tauredune Castle, bellowd sixty dayes,
Then from a mountain by was torn, and tilt
With its Inhabitants and Castle playes
Into the Rhoan, whose water dam'd, back quoild
And sought new tracks and many people spoild.
Tauredune Castle, bellowd sixty dayes,
Then from a mountain by was torn, and tilt
With its Inhabitants and Castle playes
Into the Rhoan, whose water dam'd, back quoild
And sought new tracks and many people spoild.
Soon after thirty Monks about the place
The mountain fell from, digging, mettall found.
The mount fell lowing as before. Their pace
Desisted not, before the mount did bound
And rent again, and overwhelmd them there
And made them pay for all the mettall deare.
The mountain fell from, digging, mettall found.
The mount fell lowing as before. Their pace
Desisted not, before the mount did bound
And rent again, and overwhelmd them there
And made them pay for all the mettall deare.
This sad Catastrophy insude upon
Such Prodigies as these: four suns appear
I' th'east, also the suns put darkness on
That not a quarter of its light shown there.
A blazing star peept fourth, also the sky
Did seem to burn like fire tremendosly.
Such Prodigies as these: four suns appear
I' th'east, also the suns put darkness on
That not a quarter of its light shown there.
A blazing star peept fourth, also the sky
Did seem to burn like fire tremendosly.
An Elder tree did in Justinians dayes
Its flowers, fruits, seeds transform to tender Vines
'Fore Africk souldiers did rebell the Rayes
Of this bright sun were lost so that its shines
Show like the moon, without its beams a year,
Seemd grayish, then the Plague and Famine 'peare.
Its flowers, fruits, seeds transform to tender Vines
'Fore Africk souldiers did rebell the Rayes
Of this bright sun were lost so that its shines
Show like the moon, without its beams a year,
Seemd grayish, then the Plague and Famine 'peare.
Evagrius saith, I saw a Calfe new falln
Ith second Justins reign that wore two heads.
Sabellicus asserts the skies had calln
Out Fiery Armies fighting in't, that shed
Much blood, and many Inundations hereupon
And Longobeards sack Italy, come on.
Ith second Justins reign that wore two heads.
Sabellicus asserts the skies had calln
Out Fiery Armies fighting in't, that shed
Much blood, and many Inundations hereupon
And Longobeards sack Italy, come on.
In Paris twenty sun rayes from the north
Appeare, that run into the west, and one
Much longer than the rest up stretch'd forth,
So vanished, and afterwards all gone.
A radient star shines in the moon: and more
Do round her in. She often blackness wore.
Appeare, that run into the west, and one
Much longer than the rest up stretch'd forth,
So vanished, and afterwards all gone.
A radient star shines in the moon: and more
Do round her in. She often blackness wore.
About Chartres, blood ran from bread they broke.
At Tours it did so too. Trees also beare
Fruits twice a yeare and vines after the yoake
Of Vintage, budd out yield new grapes and fair.
Now serpents drop out of the Clouds with rain
An age of Serpents now springs up again.
At Tours it did so too. Trees also beare
Fruits twice a yeare and vines after the yoake
Of Vintage, budd out yield new grapes and fair.
Now serpents drop out of the Clouds with rain
An age of Serpents now springs up again.
King Guntran tir'd in hunting, lean'd upon
His Armor bearers breast, and took a nap.
Out of his mouth a creature small came, whom
The Armor bearers sword bridg up, by hap,
To pass o're from and to his mouth again,
Which entring in, the King awakes amain.
His Armor bearers breast, and took a nap.
Out of his mouth a creature small came, whom
The Armor bearers sword bridg up, by hap,
To pass o're from and to his mouth again,
Which entring in, the King awakes amain.
And as amazd, saith, I in sleep passt ore
An Iron bridge, and underneath the hill
I mighty treasures saw, searching therefore
He found the same and gave the Church this still.
At Daon was a Child born handless, yes,
Eye and eyebrowless, with taile of a fish.
An Iron bridge, and underneath the hill
I mighty treasures saw, searching therefore
He found the same and gave the Church this still.
At Daon was a Child born handless, yes,
Eye and eyebrowless, with taile of a fish.
Neer Venice was an Iland lake made blood.
In January Roses ripe did grow.
A Rainbow Circle round the sun there stood
With various Colours. Ripe grapes also flow
And trees too in December, blossom cleare.
Strange things indeed, and make a most strange year.
In January Roses ripe did grow.
A Rainbow Circle round the sun there stood
With various Colours. Ripe grapes also flow
And trees too in December, blossom cleare.
Strange things indeed, and make a most strange year.
A Child is born at Byzant with four feet.
Another with two Heads came unto light:
Maurice his sword them on the Earth did greet
And tooke them hence away out of mens sight,
And fiery armies in the skies men viewd,
Shining in blood of mankind which insude.
Another with two Heads came unto light:
Maurice his sword them on the Earth did greet
And tooke them hence away out of mens sight,
And fiery armies in the skies men viewd,
Shining in blood of mankind which insude.
Lieutenant Menas of rich Egypt in
The Iland Delta about breake of day
A man saw there out in the River swim
With a Gigantine Face, Grave looks and Gray,
Hair yellowish, Heroick Arms, breast, back,
To th'Groin heavd out oth waves was seen by hap.
The Iland Delta about breake of day
A man saw there out in the River swim
With a Gigantine Face, Grave looks and Gray,
Hair yellowish, Heroick Arms, breast, back,
To th'Groin heavd out oth waves was seen by hap.
His other parts hid with the watry fence
As hiding natures secrets modestly.
Menas adjur'd him if a Demon, thence
To hast away. If otherwise, not t'fly
Away before all they had satisfide
Themselves with his Unthought of sight espide.
As hiding natures secrets modestly.
Menas adjur'd him if a Demon, thence
To hast away. If otherwise, not t'fly
Away before all they had satisfide
Themselves with his Unthought of sight espide.
Now taking of the Pens, that have translind
These things to us, to give us down things true:
We se Divine Efficiency how't shin'd
In glorious Providence, this Century through,
Unto the glory of Almighty, who
Darts his Efficiency in Wonders so.
These things to us, to give us down things true:
We se Divine Efficiency how't shin'd
In glorious Providence, this Century through,
Unto the glory of Almighty, who
Darts his Efficiency in Wonders so.
The Glory of Divine Truth.
But stay thou fleeting Century, thy stone
Shall grinde the glory, till it shine,
Of Scripture truth, things former shone,
But fall within thy line.
Shall grinde the glory, till it shine,
Of Scripture truth, things former shone,
But fall within thy line.
The golden Image still hath feet to make
Thy Forge doth sweat, thy Billows play,
Thy Artists welding heats do shape
These toes of iron and Clay.
Thy Forge doth sweat, thy Billows play,
Thy Artists welding heats do shape
These toes of iron and Clay.
The little Horn after the ten must bud,
Thou Curricombst the Beast so well
The nut thereof is felt to knub
Now in the Flesh and Fell.
Thou Curricombst the Beast so well
The nut thereof is felt to knub
Now in the Flesh and Fell.
The Light of Sun and moon and Stars must pinke.
These litterally do so, you see.
These Mystick are befogd and blinck
These Civill tooke, dim bee.
These litterally do so, you see.
These Mystick are befogd and blinck
These Civill tooke, dim bee.
The Beasts greate deadly wound a Cure must have.
All Pothecaries pestills sound,
All Doctors, Plaster, seeke to save
And heale his Deadly wound.
All Pothecaries pestills sound,
All Doctors, Plaster, seeke to save
And heale his Deadly wound.
The Beast must by the scarlet Whore rid bee,
Hence Harnace fit and Ornament
That fit the Beast and do agree
With her in all intents.
Hence Harnace fit and Ornament
That fit the Beast and do agree
With her in all intents.
A Bridle must be had and Saddle made
Soft for his back and for her Britch,
With stirrups, Girts and Cruppers, laid
On saddle Cloath all rich.
Soft for his back and for her Britch,
With stirrups, Girts and Cruppers, laid
On saddle Cloath all rich.
Purple and scarlet too the Drab must ware
All deckt in gold and pretious stone,
And Costly pearles rich, choice and fair,
She must indeed put on.
All deckt in gold and pretious stone,
And Costly pearles rich, choice and fair,
She must indeed put on.
And in her hand to hold a golden cup
Filld with abominable things
And Filthiness whereof to sup
She makes her mighty Kings.
Filld with abominable things
And Filthiness whereof to sup
She makes her mighty Kings.
Hence all trades busy are and operate.
The saddlers make the saddle fit,
The Goldsmiths wire draw their plate
To stirrup and buckle it.
The saddlers make the saddle fit,
The Goldsmiths wire draw their plate
To stirrup and buckle it.
Hence all Looms filld with twine to weave this Web
Are knocking of the thrids together
And Taylors making do imbed
The robes with golden teather.
Are knocking of the thrids together
And Taylors making do imbed
The robes with golden teather.
The Gold and Pearls and Gems and Cup of Gold
Kings feather do her nest withall
Th'Abominations her Cup holds
Priests in it let to fall.
Kings feather do her nest withall
Th'Abominations her Cup holds
Priests in it let to fall.
Pope Symmachus his spirits in it stills.
Thus that the Clergy marry not,
Vows of Virginity he wills
Shall make a lasting knot.
Thus that the Clergy marry not,
Vows of Virginity he wills
Shall make a lasting knot.
That Gloria in Excelsis be sung out
Upon Saints birthdayes in his sphere,
He squeezd his brains wrung like a Clout
Till th'Mass plumpt in it were.
Upon Saints birthdayes in his sphere,
He squeezd his brains wrung like a Clout
Till th'Mass plumpt in it were.
He pounds his Crab, and prest its verjuyce thence
Till Purgatory liquor came
And Deacon Paschase must commence
In't, hanselling the same.
Till Purgatory liquor came
And Deacon Paschase must commence
In't, hanselling the same.
Felix the fourth doth make his dream in't boyle
That Mass in places Consecrate
Be onely usd and holy Oyle
Annoint the Dying waite.
That Mass in places Consecrate
Be onely usd and holy Oyle
Annoint the Dying waite.
He gives decree, Church-Wakes, with Saints birth dayes
He Celebrated once a yeare
He preaching of the word delayes
Such drops from him appear.
He Celebrated once a yeare
He preaching of the word delayes
Such drops from him appear.
Pope Boniface the second brings his dram
Decrees that Bishops Chafer bee
Alone by Clergy men: doth damn
Who make the Church a fee.
Decrees that Bishops Chafer bee
Alone by Clergy men: doth damn
Who make the Church a fee.
Agapetas Sabbath Procession raisd
Vigelius Praying to'ards the east
Pelagius Primacy out Phrasd
These Goosb'ries in it presst.
Vigelius Praying to'ards the east
Pelagius Primacy out Phrasd
These Goosb'ries in it presst.
Greg'ry the Greate the Juice of Workes wrings out
And merits drops into it, he
Makes Pray'rs to Saints and Angels spoute
Into this Cup their fee.
And merits drops into it, he
Makes Pray'rs to Saints and Angels spoute
Into this Cup their fee.
One and another taks such nick nacks fine
Images, Altars, Crosses, Vest
Surplices, Banners, Cups that shine
Masses and Censars drest
Images, Altars, Crosses, Vest
Surplices, Banners, Cups that shine
Masses and Censars drest
Oyle, Holy Water, Pomp, Wax candle-Light
Masses for Quick and Dead more ore
Guilt Churches and Monasteries hight
Lies, Fatted, plump greate store,
Masses for Quick and Dead more ore
Guilt Churches and Monasteries hight
Lies, Fatted, plump greate store,
And such like things this Century doth press
Their spirits out and put them in
This golden Cup, as wine, yet dress
It not up to the brim.
Their spirits out and put them in
This golden Cup, as wine, yet dress
It not up to the brim.
Thus doth Prophetick truth beam round about
Through this darke and soure Century
While she the woman decks throughout
To get on Cockhorse high.
Sixt Century, good night, good morrow, seventh.
Through this darke and soure Century
While she the woman decks throughout
To get on Cockhorse high.
I come here to salute thy Glory, writhen
With various Dispensations, as rich trails
Of shining Attributes, well packt, like Frailes
Of sweetest Fruits, or Raisens of the Sun,
Whose Casks must pierced bee before they run.
But as my former steps were, so are these
I'le strike the hoops off, that their breath may Weeze,
And some few Rayes, that barrelld out of sight
Therein lie lurking in the dark may smite
Us with their beams, which thus upon us rise
From Grace and Patience, Justice 'fore our Eyes
And from Divine Efficiency and Truth,
Observe their Glory, as the story shewth.
The Glory of Divine Grace
Sweet Gospell Grace, thy shine grown now more dim
Than it in former Centuries hath bin:
My Eyes deservedly may to my pen
Be made an Ink bottle, And tears from them
May be mine inke to write with, while my Muse
A longer foot doth ware and sighs doth Choose,
And rather bleare ey'd Elegies tones than
Playes Musick in a Sapphick note and Pen.
I therefore Change my verse and bring out Rhimes
Tunde to the Melancholy Shape of Times.
Than it in former Centuries hath bin:
My Eyes deservedly may to my pen
Be made an Ink bottle, And tears from them
May be mine inke to write with, while my Muse
A longer foot doth ware and sighs doth Choose,
And rather bleare ey'd Elegies tones than
Playes Musick in a Sapphick note and Pen.
I therefore Change my verse and bring out Rhimes
Tunde to the Melancholy Shape of Times.
Where shall we find thy Glory, Grace to shine
But in the Gospell Stars which dart its rayes
We then for these will search first Asia's Clime
And at Jerusalem where first this blaze
Did glory forth there's little now a dayes.
But in the Gospell Stars which dart its rayes
We then for these will search first Asia's Clime
And at Jerusalem where first this blaze
Did glory forth there's little now a dayes.
Yet God be praisd, some few doth still appeare
In her 'mongst whom was Zacharias one
When Persians tooke her and he captive were
Full fourteen years, till they were overthrown:
And then he was restor'd unto his own.
In her 'mongst whom was Zacharias one
When Persians tooke her and he captive were
Full fourteen years, till they were overthrown:
And then he was restor'd unto his own.
Sophronius after him was bishop here,
An holy man and Orthodox its said
Whose eyes beheld the last destruction there
Then by the Sarrasen Prince Haumas made
Some other few are namde, not else displaide.
An holy man and Orthodox its said
Whose eyes beheld the last destruction there
Then by the Sarrasen Prince Haumas made
Some other few are namde, not else displaide.
Poor Palestine! How low art thou? Farewell.
I come to Syria. Here Antioch
Had after Gregory as stories tell
One Anastase, whom th'wicked Jews did Choke
With Excrements and many saints down broke.
I come to Syria. Here Antioch
Had after Gregory as stories tell
One Anastase, whom th'wicked Jews did Choke
With Excrements and many saints down broke.
Alas poor Antioch! though some few more
Thou hast on file set down its but their name.
The Amathantines had one Theodore.
At Rhinocare was Gregory who came
With money Captives out of Persia t'gain.
Thou hast on file set down its but their name.
The Amathantines had one Theodore.
At Rhinocare was Gregory who came
With money Captives out of Persia t'gain.
At Nicomedia Peter Christ displaid
And at Apamea Thomaricus.
At Cyzicum Stephen was bishop made
And at Seleucia Macrobius.
At Gortyn Basill, at Choos Geogius.
And at Apamea Thomaricus.
At Cyzicum Stephen was bishop made
And at Seleucia Macrobius.
At Gortyn Basill, at Choos Geogius.
John was at Philodelph, at Tarsus rose
One Theodore at Ephesus another
At Lydon Zimark, Sardis Marine shows
Philalethes Cesaria tends, moreover
And Pergamus Theodore wings do cover.
One Theodore at Ephesus another
At Lydon Zimark, Sardis Marine shows
Philalethes Cesaria tends, moreover
And Pergamus Theodore wings do cover.
At Laodicea Tiberius stands,
Photicus doth teach the Gospe[l] now at Nice
John doth at Chalcidon ope Gods Commands
And others scattered in their Cities rise
Ore Asia but in a slender Guise.
Photicus doth teach the Gospe[l] now at Nice
John doth at Chalcidon ope Gods Commands
And others scattered in their Cities rise
Ore Asia but in a slender Guise.
Alas! Poore Asia! where is the shine
Of Glorious Grace that first sprang up in thee?
What is it thus obscured? Doth it decline
And turnd a setting sun? I sigh to see.
Farewell Farewell I Africk come to thee.
Of Glorious Grace that first sprang up in thee?
What is it thus obscured? Doth it decline
And turnd a setting sun? I sigh to see.
Farewell Farewell I Africk come to thee.
The Africk Ministers
Eulogius of Alexandria
Did to Theodore Scribo leave his seate.
He to John Almoner who sold away
His and his Churches goods to purchase meate
For Poore men and for Captives. Goodness great.
Did to Theodore Scribo leave his seate.
He to John Almoner who sold away
His and his Churches goods to purchase meate
For Poore men and for Captives. Goodness great.
Did's Deacon Damian Excommunicate
For's Malice who did satisfy at length
Luke were an Africk Elder. Carthage State
Possesst Latinian and all the Strength
Of Cyrus Phasis had. He had its tenth.
For's Malice who did satisfy at length
Luke were an Africk Elder. Carthage State
Possesst Latinian and all the Strength
Of Cyrus Phasis had. He had its tenth.
Eulalius was at Cynople and now
Taught Issidore at Abydos indeed
At Aureople Theodore the plow
Of Christ did hold and did attend with heed.
This is the Crop, poor Africk, thou didst breed.
Taught Issidore at Abydos indeed
At Aureople Theodore the plow
Of Christ did hold and did attend with heed.
This is the Crop, poor Africk, thou didst breed.
In the Mediterranian Ilands
Cyprus some few enjoyes. Stratonicus
Ticon, Theodore, Epiphane and John
In Crete Paul, Theogny, Basilius,
John, Gregory, George, Euticius came on.
In Taurick Chersonese beside George none.
Ticon, Theodore, Epiphane and John
In Crete Paul, Theogny, Basilius,
John, Gregory, George, Euticius came on.
In Taurick Chersonese beside George none.
In Pontus John and Stephen, Theodore,
And John Amasian and John Andrapine
Are all the names we meet with; what more ore
They bore we know not of the Gospell Shine
Alas Poore Ilands, Where is grace Divine?
And John Amasian and John Andrapine
Are all the names we meet with; what more ore
They bore we know not of the Gospell Shine
Alas Poore Ilands, Where is grace Divine?
Africk and Asia now farewell: I'le stride
The Helespont and Europe's hand I'l take.
I'le take in hand to search her quarters wide,
To find the beams that Graces Glorys make
Fall from the stars placde in her skies that shake.
The Helespont and Europe's hand I'l take.
I'le take in hand to search her quarters wide,
To find the beams that Graces Glorys make
Fall from the stars placde in her skies that shake.
Constantinople when Cyriacus
Who Crowned Phocas sore against his Will
Had spent his Beams, Thomas Diaconus
Did him succeed whose glory great did fill
His Palace built most splendid by his skill.
Who Crowned Phocas sore against his Will
Had spent his Beams, Thomas Diaconus
Did him succeed whose glory great did fill
His Palace built most splendid by his skill.
To him succeeded John, then Constantine
In Doctrine Orthodox, their Lives not shown.
Then Sergy, Pyrrus, Paul, in errours Slime
Then Theodore, who's somewhat better grown
Then George whose Errour he condemnd its known.
In Doctrine Orthodox, their Lives not shown.
Then Sergy, Pyrrus, Paul, in errours Slime
Then Theodore, who's somewhat better grown
Then George whose Errour he condemnd its known.
German then followd him, whom Pogone quelt
And Challynick came after in, whose Eyes
Justinian dugg out, all in a pelt
And sent him thence to Rome in such a guise
Alipy in Adrianople lies.
And Challynick came after in, whose Eyes
Justinian dugg out, all in a pelt
And sent him thence to Rome in such a guise
Alipy in Adrianople lies.
Some few we find in Thrace in Corinth and
At Athens, Eubea and Sicily.
Paul in Altinum and Torcellum strand
Paul Petavine to Metamauke did fly
And great Altine to Venice first did high.
At Athens, Eubea and Sicily.
Paul in Altinum and Torcellum strand
Paul Petavine to Metamauke did fly
And great Altine to Venice first did high.
Whereas I now should measure Italy
I finding Patience here so beautifide,
I shall omit her glory till I ply
A quill dropt from her Wing for to describe
Her glory with, as coming in this tide.
I finding Patience here so beautifide,
I shall omit her glory till I ply
A quill dropt from her Wing for to describe
Her glory with, as coming in this tide.
Some few in France I pick up take them here
Trajectum had John Agnus whose reply
When calld unlearnd, I as unfit appear
As my dry staff to bear, which by and by
Brought forth a lamb; he soon taught learnedly.
Trajectum had John Agnus whose reply
When calld unlearnd, I as unfit appear
As my dry staff to bear, which by and by
Brought forth a lamb; he soon taught learnedly.
Remaclus flourisht in this Church indeed
With Piety and Preaching shined bright
And Lambert too whose blood was shed we read
Cause his rebuke did on King Pepin light
For that he had a Harlot. Such will bite.
With Piety and Preaching shined bright
And Lambert too whose blood was shed we read
Cause his rebuke did on King Pepin light
For that he had a Harlot. Such will bite.
Manswetus preacht good Gospell at Millan
And Benit too a pious man of Faith
Viennas glory Desidery came
Because he rounds the Queen's vile sin, she pay'th
Him first in Exile; then with stones him flay'th.
And Benit too a pious man of Faith
Viennas glory Desidery came
Because he rounds the Queen's vile sin, she pay'th
Him first in Exile; then with stones him flay'th.
Traviers is beautifide with Rodoald
Arles with Cesarius of Holy shine,
Eligius at Noviomage's instald
At Senona Amatus was Divine
Exild for sin reproofs to th'King and 'Ebron.
Arles with Cesarius of Holy shine,
Eligius at Noviomage's instald
At Senona Amatus was Divine
Exild for sin reproofs to th'King and 'Ebron.
At Mets did Arnulph flowrish whose cast ring
Ith river was restord to him again
Out of a Fish in token that his Sin
Was pardon'd. Clodulph, then its said did gain
The Place his father left, of pious strain.
Ith river was restord to him again
Out of a Fish in token that his Sin
Was pardon'd. Clodulph, then its said did gain
The Place his father left, of pious strain.
We may conclude France sparkled with more jems
And of a better luster far than here
Which in a lower orb of Grace's stems
Shone in their day where of their writters geer
Hath, looking loftily, not made appeare.
And of a better luster far than here
Which in a lower orb of Grace's stems
Shone in their day where of their writters geer
Hath, looking loftily, not made appeare.
Step we to Spain, Cesaraugustus shows
Us Braulio and Taio, worth a name
And Corduba as lean of stars, now grows
Waring Severus of a learned strain
Yet Isidore of Sevil learnd out came.
Us Braulio and Taio, worth a name
And Corduba as lean of stars, now grows
Waring Severus of a learned strain
Yet Isidore of Sevil learnd out came.
Toletum's glorifide by Eugeny,
Who of all western Churches was the light
With holiness and Scripture knowledge high
Then Ildefonse whose pains and learned might
Struck down Pelagianism in its height.
Who of all western Churches was the light
With holiness and Scripture knowledge high
Then Ildefonse whose pains and learned might
Struck down Pelagianism in its height.
I'le stem the Rhine. Now Germany what cheare?
At Saltsburge Rupert and his Consort shine,
Who the Bojavians and others there
Who nothing thought of Happ[i]ness divine
Converted to the Christian Faith and line.
At Saltsburge Rupert and his Consort shine,
Who the Bojavians and others there
Who nothing thought of Happ[i]ness divine
Converted to the Christian Faith and line.
At Renspurg Haimeran was abusde
At Wirtzburge Lalian the Scot up rose
An innovator. Victor at Worms musde
At Colen Cunibert with learning shows
Both sacred and Prophane, and overflows.
At Wirtzburge Lalian the Scot up rose
An innovator. Victor at Worms musde
At Colen Cunibert with learning shows
Both sacred and Prophane, and overflows.
I'le kiss my Native soile: In England see
At Canterbury Laurence bishop sprang
Honorious after him, Deodate hee
Him followd now th'Archbishoprick began
Then Theodore a Greek, all Popish gang.
At Canterbury Laurence bishop sprang
Honorious after him, Deodate hee
Him followd now th'Archbishoprick began
Then Theodore a Greek, all Popish gang.
Berechuald then and then Berslanard came
All tipt with Romish rites yet wrought their parts.
Militus bishop London did obtain.
Justus at Rochester, both these upstarts
Were Canterbury bishops full of Arts.
All tipt with Romish rites yet wrought their parts.
Militus bishop London did obtain.
Justus at Rochester, both these upstarts
Were Canterbury bishops full of Arts.
At Rochester these men unsu'de into seate
Romanus, Ithamar, and Damian
Putta, Chelmus and Bebmund, all grown great.
With stuff of new religion, change began,
Corrupting of the ilse by things of man.
Romanus, Ithamar, and Damian
Putta, Chelmus and Bebmund, all grown great.
With stuff of new religion, change began,
Corrupting of the ilse by things of man.
Northumberland Lights
Pauline th'Italian went to Edwin King
Of the Northumbers with Edelberg who
Was daughter of King Edelbert to bring
Her and towed her to King Edwin so
He and his people he made Christian grow.
Of the Northumbers with Edelberg who
Was daughter of King Edelbert to bring
Her and towed her to King Edwin so
He and his people he made Christian grow.
He founded then Yorks see, and sat therein
Built Lincoln Church on Humbers Southern side
But when Cadwald, and Penda'd slain Edwin,
He with Edelbert backt to Kent now high'de
And left James Deacon in the see t'reside.
Built Lincoln Church on Humbers Southern side
But when Cadwald, and Penda'd slain Edwin,
He with Edelbert backt to Kent now high'de
And left James Deacon in the see t'reside.
Then Eddy Stephen up arose to sing.
And now that holy Worthy Scots Divine
Choice Aidan now King Oswald Calld, brought in
Did fix his seate at Lindisfern and shine
In Pious Preaching, Charity in's Line.
And now that holy Worthy Scots Divine
Choice Aidan now King Oswald Calld, brought in
Did fix his seate at Lindisfern and shine
In Pious Preaching, Charity in's Line.
Finnanus followd in Lind'sfarn Seate
Who stoutly did oppose the Roman trash.
And after him brave Colman who did sweat
Against the Romish Easter it to dish
In a Dispute at Ripon, and they Clash.
Who stoutly did oppose the Roman trash.
And after him brave Colman who did sweat
Against the Romish Easter it to dish
In a Dispute at Ripon, and they Clash.
Then Tuda who was pious took his place
He first accepted of Romes Easter day
And shaved Crown. Then Wilfride on a pace
With Romish Relicks, yet did grace display
In Lindisfarn, but on him troubles lay.
He first accepted of Romes Easter day
And shaved Crown. Then Wilfride on a pace
With Romish Relicks, yet did grace display
In Lindisfarn, but on him troubles lay.
Boso hath York for's Cure. Lindisfarn fell
With Hagusted to Eata there to Preach
Then Thrumbrecht gain'd Hagulstad to rule well
And after him Chunibert doth there teach.
His Bishops line over the same did reach.
With Hagusted to Eata there to Preach
Then Thrumbrecht gain'd Hagulstad to rule well
And after him Chunibert doth there teach.
His Bishops line over the same did reach.
Lind'sfern to Eadbrecht came he's Bishop there.
John comes to Hagulstad with godly light.
Berecht was Deacon unto him we heare
Of whom account is had which Bede did write
Shewing the Story gi'n of John as right.
John comes to Hagulstad with godly light.
Berecht was Deacon unto him we heare
Of whom account is had which Bede did write
Shewing the Story gi'n of John as right.
Mercia's Lights
When Dead Mercia's King the Faith receiv'd
He was baptizd by Sinan Bishop then
Northumberlands. He sought and up Faith heav'd
By Bishop Diurn, and Collach both Scottishmen.
Trumpery Oswy's kinsman followd them.
He was baptizd by Sinan Bishop then
Northumberlands. He sought and up Faith heav'd
By Bishop Diurn, and Collach both Scottishmen.
Trumpery Oswy's kinsman followd them.
Iaruman then succeded, Choice Devout,
Whom Vulfry King sent to Sighery King,
And his East-Angles all Apostates, out
He did reduce them, down their Chappells fling
Brake down their Idols, and to Christ them bring.
Whom Vulfry King sent to Sighery King,
And his East-Angles all Apostates, out
He did reduce them, down their Chappells fling
Brake down their Idols, and to Christ them bring.
Chad was his Fellow bishop who up fixt
His seat at Litchfield as King Vulfery would
Ore th'Mercian, Midland Angles Churches sits
And the Lindisfarns. Then Winfrid did hold
The same awhile. Then Sexolfe watcht this fold.
His seat at Litchfield as King Vulfery would
Ore th'Mercian, Midland Angles Churches sits
And the Lindisfarns. Then Winfrid did hold
The same awhile. Then Sexolfe watcht this fold.
East-Angles Lights.
When Sigberect King of East-Angles were
Baptizd in France and sought his people t'bring
To Christ, then Felix a Burgundee there
Came and the Roman Vizzar brough[t] with him
Did vaile their Churches with, as they came in.
Baptizd in France and sought his people t'bring
To Christ, then Felix a Burgundee there
Came and the Roman Vizzar brough[t] with him
Did vaile their Churches with, as they came in.
But these relapsing back King Oswy sent
Bernician Bishop Ced with others more
Who them reduc'de, and Dhurches gatherd, lent
A lift to Temples, gave the Sacrament.
Bernician Bishop Ced with others more
Who them reduc'de, and Dhurches gatherd, lent
A lift to Temples, gave the Sacrament.
This did at Ithancester and Tibiburgh
And for unlawfull marriage did expell
An Earle the Church, when Sigberecht his Spur
Would not restrain from judgmen[t] rang his bell
When feasting with him down he murdred fell.
And for unlawfull marriage did expell
An Earle the Church, when Sigberecht his Spur
Would not restrain from judgmen[t] rang his bell
When feasting with him down he murdred fell.
After Jarumans reformation came
One Boniface. Theodore after him.
Then Baldwin halfe, the rest did Bisy gain
The Synod held at Hereford doth bring
His name among the rest that were therein.
One Boniface. Theodore after him.
Then Baldwin halfe, the rest did Bisy gain
The Synod held at Hereford doth bring
His name among the rest that were therein.
The West Angles or Gevissi's Lights
At Dorcester Birine was Bishop, who
Did Conigild King of the Gevissi
Or the Est Saxons over varnish so,
With Romish Ceremonies flush whereby
Bede there Conversion doth to him apply.
Did Conigild King of the Gevissi
Or the Est Saxons over varnish so,
With Romish Ceremonies flush whereby
Bede there Conversion doth to him apply.
Then Agilbert the Franck from Ireland came
Sat in this seate awhile; but in a tutch
Wafts ore the main to France. Then fell the same
To Vine, who sat at Woster, but a smutch
Be fell King Cynigild. He dropt from such.
Sat in this seate awhile; but in a tutch
Wafts ore the main to France. Then fell the same
To Vine, who sat at Woster, but a smutch
Be fell King Cynigild. He dropt from such.
He thus apostatizing, Vine goes hence
To Vulfery the Mercian King, and buys
The Bishoprick of London, did dispence
His Light therein; after the Gevissies
Have Elutherius of a French sise.
To Vulfery the Mercian King, and buys
The Bishoprick of London, did dispence
His Light therein; after the Gevissies
Have Elutherius of a French sise.
He rulde them many years and by his aide,
Maildulph the Scot founds Malmsbury Monastry
And so laid down his hilts as its said
After he had restor'd the Gevissi
With Cynigild from his Apostasy.
Maildulph the Scot founds Malmsbury Monastry
And so laid down his hilts as its said
After he had restor'd the Gevissi
With Cynigild from his Apostasy.
Other Lights in England etc.
Ronnan a Scotman bickerd for Rome's rites
'Gainst Vinnan of Nothumberland, in vain,
Edelwin, Litchfields bishop whose delight
Was in the Holy Scripture truth mentains.
Adelhelm Bladwin learnd, was with foule strain.
'Gainst Vinnan of Nothumberland, in vain,
Edelwin, Litchfields bishop whose delight
Was in the Holy Scripture truth mentains.
Adelhelm Bladwin learnd, was with foule strain.
Both Ecberecht, and Vitberecht did shine
In Ireland, and thence set out to draw
The Fressers unto Christ, in vain next time
King Egberect sent Wilibrod to awe
Then, with twelve other by the Gospell law.
In Ireland, and thence set out to draw
The Fressers unto Christ, in vain next time
King Egberect sent Wilibrod to awe
Then, with twelve other by the Gospell law.
Who by King Pipins help, did it Effect.
And at Trajectum raisd his bishops seate.
Ivo whom Cuthbert of Lindisfarn dect
With Principles did the Armoricks treate
Converting many by the Gospell greate.
And at Trajectum raisd his bishops seate.
Ivo whom Cuthbert of Lindisfarn dect
With Principles did the Armoricks treate
Converting many by the Gospell greate.
Segenius the Scot whose Pupill was
That famous Aidan, spoken of before,
Dispensed Gospell Light that pure did pass,
These were some stars, through which the beams in store
Of Gospell Light did round this Century o're.
That famous Aidan, spoken of before,
Dispensed Gospell Light that pure did pass,
These were some stars, through which the beams in store
Of Gospell Light did round this Century o're.
And thus behold, how Gospell Grace out beams
From Coast to Coast, but most in brittain cleare
Against Romes pride, Prelation, and foule streams
Of superstition, Easter, Shap'd-Crowns giere
'Gainst wedlock, Clergie, things that fulsom peare.
From Coast to Coast, but most in brittain cleare
Against Romes pride, Prelation, and foule streams
Of superstition, Easter, Shap'd-Crowns giere
'Gainst wedlock, Clergie, things that fulsom peare.
When Edwin the Northumber king receivd
The Faith of Christ, His Nobles, and his Realm
Did too. Then Coiffy his High Priest bereav'd
Of's Pagan rites, a stallion strides, and stems
And all his Pagan Altars overwhelms.
The Faith of Christ, His Nobles, and his Realm
Did too. Then Coiffy his High Priest bereav'd
Of's Pagan rites, a stallion strides, and stems
And all his Pagan Altars overwhelms.
Now Peaces Coate with such a glory's lac'de
That brazen bowls at every fountain Chaind
None steale, but drinke therein, as they are plac'de.
A woman might without disturbance gaind,
Pass loaded hard with gold from Main to Main.
That brazen bowls at every fountain Chaind
None steale, but drinke therein, as they are plac'de.
A woman might without disturbance gaind,
Pass loaded hard with gold from Main to Main.
When Oswald had his Throne, When Aidan preacht
He did it to the Flock interpret cleare.
Unto the Poore his pious Zeale out reacht.
When at his Table he the Poore did heare
He sent them all that for the feast dresst were.
He did it to the Flock interpret cleare.
Unto the Poore his pious Zeale out reacht.
When at his Table he the Poore did heare
He sent them all that for the feast dresst were.
Nay and he took a silver Platter, brake
It all to bitts, and sent it them also.
Clodove the King of France, in Famine greate
The Silver Roofe of Deny'se Church did throw
All down, and on the hungry poore bestow.
It all to bitts, and sent it them also.
Clodove the King of France, in Famine greate
The Silver Roofe of Deny'se Church did throw
All down, and on the hungry poore bestow.
Grace too now over Pagan Saxons shines
Inlargment gets in Holand, Germany.
In Freesland, and in other Seates, and Climes
Though strangly dim'd with vain, foule maumatry,
New Christned in the Font of treachery.
Inlargment gets in Holand, Germany.
In Freesland, and in other Seates, and Climes
Though strangly dim'd with vain, foule maumatry,
New Christned in the Font of treachery.
Se then how Graces rayes brightest are fogd
With Jack-a-lanthorn lights sprung up and raised
Out of the bogs of humane brains beclog'd
With Superstition: now I half amaz'd
Do pass to view how Patience forth hath blazd.
With Jack-a-lanthorn lights sprung up and raised
Out of the bogs of humane brains beclog'd
With Superstition: now I half amaz'd
Do pass to view how Patience forth hath blazd.
Hung on last Centuries Spindle, and the stock
The Present Century gives I'le lay thereto
To spin her twine drawn out this Century through
That we may se how fine the same will run
And how her Glory rises, being spun
Through Lying Wonders, Errours, Superstition
Contentions, Cruelties, and Romes Ambition,
And such like things, that so we may adore
The Everflowing Spring of Patience more.
Patience exercised by Lying Wonder.
A Wonder 'tis Gods Patience should Contain,
While lying Wonders wollow out in grain,
But now behold these file do Patience Steel
Untill her Shine aboute the World doth wheele.
While lying Wonders wollow out in grain,
But now behold these file do Patience Steel
Untill her Shine aboute the World doth wheele.
At Maurien in France a woman pray'd
Full three years Constantly as it is said,
That John the Baptist would her bless ev'n so
As on her one of's members to bestow.
But all this while the baptist heard her not
Then sweare she doth, she will not eate a jot
Till she had gain'd her suite. Hence seven dayes pass
She doth in pray're and Fasting, now it was
The Baptist loath she should, poor heart so dy,
Bit off his Thumb, most shining White (Fy, fy)
And slips it on the Altar, which she spies
And takes it then rejoycing: out soon highs,
Declares the thing: three Bishop hast thereto
To worship it, three drops of blood then flow
Dropt from it on the Altar Cloath, as each
Might have a drop, amazd, as goes the speech,
They stand, an yet enravisht are with joy,
And out they goe and up such Relicks Cry.
When as Kents King in wicked wayes did rowle
Full three years Constantly as it is said,
That John the Baptist would her bless ev'n so
As on her one of's members to bestow.
But all this while the baptist heard her not
Then sweare she doth, she will not eate a jot
Till she had gain'd her suite. Hence seven dayes pass
She doth in pray're and Fasting, now it was
The Baptist loath she should, poor heart so dy,
Bit off his Thumb, most shining White (Fy, fy)
And slips it on the Altar, which she spies
And takes it then rejoycing: out soon highs,
Declares the thing: three Bishop hast thereto
To worship it, three drops of blood then flow
Dropt from it on the Altar Cloath, as each
Might have a drop, amazd, as goes the speech,
They stand, an yet enravisht are with joy,
And out they goe and up such Relicks Cry.
And outed Austins mates that touch his soule
For Wedding of his Fathers wife, Lawrence
About to fly, lodging as flying hence
Then in Saint Peters Church, Peter appears
And scourg'd him soundly, Charg'd him down with fears
He to the King ith morn doth shew his sore
And scourges saying these Saint Peter gave
And Charg'd me never from my Flock be drave.
Calld back Melit and Justus and them prizd.
Greg'ry the great, is said to give rebuke
To's successour Sabinian who rook
And slander did him, and did after smite
Him on his head, whence sprang his last good night.
When Dagobert King Clothair's Son did Chase
In Dionysu's Church, (which too did grace
Rush to, and Elutherius martyres bright)
An hunted hart, they savde it from his sight,
And after this he sanctuaries there,
Flying away to shield off's Fathers speare
They bid him build their tombs in greater State
That people might them better venerate
And for reward they promise him they would
His Fathers Anger from him back with hold.
Hence out he goes and battlements all ore
Saint Denyse then with solid silver store.
But now it being to be Consecrate
A Leper lodging in it did this relate
He saw Christ, Peter, Paul, and Denyse too
With Rustick, and Eleuthery come through
And bad him tell the Priests it and they take
His Leprosy and to a stone it glew
To be a witness that the thing was true.
Some think this was a trick that by the Priests
They for its Consecration be not fleec'de.
John Insulan told Pictairs Bishop he
Was by a Rev'rend Senior bid to bee
At fervent Prayer for Dagoberts poor soule
For whom that instant dead the bell did tole
Wherefore he fell upon it, and soon spide
An host of Divells in the sea so wide
Toughing the boat in which the Kings Soule was
Passing to hell. Hence he Cride loud alas
Oh! Martine, Mawrice, Denyse, Martyres help.
Then rose a storm and showers did often pelt
And those three Persons all in white who said
They being calld was come Dag'bert to aide
And forth with took from torments thus his soule
And bore it with them to the Heavenly pole.
In Dagobertus time livd Agil, who
When Satan in a Dragons shape came to
Lift up his head, and Poison on him spewd
Did varnish him by signe of th' Cross then shewd.
When Haumar Saracen the Temple then
Began to build up at Jerusalem,
His enterprize was all destroy'd he sought
Unto the Jews to tell him what they thought.
The Cross, say they, which on mount Olivet
Was o're the Temple, doth thy building let.
Then down the Cross doth go, and up he highs
His building and it stands. Report then flies
Among the Christians that the Cross availes
Began to build up at Jerusalem,
Unto the Jews to tell him what they thought.
The Cross, say they, which on mount Olivet
Was o're the Temple, doth thy building let.
Then down the Cross doth go, and up he highs
His building and it stands. Report then flies
Among the Christians that the Cross availes
Against all Evill things, against all ailes.
And now about the Emperour Constans rose
Against the Lombards, to an Hermit goes
First to inquire. Who long entreats and Cries
To have an Oracle at length there highes
Mich the Archangell, John the Baptist, and
Saint Peter, who this Oracle him hand.
Go tell the Emperour God is not pleasd
As yet to grant the thing thy heart hath seisd.
The Italian Lombards can't be Conquourd yet
Because a foreign Queen they did permit
To build to God and to John Baptist raise
A Church within their borders, with rich layes.
Here men, and handmaids, Priests and all apply
The worship of the Lord most faithfully.
That John doth for the Lombards intercede
And they his birth daye yearly therein plead
With Offerings for this Oratory, though
The time will come when it shall not be so.
But it shall be despisd of all, and all
Its Wealth they shall cast out, they also shall
Afflict my Servants, and mine handmaids there
The Priests that serve God night, and day even here
Shall be molested, and their wealth shall be
All tooke away, their lives imbitter'd see.
And then this nation shall be overthrown.
The Hermit to the Emperour did go
The morning next, and made him all to know.
King Oswald slain at Maxfield gave arise
And now about the Emperour Constans rose
Against the Lombards, to an Hermit goes
First to inquire. Who long entreats and Cries
To have an Oracle at length there highes
Mich the Archangell, John the Baptist, and
Saint Peter, who this Oracle him hand.
Go tell the Emperour God is not pleasd
As yet to grant the thing thy heart hath seisd.
The Italian Lombards can't be Conquourd yet
Because a foreign Queen they did permit
To build to God and to John Baptist raise
A Church within their borders, with rich layes.
Here men, and handmaids, Priests and all apply
The worship of the Lord most faithfully.
That John doth for the Lombards intercede
And they his birth daye yearly therein plead
With Offerings for this Oratory, though
The time will come when it shall not be so.
But it shall be despisd of all, and all
Its Wealth they shall cast out, they also shall
Afflict my Servants, and mine handmaids there
The Priests that serve God night, and day even here
Shall be molested, and their wealth shall be
All tooke away, their lives imbitter'd see.
And then this nation shall be overthrown.
The Hermit to the Emperour did go
The morning next, and made him all to know.
To many stories Beda's pen up hoist
That in the place he fell, a king was Cur'de
And then a Maid that th'palsy had indur'de.
The Dust thence tooke heald many sicknesses
The post he hung on had no blemishes
By fire that did all other things there turn
To ashes quickly that there did burn.
From thence to heav'n streatcht out a stroke of Light
Which then was seen in Litchfield province cleare.
Nay by the water that did wash them, were
Possessed persons healed, and dust tooke thence
Chast divells all from men possesst. (brave sence),
And at his tomb a boy was Cured who
Was Fever sick, a man from death raisd too.
Brave Aidans Cruch sav'de in red flames, they say,
Cur'de many sick, diseases drove away.
Such as were sick of Fevers and diseases
The Biere of Eartanwald (as Beda pleases)
Did heale, hee London Bishop was and stood
Oh lying Wonders. Satan here deludes.
And Fursous now about an Irish man
A monkish Visionary clinkd his Can.
Did Angels in his Extasy behold
And a darke vally under him, its told,
And in the Sky four Fires nigh equally
A distant each from each. He now doth cry,
What mean these Fires? An Angell saith these shall
Burn up the World. One must on lyars fall
That their baptismall promise over slip.
Another Carnall Worldlings shall whip.
The third shall roast all janglers; and the last
Shall have ungodly persons in it Cast.
These fires so grew they make one mighty flame,
And nigh him got. He trembling out cries came
But hath this answer, that it shall n't thee burn:
Thou hast not kindled it, yet it shall turn
And try mens deeds, and then an Angell rose
Parted the flames, and twain on each side goes.
Then Divells through the fire flew to enfire
Wars up against the righteous with desire.
The wicked Spirits him accuse, the Good
Defend him, which once ore, three Angells stood,
By him, who to the body him Convay'd,
The other being fled to heaven its said,
But drawing nigh the foresaid fire, there came
An Angell as before, parting the same
But coming where a doore lay ope betwixt
The Flames, the filthy fiends a person fixt
There in the fires, whirle at him, and him smite
Upon his Cheek and shoulder by that weight.
He knew the man thus thrown was one, whose vest
He when he was departed, had possesst.
The Angell Cast him in the fire again.
The fiend reply'd, Cast not off him you've ta'ne
So of his punishments ye ought to share.
Not so the Angell said. He tooke this not
For Covetousness, but as its justly got
To help support his life, then dy'de the fire.
The angell turnd then to him, and spake higher
That burns on thee that thou didst take of his.
And told him how he must shun all amiss.
But when this man in body was restor'd
The marke the fire unto him did afford,
Though given in his Soule his body bore
Most visible, as long as life therefore
Remaind, he would to all men open shew
A wonder strang: surely more strange than true.
Another of such purgatory props
Heare how it from the same mans lips out drops.
He being dead in Scotland his Soule
Is had by Angells to the heavenly pole,
And there is kept all night and back its sent,
And in the body once again is pent,
And after this when dead the Angells led
Him up to heaven, as he thither fled
The Divell did him way lay then with whom
After a mighty long brush he's ore come
Because he had a certain Vile mans Vest,
And back the second time he's also presst.
Into the body, there to satisfy
Among the living for's iniquity.
Oh Furseus where is thy face, and brow?
Patience doth blush to finde thy bull thus low.
Blinde Audomar is said to gain good Eyes
By Vedasts Vertue, at the bishops Cries
Who lost the same again because he tooke
It ill, that hed his blindness for's health brooke.
When in a Famine sore Clodove the King
Took down Saint Denyse Silver roofe to fling
Some Spills of bounty to the hungry poore
To feed them with, its said Saint Denyse bore
Him greate ill Will, hence he soon fell mad
And two years after Death's goad made him gad.
When Sussex first sat in the Gospell Shine
And bright Eappa ore it stretcht his line:
A sore mortality therein did rage.
He and his pupills thereupon engage
The Majesty of heaven in this state
To spare the sick, or when they could not stand,
To save their souls from being ever damnd.
Now in their Hive there was a Saxon boy
New won to Christ did of this sickness ly,
No small time bed rid, who was left alone
Upon the second turn of fast dayes, t'groane,
To whom the Chief of the Apostles came
Bout two a clock that day. (Here lies the game)
Saluting of him thus, Child feare not Death:
For we this day shall lead thee hence from Earth,
Unto the heavenly kingdoms, onely waite
A while till Mass is o're, they Celebrate,
The body and the blood of Christ must bee
Thy food Viatick till thou come to glee.
And being quit of sickness, death, and all
Wee bring thee to Celestiall Pleasures shall.
Call to thee then Elder Ea'tppa, tell
Him this, the Lord doth take your prayers well
And your Devotion: no more shall dy
Of this Disease, now in your Monestry
Nor in the towns about, but shall revive
Even all of them that are this day alive,
Except myselfe who must anone be freed
By Death, and to the sight of Christ make speed.
But God hath dignifide you with his Grace,
Through Oswalds intercession, of Blessed Face,
King of Northumberland, belovd of God,
Intently serving of him all a---
Who by the Power of temporall Realm and so
Of Christian Piety did fore you goe.
For on this selfe same day by's Enemy
He fell: and went unto Eternal joy
Sociated with Elect, in Heavenly stories,
And they to mass went in all Oratories
Of the said Hall, with thanks their prayer heard were
And for King Oswald who had reigned there.
And that he for them as his own had pray'de,
Then they the Heavenly Offerings assaid
Thus ending of their Fast, refreshment take
Into the body pincht with ------
But when the lad Eappa all had told
He askt what men they were he did behold.
Quoth he they were all brigh[t] in face and dress
Most Chearfull, Beautifull, I do confess
I never saw the like, and thought there could
Not any such bright persons eyes behold.
The other had a greate large Beard hung down:
One was Calld Peter, th'other Paul which were
Our Lord and Saviours Ministers, sent here
By him from heaven for the safe Defence
Of this Monastery, then out goes thence.
Eappa searcht his Annals, it was the day
In which King Oswald slain in battell lay.
Calld all together, Celebrated Mass
And chargd the same should to the sick lad pass.
Which being done, he soon gave up the Ghost.
And hereupon this Monestry indeed
And others rounde about began to heed
And Celebrate with Masses ev'ry year
King Oswalds birthday. Se the Monckry here.
In th'Countrey of Incanning in the land
Northumber, as Drithelm there did stand,
Fell sick, and in the Evning dies, and while
His Wife and Friends with tears and sorrows boile
About the Bier the morning after, he
Reviv'd and rose; all affrighted he doth flee
He calls and saith unto his wife, feare not
In truth I am from death, arose, and got
To live again with men: not as before,
Then up he gets, and to the Oratore
Continuing there in prayer, and doth divide
His State, a third doth to his wife ascribe,
A third to's Chi[l]dren, to himselfe a third
Which to the Poor he quickly doth afford.
And freed from worldly Cares he packs into
Mailros's Monastry shut up also
Nigh in a Cranke of Twedes brave river cleare
Is Abbated and with a shav'd Crown there
Continues till his dying day contrite.
As was most fitting unto --- a weight,
In heart, and life, and many things doth finde
The which he most conceald: yet one thus goes,
A glorious person quoth hee, came and throws
This speech out, lets walke silently due East
And so we to a Vale came as we prest
Still on, of vast Length, breadth, and deapth possesst
Which on our left hand lay. One side on't was
Extreamly terrible with flames that flash,
With furious Haile and Snow most horrible,
Whirling and overturning all things there:
Both filld with souls of men that tossed were
From side to side by th'fury of these gusts
A recompence unto their sins and lusts.
Th'Intolerable Flames did make them leap
Unto the other Side where th'Cold so Great
Did make them skip again into the flames.
And thus they torturde are in endless pains.
And while I saw innumerable Ghosts
And Ugly Spirits in those torments rost
I thought this might parhaps be hell whose flash
I oft had heard intollerable was.
My guide before me said deem no such thing.
This is not Hell these soules are tortur'd in.
He led me all amazd to th'further side
Where suddenly all Darkness did us hide.
Wherein I nothing saw except the shape
And Vest of him that thither did me take.
And going on in darkness through the shades,
There wallop up oft balls of Flames t'invade's,
As leaping out of a Deep Pit profound,
And down they flap again with dismall sound.
And here my guide slinks from [me] suddenly.
And left me here where balls of fire out fly
And down do flap again, in which I spide
Men's spirits wafted up, and down beside
Which those flames vomited like ashes light
And smoake, which fell down in the gulph from sight
Again, and in these vapours issued out
A Stinck incomparable all about.
And while I trembling stood and what to do
I could not tell, a dreadfull sound came to
Mine ears of Cruell wretched Weeping, and
Of yawling Laughter of Fowl Spirits Damn'd
To se the Souls of men thus ban filled
There in these fires, and never Cancilled.
So far as I could know one of these men
A Shavling was, Clarke like, another then
A laick, and a Certain woman too
Was there, and these the Wicked Spirits drew
To tumble in this pit of burning fire.
Then Horrid sound did less distinct me tire.
But some of the Black Fiends ascended yet
Out of the flame spitting deep Whirly pit
Surround me paw upon me gusting out
With flaming Eye: from mouth and Nosthrills stout,
Proabing with red hot tongues from th'firy lake.
I thus shut up on evry side with foes
And blindness great of Darkness, my Eye goes
Me round each way, if I could succor spy,
And back the way I came here I descry
Therein a Light as of a Star that shines,
In darkness, which grew lighter in its lines,
Which when it came unto me all these fi[e]nds
With firy tongs are scattred, fly like winds.
And he that brought me hither now appears
To Chase them all away. Thus farewell fears.
And turning on the Right hand way, begun
To have me to the Winter rising Sun.
Now soon he led me out, darkness goodnight,
Into the air of a most serene light,
Where I espide the fastest wall, whose length
This and that way, and height's beyond Extendth:
Without Gate, Window, Stares, whereat amazd,
Yet on its top, I knew not how, we're raisd,
And lo, there was a Field there lay most wide
And pleasant too with fragrant flowers beside,
And such a Light, that was more Cleare, full soon,
Above the shining Day, or Sun at noon.
Innumerable Packs of men and thrones
Of Joyous troops possesst it for their own.
And now methought this Heaven was which I
Had often heard held out, top full of joy.
My Guide replide, This is not Heaven, nay,
But going on I spide before me lay
A greater Grace of light by far than this,
Filld with the Voice of Singers most sweet, yes
And fragrent Oders wonderfull, that that
I felt before seemd very small thereat.
And when I hopt to enter in't, my Guide
Stood sudden still, and back again did slide.
But turning back, when we came nigh unto
Those joyous Mansions of these spirits who
Were all in White, Knowst what these things, saith he,
Are, which thou sawst? I answerd No. These be
Saith he, as follow, lo, the Vale of Fire
And Cold, 's the place where those that do expire
Without repentance till last gasp, are tride
And in their Souls Chasetisd, cause then they Cride.
And in the judgment day they savd shall bee,
By Prayrs, Alms, Fasts, and Masses of men free
Is Hells own mouth, none in't get out of it.
But that floriferous place wherein thou spidst
All sparkling Youth most beautifull reside
Is that wherein the Souls are welcom'd which
Went from the bodie forth in good works rich.
But such as are in er'y Word, Work, thought
Compleatly perfect, shall forth with be brought
Into th'Celestiall Kingdom when they die,
To which this place of sweetest songs lies by.
But seing thou must turn again to live
With men unto thy body, se thou give
Thy selfe to such an Exact, perfect life
That after death thy Soule with joys most rife
Unto these mansions of blesst Spirits may,
Conducted bee without all Stop or Stay.
But speaking thus, I did detest to goe
Back to my body, being enravisht so
With sweetness and the Glory of the place,
And with the Consorts there mine Eyes did trace.
Yet durst not ask my Guide a jot hereof.
But soon I know not how I was steerd of
And finde myselfe With men again am brought.
What monkishness is this? Oh mischiefe fraught.
Poore Souls neglecting faithfull Teachers bright
Turning to Romish Ceremonies our plight
Are quickly gulld thus by the Divell who
Turns Monk and Ape to mock them so and so.
Saint Sebba, Beda said, spied three men gay
Who told him forehand right his dying day.
Whose Coffin all of Stone to narrow by
Four fingers for the Corps im'ediatly
Grew larger of itselfe and took it in.
This was a Miracle: or monkish thing.
Its irksom here to amble through the store
Of monkish sloughs, my Patience waits no more
These lying Wonders: for in ev'ry Crink
The Divell plays hide, and seek, while mortalls winke.
And under ev'ry leafe He and his lies
Do ly, that patience makes her Glory rise
While he by monkish stuff beguils souls thus.
Wherefore I leave this head and farther lash.
2 Patience made shine by Errours.
I come to Errours Hogshead now whose broachThis Centrey had, wherewith it did approach
Up to the brim all foming frothy, Hence
I'le poure out that of Heresies, and brew
It well with that of superstitions hew
Now in my Urinall thereby t'divine
The very Simptoms of this sickly time
And by these two this Verdict's on the Case
That Patience blushes at their brazen face.
Hereseis whiske it now, as formerly
In Tissues, Silks, and Sattens, trimly ly.
Not many New ones minted but those stale
Are new fermented and made bottle Ale,
So full of spirits if the Cork's but slackt
They all aloft fly and Gunlike do Crack.
The Arian swill tub Rechar'd King of Spain
And Fortunat Grad's bishop do mentain
Ticinum's Anastase, John Gerundens
And more too many for my pen intence.
In Tissues, Silks, and Sattens, trimly ly.
Not many New ones minted but those stale
Are new fermented and made bottle Ale,
So full of spirits if the Cork's but slackt
They all aloft fly and Gunlike do Crack.
The Arian swill tub Rechar'd King of Spain
And Fortunat Grad's bishop do mentain
Ticinum's Anastase, John Gerundens
And more too many for my pen intence.
Now the Severian tree though fore now Cropt
Springs up with many strong Limbs. Being topt
With Centobabdites, Theodosians
Petrites, Angelites and Agnoetans
With Cenonites and Headless Dons also
Who mongst themselves to daggers-Draw did grow.
The Aphthardoticks still above bord stay
The Monophysits rise and raise greate fray.
Heraclius the Emperour's such. Oh fy!
Its Arianism in another die.
This thorn bush brancht also into these limbs
Armenians, Jacobits which Gnaphe begins,
With Theopaschits who assert do this
That the Divinity did suffer, yes
And Staurolatfits who adore the Cross.
Pelagians now also do vend their dross
Nestorians, Priscilianists too are
Still in the market setting off their ware.
These and such heresies as these do ruffle
Gainst which as other sins, Christs truths doth scuffle.
But while these nasty Dunghills send out reecks
Patience doth shine with lovely Cherry Cheeks.
Springs up with many strong Limbs. Being topt
With Centobabdites, Theodosians
Petrites, Angelites and Agnoetans
With Cenonites and Headless Dons also
Who mongst themselves to daggers-Draw did grow.
The Aphthardoticks still above bord stay
The Monophysits rise and raise greate fray.
Heraclius the Emperour's such. Oh fy!
Its Arianism in another die.
This thorn bush brancht also into these limbs
Armenians, Jacobits which Gnaphe begins,
With Theopaschits who assert do this
That the Divinity did suffer, yes
And Staurolatfits who adore the Cross.
Pelagians now also do vend their dross
Nestorians, Priscilianists too are
Still in the market setting off their ware.
These and such heresies as these do ruffle
Gainst which as other sins, Christs truths doth scuffle.
But while these nasty Dunghills send out reecks
Patience doth shine with lovely Cherry Cheeks.
I might here brand the Errours that do ly
Luld in false Doctrines lap for Heresy
And as I stem the Currant in the Seas
Of Superstitions, I may plump (if't please)
Therein such dross as I upon the same
May Chance to strike upon: but now I aime
In Superstitions Glass and Foppish Crimes
To eye how patience's Glory higher climbs.
Romes bishops chiefly do the Scullions stand
That scoure her very bright with durty sand:
Luld in false Doctrines lap for Heresy
Of Superstitions, I may plump (if't please)
Therein such dross as I upon the same
May Chance to strike upon: but now I aime
In Superstitions Glass and Foppish Crimes
To eye how patience's Glory higher climbs.
Romes bishops chiefly do the Scullions stand
That scoure her very bright with durty sand:
Sabinian last Patriarch of Rome
Who tore at Gregory now in his tomb
Decrees Canonish Hours; and ringing bells:
And Lights to burne ere in the Temples-tells
It must all wayes be in the Vatican
And Boniface the third nine months did fan.
Romes Universal Headship he obtaind
Of Phocas who by blood the Empire gaind.
Then Boniface the fourth comes in and takes
Sir Phocas with your leave, and Consecrates
The Pagan temple Pantheon which hiv'de
All Pagan Gods in't, and is by him shriv'de
Of all its Idoll Gods, on Martyres stowd
And Divells now which scourgd such as there flowd
That Christians were, abate their stripes do there.
Good reason why, they friendship make He here
Doth annually upon his All Saints day
Novembers Calends, fixt then mass to say.
He did Decree that Altar Cloths shall bee
Of Linen clean: and white spred on them. He
States Monks a Sort of priests, and on them sent
A Power to preach, and give the Sacram[en]t.
Who tore at Gregory now in his tomb
Decrees Canonish Hours; and ringing bells:
And Lights to burne ere in the Temples-tells
It must all wayes be in the Vatican
And Boniface the third nine months did fan.
Romes Universal Headship he obtaind
Of Phocas who by blood the Empire gaind.
Then Boniface the fourth comes in and takes
Sir Phocas with your leave, and Consecrates
The Pagan temple Pantheon which hiv'de
All Pagan Gods in't, and is by him shriv'de
Of all its Idoll Gods, on Martyres stowd
And Divells now which scourgd such as there flowd
That Christians were, abate their stripes do there.
Good reason why, they friendship make He here
Doth annually upon his All Saints day
Novembers Calends, fixt then mass to say.
He did Decree that Altar Cloths shall bee
Of Linen clean: and white spred on them. He
States Monks a Sort of priests, and on them sent
A Power to preach, and give the Sacram[en]t.
The Seat nigh Six months void, then Theodate
Is shuffled in't, who heald now Consecrate
A Leper by a Kiss (such smacks are rare)
Decrees that Parents shall no longer pair
And be divorc'd, if for their babes they go
As Sureties when baptismall waters flow.
Is shuffled in't, who heald now Consecrate
A Leper by a Kiss (such smacks are rare)
Decrees that Parents shall no longer pair
And be divorc'd, if for their babes they go
As Sureties when baptismall waters flow.
Honorius then comes, who builds a new
The ruind Idol temples in chang'd hew,
Invents the Exaltation day of th'Cross
The Invocation of the Dead. Such dross.
The ruind Idol temples in chang'd hew,
Invents the Exaltation day of th'Cross
The Invocation of the Dead. Such dross.
Then John the fourth who did the boddies bring
Of Anastase and Vincent: and them in
Saint John Evangelist his Chapel hide
From th'Saracens by th'Lateran fountain side.
Of Anastase and Vincent: and them in
Saint John Evangelist his Chapel hide
From th'Saracens by th'Lateran fountain side.
Another Theodore is pop'de did see
Wax Candles blesst on Easter Sunday bee.
Wax Candles blesst on Easter Sunday bee.
Martin next Pope doth Constance now up risen
To th'Empire Check for Monothelitism,
Constance commands Olympius Exarch then
Of Italy to kill or send with men
Him Prisoner to him: who could not do't.
Then Calliop is sent, he binds the Pope
And brings him to Byzantium, they there fleece
His tongue, and hand off, forcd thence t'Chersonese
In Thrace an Exile is to's dying day.
He orderest the Clergy should not ha'e
Long hair. That bride and bridesgroom may not ly
Together, 'fore the Priest them wisht much joy.
The Clergy to say grace before meat and
Oyle sacred yearly made by bishops hand.
To th'Empire Check for Monothelitism,
Constance commands Olympius Exarch then
Of Italy to kill or send with men
Him Prisoner to him: who could not do't.
Then Calliop is sent, he binds the Pope
And brings him to Byzantium, they there fleece
His tongue, and hand off, forcd thence t'Chersonese
In Thrace an Exile is to's dying day.
He orderest the Clergy should not ha'e
Long hair. That bride and bridesgroom may not ly
Together, 'fore the Priest them wisht much joy.
The Clergy to say grace before meat and
Oyle sacred yearly made by bishops hand.
Martin in Exile Empty stands the Chair
Full fourteen months, after his death's day were
Eugenius then pears in't who first decreed
That Bishops prisons get for such as need
That Priests, Deans and Archdeacon shall not wed
After two years the body lost this head.
Full fourteen months, after his death's day were
Eugenius then pears in't who first decreed
That Bishops prisons get for such as need
That Priests, Deans and Archdeacon shall not wed
After two years the body lost this head.
Vitalian gets thereon, and soon doth send
To Constance Emperor who him Confirmd.
He did Ecc[l]esiastick Rules Decree
Church Musick too, The Organs as they bee
Makes all things in the Churches out to come
Prattling and canting in the Latine tongue.
To Constance Emperor who him Confirmd.
He did Ecc[l]esiastick Rules Decree
Church Musick too, The Organs as they bee
Makes all things in the Churches out to come
Prattling and canting in the Latine tongue.
Adeodate comes in: and after him
Donus another of the selfe same tin.
Then Agatho hath thirty months the Chair,
Belies Chrysostom making th'Mass his heir.
Damns Mari'd priests and John Archcantor sent
To England t'sing. The Church of Rome (his tent)
Can't Erre, and all that would be sav'd must ly
In Snug Communion with all her fry.
He gave another Leprose Curing Kiss
If Martins Chronicle don't speake amiss.
Donus another of the selfe same tin.
Then Agatho hath thirty months the Chair,
Belies Chrysostom making th'Mass his heir.
Damns Mari'd priests and John Archcantor sent
To England t'sing. The Church of Rome (his tent)
Can't Erre, and all that would be sav'd must ly
In Snug Communion with all her fry.
He gave another Leprose Curing Kiss
If Martins Chronicle don't speake amiss.
Benit the second ten months more, who is
Confirmd by Constantine for him, and his.
John Quintus follows him another yeare
Then Conon hath eleven months the Chair
Then Sergius skipt in't from off mens backs
While Theodore and Paschall go to thwacks
To win the throne but lose it for it lights
In Sergiu's mouth while for the bone they fight.
He's said to finde in Peters Chest a piece
Of Christ Cross Wood which he bids men like geese,
Kiss and adore. Makes Agnus Dei sung
While Sacramentall bread doth broken run.
Sergy good night. I'le back again return
And lick mine Orts o're, 'fore I them hence Spurn.
Temples are now adord, and stufft to th' skin,
With Chests, and dead mens bones: Calld Relicks: Sin.
Wax Candles, Images, Fonts, Altars Nay
Redwall King of East Angles, Bede doth say,
Had in his Chappell set Christs Altar, and
The Divells Altar too; therein did stand.
Masses and other Romish trash: from which
Many departed from the Temples rich
When preaching were with prayre all over, lest
They should with Mass idolatry be pest.
The English Nobles, potentates, and King
To heare the Word, and Prayre their presence bring:
Which being over, then they did depart.
And so it were else where, this vext this art.
They pray to'r'ds Temples, Altars, Pictures gay,
To'ards th'Holy Land, Monastries, nay pray
By Graves, and Monuments. And now are found
Mattins, and Even-Songs greatly abound.
Constantinople's Synod Sixt decreed
(As Polydore relates it for their deed)
That Images in Churches be in store
And worshipt too; as lay mens Battledores
(To which the Romish she, lights Candles and
Burns frank Insence and so doth give Command)
This Counsill also order'd that the saints
Intreated bee to treat God on our 'plaints
Whom they ordain'd as Ministers shall have
A staffe put in his hand (the rod they gave)
Thens made a Chair man, While they Cant and sing
But Exorcist, when made, a booke wherein
Are writ their Exorcisms now receive.
He must be Palld that to Ordain hath leave.
Confirmd by Constantine for him, and his.
John Quintus follows him another yeare
Then Conon hath eleven months the Chair
Then Sergius skipt in't from off mens backs
While Theodore and Paschall go to thwacks
To win the throne but lose it for it lights
In Sergiu's mouth while for the bone they fight.
He's said to finde in Peters Chest a piece
Of Christ Cross Wood which he bids men like geese,
Kiss and adore. Makes Agnus Dei sung
While Sacramentall bread doth broken run.
And lick mine Orts o're, 'fore I them hence Spurn.
Temples are now adord, and stufft to th' skin,
With Chests, and dead mens bones: Calld Relicks: Sin.
Wax Candles, Images, Fonts, Altars Nay
Redwall King of East Angles, Bede doth say,
Had in his Chappell set Christs Altar, and
The Divells Altar too; therein did stand.
Masses and other Romish trash: from which
Many departed from the Temples rich
When preaching were with prayre all over, lest
They should with Mass idolatry be pest.
The English Nobles, potentates, and King
To heare the Word, and Prayre their presence bring:
Which being over, then they did depart.
And so it were else where, this vext this art.
They pray to'r'ds Temples, Altars, Pictures gay,
To'ards th'Holy Land, Monastries, nay pray
By Graves, and Monuments. And now are found
Mattins, and Even-Songs greatly abound.
Constantinople's Synod Sixt decreed
(As Polydore relates it for their deed)
That Images in Churches be in store
And worshipt too; as lay mens Battledores
(To which the Romish she, lights Candles and
Burns frank Insence and so doth give Command)
This Counsill also order'd that the saints
Intreated bee to treat God on our 'plaints
Whom they ordain'd as Ministers shall have
A staffe put in his hand (the rod they gave)
Thens made a Chair man, While they Cant and sing
But Exorcist, when made, a booke wherein
Are writ their Exorcisms now receive.
He must be Palld that to Ordain hath leave.
Toleto's Coūcill eighth this Charge displayes,
That none eat flesh in Quadragisimaes.
Nunries now Spring. In Tanet isle arose
Mildred with seventy shes, young Nuns, suppose.
At Witby in another Ile, there sprang
An other built by Oswin King, whose gang
Congelda was the Mother Nun, beside
His daughter Edelf red had her her guide
I'le go no fur, My Pen its patience quite
Will faint away if on I should delight
To draw the thrid and make her shuttle run
Ore all the Web unto the very thr[u]m.
But by what here is done we cleare may see
Patience by Superstition bright made bee.
That none eat flesh in Quadragisimaes.
Nunries now Spring. In Tanet isle arose
Mildred with seventy shes, young Nuns, suppose.
At Witby in another Ile, there sprang
An other built by Oswin King, whose gang
Congelda was the Mother Nun, beside
His daughter Edelf red had her her guide
I'le go no fur, My Pen its patience quite
Will faint away if on I should delight
To draw the thrid and make her shuttle run
Ore all the Web unto the very thr[u]m.
But by what here is done we cleare may see
Patience by Superstition bright made bee.
3 Patience Exercised under Ambition
I come unto another Fist that box
Doth Patience on the Eare and on her Chops.
And yet [i]n stead of Swelling at it, loe
Her Face with Shines of Glory rich doth grow.
Pride and Ambition by abusing her
Do glorify her by their bloody Spur.
Doth Patience on the Eare and on her Chops.
And yet [i]n stead of Swelling at it, loe
Her Face with Shines of Glory rich doth grow.
Pride and Ambition by abusing her
Do glorify her by their bloody Spur.
The Roman Prelates swell with pride so great
As if they all eat poison stead of meat
Or like a pair of strutting Bagpipes blown
Make musick, all must dance after and own.
As if they all eat poison stead of meat
Or like a pair of strutting Bagpipes blown
Make musick, all must dance after and own.
Pope Gregory barks at the eastern John.
Yet wares such pride himselfe a Stately Don
Sending to Austin now in Englands Chair
A great Archbishops Pall as if there were
Archbishop-efficacy in its hems
And folds there lapt What right, gray Gregory, stems
Thus from thy fatherhood, or Usurpation
London to rob of Chiefdom in this nation
And give it unto Canterbury thus.
This act swells of Supremacy in plush.
Yet wares such pride himselfe a Stately Don
Sending to Austin now in Englands Chair
A great Archbishops Pall as if there were
Archbishop-efficacy in its hems
And folds there lapt What right, gray Gregory, stems
Thus from thy fatherhood, or Usurpation
London to rob of Chiefdom in this nation
And give it unto Canterbury thus.
This act swells of Supremacy in plush.
This Pimple grew, and ripend up untill
Phocas the murderer set to his Skill.
And Universall Headship raisd it to,
And such it runs, and all doth overflow
Constantinoples bishops swell by arts
Too into Universall Patriarchs.
But Rome imposes her Decrees on all
The Universall Head can't Nod, Erre, Fall.
Calls Synods and the Lordship ratify.
Doth Monks with Priests and Church Keyes dignify
Se that their Ceremonies in all lands
Exactly be attended; give Commands
And Laws to Bishops Arch; and if they judge
Them Obstinate, them to depose they budge.
Thus Theodore, Constantinoples Paul
The Patriarch expelld the Church, and all.
Did prison Gregory of Agregent
Bound hand and foot upon his foes complaint.
They other Churches rob of Right and Power.
To judg, Ordain. Or use the Keyes (Oh tower)
The Civill powers command for to set free
What Clergy men by laws detained bee.
Do Universal Synods authorize
By their Decrees: Do croud what they devise
Upon all Churches, and their Legates send
To Synods, Countries, Kings too to this end.
Do marrages forbid to whom they list
Base holy dayes erect and send this grist
To other Churches and it grind they must
Must shave, Grease, Mass sing: all in Latine thrust.
They twist at length out of the Emperours hand,
His pope Confirming Power. And thus they stand
They huff it do, in Silver gold and Gems.
John doth John Baptists Church with Silver Stems
Arch all about: Donus of Marble makes
A fouresquare Porch to Peters for his Sake.
Benit, the Virgin Maries doth repare
With Ophtick Stones and Porphyry most rare.
Rough casts the Walk with Work Vermicular:
Both Gold and Silver Vessells on't Confer.
A Surplice too of Silke in wrought with gold,
To ware when they the Sacred rites tend should.
On temples Martin Lavished also
Much gold and Silver. Vessells such there stow
Unto Vitalian the Emperor
Constance extends his bounty very far.
A Pall wove ore with gold most rich and brave
And many other royall gifts he gave.
So to th'Apostle Peter the gospells sent
Writ all in Gold, oucht all with Ornament
White Gems and of a wond'rous sise did stick
About them all about most bravely fit.
Honorious who a Monothelite rose
In Peters Church in Vatican expose
Did gold and Silver: rooft with golden plancks:
Of which he Romulus his Pemple flancks
By the Permission of Heraclius
Peter forgets his fishers Coat now thus.
And Sergius to bring the reare up gave
A golden Censer Odors sweet to have
While Mass is sayd: a Golden Charger trim
Stuck with rich Gems all round about its brim.
And in its middst a Cross of Jacinth made
And of Smaragdine Stone, neatly enlaid,
What Pride is here botching the Gospell ore
With Silke with Silver, Gold, and Gems in store
To gull the World with, as it were a trick
To see their Treasures with for bishops thick
And not to feed mens Souls nor Sanctify
Patience weeps ore this Pride with Shines most high.
Phocas the murderer set to his Skill.
And Universall Headship raisd it to,
And such it runs, and all doth overflow
Constantinoples bishops swell by arts
Too into Universall Patriarchs.
But Rome imposes her Decrees on all
The Universall Head can't Nod, Erre, Fall.
Calls Synods and the Lordship ratify.
Doth Monks with Priests and Church Keyes dignify
Se that their Ceremonies in all lands
Exactly be attended; give Commands
And Laws to Bishops Arch; and if they judge
Them Obstinate, them to depose they budge.
Thus Theodore, Constantinoples Paul
The Patriarch expelld the Church, and all.
Did prison Gregory of Agregent
Bound hand and foot upon his foes complaint.
They other Churches rob of Right and Power.
To judg, Ordain. Or use the Keyes (Oh tower)
The Civill powers command for to set free
What Clergy men by laws detained bee.
By their Decrees: Do croud what they devise
Upon all Churches, and their Legates send
To Synods, Countries, Kings too to this end.
Do marrages forbid to whom they list
Base holy dayes erect and send this grist
To other Churches and it grind they must
Must shave, Grease, Mass sing: all in Latine thrust.
They twist at length out of the Emperours hand,
His pope Confirming Power. And thus they stand
They huff it do, in Silver gold and Gems.
John doth John Baptists Church with Silver Stems
Arch all about: Donus of Marble makes
A fouresquare Porch to Peters for his Sake.
Benit, the Virgin Maries doth repare
With Ophtick Stones and Porphyry most rare.
Rough casts the Walk with Work Vermicular:
Both Gold and Silver Vessells on't Confer.
A Surplice too of Silke in wrought with gold,
To ware when they the Sacred rites tend should.
On temples Martin Lavished also
Much gold and Silver. Vessells such there stow
Unto Vitalian the Emperor
Constance extends his bounty very far.
A Pall wove ore with gold most rich and brave
And many other royall gifts he gave.
So to th'Apostle Peter the gospells sent
Writ all in Gold, oucht all with Ornament
White Gems and of a wond'rous sise did stick
About them all about most bravely fit.
Honorious who a Monothelite rose
In Peters Church in Vatican expose
Did gold and Silver: rooft with golden plancks:
Of which he Romulus his Pemple flancks
By the Permission of Heraclius
Peter forgets his fishers Coat now thus.
And Sergius to bring the reare up gave
A golden Censer Odors sweet to have
While Mass is sayd: a Golden Charger trim
Stuck with rich Gems all round about its brim.
And in its middst a Cross of Jacinth made
And of Smaragdine Stone, neatly enlaid,
What Pride is here botching the Gospell ore
With Silke with Silver, Gold, and Gems in store
To gull the World with, as it were a trick
To see their Treasures with for bishops thick
And not to feed mens Souls nor Sanctify
Patience weeps ore this Pride with Shines most high.
4 Patience Excercised under Schisms.
The Eggs of Pride thus sat on, out do flur
The bub: of Schisms, birds with bill and spur
In hawks and Ravens nests hatch, Cocks full keen
Do peck out one anothers brains in Spleen.
Phocas made Romes so sharp she up doth rise
And out doth peck Constantinople's eyes
(The Adnates of the Universall Ball)
Them Swallows down, and thus Crows over all.
Hence sharp Contentions, 'twixt these seats, and jars.
They at it tooth and naile. Thus fight the Stars.
The bub: of Schisms, birds with bill and spur
In hawks and Ravens nests hatch, Cocks full keen
Do peck out one anothers brains in Spleen.
Phocas made Romes so sharp she up doth rise
And out doth peck Constantinople's eyes
(The Adnates of the Universall Ball)
Them Swallows down, and thus Crows over all.
Hence sharp Contentions, 'twixt these seats, and jars.
They at it tooth and naile. Thus fight the Stars.
Heraclius the Emperour did hap
Contentions in the East and West to tap.
Which tap for two and forty years did run,
Before the running of this tap was done.
For meeting Athanase the Jacobite
At Hierople a full Crafty waite,
He would him Bishop make of Antioch
If he Chalcedoes faith did hold, then spoke
The Crafty Fox, I do profess, saith hee
Two natures in one Christ united bee.
But pardon me great Sir; how are his Wills
And Operations (touching which greate quills
Puke ink apace) to be Esteemd, I pray
Double or Single? Th'Emperour doth lay
The Answer out for Cyrus Phasalis
And Sergy of Constantinopoles
Who do reply One Will, and Operation
In Christ is found. Rome frowns on this Relation
Then Cyrus, spite of Rome, that broacht this fray,
Is bishop made of Alexandria.
But now to damp the fire, they out do fling
Two natures joind, one Will, and Works out bring.
The Jacobites, and Theodosians leap
At this. And say the game is ours, good cheap.
For if One Will, and Work, then Nature's one
In Christ. Whereat Jerusalem's Sophrone
Is startled and rebukes th'Assertion such.
Sergy, who liked it, seems at it to grudge.
As new, unusuall, willing too to smother
Both one and two in Christ, one and the other.
Writes to the Roman Pope to put a bar
Unto Sophrone, that he no further jar.
Sophrone goes on; a Synod calls condemns
Monothelites: and Synods Letter sends,
To Sergy who doth Cyrus part mentain.
And to Pope John, who calls up for the same
A Synod and Condemns Monothelites
So do the Africans, and Asian Lights.
Pyrrhus succeedeth Sergy in his place,
And Errour too: and then to Rome did pace
Recants his note, doth to Ravenna go,
And to't again, then is outchurcht also.
Paul him succeeds and's of his Errour heir.
Pope Martin therefore doth for him prepare
For Cyrus too and Pyrrhus, fivescore ten
Insynoded, and doth outchurch these men.
Contentions in the East and West to tap.
Which tap for two and forty years did run,
Before the running of this tap was done.
For meeting Athanase the Jacobite
At Hierople a full Crafty waite,
He would him Bishop make of Antioch
If he Chalcedoes faith did hold, then spoke
The Crafty Fox, I do profess, saith hee
Two natures in one Christ united bee.
But pardon me great Sir; how are his Wills
And Operations (touching which greate quills
Puke ink apace) to be Esteemd, I pray
Double or Single? Th'Emperour doth lay
The Answer out for Cyrus Phasalis
And Sergy of Constantinopoles
Who do reply One Will, and Operation
In Christ is found. Rome frowns on this Relation
Then Cyrus, spite of Rome, that broacht this fray,
Is bishop made of Alexandria.
But now to damp the fire, they out do fling
Two natures joind, one Will, and Works out bring.
The Jacobites, and Theodosians leap
At this. And say the game is ours, good cheap.
For if One Will, and Work, then Nature's one
In Christ. Whereat Jerusalem's Sophrone
Is startled and rebukes th'Assertion such.
Sergy, who liked it, seems at it to grudge.
As new, unusuall, willing too to smother
Both one and two in Christ, one and the other.
Writes to the Roman Pope to put a bar
Unto Sophrone, that he no further jar.
Sophrone goes on; a Synod calls condemns
Monothelites: and Synods Letter sends,
And to Pope John, who calls up for the same
A Synod and Condemns Monothelites
So do the Africans, and Asian Lights.
Pyrrhus succeedeth Sergy in his place,
And Errour too: and then to Rome did pace
Recants his note, doth to Ravenna go,
And to't again, then is outchurcht also.
Paul him succeeds and's of his Errour heir.
Pope Martin therefore doth for him prepare
For Cyrus too and Pyrrhus, fivescore ten
Insynoded, and doth outchurch these men.
Rotharis Lombards King deemd that it made
Much to impoverish his nations trade
That Pope, and Hexarch, and the Orthodox
So well agreed, did issue from his box
A Law, that each Church in his Realm mentain,
Two bishops. One to preach the Arrian strain,
And one the Doctrine Orthodox. And so
All the Italian Churches strangly show.
Much to impoverish his nations trade
That Pope, and Hexarch, and the Orthodox
So well agreed, did issue from his box
A Law, that each Church in his Realm mentain,
Two bishops. One to preach the Arrian strain,
And one the Doctrine Orthodox. And so
All the Italian Churches strangly show.
When Aquileia's Patrarchy was passt
To Grade, the Lombards angry do in hast
Ordain one Fortunate an Arrian there
Bishop of Aquileia (the King were
Consenting there unto) who by strong hand
Whips unto Grade, their temple plunders and
Whips all to Aquileia. Now the Pope
Honorius, offended, Cries a Rope
Take Fortunate, and him from's state deposd,
And on Primogeny that See's imposd.
The Lombards made here at, plunder and stroy
At Grade thines Sacred, and prophane. Oh fy!
To Grade, the Lombards angry do in hast
Ordain one Fortunate an Arrian there
Bishop of Aquileia (the King were
Consenting there unto) who by strong hand
Whips unto Grade, their temple plunders and
Whips all to Aquileia. Now the Pope
Honorius, offended, Cries a Rope
Take Fortunate, and him from's state deposd,
And on Primogeny that See's imposd.
The Lombards made here at, plunder and stroy
At Grade thines Sacred, and prophane. Oh fy!
Under Constantine, Heracles, Constance the Emperours.
The Brittains Keeping on march fourteeth day
Till th'twenti'th first their Easter, make a fray
Austin Romes Legate, Englands Reformator
Doth disapprove it: and begins to vapor.
Romes Easter, and her Ceremonies he
Would have by Scotts, and B[r]itains tended bee.
The Bishops of the Scots, and Picts, Digame
And so Columban did refuse the same.
And with these Reformators did deny
Communion in food, and Curtesy.
They gaind some ireland Scots hereby, yet still
The Scots and Picts in Scotland hate this Skill.
The English for a while will not thus gad,
For Finian, Aidan, Colman, Hilda, Chad
And other pious learned persons would
Not thus admit them to be had to fold.
Till Oswy, at the Synod in Strenshalch
Heard Peter who the Keyes of Heaven's vault
Taught other wise, he tackt about to Rome
Lest Peter keep him out, when he presume
At Heavens gate to knock. And now the rest
That still opposd, were fain to fly, oppresst.
Till th'twenti'th first their Easter, make a fray
Austin Romes Legate, Englands Reformator
Doth disapprove it: and begins to vapor.
Romes Easter, and her Ceremonies he
Would have by Scotts, and B[r]itains tended bee.
The Bishops of the Scots, and Picts, Digame
And so Columban did refuse the same.
And with these Reformators did deny
Communion in food, and Curtesy.
They gaind some ireland Scots hereby, yet still
The Scots and Picts in Scotland hate this Skill.
For Finian, Aidan, Colman, Hilda, Chad
And other pious learned persons would
Not thus admit them to be had to fold.
Till Oswy, at the Synod in Strenshalch
Heard Peter who the Keyes of Heaven's vault
Taught other wise, he tackt about to Rome
Lest Peter keep him out, when he presume
At Heavens gate to knock. And now the rest
That still opposd, were fain to fly, oppresst.
A feud a rose in Spain did them invade.
Some onely once, some thrice did dip, its said,
In baptism, untill a Councill sit
The fourth at Tolet fixt it once to dip.
Some onely once, some thrice did dip, its said,
In baptism, untill a Councill sit
The fourth at Tolet fixt it once to dip.
Toleto's Bish, and Sevills quarrell do,
For Chiefdom, and to Rome the matters go
The Pope takes the Archbishops Seat away
From Sevill, and to Tolet it Convay.
For Chiefdom, and to Rome the matters go
The Pope takes the Archbishops Seat away
From Sevill, and to Tolet it Convay.
Schisms under Justinian who began 687
Ravenna's Church, that vy'de with Romes for power
And Dignity, till Reparate did shower
It in Romes lap. And bishop Theodore
Who him succeeded passt it thereto ore.
The master Rhanacht taking it full ill
Their Bishop Felix also usd his Skill
To stir them up to reassume their right
Pope Leo stirs Justinian up, whose might
Is sent Ravenna to Reduce, and bring
To Byzant Felix and the Chiefe with him.
He sacks the City, Felix took and sent
Thence Captive. And made blinde: And others went
Into Captivity: Ravenna bowd
Against her will is to Rome Prelate proud.
And Dignity, till Reparate did shower
It in Romes lap. And bishop Theodore
Who him succeeded passt it thereto ore.
The master Rhanacht taking it full ill
Their Bishop Felix also usd his Skill
To stir them up to reassume their right
Pope Leo stirs Justinian up, whose might
Is sent Ravenna to Reduce, and bring
To Byzant Felix and the Chiefe with him.
He sacks the City, Felix took and sent
Thence Captive. And made blinde: And others went
Into Captivity: Ravenna bowd
Against her will is to Rome Prelate proud.
What jars at Rome on choosing Pope we finde
When Boniface the fourth his Soul resignd.
And Join the fifth: When Conon too did sleep.
Whereby this mistress Church in broils did steep.
Thus we may se how Patience is abusd
While Schisms thus in Churches fat are brewd.
When Boniface the fourth his Soul resignd.
And Join the fifth: When Conon too did sleep.
Whereby this mistress Church in broils did steep.
Thus we may se how Patience is abusd
While Schisms thus in Churches fat are brewd.
Patience Exercised by Persecution.
Schisms farewell, and Persecutions nextCome in from them, as Doctrines from the text.
In Viewing which we quickly come to th'Use
They brighten Patience up, so sings my Muse.
Under Phocas, who began 604
Phocas that Butcher, boiling in his lust,
And Cruelty, his Nobles greatly crusht,
Virgins, and Matrons too did vitiate,
The Lombards many Christian Crucidate.
The Jews at Antioch tumult, destroy
By Fire, and Sword the Christians cruelly.
Take Bishop Anastase and off they slam
His secret members, in his mouth them cram
Drag by a Cord ats leg him through the town,
Then burnt him in the fire to ashes down.
And Cruelty, his Nobles greatly crusht,
Virgins, and Matrons too did vitiate,
The Lombards many Christian Crucidate.
The Jews at Antioch tumult, destroy
By Fire, and Sword the Christians cruelly.
Take Bishop Anastase and off they slam
His secret members, in his mouth them cram
Drag by a Cord ats leg him through the town,
Then burnt him in the fire to ashes down.
In England Edbald, Edilburt his Son
Now King of Kent, from's Father's vertues run
Did into Luxury, and's step mam weds,
Meeting the Gospell Checks for't lifts his head
Against the Godly, Sparkles flash like fire,
The Gospell flies his Coasts, Idols aspire
And Idol-Worship, things then runing thus
The Gospell ministers he down did Crush.
Now King of Kent, from's Father's vertues run
Did into Luxury, and's step mam weds,
Meeting the Gospell Checks for't lifts his head
Against the Godly, Sparkles flash like fire,
The Gospell flies his Coasts, Idols aspire
And Idol-Worship, things then runing thus
The Gospell ministers he down did Crush.
Under Heraclius, begining 611.
Heraclius rose a Monothelite
Wedding his Neece, the Church did sorely bite,
Some say his Daughter Epiphania.
The Persian 'saile the Empire, Christians slay:
Destroy Jerusalem: give to the Jews
There ninty thousand persons to abuse.
Take Zachary the Patriarch captive
And a Vast multitude away alive.
The banner of Christs Cross too, and the rage
Of King Chosroes flew against all age
Of Christians. He all terms of peace doth fly;
Unless they'l promise first Christ to deny,
And that they worship will the Sun his god.
They take one Anastase (to feel his rod.
He was a Persian monk) and down him throw
Upon his back, and ore his Shins place do
A timber log, upon whose Ends do stand
Two stout men leaping up and down there fand
As in a balance; then they up him high
Do by one hand, and at his legs do ty
A mighty Stone: and then with seventy more
He's hang'd, and's head unto the King they bore.
Th'Arabian dogs, and Mahomet destroy
The Africk, and Asian Churches nigh.
Wedding his Neece, the Church did sorely bite,
Some say his Daughter Epiphania.
The Persian 'saile the Empire, Christians slay:
Destroy Jerusalem: give to the Jews
There ninty thousand persons to abuse.
Take Zachary the Patriarch captive
And a Vast multitude away alive.
The banner of Christs Cross too, and the rage
Of King Chosroes flew against all age
Of Christians. He all terms of peace doth fly;
Unless they'l promise first Christ to deny,
And that they worship will the Sun his god.
They take one Anastase (to feel his rod.
He was a Persian monk) and down him throw
Upon his back, and ore his Shins place do
A timber log, upon whose Ends do stand
Two stout men leaping up and down there fand
As in a balance; then they up him high
Do by one hand, and at his legs do ty
A mighty Stone: and then with seventy more
He's hang'd, and's head unto the King they bore.
Th'Arabian dogs, and Mahomet destroy
The Africk, and Asian Churches nigh.
Theodorick doth rage in France, and sent
Abbat Columban twice in banishment.
He slew his Brother Throdobert the King
Of Mets with thirty thousands who hid him
Vienna's Bishop Desiderius
Exiles, then ston'd to death, but why Sir thus?
Because he did reproove him for his Sin.
An[d] Dagobert did Churches spoile, like him.
Abbat Columban twice in banishment.
Of Mets with thirty thousands who hid him
Vienna's Bishop Desiderius
Exiles, then ston'd to death, but why Sir thus?
Because he did reproove him for his Sin.
An[d] Dagobert did Churches spoile, like him.
In England Wicked Penda, and Cedwald
Who slew King Edwin, greatly them up halld.
Men, Women, Children too slew Cruelly,
In Countrey and in Cities all destroy.
Towns, Towers, and Temples burnt, Christians do fall
And Idoll Worship up again they hall.
Who slew King Edwin, greatly them up halld.
Men, Women, Children too slew Cruelly,
In Countrey and in Cities all destroy.
Towns, Towers, and Temples burnt, Christians do fall
And Idoll Worship up again they hall.
Under Constantine/Heracles/Constance beginning 641/641/642
Constantine by his Step dam's poisoned
Her Son Heracles lifts up his head
Six months, wherein th'Arabians hem in
Cesaria Palestine, seven years, and bring
Seven thousand Christians to be tortur'd there.
Constantinople's Senate too that year
Cut out Dam'd Martin's tongue, Heracleo's nose
And them exild. And Constance Emperour chose.
Who sprang indeed, a keen Monothelite,
And did Pope Martine, who this sect did smite
In its Chiefe fautors great, with Peters Keyes,
Take Captive, Cut his tongue and hand off: payes
Him then with Banishment to Thrace, where he
By want doth perish, though Romes head he bee.
Did Persecute the Bishops, who appear
In Africk, in Numedia, and there
In Mauritania and did Condemn
His Heresy. His fautors play such men.
Her Son Heracles lifts up his head
Six months, wherein th'Arabians hem in
Cesaria Palestine, seven years, and bring
Seven thousand Christians to be tortur'd there.
Constantinople's Senate too that year
Cut out Dam'd Martin's tongue, Heracleo's nose
And them exild. And Constance Emperour chose.
Who sprang indeed, a keen Monothelite,
And did Pope Martine, who this sect did smite
In its Chiefe fautors great, with Peters Keyes,
Take Captive, Cut his tongue and hand off: payes
Him then with Banishment to Thrace, where he
By want doth perish, though Romes head he bee.
Did Persecute the Bishops, who appear
In Africk, in Numedia, and there
In Mauritania and did Condemn
His Heresy. His fautors play such men.
In England Wicked Penda Oswald slew
Hence up a further Persecution grew.
He raves towards East-Angles. Sig'bert here
With mighty pains had gaind his Subjects there
Christ to imbrace, comes with them out t'oppose
Him. but a mighty slaughter then the foes
Do make of Christians, and their King destroy.
And now their Churches feel his Cruelty.
Hence up a further Persecution grew.
He raves towards East-Angles. Sig'bert here
With mighty pains had gaind his Subjects there
Christ to imbrace, comes with them out t'oppose
Him. but a mighty slaughter then the foes
Do make of Christians, and their King destroy.
And now their Churches feel his Cruelty.
Under Constantine Pogonate beginning 670
Pogonate with his brethren two arose
Who equalld him. Hence he Cut off their nose
And Empires it alone, the Churches shine
He them did from Monothelites refine.
Things ill do jog in France, Lothair their King
Lurks in Domestick luxury: doth fling
All matters on the Prince in Court Ebroine,
A Spunge of Blood, di'de ore with basest Crime.
Who under Theodorick next King there
Did rule the roast, by whom oppressed were
Each vertuous man, afflict the Churches; spoiles
The Temples, slays some Doctors, some exiles.
Leodigar August Odanum's light
He Prisons, Pines, Plucks out his Eyes, doth smite
With Wounds upon the sole of's feet; off fley
His Lips, and Tongue, then him with sword did slay.
Gerinus then he stones to death; and sent
Lambert, Amate, and more, to banishment.
Who equalld him. Hence he Cut off their nose
And Empires it alone, the Churches shine
He them did from Monothelites refine.
Lurks in Domestick luxury: doth fling
All matters on the Prince in Court Ebroine,
A Spunge of Blood, di'de ore with basest Crime.
Who under Theodorick next King there
Did rule the roast, by whom oppressed were
Each vertuous man, afflict the Churches; spoiles
The Temples, slays some Doctors, some exiles.
Leodigar August Odanum's light
He Prisons, Pines, Plucks out his Eyes, doth smite
With Wounds upon the sole of's feet; off fley
His Lips, and Tongue, then him with sword did slay.
Gerinus then he stones to death; and sent
Lambert, Amate, and more, to banishment.
In England hard things bud: the Scots, and Picts
And Britains will not on Romes Easter fix.
They out do rush, kill Oswies Son Egfride:
And by greate slaughter th'Angli they destroy'd.
And now their Churches were in troubles greate.
Among the Gevesi, Cedwald, in heate
Returnd from Exile, killd their King whose name
Was Evildack. And all this Contrey baine,
There's not a bishop in't for many years.
Then all the Isle of Vecta, wholy clears.
Yet lets some noble youths and others, ('cause
They know not Christ), before his sword he draws,
To cut them down, babtized be, if they
Desired the same: as histories do say.
And Britains will not on Romes Easter fix.
They out do rush, kill Oswies Son Egfride:
And by greate slaughter th'Angli they destroy'd.
And now their Churches were in troubles greate.
Among the Gevesi, Cedwald, in heate
Returnd from Exile, killd their King whose name
Was Evildack. And all this Contrey baine,
There's not a bishop in't for many years.
Then all the Isle of Vecta, wholy clears.
Yet lets some noble youths and others, ('cause
They know not Christ), before his sword he draws,
To cut them down, babtized be, if they
Desired the same: as histories do say.
Under Justinian 2/Leontius/Absemarus begining 687/697/699.
Justinian in the Throne can ne're abide
The Roman Prelates Haughtiness, and Pride.
Did Cruell grow. Lievetenant Stephen, and
One Theodore a monke, under him stand,
And Exercise Unheard of Tyranny:
Command the Army on a night that they
Constantinoples Citizen all slay.
Which to Prevent, Leontius Master once
Of th'Eastern forces, with the people bounce
And a few Captives, rout them: and Captive
Justinian; of's tongue, Nose, Eares him shrive
Sits in the Throne three years. Then Absimare
Doth Empire and his Nose too from his pare.
Justinian banis[h]t, treats Prince Cajane's aide.
Whom Absimare by Coine his Friend had made.
Hence he smelt danger, and to Terbell flies,
Lord of Bulgaria, and gets supplies.
Constantinople gets, and Captive takes
Leontius, Absimare treads on them, spakes
This song, Thou'st on the Asp, and Adar tread
The Lion and the Dragon trample, read
Their fatall Sentence, and they headed are.
Seven of the Chiefe, on Wooden Stakes (hard fare)
He Spits, and Rosts: and twenty more he drowns:
And multitudes by Cruel Deaths Confounds
Provides a Fleet their Infants to destroy.
Wherein were seventy thousand of his fry
Sent by a Storm to pave the Sea's broad floore.
Nay, and as oft as he (who'de gaind a Cure)
Did wipe his Snotty nose's place, he flew
On some, or other, and in vengeance slew.
The Roman Prelates Haughtiness, and Pride.
Did Cruell grow. Lievetenant Stephen, and
One Theodore a monke, under him stand,
And Exercise Unheard of Tyranny:
Command the Army on a night that they
Constantinoples Citizen all slay.
Which to Prevent, Leontius Master once
Of th'Eastern forces, with the people bounce
And a few Captives, rout them: and Captive
Justinian; of's tongue, Nose, Eares him shrive
Sits in the Throne three years. Then Absimare
Doth Empire and his Nose too from his pare.
Whom Absimare by Coine his Friend had made.
Hence he smelt danger, and to Terbell flies,
Lord of Bulgaria, and gets supplies.
Constantinople gets, and Captive takes
Leontius, Absimare treads on them, spakes
This song, Thou'st on the Asp, and Adar tread
The Lion and the Dragon trample, read
Their fatall Sentence, and they headed are.
Seven of the Chiefe, on Wooden Stakes (hard fare)
He Spits, and Rosts: and twenty more he drowns:
And multitudes by Cruel Deaths Confounds
Provides a Fleet their Infants to destroy.
Wherein were seventy thousand of his fry
Sent by a Storm to pave the Sea's broad floore.
Nay, and as oft as he (who'de gaind a Cure)
Did wipe his Snotty nose's place, he flew
On some, or other, and in vengeance slew.
The Lombards Tyrant Alachis, Exiles
King Cuniberd; in Christian blood much guiles
Threats when he's King, he'l fill his well, and trim,
With Clergy's Testicles unto the brim.
Whom he asserted, filthy Breeches wore.
King Cuniberd; in Christian blood much guiles
Threats when he's King, he'l fill his well, and trim,
With Clergy's Testicles unto the brim.
Whom he asserted, filthy Breeches wore.
The Arabs lay Armenia in gore.
Ulid their King the Christian Temples burns
Now at Damascus, Charges too to turn
Their Bookes into Arabian Language, and
To write no more in Greek, was his command.
The Sclaves, Avares too, the Churches wast
And Christians into bondage bring, defac'de
Ulid their King the Christian Temples burns
Now at Damascus, Charges too to turn
Their Bookes into Arabian Language, and
To write no more in Greek, was his command.
The Sclaves, Avares too, the Churches wast
And Christians into bondage bring, defac'de
The Eastern French do murder Chilian
And his brave sociats Tholman, Doloman.
Who did the Duke of Herbople with all
His Dukedom unto Christ Convert and call.
And his brave sociats Tholman, Doloman.
Who did the Duke of Herbople with all
His Dukedom unto Christ Convert and call.
Pipin Commands, or did permit the thing
To slay Lampert, who did reproove his Sin.
To slay Lampert, who did reproove his Sin.
Landobert follows Heimeranus cleare
Of Reignsburge in Bavaria, who were
By's harlot Sister Charg'd, ore tooke, and splits
Him on the Rack, and Cuts him all to bits.
Of Reignsburge in Bavaria, who were
By's harlot Sister Charg'd, ore tooke, and splits
Him on the Rack, and Cuts him all to bits.
In England the Picts getting the day
Down go the Churches, Doctors fly away.
Down go the Churches, Doctors fly away.
Evald the White, Evald the Black who, went
From England to Saxony, intent
To preach Christ there, were martyrde nigh to Breme.
The White they quickly slew, the Black a Stream
Of tortures did endure. And so they take
And Cut him all to bits as authour spake.
Now view this thrid, and tell me what you think
Is Justice Dead? Doth Patience make her Winke?
But what a Patience doth this Stage unfold?
Surely it writes her Fame in Liquid Gold.
From England to Saxony, intent
To preach Christ there, were martyrde nigh to Breme.
The White they quickly slew, the Black a Stream
Of tortures did endure. And so they take
And Cut him all to bits as authour spake.
Is Justice Dead? Doth Patience make her Winke?
But what a Patience doth this Stage unfold?
Surely it writes her Fame in Liquid Gold.
The Shine of Justice.
Now Patience take a Nap, we'l onward get
And strive to ope Justice's Cabinet
For to display her Web all brawder'd ore
With wealthy Glory put upon her Score.
And strive to ope Justice's Cabinet
For to display her Web all brawder'd ore
With wealthy Glory put upon her Score.
She soon takes bloody Phocas by the Crown
Thundring from God most dismall judgments down.
Cosroes breaks his league and over flows
All Palestine and Syria, on he roves,
Ore Phenice, ore Armenia, and ore
The Cappadox, Galace Paphlagone sore
And many other places. Europe too
By the Avares all ore much doth rue.
The Persian war to wonder sweeps down all
Except two, di'de in blood of Maurice shall.
And fire from heaven, while they did ingage.
Fell on them with a mighty shower and rage.
A dreadfull famine fights them; doth destroy
Both men and beast. The Sea doth frozen ly.
Priscus his Son in law 'gainst him Conspires
With other Senators burnt by his fires,
Write to Heraclius in Africk, who
Sent out his Son Heraclius also
With force by Sea and land who wins the day
The Tyrant takes, His Secrets pares away
That many honest Matrons did deflowre
Cut off his Hands, and Feet, and gave moreore
His body to be burnt in a brass Bull.
His Progeny destroy'd they to the full.
Thus to be Short Justice doth paint her Hall
With Glory when such Varlets blood doth fall.
Thundring from God most dismall judgments down.
Cosroes breaks his league and over flows
All Palestine and Syria, on he roves,
Ore Phenice, ore Armenia, and ore
The Cappadox, Galace Paphlagone sore
And many other places. Europe too
By the Avares all ore much doth rue.
The Persian war to wonder sweeps down all
Except two, di'de in blood of Maurice shall.
And fire from heaven, while they did ingage.
Fell on them with a mighty shower and rage.
A dreadfull famine fights them; doth destroy
Both men and beast. The Sea doth frozen ly.
Priscus his Son in law 'gainst him Conspires
With other Senators burnt by his fires,
Write to Heraclius in Africk, who
Sent out his Son Heraclius also
With force by Sea and land who wins the day
The Tyrant takes, His Secrets pares away
That many honest Matrons did deflowre
Cut off his Hands, and Feet, and gave moreore
His body to be burnt in a brass Bull.
His Progeny destroy'd they to the full.
Thus to be Short Justice doth paint her Hall
With Glory when such Varlets blood doth fall.
Gifulph the Lombard who the Churches filld
With Arians, and Orthodox is stilld
Cajan the Avare Prince him routs, destroys
Towns, Cities, Ins, and Shops of Blasphemies
The Arians had. His Wife Romild defile
Fix to a Stump. Men, and Young men Up quoile
In death, their Sons and Daughters sell they do.
The Jews that torturd, tortures Undergo
Theodorick the King of France who's broild
In's brothers blood Counsilld by Brumichild.
And blood of many other Christians, red,
When he his murderd brothers Child would wed,
Inflamed by her beauty, he opposd
By Brunichid, its incest if they Clos'd,
Grew mad, attempts to run her through therefore.
But she Escaping of his Sword, him bore
A deadly grudge and as Trittenhome told
Soon gave him poison, stild with shews like gold.
With Arians, and Orthodox is stilld
Cajan the Avare Prince him routs, destroys
Towns, Cities, Ins, and Shops of Blasphemies
The Arians had. His Wife Romild defile
Fix to a Stump. Men, and Young men Up quoile
In death, their Sons and Daughters sell they do.
The Jews that torturd, tortures Undergo
Theodorick the King of France who's broild
In's brothers blood Counsilld by Brumichild.
When he his murderd brothers Child would wed,
Inflamed by her beauty, he opposd
By Brunichid, its incest if they Clos'd,
Grew mad, attempts to run her through therefore.
But she Escaping of his Sword, him bore
A deadly grudge and as Trittenhome told
Soon gave him poison, stild with shews like gold.
This Brunichild of whom its firmly said
Ten King[s] were by her means in Deaths arms laid
Beside innumerable vulgar folk,
Is taken Captives (now pluck up this stalk,)
Warring against Lothair: abhord of all
They stoutly on her do with Cudgells fall.
Then bring her to Lothair, and then proclaim
Her Villanies before the Armie plain,
Then ty her by her arms and feet unto
A wild mad horse. She's torn in pieces so.
Ten King[s] were by her means in Deaths arms laid
Beside innumerable vulgar folk,
Is taken Captives (now pluck up this stalk,)
Warring against Lothair: abhord of all
They stoutly on her do with Cudgells fall.
Then bring her to Lothair, and then proclaim
Her Villanies before the Armie plain,
Then ty her by her arms and feet unto
A wild mad horse. She's torn in pieces so.
Chosroes comes unto his reckonings
A six years war in Persia Justice brings.
And he his younger Son designd should reign.
But Syroes his Eldest in disdain
With Souldiers on him rusht, and Captives him,
Chaind by his hand and feet, his neck must bring
A weight of iron on't, thus pinniond, he
Unto the highest Tower Convayd must bee,
(Which he had built to hord his Silver in,)
There fed with bread, and Water. Oh! Good King!
Throwing most Cruell Tawnts out at him thus
That of his gold he'st eate, he up did Crush
Into that place fisht from the blood of all
And havocks of the World, he made to fall.
Thus Crow'd the Cockerill over his Sire,
And led him out, and made his Eyes ev'n tire
To see the horrid slaughter of his Son
On whom he purposed his Crown should run.
And all his other Children in his Sight
He put to death in a most dolefull plight.
Then out he set him five dayes all in jears,
And orderd him to fall by bows and Spears.
Oh Dismall! Justice will so shine that all
May stop their mouths. And down before her fall.
A six years war in Persia Justice brings.
And he his younger Son designd should reign.
But Syroes his Eldest in disdain
With Souldiers on him rusht, and Captives him,
Chaind by his hand and feet, his neck must bring
A weight of iron on't, thus pinniond, he
Unto the highest Tower Convayd must bee,
(Which he had built to hord his Silver in,)
There fed with bread, and Water. Oh! Good King!
Throwing most Cruell Tawnts out at him thus
That of his gold he'st eate, he up did Crush
Into that place fisht from the blood of all
And havocks of the World, he made to fall.
Thus Crow'd the Cockerill over his Sire,
And led him out, and made his Eyes ev'n tire
To see the horrid slaughter of his Son
On whom he purposed his Crown should run.
And all his other Children in his Sight
He put to death in a most dolefull plight.
Then out he set him five dayes all in jears,
And orderd him to fall by bows and Spears.
Oh Dismall! Justice will so shine that all
May stop their mouths. And down before her fall.
We Come unto Heraclius, now who
Did make Monothelism over flow.
He persecutes the Orthodox, forsakes
His first up springings: incest wedlock makes
Divines by Stars and Birds, and other things.
God by his rashness on his Empire brings
The Saracens when his Lievetenant falls
Upon them and Arabick dogs them calls.
Its said Intercate Water him destroyd,
And as the Scourge of's incest he's annoy'd
His share up turning, all his Urin flew
Up in his face unless he back it threw
By holding of a board to keep down, to
The bottom of his belly when't did flow.
Did make Monothelism over flow.
He persecutes the Orthodox, forsakes
His first up springings: incest wedlock makes
God by his rashness on his Empire brings
The Saracens when his Lievetenant falls
Upon them and Arabick dogs them calls.
Its said Intercate Water him destroyd,
And as the Scourge of's incest he's annoy'd
His share up turning, all his Urin flew
Up in his face unless he back it threw
By holding of a board to keep down, to
The bottom of his belly when't did flow.
Constance another of the same Complection
Did also smart feeling his Realms deflection.
Fell first into the hands of Saracens
Then scaping with his life he meet's amends
In Sicily, when one there of his Guard
With French Sope had all lavered his beard
Did with his razer Cut his very throate
Justice will shine with this: oft with a rope.
Did also smart feeling his Realms deflection.
Fell first into the hands of Saracens
Then scaping with his life he meet's amends
In Sicily, when one there of his Guard
With French Sope had all lavered his beard
Did with his razer Cut his very throate
Justice will shine with this: oft with a rope.
The Executioner under Ebroin
Of brave Leodegar makes Justice shine,
Against his Will. When him the Divell ceisd
And with internall fire scorcht up, diseasd.
Of brave Leodegar makes Justice shine,
Against his Will. When him the Divell ceisd
And with internall fire scorcht up, diseasd.
Ebroin is slain by noble Hermmfride
Was seen on Divels backs to hell to ride.
Was seen on Divels backs to hell to ride.
Dodo that under Pip in Lampert slew
Di'de of the Lowsy Sickness authors shew.
His souldiers that did steal the sacred things
Of Austrogisil Justice at them flings:
Some with their teeth do one another tare
Some cut their limbs off. One the fire doth heire.
Di'de of the Lowsy Sickness authors shew.
His souldiers that did steal the sacred things
Of Austrogisil Justice at them flings:
Some with their teeth do one another tare
Some cut their limbs off. One the fire doth heire.
They that slew Project of Avern fare so
One breakes his Arm: Worms eat up Radbert doe.
One breakes his Arm: Worms eat up Radbert doe.
In England Eanfride Bernicia's King
And Osrick of Northumberland who sing
A recantation, and turn back again
To save their Lives, and Crowns to Idols vain
Are slain by Penda: Penda who defac'd
Christ intrest and then Paganry implac'd
Is with his mighty army slaughterd by
Good Oswy's little host, that looked on high.
And Osrick of Northumberland who sing
A recantation, and turn back again
To save their Lives, and Crowns to Idols vain
Are slain by Penda: Penda who defac'd
Christ intrest and then Paganry implac'd
Is with his mighty army slaughterd by
Good Oswy's little host, that looked on high.
The farmers that the Evalds off did cut
Their Prince did slay, to fire their Village put.
Their Prince did slay, to fire their Village put.
The murderers of Chilian, and his mates
Justice doth meet with, one falls mad and rates
And with his teeth all tares himselfe: another
Murders himselfe. Geilane doth all discover
Being possesst, and sore tormented by
The cursed fiends of hell and horridly.
The Duke Theodo of Bavaria
Finding him, whom Landobert then did slay
As having got his sister's maidenhead,
Was innocent, was wroth, Landobert fled
Unto the Huns, and Avar's and there dies
The Dukedom from his Off[s]pring also flies.
He banisht Uta too to Italy,
Although his Daughter, who did Whore, and ly.
Justice doth meet with, one falls mad and rates
And with his teeth all tares himselfe: another
Murders himselfe. Geilane doth all discover
Being possesst, and sore tormented by
The cursed fiends of hell and horridly.
Finding him, whom Landobert then did slay
As having got his sister's maidenhead,
Was innocent, was wroth, Landobert fled
Unto the Huns, and Avar's and there dies
The Dukedom from his Off[s]pring also flies.
He banisht Uta too to Italy,
Although his Daughter, who did Whore, and ly.
Justinian that would no warning take
By all the Strokes that Justice on him makes
At last is by Elias ------
Murd'red, and then the Throne ------
By all the Strokes that Justice on him makes
At last is by Elias ------
Murd'red, and then the Throne ------
Now Mahomet Son of Abdalla, who
A Persian, or an Arabs was, did flow
From Emina the Jewess, rose and had
A mighty Head, Red face which also fed
A long great beard, light heeld, a Crafty pate,
First tended Camells for a man of State
Then wedding of a Widdow rich became
A merchant man and now ups up his name.
And Quicly then by a Nestorian Monk
Calld Sergius, that came to Mecha, pump
Outs Blasphemies against Christs Deity
With the Sabellians did the Trinity,
And with the Manichees Christ Death revile
And did himself the Jews Messia stile,
Had taught a Dove to peck out of his eare
Its food, which by the people counted were
The Holy Ghost, that him inspir'd, when hee
Was by the Falling Sickness, causd to bee
As in a Transe, and that he then receivd
Of the Archangell Gabriel (thus bereav'd
Of health,) his law. And then he Captain rose
Of Souldiers and in armes he also shows.
He said that Angell, in Jerusalem
Did Carry him from Earth to heavn, when
He learn'd his Mysteries: thence coming down
He made Eubogara, Ali Zaid of renown
To be his Preachers, who did spread his Game
Which in this age flew on the wings of fame.
He by the help of Sergius th'Nestorian
And John an Antiochian Arian,
And two Apostate Jews, did now Compose
His Alcoran, which for their bible goes.
By Magick Art, and Subtilty bewitcht
A multitude, whose ears the Divell twitcht
By Witcheries and lies in judgment just
To run unto him, having Christ off thrust.
Thus on he ran, like to a Snow ball grew,
Till justice by her dart him over threw
First smitten by a Pleurisy, which had
His Old Consort the Epilepsy sad,
These Crack his Crown, his Senses say good night.
His little finger is Crampt backward quite
His Cursed Soul out flies. He kept when dead
Three dayes to be on the third day up had
To Heaven, as he said he should, but no such thing
Tending his Corps, his friends away it fling:
But Ali took washt, and did cloath the same
And bury it. But Mecha had the fame
Of having it kept in her Temple, where
He by the Eastern parts is worshipt there.
A Persian, or an Arabs was, did flow
From Emina the Jewess, rose and had
A mighty Head, Red face which also fed
A long great beard, light heeld, a Crafty pate,
First tended Camells for a man of State
Then wedding of a Widdow rich became
A merchant man and now ups up his name.
And Quicly then by a Nestorian Monk
Calld Sergius, that came to Mecha, pump
Outs Blasphemies against Christs Deity
With the Sabellians did the Trinity,
And with the Manichees Christ Death revile
And did himself the Jews Messia stile,
Had taught a Dove to peck out of his eare
Its food, which by the people counted were
The Holy Ghost, that him inspir'd, when hee
Was by the Falling Sickness, causd to bee
As in a Transe, and that he then receivd
Of the Archangell Gabriel (thus bereav'd
Of health,) his law. And then he Captain rose
Of Souldiers and in armes he also shows.
He said that Angell, in Jerusalem
Did Carry him from Earth to heavn, when
He learn'd his Mysteries: thence coming down
He made Eubogara, Ali Zaid of renown
To be his Preachers, who did spread his Game
Which in this age flew on the wings of fame.
He by the help of Sergius th'Nestorian
And John an Antiochian Arian,
And two Apostate Jews, did now Compose
His Alcoran, which for their bible goes.
A multitude, whose ears the Divell twitcht
By Witcheries and lies in judgment just
To run unto him, having Christ off thrust.
Thus on he ran, like to a Snow ball grew,
Till justice by her dart him over threw
First smitten by a Pleurisy, which had
His Old Consort the Epilepsy sad,
These Crack his Crown, his Senses say good night.
His little finger is Crampt backward quite
His Cursed Soul out flies. He kept when dead
Three dayes to be on the third day up had
To Heaven, as he said he should, but no such thing
Tending his Corps, his friends away it fling:
But Ali took washt, and did cloath the same
And bury it. But Mecha had the fame
Of having it kept in her Temple, where
He by the Eastern parts is worshipt there.
This Plague began in Ishmael stock, made way
Among th'Arabians, there did not stay,
Swept the Saracens soon down: in Mecha hee
Left Venu's Worship, and will worshipt bee.
In Jesrab his own native place, and in
Athrib his Worship quickly up did spring.
When that the Saracens had Persia won
This Artists poison did them over run
Yea Syria, Jerusalem, also
And all o're Africa this plague did flow
Ev'n in this age Who had Christ's name abusd.
And Justice judging thus will be Excusd.
Now trace this Century, and you shall finde
Justice's Glorious Tasles all o're't shin'de.
Among th'Arabians, there did not stay,
Swept the Saracens soon down: in Mecha hee
Left Venu's Worship, and will worshipt bee.
In Jesrab his own native place, and in
Athrib his Worship quickly up did spring.
When that the Saracens had Persia won
This Artists poison did them over run
Yea Syria, Jerusalem, also
And all o're Africa this plague did flow
Ev'n in this age Who had Christ's name abusd.
And Justice judging thus will be Excusd.
Now trace this Century, and you shall finde
Justice's Glorious Tasles all o're't shin'de.
The Glory of Divine Efficiency
Divine Efficiency of no mean shine
These Darksom Dayes too feeble are to Cover.
Whose golden track deserves a pen Divine
The same to pollish bright in this thick pother.
But now my quill attempts it as I stand
With Candle light and Lanthorn in my hand.
These Darksom Dayes too feeble are to Cover.
Whose golden track deserves a pen Divine
The same to pollish bright in this thick pother.
But now my quill attempts it as I stand
With Candle light and Lanthorn in my hand.
In Phoca's time, the whole world feels a blast
Of Corn, and Wine but chiefly Italy,
A Dreadfull Winter did their Vines so wast,
And Rustiness their Fruits, do much annoy.
In Pope Sabinians dayes a famine great,
Did all their flourisht Sirs at Rome entreate.
Of Corn, and Wine but chiefly Italy,
A Dreadfull Winter did their Vines so wast,
And Rustiness their Fruits, do much annoy.
Did all their flourisht Sirs at Rome entreate.
At Alexandria Calligraphus
A Noble man, in going home, espi'de
At midnight brazen Statues which spake thus
Aloud Maurice and's Children are destroy'de.
And told all done at Byzant. And the same
As newes the ninth day after, thither came.
A Noble man, in going home, espi'de
At midnight brazen Statues which spake thus
Aloud Maurice and's Children are destroy'de.
And told all done at Byzant. And the same
As newes the ninth day after, thither came.
A blazing Star God hangs out in the Skie.
And now about a begger Crav'd an alms
Of Seamen: wee had nought save Stones, they Cry;
Then said the begger (and it prooves their Qualms)
Let all your Ships food turn to Stones, and loe,
All in't save Shape, and Colour hard Stones grow.
And now about a begger Crav'd an alms
Of Seamen: wee had nought save Stones, they Cry;
Then said the begger (and it prooves their Qualms)
Let all your Ships food turn to Stones, and loe,
All in't save Shape, and Colour hard Stones grow.
Plague, Famine, and great floods, made mortalls quaile.
When Boniface the fourth was pope, its said
The Heavens shew a bloody Speare (Hearts faile)
Held by an Angell: also there was made
A brightsom Light shining all night which frights
Theopert as he with King Clothair fights[.]
When Boniface the fourth was pope, its said
The Heavens shew a bloody Speare (Hearts faile)
Held by an Angell: also there was made
A brightsom Light shining all night which frights
Theopert as he with King Clothair fights[.]
When Deodate was Pope an Earthquake rose.
A Mang like to the Leprosie did rage.
The lake of Dune boils with such heat it throws
Up fishes boild, which they as food ingage.
Theodobert, and Theodorick too
Did Scepter's hold in France, when this was so.
A Mang like to the Leprosie did rage.
The lake of Dune boils with such heat it throws
Up fishes boild, which they as food ingage.
Theodobert, and Theodorick too
Did Scepter's hold in France, when this was so.
When th'Persian war brake out: and also when
Europe was ferkt by the barbarians,
A Dreadfull murrian ragd on Creatures then
With Plague and Famine; and a winter spans
The Sea with ice, for Cold, untill she threw
Up fishes dead, if histories say true[.]
Europe was ferkt by the barbarians,
A Dreadfull murrian ragd on Creatures then
With Plague and Famine; and a winter spans
The Sea with ice, for Cold, untill she threw
Up fishes dead, if histories say true[.]
In Heraclius his reign.
When that Heraclius in Persia war'd
The Aire so moist with't sweat, it did revive
The Roman army: after this regard
About three years, as he this work did drive
Still on, greate hail Stones on the Persians fall,
But spare the Romans, yet did other[s] maull.
The Aire so moist with't sweat, it did revive
The Roman army: after this regard
About three years, as he this work did drive
Still on, greate hail Stones on the Persians fall,
But spare the Romans, yet did other[s] maull.
A Comet shine in Heaven thirty dayes.
An Earthquake rattleth in Palestine.
A firy Sword in heaven out did blaze
The Saracens did follow on this Sign.
By Magick Art, and Subtilty bewitcht
A multitude, whose ears the Divell twitcht
By Witcheries and lies in judgment just
To run unto him, having Christ off thrust.
Thus on he ran, like to a Snow ball grew,
Till justice by her dart him over threw
First smitten by a Pleurisy, which had
His Old Consort the Epilepsy sad,
These Crack his Crown, his Senses say good night.
His little finger is Crampt backward quite
His Cursed Soul out flies. He kept when dead
Three dayes to be on the third day up had
To Heaven, as he said he should, but no such thing
Tending his Corps, his friends away it fling:
But All took washt, and did cloath the same
And bury it. But Mecha had the fame
Of having it kept in her Temple, where
He by the Eastern parts is worshipt there.
An Earthquake rattleth in Palestine.
A firy Sword in heaven out did blaze
The Saracens did follow on this Sign.
A multitude, whose ears the Divell twitcht
By Witcheries and lies in judgment just
To run unto him, having Christ off thrust.
Thus on he ran, like to a Snow ball grew,
Till justice by her dart him over threw
First smitten by a Pleurisy, which had
His Old Consort the Epilepsy sad,
These Crack his Crown, his Senses say good night.
His little finger is Crampt backward quite
His Cursed Soul out flies. He kept when dead
Three dayes to be on the third day up had
To Heaven, as he said he should, but no such thing
Tending his Corps, his friends away it fling:
But All took washt, and did cloath the same
And bury it. But Mecha had the fame
Of having it kept in her Temple, where
He by the Eastern parts is worshipt there.
This Plague began in Ishmael stock, made way
Among th'Arabians, there did not stay,
Swept the Saracens soon down: in Mecha hee
Left Venu's Worship, and will worshipt bee.
In Jesrab his own native place, and in
Athrib his Worship quickly up did spring.
When that the Saracens had Persia won
This A[illeg.]utists poison did them over run
Yea Syria, Jerusalem, also
And all o're Africa this plague did flow
Ev'n in this age Who had Christ's name abusd.
And Justice judging thus will be Excusd.
Now trace this Century, and you shall finde
Justice's Glorious Tasles all o're't shin'de.
Among th'Arabians, there did not stay,
Swept the Saracens soon down: in Mecha hee
Left Venu's Worship, and will worshipt bee.
In Jesrab his own native place, and in
Athrib his Worship quickly up did spring.
When that the Saracens had Persia won
This A[illeg.]utists poison did them over run
Yea Syria, Jerusalem, also
And all o're Africa this plague did flow
Ev'n in this age Who had Christ's name abusd.
And Justice judging thus will be Excusd.
Now trace this Century, and you shall finde
Justice's Glorious Tasles all o're't shin'de.
The Glory of Divine Efficiency
Divine Efficiency of no mean shine
These Darksom Dayes too feeble are to Cover.
Whose golden track deserves a pen Divine
The same to pollish bright in this thick pother.
But now my quill attempts it as I stand
With Candle light and Lanthorn in my hand.
These Darksom Dayes too feeble are to Cover.
Whose golden track deserves a pen Divine
The same to pollish bright in this thick pother.
But now my quill attempts it as I stand
With Candle light and Lanthorn in my hand.
In Phoca's time, the whole world feels a blast
Of Corn, and Wine but chiefly Italy,
A Dreadfull Winter did their Vines so wast,
And Rustiness their Fruits, do much annoy.
In Pope Sabinians dayes a famine great,
Did all their flourisht Sirs at Rome entreate.
Of Corn, and Wine but chiefly Italy,
A Dreadfull Winter did their Vines so wast,
And Rustiness their Fruits, do much annoy.
Did all their flourisht Sirs at Rome entreate.
At Alexandria Calligraphus
A Noble man, in going home, espi'de
At midnight brazen Statues which spake thus
Aloud Maurice and's Children are destroy'de.
And told all done at Byzant. And the same
As newes the ninth day after, thither came.
A Noble man, in going home, espi'de
At midnight brazen Statues which spake thus
Aloud Maurice and's Children are destroy'de.
And told all done at Byzant. And the same
As newes the ninth day after, thither came.
A blazing Star God hangs out in the Skie.
And now about a begger Crav'd an alms
Of Seamen: wee had nought save Stones, they Cry;
Then said the begger (and it prooves their Qualms)
Let all your Ships food turn to Stones, and loe,
All in't save Shape, and Colour hard Stones grow.
And now about a begger Crav'd an alms
Of Seamen: wee had nought save Stones, they Cry;
Then said the begger (and it prooves their Qualms)
Let all your Ships food turn to Stones, and loe,
All in't save Shape, and Colour hard Stones grow.
Plague, Famine, and great floods, made mortalls quaile.
When Boniface the fourth was pope, its said
The Heavens shew a bloody Speare (Hearts faile)
Held by an Angell: also there was made
A brightsom Light shining all night which frights
Theopert as he with King Clothair fights[.]
When Boniface the fourth was pope, its said
The Heavens shew a bloody Speare (Hearts faile)
Held by an Angell: also there was made
A brightsom Light shining all night which frights
Theopert as he with King Clothair fights[.]
When Deodate was Pope an Earthquake rose.
A Mang like to the Leprosie did rage.
The Lake of Dune boils with such heat it throws
Up fishes boild, which they as food ingage.
Theodobert, and Theodorick too
Did Scepter's hold in France, when this was so.
A Mang like to the Leprosie did rage.
The Lake of Dune boils with such heat it throws
Up fishes boild, which they as food ingage.
Theodobert, and Theodorick too
Did Scepter's hold in France, when this was so.
When th'Persian war brake out: and also when
Europe was ferkt by the barbarians,
A Dreadfull murrian ragd on Creatures then
With Plague and Famine; and a winter spans
The Sea with ice, for Cold, untill she threw
Up fishes dead, if histories say true[.]
Europe was ferkt by the barbarians,
A Dreadfull murrian ragd on Creatures then
With Plague and Famine; and a winter spans
The Sea with ice, for Cold, untill she threw
Up fishes dead, if histories say true[.]
In Heraclius his reign.
When that Heraclius in Persia war'd
The Aire so most with't sweat, it did revive
The Roman army: after this regard
About three years, as he this work did drive
Still on, greate hail Stones on the Persians fall,
But spare the Romans, yet did other[s] maull.
The Aire so most with't sweat, it did revive
The Roman army: after this regard
About three years, as he this work did drive
Still on, greate hail Stones on the Persians fall,
But spare the Romans, yet did other[s] maull.
A Comet shine in Heaven thirty dayes.
An Earthquake rattleth in Palestine.
A firy Sword in heaven out did blaze
The Saracens did follow on this Sign.
When Dagobert's small babe, Sigbert by name
Baptized was, he spake AMEN out plain.
An Earthquake rattleth in Palestine.
A firy Sword in heaven out did blaze
The Saracens did follow on this Sign.
Baptized was, he spake AMEN out plain.
Edwin King of Northumberland did fly
To Hedwald the East Angles King to shun
Ethelfride seeking him for to destroy.
Who now bribd Kedwald to't. Edwin did run
Into a Secret place to Save his life
When by a friend he understood the knife.
To Hedwald the East Angles King to shun
Ethelfride seeking him for to destroy.
Who now bribd Kedwald to't. Edwin did run
Into a Secret place to Save his life
When by a friend he understood the knife.
Now in a Solitude there to him came
An unknow[n] person saying Sir, I know
Thy Case, and griefe. What wilt thou give to gain
King Hedwald Grace? saith he, I'le all bestow.
Then said the man, what if I make thee King
Of Greater might than did thy Parents Spring?
An unknow[n] person saying Sir, I know
Thy Case, and griefe. What wilt thou give to gain
King Hedwald Grace? saith he, I'le all bestow.
Then said the man, what if I make thee King
Of Greater might than did thy Parents Spring?
He answerd as before. What Quoth the man
If I thee shew a better way to live
Than ere they knew, wilt thou Obedience span.
I will said he with all my heart it gave.
Then laying's hand on's head, said mind this day
When this befalls thee. Then he went away.
If I thee shew a better way to live
Than ere they knew, wilt thou Obedience span.
I will said he with all my heart it gave.
Then laying's hand on's head, said mind this day
When this befalls thee. Then he went away.
Soon after Edwin Kedwalds favour meets.
Comes to his Kingdom, yet by no means will
Be brought to Christ. But Pauline for him Seeks,
And in a Vision understands the t'll.
Then went and laid his hand on's head and saith
Sir knew you this. Yes said he, so came to Faith.
Comes to his Kingdom, yet by no means will
Be brought to Christ. But Pauline for him Seeks,
And in a Vision understands the t'll.
Then went and laid his hand on's head and saith
Sir knew you this. Yes said he, so came to Faith.
That Cruell nation whom for Crueltys
Great Alexander shut up all beyond
The Caspin Sea, Heraclius implies
Against the Hagarens thus going mand
An Angell slew fifty two thousand down
Which thing is said his life in griefe did drownd.
Great Alexander shut up all beyond
The Caspin Sea, Heraclius implies
Against the Hagarens thus going mand
An Angell slew fifty two thousand down
Which thing is said his life in griefe did drownd.
In Constance's, alias Constantines reign.
A mighty Storm flung Strong trees up by th'roots
And many monkish Pillars with them down
At fair Constantinople: Earth quakes shooke
The Roman Provinces and many a town.
A firy Stone like a red lump of steel
Was seen out from the West, like Draco, wheele.
And many monkish Pillars with them down
At fair Constantinople: Earth quakes shooke
The Roman Provinces and many a town.
A firy Stone like a red lump of steel
Was seen out from the West, like Draco, wheele.
It ashes rains: fire out of heaven falls.
Constantinople all amazd is found:
In Summer a dread plague three months them malls
A Spectre's Seen the Parke to circuite round.
And on their doores to knock, then soon their drops
As many in Death's mouth as he gave knocks.
Constantinople all amazd is found:
In Summer a dread plague three months them malls
A Spectre's Seen the Parke to circuite round.
As many in Death's mouth as he gave knocks.
When Shaved Crowns, and other Romish things
Did Creep in England the Sun did Creep
Behinde the moon the nones of May, then Springs
Such plagues (while their Religion chast did weep),
They fall on latine Masses, Pray to th'Dead,
Images, Altars and the like get head.
Did Creep in England the Sun did Creep
Behinde the moon the nones of May, then Springs
Such plagues (while their Religion chast did weep),
They fall on latine Masses, Pray to th'Dead,
Images, Altars and the like get head.
When Wilfride Sussex had Converted, fell
A Serene ram, the year itselfe did smile
With green Corn fields, where as such want did quell
The people here that they in hunger boile
And many headlong leap into the main,
Three years before having deni'd all rain.
A Serene ram, the year itselfe did smile
With green Corn fields, where as such want did quell
The people here that they in hunger boile
And many headlong leap into the main,
Three years before having deni'd all rain.
Vectarius Captain of the Souldiers brave
Of Forojule with Six and twenty lads
Brave boyes indeed, the army of the Sclave
Assault, and put to flight, away it gads
A Divine terrour with Surprizing fear,
Fell on them as he in their Sight did peare.
Of Forojule with Six and twenty lads
Brave boyes indeed, the army of the Sclave
Assault, and put to flight, away it gads
A Divine terrour with Surprizing fear,
Fell on them as he in their Sight did peare.
In Constantine Pogonate's Reign.
When Arepert by Grimoald forc'd to fly
His Realm, was shipt for England he heard
A voice at shoare back to your Country high
Within this three dayes Grimoald shall be mard
Return he doth, found none at shoar but makes
Unto his Countrey, and's realm 'gain takes.
His Realm, was shipt for England he heard
A voice at shoare back to your Country high
Within this three dayes Grimoald shall be mard
Return he doth, found none at shoar but makes
Unto his Countrey, and's realm 'gain takes.
Ten dayes together fire in heavens shines
Some say an Iris, all deem Dooms Day's nigh.
Pope Deodate dies: and for four month's time
Th'Elements seem to breath Rome's Desteny
Storms thunders, Lightnings, Men, and beast do rue
And all fruits; yet pulse sprung again, ripe grew.
Some say an Iris, all deem Dooms Day's nigh.
Pope Deodate dies: and for four month's time
Th'Elements seem to breath Rome's Desteny
Storms thunders, Lightnings, Men, and beast do rue
And all fruits; yet pulse sprung again, ripe grew.
A Comet like a piller all aflame
The Heavens Shew, locusts in troops out goe
Ore Syria Mesopotamia tame
One Callicike of Heliople, who
Fled: saw in waters fire to burn with which
The Romans burnt the Saracen fleet as pitch.
The Heavens Shew, locusts in troops out goe
Ore Syria Mesopotamia tame
One Callicike of Heliople, who
Fled: saw in waters fire to burn with which
The Romans burnt the Saracen fleet as pitch.
A mighty Earthquake shakes Mesopotame
Much Spider-Web from heaven fell that houre
Wherein they Monothelatism tame.
Vasupius did burn, and out did poure
Its fires, and Ashes. And all green things 'noy.
The Saracens Ceise Africk. Carthage stroy.
Much Spider-Web from heaven fell that houre
Wherein they Monothelatism tame.
Vasupius did burn, and out did poure
Its fires, and Ashes. And all green things 'noy.
The Saracens Ceise Africk. Carthage stroy.
Plague, famine too pest Syria, Lybia.
The next yeare blood is rain'd in England.
The Sixteenth day of Aprill they say
The Moon did seem like blood till Cocks Crow, stand
And Constantine the Pogonate you have
Soon after this drop down into his grave.
The next yeare blood is rain'd in England.
The Sixteenth day of Aprill they say
The Moon did seem like blood till Cocks Crow, stand
And Constantine the Pogonate you have
Soon after this drop down into his grave.
In Justinians Reign
The third yeare of Justinian brought a flood
In Venice, and in Italy, they take't
Since Noahs never Such: and Ruines scud
Ore men and beast, and towns are now enlak't.
Paths mard, wayes spoild, Athesis rose so high,
Verona's Walls in one part spoild thereby.
In Venice, and in Italy, they take't
Since Noahs never Such: and Ruines scud
Ore men and beast, and towns are now enlak't.
Paths mard, wayes spoild, Athesis rose so high,
Verona's Walls in one part spoild thereby.
Rome's Tybur sweld so fast, its waves o're flow
Her walls. And in the Chanell of its Stream
A Monstrous Dragon with greate Store also
Of Serpents through Rome to the Sea did team.
A Dreadfull Plague did hereupon ensue
That Scarce a few live, of an Endless Crew.
Her walls. And in the Chanell of its Stream
A Monstrous Dragon with greate Store also
Of Serpents through Rome to the Sea did team.
A Dreadfull Plague did hereupon ensue
That Scarce a few live, of an Endless Crew.
In Leontius his Reign
Constantinople feels a Deadly plague,
In France a man whose Eyes Ebroin out dug
Retird to pray on Soen's banke, and heard made
A noise of Rowers up the Stream to tug.
Whom he Zohow'd: and they replied, that they
Should fetch Ebroin to Vulcans Pot, t'have's pay.
In France a man whose Eyes Ebroin out dug
Retird to pray on Soen's banke, and heard made
A noise of Rowers up the Stream to tug.
Whom he Zohow'd: and they replied, that they
Should fetch Ebroin to Vulcans Pot, t'have's pay.
Bread Corn, and Barly, and much Pulse did fall
Like to a Shower of Rain out of the Clouds.
About this time, full wonderfull to all
Within Campania, now hunger Crouds
No more as yet. Cornfields and threshing floors
Are in the Clouds, whose Crop our markets plores.
Like to a Shower of Rain out of the Clouds.
About this time, full wonderfull to all
Within Campania, now hunger Crouds
No more as yet. Cornfields and threshing floors
Are in the Clouds, whose Crop our markets plores.
And now behold Divine Efficiency
In Glory flash throughout this age most bright
In things that hap not ordinarily,
Granting the inck of truth to Pens that write.
Whose flourisht Arms there on our Sign Post raise
To shew her sparkling dress to bring her praise.
In Glory flash throughout this age most bright
In things that hap not ordinarily,
Granting the inck of truth to Pens that write.
Whose flourisht Arms there on our Sign Post raise
To shew her sparkling dress to bring her praise.
The Glory of Divine Truth.
But where is Truth? Can she with Falshood shine
Sure she is Shuffled out of Doore.
But se her Glory all Divine.
The Holy leaves read ore.
Sure she is Shuffled out of Doore.
But se her Glory all Divine.
The Holy leaves read ore.
The Clayey-Iron toes with all their joynts
The Beast's feet have: though yet weake naild,
Now through the Skin the small horn points
Though with hair vaild.
The Beast's feet have: though yet weake naild,
Now through the Skin the small horn points
Though with hair vaild.
A Star from Heaven falls to Earth and brings
The Key of Hells pit bottomless.
Unlocks the doore and out it flings
All Smoakiness.
The Key of Hells pit bottomless.
Unlocks the doore and out it flings
All Smoakiness.
Gregory the Greate did finde a nest of Keyes
In Peters Trunck: or Coffin'd Shell.
Tokens for Kings: Sir, if you please,
These unlock Hell.
In Peters Trunck: or Coffin'd Shell.
Tokens for Kings: Sir, if you please,
These unlock Hell.
The Roman Star drops from the Heav'nly Orb
Unto this Carnall Earthy State.
Sits in Gods Temple is made Lord,
Ore Stars and Fate.
Unto this Carnall Earthy State.
Sits in Gods Temple is made Lord,
Ore Stars and Fate.
The Woman must receive the dragons Throne.
And ride the Beast of Scarlet die.
Justinian's block, Romes Bishop shown
O're others fly[.]
And ride the Beast of Scarlet die.
Justinian's block, Romes Bishop shown
O're others fly[.]
The Head upon this Horse block got to get
A Cockhorse strove, ------ Blockhead did.
The Blocks too low. Pelagius a new Step
Sets on its Lid
A Cockhorse strove, ------ Blockhead did.
The Blocks too low. Pelagius a new Step
Sets on its Lid
And having tam'd the Beast, he up did jump
To get upon her back to ride.
Could not his leg get ore her rump
Squokd down. Poore guide.
To get upon her back to ride.
Could not his leg get ore her rump
Squokd down. Poore guide.
But now by this time she well trappled 'bides
And Phocas heaving at the brich
Of Boniface the third, who strides
Her by his hitch.
And Phocas heaving at the brich
Of Boniface the third, who strides
Her by his hitch.
The Beast though backt's not broke, be Chary
And if you Whip, or Spur, she Kicks.
If Curb, she pawn, Maddam be wary,
Lest she shew tricks.
And if you Whip, or Spur, she Kicks.
If Curb, she pawn, Maddam be wary,
Lest she shew tricks.
The Harlot rides at first full Gingerly.
She goes a jogging trot, and paws
The Saints in sev'rall Realms down nigh
A Sword out draws.
She goes a jogging trot, and paws
The Saints in sev'rall Realms down nigh
A Sword out draws.
Brisk Martin on her back did twitch her rains
Girt, Crupper, Curb her up, her Spurs.
She Pawns, Kicks, Casts him, knocks out's brains
How Cheere you Sir[?]
Girt, Crupper, Curb her up, her Spurs.
She Pawns, Kicks, Casts him, knocks out's brains
How Cheere you Sir[?]
She slunk this Colt. But still the Harlot toles
Her to her hand, rides on her jogging.
Kings are, and Queens her Filly foals
And little Dobbins.
Her to her hand, rides on her jogging.
Kings are, and Queens her Filly foals
And little Dobbins.
And as she rides her golden Cup she holds
Still in her hand and puts therein
Of her Abominations bold.
All bubbs of Sin.
Still in her hand and puts therein
Of her Abominations bold.
All bubbs of Sin.
Sabinians grape did drop this juyce into't.
That Lamps in Churches ever flame.
And Bells must ring a Call. (which fruite
Deserves no blame)
That Lamps in Churches ever flame.
And Bells must ring a Call. (which fruite
Deserves no blame)
Phocas and Boniface the third do Squeeze
Their brains whose juyce then in't that drops
Is Universall Headship: flees
Ore all Christs flocks.
Their brains whose juyce then in't that drops
Is Universall Headship: flees
Ore all Christs flocks.
A Councill of 100 their Decree
Do drop herein to ratify
This Headship ore all Churches se
This Liquour, fly.
Do drop herein to ratify
This Headship ore all Churches se
This Liquour, fly.
Then Boniface the fourth, with Phocas grace,
Presst the Pantheon temple till
It drops All Saints in to't apace
Oh! happy still.
Presst the Pantheon temple till
It drops All Saints in to't apace
Oh! happy still.
He put in't Altar Cloaths and Nectar made
Of Sacerdoted Monks well fed.
And Theodate his Law, that said
No God child wed.
Of Sacerdoted Monks well fed.
And Theodate his Law, that said
No God child wed.
Honorius puts in'to't the Holy day
Of th'Exaltation of the Cross
Eugenius Prisons out doth lay
And such like dross.
Of th'Exaltation of the Cross
Eugenius Prisons out doth lay
And such like dross.
Vitalian threw therein the Organs first.
And Latine Tongue for Worship all.
The Kissing Pax from Leo burst.
His Drops that fall.
And Latine Tongue for Worship all.
The Kissing Pax from Leo burst.
His Drops that fall.
Sergius Put in't an Agnus Dei Song
For to be sung at Sacr[e]d Mass.
And others let their Crabs to run
Into this Glass.
For to be sung at Sacr[e]d Mass.
And others let their Crabs to run
Into this Glass.
And thus abominable things do bleed
Into her Cup which all must drinck
Both Kings, and Queens in very deed
Although it Stinck
Into her Cup which all must drinck
Both Kings, and Queens in very deed
Although it Stinck
But lest her heads too heavy be to get
Without th'Impeariall Hand to guide
Them on the Body and to set
Them up to ride
Without th'Impeariall Hand to guide
Them on the Body and to set
Them up to ride
Constantine Pogonate the Stirup made'm
Yet longer that they mount up may
Without Imperiall Confirmatum
And ride full Gay.
Yet longer that they mount up may
Without Imperiall Confirmatum
And ride full Gay.
These things the Scripture shewd them done we shew
And herein se how Truth doth shine.
In all such Villanies we view
A Straiter line.
And herein se how Truth doth shine.
In all such Villanies we view
A Straiter line.
Thus Having Passt this Century through we See
These various Attributes do mix
Their Glory shining through't that we
On God may fix.
These various Attributes do mix
Their Glory shining through't that we
On God may fix.
Wherefore I passing from it, heave my Pen
Its Golden threshold o're to write
What Shines the next do make me ken
And lay in light
Entring the maine of this Eight Century
Its Golden threshold o're to write
What Shines the next do make me ken
And lay in light
My Cars I first in Asia do try
And thence unto the rest in order come
Seeking to flowrish o're my Sailes that hum
Before the Aire, with those imbellishments
Which from the glorious Sparkling Radient Vents
Of Grace, of Patience, Justice, do arise
Efficiency, and Truth, in Glorious wise.
In Asia's Sound I first my Plummet Cast
And fathom there Jerusalem where rose
One Theodore, an image monger vast:
Elias, John. At Ascalon there grows
Demyse, at Majame Cosmas open shows.
And fathom there Jerusalem where rose
One Theodore, an image monger vast:
Elias, John. At Ascalon there grows
Demyse, at Majame Cosmas open shows.
At Antioch fifty years vacancy
Is quite remov'd by Jealous Stephen, whom
The Mahomet doth grant them, as Supply
Pious Theophylact him after comes.
Two other then whose Errours doth ---num[.]
Is quite remov'd by Jealous Stephen, whom
The Mahomet doth grant them, as Supply
Pious Theophylact him after comes.
Two other then whose Errours doth ---num[.]
At Epiphania in Syria
Brave Cosmas Shines who Images defide
At Laodicea John did display
The Gospell Flag. Then Gilfred it did guide
Then Anastase whom Mahomets annoyde.
Brave Cosmas Shines who Images defide
At Laodicea John did display
The Gospell Flag. Then Gilfred it did guide
Then Anastase whom Mahomets annoyde.
At Antioch that of Pisidia
Gregory who did images Condemn
Though after did recant, did bishop play.
Then Basil Tricacab that damned them:
And was exchurch'd by imagemonger men.
Gregory who did images Condemn
Though after did recant, did bishop play.
Then Basil Tricacab that damned them:
And was exchurch'd by imagemonger men.
At Ephesas brave Theodose down throws
Church images, and did this fact defend.
At Pergamus Pastillas them oppose
Did, and Inger at Nice did Gainst them bend.
Them John of Nicomedia condemnd.
Church images, and did this fact defend.
At Pergamus Pastillas them oppose
Did, and Inger at Nice did Gainst them bend.
Them John of Nicomedia condemnd.
One Gregory Neocesarian
And at Nacolia One Constantine
Hold forth the Gospell light and play the man
Strike Imageworship down, yet did decline
Thereto: yet Constantine recants his Crime.
And at Nacolia One Constantine
Hold forth the Gospell light and play the man
Strike Imageworship down, yet did decline
Thereto: yet Constantine recants his Crime.
African Lights.
Poore Africa how lean art thou, wee finde
Two onely at thy Alexandria nam'de.
Cosmas who from Monothelites did winde
Fell into Image worship and is maim'd.
Politian's the other, meanly fam'de.
Two onely at thy Alexandria nam'de.
Cosmas who from Monothelites did winde
Fell into Image worship and is maim'd.
Politian's the other, meanly fam'de.
I fetch a Sigh over the Mid-Sea iles
Finding no torches there but such as are
Set up to Images, which wasts my Stiles
Ore into Europe, and do take her aire,
In Phoce, and Macedonia all bare[.]
Finding no torches there but such as are
Set up to Images, which wasts my Stiles
Ore into Europe, and do take her aire,
In Phoce, and Macedonia all bare[.]
European Lights.
Alas poore Thrace! Constantinople, thou
Hast Emperours, that Image worship hate
But all thy Bishops, at the Gospell, plow,
Some few excepted, pleaded for the State
Of such Strange things, as things all venerate.
Hast Emperours, that Image worship hate
But all thy Bishops, at the Gospell, plow,
Some few excepted, pleaded for the State
Of such Strange things, as things all venerate.
Yet John retracts his Monothelitism.
And calls a Synod: Images Condemns
And Anastase Condemneth Imagism
Though bad in other things. Then out there stems
Nicetas brake from Churches walls such gems[.]
And calls a Synod: Images Condemns
And Anastase Condemneth Imagism
Though bad in other things. Then out there stems
Nicetas brake from Churches walls such gems[.]
Nicephorus rose its said a pious and
An Expert man, but little told wherein.
Though many other in this Church did stand
They rose up Image Mongers and did sing
Their vile tantarraes to the man of Sin.
An Expert man, but little told wherein.
Though many other in this Church did stand
They rose up Image Mongers and did sing
Their vile tantarraes to the man of Sin.
Farewell Poore Thrace and Macedonia.
I must hip over famous Grece also.
In Italy I come, but make no Stay
Till at Millan I Benit find although
The Pope abusd him, of renown to grow.
I must hip over famous Grece also.
In Italy I come, but make no Stay
Till at Millan I Benit find although
The Pope abusd him, of renown to grow.
In Aquileia Peter pious Shone:
Serene Christs ready Servant after him.
Paulinus afterwards a man well known
For Scripture truth: but yet is very dim
For prayres to Saints his other Lustre grim.
Serene Christs ready Servant after him.
Paulinus afterwards a man well known
For Scripture truth: but yet is very dim
For prayres to Saints his other Lustre grim.
Passing to France I finde true shines most rare
At Lyons Euchery, then Addo rose.
Serenus at Marselleis shows more fare
Than many other. Scripture light out flows
From him: hence Images he over throws[.]
At Lyons Euchery, then Addo rose.
Serenus at Marselleis shows more fare
Than many other. Scripture light out flows
From him: hence Images he over throws[.]
Erkenbode bishop at Marine tooke pains
The Gospell Doctrine well to propogate.
Clement, and Samsons Scots, Sydony gain
With Virgil Gospell Weapons and debate
The Cause of Christ against Rome filthy State[.]
The Gospell Doctrine well to propogate.
Clement, and Samsons Scots, Sydony gain
With Virgil Gospell Weapons and debate
The Cause of Christ against Rome filthy State[.]
Albertus Gallus a brave pious man
With them the gantlet takes against Romes Cheats
Unmaridness, Saints, Reliques Sovereign
Headship and Purgatory, and like feats
Wherefore in Fulda jayle he rots. Sad Seates!
With them the gantlet takes against Romes Cheats
Unmaridness, Saints, Reliques Sovereign
Headship and Purgatory, and like feats
Wherefore in Fulda jayle he rots. Sad Seates!
John of Mailros a learned Scot did rise
And founds Ticinum Called at Command
Of Charleman. Claud Clement learned wise
A Scotch man with him came to Paris and
Founds Paris Collidge by his learned hand.
And founds Ticinum Called at Command
Of Charleman. Claud Clement learned wise
A Scotch man with him came to Paris and
Founds Paris Collidge by his learned hand.
Elaccus Albine an English man who had
With th'other two before, his Tutor Bede
Expert in Latine, Greek, and Hebrew, clad
With Scripture Shine did Fathers ancient plead:
When he in France did them with learning lead.
With th'other two before, his Tutor Bede
Expert in Latine, Greek, and Hebrew, clad
With Scripture Shine did Fathers ancient plead:
When he in France did them with learning lead.
Egila Bishop was in Spain: who sent
Unto the Pope for light in many things.
Whose answer when he read, did not Content
His opposition thereunto he brings.
They are not Scripturall. The Pope hence flings.
Unto the Pope for light in many things.
Whose answer when he read, did not Content
His opposition thereunto he brings.
They are not Scripturall. The Pope hence flings.
In Germany I come where t'other day
The Gospell had but small impression made
Its streames there flow, though greatly muddy stay
At Havare, Thuringe, Hassia, are displaid
They Saxony, Frizers, Halsace invade.
The Gospell had but small impression made
Its streames there flow, though greatly muddy stay
At Havare, Thuringe, Hassia, are displaid
They Saxony, Frizers, Halsace invade.
Greate Charles observing how the Saxons play
Both fast, and loose brought by Albine's advice
Ten thousand with their Wives and babes away
From Albis bancks to Flanders in a trice
To dwell with Christians, so to teach them Christ.
Both fast, and loose brought by Albine's advice
Ten thousand with their Wives and babes away
From Albis bancks to Flanders in a trice
To dwell with Christians, so to teach them Christ.
The Choicest Lights of purest shine we see
Display the Gospell here were such as these
Sidonius at Laureace worthy hee
Then Virgil Solivague an Irish frieze
A worthy Learned man with truth them fees.
Display the Gospell here were such as these
Sidonius at Laureace worthy hee
Then Virgil Solivague an Irish frieze
A worthy Learned man with truth them fees.
Ariovolephon of Choice Esteem
In Bavar but exchurcht by Boniface,
Dortein, and Berter, Camberth, Unrade seem
With Anobert, to be men of rich grace
In that the Pope with's trash did them displace.
In Bavar but exchurcht by Boniface,
Dortein, and Berter, Camberth, Unrade seem
With Anobert, to be men of rich grace
In that the Pope with's trash did them displace.
Willibrord Clement born in England went
Unto the Frisers, and the Gospell spread
All ore the Western Shore, at Traject Spent
His dying breath, and left his flock, thus fled.
Andhane the gospell there preacht Living bread[.]
Unto the Frisers, and the Gospell spread
All ore the Western Shore, at Traject Spent
His dying breath, and left his flock, thus fled.
Andhane the gospell there preacht Living bread[.]
Lebwin an English man with many more
There preacht. And in Wesphaly Christ displai'd.
Witho a Frisian born was bishop ore
The Church at Osnabargh, provision made
To feed Christs Lambs which at his hands had aide.
There preacht. And in Wesphaly Christ displai'd.
Witho a Frisian born was bishop ore
The Church at Osnabargh, provision made
To feed Christs Lambs which at his hands had aide.
To England now I come, In Kent up sprang
Britwald, Thetwin, Nothelm, and Cutbert too
And Athelard, whose Works had some strong tang
At York was Beverlacy who up grew
Bedes Tutor, of a Gospell gracious hew.
Britwald, Thetwin, Nothelm, and Cutbert too
And Athelard, whose Works had some strong tang
At York was Beverlacy who up grew
Bedes Tutor, of a Gospell gracious hew.
Then Egbert, King Eadberts brother, shone
Then Albert Clean, then Eanbald ruld there.
At 'Farn was Egbert Kimber, Candid known
Acco at Hagulstad stain'd with Romes geer
At Rochester Coctus Thebert did peare[.]
Then Albert Clean, then Eanbald ruld there.
At 'Farn was Egbert Kimber, Candid known
Acco at Hagulstad stain'd with Romes geer
At Rochester Coctus Thebert did peare[.]
Forther Durotrigue Sherburns bishop was.
Hedda, and Daniel, Hunfrit bishops were
Of Gospell Shine at Worcester I pass
All other ore, but Scotland come not here
Hist'ry forgot thee much too much I feare.
Hedda, and Daniel, Hunfrit bishops were
Of Gospell Shine at Worcester I pass
All other ore, but Scotland come not here
Hist'ry forgot thee much too much I feare.
Now many Learned Monks and Abbats shine.
John Damascen in Asha though unsound,
Cosmas another. And in Egypts Chine
One Thomas who stood on no better ground,
In France rose Carolomain, a thing strang found.
John Damascen in Asha though unsound,
Cosmas another. And in Egypts Chine
One Thomas who stood on no better ground,
In France rose Carolomain, a thing strang found.
Paulus Diaconus a learned man
But is Corrupt in Principles out came.
Benit (the Benedictines from him Sprang,)
First brought Glass pictur'd windows there: his name
Is greate, was Tutor unto Bede of Fame[.]
But is Corrupt in Principles out came.
Benit (the Benedictines from him Sprang,)
First brought Glass pictur'd windows there: his name
Is greate, was Tutor unto Bede of Fame[.]
Iglace of Farn did give out learnd Choice Rayes.
Plegwin did do the Same, these Souls delight.
Ethewolfe did so too. But Bede did blaze
At Gerwick born, when seven years on him light
Is left at Wire with Benit him t'inlight[.]
Plegwin did do the Same, these Souls delight.
Ethewolfe did so too. But Bede did blaze
At Gerwick born, when seven years on him light
Is left at Wire with Benit him t'inlight[.]
From whom he having suckd his rudiments
Archbishop Beverlacy Pupills him
And Abbat Ceolfride. The learned tents
Of Latine, Greek, and Hebrew he walkd in,
Of Arts, Philosophers, and Poets trim.
Archbishop Beverlacy Pupills him
And Abbat Ceolfride. The learned tents
Of Latine, Greek, and Hebrew he walkd in,
Of Arts, Philosophers, and Poets trim.
Comes to the Court of Rich Divinity
Doth with his plumit ancient father sound,
Councills, and Histories, to fathom try
The Sacred Scriptures where all truth profound
In Wreaths of Gracious Colours doth abound.
Doth with his plumit ancient father sound,
Councills, and Histories, to fathom try
The Sacred Scriptures where all truth profound
In Wreaths of Gracious Colours doth abound.
His nineteenth year did him a Deacon make
And thirti'th year a Priest: and he attends
The Office of a Doctor for Christs sake
In Wire, and Girwick Abby and there spends
Among his Pupills, while his Life Exttends.
And thirti'th year a Priest: and he attends
The Office of a Doctor for Christs sake
In Wire, and Girwick Abby and there spends
Among his Pupills, while his Life Exttends.
Was Modest, Chast, and Pious, entring on
His Lucubrations with his suites in prayer.
Imbibes into his Pupills many an one
Philosophy and Physicks and makes bare
The Mathamaticks, till they learned are.
His Lucubrations with his suites in prayer.
Imbibes into his Pupills many an one
Philosophy and Physicks and makes bare
The Mathamaticks, till they learned are.
In sermons did the Holy texts Expound
With sayings of the Fathers them enlac'd.
In Allegories did delight to sound.
Turnd Psalms, Johns Gospell, other books imbrac'd,
Into his Native tongue, before all grac'd.
With sayings of the Fathers them enlac'd.
In Allegories did delight to sound.
Turnd Psalms, Johns Gospell, other books imbrac'd,
Into his Native tongue, before all grac'd.
Egbert of Farn remiss in office Charge
He Chides full sharply, did advice bestow
To make the Saxon Tongue the Scripture barge
And it translate into that tongue, that so
The reading Saxons might the Scriptures know.
He Chides full sharply, did advice bestow
To make the Saxon Tongue the Scripture barge
And it translate into that tongue, that so
The reading Saxons might the Scriptures know.
He by his learned pen did on it write
From Genesis to Revelations last
Did Six and thirty volumns pen which plight
Up seventy eight books do. And still are Cast
Into eight Tomes which in our hands are Vast.
From Genesis to Revelations last
Did Six and thirty volumns pen which plight
Up seventy eight books do. And still are Cast
Into eight Tomes which in our hands are Vast.
But by his Dayly pains, and Fasts he fell
A vomiting, and so a Catarrh sprang.
Yet he his dayly Studies, tended well.
Lections, Psalms, Problems too on him did hang
Which he performd when this Disease began.
A vomiting, and so a Catarrh sprang.
Yet he his dayly Studies, tended well.
Lections, Psalms, Problems too on him did hang
Which he performd when this Disease began.
When Easter nigh approacht, this him did Seise.
Now he Johns Gospell hard speake English made
Unto his Scholars thus his minde would ease.
My Children learn while I am with you staid.
For know I do how long I'st be delaid.
Now he Johns Gospell hard speake English made
Unto his Scholars thus his minde would ease.
My Children learn while I am with you staid.
For know I do how long I'st be delaid.
Although my Maker soon doth take me hence
And Spirit go to him that it me sent
So long as life I have, my God dispense
Did me good Consill all my life, now spent
I wish for Death to be with Christ in's tent.
And Spirit go to him that it me sent
So long as life I have, my God dispense
Did me good Consill all my life, now spent
I wish for Death to be with Christ in's tent.
To men Securge he urgd, It dreadfull is
To fall in th'hands of God Omnipotent.
And in his sorrows, Comfort suckt from this,
God Chastens e'ry Child he hath, and sent
Gold in the fire, for its approbatment.
To fall in th'hands of God Omnipotent.
And in his sorrows, Comfort suckt from this,
God Chastens e'ry Child he hath, and sent
Gold in the fire, for its approbatment.
He oft repeated Ambrose's dying Speech
I'v not so liv'd, that makes me blush to live
Nor fear to die: for we've a Good God, each.
And pray'd, thus, Lord accept thy Servant. Give.
Thou not the proud to sclander me, whence drive
I'v not so liv'd, that makes me blush to live
Nor fear to die: for we've a Good God, each.
And pray'd, thus, Lord accept thy Servant. Give.
Thou not the proud to sclander me, whence drive
Three weeke before Ascention day his aile
Began to be more violent, yet hee
That and next day did not to dictate fail
Then calld the Ministers, who wept to se
And gave them gifts, and Comforts them full free.
Began to be more violent, yet hee
That and next day did not to dictate fail
Then calld the Ministers, who wept to se
And gave them gifts, and Comforts them full free.
Its time, saith he, If so my maker please
That now I from my flesh may to him goe.
Who, when I was not, me of naught did raise.
I long have livd, he well provided so
For me. My dying Day full nigh doth grow.
That now I from my flesh may to him goe.
Who, when I was not, me of naught did raise.
I long have livd, he well provided so
For me. My dying Day full nigh doth grow.
Indeed, my Soule doth much desire and Crave
To see Christ my King in's glorious Magesty.
And on th'Ascention day prayd thus to have.
O King of Glory, Lord of Vertues high
Who this day wentst above all Heavenly Sky
To see Christ my King in's glorious Magesty.
And on th'Ascention day prayd thus to have.
O King of Glory, Lord of Vertues high
Who this day wentst above all Heavenly Sky
Leave us not father less, but on us send
The Fathers Promise, th'Spirit here of Truth.
Which being spoke his last gasp did attend.
All noses filld with Odors (story shewth)
Which with a Vernall joy brake out like youth.
The Fathers Promise, th'Spirit here of Truth.
Which being spoke his last gasp did attend.
All noses filld with Odors (story shewth)
Which with a Vernall joy brake out like youth.
Sigwolfe a minister of Christ up grew
Too in Northumberland most Studious
In holy Scripture, Albines Friend full true.
And Cutbert who at Wire with all that host
Was famous, Wrot Bede's Life, and's works sav'd most.
Too in Northumberland most Studious
In holy Scripture, Albines Friend full true.
And Cutbert who at Wire with all that host
Was famous, Wrot Bede's Life, and's works sav'd most.
These and such men like flaming Candles stand
Shining in Graces Dorman Windows bright.
But not so bright but spots and popish brand
Are very many ery were in Sight
On most of them, and others. Hence we sigh.
Shining in Graces Dorman Windows bright.
But not so bright but spots and popish brand
Are very many ery were in Sight
On most of them, and others. Hence we sigh.
The shine of Patience
By how much Graces Candle now grows dimBy so much more doth Patience shining spring.
Whose beaming Rayes I come again to take
As Lanthorn Lights, up in my hand to make
A light to shew the way God walks in through
This Century while hellish Imps do brew
All Hellish Liquour, in the Mash fats wrought
Of Pride, Contentions, Errours, Tortures, naught
That by this Light we may Gods glory Eye
------ the Darkness that doth cloud the Sky.
Onely by Pride's Contention: in whose Clink
Doth ly a Wisp, and Sand, though black as inck,
That brightens Patience till her plate out shine
The glorious body of the Sun in prime
Doth ly a Wisp, and Sand, though black as inck,
That brightens Patience till her plate out shine
The glorious body of the Sun in prime
Pope Sergius playing whoremaster begot
A bastard [incomplete line]
The mark thus of the whore of Babylon
Was now his brand. The Clergy hereupon
Would kick this Spotted Leopard quite away:
And Leo Chose. But Sergius kept the play.
A bastard [incomplete line]
The mark thus of the whore of Babylon
Was now his brand. The Clergy hereupon
Would kick this Spotted Leopard quite away:
And Leo Chose. But Sergius kept the play.
John Sextus follows him, whose pride up towers
To get Ravenna's Hexarchate in's power.
But being Slain the Popedom rowles into
John Septim's lap, whose Pride did overflow
Swelling to finde the Eastern Churches would
Not to his headship bow nor Stirrup hold.
He for them gapes, as for a gudgion, and
Wrote to the Wreath to bring them to his hand.
Adorns in Stately Shew Churches, Churchyards
With Pictures, Images, and such like guards.
To get Ravenna's Hexarchate in's power.
But being Slain the Popedom rowles into
John Septim's lap, whose Pride did overflow
Swelling to finde the Eastern Churches would
Not to his headship bow nor Stirrup hold.
He for them gapes, as for a gudgion, and
Wrote to the Wreath to bring them to his hand.
Adorns in Stately Shew Churches, Churchyards
With Pictures, Images, and such like guards.
Constantine next, who to Byzantium went,
And thence to Nicomedia the tent
Where now the Emp'ror was who at his feet
Falls prostrat seing how the Pope did Sweep
The ground with his Pontificalibus
Did beg a pardon of his Sins, and thus
Crav'd of him Sacred Mass, some thinke also
Hence Sprung the Kissing of the Popes greate toe.
And in this pride returns with gift all Stoughd.
Swells o're Ravenna till it's over throughd.
Claims Ticine Church as his, and therefor sets
It free from homage unto Millain's Skirts.
But these are butterflies: he higher soares
For when Philippicus the Emp'ror doors
Did shut upon the Roman Prelates pride
And Pictures of the Saints in temples 'stroy'de
Constantinoples sixt great Synod, which
For image worship voted, down did pitch
Cast down the Images wherein were drawn
The Acts thereof. And his own Faith, no spawn
Of forgeries, drew up, and sent this pope
Commanding him his Superscription to't,
And all the Roman Clergie's, he did Swell
Untill his gall did grow, as black as hell.
Commands that none say Mass for him, or have
Within the Church his Statue set (bold knave)
The Name of Emperour Hereticall
By publick or by privat writings shall
In Lead, in Brass, or Silver none accept.
Chargd Britwald Englands Primat up to get
A Synod images to ratify
At London, and by his authority
He should commend them both unto their Kings
And to the People; and this Prelats wings
Made two East Angle King, one Coen red
And Offa when at Rome shake from each head
His Royall Crown, and ware a Monkish Cowl.
When such Pride blossom Patience sure doth howle.
And thence to Nicomedia the tent
Where now the Emp'ror was who at his feet
Falls prostrat seing how the Pope did Sweep
The ground with his Pontificalibus
Did beg a pardon of his Sins, and thus
Crav'd of him Sacred Mass, some thinke also
Hence Sprung the Kissing of the Popes greate toe.
And in this pride returns with gift all Stoughd.
Swells o're Ravenna till it's over throughd.
Claims Ticine Church as his, and therefor sets
It free from homage unto Millain's Skirts.
But these are butterflies: he higher soares
For when Philippicus the Emp'ror doors
Did shut upon the Roman Prelates pride
And Pictures of the Saints in temples 'stroy'de
Constantinoples sixt great Synod, which
For image worship voted, down did pitch
Cast down the Images wherein were drawn
The Acts thereof. And his own Faith, no spawn
Of forgeries, drew up, and sent this pope
Commanding him his Superscription to't,
And all the Roman Clergie's, he did Swell
Untill his gall did grow, as black as hell.
Commands that none say Mass for him, or have
Within the Church his Statue set (bold knave)
By publick or by privat writings shall
In Lead, in Brass, or Silver none accept.
Chargd Britwald Englands Primat up to get
A Synod images to ratify
At London, and by his authority
He should commend them both unto their Kings
And to the People; and this Prelats wings
Made two East Angle King, one Coen red
And Offa when at Rome shake from each head
His Royall Crown, and ware a Monkish Cowl.
When such Pride blossom Patience sure doth howle.
But Pride must fall. Greg'ry the second rose
And all in pride most furiously he froaths.
Doth Gorgeous make his Temples, Altars and
Monasteries made Purgd the Chappell stand
Calld the Jerusalems. And beautifide
The Oratore in th'Patriarchate wide,
With Metalls to Saint Peters honour, bright
And dawbd the Walls about the Altar quite
With Silver o're, and the Images he made
Of th'twelve Apostles, nine score pounds out layde.
But these are Shrimps: his pride much higher grew
He Damn'd, and Excommunications threw
On Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
The Patriarch, because they 'way did chase
All Image worship. And Commanded all
Hespery, and Lugury off to fall
With Italy, and ev'ry Western Realme
From their Obedience to him at the helme.
And not to give their Cesar tributage
And League'de with France against him was to wage
Raisd arms Italians and Longobards
Gainst Eutichy Lievtenant of the Wards
Of the Imperiall Host, sent Boniface
His Legate proud in Germain to desgrace
Those Churches there with popish trumperies
And marks them with his mark, idolatries.
And all in pride most furiously he froaths.
Doth Gorgeous make his Temples, Altars and
Monasteries made Purgd the Chappell stand
Calld the Jerusalems. And beautifide
The Oratore in th'Patriarchate wide,
With Metalls to Saint Peters honour, bright
And dawbd the Walls about the Altar quite
With Silver o're, and the Images he made
Of th'twelve Apostles, nine score pounds out layde.
But these are Shrimps: his pride much higher grew
He Damn'd, and Excommunications threw
On Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
The Patriarch, because they 'way did chase
All Image worship. And Commanded all
Hespery, and Lugury off to fall
With Italy, and ev'ry Western Realme
From their Obedience to him at the helme.
And not to give their Cesar tributage
And League'de with France against him was to wage
Raisd arms Italians and Longobards
Gainst Eutichy Lievtenant of the Wards
Of the Imperiall Host, sent Boniface
His Legate proud in Germain to desgrace
Those Churches there with popish trumperies
And marks them with his mark, idolatries.
Greg'ry the third then strides the beast, and he
As arch as was the former needs must bee
Against the Long'bard who hard arms up took
For's Seat against the Wreath, he calls the Duke
Of Venice: and the Hexarch hints to him.
And calls unto the Same Charles Frances King.
He by the Long'bard chast from Italy
The Greeks: and them did by the French annoy.
Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
Constantinoples Bishop did disgrace
Damn'd, Excommunicated, and with drew
The west from Faith, Obedience, tribute due
Unto the Emperour, and did translate
The Roman Church's safeguard from the Gate
Of Eastern Emperours to Kings of France
Who did unto his popish fiddle dance,
Over the Church of Christ a Lordship swayes
Its Head he will be calld: His Legates raise
That all obey them he commands, as just:
But yet proud Lucifer soon drops to dust.
As arch as was the former needs must bee
Against the Long'bard who hard arms up took
For's Seat against the Wreath, he calls the Duke
Of Venice: and the Hexarch hints to him.
And calls unto the Same Charles Frances King.
He by the Long'bard chast from Italy
The Greeks: and them did by the French annoy.
Leo the Emperour, and Anastase
Constantinoples Bishop did disgrace
Damn'd, Excommunicated, and with drew
The west from Faith, Obedience, tribute due
The Roman Church's safeguard from the Gate
Of Eastern Emperours to Kings of France
Who did unto his popish fiddle dance,
Over the Church of Christ a Lordship swayes
Its Head he will be calld: His Legates raise
That all obey them he commands, as just:
But yet proud Lucifer soon drops to dust.
Next Zacharia's Pride falls to Ferment,
The Popedom being his doth give it vent.
He first invented Sacerdotall Vests
With gold and Gems distinguisht from the rest.
He made a golden Vest, and Silver Crown,
For Peters Altar sacred of renown.
Claims Power Divine t'impose and to depose
Kings, first, that froward grow, as storie goes.
And to absolve their Subjects from their Oath
Of true Fidelity (What fruit hence growth?)
Charles Martills Bastard, little Pipin, who
Betray'd his Lord, he Crown'd King up did throw
Childericks Kingdom on him and his Heirs,
Tho him no aide against the Long'bards Spares.
Kings he did Stigmatiz with's beastly Brand:
Made Car'leman a Shavling Monke to Stand
And Rachis too the Long'bard King also
With Wife, and Children into Cloisters goe.
Theodorick too King of France there thrusts.
As Boniface desir'd who hath the trust
To do the feate and to annoint in's stead
Pipin the King of France, and Crown his head.
The French, and German Churches did disguise
And did them tread by Romes Idolatries.
Vile Boniface Archbishop made of Ments
And Colen Church he brought into his tents
Churches and Bishops, and the French Kings hee
Orders him to Secure and to him see.
And thus we finde how Pride his topsails blows
While Patience weeps. But down he tumbled goes.
Its said, he to Ravenna going had
A Cloud all day from heat him shadowed.
And did by night his Camp Surround. And led
With fiery troops next day that ore him fled.
The Popedom being his doth give it vent.
He first invented Sacerdotall Vests
With gold and Gems distinguisht from the rest.
He made a golden Vest, and Silver Crown,
For Peters Altar sacred of renown.
Claims Power Divine t'impose and to depose
Kings, first, that froward grow, as storie goes.
And to absolve their Subjects from their Oath
Of true Fidelity (What fruit hence growth?)
Charles Martills Bastard, little Pipin, who
Betray'd his Lord, he Crown'd King up did throw
Childericks Kingdom on him and his Heirs,
Tho him no aide against the Long'bards Spares.
Kings he did Stigmatiz with's beastly Brand:
Made Car'leman a Shavling Monke to Stand
And Rachis too the Long'bard King also
With Wife, and Children into Cloisters goe.
Theodorick too King of France there thrusts.
As Boniface desir'd who hath the trust
To do the feate and to annoint in's stead
Pipin the King of France, and Crown his head.
The French, and German Churches did disguise
And did them tread by Romes Idolatries.
Vile Boniface Archbishop made of Ments
And Colen Church he brought into his tents
Churches and Bishops, and the French Kings hee
Orders him to Secure and to him see.
And thus we finde how Pride his topsails blows
While Patience weeps. But down he tumbled goes.
Its said, he to Ravenna going had
A Cloud all day from heat him shadowed.
And did by night his Camp Surround. And led
With fiery troops next day that ore him fled.
Next Stephene Second Cockhorst it whose Spurs
Are Steeld with Pride, his works are mostly blurs.
Romes Primacy he mounts up: up doth tower
Of making, and unmaking Kings his power.
The Kingdoms of the World, and Glory brave
Right or not right Rome's Seat he judgd should crave.
Ravenna's Exarcate he wriths away
From th'Longbard by King Pipin, and his fray.
And other Countries too of Italy
That stretcht out to the lake of Venice ly,
That to the Eastern Emperour belong
And by the Title (be it wicked wrong)
Of Peters Gift or Patrimony to
The Seat of Rome he them made subject go
And for requitall unto Pipin King
And Charles and Charlamain, he did them bring
To Peters and Paula Altar, them annoints
Kings, and right Heirs of Frances Realm appoints
And thunders out his Curses on the pate
Of such as this decree should violate.
Are Steeld with Pride, his works are mostly blurs.
Romes Primacy he mounts up: up doth tower
Of making, and unmaking Kings his power.
The Kingdoms of the World, and Glory brave
Right or not right Rome's Seat he judgd should crave.
Ravenna's Exarcate he wriths away
From th'Longbard by King Pipin, and his fray.
And other Countries too of Italy
That stretcht out to the lake of Venice ly,
And by the Title (be it wicked wrong)
Of Peters Gift or Patrimony to
The Seat of Rome he them made subject go
And for requitall unto Pipin King
And Charles and Charlamain, he did them bring
To Peters and Paula Altar, them annoints
Kings, and right Heirs of Frances Realm appoints
And thunders out his Curses on the pate
Of such as this decree should violate.
When Chilperick the rightfull king peeps out
From's Cloister, he in thrusts him back and snouts.
And Pipin and the French unoathed from
The Cath that bound them to their now poor Don.
From Rachis he, and Longbards safe did bring
One Desidery and declar'd him King.
Against the Grecians Empire he in hate
Consults it from them to the French t'translate.
To ty the French in faster knots, by flies
He Pipin moove (and here's the Rat he tries)
To Choose him Godfather unto his Son:
That So his Power might o're them ruling run.
When Pipin and his Son Charles on the ground
Once sat, they kist his Feet: and up skipt Round
And held his Stirrup, and his horses Rains.
While up he rose, brave Orslers he gains.
He was the fire brand, and the trumpit blew
Of war, that Pipin and Longbards brew,
At Ticine, where fell Aistulph: at whose fall
He with his popit Gods, Saint-Relicks all
In Solemn pomp, and triumph first began
Rode on mens Shoulders to the Lateran.
Hence sprung the Pride of Popes wherein they ride
Upon mens back: Yet down Death through his Pride.
From's Cloister, he in thrusts him back and snouts.
And Pipin and the French unoathed from
The Cath that bound them to their now poor Don.
From Rachis he, and Longbards safe did bring
One Desidery and declar'd him King.
Against the Grecians Empire he in hate
Consults it from them to the French t'translate.
To ty the French in faster knots, by flies
He Pipin moove (and here's the Rat he tries)
To Choose him Godfather unto his Son:
That So his Power might o're them ruling run.
When Pipin and his Son Charles on the ground
Once sat, they kist his Feet: and up skipt Round
And held his Stirrup, and his horses Rains.
While up he rose, brave Orslers he gains.
He was the fire brand, and the trumpit blew
Of war, that Pipin and Longbards brew,
At Ticine, where fell Aistulph: at whose fall
He with his popit Gods, Saint-Relicks all
In Solemn pomp, and triumph first began
Rode on mens Shoulders to the Lateran.
Hence sprung the Pride of Popes wherein they ride
Upon mens back: Yet down Death through his Pride.
Him Paul the first succeeds: Prides Spawn cast in
The Popedoms Pride pleck soon Sprung up in him.
The Church of Rome he in his letters Calls
The Spirituall Mother of the Churches all.
That Popes as worldly princes lord it might
He deemd, and Kingdoms, and their glory bright
Might have and hold. And Lawfull Kings dispise.
The State of th'Roman Empire makes his prize
Ravenna's Exarchate, and all the Land
Of Italy left lapt up by the hand
Of Stephen, in th'Pall Peters Patrimony,
With all his might and Rhetorick like honey
Against the Greeks and Longobard, who were
The rightfull Lord of all those realms plac'd Here.
The Beneventines, who possessions got
In Company, and had unto the lot
Of Sicily Patrician subject been
He threatend more than once with languague keen,
He'd be upon their backs unless they do
Desist their Enterprises, to their woe.
Pipin his godfather wrote and exhorts
The Roman Senate, and folk of all Sorts
That they stand firm, and faithfull under call,
To Peter Prince of the Apostles all.
And to the Holy Church of God, and round
Their Spirituall Father who's most blessed found
And Coangelicall by God held ope
Lord Paul, Chiefe Priest, and Universall Pope.
Yet of a fever in Pauls Church he fell
Like to a Fatted Swine. Thus Pride farewell.
The Popedoms Pride pleck soon Sprung up in him.
The Church of Rome he in his letters Calls
The Spirituall Mother of the Churches all.
That Popes as worldly princes lord it might
He deemd, and Kingdoms, and their glory bright
Might have and hold. And Lawfull Kings dispise.
The State of th'Roman Empire makes his prize
Ravenna's Exarchate, and all the Land
Of Italy left lapt up by the hand
Of Stephen, in th'Pall Peters Patrimony,
With all his might and Rhetorick like honey
Against the Greeks and Longobard, who were
The rightfull Lord of all those realms plac'd Here.
In Company, and had unto the lot
Of Sicily Patrician subject been
He threatend more than once with languague keen,
He'd be upon their backs unless they do
Desist their Enterprises, to their woe.
Pipin his godfather wrote and exhorts
The Roman Senate, and folk of all Sorts
That they stand firm, and faithfull under call,
To Peter Prince of the Apostles all.
And to the Holy Church of God, and round
Their Spirituall Father who's most blessed found
And Coangelicall by God held ope
Lord Paul, Chiefe Priest, and Universall Pope.
Yet of a fever in Pauls Church he fell
Like to a Fatted Swine. Thus Pride farewell.
Then Constantine a hurly burly gang
Crowded in Peters Chair, not worst of bran.
Swells with th'Imperiall Poison of his Seat
After the Worlds Grandure, and Glory greate.
Saluteth Pipin, and intreats his aide,
And shews he nothing dreaming thus, was made
By boist'rous hands the Churches head and found
That men malivolent did much abound.
And these seditious Superstitious ones
Surprize him soon, and bring him to his groans.
Him on a woman Stoole did set in Scorn,
Choose Stephen Pope, and Strip him, thus forlorn,
Of his Pontifick robes, and his Defence
And acts, (and him too so we assert) go hence
Into the bur[n]ing fire, because they deem
Him Leo and the Long'bard's friende did seem.
In all this huff ining and outing sure
Patience is Exercised and shineth more.
Crowded in Peters Chair, not worst of bran.
Swells with th'Imperiall Poison of his Seat
After the Worlds Grandure, and Glory greate.
Saluteth Pipin, and intreats his aide,
And shews he nothing dreaming thus, was made
By boist'rous hands the Churches head and found
That men malivolent did much abound.
And these seditious Superstitious ones
Surprize him soon, and bring him to his groans.
Him on a woman Stoole did set in Scorn,
Choose Stephen Pope, and Strip him, thus forlorn,
Of his Pontifick robes, and his Defence
And acts, (and him too so we assert) go hence
Into the bur[n]ing fire, because they deem
Him Leo and the Long'bard's friende did seem.
In all this huff ining and outing sure
Patience is Exercised and shineth more.
Now Waldipert, and's faction in did slide
Philip, whom Gratios, and his, turnde aside.
And Stephen Tersh did now the Saddle stride,
Whose beauty turnd Pope Zachary aside:
(Warming his Sacred Chastity, untill
In th'Chamber of the Lateran Patr'arch, skill
Broke from his points, as fat as Sodoms trade.
Where he had Paul, and Sephen's Stallions made)
He to the throne ascends in blood, all dide
Church Minister but wares a Sword by's Side.
He playes the Smooth boots to the Kings of France
But boldly doth Condemn their Pipes and dance
Of Wedding with the Long'bards lest these tunes
Should them inchant to pluck the Popedoms Plumes
He Gloria in Excelsis institutes
On ev'ry Sabbath day be sung by mutes
Which are his Seven Weekly Cardinalls
Millain by's force now to the Popedom falls.
By bloody Arms did Bishop Michael kick
Out of Ravenna's Sacred Bishoprick.
Did Desiderius stripe by Pipin's hands
And made him to blesst Peter give his Lands.
Sedition mov'd, wagd war in pride untill
His plumes arrested fall under Death Bill.
Philip, whom Gratios, and his, turnde aside.
And Stephen Tersh did now the Saddle stride,
Whose beauty turnd Pope Zachary aside:
(Warming his Sacred Chastity, untill
In th'Chamber of the Lateran Patr'arch, skill
Broke from his points, as fat as Sodoms trade.
Where he had Paul, and Sephen's Stallions made)
He to the throne ascends in blood, all dide
Church Minister but wares a Sword by's Side.
He playes the Smooth boots to the Kings of France
But boldly doth Condemn their Pipes and dance
Of Wedding with the Long'bards lest these tunes
Should them inchant to pluck the Popedoms Plumes
He Gloria in Excelsis institutes
On ev'ry Sabbath day be sung by mutes
Which are his Seven Weekly Cardinalls
Millain by's force now to the Popedom falls.
Out of Ravenna's Sacred Bishoprick.
Did Desiderius stripe by Pipin's hands
And made him to blesst Peter give his Lands.
Sedition mov'd, wagd war in pride untill
His plumes arrested fall under Death Bill.
Next Adrian did on the jades back jump.
The Clarks, and Flock his leg lift ore her rump.
Thus in the Saddle set doth ride, all finde,
Not with a Priest like, but a Princes Minde.
Salutes the Emperour and Emperess.
Did Charles with Letters fourty four address
By Power Clavicular he u'sd to bring
Kings and their Kingdoms truckling under him.
Thassilomus Duke of Bavaria
Would anathematize, if he delay
Obedience to Charles, the King of France
He Crusht the Long'bards by the gallick lance.
Bartha the Widdow too of Charlomain,
With Desidery King of Long'bards ta'en,
With Kingdom, Wife, and Children, gave did he
To Charles unto perpetuall Slaverie.
Unto this Charles he did translate in spite
Constantinople's Emperors own right.
Two Sons of Charles the Great annoints Kings, soon,
And also them Patricians made of Rome.
Made Charles the Greate Confirm by oath the Gift
His Father Pipin on the Church did lift.
Made Long'bards Spoletoes Reatines too
Crouch down to him. Made Hildeprand also
Duke of Spoleto. In the Churches he
Doth make things Splendid, Gold and Silver bee.
He overlaid Pauls Altar all with gold.
And made his Image of rich gold (its told)
Cups, Platters Vests and such like things he made
Of Silver, Gold, Gems, and Rich Stones inlaid.
But all his Pride and Cruelty's a blast.
Its quickly tumbld down to dust at last.
The Clarks, and Flock his leg lift ore her rump.
Thus in the Saddle set doth ride, all finde,
Not with a Priest like, but a Princes Minde.
Salutes the Emperour and Emperess.
Did Charles with Letters fourty four address
By Power Clavicular he u'sd to bring
Kings and their Kingdoms truckling under him.
Thassilomus Duke of Bavaria
Would anathematize, if he delay
Obedience to Charles, the King of France
He Crusht the Long'bards by the gallick lance.
Bartha the Widdow too of Charlomain,
With Desidery King of Long'bards ta'en,
With Kingdom, Wife, and Children, gave did he
To Charles unto perpetuall Slaverie.
Unto this Charles he did translate in spite
Constantinople's Emperors own right.
Two Sons of Charles the Great annoints Kings, soon,
And also them Patricians made of Rome.
Made Charles the Greate Confirm by oath the Gift
His Father Pipin on the Church did lift.
Made Long'bards Spoletoes Reatines too
Crouch down to him. Made Hildeprand also
Duke of Spoleto. In the Churches he
Doth make things Splendid, Gold and Silver bee.
He overlaid Pauls Altar all with gold.
And made his Image of rich gold (its told)
Cups, Platters Vests and such like things he made
Of Silver, Gold, Gems, and Rich Stones inlaid.
But all his Pride and Cruelty's a blast.
Its quickly tumbld down to dust at last.
Next Leo Ters is mounted, whom they have
As any of them all as arch a knave.
He did Confirm Adulterated blood
(That from a piece of Crucified wood
Impostors did asser[t] did flow, to fix
Their Image worship by such jugling tricks
When calld to answer for the same) to bee
The very Blood of Christ (Blasphemous hee)
By his Authority, and bulls: and states
A Yearly holy day for't Consecrates
At Mantua its still ador'd: some say,
And plenty of it there reserv'd did stay.
Aloft he rides over the Church in pride
By no man to be judgd, yet's pleasd to ride
If possible, free from his Crime broacht forth
By purging of his headship by an Oath
His Headship constituteth Aquisgrane
Upon King Charles his Suite (Oh subtil brain)
The Royall Seate, and Head of France beyond
The Craggy, Alpine mountains up to stand.
His Lordship sitting on his Cushon spide
The Roman Senate treat to lay aside
That yoak so burdensom, that did them check
Of Grecian Emperors upon their neck.
His jeolous head began to beate lest hee
Should by this Project, ore projected bee,
Unto his griefe. His nimble brains do ring
To Subject Rome to th'Roman Pope, as King
And him a mighty bulwark to advance
By that most valient Arm, the King of France.
So France by him's made Emperor. (a Rope!)
And the Chief power imperiall's in the Pope.
This pritty Knack trips up the Emprour's heels
And picks the Senats brains out. Hence he wheels
His Legats unto Charles with Sacred Keyes
The Emblem of his Pontificiall pleaes.
And offers th'Banner of Rome's City, or
The Eagle the Imperiall Sign and fur.
Himself and Rome unto his Faith Comends.
And orders him his messengers to send
That by the Sacrament Confirm they might
The Romans to their Faith, and 'bedience right.
The Senat saw not this. He quickly slips
From Rome, with Senators two hundred, trips
To Charles at Bodabrune; they him invite
To Rome informing of him wrong or right.
The Worlds Head shall not quiet bee unless
Charles, Consull of th'Eternall City, dress,
And its perpetuall Tribun, do set free
Her from the Sorrows she is like to see.
For in a Woman there no Safeguard lies,
Which doth th'affairs of men thus enterprize
To Rome Charles highes at Peters Altar's set
Upon his Head the Crown Cesarean get
And deck him with Imperiall Robes he doth:
And him annoint with oyle so much it flow'th
Trickling From head to foot. The people shout
Let Life and Victory flow round about
To Charles Augustus made by God (they tune)
Him Great Pacifick Emperour of Rome.
Thus he translate the Empire did to France:
But kept its power himselfe, to make them dance.
But Adrians Kin, and Primicery and
Campule the Priests made Leo understand
When he was Celebrating Letonie
Walking without the walls on horse back by
Pancretia's Chappell with his Baal Crew,
For there they take him, off from's horse him threw
And strapt his sides: and thrust him also do
Into Erasmus Abby: thence let goe
He by Albine his Chamberlain ore th'Wall,
Was, and did high to Charles and shews him all.
Who honours him, and sent him home, he here
Did in a Synod by his Oath him cleare.
The Cause he was thus jearkt, is judgd to bee,
Because, the City, Senate, Empire he
Devised thus to overthrow by Charles.
Whereby he them in thralldom thus ensnarles.
And all this while Prides blossome in him do
To Patience's griefe, in florid Colours grow.
But soon his Straps do breake, his blossoms fall.
His pride kicks up its heells. And Death stains all.
As any of them all as arch a knave.
He did Confirm Adulterated blood
(That from a piece of Crucified wood
Impostors did asser[t] did flow, to fix
Their Image worship by such jugling tricks
When calld to answer for the same) to bee
The very Blood of Christ (Blasphemous hee)
By his Authority, and bulls: and states
A Yearly holy day for't Consecrates
At Mantua its still ador'd: some say,
And plenty of it there reserv'd did stay.
By no man to be judgd, yet's pleasd to ride
If possible, free from his Crime broacht forth
By purging of his headship by an Oath
His Headship constituteth Aquisgrane
Upon King Charles his Suite (Oh subtil brain)
The Royall Seate, and Head of France beyond
The Craggy, Alpine mountains up to stand.
His Lordship sitting on his Cushon spide
The Roman Senate treat to lay aside
That yoak so burdensom, that did them check
Of Grecian Emperors upon their neck.
His jeolous head began to beate lest hee
Should by this Project, ore projected bee,
Unto his griefe. His nimble brains do ring
To Subject Rome to th'Roman Pope, as King
And him a mighty bulwark to advance
By that most valient Arm, the King of France.
So France by him's made Emperor. (a Rope!)
And the Chief power imperiall's in the Pope.
This pritty Knack trips up the Emprour's heels
And picks the Senats brains out. Hence he wheels
His Legats unto Charles with Sacred Keyes
The Emblem of his Pontificiall pleaes.
And offers th'Banner of Rome's City, or
The Eagle the Imperiall Sign and fur.
Himself and Rome unto his Faith Comends.
And orders him his messengers to send
That by the Sacrament Confirm they might
The Romans to their Faith, and 'bedience right.
The Senat saw not this. He quickly slips
From Rome, with Senators two hundred, trips
To Charles at Bodabrune; they him invite
To Rome informing of him wrong or right.
The Worlds Head shall not quiet bee unless
Charles, Consull of th'Eternall City, dress,
And its perpetuall Tribun, do set free
Her from the Sorrows she is like to see.
For in a Woman there no Safeguard lies,
Which doth th'affairs of men thus enterprize
To Rome Charles highes at Peters Altar's set
Upon his Head the Crown Cesarean get
And deck him with Imperiall Robes he doth:
And him annoint with oyle so much it flow'th
Trickling From head to foot. The people shout
Let Life and Victory flow round about
To Charles Augustus made by God (they tune)
Him Great Pacifick Emperour of Rome.
Thus he translate the Empire did to France:
But kept its power himselfe, to make them dance.
But Adrians Kin, and Primicery and
Campule the Priests made Leo understand
Walking without the walls on horse back by
Pancretia's Chappell with his Baal Crew,
For there they take him, off from's horse him threw
And strapt his sides: and thrust him also do
Into Erasmus Abby: thence let goe
He by Albine his Chamberlain ore th'Wall,
Was, and did high to Charles and shews him all.
Who honours him, and sent him home, he here
Did in a Synod by his Oath him cleare.
The Cause he was thus jearkt, is judgd to bee,
Because, the City, Senate, Empire he
Devised thus to overthrow by Charles.
Whereby he them in thralldom thus ensnarles.
And all this while Prides blossome in him do
To Patience's griefe, in florid Colours grow.
But soon his Straps do breake, his blossoms fall.
His pride kicks up its heells. And Death stains all.
Thus by these instances you easly finde
How Prelates ruffling sleeve stand huff'd with winde
Of Pride, and Haughtiness which struts their Eyes
To look o're Kings, and Princes Heads though wise.
And thrusts their Heads above the Stars, although
They dirty are as if they usd to go
Not on their feet, but on their Heads in mire
And so they do in that they this aspire.
But all the while March Wind on Patience blows
His nipping cold whitening her Web halfe froze.
How Prelates ruffling sleeve stand huff'd with winde
Of Pride, and Haughtiness which struts their Eyes
To look o're Kings, and Princes Heads though wise.
And thrusts their Heads above the Stars, although
They dirty are as if they usd to go
Not on their feet, but on their Heads in mire
And so they do in that they this aspire.
But all the while March Wind on Patience blows
His nipping cold whitening her Web halfe froze.
Pride leads the Van, and to the March doth drum,
Contentions take th'alarm and on do come.
Phillippicus a prudent man's head achs,
He dreams the Eagle it a Cover makes.
A monke interprets it, the Empire shall
(Whose Ensign is the Eagle) to him fall.
Then Absimare him takes, did scourge, and Shave
And him in iron Chains Exile, poore knave[.]
Justinian to his throne returns again.
Claws Absimare, Leonore, Heraclius then
And direfully afflicts his Enemies,
Plucks out the Patriarch Callinichu's Eyes
Doth banish him to Rome. And the other sent
To Reconcile the Churches which dissent
Two Bishops with his faith fair pend out to
Pope John the Seventh whom he crav'd also
To call a Synod and approve the Same
This should damp out the West, and Eastern flame.
The Proud pope huffs, what nosed be must hee?
I scorn your words. Ile not soe novic'de bee.
The legat, and the Libells back he sends.
Poore Emperour go bite thy fingers ends.
Soon after Constantine the Mitre wares.
The Emperor him invite[s], hence he repares
Unto him in his glory 'fore whose feet
The Emperour falls prostrate him to greet
Begs pardon of his Sins. Confirms also
The Priviledges of Romes Church that flow.
Felix Ravenna's Bishop also snarles
Against Romes Lordship nothing yield by parls.
Justinian Swops his Side. Ravenna Crouch
Is made against his Will to th'Roman Pouch.
Sisinny and Diascorus in Ruffs
Do for the Popedom fallen fall to Cuffs
Dioscorus poore man is Soundly soucde
Sisinny wins the day, yet soons unhousd.
Dioscorus then, hardy Sir, again
Fell s[c]uffling for't, and now it doth obtain.
Then Boniface did wring him by the eare
And boxt him soundly, drove from the Chair[.]
Contentions take th'alarm and on do come.
Phillippicus a prudent man's head achs,
He dreams the Eagle it a Cover makes.
A monke interprets it, the Empire shall
(Whose Ensign is the Eagle) to him fall.
Then Absimare him takes, did scourge, and Shave
And him in iron Chains Exile, poore knave[.]
Justinian to his throne returns again.
Claws Absimare, Leonore, Heraclius then
And direfully afflicts his Enemies,
Plucks out the Patriarch Callinichu's Eyes
Doth banish him to Rome. And the other sent
To Reconcile the Churches which dissent
Two Bishops with his faith fair pend out to
Pope John the Seventh whom he crav'd also
This should damp out the West, and Eastern flame.
The Proud pope huffs, what nosed be must hee?
I scorn your words. Ile not soe novic'de bee.
The legat, and the Libells back he sends.
Poore Emperour go bite thy fingers ends.
Soon after Constantine the Mitre wares.
The Emperor him invite[s], hence he repares
Unto him in his glory 'fore whose feet
The Emperour falls prostrate him to greet
Begs pardon of his Sins. Confirms also
The Priviledges of Romes Church that flow.
Felix Ravenna's Bishop also snarles
Against Romes Lordship nothing yield by parls.
Justinian Swops his Side. Ravenna Crouch
Is made against his Will to th'Roman Pouch.
Sisinny and Diascorus in Ruffs
Do for the Popedom fallen fall to Cuffs
Dioscorus poore man is Soundly soucde
Sisinny wins the day, yet soons unhousd.
Dioscorus then, hardy Sir, again
Fell s[c]uffling for't, and now it doth obtain.
Then Boniface did wring him by the eare
And boxt him soundly, drove from the Chair[.]
The Eagles Egge she laid within the nest
Built on Phillippicus his Pate undrest
Now hatcht indeed: He Emperor is made.
Constantinoples Image Synod paid.
Pluckt down the Picture in the Church wall, which
Containd the Acts whereon these Sirs did Pitch.
Cast Cyrus out of his Paternall Chaire.
And made John Monke to be its worthy heir.
Pope Constantine began to brissle then.
In Synod John and Philipick doth hem
About with his Anathemaes, untill
Lievetenant Peter by defensive skill
Endeavourd to defend th'Imperiall right
Against the Pope, much blood did fall in fight.
Built on Phillippicus his Pate undrest
Now hatcht indeed: He Emperor is made.
Constantinoples Image Synod paid.
Pluckt down the Picture in the Church wall, which
Containd the Acts whereon these Sirs did Pitch.
Cast Cyrus out of his Paternall Chaire.
And made John Monke to be its worthy heir.
Pope Constantine began to brissle then.
In Synod John and Philipick doth hem
About with his Anathemaes, untill
Lievetenant Peter by defensive skill
Endeavourd to defend th'Imperiall right
Against the Pope, much blood did fall in fight.
When Theodosius filld th'Imperiall Throne,
Millan and Ticine Churches proude now grown,
Ticine will not to Millan subject bee.
The Pope then Claims her his. Good pope you see[.]
Millan and Ticine Churches proude now grown,
Ticine will not to Millan subject bee.
The Pope then Claims her his. Good pope you see[.]
Leo Isaurus gains th'Imperiall Wreath
Seing Mahometans blasphemies breath
Cut much against the Christians, who adore
Did Images and Dead mens bones, grew sore
A Synod calls, the Matter treats, Condemns
All Image worship. Relicks Deadmens Stems.
And Statues made of Silver, Gold, and Wood,
He purgd away by fire: made Statutes good
Against the Same: admonisheth the Pope
To do the Same. Pope German then sets ope
His hellish mouth asserting Antichrist
Shall Images destroy, Christians up hoist
To whom his Ecumenicall Caball
Subscribe their Itaes: Gregory's rich Pall
Entreates th'Emperiall favour t'lend his Smile
Upon these pretty things: but frowns yet Spoile
Them, wherefore he in Synod doth the Wreath
His Excommunication it bequeath
And doth absolve Rome, Italy, and th'West
From all Obedience to him, and his Chest
Shall not Contain any more tole or Rates:
Seing he Images thus antiquates
And Covenants with French him to defend
Against th'Imperiall Lion not his friend.
John Damascen a Champion rose, well mand
With Eastern bishops: and the Emperour damnd
Because these pritty knick knacks he destroi'd:
And Image Worship would not let abide,
Amator Bishop too, of Forojule,
Is drove from home by Calist who did rule
The Aquileian Church. Duke Pemno, and
The Long'bard Nobles could not beare this hand:
But Calist take, in Potius Castle Cast.
Then Luitprand did Pemno treats at last.
Seing Mahometans blasphemies breath
Cut much against the Christians, who adore
Did Images and Dead mens bones, grew sore
A Synod calls, the Matter treats, Condemns
All Image worship. Relicks Deadmens Stems.
He purgd away by fire: made Statutes good
Against the Same: admonisheth the Pope
To do the Same. Pope German then sets ope
His hellish mouth asserting Antichrist
Shall Images destroy, Christians up hoist
To whom his Ecumenicall Caball
Subscribe their Itaes: Gregory's rich Pall
Entreates th'Emperiall favour t'lend his Smile
Upon these pretty things: but frowns yet Spoile
Them, wherefore he in Synod doth the Wreath
His Excommunication it bequeath
And doth absolve Rome, Italy, and th'West
From all Obedience to him, and his Chest
Shall not Contain any more tole or Rates:
Seing he Images thus antiquates
And Covenants with French him to defend
Against th'Imperiall Lion not his friend.
John Damascen a Champion rose, well mand
With Eastern bishops: and the Emperour damnd
Because these pritty knick knacks he destroi'd:
And Image Worship would not let abide,
Amator Bishop too, of Forojule,
Is drove from home by Calist who did rule
The Aquileian Church. Duke Pemno, and
The Long'bard Nobles could not beare this hand:
But Calist take, in Potius Castle Cast.
Then Luitprand did Pemno treats at last.
Ceol fride the Abbat by his wile, and ly,
That the Apostles Order all men eye,
Out of the Gospell, where he Enter layes
Upon the first Lords day, the third week payes
That all true Catholicks, ought to be put:
Into a Shav'de Crown of Saint Peters Cut.
Whereas the Brittains did the fashon ware
Of Simon Magus in their Poled hair.
Brought Naiton King over the Picts, unto
The Roman Ceremonies. Dumchad who
Was Abbot, brought his Monks Rome marke to bare
But still the Brittains do dispise this fare.
That the Apostles Order all men eye,
Out of the Gospell, where he Enter layes
Upon the first Lords day, the third week payes
That all true Catholicks, ought to be put:
Into a Shav'de Crown of Saint Peters Cut.
Whereas the Brittains did the fashon ware
Of Simon Magus in their Poled hair.
Brought Naiton King over the Picts, unto
The Roman Ceremonies. Dumchad who
Was Abbot, brought his Monks Rome marke to bare
But still the Brittains do dispise this fare.
Copronymus, who tawe the Font when hee
Baptized were, Shines with imperiall glee
Now Winofrid an English man, who drew
At Cridon Devonshiers, his first breath, grew
Unto great fame, was Legate Boniface
Under three Popes or more and had the Place
Of Men t'his Bishoprick, With Colen jars
For the Trajectine Church and upstarts wars.
Mannagd by Tongue, and Teeth, Colen thus Cries
King Dag'bert gave it me. Th'other replies,
It was to propagate the Gospell to
The Frisers which not done, you lost it so.
And Willibrord sent by the Pope did soon
Build its Church ruind up, hence't fell to Rome.
The matter's brought to th'Pope who gave the Case
And Colen Church also to Boniface[.]
Baptized were, Shines with imperiall glee
Now Winofrid an English man, who drew
At Cridon Devonshiers, his first breath, grew
Unto great fame, was Legate Boniface
Under three Popes or more and had the Place
Of Men t'his Bishoprick, With Colen jars
For the Trajectine Church and upstarts wars.
King Dag'bert gave it me. Th'other replies,
It was to propagate the Gospell to
The Frisers which not done, you lost it so.
And Willibrord sent by the Pope did soon
Build its Church ruind up, hence't fell to Rome.
The matter's brought to th'Pope who gave the Case
And Colen Church also to Boniface[.]
An Unlearnd Priest now in Bavaria found
He in babtizing, thus his tongue did sound
In Nomine Patria, and Filia
Et Spiritus Sancta did begin afray.
For Boniface would have them thus babtizd
Be rebaptizd, this trick of his devisd,
Sidony, and brave Virgil did withstand.
And so the Case came to Pope Zachary's hand.
Who did decide against his Legate 'prentice
That Lapsus linguae non est Error mentis.
He in babtizing, thus his tongue did sound
In Nomine Patria, and Filia
Et Spiritus Sancta did begin afray.
For Boniface would have them thus babtizd
Be rebaptizd, this trick of his devisd,
Sidony, and brave Virgil did withstand.
And so the Case came to Pope Zachary's hand.
Who did decide against his Legate 'prentice
That Lapsus linguae non est Error mentis.
Now Boniface at Virgill shews his teeth,
Who in his Sermon to the Legats griefe,
Asserts there are Antipodes, hence he
Reviled is as if more Worlds there bee
As other men under the Earths greate space,
Another Sun, and Moon. Hence Boniface,
Comands him openly his Error gross
For to Confess. And to retract as dross.
But Virgill him Confutes, and out doth go
And him accuseth to King Utilo
But Boniface doth Zacharias Pope
Stand at his Elbow who heard, (gave his rope
I mean his Bull) to Utilo to fling
Out Virgill if he don't recant this Sin.
And send him unto him: he too Commands
Sidony too, With Virgil to the hands
Of Boniface to yield subjection good.
Thus se the boiling of the Legats blood,
Albertus, Clement, Samson others more
Did Boniface oppose would not come o're.
Nor yield their Churches to the Pope of Some.
G--- that he had the Crown of France in fume
Turnd from Merobiu's lawfull race (strang tune)
To Pipin's bastard progeny: and that
He preacht Saints Worship, Purgatory-brat,
And offerings for Dead men, and forbad
Priests marriage and usd Exorcisms gad.
And Women with him led about which brought
In many persons many a jealous thought.
But for their pains the Popes black Bull did low.
They're damnd as Hereticks: presst by his brow.
Thus Constantine a Synod calls Condemns,
All Image Worship, Praying to dead men,
And worshipping of Relicks: and Exiles
From all Church fellowship men of such wiles.
John Damascen doth go to pot indeed
And other such ranck bishops: bishop weeds.
He makes monks marry, and live honestly.
And such doth claw who worship foolishly
Contrary to Gods, and his Synods Law
And pleade for Images, this vext Romes paw.
Who in his Sermon to the Legats griefe,
Asserts there are Antipodes, hence he
Reviled is as if more Worlds there bee
As other men under the Earths greate space,
Another Sun, and Moon. Hence Boniface,
Comands him openly his Error gross
For to Confess. And to retract as dross.
But Virgill him Confutes, and out doth go
And him accuseth to King Utilo
But Boniface doth Zacharias Pope
Stand at his Elbow who heard, (gave his rope
I mean his Bull) to Utilo to fling
Out Virgill if he don't recant this Sin.
And send him unto him: he too Commands
Sidony too, With Virgil to the hands
Of Boniface to yield subjection good.
Thus se the boiling of the Legats blood,
Albertus, Clement, Samson others more
Did Boniface oppose would not come o're.
Nor yield their Churches to the Pope of Some.
G--- that he had the Crown of France in fume
Turnd from Merobiu's lawfull race (strang tune)
To Pipin's bastard progeny: and that
He preacht Saints Worship, Purgatory-brat,
And offerings for Dead men, and forbad
Priests marriage and usd Exorcisms gad.
And Women with him led about which brought
In many persons many a jealous thought.
But for their pains the Popes black Bull did low.
They're damnd as Hereticks: presst by his brow.
All Image Worship, Praying to dead men,
And worshipping of Relicks: and Exiles
From all Church fellowship men of such wiles.
John Damascen doth go to pot indeed
And other such ranck bishops: bishop weeds.
He makes monks marry, and live honestly.
And such doth claw who worship foolishly
Contrary to Gods, and his Synods Law
And pleade for Images, this vext Romes paw.
A broile sprung up at Bandave all in feude.
For Image worship. Some for Cesar stood
Accurst them as shafts of Idolatry.
But Hildebert the Blandine Abbat high
And those with him mentaind them, to be grac'd
With worship, and in temples to be plac'd.
The Dispute grew so sharp that in the Close
Hildebert's slain, and many a bloody nose.
For Image worship. Some for Cesar stood
Accurst them as shafts of Idolatry.
But Hildebert the Blandine Abbat high
And those with him mentaind them, to be grac'd
With worship, and in temples to be plac'd.
The Dispute grew so sharp that in the Close
Hildebert's slain, and many a bloody nose.
Pope Stephen peuks his Soule out, and there sprang
Another bussle for a Pope (good man)
Cannot be spar'd. Some like Theophylacy.
And some Paul Deacon, now which side imbrace yee.
Hence to't they go by th'ears and bang it out:
And Paul comes in: His blades the other rout.
Another bussle for a Pope (good man)
Cannot be spar'd. Some like Theophylacy.
And some Paul Deacon, now which side imbrace yee.
Hence to't they go by th'ears and bang it out:
And Paul comes in: His blades the other rout.
But being dead another bout began
In their Pope Choosing worke, do what they can.
For Toto the Nepesine Duke too soon,
With valient souldiers, coming unto Rome
Strappadoed such as stood for Philip, and
Made Constantine the Pope by might of hand.
Whom when the Romans saw his stomach peukt
'Gainst Image worship him of's Popedom rookt.
In their Pope Choosing worke, do what they can.
For Toto the Nepesine Duke too soon,
With valient souldiers, coming unto Rome
Strappadoed such as stood for Philip, and
Made Constantine the Pope by might of hand.
Whom when the Romans saw his stomach peukt
'Gainst Image worship him of's Popedom rookt.
The Eagle, when Copronymus lay dead
Shifts from his, to his Son, young Leo's head.
And now two Abbats in Saint Vincents Hive
How they might Charles the Great destroy Contrive.
The Monks them take and unto Charles them send,
Who doth them to Pope Adrian commend.
But Autbert one kicks up in's walk to Rome.
And Potho th'other comes and doth presume
To purge himselfe of all he's Chargd withall
And's set free thus: Sons of the Church! and fall!
Shifts from his, to his Son, young Leo's head.
And now two Abbats in Saint Vincents Hive
How they might Charles the Great destroy Contrive.
The Monks them take and unto Charles them send,
Who doth them to Pope Adrian commend.
But Autbert one kicks up in's walk to Rome.
And Potho th'other comes and doth presume
To purge himselfe of all he's Chargd withall
And's set free thus: Sons of the Church! and fall!
Constatine and Irenee now by hap
Hav'ng th'Imperiall Crown dropt in their lap.
Tarase the Bishop of Constantinople
Late Constantine, whom Mary's wife did hopple
Mew her up in a monastry, and wed
One called Theodatee to his bed.
Commands Monke Joseph, and the Abbate down
And Theodatee decke with th'royall Crown.
But Plato Abbate of Saccidio
Abstaind hence from his Fellowship: but loe
The Emperour him, and his monks exild
And by this Persecution which them spoild
A florid peace between them two sprung out:
And Image Patriots they rose up Stout.
But when Tarase observ'd that Images
Among the Grecian Churches did displease
And quarrells bredd, he of the Wreath obtains;
An Universall Synod, which he names
The Second Nicen, or the Seventh, which
On Image Worship they did joyntly pitch.
And so shake hands with Rome. And peace make, though
Charls Magnus calld the Franckford Synod, who
Did all the Pleaes this mongrell synods store
Untruss, whip one by one all out of doore.
It granted Images: but did forbid,
Them with adoring Worship to be rid.
And thus we see that Image mongers fling
Out firy brands: and so Contentions spring,
Ore all the Christian World: and make it fume.
Things thus are wove in Superstitions loome
The web is full of knots, Ends, Galls and Frets.
And all the while Patience with tears bewets
And wash her face therewith doth, till the shine
Of Glory is grown great, upon her Shrine.
Hav'ng th'Imperiall Crown dropt in their lap.
Tarase the Bishop of Constantinople
Late Constantine, whom Mary's wife did hopple
Mew her up in a monastry, and wed
One called Theodatee to his bed.
And Theodatee decke with th'royall Crown.
But Plato Abbate of Saccidio
Abstaind hence from his Fellowship: but loe
The Emperour him, and his monks exild
And by this Persecution which them spoild
A florid peace between them two sprung out:
And Image Patriots they rose up Stout.
But when Tarase observ'd that Images
Among the Grecian Churches did displease
And quarrells bredd, he of the Wreath obtains;
An Universall Synod, which he names
The Second Nicen, or the Seventh, which
On Image Worship they did joyntly pitch.
And so shake hands with Rome. And peace make, though
Charls Magnus calld the Franckford Synod, who
Did all the Pleaes this mongrell synods store
Untruss, whip one by one all out of doore.
It granted Images: but did forbid,
Them with adoring Worship to be rid.
And thus we see that Image mongers fling
Out firy brands: and so Contentions spring,
Ore all the Christian World: and make it fume.
Things thus are wove in Superstitions loome
The web is full of knots, Ends, Galls and Frets.
And all the while Patience with tears bewets
And wash her face therewith doth, till the shine
Of Glory is grown great, upon her Shrine.
Out of Contentions Fire with burned Skins,My Muse doth leap: and Errours Palace brings
Her Quills to Pen with all the glory bright
Wherewith she richly Patience doth bedight,
While at her Councill Table go Comissions
For Lying, Heresies, and Supers[t]itions.
We now touch at the Coast of Rampant Lies,Some of the Continent of monstrous Sise
My Pen shall here describe and first take that
Which Authors give us as Charles Martills brat.
Who did against his oath unto his King,
Rise in rebellion, and in war all fling.
The Saxons oft Contrary to their oath
Against Charls did in bloody wars breake forth.
A pieces faith that with their Prince they tie.
When Pipin had him selfe by oath bound to
King Chilperick, whom sourness did oreflow
Hatcht in the good popes very loyall breast,
Cause he the Long'bard would come t'molest,
He brake his Oath and did the Kings own Cap
I Crown should say did on his own head Clap.
Which Vermin was proud Bonifaces brat
Hatcht in his pate that he might be Romes Cat
To Catch the Lombards, which, as mice, did eate
The Cheese of Peters Patrimony greate
Thassilo bound himselfe by oath unto
Brisk Pipin, and his Sons, yet flew thence fro.
Utilo did the like, and many more:
Which to recite would make my pen grow sore.
Irenee's Son namd Constantine doth feign
Mary his Wife had poyson him to bain
Prepar'd, which was a ly devisd that so
He for another Wife might her off throw.
The People of Constantinople gave
Their Oath fair pend, that him alone they'l have
Their Emperour. And after quickly sweare
Unto Irenee; him they will not beare.
Yet soon Irenee is deposd, and they
Sweare that to Constatine they will obey.
They Sworn, Forsworn, make swearing seem a Slight
And ready seem to Sweare the Crow is white.
Pope Paul is said out of a Marble tomb
To dig the Corps up whole (Oh gracious boon)
Of Petronilla Peters daughter, where
He found a writing written very Cleare
By Peter the Apostle's very hand.
The which he read, 'twas this (Sir understand)
To Aurea Petronilla ever my
Most best delightfull Daughter. Oh fy, fy.
These are some fetid lies, and many more
I might sum up; but lies in doctrine store
That Constitute fat Heresies do next,
Come on, if Possible, Patience to vex.
Let Heresies Come on, hold up their hands.That in the hollow have receivd their brands.
Old Heresies now barbd, as Montanists:
The Manichean, and the Donatists
Are found in many places: Arians too
Furbusht in Monothelitithick hew
And did delude the jews to whom he shows.
Some after Epicurian notions run:
Asserting God his Governments not spun
Over the World but all things come by chance
Some after starry deities do dance,
That do ascribe to Fate or Asterism
The Justs Felicity, and that they're d[r]iven
To hell that wicked are. And that they must
Not Stand or Fall before Gods judgment just.
But yet the Heresies the briskst of all,
Is flowrishing now in the Churches Wall
Mantled in Bishops Weeds: and snug doth ly
In Image Worship, and Idolatry.
Worshiping Angells, Saints, and deadmens bones:
Nay bits of Wood, and Clouts: this all is known
By that gross Superstition at which doore
I now do knock, and heave on Shop board Store.
Now Superstitions fly blow all things, CrawlLike Magots on a fat sheeps taile: and sprawle.
Temples they build, its well; but Didicate
Unto Christ, Saviour, Angells, Saints, in State,
To Michael, Mary, Peter Andrew, James
To Stephen, Paul, John Baptist, other names
In honour of Male Martyres: to Sabine
To Adrian, Crispinian and Crispine.
Off Females too, as to Saint Sapience
Saint Maure, Saint Joan, Saint Sophy, (pritty sense)
And these they Consecrate with Litany
Mass Psalms, and Holy Oyle, and Names apply.
And did it in the Name of th'trinity.
And stow them do with Altars Consecrate
Tables, and Candle Sticks Church-Chests and Plate
Golden, and Silver Cups, and Sacred Vests
And other things they lay up in these Chests.
They Stow them also do with Crosses gay,
To fright the Divell: Reliques here they lay.
And Images of Christ of Angells, Saints
Ore lay'd with Gold, and Silver: Some in Paints.
All to be worshipt, and adored herein.
Some Abraham have his Isaack offering.
Some have the Gospell painted, on the walls
Some have th'Six Universall Synod all,
Rich gifts, they did adorn them with: the Gloves
Of Gayfry Duke of Aquitain, whence moves
And other Costly Gems, and Pretious Stones.
King Pipin hung up in Saint Denyse by
The golden Cross o're the great Altar, high.
And Luitprand did didicate unto
Saint Peters Alter, Sword, Belt, Jewells so.
Pillars they had of Marble Some, but loe
Eutyce Six Cry and Pillars did bestow
Saint Peter on, in Gregory Terse his time,
And now how gloriously doth Peter Shine?
They now made brazen Grate works hedging in
The Table where none come, expeld for Sin.
Kings Crowns adornd with Gems are lodged here.
Pope Adrian did in Mary's Church up rear
Rich golden Dolphins brave through sevrall Crowns.
Gregry the third set with six Dolphins brown
A Silver Crown; and a gold Coronet
With a bright Cross in Genese's Church up set.
Gregry the Second made a Pulpet all
Of Marble in Jerusalem Church-hall.
Before Church Images they Candles light
And Frankincense do burn. Strang gods a might!
Their Temples too Cities of Refuge are.
None may be halled thence that do repare
Under their shadow upon lesser pain
Than Excommunication to sustain
Nicetas sat here in a Throne in state
While Constantine was Excommunicate.
The Fonts for Baptism in Churches stand
Which Consecrated are by Priests at hand
And here they do baptize both babes and men,
With Water, Oyle, and salt. Godfathers then
Did give them Gifts. And Deusdedit Pope
Two Wooden Dishes both alike set ope
Adornd with Gold and Gems gave to two boyes
In token that he did the same baptize.
They now baptize their Clocks and Bells and hung
Papers by sign posts Storms to void and shun.
The Supper of the Lord they solemnize
In Gold, and Silver vessells set likewise
Upon a Wooden Table. Hence its said
By Winofride, the former dayes displaid
All Golden Priests but wooden Cups: but we
Now Golden Cups but wooden Priests do see.
The supper was administred in Vests,
All White but Charles his Priest's in purple dresst[.]
The English usd a Cruse and Dish of horn
And lay his Charge upon them not to have
Horn Cups, and Chargers in such Service grave
The French did Infants to this Table bring.
Hence Charles the Great's appointment up did spring,
That Priests have ever by, the Eucharist
For Babes and Sick folk; 'fore death them off twist.
They Pray and massify, for quick and dead:
And Pray as at Consecrated places shed.
And over graves: they go to Rome to pray.
Cast ashes on their heads: Face Eastward lay.
Processioning with Prayers Pope Leo usd
When tumbld from his Saddle he was bruisd
Constantinople Siegd by Saracens
Was Circuited about on friday then.
The Virgin Maries Image held on high
They Calld upon, with such Idolatry.
Thou Holy Bearer of our God, who hast
So oft deliverd us, to free us hast
From foes unto thy Son. And if thou wilt
Not have us drown thy Image, we have built,
Here in the Sea: drown them within the Sea.
And Quickly then the foes did fly a way.
Now Boniface affirmd, it Capitall
To wed a Godsons mother (Judgd ye all)
Monasteries, and Nunneries abound:
Wherein most monstrous wickedness is found.
Yet this Moguntine Boniface, did bring
From England such to preach the Gospell King.
Lisba did preach at Bishoffsheim the word:
Tecla at Kizing on the Mogus ford:
Chunild, and Chunitrade, and Beragyth
And Valdopurge shackld all in his with
Did preach the word Contrary to Saint Paul
Who will not have a woman preach at all.
But yet these Swarms of Abbies: Lubber-looms,
Or Hives of drones, sing such bewitching tunes,
Nobles Dance after them, as Leo who
Crept in Cassina goose pen: many go
To others. Nay these Fiddles make kings Crowns
Skip from their heads for them to dwell with Clowns.
In a King of West Saxons; Offa Easts,
Kenred, Ethelbald, Offa Kings possest
Of th'Mercian Kingdoms: glory and another
King Kenred, Celulfe, Egbert, too whose Cover
Was the Northumber Crown, all Englands Kings,
Their Crowns for Monkish Cawls did Chang. Strange things!
And Charloman King Pipins brother came
From's Royall Scepter like imployment bright
To roost in such a bird Cage, black as night.
His Royall Queen-like Spouse became a Nun:
And so King Ina's Queen Ethelberg run
Into the Nunnery at Barking neer
To London, and the Abbass died there.
But to return (for of this sort no more)
This Boniface, who by his terrour sore
Did in Bavaria set the Pope's black brands,
Upon an hundred thousand persons hands
Brought German Grists unto his Water mill
Of Masses, Purgatorie, Prayres that fill
Saints ears (or Satans rather), Prayrs for th'Dead,
Of Relicks Superst[it]ions, black and red.
Did thus assert, although the Pope be found
His, and the Folks Salvation slighting, Crownd
With works remiss and vain, a Dumb dog bee
So that he lead by troops doe down, wee see,
Innumerable people unto hell
In Everlasting Plagues and scourgings t'dwell,
Whereby he wounds himselfe, and all men more.
No mortall may presume with Checks his Cure.
For he is judge of all, and judgd of none
May be, said he, What doctrine hath this Don?
By these, and such like things, as these, we finde
Patience is saddld that her Grace is Shrinde.
Superstitious Legends for Imagery.
In th'Virgin Mary's Monastry, built by
Constantinoples Palace, hangs on high
The Image of the Virgin with a Babe
Drawn in her Arms, which while a live, Luke made
Wherewith each Fryday they Procession make,
Through all the City. Thus they did to shake
The Fleet of Saracens at Sea, as wee
A little time before did make you see.
Which, when they finisht had their prayre to't all,
He that them led made under th'waters fall,
Then rose a Storm that brake and sunke the fleet.
Constantinoples Palace, hangs on high
The Image of the Virgin with a Babe
Drawn in her Arms, which while a live, Luke made
Wherewith each Fryday they Procession make,
Through all the City. Thus they did to shake
The Fleet of Saracens at Sea, as wee
A little time before did make you see.
Which, when they finisht had their prayre to't all,
He that them led made under th'waters fall,
Then rose a Storm that brake and sunke the fleet.
Oh! Curst Idolatry, makes Patience weep.
The plague that in Constantinople, and
Cicill, Calabria, and the Crosses-brand
Made on their Vests, and Vails Chargd Constantine
Not to abolish Image Worship fine.
The plague that in Constantinople, and
Cicill, Calabria, and the Crosses-brand
Made on their Vests, and Vails Chargd Constantine
Not to abolish Image Worship fine.
At Berytus Christs Image by a Jew
Reviled, blood and Water from it flew
Out of its Wounded side, which sick folk Cure
The which the Bishop there in Vessells pure
Is said to save, ore all the world to send,
And so Novembers Ides the fift Commend
Yearly to Selibrate as holy day
The Passion of Christs Image: Sing huzza.
Reviled, blood and Water from it flew
Out of its Wounded side, which sick folk Cure
The which the Bishop there in Vessells pure
And so Novembers Ides the fift Commend
Yearly to Selibrate as holy day
The Passion of Christs Image: Sing huzza.
Constantine Artabasdu's Stable groom
A stone at th'Virgins Image did presume
To hurle, and struck it down, and kickt too.
Then in a Vision she stood by him, true?
And said thou stoutly 'gainst me acted hast.
But this thou hast against thine own head plac'd.
And after when the Saracens up drew
Their force against the Walls, a stone that flew:
Out of an Engin smote him on the pate,
And malld his Face to pieces. Image, Prate.
A stone at th'Virgins Image did presume
To hurle, and struck it down, and kickt too.
Then in a Vision she stood by him, true?
And said thou stoutly 'gainst me acted hast.
But this thou hast against thine own head plac'd.
And after when the Saracens up drew
Their force against the Walls, a stone that flew:
Out of an Engin smote him on the pate,
And malld his Face to pieces. Image, Prate.
An Herdsman who struck with his Goad out quite,
The right Eye of the Virgins image bright:
Did Smite when in the field, his own Eye out,
When he would strike the Cattle in a rout.
Another naild the Image through the head
Drawn on the Wall. And grievously he sped.
His head did ach so sore, naught could avale,
Untill he had out drawn the former naile.
The right Eye of the Virgins image bright:
Did Smite when in the field, his own Eye out,
When he would strike the Cattle in a rout.
Another naild the Image through the head
Drawn on the Wall. And grievously he sped.
His head did ach so sore, naught could avale,
Untill he had out drawn the former naile.
An Hagaren that would pluck out an Eye
Of this Choice Draught, at Gobala, did stroy
One of his own. And what hereby good Sir?
What Image Worship? Fy. Here is no Spur.
Of this Choice Draught, at Gobala, did stroy
One of his own. And what hereby good Sir?
What Image Worship? Fy. Here is no Spur.
For Saints appearing, and giving Commands. etc.
James Son of Zebedee did thrice appeare
To Charles, and bad him go and his Spain where
He lay at rest: from Saracens all free
And he should Crownd be with Eternall glee.
To Charles, and bad him go and his Spain where
He lay at rest: from Saracens all free
And he should Crownd be with Eternall glee.
Pope Stephen said Saint Denyse to him Came
And him restor'd to health, and bad him frame
An Abtin in the Abby Paris hath
To honour God, Peter, and Paul, he saith.
And him restor'd to health, and bad him frame
An Abtin in the Abby Paris hath
To honour God, Peter, and Paul, he saith.
When Luitprand Augustine's Relicks would
From Sardine bring to Ticine's Charrot could
Not be on drawn by force, nor Skill untill
He on Augustine calld saying I will
This Village where I stay bestow on those
That are thy Priests: and on the Charrot goes.
A Nun saw in a Transe a woman slip
Among them then below dropt in Hells pit,
Redeemed thence by Mass, and said the Mass
For Souls so packing very usefull was.
The Pope or Bishop, Euchary is said
To see Charles Martills Soul in hell, who made
Havock of Churches goods to mannage wars.
They op't his Grave and a great Snake there stirs.
Greg'ry the third Unto Duke Eudo sent
Three Consecrated Sponges, to his tent.
Hee Cut them all in bit[s], and gave them to
His Host, that out gainst Saracens did go.
And none that had thereof was slain, or hurt,
Hence Consecrated things for Safeguards spurt.
These hellish lies my Pen doth ake to shew.
Patience doth bleed to finde them spoke as true.
One more I'le mention not without a Smile,
Beholding how their pens they thus defile.
When at Gangulfe his funerall, the Sick
By touching of his Heirse were heald, out skip
A Maid doth and tells to his wife the thing,
Who thus repli'd, My bum as well doth Sing
As doth my Husband wonders worke, and lo
As long as life did last, as stories go,
She had a pair of bagpipes in her bum
Which made wind musick when she usd her tongue
And Pipin calling of the Woman found
The thing was true. So Gangulfe's Fame doth sound.
From Sardine bring to Ticine's Charrot could
Not be on drawn by force, nor Skill untill
He on Augustine calld saying I will
This Village where I stay bestow on those
That are thy Priests: and on the Charrot goes.
A Nun saw in a Transe a woman slip
Among them then below dropt in Hells pit,
Redeemed thence by Mass, and said the Mass
For Souls so packing very usefull was.
The Pope or Bishop, Euchary is said
To see Charles Martills Soul in hell, who made
Havock of Churches goods to mannage wars.
They op't his Grave and a great Snake there stirs.
Three Consecrated Sponges, to his tent.
Hee Cut them all in bit[s], and gave them to
His Host, that out gainst Saracens did go.
And none that had thereof was slain, or hurt,
Hence Consecrated things for Safeguards spurt.
These hellish lies my Pen doth ake to shew.
Patience doth bleed to finde them spoke as true.
One more I'le mention not without a Smile,
Beholding how their pens they thus defile.
When at Gangulfe his funerall, the Sick
By touching of his Heirse were heald, out skip
A Maid doth and tells to his wife the thing,
Who thus repli'd, My bum as well doth Sing
As doth my Husband wonders worke, and lo
As long as life did last, as stories go,
She had a pair of bagpipes in her bum
Which made wind musick when she usd her tongue
And Pipin calling of the Woman found
The thing was true. So Gangulfe's Fame doth sound.
Well to Conclude by what is said, wee say
Those are all dipt in Errours who display
Such things as these, and though they others curst,
For Heresies, the Worst Theefe Cries thief first
But, oh the Patience! while these things thus run
Its Glory hence out shines the Shining Sun.
Those are all dipt in Errours who display
Such things as these, and though they others curst,
For Heresies, the Worst Theefe Cries thief first
But, oh the Patience! while these things thus run
Its Glory hence out shines the Shining Sun.
The Shine of Divine Justice.
Patience, Stand by. Come, Justice, give thy hand,
That I may shew it White, though some think tand.
Though hitherto I other Shines did tend
Thou shinest all the while, and now I bend
My back unto thy burden that thy name
May laid in Gold deck th'Hauraldry of Fame.
That I may shew it White, though some think tand.
Though hitherto I other Shines did tend
Thou shinest all the while, and now I bend
My back unto thy burden that thy name
May laid in Gold deck th'Hauraldry of Fame.
Greate Sins bring dismall Plagues, now out there comes
Gisulfe the Long'bard, and Campania bums,
The Contrey Beneventine wasts, ore turns
Many Italian Cities down he burns.
And Mahameth with Hagarens infest
Armenia, and the Roman Chiefs there prest
Are Caught, and burnt. Egypt revolts and makes
Herselfe a King, who th'title Caliph takes.
The Saracens rend Lybia away
And Africk from th'Imperiall Charge, and Sway.
Gisulfe the Long'bard, and Campania bums,
The Contrey Beneventine wasts, ore turns
Many Italian Cities down he burns.
And Mahameth with Hagarens infest
Armenia, and the Roman Chiefs there prest
Are Caught, and burnt. Egypt revolts and makes
Herselfe a King, who th'title Caliph takes.
The Saracens rend Lybia away
And Africk from th'Imperiall Charge, and Sway.
Justinian doth return, takes Absimare
Who wronged Phillipicas, and payes his fare,
In tryumph led him, on his neck did tread
And after this did sever off his head.
Justinian Reemperor'd still takes
No warning but in tyranny out brakes,
He finds a righteous hand persues his Reign.
Ulid the Saracen Damascus gains
Their Temples doth to Mahomet devote:
Masalmas playes the tyrant: Abbas float
With hosts against Romania: Muctan
Cilician Cities wasts, and playes the man.
Justinians league with Bulgars rotton twine,
Shall not him fetter, arms against them shine.
They in a terrour to the mountains fly,
But seing thence his army stragling, high
Fall on them kill and slay, Justinian Shuts
Himself up in a Castle, and then cuts
His Horses Hamstrings, and in Ships at sea
Unto Byzant with shame did slinke away.
Now Italy look to thyselfe, thy sin
Brings in thy woe Asprand the Long'bard king
By right, yet banisht, got Bavarian aide
In Italy did Come, Colours displaid
Routs Aribert, who drownds himselfe then in
Ticineum Stream, and did his Kingdom win.
Who wronged Phillipicas, and payes his fare,
And after this did sever off his head.
Justinian Reemperor'd still takes
No warning but in tyranny out brakes,
He finds a righteous hand persues his Reign.
Ulid the Saracen Damascus gains
Their Temples doth to Mahomet devote:
Masalmas playes the tyrant: Abbas float
With hosts against Romania: Muctan
Cilician Cities wasts, and playes the man.
Justinians league with Bulgars rotton twine,
Shall not him fetter, arms against them shine.
They in a terrour to the mountains fly,
But seing thence his army stragling, high
Fall on them kill and slay, Justinian Shuts
Himself up in a Castle, and then cuts
His Horses Hamstrings, and in Ships at sea
Unto Byzant with shame did slinke away.
Now Italy look to thyselfe, thy sin
Brings in thy woe Asprand the Long'bard king
By right, yet banisht, got Bavarian aide
In Italy did Come, Colours displaid
Routs Aribert, who drownds himselfe then in
Ticineum Stream, and did his Kingdom win.
Justinian whom the Chersoneses sought
To slay when in Exile, his army brought
Them to destroy Man, Woman, Child also.
His Captains yet on Children pitty show.
Prince Tadane, Zele and fourty Chiefe ones more
These with their families in Chains they bore
Unto the Emperour. And twenty tost
Into the Sea: and seven they Spit, and rost.
Those Sav'd he bids them send him: rind therein
A tempest Seventy thousand down did bring.
Reveng not Cloy'd an army new he sent
Commanding all the Infants Death and spent
His rage to levell all down to the Soile
And hence the Chersonee's seing such spoile
Sought Chajane's Succour: and Justinians host
Appoint Philippicus to rule the rost.
His former wicked Counsell Theodore
Lievetenant Stephen too were slain before,
Who tortured were exceedingly then burn'd
To death were in a brazen Bull. Then turnd
Against him now at Synopee, and take
Him and Tyberius his Son, and make
Them with his Grandam Anastasia finde
By deaths grim Sentence, justice is not blinde,
The Bulgars now wast Thrace, come to the Doores
Of greate Constantinople. Scarce came ore
To Philippick Armenia's forth part.
The Arabians Mistia get: Abbas out start
Did and destroys Pisidia's Antioch.
And Bishop Anepos with Francks out broke
'Gainst Wilian on the Sweves: and here is made
A dismall Slaughter, and a bloody trade.
To slay when in Exile, his army brought
Them to destroy Man, Woman, Child also.
His Captains yet on Children pitty show.
Prince Tadane, Zele and fourty Chiefe ones more
These with their families in Chains they bore
Unto the Emperour. And twenty tost
Into the Sea: and seven they Spit, and rost.
Those Sav'd he bids them send him: rind therein
A tempest Seventy thousand down did bring.
Reveng not Cloy'd an army new he sent
Commanding all the Infants Death and spent
His rage to levell all down to the Soile
And hence the Chersonee's seing such spoile
Sought Chajane's Succour: and Justinians host
Appoint Philippicus to rule the rost.
His former wicked Counsell Theodore
Lievetenant Stephen too were slain before,
Who tortured were exceedingly then burn'd
To death were in a brazen Bull. Then turnd
Against him now at Synopee, and take
Him and Tyberius his Son, and make
Them with his Grandam Anastasia finde
By deaths grim Sentence, justice is not blinde,
The Bulgars now wast Thrace, come to the Doores
Of greate Constantinople. Scarce came ore
The Arabians Mistia get: Abbas out start
Did and destroys Pisidia's Antioch.
And Bishop Anepos with Francks out broke
'Gainst Wilian on the Sweves: and here is made
A dismall Slaughter, and a bloody trade.
Philippick lost his Eyes, and Crown, up springs
Now Anastase even when Masalmas brings
His army wasting of Galatia:
And do for Leo there their net display.
And Pergamus besiege wherein arose
A vile Magician, saith they'st beat their foes
If they a woman Split up greate with Child
Imbrew their right hands in that blood, all Soild
And in a pot do boile her fruit, which done
God slew them by the foes, which victory won.
Now or the yeare before an Earth quake rings
To them a Peale in Syria as it Springs.
Plectrude King Pipins widdow hands did lay
In Colen on her Step son Charles, got Sway
With nephew Th'odoald Mayer of the Hall
Who war'd with Reginfred and so lost all.
And flew to Dagobert, and force renews
The Countrey by the Mose his tumult Rues.
Charles Martill from his step dams pinfold Slips
Fights for the Rules: the Enemy quite Strips
All places on the Rhene: will not desist
Till from Plectrude hugh Mony Sums they twist[.]
Now Anastase even when Masalmas brings
His army wasting of Galatia:
And do for Leo there their net display.
And Pergamus besiege wherein arose
A vile Magician, saith they'st beat their foes
If they a woman Split up greate with Child
Imbrew their right hands in that blood, all Soild
And in a pot do boile her fruit, which done
God slew them by the foes, which victory won.
Now or the yeare before an Earth quake rings
To them a Peale in Syria as it Springs.
Plectrude King Pipins widdow hands did lay
In Colen on her Step son Charles, got Sway
With nephew Th'odoald Mayer of the Hall
Who war'd with Reginfred and so lost all.
And flew to Dagobert, and force renews
The Countrey by the Mose his tumult Rues.
Charles Martill from his step dams pinfold Slips
Fights for the Rules: the Enemy quite Strips
All places on the Rhene: will not desist
Till from Plectrude hugh Mony Sums they twist[.]
Leo Lievetenant in the East up rose
And Theodose his Empirhood ore throws.
The Long'bards now about in Italy
Took Cuma, but the Pope it got soon by
The Duke of Naple, and the Roman blades.
Mardasan with his Arabs now invades
Numedia unto Nice: Masalmas stroyes
Cesaria Capadocian. Greate woes rise.
The Saracens in East and West invade
Do Europe. Zulemon a fleet out plaid
Of many hundred (of three thousands strong
Some say) which did like Bees in Thrace out throng.
Masalmas ore Abydes whisks. Gizid
From Egypt with three hundred saile too slid,
Beat down the Thracian Castles, and Surround
Th'Imperiall City, whose right Fire ships found
Their Fleet, and many burnt, judgments now tumble
Upon their Head: which now begin to rumble.
A Dismall winter doth them storm and stroy,
Men, Horses, Camells, Zulemon, too, die.
Among the Saracens hunger's so greate
Horse, Ass, and Camells, and mans flesh they eate,
Yea their own Excrements in oven bakt,
And Death by Plagus down many of them shakt.
They ran a plundring in Bulgaria
Thirty two thousand of them fell this way.
The rest after a two, or three years seege
Depart, but judgments sent break up their Siege.
The wallowing Seas boild up with Storms thrown down
Of Fiery Haile from heaven all to Crown
Their pitchy Ships with all, which on them Cling
On Neptune's Altar they a burnt offring
Are made by justice. Onely ten a pass
Obtain'd to go, and tell the thing as't was.
Five to the Roman hands Came with this newes.
The other five to Syria did Carews.
And Theodose his Empirhood ore throws.
The Long'bards now about in Italy
Took Cuma, but the Pope it got soon by
The Duke of Naple, and the Roman blades.
Mardasan with his Arabs now invades
Numedia unto Nice: Masalmas stroyes
Cesaria Capadocian. Greate woes rise.
The Saracens in East and West invade
Do Europe. Zulemon a fleet out plaid
Of many hundred (of three thousands strong
Some say) which did like Bees in Thrace out throng.
Masalmas ore Abydes whisks. Gizid
From Egypt with three hundred saile too slid,
Beat down the Thracian Castles, and Surround
Th'Imperiall City, whose right Fire ships found
Their Fleet, and many burnt, judgments now tumble
Upon their Head: which now begin to rumble.
A Dismall winter doth them storm and stroy,
Men, Horses, Camells, Zulemon, too, die.
Among the Saracens hunger's so greate
Horse, Ass, and Camells, and mans flesh they eate,
And Death by Plagus down many of them shakt.
They ran a plundring in Bulgaria
Thirty two thousand of them fell this way.
The rest after a two, or three years seege
Depart, but judgments sent break up their Siege.
The wallowing Seas boild up with Storms thrown down
Of Fiery Haile from heaven all to Crown
Their pitchy Ships with all, which on them Cling
On Neptune's Altar they a burnt offring
Are made by justice. Onely ten a pass
Obtain'd to go, and tell the thing as't was.
Five to the Roman hands Came with this newes.
The other five to Syria did Carews.
In Spain they also rush, when Julian
Lievtenant was of Tangitana, th'man
(Whose Daughter Cana Roderick defild
In Spain while he was there, whose Choler boild,
For this abuse) against his Prince brought in
Musa, and Tariff with their Moore, to sting,
Two hundred and ten thousand horse, and foot.
Before Tariff a woman this did toote,
She heard her learned father say that Spain
Should Conquourd be by one that did sustain
A Mole on his right Shoulder, and who had
One hand too long for t'other. He then glad,
Having these marks did heart his men hereby
To fight King Roderick Couragiously
Of Foot and Horse Eightscore five thousand Strong.
Seven dayes the Fight from morn to night was long,
And Roderick routed, robes exchang'd, they say,
With a Sheepkeeper, and so ran away
And ne're more heard of was but in the fight
Fall ten and threescore thousand. Oh! Sad sight.
But Julian who did his Counterey
Betray, when in this wretched tragedy
He saw his Wife, and Children perish thus,
They Starvd to death in Prison. Justice Flush.
Lievtenant was of Tangitana, th'man
(Whose Daughter Cana Roderick defild
In Spain while he was there, whose Choler boild,
For this abuse) against his Prince brought in
Musa, and Tariff with their Moore, to sting,
Two hundred and ten thousand horse, and foot.
Before Tariff a woman this did toote,
She heard her learned father say that Spain
Should Conquourd be by one that did sustain
A Mole on his right Shoulder, and who had
One hand too long for t'other. He then glad,
Having these marks did heart his men hereby
To fight King Roderick Couragiously
Of Foot and Horse Eightscore five thousand Strong.
Seven dayes the Fight from morn to night was long,
And Roderick routed, robes exchang'd, they say,
With a Sheepkeeper, and so ran away
And ne're more heard of was but in the fight
Fall ten and threescore thousand. Oh! Sad sight.
But Julian who did his Counterey
Betray, when in this wretched tragedy
He saw his Wife, and Children perish thus,
They Starvd to death in Prison. Justice Flush.
France also Smoaks, soakt by Charles Martills war,
Gainst Chilperick, and Reginfride's his jar.
And four years after having gaind the Crown.
Brave King up grew of flourishing Renown[.]
On he proceeds gainst their Confederats
Duke Eudo Aquitans, him straps and shaks
All Aquitain. Who Moores from Spain then calls,
They all wast Burgundy on Poictiers fall,
And on to Tours and Martins temple Stroy.
Then he and Eudo Splice, and on them fly.
The King three Hundred, eighty thousand Strong
They with the loss of fifteen hundred bom,
He on the Frizers falls and off them payes,
Persues them flying to Rhene's isle and slayes
Man, Woman, Children too and on he sets
Their Crown on's head, all's fish that comes to's nets.
Gainst Chilperick, and Reginfride's his jar.
And four years after having gaind the Crown.
Brave King up grew of flourishing Renown[.]
On he proceeds gainst their Confederats
Duke Eudo Aquitans, him straps and shaks
All Aquitain. Who Moores from Spain then calls,
They all wast Burgundy on Poictiers fall,
And on to Tours and Martins temple Stroy.
Then he and Eudo Splice, and on them fly.
The King three Hundred, eighty thousand Strong
They with the loss of fifteen hundred bom,
Persues them flying to Rhene's isle and slayes
Man, Woman, Children too and on he sets
Their Crown on's head, all's fish that comes to's nets.
Now Italy look to't, thy Popes who do
Empires and Realms dispose Knaves all a row.
The Cup comes to thy doore For Luitprand
Doth Clusium Spoile: and then Bononia and
The towns thereof Mount Vely, and Favence,
And Forojule, Foropopily, thence
Caseria, and Auxime, and thence doth come
And Siegeth Rome, against it Sounds his Drum.
But fearing Pipin, back he turns away
Amery, Orta, Polimarce, Blera,
Cities of Roman Dukedoms takes and came
Unto Spoleto tooke he 'fore. Pope! Shame.
The West Goth's that do still abide in Spain,
Amaizd to See him Aquitan to gain,
Call the Burgundians first then th'Saracens.
Whom all he beats, and doth Secure their dens[.]
Empires and Realms dispose Knaves all a row.
The Cup comes to thy doore For Luitprand
Doth Clusium Spoile: and then Bononia and
The towns thereof Mount Vely, and Favence,
And Forojule, Foropopily, thence
Caseria, and Auxime, and thence doth come
And Siegeth Rome, against it Sounds his Drum.
But fearing Pipin, back he turns away
Amery, Orta, Polimarce, Blera,
Cities of Roman Dukedoms takes and came
Unto Spoleto tooke he 'fore. Pope! Shame.
The West Goth's that do still abide in Spain,
Amaizd to See him Aquitan to gain,
Call the Burgundians first then th'Saracens.
Whom all he beats, and doth Secure their dens[.]
In Scotland, they together go by th'ears,
The Picts slay Ambeclet their King. Hence tears.
The Picts slay Ambeclet their King. Hence tears.
Egbert King of Northumberland doth find
His people Factious. ruin hence inclinde.
Thus while they fight for Saint-Idolatry
God's Justice thus doth Scourge them righteously.
His people Factious. ruin hence inclinde.
Thus while they fight for Saint-Idolatry
God's Justice thus doth Scourge them righteously.
Come to Copronymus his time who still
Doth Image worship stroy. They him to kill
Conspire with Artabasd, but miss their aime
Hence God still plagues them by th'Arabian flame.
Nay Civill war is brewd, but Artabasd
Goes to the worst: he's taken, so it was,
And hath his eyes pluckt out and banished
And such as with him image faction bred.
The Bulgars them molest awhile The Turke
Breake from the Caspin Ports Armenia jeark
The Huns again taking Atilas track
Two hundred Sixteen thousand out do pack
From Scythick bags, in Seven troops into
Pamonia at length come, and pitch do.
Tumults abound, war in Bavaria
Sweve, Almans have it and Saxonia
Rome now, and Italy the Long'bords Scourge
Till Charles and Pipin prove to be its purge
The Frisers kill Moguntine Boniface
Who did Rome's Ceremonies give the Grace
To mare the glory of the Churches shine
In France and Germany when in the prime.
Abbas that rag'd against the Christians did
Doth now untruss, and justice now doth bid
To pay him home, an Ethiopian,
A pair of Bellows full of lime did fan
And blow into his nose, and mouth, and face
Dies Choakt there with, justice will keep her place.
Abdellas too dranke of this Cup when God
The Tower threw on his head and made him nod.
Doth Image worship stroy. They him to kill
Conspire with Artabasd, but miss their aime
Hence God still plagues them by th'Arabian flame.
Nay Civill war is brewd, but Artabasd
Goes to the worst: he's taken, so it was,
And hath his eyes pluckt out and banished
And such as with him image faction bred.
The Bulgars them molest awhile The Turke
Breake from the Caspin Ports Armenia jeark
The Huns again taking Atilas track
Two hundred Sixteen thousand out do pack
From Scythick bags, in Seven troops into
Pamonia at length come, and pitch do.
Tumults abound, war in Bavaria
Sweve, Almans have it and Saxonia
Rome now, and Italy the Long'bords Scourge
Till Charles and Pipin prove to be its purge
The Frisers kill Moguntine Boniface
Who did Rome's Ceremonies give the Grace
To mare the glory of the Churches shine
In France and Germany when in the prime.
Abbas that rag'd against the Christians did
Doth now untruss, and justice now doth bid
To pay him home, an Ethiopian,
A pair of Bellows full of lime did fan
Dies Choakt there with, justice will keep her place.
Abdellas too dranke of this Cup when God
The Tower threw on his head and made him nod.
Copronymus his Son young Leo rose
Takes from the Church a Crown that glory shows
Bedeckt with Jasper Stones, and other gems
And he therewith rounds in his head and hems.
And justly turnd this Scoff on prelates proud,
It is not meet that hee, that is avowd
To poverty should Crowned be with Pearls.
He also down all imag worship hurles.
But God provoked by this wicked age
Still scurgd the East with the Arabian rage.
Syria is made a butchers Shambles still
Maday his troops to Doryleum drill.
Irthuma Asia harrasses, and spoils.
Saxonia still in war with Charles up boils.
In little Bittain he disturbed is.
When Sins breake out justly the rod we kiss.
Takes from the Church a Crown that glory shows
Bedeckt with Jasper Stones, and other gems
And he therewith rounds in his head and hems.
And justly turnd this Scoff on prelates proud,
It is not meet that hee, that is avowd
To poverty should Crowned be with Pearls.
He also down all imag worship hurles.
But God provoked by this wicked age
Still scurgd the East with the Arabian rage.
Syria is made a butchers Shambles still
Maday his troops to Doryleum drill.
Irthuma Asia harrasses, and spoils.
Saxonia still in war with Charles up boils.
In little Bittain he disturbed is.
When Sins breake out justly the rod we kiss.
Irenee with her Son poor Constantine
After the Peoples humour run enshrine
Do Images and worship them, and lo
All things a Snick Snarles run and they down grow.
The Arabs make Asia Armenia too
To groan. Thrace, Greece, and Thessaly do rue,
Pancrace th'Astrologer for Constantine
Doth Conquest ore Bulgarians divine
He therefore goes to tread them down to dirt
But Cardan with his Armie falls to work,
Kills, routs, and beats his army, and Pancrace
And Chiefest Captains slayes, and in disgrace
The Emp'rour flies, losing his Mony, and
His Horses, Tents, and all his Royall strand.
Justice doth pay Astronomy its debt.
And also that which Imageworship set.
After the Peoples humour run enshrine
Do Images and worship them, and lo
All things a Snick Snarles run and they down grow.
The Arabs make Asia Armenia too
To groan. Thrace, Greece, and Thessaly do rue,
Pancrace th'Astrologer for Constantine
Doth Conquest ore Bulgarians divine
He therefore goes to tread them down to dirt
But Cardan with his Armie falls to work,
Kills, routs, and beats his army, and Pancrace
And Chiefest Captains slayes, and in disgrace
The Emp'rour flies, losing his Mony, and
His Horses, Tents, and all his Royall strand.
Justice doth pay Astronomy its debt.
And also that which Imageworship set.
Parnonia smarts, the Huns and Avars there
With the Bavarians 'gainst Charles appeare.
Who smoaks their Sides and almost roots them out.
And so in Saxony his foes too routs.
He bangs the Sclaves, and makes them to him bow.
Italy bleeds, he holds the Popes long plow
And gives them ease, Irenee and he stakes
Do part. She all on th'right hand Naples takes
With Sicily. And he doth take the rest.
He bangs the Saracens in Spain possesst.
In England things go ill: the thievish Danes
Break in on them. Northumberland doth gain
And this bright Justice, Romes Idolat[r]y
Both Old, and New, doth treate accordingly.
But to return to give some instance here
Elpidy who in Sicily dreamed there
(When Irenee had sent him there to rule)
He should be Emperour of all, (great foole)
But being beaten out of Sicily
Flew to th'Arabian[;] they him take for joy,
And boot him do, and with a Diadem
Him Crown in Scorn. Romes Emperour! ahem!
With the Bavarians 'gainst Charles appeare.
Who smoaks their Sides and almost roots them out.
And so in Saxony his foes too routs.
He bangs the Sclaves, and makes them to him bow.
Italy bleeds, he holds the Popes long plow
And gives them ease, Irenee and he stakes
Do part. She all on th'right hand Naples takes
With Sicily. And he doth take the rest.
He bangs the Saracens in Spain possesst.
In England things go ill: the thievish Danes
Break in on them. Northumberland doth gain
And this bright Justice, Romes Idolat[r]y
Both Old, and New, doth treate accordingly.
Elpidy who in Sicily dreamed there
(When Irenee had sent him there to rule)
He should be Emperour of all, (great foole)
But being beaten out of Sicily
Flew to th'Arabian[;] they him take for joy,
And boot him do, and with a Diadem
Him Crown in Scorn. Romes Emperour! ahem!
So Charles his bastard Crumpbackt Pipin, who
Was Eldest Son, Conspir'd his Fathers woe,
With Certain Peers of France, which broacht, his dad
Into Monastick Penance thrust his lad.
And others, Who had fingers in this Crime.
He treats according to a righteous shine[.]
Was Eldest Son, Conspir'd his Fathers woe,
With Certain Peers of France, which broacht, his dad
Into Monastick Penance thrust his lad.
And others, Who had fingers in this Crime.
He treats according to a righteous shine[.]
Constantine, who heights Image mongers high,
His wicked mother cuts him, and hereby
She holds the Wreath imperiall alone
For Seven years, then he again the throne
Injoyes with her: and in her wickedness
A joynt partaker is: did dispossess
Alexy, and Nicephorus their Eyes.
At Molosis: some tongues cuts out likewise.
And five years after on that very day
He thus did act, his mother tooke away
His Eyes, and Empire too most treacherously.
And this Cut justice kept, its Eye for Eye.
Its said the Sun at this most impious fact,
Winkt seventeen dayes, in which her rayes they lackt
But Justice stayes not long before she send,
Her martial out who knocks, and m--- that end
Upon her Doore, and her arrest. For she
Is Ceised by her Herdsman and must bee
Divested of Imperiall Dignity
And treasure, banisht, and at Lesbon die.
His wicked mother cuts him, and hereby
She holds the Wreath imperiall alone
For Seven years, then he again the throne
Injoyes with her: and in her wickedness
A joynt partaker is: did dispossess
Alexy, and Nicephorus their Eyes.
At Molosis: some tongues cuts out likewise.
And five years after on that very day
He thus did act, his mother tooke away
His Eyes, and Empire too most treacherously.
And this Cut justice kept, its Eye for Eye.
Its said the Sun at this most impious fact,
Winkt seventeen dayes, in which her rayes they lackt
But Justice stayes not long before she send,
Her martial out who knocks, and m--- that end
Upon her Doore, and her arrest. For she
Is Ceised by her Herdsman and must bee
Divested of Imperiall Dignity
And treasure, banisht, and at Lesbon die.
Oh Justice Glorious, let all adore
Thy Shining Beams scatterd the World all o're.
Thou writest thy Glory oft in blood, in Fire,
In water, Plagues, in Cruelties in Ire,
Sometimes in Glory greate, and evry way,
That all may yield unto thy Scepter sway.
This Sinfull Century doth witness give
Whose wickedness would make thee cease to live
And if it could: but can't, for thou di[d]st strike
Thy beams through out the same which do requite
Its wickedness so that thy Glory flames
In all those judgments that do Sins disdain.
I therefore now thy threashold do stride ore
That is thus bright, unto another doore.
Thy Shining Beams scatterd the World all o're.
Thou writest thy Glory oft in blood, in Fire,
In water, Plagues, in Cruelties in Ire,
Sometimes in Glory greate, and evry way,
That all may yield unto thy Scepter sway.
This Sinfull Century doth witness give
Whose wickedness would make thee cease to live
And if it could: but can't, for thou di[d]st strike
Thy beams through out the same which do requite
Its wickedness so that thy Glory flames
In all those judgments that do Sins disdain.
I therefore now thy threashold do stride ore
That is thus bright, unto another doore.
Divine Efficiency.
Divine Efficiency in all these things
Doth more than darkly shine within these Clouds.
But now I come to ope her golden wings
And show her glory in this Age which Crouds
In hints not ordinary in whose folds
Justice more Wreaths too hang as in her holds.
Doth more than darkly shine within these Clouds.
But now I come to ope her golden wings
And show her glory in this Age which Crouds
In hints not ordinary in whose folds
Justice more Wreaths too hang as in her holds.
When that Justinian to Cajan fled
From Absimare, by ship a Tempest greate
So hard lay on them, danger great brought dread.
Majaces Knight Crys, Sir, we dy: Oh make
A Vow to God, If God thy Empire shall
Restore to thee, thou'lt punish none at all.
From Absimare, by ship a Tempest greate
So hard lay on them, danger great brought dread.
Majaces Knight Crys, Sir, we dy: Oh make
A Vow to God, If God thy Empire shall
Restore to thee, thou'lt punish none at all.
To whom he said if of them ought I spare
Let in this very place God drown me then.
Which spoke Danubius grew Calm, and fare.
Which they without all danger up did stem.
Poor Syria danses to an Earthquakes pipe.
The Moon Ecclipsd seems bloody halfe the night[.]
Let in this very place God drown me then.
Which spoke Danubius grew Calm, and fare.
Which they without all danger up did stem.
Poor Syria danses to an Earthquakes pipe.
The Moon Ecclipsd seems bloody halfe the night[.]
Rathbod Duke of the Frisers by the Pains
Of Vulfrans Sermons came to be baptizd.
And one foot in the Waters, now restrains,
Where are the greater part of them I prizd,
My ancestors? in Heaven? or in Hell?
An answer to this question give, me tell.
Of Vulfrans Sermons came to be baptizd.
And one foot in the Waters, now restrains,
Where are the greater part of them I prizd,
My ancestors? in Heaven? or in Hell?
An answer to this question give, me tell.
And hearing most was gone to hell drew back
I'le rather go with most, than few'st he said.
The Divell then never to mischiefe slack.
Transformed like a glorious Angell, ray'd
In robes of Gold and a gold Diadem
Upon his head studed with many a Gem.
I'le rather go with most, than few'st he said.
The Divell then never to mischiefe slack.
Transformed like a glorious Angell, ray'd
In robes of Gold and a gold Diadem
Upon his head studed with many a Gem.
Spake thus, Most Valient Sir, who drew thee so.
To leave the Worship of the Gods? Ne're do'te
Abide in what thou learndst, then thou shalt go
To golden Palaces of glorious note,
Which I will give thee soon Eternally,
(This Rothbod to Priest Ovo did descry)
To leave the Worship of the Gods? Ne're do'te
Abide in what thou learndst, then thou shalt go
To golden Palaces of glorious note,
Which I will give thee soon Eternally,
(This Rothbod to Priest Ovo did descry)
The Fiende goes on, to morrow Vulfran call
The Christians Doctor, and aske thou of him
Whats that Eternall Splendors Palace hall
Which he doth promise thee, Sir know the thing.
Which When he could not do: both parts agree
And Send the Divells golden Hall to see.
The Christians Doctor, and aske thou of him
Whats that Eternall Splendors Palace hall
Which he doth promise thee, Sir know the thing.
Which When he could not do: both parts agree
And Send the Divells golden Hall to see.
Rothbod tells Vulfran, He'l be Christ'ned then
And if his god this Splendid hall Shew not:
A Friser, and a Deacon are the men.
Sent out with whom when out of th'town they got
The Divells Pilot coming went, cries, high
I'le shew the stately Hall Duke Rothbad's joy.
And if his god this Splendid hall Shew not:
A Friser, and a Deacon are the men.
The Divells Pilot coming went, cries, high
I'le shew the stately Hall Duke Rothbad's joy.
And on they trudge a long a broad broad way.
A Path with various kinds of marble dresst
And Hall like gold far off they saw, and they
Came to a Street before it paved best
With gold and Pearls. And in't they go, and saw
It was an house whose glory had no flaw.
A Path with various kinds of marble dresst
And Hall like gold far off they saw, and they
Came to a Street before it paved best
With gold and Pearls. And in't they go, and saw
It was an house whose glory had no flaw.
Its Glory was to admiration, and
Its Splendor was incredible so bright.
And in't a throne of wondrous Sise did Stand.
This is Prepard Duke Rathbod said that Wight.
At which the Deacon in a maze replide,
If these are made by God, let them abide.
Its Splendor was incredible so bright.
And in't a throne of wondrous Sise did Stand.
This is Prepard Duke Rathbod said that Wight.
At which the Deacon in a maze replide,
If these are made by God, let them abide.
If by the Divell, let them perish Soon.
And Signd himselfe with Cross, their Pilot then
Appeard the Divell: singing such a tune,
The golden Palace dropt to dirt, the men
Stood in a marshy place all brambly spred
And walking three days home the duke found dead.
And Signd himselfe with Cross, their Pilot then
Appeard the Divell: singing such a tune,
The golden Palace dropt to dirt, the men
Stood in a marshy place all brambly spred
And walking three days home the duke found dead.
Shaffnaburg saith, it rained like a Shower
Parcht Corn, and Barly, Pulse, in Company.
Great plenty after this the sands out poure.
And Pagans turn to Christ in Saxony.
The Sea betwixt Thera and Therase iles
As from a furnace, Fire out thence up boiles.
Parcht Corn, and Barly, Pulse, in Company.
Great plenty after this the sands out poure.
And Pagans turn to Christ in Saxony.
The Sea betwixt Thera and Therase iles
As from a furnace, Fire out thence up boiles.
Which going on for many dayes grew greate
The igneous fume appeard inflamd with fire.
Its Earthy Substance bread Pumice Stones greate,
Of which in heapes all Scattred ore intire
Abydos, Lesbon, Asia, and the Coasts
Of Macedony lay: in mighty hosts.
The igneous fume appeard inflamd with fire.
Its Earthy Substance bread Pumice Stones greate,
Of which in heapes all Scattred ore intire
Abydos, Lesbon, Asia, and the Coasts
Of Macedony lay: in mighty hosts.
And in the middle of this mighty fire
An isle Concocted was of'ts Crusser parts
Which to the Sacred Iles, did fast retire.
An Emblem of the Popes heat that by arts
Spewd out the Emperours, and boild french kings
Of th'Excrementa to Sacred Popes that Cling.
An isle Concocted was of'ts Crusser parts
Which to the Sacred Iles, did fast retire.
An Emblem of the Popes heat that by arts
Spewd out the Emperours, and boild french kings
Of th'Excrementa to Sacred Popes that Cling.
Two blazing Stars attend the Son, the one
His Usher is seen in the morn before him,
The other's serving man in th'Eve made known
To bare his train up after and adore him.
A firy Sign in heaven out now shines
And in the Sun, Moon, Stars too, God sends Signs.
His Usher is seen in the morn before him,
The other's serving man in th'Eve made known
To bare his train up after and adore him.
A firy Sign in heaven out now shines
And in the Sun, Moon, Stars too, God sends Signs.
The Earth doth take a dance a twelvemonth long.
Stroys many at Constantinople too
Down Temples, Abbies, images do come,
Great Constantine's Attili Gate down threw.
Great Thedez Statue seen ore th'golden gate.
And many Thracian Cities feele like fate.
Stroys many at Constantinople too
Down Temples, Abbies, images do come,
Great Constantine's Attili Gate down threw.
Great Thedez Statue seen ore th'golden gate.
And many Thracian Cities feele like fate.
And Nicomedy in Bithynia,
Prenetus too and Nice are tumbled down:
In which last nam'd one Chappel up did stay.
The Sea breaks prison like a prisond Clown.
Constantinople quickly after rues.
Justice will play her gain; and Sin persues.
Prenetus too and Nice are tumbled down:
In which last nam'd one Chappel up did stay.
The Sea breaks prison like a prisond Clown.
Constantinople quickly after rues.
Justice will play her gain; and Sin persues.
Great Draught; and Earthquakes now the mountains greate
In Saba-Wilderness together kiss.
A Comet north shines out, the Cloudy Seate
Rains ashes down. Another Earthquake is
In th'Caspin Bay, great flocks of Eagles rise
And from our Tables dresst, their prey Surprize.
In Saba-Wilderness together kiss.
A Comet north shines out, the Cloudy Seate
Rains ashes down. Another Earthquake is
In th'Caspin Bay, great flocks of Eagles rise
And from our Tables dresst, their prey Surprize.
A Comet sends it's beams in Syrian Eyes.
A foggy Darkness from the Augusts ides,
Unto Octobers Calends lasts likewise,
Places by Jordan, Syria all ore slides
By Earthquaks which Churches and Abbies spoiles
Plague foams in Continents and mid sea Iles.
A foggy Darkness from the Augusts ides,
Unto Octobers Calends lasts likewise,
Places by Jordan, Syria all ore slides
By Earthquaks which Churches and Abbies spoiles
Plague foams in Continents and mid sea Iles.
In Syria an Earthquake ruin made
Now Cities some it upside down did pitch
Some onely shatterd, some it then display'd
To lower, plain, and Champion places rich
All walking, Men, Cities and Wall intire
At least a six miles journey, wood and fire.
Now Cities some it upside down did pitch
Some onely shatterd, some it then display'd
To lower, plain, and Champion places rich
All walking, Men, Cities and Wall intire
At least a six miles journey, wood and fire.
In briefe such who beheld this with their eyes,
Mesopotamy, do affirm, was torn
For two miles Space. Out of which depth did rise
An other soile all white and Sandy born.
Out of which rose a Mulelike cleanly beast,
Which with a humane Voice spake e're it ceast.
Mesopotamy, do affirm, was torn
For two miles Space. Out of which depth did rise
An other soile all white and Sandy born.
Out of which rose a Mulelike cleanly beast,
Which with a humane Voice spake e're it ceast.
It said a nation should an inrode make
Against th'Arabians from the Wilderness.
A blazing Star in th'East ten dayes out brake
Another one and twentie dayes shown fresh.
The Turks rush from their dens the Caspin baye.
And inroads make do in Armenia.
Against th'Arabians from the Wilderness.
A blazing Star in th'East ten dayes out brake
Another one and twentie dayes shown fresh.
The Turks rush from their dens the Caspin baye.
And inroads make do in Armenia.
A Dismall Frost assails the World this year
Octobers Calends did the same begin.
The Pontine Sea an hunderd miles frose were.
Whose ice was thirty Cubits thick within.
From top to bottom certainly the main
Such Covering as this did nere more gain.
Octobers Calends did the same begin.
The Pontine Sea an hunderd miles frose were.
Whose ice was thirty Cubits thick within.
Such Covering as this did nere more gain.
From Lycia to the Danow, to Euphra,
Donastre, Danowper, and Mecropel
All ore to Mesembry, and Maesia,
Even through all Countries this freezing fell,
And on the ice a Coverlid of Snow
'Bove twenty Cubits thick was drawn also.
Donastre, Danowper, and Mecropel
All ore to Mesembry, and Maesia,
Even through all Countries this freezing fell,
And on the ice a Coverlid of Snow
'Bove twenty Cubits thick was drawn also.
The Sea as firm as Land was trudgd on by
Both men, and beasts, Beasts Wild and Tame apace,
From Cazars, Bulgare, and the Iles there nigh[.]
The ice, when February shews its face
Did breake in pieces and swim down unto
Danupsy, and to Hiero did flow,
Both men, and beasts, Beasts Wild and Tame apace,
From Cazars, Bulgare, and the Iles there nigh[.]
The ice, when February shews its face
Did breake in pieces and swim down unto
Danupsy, and to Hiero did flow,
In such a Sort they went to th'City, and
To Propont, and the Iles, and to Abyde.
Filling the bancks and fields a Sea side land
We the Eyewitnesses the pieces eyd
We went with thirty equall agd to us
On one of them alone the sliding thus.
To Propont, and the Iles, and to Abyde.
Filling the bancks and fields a Sea side land
We the Eyewitnesses the pieces eyd
We went with thirty equall agd to us
On one of them alone the sliding thus.
There Living Creatures were upon the Same
Both Wild, and tame: Some dead, and some alive.
And whose would did without let pass plain
From Sophian to th'City, and arrive
By land from Chrysople to Mamas aye
To th'places which are Called Galathi.
Both Wild, and tame: Some dead, and some alive.
And whose would did without let pass plain
From Sophian to th'City, and arrive
By land from Chrysople to Mamas aye
To th'places which are Called Galathi.
One piece against a Step struck of Acrople
Did break, and brake it all to pieces quite
Another of huge bulk with wall did graple
And with a mighty knock did Clash it streight,
So that the houses that within it are
Are made to have with tumbling Sea their Share.
Did break, and brake it all to pieces quite
Another of huge bulk with wall did graple
And with a mighty knock did Clash it streight,
So that the houses that within it are
Are made to have with tumbling Sea their Share.
It Being into three parts Split did round
The City from Mangane to Bosphorus,
Was higher than the Walls, we all scapt sound
With much ado Men, Women, Boyes with us.
And home returnd with tears in our eyes
Not knowing what we could for this devise[.]
The City from Mangane to Bosphorus,
Was higher than the Walls, we all scapt sound
With much ado Men, Women, Boyes with us.
And home returnd with tears in our eyes
Not knowing what we could for this devise[.]
This yeare in March Starrs fell out of the Sky
And all that saw them strucken were with feare
They thought the end of all the World was nigh
Great draught in Thrace, Pits, Baths, Springs Rivers were
Dry at Constantinople they take Care,
The Valentinian Conduit to repare.
And all that saw them strucken were with feare
They thought the end of all the World was nigh
Great draught in Thrace, Pits, Baths, Springs Rivers were
Dry at Constantinople they take Care,
The Valentinian Conduit to repare.
Great Charles in's Saxon wars when he down struck
The fane of Hermansal felt three days thirst:
Then nigh an hill there suddenly a brook
To their relieve with plentious waters burst.
At Hersburg Siege, Christians, and Saxons spy
Two bloody flaming Shields Shakt in the Sky.
The fane of Hermansal felt three days thirst:
Then nigh an hill there suddenly a brook
To their relieve with plentious waters burst.
At Hersburg Siege, Christians, and Saxons spy
Two bloody flaming Shields Shakt in the Sky.
'Bout February Sol's Eclipst at noon
When Luna her Ecclipse had but three dayes
Passt o're. And lo Mercuries Star full soon
After the Same is seen by Such as Gaze
At Stars, within the middle of the Sun
Appearing like a Small black Spot there run.
When Luna her Ecclipse had but three dayes
Passt o're. And lo Mercuries Star full soon
After the Same is seen by Such as Gaze
At Stars, within the middle of the Sun
Appearing like a Small black Spot there run.
Now France doth tast of Famine, Plague, and war
When Charles in arms 'gainst Agaland the Moore.
Some Souldiers stuck their Spears down as they are
In th'meads by Caja Streams the day before
They Entred Fight, which on the morn were found
Adornd with flourishing leaves and barks all round.
When Charles in arms 'gainst Agaland the Moore.
Some Souldiers stuck their Spears down as they are
In th'meads by Caja Streams the day before
They Entred Fight, which on the morn were found
Adornd with flourishing leaves and barks all round.
Now In Frisinga Field the aire all Cleare,
And Still there fell wood of a various kinde
Out of the Skies, Images now they reare,
Some thinke the Same was by this wood assignd
There now was blood raind down its said also
Even from the Skies another Sign of woe.
And Still there fell wood of a various kinde
Out of the Skies, Images now they reare,
Some thinke the Same was by this wood assignd
There now was blood raind down its said also
Even from the Skies another Sign of woe.
And firy Dragons through the aire did fly
When Bitrick the West Saxon King did reign.
Famin and Danes did follow by and by.
An Earthquak makes Constantinople train
From houses into open fields lest shee
Should rattle down, and they destroyed bee.
When Bitrick the West Saxon King did reign.
Famin and Danes did follow by and by.
An Earthquak makes Constantinople train
From houses into open fields lest shee
Should rattle down, and they destroyed bee.
At Rome too Tyber overflows its bounds
Stroies the Flammian Gate also the bridge
Antonius Pius built whose ends redounds
On Aventine, and on Janicles ridge.
It sweep away did many building brave
And City Monuments by its Strong wave[.]
Stroies the Flammian Gate also the bridge
Antonius Pius built whose ends redounds
On Aventine, and on Janicles ridge.
It sweep away did many building brave
And City Monuments by its Strong wave[.]
When Charles the Great would by a channell Chain
The Rhene and Danow thats together Dug
Greate heaps of Corn, of Evry sort of grain,
They found in th'fields which kill their beasts that Cud
It in, and't vanisht in their hands when ground.
Lascive and lowing noises nightly sound.
The Rhene and Danow thats together Dug
Greate heaps of Corn, of Evry sort of grain,
They found in th'fields which kill their beasts that Cud
It in, and't vanisht in their hands when ground.
Lascive and lowing noises nightly sound.
Confused noises and Continuall rain
About the Channell that he dug appeare
That force him from his work and it refrain.
Sicill and Crete by Earth quake shatterd were.
Irenee blinds her Son, and him Dethrones.
And th'Sun grew darke: and days seventeen nere shone.
About the Channell that he dug appeare
That force him from his work and it refrain.
Sicill and Crete by Earth quake shatterd were.
Irenee blinds her Son, and him Dethrones.
And th'Sun grew darke: and days seventeen nere shone.
And Mars his Star this year's not seen i'th'Sky.
In July frost Congels the water hard
That Ice are found. Behold Efficiency
Doth ware its glory with a glorious guard
Of wonders to effect our hearts that wee
May furle the Same with praises rich that bee.
In July frost Congels the water hard
That Ice are found. Behold Efficiency
Doth ware its glory with a glorious guard
Of wonders to effect our hearts that wee
May furle the Same with praises rich that bee.
The Shine of Divine Truth
Sweet Truth I come into thy Quarters do
O let me kiss thy hand and view
The Splendor of thy Sun and show
Those beams that from it flew.
O let me kiss thy hand and view
The Splendor of thy Sun and show
Those beams that from it flew.
The Star dropt from the Heaven with the Key
Of th'boundless Pit, its doore unlockt
And now the Smoake doth Steam away
The aire with fogs hath Stockt.
Of th'boundless Pit, its doore unlockt
And now the Smoake doth Steam away
The aire with fogs hath Stockt.
The Smoake of Purgatory fire, and Mass
And Imageworship, pray'res unto
Angells and Saints with Romish trash
Makes darkness overflow.
And Imageworship, pray'res unto
Angells and Saints with Romish trash
Makes darkness overflow.
And in this Smoake the Spawn doth generate
The Egge is in the Egge poke nigh
Sheld over, not in Winde Egge State,
Some in the nest do ly.
The Egge is in the Egge poke nigh
Sheld over, not in Winde Egge State,
Some in the nest do ly.
And Some begin to drop: but nests are built
In e'ry Copse: the Spring comes on
And Locust quickly out will tilt
And fly apace therefrom.
In e'ry Copse: the Spring comes on
And Locust quickly out will tilt
And fly apace therefrom.
The Little horn is spouted up a loft
And doth through pride now fan the aire
Will any Crop him (nay Sir soft)
Oh! do it if you dare.
And doth through pride now fan the aire
Will any Crop him (nay Sir soft)
Oh! do it if you dare.
The Eastern Realm in Italy he outs
Breakes off the Long'bards by the Francks.
Two of the three Horns he ore Strouts
The third shall feele his prancks.
Breakes off the Long'bards by the Francks.
The third shall feele his prancks.
The Scarlet Whore with Golden Cup in hand
Hath not it yet filld to the brim.
Her nose is stilling in it, and
Makes more filth in it swim.
Hath not it yet filld to the brim.
Her nose is stilling in it, and
Makes more filth in it swim.
The Christendom of Bells and Clocks do pearch
Upon its brim ready to drop
Into it but Greate Charles his birch
Did make it back thence hop.
Upon its brim ready to drop
Into it but Greate Charles his birch
Did make it back thence hop.
Greg'ry the Seconds Skeg the juyce in't slips
Of Unallegienceation first.
A Consecrated Sponge forth trips
From Greg'ry tersh, and burst.
Of Unallegienceation first.
A Consecrated Sponge forth trips
From Greg'ry tersh, and burst.
And Zacharias that rank Sodomite
Dropt this strong Spirit in thereto
In th'Name of th'Trinity aright
Church Consecrations go.
Dropt this strong Spirit in thereto
In th'Name of th'Trinity aright
Church Consecrations go.
He plumpt herein the Popes Unswaring Power
Which all the World calls Perjury.
Unemporizings and Unkingings Shower
Out of his Cloudy Sky.
Which all the World calls Perjury.
Unemporizings and Unkingings Shower
Out of his Cloudy Sky.
And a King making Realm translating knack
He Squeezd herein. Oh juycy Crab.
Untried lard for bats did Crack
His points with a male drab.
He Squeezd herein. Oh juycy Crab.
Untried lard for bats did Crack
His points with a male drab.
From Stephen Persh Pope Zachary's Knag there falls
This Spice in't that on Each Lords day
Sung by Seven weekly Cardinalls
Glor'in Excellis bee.
This Spice in't that on Each Lords day
Sung by Seven weekly Cardinalls
Glor'in Excellis bee.
Leo the third's drop comes, he Constitutes
Saint Lignums day out of whose side,
The very blood of Christ forth shoots
When Jews it Crucifide.
Saint Lignums day out of whose side,
The very blood of Christ forth shoots
When Jews it Crucifide.
His Constitution too of Frankincense
Cast on the Altars Pagan like.
Puts in this Cup. And by such pence
If not yet, soon will strike.
Cast on the Altars Pagan like.
Puts in this Cup. And by such pence
If not yet, soon will strike.
These drops unto the former in the Cup
Of Filthy Whordoms fall, which shee,
Brings to her Kings and they must sup
The Same who do her fee[.]
Of Filthy Whordoms fall, which shee,
Brings to her Kings and they must sup
The Same who do her fee[.]
The ten Kings Sacrifice to her their Power.
Englands, France, Italies, and Spains.
Into his Clinck their Swords do skoure.
She hates their splendid rains[.]
Englands, France, Italies, and Spains.
Into his Clinck their Swords do skoure.
She hates their splendid rains[.]
Iva doth grease her fist with Peter Pence.
French kings are birds of her own feather.
The Goth of Spain proove her defence
And Italy's her Teather.
French kings are birds of her own feather.
The Goth of Spain proove her defence
And Italy's her Teather.
She Charles the Great Dubs Emperor of Rome
And in his Forehead set this Star
MOST CHRISTIAN KING Which Star doth bloom
On all his Stems thus far.
And in his Forehead set this Star
MOST CHRISTIAN KING Which Star doth bloom
On all his Stems thus far.
All Kings accept her Mark Her whordoms all
Subject unto: her trash doth run
Over all Kingdoms. Great and Small,
Bath in her Shining Sun.
Subject unto: her trash doth run
Over all Kingdoms. Great and Small,
Bath in her Shining Sun.
She now Change Genders doth. She now grows Hee.
Is Lord of Lords: and King of Kings.
Plucks off Whose Crown she lists, a fee
She to her bantlings flings.
Is Lord of Lords: and King of Kings.
Plucks off Whose Crown she lists, a fee
She to her bantlings flings.
Poor Chilperick's Step'd in her Cuckow Cage,
A golden Crown's a Shavling made.
Nay many Princes of this age
Take up a monkish trade.
A golden Crown's a Shavling made.
Nay many Princes of this age
Take up a monkish trade.
Cages for whom Great Charles as many build
As letters in the Alphabet
With noble Stipends did them guild,
Here Abby Lubbers get.
As letters in the Alphabet
With noble Stipends did them guild,
Here Abby Lubbers get.
But now this horn advanc'd above the Stars
Sits in Gods throne as thronde therein.
Disturb him though a Star, he arrs
His Sacred Chops will grin.
Sits in Gods throne as thronde therein.
Disturb him though a Star, he arrs
His Sacred Chops will grin.
Great things his mouth lets fly He'l at you fling
His thundering Anathemaes.
Thus serv'd he Thassilo the king
That wore Bavarias bayes.
His thundering Anathemaes.
Thus serv'd he Thassilo the king
That wore Bavarias bayes.
But this is Gentle dealing. Worse he thumpd
The Eastern Emperours about
About their Ears when them he mumpd
Unchurcht, unempird out.
The Eastern Emperours about
About their Ears when them he mumpd
Unchurcht, unempird out.
Nay Kings now count it honour did to kiss,
His petty toes. What pride is here?
But Glorious Truth foretold all this
And hence she shines out cleare.
His petty toes. What pride is here?
But Glorious Truth foretold all this
And hence she shines out cleare.
When lyes thus smoother truth, that Truth should shine:
And Falshood Choake? What wonder's here?
That Lyes which banish Truth Divine
Should hand it in all Clear?
And Falshood Choake? What wonder's here?
That Lyes which banish Truth Divine
Should hand it in all Clear?
Yet thus it is, whence let us it adore,
Which through dark Clouds doth shine so light.
And thus this Century dark, all ore
Spangld with Glory bright.
Which through dark Clouds doth shine so light.
And thus this Century dark, all ore
Spangld with Glory bright.
I now put of my hat, and bow FarewellEighth Century, unto thy State, the Bell
Doth tole me to the nin'th, to which I high:
It is thy Passing Peale to put thee by.
But yet the morning Bell, and Chimes that tune
My Pen and Inckhorn from their Bed to prune
The Vineyard of the following Century.
And on the Vintage workes good Husbandry,
And Gather in the Same. And Wine fats tend,
And with its blood its Squeezed Veans out send
Fill up the Casks Grace, Patience, Justice and
Efficiency, and Truth put in my hand
To fill for them: and so their Glory Scan
And on the Sign Post of this Century hang.
Our All is now from Grace. Her Glory firstIs to be gather'd up. Her Chrystall Cask
Comes to the fat first to be filld: and rurst
Up with the Wine, which is this ages task:
And though its mean we tun it to us unmaskt.
Asia's Shine.
Jerusalem thou gate of Gospell Grace
Whence first it Sprung to others, scarce doth shine
Thomas thou hast thy Bishop who did trace
Idolatry. Alas! Poor Palestine
Here, and at Bethlehem some few make wine
Whence first it Sprung to others, scarce doth shine
Thomas thou hast thy Bishop who did trace
Idolatry. Alas! Poor Palestine
Here, and at Bethlehem some few make wine
At Antioch in Syria some few
As Paul, Job and Theophilus who were
Their Preachers but of What Complection'd hew
We know not, and in Lydia's Sardis peare.
Euthymius of Image Shapen geer.
As Paul, Job and Theophilus who were
Their Preachers but of What Complection'd hew
We know not, and in Lydia's Sardis peare.
Euthymius of Image Shapen geer.
In Lycaonia, and Phrygia
In Asia Minor Christians still are found
Bythinia: Galatia's Ancyra
Thebasas and Andraseny did sound
The Gospell trump. John Cyzicum did round.
In Asia Minor Christians still are found
Bythinia: Galatia's Ancyra
Thebasas and Andraseny did sound
The Gospell trump. John Cyzicum did round.
Christians in Cappadocia there were
Whom Machael did as naked men all Stript
Taking his Soulders thence, unto the geer
Of Slaughter for the Saracens there slipt
Here at Cesarea John the Gospell lipt.
Whom Machael did as naked men all Stript
Taking his Soulders thence, unto the geer
Of Slaughter for the Saracens there slipt
Here at Cesarea John the Gospell lipt.
Inger at Nice Was bishop who opposd
All Image worship to his dying day
Theophanes him followd who there closd
With such King Alfride sent Sigel away
Of Shirburn to St. Tom. of India.
All Image worship to his dying day
Theophanes him followd who there closd
With such King Alfride sent Sigel away
Of Shirburn to St. Tom. of India.
Africa's Lights.
Poor Asia almost Lost. alas! alas!
I come to Africa in Egypt were
A famous light, now small Achilles was
The Alexandrian light, and Joseph there
Lewis the Second alms for Africk steers.
I come to Africa in Egypt were
A famous light, now small Achilles was
The Alexandrian light, and Joseph there
Lewis the Second alms for Africk steers.
In Lybia Some gleanings still abide.
Mahometans these Climates so infest
There are but few the Gospell barge to guide
And men of name we finde not here possesst.
At which great Sorrow doth Constrain my breast.
Mahometans these Climates so infest
There are but few the Gospell barge to guide
And men of name we finde not here possesst.
At which great Sorrow doth Constrain my breast.
Ilands of the Mediterranian Sea.
In Cyprus Churches Still are found which were
Destroy'd by Saracens, yet others Spring.
The Cyclides had too. And Lemnus there
And Rhodes, Crest, Sardis, Corsica wherein
Saracens usd there Cruell hands to bring.
Destroy'd by Saracens, yet others Spring.
The Cyclides had too. And Lemnus there
And Rhodes, Crest, Sardis, Corsica wherein
Saracens usd there Cruell hands to bring.
Majorca, Patalare, Cephaleny
Venice, and Protee iles, Sicilia
Lippara felt Saracen Cruelty
In testimony that the Gospell way
Was still attended here in these this day.
Venice, and Protee iles, Sicilia
Lippara felt Saracen Cruelty
In testimony that the Gospell way
Was still attended here in these this day.
Europe's Shine.
Joseph a Thessalonian Bishop was
And likly too a very Holy man.
Constantinople calls Nicephorus
A Laick vain Imaginarian
Then Theodote not of an Image tang.
And likly too a very Holy man.
Constantinople calls Nicephorus
A Laick vain Imaginarian
Then Theodote not of an Image tang.
Antony Cassimate and John Syngell
No Imagemongers, then Methodius
Ignatius a pair of Image Spells
Then Photius Stephen and Antonicus,
Nichlas, and last of all Euthemius.
No Imagemongers, then Methodius
Ignatius a pair of Image Spells
Then Photius Stephen and Antonicus,
Nichlas, and last of all Euthemius.
Dalmatia now offers us gospell Glory.
At Jadere Donatus the word Displayes.
Methodius and Cyrill are in story
Polanian, and Sclavan Churches praise
Who did them gather, and made Gospell blaze.
At Jadere Donatus the word Displayes.
Methodius and Cyrill are in story
Polanian, and Sclavan Churches praise
Who did them gather, and made Gospell blaze.
Methodius the Vandall Letters first
Invented, then the Scriptures did translate,
Into th'slavonian Tongue, and did off burst,
The Latine Service. Hence comes popish hate.
Whence he at Rome his deed did vindicate.
Invented, then the Scriptures did translate,
Into th'slavonian Tongue, and did off burst,
The Latine Service. Hence comes popish hate.
Whence he at Rome his deed did vindicate.
Alledging from the Psalms that Ev'ry Tongue
Should praise the Lord: and so did Cyrill too.
The Pope hence grants this to the Sclaves alone
He to Dalmatia, and Illyrick goe
Did, and perswadeth them the like to doe.
Should praise the Lord: and so did Cyrill too.
The Pope hence grants this to the Sclaves alone
He to Dalmatia, and Illyrick goe
Did, and perswadeth them the like to doe.
But seing his Moravians and Sclaves
Not pleasd in leaving the Bavarian wayes
Who used Latine Service out he waves
Into Bavaria with Gospell phrase
Dehorts from Latine Service in his dayes.
Not pleasd in leaving the Bavarian wayes
Who used Latine Service out he waves
Into Bavaria with Gospell phrase
Dehorts from Latine Service in his dayes.
And all God worship in their own Tongue do
To Edify the Church as formerly
Before the dayes of Charles the Greate, but lo
The Popish Brats make Kings upon him fly.
Hence going home at Juli'ment did die.
To Edify the Church as formerly
Before the dayes of Charles the Greate, but lo
The Popish Brats make Kings upon him fly.
Hence going home at Juli'ment did die.
Oswald was Bishop of Illyricum
Of Norice, and Pannonia ordain'd
A truer Trojan to the popish Drum.
How far in these the Gospell glory train'd
We little know nor know we how restrain'd.
Of Norice, and Pannonia ordain'd
A truer Trojan to the popish Drum.
How far in these the Gospell glory train'd
We little know nor know we how restrain'd.
Germany blossoms now when others droop.
Bavaria at Salburge did enjoy
Adolram, Leopram, and Baldram's fruite,
But wheather sweet, or soure we cannot spy
But little of them, but their times look wry.
Bavaria at Salburge did enjoy
Adolram, Leopram, and Baldram's fruite,
But wheather sweet, or soure we cannot spy
But little of them, but their times look wry.
Adelwin, Batarick, and Amberick
At Regnsburge bishops were, but of what hew?
Tuto obtains Ratispon's bishoprick,
At Bathave Angelmar, and Bithing grew
At Frising Hallo: yea and Waldo too.
At Regnsburge bishops were, but of what hew?
Tuto obtains Ratispon's bishoprick,
At Bathave Angelmar, and Bithing grew
At Frising Hallo: yea and Waldo too.
In Swevland at Augusta Hanto ruld.
Then Hulderick a man of worthy fame,
Who did rebuke the Pope and him well schoold
Who doth by Marrage hindering, mentain
Doctrine of Divells Paul Confirms the Same.
Then Hulderick a man of worthy fame,
Who did rebuke the Pope and him well schoold
Who doth by Marrage hindering, mentain
Doctrine of Divells Paul Confirms the Same.
At Ments Otgary rose with learned rayes.
And Baban after him more learnd and sound,
Though both staind with great blotches of the dayes.
Luid'bert is said with piety to abound
All other I pass ore that here are found.
And Baban after him more learnd and sound,
Though both staind with great blotches of the dayes.
Luid'bert is said with piety to abound
All other I pass ore that here are found.
At Worms are Bernard, Rotald, Theotel.
Arnoat Herboole, at Wirtziburge
Rudolph: at Basil Haido bears the bell.
At Constance Solomon who wants a purge
In many things his learning wants a scourge.
Arnoat Herboole, at Wirtziburge
Rudolph: at Basil Haido bears the bell.
At Constance Solomon who wants a purge
In many things his learning wants a scourge.
At Colen Gunther rose who did avow
The Pope of Rome was Antichrist most vile.
In Holland Hiero of England now
Did preach at Norwick in a gospell style
And him the Pope did of his life beguile.
The Pope of Rome was Antichrist most vile.
In Holland Hiero of England now
Did preach at Norwick in a gospell style
And him the Pope did of his life beguile.
Twelve rose at Verd in Westphaly but all
Were of a Romish Cut, at Badeborn there
Five other Such, at Mimegard four Call,
And five at Osnaburge, at Minden were
But two. At Hildesheim five filld the Chair.
Were of a Romish Cut, at Badeborn there
Five other Such, at Mimegard four Call,
And five at Osnaburge, at Minden were
But two. At Hildesheim five filld the Chair.
At Halberstade were six, the third of which
A man of fame more sound in doctrine was
Than many others. And at Hambrough sits
Five more whereof Ansgary out did pass
Preacht to the Sweds and Danes with Christ the Mass.
A man of fame more sound in doctrine was
Than many others. And at Hambrough sits
Five more whereof Ansgary out did pass
Preacht to the Sweds and Danes with Christ the Mass.
Now Germany farewell, the other day
There was but little room in thee my Pen
Obtaind; though now there's Stable much and hay
That makes but little praises rise now when
Ive come to gloss upon thy preaching men.
There was but little room in thee my Pen
Obtaind; though now there's Stable much and hay
That makes but little praises rise now when
Ive come to gloss upon thy preaching men.
Frances Lights.
At Lions Hamule in the Hebrew learnd:
At Arles one John and Rotland bishops were.
At Lexovy Frecalph who oft ore turnd
The Scripture, and Explaind it very cleare
Whose pious life and doctrine led them there.
At Arles one John and Rotland bishops were.
At Lexovy Frecalph who oft ore turnd
The Scripture, and Explaind it very cleare
Whose pious life and doctrine led them there.
Senona had learnd Anseg is Rome's ape
And Eberhard; Rhemes Turpin did enjoy.
Wolfery, Hinemar learnd, and Fulck sad State.
At Aurenge Th'odulph, Jonas out did fly.
At Tulla Arnulph full of Piety.
And Eberhard; Rhemes Turpin did enjoy.
Wolfery, Hinemar learnd, and Fulck sad State.
At Aurenge Th'odulph, Jonas out did fly.
At Tulla Arnulph full of Piety.
Halidgary was at Camera set.
And Hincomar at Laudune, Hadebert
At Sylvanect. Adalbert did they get
Now at Morina, there they doctrine part
But how we know not. Yet their times were dark.
And Hincomar at Laudune, Hadebert
At Sylvanect. Adalbert did they get
Now at Morina, there they doctrine part
But how we know not. Yet their times were dark.
Biturica had six. Frotare the fourth,
Seems to withstand Romes pride. And Jesse, who
Was sixt, the Pope likt not, hence some good growth.
Leody five possesst. Odilbald to
Them of Trajecta out his doctrine show.
Seems to withstand Romes pride. And Jesse, who
Was sixt, the Pope likt not, hence some good growth.
Leody five possesst. Odilbald to
Them of Trajecta out his doctrine show.
Remigius at Antisiodore did shine.
At Car nota Altergery arose,
At Paris Herchinrad, and Gozzolme,
At Mets Drogo great Charles his bastard flows
Whom Lothair sent to Rome the Pope to nose.
At Car nota Altergery arose,
At Paris Herchinrad, and Gozzolme,
At Mets Drogo great Charles his bastard flows
Whom Lothair sent to Rome the Pope to nose.
He with an Army came to Rome reprooves
The Pope calld, Swines face for his treachery.
Him, Senat, and the Roman poeple moves.
And forcd them to an oath of fealty.
And Rutber after him did Mets Supply.
The Pope calld, Swines face for his treachery.
Him, Senat, and the Roman poeple moves.
And forcd them to an oath of fealty.
And Rutber after him did Mets Supply.
Trevers had five, whose third brave Thetgand was.
The Pope exchurcht him, he in's letter Stiles
The Pope too Antichrist, him damns, did pass
And's Excommunication on him quiles.
Th'Ipsissim Whore of Babylon assoiles.
The Pope exchurcht him, he in's letter Stiles
The Pope too Antichrist, him damns, did pass
And's Excommunication on him quiles.
Th'Ipsissim Whore of Babylon assoiles.
Thou playst the Woolfe, said he, in Shephards weeds.
Thou shewst thyselfe the Pagan Jove in facts.
Thou Servant, Stylst thyself of Servants seeds.
But lord of Lords thou shewst thyselfe whose acts
Are Quicquid libet licet Painted Shack.
Thou shewst thyselfe the Pagan Jove in facts.
Thou Servant, Stylst thyself of Servants seeds.
But lord of Lords thou shewst thyselfe whose acts
Are Quicquid libet licet Painted Shack.
We who are scattered ore the world abide
The City of our God. Rome's Babylon
Described by the Sacred Prophets tribe.
As up into the heaven high ore grown.
Usurping of the God heads proper throne.
The City of our God. Rome's Babylon
Described by the Sacred Prophets tribe.
As up into the heaven high ore grown.
Usurping of the God heads proper throne.
That beasts she is eternall, erreth not,
Nor Can once Erre. This Witniss for his pains
Was banisht to the Sabines where he got,
With Gunther and as Stranger life mentains
Who by the Papists murdering hands are slain.
Nor Can once Erre. This Witniss for his pains
Was banisht to the Sabines where he got,
With Gunther and as Stranger life mentains
Who by the Papists murdering hands are slain.
Farewell poore Spain: thou com'st not in th's rowle.
And Italy I leave out. Ireland
And Scotland are not heare. And Englands scrowle
Yields Assery of Shirburn, Thetwolfe and
Swithin, Dumbert and Dunwolph winton man'd.
And Italy I leave out. Ireland
And Scotland are not heare. And Englands scrowle
Yields Assery of Shirburn, Thetwolfe and
Swithin, Dumbert and Dunwolph winton man'd.
At Wister Verefride none of the best,
Gildas a monk and very fabulous
John Erigen a learned man invest
And slain at Malmsbury times perilous
But Valafrid was very vertuous.
Gildas a monk and very fabulous
John Erigen a learned man invest
And slain at Malmsbury times perilous
But Valafrid was very vertuous.
These gleaning further take at Taurine shone
Italy Claudius a Spaniard bright
Syncere in Faith Romes Errours overgrown
Images Relicks, Penance Pride did smite
And preached to his people gospell light
Italy Claudius a Spaniard bright
Syncere in Faith Romes Errours overgrown
Images Relicks, Penance Pride did smite
And preached to his people gospell light
Berthram a Priest in France shone brighter far
In Doctrine of the Sacrament in Chiefe.
Than many other, who seem as a Star
And Corbery Abbat Pascase whose Reliefe
About the Same proud Fredwards Right reliefe.
In Doctrine of the Sacrament in Chiefe.
Than many other, who seem as a Star
And Corbery Abbat Pascase whose Reliefe
About the Same proud Fredwards Right reliefe.
But to Conclude these Candles named here,
Did give at best a very smoaky flame.
I doubt not but the glory was more Cleare
Which in this day in ev'ry Realm out came
Adornd with grace 'mongst those of lower Name.
Did give at best a very smoaky flame.
I doubt not but the glory was more Cleare
Which in this day in ev'ry Realm out came
Adornd with grace 'mongst those of lower Name.
Whose fame was not espi'de by writers pens,
Nor meddled with, as in too low a Sphere.
And yet more high than what a dim eye kens
Ditcht up with smoake that poethers ev'ry where.
For lofty Egles catch not Flies. So here.
Nor meddled with, as in too low a Sphere.
And yet more high than what a dim eye kens
Ditcht up with smoake that poethers ev'ry where.
For lofty Egles catch not Flies. So here.
The Glory of Divine Patience.
From Graces Glory now I pass, and ComeWith sorrow in my heart, and beate the drum
In Patience her large continent to finde
The Scutchons of her Glory here Enshrinde
Up in her Harauldry, by Hands whose die
Is Pride, Contention, and Apostasy.
1. Pride.
Pride Blossoms, turrits up its Cocks Come highBalconies prelates nests above the Skie.
Doth set the Mitre higher than the Crown.
A Paultry Clarke above a Kings renown.
My Urinall will certainly Discry
The Popes of Rome Sick of this tympany.
Cock bells of Pride do flowt their livers, Spot
And Swell them with red water, and the rot.
In the Reigns of the Pope Emperored Kings of France. as in the Reign of Lewis who began 815.
Stephen the fourth puts up, and he first treds
His Chaire with pride, Strode ore King Lewis head:
Who ought by Adrian's and Leo's grant
Elect the Pope: but he him to Supplant
The people bribes into the Chair he slips
Without his knowledge thus his heels he trips.
The glory of the World he gapes to Catch
At Rhemes, the Head of Lewis he did thatch
With the Imperiall Diadem, also
Hirmingard Emperesses. And to show,
Imperiall glorys are the Popedoms drops
He brings their Crowns to Rome, oh Subtill fox!
But feas their Purses, home a Cross is born
To Peter, Silver, Gold and Gems did't dorn.
Saint Barbary, and Helin did up deck
With pretious Garments, Golden things in't set.
As golden Crosses, Cups and Platters, which
Death did in's seventh month him therefrom twitch.
His Chaire with pride, Strode ore King Lewis head:
Who ought by Adrian's and Leo's grant
Elect the Pope: but he him to Supplant
The people bribes into the Chair he slips
Without his knowledge thus his heels he trips.
The glory of the World he gapes to Catch
At Rhemes, the Head of Lewis he did thatch
With the Imperiall Diadem, also
Hirmingard Emperesses. And to show,
Imperiall glorys are the Popedoms drops
He brings their Crowns to Rome, oh Subtill fox!
But feas their Purses, home a Cross is born
To Peter, Silver, Gold and Gems did't dorn.
Saint Barbary, and Helin did up deck
With pretious Garments, Golden things in't set.
As golden Crosses, Cups and Platters, which
Death did in's seventh month him therefrom twitch.
Paschal the Clergy, and the People Choose
And from Saint Stephen's Sty of louts unmews
And popify, Lewis not privy to't.
A mock Elector: must not have a vote.
This Lewis Stomachs, calls it Pacta breach
And wounding's Majesty. Hence would him teach
A better manners, but the Crafty fox
The angry Emperour so smootly Coaks
That all is pardond. Yet Theodore
And Leo who th'Emperiall Right up bore
Did lose their Eyes and Lives by Cuthroats who
His Holiness had orderd to do so.
And doth the murderers absolve, but Cries
The slain are Slain for wounding Majesty.
He Crownd Lothair. Did Monks in Jayle up lay
That Rabene's Letter brought out threatenings bray
To Excommunicat learnd Raban, wise.
With Silver Gold and Pictures Idolize
He did a little while, till death's grim mall,
Beate on his panniers, made his jaws to fall.
And from Saint Stephen's Sty of louts unmews
And popify, Lewis not privy to't.
A mock Elector: must not have a vote.
This Lewis Stomachs, calls it Pacta breach
And wounding's Majesty. Hence would him teach
A better manners, but the Crafty fox
The angry Emperour so smootly Coaks
That all is pardond. Yet Theodore
And Leo who th'Emperiall Right up bore
Did lose their Eyes and Lives by Cuthroats who
His Holiness had orderd to do so.
And doth the murderers absolve, but Cries
The slain are Slain for wounding Majesty.
He Crownd Lothair. Did Monks in Jayle up lay
That Rabene's Letter brought out threatenings bray
To Excommunicat learnd Raban, wise.
With Silver Gold and Pictures Idolize
He did a little while, till death's grim mall,
Beate on his panniers, made his jaws to fall.
Then Eugeny the Second takes a Pill
Of Popedom, that did work his doctors Will.
When Michael th'Eastern Emperor did send
Ambassadors entreating him to lend
His help to give firm Scripture proofe that should
Confirm this Image worship if he could.
He sent without an answer them back, save
That Michael arrogant was like a knave.
But down ------ by a Death not dry,
Some think because he dealt Seditiously
Against the French Lothair did Constitute
Italian Judges right to Execute.
Of Popedom, that did work his doctors Will.
When Michael th'Eastern Emperor did send
Ambassadors entreating him to lend
His help to give firm Scripture proofe that should
Confirm this Image worship if he could.
He sent without an answer them back, save
That Michael arrogant was like a knave.
Some think because he dealt Seditiously
Against the French Lothair did Constitute
Italian Judges right to Execute.
Then Valentine succeeds for fourty dayes
Then Hungry Death his Latter groath did graze.
Gregry the fourth is Calld, but will not be
Without the Emperours leave, take this degree.
He raisd New Holidayes: his All Saints brings
From its November Calends to May'es Springs.
On France, and Germany it crouds and they
Now keep it do the thirteenth day of May.
Makes Ansgary Hamboroughs Bishop, who
Most o're all Northern Churches Romes Cock crow.
The flame tween Lewis and his Sons he blows.
First joyn'd he with the Sons: then out he goes,
To Lewis, who him chid, to whom he said
I came for peace. And back he went and made
This ly, He Excommunicated had
This Lewis, hence Priests Captain, all like mad
Unto the Sons, who did their father take
Who when he'd all got back did them forsake.
Who in his Superstition, and Pride high
Kickt up his heels How like you, Sir, to dy?
Then Hungry Death his Latter groath did graze.
Gregry the fourth is Calld, but will not be
Without the Emperours leave, take this degree.
He raisd New Holidayes: his All Saints brings
From its November Calends to May'es Springs.
On France, and Germany it crouds and they
Now keep it do the thirteenth day of May.
Makes Ansgary Hamboroughs Bishop, who
Most o're all Northern Churches Romes Cock crow.
The flame tween Lewis and his Sons he blows.
First joyn'd he with the Sons: then out he goes,
To Lewis, who him chid, to whom he said
I came for peace. And back he went and made
This ly, He Excommunicated had
This Lewis, hence Priests Captain, all like mad
Unto the Sons, who did their father take
Who when he'd all got back did them forsake.
Who in his Superstition, and Pride high
Kickt up his heels How like you, Sir, to dy?
Under Charles 2d who began 841.
Hogsface roots in Saints Peters Patrimony.
Did strap Johns sides who lept at it so stony.
And Crept without imperiall liking in't,
Did out his name (Hogsface) by Sergius din't.
He would not yield the Romans faith, and Oath
To keep With Lothairs Son, calld Lewis: growth
So proud will have invested in his hande
The Powre of making Kings and Supremes stand.
King Lothair Crowns Lewis his Son designs
King of the Longbards, but his day declines[.]
Did strap Johns sides who lept at it so stony.
And Crept without imperiall liking in't,
Did out his name (Hogsface) by Sergius din't.
He would not yield the Romans faith, and Oath
To keep With Lothairs Son, calld Lewis: growth
So proud will have invested in his hande
The Powre of making Kings and Supremes stand.
King Lothair Crowns Lewis his Son designs
King of the Longbards, but his day declines[.]
Leo the fourth, or fift some say, up hights
The Emperour not knowing of the Coits.
(Poor Jack a nobody) He as his Siers
Worships his Saints, in Silver-Gold attires
Esteems the Pope must two Swords at his Side
Possess, to Rule the Church and Realm as guide
And Sovreign Lord. The Empire was not slack
Unto the Greeks again from th'French to back.
He made Monk Ethelwolfe too Englands King.
For which he raisd in's holy Chair a Spring
Of Silver pence from ev'ry house to run
Out of his English Realm. Oh! Loving Son.
He otherwise than Aquisgrane decreed
In Councill held therein, did on proceed
His Papall Cross stuck with rich Gems made goe
Before him born; and people Kiss his toe.
But all his Glory fats the Porkit rich.
He's not made brawn, for death: but Bacon flitch.
The Emperour not knowing of the Coits.
(Poor Jack a nobody) He as his Siers
Worships his Saints, in Silver-Gold attires
Esteems the Pope must two Swords at his Side
Possess, to Rule the Church and Realm as guide
And Sovreign Lord. The Empire was not slack
Unto the Greeks again from th'French to back.
He made Monk Ethelwolfe too Englands King.
For which he raisd in's holy Chair a Spring
Of Silver pence from ev'ry house to run
Out of his English Realm. Oh! Loving Son.
He otherwise than Aquisgrane decreed
In Councill held therein, did on proceed
His Papall Cross stuck with rich Gems made goe
Before him born; and people Kiss his toe.
He's not made brawn, for death: but Bacon flitch.
Good morrow Madam! art thou found at last:
A bucksom Worth, Good Pope, the Chair doth grasp.
An English Priest with's fraighted Miss to Ments
Did go, she there lies in and Pays her rents
Into his arms a daughter Gilbert nam'd
Who grew up prompt, a Vizzor soon obtaind,
Became a Monk in Fulda Monkish sty
And other Monk her femall Points did Spy.
And so improve his sharp invention till
A Monkish Cowl Could not vaile ore their Skill.
Arts quickly shew themselves, grow high and quaint
Will not be Prisoners to a Truss, or point.
Away they pack to Athens Gilbert there
Sharp learning gets among the learned quire
A smart Disputant rose, but off now falls
Her Love, or Husband: none withstand death's Calls:
To Rome she goes: an English man appears.
In Schools, and Abbies taught: Disputes: up rears
A glorious Name. Leo dropt in his den,
She by the Common vote of Comen men,
And of the Clergy with Imperiall Voice
Rose up to Peters Chair and in a trice.
As arch a Crack as any of them all
Pope John or Joan her Jack, or Jin they Call.
Ordains Priests, Deacons: Bishops Consecrates
Makes Abbats, and the Mass she Celebrates,
Administers the Sacraments also
Altars, and Temples Consecrateth too
Doth in a solemn Way Lothair the Son
Of Lewis hid, in Prumy Abby run,
Crowns king: And gifts of Englands King obtains
Holds out the foot for men to kiss. Sustains
The Fatherhood of Popedom, grew with Child
Which broke its bounds, and out did lash though Spoild,
While solemnly Processioning Jack-Jin
From th'Vatican, to th'Lateran was in
Twixt Nero's gay Coloss, and Clements Fawn.
Her Soul gusts out even with her Egg and Spawn.
And in her groaning place a Marble Cross
Erected is to shun bad mem'ries loss.
Also the Pope nere through this street doth tread
To th'Lateran, where pope John was brought to bed.
What shall be said hereto? doth Hic or Haec
Best Suit your Holiness. And it best deck?
Good Father Pope resolve it if you can
Shall we your Father-hood call dad or Mam?
Though Greeks make use of onely genders three
The Latines can dispense with more wee see.
The Common Genders necessary grow
Unto the Pope, who genders much, although
His Chastity pretends much other wise.
The Epicene is proper to his Sise.
He vari'd must now as his Eagle, bee
Haec Aquila an Eagle He or Shee.
The Doubtfull now grows needfull, they would have
The Honourablest gender in their Knave.
Cocks are not surely known by Combs, Spurs, Crows
The Taile a Surer note of Gender shows.
The next Bird Benit tersh, doth when first Caught
Abide an Epicene, wherefore there's brought
A Porphyry Chaire, a Conning Stoole where he
Must by the youngest Deacon Conned bee.
Who finding of the bird with Egg doth sound
Out Habet Habet, to the Cockerills round.
The sex thus found Benit is Chairman made
He Churches built to Saints and them enlaid
With Costly things, his worshipt also stems
Tended with Silver, Gold, and Pretious Gems.
Decrees the Collect Dirige, be red
Yet first of all the Popes, even for the Dead.
And twelve years penance for Curst Parricide
Hee Earthly Princes scornd, was Popifide
Without Imperiall leave, and justles out
One Anastase, Lewis design'd, so stout,
That Lewis made him Jayle bird ly, and's place
He gave to Surrogated Anastase,
Who was by Leo Excommunicate
And made the object whom the people hate,
Hence Benit to King Lewis reconcild
Is in'd again. And th'other prison-spoild
He Sweld in pride is worshipt Idol like
The people kiss his toe. Death him doth strike[.]
A bucksom Worth, Good Pope, the Chair doth grasp.
An English Priest with's fraighted Miss to Ments
Did go, she there lies in and Pays her rents
Into his arms a daughter Gilbert nam'd
Who grew up prompt, a Vizzor soon obtaind,
Became a Monk in Fulda Monkish sty
And other Monk her femall Points did Spy.
And so improve his sharp invention till
A Monkish Cowl Could not vaile ore their Skill.
Arts quickly shew themselves, grow high and quaint
Will not be Prisoners to a Truss, or point.
Away they pack to Athens Gilbert there
Sharp learning gets among the learned quire
A smart Disputant rose, but off now falls
Her Love, or Husband: none withstand death's Calls:
To Rome she goes: an English man appears.
In Schools, and Abbies taught: Disputes: up rears
A glorious Name. Leo dropt in his den,
She by the Common vote of Comen men,
And of the Clergy with Imperiall Voice
Rose up to Peters Chair and in a trice.
As arch a Crack as any of them all
Pope John or Joan her Jack, or Jin they Call.
Ordains Priests, Deacons: Bishops Consecrates
Makes Abbats, and the Mass she Celebrates,
Administers the Sacraments also
Altars, and Temples Consecrateth too
Doth in a solemn Way Lothair the Son
Of Lewis hid, in Prumy Abby run,
Crowns king: And gifts of Englands King obtains
Holds out the foot for men to kiss. Sustains
The Fatherhood of Popedom, grew with Child
Which broke its bounds, and out did lash though Spoild,
While solemnly Processioning Jack-Jin
From th'Vatican, to th'Lateran was in
Twixt Nero's gay Coloss, and Clements Fawn.
Her Soul gusts out even with her Egg and Spawn.
And in her groaning place a Marble Cross
Erected is to shun bad mem'ries loss.
Also the Pope nere through this street doth tread
To th'Lateran, where pope John was brought to bed.
What shall be said hereto? doth Hic or Haec
Best Suit your Holiness. And it best deck?
Good Father Pope resolve it if you can
Shall we your Father-hood call dad or Mam?
The Latines can dispense with more wee see.
The Common Genders necessary grow
Unto the Pope, who genders much, although
His Chastity pretends much other wise.
The Epicene is proper to his Sise.
He vari'd must now as his Eagle, bee
Haec Aquila an Eagle He or Shee.
The Doubtfull now grows needfull, they would have
The Honourablest gender in their Knave.
Cocks are not surely known by Combs, Spurs, Crows
The Taile a Surer note of Gender shows.
The next Bird Benit tersh, doth when first Caught
Abide an Epicene, wherefore there's brought
A Porphyry Chaire, a Conning Stoole where he
Must by the youngest Deacon Conned bee.
Who finding of the bird with Egg doth sound
Out Habet Habet, to the Cockerills round.
The sex thus found Benit is Chairman made
He Churches built to Saints and them enlaid
With Costly things, his worshipt also stems
Tended with Silver, Gold, and Pretious Gems.
Decrees the Collect Dirige, be red
Yet first of all the Popes, even for the Dead.
And twelve years penance for Curst Parricide
Hee Earthly Princes scornd, was Popifide
Without Imperiall leave, and justles out
One Anastase, Lewis design'd, so stout,
That Lewis made him Jayle bird ly, and's place
He gave to Surrogated Anastase,
Who was by Leo Excommunicate
And made the object whom the people hate,
Hence Benit to King Lewis reconcild
Is in'd again. And th'other prison-spoild
He Sweld in pride is worshipt Idol like
The people kiss his toe. Death him doth strike[.]
Then Nicholas is Chose King Lewis there
And is invested too: did Altars reare
And Churches too to Saints and in them Stows
Vests, Vails, Gold Silver things, and Curious shows
Of Reliques, Masses, Gemmed Ornaments,
Priests Wedded damms, and Latine Service, sents
Of Hell, Commands all Churches to attend,
Except Polone and Bulgar. doth ascend
Above Imperiall Might, excludeth Kings
From Synods, save where Faiths sweet doctrine springs.
Will have the Pope all Lawless, judgd of none.
And like to God almighty be alone.
Lewis him meeting doth unmount and led
His horse into the tent, while rode this head.
Did harass Lothair, who had put away
Thietberg his Strumpet wife, took Waldrada
Into his bed. Did threash them both away
And mews him in a Monkish hive to stay
Not hearing of the Case, no right nor reason
Could make him hear both parties. Oh what treason.
Gunthare, and Thetgand in a Counsill calld
At Metz approving the Divorce are halld
Unheard, and Excommunicated and
Deposd, oppresst and smootherd by his hand.
But Death draws on, and tabers on his doore
And down he falls. Good Sir, go pay your Scoare.
The Seate to Adrian the Second came
Who took without th'Imperiall leave the Same.
The Church begun by Nicholas he much
Adornd with various Pictures: and he Such
As in a book subscribd that they did own.
The Pope of Rome all Churches heads alone,
Unto Constantinople, Synod would
Admit: permits no laick Prince up hold,
Nor King nor Emperour whoere he be
An hand in choosing Bishops, (Good Decree)
That Patriarchates to themselves inclose.
King Lothair came to Rome himselfe to clear
From Crimes against him that objected were
To whom he so the Supper gave that hee
Soon after his departing's made a fee
For Death, and all his nobles that attend
Him did, did in that year come to their end[.]
Lampert Duke of Spoleto he did Spoile
Ands Dukdom to himselfe Subdue and Soile.
Alphred the King of England he adopts
His Son, and Crowns him, brings him to his Chops.
But after all his pride a morsell he
Unto the Chops of Death is made to bee.
And is invested too: did Altars reare
And Churches too to Saints and in them Stows
Vests, Vails, Gold Silver things, and Curious shows
Of Reliques, Masses, Gemmed Ornaments,
Priests Wedded damms, and Latine Service, sents
Of Hell, Commands all Churches to attend,
Except Polone and Bulgar. doth ascend
Above Imperiall Might, excludeth Kings
From Synods, save where Faiths sweet doctrine springs.
Will have the Pope all Lawless, judgd of none.
And like to God almighty be alone.
Lewis him meeting doth unmount and led
His horse into the tent, while rode this head.
Did harass Lothair, who had put away
Thietberg his Strumpet wife, took Waldrada
And mews him in a Monkish hive to stay
Not hearing of the Case, no right nor reason
Could make him hear both parties. Oh what treason.
Gunthare, and Thetgand in a Counsill calld
At Metz approving the Divorce are halld
Unheard, and Excommunicated and
Deposd, oppresst and smootherd by his hand.
But Death draws on, and tabers on his doore
And down he falls. Good Sir, go pay your Scoare.
The Seate to Adrian the Second came
Who took without th'Imperiall leave the Same.
The Church begun by Nicholas he much
Adornd with various Pictures: and he Such
As in a book subscribd that they did own.
The Pope of Rome all Churches heads alone,
Unto Constantinople, Synod would
Admit: permits no laick Prince up hold,
Nor King nor Emperour whoere he be
An hand in choosing Bishops, (Good Decree)
That Patriarchates to themselves inclose.
King Lothair came to Rome himselfe to clear
From Crimes against him that objected were
To whom he so the Supper gave that hee
Soon after his departing's made a fee
For Death, and all his nobles that attend
Him did, did in that year come to their end[.]
Lampert Duke of Spoleto he did Spoile
Ands Dukdom to himselfe Subdue and Soile.
Alphred the King of England he adopts
His Son, and Crowns him, brings him to his Chops.
But after all his pride a morsell he
Unto the Chops of Death is made to bee.
John None doth clap his bum in Peters Chaire
Like to his Predicessors, of them's the Heir.
Did King it o're the Churches and doth slight
Th'Authority of Princes, doth up height
Monks Priest, and goods that to the Church belong
Above all Civill Power, be't right or Wrong.
Rides over Princes heads. And Charles the Balld
By Silver hifts he Emperour enstalld.
Hee did displease the Romans, wherefore they
His Holiness did in the prison lay.
Out of their pound he Slips, to France he go'th
And Lewis Balb Crown King of France he doth.
And Charles the Gross King of the German Men
Makes Emperour with Imperiall Diadem.
And having run his race he did repare
Unto his Fathers as their rightfull heire[.]
Like to his Predicessors, of them's the Heir.
Did King it o're the Churches and doth slight
Th'Authority of Princes, doth up height
Monks Priest, and goods that to the Church belong
Above all Civill Power, be't right or Wrong.
Rides over Princes heads. And Charles the Balld
By Silver hifts he Emperour enstalld.
Hee did displease the Romans, wherefore they
His Holiness did in the prison lay.
Out of their pound he Slips, to France he go'th
And Lewis Balb Crown King of France he doth.
And Charles the Gross King of the German Men
Makes Emperour with Imperiall Diadem.
And having run his race he did repare
Unto his Fathers as their rightfull heire[.]
In Lewis the 3d's Reigh begining Ano. Dni. 881.
Martin the third doth on the Beast back jump.And witcheries some Call his horse block-stump.
Formosus of his Oath who then resolves
No more to Come to Rome, nor undertake
A Clergy Office, and much of him makes.
But breathing time is short he doth his line
To his Successor speedily resigne.
In Charles 3d time begining 886.
Agapitus then broke his Shell and peeps
An nother bird still of like feather keeps.
A little while in't, then falls in Deaths Maw.
An nother bird still of like feather keeps.
A little while in't, then falls in Deaths Maw.
Then Adrian the third is hatcht, Cries Caugh.
He with the Senate, and the Citizen,
Decrees that hence th'Imperiall Diadem
Shall not be troubled with Electing Popes
But freedom yields the Folk and Clergie's Votes.
Good night good Emperours, we take our leave
Of your Electing Popes. Your hands off heave
From our high Miters: for our Steeples Stand
Above your Crowns, Towers, Turrits or Commands.
He with the Senate, and the Citizen,
Decrees that hence th'Imperiall Diadem
Shall not be troubled with Electing Popes
But freedom yields the Folk and Clergie's Votes.
Good night good Emperours, we take our leave
Of your Electing Popes. Your hands off heave
From our high Miters: for our Steeples Stand
Above your Crowns, Towers, Turrits or Commands.
In Odo's Reign begining 891
But Death him Crops: Basil did him Succeed
But how we se not: yet a Popish weed.
And then rose Stephen Quintus all enguild
In Superst[it]ion, he first Statutes boild
Up of the Church of Rome, till necessary
For all Unto Salvation, (Sir be wary.)
And though he sits like God in his esteem
Death breaths upon him, he's no longer seen.
But how we se not: yet a Popish weed.
And then rose Stephen Quintus all enguild
In Superst[it]ion, he first Statutes boild
Up of the Church of Rome, till necessary
For all Unto Salvation, (Sir be wary.)
And though he sits like God in his esteem
Death breaths upon him, he's no longer seen.
Formosus then came in, a tumult which
Rusht in the Church: and off their hands did twitch
That were ordaining Sergius and made
Them on Formosus forthwith to be laid.
Who provd as ranck as any of the Crew
Then Boniface twenty Six dayes up grew
But by a Cup of poison fell perhaps.
And then on Stephen Sext the Miter flaps,
Who calls a Synod and their Statutes nulls.
His buri'd Corps some from his grave out pulls
Strip of the Papall Robes, in laicks vest
And him with laiks bury, yet's molest,
For two years hence he is tooke up; and they
Cut off two fingers, he was wont to lay
Upon the heads of such he Consecrates
And into Tyber's Cast. Fish are Popes mates[.]
Rusht in the Church: and off their hands did twitch
That were ordaining Sergius and made
Them on Formosus forthwith to be laid.
Who provd as ranck as any of the Crew
Then Boniface twenty Six dayes up grew
But by a Cup of poison fell perhaps.
And then on Stephen Sext the Miter flaps,
Who calls a Synod and their Statutes nulls.
His buri'd Corps some from his grave out pulls
Strip of the Papall Robes, in laicks vest
And him with laiks bury, yet's molest,
For two years hence he is tooke up; and they
Cut off two fingers, he was wont to lay
Upon the heads of such he Consecrates
And into Tyber's Cast. Fish are Popes mates[.]
Romanus him succeeds a three months bird.
Then Theodore in't ninteen dayes just flurd.
What strange Confusion's here? What shapes of pride?
Stephen, and this Formosus at once Slide
Into the Chair which 'fore the Cushion they
Desert, four more their bums upon it lay.
Its well perfumd I doubt not, all on't sit
Did in this Century or Pens do slip,
But what a Crew of Lucifers here trod
Their Dam, Soaring above the Stars of God.
But all the while Patience wares Glories blush
To See such towring Pride Such and so flush.
And other rich Examples out might stare
Of Haughtiness to shew beyond Compare
The glorious Robes Patience hath got upon her,
But these Sufficient are to shew her Honour.
Then Theodore in't ninteen dayes just flurd.
What strange Confusion's here? What shapes of pride?
Stephen, and this Formosus at once Slide
Into the Chair which 'fore the Cushion they
Desert, four more their bums upon it lay.
Its well perfumd I doubt not, all on't sit
Did in this Century or Pens do slip,
But what a Crew of Lucifers here trod
Their Dam, Soaring above the Stars of God.
To See such towring Pride Such and so flush.
And other rich Examples out might stare
Of Haughtiness to shew beyond Compare
The glorious Robes Patience hath got upon her,
But these Sufficient are to shew her Honour.
Contentions under the Reigns of the Emperour East as Nicephorus/West a Charles Mag from 803/800
Contentions now of Various Shapes, and Hews
Lift up their Turcky Faces[,] Coler Spews
It's Gall in Patience's Face it to defile
Which make its beauty more effulgent smile.
Lift up their Turcky Faces[,] Coler Spews
It's Gall in Patience's Face it to defile
Which make its beauty more effulgent smile.
When Irenee the Emperess did by
The second Nicene Counsill Ratify
Vile Image worship, and so squar'd with Rome
A smiling peace with East and West Church soon
Ensu'de which was but broken winded Stuff.
For Constantine by Franckford Counsill Chuff,
Finding the same by Law Divine Condemn'd
By other Godly Doctors who Contemn'd
Such Idoll Stuff, struck down Nicene Decrees
Irenee hence stroyes Constantine. Strange Fees.
Yet when Nicepherus arose he brake
Off Image Worship and Rome's pride did hate.
The second Nicene Counsill Ratify
Vile Image worship, and so squar'd with Rome
A smiling peace with East and West Church soon
Ensu'de which was but broken winded Stuff.
For Constantine by Franckford Counsill Chuff,
Finding the same by Law Divine Condemn'd
By other Godly Doctors who Contemn'd
Such Idoll Stuff, struck down Nicene Decrees
Irenee hence stroyes Constantine. Strange Fees.
Yet when Nicepherus arose he brake
Off Image Worship and Rome's pride did hate.
Plato, who saw Tarase approve the Case
Of Constantine who did 'gainst right imbrace
The Harlot Theodate, while's wife Surviv'd,
With drew Communion. Hence broiles sprung, thriv'd,
And greaten'd much. Some did for Plato stand,
Some for Tarase, whom dead they out of hand
Chase soon Nicephorus the Secretary
A Laick for their Patriarch: they vary.
Plato, and Theodore oppose the Same.
Nicephorus Calls a Synod on the flame
Who wards the Emperour for to Expell
Plato and's Party from their town and Cell.
The which he did not onely, but thereto
Doth adde this inch, did them in prison throw.
Of Constantine who did 'gainst right imbrace
The Harlot Theodate, while's wife Surviv'd,
With drew Communion. Hence broiles sprung, thriv'd,
And greaten'd much. Some did for Plato stand,
Some for Tarase, whom dead they out of hand
Chase soon Nicephorus the Secretary
A Laick for their Patriarch: they vary.
Plato, and Theodore oppose the Same.
Nicephorus Calls a Synod on the flame
Who wards the Emperour for to Expell
Plato and's Party from their town and Cell.
The which he did not onely, but thereto
Doth adde this inch, did them in prison throw.
Under the Eastern/Western Emperour Michael 812/Charles Mag
Michael the Emperour Proclaims it byNicepherus the Patriarch and his fry
It Capitall to be a Manichee
Paulitian, or Attingan, others plea,
Priests may not set Capitall Punishment
On Sinners but of such ------
And such like Scuffles rose up many an one.
Under Lewis the Pious West/Leo 5 the East 815/814
Pope Leo Dead, his foes do broach new broils.But Stephen Quart to quench the firey toiles
Entreates King Lewis those for Leo's Sake
Charles banisht, might return, so th'fire did Make.
But Stephen dead, the folk and Clergy bigg
With things Seditious Paschall up did rig
And Popefy. Lewis not privy to't
Then Lea slay and Theodore, of note
Who Lothair's right mentain'd. But Paschal purgd
Himselfe by Oath, lest for the fact he's Scourg'd.
Constantinoples Leo Emperour
Did Image worship by good Law abhor.
Hence Nicephor did with his Image Crew
By Pens, and Preaching gall upon him Spew.
But he observing all their Rhetorick
Want Scripture force Nicephorus did kick
Into Exile who su'de to Michael Balb
To have him, and his Image work recalld.
But all in vain. More Image Stir was made
By Methody, and Euthymy till paid
Well for the Same. This mischiefe also flames
Till Stripes it damps, when the Imperiall Rains
Were by Theophilus mentain'd, which Strife
Raisd up for Images by Michaels wife.
Under Lewis 2d/Lewis 3d West Emperour 879/881 Basilius East Emperour. 866.
Ignatius Byzants Patriarch for badMichael the Emperour the Supper. Sad.
Who had his wife causlessly put away
And usd his Sons Wife. Hence began the fray.
His Stomach Swells: his gall now overflows.
Ignatius he in Banishment bestows.
Whom Romes base Legats did in Synod damn.
With all his mates. Pope Nick here at Cryes ham,
Rescinds his Legats Acts, illegall calls
Ignatius Exile. Photius acts down halls.
Photius forbids Basil the Sacrament
For Slaying Michael, he in discontent
A Synod gets, who him did charge because
Anothers Seat Envades he 'gainst good Laws.
Hence out Packs Photius. In comes once again
Ignatius in the Patriarchate main.
Rome and Ravenna to't go tooth and naile
But John's nose thrust is under th'Popes Sweet taile[.]
By Scythians fell to Pagan rites, yet blesst
With a Conversion to the Faith, a flame
Twixt East and West Popes brake out for the Same.
Rome saith they're mine, I did them teachers send.
New Rome saith nay, they're mine they do attend
My Ceremonies, and indeed they come
And to the Eastern Empire do belong.
A Synod at Constantinople shines
To judge the Right, which nothing yet defines.
The Bulgars send to Rome for Ministers.
Leopard, Dominick, and Sylvester
Are sent, but quickly finding how they're polld
Thereby, their Roman Priests they out, and rowld
Themselves upon the Greeks: Hence quarrells fly
Betwixt the Greeke, and Latine Churches high.
Under Charles the bald/Odo, or Eudes West Emperour 886/891 Leo the Sixt East 886
Now some mentain Christs Body and his Blood
Under no Figure in his Supper Scud.
Others deny it. Charles the Bald therefore
Did Bertrams Definition of't implore,
Who thus defines we with no bodies Eyes
Se not Christs Body nor his blood to rise.
Yet with our Mouth in very truth do eate
That Body, that was Crucifide for meate.
And drinck that blood shed on the Cross for us.
The words of Christ defines the matter thus.
Under no Figure in his Supper Scud.
Others deny it. Charles the Bald therefore
Did Bertrams Definition of't implore,
Who thus defines we with no bodies Eyes
Se not Christs Body nor his blood to rise.
Yet with our Mouth in very truth do eate
That Body, that was Crucifide for meate.
And drinck that blood shed on the Cross for us.
The words of Christ defines the matter thus.
Hincmar of Laudune granted Charles the Bald,
Some Goods the Church did own, and never calld
For leave of others: that Charles might them sign.
Sorry hereat, he crav'd them back again.
Which when he rendred not forth with, a flame
Of Excommunication from him fell,
Hincmar of Rhemes Archbishop now did Swell.
A Synod held at Worms did disallow
This Excommunication. Wherefore now
He to the Pope appeals, the Synod then
And Charles did joyntly his appeale condemn.
And Cite an Africk Canon that strife shall
Be judgd in Province where it Sprung up all.
He quickly after Chargd his Priests to cease
Their Ministeriall function. Farewell Peace.
Hincmar of Rhemes pronounceth that decree
All over stufft with wickedness to bee.
The Pope now grins at Hincmar, cause he did
Laudune's appeale unto the Pope forbid
And cause he did not at the Popes Command
Laudune and other three ------
Cause Charles the Bald he Excommunicates
Not, who the Realm of Lothair had of late.
And cause he did not anathematize
Nortman that Laudune Churchgoods made his prize.
Hincmar of Rhenes replies, it is not so
He ne'er forbad th' appeale, nor them to do.
That he without the King could not depart
Much less send others out of th'realm, poore heart!
That Charles by Covenant did reign. And that
The Pears did count it news and a Strange spat
That Popes assume unto themselves to judge
De jure thus of Kingdoms. And grow budge.
He cannot be a Bishop, and a King
He with his Spirituall Care Content should Spring.
And for the last, it was a Papall Ly.
Nortman did not on Churches matters fly.
The Bishop gave the King them, he them him.
Yet after part was given by the King
Unto the Church: and part the Bishop gave
To Nortmans Son. Thus he displaid the Knave[.]
Some Goods the Church did own, and never calld
For leave of others: that Charles might them sign.
Sorry hereat, he crav'd them back again.
Which when he rendred not forth with, a flame
Of Excommunication from him fell,
Hincmar of Rhemes Archbishop now did Swell.
A Synod held at Worms did disallow
This Excommunication. Wherefore now
He to the Pope appeals, the Synod then
And Charles did joyntly his appeale condemn.
And Cite an Africk Canon that strife shall
Be judgd in Province where it Sprung up all.
He quickly after Chargd his Priests to cease
Their Ministeriall function. Farewell Peace.
Hincmar of Rhemes pronounceth that decree
All over stufft with wickedness to bee.
The Pope now grins at Hincmar, cause he did
Laudune's appeale unto the Pope forbid
And cause he did not at the Popes Command
Laudune and other three ------
Not, who the Realm of Lothair had of late.
And cause he did not anathematize
Nortman that Laudune Churchgoods made his prize.
Hincmar of Rhenes replies, it is not so
He ne'er forbad th' appeale, nor them to do.
That he without the King could not depart
Much less send others out of th'realm, poore heart!
That Charles by Covenant did reign. And that
The Pears did count it news and a Strange spat
That Popes assume unto themselves to judge
De jure thus of Kingdoms. And grow budge.
He cannot be a Bishop, and a King
He with his Spirituall Care Content should Spring.
And for the last, it was a Papall Ly.
Nortman did not on Churches matters fly.
The Bishop gave the King them, he them him.
Yet after part was given by the King
Unto the Church: and part the Bishop gave
To Nortmans Son. Thus he displaid the Knave[.]
When Charles the Bald Hincmars Appeale delayd
Pope Adrians Letters did the King upbraid
Of Tyranny Perfidious Perjury.
Rebuking him, because not patiently
He bore the Popish lies, and Chastisments.
And with such Phrases unto him, he vents
We Will, and Charge by our Apostolick Power
Hincmar himselfe Bishop of Laudune's tower,
Sir, with your leave advanc'd, Come Speedily
To th' Sacred Threasholds, and our Clemency.
Who being Come, let likewise here appeare
His brisk Accuser who by no law cleare
May be refusd. Then in our presence soon,
And Synod Conclave of the See of Rome.
His Cause by prudent triall fand, and searcht
Without all juggling, as God display'd,
And Sacred Cannons by God Spirit made.
Pope Adrians Letters did the King upbraid
Of Tyranny Perfidious Perjury.
Rebuking him, because not patiently
He bore the Popish lies, and Chastisments.
And with such Phrases unto him, he vents
We Will, and Charge by our Apostolick Power
Hincmar himselfe Bishop of Laudune's tower,
Sir, with your leave advanc'd, Come Speedily
To th' Sacred Threasholds, and our Clemency.
Who being Come, let likewise here appeare
His brisk Accuser who by no law cleare
May be refusd. Then in our presence soon,
And Synod Conclave of the See of Rome.
His Cause by prudent triall fand, and searcht
Without all juggling, as God display'd,
And Sacred Cannons by God Spirit made.
Charles in greate indignation tooke this thing,
And tells him 'twas unseemly Popes should fling
Such railing letters at him, who Sustaind
Bright Majesty, did nothing rightly blam'de,
Was never yet accused lawfully
Of any Crime, nor was Convicted by
The Bishops judgment. And goes on and saith
Seing thy Predicessours better Faith
Have shew'd, than t'write unto the Kings of France
Such foppish, and Imperious Letters dance
And sharply Chides him, that without all proofe
He Charg'd him with such crimes, and also shew'th
He studious was to Stab and not to Cure
Contrary to a Pastors Office sure.
He did deny that hee impatiently
Commands, and true Correction Gods word ply,
Sustaind: retorts this Check upon himselfe
As guilty of this Fault, a peevish Elfe.
He also did his Proud Command oppose:
And proves he 'gainst his Predicessours goes,
And Gods own Word: which doth forbid to set,
A Grove in's Temple, that is thus, to get
The Worlds black Picture in his Church: which hold
The Light of Simplicity to all men should.
He saith its 'gainst his Law and Power to Crow,
Ore Kings who punish Sins, to Rome men t'throw.
And also this he prooves, contrary springs
Unto the Law and Custom of French Kings.
And on he goes, and to be briefe doth say,
I'le come to Rome and Hincmar's Charge display
Even when I list; and did forbid that hee
Do any more such things write to him: see,
Or to his Bishops of his Pears, or things
Which they may piously reject as Sins.
And tells him 'twas unseemly Popes should fling
Such railing letters at him, who Sustaind
Bright Majesty, did nothing rightly blam'de,
Was never yet accused lawfully
Of any Crime, nor was Convicted by
The Bishops judgment. And goes on and saith
Seing thy Predicessours better Faith
Have shew'd, than t'write unto the Kings of France
Such foppish, and Imperious Letters dance
And sharply Chides him, that without all proofe
He Charg'd him with such crimes, and also shew'th
He studious was to Stab and not to Cure
Contrary to a Pastors Office sure.
Commands, and true Correction Gods word ply,
Sustaind: retorts this Check upon himselfe
As guilty of this Fault, a peevish Elfe.
He also did his Proud Command oppose:
And proves he 'gainst his Predicessours goes,
And Gods own Word: which doth forbid to set,
A Grove in's Temple, that is thus, to get
The Worlds black Picture in his Church: which hold
The Light of Simplicity to all men should.
He saith its 'gainst his Law and Power to Crow,
Ore Kings who punish Sins, to Rome men t'throw.
And also this he prooves, contrary springs
Unto the Law and Custom of French Kings.
And on he goes, and to be briefe doth say,
I'le come to Rome and Hincmar's Charge display
Even when I list; and did forbid that hee
Do any more such things write to him: see,
Or to his Bishops of his Pears, or things
Which they may piously reject as Sins.
Charles also Chode Ravenna's Priests, because
Of Monks made priests they changd against their Laws,
Their monkish Weeds into Priests Robes: whereby
They Discord hatch, are stain'd with perjury.
They did reply hereto Celestine, and
Pope Leo too Consented Monks should stand,
By Doctrine, Life, and Purity of Minde.
And not by Habit, Vest, or Cloaths, defin'd
Their Ancestors, yea and the Church of Rome
Attended this. And none did at them fume.
Of Monks made priests they changd against their Laws,
Their monkish Weeds into Priests Robes: whereby
They Discord hatch, are stain'd with perjury.
They did reply hereto Celestine, and
Pope Leo too Consented Monks should stand,
By Doctrine, Life, and Purity of Minde.
And not by Habit, Vest, or Cloaths, defin'd
Their Ancestors, yea and the Church of Rome
Attended this. And none did at them fume.
Leo the Eastern Emperour doth wed
A fourth Wife. Which disturbe the Patriarch's head.
He with's Church Keyes fights 'gainsts Leo's Sword.
Did Censure him, who hence asserts, Gods word
Forbids not any a fourth marriage so
When Nick would not absolve him, he must go
Into Exile; soon after, Lawe defines
Any wed might twice, thrice or full foure times
And thus things, gangrene-like, ore Spreading all
This Century Patience's tears down fall.
A fourth Wife. Which disturbe the Patriarch's head.
He with's Church Keyes fights 'gainsts Leo's Sword.
Did Censure him, who hence asserts, Gods word
Forbids not any a fourth marriage so
When Nick would not absolve him, he must go
Into Exile; soon after, Lawe defines
Any wed might twice, thrice or full foure times
And thus things, gangrene-like, ore Spreading all
This Century Patience's tears down fall.
Contentious Fire thus burning of the Shins
Of Gospellers, I leape from; yet do sindge
My feathers in those flames wherein they rost
The Gospell flesh in Persecutions Coast,
Gotrick the Dan[i]sh King an Hater keen
Of Christian Faith endeavers in sharp spleen
By Guile, Threats, Cruilty to terrify
The Saxons from the Faith: and Pastors Stroy.
And Bishop Salvy, Winigard the Steward
Did put to Death: The Huns and Avars ur'de
To mischiefe, many pious persons slay.
The Sclave, Bohemians too attend such play.
The Hillions beyond the Abbis and
The Britons up their Gentilism fand
And new Destructions do devise to fling
On Christians, till Charles did destroy their wing.
The Saracens who wast Galatia
And Cappadoce, and Cyprus, leavell lay
Their Churches; and the People Captivate
A Temple build to Mahomet in State.
Of Gospellers, I leape from; yet do sindge
My feathers in those flames wherein they rost
The Gospell flesh in Persecutions Coast,
Gotrick the Dan[i]sh King an Hater keen
Of Christian Faith endeavers in sharp spleen
By Guile, Threats, Cruilty to terrify
The Saxons from the Faith: and Pastors Stroy.
Did put to Death: The Huns and Avars ur'de
To mischiefe, many pious persons slay.
The Sclave, Bohemians too attend such play.
The Hillions beyond the Abbis and
The Britons up their Gentilism fand
And new Destructions do devise to fling
On Christians, till Charles did destroy their wing.
The Saracens who wast Galatia
And Cappadoce, and Cyprus, leavell lay
Their Churches; and the People Captivate
A Temple build to Mahomet in State.
Mich'el the Eastern Prince in rage did fly
On Nicholas, and's Mate who did decry
The worshipping of Images and made
Nick to recant: but when his mate delai'd
He cut his tongue out: of which pain he di'de.
And rag'd 'gainst Such as down such worship cri'de.
On Nicholas, and's Mate who did decry
The worshipping of Images and made
Nick to recant: but when his mate delai'd
He cut his tongue out: of which pain he di'de.
And rag'd 'gainst Such as down such worship cri'de.
Leo the Eastern Prince when better taught
Out of Gods word all image worship brought
To be cast down, its patriots expelld:
Mich'el the Stutterer whom some Peeres held
In much esteem flew on him as he sat
Singing of Holy Songs in's Chappell, hat
Him down, cut off his Head and hands and drew
His Trunck about the Horse Circk in base hew.
His Sons did geld them exild: in Zeale
To image worship, thus the Wreath did Steale.
When Friderick Traject's Bishop gave rebuke
To Lewis King who th' Daughter of the Duke
Of Bavare, his own Kin had married
That if the King did not dismiss that bed
He would him Excommunicate and rightly
By the Authority of the Almighty,
And quickly after by the Emperess
He deaths Dark region sent is to possess.
Out of Gods word all image worship brought
To be cast down, its patriots expelld:
Mich'el the Stutterer whom some Peeres held
In much esteem flew on him as he sat
Singing of Holy Songs in's Chappell, hat
Him down, cut off his Head and hands and drew
His Trunck about the Horse Circk in base hew.
His Sons did geld them exild: in Zeale
To image worship, thus the Wreath did Steale.
When Friderick Traject's Bishop gave rebuke
To Lewis King who th' Daughter of the Duke
Of Bavare, his own Kin had married
That if the King did not dismiss that bed
He would him Excommunicate and rightly
By the Authority of the Almighty,
And quickly after by the Emperess
He deaths Dark region sent is to possess.
Bardas in th' East his wife did put away
And with his Sons wifes companies doth stay
Ignatius hence him Excommunicates.
And other Ministers approove 't. He hates
And take the Bishop, and imprison'd in
A Sepulcher, and after banisht him.
The Normans Persecute the Frisers, Gauls,
And Francks, and up 'gain Ethnick worship hall.
At Nantz the Bishop while baptizing they
With other Christians on the Sabbath slay.
The Danes do burn down Hamburgh Church and drive
Ansgare with Priests and Pupills from their hive.
Rernigius bishop of Antisiodore
The Sorrows of these times did thus deplore
There's Persecutions raisd by Pagans rage
[Bottom of page worn away] ------ sage.
The Pagan Kings, and Persecuters guisd
Baptized are, the Divell's not baptiz'd.
Who Secretly in Secret ones doth rage
That is, in wicked Christians of the age.
The French Kings jarring many godly flew
The Danes and Normans Lotharingy through
And France, for heathen Worship did in ire
Churches, and Christians treate with Sword and fire.
The Castle at Saint Lot, Surrendred they
Constance's Bishop, and the People Slay.
They make incursion far as Worms, and still
Mentz's Bishop Sunderold and many kill.
Cities, and Citizens, Bishops and flock
Brave Churches and believers troop down knock.
And burnt together; and Moravians
Stroy, all save one Church of th' Hungarians.
And while these Cruelties thus welt in blood
Patience her bleeding teares down trickling Skud.
Contentions thus tareing her garments by
Their thorny prickles doth her glorify.
And with his Sons wifes companies doth stay
Ignatius hence him Excommunicates.
And other Ministers approove 't. He hates
And take the Bishop, and imprison'd in
A Sepulcher, and after banisht him.
The Normans Persecute the Frisers, Gauls,
And Francks, and up 'gain Ethnick worship hall.
At Nantz the Bishop while baptizing they
With other Christians on the Sabbath slay.
The Danes do burn down Hamburgh Church and drive
Ansgare with Priests and Pupills from their hive.
Rernigius bishop of Antisiodore
The Sorrows of these times did thus deplore
There's Persecutions raisd by Pagans rage
[Bottom of page worn away] ------ sage.
Baptized are, the Divell's not baptiz'd.
Who Secretly in Secret ones doth rage
That is, in wicked Christians of the age.
The French Kings jarring many godly flew
The Danes and Normans Lotharingy through
And France, for heathen Worship did in ire
Churches, and Christians treate with Sword and fire.
The Castle at Saint Lot, Surrendred they
Constance's Bishop, and the People Slay.
They make incursion far as Worms, and still
Mentz's Bishop Sunderold and many kill.
Cities, and Citizens, Bishops and flock
Brave Churches and believers troop down knock.
And burnt together; and Moravians
Stroy, all save one Church of th' Hungarians.
And while these Cruelties thus welt in blood
Patience her bleeding teares down trickling Skud.
Contentions thus tareing her garments by
Their thorny prickles doth her glorify.
Patience Exercised under Apostasy.
And now we pass unto the Wainscoat Pews
Of Rancke Apostasy, which doth abuse
Rich Patience, till her Girdle all like gold
For glory shineth in each Sparkling fold.
And as I take the sent the Ranckest fume
Of Arch Apostates, is the Reech of Rome.
Whose pot is wallopping untill its Scum
Runs in the fire, foists of each Popes Sweet bum.
That do perfume the aire breizd ore his Sea
Some hold their nose thereat, come out, away
Others Calld Hereticks do beare this brand
The Papists gave them 'cause they them withstand.
Such was Theoda who professt to have
Celestiall Visions, Doomes day out she gave
Should be that very yeare, wherefore she's ti'de
Unto a Whip stock scourg'd because she li'de
In Beiga Godescalk up sprang who sung
The Father God greater than God the Son
That by necessity of Providence
Some must in Hell, some in Heaven commence.
In Phrygia, Atingans, Paulicians too
Up Sprang a Sort of Manichees up grew.
King Chilperick was Arianisd also
Mich'el the balb a Saducee did grow.
But Image mongery whose Spirits boild
In Romes fat Pottage Pot all Churches oyld.
Whose fopperies that Patience Sighs to see.
Unto the Shine of Truth reserved bee.
But this Apostasy doth mostly range
In Superstitions fields Wherefore her Grange
I come an Hunting in: and lusty Pusses
Do form herein: which up my hunter rushes.
Of Rancke Apostasy, which doth abuse
Rich Patience, till her Girdle all like gold
For glory shineth in each Sparkling fold.
And as I take the sent the Ranckest fume
Of Arch Apostates, is the Reech of Rome.
Whose pot is wallopping untill its Scum
Runs in the fire, foists of each Popes Sweet bum.
That do perfume the aire breizd ore his Sea
Some hold their nose thereat, come out, away
Others Calld Hereticks do beare this brand
The Papists gave them 'cause they them withstand.
Such was Theoda who professt to have
Celestiall Visions, Doomes day out she gave
Should be that very yeare, wherefore she's ti'de
Unto a Whip stock scourg'd because she li'de
In Beiga Godescalk up sprang who sung
The Father God greater than God the Son
That by necessity of Providence
Some must in Hell, some in Heaven commence.
In Phrygia, Atingans, Paulicians too
Up Sprang a Sort of Manichees up grew.
King Chilperick was Arianisd also
Mich'el the balb a Saducee did grow.
But Image mongery whose Spirits boild
In Romes fat Pottage Pot all Churches oyld.
Whose fopperies that Patience Sighs to see.
Unto the Shine of Truth reserved bee.
In Superstitions fields Wherefore her Grange
I come an Hunting in: and lusty Pusses
Do form herein: which up my hunter rushes.
Church Consecrations now they make oh Shame
And do it in the trinity's blesst name,
And put their Names upon them thus, Saint Claries
Saint Peters, or Saint Saviours: or Saint Maries.
They Consecrate their Altars, and them Soile
Mongst royall Gifts with Consecrating Oyle
Their Church accomplishments are Altar-Tables,
Pillars, and Pulpits, Pictures, Missalls-Fables.
Lattasses, Crosses, Candles, Candlesticks
Lanthorns and Censars Frankincense smoak thick.
Asyles, and Relicks, Clocks, and Hourglasses
Bells, Organs, Priestly Robes with various dashes
Hood, Tunicks, Circingles, Mantle withall
Dalmatick, Stole Shooes Surplice and Pall.
Were not these Superstitious all these flaws
Would be but freckles in th' Apostate Cause.
We higher mount: when any one in Zeale
Conferd a dowry on the church this peale
With hand on Altar out he rings and said
To God I give and vow all things convay'd
Here in this Scrowle for pardon of my Sins
And of my Parents, Childrens too: for things
That he would have them make attonement for
What ere to Serve in Sacrificing war.
For Solemn Masses, Prayers, and Candle-lights
Alms for the Poor and Clergy: and Church rites
And who so ever shall them steale away
Let him Sustain a Sacralegious pay:
And Alstan Sherburns Bishop did ordain
On Ev'ry Wednsday fifty Psalms-song plain
Be Sung in ev'ry Church and prayers be read
Both for the Living King, and for the Dead.
And in baptizings Raban Maurus thus
The Sign of th' Cross in Heart, and Forehead push.
Then give him Holy Salt to Kill his Worms
Of Sins, then fell with Exorcism-Spurns
The Evill One. Then Spittle put into
His Ears, and nosthrills, them open so.
Then noint his bosom with your holy Oyle
And tween his Shoulders noint the Div'le so foile.
Then bless the Font, and there baptize thou him
In th' name of holy trinity, Strang thing.
Church Keyes oft errd, the harmless locking out
Rabanus deemd these Keyes should have about
With Such as Mad dogs liver gave to cure
Such as were bitten by a mad dog sore.
The Holy Supper's made a Stage play Shew
Of Maumatrey by Massifying Crew[.]
Pope Adrian the Second did it ply
Like bitter Water that of jealosy,
Upon King Lothair whom he thus bespake
With Bread, and Blood in's hand now to partake
If thou art cleare from all Adultery,
And firmly fixt in mind never to ly
More With Waldrad thy Concubine dismisst,
Approach, and take this Feast: (Strike hard good fist)
But if thy Conscience Check thee and thou wilt
Return unto thy Wallowing in guilt
Presume not to receive lest thou it do
Unto thy Dread Damnation, and thy Woe.
Which when receivd the King returning di'de
Then at Placentia: and his Pears did slide
Into their Tombes before the yeare was done.
Doubtless into this Cup much poyson run.
In imitating which, a Synod held
At Worms ordaind that Secret Crimes be queld,
That the Suspected Friers if innocent
Should purge themselves upon the Sacrament.
And do it in the trinity's blesst name,
And put their Names upon them thus, Saint Claries
Saint Peters, or Saint Saviours: or Saint Maries.
They Consecrate their Altars, and them Soile
Mongst royall Gifts with Consecrating Oyle
Their Church accomplishments are Altar-Tables,
Pillars, and Pulpits, Pictures, Missalls-Fables.
Lattasses, Crosses, Candles, Candlesticks
Lanthorns and Censars Frankincense smoak thick.
Asyles, and Relicks, Clocks, and Hourglasses
Bells, Organs, Priestly Robes with various dashes
Hood, Tunicks, Circingles, Mantle withall
Dalmatick, Stole Shooes Surplice and Pall.
Were not these Superstitious all these flaws
Would be but freckles in th' Apostate Cause.
We higher mount: when any one in Zeale
Conferd a dowry on the church this peale
With hand on Altar out he rings and said
To God I give and vow all things convay'd
Here in this Scrowle for pardon of my Sins
And of my Parents, Childrens too: for things
That he would have them make attonement for
What ere to Serve in Sacrificing war.
For Solemn Masses, Prayers, and Candle-lights
Alms for the Poor and Clergy: and Church rites
And who so ever shall them steale away
Let him Sustain a Sacralegious pay:
And Alstan Sherburns Bishop did ordain
On Ev'ry Wednsday fifty Psalms-song plain
Be Sung in ev'ry Church and prayers be read
Both for the Living King, and for the Dead.
And in baptizings Raban Maurus thus
The Sign of th' Cross in Heart, and Forehead push.
Then give him Holy Salt to Kill his Worms
Of Sins, then fell with Exorcism-Spurns
The Evill One. Then Spittle put into
His Ears, and nosthrills, them open so.
Then noint his bosom with your holy Oyle
And tween his Shoulders noint the Div'le so foile.
Then bless the Font, and there baptize thou him
In th' name of holy trinity, Strang thing.
Church Keyes oft errd, the harmless locking out
Rabanus deemd these Keyes should have about
With Such as Mad dogs liver gave to cure
Such as were bitten by a mad dog sore.
The Holy Supper's made a Stage play Shew
Of Maumatrey by Massifying Crew[.]
Like bitter Water that of jealosy,
Upon King Lothair whom he thus bespake
With Bread, and Blood in's hand now to partake
If thou art cleare from all Adultery,
And firmly fixt in mind never to ly
More With Waldrad thy Concubine dismisst,
Approach, and take this Feast: (Strike hard good fist)
But if thy Conscience Check thee and thou wilt
Return unto thy Wallowing in guilt
Presume not to receive lest thou it do
Unto thy Dread Damnation, and thy Woe.
Which when receivd the King returning di'de
Then at Placentia: and his Pears did slide
Into their Tombes before the yeare was done.
Doubtless into this Cup much poyson run.
In imitating which, a Synod held
At Worms ordaind that Secret Crimes be queld,
That the Suspected Friers if innocent
Should purge themselves upon the Sacrament.
Constantinople's Emperour the Son
Of Theodora Michal bred up Some
Vile youngsters who in priestly Dress do fain
To offer up the Host unbloody slain.
In their Assembly Micha'l was one
When they unto this Horrid Sport then shown,
In golden Cups Stuck with rich Gems, did mix
Mustard with Vinegar, and gave in tricks.
Of Theodora Michal bred up Some
Vile youngsters who in priestly Dress do fain
To offer up the Host unbloody slain.
In their Assembly Micha'l was one
When they unto this Horrid Sport then shown,
In golden Cups Stuck with rich Gems, did mix
Mustard with Vinegar, and gave in tricks.
And some through folly did instead of Wine
Use Water, most did wine and water joyne.
Some gave to Children, and Bystanders there
The Consecrated Host, Christ Body Cheere.
Raban Condemns the Eating Flesh in Lent:
A Priest that eat then in despare was shent.
They Worship Crosses with Orations, prayers
Yea dead mens bones and Relicks (Holy wares).
Persons possesst, in Sacred places lay
By Dead Saints, thus to chase the Fiend away.
To Fire, or Water Ordial they go
Enchaind to tell if innocent, or no.
They clarkify the Sons of Kings, you'l find
Now Charloman a Deacon 'gainst his minde.
Basil the Emperour his youngest Son
And Drogo Lewis his, are of this Sum.
Ignatius too Son of Michael is plac'de
Constantinoples Bishop all begrac'de.
But these fat Clericks never fed the flock
But for the Golden Fleece they tend the lock.
Now Bartram, and Paschase the Seeds do sow
Of Transsubstantiation, which up grow.
But Romes Fat Bishop overjets the rest,
In tyranny and Supers[ti]tion drest.
But as these things did Patience exercise
So also did those Lying Prodagies.
Of such a die as these my pen recites.
Numeneus King of the Britons hights
On horsback saw Bishop Maurilio
Stand by him looking Crabbidly him to
Saying thou Cruell Roague desist to stroy
Gods Church; and Cudgeld him hence by, and by
He went away thus strapt, was carri'd home,
And quickly left his kingdom for his Tomb.
Use Water, most did wine and water joyne.
Some gave to Children, and Bystanders there
The Consecrated Host, Christ Body Cheere.
Raban Condemns the Eating Flesh in Lent:
A Priest that eat then in despare was shent.
They Worship Crosses with Orations, prayers
Yea dead mens bones and Relicks (Holy wares).
Persons possesst, in Sacred places lay
By Dead Saints, thus to chase the Fiend away.
To Fire, or Water Ordial they go
Enchaind to tell if innocent, or no.
They clarkify the Sons of Kings, you'l find
Now Charloman a Deacon 'gainst his minde.
Basil the Emperour his youngest Son
And Drogo Lewis his, are of this Sum.
Ignatius too Son of Michael is plac'de
Constantinoples Bishop all begrac'de.
But these fat Clericks never fed the flock
But for the Golden Fleece they tend the lock.
Of Transsubstantiation, which up grow.
But Romes Fat Bishop overjets the rest,
In tyranny and Supers[ti]tion drest.
But as these things did Patience exercise
So also did those Lying Prodagies.
Of such a die as these my pen recites.
Numeneus King of the Britons hights
On horsback saw Bishop Maurilio
Stand by him looking Crabbidly him to
Saying thou Cruell Roague desist to stroy
Gods Church; and Cudgeld him hence by, and by
He went away thus strapt, was carri'd home,
And quickly left his kingdom for his Tomb.
Constantine, Leo's Son when drunk, they say
Did at great Greg'ry's Statue for eyes pray
And soon a Demon in his Sleep him bid
To rise, and read My Jesus, which he did,
Which when he had, his voice returnd again
And in the Church he red Distinct, and plain.
When Manuel lay at the point of Death
Him Monks did promise life would he give breath
To image worship which when he had done
His health immediatly did to him run.
A Servant Seven years dumb lay sleeping by
A Pillar in Saint Benite while the fry
Chaunt praise to God: Saint Benit came and said
Rise, Spit thrice on the ground Which he assaid,
And having done the gift of Speech he gain'd
If Writers lies have not their papers staind.
When Martins Relicks were translated ore
For fear of Normans, to Altisiodore,
The Monks Consult whether that Church shall be
Calld Martins, or Libories. They agree,
To set a Leper in their presence and
By prayes to try the vertues of Each hand.
Which done an Oracle from Martins Arke
Salutes him thus I now do cleanse one part
Of thy sad body, and the other do
My brother Libory let fall unto.
Wherefore he turnd to Libory the other
And on the other side did health recover.
Did at great Greg'ry's Statue for eyes pray
And soon a Demon in his Sleep him bid
To rise, and read My Jesus, which he did,
Which when he had, his voice returnd again
And in the Church he red Distinct, and plain.
When Manuel lay at the point of Death
Him Monks did promise life would he give breath
To image worship which when he had done
His health immediatly did to him run.
A Servant Seven years dumb lay sleeping by
A Pillar in Saint Benite while the fry
Chaunt praise to God: Saint Benit came and said
Rise, Spit thrice on the ground Which he assaid,
And having done the gift of Speech he gain'd
If Writers lies have not their papers staind.
When Martins Relicks were translated ore
For fear of Normans, to Altisiodore,
The Monks Consult whether that Church shall be
Calld Martins, or Libories. They agree,
To set a Leper in their presence and
By prayes to try the vertues of Each hand.
Which done an Oracle from Martins Arke
Salutes him thus I now do cleanse one part
Of thy sad body, and the other do
My brother Libory let fall unto.
Wherefore he turnd to Libory the other
And on the other side did health recover.
Cuthbert reveald in Dream to Alfred King
Of England Exild, and his Mothers wing
The Lord me sends to thee with joyous news
England's Sins punishments are ore. She views
Mercie upon her Saints, thou thus Exild
Shalt to thy Throne in glory soon be quoild.
And for a Sign hereof, thy Fishers shall
Come with great Store of fish today took all.
Which is a wonder seing no such thing
Is hoped for in frozen Streams to spring.
But when this happiness doth with thee stay
Me that thee freed and told thee minde I pray.
He and his Mother both this Vision saw
And rising up fell peeling of this Straw.
And in the Fishers came with fish good Store
This seems a Monkish ly, whereof there's more.
Of England Exild, and his Mothers wing
The Lord me sends to thee with joyous news
England's Sins punishments are ore. She views
Mercie upon her Saints, thou thus Exild
Shalt to thy Throne in glory soon be quoild.
Come with great Store of fish today took all.
Which is a wonder seing no such thing
Is hoped for in frozen Streams to spring.
But when this happiness doth with thee stay
Me that thee freed and told thee minde I pray.
He and his Mother both this Vision saw
And rising up fell peeling of this Straw.
And in the Fishers came with fish good Store
This seems a Monkish ly, whereof there's more.
They say the Citizens of Chartres hung
The Virgin Marys Gown out, which there run
From Byzant, by the means of Charles the Balld,
Upon the Wall, a Banner, which then mauld
Rollo the Dane and's Army, smote them blinde
Perchance the Blinding Proverb hence took winde.
The Virgin Marys Gown out, which there run
From Byzant, by the means of Charles the Balld,
Upon the Wall, a Banner, which then mauld
Rollo the Dane and's Army, smote them blinde
Perchance the Blinding Proverb hence took winde.
When Colen Church was Consecrated there,
At night, the Cries of Evill Spirits reare,
Lamenting that they now were drove away
Out of their Seats. How doth the Spirit play.
At night, the Cries of Evill Spirits reare,
Lamenting that they now were drove away
Out of their Seats. How doth the Spirit play.
Lewis his fathers Ghost did to him pear
Adjuring by the Trinity to Steere
Even all his Skill deliverance to bring
Him out of all those torments he was in.
That he at length might have Eternall rest.
Wherefore the Son larg Dowries doth invest
Monasteries withall that they with mass
Might gain his Father from his torments, pass.
Adjuring by the Trinity to Steere
Even all his Skill deliverance to bring
Him out of all those torments he was in.
That he at length might have Eternall rest.
Wherefore the Son larg Dowries doth invest
Monasteries withall that they with mass
Might gain his Father from his torments, pass.
When Lothairs Soul did from him Steale away.
Angells and Demons for it fight: then pray
The Monks, and thereby lend their helping hand
Unto the Angells, who then th'Demons bangd,
And so the booty takes, the Soule obtains
Or else this bout was in the monks ranck [b]rains[.]
Angells and Demons for it fight: then pray
The Monks, and thereby lend their helping hand
Unto the Angells, who then th'Demons bangd,
And so the booty takes, the Soule obtains
Or else this bout was in the monks ranck [b]rains[.]
Turpin asserts that while he was at Mass
Once for the dead, he in a rapture was
And spide a troop of Souldiers with a prey
To whom he said, What Carry you away:
They say, we Carry Marsary to Hell:
Mich'el to heaven bears your Minsterill.
Once for the dead, he in a rapture was
And spide a troop of Souldiers with a prey
To whom he said, What Carry you away:
They say, we Carry Marsary to Hell:
Mich'el to heaven bears your Minsterill.
The Souldier Romarick his horse unto
His Cousen gave to sell him, and bestow
The money on the poore, when he was dead,
But he the horse Sold; kept the pay (base head)
The Souldiers Ghost appears, doth thus him treat,
I thirty dayes have been in Hell compleat.
But now I going up to Paradise
Thou shalt go there to day; because through vice
Thou gav'st not what I bad thee to the poore.
Then Divells caught him, and away him bore.
I in Vienna's Church was praying by
The Altar, saith Turpin, an Extasy
Surprizd me while I sung that Psalm so sweet
God is my Helper. And mine eyes soon meet
Greate troops of Valy Fiends pass on to go
To Lotharingy, after whom though slow
Went one like to a tall tall black-a-moore.
To whom I said, Whither away? Wherefore
He said, to Aquisgrane, we thither stretch,
That we the Soul of Charles to hell may fetch.
Quoth I, I thee by our Lord Jesu's name
Adjure to come to me, tur[n]ing again,
The Psalm was hardly sung but by me they
Did in like order back return a way
I to the last the former catcher pole
Spoke thus: What have ye done, at Charles his dole?
Saith he, Galacian in his Scales did weigh
Such, and so many Stones and Timber gay,
Of his Brave Churches that his good works thus
Oreweighing's ill, he tooke his Soule from us.
His Cousen gave to sell him, and bestow
The money on the poore, when he was dead,
But he the horse Sold; kept the pay (base head)
The Souldiers Ghost appears, doth thus him treat,
I thirty dayes have been in Hell compleat.
But now I going up to Paradise
Thou shalt go there to day; because through vice
Thou gav'st not what I bad thee to the poore.
Then Divells caught him, and away him bore.
The Altar, saith Turpin, an Extasy
Surprizd me while I sung that Psalm so sweet
God is my Helper. And mine eyes soon meet
Greate troops of Valy Fiends pass on to go
To Lotharingy, after whom though slow
Went one like to a tall tall black-a-moore.
To whom I said, Whither away? Wherefore
He said, to Aquisgrane, we thither stretch,
That we the Soul of Charles to hell may fetch.
Quoth I, I thee by our Lord Jesu's name
Adjure to come to me, tur[n]ing again,
The Psalm was hardly sung but by me they
Did in like order back return a way
I to the last the former catcher pole
Spoke thus: What have ye done, at Charles his dole?
Saith he, Galacian in his Scales did weigh
Such, and so many Stones and Timber gay,
Of his Brave Churches that his good works thus
Oreweighing's ill, he tooke his Soule from us.
He likewise said When Charles did vengeance take
Upon the Spaniards for brave Rolands sake
(Who murderd was) the Sun, oh lying quill
For three dayes Space in heaven then Stood Still.
Upon the Spaniards for brave Rolands sake
(Who murderd was) the Sun, oh lying quill
For three dayes Space in heaven then Stood Still.
The Priest Peogil at his Mass prostrate
Pray'd thus, Almighty Shew me (thy poore Waite)
In this great mystery the nature true
Of Christs own body present, let me view
With bod'ly Eyes, the Beauty of the boy
The Virgin bore; and with my hands him try.
And while he pray'd, an Angell said arise
Up quickly, if thou'lt see Christ with thine Eyes.
He's here invest with Corporall attire,
The Virgin bore, after thine own desire.
He trembling lookt up, and saw upon
The Altar th'Fathers Son whom Simeon
Took in his Arms, then thus the Angell said
Seing it pleasd thee Christ to see displai'd,
Whom thou wast wont to Consecrate before,
Under the Shape of Bread with words of Store.
Now View with Eyes hand with these hands of thine.
He then amaizd for joy the Child doth twine
His trembling arms about, and joyns his breast
Unto Christs breast his Lips, his lips kisst presst.
Which done he to the uper end of th'Are
The glorious members of Gods Son did bare.
With Heavenly food Christs Table thus he filld,
Then prayd that all might to their first Shape yield.
And so it came to pass, but all this While
A bloody Sweat hereat doth Patience moile.
Imandus lay Sev'n score and twelve years dead
Was found in body whole, Hair on his head,
With nailes on's digitalls, his teeth out took
Blood poured out: Fy of this monkish fruite.
Pray'd thus, Almighty Shew me (thy poore Waite)
In this great mystery the nature true
Of Christs own body present, let me view
With bod'ly Eyes, the Beauty of the boy
The Virgin bore; and with my hands him try.
And while he pray'd, an Angell said arise
Up quickly, if thou'lt see Christ with thine Eyes.
He's here invest with Corporall attire,
The Virgin bore, after thine own desire.
He trembling lookt up, and saw upon
The Altar th'Fathers Son whom Simeon
Took in his Arms, then thus the Angell said
Seing it pleasd thee Christ to see displai'd,
Whom thou wast wont to Consecrate before,
Under the Shape of Bread with words of Store.
Now View with Eyes hand with these hands of thine.
He then amaizd for joy the Child doth twine
His trembling arms about, and joyns his breast
Unto Christs breast his Lips, his lips kisst presst.
Which done he to the uper end of th'Are
The glorious members of Gods Son did bare.
With Heavenly food Christs Table thus he filld,
Then prayd that all might to their first Shape yield.
And so it came to pass, but all this While
A bloody Sweat hereat doth Patience moile.
Was found in body whole, Hair on his head,
With nailes on's digitalls, his teeth out took
Blood poured out: Fy of this monkish fruite.
The Earle of Altorff's Lady Irmentrude
Chode a poore woman, as a whore, and rude
Who had three babes at once, Scourgd by her means
Yet Irmantrude though bathing in her gleams
Conceivd and fell in travill, twelve forth come,
At such a time her Lord was not at home.
She fearing of like measure, makes her nurse
Eleven of them take and drown (sad Course)
In th'Scherky by, She in her apron takes
The Innocents: But meets the Earle who spakes
What hast thou there? Whelps, quoth she. Let me see
Of all love, said he, if they pritty bee
Ile save the Same. She with this Check did strike,
What will you look on Such base Filthy Sight?
He's resolute, will look, and Childrens sees
Of Beautious Countences, saith whose are these?
She's forc'd to tell the matter. He doth take
And puts them out to nurse, bad her not speake
A word of't to the Countess. Hence first came
The Guelphine House, (that German tongues Whelphs name)
Six years turn round, the Earle a feast doth make
Invites His and Her kindred all, did take
His 'leven Sons neat dresst and them brings to
His Ladie t'se whether she did them know.
She smelt the matter: on her knees did fall,
And begs a pardon: He forgives her all.
And in the Village of Altorff did build
A Nunnery thereby great thanks to yield.
Some take this Story for a monkish ly.
If so, Patience is Exercisd hereby.
Apostasy by Such Strang lurches gi'n
Unto the truth by lying Wonders, Sin
And Heresy, doth bring a glorious Shine
To Patience for her ornamentall Shrine.
Thus having blazd Some Scutchon of her Glory,
My pen doth glide unto another Story.
Chode a poore woman, as a whore, and rude
Who had three babes at once, Scourgd by her means
Yet Irmantrude though bathing in her gleams
Conceivd and fell in travill, twelve forth come,
At such a time her Lord was not at home.
She fearing of like measure, makes her nurse
Eleven of them take and drown (sad Course)
In th'Scherky by, She in her apron takes
The Innocents: But meets the Earle who spakes
What hast thou there? Whelps, quoth she. Let me see
Of all love, said he, if they pritty bee
Ile save the Same. She with this Check did strike,
What will you look on Such base Filthy Sight?
He's resolute, will look, and Childrens sees
Of Beautious Countences, saith whose are these?
She's forc'd to tell the matter. He doth take
And puts them out to nurse, bad her not speake
A word of't to the Countess. Hence first came
The Guelphine House, (that German tongues Whelphs name)
Six years turn round, the Earle a feast doth make
Invites His and Her kindred all, did take
His 'leven Sons neat dresst and them brings to
His Ladie t'se whether she did them know.
She smelt the matter: on her knees did fall,
And begs a pardon: He forgives her all.
And in the Village of Altorff did build
A Nunnery thereby great thanks to yield.
Some take this Story for a monkish ly.
If so, Patience is Exercisd hereby.
Apostasy by Such Strang lurches gi'n
Unto the truth by lying Wonders, Sin
And Heresy, doth bring a glorious Shine
To Patience for her ornamentall Shrine.
Thus having blazd Some Scutchon of her Glory,
My pen doth glide unto another Story.
The Shire of Justice.
Bright Justice now I to thy Coasts do come
To pick some Pearles and Stick them all a long
Thy glorious Crown untill thy Glory blaze
Before their Eyes that deem thee dead these dayes.
The Sinfull Empire now thy law doth tax.
She's split asunder by thy halbert axe.
Unto the Eagles Thracian Head up Springs
Another Headed Neck in ------
To pick some Pearles and Stick them all a long
Thy glorious Crown untill thy Glory blaze
Before their Eyes that deem thee dead these dayes.
The Sinfull Empire now thy law doth tax.
She's split asunder by thy halbert axe.
Unto the Eagles Thracian Head up Springs
Another Headed Neck in ------
Pope Leo by his Peters Power doth bless
Greate Charles Crown with Empire Happiness.
And in this wound Each lips do ranckle, Chap
As justice doth her Corrosives there clap.
Greate Charles Crown with Empire Happiness.
And in this wound Each lips do ranckle, Chap
As justice doth her Corrosives there clap.
Under the Reign of Nicephorus 8/Stauratius 1/Michael 2/Leo 1/Charles the Great. 13.
In Asia great Scourges shine forth do.
Nicephorus in Phrygia out doth go
To rout th'Arabians, or the Saracens
At Gasson's routed scarce get clear of them
In Persia Stirs arise th'Arabian Prince
Is busi'd them to Still; Nicephorus since
His foile gets up, doth fortify Andrase
Ancyram Galatia, and The base
Sends out his armies t'harrass now his Foes
Which routed are. Aaron now angry grows
Three hundred thousand Strong out leaps, Surprize
Strong Heracly, The base, Andrase likewise
Sydrople, Malatop, Ancyra rounds
Yet from the Same after a While rebounds.
Necephorus Constrain'd makes peace and brake
The Same, wherefore the foes to Cyprus make.
Th'Arabian Captain dead in Persia,
Mahamet, and Habdallas, brethren play
Their Swords then for a Crown, after a while
They by agreement do divide the Spoile
Habdallas reigns ore Gobda. Mahamet
Egypt, and Africa his part doth get.
Nicephorus in Phrygia out doth go
To rout th'Arabians, or the Saracens
At Gasson's routed scarce get clear of them
In Persia Stirs arise th'Arabian Prince
Is busi'd them to Still; Nicephorus since
His foile gets up, doth fortify Andrase
Ancyram Galatia, and The base
Sends out his armies t'harrass now his Foes
Which routed are. Aaron now angry grows
Three hundred thousand Strong out leaps, Surprize
Strong Heracly, The base, Andrase likewise
Sydrople, Malatop, Ancyra rounds
Yet from the Same after a While rebounds.
Necephorus Constrain'd makes peace and brake
The Same, wherefore the foes to Cyprus make.
Th'Arabian Captain dead in Persia,
Mahamet, and Habdallas, brethren play
Their Swords then for a Crown, after a while
They by agreement do divide the Spoile
Habdallas reigns ore Gobda. Mahamet
Egypt, and Africa his part doth get.
In Europe things do Clash. Bulgaria
Doth scourge Niceporus. Seditions play.
They Choose the Questor a Patrician
Arsabire Emperour, a pious man.
Who quickly is pluckt down do what he can.
While at the River Strymo pay was made
Unto the Army, Bulgars them invade
At unawars, Pretor, Pears, Souldiers slain
Eleven hundred pound of gold is ta'ne
And Sardica is took by treachery.
His people Sturdy he grew ------
The Sixteen talents thirteen hunderd pound
Sent Leo the Armenian Pretor, round
For's Souldiers pay the Saracens did make
A booty to themselves, who did them take.
The Emperour against Bulgaria
Goes out, reduceth Crunnus, and in way
Most cruell slayes their infants: no peace will plight
With them, they therefore are Constraind to fight
And falling on him unawares, him beate,
His head Cut off, Of all his brains the Seate
And of his Brain Pan, they a Beere bowle make
For Crunnus: Sir how like you Leagues to breake?
Doth scourge Niceporus. Seditions play.
They Choose the Questor a Patrician
Arsabire Emperour, a pious man.
Who quickly is pluckt down do what he can.
While at the River Strymo pay was made
Unto the Army, Bulgars them invade
At unawars, Pretor, Pears, Souldiers slain
Eleven hundred pound of gold is ta'ne
And Sardica is took by treachery.
His people Sturdy he grew ------
The Sixteen talents thirteen hunderd pound
Sent Leo the Armenian Pretor, round
For's Souldiers pay the Saracens did make
A booty to themselves, who did them take.
The Emperour against Bulgaria
Goes out, reduceth Crunnus, and in way
Most cruell slayes their infants: no peace will plight
With them, they therefore are Constraind to fight
And falling on him unawares, him beate,
His head Cut off, Of all his brains the Seate
For Crunnus: Sir how like you Leagues to breake?
Staurace the Emperour by Wicked Arte
The Empire to his mother strives to impart
And sets the Bulgars on the Christians: blindes
His Sisters husband Mich'el, quickly findes
The Empire giving him a tanck: and so
To Mich'el Rangabis it soon doth goe.
Whom Crunnus greets with tendering peace, but hee
Consulting of't his Nobles don't agree.
Crunnus Mesembria takes and also wins
Brave Adrianople, many Forts do[w]ne flings.
Mike to Constantinople flies and there
Charg'd is of Sloath, became a Monke for feare.
And Leo who him Charg'd when Crownd in town:
Crunnus was ready soon to Crack his Crown.
The Empire to his mother strives to impart
And sets the Bulgars on the Christians: blindes
His Sisters husband Mich'el, quickly findes
The Empire giving him a tanck: and so
To Mich'el Rangabis it soon doth goe.
Whom Crunnus greets with tendering peace, but hee
Consulting of't his Nobles don't agree.
Crunnus Mesembria takes and also wins
Brave Adrianople, many Forts do[w]ne flings.
Mike to Constantinople flies and there
Charg'd is of Sloath, became a Monke for feare.
And Leo who him Charg'd when Crownd in town:
Crunnus was ready soon to Crack his Crown.
But all this While the Western Empires Stirs
We came not to. The Saracens vile Sirs
Now wast Sardinia, but are tooke down
By Pipin Whom when dead Great Charles did Crown
Pipins Son Bernhard King of Italy.
The Maurs do Centumcell, and Nicy Stroy.
In Spain the Franks do Barcinona wast.
And Lewis Siegeth Dertose. Maurs in hast
Rush out of Spain on Corsica do fall.
Avars, and Huns tam'd by the French men tall.
The Saxon's 'yond the Able removd to France
The Abrodites into their towns did prance.
Remmingus King of Danes drops in his grave
Two brethren then fight for the Crown to have.
And in the battal slain upon the patch
Eleven thousand Danes, a match! a match!
The Normans with two hundred Sails do Stem
For Frisland and a Tribute lay on them.
In England Egbert lifteth up his head
And Breaks the Heptarchy, and doth it wed
Into his Crown, making himselfe Sole King.
And in these dayes they feel the Danish Sting.
The Normans Ireland invade, but are
Trounc'd for the Same, away they do repair[.]
We came not to. The Saracens vile Sirs
Now wast Sardinia, but are tooke down
By Pipin Whom when dead Great Charles did Crown
Pipins Son Bernhard King of Italy.
The Maurs do Centumcell, and Nicy Stroy.
In Spain the Franks do Barcinona wast.
And Lewis Siegeth Dertose. Maurs in hast
Rush out of Spain on Corsica do fall.
Avars, and Huns tam'd by the French men tall.
The Saxon's 'yond the Able removd to France
The Abrodites into their towns did prance.
Remmingus King of Danes drops in his grave
Two brethren then fight for the Crown to have.
And in the battal slain upon the patch
Eleven thousand Danes, a match! a match!
The Normans with two hundred Sails do Stem
For Frisland and a Tribute lay on them.
In England Egbert lifteth up his head
And Breaks the Heptarchy, and doth it wed
Into his Crown, making himselfe Sole King.
And in these dayes they feel the Danish Sting.
The Normans Ireland invade, but are
Trounc'd for the Same, away they do repair[.]
Under the Emperours of the West. Lewis the Pious 26–813–839, East as Leo Amenius. 7. [date blotted] Michael 9—839, Theophilus. 10—840
In Europe still I keep the Dane Expell
Hariold their King. But Lewis doth them quell
And him restores. In Brittan Murman would
Be King, but Lewis hath his Courage Cold.
Bernhard the King of Italy doth Swell
Gainst Lewis. Hence his eyes and Realm down fell.
The Pope, and Roman blades Lothair design
For Emperour. Hence Roman Nobles Shine
Under the axe of justice. And the Pope
Paschal slips, by his purging Oath, the cope.
Hariold their King. But Lewis doth them quell
And him restores. In Brittan Murman would
Be King, but Lewis hath his Courage Cold.
Bernhard the King of Italy doth Swell
Gainst Lewis. Hence his eyes and Realm down fell.
The Pope, and Roman blades Lothair design
For Emperour. Hence Roman Nobles Shine
Paschal slips, by his purging Oath, the cope.
The Vascons strive to shake off Lewis so
Them of Dalmatia, and Pannonia do.
Prince Euphemy in Sicily doth wed
A Nun, the Pretor punish would this bed,
As very wicked; he in Africk flies,
And brings the Saracen which them destroyes
The Saracens from Babylon do come
And Italy infest and Rome do bum.
Them of Dalmatia, and Pannonia do.
Prince Euphemy in Sicily doth wed
A Nun, the Pretor punish would this bed,
As very wicked; he in Africk flies,
And brings the Saracen which them destroyes
The Saracens from Babylon do come
And Italy infest and Rome do bum.
Abats with Bishops: Celtick Princes rise
And Lewis from his Scepter do Surprize
Cause of his Judith's Lust and Tyranny,
Lothair, and Pipin they do Cesars cry.
The Emperour at Neomag gets aide
Of Germans and these Conspirators paid,
They soon rebell again gaining the Pope
The good pope Gregory the door to ope.
Going to France, report strikes Lewis ears
Of Excommunication hence rose fears
Wherefore the Father puts himselfe into
His Childrens hands, the Monky Bishops do
Then soon take Judith from him and her Crowd
Into a Nunnery. And him they bowd
In Methard Abby, but in two years space
Lewis Bavare, and German Princes trace
Lothair till they constrain him to let go
His Father, Arms, Empire, and Wife also.
At length the whole doth on the Bishops quile.
Ebbo of Rhemes and's mates go in Exile.
Lewis by Seven Bishops and their fray
Is loosed from their Chain-Anathema.
Lothair his Son falls fore his Father down
And's reconcild, and renders him his Crown
King Egbert beats Bernulph the Mercian King
The Heptarchy's made Monarchy by him.
The Danes do vex him: yet he Conquours all.
Burthred the Britons fights: and on Danes falls.
But now I to the Eastern Empire do Step.
Leo no peace with Bulgar foes can get.
Doth them ingage and's routed: but obtains
A more Convenient place doth to't again
Taking the foe all Scatterd down them hews,
And by an Arrow Crunnus one persues,
And tumbles from a Cock horse dead but is
With difficulty drag'd away by his
At first for Image worship bent hee burst
Against dissenters out in rage was Curst.
And though when better taught he changd his minde.
The Hand of Michel justice him assign'd.
Thomas the Generall of all the hosts
Confederat brake in the Thracian coast
Bangs Michel both at sea and land and pen't
Him in Constantinople, till he sen't
To Mortagon the Bulgar who soone brakes
The Siege up, and persuite of Thomas makes
And Siegd 'gainst Adrianople for him lay.
The Famine there constrains they him betray.
And hand him unto Michel, who doth set
Him on an Ass after he off had fet
His hand and feet, in Scorn him led about
But Panium, Perinthus too broke out
Against him. Seports till that lost its wall
By Earthquakes, and the Sea made this downfall.
But Stuttering Mich'el Justice off doth take
By a Dread Frenzie; with the Belly ake.
Bardas Mich's Unkle stained with the blood
Of Theoctist, and others, comes out as mud.
And Basil runs him through at th'Emp'rours feet
And others hack him all to mammocks meet.
And thus in Europe justice flowrish ore
Doth all her Scutchons botch't with filth before.
And Lewis from his Scepter do Surprize
Cause of his Judith's Lust and Tyranny,
Lothair, and Pipin they do Cesars cry.
The Emperour at Neomag gets aide
Of Germans and these Conspirators paid,
They soon rebell again gaining the Pope
The good pope Gregory the door to ope.
Going to France, report strikes Lewis ears
Of Excommunication hence rose fears
Wherefore the Father puts himselfe into
His Childrens hands, the Monky Bishops do
Then soon take Judith from him and her Crowd
Into a Nunnery. And him they bowd
In Methard Abby, but in two years space
Lewis Bavare, and German Princes trace
Lothair till they constrain him to let go
His Father, Arms, Empire, and Wife also.
At length the whole doth on the Bishops quile.
Ebbo of Rhemes and's mates go in Exile.
Lewis by Seven Bishops and their fray
Is loosed from their Chain-Anathema.
Lothair his Son falls fore his Father down
And's reconcild, and renders him his Crown
King Egbert beats Bernulph the Mercian King
The Heptarchy's made Monarchy by him.
The Danes do vex him: yet he Conquours all.
Burthred the Britons fights: and on Danes falls.
But now I to the Eastern Empire do Step.
Leo no peace with Bulgar foes can get.
Doth them ingage and's routed: but obtains
A more Convenient place doth to't again
Taking the foe all Scatterd down them hews,
And by an Arrow Crunnus one persues,
And tumbles from a Cock horse dead but is
With difficulty drag'd away by his
At first for Image worship bent hee burst
Against dissenters out in rage was Curst.
The Hand of Michel justice him assign'd.
Thomas the Generall of all the hosts
Confederat brake in the Thracian coast
Bangs Michel both at sea and land and pen't
Him in Constantinople, till he sen't
To Mortagon the Bulgar who soone brakes
The Siege up, and persuite of Thomas makes
And Siegd 'gainst Adrianople for him lay.
The Famine there constrains they him betray.
And hand him unto Michel, who doth set
Him on an Ass after he off had fet
His hand and feet, in Scorn him led about
But Panium, Perinthus too broke out
Against him. Seports till that lost its wall
By Earthquakes, and the Sea made this downfall.
But Stuttering Mich'el Justice off doth take
By a Dread Frenzie; with the Belly ake.
Bardas Mich's Unkle stained with the blood
Of Theoctist, and others, comes out as mud.
And Basil runs him through at th'Emp'rours feet
And others hack him all to mammocks meet.
And thus in Europe justice flowrish ore
Doth all her Scutchons botch't with filth before.
In Asia.
Thomas Commanding all the Eastern landsDid bang the Wicked Saracens whose hands
Did Ravage there, then settled with them peace.
Job Patriarch of Antioch when Cease
Brave Leo did, did Emperour him Crown
Be Mich'els troop in Asia bangs knocks down.
Theophilus when Emperour doth rout
The Hagarens in Asian Countreyes Stout.
But after they him worst. But Manuel
Secar'd him, who of Emperour did Smell.
Which being Smelt he fled to Saracens.
And bravely ward against Curst Persians.
In Africk.
Euphemy calls on Sicil th'AgarensWho when they could not thence by Europes men
Be drove, then Lewis under Boniface
To Afrik sent his Host, who do a pace
Make mighty Slaughter there hence out do high
The Saracens from Sicil these to Stroy
Under the Emperours of the West, as Lothair. 15.—855 East, as Theophilus. 5—845, M---
For Image worship with a bloody hand.
In Europe.
Theophilus losing Amory stroi'd
And many bravest Captains and beside
Suspecting Theophobus would aspire
After the Wreath, fell Sick and his desire
Chargd them to Slay Theophobus, they do:
He hugs his head and out this Cry doth go.
I'm not Theophilus, neither art thou
Theophobus, and down by death doth bow.
Mich, and his Mam, then, Theodora reign
The Bulgars King against her wars proclaims.
Yet did delay. But Italy is wrackt
By Maurs, and Saracens Ben'vent is Sackt.
In France are bloody noses at the town
Of Fontanede Antisiodore downs
Where Lewis his four Sons such S[l]aughter make
France hath not men to keep her border-Stake.
The day doth fall to Charles, and Lewis, who
Constrain Lothair to part the Realm them to.
Charles Realm runs from the West sea to the Mose.
Lewis all Germany to th'Rhine ore flows.
Pipin hath Aquitane. Lothair doth 'joy
Italy, Rome, Lotharing, Burgundy,
With the Imperiall Title Normans they
Wast France, and range to Paris dore by Sea
And bicker with the Frizers, them Subdue.
And Pipins Sons Pipin and Charles out flew
Upon their Unkle Charles in France, are caught
And into Monks are turnd and manners taught.
And many bravest Captains and beside
Suspecting Theophobus would aspire
After the Wreath, fell Sick and his desire
Chargd them to Slay Theophobus, they do:
He hugs his head and out this Cry doth go.
I'm not Theophilus, neither art thou
Theophobus, and down by death doth bow.
Mich, and his Mam, then, Theodora reign
The Bulgars King against her wars proclaims.
Yet did delay. But Italy is wrackt
By Maurs, and Saracens Ben'vent is Sackt.
In France are bloody noses at the town
Of Fontanede Antisiodore downs
Where Lewis his four Sons such S[l]aughter make
France hath not men to keep her border-Stake.
The day doth fall to Charles, and Lewis, who
Constrain Lothair to part the Realm them to.
Charles Realm runs from the West sea to the Mose.
Lewis all Germany to th'Rhine ore flows.
Pipin hath Aquitane. Lothair doth 'joy
Italy, Rome, Lotharing, Burgundy,
With the Imperiall Title Normans they
Wast France, and range to Paris dore by Sea
And bicker with the Frizers, them Subdue.
And Pipins Sons Pipin and Charles out flew
Upon their Unkle Charles in France, are caught
And into Monks are turnd and manners taught.
Benit, and Anastase two Popeling[s] Strive
To had themselves by blood with Peters hive.
But Lothairs Sword cut of the Quarrell so
Peter is made his better still to know.
To had themselves by blood with Peters hive.
But Lothairs Sword cut of the Quarrell so
Peter is made his better still to know.
Mich who up hoisted Image worship high
Nigh pot shot gave his purple Shooes with joy
To Basiline whom he names Emperour.
Which Basill, for him Cesar made, made soure.
That in the night with his Companions hee
Did butcher him and now men justice see.
Nigh pot shot gave his purple Shooes with joy
To Basiline whom he names Emperour.
Which Basill, for him Cesar made, made soure.
That in the night with his Companions hee
Did butcher him and now men justice see.
Under the Emperours West, as Lewis Lothairs Son. 21. 87* East as Michael 3d 13—till 86* Basil 7—till 87*
In Europe.
The Saracens still rage the Cyclade iles------ Embroiles
Is slain: and in they Saracens then took
Lewis Enwreathd and's brother Lothair jar
Do with them and against them go to war.
In France new Stirs up boile: Charles they accuse
To Lewis that he Cruelty did use.
Who outs his brother, enters on his realm.
Which fact of his did on him shame orewhelm.
For they that did his brother thus betray,
Did deale with him according to this play.
To Charles they turn again, and turn him out.
And from his brothers borders force his rout.
The Normans harrass Nants, and Andegave
In Poicteirs, and in Lions Coast they rave.
Do Germany infest, tribute require
King Lewis there constrains them to retire.
The Danes do ravage England, and them pay
As they the Britains did in former day.
And thus we see bright justice fines for Sin,
That blotcht these places in its Entrance in.
In Asia
The Saracens vex Mich'el swep his sideUntill Petronas had their Duke destroy'd
Those of Miletum and of Tarsus rage
After Duke Andrea, who did ingage
Them, by them beaten; and thus out did belch
That Mary's Son the Romans grown so melch,
Should not advantage, they would hang up all
That on the Image did of Mary call.
But Andrew out his host led: on them fell.
Them slew and --- their Curst Duke slain fell.
Under the Emperours West as Charles the Bald. 2. 878/ Charles the Fat-12. 800 East as Basilius/Leo
In Europe.
Things Still go ill in Europe. SaracensFrom Africk rush, the Roman Iles Smart then.
In Italy great trouble. Hugo Duke
Of Lombardy East Empires right off Shooke.
Justice in France fines Charles the bald who did
His Son calld Charloman of Eysight rid,
And Boso made King of the Longbards so
That Charles, and Charloman in arms do show.
He smelling this, to France highs, but's down brought
By's Jewish Doctor Zedekiah's draught,
And now he's paid for Swallowing down the share
Of which his Cousin German was the heir.
He on their Kingdom right or not right runs
France still lyes reeking. Normans Scourg it feels
And quarrells for the Crown do give them Steel.
Normans and Dane with Fire and Sword run ore
France, Lotharing, Ambian yea and more
All to the Sheld, and elswhere they annoy
The following yeare all to the Mose they stroy.
Leodium, Traject, Colen-Agrippine
Ban, Tylpiak, Vilipiak, Nuem shine
And many more with flames to ashes thick
And persons butcherd, and like beast they Stick[.]
They ravagd thus the following yeare also
And forces Charles sent out do little do:
And Hugo Lothair's Son by Waldrada
Who 'gainst Charles strove to take his Crown away,
And pact with Godfride th'Norman for his aide,
And made a Monk with's eyes out, and his Friends
Are all Suppresst. Mark justice how she ends.
The Normans to Lavan run: Paris Siege.
Duke Henry's on their backs even for his Leige
But viewing of them in their ditches falls
They dug and filld with Straw he's slain withall.
The Emperour compounds with them they take
The tract beyond Sequane, calld Neustra make,
It their glade which left th'Emperiall mace.
And now the Name of Normandy's the place.
The Emperour grown jealous of his wife
Rejects her as a Whore. And after strife
His pears did make did Strip him of his Crown,
And Arnulph Son to Charloman's renown
Brings him the Empire, the Emperour then bread
Begd of him and to him's Son tendered.
Hasting from England drove wast makes in France.
The Danes do up and down poor England prance[.]
In Asia
Out of Mesembria th'Arabians runPhenice and Syria vex the Coasts along.
A base Magician Leo did perswade
To ware a knife in's Shooe poison to vade,
Which done he told the Emperour his Dad
Leo his Son treachery gainst him had
Conspir'd, and wore a Dagger in his Shooe.
Which Basil searcht, found so, in prison threw
Leo his Son wherein he long did ly.
Till th'Senate did prevaile with treaties high.
Under the Emperours West as Arnulph. 12 902 East as Leo. 900
In Europe.
Justice her Tribute of Europeans takes.
Still Italy she in her furnace bakes.
While Charles doth live Duke Beringary, and
Duke Guido part the prey, and France they hand
To Guido: and to Beringarie's Share
Came Italy. When dead, Guido doth repare
To Rome to be annointed by the pope.
The French that while do design to ope
Unto the throne, who now doth Guido mump.
Wherefore he Cou[n]sill take how he may thump
Out Beringary from his Italy.
And beats him out, with th'Emperours Supply[.]
The following yeare Arnulph with hosts did come
On Lombardy, and Pergamenus won
And Ambrose Earle there of in halter hangd
Up at the Gate to Rome went and down bangd
Its wall, and quelld the Pope's disturbers, so
Tor'ds Guido mooves. He flies. His wife bestow
Doth on Arnulph a Cup of poison high
Which lai'd him three dayes in a Lethargy.
Then being waked he Sick returned home.
The Saracens too Italy did num.
Still Italy she in her furnace bakes.
While Charles doth live Duke Beringary, and
Duke Guido part the prey, and France they hand
To Guido: and to Beringarie's Share
Came Italy. When dead, Guido doth repare
To Rome to be annointed by the pope.
The French that while do design to ope
Unto the throne, who now doth Guido mump.
Wherefore he Cou[n]sill take how he may thump
Out Beringary from his Italy.
And beats him out, with th'Emperours Supply[.]
The following yeare Arnulph with hosts did come
On Lombardy, and Pergamenus won
And Ambrose Earle there of in halter hangd
Up at the Gate to Rome went and down bangd
Its wall, and quelld the Pope's disturbers, so
Tor'ds Guido mooves. He flies. His wife bestow
Doth on Arnulph a Cup of poison high
Which lai'd him three dayes in a Lethargy.
Then being waked he Sick returned home.
The Saracens too Italy did num.
The Gauls, and French are harrasst greatly Still.
Radulphus now Burgundy king it will.
The Norman Scourge Still jearks and so the Danes
Untill that Arnulph fought, and overcame
Them at the Tily where with small loss hewd
He down an hundred thousand as is shewd.
Turks or Ungares in Bulgaria brought
By Leo soon Pannonia up caught.
These and such other Stirs did Europe Claw
The Hagarens on Asia laid their paw.
Regner King of the Danes Christ Cause would stroy:
And did restore cursed Idolatry.
Till Hellis whom he banisht took him and
By Serpents long in jayle him tortur'd, damnd,
Untill he perisht. Justice in these woes
Throughout this Century still onward goes,
Shewing her glorious Selfe that we may say
When Sins are frollick She will Shew fare play.
Radulphus now Burgundy king it will.
The Norman Scourge Still jearks and so the Danes
Untill that Arnulph fought, and overcame
Them at the Tily where with small loss hewd
He down an hundred thousand as is shewd.
Turks or Ungares in Bulgaria brought
By Leo soon Pannonia up caught.
These and such other Stirs did Europe Claw
The Hagarens on Asia laid their paw.
Regner King of the Danes Christ Cause would stroy:
And did restore cursed Idolatry.
Till Hellis whom he banisht took him and
By Serpents long in jayle him tortur'd, damnd,
Untill he perisht. Justice in these woes
Throughout this Century still onward goes,
Shewing her glorious Selfe that we may say
When Sins are frollick She will Shew fare play.
The Glory of Divine Efficiency Miraculous.
Let's view Efficiency, and eye her shineWherewith she doth emplaster ore this time
When Charles after his dubbing did advance
Unto Spoleto. Italy did dance
Upon a dismall Earthquake's tottering back
Shooke down both Roofe and Beams of Pauls Church gay
This was at two aclock in th'night fore May.
Soon after, certain places by the Rhine
Did take this dance. And France attends this Rhime.
And Plague persues the same. Also this Strain
At Charles his Palace toots at Aquisgrane
And bordering places where this Earthquake wheeles.
And Pestilence did follow at its heels[.]
Locusts from Africk jump to Italy
And all things there devour egregeously.
The year that shut up Charles his peepholes, shown
An Earthquake, Prodigies to Ears made known.
And to mens Eyes, a Comet that did Change
Its Shape and like an headless man did range.
In the Reign of Lewis the Godly, beginning 814
Greate Store of ruin the aire and Earth annoi'd
The Pestilence all over France rangd wide
Ore men, and beasts, bread Corn and pulse all Spoild
That little got Soon rots. Wine all nought, mild,
Or quickly Soure. Rivers overflow
In many places, many ponds doe grow.
No Seedstime now in autumn many fields
Admit of and the winter following Steels
The Danow, Rhine, Albis, Sequane, and
Other great Streams, for thirty dayes that stand,
Embridged ore with ice for Carts to go
And when they brake up, dammage great they do.
Hard by a river in Turingia
A turfe of Earth was pluckt up alaway
Fifty foot long and fourteen broad its said
A foot and halfe in thickness and it made
A Speedy journey four and twenty feet
But how it mov'd account we none do meet.
Ith Eastern parts of Saxony by th'lake
Of Arnsey th'Earth sweld like a bank up great,
And it tooke up without the help of man
For fifty paces such a patch or Span,
As made it seem like to a vally run,
But by what means none tell us, it was done.
In Tulla Coasts nigh to Augustodune
A girle of twelve years old that did Commune
At Sacrament, for ten months space refraind
From bread, then from all meat and drinck abstaind
For full three years, after which time she came
Back to her former life with men again.
Twenty three Villages in Saxony
Houses, Men, Cattle burnt with Lightening ly.
It also Stones did rain. And hailstons such
By which the Stalks of fruits were dammag'd much.
A piece of ice fifteen foot long, two thick
And seven broad In Burgundy down skip
Did on them out of heaven: and the Plague
Did rage through France all ore in deadly trade.
The Pestilence all over France rangd wide
Ore men, and beasts, bread Corn and pulse all Spoild
That little got Soon rots. Wine all nought, mild,
Or quickly Soure. Rivers overflow
In many places, many ponds doe grow.
No Seedstime now in autumn many fields
Admit of and the winter following Steels
The Danow, Rhine, Albis, Sequane, and
Other great Streams, for thirty dayes that stand,
Embridged ore with ice for Carts to go
And when they brake up, dammage great they do.
Hard by a river in Turingia
A turfe of Earth was pluckt up alaway
Fifty foot long and fourteen broad its said
A foot and halfe in thickness and it made
A Speedy journey four and twenty feet
But how it mov'd account we none do meet.
Ith Eastern parts of Saxony by th'lake
Of Arnsey th'Earth sweld like a bank up great,
And it tooke up without the help of man
For fifty paces such a patch or Span,
As made it seem like to a vally run,
But by what means none tell us, it was done.
In Tulla Coasts nigh to Augustodune
A girle of twelve years old that did Commune
At Sacrament, for ten months space refraind
From bread, then from all meat and drinck abstaind
For full three years, after which time she came
Back to her former life with men again.
Twenty three Villages in Saxony
Houses, Men, Cattle burnt with Lightening ly.
By which the Stalks of fruits were dammag'd much.
A piece of ice fifteen foot long, two thick
And seven broad In Burgundy down skip
Did on them out of heaven: and the Plague
Did rage through France all ore in deadly trade.
Popielus King of Polony vile
His Parents Curse him oft did thus assoile.
Let Mice devour thee. He the same Curse usd.
When by the Counsill which his Wife out musde,
He poison'd had his Unkles, and his Peers
Mice from their Corps leap out long for his Eares.
While he was with his Wife, and Children there
A glutting of his pawnch with all good cheere,
His guarde to 'fende their Lord, a fire do make
To drive the Mice away, in vain: which take
Their journey through the fire them to devour,
He to a Ship doth run: they thither poure
Then through the waters. Knaw it through: the men
Fearing its sinking, thrust to Shoare again.
He them with his highs to a mighty tower.
They them persue, and them therein devour.
In France Hail both some men, and Cattle bains
In Gascon bread Corn like short wheat it rains.
In other places mighty heaps are found
Of Grain of all Sorts in the Champion ground.
Which if the Cattle tast, they forth with die.
Its meale doth vanish in mens hands and fly.
His Parents Curse him oft did thus assoile.
Let Mice devour thee. He the same Curse usd.
When by the Counsill which his Wife out musde,
He poison'd had his Unkles, and his Peers
Mice from their Corps leap out long for his Eares.
While he was with his Wife, and Children there
A glutting of his pawnch with all good cheere,
His guarde to 'fende their Lord, a fire do make
To drive the Mice away, in vain: which take
Their journey through the fire them to devour,
He to a Ship doth run: they thither poure
Then through the waters. Knaw it through: the men
Fearing its sinking, thrust to Shoare again.
He them with his highs to a mighty tower.
They them persue, and them therein devour.
In France Hail both some men, and Cattle bains
In Gascon bread Corn like short wheat it rains.
In other places mighty heaps are found
Of Grain of all Sorts in the Champion ground.
Which if the Cattle tast, they forth with die.
Its meale doth vanish in mens hands and fly.
An Earthquake dandles Aquisgrane: a Storm
Houses, and Temples of their Crowns disorn.
A blazing Star in libra hangs, another
In Aries the next yeare, also a cother
Of little fiery sparkles for Some dayes
Are seen to run through heaven Sig'bert sayes.
Constantinople by an Earthquake shakes
Five dayes. Which many folk, houses off, takes.
But pardon me, my Muse, in that my feet
Still keep a Distich for Hexastichs sweet.
For justice in Efficiency Divine
By miracles still larums with her shine.
The Matter therefore common thus to both,
In tunes, that justice sung forth, thus forgoeth.
But now the rest shall in those measures run
Which in the former Centuries were sung
Out by Efficiency, whose Warblings greet
A brisk Tetrastich, with a Distich sweet.
Houses, and Temples of their Crowns disorn.
A blazing Star in libra hangs, another
In Aries the next yeare, also a cother
Of little fiery sparkles for Some dayes
Are seen to run through heaven Sig'bert sayes.
Constantinople by an Earthquake shakes
Five dayes. Which many folk, houses off, takes.
But pardon me, my Muse, in that my feet
Still keep a Distich for Hexastichs sweet.
For justice in Efficiency Divine
By miracles still larums with her shine.
The Matter therefore common thus to both,
In tunes, that justice sung forth, thus forgoeth.
But now the rest shall in those measures run
Which in the former Centuries were sung
Out by Efficiency, whose Warblings greet
A brisk Tetrastich, with a Distich sweet.
In Lothair Reign begining 840.
Lightning now flasht upon a man Consumd
Him up: but harmed not the Cloaths he wore.
By night a Cloud out of the North coast fum'd
One from the East; one from the South up bore.
With fiery Darts stood fighting, and at last
Like to an army fighting mixt was Cast.
Him up: but harmed not the Cloaths he wore.
By night a Cloud out of the North coast fum'd
One from the East; one from the South up bore.
With fiery Darts stood fighting, and at last
Like to an army fighting mixt was Cast.
Wheate bread in oven backt blacker than inck.
The Earth at Herbople shakes twenty times.
Hail, Storm, Ill weather man and beast make Shrinck.
And Chilians Temple Lightening calcines.
The wind did make the Wall equall the Soile
A Comet leads Lewis his Sons their broile.
The Earth at Herbople shakes twenty times.
Hail, Storm, Ill weather man and beast make Shrinck.
And Chilians Temple Lightening calcines.
The wind did make the Wall equall the Soile
A Comet leads Lewis his Sons their broile.
An Earthquake rattles Benevent'um's Coast.
It ruins all Iserny did destroy
People and Priests, and many houses tost
Quite down at Vinients full Monastery.
At Padeburn two Circles round the Sun
Which vanisht, flames the town to ashes run.
It ruins all Iserny did destroy
People and Priests, and many houses tost
Quite down at Vinients full Monastery.
At Padeburn two Circles round the Sun
Which vanisht, flames the town to ashes run.
A grievous Famine pinches Germany.
A man and's wife and son for Turing goe
He her consults the Child to kill, thereby
To stay their hunger. She diswades, saith no.
His sword he drew, spies two Wolves eating Deer.
He drove them thence, and feast on their good Cheere.
A man and's wife and son for Turing goe
He her consults the Child to kill, thereby
To stay their hunger. She diswades, saith no.
His sword he drew, spies two Wolves eating Deer.
He drove them thence, and feast on their good Cheere.
A woman bore a monster in the shape
Both of a man, and dog with bodies joynd
Intire, thus back to back glide. And the Ape
Pope John this year has Joan'd. And slunckt, we finde.
Constantinople takes an Earthquakes leap.
Storms Lightenings, Hail many of Life defeate.
Both of a man, and dog with bodies joynd
Intire, thus back to back glide. And the Ape
Pope John this year has Joan'd. And slunckt, we finde.
Constantinople takes an Earthquakes leap.
Storms Lightenings, Hail many of Life defeate.
In Leo's day the fourth a Basilisk
At Rome lurkt in its hole and did destroy
Many that passed by it's den till whiskt
Out of its den by Magick witchery
His Holiness did use. Good Pope thy spell
Can charm and Conjure Serpents pritty well.
At Rome lurkt in its hole and did destroy
Many that passed by it's den till whiskt
Out of its den by Magick witchery
His Holiness did use. Good Pope thy spell
Can charm and Conjure Serpents pritty well.
In Lewis the Seconds time begining 856.
At Treviers sacred House, and Bishops Sell,
A black dog seen, suddenly disappears
Ments Walls, and Urban's Temple also fell
Down by an Earthquake which went rattling there.
In Colen Church three kild by lightnings Clap
And six else were slaughterd were by that Crack.
A black dog seen, suddenly disappears
Ments Walls, and Urban's Temple also fell
Down by an Earthquake which went rattling there.
In Colen Church three kild by lightnings Clap
And six else were slaughterd were by that Crack.
Tyber oreflows its bancks and molifies
Laurence's Church, Sylvesters Minster much.
A Demon three years playes at Mentz his toyes.
Circulatory Witchcrafts and things such.
He first began unseen cast Stones at some.
And knock on doores. Soon in man's Shape did come.
Laurence's Church, Sylvesters Minster much.
A Demon three years playes at Mentz his toyes.
Circulatory Witchcrafts and things such.
He first began unseen cast Stones at some.
And knock on doores. Soon in man's Shape did come.
Gave answers, thefts discover'd, and some brand
With note of Infamy, and stird up jars.
Set barns, and Coats on fire and fire did hand
On one mans side that stuck upon his spars.
And burnt the house. She stird up all about
To knock the brains of this poor person out[.]
With note of Infamy, and stird up jars.
Set barns, and Coats on fire and fire did hand
On one mans side that stuck upon his spars.
And burnt the house. She stird up all about
To knock the brains of this poor person out[.]
The man was forc'd to ly in th'open aire.
All flying him as night Hobgobling ghosts.
His fruits in fields got all in heap spoild ware
By this foule Shade that hanted thus these coasts.
Who dayly worser grew that Pagans Came
To the Moguntine Pope to lay the same.
All flying him as night Hobgobling ghosts.
His fruits in fields got all in heap spoild ware
By this foule Shade that hanted thus these coasts.
Who dayly worser grew that Pagans Came
To the Moguntine Pope to lay the same.
Priests out are sent, to clense and Expiate
Countrey, and Villages with sacred Charms.
With Holy Water, Salt all consecrate
The wicked elfe first stops, them Certain harms
With Stones, then after with there Spells is bound.
But when these cease, an other Ghost is found.
Countrey, and Villages with sacred Charms.
With Holy Water, Salt all consecrate
The wicked elfe first stops, them Certain harms
With Stones, then after with there Spells is bound.
But when these cease, an other Ghost is found.
Which said, While that these baldpate priests do mum
I known't what in the Priests short linnen Cloake
Who yester night by mine inticements run,
And tupt my landlords daughter, I nere spoke
And speaking thus making an hiddious cry
The feriall Shade did from those quarters high.
I known't what in the Priests short linnen Cloake
Who yester night by mine inticements run,
And tupt my landlords daughter, I nere spoke
And speaking thus making an hiddious cry
The feriall Shade did from those quarters high.
Clouds in the aire are seen to shine with darts
Of fire shook at each other, army like.
And lightenings burn down Worms, alas poor hearts!
Blood raind in Italy three dayes and nights
Locusts do France devour then drove in th'deep.
Then famine doth a third of men off sweep.
Of fire shook at each other, army like.
And lightenings burn down Worms, alas poor hearts!
Blood raind in Italy three dayes and nights
Locusts do France devour then drove in th'deep.
Then famine doth a third of men off sweep.
A Blazing Star more red than usually
Appeares, and mighty floods in June do flow.
Which Aschoprun in Saxony destroy.
Men, Cattell, Buildings Trees it down did throw.
Lest not so much as any track to 'peare
Of any place of habitation there.
Appeares, and mighty floods in June do flow.
Which Aschoprun in Saxony destroy.
Men, Cattell, Buildings Trees it down did throw.
Lest not so much as any track to 'peare
Of any place of habitation there.
In Charles the Bald's/Fat's time.
A dreadfull Murren of neat Cattle rose
In th'Country on the Rhine and in the town
Of Walsheim all the Countreys dogs, strange shows,
Came to devoure the Carrion tumbled down.
All in one day went in one troop away
No man knows whither, from those coast went they.
In th'Country on the Rhine and in the town
Came to devoure the Carrion tumbled down.
All in one day went in one troop away
No man knows whither, from those coast went they.
And after this there never more was seen.
A track of any one alive or dead.
An Earthquake shaketh Mentz, a famin keen
In Italy doth rage. Now Corn for bread
Was grown so deare they for a pound did way
Five hunderd Drams of Gold for to make pay.
A track of any one alive or dead.
An Earthquake shaketh Mentz, a famin keen
In Italy doth rage. Now Corn for bread
Was grown so deare they for a pound did way
Five hunderd Drams of Gold for to make pay.
When Arnulphs Army sieged Rome they start
A Leveret, which ran towards the Wall.
And it persu'de with Shouts, which did unheart
The Romans on the Walls that down they fall.
On whom on heap the Souldiers as on Stares
Climb up the Wall: and all things now are theirs
A Leveret, which ran towards the Wall.
And it persu'de with Shouts, which did unheart
The Romans on the Walls that down they fall.
On whom on heap the Souldiers as on Stares
Climb up the Wall: and all things now are theirs
And now we see (grant histories are true)
Efficiency to ware a glorious shine
With Justice in her hand, this Century through,
In Instances miraculous and fine.
God rules and will Secure his Glory though
Things seem[in]gly run counterbuff thereto.
Efficiency to ware a glorious shine
With Justice in her hand, this Century through,
In Instances miraculous and fine.
God rules and will Secure his Glory though
Things seem[in]gly run counterbuff thereto.
Sweet Truth I come at last to Kiss thy Hand
With maimed Sapphicks crippled
My dull Pentameters do stand
Wrinckled and rippled.
With maimed Sapphicks crippled
My dull Pentameters do stand
Wrinckled and rippled.
I in thine Honour do ingague my quill.
My very Heart I truely mean.
These muddy puddles do fulfill
Thy Holy breathed Veans.
My very Heart I truely mean.
These muddy puddles do fulfill
Thy Holy breathed Veans.
Thou said'st a King after his Will should act.
Exalt himselve all gods above.
Great Words against the Lord Compact
His lofty tongue should move.
Exalt himselve all gods above.
Great Words against the Lord Compact
His lofty tongue should move.
Romes Prelates shew this very thing in them.
Whose Thunderbolts knock Princes down.
And God, and Christ the precious Gem
They tush upon, and frown.
Whose Thunderbolts knock Princes down.
And God, and Christ the precious Gem
They tush upon, and frown.
But on thou go'st. His Fathers God doth slight.
Desires of Women looks not on
Worships Maussim with Gold bright,
Silver, and Costly Stone.
Desires of Women looks not on
Worships Maussim with Gold bright,
Silver, and Costly Stone.
These things Exactly shoot these darksom times
The Pope regards not Peters God.
Doth Harrass Wedlock from Divines:
To marri'd Priests a rod.
The Pope regards not Peters God.
Doth Harrass Wedlock from Divines:
To marri'd Priests a rod.
Poore Virgins by their parents misled Zeale
Or by their own, ennunnerizd,
May rather broile in lust or Steale
A Bed, than wed. So Sisde.
Or by their own, ennunnerizd,
May rather broile in lust or Steale
A Bed, than wed. So Sisde.
He Worship doth Mauzzim, Relicks, Saints
Nay roagues if in his Calender.
Images raisd in wealthy Paints
And Sweet as Lavender.
Nay roagues if in his Calender.
Images raisd in wealthy Paints
And Sweet as Lavender.
Charles Emperour on Peters Chappel gave
A four square golden Table bright,
Whereon he had engraved brave
Constantinople right.
A four square golden Table bright,
Whereon he had engraved brave
Constantinople right.
On Peters Altar out there from him stems,
A Cloath made of his gold attire:
Two golden Crowns stuck thick with gems.
This Worship did grow higher.
A Cloath made of his gold attire:
Two golden Crowns stuck thick with gems.
This Worship did grow higher.
Pope Adrian a Cross of mighty weight,
And Worth, presents Saint Peter; which
Lewis did send to Rome out right.
The Fisher now is rich.
And Worth, presents Saint Peter; which
Lewis did send to Rome out right.
The Fisher now is rich.
Pope Stephen Quart doth daube Saint Barbary,
Saint Helen too, with glorious dress.
Made many golden Crosses fy.
Cups, Chargers for their gues[t]s.
Saint Helen too, with glorious dress.
Made many golden Crosses fy.
Cups, Chargers for their gues[t]s.
Paschal built Praxis Abbie; and therein
Stoughd grecian Monks that night and day
Should to dead Saints there buried, Sing
In Speech unknown[,] and pray.
Stoughd grecian Monks that night and day
Should to dead Saints there buried, Sing
In Speech unknown[,] and pray.
Sergy the Second Churches to them raisd
Some toombs up set. Relicks up stows.
Some tricks with Pictures all beglazd
In glorious ample Shews[.]
Some toombs up set. Relicks up stows.
Some tricks with Pictures all beglazd
In glorious ample Shews[.]
In the Tyburine Consill 'twas decreed
No wooden cups should used bee,
In Sacraments Now all proceed
In Silver, Gold degree.
No wooden cups should used bee,
In Sacraments Now all proceed
In Silver, Gold degree.
Truth saith the Beast had two horns like a lamb.
And like the Dragon pate he speakes
Leo the fourth two Swords to bang
Church Steel, and Cesars takes[.]
And like the Dragon pate he speakes
Leo the fourth two Swords to bang
Church Steel, and Cesars takes[.]
A woman on a Scarlet Beast did Straddle
Full of the Names of Blasphemy:
Pope John the Eighth is Joane, in th'saddle.
Here is a Mystery.
Full of the Names of Blasphemy:
Pope John the Eighth is Joane, in th'saddle.
Here is a Mystery.
This wracks Grammarians. Dad Mam's the same.
The Churche's Head's Hermaphrodite.
The mother Choice of Harlots plain
She Styled is by right.
The Churche's Head's Hermaphrodite.
The mother Choice of Harlots plain
She Styled is by right.
It's Mother Church indeed. Whose He's a Hen.
That laid noe Addle Egge indeed
Although the Shell was broken when
She laid it making Speed.
That laid noe Addle Egge indeed
Although the Shell was broken when
She laid it making Speed.
Now Peters Chair is got with Child, is big
Blurts out a bastard grown a Whore.
Th'Abominable wanton, rig.
Hic now grows Haec impure.
Blurts out a bastard grown a Whore.
Th'Abominable wanton, rig.
Hic now grows Haec impure.
Yet in her Hand she holds the Golden Cup
Filld with abominations greate.
Which still indeed is filling up.
And doth with vileness Sweat.
Filld with abominations greate.
Which still indeed is filling up.
And doth with vileness Sweat.
Doctors do give their drops into it, so
Haimo his Vineyard this Canary
Auricular Confession's to
Salvation necessary.
Haimo his Vineyard this Canary
Auricular Confession's to
Salvation necessary.
Bertram did anvill out the rod which by
Paschale is made the hobnaile sole,
Of Transsubstantiation's toy.
Plumpt in this Wassell boale.
Paschale is made the hobnaile sole,
Of Transsubstantiation's toy.
Plumpt in this Wassell boale.
Rabanus drops his spittle, Salt, and Oyle
Of a Baptismall Shape into
This Cup, making't a grease pot vile
And why, Good Doctor show.
Of a Baptismall Shape into
This Cup, making't a grease pot vile
And why, Good Doctor show.
And now Some Conjurer did in it drop
Red iron: Fire Ordeal.
And Scalding Water to un blot
Such deemed Criminall.
Red iron: Fire Ordeal.
And Scalding Water to un blot
Such deemed Criminall.
Constantinoples Synod, and Pope Dick
Put Image worship in this Cup.
The Divell now indeed is Sick
And this must Cheer him up.
Put Image worship in this Cup.
The Divell now indeed is Sick
And this must Cheer him up.
Ments Counsill States, no Bishop Ist condemn
With Witness less than Sev'nty two.
Nor Priest than fourty four, good men.
This in the Cup they threw.
With Witness less than Sev'nty two.
Nor Priest than fourty four, good men.
This in the Cup they threw.
Triburies Counsill drops no wooden Cups
Shall used be in Sacraments.
Silver and gold are better tuts
And fitter for their tents.
Shall used be in Sacraments.
Silver and gold are better tuts
And fitter for their tents.
Pope Sergy too the Second's dishclout wrings
And thence this drop fell in it plum:
An Agnus Dei Song that jings.
At Mass, be three times Sung.
And thence this drop fell in it plum:
An Agnus Dei Song that jings.
At Mass, be three times Sung.
Here is new melch his duggs drop in this jug
A Papall King-encrowning Right.
Leo the fourth doth milck his dug
These drops hence in it lighte.
A Papall King-encrowning Right.
Leo the fourth doth milck his dug
These drops hence in it lighte.
Assumption: and Ascention dayes he brought.
He also dropt two Swords therein
Sacred and Civill Power he taught
In Peters Chair did Spring.
He also dropt two Swords therein
Sacred and Civill Power he taught
In Peters Chair did Spring.
Pope Joane. (Good morrow now my masters all.
Its four a Clock: a fair good morn
Your Mastership men Madam call.
This doth the Cup adorn.)
Its four a Clock: a fair good morn
Your Mastership men Madam call.
This doth the Cup adorn.)
As Zach'ries Spout dropt in it Sodomy,
Your Madam Pope a bastard dropt.
Here rich possesst virginity
Out of your Costrill hop't.
Your Madam Pope a bastard dropt.
Here rich possesst virginity
Out of your Costrill hop't.
Pope Nick that Surly Sir, his nose drops in't.
Such Stuff as this, it is the right
Of Popes alone Synods to mint
And Bishops orders plight.
Such Stuff as this, it is the right
Of Popes alone Synods to mint
And Bishops orders plight.
The Songs of Notgers Sequencies in France.
And Lanton-Wedden Prohibitions.
Vexatious Acts did in his dance.
And wicked Superstitions.
And Lanton-Wedden Prohibitions.
Vexatious Acts did in his dance.
And wicked Superstitions.
The Second Adrian his dram in't comes.
A Sacramentall Purge so sweet
For Prince, and Nobles that their bums,
Are wipt with winding Sheets.
A Sacramentall Purge so sweet
For Prince, and Nobles that their bums,
Are wipt with winding Sheets.
These Papall Brewers tun into this Cup
Their filthie things which, when they've done,
They make all Kings, and Nobles Sup
And none shall from it run.
Their filthie things which, when they've done,
They make all Kings, and Nobles Sup
And none shall from it run.
Princes they Priesterize. Brave Charloman
Is made a Deacon. Basills Son
His youngest Clergifide out Sprang.
Miters to Nobles run
Is made a Deacon. Basills Son
His youngest Clergifide out Sprang.
Miters to Nobles run
Great Charles his Son Stoute Drogo's Bishop made
Of Metz. Ignatius Rangabis
Constantinople her hands laid
Upon, he bishop't is.
Of Metz. Ignatius Rangabis
Constantinople her hands laid
Upon, he bishop't is.
Charle's Sons were monkifide by Hildegard
And Pipins Son Charles, who was Duke
Of Aquetane had as is heard
Mente Bishoprick up tooke.
And Pipins Son Charles, who was Duke
Of Aquetane had as is heard
Mente Bishoprick up tooke.
But this not all. Kings of this Cup must bib.
They Cuff them box them 'bout their Ears.
Lewis the Pious Wise must trig
Poore Judith drown in tears.
They Cuff them box them 'bout their Ears.
Lewis the Pious Wise must trig
Poore Judith drown in tears.
But worse and worse they grow. Lewis also
They kick out of th'Imperiall Throne
And in a Cuckow Cage him stow
For to repent, and groan.
They kick out of th'Imperiall Throne
And in a Cuckow Cage him stow
For to repent, and groan.
They Soundly souce Lothair, who put away
Theitberg his wife and with their leave.
Yet when he weds with Waldrada
Their raging breath they breath.
Theitberg his wife and with their leave.
Yet when he weds with Waldrada
Their raging breath they breath.
The Excommunicating pellet flies
At him unless he put away
Waldrada, and Theitberg rise
Unto his Bridall play.
At him unless he put away
Waldrada, and Theitberg rise
Unto his Bridall play.
Poor King! Complain he doth of Peters Chair
As most unjust and Shares his realm
Unto his Sons: and Shaves his hair.
Sits at the Shavlings healm.
As most unjust and Shares his realm
Unto his Sons: and Shaves his hair.
Sits at the Shavlings healm.
Pope Nick did thus as Gregory before
Had Pious Lewis boxt about
Who made his Sons above him Soare
In arms, and's eyes pick out.
Had Pious Lewis boxt about
Who made his Sons above him Soare
In arms, and's eyes pick out.
These and such other prancks as these, these Done
In Snouting Kings attend upon
The Golden Cup likes Proes, not Cons,
And it omitteth none.
In Snouting Kings attend upon
The Golden Cup likes Proes, not Cons,
And it omitteth none.
Hence we behold how truth doth dart her beams
Of Shining Glory through these dayes
Of Sour and darksom gadding theams
Hobgobling all mens wayes.
Of Shining Glory through these dayes
Of Sour and darksom gadding theams
Hobgobling all mens wayes.
Wherefore my Conjue to thy Honours Shrine
My glorious Lord I sacrifice.
Most heartily seing thy Shine
In darkness glorious rise.
My glorious Lord I sacrifice.
Most heartily seing thy Shine
In darkness glorious rise.
Grace, Patience, Justice, Rich Efficiency
And Truth Divine trod under foot
By Wickedness, shine sparklingly,
This makes my Hymns thus toote
And Truth Divine trod under foot
By Wickedness, shine sparklingly,
This makes my Hymns thus toote
And Harping praises thus I take my leave
In a Sweet Ditty tweedling thus
Of this ninth Century and bequeath
The tenth my Quill and blush.
In a Sweet Ditty tweedling thus
Of this ninth Century and bequeath
The tenth my Quill and blush.
Century the tenth.
Farewell Ninth Century, I now bequeathA Sigh interred in thy Coasts with leave.
And do Proceed to Search and try the Soile
Of this tenth Century. Hence ore the Stile
I climb, and come into her borders, run
Through all her Coasts as I before have done,
Through others, to observe What Glories shine
Of Grace, of Patience, Justice, of Divine
Efficiency, and Truth. Upon thy Walls
But heavily I pass finding thy stalls
Full most with Lobsters. And its darkesom might
Wherein thou'rt led by Jack-a-Lanthorns light.
The Shine of Grace.
Thy Grace, sweet Grace, is glory sparkling bright
That glorifies the Day wherein it shines
In radient beams of blessed Gospell light
That fly from Holy Lips of true Divines
Not mudded with the dirt of sinfull times.
That glorifies the Day wherein it shines
In radient beams of blessed Gospell light
That fly from Holy Lips of true Divines
Not mudded with the dirt of sinfull times.
Alia, alas! we bury thee in griefe,
Thy Paradise of Spices Joys farewell.
At Antioch one Theodore's beliefe
Was preacht but what the light that from him fell
Whether a Sun beam fog'd or bright, none tell[.]
Thy Paradise of Spices Joys farewell.
At Antioch one Theodore's beliefe
Was preacht but what the light that from him fell
Whether a Sun beam fog'd or bright, none tell[.]
Africk, thy Glory too doth pickled ly,
In briny tears. We've not a word of thee.
Are all thy Lights blown out? We none can Spy.
The mid sea Ilands too. How darke they bee?
Where one bright Lights did shine we none now see.
In briny tears. We've not a word of thee.
Are all thy Lights blown out? We none can Spy.
The mid sea Ilands too. How darke they bee?
Where one bright Lights did shine we none now see.
Europe Evangelizd we come to thee
To try the Lights in thy Bellconies set
For passengers to guide aright that bee
At Sea with hoised Sayles that they may get
Into the Harbour of Good Hope their net[.]
To try the Lights in thy Bellconies set
For passengers to guide aright that bee
At Sea with hoised Sayles that they may get
Into the Harbour of Good Hope their net[.]
In Thrace we finde but few. Theophylact
Constantinoples Light Epitomisd
Brave Chrysostom, but his Circingle slackt
To let in many Errours which disguisd
His flame. The rest are lesser to be prizd.
Constantinoples Light Epitomisd
Brave Chrysostom, but his Circingle slackt
To let in many Errours which disguisd
His flame. The rest are lesser to be prizd.
Poor Greece, thy Lights are gone. Hungary too
Soon slips from Christ when Charles the Great was dead.
But Geyse Hungarie's King did Christ een shew
And Pilgrine Bothave's bishop back them led
To Gospell Laws: with Wilfgang's hand and head.
Soon slips from Christ when Charles the Great was dead.
But Geyse Hungarie's King did Christ een shew
And Pilgrine Bothave's bishop back them led
To Gospell Laws: with Wilfgang's hand and head.
At Hamborough Adolward did teach the Word
And to the Vandals held out Gospell Grace.
Methodius Marovia's bishop, spurd
With holy Zeale Bohemy's king in place
And Queen he gains the Gospell to embrace.
And to the Vandals held out Gospell Grace.
Methodius Marovia's bishop, spurd
With holy Zeale Bohemy's king in place
And Queen he gains the Gospell to embrace.
Cyrill his brother follows in his Seate
And many of the Sclaves he over brings
Unto the Gospell, then he Rome did treate
That in their Native tongue Christ law might ring
A voice from Heaven then did do the thing[.]
And many of the Sclaves he over brings
Unto the Gospell, then he Rome did treate
That in their Native tongue Christ law might ring
A voice from Heaven then did do the thing[.]
The eastward Vandalls, whose chiefe tribes we call
Polabs, and Obatrits, Kissins and still
The Winuli, and Circipans withall
Not gaind to Christ, do feel the Gospell Skill
In wining them thereto in minde and Will.
Polabs, and Obatrits, Kissins and still
The Winuli, and Circipans withall
Not gaind to Christ, do feel the Gospell Skill
In wining them thereto in minde and Will.
Religion now doth Spring in Prussia
Polonia too the Gospell now accepts
Brought first by merchants from Bohemia.
The Swedes that from the faith withdrew respects
Erick their King their Paganry Corrects.
Polonia too the Gospell now accepts
Brought first by merchants from Bohemia.
The Swedes that from the faith withdrew respects
Erick their King their Paganry Corrects.
A Pagan priest, the people standing by,
While he was offering his Sacrifice
Is smitten blinde. He turn'd to Christ his Cry,
And so miraculously gain'd his eyes
And now to preach the Gospel up doth rise.
While he was offering his Sacrifice
Is smitten blinde. He turn'd to Christ his Cry,
And so miraculously gain'd his eyes
And now to preach the Gospel up doth rise.
He down doth batter Idols, people throng
Unto the Faith seing this Wonder Wrought.
Erick sends for, and Christian Doctors come
And Adalward and Stephen soon them taught
And Breme was then Metropolis its thought.
Unto the Faith seing this Wonder Wrought.
Erick sends for, and Christian Doctors come
And Adalward and Stephen soon them taught
And Breme was then Metropolis its thought.
Othincare Alb, a priest of noble race
In pious Zeale his Office doth attend
In Zeland and in Scandia tendering Grace.
Volkward of Aldenburgh his journey bends
To Norway and the Gospell seed thence sends.
In pious Zeale his Office doth attend
In Zeland and in Scandia tendering Grace.
Volkward of Aldenburgh his journey bends
To Norway and the Gospell seed thence sends.
Gorma that Cankerworm king of the Danes
Had almost rooted out the Gospell thence
Till Henry King the first him quells, sustains
The Gospell. And sends Unni for defence
There of from Hamburgh who did truth dispense.
Had almost rooted out the Gospell thence
Till Henry King the first him quells, sustains
The Gospell. And sends Unni for defence
There of from Hamburgh who did truth dispense.
Some say that Bruno Colens Bishop brought
Nortalbingens, Holface, and Denmarke too
Stormar, yea and the Dithmar nations naught
With mighty pains, and Cost to Christs faith true.
Some say by fire Ordeal, this grew.
Nortalbingens, Holface, and Denmarke too
Stormar, yea and the Dithmar nations naught
With mighty pains, and Cost to Christs faith true.
Some say by fire Ordeal, this grew.
Otho the first a mighty multitude
Of Saxon Pagans to the Faith constrain'd
And in his reign authors have also Shew'd
The Livons, Escons, Curons also gain'd
With Luzats and Norwegians Converts nam'de.
Of Saxon Pagans to the Faith constrain'd
And in his reign authors have also Shew'd
The Livons, Escons, Curons also gain'd
With Luzats and Norwegians Converts nam'de.
Albert, Son of King of Sclavonia,
That won Bohemy, Prage enjoyd their Light.
But doing little good there, went away
With others, and the Hungars taught with might
And hath an harvest plentious a Brave Sight.
That won Bohemy, Prage enjoyd their Light.
But doing little good there, went away
With others, and the Hungars taught with might
And hath an harvest plentious a Brave Sight.
Thence to the Poles he goes, there favour findes,
Miecislaus Duke give the Archbishoprick
Of Gnesn to him, but hence soon he windes
To the Borussi them to teach who kick:
And nigh Fisshausen slay him. (Darkness thick!)
Miecislaus Duke give the Archbishoprick
Of Gnesn to him, but hence soon he windes
To the Borussi them to teach who kick:
And nigh Fisshausen slay him. (Darkness thick!)
For, whose dead Corps Boteslaus the Duke
Of Poland gave the Pagans so much gold
As it would weigh, and gain'd it by this hook
And it interrd with Honours manifold
At Gnesn solemnly as we are told.
Of Poland gave the Pagans so much gold
As it would weigh, and gain'd it by this hook
And it interrd with Honours manifold
At Gnesn solemnly as we are told.
In Fulda Ralph the monke with learning shone
At Hirsauge Blind Edelhard did fore shew
His death three years before hand, and made known
The ruin of the Abby there most true
Full eighty years before the place did rue.
At Hirsauge Blind Edelhard did fore shew
His death three years before hand, and made known
The ruin of the Abby there most true
Full eighty years before the place did rue.
In England Smaragd and monke Serle are said
With Glory bright of lear[n]ing to arise.
But with a brighter Shine indeed ore laid
The marri'd ministers whose holy guise
Oppose the pope, that Dunstan's Divell Cries
With Glory bright of lear[n]ing to arise.
But with a brighter Shine indeed ore laid
The marri'd ministers whose holy guise
Oppose the pope, that Dunstan's Divell Cries
Spain, Italy, France, Germany also
And other lands do gallant men out bring
Of Wisdom, Learning and of Glorious show
But they, as pious, are describd to cling
And give advance to Rome's greate man of Sin.
And other lands do gallant men out bring
Of Wisdom, Learning and of Glorious show
But they, as pious, are describd to cling
And give advance to Rome's greate man of Sin.
No doubt but greater Gospell Glory far
Of Grace and Holiness did others tend
Fixt in a lower Orb, than any Star
Fixt in archbishopricks that did extend
Its influence on Such that have them pend.
Of Grace and Holiness did others tend
Fixt in a lower Orb, than any Star
Fixt in archbishopricks that did extend
Its influence on Such that have them pend.
And hence, as lower Shines, though far more high
The Methamatick overlooks while he
Lies gazing on the Stars, these are passt by
By th'Pen men of the times, that could not see
Dazzled by glorys that on Prelates bee.
The Methamatick overlooks while he
Lies gazing on the Stars, these are passt by
By th'Pen men of the times, that could not see
Dazzled by glorys that on Prelates bee.
The which as worldly and not Gospell Shines
Filling all Bishops sleeves in ev'ry place
I do not mention: but bewaile these times
So gloriously out shining to disgrace
The Gospell, and its Holy Shine out race.
Filling all Bishops sleeves in ev'ry place
I do not mention: but bewaile these times
So gloriously out shining to disgrace
The Gospell, and its Holy Shine out race.
The Shine of Patience.
I now arrive at Patience Stately CourtsTo see how She is deckt, and her Comports
Through out this Century, the Which wee finde
Dealt with like rusty Steele, the which men grinde
And file to make it bright and shining: so
Rich Patience to the Grindlestone must go
Pride, Lies, Lust, Superstition, Cruelty.
Do Grinde her to the Quick. She shines thereby[.]
Now PRIDE doth Churchmen steeple very high
The Crosser's Staffe out shines in majesty
The Golden Mace, and Scepter. Kings lay down
Their Diadem under a miter'd Crown.
To be a Monke, Priest[,] Abbate, Bishop now
A Patriarch, or Cardinall, men vow,
Is here so rich, and glorious a thing
Earles, Dukes, and Princes, with its glory spring.
Hence Clergy men are often arm'd for war
And better Soldiers than Divines by far.
Better in Mars his Camp brandish'd with Steel:
Than with Christs Gospell Sword make Sinners feel.
Their glory better fits the Court, and Camp
Than Pulpit which sets on men's Souls Christs Stamp.
And here an instance take brought in our Way,
Of Clergified Noble of this Day
Otho the Great, that wore th'Imperiall Wreath,
In Germany, had's blood of his did breath
Under Prelatick Glory that it catcht.
William his Son, which his Queen Edith hatcht
(That English Queen) Mentz'es Archbishopricks
Verde's bishop Bruno too his Grandson,) skipt
Colens Archbishop Bruno was his Brother.
Theodorick bishop of Mets, another
Nam'd Almarick of Spires that Bishop was,
(And others more the which we overpass)
Were both his Cousins: and one Otgerus
His Counsilour was Spires great Bishop, thus,
Was Otho's Stock a Stock of Bishops bright.
The second Otho of Imperiall might
Suppli'de the Bishopricks with Courtiers too
For Heldebald his Chancollour up grew
Into the Bishops Throne of Worms. Also
Herbople's Bishoprick did fall unto
Hugo his Counsellour. But on I'l pass
Golfry that Bishop of Argentine was
Had the Fat Emperour Charles his Unkle's Shine
Dukt Reiners brother there thence calld Rich wine
Possesst that Bishoprick, in all its shine
Richard a branch from Englands Kingly line
Was Bishop of Manastvience its said.
Falcher, who Bishop was of Noviomage,
Was Bastard of the Emp'rours Lewis's Cook.
And eate to Death by lice ------ him forsook.
Boso Placentums Bishop we espy
Bastard to Hugh the King of Italy,
Albert that Bishop was of Paris cleare
Was Son of Balwin Prince of Flanders were[.]
Prage's Bishop Albert was King Lubeck's Son
King of the Sclaves. Arnulph to whom did run
Th'Archbishoprick of Remes, was brother to
Lothair the King of France. Also they show
That Mentz Archbishoprick also did trig
To Hatto bright the French Kings royall twig.
And unto Hildebert who was the brother
Of brave Duke Ederhard and of the other
Nam'de Conrade king of Romans. See the glory.
In Wormes's Bishoprick we finde in story
Franco a noble Personage of Hess.
Conrade did Constatice-Bishoprick possess;
He was Earle of Antorffe, and after him
Gebhard Earle of Bregentz was set therein.
Herboples Bishoprick on Bernard came
The Earle of Rotenburgh, a man of fame.
The Crosser's Staffe out shines in majesty
The Golden Mace, and Scepter. Kings lay down
Their Diadem under a miter'd Crown.
To be a Monke, Priest[,] Abbate, Bishop now
A Patriarch, or Cardinall, men vow,
Is here so rich, and glorious a thing
Earles, Dukes, and Princes, with its glory spring.
And better Soldiers than Divines by far.
Better in Mars his Camp brandish'd with Steel:
Than with Christs Gospell Sword make Sinners feel.
Their glory better fits the Court, and Camp
Than Pulpit which sets on men's Souls Christs Stamp.
And here an instance take brought in our Way,
Of Clergified Noble of this Day
Otho the Great, that wore th'Imperiall Wreath,
In Germany, had's blood of his did breath
Under Prelatick Glory that it catcht.
William his Son, which his Queen Edith hatcht
(That English Queen) Mentz'es Archbishopricks
Verde's bishop Bruno too his Grandson,) skipt
Colens Archbishop Bruno was his Brother.
Theodorick bishop of Mets, another
Nam'd Almarick of Spires that Bishop was,
(And others more the which we overpass)
Were both his Cousins: and one Otgerus
His Counsilour was Spires great Bishop, thus,
Was Otho's Stock a Stock of Bishops bright.
The second Otho of Imperiall might
Suppli'de the Bishopricks with Courtiers too
For Heldebald his Chancollour up grew
Into the Bishops Throne of Worms. Also
Herbople's Bishoprick did fall unto
Hugo his Counsellour. But on I'l pass
Golfry that Bishop of Argentine was
Had the Fat Emperour Charles his Unkle's Shine
Dukt Reiners brother there thence calld Rich wine
Possesst that Bishoprick, in all its shine
Richard a branch from Englands Kingly line
Was Bishop of Manastvience its said.
Falcher, who Bishop was of Noviomage,
Was Bastard of the Emp'rours Lewis's Cook.
And eate to Death by lice ------ him forsook.
Boso Placentums Bishop we espy
Bastard to Hugh the King of Italy,
Albert that Bishop was of Paris cleare
Was Son of Balwin Prince of Flanders were[.]
King of the Sclaves. Arnulph to whom did run
Th'Archbishoprick of Remes, was brother to
Lothair the King of France. Also they show
That Mentz Archbishoprick also did trig
To Hatto bright the French Kings royall twig.
And unto Hildebert who was the brother
Of brave Duke Ederhard and of the other
Nam'de Conrade king of Romans. See the glory.
In Wormes's Bishoprick we finde in story
Franco a noble Personage of Hess.
Conrade did Constatice-Bishoprick possess;
He was Earle of Antorffe, and after him
Gebhard Earle of Bregentz was set therein.
Herboples Bishoprick on Bernard came
The Earle of Rotenburgh, a man of fame.
Poppo before him sat here in this Seate
The sisters Son of famous Otho Greate.
Augusta's Bishoprick adornd these men
Adelbert who was Earle of Dillingen.
Then Huldrich a Noble Sweve won't. So
And after him Henry a Son unto
Burchard the Earle of Geisenhusen, and
Then Etticho Earle of Altorse it mand.
I'le go no further in this path: Here see
How Bishopricks like handballs tossed bee
From Prince to Prince, From Earle to Earle and Who
The Chruches Masters, or Church Landlords grow.
What pride is here? How doth the Church thus swell?
Patience lies bleeding[.] Venom beares the Bell.
The sisters Son of famous Otho Greate.
Augusta's Bishoprick adornd these men
Adelbert who was Earle of Dillingen.
Then Huldrich a Noble Sweve won't. So
And after him Henry a Son unto
Burchard the Earle of Geisenhusen, and
Then Etticho Earle of Altorse it mand.
I'le go no further in this path: Here see
How Bishopricks like handballs tossed bee
From Prince to Prince, From Earle to Earle and Who
The Chruches Masters, or Church Landlords grow.
What pride is here? How doth the Church thus swell?
Patience lies bleeding[.] Venom beares the Bell.
But now I'le step to Rome, and cast mine Eye
To see the glory of that Holy Sty.
And whether tis a Patience trying glory
Some notes will answer in the hints before yee.
To see the glory of that Holy Sty.
And whether tis a Patience trying glory
Some notes will answer in the hints before yee.
Pope John the tenth an heady Head, presumes
To fix Formosu's Acts: Rome at it fumes
Is in an Uproare. Like a Serpent he
To Save his head did to Ravenna flee.
A Counsill calls of Bishops seventy four,
Charles Simplex King of France attends this Whore.
He ratifies Formosu's Acts, and burns
Stephens Decrees who them off throws and spurns
At all Ordain'd by Pope Formosus men
That should be reordain'd. Which done he then
Return'd to Rome and slips into his Grave.
To fix Formosu's Acts: Rome at it fumes
Is in an Uproare. Like a Serpent he
To Save his head did to Ravenna flee.
Charles Simplex King of France attends this Whore.
He ratifies Formosu's Acts, and burns
Stephens Decrees who them off throws and spurns
At all Ordain'd by Pope Formosus men
That should be reordain'd. Which done he then
Return'd to Rome and slips into his Grave.
Then Benit Quart presumes the seate to have,
Who left it all perfumed with's Civit bum
To the fifth Leo upon whom there run
Vile Christopher one of his household birds
And make a jayle bird of him. (Sir soft Words)
And crouds into the Chair by wicked Arts,
The Head, a Vilain, what are other parts?
Now at him Rome inraged up arose
Their Head a Shavling make did him inclose
Within a Cloister then into a jayle
Where like a Rogue he died, The Church-Heads faile.
Who left it all perfumed with's Civit bum
To the fifth Leo upon whom there run
Vile Christopher one of his household birds
And make a jayle bird of him. (Sir soft Words)
And crouds into the Chair by wicked Arts,
The Head, a Vilain, what are other parts?
Now at him Rome inraged up arose
Their Head a Shavling make did him inclose
Within a Cloister then into a jayle
Where like a Rogue he died, The Church-Heads faile.
Sergy the third, the hand that man'd this deed
Did Vi and Armis to the Chair proceed[.]
He institutes Wax Candles as men say
Upon the Ladies Purifying Day.
But up he kicks: and Anastase the third
Did to the Miter come, a better bird.
Then Lando, (who lackt not the Porphory Chair,
Proofe of his Maledom John the Eleventh were
Who was his tread,) the throne ascends on high.
Crowns Berengarius King of Italy
Five months he fumes the Chaire and then did fling
It to his Cockerill to roost therein.
John Dean of brave Ravenna's beauty flies
With Chanting beams through Theodora's Eyes
A Whore of Rome. She gains the Bishoprick
First of Bonenia for him, by her trick
Then of Ravenna: then of Rome, that she
Might have more of his Chamber Companie,
And in the Chair the Letters of his pride,
Do fly abroad. He storms and fiercely Chides
King Edward of thee, England, indeed
As irreligious. And out did proceed
With Capua's Princes, Landulph, Arnulph and
Constantinoples Emperour in hand,
Against the Sarracens in Italy
And bangs them off, returns triumphantly
To Rome, with arrogance ascribs all Glory
Unto himselfe. Hence did as runs the Story,
Offend brave Alberick who aided much.
Hence out of Rome he thrusts him in a tūch.
Who hence with Hungars Italy ore run
And Spoild them more than Sarracens had done.
The Sarracens recoile burn Benevent
And unto Rome to ruin it are bent.
But Guido Earle of Tuscany them routs.
Assaults Pope John, his brother Peter outs
And slays before his Eyes, in prison flings
His Holiness. His Souldiers as his stings
Did with a Pillow Smoother him. Sad things.
But yet its said Ravenna people flew
With one accord upon him and him threw
Out of the City in tumultuouswise
As an invader of the Churches joyes.
Did Vi and Armis to the Chair proceed[.]
He institutes Wax Candles as men say
Upon the Ladies Purifying Day.
But up he kicks: and Anastase the third
Did to the Miter come, a better bird.
Then Lando, (who lackt not the Porphory Chair,
Proofe of his Maledom John the Eleventh were
Who was his tread,) the throne ascends on high.
Crowns Berengarius King of Italy
Five months he fumes the Chaire and then did fling
It to his Cockerill to roost therein.
John Dean of brave Ravenna's beauty flies
With Chanting beams through Theodora's Eyes
A Whore of Rome. She gains the Bishoprick
First of Bonenia for him, by her trick
Then of Ravenna: then of Rome, that she
Might have more of his Chamber Companie,
And in the Chair the Letters of his pride,
Do fly abroad. He storms and fiercely Chides
King Edward of thee, England, indeed
As irreligious. And out did proceed
With Capua's Princes, Landulph, Arnulph and
Constantinoples Emperour in hand,
And bangs them off, returns triumphantly
To Rome, with arrogance ascribs all Glory
Unto himselfe. Hence did as runs the Story,
Offend brave Alberick who aided much.
Hence out of Rome he thrusts him in a tūch.
Who hence with Hungars Italy ore run
And Spoild them more than Sarracens had done.
The Sarracens recoile burn Benevent
And unto Rome to ruin it are bent.
But Guido Earle of Tuscany them routs.
Assaults Pope John, his brother Peter outs
And slays before his Eyes, in prison flings
His Holiness. His Souldiers as his stings
Did with a Pillow Smoother him. Sad things.
But yet its said Ravenna people flew
With one accord upon him and him threw
Out of the City in tumultuouswise
As an invader of the Churches joyes.
Will John the Cockerill of Lando gone
Seditiously they Pope another John.
Pope Sergiu's bastard by Marozia
That Roman Harlot that did beare all Sway.
But yet Rome will not beare him: out he goes:
Seditiously they Pope another John.
Pope Sergiu's bastard by Marozia
That Roman Harlot that did beare all Sway.
But yet Rome will not beare him: out he goes:
Leo the sixth another bastard rose
Head of the Church. Merozia makes a mess
For him of Poison, did him dispossess.
Head of the Church. Merozia makes a mess
For him of Poison, did him dispossess.
The twelfe Pope John, Son of the Whore Maroze
Pope Sergiu's Bastard treds the Chair, and crows
For five years Space, then left his Cushion to
Stephen the eighth, who in their broiles a blow
Or more misfigured his face that he
Withindores lurkt, him out they shall not see.
Martin the third doth follow him four years
Then Agapit the second in appears
Snouts Berengarius King of Italy
And leaves the Chair to John thirteenth to ly.
Constrain'd access thereto. A Head to lurch.
Rather an Head of Harlots than the Church.
He first ordaind the Emperour that hee
By Popes of Rome Augustus Crownd should bee.
When Otho had cleard Italy nigh all
From Berengariu's Wars, had ------ fall
Much Honour. And th'Imperiall Diadem
Set On his head by John, this pleasd good men.
The Emperour whose zeale in love did flower,
Admonished his Holiness to scoure
His life of all Unworthy deads and't frame
As did become one in his place and name.
And so he and the Pope by mutuall Oath
Oblig'de each others Faith betwixt them both.
But soon his Holiness destroys his Faith
And joyns to Albert now who quickly hath
Rome ope to him. Two Cardinalls thence fly
Unto the Emperour, and it descry.
The Pope and Albert pillag, and to make wast
Of Peters Church and Unto Corfia's hast
About, but John like to a roague doth stray
Upon the mountains of Campania
Having first took those Cardinalls and cropt
One of two Fingers, Nose, and Tongue, and Chopt
The others hand off. Otho yet did send
Inviting Letters to him back to bend.
But stay a While. I will not. Hence he led
A Counsill now at Rome to judge their Head,
The Hearts the Seate of Grace, the Head of Brains.
The Body sums up how the Head hath stains
This lift it doth produce. This head ordain'd
A Deacon in his Stable, and is staind
With Simony, making for Silver bits
Bishops, yea a boy of ten years old, brave Wits.
He guilty was of Sacralegetious Sin
Adultery and Incest with his Kin
With two own Sister, and of Perjury.
And was a very knar of Cruelty.
His Ghostly Father Benit lost his eyes
Whereby he lost his life, by's Cruelties.
He pared off the Genetalls of one
Poore Cardinall (Eunuchs attend Kings throne)
He walked arm'd with Sword Shield, Helmet fine
And to the Divell dranke an health in Wine.
He calls on Jupiter, on Venus, nay
And Other Demons at his Dice and play.
He minded Hunting. But when Mass he said,
He did not then co--- nutricate: Delai'd
To fortify himselfe: with Cross, neglect
Mattins, and Hours Canonick to respect.
These Crimes alledgd Otho to him sends to
Appears, and purge himselfe, Stay Sir not so.
I am too guilty age? But see my Art.
(The Brains lie in the Head, not in the Heart.)
If you create another Pope, Ile speede
To Excommunicate you all indeed.
They send another letter to him still.
But cannot find him. Hence it is the Will
Of all the Synod, John shall out. And Chose
Leo Octave, and to the Chaire he goes.
Pope Sergiu's Bastard treds the Chair, and crows
For five years Space, then left his Cushion to
Stephen the eighth, who in their broiles a blow
Or more misfigured his face that he
Withindores lurkt, him out they shall not see.
Martin the third doth follow him four years
Then Agapit the second in appears
Snouts Berengarius King of Italy
And leaves the Chair to John thirteenth to ly.
Constrain'd access thereto. A Head to lurch.
Rather an Head of Harlots than the Church.
By Popes of Rome Augustus Crownd should bee.
When Otho had cleard Italy nigh all
From Berengariu's Wars, had ------ fall
Much Honour. And th'Imperiall Diadem
Set On his head by John, this pleasd good men.
The Emperour whose zeale in love did flower,
Admonished his Holiness to scoure
His life of all Unworthy deads and't frame
As did become one in his place and name.
And so he and the Pope by mutuall Oath
Oblig'de each others Faith betwixt them both.
But soon his Holiness destroys his Faith
And joyns to Albert now who quickly hath
Rome ope to him. Two Cardinalls thence fly
Unto the Emperour, and it descry.
The Pope and Albert pillag, and to make wast
Of Peters Church and Unto Corfia's hast
About, but John like to a roague doth stray
Upon the mountains of Campania
Having first took those Cardinalls and cropt
One of two Fingers, Nose, and Tongue, and Chopt
The others hand off. Otho yet did send
Inviting Letters to him back to bend.
But stay a While. I will not. Hence he led
A Counsill now at Rome to judge their Head,
The Hearts the Seate of Grace, the Head of Brains.
The Body sums up how the Head hath stains
This lift it doth produce. This head ordain'd
A Deacon in his Stable, and is staind
With Simony, making for Silver bits
Bishops, yea a boy of ten years old, brave Wits.
He guilty was of Sacralegetious Sin
Adultery and Incest with his Kin
With two own Sister, and of Perjury.
And was a very knar of Cruelty.
His Ghostly Father Benit lost his eyes
Whereby he lost his life, by's Cruelties.
He pared off the Genetalls of one
Poore Cardinall (Eunuchs attend Kings throne)
He walked arm'd with Sword Shield, Helmet fine
And to the Divell dranke an health in Wine.
He calls on Jupiter, on Venus, nay
And Other Demons at his Dice and play.
He did not then co--- nutricate: Delai'd
To fortify himselfe: with Cross, neglect
Mattins, and Hours Canonick to respect.
These Crimes alledgd Otho to him sends to
Appears, and purge himselfe, Stay Sir not so.
I am too guilty age? But see my Art.
(The Brains lie in the Head, not in the Heart.)
If you create another Pope, Ile speede
To Excommunicate you all indeed.
They send another letter to him still.
But cannot find him. Hence it is the Will
Of all the Synod, John shall out. And Chose
Leo Octave, and to the Chaire he goes.
But now Johns Brain pan works and under hand
Assures the Citizens, that for him stand
If they take Otho off, and Leo slay,
He all the Churches treasures would out lay
Upon them, as he to his harlot brave
Saint Peters golden Cups and Crosses gave.
They fall about the Work. But Otho's men
Do hew them down apace. He worketh then
When Otho was gone home, with's Harlots, who
Prevaile with Roman Nobles: and they go
To slay poore Leo, but he slipt away
Tripping to Otho. Now gains the day.
Gets in the Chair again, and Cockerill like
Fell Crowing, yea and treading too, in Sight.
But while he trod the Hen, her Cock did fly,
And gave him his Deaths Wound effectually.
Assures the Citizens, that for him stand
If they take Otho off, and Leo slay,
He all the Churches treasures would out lay
Upon them, as he to his harlot brave
Saint Peters golden Cups and Crosses gave.
They fall about the Work. But Otho's men
Do hew them down apace. He worketh then
When Otho was gone home, with's Harlots, who
Prevaile with Roman Nobles: and they go
To slay poore Leo, but he slipt away
Tripping to Otho. Now gains the day.
Gets in the Chair again, and Cockerill like
Fell Crowing, yea and treading too, in Sight.
But while he trod the Hen, her Cock did fly,
And gave him his Deaths Wound effectually.
Leo octave now with Imperiall might
While this was doing onward journying Streight
And John thus blown, the hare braind Romans make
On Benit Pope: and Leo off do shake
But Soft awhile. Leo is now too stoute
Backt thus with Otho to be Shuffled out.
While this was doing onward journying Streight
And John thus blown, the hare braind Romans make
On Benit Pope: and Leo off do shake
But Soft awhile. Leo is now too stoute
Backt thus with Otho to be Shuffled out.
For Otho coming to Romes gate, they ope
Unto him, and to th'pot must go this Pope.
And Leo is again fixt in the Chair
And Benit left unto his pleasure were.
Who Banisht to Hamburgh there to bide
And from Romes Men, and Clergy's laid aside
By Synod law the Power to choose the Pope
Unto the Emperour where Lodg'd their hope.
And then Pope Leo leaves his Glorious Shine
To John the fourteenth of that name so fine
On whom unfolded were the blossoms, soone
Of Cruell Pride on Peter (who of Rome
Levetenant was who had him prisoned),
Whom by the Hangman hee envenomed
With Sweet revenge, ti'de by the Haire made stay
To Constantine's Stout horse even all the Day,
Then set him on an Ass, with hands fast ti'de
Unto the taile to please his haughty pride
And face turnd to the Asses hinder parts
Did Scourge him through the Citie Oh! he Smarts.
And banisht him away to Germany
Must this be judgd the Popes Humility?
Otho the Second and his Queen's head dubs
With the Imperiall Diadem: and hubs
The Church of Capua into a Spire
Of Metropolitan, and Vane on't higher.
Did send the Cardinall Egidius
To Poland to ordain there bishops thus,
And charge them to acknowled[ge] Romes high Pope
The Churches Chiefest Head. And now out broke
Baptizing Bells and giving of them names.
And he the greate Bell of the Laterane
Babtizd, and gave his one name to the Same.
But death allayes his Plumes. And throws his place
On Benit-Sext, murder'd by Boniface
Donus the Second fills it for awhile,
Then Boniface the Seventh in't doth Quoile
A Cruell monster whom none could abide
Who robd the Church and fled: the gap now wide
Lets John the fifteenth in to Peters Chaire.
Who blinded, and in jayle too famisht were.
But Boniface with haughtiness and force
Assumes his Chair. And in his Cruell Course
Puts out the Eyes of John a Cardinall
Then Conscience galls him. Death doth on him fall.
His karkass in the Lateran Street is cast,
And stob'd with Pikes, and Swords, then 'terd at last.
The Seventh Benit then arose a limb
Of Antichrist as those preceding him.
And as the Ensign of his towering pride
Did weare a Sword of Bloody Mars ats Side.
Did nose and novice all the Peers of Rome,
And Crowns the third Prince Otho. And doth fume
Upon the Roman nobles: Some Exiles.
Other in Cruell bonds and prisons Spoiles,
But Deaths attachement on his Headshipt's clapt.
And John the Sixteenth in the Seate is Snatcht.
And out and quickly in the Prison lies
And famished, by hunger in it dies.
Then John the Seventeenth by Marshall knack
Sat down, and made poore Peters Chair to crack.
When Lothair King of France a Synod calld
And Arnulph Bishop outed, this so galld
His holiness, his Pride did swell so high
He calls another Synod by and by
And Arnulph inns again and outeth him
That was made bishop of the Frankish King.
Crescentius too, who did by might presume
To take up the Dominion over Rome
Did fright Pope John that he to Otho sends
Who coming, Crescens with the Pope made friends.
Must now fall down before his feet full low.
And Happy made a kiss on them to throw.
Unto him, and to th'pot must go this Pope.
And Leo is again fixt in the Chair
And Benit left unto his pleasure were.
Who Banisht to Hamburgh there to bide
And from Romes Men, and Clergy's laid aside
By Synod law the Power to choose the Pope
Unto the Emperour where Lodg'd their hope.
To John the fourteenth of that name so fine
On whom unfolded were the blossoms, soone
Of Cruell Pride on Peter (who of Rome
Levetenant was who had him prisoned),
Whom by the Hangman hee envenomed
With Sweet revenge, ti'de by the Haire made stay
To Constantine's Stout horse even all the Day,
Then set him on an Ass, with hands fast ti'de
Unto the taile to please his haughty pride
And face turnd to the Asses hinder parts
Did Scourge him through the Citie Oh! he Smarts.
And banisht him away to Germany
Must this be judgd the Popes Humility?
Otho the Second and his Queen's head dubs
With the Imperiall Diadem: and hubs
The Church of Capua into a Spire
Of Metropolitan, and Vane on't higher.
Did send the Cardinall Egidius
To Poland to ordain there bishops thus,
And charge them to acknowled[ge] Romes high Pope
The Churches Chiefest Head. And now out broke
Baptizing Bells and giving of them names.
And he the greate Bell of the Laterane
Babtizd, and gave his one name to the Same.
But death allayes his Plumes. And throws his place
On Benit-Sext, murder'd by Boniface
Donus the Second fills it for awhile,
Then Boniface the Seventh in't doth Quoile
A Cruell monster whom none could abide
Who robd the Church and fled: the gap now wide
Lets John the fifteenth in to Peters Chaire.
Who blinded, and in jayle too famisht were.
But Boniface with haughtiness and force
Assumes his Chair. And in his Cruell Course
Puts out the Eyes of John a Cardinall
Then Conscience galls him. Death doth on him fall.
His karkass in the Lateran Street is cast,
And stob'd with Pikes, and Swords, then 'terd at last.
The Seventh Benit then arose a limb
Of Antichrist as those preceding him.
And as the Ensign of his towering pride
Did weare a Sword of Bloody Mars ats Side.
Did nose and novice all the Peers of Rome,
And Crowns the third Prince Otho. And doth fume
Upon the Roman nobles: Some Exiles.
Other in Cruell bonds and prisons Spoiles,
But Deaths attachement on his Headshipt's clapt.
And John the Sixteenth in the Seate is Snatcht.
And famished, by hunger in it dies.
Then John the Seventeenth by Marshall knack
Sat down, and made poore Peters Chair to crack.
When Lothair King of France a Synod calld
And Arnulph Bishop outed, this so galld
His holiness, his Pride did swell so high
He calls another Synod by and by
And Arnulph inns again and outeth him
That was made bishop of the Frankish King.
Crescentius too, who did by might presume
To take up the Dominion over Rome
Did fright Pope John that he to Otho sends
Who coming, Crescens with the Pope made friends.
Must now fall down before his feet full low.
And Happy made a kiss on them to throw.
But after all his pride he's worms meate made
And Death doth hord him up in Lethall Shade.
The which the Emperour hearing of, did take
His Household Priest, learn'd Bruno, for kinsake.
Son unto Otho Duke of Swethland, and
Sends him to Rome that on him they might hand
The Popedom, which they do. And do him name
Greg'ry the fift, but soon they him disclaime.
Crescentius domineers again in Rome
And Gregory flies. And John Placentine soon
Doth buy the Popedom, a man ambitious Vile
And therein Swells and huffs a little while.
But Otho comes, the City Siegeth then,
The City trembles let him in with's men.
Cressentius and Pope John fly to the tower
Strong of Saint Angell. Which indeed the Power
Of Otho seemd too mean to win. So lo
Now by the Name Cressence's Tower't doth goe.
They are commanded thence in hope of Life
And out they passing, are snapt up in Strife
Cressentius on a poore Jade's made ride
With face towards its taile through city wide,
In greate disgrace. Then's members were cut off
And 'fore the City Walls hang'd up in Scoff.
John was depriv'de of's Eyes, Ears, Nose, Place, Life.
Fare well John Eighteenth Pope so ends the Strife
Greg'ry thus settled, doth Constitute
Mentz, Trevirs, Colens Bishops (thankfull fruite).
Marquess of Brandenburgh, Earle Palatine
Of Rhene, the Duke of Saxony, in fine
King of Bohemy for Electors Free
Of th'Emperour of Germany. Then he
That is Elected to the Pope must go
Who must the Diadem on him bestow.
Thus now you see a Sorry Priest ore top
Kings, Princes, Emperours, yea, and what not?
Yet to his Pot he goes: and leaves his Chaire.
Sylvester then the Second Sprung up there
A Cursed Wizzard, daily Converse had
Ev'n with the Divell. How now pope (what mad)
He Secretly did keep an Head of brass.
By which the Divell answerd, when this ass
Did ask him touching things to come. And hee
Desirous for to know how long his glee
And glory he possessed should abide
The Divell subtilly to him repli'de
Thou shalt not dy unless thou Celebrate
Mass in Jerusalem. His headships pate
Secure hereat thought death was far off then
Nere minding passing to Jerusalem.
But at the time calld Quadragisima
As it a Custom was, he Mass did say
In Sancta Crux'es Chappell and there fell
Into a burning fever. And a knell
Or noise of Divells Sounded in his eares.
And asking what the Chappells name was? Feares
Did greatly rise, hearing that it was calld
Jerusalem. And now his Conscience galld
Him to the Quick, he doth bewaile his Sin,
And tells the Cardinalls there neere to him.
And chargd them much an holy life to live
And unto piety themselves up give.
And bad them cut and tare his Corps when dead
And put it in a Coach which two Steeds led
And bury it where ere they drew it. They
This done, did draw it of themselves away,
Unto the Lateran Church none did them drive
And there is buri'de was. And when not alive.
And ever since they do prognosticate
The Death of th'Pope when they do heare a Shake
And rattling of his bones within his tomb
And by its Sweate. Looke to't ye popes of Rome.
Now in this Bead rowle of these Head[s] of Pride
We see Gods Patience Exercisd and tride
And Shining gloriously. Unto whose praise
And Death doth hord him up in Lethall Shade.
The which the Emperour hearing of, did take
His Household Priest, learn'd Bruno, for kinsake.
Son unto Otho Duke of Swethland, and
Sends him to Rome that on him they might hand
The Popedom, which they do. And do him name
Greg'ry the fift, but soon they him disclaime.
Crescentius domineers again in Rome
And Gregory flies. And John Placentine soon
Doth buy the Popedom, a man ambitious Vile
And therein Swells and huffs a little while.
But Otho comes, the City Siegeth then,
The City trembles let him in with's men.
Cressentius and Pope John fly to the tower
Strong of Saint Angell. Which indeed the Power
Of Otho seemd too mean to win. So lo
Now by the Name Cressence's Tower't doth goe.
They are commanded thence in hope of Life
And out they passing, are snapt up in Strife
Cressentius on a poore Jade's made ride
With face towards its taile through city wide,
In greate disgrace. Then's members were cut off
And 'fore the City Walls hang'd up in Scoff.
John was depriv'de of's Eyes, Ears, Nose, Place, Life.
Fare well John Eighteenth Pope so ends the Strife
Greg'ry thus settled, doth Constitute
Mentz, Trevirs, Colens Bishops (thankfull fruite).
Marquess of Brandenburgh, Earle Palatine
Of Rhene, the Duke of Saxony, in fine
Of th'Emperour of Germany. Then he
That is Elected to the Pope must go
Who must the Diadem on him bestow.
Thus now you see a Sorry Priest ore top
Kings, Princes, Emperours, yea, and what not?
Yet to his Pot he goes: and leaves his Chaire.
Sylvester then the Second Sprung up there
A Cursed Wizzard, daily Converse had
Ev'n with the Divell. How now pope (what mad)
He Secretly did keep an Head of brass.
By which the Divell answerd, when this ass
Did ask him touching things to come. And hee
Desirous for to know how long his glee
And glory he possessed should abide
The Divell subtilly to him repli'de
Thou shalt not dy unless thou Celebrate
Mass in Jerusalem. His headships pate
Secure hereat thought death was far off then
Nere minding passing to Jerusalem.
But at the time calld Quadragisima
As it a Custom was, he Mass did say
In Sancta Crux'es Chappell and there fell
Into a burning fever. And a knell
Or noise of Divells Sounded in his eares.
And asking what the Chappells name was? Feares
Did greatly rise, hearing that it was calld
Jerusalem. And now his Conscience galld
Him to the Quick, he doth bewaile his Sin,
And tells the Cardinalls there neere to him.
And chargd them much an holy life to live
And unto piety themselves up give.
And bad them cut and tare his Corps when dead
And put it in a Coach which two Steeds led
And bury it where ere they drew it. They
This done, did draw it of themselves away,
Unto the Lateran Church none did them drive
And there is buri'de was. And when not alive.
And ever since they do prognosticate
The Death of th'Pope when they do heare a Shake
And rattling of his bones within his tomb
And by its Sweate. Looke to't ye popes of Rome.
Now in this Bead rowle of these Head[s] of Pride
We see Gods Patience Exercisd and tride
And Shining gloriously. Unto whose praise
We have thus counted what did fill these dayes.
The Lies of Horrid Shape, and Scarlet die
Staining this tract of time do also try
Patience Divine untill't out shine the Sun
That in its glorious Charriot out doth run.
What Lying Words. What Doctrine black of Lies?
What Lying Miracles did Monks devise?
And not a few, nay Waggon loads, might here
Be Summed up. But for false words give Eare.
The Normans who their Faith with Christ did plight
Contrary there unto Christs Gospell spite.
King Olaus the Dane baptism took.
And yet his Paganism not forsooke.
Swenotto Otho's Godson did desert
The Gospell and up Idoll Gods erect.
Contrary to baptismall Promise, nay
The Vandalls do the same game also play.
So did the Swedes before them. Thus gross lies
Provoke Gods Patience, of the largest Sise.
I come to other lies. Pope John the Base
Being Pope Lando's bastard, that did Chase
The Sarracens from Italy by th'aide
Of Capua's Princes and that noble blade
Alberick Marquess of Hetruria
Was not asham'd to graspe in glorious way
The praise of all unto his worthy Acts
Contrary to his doing or his facts
Guido the Earle of Tuscany calld then
By this Pope John against the Sarracen
And quelld their might, now rose contrary to
His Faith against this pope, and Choaks him so.
Pope John the twelfth plighted fealty
By which with Otho like a roague did ly.
And ran unto the foe, and joynd with him
Against this Emperour. Have Popes no Sin?
The fifth Pope Benit swore to Otho they
Would choose no Pope without Imperiall Sway.
And yet against the Emperours design
Unto the Popedom rose and thither climb.
Pope John eighteenth's a lying paraclite,
By fraude, and Guile in Peters Chaire was height.
But pass we now to lying Doctrine's and
We see the former lying Doctrines stand
In paint and with Aditionalls, each page
B'ing brighten'd by the Comments of this age.
They say Greate Hugh the King of Italy
Brake up his Siege of Painteirs and did fly
Drove thence by Storm and tempest Christ out bears
Which old Saint Hilary raisd by his prayers.
Staining this tract of time do also try
Patience Divine untill't out shine the Sun
That in its glorious Charriot out doth run.
What Lying Words. What Doctrine black of Lies?
What Lying Miracles did Monks devise?
And not a few, nay Waggon loads, might here
Be Summed up. But for false words give Eare.
The Normans who their Faith with Christ did plight
Contrary there unto Christs Gospell spite.
King Olaus the Dane baptism took.
And yet his Paganism not forsooke.
Swenotto Otho's Godson did desert
The Gospell and up Idoll Gods erect.
Contrary to baptismall Promise, nay
The Vandalls do the same game also play.
So did the Swedes before them. Thus gross lies
Provoke Gods Patience, of the largest Sise.
I come to other lies. Pope John the Base
Being Pope Lando's bastard, that did Chase
The Sarracens from Italy by th'aide
Of Capua's Princes and that noble blade
Alberick Marquess of Hetruria
Was not asham'd to graspe in glorious way
The praise of all unto his worthy Acts
Contrary to his doing or his facts
Guido the Earle of Tuscany calld then
By this Pope John against the Sarracen
And quelld their might, now rose contrary to
His Faith against this pope, and Choaks him so.
Pope John the twelfth plighted fealty
By which with Otho like a roague did ly.
And ran unto the foe, and joynd with him
Against this Emperour. Have Popes no Sin?
The fifth Pope Benit swore to Otho they
Would choose no Pope without Imperiall Sway.
And yet against the Emperours design
Unto the Popedom rose and thither climb.
Pope John eighteenth's a lying paraclite,
By fraude, and Guile in Peters Chaire was height.
But pass we now to lying Doctrine's and
We see the former lying Doctrines stand
In paint and with Aditionalls, each page
B'ing brighten'd by the Comments of this age.
Brake up his Siege of Painteirs and did fly
Drove thence by Storm and tempest Christ out bears
Which old Saint Hilary raisd by his prayers.
That Dead Saints come, and tell men what to do
The Floriake monks proove thus, in that they stow
Up old Saint Benits bones at Orleans when
The Normans harrast france and drew to'wrds them
And burnt their Abby down. That following night
Saint Benit did appeare in Vision bright
To Earle Sigillous on whose charge did ly
The care and Safty of th'Monastery,
And Chad him for his Sloath. Hence he out goes
And with Small Strength them utterly ore throws.
The Floriake monks proove thus, in that they stow
Up old Saint Benits bones at Orleans when
The Normans harrast france and drew to'wrds them
And burnt their Abby down. That following night
Saint Benit did appeare in Vision bright
To Earle Sigillous on whose charge did ly
The care and Safty of th'Monastery,
And Chad him for his Sloath. Hence he out goes
And with Small Strength them utterly ore throws.
Sarolth Duke Geisa's Wife the Hungar, when
With child, Dreamd that Saint Stephen came again
And bad her of good cheer be, put her trust
In Jesus Christ: for she a brave boy must
Bring forth to ware Pannonia's royall crown.
Like whom Pannonia never saw come down
Among them: and should Canonized bee
At last. And give thou him my Name. quoth hee.
And disappear'd. Sarolth at this out came
And smoaks all Altars now to Stephen's name.
With child, Dreamd that Saint Stephen came again
And bad her of good cheer be, put her trust
In Jesus Christ: for she a brave boy must
Bring forth to ware Pannonia's royall crown.
Like whom Pannonia never saw come down
Among them: and should Canonized bee
At last. And give thou him my Name. quoth hee.
And disappear'd. Sarolth at this out came
And smoaks all Altars now to Stephen's name.
Dunstan, that Wizzard, doubting in his minde
Whether he the Church of Winchester him signd
Should wall or no? dreams that he saw full cleare
That Peter, Paul, and Andrew did appeare.
Andrew with an Angellicke voice spake sweet
My Yoake take up: and learn for ---m meek.
Of Peter he was bad his left hand stretch
Who quickly shooke it with a ferule Squitch,
This unto thee must be a punishment
Of Priested slighted: and a Sign intent
Of it no more to be neglected. So
He did accept without all other show.
Whether he the Church of Winchester him signd
Should wall or no? dreams that he saw full cleare
That Peter, Paul, and Andrew did appeare.
Andrew with an Angellicke voice spake sweet
My Yoake take up: and learn for ---m meek.
Of Peter he was bad his left hand stretch
Who quickly shooke it with a ferule Squitch,
This unto thee must be a punishment
Of Priested slighted: and a Sign intent
Of it no more to be neglected. So
He did accept without all other show.
And after this King Eldred falling ill
Sent for Saint Dunstan. Hast he makes with Skill
But as he went, this Voice from high him calls
King Eldreds dead. Down Dunstan['s] horse dead falls.
And in Deaths pangs he saw the Seraphims
In Sweet Antiphonies thus forth to sing
Oh! King of Nations, Lord, of all things, and
The Virgin Mary, with her Sociates stand
Attending on him. O vile Dunstan, how
Canst thou these lies assert with bishops brow?
And to a vow old Relicks vertue have
To heale Diseases heare some tables grave
They say that Al'se, th'Greate Earle of Flanders wife
Sick of Disease incurable her life
Past hope obtain'd recovery before
Saint Bertines altar as she did adore.
They say Ludolph bishop of Noviomage
Washing the Corps of Landoald there laid
Young Theodard Ostburg that all dumb were
Began to Speake at first. What news is here?
Sent for Saint Dunstan. Hast he makes with Skill
But as he went, this Voice from high him calls
King Eldreds dead. Down Dunstan['s] horse dead falls.
And in Deaths pangs he saw the Seraphims
In Sweet Antiphonies thus forth to sing
Oh! King of Nations, Lord, of all things, and
The Virgin Mary, with her Sociates stand
Attending on him. O vile Dunstan, how
Canst thou these lies assert with bishops brow?
To heale Diseases heare some tables grave
They say that Al'se, th'Greate Earle of Flanders wife
Sick of Disease incurable her life
Past hope obtain'd recovery before
Saint Bertines altar as she did adore.
They say Ludolph bishop of Noviomage
Washing the Corps of Landoald there laid
Young Theodard Ostburg that all dumb were
Began to Speake at first. What news is here?
A Prefect (as they say) of Otho lay
Possessed of the Divell, did defray
The filthie fiend, wearing about his neck
Of Peters chain which gave the Ghost his Check.
Possessed of the Divell, did defray
The filthie fiend, wearing about his neck
Of Peters chain which gave the Ghost his Check.
A Palsy Priest (they say) was brought and laid
At Dunstans Tomb, was whole again there made
But he the glory of't would not ascribe
In's Caps to Dunstan, hence he quickly slides
In to't again. And out he sent at last
His Spirit with an horrid lowing blast.
And at this tomb a man posessed stood
Did Vomit up a Demon with much blood.
That Saints are to be worshiped thus they proove
In that Walarick and Richary move
Did proud Hugh Capit to be king because
He sav'de their bodies: worshipt all their paws.
So too in that when th'battell doubtfull hung
Betixt the Rossi, and the Romans Sprang
A Storm that Rag'd in the Barbarians face
A knight most brave many beheld with grace
Defending of the Romans and did breake
The Enemies ranks: and then a Woman spake
And said she saw our Lady come the day
Before the Fight with her greate train away
Thus speaking, Master Theodore, my John
Zimis and thine greate danger is upon.
Come help him quickly. Hence they deem they may
Adore, the Virgin Mary, to her pray.
At Dunstans Tomb, was whole again there made
But he the glory of't would not ascribe
In's Caps to Dunstan, hence he quickly slides
In to't again. And out he sent at last
His Spirit with an horrid lowing blast.
And at this tomb a man posessed stood
Did Vomit up a Demon with much blood.
That Saints are to be worshiped thus they proove
In that Walarick and Richary move
Did proud Hugh Capit to be king because
He sav'de their bodies: worshipt all their paws.
So too in that when th'battell doubtfull hung
Betixt the Rossi, and the Romans Sprang
A Storm that Rag'd in the Barbarians face
A knight most brave many beheld with grace
Defending of the Romans and did breake
The Enemies ranks: and then a Woman spake
And said she saw our Lady come the day
Before the Fight with her greate train away
Thus speaking, Master Theodore, my John
Zimis and thine greate danger is upon.
Come help him quickly. Hence they deem they may
Adore, the Virgin Mary, to her pray.
When Sergius like a Swine did with his Snout
Root up Formosu's Corps and throw them out
Into brave Tyber, which being found and had
Unto Saint Peters Church, and buried
As it came in the Images did stand
And it adore, and greet. Oh! lying band.
When Othelwald was Glasenbury Monk
The Abbot there did of him clearly jump
In to this Dream, He saw a tree whose limbs
Spred ore each Quarter of the Land and things
Therein, whose tops bore little monkish couls
And one greate large one ore all these small fou[ls]
That did them cover ore, was this a ly?
Yet Monks like bees soon ore the land did fly.
Root up Formosu's Corps and throw them out
Into brave Tyber, which being found and had
Unto Saint Peters Church, and buried
As it came in the Images did stand
And it adore, and greet. Oh! lying band.
The Abbot there did of him clearly jump
In to this Dream, He saw a tree whose limbs
Spred ore each Quarter of the Land and things
Therein, whose tops bore little monkish couls
And one greate large one ore all these small fou[ls]
That did them cover ore, was this a ly?
Yet Monks like bees soon ore the land did fly.
When Dunstan and the Pope rose up and drives
Wedlock from Ministers, and so their Wives
And cast them out of their estates alass,
And from their Offices, which facts soon pass
For nothing. They restored were again.
The monks then by their Monkery obtain
The holy Rood to end the Contest, which
Gave out this Oracle, or Dunstans Witch
They that do favour thus the Ministers
Suppose not Well. O! monkish juglers.
Wedlock from Ministers, and so their Wives
And cast them out of their estates alass,
And from their Offices, which facts soon pass
For nothing. They restored were again.
The monks then by their Monkery obtain
The holy Rood to end the Contest, which
Gave out this Oracle, or Dunstans Witch
They that do favour thus the Ministers
Suppose not Well. O! monkish juglers.
It's said, that Dunstan who did didicate
A certain Church, and water faild, did take
His Staff and stroke it on the ground. Whereby
Water did largely flow thence Speedily.
Another Church not standing duely east
As he was Dedicating he addrest
His Shoulders to it and soon set it right
This is a ly: Or Dunstan's Divells might.
The Divell tride its said, in barelike Shape
The Crossiers Staffe from Dunstan's hands to take.
But the good bishop did well favouridly
His jerkon Swaddle: Dunstans verily.
Dunstan at prayre alone upon the day
Of Christs Assention greeted was, they say,
By Cherubims, and Seraphims, who said
The Son of God on whom thy Love is laid
Commands thee if prepar'de, to come and keep
This day with us. To whom he said, these Sheep
Can't Spare me on this day, or such like say,
Then let it be they said, on Sabbath day.
Dunstan consents, and they away depart.
Dunstan then mass't it so as toucht the heart.
Of those that heard him, who did here his Voice
Not like a man, but Angells; Very Choice.
And did declare his death at hand, and so
When dinner passt, in th' Orators did go
And shew'd the place where he would buri'de bee.
And then fell Sick: and so to bed goes hee.
And three times to the roofes vault up is ta'en
And gently is let down to th' earth again
And blessing them there who repli'de AMEN,
He passt to his who called him to them.
A certain Church, and water faild, did take
His Staff and stroke it on the ground. Whereby
Water did largely flow thence Speedily.
Another Church not standing duely east
As he was Dedicating he addrest
His Shoulders to it and soon set it right
This is a ly: Or Dunstan's Divells might.
The Divell tride its said, in barelike Shape
The Crossiers Staffe from Dunstan's hands to take.
But the good bishop did well favouridly
His jerkon Swaddle: Dunstans verily.
Dunstan at prayre alone upon the day
Of Christs Assention greeted was, they say,
By Cherubims, and Seraphims, who said
The Son of God on whom thy Love is laid
Commands thee if prepar'de, to come and keep
This day with us. To whom he said, these Sheep
Can't Spare me on this day, or such like say,
Then let it be they said, on Sabbath day.
Dunstan consents, and they away depart.
Dunstan then mass't it so as toucht the heart.
Not like a man, but Angells; Very Choice.
And did declare his death at hand, and so
When dinner passt, in th' Orators did go
And shew'd the place where he would buri'de bee.
And then fell Sick: and so to bed goes hee.
And three times to the roofes vault up is ta'en
And gently is let down to th' earth again
And blessing them there who repli'de AMEN,
He passt to his who called him to them.
Oh! horrid lies fain'd of this Wizzard Vile.
Archbishop men, of Canterbury, Style.
He's also said when dead to meet, and whip
A Monk that from his monkish life did trip.
And to appeare unto a Woman who
In London was[?] at point of death brought low.
And askt her if shee did desire to live?
She wholy did she said. Then did he give
Her this advice. The miter in the Chest
Put in the Casule. And thou shalt be drest
With health again. She did it, and grew well.
Strange Story: sure a Necromantick Spell.
What lies are here? How many? mighty? black?
A nough indeed to crush and breake the back
Of my poore pen: and Patience wipes her Eyes
That perboild are in tears to see such lies.
Archbishop men, of Canterbury, Style.
He's also said when dead to meet, and whip
A Monk that from his monkish life did trip.
And to appeare unto a Woman who
In London was[?] at point of death brought low.
And askt her if shee did desire to live?
She wholy did she said. Then did he give
Her this advice. The miter in the Chest
Put in the Casule. And thou shalt be drest
With health again. She did it, and grew well.
Strange Story: sure a Necromantick Spell.
What lies are here? How many? mighty? black?
A nough indeed to crush and breake the back
Of my poore pen: and Patience wipes her Eyes
That perboild are in tears to see such lies.
Patience abusde, doth more abuses meet
By Lusts that Strangle do her holy Sweet
Delightsom breath, broyling in Prelates breeches
And Monky tailes, smokd like to baken flitches
In Abby Goose rens: Henroosts, Nanneries.
I shall not instance much of other Sise.
By Lusts that Strangle do her holy Sweet
Delightsom breath, broyling in Prelates breeches
And Monky tailes, smokd like to baken flitches
In Abby Goose rens: Henroosts, Nanneries.
I shall not instance much of other Sise.
One Theodora vile, a roman Whore
Two girles more arch than She in whoredom bore.
The first Marozia calld Pope Sergui's mare
Pope John the twelf's own Mam. She did him beare.
And she when Guido Earle of Tuscany
Her husband di'de. Hugh King of Italy
His brother takes into her bed vile hagge.
The other Theodora nam'de, she nagg
Was to Pope John the 'leventh, whom he rode
And many more whom she allur'd her Strode.
Erct regard Marquess Adelbert's once Wife
Her filthy Lust obtain'd in her Such life
That she her filthy body prostrate laid
To Noble and Ignoble as its said
Edgar the King of England, beside
His Whoredom with Alphreda turnd aside
Unto his Nunnish Whore Wilfreda, and
King Edwin doth of Incest beare the brand.
Willa the Wife of Berengary playd
The filthy Whore with a poor Priestly blade.
King Hugh had many Concubines beside
His wife whereof he utterly destroy'd
Three namely Venus, Juno, Semelee,
He nam'd, as Pagan Goddesses nam'd bee.
But now I'le turn to Peters Chair where flocks
A treading traile indeed of Dunghill Cocks
Pope Sergius tred Marozia, Guido's hen.
Pope Lando hath his Bastard (may bee ten)
Pope John the leventh hath an errant Whore
Marozia's Sister, called Theodore.
Pope John the twelfth a Son now of a Whore
And's Whorish mother Maroz'up are bore
Do rule in Rome both Church and State indeed.
What can be lookt for but a Whoredom Seed?
Pope John the thirtee[n]th made the Hall a Stie
Of Harlots, and with Sisters two did ly.
Whore's were his greatest friends, by whose brave aide
When he unpoped was, was new pope made.
Did Peters golden Crosses, give away
And Calices to harlots for their pay.
Constrain'd the English Clergy from their Wives
By Dunstans hand. Oh! se how Whoredom thrives.
But yet was Spurd into his brains as he
Was in his Whordom So death had his fee.
This cursed ranck that bannish from their pens
Chast Wives, no Capons are. They cockle hens
And tread too: their turkie Combs decleare
To ery one what Cockerills they are.
I'le rake no longer in this kennell vile
Which Exercise doth patience all the While.
Two girles more arch than She in whoredom bore.
The first Marozia calld Pope Sergui's mare
Pope John the twelf's own Mam. She did him beare.
And she when Guido Earle of Tuscany
Her husband di'de. Hugh King of Italy
His brother takes into her bed vile hagge.
The other Theodora nam'de, she nagg
Was to Pope John the 'leventh, whom he rode
And many more whom she allur'd her Strode.
Erct regard Marquess Adelbert's once Wife
Her filthy Lust obtain'd in her Such life
To Noble and Ignoble as its said
Edgar the King of England, beside
His Whoredom with Alphreda turnd aside
Unto his Nunnish Whore Wilfreda, and
King Edwin doth of Incest beare the brand.
Willa the Wife of Berengary playd
The filthy Whore with a poor Priestly blade.
King Hugh had many Concubines beside
His wife whereof he utterly destroy'd
Three namely Venus, Juno, Semelee,
He nam'd, as Pagan Goddesses nam'd bee.
But now I'le turn to Peters Chair where flocks
A treading traile indeed of Dunghill Cocks
Pope Sergius tred Marozia, Guido's hen.
Pope Lando hath his Bastard (may bee ten)
Pope John the leventh hath an errant Whore
Marozia's Sister, called Theodore.
Pope John the twelfth a Son now of a Whore
And's Whorish mother Maroz'up are bore
Do rule in Rome both Church and State indeed.
What can be lookt for but a Whoredom Seed?
Pope John the thirtee[n]th made the Hall a Stie
Of Harlots, and with Sisters two did ly.
Whore's were his greatest friends, by whose brave aide
When he unpoped was, was new pope made.
Did Peters golden Crosses, give away
And Calices to harlots for their pay.
Constrain'd the English Clergy from their Wives
By Dunstans hand. Oh! se how Whoredom thrives.
But yet was Spurd into his brains as he
Was in his Whordom So death had his fee.
This cursed ranck that bannish from their pens
Chast Wives, no Capons are. They cockle hens
And tread too: their turkie Combs decleare
To ery one what Cockerills they are.
I'le rake no longer in this kennell vile
Which Exercise doth patience all the While.
We now with Patience in our hands do passTo view her face in Superstitions glass.
That far exceeds what ever I can speake.
Those [?] nests of superstition built up by
Last Century, and Eggs therein supply
With flocks of birds of Superstitious breed
(Scarce any addle proove of such a Seed).
They fill the very Sky. And all their tunes
Their Cherpings make are fopperies of Romes
And all the Superstitions of last age
Are now in fashion and accounted Sage.
They were so many there is hardly room
For an addition. Frollick witts Scarce bloom
With any new one, yet Dunstans Sleepy pate
Did blossom Kyrie-Eleeson of late.
After this way. King Edgar hurting goes
Would Dunstan have stay, his return with those
With him, ere he said Mass, Dunstan repares
Unto his massings. On the Altar beares
His Elbows and his head: and takes a nap
Waiting King Edgars Speed. And hath the hap
To heare a Quire of Angells sing this Song
Kyrie Eleeson: so this ditty sprung.
Pope Sergy would, with Candle light, the skins
Of Spirits in the aire to Scorch, and Sindge
That he ordaind that men should Candles beare
At Candlemass to Chase out of the aire
Away the Evill Spirits thence this was
The rise, and very birth of Candlemass.
Pope John the fourteenth of that name brought in
Baptizing Bells with names. Oh! horrid thing!
John Abbot of Cassina did adorn
A Cross with many Gemms for to be born
About when in Procession they did goe
Planets and Plurrall Vests for worship too.
Will Magantine a golden Cross did frame
With Image of our Lord hangd on the Same
The weight of which six hunderd pounds was so
And he on Padeburn Churchyard [?] it did throw.
A golden Image of Christ Crucifi'de
In which the Emperour's own image fresh
Most bravely Stood set in a lively dress.
Otho did give Saint Stephens Altar in
Corbeia, Hugh's rich golden button trim
That Sparkled Shiningly, admired made
With a variety of Gems enlaid.
All things now run in Superstitious guise.
Gods worship too a tongue unknown annoies
Baptismall water. Priests do Consecrate
On Easter Sunday (Moses-like in State
In Passing ore the Sea:) they split with hand
And on it blow a blast, then set to Stand
A lighted taper in't: Fier-Pillar's Shine
At night, and so baptize at evening time[.]
They Consecrate, Cross, Grease with oyle also
The Chrism. They the Child baptizd grease do
And this they do if grown up as he stands
On one foot: him Cross too, and laid on hands.
Severety in Censures superstitiously
When list doth Serve. So Dunstan's shot did fly
Against King Edgar, who defild a nun,
And Seven years penance now the King must run,
Not for the Sin of Fornication but
Because the Harlot was a Nunnish Slut.
It would be tedious here to shew how they
With Superstition now all things defray
Nay quite deface, and marr. That Patience greate
Abused greatly is and's made to Sweate
In holding off the hand of Gods revenge
But leaving here. My pen now further tends.
I now go out from Superstitions Fold
And enter do into the Shambles bold
Of Cruelty. And see would fain how there
Choice Patience butcherd lies nigh ery where.
Yet here 'twould be too long to trace this Story
From Realm to Realm, I'le chiefly set before yee
How Peters Chair is crusht with Cruelty
Untill the Elbow Stayes thereof Cry Fy.
Pope Christopher, the houshold Chapling blade
Unto the former pope hands on him laid,
And laid him in cold irons in the jayle
Untill hee dies for griefe to see the taile
Of his own house thus Sting him, and in Sum
Good Peters Chaire after this Sort to bum.
And enter do into the Shambles bold
Of Cruelty. And see would fain how there
Choice Patience butcherd lies nigh ery where.
Yet here 'twould be too long to trace this Story
From Realm to Realm, I'le chiefly set before yee
How Peters Chair is crusht with Cruelty
Untill the Elbow Stayes thereof Cry Fy.
Unto the former pope hands on him laid,
And laid him in cold irons in the jayle
Untill hee dies for griefe to see the taile
Of his own house thus Sting him, and in Sum
Good Peters Chaire after this Sort to bum.
Pope Sergius then takes Christopher to taske
And as the Peoples hate, being a Cask
Of Cruelty, he him a Shavling thrusts
Into a monkish Stie. Yet thence he's rusht
Into a jayle laden with irons till
His Soule doth from his body thereby drill[.]
This Sergy's judge, Scarce any whit below
In Cruell Tyranny to Nero, who
Rak'd Pope Formosus eighty years dead and gone
Out of his grave, Pontifick robes put on,
And set him on the Papall throne though dead,
And then comanded to cut off his head
And of his fingers three, and then to cast
His Carkass into Tyber at the last.
Pope John the leventh, Lando's bastard vile
Drove Alberick from Rome, who back doth quile
To Italy with an Hungarian aide
Who makes more Spoile, than th'Saracens had made.
The Saracens being bangd by Guido, he
Upon this Pope his master needs must bee.
He takes his brother Peter 'fore his eyes,
And putteth him to death in cruell wise
Then into Prison claps his Headship, Covers
His mouth ore with a Pillow, and him smothers.
And as the Peoples hate, being a Cask
Of Cruelty, he him a Shavling thrusts
Into a monkish Stie. Yet thence he's rusht
Into a jayle laden with irons till
His Soule doth from his body thereby drill[.]
This Sergy's judge, Scarce any whit below
In Cruell Tyranny to Nero, who
Rak'd Pope Formosus eighty years dead and gone
Out of his grave, Pontifick robes put on,
And set him on the Papall throne though dead,
And then comanded to cut off his head
And of his fingers three, and then to cast
His Carkass into Tyber at the last.
Pope John the leventh, Lando's bastard vile
Drove Alberick from Rome, who back doth quile
To Italy with an Hungarian aide
Who makes more Spoile, than th'Saracens had made.
The Saracens being bangd by Guido, he
Upon this Pope his master needs must bee.
He takes his brother Peter 'fore his eyes,
And putteth him to death in cruell wise
Then into Prison claps his Headship, Covers
His mouth ore with a Pillow, and him smothers.
Leo the Sixt, Stephen the Seventh too
A Spiced Cup, or Ratsbain, over threw.
Now John Octavian popes it, whom they Style
A monster, Limb o'th'Divell: yea most vile.
His Tyranny thus Sparkles. He did take
Benit his Spirituall Dad and's eyes out brake
Whose pain him slew, One Cardinall he took
Cut off one hand: another made a Mute
Whose tongue, nose, and two fingers he off pares.
Did make a Capon of another fair
By shaving off his manliness whereby
He could not tread. But oh! this Cruelty
The fourteenth Pope nam'd John, one Peter who
Was Rome's Lievetenant, and one Godfry too
Earle of Campania, two Consulls, and
Twelve Senators, and many Nobles stand
Up and lay hands upon and cruely
Imprison for eleven months well nigh.
Greate Otho comes for his reliefe, but while
He came, Earle Gotfry, and his Son requoile
Into Deaths Cabin. (Some do think and say,
They were took down by th'Prince of Capua)
When Otho came he those twelve Senators
Doth Crucify: The Consulls two debars
And banisheth, rakes up again the bones
Of Gotfry, and his Son. And them like Stones
Throws up and down, but this Lievetenant must
Unto the Pope be brought, who him untrust,
And ty'de him naked by the Hair all day
To Constantines own Steed, by th'Hangman, nay,
Then Set him on an Ass, with's face there found
Towards the taile, his hands thereto hard bound
He's thus Scourg'd through the City quite, thus Spoild
He into Germany at last's exild.
Pope Benit Quint a Wealthy man of Rome
Did Captivate, and bring unto his tombe
Some say by famine, others rather sound
It by an halter. And was never found.
A Spiced Cup, or Ratsbain, over threw.
Now John Octavian popes it, whom they Style
A monster, Limb o'th'Divell: yea most vile.
His Tyranny thus Sparkles. He did take
Benit his Spirituall Dad and's eyes out brake
Whose pain him slew, One Cardinall he took
Cut off one hand: another made a Mute
Whose tongue, nose, and two fingers he off pares.
Did make a Capon of another fair
By shaving off his manliness whereby
He could not tread. But oh! this Cruelty
Was Rome's Lievetenant, and one Godfry too
Earle of Campania, two Consulls, and
Twelve Senators, and many Nobles stand
Up and lay hands upon and cruely
Imprison for eleven months well nigh.
Greate Otho comes for his reliefe, but while
He came, Earle Gotfry, and his Son requoile
Into Deaths Cabin. (Some do think and say,
They were took down by th'Prince of Capua)
When Otho came he those twelve Senators
Doth Crucify: The Consulls two debars
And banisheth, rakes up again the bones
Of Gotfry, and his Son. And them like Stones
Throws up and down, but this Lievetenant must
Unto the Pope be brought, who him untrust,
And ty'de him naked by the Hair all day
To Constantines own Steed, by th'Hangman, nay,
Then Set him on an Ass, with's face there found
Towards the taile, his hands thereto hard bound
He's thus Scourg'd through the City quite, thus Spoild
He into Germany at last's exild.
Pope Benit Quint a Wealthy man of Rome
Did Captivate, and bring unto his tombe
Some say by famine, others rather sound
It by an halter. And was never found.
Pope Boniface the Seventh whom men call
An Horrid Monster, who exceeded all
In wickedness, di'de Crimson in the blood
Of's Predicessour who was not ore good
Put out the Eyes and in his cruelty
Of John a Cardinall: whose cruelties
Return upon him, down he suddenly
Fell by Death's axe. His Carkass out they high
Into the open Street as Carion,'s Spew'd
And Stobd by Spears, and Swords by all men rude.
An Horrid Monster, who exceeded all
In wickedness, di'de Crimson in the blood
Of's Predicessour who was not ore good
Put out the Eyes and in his cruelty
Of John a Cardinall: whose cruelties
Return upon him, down he suddenly
Fell by Death's axe. His Carkass out they high
Into the open Street as Carion,'s Spew'd
And Stobd by Spears, and Swords by all men rude.
The fifteenth John is caught, and they out put
His eyes and famish in the Prison Shut.
His eyes and famish in the Prison Shut.
The Sixteenth John by hunger too doth die
As he a jayle bird did in prison lie
John Placentine Crescentiu's pope his foes
Put out his Eyes, Cut off his Ears, and nose
Strip of his Dignities, and headlong cast
Him from the Capitall down down at last.
Crescence they on a base Steed in disgrace
With face towards its taile in Scorn do place.
And carry round the City, then they pare
By little off, and little (oh hard fare)
His members: and before the Citie Wall
Do hang him up in Gibbets seen of all.
And thus we se what mercys now reside
In Pope's rich Miters as they're Petrifide
For though the Finger of bright Justice's here
Yet Patience groans under such Cruell geer.
But take an instance now or two I pray
Of other Sort that here I shall display
Mistave the Vandall King with aide did goe
With Bernard Duke of Saxony into
Calabria, and pleasd him there so much
That he his daughter promisd him though Such.
Where at the Marquess brave of Branden burgh
Replied so as did the Promise Curb
A maid so noble ought not to be gi'n
Unto a Dog, a Pagan. Oh! this thing
Breaking the neck thereof. Mistave out brake
Upon the Christians: Cruell work did make
At Aldenburgh he Sixty priests did slay
Whose Skin he in Such Sort did Cut and flay
Like to the Cross of Christ upon: their head
Thrusting the knife full deep: and thus them led
About, and loaded them with Scorns and Stripes
Untill they breath their last by Such hard gripes.
And cut the throats of many Canons too
After Such Sort as butchers fatware doe
At Hamburgh too Such Cruell Cruelty
He also usd. And in Such sort did fly
On them at Brandenburgh and Havelbergh.
His Cruelty in horrid acts out flurd.
As he a jayle bird did in prison lie
John Placentine Crescentiu's pope his foes
Put out his Eyes, Cut off his Ears, and nose
Strip of his Dignities, and headlong cast
Him from the Capitall down down at last.
Crescence they on a base Steed in disgrace
With face towards its taile in Scorn do place.
By little off, and little (oh hard fare)
His members: and before the Citie Wall
Do hang him up in Gibbets seen of all.
And thus we se what mercys now reside
In Pope's rich Miters as they're Petrifide
For though the Finger of bright Justice's here
Yet Patience groans under such Cruell geer.
But take an instance now or two I pray
Of other Sort that here I shall display
Mistave the Vandall King with aide did goe
With Bernard Duke of Saxony into
Calabria, and pleasd him there so much
That he his daughter promisd him though Such.
Where at the Marquess brave of Branden burgh
Replied so as did the Promise Curb
A maid so noble ought not to be gi'n
Unto a Dog, a Pagan. Oh! this thing
Breaking the neck thereof. Mistave out brake
Upon the Christians: Cruell work did make
At Aldenburgh he Sixty priests did slay
Whose Skin he in Such Sort did Cut and flay
Like to the Cross of Christ upon: their head
Thrusting the knife full deep: and thus them led
About, and loaded them with Scorns and Stripes
Untill they breath their last by Such hard gripes.
And cut the throats of many Canons too
After Such Sort as butchers fatware doe
At Hamburgh too Such Cruell Cruelty
He also usd. And in Such sort did fly
On them at Brandenburgh and Havelbergh.
His Cruelty in horrid acts out flurd.
Mary of Arrogon the Emperess
Of Otho, third, a Cask of Lust did dress
A Sparkling blade in Womenly array
To Serve her filthy lust even day by day.
At length the bird is Cought and burnt alive
Yet Otho Spares his Yolly to Survive.
She goes to Kick again, allures also
An Earle to tup her, Which he will not do.
Its grand abuse unto the Emperour.
To whom shee goes (Oh! cursed flatterer)
And doth Complain, as if this Earle so just,
Would violently force her to his Lust.
The Emperour hereat enrag'd, commands
And off his head doth fly. No man withstands.
The mournfull Countess to the Court doth goe,
When Otho was himselfe therein. Would know
What punishment he did deserve to 'bide
Who hangs an Innocent, his Case not tride?
He ought, saith Otho, to be hangd indeed.
To whom the Countess: answer did proceed
Thou art this judge thyselfe, Oh! Cesar bright!
Who didst my righteous husbands head off Smite,
Not trying of his Case. Which thing most true
She would, she said, by fire Ordeall Shew.
Otho amaizd, the matter out did search
And finds his Mollie's pranks. She now hath burch.
He Charges that she should be burnd in fire
And openly. Her lust shall Swell no higher.
Of Otho, third, a Cask of Lust did dress
A Sparkling blade in Womenly array
To Serve her filthy lust even day by day.
At length the bird is Cought and burnt alive
Yet Otho Spares his Yolly to Survive.
She goes to Kick again, allures also
An Earle to tup her, Which he will not do.
Its grand abuse unto the Emperour.
To whom shee goes (Oh! cursed flatterer)
Would violently force her to his Lust.
The Emperour hereat enrag'd, commands
And off his head doth fly. No man withstands.
The mournfull Countess to the Court doth goe,
When Otho was himselfe therein. Would know
What punishment he did deserve to 'bide
Who hangs an Innocent, his Case not tride?
He ought, saith Otho, to be hangd indeed.
To whom the Countess: answer did proceed
Thou art this judge thyselfe, Oh! Cesar bright!
Who didst my righteous husbands head off Smite,
Not trying of his Case. Which thing most true
She would, she said, by fire Ordeall Shew.
Otho amaizd, the matter out did search
And finds his Mollie's pranks. She now hath burch.
He Charges that she should be burnd in fire
And openly. Her lust shall Swell no higher.
Although here's brightsom Justice Streaming in
These Instances, yet Cruelty, the thing
Did hatch and bruddle up, in such a way
That Patience doth most glorioulsy display
By these and other such as these, that rise,
Se Patience spread her glorious Exercise
Through out this Century, and at this stile
We Shaking hands, do leave her for a while.
These Instances, yet Cruelty, the thing
Did hatch and bruddle up, in such a way
That Patience doth most glorioulsy display
By these and other such as these, that rise,
Se Patience spread her glorious Exercise
Through out this Century, and at this stile
We Shaking hands, do leave her for a while.
The Shine of Divine Justice.
Wellcome Sweet Justice, almost flown awayInto the other world, but here I Stay
To gaze upon thy Star, as it doth Strike
Its beams through out this age, as darke as night.
Which gathering up, in Sheaves, I'le binde and shock
The Gloyr of thy harvest to unlock.
In the Reigns of the Emperours West. as Lewis 3.901 to * East as Alexander to 9 ** Constantine to 9 *
God plagues this wicked age, great judgments rage,
The Hungars do in furious Sort ingage
Moravy and Bavar: Lewis at first
Hews down a thousand of them: yet the worst
Fell to his Share at last, when he fell then
Unto his routing in their Stratagem
Bavary, Sweve, France, Saxony Sustain
Now Slaughters, Rapins. Fire and Sword Grief Pain.
The Hungars do in furious Sort ingage
Moravy and Bavar: Lewis at first
Hews down a thousand of them: yet the worst
Unto his routing in their Stratagem
Bavary, Sweve, France, Saxony Sustain
Now Slaughters, Rapins. Fire and Sword Grief Pain.
The Saracens from Africk leape into
Proude Italy, Calabria over flow
Apulia too: Galerian Mount possess.
Poore Italy now Soaks in greate distress.
Proude Italy, Calabria over flow
Apulia too: Galerian Mount possess.
Poore Italy now Soaks in greate distress.
King Zwendebald the Son of Arnulph lies
A bleeding by the Lotharingys boyes.
Then Lewis did obtain his realm for his.
And Albert Earle of Bamberg out did hiss
'Gainst Conrad Earle of East France who had killd
His brother. And the like cup to him filld.
Albert for three Whole dayes did havock make
Of th'Country nigh to Wirtzburgh, and did take
Great plunder home. The Emperour at this
Offended was. And he indited is.
But Albert will not stand unto the Court.
But flies to arms a Seven years war up bore't.
But through entreatie he Confides unto
Lewis his trust. And off his head did go.
A bleeding by the Lotharingys boyes.
Then Lewis did obtain his realm for his.
And Albert Earle of Bamberg out did hiss
'Gainst Conrad Earle of East France who had killd
His brother. And the like cup to him filld.
Albert for three Whole dayes did havock make
Of th'Country nigh to Wirtzburgh, and did take
Great plunder home. The Emperour at this
Offended was. And he indited is.
But Albert will not stand unto the Court.
But flies to arms a Seven years war up bore't.
But through entreatie he Confides unto
Lewis his trust. And off his head did go.
Now Berengary Duke of Foriojule
And other Longbards Princes fain would rule
Ore France, and plot attempts; which broken are
And then did bend his heate, and other fare
Gainst Italy. And is a griveous plague
But Lewis at Verona quells this blade
Puts out his eyes, Cuts off his genitalls[.]
Tyrants a while may rage. Yet God them quells.
And other Longbards Princes fain would rule
Ore France, and plot attempts; which broken are
And then did bend his heate, and other fare
Gainst Italy. And is a griveous plague
But Lewis at Verona quells this blade
Puts out his eyes, Cuts off his genitalls[.]
Tyrants a while may rage. Yet God them quells.
Constantinoples Constantine a Child
But Seven years long, his Guardian him Spoild,
Romanus namd, Sits in th'Imperiall throne,
Himselfe, and doth Augustify his own.
Poor Constantine a painters life attends
But Justice stirs herselfe and makes amends
For Stephen Now Romanu's Son rose like
As Cuckcows do their dam, his dad did shike
Him banisht, and empend in Protee Ile.
A Shavling poor, and ravages a While.
Now Constantine him and his brother feasts
And while they strove for th'Upper Seat them ceist
And Shav'de, Exild Stephen to Mitylene
And Constantine to Samothrace, the Scene
Now come again to this right Constantine
Whom vile Romanus basely did out twine.
Thus Justice grindes upon this Grindle stone
Her Edg-toole bright: that such hath overthrown.
But Seven years long, his Guardian him Spoild,
Romanus namd, Sits in th'Imperiall throne,
Himselfe, and doth Augustify his own.
Poor Constantine a painters life attends
But Justice stirs herselfe and makes amends
For Stephen Now Romanu's Son rose like
As Cuckcows do their dam, his dad did shike
Him banisht, and empend in Protee Ile.
A Shavling poor, and ravages a While.
Now Constantine him and his brother feasts
And while they strove for th'Upper Seat them ceist
And Shav'de, Exild Stephen to Mitylene
And Constantine to Samothrace, the Scene
Whom vile Romanus basely did out twine.
Thus Justice grindes upon this Grindle stone
Her Edg-toole bright: that such hath overthrown.
Under Emperours of the West as Conrade. 913 to 9** Henry. 920 to 937 East as before and Romanus
Conrade now wares imperiall Bayes indeed.
Another Prince a Winter keen succeeds.
Now Hatto Mentz Arch bishop down did fall
And Divells did, its said, his Carkass hall
And headlong hurle int' Etna'es fiery maw.
Now pay is made him, for his guilfull law
Whereby the Marquess Adelbert did lose
His head: and who did seek by wiles to close
Duke Henry of Saxony with Death
But Justice now sees meet to Stop his breath.
Another Prince a Winter keen succeeds.
Now Hatto Mentz Arch bishop down did fall
And Divells did, its said, his Carkass hall
And headlong hurle int' Etna'es fiery maw.
Now pay is made him, for his guilfull law
Whereby the Marquess Adelbert did lose
His head: and who did seek by wiles to close
Duke Henry of Saxony with Death
But Justice now sees meet to Stop his breath.
Hungarians harrass Alman, but are bangd.
But soon return and with an horrid hand
Do Alman Spoile, Thuringe and Saxony.
The German Princes in the mean time fly
Together by the Ears. The Hungar hence
Laugh in their Sleevs, a new attempt Commence[,]
Alman, and Alsace do depopulate
But Conrade making with them peace, the fate
Falls on the German Princes, off thereby
The Heads of Eringer and Berthold fly,
Brethren unto the Lotharingian Duke.
Arnulphiut of Bavaria too is shooke.
But Henry Duke of Saxony more wise,
And Potent is greate terrour in their eyes.
Conrade sets Hatto as his Mousetrap, who
Provides a Golden halter that must do
The Worthy Deed: and with a Sigh thus told
Unto the Goldsmith, that this Wreath of gold
Shall deadly bee unto Duke Henry.
To whom the Goldsmith shew'd it Secretly
When Henry gave a visit Hatto too,
Hence Henry said Well let the traitor know
His neck not harder is than Alberts was.
And ceisd all that in Thuringy and Hass
Was Hatto's. But Conrade to arms now flew.
And nigh to Hartsburgh the Stout Saxons slew,
Such numbers of the French, that Stage men would
In scorn say Where is there an hell that could
Receive such multitudes of Slaughter'd men.
Soon after this Conrade his Diadem
Surrendred up to Henry the Wise
Calld also Fowler. But Arnulph back highs
Into Bavaria the Empire claims.
To whom Wise Henry the Case explains
Ev'n thus. I ceizd not on the Emperiall Strand:
But Eberhard by Conrades Strict Commands
Deliveres it to mee, and all his Pears
Gave their Consent (By me Kings reign we heare)
Now if the Peers Choose Arnulph Emperour
I'le freely yield Subjection. Banish war.
This Conquourd Arnulph, he doth Subject ly.
Another Berengare fangs Italy[.]
But soon return and with an horrid hand
Do Alman Spoile, Thuringe and Saxony.
The German Princes in the mean time fly
Together by the Ears. The Hungar hence
Laugh in their Sleevs, a new attempt Commence[,]
Alman, and Alsace do depopulate
But Conrade making with them peace, the fate
Falls on the German Princes, off thereby
The Heads of Eringer and Berthold fly,
Brethren unto the Lotharingian Duke.
Arnulphiut of Bavaria too is shooke.
But Henry Duke of Saxony more wise,
And Potent is greate terrour in their eyes.
Conrade sets Hatto as his Mousetrap, who
Provides a Golden halter that must do
The Worthy Deed: and with a Sigh thus told
Unto the Goldsmith, that this Wreath of gold
Shall deadly bee unto Duke Henry.
To whom the Goldsmith shew'd it Secretly
When Henry gave a visit Hatto too,
Hence Henry said Well let the traitor know
His neck not harder is than Alberts was.
And ceisd all that in Thuringy and Hass
Was Hatto's. But Conrade to arms now flew.
And nigh to Hartsburgh the Stout Saxons slew,
In scorn say Where is there an hell that could
Receive such multitudes of Slaughter'd men.
Soon after this Conrade his Diadem
Surrendred up to Henry the Wise
Calld also Fowler. But Arnulph back highs
Into Bavaria the Empire claims.
To whom Wise Henry the Case explains
Ev'n thus. I ceizd not on the Emperiall Strand:
But Eberhard by Conrades Strict Commands
Deliveres it to mee, and all his Pears
Gave their Consent (By me Kings reign we heare)
Now if the Peers Choose Arnulph Emperour
I'le freely yield Subjection. Banish war.
This Conquourd Arnulph, he doth Subject ly.
Another Berengare fangs Italy[.]
War Flames ore France tween Ratbertus and Charles
Ratbert is routed. But now Henry Snarls.
Charles met him, and himselfe and France Subject
And Sent Saint Denyse's hand most neatly deckt
And Set inclosd in Gold with Gems most bright.
Hence Henry pacifide no Stroke did Strike
But Charles prooves false, on Alsace, unto Worms
Invasion makes. Hence Henry on him turns.
Him routs, and taketh Metz. At Bon they make
Peace once again. The Hungars out do brake
Claw Italy. Earle Herbert captive made
King Charles and him in Paro prison laid
Wherein he dies: because his Sword had slain
His brother Ratbert. Hungars out again
Wast France, Alsace, Gaul, Almain, Cesar rose
Against the Sclaves: and doth their hold Enclose
Of Brandeburgh in Winter time so cold
Their tents were pitcht in ice. And in this hold
He conquours them by Famin, Cold, and Sword.
Then did Dalmace's Grone and Gana board.
And made Bohemy tributary: nay
Did more than forty thousand Hungars slay
In Saxony. And them in Thuringe rout:
The Danes Subdue and Conquour round about.
Ratbert is routed. But now Henry Snarls.
Charles met him, and himselfe and France Subject
And Sent Saint Denyse's hand most neatly deckt
And Set inclosd in Gold with Gems most bright.
Hence Henry pacifide no Stroke did Strike
But Charles prooves false, on Alsace, unto Worms
Invasion makes. Hence Henry on him turns.
Him routs, and taketh Metz. At Bon they make
Peace once again. The Hungars out do brake
Claw Italy. Earle Herbert captive made
King Charles and him in Paro prison laid
Wherein he dies: because his Sword had slain
His brother Ratbert. Hungars out again
Wast France, Alsace, Gaul, Almain, Cesar rose
Against the Sclaves: and doth their hold Enclose
Of Brandeburgh in Winter time so cold
Their tents were pitcht in ice. And in this hold
He conquours them by Famin, Cold, and Sword.
Then did Dalmace's Grone and Gana board.
And made Bohemy tributary: nay
Did more than forty thousand Hungars slay
In Saxony. And them in Thuringe rout:
The Danes Subdue and Conquour round about.
Romanus Son of Constantine in th'East
His mother, and his Sisters dispossest
And from the Palace Chast, who in their griefe
Their Bodies prostitute for mony briefe.
His mother, and his Sisters dispossest
Their Bodies prostitute for mony briefe.
Under the Emperours West as Otho. 1. from 938 to 9** East as
Otho the first is Crownd at AquisgraneArnulphs proud Sons with arms his deeds disdain
Cause he had dubd their brother Bertold, Duke.
And they the title Earles Provinciall took.
He curbs them, yet Tanquard his batterd brother
Did ceize upon while this great dust did pother,
The Marquisate of Brandeburgh by force
To whom Duke Eberhard made his recourse.
And Henry, Otho's brother in they twinde
Duke Giselbert of Lotharinge too joynd.
But Otho's man at Hartzburge Tanquard Slew
And soon in war he dasht the other too
Yet in this juncture Lewis King of France
Assaults Alsace. And's back soon made to prance,
Bohemy now rebells full fourteen years
The Hungars Austria, and Alman's fears
Depoplate. At Worms slip ore the Rhene
And Gaul and Burgundy make their Sad Scene
And back return through Italy. Now Hugh
The Earle of Paris for the Throne doth sue.
And swells too for th'Emperiall Majesty
But Otho cuts his Comb: makes Lewis joy.
The Hungars rush on Italy again
Wast Capua, Benevent, and Nola Stain.
Great Hugh in Italy doth tyrannize
But Berengary's Son Albert did rise
Gains Otho's aide against him tooke him down
The Russi send a Fleet to gain the town
Constantinople but Romanus turns
And with his Wild fire soon that navy burns.
The Saracen envade do Italy
And Hugh with Wild fire did their fleet annoy.
But feare of Berengary turns the Scales.
Who now in Italy Strangly prevails.
Otho is Calld and comes: and breaks the yoake
And marri'd Lothairs Widdow. Hence out broke
A war between the Father and the Son
Ludolph against his Father Otho run.
To Ludolph who are chased by his Father.
He highs to Ratisbone, is there hemd in
And all reliefe him faild. The Son to Win
His Fathers heart out barefoot goes unto
His Father, and with tears in's eyes that flow,
Fell on his knees and begs forgiveness, and
The Father pardons all: a tenter hand.
The Hungars that his Coast did harrass, hee
Subdu'de nigh to Augusta, mightilie.
Now Italy the Cream of all the Pest,
Doth Smart indeed, by Berengary prest.
Otho relieves. But treacherous she Revolts.
He doth her Seige, till famine for her faults
So grips her that mans flesh she's glad to eate
She forc'd to yield, and all is heald compleat.
She then revolts again. And now he comes
And thirteen rebells hangs and so them bombs.
And Theophane Daughter in Law unto
Th'East Emperour Nicephorus did so
Obtain to be a bride unto his Son.
And Sent his host to bring her bravely home.
The Greeks displeasd here at, rise, slay and take
Them Captive to Constantinople's Gate[.]
Otho enrag'd did claw Apuleia
Calabria too and made them tribute pay
And thus we finde a wicked age persu'de
By woe the Hue, and Cry Justice renewd.
The Eastern Countries Sweat with Turkish wars.
Gods Justice executes revenge by jars[.]
Under Emperours East John Zimisce after the Sons of Romanus West as Otho 2d from 974 to 983
Otho the Second wares th'Emperiall Wreath.
His Uncle Henry here at doth grieve,
Prompt on by Abraham his Bishop, and
Kings of Beheme, Polone, and Denmarks band
With him against this Otho and are queld.
The French that Lotharinge ceiz'd are expelld.
Otho at Aquisgrane was nigh entrapt,
But scaping, Lothair by him was so strapt
As that he loses all he had, Otho
With fire, and Sword did unto Paris go
But turning home the River Ailene stroy'd
His men abundantly by its Swift tide.
Basil, and Constantine. Romanu's Sons
Pufft with their Syrian Victorie their drums
Beat up 'gainst Otho torn with Civill Wars
Snatch Dorus up: Machera gain make Scars
In Apuleia and Calabria
Out Otho came against them ways to pay
But them of Benevent, and Rome in fight
Proove treacherous when he'd nigh the Greeks quelld [quite]
That Otho scarce escapt the Foes: but fell
Into the Seamens hands, and by a Spell
Of Silver did redeem himselfe and free
Feigning himselfe another man to bee,
But now requoils. and Beneventum burns
And punishment on Romans he returns[.]
His Uncle Henry here at doth grieve,
Prompt on by Abraham his Bishop, and
Kings of Beheme, Polone, and Denmarks band
With him against this Otho and are queld.
The French that Lotharinge ceiz'd are expelld.
Otho at Aquisgrane was nigh entrapt,
But scaping, Lothair by him was so strapt
As that he loses all he had, Otho
With fire, and Sword did unto Paris go
But turning home the River Ailene stroy'd
His men abundantly by its Swift tide.
Pufft with their Syrian Victorie their drums
Beat up 'gainst Otho torn with Civill Wars
Snatch Dorus up: Machera gain make Scars
In Apuleia and Calabria
Out Otho came against them ways to pay
But them of Benevent, and Rome in fight
Proove treacherous when he'd nigh the Greeks quelld [quite]
That Otho scarce escapt the Foes: but fell
Into the Seamens hands, and by a Spell
Of Silver did redeem himselfe and free
Feigning himselfe another man to bee,
But now requoils. and Beneventum burns
And punishment on Romans he returns[.]
After Nicephorus John Zimiscee
Who him destroy'd the Emperour must bee
Whom yet the Patriarch refusd to Crown
In that his Masters blood by him fell down.
The Turks molest him: he them Swaddled well
And in's return, his eyes beholding fell
Upon the booty brave the Eunuch had
Was heard to say, it is a thing full sad
A Stallion Should such goods have in his den
Wonn by the blood of many noble men.
This Speech inflam'd the Eunuch's wrath, that he
Must by a mess of poison welcombd bee.
Now Justice hath her glory pollisht bright,
Wherein her balance Stands with Equall Weights.
Who him destroy'd the Emperour must bee
Whom yet the Patriarch refusd to Crown
In that his Masters blood by him fell down.
The Turks molest him: he them Swaddled well
And in's return, his eyes beholding fell
Upon the booty brave the Eunuch had
Was heard to say, it is a thing full sad
A Stallion Should such goods have in his den
Wonn by the blood of many noble men.
This Speech inflam'd the Eunuch's wrath, that he
Must by a mess of poison welcombd bee.
Now Justice hath her glory pollisht bright,
Wherein her balance Stands with Equall Weights.
Under the East Emperours as Basill. Constantine. West Otho 3. from 984 to
Constantinople hath Nicephorus
With Whom Romanu's Sons are Consorts thus.
Hence when Nicephorus is laid aside
The Brethren do the Empire onely guide.
Schlerus rebells but Basill Cracks his Crown.
Yet the Bulgarian war spoild his renown.
Asia, Iberia, Phaenice too make worke
For him indeed, and Egypts Prince off shurks
His League with him and spoild the temple, and
The Abby at Jerusalem up man'd.
Basill turns to his dust, and Constantine
In belly buried is, With Cups of Wine
Resignd his Empire with his Daughter to
Romanus. And soon to his grave did go[.]
With Whom Romanu's Sons are Consorts thus.
Hence when Nicephorus is laid aside
The Brethren do the Empire onely guide.
Schlerus rebells but Basill Cracks his Crown.
Yet the Bulgarian war spoild his renown.
Asia, Iberia, Phaenice too make worke
For him indeed, and Egypts Prince off shurks
His League with him and spoild the temple, and
The Abby at Jerusalem up man'd.
In belly buried is, With Cups of Wine
Resignd his Empire with his Daughter to
Romanus. And soon to his grave did go[.]
Otho the third the Western Wreath did gain.
Is Crowned Emperour at Aquisgrane.
And for the Wisdom that in him's up laid
He's Styld the WONDERS of the World, its said.
Bohemie's war his hansill prooves: they feel
His metall is not lead; but perfect Steel.
Crescentius would be Chiefe at Rome but hee
Doth take him down. He crows again: Would be
Upon the Throne. Otho then come[s] again
Takes Rome: yet tender is to this harebrain.
And back return[s], Crescentius up arose
Again, as dunghill Cock, claps Wings and crows.
Otho again returns with force and takes
The Roost, and roost Cocks, and their necks he brakes.
The treacherous Romans have so little faith
He could not trust them: Hence no heart he hath
To venter home. But Crescentiu's Wife
Attempts his Love to be his bride's her Strife.
Which when she found her aime to miss she sends
Him poison'd Gloves which brought him to his end.
And thus we See Sins go before, and Call
And judgments follow after from the Hall
Where Justice Keeps her Court in glorious Wise,
Which Shatter do the Clouds to shew her eyes
Her beaming glory radient with shines
Of which more Still Efficiency defines[.]
Is Crowned Emperour at Aquisgrane.
And for the Wisdom that in him's up laid
He's Styld the WONDERS of the World, its said.
Bohemie's war his hansill prooves: they feel
His metall is not lead; but perfect Steel.
Crescentius would be Chiefe at Rome but hee
Doth take him down. He crows again: Would be
Upon the Throne. Otho then come[s] again
Takes Rome: yet tender is to this harebrain.
And back return[s], Crescentius up arose
Again, as dunghill Cock, claps Wings and crows.
Otho again returns with force and takes
The Roost, and roost Cocks, and their necks he brakes.
The treacherous Romans have so little faith
He could not trust them: Hence no heart he hath
To venter home. But Crescentiu's Wife
Attempts his Love to be his bride's her Strife.
Which when she found her aime to miss she sends
Him poison'd Gloves which brought him to his end.
And thus we See Sins go before, and Call
And judgments follow after from the Hall
Where Justice Keeps her Court in glorious Wise,
Which Shatter do the Clouds to shew her eyes
Her beaming glory radient with shines
Of which more Still Efficiency defines[.]
The Shine of Divine Efficiency.
Divine Efficiency puts up her Head
In glorious Shew through this Whole Century.
And in her Folds rich Justice Cherished
Comes Sparkling forth, that all men may it eye.
Some Instances hereof I now shall name.
That God may have the Honour of the same.
In glorious Shew through this Whole Century.
And in her Folds rich Justice Cherished
Comes Sparkling forth, that all men may it eye.
Some Instances hereof I now shall name.
That God may have the Honour of the same.
A blazing Star in May did go before
Greate Slaughter made in Italy.
Lewis beates Berengary, he more ore
Beats Lewis: takes and puteth out his eyes.
Another Shines more red than usually.
Great Inundations flow in Saxony.
Greate Slaughter made in Italy.
Beats Lewis: takes and puteth out his eyes.
Another Shines more red than usually.
Great Inundations flow in Saxony.
Now Fiery Faggots Sparkling Wandring Stars
In divers places peare. The Saxon realm
Devoures the Franks. And the Hungarian jars
Wast Italy. Where treason gat at helm.
To Lewis Emperour a monstrous thing,
Like to a man with a Dogs head they bring.
In divers places peare. The Saxon realm
Devoures the Franks. And the Hungarian jars
Wast Italy. Where treason gat at helm.
To Lewis Emperour a monstrous thing,
Like to a man with a Dogs head they bring.
In the reign of Lewis Son to Charles the Foole,
An army in the aire of burning men
Were fighting seen and killing oh! strange rule
And noise of men and troops were heard too then.
Treachery in France ensu'd: and Famine found
Corn by the Sestarce fetcht twenty four pound.
An army in the aire of burning men
Were fighting seen and killing oh! strange rule
And noise of men and troops were heard too then.
Treachery in France ensu'd: and Famine found
Corn by the Sestarce fetcht twenty four pound.
Soon after this it rained blood, they say
At Genua flows a Well Spring of blood
The Saracens the Citty wast did lay
The Sun too in a bright Sky bloody stood,
Its beams through windows such, and many dayes
Bloods seen to flow out of the Sun, like rayes[.]
At Genua flows a Well Spring of blood
The Saracens the Citty wast did lay
The Sun too in a bright Sky bloody stood,
Its beams through windows such, and many dayes
Bloods seen to flow out of the Sun, like rayes[.]
A Comet in November Shines. And soon
Greate Inundations and mortality.
An Earth Quake now, and Sun eclipst is shewn
A fiery Comet hangs ore Italy.
A dismall famine follow'd and in France
Famin and War the following yeare made prance.
Greate Inundations and mortality.
An Earth Quake now, and Sun eclipst is shewn
A fiery Comet hangs ore Italy.
A dismall famine follow'd and in France
Famin and War the following yeare made prance.
An hard and Snowy Winter now did come.
The entrance of November led untill
The tenth of March in Poland. And a Stone
Or thunder bold the thundering Clouds did spill
Like to a Mass of red hot iron most vast,
Amazing the beholders as it passt.
The entrance of November led untill
The tenth of March in Poland. And a Stone
Or thunder bold the thundering Clouds did spill
Like to a Mass of red hot iron most vast,
Amazing the beholders as it passt.
The Earth in France, and Germany doth dance
And many temples overturn thereby.
He Priests, and Shees are smit by Heavens lance
And horrid Signes appeare tremendously.
A Cruell winter; famine follows sore
In France and Burgundy. Now farewell Store.
And many temples overturn thereby.
He Priests, and Shees are smit by Heavens lance
And horrid Signes appeare tremendously.
A Cruell winter; famine follows sore
In France and Burgundy. Now farewell Store.
Two Suns are seen. Sea Waters sweet do flow
From Naples unto Cuma two whole dayes.
Croses are in mens robes: Some blood like show.
Some Robes like leprosy are staind, these wayes.
Greate Famine rag'd, and Conflagration, when
The Empire was Romanu's Lacupen.
From Naples unto Cuma two whole dayes.
Croses are in mens robes: Some blood like show.
Some Robes like leprosy are staind, these wayes.
Greate Famine rag'd, and Conflagration, when
The Empire was Romanu's Lacupen.
They bring out of Armenia unto
Constantinoble two young men that grew
Together, which one Dead, Physitians do
Cut from the other: and no ills accrew
To him alive, who did not long abide
After his brother, dead, before he dide.
Constantinoble two young men that grew
Together, which one Dead, Physitians do
Cut from the other: and no ills accrew
To him alive, who did not long abide
After his brother, dead, before he dide.
The Earth doth Quake. A blazing Star out flies.
The Sun doth wink, a famine Sore succeeds.
Hatto Mentz Bishop pens great Companie
Of Poor ins barn as if for good Alms deeds.
Sets all on fire, and when in flames they cri'de,
They're Mice that eate the Corn, this Priest replide.
The Sun doth wink, a famine Sore succeeds.
Hatto Mentz Bishop pens great Companie
Of Poor ins barn as if for good Alms deeds.
Sets all on fire, and when in flames they cri'de,
They're Mice that eate the Corn, this Priest replide.
But marke the End. Soon mice in troops assaile
To eate him up both night, and day. He flies
On to a Tower in th'Rhene, they ore do traile
Swiming those Streams, and Scale the tower, their Prize
The Bishop is. He is the Corn they eate
And kill him thus. His tower could not them cheat.
To eate him up both night, and day. He flies
On to a Tower in th'Rhene, they ore do traile
Swiming those Streams, and Scale the tower, their Prize
The Bishop is. He is the Corn they eate
And kill him thus. His tower could not them cheat.
They know his name out of the Walls thus writ.
This tower doth Stand my Authors all so say
Still in the Rhene and bears the name as yet
Of Hatto's Tower. And lo this murine fray
Was in the third yeare of his Bishopdom
Justice comes surely though she slow doth come.
This tower doth Stand my Authors all so say
Still in the Rhene and bears the name as yet
Of Hatto's Tower. And lo this murine fray
Was in the third yeare of his Bishopdom
Justice comes surely though she slow doth come.
A Dreadfull Earth Quake Shatters many towns
Constantinople too, and burning gailes
The Fruits destroy, a Dismall Famine frowns.
Whereby Nicephorus did fill his Sayles
With Silver blasts selling at such a rate
The Store of bread corn gatherd up a late.
Constantinople too, and burning gailes
The Fruits destroy, a Dismall Famine frowns.
Whereby Nicephorus did fill his Sayles
With Silver blasts selling at such a rate
The Store of bread corn gatherd up a late.
Before the Emperour calld Constantine
Gave up the ghost for certain nights there flew
Stones 'gainst his Chamber. He them did assigne
To humane hands, hence when his Watch did shew
That no man threw them, it concluded was
An hand Divine these clattring stones made pass[.]
Gave up the ghost for certain nights there flew
Stones 'gainst his Chamber. He them did assigne
To humane hands, hence when his Watch did shew
That no man threw them, it concluded was
An hand Divine these clattring stones made pass[.]
A dismall frost September brings that lasts
Till March halfe gone, a blazing Star appears.
Yea fiery armies all night fighting Wast
And wound each other. Otho war uprears
Against the Greeks: and's almost Conquoured
A Famine ery where's nigh overspred.
Till March halfe gone, a blazing Star appears.
Yea fiery armies all night fighting Wast
And wound each other. Otho war uprears
Against the Greeks: and's almost Conquoured
A Famine ery where's nigh overspred.
An Earth Quake Stroys houses at Capua:
And fifteen towers with sevenscore men, and ten
At Benevent: part too of Arian, nay
And Fr---nt: and halfe Compane Cities, when
At Ronsa nigh with its inhabitants
Was overturnd, it routs them and decamps.
And fifteen towers with sevenscore men, and ten
At Benevent: part too of Arian, nay
And Fr---nt: and halfe Compane Cities, when
At Ronsa nigh with its inhabitants
Was overturnd, it routs them and decamps.
In winter frequent inundations: and
Great Gusts of Winde much building overthrows,
Great droughts the Seeds time of the Spring disbande
The Vehement burning Summer over flows.
A grievous famine follows. Snows and Rain
Unseasonable, Autumns Seedstime baine.
Great Gusts of Winde much building overthrows,
Great droughts the Seeds time of the Spring disbande
The Vehement burning Summer over flows.
A grievous famine follows. Snows and Rain
Unseasonable, Autumns Seedstime baine.
And now about it rains out of the Skie
Bread Corn a pace in Albany, its said,
With little Fishes too in Saxony
Which yet were not for humane food display'd
They did so Stinck. God can, did hee see good
Make fields and Fish pools in the Sky yield foode.
Bread Corn a pace in Albany, its said,
With little Fishes too in Saxony
Which yet were not for humane food display'd
They did so Stinck. God can, did hee see good
Make fields and Fish pools in the Sky yield foode.
Fire flames out of the Water. Rhenes swift Streams
Sende fire out of their bowells that burn down
Adjacent Villages. The next year gleams
Wherein the God of heaven gives his Frown.
Three times by night the Heavens seem to bee
All bloody, if my authour fails not mee.
Sende fire out of their bowells that burn down
Adjacent Villages. The next year gleams
Wherein the God of heaven gives his Frown.
Three times by night the Heavens seem to bee
All bloody, if my authour fails not mee.
A Sudden Light out of the north Coast Shine[s]
By night about the first Cock Crow so cleare
A man would think it noone day bright and prime
About an hour which then did disappeare,
Leaving a ruddy Colour in the Skie
And so the night returnd as usually.
By night about the first Cock Crow so cleare
A man would think it noone day bright and prime
About an hour which then did disappeare,
Leaving a ruddy Colour in the Skie
And so the night returnd as usually.
Novembers birth a winter keen begins
Stretcht out till May. Scarce one warm day then's found
Cold cruell Winds sharp blowing hard on things
That Ponds and Rivers with hard ice are bound
In th'End of June. And fishes there destroyd
Trees, Fruits, and Pastures, as with fire, are dri'de.
Stretcht out till May. Scarce one warm day then's found
Cold cruell Winds sharp blowing hard on things
That Ponds and Rivers with hard ice are bound
In th'End of June. And fishes there destroyd
Trees, Fruits, and Pastures, as with fire, are dri'de.
Waters are Scarce fit for mans use, out runs
A dreadfull Plague and Famine laying wast
All Sorts of men and beasts which none can shun
And many houses by it quite out racde.
A Comet flames from thence and Mice devour
Argentines Bishop Wild'rolph O Sad hour[.]
A dreadfull Plague and Famine laying wast
All Sorts of men and beasts which none can shun
And many houses by it quite out racde.
A Comet flames from thence and Mice devour
Argentines Bishop Wild'rolph O Sad hour[.]
In th'Contrey neer to Halberstad was spewd
A babe without both Legs and Genitalls,
Whose back parts sharp like naked young birds stood,
Whose right side far the Eye and Eare extalls
Above its left, had yellow teeth too and
A left hand thumb, no fingers nor right hand.
A babe without both Legs and Genitalls,
Whose back parts sharp like naked young birds stood,
Whose right side far the Eye and Eare extalls
Above its left, had yellow teeth too and
A left hand thumb, no fingers nor right hand.
A Dreadfull Earth Quake and a blazing Star
The world do waken: this at nine a clock.
And fiery faggot like with a long bar
Shining like Lightning onto earth, that knock
Did such within Doores and without doores too
Like lightening that very swiftly flew.
The world do waken: this at nine a clock.
And fiery faggot like with a long bar
Shining like Lightning onto earth, that knock
Did such within Doores and without doores too
Like lightening that very swiftly flew.
This gash in heaven vanishing appears
As 'twere a Serpent on whose head did grow
Cleare blewish feet: And afterwards there were
Two balls of burning fire the heavens out th[row.]
One fell at Magdeburgh: the other fell
Beyond the River Alt as storys tell.
As 'twere a Serpent on whose head did grow
Cleare blewish feet: And afterwards there were
Two balls of burning fire the heavens out th[row.]
One fell at Magdeburgh: the other fell
Beyond the River Alt as storys tell.
And thus we se Divine Efficiency
To ware a glory bright this age quite through
By Wonders done, and Justice shines hereby
In many things. And now we pass ito view
Another glory, so to render praise
To him who glorious Rayes ran through these d[ays.]
To ware a glory bright this age quite through
By Wonders done, and Justice shines hereby
In many things. And now we pass ito view
Another glory, so to render praise
To him who glorious Rayes ran through these d[ays.]
The Shine of Divine Truth.
Sweet Truth I now get ore thy Garden Stile
To View thy flowers in their bright Shine
To Smell the Sweet Perfumes, thy Soile
With Rosy breaths holds thine.
To View thy flowers in their bright Shine
To Smell the Sweet Perfumes, thy Soile
With Rosy breaths holds thine.
Thou sayst, a King after his Will should do[.]
Its here fulfilld: these new fac'd Kings
Of Peters Chair act all things to
Mentain their Wills, and Sins.
Its here fulfilld: these new fac'd Kings
Of Peters Chair act all things to
Mentain their Wills, and Sins.
Their Wills, and Pleasures are their Rule to which
Their Actions Square. And others must
Thereto their operations pitch
Or Smart. Unjust, or just.
Their Actions Square. And others must
Thereto their operations pitch
Or Smart. Unjust, or just.
Thou saist, he Will himselfe too magnify
Above each God. It's just so here.
O're Kings and Emperours doth fly.
He goddeth Peters Chair.
Above each God. It's just so here.
O're Kings and Emperours doth fly.
He goddeth Peters Chair.
Thou saist He'l speake things mervelous against
The God of Gods. The Popes so speake.
By Peter, Cross and Nailes (Strange Paints)
They Sweare. And thee unseate.
The God of Gods. The Popes so speake.
They Sweare. And thee unseate.
Thou saist, he cares not for his Fathers God.
These Cursed things this verify.
With Peters Lord they play the lob
And of him make a toy.
These Cursed things this verify.
With Peters Lord they play the lob
And of him make a toy.
Thou saist, he minds not Women Chiefe Desire.
This thing is true in these strange Dons.
They Holy Wedlock make dirt, mire.
Ban it from Sacred ones[.]
This thing is true in these strange Dons.
They Holy Wedlock make dirt, mire.
Ban it from Sacred ones[.]
Thou saist, He Serves With Silver, Gold, Choice Stones
And pleasant things his Upstart God.
This Popish Crew take rotten bones
And serve them thus, thus shod.
And pleasant things his Upstart God.
This Popish Crew take rotten bones
And serve them thus, thus shod.
Charles King of France sent Henry Auceps Such
Saint Denyse his hand set in gold
With pretious Gems, that weighed much,
As authours have us told.
Saint Denyse his hand set in gold
With pretious Gems, that weighed much,
As authours have us told.
Popes deify do Relicks, and translate
From place to place, as if they were
Some Godheads, to keep safe from fate
Fire, Sword or Foes though neer.
From place to place, as if they were
Some Godheads, to keep safe from fate
Fire, Sword or Foes though neer.
Odo brought from Northumber Wilfrides dust
To Canterbury, now they take
Up Dead mens bones and do them thrust
In Golden Chests they make.
To Canterbury, now they take
Up Dead mens bones and do them thrust
In Golden Chests they make.
Urseol Duke of Venice brouht into
A new built Vault the Corps unburnd
Of the Evangelist although
A fire upon it turnd.
A new built Vault the Corps unburnd
Of the Evangelist although
A fire upon it turnd.
And did a golden table dedicate
Of neate grecanick Workt indeed
Before the Altar of greate State.
(Oh Superstitious breed)
Of neate grecanick Workt indeed
Before the Altar of greate State.
(Oh Superstitious breed)
Pope John the Sixteenth built Saint John's Church new
Painted its Wall egregiously.
Pav'de 'fore Saints Benits Altar too
With Stones brave variously
Painted its Wall egregiously.
Pav'de 'fore Saints Benits Altar too
With Stones brave variously
He beautifide the Altar place most gay
With Silver Tables in its ring.
Johns Altar too did overlay
With Silver oh! brave king.
With Silver Tables in its ring.
Johns Altar too did overlay
With Silver oh! brave king.
He made a Silver Cross Orelaid with gold.
And th'Book of th'Gospell ery where
Broider'd With Silver, guilt, enrowld
With Gold and Gems full deere.
And th'Book of th'Gospell ery where
Broider'd With Silver, guilt, enrowld
With Gold and Gems full deere.
Three Silver Crowns, and Cal[i]ces he made
Censars, and various ornaments.
Codes very many and such trade
To which his pleasure bent.
Censars, and various ornaments.
Codes very many and such trade
To which his pleasure bent.
To such fine golden Gods their prayers do go.
Henry falls prostrate down before
Saint Denyses brave hand and so
It kiss did, and adore.
Henry falls prostrate down before
Saint Denyses brave hand and so
It kiss did, and adore.
Thou saist, He shall encrease in glory. Rule.
We see the same is verifide
In this good race. For Kings they foole
And ore their Heads do ride.
We see the same is verifide
In this good race. For Kings they foole
And ore their Heads do ride.
Popes rule the Empire and in Germany
Have fixt it, its Succession broke.
They must be chosen by and by
Then Crowned by the Pope.
Have fixt it, its Succession broke.
They must be chosen by and by
Then Crowned by the Pope.
Greg'ry the fift Electors makes that shall
Choose him that Emperour shall bee.
Mentz, Triers, Colons Bishops tall
These are Electors three.
Choose him that Emperour shall bee.
Mentz, Triers, Colons Bishops tall
These are Electors three.
The Marquess Brandenburgh, Count Palatine
Of Rhene, and Duke of Saxony
And the Bohemian King define
Th'Imperiall Magisty.
Of Rhene, and Duke of Saxony
And the Bohemian King define
Th'Imperiall Magisty.
And when these Seven have the Person chose
His Holiness must Crown his head.
And then he Emperour out goes.
When thus Augustused.
His Holiness must Crown his head.
And then he Emperour out goes.
When thus Augustused.
And as they thus the Empire do up mould.
So also do they novice Kings[.]
Pope John the 'leventh's peale so bold
'Gainst brave King Edward rings.
So also do they novice Kings[.]
Pope John the 'leventh's peale so bold
'Gainst brave King Edward rings.
Alberick Marquess of Hetruria
He doth expell from Rome in pride.
King Edgar Dunstan made to stay
And Seven Years Shame abide.
He doth expell from Rome in pride.
King Edgar Dunstan made to stay
And Seven Years Shame abide.
Stephen King of the Hungars bowed when
The Pope of Rome was ever nam'de.
And would have others do these men
Such honours. So he aim'd.
The Pope of Rome was ever nam'de.
And would have others do these men
Such honours. So he aim'd.
But how these Birds attained to this Hight
The Holy Worde doth to us shew
Kings give their power their Strength and might
Unto him. This is true.
The Holy Worde doth to us shew
Kings give their power their Strength and might
Unto him. This is true.
The Kings, and Nobles do advance this Realm.
King Edgar Abbies more did build,
Than forty: and their Shining Helm
His royall Wealth upheld.
King Edgar Abbies more did build,
Than forty: and their Shining Helm
His royall Wealth upheld.
And other Nobles all the World o're wide
Their riches spent in Such away.
And Relicks raisd a Silver tide
Into their greedy bay.
Their riches spent in Such away.
And Relicks raisd a Silver tide
Into their greedy bay.
Henry the Emperour did promise much
For th'Speare which gasht Christs blessed side
Wherein was set a naile (Why Such?)
That naild him Crucifide.
For th'Speare which gasht Christs blessed side
Wherein was set a naile (Why Such?)
That naild him Crucifide.
And when he had it got he did bestow
For it much Silver too and gold
Nay and great part of Swevland too
Oh! costly bought, and sold.
For it much Silver too and gold
Nay and great part of Swevland too
Oh! costly bought, and sold.
Beside, Kings do them in the Saddle keep
And Emperours do, do the Same.
The Othoes ran (and did not creep)
Them wholy to Sustain.
And Emperours do, do the Same.
The Othoes ran (and did not creep)
Them wholy to Sustain.
Otho gave Verda's Bishops in their Names
Markets and Mony minting Rights
Hunting Harts and fowles such games
Of Nobles for delights
Markets and Mony minting Rights
Hunting Harts and fowles such games
Of Nobles for delights
And pearched thus on high these Cocks grow bold,
Crow o're Kings heads of tallest Sise
Their hand a golden Cap doth hold
Filld with Impieties.
Crow o're Kings heads of tallest Sise
Their hand a golden Cap doth hold
Filld with Impieties.
But yet not filld unto the brim, their Jacks
Are pouring out more draughts to drinck:
Sergy the third his Hogs head wracks
And Candlemass drops in't.
Are pouring out more draughts to drinck:
Sergy the third his Hogs head wracks
And Candlemass drops in't.
Elphegus Bishop once of Winchester
Did Spirits drop of Ember dayes.
Baptising bells with names in't flurs
From John the fourteenths blaze.
Did Spirits drop of Ember dayes.
Baptising bells with names in't flurs
From John the fourteenths blaze.
But Dunstans brain is milch, these Strappings fall
Through his rich Nose into this bowle
Of Kyre 'sleeson learnd all
Of Angells at FA SOL.
Through his rich Nose into this bowle
Of Kyre 'sleeson learnd all
Of Angells at FA SOL.
Odila did the holy day up raise
Of all Departed, to its brim
Pope John the Sixteenth to his praise
Thence made it plump therein.
Of all Departed, to its brim
Pope John the Sixteenth to his praise
Thence made it plump therein.
They fill it up with Consecrated things
Staffs, Robes, Salts, Ashes, Water, Grease,
Wax, Spices, Places, Buildings, Rings,
And Such things as they please.
Staffs, Robes, Salts, Ashes, Water, Grease,
Wax, Spices, Places, Buildings, Rings,
And Such things as they please.
And of this Cup must all men drinck or they
Will Smite them with their thunderbolts.
Kings shall not to this Cup say nay.
Its Alberry too for Dolts.
Will Smite them with their thunderbolts.
Kings shall not to this Cup say nay.
Its Alberry too for Dolts.
The Locusts in the Eggs and new hatcht bubs
Bare, and pen fether'd late that lay,
Fill ev'ry place that hell's Smoake dubs
They fly abroad, and Sway.
Bare, and pen fether'd late that lay,
Fill ev'ry place that hell's Smoake dubs
They fly abroad, and Sway.
And thus we see how Truth doth clearely shine,
When Smootherd out in these darke times,
By her Pole Star to Steer our line
The Skies fogd with thick Rimes.
When Smootherd out in these darke times,
By her Pole Star to Steer our line
The Skies fogd with thick Rimes.
And now I pass having thus come to Spie
The Shine of Grace allthough but dim
Of Patience bright, and Justice high
That doth adorn our king.
The Shine of Grace allthough but dim
Of Patience bright, and Justice high
That doth adorn our king.
And of Efficiency in Sparkling Rayes
And Blessed Truth, when truths defac'de.
Unto our Lords erelasting praise
His Wayes disgrac'd are grac'd.
And Blessed Truth, when truths defac'de.
Unto our Lords erelasting praise
His Wayes disgrac'd are grac'd.
Cudgeld to Gelly by her perblind Seers
Whose Crossiers Staffs Club arguments do rise,
Herculian Clubs) not Aron's Rod, and Sise
With Stygian Darkness ery Stripe they make
Dawns on a pace. Whose dayes a Maske up take
In Superstitions Blew pot Di'de, and tand
Whose Doctors with their Cat-a-nine tailes stand
Like persons whipping of an Ape. Yet not
With Peters Angle Rod, but with a knot
Of Wired Cruelties that Stains the glory
Of this Soure Age portrayed in our Story.
But now I come to Search the Stars that Shine
In this dark night, of Attributes Divine
Carbuncle like, in Beams of Grace most bright
Of Patience, Justice, Wonder Working Might
And Holy Truth, that so Gods blessed praise
May glorify his Realm these glouting dayes.
The Shine of Divine Grace.
Oh! Blessed Gospell, Lanthorn of blesst Light.
Thy Candle flame's not blown yet from thy wick.
Though Hellish Fogs so mud the aire, mens Sight
Is muffled much thereby and made so thick
That Blindman's Buff most Suites the Candlestick.
Thy Candle flame's not blown yet from thy wick.
Though Hellish Fogs so mud the aire, mens Sight
Is muffled much thereby and made so thick
That Blindman's Buff most Suites the Candlestick.
Yet blesst be God the Gospell Still hath ground
Though made a Spell for golden Spirits, nay,
And Shining lights although few pens have found
Them for us. But blinde Lights before us lay,
Being possesst by th' Spirit of their day.
Though made a Spell for golden Spirits, nay,
And Shining lights although few pens have found
Them for us. But blinde Lights before us lay,
Being possesst by th' Spirit of their day.
Unless Some person in Some Shineing place
Did with his inke be black the Papall Shine
That Stirs arose, Historick Pens no trace
Do take thereof, and when they do define
These men, their pens poke malice on their Shr[ine]
Did with his inke be black the Papall Shine
That Stirs arose, Historick Pens no trace
Do take thereof, and when they do define
These men, their pens poke malice on their Shr[ine]
Angiers Arch Deacon Berengarius He
Was Such an One, that Stoutly did oppose
Romes Errour of the Supper, and wee See
They him Supplaint, poor man, amongst Such foes
That he recants, yet Conscience cannot close.
Was Such an One, that Stoutly did oppose
Romes Errour of the Supper, and wee See
They him Supplaint, poor man, amongst Such foes
That he recants, yet Conscience cannot close.
Upon his Dying day he said to day
Our Lord Christ Jesus when he shall appeare
Will then to me for my repenting way
Appeare I hope to glory shining cleare.
Or for the sake of others, t'pain I feare.
Our Lord Christ Jesus when he shall appeare
Will then to me for my repenting way
Appeare I hope to glory shining cleare.
Or for the sake of others, t'pain I feare.
But to go on, when now Romes Canons had
The bullet made of Divells Doctrine flung
Against a marri'd Ministry as bad
The Clergy all in England, France up sprung
And Germany, and threw it off as dung.
The bullet made of Divells Doctrine flung
Against a marri'd Ministry as bad
The Clergy all in England, France up sprung
And Germany, and threw it off as dung.
And though their Bishops did promote this Sin
Thundring against them, they of Germany
At Erford Synod, thought reward to bring
To Mentz Archbishop with black Desteny:
For an Example of Such Vilany.
Thundring against them, they of Germany
At Erford Synod, thought reward to bring
To Mentz Archbishop with black Desteny:
For an Example of Such Vilany.
I will no longer here detain my quill
But call you to attend for further glory
Of Grace, it in its progress where it will
In Patience's bright Honour lay before ye
Her Shine commixt with hers, in shining Story.
But call you to attend for further glory
Of Grace, it in its progress where it will
In Patience's bright Honour lay before ye
Her Shine commixt with hers, in shining Story.
The Shine of Divine Patience.
Patience Divine, to admiration willIn this dark Pitchy night of filthy ill
Shine like the glorious Sun with Sparkling Ray[es]
For to adore the Song sung to Gods prayse
And on the Sign Posts, where engraven stand
Prelatick Wickedness, Strange Worship, and
Apostasy, Rebellion, Cruelty,
Patience's Glory doth imbellisht ly.
Prelatick Wickedness.
How Greate is Patience made, while such a Crew
Of Wretched Prelates of Such monstrous hew
And Hellish Wickedness do reeck in Sin.
And huff in daring Vilany, and Sing.
The Rabble of the Popes of Rome relates
That Patience in her glory on them waits.
Pope John the nineteenth hath Sylvesters Chair
Ordains next All Saints, All-Souls day, did tare
From men of Rome their Pope Electing right.
And by a Cup of Poison bids good night
The twentieth John ascends the Papall glory
A monkie friend, is poisond as Some Story.
Of Wretched Prelates of Such monstrous hew
And Hellish Wickedness do reeck in Sin.
And huff in daring Vilany, and Sing.
The Rabble of the Popes of Rome relates
That Patience in her glory on them waits.
Ordains next All Saints, All-Souls day, did tare
From men of Rome their Pope Electing right.
And by a Cup of Poison bids good night
The twentieth John ascends the Papall glory
A monkie friend, is poisond as Some Story.
Sergy the fourth comes in of better fame.
Then Benit Eighth up to the Popedom came
Theophylact his Newphew Scholar to
Pope Sylvester the Witch, by Witchcraft so
Did hoise him thither. And he did bestem
King Henry with th' Imperiall Diadem.
After whose reign the Cardinalls up rise
And unpope Benit, pope another prize.
But this old Fox his adversaries took
Not with Saint Peters Net, but golden hook.
And outs his Antipope, popes it again
In pomp untill grim death did ore him reign.
Out of whose Lordship on a black horse hee
Unto a Bishop, his old friend in glee,
Did soon appeare, lamenting all in teares
Under hells torments, bidding him (Heark Eares)
Charge his Successour, take the gold up, hid
In Such a place, it from its Coffer rid,
And give it to the poore, and so this pope
From all his torments, should escape, did hope.
Here is fine News. Popes paddle do in Hell,
It seems as well as other knaves: they tell.
Onely this grace the divell shews them, hee
Their hacknie steed to ride upon, will bee.
Then Benit Eighth up to the Popedom came
Theophylact his Newphew Scholar to
Pope Sylvester the Witch, by Witchcraft so
Did hoise him thither. And he did bestem
King Henry with th' Imperiall Diadem.
After whose reign the Cardinalls up rise
And unpope Benit, pope another prize.
But this old Fox his adversaries took
Not with Saint Peters Net, but golden hook.
And outs his Antipope, popes it again
In pomp untill grim death did ore him reign.
Out of whose Lordship on a black horse hee
Unto a Bishop, his old friend in glee,
Did soon appeare, lamenting all in teares
Under hells torments, bidding him (Heark Eares)
Charge his Successour, take the gold up, hid
In Such a place, it from its Coffer rid,
And give it to the poore, and so this pope
From all his torments, should escape, did hope.
Here is fine News. Popes paddle do in Hell,
It seems as well as other knaves: they tell.
Onely this grace the divell shews them, hee
Their hacknie steed to ride upon, will bee.
The One and twentieth John then up arose
To Peters Chair by Witchcraft, (men disclose)
Now almost all things in the Church of Rome,
Are Spiders Webs, wove in a Magick loome.
To Peters Chair by Witchcraft, (men disclose)
Now almost all things in the Church of Rome,
Are Spiders Webs, wove in a Magick loome.
Theophylact the Wizzard, now up came
And they this pope Benit the ninth did name.
A laizie lubber, by inchantments brought
What women pleasd his Will, to's lust: all naught.
He did assume a power to make whom ere
He pleased Emperour, what pride his here?
When Conrade's head was laid, he then would bring
Th' Imperiall Crown to the Hungarian King
To whom he sent a Crown thus do'tcht all down
The Rock gave Peter Rome, th' Pope thee a Crown.
His Cruelty was such, the Romans rose
And out this Benit, In John Sabine goes
And Styles himselfe Sylvester. Benit will
Not suffer this, but flies to arms, and's skill.
And in the fortieth day of's Popedome drive
Him doth from th' Lateran unto his hive
In Peters Chappell; where by force and arms
He did defend his Dignity from harms.
And Carri'de on his Popedom Rites in Spite
Of Benits beard, and his Magician might.
But Benit reinstalld, grew jealous lest
An after Clan should him again molest
Joynd with him in his Popedom pains one John
A Priest, or an Arch deacon who came on
And bought of Benit for himselfe alone
The Popedom office (Symony ore grown)
For fifteen hunderd pound of gold down fixt
And styles himselfe by name Greg'ry the Sixt.
And Benit in the Lateran Palace rowles
In Luxury, and pleasures on whose Shoales
He Splits his Barge. And that black Demon grim
He usd, did in the Woods there Stifle him.
Who after ward appeard in horrid Sight
Nigh to a grist Mill to an Eremite,
In Body like a bare in head, and taile
Like to an Ass, because he did so faile
In living in his Popedom like a lob
Without, both Reason, Law, and also God,
Contemperate with Benit rose that John
The peoples pope. Sylvester tersh, comes on.
The Church is made a Shambles, blood, and slaughter
Do fill its Stalls. This makes the Old boy Laughter.
The Emperour him outs from Peters hive
John Gratian the Magician arch did thrive
In Benits Love for Magicks Sake, did rise
Romes golden head, of Symon Magu's Sise.
A Sorcerer, a Symonist, and one
Savagely Cruell, kickt is from his throne,
Is this the Romish Headship? Is thy Church,
Proud Rome, thus Hydra like? Go go and search
Pluto's darke Region. For't will parallell
Three Headed Cerberus the Dog of Hell.
Th' Imperiall Club strikes off these Hydra Heads
And they this pope Benit the ninth did name.
A laizie lubber, by inchantments brought
What women pleasd his Will, to's lust: all naught.
He did assume a power to make whom ere
He pleased Emperour, what pride his here?
Th' Imperiall Crown to the Hungarian King
To whom he sent a Crown thus do'tcht all down
The Rock gave Peter Rome, th' Pope thee a Crown.
His Cruelty was such, the Romans rose
And out this Benit, In John Sabine goes
And Styles himselfe Sylvester. Benit will
Not suffer this, but flies to arms, and's skill.
And in the fortieth day of's Popedome drive
Him doth from th' Lateran unto his hive
In Peters Chappell; where by force and arms
He did defend his Dignity from harms.
And Carri'de on his Popedom Rites in Spite
Of Benits beard, and his Magician might.
But Benit reinstalld, grew jealous lest
An after Clan should him again molest
Joynd with him in his Popedom pains one John
A Priest, or an Arch deacon who came on
And bought of Benit for himselfe alone
The Popedom office (Symony ore grown)
For fifteen hunderd pound of gold down fixt
And styles himselfe by name Greg'ry the Sixt.
And Benit in the Lateran Palace rowles
In Luxury, and pleasures on whose Shoales
He Splits his Barge. And that black Demon grim
He usd, did in the Woods there Stifle him.
Who after ward appeard in horrid Sight
Nigh to a grist Mill to an Eremite,
In Body like a bare in head, and taile
Like to an Ass, because he did so faile
In living in his Popedom like a lob
Without, both Reason, Law, and also God,
Contemperate with Benit rose that John
The peoples pope. Sylvester tersh, comes on.
The Church is made a Shambles, blood, and slaughter
Do fill its Stalls. This makes the Old boy Laughter.
The Emperour him outs from Peters hive
John Gratian the Magician arch did thrive
In Benits Love for Magicks Sake, did rise
Romes golden head, of Symon Magu's Sise.
A Sorcerer, a Symonist, and one
Savagely Cruell, kickt is from his throne,
Is this the Romish Headship? Is thy Church,
Proud Rome, thus Hydra like? Go go and search
Three Headed Cerberus the Dog of Hell.
Th' Imperiall Club strikes off these Hydra Heads
Clement the leventh Peters Chair then treds.
Th' Imperiall Diadem he on the Crown
Of Henry the third set with renown.
The Emperour did Sweare the Romans to
Elect no Pope without his leave they know.
But oaths in Italy are feeble things
When Henry's gone, they feare no hempen Strings.
Hence Gerard Brazute gave this Pope a Drench.
And Peters Chair him pukt into his trench.
Th' Imperiall Diadem he on the Crown
Of Henry the third set with renown.
The Emperour did Sweare the Romans to
Elect no Pope without his leave they know.
But oaths in Italy are feeble things
When Henry's gone, they feare no hempen Strings.
Hence Gerard Brazute gave this Pope a Drench.
And Peters Chair him pukt into his trench.
Stephen his Chancellar without the vote
Of Folk, or Clergy, takes this Chaire of note
Yea vi et armis: Damasus the Second
He writes himselfe, when twenty dayes are reckon'd
Then from his trust he like a trevant slinks
When he the Health of Brazute's Spic'd cup drinks.
The Emperour gone home Pope Benit now
To animate his Headship Steels his brow
His Conjures yet do fail him Bruno brave
Of Alsace, Earle of Dagsburgh, Bishop grave
Of Tulsa Church's sent by the Emperour
And Chosen by the Romans who Confer
The Popedom on him. Leo Ninth he's calld.
But Hildebrand hereat was greatly galld.
But he by Hellbrands Counsill and advice
Of base Theophylact both Swords did hoise
Against the Normans, and is Captive took
Theophylact his privy Counsill Shook
And did it to the foe Convay by wiles.
But when the Normans, who had gave him foiles,
Set him at liberty. Helbrands deare friend
Brazute mixt him a drench that did him end.
Of Folk, or Clergy, takes this Chaire of note
Yea vi et armis: Damasus the Second
He writes himselfe, when twenty dayes are reckon'd
Then from his trust he like a trevant slinks
When he the Health of Brazute's Spic'd cup drinks.
The Emperour gone home Pope Benit now
To animate his Headship Steels his brow
His Conjures yet do fail him Bruno brave
Of Alsace, Earle of Dagsburgh, Bishop grave
Of Tulsa Church's sent by the Emperour
And Chosen by the Romans who Confer
The Popedom on him. Leo Ninth he's calld.
But Hildebrand hereat was greatly galld.
But he by Hellbrands Counsill and advice
Of base Theophylact both Swords did hoise
Against the Normans, and is Captive took
Theophylact his privy Counsill Shook
And did it to the foe Convay by wiles.
But when the Normans, who had gave him foiles,
Set him at liberty. Helbrands deare friend
Brazute mixt him a drench that did him end.
The Dead head Benit now again doth strive
To leap upon the Body and revive
And on the Shoulders whence it Severd was
It once did sit while months Eleven pass.
But Gebhard kinsman to the Emperour
Is popifi'de and nam'd the Conquerour i e Victor.
He in the Counsill at Florentia chases
The Marri'de Bishops from their Office places.
But as his Choice slit Hildebrands wide nose,
So Brazute's Wassell bowle him over throws.
To leap upon the Body and revive
And on the Shoulders whence it Severd was
It once did sit while months Eleven pass.
But Gebhard kinsman to the Emperour
Is popifi'de and nam'd the Conquerour i e Victor.
He in the Counsill at Florentia chases
The Marri'de Bishops from their Office places.
So Brazute's Wassell bowle him over throws.
Frederick Duke Goth'lens Son of Lotharinges
Upon the Hobbihorses backe ascends.
And's Styled Stephen Ninth. Millain he breaks
Off from her freedom, and his Subject makes.
He did Condemn the Emperour because
He authorizd the Clergy 'gainst popes laws.
But in the Synod held at Florence gay,
He dranke of Brazute's Cup and goes away.
Upon the Hobbihorses backe ascends.
And's Styled Stephen Ninth. Millain he breaks
Off from her freedom, and his Subject makes.
He did Condemn the Emperour because
He authorizd the Clergy 'gainst popes laws.
But in the Synod held at Florence gay,
He dranke of Brazute's Cup and goes away.
Benit the tenth Succeeds against the Will
Of Hildebrand, who mischiefe worketh Still.
Who durst not for the furious folk, in Rome
To choose and make another pope presume
But flies to Siena, and Gerard Chose
Who by the Name of Niclas th' Second goes.
And Benits popeship of a nine months Station
Is by him left for's former occupation
Niclas thus chose at Sutrium he calls
A Synod and Benit unpopes, and Crawls
To Rome, dethrones Bogellard from his Relm
Sets Robert the Calabrian Duke at's helm.
Ordains that Popes be Chose by th' Cardinalls:
All Chose by others he rejects and malls.
Did curb by Sword the folk of Prenestee
Of Tuscany Numentum they obey.
And did destroy Galera, Castles all
Of greate Earle Gerhards on to Sutriums wall.
But having hufft it in his glory, bibs
Of Brazute Cup and from his glory trigs.
Of Hildebrand, who mischiefe worketh Still.
Who durst not for the furious folk, in Rome
To choose and make another pope presume
But flies to Siena, and Gerard Chose
Who by the Name of Niclas th' Second goes.
And Benits popeship of a nine months Station
Is by him left for's former occupation
Niclas thus chose at Sutrium he calls
A Synod and Benit unpopes, and Crawls
To Rome, dethrones Bogellard from his Relm
Sets Robert the Calabrian Duke at's helm.
Ordains that Popes be Chose by th' Cardinalls:
All Chose by others he rejects and malls.
Did curb by Sword the folk of Prenestee
Of Tuscany Numentum they obey.
And did destroy Galera, Castles all
Of greate Earle Gerhards on to Sutriums wall.
But having hufft it in his glory, bibs
Of Brazute Cup and from his glory trigs.
The Second Alexander now comes in
Without the Emperours advice, this thing
The Lombard kicke at, the Emperour they treate
And by his leave the Basill Counsills heate
Chose the Permensine Bishop Cadolus.
And now two Popes in Peters Chaire do Crush,
Together by the eares they Go, hereby
A multitude on both sides dead do ly.
Anshelm nam'd Alexander wins the field.
But Cadolus will not the Popedom yield.
Hence both do play the Pope at once, and Cry
Against each other, as th' Church Enemy.
At length the Schism is at Mantua
By much adoe Composd. So ends the fray.
Here Alexander did deprive of place
All Marri'd Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Chast
Ordain that Popes be onely chosen by
The Cardinalls, yet when by Craft his eye
Discernd he chose without the approbation
Of th' Emperour was, he in his set oration
Professt he would not Sit in Peters Chair
Without Emperiall licence, saying there
He letters to the Emperour did hand
For his good favour. This galld Hildebrand
That he could hardly hold his hands off till
Mass over was. Which ended his rag'd Will
Brake out upon the Pope he on him flew
And from the Altar to the Arch him drew:
And with his fists did sorely buffit him
While in his Papall Garments he was in.
Reviling him for Seeking Cesars grace.
And Cast him in the jayle (a noble place)
Allowing him but fivpence Lucensine
A day for his Support, (a royall Coine)
And ceised all the Churches revenues
Oh! Cursed Hildebrand. But still ensues
Poor Alexanders Death, which is Supposd
To be by Poison, that his dayes up closd.
Now Hildebrand a firebrand from Hell
A blacksmith's Son, that others did excell
In Vilany, ascends the Headship bright
By bribery, by Witchcraft, and by Might
Chose not by Citizens, nor Clergy but
By Soldiers, and in Peters throne is put
'Fore Alexanders Corps interment have
Who to the Abbot of Cassina gave
This Scoff that came to be Elected, brother
Thou fingeredst too much. To whom the other
Replid, thou Hildebrand, mad'st too much hast
Who 'fore the Pope dead in his grave is cast
Contrary to the Canon Laws art flown
Usurping thus th' Apostle Peters Throne.
Greg'ry the Seventh he is nam'd. And was
A Wicked Sorcerer, who as he pass
Did on a time from Albane unto Rome
And left his Conjuring booke behind did soon
Two of his Servants makes run back a pace
And fetch it, charging them much of their grace
Not to looke in't. Which made their mouths to water
Hence coming with it (Cowerds cannot Vaper)
They it unclasp, and read the black Art Law
And Soon an host of Divells black they saw.
That thus salute them, Why have you us Calld?
Why have you weari'd us? are we on balld?
What will you have us do? Soon bid us plain.
We'l fall on you, if you us long detain.
The youths well nigh out of their Wits agast:
One of them getting heart replies at last
Saith pointing with his hands to Walk nigh Rome,
Cast down these walk and down they fling them soon.
The youths then Crossing of themselves be took
Them panting, and amaizd to give the booke
Unto their Master Hildebrand, apart
At Rome, a master arch of this black art.
Without the Emperours advice, this thing
The Lombard kicke at, the Emperour they treate
And by his leave the Basill Counsills heate
Chose the Permensine Bishop Cadolus.
And now two Popes in Peters Chaire do Crush,
Together by the eares they Go, hereby
A multitude on both sides dead do ly.
Anshelm nam'd Alexander wins the field.
But Cadolus will not the Popedom yield.
Hence both do play the Pope at once, and Cry
Against each other, as th' Church Enemy.
By much adoe Composd. So ends the fray.
Here Alexander did deprive of place
All Marri'd Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Chast
Ordain that Popes be onely chosen by
The Cardinalls, yet when by Craft his eye
Discernd he chose without the approbation
Of th' Emperour was, he in his set oration
Professt he would not Sit in Peters Chair
Without Emperiall licence, saying there
He letters to the Emperour did hand
For his good favour. This galld Hildebrand
That he could hardly hold his hands off till
Mass over was. Which ended his rag'd Will
Brake out upon the Pope he on him flew
And from the Altar to the Arch him drew:
And with his fists did sorely buffit him
While in his Papall Garments he was in.
Reviling him for Seeking Cesars grace.
And Cast him in the jayle (a noble place)
Allowing him but fivpence Lucensine
A day for his Support, (a royall Coine)
And ceised all the Churches revenues
Oh! Cursed Hildebrand. But still ensues
Poor Alexanders Death, which is Supposd
To be by Poison, that his dayes up closd.
Now Hildebrand a firebrand from Hell
A blacksmith's Son, that others did excell
In Vilany, ascends the Headship bright
By bribery, by Witchcraft, and by Might
Chose not by Citizens, nor Clergy but
By Soldiers, and in Peters throne is put
'Fore Alexanders Corps interment have
Who to the Abbot of Cassina gave
This Scoff that came to be Elected, brother
Thou fingeredst too much. To whom the other
Replid, thou Hildebrand, mad'st too much hast
Who 'fore the Pope dead in his grave is cast
Contrary to the Canon Laws art flown
Usurping thus th' Apostle Peters Throne.
Greg'ry the Seventh he is nam'd. And was
A Wicked Sorcerer, who as he pass
Did on a time from Albane unto Rome
And left his Conjuring booke behind did soon
And fetch it, charging them much of their grace
Not to looke in't. Which made their mouths to water
Hence coming with it (Cowerds cannot Vaper)
They it unclasp, and read the black Art Law
And Soon an host of Divells black they saw.
That thus salute them, Why have you us Calld?
Why have you weari'd us? are we on balld?
What will you have us do? Soon bid us plain.
We'l fall on you, if you us long detain.
The youths well nigh out of their Wits agast:
One of them getting heart replies at last
Saith pointing with his hands to Walk nigh Rome,
Cast down these walk and down they fling them soon.
The youths then Crossing of themselves be took
Them panting, and amaizd to give the booke
Unto their Master Hildebrand, apart
At Rome, a master arch of this black art.
Quintius a Noble Roman that assails
And dragd this Pope from th' Altar to the jayle,
When th' Romans therefore did his house pull down
Agrees with Hildebrand: and none must frown.
Yet Hildebrand Contrary to his Word
At liberty, now Quintius Galld, him Spurd
(Whom once he'd put in barrell Stuck with nailes)
Nine of his house up hangs. Popes take not bailes.
And dragd this Pope from th' Altar to the jayle,
When th' Romans therefore did his house pull down
Agrees with Hildebrand: and none must frown.
Yet Hildebrand Contrary to his Word
At liberty, now Quintius Galld, him Spurd
(Whom once he'd put in barrell Stuck with nailes)
Nine of his house up hangs. Popes take not bailes.
A Widdow leads her Son too by a Cord
About his neck unto this pope her lord,
Of him for to receive him now again
After he had a twelvemonths Smart up tain
In banishment by him: to whom his tone
Woman begon, begon, let me alone
But after this he wills the judges to
Condemn this youth, the which they would not do
He orders one of them his legs to be
Cut off which killd the Youth. Popes mercy See.
About his neck unto this pope her lord,
Of him for to receive him now again
After he had a twelvemonths Smart up tain
In banishment by him: to whom his tone
Woman begon, begon, let me alone
But after this he wills the judges to
Condemn this youth, the which they would not do
He orders one of them his legs to be
Cut off which killd the Youth. Popes mercy See.
But these are little Bans, will not Suffice
The hungry Gudgeon, nor his glaring eyes.
The Squemish Stomach of this wasthrill Pope
Kecks not at Such Small Gnats. (A butterd rope)
He falls on bigger Gobbits; Fatter bits
His greediworm down his wide gullit slips.
He'l Swallow down an Emperour so huffe
And yet his Stomach counts it not enough.
The hungry Gudgeon, nor his glaring eyes.
The Squemish Stomach of this wasthrill Pope
Kecks not at Such Small Gnats. (A butterd rope)
He falls on bigger Gobbits; Fatter bits
His greediworm down his wide gullit slips.
And yet his Stomach counts it not enough.
For Henry the forth the Emperour
The Saxons basely vexing by their War
The bishops too complain to Hellbrand's Pope
In that he Benefices gave, in hope
This Hellbrand would out burning Sparkles cast
To burn his bristles. So his firy blast
Comes out upon him charging him to out
All Symonaries be the[y] ne're so Stout.
And hence such as were for this Emperour
Were, many frighted by this Sparkling knar,
Lest they their dignities should lose, and Station
They by their bribes gain petters Confirmation.
And give their Oaths to be his Faithfull Sons.
And sorely vex the Emperour, when drums
Beat up the Saxon Wars, that hee excludes
Some from their places, others he intrudes
As they do call it. Then these babies fly
To Hellbrand with complaint; who bitterly
Did Envy Henry, and he hence him cites
Up to appeare at Rome. Or with his rites
He'l brain him with his thunderbolt, at which
The Emperour Surprizd, forth with doth pitch
On persons and them sends to Hildebrand
To gain his grace, and from Such deeds to stand.
The Legats this Cursd fire brand of hell
Doth take Scourge prison, Naked, Starve nigh well
With Hunger Thirst, and Cold, then in disgrace
Leads through the City, then them back a pace
Did send away. And when the Sessions day
Was come in which the Emperour should say
What was the reason of his deeds, was come
This Hellishbrand With Rhetorick on his tongue,
The Synod entertains, asserting there
Rome Head of th'World, the Lady ever clear
Of this Round Orb Confers the Empire and
The Popedom at her pleasure by her hand
A right she gained by much blood, and pains.
Judge therefore with mee with mee, Children plain
Quoth he who shall here after reign at Rome.
And fifteen thousand talants from his flume
Runs over unto every man a part,
A noble artifice of Fishing Art.
The Saxons basely vexing by their War
The bishops too complain to Hellbrand's Pope
In that he Benefices gave, in hope
This Hellbrand would out burning Sparkles cast
To burn his bristles. So his firy blast
Comes out upon him charging him to out
All Symonaries be the[y] ne're so Stout.
And hence such as were for this Emperour
Were, many frighted by this Sparkling knar,
Lest they their dignities should lose, and Station
They by their bribes gain petters Confirmation.
And give their Oaths to be his Faithfull Sons.
And sorely vex the Emperour, when drums
Beat up the Saxon Wars, that hee excludes
Some from their places, others he intrudes
As they do call it. Then these babies fly
To Hellbrand with complaint; who bitterly
Did Envy Henry, and he hence him cites
Up to appeare at Rome. Or with his rites
He'l brain him with his thunderbolt, at which
The Emperour Surprizd, forth with doth pitch
On persons and them sends to Hildebrand
To gain his grace, and from Such deeds to stand.
The Legats this Cursd fire brand of hell
Doth take Scourge prison, Naked, Starve nigh well
With Hunger Thirst, and Cold, then in disgrace
Leads through the City, then them back a pace
Did send away. And when the Sessions day
Was come in which the Emperour should say
What was the reason of his deeds, was come
This Hellishbrand With Rhetorick on his tongue,
The Synod entertains, asserting there
Rome Head of th'World, the Lady ever clear
Of this Round Orb Confers the Empire and
The Popedom at her pleasure by her hand
A right she gained by much blood, and pains.
Judge therefore with mee with mee, Children plain
And fifteen thousand talants from his flume
Runs over unto every man a part,
A noble artifice of Fishing Art.
But at this bold Incitement Henry
A Synod Calls at Worms, to make reply
And by his royall Majesty doth Cite
The Pope there to appeare with all his light
Supposing that the Pope exantorate
By Caesars, and the Synods Sentence late,
Could not by all his Liquids, and his Mates
His Excommunicating Pellit Shoot.
And Ruland Priest of Perma is out sent
With the Imperiall Letter whose Content
He while the Pope his Synod glaverd, did
Approach into the Temple not forbid,
To Shew the Same. And without terms of Fame
Directs his Speech to Hellbrand which thus came
The Emperour addicted truely to
The true Religion. And the Bishops lo
Sacred, of Italy, France, Germany,
In Sacred Orders of bright Sanctity
Command thee from that Function to depart,
That thou gottst by respects, Cash, and bad art.
Thou no true Pastor, Father, Pope art, nay
But art a Thiefe, Wolfe, Robber, Tyrant gay.
At which they quickly were all in a rout
Ready his brains in th'temple to dash out.
And in their rage they ecchoed out this tone.
Kick Such a Wicked King out of the throne.
Hence hee with Horrid Speech indeed knocks down
The Emperour. And all of all renown
That took his part, that famous bishops were
He did deprive of Dignities: and cleare
The Subjects from their Oaths of Fealty
And Chargd the Bishops all in Germany
Sworn to himselfe to make the Publication
Of this Kings direfull Excommunication
And calls on Princes, and on Subjects all
From all obedience to this king to fall:
Or else they with the same sort serv'd shall bee.
And Choose another Emperour saith hee.
Now on this fact rose many Bishop chuff
And Princes of the Empire apt to puff
Away the Emperour, conault to make
An new one, and Such as would this course take
Were chiefly Saxons, and the Sweve, who 'ttend
A Synod at Tribury for this end
Where Sighard yea and Altman teach this King
They justly from the Church, and his Realm fling.
A Synod Calls at Worms, to make reply
And by his royall Majesty doth Cite
The Pope there to appeare with all his light
Supposing that the Pope exantorate
By Caesars, and the Synods Sentence late,
Could not by all his Liquids, and his Mates
His Excommunicating Pellit Shoot.
And Ruland Priest of Perma is out sent
With the Imperiall Letter whose Content
He while the Pope his Synod glaverd, did
Approach into the Temple not forbid,
To Shew the Same. And without terms of Fame
Directs his Speech to Hellbrand which thus came
The Emperour addicted truely to
The true Religion. And the Bishops lo
Sacred, of Italy, France, Germany,
In Sacred Orders of bright Sanctity
Command thee from that Function to depart,
That thou gottst by respects, Cash, and bad art.
Thou no true Pastor, Father, Pope art, nay
But art a Thiefe, Wolfe, Robber, Tyrant gay.
At which they quickly were all in a rout
Ready his brains in th'temple to dash out.
And in their rage they ecchoed out this tone.
Kick Such a Wicked King out of the throne.
Hence hee with Horrid Speech indeed knocks down
The Emperour. And all of all renown
That took his part, that famous bishops were
He did deprive of Dignities: and cleare
The Subjects from their Oaths of Fealty
And Chargd the Bishops all in Germany
Sworn to himselfe to make the Publication
Of this Kings direfull Excommunication
And calls on Princes, and on Subjects all
From all obedience to this king to fall:
Or else they with the same sort serv'd shall bee.
And Choose another Emperour saith hee.
And Princes of the Empire apt to puff
Away the Emperour, conault to make
An new one, and Such as would this course take
Were chiefly Saxons, and the Sweve, who 'ttend
A Synod at Tribury for this end
Where Sighard yea and Altman teach this King
They justly from the Church, and his Realm fling.
The Emperour in great destress is told
Ev'n by his Princes if this bond doth hold
Beyond the yearly Day wherein't was made
His Realm would quite be lost, what e're is said.
And hence they Call the Pope to Germany.
That there the Case he openly might try.
Ev'n by his Princes if this bond doth hold
Beyond the yearly Day wherein't was made
His Realm would quite be lost, what e're is said.
And hence they Call the Pope to Germany.
That there the Case he openly might try.
Henry now doth out set for Rome indeed
In middle of a Winter hard with Speed
Through Frost, and Snow. The Pope for Germany
Also set out, but hearing by his fly
That Henry in Italy was come
Hee turnd into the Strong Canusium.
Not knowing what the Emperour intended
And that Italian Princes him befriended.
Now many of his Friends did from him fly,
And barefoot to the Pope Peccavi cry.
And many Roman Nobles to him cleave.
(And good Sir Pope, we matter not your leave)[.]
In middle of a Winter hard with Speed
Through Frost, and Snow. The Pope for Germany
Also set out, but hearing by his fly
That Henry in Italy was come
Hee turnd into the Strong Canusium.
Not knowing what the Emperour intended
And that Italian Princes him befriended.
Now many of his Friends did from him fly,
And barefoot to the Pope Peccavi cry.
And many Roman Nobles to him cleave.
(And good Sir Pope, we matter not your leave)[.]
Henry calld Countiss Mathild and with her
The Marquess Azzo, and an Abbat who
With others to his holiness do goe
To intercede for him who on base terms
Him Entrance gain within the Wall, that hems
The Castle in, without attendents all
Without his Royall Robes (Kings humble fall)
And barefoot fasting from the morn till night
And thus did three dayes going, 'fore he might
Approach before the Pope, who when he came
To have access was novic'd by the Same.
And brought to shamefull terms, as base as ere
This Hellbrand pleasd to make, and all for feare
Of losing of his Crown, the which Offend
Th'Italian Peares who did him much befriend.
That they desert him, if he'l not revoke
His promise made to this abusive Pope
But while he stay'd in Italy, this Brand
Of Hell doth to the German Princes hand
An order that they Rudolph Duke of th'Sweve
Do Choose their King. And Henry to leave
And by his Legats sent a Crown unto
Rudolph imbellisht with this Motto so
The Rock gave Peter, Peter, Rudolph gives
A Diadem. Hence Rudolph while he lives
Against his Master arms untill his own
Right arm did lose its hand, when with sad tone
At Mersburgh: thus he greets the bishops base
See your Right hand which interposd in th'Case
When I devoutly was obligd, that I
Would not rebell 'gainst my Lord Henry.
But th'Popes Command and Prelates strong request
Induced me that I against my oath transgresst
The end whereof you see. Let them take heed
That stird me up, lest they by their bad deed
Have not perchance induced mee into
The Pip fall of Eternall Judgment so.
The Marquess Azzo, and an Abbat who
With others to his holiness do goe
To intercede for him who on base terms
Him Entrance gain within the Wall, that hems
The Castle in, without attendents all
Without his Royall Robes (Kings humble fall)
And barefoot fasting from the morn till night
And thus did three dayes going, 'fore he might
Approach before the Pope, who when he came
To have access was novic'd by the Same.
And brought to shamefull terms, as base as ere
This Hellbrand pleasd to make, and all for feare
Of losing of his Crown, the which Offend
Th'Italian Peares who did him much befriend.
His promise made to this abusive Pope
But while he stay'd in Italy, this Brand
Of Hell doth to the German Princes hand
An order that they Rudolph Duke of th'Sweve
Do Choose their King. And Henry to leave
And by his Legats sent a Crown unto
Rudolph imbellisht with this Motto so
The Rock gave Peter, Peter, Rudolph gives
A Diadem. Hence Rudolph while he lives
Against his Master arms untill his own
Right arm did lose its hand, when with sad tone
At Mersburgh: thus he greets the bishops base
See your Right hand which interposd in th'Case
When I devoutly was obligd, that I
Would not rebell 'gainst my Lord Henry.
But th'Popes Command and Prelates strong request
Induced me that I against my oath transgresst
The end whereof you see. Let them take heed
That stird me up, lest they by their bad deed
Have not perchance induced mee into
The Pip fall of Eternall Judgment so.
Oh! bloody noses, and greate slaughter grew
Upon this Wicked act this Firebrand threw.
And when he Saw, Henry, Rudolph to Chase
Hee like a brand cast from th'Infernall place,
Smites him again by Excommunication
A Second time: asserting this relation,
That though he to the Church restored him,
He had not to the Kingdom. Hence no King.
But when the German Storm was well nigh ore
Henry came knocking on this Helbrand's door.
Mean while the German Princes, Prelates too
On Hellbrands Side. Rudolph now dead, a new
King make, Prince Harman Lucelburgian
To please the pope's base humor if they can.
At Isleby, and from much Garlick there
Men calld him King of garlick in a jeere.
But Henry in Italy doth bum
This Saucy Pope whose towns to ashes run.
And fixt his Army down before Proud Rome
Then Hellbrand doth the Angell Tower assume
His Strong defence: and like a Vilain there
Provides his Slaughterman bussed in the eare,
To hoise greate Stones upon the beams on high
Over the Place in which King Henry
Sat in Saint Maries Church who did repare
Unto it dayly for the sake of prayer.
And down upon his head to haule the Same
Most craftily, as if Heaven did him brain.
But while this Silver Spirited brisk Snap,
Was for the Emperour Setting a trap
A mighty Stone upon the Beams hee drew
Which breaking of the planke thereon dropt threw.
And down goes dun even with the Stone which Skill
Stead of the Emperour, did th'Hangman kill.
Now Hellbrand's String is brok, his Angell Tower
Will not defend him. Henry hath power
Above this mighty god. He slips away
Unto Salern. And now without delay
The Emperour at Rome a Synod brings
That plucks the Wings of Helbrand, and unstrings
His Bow, and out him from his Peters Chair
To Guibert of Ravenna gives that Care.
And here you see how Patience great did waite
While Such a monster acted monstrous hate [.]
Upon this Wicked act this Firebrand threw.
And when he Saw, Henry, Rudolph to Chase
Hee like a brand cast from th'Infernall place,
Smites him again by Excommunication
A Second time: asserting this relation,
That though he to the Church restored him,
He had not to the Kingdom. Hence no King.
But when the German Storm was well nigh ore
Henry came knocking on this Helbrand's door.
Mean while the German Princes, Prelates too
On Hellbrands Side. Rudolph now dead, a new
King make, Prince Harman Lucelburgian
To please the pope's base humor if they can.
At Isleby, and from much Garlick there
Men calld him King of garlick in a jeere.
But Henry in Italy doth bum
This Saucy Pope whose towns to ashes run.
And fixt his Army down before Proud Rome
Then Hellbrand doth the Angell Tower assume
His Strong defence: and like a Vilain there
Provides his Slaughterman bussed in the eare,
Over the Place in which King Henry
Sat in Saint Maries Church who did repare
Unto it dayly for the sake of prayer.
And down upon his head to haule the Same
Most craftily, as if Heaven did him brain.
But while this Silver Spirited brisk Snap,
Was for the Emperour Setting a trap
A mighty Stone upon the Beams hee drew
Which breaking of the planke thereon dropt threw.
And down goes dun even with the Stone which Skill
Stead of the Emperour, did th'Hangman kill.
Now Hellbrand's String is brok, his Angell Tower
Will not defend him. Henry hath power
Above this mighty god. He slips away
Unto Salern. And now without delay
The Emperour at Rome a Synod brings
That plucks the Wings of Helbrand, and unstrings
His Bow, and out him from his Peters Chair
To Guibert of Ravenna gives that Care.
And here you see how Patience great did waite
While Such a monster acted monstrous hate [.]
Guibert under the name, Clement the third,
Chose by two Synods, though th'unlucky bird
Calld Hellbrand branded him to his Vexation
For Henry Cause with Excommunication
Assends the Chair and Henry holds him in't
And vext by Victor: Sene's his Seate in prent.
Chose by two Synods, though th'unlucky bird
Calld Hellbrand branded him to his Vexation
For Henry Cause with Excommunication
Assends the Chair and Henry holds him in't
And vext by Victor: Sene's his Seate in prent.
But after Helbrand unto Hell was fled,
Victor the third did soon put up his head,
Whom Countiss Mathild Robert Norman, and
Some others Pop'de, in hate to Clements wand
Who by the men of Salern, Capua
And other help made Clement not to Stay
In Rome. And excommunicates this Pope
And in his first yeare dropt off from his hope
Some Say by poison mixt in Sacred wine
Some say much otherwise, yet pride doth shine[.]
Victor the third did soon put up his head,
Whom Countiss Mathild Robert Norman, and
Some others Pop'de, in hate to Clements wand
Who by the men of Salern, Capua
And other help made Clement not to Stay
In Rome. And excommunicates this Pope
And in his first yeare dropt off from his hope
Some Say by poison mixt in Sacred wine
Some say much otherwise, yet pride doth shine[.]
The Second Urbane follows him, who flies
On Clement and the Emperour likewise
Doth Excommunicate them both through hate
And Clement him doth excommunicate.
A vile Reviler, Vagabond, Turbanus
Is Styld by Writers pens thus for Urbanus,
Two heads at once: oh monstrous, nay just none
For each beheaded each: So both are gone,
Hence either both, or none: take which you will
And if the body lives: its monstrous Still.
If bad they bee then better off than on
If good, then good head nods: and proove as none.
But be they monster like; each eaches brother
As twins they quickly dy each after other.
And now behold this Rabble Rout of Popes
A String of Wickedness a Court that opes
A Doore to Pride, Ambition, Treachery
Oppression, Lies, Injustice, Perjury,
Rebellion, Treason, Cruelty, and Blood
Laciviousness, Adultery, and Mud
Of Theft, of Robery, of Sorcery,
Of Witches, Wizzards, Conjurours, a Sty.
A Hive of Hornets, Nest of Serpents, Stings
A gally Pot of Poison. Cage of Sins
In Horrid Colour flourishing and fat
That Patience greate doth blush, and Sweat hereat.
I'le Stand no longer here but Strike the Oares
Of Patience's bright Barge for other Shoares.
On Clement and the Emperour likewise
Doth Excommunicate them both through hate
And Clement him doth excommunicate.
Is Styld by Writers pens thus for Urbanus,
Two heads at once: oh monstrous, nay just none
For each beheaded each: So both are gone,
Hence either both, or none: take which you will
And if the body lives: its monstrous Still.
If bad they bee then better off than on
If good, then good head nods: and proove as none.
But be they monster like; each eaches brother
As twins they quickly dy each after other.
And now behold this Rabble Rout of Popes
A String of Wickedness a Court that opes
A Doore to Pride, Ambition, Treachery
Oppression, Lies, Injustice, Perjury,
Rebellion, Treason, Cruelty, and Blood
Laciviousness, Adultery, and Mud
Of Theft, of Robery, of Sorcery,
Of Witches, Wizzards, Conjurours, a Sty.
A Hive of Hornets, Nest of Serpents, Stings
A gally Pot of Poison. Cage of Sins
In Horrid Colour flourishing and fat
That Patience greate doth blush, and Sweat hereat.
I'le Stand no longer here but Strike the Oares
Of Patience's bright Barge for other Shoares.
Strang Worship
Strange Worship blossoms much, like new Cloaths put
Upon Gods Service of the Cony Cut
Such as the other Centuries invented
Are still in use: and yet as not contented
New fashions more are Still attended on.
And borrowd of the Whore of Babylon.
That fills with grieving tears, the gracefull Eye
Of Bleeding Patience such new modes to Spy.
As here to fore so now, they on do go
To overlay, or other wise ore throw
Gods Worship Choice with Silver, Gems, and Gold
Agnet the Emperess, Saint Benits Fold
In which Monks of Cassina make their nest,
With Gold, and Purple Garments did invest.
The Gospell Booke with Silver Covers all
Ore laid with Gold. Two Silver Cups not Small.
Henry the Second Mersburgh Church consignd
A Cup of Gold of eighteen Mark, refinde
And Henry the Lame gave to the Same
A Table all adornd with Gems of Fame
Orelaid with wealthy Gold. And Henry who
Was fourth so nam'd did on the Abby throw
At Spires a golden Table bravely wrought
The Fulda Abbat Rotingus when Caught
By death, was making for the flock, its said,
A Table Stuck with Gems. Also its laid
In history, a Table all of Gold
With Gems, and Various worke rare to behold
Was at Constantinople made most bright,
And else w[h]ere was a Silver Piller dight
In part with gold, Six Cubets high displaid,
And Set upon a Porphyry base there made.
The bald gave to Saint Saviours Church Cassine,
Two Silver Censars, one all guilt most fine.
A Beame of molten brass with Candle sticks
Ten fives he made, Wax tapers in them fix
And Six greate Candlesticks three Cubits high
Of Silver plate he formed Curiously.
Henry the fourth gave to the Church of Breme
An hundred Palls, three Silver Cups full clean
A Silver Vessell for the Chrism: yea
A guilded Silver Scuthin, Psalter gay
With golden letters flourisht Censare and
Rich Candlesticks of Silver highly Stand
Moreover Image glory too they get
Within their temples They at Cassine set
Three Silver Crosses upon marble Steps.
Christs picture hanging on the Cross him frets.
The places neer to Rome paint Christ out cleare
With Paul on's Right Peter his left hand there[.]
Upon Gods Service of the Cony Cut
Such as the other Centuries invented
Are still in use: and yet as not contented
New fashions more are Still attended on.
And borrowd of the Whore of Babylon.
That fills with grieving tears, the gracefull Eye
Of Bleeding Patience such new modes to Spy.
As here to fore so now, they on do go
To overlay, or other wise ore throw
Gods Worship Choice with Silver, Gems, and Gold
Agnet the Emperess, Saint Benits Fold
In which Monks of Cassina make their nest,
With Gold, and Purple Garments did invest.
The Gospell Booke with Silver Covers all
Ore laid with Gold. Two Silver Cups not Small.
A Cup of Gold of eighteen Mark, refinde
And Henry the Lame gave to the Same
A Table all adornd with Gems of Fame
Orelaid with wealthy Gold. And Henry who
Was fourth so nam'd did on the Abby throw
At Spires a golden Table bravely wrought
The Fulda Abbat Rotingus when Caught
By death, was making for the flock, its said,
A Table Stuck with Gems. Also its laid
In history, a Table all of Gold
With Gems, and Various worke rare to behold
Was at Constantinople made most bright,
And else w[h]ere was a Silver Piller dight
In part with gold, Six Cubets high displaid,
And Set upon a Porphyry base there made.
The bald gave to Saint Saviours Church Cassine,
Two Silver Censars, one all guilt most fine.
A Beame of molten brass with Candle sticks
Ten fives he made, Wax tapers in them fix
And Six greate Candlesticks three Cubits high
Of Silver plate he formed Curiously.
Henry the fourth gave to the Church of Breme
An hundred Palls, three Silver Cups full clean
A Silver Vessell for the Chrism: yea
A guilded Silver Scuthin, Psalter gay
With golden letters flourisht Censare and
Rich Candlesticks of Silver highly Stand
Moreover Image glory too they get
Within their temples They at Cassine set
Three Silver Crosses upon marble Steps.
Christs picture hanging on the Cross him frets.
The places neer to Rome paint Christ out cleare
With Paul on's Right Peter his left hand there[.]
Besides all this you'l see another kind
Religious Adoration too designd
Hellbrand did pray to Peter and to Paul
When he with Curse the Emperour did mall
Relicks they do adore. They of Cassine
Saint Maarus Arm bone whole (as a rich Shrine)
Shut in a Silver box most neatly made
Like to a Tower compleat, receive arraid
In Solemn Robes, with Candles in their hand
With Frankincense, and prostrate to the land
Adore, and kiss the Same religiously,
The Cluniak Monks Saint Peters haire up cry.
They at Cassine after this sort adore
A Shread of th'towell which our Lord once bore
And dri'de th'Apostles feet withall. The Clerk
Two Candles lights unto it. (else all's darke)
And then in order it is given to
Each person to adore, and kiss. And so
For this brave Worship we are told they keep
In gold, and Silver Chests their Relicks, deep.
Some also Studded are with Pretious Stone
In Eyes of gold. Malfitan Such an one
Brought to Cassin made of a bit of Wood
Of Christ one Cross on which he nailed Stood.
Baldwin Barbate the Earle of Flanders gave
Th'Tronchin Monks John Baptists Tooth to have.
Here gaudy Worship plated up with gold
And Silver deck with Gems, yea manifold,
Of bits of Bones, Blood, Clouts, Wood, Haire, a Tooth.
How long shall Patience Sacrifice in truth
Her pretious teares, to see things thus to rise?
What difference, pray you, can you e're devise
Between these men, and them of Ceilan; who
Greate Veneration on a Tooth bestow?
What though John Baptist's Tooth is yours? he's dead;
And theirs an Apes tooth bee? out of their head
Both knockt are, and are both of equall bone.
Both are alike Divine: if either one,
It's worse than apish to adore a tooth
Whether John Baptists or an Apes in truth[.]
Religious Adoration too designd
Hellbrand did pray to Peter and to Paul
When he with Curse the Emperour did mall
Relicks they do adore. They of Cassine
Saint Maarus Arm bone whole (as a rich Shrine)
Shut in a Silver box most neatly made
Like to a Tower compleat, receive arraid
In Solemn Robes, with Candles in their hand
With Frankincense, and prostrate to the land
Adore, and kiss the Same religiously,
The Cluniak Monks Saint Peters haire up cry.
A Shread of th'towell which our Lord once bore
And dri'de th'Apostles feet withall. The Clerk
Two Candles lights unto it. (else all's darke)
And then in order it is given to
Each person to adore, and kiss. And so
For this brave Worship we are told they keep
In gold, and Silver Chests their Relicks, deep.
Some also Studded are with Pretious Stone
In Eyes of gold. Malfitan Such an one
Brought to Cassin made of a bit of Wood
Of Christ one Cross on which he nailed Stood.
Baldwin Barbate the Earle of Flanders gave
Th'Tronchin Monks John Baptists Tooth to have.
Here gaudy Worship plated up with gold
And Silver deck with Gems, yea manifold,
Of bits of Bones, Blood, Clouts, Wood, Haire, a Tooth.
How long shall Patience Sacrifice in truth
Her pretious teares, to see things thus to rise?
What difference, pray you, can you e're devise
Between these men, and them of Ceilan; who
Greate Veneration on a Tooth bestow?
What though John Baptist's Tooth is yours? he's dead;
And theirs an Apes tooth bee? out of their head
Both knockt are, and are both of equall bone.
Both are alike Divine: if either one,
It's worse than apish to adore a tooth
Whether John Baptists or an Apes in truth[.]
Apostasie comes spreading ore the face
Of Gospell Worship Patience weeps a pace
Too see the same untill her heart grows sore
That Gospell purity goeth out of Doore.
Beside the greate and gross Apostasy
Blending the Gospell truth with Paganry
In this greate monstrous Roman Church we finde
An other great Apostasy that windes
Quite from the Gospell name, and up doth height
The Pagan Idoll Worship as the right.
And now I come to lavish ore with teares
That down do trickle Patience Cheeks and Sphears
Th'Hungarian Christian King Geisa by name
His Kingdom leaves by death. Stephen to it came
With's Wise nam'd Gisla Christians both which thing
Griev'd Guile th'Transylvanian petty King.
His Unckle, on him flies, the Christian Cause
Out of Hungary bleeds, by the Sword he draws.
And now greate store to pagan Worship fall
Till Stephen did his Unckle route and gall.
Bernard the Duke of Saxony compells
The Winuli by Fines, and Silver Spells
From Christs good Cause, and Gospell to requile
To paganism, and themselve they Spoile.
Of Gospell Worship Patience weeps a pace
Too see the same untill her heart grows sore
That Gospell purity goeth out of Doore.
Beside the greate and gross Apostasy
Blending the Gospell truth with Paganry
In this greate monstrous Roman Church we finde
An other great Apostasy that windes
Quite from the Gospell name, and up doth height
The Pagan Idoll Worship as the right.
And now I come to lavish ore with teares
That down do trickle Patience Cheeks and Sphears
Th'Hungarian Christian King Geisa by name
His Kingdom leaves by death. Stephen to it came
With's Wise nam'd Gisla Christians both which thing
Griev'd Guile th'Transylvanian petty King.
Out of Hungary bleeds, by the Sword he draws.
And now greate store to pagan Worship fall
Till Stephen did his Unckle route and gall.
Bernard the Duke of Saxony compells
The Winuli by Fines, and Silver Spells
From Christs good Cause, and Gospell to requile
To paganism, and themselve they Spoile.
Mistive the Prince of Vandalls-Wagiri,
Against the Christians rose in Cruelty.
Reducd them all to paganism, who
Beyond the Albrid dwell. And grace ore throw.
And when at length the Christian Faith he chose
His folk Unking him. Hee in Exile goes.
After him, Udo his Curst Son out Strides
In Saxony: and down Christ name now slides
He being Slain came Godescalk his Son
And all Northalbing Country ore did run
In such a fury on the Christian there
That paganism all advanced were.
Against the Christians rose in Cruelty.
Reducd them all to paganism, who
Beyond the Albrid dwell. And grace ore throw.
And when at length the Christian Faith he chose
His folk Unking him. Hee in Exile goes.
After him, Udo his Curst Son out Strides
In Saxony: and down Christ name now slides
He being Slain came Godescalk his Son
And all Northalbing Country ore did run
In such a fury on the Christian there
That paganism all advanced were.
The Hungars after Stephens head was laid,
Peter his Sisters Son their king assaid,
Them to defile with Pagan worship, and
Yet down it fell again, and Henry's hand
Erects there Christianity again.
Which they indeed but feebly entertain.
But Peters burden making of them groan,
Bishops with Politicians make their moane
To fetch home Andrew, and Levant, who were
Banisht before the Kingdom. Hence Votes here
Fell equall, and they were therefore constraind
To let the Rout, that to New-Castle train'd
Now live in pagan Customs and adore
The Scythian deities, as heretofore.
Peter his Sisters Son their king assaid,
Them to defile with Pagan worship, and
Yet down it fell again, and Henry's hand
Erects there Christianity again.
Which they indeed but feebly entertain.
But Peters burden making of them groan,
Bishops with Politicians make their moane
To fetch home Andrew, and Levant, who were
Banisht before the Kingdom. Hence Votes here
Fell equall, and they were therefore constraind
To let the Rout, that to New-Castle train'd
Now live in pagan Customs and adore
The Scythian deities, as heretofore.
When Godescalk fell by the Sclaves who had
Him for their Prince, the third time they all mad,
Breake out in rage like to a fiery flame,
And do their utmost 'gainst the Christian name.
Their Pagan wayes again advance and tend
Idolatry. Its hard to make men mend.
Him for their Prince, the third time they all mad,
Breake out in rage like to a fiery flame,
And do their utmost 'gainst the Christian name.
Their Pagan wayes again advance and tend
Idolatry. Its hard to make men mend.
When Andrew left his Crown unto his Son
Nam'd Bela, the Hungarian Prefects run
Intreating him new Superstitions to
Destroy, and their old pagan wayes make grow.
Nam'd Bela, the Hungarian Prefects run
Intreating him new Superstitions to
Destroy, and their old pagan wayes make grow.
Besides these things, the greate Apostasy
Of Antichristian Christianity
In Superst[it]ious fopperies, and lies
That now are running, fill with watry eyes
The tender heart of Patience, one or two
More instances for this you here may view.
As if there was not Monkery enough
This Century new Sorts of Monks out puffs
Monks of Umbrosa Vallis now out Spring
Being first hatcht under John Gualbert's wing.
Of Antichristian Christianity
That now are running, fill with watry eyes
The tender heart of Patience, one or two
More instances for this you here may view.
As if there was not Monkery enough
This Century new Sorts of Monks out puffs
Monks of Umbrosa Vallis now out Spring
Being first hatcht under John Gualbert's wing.
The Grandemontine Monks do now arise
Whom Stephen of Averny by the Cries
Made to him in the aire, the Voices font,
In Grandimont, in Grandimont, in Grandimont.
This Oracle did send him to that place
Wherein he built a Roost for this Sweet race[.]
Whom Stephen of Averny by the Cries
Made to him in the aire, the Voices font,
In Grandimont, in Grandimont, in Grandimont.
This Oracle did send him to that place
Wherein he built a Roost for this Sweet race[.]
And the Carthusians too now are new hatcht
By Bruno Colens Presull, and are matcht
With others on the accident that fell
Out at the funerall of one lov'd Well
At Paris for his learned piety
Who on the Beire ats Grave mouth, rose did cry,
I am accusd by Gods just judgment clear.
All seing this, amaizd, did leave off here
His burying untill the following day,
Which coming he the same Speech made. Hence they
Defer do his interment till the next
Whence all the City nigh, resort perplext
To see him buri'de. And now on the Biere
He in their Sight Sat up and cries out there
Most horridly, I by Gods judgment just
Am Damn'd. Hence Bruno all amaizd, wee must,
Said he, the World thrust if we would bee
For ever Sav'd, Seing this man whom wee
Did all esteem most Holy, hath Such end
And so built in Cathusia whence attend
The Monkish order calld. Cathusian Friers
Which on this Sad account abroad aspires
The Salisgunstad Counsill did out vent
A Prohipitian, that forbids in Lent
And in the other yearly Fast to wed,
A worthy act made by a Worthy head.
Gregry the Seventh called Hildebrand
All Married priests condemns, and also damnd
By Excommunications Such as do
Take Baptism, or Mass from Such. Why So?
And yet they do that baptism make Stand
Done by a Laick, or a Pagans hand.
He doth dissolve oaths binding from all bonds.
To Such as by his oatting Staff he wands[.]
He damns all Such as preach that on the Day
Of Sabbath Work unlawfull is, yet lay
An Holy day did for Liberius
An Heretick, as saith Eusebius:
Anselm doth say for Such as Vowed (Oh knave)
A Single Life, to marry, or to have
A Will to wed its damnable, oh see
Yet for one honest Wise, some say there bee
Among these men six hundred bawds. Oh fy
What wickedness is here? Hypocrisy.
Pope Urban calld a Counsill to advise
At Claramot, and all his Rhetorick tries
To moove an Holy War as it is Styld
Against the Saracen and Turks that Spoild
Jerusalem, and many Christians there
And many Pilgrims too, that came to Clear
Away their Sins even in the Holy land
And at Christ Cross on Calvary there Stand.
And greate reward doth promise such as would
Attend this matter, that in this World should
Be their incouragment; and in the World
To come. which did inflame the Synod furld
Up in their purposes such Courage, they
Excite all Nobles and all Kings this way,
That there more than three hundred thousand Strong
Out to these wars do go. Godfry the Son
Of th'Earle of Bulleign was intrusted to
Comand the Same nigh all. With them did go
The Bishop Ademar of Podia
On whom the Pope a pardoning Power did lay
That so their Sins might be by his greate grace
To them demolished, and have no place.
And those that went unto this Holy War
Aventine saith they did a Goose prefer
And carry on, which they did preach to bee
The Holy Ghost. Oh. horrid blasphemie.
When Hildebrand did marri'd priests depose
The Laicks that baptizd, as Storie goes,
In Stead of holy Oyle did Earewax use
To oint, the babe with. Both they should refuse.
By Bruno Colens Presull, and are matcht
With others on the accident that fell
Out at the funerall of one lov'd Well
At Paris for his learned piety
Who on the Beire ats Grave mouth, rose did cry,
I am accusd by Gods just judgment clear.
All seing this, amaizd, did leave off here
His burying untill the following day,
Which coming he the same Speech made. Hence they
Defer do his interment till the next
Whence all the City nigh, resort perplext
To see him buri'de. And now on the Biere
He in their Sight Sat up and cries out there
Most horridly, I by Gods judgment just
Am Damn'd. Hence Bruno all amaizd, wee must,
Said he, the World thrust if we would bee
For ever Sav'd, Seing this man whom wee
Did all esteem most Holy, hath Such end
And so built in Cathusia whence attend
The Monkish order calld. Cathusian Friers
Which on this Sad account abroad aspires
The Salisgunstad Counsill did out vent
A Prohipitian, that forbids in Lent
And in the other yearly Fast to wed,
A worthy act made by a Worthy head.
Gregry the Seventh called Hildebrand
All Married priests condemns, and also damnd
By Excommunications Such as do
Take Baptism, or Mass from Such. Why So?
And yet they do that baptism make Stand
Done by a Laick, or a Pagans hand.
He doth dissolve oaths binding from all bonds.
To Such as by his oatting Staff he wands[.]
Of Sabbath Work unlawfull is, yet lay
An Holy day did for Liberius
An Heretick, as saith Eusebius:
Anselm doth say for Such as Vowed (Oh knave)
A Single Life, to marry, or to have
A Will to wed its damnable, oh see
Yet for one honest Wise, some say there bee
Among these men six hundred bawds. Oh fy
What wickedness is here? Hypocrisy.
Pope Urban calld a Counsill to advise
At Claramot, and all his Rhetorick tries
To moove an Holy War as it is Styld
Against the Saracen and Turks that Spoild
Jerusalem, and many Christians there
And many Pilgrims too, that came to Clear
Away their Sins even in the Holy land
And at Christ Cross on Calvary there Stand.
And greate reward doth promise such as would
Attend this matter, that in this World should
Be their incouragment; and in the World
To come. which did inflame the Synod furld
Up in their purposes such Courage, they
Excite all Nobles and all Kings this way,
That there more than three hundred thousand Strong
Out to these wars do go. Godfry the Son
Of th'Earle of Bulleign was intrusted to
Comand the Same nigh all. With them did go
The Bishop Ademar of Podia
On whom the Pope a pardoning Power did lay
That so their Sins might be by his greate grace
To them demolished, and have no place.
And those that went unto this Holy War
Aventine saith they did a Goose prefer
And carry on, which they did preach to bee
The Holy Ghost. Oh. horrid blasphemie.
When Hildebrand did marri'd priests depose
The Laicks that baptizd, as Storie goes,
In Stead of holy Oyle did Earewax use
To oint, the babe with. Both they should refuse.
Some Priests the Coporall Cloath cast in the flame
When Scarfires out did breake making the Same
An Holy Spell to quench like water there
The fire that burnd. Strange Superstition here.
When Scarfires out did breake making the Same
An Holy Spell to quench like water there
The fire that burnd. Strange Superstition here.
A Priest at Wedding [and] at Mass can't drink
The Wine i'th'Cup, all turned blood, did bring't
To Magdeburgh in whose Chiefe Church he makes
It a Recluse. (Oh Hidden Manna slakes)[.]
The Wine i'th'Cup, all turned blood, did bring't
It a Recluse. (Oh Hidden Manna slakes)[.]
Leo the Ninth could not the Cup wherein
His Clark had poison put, take up (Strange thing)
From th'Altar, and enquiring of Christ, Why
The people praying prostrate, Suddenly
The Divell doth the Poisoner Surprize.
Hence he the reason of the matter Spies.
And for the Altar bids to keep the Cup
With Christs blood, as a Relick safe up shut.
Innumerable thinge with such black face
Are to be found which Grace divine disgrace
And greatly exercise Gods Patience so
In that they do his glory rich undo[.]
His Clark had poison put, take up (Strange thing)
From th'Altar, and enquiring of Christ, Why
The people praying prostrate, Suddenly
The Divell doth the Poisoner Surprize.
Hence he the reason of the matter Spies.
And for the Altar bids to keep the Cup
With Christs blood, as a Relick safe up shut.
Innumerable thinge with such black face
Are to be found which Grace divine disgrace
And greatly exercise Gods Patience so
In that they do his glory rich undo[.]
The Eggs of Pride laid in Apostates nest
Hatcht by the Serpent bubs the Shells possest
Of arch Rebellion out do Chearping come
And fly abroad beating the Divells Drum
Which is his Musick. But to see the Same
Patience is greatly Pain'd. Obedience, lame.
Popes up against Popes rise. The Cardinalls
And people too aginst their popes out crawll.
Prelates against their Prince: the Pope doth rise
Against the Emperour: Subjects devise
For to depose their kings. Good Order done.
Nigh all things ravell, and in Snicksnarns run.
Two Popes at once the one against the other
And each do strive his opposite to smother[.]
Benit the Eight his Cardinalls disgust
And in his Seat another pope do thrust
And as he treads the Seat, the golden Spurs
Do gagg him in the Head. And down he whors.
Hatcht by the Serpent bubs the Shells possest
Of arch Rebellion out do Chearping come
And fly abroad beating the Divells Drum
Which is his Musick. But to see the Same
Patience is greatly Pain'd. Obedience, lame.
Popes up against Popes rise. The Cardinalls
And people too aginst their popes out crawll.
Prelates against their Prince: the Pope doth rise
Against the Emperour: Subjects devise
For to depose their kings. Good Order done.
Nigh all things ravell, and in Snicksnarns run.
Two Popes at once the one against the other
And each do strive his opposite to smother[.]
Benit the Eight his Cardinalls disgust
And in his Seat another pope do thrust
And as he treads the Seat, the golden Spurs
Do gagg him in the Head. And down he whors.
Benit the ninth doth finde himselfe too weake
And gets a partner by his Side to wheake.
They bristle do against these two and make
The third Sylvester th'henroost pearch to take
And now three dunghill Cocks do clap their Wings
And Crow at once, untill their Combs were Sindgd.
Henry the third did Bamberge Bishop ripe
Set in their Seate. And so, their noses wipe.
Four Popes at Once Benit Sylvester fare
And Gregory and Clement who off pares
The others Combs. What is the Headship quarterd
In which head is't? Or is't by these quite Slaughterd.
Benit the tenth is Sindgd by Hildebrand
Off of his Seat: and Nicolas in't doth Stand.
The Lombard Prelate rise 'gainst Alexander
Make Cadolus their Pope, a brisk Commander.
He out 'gainst Alexander in the field
And fight doth for the Seat, and will not yield
Though worsted, but the other calld out right
A false Apostle and Adultrous Weight,
But Alexander though he did Spur down
Poor Cadolus, Helbrand tooke by the Crown.
And from the Altar drew him. And did fist
Him soundly, and in prison him off twist.
And gets a partner by his Side to wheake.
They bristle do against these two and make
The third Sylvester th'henroost pearch to take
And now three dunghill Cocks do clap their Wings
And Crow at once, untill their Combs were Sindgd.
Henry the third did Bamberge Bishop ripe
Set in their Seate. And so, their noses wipe.
And Gregory and Clement who off pares
The others Combs. What is the Headship quarterd
In which head is't? Or is't by these quite Slaughterd.
Benit the tenth is Sindgd by Hildebrand
Off of his Seat: and Nicolas in't doth Stand.
The Lombard Prelate rise 'gainst Alexander
Make Cadolus their Pope, a brisk Commander.
He out 'gainst Alexander in the field
And fight doth for the Seat, and will not yield
Though worsted, but the other calld out right
A false Apostle and Adultrous Weight,
But Alexander though he did Spur down
Poor Cadolus, Helbrand tooke by the Crown.
And from the Altar drew him. And did fist
Him soundly, and in prison him off twist.
Helbrand up starts Gregry the Seventh calld
And Henry fourth that Emperour he malld
Him Excommunicates, and all on's Side
Dissolves his Subjects from their Oath that tide
Them to him, and his Empire gave away.
And unchurcht all that Would not this obey.
And Henry fourth that Emperour he malld
Him Excommunicates, and all on's Side
Dissolves his Subjects from their Oath that tide
Them to him, and his Empire gave away.
And unchurcht all that Would not this obey.
Clement the third Succeeds, at him there flies
Victor that Roost Cock firce, and strikes, and dies
Then Urban, (righter called Turban) up rose
And flies withall his furry to depose
This Clement, cause the Emperour entreats
And so the Conclave Chose him to the Seate,
And thus we see hard Heads do knock, like blocks,
Untill the brains do ring. And th Headship drops.
Prelats do snout their Princes too beside,
Lanfrank against Will Rufus raisd his pride
Untill the Conquouring Will did Clip his Wings.
Whose frowns did wound him in his Vitall Strings.
Victor that Roost Cock firce, and strikes, and dies
Then Urban, (righter called Turban) up rose
And flies withall his furry to depose
This Clement, cause the Emperour entreats
And so the Conclave Chose him to the Seate,
And thus we see hard Heads do knock, like blocks,
Untill the brains do ring. And th Headship drops.
Prelats do snout their Princes too beside,
Lanfrank against Will Rufus raisd his pride
Untill the Conquouring Will did Clip his Wings.
Whose frowns did wound him in his Vitall Strings.
Anselm Succeed in Place and Pride did nose
The Huffing King on Romes behalfe, and goes
In banishment, till Henry rose up king
Then home he's brought, but yet he claps his Wing
For Romes rich intrest, and they're Clipt again
And he to shun the Storm, 'gain stems the main.
The Huffing King on Romes behalfe, and goes
In banishment, till Henry rose up king
Then home he's brought, but yet he claps his Wing
For Romes rich intrest, and they're Clipt again
And he to shun the Storm, 'gain stems the main.
Subjects against their Sovereigns rebell
Rudolph the Duke of Swevia would quell
His Sovereign Henry the fourth whose throne
Imperiall the Pope had made his own.
And when the Popish bishops had him trimd
Had Scrapt his spurs, and Cut his Comb and wingd
Him for the game, hee in the Cock pit Crows
And on his Master flies, untill he lose
His own brisk Spirits by his masters Heels
That Cramp him in the neck and down hee reels.
Rudolph the Duke of Swevia would quell
His Sovereign Henry the fourth whose throne
Imperiall the Pope had made his own.
And when the Popish bishops had him trimd
Had Scrapt his spurs, and Cut his Comb and wingd
Him for the game, hee in the Cock pit Crows
And on his Master flies, untill he lose
His own brisk Spirits by his masters Heels
That Cramp him in the neck and down hee reels.
Conrade, the Son of Henry Quart, the same
Set by his Father, Italy to reign
When he had it reduc'd and went away
For Germany, was by the Crafty play
Of Machid guggld in to use his arms
For Holy Church against his Fathers Swarms
The Which he doth, and doth the Royall Crown
Invest his Head with. Urban's good renown
For Setting of it on lies here. Who did
To Ruggers Daughter King of Normans bid
Him Welcome, and did Wed him to the Same.
An utter foe unto his Father. Shame.
Oh horrid treachery. But though they crow
Hereat that enmity to's father Show,
Seing the Cockrill to peck in th'eyes
Of th'old Rooster. But before he tries
His heels his Spirits faile him down he falls
And quickly dies. And this them goars like mauls
What dirty things are here? nay thousands more
Of Such a geer my pen might amble ore,
But here's sufficient to evince and cleare
The tugging Worke that turneth Patience Sphere.
Set by his Father, Italy to reign
When he had it reduc'd and went away
For Germany, was by the Crafty play
Of Machid guggld in to use his arms
For Holy Church against his Fathers Swarms
The Which he doth, and doth the Royall Crown
Invest his Head with. Urban's good renown
For Setting of it on lies here. Who did
To Ruggers Daughter King of Normans bid
Him Welcome, and did Wed him to the Same.
An utter foe unto his Father. Shame.
Oh horrid treachery. But though they crow
Hereat that enmity to's father Show,
Seing the Cockrill to peck in th'eyes
Of th'old Rooster. But before he tries
His heels his Spirits faile him down he falls
And quickly dies. And this them goars like mauls
What dirty things are here? nay thousands more
Of Such a geer my pen might amble ore,
But here's sufficient to evince and cleare
The tugging Worke that turneth Patience Sphere.
But Cruelties that thick, and three fold fly
In Bloody Colours, and in flames that try
What mettall Heaven's made of, in deep groane
Make Patience Sweate and very full of tones
We now shall shew here in our Looking Glass
The face of Some of these as on we pass.
This Horrid Cruelty the Praci--- usd
Upon one Brunus Bishop, they misusd.
They Chop his feet off and his hands oh! Dread!
And after this they Sever off his head.
In Bloody Colours, and in flames that try
What mettall Heaven's made of, in deep groane
Make Patience Sweate and very full of tones
We now shall shew here in our Looking Glass
The face of Some of these as on we pass.
Upon one Brunus Bishop, they misusd.
They Chop his feet off and his hands oh! Dread!
And after this they Sever off his head.
The Son of Bernard Duke of Saxon, goes
With arms in Freesland, there he mischiefe does
And all the Ministers belonging to
The Church of Brems their eyes by him out goe.
With arms in Freesland, there he mischiefe does
And all the Ministers belonging to
The Church of Brems their eyes by him out goe.
Herman the Bish: of Hamborough in arms
Goes out in fury, and mischievous harms
Did Cruely affect his own flock with.
Whose blood did Stain him in his inmost pith.
Goes out in fury, and mischievous harms
Did Cruely affect his own flock with.
Whose blood did Stain him in his inmost pith.
When Rixa Queen of Poland did withdraw
With her Son Cassimir all things like Straw,
Grew to a flame. Now wicked robbery
And fire and Sword did rage most barbarously.
And to Complet the Woe, the Russians Spoile
The Northern Costs. And the Bohemies Soyle
The West and South with Cruell Blood and Fire
And many by this Cruelty expire.
With her Son Cassimir all things like Straw,
Grew to a flame. Now wicked robbery
And fire and Sword did rage most barbarously.
And to Complet the Woe, the Russians Spoile
The Northern Costs. And the Bohemies Soyle
The West and South with Cruell Blood and Fire
And many by this Cruelty expire.
Swene King of Danes wining the English Crown
In Cruelty designd to pluck all down:
And utterly destroy all English blood
And Christ's blesst Intrest there: but God withstood.
In Cruelty designd to pluck all down:
And utterly destroy all English blood
And Christ's blesst Intrest there: but God withstood.
Gerard, and Beztert Baldus and Ben'tha
Hungarian Bishops went home to Convay
Their Kings from Excile at the Danow were
Stond by the Pagan nobles that were there.
Ben'tha excepted. Gerard set on high
Upon a rock, hence headlong Cast, but by
The beating of his heart live did appeare,
Wherefore they run him thorough with a Speare.
An[d] many other yea a multitude
Thus Cruelly were usd by pagans rude.
Hungarian Bishops went home to Convay
Their Kings from Excile at the Danow were
Stond by the Pagan nobles that were there.
Ben'tha excepted. Gerard set on high
Upon a rock, hence headlong Cast, but by
The beating of his heart live did appeare,
Wherefore they run him thorough with a Speare.
An[d] many other yea a multitude
Thus Cruelly were usd by pagans rude.
When Henry the forth to Triers gave
Conrad the Colen Bishop, Bishop grave
The Triers vext prompt Earle Theodorick
And he Surprizd the Bishop in the nick
As going to his Church and left him to
Be butcherd by the Souldiers who him throw
Thrice headlong from a rock and his chiefe harm
Thereby was Chiefly th'breaking of his arm
They mad thereat do run him through, he's slain,
And them of Colen do requite the Same.
Their Bishop who the oath of Loyalty
Unto the Emperour refusd they fly
Upon, and out him from, of his honour thrust.
And as he was at Supper on him rusht
And Stones, and Weapon, at him cast, and slew
Some of his Waiters: way then others flew[.]
The Bishop to Saint Peters Church flies: while
They Search his Palace. And his Wealth do Spoile
And his Wine Cellars into Wine Fats turn
His Hogs heads there Sheading their Spirits mourn,
His Sacred Vessells, Sacred Vestures and
Rich things they make their plunder by Strong hand
And he himselfe was feathers forc'd to Change
And in a Common Coate away to range
By darksom night to save his Life, or they
Had Certainly his glory made away.
Conrad the Colen Bishop, Bishop grave
The Triers vext prompt Earle Theodorick
And he Surprizd the Bishop in the nick
As going to his Church and left him to
Be butcherd by the Souldiers who him throw
Thrice headlong from a rock and his chiefe harm
Thereby was Chiefly th'breaking of his arm
They mad thereat do run him through, he's slain,
And them of Colen do requite the Same.
Unto the Emperour refusd they fly
Upon, and out him from, of his honour thrust.
And as he was at Supper on him rusht
And Stones, and Weapon, at him cast, and slew
Some of his Waiters: way then others flew[.]
The Bishop to Saint Peters Church flies: while
They Search his Palace. And his Wealth do Spoile
And his Wine Cellars into Wine Fats turn
His Hogs heads there Sheading their Spirits mourn,
His Sacred Vessells, Sacred Vestures and
Rich things they make their plunder by Strong hand
And he himselfe was feathers forc'd to Change
And in a Common Coate away to range
By darksom night to save his Life, or they
Had Certainly his glory made away.
When that the Sclaves did Godeschalke exile
The Stoute Priest Eppo with him went, whom while
He was at Lentzin, cruelly they go
And offer him up on their Altar do.
And many lay and Clergy persons more
They Cruelly did kill. And out did roare
Some Ston'd to death. And John first Bishop at
Faire Mechelburgh their Wicked hand on clap
And beate with Clubs and for a gazing Stock
Him carry through Some towns, they S[c]orn they mock.
Then Sever off his head, his hands, and Feet
And cast his Stumpy Carkass in the Street
And on a Speare his head they offer to
Their Radigast or God, at Reth. Oh! woe.
And Godeschalks religious Wife they take
And other pious Women Stript Starke nake
And Scourg with thongs and naked her dismiss
What pagan Cruelty and baseness 's this?
The Stoute Priest Eppo with him went, whom while
He was at Lentzin, cruelly they go
And offer him up on their Altar do.
And many lay and Clergy persons more
They Cruelly did kill. And out did roare
Some Ston'd to death. And John first Bishop at
Faire Mechelburgh their Wicked hand on clap
And beate with Clubs and for a gazing Stock
Him carry through Some towns, they S[c]orn they mock.
Then Sever off his head, his hands, and Feet
And cast his Stumpy Carkass in the Street
And on a Speare his head they offer to
Their Radigast or God, at Reth. Oh! woe.
And Godeschalks religious Wife they take
And other pious Women Stript Starke nake
And Scourg with thongs and naked her dismiss
What pagan Cruelty and baseness 's this?
Now Hildebrand that hellish firebrands threw
Abroad in all the Christian world that grew
Mischievously most Cruell ery where
It would be endless up to Summ here
His Cruelty Pope Alexanders eares
Are Witness. Oh gentle Fists. The Peares
Of Germany that Henry did depose
Evn at his bidding, and all German Woes
And blood and fire that followd. Quintus too
Whom in a Cask Spict with long lains hee threw
Do witness beare unto his Clemency
Which those that felt, did take it grievously[.]
He in his Priestly Robes in Pulpet round,
Bishops, and Cardinalls then there did Sound
This Cruell Omen, in Saint Peters Church
Against the Emperour, that did him learch[.]
King He'ry, by Saints Peters day next shall
Undoubtedly be dead; or 'else shall fall
Out of his Throne, which if this prophesy
Proove false he would no longer verily
Be held to be the Pope. And now he tries
By Cut throat Roagues to kill the King; but Spies
At length his Witchery, nor Wicked Will
Could Save his Credit[.] Henry is Still
When Peters day is passt in's throne, then Hee
Will have his Speech of Spiritall death to bee.
Abroad in all the Christian world that grew
Mischievously most Cruell ery where
It would be endless up to Summ here
His Cruelty Pope Alexanders eares
Are Witness. Oh gentle Fists. The Peares
Of Germany that Henry did depose
Evn at his bidding, and all German Woes
And blood and fire that followd. Quintus too
Whom in a Cask Spict with long lains hee threw
Do witness beare unto his Clemency
Which those that felt, did take it grievously[.]
Bishops, and Cardinalls then there did Sound
This Cruell Omen, in Saint Peters Church
Against the Emperour, that did him learch[.]
King He'ry, by Saints Peters day next shall
Undoubtedly be dead; or 'else shall fall
Out of his Throne, which if this prophesy
Proove false he would no longer verily
Be held to be the Pope. And now he tries
By Cut throat Roagues to kill the King; but Spies
At length his Witchery, nor Wicked Will
Could Save his Credit[.] Henry is Still
When Peters day is passt in's throne, then Hee
Will have his Speech of Spiritall death to bee.
Sigfride the Mentz Archbishop, Gunther who
Was Bamburghs Bishop, Regenspurge's Otto
With William, Triers Bishop: other Peares
Of France with others of all ranks their eares
Pricke up indeed of Superstitious Sise.
Full Seven thousand persons Wise, unwise
Must needs go pray in Canaan's holy land
And a vast deale of Wealth do with them hand.
Which made Arabian mouths to water for't
And on them now they leape: and don't abhor't.
And many Slay at Romulum, they fly
Into Carvasalim, and fortify
Against the Arabs who persue the flight
And by the Walls do on a Soulder light
Ript up and in the form there of the Cross
Him stretch. And in their Sight that had this loss
Inquire do at his Intrails and divine
And threaten thus to treate that any time
They take, unless they on them freely would
Bestow all Wealth, their Silver, and their gold.
And of this host, two thousand scarce was found
The following yeare that homeward could rebound.
Was Bamburghs Bishop, Regenspurge's Otto
With William, Triers Bishop: other Peares
Of France with others of all ranks their eares
Pricke up indeed of Superstitious Sise.
Full Seven thousand persons Wise, unwise
Must needs go pray in Canaan's holy land
And a vast deale of Wealth do with them hand.
Which made Arabian mouths to water for't
And on them now they leape: and don't abhor't.
And many Slay at Romulum, they fly
Into Carvasalim, and fortify
Against the Arabs who persue the flight
And by the Walls do on a Soulder light
Ript up and in the form there of the Cross
Him stretch. And in their Sight that had this loss
Inquire do at his Intrails and divine
And threaten thus to treate that any time
They take, unless they on them freely would
Bestow all Wealth, their Silver, and their gold.
And of this host, two thousand scarce was found
The following yeare that homeward could rebound.
William the Conquorour in England flew
And Englands Bishops almost all out threw.
Eleven hundred Priests, a thousand others
At York by Cruelty he kills, and smothers.
And Englands Bishops almost all out threw.
Eleven hundred Priests, a thousand others
At York by Cruelty he kills, and smothers.
In Anglesey those Cursed Earles two Hughs
One Chesters Earle, the others Shropshires, twoes
Whose manigment Will left his Wars unto
Did Such accursed Cruelty out throw
As dugg out Some mens Eyes, Some noses slit,
Some tongues Cut out, Some Arms and hands up rip.
Somes testicles, Cut off, and ery Where
Women abused, and deflowred were.
One Chesters Earle, the others Shropshires, twoes
Whose manigment Will left his Wars unto
Did Such accursed Cruelty out throw
As dugg out Some mens Eyes, Some noses slit,
Some tongues Cut out, Some Arms and hands up rip.
Women abused, and deflowred were.
Brave Stanislaus Cracow bishop bold
Did faithfully reproove the King, we're told,
Nam'd Boleslaus, with friendly speech at first,
And after Sharply, seing Still he burst
In Cruelty, Lust, Luxury, Oppression,
In Sloath, and Ideleness, whom by descretion
Seing no mendment, Excommunicate
Hee doth. And now the King through Cruell hate
Forbad him Sacred rites to Celebrate
Within the City. He then out did go
Some ------ more ------ him ------
St. Mich'el Chapell, Celebrates them there.
The King enraged when he of it doth heare,
Goes with his guard into the temple, and
Smote of the bishops head as he did Stand
By th'altar, by the Sword, whose brains thereby
Were Spartled on the Walls. The Guard do fly
Upon his body dragg it out at doore
And hack it all to bits. Yet Patience bore.
And threw the Same to doggs to et them then.
A piece of Dreadfull Cruelty in men.
Did faithfully reproove the King, we're told,
Nam'd Boleslaus, with friendly speech at first,
And after Sharply, seing Still he burst
In Cruelty, Lust, Luxury, Oppression,
In Sloath, and Ideleness, whom by descretion
Seing no mendment, Excommunicate
Hee doth. And now the King through Cruell hate
Forbad him Sacred rites to Celebrate
Within the City. He then out did go
Some ------ more ------ him ------
St. Mich'el Chapell, Celebrates them there.
The King enraged when he of it doth heare,
Goes with his guard into the temple, and
Smote of the bishops head as he did Stand
By th'altar, by the Sword, whose brains thereby
Were Spartled on the Walls. The Guard do fly
Upon his body dragg it out at doore
And hack it all to bits. Yet Patience bore.
And threw the Same to doggs to et them then.
A piece of Dreadfull Cruelty in men.
Simon Jerusalem's Chiefe Patriarch
Doth in his lines to Urban (Turban Arch)
Even thus Complain of horrid Cruelty
They from Mahometans Sustaind. His Cry
Runs thus, We th'Holy City Citizens
Men of Christ native Soile by Saracens
Suffer such things as Christ our King sustaind
By his own Country men that here then reign'd.
We're beaten, Scourg'd, thrust through by Sword and dy.
And evry day some of's are Slaughter'd down
By Clubs, Axe, and the Cross, from town to town
We wander do. And live a very poore
Exild, and Vagrant Life. Hard things endure.
Thus Hee. Oh! Cruelty. What ne're enough!
What strang thing then is man that out doth puff
Such Cruell tortures each on other so
Onely to please their spite in eaches woe?
Oh! how doth this grieve Patience? And procure
The Glorious Hand of Justice on this sore,
Whereto she (grieved Patience giving leave)
Applies her selfe. Crownd with a glorious wreath.
Doth in his lines to Urban (Turban Arch)
Even thus Complain of horrid Cruelty
They from Mahometans Sustaind. His Cry
Runs thus, We th'Holy City Citizens
Men of Christ native Soile by Saracens
Suffer such things as Christ our King sustaind
By his own Country men that here then reign'd.
We're beaten, Scourg'd, thrust through by Sword and dy.
And evry day some of's are Slaughter'd down
By Clubs, Axe, and the Cross, from town to town
We wander do. And live a very poore
Exild, and Vagrant Life. Hard things endure.
Thus Hee. Oh! Cruelty. What ne're enough!
What strang thing then is man that out doth puff
Such Cruell tortures each on other so
Onely to please their spite in eaches woe?
Oh! how doth this grieve Patience? And procure
The Glorious Hand of Justice on this sore,
Whereto she (grieved Patience giving leave)
Applies her selfe. Crownd with a glorious wreath.
The Shine of Divine Justice/Efficiency Under Henry 2
I'le from this muddy Aire that grieves the Heart
Of Holy Patience Step that Grace makes Start;
And to the Holy Court of Justice Steere
To see her Wash her hands, that did appeare
As if Shee had in this dark pitchy night
No hands, or hands polluted, and not white.
Or that her Eyes were dropt out of their holes,
Or wanted Spectacles: but in her Shoales
I now strike Saile and in her open Court
My Pen arriving, it will give report,
How on her glorious Bench in Robes all Bright
More White than Snow, She Sits dispensing right,
In all her Sentences She Executes.
And Wonder-Working Efficacy suites
Here very Well to testify the same:
Which through this Century maketh such a Flame.
Of Holy Patience Step that Grace makes Start;
And to the Holy Court of Justice Steere
To see her Wash her hands, that did appeare
As if Shee had in this dark pitchy night
No hands, or hands polluted, and not white.
Or that her Eyes were dropt out of their holes,
Or wanted Spectacles: but in her Shoales
I now strike Saile and in her open Court
My Pen arriving, it will give report,
How on her glorious Bench in Robes all Bright
More White than Snow, She Sits dispensing right,
In all her Sentences She Executes.
And Wonder-Working Efficacy suites
Here very Well to testify the same:
Which through this Century maketh such a Flame.
God payes this Wicked age with Woefull things:
With Plague and Pestilence: Harde Winters keen:
With Rainy Summers, Inundations: Springs
Of Prodigies, and Monstrous things are seen
With Blood, and Fire. Wars raging dreadfully
Through out the Christian World most furiously.
With Plague and Pestilence: Harde Winters keen:
With Rainy Summers, Inundations: Springs
Of Prodigies, and Monstrous things are seen
With Blood, and Fire. Wars raging dreadfully
Through out the Christian World most furiously.
A Dreadfull fire turns Papia to dust.
The next yeare Shews an horrid Comet bright:
The following year a grievous Famine Crusht.
And Pestilence went raging on with might.
That it was thought a greater number di'de
Thereby, than all from whom it turnd aside.
The next yeare Shews an horrid Comet bright:
The following year a grievous Famine Crusht.
And Pestilence went raging on with might.
That it was thought a greater number di'de
Thereby, than all from whom it turnd aside.
A little while before it came, there were
A Spring of very healthfull Waters pure
In Lotharinge turn'd blood. Th'Sun red did pear
About the Same time. Drops of blood endure
Upon mens Cloaths rain'd from the lofty Sky
Which Cast upon this Wicked age its eye.
A Spring of very healthfull Waters pure
In Lotharinge turn'd blood. Th'Sun red did pear
About the Same time. Drops of blood endure
Upon mens Cloaths rain'd from the lofty Sky
Which Cast upon this Wicked age its eye.
Three years allowd oft, and unusuall rains.
God hangs a Comet out his fiery flag
And at its heels a Plague the Saxons bains.
That Equalld noblemen with tag and rag.
In Aufred Village five and twenty dayes
Boild blood, that did the neighb'ring Ford't assayes.
God hangs a Comet out his fiery flag
And at its heels a Plague the Saxons bains.
That Equalld noblemen with tag and rag.
Boild blood, that did the neighb'ring Ford't assayes.
With these things parallell, these mischiefs run.
The Bulgars under Samuell Thrace annoy.
Basill the Emperour did sorely bum:
Them, Fire and Sword their Country did destroy
Dug out the Eyes of fifteen thousand, 'ploy 'd
Yet left each hundred one them home to guide.
The Bulgars under Samuell Thrace annoy.
Basill the Emperour did sorely bum:
Them, Fire and Sword their Country did destroy
Dug out the Eyes of fifteen thousand, 'ploy 'd
Yet left each hundred one them home to guide.
At which dread Sight Samuel amazd down fell
Unto the ground beside his Senses mad.
And quickly after this sore pains expell
His Vitall Sparke. He dies of th'Heart ake Sad.
Justice here payes the debt home thoroughly
Which was their due that Thrace and Greece did Stroy.
Unto the ground beside his Senses mad.
And quickly after this sore pains expell
His Vitall Sparke. He dies of th'Heart ake Sad.
Justice here payes the debt home thoroughly
Which was their due that Thrace and Greece did Stroy.
And Germany is all afire, the Duke
Of Austria against the Emprour rose
But is tooke down. His brother Bruno's Shook.
Italian Bishops with their princes chose
One Andovine their Emperour, that Cost
His Life, All towns so in this Pade they lost.
Of Austria against the Emprour rose
But is tooke down. His brother Bruno's Shook.
Italian Bishops with their princes chose
One Andovine their Emperour, that Cost
His Life, All towns so in this Pade they lost.
Bernard the Duke with's Saxon now rebells.
The Slaves destroy beyond the Alb nigh all.
Adelbero of Triers rings the bells
Of War and Herry Duke of Bojor Calls
With Metz Archbishop. And Agusta take
Whose force the Emperour by force then brake[.]
The Slaves destroy beyond the Alb nigh all.
Adelbero of Triers rings the bells
Of War and Herry Duke of Bojor Calls
With Metz Archbishop. And Agusta take
Whose force the Emperour by force then brake[.]
The Poles do clash. Bohemy do destress.
In parle of peace put out Boloslau's eyes.
And Prage besiege which Henry did redress.
Theodrick Earle of Flanders is a prize
Unto the Frizers. Normans Frizia Wast.
And burn Trajectum. Justice now is plac'd.
In parle of peace put out Boloslau's eyes.
And Prage besiege which Henry did redress.
Theodrick Earle of Flanders is a prize
Unto the Frizers. Normans Frizia Wast.
And burn Trajectum. Justice now is plac'd.
The Turke did take Jerusalem, alas!
The moon now looks like blood: Earth sorely s[h]akes
A Burning Faggot like a Tower doth pass
With an hugh Crash to Earth: in heaven it makes.
The Swelling Seas doth men and Cities drownd.
By Plague, and Famin multitudes fall down[.]
The moon now looks like blood: Earth sorely s[h]akes
A Burning Faggot like a Tower doth pass
With an hugh Crash to Earth: in heaven it makes.
The Swelling Seas doth men and Cities drownd.
By Plague, and Famin multitudes fall down[.]
In Lotharinge, a water Spring Springs blood.
Now twins are born with mouths like Goose bills.
And right arms like goose Wings. The third day good
Smile each on other. But the Mayor them kills
For their dread Shape. Rhene Swells and Danow high
Do Bridges, Houses, Trees and Corn fields Stroy.
Now twins are born with mouths like Goose bills.
Smile each on other. But the Mayor them kills
For their dread Shape. Rhene Swells and Danow high
Do Bridges, Houses, Trees and Corn fields Stroy.
Light'ning in Saxony a Temple burns.
A Sow did pig a pig having its head
Like to a mans. A Sitting hen out turns
A four legd Chicken. England great Stirs bred,
Ileland. And No[r]mandy: God payes their Vice.
A Sacralegious man's destroi'd by mice.
A Sow did pig a pig having its head
Like to a mans. A Sitting hen out turns
A four legd Chicken. England great Stirs bred,
Ileland. And No[r]mandy: God payes their Vice.
A Sacralegious man's destroi'd by mice.
At noon day th'Earth did take a mighty dance.
A western tempest turns down Fulda's Halls.
The Flemish Seas by mighty Storms up prance
Much Harm thereby on neighbring borders falls
The Saracens wast Italy, all Soiles
A nigh it. War in Lotharinge up boiles.
A western tempest turns down Fulda's Halls.
The Flemish Seas by mighty Storms up prance
Much Harm thereby on neighbring borders falls
The Saracens wast Italy, all Soiles
A nigh it. War in Lotharinge up boiles.
A four months blazing Star shines, great beam like.
A Sow a pig out drops with humane Face.
And men are follow'd by the Plague with might.
As three passt the famine did them chase
A winter Cold; that many persons slew
That were not able t'beare: the Cold so grew[.]
A Sow a pig out drops with humane Face.
And men are follow'd by the Plague with might.
As three passt the famine did them chase
A winter Cold; that many persons slew
That were not able t'beare: the Cold so grew[.]
A Circle like a rainbow, with four lines
Divided thwart it, Circles round the Sun.
The Elb, and Visarg Swell and damage fines
Their borderers. A Plague hence out doth run.
Those it destroyd were full of Serpents found,
That tedious made them t'lay under ground.
Divided thwart it, Circles round the Sun.
The Elb, and Visarg Swell and damage fines
Their borderers. A Plague hence out doth run.
Those it destroyd were full of Serpents found,
That tedious made them t'lay under ground.
In May the Earth doth take another trip.
The next yeare while the Synod sitting were
At Aquilgrane, the Sky so hot did Strip
Both Men and beast of life that they died there.
The Marble Pillars and their Arches Sweat.
One would have thought they'd been by water wet.
The next yeare while the Synod sitting were
At Aquilgrane, the Sky so hot did Strip
Both Men and beast of life that they died there.
The Marble Pillars and their Arches Sweat.
One would have thought they'd been by water wet.
In this Kings reign a woman at one birth
Five babes brough[t] forth in Alsace the more low.
The Auspurgh Prince calld Babo had on earth
Thirty two Sons and daughters eight also
Born of two Wive[s], all which he left behinde.
This blessing great here 'mong greate judgments finde.
Five babes brough[t] forth in Alsace the more low.
The Auspurgh Prince calld Babo had on earth
Thirty two Sons and daughters eight also
Born of two Wive[s], all which he left behinde.
This blessing great here 'mong greate judgments finde.
Under the Emperours West Conrade. 2. begining 10 ** East Constantine reigns 3, Romanus Arggropulus 5, Michael Paphlago. 5
The East and Western Realms are di'de in blood.
The Agarens, the Turks and Caracens
And Arabs wast do Syria like a flood.
And Haran too Myra in Lycia's fens.
The Ilands of the midland Sea infest.
The Scythian Pazinaks Bulgars molest.
The Agarens, the Turks and Caracens
And Arabs wast do Syria like a flood.
And Haran too Myra in Lycia's fens.
The Ilands of the midland Sea infest.
The Scythian Pazinaks Bulgars molest.
England, and Germany and others more
Do bloody noses carry: and for Lights
Whole towns do flame. Strange Candles great its sure
The Which Strange Prodigies presage, and Sights.
A Comet flames Greate Inundations Spoile
And Famine now, and Plague do mortalls moile.
Do bloody noses carry: and for Lights
Whole towns do flame. Strange Candles great its sure
The Which Strange Prodigies presage, and Sights.
A Comet flames Greate Inundations Spoile
And Famine now, and Plague do mortalls moile.
Locusts and Famine Sore Armenia Stroy
And all those parts. Greate troops of People seek
New quarters and Not long from thence the Cry
Of Christmass Thunder Startles them. Oh Schreek.
At noon a Beam of fire of wondrous Sise
In th'East appears, in th'West falls from the Skies.
And all those parts. Greate troops of People seek
New quarters and Not long from thence the Cry
Of Christmass Thunder Startles them. Oh Schreek.
At noon a Beam of fire of wondrous Sise
In th'East appears, in th'West falls from the Skies.
When Conrade quelld them there in Italy,
Such dreadfull thunder rattl'd in their ears
Many are Struck out of their Wits thereby
And many Strucken dead, and die for fears.
And quickly after Conrade Slips aside
Into his grave. And leaves the World so wide[.]
Such dreadfull thunder rattl'd in their ears
Many are Struck out of their Wits thereby
And many Strucken dead, and die for fears.
And quickly after Conrade Slips aside
Into his grave. And leaves the World so wide[.]
Udo the Vandall under Mistave who
Such mischiefe Wrought comes to his recompence
He's Stobd, and drops to dirt. His Son also
Cald Godeschalk that did in his defence
Great Spoile to be reveng'd though after mild
His people put to death, after exild.
Such mischiefe Wrought comes to his recompence
He's Stobd, and drops to dirt. His Son also
Cald Godeschalk that did in his defence
Great Spoile to be reveng'd though after mild
His people put to death, after exild.
Under the Emperours East as Michael Calaphat. And Theodora Constantin Monomach. 12./Theodora 2d and Michaeljura West as Henry3d begining 1039
The Turks brought by the Hagarens do take
Now Babylon: and th'Arabs do assault.
And now Constantinople come a baite
These Emperours are found in Such greate fault
They are so Perboild in their Lusts that they
Have ruin renderd them to be their pay.
Now Babylon: and th'Arabs do assault.
And now Constantinople come a baite
These Emperours are found in Such greate fault
They are so Perboild in their Lusts that they
Have ruin renderd them to be their pay.
Europe all ore is full of Fire and Swords
Justice will pay her debt without constraint.
I shall not hence her wars depaint, my Words
Shall unto Smaller instance[s] give paint.
Duke Edrick who betrayd Egelred King.
And Edmond Ironside Slew I hence will bring.
Justice will pay her debt without constraint.
I shall not hence her wars depaint, my Words
Shall unto Smaller instance[s] give paint.
Duke Edrick who betrayd Egelred King.
And Edmond Ironside Slew I hence will bring.
He telling this unto Canutus then
The onely King of England, had reply
I'le make thee Higher than all my Lord, and men.
And strikes his head off, Sticks it up on high
On Lo[n]don Bridge: His body out did pitch
Into the Thames: Some say, 'twas the town Ditch.
The onely King of England, had reply
I'le make thee Higher than all my Lord, and men.
And strikes his head off, Sticks it up on high
On Lo[n]don Bridge: His body out did pitch
Into the Thames: Some say, 'twas the town Ditch.
That wicked Swane that did so England plague,
Some years before a dreadfull plague did finde.
Who suddenly amongst his knights was made
To yell and Cry, fall down, and dy, resign'd
His Soul up. Some Say Stabd by Edmund's Knife,
By hand unseen. Which tooke away his life[.]
Some years before a dreadfull plague did finde.
Who suddenly amongst his knights was made
To yell and Cry, fall down, and dy, resign'd
His Soul up. Some Say Stabd by Edmund's Knife,
By hand unseen. Which tooke away his life[.]
That Kentish Earle, Earle Godwin come to the Stage.
Who promp[t]ed Hardecnute and licence gains
Against the Normans that in honour Sage
Attend the Princes young, as nobles trains
Alfred, and Edward who their Mother, th'queen
Did come to Visit, not a great while Seen.
Who promp[t]ed Hardecnute and licence gains
Against the Normans that in honour Sage
Attend the Princes young, as nobles trains
Alfred, and Edward who their Mother, th'queen
Did come to Visit, not a great while Seen.
He with his men at Gilford meets them: and
Slays nine there out of ten, a tith sets by:
Then tithes this tithe, each tenth of't by doth hand
Winding their guts out of them till they dy.
He blinded Alfred, him to Ely sent
Whence quickly he unto his long home went.
Slays nine there out of ten, a tith sets by:
Then tithes this tithe, each tenth of't by doth hand
Winding their guts out of them till they dy.
He blinded Alfred, him to Ely sent
Whence quickly he unto his long home went.
Some say they took a gut end through an hole
They in his body out and by goads prick
Him on untill his Intraill round a pole
They stuck, all were rapt. Oh! hellish trick.
But marke the end, the scales do turn, he shall
Now take his turn. Justice doth on him fall.
They in his body out and by goads prick
Him on untill his Intraill round a pole
They stuck, all were rapt. Oh! hellish trick.
But marke the end, the scales do turn, he shall
Now take his turn. Justice doth on him fall.
He with King Edward sits at meat did fling
This out. One brother helps another when
His Son that waited, tript. Whereat the King
Upon this Saying thus replied ag'en.
And I had had a brother to my help
Had it not been for you. This lasht the Whelp.
This out. One brother helps another when
His Son that waited, tript. Whereat the King
Upon this Saying thus replied ag'en.
And I had had a brother to my help
Had it not been for you. This lasht the Whelp.
Whereto the Earle replies, oh! King, Let mee
Be Choakt forthwith, ev'n with this bit of bread
If anything against thy brother bee,
By me devisd, or thee. The bit in's head,
His Jaws are forth with Closd: he's Choakt out right
Having his Wish, against his will. Strange Fright.
Be Choakt forthwith, ev'n with this bit of bread
If anything against thy brother bee,
By me devisd, or thee. The bit in's head,
His Jaws are forth with Closd: he's Choakt out right
Having his Wish, against his will. Strange Fright.
But I must back again. Harde Kanute
Whose power this Godwin acted in those prancks
In Lambethiolly soon is Struck quite mute
And eight dayes thence falls dead, now Justice Cramps.
And Swane his Sisters Son falls from's horse shy
Scard by an hare, killd on a Stump thereby[.]
Whose power this Godwin acted in those prancks
In Lambethiolly soon is Struck quite mute
And eight dayes thence falls dead, now Justice Cramps.
And Swane his Sisters Son falls from's horse shy
Scard by an hare, killd on a Stump thereby[.]
This yeare gave birth a Seven years famine too,
An Horrid tempest with great rain doth Storm.
The flemish seas their dams breake dow[n], oreflow
All with it far and nigh are men down born.
Storms, Summer rains offend and autumn Snows
Now little Fruits and Wine. Death also grows.
An Horrid tempest with great rain doth Storm.
The flemish seas their dams breake dow[n], oreflow
All with it far and nigh are men down born.
Storms, Summer rains offend and autumn Snows
Now little Fruits and Wine. Death also grows.
And now about the Divell tooke away
An English woman Witch who in the aire
Made such a fearfull howling, that they say
Was heard some hours nigh four miles off. Strange fare.
Good forecast! went shee not things to prepare
Against the Witchs came from Peters Chaire?
An English woman Witch who in the aire
Made such a fearfull howling, that they say
Was heard some hours nigh four miles off. Strange fare.
Good forecast! went shee not things to prepare
Against the Witchs came from Peters Chaire?
The Divell like a B[l]ackemore did call
To Bruno then of Wirtsburgh as he sayl
The Danow. Ho, ho, Sir said hee withall
I'm an ill genius, thou art mine, all haile
Where s'ere thou go'st, thou shall in truth be mine
I'le harm thee not as yet, or at this time[.]
To Bruno then of Wirtsburgh as he sayl
The Danow. Ho, ho, Sir said hee withall
I'm an ill genius, thou art mine, all haile
Where s'ere thou go'st, thou shall in truth be mine
I'le harm thee not as yet, or at this time[.]
But thou again shall see mee e're't be long.
And when they'd passt about some ten mile thence,
To Bosenburgh, and in their Lodgen come
And Salutations hard by had dispensd,
But down the Chamber falls wherein they were.
And Bruno's ruin did therein appeare.
And when they'd passt about some ten mile thence,
To Bosenburgh, and in their Lodgen come
And Salutations hard by had dispensd,
But down the Chamber falls wherein they were.
And Bruno's ruin did therein appeare.
The three Pope Witches Squeezing Peters Chair
To pieces, it as excraments out groans.
And Benits Spirit to him did repare
And Choakt him in the Woods perhaps alone.
Sylvester back is sent, and Gregory
Is judgd unfit Church buriall dignity.
To pieces, it as excraments out groans.
And Benits Spirit to him did repare
And Choakt him in the Woods perhaps alone.
Sylvester back is sent, and Gregory
Is judgd unfit Church buriall dignity.
Pope Damasus by poison's turnd away
Constance doth feel an Earthquake Cradle rock.
And Certain lakes in Italy they say
That Julius Cesar with Square stones Stopt, drops
Could not get through, ore flow, makes Narny flow
Down bridge, and Buildings much, and men orethrow.
Constance doth feel an Earthquake Cradle rock.
And Certain lakes in Italy they say
That Julius Cesar with Square stones Stopt, drops
Could not get through, ore flow, makes Narny flow
Down bridge, and Buildings much, and men orethrow.
Pope Clement's Choakt by Poison, now again
A Sow a pig pigs with a humane head.
A Hen a Chicken hatcht with four legs plain.
A famine rageth much and with much dread.
A noble man luxurious is assaild
By mice and bats and slain: though stript, it faild.
A Sow a pig pigs with a humane head.
A Hen a Chicken hatcht with four legs plain.
A famine rageth much and with much dread.
A noble man luxurious is assaild
By mice and bats and slain: though stript, it faild.
They now at Rome dug up a gyant tall
Higher than the City Walls, and in his breast
A wound four foot six inches long, withall
At's head a burning lamp compleatly dresst.
Into the Channell droppings of the Street
He being cast, did moulder under feet.
Higher than the City Walls, and in his breast
A wound four foot six inches long, withall
At's head a burning lamp compleatly dresst.
Into the Channell droppings of the Street
He being cast, did moulder under feet.
Filius Evandri Pallas, quem lancea Turni
Militis occidit, more suo jacet hîc.
And at his head this Epitaph was writ
And take it as the blossom of Good wit
Here Pallas lies, Evanders Son, in's Shew.
Him whom the Speare of th'Champion Turnus slew.
Militis occidit, more suo jacet hîc.
And at his head this Epitaph was writ
And take it as the blossom of Good wit
Here Pallas lies, Evanders Son, in's Shew.
Him whom the Speare of th'Champion Turnus slew.
Under the Emperour East as Isaaris [?] Comnenus 4/ Constantin Ducas 7½/Ro: Diagones 3 ⅔/Mic. Ducas 3 ½ West as Nicephorus 3/Alexius 33 Henry 4 reignd 5C/reignd total 54 ⅔
The Christian world together all by the ears
Belphet the Turke takes from the eastern Realm.
Syria Cilicia both, Isauria cleare[s]
Pamphylia, Lucia, and Pisidia's helm.
Lycaony, Gallatia, Coppadocia
Both Pontuses, Bythinia, Lesser Asia.
Belphet the Turke takes from the eastern Realm.
Syria Cilicia both, Isauria cleare[s]
Pamphylia, Lucia, and Pisidia's helm.
Lycaony, Gallatia, Coppadocia
Both Pontuses, Bythinia, Lesser Asia.
The people Captiv'de Churches all destroy'd
The Christian Worship quite exterminate.
The Western Realm all ore with War annoy'd:
Fire, Sword, and Slaughter Lords become of late.
France, Spain, and Italy do Smoake and Fry
And England Weeps, and Germany doth Cry[.]
The Christian Worship quite exterminate.
The Western Realm all ore with War annoy'd:
Fire, Sword, and Slaughter Lords become of late.
France, Spain, and Italy do Smoake and Fry
And England Weeps, and Germany doth Cry[.]
Stones mixt with Haile are rained from the Skie
And Certain men are killd by Lightning soon.
The Emp'rours Shield and Sword in Whitsunday
In Geslar Palace Lightening did Consume.
A Comet hangs over Polonia cleare,
King Casimire drops in his grave this yeare.
And Certain men are killd by Lightning soon.
The Emp'rours Shield and Sword in Whitsunday
In Geslar Palace Lightening did Consume.
A Comet hangs over Polonia cleare,
King Casimire drops in his grave this yeare.
In Torney Coasts a troop of Snakes pitch field
A Fight prodigiously they now engage
Where many fall on both sides: Such as yield
Creep wounded to an hollow tree where rage
And hissing round it did the Victors then
Till rounded in by fire they're burnt by men.
A Fight prodigiously they now engage
Where many fall on both sides: Such as yield
Creep wounded to an hollow tree where rage
And hissing round it did the Victors then
Till rounded in by fire they're burnt by men.
Both men, and beast by plague are tumbled down.
A Winter hard, did much destroy the Fruite.
With Plague and Famine God on men doth frown.
Blood's raind in Paris Coasts. Oh looke yee to'te.
Earthquakes, With Lightenings and Winter thunder
At Constance is in February. Wonder.
A Winter hard, did much destroy the Fruite.
With Plague and Famine God on men doth frown.
Blood's raind in Paris Coasts. Oh looke yee to'te.
Earthquakes, With Lightenings and Winter thunder
At Constance is in February. Wonder.
Tempestious Winde, Frost, Snow for four dayes last.
In Aprill, men, Flocks, and trees destroy[.]
Nigh Constance is a monstrous birth out cast.
With double members to the buttocks high.
Another pair of twins a girle and boy
At navell grow together, feet[?] perfect ly[.]
In Aprill, men, Flocks, and trees destroy[.]
Nigh Constance is a monstrous birth out cast.
With double members to the buttocks high.
Another pair of twins a girle and boy
At navell grow together, feet[?] perfect ly[.]
Another too was born that had two heads.
A Comet Shines. Will Earle of Normandy
Envadeth England wins it justice sheds
A recompence for Godwins Vilany.
A Comet like the moon shines with its rayes.
Into the East after Sun Set did blaze[.]
A Comet Shines. Will Earle of Normandy
Envadeth England wins it justice sheds
A recompence for Godwins Vilany.
A Comet like the moon shines with its rayes.
Into the East after Sun Set did blaze[.]
Wild trees for two years after barren are
But Vines so fruitfull Scarce can gatherd bee.
England so bangd by French and Scotch their Fare
Is of mans Flesh. Famine there rag'd they see.
And in this tract three brave plump Popes did Sup
A passing health of Brazutes Well Spic'd Cup.
But Vines so fruitfull Scarce can gatherd bee.
England so bangd by French and Scotch their Fare
Is of mans Flesh. Famine there rag'd they see.
And in this tract three brave plump Popes did Sup
A passing health of Brazutes Well Spic'd Cup.
About the first Cock Crow the Sky most cleare
A rainbow like a girdle girds the Sky.
And with the rising Sun there rising 'peare
Two Pillars of a Shining golden die
One hand the left, th'other the right hand place.
And some degrees ascended did their face.
A rainbow like a girdle girds the Sky.
And with the rising Sun there rising 'peare
Two Pillars of a Shining golden die
One hand the left, th'other the right hand place.
And some degrees ascended did their face.
Before that Bishop Albert di'd at Breme
Who was a black Art artist tears appeare
On Cross (Here's Weeping Cross) a train
Of Hogs and Dogs drew to the Altar neer.
And in the Suburbs Wolves in blocks did howle.
With horrid jarring fighting there with owls.
Who was a black Art artist tears appeare
On Cross (Here's Weeping Cross) a train
Of Hogs and Dogs drew to the Altar neer.
And in the Suburbs Wolves in blocks did howle.
With horrid jarring fighting there with owls.
But to Step back a little all's not ore
That due to Godwin was for his base deeds.
His Sons do quarrell: Tostius pays still more
Who slew his brother Harolds men: proceeds
At Herford, Cut up, pickled them in Casks
With Salt, Wine, Vinegar. His Spite unmasks.
That due to Godwin was for his base deeds.
His Sons do quarrell: Tostius pays still more
Who slew his brother Harolds men: proceeds
At Herford, Cut up, pickled them in Casks
With Salt, Wine, Vinegar. His Spite unmasks.
When Harold's king, this Tostius in the north
Arms with the Danes, and Norweyes him to out.
Harold doth with his Soulders, he led forth
Give battle to them. Tostiu's slain with rout.
But Will the Norman then assaults and beats
Him, He lost's Life and Crown. Sin brings Such feats.
Arms with the Danes, and Norweyes him to out.
Harold doth with his Soulders, he led forth
Give battle to them. Tostiu's slain with rout.
But Will the Norman then assaults and beats
Him, He lost's Life and Crown. Sin brings Such feats.
A Vement frost, and huge Strong ice began
With this November and did last untill
The middst of Aprill, did the Vinyards damn[.]
At Collen Sings a Woman thus, There Will
In Flanders reign till Antichrist's Sad times
The race of Frisius, fled how none divines.
With this November and did last untill
The middst of Aprill, did the Vinyards damn[.]
At Collen Sings a Woman thus, There Will
In Flanders reign till Antichrist's Sad times
The race of Frisius, fled how none divines.
When Harald King of Dane joynd battle faire
With Harquin's army ore their head was seen
By both the Hosts a weapon in the aire
Go wandering, that Harquin Slew, it seems.
At Wedding all the Sacred Wine in th'Cup
Was turnd to blood: and Stowd at Magd'burgh up.
With Harquin's army ore their head was seen
By both the Hosts a weapon in the aire
Go wandering, that Harquin Slew, it seems.
At Wedding all the Sacred Wine in th'Cup
Was turnd to blood: and Stowd at Magd'burgh up.
Some bishops Crossiers Staffs, and th'little Cross
At Stederburgh do trickle down with Sweate.
And Crows and Ravens do a whole day toss
In furious fight. The Slain on both Sides greate.
A boy at Byzant's born with goatlike feet
Having in's front one Eye, a Cyclops Sweet.
At Stederburgh do trickle down with Sweate.
And Crows and Ravens do a whole day toss
In furious fight. The Slain on both Sides greate.
A boy at Byzant's born with goatlike feet
Having in's front one Eye, a Cyclops Sweet.
When Helbrand the Emperour ore laid
Without his Cardinall or Synod-Call
------ his Pulpet made
Strong with new timber rent in pieces all
As if that Peters pulpet did disdaine
Him and his haughty facts, that blob and Stain.
Without his Cardinall or Synod-Call
------ his Pulpet made
Strong with new timber rent in pieces all
As if that Peters pulpet did disdaine
Him and his haughty facts, that blob and Stain.
At Mentz where Rudolph Crowned was there were
A fearfull Earthquake in the yeare that he
Was Overcome. And in the following yeare
Another with great ballowing must bee
Portending war against Vile Hildebrand
Italian Towns and Castles could not Stand.
A fearfull Earthquake in the yeare that he
Was Overcome. And in the following yeare
Another with great ballowing must bee
Portending war against Vile Hildebrand
Italian Towns and Castles could not Stand.
And at that time when Rome was took men saw
A troop of horsmen coursing in the Sky.
The Locust do wast Russia, eate her maw.
Great Inundations greatly damnify.
But chiefly they of Italy were finde
Their houses fall down by it under min'de.
A troop of horsmen coursing in the Sky.
The Locust do wast Russia, eate her maw.
Great Inundations greatly damnify.
But chiefly they of Italy were finde
Their houses fall down by it under min'de.
Hens, Gess, and Peacocks other tame fowles too
Grow Wild, and ran into the Woods and croak.
Fish in the Waters die when Mathild threw
The Peters Patrimony on the Pope.
This Voice's then heard above. A Woman drinke
To Christians poison doth with Hony tinct.
Grow Wild, and ran into the Woods and croak.
Fish in the Waters die when Mathild threw
The Peters Patrimony on the Pope.
This Voice's then heard above. A Woman drinke
To Christians poison doth with Hony tinct.
When Will the Conquerour in Normandy
Lay Sick Phillip the French King cast a jeare
On his fat belly Saying Will did ly
In long At Rotomag in Childbed here
At Which he said When I am Churcht and right
I will in France a thousand Lights up light.
Lay Sick Phillip the French King cast a jeare
On his fat belly Saying Will did ly
In long At Rotomag in Childbed here
At Which he said When I am Churcht and right
I will in France a thousand Lights up light.
And when recoverd he, in July when
All fruits were flourishing on France did fall
With fire and Sword. And came to Meaux then
And burning there a Woman: twixt two Walls
A recluse or as some two anchorites
So Swelted did himselfe. That Sickness lights[.]
All fruits were flourishing on France did fall
With fire and Sword. And came to Meaux then
And burning there a Woman: twixt two Walls
A recluse or as some two anchorites
So Swelted did himselfe. That Sickness lights[.]
And so his recluse Soul, Celld twixt the Walls
Of his gun belly burns within its Cell,
Till death did let it out, and down he falls.
Some by his horse's leaping do us tell.
His entrails broken were whereof he di'de.
This recompence thus on his head doth Slide.
Of his gun belly burns within its Cell,
Till death did let it out, and down he falls.
Some by his horse's leaping do us tell.
His entrails broken were whereof he di'de.
This recompence thus on his head doth Slide.
And now about that Wretched brande of Hell,
Whom Peters Chair some time before much Sick
Of Such ill Humours, had spewd out, down fell
By Conscience galld, and down to hell did pick.
A firy Dragon in the Sky men view
That Vomits flames out of his mouth that flew.
Whom Peters Chair some time before much Sick
Of Such ill Humours, had spewd out, down fell
By Conscience galld, and down to hell did pick.
A firy Dragon in the Sky men view
That Vomits flames out of his mouth that flew.
An Earthquake rattles England: Crop but thin
And late ere rip. They hardly Seed can Sow
Or ere December: famin up did Spring[.]
A Well nigh Abindon with blood doth flow
For three Whole dayes. The heavens also Seem
To burn with fire. And Prodigies are Seen.
And late ere rip. They hardly Seed can Sow
Or ere December: famin up did Spring[.]
A Well nigh Abindon with blood doth flow
For three Whole dayes. The heavens also Seem
To burn with fire. And Prodigies are Seen.
Windes down do Clatter many building[s] high
In London. Winchcomb Abby Tower too falls.
Constantinoples buildings down much ly.
Rains make the Vallies all, as Seas. Fish Stalls.
The beauteous Statue great of their great round
Tall Pillar falls, kills many persons sound.
In London. Winchcomb Abby Tower too falls.
Constantinoples buildings down much ly.
Rains make the Vallies all, as Seas. Fish Stalls.
The beauteous Statue great of their great round
Tall Pillar falls, kills many persons sound.
Locust by troops from East to West do fly.
That cloud the Sun: whose Carkasses did stinck
When dead, an horrid plague soon rag'd thereby.
A blazing Star like to a Sword make's thinke.
And three year thence men Saw a Star to trace
And moove by leaps a greate way from its place.
That cloud the Sun: whose Carkasses did stinck
When dead, an horrid plague soon rag'd thereby.
A blazing Star like to a Sword make's thinke.
And three year thence men Saw a Star to trace
And moove by leaps a greate way from its place.
And bloody Clouds from East, and West do pass
And in the midst of heaven dash each other
A woman two years big deliverd was
Ev'n of a little babe that Spake, more over
A beast this thrice with human voice thus Spake,
The Christians Soon Jerusalem shall take.
And in the midst of heaven dash each other
A woman two years big deliverd was
Ev'n of a little babe that Spake, more over
A beast this thrice with human voice thus Spake,
The Christians Soon Jerusalem shall take.
This thousand ninty fourth's calld Rainy yeare.
It Shoures from middst fall of October till
Aprill began: a greivous Pest there were.
In France and Germany and famin kill.
A Cake in th'ashes seemd as made with blood.
Nigh Hamuca. The Earth thought dancing good.
It Shoures from middst fall of October till
Aprill began: a greivous Pest there were.
In France and Germany and famin kill.
A Cake in th'ashes seemd as made with blood.
Nigh Hamuca. The Earth thought dancing good.
October shone the Heavens all like fire.
Murren in beast. And blast of Corn ensu'de.
A baker sets in's bread and through desire
A Love did breake and blood out from it Spewd.
A Wolfe devoured thirty persons Spruice.
An Earthquake rattleth at Syracuse.
Murren in beast. And blast of Corn ensu'de.
A baker sets in's bread and through desire
A Love did breake and blood out from it Spewd.
A Wolfe devoured thirty persons Spruice.
An Earthquake rattleth at Syracuse.
An Harper tells King Erick he co[u]ld play
Men into madness. Erick will him try.
Orders his guard out of the tunes to Stay
And when the noise of madmen Rose, to high.
The harper playes a note Sever[e] which set
Into a Sad and dumpish State or fret.
Men into madness. Erick will him try.
Orders his guard out of the tunes to Stay
And when the noise of madmen Rose, to high.
The harper playes a note Sever[e] which set
Into a Sad and dumpish State or fret.
He then a Cheerfull pleasant note up struck
Their frame is changed: they filled are with joy.
He turns to austere tunes which in they Suck
And fall to rage and rave, and madly Cry.
The Guarde breake in to hold them and the King
Who were alike Starke mad. And so did fling.
Their frame is changed: they filled are with joy.
He turns to austere tunes which in they Suck
And fall to rage and rave, and madly Cry.
The Guarde breake in to hold them and the King
Who were alike Starke mad. And so did fling.
The King by force out of their hands did get.
Bounc'd on the doore and down it breake he goes
Out thence, Snatcht up a Sword and in this fret
Slew four men. And his guard with pillows do
At leng[th] with danger much ore lay him, and
Prevaile to hold him by the Strength of hand.
Bounc'd on the doore and down it breake he goes
Out thence, Snatcht up a Sword and in this fret
Slew four men. And his guard with pillows do
At leng[th] with danger much ore lay him, and
Prevaile to hold him by the Strength of hand.
William the Conquerour that wast did lay
All towns and Churches thirty miles in Space
All in South Hampton shier that make he may
The Parke New Forest, where his Deere do trace
And Such a person as their Breed annoyes
He punished by putting out his eyes.
All towns and Churches thirty miles in Space
All in South Hampton shier that make he may
The Parke New Forest, where his Deere do trace
And Such a person as their Breed annoyes
He punished by putting out his eyes.
But justice hath it's day, King Rufus there
In his rich gaim is shot down by a dart
Wot Tirrell Shot out at a gallant Deere.
Here is his end. His grandson Richards heart
Is broken in this place. Duke Roberts Son.
From parents Sins of Childrens ruins run.
In his rich gaim is shot down by a dart
Wot Tirrell Shot out at a gallant Deere.
Here is his end. His grandson Richards heart
Is broken in this place. Duke Roberts Son.
From parents Sins of Childrens ruins run.
Now to conclude you here may clearly Spy
Divine efficiency Sprindging her rayes
Through this darke Age therein to testify
The Glory of Gods Justice and her praise.
Which shining out most bright hereby I leave
Her Court. And Holy Truth my pen bequeath.
Divine efficiency Sprindging her rayes
The Glory of Gods Justice and her praise.
Which shining out most bright hereby I leave
Her Court. And Holy Truth my pen bequeath.
The Glory of Divine Truth.
As I my pleasure Boate struck in thy Bay,
Most Holy Truth, I in a fog was lapt.
My latitude was lost, no Star, nor Day
Yeilds me an Observation as it hapt.
Most Holy Truth, I in a fog was lapt.
My latitude was lost, no Star, nor Day
Yeilds me an Observation as it hapt.
Wherefor I dropt a Sounding Stick and found
I could the depth of this Stiffe Current Sound.
And anchorage I saw was good firm ground,
But Shelves to try the Pilates Skill abound.
I could the depth of this Stiffe Current Sound.
And anchorage I saw was good firm ground,
But Shelves to try the Pilates Skill abound.
Wherefore I left my Quadrant, and imply
My Compass. And my optick Glass I tooke
And through this Fog a Shining Sky I Spy
Of Splendent truth that all should on it look.
My Compass. And my optick Glass I tooke
And through this Fog a Shining Sky I Spy
Of Splendent truth that all should on it look.
Wherefore I set a Shoar and in the Soile
Of Holy Truth, the beams of Some rich mine
I there have delved in, I here out quoile
Before your Eyes that you may see their Shine.
Of Holy Truth, the beams of Some rich mine
I there have delved in, I here out quoile
Before your Eyes that you may see their Shine.
Those Truths that were like Clouded Stars last age,
That through truth's Optick then did shine Shine still.
To mention them I shall not now engage
Save as their beams in other Vessells Still.
That through truth's Optick then did shine Shine still.
To mention them I shall not now engage
Save as their beams in other Vessells Still.
The which I now attend without delay.
Preceptive truth these darksom dayes do shame.
Prophetick Truth most brightly doth display
Its beams in this Dark night and Such I'le name.
Preceptive truth these darksom dayes do shame.
Prophetick Truth most brightly doth display
Its beams in this Dark night and Such I'le name.
Propetick Truth
Truth saith, the Smoake out of Abyss should fly
And blinde the Sun. And this we finde,
The Sun of Righteousnessess Eye
This ages Smoake doth blinde.
And blinde the Sun. And this we finde,
The Sun of Righteousnessess Eye
This ages Smoake doth blinde.
Truth saith, they in the last dayes should give heed,
To Divells Doctrine, and to lies.
This age attends upon Such deeds
And doth Such things devise.
To Divells Doctrine, and to lies.
This age attends upon Such deeds
And doth Such things devise.
Theophylact by his rich black Art curst
Lifts Benit Eighth, to Peters Chaire.
And also John the twenty first.
Black Arts most matters Steere.
Lifts Benit Eighth, to Peters Chaire.
And also John the twenty first.
Black Arts most matters Steere.
Benit the ninth, and Gregory the Sixth
And Seventh too, Curst Hildebrand
Were Arch Magitions; Chanting tricks
Were proper to their hand.
And Seventh too, Curst Hildebrand
Were Arch Magitions; Chanting tricks
Were proper to their hand.
Hibert of Beems, William of Rochell I'le
And Wolfstan too of Worcester
These Bishops did their prancks defile
In black arts and such Coures Sir.
And Wolfstan too of Worcester
These Bishops did their prancks defile
In black arts and such Coures Sir.
Women did Masses use for Charms, which thing,
Sal 'gunstade Synod did condemn.
Some Clarkes, for divinations bring
And Idols offer men.
Sal 'gunstade Synod did condemn.
Some Clarkes, for divinations bring
And Idols offer men.
The Emp'ress Chanegund greate Marbles brought
To build the Temple gay at Breams.
By th'Old Boy's hand: as we are taught.
Oh! how good doctrine Streams.
To build the Temple gay at Breams.
By th'Old Boy's hand: as we are taught.
Oh! how good doctrine Streams.
For pilgrimage, Saints Worship, Retald Sins
Maurilius Bish: of Rotomag
When dead, in th'Temple brought begins
This Doctrine from his bag.
Maurilius Bish: of Rotomag
When dead, in th'Temple brought begins
This Doctrine from his bag.
Receive the last Speech of your Pastour Deare
By nature dead but am reviv'de,
To tell you what I saw. Fore here
I'st Soone of Life be Shriv'de.
By nature dead but am reviv'de,
To tell you what I saw. Fore here
I'st Soone of Life be Shriv'de.
My Guides Whose Cloaths, and looks most faire
And Speech most joyous were to mee
Promis'd me going Eastward rare
The Paradise of glee.
And Speech most joyous were to mee
Promis'd me going Eastward rare
The Paradise of glee.
We bended Jordan Ward when we the Saints
Had worshipt at Jerusalem.
Our Company increast. Supplaints
Of Joy Sprang to me then.
Had worshipt at Jerusalem.
Our Company increast. Supplaints
Of Joy Sprang to me then.
And when I would the River Cross, they said
The Lord me Chargd my Veniall Sins
Not by Confession washt off laid,
Should now be purgd Strang things.
The Lord me Chargd my Veniall Sins
Not by Confession washt off laid,
Should now be purgd Strang things.
For feare conceivd at Demons Looks: and soon
Such host of horrid Spirits peare
Brandishing Spears most sharp and fume
Out Spewing firey geere.
Such host of horrid Spirits peare
Brandishing Spears most sharp and fume
Out Spewing firey geere.
And all the aire seemd iron, and flaming fire.
Where at I fell in horrid feare.
Consult your Safety, then this Crier
Said. And expired there.
Where at I fell in horrid feare.
Consult your Safety, then this Crier
Said. And expired there.
And hear another touching prayres for such
As ly in purgatory pain.
And of Good Works, whose merits much
They say relieve the Same.
As ly in purgatory pain.
And of Good Works, whose merits much
They say relieve the Same.
While Mass was Saying o're a Monks dead Clay.
He from the Beire leaps, God did curse.
A Cross to kiss was tenderd nay
He Spit upon. And worse.
He from the Beire leaps, God did curse.
A Cross to kiss was tenderd nay
He Spit upon. And worse.
Revild our Lady: Singers Scornd. Said hee
For Hells dread torments was ordaind.
At which the Monks from torments free
Themselves with Scourges maim'd.
For Hells dread torments was ordaind.
At which the Monks from torments free
Themselves with Scourges maim'd.
They fall to beate their breasts, and poure out prayers.
The Wretched hell Scorcht Sinner now
Findes ease its said and so repares
And worthy things avows.
The Wretched hell Scorcht Sinner now
Findes ease its said and so repares
And worthy things avows.
Christs power did praise, Satan renounc'd, adore
The Cross! Whoredom monkish shame.
Confesst: God praisd: in peace great Store
The next day dies again[.]
The Cross! Whoredom monkish shame.
Confesst: God praisd: in peace great Store
The next day dies again[.]
These and Such Divell Doctrines more too many
Filld with Satanick lies abound
Too many truely Such are any
But numberless are found.
Filld with Satanick lies abound
Too many truely Such are any
But numberless are found.
Truth Styles Such Doctrine, Marriage Prohibition
And Prohibitions from Some meates.
Yet the Salgunstade Superstition
Some Seasons of them cheats[.]
And Prohibitions from Some meates.
Yet the Salgunstade Superstition
Some Seasons of them cheats[.]
In Lent and other Stated times they do
Forbid Some meats and none must wed.
Hellbrand all marri'd Priest drives fro
Their Work, or Wedlock bed,
Forbid Some meats and none must wed.
Hellbrand all marri'd Priest drives fro
Their Work, or Wedlock bed,
The Truth did shew the Harlot deckt with Gold.
What hath been said makes good the Same.
The Roman Church is deckt with folds
Of Gold and Stones like flame.
What hath been said makes good the Same.
The Roman Church is deckt with folds
Of Gold and Stones like flame.
Truth said a Beast out of the Earth should rise
With two horns like a lamb. We finde
The Romish Church two Sharp swords ties
Unto her Sides them minde.
With two horns like a lamb. We finde
The Romish Church two Sharp swords ties
Unto her Sides them minde.
Truth said, the Whore should ride the beast, and act
The power of the Pagan beast.
Romes Harlot Church the Beast hath backt.
And rides her West and East[.]
The power of the Pagan beast.
Romes Harlot Church the Beast hath backt.
And rides her West and East[.]
And all the Power of Pagan Rome She Claims
Sets up, plucks down: Kills, and revives.
Nobles, Kings, Emperours. She maims
Even at her Will their lives.
Sets up, plucks down: Kills, and revives.
Nobles, Kings, Emperours. She maims
Even at her Will their lives.
Truth said, the Lamb hornd Beast would bid them make
The Image of the First Beast and
It Worship, yea, She'l make it Spake
And bring to its Command.
The Image of the First Beast and
It Worship, yea, She'l make it Spake
And bring to its Command.
Rome's Church doth So. The first Beasts Image bright
Is formd, and put into her hand
Imperialiality or Might
Her Shephards Staff doth Stand.
Is formd, and put into her hand
Imperialiality or Might
Her Shephards Staff doth Stand.
And this she makes all to adore who ere,
Small, Great, Subjects, Prince, Kings and Lords
And who won't bow the knee though Peere
Or King shall have a Coard.
Small, Great, Subjects, Prince, Kings and Lords
And who won't bow the knee though Peere
Or King shall have a Coard.
And thus Dealt Hildebrand in lofty trade
With Henry the fourth, and his
Brave Princes whom he Outchurch laid
And Stript of Realm and bliss.
With Henry the fourth, and his
Brave Princes whom he Outchurch laid
And Stript of Realm and bliss.
Truth said, the Whore on beast back in her hand
A Golden Cup held full of Filth.
We have this Cup seen as it Stands
Upon this Romish Shelfe.
A Golden Cup held full of Filth.
We have this Cup seen as it Stands
Upon this Romish Shelfe.
It hath a long While filling been but yet
It will hold more. And more drops come.
While filth is found it falls in it.
Where lies the Totall Sum?
It will hold more. And more drops come.
While filth is found it falls in it.
Where lies the Totall Sum?
The one and twentieth John his nose did drop
John Baptist, and Saint Laurence eke
Their yearly Lent into this pot
For Christendom to keep.
John Baptist, and Saint Laurence eke
Their yearly Lent into this pot
For Christendom to keep.
Salgunstade's Synod's sirloine drops in't lay
The fortnight lents which go before
John Baptist day. And Christmass day.
And Vigill Lents good Store.
The fortnight lents which go before
John Baptist day. And Christmass day.
And Vigill Lents good Store.
They fix the four greate annuary Lents
Upon their dayes when they begin.
Lent Weddens too their Crack-holes vent
Their Ne Sints Sweet therein.
Upon their dayes when they begin.
Lent Weddens too their Crack-holes vent
Their Ne Sints Sweet therein.
The All-Souls Day Odilo's Daffling
Dropt in this Cup. Oh! liquour pure.
And Hildebrand's a Quackmoire Spring
Into it venting Store.
Dropt in this Cup. Oh! liquour pure.
And Hildebrand's a Quackmoire Spring
Into it venting Store.
He taps his Spring, and hence these Streams in't trick
Let no one of a Laick take
An Abby or a Bishopprick.
It's Symony. Off Shake't.
Let no one of a Laick take
An Abby or a Bishopprick.
It's Symony. Off Shake't.
Receive not Fornicators t'office trust.
The Marri'de Minister he means.
It's Nicolaitison busht
By Peter Damian's Streams.
The Marri'de Minister he means.
It's Nicolaitison busht
By Peter Damian's Streams.
Who either of these things shall ever do
Let Excommunicated bee.
And Such with Such partake that do,
Shall Share of this decree.
Let Excommunicated bee.
And Such with Such partake that do,
Shall Share of this decree.
Let none on Sabbath dayes eat flesh but let
Such as do teach unlawfull is.
To work on Sabbath dayes be Set
Condemned quite for this.
Such as do teach unlawfull is.
To work on Sabbath dayes be Set
Condemned quite for this.
These drops fall from his nose into this Cup.
Also Liberiu's Holyday,
Hee drew herein, whom others put
With Hereticks, and lay.
Also Liberiu's Holyday,
Hee drew herein, whom others put
With Hereticks, and lay.
But most of all his frollick juyce doth run;
And drops an Emperour in to't.
And Empire too that fall in't plumb,
Examples of good note.
And drops an Emperour in to't.
And Empire too that fall in't plumb,
Examples of good note.
New orders now of Monkery oreflow
And drop herein. John Gualbert drops
Umbrosa Vallis in't and so
New Monkery up hops[.]
And drop herein. John Gualbert drops
Umbrosa Vallis in't and so
New Monkery up hops[.]
Stephen Avern drops them of Grandimont
Into this Cup, and Bruno cast
Into this Cup, and Bruno cast
Of some Brave Web stain'd with a Crimson dy
In blood most Choice of Choicest Martyres, and
Of Innocents Whose Names here under stand.
Mary Queen'd in the Realm Alectoes Whipe
With flaming lashes she, (though first of Chips
The Duke of Northumberland a full head shorter
Who left Christ truth first and did seek to quarter
In th'tents of Wicked men) and Crops off quite
Sir John Gates head, Sir Thomas Palmers tite
(Who bravely then professt Christs truth outright
Lamenting he'd not livde more Gospell like).
And did Lop of Sir Thomas Wyats' head
The Duke of Suffolks too because they fled
For to defend their Faith, and Cause by war
But Failed in their Enterprize thus far
Strikes off Lord Gilfords Head and his Choice Ladies
(Lady Jane Grayes deserving of all Sages
A Chiefe Esteem for Learning, Piety
For Orthodox and sound Divinity
And Pious Zeale, because King Edwards Will
Made her his Heir and's Nobles to fulfill
The same proclaimd her Queene, now dy she must
Lord Gray with others too, when brought to dust
The Queen, I say, she) down right to it fell
To Whip with Lashes of the Flames of Hell.
Martyres Directly for Christs Truth
The fourth of February out they take
Little John Rogers forth from old Newgate
The Pious Vicar of Sepulchers, just
To lead the Van, in Smithfield burnd to dust
The Eight day Saunders bright Alhallows glory
At Coventry is made a fiery Story
The ninth Grave Hooper, that bright Angell fell
Who did his fire to Bullinger foretell
Who Ceremonies and Church Trinckets could
Not brook, yet when he did accept Christs Food
An Harould then of Arms was giv'n him thus,
An harmless Lamb within a fiery Bush
And sunbeams falling on the Lamb, which spake
Out what befell him for his Masters sake,
Who in most Cruell fire Cruelly
In Glocester frying for more fire did Cry.
Now Doctor Taylor Hadlies Champion stout
On Oldnam Plain burnt, had his Brains dasht out
------ Smithfield March the sixteenth day
---er the twenty sixt at Burntwood lay.
This day they burn at Hornden on the hill
One Mr. Higbed and at Rayly spill
The blood of Mr. Causton by their fire
Wherein these Pious Gentlemen Expire.
The twenty Eight, Pigot at Braintree Stake
Was burnt, and Knight at Maudlin for Christs sake.
The twenty ninth Laurence a Minister
While Children prayde they burnt at Colechester.
The thirtieth day Farrar, St. Davids Starr,
Stood Up at Carmarthan in this hot war.
About this time good Father Rawlins White
Whose Countenance and person at the sight
Of his own stake seemd Angellike well nigh
He was so Chang'de as he the same did spy,
Where at Cardiffe he bathd his hands i'th' Flame
As it him burnt to dust, judgd, with small paine.
The twenty fourth of Aprill flames devour
At Westminster the Zealous Priest calld Flower,
Who in his Zeale a mumming Priest as he,
O Wafer God, was Idolizing thee
Smote, that his blood upon thee falling lay
In Margrets Westminster on Easter day
For which wherefore, and for Christs truth displayde,
Rightly avoucht he's Bonners bonfire made.
And on this day Langtons bright shining star
George Marsh, that Holy man of God, this War
By Cotes, Chester, thy pocky bishop wagde
Do burn at Chester in the fire that ragde.
The thirtieth day of May, John Cardmaker,
Otherwise calld Taylor, a Partaker
Of Christs good Doctrine to dispence in Pauls,
Was Wells his Prebend too, who at Christ Calls
With good John Warn, whom at the very stake
He took by th'hand and hearty Comfort spake
Whereat the People gave a shout for joy
Past through the Fire in Smithfield upon high.
About the tenth of June John Simson were
At Rochford burnt, Ardly at Rayly, there.
This tenth John Hawks a Gentleman whose name
O Croxhall is thy Glory and thy flame
Consumde to Ashes for Christs glorious Cause,
Who when his fingers were burnt off, skin draws
All up, he mindfull of his Promise were
Unto his Friend, his Arms he up doth reare
Over his head to God, all a light fire
Clapping them thrice together in desire
To shew these pains did not disturb his mind
Which made the people shout this sight to finde.
And Thomas Wats a man of Byllerica
Was burnt at Chelmsford on the self same day
The fourteenth day at Colechester red flame
Was made a Winding sheet for Chamberlain.
The fifteenth day Osmond at Manningtree
Bamford at Harwich burnd for Heresie.
Little John Rogers forth from old Newgate
The Pious Vicar of Sepulchers, just
To lead the Van, in Smithfield burnd to dust
The Eight day Saunders bright Alhallows glory
At Coventry is made a fiery Story
The ninth Grave Hooper, that bright Angell fell
Who did his fire to Bullinger foretell
Who Ceremonies and Church Trinckets could
Not brook, yet when he did accept Christs Food
An Harould then of Arms was giv'n him thus,
An harmless Lamb within a fiery Bush
And sunbeams falling on the Lamb, which spake
Out what befell him for his Masters sake,
Who in most Cruell fire Cruelly
In Glocester frying for more fire did Cry.
Now Doctor Taylor Hadlies Champion stout
On Oldnam Plain burnt, had his Brains dasht out
---er the twenty sixt at Burntwood lay.
This day they burn at Hornden on the hill
One Mr. Higbed and at Rayly spill
The blood of Mr. Causton by their fire
Wherein these Pious Gentlemen Expire.
The twenty Eight, Pigot at Braintree Stake
Was burnt, and Knight at Maudlin for Christs sake.
The twenty ninth Laurence a Minister
While Children prayde they burnt at Colechester.
The thirtieth day Farrar, St. Davids Starr,
Stood Up at Carmarthan in this hot war.
About this time good Father Rawlins White
Whose Countenance and person at the sight
Of his own stake seemd Angellike well nigh
He was so Chang'de as he the same did spy,
Where at Cardiffe he bathd his hands i'th' Flame
As it him burnt to dust, judgd, with small paine.
The twenty fourth of Aprill flames devour
At Westminster the Zealous Priest calld Flower,
Who in his Zeale a mumming Priest as he,
O Wafer God, was Idolizing thee
Smote, that his blood upon thee falling lay
In Margrets Westminster on Easter day
For which wherefore, and for Christs truth displayde,
Rightly avoucht he's Bonners bonfire made.
And on this day Langtons bright shining star
George Marsh, that Holy man of God, this War
By Cotes, Chester, thy pocky bishop wagde
Do burn at Chester in the fire that ragde.
The thirtieth day of May, John Cardmaker,
Otherwise calld Taylor, a Partaker
Of Christs good Doctrine to dispence in Pauls,
Was Wells his Prebend too, who at Christ Calls
With good John Warn, whom at the very stake
He took by th'hand and hearty Comfort spake
Whereat the People gave a shout for joy
Past through the Fire in Smithfield upon high.
About the tenth of June John Simson were
At Rochford burnt, Ardly at Rayly, there.
This tenth John Hawks a Gentleman whose name
O Croxhall is thy Glory and thy flame
Consumde to Ashes for Christs glorious Cause,
Who when his fingers were burnt off, skin draws
All up, he mindfull of his Promise were
Unto his Friend, his Arms he up doth reare
Over his head to God, all a light fire
Clapping them thrice together in desire
To shew these pains did not disturb his mind
Which made the people shout this sight to finde.
Was burnt at Chelmsford on the self same day
The fourteenth day at Colechester red flame
Was made a Winding sheet for Chamberlain.
The fifteenth day Osmond at Manningtree
Bamford at Harwich burnd for Heresie.
July begins with Curling flames which stood
On Smithfield stain'd by Holy Bradfords blood.
Who though an harmless lamb, bare like was bate
With all these Cursed Mastifs as at stake,
And Worried Gardener once and again
The blood hounde Bonner follows him amain.
Then Willerton ran on him, th'ring them view,
Then Chiswell fierce, then Harding with a Crew
Then Harpsfield, bloody Wretch, Chiswell again
Then Harding and then Harpsfield spite of shame
Then Heath, Yorks Arch-B., Day Chichesters B
Or Bitships rather fall on him, yea see.
The Kings Confessor a kurst Spanish Frier
Fell foul upon him, but Cast all in fire,
Then Weston at him ran, Westmesters Dean,
Then turncoate Pendleton, Westen again.
He was on severall Dayes bate with, but they
Went with hard Gripes or broken ribs away
But still their rage doth bate him to the fire
Where his blest soule did With young Leafe's Expire
Crying out thus, O England, England
Repent thee of thy sins, holding up his hands.
And day the twelfth sweet Bland and Frankesh then
Choice Ministers with twice brave Shetterden
And Middleton laid for Christs truth their head
At Canterbury in one fiery Bed.
The nineteenth day, Hells fiery serpents burnd
Halls clay at Rochester, to ashes turnd,
At Tumbridge Widdow Polly burning laide
At Darford, fire reverberated Waide.
The two and twentieth Carver---ry burnd
At Lewis where his ashes up are urnde.
The following day Saunder at Stenning's Stake
Papistick fire doth him to fewell make
And now about Lueson[?] the Carpenter
Was burnt to ashes small at Colechester.
And to shut up this month grim Death for shame
In Reading Jayle savde Aleworth from the flame.
On Smithfield stain'd by Holy Bradfords blood.
Who though an harmless lamb, bare like was bate
With all these Cursed Mastifs as at stake,
And Worried Gardener once and again
The blood hounde Bonner follows him amain.
Then Willerton ran on him, th'ring them view,
Then Chiswell fierce, then Harding with a Crew
Then Harpsfield, bloody Wretch, Chiswell again
Then Harding and then Harpsfield spite of shame
Then Heath, Yorks Arch-B., Day Chichesters B
Or Bitships rather fall on him, yea see.
The Kings Confessor a kurst Spanish Frier
Fell foul upon him, but Cast all in fire,
Then Weston at him ran, Westmesters Dean,
Then turncoate Pendleton, Westen again.
He was on severall Dayes bate with, but they
Went with hard Gripes or broken ribs away
But still their rage doth bate him to the fire
Where his blest soule did With young Leafe's Expire
Crying out thus, O England, England
Repent thee of thy sins, holding up his hands.
And day the twelfth sweet Bland and Frankesh then
Choice Ministers with twice brave Shetterden
And Middleton laid for Christs truth their head
At Canterbury in one fiery Bed.
The nineteenth day, Hells fiery serpents burnd
Halls clay at Rochester, to ashes turnd,
At Tumbridge Widdow Polly burning laide
At Darford, fire reverberated Waide.
The two and twentieth Carver---ry burnd
At Lewis where his ashes up are urnde.
The following day Saunder at Stenning's Stake
Papistick fire doth him to fewell make
And now about Lueson[?] the Carpenter
Was burnt to ashes small at Colechester.
And to shut up this month grim Death for shame
In Reading Jayle savde Aleworth from the flame.
August comes in: its second day doth Burn
Poor Abbes at Bery greivd for his falling turn.
The Eight day Mr. Denly who did sing
A Plain in Uxbridge-flames where at they fling
A Fagot in his face; at which when flung
Vile story said, he mard a good old song,
But then this holy Man resumde again
His Holy song while burning in red flame.
Poor Abbes at Bery greivd for his falling turn.
The Eight day Mr. Denly who did sing
A Plain in Uxbridge-flames where at they fling
A Fagot in his face; at which when flung
Vile story said, he mard a good old song,
But then this holy Man resumde again
His Holy song while burning in red flame.
--- sixt ---nt Albons Tankerfield
--- now about at Ware First strongly steeld.
At Burnet Hale, at Stratford, Harwood sage,
And Warns brave Widdow martyrde all in rage.
King, Wade and Leyes had burnt in such red flame
If Lollards Towre sickness had not stopt the same.
And William Andrews too had death but staide
Whose bodies dead in open fields they layde.
Brave Robert Smith half burnt lamp like Contract
Rose up and stumped arms together clapt.
The twenti'th eight at Uxburge Packingham
Is martyrizde for Christ truth, faithfull man.
And now at Canterbury burnt there were
White, Coker, Collier, Hopper, Laurence, Stere.
To close this month, Newman for not Deniall
At Saffron Walden's burnt i'th' Firy Tryall.
And on this day Ipswiches shining Light
That man of God brave Robert Samuel bright
After by Hopton and his Dunning were
Chaind bolt upright that he his weight might beare
Onely on tip toes, onely also fed
With spoonfulls two of Water and with bread
Two or three bits a day, that gladly he
Would, had he any made, dranke 's urin, see.
But oh his body was so dried up
He was not able for to make a drop.
Yet oh behold! after thus famished
He in a slumber was replenished
By one that seemd clad all in White stand by
Who for his Consolation thus did Cry
O Samuel! Samuel! be of Good Cheer, take
Good heart for after this dayes o're (poor snake)
Thou'st never hungry be nor thirsty more
And from that time the thirst and hunger sore
He felt no more he said that all might know
The Wondrous work of God that he doth show
This Holy man of God this shining light
Was burnt at Ipswich then who to the sight
Of those that saw did in the fire appeare
As White and shining as tride silver Cleare.
--- now about at Ware First strongly steeld.
At Burnet Hale, at Stratford, Harwood sage,
And Warns brave Widdow martyrde all in rage.
King, Wade and Leyes had burnt in such red flame
If Lollards Towre sickness had not stopt the same.
And William Andrews too had death but staide
Whose bodies dead in open fields they layde.
Brave Robert Smith half burnt lamp like Contract
Rose up and stumped arms together clapt.
The twenti'th eight at Uxburge Packingham
Is martyrizde for Christ truth, faithfull man.
And now at Canterbury burnt there were
White, Coker, Collier, Hopper, Laurence, Stere.
To close this month, Newman for not Deniall
At Saffron Walden's burnt i'th' Firy Tryall.
And on this day Ipswiches shining Light
That man of God brave Robert Samuel bright
After by Hopton and his Dunning were
Chaind bolt upright that he his weight might beare
Onely on tip toes, onely also fed
With spoonfulls two of Water and with bread
Two or three bits a day, that gladly he
Would, had he any made, dranke 's urin, see.
But oh his body was so dried up
He was not able for to make a drop.
Yet oh behold! after thus famished
He in a slumber was replenished
By one that seemd clad all in White stand by
Who for his Consolation thus did Cry
O Samuel! Samuel! be of Good Cheer, take
Good heart for after this dayes o're (poor snake)
Thou'st never hungry be nor thirsty more
And from that time the thirst and hunger sore
He felt no more he said that all might know
The Wondrous work of God that he doth show
This Holy man of God this shining light
Was burnt at Ipswich then who to the sight
Of those that saw did in the fire appeare
As White and shining as tride silver Cleare.
September peeps in now when Allen burnd
At Wolsingham; Cob hath his Ashes Urnd
At Thetford[,] Coo, at Yexford too did fall
To ashes for Christ pretious Gospell Call.
The sixt were burnt at Canterbury's Theater
Brodbridge and Burwood, Tutty, Catmer, Streaten
At Litchfield now about, John Goreway there
And Hayward for Christs sake Calcined were
The twenti'th day Bongey of Coventry
And Mr. Robert Glover of Baxterly,
Who in the Prison teares of Joy let fall
That Christ should him unto such honour call.
In stead of John his brother had the stake
The sight of which revivde him that he spake
As rapt with joy, Austen, He's come, he's Come
Clapping his hands, All Clouds away did run.
At Coventry their Ashes stayd behinde
As they were for the Cause of Christ Calcinde
Mr. John Glover, he of Manciter
Aggrieved greatly would have venterd far
Had friends permitted it, he for his brother
Would tendered himself one for the other,
But being not permitted, grief so deep
And sickness Caught by trouble wrought his sleep
Went quietly unto his Grave, its said,
At Manciter but there was martyre made
As William Glover Dead at Weme too were
A Holy Martyre made upon his Biere.
At Wolsingham; Cob hath his Ashes Urnd
At Thetford[,] Coo, at Yexford too did fall
To ashes for Christ pretious Gospell Call.
The sixt were burnt at Canterbury's Theater
Brodbridge and Burwood, Tutty, Catmer, Streaten
At Litchfield now about, John Goreway there
And Hayward for Christs sake Calcined were
The twenti'th day Bongey of Coventry
And Mr. Robert Glover of Baxterly,
Who in the Prison teares of Joy let fall
That Christ should him unto such honour call.
The sight of which revivde him that he spake
As rapt with joy, Austen, He's come, he's Come
Clapping his hands, All Clouds away did run.
At Coventry their Ashes stayd behinde
As they were for the Cause of Christ Calcinde
Mr. John Glover, he of Manciter
Aggrieved greatly would have venterd far
Had friends permitted it, he for his brother
Would tendered himself one for the other,
But being not permitted, grief so deep
And sickness Caught by trouble wrought his sleep
Went quietly unto his Grave, its said,
At Manciter but there was martyre made
As William Glover Dead at Weme too were
A Holy Martyre made upon his Biere.
October sixteenth day in Ely flame
Wolsy and Pigot burnt with books of Fame
And on this day Truths Golden Pillers brave
Two flaming Candles burnt at Oxford, Grave
Thy Champion, London, Bishop Ridly Who
A mighty Bulworke was against the Foe
Who once refused Hooper to abate
The Surplice, that flap of th'Harlots shape
Which now in's troubles he with other jings
Calls Foolish, and Abominable things,
Moov'd not his Cap at Roams Authority
Its therefore plucked off, doth sadly fry
In Oxford fire that was not rightly made
Burnt off his Legs before his Life did fade.
He burnt indeed With Father Latimer
Stamfords sweet Preacher, Gospell Minister,
Yea Englands Prophet, usd this saying rife
Preaching the Gospell cost him would his Life,
And Winchester in London Tower was kept
To do the deed, by whom it took effect,
He said he never in the Word could finde
The Masses Marrowbones at all definde,
Who at the stake bespake brave Ridly there
Be of good Comfort Mr. Ridly here
And play the man, We by Gods Grace today
Shall such a Candle light in England, nay,
As shall I trust be never put out again
And so he left himselfe unto the flame,
And now his Pray're was granted at the stake
That he might spend his heart bloode for Christs sake
For falling down soon in the fire their came
His heart bloode gushing from his mouth a main.
And now about in Canterbury flame
Burnt Mr. Web, Park, Roper for Christs name.
------ comes in whose Seventh day
------ from Colechester Jayle James Gore away
By Deaths back Doore. Wiseman the thirteenth day
Left prisoner in Lollards Tower his Clay
The eighteenth day Philpot the glory bright
Of Winchesters Archdeaconry, a right
Sweet Pot fild up of Pretious ointment Sweet
A mighty Piller, Sharp Disputer, Weep
He often would to finde his foes greate Shame
Grow Shameless, Payde his Vows in Smithfield Flame.
Wolsy and Pigot burnt with books of Fame
And on this day Truths Golden Pillers brave
Two flaming Candles burnt at Oxford, Grave
Thy Champion, London, Bishop Ridly Who
A mighty Bulworke was against the Foe
Who once refused Hooper to abate
The Surplice, that flap of th'Harlots shape
Which now in's troubles he with other jings
Calls Foolish, and Abominable things,
Moov'd not his Cap at Roams Authority
Its therefore plucked off, doth sadly fry
In Oxford fire that was not rightly made
Burnt off his Legs before his Life did fade.
He burnt indeed With Father Latimer
Stamfords sweet Preacher, Gospell Minister,
Yea Englands Prophet, usd this saying rife
Preaching the Gospell cost him would his Life,
And Winchester in London Tower was kept
To do the deed, by whom it took effect,
He said he never in the Word could finde
The Masses Marrowbones at all definde,
Who at the stake bespake brave Ridly there
Be of good Comfort Mr. Ridly here
And play the man, We by Gods Grace today
Shall such a Candle light in England, nay,
As shall I trust be never put out again
And so he left himselfe unto the flame,
And now his Pray're was granted at the stake
That he might spend his heart bloode for Christs sake
For falling down soon in the fire their came
His heart bloode gushing from his mouth a main.
And now about in Canterbury flame
Burnt Mr. Web, Park, Roper for Christs name.
------ from Colechester Jayle James Gore away
By Deaths back Doore. Wiseman the thirteenth day
Left prisoner in Lollards Tower his Clay
The eighteenth day Philpot the glory bright
Of Winchesters Archdeaconry, a right
Sweet Pot fild up of Pretious ointment Sweet
A mighty Piller, Sharp Disputer, Weep
He often would to finde his foes greate Shame
Grow Shameless, Payde his Vows in Smithfield Flame.
Now January it seems leads a new yeare.
Whose twenty Seventh day Red flames appeare
In Smithfield as a firy Chariot blown
Whirling these Martyres up to Glories Throne.
First Mr. Whittle a good Minister
Who though at first his mettall gave a jar
He having set thereby his Soule i'th'Stocks
His Flesh's Keyes suite not the Spirits Locks
Hence hell and Divells torture him that night
Till he his name out of that Snare did Strike.
Then God returns, and in Christs Shine he Stands
Till by these flames his glass had run its Sands.
With Holy Mr. Green a Gentleman
And Lawyer brave, and Martyre in the Van.
With Tudson, Brown, Went, Goodwy, Foster, and
Joan Lashford Virgin, burnt by Bonners hand.
The thirty first, John Lom--- Agnes Snoth
Ann Alebright, with Joan Catmer of Choice worth
Joan Sole also in Canterbury flame
Were burnt all Singing Psalms as voide of Pain.
Now February as more kinde retires,
And doth not burn a Martyre in its fires
But Boystrous March comes in whose twenty first
Makes Cranmer Choice her Hale block burnt as curst
Brave, Grave Archbishop, Canterburies Glory
A Mighty Pillar, Read his Oxford Story.
One of those Worthies three that did not tire
In all the War: yet gugglde by a frier
Once to recant upon Stoute promising
To gain a Pardon of the Queen for him.
But oh! the Pritty juggle, and the Art
Makes joy, and Sorrow jumble in the heart
To got the Upper hand, the Queen now gains
His Recantation: yet Designe remains
To make him Rost meate. And a Scaffold's made
In Oxford's Mary, and by him assai'de.
As for a Pardon to recant thereon
The which when done, he must from thence begone,
To Coles hot Fire therein to be Calcinde
To Cinders while he's Orthodox in minde
Its Charity. He 'Scends the Stage and Weeps
Repenting Tears trig down his aged Cheeks
The Sermon done he to his Worke, doth lay
An Exhortation on them there, and pray.
Shews what he'de done, Recants his Recantation.
The Bloodhounds rage, and barke with indignation
Do hall him from the Scaffold to the fire
He While that Crowde Stand by him with Jack Frier
Burns off his Right hand in revenge the first,
Which Signing his recanting he held worst
And having it refinde therein to dust
Not Shrinking, he his body then in't thrust,
But in his Ashes there was found his Heart
Untouch't, as being th'Orthodox, Sound part.
Now Agnes Potten, and Joan Trunchfield burn
At Ipswich rather than from Christ to turn
Upon the twenty fourth day to the Flame
Raisd tween Salisbury, and Wilton came
John Maunderell, a Brave Disciple Stoute,
Will Coberly, John Spicer who breathd out
Their Pretious Soules not flinching to the End
While in the firy Chariot they ascend.
Whose twenty Seventh day Red flames appeare
In Smithfield as a firy Chariot blown
Whirling these Martyres up to Glories Throne.
First Mr. Whittle a good Minister
Who though at first his mettall gave a jar
He having set thereby his Soule i'th'Stocks
His Flesh's Keyes suite not the Spirits Locks
Hence hell and Divells torture him that night
Till he his name out of that Snare did Strike.
Then God returns, and in Christs Shine he Stands
Till by these flames his glass had run its Sands.
With Holy Mr. Green a Gentleman
And Lawyer brave, and Martyre in the Van.
With Tudson, Brown, Went, Goodwy, Foster, and
Joan Lashford Virgin, burnt by Bonners hand.
The thirty first, John Lom--- Agnes Snoth
Ann Alebright, with Joan Catmer of Choice worth
Joan Sole also in Canterbury flame
Were burnt all Singing Psalms as voide of Pain.
Now February as more kinde retires,
And doth not burn a Martyre in its fires
But Boystrous March comes in whose twenty first
Makes Cranmer Choice her Hale block burnt as curst
Brave, Grave Archbishop, Canterburies Glory
A Mighty Pillar, Read his Oxford Story.
One of those Worthies three that did not tire
In all the War: yet gugglde by a frier
Once to recant upon Stoute promising
To gain a Pardon of the Queen for him.
But oh! the Pritty juggle, and the Art
Makes joy, and Sorrow jumble in the heart
To got the Upper hand, the Queen now gains
His Recantation: yet Designe remains
To make him Rost meate. And a Scaffold's made
In Oxford's Mary, and by him assai'de.
As for a Pardon to recant thereon
The which when done, he must from thence begone,
To Cinders while he's Orthodox in minde
Its Charity. He 'Scends the Stage and Weeps
Repenting Tears trig down his aged Cheeks
The Sermon done he to his Worke, doth lay
An Exhortation on them there, and pray.
Shews what he'de done, Recants his Recantation.
The Bloodhounds rage, and barke with indignation
Do hall him from the Scaffold to the fire
He While that Crowde Stand by him with Jack Frier
Burns off his Right hand in revenge the first,
Which Signing his recanting he held worst
And having it refinde therein to dust
Not Shrinking, he his body then in't thrust,
But in his Ashes there was found his Heart
Untouch't, as being th'Orthodox, Sound part.
Now Agnes Potten, and Joan Trunchfield burn
At Ipswich rather than from Christ to turn
Upon the twenty fourth day to the Flame
Raisd tween Salisbury, and Wilton came
John Maunderell, a Brave Disciple Stoute,
Will Coberly, John Spicer who breathd out
Their Pretious Soules not flinching to the End
While in the firy Chariot they ascend.
The twenty fourth of Aprile Sets fire
In Smithfield upon Robert Drakes, in ire
And William Tymis, two Ministers of Christ
With Richard Spurge, and Thomas, much rejoyc't.
John Cavill, and George Ambrose who in Summ
All in one fire finish their Martyredome[.]
The first day raisd at Rochester that fire
Wherein John Harpole, and Joan Beach expire[.]
The Second Mr. Hullier Minister
In Cambridge flames did Wage his holy War.
The twenti'th eight were burnt a[t] Colechester
John Mace Christopher Lyster, and John Spencer
John Hamond, Richard Nichols Symon Joyne
Cleaving most Cheerfully to Christ the Vine.
In Smithfield upon Robert Drakes, in ire
And William Tymis, two Ministers of Christ
With Richard Spurge, and Thomas, much rejoyc't.
John Cavill, and George Ambrose who in Summ
All in one fire finish their Martyredome[.]
The first day raisd at Rochester that fire
Wherein John Harpole, and Joan Beach expire[.]
The Second Mr. Hullier Minister
In Cambridge flames did Wage his holy War.
The twenti'th eight were burnt a[t] Colechester
John Mace Christopher Lyster, and John Spencer
John Hamond, Richard Nichols Symon Joyne
Cleaving most Cheerfully to Christ the Vine.
May doth rush in, upon whose fifteenth day
Devouring flames in Stratford Bow Convay
Old lame Hugh Laverick, John Apprice blinde
To Christ their Lord, leaving their Dust behinde[.]
Kate Hut, and Betty Thackvill t'Martvrize,
Joan Horns, and't had Peg Ellis too i'th'end
Had not kinde Death in New Gate been her friend[.]
---at Colechester there dy with joy
Croker, and Thomas Drowry the blinde boy
Who gravely told his judge he learnd of him
But could not leave't as he had done for Sin.
The twenty first there burn at Beckles do
John Drury, Edmond Poole, Thom: Spicer too.
Devouring flames in Stratford Bow Convay
Old lame Hugh Laverick, John Apprice blinde
To Christ their Lord, leaving their Dust behinde[.]
Kate Hut, and Betty Thackvill t'Martvrize,
Joan Horns, and't had Peg Ellis too i'th'end
Had not kinde Death in New Gate been her friend[.]
Croker, and Thomas Drowry the blinde boy
Who gravely told his judge he learnd of him
But could not leave't as he had done for Sin.
The twenty first there burn at Beckles do
John Drury, Edmond Poole, Thom: Spicer too.
June buckles to her worke: at Lewis where
Incinerated first John Oswald were
Three Thoms to wit Avington, Harland, Read
All in one fire that Christ might be obeyde.
On June the Sixt, after the last of May
When Death fetcht from the Kings bench Sletch away,
The twenti'th first at Lewis Mr. Wood
A Minister and Mills laid down their blood.
The twenty fourth good Mr. Adberall
In Kings Bench Death Delivered from their thrall.
The twenty fifth John Clement too there dy'de
And all were hid in Dung on the back side.
The twenty Sixt at Leicester there fell
A Merchants Servant by this fire from Hell.
The twenty Seventh too at Stratford Bow
They burn at once Stakt at three Stakes also
George Searles Thom: Bowyer, William Hallywell
Ralfe Jackson Edmond Hurst, John Routh, as well,
John Derifall, and Henry Adlington
And Laurence Purnam, Henry Wye each one,
With Lyon Cowch 'Beth Pepper, Agnes George
All gulphed up in Bonners firy Gorge
And this day Parret in the Kings Bench dide
Norice, and Hunt the twenty ninth beside
The thirty first at Edmondsbury fry
Both Bernard, Foster, Lawson filld with joy.
John Fortune now about in this hot fray
Hopton, for Choosing Christ did make away.
Incinerated first John Oswald were
Three Thoms to wit Avington, Harland, Read
All in one fire that Christ might be obeyde.
On June the Sixt, after the last of May
When Death fetcht from the Kings bench Sletch away,
The twenti'th first at Lewis Mr. Wood
A Minister and Mills laid down their blood.
The twenty fourth good Mr. Adberall
In Kings Bench Death Delivered from their thrall.
The twenty fifth John Clement too there dy'de
And all were hid in Dung on the back side.
The twenty Sixt at Leicester there fell
A Merchants Servant by this fire from Hell.
The twenty Seventh too at Stratford Bow
They burn at once Stakt at three Stakes also
George Searles Thom: Bowyer, William Hallywell
Ralfe Jackson Edmond Hurst, John Routh, as well,
John Derifall, and Henry Adlington
And Laurence Purnam, Henry Wye each one,
With Lyon Cowch 'Beth Pepper, Agnes George
All gulphed up in Bonners firy Gorge
And this day Parret in the Kings Bench dide
Norice, and Hunt the twenty ninth beside
The thirty first at Edmondsbury fry
Both Bernard, Foster, Lawson filld with joy.
John Fortune now about in this hot fray
Hopton, for Choosing Christ did make away.
July the first, thy glory, Coventry,
For Christ John Careless did i'th' Kings Bench dy.
The Sixteenth day Julius Palmer came
(A Twig which thou too, Coventry, mayst claim
A Sparke of Oxfords Magdalen, whose glory
Doth for all Ages Stand i'th' Martyres Story)
And with John Owen, and Thom Askdin fry
In flaming Fire for Christ at Newbery
The eighteenth day Kathe Cawthes, Guillemine
Her Daughter, and the other Perotine
And Grandchild that from Perotine did breake
As she lay frying in the firy heate
Tooke up, and yet hurld in again to broyle
With them and burnt to Death in Gernsy ile.
John Foreman now, Thom: Dougate ------
At Greenstead then in Sussex burnt all three,
At Leicester poore Thom: Moore the twenty Sixt
Was burnt not owning Christ was there empixt[.]
For Christ John Careless did i'th' Kings Bench dy.
The Sixteenth day Julius Palmer came
(A Twig which thou too, Coventry, mayst claim
A Sparke of Oxfords Magdalen, whose glory
Doth for all Ages Stand i'th' Martyres Story)
And with John Owen, and Thom Askdin fry
In flaming Fire for Christ at Newbery
The eighteenth day Kathe Cawthes, Guillemine
Her Daughter, and the other Perotine
And Grandchild that from Perotine did breake
As she lay frying in the firy heate
Tooke up, and yet hurld in again to broyle
With them and burnt to Death in Gernsy ile.
At Greenstead then in Sussex burnt all three,
At Leicester poore Thom: Moore the twenty Sixt
Was burnt not owning Christ was there empixt[.]
August the first Joan Wast a poor blinde maide
At Darby She the Fire for Christ assayde.
At Darby She the Fire for Christ assayde.
September th'eight One Edward Sharpe they thrust
At Bristall in the fire and Burnt to dust[.]
The twenty fourth Mayfield in Sussex makes
Her Sacrifice, burnt wholy for Christs Sake
John Hart, and Thomas Ravensdale beside
A Shoomaker, and Currier with them fri'de
The twenty fift Bristall again doth rise
And burn a young man for Christ's Sacrifice
And now about were burnt John Hayne in pledge
A Woman too at Wotton Underhedge.
In whom God wrought his Comforts graciously
Their Faith as they lay burning flourisht high[.]
At Bristall in the fire and Burnt to dust[.]
The twenty fourth Mayfield in Sussex makes
Her Sacrifice, burnt wholy for Christs Sake
John Hart, and Thomas Ravensdale beside
A Shoomaker, and Currier with them fri'de
The twenty fift Bristall again doth rise
And burn a young man for Christ's Sacrifice
And now about were burnt John Hayne in pledge
A Woman too at Wotton Underhedge.
In whom God wrought his Comforts graciously
Their Faith as they lay burning flourisht high[.]
But to Shut up this yeare you Still may eye
How Romes Curst Curs, and Blood hounds boyle and fry
At Wotton Underhedge Poore Dangerfield
To Scape their hands, doth Shun his home and yield
To keeps abroad: But when his Pious Wife
Lay in he Visits her: this cost his life.
For being caught he's into prison thrown
Till irons almost had fret through his bones.
Then being Snar'de by Circumventing Lies
That did the Sweet peace of his Soule disguise
Which made him pray, Let me not live Lord till
I call what's Evill, Good and what Good, ill
And Shortly after even as he pray'de
His Soul departure from his body made.
His Wife and Infant Small fourteen dayes old
With roagues imprison'd were, pin'de, Starv'd with cold
The Babe thus martyre made did pining ly
In Prison till past help hence needs must dy
And after it the Pious mother, nay
And aged Grandam, thus for want decay.
This yeare they did at Chester rost John Hooke
That Faithfull Saint intangled in their Crooke
And in Chechester Jayle three Choice ones lay
Whom for Christs Cause damnd Papists made away
They famished to death these pious men
John Clarke, Will Foster, Danston, Chittenden
John Archer, yea, and mother Potkins too
In Canterbury Castle they did rue.
How Romes Curst Curs, and Blood hounds boyle and fry
At Wotton Underhedge Poore Dangerfield
To Scape their hands, doth Shun his home and yield
To keeps abroad: But when his Pious Wife
Lay in he Visits her: this cost his life.
For being caught he's into prison thrown
Till irons almost had fret through his bones.
Then being Snar'de by Circumventing Lies
That did the Sweet peace of his Soule disguise
Which made him pray, Let me not live Lord till
I call what's Evill, Good and what Good, ill
And Shortly after even as he pray'de
His Soul departure from his body made.
His Wife and Infant Small fourteen dayes old
With roagues imprison'd were, pin'de, Starv'd with cold
The Babe thus martyre made did pining ly
In Prison till past help hence needs must dy
And after it the Pious mother, nay
And aged Grandam, thus for want decay.
This yeare they did at Chester rost John Hooke
That Faithfull Saint intangled in their Crooke
And in Chechester Jayle three Choice ones lay
Whom for Christs Cause damnd Papists made away
They famished to death these pious men
John Clarke, Will Foster, Danston, Chittenden
John Archer, yea, and mother Potkins too
In Canterbury Castle they did rue.
Now Sir John Cheek King Edwards tite Schoolmaster
Tooke with Sir Peter Carew (Sad Disaster)
Bound body legs and arms with halters to
The Body of a Cart, Shipt blindfold so
------ had to London Tower
Where being Wheedled by the Crafty power
Of Hellish Serpents to recant, and then
Sat with them while Christs Martyres they Condemn
Whence inward Storms arose that for reliefe
Repentingly he left his Turfe through Griefe.
Tooke with Sir Peter Carew (Sad Disaster)
Bound body legs and arms with halters to
The Body of a Cart, Shipt blindfold so
Where being Wheedled by the Crafty power
Of Hellish Serpents to recant, and then
Sat with them while Christs Martyres they Condemn
Whence inward Storms arose that for reliefe
Repentingly he left his Turfe through Griefe.
Oh! Monstrous Elves! Curst Papists! Bloody Fry!
Shall Malice Stifle all Humanity?
Oh! Firy Serpents! Hellish Crew! nere Cloi'de
With Blood, and Fire! Venom Unsatisfide.
Those Sparks that fly from Martyring flame will fall
In burning flakes from Hell upon you all
Unless you do repent. Repent then well,
Or else you must be burnd, and plagude in Hell.
Shall Malice Stifle all Humanity?
Oh! Firy Serpents! Hellish Crew! nere Cloi'de
With Blood, and Fire! Venom Unsatisfide.
Those Sparks that fly from Martyring flame will fall
In burning flakes from Hell upon you all
Unless you do repent. Repent then well,
Or else you must be burnd, and plagude in Hell.
Now January th'new Yeare briske lets in
Cardinall Pool begins new Puppetting,
At Cambridge day the eighth he calls his Knaves
Into a Court that Summons from their Graves
The Bones of Bucer, and Paul Fagius 'fore 'em,
And Spend the month upon the Case in Coram.
Then Cuthbert Scot the Dead Bones Judge (brave tricks)
Doth Sentence them to burn for Hereticks.
Then up they're dug, degraded, had away
And February Sixth are burnt. (Oh play)
Oxford doth blush to be behind (What Strife)
Hence draws this geer with Peter Martyre's Wife.
Whom though they proov'd not guilty they dug up
Without all Law, and in a Dunghell put.
The fifteenth day they 'gin their firy play
And then at Canterbery burning lay.
One William Waterer of Bedingden
And Stephen Kent of Norgate holy men.
Will Hay of Hithe, With Thomas Hudson, and
Prowting of Thornham, Cranbrook's Lowick fand
By Whiffling Flames from Chuffiness, and trust
The Fire for its refining of their Dust.
The Sixteenth day Finall, and Bradbridge then
Were burnt at Ashford, both of Tenterden,
Stephens of Bedingden was burnt at Wye
Philpot of Tenterden this month did fry.
Cardinall Pool begins new Puppetting,
At Cambridge day the eighth he calls his Knaves
Into a Court that Summons from their Graves
The Bones of Bucer, and Paul Fagius 'fore 'em,
And Spend the month upon the Case in Coram.
Then Cuthbert Scot the Dead Bones Judge (brave tricks)
Doth Sentence them to burn for Hereticks.
Then up they're dug, degraded, had away
And February Sixth are burnt. (Oh play)
Oxford doth blush to be behind (What Strife)
Hence draws this geer with Peter Martyre's Wife.
Whom though they proov'd not guilty they dug up
Without all Law, and in a Dunghell put.
The fifteenth day they 'gin their firy play
And then at Canterbery burning lay.
One William Waterer of Bedingden
And Stephen Kent of Norgate holy men.
Will Hay of Hithe, With Thomas Hudson, and
Prowting of Thornham, Cranbrook's Lowick fand
By Whiffling Flames from Chuffiness, and trust
The Fire for its refining of their Dust.
The Sixteenth day Finall, and Bradbridge then
Were burnt at Ashford, both of Tenterden,
Stephens of Bedingden was burnt at Wye
Philpot of Tenterden this month did fry.
Chill February Shaking brings more Laws
Upon its Eighth to persecute Christs Cause
Hence two and twenty ti'de all in one String
To Boner up from Colechester they bring
Whose fingers itcht to rost them in the fire
But Pool forbad't, (though both Whelps of one Sire)
Upon its Eighth to persecute Christs Cause
Hence two and twenty ti'de all in one String
To Boner up from Colechester they bring
Whose fingers itcht to rost them in the fire
But Pool forbad't, (though both Whelps of one Sire)
The twelfth of April in Smith fiery ---
Both Thomas Loseby, Margret Hide (Marn ---)
With Denny, Ramsey, Thomas Thirtell and
One Agnes Stanly for the Lords Command.
Both Thomas Loseby, Margret Hide (Marn ---)
With Denny, Ramsey, Thomas Thirtell and
One Agnes Stanly for the Lords Command.
May's fag end Strikes her firy Sting into
King, Morant, Gratwick at George-Southwark so
As that their Souls flames bore to Christ, their rest
They left behinde them in a firy nest.
King, Morant, Gratwick at George-Southwark so
As that their Souls flames bore to Christ, their rest
They left behinde them in a firy nest.
June Creepeth in whose eighteenth day display'de
Joan Bradbridge, Mrs. Manning, and a Maid
That could not See, Math Appleby and's Wife
With Edmond Allen, laying down their life.
For Christ their Saviour, in his glorious Cause
At Maidstone in the red fire 'gainst wicked Laws.
The ninteenth day at Canterbury were
Consum'd to ashes in the flames (Oh! Deare)
John Fishcock, Nich'las White, and Nich Pardue
With Widdow Finall, Widdow Bradbridge, true,
And Goody Wilson, Goody Benden Who
By her Vile Husband Caught her over throw.
Now Mathew Plaise did bravely play his part
Against the Romish bats, and there black Art,
But whether in the fire, or Jayle he fell
Or was released History could not tell.
The twenty Second they at Lewis burn
Brave Richard Woodman like a Sprite did Spurn
Their filth away, and in his answers Strong
Their own would give them to their faces home.
He by his Brethren, and his Father (Its said)
Hee Certainly did know he was betray'd.
George Stevens, William Maynard, and his man
His maid also do what the Romans can,
James Moris, and his Mother Margery,
Graves Wife, and Ashdons Wife, and Burgis dy
For Christ together in one fire through grace,
Eight of them were dispatcht in ten dayes Space.
And now about in Maidston jayle doth dy
One Ambrose through the Papish Cruelty
Brown B: of Bath, and Wells makes but a tush
To Damn to fire the Heretick Dick Bush.
Joan Bradbridge, Mrs. Manning, and a Maid
That could not See, Math Appleby and's Wife
With Edmond Allen, laying down their life.
For Christ their Saviour, in his glorious Cause
At Maidstone in the red fire 'gainst wicked Laws.
The ninteenth day at Canterbury were
Consum'd to ashes in the flames (Oh! Deare)
John Fishcock, Nich'las White, and Nich Pardue
With Widdow Finall, Widdow Bradbridge, true,
And Goody Wilson, Goody Benden Who
By her Vile Husband Caught her over throw.
Now Mathew Plaise did bravely play his part
Against the Romish bats, and there black Art,
But whether in the fire, or Jayle he fell
Or was released History could not tell.
The twenty Second they at Lewis burn
Brave Richard Woodman like a Sprite did Spurn
Their filth away, and in his answers Strong
Their own would give them to their faces home.
He by his Brethren, and his Father (Its said)
Hee Certainly did know he was betray'd.
George Stevens, William Maynard, and his man
His maid also do what the Romans can,
James Moris, and his Mother Margery,
Graves Wife, and Ashdons Wife, and Burgis dy
For Christ together in one fire through grace,
Eight of them were dispatcht in ten dayes Space.
And now about in Maidston jayle doth dy
One Ambrose through the Papish Cruelty
Brown B: of Bath, and Wells makes but a tush
To Damn to fire the Heretick Dick Bush.
July brings in her hand red fire also
To burn Christs Lambs for Hereticks, and loe
The thirteenth day at Norwich now there must
One Miller, Mrs. Cooper turn to dust.
To burn Christs Lambs for Hereticks, and loe
The thirteenth day at Norwich now there must
One Miller, Mrs. Cooper turn to dust.
August must do its part, whose Second day
Did build two fires at Colechester where lay
Bongeor, and Bendles, Purcas, burning there
Brave Betty Folks, (her Mother standing there)
And Helen Euring, Agnes Silverside
Whom when Staked fast Some thousands there thus Cri'de
------ Lord you Comfort Showre
------ his Mercyes down upon them poure.
Such words and prayer all almost then did reare
Then for them as was wonderfull to heare.
Then these the other fire did soon Consume
Father, and Mother Munt i'th' afternoon
And their Choice Daughter brave Rose Allen who
When Tyrrill Boners Cur, did take them, show
She did her Patience and firm Piety,
He burnt her wrist till nerves did Snap and fly
With Candle flame, then sayd he thus what Where
Wilt thou not Cry, and spake it ore and ore
To whom she blessed God, she had no Cause
But he had much would he the matter pause
At length he thrust her thence and said Strong Whore
Thou Shameless whore, thou beastly whore; therefore
She mildly said, Sir have you done your will
And so dismist; and now she doth fulfill
Her martyrdom, John Johnson, too with joy
Where at the people, as before do cry.
John Thurston who to Shun these monkies fire
At Colechester did in the jayle expire.
George Eagle, thou'st the Martyres Garland gain'd,
And Shalt it weare in Glory, and unstaind:
Although thy Martyrdom was not by flame,
But by an Hurdle, Halter, Hatchet came.
Thy Pains for Christ that thee Trudglover nam'd
Thy Spitefull Death of Shame thou hast Sustain'd
Will Stud thy Crown with glory, yea that ly
That fathereth thy Death of infamy
The fifth at Norwich burnt in Cruell flame
Young Richard Chrashfield for Christs glorious name.
The twenti'th Eagles Sister, and one Frier
Were burnt at Rothford by the Popish Fire.
About this time that Gentle woman brave
Of Manciter Joyce Lewis, who to Save
Christ truth in her, (when that her husbands hand
Out brought her 'fore he forfeit would his band
And lose an hundred pounds and in a touch
He said he would not by her lose so much)
Doth with a Chearfull Pleasant Lovely Face
At Litchfield burn for Christ in shining Grace.
Did build two fires at Colechester where lay
Bongeor, and Bendles, Purcas, burning there
Brave Betty Folks, (her Mother standing there)
And Helen Euring, Agnes Silverside
Whom when Staked fast Some thousands there thus Cri'de
------ his Mercyes down upon them poure.
Such words and prayer all almost then did reare
Then for them as was wonderfull to heare.
Then these the other fire did soon Consume
Father, and Mother Munt i'th' afternoon
And their Choice Daughter brave Rose Allen who
When Tyrrill Boners Cur, did take them, show
She did her Patience and firm Piety,
He burnt her wrist till nerves did Snap and fly
With Candle flame, then sayd he thus what Where
Wilt thou not Cry, and spake it ore and ore
To whom she blessed God, she had no Cause
But he had much would he the matter pause
At length he thrust her thence and said Strong Whore
Thou Shameless whore, thou beastly whore; therefore
She mildly said, Sir have you done your will
And so dismist; and now she doth fulfill
Her martyrdom, John Johnson, too with joy
Where at the people, as before do cry.
John Thurston who to Shun these monkies fire
At Colechester did in the jayle expire.
George Eagle, thou'st the Martyres Garland gain'd,
And Shalt it weare in Glory, and unstaind:
Although thy Martyrdom was not by flame,
But by an Hurdle, Halter, Hatchet came.
Thy Pains for Christ that thee Trudglover nam'd
Thy Spitefull Death of Shame thou hast Sustain'd
Will Stud thy Crown with glory, yea that ly
That fathereth thy Death of infamy
The fifth at Norwich burnt in Cruell flame
Young Richard Chrashfield for Christs glorious name.
The twenti'th Eagles Sister, and one Frier
Were burnt at Rothford by the Popish Fire.
About this time that Gentle woman brave
Of Manciter Joyce Lewis, who to Save
Christ truth in her, (when that her husbands hand
Out brought her 'fore he forfeit would his band
And lose an hundred pounds and in a touch
He said he would not by her lose so much)
Doth with a Chearfull Pleasant Lovely Face
At Litchfield burn for Christ in shining Grace.
September takes a Lot: its fires begin
The Seventeenth day at Illington, wherein
Ralfe Allerton, Dick Roth, James Austoo and
His Pious wife are burnt by Boners hand
Now also Margaret Thurston burned were
At Colechester, and Agnes Bongeor there:
Who being left behinde her mates she found
Herselfe in tears for want of fire nigh drownd:
The twenti'th day John Kurd was burnt to dust
In thee, Northampton, for Christs Cause most just.
And now about John ------
Consum'de to ashes thus in Laxfield flame
The twenty third Ci Orms at Norwich sit
By faith for Glory burnt in Lollards pit
John Warner too did feel this Firy Rod
And Mr. Thomas Athoth, (man of God)
John Ashdon Christian Grower, Holden too
Together by Chichesters firy Crew
Consumed were, though where and When they fell
And in What Sort the Story doth not tell.
The Seventeenth day at Illington, wherein
Ralfe Allerton, Dick Roth, James Austoo and
His Pious wife are burnt by Boners hand
Now also Margaret Thurston burned were
At Colechester, and Agnes Bongeor there:
Who being left behinde her mates she found
Herselfe in tears for want of fire nigh drownd:
The twenti'th day John Kurd was burnt to dust
In thee, Northampton, for Christs Cause most just.
Consum'de to ashes thus in Laxfield flame
The twenty third Ci Orms at Norwich sit
By faith for Glory burnt in Lollards pit
John Warner too did feel this Firy Rod
And Mr. Thomas Athoth, (man of God)
John Ashdon Christian Grower, Holden too
Together by Chichesters firy Crew
Consumed were, though where and When they fell
And in What Sort the Story doth not tell.
October Silent is, or else provides
But fewell for November and by Slides.
But fewell for November and by Slides.
November brings a fire Stick in its hand
And lights a fire at Bury by Comand
For Thomas Spurdance one that once had been
A Servant to this Firy Bloody Queen
The Eighteenth day in Smithfield Hallingdale
And Sparrow who his yielding did bewaile,
With Mr Gibson tall and proper who
Did tell his Pigmy parator and foe
That would pragmatically hall him like
A Jayle Bird through the market as a Sight,
And said he would Spite of his beard: poor ace
That was so low he scarce could Se his face,
That he if that he would not cease thus would.
Writh of his Neck, then frighted left his hold
Who when he came to Boner did assign
Unto him for an answer Queries nine,
For nine propounded to him. Now doth goe
With other two by fire to Glory so.
Thus with his fellows in Heroick wise
He's made to Christ a Whole Burnt Sacrifice.
And lights a fire at Bury by Comand
For Thomas Spurdance one that once had been
A Servant to this Firy Bloody Queen
The Eighteenth day in Smithfield Hallingdale
And Sparrow who his yielding did bewaile,
With Mr Gibson tall and proper who
Did tell his Pigmy parator and foe
That would pragmatically hall him like
A Jayle Bird through the market as a Sight,
And said he would Spite of his beard: poor ace
That was so low he scarce could Se his face,
That he if that he would not cease thus would.
Writh of his Neck, then frighted left his hold
Who when he came to Boner did assign
Unto him for an answer Queries nine,
For nine propounded to him. Now doth goe
With other two by fire to Glory so.
Thus with his fellows in Heroick wise
He's made to Christ a Whole Burnt Sacrifice.
In these Sad dayes there Were a Church Select
London's Choice Golden Candle Stick erect.
That Chose its Officers, for to dispense
The Word, Christs Discipline, and Sacraments
And did Elect the Worthy good Divine
Mr John Rough her Pastour at that time.
And Cuthbert Symson Deacon, and before
Their Grievious blow they did Shut out of doore
One Margret Mearing upon jealousy
She would enthrall the Whole Society
Now this Digression as a key before yee,
Seems needfull to unlock the present Story.
London's Choice Golden Candle Stick erect.
That Chose its Officers, for to dispense
The Word, Christs Discipline, and Sacraments
And did Elect the Worthy good Divine
Mr John Rough her Pastour at that time.
And Cuthbert Symson Deacon, and before
Their Grievious blow they did Shut out of doore
One Margret Mearing upon jealousy
She would enthrall the Whole Society
Now this Digression as a key before yee,
Seems needfull to unlock the present Story.
Mr John Rough for Sixteen years a Frier
After a Priest, at last a godly Crier
Of Christs Sound doctrine, which when he saw
Cast into fire as Heresy by Law
He fled to Norden then in Friezland
And livd by knitting with his Wife, by hand,
But coming thence to London yarn to buy
He soon was calld by Christs Society,
------ which he did accept.
------ Margaret Mearing was eject,
------ Secured as an Heretick
------ Boner now will Shew his Usuall trick
He Chargd with Saying he at Rome had ben
Had Seen the Pope on Pick pack, Man of Sin,
A Cardinall riding before his Whore
A Popes Bull too, that did express therefore
Licence for Stews and open Bawdery
Even by the Popes approovd authority
At which keen Boner flew in's face Cur like
Pluckt off a piece of's beard in rage and Spite
(Because he said't was true) To whom, Thou been
At Rome said he? our holy Father Seen?
And in the morn at Six a Clock next day
He burnt him did and did not make delay.
And so fulfilld the Vision Rough did see
Two dayes before he was Securde for hee
Dreamd then that he was forc't to Boner who
Pluckt off his Beard, and did't in's fire throw,
Then Saying, I may say, I've burnt here in
My house a piece of Heretick: Which thing
Thus Came to pass in part: by Boners ire.
Also Decembers twenti'th Seconds fire
Did burn with this Good man that Margret Mearing
They did exclude their Church as too much fearing
They Should be Snar'de by her, but now he's Caught
She when none could him visit soon forth Sought
Away Stiling herselfe his Sister so
She was admitted and she did bestow
Things needfull, and much Comfort too, and soon
Was Ceised herselfe, and did his Cup assume.
The twenty Eight that Faithfull Zealous Wise
Choice Deacon of this Church of Gospell Sise
And not prelatick, Cuthbert Symson who
Bestowd all Care to keep the Church from Woe
And Superstition, being at Islington
Surprizd with Mr Rough, away begone,
Unto the Tower: he hath two fingers tide
Together then, he did an arrow 'bide
Sawd swiftly through them till the blood out gusht
After he'd on an Iron Wrack been trust
Commonly Calld Scevingtons Gyves, and then
Twice stretcht upon an other Wrack by them
In all which torture, 'cause he would not Shew
Them Such Choice ones the Which they knew he knew
Thus Boner said, He was indeed a man
Of greatest patience that ere 'fore him came.
'Bout midnight 'fore he was condemn'd he Saw
Woman without a Candle to him draw
Full nigh, after he'd three doors op't, and dart
A Brightness, and a light that to his heart
Was Joyfull and most Comfortable, then
Said to him HAIL, and went away agen.
This Sight he Saw, and joy whom his ---
Did lively act when he the same exprest.
This Cuthbert, with John Devenesh, Hugh Fox
Also men pious, Choice, as firm as rocks
In Smithfield burn together joyously
Thanks be to God for Such, a rich Supply [.]
After a Priest, at last a godly Crier
Of Christs Sound doctrine, which when he saw
Cast into fire as Heresy by Law
He fled to Norden then in Friezland
And livd by knitting with his Wife, by hand,
But coming thence to London yarn to buy
He soon was calld by Christs Society,
------ Margaret Mearing was eject,
------ Secured as an Heretick
------ Boner now will Shew his Usuall trick
He Chargd with Saying he at Rome had ben
Had Seen the Pope on Pick pack, Man of Sin,
A Cardinall riding before his Whore
A Popes Bull too, that did express therefore
Licence for Stews and open Bawdery
Even by the Popes approovd authority
At which keen Boner flew in's face Cur like
Pluckt off a piece of's beard in rage and Spite
(Because he said't was true) To whom, Thou been
At Rome said he? our holy Father Seen?
And in the morn at Six a Clock next day
He burnt him did and did not make delay.
And so fulfilld the Vision Rough did see
Two dayes before he was Securde for hee
Dreamd then that he was forc't to Boner who
Pluckt off his Beard, and did't in's fire throw,
Then Saying, I may say, I've burnt here in
My house a piece of Heretick: Which thing
Thus Came to pass in part: by Boners ire.
Also Decembers twenti'th Seconds fire
Did burn with this Good man that Margret Mearing
They did exclude their Church as too much fearing
They Should be Snar'de by her, but now he's Caught
She when none could him visit soon forth Sought
Away Stiling herselfe his Sister so
She was admitted and she did bestow
Things needfull, and much Comfort too, and soon
Was Ceised herselfe, and did his Cup assume.
The twenty Eight that Faithfull Zealous Wise
Choice Deacon of this Church of Gospell Sise
And not prelatick, Cuthbert Symson who
Bestowd all Care to keep the Church from Woe
And Superstition, being at Islington
Surprizd with Mr Rough, away begone,
Unto the Tower: he hath two fingers tide
Together then, he did an arrow 'bide
Sawd swiftly through them till the blood out gusht
After he'd on an Iron Wrack been trust
Commonly Calld Scevingtons Gyves, and then
Twice stretcht upon an other Wrack by them
In all which torture, 'cause he would not Shew
Them Such Choice ones the Which they knew he knew
Thus Boner said, He was indeed a man
Of greatest patience that ere 'fore him came.
'Bout midnight 'fore he was condemn'd he Saw
Woman without a Candle to him draw
Full nigh, after he'd three doors op't, and dart
A Brightness, and a light that to his heart
Was Joyfull and most Comfortable, then
Said to him HAIL, and went away agen.
Did lively act when he the same exprest.
This Cuthbert, with John Devenesh, Hugh Fox
Also men pious, Choice, as firm as rocks
In Smithfield burn together joyously
Thanks be to God for Such, a rich Supply [.]
Aprill must on her ninth at Hereford
Kindle a Torch now in this fire unto'rd
And Poor Will Nicoll halfe a foole esteemd
Is made its Wick for Christ which now is teen'd.
Kindle a Torch now in this fire unto'rd
And Poor Will Nicoll halfe a foole esteemd
Is made its Wick for Christ which now is teen'd.
May also is attended on with flame
As if her Shining Sun did want the Same,
The ninteeth day therefore in Lollards pit
At Norwich Hopton doth inkindle it
And burns therein Will Seaman, Thomas Carman
Brave Christians, and Thom Hudson, (Heare his Sermon)
He first like pilgrim wander'd up and down
To Shun the Storm, then home returnd to th'town
Where 'mong his fagots halfe a yeare did Stay
And Spent in Pray're, and reading all the day
And being Sought for which he Saw, his Zeale
Did flame, in Singing Psalmes, He'd not Conseale
What he had met with: he Exhorted many
And went abroad, defam'de the mass to any.
And when he saw the Constables come to him
Mine hour is Come said hee, and wellcome showing
Said welcome, Friends now Welcome, You'st me bring
To life in Christ. I thank God then, let him,
For Mercy sake inable mee thereto
And in a joyous frame did onward go,
But at the Stake slipt out in Some strange Sort
That made his fellow Martyres him Exhort
For to hold on yea for Christ bowells Sake
And Chearfull bee. But 'twas not feare did make
Him slip his Chain, but Christ had hid his face
Hence on his knees, and vemently for Grace
Did pray, untill Christs Comfort in did throng,
Then rising up thankt God, said now I'm Strong.
Then to his Fellows went unto the Stake
Who gladly Sufferd burning for Christs Sake.
As if her Shining Sun did want the Same,
The ninteeth day therefore in Lollards pit
At Norwich Hopton doth inkindle it
And burns therein Will Seaman, Thomas Carman
Brave Christians, and Thom Hudson, (Heare his Sermon)
He first like pilgrim wander'd up and down
To Shun the Storm, then home returnd to th'town
Where 'mong his fagots halfe a yeare did Stay
And Spent in Pray're, and reading all the day
And being Sought for which he Saw, his Zeale
Did flame, in Singing Psalmes, He'd not Conseale
What he had met with: he Exhorted many
And went abroad, defam'de the mass to any.
And when he saw the Constables come to him
Mine hour is Come said hee, and wellcome showing
Said welcome, Friends now Welcome, You'st me bring
To life in Christ. I thank God then, let him,
For Mercy sake inable mee thereto
And in a joyous frame did onward go,
But at the Stake slipt out in Some strange Sort
That made his fellow Martyres him Exhort
For to hold on yea for Christ bowells Sake
And Chearfull bee. But 'twas not feare did make
Him slip his Chain, but Christ had hid his face
Hence on his knees, and vemently for Grace
Did pray, untill Christs Comfort in did throng,
Then rising up thankt God, said now I'm Strong.
Then to his Fellows went unto the Stake
Who gladly Sufferd burning for Christs Sake.
In Whitson week for Christ in Newgate die
Thom: Taylor, and Math Withers (Blood will Cry).
June though the turning Sun doth make her dayes
Full warm, yet brings a Fagot for a blaze
Now in her hand, as if not warm enough
Unless a Martyres fire she up do puff.
The fourteenth day in Smithfield burns she then.
John Floyd, and Matthew Richarby, good men
John Holiday with Robert Southam there
With Rainold Eastland, Henry Pond, (Oh Deare)
------ once a Stubborn Lad
------ to all thats bad
As Swearing, Dancing, Dicing, Games Excess
To fencing, Banquitting Laciviousness
Which he no bones of made, was Cocker'd in
By Priestly Pardons, thus he walkt in Sin
Till he had diced thirty pounds away.
One night of's Master's tooke before th'Day.
And at his Wits end now he thought therefore
To trust unto his heels, and fly, Wherefore
He in the morning, thus bespeake the maid
(That often on him grave Reproofe had laid)
Elizabeth, Oh would to God I'de took
Thy gentle treating, Friendly good rebuke
Then had I never to this shame have come.
For I this night have lost no less a Sum
Than thirty pounds all of my Masters Come
And know not how to pay him, but assign
Him now this Bill of Payment, and do pray
Thee ------ it to my Mistriss, and say
I beg she would entreat my Master t'stay:
And if I ever able be, I'l pay:
Also to keep the matter from my friends
Lest my Gray Father to the Grave it sends.
And so departing was. But now behold
The Pious Maid take thirty pounds down told,
And treats him this, I'le Roger take your Bill,
Here's so much mony, lend it you I will:
But yet on this Condition, Promise mee
That you'l Lewd Company, and Swearing flee
But if at Cards and Dice you twelve pence play
This Bill I will before my master lay
Moreover you must promise me to tend
Alhollows Lectures, and the Lords day Spend
To heare the Sermons preacht at Pauls, and Cast
Away thy Popish books, vain ballats wast.
Get a New Testament, the Service Book
Read reverently with fear the Scriptures, Look
And Call on God for Grace and Pardon So
You'st be Secured from all after woe.
But this attended on but halfe the yeare
And Roger did in wonderment appeare
A new man was, earnest Professour and
Detested Popery, vile mates aband
Did Visit his old Father, made him see
The naughtiness of Popish trumpery
Receivd a Stock ofs Father, and pay made
To Betty for her pane to whom he said
In all thy Counsill, and thy friendship I
No Recompence am able verily
To render for the same unless it be
By makeng thee my wife. Thus they agree.
By whom the Child he had when ------
It was baptized he to shun and fly.
The Priests annointing greasy fingers go'th
Into the Country, and the Infant doth
Convay away. And Boner makes no bones
But as a Cur on Carion ever prone
Doth Seize upon his State as bread of life
And cruelly doth treat his Pious Wife.
And Roger now is quickly had in Coram
Who bravely handycuffs it when before 'em.
He plainly gave their own into their Dish
And bravely did their fauning Charms out hiss
And at their threats he matterd not a Straw
And when they had after their firy Law
Him Sentenc'd to be burn't when leave once gaind
Bonner his butcher he thus entertaind.
I said you had your power from God: Now I
Do tell you this, that God hath heard the Cry
Pourd out with teares of his Choice Servants which
You persecute, as us, and thereto itch
But this I dare be bold in God t'display,
(Which by his Spirit I am mov'd to say)
That God your Cruell hand shall Shorten so
You'st for a time not grieve his Chu[r]ch: and lo,
My Breathren Deare, even in a Short time, you
Shall Well perceive this matter is most true
For from this day you'le none in this place see
By him with fire and Fagot tried bee:
Said Boner in a fume that vile B[l]ood Sucker
I see that mad as ever was Jeane butcher:
A ruling Prophet thou in wrath wouldst bee
Though thru and all thy mates would hangd me See.
Yet I shall live to burn, and will burn all
The Sort of you that in my hands do fall
But lo, the Curst Cow hath Short horns its said.
This Proverbs truth in Boner was displayde.
For after Holland and his Fellows fell
Smithfield no more did burn with fire from hell.
Thom: Taylor, and Math Withers (Blood will Cry).
June though the turning Sun doth make her dayes
Full warm, yet brings a Fagot for a blaze
Now in her hand, as if not warm enough
Unless a Martyres fire she up do puff.
The fourteenth day in Smithfield burns she then.
John Floyd, and Matthew Richarby, good men
John Holiday with Robert Southam there
With Rainold Eastland, Henry Pond, (Oh Deare)
------ to all thats bad
As Swearing, Dancing, Dicing, Games Excess
To fencing, Banquitting Laciviousness
Which he no bones of made, was Cocker'd in
By Priestly Pardons, thus he walkt in Sin
Till he had diced thirty pounds away.
One night of's Master's tooke before th'Day.
And at his Wits end now he thought therefore
To trust unto his heels, and fly, Wherefore
He in the morning, thus bespeake the maid
(That often on him grave Reproofe had laid)
Elizabeth, Oh would to God I'de took
Thy gentle treating, Friendly good rebuke
Then had I never to this shame have come.
For I this night have lost no less a Sum
Than thirty pounds all of my Masters Come
And know not how to pay him, but assign
Him now this Bill of Payment, and do pray
Thee ------ it to my Mistriss, and say
I beg she would entreat my Master t'stay:
And if I ever able be, I'l pay:
Also to keep the matter from my friends
Lest my Gray Father to the Grave it sends.
And so departing was. But now behold
The Pious Maid take thirty pounds down told,
And treats him this, I'le Roger take your Bill,
Here's so much mony, lend it you I will:
But yet on this Condition, Promise mee
That you'l Lewd Company, and Swearing flee
But if at Cards and Dice you twelve pence play
This Bill I will before my master lay
Moreover you must promise me to tend
Alhollows Lectures, and the Lords day Spend
To heare the Sermons preacht at Pauls, and Cast
Away thy Popish books, vain ballats wast.
Get a New Testament, the Service Book
Read reverently with fear the Scriptures, Look
And Call on God for Grace and Pardon So
You'st be Secured from all after woe.
But this attended on but halfe the yeare
And Roger did in wonderment appeare
A new man was, earnest Professour and
Detested Popery, vile mates aband
Did Visit his old Father, made him see
The naughtiness of Popish trumpery
Receivd a Stock ofs Father, and pay made
To Betty for her pane to whom he said
In all thy Counsill, and thy friendship I
No Recompence am able verily
To render for the same unless it be
By makeng thee my wife. Thus they agree.
It was baptized he to shun and fly.
The Priests annointing greasy fingers go'th
Into the Country, and the Infant doth
Convay away. And Boner makes no bones
But as a Cur on Carion ever prone
Doth Seize upon his State as bread of life
And cruelly doth treat his Pious Wife.
And Roger now is quickly had in Coram
Who bravely handycuffs it when before 'em.
He plainly gave their own into their Dish
And bravely did their fauning Charms out hiss
And at their threats he matterd not a Straw
And when they had after their firy Law
Him Sentenc'd to be burn't when leave once gaind
Bonner his butcher he thus entertaind.
I said you had your power from God: Now I
Do tell you this, that God hath heard the Cry
Pourd out with teares of his Choice Servants which
You persecute, as us, and thereto itch
But this I dare be bold in God t'display,
(Which by his Spirit I am mov'd to say)
That God your Cruell hand shall Shorten so
You'st for a time not grieve his Chu[r]ch: and lo,
My Breathren Deare, even in a Short time, you
Shall Well perceive this matter is most true
For from this day you'le none in this place see
By him with fire and Fagot tried bee:
Said Boner in a fume that vile B[l]ood Sucker
I see that mad as ever was Jeane butcher:
A ruling Prophet thou in wrath wouldst bee
Though thru and all thy mates would hangd me See.
Yet I shall live to burn, and will burn all
The Sort of you that in my hands do fall
But lo, the Curst Cow hath Short horns its said.
This Proverbs truth in Boner was displayde.
For after Holland and his Fellows fell
Smithfield no more did burn with fire from hell.
But July in her hands a Fagot brings
The which at Brainford to enflam begins.
Wherein for Christs own Cause the fourteenth day
These Six good men to ashes burning lay.
One Stephen Cotton, Robert Mills, John Slade
Wrighte, Dynes, and William Pikes. Which last is said,
As in his garden he was reading there
Four drops of blood fell on his Bible, cleare
And very fresh: at which astonisht he
Bespake his Wife thus, What thus must it bee
That God will have four Sacrifices? I
Se he will have blood. His Will be done hereby.
God give me grace to bide the triall here
And went to pray're counting the day drew neere [.]
------ had his fat guts tirde with Rod
------ hopt had Wills and Hinshaw with loving God
Wh[e]n Dole did dy for Christ in Bury Jayle.
And Richard Yeoman Hadlys Curate, naile
That still held fast, the tenth day Cruelly
They burnt at Norwich, cause he'd not back fly.
And now about John Alcock who Supplide
A Readers place at Hadly, must abide
In Newgate Prison, and Stuck close unto
The truth in Spite of what the Pope could do,
Is in revenge in lowest Dungeon cast
And Dying's in a Dunghill rakt at last.
The Nineteenth day brave Mr. Benbridge who
In Stately ray unto the Stake did goe
Where being urg'd now to recant did Say
Away, thou Babylonian, away
Yet in the torturing fire did make this Cry,
I do recant, Hence Seaton Suddenly
Made him Subscribe unto his Cursed bill,
Which buggling he did against his Will
And's to the Prison had again where hee
Bewails his Recantation, and to free
His Conscience did to Docter Seaton write
His Recantation of it. Hence venom Spite
On that day Sevnight had him to the Stake
And rather brasd than burnt him for Christ Sake.
Thus through the Papish Plaguy venom ire
He Suffered two Martyrdoms by fire.
The which at Brainford to enflam begins.
Wherein for Christs own Cause the fourteenth day
These Six good men to ashes burning lay.
One Stephen Cotton, Robert Mills, John Slade
Wrighte, Dynes, and William Pikes. Which last is said,
As in his garden he was reading there
Four drops of blood fell on his Bible, cleare
And very fresh: at which astonisht he
Bespake his Wife thus, What thus must it bee
That God will have four Sacrifices? I
Se he will have blood. His Will be done hereby.
God give me grace to bide the triall here
And went to pray're counting the day drew neere [.]
------ hopt had Wills and Hinshaw with loving God
Wh[e]n Dole did dy for Christ in Bury Jayle.
And Richard Yeoman Hadlys Curate, naile
That still held fast, the tenth day Cruelly
They burnt at Norwich, cause he'd not back fly.
And now about John Alcock who Supplide
A Readers place at Hadly, must abide
In Newgate Prison, and Stuck close unto
The truth in Spite of what the Pope could do,
Is in revenge in lowest Dungeon cast
And Dying's in a Dunghill rakt at last.
The Nineteenth day brave Mr. Benbridge who
In Stately ray unto the Stake did goe
Where being urg'd now to recant did Say
Away, thou Babylonian, away
Yet in the torturing fire did make this Cry,
I do recant, Hence Seaton Suddenly
Made him Subscribe unto his Cursed bill,
Which buggling he did against his Will
And's to the Prison had again where hee
Bewails his Recantation, and to free
His Conscience did to Docter Seaton write
His Recantation of it. Hence venom Spite
On that day Sevnight had him to the Stake
And rather brasd than burnt him for Christ Sake.
Thus through the Papish Plaguy venom ire
He Suffered two Martyrdoms by fire.
Now Augusts firy hands falls fingering
And at St. Edmondsbury soon doe fling
John Cooke, James Ashly too and Robert Miles
With Alexander Lane upon her Piles
Of burning fire that they an Offring should
Be made and burnt up for the truth they hold [.]
And at St. Edmondsbury soon doe fling
John Cooke, James Ashly too and Robert Miles
With Alexander Lane upon her Piles
Of burning fire that they an Offring should
Be made and burnt up for the truth they hold [.]
Novembers fourth at Ipswich burn their must
And therefore Alexander Gouch is thrust
There in the fire, and brave Alice Driver who
Did when a girle off drive her fathers plough
Now duncd her judges by their own Concession
And o're them Crowd, and Silenc't them in Session:
And said, you cant with all your Skill withstand
Christs Spirit in mee a poore Woman: and
Being Condemd she to the prison went
As joyfull as a Singing Bird, intent
On Singing Praise to God and at the Stake
The Chain being put about her neck thus Spake
Oh! here's a goodly neckerchiefe, and Cride
Blessed be God for't: and by fire so dide.
And now about at Bury were Calcinde
Three holy Martyres, of a gracious minde
John David, and his brother Henry
With one whose name was Philip Humfry.
And day the tenth, Six dayes before did slip
Alecto's Hand of[f] from her flaming whip,
Harpsfield Entoom'd in Canterburys flame
Kate Tinley, and Alice Snoth, John Herst by name
Christopher Brown, John Cornford too whose Zeale
Most vemently brake forth flam'd such a peale
Within their Ears which they left on record
We in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
The Son of the most Mighty God, and by
His Holy Spirits Power, and 'Thority
Of's holy Catholick, 'Postolick Church
Do here give into Satans hands to lurch
To be destroy'd, the bodies of all those
Blasphemers and all Hereticks, his foes
That Errour 'gainst's most holy word mentain
Or do Condemn for Heresy to flame
His own most Holy Truth, to th'mentainance
Thus of a false Church, or for to advance
A feignd Religion. So that by this Rod
Of thy just judgments, oh most Mighty God,
Against thy Cruell Adversaries here
Thy true Religion may be known, full Cleare,
To thy Greate Glory, and our Consolation,
And to the Edifying all our Nation.
Be't So, good Lord. Amen. Then at the Stake
They all in earnest prayer to God thus Spake
Begging of God, their blood might be the last
That Should be Shed. This was their dying Cast.
Which God did grant: for down their Sentence came
Upon the Queen who with her took the flame
To hell to serve her there, no Sparke we finde
The Lord be praisd, to burn a Saint behinde.
In this Sad Catalogue Some gleanings are
And therefore Alexander Gouch is thrust
There in the fire, and brave Alice Driver who
Did when a girle off drive her fathers plough
Now duncd her judges by their own Concession
And o're them Crowd, and Silenc't them in Session:
And said, you cant with all your Skill withstand
Christs Spirit in mee a poore Woman: and
Being Condemd she to the prison went
As joyfull as a Singing Bird, intent
On Singing Praise to God and at the Stake
The Chain being put about her neck thus Spake
Oh! here's a goodly neckerchiefe, and Cride
Blessed be God for't: and by fire so dide.
Three holy Martyres, of a gracious minde
John David, and his brother Henry
With one whose name was Philip Humfry.
And day the tenth, Six dayes before did slip
Alecto's Hand of[f] from her flaming whip,
Harpsfield Entoom'd in Canterburys flame
Kate Tinley, and Alice Snoth, John Herst by name
Christopher Brown, John Cornford too whose Zeale
Most vemently brake forth flam'd such a peale
Within their Ears which they left on record
We in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
The Son of the most Mighty God, and by
His Holy Spirits Power, and 'Thority
Of's holy Catholick, 'Postolick Church
Do here give into Satans hands to lurch
To be destroy'd, the bodies of all those
Blasphemers and all Hereticks, his foes
That Errour 'gainst's most holy word mentain
Or do Condemn for Heresy to flame
His own most Holy Truth, to th'mentainance
Thus of a false Church, or for to advance
A feignd Religion. So that by this Rod
Of thy just judgments, oh most Mighty God,
Against thy Cruell Adversaries here
Thy true Religion may be known, full Cleare,
To thy Greate Glory, and our Consolation,
And to the Edifying all our Nation.
Be't So, good Lord. Amen. Then at the Stake
They all in earnest prayer to God thus Spake
Begging of God, their blood might be the last
That Should be Shed. This was their dying Cast.
Which God did grant: for down their Sentence came
Upon the Queen who with her took the flame
To hell to serve her there, no Sparke we finde
The Lord be praisd, to burn a Saint behinde.
Pickt up, and out of place, this is their fare.
One Goodwy Prest a poor poor woman loe
And as unpromising as most do show,
Yet filld with Holy Things of God such Store
Its very rare to finde in any more,
Yea was a Woman Constant in Christs Faith
As Ever was upon the earth, For Saith
Was burnt at Exeter by Trouble-Vile
Because she would not from the truth recoyle
And Sharpe, with Hale burning at Bristall lay
In fifty Seven th'Seventh day of May.
And Benion too burnt for the Same Cause there
August the twenty Seventh of that yeare.
------ 'cause from Christ hed not be turnd
In th'latter dayes of Mary, Richard Snell
And John his brother loving Christs truth well
---kins did Cast in Richmond Jayle untill
Their toes were rotted off: but past his Skill
To bring them off from Christ, yet brought to pass
By force to bring them where one heard the Mass:
But he departing did himselfe bewaile
And drownd himselfe soon after in the Swaile.
But John was Sentenced by Dakins Vile
Who to his house returnd, and in the While
Was summon'd hence by death who to the fire
Condemned had this martyre to expire
Who in the flame Christ help me Cride whereto
One said Oh hold fast there. And we also
Will for thee pray. And he within this flame
Ended his mortall Life for Christ Choice name[.]
Here other Martyres that did Scape --- Recorded Stand as Sentenc't for Christs name.
At Sals'bury John Hunt, and Richard White
Whose grave reproofe with Such a touch did light
On Doctor Blackstone who abused Such
As ancient Doctours were, yea very much
As made him Quake and tremble, and sit down
With hands and knees to fork up his Shaking Crown.
Were Sentenc't and deliver'd to be burnt
By Capon B, and Geffery (who Spurn'd
Away the truth,) his Chancellour, got too
De Combarendo-Writ-Heretico
Ith'hand of Mr. Mitchell th'Under Shreve,
Who made it Heretick, and did bequeath
It to fire, and four dayes thence doth dy
This Chancellour, While Hunt, and White (who ly
In low, darke Dungeon) in a flood of teares
Brake forth, they knew not why, as it appears,
When down they kneeld to prayre; in Such a wise
As did Constrain them prayerless up to rise.
But 'twas while Geffry lay dying, who
Must with the Bishop Cited hence also
Attend the firy Queen in flames to Hell.
Hence liberty did rise as they down fell.
Whose grave reproofe with Such a touch did light
On Doctor Blackstone who abused Such
As ancient Doctours were, yea very much
As made him Quake and tremble, and sit down
With hands and knees to fork up his Shaking Crown.
Were Sentenc't and deliver'd to be burnt
By Capon B, and Geffery (who Spurn'd
Away the truth,) his Chancellour, got too
De Combarendo-Writ-Heretico
Ith'hand of Mr. Mitchell th'Under Shreve,
Who made it Heretick, and did bequeath
It to fire, and four dayes thence doth dy
This Chancellour, While Hunt, and White (who ly
In low, darke Dungeon) in a flood of teares
Brake forth, they knew not why, as it appears,
When down they kneeld to prayre; in Such a wise
As did Constrain them prayerless up to rise.
But 'twas while Geffry lay dying, who
Must with the Bishop Cited hence also
Attend the firy Queen in flames to Hell.
Hence liberty did rise as they down fell.
Again, John Fatty whose Vile Wife Complain'd
Against him twice, in Lollards Tower Sustain'd
Intollerable pain as hanging in
The Stocks for fifteen dayes in torturing
By one sides leg and arm sometime, Sometime
Ev'n by the others, till his boy whose Crime
Replying to a Priest that to him said
Thy Father is an Heretick Speech made
My father is no Heretick: But harke
You are an Heretick you've Balams marke
Brought Boners Scourge upon him till in red
Gore blood he was all o're, and then was had
Unto his Father in this plight to See
This needs must grievous to his bowells bee.
Hence now the Father's set at liberty.
But yet [the] Child in fourteen dayes did dy.
Against him twice, in Lollards Tower Sustain'd
Intollerable pain as hanging in
The Stocks for fifteen dayes in torturing
By one sides leg and arm sometime, Sometime
Ev'n by the others, till his boy whose Crime
Replying to a Priest that to him said
Thy Father is an Heretick Speech made
My father is no Heretick: But harke
You are an Heretick you've Balams marke
Brought Boners Scourge upon him till in red
Gore blood he was all o're, and then was had
Unto his Father in this plight to See
This needs must grievous to his bowells bee.
Hence now the Father's set at liberty.
But yet [the] Child in fourteen dayes did dy.
Again in Drapers Hall Dick Wilmot and
One Thomas Fairfax were with Cords so tan'd
That Wilmot could not ly in bed for Sores
For Six night[s] going Cause they hate Rome[s] whore [.]
One Thomas Fairfax were with Cords so tan'd
That Wilmot could not ly in bed for Sores
For Six night[s] going Cause they hate Rome[s] whore [.]
Then Thomas Green after he'd felt their Power
In Boners Colehouse, and in Lollard Tower
Some months in manacles, and Stocks full Sore
Was sorely Scourgd, and let goe out of Doore [.]
In Boners Colehouse, and in Lollard Tower
Some months in manacles, and Stocks full Sore
Was sorely Scourgd, and let goe out of Doore [.]
In milk White Justice's Hand Gods Scale
That even Weight allows to Such as Spurn
Away Gods truth, and did his Servants burn
Rowling themselve all ore in all gore blood[s]
Like bloody Butchers, now all in the Suds
The Scales now turning on their pin do say
There is a righteous God now making Pay[.]
And to begin, first Justice layes a Tax
On Morgan, who adjudged to the Axe
Jane Gray, the Paragon of Ladies brave
That soon he doth grow mad, and in his Rave
The Lady Jane, the Lady Jane he Cries
While Life remains, and (as a madman) dies.
And Bishop Morgan Farrars firy judge
That burnt him, and Succeeded him, the grudge
Of Justice Gods right hand did take him by
The throat, that made his Swallowd food up fly
Back through his nose, or mouth while life remain'd
Most horrible to see, till death him gaind.
The Sheriff Leason too that burnt him and
His Cattle fetcht out of his Servants hand,
Found divers of them in his Pastures eate
No grass but bellowd, roard, and dyde for meate.
Justice did lay her hands on Nightingaile
In Crandall Pulpet as he told his tale
Against his Text he tooke which thus doth say
He that doth say he hath no Sin (nay, nay)
He is a Liar. Truth is not in him
Presum'd to say, he was as Cleare from Sin
As at the Font Stone, nay an[d] in the night
That born he was. He had a Pardon right
Of Poole, the Cardinall, who did enjoyn
Him now to read the Bull of all Such kine.
Which done he said he did believe he was
Thus Clean by vertue of it but alas
Immediatly upon this blasphemy
Was Struck down dead before their very eye [.]
Cotes Chesters B: that burnt brave Marsh, did tell
The folk he was a fire brand of hell
Did quickly turn up's heels, tis said more o're
By many, dide of th'burning of a Whore.
His Maidliness then being tride twas found
That Small Virginity did in him bound.
------ against John Cooper so
------ unto the Lord said pray
------ Queen Mary take away
------ the Divell would which he denide
------ tendred clearing, but the judge replide
------ should example be of Hereticks.
------ judgd him for the Same thus on him fixt
------ be soon hangd, Drawn, and then Quarter'd up
Which so was done. But now behold the Cup
Doth pass to Grimwood, and next harvest he
Doth find a Righteous God whose hand shall bee
Made glorious upon him: therefore while
He stacking was a Gaff of Corn from Spoile,
In perfect health his bowells Suddenly
Out of his body fell, thus did he dy [.]
Woodruff, Oh London, thy vile Sheriff who
His wont to laugh while flames did overflow
The Martyres in his fires and made no stand
[T]o smite such as would take them by the hand
Then Bradford at the Stake Repent, did Cry,
England beware thou of Idolatry,
---ad ty his hands, would he not quiet bee;
But now behold him half yeare older, see
This Roff Woods under Gods broad Axe which brought
His laughter into mourning. One Side Cought
--- Paulsy dead that for eight years he could
Not turn himselfe in bed, his hands tide hold
And a Devouring hunger him devours
------ Strange to see how now he things down poures
He never was released from his band
So long as in his glass was left a Sand.
Old Hubberdin of Oxford who did ball
---t Luther, and Melancthon, Zwinglius all
Good men, Faith, Tindall, Latimer did strive
To keep up piping popery alive
[S]pide youngsters dancing in the Church yard, made
The Bell to ring, and to his Dancing trade
[H]e in the Pulpet fell; the Doctors old
*alls out to dance against these Worthies told
*hen to't he goes, Cries Pipe up Hubbardin
[A]nd now dance Christ, Dance Peter, Paul, Austin,
Ambrose, and Jerom, all as in a round
Against his Hereticks, (Oh, Grace Profound!)
But marke this Dance, while he thus leapt and danc'te
Alice herself did take her round, advanc'te;
------ the Pulpet and its Dancer, who
------ in't, His neck not broken though
------ bruisd his heavy bones;
------ soon goe from him in's groas.
Queen Mary's Chancellour Curst Gardener
That Bloody Butcher who his hands did Stain
In Martyres Blood and on them spit forth flame.
Did thirst for Lady Betty's Blood and would
Not sit down with the Duke of Norfolk Old
To dinner till his man from Oxford came
Assuring him he saw Blesst Ridlys flame
And Father Latimers. Now lets said hee
To dinner goe. And sitting Down with glee
Fell merrily upon his meat: but yet
Before this bloody Tyrant much had bit,
The Dreadfull Stroke of Gods right hand doth fall
And from his merry Cheer, and meat him call.
He's from his banquet to his bed brought where
Most torturings pains feed on him for good Cheer
For fifteen dayes at once: and 'Bargoe's lay
Upon all ports. Hence nothing Sayles away.
All Passages are Stopt. His Dung is made
Dry fewell, fagots now to burn this blade
His Urin is Secur'de and boyld up to
A Scalding Lye him to enflame also.
In that Sad flame Gods terrours too within
Chichesters Bishop Day Comes seeks to bring
Him ease from that free justifying Grace
I'th'blood of Christ. Oh Curst Catiff what place
This thy Sheat Anchor; yet drive from it all
With fire, and fagot: yet now to it Call
This Bloodhound? How wilt thou escape the fire
Of Hell that others burnst that shun thy mire?
But what reply he had observe, Quoth he,
Will you (my Lord) now ope that gap to mee?
Then farewell all at once. Yet you may trace
This thing to me and Such here in my Case
But open you this Window to the folke
Then farewell all together. Thus they talk.
Oh. Wretched tyrant! What a Cure for thee?
And must it still from others forced bee?
The fire doth not go out it grows more strong
Doth Stigmatize his black blasphemous tongue
That for his black mouth its too big and black
Hangs out, and will not be Confind in that.
Some say his body rosting stank again.
And this Sad end Did Winchester Sustain.
Who while he liv'd beside his tyranny
Ne're Constant was but to Inconstancy[.]
------ body, Swearer greedy of the Pix.
*hen his motions brought not up to Mass
------ rate Collar'd Swearing too (alas!)
------ bloody Oaths. That he'd Sheath's Dagger in
------ Shoulder if he would not read the thing.
------ Calld him Knave. But after this not long
------ Crow Sprang from a Willow tree, and sung
Over his head Knave, Knave, and let withall
The Blessing of his taile upon's nose fall.
Which o're his Lips, and Beard bedawbing went
And in his maw sent such a poys'nous sent
It made him heave, and Spew, and Spew, and Spew
And Curse the Crow that ore his head thus flew
And thus continu'd some few dayes which done,
This Wretched Soule thus from his body run.
The Fines which Justice laid on Mall the Queen
Do upon Record Stand and may be Seen
And red of all. Who though of Womans shew
Seems rather flaming Fire from hell that flew,
Who burnt her Subject[s] just, like rotten Sticks
Pretending they were Divell-Hereticks
The like was never known: but God brought down
The Glory and the Splendour of her Crown.
[Af]ter her Vow to Protestants she broke
------ followd her attemps with fearfull Stroaks.
---rst soon he burnt the Ship called Great Henry:
------ Such in Europe all for to miscarry.
All her desird attempts could never bring
The Crown to make her Philip Englands King.
Such Dearth there was too in the land forlorn
That many towns eate acorn bread for Corn:
Henry the third the 'leventh king that reignd
Did Calice win, which in his race remain'd
Till Mary Queen th' 'leventh of his, but shee
Hath lost the Same. And now it lost must bee.
Again she seems to be with Child, and loe
Thanksgiving for the Same all England do.
The time comes on, She out doth Cry, there's born
A joyous Son, that proves the birth of Scorn.
The Chauntrys keep thangsgiving, Chaunt out praise
---ing, Drums beate, and lusty Bonefires blaze,
------ sound, and Canon play, at th'Tower
---------vy then at Sea, what shoure
That Canons roaring up the Rhine so cleare
Run till they down the Stream al ------
The Same Report he at Vienna Sung
But now there's leasure t'view the Chield but finde
The royall birth is but a rift of Winde.
No Babe is born, nor can be gaind, whose fame
Whereof makes her become a Publick Shame
Disgraced thus Philip doth from her go
And leaves her with her babe, a further woe
Sickness comes on: Sorrows Crowd in which smart.
Her losing Calice builds it in her heart.
Her Death draws on, her Soul expires an host
Of flames she made calld are to tend her Ghost.
Gods Justice also in a glorious Shine
Did set upon the Sheriffs man her fine
Who did revile James Abbs as he did goe
Unto the Stake for Christ, and did bestow
His Cloaths, and gracious Exhortations gave
To Such as did Stand by their Souls to Save.
So that this wretched fellow scorning bad
The people not believe him: He was mad.
He was an Heretick: Spake Heresy.
And in this wise he Spake revilingly.
But now behold when Abbes began to burn
The hand of Justice did upon him turn.
He now fell mad: pulls off his Shooes and Cloaths
And throws them all away, and this forth throws
So did James Abbs, true Servant here of God
Did round about the town of Bury, plod
And said James Abbs is Sav'd; but I am Damnd
The Sheriff now amaizd, doth give Command
To take and ty him, keeps him in the Darke
Puts on his Cloath: yet when they did depart
He plucks them off again, casts them away
And saith again thus did James Abbs, doth say
He was Gods Servant true and Saved is
But I am damnd. Wherefore the Priest at this
Comes to him with his Crucifix, and toyes
Which baggage he when he beheld defies,
As Cause of his Damnation, which he wav'd
And said James Abbs a good man was and Sav'd
And so abode untill his Dying day
Which soon ore tooke him, and him tooke away.
------ Stand in Scutchons all of Flame.
------ its true Conferd this noble Honour
------ happiness to England) upon her
------ it did send her nobles Such before her
------ Tapers flaming in the Way all ore her.
------ Sparkling Spirits, and Hobgoblins sit
That Spit out fire and flames from hells deep pit.
These lead the Van, are Usher in the way
As Torches burning 'gainst her parting day
The petty Coates Westchester had put on her
Whose Breeches could not Cover his dishonour
From Stews to Stoves: Hates Lignum Vitae pure
He's bacte sent to the Hot-House for a Cure
Her Winchester to Straw her way out poures
He being Gardener of all Her flowers.
Dovers Curst Suffragan B Thornton, who
At Canterbury made so many go
Into the fire, is on the Sabbath day
As he beheld his Servant vile at play
Had to's death bed, ------ mind to call
Said so I do, and my Lord Cardinall
And his Successor once the Chancellor
Of Bloody Boner in this firy war
Fell down the Stares as he the blessing met
Of Soole the Cardinall, and brake his neck.
--- arfow of Hereford, With Bangor's Glin
------ to Elect of Sal'sbury, and King
------ Tame to purchase her a Queenly Crown
And Glosters Brookes 'Cause waters should run down
With Bristows Holy-man to Sprinckle all
With Holy waters for to cleare the Hall
---e Enters in, of Spirits Cleane away.
------ here being Night Chichester sends her Day,
And Pluto roasts a Capon at his fire
---t him from Salisbury, well dript in ire
He Studiously provs deth such good cheer
Against her coming in to feast her there
[Th]ese Bishops vile are summond from our Coast
[T]o go as Ushers 'fore her firy Ghost
With Doctor Dunning, Cursed Chancellor
Of Norwich, Bloody Hellish torturer
Of Blessed Saint, who was in Lincolnshiere
Struck dead by Sudden Death within his Chaire.
The Poyson-Berry, Norfolks Commissary
Who had so many Whores that pens are wary
To tell their number lest beliefe should faile
A Butcher of Christs Lambs, and with a flaile
He'd kill a man, two Women with his fist
[G]oes to the mill of Vengeance as a grist
And is ground down to dust as backe he went
From Massing Worship with his Whore intent
Upon a feasting day, in which before
He went to Mass, he Chambered his Whore
------ go before an Honourable throng
---ttend, (She must be waited on
------) they speedily came after
---ll make room, for now we'll come the faster.
The Door of Popery doth lose its hindge
On which it turn'd and opend to let in
All Mischiefe, Trash, Hell fire, the Man of Sin,
The Cardinall, Calld Poole, which dirty Poole
Was fill'd with flaming fire, not water coole,
Was drained dry upon that very day:
His Vitall Sparke went out down fell his Clay
Soon after Doctor Weston who did Cuff
Away Christ Jesus, when he was so Chuff
A Prolocutor in the Convocation
And also in the Oxford Disputation
With brazen face enough, and answers Stoute
And Stincking too against all those that fought
Most Champion like under Christs Banner there
For Pretious Truth shining in Scripture cleare.
The Scales first turn upon him in the Frown
O'th Cardinall, and th'Bishops. Weston down
Westminsters Deane thou shalt no longer bee
Content thy selfe with Windsors Deanorie.
Hence thither packs: and there he is more ore
Soon apprehended packing with a Whore
And then he's packt from's Spirituall Livings all
Alas poor Weston, Drabd, and Shabd: thus fall!
But he'l not beare it: he appeals to Rome
Will leave the Realm Hence comes another doom
He's Caged in the Tower: and there doth Sty
Untill Elizabeth the bird lets fly.
Who being set at liberty fell Sick
And death so Serv'd him with another Writ.
Christopherson Chichesters Bishops, and
Norwich her Hopton hellish fire brand,
St. Davids Morgan, and Ralfe Bains, brave fry
Bishop of Litchfield and of Coventry
And Owen Oglethorp B: of Carlile
And Cutbert Tunstall Durham's B: that While
Rainolds elect of Hereford who dide
In Prison, White of Winchester beside
To give these blackbirds all a brighter dy
Stethurst master of Oxfords Trinity
Dide in the Tower, Hollond Worcesters Dean
Copinger Monke of Westminster whose brain
Grew weake, and in the Tower dide mad beside
One Steward Deane of Winchester soon dide.
These are the Honours of Her Realm Whose Sprite
Attend upon her Ghost Hobgoblin like
All following a ding dong for her sake
To do her Honour in her Endless lake[.]
------ their teeth and Chain'd up fast their Spurs
------ cut off as filthy black birds Cag'd
------ the Tower and some else where thus Stagd
------ Death Yorks Archbit Englands Chancellour
------ Thurlby, Elies Bishop martyrer.
------ Watson Lincolns bishop, Gilbert Bourn
------ Bath and Wells fird Such as durst not turn.
---ick Pates the burning Bishop of Worcester
------ Peters Troublefield (a Worthy jester).
Westminsters Abbot, Fecknam a brisk Sirrah,
John Nowall Windsors Dean, and Peterboroughs
------ in the Tower. And also David Poole
Then Peterboroughs B: in some Such Schoole,
Untill the kindness of the Lady Queen
Did somewhat loose the Chain
But these brave gentle Sirs, and Worthy Knights
Knights of the Peste, Small bits of greate Delights
To Popish Stews and Rome together meet
Holding their Secret Conclave in the Fleet:
Cole Deans of Pauls, John Harpsfield Norwich Deane
Londons Archdeacon, now in Ebby Streame,
Nick Harpsfield bloody Varlet, Infamy
Of Canterburies Red Archdeaconry.
And Dracet Huntingtons Archdeacon and
------ Chadsey Middlesex Archdeacon tand
---reater Archness than the rest at turning
All Jayle Birds in the fleet for wicked burning.
But these Sweet Leeches, Gentlemen of Cuffs
Concludings now their fires would Hempen Ruffs
Adorn their necks withall, their jaws do faulter
Slip craftily their Heads out of the halter.
Caught in their beds of mud like Slippery Eeeles
Slip hence and trust to th'friendship of their Heels.
The Hell-Hounds Boner Londons flaming Scourge
A Fat gut Gobbit onely firy Surge
---hom: Wood Elected B. from th'Marshalsea
---ot Chesters B: from th'Fleet did run away.
Goldman St. Asses B: Maurice Elect
Of Bangor, and Curst Story out soon Crept.
------ these two Boner, and Story fall
------ Beasts Guts, Stinking Garbidge, Gall
---------tcher Mawls to Slay Knock down
------ kingdom in his Saints. A frown
Distinckly nothing touching them unfold.
Boner, therefore, who by King Henry
Advanced were and did appear to fly
Upon Romes rotten Carkass, and revoke
The People from subjection to the Pope
Joynd in the setting out Gods holy Word
In English, and on Gardeners Booke spurd
Calld True Obedience, 'gainst the Pope designde
To which he set th'Epistle. Now his minde
Doth yet not blush to turn his stincking tayle
All to defile the same, and doth not faile
To Burn to ashes both the Bible, and
Some hundred Saints that to the Bible stand
Against all stincking stuff of Antichrist
Which this Gunbelly'd Gudgeon up doth hoist
And haveing made himselfe so odious to
The Lord and all good people, now his Woe
Stares in his ghostly face, and Prison'd wax
Fearfull he doth of the Halter, Stake or Axe.
There is no room for turning, Crimes too ---
To be remitted: flies a firy bed
And over seas he hops, Where Vengeance la[yes]
Her fingers on him, Cutting of his Dayes,
In Wretched Obduracy, and as Gods Light
He set against, his Carrion at midnight
Was tumbled in the Pit 'mongst bloody theeves
Mates suited like him, Yet he worse than these.
Story! Where art? What hath God Caught thee by
The Foretop thus? Thou bloody Man! the Cry
Of Blood is loud more than of hundreds two
Of Holy Martyres, wherein thou didst brew
Thy Wicked hands at home and didst account
Thy fellow Hell-Hounds did to lowly mount
Their Murdering Pieces, and wast grievd thou saidst
That they so slow were, at such small games playd[st]
That once at Uxbridge, as thy Scoff ran, wast
At burning of an Earewig, and didst Cast
A Faggot at him, and a thornbush put
Under his feet to Prick him: Wouldst thou cut
Off all thy Nation? O Vile Wretch thou art,
And though thou sliptst away and playdst the part
Of a Vile Varlet Under D'Alva, Yet
Justice hath wrought thee with her righteous ---
When Vermin like thou in a Mouse trap
From Antwerp to the Tower of London h---
Where thou wast tride and righteously Con[demned]
Hangd, Drawn, and Quarterd, so ------
------ this gang, gives out her Writs a pace
------ others on the back, and bids them tell
------ Madam Mall, we follow thee to Hell,
------ resolv'd with thee and with thy Pope
------ now we come. Hell Doore set ope
Justice Calls to account those worthy Pates
That with George Eagles Blood had dide their gates,
[Fa]lse London that this Holy man betrayed
Arreigned was, and by the halter made
To cry out Guilty, Guilty of that blood
E'en in the Place where Holy Eagle stood
---ck Potto too to pot is had, who strove
[T]o adde unto his trouble much, and wove
---m in discourse asserting that he prayde
Against the Queen, and on the Gallows laid
This in his dish disturbing of his peace
Untill the Sheriffe bid him hold and Cease
---m this time small Comfort sure he found,
---ment sore aboute beset him round
------ [neig]hbours in his house do fret him. He
---h ---le attached is, must bee
------ up the Chamber where he fell
------ upon the bed, (oh! marke it well)
---ming at the mouth, but could not speake
------ understand a Word, till's Pot did breake
------ like a beast he three or four days lay,
------ wretched soule did leave his sorry Clay.
Next Swallow comes to tax the Bailiffe who
---ore Eagle but halfe hangde did drag unto
The stand, and on its side did hack and hew
---ling on his Chine, and else where, till through
------ Chopt his neck and out did pluck his heart
------ now behold God Comes to act his part,
---t Comes down from Christ, the Swallows Wings
------ quickly pluckt. He's plagued with these stings.
------ hair drops from his head; Nailes from his Toes
------ fingers, all His Eyes Closde up so lose
---t their sight, his Cursed body made
---s a Leper and brought nigh the trade
---ery. His Wife surprized too
---ing sickness to Compleat his Woe.
------ Persecution went to bed
------ night, the morning shewd him dead.
Christs lambs before that wolfe, Christs ------
A Ball of Light as in the night he led
His Friend and neighbour Seaman for his head
Unto this Tyrant thirsty of his blood
Between them both that parted them whose bud
Was such upon this Balding that his flower
Of fragrant age hence nere injoyde good houre,
But piningly he did Consume away
Untill Death met him in his dying day.
So Alexander Newgate's keeper Curst
That out to Boner, Story, Cholmly, burst
I'm too much pesterd with these Hereticks
My Prison rid, my Prison rid. Thus kiks
Wretch like against Christ flock. But mark his End,
Gods Dismall stroke lights on him, which doth spend
His Vitalls, he now like a monster swells,
Not like a man, so rots within and smells,
None could endure the same: and so he dies.
His heir within three years his state left str---
Saying ill Got, ill spent, and going in
The Newgate market dropt down dead ------
His son in Law John Peter, Cruell Wretch
Blasphemous man, would oft such Wishes ---
Affirming truth or falshood: thus would ---
I pray God I may rot or ere I dy
If't be not true. And God did as he Cride
Granting the suite he rotted first then dide.
Dale the Promoter of Papistick vice
Was Eat to Death (as Avales said) of Lice.
That wretched Blomfield that Created ---
To Mr. Brown doth meet with his good me ---
When he was Charg'd to have him as to jayle
He was attacht by God Could get no baile.
At present Death appeares. Yet God did give
Repenting room and lets him further live,
And take his son instead of him, doth st---
His Wife with pining sickness to ---
Him still takes her away. He gets another
And an Estate to boot, yet't will not smoo[ther]
Out any whit the Unblown fire not see ---
That burns up all this and his own once g---
And worthy and a pineing Plague beside
Attends his body till it is destroyde.
![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |