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Divine, And Moral Speculations in Metrical Numbers, Upon Various Subjects
By Doctor R. Aylet
Aylett, Robert (1583-1655?)
To the Right Honourable HENRY LORD MARQUESSE OF Dorchester:
To the Noble Author of these Poems.
To his worthily Honoured Friend Doctor Aylet, one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery.
To the most worthy Authour.
THE SONG OF SONGS Which was Solomons.
[In all thy Poems thou dost wondrous well]
Five Moral Meditations: OF 1. Concord and Peace, 2. Chastity, 3. Constancy, 4. Courtesy, 5. Gravity.
Meditation I. Of Peace and Concord.
Meditation II. Of Chastity.
Meditation III. Of Constancy.
Authoris Uotum.
Meditation IV. Of Courtesy or Humanity.
Meditation V. Of Gravity.
To the Author.
Five Divine and Moral Meditations: OF 1. Frugality, 2. Providence, 3. Diligence, 4. Labour and Care, 5. Death.
[To thee, poor Bird, in Cage imprisoned]
Of dying young.
A Funerall ELEGY Consecrated to the Memory of his ever honored Lord IOHN KING late Lord Bishop of London.
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Divine, And Moral Speculations in Metrical Numbers, Upon Various Subjects
Beati qui custodiunt judicium, & faciunt justitiam omni tempore. Psal. 3.
Divine, And Moral Speculations in Metrical Numbers, Upon Various Subjects