University of Virginia Library

A short treatyse of certayne thinges abused In the Popysh Church, longe vsed: But now abolyshed, to our consolation, And Gods word auaunced, the lyght of our saluation.

Euery tree that bringeth not forth good frute shalbe hewen downe & cast into ye fyre Matthew. vii.

Our soule is escaped euen as a byrd out of the snare of the foular/the snare is brokē and we are delyuered. Psalm. cxxiii

All plantes yt my heauenly father hathe not planted, shall be plucked vp by the rotes Mat. xv.

It is tyme (O Lorde) to laye to thyne hande, for they haue destroyed thy lawe. Psal. cxviii.

Preserue me (O god) for in the do I truste. Psalm. xv.

Grace whiche is the mercy fauor and acceptation.

Apoc. i.

Of God our heauenly father, be geuen to this audience
Peace, from Iesu Christ, our helth and satisfaction
Whiche is the true tranquilite, of a quiet conscience
Be ministred vnto you with a more relyced sentence
Than all tonges be able to make declaration
My intente is to declare, yf a while ye will kepe scilence
How goddes worde is florisshed, the light of our saluatiō
We haue bene drowned with dreames, as our forefathers haue bene

Ps. 106.

Lyuinge in wilfull ignorance, not searching for ye verite
Beleuing to haue syght, whan we haue not sene
But heapinge synne vpon synne, committing iniquite
For lacke of godly knowledge, brought into captiuite

Eccl. 21.

So yt ye blind leade ye blind, as Christ maketh demonstratiō

Mat. 15.

And bothe fell in ye lake, of vtter darkenes or tenebre
But now goddes word is florisshed, ye light of our saluation
The shepeheardes that should fede the flocke, as Ezechiel doth say

Eze. 34.

And hath famysshed them for fode, wo vnto them all
That thus suffereth ye shepe to perisshe, going a stray
From ye handes of suche blind guydes ye lord doth vs call
The sicke haue they not healed, ye weake haue they let fall
But churlishly and cruellye, be they had in estimation
Come away good people, from their doctrine diabolicall

Apo. 18.

For now goddes word is florisshed, ye light of our saluatiō
A gret colour of holines in ye Popes church hath ben vsed
The which is playne wickednes, as goddes word proueth ryghte

4. re. 17.

To mainteyn the old customes of most men now refused

The verite cleane banisshed, & truth put to flight
yf god had not bene mercyfull, all men had lost the light
Blynde was the cerimony, for all the sainctification
But now it is euident, to euery christen wight
How goddes word is florisshed, the light of our saluation
In ye stede of goddes word we had holy bread & water
Holy palmes holy asshes, holy candles holy fyer
Holy bones holy stones, holy crewittes at the aulter
Holy censars holy bannars, holy crosses holy atyer
Holy wax holy pax, holy smoke holy smyer
Holy oyle holy creame, holy wyne for veneration
Holy coope holy canepy, holy reliques in ye quier
Thus gods word could not florissh ye light of our saluatiō
We haue had belles christened, vestimentes consecrated
Chalices anointed, high altares wasshed and halowed
Images tabernacled, dead mens bones shryned
Coniured Crosses censed, spittled and spattled
With turne and half turne, the people was deceyued
Seist me or seist me not, and moche more abhominacion
Feattes of legerdemayne, by these iugglers inuented
That goddes worde shulde not florysshe, the lyght of oure saluacion.
Upon the high holy euennes as they do them call,
They range all the belles a solempne noys to heare
There had we euensong: complyne, & salue wt all
Of yt was song or sayd, them selues were neuer the nere


For it was in a foren tonge, as it doth well apere

Nother to them nor vs, was there edification
For it was all lippe labor, song they neuer so cleare

Esa. 29.

Syldome preache they christ, to be the light of our saluatiō
The nexte day folowing we had matynes, with prime and howres holy
Many a deus in adiutorium, all in the latten tonge
Coniuring of holy water, folowed then immediatly
Procession after ydolles, all the churche yarde long
Hygh masse with deuout sensinges, ruffling it in priksong
Then ranne we to take holy bread, withoute signification
These plantes be pluct vp, be they neuer so stronge

Mat. 15.

They were not graffed on goddes worde, the light of our saluation
With these old customes & such lyke, god is displeased sore
As in the first of Esay, ther is demaunded playne
Who required these of you, suche thinges I do abhor


your Sabothes and your solempne dayes, your fastinges are in vayne
Newe holydayes & fastinges, from my hart I do disdayne
God saith he is wery both of you and your oblacion
He byddeth you labour in his vyne yarde, and therin take payne
To teach the people Gods word, the light of our saluacion
Sone it is sene what paynes, in this vyneyarde they dyd take
For euery quicke sprynge that brought forthe, the frute of Gods verite
They cryed out on him heretike, burne him at a stake
He speaketh againste oure Ceremonyes, and therfore shall he dye
Throwe suche wretches in prison, and let the caytyfes lye
And yf they be not willinge, to make their recantation
Famysh them for fode, or murther them pryuely

Papistes make traditions ye light of their saluation.

They speake agaynste tradycions the lyght of oure saluacion.

Than scourged they the simple soules/with their whyp of correction
And there on hanged .vi. strynges, surely fastened with a lawe
This whyp was very mete, for their pestilent complection
For thorow suche tyranny, the peoples hartes were rawe,
Thus many faithfull membres, frome the truth dyd draw
Untyll our noble kynge, of his mercy and compassion

Psa. 123.

Brake this cruell whyp, that kept the people in awe

And hath aduaunced Goddes worde, the lyght of our saluacion.
Bewayle doth our Balamytes, disclosynge their owne nature
Euen as vnshamefaste shauelynges, threteninge Christes pore shepe
Saynge, yf the sworde were on our sydes, be ye sure
As it hath bene before, than wolde ye not ones pepe
But now that ye thinke all good ordre, is layde downe to slepe
ye make a braggynge and a boastinge of your exaltation
Now who but ye gospellers, that Christes flocke dothe keape
ye teache the people gods worde, the lyght of our saluatiō
Thus was their handes defyled with bloud, their fingers with vnrightuousenes
Deuouringe vp the gospellers, in euery towne and citye
From their lyppes proceded lyes, their tongues aduaunced wyckednesse
Without respecte to the trewth, they iudge nothing treuly

Esa. 57.

Thei hatched Coccatrice egges, as we haue sene it plainly

And weaued spyders webbes, by their cruell consultatiō.

Now he that eateth of their egges, shal not escape but dye
Or be an ennemy to the truthe/the light of our saluacion.
The chiefest thinge they set by/is almost fallen awaye
I meane their masking Masse by so many Popes deuysed
For thorow it the Lordes supper, hath bene in great decay
And the right institution, blasphemously blemysshed,
Thus in the Popysh churche, it hath bene longe abused
But now verite will haue the matter, in examinacion
He saith playnly suche abusion, shall no more be vsed
It shal be tryed by Gods worde, the light of our saluacion
This Masse as they supposed, was alone sufficient
To pacify Goddes wrathe, for our wretched mysery
Free forgyuenes of synnes, beinge neuer so vnpenitent
Myght be receyued at the Masse, this was their doctrine dayely
No smale tyme were we blynded, with suche Popysshe peltry
Makinge vs to paye, for the holy consecration
Lyke theues that were vnsaciat, they robbed soule & body
Without the feare of Goddes worde, the lyght of our saluacion.
Christ held not the bread ouer his head, it is not in the Scripture.
But brake it and deuyded it, to his Apostels all

Mat. 14.

Christ bad them not knele to it, of this ye may be sure
yf ye do searche the Scriptures fynde it so ye shall
Christ willed them to reserue it, in the memoriall

1. Cor. 11.

That his body for our synnes, suffred payne and passion
To pacify the fathers wrath, when we in synne do fal
Thus was he offred ones for all, the light of our saluacion

He. 7. x.

Marke how blyndly we were fed, wt our popysh gētylinen
Marke how wt false doctrine, they haue bleared our eyes.

Mat. 16.

Marke how craftely we were fedde wt Phariseys leauen

Marke also how they repyne, yt gods worde sholde aryse
Marke what deuylish doctrine, these dreamers did deuise
Marke how cruell they haue bene, to Christes cōgregatiō

2. Ti. 4.

Marke howe moche they haue maynteyned, phantasyes and lyes

Nothing regarding gods word, the light of our saluation
Of longe tyme haue they caused vs, cōmyt abhominatiō
Robbyng god of the honor, which to hym is dewe,

He. 7. 17.

By inuenting false goddes, of their Imagination

Makyng therof a sacrifice, and yf they proue this trewe
They must confesse thei crucify, gods sonne againe a newe
For yf their bread be Christe, by transubstanciation
Than offre they in sacrifice, this muste nedes insewe
God and man fleshe and bloude, the lyght of our saluation
Doth not scripture say, into heauen Christ ascended

Mar. 16 Actes. 7. Heb. 10.

And dwellyng not in temples, made with mannes hande

But sat him downe for euer/vntyll the worlde be ended
Makinge intercession, both for free and bonde
That vnto his godly promyse, faithfully do stonde
This shoulde be to the Idolatres an honest reformation
To driue them from Idolatry, for feare they be fonde
Enemyes vnto gods worde the lyght of our saluation


Christ is the bread of lyfe which descended from ye deite

yf any eate of that bread he shall lyue euermore


Christ alone the sonne of God maketh vs free


And from all our synnes clearely doth vs restore

Christ for all penytent hartes, hath layd vp mercy in store

Rom. 4.

Christ dyed for our synnes, and rose for our iustification

We beleue to fynde hym a mercyfull sauiour
For god hath chosen hym to be the light of our saluation
Now seing we haue Christe, to be our onely aduocate

In whom God the father, hath a speciall delight
Let vs heare him, for he alone doth inuocate

Mat. 3.

And of our synnes cleane forgyuenes, we haue in Goddes syght

2. Pet. 1.

What nede we than to seke helpe, at any other wyght
But euen onely in the merites, of Iesu Christes passion

Eph. 1.

Bewaylinge our great mysery, desyringe daye and night

Heb. 1.

To fynde him a mercyfull God, the light of our saluacion.
All we haue offended and haue nede of Goddes glory

Rom. 3.

No man is founde righteous, and pure in his presence
yet thorow his sonne Christ, we be forgyuen frely
For he hath made a sacrifice, for our synnes and offence

Heb. 7.

He is our reconciler, peace maker, and defence
He it is that shed his bloud, onely for our redemption
And wolde haue all men saued, this is his pretence
Thus are we cleansed by Christ, the light of our saluacion
No small cause haue we to reioyce, yf we do consyder
How our mercyfull God, hath for his flocke prouyded
Replenyshinge vs with meat, that endureth for euer
I meane his eternall word frome which we were deuided

Ihon. 6.

By waye of persecution, abhorred and deryded
But thankes be to the lyuinge God, whiche for our consolacion
Hath ouerthrowen the ennemyes, that thus enterprysed

Act. 9.

To persecute the Gospell the light of our saluacion.
And where we lyued in feare, to confesse the verite

mat. 25.

By hydinge our talent, as seruauntes vnprofytable
Now is that yoock broken, and we set at libertie

Psa. 123.

Plenteously to publyshe, the truth without fable
Let vs therfore beware, we be not founde variable
But laye a sure holde to the ploughe, with harte and cogitation

Luke. 9.

Continuinge vnto the ende, stronge stedfaste and stable

1. Cor. 15.

In no wyse to renounce the truthe, the lighte of oure saluacion.

Apo. 17.

Forsake the whore of Babylon, and the marke of the beast

Forsake her marchantes all, for they be most pestelent

Apo. 18.

Forsake the wares that she solde, frome the mooste to the least

Forsake her holy holynes that she estemed excellent
Forsake the deuelysh doctrine, that she dyd inuent

Apo. 17.

Forsake and flee vtterly, from her abhominacion

Apo. 18.

For Kynges and Princes were disceyued, that to her dyd consent

Persecuting Gods worde, the light of our saluacion.
Let vs forsake all ceremonies, that to Scripture be not consonaunt
Tradicions of forefathers wherin we haue ben lead

Psal. cv

And with the lyuely worde of God, let vs now be conuersaunt

For therin shall we se, with what baggage we were fead
Wanderinge in the Popes lawes/forsakinge Christ oure head

2. Pe.2.

Heapinge vpon our selues, the more greatter damnacion

Thus were Tradicions and Ceremonies, maintayned in the stede
Of Gods true and syncere worde, the light of our saluaciō
Let vs earnestly therfore desire, wt an harte vnfayned

Tim. 1.

That in all thinge we do, God may haue the glory

yea, and imbrace this heauenly worde, whiche we haue receyued
Not in talke/nor to receyue it as a carnall liberty
But to bringe forth the frutes of the spirit, so that therby
It maye apeare manifest, in our Godly conuersacion
To be a light vnto the worlde/forsakinge all iniquite

And to perseuer in the truth, the light of our saluacion.
And doubte not all that the heauenly father hathe not planted
He will plucke vp by the rotes, they shall no more endure

Mat. 15.

This in his eternall worde, he hath it promysed
Therfore be not vnfaithfull, for his couenaunt is full sure
Heauen and earth shall perysh, this is without recure

Luk. 16.

But his worde shall neuer passe, by no determination
Untyll all thinge be ended, therfore I you allure
To trust wholy in his worde, the light of our saluacion
Honger and thurst for righteousnesse, than shall ye be satisfyed

Mat. 5.

Mortify the flesh with the dedes therof also
Let no fylthye communication, oute of youre mouthes procede

Ephe. 4.

But as it becometh sayntes, euen so loke ye do
Blessed be he to whom synne, is not imputed to

Psal. 31.

Neither in his spirite is there founde dissimulacion
Suche shall inioye the heauenly ioyes, knowinge no kynd of woo
But haue the fruicion of Goddes sight, the lyghte of oure saluacion
And aboue all thinge to imbrace, Gods eternall veritie
Which vnto a Christen man, there is nothing so acceptable
For as moche as in it/is contayned syncerely
The dewtie of all persons, a doctrine most profytable
And in especiall to this, we must be agreable
To loue God aboue all thinge, this is the chief foundacion
And oure neygbours as our selfe, thus shall we withoute fable
Receyue at the hande of God, the lyght of our saluacion.

Let vs be thankefull to our God, for his etern verite
With which he hath moste plenteously endewed our noble Kynge
So that amonge all his affaires, he maye set forth goddes glorye
With no lesse zeale than he hathe done, sence his firste begynninge
I meane, Edward the sixt, ouer vs now rayninge
Right Inheritour by dissent, of this realme or dominion
That oute of his Princely harte, there maye dystyll and springe
Gods power and lyuely worde, the light of our saluacion.
Also for those good ladyes, of the same stock and lynage
Mary and Elyzabeth, systers vnto his grace
The heauenly Lorde endewe them, vnto their last age
Euen as their noble father dyd, all Popery to deface
And Gods eternall Testament, alway to embrace
For there in shall they learne, by the heauenly instigation
To folow the frute of the spirite, and thereby to purchace
The Celestiall kyngdome, the lyght of our saluacion.
For the most honorable Councell, with my Lorde Protector
Which stryueth strongely with the enemyes of God night and daye
In his procedynges and doynges, the Lorde be his director
With his holy spirite also/to rule their hartes alwaye
That thorowe their spirituall laboure/all Poperye maye decaye
And vtterly banyshed the lande/with Godly reformacion
Suppressinge all false doctrine/and to set suche a staye
That Goddes worde maye increace/the lyght of our saluacion.

And that it may please the (O God) to illumine the spiritualtie
As Bysshoppes and all ministers/with knowledge and vnderstandinge
Of thy most blessed worde/to set it forth with synceritie
And vnsaynedly folowe/both in doctrine and lyuinge
Fedinge Christes flocke/with the worde euerlastinge
Not compelled thervnto/nor for hope of promocion
But for fauour which they beare to it aboue all thinge

1. Pet. 5.

And thus shall Goddes worde florysshe/the lyght of oure saluacion.
Let Christ be preached the sauyour/wherein we maye trust
Rebuke euery synne/beware of Deuelysh Doctrine

1. Ti. 4.

Double tongued men/in no wyse be they must
Not gyuen to fylthy lucre/nor to moche wyne

1. Tim. 3.

But hauynge the mysterye of Faythe/in conseyence pure and cleane
And or they presume to minister in the congregacion
They ought to be well proued, this doth sainte Paule determyne
And then to fede vs with the truthe, the lyghte of our saluacion.
And euen as it is their dewtie, to rebuke synne
So is it our partes also, to ceace frome synne alwaye
Consyderinge Sathan was the fyrste/that dyd it begyn
Therfore be they our watchemen, as Ezechiell doth saye

Eze. 33.

Now, yf we haue a warninge, and will fully decaye
Oure owne bloude vpon oure headdes, this is withoute negacion
Rede the texte and more playnly, se it there ye maye
Thus God wolde haue all men saued, the light of our saluacion.

And for vs pore communs also, the Lorde be our ouer sear
That aboue all we maye desyre, peace and quiet rest
Both of soule and body, for that do we require
So shall we prosper in all goodnes, and God pleased best
And at the last to be with Christ, this is our request
Whiche is the head of the faithfull and Christian congregation
receyuinge there a kyngdome, euer to haue rest
In ioye and blysse withoute ende, there to haue oure saluacion.

Euery good gyft/and euerye perfyt gyfte is frome aboue, and commeth downe frome the father of light.

Iames. i.

For it is the Lorde that gyueth wysdome/out of his mouthe commeth knowledge and vnderstandinge.

Prouerb. ii.

Not vnto vs (O Lord) not vnto vs, but vnto thy name gyue the prayse.

Psalm. cxv.

To God onely/gyue the glory.

Timothee. i.
Quod, Peter Moone.