Introductory poem to the passyon of our lorde | ||
The prologue of Robert Coplande.
godly vse of prudent wytted men
Can not absteyne theyr aūcyent exercyse
Recorde of late howe besily with his pen
The translatour/of this sayd treatyse
Hath him indeuered/in most goodly wise
Bokes to translate/in volumes large and fayre
From frenche in prose/of goostly exemplayre.
Can not absteyne theyr aūcyent exercyse
Recorde of late howe besily with his pen
The translatour/of this sayd treatyse
Hath him indeuered/in most goodly wise
Bokes to translate/in volumes large and fayre
From frenche in prose/of goostly exemplayre.
As is the flour of goddes commaundementes
A treatyse also called Lucydary.
With two other of the seuyn sacramentes
One of christen men the ordinary
The seconde/the craft to lyue well and to dye
With dyuers other/to mannes lyfe profytable
A vertuous vse/and right commendable.
A treatyse also called Lucydary.
With two other of the seuyn sacramentes
One of christen men the ordinary
The seconde/the craft to lyue well and to dye
With dyuers other/to mannes lyfe profytable
A vertuous vse/and right commendable.
And nowe this boke/of Christes passyon
The which before/in langage was to rude
Seyng the mater to be of grete compassyon
Hath besyed hym that vyce for to exclude
In englysshe clere/with grete solycitude
Out of frensshe at Wynkyn de Wordes instaunce
Dayly desiryng/of vertues the fortheraunce.
The which before/in langage was to rude
Seyng the mater to be of grete compassyon
Hath besyed hym that vyce for to exclude
In englysshe clere/with grete solycitude
Out of frensshe at Wynkyn de Wordes instaunce
Dayly desiryng/of vertues the fortheraunce.
Introductory poem to the passyon of our lorde | ||