University of Virginia Library

The prologue of Robert Coplande.

The godly vse of prudent wytted men
Can not absteyne theyr aūcyent exercyse
Recorde of late howe besily with his pen
The translatour/of this sayd treatyse
Hath him indeuered/in most goodly wise
Bokes to translate/in volumes large and fayre
From frenche in prose/of goostly exemplayre.
As is the flour of goddes commaundementes
A treatyse also called Lucydary.
With two other of the seuyn sacramentes
One of christen men the ordinary
The seconde/the craft to lyue well and to dye
With dyuers other/to mannes lyfe profytable
A vertuous vse/and right commendable.
And nowe this boke/of Christes passyon
The which before/in langage was to rude
Seyng the mater to be of grete compassyon
Hath besyed hym that vyce for to exclude
In englysshe clere/with grete solycitude
Out of frensshe at Wynkyn de Wordes instaunce
Dayly desiryng/of vertues the fortheraunce.