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An answere to a papystycall exhortacyon, pretendynge to auoyde false doctryne, under that colour to maynteyne the same.

By ther frutes shall ye know them.Math.7.

Everye pylde pedlar
Wyll be a medlar
Though ther myttes be drowsye
And ther lernynge lowsye
Ther meters all mangye
Rashe, rurall, and grangye
Yet wyll they forwarde halte
As menne mased in malte
These vyle cannell rakers
Are now becumme makers
Ther poems out they dashe
Wich all ther swyber swashe
Ther darnell and ther chaffe
Ther swylle and swynyshe draffe
Soche pype soche melodye
Soche bagge soche beggerye.
Of pylde popyshe facyons
They strowe exhortacions
The people to infecte.
With the sedes of ther secte
Pretendynge to dyffyne
Agaynst the false doctryne
But soche dyrtye geare
Ded menne neuer heare.
They teache nat in meter
With Paule Iohan and Peter
The worlde to edyfye
With goddes worde christenlye
But scripturs they depraue

As madde men that do raue
They daunce with the deuyll
To magnyfye ther euyll.
They drysle forth a dramme
As he that to Christ camme
To trappe hym in a snare
Forsoth it is fonde were
Let christen menne take hede
Vnto ther wycked sede
For they seke for to blynde
The syllye symple mynde.
The papystes tytle. An exhortacyon to auoyde false doctryne.
The papsyte.
My mynde can not perfyghtelye endyte
Neyther my penne can trewlye wryte
As my hart doth desyre
The cause onlye is for lacke of syght
In lernynge that is so perfyght and bryght
Wherfore pardō of good mē I requyre

The chrystiane.

Your Penne and your mynde
Are both of one kynde
And fyt for soche an hart
As owle in the nyght
Without gostly syght
Ye playe a Knauyshe part.
Attendite a falsis prophetis qui veniūt ad vos.


Of soche wolues beware
As laye forth a snare
Of outwarde holynes.
Queritis interficere hominē quod veritatē locutus.


For they do nat elles
But playe the rebelles
Agaynst goddes ryghteousnes.

The papyste.
If any man els be greued with thys
Let them take it euen as it is
And I praye God them to amende
I thynke with charyte them to tell
As I fynde written in the gospell
To the lawe of God we shuld attende.

Lyke a braynyshe dolte
Ye shote forth your bolte
As bolde as bayarde blynde
ye loue the gospell
As the deuyll of hell
Here after we shall it fynde
Attendite popule meus legem meam.

Psal. 77

Attende to goddes lawe
And to hys worde drawe

All you that faythfull be
Cauete a fermento Phariseorū quid est hipo.

Luc. 12

The leuen eschewe
Of pharisees vntrewe
Yf ye louethe veryte.

The papyste.
Some of late with themselues perswaded
Out of the shalowe so fayre they waded
That they felt no grounde.
They had thought vs to haue blynded
And of the trewth vs to haue wynded
But now ther deceytes be founde.

The chrystiane.
If people be yll
They shall be so styll
For ought that ye brynge here
Your doctryne is chaffe
Your ryme dyreye draffe
It is vnsauerye gere.
Linguis suis dolose agebant, iudica illos.

Rom. 3.

The language of lyes
A false harlot tryes
To seke a wycked praye.
Sicut nouacula acutasecisti dolum.

Psa. 51.

With colours to carpe
As a rasour sharpe
To wype goddes treuth awaye.

The papyste.
Let no manne be so styffe necked
To thinke him self so hyghly in lerning decked
Standynge in hys owne conceyte.
For yf thou or he be in the wronge

Thou nor he can not be so stronge
But the deuyll for the hath a beyte.

The chrystiane.
Stande you where ye lyst
Ye are a papyst
In lernynge verye basse
To cum for refuge
To soche a pylde iuge
Is for to seke an asse.
Si lumen quod in te est tenebre sint.

Math 6.

Your myndes are so darke
Ye seke but the barke
And therin ye remayne.
Velamen positum est super cor eorum.


Ye holde fast the letter
And wyll haue no better
The spyryt ye do dysdayne.

The papyste.
Ther were heretykes that neuer wolde cease
But from vs to take unyte and peace
So amonge vs they dyd fyght.
In ther blyndenes so farre gone they were
That of God they had no dought or fere
All to destruccion was that delyght.

The chrystiane.
Is ther one alyue
Which canne ye depryue
Of that ye neuer hadde
Of stryfe and debate
Sedicion and hate
Your kynde was euergladde.
Contritio & infelicitas in vijs eorum.


Ye labour and speake
To destroye and breake
The vyneyarde of the lorde
Vinea domini exercituum domus Israel est.


Of the losse therof
Ye make a but a scof
As Esaye doth recorde.

The papyste.
Christ wylleth us to take good hede
Of these seducers for we had nede
Loke the scripture and se
From ther folowers let us refrayne
For small charyte in them remayne
As semeth vnto me.

The chrystiane.
Your self is the sede
Of deceytfull wede
As your frutes doth report
For lesse charyte
In men can not be
Than in your popyshe sort.
Nemo vos seducatinan ibus verbis.


The false craftye spyes
Come in with ther lyes
All men of them beware
Venit hora, vt omnis qui interficit vos.

Ioh. 16.

they haue not ther fylle
Tyll they slee and kylle
No innocentes they spare.

The papyste.
And a man agaynst them wryte or speke
Some ther be wyll hym cruelly intrete

I maruele they are so bolde
Ther was a thynge made of late
Some had indignation therate
And openly beganne to scolde

The chrystiane.
Whan we fynde ye bolde
In your poperye olde
Therof we do ye telle
Your poetes we touche
For shakynge ther pouche
And shewe wherof they smelle.
Imitantur illum, qui sunt ex parte illius.


They folowe the deuyll
Which seke to do euyll
And are vpon hys syde.
Vos ex patre diabolo estis, & opera.

Iohā 8.

The proude papystes all
With the prestes of ball
Do take hym for ther gyde.

The papyste.
But trewly it shall not a whyt skylle
Let them bable euen ther fylle
It is so hote it maye not abyde.
For an heretyke wyll they defende
By the kynges lawes iustly condempne
And saye a christen man he dyed.

The chrystiane.
Who are more bablars
And frautycke fablars
Than pratlynge papystes be.
We knowe none heretykes
Nor trayterous scysmatykes

But your affinite.
Nunquid potest homo ignē abscōdere in sinu.


The bosome hath fyre
Of fleshly desyre
Where spirituall fathers be.
Masculi relicto naturali vsu femine exarserunt.


With conscience a duste
They burne in ther luste
And worke moche vanyte.

The papyste.
Some be afrayed hys confession to shew opēly
In prynte they wyll nat haue it verely
The cause ones knowne
To hys part them selues somwhat bent
Now they fere they shall be shent
Soche gostlye sedes had they sowne.

The chrystiane.
Ye geue dyrte for flynte
The thynge is in prynte
That ye gruge at so sore
It is not vnknowne
What sedes ye haue sowne
In thys realme heretofore
Quod timet impius, veniet super eum.


That the wycked dought
Shall lyght on ther snought
Ther churche must haue a fall.
Omnis plantatio quam non plantauit pater.


What God hath not sowne
Nor the gospell knowne
Shall be turned ouer all.

The papyste.

We be to them that fayne so outwarde
And be so pestylent enuyous inwarde
To a graue maye I lyke them in dede.
That is without set full of goodly stones
Within full of stynkynge rotten bones
Loke the gospell and rede.

The christiane.
Lyke these, ratte, and mouse
The poore wydowes house
Your bellyes doth deuoure
Ye sucke vppe the fatte
For straynynge a gnatte
In your vsurped poure.
Ve vobis, quia similes estis sepulcris de albatis.


Who are the whyght graues
But soche romyshe knaues
And paynted hypocrytes.
Audite verbum domini principes sodomorū,


As vnder pretence
Of chaste contynence
Do playe the sodomytes.

The papyste.
They that be full of inquyte
Shall neuer com in christes companye
Except they do amende.
God commaundeth those people to walke
That agaynst men maliciouslye do talke
And with peace do contende.

The chrystiane.
If Christe do refuse
All soche as abuse
The glorye of hys name

Ye chaplaynes of ball
Must nedes haue a fall
And come to vtter shame
Discedite a me omnes quod operamini iniquitatē.


Ye lobbryshe lurkars
And ydle workars
Hence fro me, sayth the lorde
Frustra me colunt docentes doctrinas.


Your owne wayes ye vse
And my lawes refuse
Lyke as your frutes recorde.

The papyste.
Some heretykes of late as I thynke
Wer lothe that ther flesh shuld stynke.
Aboue the erthe or within
They loked euer and hoped for a daye
But they were brent all thre by the waye
And taken in ther owne gynne.

The christiane.
At traytours ye wynke
Nat felynge ther stynke
So many as hath bene
For a daye they wrought
Whan ye no lesse thought
Ye maye knowe what I mene.
In insidijs suis capiuntur inique &c,


In your popyshe maske
The grande captayne aske
Was trapped in hys turne
Durum est tibi contra stimulum calcitra.


Ye maye se by thys
What daunger it is

Agaynst goddes trewth to spurne

The papyste.
To speke of good workes it were a shame
They loued not to heare of that name
But sola fides and none other
Ther tonges ranne so moche upon fayth
But ther hartes were farre thēs as Crist sayth
Ther lyppes and hartes were farre a sonder

The chrystiane.
They neuer denyed
Soche workes as fayth tryed
But your apyshe fantasyes
Your tunges and your hartes
Paye neyther good partes
In your lattyn memoryes.
Populus hic labijs me honorat cor eorum.


Your labour of lyppes
Is so drye as chyppes
God doth it nat esteme
Vostrans gredimini mandatum dei propter.


Ye leaue goddes precepte
To haue your owne kepte
Wherin ye do blaspheme.

The papyste.
If thou wylt take the byble boke
And upon saynt James pystle loke
Ther you shall I trowe se
How fayth is ther trewly applyed
And good workes with hym tyed
Se how they do agre.

The chrystiane.
Paule only of fayth

Of workes saynt Iames sayth
God doth vs iustifye
Before God fayth thanne
And workes before manne
Concludeth thys controuersye.
Fides fine operibus mortua est.


The workes that you make.
Trew fayth do nat wake
For why they are but chaffe.
Nolite margaricas ponere ante porcos.

Math. 7

Goddes worde doth diffyne
That ye are but swyne
Ye fede in swylle and draffe.

The papyste.
If thou wylt a faythfull christen man be
Loke thou haue fayth, hope and charyte
And do thou good for yll
Let thy mouthe & thy hart be without enuye
That pleaseth God & the kyng, let it please the
And hys mynde fulfyll.

The chrystiane
All one are those thre
And neuer dysgre
Wher fayth is roted fast
Our lorde God and kynge
Ye haue mayed nothynge
In your olde practyse past.
Time dominum fili mi, & regem


My sonne of all thynge
Feare God and thy kynge
Thus Salomon doth saye.
Achitophel contra Dauid consilium dedit.

With achitophell
Ye papystes rebell
And all your kynges betraye.

The papyste.
To speke of holy breade and holy water
I intende not to medle with that mater
But leaue it as it is
Let vs one for an other praye
With good hope as longe as we maye
That we maye com to heuyns blys

The chrystiane.
Olde hooles do not cloute
Least ye be spyed oute
But tarrye yet a tyme
Heuyn wyll nat be gote
With your psalmes by note
Yt is to hygh to clyme.
Tu domine singulariter in spe constituisti me.


All they hope in vayne
That styll do remayne
In the dregges op popyshe lawes.
Sapientia huius mundi stultitia est apud deum


Lyue they neuer so longe
Ther fryndes here amonge
They shall dye verye dawes.

The papyste.
To praye for them that thys worlde hath past
I thynke surelye we maye not be agast
Loke the scripture yf I lye.
Rede the Machabees softlye thorow oute
And ye shall fynde it no doute
Yf you your dylygence do applye.

The chrystiane.
Where Christ set no waye.
For dead men to praye
It canne not them auayle
That the Machabees tell
Shall be no gospell
Where other scripturs fayle.
Salubris est cogitatio pro defunctis exorare.

To make any mone
For soules that are gone
It is vnfaythfulnes
Iustorum anime in manu dei sunt.


For they fele no rodde.
In the handes of godde
But peace and quyetnes.

The papyste.
I wryte not thys intendynge to preche
Neyther takynge vpon me any mā to teche
My lernynge is not mete
But because under holy pretence
We should not hyde these heretykes offence
But treade it vnder our fete

The christiane.
Ye vtter soche trashe
And pylde haberdashe
As laye longe in your mynde
But loke ye styll hyde
All treason and pryde
Of your olde popyshe kynde.
Nouit dominus viam iustorū, & iter impsorū,


All wayes of the iuste
The lorde hath discuste

The prestes dwell in ther dreames
Dereliquerunt fontem aque viue, & foderunt.


In ther donge they lye
Lyke boores in a stye
For mudd they leaue the streames.

The papyste.
They that thynke that barnes was holy
In ther braynes ther is great foly
Juge other men what they canne
Surely he was by hym self alone
To contende with hym durst not one
He was so proper a manne.

The christiane.
As Paule doth recorde
We are of the lorde
To hym we stande or fall
Take hede least ye swerve
For he doth reserue
Ryght iugement for ye all
Abhominantur impij eos, qui in recta via sunt.


Ye wycked papystes
In your drowsye mystes
Abhorre the symple sort
Quid nam est hoc que doctrina hec noua


Ye do not regarde
Goddes worde to be harde
But geue it yll report.

The papyste.

But yf the deuyll were here and brent
Some wolde hym pyteously lament
In ther hartes they be so kynde
Hys confession shuld be kept as treasure
And with some beleued aboue measure
They are now so blynde.

The christiane.
If they take hys part
That scripture peruart
Stande you amonge hys fryndes.
A dyrtye beleue
To the blynde ye geue
To recreate ther myndes
Non est in ore corum veritas, cor eorum vanū


Your fayth is so weake
No treuth can ye speake
But hate all godly wayes
O pastor & idolum derelinquens gregem.


Ye robbe christes flocke
And geue them a mocke
In all your iuglynge playes.

The papyste.
All yll thoughtes in our hartes let vs eschue
And lyke trew subiectes to our prince cōtynue
We shall fynde it ease.
To hye pleasure let vs inclyne
And not agaynst hys actes to repyne
So God we shall please.

The chrystiane.

The false foxe that gawde
Doth compas some frawde
By hys false flatterynge toyes
Dyslemblars vntrewe
Many prynces rewe
Amonge these worldly Ioyes
In cogitatione tua regi non detrahas


Who doth a kynge hate?
But papystes that prate
Agaynst all godlynes
Sacerdotes beliscum suis cōcubinis in posturā.


Bellys dyrtye dyuynes
With ther concubynes
Hath wrought all fylthynes.

The papyste.
Ther is not in the worlde so wyde
Set thus lyttle lande aside
That hath so noble and gentle a kynge
Wherfore let vs all in one praye
Euen to God both nyght and daye
That longe maye he ouer vs be raygnynge.

The chrystiane.
God saue christen kynges
From your practisynges
For myschef ye intende
From haters of treuth
Good seldom enseuth
Our prynce the lorde defende
Beatate. ra,cuius rex nobilis est


Happy is that soyle
Wher christen men toyle
Vnder a faythfull kynge
Irritum fecistis pactum leui, propter quod.


Where prestys do remayne
And scriptur dysdayne
It is an heuy thynge.


The appendyce or conclusyon

No bussarde so blynde
But now speweth hys mynde
Now cometh hagge and tagge
And shaketh out ther bagge
They turne out ther trashe
And shew ther haberdashe
Ther pylde pedlarye
And scalde scullerye.
Our olde romyshe ruste
Leapeth out of the duste
With a cankred face
All voyde of goddes grace
Thynkynge ones agayne
In Englande to reyne

And be hadde in pryce
To maynteyne all vyce.
Ser Iohan now is bolde
In yche place to scolde
Where men do not care
For pylde popyshe ware
He doth them accuse
And saye they refuse
The lawes of the lorde
Bryngynge false recorde
They haue a new caste
The scripturs to wraste
And wrynge out of frame
To ther vtter shame
From treuth they do swerve
Ther purpose to serue
And care not for godde
Nor hys ryghtfull rodde.
Lorde pyte thy flocke
Whome now the prestys mocke
Sturre vppe prynces hartes
To stande on ther partes
Least papystes haue powre
Thy lammes to deuowre.
Whome vpon the rood
Thou boutest with they blood.
Amen. God saue the kynge