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Thou art, O Lord! my only trust,
When friends are mingled with the dust,
And all my loves are gone;
When earth has nothing to bestow,
And every flower is dead below,
I look to thee alone.
Thou wilt not leave, in doubt and fear,
The humble soul, who loves to hear
The lessons of thy word;
When foes around us thickly press,
And all is danger and distress,
There's safety in the Lord.


The bosom friend may sleep below
The churchyard turf, and we may go
To close a lov'd one's eyes;
They will not always slumber there,
We see a world more bright and fair,
A home beyond the skies.
And we may feel the bitter dart,
Most keenly rankling in the heart,
By some dark ingrate driven;
In us revenge can never burn,
We pity, pardon; then we turn,
And rest our souls in heaven.
'Tis thou, O Lord! who shield'st my head,
And draw'st thy curtains round my bed,
I sleep secure in thee;
And O! may soon that time arive,
When we before thy face shall live
Through all eternity.