University of Virginia Library


Great Soul, and brave, 'tis good to think of thee,
And with a filial reverence raise the veil
From patriot valor, that ne'er sought of Fame
Her clarion-payment.
See we not again,
The unfinished furrow, the forsaken home,
The flying steed, urg'd by thy sleepless heart
That throbb'd indignant o'er a smother'd sound,—
The cry of Lexington?
That echoed cry
Rous'd a young nation from its lingering sleep
To rush against the force of tyrant power,
Time-consecrated, and with sling and stone
Defy the giant.
Bunker Hill records
Thy stern o'ermastery of the battle-storm,
The deep memorial of thy dauntless deeds
That bore the spirit of a trampled land,
Through this red preface of her liberty.
Hark!—from the heaving of yon burial sods
Where sleep our Country's champions, comes a voice
Demanding for thy name its just reward
Too long withheld.—Of History it demands
That lingering truth should light her lettered scroll,
And summons tardy man to set thy fame
In sculptured marble, that recording stars
May read it clearly from their silver thrones,
And lisping children from its tablet learn
What patriot virtue means.




Come back,—come back to us,
Nor longer seek to roam;
We've heard your Welcome from afar,
And give the Welcome home!
We watch'd you as you went
With martial step and eye,
Your gorgeous Banner floating out
Upon the autumnal Sky.
Your Leader at your head,
Alert, erect and bold,
As tho' his threescore years and ten
Had scarcely half been told:
Your ancient Plumes we mark'd,
And glittering in the Sun,
The Costume of our blessed Sires
Who stood with Washington.
You've been at Bunker Hill,
But not the foe to meet,
And win that blood-bought victory,
The Britons call'd defeat.
Saw ye that Hero's form
In glorious vision there,
Whose Name is graven on your shield?
Whose Banner-staff ye bear?
And heard ye not his Voice
That ruled the battle dread,
Still echoing from that lofty Shrine,
Where sleep the patriot Dead?
Charging your Phalanx fair
In every change to be


The Bulwark of its Native Land,
For Law and Liberty?
You've sought his classic dome,
Whose eloquence sublime
Doth make Mount Vernon and its lord
A theme throughout our Clime.
Your Demosthenean power
Made his high spirit leap,
Whose jewel'd Memory link'd with theirs,
Unswerving Fame shall keep.
Thanks, Athens! for the cheer
You on our Braves bestow'd,
Thanks, sister Rhoda! for the smile
That o'er your features glow'd.
A Mother for her sons
Treasuring all Honor shown,
Connecticut with added Pride,
Thus welcomes back her own.
Friday Evening, 8 o'clock, Oct. 7, 1859.