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[Poems by Pike in] Gems from the quarry and sparks from the gavel

carefully selected and collated orations, essays, histories, addresses, opinions, sermons, laconics, poems, biographies, incidents, ethics, criticisms, aphorisms from the lips and pens of men whose names have been made imperishable as representing the culture, intelligence and polished wisdom of this grand era of masonic light : second volume

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Evermore the people listen,
When a mighty spirit speaks;
None can rule them when unruly,
But the man who loves them truly,
And from them his impulse seeks.
What they feel, but cannot utter,
What they hope for, day and night,
By these words he stirs and fires them,
Prompts them, leads them, and inspires them,
To do battle for the right.
These the words by which the many
Cope for justice with the few;
These their watchwords, when oppression
Would resist the small concession,
But a fraction of their due.
These, like swift electric flashes,
Thrill the bosom of the crowd,
Rule its pulses, cheer its sadness,
Make it throb and pant with gladness,
Till it answers them aloud.



Truth dawns upon the human soul,
And Error disappears;
No longer Darkness hath control,
From heaven's blue face the storm clouds roll,
And all the glittering years
No longer for men's sorrow groan,
Their sin, their shame, their tears;
But still and stately, past God's throne
March onward, where Love reigns alone!
That sun is risen, is HERE! That Day
Is NOW, to God ... We WAIT ..
The world and stars wait. ... The array
Of ages stretching far away,
The Angels at God's gate,
And ancient Time ... All wait the light,
Sure as God's Truth, though late;
When sin no more the world shall blight,
But endless day dethrone the night.