University of Virginia Library



Thousands, with anxious care, have sought
The key of Nature's wealth to find—
Strange these deep searchers never thought
The spell of power was in the MIND.
Wouldst be an Alchymist?—Behold!
The sun on yonder cloud has beamed!
Mark the rich purple, crimson, gold—
As seraph-robes o'er heaven had streamed.
And dost thou gaze with raptured eye?
Do angel fancies thrill thy breast,
And joy, that God has decked the sky
As 't were a mansion for the blest?
Then scale some lofty mountain's height,
And note the pleasant places round;
There dwell thy brothers! Doth the sight
Quicken thy pulse's joyous bound?
Canst thou, with glad and grateful voice,
Bless Him who makes man dwell secure,
Nor covet aught thou seest?—Rejoice!
Thou hast the golden secret sure!
S. J. H.