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De Tree-Toad.

De tree-toad only knows one song,
An' dat 's, “De Rain 's a-Comin'.”
His voice ain't purty, but it 's strong,
An' while de bee am hummin',
He sets on some ole fence er tree,
In de hot sun, an' solemnly
Croaks ob de sto'm dat 's gwine to be:
“De rain—de rain 's a-comin'!”
De pop'lah a'rs am not his choice,
An' he don't sing 'em, nuther.
He knows de tune dat fits his voice,
An' sticks right to it, brother;
An' dat 's de way fuh me an' you
To l'arn ouh song an' sing it th'u',
Exackly lak de tree-toad do—
An' never sing no other.
Dat 's why I laks de tree-toad so—
He sticks to his profession.
No diff'unce whut may come er go,
Dey 's never no digression.
An', bymeby, down 'll drap de rain;
De cows 'll scamper up de lane:
But he 'll keep up de same ole strain,
An' 'scuss no other question.
James D. Corrothers.