Poems | ||
My printer says that every book ought to have a preface, and he has called upon me for one for this. I will therefore simply say that, acting upon the suggestion of personal friends and in accordance with my own inclination, I have here gathered in a volume, (rather promiscuously it must be confessed,) various pieces in verse which I have written during the past thirty years or so. For want of a more distinctive name, I call them “Poems,” which possibly, in a minor sense, they may be. I claim for them no literary excellence. If in them there is anything worthy of living, it will live.
The Anti-slavery pieces will show the author's position in that great “moral warfare,” which resulted in the overthrow of the giant crime
Should their appearance in this form afford pleasure to my friends, I shall be gratified.
But adverse winds their labors foiled;
Torn into shreds, their useless sail
Streamed out upon the angry gale;
No nearer drew their destined port;
Their bark, the tempest's mock and sport,
High on the waves was wildly tossed,
Till every human hope seemed lost.
Yet strained their vision through the night
To catch some gleam of coming light;
When, lo! to their astonished eyes
What vision of affright doth rise?
A form of self-poised majesty
Walking upon the stormy sea.
In vain the billows round him rise,
The wind in vain its fury tries;
Walks calmly toward the laboring bark.
“No mortal thus the waves can tread!
“It is a spirit from the dead!
“Some dreadful harbinger of doom
“Burst from the darkness of the tomb.”
As thus they spake with bated breath,
Dire fancies of impending death
Stole o'er their souls in wild array,
And overwhelmed them with dismay.
Their very heart's blood felt a chill
Which brake the link twixt act and will;
They stood as stone-carved statues still.
Nor had they power to ask his name
As nearer now the stranger came;
But accents which they knew full well,
Dissolved at once the fearful spell;
A voice in softest music said,
“Lo! it is I! be not afraid!”
Then all their terror fled apace;
Joy tinted each fear-whitened face;
Their hearts, which erst had ceased to beat,
Pulsated with a rapture sweet;
The Master's voice a holy calm
Shed on their souls, like healing balm.
Acknowledged His supremacy;
(He could command what He had made,)
And the mad turbulence was stayed.
No more the sailors toil in vain;
His will, who quelled the furious gale,
Supplies the place of oars and sail,
And straight their destined port they gain.
Winds howl and waves rise furiously,
If my lone bark shall, tempest driven,
Strive vainly toward the port of Heaven;
Should clouds and darkness intervene
My soul and God's pure light between,
And neither sun nor star be seen;
Should hope and joy afar be fled,
And my sad soul, disquieted,
Grope darkly for some ray of light
To guide it through the stormy night;
Then, Jesus, Master, let my eyes
Behold Thy glorious form arise,
With such a mien, in such a guise,
That I my Lord may recognize!
Let Thy dear voice upon my ear
Fall with its words of holy cheer!
Then shall the wild winds sink to sleep
And placid grow the raging deep;
Darkness and storm shall quickly fly,
And leave unclouded all my sky;
My soul, no longer tempest-driven,
Shall find in Thee its joy, its Heaven!
On a quiet Sunday morn,
To the house of prayer and worship,
Thither by devotion borne.
All his soul engaged in prayer,
Caleb in his inmost being
Felt God's gracious presence there.
Deep, majestical and wild,
And the singers sang a chorus
To the praise of Mary's child.
Died the organ-tones away,
And the pastor in the pulpit
Said in low voice, “Let us pray!”
Then the good man's voice uprose,
For a world in darkness lying,
For its wickedness and woes,
All by Adam's fatal fall,
Which, the pastor said, hath all men
Wrapped within its fearful pall.
In the pulpit stood up one
Whose high brow with care was furrowed,
Darkened by an Orient sun,
Of a distant eastern clime,
Where, by superstition fettered,
Sunk in ignorance and crime,
Gods which their own hands had made,
Vainly thinking, in their blindness,
Earth-born gods could give them aid.
All his heart within him burned,
And his soul with deep compassion
For that wretched people yearned.
These sad scenes began to glide:
Mothers their own children casting
Headlong 'neath the rolling tide
Counting love maternal naught;
Nature's holiest instincts vanquished
By the faith which they are taught.
Deeming their salvation bought
By a death beneath the pond'rous
Wheels of gory Juggernaut.
Lying down beside the dead,
While the red flames, hot and savage,
Leap in fury overhead.
On the altar-river's bank,
Mid dark vapors thence uprising,
With foul, poisonous odors rank;
Or to close the glazing eye;
Naught save the cold stars above them,
Keeping watch, as thus they die.
Bleeding victim's dying groan,
Piercing shriek of burning widow,
Age's low expiring moan,
All his spirit overcast,
As the dreadful panorama
Rolled in sad distinctness past.
But myself to them I give;
I will bear to them the Gospel,
That they, hearing it, may live.”
To the preacher's solemn call
On the worshipers of Him who
Said, “My gospel preach to all.”
With a new and holy fire;
The salvation of the heathen
His most ardent, sole desire.
To the Great All-Father's care,
And his consecration offered,
All his purposes laid bare,
In a quiet slumber bound,
When had Night her jeweled curtain
Drawn the weary earth around;
Stood an angel by his bed,
Clothed in robes of spotless beauty,
Radiance streaming from his head;
Than the south wind's gentlest sigh,
“Fear not, Caleb, I am sent thee
From the Lord who rules on High,
And thy vows have all been heard;
He doth graciously accept them,
In His book they're registered.
Raise Immanuel's standard high,
Teach the poor, benighted millions
How to live and how to die.
Of His tender heart which yearns
Like a mother's o'er her children;
Of His love which brightly burns
With an energy divine,
Seeking all the lost and ruined,
Who in sin and misery pine.
Of His earthly life and loss,
How for them He greatly suffered,
How for them He bore the cross.
Shrink not, fear not, though thou be
Often weary of thy life-work,
Think what Christ hath done for thee.
Bear the banner of the Cross,
And its victories shall surely
Compensate thy every loss.
Shall be more than satisfied,
In the hosts who heed thy message
And accept the Crucified.
When thy earthly work is o'er,
Heaven its doors shall open to thee,—
Thine its joys for evermore!”
And darkness reigned where once shone Sinai's light;
When superstitious rites usurped the place
Where beamed Religion once with holy grace;
When Justice, Truth and Mercy far had fled
From Church and State, and hollow forms instead—
Tithings of “anise, mint and cummin,” made
For sanctimonious priests a thriving trade,
Who, like our modern priests, gain-seeking men,
God's holy temple made a robbers' den;—
At such a time, long centuries ago,
From Heaven's high mansions to the earth below
An angel band, on gladsome errand bound,
Sped to the plains where, seated on the ground,
The humble shepherds through the solemn night
Watched their loved flocks, and gathered pure delight
And holy wisdom, which each glowing star
Rained on them with its radiance from afar.
Around the shepherds shone celestial light,
(Each gem eclipsing in the crown of night,)
But momentary, for God's angel said,
“Fear not, I bring glad tidings unto all
“People who dwell on this terrestrial ball.”
Then Heaven's high dome with sounds harmonic rang
As the angelic host in concert sang
“Glory to God! Good-will and peace on earth!”
Most fitting song to usher in the birth
Of Heaven's divinest Son, whose mission grand
Eternal Love had from eternal planned!
The Son of God made His first lowly bed;
He who, on high, with glory erst was crowned,
No prouder birth-place than a stable found.
As in our time the North-star's steady ray
Guides weary pilgrims on their toilsome way
From bondage worse than that of Pharaoh's reign,
So there appeared, among the shining train,
One flaming star which like a beacon shone,
And from the East-land led the sages on,
Who, finding Jesus, worshiped him, and rolled
Full at His feet their gifts of precious gold,
And incense-breathing gums, whose odors rare
Symboled the fragrance of their praise and prayer.
Sunlike, but spotless, His example shone,
Teaching the world great truths which long had been
Hid by traditions false and priestly din.
He trampled on the vain and hollow rites
Practiced by vainer, hollower hypocrites,
Who hoped by them to bring the heavens in debt,
Or blind the omniscient eye of God, while yet
They daily added to their ill-got store
By stealing bread from God's afflicted poor,
And still contrived how they might still steal more!
The poor, the blind, the outcast and the slave,
The victims of the rich, proud Pharisee,
These were the sharers of His sympathy,
These were the ones He loved to bless and save.
Still on oppression shines the noon-day sun;
Thy children still are trampled in the dust,
'Neath the remorseless heel of power crushed.
Dost Thou not hear their grief-extorted cry?
Look'st Thou not on them still with pitying eye?
Behold, the Oppressor waxes yet more bold,
And grasps them with a tighter, sterner hold,
While, as of old, the Church and priesthood stand
For all their deeds of villainy and crime
Which stain with human blood the page of time.
'Neath night's dark cover, or the blazing sun,
So is it done to Thee, and Thou wilt yet
Thy majesty and power vindicate!
Blessed Death! thou op'st the doorTo the Grand Forevermore!
Unto thee the task is given
To unbar the gates of Heaven!
Thou alone dost hold the keys
Of eternal harmonies!
Thou the secrets dost rehearse
Of the wondrous universe!
Thou art God's interpreter
Of the mysteries which stir
To its depths the human soul
Longing for its final goal!
Universal friend thou art,
Healing every broken heart!
Ultra Abolitionist,
Breaking chains as thou dost list!
Stern emancipator, thou
Layest petty despots low;
Breakest every captive's chain;
Soothest every sufferer's pain;
Quellest all our timorous fears;
Thou shalt fold the human race
In thy loving, dear embrace,
Opening to our failing eyes
Panoramas of the skies.
Fear shall not our bosoms stir,
Welcome! God's kind messenger!
Sat at his ease, in state;
The other, a leprous beggar,
Lay at the rich man's gate:
Dainty and rare were the viands
On which the rich man fed;
Happy indeed was the beggar
To get but a crust of bread;
With costly and odorous ointments
The rich man's house abounds,
While never a box of cerate
Has the beggar for his wounds;
And the dogs came forth and licked them,
Richer in sympathy
Than the proud and selfish rich man
Who spurned him heartlessly.
With gorgeous and solemn show;
For a rich man's gold then purchased
Funereal honors, as now;
From Hell his imploring eyes,
And beheld the once spurned beggar
Full happy in Paradise,
While he himself was tormented
With fiercely exquisite pain.
Then cried he to Father Abraham,
But alas! he cried in vain;
For, as he had meted to others,
It was measured to him again!
Another life from Life's Fountain,Hath flowed through thy life into being,
And entered a deathless existence.
The sun may go down in a darkness
Which never a dawn-streak shall follow;
The stars may stray from their orbits
And be found not again forever;
The earth may, by fires internal,
Be burned into stark desolation;
But thy first-born, little Almeda,
Will live, and live on, while God lives.
Here is work for thy heart, and thy brain, and thy soul;This innocent, plastic immortal
Is God's beneficent task to thee, Mother!
God's workwoman now, thou holdest a high commission.
Those little feet shall walk in the paths thou directest;
Those little hands shall work good or ill at thy option;
Those little eyes shall dance to the music of thy glances;
That little heart shall beat to the measure of thy own heart-throbs;
That little soul shall expand with divine aspirations
Or grow loveless and stunted, as thou willest.
Behold then thy task, O! Mother; wisely survey it.
An angel might covet a work of such grandeur and glory;
Dost thou shrink back appalled and affrighted?
God is not an Egyptian! For every task he appointeth,He also ordaineth the requisite strength and materials.
He well understands its tremulous shrinking and faintness,
And never His humblest worker had labor allotted,
Which God was not willing to share with him more than half.
God waits but thy asking to meet thee.Art thou weakness? He is strength overflowing.
Art thou ignorance? He is wisdom, a fountain exhaustless.
Art thou darkness? He is light supernal, obscureless.
Art thou poverty? He is wealth beyond computation.
And more than this, O, mother, He is love and He loves thee.
His infinite heart yearns over thee and thy task.
Open wide to Him the doors of thy soul!
He will enter and fill it with love, which is God,
And therefore is all that thou needest!
Dissolve my iciness of soul! Dispel,
With thy supernal light, the clouds which hang
Like phantoms terrible above my soul.
Within its foul and murky blackness earth
Hath me enshrouded, and no ray divine
From thy far distant sun peers through the gloom,
To chase its darkness and its frozen air.
Let not those horrid monsters twin, Grim Night
And Dreary Winter, reign in me for aye!
Thee I invoke, Spirit of Light divine!
Drive out the fell usurpers, and thy throne
Establish, and o'er all my soul do thou
Sway thy benignant sceptre!
Alone, supreme! With undivided rule
Subject all thoughts, affections, sentiments,
Emotions, aspirations, to thyself!
O! I would be thy child, and like to thee!
Would lean on thee as trustingly as sleeps
Upon its mother's breast th' unconscious babe.
Yea! in thy being's boundless ocean, I
Would plunge, and lose myself, and be no more!
And gazing on the blue sky's fathomless depths,
Lose consciousness of self among the stars,
Those tireless watchers whom the Infinite Love
Hath set above our world, while o'er my soul
Rolls the divinest harmony, making me one
With Nature and with God!
Is worth whole years of earthly joy.
Wealth, Fame and Power are miserable toys,—
Yea, the whole world 's a bauble, in compare
With the serene delights of converse with the pure
And spiritual powers, who, from supernal heights,
Disdain not to instruct the seeking soul,
But gladly lift it to their God-lit realm.
Mysterious inmost! tell me what art thou?
Where in the by-gone ages was thy home?
Where shall it be ages beyond the Now?
Wast living when the Architect Sublime
Laid the foundations of the Universe?
Didst thou behold this planet in its prime?
Didst hear the Sons of God their songs rehearse,
With which the boundless Vast re-echoed, when
His mighty voice from chaos spoke the earth,
Appointing it the dwelling-place of men,
Ere yet to them had oped the wondrous gates of birth?
And wast thou then with God, a part of God,
A part of that Great, Central, Living Soul
Whose sovereign Will spread all the heavens abroad,
Called into being worlds, and guides the whole?
Art thus of God a part disintegrate,
Imprisoned for a time in worthless clay,
But destined still to a deific state,—
To reabsorption in the Infinite,—
Of earth's soul-dungeon, where no certain light
From Light's Eternal Source dispels the gloom?
Is it for discipline? What need hath God
To learn, who is Himself the Primal Fount
Of Wisdom? To what end the weary road
Of life terrestrial, whence so hard to mount
To heaven's serener clime? Is 't punishment?
Hath God then sinned? And doth God punish God?
If thou canst fathom the Divine intent,
Solve this dark problem, and cast light abroad?
In this dark grave her weary form reposes,
And all of her which death could cause to die,
In its embraces cold this tomb incloses.
Cry to her as in days of old, still longing
Amid the silence for some sweet reply
From her dear voice, while holy mem'ries thronging
That I shall not for aye be disappointed;
By holy yearnings, longings such as these,
Shall my dull ears and tear-dimmed eyes, anointed,
To see her robed in beauty like the morning,
To walk with her the endless range of joys
Which ever on the earth-freed soul is dawning.
Speak to me now from out the heavens above me!
Speak as when round me thou thine arms didst throw,
And thy dear kisses fondly said, “I love thee!”
Engulfs me as I linger at the portal
Of this dark, narrow house, wherein lies bound
In death's cold chains, all that of thee was mortal.
Dull earth shall keep my spirit in its prison;
Shall know the rapture of thy holy kiss
In climes to which thy happy soul has risen.
My soul shall break through, and, Time's fetters scorning,
Rise to that land where neither grief nor pain
Shall cloud the sun of God's eternal Morning!
Its brightest gems doth time corrode;
Decay is marked on all we see,
And Life is but a weary road,
Whose sole resource is outward good;
Who never felt the anguished throes
Of earnest longings after God,
The still small voice of God reply,
“Look, look within thy soul, for there
Behold My dwelling-place have I,
To guard thee with a Father's care,
And lead thee to the chosen fold
Which for My children I prepare.”
Speak peace and calmness to their souls,
Knowing that they are His, rejoice,
Ev'n though affliction's torrent rolls,
'Tis but the baptism of His love,
Through which their spirits, purified,
Behold His smiling face above.
They recognize a Father's hand;
And direst evils change to good,
By love paternal wisely planned.
Or shadows from the vale of death
Cast deep'ning gloom across the day,
'Tis but to exercise their faith.
And deepest night doth day become,
While each succeeding trial draws
The faithful nearer to their home.
Awhile their souls may mourn and sigh,
Soon their enraptured eyes shall hail,
From Joy's sure mount, the scenes which lie
Brighter than poet's fairest dreams;
While heavenly music fills the air,
And God's smile o'er their pathway beams.
To Heaven's serene and changeless clime,
Whose unimaginable bliss
Shall compensate the woes of Time!
What though the world laugh at me?
To me alike are its smiles and its frowns,
I trample in scorn on its riches; and crowns
Are worthless to me as the heads which wear them.
O! how can humanity bear them?
Free, though the world laugh at me!
I smile at its jeers and spurn its control,
And ne'er to its fetters shall bend my soul;
Let those who have need of a master wear them,
But never can my spirit bear them.
And Truth shall my leader be!
Yea, whither she leads shall my willing feet
Joyfully tread in her footprints; and sweet
Shall her lessons be to my hungering soul!
To my thirsting and hungering soul.
Though scorching my pathway be;
I can cheerfully bear the cross, and dare
The lot of my chosen leader to share;
And the cross shall be lighter than air to me,
For Truth shall my guide and helper be!
The plains beneath him covered with his troops,
And, on the sea beyond, his gallant ships,
His heart swelled big with vanity and pride.
The hills I level, and through mountains carve
A goodly pathway for my stately fleet,
And millions come and go at my behest.”
One thought humiliated all his pride:
“Where, in a hundred years, shall all this pomp,
These fleets and armies, and their master, be?
And at this thought the monarch bowed his head,
While from his eyes fell unavailing tears
That he must meet a greater conqueror!
The doctrines you have been taught to believe,
Spare him not! Cry “Infidel!”
If he worships not at the shrines you raise,
Joins not in your feasts on your holy days,
Cry “Infidel!”
To the victims of sin and want and woe,
Spare him not! Cry “Infidel!”
What though, in the long-waged fearful fight,
He is ever found on the side of Right,
Cry “Infidel!”
An image of Him of Calvary,
Spare him not! Cry “Infidel!”
What though he endeavor each soul to win
From the fearful paths of folly and sin,
Cry “Infidel!”
To judge for himself what is false or true?
Spare him not! Cry “Infidel!”
Wherefore have you been commissioned to preach,
If any may question the dogmas you teach?
Cry “Infidel!”
That you hold the keys of the portals of light;
Spare him not! Cry “Infidel!”
Until he consent your fetters to wear,
And conscience and reason both to forswear,
Cry “Infidel!”
For a purer, happier land,
Where no vexing sorrows thronging
Round thy pathway ever stand?
Dost thou feel a secret yearning
For a home where all is bright;
Where earth's care is never turning
All thy pleasures into blight?
Only by immortals trod,
And those happy beings love us,
And would lead us unto God.
We may hear them, if we listen,
In the silent midnight hours;
May behold their bright eyes glisten,
Bending lovingly to ours.
On the spirit's listening ear,
In celestial tones are calling
To their holy, happy sphere.
That bright land we may inherit,
All its happiness may share;
By our Saviour's boundless merit
We may have our portion there.
Christ will yield thee true delight,
If thy spirit, to Him turning,
Seek His wisdom and His light.
When His love for us had brought Him
To our world of sin and pain,
Never vainly mortal sought Him,
Never asked His aid in vain.
On His never-changing love,
Love supreme, divine, undying,
Seek His favor from above.
Then thy heart shall gain a treasure
Heaven alone to thee can bring:
Then thy soul shall know the measure
Of the songs the angels sing!
His dreadful banner o'er a world of graves,
And feasts, with ghoulish glee, on broken hearts,
Bleeding and torn by his vindictive darts,
He shall not always reign: of power shorn,
The victor's chaplet from his black brow torn,
Himself shall die: for he who wields his power
Hath not of immortality the dower.
Away with grief and tears;
Cast off your groundless fears;
Lift up your voice,
Your Great Deliverer greet!
The Son of God shall come,
Beneath His conquering feet
Death meet his doom,
The Devil be destroyed
And Hell made void!
Captivity shall captive be,
And Heaven and Earth hold jubilee!
Tossed by raging wind and wave,
Jesus, me from shipwreck save,
Dearest Lord, my pilot be.
Thou canst bid the raging cease,
Thou canst speak the word of peace;
Speak it, Lord, and save Thy child.
On the rocks of bleak despair;
Ah! how many shipwrecked there,
Nevermore shall hope uplift.
Safe to port my bark shall tend:
Those who trust Thee to the end,
Tempests never can o'erwhelm!
Life of my life,
And my heart's solace only,
Thou knowest not
How drear my lot
Without thee, and how lonely!
Come weal or woe,
Thy heart is mine forever:
Though far apart
From me thou art,
Our true souls naught can sever!
Of sorrow fall,
And shroud all things in sadness,
Love's holy light
Shall banish night,
And change the gloom to gladness!
'Tis Deity!
'Tis bliss, pure, bright, supernal;
Though worlds shall fall
To ruin,—all,
Yes, all of Love 's eternal!
No voice from heaven we hear;
Cheerless we grope our way
Through darkness and in fear.
God hears not Israel's cry;
Our Nation's hope expires;
In deep despair we lie!
Which cleaves the midnight sky?
What joyous songs ring out
Their rapturous melody?
A Saviour, Christ, the Lord.”
A King shall He bear sway,
Nations shall hear His word!
On earth to men good will!”
God hath heard Israel's cry;
He loves His people still!
[God speed the happy time]
God speed the happy timeWhen fear and hate and crime
Shall flee away:
When Love, her flag unfurled,
Shall o'er a ransomed world
Hold peaceful sway.
Shine through oppression's night,
Warning to tyrants and hope to the slave;
Symbol of liberty,
Fadeless forever be;
Happy the land where our bright banners wave!
Like the first rays of morn,
Darkness dispersing and heralding day:
Joyful your mission be,
Truthful your prophecy,
Happy the land under Liberty's sway!
Despots before thee flee,
Victims of tyranny hail thee with pride;
Emblem of liberty
Thou shalt forever be:
Happy the land where her children abide!
Tyrants before thee fall,
Land of my love, when thy bright banners wave;
Faithful thy children be,
God still protecting thee,
Happy the land which His power shall save!
Shine through oppression's night,
Terror of tyrants and joy of the slave!
Brighter your orbs shall glow,
Purer your light shall flow;
Happy the land where our bright banners wave!
Shattered be every yoke,
Stricken the chains from each down-trodden slave!
Glory to God on high,
God who gives Liberty,
God bless the land where our bright banners wave!
Through strife and blood and tears,
Dark though the way has been which we have trod,
We have emerged from night,
Clear shines the glorious light;
Proudly our banners wave! Glory to God!
The bloodless battle's past;
Freedom from shore to shore,
Decreed at last!
Echoes the voice of God;
Shattered and reft of strength
The tyrant's rod!
From slavery's bitter sway;
The name she once blasphemed,
Her hope and stay!
A purer life is hers;
With holier desires
Her new heart stirs!
Which now before her opes;
God-chosen pioneer
Of human hopes!
Beacons of Love and Light,
With radiance divine
Dispelling night!
Shall keep her true and free,
Till all the wide world o'er
Reigns Liberty!
Watch and pray
While you may,
Work alway,
Time is flying fast away!
Up and do,
Still pursue,
Put it through:
Soon shall prosper what is true!
Drop no tear,
You shall hear
Words of cheer
From the ages, far and near,
By these led,
Go ahead,
Though your bed
Be the ground on which you tread!
It shall die;
Wrong shall fly,
And for aye
Truth shall reign and falsehood die!
Pray it in,
Work it in,
Let all sin
Flee away. Let Right come in!
Work and pray,
Watch alway,
Work away,
Soon shall dawn the perfect day!
Ah! our dead President!Bear him to rest,
Him we loved best,
By God to us lent.
Heavy the burdens he bore
Faithfully, cheerfully!
Now burdens for him no more!
Lay him to rest,
Tenderly, tearfully,
Him we loved best,
Evermore blest!
Nobly his work is done!
Sudden his set of sun,
But his great work was done,
Faithfully done!
Now he's gone home;
Home to abide,
Home with the glorified!
Who for thy country died,
Look from thy glorious height,
How many million eyes
Grief doth baptize
With its sad sacrifice;
And while the hot tears fall
O'er our beloved's pall,
List to the vows we make
Over thy bier;
Hear now the oath we take
By the Great God above,
Him whose best name is Love,
Name ever dear,
That thou avenged shalt be,
Perfectly, speedily;
Not by the death of those
Who were thy deadly foes;
Not by a bloody tide
Poured out on every side;
Powerless this alone,
Never could this atone
For the assassin's deed;
But the fell crime, whose power
Nerved, in that fatal hour,
Murderous heart and hand,
Swept from thy native land.
Millions whom thou didst free,
(When God, through thy decree,
Blew his great trump of Liberty,)
Standing redeemed indeed,
Shall help rebuild the State
Firm and regenerate,
Ne'er to be torn again
By factions dire;
Ne'er to be rent in twain
By Treason's ire!
Off, incorrigible liar,
With thy tongue and pen of fire!
Ever sacred be this spot
Unto Love,—which changes not;
Which shall evermore endure,
As the earth's foundation sure!
Gently falling as the dew,
Have a power forever new!
May no troubles e'er cross
Your journey through life, but may all
Your pathway be bright,
And your heart ever light,
With never a shadow at all.
(As doubtless will some,)
Meet bravely and conquer them all;
For life, it is said,
Is half sun and half shade;
Some shadows on every heart fall.
They will fly, one by one,
And brightly he 'll shine as before;
Then in shade or sun
Journey cheerfully on
To where shadows fall nevermore;
Where joy, peace, and love
Have forever fixed their abode;
Where all souls at last,
Their kind discipline past,
Shall dwell in the bosom of God!
Dark and dreary, wild and sad;
Every heart hath the same history,
Strugglings 'twixt the good and bad;
For the mastery of the soul;
Upward, downward, ever driving
Toward or from the Heavenly goal.
Who shall guide the weary soul?
Who shall heal the heart's contusion,
And the bruised reed make whole?
If thou wilt His guidance seek,
Lead thee to the happy Aiden
Where no tears shall wet thy cheek;
Satisfy thy longing soul,
And a cloud of sadness never
O'er thy happy being roll!
Hath your bark begun to glide;
Oh! may no sad breath of strife
Ever ruffle its smooth tide.
And your heart forever free
From the sorrows which can blight
Hopes that now thrill joyously.
Yours in full fruition be,
As you float adown the stream
To the broad, eternal sea.
Haven of delightful rest,
Where love still your souls shall bind,
And you be forever blest!
But wherefore should I sigh?
Did sighing e'er abate
Inevitable fate?
But what have I to fear?
Nor pain nor pleasure 's hid
Beneath the coffin's lid.
But why should I regret?
Nor human love nor hate
I then reciprocate.
No unextinguished spark
Of life to me remains,
Of hopes, or joys, or pains.
But, ready for Death's blow,
Resignedly await
Inexorable fate.
Shall not forever hold
My soul in his embrace;
For death shall end his race.
And immortality,
(God's gracious gift to man,)
Complete His wondrous plan.
From his dominion free,
Reborn as Sons of God,
With His own life endowed.
Bind, with electric chain,
Each human heart to each,
Far as the race shall reach.
With all the Heavens, shall be
Christ's Heritage restored,
The Kingdom of our Lord!
Salvation came to bring,
Rest from your labors for awhile,
And join our gathering!
Your fealty cast aside,
And with us for a single day
Stand on the Devil's side!
Another door to woe,
Through which a still increasing tide
Of human souls shall flow?
Is quite the surest one;
Our railway 's a descending grade,
Our cars the swiftest run.
Adown Passaic's steep,
Not swifter do the lightnings fly
Athwart the vaulted deep,
With freight of priceless souls,
Speeds to the pit where, deep and dark,
Perdition's Ocean rolls.
The depot consecrate;
Where God's voice in the cataract speaks,
Rum's reign inaugurate!
Your fealty cast aside,
And with us, for a single day,
Stand on the Devil's side!
Note.—In the year 1859 a party leased the “Cottage on the Cliff,” at the Passaic Falls, Paterson, N. J., proposing to open a first-class restaurant and drinking-saloon. In order to give eclat to his venture, he projected a grand civic and military procession in connection with the inauguration of his “Hotel,” to which he invited the principal citizens and the clergy of Paterson. So cleverly was the affair managed, that many were drawn into participation therein, without seeing clearly the drift of the thing. The above lines were written to show the affair in its true character.
Build up your gallows, and your victims bring
Forth from their gloomy dungeon; bind their hands;
Tie, with your pious fingers, round their necks,
The consecrated rope; touch then the spring
And let the traitors drop! there let them hang,
A solemn sacrifice unto your god;
Call in your priests. Let Stuart, Dewey, Lord,
Spencer and Spring, and all their train attend
To join your holy sacrament, and chant,
In pleasing concord, praise unto the great
And most puissant deity whose throne
Is built on human souls, and laved with seas
Of human blood. Aye! let their thankful songs
With Hell's hoarse shouts of diabolic joy
Ascend in unison,—precious indeed
To Modern Moloch as the agony
Of the fond mother when her child is snatched
From her maternal grasp, to be no more
Clasped lovingly upon her bosom, or
The piercing shriek of the poor hunted slave
Torn piecemeal by his bloodhounds.
Know that a day of reckoning is at hand,
For God is just! His Justice will not sleep
Forever! Even now behold how shakes
This guilty nation from its centre round
Unto its broad circumference. In wrong
Were its foundations laid, and crime in wrought
Into its structure. It must fall! The slave
Shall o'er its ruins make his exodus
From curséd bondage: and as Israel's hosts
Saw their oppressors utterly destroyed,
(When God had wrought deliverance from their foes,)
And sang His great salvation,—so the bound
And stricken millions of our land shall stand
Freed from their shackles, and the arm of God,
Made bare in their deliverance, they shall see
Strike sorely their oppressors.
Exult and sing—“God is our strength and song!
In glory hath He triumphed o'er our foes,
And led us forth in mercy and redeemed!”
Note.—In 1851 several colored men were indicted for treason beacuse of their resistance to the Fugitive Slave Law.
Though exalted to the sky;
Even now the doom is nigh,
For a just God reigns on high.
Still the stream of Progress flows:
Ever hath the Truth uprose
From beneath the feet of foes,
When the battle first began;
Forward, then!—lead on the van;
Onward! friends of God and man!
“To yourselves and God be true:”
There 's a vast work yet to do!
Forward, brothers, put it through!
Rescued from the clank of chains;
But, wherever Slavery reigns,
Every spot his foot profanes,
Freely given to make free;
Rest not until Liberty
Wear the crown of victory.
(Foulest of all trinities,)
Throned upon a tower of lies,
Are the nation's deities.
Snatch from Slavery's brow the crown!
Tear the blood-stained Union down!
Trample Compromises down!
Justice far away hath fled;
Truth seems numbered with the dead;
God is silent overhead!
Justice (with unbandaged eyes)
Shall avenge the blood which cries—
Shall avenge Truth's sacrifice!
Though intrenched in fortress strong;
He shall smite her guilty throng,
Though his suffering seem long.
Let us ever stand and fight,
Till the blackest hosts of night
By the Truth are put to flight;
Force and Fraud and Fear shall chase,
And fair Freedom take her place,
Empress of the Human Race!
Till her liberties are gone?
Shall the plottings of her foes
Go unchecked beneath her nose?
Can she, unresisting, see
Women teach the A. B. C.?
No! that mystic trinity
Is the foe of slavery,
And those harmless looking letters
Yet may break our servants' fetters,
And give Uncle Tom the key
To his prison-house, that he,
Taking legs, may run away,
Guided by the North-star's ray.
Without “niggers” what are we?
Hungry, miserable sinners,
Who would cook our dainty dinners?
Who would till our farms and fields,
Gather in what harvest yields?
Who would all our work perform
In the house or on the farm?
Who, when money got quite tight,
Would refill our purses light,
If we could not “niggers” breed
For a sale in time of need?
Up! up, to the rescue, then!
Act as it becometh men!
Let Marm Douglass promptly know
You 'll not stand the deadly blow
Which she aims at slavery
By her mystic A. B. C.
Let her know you 've jails to let,
And a cell in one she 'll get
With her dangerous alphabet!
May we breathe freely as we did before.
Suggested by the imprisonment of Mrs. Douglass, in Virginia, for the crime (!) of teaching colored children to read.
Outraged Humanity
'Neath the Oppressor's rod!
Give ear, O God,
To the despairing cries
Which ever rise
From Thy down-trodden sons
And helpless ones
Whose hope 's alone in Thee!
Oh! set us free!
Thou who proud Pharaoh's hosts
And scornful boasts
Didst whelm beneath the wave,
And Israel save
From their oppressor's power,
In darkest hour
Baring Thy mighty arm
To shield from harm
The chosen of Thy heart,
Take now our part!
Ground down by tyranny,
Victims of giant wrong:
Thou know'st how long
Our heavy load we 've borne
Of grief and scorn,
Our heavy load of shame;—
Our very name
A nation's idle jest,
While on us rest
A nation's fraud and force!
Without remorse
They tread us in the dust:
Our hopes are crushed:
Yet our sad souls to Thee
Still turn, for only Thou
Canst help us now!
Let us not seek in vain
Thy help to gain!
Rain down avenging fire
Upon each tyrant's head;
Though we have bled
We ask not blood for blood!
Destroy as when, of eld,
Thine eye beheld
The world's increasing crime.
Spare for a time!
Alas! their cup is filled,
Their ruin willed,
Willed by their own proud hearts!
Thy vengeful darts
Shall fall upon them. They
Who erst did prey
Upon us, soon shall feel,
Yea! sorely feel
Thy Chastisement, and we
Shall yet be free!
To Thee the glory be,
To Thee! to Thee!
Tyrants! your doom is nigh:Short is your reign:
Your bondmen's wailing cry
To Heaven again
Hath risen, and the Infinite God
Whom ye have long denied,
Whom ye have long defied,
Prepareth his avenging rod
Whose chastisements shall fall,
And spread the hideous pall
Of desolation o'er your land,
And when your woe is direst, ye shall see
Those outraged bondmen, by the Lord set free,
Erect in majesty of manhood stand!
Though ye have said“God is dead,”
Yet shall ye wake in dread
From your long and guilty dream:
Though his righteous judgments seem
Long delayed,
They are terrible and sure!
Though his mercy long endure,
Be afraid!
When his wrath, which seemed to sleep,
Shall arouse to its deepest deep,
It shall overwhelmingly sweep
Your refuge of lies away;
And in that day,
Beneath His rod,
Your souls shall say
“God is God!”
Too late shall ye believe!Too late the truth perceive!
Ye have hugged the lie so long,
(Ye love it still,)
It hath bound its chain so strong
That ye cannot now turn back!
Ye chose Destruction's track
With open eyes,
And your vision now is sealed
Till the judgment be revealed!
That shall your souls surprise,
That shall unscale your eyes,
And in that day
With new-found sight
And new-discovered light,
Your souls shall see
And, broken 'neath His rod,
In anguish say
“God is God!”
Three millions of our race in chains,
Whom ye have doomed to every kind
Of outrage, torture, pains!
The infant from his cradle-bed;
And o'er him let the iron heel
Of foul Oppression tread!
The baby from its mother's breast!
Heed not her cries, or tears, or prayer—
Stripes may put them to rest!
The maiden pure to Lust's embrace!
Body and soul is she not thine—
Bought in the market-place?
Affection's dearest, holiest ties!
What right have slaves to feel at all?
What claim to sympathies?
That they are slaves by Heaven's decree?
That he has doomed them all to wear
The badge of slavery?
Or fight against His holy will?
Do not th' expounders of His word
Say, slaves shall be slaves still?
Shall be no refuge in that day
When your huge tower of blasphemies
Shall crumble all away
Shall yet make Sovereign of the world,
Scattering its healing life abroad,
While Wrong 's to ruin hurl'd.
Nor to the breeze throw out the stars and stripes;
'Tis not the time to revel and rejoice
Beneath the shadow of our nation's types—
Types of her ancient glory, present shame.
The stars have faded of her old renown,
For Liberty is but an empty name,
While Slavery wields the sceptre, wears the crown.
And falsely boast our freedom on this day?
What though we are not governed by a king?
A sterner tyrant o'er our land holds sway,
And tramples on the dearest rights of man;—
Transforms God's image into merchandise;
Places free speech beneath his impious ban,
And all our God-given liberties denies.
He claims as hunting-ground, whereon to chase
The hero-fugitive who breaks his chain,
And earns his freedom by advent'rous race.
On our limbs, too, the shackles he would bind;
Pluck out our hearts, or change them into stone;
Crush all our sympathies for human kind,
And bid us God and manhood to disown.
God's weary wanderers in search of rest,
Point out to him the North-star as he flees,
Or make him but an hour your welcome guest;—
And on your head the Robber Despot lays
With violence his unrelenting hand,
And with imprisonment and fine repays
Simple obedience to God's clear command.
Speech and the Press are fettered;—and for him
Who dares speak out, the martyr-fires await,
Or hangman's rope from tallest pine-tree's limb.
We are not free! One man in every seven,
Throughout our false Republic, groans beneath
The vilest despotism under heaven,
Which leaves no hope of freedom but in death.
One-half our country slave-land! and the whole
Man-hunting ground! And Kansas' virgin plains,
(Once pledged to Freedom,) under the control
Of the Slave Power! Say, Boaster, are we free?
See if the huge lie blister not your lips:
Where Slavery reigns, there Freedom cannot be!
Light vanishes beneath the sun's eclipse.
JULY 4TH, 1857.
Throw out your flag to the breeze!
Let your wild shouts ascend the sky,
And be merry and gay as you please.
For sad are the thoughts it wakes
Of the millions in slavery,
Of whose woes my soul partakes.
Their fetters my own limbs bear,
And their deeper griefs which words but conceal
My spirit doth with them share!
Her babe from her bosom is torn
By demons incarnate in men
Who God and humanity scorn.
When her husband is snatched away;
As the fugitive, when at his heels
He hears the fierce bloodhound's bay;
And your false and mocking show
Got up in the name of Liberty,
Who was murdered long ago!
Truth, honor and sincerity
Are treason to Virginia's laws,
Are fatal to Virginia's cause,
And he who doth true courage show
Strikes an unpardonable blow.
Demanded by Virginia's needs,
And all her broad dominion lies
In deepest peril, till he dies!
The truest man ye ever saw
Hang by Virginia's glorious law!
Henceforth to taint Virginia's air
With freedom's word or honor's breath?
Behold for such a traitor's death.
As symbol of her sovereignty
Virginia hoists the gallows-tree.
Captive, yet Conqueror is he!
The blow he struck destroyed your power,
And prophesied the coming hour
When Heaven's avenging wrath shall fall,
And wrap your land in ruin's pall.
Your lips with terror pale to white,
For every north wind's breath ye feel
Now seems your certain doom to seal,
And every midnight sound ye hear
Palsies your coward souls with fear!
Gushes my full heart's sympathy!
Heroic Martyr, from thy tomb
Shall speak the awful voice of doom,
And ages hence thy name shall be
The hallowed watchword of the Free.
'Gainst a foe upon our shore,
Deadlier than all foes of yore;
Down with Slavery!
Hungry, fierce, and vengeful pack;
Send them howling, hellward back.
Down with Slavery!
Shed their blood like summer rain:
Shall their blood be shed in vain?
Down with Slavery!
Strike with all the strength ye know
Lay the bloody Moloch low;
Down with Slavery!
And the heavens are flaming scrolls,
'Tis no time for coward souls;
Down with Slavery!
But, like Alpine avalanche,
Overwhelming root and branch,
Down with Slavery!
Peace our land can never see,
Nor can we ourselves be free;
Down with Slavery!
Reaching to God's throne on high,
Let us shout our Battle-cry:
Down with Slavery!
Rapine assume the robes of law!
While Robbery climbed to the highest place.
Lay bleeding beneath unholy feet.
Quickly responded to Rapine's call,
The only God to whom we will bow.”
Who would not swear to the robber-creed;
Pleading the cause of the poor oppressed;
As though of all men they were the worst.
Attested that faith by martyrdom.
And dared not walk in the light of day;
Swore that the nation was all his own:
A nation once free,—now a nation of slaves!
Drops, like a curtain, before my sight!
To catch the first gleam of morning light.
Which speaks of a battle just begun—
Whose martial tread shakes a hemisphere.
Two banners over the field unrolled;
The other is black as Slavery's night;
Each eager to enter the terrible fray;
Through the gloom of this rayless night is borne.
To cheer our hearts, and gladden our eyes.
While Rapine and Robbery slink away.
No more by violence shall be crushed—
His glance shall shatter each poor slave's chain;
Shall be swept away by Jehovah's wrath.
Shall its brightest glories all unfold!
Oh! hasten, dear Lord, the perfect day!
Though “John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave,”His noble soul looks down on the land he died to save,
And he hears the tramp of armies and the battle's dreadful roar,
And he sees our heroes falling and our fields drenched with their gore:
But as each of Freedom's martyrs from the red field takes his flight
On spirit-wings to Heaven, to receive a crown of light,
He is welcomed on the threshold by that old heroic soul
Whose self-denying valor placed him first upon the roll:
And they know they are victorious, for they hear their Lord's decree,
“Not vainly are their lives poured out who die for Man and Me.”
And the dark grave life's final goal,
Well might we o'er her ashes weep,
And let our tears unceasing roll.
The deathless spirit wings its flight,
Its happy flight, to cloudless day,
Which never shall give place to night.
Shall come to her, or cast their gloom
Around her, on that peaceful shore,
Which she has passed to through the tomb.
No tear her eye shall dim again;
She strove to still the mourner's sighs,
No more her breast shall heave with pain.
In many hearts are treasured up,
(More precious than the garnered grain,)
Her works of love, her words of hope.
She reaps the harvest she has sown,
That true and everlasting rest
Which God ordaineth for His own.
Her pure soul visits us again,
And strives to help us calmly bear
Our loss, which is her glorious gain.
The hallowed influence she imparts,
Like balm our stricken souls to heal,
Like oil upon our wounded hearts.
Where partings nevermore can come:
There shall we hold communion sweet,
In our Dear Father's Happy Home!
Victor—thy warfare 's done.
For thee the battle's roar
Is hushed. Thy crown is won!
Happy in fadeless light,
Beyond the reach of fears,
Thy faith is changed to sight.
Thy dear Lord face to face,
Whose life of Love in thee
His own eye loved to trace!
Friend of the friendless one!
Thy memory shall endure
While suns their courses run;
With living jewels set!
Souls won to Christ by thee
Adorn thy coronet!
As we our loss recall:
How can we let thee go,
Brother and friend of all?
Rev. Francis E. Butler, Chaplain of the Twenty-fifth New Jersey Regiment, was fatally wounded at the siege of Suffolk, Va., on Sunday, May 2, 1863, and died the following day. “None knew him but to love him.”
In the beauteous Spirit-Land,
Have chosen your little darling
As a member of their band;
Bright with perpetual day,
Where his soul shall grow in wisdom
And the Father's love alway.
Though his voice no more you hear,
Though your fond arms shall enfold him
Nevermore in this dark sphere;
But look, with the eye of faith,
To brighter spheres of the spirits
Who have met and conquered Death!
O'er-roaming the fields of light,
With his new-found friends, the angels,
Who shall teach him with delight.
Your souls with message of cheer,
And, with unseen hands, endeavor
To wipe from your eyes the tear.
And his loving spirit waits
To welcome you to the Mansions
Which stand past the Pearly Gates.
Will they ever reach port, I wonder.
A few may sail in merrily,
But most will the wild waves sunder.
Will discharge only damaged cargoes;
Better had they been kept by stress
Of weather, or Fate's embargoes.
Nor idly expect joy to-morrow;
Take what to-day doth offer thee,
Nor pleasure nor trouble borrow.
Two or three are met for prayer,
Thou wilt certainly be there!
Asking Thee for higher light,
Guide our hearts and words aright!
Let us feel Thy presence near;
Let us hear Thy voice of cheer!
'Gainst the grim vice of our age,
May we earnestly engage
With a purpose firm and true,
With the will to dare and do!
Through the conflict stern and long,
Though the enemy seem strong.
Who Thy righteous cause oppose,
Though united fall their blows!
Like spring-blossoms by the hail,
Scattered on each passing gale;
Who unto Thy cause are true,
Who Thy steps would fain pursue!
Let them, resting on Thy word,
Draw once more Truth's mighty sword,
Till Intemperance take his flight
To his native realms of night!
That He who made the human soul
Will not its destinies control
For final good, but, wrathful, fold
It in the shrouds of hopeless woe,
Of deathless gloom, of quenchless fire,
The creatures of His vengeful ire,
Whence it can never ransom know?
Fall on us with chastising care,
E'en while its bitter pangs we bear,
We know and feel 't is for our good
He sends His chast'nings; that His love
Corrects us when we go astray,
And points us to the better way,
The path to happy realms above.
Shall freely unto all abound;
E'en prisoners in the depths profound
Shall see His kind face beam above
Unheeded once, in mercy call
“Turn ye to Me and live!”—and all
Shall hear the summons and rejoice.
Believing, loving, purified:
Death shall be conquered in his pride,
And Hell's fierce fires shall cease to burn.
Then shall our God be all in all!
His love bear universal sway,
His love preserve all souls for aye,
Nor shall the weakest fear a fall!
[Jesus, give me of Thy spirit]
Make me meek and mild like Thee;
Let me all Thy grace inherit,
All Thy love and purity!
I would choose Thee for my guide,
Oh! Thou loving Mediator
Who for my salvation died.
Somewhat of Thy strength impart;
Blest Physician, cure my sickness;
Heal my sin-diseaséd heart.
Help me error to oppose,
Though around me thunders rattle,
Thunders from Thy warring foes.
Shrink with doubt, or fear, or dread,
Knowing that the truth forever
Is by Thee to triumph led!
I would Thy disciple be,
With a firm faith and undying,
Ever own Thy mastery;
Whether cross or crown I win,
And with hearty, true endeavor,
Strive to vanquish all my sin.
Give me,—make me like to Thee;
Let me all Thy grace inherit,
Love and strength and purity.
The glories of the morn arise,
And midnight shadows swiftly flee
Before the day-king's opening eyes.
To Thee our praise and prayer ascend;
Accept, O Lord! our simple lays,
Thine ear unto our lispings bend.
Which slumbers never, day nor night;—
That we, Thy children, ever are
Beneath Thine all-protecting sight.
Help us all duties to fulfill,
Nor let our thoughts or wishes stray
From full obedience to Thy will.
Help us to bear and kiss the rod;—
Help us our wills to Thine to bend,
And daily love Thee more, O God!
More of Thy loving spirit give;
More of Thy truth and purity,
That in Thee wholly we may live.
When all our work below is done,
O bid us welcome to the shore
Of peace and light beyond the sun.
[Blessed Jesus, who for me]
Gave Thy life a ransom free,
Wash me in the precious flood
Of Thy dear redeeming blood:
Let me give myself to Thee,
Who didst give Thyself for me;
Be Thou evermore my guide;
Keep me ever by Thy side:
Let me never, never stray
From Thee, Only Living Way!
On Thee, Lord, of Life the Bread!
Let me quench my thirst in Thee,
Love's Immeasurable Sea!
Let Thy love so constant shine
In this heart and soul of mine,
That, completely lost in Thee,
As a raindrop in the sea,
I may feel and act and will,
Just as Thou my being fill!
Fill me with intensest grief;
No more, then, shall Satan's power
O'er my soul in darkness lower;
But all earthly hope and fame
I 'll surrender for Thy name,
Count all earthly good as dross,
Glory only in Thy Cross;
And my greatest joy shall be
Jesus died and lives for me!
Shall guide me wheresoe'er I rove,
Shall all my soul's devotion move,
The blessed thought that “God is Love!”
Or in the broad or narrow way,
Whether at rest or roving still,
This blessed thought my soul shall fill.
Myself beyond His precious love;
In highest heaven or deepest hell,
That love shall guard, and save, as well.
Awoke to live, awoke to die,—
His love my destiny decreed,
And stooped to reach my greatest need.
Reveals Thy deathless love for me!
No longer shall my spirit rove,
Since this I know, that “God is Love.”
Beauteous and fair, our little childTo us a while was given:
The angels looked upon him, smiled,
And led him home to Heaven.
I will trust the Crucified
Who for my redemption died.
I will trust the Crucified.
But for His redeeming Cross!
All thy treasures count but dross,
All but His redeeming Cross.
Which has made me ever Thine,
Which has made Thee ever mine!
I will trust Thy Love divine.
And when earth for me is past,
When I reach my home at last,
Still Thy Love shall hold me fast.
Centre in the Crucified!
And whatever me betide,
I will trust the Crucified!
[If Thou, dear Lord, art mine]
If I indeed am Thine,
Send down Thy holy light
And banish all my night.
Abide within my breast;
Cast all its evil out,
Put all Thy foes to rout.
Happy alone in Thee;
So shall my freed soul feel
For Thee a quenchless zeal;
In perfect harmony
With all that Thou dost send,
My Saviour and my Friend.
In poverty or wealth,
I yield my willing soul
To Thy supreme control.
In earth, or Heaven, or hell,
Since, Jesus, Thou art mine,
Saviour and Friend Divine.
Of Jesus and his love,
It fills my soul with glory
Akin to that above,
It thrills my heart with gladness
It else could never know;
No room for gloom or sadness
Since Jesus loved me so.
Of Jesus and his love;
It fills the earth with glory
From God's own throne above;
Love's banner waving o'er us,
Let us exult and sing,
And with our happy chorus
Make the glad welkin ring.
Of Jesus and his love;
The never-failing story
Of God's redeeming love;
That love my heart subduing,
Shall keep me near to Thee;
Thy footsteps still pursuing,
Till I Thy glory see.
With Thy redeemed above,
I still will sing the story
Of Jesus and his love;
For ev'n in realms of glory,
My highest joy shall be,
That I have learned the story
That Jesus died for me!
Pass along; we have done with you.
Your record is sealed and laid away,
Not to be opened till Judgment-day.
Tell us what shall thy outcome be?
Whom of our friends shalt thou lay away
Beneath the cold and unpitying clay?
Shall we, at thy close, be living here,
Or shall we have joined, in a happier sphere,
Our friends who have left us and gone before,
And whose feet now tread on the “shining shore”?
Shall our hopes, which now are budding and warm,
Bloom into fruitage or yield to the storm?
Shall our souls grow brighter, and fairer and truer?
Shall Happiness yield to us when we would woo her?
Shall Health on our cheeks grow her prettiest roses?
Shall Sorrow befall us before thy reign closes?
Which hides from our vision the doubtful and certain.
But one thing we know, and it 's surely enough;
Whether thou deal with us gently or rough,
Our Father our destinies holds in His hand,
And thou canst do nothing His love hath not planned!
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