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JANUARY 19-20, 2001

Approval of Executive Session Resolution  5916 
Amendment to the Commonwealth of Virginia Matching Contribution Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Medical Center  5916 
Approval of Architect Selection for Observatory Hill Dining Project  5917 
Approval of Easement for the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy Across University of Virginia Property Located at the University of Virginia's College at Wise  5918 
Approval of Architect Selection for Engineering Research Center and New Materials Science Building  5918 
Approval to Remove 206 and 208 15th Street Buildings  5918 
Conflict of Interest Exemption (Monicaid)  5919 
Conflict of Interest Exemption (Directed Vapor Technologies International, Incorporated  5920 
Approval of Student Housing Rates for 2001-2002  5921 
University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation Properties  5925 
Approval of Mission Statement of University of Virginia Foundation Research Parks  5926 
Approval of the Schematic and Preliminary Design for the Environmental Sciences Field Station Project  5927 
Approval of the Schematic Design for Aquatic & Fitness Center Addition Project  5927 


Approval of the Schematic Design for Medical Research Building #6 Project  5927 
Approval of the Siting of Antennas and Towers for Regional 800 MHZ Public Safety Radio Project  5928 
Resolution Accepting the Report of the Fraternity Working Group and Directing the Implementation of Its Recommendations  5928 
Memorial Resolution for Mr. Herbert C. Pollock  5929 
Approval of the Summary of Audit Findings  5930 
Qualified Defined Contribution Retirement Plans for Executive Employees of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Investment Management Company Employees   5930 
Appointment of Non-Voting Student Member to the Board   5931 
Faculty Personnel Actions 
Elections  5931 
Actions Relating to Chairholders  5939 
Promotion  5941 
Resignations  5941 
Retirements  5943 
Re-appointments  5943 
Election of Professors Emeriti  5944 
Election of Associate Professor Emeritus  5944 
Deaths  5944 
Election of Dr. Robert E. Reynolds as Vice President and Chief Information Officer  5945 
Change in the Chairholder Election of Paul B. Stephan, III  5945 
The University of Virginia's College at Wise 
Elections  5945 
Action Relating to Chairholder  5946 
Resignation  5946 


Establishment of the Bigelow Research Professorship in Business Administration  5947 
Establishment of the Mario di Valmarana Professorship in the School of Architecture  5947 
Establishment of the Murray Research Professorship in the McIntire School of Commerce  5948 
Renaming the Centennial Distinguished Professorship in Nursing as the Centennial Distinguished Professorship in Pediatric Nursing  5949 
Renaming the NationsBank Professorship in the McIntire School of Commerce as the Bank of America Professorship in the McIntire School of Commerce  5949 
Resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee on November 9, 2000 
• Approval of Architect Selection for Term Contract  5950 
• Approval of Architect Selection for Crockett Hall Renovation at the University of Virginia's College at Wise  5950 
• Approval of Community Medicine, LLC  5950 
• Approval of Acquisition of the Fontaine Research Center  5951 
• Approval of Intent to Issue Bonds for the Fontaine Research Center  5952 
• 2000-2001 Salaries for President John T. Casteen, III, and Chancellor L. Jay Lemons  5953 
• Delegation of Authority to Approve a Construction Loan and an Equity Investment for the Emerging Technology Center  5954 
• Approval of the Assignment of Pavilion IX  5955 


Resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee on January 10, 2000 
• Approval of Legislative Capital Budget Amendments for the Academic Division  5955 
• Approval of Legislative Budget Amendment for the College at Wise  5956 
Resolutions adopted by the Board of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company (UVIMCO) on January 8, 2001  5957