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The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 10:00 a.m. in the Office
of the President of the University, at Charlottesville, with the following present: Rector Albert V.
Bryan; President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.; and Visitors Berkeley, Blanton, Camp, Faulconer, Fenwick,
Hartfield, Kendig, Lantor, Lewis, Martin, Montague, Pollock, Rogers, and Walker. Absent: Visitors
Johnson and Wilkerson. Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson and Bursar Edgar E. Woodward were present
throughout the discussion of Mary Washington College matters. Comptroller Vincent Shea was present
during the discussions of the 1962-1963 University budget and the authorization and awarding of the
Dormitory Revenue Bonds.

The minutes of the meeting of 14 April 1962, previously distributed, were approved as corrected.


The Rector called for the election by the Board of the members of the Executive Committee to
serve until the next Annual Meeting in June 1963. Upon motion, duly seconded, the following persons
were unanimously elected to the Executive Committee: Mr. Bryan, Chairman; Mr. Berkeley; and Mr.

The Rector announced that in the very near future he would complete his appointments to the
standing committees for 1962-1963 and would request the Secretary to include the list of committees
in the minutes for this meeting.

[The committee assignments for 1962-1963 as subsequently made by the Rector are as follows:



Finance Committee  Mr. Blanton, Chairman 
Mr. Camp 
Mr. Montague 
Mary Washington College Committee  Mr. Lewis, Chairman 
Dr. Kendig 
Mrs. Lantor 
Mr. Johnson 
Mr. Rogers 
Athletics Committee  Mr. Fenwick, Chairman 
Mr. Berkeley 
Mr. Faulconer 
Mr. Lewis 
Mr. Pollock 
Medical Committee  Dr. Martin, Chairman 
Dr. Kendig 
Mr. Walker 
Buildings & Grounds Committee  Mr. Montague, Chairman 
Mr. Camp 
Mr. Faulconer 
Mr. Hartfield] 


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty

Mr. Edwin W. Arnold as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, for three years, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,900

Mr. Ralph C. Bralley as Instructor in Speech Correction and Audiology, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,300

Mr. Douglas T. Day, III as Assistant Professor of English, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. Ernst S. Dick as Assistant Professor of German, for three years, effective 1 September

Mr. Richard T. Eppink as Acting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year,
effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Frank E. Flora as Lecturer in Education, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $6,000

Mr. Richard D. Gilardi as Instructor in Law, for one year, part-time, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $3,150.

Mr. Eugene N. Lane as Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, for one year, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Richard P. Lawlor as Instructor in Law, for one year, part-time, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $3,150

Mr. Bertram F. Levin as Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $9,100.

Mr. Charles R. McDowell as Visiting Professor of Law, for one year, part-time, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,500

Mr. Robert E. Nelson as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Miss Priscilla F. Richardson as Instructor in Law, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $6,300

Mr. Muvaffak Seyhan as Visiting Professor of Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 July 1962,
at no salary from the State

Miss Herta H. E. Spatzker as Instructor in Nursing, for the period 1 June 1962 to 3 September
1962, at the annual rate of $5,720

Mr. Robert L. Strong, Jr. as Lecturer in Russian, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $7,600

Mr. Knox Turnbull as Visiting Professor of Law, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $14,200

Mr. Walter J. Wadlington, III as Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $9,100

Mr. Howard D. Winters as Instructor in Anthropology, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $6,600


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Rowland A Egger be and he is hereby elected Edward R. Stettinius Professor of Foreign Affairs
for which he will be paid the sum of $2,500 per year, in addition to his regular salary, effective
1 September 1962


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the election of Dr. Charles Whitcher as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years,
which was approved by the Board at its meeting on 14 February 1962, be and it is hereby cancelled



The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty

Mr. James D. Beaber as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $8,500.

Mr. Osvaldo Chinchon as Junior Instructor in Spanish, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $5,600

Mr. Henry E. Garrett as Visiting Professor of Educational Psychology, for one year, part-time,
effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $8,850

Mr. George M. Gerken as Assistant Professor of Psychology, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. John L. Ruseau as Instructor in Architecture, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $6,000

Mr. A. W. Zelomek as Visiting Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate School of
Business Administration, for one year, effective 1 September 1962


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following promotions be and they are hereby made

Mr. Alan P. Batson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Physics, effective 1 September

Dr. Julian R. Beckwith, Associate Professor, to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective 1 July

Mr. D. Scott Birney, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Astronomy, for three years, effective
1 September 1962.

Mr. Francis J. Brooke, III, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of German, effective
1 September 1962

Dr. Audrey K. Brown, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective 1 July

Mr. J. David Deck, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Anatomy, effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Robert T. Denomme, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of French, for three years, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Paul S. Dulaney, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of City Planning in the School
of Architecture, effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Gary S. Dunbar, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Geography, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. Alfred Fernbach, Associate Professor, to Professor of Foreign Affairs, effective 1 September

Dr. Gerald Goldstein, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Assistant Professor of Medicine,
to Associate Professor of Microbiology and Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Desmond R. H. Gourley, Associate Professor, to Professor of Pharmacology, effective 1 July

Dr. John L. Guerrant, Associate Professor, to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective 1 July

Mr. Jack D. Hain, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Clinical Psychology), for
three years, effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Walter L. Heilbronner, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of German, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. George W. Holmes, III, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Dr. Ying-tang Hsu, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Pathology, effective 1 July

Dr. James B. Littlefield, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Surgery, effective
1 July 1962

Dr. Preston B. Lowrance, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine,
effective 1 July 1962

Dr. Harry S. McGauhey, Jr., Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, effective 1 July 1962


Mr. Robert W. McGilvery, Associate Professor, to Professor of Biochemistry, effective 1 July

Mr. Samuel P. Maroney, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Biology, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. William B. O'Neal, Associate Professor, to Professor of Architecture, effective 1 September

Mr. Valfrids Osvalds, Acting Associate Professor, to Associate Professor of Astronomy, for
one year, effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Robert L. Ramey, Associate Professor, to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective
1 September 1962

Dr. William A. Scoggin, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for
three years, effective 1 July 1962

Mr. John E. Scott, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Clifford M. Siegel, Associate Professor, to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Virgil S. Ward, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September 1962

Dr. Peyton E. Weary, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Dermatology, for three years,
effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Thomas G. Williamson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering,
effective 1 September 1962.

Mr. Robert S. Young, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Geology, effective
1 September 1962


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leave of absence

Mr. Gary S. Dunbar, Associate Professor of Geography, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay,
to study under a Fulbright Senior Scholarship at the University of Dacca in East Pakistan

Mr. N. L. Enrick, Lecturer in Business Administration in the Graduate School of Business
Administration, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay, to complete his doctoral thesis

Mr. Edward B. Gordon, Lecturer in Business Administration in the Graduate School of Business
Administration, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay, because of ill health

Mr. Edward A. Mearns, Jr., Associate Professor of Law, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay,
to accept a Fulbright Award to lecture at the University of Messina, Italy

Mr. Harold A. O'Hern, Jr., Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, for the 1962-1963
session, without pay, to make a trip to Japan, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, and Europe

Mr. Wesley A. Volk, Associate Professor of Microbiology, for the 1962-1963 session, without
pay, to accept a special fellowship from the National Institutes of Health for study at the
National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland


The President reminded the Board of its action at the meeting on 14 April 1962 in extending
the leave of absence for Miss Margaret G. Tyson, Dean of the School of Nursing. He noted that
inadvertently the leave of absence granted Miss Tyson at that time had been without pay when it
should have been with half-pay.

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resolution adopted by the Board at its meeting on 14 April 1962 (Minute Book, University
of Virginia,
No. 12, 14 April 1962, p. 314) relating to the extension of a leave of absence for
Miss Margaret G. Tyson, Dean of the School of Nursing, be and it is hereby amended and re-enacted
as follows

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the leave of absence for Miss Margaret G. Tyson, Dean of the School of Nursing, be and it is
hereby extended for the period 1 July 1962 through 31 August 1962, with half-pay, to complete the
requirements for the doctoral degree at Columbia University


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following changes of title be and they are hereby made


Mr. Albert Altman, from Acting Assistant Professor of Physics, to Assistant Professor of Physics,
for three years, effective 1 September 1962

Dr. Stuart H. Bartle, from Instructor in Internal Medicine, to Instructor in Internal Medicine
and in Surgery, for three years, effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. William L. Duren, Jr., from Professor of Mathematics, to University Professor of
Mathematics, effective 1 September 1962

Mr. N. L. Enrick, from Associate Professor of Business Administration, to Lecturer in Business
Administration in the Graduate School of Business Administration, for one year, effective 1
September 1962, without pay

Mr. Paul M. Hammaker, from Visiting Professor of Business Administration, to Professor of
Business Administration in the Graduate School of Business Administration, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $14,200

Mr. George W. Henderson, from Lecturer in Mathematics, to Assistant Professor of Mathematics,
for three years, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,600


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons shall receive the salary indicated

Mr. Charles C. Abbott, Professor of Business Administration, at a salary of $15,000, effective
1 September 1962

Dr. Elton M. Alrich, Associate Professor of Surgery, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962.

Dr. Julian R. Beckwith, Professor of Internal Medicine, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Fredson T. Bowers, Alumni Professor of English, at a salary of $2,800, in addition to his
regular salary of $14,200, effective 1 September 1962.

Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Associate Professor of English, at a salary of $9,600 plus 20 per cent
for summer duties and $1,000 for service as Dean, effective 1 July 1962

Dr. Claude C. Coleman, Associate Professor of Surgery, at a salary not to exceed $28,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Weldon Cooper, Professor of Political Science, at a salary of $13,400 plus 20 per cent
for summer duties, effective 1 September 1962

Dr. William E. Craddock, Associate Professor of Radiology, at a total salary not to exceed
$25,000, effective 1 July 1962

Dr. E. Cato Drash, Professor of Surgery, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500, effective
1 July 1962

Mr. William L. Duren, Jr., University Professor of Mathematics, at a salary of $14,200,
effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Rowland A. Egger, Edward R. Stettinius Professor of Foreign Affairs, at a salary of
$14,200, effective 1 September 1962

Dr. Charles J. Frankel, Associate Professor of Orthopedics, at a total salary not to exceed
$27,500, effective 1 July 1962.

Dr. Richard W. Garnett, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, at a total salary not to
exceed $27,500, effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Frank L. Hereford, Jr., Professor of Physics, at a salary of $15,000 plus $2,250 for
administrative duties, effective 1 September 1962

Dr. John G. Kroll, Associate Professor of Radiology, at a total salary not to exceed $26,000,
effective 1 July 1962

Dr. Byrd S. Leavell, Professor of Internal Medicine, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Dr. Juan D. Martinez-Galindo, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, at a total salary
not to exceed $30,000, effective 1 July 1962

Dr. George R. Minor, Associate Professor of Surgery, at a total salary not to exceed $26,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Dr. C. Bruce Morton, Professor of Surgery, at a total salary not to exceed $30,000, effective
1 July 1962

Dr. John M. Nokes, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at a total salary not to exceed
$27,500, effective 1 July 1962

Miss Catherine M. Russell, Associate Professor of Microbiology, at a salary of $11,200,
effective 1 September 1962


Dr. William R. Sandusky, Professor of Surgery, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Mr. James R. Schlesinger, Associate Professor of Economics, at a salary of $10,100, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Edward R. Slaughter, Associate Professor of Physical Education, at a salary of $10,600,
effective 1 September 1962

Dr. Oscar Swineford, Professor of Internal Medicine, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Dr. W. W. Waddell, Jr., Professor of Pediatrics, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962

Mr. Paul B. Walter, Assistant Professor of Education, at a salary of $8,200, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. David A. Williams, Assistant Professor of History, at a salary of $7,900, effective
1 September 1962

Dr. J. Edwin Wood, Professor of Internal Medicine, at a total salary not to exceed $27,500,
effective 1 July 1962


The President announced the retirement of Messrs. Atcheson L. Hench, Linden Kent Memorial
Professor of English Literature, Arthur F. MacConochie, Professor of Engineering, Henry B.
Mulholland, Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Internal Medicine, Earnest J. Oglesby, Professor of
Mathematics in the School of Engineering, and Frederic T. Wood, Professor of Germanic Languages
and Russian. Mr. Atcheson L. Hench has been a member of the faculty since September 1922,
Mr. Arthur F. MacConochie has been a member of the faculty since September 1923, Dr. Henry B.
Mulholland has been a member of the faculty since September 1926, Mr. Earnest J. Oglesby has been
a member of the faculty since September 1931, and Mr. Frederic T. Wood has been a member of the
faculty since September 1930


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby elected Professors Emeriti

Mr. Atcheson L. Hench, Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Literature, who retires in
June 1962, and has been on the staff of the University since September 1922.

Mr. Arthur F. MacConochie, Professor of Engineering, who retires in June 1962, and has been
on the staff of the University since September 1923

Dr. Henry B. Mulholland, Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Internal Medicine, who retires in
June 1962, and has been on the staff of the University since September 1926

Mr. Earnest J. Oglesby, Professor of Mathematics in the School of Engineering, who retires
in June 1962, and has been on the staff of the University since September 1931

Mr. Frederic T. Wood, Professor of Germanic Languages and Russian, who retires in June 1962,
and has been on the staff of the University since September 1930


The President announced the following resignations

Mr. Arthur J. Bachrach, Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Neurology and
Psychiatry, effective 31 August 1962, to accept a position as Professor and Chairman of the
Department of Psychology at Arizona State University

Mr. James H. Bash, Assistant Professor of Education, effective 30 June 1962, to accept the
position of Regional Programs Associate with the Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta,

Mr. Robert Brunish, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, effective 30 June 1962, to work with
Professor Asboe-Hansen at the University of Copenhagen

Mr. William L. Duren, Jr., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, effective 30 June 1962,
to continue teaching and research at the University of Virginia

Mr. John W. Eldridge, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, effective 30 June 1962,
to accept a position as Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of

Mr. Frank A. Geldard, Professor of Psychology, effective 31 August 1962, to accept a position
at Princeton University

Mr. Charles A. Micaud, Professor of Foreign Affairs, effective 30 June 1962, to accept a
position at the University of Denver


Mr. Harrison J. Pemberton, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, effective 30 June 1962, to
accept a position at Washington and Lee University.

Mr. George P. Wilson, Jr., Associate Professor of Speech and Director of Radio and Television
of the Division of Extension and General Studies, effective 31 August 1962, to accept a position at
Iowa State University


The President announced the following appointments

Miss Zula Mae Baber as Acting Dean of the School of Nursing, for the period 1 July 1962 through
31 August 1962

Mr. Alan P. Batson as Director of the University Computer Center, for five years, effective
1 September 1962

Dr. McLemore Birdsong as Acting Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics, for one year,
effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Francis J. Brooke, III as Acting Chairman of the Department of Modern Languages, for one
year, effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Alfred Burger as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr. as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, for five years, effective
1 July 1962

Dr. George Cooper as Acting Chairman of the Department of Radiology, for one year, effective
1 July 1962

Mr. David H. Davis as Chairman of the Department of Music, for two years, effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Rowland A. Egger as Chairman of the Department of Foreign Affairs, for five years, effective
1 July 1962

Mr. Rowland A. Egger as Chairman of the Department of Political Science, for five years, effective
1 July 1962

Mr. Laurence W. Fredrick as Chairman of the Department of Astronomy and Director of the Leander
McCormick Observatory, effective 1 February 1963 and extending to 30 June 1967

Mr. William D. Hedges as Director of the Division of Educational Research in the School of
Education, effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Frank L. Hereford, Jr. as Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, for five years,
effective 1 July 1962.

Mr. Robert W. McGilvery as Acting Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry, for one year, effective
1 July 1962

Mr. Morris McKeehan as Acting Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, for one year, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. James L. Riopel as Director of the Mountain Lake Biological Station, for a term expiring
30 June 1963

Mr. Stanley S. Stahl, Jr. as Assistant Dean of the School of Education, effective 1 September

Mr. Wayne A. Wallace as Chairman of the Department of Geography, for one year, effective 1 July

Mr. Robert S. Young as Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for Bonnycastle-Hancock
Association, for three years, effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Edward E. Younger as Chairman of the Corcoran Department of History, for five years,
effective 1 July 1962

Mr. David Yu as Chairman of the Department of Religion, for two years, effective 1 July 1962.


The President announced the receipt of a gift of 4,291 shares of the capital stock of the First
City National Bank of Houston, in Houston, Texas, which has been made to the University of Virginia
by Mrs. M. W. Perkins (Mrs. Sallie Shepherd Perkins) of Asheville, North Carolina. This gift is to
be added to an earlier gift of $50,000 made in June 1947, and the income from the combined sum is to
be used to supplement the salary of a distinguished pediatrician to occupy a Chair to be known as the
Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Professorship of Pediatrics.

The gift has been made by Mrs. Perkins in honor of and as a memorial to her grandfather,
Benjamin Armistead Shepherd, and her brother, Benjamin Armistead Shepherd, II

Benjamin Armistead Shepherd was born on 14 May 1814 in Fluvanna County, Virginia, and moved to
Kentucky in 1833. He lived successively in Nashville, Memphis, and New Orleans, from which he moved
to Galveston, Texas, where he was married on 28 October 1840 to Mary Hobson of Nashville. The exact
date of Mr. Shepherd's move to Houston is not known, but he was living there on 30 December 1847
when a bank was chartered, of which Mr. Shepherd was a Director. He opened a private bank in Houston
in 1854 and continued with that institution until January 1867 when it was merged with the First


National Bank of Houston, now the First City National Bank of Houston, of which he became President
and held that position until his death in 1891. During the War Between the States, he and some
associates bought and operated a ship, which ran cotton through the Federal blockade. In 1867, he
purchased a residence on Park Street in Charlottesville, which he called "Meadeland" and which he
and his family used for a summer home for several years.

Mr. Shepherd is known as one of the great contributors to the growth and development of Houston,
and it was through his farsightedness and business acumen that many enterprises, including one of
the railroads entering the city in the early days, were brought to Houston. His name is still
revered as one of the pioneers in the development of Houston as a great commercial center

Benjamin Armistead Shepherd, II, who was named for his grandfather, was born in Fluvanna
County in December 1886. He entered the University of Virginia and graduated with a Master of
Arts degree in 1909. Following graduation, he studied law at Columbia University, but because of
failing health, was unable to complete the course. He died in Richmond, Virginia, in November 1916
at the age of 30.

In order to carry out the wishes of Mrs. Perkins, the President proposed and the Board adopted
the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that there is hereby established a Chair in the School of Medicine to be known as the Benjamin
Armistead Shepherd Professorship of Pediatrics


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

WHEREAS Mrs. Sallie Shepherd Perkins has made a magnificent gift to the University of Virginia
for the purpose of supplementing the salary of a distinguished Professorship in Pediatrics in the
School of Medicine in honor of and as a memorial to her grandfather, Benjamin Armistead Shepherd,
and her brother, Benjamin Armistead Shepherd, II,

AND WHEREAS this Board has established a Chair in the Department of Pediatrics in the School
of Medicine, to be known as the Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Professorship of Pediatrics, in order
to carry out the wishes of Mrs. Perkins,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that we hereby record our deep gratitude for this gift which will enable the
University to attain further eminence in the field of pediatrics, and direct the Secretary to
transmit a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Perkins as a mark of our warm appreciation.


The President announced the receipt of a gift by an anonymous donor for the support of
instruction and research in the Department of Chemistry. This gift consists of 2,300 shares of
common stock of the Du Pont Company. The anonymous donor, who has previously made gifts of
approximately the same amounts for the Departments of Physics and Biology, has directed that the
gift is to be used to supplement the salary of a distinguished professor to occupy a Chair to be
known as the John W. Mallet Professorship of Chemistry, to supplement the salaries of younger,
promising members of the faculty of the Department of Chemistry, to purchase equipment needed in
Chemistry, and to establish a scholarship fund to be used to attract undergraduate, graduate, and
post doctoral students. The gift was made on the condition that an appropriation be made by the
1962 General Assembly in the amount of $3.5 million to construct a Chemistry Building. As the
President reported to the Board at its April meeting (Minute Book, University of Virginia, No. 12,
14 April 1962, p. 314), such an appropriation was made, and it is now necessary to establish the
Chair in Chemistry as requested by the anonymous donor

Mr. John W. Mallet was born near Dublin, Ireland on 10 October 1832. He came to the United
States in 1853 to collect information for his father about the Erickson Caloric Engine with no
expectation of remaining in this country. He became a professor at Amherst College, however, and
served as a member of the faculty at a number of institutions of higher learning in this country
before accepting a position as Professor of Chemistry at the University of Virginia. He was a
member of the University faculty from 1868 to 1883 and from 1885 to 1908 when he retired and
became Professor Emeritus. He died in 1912

The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that there is hereby established a Chair in the Department of Chemistry to be known as the John W.
Mallet Professorship of Chemistry.


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

WHEREAS a devoted friend of the University, who desires to remain anonymous, has made a
magnificent gift of 2,300 shares of common stock of the Du Pont Company for the support of
instruction and research in the Department of Chemistry,

AND WHEREAS this same person in previous years has made gifts of a similar magnitude for the
support of instruction and research in Physics and Biology,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that we hereby record our deep gratitude for these gifts which have enabled
the University to attain a position of eminence in the field of science, and direct the Secretary
to transmit a copy of this resolution to the anonymous donor as a mark of our warm appreciation



The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Blanton, submitted for the Board's consideration
the proposed 1962-1963 University Budget, copies of which had previously been mailed to each member
of the Board. Mr. Blanton reported that the Finance Committee had met with the President and the
Comptroller on 18 May 1962 for a detailed review of the proposed budget and that the Finance
Committee, at the conclusion of its meeting, had unanimously approved the budget as recommended.
Following a discussion, Mr. Blanton proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the proposed 1962-1963 University Budget as recommended by the President and as approved by the
Finance Committee be and it is hereby approved


The President reported on some changes be was making in the organization of the Arts and Sciences,
which were to be effective on 1 July 1962. He explained in detail the reasons for these changes and
reported that he had sent a letter under the date of 1 June 1962 to each member of the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences describing these changes. This letter is as follows

Office of the President
Dear Colleague

I am today reporting to the Rector and Visitors a new administrative structure
which I believe will permit more effective operation of the College and Graduate School
of Arts and Sciences than has previously been possible.

At present, the Dean of the College is burdened with more duties than one man
should be called upon to discharge. In addition to administrative details of the
undergraduate College, he is responsible for obtaining suitable replacements and
additions to the faculty of Arts and Sciences without having any responsibility for
the graduate teaching which many of the new members of the faculty actually will engage
in and must be employed to do

The plan set forth below, to become effective 1 July 1962, (a) changes the title
of the present position of Dean of the College to Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
(b) relieves the Dean of the Faculty of the day-to-day duties of administering the undergraduate
College, which are delegated to a new position (although its title is not new) to
be known as Dean of the College, and (c) makes the Dean of the Faculty responsible for
appraising and co-ordinating both the graduate and undergraduate curricula and for recommending
to the President persons to join the faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Direct responsibility for administering the undergraduate College is placed under
the new position of Dean of the College, and the present position of Associate Dean of
the College is discontinued

The position of Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is only slightly
modified to include responsibility for research policy in Arts and Sciences and to provide
for active participation with the Dean of the Faculty in obtaining members of the faculty
of Arts and Sciences who will participate in graduate instruction

I have appointed, effective 1 July 1962, Mr. Frank L. Hereford, Jr., Dean of the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences

In a short time I hope to be able to announce the appointment of the Dean of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The duties and responsibilities which will be assigned to the three positions are
as follows

(1) Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to serve as the chief staff
advisor to the President on all matters related to the undergraduate and graduate
curricula in Arts and Sciences, to appraise the existing faculties of the several
Departments in Arts and Sciences, and in consultation with the Dean of the Graduate
School, the Dean of the College, and the Chairmen of Departments, to recommend to the
President persons to fill vacancies on the faculty and to staff positions for expansion     to staff
into areas not now covered, to prepare tables of organization for each of the several Departments p
Departments, to consult with the Comptroller on the preparation of the annual and
biennial budgets and other matters of a financial nature involving Arts and Sciences,
on behalf of the President, to interview prospects for election to the faculty and
make recommendations to the President on all such elections, and, in general, to
conduct a continuous re-appraisal of the faculty strengths and weaknesses and needs
of the faculty as expansion of enrollment occurs. The President will continue to
interview all candidates for tenure appointments

(2) Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to advise the
President and the Dean of the Faculty on all matters relating to graduate instructional
and research policy in Arts and Sciences, to develop and expand the graduate
enrollment in Arts and Sciences, to counsel graduate students on appropriate matters
relating to graduate instruction, and to participate actively with the Dean of the Faculty
in obtaining faculty members whose duties will involve graduate instruction


(3) Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to undertake all duties
with respect to the academic programs of undergraduate students in the Arts and
Sciences, to advise the Dean of the Faculty with respect to undergraduate faculty
staffing and curricula, to advise the Dean of the Faculty on such matters involving
undergraduate educational policy as he may deem advisable or as may be requested
by the Dean of the Faculty, and to undertake such other duties as may be assigned
by the Dean of the Faculty

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.
Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that C. Waller Barrett and David J. Mays be and they are hereby re-elected to the Advisory Committee
for the McGregor Library for terms of four years, effective 1 July 1962


The President advised the Board that, at the University's request, Mr. John B. Gordon, a
Charlottesville Realtor, had obtained an option in his own name, to purchase a parcel of land
fronting approximately 180 feet on the south side of Jefferson Park Avenue, between Lee and
Randall Streets in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, from G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, J. Jason
Crigler, and Marion K. Humphreys, Jr., at a price not to exceed $53,500.00, that because of tax
consequences to them, the Grantors of the option had refused to grant an option unless the
transaction, if the option was exercised, would constitute an instalment sale, and had therefore
insisted upon a method of payment of consideration as follows: $13,375.00 cash on date set for
delivery of deed, $40,125.00, the balance to be evidenced by three purchase money notes each in
the amount of $13,375.00, bearing interest at 3% per annum payable in one, two and three years
respectively from date of delivery of deed. The purchase money notes are to be unsecured

The option expires if not exercised prior to 1 July 1962. It appeared advisable, should the
option be exercised, to obtain the authorization of the Board for the execution in the name and on
behalf of the University, of the three unsecured notes for $13,375.00 each, above referred to

After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was,

RESOLVED, that Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., President, or Vincent Shea, Comptroller, be and either
of them hereby is, authorized and empowered, to execute in the name and on behalf of The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia, three promissory notes not to exceed the principal sum
of $13,375.00 each, payable to Bearer, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annum, and payable
one, two, and three years after date, respectively, said notes to be delivered as part of the
consideration for the purchase by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia of certain
property fronting approximately 180 feet on the south side of Jefferson Park Avenue, between Lee
and Randall Streets, in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia. Said notes shall be unsecured


The President advised the Board of the passage by the General Assembly of Virginia in the
1962 Session, of House Bill No. 725 (to become effective as Chapter 604, Acts of Assembly, 1962),
which authorizes and empowers the governing bodies of The College of William and Mary in Virginia,
the University of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute, or duly authorized committees of
such governing bodies, to enter into a joint agreement on behalf of their respective institutions
for the operation and management of a space radiation effects laboratory to be constructed by
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the area of Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Act
provides that such joint agreement shall be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of each
institution, duly entered upon the minutes thereof, and that such joint agreement shall be
executed on behalf of each institution by an official designated in such resolution

The Act further authorizes and empowers the governing bodies of said institutions, or duly
authorized committees thereof, to negotiate and execute a contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration for the operation and management of such space radiation effects laboratory
by said institutions in conformity with the terms and conditions of the joint agreement

In order to carry out the provisions of this Act, the President reported that at his request
the University's Counsel had prepared a tentative draft of a joint agreement between the three
institutions for the operation and management of the contemplated space radiation effects laboratory
and that at a meeting of representatives of the three institutions held on 11 May 1962, which
was also attended by representatives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and by
Mr. William H. McFarlane, Director of the State Council of Higher Education, a final draft of such
joint agreement to be submitted to the governing bodies of the three institutions had been agreed

Copies of such final draft were then distributed to the members of the Board for examination

After full discussion and careful consideration, upon motion duly seconded and carried, the
following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, that the Joint Agreement between The College of William and Mary in Virginia, the University
of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute bearing date of 1 July 1962, for the operation
and management of a space radiation effects laboratory to be constructed by the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, in the form submitted to this meeting, be and the same hereby is,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., President of the University of Virginia, be
and he is hereby, authorized, empowered, and designated to execute said Joint Agreement, bearing date
of 1 July 1962, in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
and that Weldon Cooper, Secretary of this Board, be and he is hereby, authorized, empowered, and
designated to affix the corporate seal of this Institution thereto and to attest the same,

BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Rector be and he is hereby authorized, empowered, and
designated, as a committee of one of this Board, in conjunction with the governing bodies of The
College of William and Mary in Virginia and Virginia Polytechnic Institute, or duly authorized
committees of such governing bodies, to negotiate and execute a contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, for the operation and management of such space radiation effects laboratory
by said three institutions in conformity with the terms and conditions of said Joint Agreement dated
1 July 1962, and that Weldon Cooper, Secretary of this Board, be and he is hereby, authorized,
empowered, and designated to affix the corporate seal of this Institution to such contract and to
attest the same.


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the President be and he is hereby authorized to employ Mr. J. Russell Bailey, Architect, of Orange,
Virginia, as architect for the proposed addition to Alderman Library Building.


The President reported in detail on the prospect for admissions for the academic session of


The President reported on a proposal by the School of Engineering, which was approved by the
University Senate at its meeting on 15 May 1962, to establish a degree in the School of Engineering
to be known as "Bachelor of Engineering Science." The basis for this proposal is that there has
arisen a need and demand for a degree with a curriculum which bridges science and mathematics and is
outside the specialized subject matter of any given branch of engineering. The adoption of this
degree will not involve any increase in the Engineering faculty since the available instructional
staff in Engineering and in the Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences will be
sufficient to offer this program at the present level of enrollment in the School of Engineering

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
there is hereby established in the School of Engineering a degree to be known as "Bachelor of
Engineering Science," effective 1 September 1962.


The President reminded the Board that, at its meeting on 13 June 1959 (Minute Book, University
of Virginia,
No. 12, 13 June 1959, p. 158), the fields in which the degree of Doctor of Science may
be conferred were extended to include Nuclear Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The President
reported that the faculty of the School of Engineering has requested the extension of the degree of
Doctor of Science to include Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics be authorized. At its meeting
on 15 May 1962 the University Senate approved this proposal. Adding these two fields in which the
Doctor of Science may be earned will not result in an increase in staff, since qualified persons
to teach in these two areas are already on the faculty

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1962, the fields in which the degree of Doctor of Science may be
conferred be and they are hereby extended to include Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics


The President reported on a proposal by the faculty of the School of Engineering that the name
of that School be changed to the "School of Engineering and Applied Science." The basis for this
recommendation is the lack in the present title of any indication of the instruction and research
now being conducted in applied science by the faculty and students in the School of Engineering

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 July 1962, the name of the School of Engineering be and it is hereby changed to
the School of Engineering and Applied Science


The President presented and discussed the annual report of the Student Activities Committee for


The President distributed a copy of the report of the Committee on Fallout Protection to each
member of the Board and summarized the contents of the report.



The President reported that under the terms of the existing contract with Claude Coakley,
dated October 27, 1960, for the management of the University Airport, Mr. Coakley had given the
required notice of his desire to terminate the contract on June 1, 1962 and that it had been
necessary to negotiate a new contract. The new contract would be with a corporation to be formed
under the name of Charlottesville Aviation, Inc. of which Mr. William C. Clontz would be President
and Mr. Ralph P. Zehler, Jr., would be secretary, and would run from June 1, 1962 to June 30, 1965,
with automatic yearly renewals thereafter.

The President then submitted for consideration a draft of the new contract prepared by the
University's special counsel, the terms and conditions of which had been approved by Dean Quarles
of the School of Engineering, and recommended its execution on behalf of the University

After careful consideration, upon motion duly seconded, the following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute in the name
and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, a contract with Charlottesville
Aviation, Inc., for the management of the University Airport at Milton, Virginia, such
contract to be in the form submitted to this meeting, with such changes and additions as may be
approved by the University's special counsel, and that the Secretary of this Board be, and he is
hereby, authorized, empowered and directed to affix the seal of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia thereto and attest the same


The President stated that the University Long-Range Planning Committee had presented a report
to him a few days before. A preliminary review of the report indicated that a number of excellent
suggestions had been made. The President stated that he planned to review the report in detail
this coming summer and to have a report on long-range planning ready for presentation to the Board
at its next meeting on 29 September 1962


The President reported it had been called to his attention by The Riggs National Bank of
Washington, D. C., successor trustee under the Will of William Jackson Humphreys, that the grave of
Dr. Humphreys in Charlottesville has never been marked. Under the Will of Dr. Humphreys, his
residuary estate was held in trust to pay certain annuities, one of which was $200.00 per month to
his wife, Margaret Antrim Humphreys, the balance of income to be accumulated until the death of the
survivor of the annuitants. Mrs. Humphreys is that survivor. Upon her death the assets of the
trust and the accumulated income thereon are payable to the University of Virginia. The trust
when last reviewed amounted to some $315,000.00

Apparently, at the time of the death of Dr. Humphreys, his wife had stated she would attend
to the erection of a stone at the grave but this had never been done and her disability had
become such that The Riggs National Bank had been appointed her conservator. Since it is not now
possible to use Mrs. Humphreys' funds for this purpose, The Riggs National Bank has requested, on
behalf of the family of Dr. and Mrs. Humphreys, that the University consent to the payment of the
sum of $260.00 from the principal of the trust fund for the erection of an appropriate stone at
the grave of Dr. Humphreys. Such stone would be inscribed with his name and the dates of his
birth and death and the name and date of birth of Mrs. Humphreys.

After discussion of the matter, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was,

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that it gives its consent to the payment of the sum of $260.00 from the principal of the trust fund
created under the Will of the late William Jackson Humphreys, of which the University of Virginia
is beneficiary in remainder upon the death of Margaret Antrim Humphreys, widow of the testator, for
the erection of an appropriate stone at the grave of Dr. Humphreys, to be inscribed with his name
and the dates of his birth and death and the name and date of birth of his wife


The President reported that the three daughters of the late Dean Thornton of the School of
Engineering, who lived on University Circle, had approached the University to inquire as to the
interest of the Board of Visitors in accepting a gift of their property on University Circle if it
should be offered. Following numerous expressions of appreciation by the Visitors, the President
proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the offer of Mrs. E. Carter Thurman, Miss Rosalie Thornton, and Miss Janet Thornton of their
property known as "The Terraces" at 21 University Circle as a gift to The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, subject to a life interest in accordance with an instrument to be prepared
by the University's Special Counsel, would be gratefully accepted


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 July 1962, the fee schedule for the School of General Studies shall be as follows:
(1) the rate for Undergraduate College, Architecture, Commerce, Education, Nursing, Terminal, and
Certificate Courses shall be $13.00 per semester-hour of credit, and (2) the rate for Graduate
Education shall be $14.00 per semester-hour of credit



The President stated that he had reported in full to the Athletics Committee and the Finance
Committee, in a meeting on 31 May 1962, on (1) the financial condition of the Department of Athletics,
and (2) the necessity for a bond issue to complete the construction of University Hall. At the close
of the fiscal year ending on 30 June 1962, the deficit of the Department of Athletics will be
approximately $60,000. It is also estimated that a bond issue not to exceed $650,000, in addition to
the State appropriation of $2,000,000 and the alumni gift of $500,000, will be necessary to complete
the construction of University Hall. As a means of paying off the deficit and of retiring the bond
issue of $650,000, both the Athletics Committee and the Finance Committee approved the increase in
the annual student athletic fee from $20.00 to $26.00

Accordingly, the President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the student athletic fee be and it is hereby increased from $20.00 to $26.00 per academic
session, effective 1 September 1962, the income from the increase of $6.00 (1) for the first two
years to be applied to paying off the deficit of the Department of Athletics in the amount of
approximately $60,000, and (2) thereafter to be applied during the succeeding 20 to 25 years, as
required, to the retirement of a bond issue not exceeding $650,000 which will be necessary to complete
the construction of University Hall


Mr. Hartfield made a motion, seconded by Mr. Montague, that the following resolution be adopted


WHEREAS, by Article 2, Chapter 9, Title 23, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Board of
Visitors of the University of Virginia is declared to be a corporation under the style of the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia (hereinafter sometimes called the "Board"), and is vested
with the supervision, management and control of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville,
Virginia, and

WHEREAS, by Chapter 3, Title 23, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended (hereinafter sometimes
called the "Act"), the University of Virginia, an institution under the name and style of The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia, at Charlottesville (hereinafter sometimes called the
"Institution"), is classified as an educational institution, is declared to be a public body and is
constituted a governmental instrumentality for the dissemination of education, and

WHEREAS, by virtue of the Act the Board, with the consent and approval of the Governor of the
State of Virginia, is authorized and empowered

(a) to build, construct, reconstruct, erect, extend, better, equip and improve any
building or improvement involving an outlay of a capital nature which may be required
by or convenient for the purposes of the Institution, including, without limitation
of the foregoing, administration, teaching, lecture and exhibition halls, dormitories,
dining halls, laundries, hospitals, infirmaries and all necessary lands,

(b) to borrow money and make, issue and sell bonds of the Institution for any
of such purposes, such bonds to be issued and sold through the Treasury Board of the
State of Virginia (hereinafter sometimes called the "Treasury Board") and to be payable
solely from the revenues and receipts derived directly or indirectly from the
project for which the bonds are issued and pledged for their payment, and

(c) to fix and revise from time to time and to charge and collect fees, rents and
charges for or in connection with the use, occupation or services of each project for
which bonds are issued, and

WHEREAS, in order to alleviate the shortage of housing facilities at the Institution, the Board
has heretofore determined to construct seven new dormitories (said new dormitories to house approximately
840 students and being hereinafter sometimes collectively called the "Project"), and

WHEREAS, the Board has estimated that four of the seven dormitories comprising the Project and
housing 480 students will be completed and placed in operation in time for the fall semester of 1963
and that the remaining three dormitories will be completed and placed in operation in time for the
fall semester of 1964, and

WHEREAS, for the purpose of paying the cost of the Project, the Board has determined to issue
dormitory revenue bonds of the Institution in the aggregate principal amount of Three Million Dollars
($3,000,000), the proceeds of such amount of bonds being estimated to be sufficient to pay the cost
of the Project, now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia



Section 101. In addition to words and terms elsewhere defined in this resolution, the following
words and terms as used in this resolution shall have the following meanings, unless some other
meaning is plainly intended


The word "Board" shall mean the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
or, if said Board shall be abolished, the board or body succeeding to the principal functions

The word "cost", as applied to the Project, shall embrase the cost of construction
and all obligations and expenses and all items of cost which are set forth in Section 303
of this resolution.

The term "Current Expenses" shall mean the Board's reasonable and necessary current
expenses of maintenance, repair and operation of the Project and shall include, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, all ordinary and usual expenses of maintenance,
repair and operation, which may include expenses not annually recurring, premiums for
insurance, and any other expenses required or permitted to be paid by the Board under
the provisions of this resolution or by law, but shall not include any reserves for
extraordinary maintenance or repair, or any allowance for depreciation, or any general
administrative expenses of the Institution, or any deposits or transfers to the credit
of the special fund hereinafter created in the State Treasury and designated "The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) Interest
and Sinking Fund" (hereinafter sometimes called the "Sinking Fund").

The term "fiscal year" shall mean the period commencing on the first day of July
and ending on the last day of June of the following year.

Section 102. Words of the masculine gender shall be deemed and construed to include correlative
words of the feminine and neuter genders. Unless the context shall otherwise indicate, the
words "bond", "coupon", "owner", "holder" and "person" shall include the plural as well as the
singular number, the word "person" shall include corporations and associations, including public
bodies, as well as natural persons, and the word "holder" or "bondholder" when used herein with
respect to bonds issued hereunder shall mean the holder of bonds at the time issued and outstanding


Authorization, Form, Execution and Delivery of Bonds.

Section 201. For the purpose of paying the cost of the Project, there shall be issued dormitory
revenue bonds of the Institution in the aggregate principal amount of Three Million Dollars
($3,000,000). The bonds shall be designated "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962)", shall consist of 600 bonds of the denomination of $5,000
each, numbered 1 to 600, inclusive, shall be dated as of the 15th day of June, 1962, shall be
stated to mature (without right of prior redemption), in numerical order, lowest numbers first, on
the 15th day of June in the following years and in the following amounts, respectively:

Year of
1964  $ 80,000 
1965  65,000 
1966  65,000 
1967  70,000 
1968  70,000 
1969  75,000 
1970  75,000 
1971  80,000 
1972  80,000 
1973  85,000 
1974  85,000 
1975  90,000 
1976  95,000 
1977  95,000 
1978  100,000 
1979  $105,000 
1980  105,000 
1981  110,000 
1982  115,000 
1983  120,000 
1984  120,000 
1985  125,000 
1986  130,000 
1987  135,000 
1988  140,000 
1989  145,000 
1990  150,000 
1991  155,000 
1992  135,000 

and shall bear interest from their date until their payment at a rate or rates not exceeding six
per centum (6%) per annum as shall hereafter be determined by the Board and by the Treasury Board,
such interest to the respective maturities of the bonds being payable semi-annually on the 15th
days of June and December in each year. Both the principal of and the interest on the bonds shall
be payable at the office of the State Treasurer in the City of Richmond, Virginia, in any coin or
currency of the United States of America which, on the respective dates of payment thereof, is
legal tender for the payment of public and private debts.

Section 202. The bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of the Rector of the University of
Virginia and shall be signed by the Comptroller of the University of Virginia, and the official
seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia shall be impressed on the bonds. The
interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed with the facsimile signature of the Rector
of the University of Virginia. The bonds and coupons shall be, respectively, in substantially the
following forms:

(Form of Bonds)

No. . . . . . .


United States of America
State of Virginia



The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, for value received, hereby promises to
pay, solely from the special fund provided therefor as hereinafter set forth, to the bearer on the
15th day of June, 19..., upon the presentation and surrender hereof, the principal sum of



and to pay, solely from said special fund, interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of ....
........................... per centum (.........%) per annum until payment of such principal sum,
such interest to the maturity hereof being payable semi-annually on the 15th days of June and
December in each year upon the presentation and surrender of the attached coupons representing such
interest as the same respectively become due. Both the principal of and the interest on this bond
are payable at the office of the State Treasurer in the City of Richmond, Virginia, in any coin
or currency of the United States of America which, on the respective dates of payment thereof, is
legal tender for the payment of public and private debts.

This bond shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the State of Virginia or a pledge of the
faith and credit of the State, but shall be payable as to both principal and interest solely from
the special fund provided therefor as hereinafter set forth.

This bond is one of a duly authorized issue of $3,000,000 dormitory revenue bonds (hereinafter
called the "bonds"), known as "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory
Revenue Bonds (Series 1962)", consisting of bonds maturing in annual instalments on the 15th day of
June in the years 1964 to 1992, inclusive, and issued for the purpose of paying the cost of
constructing seven new dormitories at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (said
seven new dormitories being herein collectively called the "Project"). The proceeds of the bonds
are estimated to be sufficient to pay the cost of the Project.

All of the bonds are issued under and pursuant to a resolution (herein called the "Resolution")
duly adopted by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (herein sometimes called the
"Board") on June 1, 1962. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for the provisions, among
others, with respect to the custody and application of the proceeds of the bonds, the collection
and disposition of revenues, the fund charged with and pledged to the payment of the interest on and
the principal of the bonds, the nature and extent of the security, the rights, duties and obligations
of the Board and the rights of the holders of the bonds, and, by the acceptance of this bond, the
holder hereof assents to all of the provisions of the Resolution.

This bond is issued and the Resolution was adopted under and pursuant to the Constitution and laws
of the State of Virginia, particularly Chapter 3, Title 23, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The
Resolution provides for the fixing, revising, charging and collecting by the Board of fees, rents
and charges for or in connection with the use, occupation or services of the Project in order that
such fees, rents and charges will be sufficient to provide funds to pay the cost of maintaining,
repairing and operating the Project and to pay the principal of and the interest on the bonds as
the same shall become due and payable. The Resolution also provides for the deposit of a sufficient
amount of such fees, rents and charges over and above such cost of maintenance, repair and operation,
to the credit of a special fund designated "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) Interest and Sinking Fund", to pay the principal of and the
interest on the bonds as the same shall become due and payable, and said special fund is pledged to
and charged with the payment of such principal and interest.

As declared by said Chapter 3, this bond shall be fully negotiable within the meaning and for
all the purposes of Chapter 10, Title 6, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended.

All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Virginia
and the rules and regulations of the Board to happen, exist and be performed precedent to and in the
issuance of this bond have happened, exist and have been performed as so required.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia have caused this bond
to be issued in its name and have caused this bond to bear the facsimile signature of the Rector of
the University of Virginia and to be signed by the Comptroller of said University, and the official
seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to be impressed hereon, and the attached
interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signature of said Rector, all as of the 15th day
of June, 1962.

Comptroller of the University of Virginia

Rector of the University of Virginia

(From of Coupons)



On ...................1, 19...,

The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia will pay to bearer at the office of the
State Treasurer in the City of Richmond, Virginia, upon presentation and surrender hereof, the sum
of ...................................... Dollars in any coin or currency of the United States of
America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts,
solely from the special fund referred to in, and for the semi-annual interest then due upon, its
Dormitory Revenue Bond (Series 1962), dated as of June 15, 1962, No....................

Rector of the University of Virginia.

Section 203. The proceeds (including accrued interest) of the bonds shall be paid into the
State Treasury and deposited to the credit of the special fund hereinafter created and designated
"The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962)
Construction Fund" (hereinafter sometimes called "Construction Fund").

Section 204. In case any bond issued hereunder shall become mutilated or be destroyed or lost,
the Board shall cause to be executed a new bond of like date, number and tenor in exchange and substitution
for and upon the cancellation of such mutilated bond and its interest coupons, if any, or
in lieu of and in substitution for such bond and its coupons, if any, destroyed or lost, upon the
holder's paying the reasonable expenses and charges of the Board in connection therewith and, in the
case of a bond destroyed or lost, his filing with the Board evidence satisfactory to the Board that
such bond and coupons, if any, were destroyed or lost, and of his ownership thereof, and furnishing
the Board with indemnity satisfactory to the Board.



Custody and Application of Proceeds of Bonds

Section 301. A special fund is hereby created in the State Treasury and designated "The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) Construction Fund"
(herein sometimes called the "Construction Fund"), to the credit of which there shall be deposited
the proceeds of the bonds required to be so deposited by Section 203 of this resolution. The
moneys in the Construction Fund shall be held in trust and applied to the payment of the cost of
the Project and, pending such application, shall be subject to a lien and charge in favor of the
holders of the bonds issued and outstanding under this resolution and for the future security of
such holders until paid out or transferred as herein provided.

Section 302. Payment of the cost of the Project shall be made from the Construction Fund as
provided by law

Section 303. For the purposes of this resolution the cost of the Project may include, without
intending thereby to limit or restrict or to extend any proper definition of such cost under any
applicable laws or this resolution, the following

(a) obligations incurred for labor and materials and to contractors, builders
and materialmen in connection with the Project,

(b) interest accruing upon the bonds prior to and during construction of the

(c) taxes or other municipal or governmental charges lawfully levied or assessed
during construction upon the Project or any property acquired therefor, and premiums
on insurance, if any, in connection with the Project during construction,

(d) fees and expenses of engineers and architects for surveys and estimates and
other preliminary investigations, preparation of plans, drawings and specifications
and supervising construction, as well as for the performance of all other duties of
engineers and architects in relation to construction of the Project or the issuance
of bonds therefor,

(e) expenses of administration properly chargeable to the Project, legal expenses
and fees, financing charges, cost of audits and of preparing and issuing the bonds,
and all other items of expense not elsewhere in this Section specified incident to
the construction of the Project and the placing of the Project in operation,

(f) any obligation or expense heretofore or hereafter incurred by the Board or
by any other agency of the State of Virginia for any of the foregoing purposes

Section 304. When the Project shall have been completed, as evidenced by a certificate signed
by the President or the Comptroller of the Institution and filed with the Secretary to the Board,
any balance in the Construction Fund not deemed by the Board to be necessary to be reserved and so
reserved by it for the payment of any remaining part of the cost of the Project shall be transferred
to the credit of the Sinking Fund


Revenues and Funds

Section 401. The Board covenants that it will at all times fix, charge and collect fees, rents
and charges for or in connection with the use, occupation or services of the Project, and that from
time to time and as often as it shall appear to be necessary it will revise such fees, rents and
charges in order that such fees, rents and charges will at all times be sufficient to provide for
the payment of the Current Expenses and to provide for making deposits to the credit of the Sinking
Fund in each fiscal year under the provisions of Section 404 of this Article of an amount equal to one
hundred ten per centum (110%) of the interest which will become due and payable on December 15 of
such fiscal year and of the principal and interest which will become due and payable on June 15 of
such fiscal year

Section 402. The Board covenants that, notwithstanding any other facilities which may now or
hereafter be available for the housing of students at the Institution, it will require a sufficient
number of students at the Institution to use and occupy the Project and will adopt and enforce such
parietal and other rules and regulations as will assure that the Project will be fully utilized at
all times during the regular school session at the Institution and will be utilized to the fullest
extent practicable at all times during any summer school session at the Institution. The Board
further covenants that there shall be no free student occupancy of the Project, with the exception
of a reasonable number of resident proctors and student advisors

Section 403. A special fund is hereby created in the State Treasury and designated "The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) Revenue Fund"
(hereinafter sometimes called the "Revenue Fund"). The Board covenants that all fees, rents,
charges and other revenues derived from the operation or ownership of the Project will be collected
by the Board and deposited to the credit of the Revenue Fund. Payment of Current Expenses shall be
made from the Revenue Fund as provided by law

Section 404. A special fund is hereby created in the State Treasury and designated "The Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) Interest and
Sinking Fund" (herein sometimes called the "Sinking Fund"). The Board covenants that, on or before
the 5th day of December in each fiscal year, it will provide for the transfer from moneys held for
the credit of the Revenue Fund to the credit of the Sinking Fund of an amount equal to one hundred
ten per centum (110%) of the interest which will become due and payable on December 15 of such
fiscal year and that, on or before the 5th day of June in each fiscal year, it will provide for the
transfer from moneys held for the credit of the Revenue Fund to the credit of the Sinking Fund of
an amount equal to one hundred ten per centum (110%) of the principal and interest which will
become due and payable on June 15 of such fiscal year, provided, however, that if the amount so
transferred to the credit of the Sinking Fund in any December or June shall be less than the
required amount, the requirement therefor shall nevertheless be cumulative and the amount of any


deficiency in any December or June shall be added to the amount otherwise required to be transferred
in each December or June thereafter until such time as such deficiency shall have been made up, and
provided, further, that when the moneys held for the credit of the Sinking Fund shall equal the
principal of the outstanding bonds and the interest which will become due and payable thereon to
their respective maturities, no further transfer need be made to the credit of the Sinking Fund. The
balance in the Revenue Fund, if any, after making any transfer under the provisions of this Section
shall be used for the purposes of the Institution as provided by law

Section 405. Subject to the provisions of this resolution, moneys held for the credit of the
Sinking Fund shall be held in trust and applied (a) to the payment of interest upon the bonds as
such interest becomes due and payable, or (b) to the payment of the principal of the bonds at their
respective maturities, and such moneys are hereby pledged to and charged with the payments mentioned
in this Section

Section 406. The moneys in the Revenue Fund and the Sinking Fund shall be held in trust and
applied as hereinabove provided and, pending such application, shall be subject to a lien and charge
in favor of the holders of the bonds issued and outstanding under this resolution and for the further
security of such holders until paid out or transferred as herein provided

Section 407. All bonds and interest coupons shall be cancelled upon their payment. Such bonds
and coupons may be cremated by the State Treasurer, who shall execute a certificate of cremation in
duplicate describing the bonds and coupons so cremated except that the numbers of the bonds to which
such coupons appertain may be omitted unless otherwise directed by the Board, and one executed
certificate shall be filed with the Comptroller of the Institution and the other executed certificate
shall be retained by the State Treasurer.


Investment of Funds.

Section 501. Moneys held for the credit of the Construction Fund shall, as nearly as may be
practicable, be invested and reinvested by the State Treasurer in securities which are defined as
legal investments for public funds or deposited and redeposited in interest bearing time deposits
and certificates of deposit of national banks located within the State of Virginia and of banks
organized pursuant to Chapter 2 (§ 6-5 et seq.) of Title 6, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended,
all as provided in and subject to the terms, limitations and conditions of Sections 298, 299 of
Title 2, Chapter 17, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which shall mature, or which shall be
subject to redemption or withdrawal by the holder or depositor thereof at the option of such holder
or depositor, not later than ninety (90) days after the date of such investment or deposit

Moneys held for the credit of the Sinking Fund shall, as nearly as may be practicable, be
invested and reinvested by the State Treasurer in securities which are defined as legal investments
for sinking funds in Section 297 of Title 2, Chapter 17, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which
shall mature, or which shall be subject to redemption by the holder thereof at the option of such
holder, not later than June 15, 1992

Section 502. Obligations so purchased as an investment of moneys in any such Fund shall be
deemed at all times to be a part of such Fund, and the interest accruing thereon and any profit
realized from such investment shall be credited to such Fund, and any loss resulting from such
investment shall be charged to such Fund

The State Treasurer shall sell at the best price obtainable or present for
redemption any obligations so purchased whenever it shall be necessary so to do in order to provide
moneys to meet any payment or transfer from any such Fund. Neither the State Treasurer nor the
Board shall be liable or responsible for any loss resulting from any such investment


Particular Covenants.

Section 601. The Board covenants that it will promptly pay the principal of and the interest
on each and every bond issued under the provisions of this resolution at the place, on the dates
and in the manner provided herein and in said bonds and in the coupons appertaining thereto, according
to the true intent and meaning thereof. The principal and interest are payable solely from the
revenues derived from the ownership or operation of the Project, which revenues are hereby pledged
to the payment thereof in the manner and to the extent hereinabove particularly specified, and
nothing in the bonds or in this resolution shall be deemed to constitute the bonds a debt of the State
of Virginia or a pledge of the faith and credit of the State, nor shall the bonds ever be or become
a charge against the State of Virginia

Section 602. The Board covenants that it will establish and enforce reasonable rules and
regulations governing the use of the Project and the operation thereof, that all compensation,
salaries, fees and wages paid by it in connection with the maintenance, repair and operation of the
Project will be reasonable, that it will maintain and operate the Project in an efficient and
economical manner, that, from the revenues of the Project, it will at all times maintain the same
in good repair and in sound operating condition and will make all necessary repairs, renewals and
replacements, that it will observe and perform all of the terms and conditions contained in the Act,
and that it will comply with all valid acts, rules, regulations, orders and directions of any
legislative, executive, administrative or judicial body applicable to the Project

Section 603. The Board covenants that it will not create or suffer to be created any lien
or charge upon the Project or any part thereof or upon the revenues therefrom ranking equally with
or prior to the lien and charge of the bonds secured hereby upon such revenues, and that, from
such revenues or other available funds, it will pay or cause to be discharged, or will make
adequate provision to satisfy and discharge, within sixty (60) days after the same shall accrue,
all lawful claims and demands for labor, material, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid,
might by law become a lien upon the Project or any part thereof or the revenues therefrom,
provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall require the Board to pay or cause
to be discharged, or make provision for, any such lien or charge so long as the validity thereof
shall be contested in good faith and by appropriate legal proceedings


Section 604. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, nothing herein shall be
construed to prevent the Board from paying all or any part of the Current Expenses from any funds
available to the Board for such purpose, or from depositing any funds available to the Board for
such purpose in the Sinking Fund for the payment of the interest on or the principal of the bonds
issued under the provisions of this resolution

Section 605. The Board covenants that from and after the time when the contractors or any of
them engaged in constructing the Project or any part thereof shall cease to be responsible, pursuant
to the provisions of the respective contracts for the construction of the Project or such
part, for loss or damage to the Project or such part occurring from fire or lightning, it will insure
and at all times keep the Project or such part insured with a responsible insurance company or
companies, qualified to assume the risk thereof, against physical loss or damage caused by fire or
lightning, with such exceptions as are ordinarily required by insurers of structures of facilities
of similar type, in an amount not less than eighty per centum (80%) of the replacement value of the
Project or such part, less depreciation, provided, however, that such amount of insurance shall at
all times be sufficient to comply with any legal or contractual requirement which, if breached,
would result in assumption by the Board of a portion of any loss or damage as a co-insurer, and
such insurance may provide for the deduction from each claim for loss or damage (except in case of
a total loss) of not more than two per centum (2%) of the total amount of insurance required by the
application of the co-insurance clause, and provided, further, that if at any time the Board shall
be unable to obtain such insurance to the extent above required, either as to amount of such
insurance or as to the risks covered thereby or the deductible provision thereof, it will not
constitute an event of default under the provisions of this resolution if the Board shall carry
such insurance to the extent reasonably obtainable

The proceeds of such insurance shall be available for, and shall to the extent necessary be
applied to, the repair, replacement or reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed property. If
such proceeds are more than sufficient for such purpose, the balance remaining shall be deposited
to the credit of the Sinking Fund. If such proceeds, with other available funds, shall be
insufficient for such purpose, such proceeds shall be deposited to the credit of the Sinking Fund
or shall be used to purchase bonds, as the Board by resolution may determine.

Section 606. The Board covenants that no contract or contracts will be entered into or any
action taken by which the rights of the bondholders might be impaired or diminished

Section 607. The Board covenants that it will keep an accurate record of the total cost of
the Project, of the fees, rents, charges and other revenues collected, and of the application of
such revenues. Such records shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of all
interested persons.

The Board further covenants that, if so requested in writing by any bondholder within the
month of July after the close of any fiscal year, it will cause the Comptroller of the Institution
to make a report from the books and accounts relating to the Project for the preceding fiscal year
Within the next two months copies of such report shall be filed with the Secretary to the Board
and the State Treasurer and shall be mailed by the Comptroller to all bondholders who shall have
filed their names and addresses with the Comptroller for such purpose. Each such report shall set
forth in respect of the preceding fiscal year an income and expense account for the Project, the
percentage of use of the Project, the details of all bonds paid, the amount on deposit at the end of
such fiscal year to the credit of each Fund created under the provisions of this resolution and the
details of any investment thereof, a schedule of all insurance policies which are then in effect,
stating with respect to each policy the name of the insurer, the amount, number and expiration date,
and the hazards and risks covered thereby, and also the findings of the Comptroller as to whether
the moneys received by the Board under the provisions of this resolution during such fiscal year
have been applied in accordance with the provisions of this resolution and whether the Board is in
default of any of the covenants contained in Sections 401 and 402 of this resolution

Section 608. The Board covenants that it will not sell or otherwise dispose of or encumber
the Project or any part thereof and will not create or permit to be created any charge or lien on
the revenues therefrom ranking equally with or prior to the charge or lien of the bonds secured
hereby on such revenues. The Board may, however, sell or dispose or permit the sale or disposal
by the Institution of any furniture, fixtures, apparatus, tools, instruments or other movable
property acquired for or in connection with the Project or any materials used in connection therewith,
if the Board shall determine by resolution that such articles are no longer needed or are no
longer useful in connection with the construction of the Project or the operation and maintenance
of the Project. The proceeds of any sale made under the authority of this Section shall be deposited
to the credit of the Sinking Fund



Section 701. In case the time for the payment of any coupon shall be extended, whether or not
such extension be by or with the consent of the Board, such coupon shall not be entitled in case of
default hereunder to the benefit or security of this resolution except subject to the prior payment
in full of the principal of all bonds then outstanding and of all coupons the time for the payment
of which shall not have been extended

Section 702. Each of the following events is hereby declared an "event of default", that is
to say. If

(a) Payment of the Principal of any of the bonds shall not be made when the same
shall become due and payable, or

(b) payment of any instalment of interest shall not be made within thirty (30)
days after the same shall become due and payable, or

(c) the Board shall for any reason be rendered incapable of fulfilling its
obligations hereunder, or

(d) the Project or any part thereof shall be destroyed or damaged and shall
not be promptly repaired, replaced or reconstructed (whether such failure promptly


to repair, replace or reconstruct the same be due to the impracticability of such
repair, replacement or reconstruction or to lack of funds therefor or for any other
reason), or

(e) final judgment for the payment of money shall be rendered against the
Board as a result of its ownership or operation of the Project and any such judgment
shall not be discharged within sixty (60) days from the entry thereof or an appeal
shall not be taken therefrom or from the order, decree or process upon which or
pursuant to which such judgment shall have been granted or entered, in such manner as
to stay the execution of or levy under such judgment, order, decree or process or the
enforcement thereof, or

(f) an order or decree shall be entered, with the consent or acquienscence of
the Board, appointing a receiver or receivers of the Project or any part thereof or
of the revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the
acquiescence or consent of the Board, shall not be vacated or discharged or stayed
on appeal within sixty (60) days after entry thereof, or

(g) the Board shall default in the due and punctual performance of any other of
the covenants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the bonds or in
this resolution on the part of the Board to be performed, and such default shall continue
for thirty (30) days after written notice specifying such default and requiring
same to be remedied shall have been given to the Board by any bondholder

Section 703. Upon the happening and continuance of any event of default specified in Section 702
of this Article, then and in every such case any bondholder may proceed, subject to the provisions of
Section 705 of this Article, to protect and enforce the rights of the bondholders by a suit, action
or special proceeding in equity or at law, either for the specific performance of any covenant or
agreement contained herein or in aid or execution of any power herein granted or for the enforcement
of any proper legal or equitable remedy as such bondholder shall deem most effectual to protect and
enforce such rights

Section 704. In case any proceeding taken by any bondholder on account of any default shall
have been discontinued or abandoned for any reason, then and in every such case the Board and the
bondholders shall be restored to their former positions and rights, respectively, and all rights and
remedies of the bondholders shall continue as though no such proceeding had been taken.

Section 705. No holder of any of the bonds shall have any right in any manner whatever to affect,
disturb or prejudice the security of this resolution or to enforce any right hereunder, except in the
manner herein provided, and all proceedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, had and maintained
for the equal benefit of all bondholders

Section 706. No remedy herein conferred on the bondholders is intended to be exclusive of any
other remedy or remedies, and each and every remedy conferred shall be cumulative and shall be in addition
to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by

Section 707. No delay or omission of any bondholder to exercise any right or power accruing upon
any default occurring and continuing as aforesaid shall impair any such right or power or shall be
construed to be a waiver of any such default or an acquiescence therein, and every power and remedy
given by this Article to the bondholders may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be
deemed expedient


Miscellaneous Provisions.

Section 801. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the Board contained in
this resolution shall be deemed to be covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the Board
to the full extent authorized or permitted by law, and all such covenants, stipulations, obligations
and agreements shall be binding upon the successor or successors thereof from time to time and upon
any officer, board, body or commission to whom or to which any power or duty affecting such covenants,
stipulations, obligations and agreements shall be transferred by or in accordance with law

No covenants, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained shall be deemed to be a
covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any present or future member, agent or employee of
the Board in his individual capacity, and neither the Governor of the State of Virginia nor the members
of the Board or of any other agency of the State of Virginia nor any officer thereof, present or future,
executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds or be subject to any personal liability or
accountability by reason of the issuance thereof

Section 802. Any notice, demand, direction, request or other instrument authorized or required
by this resolution to be given to or filed with the Board shall be deemed to have been sufficiently
given or filed for all purposes of this resolution if and when sent by registered mail, return receipt
requested, to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Section 803. The officers and agents of the Board are hereby authorized and directed to do all
acts and things required of them by the provisions of the bonds and this resolution for the full,
punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants, provisions and agreements contained in
the bonds and this resolution

Section 804. In case any one or more of the provisions of this resolution or of the bonds or
coupons issued hereunder shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or
invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this resolution or of the bonds or coupons, but
this resolution and the bonds and coupons shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or
invalid provision had not been contained therein. In case any covenant, stipulation, obligation or
agreement contained in the bonds or in this resolution shall for any reason be held to be in violation
of law, then such covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement shall be deemed to be the
covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of the Board to the full extent permitted by law.

Section 805. The Secretary to the Board is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified
copy of this resolution with the Governor and the Treasury Board


A vote being taken, said resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:
Albert V. Bryan, Norborne Berkeley, Thomas H. Blanton, William M. Camp, Hunter Faulconer, Charles
R. Fenwick, Joseph M. Hartfield, Edwin L. Kendig, Jr., Raynell G. Lantor, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.,
Walter B. Martin, E. Sclater Montague, Herbert C. Pollock, Frank W. Rogers, and Lewis M. Walker,
Jr. Nays: None.


Thereupon Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., President of the University of Virginia stated that Vincent
Shea, Comptroller of the University, had received a sealed proposal from F. W. Craigie & Co.,
Richmond, Virginia, and Associates for the purchase of the $3,000,000 The Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962) theretofore authorized. President
Shannon asked Mr. Shea to open and read the proposal to the Rector and Visitors. After the proposal
was read and discussed, Mr. Camp made a motion, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the following
resolution be adopted:


WHEREAS, the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (hereinafter sometimes called
the "Board") has this day duly adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of $3,000,000 The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue Bonds (Series 1962); and

WHEREAS, the Board deems it advisable to sell said bonds at this time and has received a
proposal from F. W. Craigie & Co., Richmond, Virginia, and Associates for the purchase of said bonds
at the price of $3,000,900.00 plus accrued interest and bearing interest at the rate of three and
one-half per centum (3-1/2%) per annum; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is for the best interests of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia to accept the proposal of and to sell the bonds to F. W. Craigie &
Co., Richmond, Virginia, and Associates in the amount and for the price and interest rate made in
their proposal; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia:

Section 1. The proposal of F. W. Craigie & Co., Richmond, Virginia, and Associates is hereby
accepted and said $3,000,000 The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Dormitory Revenue
Bonds (Series 1962) are hereby awarded to F. W. Craigie & Co., Richmond, Virginia, and Associates
in the amount and for the price and interest rate made in their proposal. This award is subject to
the consent and approval of the Governor of the State of Virginia and the Treasury Board of the
State of Virginia.

Section 2. All steps necessary to carry this resolution into effect shall be taken by the
proper officers of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and of the University of

Section 3. The Secretary to the Board is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified
copy of this resolution with the Governor of the State of Virginia and the Treasury Board of the
State of Virginia.

A vote being taken, said resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:
Albert V. Bryan, Norborne Berkeley, Thomas H. Blanton, William M. Camp, Hunter Faulconer, Charles
R. Fenwick, Joseph M. Hartfield, Edwin L. Kendig, Jr., Raynell G. Lantor, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.,
Walter B. Martin, E. Sclater Montague, Herbert C. Pollock, Frank W. Rogers, and Lewis M. Walker, Jr.
Nays: None.


The President announced the following gifts and grants:







From Mrs. Sallie Shepherd Perkins, to establish the Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Fund
to be used for the maintenance of the Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Chair of Pediatrics
and for medical research, securities valued at 
From Mr. John Allan Love, to be added to the John Allan Love Trust Fund  14,366 
From Mr. Linton R. Massey, to Alderman Library, books and manuscripts of William Faulkner
materials, valued at 
From Mr. Bernard M. Meeks, to Alderman Library, 88 original cartoons valued at  3,297 
From Mrs. Ullin Leavell, to be added to the Ullin Leavell Scholarship Fund, securities
valued at 
From estate of Mr. Charles B. Baker, to the Children's Rehabilitation Center, equipment
valued at 
From Seven Society, to the University to be added to the Alderman Library Addition
From Mrs. Virginia M. Harrison, to the hospital to be added to the Harrison M. Robertson
Memorial Fund 
From Mrs. Helen C. Mott, to the hospital to be added to the Mott Cancer Fund  500 
From Miss Marguerite Kumm and Mr. Harold Kumm, to the School of Medicine to establish
the Sarah Louise Kienholz Kumm Memorial Loan Fund $200; to establish the Ferdinand G.
Kumm Memorial Loan Fund $200 
From Mr. John Puryear, for the hospital  $ 300 
From Mr. Eugene R. Black, to be added to the Alderman Library Addition Fund  250 
From Mr. Douglas H. Gordon, to Alderman Library, copy of Hulme's English Constitution,
London, 1771, valued at 
From Law Wives' Club, to be added to the Evelyn Fanny Saunders Memorial Loan Fund  265 
From University Hospital Auxiliary, to be added to the Indigent Drug Fund  500 
From Alumni Association, for athletic grants-in-aid  15,000 
From the 1961 Alumni Fund, contributions made through that office for the following: 
Faculty Salaries  4,155 
Alderman Library  1,422 
Summer Scholarships  2,500 
Mulholland Chair of Internal Medicine  3,444 
Allergy Clinic  3,740 
Medical School  9,375 
Virginia Quarterly Review  50 
Manly Aylor Scholarship Fund  100 
University Chapel  25 
Snavely Scholarship Fund  1,133 
Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs  100 
1935 Medical Class Fund  1,932 
1938 Medical Class Fund  1,375 
1939 Medical Class Fund  1,140 
1945 Medical Class Fund  785 
1930 Class Scholarship Fund  1,510 
1937 Class Scholarship Fund  1,790 
Sundry Gifts  462 
University YMCA  490 
George Mason College  70 
Clinch Valley College  12 
From Chemstrand Corporation, to the Department of Chemistry, scholarship $500; grant-in-aid
From Radio Corporation of America, an unrestricted gift  100 
From Old Dominion Foundation, to Alderman Library, books valued at  2,000 
From National Merit Scholarship Corporation, to be added to the University scholarship
From Shell Oil Corporation, to be added to the Shell Merit Scholarship Fund  100 
From Alumni Board of Trustees, for the following: 
Barksdale Chemistry Library  375 
Barksdale Engineering Library  375 
Jones Engineering Library  75 
Cameron Scholarship  150 
Epes Scholarship  125 
Roper Scholarship  125 
Selden Scholarship  250 
Sarah Seward Scholarship  125 
Simon Seward Scholarship  125 
Watts Scholarship  125 
Summer Scholarships  $ 2,500 
Publication of University Topics  3,500 
From American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, to the Medical
From Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study, an unrestricted gift  400 
From Burlington Industries Foundation, an unrestricted gift  340 
From General Electric Foundation, an unrestricted gift  527 
From The Edmondson Foundation, to the Medical School to be added to the Robert Mercer
Payne Scholarship Fund 
From United Cerebral Palsy of Virginia, Inc., to the Children's Rehabilitation Center
for the operation of the "Home Service Program" 
From Chardon Fabrics, Inc., to be added to the Medical scholarship funds  350 
From Monsanto Chemical Company, for a scholarship in the Engineering School  500 
From National Fund for Medical Education, in support of the Medical School  31,060 
From Giles County United Fund, to the hospital for research in polio and crippling
diseases $1,000; for cardiovascular research $825; for cancer research $225 
From National Merit Scholarship Corporation, an unrestricted gift  340 
From Muscular Dystrophy Association, to the hospital for the operation of the Muscular
Dystrophy Clinic 
From Merck and Company, for research under the direction of Dr. B. van't Riet,
Department of Chemistry 
From Conditioned Reflex Institute, Inc., in support of a symposium to be conducted by
Dr. Joseph Wolpe, Department of Psychiatry 
From E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, for research under the direction of Mr. L. B.
Johnson, Jr., Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Regulus, Inc., for research under the direction of Mr. E. S. McVey, Research
Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a research fellowship for Prof. Edwin E. Floyd, Department
of Mathematics, for the period 9/16/62 - 9/15/64 
From Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a research fellowship for Prof. P. E. Conner, Department
of Mathematics, for the period 9/16/62 - 9/15/64 
From American Cancer Society, for research under the direction of Dr. V. Hollander,
School of Medicine 
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, support of participation of Dr. A. C. Lapsley in
1962 AEC-ASEE Summer Institute at the University of Illinois 
From U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, for the purchase of equipment for the Nuclear
From U. S. Rubber Company, for research under the direction of Mr. R. N. Hubbard,
Engineering School 
From National Aeronautical and Space Agency, for research under the direction of
Mr. O. R. Harris, Engineering School 
From Lincoln Rochester Trust Company, for research in Parapsychology under the direction
of Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry 
From National Science Foundation, research participation for college teachers under the
direction of Dr. Bart van't Riet, Department of Chemistry, for the summer 1962 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a fellowship supply grant for support of Dr. W. A.
Scoggin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a fellowship supply grant for support of Mr. R. H.
White, Department of Biology 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Development Award for Dr. J. I.
Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a Research Career Award for Dr. J. F. Dammann, Jr.,
Department of Surgery 
From U. S. Army, for research under the direction of Prof. M. G. Foster, Department of
Electrical Engineering 
From National Association for Mental Health, for research under the direction of
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry 
From U. S. Public Health Service, training grants under the direction of the following members
of the faculty: 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  $ 55,080 
Dr. C. L. Gemmill, Department of Pharmacology  36,964 
Dr. J. I. Kitay, Department of Internal Medicine  32,347 
Dr. A. J. Bollet, Department of Preventive Medicine  25,164 
Dr. G. S. Fitz-Hugh, Department of Otolaryngology  12,000 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  15,535 
Dr. O. Swineford, Jr., Department of Internal Medicine  24,300 
Dr. A. E. Feller, Department of Microbiology  35,000 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  85,907 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  8,100 
Dr. C. H. Fox, Department of Pathology  10,770 
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Department of Psychiatry  8,380 
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty: 
Dr. D. W. Kupke, Department of Biochemistry  12,344 
Mr. D. R. H. Gourley, Department of Pharmacology  4,175 
Dr. Guy Hollifield, Department of Internal Medicine  40,876 
Dr. R. F. Shaw, Department of Preventive Medicine  15,537 
Dr. O. R. Rodig, Department of Chemistry  9,958 
Drs. J. F. Dammann & S. H. Bartle, Department of Surgery  145,467 
Dr. C. M. Kunin, Department of Preventive Medicine  5,060 
Dr. P. E. Weary, Department of Dermatology  9,775 
Drs. R. H. Henneman & W. F. Battig, Department of Psychology  12,194 
Dr. J. W. Beams, Department of Physics  6,210 



The Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of Mary Washington College:

Mr. Zoltan A. Antony as Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, for three years,
effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,100.

Miss Anna M. Athanason as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for one
year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $5,600.

Mr. Samuel O. Bird as Assistant Professor of Geology, for three years, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $6,200.

Miss Martha Gene Darby as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for one
year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $5,300.

Mr. Bert A. Goldman as Assistant Professor of Psychology, for three years, effective 1
September 1962, at a salary of $7,100.

Miss Anne Henderson as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for one year,
effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $5,900.

Miss Mary H. Jones as Assistant Professor of Home Economics, for three years, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,500.

Mr. Robert D. Kinsman as Instructor in Art, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $5,900.

Miss Ruth F. Necheles as Assistant Professor of History, for three years, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $6,200.

Mr. Samuel H. Phillips, Jr., as Assistant Professor of Economics, for three years, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,100.


The Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the elections of the following persons to the faculty of Mary Washington College be and they
are hereby cancelled:

Mr. John J. Bibb, Jr., as Instructor in Psychology, for the 1962-1963 session.

Miss Eula D. Turner as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation for the 19621963


The Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution:


RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty of Mary
Washington College

Miss Rochelle Bernand as Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, for one year,
effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,100

Mr. Albert G. Duke as Assistant Professor of Dramatic Arts and Speech, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,400

Mrs. Jean S. Edson as Assistant Professor of Music, for three years, two-fifths time, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $2,960

Mrs. Helen R. Luntz as Visiting Associate Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, for one
semester, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $3,850

Mr. Tetsuo Ochikubo as Visiting Professor of Art, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $8,700

Mrs. Mary W. Pinschmidt as Instructor in Biology, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at
a salary of $5,600

Mrs. Barbara Pollard as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $6,200

Mr. Mark Sumner as Assistant Professor of Dramatic Arts and Speech, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,400


The Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members of Mary Washington College be and they are hereby granted leave
of absence

Mr. Julien Binford, Professor of Art, for the 1962-1963 session, with one-fourth salary,
$2,675, to pursue studies and experimentation in Illuminated Painting in Paris and other European

Mrs. Juliette B. Blessing, Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, for the first
semester of the 1962-1963 session, with one-half salary, to study at the University of Paris to
complete her doctorate


The Chancellor announced the following resignation

Miss Hsiao-shu Hsiung as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, due to contemplated marriage


The Chancellor presented the proposed 1962-1963 budget for Mary Washington College which had
received the previous approval of the Finance Committee and the President at a meeting on 18 May
1962 and the Mary Washington College Committee at a meeting on 31 May 1962. Following a discussion,
Mr. Lewis and Mr. Blanton proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the proposed 1962-1963 Mary Washington College Budget, which has previously been approved by
the Finance Committee and the Mary Washington College Committee, be and it is hereby approved


The Chancellor advised the Board that the authorities of Mary Washington College had been
requested by The Sunshine Laundry, owner of a parcel of real estate situated on the south side of
William Street, in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, across from lands owned by the College,
to waive or consent to modify a restrictive covenant applicable to The Sunshine Laundry's property,
to the effect that there shall not be constructed thereon any buildings or structures other than
buildings for residential purposes. The College authorities have been informed by The Sunshine
Laundry that it desires such waiver or modification to allow the erection of a low level apartment
building, garden type on the property. The College authorities are willing to allow this use of
the property owned by The Sunshine Laundry

After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was,

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, that the President be and he
is hereby, authorized and empowered to execute, in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, a waiver or consent to modification of the restrictive covenant
applicable to the property of The Sunshine Laundry situated on the south side of William Street, in
the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, across from lands owned by The Mary Washington College of the
University of Virginia, to allow the erection of a low level apartment building, garden type, on
such property, and that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of this Board be and he is hereby
authorized and empowered to affix the corporate seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University
thereto and to attest the same, provided, however, that no such waiver or consent to modification
be executed unless and until such instrument shall have first received the approval of the Special
Counsel for The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, both as to form and as to




The President announced the following resignations

Mr. Charles R. Miller, Librarian at Clinch Valley College, effective 31 August 1962, to accept
an appointment at Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio

Mrs. Edith S. Miller, Associate Professor of Modern Languages at Clinch Valley College,
effective 31 August 1962, to accept an appointment at Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio

Mr. Orlan L. Sawey, Professor of English at Clinch Valley College, effective 31 August 1962,
to accept a position as Professor of English at Appalachian State Teachers College in Boone, North


The President announced the following appointment

Mr. Edward L. Henson, Jr., as Dean of Students at Clinch Valley College, effective 10 May 1962.



The President presented to the Board for its consideration a deed of easement prepared by the
University's Special Counsel and approved by the officials of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, whereby
The Rector and Visitors granted to said City under certain conditions an easement for the purpose of
laying, constructing, maintaining and repairing a 10′ force main for sewage purposes across the
property of the George Mason College situated in Providence Magisterial District of Fairfax County,
Virginia. The President pointed out that there was attached to said deed a plat on which the route
of said 10′ force main over the property was indicated by a solid line. He further stated that the
situation on the ground had been studied by S. H. O'Grince, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and
that the route as shown on the plat had been approved by him.

After careful consideration and full discussion, upon motion, duly made, and seconded, it was,

RESOLVED, that the grant to the City of Fairfax, Virginia, of an easement of right of way for a
10′ force main for sewage purposes over the lands of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, on which the George Mason College of the University of Virginia, is located, which lands
are situated in Providence Magisterial District of Fairfax County, Virginia, be and the same hereby
is authorized,

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., President, be and he is hereby, authorized,
empowered and directed, to execute a deed of grant of such easement in the form presented to this
meeting, in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
that Weldon Cooper, Secretary, be and he is hereby, authorized, empowered and directed to affix the
corporate seal of said The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia thereto and to attest
the same



The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of the Patrick-Henry Branch of
the School of General Studies

Mr. Sherman S. Dutton as Assistant Professor of General Studies at the Patrick-Henry Branch of
the School of General Studies, for one year, effective 1 July 1962, at a salary of $6,800 plus 20
per cent for summer duties

Miss Gabrielle Roy as Instructor in Modern Languages at the Patrick-Henry Branch of the School
of General Studies, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,200

Mr. John E. Wood as Instructor in Mathematics at the Patrick-Henry Branch of the School of
General Studies, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,200


The President announced the following appointment

Mr. Sherman S. Dutton as Director of the Patrick-Henry Branch of the School of General Studies,
for one year, effective 1 July 1962

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On motion the meeting was then adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Albert V. Bryan
