University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia was held on this
date at 10 o'clock in the office of the President of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., President J. L. Newcomb of the
University of Virginia; President-Elect Colgate W. Darden, Jr.; Visitors Garnett, Anderson, Carrington,
Calcott, Wailes, Black, Gay, Trout, Mears, Combs; absent Bustard, Willis, Barksdale, Miller.

The minutes of the meeting of May 9, which had been copied and mailed to the members, were approved.

The President made the following announcements:

Enrollment to date 4,343.


From Mrs. Grover C. Dula, to be used in the field of medical research  $2,500 
"To the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, located at Charlottesville, Virginia,
the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), to be known as The George Palmer McNeill, Jr., and Virginia
Jackson McNeill Memorial Fund, the same to be held and invested, and the income from which shall be used as
a scholarship fund, revolving loan fund, or for research purposes under such conditions and at such intervals
of time as may be considered advisable by the Faculty of the College of Medicine, or other agency of The
University of Virginia charged with the administration of such funds." From the estate of the late Major
George Palmer McNeill, Jr., a former student of the University 


Upon recommendation of the President, the following elections, promotions, and resignations were


Dr. Russell H. Wagner as Professor of Speech and head of the School of Speech and Drama, at a
session salary of $5,600, beginning September 16, 1947. This is a replacement for Dr. Karl R. Wallace.

Mr. Charles Killian Woltz as Associate Professor of Law, at a session salary of $5,500, beginning
October 23, 1947.

Dr. Richard H. Henneman as Associate Professor of Psychology at a session salary of $4,400,
effective September 16, 1947. This is a replacement for Dr. Beverly von Haller Gilmer, who has resigned
to accept a position as head of the department of psychology at the Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Mr. William Alexander Mitchell as Research Assistant on the staff of the Bureau of Public
Administration, with the rank of Assistant Professor of Political Science, at an annual salary of $4,200,
effective September 16, 1947.

Mr. Archie Thompson Dotson as Assistant Professor of Political Science and Research Assistant in
the Bureau of Public Administration at an annual salary of $4,200, effective July 1, 1947.

Mr. William Arthur McBryde as Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry at a session salary of
$3,510, effective September 16, 1947.

Mr. David Jameson Gibson as Instructor in Architecture at a session salary of $3,020, beginning
September 16, 1947.

Mr. Robert Lee Pitts as Instructor in Architecture at a session salary of $3,020, effective
September 16, 1947.

Dr. John Lancaster Riordan as Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages at a session salary of
$3,510, effective September 16, 1947.

Mr. Armand Arnald Del Greco as Assistant Professor of Romance Languages at a session salary of
$3,510, effective September 16, 1947.


Dr. Everett Cousins Cogbill from Instructor to Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry at a
session salary of $3,510, effective September 16, 1947.

Dr. McLemore Birdsong from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, at no
change in salary.

Dr. William Henry Parker from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Surgery and
Gynecology, at no change in salary.

Mr. Emerson George Spies from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Law, at a session
salary of $5,500.

Mr. Kenneth Redden from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Law, at a session salary
of $5,500.

Mr. James Edward May from Acting Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, at no change in salary.

Dr. Charles Gordon Reid, Jr. from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, at a
session salary of $3,510.


It is recommended that the following action be taken:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the resignation of Dr. Beverly von Haller Gilmer, Associate Professor of
Psychology, be and the same is hereby accepted, effective June 30, 1947. We wish for him
the highest success in his new undertaking.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the resignation of Mr. William W. Austin, Assistant Professor of Music,
be and the same is hereby accepted, effective June 30, 1947. We wish for him the highest
success in his new undertaking.

The following matters were presented by Mr. W. Allan Perkins, which were approved:


At a meeting of the Board of Visitors held at the University on Friday, June 13, 1947, Mr. Perkins made
the following statement.

Joseph Harvey Riley, by his last will and testament which was admitted to probate in the Clerk's Office
of the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia, on February 24, 1942, made the following provision:

"My residence with 8.312 acres of surrounding real estate I bequeath to my sisters, Mrs. Margaret
R. Parker and Mrs. Maude K. Gage, as tenants in common during their lives. At the death of the survivor,
the property and residence to become the property of the University of Virginia to be disposed of and
the funds realized from the sale to be used as a nucleus of a fund to found a School and Museum of
Vertebrate Zoology."

The property in question is situated in the Town of Falls Church and borders on what is known as the
"Old Block and Birney Subdivision."

I am advised that a contract has been executed for the sale to Messrs. Muhleman and Kahoe of Richmond,
Virginia, of a large part of this subdivision. A plat of this subdivision is recorded in Liber M No. 5,
page 601, and shows numerous proposed streets and alleys and by reference to said plat it is now desired
to vacate, discontinue, abandon and close all of the alleys in Blocks A, B, F, G and H in said Subdivision,
and the following Streets: (1) that part of Fulton Avenue running from Pennsylvania Avenue to Virginia
Avenue; (2) that part of Virginia Avenue running from Park Avenue to Maryland Avenue; (3) Maryland Avenue for
its entire length; and (4) Main Avenue for its entire length.

I am further advised that the closing of these alleys and streets has been agreed to by the Town of Falls
Church and by a majority of property owners holding other property in this Subdivision.


I was advised that Mr. Christopher B. Garnett was familiar with this situation and I therefore asked
his advice. In a letter to me dated May 26, 1947, Mr. Garnett stated that:

"After a careful examination of the property and a consultation with Mr. John A. K. Donovan,
Counsel for the Town of Falls Church, I would recommend that the University should join in such a deed
because in my opinion it is clearly to the advantage of the University as residuary legatee of the 8
acres of land that the streets and alleys be vacated and that the purchasers, Muhleman and Kahoe, may
be allowed to develop the property."

I am therefore presenting to this meeting a deed prepared by Mr. Lytton H. Gibson, Attorney for Mrs.
Margaret R. Parker and Mrs. Maude K. Gage by which the University of Virginia consents to the vacation,
discontinuance and closing of the streets and alleys above referred to.

After a discussion of the situation the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the vacation, discontinuance and abandonment of the alleys and streets in
the Old Block and Birney Subdivision in Falls Church, described in the foregoing statement, is hereby
approved by this Board and J. L. Newcomb, President, is hereby authorized and directed to execute, in
the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, the deed dated
June 13, 1947, prepared by Mr. Lytton H. Gibson and presented to this meeting by Mr. Perkins by which
deed said vacation, discontinuance and closing of said streets is effected, and E. I. Carruthers,
Secretary of this Board, is hereby instructed to affix the corporate seal to this deed and deliver
the same to Mr. Lytton H. Gibson, Attorney as aforesaid.


Colonel Sidman P. Poole, Professor of Geography, appeared before the Board and presented a form of
contract for "Research Project on Military Geography" prepared on behalf of the War Department for
execution by the United States and the University of Virginia, providing for certain work to be done
at the University under direction of Colonel Poole in the "Preparation of Military Geography Chapters
of Strategic Intelligence Digests" and elaborations thereof known as Joint Army and Navy Intelligence
Studies, for use by the War Department, the cost of which is to be paid by the Federal Government and
is not to exceed $75,000.00.

Colonel Poole explained the scope and purpose of the studies and reports provided for in this contract.

Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the Board, stated that he had studied the contract with Colonel Poole's
help, had made a number of suggestions for changes which were submitted to the representatives of the
War Department, and except in one or two minor particulars were declined; that in his opinion the contract
is in proper form to accomplish the purpose for which it is intended, although the rights of
the University are not safeguarded as fully as he would like to have them, but that this work is a
patriotic service which we should deem a privilege to perform.

The Government will pay all expenses but as Article 4 of the contract provides that "Partial payment
will be made as the work progresses at the end of each calendar month or as soon thereafter as
practicable, on estimates made by the Contractor (the University) and approved by the Contracting
Officer," there may be some slight delays from time to time in the receipt of necessary funds at the
Bursar's Office, and for this reason it would seem wise to instruct the Bursar to advance these
necessary amounts, not to exceed some total limiting figure so that no delay may occur in the progress
of the work.

After a full discussion the following resolution offered by Mr. Garnett, and seconded by Mrs. Wailes,
was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the contract between the United States of America and The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, in the form prepared by the War Department and submitted to this meeting
by Colonel Sidman P. Poole, providing for Geographic Research to be conducted at the University of
Virginia for and at the expense of the United States of America, be and is hereby approved, and
Edward R. Stettinius, Rector, of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, is hereby
authorized and directed to execute this contract in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia. Said contract to be executed in quadruplicate and all four copies to
be delivered by said Edward R. Stettinius, Rector as aforesaid, to Colonel Sidman P. Poole, by whom
said four copies shall be delivered to W. J. Allbright, 1st Lieutenant, CE, Contracting Officer, for
execution on behalf of the United States of America. And upon execution of said four copies of this
contract on behalf of said United States of America, the said Colonel Sidman P. Poole shall deliver
two of said copies to said W. J. Allbright, Contracting Officer as aforesaid, and return the other two
copies to E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia to be
filed by him in the Bursar's Office.

And be it further-

RESOLVED That the Bursar be and is hereby authorized and empowered to advance from the
general funds of the University from time to time such sums, not to exceed $10,000.00 in the aggregate,
as may be needed in the conduct of this work to pay accounts which have become past due by reason of
any delay which may occur in receipt of funds from the United States of America.

After adoption of the foregoing resolution, Colonel Poole stated to the Board that within the last few
days he had been advised by the War Department that it is probable that they may wish to appropriate
an additional $100,000 to be used at the University of Virginia for further studies and reports of this
same character, and if this money proves to be available a new contract will have to be entered into
between United States and University prior to July 1, 1947. Whereupon, the following resolution was

RESOLVED, that the question of an additional contract or contracts between the United States
and the University for additional work to be done at the University under the direction of Colonel
Poole in the "Preparation of Military Geographic Chapters of Strategic Intelligence Digests" and
elaboration thereof, be and is hereby referred to the Rector and the Executive Committee with power to

And be it further

RESOLVED that if such additional contract or contracts should be drawn in terms substantially
the same as those expressed in the contract heretofore approved and ordered executed (except, of course,
for change in the amount of money to be expended) and if such additional contract is approved by the
President and the Attorney of this Board, then, upon such approval by the President and the Attorney,
Edward R. Stettinius, Rector, is hereby authorized to execute and deliver said contract in the name and
on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia without further reference to this
Board, and upon execution and delivery of such additional contract or contracts the Bursar is hereby
authorized and empowered to advance from the General Funds of the University from time to time such suma
not to exceed $10,000.00 in the aggregate and in addition to the funds provided by the first resolution


on this subject above set out as may be needed in the conduct of such additional work to pay accounts
which may have become past due by reason of any delay which may occur in receipt of funds from the
United States of America.


At the request of Mr. John L. Fulmer, Professor of Social Sciences, an agreement was presented to the
meeting by the President which has been prepared for execution by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of
the United States Department of Agriculture and by the University of Virginia providing for "An Analysis
of Factors Associated with Cotton Yield Variability."

The scope and purpose of this agreement was explained by Dr. Newcomb and the following resolution offered
by Mr. Garnett and seconded by Mrs. Wailes was thereupon adopted:

RESOLVED: That the agreement in the form presented to this meeting between the Bureau
of Agricultural Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture and the University of Virginia
providing for "An Analysis of Factors Associated with Cotton Yield Variability" is hereby approved and
J. L. Newcomb, President, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement in the name and
on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and deliver the same to the Bureau
of Agricultural Economics, retaining one executed original copy which shall be kept on file in the
Bursar's office.


Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the Board, presented to the meeting a contract between Hopkins Society of Sigma
Nu Fraternity, Incorporated, and the University by which the University agrees that the debt of said
Society, which amounted to $31,748.13 as of July 1, 1946, may be paid with interest at 4% in monthly installments
of $201.96 each, which payments are to be made on the first days of October, November,
December, January, February, March, April, May, and June of each college year beginning with a payment
made as of October, 1946, and continuing for a period of thirty (30) years.

It was, thereupon,

RESOLVED: That the contract between Hopkins Society of Sigma Nu Fraternity and the University,
dated May 27, 1947, presented to this meeting by Mr. Perkins, is hereby approved, and Edward R. Stettinius,
Rector, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract in the name and on behalf of the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and E. I. Carruthers, Secretary, is hereby instructed to affix
the Corporate Seal to said contract, delivering one original executed copy thereof to said Hopkins Society,
and recording another executed copy of said contract in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County.


The President read a letter from Mr. Robert Barton, Jr., of Richmond, on the appointment of a committee
from our Board to confer with the Governor's commission on the reorganization of the State government,
and Mr. Gay, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Trout were appointed on the said committee.


President Newcomb presented a letter from the President of the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville
for an extension of the bank's lease of the room in the Corner Building for a five-year period on condition
that the bank spend $10,000 in building a balcony. Action was deferred until next meeting.


A letter was read from Governor Tuck asking for suggestions for a replacement of Mr. Disque on the Virginia
Art Commission. Floyd Johnson was recommended.


The following resolution was presented and adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the sum of $7,500, or so much of it as may be necessary, be appropriated from the unexpended balance
in income from the private endowment of the University to defray the expenses of the inauguration of the


The financial budget for the year 1947-48 was presented by the President and following right careful study
by the members of the Board, same was adopted, carrying estimated revenues for the University and the
Hospital of $5,114,982.00, with estimated expenditures therefor of $5,027,250.17, leaving an estimated
surplus of $87,731.83, except the salary of W. Allan Perkins, attorney for the University, was raised from
$600.00 per year to $1,200.00.


The following matter was presented and adopted:

Mr. Perkins stated to the Board that an offer has been received for the purchase of the Castle Hill Estate
consisting of some twelve or fifteen hundred acres near Cismont in Albemarle County, by Mr. Clark J. Lawrence
at the price of $110,000.00, and

That by deed of Sara C. Rives to Amelie Rives Troubetzkoy, Gertrude Rives Potts and Landon Rives, dated
June 10, 1908, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in Deed Book 13
page 407, said Castle Hill Estate was conveyed to Mrs. Rives' three daughters named above, and to their
issue per stirpes, but if there be no living issue of said daughters or of any one of them, said property
shall pass to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia as a memorial to the Rives family, and
never to be sold but held forever to be used to further education in the State of Virginia.

Princess Troubetzkoy died several years ago without issue. Miss Landon Rives is still living and has
never married. Mrs. Gertrude Rives Potts is living and has one son, Thomas Potts, who has two living sons
one of whom is under the age of 21 years.

Mr. Lawrence's offer will be submitted to the Circuit Court of Albemarle County in the chancery cause which
will have to be instituted for the sale of this property, and it is proper to add that the house is practically
without modern conveniences of any kind, and is in very bad repair. A large part of the twelve or
fifteen hundred acres of land lies on the eastern slope of the southwest mountain. The rest of the land
is badly overgrown and has not been properly cultivated for many years. The price offered is entirely
adequate and will no doubt be approved by the Court.


The University has been requested to instruct its attorney to file an answer in this proceeding in the
name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.

It was thereupon

RESOLVED: That when suit is brought submitting the offer of Mr. Clark J. Lawrence to purchase
Castle Hill Estate at the price of $110,000.00, W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, is
instructed to file an answer in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, in which answer the statement shall be made that so far as the University is advised, the
price of $110,000.00, which is subject to an agent's commission of $10,000.00 and to costs of suit,
etc., is an adequate price, and that it would seem that the sale is an advantageous one, but that the
University prays for full protection of its rights, and that all proper safeguards be thrown around the
investment of the net fund derived from such sale during the lifetime of the said Miss Landon Rives
and Mrs. Gertrude Rives Potts.


The matter of the purchase of a residence property, located on Rugby Road and known as "Four Acres,"
for the use of Admiral Halsey while heading the University's drive for endowment funds was referred to
Rector Stettinius and Mr. Darden with power to act.


The President presented the following resolution, which was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the one hundred shares of Greyhound stock in the consolidated fund in the custody of the State
Planters' National Bank and Trust Company be sold and the proceeds deposited with the Bursar of the
University to be expended in accordance with the wishes of the donor, Mr. Whitney Stone, as set forth
in his letter to the President of the University dated June 9, 1947, to-wit: $1,000 to the Woodrow
Wilson School of Foreign Affairs, balance to Department of Neuro-Psychiatry.

In addition to the foregoing, the President presented a letter from Mr. Whitney Stone donating 300 shares
of Greyhound Corporation common stock, which he desired to be sold and the proceeds be used to pay the
salary of the Associate Professor of Neuro-Psychiatry in charge of Neurology at the University for the
session 1947-48, which Associate Professor has not yet been appointed.


The Finance Committee of the Rector and Visitors presented the following motion, which was unanimously

THAT WHEREAS, Jessie Ball duPont has established a trust fund known as the "Lalla Gresham
Ball Scholarship Fund" depositing with the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, a corporation,
the sum of $7,000 cash and 300 shares of the common stock of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company; and

WHEREAS, under the terms of said trust the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
the trustee therein, is required to invest said funds in such manner as to the trustee shall seem best
to preserve and enhance the value thereof,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said funds and said stock be held by the State Planters
Bank and Trust Company in entire accordance with an agreement between the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia and the State Planters Bank and Trust Company, dated December 13th, 1946, with
the exception only that said fund be carried on a separate subsidiary ledger from the funds of the
Consolidated Endowment, and that it be ear-marked and identified as "Lalla Gresham Ball Scholarship Fund."

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Mary Washington College of the University of
Virginia be and he hereby is requested to furnish to the Bursar of the University of Virginia all
necessary information regarding said fund and said stock so that the same may be recorded upon the records
in said Bursar's office, and that he be further directed to send to the State Planters Bank and
Trust Company the said cash and stock certificates, and in addition a copy of the Trust Indenture
creating said trust, and further that a copy of this resolution be sent by the Bursar to the said State
Planters Bank and Trust Company.


Contracts with the Peoples National Bank to act as custodian of securities and funds deposited with it
by the Bursar of the University and kept in an account known as "The Bursar's Custodial Agreement,"
and funds deposited with said bank in the Custodial Agreement covering certain endowment funds consisting
in the main of real estate mortgages which had been considered by the Finance Committee and approved,
were presented, read, and adopted, and will be filed in the Bursar's office.


On unanimous action of the Board, the Rector was authorized to reappoint the present executive committee
for next year.


On motion, the salary of Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University of Virginia, was increased
to $1,200.00 per year, beginning July 1, 1947.


Upon motion of the Rector, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that J. L. Newcomb be and he is hereby elected Consultant to the President at a salary of $5,000 per
annum, incumbency to begin on June 23, 1947.


Mr. Perkins reported to the Board that in an opinion of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia handed
down on June 9, 1947, in the cause of Mary Sheridan, and others, v. W. Allan Perkins and George Pausch,
Executors of the Will and Trustees of the Estate of William J. Rucker, deceased, et als, the construction
of Mr. Rucker's will was finally disposed of, the Court holding that the fund which now amounts to
approximately $1,050,000 passes under Mr. Rucker's will to the three residuary legatees, namely, Martha
Jefferson Hospital of Charlottesville, St. Luke's Hospital of St. Louis, Missouri, and University of
Virginia, in equal parts.


Mr. Perkins also stated that while this fund is subject possibly to further charges on account of
Federal Estate Taxes and also to payment of attorneys' fees, commissions, and other costs, that at a
conservative estimate the University's share therein, which, under Mr. Rucker's will is to be used exclusively
for the University Hospital, will amount to somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000.

Thereupon, on motion duly made and seconded, it was

RESOLVED that this Board is sincerely gratified to learn of the favorable outcome of this litigation
and that the appreciation of the Board be and is hereby expressed to Messrs. Charles Markell, of
Baltimore, John S. Battle and C. Venable Minor, of Charlottesville, Attorneys who represented the Executors
of Mr. Rucker's estate in the litigation in Maryland which preceded the Virginia litigation, and also to
the Honorable Abram P. Staples, Attorney General of Virginia, who represented the University's interest
in the abovenamed cause in our Supreme Court of Appeals.


The following elections were recommended and approved:

Reginald Arthur Kenney as Assistant Professor of English, tenure one year, at a salary of $2,700
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.

Dr. Anthony Stephen Stephan as Associate Professor of Sociology, tenure one year, at a salary
of $3,700 for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.

Miss Jeanne N. Addison as Instructor in English, tenure one year, at a salary of $2,225 for
the session of nine months, incumbency to begin on September 15, 1947.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. R. Stettinius
E. I. Carruthersa