![]() | Board of Visitors minutes August 8, 1890 | ![]() |
August 8th 1890.
The Board of Visitors met here this 8th day of August
1890 in pursuance of adjournment on the 28th day of June
Present, W. C. N. Randolph, Rector, and Messrs Gordon,
Kean, McCormick, Parrish & Patteson of the Visitors.
The Board was called to order by the Rector, who announced
that the first business in order was to receive and
consider the report of the special Committee appointed at
the meeting of the Board on the 28th day of June last, upon
the proposed changes in the Law School, whereupon Mr Parrish,
the Chairman of the Committee, submitted its report which was
read, and of which the following is a copy:
To the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
Gentlemen. The undersigned Committee to which was referred
the matter of establishing a new chair in the Law Department
beg leave to report that after maturely considering
the subject and after a full interview with Profr Minor and
also with Profr Gilmore they are constrained to believe that
the establishment of such a chair at present will not promote
the interests of the University but will most probably
be detrimental to those interests.
We find that a large number of the law students come to
the University in the hope of completing the course in one
year, many of them being pecuniarily able to attend one session
While the course contemplates two sessions, it is so
arranged that diligent students, with fair antecedent preparation,
can and do graduate in one session.
If a new chair is added we are satisfied that it will
be impossible for a student to complete the course in one
session, no matter what his previous preparation may be,
and we believe that the denial of such a possibility would
tend to diminish seriously the number of law students. We
Law, which would be assigned to the new chair if established,
are ably and thoroughly treated in the first
volume of Mr Minor's Institutes, and that, with this foundation,
the lectures of Mr Minor, with references to other
text writers, give to students excellent opportunities of
becoming well grounded in these principles.
The correspondence between Mr Minor and our chairman
is filed herewith.
After consideration of the report Mr Gordon moved that
it be accepted and approved which was seconded and a vote
was taken by ayes & noes and resulted in favor of the motion
by a vote of 5 to one—Mr Patteson voting in the negative,
and requested to be so recorded.
The following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, that the salary of Henry Martin, Janitor, be
increased to Twenty five dollars per month dating from August
1st 1890.
Resolved, that the Proctor be authorized to expend not
exceeding Two Hundred dollars in the erection at a suitable
place of a proper shelter for the fire engine, ladder and
other fire apparatus, to replace the shelter now used, to
which has been appropriated to use in connection with Profr
Thornton's shops.
A communication was received from Dr Dabney upon which
the following action was taken=
The Board acknowledges receipt of Dr W. C. Dabney's
communication of 6th inst. and the Board keeping in view
that, under all circumstances, the professor owes his first
and chief duties to the University, doth resolve that leave
be granted to Dr W. C. Dabney to engage in the practice of
his profession for one year to such an extent only as will
not interfere with the duties of his chair.
Resolved, that hereafter, all meetings of the Board of
Visitors (unless a different hour be specified) shall be begun
at Eleven o'clock on the first day of each meeting.
It having been suggested to the Board of Visitors (not
by or on behalf of Profr Mallet) that with the permission of
the Board, he may be able to give private instruction in the
elements of chemistry to one or more young ladies.
Resolved, that the consent of the Board is hereby given
to Profr Mallet, to give private instruction in Chemistry to
one or more young ladies, provided such engagement shall in
no way interfere with his duties in the University.
Resolved, that the Rector & Mr Gordon be authorized to
contract with Mr W. D. Dabney, or some other suitable person,
for the codification of the University Laws, provided that
the expense incurred shall not exceed Three hundred dollars.
Resolved, that the Executive Committee of this Board is
hereby authorized to petition the Legislature of Virginia to
give the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia authority
to commute the Austin Legacy, on such terms as they deem
Resolved, that the Professor of Applied Mathematics be
authorized to charge against the account of students in that
school the actual cost of the materials consumed by them in
the Engineering Laboratory.
Resolved, that the Proctor be authorized to credit the
account of the school of Applied Mathematics with the tuition
fees of all students in that school above the number of thirty
Resolved, that the recommendation of the Faculty for the
establishment in the School of Historical Science of a course
of lectures on English and American History be approved.
Resolved, that the sum of six hundred dollars be appropriated
to the payment of police as recommended by the Faculty
Resolved, that the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars
be appropriated to the maintenance of the joint water supply
of the University and the City of Charlottesville as recommended
by the Faculty.
At this point in the proceedings, Judge Watts arrived and
occupied his seat as a Visitor.
On motion the question of appointing an assistant to
Profr John B. Minor was considered, after which the following
was adopted as the action of the Board in the premises by a
vote of 6 in favor to one against it viz Mr Patteson, who
asked to be so recorded.
The Board having invited Profr Minor, at a time when his
health was in precarious condition, to nominate an assistant
professor in the School of Common and Statute Law and being
of opinion that in as much as Professor Minor's health has
been restored, he is not at present in need of the character
was given, and being further of opinion that some relief to
Profr Minor in the drudgery of his exacting work would tend
to prolong his usefulness, it is resolved that without passing
upon the nomination made by Profr Minor, (viz of his son
John B. Minor, Jr.) the matter be referred back to him with
authority to appoint for the term of one year at a salary of
Eight hundred dollars, either John B. Minor, Jr. or such other
person as he may select, whose duties shall be to do such
clerical and other work as Profr Minor may think will tend
most to relieve him.
The Committee on Health etc. submitted its report which
is as follows:
To the Hon. Rector and Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia.
Your Committee on health beg to report that they find
the sanitary condition of the University of Virginia to be
good. We beg to recommend (1st), that all of the boarding
houses outside of the University precincts be required to obtain
from the Chairman of the Faculty a license to keep students
and we would further suggest that said license be
granted only upon such sanitary inspection as may be deemed
necessary by the Health Committee. (2nd) We recommend that
the small pond behind the chapel be draned and filled with
earth. As the supply of water is somewhat defective we recommend
that the water mains and water pipes be placed at an
early date in proper order.
Damm Patteson, Chairman
Legh R. Watts.
On motion the report was read and thereafter on motion
received—and the following three resolutions in relation to
the recommendations of the report were adopted
1. Resolved, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Faculty,
and the report of the Committee on health, that all the boarding
houses outside of the limits of the University, be required,
as a condition for having any student as a boarder, to obtain
from the Chairman of the Faculty, a license to be issued only
upon the recommendation after inspection of the premises, of
the Health Committee of the Faculty.
2. Resolved, that the Proctor be instructed to cause the small
pond below the Chappel to be drained, and filled with earth, to
the proper grade, as soon as the funds of the University will
justify it.
3. Resolved, that the Executive Committee be instructed to
cause the failure in the water supply to be investigated and
as far as practicable to be corrected at an early day.
A communication was received from the Ladies of the
Chapel Aid Society of the University requesting the Board to
make provision for paving the approaches to the new Chappel.
On motion the petition was ordered to be laid on the table
for consideration at the next meeting of the Board.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes August 8, 1890 | ![]() |