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August 4, 2004


TO:  The Board of Visitors: 
Gordon F. Rainey, Jr., Rector  
Thomas F. Farrell, II, Vice Rector   Don R. Pippin  
William G. Crutchfield, Jr.   Terence P. Ross  
Susan Y. Dorsey   Thomas A. Saunders, III  
G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, Jr.   Warren M. Thompson  
W. Heywood Fralin   E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr.  
Glynn D. Key   Georgia M. Willis  
Mark J. Kington   John O. Wynne  
Lewis F. Payne   James W. Head  
FROM:  Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr.  
SUBJECT:  Correction to the Minutes of the February, 2004, Meeting
of the Board of Visitors 

The Minutes of the February 5-7, 2004, meeting of the Board of Visitors should be corrected as follows: The resolution on Investment Management Services, which was approved by the Board, was left out of the Minutes. The resolution is as follows:


WHEREAS, the Special Committee on Governance of the Board of Visitors, in consultation with the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University, and the University's General Counsel, recommends the procurement of investment management services for the benefit of the University of Virginia;

RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors approves the recommended procurement of investment management services, which would be provided by the University contracting with an affiliated non- profit entity established and hereby approved for such purposes;

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August 4, 2004

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Board directs and authorizes the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Vice Rector and the General Counsel, to undertake, execute and approve any and all actions as may be necessary or advisable to implement this procurement of investment management services. This is to include the authority to negotiate and execute on behalf of the University any contracts or other agreements as may be necessary or advisable in the best interests of the University, in keeping with applicable state law and University policy.

- - - - - - - - - -

Also, the actions of the Executive Committee taken on November 22, 2003, (these actions are shown in the Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of that date) and mentioned on page 6628 of the February, 2004, Minutes, specify that these actions are shown supra in the Minutes. They in fact are not shown in the Minutes and therefore should be listed as Attachment B. They are reproduced as follows:


WHEREAS, the University has identified strategically valuable property adjacent to University property on Ivy Road that may be available for purchase; and

WHEREAS, the acquisition of the property will address current and future needs for additional space for offices, residence halls, and other uses;

RESOLVED that the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, with the concurrence of the Chair of the Finance Committee, is authorized to: 1) negotiate appropriate purchase prices for property on Ivy Road that is adjacent to University property; and 2) execute, or authorize execution of any and all contracts and other documents pertaining to the acquisition of such property by the University or by the University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation.

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August 4, 2004


RESOLVED that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia approve the following 2003-2004 salary recommendation for the President of the University of Virginia:

President John T. Casteen, III  
as of
as of
State  $148,089  $151,421  2.25% 
Bonus (5%)  7,404 
Total Salary, excluding
local Supplement
148,089  158,825  7.25% 
Local supplement  181,725  223,579  23.0% 
Bonus  9,086 
Total local supplement   181,725  232,665  28.0% 
Total Salary  329,814  375,000  13.7% 
Deferred Compensation  115,000  125,000  8.7% 
Total Bonus  16,490 

And finally, the Executive Committee on November 22, 2003, charged the Administration with setting the 2003-2004 salary of the Chancellor of The University of Virginia's College at Wise. On December 17th, this was set as follows:

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August 4, 2004

2003-2004 Salary for
Chancellor Steven H. Kaplan

as of
as of
State  $109,800  $112,130*  2.12% 
Bonus  5,490 
Total Salary, excluding
local Supplement
109,800  117,620  7.12% 
Local supplement  70,200  75,070  6.94% 
Bonus  3,510 
Total local supplement   70,200  78,580  11.94% 
Total Salary  180,000  187,200  4.0% 
Total Bonus  9,000 

*Per the Appropriations Act, SK's state salary next year has to be $112,130.


Copies to:  President John T. Casteen, III  
Vice President Leonard W. Sandridge