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The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met on this date at 10:00 a.m. in the
Office of the President of the University, at Charlottesville, with the following present
Rector Charles R. Fenwick, President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., and Visitors Blanton, Camp, Cross,
Faulconer, Hobbs, Johnson, Kendig, Kuykendall, Lantor, Lewis, Montague, Parrish, Rogers, Walker,
and Williams. Absent: Visitor Wilkerson: Chancellor Grellet C. Simpson and Bursar Edgar E.
Woodward were present throughout the discussion of Mary Washington College matters. Comptroller
Vincent Shea was present during the discussions of the 1964-1965 University budget and other
financial matters.

The minutes of the meeting of 18 April 1964, previously distributed were approved as corrected.


The Rector introduced Mr. J. Sloan Kuykendall, a new member of the Board from Winchester, who
was unable to attend the April meeting.


The Rector called for the election by the Board of the members of the Executive Committee to
serve until the next Annual Meeting in June 1965. Upon motion, duly seconded, the following persons
were unanimously elected to the Executive Committee. Mr. Fenwick, Chairman, Mr. Blanton, and
Mr. Rogers.

The Rector announced his appointments to the standing committees for 1964-1965. The committee
assignments for 1964-1965 are as follows:



Finance Committee  Mr. Blanton, Chairman 
Mr. Camp 
Mr. Montague 
Mary Washington
College Committee
Mr. Lewis, Chairman 
Mr. Cross 
Mrs. Lantor 
Mrs. Parrish 
Mr. Rogers 
Athletics Committee  Mr. Faulconer, Chairman 
Mr. Hobbs 
Mr. Johnson 
Mr. Lewis 
Mr. Walker 
Medical Committee  Dr. Kendig, Chairman 
Mr. Kuykendall 
Mr. Walker 
Mr. Williams 
Buildings and Grounds
Mr. Montague, Chairman 
Mr. Camp 
Mr. Faulconer 
Mr. Kuykendall 
Mr. Williams 
Educational Policy
Mrs. Lantor, Chairman 
Mr. Blanton 
Mr. Johnson 
Dr. Kendig 
Mrs. Parrish 
Mr. Wilkerson 
The Rector, Mr. Fenwick, is an ex officio member of all
appointed standing committees. 


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mr. Carman G. Blough as Lecturer in Accounting, for one semester, effective 1 September 1964,
at a salary of $5,700.

Dr. James R. Brunk as Instructor in Internal Medicine, for one year, effective 1 July 1964, at
a salary of $11,472.

Mr. Donald E. Cleveland as Acting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Leonard T. Curtis as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $8,400.

Mr. Vladimir R. de Dubnic as Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $13,400.

Dr. Ivar P. Enge as Visiting Associate Professor of Radiology, for six months, effective
1 November 1964.

Mr. John C. Hale as Instructor in Chemical Engineering, three-fourths time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $5,100.

Mr. Laurin L. Henry as Professor of Political Science, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $15,000.

Mr. Norman M. Howe, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, for three years,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $8,800.

Mr. W. Reed Johnson as Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering, one-third time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $3,200.

Mr. Robert E. Jones as Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, part time, for one year, effective
1 July 1964, at no salary from the University.

Mr. Leslie Laszlo as Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, for one year, effective
1 September 1964.

Dr. William M. Lordi as Lecturer in Psychiatry, part time, for one year, effective 1 July
1964, at no salary from the University.

Mr. Eugene Lovelace as Acting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for one year, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Jan Lubicz-Nycz as Lecturer in Architecture, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at
a session salary of $8,800.

Mr. David R. Mummery as Instructor in Law, one-half time, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $3,550.

Mr. Howard A. Ozmon, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective 1 September

Mr. Rudolf Plattner as Acting Assistant Professor of Physics, for one year, effective 1 September

Mr. Robert H. Puckett as Assistant Professor of Foreign Affairs, for two years, effective
1 September 1964.


Mr. Robert R. Rea as Lecturer in History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $9,900.

Mr. James H. Rust as Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, for three years, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $9,200.

Mr. Joseph F. Ryan as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $6,800.

Mr. Willis G. Ryckman as Lecturer in Business Administration, one-half time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $4,000.

Mr. John A. Sanderson as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective 1 September

Dr. Philip M. Sprinkle as Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, for three years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Michael B. Stillman as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,500.

Mr. Richard F. Sweet as Acting Assistant Professor of Physics, for one year, effective 1 September

Miss Teresa Ann Urso as Instructor in Spanish, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $6,800.

Mr. Narendra K. Wagle as Lecturer in History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $7,100.

Mr. Andrew Whinston as Associate Professor of Economics, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $10,900, of which $500 is to be paid from local funds.

Mr. Henry K. White as Lecturer in Architecture, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at
a session salary of $8,400.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the effective date of the election of Dr. Jan Langman, as approved by the Board of Visitors
on 18 April 1964 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia, No. 13, 18 April 1964, p. 2)
be changed from 1 September 1964 to 1 August 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that there is hereby established a Chair in the School of Medicine to be known as the Harvey E.
Jordan Professorship of Anatomy.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Dr. Jan Langman be and he is hereby elected Harvey E. Jordan Professor of Anatomy, effective
1 August 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the election of Mr. George F. Koenig as Assistant Professor of Radiological Technology, for
three years, effective 1 July 1964, as approved by the Board on 18 April 1964, (Minutes, Board of
Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 13, 18 April 1964, p. 1) be and it is hereby cancelled,
effective 1 July 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Dr. William D. Buxton as Assistant Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, for three years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Majid Khadduri as Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, one-half time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Carlo Pelliccia as Assistant Professor of Architecture, for three years, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $8,800.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:

Miss Zula M. Baber, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Nursing, effective 1 August
1964, at a salary of $8,760 plus $1,000 for administrative duties.

Mr. James H. Bash, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Mr. Richard L. Beard, Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of English, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $11,800 plus 20 per cent for summer work and $1,000 for administrative
duties, or a total salary of $15,160.

Mr. Douglas T. Day, Jr., Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective
1 September 1964.

Dr. Fred E. Dreifuss, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Neurology, effective
1 July 1964.

Dr. Nathaniel M. Ewell, Clinical Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, for one
year, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. George P. Garrett, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Luther Y. Gore, Instructor in English, to Assistant Professor of Humanities, for three
years, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Leonard Levine, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Physiology, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. William B. Looney, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Radiology, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Fred C. McCormick, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $9,900.

Dr. Frank C. McCue, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, for three years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. George R. Minor, Associate Professor, to Professor of Surgery, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Stanley S. Stahl, Jr., Associate Professor, to Professor of Education, effective 1 September

Dr. David V. Strider, Instructor, to Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, for three
years, effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. Frederic B. Westervelt, Jr., Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine,
for three years, effective 1 July 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leave of absence:

Mr. Martin C. Battestin, Associate Professor of English, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to accept a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Mr. David M. Bevington, Associate Professor of English, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to accept a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Mr. Joseph L. Blotner, Associate Professor of English, for one semester, effective 1 February
1965, without pay, to accept a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Mr. George P. Garrett, Associate Professor of English, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to accept a Visiting Professorship at Princeton University.

Mr. Billy J. Gilpin, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to work on his doctorate at the University of North Carolina at Raleigh.

Mr. Peter R. Goethals, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to conduct field research among the Bajau of North Borneo.

Mr. Walter Hauser, Assistant Professor of History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
without pay, to continue research and writing.

Mr. Paul E. Kelly, Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to serve as Associate Director of the School Social Science Curriculum
Materials Development Project sponsored by the American Sociological Association.


Mr. Charles P. Nash, Professor of Law, for one semester, effective 1 February 1965, without
pay, to assume individual study.

Dr. William Parson, Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine, for one year, effective
1 July 1964, to be a Visiting Professor at Makerere University at Kampala, Uganda.

Mr. Eugene B. Piedmont, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Sociology) in the School of
Medicine and Lecturer in Sociology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, for one year, effective
1 August 1964, without pay, to accept a post-doctoral traineeship in the Community Mental Health
Research Training Program of the Social Science Institute of Washington University in St. Louis.

Mr. A. J. Gustin Priest, Professor of Law, for one semester, effective 1 September 1964,
without pay, to complete the preparation of a textbook on public utilities.

Mr. Paul Shoup, Assistant Professor of Foreign Affairs, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, without pay, to do research and write a book on the Yugoslav nationalities problem.

Mr. W. Ralph Singleton, Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, without pay, to work with the International Atomic Energy Agency and teach a
course at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following changes of title be and they are hereby made:

Mr. Billy J. Gilpin, from Assistant Professor of Mathematics, to Assistant Professor of Applied
Mathematics, for three years, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Robert S. Johnson, from Lecturer in Economics, to Assistant Professor of Economics, for
one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $8,800, of which $400 is to be paid
from local funds.

Mr. Edward W. Lanius, from Acting Assistant Professor of French, to Assistant Professor of
French, for three years, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Leigh B. Middleditch, from Instructor in Business Administration, to Lecturer in Business
Administration, for one year, effective 1 September 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Alan P. Batson, Associate Professor of Physics, at a session salary of $10,900, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Jesse Beams, Francis H. Smith Professor of Physics, at a session salary of $22,000, of
which $6,200 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Raymond C. Bice, Associate Professor of Psychology, at a session salary of $10,900,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Dion S. Birney, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Dietrich Bodenstein, Lewis and Clark Professor of Biology, at a session salary of $22,600,
of which $6,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Fredson T. Bowers, Alumni Professor of English, at a session salary of $18,600, of which
$2,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Francis J. Brooke, III, Associate Professor of German, at a session salary of $10,400,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Alfred Burger, Professor of Chemistry, at a session salary of $15,000, effective 1 September

Mr. Joseph M. Carriere, Professor of French, at a session salary of $15,000, effective 1 September

Mr. Everett U. Crosby, Assistant Professor of History, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Paul T. David, Professor of Political Science, at a session salary of $15,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Hardy C. Dillard, James Monroe Professor of Law, at a salary of $23,600, of which $2,000
is for administrative duties and $5,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Judah M. Eisenberg, Assistant Professor of Physics, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Robert L. Ellison, Assistant Professor of Geology, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.


Mr. Edwin E. Floyd, Professor of Mathematics, at a session salary of $15,800, effective 1 September

Mr. Laurence W. Fredrick, Associate Professor of Astronomy, at a session salary of $11,900,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Johan A. Friedericy, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, at a session salary of
$10,900, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Paul M. Gaston, Associate Professor of History, at a session salary of $9,900, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Thomas A. Gover, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. John Graham, Assistant Professor of Speech and Drama, at a session salary of $8,800,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Charles O. Gregory, John B. Minor Professor of Law, at a salary of $22,400, of which
$5,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Oron J. Hale, Professor of History, at a session salary of $15,000, effective 1 September

Mr. Thomas T. Hammond, Professor of History, at a session salary of $12,600, effective 1 September

Mr. Francis R. Hart, Associate Professor of English, at a session salary of $9,900, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Walter Hauser, Assistant Professor of History, at a session salary of $9,600, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Walter L. Heilbronner, Associate Professor of German, at a session salary of $10,400 plus
$500 for administrative duties, or a total salary of $10,900, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Lee R. Johnston, Associate Professor of Business Administration, at a session salary of
$13,400, of which $1,500 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Alexandre Kafka, Professor of Economics, at a session salary of $15,800, of which $3,200
is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Robert W. Langbaum, Professor of English, at a session salary of $14,200, effective 1 September

Mr. Robert E. Lutz, Professor of Chemistry, at a session salary of $15,000, effective 1 September

Mr. Richard D. McKinsey, Assistant Professor of Biology, (1) at a session salary of $8,800,
effective 1 September 1964, and (2) at a session salary of $9,200, effective 1 February 1965.

Mr. Edward J. McShane, Alumni Professor of Mathematics, at a session salary of $20,400, of
which $3,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Wendell E. Malbon, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, at a session salary of
$11,400, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Samuel P. Maroney, Jr., Associate Professor of Biology, at a session salary of $10,400,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. James W. Moore, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, at a session salary of
$10,900, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Robert J. Morgan, Associate Professor of Political Science, at a session salary of $11,400,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Joseph James Murray, Assistant Professor of Biology, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Merrill D. Peterson, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor of History, at a
session salary of $19,300, of which $7,500 is to be paid by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Grover C. Pitts, Associate Professor of Physiology, at a salary of $13,200, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. L. Starling Reid, Professor of Psychology, at a session salary of $14,200, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. F. D. G. Ribble, James Madison Professor of Law, at a salary of $22,400, of which $5,000
is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. James L. Riopel, Assistant Professor of Biology, at a session salary of $9,200, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Benjamin F. D. Runk, Professor of Biology, at a session salary of $14,200, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Paul N. Schatz, Associate Professor of Chemistry, at a session salary of $10,400, effective
1 September 1964.


Mr. John L. Snook, Jr., Associate Professor of Business Administration, at a session salary
of $13,400, of which $1,500 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. George Spicer, Professor of Political Science, at a session salary of $15,000, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Edward C. Stevenson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, at a session salary of $15,000,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. John A. Thomas, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, at a salary of $10,400, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Otis L. Updike, Professor of Chemical Engineering, at a session salary of $13,400, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Ervin R. Van Artsdalen, John W. Mallet Professor of Chemistry, at a session salary of
$22,000, of which $6,200 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Daniel R. Vining, Professor of Economics, at a session salary of $15,000, of which $800
is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. David W. Weiss, Assistant Professor of Drama, at a session salary of $10,000, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Walter D. Whitehead, Jr., Professor of Physics, at a session salary of $15,800, of which
$3,200 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Gordon T. Whyburn, Alumni Professor of Mathematics, at a session salary of $20,400, of
which $3,000 is to be paid from local funds, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. David A. Williams, Assistant Professor of History, at a session salary of $9,600, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Edward H. Winter, Professor of Anthropology, at a session salary of $13,400, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. T. Braxton Woody, Professor of Romance Languages, at a session salary of $14,200, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. William A. Wulf, Instructor in Applied Mathematics, at a salary of $500 for administrative
duties, for one year, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Edward E. Younger, Professor of History, at a session salary of $15,000, effective 1 September

Mr. David Yu, Assistant Professor of Religion, at a session salary of $8,800, effective
1 September 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the salary of Mr. John R. Elliott, Jr., Visiting Assistant Professor of English, as approved by the
Board of Visitors on 18 April 1964, (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia, No. 13,
18 April 1964, p. 1) be changed from $8,800 to $9,200.


The President announced the retirement of Messrs. Henry E. Garrett, Visiting Professor of
Educational Psychology; Mr. Robert K. Gooch, Professor of Political Science; Mr. James E. Kindred,
Professor of Anatomy; Mr. Stanislaw J. Makielski, Professor of Architecture; Mr. George M. Maverick,
Professor of Business Administration; Mr. John Ridout, Lecturer in Mathematics; Mr. Carl C. Speidel,
Professor of Anatomy; and Mr. Matthew Volm, Associate Professor of German. Mr. Garrett has been a
member of the faculty since September 1956; Mr. Gooch has been a member of the faculty since September
1924; Mr. Kindred has been a member of the faculty since September 1923; Mr. Makielski has been
a member of the faculty since September 1920; Mr. Maverick has been a member of the faculty since
September 1955; Mr. Ridout has been a member of the faculty since September 1958; Mr. Speidel has
been a member of the faculty since September 1920; and Mr. Volm has been a member of the faculty since
September 1929.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following faculty members be and they are hereby elected Professors Emeriti:

Mr. Robert K. Gooch, Professor of Political Science, who retires in June 1964, and has been on
the staff of the University since September 1924.

Mr. James E. Kindred, Professor of Anatomy, who retires in June 1964, and has been on the staff
of the University since September 1923.

Mr. Stanislaw J. Makielski, Professor of Architecture, who retires in June 1964, and has been
on the staff of the University since September 1920.

Mr. Carl C. Speidel, Professor of Anatomy, who retires in June 1964, and has been on the staff
of the University since September 1920.



The following resignations were announced:

Colonel Sam H. Barrow, Professor of Military Science, effective 1 June 1964, to be transferred
for duty in Korea.

Dr. Claude C. Coleman, Jr., Associate Professor of Surgery, effective 31 August 1964, to enter
private practice.

Dr. George Cooper, Jr., Professor of Radiology, effective 30 September 1964, to accept a
position as Chairman of the Department of Radiology at the University of Tennessee School of

Mr. Robert T. Dennomme, Assistant Professor of French, effective 30 June 1964, to accept a
position at the University of Chicago.

Captain Joe C. Eliot, Professor of Naval Science, effective 6 June 1964, to transfer from NROTC
Unit at the University of Virginia by military orders.

Major Herbert W. James, Associate Professor of Air Science, effective 15 July 1964, because of
reassignment by official Air Force orders.

Mr. Steven A. Jervis, Assistant Professor of English, effective 30 June 1964, to accept a
position at the University of Nigeria.

Lieutenant Louis A. Lavoie, Assistant Professor of Naval Science, effective 6 June 1964, to
transfer from NROTC Unit at the University of Virginia by military orders.

Dr. Frank G. Moody, Assistant Professor of Surgery, effective 30 June 1964, because of an
unavoidable change in family circumstances.

Lieutenant Commander Raymond P. Notson, Associate Professor of Naval Science, effective 6 June
1964, to transfer from NROTC Unit at the University of Virginia by military orders.

Miss Helen B. Plummer, Associate Professor of Nursing, effective 31 July 1964, for personal

Dr. William A. Scoggin, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective 30 June
1964, to accept a position at Western Reserve University and at Metropolitan Hospital.

Major Nathan C. Sibley, Associate Professor of Military Science, effective 4 June 1964, to be
transferred for duty at the U. S. Army Language School, Monterey, California.

Mr. Bartholomeus van't Riet, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, effective 31 August 1964, to
accept a position at the Medical College of Virginia.

Mr. Daryle L. Waldron, Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology, effective
15 August 1964, to accept a position at the University of Texas.

Mr. Ronald P. Wertheim, Associate Professor of Law, effective 31 August 1964, to accept an
appointment as Deputy General Counsel of the Peace Corps.


The President announced that the effective date of the resignation of Mr. Robert E. Scholes,
Assistant Professor of English, as reported to the Board of Visitors on 18 April 1964 (Minutes,
Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 13, p. 7), should have been 30 June 1964, instead
of 31 January 1964, to accept a position at the State University of Iowa.


In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia on 14 July 1945, the following appointments were announced:

Lieutenant William S. Emmerich as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, effective 7 September
1964, at no salary from the University.

Captain George R. Higgins as Assistant Professor of Military Science, effective 15 June 1964,
at no salary from the University.

Major Rodolph L. Nunn, Jr. as Associate Professor of Air Science, effective 15 August 1964, at
no salary from the University.

Captain Robert F. Thurston as Assistant Professor of Air Science, effective 1 July 1964, at no
salary from the University.

Lieutenant Commander Victor J. Vine as Associate Professor of Naval Science, effective 7 September
1964, at no salary from the University.

Colonel Arthur H. Wilson, Jr. as Professor of Military Science, effective 20 July 1964, at no
salary from the University.

Also, the following appointments were announced:

Mr. Dietrich Bodenstein as Chairman of the Department of Biology, for five years, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Paul T. David as Chairman of the Woodrow Wilson Department of Government and Foreign
Affairs, for five years, effective 1 July 1964.


Mr. David H. Davis as Chairman of the Department of Music, for three years, effective 1 July

Mr. Gary S. Dunbar as Chairman of the Department of Geography, for four years, effective
1 July 1964.

Dr. Alto E. Feller as Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, for one year, effective 1 July

Mr. Walter L. Heilbronner as Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, for two years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Dr. Byrd S. Leavell as Acting Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine, for one year,
effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Marcus B. Mallett as Chairman of the Department of Liberal Arts, for one year, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Edward A. Mearns, Jr. as Associate Dean of the School of Law, for a term of four years,
effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Richard S. Mitchell as Acting Chairman of the Department of Geology, for one year, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Theodore R. Turner as Acting Chairman of the Department of Art, for one year, effective
1 July 1964.

Mr. Edward H. Winter as Chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, for five
years, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. David Yu as Chairman of the Department of Religion, for three years, effective 1 July 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that,
effective 1 September 1964, the charges for tuition be and they are hereby increased $25 per session
for Virginians and $75 per session for out-of-state students. The current charges for tuition and
the rates to become effective on 1 September 1964 for the several schools are as follows:

Current Charges  Charges to Become
Effective on
1 September 1964
Virginia  Out of
Virginia  Out of
Architecture  $ 340  $ 750  $ 365  $ 825 
College of Arts and Sciences,
Commerce, and Education 
290  750  315  825 
Engineering  340  750  365  825 
Nursing (Degree Program)  290  750  315  825 
Law  365  770  390  845 
Medicine  510  1,025  535  1,100 
Graduate School of Business  520  950  545  1,025 
Graduate: Arts and Sciences, Engineering,
Education and Law 
290  585  315  660 


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that,
effective 1 September 1964, the Comprehensive Fee be and it is hereby increased from $87 to $112,
the proceeds of which are to be allocated as shown below for the year beginning 1 September 1964 and
for the year beginning 1 September 1965 and thereafter:


For the Year
1 September 1964
For the Year
1 September 1965
and Thereafter
Field House and Gymnasium Fee
(pledged for amortization of
bond issue - University Hall,
starting in 1965-1966) 
$ 15 00  $ 15 00 
Library Building Fee  7 00  7 00 
Athletics  26 00  20 00 
Student Health  30 00  30 00 
University Union  14 00  14 00 
Class Affiliation  4 00  4 00 
For Faculty TIAA  9 00  15 00 
Student Activities Fee  7 00  7 00 
$112 00  $112 00 

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceeds of the Comprehensive Fee, with the exception of
those portions allocated to Student Health, Athletics, and the Library Building, shall be refunded
to the University as is presently done with the University Union Fee, Class Affiliation Fee, and
Student Activities Fee.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the general faculty salary scale as shown below be and it is
hereby approved.

Current Scale  To Become Effective
on 1 September 1964
(Interval - 2½ years)  $11,000  $11,800 
11,800  12,600 
12,600  13,400 
13,400  14,200 
14,200[1]   15,000[2]  
15,000[3]   15,800[4]  
15,800[5]   16,600[6]  
16,600[7]   17,400[8]  
Associate Professor 
(Interval - 2 years)  8,600  9,400 
9,100  9,900 
9,600  10,400 
10,100  10,900 
10,600  11,400 
11,100[10]   11,900 
Assistant Professor  7,300  8,000 
(Interval - 1½ years)  7,600  8,400 
7,900  8,800 
8,200  9,200 
8,500  9,600 
8,800  10,000[12]  
Instructor  5,700  6,200 
(Interval - 1 year)  6,000  6,500 
6,300  6,800 
6,600  7,100 
6,900  7,400 
Junior Instructor  5,200  5,700 
(Interval - 1 year)  5,400  5,900 
5,600  6,100 

Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the faculty salary scale (12 months' basis) for the Pre-Clinical
Medical Faculty as shown below be and it is hereby approved.

Current Scale  To Become Effective
on 1 September 1964
Department Head  $13,900  $15,000 
(Interval - 2½ years)  14,750  16,000 
15,600  17,000 
16,450  18,000 
17,300[13]   19,000[14]  
18,150[15]   20,000[16]  
19,000[17]   21,000[18]  
Professor  12,900  14,000 
(Interval - 2½ years)  13,750  15,000 
14,600  16,000 
15,450  17,000 
16,300[19]   18,000[20]  
17,150[21]   19,000[22]  
18,000[23]   20,000[24]  
Associate Professor  10,200  11,200 
(Interval - 2 years)  10,700  11,700 
11,200  12,200 
11,700  12,700 
12,200  13,200 
12,700[25]   13,700[26]  
Assistant Professor  8,800  9,600 
(Interval - 1½ years)  9,100  10,000 
9,400  10,400 
9,700  10,800 
10,000  11,200 
10,300  11,600 
Instructor  7,300  8,000 
(Interval - 1 year)  7,600  8,300 
7,900  8,600 
8,200  8,900 
8,500  9,200 

Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


Special approval.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the faculty salary scale for the Community Colleges and the
School of General Studies as shown below be and it is hereby approved.

Current Scale  To Become Effective
on 1 September 1964
Professor  $ 8,300  $ 8,800 
(Interval - 2 years)  8,700  9,200 
9,100  9,600 
9,500  10,000 
9,900  10,400 
10,300  10,800 
10,700  11,200 
Associate Professor  6,900  7,400 
(Interval - 2 years)  7,300  7,800 
7,700  8,200 
8,100  8,600 
8,500  9,000 
8,900  9,400 
Assistant Professor  6,200  6,600 
(Interval - 1 year)  6,500  6,900 
6,800  7,200 
7,100  7,500 
7,400  7,800 
Instructor  5,300  5,600 
(Interval - 1 year)  5,600  5,900 
5,900  6,200 
6,200  6,500 
Junior Instructor  4,500  4,800 
(Interval - 1 year)  4,800  5,100 



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the faculty salary scale for the School of Nursing as shown
below be and it is hereby approved.

Current Scale  To Become Effective
on 1 September 1964
Professor  $ 9,960  $10,400 
(Interval - 2 years)  10,440  10,900 
10,920  11,400 
11,400  11,900 
11,880  12,400 
12,360  12,900 
12,840  13,400 
Associate Professor  8,280  8,600 
(Interval - 2 years)  8,760  9,100 
9,240  9,600 
9,720  10,100 
10,200  10,600 
10,680  11,100 
Assistant Professor  7,440  7,850 
(Interval - 1 year)  7,800  8,200 
8,160  8,550 
8,520  8,900 
8,880  9,250 
Instructor  6,360  6,650 
(Interval - 1 year)  6,720  7,000 
7,080  7,350 
7,440  7,700 
Junior Instructor  5,400  5,700 
(Interval - 1 year)  5,760  6,000 


The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Blanton, submitted for the Board's consideration
the proposed 1964-1965 University Budget, copies of which had previously been mailed to each
member of the Board. Mr. Blanton reported that the Finance Committee had met with the President
and the Comptroller on 22 May 1964 for a detailed review of the proposed budget and that the
Finance Committee, at the conclusion of its meeting, had unanimously approved the budget as
recommended. Accordingly, the President proposed on behalf of the Finance Committee and the
Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the proposed 1964-1965 University Budget as recommended by the President and as approved by
the Finance Committee be and it is hereby approved.


At its meeting on 14 October 1961, the Board adopted a resolution which provided for University
regulations applying to students in the schools at Charlottesville. The President proposed
certain changes in the regulations in the form of a series of amendments and deletions. Specifically,
these proposals are designed (1) to eliminate the provision for part-time tuition and fees
in the undergraduate and professional schools, (2) to provide a different and more equitable
method for the calculations of the part-time tuition and fees in those schools offering graduate
work, namely Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering and Applied Science, and Law, (3) to take
into account the increase in the comprehensive fee which was adopted by the Board on 14 December
1963 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia, No. 12, 14 December 1963, p. 422),
(4) to reflect the proposed increase in tuition, and (5) to increase the registration fee.

The following resolutions were adopted:

1. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the section in the Board's resolution of 14 October 1961 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University
of Virginia,
No. 12, 14 October 1961, p. 293) included under the paragraph heading
entitled "Part-time Fees" be and it is hereby rescinded, and that there be inserted in lieu of
that section a new section to read as follows Non-Resident Fees - Students not in residence at
the University who wish to take an examination or receive a degree pay a $15 registration fee for
that semester and are exempt from all other fees.

2. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that in the catalogue of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, under the heading
of "Fees and Expenses," there be inserted the following section. Required Fees - In any semester,
a student who is registered for nine or more semester-hours will pay the full tuition and the
comprehensive fee, if the student is registered for less than nine semester-hours but more than
three semester-hours, he will pay tuition of $105 per semester if a Virginian, or $220 if an


out-of-state student, plus the comprehensive fee. A student registered for not more than three
semester-hours will pay tuition of $55 per semester if a Virginian, or $110 if an out-of-state
student, plus one-half of the comprehensive fee.

Any student who has paid the required fees for advancement to candidacy for the Doctor of
Philosophy degree, as set forth below, will in any subsequent semester during which he is in
residence pay tuition of $25, plus one-half of the comprehensive fee.

Any student not in residence at the University, who is preparing a dissertation under the
active supervision of a member of the faculty, or who wishes to return to receive a degree or take
an examination will pay a $15 registration fee for that semester and is exempt from all other fees.

Before a student may be advanced to candidacy for a graduate degree, he must have paid
tuition and fees as follows. For the Master of Arts (or Science) degree - full tuition and fees
for at least two semesters, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree - full tuition and fees for at
least six semesters, or the equivalent, for students who enter from another graduate school, and
who are allowed to include on their doctoral degree programs four or more session courses
completed elsewhere - full tuition and fees for at least four semesters, or the equivalent.

Any person who is undertaking any form of academic study with the University, including
supervised research, must be registered as a student and pay the prescribed fees.

3. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that in the catalogue of the School of Education, under the heading of "Fees and Expenses," there
be inserted the following section. Required Fees - All regular undergraduate students pay full
tuition and the comprehensive fee for any semester in which they are registered.

Students who are candidates for the Master's degree or for the Doctor's degree in the School
of Education are permitted to pay part-time fees as follows.

Students in residence who are registered for only three semester-hours pay tuition of $55
per semester if a Virginian, or $110 if an out-of-state student, plus one-half of the comprehensive
fee. Students who are registered for more than three semester-hours, but less than nine semester-hours,
pay a tuition fee of $105 per semester if a Virginian, or $220 if an out-of-state student,
plus the comprehensive fee. Students who are registered for nine or more semester-hours are
considered full-time students and pay full tuition and the comprehensive fee.

Before a student may be advanced to candidacy for the Master's degree in the School of
Education, full tuition and fees must have been paid for no fewer than two regular semesters,
or their equivalent, except when a part of the work is taken in the School of General Studies of
the University.

Before a student may be advanced to candidacy for the Doctor's degree in the School of
Education, full tuition and fees must have been paid for no fewer than four regular semesters, or
their equivalent. A student who has entered from another graduate school, or who has been a
candidate for the Master's degree at this University and who is allowed to include on his doctoral
degree program four or more session courses previously completed, must have paid full tuition and
fees for no fewer than two regular semesters, or their equivalent, before being advanced to
candidacy for the Doctor's degree.

Students in residence who have paid the required tuition and fees for advancement to candidacy
for the doctoral degree in the School of Education, as set forth above, will in any subsequent
semester in which they are in residence pay $25 tuition, plus one-half of the comprehensive fee.

Any student not in residence at the University who is preparing a dissertation under the
active supervision of a member of the faculty, or who wishes to return to receive a degree or take
an examination, will pay a $15 registration fee for that semester and is exempt from all other fees.

Any person who is undertaking any form of academic study with the University, including
supervised research, must be registered as a student and pay the prescribed fees.

4. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that in the catalogue of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, under the heading of
"Fees and Expenses," there be inserted the following section. Required Fees - All regular undergraduate
students pay full tuition and the full comprehensive fee for any semester in which they are

A student who is admitted as a graduate student and who is registered for nine or more semester-hours
will pay full tuition and the comprehensive fee, if the student is registered for less than
nine semester-hours but more than three semester-hours, he will pay tuition of $105 per semester
if a Virginian, or $220 if an out-of-state student, plus the comprehensive fee. A graduate student
registered for not more than three semester-hours will pay tuition of $55 per semester if a
Virginian, or $110 if an out-of-state student, plus one-half of the comprehensive fee.

Any student who has paid the required tuition and fees for advancement to candidacy for the Doctor
of Science degree, as set forth below, will, in any subsequent semester during which he is in
residence, pay $25 tuition, plus one-half of the comprehensive fee.

Any student not in residence at the University who is preparing a dissertation under the active
supervision of a member of the faculty, or who wishes to return to receive a degree or take an
examination, will pay a $15 registration fee for that semester and is exempt from all other fees.

Before a student may be advanced to candidacy for a graduate degree, he must have paid fees as
follows. For the Master's degree - full tuition and fees for at least two semesters, except when a
part of the work is taken in the School of General Studies of the University, for the Doctor of Science
degree - full tuition and fees for at least four semesters, or the equivalent, for students who enter
from another graduate school, and who are allowed to include on their doctoral degree programs four
or more session courses completed elsewhere - full tuition and fees for at least two semesters, or
the equivalent.


Any person who is undertaking any form of academic study with the University, including
supervised research, must be registered as a student and pay the prescribed fees.

5. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that in the catalogue of the School of Law, under the heading of "Fees and Expenses,"
there be inserted the following section. Required Fees - All regular candidates for the LL.B.
degree pay full tuition and the full comprehensive fee for any semester in which they are

A student who is admitted as a graduate student will be classified in each semester as full
time or part time, by the Dean of the School of Law. A student classified as full time will pay
the full graduate tuition and the full comprehensive fee, a student classified as part time will
pay tuition of $105 per semester if a Virginian, or $220 if an out-of-state student, plus the
comprehensive fee.

Any student not in residence at the University who is preparing a dissertation under the
active supervision of a member of the faculty, or who wishes to return to receive a degree or
take an examination, will pay a $15 registration fee for that semester and will be exempt from
all other fees.

Before a student may be advanced to candidacy for a graduate degree, he must have paid full
tuition and fees for at least two semesters, or the equivalent.

Any person who is undertaking any form of academic study with the University, including
supervised research, must be registered as a student and pay the prescribed fees.

6. RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the section in the Board's resolution of 14 October 1961 (Minutes, Board of Visitors,
University of Virginia,
No. 12, 14 October 1961, p. 293) included under the paragraph heading
entitled "Return of Fees" be and it is hereby revised and re-enacted as follows. Return of Fees -
A student withdrawing within five days after registration shall have his tuition and one-half of
the comprehensive fee, less $10 to cover cost of registration, refunded. If he withdraws
voluntarily after the fifth day of the semester and before the middle thereof, his tuition and
one-half of the comprehensive fee shall be refunded pro-rata. No refund of room rent shall be

If the student is required to withdraw from the University at any time during the semester,
or if he withdraws voluntarily after the middle thereof, no refund of tuition or the comprehensive
fee for that semester shall be made.


The President recommended that, in the future, he be authorized to adjust the tuition charges
for part-time students in proportion to the tuition schedule as adopted by the Board. Approval
of this proposal will make it unnecessary to require Board action in changing the individual
amounts in the several catalogues of the schools affected. The Board will continue to approve the
tuition schedule for full-time students.

Accordingly, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the President be and he is hereby authorized to prescribe the charges for tuition to be
made for part-time students, these charges to be in proportion to the tuition schedule for
full-time students as approved by the Board.


The President presented a revised Statement of Institutional Purpose incorporating the suggestions
made at the Board meeting on 18 April 1964 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 13, 18 April 1964, p. 8). The Statement was submitted to and approved by the University
Senate on 29 May 1964.

After amending the Statement by substituting the words "Commonwealth of Virginia" or "Commonwealth"
for the word "state" when it appeared in the Statement, the Board adopted the following

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following Statement of Institutional Purpose be and it is hereby approved.

A university is a community of scholars having as its central purpose the enrichment of the
human mind by stimulating and sustaining a spirit of free inquiry directed to an understanding
of the nature of the universe and man's role in it. This central purpose is served by activities

  • (a) To quicken, discipline and enlarge the intellectual capacities of the members of the
    university, and

  • (b) To record, preserve and disseminate the results of intellectual inquiry.

The University of Virginia, committed to this central purpose, seeks to achieve its aims
through the pursuit of the following specific goals:

  • 1. To make a living reality in the consciousness and the daily lives of the students and
    faculty the special historic commitment of this University to the character of its members,
    symbolized in the invitation carved upon its portals to "Enter by this gateway and seek the way
    of honor, the light of truth, the will to work for men."


  • 2. To give to able undergraduates the highest quality instruction leading to baccalaureate
    degrees in the arts and in the sciences, not merely by transmitting established skills and knowledge,
    but by developing their ability to think, to respond to ideas, and to test hypotheses and interpret
    human experience anew.

  • 3. To train young men and women for the professions in

    • (a) Undergraduate schools and programs leading to degrees in Architecture, City Planning,
      Commerce, Education, Engineering and Applied Science, and Nursing, and

    • (b) Graduate schools and graduate professional programs leading to advanced degrees in
      Arts and Sciences, Architecture and Planning, Business Administration, Education,
      Engineering and Applied Science, Law, and Medicine.

  • 4. To perform graduate instruction, study, and research directed to the advancement of
    knowledge, and to make discoveries on the frontiers of knowledge available to students, scholars,
    and the general public through all appropriate means.

  • 5. To offer various kinds of public service to the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation
    through specialized knowledge and research as may be provided by the various special divisions and
    institutes of the University.

  • 6. To provide programs of continuing education.

  • 7. To co-operate with and assist other colleges and educational institutions, especially in
    the Commonwealth of Virginia, through the experience, counsel, and facilities of the University,
    to make the greatest possible contribution to education in the Commonwealth, and beyond its borders.

  • 8. To establish appropriate new programs, schools, and degrees, and to undertake such advanced
    and special research as the educational requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation
    may indicate.

  • 9. To serve as the intellectual and cultural center of the Commonwealth of Virginia, especially
    through special programs, lectures, drama, music, and library services.


The President reported that he had received a recommendation for the official naming of
certain University roads on the Grounds at Charlottesville. The proposal was considered by and
received the approval of the Buildings and Grounds Committee at its meeting on 17 April 1964.

Accordingly, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the University roads as described in the following listing shall be named as noted:

  • Hancock Drive - off McCormick Road northeast to Hancock House.

  • Bonnycastle Drive - off McCormick Road northeast to Bonnycastle House.

  • Whitehead Road - off McCormick Road southwest between Whitehead and Hough homes.

  • Cabell Drive - off McCormick Road south, running between JAG School and Clark Hall to parking
    lot northwest of Cabell Hall and behind Amphitheatre.

  • Newcomb Road - off McCormick Road northeast by Monroe Hill houses, Newcomb Hall, Alderman
    Library, to University Avenue.

  • McGuffey Drive - off McCormick Road southeast between Garrett Hall and the south end of West
    Range to Pavilion IX.

  • Colonnade Alley - off McCormick Road southeast to the Colonnade Club.

  • Patterson Alley - off McCormick Road southeast by Jefferson Hall to West Lawn.

  • Poe Alley - off McCormick Road southeast nearest 13 West Range to West Lawn.

  • McCormick Road - two entrances from University Avenue between the Chapel and Alderman Library,
    leading without branching to McCormick Observatory.

  • Hospital Drive - entering at Senff Gate by the School of Medicine, passing back of Medical
    Center to Cobb Chemical Laboratory.

  • Rouss Drive - off Jefferson Park Avenue northwest to East Lawn above Randall House.

  • East Lawn Drive - off Hospital Drive by East Range and Washington Hall to the Cracker Box.

  • Rotunda Alley - off East Lawn Drive to East Lawn.

  • Green Alley - off East Lawn Drive northwest to West Lawn between Pavilions IV and VI.

  • Key Alley - off East Lawn Drive northwest to President's Office.

  • Lile Alley - off East Lawn Drive northwest to Pavilion X.

  • Bayly Drive - off Rugby Road northwest to rear of Bayly Building.

  • Massie Road - off Emmet Street northwest into University Hall area.


  • Copeley Road - off Emmet Street northwest by married student housing area and then south to
    Alderman Road (when overpass is constructed).

  • Seymour Road - off Copeley Road northeast through married student housing area.

  • Carr's Hill Road - off Rugby Road at C & O Bridge to University Avenue.


The President announced the consolidation, effective 1 July 1964, of the Department of
Political Science and the Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs under the title of Woodrow
Wilson Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 July 1964, the name of the Bureau of Public Administration be and it is hereby
changed to Institute of Government.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts Schedules 1207, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1219, and 1220, aggregating
$167,525 03, as recommended by it, consisting of the following:

Bad debts, etc.  $ 44,054 35 
Free service to counties and cities  75,804 88 
Accounts dropped by Charlottesville 
Bureau of Credits for period prior to 1948  47,665 80 
Total  $167,525 03 


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the University hereby makes a special contribution of $5,000 to the Alumni Association, from
funds derived from the Atlantic Coast Conference and from radio broadcasts of University athletic
events this special contribution to aid the Alumni Association in covering the cost of printing
and distributing the Alumni News, and to assist the Association with general printing and with
repairs to Alumni Hall. This special contribution for the current fiscal year only is in
addition to the regular annual contribution not to exceed $15,000 from the same sources of funds
as authorized by the Board on 8 December 1962 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 12, 8 December 1962, pp. 376-377).


The President presented the report of the Student Activities Committee for the 1963-1964


The President stated that the University Senate at its meeting on 29 May 1964, had given
its approval to the following new degrees. Master of Applied Mathematics/Computer Science and
Doctor of Science (Applied Mathematics/Computer Science). The President reported his approval
of these degrees and the Board authorized the University to award these degrees by adopting the
following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that we hereby authorize the University to award the following degrees. Master of Applied
Mathematics/Computer Science and Doctor of Science (Applied Mathematics/Computer Science).


The President reminded the Board of its approval, on 1 June 1962, (Minutes, Board of Visitors,
University of Virginia,
No. 12, 1 June 1962, pp. 333-334) of a Joint Agreement between the College
of William and Mary in Virginia the University of Virginia, and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
dated 1 July 1962, providing for the establishment of the Virginia Associated Research
Center to operate and manage a space radiation effects laboratory to be constructed by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Joint Agreement, in Section X, provides that
the Agreement "may be changed or amended at any time or from time to time by and with the consent
in writing of the governing bodies or duly authorized committees thereof of the three institutions,
parties hereto, but not otherwise." One of the stipulations of that Agreement was that
the Director of VARC "must be a ranking scientist as well as a capable administrator." The
Governing Committee, composed of the Presidents of the three institutions, now desires to change
the requirements for the position of Director of VARC to provide that he be a capable administrator.


Accordingly, the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 604, Acts of Assembly 1962, the governing
bodies of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, University of Virginia, and Virginia
Polytechnic Institute approved as of July 1, 1962 a Joint Agreement for the operation and
management of a space radiation effects laboratory to be constructed by the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration in the area of Hampton Roads, Virginia, and

WHEREAS, this Joint Agreement constituted the basic operational plan for the Virginia
Associated Research Center, which has functioned accordingly since July 1, 1962, and

WHEREAS, this Joint Agreement provided that the Director to be appointed "must be a ranking
scientist as well as a capable administrator," and

WHEREAS, the Governing Committee, consisting of the Presidents of the three institutions,
has found through experience since July 1, 1962 that it would be to the best interests of the
Virginia Associated Research Center to employ a capable administrator to the position of Director
of the Center and to make such an appointment at the earliest possible date, and

WHEREAS, the Governing Committee did on May 26, 1964 resolve this finding and recommend the
necessary amendment to the Joint Agreement in specific reference to the qualifications of the

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia approve a modification in the qualifications of Director of the Virginia
Associated Research Center, presently set forth in the Joint Agreement as "he must be a ranking
scientist as well as a capable administrator," to read and specify as "he must be a capable


The President reported that on 3 June 1964 The University Press of Virginia became a full
member in good standing of The Association of American University Presses. There are 65 members
of the Association.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized, as recommended by it, to charge off
the following uncollectible student accounts. Schedule 19, student loan fund notes, $4,903 52,
Schedule 20, student accounts, $365 48, Schedule 21, student account in the School of General
Studies, $24 00, and Schedule 22, post-graduate medical course, $160 00.


The President presented a report on a proposed change in the plan of organization of the
administrative and financial affairs of the University which he had previously submitted to and
discussed with the Buildings and Grounds Committee. At the conclusion of the discussion the
President stated that he will review the proposed plan further in the light of the points which
had been raised.


The President presented a plan for the construction by the University of a building on the
Grounds to house the headquarters staff of the National Radio Astronomy Laboratory which is
being operated by Associated Universities, Inc. He stated that the Finance Committee had
approved on 4 June 1964 a plan by which the cost of the building, estimated at not to exceed
$750,000, would be amortized in five years after which the title to the building would vest in
the University. In addition, the building would be leased to Associated Universities, Inc. for
an additional 15 years with payments to be made to the University for the costs of maintenance.

After discussion the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Associated
Universities, Inc. for the construction of a building by the University from current funds to
house the headquarters staff of the National Radio Astronomy Laboratory at a cost not to exceed
$750,000, the costs to be amortized in 5 years at an interest rate of 4½ per cent, and

RESOLVED FURTHER that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an
agreement with Associated Universities, Inc. for the occupancy of the building for an additional
15 years on the payment of the costs of maintenance.


The President reported that Mr. William Hildreth had proposed to give the University 2 63
acres of land if the University in turn would purchase another 3 7 acres for $6,105. This land
will be cut off from a main body of land by the construction of the by-pass between U. S. 250
West and U. S. 29 South. The proposal received the approval of the Finance Committee and the
Buildings and Grounds Committee at their meetings on the preceding day, 4 June 1964.

The following resolution was adopted:


RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to purchase 3 7 acres of the Hildreth
property at a price not to exceed $6,105 and to receive an additional 2 63 acres as a gift
to the University.


The President reported that Mr. Henderson Heyward had proposed to give the University
4 1/3 acres of land if the University in turn would purchase another 9 acres for $11,250. This
land, as in the case of the Hildreth property, will be cut off from a main body of land by the
construction of the by-pass between U. S. 250 West and U. S. 29 South. The proposal received
the approval of the Finance Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee at their meetings
on the preceding day, 4 June 1964.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to purchase 9 acres from Mr. Henderson
Heyward at a price not to exceed $11,250 and to receive an additional gift of 4 1/3 acres as a
gift to the University.


The President reported on a proposal to sell to the University the Goodwin property located
on Sprigg Lane adjacent to Mary Munford Hall and Morea. He was hopeful that the property could
be purchased at the assessed fair market value for tax purposes, $25,200, although a private
appraisal had set the value at $36,000. The proposal to purchase at a price not to exceed
$36,000 had received the approval of the Finance Committee and the Buildings and Grounds
Committee at their meetings on the preceding day, 4 June 1964, with the understanding that the
President would determine whether it was more advantageous for the property to be purchased by
the University or by the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the President and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to provide for the purchase
of the Goodwin property on Sprigg Lane, either by the University or by the Alumni Board of
Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund as the President may determine, at a price
not to exceed $36,000.


The President reported that the 1964 General Assembly had established the Board of Regents
of the James Monroe Law Office - Museum and Memorial Library, seven of the members of which are
to be appointed by the Governor on the nomination of the Rector and Visitors of the University.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the President be and he is hereby authorized to nominate to the Governor the names of seven
persons to be appointed to the Board of Regents of the James Monroe Law Office - Museum and
Memorial Library from among those persons mentioned at this meeting and that the Secretary be
and he is hereby directed to include the names of these persons immediately following this
resolution as recorded in the Permanent Minute Book of the Board:

[The names of seven persons the President ultimately nominated and sent to the Governor
on 19 June 1964 are as follows: (1) Mr. C. Waller Barrett, (2) Mrs. FitzGerald Bemiss,
(3) Mr. James W. Cole, Jr., (4) Mr. Gordon W. Jones, (5) Mr. David J. Mays, (6) Mrs. Harold H.
Purcell, and (7) Major General William F. Tompkins.]


The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS we have heard with sorrow of the death of our former colleague and fellow Visitor,
Norborne Berkeley, on 26 May 1964,

WHEREAS in 1955 when the decision was made to add out-of-state members to the Board of
Visitors, "Bunny" Berkeley was one of the three first chosen for this honor from among the
out-of-state alumni,

WHEREAS from 1955 until his retirement from the Board in 1963, he threw himself into the
work of the Visitors with characteristic vigor and unstinting devotion, acting always for the
best interests of his beloved University, and making outstanding contributions, most notably
as a member of the Executive Committee and, in 1958-1959, as a member of the Committee on the
Nomination of a President,

WHEREAS his passing throws a dark shadow across our Annual Meeting because we were devoted
to him and indebted to him as a good friend and a wise counselor, and

WHEREAS his great spirit and unfailing good humor made life much happier for all who knew

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
we record in the minutes of the Board our deep sense of corporate and personal loss in the
death of Norborne Berkeley, and direct the Secretary to send copies of this resolution and convey
our profound sympathy to his son, his daughter, his sister, and his brother.




The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Miss Elizabeth A. Clark as Assistant Professor of Religion, for three years, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,100.

Miss Linda J. Morrison as Instructor in Psychology, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $5,600.

Miss Cecille J. Pelovitz as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
(Dance), for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $5,600.

Miss Janet Sloane as Instructor in Art, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a
session salary of $5,600.

Mr. William H. Williams as Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, for three
years, effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,800.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and she is hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Mary W. Pinschmidt as Instructor in Biology, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the re-elections on 18 April 1964 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University of Virginia,
No. 13, 18 April 1964, p. 10), of the following persons to the faculty be and they are hereby

Miss Anna Marie Athanason as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation at
Mary Washington College, for one year, effective 1 September 1964, due to personal circumstances
beyond her control.

Mrs. Cartha B. Bragg as Instructor in Art, half time, for one year, effective 1 September
1964. This cancellation is being requested because Mrs. Bragg's husband is being transferred
from Fredericksburg to Richmond.

Mr. Gilbert De Simone as Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French), for one year,
effective 1 September 1964. Mr. De Simone has resigned to accept another position.


After a presentation of the background history of the Home Economics major at Mary Washington
College, the Chancellor reported on the action of the Mary Washington College faculty at its
meeting on 14 April 1964, "that by June 1968, the major in Home Economics at Mary Washington
College be terminated and courses in the Department of Home Economics be offered for elective
credit only." The faculty passed the motion by a vote of 77 to 60 with one abstention. The action
of the faculty does not change the limitation of degree credits in vocational subjects to 12 hours
as established by the Board's resolution of 11 June 1948 (Minutes, Board of Visitors, University
of Virginia,
No. 11, 11 June 1948, pp. 60-61).

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to discontinue conferring the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics after June 1968, and that, after September 1964, no
student will be permitted to enroll in courses directed towards a degree in Home Economics, except
that the degree may be awarded (1) when the requirements have been met after June 1968 on a
program begun prior to 30 September 1964, and (2) when in the discretion of the Chancellor an
exception should be made.


The Chancellor reported that an increase in student fees will be necessary in order (1) to
provide one-half of the cost of an increase in faculty salaries (the other half to be provided
by the Governor from a special appropriation) to reach the national average for comparable
institutions of higher learning, and (2) to finance the cost of eight new faculty positions and
one half-time faculty position. The proposal is to increase the College general fee by $35 00
and the tuition for out-of-state students by $75 00.


The current and proposed student fees are as follows.

Virginia Out-of-State
To Become Effective
1 September 1964
Virginia Out-of-State
Students Living in
Residence Halls 
Tuition  $ None  $ 425  $ None  $ 500 
General college fees  435  435  470  470 
Student activity fee  21  21  21  21 
Residential fee  226  226  226  226 
Board  333  333  333  333 
Total  $1,015  $1,440  $1,050  $1,550 
Students Not Living in
Residence Halls 
Tuition  $ None  $ 425  $ None  $ 500 
General college fees  435  435  470  470 
Student activity fee  21  21  21  21 
Total  $ 456  $ 881  $ 491  $ 991 

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to increase the general college
fees by $35 00, and out-of-state tuition by $75 00, effective 1 September 1964, for the purpose
of increasing faculty salaries in accordance with the plan proposed by the Governor, one-half
to be financed by the College and one-half by the Governor, and to establish additional new


The proposed plan submitted by the Governor to increase faculty salaries to the national
average paid in comparable colleges will necessitate some adjustments in the present faculty
salary scale. Listed below is the current faculty scale and the proposed scale to become
effective on 1 September 1964.

Faculty Salary Scale 1963-1964

Step  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
Professor  8,300  8,700  9,100  9,500  9,900  10,300  10,700 
Associate Professor  6,900  7,300  7,700  8,100  8,500  8,900 
Assistant Professor  6,200  6,500  6,800  7,100  7,400 
Instructor  5,300  5,600  5,900  6,200 
Rank  Increment  Interval 
Professors and Associate Professors  $400  2 years 
Assistant Professors and Instructors  300  1 year 

Proposed Faculty Salary Scale to Become
Effective on 1 September 1964

Step  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
Professor  8,900  9,300  9,700  10,100  10,500  10,900  11,300  11,700[28]  
Associate Professor  7,400  7,800  8,200  8,600  9,000  9,400  9,800[29]  
Assistant Professor  6,600  6,900  7,200  7,500  7,800  8,100[30]  
Instructor  5,700  6,000  6,300  6,600  6,900[31]  
Rank  Increment  Interval 
Professors and Associate Professors  $400  2 years 
Assistant Professors and Instructors  300  1 year 

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to adopt the faculty salary scale
listed above, effective 1 September 1964.


The steps marked with asterisks require special approval.


The steps marked with asterisks require special approval.


The steps marked with asterisks require special approval.


The steps marked with asterisks require special approval.



The Chancellor recommended the approval of the annual budget as submitted to and approved
by the Finance Committee and the Mary Washington College Committee on 4 June 1964 and the
following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the proposed 1964-1965 Mary Washington College budget, which has previously been
approved by the Finance Committee and the Mary Washington College Committee on 4 June 1964,
be and it is hereby approved.


The Chancellor recommended that the new dormitory for which construction bids were
received on 2 June 1964, be named in memory of Edward Hutson Russell, the first President
of the College, and the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the new dormitory at Mary Washington College be named Edward Hutson Russell
Hall in honor of the first President of the College.


The Chancellor reported on the current status of admissions for the academic year 1964-1965.



The President announced the retirement of Mr. Theodore W. Gibson, Professor of Mathematics
Mr. Gibson has been a member of the faculty since September 1954.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty member be and he is hereby elected Professor Emeritus:

Mr. Theodore W. Gibson, Professor of Mathematics, who retires in June 1964, and has been
on the staff of Clinch Valley College since September 1954.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Miss Fanny-Fern Davis as Associate Professor of Biology, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Hyman I Feinstein as Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Nathan S. Popkin as Lecturer in Political Science, one-fourth time, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,800.

Mr. Gunther H. Ruff as Lecturer in Economics, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $2,050.

Mr. Harry C. Stutts as Lecturer in Mathematics, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,725.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotions be and they are hereby made:

Mrs. Blossom D. Golinkin, Lecturer, to Assistant Professor of Spanish, for three years,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,500.

Mrs. Helen L. Sehrt, Lecturer, to Assistant Professor of German, for three years,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,500.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following faculty member be and she is hereby granted leave of absence:

Mrs. Yveline K. Bretschneider, Assistant Professor of French, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, without pay, to work on her doctorate in French at Middlebury College.


The President announced the following appointment:

Mr. Patrick J. Larkin as Librarian, effective 17 June 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the charges for tuition per semester-hour at George Mason
College as shown below be and they are hereby approved.

Current Charges  Charges to Become
Effective on
1 September 1964
Virginia  Out of
Virginia  Out of
Tuition Credit
Courses per
$10 50  $30 00  $14 00  $35 00 



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Ruby D. Mitchell as Instructor in Spanish, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.

Mr. David T. Morgan, Jr. as Instructor in History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following promotion be and it is hereby made:

Mr. Sherman S. Dutton, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of General Studies
(Science), for three years, effective 1 July 1964, at a session salary of $8,600 plus 20 per
cent for summer work and $1,180 for administrative duties, or a total salary of $11,500.


The President announced the following appointment:

Mr. Sherman S. Dutton as Director, for three years, effective 1 July 1964.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 September 1964, the charges for tuition per semester-hour at Patrick Henry
College as shown below be and they are hereby approved.

Current Charges  Charges to Become
Effective on
1 September 1964
Virginia  Out of
Virginia  Out of
Tuition Credit
Courses per
$13 00  $13 00  $14 00  $35 00 




The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Nelle D. Nock as Instructor in Mathematics, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.

Mr. Donald L. Simmons as Instructor in Biology, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.

Mrs. Ruth O. Simmons as Instructor in Biology (Nursing Program), for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,200.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and he is hereby elected to the faculty:

Mr. Frank E. Flora as Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $7,800.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and she is hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Betty L. Moore as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1964.



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Miss Renee C. Donelson as Instructor in Spanish, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,550.

Mr. Joseph R. Earnest as Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective 1 July
1964, at a session salary of $7,400 plus 20 per cent for summer work, or a total salary of

Miss Ruth P. Lehmann as Instructor in English, one-fourth time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $1,550.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, effective 1 July 1964, the charges for tuition per semester-hour in the School of General
Studies as shown below be and they are hereby approved:

Charges to Become
Effective on
1 July 1964
Undergraduate College,
Architecture, Commerce,
Education, Nursing,
Terminal, and Certificate 
$13.00  $14.00 
Graduate Education  14.00  15.00 
Engineering: Undergraduate  14.00  15.00 
Graduate  17.00  18.00 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


On motion the meeting was then adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Charles R. Fenwick
