University of Virginia Library




At a special meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University,
called by George Loyall, Chapman Johnson and Joseph C. Cabell while
attending the late session of the legislature, and held at the University
Mar. 4. 1825.

Present Thomas Jefferson Rector, James Madison, George Loyall
John H. Cocke, and Joseph C. Cabell.

Resolved that in consideration of the delay which attended the
opening of the University beyond the day on which it had been announced,
the uncertainty which this might occasion in the minds of many at what
time it might be opened, and the temporary engagements which in consequence
thereof they might enter into elsewhere, Notice shall be given
that, for the present year, students will be recieved at the University
at any time of the year when they may become disengaged, on payment of
so much only of the usual charges as shall be proportioned to the time
unexpired at the date of their reception.



A blank having been left in one of the regulations of the 4th. of
October last respecting the price of board in boarding houses not
within the precincts of the University, resolved that it be filled with
the sum of 120. Dollars.

On a revision of the rule of Oct. 4. last respecting testimony required
from Students it was proposed to amend the same by striking out
the words `if unwilling to give it, let the moral obligation be explained
and urged, under which every one is bound to bear witness where wrong has
been done, but finally let it' and to insert instead thereof the words
`and the obligation to give it shall' which being agreed to, the rule as
amended now stands in these words, `When testimony is required from a
Student, it shall be voluntary, and not on oath, and the obligation to
give it shall be left to his own sense of right.'

A Resolution was moved and agreed to in the following words.

Whereas it is the duty of this board to the government under which
it lives, and especially to that of which this University is the immediate
creation, to pay especial attention to the principles of government
which shall be inculcated therein, and to provide that none shall
be inculcated which


are incompatible with those on which the Constitutions
of this state, and of the US. were genuinely based, in the common
opinion: and for this purpose it may be necessary to point out specifically
where these principles are to be found legitimately developed.

Resolved that it is the opinion of this board that as to the general
principles of liberty and the rights of man in nature and in society, the
doctrines of Locke, in his `Essay concerning the true original extent and
end of civil government', and of Sidney in his `Discourses on government',
may be considered as those generally approved by our fellow-citizens of
this, and of the US. and that on the distinctive principles of the government



of our own state, and of that of the US. the best guides are
to be found in 1. the Declaration of Independance, as the fundamental
act of union of these states. 2. the book known by the title of `The
Federalist', being an authority to which appeal is habitually made by
all, and rarely declined or denied by any as evidence of the general
opinion of those who framed, and of those who accepted the Constitution
of the US. on questions as to it's genuine meaning. 3. the Resolutions
of the General assembly of Virginia in 1799. on the subject of the Alien
and Sedition laws, which appeared to accord with the predominant sense
of the people of the US. 4. the Valedictory address of President
Washington, as conveying political lessons of peculiar value. and that
in the branch of the school of Law, which is to treat on the subject of
Civil polity, these shall be used as the text and documents of the

Resolved that George Tucker esquire of Lynchburg be appointed Professor
of the school of Moral philosophy.

Resolved that Doctr. John Patton Emmet of New York be appointed
Professor of the school of Natural history.

Resolved that whensoever the 50,000.D. which the legislature has
authorised this board to recieve from the General government for the
purchase of a library & apparatus shall be placed at the command of
the board, the sum of 6000.D. advanced by the fund for building and
other general purposes towards the purchase of books and apparatus,


be charged to the Library fund and replaced to the credit of
that for building and other general purposes.

Resolved that on reciept of the sd 50.M.D. and consequent replenishment
of the building fund an Anatomical theatre be built, as



nearly as may be on the plan now exhibited to the board.

The board adjourned to tomorrow.

March 5. the board met according to adjournment, present the same
members as yesterday.

Resolved that on payment of the sd sum of 50.M.D. by the General
government a sum not exceeding 6000.D. thereof be advanced on loan to
the building fund of the University for the purpose of finishing the
interior of the library room.

For the use and care of the library the board now establishes the
following regulations.

The Professors of the University shall at all times have free use
of the books of the library, in confidence that they will not keep them
out longer than while in actual and active use, and leaving with the
Librarian a note of the books borrowed.

Books may be lent to the Students of the university, by the Librarian,
and by no other person, on a written Permit from a Professor
whom such Student attends, specifying the day beyond which they shall
not be retained. but it is meant that the books lent are for reading
only, and not for the ordinary purpose of getting lessons in them as

No Student shall carry any book borrowed from the Library, out
of the precincts of the University; nor shall any Student be permitted
to have more than three volumes in his possession at any time.

If a Student shall not return a borrowed book on or before the
day limited in his Permit, he shall recieve no other until it be returned;
and he shall pay moreover for every week's detention, beyond
the limitation, 10. cents for a 12mo. or book of smaller size, 20. cents



for an 8vo. 30. cents for a 4to. and 40. cents for a folio.

Not every book in the Library shall be free to be lent to Students,
but such only as shall not be expressly prohibited by the Faculty
on account of their rarity, value or liableness to injury.


No Student shall ever be in the Library but in presence of the
Librarian, or of some Professor whom he attends, nor shall be allowed
to take any book from the shelves, nor remain in the room to read or
consult any book, but during such presence.

If any Student deface, injure, or lose any book of the library,
he shall pay the value of the book if defaced, double value if injured,
and threefold, if lost; and shall be suspended from the privilege
of borrowing during such term as the Faculty shall adjudge.

On some one day of every week, during term, and during one hour
of that day, (such day and hour to be fixed on by the Faculty) the
Librarian shall attend in the Library, to recieve books returned, and
to lend such others as shall be applied fortaccording to rule. and
at some one hour of every day (to be also fixed by the Faculty) the
Librarian shall attend, if requested by any Professor, to lend to such
Professor such book or books as he may require, & to recieve any he
may have to return.

The Librarian shall make an entry of every book lent, and cancel
the same when returned, so that it may always be known in what hands
every book is.

Strangers whom the Librarian may be willing to attend, may visit
the library; but, to prevent derangement of the books, they are to take
no book from the shelf, but in his presence. they may also be permitted
to consult any book, to read in it, make notes or quotations



from it, at the table, under such accomodations and arrangements as
the Librarian shall prescribe, on his own responsibility.

Resolved that the salary of the Librarian be raised to the sum
of 150. Dollars.

Resolved that when the monies, expected as before mentioned from
the General government, shall be paid, the board consider it advisable
to employ mr Hilliard of the firm of Cummings, Hilliard and co. of
Boston to purchase the library of the University, according to the
Catalogue which has been made.

Resolved that the Professorship of the school of Law be proposed
to Chancellor Henry St. George Tucker; and in the event of his refusal,
then to judge Philip P. Barbour; and if he should also refuse, that
then the Rector be authorised to call the


Board for the purpose of
further proceeding towards making the appointment.

Resolved that the Professor of medecine be permitted to practice
physick within the precincts of the University.

Resolved that the loan of 5000.D. which has been negociated by
the Bursar of the University with the Farmer's bank of Virginia, and
the terms on which the same has been negociated, be confirmed by the
board of Visitors, and the funds of the University are hereby pledged
for the reimbursement of the said loan.

A letter having been addressed to the board of Visitors by mr
Bonnycastle Professor of Natural philosophy, representing that from
the communications with the Agent of the Board, on the subject of
his appointment, he concieved himself entitled to expect that a bond
of his to the British government to the amount of £500. would be advanced:
Resolved that the Rector be requested to obtain from mr


Gilmer his view of the understanding which took place on the occasion;
and if it should appear to the Rector, from the circumstances of the
case, that the interest and credit of the University would justify and
require the advance, in that event it shall be made from the funds of
the institution.

Resolved that John H. Cocke, and Jos. C. Cabell be appointed a
Committee to settle the accounts of the Proctor and the Bursar of the

And then the Board adjourned without day.