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October 5-6, 2000

The Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia met, in Open Session, at 10:10 a.m., Thursday, October 5, 2000, in the Board Room of the Rotunda; John P. Ackerly, III, Rector, presided. Charles M. Caravati, Jr., M.D., William G. Crutchfield, Jr., Charles L. Glazer, William H. Goodwin, Jr., T. Keister Greer, Gordon F. Rainey, Jr., Timothy B. Robertson, Terence P. Ross, Ms. Elizabeth A. Twohy, Walter F. Walker, James C. Wheat, III, Joseph E. Wolfe, and Stephen S. Phelan, Jr., were present.

Present as well were> John T. Casteen, III, Leonard W. Sandridge, Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr., Paul J. Forch, Robert W. Cantrell, M.D., Ms. Colette Sheehy, Ernest H. Ern, Robert D. Sweeney, Robert E. Reynolds, M.D., Gene D. Block, L. Jay Lemons, and Ms. Jeanne Flippo Bailes.

The Rector asked for approval of the Minutes of the Board meetings of June 16 and 17, July 14 and 15, and October 2; on motion, approval was given.

The Rector informed the Board of the annual requirement of the Atlantic Coast Conference that he certify that the Board understands that "responsibility for the administration of the athletics program has been delegated to" the President; that the President "has the mandate and support of the Board to operate a program of integrity in full compliance with NCAA, ACC and all other relevant rules and regulations;" and the President, "in consultation with the Faculty Representative and the Director of Athletics, determines how the institutional vote shall be cast on issues of athletic policy presented to the NCAA and the ACC." He advised the Board that he was signing the certification that day.

After discussion, the dates of the June 2001, meeting of the Board were changed from June 8th and 9th to June 15th and 16th.

The Rector asked the President to give his customary report. For the first item of his report, the President deferred to Mr. Sandridge, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Sandridge announced that the University's bond rating by Moody's has just been raised to AAA.

The President resumed his report with comments on recent national rankings of the University. He noted that for the first time since the State budget cuts of the early '90's, the University stands among the top twenty institutions in the country in the U.S. News and World Report ratings.

The President announced that in response to an initiative by the Student Council and its President, Mr. Bilby, it has been arranged to open the Clemons Library 24 hours a day. After reporting on the searches in progress (Chancellor of The University of Virginia's College at Wise, Vice President and Provost, Dean of the School of Law, etc.), the President reported on gifts made to the University between May 1, 2000, and July 31, 2000. Gifts and grants for the fiscal year which ended June 30, 2000, amounted to $195.3 million, an increase of $63.1 million over the previous fiscal year. He mentioned a number of individual gifts of interest.

The meeting of the full Board was recessed at 10:35 a.m., for a meeting of the Finance Committee.

The full Board resumed its meeting at 12:05 p.m., with Mrs. Elsie Goodwyn Holland and Mr. Benjamin P.A. Warthen present in addition to the Members listed above.

The Board approved the following motions to enable it to meet in Executive Session in accordance with the terms of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act:

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to be advised by General Counsel on pending litigation filed against the University and accompanying litigation risks, as well as to be similarly advised on any threatened litigation or other legal matter that may develop in the course of the Board's discussions requiring his legal advice and counsel, including his legal advice with respect to student disciplinary procedures, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (7) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to review the performance and present and future assignments of senior University administrators, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A)(1) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to discuss with General Counsel and consider acquisition of and investment in certain buildings and real property located in Charlottesville, where if made public initially the University's bargaining position and financial interests would be adversely implicated, as authorized by Section 2.1-344 (A) 3,6, and 7, of the Code of Virginia.

That the Educational Policy Committee of the Board of Visitors go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters pertaining to the appointment, assignment, reappointment, promotion, performance, compensation, discipline, separation and resignation of specific faculty members of the University of Virginia, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (1) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Audit Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to discuss and consider with General Counsel the recommendations and reports of the University Auditor and Compliance Officer with respect to the Auditor's recently completed performance evaluations of University departments and programs, where personnel performance of identifiable employees and proprietary business data of the Medical Center will be included, as well as requiring an assessment of potential liability, as provided for in Section 2.1-344 (A) (1) (7), (8) and (23) of the Code of Virginia.

That the Health Affairs Committee of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia go into Executive Session to discuss the performance and appointment of specific public officers, appointees and employees of the University of Virginia Medical Center; to discuss and be advised on negotiations regarding the Medical Center's provider service contracts and reimbursement for clinical services, and on amending and implementing its Clinical Information Systems Contract. The discussion of these matters will involve proprietary business-related data of the Medical Center and its strategic computer systems information and, if made public initially, the competitive position and financial interests of the Medical Center would be adversely implicated. These items are provided for in Section 2.1-344(A)(1), (7), (8) and (23) of the Code of Virginia.

The Board went into Executive Session at 12:10 p.m., recessed for lunch at 1:00 p.m., resumed at 1:45 p.m., and recessed once again at 4:05 p.m.

The full Board resumed its meeting, in Open Session, at 4:10 p.m., in the Dome Room of the Rotunda. The Rector, Ms. Twohy and Messrs. Glazer, Crutchfield, Caravati, Greer, Rainey, Robertson, Wheat, and Wolfe were present.