University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia was held on this
date at 10 o'clock in the Office of the President of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, with the following present: The Rector, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.; President Colgate W.
Darden, Jr., of the University of Virginia; Dr. M. L. Combs, President of Mary Washington College;
Visitors Garnett, Anderson, Calcott, Wailes, Willis, Black, Gay, Trout, Mears, Miller; absent: Bustard,
Carrington, Barksdale.

The minutes of the meeting of June 13, which had been copied and mailed to the members, were approved.

Upon recommendation of the President, the following elections, change in title, and promotions were


Dr. Louis Otto Quam as Associate Professor of Geography at a session salary of $4,400.00,
effective September 16, 1947.

Dr. Walter O. Klingman as Associate Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at a session salary
of $5,000 from the University, income from the Whitney Stone gift to be used for this purpose for the
first year. Afterwards, the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry will take care of his salary if
University funds are not available.

Dr. William C. Rogers as Acting Assistant Professor of Political Science and Acting Research
Associate in the Bureau of Public Administration for a period of twelve months, beginning September 1,
1947, at a salary of $5,000 for the year.

Captain Heman Judd Redfield, Jr., U.S.N., as Acting Assistant Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, at a session salary of $3,510, incumbency to begin September 16, 1947.

Mr. William Edward Bennett, Jr. as Instructor in Electrical Engineering at a session salary
of $2,640, effective September 16, 1947.

Mr. John J. Conley as Instructor in Romance Languages at a session salary of $2,640, effective
September 16, 1947. This is a replacement for Mr. Shoemaker.

Mr. S. P. Carden as Instructor in Romance Languages at a session salary of $3,020, effective
September 16, 1947. This is a replacement for Mr. Denslow.


Dr. Yin-Tang Hsu was changed from Visiting Professor of Pathology to Assistant Professor of
Pathology at a salary of $2,500 per annum, to be supplemented by $2,500 per year from the earnings of
the Pathology Department.


Mr. Henry Lee Kinnier from Acting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering to Assistant
Professor of Civil Engineering, at no change in salary.



Mr. Perkins presented the following matter to the Board, the resolution being adopted:

Mr. Perkins stated to the Board that in view of the provisions of Paragraphs 2, 6, and 7 of
Chapter 197 of the Acts of Assembly of 1946, approved March 23, 1946, as amended by Acts of Extra Session
of 1947, page 72, relating to the hospitalization, care, and treatment of indigent persons and the
use and allocation of funds provided for such purpose, it is probably necessary for the existing contract
between the University of Virginia Hospital and the City of Charlottesville and County of
Albemarle, which is dated July 1, 1940, be materially amended or possibly be terminated in accordance
with the provisions contained therein that said contract may be terminated by any one of the
contracting parties giving the other two parties notice of such termination in writing ninety days
prior to the first day of July of any year.

The whole question of the University's responsibility under this contract and of the advantages
that may accrue to it by termination thereof and substitution therefor of a uniform contract
in the form promulgated by the State Health Board is one which requires careful and expert study and
consideration. It is therefore suggested that this Board appoint a Committee composed of Dr. H. E.
Jordan, Dean of the Medical School, Dr. C. S. Lentz, Superintendent of University Hospital, and
W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University, to make such study and if necessary to confer with
similar committees from the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County and Council of the City of
Charlottesville and report back to this Board, making such recommendations as this Committee may
deem wise.

It was, thereupon,

RESOLVED that a Committee composed of Dr. H. E. Jordan, Dr. C. S. Lentz, and W. Allan
Perkins be and is hereby appointed for the purposes set out in the preamble to this resolution.


Mr. E. I. Carruthers, Secretary and Bursar, presented his resignation effective July 15,
1947 and the Rector designated Christopher B. Garnett to prepare an appropriate resolution for the
purpose. In response thereto, Mr. Garnett prepared the following resolution which was adopted:

RESOLVED, that the resignation of E. I. Carruthers as Bursar and Secretary is hereby
accepted with regret and it is thought proper to make, as a part of the record, a reference to the
services rendered by Mr. Carruthers, as well as to incorporate a short history of his career.

Elmer Irving Carruthers was born April 22, 1874, the son of Joel and Sarah Frances (Thomas)
Carruthers. He early began his business career, first at Haymarket, Virginia, and then with Charles
King & Son, wholesale grocers, Charlottesville, Virginia, where he remained for ten years until in
1906 he accepted a position as Teller of the Bank of Albemarle. October 1, 1912 he resigned this
position to accept the position of Bursar of the University of Virginia, and Secretary of the Board
of Visitors of that institution. In these two capacities he served the University faithfully and
well, and devoted all of his mind and body to the service of that institution. As a member of the
Vestry of the Episcopal Church in Charlottesville, and Superintendent of its Sunday School, he
devoted himself to the religious life of Charlottesville and became the leader of the Men's Bible

From 1918 to 1924 he was instructor in Accounting at the University. He was a charter
member of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville and was the third president of that Club.

He was one of the founders of St. Anne's School for Girls and served continuously on its
Board of Directors.

He married Ellie Raphael Jordan of Haymarket, Virginia, and three sons were born to that

He leaves this position with the best wishes of the Board of Visitors of the University.


Upon the presentation and adoption of the foregoing resignation and resolution with respect
to E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of the Board of Visitors and Bursar of the University of Virginia, the
name of Mr. Vincent Shea was suggested by President Darden to fill these positions. A Committee,
consisting of the Rector, Mr. Black and Mr. Gay, was thereupon appointed. The Committee retired and
interviewed Mr. Shea at some length, and returned to the meeting with the suggestion that President
Darden's recommendation be approved and that Mr. Shea be elected to serve as Secretary of the Board
of Visitors and Bursar of the University.

Upon nomination by Mr. Black, which was seconded by Mr. Gay, the following resolution was

RESOLVED, that Vincent Shea be and he hereby is elected Bursar of the University of
Virginia and Secretary of the Board of Visitors, effective July 16, 1947.


Mr. Thomas B. Gay, Chairman of a Special Committee, presented a tentative draft of a
manual defining the powers and duties of the Board of Visitors, of the President, of the Executive
Committee, and of certain standing and special committees. This manual was ordered received and
distributed to members of the Board for consideration and action at a future meeting.


A resolution was adopted authorizing the establishment of a House Maintenance Fund for the
President's House of $5,000 per year to be paid out of the unrestricted endowment income of the
University, provided that upon investigation of the Finance Committee it was found legally permissible
for such a fund to be established from the unrestricted endowment income of the University.


President Darden presented the Hermitage Foundation matter, which was discussed at some
length and the following committee appointed to meet with Mrs. Sloan in the matter: Messrs. Black
and Gay and Mrs. Calcott.



President Darden discussed at some length with the Board the question of a one-year limitation
in connection with fraternities. After some discussion, the Board expressed its desire to reaffirm its
prior action in the matter, which was in agreement with that outlined by President Darden.


President Darden discussed with the Board at some length the matter of the division of the
College of Arts and Sciences into classes by years, and his suggestion met with the approval of the


Dr. Trout, Chairman of the Committee on the Medical Department, discussed the medical situation
and filed a report with President Darden.


The rule for the admission of women students to the University of Virginia which had been in
operation during the war years was continued for one year.


The usual August meeting of the Board of Visitors was, on motion, omitted.


The following scholarships, recommended by Dr. Ivey F. Lewis, Chairman of the Scholarship
Committee, were approved:


  • District 1 - Allston L. House, Hampton.

  • District 2 - Robert F. Lyle, Norfolk.

  • District 3 - Arthur Selden Lloyd, Westover.

  • District 4 - James A. Harper, Jr., Farmville.

  • District 5 - Robert S. Young, Galax.

  • District 6 - Robert E. Offenbacker, Roanoke. (Renewal)

  • District 7 - No qualified applicant.

  • District 8 - Guy Carlisle Heyl, Jr., Warrenton. (Renewal)

  • District 9 - Alfred D. Morris, Pound.

  • District 10 - Alan Martin Bruns, Buckingham County. (Renewal)

  • At Large - Henry P. Voznick, Sweet Hall.


  • Franklin Stringfellow Hall

    To Joseph Carlyle Carter, Jr., Mayfield, Kentucky.

  • Rufus Humphrey

    To Paul Eugene Buchanan, Lynchburg, Virginia.

  • Randall MacIver

    To Marjorie Warren John, Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • Howard Stiles Nuckols

    To Richard Henry Lee Chichester, Richmond, Virginia.

  • Hollis Rinehart

    To Hoover Westcott Powell, Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • Daniel Kerr Stewart

    To Joseph Carlyle Carter, Jr., Mayfield, Kentucky.


Dr. M. L. Combs of Mary Washington College presented the following recommendations, which were


Dr. Zoe Wells Carroll Black as Assistant Professor of Biology at a salary of $3,344 for the
session of nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947. This appointment is
to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. Grady Britt.

Dr. Harry Clark as Professor of Physics at a salary of $4,100 for the session of nine months,
tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.

Dr. H. Logan Cobb as Assistant Professor of Spanish at a salary of $3,450 for the session of
nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.

Dr. James Henry Croushore as Associate Professor of English, at a salary of $3,600 for the
session of nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.


Walter Butler Kelly as Assistant Professor of English at a salary of $3,400 for
the session of nine months, tenure one year, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.

Mary Annette Klinesmith as Instructor in Psychology at a salary of $2,300 for
the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1947.


Dr. Combs reported with regret the death of Dr. Charlotte Klein, Instructor in Organ,
who died on July 3. She was a loyal, devoted, and effective teacher, and the college has sustained
in her death an irreparable loss.


Dr. Combs reported that Dr. A. Stephen Stephan, recently elected Associate Professor
of Sociology and who had accepted the position effective September 15, 1947, has declined the appointment
because of unsatisfactory living conditions in Fredericksburg and the offer of a larger salary.


Dr. Combs presented a contract with the Federal Government for the training of certain
G.I. students during the forthcoming session, which was approved.


Dr. Combs was requested to present to the Board of Visitors an annual budget for Mary
Washington College and a financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.

E. R. Stettinius
E. I. Carruthersa