University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia was held on this date
at 10 o'clock in the office of the President, with the following present: the Rector Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.,
President J. L. Newcomb of the University of Virginia; Visitors Garnett, Anderson, Carrington, Wailes,
Willis, Black, Barksdale, Mears and Miller; absent Bustard, Calcott, Gay, Dr. Trout and Combs.

The minutes of the meeting of January 10th, which had been copied and mailed to the members, were approved.

The President made the following announcements:

Enrollment to date 4387.


From Miss Mildred N. Page, of Charlottesville, for the purchase of books for the University Library, as a
memorial to her father, $500.00.

The President presented the following resignations, promotions and elections:


RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
resignation of Mr. Fredrick Charles Disque, Professor of Architecture, be and the same is hereby accepted,
effective June 15, 1947.

Professor Disque has carried on his work at the University with devotion and skill, and the Board wishes
for him many years of happiness in his retirement.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
resignation of Dr. Herbert Silvette, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Toxicology,
be and the same is hereby accepted, effective September 1, 1947.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the resignation
of Mr. William James Barron, Associate Professor of Law, be and the same is hereby accepted,
effective March 1, 1947. We wish for Mr. Barron the highest success in his new undertaking.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
resignation of Mr. Alfred Buffin McEwen, Instructor in Law, be and the same is hereby accepted, effective
January 1, 1947. We wish for Mr. McEwen the highest success in his new undertaking.


  • Dr. Lawrence Reginald Quarles, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, to Professor of Electrical
    Engineering, at the beginning salary for that rank which is now $5,184 per session, including the
    Tuck formula.

  • Mr. Frank Wirtley Wheeler, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, to Professor of Civil Engineering,
    at the beginning salary for that rank, which is now $5,184 per session including the Tuck formula.


  • Mr. Charles P. Light, Jr., of Washington and Lee University, as Visiting Professor of Law for the spring
    term from February 15 through June 15, 1/3 time, at a salary of $1,100.

  • Mr. William T. Muse, of the University of Richmond, as Acting Professor of Law, 2/3 time, for the spring
    term - February 15 through June 15 - at a salary of $2,000.

  • Mr. Raymond Hunt, as Lecturer in Engineering Economics, beginning February 15 and ending June 15, at
    the rate of $2,384 per session of nine months, including the Tuck formula.

It is recommended that Mr. T. Munford Boyd, who is at present Lecturer in Law, be continued throughout
the spring term, February 15 to June 15, at a salary of $1,100.

It is recommended that the following action be taken:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
Miss Mildred D. Hoyt be and she is hereby elected Acting Assistant Professor of Education, at a
session salary of $3,280, including the Tuck Formula, effective March 1, 1947.


Applications for Bayly-Tiffany Scholarships from Miss Florence Elizabeth Barnes, of Accomac, Virginia and
from Miss Harriet D. Scott, of Bridgetown, Virginia, both students of Mary Washington College, were presented
and approved by the Board.


At the meeting of February 14th, The Rector announced the appointment of the Executive Committee as follows:

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Chairman; Thomas B. Gay and Edward C. Anderson, Vice-Chairmen;
Richard A. Carrington, Jr. and Mrs. Bertha P. Wailes.

Mr. Carrington is also to be added to the Building and Grounds Committee and made vice-chairman of that


The following motion amended section 13 of the contract of the Joint Health Department between the County of
Albemarle, City of Charlottesville, and the University of Virginia:

That the money appropriated for the operation of the Joint Health Department shall be budgeted to one
account. Said account shall be kept in the office and under the supervision of the Director of Finance
of Albemarle County, and an allowance of $15.00 per month shall be made for such services. Said Director
of Finance shall furnish the contracting parties to this agreement, such reports and financial
statements as they may require.


A motion was made with respect to a decision as to whether the University wishes to join the "Association


of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions", which matter was deferred.


An application concerning the granting of an easement to W. E. Gibson for the construction of a metal store
building, to be located on Copeley Hill for serving the student residents, was referred to the President with
power to act.


Consideration of the report from the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board was deferred until the
March 31st meeting.


The President presented the following schedule, which was approved, of proposed adjusted compensation for
faculty members, effective March 1, 1947:

(exclusive of bonus)  (except in Dept. of Med.)  (in all Depts. except Law & Med.)  (in Dept. of Law) 
Session  Monthly  Session  Monthly  Session  Monthly  Session  Monthly 
Instr.  $1,800.00  $200.00  $2,160.00  $240.00  $3,000.00  $333.33 
2,000.00  222.22  2,384.00  264.89 
2,200.00  244.44  2,608.00  289.78  3,200.00  355.56 
2,400.00  266.67  2,832.00  314.67 
2,600.00  288.89  3,056.00  339.56  3,400.00  377.78 
2,800.00  311.11  3,280.00  364.44  3,600.00  400.00  4,000.00  444.44 
3,000.00  333.33  3,504.00  389.33  3,850.00  427.78  4,400.00  488.89 
3,200.00  355.56  3,728.00  414.22  4,100.00  455.56  4,800.00  533.33 
3,400.00  377.78  3,952.00  439.11  4,350.00  483.33  5,200.00  577.78 
3,750.00  416.67  4,344.00  482.67  4,700.00  522.22  5,500.00  611.11 
4,000.00  444.44  4,624.00  513.78  5,100.00  566.67  6,500.00  722.22 
4,250.00  472.22  4,904.00  544.89  5,500.00  611.11  7,500.00  833.33 
Prof.  4,500.00  500.00  5,184.00  576.00  5,700.00  633.33  8,000.00  888.89 
5,000.00  555.56  5,270.00  635.56  6,300.00  700.00  8,600.00  955.56 
5,500.00  611.11  6,250.00  694.44  6,900.00  766.67  9,200.00  1,022.22 
6,000.00  666.67  6,780.00  753.33  7,500.00  833.33  10,000.00  1,111.11 


Elections: It is recommended that the following action be taken:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mr. Frederick Ashton Stoutamire, Jr. be and he is hereby elected substitute Instructor in English
for the remainder of the current session, at a salary of $240 a month, incumbency to begin on January 13,
1947. This is the replacement to succeed Assistant Professor Phineas P. Wright who resigned the latter
part of December.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mrs. Sarah Vernon Hodges be and she is hereby elected substitute Instructor in Dramatic Arts for the
remainder of the current session, at a salary of $250 a month, incumbency to begin on February 1, 1947.
This is the replacement to succeed Assistant Professor Paul J. Ritter who resigned at the end of the
first semester of the current session.

The following report of Mrs. Wailes Committee was presented and adopted:

To the Rector and Board of Visitors
University of Virginia

The Committee on Mary Washington met at the College on January 23, 1947. Present were Mrs.
Wailes, Mrs. Willis and Judge Garnett, also the chancellor, Dr. Newcomb, President Combs, and Dean Alvey.

The Committee approved the recommendations made by President Combs of salary increases for
certain members of the faculty as submitted to the Board on January 10, 1947 with the following additions:

Dorothy Duggan, Associate Professor of Art, from $3,011.20 to $3,311.00, and Dr. Paul Haensel, Professor
of Economics, from $3,168.00 to $3,468.00. These increases amount to $599.80. However, the
sum of $758.80 was released by the resignation of Dr. Paul J. Ritter, and of Mrs. Catesby W. Stewart
at the end of the first semester. The increases are thus amply covered by available funds.

Dean Alvey presented a report on the coordination of the college with the University, dealing
with admission requirements, degree requirements, and course offerings as recommended by the Committee
on the Consolidation of Mary Washington College with the University of Virginia. The Committee feels
that fine progress has been made. Members of the Board were sent copies of Dean Alvey's report.

The Committee is cognizant of our obligation to have Mary Washington meet the requirements for approval
by accrediting agencies such as the American Association of Universities, but recommends that the
request for inclusion on the approved list of this association be delayed until the conversion of Mary
Washington into a liberal arts college and its consolidation with the University is completed.

The proposed changes in College Avenue were viewed, but the Committee asked Judge Garnett to investigate
the matter further. Brompton was also visited. A report on the status of its renovation was
sent to the members of the Board.

A subcommittee consisting of Mrs. Willis and the chairman met with the Mary Washington Faculty Committee
on Student Guidance, and later with representatives of student organizations for a discussion of
student activities. However, the subcommittee is not yet ready to make a report.

Respectfully submitted
Bertha Wailes, Chairman
Phoebe Willis
Christopher B. Garnett

Mr. Perkins presented to the Board a form of proposed contract between Mary Washington College of the University
of Virginia and Veterans Administration by which the College agrees to accept for instruction during the
period from September 1, 1946, to June 30, 1947, inclusive, Veterans who are approved by the Veterans Administration


as entitled to Vocational Rehabilitation Training under Public Law 16 Seventy-eighth Congress, and to
furnish books, tools, equipment, etc., necessary for the satisfactory pursuit of the courses being given; the
terms under which said Veterans are to be accepted by the College being fully set out in said contract.

After consideration of said contract the following resolution,
proposed by Mr. Garnett
and seconded by Mr. Black
unanimously adopted-

RESOLVED that Morgan L. Combs, President of Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, said
College being a department of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, a Virginia Corporation
which owns and operates the University of Virginia and said Mary Washington College, be and is hereby authorized
and directed in the name and on behalf of said Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia to
execute the contract under date of January 28, 1947, between said College and Veterans Administration, a copy
of which has been presented to, and considered at, this meeting. And E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of said The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, is hereby instructed to affix the corporate seal of The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to said contract and to attest the same. And that said contract
be and is hereby adopted as a contract of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.


In the matter of an alleged encroachment by Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia upon Avenue
C., or "College Avenue" in the City of Fredericksburg, it was Resolved that the Attorney for the University of
Virginia is hereby instructed to prepare a deed by which the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
will convey to the City of Fredericksburg any and all right and interest which the University of Virginia has
in that certain real property located in the City of Fredericksburg and described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the southeast boundary of College Avenue, in the City of Fredericksburg, 115
feet northwest of the northwest boundary of 4th Street, thence northwestardly along a line parallel
to and 60 feet from the southwest boundary of College Avenue as laid out by the Fredericksburg Development
Company in 1891, a distance of 2,310 feet to the southeast boundary of United States Alternate
No. 1 Highway, thence southwestwardly along the southeast boundary of said highway a distance of 238
feet to the corner of the Mary Washington College property, thence southeastwardly a distance of 2,285
feet to the beginning, containing 0.79 of an acre.

This conveyance having been authorized by an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia at its special session
in January, 1947.

And be it further Resolved that Dr. J. L. Newcomb, President, is hereby authorized to execute said deed in
the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and E. I. Carruthers, Secretary,
is hereby instructed to affix the corporate seal thereto, attest the same, and deliver said deed to
the City of Fredericksburg.


The work at Brompton is progressing fairly satisfactorily, especially in view of the difficulty in securing
materials and equipment. The work on one of the slave quarters is entirely complete with the exception of
exterior painting and the finishing plaster.

All of the demolition work on the main residence was completed sometime ago. The brick walls have been repaired,
chimneys rebuilt, and the back part of the frame structure, including the dining hall, kitchen, and
porch, has been entirely rebuilt. All the joists, sills, and the like have been replaced. The plumbing,
heating, and electrical work in the main building are practically complete. The sub-floors have been laid,
and a good deal of the plastering laths have been installed. Many of the windows which were in bad condition
have been repaired or replaced. The remainder of the millwork has been done and ready to be installed. New
rafters have been replaced wherever necessary. The sheathing for the roof is completed and they are now
waiting for the slate.

The Superintendent on the project estimates that the construction on the main residence and the two slave
quarters is approximately 65 per cent complete. To date the college has spent $34,000 on this work. This
figure, however, includes all materials and equipment on the job which have not been installed.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. R. Stettinius
E. I. Carruthersa