University of Virginia Library


A special meeting of the Board was held on this date at 11 o'clock in the office of the President.
There were present Visitors Lewis C. Williams, Christopher B. Garnett, James H. Corbitt, Edward C. Anderson,
Dabney S. Lancaster, Dr. W. D. Haden, Maitland H. Bustard, Mrs. O. A. Calcott and Mrs. Bertha P. Wailes,
and President J. L. Newcomb.

In the absence of the Rector, Mr. Corbitt was elected Rector pro tem.

Minutes of the previous meeting which had been copied and mailed to the members, were approved.

The President made the following announcement of enrollment and gifts that had been received:

Enrollment: 1330


From Mr. R. A. Van Clief, to provide air-conditioning installation for the Operating
Room at the Hospital 
From the University of Virginia Alumni Funds  10,997.00 
From the Estate of Archibald H. Taylor the income to be used for "the equipment and
maintenance of the Hospital" 
From Mrs. William H. White, Jr., (no publicity) - a Voting Trust Certificate No. 162
for 30 shares no par common, F. S. Royster Guano Co., in the name of Waby and Company. 
C. & O. Refunding and Improvement Mortgage 3½%, No. 6129 with November 1, 1944 and
subsequent coupons attached 
Armour and Company, of Delaware, 7% Cumulative Debenture, No. 222, with October 1,
1944 and subsequent coupons attached 
all of the foregoing to become a part of the Mary Stamps Royster Memorial Fund. 
From Mr. Michael S. Kovalenko, $1,000 bond of the Southern Pacific Co. (Ry) 4½ % due
May 1, 1981, to be added to the earlier donation for the Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko
Birthday Fund at the McCormick Observatory. Market value of bond 
From E. R. Squibb and Sons, for the Squibb Syphilis Research  600.00 
From the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs, to be added to an earlier gift for a
Latin American Fellowship 
From Lawrence Schiff, for the Engineering Department  500.00 
From Rev. F. L. Robinson, of Cismont to be used for a scholarship for a needy boy  100.00 


  • Dr. Robert O. Bloomer, Instructor in Geology, effective November 1, 1944.

Leaves of Absence:

Miss Amelia McLester, Assistant Professor of Elementary School Supervision, leave of
absence without salary from November 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945, in order to carry forward the writing of a

Dr. Rupert Wildt, Acting Assistant Professor of Astronomy, leave of absence without salary, from
September 13, 1944 through March 31, 1945, in order to undertake some special war work.


Mr. J. N. G. Finley, elected Dean of Counseling, at a salary of 4,500 per session; encumbency to
begin November 1, 1944. This position carries with it the rank of Full Professor.

Dr. Francis Greenfield Lankford, Jr., elected Associate Professor of Education, at a salary of
$5,000, $2,500 of which will be paid by the University and $2,500 by the County of Albemarle (some of it
by way of the State Board of Education), encumbency to begin October 1, 1944.

Note: Professor Lankford replaces Professor Acker who died July 19, 1944.

Lt. Hal R. Guimares, elected Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, without salary
from the University, effective June 23, 1944.

Lt. Richard C. French, elected Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, without salary
from the University, effective June 24, 1944.

Lt. Herman L. Trautman, elected Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, without salary
from the University, effective July 16, 1944.

Dr. John Thomas Baldwin, Jr., elected Acting Assistant Professor of Agricultural Biology and
Experimental Horticulture, and Farm Manager of the Blandy Experimental Farm for the period October 1, 1944
through September 30, 1945 at a salary of $3,750 plus usual perquisites for his managerial duties.

Dr. G. Leighton LaFuze, elected Lecturer in Political Science for the session November 1, 1944
through June 30, 1945, at a salary of $2,450 for the session.

Change in Name of the School of Public Speaking:

The following recommendation was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, that the name of the School of Public Speaking be changed to the School of Speech.

Sale of the Sebrell Property:

The President reported to the Board that an offer had been received from Mr. B. W. Sebrall, Jr.,
of Lawrenceville, Virginia, of $3,600.00 cash for the property known as the "Sebrell Building" which is
situated upon a lot in the Town of Lawrenceville, Virginia, fronting 22 feet on Hicks Street and running


back between parallel lines a distance of 100 feet from Hicks Street to Meredith Street, this being one of the
pieces of property which was acquired by the University in the settlement of the estate of the late Dr. Walter
M. Seward, and that in consideration of the low rental which we have been receiving from the property and the
cost of maintaining the building, it seems advisable that this offer should be accepted.

After a discussion of the situation the following resolution was unanimously adopted -

RESOLVED, that the offer of B. W. Sebrell, Jr., of Lawrenceville, Virginia, of $3,600.00 cash, for
the property known as the "Sebrell Building" which is situated upon a lot fronting 22 feet on Hicks Street
in the Town of Lawrenceville, Virginia, and running back between parallel lines a distance of 100 feet from
Hicks Street to Meredith Street, be and is hereby accepted, and J. L. Newcomb, President is hereby authorized
and directed to execute a deed in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, by which said property is conveyed to said B. W. Sebrell, Jr., or to such person or persons as he
may name, and E. I. Carruthers, Secretary, is authorized and instructed to affix the seal of the Corporation
to said deed, attest the same and deliver said deed to said B. W. Sebrell, Jr., or his nominee, upon payment
of the purchase price of $3,600.00 in full.

Report of New Buildings Committee in re: Contract for Erection of Addition to Nurses' Home:

The New Buildings Committee of the Board of Visitors met on this date at 11 o'clock to open bids for
the construction of the addition to the Nurses' Home of the University of Virginia Hospital.

There were present Dr. W. D. Haden, Chairman, Christopher B. Garnett and Edward C. Anderson of the
Committee; President Newcomb, Frank E. Hartman, Sup't of Buildings and Grounds, Dr. C. S. Lentz, Sup't of
the Hospital, R. E. L. Taylor of Taylor and Fisher, Architects, John D. Rives, Construction Engineer, representing
the Federal Works Agency, J. H. Bradford and Fred Q. Saunders, representing the Budget Office and the State
Engineering Office, respectively; also many of the bidders were present.

Twenty bids were submitted, and being found in order, were listed.

It was determined that the bid of Graham Brothers, of Richmond, Virginia, for $214,244.00 was the lowest.

The following motion by Mr. Garnett was adopted:

RESOLVED by the New Buildings Committee of the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the contract for building construction for the Nurses' Home Addition, Project
Va. 44-356, be awarded to Graham Brothers, Richmond, Virginia, at their base bid of $214,244.00, they being
the low bidder for the job.

The Building Committee certifies that, in its judgment, the bid is a reasonable one in legal form,
and that the construction of the building will not interfere with the operation of the war.

Approval of this award is requested of the Governor of Virginia and the Federal Works Agency.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Secretary.

Report of New Buildings Committee in re: Replacing Elevator in Hospital and Extension of Time on Contract
with H. T. Ferron for Excavation and Grading Work for the Nurses' Home Addition:

Pursuant to a call by the President, a meeting of the New Buildings Committee was held at the
President's Office at 10:30 A.M., E.W.T., October 14, 1944, to receive Bids for the Modernization of one (1)
Passenger Elevator in the McIntire Wing of the University Hospital, and for such other business as might
be presented.


Dr. W. D. Haden, Chairman

Christopher B. Garnett Members

Lewis C. Williams Members

Edward C. Anderson Members

President J. L. Newcomb

Dr. C. S. Lentz, Admr. of University Hospital

Frank E. Hartman, Director of Buildings & Grounds

Bids received were duly opened and read aloud as follows:-

Haughton Elevator Co.,
Washington D. C. 
Salen Foundry & Machine Works,
Salem, Virginia 
Westbrook Elevator Mfg. Co.,
Danville, Va. 

Upon motion duly made and passed, the award was made to the Salem Foundry and Machine Works at their
low bid of $5,088.00.

A request by H. T. Ferron, who has the contract for the Excavation and Grading Work for the Nurses'
Home Addition and a Change Order covering the Heating Tunnel and Mains for the Nurses' Home Addition, for an extension
of time for the Excavation and Grading Work to October 28th, 1944, and for the Heating Tunnel and
Mains to November 11th., 1944, was duly presented and the following resolution was passed:-

WHEREAS, H. T. Ferron entered into a contract on August 9th., 1944, for the Excavating and Grading
Work for the Addition to the Nurses' Home, University of Virginia Hospital, University of Virginia, and

WHEREAS, the said H. T. Ferron was authorized to begin work on August 16th., 1944, with the time
for completion 45 days, making the completion date September 29th., 1944, and

WHEREAS, the said H. T. Ferron has been delayed in this work due to his inability to secure adequate


weeks due to his being unable to get repair parts, and

WHEREAS, H. T. Ferron was awarded a Change Order on August 31st., 1944, to his Contract for
the Excavation and Grading Work, for the Construction of a Heating Tunnel and Mains to be completed
September 29th., 1944, and

WHEREAS, the said H. T. Ferron has been delayed in this work due to non-delivery of Fittings
and Expansion Joints, and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia will suffer no monetary loss and no delay in the general
construction of this Addition by an extension of the Contract completion date to October 28th., 1944,
for the Excavation and Grading Work, and to November 11th., 1944, for the Heating Tunnel and Mains,

RESOLVED, that the said contract date for completion of the Excavation and Grading Work be
and hereby is extended to October 28th., 1944, and the contract date for the completion of the Heating
Tunnel and Mains be and is hereby extended to November 11th., 1944, subject to the Federal Works Agency concurring
in this Resolution.

W. D. Haden, Chairman

Expansion Program of the University in the Field of Capital Outlays for Buildings and Equipment:

The Governor of Virginia has had prepared in his office a Manual on the Planning and Execution
of State Capital Outlays at the various institutions and agencies following the termination of the
present war. This manual provides that each institution shall have a Local Building Committee, and the
Board approved the appointment of the following Committee which had been previously appointed by the

Dr. W. D. Haden, Chairman, Frederick C. Disque, Edward W. Saunders, Frank E. Hartman,
Permanent Committee, and Dr. Carlisle S. Lentz, James S. Miller, Frederick T. Morse and Dr. Ivey F. Lewis,
Associated members.

The Local Committee, through its Chairman, Dr. W. D. Haden, presented its report governing
each of the construction projects authorized by the last session of the General Assembly and the capital
outlay needs of the University until 1950. After amending this report in certain specific ways it was
approved by the Rector and Visitors, and the Local Committee was directed through its Chairman, to
get the amended report in proper form for submission to the Governor, in duplicate, as provided in the
Governor's Manual.

Use to Which the Rotunda May Be Converted:

Following the disposition of the foregoing report on the proposed expansion of the University
the question arose as to what use was to be made of the Rotunda and, following some discussion of the
question, the following offered by Mr. Lewis C. Williams was adopted:

RESOLVED, that a special committee of three be appointed from the Board to study the
Rotunda and recommend its use.

The meeting then adjourned.

James H. Corbitt
Rector, Pro Tem.
E. I. Carruthersa