Board of Visitors minutes May 9, 1941 | ||
A called meeting of the Board was held on this date at 11 o'clock in the office of the
President. Present were: the Rector, R. Gray Williams, and Visitors Corbitt, Garnett, Rinehart,
E. R. Stettinius and Lewis C. Williams, and President Newcomb.
Mr. Edward R. Stettinius, appointed by the Governor to fill the unexpired term of Senator
Robert W. Daniel, deceased, submitted his qualification for the office of Visitor of the University.
The President announced the following gifts:
From Smith, Kline and French Laboratories in support of their grant to the University, of Virginia for research work by Dr. Burger in the Department of Chemistry - ($150 thereof to be used for supplies) |
$ 850.00 |
From the Lily Research Laboratories for renewal of research fellowship in the Department of Chemistry, under Dr. Burger |
700.00 |
From the Carnegie Corporation of New York for the development of the Department of Music over a period of three years, to be paid as follows:
9,000.00 |
From the Emergency Committee in Aid Displaced Foreign Scholars to supplement the salary of Professor Rudolph Freund, for the Session 1941-42 |
1,000.00 |
The President presented the resignation of Commander L. E. Kelly, U. S. Navy, as Professor
of Naval Science and Tactics, effective May 12, 1941, upon orders from the Navy Department.
Upon the recommendation of the President, the following were elected to the Faculty of the
Randall Thompson, Professor of Music and Head of the Department,
at a salary of $6,000 for the session; encumbency to begin
September 15, 1941.Stephen Davidson Tuttle, full-time Instructor in the Department
of Music for the session of 1941-42, at a salary of $2,300 for
the session, encumbency to begin September 15, 1941.Edgar Miller Williams, Captain U. S. Navy, Retired, Professor
of Naval Science and Tactics.
The New Buildings Committee submitted the following report with respect to the proposed
N. R. O. T. C. building and the creation of a deficit for furnishing the Interns' Quarters, which
were adopted:
Report of the New Buildings Committee:
I. At a meeting of the New Buildings Committee of the Board Held on April 29, 1941, the following
resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, by the New Buildings Committee of the Rector and
Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the
President be and he is hereby directed to make application
to the Works Progress Administration for the construction
of a teaching building to house the Naval Officers Reserve
Training Corps at a cost not to exceed $140,000, $100,000 of
which is to be furnished by the Federal Government as a gift
and the other $40,000 to be requested as a deficit appropriation
authorized by the Governor of the Commonwealth.
It is further Resolved that this building shall be located
on the plat of ground between Minor Hall and Dawson's Row,
facing the back of the McIntire Theatre.
Pursuant to this resolution, a letter was addressed by the
President to the Governor of the Commonwealth, which letter
is herewith approved by the Board and ordered to be spread
upon the minutes of the Board.
RESOLVED, by the New Buildings Committee of the Board that
the President be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to request the Governor to authorize a deficit in the sum
of $14,000 to furnish the Interns' Quarters.
The Secretary was directed to spread upon the minutes the letter of President Newcomb of April
22, 1941, to the Governor in the matter of the proposed N. R. O. T. C. Building, as follows:
State Capitol
Richmond, Virginia
I am authorized and directed by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the
University of Virginia to request you to authorize a deficit appropriation of $40,000.00 upon
Naval Officers' Training Corps Unit at the University of Virginia, the estimated cost of which is $140,000.00.
This proposal has been certified by the Secretary of the Navy as necessary for the national
defense and the Works Projects Administration has directed us to prepare the necessary plans and specifications
upon which to make a detailed estimate of the costs. The building is to be of fire-proof
structure and used for classroom purposes.
A real emergency exists here in that we have been unable to properly accomodate the unit for the
single course held this session. Next year there will be two courses offered, the following year three
courses, and in the third year four courses. We are without proper buildings to instruct the naval students.
Trusting that this will meet with your approval and that you will authorize us to go ahead with
this proposal, I am,
The Special Committee in this matter, composed of Lewis C. Williams and President Newcomb,
submitted the following report and recommendation, which were approved and ordered spread upon the minutes.
Mr. Lewis C. Williams and Mr. John L. Newcomb having been appointed by the Board, a Committee to
meet with Mr. Henry P. Strause and to discuss with him the possibility of our exhibiting for a one year
period his art collection including grand-father clock, furniture, silver, glass ware, china and portraits,
reported to the Board that they had spent practically a full day with Mr. Strause in going over his collection;
that they had requested Mr. Strause to lend to the Art Museum of the University of Virginia four of five of
his important tapestries and some of his solid furniture; that they were unwilling to recommend the
acceptance of the loan of the rest of his collection because they did not believe that we had the space or
the type of temperature humidity controlled buildings in which to safely keep this collection.
The following resolution, with respect to improvements to the University of Virginia Airport,
was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia that the sponsors contributions to the improvements of
the University of Virginia Airport, being done by W. P. A., be and
the same is hereby increased from $5,000 to $7,000, the Government's
contribution remaining at $21,000, thereby making a total expenditure
of $28,000. The additional $2,000 is to be paid from the following
From the Aeronautic Division of the State Commission | $ 500.00 |
From the operating funds of the Civil Aeronautics Authority to capital outlay |
500.00 |
From unexpended balances of the University's private income | 1,000.00 |
Total | $ 2,000.00 |
The President presented to the Board the unanimous request of the College Topics Board, reinforced
by a resolution of the University Student Senate, asking that College Topics be permitted to come
out six times a week during the session of 1941-42 and that a $3.00 subscription price be required of
all students of the University.
After a thorough discussion of this subject, it was agreed that this is not a favorable time
for increasing student charges or for increasing the newspaper services to the student body. However,
since some decrease in student attendance was to be expected for the session 1941-42, it was RESOLVED
by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that the College Topics be published
for the 1941-42 session three times a week and that the fee charged to each student of the University of
Virginia for this paper be fixed at $2.00 per session.
The President presented to the Rector and Visitors two letters from Morrison & Co., Real
Estate Brokers of Sterling, Colorado, in which letters an offer was made to purchase the Jobe Land owned
by the University in Logan County, Colorado at the sum of $4,800.00, $800.00 of which was to be a down
payment, the balance of the principal to be paid at the rate of $400.00 per year over a ten-year period
and all remaining principal be subject to a 3% interest rate throughout the ten-year period.
After careful consideration of the receipts and expenditures from this property over the
period of the last four years, it was thereupon
RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University
that the offer be and the same is hereby accepted in accordance
with the aforesaid terms and conditions.
RESOLVED further that the Rector be and he is hereby requested and
directed to execute a proper deed conveying this property to the new purchaser and that
E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of the Board be directed to affix the seal of the University
to this deed, it being understood and agreed that the deed conveying this property shall
be approved by the Attorney for the University before being executed by the Rector and
certified by the Secretary.
On motion, the meeting then adjourned.
Board of Visitors minutes May 9, 1941 | ||