Board of Visitors minutes October 3, 1939 | ||
A called meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on this date at 10:30 o'clock in the office
of the President, with the following Visitors present: James H. Corbitt, Robert W. Daniel, Christopher B.
Garnett, C. O'Conor Goolrick, Miss Bessie C. Randolph, Hollis Rinehart, Lewis C. Williams and R. Gray
The President called the meeting to order and informed the meeting of the death of Frederic W.
Scott, Rector, on September 24, 1939. He then advised that it would be necessary for the meeting to elect
a Rector pro tem, whereupon Mr. James H. Corbitt was placed in nomination and elected.
Miss Bessie C. Randolph, of Hollins College, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. M. C. B.
Munford, and Senator Robert W. Daniel, of Brandon, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Frederic W. Scott,
presented their credentials and were duly qualified before the Clerk of the Court of Albemarle County.
Messrs. R. Gray Williams and Lewis C. Williams were appointed a special committee to draft
resolutions with respect to the death of Mr. Frederic W. Scott, Rector.
The President made the following announcements:
Enrollment 2,878
From the National Research Council grant for study of interrelationships between adrenal and hypophyseal functions and of cortico-adrenal extracts on isolated organs, under the direction of Dr. W. S. Britton |
$2,500 |
From the Rockefeller Foundation | 1,500 |
The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars | 1,200 |
The General Education Board | 300 |
A Total of $3,000, in support of Dr. Rudolph Freund, Acting Assistant Professor of Rural Economics, Session, 1939-40. |
From Col. John A. Cutchins, of Richmond, for establishment of a loan fund for needy students, preference to be shown sons of veterans |
1,386 |
From the Smith, Kline and French Laboratories of Philadelphia, in support of research work being conducted under Dr. Alfred Burger of our Chemistry Department. This grant is for one year, but may be renewed at the end of that period |
1,000 |
From Mrs. Lillian P. Bevan, of Weedonville, Virginia, through Dr. C. B. Morton, of our Surgical Department, "as a token of appreciation for the solicitude shown in the care of her daughter, and the reasonableness of the charges submitted |
500 |
Total | $8,386 |
The President presented the resignations of Dr. R. C. Hollowell, and William S. Mundy, Jr.,
which were accepted and the following resolutions adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the resignation
of Dr. R. C. Hollowell, Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine, be and the same is hereby
accepted. De. Hollowell has carried forward his work with devotion and skill and The Rector
and Visitors wish for him continued success in his new field.
RESOLVED, by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the resignation
of Mr. William S. Mundy, Jr., Assistant Professor of Law, be and the same is hereby accepted.
The Rector and Visitors wish for him continued success in his new field.
Upon the recommendation of the President, the leave of absence heretofore granted Dr. Rowland
A. Egger, Director of the Bureau of Public Administration, was extended from January 1, 1940 to July 1, 1940,
and to Mr. John W. Wheeler-Bennett, Visiting lecturer in International Law, leave for the session of 1939-40.
Upon the recommendation of the President, the following were elected to the faculty:
Dr. Thomas Shepherd Engler, Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine, at $1,500 per year.
Mr. Virgil Clifford Williams, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, incumbency to
begin September 15, 1939, at a salary of $2,800 per session.Dr. Rudolph Freund, Acting Professor of Rural Economics, for the session of 1939-40, at
a salary of $3,000.Mr. Edwin Crockin, Research Assistant in the Bureau of Public Administration for the period
of September 1, 1939 through June 30, 1940, at a salary of $1,250.00 for the ten months.Dr. Riggs McConnell, Acting Assistant Professor of Law for the session of 1939-40, at a
salary of $3,000 for the session.Dr. Thomas H. Vance, Instructor in English, at $2,500.00 for the session.
Mr. Louis Long, Jr., Research Assistant in Medicinal Chemistry, for the session of 1939-40,
at a salary of $1,000. (Funds for this work made available by Smith, Kline & French
Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa.)
An appropriation, not to exceed $2,500, for equipment in the Department of Urology, including
two cystoscopic tables and a resection apparatus, to be purchased from surplus earnings of the Urology
Department, was voted.
The President stated to the Board that by her will, recently admitted to probate in the
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Prince William County, Virginia, Mrs. Johanna Marshall gave to
the University and to the District Mission Board of the Church of the Brethren for the Eastern District
of Virginia, and Mrs. L. L. Sandaal, jointly, a parcel of land in Prince William County containing
also the interest of Mrs. Marshall in another tract of some 20 acres, upon which there is a dwelling house
in which tract Mrs. Marshall was joint tenant with other parties whose names we are not advised of. The
value of this devise is undoubtedly quite small.
The President also reminded the Board of the fact that in the settlement of the Estate of Dr.
Walter M. Seward the University obtained title to a one-half undivided interest in a tract of land in
Dinwiddie County, Virginia, known as the Brown Farm, containing some 342 acres, the other one-half interest
being owned by Mrs. Mary C. Boisseau; that from time to time tentative offers have been made to us and to
Mrs. Boisseau for the purchase of this property at prices around $2,000.00. No offer has been accepted and
we still own this property. It is now rented to a colored man upon a crop-sharing basis and we have
been receiving an average of about $20.00 a year for the past few years from this rental.
It is possible that at any time an acceptable offer may be made for the University's interest
in the Marshall properties and in the Brown Farm, and it is desirable that if such offer or offers should be
received that prompt action may be taken to effect a sale or sales. It was, thereupon-
RESOLVED that a special committee, composed of the President, and of Mr. Rinehart, be and
is hereby appointed with full power to accept or reject any or all offers made for either or for both of
said properties, and if an offer is received for either one of said pro erties which is accepteble to
this committee, the President, Dr. J. L. Newcomb, is hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed
conveying said property to the purchaser, with general warranty of title. Mr. E. I. Carruthers, Secretary,
is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal to such deed or deeds and to attest the same, and to
deliver said deed or deeds to said purchaser upon compliance by the purchaser with the terms of sale agreed
upon by said committee.
The President recalled to the Board that in the settlement of the Estate of Dr. W. M. Seward, the
University obtained title to certain vacant lots in the City of Petersburg, among others, 30 lots in the
subdivision known as "Hillcrest"; that in 1935, E. I. Carruthers, and W. Allan Perkins went to Petersburg,
inspected these properties, and after careful examination of local conditions made a report that these
lots, in their opinion, were worth at least $50.00 apiece.
An offer has recently been received for two of these lots at the price of $150.00 cash for the
two, the lots in question being Lots Nos. 9 and 10 in Block D, as shown upon a plat of the property, dated
January 27, 1916, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Petersburg, in
D. B. 86, p. 566. A considerable amount of correspondence with reference to this sale has passed between
the Attorney for the University and Mr. M. H. Guthrie, the real estate agent in Petersburg who has been handling
the University's property there, and it is recommended to the Board that the offer be accepted.
A deed was, thereupon, presented to the Board by which said Lots Nos. 9 and 10 of Block D in
"Hillcrest", are conveyed to J. C. Cheeley, Jr., Pauline Cheeley, and Alice Virginia Cheeley, parties making
said offer, and it was, thereupon-
RESOLVED that the President be and is hereby authorized and requested to execute said deed
in the name and on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and E. I.
Carruthers, Secretary, is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal thereto, attest the
same, and deliver said deed to the purchasers upon payment of the purchase price, from which it is
understood, that a commission of 5% shall be paid to M. H. Guthrie, the real estate agent making
said sale.
The President recalled the fact to the Board that in the settlement of the Estate of Whitmell T.
Taliaferro, of Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, the University has become the owner of a house and lot situated
in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, by virtue of a conveyance thereof from Alfred D. Cooper and wife, dated October
18, 1938, which conveyance was accepted by the University in satisfaction of a mortgage given by said Cooper
and wife to Mr. Taliaferro during his lifetime, which mortgage passed to the University under Mr. Taliaferro's
will; that an offer of $8,000.00 was recently received for this property through Arthur E. Marsters, Inc., a
real estate agency in Bloomfield, New Jersey, and being unable to obtain any satisfactory information as to
the true condition of the house and the actual value of the property, Mr. Frank E. Hartman was sent to Glen
Ridge to make a personal inspection of the premises and report upon the value thereof. Mr. Hartman made a
thorough examination of the property and reported that, in his opinion, the house was rapidly deteriorating
and was already in need of very extensive repairs, and that, in his opinion, the University would do well
to sell the property as promptly as possible and that $7500.00 would be a fair price thereof. Almost
immediately after Mr. Hartman's report was made we received a form of contract prepared by said real estate
agents, under which the University agrees to sell said property to Robert E. O'Donovan and Ella M. O'Donovan
for the sum of $8,000.00, of which $800.00 is to be paid in cash upon execution and delivery of the contract,
an additional amount of cash of not less than $800.00 upon delivery of deed, and the residue of purchase
money to be secured by bond and mortgage upon the property, and to be paid by the mortgagors in minimum
monthly payments of $8.00 per month per $1000.00 of original principal sum, with interest at the rate of
5% upon the unpaid balance.
After conferring with the Rector and with Mr. Hollis Rinehart, this contract was executed by
the President and has been delivered to the purchasers. A copy of said contract, which is dated August
16, 1939, is herewith presented to the Board, said copy being one of the original copies executed by the
three parties to this transaction. Among other things it will be seen that under this contract we
agree to make conveyance of said property to the purchasers on or before the 1st day of October, 1939.
A deed by which said conveyanace is made by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
to the said Robert E. O'Donovan and Ella M. O'Donovan, his wife, prepared by Messrs. Pitney, Hardin & Skinner,
our Attorneys in New Jersey, was then presented to the meeting, W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the University,
stating that said deed, in his opinion, when properly executed and acknowledged on behalf of the University,
would convey said property to said purchasers in accordance with the terms of said contract.
It was, thereupon, RESOLVED-
(1) That this Board approves the sale of the premises conveyed by Alfred D. Cooper and wife to
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, by deed recorded December 21, 1938, in
Book p-94, pp. 573-574 of Deeds for Essex County, upon the terms set out in the articles of
agreement dated August 16, 1939, between the University of Virginia and Robert E. O'Donovan and
Ella M. O'Donovan, his wife;(2) That this Board further approved the form of the deed submitted to this meeting, and dated
September 21, 1939, between The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, of the first
part, and said Robert E. O'Donovan and Ella M. O'Donovan, his wife, of the second part, by331
which said property is conveyed to said parties of the second part, and J. L. Newcomb, President
of this corporation, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute said deed in the name and on
behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, E. I. Carruthers, Secretary
of this Board, being hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal thereto, and to attest the
same;(3) And Messrs. Pitney, Hardin & Skinner, Attorneys, of Newark, New Jersey, are hereby
authorized and empowered to deliver said deed to said purchasers upon compliance by said
purchasers with the terms of said contract of purchase, or if said purchasers should prefer
to pay the whole of the purchase money, namely, $8000.00, in cash, upon delivery of said
deed, then said Pitney, Hardin & Skinner are hereby expressly authorized to deliver said deed
to said purchasers upon payment of said purchase price in full, less 5%, or $400.00, which is
the commission due Arthur E. Marsters, Inc., the real estate agents through whom this sale was
negotiated,(4) And said E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of this Board, is hereby authorized and empowered
to deliver to Messrs. Pitney, Hardin & Skinner, for delivery by said Attorneys to said purchasers,
a copy of these resolutions, certifying the same under the seal of this Corporation, attaching
to said certified copy of these resolutions the signed articles of agreement presented to this
meeting and hereinbefore referred to, and also the deed of conveyance presented to this meeting,
the execution of which is hereinbefore authorized, certifying that said articles of agreement
and said deed of donveyance are the same papers that were submitted to this meeting and
approved by the foregoing resolutions.
An affidavit was then presented to the meeting, prepared for execution by E. I. Carruthers,
secretary, under which said Carruthers, deposes on oath, among other things, that the persons executing
the deed of conveyance are persons duly authorized by proper resolution of this Board at a proper and lawful
meeting of said Board, also that so far as he knows, title to the said property has never been questioned
or disputed, and that said title is now free and clear of all taxes and other encumbrances of any kind.
Upon consideration of said affidavit, it was, thereupon,
RESOLVED, that said E. I. Carruthers be and he is hereby authorized to execute said
affidavit, and to deliver same to Messrs. Pitney, Hardin & Skinner for delivery to said
purchasers along with said deed of conveyance.
Application was made to the Board by E. O. McCue, Jr., and Jesse B. Wilson to refinance their
indebtedness to the University secured by deed of trust upon an office building on Fifth Street,
Charlottesville, by allowing said parties to pay $1000.00 of the principal of $6000.00 now owed by them,
and to deliver to the University, in evidence of the remaining $5000.00, their seven bonds, one of which
shall be for $500.00, the remaining bonds to be for $750.00 each, all of said bonds to be payable five
years after date, with interest at 4% per annum payable semi-annually, leave being reserved to anticipate
payment of any of said bonds at any date when interest is payable, provided sixty days prior notice in
writing has been given the University of such anticipation.
It was-
RESOLVED that the Attorney for the University advise Mr. McCue and Mr. Wilson that the
University is willing to refinance this loan upon the terms above set out, provided five per
cent is paid upon said bonds instead of four per cent.
The President presented this matter for consideration and action by the Board, during the
consideration of which Mr. R. Gray Williams withdrew. The matter was disposed of in the following
preambles and resolution adopted:
At a former meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board, held on March 8, 1939, the
following Resolution was adopted:
"RESOLVED, by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that approval be and
the same is hereby given to the State Highway Department to re-locate a new highway along the
old Blandy Camp Road, which is the northern end of the University property known as The Blandy
Experimental Farm."
Up to the present time no further action has been taken with reference to conveyance of the
Right-of-Way in question.
A contract prepared by the State Highway Department to convey said Right-of-Way was presented
to the meeting, and it was thereupon*
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President be
and he is hereby authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of
the University, and deliver the same, and it was
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that if desired by the State Highway Department the President shall
also execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of this corporation, a deed conveying
said Right-of-Way to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and E. I. Carruthers, Secretary of this
Board, is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal of the University, both to said
agreement and to such deed as may hereafter be executed by the President pursuant the authority
of this resolution.
The President then presented to the meeting an application upon a form promulgated by the
Division of Aeronautics of the State Corporation Commission for permit for the establishment, maintenance,
operation and conduct of an airport and/or landing field for landing and departure of civil aircraft
engaged in commercial aviation, under and in accordance with provisions of Sections 3775a to 3775n and
3074a to 3074i of The Code of Virginia.
Discussion of the propriety of making this application developed the fact that application in
the form submitted is necessary if the University is to obtain a permit for operation of such a flying
field as is necessary in connection with our aeronautical training program. After a full consideration
of the whole situation, during which Captain Royal, representing a group of citizens of the Shadwell and
Keswick communities, was heard in opposition to its location on the proposed site, the following resolution
was adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said application in the name and on behalf of The
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and to take such steps as may be necessary to
file said application with the State Corporation Commission, and to authorize and direct such
further action on behalf of the University as may be necessary in and about securing the permit
applied for.
The President presented to the meeting the following letter from Governor James H. Price,
dated September 19, 1939 and addressed to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia:
September 19, 1939
Under date of September 19, 1939, President J. L. Newcomb has requested the Governor's
approval of the creation of a deficit in the amount of $17,800 for the purchase of a tract
of land of 178 acres extent just south of Shadwell, Virginia, to be used by the University
as a landing field for students receiving instruction in aeronautics.
In support of this request President Newcomb has pointed out that the University of
Virginia now offers comprehensive ground training in aeronautics, and that accessibility of a
landing field meeting standard requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Authority will permit
University participation in the training program sponsored by that agency.
President Newcomb writes further as follows:
"It is understood that the Rector and Visitors will apply to the State Corporation
Commission for a permit to operate this field and that the Corporation Commission will
agree to carry forward the necessary grading operations, the reseeding, and the building
of hangars at their (the Commission's) expense, which will serve to place this field
in a condition to meet all the requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Authority in
An examination of the evidence submitted in support of this application indicates the
existence of an emergency which justifies the incurrence of deficit, and that the price to be
paid for the proposed landing field is a reasonable one.
Permission is accordingly granted for the incurrence of a deficit for the purchase of
a tract of 178 acres just south of Shadwell, Virginia, according to the map of such tract on
file in the offices of the Corporation Commission. The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia are authorized to borrow from such sources and on such terms as the Treasurer of
Virginia may approve not to exceed $17,800.00. An appropriation for the repayment of this
loan will be recommended in the next budget.
J. H. Bradford,
Chief of Records and Control
R. A. Egger
Director of the Budget
and after the above letter was read and fully considered, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President be
and he is hereby authorized to negotiate a loan from such source as he may deem best, not to
exceed $17,800 which sum shall be used to pay the purchase price for the property known as
"The Hughes Farm" now owned by W. D. Haden and wife.
The President is further authorized to conclude the purchase of said property, accept deed
thereto, and to all things which may be necessary to effect the purposes for which this purchase
is being made.
A list of the contracts on said Dockets was presented, read and approved, and the President
authorized to sign the same on behalf of the Board.
WHEREAS, under the terms and conditions of a Grant allocated by the Federal Government through
Federal Works Agency, Public Works Administration, contracts have been entered into for the construction
of a Neuro-Psychiatric Addition to the University of Virginia Hospital, Docket Va. 1101-F, same being
Contracts Nos. 1, s and 3 and further Contracts 4-18 inclusive for the Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment
to be installed in said building, and
WHEREAS, these contracts have beem completed in accordance with all Plans and Specifications
and other Contract Documents, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, do hereby accept
these contracts as fully complete as enumerated below:
CONTRACT NO. 1 - JOHN C. SENTER, Roanoke, Va., Contractor. - This contract was for the general construction
of the building with plumbing and electrical work.
Contract Amount | $107,895.00 |
Extras | 2,176.76 |
Total | $110,071.76 |
CONTRACT NO. 2 - WILLIAMS COMPANY, Norfolk, Va., Contractor - This contract was the heating, ventilating
and radiator enclosures.
Contract Amount | $ 6,881.00 |
Extras | 36.34 |
Total | $ 6,917.34 |
CONTRACT NO. 3 - SALEM FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, Salem, Va., Contractor - This contract was for furnishing
and installing hospital elevator.
Contract amount | $ 6,775.00 |
Extra | 50.00 |
Total | $ 6,825.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 4 - RITCHIE ELECTRIC CO., Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was for furnishing
lighting fixtures, electric clocks and fans.
Contract amount | $ 1,292.40 |
Extras | 108.55 |
Total | $ 1,400.95 |
CONTRACT NO. 5 - GILMORE, HAMM & SNYDER, Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was for the
delivery of wood and metal furniture -
Contract Amount | $1,269.36 |
CONTRACT NO. 6 - THE HILL-ROM COMPANY, Batesville, Ind., Contractor - This contract was for wood
furniture and hospital equipment.
Contract Amount | $ 1,527.35 |
Extra | 118.00 |
Total | $ 1,645.35 |
CONTRACT NO. 7 - WALTER LEARS & SONS, Baltimore, Md., Contractor - This contract for delivered furniture
was for hospital beds, mattresses, pillows, screens and bedside tables.
Contract Amount | $ 2,378.87 |
CONTRACT NO. 8 - THE COLSON MERRIAN CO., Baltimore, Md., Contractor - This contract was for heated
food conveyors.
Contract Amount | $ 397.06 |
CONTRACT NO. 9 - JOHN G. KOLBE, Richmond, Va., Contractor - This contract was for chiraware and table
Contract Amount | $ 101.05 |
CONTRACT NO. 10 - FLOWERS SCHOOL EQUIPMENT CO., Richmond, Va., Contractor - This contract was for
blankets and bed linens.
Contract Amount | $ 1,691.20 |
Credits | 60.00 |
Total | $ 1,631.20 |
CONTRACT NO. 11 - BARKE JENNINGS HARDWARE CO., Lynchburg, Va., Contractor - This contract was for
utensils including solution basins, bed pans, pitchers, urinals, etc.
Contract Amount | $ 822.11 |
CONTRACT NO. 12 - POWERS AND NADERSON, Richmond, Va., Contractor - This contract was for delivery
of sterilizers in utility rooms, installation by others.
Contract Amount | $ 634.92 |
CONTRACT NO. 13 - OMOHUNDRO ELECTRIC CO., Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was for
delivery of electric refrigerators.
Contract Amount | $ 259.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 14 - CHARLOTTESVILLE HARDWARE CO., Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was
for the delivery of gas ranges, installation by others.
Contract Amount | $ 123.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 15 - THE JOHN VAN RANGE COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio., Contractor - This contract was for
delivery to the building, equipment for two diet kitchens.
Contract Amount | $ 1,187.20 |
CONTRACT NO. 16 - GILMORE, HAMM & SNYDER, Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was for
furnishing furniture in the Nurses' dining Room.
Contract Amount | $ 395.25 |
CONTRACT NO. 17 - THE MAX WOCHER CO., Cincinnati, Ohio., Contractor - This contract was for wheel
chairs, stretchers, stools, instrument tables, carts and hempers.
Contract Amount | $ 733.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 18 - GILMORE, HAMM & SNYDER, Charlottesville, Va., Contractor - This contract was for the
furniture to be placed in solarium and roof garden, and for shades.
Contract Amount | $ 1,806.60 |
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University that:
Contract No. | To | Amount | Description |
49 | Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co. Richmond, Va. |
$575.91 | Panel Board and Control Equipment |
50 | Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co. Richmond, Va. |
$944.28 | Lighting Equipment |
51 | Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co. Richmond, Va. |
$790.00 | 60 Lens Box Lighting Units |
52 | Hajoca Corporation Staunton, Va. |
$403.02 | Radiators, etc. |
53 | Graybar Electric Co. Richmond, Va. |
$126.42 | 300' copper cable and 250' copper wire |
be and they are hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all action heretofore taken by the University of Virginia,
its officers or agents, with reference to any one or more of these said contracts be and
the same are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed, and Frank E. Hartman, Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds, is hereby directed, authorized and empowered to execute any and all of
said contracts as enumerated above, in the name and on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to affix the seal of the University
and attest the same.
WHEREAS, under the terms and conditions of a Grant allocated by the Federal Government, through
Federal Works Agency, Public Works Administration, contracts have been entered into for the Restoration of the
Rotunda, Docket Va. 1312-F, same being Contracts 1 to 16 inclusive, 19, 23 to 53 inclusive for material
only; Contracts 17-18 for Office Furniture and Equipment; Contract 20 for furnishing and setting all marble;
Contract 21, furnishing and setting all Flagstone; Contract 22, Roofing, Waterproofing and Sheet Metal Work, and
WHEREAS, these contracts have been completed in accordance with all Plans and Specifications and
other Contract Documents, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, do hereby accept these
contracts as fully complete as enumerated below:
CONTRACT NO. 1 - HULL COAL COMPANY, Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for our Cement requirements:
Contract amount | $ 767.50 |
Extra | 925.76 |
Total | $ 1,693.26 |
CONTRACT NO. 2 - BARNES LUMBER CORP., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Masonry Cement:
Contract amount | $ 133.60 |
Extra | 128.69 |
Total | $ 262.29 |
CONTRACT NO. 3 - CHARLOTTESVILLE STONE CORP., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Crushed Rock:
Contract amount | $ 630.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 4 - GWATHMEY SAND COMPANY, Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Washed Sand:
Contract amount | $ 189.60 |
Credit | 1.10 |
Total | $ 188.50 |
CONTRACT NO. 5 - JAMES McGRAW, INC., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for heavy galv. steel pipe columns 4″
in diameter.
Contract amount | $ 92.40 |
CONTRACT NO. 6 - E. T. MANKIN, INC., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Face & Arch Brick.
Contract amount | $ 494.40 |
CONTRACT NO. 7 - BARNES LUMBER CORP., Charlottesville, Va., - This contract was for Common Brick:
Contract amount | $ 210.00 |
Credit | 7.50 |
Total | $ 202.50 |
CONTRACT NO. 8 - NOLAND COMPANY, INC., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Galv. Wrought iron Pipe for
Water lines.
Contract amount | $ 151.90 |
Credit | .11 |
Total | $ 151.79 |
CONTRACT NO. 9 C. B. ANDERSON, Proffitt, Va., - This contract was for Concrete and Mortar Sand.
Contract amount | $ 325.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 10 - VIRGINIA STEEL COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Reinforcing Steel -
North Steps.
Contract amount | $ 105.00 |
Credit | .47 |
Total | 104.53 |
CONTRACT NO. 11 - CHARLOTTESVILLE HDWE. CO., Charlottesville, Va., - This contract was for Reinforcing Mesh.
Contract amount | $ 254.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 12 - DIETRICH BROTHERS, Baltimore, Md., - This contract was for Reinforcing Steel for Slabs.
Contract amount | $ 216.00 |
Credit | 1.08 |
Total | $ 214.92 |
CONTRACT NO. 13 - HAJOCA CORPORATION, Staunton, Va., - This contract was for Pipe and Fittings for Heating.
Contract amount | $ 575.00 |
Extra | 10.62 |
Total | $ 585.62 |
CONTRACT NO. 14 - MASSEY BUILDERS SUPPLY CO., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Sewer Pipe.
Contract amount | $ 185.47 |
CONTRACT NO. 15 - CHARLOTTESVILLE HDWE. CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Gray Alundum
Contrete Aggregate.
Contract amount | $ 49.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 16 - BARNES LUMBER CORP., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Lumber for North set of
Concrete steps.
Contract amount | $ 55.60 |
CONTRACT NO. 17 - SECURITY STEEL CO., Avenel, N. J. - This Contract was for Metal Office Furniture.
Contract amount | $ 1,658.11 |
CONTRACT NO. 18 - ANDERSON BROS., INC., Charlottesville, Va. - This Contract was for Wood Office Furniture.
Contract amount | $ 244.55 |
Extras | 92.25 |
Total | $ 334.80 |
CONTRACT NO. 19 - GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Electric Conduit
and Fittings.
Contract amount | $ 865.25 |
CONTRACT NO. 20 - GEROGIA MARBLE COMPANY, Nelson, Ga. - This contract was for Furnishing and Setting all Marble.
Contract amount | $ 65,200.00 |
Extra | 304.00 |
Total | $ 65,504.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 21 - N. W. MARTIN & BROS., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for furnishing and setting
all Flagstone.
Contract amount | $ 4,550.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 22 - N. W. MARTIN & BROS., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Roofing, Waterproofing,
Sheet Metal Work, etc.
Contract amount | $ 4,340.00 |
Credit | 52.14 |
Total | $ 4,287.88 |
CONTRACT NO. 23 - CHARLOTTESVILLE HARDWARE CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for a
Carborundum Grinder
Contract amount | $ 35.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 24 - RICHMOND STRUCTURAL STEEL CO., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Built-up Steel
Beams for Colonnades.
Contract amount | $ 290.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 25 - CHARLOTTESVILLE SUPPLY CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Pipe Fitting Tools.
Contract amount | $ 96.70 |
CONTRACT NO. 26 - CHARLOTTESVILLE LUMBER CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Plaster and
Lime requirements.
Contract amount | $ 620.00 |
Credit | 8.97 |
Total | $ 611.03 |
CONTRACT NO. 27 - CINDER BLOCK COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Cinder Block for Partitions
and back-up.
Contract amount | $ 353.40 |
CONTRACT NO. 28 - BOWKER & RODEN, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Cork Expansion Joint.
Contract amount | $ 182.50 |
Credit | .91 |
Total | $ 181.59 |
CONTRACT NO. 29 - CHARLOTTESVILLE LUMBER CO., Charlottesville, Va., - This contract was for Lath &
Purring Channel.
Contract amount | $ 655.42 |
CONTRACT NO. 30 - TOMLINSON CO., INC., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Galv. Wrought Iron &
C. I. Pipe for Drainage.
Contract amount | $ 842.80 |
Extra | 29.70 |
Total | $ 872.50 |
CONTRACT NO. 31 - RICHMOND STRUCTURAL STEEL CO., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for 3" Channels.
Contract amount | $ 285.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 32 - DYKE DEAN, Elkton, Va. - This contract was for scaffolding lumber.
Contract amount | $ 216.53 |
CONTRACT NO. 33 - HARRIS HDWE. COMPANY, Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Plaster Bond &
Contract amount | $ 104.57 |
CONTRACT NO. 34 - CHARLOTTESVILLE SUPPLY CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Wrought Iron Pipe.
Contract amount | $ 88.62 |
CONTRACT NO. 35 - J. S. PURCELL, Louisa, Va. - This contract was for form lumber.
Contract amount | $ 50.40 |
CONTRACT NO. 36 - BARNES LUMBER CORP., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Paving Brick.
Contract amount | $ 174.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 37 - WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for 3,000'
galvanized conduit.
Contract amount | $ 188.02 |
CONTRACT NO. 38 - JAMES McGRAW, INC., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for six wheelbarrows.
CONTRACT NO. 39 - E. DYKE DEAN, Elkton, Va. - This contract was for Y. P. Rough Lumber.
Contract amount | $ 62.40 |
CONTRACT NO. 40 - R. E. RICHARDSON & SONS, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Millwork (wdw. frames, etc.)
Contract amount | $ 1,180.80 |
Credit | 23.62 |
Total | $ 1,157.18 |
CONTRACT NO. 41 - CHARLOTTESVILLE LUMBER CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for special Moulding,
Framing & Plywood.
Contract amount | $ 36.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 42 - GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Five Panel Boxes.
Contract amount | $ 325.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 43 - JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS., Philadelphia, Penna. - This contract was for White Lead.
Contract amount | $ 275.78 |
CONTRACT NO. 44 - HARRIS HARDWARE CO., Charlottesville, Va., - This contract was for Bay State White Paint.
Contract amount | $ 276.36 |
CONTRACT NO. 45 - BARNES LUMBER CORP., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Doors and Frames.
Contract amount | $ 678.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 46 - CHARLOTTESVILLE HDWE. CO., Charlottesville, Va. - This contract was for Soft
(Roofing Temper) Copper & Copper Nails.
Contract amount | $ 663.21 |
CONTRACT NO. 47 - GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Bare Copper Rubber Covered
Building Wire and Rubber Covered Underground Cable.
Contract amount | $ 331.59 |
CONTRACT NO. 48 - NOLAND COMPANY, INC., Richmond, Va., - This contract was for Genuine Black W. I. Pipe.
Contract amount | $ 99.16 |
Extra | 3.18 |
Total | $ 104.34 |
CONTRACT NO. 49 - WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY., Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Panel Boards
and Control Equipment.
Contract amount | $ 575.91 |
CONTRACT NO. 50 - WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for Lighting
Contract amount | $ 944.28 |
CONTRACT NO. 51 - WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for 60 Lens Box
Lighting Units.
Contract amount | $ 790.00 |
CONTRACT NO. 52 - HAJOCA CORPORATION, Staunton, Va. - This contract was for Radiators, etc.
Contract amount | $ 403.02 |
CONTRACT NO. 53 - GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, Richmond, Va. - This contract was for 500' copper cable and 250'
copper wire.
Contract amount | $ 126.42 |
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia do hereby constitute
and appoint the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, a dustodian, to have care and safe-keeping
of such securities as have been or may be entrusted to their custody in behalf of the University of
Virginia and said custodian is hereby authorized to register any of such securities in the name of
Waby & Company, its nominee, whenever the convenience of handling such security would be advanced
Upon recommendation of the President, it was
RESOLVED, That Prof. Frederic T. Morse be and he is hereby appointed Director of Aeronautical
Training at the University of Virginia.
The date for the next meeting of the Board was fixed for the evening of November 3rd, at 8 o'clock,
with adjournment to the morning of November 4th at 11 o'clock for the election of a Rector to succeed
Frederic W. Scott, deceased.
The meeting then adjourned.
RECTOR. pro tem
Board of Visitors minutes October 3, 1939 | ||