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Pursuant to call of the President, a special meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Visitors was held in the office of the President at the University
on Wednesday, July 19th, 1939, at 10:30 A.M., the President and the following
members of the Executive Committee being present - Hollis Rinehart, R. Gray williams
and C. O'Conor Goolrick.


The President stated that the primary purpose of the meeting, as expressed
in the call, is to consider the terms of a proposed agreement between National Geographic
Society and the University providing for an expedition to the Central South Pacific
Islands under the leadership of Professor Wilbur A. Nelson, and to be known as the -
"National Geographic Society—University of Virginia Geophysical Expedition to the
Central South Pacific Islands with the Co-operation of the United States Coast Guard

The President then requested Dr. Wilbur A. Nelson, who was present at the
meeting, to explain to the Committee the plans and purposes of the proposed Expedition;
and in accordance with this request Dr. Nelson addressed the meeting, giving a brief
outline of the background of the Expedition, its purposes and the possibilities of
important scientific discoveries being made by reason thereof.

Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the Board, then presented to the meeting a form of
agreement between National Geographic Society and the University, covering the conditions
under which the expedition is being organized and the respective undertakings of the
National Geographic Society and the University with reference thereto.

After a full discussion of the whole situation, the following resolution
was adopted:

RESOLVED that the proposed agreement between the National Geographic Society
and the University of Virginia, submitted to this meeting by the Attorney for the
University, be and is hereby approved, and the President is hereby authorized and
requested to execute and deliver said contract in the name and on behalf of the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Said contract shall not be
operative, however, until Professor Nelson, the Leader of the Expedition, and each
and every member of said Expedition's scientific staff shall have executed and
delivered to the University a properly executed release by which the University shall
be relieved from any and all responsibility for loss or damage to personal property,
from liability for illness, accident, personal injuries, or death, arising out of,
connected with, or in any manner occurring during the Expedition, the preparations
therefor, or resulting therefrom, said release to be in such form as may be
prescribed by the Attorney for the University.


Bids for the construction of a Research Teaching Laboratory at the Mountain
Lake Biological Station, Mountain Lake, Virginia, were received in the Office of the
President on Thursday, July 6. These bids were opened in the President's Office, by
Mr. Rinehart, Chariman of the New Buildings Committee of the Board, the President of
the University, and the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.

Messrs. T. E. Coffey and Company, Boxley Building, Roanoke, were found to
be the low bidders with a base bid of $48,700. This amount slightly exceeded the total
available for expediture. After accepting certain alternates provided in the proposal,
namely, alternates 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9, the net value of the contract was reduced to
$46,680. This being the low bid, and the total sum being within the amount of money
available, it is recommended by the Chairman of the New Buildings Committee that this
contract in the sum of $46,680 be awarded to T. E. Coffey and Company, of Roanoke,
Virginia. It was thereupon

RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the contract for construction of the Research Teaching
Laboratory at the Mountain Lake Biological Station, Mountain Lake, Virginia, be and
same is hereby awarded to T. E. Coffey and Company, Boxley Building, Roanoke,
Virginia, in the net value of $46,680.

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the President be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to execute the contract on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia with T. E. Coffey and Company for the construction of this
building, in the sum of $46,680.


The President advised that the American Investment Company of Peabody, Kansas,
had negotiated a sale of the Coffinberry Land owned by the University of Virginia and
located in Peabody, Kansas, to Fred Gard, in Peabody, for the sum of $1550.

The terms of the sale were $550 cash, with the remaining $1,000 payable on or
before March 1, 1940 without interest.

The Rector of the University was consulted and approved of this sale. A
contract was thereupon prepared in triplicate, with deed to be placed in escrow with the
agency until final payment is made. On July 6, 1939 the Rector and the Secretary
executed the contracts and deed and mailed them to the agency, retaining a copy of the
contract which is made a part of the minutes of this meeting. Whereupon it was


RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, that the action of the Rector and Secretary in entering into this
agreement and executing this deed be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed in
all respects.


The President stated to the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the
University that he had received an offer of $7500 cash for the premises at 328 Ridgewood
Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey. This offer was made by Arthur E. Masters, Inc., on behalf
of Robert E. O'Donovan, of Glen Ridge.

The President stated further that upon receipt of this offer he telegraphed to
a friend of the University, Mr. Oglesby, who lives in Bloomfield, New Jersey, which is
a town adjoining Glen Ridge, and asked Mr. Oglesby to inspect this property and estimate
its fair price. The President received a telegram from Mr. Oglesby under date of July 8,
indicating his estimate of a fair price to be between nine and eleven thousand dollars;
whereupon the President declined to accept the offer of $7500 cash on this property.

RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the
University that the action of the President in connection with the offer on the
Premises at 328 Ridgewood Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey, be and the same is hereby
ratified and approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors
of the University that the President be and he is hereby directed to communicate with
Messrs. Pitney, Hardin and Skinner, attorneys of Newark, N. J., the willingness of the
Rector and Visitors to accept $10,000 for this property.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if this offer is accpeted, the Rector of the
University be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sign proper deed for the
transfer of this property, and the Secretary is authorized and directed to affix the
seal of the University to said deed.


Resolved by the Executive Committee of the Rector and Visitors of the University
that the Bursar be and he is hereby directed to apply in the name of the University of
Virginia Museum for membership in the American Association of Museums and to pay for this
membership the sum of $10 per year.


In accordance with State Law, which requires the Rector and Visitors of the
University to furnish the Governor with a list of persons from which list the Governor
appoints a member of the State Art Commission, the Executive Committee of the Rector
and Visitors of the University authorizes and directs the President to submit to the
Governor the following named individuals:

  • Frederick Charles Disque

  • Stanislaw John Makielski

  • Edmund Schureman Campbell


WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works requires that all
extensions of time in connection with P.W. A. Docket Va. 1312-F, Restoration of Rotunda, be
authorized by this body; and

WHEREAS, due to certain unanticipated difficulties encountered in the Detailing,
Fabrication, Setting and Fitting of the Marble, and shortage of skilled marble cutters,
setters and pointers covered by Contract No. 20, it has been deemed advisable to extend the
time for completion of Contract No. 20, Furnishing and Setting of Marble and Contract No. 21,
Furnishing and Setting of all Flagstone and Contract No. 22, Roofing, Waterproofing & Sheet
Metal Work to September 28th, 1939; and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia, acting as General Contractor and doing this
work by Force Account, must necessarily be granted the same time granted on the Sub-Contracts;

WHEREAS, it is our contractual obligation to grant extensions of time and waive
liquidated damages where extra work is required under the contract and where said extra work
warrants extra time in the completion date to permit its execution; and

WHEREAS, the substantiating data required by P.W.A. is attached herewith;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia approve
the extension of time in connection with this Docket from August 28th, 1939 to and including
September 28th, 1939. (Adopted)


WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works requires that all
extensions of time and waiver of liquidated damages in connection with all contracts for
P.W.A. Project Va. 1312-F, Restoration of Rotunda, be authorized by this body; and

WHEREAS, due to the fact that this Project comprised the Restoration of the
Rotunda, the principal building in the original University Group, designed and built by
Thomas Jefferson, and completed in 1826; and

WHEREAS the work in this contract comprised the fabrication and setting of very
complicated marble work, which had to be carefully cut and fitted to existing work, which
was found to be out of square, not aligned and at varying levels, involving an unanticipated
amount of detailing and checking; and


WHEREAS, Twenty (20) calendar days is a fair and reasonable time to allow for
this cause; and

WHEREAS, due to the above conditions, many pieces of marble had to be cut and
fitted on the site; and

WHEREAS, after the start of the setting of this marble, there has been a lack
of skilled marble cutters, setters and pointers, competent to do the work acceptable to
the owners; and

WHEREAS, Twenty Five calendar days is a fair and reasonable time to allow for
this cause; and

WHEREAS, the extra time involved in the aforesaid contract amounts to Twenty
(20) and Twenty Five calendar days respectively and did not run concurrently but
occured at different times and therefore are separate and distinct items; and WHEREAS,
the contractor has requested an extension of time in an amount totaling 45 calendar days, and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia will suffer no loss of revenue from this
Project by the extension of time as the work involved will be on the exterior and not
affect the occupancy of the Rotunda, and therefore could not collect liquidated damages;

WHEREAS, the substantiating data required by P.W.A. is attached herewith;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
approve the extension of time and waiver of liquidated damages from August 14th, 1939
to and including September 28th, 1939, on the following contract;

Furnishing and Setting all Marble.


CONTRACT #21 - Furnishing & Setting all Flagging

CONTRACT #22 - Roofing, Waterproofing & Sheet Metal Work

WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works requires that
all extensions of time and waiver of oiquidated damages in connection with all contracts
for P.W.A. Project Va. 1312-F, Restoration of Rotunda, be authorized by this body; and

WHEREAS, due to delay on Contract #20, Marble, in completion of shop drawings
for marble, extra work involved in fabrication of same, extra cutting and fitting at the
site and inability to get skilled and satisfactory marble cutters, setters and pointers in
the stiuplated time required for this work, and it has been found necessary to extend
the time of completion of the General Contract, being done by Force Account, from
August 28th, 1939 up to and including September 28th, 1939; and

WHEREAS, our contractual obligations in connection with all of these contracts
require that, if the time of completion of the building contract is extended, the time
of completion of these contracts will be extended a reasonable amount; and

WHEREAS, it is desirable to have all contracts on this Docket terminate on
the same day; and

WHEREAS, the completion date for all other contracts on the aforementioned
Docket have been extended to and including September 28th, 1939; and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia will suffer no loss of revenue from the
project by granting extensions of time, and therefore, could not collect liquidated
damages; and

WHEREAS, the substantiating data required by P.W.A. is attached herewith;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
approve the extension of time and waiver of liquidated damages on Contract #21 from
July 22nd to September 28th, 1939, inclusive.


The wollowing resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
Frank E. Hartman, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds of the University of
Virginia be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of this
Board Applicant's Request For Extension of Docket Completion Date for the completion
of the restoration of the Rotunda, Docket Va.-1312-F, from August 28, 1939 to
September 28, 1939, inclusive.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University that:

Contract No.  To  Amount  Description 
46.  Charlottesville Hdwe. Co.
Charlottesville, Va. 
$663.21  Soft (Roofing Temper) Copper
& Copper Nails 
47.  Graybar Electric Company
Richmond, Va. 
$331.59  Bare Copper Rubber Covered
Building Wire & Rubber
Covered Underground Cable 
48.  Noland Company, Inc.,  (#) $ 99.16  Genuine Black W. I. Pipe 

be and they are hereby approved.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all action heretofore taken by the University
of Virginia, its officers or agents, with reference to any one or more of these
said contracts be and the same are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed, and Frank E.
Hartman, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, is hereby directed, authorized and
empowered to execute any and all of said contracts as enumerated above, in the name and
on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and the Secretary is
hereby authorized to affix the seal of the University and attest the same.

(#) Although this contract, based on the exact lengths of pipe for which bids were
received, totaled $99.16, the pipe did not run in exact lengths and the cost
of pipe received amounted to $104.34 which renders it necessary that this contract
be approved by the Board.

The following Resolution was unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works has seen fit to
extend the time of completion of Contracts on Docket Va. 1101-F, Psychiatric Addition to the
University of Va. Hospital as follows:

Contracts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 from August 1, 1939 to September 15, 1939, and

Contracts Nos. 4 to 18 inclusive from August 15, 1939, to September 23, 1939,

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia,
that the Rector and the Secretary be and they are hereby authorized and directed to
execute on behalf of this Board a revised application for an extension of time for the
various contracts on this Docket to conform to the extension of time set by the Public
Works Administration on this Docket, and to execute on behalf of this Board the waiver
of liquidated damages under the contracts.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthersa