![]() | Board of Visitors minutes February 28, 1938 | ![]() |
A special meeting of the Board was held on this date with the Rector, Frederic
W. Scott, and Visitors Corbitt, Garnett, L. C. Williams and R. Gray Williams, and President
Newcomb present.
Minutes of the previous meeting, which had been copied and mailed to the members,
were approved.
The following report from the New Buildings Committee with respect to bids for
certain items in connection with the erection of the New Library Building was received,
discussed and approved:
The New Buildings Committee of the Board of Visitors met on this
date at 11 o'clock in the office of President Newcomb to receive bids for screens,
weatherstripping, venetian blinds, shades, walls, roads, drains, landscaping and
yard wall, in accordance with advertisement therefor, in connection with PWA
Project 1075-D University of Virginia Library.
There were present Lewis C. Williams and C. O'Conor Goolrick of the
New Buildings Committee. President Newcomb, and E. B. Hazelgrove representing the
Public Works Administration.
Twenty-seven bids complying with the requirements set forth in the advertisement
were submitted for one or more items of the achedule, and the following
were found to be the low bidder under each schedule.
Schedule N.- Screens: | |
Goode Engineering Sales Company, of Lynchburg, Va |
$ 54.00 |
Schedule O.-Weatherstripping: | |
Goode Engineering Sales Company, of Lynchburg, Va |
1298.00 |
Schedule P.-Venetian Blinds: | |
Gilmore, Hamm & Snyder, Inc. of Charlottesville, Va. |
$ 1650.00 |
Schdeule Q.-Shades: | |
Flowers School Equipment Company, of Richmond, Va. |
745.51 |
Schedule R.-Walks, Roads, Drains: | |
Charlottesville Lumber Co., Inc. of Charlottesville, Va. |
8220.00 |
Schedule S.-Landscaping: | |
James F. Williams, of Lynchburg, Va. | 1770.00 |
Schedule T-Yard Wall: | |
Charlottesville Lumber Co., Inc. of Charlottesville, Va. |
5954.00 |
Total | $ 19,691.51 |
The President presented the matter of providing for supplementary retiring
allowances for certain members of the faculty and explained, at some length, the Majority
and Minority reports of the special Committee of the Board on Supplementary Retiring
Allowances presented at the January meeting at which action was deferred for further study,
and the study and consideration that had been given it in the interim by himself and the
Faculty Committee which had been considering the matter. He presented the following preambles
and resolution which was offered by Lewis C. Williams and seconded by R. Gray Williams and
WHEREAS, the 24 members of the Administration and Teaching Staff whose respective
names and ages are listed below were not permitted to participate in the University's
Retirement Annuity Plan which was set up as of July 1, 1928, having been excluded
therefrom on account of their expectation of benefits from the Carnegie Foundation,
which expectations it was subsequently found would be in large part unrealized;
WHEREAS, if said members had been permitted to participate in the Plan the
University would, under the Plan, have contributed amounts which would have provided
for said members annuities commencing on the first day of July after their respective
seventieth birthdays in the following respective amounts:
Balz, A. G. A. | 1/3/1887 | 6/30/1957 | $1,289.64 |
Bardin, J. C. | 9/25/1887 | 6/30/1958 | 1,386.72 |
Bean, R. B. | 3/24/1874 | 6/30/1944 | 564.36 |
Bird, R. M. | 6/13/1867 | 6/30/1937 | 287.16 |
Bray, W. E. | 3/7/1882 | 6/30/1952 | 555.72 |
Carruthers, E. I. | 4/22/1874 | 6/30/1944 | 606.12 |
Dobie, A. M. | 4/15/1881 | 6/30/1951 | 1,361.64 |
Eager, G. B., Jr. | 1/26/1888 | 6/30/1958 | 1,507.08 |
Faulkner, W. H. | 6/19/1874 | 6/30/1944 | 509.16 |
Flippin, J. C. | 1/26/1878 | 6/30/1948 | 980.52 |
Forrest, W. M. | 10/19/1868 | 6/30/1939 | 304.20 |
Hoxton, L. G. | 4/28/1878 | 6/30/1948 | 831.24 |
Johnson, H. P. | 6/26/1876 | 6/30/1946 | 627.24 |
Jordan, H. E. | 8/14/1878 | 6/30/1949 | 903.96 |
Kepner, W. A. | 7/9/1875 | 6/30/1946 | 738.48 |
Lambeth, W. A. | 10/27/1867 | 6/30/1938 | 352.80 |
Lewis, I. F. | 8/31/1882 | 6/30/1953 | 1,188.12 |
Mitchell, S. A. | 4/29/1874 | 6/30/1944 | 619.20 |
Newcomb, J. L. | 12/18/1881 | 6/30/1952 | 2,513.04 |
Rodman, W. S. | 9/1/1883 | 6/30/1954 | 1,314.96 |
Sparrow, C. M. | 1/10/1880 | 6/30/1950 | 979.32 |
Waddell, J. A. | 5/20/1878 | 6/30/1948 | 675.60 |
Webb, R. H. | 2/21/1882 | 6/30/1952 | 1,022.04 |
Wilson, R. H. | 3/6/1870 | 6/30/1940 | 453.60 |
and would also have provided after the respective deaths of said persons one-half of
the above listed amounts for their respective widows;
WHEREAS, the Rector and Visitors of the University has received a communication
from certain members of the professorial and administrative staff which reads
as follows:
"We the undersigned members of the Professorial Staff of the University
of Virginia who will be affected by the system of retiring annuities at age
seventy now under consideration by the Board of Visitors, are unanimously of the
opinion that the system to be inaugurated should be that which would produce a
uniformity of annual retiring allowance for the twenty-four individuals involved.
This group is constituted of those who would by such a system receive somewhat
lower retiring allowances than would be offered by the allowances sponsored by the
majority of the sub-committee of the Board of Visitors."
WHEREAS, the above mentioned communication has been signed by all members of
the teaching and administrative staff who would be adversely affected by the adoption
of a uniform supplemental annuities with the single exception of Professor A. M. Dooie,
who because of sickness could not be interviewed;
WHEREAS it will be observed that the average of annuities listed above
amounts annually to $898.83 for each of the twenty-four annuitants; THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that this Board deems it fair that the University pay to said
members as a retiring annuity the sum of $900 per annum for the term of their respective
lives, commencing on the first day of July after their respective seventieth
birthdays; and that the University pay to the respective widows, if any, of said members
for the terms of their lives, one-half of the above mentioned supplement.
The Rules governing the supplementary allowances by the University of Virginia
shall be in accord with the Rules for the granting of retiring allowances formulated
by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, effective as of
February 1, 1938, a copy of which Rules is made a part of this Resolution.
The President then presented and discussed the question of compulsory retirement
of officers of administration and members of the teaching staff upon reaching the age of
70, and suggested the following resolution which was offered by Mr. Corbitt, seconded
by Mr. Garnett and adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia
that beginning with the current session the retirement of all officers of
administration and members of the teaching staff on the first day of July after
they shall have reached their respective seventieth birthdays, shall be compulsory.
This Resolution shall not apply to the two members of the faculty who reached the
age of seventy prior to June 1, 1937.
The President then presented and discussed the question of compulsory participation
by all officers of administration and professors of every grade in the retirement
plan now participated in by some 76 members of the staff, and suggested the following
resolution which was offered by Mr. R. Gray Williams, seconded by Mr. Lewis C. Williams
and adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
beginning with the Session of 1938-39 it shall be compulsory for all administrative
officers of the University and all professors of every grade to pay respectively
five per cent (5%) of their salary as received to the TEACHERS INSURANCE AND ANNUITY
ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, until he reaches his sixty-fifth birthday, each such payment
to be matched by an equal amount to be paid by the University, for the purpose of
providing a retirement annuity for such administrative officers and professors.
Nothing in this Resolution shall apply to the present holders of any of the positions
above mentioned.
It was agreed that the Alderman Memorial Library be formally opened during the
Finals in June, 1938.
The President advised the Board of the steps he had been pursuing over the
past year to secure the Dr. Tracy W. McGregor Library for the University, and read certain
correspondence that had passed between Judge Henry S. Hulbert, one of the Trustees of the
McGregor Fund, and himself. He also advised the Board of a personal conference had recently
in Detroit with the Trustees when he and Mr. Harry Clemons, Librarian of the University,
were requested to come to Detroit for a personal consultation in the matter. The President
read a letter he had prepared for transmittal to the Trustees setting forth certain terms
and condition that the University would undertake to carry out if the library were placed
here. Tentative agreement was given by the Board to the conditions set forth in the said
Election of Assistant Varsity Football Coach:
Upon the recommendation of the President, Arthur L. Guepe was elected
Assistant Coach of the Varsity Football team, from March 1, 1938 through February 28,
1939, at a salary for the year of $2700.00
Mr. Corbitt, who had been requested to review the tract of land consisting of
some 51 acres located in Dinwiddie County about four miles from Petersburg, being part of
the property of the Seward Estate, with a view to its value in connection with an offer
that had been received some time since through Mr. W. Allan Perkins, Attorney for the
University, reported that he had made the inspection and recommended that the tract be sold
for not less than $500.00.
The President advised the Board that the Health Authorities of Petersburg are
requiring sewerage connections to be put in three pieces of property owned by the University,
being part of the Seward Estate, viz: 504 St. Luke Street and 1218 and 1220 Chinquepin
Alley, and suggested the following action, which was approved:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors that the sum of $550.00, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of installing
water pipes, vents, sinks and sewerage connections to these properties,
the cost to be charged against the Seward Estate.
The meeting then adjourned.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes February 28, 1938 | ![]() |