University of Virginia Library


A meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on this date at 11 o'clock with
Visitors Corbitt, Garnett, Goolrick, Hall, Munford, Rinehart, Stuart, L. C. Williams and
R. Gray Williams, and President Newcomb present.

In the absence of the Rector Mr. Hollis Rinehart was elected Rector pro tem.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been copied and mailed to all the members,
and found correct, were approved.

The President made the following announcements:

Attendance for the present session to date 2371 being a net increase of 33
over the same date last year.

Summer session, 1934  1328 (net) 
Extension Division  944 
Nurses' Training School  152 
Grand total  4795 


From the General Education Board, for the maintenance of
Mountain Lake Biological Station, 1935 
$ 5,000 
and for scholarships for Southern Teachers, 1935  1,200  $6,200 
From the Carnegie Corporation for an Art Project under
the Extension Division 
From the Rockefeller Foundation, to be used toward the salary
of Dr. Maximilian Ehrenstein, for 1934-35. Dr. Ehrenstein
is doing special research work in the Physiological Laboratory 
From the New York Academy of Medicine, to Dr. Alfred Chanutin,
for experimental study, particularly in an effort to learn
more about nephritis, THE EDWARD N. GIBBS MEMORIAL PRIZE, 1934 

From Mr. D. N. Heineman, of Brussels, photostat copies of letters -
one from Jefferson to Baron von Humboldt, one by Robert E. Lee,
and twenty-five letters and documents dealing with family
relationships and political environment of Napoleon.

From Mr. Henry C. Lomb, a further gift of valuable books and
optical instruments for the Physics Department.

From interested friends, alumni and faculty members, many other
valuable and interesting books and pamphlets, to the Departmental
and General Library.

Upon the recommendation of the President, the following were voted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,

That Miss Adelaide A. Mayo, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Education, be and she is hereby granted leave of absence without
salary for the session of 1934-35.

That the resignation of Dr. Edwin L. McQuade as Associate Professor
of Public Health be and the same is hereby accepted with regret.

That the resignation of Mr. Launcelot L. M. Dent as Instructor in
the Department of Philosophy be accepted with regret.

That the resignation of Mr. Edward Alvey, Critic Teacher in English,
be accepted with regret.

That approval is hereby given the action of the President and his
committees, taken during the summer, in making the following appointments:

Miss Myrtle M. Hollo, Acting Assistant Professor of Nursing
Education for 1934-35, at a salary of $2125 for the nine months.

Mr. William Stone Weedon, Instructor in Philosophy for the session
of 1934-35 at a salary of $1530. Mr. Weedon is taking over the
instructorship left vacant by Mr. Dent's resignation.

Mr. Richard A. Meade, Critic Teacher of English in the Secondary
School, in the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville City
School System, under the joint arrangement, at a salary of $1411.

Upon the recommendation of the President, the following was adopted:

RESOLVED, That Professor Edmund S. Campbell be and he is hereby appointed
Curator of the Bayly Art Museum, without salary, and that the President be authorized
to appoint a committee to formulate a plan for conduct of the said Art

The President brought to the attention of the Board a proposal by the United States
War Department for the establishment of a Field Artillery Unit of the R. O. T. C. at the
University, and after some discussion of the proposal action was deferred.

Mr. Rinehart, Chairman of the Building Committee of the Board, made a verbal report
on the progress of the Bayly Art Museum and the new Engineering building, stating satisfactory
progress had been made on both buildings and that the Art building would be completed
around January 1, 1935.

The President announced the death of Professor William Holding Echols on September
25, 1934, and requested that a special committee be appointed to prepare suitable resolutions
to be spread upon the minutes touching his life and service to the University. The
Acting Rector appointed Messrs. Corbitt, Goolrick and L. C. Williams on the committee.


The President explained to the meeting that it had been customary in the past to
continue the salary of a deceased professor for a short time and, after some discussion,
it was

RESOLVED, That the salary of the late Professor Echols be continued to
his widow for November 15th and December 15th payments; after December 15th,
all payments on account of salary shall cease.

The President stated that some effort was being made to have the City of Charlottesville
zone the property at the southwest corner of the intersection of routes 29 and 5 as
business property, and recommended that the University enter a protest against such action,
whereupon the following was adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, That
the President be and he is hereby requested to write to the Commissioners of
the City of Charlottesville, protesting against the zoning for business purposes
of that area of the City which abuts on the west side of Route 29, and
which lies between Route 5 on the north, and the University property on the

The President brought to the attention of the Board the claim of Dr. W. A. Lambeth
for reimbursement for expenditures made by him in the construction of his residence on
Carr's Hill over and above the amount allocated for same, and the capital improvements and
additions made to the property since its construction, amounting to something over $1,500.
Dr. Lambeth had stated as his reason for not having made the claim at an earlier date was
that when the cottage was erected for him he expected to occupy it until his retirement and
that such additions and improvements were made to add to his comfort. Furthermore, no rent
was charged him for the cottage for approximately ten years after its erection, but in
order that he might be in conformity with the rule set up early in the administration of the
late President Alderman, he had been charged rent at the rate of $212.50 per annum; that his
cottage was demolished to make room for the Bayly Art building forcing him to find other
quarters; that the University provided him with a residence until September 1, 1934, when
he got possession of the residence he erected near the Memorial Gymnasium. The President
advised the Board that the University had a claim against Dr. Lambeth for $1,181.00 for
unpaid rent, etc. Following some discussion of the matter, it was referred to the Chairman
of the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the President for settlement. (Note: Subsequent
to the meeting the Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the President
compromised the claim, allowing Dr. Lambeth $590.80.)

The President stated to the Board that the University had a claim against Professor
Edmund S. Campbell covering heat, rent and electric current running over several years in
the amount of $3,200.80; that he had pressed for a settlement and that Professor Campbell
had made a proposition which was outlined to the Board and approved.

Mr. Rinehart, Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, reported to the
Board that in compliance with its instructions the President's Residence on Carr's Hill
had been put in good repair, and furnished for the occupancy of President Newcomb; that
the furniture and other necessary furnishings cost $9,495.22 for which itemized bills were
herewith presented. The report was accepted and approved.

The question of granting land along the University campus for widening University
Avenue and along the "Pantops" property for widening Route 5 was disposed of in the following:

The President called the attention of the Board to an Act of the General
Assembly of Virginia, approved March 24, 1934 (Acts 1934, p. 262) by which the
University of Virginia is given authority to convey to the City of Charlottesville
all right, title and interest of the Commonwealth and of the University of Virginia
in and to a strip of land, not exceeding twenty feet in width, abutting the south
side of Main Street in said City, and extending from the Main Gate of the University
in a westerly direction to the boundary of said University, or so much of
said property as said Rector and Visitors may deem proper. The President further
stated that it was probable that the City might desire this conveyance to be made
within the near future.

He further called attention to the fact that the Commonwealth, acting
through the State Highway Department, had recently presented to him, for the consideration
of this Board, a form of contract by which the University agrees to
convey to the Commonwealth a strip of land approximately fifteen feet in width,
off of the northern margin of Pantops, and along the southern margin of Route 5
as it runs along said Pantops property.

It is possible that these two conveyances may have certain bearing each
upon the other, and the President requested that a special committee be appointed
and given full power to negotiate with the representatives of the City of
Charlottesville and with the State Highway Department, to the end that appropriate
agreements looking toward said conveyances may be formulated, and that said special
committee be given full power to act in each case; and in order that no unnecessary
delay be occasioned in consummating said agreements and conveyances, the President
also suggested that the Rector and the Secretary of the Board be directed to execute,
in the name of and on behalf of, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
such agreements as may be finally approved by said special committee with said City
of Charlottesville and with the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that said Rector and
the Secretary of this Board be also empowered to execute and deliver proper deeds,
making conveyance in accordance with the terms of each of said contracts.

After full consideration and discussion of this report of the President, it
was thereupon unanimously


  • (1) That a Special Committee, composed of Mr. Rinehart and Mr. Newcomb
    be and is hereby appointed by this Board, and that said Committee is hereby
    given full authority to enter into negotiations with the City of Charlottesville
    and with the Commonwealth of Virginia, through the State Highway
    Commission, looking toward the conveyance of said two strips of land for


    Street and Highway purposes, subject to the following conditions:

    • 1. Sidewalk of Brick to be constructed on South Side of Main Street,
      between Main Entrance to University and Route 29.

    • 2. A new wall constructed of brick, or faced with brick, between
      Main Entrance and West Range Road.

    • 3. Removal of car tracks on Main Street.

    • 4. Provide an easier method of ingress and egress from Route 5 to the
      West Range Road.

    • 5. Strip to be taken is not to exceed that designated by present line
      of stakes which were in place at the time of the Board meeting,
      November 7.

  • (2) That if said Committee advocates the execution of contracts, or of a
    contract, the Rector and Secretary of this Board are hereby fully empowered to
    execute and deliver, on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
    such contract or contracts.

  • (3) In the event that such contract or contracts provide for the execution
    and delivery of a deed or deeds, either to the City of Charlottesville or to the
    Commonwealth of Virginia, or to both of them, then the Rector and Secretary of this
    Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute such deed or deeds, and deliver
    same to the grantor or grantees named therein upon compliance by such grantor or
    grantee with the terms thereof.

The Special Committee appointed by the President to study the physical training and
athletic situation here submitted its report which was read in full to the meeting by the
President. Following some discussion, it was voted that the report be given the press
about December 1, following receipt of a report it was understood would be submitted on the
same matters by the Alumni Board of Trustees at their meeting on November 10, and that an
adjourned meeting of this Board be held January 12, at 10 o'clock for their consideration.

The meeting then adjourned to meet January 12, 1935, at 10 o'clock.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers