University of Virginia Library


A called meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held in Richmond for the purpose of
giving consideration to the requests to be made of the State for support of the University
for the bi-ennium of 1934-36, and to present the same to the Governor and Budget Commission
on the morning of the 27th of September.

There were present Visitors Garnett, Hall, Rinehart, L. C. Williams, R. Gray
Williams and Stuart, and Acting President Newcomb.

The meeting was held at the Hotel John Marshall at 8 o'clock. Acting President
Newcomb presented a list of the departmental needs of the University, and the additional
appropriation to be requested of the Budget Commission, as follows:


1934-35  1935-36 
Medicine  $ 15,000  $ 15,000 
Natural Sciences  15,000  25,000 
Humanities  21,000  31,000 
Social Sciences  20,000  25,000 
Education  8,000  8,000 
Hospital  $ 25,000  25,000 
Extension  15,000  15,000 
Library  12,500  12,500 
Other Schools  24,000  24,000 
Total  $ 155,500  $ 180,500 

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers