University of Virginia Library


A conference of the Rector and Visitors was held at the residence of Mr.
Lewis C. Williams, Richmond, Va., for the purpose of considering the suggestion of Governor
Byrd that the School for the Blind to be located at Charlottesville, adjoining the property
of the University of Virginia, be erected under the supervision of the Rector and Visitors
and that the school be developed and operated by them.

There were present The Rector, C. Harding Walker, and Visitors Buchanan, Hart,
Hull, Scott and Williams, and President Alderman.

The President stated the proposition of the Governor to the meeting and,
after a full discussion of the matter, the following motion, duly made and seconded,
was adopted:

RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors have considered with
great care the suggestion that the erection of the buildings for the
School for the Blind be undertaken by this Board, and the initial development
of the school be under this Board.

The Board is of the opinion that the operation of the School
for the Blind by the Board of the University, as a permanent policy,
would prove unwise and unsatisfactory.

The Board expresses the belief that the control of the School
for the Blind by the State Board of Education would prove more satisfactory
as a policy and insure the proper development of this school.


The Board expresses the fear that temporary control by
the University Board may lead to a permanent policy which might
serve to divert the University Board from the large and fundamental
tasks now imposed upon it.

The Rector and President were requested to confer with the Governor and
advise him of the action taken.

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers